#AskRachel: signifying performances and Black racial authenticity on Black Twitter (Student Work) | 2020 | Evans, Ashley G | M.S. | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
#OnlineLiteraciesMatter : a multi-case study approach of Black and Brown youths’ literacy pr... (Student Work) | 2022 | McDaniel, Dominique Skye | Ph.D. | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
"...While the music lasts" : the timeless moment in the modern quest for unity (Student Work) | 1971 | Beamon, Glenda Ward | | Education, UNCG |
`Birds of a feather flock together' or `opposites attract'?: characterizing the romantic par... (Student Work) | 2014 | Kuhlken, Katherine | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
The 17th topological type of [omega-star] (Student Work) | 2006 | Verner, Jonathan | Master of Art | Mathematics and Statistics, UNCG |
1920's North Carolina high schools adapting to twenty-first century needs (Student Work) | 2012 | Gentry, Abby | M.S. | Interior Architecture, UNCG |
The 1927 Longwood Sketches of Firmin Swinnen: Replica of a Scenic Film Score (Student Work) | 2013 | Kane, Pamela Meys | D.M.A. | Music, UNCG |
1959 Jazz: A Historical Study and Analysis of Jazz and Its Artists and Recordings in 1959 (Student Work) | 2008 | Gelb, Gregg | DMA | Music, UNCG |
1970's Southern rock and W.J. Cash's Hell uva fella (Student Work) | 2007 | Burkhart, Thad A. | Master of Arts | English, UNCG |
2,3,5-Triphenyltetrazolium chloride : effect on neurospora crassa (Student Work) | 1970 | Wallace, Donna Galeazzi | M.A. | Biology, UNCG |
The 24-hr. recall and its application with an elderly population (Student Work) | 1977 | Sweeney, Catherine Greenwood | M.S. | Home Economics, UNCG |
A 3-Year longitudinal study of risk for bipolar spectrum psychopathology (Student Work) | 2013 | Walsh, Molly Armistead | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
3D modeling of ultra-high-resolution UAV imagery using low-cost photogrammetric software and... (Student Work) | 2018 | Gallaway, Douglas | Ph.D. | Geography, UNCG |
7x7: I see him in me (Student Work) | 2017 | Williams, Charles | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
Aberrant DNA methylation and patterns of histone modifications at the WNT5A Promoter B in os... (Student Work) | 2014 | Rumph, Candie | M.S. | Biology, UNCG |
The ability of a basal ration to alleviate biological changes in rats resulting from previou... (Student Work) | 1965 | Scott, Alice Smith | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
The ability of career maturity indicators to predict interest score differentiation, consist... (Student Work) | 1992 | Usher, Claire Jo Hamilton | Ph.D. | Education, UNCG |
The ability of the FMS to predict knee injury in female collegiate athletes (Student Work) | 2014 | Mohler, Mara Lee | M.S. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Absent orchard (Student Work) | 2011 | McQuistion, Claudia | MFA | English, UNCG |
The absorption and dispersion of sound waves in polyatomic gases (Student Work) | 1971 | Creech, Harold W. | M.S. | Physics, UNCG |
Abstinence curriculum in black churches: a critical examination of the intersectionality of ... (Student Work) | 2009 | Crossling, Love L. | PhD | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
Abstract organic structures (Student Work) | 1975 | Blanchard, Scott Hayden | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
Abstraction of bilingually-presented ideas (Student Work) | 1975 | Wildman, Hal Eli | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
Absurdly allowable (Student Work) | 2007 | Schraeder, Anthony J | Master of Fine Arts | Studio Art, UNCG |
Abundance of select cyanobacteria in six piedmont North Carolina lakes (Student Work) | 2014 | Spurrier, Meghan Ariel | M.S. | Biology, UNCG |
Academic governance, freedom, tenure, and due process at East Coast Bible College : a develo... (Student Work) | 1984 | Oxendine, Sammy Ray | Ed.D. | UNCG |
Academic success and resiliency among low-income African American male students (Student Work) | 1992 | Witty, Janeen Paige | Ph.D. | Human Environmental Sciences, UNCG |
Academic, athletic, and career athletic motivation as predictors of academic performance in ... (Student Work) | 2009 | Shuman, Michael P. | PhD | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
Academics & Athletics - A Clash of Cultures: Division I Football Programs (Student Work) | 2009 | Willingham, Mary C. | M.A. | Liberal Studies, UNCG |
The acceptability of reconstituted sweet potato flakes (Student Work) | 1974 | Silance, Mary Frances | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Acceptability of selected convenience chicken products (Student Work) | 1974 | Farthing, Mary Ann Cross | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
The acceptance of certain programs and services by two groups of parents of toddlers (Student Work) | 1958 | Allen, Sarah Holt | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
The acceptance of certain programs and services by two groups of parents of young children (Student Work) | 1958 | Harris, Joyce Lee | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
An accommodation of intuitively combined images employing objects with constructed forms (Student Work) | 1969 | Rogers, Joseph Shepperd | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
Accounting for lack of trust in randomized response models (Student Work) | 2023 | Sapra, Pujita | Ph.D. | Mathematics and Statistics, UNCG |
Acculturating into nursing: the lived experiences of Hispanic/Latinx baccalaureate nursing s... (Student Work) | 2019 | Woodley, Lisa K. | Ph.D. | Nursing, UNCG |
Acculturation and psychosocial adjustment of African adolescent refugees in the United State... (Student Work) | 2011 | Kiteki, Bellah Nanjekho | Ph.D. | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
Acculturation conflict and psychological adjustment among Latino adolescents: mechanisms and... (Student Work) | 2016 | Huq, Nadia | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
Accuracy of Free Throw Shooting During Dual-Task Performance: Implications of Attentional Di... (Student Work) | 2008 | Price, Jayme | MS | Kinesiology, UNCG |
The accuracy of self-appraised health knowledge of selected college students in eight specif... (Student Work) | 1977 | Phillips, Frederick Roy | M.Ed. | Education, UNCG |
Accuracy, stability, and discriminant validity evidence: a comparative study of exploratory ... (Student Work) | 2020 | Lay, Alexandra Leslie | Ph.D. | Educational Research Methodology, UNCG |
Achievement Goal Profiles Among Elite Baseball Players (Student Work) | 2005 | Thomas, Jennifer A. | Master of Science | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Achievement in North Carolina history in the state as measured by objective tests : grade si... (Student Work) | 1929 | Terry, Bessie | M.A. Ed. | Education, UNCG |
Achievement motivation of general students and selected women in sport (Student Work) | 1974 | Anderson, Norma Jean | M.S. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
Achievement orientation, self-confidence, and attributions of female collegiate tennis playe... (Student Work) | 1989 | Gold, Ginger Lee | Ed.D. | Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, UNCG |
Achieving authentic diversity : addressing African American faculty misrepresentation in kin... (Student Work) | 2024 | Gaddy, Marek D. | Ed.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Achieving equity through critical science agency: an ethnographic study of African American ... (Student Work) | 2010 | Haun-Frank, Julie | Ph.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Acquisition and application: universal design for learning with teacher candidates in specia... (Student Work) | 2015 | Takemae, Natsuko | Ph.D. | Specialized Education Services, UNCG |
The action of ozone in the fading of anthraquinone dyes on nylon and acetate (Student Work) | 1970 | Lebensaft, Walter Werner | Ph. D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Actions in the affirmative : pragmatism, pedagogy, law, and the affirmative action debate (Student Work) | 2007 | Guest, Katie Rose | PhD | Women's and Gender Studies, UNCG |
Active learning in the kinesiology classroom : faculty perceptions and needs (Student Work) | 2023 | Carter, Anna S. | Ed.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Activities, interests, and needs of junior high school students in North Carolina with impli... (Student Work) | 1969 | Flowers, Linda Berta | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Acute and chronic exercise effects on NrF2 and antioxidants in the muscle and brain tissue o... (Student Work) | 2017 | Vervaecke, Lauren Suzanne | Ph.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
AD/HD and adolescent substance use: the impact of subtype, parenting practices, and conduct ... (Student Work) | 2010 | Benson, Jessica W. | MA | Psychology, UNCG |
The adaptation of an exemplary curriculum model : implications for the Department of Communi... (Student Work) | 1982 | Hammond, Clifton Henry | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Adaptation of a moral judgment interview for a pen and paper test (Student Work) | 1974 | Schwarz, Madge Twiggs | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
The adaptation of new registered nurses (Student Work) | 2012 | Ashton, Kathleen S. | Ph.D. | Nursing, UNCG |
Adaptation studies in residue pitch (Student Work) | 1976 | Hall, Joseph Walton | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
Adaptation to the family stress model of economic pressure using an actor–partner interdepen... (Student Work) | 2022 | Leis, Kiyara J. | Ph.D. | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Adaptations from Russian literature for upper elementary grades (Student Work) | 1946 | Huffman, Edith | M.A. Ed. | Education, UNCG |
Adapting and testing a vulnerability model for Latino/a sexual and gender minorities in a ne... (Student Work) | 2017 | Ma, Fang-Yu | Ph.D. | Public Health Education, UNCG |
Adapting to the times: rethinking the function and design of regional and super-regional enc... (Student Work) | 2021 | Orlopp, Victoria P. | M.F.A. | Interior Architecture, UNCG |
Adaptive and interpretive recruitment strategies of five small liberal arts colleges (Student Work) | 1985 | Carter, Charles Mills | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Adaptive hospitality: identifying design strategies in the adaptive reuse of historic buildi... (Student Work) | 2018 | Marty Matos, Luisa Carolina | M.F.A. | Interior Architecture, UNCG |
The Adaptive Nature of Cytochrome P4502E1-Mediated Ethanol Oxidation: Implications on the Ov... (Student Work) | 2010 | Ryan, Katherine Grace | MS | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Addressing Anxiety in the Pediatric Cardiac Transplant Population (Student Work) | 2022 | Ryan, Autumn | DNP | Nursing, UNCG |
Addressing counselors' personal issues in supervision : perceived impact of experience level... (Student Work) | 1992 | Sumerel, Marie Bellamy | Ph.D. | Education, UNCG |
Addressing the opioid epidemic through resource mobilization in the North Carolina Piedmont ... (Student Work) | 2020 | Upchurch, Leslie Elise | M.A. | Sociology, UNCG |
Addressing physical activity behavior in early motherhood (Student Work) | 2021 | Bender, Stacey Herzog | Ed.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Addressing privilege not marginalization : analysis of White evaluators’ perspectives on pri... (Student Work) | 2022 | Hall, Christopher M. | Ph.D. | Educational Research Methodology, UNCG |
Addressing the Professional Development Awareness Needs of School Counselors regarding Engli... (Student Work) | 2010 | Paredes, Maria Adele Brunelli | Ph.D. | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
Adequacy of lighting in the home study areas of junior high school students in Greensboro, N... (Student Work) | 1974 | Cuthbertson, Ann Staton | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Adequacy of preparation in undergraduate home economics education from 1958-1967 at the Univ... (Student Work) | 1968 | Mullen, Jean Yvonne | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
ADHD and College Students: Experiencing an Illness Career (Student Work) | 2008 | Conway, Rebecca L. | MA | Sociology, UNCG |
ADHD symptoms and diet quality in adolescence: examining indirect effects of eating behavior... (Student Work) | 2020 | Robb, Jeannette C. | PhD | Psychology, UNCG |
Adjustments in open space and storage space divisions expressed by twenty homemakers who liv... (Student Work) | 1962 | Davis, Carolyn Jane | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Administrative perspectives of recreational therapy services in North Carolina (Student Work) | 2010 | Harkins, Laura E. | MS | Community and Therapeutic Recreation, UNCG |
Administrative revenge (Student Work) | 1987 | Phillips, James Bruce | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
An administrative review of an early reading intervention (Student Work) | 1996 | Hedrick, Denise Everhart | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Adolescent depression and adult labor market outcomes (Student Work) | 2022 | Queen, Will | Ph.D. | Economics, UNCG |
Adolescent girls’ perceptions of their physical activity behaviors and social environment. (Student Work) | 2010 | Murphy, Karen J. | Ph.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Adolescent literature as a useful addition to today's curriculum (Student Work) | 1989 | Durway, Flo Ellen Denny | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Adolescent mothers['] perception[s] of their infants and quality of mother-infant interactio... (Student Work) | 1985 | Adams, Virginia Watson | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Adolescent suicide : the role of the public school (Student Work) | 1987 | Hollar, Cleve Cordell | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Adolescent writing in the content areas (Student Work) | 2015 | Knight, Carrie | Ph.D. | Communication Sciences and Disorders, UNCG |
Adolescents' purpose in life and engagement in risky behaviors : differences by gender and e... (Student Work) | 1994 | Sayles, Martha L. | Ph.D. | Education, UNCG |
Adolescents' self evaluations : the influence of exposure to self evaluations of others (Student Work) | 1973 | Bishop, Cynthia Leonard | Ph. D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Adoption adjustment in Black adoptive families (Student Work) | 2006 | Gillum, Nerissa Inez LeBlanc | PhD | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
The adoption and use of virtual reality technology for endurance sport participation by coll... (Student Work) | 2024 | Cashman, Devin | Ed.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Adrift (Student Work) | 2007 | Oliphant, Kirsten | Master of Fine Arts | English, UNCG |
The adsorption of disperse dyes on powdered activated carbon (Student Work) | 1975 | Hall, Seymour Gerald | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Adult AD/HD, metamemory, and self-regulation in context (Student Work) | 2008 | Knouse, Laura E. | PhD | Psychology, UNCG |
Adult age differences in the forward testing effect (Student Work) | 2021 | Kemp, Paige L. | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
Adult daughters of divorce : relationships among mother-daughter dynamics and daughter views... (Student Work) | 2006 | Withrow, Rebecca Lee | PhD | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
Adults who were adopted as older children (Student Work) | 1983 | Powell, John Y. | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Advance care planning engagement among Muslim community-dwelling adults living in the United... (Student Work) | 2019 | Bani Melhem, Ghaith Ahmad | Ph.D. | Nursing, UNCG |
Advanced Care Planning Discussions and Documentation in Primary Care (Student Work) | 2024 | Litchmore-Porter, Tanya | DNP | Nursing, UNCG |
Aeschylus' Agamemnon : a translation (Student Work) | 1966 | Derkics, Dorothy J. | | Classical Civilization, UNCG |
Aesthetic and technical matters concerning the Japanese woodcut technique (Student Work) | 1965 | Ingram, Virginia | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
Aesthetics of sport : a metacritical analysis (Student Work) | 1977 | Wulk, Nancy Gayle | Ed.D. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
The Affairs of Boston in the North Carolina Backcountry during the American Revolution. (Student Work) | 2010 | Stewart, Cory Joe | Ph.D. | History, UNCG |
Affect presentation in infancy and toddlerhood as a predictor of later internalizing behavio... (Student Work) | 2017 | Benito-Gomez, Marta | M.S. | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Affective responses for the promotion of physical activity in emerging adulthood (Student Work) | 2022 | Hevel, Derek J. | Ph.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Affective sharing, friendship, and outcomes among boys with autism spectrum disorders (Student Work) | 2016 | Mendelson, Jenna Louise | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
“African Americans, especially males, you know, we can grieve” : qualitative examination of ... (Student Work) | 2022 | Beauplan, Youselene | M.S. | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
African American female school district leaders: their career experiences and support system... (Student Work) | 2015 | Short, Ashauna Renee | Ed.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
African American male caregiving for adult care recipients during the COVID-19 pandemic (Student Work) | 2021 | Deskins, Barbara Pollard | Ph.D. | Nursing, UNCG |
African American males . . . educate or suspend? (Student Work) | 2020 | Christian, Ronnie Delaney | Ed.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
African American males' perceptions of factors affecting transition from middle school to hi... (Student Work) | 2010 | Jenkins, Anissia Jimmetra | Ph.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
African American mothers of children with disabilities: parental advocacy within rural speci... (Student Work) | 2013 | Stanley, Summer Lynn Gainey | Ph.D. | Specialized Education Services, UNCG |
African American parent involvement in Title I schools: establishing effective home-school-c... (Student Work) | 2017 | Brown, Carolyn Alexander | Ed.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
African American single mothers and their influence on the academic success of their middle ... (Student Work) | 2019 | Bolds, Lori Michelle | Ed.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
African American Students' Perceptions of the Development of Social Capital in a Science, Te... (Student Work) | 2008 | Fuller, Rita Lester | PhD | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
African American students' perspectives on the significance of sociocultural capital in matr... (Student Work) | 2009 | Ricks, Sonya E. | Ph.D. | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
An African American woman's educational journey: pragmatic and pedagogical practices of fant... (Student Work) | 2012 | Dick, Marrissa R. | Ph.D. | Educational Studies, UNCG |
Afro-Orientalism: An Exploration of the Relationship Between African Americans and the Japan... (Student Work) | 2020 | Lewis, Alana E. | B.A. | English, UNCG |
After the funeral, and other stories (Student Work) | 2013 | McKennedy, Brendan S. | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
"After the professional development training: evidence of the data wise improvement process ... (Student Work) | 2013 | Freeman, Tyrone S. | Ed.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
After-school activities and care arrangements of early adolescents : an exploratory study (Student Work) | 1991 | Bey, Kathleen Anne | Ph.D. | Human Environmental Sciences, UNCG |
Age, physical activity patterns, estrogen levels and central circulatory responses of postme... (Student Work) | 1986 | Morocco, Kathleen M. | Ed.D. | Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, UNCG |
Age-related morphology of montane populations of shortleaf pine (Pinus echinata) and longlea... (Student Work) | 2021 | Cline, John M. | M.A. | Geography, Environment, and Sustainability, UNCG |
Agency and the feminist debate on the abolition, legalization, or decriminalization of sex w... (Student Work) | 2015 | Durham, Lori A. | M.A. | Women's and Gender Studies, UNCG |
Agency for the child in Esperanza Rising AND The hate U give: a call to young non-Black read... (Student Work) | 2018 | Sharma, Michelle Divya | M.A. | English, UNCG |
Agents of empire: entrepreneurship and the transformation of Virginia, 1688-1750 (Student Work) | 2018 | Michie, Ian M. | Ph.D. | History, UNCG |
Aggressive and nonaggressive children : the relationship between affect, perceptions and the... (Student Work) | 1995 | Klumb, Donald E. | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
Aging and selective attention to location and color : visual event-related potentials (Student Work) | 1988 | Schroeder, Mary Marvin | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
Aging and task representation updating (Student Work) | 2015 | Frank, David Joseph | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
Aid to and from Family by Immigrants in College (Student Work) | 2019 | Harris, Jonathan A. | B.A. | Sociology, UNCG |
Air passenger demand and metropolitan economies : key predictors in the pandemic era (Student Work) | 2024 | Baba, Natsuko | M.A. | Geography, UNCG |
Air Transportation by Metropolitan Area: Different Measures of Airport Activity Yields. (Student Work) | 2010 | McCarthy, Michael Brian | M.A. | Geography, UNCG |
Airway Management Education for Post-anesthesia Care Unit Nurses (Student Work) | 2023 | Gums, Erica | DNP | Nursing, UNCG |
Alcohol and sexual assault : a longitudinal analysis (Student Work) | 2006 | Gollehon, Ashlyn Shay | Master of Science | Psychology, UNCG |
Alcohol expectancies, alcohol use, and risky behavior among college students (Student Work) | 2007 | Swinehart, Elizabeth Rachel | Master of Arts | Psychology, UNCG |
Alexander Herzen : a study (Student Work) | 1959 | Long, Jacqueline | | History, UNCG |
Alfonso Cuarón’s problematic portrayal of female figures in Y tu mamá también and Roma (Student Work) | 2020 | Ramirez, Lourdes | M.A. | Languages, Literatures, and Cultures, UNCG |
Algorithms for enumerating invariants and extensions of local fields (Student Work) | 2015 | Sinclair, Brian | Ph.D. | Mathematics and Statistics, UNCG |
Alienation and self-concept of male high school basketball players (Student Work) | 1971 | Gailus, Janet Elaine | M.S. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
All jokes aside (Student Work) | 2023 | Calhoun, Connor | M.F.A. | School of Art, UNCG |
“All modern conveniences”: multi-family housing choice, the apartment, and the modernization... (Student Work) | 2012 | Meszaros, Elizabeth Paige | Ph.D. | History, UNCG |
All my ghosts (Student Work) | 2013 | Plante, Jessica M. | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
"All the news that's fit to print" (Student Work) | 2006 | Cabaniss, Emily Regis | Master of Art | Sociology, UNCG |
All the pieces matter: discovering moral imagination along the wire (Student Work) | 2014 | Solér, Michelle Lowe | Ph.D. | Educational Studies, UNCG |
All roads lead to the same city (Student Work) | 1971 | Harris, Deanna Jean | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
All this splendor: three stories (Student Work) | 2012 | Gordon, Neina Kathryn | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
Allosteric modulation of the human cannabinoid-1 receptor: negative modulators, positive mod... (Student Work) | 2014 | Shore, Derek M. | Ph.D. | Medicinal Biochemistry, UNCG |
Allusions in Ernest Hemingway's The sun also rises (Student Work) | 1971 | Edmondson, Sylvia Nelson | M.A. | English, UNCG |
Alpha Gal in the Preoperative Environment (Student Work) | 2023 | Everding, Grant | DNP | Nursing, UNCG |
"Alpha to Omega" (Student Work) | 1976 | Wilson, Margaret Elizabeth | M.F.A. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
Alterations in critical cellular pathways during lytic Epstein-Barr Virus infection (Student Work) | 2018 | Jeffus, Dana A. | M.S. | Biology, UNCG |
Altered wheel thrown forms (Student Work) | 1973 | Ferree, Joseph Michael | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
Altering gait symmetry using an asymmetric visual cue (Student Work) | 2023 | Meder, Krista Grace | Ph.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Alternate forms of adjustment in adult women survivors of CSA: the relationship between well... (Student Work) | 2012 | Shilling, Elizabeth Hodges | Ph.D. | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
Alternative communities in Caribbean literature (Student Work) | 2011 | Meriwether, Raffaella A. | Ph.D. | English, UNCG |
Alternative compensation method : a theoretical reward system model incorporating adult-life... (Student Work) | 1991 | Snyder, Richard Harry | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Alternative learning programs: investigation of key practices (Student Work) | 2017 | Thomas, Jay Darrell | Ed.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Alternative patterns and values of play, games, and sport in America (Student Work) | 1979 | Brightman, Dorothy Louise | Ed.D. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
Alternative reinforcement and resistance to change (Student Work) | 1991 | Tota-Faucette, Mary Elizabeth | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
Alternative schooling in North Carolina, 1977-1981 (Student Work) | 1982 | Gravely, Etta Christine Leath | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
An alternative to the alternatives: considering a progressive possibility for alternative sc... (Student Work) | 2014 | Greene, Deborah A. | Ph.D. | Educational Studies, UNCG |
Altitudinal variation in Microstegium vimineum, an invasive plant species (Student Work) | 2013 | Congelosi, Alexandra M. | M.S. | Biology, UNCG |
An Amalgam of Chilean Folk and Art Music: 12 Tonadas de carácter popular chileno by Pedro Hu... (Student Work) | 2008 | Lee, Yong Im | DMA | Music, UNCG |
Amatory fiction as both novel and conduct literature : The Fair Triumvirate’s representation... (Student Work) | 2024 | Luna, Kellyn P. | Ph.D. | English, UNCG |
Ambiguity as a positive value : The golden bowl by Henry James (Student Work) | 1971 | Singh, Susan Andress | M.A. | English, UNCG |
Ambivalence as a potential mediator of associations between the acculturation gap and Mexica... (Student Work) | 2016 | Sayers, Janet L. | M.S. | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Amending commemoration: a toponymic case study of racism in Greensboro, North Carolina (Student Work) | 2018 | Hawks, Nicole R. | M.A. | Geography, UNCG |
America’s backbone: a contemporary analysis of Black women and the trap of loyalty (Student Work) | 2017 | Dixon, LaToya | M.A. | Sociology, UNCG |
America's China trade : a framework for linking the history profession with social studies c... (Student Work) | 1987 | Bond, Elizabeth Bateman | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
America at war: song composers’ settings of letters inspired by wartime (Student Work) | 2014 | Hough, Jennifer Wright Corbell | D.M.A. | Music, UNCG |
The American college president : a study of HBCU and non-HBCU college presidents (Student Work) | 2006 | Chandler, Kenneth Wilfred | PhD | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
American conceptualization of Asian martial arts : an interpretive analysis of the narrative... (Student Work) | 1996 | Yang, Jin Bang | Ph.D. | Human Environmental Sciences, UNCG |
American dusk (Student Work) | 1977 | Childers, David Christian | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
The American immigrant in fiction (Student Work) | 1963 | Hicks, Gayle Venable | | History, UNCG |
The America Invents Act and innovation by small entities (Student Work) | 2024 | Chakravarty, Satyaki | Ph.D. | Economics, UNCG |
American landscape constructions (Student Work) | 1978 | McClain, William J. | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
The American opera singer and the German opera system (Student Work) | 1993 | Martin, William R. | D.M.A. | Music, UNCG |
The American vocabulary, the colloquial style, and the oratorical mode : influences on Whitm... (Student Work) | 1975 | Taylor, Lucie G. | M.A. | English, UNCG |
Amid Hostilities and Destruction: North Carolina Women and Their Impact on the American Revo... (Student Work) | 2012 | Mozingo, Kimberly | | History, UNCG |
Amidst this fading light (Student Work) | 2016 | Davis, Rebecca Lynn | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
Amplifying their voices : the perception and experiences of educators implementing school re... (Student Work) | 2021 | Pittman, Marva Reneé | Ed.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
(An)Other Way: Pragmatic Empathy as Response to Discursive Conflict (Student Work) | 2010 | Pell, John W. | Ph.D. | English, UNCG |
Analgesia for the Substance Use Disorder Patient Using Opioid Sparing Anesthesia (Student Work) | 2023 | Mitchell, Jason | DNP | Nursing, UNCG |
Analogies to the Cantor-Schro¨der-Bernstein theorem (Student Work) | 1973 | Davis, Lynne Marie | M.A. | Mathematics, UNCG |
An analysis and comparison of the choreographic processes of Alwin Nikolais, Murray Louis, a... (Student Work) | 1978 | Zupp, Nancy Thornhill | Ed.D. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
An analysis and evaluation of the professional literature on pupil participation in elementa... (Student Work) | 1946 | Wortham, Frances Foster | M.A. Ed. | Education, UNCG |
An analysis and evaluation of reading readiness experiences described in the professional li... (Student Work) | 1945 | McNairy, Julia Massey | M.A. Ed. | Education, UNCG |
Analysis and interpretation of The innocents and The turn of the screw (Student Work) | 1970 | Neely, Newton C. | M.F.A. | Drama and Speech, UNCG |
Analysis and interpretation of Rashomon (Student Work) | 1972 | Su, Kwang Hwa | M.F.A. | Drama and Speech, UNCG |
An analysis of achievement motivation and motivational tendencies among men and women colleg... (Student Work) | 1976 | Fodero, Joseph M. | Ed.D. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
An analysis of the anthropometric measurements of the U.S. navy male recruit in order to imp... (Student Work) | 1985 | Ranieri, Richard A.J. | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
An analysis of board of education/superintendent relationships in the area of public school ... (Student Work) | 1986 | Renn, Michael Thomas | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
An analysis of Chief Justice Burger's influence in Supreme Court cases affecting public educ... (Student Work) | 1980 | Buckner, Kermit G. | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Analysis of classes of singular steady state reaction diffusion equations (Student Work) | 2017 | Son, Byungjae | Ph.D. | Mathematics and Statistics, UNCG |
Analysis of classes of superlinear semipositone problems with nonlinear boundary conditions (Student Work) | 2017 | Morris, Quinn A. | Ph.D. | Mathematics and Statistics, UNCG |
An analysis of cognitive style, grade level and spatial sequencing during LOGO mastery (Student Work) | 1989 | Easton, Charles Edward | Ph.D. | Human Environmental Sciences, UNCG |
Analysis of color center thermoluminescence in KCl crystals (Student Work) | 1972 | Miller, Robert Lee | M.S. | Physics, UNCG |
Analysis of the concept of movement education in American elementary school physical educati... (Student Work) | 1987 | Hudgens, Vivian Ann | Ed.D. | Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, UNCG |
An Analysis of Concussions and Cortical Structures (Student Work) | 2024 | Gardner, Aaliyah | B.S. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
An analysis of court decisions involving injuries to participants and spectators in youth sp... (Student Work) | 1988 | Appenzeller, Herbert Thomas | Ph.D. | Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, UNCG |
Analysis of Development in Strains of the Plant Arabidopsis thaliana in Altered Gravity Cond... (Student Work) | 2021 | Osareh, Melika | B.S. | Biology, UNCG |
An analysis of differences in noncognitive factors of college readiness of students before a... (Student Work) | 2018 | Shepherd, Holly Ann | Ph.D. | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
An analysis of distributive education students' attitudes toward their classroom instruction... (Student Work) | 1964 | Rountree, Wallace Daniel | M.A.Ed. | Education, UNCG |
An analysis of "Divertimento for alto saxophone and piano" by Charles Wuorinen (Student Work) | 2014 | Crouch, Benjamin L. | D.M.A. | Music, UNCG |
An analysis of the duties performed by public high school head athletic coaches (Student Work) | 1977 | Smith, Jean Carol | Ed.D. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
The analysis of enrollment patterns and student profile characteristics at a small rural New... (Student Work) | 1990 | Holmes, Margaret Louise | Ed.D. | Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, UNCG |
An analysis of factors contributing to sixth-grade students' selective attention to music el... (Student Work) | 2009 | Warner, James Alex | Ph.D. | Music, UNCG |
An analysis of the feminine image and various sport images of competitive college women swim... (Student Work) | 1974 | Lewis, Jane Brown | M.S. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
An analysis of the ghost motif in some nineteenth and twentieth century short stories (Student Work) | 1952 | Poplin, Elizabeth | | English, UNCG |
Analysis of ginger root essential oil and hydrosol: CYP450 inhibition (Student Work) | 2015 | Tan, Xiao | M.S. | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Analysis of gloss values of unpolished and polished floor surfaces and finishes (Student Work) | 1966 | Rose, Mary Ellen | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
An Analysis of the Growth of the Palm Oil Industry in Sumatra, Indonesia: As Detected by Sat... (Student Work) | 2019 | Lloyd, Shannon | B.A. | Geography, UNCG |
Analysis of home kitchens as the basis for planning some effective learning experiences for ... (Student Work) | 1955 | Shuford, Valeria Jackson | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
An analysis of the impact of Public Law 94-142 state regulation changes upon selected role a... (Student Work) | 1987 | Teague, Janet Harbinson | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
An analysis of influences on choral performance adjudicators’ rating decisions of choral per... (Student Work) | 2017 | Hansen, Christopher M. | Ph.D. | School of Music, UNCG |
An analysis of instrumental music educators’ use and knowledge of culturally responsive teac... (Student Work) | 2021 | Bennington, Patrick M. | Ph.D. | School of Music, UNCG |
An analysis of the intergenerational patterns in two African-American families (Student Work) | 1980 | Tuck, Inez | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
The analysis of James B. MacDonald's "A transcendental developmental ideology of education" ... (Student Work) | 1984 | Swider, Antony | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
An analysis of Joel Puckett’s Short Stories: a concerto for string quartet and wind ensemble... (Student Work) | 2015 | Ellison, Timothy Lee | D.M.A. | Music, UNCG |
An analysis of Mainframe tropics: the imprint of electronic dance music within a work by Mas... (Student Work) | 2020 | Polak, Suzanne U. | D.M.A. | School of Music, UNCG |
An analysis of mathematical skills of eighth-grade pupils in certain schools of Greensboro, ... (Student Work) | 1948 | Lael, Frances Rhyne | M.A. Ed. | Education, UNCG |
An analysis of the mechanism of Dictyostelium myosin II heavy chain kinase B in substrate ta... (Student Work) | 2009 | Underwood, Julie M. | MS | Biology, UNCG |
Analysis of mitochondria morphology dynamics during adipogenesis (Student Work) | 2007 | Novak, Benjamin Elliot | Master of Science | Biology, UNCG |
Analysis of molecular target(s) of naringenin in MCF-7 breast cancer cells (Student Work) | 2014 | Eanes, Lauren A. | M.S. | Biology, UNCG |
An analysis of North Carolina homeless shelter policies: potential for fracturing the integr... (Student Work) | 2013 | Spriggs, Helen Fuller | Ph.D. | Nursing, UNCG |
An analysis of nursing error among licensed nurses working in North Carolina using the taxon... (Student Work) | 2016 | Lewis, Jennifer Gripper | Ph.D. | Nursing, UNCG |
An analysis of overtone production techniques in saxophone teaching methods (Student Work) | 2018 | Loboda, Emily J. | D.M.A. | School of Music, UNCG |
An analysis of performance evaluation programs for certificated personnel in fifty-one selec... (Student Work) | 1975 | Cardwell, Carolyn McBryde | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Analysis of periodic oscillations of APDs in reaction diffusion waves with nonlinear diffusi... (Student Work) | 2023 | Oni, Olumide T. | Ph.D. | Joint School of Nanoscience and Nanoengineering, UNCG |
An analysis of the personalities of ten Burlington, North Carolina, teachers conceded to be ... (Student Work) | 1948 | Lane, Ada Mae | M.A. Ed. | Education, UNCG |
An analysis of the planning process used in a regional approach to establish secondary-posts... (Student Work) | 1990 | Phillips, Patricia Layman | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Analysis of positive solutions for classes of nonlinear reaction diffusion equations and sys... (Student Work) | 2021 | Muthunayake, Amila K. | Ph.D. | Mathematics and Statistics, UNCG |
Analysis of a possible multienzyme complex encoded by mother cell metabolic gene (mmg) opero... (Student Work) | 2010 | Meka, Aparna | MS | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
An analysis of the potential of the community education process for changing the K-12 curric... (Student Work) | 1979 | White, Bonnie Proctor | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
An analysis of the production of Aurand Harris's The brave little tailor (Student Work) | 1976 | Carlson, Martha Cassandra | M.F.A. | Drama and Speech, UNCG |
An analysis of the qualifications of the mathematics instructors and of the content of the m... (Student Work) | 1972 | Sharrock, Ruth Youngblood | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
An analysis of racial segregation using topological data analysis (Student Work) | 2022 | Kauba, Jakini Auset | M.A. | Mathematics and Statistics, UNCG |
An analysis of rater effects in reviews of scientific manuscripts (Student Work) | 2017 | Turner, Dana P. | Ph.D. | Educational Research Methodology, UNCG |
An analysis of the recreational behavior and personality characteristics of a select group o... (Student Work) | 1972 | Flynn, Shirley Katherine | Ed. D. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
An analysis of the relationship between North Carolina pre-service music teachers’ perceived... (Student Work) | 2024 | Rose, Michelle Anne | Ph.D. | School of Music, UNCG |
Analysis of the relationship between specified clothing profiles and selected demographic va... (Student Work) | 1978 | Terry, Lucille Mildred | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
An analysis of reported behavior in grades 3, 5, and 7 of students who were in three class s... (Student Work) | 1996 | Hibbs, Ballard Frank | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Analysis of the schizotypal ambivalence scale (Student Work) | 2017 | Deters, Lauren B.F. | Ph.D. | Educational Research Methodology, UNCG |
An analysis of school district demographic and dispute factors affecting services for studen... (Student Work) | 2012 | White, Mary Loyd | Ph.D. | Specialized Education Services, UNCG |
An analysis of selected mechanical factors that contribute to vertical jumping height of fou... (Student Work) | 1972 | Higgins, Charles R. | Ed. D. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
An analysis of sleep deprivation factors and consequences of staying awake in the stimulus c... (Student Work) | 1976 | Tokarz, Thomas Peter | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
An analysis of Smith v. Board of School Commissioners of Mobile County : the impact on home ... (Student Work) | 1991 | Tippett, Deborah Tunstall | Ph.D. | Human Environmental Sciences, UNCG |
An analysis of the social behavior of developmentally disabled children (Student Work) | 1975 | Yelton, Ann Rubinsohn | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
An analysis of a sparse linearization attack on the advanced encryption standard (Student Work) | 2006 | Rednour, Stephanie D. | Master of Science | Mathematics and Statistics, UNCG |
An Analysis of Special Education Teachers' Overall Sense of Efficacy Beliefs and Attitudes T... (Student Work) | 2008 | Smith, Cheryl Tremble | PhD | Specialized Education Services, UNCG |
Analysis of steady states to classes of reaction diffusion equations and systems (Student Work) | 2023 | Acharya, Ananta | Ph.D. | Mathematics and Statistics, UNCG |
An analysis of student leaders in junior high school (Student Work) | 1950 | Smith, Odell Virginia | M.A. Ed. | Education, UNCG |
An analysis of three non-objective choreographic techniques (Student Work) | 1976 | Byrum, Mary Carolyn | Ed.D. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
Analysis of urban heat island climates along the I-85/I-40 corridor in central North Carolin... (Student Work) | 2012 | Watson, Charles | Ph.D. | Geography, UNCG |
An analysis of the use of height in the prose fiction of Albert Camus (Student Work) | 1974 | Gladsky, Rita Holmes | M.A. | Romance Languages-French, UNCG |
An analysis of youth waived to Superior Court in North Carolina (Student Work) | 2008 | Bohanan, Heather Elaine | MA | Sociology, UNCG |
Analytic functions and complex integration (Student Work) | 1971 | Lin, Ying Mei | M.A. | Mathematics, UNCG |
Analytic path model of joint decision-making by husbands and wives (Student Work) | 1988 | Waldruff, Douglas Lee | Ph.D. | Human Environmental Sciences, UNCG |
Analytical development for analysis of American ginseng and multiple agriculturual chemicals... (Student Work) | 2013 | Conine, Michael B. | M.S. | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
An analytical study of the evaluation processes of student teachers and their use as instrum... (Student Work) | 1950 | Hunt, M. Louise | M.A. Ed. | Education, UNCG |
Analyzing Crash and Severity Patterns in Greensboro, North Carolina (Student Work) | 2021 | Walters, Christian | MA | Geography, Environment, and Sustainability, UNCG |
Analyzing the impacts of tree canopy on cellular radio networks (Student Work) | 2010 | Baker, Scott P. | MA | Geography, UNCG |
Analyzing the role of body composition and diet in plasma apelin levels of normal healthy ad... (Student Work) | 2016 | McNeill, Emily Helen | M.S. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Analyzing Sex and Gender Identity through Attire, Behavior, and Environment in Virginia Wool... (Student Work) | 2021 | O'Hern, Sarah Jean | B.A. | English, UNCG |
Analyzing the topological properties of 3D STL files (Student Work) | 2024 | Dhawan, Sahil | M.A. | Mathematics and Statistics, UNCG |
An Anarchist Psychotherapy: Ecopsychology and a Pedagogy of Life (Student Work) | 2008 | Rhodes, Daniel | PhD | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
Anatomical and neuromuscular contributions to anterior knee shear force during single-leg la... (Student Work) | 2005 | Windley, Thomas C. | PhD | Kinesiology, UNCG |
The anatomy of joy: transforming perceptions of mysticism in the Early Modern period (Student Work) | 2016 | Fowler, Kathleen D. | Ph.D. | English, UNCG |
And then there was light: lighting art in flute repertoire (Student Work) | 2017 | Der, Krisztina E. | D.M.A. | School of Music, UNCG |
Andrew Marvell : the most eclectic poet (Student Work) | 1964 | Thomas, Carolyn Fay | | English, UNCG |
Anger following provocation in individuals with psychopathic characteristics (Student Work) | 1996 | Steuerwald, Brian Lee | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
Angles between subspaces in two-way designs (Student Work) | 1976 | Kendall, Allen Clement | M.A. | Mathematics, UNCG |
Anglophone West African women in the United States (Student Work) | 2013 | Jones, Olivia Erica Metzger | Ph.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
The angry woman poems (Student Work) | 1971 | Feeney, Mary Margaret | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
Animal cruelty (Student Work) | 2010 | Goldstein, Zacary J. | MFA | English, UNCG |
Animal environments (Student Work) | 1970 | Rogers, Nanette Mize | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
Anionic homopolymerization studies of methyl vinyl sulfone (Student Work) | 1971 | Jotikasthira, Suebsthira | M.S. | Chemistry, UNCG |
Annihilation and utter night: W. B. Yeats, T. S. Eliot, and a modern(ist) old nihilism (Student Work) | 2019 | Balavage, Elysia C. | Ph.D. | English, UNCG |
An annotated bibliography of Lope de Vega : studies and editions: 1963-1969 (Student Work) | 1972 | McLeod, Melinda Folger | M.A. | Romance Languages-Spanish, UNCG |
An annotated bibliography of music for horn, tuba and piano (Student Work) | 2014 | Worley, Justin Kendall | D.M.A. | Music, UNCG |
An annotated bibliography of pedagogical resources for the pre-college saxophonist (Student Work) | 2015 | Wallace, Jason N. | D.M.A. | Music, UNCG |
An annotated bibliography of works for solo marimba and electronics published from 1978-2012... (Student Work) | 2013 | Ptacin, Michael | D.M.A. | Music, UNCG |
An annotated bibliography of works for tuba and euphonium premiered at the United States Arm... (Student Work) | 2017 | Hopkins, James Dean | D.M.A. | Music, UNCG |
An annotated catalog of the commissioned works of the Ithaca College Choral series published... (Student Work) | 2014 | Doebler, Elizabeth A. | D.M.A. | Music, UNCG |
An annotated catalog of the publications of certain North Carolina state departments for use... (Student Work) | 1946 | Shamburger, Pearl Gordon | M.A. Ed. | Education, UNCG |
An annotated collection of letters by Max Reger concerning his sonatas for cello and piano (Student Work) | 2021 | Swanson, Peter Olaf | D.M.A. | Music, UNCG |
Anomaly (Student Work) | 1974 | Powell, Ruth Anne | M.F.A. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
Another coast (Student Work) | 2016 | Van Rheenen, Jessica M. | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
Ant-based evidence distribution with periodic broadcast in attacked wireless network (Student Work) | 2011 | Zou, Xiaocheng | MS | Computer Science, UNCG |
Antecedent factors associated with late birthtiming decisions of dual-career couples (Student Work) | 1985 | Soloway, N. Maxine | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
The antecedents and correlates of the use of self-care for school-age children (Student Work) | 1989 | Cole, Cynthia Mae | Ph.D. | Human Environmental Sciences, UNCG |
Anti-obesity mechanisms of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA): role of inflammatory signaling an... (Student Work) | 2015 | Shen, Wan | Ph.D. | Nutrition, UNCG |
Anti-oppression imaginaries: art, process, and pedagogy (Student Work) | 2016 | Hart, Carrie Elizabeth | Ph.D. | Women's and Gender Studies, UNCG |
Anticipatory experiences leading to competence with formal maps (Student Work) | 1948 | Gibbs, Mary Ellen | M.A. Ed. | Education, UNCG |
Antimicrobial compounds from endophytic fungi of goldenseal (Hydrastis canadensis) (Student Work) | 2016 | Egan, Joseph M. | M.S. | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
The antiobesity mechanism of conjugated linoleic acid (Student Work) | 2009 | Kennedy, Arion | Ph.D. | Nutrition, UNCG |
Antithesis (Student Work) | 1969 | Frankel, Lora Strasser | M.F.A. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
Antonieta Rivas Mercado : la nación, la literatura y la mujer en su filosofía (Student Work) | 2022 | Daniel, Leslie J. | M.A. | Languages, Literatures, and Cultures, UNCG |
Anxiety and counseling self-efficacy among counseling students: the moderating role of mindf... (Student Work) | 2009 | Hall, Karen E. | PhD | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
Anxiety and its Effect on Sympathetic Nervous System Reactivity to Psychosocial Stress in Yo... (Student Work) | 2021 | Riker, Kayleigh R. | B.S. | Psychology, UNCG |
Anxiety in college students with ADHD (Student Work) | 2014 | O'Rourke, Sarah R. | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
Anxious solitary children at recess: naturalistic observation of sequential peer exclusion, ... (Student Work) | 2009 | Druhen, Madelynn J. | MA | Psychology, UNCG |
Anxious solitude and the middle school transition: a child × environment model of peer exclu... (Student Work) | 2012 | Shell, Madelynn Druhen | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
Anxious Solitude, Unsociability, and Peer Exclusion in Middle Childhood: A Multitrait-Multim... (Student Work) | 2007 | Spangler, Tamara L. | MA | Psychology, UNCG |
Any amount of decay (Student Work) | 2019 | Lew, Joanna K. | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
Anything you can do I can do better: an exploration of the experiences and perceptions of dr... (Student Work) | 2012 | Likis-Werle, S. Elizabeth | Ph.D. | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
Apparel mass customization: perceptions of young Chinese consumers (Student Work) | 2011 | Ou, Yingjie | MS | Consumer, Apparel, and Retail Studies, UNCG |
Appearance and resilience characteristics of selected carpeting following serviceability tes... (Student Work) | 1970 | Thomas, Shirley Ann | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Appearance and the transition to motherhood: an exploration of consumption and identity cons... (Student Work) | 2016 | Brown, Victoria S. | Ph.D. | Consumer, Apparel, and Retail Studies, UNCG |
The application of the ABC's model in ESL teacher education : patterns and effects (Student Work) | 2005 | He, Ye | PhD | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
The application of ancient Chinese drama in the field of saxophone—taking Yuan Zaju as an ex... (Student Work) | 2024 | Ma, Xin | DMA | School of Music, UNCG |
An application of fixed vs. growth mindset to music performance (Student Work) | 2021 | Gray, Kirsten J. | D.M.A. | School of Music, UNCG |
An application of forecasting techniques for a small geographical area (Student Work) | 1977 | Spainhour, Larry Samuel | M.A. | Business and Economics, UNCG |
Application of Gray's theory of personality to the DSM-III-R personality disorders : multiva... (Student Work) | 1993 | Farmer, Richard Francis | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
Application of linear programming techniques to minimax approximation (Student Work) | 1969 | Evans, Mary Elizabeth | | Mathematics, UNCG |
The application of an optimal decision-making model within a higher education subsystem (Student Work) | 1977 | Cooper, Dale Cornish | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
The application of the principles of reality therapy on the student teaching experience : a ... (Student Work) | 1983 | Babcock, Treva Mae | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Application of scaling techniques to data on value orientations (Student Work) | 1953 | Maney, Ann C. | | Sociology, UNCG |
The application of Section 1983 to teacher freedom of speech from Pickering to the present (Student Work) | 1988 | Pate, Gary DeWeese | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
The application of a theoretical model of intergenerational helping to the older adult-sibli... (Student Work) | 1985 | Suggs, Patricia Kaylor | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Applications of Edwin Gordon’s Music Learning Theory to the applied bassoon curriculum (Student Work) | 2024 | Bannasch, Derek James | D.M.A. | School of Music, UNCG |
Applications of ion-selective electrodes (Student Work) | 1976 | Guanci, Joseph J. | M.S. | Chemistry, UNCG |
Applications of mass spectrometry surface sampling techniques towards natural products resea... (Student Work) | 2016 | Sica, Vincent P. | Ph.D. | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Applications of mosaic design for today's home (Student Work) | 1976 | Hite, Doris Ross | M.S. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Applied anatomy in the studio : body mapping and clarinet pedagogy (Student Work) | 2007 | Copeland, Shawn L. | DMA | Music, UNCG |
Applying critical race theory to understand HIV testing experiences of black men with same-s... (Student Work) | 2011 | McGee, Warner L. | DPH | Public Health Education, UNCG |
Applying hybrid cloud systems to solve challenges posed by the big data problem (Student Work) | 2013 | Whitworth, Jeffrey N. | M.S. | Computer Science, UNCG |
Applying the use, methods, and values branches of Evaluations' theory tree to institutional ... (Student Work) | 2011 | Springer, Robert | Ph.D. | Educational Research Methodology, UNCG |
Appraisal of gloss and slipperiness of resilient floor covering materials (Student Work) | 1963 | Penn, Janice Carole | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Appraisal of home economics teachers' ability to apply three basic concepts of home economic... (Student Work) | 1962 | Clawson, Barbara Nelle | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
An appraisal technique utilizing the cloze procedure for selecting general business instruct... (Student Work) | 1980 | Spellman, Davesene Wiggins | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
An appreciative inquiry of The Leader in Me : understanding implementation experiences and p... (Student Work) | 2022 | Crews, Gena S. | Ph.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
An approach to characterization in Chaucer (Student Work) | 1977 | Baumgaertner, Marcia Anne | Ph.D. | English, UNCG |
An approach to directing America hurrah by Jean-Claude van Itallie (Student Work) | 1970 | Burroughs, James Benjamin | M.F.A. | Drama and Speech, UNCG |
Approach to landscape painting (Student Work) | 1976 | Connelly, Frances S. | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
An approach to the occupational ideology and identity of informal cellular minutes vendors i... (Student Work) | 2012 | Strange, Casey | M.A. | Sociology, UNCG |
An approach to relieving anxiety in the mathematics classroom (Student Work) | 1979 | Kitchens, Anita Narvarte | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Approaches towards the biomimetic synthesis of 9-hydroxypinoresinol analogs: a stepping poin... (Student Work) | 2013 | Norris, Lorraine Malek | M.S. | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Approaching adolescent movement quality in physical education (Student Work) | 2020 | Butler-Storsved, Lynda | Ed.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Approaching a more holistic education (Student Work) | 2014 | McNickle, Colleen P. | Ph.D. | Educational Studies, UNCG |
Approximation of neutral delay-differential equations (Student Work) | 2017 | Payne, Catherine Ann | Ph.D. | Mathematics and Statistics, UNCG |
Aquatics leadership as perceived by African American and European American aquatic leaders (Student Work) | 1995 | Wiesner, Ruth Ann Hood | Ph.D. | Education, UNCG |
Arab children's play as a reflection of social interaction patterns of their culture (Student Work) | 1976 | Khouri, Lorraine Mary | Ed.D. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
The Arabic (Jordan) version of the Tilburg Frailty Indicator (Student Work) | 2016 | Hayajneh, Audai Abdel-Razzaq | Ph.D. | Nursing, UNCG |
Arabic language knowledge among early elementary Saudi teachers of students with reading dis... (Student Work) | 2020 | Alqahtani, Rashed | Ph.D. | Specialized Education Services, UNCG |
The arbiters of compromise: sectionalism, unionism, and secessionism in Maryland and North C... (Student Work) | 2015 | Flood, Christine Rowse | Ph.D. | History, UNCG |
Archaeological data management and analysis at Blandwood mansion. (Student Work) | 2010 | Robinson, William R. | M.A. | Geography, UNCG |
The archetypal dark woman in Hemingway's fiction : the American bitch versus the European da... (Student Work) | 1969 | Wyche, Lois Moore | M.A. | English, UNCG |
Archetypal patterns of the romance in The damnation of Theron Ware (Student Work) | 1968 | Hagen, William Henry | M.A. | English, UNCG |
Archetype, hybrid, and prototype : modernism and House beautiful's small house competition, ... (Student Work) | 2007 | Chapman, Christine | Master of Science | Interior Architecture, UNCG |
Archival artistry: exploring disability aesthetics in late Twentieth Century higher educatio... (Student Work) | 2018 | Beard, Lauren | M.A. | English, UNCG |
Are we disappearing African American women through mass incarceration? It depends on the day... (Student Work) | 2018 | Brown, LaKresha Kenyatta | M.A. | Sociology, UNCG |
Are we “social justice warriors?” HESA practitioners’ experiences supporting students impact... (Student Work) | 2024 | Karbley, Megan | Ph.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Are we there yet? the mapping of sexual identity over time (Student Work) | 2014 | Doyle, Myra Lynn | M.A. | Sociology, UNCG |
Are the WNT5A isoforms functionally distinct? - promoter and signaling pathway analyses (Student Work) | 2018 | Elshaarrawi, Ahmed G. | M.S. | Biology, UNCG |
Are you deaf or hard of hearing? Which do you go by: perceptions of students with hearing lo... (Student Work) | 2014 | Kemmery, Megan A. | Ph.D. | Specialized Education Services, UNCG |
Are you serious? an examination of the role of the tenor in Mozart’s operas Don Giovanni and... (Student Work) | 2009 | Hinson, Daniel Ross | DMA | Music, UNCG |
Areas of conflict in living arrangements of three-generation families (Student Work) | 1970 | Buckley, Katherine Isabelle | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Areas of study pertinent to interior designers based on interviews with twenty-seven interio... (Student Work) | 1966 | Hoffman, Lucy Ramsey | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Army nurse officer retention : a qualitative examination of forces influencing the career lo... (Student Work) | 2007 | House, Crystal L | MSN | Nursing, UNCG |
Arousal level and voluntary alpha control (Student Work) | 1977 | Sadler, Roberta Ray | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
Art and the Aesthetic of Graphic Novels as Seen in "The Picture of Dorian Gray" (Student Work) | 2014 | Wolfe, Nicole C. | B.A. | English, UNCG |
Art and religion in W.B. Yeats : the poet and the saint (Student Work) | 1965 | Pannell, Joan Rowena | M.A. | English, UNCG |
Art and stories of social justice identity development from white, christian women offer Ins... (Student Work) | 2013 | Harlee, Amy Gardner | Ph.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Art as idolatry or sacred possibility : a hermeneutic study of art education (Student Work) | 1987 | Wright, Sylvia Jean | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
The art of fantasy : etchings (Student Work) | 1971 | Schnabel, Audrey Grace | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
Art reshaping space (Student Work) | 2013 | Elliott, Brooke Erin | M.S. | Interior Architecture, UNCG |
Art, sketchbooks, and knowing : a case study (Student Work) | 1991 | Rauch, Kristin | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Arthur L. Kopit and Oh Dad, poor Dad, Mama's hung you in the closet and I'm feelin' so sad (Student Work) | 1970 | Pilkington, Edward L. | M.F.A. | Drama and Speech, UNCG |
Artist residency in rock climbing (Student Work) | 2019 | Orgeron, Mark | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
Artistic integrity in Woodstock (Student Work) | 1970 | Williams, Kay Phillips | M.A. | English, UNCG |
The artist's emotional response to environment as reflected in painting (Student Work) | 1952 | King, Wilma Lillian | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
‘As separate as if we were in two worlds’: working-class women’s neglected labor in Victoria... (Student Work) | 2019 | Lee, Kristine Noel | Ph.D. | English, UNCG |
As strong as I was (Student Work) | 2011 | Inciardi, Kristin Jo | MFA | English, UNCG |
The Asheville Doctoral Program : portrait of an off-campus venture (Student Work) | 1987 | Radford, Eleanor Ruth | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Ask me to stay (Student Work) | 2010 | Cure, Logen | MFA | English, UNCG |
"Asked to bear their part" : redefining the audience in early modern drama (Student Work) | 2007 | Jones, Rita L. | PhD | English, UNCG |
Aspect affects radial growth rates of shortleaf pine (Pinus echinata) under 21st Century war... (Student Work) | 2023 | Lewis, Hunter Scott | M.A. | Geography, Environment, and Sustainability, UNCG |
Aspects of collaboration and questions of identity in Ekaterinoslav (Student Work) | 2014 | Pazdziora, Eric Michael | M.M. | Music, UNCG |
Aspects of a Lumbee indian community that support successful algebra one students academical... (Student Work) | 2011 | Chavis, Vanessa L. | Ph.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Aspects of numerical analysis relative to computing (Student Work) | 1973 | Arthur, James Douglas | M.A. | Mathematics, UNCG |
Assai: historical contexts of a contested musical term (Student Work) | 2017 | Hughes, Adam Lefever | D.M.A. | School of Music, UNCG |
Assertion in women's intercollegiate tennis singles (Student Work) | 1979 | Shelton, Janice Carole | Ed.D. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
Assertive discipline : portrait of an effective elementary school discipline program (Student Work) | 1988 | Garrett, Elizabeth Anne Gentry | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Assessing the association of county-level structural racism and social and economic deprivat... (Student Work) | 2017 | Chambers, Brittany D. | Ph.D. | Public Health Education, UNCG |
Assessing charter school choice in North Carolina: an analysis of the factors that impact st... (Student Work) | 2019 | Saunders, Jason Brian | Ed.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Assessing dietary change among participants in the "Diet and health study of colon adenomas"... (Student Work) | 1994 | McAuliffe, Colleen Anne | Ph.D. | Human Environmental Sciences, UNCG |
Assessing effective teacher behaviors in athletic training clinical education (Student Work) | 2005 | Dondanville, Rebecca Abigail | PhD | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Assessing the effectiveness of defensive cyber operations (Student Work) | 2017 | Prior, Brian C. | M.S. | Information Systems and Supply Chain Management, UNCG |
Assessing the effects of socio-demographic, social-psychological, socio-cultural, organizati... (Student Work) | 1989 | Hall, LaCheata Graves | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Assessing faculty commitment at four doctoral-granting universities (Student Work) | 1988 | Harshbarger, David Bruce | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Assessing grief, depression, and coping behaviors of women participating in in vitro fertili... (Student Work) | 1991 | Lukse, Michelle Prince | Ph.D. | Education, UNCG |
Assessing the Impact of Brand extensions on brand concept and brand equity: the moderating e... (Student Work) | 2011 | Doraiswamy, Dilip | MS | Consumer, Apparel, and Retail Studies, UNCG |
Assessing individual, family, and community resilience to a natural disaster among Vietnames... (Student Work) | 2011 | Xin, Huaibo | DPH | Public Health Education, UNCG |
Assessing the links among maternal nonstandard work schedules, early learning environments, ... (Student Work) | 2012 | Smith, Nina P. | Ph.D. | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Assessing Malignant Hyperthermia Protocol Familiarity Through the Incorporation of Simulatio... (Student Work) | 2022 | Zaleski, Sabrina A. | DNP | Nursing, UNCG |
Assessing Malignant Hyperthermia Protocol Familiarity Through the Incorporation of Simulatio... (Student Work) | 2023 | McKeithan, Elizabeth | DNP | Nursing, UNCG |
Assessing the Need for Patient and Provider Education to Increase Statin Compliance (Student Work) | 2024 | Grace, Brandy | DNP | Nursing, UNCG |
Assessing pediatric feeding disorders by domain in children with hypersensitive gagging (Student Work) | 2024 | Brackett, Kristen | Ph.D. | Communication Sciences and Disorders, UNCG |
Assessing the perceived applicability of Barkley's Defiant Teens Manual to African American ... (Student Work) | 2008 | Jasper, Kendell | PhD | Psychology, UNCG |
Assessing physical activity levels among college students: the relationships between perceiv... (Student Work) | 2014 | Parfitt, Lee M. | M.S. | Recreation and Parks Management, UNCG |
Assessing summary writing as a memory strategy (Student Work) | 2011 | Spirgel, Arie | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
Assessing the Support Needs of Second Victims in Perioperative Services (Student Work) | 2023 | Weaver, Samantha G. | DNP | Nursing, UNCG |
Assessing temporal associations in recall: a new take on the strategy disruption account of ... (Student Work) | 2012 | Godbole, Namrata | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
Assessing thriving at work and employee competence for information security job performance (Student Work) | 2022 | Kaur, Joti | Ph.D. | Information Systems and Supply Chain Management, UNCG |
An assessment of anxiety in instrumental and vocal performances (Student Work) | 1980 | Hamann, Donald Lee | Ed.D. | Music, UNCG |
The assessment of classroom teachers' ability to provide quality instruction in movement edu... (Student Work) | 1974 | Bressan, Elizabeth Stetson | M.S. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
The assessment of dance movement satisfaction of elementary age children participating in a ... (Student Work) | 1988 | Sanders, Gary E. | Ed.D. | Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, UNCG |
An assessment of decision-making processes in dual-career marriages (Student Work) | 1983 | Kingsbury, Nancy Morgan | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
An assessment of the effects of feedback on the performance standards of type A and type B c... (Student Work) | 1986 | Cook, Alan Richard | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
Assessment of entomological risk for Lyme borreliosis along a north-to-south gradient from s... (Student Work) | 2018 | Teague, Jimmie Lee | M.S. | Biology, UNCG |
An assessment of hands-on activity-based science for summer school remediation (Student Work) | 1993 | Sturdivant, Leon Harlie | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
An assessment of the interest of executives of manufacturing firms in employer-sponsored chi... (Student Work) | 1971 | Wall, Jean Griffith | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Assessment of physiological, biomechanical and structural correlates of age-related differen... (Student Work) | 1995 | Craib, Mitchell Wells | Ph.D. | Health and Human Performance, UNCG |
An assessment of the preparation of North Carolina public school music teachers in performan... (Student Work) | 1980 | Gilchrist, Charles Herman | Ed.D. | Music, UNCG |
An assessment of the relationship between institutional planning, resource development and i... (Student Work) | 1989 | Wilson, Bryan Wade | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Assessment of the relationship between water insecurity, hygiene practices, and the incidenc... (Student Work) | 2017 | Nounkeu, Carole Debora | M.S. | Nutrition, UNCG |
An assessment of shiftwork effects on job/family management and role strain in dual-earner c... (Student Work) | 1986 | Burston, James Luther | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
An assessment of the social behaviors of depressed children (Student Work) | 1989 | Romano, Barbara Ann | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
Assessment of social media competency among health education specialists (Student Work) | 2022 | Duclos, Quinn Adam | Ph.D. | Public Health Education, UNCG |
Assessment of student engagement, physical activity levels, and body composition in third-, ... (Student Work) | 2009 | Fuller, Tiffany M. | PhD | Kinesiology, UNCG |
An assessment tool for participant groupings for human neuroimaging research: measuring musi... (Student Work) | 2018 | Shaw, Catheryn R. | Ph.D. | School of Music, UNCG |
Assimilation of particulate and dissolved basal carbon resources by Sphaerium nitidium and G... (Student Work) | 2008 | Medvedeff, Cassandra Anne | MS | Biology, UNCG |
Assistant principals’ preparation for culturally responsive leadership in diverse schools (Student Work) | 2017 | Gaymon, Crystal C. | Ed.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Assisting distressed college students: assessment of an online interactive training for stud... (Student Work) | 2014 | Jodoin, Elizabeth C. | Ph.D. | Educational Studies, UNCG |
The association between attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and adolescent risky sexual... (Student Work) | 2007 | Key, Megan Beth | PhD | Psychology, UNCG |
The association between friendship companionship and friendship temporality (Student Work) | 2007 | Troutman, David R | PhD | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Association between HIV care and the syndemic burden of intravenous drug use, mental health,... (Student Work) | 2022 | Williams Faller, Rachel E. | Ph.D. | Public Health Education, UNCG |
The association between respect for family and adjustment in college among Latinx UNCG stude... (Student Work) | 2023 | Chacon-Villalobos, Melissa | M.S. | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
The association of fathers' nutrition knowledge and father food-parenting practices with chi... (Student Work) | 2022 | Irrer, Tina | Ph.D. | Nutrition, UNCG |
Association of pigmentation and melanocortin-one receptor genotype with susceptibility to no... (Student Work) | 2017 | Pudrith, Charles Brian | Ph.D. | Communication Sciences and Disorders, UNCG |
The association of Vitamin D levels, blood pressure, inflammation and depression in persons ... (Student Work) | 2014 | Puglisi, Janis Panzenhagen | Ph.D. | Nursing, UNCG |
Associations among borderline personality disorder traits, distress tolerance, and interpers... (Student Work) | 2018 | Ranaweera, Sudheera T. | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
The associations among childhood surgency, self-perceived popularity, and adolescent risk-ta... (Student Work) | 2024 | Yuro, Jaclyn A. | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
The associations among depression, social support and racial/ethnic disparities in cardiovas... (Student Work) | 2016 | Johnson, Amber Jamill | Ph.D. | Public Health Education, UNCG |
Associations among diet, inflammation and iron status in young adults (Student Work) | 2019 | Doherty, Jeanne L. | M.S. | Nutrition, UNCG |
Associations among physical activity, ADHD symptoms, and executive function in children with... (Student Work) | 2009 | Gapin, Jennifer I. | PhD | Kinesiology, UNCG |
The associations among school stratification, racial identity, and future orientation in Bla... (Student Work) | 2015 | Legette, Kamilah | Ph.D. | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Associations between behavioral regulations and sedentary behavior among older adults (Student Work) | 2022 | Bittel, Kelsey M. | M.S. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Associations between eating behaviors, diet quality and body mass index among adolescents (Student Work) | 2018 | Lawless, Megan C. | M.S. | Nutrition, UNCG |
Associations between physical characteristics and landing biomechanics in adolescent females... (Student Work) | 2013 | Tritsch, Amanda Jo | Ph.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Associations of breastfeeding, diet quality and physical activity with obesity in adolescent... (Student Work) | 2018 | Shields, Emily | M.S. | Nutrition, UNCG |
Asymmetric synthesis of enantioenriched spirocycles via a chiral Brønsted acid catalyzed des... (Student Work) | 2019 | Minerali, Eni | M.S. | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Asymmetry in internal dialogue, core assumptions, valence of self statements and counselor t... (Student Work) | 1991 | Stanley, Paula Helen | Ph.D. | Education, UNCG |
Asymptotic dimension and asymptotic property (Student Work) | 2011 | Sher, Lauren Danielle | MA | Mathematics and Statistics, UNCG |
Asynchronous automaticity and products of hyperbolic spaces (Student Work) | 2024 | Beck, Jennifer | Ph.D. | Mathematics and Statistics, UNCG |
An asynchronous online LGBT+ cultural competency training for physical therapists (Student Work) | 2022 | Condran, Chris W. | Ed.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
At the altar of lares : domesticity and housekeeping in Caroline Howard Gilman's Recollectio... (Student Work) | 2007 | Robinson, Stephanie Renee | Master of Arts | Studio Art, UNCG |
At the interface: biotic-abiotic interactions between substrates and a model epithelium (Student Work) | 2015 | Covell, Alan D. | Ph.D. | Joint School of Nanoscience and Nanoengineering, UNCG |
At my work (Student Work) | 1969 | Yun, Jin Sook | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
"At a time like this" : a play in three acts (Student Work) | 1957 | Parks, Helen Marie | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
Athletic Training preceptors’ experience with interprofessional education and collaborative ... (Student Work) | 2021 | Bender, Andrea L. | Ed.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Attachment anxiety and avoidance and counseling self-efficacy among counseling students: exa... (Student Work) | 2018 | Cannon, Jennifer L. | Ph.D. | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
Attachment to Parents and the Close Relationships of First Semester College Students (Student Work) | 2007 | Parade, Stephanie H. | MS | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
An attempt to isolate the precursors of off flavor in oxidized dehydrated sweet potato flake... (Student Work) | 1971 | Cassilly, Joan Patricia | Ph. D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
An attempt to predict success in a vocational rehabilitation program (Student Work) | 1967 | Rice, David P. | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
The attempted construction and validation of a test for scientific aptitude (Student Work) | 1958 | Boyd, Nancy Tharrington | | Psychology, UNCG |
Attempts at the formation of a European system for the preservation of peace in the seventee... (Student Work) | 1948 | Funderburk, Nancy Beam | | History, UNCG |
Attending the show alone: adventures of a female audience ethnographer (Student Work) | 2020 | Rossi, Amanda | Master of Arts | Dance, UNCG |
Attention and motor learning in an aiming task (Student Work) | 2020 | Yamada, Masahiro | Ph.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Attention-related evoked potential correlates of precortical gating in the human visual syst... (Student Work) | 1987 | Harding, J. Michael | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
Attentional focus and balance control using electroencephalography (Student Work) | 2022 | Rossback, Sydney E. | M.S. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Attenuating saturated-fat induced changes in dopamine neurotransmission (Student Work) | 2024 | Emmons, Heather A. | Ph.D. | Nutrition, UNCG |
Attitudes and practices in handling everyday authority issues among parents and adolescents ... (Student Work) | 2012 | Wang, Yudan Chen | Ph.D. | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Attitudes of cooperating teachers toward their role in the teacher education program at the ... (Student Work) | 1969 | Griffin, Gwendolyn Keller | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Attitudes of regular classroom teachers toward the integration of students with visual impai... (Student Work) | 1980 | Roscoe, Bruce K. | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Attitudes of selected groups toward quality and selected aspects of education provided by co... (Student Work) | 1977 | Evans, Dorotea Lugaric | M.S. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Attitudes of selected high school boys towards girls playing on boys' interscholastic teams (Student Work) | 1972 | Jaffie, Charlene K. | M.S. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
Attitudes toward feminism : the development of a measurement scale (Student Work) | 1972 | Richey, Lona T. | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Attitudes toward feminism and patterns of family economic decision-making (Student Work) | 1976 | Godwin, Deborah D. | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Attitudes toward home furnishings case goods: an investigation of motivations and values rel... (Student Work) | 2010 | Burnsed, Katherine Annette | Ph.D. | Consumer, Apparel, and Retail Studies, UNCG |
Attitudes toward mastectomy : the development of a measurement scale (Student Work) | 1977 | Heyl, Margaret Adair Rountree | Ph.D. | Economics, UNCG |
Attitudes toward musical activities among North Carolina high school band students with dire... (Student Work) | 1983 | Head, Jerry | Ed.D. | Music, UNCG |
Attitudes toward physical activity and self-perceived body image of selected black high scho... (Student Work) | 1975 | Hudgens, Vivian Ann | M.Ed. | Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, UNCG |
Attitudes toward physical activity held by selected students and secondary school teachers o... (Student Work) | 1974 | Pafford, Joan M. | M.S. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
Attitudes toward rayon as an apparel fiber : as expressed by department store resident appar... (Student Work) | 1979 | Campbell, Fred Hammond | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Attitudes toward women among selected undergraduate students representing various fields of ... (Student Work) | 1976 | Margolis, Ellen S. | M.S.P.E. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
The attitudinal and physical relationships of man to the motorcycle as a problem in painting... (Student Work) | 1970 | Fox, John Benjamin | M.F.A | Art, UNCG |
An Attractiveness Halo on Perceived Friendliness is Stronger for Direct versus Averted Gaze ... (Student Work) | 2022 | Diaz, Brendan A. | B.S. | Psychology, UNCG |
Attributions : relations to attachment and caregiving representations (Student Work) | 2006 | Dobbins, Tracy R. | PhD | Psychology, UNCG |
An audio-visual educational program adapted to the specific needs of the seventh, eighth, an... (Student Work) | 1948 | Freeman, Mary Whitfield | M.A. Ed. | Education, UNCG |
The audition. (Student Work) | 2010 | Rutstein, Amanda Bowen | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
Aural music theory competencies required of music majors at the end of the freshman year and... (Student Work) | 1974 | Bragg, Mary Alice | M.M. | Music, UNCG |
Authoring professional teacher identities: a journey from understanding culturally responsiv... (Student Work) | 2009 | Tschida, Christina Marie | Ph.D. | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
An autobiographical approach to the creative process and to my creative work (Student Work) | 1953 | Smith, Eugene Taft | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
Autobiography as a way of knowing : a student-centered curriculum model using Maya Angelou's... (Student Work) | 1987 | Williamson, Marie Solomon | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
The Autolite case : an economic analysis of a vertical merger and potential competition (Student Work) | 1973 | Gurley, Frank Richard | M.A. | Business and Economics, UNCG |
Automated item difficulty modeling with test item representations (Student Work) | 2019 | Qunbar, Sa'ed Ali | Ph.D. | Educational Research Methodology, UNCG |
Autonomic nervous system functioning in early childhood: responses to laboratory challenges,... (Student Work) | 2018 | Zeytinoglu, Selin | Ph.D. | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Autonomy-relevant maternal parenting in early childhood as a predictor of anxiety symptoms i... (Student Work) | 2018 | McCurdy, Amy Leigh | M.S. | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
An autoradiographic analysis of mitotic activity in imaginal wing discs of drosophila virili... (Student Work) | 1971 | Hunt, Linda-Margaret | M.A. | Biology, UNCG |
Awareness of Multiplicity: Intersections of Identity within the Law (Student Work) | 2024 | Jackson, Mia | B.A. | Political Science, UNCG |
An awareness of our own reality (Student Work) | 1976 | Fey, A. Michael | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
An awkward specimen: deconstructing the body and the mental spaces in which it inhabits (Student Work) | 2011 | Etheridge, Andrew | MFA | Art, UNCG |
Ayerora: chiptune and gender connected (Student Work) | 2023 | Harsch, Isabelle Henry | M.M. | School of Music, UNCG |
Babeuf : a Communist in a non-Communist conspiracy (Student Work) | 1967 | Kanipe, Esther Sue | | History, UNCG |
Baby of mine (Student Work) | 2020 | Furr, Emily | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
Back Road Paranoia (Student Work) | 2008 | Watson, Joshua | MFA | English, UNCG |
Back to the city: the re-emergence of the urban grocery store in mid-sized cities (Student Work) | 2009 | Jennings, Jennifer Blakemore | MS | Interior Architecture, UNCG |
Back to the future: how future choices impact current satisfaction (Student Work) | 2010 | Turner, Samuel Ashby | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
The background experiences and current status of women intercollegiate basketball coaches in... (Student Work) | 1974 | Klock, Gail Patricia | M.S. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
Backward detection and discrimination unmasking : suppression or cueing? (Student Work) | 1992 | Shilling, Russell Dwight | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
Badminton skill tests for the smash and overhead drop shot (Student Work) | 1972 | Besner, Patricia R. | M.S. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
Balance and counterbalance in Andrew Marvell's pastoral poems (Student Work) | 1977 | Allen, Anne Kimberly Bryson | M.A. | English, UNCG |
Balancing chorus and orchestra in performance: problems and solutions for conductors of the ... (Student Work) | 2009 | Turner, Kelly J. | DMA | Music, UNCG |
Balancing Preservation and Interaction in the Museum Setting (Student Work) | 2007 | Wade, Amanda Elizabeth | MS | Interior Architecture, UNCG |
The band music of Don Gillis : an annotated catalog (Student Work) | 1991 | Fry, William Enrico | D.M.A. | Music, UNCG |
Bandgap engineering of titanium based oxynitride thin films and molybdenum disulfide thin fi... (Student Work) | 2019 | Froeschle, Michael R. | M.S. | Nanoscience, UNCG |
The banking industry in North Carolina, 1955-1975 : a discussion of its changing structure (Student Work) | 1976 | Salmony, Edith Richards | M.A. | Business and Economics, UNCG |
Baptists and religious liberty in the U.S.S.R. (Student Work) | 1971 | Stewart, Elliot Brown | M.A. | History, UNCG |
Baptized by fire (Student Work) | 2013 | Hayes, Matthew S. | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
The bare minimum (Student Work) | 2011 | Melton, Deven | MFA | English, UNCG |
The barebones parliament (Student Work) | 1966 | Rakama, Washington Z.W. | M.A. | History and Political Science, UNCG |
Bargaining with patriarchy : former women coaches' experiences and their decision to leave c... (Student Work) | 2006 | Kamphoff, Cindra S | PhD | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Baroque Solo and Homogeneous Ensemble Trombone Repertoire: A Lecture-Recital Supporting and ... (Student Work) | 2010 | Palm, Paul Werner | DMA | Music, UNCG |
Barriers that influence the adoption of ACL injury prevention programs in high school girls’... (Student Work) | 2019 | Kingston, Gregory C. | Ed.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Barriers that limit Black women from rising to central office leadership positions in K-12 s... (Student Work) | 2021 | Holley, Tyneka S. | Ed.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Barriers to development strategies that may promote physical activity: a mixed-method study ... (Student Work) | 2010 | Peachey, Andrew A. | D.P.H | Public Health Education, UNCG |
Barriers, perceptions, and dietary intakes of women participating in a federal nutrition pro... (Student Work) | 2020 | Isaacs, Sydeena E. | Ph.D. | Nutrition, UNCG |
Basic combat training soldier's cognitive appraisal of injury (Student Work) | 2012 | Anderson, Treva L. | Ph.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Basic skeletal and interior forms (Student Work) | 1971 | Lambert, Dennis Keith | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
A basketball skill test for college women (Student Work) | 1969 | Lambert, Ann Thomas | M.S. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
Bayesian model criticism: prior sensitivity of the posterior predictive checks method (Student Work) | 2015 | Ames, Allison Jennifer | Ph.D. | Educational Research Methodology, UNCG |
"Be as God?" (Student Work) | 1972 | McGilliard, Kathleen Lynette | M.F.A. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
Be Fearless! Be Knowledgeable! Get Your Stool Checked! (Student Work) | 2024 | Kaur, Bableen | DNP | Nursing, UNCG |
Be my neighbor : a studio practice review (Student Work) | 2022 | Allison, Katherine Taylor | M.F.A. | School of Art, UNCG |
Be well! A strengths-based approach to increasing physical activity and enhancing wellbeing (Student Work) | 2020 | Harding, Susan S. | Ed.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Bearing the weight of honor: knightly navigation of chivalry’s physical, religious, and soci... (Student Work) | 2021 | Greene, Corrie W. | Ph.D. | English, UNCG |
Beautiful ways to die (Student Work) | 2007 | Rogers, Stephanie M. | MFA | English, UNCG |
Beautiful, broken (Student Work) | 2015 | Minick, James D. | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
The beauty of paradox : Mansfield Park and Christianity (Student Work) | 1977 | Love, Donna Snider | M.A. | English, UNCG |
Beaver dam features influencing stream channel form in the mountain and piedmont physiograph... (Student Work) | 2015 | Fannon, Brian R. | Ph.D. | Geography, UNCG |
Beceasing : onto-pedagogical dis-integration (Student Work) | 2024 | Hunsberger, Jon | Ph.D. | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
Becoming impossible: asexual narratives of identity, experience, and importance (Student Work) | 2016 | Mitchell, Heather Sunshine | M.A. | Sociology, UNCG |
"Becoming a mother is nothing like you see on TV!": a reflexive autoethnography exploring do... (Student Work) | 2014 | Moran, Emily Jean | Ph.D. | Educational Studies, UNCG |
Becoming a redwood: a genealogy of expression in Dana Gioia’s poetry and Lori Laitman’s song... (Student Work) | 2009 | Hoyt, Lucy Owen | D.M.A. | Music, UNCG |
The bed the landscape the woman (Student Work) | 2017 | Campbell, Mackenzie Rebecca | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
Beekeepers' gold: reconstructing tupelo honey yield in northwest Florida using Nyssa ogeche ... (Student Work) | 2012 | Maxwell, Justin Timothy | Ph.D. | Geography, UNCG |
Beer tourism: a visitor and motivational profile for North Carolina craft breweries (Student Work) | 2012 | Francioni, Jennifer Lauren | M.S. | Community and Therapeutic Recreation, UNCG |
Beethoven's D Major Sonata for Cello and Piano, Op. 102 No. 2: an annotated performer's edit... (Student Work) | 2009 | Anderson, Grace Shih-Huei Lin | DMA | Music, UNCG |
Before the aftermath: a pedagogy for disaster responsiveness (Student Work) | 2019 | Schlachte, Carl Paul | Ph.D. | English, UNCG |
Beginning counselor educators’ experiences of doctoral teaching preparation and teaching men... (Student Work) | 2016 | Waalkes, Phillip L. | Ph.D. | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
Beginning elementary education teachers' perceptions concerning teaching in inclusive classr... (Student Work) | 2015 | Miller, Marva Satterfield | Ph.D. | Specialized Education Services, UNCG |
Beginning Teacher Perceptions of Mentoring and Induction (Student Work) | 2007 | Lambeth, Dawn Tracey | EdD | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Beginning teacher support in urban elementary school settings : examining the principal’s ro... (Student Work) | 2022 | Britt, Hakima Michele | Ed.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Beginning with homelessness: a rhizoanalysis of neoliberalism, social justice, and community... (Student Work) | 2018 | Edwards, Kathleen Elizabeth | Ph.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
The behavior therapy systems of Joseph Wolpe and Hans Eysenck (Student Work) | 1967 | Rice, Shelby | | Psychology, UNCG |
Behavior, Theory and Practice: Promoting Physical Activity among American College Students (Student Work) | 2010 | Milroy, Jeffrey John | DPH | Institute to Promote Athlete Health and Wellness, UNCG |
Behavioral and humanistic curriculum models : a dilemma-reconciliation approach (Student Work) | 1981 | Rhodes, Patrick Lawson | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Behavioral contrast : distribution of responses and time in a two-component multiple schedul... (Student Work) | 1974 | Hughes, Ronald Granger | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
Behavioral contrast and decreasing preference for a multiple-schedule component with reduced... (Student Work) | 1970 | Newsom, Crighton Dowd | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
Behaviorally anchored rating scales for principals : a developmental approach to evaluation (Student Work) | 1980 | Moon, Brenda Kimble | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
A behaviorally based appraisal of coaching performance in women's athletics at Michigan Stat... (Student Work) | 1978 | Knoppers, Annelies | Ed.D. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
Behaviors observed during S- in a simple discrimination learning task (Student Work) | 1974 | Rand, Judith Furber | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
Being your authentic self: an exploration of the relationship between authenticity and self-... (Student Work) | 2018 | Mayton, Heather | Ph.D. | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
Beliefs about item memorability affect metacognitive control in item-method directed forgett... (Student Work) | 2012 | Foster, Nathaniel Lloyd | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
Beliefs and Practices in Early Care and Education: The Relationships among Teachers' and Adm... (Student Work) | 2008 | Kintner-Duffy, Victoria | MS | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Belonging and distance (Student Work) | 2022 | Sebastian, Neeraj P. | M.F.A. | School of Art, UNCG |
Belowground traits lack response to chronic nitrogen additions in the tallgrass prairie (Student Work) | 2022 | Gora, Sarah L. | M.S. | Biology, UNCG |
Ben Jonson's use of English folk ritual in the court masques (Student Work) | 1964 | Tucker, Virginia Acheson | M.A. | English, UNCG |
The benefits of giving up : clarifying how inabilities to disengage relate to depression (Student Work) | 2023 | Sasiela, William Jordan | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
Benefits of Sensory Gardens to Promote Inclusive Play (Student Work) | 2018 | Rodriguez, Norma E. | B.S. | Community and Therapeutic Recreation, UNCG |
Benjamin Britten’s settings of Moore’s Irish melodies: historical and musical context and in... (Student Work) | 2019 | Thomas, Katherine A. | D.M.A. | School of Music, UNCG |
Benjamin Franklin, Jonathan Williams and the United States Military Academy (Student Work) | 1974 | Zuersher, Dorothy | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Benjamin John and other poems (Student Work) | 1967 | Cherry, Kelly | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
Bernard Shaw as devil's advocate (Student Work) | 1978 | Helvey, James Relerford | Ph.D. | English, UNCG |
Betty Glover (b. 1923): trombone pioneer (Student Work) | 2020 | Gilbert, Jared Lee | D.M.A. | School of Music, UNCG |
Between the Eves of Allhallowmas (Student Work) | 1976 | Nash, Robert Timothy | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
Between heaven and earth: Viktor Ullmann's Steffen-Lieder Op.17 (Student Work) | 2011 | Upton, Radha | DMA | Music, UNCG |
Between parentheses and other poems (Student Work) | 1966 | Wyrick, Charles L. | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
Between writer and reader : the relationship of the concept of audience to the teaching of c... (Student Work) | 1979 | Cochran, Janet Fyne | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Beverly Hillbilly: Fat, Queer, and Pink in the Shadow of Appalachia (Student Work) | 2022 | Nease, Mary | B.S. | Consumer, Apparel, and Retail Studies, UNCG |
Beyond the Bem Sex-Role Inventory : a reconceptualization of the constructs of "masculinity"... (Student Work) | 1996 | Hoffman, Rose Marie | Ph.D. | Education, UNCG |
Beyond the borders of exile: exile, immigration, and migration in U.S. women’s writing (Student Work) | 2015 | Alvarez Wilson, Sonia | Ph.D. | English, UNCG |
Beyond the corner: incorporating music into a juvenile detention center (Student Work) | 2020 | Uhler, Bethany Shaune | D.M.A. | School of Music, UNCG |
Beyond extended techniques: fundamental techniques in Viola Spaces of Garth Knox (Student Work) | 2016 | Értz, Simon István | D.M.A. | Music, UNCG |
Beyond prison walls : developing criteria to evaluate the equitable implementation of the ba... (Student Work) | 2023 | Clark, Tyler Synclaire | Ph.D. | Educational Research, Measurement, and Evaluation, UNCG |
Beyond the tattooed lady : exploring women's experiences in the body modifiction industry (Student Work) | 2007 | Eason, Kathryn A | PhD | Consumer, Apparel, and Retail Studies, UNCG |
Beyond third stream: Henry Martin's Preludes and Fugues for solo piano (Student Work) | 2009 | Rice, Karen M. | DMA | Music, UNCG |
Bi-topological spaces (Student Work) | 1971 | Garner, Betty Ruffin | M.A. | Mathematics, UNCG |
Biased processing as a function of attitude accessibility : applications to sexual aggressio... (Student Work) | 1995 | Donat, Patricia Lyn Niles | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
A biblical doctrine of physical education (Student Work) | 1983 | Martin, Dennis Wallace | Ed.D. | Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, UNCG |
Big island: stories (Student Work) | 2012 | Kealamakia, Spencer | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
Big quiet (Student Work) | 2016 | Crary Gallas, Amanda | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
"Bikini, beads, and feathers" at Trinidad carnival: the voice of the younger generation (Student Work) | 2010 | Copeland, Raedene P. | Ph.D. | Consumer, Apparel, and Retail Studies, UNCG |
Bilingual education : legal aspects and imperatives for public schools (Student Work) | 1982 | Fee, Jerry Ray | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Billy Budd, The Caine Mutiny, and Fiedler's Contingency Model : an inferential analysis of l... (Student Work) | 1980 | Anderson, Lane Schofield | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Binaries and bridging : a feminist analysis of women's rugby participation (Student Work) | 2005 | Scrogum, Jeanine E. | Master of Science | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Binary d-MnO2/Co3O4 metal oxides wrapped on super-aligned electrospun carbon nanofibers: ene... (Student Work) | 2021 | Allado Yawovi, Kokougan | Ph.D. | Nanoscience, UNCG |
Binary nematic mixtures of 4,4'-dialkoxyazoxybenzene homologs (Student Work) | 1970 | Andrews, Mary Anna | M.S. | Chemistry, UNCG |
Binary quadratic forms and genus theory (Student Work) | 2013 | Shepherd, Rick L. | M.A. | Mathematics and Statistics, UNCG |
Binaural analysis as a function of physiological masking : the cardiac cycle (Student Work) | 1972 | Lindsey, John W. | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
Binocular interaction : fusion or suppression of the visually evoked potential to dichoptic ... (Student Work) | 1972 | Seiple, William Henry | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
The binocular interaction of size and orientation channels : evoked potentials and observer ... (Student Work) | 1978 | Towle, Vernon Leo | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
Bio-mimetic multimodal nanostructured surfaces fabricated with self-assembling biopolymer an... (Student Work) | 2017 | Chandran, Rakkiyappan | Ph.D. | Joint School of Nanoscience and Nanoengineering, UNCG |
Bioactive natural products: isolation of fungal secondary metabolites and applications of gr... (Student Work) | 2013 | Bukhari, Rabia M. | M.S. | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Biochemical characterization of MmgB, a gene encoding a 3-Hydroxybutyryl-CoA dehydrogenase f... (Student Work) | 2011 | Vegunta, Yogesh | MS | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Biochemical studies of galactokinase from neurospora crassa (Student Work) | 1970 | Wang, Jun-Lan | M.A. | Biology, UNCG |
Biogeography: do microbes have it? (Student Work) | 2011 | Williams, William T. | MS | Biology, UNCG |
A biographical sketch suitable for use in supplementing the teaching of North Carolina socia... (Student Work) | 1946 | Walker, Mary Hannah | M.A. Ed. | Education, UNCG |
Biographical sketches to supplement the social studies curriculum of the North Carolina four... (Student Work) | 1945 | Jackson, Nevelyn Martin | M.A. Ed. | Education, UNCG |
Biographical vignettes for North Carolina seventh grade history (Student Work) | 1949 | Penry, Sadye Marcelle | M.A. Ed. | Education, UNCG |
Bioinformatic discovery of new ribosomally synthesized and post-translationally modified pep... (Student Work) | 2023 | Ampolini, Brigitte G. | M.S. | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Bioinformatic strategies to understand the complexities of medicinal natural product mixture... (Student Work) | 2019 | Caesar, Lindsay K. | Ph.D. | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
A bioinspired approach to the generation of novel antimicrobial materials (Student Work) | 2016 | Nowlin, Kyle S. | Ph.D. | Nanoscience and Nanoengineering, UNCG |
Biological characterization of Cyanophage LP-1 infecting Plectonema and Lyngbya species (Student Work) | 1975 | Barwick, Robert Allen | M.A. | Biology, UNCG |
The biological effect of progestins on anterior knee laxity in females on oral contraceptive... (Student Work) | 2021 | Foli, Elvis M. | M.S. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Biopsychosocial analysis of task engagement among preschool-age children (Student Work) | 2015 | Halliday, Simone E. | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
Bipolarity (Student Work) | 2012 | Lacy, Eric B. | M.M. | Music, UNCG |
The birth of a controversy : the presidency of Jacobo Arbenz Guzman (Student Work) | 1965 | Williams, Linda Middleton | | History, UNCG |
BIS, BAS, and bias: the role of personality and cognition in social anxiety (Student Work) | 2009 | Kimbrel, Nathan Andrew | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
Bitten and Spanked: The Male Revue as a Liminal Setting (Student Work) | 2007 | Hurley, Alicia Hemingway | MA | Sociology, UNCG |
Black : outside the box (Student Work) | 2023 | Wilkes, Tramaine | M.F.A. | School of Art, UNCG |
Black adolescents’ discrimination experiences and academic engagement: the role of general a... (Student Work) | 2018 | Edwards, Domonique A. | M.S. | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Black Caribbean woman (Student Work) | 2016 | Rose, Sheena Leeann | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
Black college women’s sexual attitudes and behaviors within the context of hookup culture: a... (Student Work) | 2017 | Hall, Wendasha Jenkins | Ph.D. | Public Health Education, UNCG |
The Black God trope: toward a history of Black Nationalist religious rhetoric (Student Work) | 2018 | Collins, Armondo | Ph.D. | English, UNCG |
Black love : exploring how a politicized care pedagogical approach supports youth establishm... (Student Work) | 2022 | Worsley, Ti’Era D. | Ph.D. | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
Black male sense of belonging : exploring student voices (Student Work) | 2024 | Brown, Michael Steven | Ed.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Black masculinity in contemporary cinema (Student Work) | 2018 | Hand, Dominick M. | M.A. | Sociology, UNCG |
The black mirror of social media: exploring perceptions of racial inequalities during police... (Student Work) | 2017 | Epps, Remy Heaven | M.A. | Sociology, UNCG |
Black Moms Matter – A Literature Review of Postpartum Hemorrhage in Black Women (Student Work) | 2021 | Talavera, Julie E. | B.S. | Nursing, UNCG |
Black music in the university system of North Carolina, 1960-1974 (Student Work) | 1975 | Mitchell, Joseph Thurman | Ed.D. | Music, UNCG |
Black Music teacher candidates’ preparation and performance on the Praxis music examination (Student Work) | 2020 | Price Brock, Tomisha | Ph.D. | School of Music, UNCG |
The Black Panther Party, a re-gendering of revolutionary subjectivity (Student Work) | 2011 | Karlsson, Daniel P. | MA | Women's and Gender Studies, UNCG |
Black parents’ observed racial socialization behaviors and the influence of race-related str... (Student Work) | 2020 | Wiley, Keadija C. | M.S. | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Black student perceptions of institutional responses to racialized experiences on sense of b... (Student Work) | 2023 | Robinson, Detric Elijah | Ph.D. | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
Black students “at promise” for high school graduation: a Black scholar identity scale (Student Work) | 2017 | Brunson, Crystal N. | Ph.D. | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
Black students’ perceptions of the institutional context and associations with belonging and... (Student Work) | 2023 | Edwards, Domonique A. | Ph.D. | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Black teachers caring for black students: intersecting identity, culturally responsive teach... (Student Work) | 2011 | Milton Williams, Toni | Ph.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Black Voices in Fantasy: Why they matter (Student Work) | 2024 | Turner, Mauriah "Red" | B.A. | English, UNCG |
Black women who experienced pregnancy as teens (Student Work) | 2021 | Henderson, Alia Danielle | Ph.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Black women’s experience with telehealth using the lens of Black feminist thought (Student Work) | 2022 | Gibson, Tiffany Shanté | Ph.D. | School of Nursing, UNCG |
Black workers : commitment to work, retirement attitude, and retirement planning (Student Work) | 1987 | Bethea, Patricia Davis | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Blog to be real: a mixed methods approach to defining, measuring, and determining predictors... (Student Work) | 2019 | Williams, Miranda | Ph.D. | Consumer, Apparel, and Retail Studies, UNCG |
Blood cries out : negotiating embodiment and otherness in the premodern world (Student Work) | 2023 | Kelly, Maggie S. | Ph.D. | English, UNCG |
Blood sports (Student Work) | 2019 | Morris, Emily J. | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
The blue flame (Student Work) | 1996 | Ayau, Kurt Jose | Ph.D. | English, UNCG |
Blurring the lines: teaching literacies in home/school spaces (Student Work) | 2014 | Wooten, Courtney Adams | Ph.D. | English, UNCG |
Bodies and bombs (Student Work) | 2011 | Cobbs, Jonathan Blake | MFA | Art, UNCG |
Bodies of executive citizenship: embodied rhetorical performances of the presidency from Rea... (Student Work) | 2012 | Rogers, David Michael | Ph.D. | English, UNCG |
Bodily autonomy of young children: mothers’ perspectives of appropriate acceptance or reject... (Student Work) | 2021 | Adegbesan, Ireti A. | M.S. | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Body and soul realism and the ideal in nineteenth century Russia (Student Work) | 1953 | Holshouser, Mary Lee | | English, UNCG |
Body esteem and dietary restraint in children and young adults: associations with body mass ... (Student Work) | 2021 | Lawless, Megan C. | Ph.D. | Nutrition, UNCG |
Body knowledge and repetition: re-conceiving ability through students' visual narratives of ... (Student Work) | 2011 | Owens, Robert Elliott | Ed.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Body perceptions and motivation in rhythmic gymnastics in South Korea (Student Work) | 2017 | Lee, Bona | Ph.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
The body shop (Student Work) | 2016 | Soper, Richelle | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
Body Want (Student Work) | 2016 | Kehoe, Kathryn | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
Body, mind, spirit, voice : Helen Kemp and the development of the children's choir movement (Student Work) | 1993 | Farrior, Christine Bordeaux | Ed.D. | Music, UNCG |
Body, pleasure, language and world : a framework for the critical analysis of dance educatio... (Student Work) | 1990 | Blumenfeld-Jones, Donald | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
The booke of Sir Thomas Moore : an interpretation in the light of its sources and probable o... (Student Work) | 1965 | Ganim, Virginia Lynn | M.A. | English, UNCG |
Bookeater and other love stories (Student Work) | 2006 | Simpson, Samantha N. | Master of Fine Arts | English, UNCG |
Bookkeeping practices of small independent grocery stores of Morehead township of Greensboro... (Student Work) | 1950 | Anderson, Sara Elizabeth | M.S. | Business Education, UNCG |
Border crossing brothas: a study of Black Bermudian masculinity, success, and the role of co... (Student Work) | 2012 | Douglas, Ty-Ron | Ph.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Borderline Personality Disorder and Perception of Friendship Quality (Student Work) | 2020 | Cross, Sophia R. | B.S. | Psychology, UNCG |
Borderline personality disorder traits, social rejection, and risky behavior (Student Work) | 2016 | Birthrong, Alex | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
The Bottom Line: A Standardized Approach to Preparation for Financial Management and Busines... (Student Work) | 2023 | Camp, James T. | DNP | Nursing, UNCG |
Bound by paper: nineteenth-century Southern editors and their Northern connections (Student Work) | 2015 | Sparks, Summar C. | Ph.D. | English, UNCG |
Brain networks underlying figurative language production (Student Work) | 2015 | Beaty, Roger E. | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
“Branded as Cain”: Jonathan Worth and Unionism in post-Civil War North Carolina (Student Work) | 2018 | Ellis, Elizabeth A. | M.A. | History, UNCG |
Breakaway: an exhibition to explore civic engagement and the cycling community (Student Work) | 2009 | McKinney, Gwen M. | MS | Interior Architecture, UNCG |
The breakers (Student Work) | 2009 | Lester, Glenn | MFA | English, UNCG |
Breaking barriers : examining the experiences and perceptions of Black female high school pr... (Student Work) | 2023 | Holmes, Charlotte W. | Ed.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Breaking down the enchantment: a critical autoethnography of video gaming (Student Work) | 2019 | Kout, Yacine | Ph.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Breast cancer literacy and cultural factors influencing mammogram adherence among Filipino A... (Student Work) | 2019 | Oviedo, Astrid D. | Ph.D. | Nursing, UNCG |
Breast cancer screening practices among African American women: a Black feminist thought per... (Student Work) | 2021 | Little, LaSonya Mitchell | Ph.D. | Nursing, UNCG |
The breastfeeding woman? who are breastfeeding books really for? (Student Work) | 2015 | Luedtke, Hannah | M.A. | Women's and Gender Studies, UNCG |
Brecht : reflection of reality (Student Work) | 1964 | Vestal, Charlotte Ann | | History, UNCG |
Bridging the Distance: How Social Interaction, Presence, Social Presence, and Sense of Commu... (Student Work) | 2007 | Walker, Brian K. | PhD | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
Bridging identities : solo oboe and chamber works by Mexican composers (Student Work) | 2023 | Ramos Chavez, Guadalupe | D.M.A. | School of Music, UNCG |
Bridging the old South and the new: women in the economic transformation of the North Caroli... (Student Work) | 2010 | Robbins, Angela P. | Ph.D. | History, UNCG |
Bridging the virtual gap in internet based music instruction: a feasibility study in trombon... (Student Work) | 2013 | Wilson, Aaron James | D.M.A. | Music, UNCG |
A brief analysis of Martin Amlin's keyboard works: a personal case study in informing perfor... (Student Work) | 2009 | Hendricks, Richard A. | DMA | Music, UNCG |
Brief description of six oil paintings (Student Work) | 1957 | Bradford, Sarah G. | | Art, UNCG |
A brief history and description of inmate education in the North Carolina Department of Corr... (Student Work) | 1977 | Oliver, Dorothy McMichael | M.A.Ed. | Education, UNCG |
Bringing union to textiles : factors which aided and impeded the progress of unionism in the... (Student Work) | 1962 | Wilkins, Mary Vann | | History, UNCG |
British attitudes toward Negro suffrage during American reconstruction (Student Work) | 1977 | Yardley, Rosemary Roberts | M.A. | History, UNCG |
British images of the Chinese trader; 1865-1880 (Student Work) | 1975 | Swiger, Philip Weller | M.A. | History, UNCG |
Building and refinement of an in silico homology model of a novel G protein-coupled receptor... (Student Work) | 2011 | Lane, Thomas R. | MS | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Building an “army” of leaders: a case study of a school system developing teachers’ leadersh... (Student Work) | 2015 | Moss, Jeffrey B. | Ed.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Building community in schools through aesthetic curricular language (Student Work) | 1993 | Lee, Katherine | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Building Relationships with India's Suppliers: Exploring Perceptions of U.S. Apparel Industr... (Student Work) | 2008 | Singh, Kamlesh | MS | Consumer, Apparel, and Retail Studies, UNCG |
Building validity evidence for the use of aggregate scores in accountability (Student Work) | 2021 | Hoeve, Karen Blackburn | Ph.D. | Educational Research Methodology, UNCG |
The Bunk Bed Conjecture and the Skolem Problem (Student Work) | 2021 | Rudzinski, James | Ph.D. | Mathematics & Statistics, UNCG |
The Burger court and the public schools (Student Work) | 1978 | Deakin, George Robert | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Burnout in college football players : prevalence and change over a competitive season (Student Work) | 2024 | Lennon, Alessa Rae | Ed.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Bus stop amenities and their relationship with ridership: a transportation equity approach (Student Work) | 2011 | Talbott, Matthew R. | MA | Geography, UNCG |
Business data processing curriculum in the community colleges and technical institutes and d... (Student Work) | 1973 | Overton, Ruby Jean | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Business ethics: the influence of religion (Student Work) | 1975 | English, Michael Dewayne | M.S.B.A. | Business and Economics, UNCG |
Busy with joy (Student Work) | 2019 | Sexton, Wesley D. | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
Busy work (Student Work) | 2018 | Wallace, Anna | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
But it's not (Student Work) | 2015 | Clifton, Catherine | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
But your mother was an activist: Black women's activism in North Carolina (Student Work) | 2012 | Sua, Lou Saunders | Ph.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Butterfly lovers violin concerto : re-imagining a classic Chinese concerto for axophone and ... (Student Work) | 2023 | Deng, Kaisi | D.M.A. | School of Music, UNCG |
Cabaret: a historical and musical perspective of a struggling era (Student Work) | 2010 | Burrows, Candice S. | DMA | Music, UNCG |
Calcium and chloride as cofactors and their binding in photosystem II (Student Work) | 2018 | Beravolu, Shilpa | M.S. | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Calcium and chloride function in oxygen evolution by photosystem II through bisubstrate enzy... (Student Work) | 2013 | Tai, Henry | M.S. | Chemistry, UNCG |
Calcium and phosphorus retention in frozen okra and spinach cooked in a steam jacketed kettl... (Student Work) | 1967 | Shah, Ranjana Kanchanlal | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Calcium balances of premenopausal women consuming cheese- compared to spinach- and tofu cont... (Student Work) | 1987 | Landis, William Hathaway | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Calculable fire : a collection of poems (Student Work) | 1968 | Settlemyre, Susan Morrison | | English, UNCG |
The call experiences of Baptist women in ministry (Student Work) | 2017 | Boberg, Sarah Elizabeth | Ed.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Call me by your name : the Orisha as mirrors for the BlackTransQueer divine (Student Work) | 2021 | Powell, Aries | M.A. | Women's and Gender Studies, UNCG |
Camp No and soldier-writers: disidentification and ethical remapping in post-9/11 narratives... (Student Work) | 2021 | Armstrong, Matthew C. | Ph.D. | English, UNCG |
Campus to counter: civil rights activism in Raleigh and Durham, North Carolina, 1960-1963 (Student Work) | 2017 | Suttell, Brian William | Ph.D. | History, UNCG |
Canonical variates of post abortion syndrome (Student Work) | 1990 | Vaughan, Helen P. | Ph.D. | Human Environmental Sciences, UNCG |
Can't go home (Student Work) | 2011 | Nguyen, Hao M. | MFA | English, UNCG |
Capabilities, competitive advantages, and performance of apparel import intermediaries in a ... (Student Work) | 2007 | Ha-Brookshire, Jung E. | Ph.D. | Consumer, Apparel, and Retail Studies, UNCG |
Capnography Monitoring In The PACU: Improving Patient Safety Through Education (Student Work) | 2024 | Mueller, Robert | DNP | Nursing, UNCG |
Capturing the diversity of English language learners' cultural and linguistic backgrounds an... (Student Work) | 2015 | Gilbert, Carolyn Anne | p | Educational Research Methodology, UNCG |
Capturing the essence of change: a study about change in Rockwell schools (Student Work) | 2013 | James, Jeff | Ed.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Carbon nanodot cellular uptake and modulation of Tumor necrosis factor-alpha-induced endothe... (Student Work) | 2018 | Chavez, Jessica | M.S. | Biology, UNCG |
Carbon nanodot uptake and their effects on macrophages upon challenge with oxidized LDL and ... (Student Work) | 2019 | Smith, Lena M. | M.S. | Biology, UNCG |
Carbon nanodots (CNDs): a comprehensive study of the photoluminescence, antioxidation and ce... (Student Work) | 2019 | Zhang, Wendi | Ph.D. | Joint School of Nanoscience and Nanoengineering, UNCG |
Carbon nanodots (CNDs): tuning structures and functions in oxidative radical interactions (Student Work) | 2020 | Ji, Zuowei | Ph.D. | Joint School of Nanoscience and Nanoengineering, UNCG |
Carbon nanodots in endothelial cells and C57BL/6 mice: a study of toxicity and anti-inflamma... (Student Work) | 2018 | Khan, Safeera | M.S. | Biology, UNCG |
Carbon nanodots: potential applications in biosensing, drug delivery and free radical regula... (Student Work) | 2020 | Arvapalli, Durga Manjari | Ph.D. | Joint School of Nanoscience and Nanoengineering, UNCG |
The cardiac training effect of selected college men as measured by three heart rate intensit... (Student Work) | 1972 | Whiteley, Thomas Monroe | Ed.D. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
Cardiovascular reactivity and the role of anxiety sensitivity in posttraumatic stress disord... (Student Work) | 2021 | Campbell, Allison Ann | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
Career anchors of North Carolina principals (Student Work) | 1996 | Puryear, Paul J. | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Career and earner wives' preferences for the use of time and use of strategies for coping wi... (Student Work) | 1986 | Hiatt, Ann Renigar | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Career counselors’ perspectives on social justice advocacy (Student Work) | 2015 | Fickling, Melissa | Ph.D. | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
Career development assessment of at-risk students : implications for a dropout prevention mo... (Student Work) | 1991 | Enzor, Harriett Leigh | Ph.D. | Education, UNCG |
Career networks : the use of personal and professional relationships by women administrators... (Student Work) | 1985 | Cannie, Mary Ruth | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
The career of Herbert R. Hazelman : public school bandmaster (Student Work) | 1988 | Jeffreys, Harold Leon | Ed.D. | Music, UNCG |
Career readiness of individuals obtaining an accredited personal training certification and ... (Student Work) | 2024 | Sutton, Brian G. | Ed.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Caregiving behaviors and coping skills of caregivers to people with Acquired Immune Deficien... (Student Work) | 1991 | Gabbay, Sarah G. | Ph.D. | Human Environmental Sciences, UNCG |
Caribbean faculty perceptions of online education in kinesiology field : a case study (Student Work) | 2022 | Villalobos Solís, Mairym | Ed.D | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Caring for the caregiver: exploration of sibling connection and social support in relationsh... (Student Work) | 2015 | Seaman, Megan M. | Ph.D. | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
The carpenter’s daughter (Student Work) | 2013 | White, Corrie Lynn | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
Cars In Places (Student Work) | 2019 | Mitchell, Mackenzie C. | B.F.A. | New Media and Design, UNCG |
Carson McCullers : the tragedy of the grotesque (Student Work) | 1964 | Rogers, Betsy | | English, UNCG |
Carson McCullers' The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter : isolation and self-fulfillment (Student Work) | 1968 | Smith, Christopher Michael | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
The cartography of hopes and dreams: the nineteenth-century bird's eye maps of the midwest a... (Student Work) | 2010 | Williams, Roberta | Ph.D. | Geography, UNCG |
A case for reevaluation of Stalin's role in the Spanish Civil War (Student Work) | 2010 | Schager, Roxann L. | MA | History, UNCG |
The case of Jamie: examining storylines and positions over time in a secondary mathematics c... (Student Work) | 2019 | Martin, Megan Fields | Ph.D. | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
Case Studies of Four Teachers: The Openness of the Tasks They Implement, the Adaptations The... (Student Work) | 2008 | Parsons, Seth Arthur | PhD | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
Case studies of three teachers: a description and analysis of their planned adaptations in r... (Student Work) | 2009 | Gray, Erika S. | PhD | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
Case studies of two teachers: the knowledge teachers draw upon to adapt (Student Work) | 2009 | Davis, Stephanie Grayson | PhD | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
A case study of decision-making in a school established to increase decision-making by teach... (Student Work) | 1976 | Sloan, E. Conrad | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
A case study of the diffusion of an electronic mail system in a high school administrative s... (Student Work) | 1993 | Moore, Richard Eugene | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
A case study of the effects of learner-centered portfolio assessment on teachers' and studen... (Student Work) | 1996 | Brown, Constance Rippetoe | Ph.D. | Education, UNCG |
A case study of the figured worlds of outcast students: the positioning of adolescent litera... (Student Work) | 2014 | Crooks, Penny Annette | Ph.D. | Educational Studies, UNCG |
A case study of general education teacher use of picture books to support inclusive practice... (Student Work) | 2013 | Bland, Carol Mason | Ph.D. | Specialized Education Services, UNCG |
A case study of the impact of social work education on a diverse group of adult learners wor... (Student Work) | 2009 | Cook, Sharon Warren | PhD | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
A case study of an initiative to increase general educators' use of evidence based reading i... (Student Work) | 2011 | Blanks, Allyster Brooke | Ph.D. | Specialized Education Services, UNCG |
A case study of the management development program in one medium-to-large U.S. corporation, ... (Student Work) | 1984 | Sinatra, Salvatore Joseph | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
A case study of principal-led professional development using micro-teaching and inquiry-orie... (Student Work) | 2013 | Canady, Larry D. | Ed.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
A case study of a rural elementary school's partnership with faith-based organizations (Student Work) | 2011 | Noland, Pocahontas F. | Ed.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
A Case Study of Second-Career Alternatively Certified Science Teachers: What Research and Ed... (Student Work) | 2008 | McDonald, Judith Richards | PhD | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
A case study of the supports that foster teachers’ awareness of students with disabilities e... (Student Work) | 2017 | Walker, Melissa Sullivan | Ph.D. | Specialized Education Services, UNCG |
Cast methyl methacrylate (Student Work) | 1975 | Schroeder, Nancy Lee | M.F.A. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
Castoffs (Student Work) | 2008 | Barnett, Ashley E. | MFA | English, UNCG |
Caswell County--the first century, 1777-1877 (Student Work) | 1972 | Sartin, Ruby Pearl | M.A. | History, UNCG |
A catalogue study of business offerings in the colleges of the Presbyterian church, U.S. (Student Work) | 1946 | Maphet, Princie | M.S. | Business Education, UNCG |
A catalogue study of the secretarial programs in senior colleges in North Carolina (Student Work) | 1948 | McEntire, Kathryn W. | M.S. | Business Education, UNCG |
Categorization and differentiation : a set, re-set, comparison analysis of the effects of co... (Student Work) | 1983 | Martin, Leonard L. | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
A categorization of events at the International Tuba-Euphonium conferences: 1973 to 2014 (Student Work) | 2016 | Black, Douglas Christopher | D.M.A. | Music Performance, UNCG |
Catharsis: stories (Student Work) | 2021 | Shefer, Ashlee M. | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
Causal attributions and task persistence of learned-helpless and mastery-oriented sixth grad... (Student Work) | 1994 | Griffith, Joseph Benton | Ph.D. | Health and Human Performance, UNCG |
Causes, effects, and solutions to performance-related anxiety: suggestions for the teaching ... (Student Work) | 2009 | Slocumb, Brandon Scott | DMA | Music, UNCG |
Cell-specific regulation of immediate early gene BZLF1 in Epstein-Barr Virus under mTOR inhi... (Student Work) | 2016 | Needham, Jason M. | M.S. | Biology, UNCG |
Cellular Uptake of Carbon Nanodots in THP-1 Human Monocytes (Student Work) | 2019 | Griffith, Claire | B.S. | Biology, UNCG |
Centering relationships in a competitive sports environment (Student Work) | 2023 | Newman, Claire | Ph.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Centralization of public education governance in Sun Belt States : legislation and litigatio... (Student Work) | 1987 | Norville, Herman Bruce | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Ceramic objects : containers and handpieces (Student Work) | 1972 | Gurley, Marianne Bell | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
Certain socio-economic characteristics as a reflection of family goal values (Student Work) | 1959 | Holcomb, Carrie Elizabeth | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Certain Stories (Student Work) | 2008 | Benning, Michael R. | MFA | English, UNCG |
Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist Second Victim Peer Support Program Knowledge and Pref... (Student Work) | 2022 | Coates, Casey | DNP | Nursing, UNCG |
Can the government prevent an economic depression? (Student Work) | 1954 | Irby, Alice | | Economics, UNCG |
Chain gangs, roads, and reform in North Carolina, 1900-1935 (Student Work) | 2011 | Thomas, Susan W. | Ph.D. | History, UNCG |
The chain letter and other stories (Student Work) | 1971 | Smith, Stephen Emerson | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
Chairs (Student Work) | 1975 | Whisnant, Joe Lane | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
The challenges of neoliberalism to the democratic promises of higher education (Student Work) | 2020 | Massey, Justin W. | Ph.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Challenging mis-education through effective communication: a study of the communication and ... (Student Work) | 2015 | Smith, Cynthia A. | Ph.D. | English, UNCG |
The Chanc?un de Willame, a study of theme and style (Student Work) | 1971 | Pardue, Patricia E. | M.A. | Romance Languages-French, UNCG |
Chance, sequence and field painting in relation to a selected environment (Student Work) | 1969 | Norcom, Ellen Farmer | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
Change and conservation : portraits of two schools (Student Work) | 1988 | Deviney, Collette W. | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Change in marital satisfaction among Chinese couples during the early years of marriage: the... (Student Work) | 2017 | Cao, Hongjian | Ph.D. | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Change in parent attitudes during participation in certain parenthood in a free nation study... (Student Work) | 1964 | Hawkins, Margaret Snodgrass | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
A change is gonna come: a critical study of the impact of a community organizing group on po... (Student Work) | 2010 | Fowler, Tamara Sharee | Ph.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
The change that makes the movement that makes the Hemingway short story : a study in techniq... (Student Work) | 1970 | Pruitt, Phyllis B. | M.A. | English, UNCG |
Changes in attitudes of mothers toward child rearing practices after their participation in ... (Student Work) | 1970 | Johnson, Irene Waters | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Changes in body weight and serum lipid levels in low, moderate, and highly competitive male ... (Student Work) | 1986 | Black, Mary McAnear | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Changes in cognitive appraisals and metabolic indices of physical exertion during a two-hour... (Student Work) | 1989 | Acevedo, Edmund O. | Ph.D. | Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, UNCG |
Changes in Lower Extremity Biomechanics as a Result of Feedback in Virtual Obstacle Crossing... (Student Work) | 2018 | Manzo, John | B.S. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Changes in performance on the nursing licensure examination : an investigation of possible c... (Student Work) | 1991 | Webster, Sadie Brown | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Changes in students' attitudes during a course in child development (Student Work) | 1971 | Lomax, Diane Whitehurst | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Changing the game : the rhetorical approach of “no dice, no masters” tabletop RPGs (Student Work) | 2022 | Benjamin, Joshua | M.A. | English, UNCG |
"The changing needs of our youth today": the response of 4-H to social and economic transfor... (Student Work) | 2012 | Thompson, Ellen Natasha | Ph.D. | History, UNCG |
The changing physical education major curriculum in American and Canadian institutions of hi... (Student Work) | 1970 | Williams, Carole C. | Ed. D. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
Changing places and questions of identity: the fluid lives of first generation Indo-Guyanese... (Student Work) | 2009 | Chowthi, Natassaja M. | MA | Sociology, UNCG |
Changing times call for changes in practices: a mixed-methods study on early childhood teach... (Student Work) | 2021 | Siskind, Demi G. | Ph.D. | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Channeling your inner science warrior: the nature of teachers’ professional agency in high-n... (Student Work) | 2020 | Mercier, Alison K. | Ph.D. | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
Chaos in music: historical developments and applications to music theory and composition (Student Work) | 2009 | Salter, Jonathan R. | DMA | Music, UNCG |
Chapman's humor theory (Student Work) | 1967 | Gallimore, Roena Virginia | M.A. | English, UNCG |
Character education at a historically Black institution (Student Work) | 2010 | Mobley, Maude Emilye | Ph.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
The character of Tamburlaine (Student Work) | 1965 | Swaim, Argus | M.A. | English, UNCG |
A characteristic metabolic signature of breast cancer (Student Work) | 2012 | Zhao, Xueqing | M.S. | Nutrition, UNCG |
Characteristics and attitudes of freshman home economics students at the University of North... (Student Work) | 1973 | Rohlfs, Katherine Koklas | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Characteristics and coupling of cardiac and locomotor rhythms during treadmill walking tasks... (Student Work) | 2016 | Wittstein, Matthew W. | Ph.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Characteristics of coarse woody debris and its impact on urban streambed process and structu... (Student Work) | 2007 | Owusu-Adjei, Joseph | Master of Arts | Geography, UNCG |
Characteristics of leadership behaviors of successful high school principals in North Caroli... (Student Work) | 1992 | Reid, Tommy Parks | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Characterization and regulation of Wnt5a alternate promoters A and B (Student Work) | 2011 | Joyner-Powell, Nicole Buna | MS | Biology, UNCG |
Characterization of the biochemical activity of the open reading frame "YqiQ" of Bacillus su... (Student Work) | 2011 | Booth, William T. | MS | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Characterization of biosynthetic and catabolic pathways of Bacillus subtilis strain 168. (Student Work) | 2009 | Quattlebaum, Amy L. | MS | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Characterization of citB in the methylcitric acid cycle of Bacillus subtilis 168 ; and, char... (Student Work) | 2014 | Sirkisoon, Sherona R. | M.S. | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
The characterization of mmgE from Bacillus subtilis (Student Work) | 2012 | Hardesty, Grant Alan | M.S. | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Characterization of PksD and PksG in Bacillus subtilis (Student Work) | 2006 | Mukherjee, Sriparna | Master of Science | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Characterization of PksS in Bacillus subtilis (Student Work) | 2007 | Antolak, Stephanie Anne | Master of Science | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Characterization of Popular Culture Icons in LIFE and TIME Magazines (Student Work) | 2008 | Stanley, Marshica | MA | Sociology, UNCG |
Characterization of the role of myosin II during insulin-stimulated glucose uptake in 3T3-L1... (Student Work) | 2010 | Woody, Shelly | MS | Biology, UNCG |
The characterization of Theseus in Chaucer (Student Work) | 1964 | Dawson, Janice Faye | M.A. | English, UNCG |
Characterization, character, and moral judgment of the women in Middlemarch (Student Work) | 1989 | Heard, Betty Boyd | Ph.D. | English, UNCG |
Charity, Nevada (Student Work) | 2009 | Welden, Amelie | MFA | English, UNCG |
Charles Dickens' "The life of our Lord" as a primer for Christian education (Student Work) | 1995 | Hanna, Robert Conrad | Ph.D. | Education, UNCG |
Charles George Gordon : the evolution of a British hero (Student Work) | 1973 | Kozak, Bruce | M.A. | History, UNCG |
Charley's aunt in summer repertory (Student Work) | 1974 | Tucker, John Alan | M.F.A. | Drama and Speech, UNCG |
Charlotte Bronte's Villette : the confessional perspective (Student Work) | 1966 | Cochran, Janet P. | M.A. | English, UNCG |
Charter schools and equal access of students with disabilities subgroup : an analysis of web... (Student Work) | 2023 | Sanchez-Kirmse, Sarah E. | Ed.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Charter schools, a choice or necessity for disadvantaged Black students: examining perceptio... (Student Work) | 2015 | Helton Lewis, Tracey L. | Ed.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
"Chasing After Monsters with a Butterfly Net:" The Victorian Approach to Vampires in Stoker'... (Student Work) | 2008 | Helsabeck, Keith Hinkleman | MA | English, UNCG |
Chemical Composition and Anti-proliferative Activity of Several Medicinal Plants (Student Work) | 2008 | Rapuru, Siva Kumar | MS | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Chemical denaturation studies of two isozymes of aryl-B-glucosidasein neurospora (Student Work) | 1975 | Morton, Susan Rawles | M.A. | Biology, UNCG |
Cherishing as a model of education : a spiritual journey (Student Work) | 1993 | Ayers, Carole Annette | Ph.D. | Education, UNCG |
A chess game (Student Work) | 1977 | Church, Michael Stephen | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
Child anxiety : how does cognitive development influence the role of cognitive errors and em... (Student Work) | 2006 | Workman, Jamie Olson | Master of Arts | Psychology, UNCG |
Child care on the move : a modular mobile child care center (Student Work) | 1973 | Wall, Jean Griffith | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Child care paraprofessionals : characteristics for selection (Student Work) | 1971 | Mazyck, Harold Eugene | Ph. D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Child influence on dietary behaviors in low-income families (Student Work) | 2013 | Haroldson, Amber | Ph.D. | Nutrition, UNCG |
Child problem behavior and parent factors impacting parent engagement and children’s social ... (Student Work) | 2020 | Andrews, Emily K. | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
Childbirth education : a descriptive investigation (Student Work) | 1973 | Darnley, Frederick | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Childhood resilience of African American school leaders (Student Work) | 2014 | Hauser, Angella | Ed.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Childhood sexual abuse : an investigation of it's [sic] impact on children's coping, self-ef... (Student Work) | 1996 | Thompson, Lori Bast | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
Childrearing, gender, and well-being in cross-national context (Student Work) | 2017 | Hengstebeck, Natalie D. | Ph.D. | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Children at play (Student Work) | 2016 | Lewis, Chelsea S. | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
Children at risk : the need for preschool intervention programs for North Carolina's schools... (Student Work) | 1988 | Horne, Lisa Conrad | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Children in the apple tree (Student Work) | 1955 | Brandt, Carolyn Coker | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
Children in the storm (Student Work) | 2007 | Eisenbise, Travis | Master of Fine Arts | English, UNCG |
Children’s emergent beliefs about social rank and gender (Student Work) | 2023 | Yuly-Youngblood, Andrea C. | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
Children’s expressions of gratitude and their association with cultural values among Brazili... (Student Work) | 2017 | Avellar Merçon de Vargas, Elisa | Ph.D. | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Children’s expressions of gratitude and their relations with parental values and parenting: ... (Student Work) | 2017 | Liang, Yue | Ph.D. | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Children’s inferences about gender ambiguous people (Student Work) | 2019 | Yuly, Andrea C. | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
Children’s social-emotional behaviors in the classroom (Student Work) | 2018 | Kim, Sung-Ae | M.S. | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Children's learning and memorization experiences at home and at school : a survey of parents... (Student Work) | 1983 | Griffith, Saralyn B. | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Children's perceived quality of significant relationships and socioemotional adjustment (Student Work) | 1995 | Dorsch, Andrea Maria | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
Children's perceptions of ability, effort, and gender as determinants of success and failure... (Student Work) | 1984 | Lean, Ronald Keith | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Children's reasoning about sexual abuse reporting (Student Work) | 1989 | Tennant, Cheryl V. | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Children's reported investment of mental effort when viewing child and adult television prog... (Student Work) | 1988 | Bordeaux, Barbara R. | Ph.D. | Human Environmental Sciences, UNCG |
A children's theatre production of William Glennon's The adventures of Harlequin (Student Work) | 1975 | Leong, David Stuart | M.F.A. | Drama and Speech, UNCG |
Children's understanding of counterfactual emotions age differences, individual differences... (Student Work) | 2005 | Ferrell, Jennifer Marie | PhD | Psychology, UNCG |
Children's use of category labels in recall of conceptually related terms (Student Work) | 1978 | Monroe, Mary Elizabeth Kelly | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
A child's movement performance using Labanotation and referenced to the Laban framework : a ... (Student Work) | 1980 | Kisabeth, Kathryn Lucille | Ed.D. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
A child's personalized curriculum in physical education (Student Work) | 1977 | Craig, Beverly R. | M.Ed. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
Chinese and Western elements in contemporary Chinese composer Zhou Long’s works for solo pia... (Student Work) | 2014 | Jiao, Wei | D.M.A. | Music, UNCG |
Chinese Consumers: World Systems and World Cultural Analysis of Cultural Hybridity (Student Work) | 2012 | Roberts, Nathan | | Sociology, UNCG |
Chinese-Western hybrid music: an introduction and exploration through the lens of Tibet Tone... (Student Work) | 2019 | Deng, Wenyin | D.M.A. | School of Music, UNCG |
Chiropractic and conventional therapy for acute and chronic health conditions among Appalach... (Student Work) | 2013 | Weisz, Virginia K. | Ph.D. | Nursing, UNCG |
Chitin nanofiber alignment: optical and quantitative analysis (Student Work) | 2014 | Williams, Lee B. | Ph.D. | Nanoscience, UNCG |
Chloride requirement in photosystem II and anion effects in the S2' state of the oxygen evol... (Student Work) | 2006 | Qian, Hong | Master of Science | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Choice responding in infants and preschoolers : the effects of child control over stimulus p... (Student Work) | 1987 | Cushing, Phyllis Jean | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
Choosing voluntary simplicity as a lifestyle (Student Work) | 1994 | Nolen, Teris | Ph.D. | Human Environmental Sciences, UNCG |
Choral and general music teaching techniques used in eighteen North Carolina junior high sch... (Student Work) | 1967 | Younts, Betty Randall | M.A.Ed. | Education, UNCG |
The choral music of Francis Grier (Student Work) | 2006 | Hutchens, Robert Benjamin | DMA | Music, UNCG |
A choreographic experiment with mixed means for the purpose of communicating through the act... (Student Work) | 1973 | Gustafson, Sandra Elizabeth | Ed.D. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
The choreography and performance of religion: power and ritual within American Pentecostal w... (Student Work) | 2015 | Dove, Sarah Jeanette | M.A. | Dance, UNCG |
The choreography, production and notation of "The covetous sister" (Student Work) | 1951 | Falloon, Marian | M.F.A. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
The choreography, production and notation of a long dance entitled "A love dream" (Student Work) | 1951 | Gavett, Elizabeth Ree | M.F.A. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
Christ haunted (Student Work) | 2017 | Fulmer, Todd Andrew | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
The Christ of John Milton (Student Work) | 1967 | Fleming, Rosalyn R. | | English, UNCG |
Christological controversies in the East, 428 to 482 (Student Work) | 1963 | Browne, Millicent | | History, UNCG |
Chromosome studies of Xiphophorus helleri, Xiphophorus maculatus, and their hybrid (Student Work) | 1964 | Putnam, Celia Donaldson | | Biology, UNCG |
Chronic effects of fitness on the golf putt (Student Work) | 1992 | Piparo, Anthony John | Ph.D. | Health and Human Performance, UNCG |
Chronic low back pain and anger: influencing effect of rumination and gender. (Student Work) | 2010 | Quinlan-Colwell, Ann | Ph.D. | Nursing, UNCG |
Chronicling the heroic epistle in England : a study of its development and demise (Student Work) | 1991 | Kates, Carolyn J. | Ph.D. | English, UNCG |
Chu (Student Work) | 2018 | He, Xiaohe | M.M. | School of Music, UNCG |
Church control and family structure in a Moravian community of North Carolina, 1753-1857 (Student Work) | 1981 | Patterson, Jo-Ellen | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
A church-based intervention to promote physical activity in Black adolescent girls (Student Work) | 2010 | Thompson, Wanda M. | Ph.D. | Nursing, UNCG |
Can I go with you? : short stories (Student Work) | 1970 | Sedgwick, William Henry | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
A cinematographic analysis of the crouch start as performed by a woman sprinter (Student Work) | 1971 | Dix, Karen Ruth | M.S. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
A cinematographic analysis of the lacrosse cradle (Student Work) | 1969 | Rozzi, Louise Maria | M.S. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
A cinematographical analysis of a baseball batter's swing (Student Work) | 1972 | Smith, John Wesley | M.Ed. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
A cinematographical analysis of two selected methods of drawing the bow (Student Work) | 1973 | Reese, Carol | M.S. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
Circadian periodicities of selected social and motor behaviors in two-year-old children : an... (Student Work) | 1976 | Darnley, Frederick | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Circulant matrices on global data analysis (Student Work) | 2017 | Adaramola, Bukola O. | M.A. | Mathematics and Statistics, UNCG |
Citizen action education for a democratic community : a model for curriculum development (Student Work) | 1976 | Massey, Charles Edward | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
The City Skirts (Student Work) | 2007 | Duhig, Christina | Master of Fine Arts | English, UNCG |
The civil rights movement (Student Work) | 1987 | Sellers, Cleveland | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
The clarinet concerto of Ralph Hermann: recording, publication, and preservation (Student Work) | 2014 | Simmons, Leslie Ann | D.M.A. | Music, UNCG |
Clashing landscapes in Charles Chesnutt’s conjure tales AND Reading metamodern hope : Mohsin... (Student Work) | 2023 | Marzuk, Rene | M.A. | English, UNCG |
The classical and generalized Schoenflies theorems (Student Work) | 1977 | Heatherly, David Lee | M.A. | Mathematics, UNCG |
Classical Galois theory (Student Work) | 1972 | Mastin, Millicent Gay | M.A. | Mathematics, UNCG |
Classical myth as thematic image in King Lear and Antony and Cleopatra (Student Work) | 1952 | Ward, Freda Elizabeth | | English, UNCG |
Classical reaction time and anticipation reaction time in a simple visual reaction time task... (Student Work) | 1973 | Drouin, Denis | Ed.D. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
Classification consistency and results reporting of a digital-first computer-adaptive langua... (Student Work) | 2022 | Cardwell, Ramsey Lee | Ph.D. | Educational Research Methodology, UNCG |
A classification test for junior high school girls in physical education (Student Work) | 1965 | Bolton, Catherine Ann | M.S. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
Classroom climate and teacher questioning strategies : relationship to student cognitive dev... (Student Work) | 1990 | Beamon, Glenda Ward | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
A classroom of her own : hegemonic discursive disempowerment of the female progressive educa... (Student Work) | 2006 | Lee, Bonita Lara | PhD | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Classroom tasks and student ability effects on motivation goal orientation in early adolesce... (Student Work) | 1991 | Hooper, Mary-Louise Biasotti | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Classroom walk-through visits: a cultural reform effort (Student Work) | 2015 | Pickett, Natalie Stanfield | Ed.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Clay (Student Work) | 1975 | Hawkins, Robert Milton | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
Clay folks (Student Work) | 1975 | Batountis, Nicholas Emanuel | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
Clay wraps : containers (Student Work) | 1977 | Seville, Jane Marilyn | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
Clever beasts (Student Work) | 2013 | Adams, Christine Grace | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
The cliff (Student Work) | 1977 | McWaters, Mark Thomas | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
Clinical Efficacy of Nurse Based in Monitoring When Using Warfarin in the Long-Term Care Set... (Student Work) | 2023 | Stukes, Karen | DNP | Nursing, UNCG |
Clinical Experience’s Role in Professional Socialization as Perceived by Entry-Level Athleti... (Student Work) | 2005 | Stevens, Susan Welch | Ed.D | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Clinician Survey of the Lee Silverman Voice Treatment for Voice and Speech Disorders Resulti... (Student Work) | 2015 | Vickrey, Lauren K | B.S. | Communication Sciences and Disorders, UNCG |
Cloning & Cellular Characterization of Myosin II Heavy Chain Kinase D from Dictyostelium dis... (Student Work) | 2008 | Russell, Travis R. | MS | Biology, UNCG |
Cloning and in vitro characterization of a novel ribosomal frameshifting site in the HIV-1 g... (Student Work) | 2011 | Patil, Rohini | MS | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Cloning and purification of the two component system GraSR involved in glycopeptide antibiot... (Student Work) | 2011 | Onyemachi, Jeremiah | MS | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
A closer look at instructional coaching: lessons from two schools' successful implementation... (Student Work) | 2016 | Hall, Melissa Jill | Ed.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
A closer look at the role of BDNF as a causal link in the physical activity cognition relati... (Student Work) | 2015 | Piepmeier, Aaron T. | Ph.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Closing the Revolving Door: Enhanced Orientation and Mentoring of New Nurses to Decrease Tur... (Student Work) | 2023 | Nwizu, Dorothy C. | DNP | Nursing, UNCG |
Clothing and social interaction of four-year old children (Student Work) | 1967 | Stiles, Lynora Parks | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Clothing gift expenditures : the influence of gender, ethnicity, and age (Student Work) | 2007 | Cho, Sooeun | Master of Science | Consumer, Apparel, and Retail Studies, UNCG |
The clothing needs of women over sixty-five years of age (Student Work) | 1964 | Massey, Frances Wilson | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Clusters of borderline personality disorder traits and functional life outcomes (Student Work) | 2023 | Sneesby, Melina K. | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
Can Magnet School Performance and Student Body Family Income Be Predicted for Neighborhood R... (Student Work) | 2008 | Bennett, Kelly B. | MA | Geography, UNCG |
The co-construction of social development : a longitudinal study of the relations among soci... (Student Work) | 1996 | Hogan, Diane M. | Ph.D. | Human Environmental Sciences, UNCG |
Co-occurring, externalizing, and internalizing symptoms in early childhood: child and contex... (Student Work) | 2009 | Stone, Caitlin Elizabeth | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
Co-opting meritocracy : deconstructing the role agency plays in dismantling affirmative acti... (Student Work) | 2024 | Thiha, Myo | M.A. | English, UNCG |
Co-resident grandparents and children’s early cognitive development (Student Work) | 2015 | Vadehra, Pooja | Ph.D. | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Co-teaching training and paired placements in physical education teacher education field exp... (Student Work) | 2021 | Mullican, Jeanne L. | Ed.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Co-translational genetic switching during protein synthesis: the HIV-1 Nef gene as a paradig... (Student Work) | 2016 | Premadasa, Lakmini | Ph.D. | Nanoscience and Nanoengineering, UNCG |
Coach perceptions of psychological characteristics and behaviors of male and female athletes... (Student Work) | 1995 | Tuffey, Suzanne L. | Ph.D. | Health and Human Performance, UNCG |
Coach readiness : strength and conditioning competencies developed through field experiences... (Student Work) | 2023 | Clark, Darnell K. | Ed.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
A coaching self model : experiences of self among college basketball coaches (Student Work) | 2006 | Harris, Sarah Ballinger | Master of Science | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Coaching while coaching: the functional relationship of elbow coaching on cooperating teache... (Student Work) | 2017 | Jones, Jennifer Leigh | Ph.D. | Specialized Education Services, UNCG |
Coal ash derived sulfur and mercury in the Dan River invertebrate food web (Student Work) | 2017 | Corson, Kimber B. | M.S. | Biology, UNCG |
The coalescing contribution of caregiver and diverse peer ethnic-racial socialization messag... (Student Work) | 2024 | Chan, Michele | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
Coastal progress: eastern North Carolina's war on poverty, 1963-1972 (Student Work) | 2012 | Hawkins, Karen Medlin | Ph.D. | History, UNCG |
The code of silence : the impact of culture on reporting acts of sexual victimization for Bl... (Student Work) | 2021 | Kluttz-Leach, Camille | Ph.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Code-switching among music educators: an exploratory study (Student Work) | 2018 | Dillon, Mark A. | Ph.D. | School of Music, UNCG |
Coder agreement on content analysis of interaction of preschool children (Student Work) | 1963 | Deal, Therry Nash | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
The coeducational transition of the Woman's College of the University of North Carolina : a ... (Student Work) | 1987 | Gallien, Louis B. | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Coexisting leadership? the emergence of communal leadership amidst hierarchy (Student Work) | 2013 | Madrigal, Kimberly B. | Ph.D. | Educational Studies, UNCG |
Cognition in kindergarten : the role of children’s metamemory and teachers’ instructional la... (Student Work) | 2022 | Westover, Amber E. | M.S. | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Cognitive and behavioral-emotional functioning during the early school-age years for preterm... (Student Work) | 1996 | Richtsmeier, Lynda M. | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
Cognitive and emotional constructs and their relation to empathy in young children (Student Work) | 2005 | Hinnant, James Benjamin | Master of Science | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Cognitive complexity and selected aspects of leaders' self-reported cognitions (Student Work) | 1991 | Wooten, Herbert Ray | Ph.D. | Education, UNCG |
Cognitive control and affect before and after physical activity in a real-world environment ... (Student Work) | 2021 | Meadows, Caroline C. | Ph.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Cognitive level and attitudes of global understanding in undergraduate students : effects of... (Student Work) | 1982 | Woollen, John Roberson | Ed.D. | Music, UNCG |
Cognitive level and attitudes toward science in prospective elementary school teachers : eff... (Student Work) | 1979 | Nolan, Francis Xavier | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Cognitive processes in depression : the effects of content and presentation variables on org... (Student Work) | 1985 | Badawi, Isis Y. | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
Cognitive restructuring and verbal extinction effects in treating snake phobia (Student Work) | 1974 | Wein, Kenneth Stuart | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
Cognitive therapy of depression : a conceptual and empirical analysis of component and proce... (Student Work) | 1984 | Zettle, Robert D. | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
Cognitive, emotional and behavioral experiences of second-generation millennial Muslim Ameri... (Student Work) | 2023 | Hussein, Aalih | Ph.D. | Joint Program in Social Work, UNCG |
A cognitive-mediated model of child social anxiety and depression: examining children's rela... (Student Work) | 2009 | Workman, Jamie Olson | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
Cohort work values of employed men and women (Student Work) | 1987 | Norman, Kathryn Heath | Ph.D. | Human Environmental Sciences, UNCG |
Coil-built ceramic landscape (Student Work) | 1975 | Reed, Karen Allen | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
Coincidence-anticipation tasks utilizing selected speeds, directions, and fielding sides in ... (Student Work) | 1977 | Toburen, Karen Ruth | Ed.D. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
The coincidental evolution hypothesis: examining the factors that affect virulence in an opp... (Student Work) | 2021 | Hopkins, Heather A. | M.S. | Biology, UNCG |
Cold Glitter (Student Work) | 2007 | Merenda, Monica L. | Master of Fine Arts | English, UNCG |
Coleman Livingston Blease, South Carolina politician (Student Work) | 1971 | Miller, Anthony Barry | M.A. | History, UNCG |
Collaborative authoring and the virtual problem of context in writing courses (Student Work) | 2012 | Benson, Alan | Ph.D. | English, UNCG |
The Collaborative Professional Learning Cycle (CPLC): implementing a voice and choice approa... (Student Work) | 2019 | Lupton, Tina M. | Ed.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
A collection of original work (Student Work) | 1963 | Daughtridge, Anne E. | | English, UNCG |
Collective bargaining for public school teachers in North Carolina : a study of major negoti... (Student Work) | 1976 | Sinclair, Joseph R. | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Collective memory : microlevel study of family memory and family photographs on the individu... (Student Work) | 2022 | Blake-Lee, Haley | M.A. | Sociology, UNCG |
Collectives and countercollectives: how the rhetoric of mass media persuades citizens in war... (Student Work) | 2020 | Reed, Stacy | Ph.D. | English, UNCG |
College and career readiness and its impact on the lives of minoritized secondary school stu... (Student Work) | 2024 | Preudhomme, Patrick A. | Ph.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
College career planning and employment professionals : a profile and comparison of their per... (Student Work) | 1990 | Smith, Linda Dease | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
College females' decisions to stay or leave an abusive relationship: a test of the investmen... (Student Work) | 2011 | Collins, Logan | MA | Psychology, UNCG |
College student alcohol use and abuse: social norms, health beliefs, and selected socio-demo... (Student Work) | 2012 | Champion, Denisha Antoinette | Ph.D. | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
College students with AD/HD: risk for alcohol-related consequences and impairment (Student Work) | 2013 | Benson, Jessica W. | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
College-going beliefs of prospective first-generation college students : perceived barriers,... (Student Work) | 2005 | Gibbons, Melinda Miller | PhD | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
Collegiate consumers of physical education (Student Work) | 1986 | Metzger, Rhoda | Ed.D. | Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, UNCG |
Color and space in the still life (Student Work) | 1977 | Eldridge, Janita Hayworth | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
Color preference for black and white in infants and young children (Student Work) | 1977 | May, Betty Jo Whitten | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Color systems (Student Work) | 1974 | O'Connor, Francis William | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
The colored people (Student Work) | 1974 | Tillotson, Robert Mark | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
Colorism and perceived sexual risk taking among African American adolescent girls: where doe... (Student Work) | 2010 | Smith, Tasia M. | M.S. | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Columbia at sea: America enters the Pacific, 1787-1793 (Student Work) | 2017 | Oakley, Eric Odell | Ph.D. | History, UNCG |
Combinations and variations of related forms (Student Work) | 1972 | Prokop, Clifton Andrew | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
Combinations of lines, planes, and forms that generate eye movement (Student Work) | 1968 | Cox, Ralph James | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
Combinatorial Game Theory (Student Work) | 2010 | Stajsic, Davorin | MS | Mathematics and Statistics, UNCG |
Coming to grips with the achievement divide and the distribution of effective teachers (Student Work) | 2006 | Hester, Lela Streeter | EdD | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
A commentary on thirteen paintings (Student Work) | 1954 | Click, Margaret | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
“Commingled souvenirs and prophecies”: the hybrid reality of Stevens’s Aesthetic Ecology of ... (Student Work) | 2015 | Lowry, William R. | M.A. | English, UNCG |
Common Ground: Promoting Communication and Fostering Trust Among Israeli Arabs and Jews Thro... (Student Work) | 2008 | Archer-Capuzzo, Sonia | DMA | Library and Information Science, UNCG |
Common threads : the meaning of needlework to ordinary women (Student Work) | 1996 | Daniels, Glennie Overman | Ph.D. | Human Environmental Sciences, UNCG |
Communicating with the spirit (Student Work) | 2016 | Brown, Inga Kimberly | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
Communication Skills of Young Children Implanted Prior to Four Years of Age Compared to Typi... (Student Work) | 2010 | Losh, Judith Anne Lakawicz | Ph.D. | Specialized Education Services, UNCG |
The Communist debate: Socialism as a political discourse in the Harlem Renaissance (Student Work) | 2015 | Canada, Fred | Bachelor of Arts | English, UNCG |
Community college educational technology : its control, allocation, purchase and utilization... (Student Work) | 1992 | Randall, William David | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Community college physical education faculty perspectives about teaching students with physi... (Student Work) | 2020 | Steele, Richard L. | Ed.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Community college students’ perception of physical literacy during a wellness and activity c... (Student Work) | 2022 | Wiederrecht, David E. | Ed.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Community Day (Student Work) | 2008 | Spivak, Peter G. | MFA | Studio Art, UNCG |
Community members’ narratives in collective impact models (Student Work) | 2021 | Gorton, Brigid Belko | Ph.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Community recreation’s role in pre-adolescent girls’ participation and retention in youth sp... (Student Work) | 2019 | Middleton, Willette T. | Ph.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Community violence and resilience : community stakeholder perspectives on fostering resilien... (Student Work) | 2022 | Walker, Indya A. | M.S. | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Community-based initiatives for promoting school readiness: the story of celebrate liberty's... (Student Work) | 2010 | Austin, Heidi Elizabeth | Ed.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
A community-based participatory research approach to implementing a farmers' market targetin... (Student Work) | 2014 | Ball, Kristin Lanae | Ph.D. | Nutrition, UNCG |
Commuting, gender, and military service: three essays in applied microeconomics (Student Work) | 2016 | Kimbrough, James Gray | Ph.D. | Economics, UNCG |
A compactness preserving topology for products sets (Student Work) | 1975 | Howe, Thomas Lavern | M.A. | Mathematics, UNCG |
The company they keep: how social networks influence male sexual aggression (Student Work) | 2011 | Swartout, Kevin Michael | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
The comparability of masculine and feminine gender schemas for male and female college stude... (Student Work) | 1984 | Morris, James Thomas | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
A comparative analysis of funding formulas applied to the North Carolina Community College S... (Student Work) | 1994 | Cuthbertson, Lloyd William | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
A comparative analysis of intonational patterns in Ana Maria Matute and Juan Goytisolo : a s... (Student Work) | 1973 | McLeod, Donald Virgil | M.A. | Romance Languages-French, UNCG |
A comparative analysis of marital role expectations of paired husbands and wives seeking cou... (Student Work) | 1972 | Anderson, Eugene David | Ph. D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
A comparative analysis of melodic and rhythmic music reading skills of percussion and wind i... (Student Work) | 1992 | Wheeler, Mark Roy | Ed.D. | Music, UNCG |
A comparative analysis of needs and attitudes of home economics teachers in North Carolina w... (Student Work) | 1984 | Tharpe, Frances R. | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
A comparative analysis of the performance interview in graduate instruction (Student Work) | 1972 | Atkins, Sally Ann Smith | Ed. D. | Education, UNCG |
A comparative analysis of the philosophies of John Dewey and the new British infant school (Student Work) | 1975 | Sasser, Martha Sue | M.A.Ed. | Education, UNCG |
Comparative analysis of the religious orientation and spiritual and character development of... (Student Work) | 2009 | Schultz, Donald Glen | Ed.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Comparative effects of exercise reduction and relaxation training on type A behavior and dys... (Student Work) | 1990 | DeVaney, Susan B. | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Comparative growth rates in wild types and carotenoid mutants of Sporobolomyces salmonicolor... (Student Work) | 1960 | Yundt, Joanne | | Biology, UNCG |
Comparative interpretations of religious symbolism in the design on a textile dated 1680 (Student Work) | 1970 | Gibson, Fay York | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
A comparative investigation of young children's recall memory proficiency in naturalistic an... (Student Work) | 1986 | Nida, Robert Eugene | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
A comparative ranking of the severity of five ASTM abrasion test methods using nine polyeste... (Student Work) | 1983 | Clapp, Anne C. | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Comparative records of college students before and after marriage (Student Work) | 1960 | Corriher, Edith Beard | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
A comparative study involving the administration of computer- managed instruction in a remed... (Student Work) | 1989 | Kestner, Michael Kie | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
A comparative study involving two approaches to documenting computer software for mathematic... (Student Work) | 1994 | Blood, Talmon Clifton | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
A comparative study of the attitudes of mother-father pairs to child-rearing practices in 19... (Student Work) | 1970 | Herring, Carol Ann | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
A comparative study of body sway in the anterior-posterior plane with reference to external ... (Student Work) | 1965 | Swim, Carol Lee | M.S. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
A comparative study of Brenda Ueland's autobiography ME (Brenda Ueland) to the song cycle ME... (Student Work) | 2010 | Pace, Nikita Shah | D.M.A. | Music, UNCG |
A comparative study of a checkmark grading system and a traditional grading system in busine... (Student Work) | 1979 | Weavil, Linda Thompson | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
A comparative study of competencies attained by students who have received instruction in co... (Student Work) | 1982 | Stokes, Nancy Armes | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
A comparative study of the feminine role concept of undergraduate and graduate women majorin... (Student Work) | 1971 | Beck, Bonnie Ann | M.S. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
A comparative study of life in first grade classrooms of 1:14 and 1:23 teacher/pupil ratios (Student Work) | 1995 | Kiser-Kling, Karen A. | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
A comparative study of marriage and family perceptions and attitudes of professional student... (Student Work) | 1971 | Sakran, Ghazi Farah | Ph. D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
A comparative study of the means of communication toddlers use at home and in the group sett... (Student Work) | 1969 | Johnson, Sherrie McGrady | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
A comparative study of nurse role-conceptions held by nursing faculty and nursing service pe... (Student Work) | 1977 | McNeal, Linda Jean | M.S.N. | Nursing, UNCG |
A comparative study of perceived leadership behavior of selected North Carolina high school ... (Student Work) | 1988 | Spatkowski, Theodore Joseph | Ed.D. | Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, UNCG |
A Comparative Study of the Perceptions of German POWs in North Carolina (Student Work) | 2010 | Haga, Sonia | BA | History, UNCG |
A comparative study of price and construction of trade name dresses in three determined pric... (Student Work) | 1948 | Matthews, Edith Webber | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
A comparative study of the songs of William Denis Browne (Student Work) | 2018 | Burns, Kelly Wilson | D.M.A. | School of Music, UNCG |
A comparative study of text settings of Josephine Lang’s Nikolaus Lenau Lieder to the settin... (Student Work) | 2021 | Lacher, Meagan B. | D.M.A. | School of Music, UNCG |
A comparative study of workstation partitions in an existing side-lit open plan office with ... (Student Work) | 2016 | Modaresnezhad, Malak | M.S. | Interior Architecture, UNCG |
Comparative thermal properties of aryl-B-Glucosidase isozymes in Neurospora crassa (Student Work) | 1975 | Hartis, Eileen Harley | M.A. | Biology, UNCG |
Comparing growth and morphological characteristics of North Carolina Longleaf Pine stands (Student Work) | 2013 | Patterson, Thomas William | M.A. | Geography, UNCG |
Comparing the Marital Problems of Spouses Who Met Online vs. Offline (Student Work) | 2021 | Lamb, Krystal I. | B.S. | Psychology, UNCG |
Comparing perceptions of school principal effectiveness in the Kingdom of Bahrain with the U... (Student Work) | 2015 | Albureshaid, Fuad Abdulrahman | Ed.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Comparing three multilevel frameworks for the detection of differential item functioning (Student Work) | 2019 | Patton, Elizabeth Adele | Ph.D. | Educational Research Methodology, UNCG |
Comparing two appraisal models of interest (Student Work) | 2006 | Turner, Samuel Ashby | Master of Art | Psychology, UNCG |
A comparison between recommendations and practices in interscholastic athletics for junior h... (Student Work) | 1967 | Burton, William Wyeburg | M.A.Ed. | Education, UNCG |
Comparison of achievement in typewriting and interest as measured by an occupational interes... (Student Work) | 1947 | Barksdale, Anne | M.S. | Business Education, UNCG |
A comparison of African-American athletes' nurturing experiences at historically black and h... (Student Work) | 2009 | Martin, Gerald M. | EdD | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Comparison of anthropometric measurements of oriental and caucasian females for sizing syste... (Student Work) | 1984 | Hu, Kap-Sum | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
A comparison of attitude change toward physical education in classes taught with different e... (Student Work) | 1970 | Nugent, Jane Elizabeth | M.S. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
A comparison of attitudes about child-rearing in middle- and lower-class families (Student Work) | 1971 | Mitchell, Marion Hawkins | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
The comparison of attitudes of black and white high school students toward physical educatio... (Student Work) | 1977 | Tucker, Marilyn Que | M.S.P.E. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
A comparison of attitudes toward the Negro as pictured in the Raleigh News and Observer in t... (Student Work) | 1972 | Massey, Charles Edward | M.A. | Education, UNCG |
A comparison of attitudes toward physical education among ninth grade students in four schoo... (Student Work) | 1975 | Settle, Leah Watts | M.S.P.E. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
A comparison of baked custards made with sweet acidophilus lowfat milk and other lowfat milk... (Student Work) | 1977 | Debnam, Janet Faye | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
A comparison of career maturity and personality preferences between Mexican-American and Ang... (Student Work) | 1995 | Lundberg, David John | Ph.D. | Education, UNCG |
A comparison of certain characteristics of students taking a high school family living cours... (Student Work) | 1961 | Tripp, Hazel Garris | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
A comparison of classification issues across teacher effectiveness measures (Student Work) | 2014 | Brasfield, Jon | Ph.D. | Educational Research, Measurement, and Evaluation, UNCG |
A comparison of counselor attention, counselor attention plus modeling, and supervised study... (Student Work) | 1978 | Bray, Margaret R. Crouse | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
A comparison of the cytogenetic, clinical, and immunologic aspects of four "chromosome break... (Student Work) | 1977 | Adams, Nancy J | M.A. | Biology, UNCG |
A comparison of the diet of a selected group of grade children living in a boarding school w... (Student Work) | 1947 | Powell, Mary Raymond | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
A comparison of the difference among selected sit-ups with regard to strength (Student Work) | 1964 | Crowe, Patricia Barbara | M.S. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
A comparison of drive, cognitive-attentional, and cybernetic models of test anxiety and soci... (Student Work) | 1983 | Beck, Hall P. | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
A comparison of the effect of body build on selected tests of arm strength among college wom... (Student Work) | 1972 | Connolly, Maureen Lucille | M.S. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
A comparison of the effect of ordered and scrambled sequential techniques in programmed tenn... (Student Work) | 1968 | Mariello, Frances | M.S. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
A comparison of the effectiveness of computer-assisted instruction using microcomputers and ... (Student Work) | 1988 | Tilidetzke, Robert James | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
A comparison of the effectiveness of teaching volleyball through the "fingertip" method and ... (Student Work) | 1967 | Romero, Margaret | M.S. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
A comparison of the effectiveness of three commonly used scoring methods for prioritizing ar... (Student Work) | 1994 | Penta, Mary Q. | Ph.D. | Education, UNCG |
A comparison of the effectiveness of three teaching methods based on rote learning, improvis... (Student Work) | 1993 | Lorenz, Kevin | Ph.D. | Music, UNCG |
A comparison of the effectiveness of two methods of teaching a four-week unit on selected mo... (Student Work) | 1965 | Gravlee, Gayle | M.S. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
The comparison of the effects of lifestyle activity and structured cardiovascular exercise o... (Student Work) | 2008 | Swearingin, Brenda | PhD | Kinesiology, UNCG |
A comparison of the effects of mental and physical practice upon abdominal strength in high ... (Student Work) | 1967 | Rodriguez, Gloria Jean | M.S. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
A comparison of the effects of reinforcing accuracy and on-task responses in a programmed re... (Student Work) | 1974 | Deaton, Fran Kirksey | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
A comparison of the effects of two methods of teaching high school physics on understanding ... (Student Work) | 1969 | Eason, Clifton Wayne | M.A.Ed. | Education, UNCG |
Comparison of the efficiency of four styles of breast stroke (Student Work) | 1965 | Zeh, Brenda Sue | M.S. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
Comparison of estimations versus measured resting oxygen consumption in patients with heart ... (Student Work) | 2014 | Chase, Paul J. | Ph.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
A comparison of expected and observed piano skills required of public school music teachers ... (Student Work) | 1977 | Case, Trelles Glenn | Ed.D. | Music, UNCG |
Comparison of the fit of dresses constructed by the traditional method from basic fitting pa... (Student Work) | 1975 | Clark, Peyton Hudson | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Comparison of general diagnostic classification model for multiple-choice and dichotomous di... (Student Work) | 2018 | Fu, Yanyan | Ph.D. | Educational Research Methodology, UNCG |
A comparison of graduated exposure, training in verbal coping skills : and a combination of ... (Student Work) | 1978 | Sheslow, David V. | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
A comparison of the heroism of Antigone in the plays of Sophocles, Jean Cocteau, and Jean An... (Student Work) | 1956 | Harrill, Nancy | | Romance Languages, UNCG |
A comparison of individuals and dyads in attaining relational concepts (Student Work) | 1971 | Licht, Norman Charles | Ed. D. | Education, UNCG |
A comparison of the intercultural sensitivity levels of high school principals and their stu... (Student Work) | 1996 | Penland, Thomas James | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
A comparison of the interest, importance, and psychological aspects of clothing between a gr... (Student Work) | 1969 | Bissell, Lucille Mildred | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
A comparison of interpolation methods for estimating mountaintop removal (Student Work) | 2014 | Hurst, Pamela J. | M.A. | Geography, UNCG |
A comparison of job performance ratings obtained with mixed and unmixed standard scales (Student Work) | 1974 | Moyer, Stephen Michael | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
A comparison of kernel equating and IRT true score equating methods (Student Work) | 2007 | Godfrey, Kelly Elizabeth | PhD | Educational Research Methodology, UNCG |
A comparison of knee muscle activation and knee joint stiffness between female dancers and b... (Student Work) | 2007 | Ambegaonkar, Jatin P | PhD | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Comparison of male and female college students' interpretations of physical characteristics,... (Student Work) | 1971 | Baldwin, Joyce Anne | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
A comparison of measures of community college effectiveness in satisfying students' academic... (Student Work) | 1995 | Flake, Judy B. | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
A comparison of medical care between athletic trainers and first responders at North Carolin... (Student Work) | 2020 | Edkins, Susan C. | Ed.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
A comparison of modeling, instructions and feedback in the development of three social respo... (Student Work) | 1974 | Gibson, Frank Wilson | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
A Comparison of the Motivations and Learning Strategies Employed by Adult Learners in Indust... (Student Work) | 2007 | Nicholson, Henry John | PhD | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
Comparison of motor ability, new motor skill learning, and adjustment to a rearranged visual... (Student Work) | 1959 | Hoepner, Barbara Jane | M.S. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
A comparison of motor creativity with verbal creativity and figural creativity of Black cult... (Student Work) | 1971 | Alston, Dorothy Jean | Ed. D. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
A comparison of multiple regression computer programs and their usefulness in analysis of va... (Student Work) | 1977 | Mills, Douglas Lane | M.A. | Mathematics, UNCG |
Comparison of neuromuscular control strategies between collegiate female dancers and athlete... (Student Work) | 2014 | Pye, Michele Lynett | Ph.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
A comparison of observed score approaches to detecting differential item functioning among m... (Student Work) | 2018 | Rollins, Jonathan Darrell | Ph.D. | Educational Research Methodology, UNCG |
A comparison of parameter estimation algorithms for estimating a polytomous log-linear cogni... (Student Work) | 2019 | Strachan, Tyler Jeffrey | Ph.D. | Education Research Methodology, UNCG |
A comparison of parental attitudes toward competition in youth sports in relation to the sex... (Student Work) | 1979 | Phillips, James H. | Ed.D. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
A comparison of personality profiles of employees in selected job classification in a textil... (Student Work) | 1971 | McKinney, David Wayne | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
A comparison of personality variables of college women physical education majors who were su... (Student Work) | 1959 | Rogers, Kitty Elaine | M.S. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
A comparison of physical education in Germany and America from the years 1860-1930 (Student Work) | 1963 | Wertz, Delores Jean | M.S. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
A comparison of postsecondary academic success of traditional high school graduates and GED ... (Student Work) | 1992 | Shepherd, Johnny Bruce | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Comparison of Problem Based Learning and Traditional Lecture Instruction on Critical Thinkin... (Student Work) | 2008 | Sanderson, Heather L. | EdD | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Comparison of the professionalization of nursing in Canton, Hong Kong, and Macao (Student Work) | 1983 | Tabor, Ellen D. | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
A comparison of PTSD and subthreshold PTSD symptom network structures (Student Work) | 2018 | Gay, Natalie G. | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
A comparison of the qualities of dacron and cotton blends used in shirtings with all-cotton ... (Student Work) | 1955 | Hawkins, Janet B. | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
A comparison of reinforcement and model-reinforcement techniques in influencing verbal parti... (Student Work) | 1973 | Cain, William Henry | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Comparison of responses of basketball coaches and players to situation - response survey (Student Work) | 1982 | Hodges, Carolyn Virginia | Ed.D. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
A comparison of the Rokeach and values clarification methods of values change (Student Work) | 1975 | Medford, Bobby Lee | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
A comparison of scholastic achievements of married and unmarried high school students (Student Work) | 1959 | Garner, Kate Baucom | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
A comparison of selected personality traits of college women who participate in varsity team... (Student Work) | 1971 | Wilson, Verna Jean | M.S. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
A comparison of selected student outcomes in community college associate degree nursing prog... (Student Work) | 1993 | Banks, Teressa W. | Ph.D. | Education, UNCG |
A comparison of single- and multi-band attention models by use of short duration noise pulse... (Student Work) | 1974 | Harris, Stephen Robert | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
A comparison of small subunit 16S ribosomal DNA recombinant plasmid clone libraries from Hi... (Student Work) | 2006 | Cook, Larry N. | Master of Science | Biology, UNCG |
A comparison of the soiling behavior of dacron-and-cotton fabrics with those of similarly co... (Student Work) | 1958 | Buchanan, Frances Barnett | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Comparison of space and facilities in mobile homes and public housing by selected recommende... (Student Work) | 1969 | Pittman, Audrey Laverne | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
A comparison of staff development methods for training school-based assessment committees in... (Student Work) | 1980 | Smith, Sarah Cooke | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
A comparison of statewide public higher education agencies (Student Work) | 1985 | Lancaster, James M. | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Comparison of subjective evaluation and objective laboratory measurement of the property of ... (Student Work) | 1973 | Jarrelle, Audrey Lee | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
A comparison of teacher response to the preacademic and problem behavior of boys and girls (Student Work) | 1974 | Wolfe, Donna Helen | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
A comparison of three methods of career planning for liberal arts majors (Student Work) | 1984 | Pickering, James Worth | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
A comparison of three strategies and teacher influence on beginning reading skill achievemen... (Student Work) | 1977 | Slatton, Thomas D. | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Comparison of three treatments for stress reduction (Student Work) | 1990 | Moore, Nil Alptekin | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
A comparison of traditional test blueprinting and item development to assessment engineering... (Student Work) | 2010 | Masters, James S. | Ph.D. | Educational Research Methodology, UNCG |
A comparison of traditional test blueprinting to assessment engineering in a large scale ass... (Student Work) | 2016 | Thomas, Cheryl A. | Ph.D. | Educational Research Methodology, UNCG |
A comparison of trained and untrained caregivers' behaviors with varied infant-adult ratios (Student Work) | 1980 | Hartman, Linda McCall | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Comparison of two methods of improving speed in the 100 yard dash (Student Work) | 1969 | Buck, Gilbert Rex | M.Ed. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
A comparison of two methods of teaching beginning golf : expository versus guided discovery (Student Work) | 1970 | Ward, Dianne Stanton | M.S. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
A comparison of two nutrition education programs for weight control (Student Work) | 1983 | Tyndall, Elizabeth Ann Quinn | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
A comparison of two training procedures for maintaining inter-rater reliability (Student Work) | 1974 | Wildman, Beth Goldstein | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
A comparison of the utility of five methods of time sampling (Student Work) | 1976 | Swetlow, Linda Katherine | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
A comparison of the utilization of language arts instructional time for teachers with aides ... (Student Work) | 1981 | Kasias, Lou Ann Wilson | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
A comparison of values of high school seniors enrolled in a public high school, a Roman Cath... (Student Work) | 1964 | Rudisill, Betty Shealy | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Comparison of the vocabularies of the Gregg shorthand dictionary and Horn-Peterson's basic v... (Student Work) | 1945 | Cobb, Daisy Elizabeth | M.S. | Business Education, UNCG |
A comparison of wear and cost of selected wood floor finishes (Student Work) | 1967 | Spencer, Virginia Ann | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
A comparison of the weight loss, tenderness, and nutrient retention of selected meat product... (Student Work) | 1974 | McMullen, Elsa Aileen | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
A comparison study of superabsorbent polymer with microwave - assisted polymerization and fr... (Student Work) | 2018 | Azad, Michael M. | Ph.D. | Joint School of Nanoscience and Nanoengineering, UNCG |
Comparisons and relationships of selected measures of self-concept in primary age children (Student Work) | 1975 | Snodgrass, Jeanne Ellen | Ed.D. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
Comparisons of decision-making styles of Florida community and junior college department cha... (Student Work) | 1985 | Parke, Janet E. | Ed.D. | Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, UNCG |
Comparisons of procedures for modifying question-asking behavior of mildly retarded children... (Student Work) | 1973 | Bondy, Andrew S. | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
Comparisons of subscoring methods in computerized adaptive testing: a simulation study (Student Work) | 2015 | Liu, Fu | Ph.D. | Educational Research Methodology, UNCG |
Compensatory plasticity vs. synaptic scaling; not always one in the same (Student Work) | 2021 | Zubov, Tanya | M.S. | Biology, UNCG |
Competing for the reader : the writer/editor relationship in nineteenth-century American lit... (Student Work) | 2005 | Hanrahan, Heidi M. | PhD | English, UNCG |
Competitive threat : rural traditional public school leaders’ understanding and preparedness... (Student Work) | 2024 | Hunt, Randal L. | Ed.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Complementary and similarity encoding : developmental trends and the relationship to adult r... (Student Work) | 1975 | Greenberg, Mary Katherine | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
A complex features account of the occasion setting effect (Student Work) | 1995 | Wine, Jennifer Ann Sharp | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
The complexity of late medication errors (Student Work) | 2022 | Estes, Carey J. | Ph.D. | Nursing, UNCG |
Complicated submissions : sati and subversion in three women’s novels of the Raj AND Appledo... (Student Work) | 2022 | Hawley, Celia Legband | M.A. | English, UNCG |
Composing a “concept album” in the classical tradition: using elements of progressive rock i... (Student Work) | 2019 | Ward, John Isaac | M.M. | School of Music, UNCG |
Composing for video games (Student Work) | 2024 | Cooper-Volkheimer, Graeme Alexander | M.M. | School of Music, UNCG |
Composing music more accessible to the hearing-impaired (Student Work) | 2009 | Johnson, Matthew S. | M.M. | Music, UNCG |
Composing Passionate Selves: Using Service-learning to Move Students from a Place of Conflic... (Student Work) | 2007 | Jackson, Michelle Antonitte | PhD | English, UNCG |
Composite of consciousness (Student Work) | 2017 | Gordon, Kathryn C. | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
Compositional features in Wei Dai's music (Student Work) | 2014 | Dai, Wei | M.M. | Music, UNCG |
Comprehension monitoring skills of reading-disabled/learning-disabled students and normally-... (Student Work) | 1991 | Schedler, Jean Fryer | Ph.D. | Human Environmental Sciences, UNCG |
A comprehensive examination of the perception of students of color of their ninth-grade acad... (Student Work) | 2012 | Barnes, Jimmy Ako | Ed.D | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
A comprehensive review of sport psychology doctoral dissertations completed between 1966 and... (Student Work) | 1988 | Selby, Martha Jane | Ed.D. | Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, UNCG |
Compressional resilience of selected carpeting (Student Work) | 1969 | Kline, Mary Jane Britton | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Computational aspects of Bianchi modular forms (Student Work) | 2023 | Thalagoda, Kalani | Ph.D. | Mathematics and Statistics, UNCG |
Computational modeling of small non-coding RNA intramolecular structures and the determinati... (Student Work) | 2018 | Boyd, Patricia Shaqirah | M.S. | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Computational study of RTI - 371, a positive allosteric modulator of the cannabinoid CB1 rec... (Student Work) | 2011 | Foster, Michael D. | MS | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Computing Galois groups of Eisenstein polynomials over p-adic fields (Student Work) | 2017 | Milstead, Jonathan | Ph.D. | Mathematics and Statistics, UNCG |
Con amore : exploring how Italian school leaders and teachers accommodate immigrant students... (Student Work) | 2023 | Di Puorto, Arianna | Ph.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Concept identification at various developmental levels as a function of simultaneous and suc... (Student Work) | 1973 | Wyatt, Kathryn Benton | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
Concept mapping for planning and evaluation of a community-based initiative (Student Work) | 2012 | Chiu, Korinne | Ph.D. | Educational Research, Measurement, and Evaluation, UNCG |
The concept of rest in the poetry of George Herbert (Student Work) | 1968 | Gibbons, Katharine E. | | English, UNCG |
The concept of space as seen in Japanese horizontal architecture and in Roman vaulted archit... (Student Work) | 1967 | Helsing, Elizabeth C. | | Art, UNCG |
Concept perception in preschool children's use of stories through several media (Student Work) | 1985 | Bonner, Mildred J. Lee | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Conceptions of self and role : their consistency, salience, and change among nursing student... (Student Work) | 1974 | Fogarty, Brian Edward | M.A. | Sociology, UNCG |
Concepts of husband-wife roles held by boys and girls in a southern high school (Student Work) | 1950 | Fitzpatrick, Dorothy | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
A conceptual approach for determining patterns of professional preparation for women in heal... (Student Work) | 1969 | Galloway, June Priscilla | Ed. D. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
A conceptual framework for elementary social studies curriculum and instruction (Student Work) | 1973 | Williams, Jo Watts | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
A conceptual framework for principals' K-12 involvement in the evaluation of teachers (Student Work) | 1984 | Greene, Linda Hincher | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
A conceptual framework for teaching college credit courses via public radio (Student Work) | 1983 | Foster, Jimmy Wheless | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
A conceptual framework of curriculum for higher education for Bendel State, Nigeria : aesthe... (Student Work) | 1983 | Moye, Ambrose O. | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Conceptual instruction in developmental algebra and its effect on student achievement and af... (Student Work) | 1993 | Skinner, Sara Brame | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
A conceptual model for adult education applied to a nonacademic setting (Student Work) | 1983 | Miller, Richard Sutton | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
A conceptual model for in-service education for community college and technical institute oc... (Student Work) | 1975 | Culbertson, William N. C. | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
A conceptual system for identifying teacher behaviors in physical education activity classes... (Student Work) | 1974 | Showers, Judith Carol | Ed.D. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
Conceptualizations of test bias and adverse impact : implications of recent policy proposals... (Student Work) | 1990 | Tesh, Anita S. | Ed.D. | Nursing, UNCG |
Conceptualizing and investigating mathematics teacher learning of practice (Student Work) | 2018 | Webb, Jared Neil | Ph.D. | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
Conceptualizing routines of practice that support algebraic reasoning in elementary schools:... (Student Work) | 2012 | Store, Jessie Chitsanzo | Ph.D. | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
Concertino for double bass and orchestra. “E.L.M.” (Student Work) | 2013 | Miller, Keith Emmanuel | D.M.A. | Music, UNCG |
Concertino for trumpet by Emil Petrovics (1930-2011): a transcription for brass ensemble (Student Work) | 2011 | Keyser, Allyson Blair | DMA | Music, UNCG |
Concubines and second sons: stereotypes, transnationalism, and the production of identity (Student Work) | 2009 | Kuykendal, Dorothy Louise | Ph.D. | English, UNCG |
Concurrent schedules of reinforcement : the effects of an upper limit of reinforcement avail... (Student Work) | 1976 | Groves, Ivor Durham | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
Concussion recovery experiences of female collegiate athletes in the Division II setting (Student Work) | 2024 | Halvorson, Aslynn C. | Ed.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Conditional Bethlehem (Student Work) | 2007 | Kaczmarek, Daniel James | Master of Fine Arts | English, UNCG |
Conditional control of equivalence and the relations different and opposite : a behavior ana... (Student Work) | 1987 | Steele, David Lee | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
Conditions affecting the accuracy of classical equating methods for small samples under the ... (Student Work) | 2011 | Sunnassee, Devdass | Ph.D. | Educational Research Methodology, UNCG |
Conducting Her Destiny: The Making of a Maestra (Student Work) | 2008 | Elkins, Christina Williamson | DMA | Music, UNCG |
A conductor’s analysis and performance guide for John Mackey’s Songs from the End of the Wor... (Student Work) | 2018 | Lake, William Leroy | D.M.A. | School of Music, UNCG |
A conductor’s guide to George Rochberg’s Black Sounds (Student Work) | 2022 | Hairston, R. Cole | D.M.A. | School of Music, UNCG |
A conductor's guide to twentieth-century choral-orchestral works in English (Student Work) | 1992 | Green, Jonathan D. | D.M.A. | Music, UNCG |
Confessions of Cherubino (Student Work) | 1968 | Wyland, Bertha Harris | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
Confide with the moon (Student Work) | 2022 | Bondar, Hediyeh | M.F.A. | School of Art, UNCG |
Confidence in Implementing Lung Protective Ventilation Guidelines Among Certified Registered... (Student Work) | 2023 | Garrett, Tyler | DNP | Nursing, UNCG |
Confites en el infierno: life stories of two Costa Rican families living in the United State... (Student Work) | 2011 | Ibarra, Laura C. | Ph.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Conflict management skills acquisition and usage in student affairs mid-managers: a phenomen... (Student Work) | 2019 | James, Cherise N.W. | Ph.D. | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
Conflict resolution in six United Methodist colleges in North Carolina : a plan (Student Work) | 1987 | Padgett, Patricia R. Satterfield | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Confrontation scenes in Middlemarch (Student Work) | 1970 | Queen, Larry Talmadge | M.A. | English, UNCG |
Congruity and elaboration in children's and adults' free and cued recall (Student Work) | 1976 | Hall, Donald Madison | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
Congruity of semantic and acoustic encoding in children's memory (Student Work) | 1976 | Soderquist, Linda Daniels | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
Conjugal roles : relationship to employment of domestic help and marital satisfaction (Student Work) | 1982 | Eboch, Sharon Stevens | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) promotes inflammation to a greater extent in human adipocytes... (Student Work) | 2011 | Martinez, Kristina | Ph.D. | Nutrition, UNCG |
Connaissance de Pe´guy a` travers ses oeuvres sur Jeanne d'Arc (Student Work) | 1973 | Hooper, Suzanne Bluteau | M.A. | Romance Languages-French, UNCG |
Connected topologies for the unit interval (Student Work) | 1971 | Hester, Sara Owen | M.A. | Mathematics, UNCG |
Connectedness in education as a social critique of individualism: an analysis of cultural fo... (Student Work) | 2018 | Zilonka, Revital | Ph.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Connecting elders to nature. A study on using biophilic design to foster successful aging at... (Student Work) | 2020 | Algamdi, Mona | M.F.A. | Interior Architecture, UNCG |
Connecting ELL students to high-interest texts and authentic writing tasks (Student Work) | 2015 | Donato, Leanna | Bachelor of Science | Education, UNCG |
Connections and disconnections between a college methods course and elementary classroom tea... (Student Work) | 1987 | Royall, Mary Luella | Ed.D. | Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, UNCG |
Connections between linguistic and musical sound systems of British and American trombonists... (Student Work) | 2014 | Cox, Katie A. | D.P.H. | Music, UNCG |
Connotations of color names among Negroes and Causasians : a replication and an extension (Student Work) | 1969 | Tucker, Richard Dennis | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
Consensual unwanted sex: motivations and reservations (Student Work) | 2011 | Foster, Shantee M. | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
The consequences of putative inflammation on brain trace metal biology (Student Work) | 2022 | El-Khouri, Kristina | M.S. | Nutrition, UNCG |
Conserving America’s recent past heritage: the mid-century modern rehabilitation process. (Student Work) | 2010 | Morehead, Vanessa Jean | M.S. | Interior Architecture, UNCG |
A consideration of Chaucer's and Wycliffe's ideals of the parish clergy (Student Work) | 1970 | Crews, Charles Daniel | M.A. | English, UNCG |
A consideration of the morality contained in the three love tragedies of John Ford (Student Work) | 1964 | Pastore, Catherine | M.A. | English, UNCG |
A consideration of the Riemann-Stieltjes integral for complex-valued functions defined on a ... (Student Work) | 1971 | Clark, Thomas Blair | M.A. | Mathematics, UNCG |
Consideration of selected social theories of aging as evidenced by patterns of adjustment to... (Student Work) | 1981 | Washington, Martha Anne | Ed.D. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
A consideration of some of the aspects of art in relation to fifteen thesis paintings (Student Work) | 1958 | Button, Evelyn Gaynor May | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
A consideration of the Thurstone Temperament Schedule as a predictor of job tenure in a text... (Student Work) | 1967 | Williams, Newsom E. | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
Considering Black male consciousness within the context of genre : a framework for engaging ... (Student Work) | 2023 | Goodwin, India R. S. | Ph.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Considering intervention efficacy: the effect of a pre-shot routine on competitive youth gol... (Student Work) | 2010 | Thomas, Jennifer A. | Ph.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Conspiracy and revolutionary dictatorship in the ideology of Russian Populism, 1861-1881 (Student Work) | 1965 | Pfaff, Pamela | | History, UNCG |
Constantine and Christianity (Student Work) | 1976 | Parris, Richard Wayne | M.A. | History, UNCG |
Constants and variants in the school behavior of siblings (Student Work) | 1949 | Hampton, Gwendolyn | M.A. Ed. | Education, UNCG |
Constitutional rights and the public high school student (Student Work) | 1974 | Presson, Johnny E. | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Constructing gender with a bag of sand, two swords, and some rocks : trans mutable embodimen... (Student Work) | 2024 | McClain-Rowe, Lane | M.A. | Women's and Gender Studies, UNCG |
Constructing sample space with combinatorial reasoning: a mixed methods study (Student Work) | 2012 | McGalliard, William A. | Ph.D. | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
Constructing velocity distributions in crossed-molecular beam studies using fourier transfor... (Student Work) | 2012 | Monge, Josué Roberto | M.S. | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Construction and evaluation of a gold standard syntax for formal logic formulas and systems (Student Work) | 2022 | Crotts, Larry Joshua | M.S. | Computer Science, UNCG |
Construction and evaluation of a toy for preschool children (Student Work) | 1966 | Brankey, Joseph Johannes | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Construction and fine-scale analysis of a high-density, genome-wide linkage map to examine m... (Student Work) | 2014 | Miller, Katelyn Jo | M.S. | Biology, UNCG |
The construction and standardization of skills tests to measure achievement in specific soft... (Student Work) | 1960 | Yates, Martha Moss | | Physical Education, UNCG |
Construction and validation of GPR55 active and inactive state in silico models through the ... (Student Work) | 2016 | Lingerfelt, Mary A. | Ph.D. | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
The construction and validation of a series of color film loops to illustrate selected women... (Student Work) | 1976 | Wasserman, Nancy B. | M.S.P.E. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
Construction of a µ-opioid receptor model: identification of the opioid alkaloid binding poc... (Student Work) | 2009 | Poole, Elizabeth B. | M.S. | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
The construction of a badminton high clear test utilizing a fan shaped target (Student Work) | 1968 | Griot, Mary Ann | M.S. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
Construction of a basketball official's test presented by videotape (Student Work) | 1974 | Turnbull, William Ivan | M.S. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
The construction of a film loop and audio cassette series in beginning synchronized swimming... (Student Work) | 1977 | Temple, Carolyn Dene | M.Ed. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
Construction of GPR18 in silico model: the proposed agonist and antagonist, the mechanism of... (Student Work) | 2019 | Sotoudeh Chafi, Nouroddin | Ph.D. | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Construction of a homology model of the orexin-1 receptor in its active and inactive states ... (Student Work) | 2016 | Space, David Alexander | Ph.D. | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Construction of an instrument for assessing cognitive learning based upon "Ready? Set... Go!... (Student Work) | 1976 | Hart, Virginia | Ed.D. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
Construction of an instrument to ascertain mothers' understanding of the importance of play ... (Student Work) | 1970 | Busick, Elizabeth High | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
The construction of an objective basketball knowledge examination for college women (Student Work) | 1964 | McCutcheon, Sallie | M.S. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
Construction of an objective knowledge test in lacrosse for college women (Student Work) | 1967 | Hodges, Carolyn Virginia | M.S. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
The construction of a report card for use in the elementary schools of Forsyth County, North... (Student Work) | 1951 | Emerson, Kathleen | M.A. Ed. | Education, UNCG |
Construction of a situation-response scale to measure the attitudes of freshman and sophomor... (Student Work) | 1972 | Zelfer, Geraldine Helen | M.Ed. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
Construction of a synaptic membrane for in silico endocannabinoid investigations (Student Work) | 2016 | Zorn, Kimberly M. | M.S. | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Construction of a unit of programmed instruction in health education (Student Work) | 1965 | Woolen, Sandra Ann | M.S. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
The construction of a volleyball skill test for the forearm pass (Student Work) | 1976 | Kautz, Elizabeth Marie | M.S.P.E. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
Construction series (Student Work) | 1973 | Robbins, Michael Wayne | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
Constructions in color-aid, formica, and plexiglas (Student Work) | 1968 | Hodes, Barnett David | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
Consultant and design services desired by residential builders (Student Work) | 1961 | Feldman, Eva Hicks | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Consumed by consumption: a phenomenological exploration of the compulsive clothing buying ex... (Student Work) | 2016 | Martínez-Novoa, Lorraine M. | Ph.D. | Consumer, Apparel, and Retail Studies, UNCG |
Consumer decision-making behavior in purchasing textiles for the home (Student Work) | 1970 | Buchanan, Frances Barnett | Ph. D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Consumer Empowerment in Healthcare Information Exchange: An Investigation Using the Grounded... (Student Work) | 2008 | Cannoy, Sherrie D. | PhD | Information Systems and Operations Management, UNCG |
Consumer perceived value of salon hair coloring : a cross-cultural comparison of Gen Y cohor... (Student Work) | 2006 | Zhao, Xin | PhD | Consumer, Apparel, and Retail Studies, UNCG |
Consumer preferences and perceptions of terry towels as related to selected demographic fact... (Student Work) | 1975 | Mohler, June F. | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Consumer problems related to color changes in textile products (Student Work) | 1964 | Pollock, Frances Ferrell | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Consumer purchasing behavior and buying practices for men's lightweight underwear (Student Work) | 1975 | Watson, Emily Wagoner | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Consumer usage of frozen dinners and main dishes, some nutritive and economic implications (Student Work) | 1970 | Lane, Linda Tinkham | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Consumers' cognitive, affective, and behavioral responses toward a firm's recovery strategie... (Student Work) | 2016 | Collins, LaShaun Mona | M.S. | Consumer, Apparel, and Retail Studies, UNCG |
The contact hypothesis and its relevance to busing (Student Work) | 1973 | Henderson, Bertha Dancil | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
Contemplation and mindfulness in education: between self and other in modernity (Student Work) | 2013 | Bryant, William M. | Ph.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Contemporary developments in Negro middle-class religion : an overview (Student Work) | 1967 | Carr, Willine | | Sociology, UNCG |
Contemporary educational criticism : a critique (Student Work) | 1991 | Books, Sue | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Contemporary North Carolina American Indian powwow dress: an exploration of tradition, cultu... (Student Work) | 2013 | Bell, Beth Metcalf | Ph.D. | Consumer, Apparel, and Retail Studies, UNCG |
Contemporary Persian restaurant design in North Carolina (Student Work) | 2014 | Sabzehzar, Shahrzad | M.S. | Interior Architecture, UNCG |
Contemporary textile designs inspired by seasonal symbols of China (Student Work) | 1977 | Jones, Cynthia Ann | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Content validation of the JAAT: an aphasia assessment designed for Jordanian-Arabic speaking... (Student Work) | 2019 | AlSwaiti, Fadi Y. | Ph.D. | Communication Sciences and Disorders, UNCG |
Context effects on cross-modality equations of sensory magnitude (Student Work) | 1961 | Hardy, Ann Howell | | Psychology, UNCG |
The context of parents and peers: linkages to children's school adjustment (Student Work) | 2014 | Wang, Dan | M.S. | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Contextual effects and early theory of mind skill development (Student Work) | 2009 | Nelson, Erik D. | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
A contextual process model of the associations among family vulnerabilities, life stressors,... (Student Work) | 2006 | Proulx, Christine M | PhD | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Contextually authentic science for young children: a study of two summer herpetology program... (Student Work) | 2012 | Scott, Catherine Marie | Ph.D. | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
Continued professional learning and the experienced elementary school physical education spe... (Student Work) | 1989 | Pissanos, Becky W. | Ed.D. | Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, UNCG |
Continuing education seminar’s impact on knowledge and retention among athletic trainers (Student Work) | 2024 | Warner, Brandon J. | Ed.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
A continuum of suspiciousness and its relation to schizotypy and social anxiety (Student Work) | 2010 | Brown, Leslie H. | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
Contracts (Student Work) | 1974 | Turner, Kermit Steve | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
The contrapuntal style of Hector Berlioz (Student Work) | 1970 | Silverman, Richard Samuel | M.M. | Music, UNCG |
The contribution of church schools to education in North Carolina 1700-1850 (Student Work) | 1933 | Matlock, Jack Faust | M.A.Ed | Education, UNCG |
The contributions of Tommy Pederson (1920-1998) to trombone performance and literature in th... (Student Work) | 2007 | Devlin, Michelle Poland | DMA | Music, UNCG |
Contributions to a herpetological community of practice: funds of knowledge of Lumbee youth (Student Work) | 2015 | Ash, Mary Callis | Ph.D. | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
Control burn (Student Work) | 2017 | Cotton, Colby | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
The controversy over Bach's trills : towards a reconciliation (Student Work) | 1994 | Polevoi, Randall Mark | D.M.A. | Music, UNCG |
Convergence in topological spaces (Student Work) | 1970 | Frierson, Dargan | M.A. | Mathematics, UNCG |
A convergence theory approach to definitions of the integral (Student Work) | 1974 | Tennis, Grace Keyser | M.A. | Mathematics, UNCG |
a A convergent and modular synthesis of dienyl and diynyl isobutylamide natural products fro... (Student Work) | 2007 | Miller, Gabriel A. | Master of Science | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Convergent elaboration : equating the mnemonic value of provided and generated words and ima... (Student Work) | 1990 | Martin, Laureen Sandborg | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
Conversations : computer mediated dialogue, multilogue, and learning (Student Work) | 1996 | Baldwin, Beth Ann W. | Ph.D. | English, UNCG |
Cool Kids Never Have the Time: The Music of the Smashing Pumpkins and Youth of the 1990s (Student Work) | 2008 | Starkie, Zachary J. | MM | Music, UNCG |
A cool summer heat (Student Work) | 1971 | Byrtus, William A. | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
A cooperative plan between an independent liberal arts college and a public school for the t... (Student Work) | 1947 | Swain, Virginia Sloan | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
A coordinating framework for wellness care (Student Work) | 1981 | Armentrout, Virginia Halter | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Coping with catastrophe: emotion regulation, adult attachment security, and mindfulness as p... (Student Work) | 2014 | Pow, Allison Marsh | Ph.D. | Counseling, UNCG |
Core-shell - Cobalt oxide @ carbon nanodot hybrid nanoparticles : evaluation for photocataly... (Student Work) | 2023 | Jayapalan, Anitha | Ph.D. | Joint School of Nanoscience and Nanoengineering, UNCG |
Corners (Student Work) | 1977 | Davis, Margaret Carleen | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
Corporate social responsibility in the global apparel industry: an exploration of Indian man... (Student Work) | 2012 | Gupta, Megha | Ph.D. | Consumer, Apparel, and Retail Studies, UNCG |
Corporeality and positionality in J.M. Coetzee’s In the heart of the country AND Making Amer... (Student Work) | 2017 | O'Hara, Caitlin | M.A. | English, UNCG |
The correlates of proactive and reactive aggression in early childhood (Student Work) | 2006 | Conaty, Jennifer | PhD | Psychology, UNCG |
Correlates of social competence among mildly mentally retarded school-aged children (Student Work) | 1983 | Person, Sallie Jenkins | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
The correlation between a Hullian constant and intelligence (Student Work) | 1966 | Eckman, Guy | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
The correlation of penicillinase production and bacteriophage adsorption of Staphylococcus a... (Student Work) | 1960 | Rose, Mary Patricia | | Biology, UNCG |
Cortisol and alpha-amylase levels of preschool children while attending child care: relation... (Student Work) | 2010 | Hatfield, Bridget E. | Ph.D. | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Cosmic consciousness in James Agee's Let us now praise famous men (Student Work) | 1968 | Friedman, Donna Reiss | M.A. | English, UNCG |
Cosmopolitan criminality in modern British literature (Student Work) | 2015 | Morehead, Craig Res | Ph.D. | English, UNCG |
Cosmopolitan pedagogy: reading postcolonial literature in an age of globalization (Student Work) | 2010 | Hartwiger, Alexander | Ph.D. | English, UNCG |
The cost of event-based prospective memory in children (Student Work) | 2008 | Leigh, Janet | MA | Psychology, UNCG |
Costa Rican Composer Benjamín Gutiérrez and his Piano Works (Student Work) | 2008 | Andrade, Juan Pablo | DMA | Music, UNCG |
Costs and cost components of mobile home living in owner-occupied units (Student Work) | 1969 | Meldua, Elizabeth Uzzle | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Costume Designing UNCG Theatre's Spring 2024 Production of Tartuffe (Student Work) | 2024 | Shahan , Sophie | B.F.A. | Drama, UNCG |
Counseling refugees: examining mental health professionals’ learning experiences and recomme... (Student Work) | 2019 | Laota, Zobaida | Ph.D. | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
Counseling to Empower: A Philosophical Shift in the Way We Serve Our Children and Students (Student Work) | 2008 | Diggs, Tosha Raynor | EdD | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Counselor characteristics and situational factors as related to rated importance and practic... (Student Work) | 1979 | Schmidt, John J. | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Counselor cognitive complexity : instrument development and validation (Student Work) | 2007 | Welfare, Laura Everhart | PhD | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
Counselor professional identity: construction and validation of the counselor professional i... (Student Work) | 2010 | Emerson, Carla Henderson | Ph.D. | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
Counselor-provided SBIRT for hospitalized adults with substance misuse or disordered use: ev... (Student Work) | 2019 | McCall, Marcia H. | Ph.D. | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
Counselors as leaders: the mediating role of stress in the relationship between psychologica... (Student Work) | 2019 | Williams, Breton R. | Ph.D. | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
Counselors' attributions of blame toward female survivors of battering (Student Work) | 2012 | Notestine, Lori E. | Ph.D. | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
Counter-Hegemonic Discourse on the Experience of Disability: Retrieving the Voices of Female... (Student Work) | 2007 | Matsuda, Kazuko | Ph.D. | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
The country mouse in the city school house: making the case for a critical rurban pedagogy (Student Work) | 2014 | Stephens, Jennifer Tomon | Ph.D. | Educational Studies, UNCG |
Country roads (Student Work) | 2018 | Maple, Bailey Marie | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
The country-house poems of Lanyer, Jonson, Carew, and Marvell: emblems of social change in t... (Student Work) | 2012 | Gill, Diane Batchelet | M.A. | English, UNCG |
Court decisions in school athletic, physical education, and intramural programs in which the... (Student Work) | 1986 | Gaskin, Lynne Pearsall | Ed.D. | Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, UNCG |
Court square : movement, memory, method, meaning (Student Work) | 2005 | Wagner, Heather Marie | Master of Science | Interior Architecture, UNCG |
Courtly Contradictions: A Case for Guenevere (Student Work) | 2007 | Barron, Natania Johanne | MA | English, UNCG |
Covalent functionalization of BNNTs for low density aerogels (Student Work) | 2021 | Harrison, Haley B. | Ph.D. | Joint School of Nanoscience and Nanoengineering, UNCG |
Covert positive reinforcement in the treatment of nailbiting : target-relevant versus target... (Student Work) | 1978 | Meade, Linda Swetlow | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
Can postpartum breastfeeding mothers Safely undergo anesthesia? A knowledge and comfort asse... (Student Work) | 2022 | Chantrill, Catherine | DNP | Nursing, UNCG |
Craft beer landscapes of the American South : an examination of cultural economy and identit... (Student Work) | 2023 | Merced, Joshua Z. | Ph.D. | Geography, Environment, and Sustainability, UNCG |
Crafting consumption through community: an exploration of the Etsy experience (Student Work) | 2016 | Blanchflower, Tiffany Machado | Ph.D. | Consumer, Apparel, and Retail Studies, UNCG |
Crafting one’s brand to fit: an exploration of Black female principals’ construction and nav... (Student Work) | 2013 | Robertson, Kimberly Curtis | Ed.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Creatine as a neuroprotective agent in manganese-induced neurotoxicity (Student Work) | 2011 | Farah, Shatha I. | MS | Nutrition, UNCG |
Creating a culturally responsive online personal health course (Student Work) | 2019 | Bonadio, Erika W. | Ed.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Creating emotional durability: surface, narrative, and ritual (Student Work) | 2016 | Kennedy, John Thomas Vance | M.F.A. | Interior Architecture, UNCG |
Creating equitable environments for English language learners in the age of accountability (Student Work) | 2016 | Bailey, Candice | Ed.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Creating an ethical politics of kinship care through coalitions (Student Work) | 2014 | Sutherland, Marla N. | M.A. | Women's and Gender Studies, UNCG |
Creating mosaics (Student Work) | 1960 | Zezefillis, Helen | | Art, UNCG |
Creating a pacing resource linked to new mathematics standards: collective sensemaking by mu... (Student Work) | 2021 | Duggan, Arren | Ph.D. | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
Creating the southern voice in American opera composition (Student Work) | 2012 | MacLeod, Scott R. | D.M.A. | Music, UNCG |
The creation and implementation of a dream: lessons learned from a unique case study (Student Work) | 2017 | Wheat, Kevin | Ed.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Creation myth (Student Work) | 2018 | Cinquemani, Emily | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
The creation of culture in middle school (Student Work) | 1995 | Harrison, John Andrew | Ph.D. | Education, UNCG |
Creation of a GPR18 homology model using conformational memories (Student Work) | 2013 | Schmeisser, Marianne G. | M.A. | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
The creation of settings and inservice education (Student Work) | 1978 | Britt, Viola Seymour | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
A creation of settings model for the gifted (Student Work) | 1977 | Bennett, Barbara Napier | Ed.D. | History, UNCG |
Creative activities for young children : a guide-book for parents and teachers (Student Work) | 1968 | Rowland, Bobbie Haynes | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Creative and leadership behaviors of preschool children (Student Work) | 1974 | Fu, Victoria Ruth | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Creative art for the non-specialized elementary school teacher (Student Work) | 1950 | Stewart, Evelyn | M.A. Ed. | Education, UNCG |
Creative class employment and passenger air traffic by MSA: 2008-2013 (Student Work) | 2016 | Klinger, Erin Elisabeth | M.A. | Geography, UNCG |
Creative dramatics in the treatment of language delay (Student Work) | 1972 | Wells, Susan Margueritte | M.A. | Drama and Speech, UNCG |
Creative fidelity : the study of compassionate consciousness in a technological world (Student Work) | 1993 | Ford, Chris | Ph.D. | Education, UNCG |
A creative presentation of a gym teacher's perceptions (Student Work) | 1989 | Rovegno, Inez | Ph.D. | Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, UNCG |
Creativity and its implications for secondary college-preparatory mathematics education (Student Work) | 1978 | Lee, Sandra Gale | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Creativity and risk-taking in young children (Student Work) | 1980 | Ritchie, Shirley Peeler | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Creativity: conceptions of a group of exemplary teachers (Student Work) | 2015 | Scott, Kenneth Aaron | Ed.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Creatures without names. (Student Work) | 2010 | McCormick, Joseph P. | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
Credible leadership: exploring differences in perception of the credibility of the senior st... (Student Work) | 2014 | Powers, Wendy A. | Ph.D. | Educational Studies, UNCG |
Creepy and other stories (Student Work) | 2014 | Hawkins, Catherine | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
Crime in North Carolina schools : the perception and response of administrators (Student Work) | 1979 | Harlan, John P. | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Crime, justice, and order in the North Carolina Piedmont, 1760-1806 (Student Work) | 2019 | Stroud, Jason Michael | Ph.D. | History, UNCG |
The Crimmons place and other stories (Student Work) | 1968 | Goins, Melinda | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
Crisis in Myanmar and Bangladesh: Sociocultural Underpinnings and Political Barriers to the ... (Student Work) | 2018 | Richmond, Jordan | | International and Global Studies, UNCG |
Crisis in the schools : crisis, crisis intervention training, and school counselor burnout (Student Work) | 2006 | Morris, Carrie A. Wachter | PhD | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
Crisis theory related to divorce and remarriage (Student Work) | 1980 | Kezar, Edward Fraze | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Criteria for the construction of units on North Carolina to supplement the social studies co... (Student Work) | 1946 | Faulconer, Rose Jones | M.A. Ed. | Education, UNCG |
Critical aesthetic pedagogy : toward a theory of self and social understanding (Student Work) | 2006 | Medina, Yolanda | PhD | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
A critical analysis of how susceptibility to interpersonal influence, social comparison and ... (Student Work) | 2017 | Baucum, Natalie Jenee | Ph.D. | Consumer, Apparel, and Retail Studies, UNCG |
A critical analysis of the problems encountered in posture research (Student Work) | 1969 | Fullilove, Margaret Ann | M.S. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
Critical consciousness and current classroom teachers (Student Work) | 2018 | Jablonski, Amy L. | Ph.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Critical environmental agency in a field ecology program (Student Work) | 2015 | Huffling, Lacey Denise | Ph.D. | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
A critical examination of published sport motivation research, 1975-1986 (Student Work) | 1987 | Warren, Linda Louise | Ed.D. | Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, UNCG |
Critical experiential education : integrating critical pedagogy, social justice education, a... (Student Work) | 2021 | Small, Evan N. | Ph.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Critical experiential education : integrating critical pedagogy, social justice education, a... (Student Work) | 2021 | Varker, Frances G. | Ph.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Critical forms of life adversity and multimodal indicators of lab-based stress reactivity (Student Work) | 2021 | Sapuram, Vaibhav | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
Critical Pedagogy Overseas (Student Work) | 2011 | Eberhardinger, Mary J. | Master of Arts in Communication Studies | Communication Studies, UNCG |
Critical pedagogy practice specifics with adolescents (Student Work) | 2017 | Pinchot, Sibela | Ph.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
A critical philosophical examination of the educational mission in Student Conduct practice ... (Student Work) | 2022 | Allison, Kiara Fattah | Ph.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
A critical poetic inquiry into the sociocultural experiences of high-achieving Black women i... (Student Work) | 2021 | Andrew, Paris Kee | Ph.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
The critical reception of Amos Tutuola, Chinua Achebe and Wole Soyinka, in England and Ameri... (Student Work) | 1974 | Eko, Ebele Ofama | Ph.D. | English, UNCG |
The critical reception of Reynolds Price from 1961 through 1966 (Student Work) | 1970 | Reams, Gail Miller | M.A. | English, UNCG |
The critical reputation of Kate Chopin (Student Work) | 1978 | Garitta, Anthony Paul | Ph.D. | English, UNCG |
A critical review of research on memory interventions for the elderly (Student Work) | 1986 | Greenberg, Cheryl | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
A critical study of Synge's early writings, published in 1966, with references to his plays (Student Work) | 1969 | Lee, Suzan Safris | M.A. | English, UNCG |
A critical study of Thomas Middleton's Hengist, king of Kent (Student Work) | 1971 | Simmons, Nancy C. | M.A. | English, UNCG |
Critical thinking in young children (Student Work) | 1994 | Davis-Seaver, Jane | Ph.D. | Education, UNCG |
A "critical year" (April 1860-April 1861) : a study of Unionist sentiment in Western North C... (Student Work) | 1975 | Ambrose, Robert Paul | M.A. | History, UNCG |
Critically exploring the use of race and ethnicity as grouping variables in studies that use... (Student Work) | 2024 | Moteane, Malitsitso | Ph.D. | Educational Research Methodology, UNCG |
The criticism of The Red Badge of Courage (Student Work) | 1966 | Butler, Judith Ann | M.A. | English, UNCG |
CRNA Perception and Implementation of Lung Protective Ventilation (Student Work) | 2022 | Morrison, Paige | DNP | Nursing, UNCG |
CRNA perception of lung protective ventilation for the intubated patient (Student Work) | 2022 | Glaspy, Briana A. | DNP | Nursing, UNCG |
Crochet (Student Work) | 1974 | Davis, Pamela Nelle | M.F.A. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
Cross purposes: U.S. missionaries and the U.S. occupation of Haiti (Student Work) | 2019 | Davis, Christopher W. | Ph.D. | History, UNCG |
Cross-age tutoring and young children's spatial problem solving skills in a LOGO programming... (Student Work) | 1989 | Rembert, Wilhelmenia | Ph.D. | Human Environmental Sciences, UNCG |
A cross-contextual analysis of boys' aggressiveness (Student Work) | 1991 | Curtner, Mary Elizabeth | Ph.D. | Human Environmental Sciences, UNCG |
A cross-cultural investigation of the effect of cosmopolitan consumer orientation on the con... (Student Work) | 2021 | Gil del Alcázar, Maria Soledad | Ph.D. | Consumer, Apparel, and Retail Studies, UNCG |
A cross-cultural study on exercise motivation and behavior : the case of American and Taiwan... (Student Work) | 1991 | Kang, Lingjiin | Ph.D. | Health and Human Performance, UNCG |
Cross-cultural synthesis in Chen Qigang's piano composition Instants d'un opéra de pékin (Student Work) | 2012 | Li, Yannan | D.M.A. | Music, UNCG |
Cross-disciplinary adaptation: a training plan for Luciano Berio’s Sequenza XII (Student Work) | 2017 | Hekman, Mark P. | D.M.A. | Music, UNCG |
Cross-shopping and shopping orientation : consumer perceived value in today's dynamic retail... (Student Work) | 2006 | Yu, Lizhu | PhD | Consumer, Apparel, and Retail Studies, UNCG |
A cross-validation of the Welsh origence-intelligence keys for the strong vocational interes... (Student Work) | 1968 | Saunders, Minta M. | M.A. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Crossed molecular beam study of X + O3 (X= Br and I) and O(1D) + X (X= Br2, I2, CHCl3, N2O) ... (Student Work) | 2014 | Fernanders, Marium S. | M.S. | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Crossing borders and forging bonds: exploring interracial/intercultural relationships among ... (Student Work) | 2016 | Childers-McKee, Cherese D. | Ph.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Crossing over: examining the challenges of a classically trained female performing music the... (Student Work) | 2015 | Moriarty, Bridget Maureen | D.M.A. | Music, UNCG |
Crossover genres, syncretic form: understanding Mozart’s concert aria “Ch’io mi scordi di te... (Student Work) | 2018 | Ayres, Michelle Elizabeth | D.M.A. | School of Music, UNCG |
Can social learning theory explain child sexual assault? (Student Work) | 2024 | Scott, Hannah E. | M.A. | Sociology, UNCG |
"Can such an eye judge of the stars" : a study of star imagery in William Blake's poetry (Student Work) | 1981 | Beal, Ann Dickinson | Ph.D. | English, UNCG |
Cube constructions (Student Work) | 1970 | Isenhour, Mary M. | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
Cultivating academic and social self-efficacy in first-year students: a quantitative study o... (Student Work) | 2017 | Hankins, Ayeesha J. | Ph.D. | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
Cultivating preservice elementary general music teacher identity : a qualitative analysis (Student Work) | 2022 | Church, Kellee M. | Ph.D. | School of Music, UNCG |
Cultural and contextual risk and resilience processes in the family stress model for Latino ... (Student Work) | 2018 | Cupito, Alexandra M. | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
Cultural change and conservation : the implementation of The Paideia proposal in four school... (Student Work) | 1989 | Hart, Alice Huff | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Cultural competence in North Carolina’s early care and education system (Student Work) | 2016 | Porterfield, Mary Lee | M.S. | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Cultural competence of sport psychology consultants in Taiwan in working with LGBT athletes (Student Work) | 2013 | Shang, Ya-Ting | Ph.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Cultural continuity in subjective definition of situations (Student Work) | 1974 | Albert, Edward Henry | M.A. | Sociology, UNCG |
A cultural digital jury : a multi-essay exploration of cancellation events, user motivations... (Student Work) | 2024 | Walls, Katelyn Lee | Ph.D. | Information Systems and Supply Chain Management, UNCG |
Cultural identity, Jewish identity and the educational struggle for social justice : social ... (Student Work) | 1995 | Bliss, Linda Allison | Ph.D. | Education, UNCG |
Cultural stressors and depressive symptoms: when is positive ethnic-racial affect protective... (Student Work) | 2017 | Thibeault, Matthew | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
Cultural values and wellness of Native American high school students (Student Work) | 1996 | Garrett, Michael T. | Ph.D. | Education, UNCG |
Cultural wealth, social capital, and career outcomes : Black alumnae in a minority serving i... (Student Work) | 2022 | Hall, Nicole R. | Ph.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Culturally and linguistically responsive pedagogy: case studies of rural elementary teachers... (Student Work) | 2015 | Bellas, Traci J. | Ph.D. | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
Culturally relevant pedagogy and its impact on student belonging (Student Work) | 2018 | McClanahan, Jill Lynette | M.Ed. | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
Culturally Responsive Beliefs and Practices of General and Special Education Teachers Implem... (Student Work) | 2010 | Robinson, Gretchen G. | Ph.D. | Specialized Education Services, UNCG |
Culturally responsive teaching in the classroom (Student Work) | 2021 | Jordan, Tasheka D. | Ed.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
A culturally sensitive conceptualization of parental intrusiveness and its effects on child ... (Student Work) | 2020 | Benito-Gomez, Marta | Ph.D. | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Culture and preschoolers' activities : the United States and Korea (Student Work) | 1994 | Lee, Soeun | Ph.D. | Human Environmental Sciences, UNCG |
A culture of persistence: untold stories of degree attainment from GED earners in the commun... (Student Work) | 2016 | Willard, Eleanor Nicholl | Ph.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Curation-based network marketing: strategies for network growth and electronic word-of-mouth... (Student Work) | 2013 | Church, Earnie Mitchell | Ph.D. | Information Systems and Operations Management, UNCG |
A cure for shapes (Student Work) | 1973 | Jones, Rodney Glenn | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
The curious case of charter school innovation (Student Work) | 2016 | Graner, Wesley | Ed.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
“Curious inventions”: Carlo Farina's Capriccio stravagante (Student Work) | 2013 | Bonner, Andrew | D.M.A. | Music, UNCG |
The current constitutional debate concerning the separation of church and state as manifeste... (Student Work) | 1987 | Tilley, James Garland | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
The current context of education and the middle school concept: what works in middle schools... (Student Work) | 2008 | Brown, Shannon Fae | EdD | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Curriculum and collective consciousness : speculations on individualism, community and cosmo... (Student Work) | 1985 | Pipan, Richard C. | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Curriculum and creativity : reconciliation through language (Student Work) | 1973 | Callebs, John Solomen | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
A curriculum model for academic preparation of hospital playroom personnel (Student Work) | 1976 | Rollins, Ann Cannon | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
The curriculum of the Kake, Alaska, territorial school in relation to the lives and habits o... (Student Work) | 1949 | Howell, Clingman W. | M.A. Ed. | Education, UNCG |
Curses, hallelujahs, and amens : the rhetoric of Daniel Defoe, a case study in didactic fict... (Student Work) | 1996 | Ashburn, Beth Ann | Ph.D. | English, UNCG |
Custom Controllers and Physical Models as Enablers of Communal Performance in Two Fragments ... (Student Work) | 2008 | Royal, Thomas M. | MM | Music, UNCG |
Cut the body loose (Student Work) | 2011 | Barrilleaux, Erin | MFA | English, UNCG |
Cute racist: on white trans women’s appropriative embodiment of East Asian aesthetics (Student Work) | 2021 | Vaught, Emmy Claire | M.A. | Women's and Gender Studies, UNCG |
Can we play outside? Social and emotional learning and preschooler physical activity during ... (Student Work) | 2020 | Rosiek, Marcia A. | Ed.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Cyberbullying in global virtual teams (Student Work) | 2020 | Oguz, Abdullah | Ph.D. | Information Systems and Supply Chain Management, UNCG |
Can you Forget what you Believe? Directed Forgetting of Attitude Information (Student Work) | 2007 | Waldum, Emily Rose | MA | Psychology, UNCG |
Cytochrome analysis of a cytoplasmic mutant of neurospora crassa (Student Work) | 1971 | Farrior, Julian Wade | M.A. | Biology, UNCG |
Cytochrome P450’s and the effects upon the addition of undecylenic aldehyde (Student Work) | 2016 | Puckett, Sara | M.S. | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
A cytogenetic investigation of selected children with birth defects (Student Work) | 1969 | Hall, Joan Overby | M.A. | Biology, UNCG |
Cytotoxicity of engineered nanoparticles used in industrial processing (Student Work) | 2019 | Crawford, Steven | Ph.D. | Joint School of Nanoscience and Nanoengineering, UNCG |
Cytotoxicity Screening Matrix Assisted Laser Desorption Ionization Mass Spectrometery for na... (Student Work) | 2014 | Wright, Petra C. | M.S. | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
D. H. Lawrence's neglected art : his theory and practice of drama (Student Work) | 1976 | Bardon, Sally Sullivan | Ph.D. | English, UNCG |
The daily lives of principals: twenty-one principals in the 21st century (Student Work) | 2010 | West, Deborah Lynn | Ed.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Dairy Products Consumption in African American Women at Risk for Type 2 Diabetes Participati... (Student Work) | 2008 | Scripa, Ioana | MS | Nutrition, UNCG |
Dance piece (Student Work) | 1975 | Doyle, Laura Watkins | M.F.A. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
Dancing with the dead generations after the Holocaust: a fictional blogged phenomenology and... (Student Work) | 2009 | Dresser, Karen Elizabeth | PhD | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
Dangers of Electronic Nicotine Delivery System Use: Healthcare Provider Screening in College... (Student Work) | 2024 | Barney, Julie | DNP | Nursing, UNCG |
Darius Milhaud's Sacred service: a historical, textual, and theoretical analysis (Student Work) | 2011 | Matthews, Robert Harold | DMA | Music, UNCG |
Dark cozy place (Student Work) | 2009 | Mayo, Scott | MFA | Studio Art, UNCG |
Dark matters: gothic landscape and women’s writing in the 19th and 20th century British nove... (Student Work) | 2012 | Hagopian Berry, Katherine Anne | Ph.D. | English, UNCG |
Dark side of information systems and protection of children online: examining predatory beha... (Student Work) | 2014 | Albert, Connie S. | Ph.D. | Information Systems and Operations Management, UNCG |
Darkland: an artist's statement (Student Work) | 2012 | Holshouser, Hannah Louise | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
Dasyscyphins F and G, new drimane meroterpenoids from a Fitzroyomyces species (Student Work) | 2020 | Augustinovic, Mario | M.S. | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Data collection design for equivalent groups equating:using a matrix stratification framewor... (Student Work) | 2012 | Mbella, Kinge Keka | Ph.D. | Educational Research Methodology, UNCG |
The date and hook-up social scripts: patterns of sexual partnering among college students in... (Student Work) | 2012 | Padgett, Joseph E. | M.A. | Sociology, UNCG |
Data generation and estimation for axially symmertic processes on the sphere (Student Work) | 2016 | Vanlangenberg, Christopher D. | Ph.D. | Mathematics and Statistics, UNCG |
A daughter in parts (Student Work) | 2016 | Smith, Virginia | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
Daughters of depressed mothers : an examination of self-efficacy and stress reactivity (Student Work) | 1996 | Homan, Margot A. | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
David R. Gillingham's Concerto No. 2 for Marimba: A Transcription for Marimba and Chamber En... (Student Work) | 2008 | Dancy, Andrew Lance | DMA | Music, UNCG |
David Ross Locke, consistent advocate (Student Work) | 1978 | Taylor, Anita Dianne | M.A. | Drama and Speech, UNCG |
Daydreaming Styles and Brain Functional Connectivity (Student Work) | 2018 | Alharoon, Dahlia | | Psychology , UNCG |
De bruijn partial words (Student Work) | 2013 | Wyatt, Benjamin J. | M.S. | Computer Science, UNCG |
(De)Constructing the student body: a post-structural analysis of dress codes in secondary sc... (Student Work) | 2014 | Drewicz Ewing, Laura Anne | M.A. | Women's and Gender Studies, UNCG |
Dead heat (Student Work) | 2015 | Pontacoloni, Michael | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
Deaf and hard of hearing college students’ cognitive strategies for equal sharing problems (Student Work) | 2021 | Adeoye, Sulaiman O. | Ph.D. | Specialized Education Services, UNCG |
Dear Lorde : using contemplative letter writing to establish a calling (inside) out communic... (Student Work) | 2024 | Aya, Kendra Nicole Bryant | M.A. | Women's and Gender Studies, UNCG |
Death and love in the poetry of Dylan Thomas (Student Work) | 1958 | Ridinger, Charlotte Alice | | English, UNCG |
Death as a psychological crisis : an analysis of death in Les Thibault (Student Work) | 1973 | Clayton, Faye Richardson | M.A. | Romance Languages-French, UNCG |
Death of Cuchulain (Student Work) | 1959 | Curlee, Jo Ann | | Music, UNCG |
Debating school choice in North Carolina: the rise of private school vouchers (Student Work) | 2019 | Kennedy, Robert | Ed.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
A decade of mobility : UNCG Outdoor Adventures transportation emissions analysis (FY2013-202... (Student Work) | 2023 | Gaillard, Samantha K. | M.S. | Geography, Environment, and Sustainability, UNCG |
Decentering the Racial Paradigm: A Literary Analysis of the "Stubb's Supper" Chapter in Herm... (Student Work) | 2008 | Pisano, Andrew Michael | MA | English, UNCG |
The decision process for the acquisition of capital equipment in teaching hospitals (Student Work) | 1983 | Hewitt, Gerald Neal | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
The decision to remarry and the ethic of care : a qualitative study of formerly divorced fem... (Student Work) | 1986 | Byrd, Anne Justice | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Decision-making behaviors for adolescent mothers enrolled in the nurse-family partnership (Student Work) | 2012 | Lane, Susan H. | Ph.D. | Nursing, UNCG |
Decisions, decisions: the rationale behind high school teachers’ discipline decision-making ... (Student Work) | 2019 | Chidomere, Adamma K. | M.A. | Sociology, UNCG |
Declamation and dismemberment: rhetoric, the body, and disarticulation in four Victorian hor... (Student Work) | 2015 | Brumley, Mark Elliott | Ph.D. | English, UNCG |
The decline in interscholastic sports officials : identifying college athletes’ perceived ba... (Student Work) | 2022 | Bouma, Ross A. | Ed.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Decoding craft: communicating identity through a system of design (Student Work) | 2013 | Aguilera Guardado, Claudia | M.F.A. | Interior Architecture, UNCG |
Deconstructing liberated subjects (Student Work) | 2014 | Powell, Michelle | Ph.D. | Educational Studies, UNCG |
Deconstructing the staged death in 20th and 21st century concert dance: a phenomenological i... (Student Work) | 2014 | Smith, Amy C. | M.A. | Dance, UNCG |
Deep semantic matching approach towards dynamic text filtering in micro-blog messages (Student Work) | 2020 | Biggers, Brown | M.S. | University Libraries, UNCG |
Deer in the valley (Student Work) | 2016 | Garrison, Ross | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
Defensive virginity from Spenser to Milton. (Student Work) | 2010 | Reigle, Kimberly | Ph.D. | English, UNCG |
Defining and measuring music teacher identity: a study of self-efficacy and commitment among... (Student Work) | 2011 | Wagoner, Cynthia L. | Ph.D. | Music, UNCG |
Defining culturally relevant pedagogy: an exploration of the usefulness of concept mapping a... (Student Work) | 2016 | Askew, Kshawna C. | Ph.D. | Educational Research Methodology, UNCG |
Defining identities: acculturation experiences of college-educated, North Sudanese immigrant... (Student Work) | 2020 | Elobeid, Maha A. | Ph.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Defining the Map: Utilizing Classical Categorization and Prototype Theory (Student Work) | 2017 | Molina, Alejandro | M.A. | Geography, UNCG |
Defining nanoscale genetic interactions between the bacterium E. coli and engineered nanopar... (Student Work) | 2023 | Noussi, Theophraste | Ph.D. | Joint School of Nanoscience and Nanoengineering, UNCG |
Deflections (Student Work) | 1973 | Lackey, Louise Baley | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
The Deianeiran heroine in six English tragedies, 1603-1703 (Student Work) | 1991 | Gay, Richard Roland | Ph.D. | English, UNCG |
Del grillete físico al moral: identidades divididas en la literatura antiesclavista cubana d... (Student Work) | 2016 | Salama, Carmen Obregón | M.A. | Languages, Literatures, and Cultures, UNCG |
Deliberation by a group of college women in their purchases of three selected items of outer... (Student Work) | 1970 | Cutright, Pamela Sue | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Deliberations (Student Work) | 1976 | Jarecke, George Walter | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
Delphi : a collection of stories (Student Work) | 1969 | Miller, Heather Ross | M.A. | English, UNCG |
Democratic experiments: Irish literature between nationalism and modernism (Student Work) | 2017 | Baldwin, Kara | Ph.D. | English, UNCG |
Democratic faith : in search of a more accessible critical pedagogy for teachers in their cl... (Student Work) | 1995 | Bell, James W. | Ph.D. | Education, UNCG |
The Democratic Study Group : an aid to freshmen Congressmen (Student Work) | 1967 | Ransome, Elizabeth Whitney | | History and Political Science, UNCG |
Dendroarchaeology and the dating of historic farm buildings on the Summers’ farm, Summerfiel... (Student Work) | 2019 | Summers, Jeffy Catherine | M.A. | Geography, Environment, and Sustainability, UNCG |
Dense Breasts: Different Than the Rest: Evaluating the Timeliness and Feasibility of Applica... (Student Work) | 2023 | Zuleta, Kaitlin Gillespie | DNP | Nursing, UNCG |
Depression and goal disengagement: the mediating role of goal attainability perceptions (Student Work) | 2020 | Sasiela, William Jordan | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
Depression in college students : analysis of activity preference and comparison of treatment... (Student Work) | 1974 | Sheslow, David V. | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
Depression in college students with ADHD (Student Work) | 2014 | Bray, Allison C. | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
The descent motif in the American naturalistic novel (Student Work) | 1963 | Stutts, Carol L. | | English, UNCG |
Describing the practice of anticipating students’ mathematics of secondary mathematics teach... (Student Work) | 2024 | Hare, Emily B. | Ph.D. | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
A description and analysis of an academic enrichment program at Bennett College (Student Work) | 1986 | Reynolds, Amy Armstrong | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
A description and analysis of the behavior of two experienced teachers initiating the moveme... (Student Work) | 1975 | Willcox, Diane E. | M.S.P.E. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
Description and analysis of the Camp Lejeune teacher education consortium : a modified compe... (Student Work) | 1982 | Novicki, Judith Rodriguez | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
A description of the causal attributions made to perceived teaching behavior across three el... (Student Work) | 1990 | Mros, Marilyn | Ed.D. | Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, UNCG |
A description of children's verbal responses to a modern dance work in grades kindergarten t... (Student Work) | 1982 | Sutlive, Josephine L. | Ed.D. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
A description of dyadic student/teacher interactions in the physical education activity clas... (Student Work) | 1979 | Brown, Janie P. | Ed.D. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
Description of a program employed to develop listening skills in children with severe functi... (Student Work) | 1970 | Wilson, Carolyne Martin | M.A. | Drama and Speech, UNCG |
A description of satisfactory principal leadership from the perspective of teachers (Student Work) | 1984 | Miller, Richard W. | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
A descriptive analysis of Arthur Bird's Suite in D (Student Work) | 2010 | Brown, Andrea Elizabeth | DMA | Music, UNCG |
A descriptive analysis of the effects of a model of flexible scheduling on achievement in re... (Student Work) | 1983 | Wood, Fred Simpson | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
A descriptive analysis of elementary music teachers’ planning time (Student Work) | 2022 | McKnight, Seth N. | Ph.D. | School of Music, UNCG |
A descriptive analysis of high school choral teachers’ inclusion of popular music in current... (Student Work) | 2016 | Smith, Elaine K. | Ph.D. | Music Education, UNCG |
A descriptive analysis of high school music teacher evaluation in the Commonwealth of Virgin... (Student Work) | 2022 | Muller, Stephen W. | Ph.D. | School of Music, UNCG |
A descriptive analysis of the job satisfaction of veteran music teachers in North Carolina (Student Work) | 2015 | Brown, Beverly Satterfield | Ph.D. | Music Education, UNCG |
A descriptive analysis of the psychological needs of adults participating in music ensembles... (Student Work) | 2011 | Douglas, Kenneth A. | Ph.D. | Music, UNCG |
Descriptive analysis of a survey of sight-singing teaching methods and approaches by North C... (Student Work) | 2021 | Earnhardt, Carol A. | Ph.D. | School of Music, UNCG |
A descriptive analysis of teacher augmented feedback given to university students in beginni... (Student Work) | 1979 | Cole, Judith L. | Ed.D. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
A descriptive study of the efforts and related elements of two middle schools highly success... (Student Work) | 1995 | Colavito, James W. | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
A Descriptive Study of Middle School Teachers' Current Perspectives On and Teaching Practice... (Student Work) | 2008 | Lee-Holmes, Rue Shirrillan | PhD | Music, UNCG |
A descriptive study of the personality of selected amateur golfers (Student Work) | 1970 | Owens, Norma Diane | M.S. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
Descriptive study of TPSR values and life skills acquired in Project effort and through othe... (Student Work) | 2011 | Meléndez, Anthony | Ph.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Desegregating Hickory high school, 1955-1975: capturing the untold stories (Student Work) | 2013 | Stalnaker, Ann | Ed.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Desegregation and the rise of private education (Student Work) | 1975 | Franklin, Lewis Glenn | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Desert Places: Wilderness in Modernist American Literature 1900-1940 (Student Work) | 2001 | Byrd, Gregory Lee | PhD | Literature , UNCG |
Design and development of novel reactions utilizing dienes and carbene intermediates (Student Work) | 2020 | Sohail, Saad Bin | M.S. | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
The design and implementation of a conceptual model for identifying gifted and talented stud... (Student Work) | 1981 | Guthrie, Wesley Eugene | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Design and synthesis of coordination polymer frameworks for solid-state electrolytes (Student Work) | 2023 | Butreddy, Pravalika | Ph.D. | Joint School of Nanoscience and Nanoengineering, UNCG |
The design and technical production of Jason Miller's That championship season (Student Work) | 1975 | Peerbolte, David Roy | M.F.A. | Drama and Speech, UNCG |
A design for demonstration equipment to be used in teaching lighting and adequate wiring for... (Student Work) | 1958 | Freeman, Rebecca Anne | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
A design for professional laboratory experiences in teacher education (Student Work) | 1972 | Miller, Helen Pierce | Ed. D. | Education, UNCG |
Design for social wellbeing : creating a restorative urbanism model for interior environment... (Student Work) | 2022 | Horton, Kate S. | M.F.A. | Interior Architecture, UNCG |
Design of a stark microchip (Student Work) | 2015 | Balabanov, Demitri Y. | Ph.D. | Joint School of Nanoscience and Nanoengineering, UNCG |
A design science framework for research in health analytics (Student Work) | 2016 | Bradberry, Caleb | Ph.D. | Information Systems and Supply Chain Management, UNCG |
The design structure of my paintings with special reference to color, shape, and space (Student Work) | 1965 | Foltz, Jane J. | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
A Design Theory for Secure Semantic E-Business Processes (SSEBP) (Student Work) | 2008 | D’Aubeterre, Fergle | PhD | Philosophy, UNCG |
Design, implementation and evaluation of the Language Experiences Advancement Program : amel... (Student Work) | 1988 | Summer, Gail Laubscher | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
The design, implementation, and evaluation of a French immersion weekend (Student Work) | 1988 | Litaker, Linnea Ruth | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Design, synthesis and biological evaluation of GPR55 agonists and resorcylic acid lactone-ba... (Student Work) | 2015 | Alfakhouri, Lara | Ph.D. | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Design, synthesis, and structure-activity relationships of GPR35 agonists and antagonists an... (Student Work) | 2015 | Abdalhameed, Manahil Mirghani Ali | Ph.D. | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
The designation of family living activities in two open-plan house designs for the five stag... (Student Work) | 1975 | Mobley, Patsy Hand | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Designing and testing a molecularly targeted glioblastoma theranostic: experimental and comp... (Student Work) | 2018 | Tedla, Getachew Ebuy | Ph.D. | Joint School of Nanoscience and Nanoengineering, UNCG |
Designing deeper: creating interior spaces that support well-being through explorations in p... (Student Work) | 2017 | O'Rourke, Sheila M. | M.F.A. | Interior Architecture, UNCG |
Designing for the future from the past : a modern demonstration of nostalgia through domesti... (Student Work) | 2022 | Skinner, Ashley R. | M.F.A. | Interior Architecture, UNCG |
Designing for main street : analysis of design services provided to the North Carolina Main ... (Student Work) | 2022 | Mansell, Callista | M.F.A. | Interior Architecture, UNCG |
Designing The School of Theater’s Fall Mainstage Production, Marisol (Student Work) | 2020 | Hines, Allison M. | B.F.A. | Theatre, UNCG |
Designs for lighting selected art objects in the interior of Chinqua-Penn Plantation in Nort... (Student Work) | 1970 | Greenfield, Cecelia Doreen | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Desirable equipment related to available space in typical first grade classrooms in North Ca... (Student Work) | 1950 | Woollen, Frances Evelyn | M.A. Ed. | Education, UNCG |
Desolación, miseria y muerte en vida: Representaciones de la muerte en la literatura y el ci... (Student Work) | 2017 | Salinas Fernández, Guadalupe | M.A. | Languages, Literatures, and Cultures, UNCG |
The despecialization of objects : a process oriented approach to designing interior objects (Student Work) | 2006 | Tucci, Jacob Paul | Master of Science | Interior Architecture, UNCG |
Desymmetrization of deiesters and dinitriles to synthesize enantioenriched lactones (Student Work) | 2020 | Kelley, Amber M. | Ph.D. | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Detailed portraits (Student Work) | 1978 | Comer, Stanley Donnell | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
Detecting the cellular response of Lactobacillus reuteri with nanospray desorption electrosp... (Student Work) | 2017 | Uwakweh, Agbo-Oma A. | M.S. | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Detecting differential item functioning using the DINA model (Student Work) | 2006 | Zhang, Wenmin | PhD | Educational Research Methodology, UNCG |
Detecting a microbial response in sediment of the Dan River following a coal ash spill (Student Work) | 2019 | Williams, Ashley S. | M.S. | Biology, UNCG |
Detecting the presence of an urban heat island at three major North Carolina airports; and l... (Student Work) | 2012 | Futrell, Andrew | M.A. | Geography, UNCG |
Detecting test cheating using a Deterministic, gated item response theory model (Student Work) | 2010 | Shu, Zhan | Ph.D. | Educational Research Methodology, UNCG |
Detection and sequencing of microRNA using MALDI time-of-flight mass spectrometry (Student Work) | 2010 | Yang, Chue Hue | MS | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Detection of Argonaute (Ago) protein associated MiRNA by combining anti-ago antibody recogni... (Student Work) | 2014 | Coley, Brian D. | M.S. | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
The detection of ceruloplasmin in avian plasma and its validity as a biochemical taxonomic i... (Student Work) | 1971 | Schecter, Roger Norman | M.A. | Biology, UNCG |
Determinants of diagnostic prototypicality judgments of the personality disorders (Student Work) | 1990 | Herbert, Diana Lee | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
Determinants of infant growth within the first six months of life (Student Work) | 2017 | Burklin, Aubrey | M.S. | Nutrition, UNCG |
Determinants of physical activity of middle school overweight girls : the effects of a welln... (Student Work) | 2006 | Langley, Brandy Lee | Master of Science | Community and Therapeutic Recreation, UNCG |
Determinants of presidential longevity in higher education: estimating a structural model fr... (Student Work) | 2018 | Reid, Aileen Marea | Ph.D. | Education Research Methodology, UNCG |
A determination of the bacterial and fungal flora of normal and iron containing fish aquaria... (Student Work) | 1964 | Robbins, Joanna Johnson | | Biology, UNCG |
Determination of palatability, tenderness, and vitamin retention of meat and poultry cooked ... (Student Work) | 1974 | Meadows, Jerriane Kujie Stafford | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Determination of pesticide levels as the result of cross- contamination during laundering (Student Work) | 1989 | Milikin, Corinth | Ph.D. | Human Environmental Sciences, UNCG |
Determination of the relationship between water access and women’s overall happiness, educat... (Student Work) | 2022 | Chen, Fangshu | M.S. | Nutrition, UNCG |
Determination of surfactant build-up and its effects on resin treated cotton fabrics (Student Work) | 1976 | Ogbogu, Uchenna | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Determining the correlation of effective middle school math teachers and math student achiev... (Student Work) | 2009 | Becoats, Jocelyn B. | Ed.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Determining how myosin II affects GLUT4 docking and fusion to the plasma membrane in 3T3-L1 ... (Student Work) | 2019 | Bucciarelli, Marc D. | M.S. | Biology, UNCG |
Determining nightly bat activity with, and sampling effectiveness of, modified NABat driving... (Student Work) | 2017 | Schimpp, Sarah A. | M.S. | Biology, UNCG |
Determining the relationship of certain venereal diseases to speech and hearing pathology (Student Work) | 1967 | Elkins, Sue Neal | M.A. | Drama and Speech, UNCG |
Determining requirements for meiotic pairing in Drosophila melanogaster Spermatogenesis (Student Work) | 2020 | Hylton, Christopher | Ph.D. | Biology, UNCG |
Developing and Implementing the Start of a Student Organization (Student Work) | 2020 | Hines, Arion | B.S. | Nursing, UNCG |
Developing and maintaining student interest in learning through a study of the selection, co... (Student Work) | 1941 | Harrill, Thelma Hawkins | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Developing a child health model : a prospective study of maternal health beliefs and utiliza... (Student Work) | 1995 | Walker, Kim Schmidt | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
Developing a Corneal Abrasion Protocol in Robotic Assisted Procedures (Student Work) | 2023 | Toney, Cameron Scott | DNP | Nursing, UNCG |
Developing a curriculum of person-centered care in athletic training (Student Work) | 2018 | Yard, Jean Nicole | Ed.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Developing an enzymatic synthesis for acetoacetyl-CoA using acetyl-CoA acetyltransferase (At... (Student Work) | 2022 | Ballentine, Brittney R. | M.S. | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Developing a model to test the predictors and consequences of the amount of time school-age ... (Student Work) | 1989 | Payne, Cathy Chris | Ph.D. | Human Environmental Sciences, UNCG |
Developing physical literacy through online physical education in community college (Student Work) | 2021 | Stroffolino, John Edward | Ed.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Developing a proposal for the implementation of Adventure Education in higher education. (Student Work) | 2019 | DeLangie, Nicholas Brian | Ed.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Developing real-time PCR to identify cyanobacteria populations in lakes (Student Work) | 2011 | Stewart, Isaac H. | MS | Biology, UNCG |
Developing an understanding of the nature of accessibility and usability problems blind stud... (Student Work) | 2011 | Babu, Rakesh | Ph.D. | Information Systems and Operations Management, UNCG |
Development and analysis of primary cultures from the midgut of the honey bee, Apis mellifer... (Student Work) | 2012 | Willard, Laura Evins | M.S. | Biology, UNCG |
The development and application of an instrument to indicate the fire resistance characteris... (Student Work) | 1972 | Mori, Yang-Ja Kim | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
The development and application of keyboard fingering principles in the music of J. S. Bach ... (Student Work) | 2014 | Duvall, André Charles | D.M.A. | Music, UNCG |
The development and effect of a multimedia presentation upon knowledges about a university g... (Student Work) | 1978 | Ferguson, Claudia Jean | Ed.D. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
The development and evaluation of a behaviorally anchored rating scale for secondary physica... (Student Work) | 1985 | McKethan, Robert N. | Ed.D. | Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, UNCG |
Development and Evaluation of an Educational Module and Visual Guide for the Facilitation of... (Student Work) | 2023 | Barnes, Morgan E. | DNP | Nursing, UNCG |
The development and evaluation of selected instructional materials for teaching percussion i... (Student Work) | 1975 | Preston, Andrew Conrath | Ed.D. | Music, UNCG |
The development and evaluation of a senior high school unit on the buying of ready-made clot... (Student Work) | 1949 | James, Jeannie Henrietta | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Development and evaluation of a training program for pediatric residents on physical activit... (Student Work) | 2012 | McNally, Kimberly V. | Ed.D | Kinesiology, UNCG |
The development and implementation of a novel bioisosteric software program for the developm... (Student Work) | 2014 | Lemoine, Samuel J. | M.S. | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Development and implementation of nutrition education classes and cooking sessions into an e... (Student Work) | 2012 | Scripa, Ioana | Ph.D. | Nutrition, UNCG |
The development and implementation of a rhythmic ability test designed for four-year-old pre... (Student Work) | 1974 | McDowell, Robert Harvey | Ed.D. | Music, UNCG |
Development and implementation of a student portfolio assessment model for use in the second... (Student Work) | 1993 | Johnson, Sharon Ann | Ph.D. | Human Environmental Sciences, UNCG |
Development and pretesting of culturally appropriate nutrition education materials and messa... (Student Work) | 2009 | McQuerry, Meghan Colleen | MS | Nutrition, UNCG |
Development and psychometric properties of the Multidimensional Schizotypy Scale: a new meas... (Student Work) | 2017 | Gross, Georgina M. | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
Development and psychometric validation of the chronic life stress questionnaire : a multido... (Student Work) | 2022 | Corneau, Gail M. | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
Development and status of business education in North Carolina (Student Work) | 1940 | Harman, Clay | M.S. | Business Education, UNCG |
Development and testing of records for longitudinal studies (Student Work) | 1958 | Herndon, Joyce Wilson | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
The development and use of tape recordings as motivation for older youth towards concept lea... (Student Work) | 1971 | Hubbard, Nancy Gail | M.Ed. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
The development and validation of the Counselors’ emotional awareness scale (C-EAS) (Student Work) | 2020 | Austin, Jordan L. | Ph.D. | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
Development and validation of the Crowell-Lowery multicultural training reactance scale (CL-... (Student Work) | 2011 | Lowery, Robyn Lynette Crowell | Ph.D. | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
Development and validation of the dynamic leadership in counseling scale – self report (Student Work) | 2015 | McKibben, William Bradley | Ph.D. | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
Development and validation of an experience-based scale to measure water insecurity at the h... (Student Work) | 2020 | Nounkeu, Carole Debora | Ph.D. | Nutrition, UNCG |
Development and validation of an instrument to assess mathematics educators’ visions of math... (Student Work) | 2019 | Okeyo, Sherrad R. | Ph.D. | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
The development and validation of the leadership versatility index for students (LVI-S) (Student Work) | 2011 | Yarborough, James Preston | Ph.D. | Office of Leadership and Service-Learning (OLSL) , UNCG |
The development and validation of the North Carolina Elementary Measures of Music Achievemen... (Student Work) | 1994 | Warren, Mary Ann | Ph.D. | Music, UNCG |
Development and validation of a questionnaire for assessing habitual physical activity of si... (Student Work) | 1988 | Koehler, Karen Marie | Ed.D. | Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, UNCG |
Development and validation of a specific learning disabilities concept questionnaire for par... (Student Work) | 1975 | Shirk, Robert D. | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
The development and validation of a sport assertion scale (Student Work) | 1978 | Dailey, Jacqueline Ann | Ed.D. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
Development as transcendence an examination of a phenomenological perspective of how individ... (Student Work) | 1987 | Oussaty, Janet Mary | Ed.D. | Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, UNCG |
The development of academic efficacy among Asian, Hispanic, Black, and White high school stu... (Student Work) | 1994 | Thomas, Sabrina Lynette | Ph.D. | Human Environmental Sciences, UNCG |
The development of adolescent emotion regulation among Black and White youth: the role of ne... (Student Work) | 2020 | Kim, Yuji Y. | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
The development of the alcoholic beverage control system in North Carolina (Student Work) | 1972 | Adcock, Attie W. | M.A. | History, UNCG |
Development of an anatomical landmark protocol for constructing segment axes for lower extre... (Student Work) | 2005 | Botic, Timothy Lee | Master of Science | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Development of the artist's painting and prints (Student Work) | 1956 | Ould, Mary Jane Fox | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
The development of the Assessment of Intimacy in Marriage (AIM) instrument (Student Work) | 1993 | Shackleford, Robert S. | Ph.D. | Human Environmental Sciences, UNCG |
Development of a cellular model to evaluate the hypothesis that dietary carotenoids are anti... (Student Work) | 1996 | Martin, Keith R. | Ph.D. | Human Environmental Sciences, UNCG |
The development of children’s autobiographical and deliberate memory through mother-child re... (Student Work) | 2020 | Cook, Olivia K. | M.S. | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
The development of the city schools in North Carolina from 1860-1900 (Student Work) | 1933 | Cason, Aleph Ann | M.A. | Education, UNCG |
Development of a college beginning swimming course which possesses selected characteristics ... (Student Work) | 1974 | Neikirk, Mary Margaret | M.S. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
Development of computer supplements to calculus (Student Work) | 1972 | Martin, John Randolph | M.A. | Mathematics, UNCG |
The development of a convergence diagnostic for Markov Chain Monte Carlo estimation (Student Work) | 2011 | Burke, Matthew Joseph | Ph.D. | Educational Research Methodology, UNCG |
The development of creative thinking and its educational implications (Student Work) | 1989 | Johnson, Aostre N. | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
The development of criteria for identifying music preferred by children with behavioral prob... (Student Work) | 1978 | Bowman, Jo Ann Curlee | Ed.D. | Music, UNCG |
Development of the enactment effect: examining individual differences in executive function ... (Student Work) | 2013 | Chatley, Naomi | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
The development of essential character traits in prospective religious workers through the a... (Student Work) | 1949 | Temple, Kenneth Elsworth | M.A. Ed. | Education, UNCG |
Development of an evaluation device to accompany a self-instructional program on the teachin... (Student Work) | 1967 | Newnam, Carol Stainback | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Development of an evaluation device to measure quality of workmanship on a blouse (Student Work) | 1967 | Solomon, Mary McNeely | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
The development of a framework for an articulation plan for the transfer of credits from two... (Student Work) | 1983 | Andrews, Frances Kennedy | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Development of the French drama of the eighteenth century (Student Work) | 1934 | Heilig, Annie Preston | M.A. | Romance Languages-French, UNCG |
The development of Guttman scales measuring attitudes toward athletic scholarships and attit... (Student Work) | 1975 | Buede, Patricia Sue | M.S.P.E. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
Development of handedness for role-differentiated bimanual manipulation of objects in relati... (Student Work) | 2014 | Babik, Iryna | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
The development of the historiography of the Civil War (Student Work) | 1950 | Rigney, Eleanor | | History, UNCG |
The development of a homemaking unit on methods of work simplification as applied to home ta... (Student Work) | 1952 | Smith, Rebecca McCulloch | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Development of honesty in repeated signaling games (Student Work) | 2017 | Leshowitz, Michael I. | M.A. | Mathematics and Statistics, UNCG |
The development of immigrant-origin children’s social relationships (Student Work) | 2023 | Raina, Shivani W. | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
The development of an indoor putting test (Student Work) | 1970 | Williford, Edna Wolfe | M.S. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
The development of an instrument for measuring library instructional services and organizati... (Student Work) | 1986 | Safrit, Janice Annette | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
The development of an instrument for measuring the opinions of educators toward potential sc... (Student Work) | 1990 | Blanton, Roy Ernest | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
The development of an instrument for measuring strength of elbow flexion in elementary schoo... (Student Work) | 1966 | Koenigsberger, Ruth E. | M.S. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
Development of an inventory to ascertain the problems and interests related to home economic... (Student Work) | 1965 | Denning, Mary Lou
| M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Development of materials on family planning and population education for use by Thai home ec... (Student Work) | 1975 | Chatraphorn, Suparp | M.S. | Home Economics, UNCG |
The development of mathematical understanding and its application to Libyan secondary school... (Student Work) | 1982 | Zeguan, Bashir Hosni | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
The development of a model for assessing quality learning experiences in elementary physical... (Student Work) | 1977 | Johnston, Jeanne Louise | Ed.D. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
The development of a model for participatory goal setting in private educational institution... (Student Work) | 1976 | Schoppert, Gail Dean | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
The development of a multi-skill test in lacrosse for college women (Student Work) | 1977 | Ennis, Catherine D. | M.S.P.E. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
The development of muscular endurance in women physical education majors with diverse initia... (Student Work) | 1971 | Alley, Jennifer Elaine | M.S. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
The development of a neural psychological immune endocrine model of tinnitus (Student Work) | 2014 | Alsalman, Ola Abdullah | Ph.D. | Communication Sciences and Disorders, UNCG |
The development of a nursery school leadership observation schedule and a nursery school lea... (Student Work) | 1970 | Fu, Victoria Ruth | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
The development of an objective measure of achievement in swimming at the advanced level for... (Student Work) | 1964 | Linter, Marie Anne | M.S. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
The development of an objective, reliable and valid tool for the systematic description of s... (Student Work) | 1972 | Ciesla, Lucy Katherine | M.S. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
Development of the objectives and generalizations for use in a self-instructional program on... (Student Work) | 1968 | Lewis, Alice | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Development of a paper and pencil test and a performance test to accompany a self-instructio... (Student Work) | 1965 | Ross, Carolyn Elizabeth | M.A. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Development of peer-led youth theater as a nutrition education tool to promote the healthy t... (Student Work) | 2006 | Colby, Sarah Elizabeth | PhD | Nutrition, UNCG |
The Development of Planning Ability in Children: The Role of Meta-Planning, Transfer, and In... (Student Work) | 2007 | Gredlein, Jeffrey M. | PhD | Psychology, UNCG |
Development of a preliminary rehabilitation adherence measure for athletic training (Student Work) | 2008 | Granquist, Megan D. | PhD | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Development of preservice elementary teachers' multicultural education perspectives (Student Work) | 1995 | Cristol, Dean S. | Ph.D. | Education, UNCG |
The development of a program of survival swimming and lifesaving to be taught as a part of b... (Student Work) | 1960 | Berry, Anne Elise | M.S. | Physical Education, UNCG |
The development of a progression of synchronized swimming skills to accompany the American R... (Student Work) | 1965 | Eastridge, Marilyn | M.S. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
The development of school counselor identity (Student Work) | 1996 | Brott, Pamelia Ellyn | Ph.D. | Education, UNCG |
Development of a self-instructional program on the sewing machine (Student Work) | 1963 | Moore, Catherine Porter | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Development of sex differences in listening (Student Work) | 1976 | Reis, Laura Ann | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
The development of a social program in a church-related college engaged in teacher preparati... (Student Work) | 1949 | MacLeod, Frances Alexander | M.A. Ed. | Education, UNCG |
The development of study materials for use in parent education groups (Student Work) | 1959 | Ashby, Helen Bewley | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
The development of a teaching manual and loopfilms for officials of conventional foil fencin... (Student Work) | 1968 | Alphin, Beth | M.S. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
Development of a test to measure the ability of home economics teachers to apply certain acc... (Student Work) | 1962 | Cooper, Marjorie Ann | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Development of a tool to introduce DNA methylation into a genomic locus in vivo (Student Work) | 2023 | Phuyal, Gaurav | M.S. | Biology, UNCG |
The development of a tool to measure perceptions of physical education teaching behaviors fo... (Student Work) | 1983 | Daniel, Mary Regina | Ed.D. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
The development of a values inventory for high school girls to measure selected psychologica... (Student Work) | 1970 | Leathem, Jocelyn | M.S. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
The development of witchcraft in the thirteenth century (Student Work) | 1973 | Decker, Janet F. | M.A. | History, UNCG |
Developmental and stylistic consistency in selected choral works of Felicia Donceanu (b. 193... (Student Work) | 2011 | Alexander, Cory Thomas | DMA | Music, UNCG |
A developmental cascade of early teacher-child relationships: implications for academic perf... (Student Work) | 2014 | Boye, Jason E. | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
Developmental cascades : linking depressive symptoms and academic functioning in Mexican-Ame... (Student Work) | 2021 | Mejia, Yesenia | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
Developmental changes in electrophysiology and speech during problem-solving as predictors o... (Student Work) | 2019 | Whedon, Margaret C. | Ph.D. | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Developmental changes in information input preference (Student Work) | 1977 | Ramirez, Louise McKibbin | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
Developmental changes in mnemonic organization in children (Student Work) | 1975 | Bales, Mary Lee | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
Developmental characteristics of a novel cell type in the larval midgut of Drosophila melano... (Student Work) | 2011 | Presnell, Jason Scott | MS | Biology, UNCG |
Developmental education and teacher training (Student Work) | 1977 | Sujjavanich, Pairin Nateharn | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
A developmental examination of the modeling of aggression and altruism (Student Work) | 1976 | Fawaz, Dan | M.S. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Developmental genetics basis of life history variation in Arabidopsis lyrata (Student Work) | 2022 | Giri, Bishwa Kiran | Ph.D. | Biology, UNCG |
Developmental histories of five preschool children (Student Work) | 1961 | Carter, Martha Duvall | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
A developmental model for the evolution of paternal care (Student Work) | 1995 | Justice, Teresa C. | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
Developmental profiles of aggression across early childhood contributions of emotion regulat... (Student Work) | 2006 | Degnan, Kathryn Amey | PhD | Psychology, UNCG |
Developmental psychogenic mutism as a cause of severely delayed speech development (Student Work) | 1970 | Hahn, Tamara Kay | M.A. | Drama and Speech, UNCG |
Developmental pursuits of excellence in North Carolina music education shared by Alice Bivin... (Student Work) | 1989 | McKinney, Jane Louise Grant | Ed.D. | Music, UNCG |
The developmental roles of inhibition and working memory across childhood on preadolescent A... (Student Work) | 2018 | Kelleher, Rachael Teresa | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
Developmental sentence scoring as a measure of readability for first grade reading textbooks... (Student Work) | 1975 | Powers, Wanda Chason | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
A developmental study of regeneration in Dugesia tigrina (Student Work) | 1969 | Sheridan, Charles Linwood | M.A. | Biology, UNCG |
A developmental study of the role of category information in word identification (Student Work) | 1986 | Carroll, Elizabeth | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Developmental trajectories of “hot” executive functions across early childhood: contribution... (Student Work) | 2009 | Graziano, Paulo A. | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
Deviations from optimal choice : skilled performance, feedback, and Bayesian decision making... (Student Work) | 1982 | Bauman, Richard Alexander | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
Dan Forrest’s sonata for trombone and piano (2005): a performance guide (Student Work) | 2019 | Phillips, Nathan Gregory | D.M.A. | Music, UNCG |
Diabetes prevalence and mortality in the Great Plains Region differences based on the social... (Student Work) | 2014 | Kelley, Allyson L. | D.P.H. | Public Health Education, UNCG |
Diabetes self-management among Arabs in the United States (Student Work) | 2021 | Moafa, Hamza A. | Ph.D. | Nursing, UNCG |
Dialogic reflective e-journaling and transformative learning of special education preservice... (Student Work) | 2017 | Carter, Pamela Weatherly | Ph.D. | Specialized Education Services, UNCG |
Dialogues of being-in-living relations : re-imagining office education (Student Work) | 1996 | Rhoney, Frances Crocker | Ph.D. | Education, UNCG |
Diastereoselective cyclization of lactones via Brønsted acid catalysis (Student Work) | 2020 | Alexander, Symone A. | M.S. | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Dichotomy of observation (Student Work) | 1975 | Bass, David Loren | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
Diet quality and cardiovascular disease risks in adolescents (Student Work) | 2016 | Mellendick, Kevan M. | Ph.D. | Nutrition, UNCG |
Diet quality and weight change among overweight and obese postpartum women enrolled in a beh... (Student Work) | 2011 | Moening, Gina A. | MS | Nutrition, UNCG |
Diet quality of mothers and their preschoolers enrolled in an obesity prevention trial (Student Work) | 2013 | Laster, Leigh Ellen R. | M.S. | Nutrition, UNCG |
Diet-induced obesity impairs dopamine to alter food behaviors (Student Work) | 2021 | Wallace, Conner | Ph.D. | Nutrition, UNCG |
Dietary adherence among older community living adults in central North Carolina to specific ... (Student Work) | 2007 | Soban, Melissa | Master of Science | Nutrition, UNCG |
The dietary intake of 2-year-olds born to overweight or obese women and predictors of their ... (Student Work) | 2009 | Street, Erin | MS | Nutrition, UNCG |
Dietary patterns of lactating women in central North Carolina evaluated using three validate... (Student Work) | 2020 | Gutierrez dos Santos, Bruna | M.S. | Nutrition, UNCG |
Diets of home economics students eating in the dining halls of North Carolina Agricultural a... (Student Work) | 1970 | Vereen, Elau King | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Differences between aspirations and expectations among eight-, tenth- and twelfth-grade yout... (Student Work) | 1965 | Vicinanza, Paul Jerry | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Differences between risk factors for falling in homebound diabetics and non-diabetics (Student Work) | 2009 | Migliarese, Sara James | Ph.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Differences in acculturation-based family conflict: a latent profile analysis of Latino adol... (Student Work) | 2016 | Kulish, Andrea L. | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
Differences in cortical activation during anterior tibial translation between females with h... (Student Work) | 2023 | Bacon, Beth R. | M.S. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Differences in the effects of carbohydrate food form on endurance performance to exhaustion (Student Work) | 1990 | Murdoch, Scott | Ph.D. | Human Environmental Sciences, UNCG |
Differences in high school physical education : a case study in Knox County schools (Student Work) | 2022 | McGill, Mitchell B. | Ed.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Differences in maternal verbalizations and involvement during Hawaiian mother-child interact... (Student Work) | 1986 | Dick-Barnes, Margaret Lilja | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
Differences in meal patterns of African American adolescents of varied hypertension risk (Student Work) | 2009 | Flint, Tara Lynn | MS | Nutrition, UNCG |
Differences in music achievement among gifted and talented, average, and educable mentally h... (Student Work) | 1982 | Ellis, Donald Leslie | Ed.D. | Music, UNCG |
Differences in nutrition knowledge, attitudes and beliefs among low income Hispanic and Afri... (Student Work) | 2011 | Acheampong, Irene | MS | Nutrition, UNCG |
Differences in variability of color of stimuli on the child's habituation of attention and o... (Student Work) | 1972 | Spillman, Carolyn V. | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Differences in weight status, dietary quality, and dietary behavior across income and ethnic... (Student Work) | 2007 | Martin, Catharine M | Master of Science | Nutrition, UNCG |
Differential biomechanical effects of an ACL injury prevention program in women’s basketball... (Student Work) | 2016 | Taylor, Jeffrey Bruce | Ph.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Differential effect of alkali metal ions on the structure and stability of DNA G-Quadruplexe... (Student Work) | 2018 | Ochije, Henry Ikechukwu | Ph.D. | Joint School of Nanoscience and Nanoengineering, UNCG |
The differential effects of four training strategies for use in the sheltered workshop (Student Work) | 1972 | Standahl, Beverly Weipert | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
The differential effects of phonics versus sight-recognition methods of teaching reading on ... (Student Work) | 1974 | Peoples, Arthur C. | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
Differential evolution rates long bacterial chromosomes (Student Work) | 2024 | Deszyck, John E. | M.S. | Biology, UNCG |
Differential language influence on math achievement (Student Work) | 2010 | Chen, Fang | Ph.D. | Educational Research Methodology, UNCG |
Differential marriage and family perceptions and attitudes of adolescents living in child ca... (Student Work) | 1970 | Snow, Charles W. | Ph. D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Differential memory impairment in individuals exhibiting Korsakoff's syndrome (Student Work) | 1977 | Sawyer, Terry McCray | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
Differential reinforcing value of speech and heartbeats : a measure of functional lateraliza... (Student Work) | 1985 | Prescott, Phyllis A. | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
Differentiation of functional human mast cells from adipose derived stem cells and their app... (Student Work) | 2018 | Plotkin, Jesse David | Ph.D. | Nanoscience, UNCG |
Digging deeper: understanding non-proficient students through an understanding of reading an... (Student Work) | 2017 | Smith, Hiawatha De'Jesus | Ph.D. | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
Digital connection in a physical classroom: clickers and the student-teacher relationship (Student Work) | 2015 | Carrino, Stephanie Sedberry | Ph.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Dimensions of clothing interest based on factor analysis of Creekmore's 1968 clothing measur... (Student Work) | 1974 | Gurel, Lois M. | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Dimensions of Cultural Competence: Nurse-Client Perspectives (Student Work) | 2008 | Starr, Sharon S. | PhD | Nursing, UNCG |
Dimensions of perfectionism as vulnerability factors for depression in the narcissistic and ... (Student Work) | 1996 | Cassady, Patricia M. B. | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
Dioxygen Reactivity of Bioinspired Copper(I) and Copper(I)/Manganese(II)-Porphyrin Systems (Student Work) | 2022 | Li, Runzi | B.S. | Chemistry, UNCG |
The diplomatic career of Jan Christian Smuts (Student Work) | 1976 | Dean, Phillip Walter | M.A. | History, UNCG |
The direct and indirect effects of multiple family transitions on changes in children’s BMI ... (Student Work) | 2020 | Sommers, Savannah A. | M.S. | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
The direct and indirect effects of site suitability on Eastern monarch butterfly migratory p... (Student Work) | 2019 | Kesler, Karen Keller | M.A. | Geography, Environment, and Sustainability, UNCG |
Directed forgetting in a proactive interference paradigm (Student Work) | 2006 | Li, Xiaoming | Master of Art | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
"Directing threds-- through the labyrinth" : the moral use of Platonic conventions and patte... (Student Work) | 1973 | Tucker, Virginia Acheson | Ph.D. | English, UNCG |
The direction and presentation of Tango, a play by Slawomir Mrozek (Student Work) | 1977 | Childers, Michael Eugene | M.F.A. | Drama and Speech, UNCG |
The (Dis) Order of Transgender Identities: How the Requirement for a Mental Health Diagnosis... (Student Work) | 2018 | Coffino, Kyle | B.A. | Sociology, UNCG |
(Dis)obedient wives: manifestations of collective female agency in early modern city comedie... (Student Work) | 2017 | Berberyan, Lilit | Ph.D. | English, UNCG |
Disability is Beautiful, Disability is my Culture (Student Work) | 2008 | Purcell, William H. | MA | Liberal Studies, UNCG |
Disabling the disparity: building the cultural competence of school and teacher leaders (Student Work) | 2018 | Armond, Arlisa | Ed.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Disadvantaged children's play behavior over the school year in public school preschool class... (Student Work) | 1996 | Son-Yarbrough, Whasoup | Ph.D. | Human Environmental Sciences, UNCG |
The disavowment of Black women’s bodies: the rise of the Brazilian butt lift (Student Work) | 2020 | Toshumba, Nijah Imani | M.A. | Women's and Gender Studies, UNCG |
The discernibility of the effect of varying levels of illumination on individuals (Student Work) | 1963 | Gore, Janelle White | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Disciplinary articulation in rhetoric and composition (Student Work) | 2013 | Babb, Jacob Sebastian | Ph.D. | English, UNCG |
Disciplinary disproportionality and the organization of power (Student Work) | 2012 | McCamish, Cayce M. | Ph.D. | Educational Studies, UNCG |
Discourse of STEM education evaluation : current and future perspectives (Student Work) | 2023 | Adetogun, Adeyemo Adekanmi | Ph.D. | Educational Research Methodology, UNCG |
Discourse surrounding culturally responsive leadership : how school principals implement cha... (Student Work) | 2022 | Davis-Burgins, Jamie | Ed.D | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations , UNCG |
Discovering the kinetic language of violence on the early modern stage (Student Work) | 2016 | Carter, Matthew Charles | Ph.D. | English, UNCG |
Discovering new structural diversity from unexplored fungi (Student Work) | 2014 | El-Elimat, Tamam M. | Ph.D. | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Discovering strategies of support to build distinguished school executives (Student Work) | 2012 | Butler, Joseph Dain | Ed.D | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Discovering through the act of making (Student Work) | 2011 | Moore, Maurice | MFA | Art, UNCG |
Discovery as the direct and urgent action of ecological assessment in writing centers (Student Work) | 2023 | Daniel, Jennifer Smith | Ph.D | English, UNCG |
Discovery of conserved peptide sequences to gain insight into cyclopeptide alkaloid formatio... (Student Work) | 2022 | Underwood, Ethan B. | M.S. | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Discriminators of interest in family support programs among Air Force couples (Student Work) | 1981 | Brown, Richard Julius | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
A discussion of Jennifer Higdon’s setting of the poetry of Amy Lowell in the chamber work Lo... (Student Work) | 2017 | Leontis, Evangelia Sophia | D.M.A. | School of Music, UNCG |
A discussion of the Pearl stanza as an approach to the poem (Student Work) | 1968 | Goodwin, Jean | | English, UNCG |
Disidentification with the human and/as doing creature hope (Student Work) | 2016 | Alexander, Dayne B. | M.A. | Women's and Gender Studies, UNCG |
The disinformation pandemic : understanding, identification, and mitigation in COVID-19 era (Student Work) | 2022 | Esmizadeh, Yalda | Ph.D. | Information Systems and Supply Chain Management, UNCG |
Disparities amongst Black and White undergraduate students’ perceived benefits, perceived ba... (Student Work) | 2023 | Thompson, Marcus D. | Ed.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
The Dispositions in Action of Lateral Entry and Traditionally Certified Elementary Teachers ... (Student Work) | 2008 | Wesson, R. Lane | PhD | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
Disrupting the best of intentions. towards becoming an anti-oppressive educator: locating an... (Student Work) | 2014 | Brownlee Dell, Erin | Ph.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Disrupting masculinity and patriarchy: stories of men transforming (Student Work) | 2019 | Lorello, James A. | Ed.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Disrupting normal: narratives of inclusion in mental health and aging. (Student Work) | 2009 | Burrow, Kenneth A. | MS | Gerontology, UNCG |
Disruption of host selenobiology by SARS-CoV-2 and Ebola virus via RNA:RNA antisense interac... (Student Work) | 2023 | Stubbs, David B. | Ph.D. | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Dissociation and posttraumatic stress disorder in Khmer refugees resettled in the United Sta... (Student Work) | 1991 | Rosser-Hogan, Rhonda L. | Ph.D. | Education, UNCG |
Distance Education Financial Expenditures in North Carolina Community Colleges (Student Work) | 2008 | Bledsoe, Chad A. | PhD | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
Distant lights : trio for flute, cello, & piano (Student Work) | 2023 | Norris, Charles Dean | M.M. | School of Music, UNCG |
Distill, my beating heart : releasing the "liquid prisoner" of Shakespeare's sonnets ; and, ... (Student Work) | 2006 | Kirby-Smith, Susan Callow | Master of Art | English, UNCG |
Distinctions between sociometric status groups : internalizing difficulties (Student Work) | 1996 | Ward, Wendy L. | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
Distinctive physical education teachers : personal qualities, perceptions of teacher educati... (Student Work) | 1980 | Earls, Neal Franklin | Ed.D. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
The "Distinctive" South : forty-year quest for a regional mystique (1928-1968) (Student Work) | 1970 | Stanback, Betty Anne | M.A. | History and Political Science, UNCG |
Distraction-Free Zone: Decreasing Distractions During Emergence from Anesthesia (Student Work) | 2024 | Cornatzer, Anna | DNP | Nursing, UNCG |
A distributed approach to XML interoperability (Student Work) | 2007 | Leone, Jason Steven | Master of Science | Mathematics and Statistics, UNCG |
A Distributed Public Key Caching Scheme in Large Wireless Networks. (Student Work) | 2010 | Kong, Yuan | M.S. | Computer Science, UNCG |
A district case study : how one school district engaged in sustainable systemic change to in... (Student Work) | 2022 | Burnette, Kristin Krupa | Ph.D. | Specialized Education Services, UNCG |
"Disturb not her dream:" the influence of Jacobite coding on Robert Burns's poetry ; and, Ne... (Student Work) | 2014 | Eudy, Virginia Blaire | M.A. | English, UNCG |
Diverse Contributions to the Education System (Student Work) | 2022 | Lambeth, Blakely I. | B.S. | Elementary Education , UNCG |
The diversity and behavior of bats in wetlands versus forested edge using unidirectional aco... (Student Work) | 2023 | Calhoun, Monica K. | M.S. | Biology, UNCG |
Diversity in global virtual teams : a partnership development perspective (Student Work) | 2007 | Pinjani, Praveen | PhD | Information Systems and Operations Management, UNCG |
The divided world of Andrew Marvell (Student Work) | 1958 | Carden, Patricia | | English, UNCG |
Division of child care, parenting roles, and parent-child relationship quality in same-sex h... (Student Work) | 2017 | Auber, Valerie W. | M.S. | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Divorce mediation : factors influencing the choice of mediation and their respective objecti... (Student Work) | 1985 | Deal, Tony Ray | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Djuna Barnes and experimental narration : a study of character-narration in the poetry, fict... (Student Work) | 1968 | Mallison, David Walker | M.A. | English, UNCG |
Do consumers want a "good" apparel brand? the effects of apparel brands' Corporate social re... (Student Work) | 2013 | Woo, Hongjoo | M.S. | Consumer, Apparel, and Retail Studies, UNCG |
Do lower prices always increase willingness to purchase? a comprehensive understanding towar... (Student Work) | 2013 | Son, Junghwa | Ph.D. | Consumer, Apparel, and Retail Studies, UNCG |
Do not try this at home (Student Work) | 2012 | Delgado, Shawn Michael | MFA | English, UNCG |
Do physiological and environmental factors influence vocal communication and associated beha... (Student Work) | 2020 | Petric, Radmila | Ph.D. | Biology, UNCG |
Do work incentives work? three essays on the impacts for physicians and welfare recipients (Student Work) | 2013 | Wolff, Carolyn M. | Ph.D. | Economics, UNCG |
Do you regret using social media? Understanding the role of dark side of social media in reg... (Student Work) | 2019 | Huang, Ziyue | Ph.D. | Information Systems and Supply Chain Management, UNCG |
Doctoral dissertations in physical education : a twenty-year portrait (Student Work) | 1986 | Gillis, Jacqueline Hanna | Ed.D. | Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, UNCG |
Documenting ArtsGreensboro (Student Work) | 2020 | Coale, Camrynn | B.A. | Arts Administration, UNCG |
Documenting The Beginning: A photo journal of exploring building with bamboo through differe... (Student Work) | 2021 | Gentry, Kayla E. | B.F.A. | Interior Architecture , UNCG |
"Doe, as I have done" : Mary Carey's reciprocal relationship with the divine (Student Work) | 2007 | Neil, Kelly M. | Master of Arts | English, UNCG |
Does anthropogenic disturbance affect the ecological transmission drivers of the La crosse v... (Student Work) | 2011 | Tamini, Tuamami T. | MS | Biology, UNCG |
Does an Educational Intervention on the Benefits of Remimazolam for Endoscopic Procedures Ch... (Student Work) | 2024 | Nunn, Holly A. | DNP | Nursing, UNCG |
Does an Educational Intervention on BIS Monitoring Increase Utilization of BIS Monitoring an... (Student Work) | 2022 | Getzloff, Kelsey Margaret | DNP | Nursing, UNCG |
Does Handedness for Prehension Predict Handedness for Role-Differentiated Bimanual Manipulat... (Student Work) | 2008 | Ferre, Claudio L. | MA | Psychology, UNCG |
Does internal mental imagery help maintain muscle strength and force steadiness during immob... (Student Work) | 2012 | Huggins-Sullivan, Siobhan | M.S. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Does lateral attention affect health behavior?: investigating hemispheric influences in fram... (Student Work) | 2010 | McCormick, Michael | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
Does mind wandering create a mental context change that facilitates memory retrieval? (Student Work) | 2022 | Booth, Rachel A. | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
Does parental feeding style moderate the relationship between children’s taste preferences f... (Student Work) | 2017 | Hamm, Emily | M.S. | Nutrition, UNCG |
Does resilience mediate the effects of bullying in nurses? (Student Work) | 2013 | Sauer, Penny A. | Ph.D. | Nursing, UNCG |
Does the testing effect impact favorability judgments? (Student Work) | 2013 | Chang, Yoojin | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
The dolphin as symbol in three modern works : Ernest Hemingway, The old man and the sea; Wil... (Student Work) | 1970 | Gaither, Nell Weddell | M.A. | English, UNCG |
Domain interdependence beliefs as a mechanism for dimensional comparison: an experimental an... (Student Work) | 2018 | Strickhouser, Jason E. | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
The domestic formation of United States policy towards the Barbary powers, 1784-1808 (Student Work) | 1976 | Scott, Douglas Alan | M.A. | History, UNCG |
Domingo (Student Work) | 1975 | Stolpen, Steven Lee | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
Donor human milk uses outside of the hospitalized preterm infant (Student Work) | 2023 | McCune, Sydney Alexandra | Ph.D. | Nutrition, UNCG |
Don't Be a Fool, Checking your Stool is Cool (Student Work) | 2022 | Muse, Tiffany | DNP | Nursing, UNCG |
Don't Touch That Button, Brad! (Student Work) | 2024 | Lowry, Brad "Niidodae" | B.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
DOPE voices : understanding the experiences of Black womxn mid-level student affairs adminis... (Student Work) | 2023 | Fullwood, Carla Cadet | Ph.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Dorothy Heathcote as philosopher, educator and dramatist (Student Work) | 1991 | St. Clair, Jeanne Peterson | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Dorothy Parker, who are you? : an adaptation of Dorothy Parker's work, reflecting her life a... (Student Work) | 1977 | Willson, Wendy B. | M.A. | Drama and Speech, UNCG |
Dosage effect on neuromuscular retention of a fractal gait pattern using a visual stimulus (Student Work) | 2016 | Frame, Logan J. | M.S. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Doxorubicin-induced cytotoxicity in rat myocardial H9c2 cells: the roles of reactive oxygen ... (Student Work) | 2017 | Lee, Ho Young | M.S. | Biology, UNCG |
Dr. Charles Buell : leader in physical education for the visually impaired (Student Work) | 1980 | Whitley, Patricia Rice | Ed.D. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
A dramatic interpretation of the role of Isabella in William Glennon's The adventures of Har... (Student Work) | 1975 | Nassif, Mary Sheila | M.F.A. | Drama and Speech, UNCG |
A dramatic interpretation of the role of Queen Margaret of Anjou in William Shakespeare's Th... (Student Work) | 1976 | Ramsey, Mary Law | M.F.A. | Drama and Speech, UNCG |
Drama in the life and works of Thomas More (Student Work) | 1988 | Fredricks, Daniel David | Ph.D. | English, UNCG |
Drawing the perceptual and experiential landscape (Student Work) | 2011 | Nicholas, Amanda K. | MFA | Art, UNCG |
Drawings (Student Work) | 2014 | Brahe, Christian Michael | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
Drawings (Student Work) | 1977 | Lee, Scott William | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
Drawings and paintings (Student Work) | 1976 | Seagraves, Eleanor Sue Kody | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
Drawings and paintings of still life situations and the figure (Student Work) | 1976 | Kornegay, Cassandra F. | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
Dread and portent: reading H. P. Lovecraft`s Necronomicon as social commentary (Student Work) | 2010 | Vance, G. Warlock | Ph.D. | English, UNCG |
Dreaming after trauma: exploring the relationship of replicative and recurrent posttraumatic... (Student Work) | 2015 | Wagener, Alwin E. | Ph.D. | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
DREAMing of science: undocumented Latin@s' testimonios across the borderlands of high school... (Student Work) | 2013 | Aguilar-Valdéz, Jean Rockford | Ph.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Dress and nudity in the iconography of the Florentine Renaissance woman (Student Work) | 1982 | Ledogar, Judith W. | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Drift and other stories (Student Work) | 2014 | Missett, Brendan C. | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
Drift pretty (Student Work) | 2005 | Colussy-Estes, Justin | MFA | English, UNCG |
Drivers of plant community biodiversity: understory dynamics in longleaf pine savannas of No... (Student Work) | 2019 | Young, Alyssa L. | M.S. | Biology, UNCG |
Drug knowledge and selected sociological factors among high school students (Student Work) | 1973 | Wychules, Michael V. | M.Ed. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
Drug screening practices and policies of labor and delivery units in the southeastern United... (Student Work) | 2020 | Byrd, Dolly Pressley | Ph.D. | Nursing, UNCG |
Drum set as a solo artform: developing the percussionist through solo performance (Student Work) | 2020 | Cantrell, Ben | D.M.A. | School of Music, UNCG |
Dual Credit/Concurrent Enrollment Initiatives: A Study of Influences on Students' Postsecond... (Student Work) | 2008 | Bartlett, Walter Claude | PhD | Philosophy, UNCG |
The dual role of single parent and professional : a study of gender issues and the work-fami... (Student Work) | 1984 | Simmons, Gwenneva | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Dual sources of antimicrobial activity of Anemopsis californica : plant and endophytic fungi... (Student Work) | 2014 | Bussey, Robert Owen | Ph.D. | Medicinal Biochemistry, UNCG |
Dubliner's in winter : a study of Joyce's "Chapter of Moral History" (Student Work) | 1970 | Hargrave, Elizabeth George | M.A. | English, UNCG |
The duel at Yamazaki-Daira (Student Work) | 1967 | Takahashi, Hiromi | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
Duke Vincentio of Shakespeare's Measure for measure : a review of the criticism from a dialo... (Student Work) | 1989 | Ahn, Woo Kyu | Ph.D. | English, UNCG |
Dull trots the crowd : "a symphonic cantata based on lines by the poet Stephan George" (Student Work) | 1972 | Martin, Richard Terry | M.F.A. | Music, UNCG |
Duration (Student Work) | 1970 | Howell, Jerry Morris | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
Dyadic coping among adults with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (Student Work) | 2009 | Morfesis, Francesca | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
Dyadic perspectives around online alcohol-facilitative communication (Student Work) | 2023 | Chase, Gregory E. | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
Dysnomia and its relationship to subtypes of reading disabilities (Student Work) | 1983 | Felton, Rebecca Hobgood | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Dystopian dilemma (Student Work) | 2009 | Porter, James Anthony | MFA | Studio Art, UNCG |
Early attachment : maternal voice preference in one- and three-day-old infants (Student Work) | 1981 | Fifer, William Paul | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
Early Attachment Security: Relations with Cognitive Skills and Academic Achievement (Student Work) | 2007 | Loudermilk, Sara M. | MA | Psychology, UNCG |
Early Career Teachers' Perceptions of their Preparation for and Initial Experiences in Co-Ta... (Student Work) | 2010 | Shamberger, Cynthia Thrasher | Ph.D. | Specialized Education Services, UNCG |
Early childhood education practicum students' perceptions of their practicum setting and fac... (Student Work) | 2013 | Johnson, Amy V. | M.S. | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Early Christian teachings on Jews: a necessary cause of the Nazi antisemitism that informed ... (Student Work) | 2010 | Sanzenbacher, Carolyn | MA | History, UNCG |
Early clarinet performance as described by modern specialists, with a performance edition of... (Student Work) | 2005 | Jackman, Luc Alain | Doctor of Musical Arts | Music, UNCG |
Early college high school leadership: a closer look (Student Work) | 2017 | Hill, Diane Sheppard | Ed.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
The early compositions for cello and piano by Heitor Villa-Lobos (Student Work) | 2019 | Ramos Zaparolli, Miguel Augusto | D.M.A. | English, UNCG |
The early diffusion of smart meters in the US electric power industry (Student Work) | 2017 | Strong, Derek Ryan | Ph.D. | Economics, UNCG |
The early effects of cortisol on 3H-uridine and 14C-leucine uptake and incorporation in cell... (Student Work) | 1977 | Lohrman, Charles Richard | M.A. | Biology, UNCG |
Early experience with food items of differing sizes and optimal foraging in golden hamsters ... (Student Work) | 1989 | Turpin, Barbara | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
Early experience, binocular competition, and the sculpting of relay cell morphology in the c... (Student Work) | 1992 | Vaughan, John Williams | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
Early learning and development standards: an examination of teachers’ knowledge, practices, ... (Student Work) | 2016 | Sumrall, Teressa C.. | Ph.D. | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Early literacy and language development in children with disabilities (Student Work) | 2011 | Goodson, Lauren K. | MS | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Early maternal-infant interactions in adolescent and young adult mothers (Student Work) | 1989 | Penny, Judith MacKay | Ph.D. | Human Environmental Sciences, UNCG |
Early Native American bands : the Phoenix Indian School (Student Work) | 2024 | Arp, Kristin N. | D.M.A. | School of Music, UNCG |
Early parenting and children's kindergarten peer acceptance (Student Work) | 2007 | Shuey, Elizabeth A. | Master of Arts | Psychology, UNCG |
Early pubertal timing and emotional symptoms: the protective role of friendship quality (Student Work) | 2020 | Lee, Jessica M. | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
Early Screening of Chronic Kidney Disease in Primary Care Practice for Veterans (Student Work) | 2022 | Jeter, Ertha | DNP | Nursing, UNCG |
Early sport specialization and chronic injuries in college students (Student Work) | 2024 | Zinke, Timothy J. | Ed.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Early temperament and the link with adolescent internalizing problems: pathways through soci... (Student Work) | 2019 | Denio, Erin B. | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
Early-onset vs. late-onset colorectal cancer trends among veterans (Student Work) | 2020 | Chapman, Monalesia | Ph.D. | Nursing, UNCG |
Earth landscapes (Student Work) | 1977 | White, Charlotte Cotting | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
The earth observing one (EO-1) Hyperion and Advanced land imager sensors for use in tundra c... (Student Work) | 2012 | Hall-Brown, Mary B. | Ph.D. | Geography, UNCG |
Earthenware sculpture (Student Work) | 1977 | Vanderlaan, Dan H. | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
Earthly and Heavenly Nostalgia: The Meanings of Places and Times in Literature An Analysis o... (Student Work) | 2024 | Lothian, Evangeline | B.A. | English, UNCG |
Earthly Distillation (Student Work) | 2018 | Cook, Kathryn L. | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
Eat your ear : the fallibility, futility, and fun of never knowing what your taste sounds li... (Student Work) | 2022 | Strazzinski, Ash | M.F.A. | School of Art, UNCG |
Eaten alive (Student Work) | 1973 | Bardon, James | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
Eating attitudes in fourth-, sixth- and eighth-grade females (Student Work) | 1988 | Rhyne, Martha Cornelia | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Eating disorders, sex role identification, and assertion (Student Work) | 1986 | Sullivan, James Davis | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Eating regulation and nutrition intervention among African American women caretakers of youn... (Student Work) | 2020 | Batten, Kendra | Ph.D. | Nutrition, UNCG |
eChirp: Measuring Available Bandwidth for the Internet Using Multiple Chirp Packet Trains (Student Work) | 2008 | Kumar, Surender | MS | Computer Science, UNCG |
Echo and instrument (Student Work) | 2015 | Mac Pherson, Cory H. | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
Eco-conscious furniture design : exploring cardboard layering in eco-friendly chair design (Student Work) | 2023 | Maghsoud, Kiandokht | M.F.A. | Interior Architecture , UNCG |
The ecological legacy of the naval stores industry in North Carolina (Student Work) | 2013 | Cummings, Lindsay W. | M.A. | Geography, UNCG |
Ecological niche modeling as a conservation tool to predict actual and potential habitat for... (Student Work) | 2009 | Walton, Elizabeth M. | Ph.D. | Geography, UNCG |
Economic aspects of a selected group of tenth and eleventh grade dropouts (Student Work) | 1968 | Faircloth, Ann Horne | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Economic development effectiveness of selected Piedmont Triad community colleges (Student Work) | 1993 | Hennis, Anne R. | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
The economic geography of the tourist industry by U.S. metropolitan area: a supply-side anal... (Student Work) | 2010 | Omer, Omer Abdalla | Ph.D. | Geography, UNCG |
The economic socialization of elementary school children : their experiences and understandi... (Student Work) | 1973 | Kearney, Paula Luckadoo | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
The economic, educational, and social effects of the shift in the character of the tax suppo... (Student Work) | 1950 | Kennedy, Nellie Pauline | M.A. Ed. | Education, UNCG |
The economics of John Maynard Keynes (Student Work) | 1949 | Cohn, Marilyn | | Economics, UNCG |
The economics of racial discrimination : an econometric study of the earnings gap between bl... (Student Work) | 1976 | Edington, Charles Arthur | M.A. | Business and Economics, UNCG |
An economics perspective of patenting behavior in small entrepreneurial firms (Student Work) | 2020 | Aw, Ndeye Astou | Ph.D. | UNCG |
Ecosystems of meaning : a case study of subnational networks and climate change legislation (Student Work) | 2024 | Berggren, Jenny | Ph.D. | Sociology, UNCG |
EcoWellness: construction & validation of the Reese EcoWellness inventory (Student Work) | 2013 | Reese, Ryan F. | Ph.D. | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
The edge (Student Work) | 1969 | Burris, Betty Louise | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
Edge cites revisited: the restless suburban landscape (Student Work) | 2012 | Catanzarite, Matthew Thomas | M.S. | Geography, UNCG |
An edition of "Welcome to our city, a play by Thomas Wolfe (Student Work) | 1979 | Huffman, Phyllis L. | Ph.D. | English, UNCG |
Edmund Burke and the Scottish enlightenment (Student Work) | 1977 | MacKinnon, Stephen Brewer | M.A. | History, UNCG |
Edmund Hooper: A Study of His Style Compared to Orlando Gibbons and Prevailing Tudor Polypho... (Student Work) | 2008 | Allred, Edward William | DMA | Music, UNCG |
Eduard Toldrà: an exploration of language, text, and music in the Sis Sonets for violin and ... (Student Work) | 2009 | Koontz, Eric E. | DMA | Music, UNCG |
Educating teachers in an integrated arts curriculum : a rationale and pilot study (Student Work) | 1974 | Bell, Annie L. VanZandt | Ed. D. | Education, UNCG |
Educating the virtual way : NC K-12 virtual principals’ perceptions of successful implementa... (Student Work) | 2024 | Daniels, Mary Elizabeth | Ed.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Education and community : an interpretive inquiry into the meaning and messages of schooling... (Student Work) | 1985 | Kilbride, Ita Fay | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Education and critical consciousness : Freire, Freud and Hegel (Student Work) | 1987 | Sloop, Joyce Honeycutt | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Education for assimilation, integration or liberation? : a critical analysis of black educat... (Student Work) | 1991 | Lee, Boon Tzao | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Education for global citizenship in America (Student Work) | 2011 | Hulme, Michael J. | Ph.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Education of women in leadership: learning the new role of political candidate (Student Work) | 2019 | Clemmons, Ashton Wheeler | Ed.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Education on Lung Protective Ventilation and Anesthesia Provider Perception in the Intraoper... (Student Work) | 2024 | Ruse, Anna | DNP | Nursing, UNCG |
Education on the Role of Prophylactic Ondansetron in Preventing Spinal Anesthesia-Induced Hy... (Student Work) | 2024 | Lanier, Olivia | DNP | Nursing, UNCG |
Educational and vocational interests of members of Future Homemakers of America (Student Work) | 1959 | Price, Mary Floyce | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Educational change, cultural transformation and spiritual renewal : reflections on a mytholo... (Student Work) | 1992 | McLaughlin, Joy Stallings | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Educational concepts which home economics teachers in North Carolina accept and believe they... (Student Work) | 1961 | Godwin, Helen Miller | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Educational criteria to be observed when employing the staff of an orphanage (Student Work) | 1945 | Lord, William Broughton | M.A. Ed. | Education, UNCG |
Educational efforts in colonial Virginia, North Carolina and South Carolina : the first cent... (Student Work) | 1964 | Glover, Elizabeth Gay | M.A. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
Educational emancipation: addressing retention and graduation of traditional aged undergradu... (Student Work) | 2015 | Coleman, Jeffrey K. | Ph.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Educational implications of the impact of white culture on the natives of Kake, Alaska (Student Work) | 1949 | Howell, Lora F. | M.A. Ed. | Education, UNCG |
Educational interpreters for the deaf and hard of hearing: professional preparation, evaluat... (Student Work) | 2020 | Hutter, Kimberly F. | Ph.D. | Specialized Education Services, UNCG |
An Educational Intervention for Anesthesia Handoff and Recovery in the ICU (Student Work) | 2022 | Williamson, Wingate | DNP | Nursing, UNCG |
An Educational Intervention on Guidelines to Attenuate Spinal Anesthesia-Induced Maternal Hy... (Student Work) | 2022 | Shaw, Mildred A. | DNP | Nursing, UNCG |
Educational Intervention on Mentoring Improves, Competence, Confidence, and Readiness for Pr... (Student Work) | 2024 | Greene, Hanna | DNP | Nursing, UNCG |
Educational Intervention On Preinduction Ondansetron As Prophylaxis For Subarachnoid Block-I... (Student Work) | 2024 | Reddinger, Samuel L. | DNP | Nursing, UNCG |
An educational intervention to improve nursing care of geriatric care in the emergency depar... (Student Work) | 2016 | Rhew, Denise C. | Ph.D. | Nursing, UNCG |
Educational Intervention: Improving Long Term Care Nursing Staff Comfort with Utilizing Blad... (Student Work) | 2023 | O'Bryant, Melissa S. | DNP | Nursing, UNCG |
Educational leaders as catalyst for connecting school and community: uncovering leadership s... (Student Work) | 2010 | Woody, Aaron Michael | Ed.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Educational practices of administrators and teachers in a high performing Title I school tha... (Student Work) | 2016 | Brady, Gail | Ed.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
An educational program in breast cancer screening for first-degree relatives of breast cance... (Student Work) | 1990 | Sharp, Penny Cunningham | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Educational resources and facilities of Greensboro, North Carolina : industry suitable for u... (Student Work) | 1949 | Perkins, Thurman Thomas | M.A. Ed. | Education, UNCG |
An Educational Toolkit for CRNAs to Reduce Barriers to Opioid-Sparing Anesthesia (Student Work) | 2024 | Hamad, Alexander S. | DNP | Nursing, UNCG |
Educational viewing meets educational conversation : phenomenology, classrooms, and film rec... (Student Work) | 2022 | Harris, Chad E. | Ph.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Edwin Franko Goldman's Scherzo: a transcribed performance edition for solo trumpet and brass... (Student Work) | 2010 | Keast, Virginia Alice | DMA | Music, UNCG |
The effect of 17 B-estradiol and vitamin A on the proliferation of the cell line I-407 (Student Work) | 1974 | Johnson, Kathryn Louise | M.A. | Biology, UNCG |
The effect of acute exercise on the formation of long-term memory (Student Work) | 2012 | Labban, Jeffrey | Ph.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
The effect of adult enrichment courses on self-actualization as measured by Shostrom's POI (Student Work) | 1980 | Eller, Wayne Clark | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
The effect of an after-school outdoor adventure education program on high school students’ o... (Student Work) | 2024 | Boggs, Justin K. | Ed.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Effect of age and thirty minutes of exercise on prostacyclin/thromboxane A ratios and circul... (Student Work) | 1990 | Todd, Mikel Kent | Ph.D. | Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, UNCG |
The effect of age, reading ability, and representational mode on recognition memory performa... (Student Work) | 1976 | Taweel, Suzanne S, | M.A. | Home Economics, UNCG |
The effect of air velocity on the burning characteristics of selected drapery fabrics (Student Work) | 1975 | Drinka, Mary Beth | M.S. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Effect of ankle dorsiflexion range of motion on knee biomechanics: implications for patellof... (Student Work) | 2014 | Schacht, Elena Suzanne | M.S. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
The effect of aquatic performance on balance of cerebral palsied children (Student Work) | 1960 | Loeffler, Pauline Ann | M.S. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
The effect of attitude toward pre-performance exercises on fifty-yard dash time (Student Work) | 1972 | Groff, Donald Lee | M.S. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
The effect of auditory occlusion on TAT responses of institutionalized delinquent, adolescen... (Student Work) | 1972 | Villeponteaux, Lorenz | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
The effect of aural instruction with tonal and rhythm patterns from Edwin Gordon’s Music Lea... (Student Work) | 2016 | Thomas, Karen Sanders | Ph.D. | Music Education, UNCG |
The effect of ball size and basket height on the mechanics of the basketball free throw as p... (Student Work) | 1986 | Satern, Miriam N. | Ed.D. | Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, UNCG |
The effect of bias instructions on the judgments and interobserver agreements of naive behav... (Student Work) | 1977 | Wildman, Beth Goldstein | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
The effect Of “body positive” and “fit body” #fitspiration on body appreciation, self-effica... (Student Work) | 2023 | Stone, Tracy I. | Ed.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
The effect of brand mix, merchandise requirements, and supplier accessibility factors on the... (Student Work) | 1992 | Thomas, Jane Boyd | Ph.D. | Human Environmental Sciences, UNCG |
The Effect of the CALM Scale on Narcotic Use in Laboring Women (Student Work) | 2022 | Jarrell, Ashley | DNP | Nursing, UNCG |
The effect of cerebellar and collicular lesions on the relative encounter rates for x and y ... (Student Work) | 1989 | Moore, Rodney Joe | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
The effect of the Civil Rights Law of 1871 on teacher dismissal (Student Work) | 1980 | Trogdon, E. Wayne | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
The effect of class size on retention in the primary grades : implications for educators and... (Student Work) | 1993 | Harvey, Barbara Hawks | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
The effect of cognitive fatigue on physical activity intention and behavior among physically... (Student Work) | 2021 | Ueno, Aiko | M.S. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
The effect of color on food selection and consumption by nursery school children (Student Work) | 1968 | Bacon, Mary Ellen | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Effect of combined antioxidant supplementation on oxidative stress in myocardium from rats (Student Work) | 2007 | Nguyen, Linh Trong | Master of Science | Kinesiology, UNCG |
The effect of congruence of mothers' and fathers' beliefs regarding fathering roles on fathe... (Student Work) | 2006 | Adamsons, Kari L. | PhD | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
The effect of context-change on retrospective time estimates (Student Work) | 2014 | Smith, James Ray | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
The effect of delayed knowledge of results on the performance of a dart throwing skill (Student Work) | 1972 | Bailey, Elaine M. | M.S. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
The effect of a diabetes self-management program for African Americans in a faith-based sett... (Student Work) | 2016 | Goode, Pandora | Ph.D. | Nursing, UNCG |
The effect of a diet and exercise intervention on body composition and cardiometabolic risk ... (Student Work) | 2015 | Shearer, Elyse A. | Ph.D. | Nutrition, UNCG |
The effect of dietary fat on dopamine neurotransmission (Student Work) | 2019 | Barnes, Cherie N. | M.S. | Nutrition, UNCG |
Effect of dragonfly nymph presence and conspecific larvae density on oviposition response of... (Student Work) | 2014 | Yeoman, Kimberlie | M.S. | Biology, UNCG |
The effect of dynamic balance training on reading readiness of selected kindergarten childre... (Student Work) | 1971 | Donahue, Janet Ann | M.S. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
The Effect of Early Implementation of Infection Prevention and Control Outbreak Management I... (Student Work) | 2023 | Carman, Christopher | DNP | Nursing, UNCG |
The effect of early manual communication on academic achievement and acquisition of linguist... (Student Work) | 1971 | Cutting, Douglas Scott | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
The effect of electronic cookery upon the appearance and palatability of a yellow cake (Student Work) | 1960 | Surratt, Helen Kirk | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Effect of exercise on bone density and body composition during lactation (Student Work) | 2006 | Kennedy, Heather Lynne | Master of Science | Nutrition, UNCG |
The effect of exercise on Myocardial Na+/H+ exchanger-1 (NHE1) (Student Work) | 2012 | Feger, Bryan James | Ph.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
The effect of exercise (training) on the basal concentration of ATP in muscle tissue (Student Work) | 1965 | Williams, Julia Ann | M.S. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
Effect of explicitness of task presentation and response format on cognitive role-taking in ... (Student Work) | 1976 | Brandt, Melda Mary | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
The effect of a fabric softener on the surface appearance of wash-wear cotton fabrics (Student Work) | 1962 | Cagle, Betty Ann | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Effect of fatigue on postural control (Student Work) | 2018 | Stafford, Jordan W. | M.S. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
The effect of feedback on the reliability of self-recording (Student Work) | 1974 | Black, John Linwood | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
The effect of feeder duration on fixed-interval performance : context dependencies (Student Work) | 1974 | Hatten, Jean Leighton | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
The effect of first pregnancy on selected aspects of the marital relationship (Student Work) | 1985 | Saunders, Rebecca B. | Ph.D. | Graduate School, UNCG |
The effect of five different approaches in teaching the overhand throw for accuracy to junio... (Student Work) | 1968 | Gallaway, Carolyn Randall | M.S. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
The effect of fixed and variable blackouts of different durations on responding in fixed int... (Student Work) | 1979 | Hatten, Jean Leighton | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
The Effect of Focal Task-Specific Embouchure Dystonia upon Brass Musicians: A Literature Rev... (Student Work) | 2008 | Fletcher, Seth David | DMA | Music, UNCG |
The Effect of Folate Deficiency on the Wnt Signaling Pathway (Student Work) | 2008 | Morillon, Yves Maurice | MS | Biology, UNCG |
The effect of foot exercise upon foot function and balance (Student Work) | 1963 | Bailey, Laura Lillian | M.S. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
Effect of grade retention on student achievement : a case study of the effectiveness of grad... (Student Work) | 1986 | Routh, Nancy Reynolds | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
The effect of grip and wrist strengthening exercises on tennis playing ability (Student Work) | 1961 | Vogt, Mary Ann | M.S. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
The effect of growth regulating compounds on isolated stem sections (Student Work) | 1964 | Taylor, Kaye | | Biology, UNCG |
Effect of a heart health nutrition program on elementary school children in Piedmont North C... (Student Work) | 1990 | Leddon, Kay Ragsdale | Ph.D. | Human Environmental Sciences, UNCG |
The effect of a high dairy diet, dairy supplementation, and resistance exercise on increasin... (Student Work) | 2009 | Thomas, David Travis | Ph.D. | Nutrition, UNCG |
Effect of high pressure steaming, low pressure steaming, and a steam jacketed kettle on the ... (Student Work) | 1970 | Beal, Nancy Karen | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Effect of high pressure steaming, low pressure steaming, and a steam jacketed kettle on froz... (Student Work) | 1968 | McGrath, Mary Daniel | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
The effect of high-intensity exercise and carbohydrate supplementation on plasma visfatin (Student Work) | 2013 | Mellick, Paul F. | Ph.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
The effect of husband-wife communication on marital power in decision-making (Student Work) | 1973 | Weeks, Melvin O'Neal | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
The effect of hypothetical injury on collective efficacy in collegiate soccer teams (Student Work) | 2011 | Sutcliffe, Julie H. | MS | Kinesiology, UNCG |
The effect of the implementation of comprehensive planning and management by objectives on t... (Student Work) | 1978 | Coble, Larry D. | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
The effect of an individualized soccer match simulation on movement (Student Work) | 2010 | Cone, John R. | Ph.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
The effect of instruction on the stereotypical expectations for learning-disabled children h... (Student Work) | 1980 | Harold, John Gary | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Effect of instructional set on degree of simultaneous brightness contrast (Student Work) | 1966 | Parrish, Michael | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
The effect of internalized homonegativity on the reaction of homosexual men to anti-gay soci... (Student Work) | 1996 | Walker-Matthews, Susan Grace | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
The effect of an introductory strength training program on ACL injury risk factors (Student Work) | 2018 | Cash, Eric Neil | Ed.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
The effect of iron on hematocrit levels in tropical fish (Student Work) | 1964 | Hopper, Patricia Ellen | | Biology, UNCG |
The Effect of Iron Overload on Osteoblast Function in Cell Culture (Student Work) | 2007 | Kilbarger, Amy K | MS | Nutrition, UNCG |
Effect of a junior high school weight control program on weight loss, self-concept, knowledg... (Student Work) | 1985 | Daye, Shirley Watford | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
The effect of lateral foot placement relative to hip width on the sprint start for women (Student Work) | 1972 | Howells, Roberta Ann | Ed. D. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
Effect of laundering by professional services on selected flame- retardant finished fabrics (Student Work) | 1971 | Williams, Ardis Ada | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
The effect of learning on selected physiological reactions (Student Work) | 1962 | Thornburg, Mary Lou | M.S. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
The effect of lean body mass and strength on lower extremity energy absorption strategies du... (Student Work) | 2011 | Montgomery, Melissa Mee Hae | Ph.D. | Specialized Education Services, UNCG |
The effect of list two length on context information in list-method directed forgetting (Student Work) | 2012 | Gray, Kendra Joi | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
Effect of low level fertilization on microplankton in Arctic LTER lakes (Student Work) | 2006 | Boyko, Alison Lisa | Master of Science | Biology, UNCG |
The effect of magic as a therapeutic recreation intervention on the self-esteem and depressi... (Student Work) | 2014 | Huycke, Suzanne M. | M.S. | Parks and Recreation Management, UNCG |
The effect of manganese neurotoxicity on the Gamma-Aminobutyric acid (GABA) neurotransmitter... (Student Work) | 2013 | Fordahl, Steven C. | Ph.D. | Nutrition, UNCG |
The effect of media and beauty standards on the body image of women with a visual disability... (Student Work) | 2019 | Robertson, Taneka | M.A. | Women's and Gender Studies, UNCG |
The effect of a miscarriage patient's age and parity status on nurses' emotional care (Student Work) | 1988 | Reed, Karen S. | Ph.D. | Human Environmental Sciences, UNCG |
The effect of mode of stimulus presentation on the acquisition and generalization of tacting... (Student Work) | 1973 | Cutting, Douglas Scott | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
The effect of morality content stories on the young child's responses on a moral development... (Student Work) | 1978 | Stegall, Mary Livingston | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
The effect of mothers’ relative earnings on fathers’ responsibility for routine childcare ta... (Student Work) | 2020 | Gedaly, Lindsey Ruth | Ph.D. | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Effect of music instruction on language development of preschool children (Student Work) | 1996 | Crosswhite, Jeanette E. | Ph.D. | Music, UNCG |
The effect of musical experiences and age on the ability of deaf children to discriminate pi... (Student Work) | 1985 | Ford, Theresa Ann | Ed.D. | Music, UNCG |
The effect of near ultraviolet radiation on the morphology of nylon 66 (Student Work) | 1973 | Stowe, Barbara Spilker | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
The effect of neuroticism on symptom report: a signal-detection model (Student Work) | 2014 | Levin-Aspenson, Holly F. | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
The effect of a one-semester music appreciation course upon music processing strategies of c... (Student Work) | 1985 | Fishburne, Shirley Herlong | Ed.D. | Music, UNCG |
The effect of pairing self-evaluation with reinforcement on a transfer task requiring self-e... (Student Work) | 1975 | Newell, Mary Elizabeth | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
The effect of partial vascular occlusion on oxidative stress and inflammatory markers in you... (Student Work) | 2011 | Garten, Ryan S. | Ph.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
The effect of peers’ beliefs on change-recollection driven rejection of misinformation (Student Work) | 2019 | Alexander, Timothy R. | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
The effect of perspiration, antiperspirants and atmospheric fumes on the colorfastness of se... (Student Work) | 1964 | Golchien, Mary Esther | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
The effect of planned exercise as a disinhibitor of dietary restraint : an investigation of ... (Student Work) | 1993 | Hart, Elizabeth Ann | Ph.D. | Health and Human Performance, UNCG |
The effect of the presence of a peer adolescent mediator and the amount of verbal praising o... (Student Work) | 1973 | Hooper, Sarah Catherine | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
The effect of quercetin on the antioxidant response and phenotypic development of osteoblas... (Student Work) | 2014 | Messer, Jonathan G. | Ph.D. | Nutrition, UNCG |
The effect of race and racial perception on adjudicators' ratings of choral performances att... (Student Work) | 2007 | Cheek, Jimmy Alexander | PhD | Music, UNCG |
The effect of real-life problem-solving training upon students' problem-solving ability (Student Work) | 1976 | Wilkinson, Larry Dale | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Effect of reality therapy/control theory on predictors of responsible behavior of junior hig... (Student Work) | 1992 | Harris, Margaret Ann Cannon | Ph.D. | Human Environmental Sciences, UNCG |
The effect of remedial reading programs on the classroom behavior of children with reading d... (Student Work) | 1975 | Johnsen, Thomajean | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
The effect of response format and presentation conditions on comprehension assessments for s... (Student Work) | 2017 | Walker, Ronda | Ph.D. | Communication Sciences and Disorders, UNCG |
The effect of selected cleansing treatments on garments with durable press finishes (Student Work) | 1966 | McGraw, Lynda Claudia | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Effect of selected fabric softeners on the surface appearance and physical properties of cot... (Student Work) | 1962 | Neely, Mary Regina | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
The effect of selected maternal, dietary and nutrition status variables on fetal outcome (Student Work) | 1976 | Green, Claudia Gill | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Effect of selected preparatory and response signal durations on reaction time in a simple re... (Student Work) | 1974 | Utter, William Dean | Ed.D. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
The effect of a self-instructional program of badminton rules on the knowledge and playing a... (Student Work) | 1965 | Neuman, Bonnie J. | M.S. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
The effect of semantic encoding on unconscious retrieval processes (Student Work) | 1990 | Toth, Jeffrey Paul | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
The effect of sex differences and brief peer deprivation or satiation on social behaviors in... (Student Work) | 1976 | Zibung-Huffman, Patricia Irene | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
The effect of sex differences on the subjective well-being of older widows and widowers (Student Work) | 1979 | Scott, Jean Pearson | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
The effect of sex education on social responsibility and locus of control (Student Work) | 1985 | Houston, Sandra T. | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
The effect of sex, ethnic group and the endorsement of masculine/feminine personality traits... (Student Work) | 1984 | Snyder, Linda Annette | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
The effect of short vowels on Arabic reading accuracy (Student Work) | 2014 | Al-shdifat, Khalid G. | Ph.D. | Communication Sciences and Disorders, UNCG |
Effect of sleep deprivation on exercise-induced growth hormone release (Student Work) | 2014 | Ritsche, Kevin Joseph | Ph.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
The effect of social reinforcement contingencies on the predictive validity of IQ test score... (Student Work) | 1976 | Grebenkemper, Nancy S. | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
Effect of a staff nutrition education program on the nutrition status of clients with mental... (Student Work) | 1996 | Rocchi, Felecia L. | Ph.D. | Human Environmental Sciences, UNCG |
The effect of the straight approach and the angular approach upon accuracy of the volleyball... (Student Work) | 1974 | Cordell, Lynn Virginia | M.S. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
The effect of synthesized I-E change techniques in modifying locus of control expectancies (Student Work) | 1978 | Suggs, Delano Rudolph | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
The effect of teacher scaffolding and student comprehension monitoring on a multimedia/inter... (Student Work) | 1993 | Nelson, Carole Sheets | Ph.D. | Human Environmental Sciences, UNCG |
The effect of teaching by the nurse on patient knowledge of medications and compliant behavi... (Student Work) | 1977 | Beeson, Susan A. | M.S.N. | Nursing, UNCG |
The effect of a theoretical listening study on the performance of jr. high clarinetists (Student Work) | 1975 | Hooker, L. Carol Needham | M.M. | Music, UNCG |
The effect of therapist empathy, norm disclosure, and self-disclosure on client disclosure a... (Student Work) | 1979 | Newell, Mary Elizabeth | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
The effect of timbre and pitch-pattern difficulty on the pitch perceptions of elementary-age... (Student Work) | 2015 | Soja, Morgan C. | Ph.D. | Music, UNCG |
The effect of training for dynamic balance on bowling performance (Student Work) | 1965 | Gaskin, Lynne Pearsall | M.S. | Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, UNCG |
Effect of training on frequency discrimination in primary school children (Student Work) | 1971 | Moore, Mildred Jane | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
The effect of trust, transaction utility, and product uniqueness on International Online Out... (Student Work) | 2016 | Ramkumar, Bharath | Ph.D. | Consumer, Apparel, and Retail Studies, UNCG |
Effect of Tuck Index on Impulse Produced during a Squat Jump in Swimmers (Student Work) | 2008 | Smith, Adam Douglas | MS | Kinesiology, UNCG |
The effect of two different approaches to gymnastics free-exercise on body-image concept and... (Student Work) | 1970 | Fetters, Janis Lynn | M.S. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
The effect of two different exercise programs on college women as measured by girth and skin... (Student Work) | 1967 | Sylvester, Patricia L. | M.S. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
The effect of two specific practice environments on the forehand and backhand ball placement... (Student Work) | 1975 | Roberts, Betty Ruth | Ed.D. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
The effect of two types of augmented feedback on self-reinforcement of high school physical ... (Student Work) | 1977 | Weinmann, Carol Ann | Ed.D. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
The effect of utilizing a badminton shuttlecock projecting device on the playing ability of ... (Student Work) | 1971 | Lee, Frieda | M.S. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
The effect of video gaming on physical activity among nursing home residents (Student Work) | 2016 | Williams, Tomika M. | Ph.D. | Nursing, UNCG |
The effect of wear upon selected performance factors of cotton sheeting (Student Work) | 1965 | Haywood, Elizabeth Jane | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
The effect of wearable activity tracker social behaviors on moderate-to-vigorous physical ac... (Student Work) | 2024 | Bireline, Amanda M. | Ed.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
The effect of zinc supplementation on total cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, the HDL cholestero... (Student Work) | 1988 | McKibben, Gerald Dumar | Ph.D. | Human Environmental Sciences, UNCG |
The effect of zinc toxicity on the calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium content of bone and bl... (Student Work) | 1962 | Stewart, Alta Kennedy | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Effect on resident's attitudes of social, physical, and environmental aspects of high-rise c... (Student Work) | 1981 | Jimenez De Ramirez, Iris | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
The Effect on Transcriptional Activity of Mutations that Alter Possible Phosphorylation Site... (Student Work) | 2007 | Clifton, Katherine M. | MS | Biology, UNCG |
The Effect that First-Year Experience Courses Have on Student Athletes' Academic Success Whe... (Student Work) | 2008 | Amundsen, Scott A. | PhD | Teacher Education and Higher Education , UNCG |
Effecticeness of Malignant Hyperthermia Simulation Training and Educational Powerpoint on Co... (Student Work) | 2024 | Chilton, Amanda | DNP | Nursing, UNCG |
Effective fashion brand extensions: the impact of limited edition and perceived fit on consu... (Student Work) | 2014 | Childs, Michelle L. | Ph.D. | Consumer, Apparel, and Retail Studies, UNCG |
Effective fire safety education for residential students (Student Work) | 2011 | Griffin, Bruce D. | Ph.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Effective leadership practices in language immersion programs (Student Work) | 2018 | Baldwin, Leslie W. | Ed.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
The effective practices of culturally responsive English as a second language teachers in th... (Student Work) | 2012 | Brown, Deidra Annette | Ed.D | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Effective use and implementation of video modeling in a survival swimming course (Student Work) | 2019 | Suby, Jason A. | Ed.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Effectiveness of cervical spine stabilization during spine boarding of collegiate lacrosse a... (Student Work) | 2006 | Petschauer, Meredith A. Busby | PhD | Kinesiology, UNCG |
The effectiveness of a clinician-created narrative intervention with at-risk 3rd grade stude... (Student Work) | 2024 | Hamuka, Emily | Ph.D. | Communication Sciences and Disorders, UNCG |
Effectiveness of a computer assisted instruction program for teaching consumer credit to sec... (Student Work) | 1984 | Faircloth, Ann Horne | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
The effectiveness of developmental education at Forsyth Technical Community College, Winston... (Student Work) | 1992 | King, Charles Richard | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Effectiveness of a global education module on the knowledge and attitudes of home economics ... (Student Work) | 1989 | Odhuno-Otieno, M. Adhiambo | Ph.D. | Human Environmental Sciences, UNCG |
Effectiveness of the inquiry method of instruction in teaching a secondary home economics te... (Student Work) | 1991 | Lunsford, Magnoria Watson | Ph.D. | Human Environmental Sciences, UNCG |
The effectiveness of a lifestyle-based intervention on physical activity, blood pressure, an... (Student Work) | 2016 | Chen, Mei-Lan | Ph.D. | Nursing, UNCG |
The Effectiveness of Melodic Intonation Therapy with the Treatment of Childhood Apraxia of S... (Student Work) | 2019 | Worthington, Amber Faith | B.S. | Communication Sciences and Disorders, UNCG |
Effectiveness of microskills interview training in increasing the responsiveness of medical ... (Student Work) | 1987 | Brewer, Carolyn Cole | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
The effectiveness of movement education through a rhythmic structured program offered to tra... (Student Work) | 1970 | McCall, Judith Dubonn | M.Ed. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
Effectiveness of a multicultural education unit on the cultural sensitivity of undergraduate... (Student Work) | 1993 | Holt, Charlotte L. Clerici | Ph.D. | Human Environmental Sciences, UNCG |
The effectiveness of multisensory stimulation on the cognitive development of young physical... (Student Work) | 1975 | Bringle, Elizabeth K. Harrison | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
The effectiveness of nutrition education for pregnant women certified as WIC participants in... (Student Work) | 1983 | Duncan, Harriette E. | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
The effectiveness of secondary schools' guidance services (Student Work) | 1971 | Mann, Cheryl Elizabeth | | Sociology, UNCG |
The effectiveness of a selected aiming method in archery for use with cross-dominant subject... (Student Work) | 1966 | Schumm, Maryanne M. | M.S. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
Effectiveness of a self-instructional program to prepare home economics teachers to teach pu... (Student Work) | 1967 | Smith, Rebecca McCulloch | Ph. D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Effectiveness of a self-instructional sewing program when used with disadvantaged adults (Student Work) | 1967 | White, Sally Wright | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
The effectiveness of the SmartMusic assessment tool for evaluating trombone student performa... (Student Work) | 2011 | Long, Michael Kenneth | DMA | Music, UNCG |
The effectiveness of stain removal from durable press treated fabrics using three cleaning m... (Student Work) | 1967 | Wilber, Mary Elizabeth | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
The effectiveness of teaching selected number concepts to kindergarten children (Student Work) | 1966 | Poindexter, Florence Carolyn | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
The effectiveness of television video tape instant playback in learning the pitch and run sh... (Student Work) | 1968 | Smith, Barbara Bramlette | Ed. D. | Education, UNCG |
The effects of 16-week walking and 16-week weight-training programs on the performance of me... (Student Work) | 1993 | Moul, Jamie Lynn | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
The effects of 400 Hz, 100 db sound on the kinetics and thermodynamics of isothermal seed ge... (Student Work) | 1976 | Horton, Sherry Jean | M.S. | Physics, UNCG |
Effects of açaí berry (Euterpe oleracea) extracts on human antioxidant systems and drug meta... (Student Work) | 2015 | Kandagatla, Suneel Kumar | Ph.D. | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
The effects of acute aerobic exercise on cognition among young adults (Student Work) | 2019 | Stermer, Ryan Anthony | M.S. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
The effects of an acute bout of moderate intensity exercise on cognitive performance (Student Work) | 2006 | Casebere, Molly C | Master of Science | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
Effects of an acute bout of resistance exercise on cognitive performance in preadolescents (Student Work) | 2014 | Castellano, Michael A. | M.S. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
The effects of acute exercise on plasma apelin and its relation to glucose homeostasis and i... (Student Work) | 2015 | Waller, Justin Daniel | M.S. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
The effects of acute exercise on plasma oxytocin (Student Work) | 2018 | Brown, Avery J. | M.S. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
The effects of air and lip-pressure variations on the motion of a clarinet reed within an ar... (Student Work) | 1988 | Miller, Douglas Evan | Ed.D. | Music, UNCG |
Effects of altered folate metabolism on specific gene expression in the developing Xenopus e... (Student Work) | 2006 | Dissanayake, Bupathi S. | Master of Science | Biology, UNCG |
The effects of arousal and attention on central, autonomic and behavioral processes (Student Work) | 1971 | Dudley, Linda Motley | Ph. D. | Psychology, UNCG |
The effects of arrow direction, length of interstimulus interval, and certainty of interstim... (Student Work) | 1995 | Keyes, Alvin L. | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
The effects of attention contagion on task-unrelated thought and learning in a virtual lectu... (Student Work) | 2023 | McHale, Michael W. | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
The effects of auditory-motor mapping training on speech output of nonverbal elementary age ... (Student Work) | 2016 | Massey, Sara Miller | Ph.D. | Music Education, UNCG |
Effects of augmented local abdominal activation patterns on lower extremity biomechanics dur... (Student Work) | 2005 | Kulas, Anthony S. | PhD | Kinesiology, UNCG |
The effects of beta-endorphin on glucose homeostasis and hormonal responses during exercise (Student Work) | 1994 | Fatouros, Ioannis Georgiou | Ph.D. | Health and Human Performance, UNCG |
Effects of biotin, vitamin B-6, and zinc on growth and trace mineral status of young male ra... (Student Work) | 1989 | Wade, Wilda Dixon | Ph.D. | Human Environmental Sciences, UNCG |
Effects of breakfast dietary protein source and level on satiety (Student Work) | 2014 | Markus, Edward | M.S. | Nutrition, UNCG |
The effects of cadmium on heme oxygenase-1 in HCT116 human colon epithelial cells with or wi... (Student Work) | 2009 | Lai, Chengzhi | M.S. | Nutrition, UNCG |
Effects of carbon nanodots on TNF-a-induced inflammatory gene expression in mouse spleen tis... (Student Work) | 2022 | Colson, Amy M. | B.S. | Biology, UNCG |
The effects of a career course on the career maturity of undergraduates (Student Work) | 1995 | Robinson, Chester Randall | Ph.D. | Education, UNCG |
The effects of changing artificial cerebrospinal fluid glucose concentration on dopamine neu... (Student Work) | 2023 | Hurtado-Córsico, Marianne | M.S. | Nutrition, UNCG |
The effects of chronic glyphosate exposure on osteoblast cell function (Student Work) | 2020 | McGehee, Justin | M.S. | Biology, UNCG |
The effects of clarinet embouchure on band director tone quality preferences (Student Work) | 2007 | Enloe, Loraine Davis | Phd | Music, UNCG |
The effects of a coeducational environment on the skill development of ninth grade girls (Student Work) | 1974 | Wasmuth, C. Suzanne | M.S. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
The effects of competitive swimming on selected physiological measures and performance level... (Student Work) | 1970 | Walker, Diane Gale | M.S. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
Effects of computer technology and traditional methods of instruction upon the critical thin... (Student Work) | 1991 | Kezar, Lois Paulson | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Effects of a concept-based physical education curriculum on middle-school students’ out-of-s... (Student Work) | 2018 | Wang, Yubing | Ph.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
The effects of a constructivist learning environment on student cognition of mechanics and a... (Student Work) | 1995 | Andrews, Sherri | Ph.D. | Education, UNCG |
Effects of consumption of fatty fish rich in omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids on plasma l... (Student Work) | 1989 | Elavia, Swati Tony | Ph.D. | Human Environmental Sciences, UNCG |
The effects of context clues for deriving word meanings in fourth-grade students with adequa... (Student Work) | 2019 | Alzahraney, Turki Samah | Ph.D. | Specialized Education Services, UNCG |
Effects of contingent and noncontingent social reinforcement on performance of children in a... (Student Work) | 1974 | Bailey, Nancy Jo | Ed. D. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
Effects of the Couple Communication Program I on the marital adjustment, self-disclosure, an... (Student Work) | 1987 | Valenti, Francis Timothy | Ph.D. | Human Environmental Sciences, UNCG |
The effects of CS and cycle durations on stimulus-elicited keypecking in the pigeon (Student Work) | 1977 | Guilkey, Marilyn | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
The effects of cultural differences on motivation goal theory in physical activity settings (Student Work) | 2012 | Gurleyik, Duygu | M.S. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
The effects of Dalcroze eurhythmics on beat competency performance skills of kindergarten, f... (Student Work) | 1995 | Rose, Sarah Elizabeth | Ph.D. | Music, UNCG |
The effects of demand characteristics on heart rate : implications for a triple response mod... (Student Work) | 1974 | Odom, James Vernon | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
The effects of diet and exercise on bone mineral density during the first year postpartum (Student Work) | 2013 | Sorvillo, Andrea | M.S. | Nutrition, UNCG |
Effects of diet and exercise on maternal body composition and breast milk components (Student Work) | 2006 | Bopp, Melanie Joy | PhD | Nutrition, UNCG |
The effects of a diet-exercise program on blood lipids, blood pressure, and diabetes indices... (Student Work) | 1992 | Sanches-Lugo, Lizette | Ph.D. | Human Environmental Sciences, UNCG |
The effects of diet-induced obesity on the distribution of systemic trace elements (Student Work) | 2020 | Pierce, Derek Matthew | M.S. | Nutrition, UNCG |
Effects of dietary and physiological factors on Fe transport and metabolism by human intesti... (Student Work) | 1995 | Han, Okhee | Ph.D. | Human Environmental Sciences, UNCG |
Effects of dietary fat levels and fat sources on growth and trace mineral deposition in youn... (Student Work) | 1987 | Zúniga, Thelma Howell | Ph.D. | Human Environmental Sciences, UNCG |
Effects of dietary fatty acids, polyunsaturated/saturated ratios, and fat levels on growth a... (Student Work) | 1990 | D'Souza, Deborah M. | Ph.D. | Human Environmental Sciences, UNCG |
The effects of dietary-induced obesity on regional brain iron biology (Student Work) | 2014 | Plummer, Justin E. | M.S. | Nutrition, UNCG |
The effects of differences in fat free weight of endurance trained athletes on energy balanc... (Student Work) | 1986 | Marquart, Leonard Frederick | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
The effects of differential reinforcement on reliability and reactivity of self-recorders (Student Work) | 1974 | Lipinski, David Paul | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
The effects of direct and imaginal stimulation on physiological and self-report measures : a... (Student Work) | 1978 | Wein, Kenneth Stuart | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
Effects of dtopors on soma and germ line aging in male Drosophila (Student Work) | 2013 | Hylton, Christopher | M.S. | Biology, UNCG |
The effects of duet reading on the reading fluency and comprehension of high school students... (Student Work) | 2010 | Jones, Angela Gatling | Ph.D. | Specialized Education Services, UNCG |
The effects of early clinical teaching experiences on pre-service teachers' self-efficacy (Student Work) | 2011 | Androzzi, Jared | Ph.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Effects of eco-labels and framing message on consumers’ attitudes toward the advertisement, ... (Student Work) | 2021 | Lee, Youngdeok | M.S. | Consumer, Apparel, and Retail Studies, UNCG |
Effects of economic pressure and social support on parental depression and Head Start childr... (Student Work) | 2024 | Torres, Yasmin L. | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
Effects Of Education and Increased Availability of Standardized Frailty Screen on Implementa... (Student Work) | 2023 | Bridges, Travis | DNP | Nursing, UNCG |
The effects of educational intervention on fathers' relationships with their infants (Student Work) | 1983 | Arbuckle, Margaret Bourdeaux | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
The effects of electronic piano instruction on sixth-grade middle- school students' music-re... (Student Work) | 1987 | Moss, Ronald Bruce | Ed.D. | Music, UNCG |
The effects of Endophytic Epichloë species on host plant fitness of two native grasses, Poa ... (Student Work) | 2016 | Shymanovich, Tatsiana | Ph.D. | Biology, UNCG |
The effects of energy restriction and exercise on body composition and bone mineral density ... (Student Work) | 2010 | Colleran, Heather L. | Ph.D. | Nutrition, UNCG |
The effects of estradiol-3, 17b on embryonic hamster kidney cells in vitro (Student Work) | 1965 | Blythe, Cynthia Ruth | | Biology, UNCG |
Effects of estrogen on the morphology of human chromosomes and on the mitotic rate of chromo... (Student Work) | 1967 | Barrow, Elizabeth Ann | | Biology, UNCG |
Effects of exercise accumulation on plasma lipid and lipoprotein concentrations (Student Work) | 2009 | Wagganer, Jason Daniel | Ph.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
The effects of exercise on cognitive functioning : the moderating role of aging (Student Work) | 2022 | Vance, Jarod C. | Ph.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
The effects of expectancy and parenthood on observations by parents (Student Work) | 1974 | Lipinski, Judith Mackay | M.A.Ed. | Education, UNCG |
The effects of expected probability of success and audience presence on complex task perform... (Student Work) | 1977 | Saddick, Shaul | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
The effects of an experiential adapted fitness course on students’ attitudes toward adults w... (Student Work) | 2020 | Durall, Amanda H. | Ed.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Effects of exposure to aluminum oxide (AL2O3) and cerium oxide (CeO2) nanoparticles on human... (Student Work) | 2018 | Fricault, Valerie Joy | M.S. | Biology, UNCG |
The effects of external action and its relation to the theme of war in plays by Sean O'Casey... (Student Work) | 1969 | Griffin, Flora Faye Helms | M.A. | English, UNCG |
The effects of extralinguistic control of comprehension and production in the non-fluent chi... (Student Work) | 1976 | Hoenigmann, Natalia Maria | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
The effects of extrinsic reward on intrinsic motivation : eating behavior (Student Work) | 1976 | Parker, Leslie | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
The effects of family stress and negative parenting on externalizing behavior problems in ch... (Student Work) | 2013 | O'Sullivan, Jame T. | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
The effects of focused videotape feedback on family communication patterns displayed in prob... (Student Work) | 1975 | Blackstock, Richard Maynor | Ph. D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
The effects of folate deficiency on E-cadherin and ß-catenin in colon epithelial cells. (Student Work) | 2009 | Cockman, Matthew | MS | Biology, UNCG |
Effects of forest fires on mercury biogeochemical cycling in terrestrial and aquatic ecosyst... (Student Work) | 2020 | Ku, Peijia | Ph.D. | Biology, UNCG |
Effects of a formal goal setting program on recovery after athletic injury (Student Work) | 2005 | McGrath, Melanie Lindsey | Master of Science | Kinesiology, UNCG |
The effects of a free exercise course upon the kinesthetic sense of the limbs (Student Work) | 1964 | Cosgrove, Elinor F. | M.S.H.E. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
Effects of the functional fitness at home program on physical activity and functional fitnes... (Student Work) | 2022 | Kokx, Lisa | Ed.D | Kinesiology, UNCG |
The effects of group counseling for vocational choice upon adolescents' expressed occupation... (Student Work) | 1967 | Davis, LaMyra Highsmith | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
The effects of group directed versus individual directed instruction within a group instruct... (Student Work) | 1975 | Hughes, Jane Ann | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
The effects of guided aural versus guided aural-visual modeling on the performance achieveme... (Student Work) | 1992 | Quindag, Susan Rose | Ed.D. | Music, UNCG |
The effects of guilt on young children's cognitive processing (Student Work) | 2012 | Lassiter, Candace Lapan | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
Effects of hands-on, activity-based science and a supportive instructional environment on at... (Student Work) | 1990 | Miller, Anne-Courtney Seigler | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Effects of herbal products on human P450 2E1 activity (Student Work) | 2006 | Wang, Yingqing | Master of Science | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Effects of home-, school-, and individual-level factors on children’s deliberate memory deve... (Student Work) | 2023 | Cook, Olivia K. | Ph.D. | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Effects of human disturbances on avian species composition in urbanized wetlands in the Nort... (Student Work) | 2022 | Kane, Amelia B. | M.A. | Geography, Environment, and Sustainability, UNCG |
Effects of ignored subpopulations' growth trajectories on estimates of school value-added sc... (Student Work) | 2018 | Sisk, Cecilia | Ph.D. | Educational Research Methodology, UNCG |
The effects of an in-school physical activity program on school improvement (Student Work) | 2020 | Adeimy, David A. | Ed.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
The effects of instructions and calculation procedures on the accuracy, agreement, and calcu... (Student Work) | 1977 | Boykin, Ronald Aubrey | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
The effects of instrumental music instruction on the neurophysiological responses and adapti... (Student Work) | 2018 | Chinn Cannon, Michelle L. | Ph.D. | School of Music, UNCG |
Effects of integrated writing on attitude and algebra performance of high school students (Student Work) | 1993 | Kasparek, Rebecca Finley | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Effects of intercropping switchgrass with Loblolly pine on the diet and trophic position of ... (Student Work) | 2011 | Briones, Kim M. | MS | Biology, UNCG |
Effects of interfood interval on discrete-trial fixed-time schedules (Student Work) | 1977 | Fifer, William Paul | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
The effects of intertarget-interval certainty and length on autonomic and cortical reactivit... (Student Work) | 1983 | Anderson, Norman B. | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
The effects of intralist similarity on acquisition and generalization in beginning reading i... (Student Work) | 1968 | McCutcheon, Beth Anne | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
Effects of iron and zinc supplements on bioavailability of iron, copper, and zinc in young r... (Student Work) | 1983 | Booker, Lovie King | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
The effects of isometric and dynamic resistance exercise on post-exercise blood pressure (Student Work) | 2006 | Williams, Jack Plummer | Masters of Science | Kinesiology, UNCG |
The effects of isometric conditioning on accuracy in archery (Student Work) | 1973 | Dunn, Betty Lou | M.S. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
The effects of jogging therapy on fasting plasma total cholesterol, HDL-cholesterol, glucose... (Student Work) | 1982 | Yuhas, Joan Andrea | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
The effects of kudzu (Pueraria lobata) on various cytochrome P450s (Student Work) | 2015 | Zyglocke, Ryan K. | M.S. | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
The effects of learning on bodily stress reactions (Student Work) | 1960 | Perry, Shirley Joyce | M.S. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
The effects of lifestyle activity modification (LAM) or a structured exercise program on non... (Student Work) | 2006 | Ward, Gina M | Master of Science | Kinesiology, UNCG |
The effects of living plants on cognitive and behavioral responses of persons with dementia (Student Work) | 2015 | Webster, Susan Blackburn | M.F.A. | Interior Architecture, UNCG |
Effects of low intensity treadmill exercise during cancer cachexia in the male tumor bearing... (Student Work) | 2022 | Tichy, Louisa | M.S. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Effects of lower extremity posture on hip strength and their influence on lower extremity mo... (Student Work) | 2007 | Nguyen, Anh Dung | PhD | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Effects of manganese exposure and antioxidant therapy on oxidative stress and stereotypic be... (Student Work) | 2009 | Fordahl, Steven C. | MS | Nutrition, UNCG |
Effects of manganese exposure and iron deficiency on the biology of GABA and norepinephrine (Student Work) | 2009 | Anderson, Joel G. | PhD | Nutrition, UNCG |
The effects of manipulating objects in modeling films on imitative response topographies (Student Work) | 1975 | Bondy, Andrew S. | Ph. D. | Psychology, UNCG |
Effects of materials on the acoustic properties of clarinet barrels (Student Work) | 2015 | Cramer, Mark James | D.M.A. | Music, UNCG |
The effects of mental practice and physical practice on the scores of intermediate bowlers (Student Work) | 1963 | Tufts, Sharon | M.S. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
The effects of methane producers and consumers on the diet of Chironomus larvae in an Arctic... (Student Work) | 2010 | Gentzel, Tracy | MS | Biology, UNCG |
The effects of microbes and larval conditioning on Phlebotomus papatasi oviposition site sel... (Student Work) | 2020 | Faw, Lindsey Rae | M.S. | Biology, UNCG |
The effects of mindfulness meditation preceding imagery on performance and image vividness o... (Student Work) | 2018 | Kurtz, Kevin Daniel | M.S. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
The effects of mixture-induced local dependence on diagnostic classification (Student Work) | 2015 | McCoy, Thomas P. | Ph.D. | Educational Research, Measurement, and Evaluation, UNCG |
Effects of modified dialogic reading on listening comprehension and initiation skills to stu... (Student Work) | 2017 | Kang, Jeongae | Ph.D. | Specialized Education Services, UNCG |
The effects of modified martial arts on older adults (Student Work) | 2018 | Schachner, Jennifer Ann | Ed.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
The effects of monocular paralysis and binocular eyelid suture on the electrophysiology of l... (Student Work) | 1978 | Schwartz, Mark Allan | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
The effects of movement-based instruction, meter, and rhythmic aptitude on beginning instrum... (Student Work) | 1996 | Kuhlman, Kristyn Lee | Ph.D. | Music, UNCG |
Effects of a multiple schedule on interactions of multiple responses with children (Student Work) | 1974 | Zukerman, Alan Girard | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
The effects of music and video on perceived exertion and performance of a cycling task at vi... (Student Work) | 2012 | Chow, Enoch C. | M.S. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Effects of n-3 PUFA and n-6 PUFA on plasma lipids, bleeding time, prothrombin time, and live... (Student Work) | 1988 | Dunn, Patricia Carolyn | Ph.D. | Human Environmental Sciences, UNCG |
The effects of a negative contingency between response rate and reinforcement rate on rate o... (Student Work) | 1987 | Spear, Debra Jean | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
Effects of neotyphodium endophytes on multitrophic interactions (Student Work) | 2013 | Robbins, Melissa Elizabeth | M.S. | Biology, UNCG |
The effects of nicotine and methylphenidate on abnormal behaviors in reelin deficient mice: ... (Student Work) | 2009 | Ladrow, Pamela | PhD | Psychology, UNCG |
Effects of Non-technical Skills Teaching on Provider Performance in Anesthesia Crisis Resour... (Student Work) | 2022 | Bardsley, Tania Lalli | DNP | Nursing, UNCG |
Effects of a nutrition-based health promotion program on nutritional adequacy, planned physi... (Student Work) | 1986 | McKenzie, Patricia Fenstermaker | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Effects of a nutrition-based health promotion program on stress, chronic disease risk factor... (Student Work) | 1985 | Cox, Ruby Hurley | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Effects of an online hearing conservation program for college musicians (Student Work) | 2018 | Wilkenfeld, David A. | Ed.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Effects of online module + ecoaching on comprehension instruction for students with signific... (Student Work) | 2016 | Cheek, Aftynne Elizabeth | Ph.D. | Specialized Education Services, UNCG |
The Effects of Optimism, Coping Strategies, and the Sport Team Environment on College Adjust... (Student Work) | 2008 | Haskell, Brett C. | MS | Kinesiology, UNCG |
The effects of an oral contraceptive on the submaximal work performance of college women (Student Work) | 1976 | Mozingo, Louise Elaine | M.S.P.E. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
The effects of pairing, training, and gender on second graders' content-mastery of a hyperme... (Student Work) | 1993 | Kwan-Ching, Jane Yinleng | Ph.D. | Human Environmental Sciences, UNCG |
The effects of a parent implemented infant signing intervention on communication skills for ... (Student Work) | 2016 | Barker, Ayrora Fain | Ph.D. | Specialized Education Services, UNCG |
Effects of parent-child aggression, maternal warmth and child processing mechanisms on hosti... (Student Work) | 2012 | Zdravkovic, Ana | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
The effects of part set cuing on automatic and controlled processes (Student Work) | 1995 | Matthews, Timothy Darin | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
Effects of paternal exposure to delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) on paternal reproductive ... (Student Work) | 2021 | Feng, Yashi | M.S. | Biology, UNCG |
The effects of peripherally administered 17-ß estradiol and BIBP3226, a NPY Y1 receptor anta... (Student Work) | 2008 | Essick-Brookshire, Elizabeth Ann | MS | Biology, UNCG |
The effects of personal and outcome similarity on physiological and verbal response modes (Student Work) | 1975 | Hay, William Martin | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
The effects of a physical activity program on mood states in college students (Student Work) | 2019 | Powell, Lisa D. | Ed.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
The effects of physical activity throughout a 12-week balance intervention program in older ... (Student Work) | 2020 | Barclift, Amanda D. | M.S. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
The effects of physiology-based breath-management instruction on performance achievement of ... (Student Work) | 1996 | VanMiddlesworth, Jane Leona | Ph.D. | Music, UNCG |
Effects of positive reinforcement on an assessment measure of visual perception behavior (Student Work) | 1975 | Ferree, Robert Gray | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
The effects of predation by threadfin shad, dorosoma petenense, and competition on body leng... (Student Work) | 1978 | Walker, Ronald Darwin | M.A. | Biology, UNCG |
The effects of preformed scour holes on anuran biodiversity in the North Central Piedmont re... (Student Work) | 2013 | Jennings, Andrew James Blevins | M.S. | Biology, UNCG |
The effects of pricing policies and excise taxes on alcohol consumption (Student Work) | 2024 | Liu, (Thea) Yutong | Ph.D. | Economics, UNCG |
Effects of probability and duration of reinforcement on choice behavior in discrete trial in... (Student Work) | 1975 | Stone, Carolyn Dean | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
The effects of problem based learning on students' critical thinking skills (Student Work) | 2008 | Lesperance, Michelle Marie | EdD | Kinesiology, UNCG |
The effects of professional practice of a systematic approach to the professional developmen... (Student Work) | 2013 | Hales, Kelly Kristina | Ed.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
The Effects of Protocol Change and Blood Pressure Control (Student Work) | 2023 | Scott, Brittany | DNP | Nursing, UNCG |
The effects of the psychological components of competition on reaction time in tennis (Student Work) | 1967 | Plunkett, Carol | M.S.H.E. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
The effects of pure tone stimulation on non-nutritive sucking in the human infant (Student Work) | 1974 | Hughes, Natalia Hoenigmann | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
The effects of race on the principal's sources of power : a comparative study (Student Work) | 1980 | Jones, N. Freeman | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
The effects of the racial make-up of the college environment on the self-concepts of black c... (Student Work) | 1985 | Linster, Michelle Lynn | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
The effects of racial threat on the use of expulsions and suspensions in North Carolina Publ... (Student Work) | 2024 | Williams, Clara P. | M.A. | Sociology, UNCG |
Effects of rate, patterning, and contingency of reinforcement upon perceived control and lea... (Student Work) | 1979 | Daughtry, Timothy C. | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
The effects of recency and varied amounts of auditory habituation on the novel stimulus sele... (Student Work) | 1969 | Vicinanza, Paul Jerry | Ph. D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Effects of recency of habituation of varied auditory, visual, and audio-visual stimuli on th... (Student Work) | 1967 | Burnett, William Leslie | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Effects of recent chronic and episodic life stress on ventral striatal activation during rew... (Student Work) | 2020 | Avery, Bradley M. | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
The effects of refrigerated storage time and fortification on pasteurized donor human milk (Student Work) | 2019 | Schlotterer, Hannah Rose | M.S. | Nutrition, UNCG |
Effects of respiratory inhibitors on intermediate stages in the development of the mi-1 phen... (Student Work) | 1975 | Slott, Edwin Frederick | M.F.A. | Biology, UNCG |
The Effects of Restoration Structures on Nutrient Uptake and Macroinvertebrate Communities i... (Student Work) | 2007 | Hines, Stacy Lynn | MS | Biology, UNCG |
The effects of reward and perception of competency upon subsequent task interest (Student Work) | 1976 | Mander, Anthony Michael | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
The effects of rhythmic gymnastics on the physical fitness of college women (Student Work) | 1959 | Beyer, Beverlyn | M.S. | Physical Education, UNCG |
The effects of risperidone, an atypical antipsychotic, on the reeler mutant mouse, a potenti... (Student Work) | 2006 | Goode, Amanda K. | Master of Art | Psychology, UNCG |
The effects of routing and scoring within a computer adaptive multi-stage framework (Student Work) | 2014 | Dallas, Andrew | Ph.D. | Educational Research, Measurement, and Evaluation, UNCG |
The effects of salinity and irradiation on the intracellular free amino acid pool of the gra... (Student Work) | 1976 | Shelton, Margaret Goodman | M.A. | Biology, UNCG |
Effects of sand fly larval rearing medium conditioning and aging on the bacterial community ... (Student Work) | 2021 | Romo Bechara, Nayma | M.S. | Biology, UNCG |
The effects of a selected durable press finish upon cotton sheetings of selected fiber chara... (Student Work) | 1968 | McFarland, Linda Dick | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Effects of selected rhythmic teaching strategies on beat performance skills of kindergarten ... (Student Work) | 1987 | High, Linda Kaye Rockwell | Ed.D. | Music, UNCG |
The effects of selected soaps upon the removal of soil from dacron-and-cotton and similar al... (Student Work) | 1958 | Jackson, Alice Dixon | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Effects of selected timbres, tasks, grade level, and gender on vocal pitch-matching accuracy... (Student Work) | 1990 | Tatem, Frank Leon | Ed.D. | Music, UNCG |
The effects of self determination theory on learning and motivation of repeating students in... (Student Work) | 2007 | Kennedy, LaToy Lavern Jenkins | PhD | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
The effects of self-care and adult-care arrangements on elementary school children's adjustm... (Student Work) | 1986 | Stewart, Martha Watson | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
The effects of self-instructional training on the reading performance of learning disabled c... (Student Work) | 1981 | Cellucci, Anthony J. | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
Effects of self-regulated learning training + ecoaching on pre-service general education tea... (Student Work) | 2016 | Holden, Kara Battin | Ph.D. | Specialized Education Services, UNCG |
The effects of self-regulatory strength depletion on perceived exertion during 30 minutes of... (Student Work) | 2011 | Loy, Bryan | MS | Kinesiology, UNCG |
The effects of sensitivity and assertive training upon the performance of nursing students (Student Work) | 1973 | Kelton, Linda Higdon | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
Effects of septal lesion and habit requirement on the acquisition of a CAR in rats (Student Work) | 1971 | Shuttlesworth, Duane Elwood | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
The effects of sex-typed labeling in conjunction with sex-typed modeling upon preschool chil... (Student Work) | 1983 | Robinson, Clyde | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Effects of short-term father absence on perceptions of paternal discipline toward aggression... (Student Work) | 1972 | Twitty, Gaila Marie | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
The effects of signalled reinforcement in multiple schedules of reinforcement (Student Work) | 1970 | Hughes, Ronald Granger | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
Effects of silence on the perception of tinnitus and auditory evoked responses (Student Work) | 2019 | Abdrabbou, Marwa Farouk | Ph.D. | Communication Sciences and Disorders, UNCG |
The effects of singing exercises and melodic intonation therapy (MIT) on the male-to-female ... (Student Work) | 2005 | Hershberger, Ioanna Georgiadou | Master of Arts | Communication Sciences and Disorders, UNCG |
Effects of a single aerobic exercise bout on gene regulation in the soleus muscle of Sprague... (Student Work) | 2006 | McKenzie, Michael Joh | PhD | Kinesiology, UNCG |
The effects of situational anxiety, manifest anxiety and achievement on skin conductance and... (Student Work) | 1969 | Gold, Barbara Stott | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
The effects of slow heating during canning on the mouthfeel characteristics of sweet potatoe... (Student Work) | 1975 | Scruggs, Janna Harris | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
The effects of social fear, maternal warmth, and biological sex on the development of social... (Student Work) | 2015 | Brown, Ashley R. | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
The effects of social reinforcement and reprimand techniques on the behaviors of disruptive ... (Student Work) | 1975 | Trollinger, Rhonda Goff | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
The effects of social support on youth hopefulness during early adolescence (Student Work) | 2022 | Elder, Cia M. | M.S. | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Effects of some ecological factors on a late summer community of adult Odonata (Student Work) | 1977 | Cheshire, James Marshall | M.A. | Biology, UNCG |
The effects of a specially structured seven week physical education class upon the self-conc... (Student Work) | 1969 | Samuels, Genelle Faye | M.Ed. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
The effects of spirituality on anxiety and depression among breast cancer patients: the mode... (Student Work) | 2009 | Banner, Amy Tais | Ph.D. | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
The effects of an SRSD-based writing intervention on the self-efficacy, writing apprehension... (Student Work) | 2015 | Griswold, Anne Katherine | Ph.D. | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
Effects of subjects' expectancy of experimenter's involvement on live and taped relaxation t... (Student Work) | 1974 | Sammons, Robert Ardel | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
Effects of suboptimal temperature on cell division in human lymphocytes in vitro (Student Work) | 1968 | Ballance, Mary Frances | | Biology, UNCG |
The effects of substance use and physical activity on prospective memory in young adults (Student Work) | 2021 | Kibildis, Samuel W. | M.S. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
The effects of support networks, marital satisfaction, and stressor events on the noncancero... (Student Work) | 1983 | Johnston, Joanne S. | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Effects of teaching control theory and reality therapy as an approach to reducing disruptive... (Student Work) | 1995 | Edens, Robert Manning | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
Effects of teaching intensity on sixth-grade students' general music achievements and attitu... (Student Work) | 1992 | Yoder-White, Maribeth Gail | Ph.D. | Music, UNCG |
Effects of team building activities on group climate and cohesion (Student Work) | 2006 | Stroud, Suzanne Malynda | Master of Science | Health and Human Performance, UNCG |
The effects of temperament-based teaching strategies and gender on undergraduate music achie... (Student Work) | 1990 | Winner, Joan Kathryn | Ed.D. | Music, UNCG |
The effects of temperature and single frequency audio sound on the germination rate of seeds... (Student Work) | 1973 | Joyner, Roger Dale | M.S. | Physics, UNCG |
The effects of temporal and spatial location of a CS paired with food on a pigeon's key-peck... (Student Work) | 1979 | Hatten, Anna Dixon | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
The effects of threadfin shad, Dorosoma petenense on Diaptomus in Piedmont North Carolina la... (Student Work) | 1975 | Beavers, Richard Allen | M.A. | Biology, UNCG |
The effects of three behavioral treatments on sleep difficulties of college students (Student Work) | 1974 | Tokarz, Thomas Peter | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
Effects of training impulsive students to become reflective while performing one-to-one corr... (Student Work) | 1979 | Davis, Joyce Lucille | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
The effects of trait labels on teacher evaluations of target behaviors, ratings, and academi... (Student Work) | 1977 | Fogel, Loueen Slaughter | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
Effects of treatment on conservation of continuous quantity tasks in young children (Student Work) | 1975 | Hardin, Mary Juanita Pate | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
The effects of trial and cycle durations on automaintenance in the pigeon (Student Work) | 1976 | Groves, Lee Canipe | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
The effects of two different distributions of practice on the learning and retention of a no... (Student Work) | 1972 | Noble, Susan W. | M.S. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
The effects of two isometric exercise programs upon cardiovascular efficiency and selected a... (Student Work) | 1967 | Hildreth, Kathleen | M.S.H.E. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
The effects of two training programs on the ability of preservice physical education majors ... (Student Work) | 1987 | Bell, Frederick I. | Ed.D. | Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, UNCG |
The effects of two training programs on swimming speed, physiological efficiency, and streng... (Student Work) | 1961 | Kingston, Margaret | M.S. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
Effects of undergoing arbitrary discrimination on subsequent attitudes toward a minority gro... (Student Work) | 1971 | Wright, Frances Elizabeth | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
The effects of using video modeling to improve social skills for students with Autism Spectr... (Student Work) | 2022 | Bawakid, Ayman | Ph.D. | Specialized Education Services, UNCG |
The Effects of Vaping on High School Student Athletes and Young Adults (Student Work) | 2021 | Miller , Elena D. | B.S. | Public Health Education, UNCG |
The effects of a variable-interval changeover contingency on concurrent performances (Student Work) | 1972 | Jones, Cora Lee | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
The effects of various growth regulators on Helianthus stem tissue (Student Work) | 1964 | Lavender, Jacqueline Hendrick | | Biology, UNCG |
The effects of varying amounts of creative modern dance activities on creative-thinking abil... (Student Work) | 1978 | Trigg, Marilyn G. | Ed.D. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
The effects of varying the duration of grain presentation on negative automaintenance in the... (Student Work) | 1973 | Balsam, Peter D. | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
The effects of varying the trace interval, cs duration, and inter-reinforcement interval on ... (Student Work) | 1975 | Balsam, Peter D. | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
The effects of verbal consequences for rule-following on sensitivity to programmed contingen... (Student Work) | 1991 | Hass, Joseph Raymond | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
Effects of visual field of presentation and stimulus characteristics on visual discriminatio... (Student Work) | 1974 | Lefebvre, Patricia Y. | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
Effects of vitamin E supplementation on muscle soreness, plasma creatine kinase, and plasma ... (Student Work) | 1992 | Lewis, Cynthia Lynn | Ph.D. | Health and Human Performance, UNCG |
The effects of wall color and room size on the classroom social behavior of nursery school c... (Student Work) | 1973 | Horton, Patricia Joyce | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
The effects of zinc and copper supplementation on blood lipids and trace minerals deposition... (Student Work) | 1983 | Sinthusek, Govit | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
The effects of zinc and copper supplementation on growth, lipid profiles, and trace mineral ... (Student Work) | 1985 | Frimpong, Nesba Ama | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Effects of zinc and vitamin B-6 supplementation on growth and mineral deposition of young ra... (Student Work) | 1984 | Son, Sook Mee | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
The effects of zinc nutrition on the copper and iron status of the young rat (Student Work) | 1972 | Jackson, Mabel Yvonne | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
The efficacy of the bug-in-the-ear technique in training teachers as mediators of behavior m... (Student Work) | 1974 | Bowles, Paul E. | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
Efficacy of parent training for children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder : a t... (Student Work) | 2007 | Sommer, Jennifer L. | Master of Arts | Psychology, UNCG |
Efficacy-forming experiences : contributing factors to the development of teacher self-effic... (Student Work) | 2023 | Bagwell, Dawn | Ph.D. | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
Efficiency of Teaching Biomechanical Motor Assessment via Video Observation and Verbal Feedb... (Student Work) | 2008 | Androzzi, Jared | MS | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Efficient link cuts in online social networks (Student Work) | 2015 | Ruan, Junjun | M.S. | Computer Science, UNCG |
Effortful control and internalizing behaviors: clarifying conceptualization and examining so... (Student Work) | 2008 | Moore, Jessica A. | MA | Psychology, UNCG |
Efforts towards the formal synthesis of bakuchiol via small molecule manipulation (Student Work) | 2014 | Stacy, Anderson Timothy | M.S. | Chemistry, UNCG |
Eggs, painted eggs, painted heads, figures (Student Work) | 1975 | Tuck, Richard Lee | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
Eight paintings (Student Work) | 1974 | Hill, Charles Monroe | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
Eight versions of a mother holding her baby (Student Work) | 1972 | Fraser, Barbara Baird | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
Eighth grade male students' conceptions of physical body image (Student Work) | 2014 | Hong, Deockki | Ph.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
“Either way I’m demoted to a tiny cubicle :” a traumatic encounter with office work, bureauc... (Student Work) | 2022 | South, Jeremy | Ph.D. | English, UNCG |
El camino arduoso—the arduous pilgrimage: an autoethnography examining the impact of patriar... (Student Work) | 2015 | McKee-Alexander, Bethany | Ed.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
El efecto de la edad en la percepción de la pronunciación de español como segunda lengua (Student Work) | 2023 | Shampo, Maia Elizabeth | M.A. | Languages, Literatures, and Cultures, UNCG |
Elaboration propensity and formal operational ability (Student Work) | 1978 | Reed, Mary Kay Greenberg | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
Elective English in secondary schools : descriptive evaluation in macrocosm and microcosm (Student Work) | 1980 | Painter, Lorene Huffman | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
The electoral geography of provisional ballot in North Carolina by county: 2008 U.S. Preside... (Student Work) | 2012 | McGinn, Christopher M. | Ph.D. | Geography, UNCG |
Electric animal (Student Work) | 2015 | Hartnett, Courtney E. | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
Electrochemical studies of fast reactions : the EC(-E) mechanism (Student Work) | 1971 | Surana, Prakash Mal | M.S. | Chemistry, UNCG |
An electromyographic investigation of muscle action potentials of selected muscles contracti... (Student Work) | 1972 | Williamson, Charles Bennett | Ed. D. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
Electrophoretic studies of induction in neurospora (Student Work) | 1969 | Barwick, Joyce Lee | M.A. | Biology, UNCG |
An electrophoretic study of blood proteins to determine the generic position of hylocichla m... (Student Work) | 1971 | Yow, Marie Poteat | M.A. | Biology, UNCG |
Electrophysiological aspects of selective attention during concept learning (Student Work) | 1971 | Wilson, Lynda Elizabeth | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
Electrophysiological indicants of reading disability : a longitudinal investigation (Student Work) | 1991 | Miller, Steven Lamont | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
The elementary principal as performer : Erving Goffman's analytical framework applied to the... (Student Work) | 1989 | Eaker, Herman Alfred | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Elementary school classroom emotional climate as a moderator of anxious solitary children’s ... (Student Work) | 2010 | Spangler Avant, Tamara | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
The elementary school principal as leader : an analytic and programmatic model (Student Work) | 1978 | Jones, Frances Faircloth | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Elementary teachers' conceptions of mathematics staff development and their roles as worksho... (Student Work) | 1995 | Frost, Diane Lee | Ph.D. | Education, UNCG |
Elementary teachers' reflections on major influences impacting their decisions in reading an... (Student Work) | 1995 | Hamrick, Johnnie Conner | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Elementary teachers’ participation in mathematics professional learning tasks (Student Work) | 2016 | Rich, Wendy Deneen | Ph.D. | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
Elements contributing to the rate of adoption of the Healthy youth act in North Carolina sch... (Student Work) | 2012 | Brown, Virginia | D.P.H | Public Health Education, UNCG |
Elements of creativity and destruction in science and art (Student Work) | 1962 | Underwood, Margaret | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
The elements of neoclassical style in the women's choir compositions of Irving Fine (Student Work) | 2011 | Saake, Garrett | DMA | Music, UNCG |
Elements of place : Southern women writers, race, and generational environmental knowledge (Student Work) | 2024 | Bowlin, Catherine L. | Ph.D. | English, UNCG |
Eleven landscape paintings (Student Work) | 1970 | Baird, Francis Bernard | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
Elite athletes in flow : the psychology of optimal sport experience (Student Work) | 1992 | Jackson, Susan A. | Ph.D. | Health and Human Performance, UNCG |
Elizabeth-Claude Jacquet de La Guerre's Le passage de la mer rouge : an edition with comment... (Student Work) | 1992 | Guthrie, Diane | D.M.A. | Music, UNCG |
Elizabethan staging in the twentieth century : theatrical practice and cultural context (Student Work) | 2006 | Falocco, Joe | PhD | English, UNCG |
Ellen Glasgow's Gothicism (Student Work) | 1973 | Fick, Virginia Gunn | M.A. | English, UNCG |
Ellen Griffin, a creative personality (Student Work) | 1974 | Germain, Dorothy | M.S. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
Elliptic curves and factoring. (Student Work) | 2010 | Rangel, Denise A. | M.A. | Mathematics and Statistics, UNCG |
Elucidation of the cellular genes, pathways, and biochemical mechanisms involved in HIV stim... (Student Work) | 2014 | Russell, Travis R. | Ph.D. | Biology, UNCG |
The emancipation of consonance: a pedagogical approach to distinguishing between consonance ... (Student Work) | 2012 | McDaniel, Christopher N. | M.M. | Music, UNCG |
Embodied female authorship in early modern English literature (Student Work) | 2015 | Shook, Lauren | Ph.D. | English, UNCG |
The embodied rhetoric of recruit training in the United States Marine Corps (Student Work) | 2015 | Bowman, Rachel Lynne | Ph.D. | English, UNCG |
Embracing the Took : kinship between Middle Earth and Sixties youth (Student Work) | 2007 | Watkins, Shana | Master of Arts | English, UNCG |
Embracing the uncertainty of community: a study of students' perceptions of connection and l... (Student Work) | 2009 | McCall, Jessica Delk | PhD | Communication Studies, UNCG |
The emergence of American women in the Summer Olympic Games 1900-1972 (Student Work) | 1975 | Welch, Paula D. | Ed.D. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
The emergence of stripes (Student Work) | 1977 | Shepherd, Rebecca McKaughn | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
The emergence process of black elected leadership in North Carolina (Student Work) | 1983 | Buie, Sampson | Ph.D. | Education, UNCG |
Emergent literacy interactions between parents of Latino heritage and their preschool childr... (Student Work) | 2015 | Grace, Sheryl H. | Ph.D. | Specialized Education Services, UNCG |
Emergent Tracheostomy Tube Dislodgment Educational Program for Intensive Care Unit Nurses to... (Student Work) | 2023 | Bueter, Laura Rachel | DNP | Nursing, UNCG |
Emerging scholars: predictors of independent researcher identification in education PhD stud... (Student Work) | 2011 | Albold, Cheryll A. | Ph.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
The emerging "standard of reasonableness" for search and seizure in American public schools ... (Student Work) | 1987 | Page, Stephen Leon | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Emerging themes and patterns of information-based teacher education curricula in response to... (Student Work) | 1992 | Turner, Susan S. | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
The emerging voice of the exhibition designer (Student Work) | 2010 | Boycher, Ashley | MS | Interior Architecture, UNCG |
Emerson's redefinition of the literary hero in the nineteenth century by means of a reinterp... (Student Work) | 1974 | Castellano, Denis Charles | M.A. | English, UNCG |
Emily Prudden and her schools (Student Work) | 1994 | Pollitt, Phoebe Ann | Ph.D. | Education, UNCG |
Emissions taxes vs. intensity standards revisited: a general equilibrium analysis (Student Work) | 2021 | Antonio, Katherine M. | Ph.D. | Economics, UNCG |
Emotion differentiation, depression, and emotion regulation: a daily diary study (Student Work) | 2018 | Lunsford, Jaimie M. | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
Emotion recognition deficits among children with conduct problems and callous-unemotional be... (Student Work) | 2016 | Rehder, Peter D. | Ph.D. | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Emotion regulation and executive functioning as predictors of theory of mind competence duri... (Student Work) | 2010 | Vithlani, Parita P. | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
Emotional detachment moderates the association between students’ perceptions of parental sup... (Student Work) | 2019 | Lee, Grace Yeeun | M.S. | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Emotional eloquence : the argument from pathos in deliberation (Student Work) | 1996 | Armstrong, Mark R. | Ph.D. | English, UNCG |
Emotional reactivity, aggression, and peer liking: the roles of gender and maternal socializ... (Student Work) | 2009 | Berdan, Louise E. | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
Empathy as a Catalyst for Movement Expression (Student Work) | 2014 | Wathen, Samantha Faye | B.A. | Dance, UNCG |
Empathy, gender, and training as factors in the identification of cry-signal patterns of inf... (Student Work) | 1977 | Gladding, Samuel T. | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
The emperor has no clothes: teaching about race and racism to people who don't want to know (Student Work) | 2010 | Okun, Tema Jon | Ph.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Empirical essays in health and human capital (Student Work) | 2011 | Morefield, Gary Brant | Ph.D. | Economics, UNCG |
An empirical examination of antecedents and consequences of e-compulsive buying tendencies: ... (Student Work) | 2011 | Shanmugam, Vinod K. | MS | Consumer, Apparel, and Retail Studies, UNCG |
An empirical examination of consumers' innovation adoption: the role of innovativeness, fash... (Student Work) | 2008 | Kim, Yun-Hee | MS | Consumer, Apparel, and Retail Studies, UNCG |
An empirical investigation of the impacts of website quality on consumer loyalty: a case of ... (Student Work) | 2015 | Egeln, Laura | Ph.D. | Consumer, Apparel, and Retail Studies, UNCG |
An empirical study of the effects of geographic distance and institutional barriers on the p... (Student Work) | 1975 | Walther, Erskine Smith | M.A. | Business and Economics, UNCG |
Employee attributes for entry-level management positions identified by apparel manufacturers... (Student Work) | 1986 | Lowry, Glenda Lee | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Employee volunteer programs as corporate social responsibility in the apparel industry: an i... (Student Work) | 2018 | Konya, Tara Jennifer | Ph.D. | Consumer, Apparel, and Retail Studies, UNCG |
Employee wellness programs : why employees choose to participate (Student Work) | 2023 | Wallace, Kristi L. | Ed.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Employer assessment of personal appearance, personal and social characteristics, and work ha... (Student Work) | 1970 | Holding, Mary C. | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Employer-sponsored health insurance and worker productivity (Student Work) | 2017 | Zheng, Maozhao | Ph.D. | Economics, UNCG |
Employment opportunities and educational requirements for secretarial workers in the churche... (Student Work) | 1948 | Vance, Mary Elam | M.S. | Business Education, UNCG |
Empowering the body: the evolution of self-help in the women’s health movement (Student Work) | 2016 | Dudley Shotwell, Hannah Grace | Ph.D. | History, UNCG |
Enantioselective cyclization of symmetric diesters (Student Work) | 2016 | Wilent, Jennifer E. | Ph.D. | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Encouraging socially responsible fashion consumption : an investigation of the effects of a ... (Student Work) | 2023 | Williams, Leeanna (Annie) | Ph.D. | Consumer, Apparel, and Retail Studies, UNCG |
An Endeavor to Meet (Student Work) | 2008 | Claiborne, Katie L. | MFA | Studio Art, UNCG |
Enemy item detection using data mining methods (Student Work) | 2019 | Weir, John B. | Ph.D. | Educational Research Methodology, UNCG |
Energy availability and sex steroid hormones in physically active females (Student Work) | 2023 | Goldenstein, Samantha J. | Ph.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Engage: designing interior products for the communal dining experience (Student Work) | 2011 | Wade, Kimberlie Michelle | MS | Interior Architecture, UNCG |
Engaging low-income African American adolescents in a virtual avatar-based nutrition educati... (Student Work) | 2022 | Enahora, Basheerah R. | Ph.D. | Nutrition, UNCG |
Engineering education for youth: diverse elementary school students' experiences with engine... (Student Work) | 2014 | Hegedus, Theresa | Ph.D. | Educational Studies, UNCG |
Engineering high-throughput approaches for CRISPR gene therapy and synthetic biology (Student Work) | 2024 | Supakar, Tinku | Ph.D. | Joint School of Nanoscience and Nanoengineering, UNCG |
The English novel in the eighteenth century (Student Work) | 1964 | Delafield, Carter | | English, UNCG |
English shepherds' carols and the medieval arts (Student Work) | 1974 | Olson, Barbara | M.A. | English, UNCG |
Enhancement of endogenous glutathione and NQO1 by triterpenoid CDDO-Im in SH-SY5Y cells: pro... (Student Work) | 2013 | Speen, Adam M. | M.S. | Biology, UNCG |
Enhancing diagnostic feedback in a K-12 language assessment: an exploration of diagnostic cl... (Student Work) | 2020 | Yumsek, Meltem | Ph.D. | Educational Research Methodology, UNCG |
Enhancing federated learning efficiency through dynamic model adaptation and optimization (Student Work) | 2024 | Korrapati, Bhuvana | M.S. | Computer Science, UNCG |
Enhancing the limit of detection of biomarkers in serum using a SPRi nano-aptasensor (Student Work) | 2015 | Vance, Stephen | Ph.D. | Joint School of Nanoscience and Nanoengineering, UNCG |
The entelechy of "Penelope" : the epiphany of the eternal in the temporal (Student Work) | 1970 | Suhr, Sung-hae | M.A. | English, UNCG |
The entrepreneurial university and the mediation of crisis: a study of university research m... (Student Work) | 2015 | Jolliff, Grant D. | Ph.D. | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
Entropy and equilibrium in Jean Toomer’s Cane AND The Peasant visionary, the dying God: sacr... (Student Work) | 2016 | Phillips, Matthew Michael | M.A. | English, UNCG |
Enumerating indeterminacy (Student Work) | 2009 | Moser, Bruce Allan | D.M.A. | Music, UNCG |
Enumeration of quadratic forms over totally real fields (Student Work) | 2012 | Hamby, Paula J. | M.A. | Mathematics, UNCG |
"Environ" (Student Work) | 1975 | Richardson, Elizabeth Lyon | M.F.A. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
Environment and genetic predictors of infant attachment disorganization (Student Work) | 2015 | Gedaly, Lindsey Ruth | M.S. | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Environmental effectors of breeding calls and spermatogenesis in the male spring peeper, Hyl... (Student Work) | 1977 | Davis, Gary S. | M.A. | Biology, UNCG |
Environmental effectors of the reproductive cycle and breeding behavior in the male upland c... (Student Work) | 1976 | Wiley, John Edwin | M.A. | Biology, UNCG |
Environmental learning style preferences of limited-resource women in adult education progra... (Student Work) | 1994 | Smoak, Ellen Presnell | Ph.D. | Human Environmental Sciences, UNCG |
Environmental noise as risk factor for postoperative delirium in an orthopedic sample: an ex... (Student Work) | 2013 | Brown, Courtney | Ph.D. | Nursing, UNCG |
Environmental production (Student Work) | 2020 | Alexander, Christopher | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
Environmental, ecological and recreational impacts of a proposed hydroelectric dam on the Te... (Student Work) | 2018 | Haller, Dominque M. | M.A. | Geography, UNCG |
Envy and other stories (Student Work) | 1974 | Van Noppen, Sally | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
An epidemiologic investigation of the relationship between religiosity, selected health beha... (Student Work) | 1996 | Hixson, Karen Avery | Ph.D. | Health and Human Performance, UNCG |
Epigenetic and developmental effects from exposure to glyphosate and roundup on developing M... (Student Work) | 2018 | Smith, Chelsea M. | M.S. | Biology, UNCG |
The epilogue as the key to the thematic unity of Troilus and Criseyde (Student Work) | 1971 | Sloop, Joyce Honeycutt | M.A. | Education, UNCG |
The epitranscriptomic analysis of glioblastoma with and without drug resistance (Student Work) | 2022 | Simpson, Jennifer H. | Ph.D. | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Epstein-Barr virus as a piece of the neurodegenerative disease mosaic (Student Work) | 2022 | Tognasoli, Ana Paula Carvalho | Ph.D. | Biology, UNCG |
Equal workload demands may hinder the ability of focus of attention to impact motor learning... (Student Work) | 2016 | Bennett, Lauren V. | M.S. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Equipment preferences of men and women employed in early childhood education (Student Work) | 1987 | Gordon, Tom | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Equity and excellence : addressing underrepresentation in selective STEM schools (Student Work) | 2024 | Beierschmitt, Cheryl A. | Ed.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
The equivalency of Cooper's 12-minute test and a 1 1/4-mile run for junior high school girls... (Student Work) | 1970 | Hielscher, Patricia Ann | M.S. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
Eric Ewazen's Concerto for Marimba, Orchestrated for Chamber Ensemble: A Performance Edition... (Student Work) | 2008 | Lasley, Michael Lee | DMA | Music, UNCG |
Ernest Bloch's musical style from 1910 To 1929 a shift from Judaic identity to modern identi... (Student Work) | 2011 | Seo, Minjung | DMA | Music, UNCG |
Ernst von Dohnányi’s Winterreigen, Op. 13 (Student Work) | 2015 | Griffith, Samee | D.M.A. | Music, UNCG |
Essays on health insurance coverage and food assistance programs (Student Work) | 2012 | Zapata Sapiencia, Daniela | Ph.D. | Economics, UNCG |
The essence of still life folds (Student Work) | 1974 | Cooke, Consuelo | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
Essential excerpts for tuba from original works written for wind ensemble (Student Work) | 2007 | Harvey, Brent Meadows | DMA | Music, UNCG |
Essentialism matters: silence, fear and the feminist dilemma (Student Work) | 2014 | Arnold, Abigail S. | Ph.D. | English, UNCG |
Establishing the suitability of an instrument that determined advanced practice registered n... (Student Work) | 2021 | Chung, Shernett M. | Ph.D. | Nursing, UNCG |
The establishment of a behavioral bioassay to study Lutzomyia verrucarum male sex pheromones... (Student Work) | 2015 | Greene, Anthony Daniel | M.S. | Biology, UNCG |
Estimating avoidance behavior from human mobility (Student Work) | 2023 | Addai, Nana Boakyewaa | Ph.D | Economics, UNCG |
Estimating homologous recombination rates across bacterial lineages and genomes (Student Work) | 2024 | Torrance, Ellis L. | Ph.D. | Biology, UNCG |
Estimating sentiment in social media : a case study of the migrant caravans news on Twitter (Student Work) | 2021 | Muttineni, Shravya | M.S. | Computer Science, UNCG |
Estimation of muscle torque impulses and ability to predict high-risk knee joint mechanics d... (Student Work) | 2011 | Sauret, Jerome Jean | Ph.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Estradiol Reduces Inflammation in Rats Fed a High-fat Diet. (Student Work) | 2010 | Miller, Colette N. | M.S. | Nutrition, UNCG |
Ethel Loroline Martus Lawther : her contributions to physical education (Student Work) | 1980 | Watson, Jan Carole | Ed.D. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
Ethel Smyth's Mass in D : a performance-study guide (Student Work) | 1994 | Daniel, Robert Marion | D.M.A. | Music, UNCG |
Ethical judgments of high school seniors in Piedmont North Carolina (Student Work) | 1951 | Bird, Jane Florence | M.A. Ed. | Education, UNCG |
Ethnic identity as a protective factor for Latino youth (Student Work) | 2012 | Huq, Nadia | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
Ethnic-racial socialization messages given to multiracial youth: a person-centered analysis (Student Work) | 2019 | Christophe, Noah Keita N. | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
Ethnic-racial socialization, proactive coping with discrimination, and Latinx youth’s psycho... (Student Work) | 2022 | Salcido, Valerie V. | Ed.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
An ethnography of a physical education class : an experiment in integrated living (Student Work) | 1977 | Wang, Beulah Marie | Ed.D. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
EULOGY for choir and brass quintet (Student Work) | 2019 | Ward, Julian | M.M. | School of Music, UNCG |
Euphemism's usefulness: elusive eros in the novels of Charlotte Brontë (Student Work) | 2011 | Kelly, Sharon E. | MA | English, UNCG |
The European Union and the Russian-Ukrainian War (Student Work) | 2024 | Siegel, Chloe | B.A. | Political Science, UNCG |
Eustace, Son of King Stephen: The Model Prince in Twelfth-Century England (Student Work) | 2018 | Peck, Christopher A. | B.A. | History, UNCG |
Evaluating the Black Student Peer Mentoring Program at the University of North Carolina at G... (Student Work) | 1991 | Drakeford, Robert Wayne | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Evaluating the construct validity of sustained attention measures : performance indicators, ... (Student Work) | 2022 | Welhaf, Matthew S. | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
Evaluating the potential locations for Transit-Oriented Development (TOD): a case study of M... (Student Work) | 2016 | Coolbaugh, Dylan | M.A. | Geography, UNCG |
Evaluating problem solving in the mathematics curriculum : a case study (Student Work) | 1991 | Jetton, Janice H. | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Evaluating Providers’ compliance for prescribing controlled substance (Student Work) | 2022 | Okafor, Francisca | DNP | Nursing, UNCG |
An evaluation approach applicable to North Carolina police management development programs (Student Work) | 1987 | Simerson, Byron K. | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Evaluation as a means for teacher improvement : using the North Carolina Performance Apprais... (Student Work) | 1987 | Beaver, Pamela B. | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
An evaluation of the adequacy of diets planned in a home management house (Student Work) | 1946 | McCall, Nancy | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
An evaluation of an after-school soccer program for at-risk sixth grade boys using the TPSR ... (Student Work) | 2013 | Cryan, Mark B. | Ph.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Evaluation of analytical tools for studying the host and gut microbe relationships in Type 2... (Student Work) | 2016 | Watson, Amanda L. | Ph.D. | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
An evaluation of the assertive discipline program at Charles D. Owen High School (Student Work) | 1989 | McCallum, Larry Clinton | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
An evaluation of broad bean, Vicia faba, and whole wheat combinations for growth, developmen... (Student Work) | 1981 | Abdel-Kader, Mona Khalil | Ph. D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Evaluation of by-passing as a technique for adjusting a self-instructional clothing program ... (Student Work) | 1967 | Murphy, Mae Gregory | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Evaluation of the Clinical Education and Training of Nurse Practitioner Students and its Imp... (Student Work) | 2023 | Ugi, Karin Ritschard | DNP | Nursing, UNCG |
An evaluation of a dropout prevention program for middle school students in an urban setting... (Student Work) | 1991 | Hampton, Frederick Maceo | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Evaluation of an Emergency Department (ED) New Graduate Program to Support Transition to Pra... (Student Work) | 2022 | Dawkins, Marie Williams | DNP | Nursing, UNCG |
An evaluation of the experiences encountered by rural families in adding a bathroom to the h... (Student Work) | 1958 | Cusick, Josephine Rymer | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Evaluation of factors controlling methanogens and methane-oxidizing bacteria on hydropsychid... (Student Work) | 2015 | Monteverde, Matthew R. | M.S. | Biology, UNCG |
An evaluation of the freshman seminar at Appalachian State University (Student Work) | 1991 | Spann, Nancy Gray | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
An evaluation of the High Point, North Carolina Cities in Schools program (Student Work) | 1991 | McCausley, Alfreda Ellis | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Evaluation of the Lewis rat as a model of periodontitis: a preliminary study (Student Work) | 2015 | La, Stephanie | M.S. | Nutrition, UNCG |
An evaluation of the movement responses of four first grade boys to teacher-stated movement ... (Student Work) | 1969 | Rink, Judith E. | M.S. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
An evaluation of the North Carolina cumulative record, grades 1-12 (Student Work) | 1947 | Love, Grady Edward | M.A. Ed. | Education, UNCG |
Evaluation of the performance of deep learning techniques over tampered dataset (Student Work) | 2015 | Al-Hamadani, Mokhaled N.A. | M.S. | Computer Science, UNCG |
Evaluation of the reading program of the Guilford county school system (Student Work) | 1983 | Johnson, Juanita Jamison | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Evaluation of the reliability of a goalkeeper-specific adaptation to the Yo Yo Intermittent ... (Student Work) | 2017 | Ehlert, Alex M. | M.S. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Evaluation of a religious family enrichment program (Student Work) | 1985 | Rider, James Wesley | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Evaluation of Retention and Satisfaction Among New Graduate Nurses Participating in a Nurse ... (Student Work) | 2022 | Mackey, Heather Thompson | DNP | Nursing, UNCG |
An evaluation of the role of irrational cognitions in depression (Student Work) | 1989 | Herbert, James D. | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
The evaluation of the school lunch menus at a demonstration school (Student Work) | 1949 | Krahnke, Gwendolyn Elizabeth | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
An evaluation of the secondary curriculum of a suburban school in the Carolina Piedmont (Student Work) | 1950 | Dawson, Joseph Leroy | M.A. Ed. | Education, UNCG |
An evaluation of selected components of the mobile meals program in Greensboro, North Caroli... (Student Work) | 1977 | Trulove, Janet Reger | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
An evaluation of three approaches for reducing disruptive behavior in preschool children (Student Work) | 1974 | Zakrzewski, Maria | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
An evaluation of two pamphlets for assessing the accuracy of breast self-examination in olde... (Student Work) | 1993 | Fulk, Carlene Hedgecock | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
An evaluation of the United States Army John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center and School (U... (Student Work) | 2018 | Mannino, Stephen Michael | Ed.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Evaluation of the validity of the Fit for 90 subjective training load and wellness measures (Student Work) | 2017 | Scheck, Andrew W. | M.S. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
An evaluation program to measure the ability of students to apply principles of nutrition (Student Work) | 1943 | Walsh, Sister Mary Edward | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
An evaluation study of the dining area in thirty families (Student Work) | 1950 | Campbell, Catherine McLean | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Evaluative approaches to selected employment-training programs for unskilled, economically d... (Student Work) | 1981 | Drozd, Nancy Carolyn | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Evaluative feedback and the need for cognition (Student Work) | 1992 | Roufail, Mary Michel | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
An evaluative study of one approach to marriage enrichment (Student Work) | 1974 | Swicegood, Myrle Lutterloh | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Event-related potentials and behavioral assessment : a 20 year follow-up of adults who were ... (Student Work) | 1987 | Naylor, Cecile Edith | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
Everybody Move: An Educational Quality Improvement Project for Prevention of Pressure Ulcers... (Student Work) | 2023 | Kearney, Keeshes Ragland | DNP | Nursing, UNCG |
Everybody’s nicer when they’re sad (Student Work) | 2021 | Clark, Grace | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
"Everybody's different and the same": an inquiry into early childhood teachers' beliefs, kn... (Student Work) | 2011 | Kintner-Duffy, Victoria | Ph.D. | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Everyday lessons of North American preschoolers : social class as cultural community (Student Work) | 1995 | Putnam, Sarah Elizabeth | Ph.D. | Human Environmental Sciences, UNCG |
The everyday lives of Latina immigrants in North Carolina: a photovoice perspective (Student Work) | 2011 | Cecil-Dyrkacz, Joy E. | MS | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Everyday movements of errantry (Student Work) | 2019 | Bryan, Amanda Leigh | Ph.D. | English, UNCG |
Everyday Specific (Student Work) | 2008 | Bell, Jeffrey | MFA | Studio Art, UNCG |
Everyday teacher creativity : a mixed methods case study of teachers’ profiles for fostering... (Student Work) | 2024 | Haddad Lingle, Jennifer | Ph.D. | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
Evidence of functional distinction between WNT5A Isoform A and Isoform B in osteosarcoma cel... (Student Work) | 2014 | Akindahunsi, Oluwole O. | M.S. | Biology, UNCG |
Evidence of skip oviposition in Phlebotomus papatasi sand flies (Student Work) | 2020 | McLaughlin, Lexua Grace | M.S. | Biology, UNCG |
Evidence-based practice knowledge, self-efficacy, and use among respiratory therapy faculty ... (Student Work) | 2019 | Clark, Kimberly M. | Ed.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Evidence-based strategies for sustainable lighting design in grocery stores (Student Work) | 2014 | Modarres Nezhad, Majedeh | M.F.A. | Interior Architecture, UNCG |
Evidencing sensemaking: a speech act theory study of metaphors in organizational mission sta... (Student Work) | 2011 | Liu, Shaozhong | Ph.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
The evoked cortical potential and its relation to eye dominance, handedness, and visual fiel... (Student Work) | 1968 | Tanley, James Charles | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
Evoked potentials to syllable perception and production (Student Work) | 1977 | Schumacher, Susan Jean | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
The evolution of contemporary gospel drumming (Student Work) | 2015 | Lawhorn, Lamon B. | D.M.A. | Music, UNCG |
The evolution of cooperation: a recreation of Axelrod’s computer tournament (Student Work) | 2017 | Hayes, Victoria | M.A. | Mathematics and Statistics, UNCG |
The evolution of the education of exceptional children in Charleston, South Carolina from 19... (Student Work) | 1991 | Hunt, Jane Doggett | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
The evolution of lyricism in Modest Musorgsky's compositional style as evidenced in songs an... (Student Work) | 2011 | Lee, Hyun-Jong | DMA | Music, UNCG |
The evolution of preservice teachers' orientations during early field experiences and initia... (Student Work) | 1992 | Smith, Robin Loflin | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Evolution of proteins (Student Work) | 1969 | Vernon, June | | Biology, UNCG |
Evolution of the soul: the transformative connection between cultural consciousness, spiritu... (Student Work) | 2009 | Cox, Ramona D. | Ed.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
The evolution of the universe : conflicting modern theories (Student Work) | 1972 | Ingram, Ned Carleton | M.A. | Mathematics, UNCG |
Evolving Canadian foreign policy : Canada and China, 1949-1973 (Student Work) | 1975 | Swiger, Kathleen Dickerson | M.A. | History, UNCG |
An examination of achievement motivation among middle grade African American males (Student Work) | 2007 | Truesdale, Althea Sample | PhD | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
An examination of the appropriateness of the content of the DSM-IV AD/HD symptom criteria fo... (Student Work) | 2009 | DeGrass, Lisa | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
An examination of associations between children's popularity and mothers' and children's vie... (Student Work) | 1992 | Runion, Jane Elizabeth | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
An examination of the associations between racial discrimination and racial identity beliefs... (Student Work) | 2023 | Bailey, Ariana | M.S. | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
An examination of athletic identity, sport commitment, time in sport, social support, life s... (Student Work) | 2007 | Williams, Derick J. | PhD | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
Examination of the biobehavioral effects of food insecurity by investigating its relationshi... (Student Work) | 2020 | Hill, Alla | Ph.D. | Nutrition, UNCG |
Examination of breastfeeding rates and other feeding practices among US infants and toddlers... (Student Work) | 2020 | Orozco, Jovanna | M.S. | Nutrition, UNCG |
An examination of the contributions of Lady Augusta Persse Gregory to the development of the... (Student Work) | 1967 | Benson, Brian Joseph | M.A. | English, UNCG |
An examination of devaluation of alternatives beyond physical attractiveness (Student Work) | 2022 | Redd, Riley C. | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
An examination of early childhood teachers’ experiences and perceptions regarding evidence b... (Student Work) | 2020 | Alamer, Khulod Saleh | Ph.D. | Specialized Education Services, UNCG |
An examination of the effect of the National soccer coaches association of America's nationa... (Student Work) | 2011 | Steffen, William | Ed.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
An Examination of the Effects of Stimulant Medication on the IQ Test Performance of Children... (Student Work) | 2008 | Adams, Jennifer S. | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
Examination of the FEAR Effect with Child Social and General Anxiety (Student Work) | 2008 | Brodie, Lisa M. | MA | Psychology, UNCG |
An examination of feedback interactions between athletic training students and clinical inst... (Student Work) | 2011 | Nottingham, Sara Lynn | Ed.D | Kinesiology, UNCG |
An examination of the female lead roles in Show boat as a model for gender based performance... (Student Work) | 2005 | Lewis, Anne | DMA | Music, UNCG |
An examination of Gateways : a citizen participation organization emphasizing citizen involv... (Student Work) | 1978 | Lowery, Clifford Benjamin | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
The examination of humor usage and its relationship to cohesion in male collegiate basketbal... (Student Work) | 2010 | Hester, Nicholas Tremayne | Ph.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
An examination of the impact of personality factors and depression on maternal responses to ... (Student Work) | 1992 | Johnson, Victoria R. | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
An examination of the impact of residuals and residual covariance structures on scores for n... (Student Work) | 2017 | Bukhari, Nurliyana | Ph.D. | Educational Research Methodology, UNCG |
An examination of an individual philosophy of art and painting (Student Work) | 1956 | Crawford, Margaret Louise | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
An examination of the influence of African-American extended family relationships on child w... (Student Work) | 2017 | Burch, Sarah | M.S. | Nutrition, UNCG |
An examination of the influence of thermokarst activity on arctic lake sediment methanogenes... (Student Work) | 2009 | Bostick, Matthew C. | M.S. | Biology, UNCG |
An examination of the institutional character and organizational ethos at Seventh-Day Advent... (Student Work) | 1992 | Ritter, David Malcolm | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
An examination of the interrelationship of maternal psychopathology, peer relations and moth... (Student Work) | 1989 | Hricik, Debra Ann | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
An examination of IT occupational culture: interpretation, measurement, and impact (Student Work) | 2012 | Jacks, Timothy | Ph.D. | Information Systems and Operations Management, UNCG |
An examination of library involvement in the literacy education programs of the North Caroli... (Student Work) | 1986 | Vaughan, Elinor Folger | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Examination of low-socioeconomic status pregnant women's first trimester exercise intention ... (Student Work) | 2012 | Chung, Hyondo | M.S. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
An examination of a model of burnout in dual-role teacher-coaches (Student Work) | 1990 | Kelley, Betty Carolina | Ph.D. | Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, UNCG |
An examination of motivational, goal achievement, and sport commitment differences in youth ... (Student Work) | 2012 | Davis, Matthew | M.S. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
An examination of the necessary knowledge and skills for juvenile court counselors to interv... (Student Work) | 2006 | Jordan, Joseph Patrick | PhD | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
An examination of North Carolina high school football coaches relative to football helmet fi... (Student Work) | 2024 | Wingate, Garrett M. | Ed.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Examination of pharmacists’ support for implementation of syringe exchange programs in commu... (Student Work) | 2020 | Roberts, Heather Hinkle | Ph.D. | Nursing, UNCG |
An examination of prosocial behavior and potential moderating factors in individuals high in... (Student Work) | 2023 | Adcock, Shannon J. | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
An examination of a psychological skills intervention in an exercise program for overweight ... (Student Work) | 2017 | Rothberger, Sara M. | Ph.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
An examination of the quality of Workplace Health Promotion initiatives among U.S. organizat... (Student Work) | 2018 | Weaver, GracieLee M. | Ph.D. | Public Health Education, UNCG |
An examination of the relationship between social capital and adolescent suicidal thoughts a... (Student Work) | 2022 | Mendenhall, Brandon N. | Ph.D. | Public Health Education, UNCG |
An examination of the relationship between teacher burnout and organizational design (Student Work) | 1983 | Crews, Michele A. | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
An examination of the relationships among personality traits, perceived parenting styles, an... (Student Work) | 2010 | Lootens, Christopher M. | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
An Examination of the Residual Covariance Structures of Complex Performance Exercises Under ... (Student Work) | 2008 | Goodman, Joshua | PhD | Educational Research Methodology, UNCG |
An examination of rhythmic practices and influences in the keyboard works of György Ligeti (Student Work) | 2012 | Halsey, Lauren Brooke | M.M. | Music, UNCG |
An examination of school band literature as it relates to tuba pedagogy (Student Work) | 2019 | Beach, William Gray | D.M.A. | School of Music, UNCG |
Examination of the scoring structure of the psychopathology instrument for mentally retarde... (Student Work) | 2006 | Ahlgrim-Delzell, Lynn | PhD | Psychology, UNCG |
An examination of selected attitudes and opinions of federal-level bureaucrats on the develo... (Student Work) | 1975 | Rue, Vincent Montgomery | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
An examination of small class as a "gap reduction" strategy for achievement differences in g... (Student Work) | 1993 | Bingham, Charles Steven | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
An Examination of Social Host Policies: Relationship with Social Drinking Context and Alcoho... (Student Work) | 2010 | Wagoner, Kimberly G. | DPH | Public Health Education, UNCG |
An examination of sport commitment in collegiate athletes (Student Work) | 2009 | Boyst, Jordan P. | MS | Kinesiology, UNCG |
The examination of a teaching personal and social responsibility soccer program through the ... (Student Work) | 2022 | Rose, Sari | Ph.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
An examination of Tobias Smollett's The Expedition of Humphry Clinker (Student Work) | 1967 | Fenigsohn, Harvey Heywood | M.A. | English, UNCG |
Examiner race effects on standard vs. culture-fair IQ performance and correlations with achi... (Student Work) | 1976 | Hanks, Edna Elaine | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
Examining the association between familism and social cognition across childhood (Student Work) | 2023 | Alvarado, Samantha | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
Examining the association between gratitude and sexual communal strength (Student Work) | 2019 | Brady, Ashlyn | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
Examining the association of maternal depressive symptoms in early and middle childhood and ... (Student Work) | 2022 | Mitchell, Imani N. | M.S. | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Examining the associations between adult age differences, attention, and episodic memory upd... (Student Work) | 2022 | Garlitch, Sydney M. | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
Examining athletic coaches’ interaction behaviors in conversations about well-being: results... (Student Work) | 2017 | Frazier, Ashely M. | Ph.D. | Communication Sciences and Disorders, UNCG |
Examining the beliefs and practices of successful teachers in a high poverty school (Student Work) | 2014 | Howard, Christy Maranda | Ph.D. | Educational Studies, UNCG |
Examining the benefits of feedback: are monitoring skills implicated in successful performan... (Student Work) | 2009 | McConnell, Melissa D. | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
Examining the challenges and strategies for mothers of children with ASD in Saudi Arabia thr... (Student Work) | 2023 | Aljuaid, Mashael | Ph.D. | Specialized Education Services, UNCG |
Examining changes in dynamic balance in older adults after balance training with attentional... (Student Work) | 2022 | Stout, Ruth D. | Ph.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Examining classroom quality in Head Start in relation to teachers’ and center directors’ cha... (Student Work) | 2021 | Yaya-Bryson, Dilara | Ph.D. | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Examining collegiality: practices of faculty in early childhood teacher preparation programs... (Student Work) | 2019 | Hewett, Brittany Sullivan | Ph.D. | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Examining cultural responsiveness and invariance in the National Survey of Student Engagemen... (Student Work) | 2020 | Heiser, Ciji Ann | Ph.D. | Educational Research Methodology, UNCG |
Examining current understandings and implications of critical theory for program evaluation (Student Work) | 2024 | Acree, Jeremy G. | Ph.D. | Educational Research Methodology, UNCG |
Examining the development of memory for temporal order and the neural substrates that suppor... (Student Work) | 2017 | Scales, Margaret L. | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
Examining the direct and indirect effects of multiple family transitions (Student Work) | 2017 | Johnston, Carol A. | Ph.D. | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Examining the effect of health behaviors on wages and healthcare utilization in models with ... (Student Work) | 2014 | Trombley, Matthew J. | Ph.D. | Economics, UNCG |
Examining the effects of typicality and novelty on aesthetic preference and positive emotion... (Student Work) | 2016 | Ceballos Ochoa, Lina Maria | Ph.D. | Consumer, Apparel, and Retail Studies, UNCG |
Examining elementary literacy teachers' perceptions of their preparedness to implement the E... (Student Work) | 2014 | Adams-Budde, Melissa Eileen | Ph.D. | Educational Studies, UNCG |
Examining facial masculinity as a cause of backlash against aspiring female leaders (Student Work) | 2022 | Liebenow, Hayley A. | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
Examining the factors influencing Varroa destructor host selection of Apis mellifera larvae (Student Work) | 2018 | Reams, Taylor Danielle | M.S. | Biology, UNCG |
Examining how communicative disabilities impact perceptions of mental sophistication and tra... (Student Work) | 2024 | Ojeda, Jonathan T. | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
Examining the impact of differential item functioning on growth models (Student Work) | 2017 | Samonte, Kelli Marie | Ph.D. | Educational Research Methodology, UNCG |
Examining the impact of education on Lumbee identity: a psychometric analysis of the multigr... (Student Work) | 2016 | Oxendine, Derek | Ph.D. | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
Examining the impact of institutional integration and cultural integrity on sense of belongi... (Student Work) | 2015 | Oxendine, Symphony D. | Ph.D. | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
Examining the impact of international graduate students' acculturation experiences on their ... (Student Work) | 2009 | Liu, Xiaoying | PhD | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
Examining Interactive Effects of Group Membership and Untrustworthiness on Recognition Memor... (Student Work) | 2021 | Clark, Grace C. | B.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
Examining linkages among sources of racial-ethnic discrimination and Latino adolescents' psy... (Student Work) | 2015 | Cavanaugh, Alyson M. | Ph.D. | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Examining the linkages between marital quality and anxiety and marital instability and anxie... (Student Work) | 2019 | Postler, Kaicee Beal | Ph.D. | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Examining Longleaf Pine spectral properties to remotely map relict stands in Central North C... (Student Work) | 2017 | Watkins, Keith Edgar | M.A. | Geography, UNCG |
Examining low back pain prevention strategies in the electrophysiology and catheterization l... (Student Work) | 2019 | Beresic, Nicholas J. | Ed.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Examining the marriages of nontraditional women : marital processes and outcomes (Student Work) | 1996 | Rhoden, J. Lyn | Ph.D. | Human Environmental Sciences, UNCG |
Examining masculinity and HIV vulnerability among Black heterosexual college men (Student Work) | 2020 | Ware, Samuella Opoku | Ph.D. | Public Health Education, UNCG |
Examining the moderating effects of religious coping on the relationship between acculturati... (Student Work) | 2021 | Pulgar Guzman, Camila A. | Ph.D. | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
Examining mood, coping, and social support in the context of athletic injuries (Student Work) | 1995 | Udry, Eileen M. | Ph.D. | Health and Human Performance, UNCG |
Examining motivations of Black males to become elementary school educators (Student Work) | 2023 | Dovico, Adam | Ed.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Examining North Carolina’s recent tropical cyclone history: twenty years on the Neuse River (Student Work) | 2020 | Brackett, Patrick Brent | M.A. | Geography, Environment, and Sustainability, UNCG |
Examining one university-based education leadership preparation program, regarding the use o... (Student Work) | 2009 | Toth, Brian J. | EdD | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Examining parenting pathways linking maternal depressive symptoms to children’s internalizin... (Student Work) | 2016 | Norcross, Pamela Linton | M.S. | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Examining pathways linking maternal depression to maternal sensitivity: role of maternal cau... (Student Work) | 2019 | Norcross, Pamela Linton | Ph.D. | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Examining performance-based EI and its association to mental skill use in athletes (Student Work) | 2012 | Evans, John Ryan Lee | Ph.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Examining perinatal healthcare process among refugee women resettled in the US (Student Work) | 2022 | Denzongpa, Kunga L. | Ph.D. | Public Health Education, UNCG |
Examining production, dissemination, and consumption of misinformation: the case of COVID-19... (Student Work) | 2021 | Han, Yuzhang | Ph.D. | Information Systems and Supply Chain Management, UNCG |
Examining the psychosocial health of black sexual minority men (Student Work) | 2010 | Graham, Louis Franswa | Dr. P.H. | Public Health Education, UNCG |
Examining the role of impulsivity in bipolar spectrum psychopathology: identification and ex... (Student Work) | 2016 | Sperry, Sarah | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
Examining self-relevance as a factor in the attentional bias in induced dysphoria using self... (Student Work) | 2011 | Foxworth, Tamara | MA | Psychology, UNCG |
Examining sociopolitical attitudes : Black youths’ understanding and responses to social inj... (Student Work) | 2023 | Revell, Sydney A. | M.S. | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Examining struggling male adolescent Readers' Responses to Graphic Novels: A Multiple Case S... (Student Work) | 2010 | Gavigan, Karen W. | Ph.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Examining Student Responses to Concept-Oriented Reading Instruction in Nutrition Education (Student Work) | 2008 | Wallen, Michele H. | PhD | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
Examining the time course of attention in a soccer kick using a dual task paradigm (Student Work) | 2010 | Carr, Brendan M. | MS | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Examining the Treatment of Preeclampsia Among Women Receiving Care in a Rural Clinic Using t... (Student Work) | 2023 | Griffin, Shelia | DNP | Nursing, UNCG |
Examining the utility of using multiple, co–occurring tree species to increase climate sensi... (Student Work) | 2019 | Matej, Andrew | M.A. | Geography, Environment, and Sustainability, UNCG |
The exceptional child in the elementary schools of North Carolina (Student Work) | 1929 | Cuthbertson, Daisy Jane | M.A. | Education, UNCG |
An exceptional perspective : the rhetoric of retarded children in Newbery award-winning fict... (Student Work) | 1978 | Bunn, Olena Swain | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Exceptional scale: metafiction and the maximalist tradition in contemporary American literar... (Student Work) | 2015 | Burns, Daniel Warren | Ph.D. | English, UNCG |
Excursions in Winston-Salem, North Carolina to supplement the seventh grade course of study (Student Work) | 1949 | Carmichael, Dorothy Thaxton | M.A. Ed. | Education, UNCG |
Executive control and attentional scope in visual search: a latent variable investigation (Student Work) | 2012 | Poole, Bradley John | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
Executive succession and competitive advantage in U.S. hospitals: simulating a randomized co... (Student Work) | 2012 | Oglesby, Ryan L. | Ph.D. | Nursing, UNCG |
Exegesis and eisegesis: the choral composer as scriptural interpreter with special reference... (Student Work) | 2008 | Dougherty, Michael P. | DMA | Music, UNCG |
Exercise and executive function in older adults: exploring the mechanisms (Student Work) | 2019 | Slutsky, Alexis B. | Ph.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Exercise-induced oxidative stress markers (glutathione and oxidized LDL) during and after an... (Student Work) | 2021 | Lee, Junyong | M.S. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
An exhibition of ceiling-hung banners (Student Work) | 1970 | Montgomery, Katherine Marsh | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
An exhibition of constructions (Student Work) | 1968 | Walker, Jane Horner | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
An exhibition of diagrams and models of constructions in plastic (Student Work) | 1969 | Hitchcock, Dorothy J. | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
An exhibition of drawings and paintings in oil and mixed media (Student Work) | 1965 | Hobbs, Emilie Mills | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
An exhibition of drawings, caricatures, and comic strips (Student Work) | 1972 | Gilliam, Lawrence Stanley | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
An exhibition of drawings, intaglio, woodcuts (Student Work) | 1967 | Faires, Patricia McCallum | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
An exhibition of painted objects (Student Work) | 1968 | Greene, Joseph Craig | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
Exhibition of paintings (Student Work) | 1968 | Hill, Suzanne Ransley | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
An exhibition of paintings (Student Work) | 1968 | Matsunobu, Morris Tatsuo | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
An exhibition of paintings (Student Work) | 1968 | Yates, Samuel | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
An exhibition of paintings (Student Work) | 1968 | York, Robert | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
An exhibition of paintings (Student Work) | 1965 | Watson, Elizabeth Rean | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
An exhibition of paintings (Student Work) | 1964 | Neill, Nancy L. | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
An exhibition of paintings, drawings and prints (Student Work) | 1967 | Nicholson, Mike McCoy | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
An exhibition of portraits (Student Work) | 1976 | Catherwood, Adele | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
An exhibition of sculpture (Student Work) | 1969 | Corcoran, Harry Bryon | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
An exhibition of sculpture (Student Work) | 1970 | Budny, Virginia | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
An exhibition of self-portraits (Student Work) | 1977 | Powell-McEllen, Fran | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
An exhibition of watercolor paintings and wire sculpture (Student Work) | 1971 | Murray, Ellen Rosanne | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
Exil et choc migratoire: Impact sur la créativité et analyse de l’écriture de trois auteures... (Student Work) | 2015 | Lavoie, Marie-Lyne | M.A. | Languages, Literatures, and Cultures, UNCG |
Exile in the fiction of Joseph Conrad and Fyodor Dostoyevsky (Student Work) | 1985 | King, Don W. | Ph.D. | English, UNCG |
Exiting school improvement: principals' roles in turning schools around for success (Student Work) | 2012 | Corcoran, Cindy Annette | Ed.D | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Exits (Student Work) | 1968 | Jackson, Joel Thomas | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
The expanded print as vessel for exploration (Student Work) | 2012 | Farris, Mark D. | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
Expanding the definition of rape acknowledgment and subsequent effects on risk sensitivity (Student Work) | 2022 | May, Casey | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
Expanding the metaphor: a pragmatic application of hospitality theory to the field of writin... (Student Work) | 2013 | Grabow, Brandy Lyn | Ph.D. | English, UNCG |
The expansion effect : moving colleges into the neighborhood (Student Work) | 2022 | Reliford, Margaret E. | M.A. | Sociology, UNCG |
Expectations for implementing Common Core State Standards and new programs for reading in a ... (Student Work) | 2016 | Watkins, Kellee Dillard | Ph.D. | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
Expectations of strength and conditioning professionals: perspectives of athletic administra... (Student Work) | 2019 | Carter, Andrew B. | Ed.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Expectations of women : trait inferences, nonverbal cues, and their impact on women’s underr... (Student Work) | 2024 | Liebenow, Hayley A. | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
Expectations of women collegiate athletes regarding coaching style (Student Work) | 1974 | Martin, Peggy E. | M.S. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
Expedition (Student Work) | 2011 | Benton, Emily A. | MFA | English, UNCG |
Experience and exposure: the influence of university spaces on international students’ well-... (Student Work) | 2023 | Talebian, Shima | M.F.A. | Interior Architecture, UNCG |
Experience and exposure: virtual reality as a conduit for active meditation (Student Work) | 2021 | Swanson, Erik Anthony | M.F.A. | Interior Architecture, UNCG |
The experience of antenatal hospitalization among high-risk pregnant women (Student Work) | 2019 | Toney, Tabitha D. | Ph.D. | Nursing, UNCG |
The experience of the intimate dyad after weight loss surgery: a qualitative description (Student Work) | 2012 | Barbee, Kristen Grady | Ph.D. | Nursing, UNCG |
Experienced music teachers’ and music teacher educators’ ratings of skills and dispositions ... (Student Work) | 2023 | Barclift, Kim | Ph.D. | School of Music, UNCG |
Experiences and coping responses of sexual harassment among Puerto Rican female student-athl... (Student Work) | 2010 | Rodriguez Nogueras, Enid A. | Ph.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Experiences and forecasts of the big-fish-little-pond effect (Student Work) | 2024 | Stockus, Christopher A. | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
Experiences and relations in the work of women teacher/coaches : a critical inquiry (Student Work) | 1989 | Jeffreys, Arcelia Taylor | Ed.D. | Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, UNCG |
Experiences in moving encountered by families transferred by their employer (Student Work) | 1958 | Evins, Virginia Barrett | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Experiences of African American Orphan Educators Once Called "Girls From That Colored Orphan... (Student Work) | 2008 | Guess, Barbara D. | PhD | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
The experiences of Black kinesiology undergraduate students at a predominantly white institu... (Student Work) | 2022 | Aguilar, Alain Justin | Ed.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
The experiences of Black students in high school credit recovery programs (Student Work) | 2020 | Slade, Ahmad Rashad | Ed.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
The experiences of english language learners with disabilities: a comparative analysis (Student Work) | 2010 | Money, Kimberly W. | Ed.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
The experiences of first-year African American males in a living learning community attendin... (Student Work) | 2016 | Johnson, Paul Brandon | Ph.D. | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
The experiences of internationally educated nurses while preparing for the NCLEX-RN (Student Work) | 2021 | Montegrico, Jhordin James C. | Ph.D. | Nursing, UNCG |
The experiences of nurses who care for patients with lung cancer (Student Work) | 2018 | Abrams, Sarah I. | Ph.D. | Nursing, UNCG |
Experiences of racial microaggressions, relational mentoring, and social connectedness among... (Student Work) | 2020 | Vaishnav, Shreya V. | Ph.D. | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
The experiences of staff in an after-school program (Student Work) | 2021 | Lewis, Richard W. | Ed.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Experiential citizen education for early adolescents : a model (Student Work) | 1978 | Bourgeois, Mildred Ikard | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Experiential education and social justice: philosophical and methodological considerations f... (Student Work) | 2010 | Burton, Marin E. | Ph.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Experimental and theoretical optical properties of two emerging nanoparticles (Student Work) | 2020 | Sheardy, Alex T. | Ph.D. | Joint School of Nanoscience and Nanoengineering, UNCG |
An experimental and theoretical study of cobalt (II) and nickel (II) complexes with acetonit... (Student Work) | 1978 | Kong, Peter Chuen Sun | M.S. | Chemistry, UNCG |
An experimental course : calculus with computing (Student Work) | 1973 | Jones, Carolyn Throckmorton | M.A. | Mathematics, UNCG |
Experimental evolution of silver nanoparticle resistance in Escherichia coli (Student Work) | 2015 | Tajkarimi, Mehrdad | Ph.D. | Nanoscience, UNCG |
Experimental landscape epidemiology of La Crosse virus in the southern Appalachian Mountains... (Student Work) | 2021 | Schwarz Giribaldi, Marcelo | Ph.D. | Biology, UNCG |
Experimental phenylketonuria in rats : an investigation of the critical interval hypothesis (Student Work) | 1966 | Donahue, Paul Langdon | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
An experimental study of color yield phenomenology in thermal fixation dyeing of a polyethyl... (Student Work) | 1986 | Etters, James Nolan | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
An experimental study of verbal and non-verbal intelligence scores of children with articula... (Student Work) | 1967 | Hodgin, Jimmi Murray | M.A. | Drama and Speech, UNCG |
Experimentation with voices (Student Work) | 1973 | Joyner, Whitmel M. | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
Experiments in the use of glass in painting (Student Work) | 1959 | Jeffries, Lucy Bane | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
Experiments with finite state machines (Student Work) | 1975 | Saranakomana, Suchada | M.A. | Mathematics, UNCG |
Expert determination of knowledge and skills essential to the elementary classroom teacher f... (Student Work) | 1978 | McCutchen, Mary Gene | Ed.D. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
Expertise in unexpected places: selective social learning from counter-normative experts (Student Work) | 2014 | Hughes Maicus, Chelsea | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
Explaining intention to stop smoking with the theory of planned behavior and self-exempting ... (Student Work) | 2012 | Bierman, Victoria Hutchins | Ph.D. | Nursing, UNCG |
An explanation of the existence of twelve paintings (Student Work) | 1953 | Chipley, Ann | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
An explanation of five thesis paintings (Student Work) | 1965 | Lackey, Joanna H. | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
Explanation of my work (Student Work) | 1965 | Mignone, Roseann | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
Explicit and implicit memory for affectively valenced material in depression (Student Work) | 1994 | Denny, Elizabeth Byrd | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
Exploiting nanoscale variations in two dimensional materials for predicting material propert... (Student Work) | 2023 | Schmidt, Kirby B. | Ph.D. | Joint School of Nanoscience and Nanoengineering, UNCG |
An exploration into the motivation for physical activity in individuals with Multiple Sclero... (Student Work) | 2016 | Fasczewski, Kimberly. S. | Ph.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
An exploration of cross-cultural interactions among collegiate sport coaches and internation... (Student Work) | 2018 | Wurst, Katherine M. | Ed.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Exploration of the development of an instrument to evaluate the volleyball forearm bounce pa... (Student Work) | 1976 | Trosclair, Kathleene Anne | M.S.P.E. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
An exploration of discourses of NICU nurses caring for infants with symptoms of a substance-... (Student Work) | 2020 | Welborn, Amber | Ph.D. | Nursing, UNCG |
An exploration of the ecological context of low-income, urban African-American adolescent se... (Student Work) | 2016 | Causey, Shakiera T. | M.S. | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
An Exploration of Elementary Preservice Teachers' Performance and Beliefs When Negotiating R... (Student Work) | 2008 | Stein, Catherine C. | PhD | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
An exploration of the exercise of parental choice and decision making under the provisions o... (Student Work) | 2011 | Culmer, Sandra | Ed.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Exploration of factors associated with tea culture and tea tourism in United States, China, ... (Student Work) | 2011 | Zhou, Mi | MS | Community and Therapeutic Recreation, UNCG |
An exploration of the flow experience among selected collegiate athletes (Student Work) | 1981 | Progen, Janice Lee | Ed.D. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
An exploration of four songs for soprano, horn, and piano (1990) by David Irving (Student Work) | 2017 | Hayward, Julianna Martin | D.M.A. | Music, UNCG |
An exploration of gift giving : re-gifting as a gift-giving behavior (Student Work) | 2007 | Homick, Alexandra Victoria | Master of Science | Consumer, Apparel, and Retail Studies, UNCG |
An exploration of HBCU first-generation and low-income student experience through the eyes o... (Student Work) | 2023 | Macfoy, Stephanie J.C. | Ph.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
An exploration of the impact of attachment, parental meta-emotion, and emotion regulation in... (Student Work) | 2018 | Merchant, Erin K. | Ph.D. | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
Exploration of interactions between commensal Staphylococci and methicillin-resistant Staphy... (Student Work) | 2021 | Shahbandi, Ali | M.S. | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Exploration of lighting controllability : using design simulation in pre-operating and post-... (Student Work) | 2023 | Prillaman, Caylin A. | M.F.A. | Interior Architecture, UNCG |
An exploration of mentorship between adults in the public schools (Student Work) | 1985 | Dockery, Linda Benge | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
An exploration of nurses’ knowledge of right hemisphere stroke associated communication impa... (Student Work) | 2017 | Brooks, Susan Kiser | Ph.D. | Nursing, UNCG |
An exploration of poverty and underdevelopment in Sub Saharan Africa through critical theory... (Student Work) | 2018 | Tejan-Sie, Juldeh F. | Ph.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Exploration of quorum sensing inhibition in gram positive bacterial pathogens using mass spe... (Student Work) | 2015 | Todd, Daniel A. | Ph.D. | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
An exploration of registered nurse preparation for safe medication management (Student Work) | 2017 | Sykes, Catherine Illman | Ph.D. | Nursing, UNCG |
An exploration of the relationship between frailty in the older adult and recurrence of Clos... (Student Work) | 2018 | Boone, Anna W. | Ph.D. | School of Nursing, UNCG |
An exploration of school counselors’ knowledge sharing practices using diffusion of innovati... (Student Work) | 2010 | Shipp, Adria E. | Ph.D. | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
An exploration of shared leadership at multiple levels : a teams perspective in the new norm... (Student Work) | 2023 | Grubb, Leah K. | Ph.D. | Management, UNCG |
Exploration of sleep and allostatic load as predictors of future cancer (Student Work) | 2018 | Kabbe, Angela | Ph.D. | School of Nursing, UNCG |
An exploration of studio cultures : perspectives from established teachers of the violin (Student Work) | 2022 | Southwick, Nathan A. | D.M.A. | School of Music, UNCG |
An Exploration of Thoughtfully Adaptive Teaching with Purposefully Selected Middle Grades La... (Student Work) | 2010 | Williams, Joseph Baxter | Ph.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
The exploration of TPSR practitioners’ implementation of culturally relevant pedagogies (Student Work) | 2021 | Pinkerton, Brittany B. | Ph.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Explorations (Student Work) | 2006 | Kopfler, Joseph Gottlieb | Master of Fine Art | Studio Art, UNCG |
Explorations in labor and material as makers of place. (Student Work) | 2010 | Kniss, Eric Alan | MFA | Art, UNCG |
An exploratory case study of one department’s teaching culture in order to promote active le... (Student Work) | 2022 | Wrights, Abbie P. | Ed.D | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Exploratory studies into the therapeutic and diagnostic capability of blood from the horsesh... (Student Work) | 2020 | Moorman, Whitney Danielle | M.S. | Nanoscience, UNCG |
An exploratory study into the lives of formerly incarcerated Black women (Student Work) | 2022 | Childress, Kelly M. | M.A. | Sociology, UNCG |
An exploratory study of a color association exercise for the assessment of verbal creative a... (Student Work) | 1967 | Britt, Morris F. | M.A. | Education, UNCG |
An exploratory study of culturally relevant teaching practices: number and types utilized by... (Student Work) | 2018 | Siskind, Demi G. | M.S. | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
An exploratory study of the effects of young children's color biases, racial attitudes, and ... (Student Work) | 1981 | Munoz, Millie Caridad | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
An exploratory study of a leadership style and communication style measure for a sample of m... (Student Work) | 1996 | Watkins, Daniel B. | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
An exploratory study of the problem solving strategies used by selected young adolescents wh... (Student Work) | 1987 | Sheriff, Thomas Michael | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
An exploratory study of the role of family, friends, and partners in the body image developm... (Student Work) | 2012 | Bozard, Robert Lewis | Ph.D. | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
An exploratory study of social justice education in residence life (Student Work) | 2019 | Prince, Krista L. | Ph.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
An exploratory study on factors that impact children with Autism Spectrum Disorder’s physica... (Student Work) | 2024 | Northcutt, Mandy L. | Ed.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
An exploratory study on the identity work of secondary math teachers and their engagement wi... (Student Work) | 2022 | Baucom, Lauren Naomi | Ph.D. | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
Exploring aberrant responses using group response functions (Student Work) | 2020 | Davis, James Robert | Ph.D. | Educational Research Methodology, UNCG |
Exploring the academic achievement gap among children of immigrants: the role of parent invo... (Student Work) | 2013 | Dunbar, Angelicia S. | M.S. | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Exploring the affordances and constraints of a “judgment free” informal STEM space in suppor... (Student Work) | 2018 | Freeman, Faith | Ph.D. | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
Exploring alternative mass spectrometric methods for epitranscriptomic analysis (Student Work) | 2022 | Wang, Hongzhou | Ph.D. | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Exploring America’s musical identity: a comparison study of Indianist piano pieces by Amy Be... (Student Work) | 2020 | Khatibzadeh, Natalie M. | D.M.A. | School of Music, UNCG |
Exploring authenticity in YouTube’s beauty community (Student Work) | 2021 | Mavrakis, Megan Nicole | M.A. | Sociology, UNCG |
Exploring the behavioral intentions to use AI-based chatbots for apparel shopping (Student Work) | 2024 | Myin, Mon Thu A. | Ph.D. | Consumer, Apparel, and Retail Studies, UNCG |
Exploring computer visualization as an effective tool to overcome communication barriers amo... (Student Work) | 2022 | Mahdizadeh Saber, Ramin | M.F.A. | Interior Architecture, UNCG |
Exploring counselors’ learning and application of neuroscience in clinical trauma practice (Student Work) | 2024 | Tousey, Patricia H. | Ph.D. | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
Exploring counselors’ use of research in practice: a CQR study (Student Work) | 2019 | Umstead, Lindsey K. | Ph.D. | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
Exploring critical, embodied, emancipatory education through deconstructions and reconstruct... (Student Work) | 2007 | Ross, Sabrina N. | PhD | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Exploring the decision-making process of men's branded underwear consumers (Student Work) | 2007 | Shouli, Rosanna | Master of Science | Consumer, Apparel, and Retail Studies, UNCG |
Exploring the demographic, clinical, and behavioral attributes of approved milk bank donors ... (Student Work) | 2023 | Gutierrez dos Santos, Bruna | Ph.D. | Nutrition, UNCG |
Exploring the Dose-Response Relationship between Acute Resistance Exercise Intensity and Cog... (Student Work) | 2008 | Chang, Yu-Kai | Ph.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Exploring the effectiveness of dialogical relationship e-learning modules with individuals o... (Student Work) | 2020 | Pérez Peña, Angiemil | Ph.D. | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
Exploring the effects of fluorophore additives and narrow band light on photosynthetic organ... (Student Work) | 2022 | Jalovec, Jeffrey Scott | Ph.D. | Joint School of Nanoscience and Nanoengineering, UNCG |
Exploring the effects of personal counseling on the development of counselors in training (Student Work) | 2020 | Driscoll, Kathleen H. | Ph.D. | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
Exploring the effects of racial discrimination on the mental health and parenting satisfacti... (Student Work) | 2024 | Roberts, J. Dontae | Ph.D. | Joint Program in Social Work, UNCG |
Exploring the effects of scarcity, impulse buying, and product returning behavior in the fas... (Student Work) | 2012 | Chatvijit, Sasikarn | M.S. | Consumer, Apparel, and Retail Studies, UNCG |
Exploring English Literacy Development in a Multilingual and Multicultural Elementary School... (Student Work) | 2018 | Kirby, Jeremy J. | B.S. | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
Exploring experiences of disclosure for transgender and nonbinary survivors of abuse (Student Work) | 2017 | Kurdyla, Victoria A. | M.A. | Sociology, UNCG |
Exploring the impact of identity on the experiences of entry-level men in student affairs (Student Work) | 2010 | Calhoun, Daniel W. | Ph.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Exploring the impact of product similarity and price on brand management outcomes of junior ... (Student Work) | 2017 | Vogel, Areti Tsitsakis | Ph.D. | Consumer, Apparel, and Retail Studies, UNCG |
Exploring the inclusion of college students with intellectual and/or developmental disabilit... (Student Work) | 2020 | Oakes, Lindsey Ruth | Ph.D. | Public Health Education, UNCG |
Exploring the influence of emerging media technologies on public high school teachers (Student Work) | 2010 | Eldridge, John A. | Ed.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Exploring the influence of exercise timing relative to exposure to a memory task on long-ter... (Student Work) | 2017 | Shih, Chia-Hao | Ph.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Exploring intersections of youth development using Hellison’s teaching personal and social r... (Student Work) | 2019 | Pratt, Trina L. | Ph.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Exploring the likelihood of Black women self-actualizing: the struggle to recover from racia... (Student Work) | 2012 | Blanford, Winsora | Ph.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Exploring mathematical knowledge for teaching quadratic functions through student work (Student Work) | 2020 | Zimmerman, Stacey Chanelle | Ph.D. | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
Exploring the motivations and decision making of sustainable entrepreneurs: implications for... (Student Work) | 2014 | Mitchell, Anne | M.S. | Consumer, Apparel, and Retail Studies, UNCG |
Exploring the parenting beliefs of substance abusing women (Student Work) | 2009 | Laughinghouse, Janzlean | Ph.D. | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Exploring the practices of selecting and sequencing strategies for whole-class discussions (Student Work) | 2020 | Hewitt, Amy | Ph.D. | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
Exploring principal coaching through the perception of principal coaches (Student Work) | 2014 | Ford, Pamela L. | Ed.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Exploring the process of reflection used by preservice teachers : a case study (Student Work) | 1991 | Stewart, Loraine Moses | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Exploring the protective factors of early care and education professionals through an innova... (Student Work) | 2023 | Ricks, Tyla C. | Ph.D. | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Exploring rejection as an action tendency of negative aesthetic emotions (Student Work) | 2007 | Cooper, Jessica Marie | Master of Arts | Psychology, UNCG |
Exploring the relationship between racial identity, microaggressions, and academic outcomes ... (Student Work) | 2014 | Fernandez, Andrea M. | Ph.D. | Educational Studies, UNCG |
Exploring the relationship between teacher education experience and the child-focused practi... (Student Work) | 2011 | Wenner, Ellen J. | Ph.D. | Specialized Education Services, UNCG |
Exploring the relationship of emotional intelligence and conflict management styles (Student Work) | 2010 | Ellis, Andrea Claire | Ph.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Exploring relationships between self-identity complexity, other-identity complexity, and mul... (Student Work) | 2013 | Martin-Adkins, Myra E. | Ph.D. | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
Exploring resident attitudes toward women owned and operated tourism businesses: the case of... (Student Work) | 2011 | Beedle, Jennifer J. | MS | Community and Therapeutic Recreation, UNCG |
Exploring the role of the pelvis in the seated posture of upper string players (Student Work) | 2018 | Swanson, Kirsten | D.M.A. | School of Music, UNCG |
Exploring the role of romantic competence in borderline personality disorder (Student Work) | 2022 | Penzel, Ian B. | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
Exploring the Role of Universal Design in Promoting Awareness of Sustainability (Student Work) | 2023 | Cope, Kerry | B.A. | Consumer, Apparel, and Retail Studies, UNCG |
Exploring social and emotional learning in physical education and classroom settings at a ru... (Student Work) | 2023 | Baek, Seunghyun | Ph.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Exploring the somatic dimensions of physical education (Student Work) | 1977 | Norton, Candace Jane | M.S.P.E. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
Exploring the Succulent Wilderness of a Contemporary Mind through Encounters with Material (Student Work) | 2008 | Queener, Kelly | MFA | Studio Art, UNCG |
Exploring teacher-family partnerships: avenues for increasing the quality of care in infant ... (Student Work) | 2020 | Porterfield, Mary Lee | Ph.D. | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Exploring teachers’ learning of instructional practice in professional development (Student Work) | 2016 | Floyd, Ana Lupton | Ph.D. | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
Exploring why African American males choose to teach in elementary schools: three portraits (Student Work) | 2020 | Monk, Julius | Ed.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Expression and material (Student Work) | 1974 | Heffelfinger, Marcus Kidder | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
Expression levels of immune-genes in developing workers of Apis mellifera in response to rep... (Student Work) | 2012 | Kuster, Ryan | M.S. | Biology, UNCG |
Expression of Wnt5a alternative promoters A and B during cancer progression and cellular dif... (Student Work) | 2012 | Hsu, Chia-Chi | M.S. | Biology, UNCG |
Expressive use of form, melody and harmony in Fanny Hensel's settings of lyric poetry by Joh... (Student Work) | 2012 | Foerster, Lisa Renee | D.M.A. | Music, UNCG |
An extended mixed inheritance model for detecting major genes affecting quantitative traits ... (Student Work) | 2005 | Shrivastava, Jolly | Master of Science | Biology, UNCG |
Extending musical horizons and diversifying the educational visions : a case study examining... (Student Work) | 2023 | Rahma, Nabil F. | Ph.D. | School of Music, UNCG |
An extension of Rachlin's commitment model to obese and normal weight adults (Student Work) | 1977 | Zakrzewski, Maria | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
Extension rates of valley-floor gullies, connectivity, and the remobilization of Southern Pi... (Student Work) | 2023 | Doren, Alexis A. | M.A. | Geography, Environment, and Sustainability, UNCG |
Extent and structure of treatment of substance abusers in multiservice mental-health agencie... (Student Work) | 1996 | Von Steen, Patricia Galatas | Ph.D. | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
The extent of social resistance to the notion of sexual expression by elderly men and women (Student Work) | 1976 | McCrory, Audrey Mona | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Exterior and interior design of two mobile homes (Student Work) | 1971 | Scott, Wilma Gay | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
External distractions or more mind wandering? : Evaluating a recent model of conscious thoug... (Student Work) | 2015 | Perkins, Joshua | Bachelor of Arts | Psychology, UNCG |
External nature in the poetry of Robert Browning (Student Work) | 1982 | Edwards, Suzanne Ozment | Ph.D. | English, UNCG |
Externalizing subtypes and peer rejection: the impact of a close or conflictual teacher-chil... (Student Work) | 2016 | Robb, Jeannette C. | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
Extra-Pair Copulation-Seeking Behavior in Purple Martins, Progne subis subis: The Relatednes... (Student Work) | 2008 | Stanley, Abby Amanda | MS | Biology, UNCG |
Fabric preferences as related to selected personality characteristics of delinquent and nond... (Student Work) | 1966 | Sears, Nancy Jane | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
FABRICating FORM: generating three-dimensional upholstery amid experiments in process driven... (Student Work) | 2014 | Dean, Felicia Francine | M.F.A. | Interior Architecture, UNCG |
Fabricating identities : dress in American realist novels, 1880-1925 (Student Work) | 1996 | Mathews, Carolyn L. | Ph.D. | English, UNCG |
Facile synthesis of enantioenriched hydroxy esters via Brønsted acid catalyzed kinetic resol... (Student Work) | 2014 | Benavides, Amanda Rache | M.S. | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Facilitating self-determined motivation in university basic instruction students (Student Work) | 2016 | Stoffa, Mary Elizabeth | M.S. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Facilitation of Mathematics Professional Development: a case study of supporting teachers’ l... (Student Work) | 2016 | Saunders, Audrea | Ph.D. | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
A factor analysis of the motivation of women collegiate athletes (Student Work) | 1975 | Smith, Gladys | M.S.P.E. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
Factor analytic models and cognitive diagnostic models: how comparable are they?--a comparis... (Student Work) | 2009 | Wang, Ying-chen | Ph.D. | Educational Research Methodology, UNCG |
A factorial approach in the development of a basketball rating scale to evaluate players in ... (Student Work) | 1977 | Boetel, Norma M. | Ed.D. | Physical Education and Recreation, UNCG |
Factorization of irreducible polynomials over a finite field (Student Work) | 1975 | Caskey, Robert Alexander | M.A. | Mathematics, UNCG |
Factors affecting the behavior of selected disperse dyes under high temperature dyeing condi... (Student Work) | 1977 | Daniels, Michael Dean | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Factors affecting breakthrough time of commercial pesticide formulations through butyl glove... (Student Work) | 1989 | Hassler, Kyle D. | Ph.D. | Human Environmental Sciences, UNCG |
Factors affecting condom-use behaviors among female emerging adults in South Korea (Student Work) | 2020 | Lee, Jungmin | Ph.D. | Nursing, UNCG |
Factors affecting coparental relationships (Student Work) | 1985 | Fishel, Anne Hopkins | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Factors affecting elementary teachers' beliefs about arts integration and their practices (Student Work) | 2007 | Dawson, Charlesetta M. | PhD | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Factors affecting high-level college administrators' attitudes toward information from and f... (Student Work) | 1989 | Flake, Wesley Lloyd | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Factors affecting mothers' and adolescent sons' preference for family counseling approaches (Student Work) | 1995 | Wachsmuth, James Alan | Ph.D. | Education, UNCG |
Factors affecting nontraditional African American students' participation in online world li... (Student Work) | 2010 | Merrills, J. Maria Sweeney | Ph.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Factors affecting the physical education grades of high school girls (Student Work) | 1969 | Feuerlein, Margaret | M.S. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
Factors affecting the psychological stress of cancer patients and spouses of cancer patients... (Student Work) | 1989 | Mullen, Paul Michael | Ph.D. | Human Environmental Sciences, UNCG |
Factors affecting the retention of vitamin C in community canned tomatoes (Student Work) | 1944 | Daniels, Elna Elizabeth | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Factors affecting the self-esteem hypothesis : self-serving biases in the intergroup situati... (Student Work) | 1995 | Donaldson, Sandra J. | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
Factors associated with the development of anxiety among children with attention-deficit/hyp... (Student Work) | 2007 | McGee, Elizabeth Holt | PhD | Psychology, UNCG |
Factors associated with dietary intake of low income African American female caretakers (Student Work) | 2006 | Hecht, Lindsay N. | Master of Science | Nutrition, UNCG |
Factors characterizing the academic experiences of children with mild bilateral or unilatera... (Student Work) | 2015 | Gardiner-Walsh, Stephanie J. | Ph.D. | Specialized Education Services, UNCG |
Factors influencing 30-Day unplanned rehospitalization in adults with heart failure: data fr... (Student Work) | 2016 | Alzaghari, Omar | Ph.D. | Nursing, UNCG |
Factors influencing hypothetical care decisions concerning dependent elderly parents (Student Work) | 1987 | Murray, John Clifford | Ph.D. | Education, UNCG |
Factors influencing lesbians' direct disclosure of their sexual orientation (Student Work) | 1993 | Radonsky, Vivian Elaine | Ph.D. | Education, UNCG |
Factors influencing the occupational aspirations of low-income Southern youth : a longitudin... (Student Work) | 1983 | Turner, Edward Jay | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Factors influencing quality of life in older adults with osteoarthritis prior to total knee ... (Student Work) | 2010 | Jenkins, Jeanne B. | Ph.D. | Nursing, UNCG |
Factors influencing recovery from mild traumatic brain injury (Student Work) | 2014 | Johnson, Leslie W. | Ph.D. | Communication Sciences and Disorders, UNCG |
Factors influencing the selection of rugs and carpets and their resulting satisfaction (Student Work) | 1961 | Hurley, Patricia Godwin | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Factors influencing the use of economic resources for family living among selected low-incom... (Student Work) | 1973 | Hinson, Thelma Lee | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Factors influencing the vitamin C content and palatability of home dehydrated green beans (Student Work) | 1944 | Cornwell, Mary Ashbrook | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Factors of motivation to participation in LGBTQaffinity choruses (Student Work) | 2020 | Southerland, William G. | Ph.D. | School of Music, UNCG |
Factors related to the election or non-election of Home Economics at Page High School, Green... (Student Work) | 1967 | Hawkins, Barbara Jean | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Factors related to ownership and use of electric blenders (Student Work) | 1967 | Rasdall, Joyce Oliver | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Factors related to the social competence of children in single-parent families (Student Work) | 1985 | Heath, Phyllis | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
Factors supporting the success of at-risk high school students (Student Work) | 2006 | Martin, Phyllis | EdD | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Factors that affect success in nursing education : an exploratory study (Student Work) | 1981 | Brown, Hazel Nixon | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Faculty academic freedom in North Carolina community colleges and technical institutes (Student Work) | 1986 | Hollar, Thurman DeWitt | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Faculty and student perceptions of active learning (Student Work) | 2021 | Snow, Mark | Ed.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Faculty Beliefs, Level of Understanding, and Reported Actions Regarding Academic Integrity (Student Work) | 2008 | Carter, Brett A. | PhD | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
Faculty opinions about developmental education courses (Student Work) | 2015 | Reynolds, Torry L. | Ph.D. | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
Faculty perceptions of institutional goals and faculty influence in university governance at... (Student Work) | 1988 | McCarter, Merdis Taylor | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Failed feminisms? : inactive rhetoric and the ethos of early women writers' defenses of wome... (Student Work) | 1995 | Combs, Debra A. | Ph.D. | English, UNCG |
Fairy tale elements in the short fiction of Nathaniel Hawthorne (Student Work) | 1994 | Hundley, Clarence | Ph.D. | English, UNCG |
Faith and family in the Antebellum Piedmont South (Student Work) | 2013 | Graham, Christopher Alan | Ph.D. | History, UNCG |
Faith in the composition class : a pragmatic approach to common ground (Student Work) | 2007 | Wagner, Joseph B | PhD | English, UNCG |
Fall recovery intervention and its effect on fear of falling in older adults (Student Work) | 2014 | Cox, Teresa B. | Ed.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Familial, academic, and interpersonal predictors of attributional style in Latino youth (Student Work) | 2014 | Fallah, Niloofar | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
Familism in context: a multisystemic exploration of predictors (Student Work) | 2015 | Prandoni, Juan I. | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
Family and school factors related to internal-external locus of control in kindergarten chil... (Student Work) | 1976 | Kezar, Lois Paulson | M.S.H.E. | Education, UNCG |
Family functioning and social isolation as moderators between stress and child abuse potenti... (Student Work) | 2011 | Tucker, Meagan C. | MA | Psychology, UNCG |
Family pictures "out of place" : race, resistance, and affirmation in the Pope family photog... (Student Work) | 2006 | Hull, Elizabeth Arnold | Master of Art | History, UNCG |
Family power and decision-making : beyond the husband-wife dyad (Student Work) | 1988 | Brown, James Scott | Ph.D. | Human Environmental Sciences, UNCG |
Family Relationships, Household Strategies, and Hypertension Related Factors in Southeast As... (Student Work) | 2015 | Robinson, S. Kayo | B.S. | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Family stress and resilience in families with young children who are deaf or hard of hearing... (Student Work) | 2020 | Allen, Sarah J. | Ph.D. | Communication Sciences and Disorders, UNCG |
Family stress, antisocial behavior and the behaviorally/emotionally disturbed girl (Student Work) | 1992 | Phifer, John Dwaine | Ph.D. | Education, UNCG |
Family transition : development, implementation and evaluation of a correspondence program f... (Student Work) | 1983 | Yarborough, Ellen Strawbridge | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Family, friends, finance. An analysis of income and attachment in friendships and marriage (Student Work) | 2016 | McMillan, Allison L. | M.A. | Sociology, UNCG |
Family-centered practices for families of Latino heritage with young children with disabilit... (Student Work) | 2011 | Mereoiu, Mariana | Ph.D. | Specialized Education Services, UNCG |
Family-planning education project : a teaching model through home economics (Student Work) | 1981 | Schroder, Cecilia Marulanda | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
“Fancies bright and dark”: sadomasochism and the sublime in Jane Eyre (Student Work) | 2017 | Carlin, Elizabeth A. | M.A. | English, UNCG |
Fanny Burney's three eighteenth-century romances : Evelina, Cecelia, and Camilla (Student Work) | 1980 | Brown, Martha Gleaton | Ph.D. | English, UNCG |
Fanny Mendelssohn Hensel's Festspiel, MA Ms. 37 : a modern edition and conductor's analysis ... (Student Work) | 1996 | Vana, Marilee A. | D.M.A. | Music, UNCG |
Fans’ perception and understanding of American professional tackle football, concussions, an... (Student Work) | 2019 | Funk, Danielle Christina | M.S. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Fashion : a reflection of an age (Student Work) | 1957 | Alley, Barbara Jane | | Home Economics, UNCG |
Fashioning femininities: sartorial literacy in english domestic fiction, 1740-1853 (Student Work) | 2011 | Womick, Stephanie Robinson | Ph.D. | English, UNCG |
Fast fashion fiasco: the high cost of cheap (Student Work) | 2017 | King, Joyce Watkins | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
Fathers' coping strategies and family environment when college freshmen leave home (Student Work) | 1987 | Callahan, Cheryl Mann | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Fathers, Family and Physical Activity: A Study on African American Girls (Student Work) | 2008 | Blackshear, Tara B. | EdD | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Faulkner's theory of relativity : relative clauses in Absalom, Absalom! (Student Work) | 1983 | Canine, Karen McFarland | Ph.D. | English, UNCG |
A favor de SA: el efecto de una estancia en el extranjero en la motivación lingüística y la ... (Student Work) | 2018 | Allen, Veronica M. | M.A. | Languages, Literatures, and Cultures, UNCG |
Fear of abandonment, borderline personality features, and attitudes regarding Intimate Partn... (Student Work) | 2016 | Willis, Malachi | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
Feasibility of large scale implementation of the component approach for assessment of fundam... (Student Work) | 1986 | Jenkot, Virginia K. | Ed.D. | Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, UNCG |
Feasting bodies : structural cannibalism and literature in the 19th century (Student Work) | 2023 | Lilley, Luciana D. | Ph.D. | English, UNCG |
Feature extraction and feature reduction for spoken letter recognition (Student Work) | 2016 | Wendell, Tyler James | M.S. | Computer Science, UNCG |
Federico Garcia Lorca and The house of Bernarda Alba (Student Work) | 1969 | Ackler, Ellen S. | M.F.A. | Drama and Speech, UNCG |
Fellow travelers: mobility, male friendships, and the whitening of U. S. national space in n... (Student Work) | 2016 | Melton, Howard Gene | Ph.D. | English, UNCG |
Felon at-home dads (Student Work) | 2011 | McDowell, Nailah | MA | Sociology, UNCG |
The Female Libertine from Dryden to Defoe (Student Work) | 2008 | Linker, Laura Leigh | PhD | English, UNCG |
The feminine erotic ; and Gen(d)re bending: ambiguity and sexual androgyny in Virginia Wool... (Student Work) | 2009 | Blades, Sonya Elisa | MA | English, UNCG |
Feminine understandings of power and the culture of the school (Student Work) | 1993 | Hudson, Martha B. | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Feminist rhetorical acts of remembering in women veterans’ World War II scrapbooks (Student Work) | 2023 | McPeters, Cynthia Damm | Ph.D. | English, UNCG |
The feminist transformation of the US global justice movement, 1990-2007 (Student Work) | 2022 | Walker, Kelsey Erin | Ph.D. | History, UNCG |
The feminist we never knew we needed: digitally archiving and recovering the works of Fanny ... (Student Work) | 2019 | Jones, Haley | M.A. | English, UNCG |
Festival jubilate, op. 17 by Amy Cheney Beach (1867-1944) : a performing edition (Student Work) | 1994 | Brittain, Randy Charles | D.M.A. | Music, UNCG |
Fetal growth compromise moderates associations between SNPs within angiogenic and neurotroph... (Student Work) | 2012 | Smith, Taylor F. | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
Fibers in sliver and roving form for wall hangings (Student Work) | 1974 | Parker, Sharron Bailey | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Fibromyalgia and its effects on musicians : a case study (Student Work) | 2020 | White, Christa M. | D.M.A | School of Music, UNCG |
Fictional memoirs : authorial personas in contemporary narrative (Student Work) | 2006 | Golden, Cameron | PhD | English, UNCG |
Fidelity of test development process within a national science grant (Student Work) | 2007 | Brumfield, Teresa E. | Ph.D. | Educational Research Methodology, UNCG |
Field research (Student Work) | 2022 | Elliott, Anna Abhau | M.F.A. | School of Art, UNCG |
Fifty homemakers' evaluation of the performance characteristics of kitchen carpet (Student Work) | 1975 | Browning, Delinda Reed | M.S. | Home Economics, UNCG |
The fig tree (Student Work) | 1955 | Wright, Dorothea | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
Fighting for Their Rights: Indian Women and the British Suffragette Movement (Student Work) | 2018 | Hardin, Bailey | B.A. | History, UNCG |
Fighting within the bar: Judge Elreta Alexander and civil rights advocacy in Greensboro, Nor... (Student Work) | 2017 | Summey, Virginia | Ph.D. | History, UNCG |
Figurative drawings and paintings 1975-1977 (Student Work) | 1977 | Yeats, Craig Kenneth | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
The figure (Student Work) | 1975 | Stevenson, Louise B. | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
Figure fragmentation (Student Work) | 1971 | Hawkins, Rebecca Humphrey | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
The figure in space (Student Work) | 1977 | Lane, Barbara Chestnutt | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
Figure paintings and drawings (Student Work) | 1978 | Stokes, Steven Ray | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
Figure studies : color, space, and form (Student Work) | 1975 | Fox, Donald Martin | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
A film of flesh envelops us (Student Work) | 2013 | Brown, Gregory Duncan | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
The financing and completion of a group of shell homes (Student Work) | 1964 | Campbell, Betty | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Finding another way to hold (Student Work) | 2019 | Wilkins, Jessica | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
Finding the feminist poetics of Anne Sexton AND The arrow, the sty, the spur and the blessin... (Student Work) | 2014 | Smith, Virginia | M.A. | English, UNCG |
“Finding my voice” : a phenomenology of the leadership identity development of teacher-leade... (Student Work) | 2022 | Ramsey, Nicole K. | Ph.D. | School of Music, UNCG |
Finding the North Star Podcast (Student Work) | 2022 | Savage-White, Krista | B.A. | Languages, Literatures, and Cultures, UNCG |
Finding why : helping students cultivate purpose in college (Student Work) | 2023 | Cayton, Megan Christine Delph | Ph.D. | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
Fingers, pelvis, and everything we do not know (Student Work) | 2015 | Xu, Lu | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
Fingolimod (Gilenya; FTY720): a recently approved multiple sclerosis drug based on a fungal ... (Student Work) | 2012 | Strader, Cherilyn R. | M.S. | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Fire resistance characteristics of selected multilayer fabric assemblies in varying air cond... (Student Work) | 1974 | Conner, Mary Gail | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Firing rate homeostasis through the co-expression of two feedback mechanisms that detect sep... (Student Work) | 2022 | Pellizzari, Sarah | M.S. | Biology, UNCG |
Firm social capital and the innovation process (Student Work) | 2019 | Parrish, Christopher Lee | Ph.D. | Economics, UNCG |
The first amendment rights of high school newspapers in Virginia (Student Work) | 1980 | Hoffman, David E. | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
First directions (Student Work) | 1971 | Davidson, Robert Gregory | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
First impressions of clothing as related to personality traits of authoritarianism (Student Work) | 1975 | Kayler, Carol Hendricks | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
First to the finish line: the Tennessee State Tigerbelles 1944-1994 (Student Work) | 2009 | Salisbury, Tracey M. | Ph.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
First-year readjustment to family culture: the roles of generation status and parental attac... (Student Work) | 2016 | Anderson, Mary E. | Ph.D. | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
Fit of clothing related to body image, body build, and selected clothing attitudes (Student Work) | 1974 | Williams, Ardis Ada | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Five chapters of a larger novel (Student Work) | 2015 | Barrett, Matthew W. | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
Five college students' involvement in creating mathematics and the resulting effects on thei... (Student Work) | 1992 | Goodman, Billie W. | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Five stories (Student Work) | 1966 | Cox, Judy Richardson | | English, UNCG |
Fixed interval reinforcement for a situational response (Student Work) | 1974 | Hatten, Anna Dixon | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
Fla^nerie in Zola's Paris (Student Work) | 2007 | Peterson, Sarah A. | Master of Arts | Languages, Literatures, and Cultures, UNCG |
Flame safety in the consumer apparel market (Student Work) | 1976 | Koonce, Joan B. | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Flannery O'Connor : prophet and evangelist (Student Work) | 1966 | Delafield, Carter | M.A. | English, UNCG |
Flaubert's Un coeur simple (Student Work) | 1965 | Martin, Patsy | | Romance Languages, UNCG |
Flavor acceptance of selected sweet potato cultivars (Student Work) | 1976 | Pittman, Mallery Knee | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Fleeting Embers: Anti-Radical Groups in post-May Thirtieth Shanghai (Student Work) | 2023 | Spinosa, Austin | B.A. | History, UNCG |
Flight jacket (Student Work) | 2018 | Rapier, Forrest Kelly | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
Flipping the PE classroom to increase physical activity (Student Work) | 2021 | Akers, Jeffrey Dennis | Ed.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Floorcloths made using the acrylic polymer medium (Student Work) | 1975 | La Mar, Deborah Deal | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Flow and the perceived balance between challenges and skills in physical education and other... (Student Work) | 1987 | Chandler, Gary Leonard | Ed.D. | Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, UNCG |
Flowers for America, stories (Student Work) | 2014 | Thao, Doua | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
A follow-up study of the business graduates of Campbell College, Buies Creek, North Carolina... (Student Work) | 1969 | Sikes, Ellen M. | M.A. | Business and Economics, UNCG |
A follow-up study of the distributive education cooperative training students of Greensboro,... (Student Work) | 1950 | Frye, Frances A. Sowell | M.S. | Business Education, UNCG |
Food away from home: predicting frequency and changing selections (Student Work) | 2013 | Dingman, Deirdre A. | D.P.H. | Community Health Education, UNCG |
Food Habits and Choices, Physical Activity, and Breastfeeding Among Overweight and Obese Pos... (Student Work) | 2008 | Durham, Holiday A. | PhD | Nutrition, UNCG |
Food habits and food purchasing practices of low-income families (Student Work) | 1973 | Moore, Eva Elliott | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Food practices of homemakers in a suburban area of Greensboro, North Carolina (Student Work) | 1963 | Harris, Phyllis | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Food production and consumption practices in a selected group of North Carolina homes (Student Work) | 1941 | Brendle, Cleo | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Food receipts analyses: examining food choices and shopping practices of newly arrived refug... (Student Work) | 2016 | Doad, Suzanne | M.S. | Nutrition, UNCG |
Food security, diet behavior, home food environment, and pregnancy outcomes among pregnant W... (Student Work) | 2016 | Nunnery, Danielle Lee | Ph.D. | Nutrition, UNCG |
For health, wealth, or others: how the purpose for participating in a cycling task affects p... (Student Work) | 2011 | Piepmeier, Aaron T. | MS | Kinesiology, UNCG |
For the kids who don’t return home : a peek into shelters and organizations who serve unacco... (Student Work) | 2022 | Watkins, Ariana N. | M.A. | Sociology, UNCG |
For a second time now (Student Work) | 2010 | Wilson, Wallace (Kathryn) | MFA | English, UNCG |
For the time being (Student Work) | 2014 | Wagstaff, Amanda W. | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
“For whom is this divisive?” : the persistence of whiteness in the adoption of NC American h... (Student Work) | 2023 | Mills-Thomason, Mary Margaret | Ed.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Forbidden vitalities: black femme sex work and possibilities of resistance (Student Work) | 2017 | Boachie, Danielle Achiaa | M.A. | Women's and Gender Studies, UNCG |
Forcehymn (Student Work) | 1977 | Huey, Tom | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
Foreign apparel brands and the young Indian consumer: an exploration of the role of brand in... (Student Work) | 2012 | Padmanabhan, Parvathi | Ph.D. | Consumer, Apparel, and Retail Studies, UNCG |
Foreign bodies: public health and the regulation of racialized threats to empire and the cit... (Student Work) | 2019 | LaPlace, Danielle Thérèse | M.A. | Women's and Gender Studies, UNCG |
Foreign-born Mexican women's utilization, adherence and understanding of preventive health s... (Student Work) | 2011 | Hernández, Christina | Ph.D. | Nursing, UNCG |
Forging a performance practice for Debussy’s Douze Études: a historical and analytical appro... (Student Work) | 2017 | Seyfried, Daniel S. | D.M.A. | School of Music, UNCG |
Forgotten places, abandoned buildings: a song cycle for pierrot ensemble and metal vocalist (Student Work) | 2016 | Thiede, Jacob | M.M. | Music Performance, UNCG |
The form and function of females' aggression (Student Work) | 2006 | Sechrist, Stacy M. | PhD | Psychology, UNCG |
Form as process in selected works of Edgard Vare`se (Student Work) | 1973 | Ross, Marion | M.M. | Music, UNCG |
Formal operations and organizational memory strategies in bright adolescents (Student Work) | 1977 | Wyatt, Kathryn Benton | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
Formation of bicycles and spirocycles via desymmetrization (Student Work) | 2017 | Stingley, Kyla J. | M.S. | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Formation of standards for biosynthetic studies of bacillaene and difficidin and synthesis o... (Student Work) | 2021 | Greenstein, Tyler Joseph | M.S. | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
The formative period of religion in Guilford County (Student Work) | 1970 | Tucker, Gary J. | M.A. | History, UNCG |
Forms in fluctuation (Student Work) | 1972 | Gilling, Thomas Francis | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
The formulation of British foreign policy : Britain, Russia, and Central Asia, 1904-1907 (Student Work) | 1971 | Swiger, Ernest Cullimore | M.A. | History, UNCG |
The formulation of a Q-sort to assess body-image of high school girls (Student Work) | 1976 | Wiese, Cynthia Ellen | M.S.P.E. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
Forty-two counterparts for Vladislav Blazhevich "70 Studies for BBb Tuba Vol. I" (Student Work) | 2011 | Clouse, Daniel Emerson | DMA | Music, UNCG |
Fossiling the tideline: sculpture as a festival of experiment (Student Work) | 2017 | Bugby, Caroline | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
Foster family environments in relation to social competence of adolescent foster children : ... (Student Work) | 1983 | Davis, Rebecca T. | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Fostering critical consciousness and agency through ethnic studies: an exploration with sixt... (Student Work) | 2018 | Barrett, Kia L. | M.Ed. | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
Four essays on excess and fragmentation in modernism (Student Work) | 2011 | Bufter, David Mercer | MA | English, UNCG |
Four middle school physical education teachers' experiences during a collaborative action re... (Student Work) | 1989 | Butt, Karen L. | Ed.D. | Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, UNCG |
Four stories (Student Work) | 2017 | Golden, Nathan | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
Four three dimensional works executed in two or more opposing materials (Student Work) | 1969 | Martin, Carolyn Sutton | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
Four women (Student Work) | 1974 | Craig, Savannah Rae | M.F.A. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
Fragments: a psychoanalytic reading of the character Mignon on her journey through nineteent... (Student Work) | 2009 | Albert, Anne E. | DMA | Music, UNCG |
Frailty in hospitalized adults (Student Work) | 2013 | Lekan, Deborah Ann | Ph.D. | Nursing, UNCG |
A framework for developing effective and sustainable asset-based community-campus partnershi... (Student Work) | 2021 | Johnson, Kristi Vincent | Ed.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
A framework for higher education leader performance based on frameworks of Erving Goffman an... (Student Work) | 1984 | Kinchen, James Benjamin | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
A framework linking discipline-based art education and visualization to a social studies cur... (Student Work) | 1990 | Elliott, David S. | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Framing the automobile in twentieth century American literature : a spatial approach (Student Work) | 2007 | Smoak, Shelby | PhD | English, UNCG |
Framing protests in Peru : the resistance to terruqueo on Twitter during Dina Boluarte’s pre... (Student Work) | 2024 | Rodriguez Bustamante, Jairo Caleb | M.A. | Sociology, UNCG |
Franc¸ois Mauriac and the search for happiness (Student Work) | 1968 | Crockett, Martha Ann | | Romance Languages, UNCG |
Francis Poulenc’s Les Soirées de Nazelles (1930-1936) : his inspirations (Student Work) | 2022 | Kang, Malgeum | D.M.A. | School of Music, UNCG |
Fred Wesley (b. 1943) : legendary funk trombone pioneer (Student Work) | 2024 | Glenn, Dandrick Shenod | D.M.A. | School of Music, UNCG |
Free drinks for the liger man: stories (Student Work) | 2021 | Swensen, Christopher | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
Free Southern Theater : there is always a message (Student Work) | 1986 | Tripp, Ellen Louise | Ph.D. | English, UNCG |
The freedom to be: African American women as public school superintendents (Student Work) | 2011 | Brown, Anita R. | Ed.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Freedom, imagination and grace: the life stories of rural women art educators from the footh... (Student Work) | 2009 | Wingler, Sylvia Adams | Ph.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
A Freirian approach to world view instruction in the foreign language curriculum (Student Work) | 1990 | Ivers, John Joseph | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
French women writers, 1800-1850 (Student Work) | 1948 | Tilley, Betty Sue | | Romance Languages, UNCG |
Frequency of use of specific expanded role skills by maternal-gynecological nurse practition... (Student Work) | 1977 | Nifong, Deborah H. | M.S.N. | Nursing, UNCG |
Friendship and risk for internalizing behavior: understanding the selection and socializatio... (Student Work) | 2012 | Moore, Jessica A. | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
From the backyard to Berlin: a study of the overlooked everyday (Student Work) | 2013 | Stibich, Amy | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
From boutique to big box: a case study concerning teacher change transitioning to a public M... (Student Work) | 2013 | Van Acker, Teresa A. | Ed.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
From Childhood Sexual Abuse to Adult Risky Sexual Behavior (Student Work) | 2008 | Rollman, Lawrence McDonald | MA | Psychology, UNCG |
From Civic to Social: New York's Taverns, Inside and Outside the Political Sphere (Student Work) | 2008 | DeGennaro, Jeremiah J. | MA | History, UNCG |
From combat to classroom: an examination of combat trauma's effects on military veteran's re... (Student Work) | 2015 | Boul, Steven J. | Ph.D. | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
From corporeality to virtual reality: theorizing literacy, bodies, and technology in the eme... (Student Work) | 2017 | Blevins, Susanne Brenta | Ph.D. | English, UNCG |
From imagination to improvisation to realization: a study of pieces by four composers (Student Work) | 2009 | Ward, Adam Micah | DMA | Music, UNCG |
From immigrants to activists: immigration, nativism, welfare reform, and the mobilization of... (Student Work) | 2012 | Miller, Alyce P. | Ph.D. | History, UNCG |
From integration to segregation: a case study history of T. Wingate Andrews high school, 196... (Student Work) | 2017 | Slate, Greggory R. | Ed.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
From the madhouse to the unreal city: the dramatic monologue, polyvocality, and agency in Ro... (Student Work) | 2014 | Marsh, Cheryl R. | Ph.D. | English, UNCG |
From memory to processing : a reaction-diffusion approach to neuromorphic computing (Student Work) | 2021 | Carnaghi, Matthew | Ph.D. | Joint School of Nanoscience and Nanoengineering, UNCG |
From My Clay (Student Work) | 2008 | Schreyer, Kathryn | MFA | English, UNCG |
From Naptown to Sportstown : growth politics, urban development, and economic change in Indi... (Student Work) | 1994 | Schimmel, Kimberly S. | Ph.D. | Health and Human Performance, UNCG |
From novel to film : a study of To have and have not (Student Work) | 1974 | Hudson, Martha Bennett | M.A. | English, UNCG |
From paradigm to K Mart : an alternative approach to teaching students with severe mental re... (Student Work) | 1992 | Shaw, Dennis George | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
From postmodern to post bildungsroman from the ashes: an alternative reading of Murakami Har... (Student Work) | 2009 | Takagi, Chiaki | Ph.D. | English, UNCG |
From the secret war to Southern soil : the Hmong journey of resettlement and integration in ... (Student Work) | 2024 | Loper-Nowak, Ashley N. | Ph.D. | History, UNCG |
From the "silent majority" to "identity politics": the majoritarian imaginary and its rhetor... (Student Work) | 2018 | Johnson, Zachary | M.A. | Women's and Gender Studies, UNCG |
From soil to salesfloor : exploring the potential for retailer integration into the fibershe... (Student Work) | 2024 | Swamy, Uma | Ph.D. | Consumer, Apparel, and Retail Studies, UNCG |
From the Sticks: An Examination of Rural, Southern Literacies Within and Without the Univers... (Student Work) | 2010 | Pennington, Mary Beth | Ph.D. | English, UNCG |
From the studio booth to the defendant’s table : the costly aftermath of the commodified gan... (Student Work) | 2023 | Hobgood, Amari T. | M.A. | Sociology, UNCG |
From Verguenza to Echale Ganas: counterstorytelling narratives of Latino teenage boys naming... (Student Work) | 2014 | Ríos Vega, Juan Antonio | Ph.D. | Educational Studies, UNCG |
Fugal procedures in the Mendelssohn organ sonatas (Student Work) | 1968 | Alston, Charlotte | M.F.A. | Music, UNCG |
Fugitive Femininity: Runaway Women and Performative Freedom in Antebellum North Carolina (Student Work) | 2018 | Starbuck, Victoria | B.A. | History, UNCG |
The fulfillment of a part of earth's furthest dream which is assigned to me (Student Work) | 1963 | Kao, Wen-chi | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
Fullerenes and their potential in nanomedicine (Student Work) | 2015 | Dellinger, Anthony | Ph.D. | Nanoscience, UNCG |
The function of parents' educational level and marital happiness in actual-ideal discrepanci... (Student Work) | 1976 | Darnley, Martha Highsmith | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Functional analysis of a <italic>Drosophila/Chironomous</italic> ultraspiracle chimera to ex... (Student Work) | 2009 | Callender, Jenna L. | MS | Biology, UNCG |
The functional and symbolic roles of hair and headgear among Afro-American women : a cultura... (Student Work) | 1982 | Simkins, Anna Atkins | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Functional characterization of the dfn polyketide synthase gene cluster in Bacillus velezens... (Student Work) | 2020 | Tikkanen, Robert Kenneth | M.S. | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Functional distinctions between two isoforms of WNT5A (Student Work) | 2016 | Manner, Carl J. | M.S. | Biology, UNCG |
Functions weaker than continuous functions (Student Work) | 1972 | High, Willie Carter | M.A. | Mathematics, UNCG |
Fundamental properties of near-rings (Student Work) | 1973 | Shelton, Anelia Sue | M.A. | Mathematics, UNCG |
Fundamental properties of thermoset resin with boron nitride nanotube reinforcement for radi... (Student Work) | 2014 | Estévez, Joseph Evans | Ph.D. | Nanoscience, UNCG |
Fungicidal behavior of laundering detergents as a function of water temperature (Student Work) | 1983 | Durand, Georgette | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Furniture needs, preferences, and purchasing capabilities of public housing consumers (Student Work) | 1972 | Turner, Carolyn Simpkins | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Fusing uncertain data with probabilities (Student Work) | 2016 | Ahmed, Alaa Hassan | M.S. | Computer Science, UNCG |
Fusion (Student Work) | 1975 | Dwyer, Ann | M.F.A. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
Future orientation among 7th grade African American youths (Student Work) | 1996 | Powell, Frankie Denise | Ph.D. | Human Environmental Sciences, UNCG |
A futureless compulsory body : how representations in The Whale perpetuate an idealized body... (Student Work) | 2024 | Byrd, Robert | M.A. | Women's and Gender Studies, UNCG |
G. B. S. pamphleteer or playwright? (Student Work) | 1956 | Long, Joyce | | English, UNCG |
G. C. Simkins et al. v. Moses H. Cone Memorial Hospital et al. : a landmark decision (Student Work) | 1969 | Connelly, Michale Karnes | M.A. | History and Political Science, UNCG |
GABA-like immunoreactivity occurs in competent larvae of the marine gastropod Nassarius obso... (Student Work) | 2015 | Dharmasri, Poorna | M.S. | Biology, UNCG |
GABA is an inhibitory neurotransmitter in the neural circuit regulating metamorphosis in Ily... (Student Work) | 2013 | Biscocho, Dhani | M.S. | Biology, UNCG |
Gagliardi (Student Work) | 1973 | Bohen, Michael | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
Gaining ground (Student Work) | 1975 | Seabrooke, Deborah | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
Gait and balance characteristics after a non-cerebellar stroke (Student Work) | 2014 | Stout, Ruth D. | M.S. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Gait variability, cognitive control, and brain BOLD signal variability in healthy, young adu... (Student Work) | 2023 | Angelino, Shena A. | M.S. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
The game of I am: enhancing empathy and improving attitudes toward older adults in first-yea... (Student Work) | 2018 | Bailey, Sara W. | Ph.D. | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
Game of love: chess and agency in Chaucer’s Troilus and Criseyde AND She will suffer no grat... (Student Work) | 2016 | Danner, Michelle E. | M.A. | English, UNCG |
Game rules and morality (Student Work) | 1972 | Weiblen, Joyce H. | Ed.D. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
"Games" (Student Work) | 1975 | Alvarez, Linda Rodrigue | M.F.A. | UNCG |
Gasper Zappula and other stories (Student Work) | 1973 | Hildebrandt, Hugo John | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
Gateways to 20th century violin repertoire: selections from Luciano Berio’s Duetti per due V... (Student Work) | 2018 | Reeves, Julia Sakiko | D.M.A. | School of Music, UNCG |
The Gathering--Tiger, Rice, Orange, Fish (Student Work) | 2008 | Saxena, Garima | MFA | Studio Art, UNCG |
Gender and cohort differences in high school students' sex role orientation, 1984-1987 (Student Work) | 1989 | Beaver, Carolyn B. | Ph.D. | Human Environmental Sciences, UNCG |
Gender dichotomies in the kitchen: feminine and masculine qualities in spaces and artifacts (Student Work) | 2012 | Johnson, Margaret | M.S. | Interior Architecture, UNCG |
Gender differentiation in leadership styles among high school principals in North Carolina (Student Work) | 1991 | Brookbank, Priscilla Gayle | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Gender role conflict and coping : a preliminary investigation of college males (Student Work) | 1996 | Bergen, David John | Ph.D. | Education, UNCG |
Gender, exile and identity in Medieval English literature from the Wife’s Lament to the Book... (Student Work) | 2017 | Cloninger, Paul Cody | M.A. | English, UNCG |
Gender, power and leadership style : perceptions of selected senior level North Carolina com... (Student Work) | 1993 | Bryan, Lori Denise | Ed.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
Gender-based differences in high school employment : is there differential socialization for... (Student Work) | 1992 | Clifford, Dean Major | Ph.D. | Human Environmental Sciences, UNCG |
Gender-typed attributes and marital satisfaction in Mexican immigrant couples: a latent prof... (Student Work) | 2014 | Wood, Claire | M.S. | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
The gendering of educational leadership styles: mentoring and the deconstruction of binaries... (Student Work) | 2014 | Perkins, Tiffany A. | Ed.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Gene controlled heterocaryon instability in Neurospora crassa (Student Work) | 1976 | Calligan, Charles Parker | M.A. | Biology, UNCG |
General educators' perceptions of African American males prior to pre-referral (Student Work) | 2012 | Rush, Charmion B. | Ph.D. | Specialized Education Services, UNCG |
General music in the junior high school (Student Work) | 1962 | Varnum, Carolyn C. | M.M. | Music, UNCG |
The general perceptions of North Carolina recreation administrators of the legal aspects of ... (Student Work) | 1985 | Gaskill, Paul Lathrop | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
The generalization and maintenance of social skills for at-risk preschool children : a compa... (Student Work) | 1994 | Garriss, Charlotte Elizabeth | Ph.D. | Education, UNCG |
A generalization of the field of fractions of an integral domain (Student Work) | 1970 | Michaud, Robert Eugene | M.A. | Mathematics, UNCG |
A generalization of torsion to modules (Student Work) | 1971 | Bennett, Frances Ann | M.A. | Mathematics, UNCG |
Generalization via multiple exemplar training and two methods of rule training : do rules he... (Student Work) | 1987 | Feinberg, Hal | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
Generalized mixture estimators for the finite population mean (Student Work) | 2016 | Zatezalo, Tanja | Ph.D. | Mathematics and Statistics, UNCG |
Generating a theoretical base for restructuring curriculum content (Student Work) | 1979 | Weingarten, Ira Marc | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Generic relationships of extant cats : an electrophoretic study of blood proteins (Student Work) | 1974 | Hodgson, Betsy Gobble | M.A. | Biology, UNCG |
Genes and fleas (Siphonaptera) of the long-tailed ground squirrel across Inner East Asia (Student Work) | 2024 | Reyes, Amanda Ashley | M.S. | Biology, UNCG |
Genesis : into being (Student Work) | 1975 | Stenhouse, Richard Wearn | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
A genetic analysis of the fission-fusion roosting behavior of tree-roosting maternity coloni... (Student Work) | 2006 | Metheny, Jackie Dawn | Masters of Science | Biology, UNCG |
A genetic and behavioral analysis of intraspecific variation in mating behavior of deer mice... (Student Work) | 2007 | Wright, LaToya C. | Master of Science | Biology, UNCG |
The genetic architecture of reproductive differences in workers of Africanized and European ... (Student Work) | 2009 | Graham, Allie Marie | MS | Biology, UNCG |
Genetic switching during protein synthesis and the role of quadruplexes in HIV-1’s nef gene (Student Work) | 2018 | Cochran, Steven Nicholas | M.S. | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
The genetics of thermal plasticity in Plantago lanceolata (Student Work) | 2017 | Marshall, Matthew M. | Ph.D. | Biology, UNCG |
Genomic analysis of meiotic recombination in social insects (Student Work) | 2022 | Waiker, Prashant | Ph.D. | Biology, UNCG |
Genomic synteny and comparison of recombination between Apis mellifera (the European honey b... (Student Work) | 2009 | Meznar, Emily Rachel | M.S. | Biology, UNCG |
Genres of work: working identities and the factory girl in Victorian literature (Student Work) | 2013 | Richard, Melissa Jill | Ph.D. | English, UNCG |
The gentle hero in the Victorian novel : Thackeray, George Eliot & Dickens (Student Work) | 1991 | Postma, Pamela Loveless | Ph.D. | English, UNCG |
A geographic assessment of immigrants’ location patterns, segregation, and housing condition... (Student Work) | 2017 | Altaher, Arwa Mohamed Alnaass | Ph.D. | Geography, UNCG |
Geographic information systems and spatial analysis of market segmentation for community ban... (Student Work) | 2009 | Parrish, Jason S. | M.A. | Geography, UNCG |
Geographic information systems in the social sector: trends, opportunities, barriers, and be... (Student Work) | 2011 | Edwards, Stephanie Jane | MA | Geography, UNCG |
Geographic mobility and religious attitudes (Student Work) | 1974 | Macdonald, Ruth Waldrupe | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Geographic patterns of the creative class for megapolitan and non-megapolitan counties of th... (Student Work) | 2014 | McCarthy, Michael Brian | Ph.D. | Geography, UNCG |
Geographic study of historic preservation: evolving cultural landscape and development of mo... (Student Work) | 2013 | Ikegaya, Makoto | M.A. | Geography, UNCG |
A geographical analysis of US plasma centers and their economic, social, and public health i... (Student Work) | 2020 | Balentine, Matthew D. | Ph.D. | Geography, Environment, and Sustainability, UNCG |
Geographical mobility and academic achievement of a group of ninth grade junior high school ... (Student Work) | 1966 | Stegall, Mary Livingston | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Geographies of entrepreneurship: non-farm proprietorship employment by U.S. metropolitan are... (Student Work) | 2016 | Bowen, Shaylee Renee | M.A. | Geography, UNCG |
Geography and choreography: how place influences dance making (Student Work) | 2017 | Meeks, Olivia N. | M.A. | Dance, UNCG |
The geography of air freight and metropolitan economies: potential connections (Student Work) | 2010 | Al Kaabi, Khaula Abdulla | Ph.D. | Geography, UNCG |
The geography of air passengers and employment patterns by US core urban area following the ... (Student Work) | 2015 | Levi, Anna Caroline | M.A. | Geography, UNCG |
The geography of creativity in the Greater Tokyo Area: 2000-2010 (Student Work) | 2018 | Ikegaya, Makoto | Ph.D. | Geography, UNCG |
Geography of entrepreneurship : non-farm proprietorship by U.S. county – key predictors (Student Work) | 2021 | Bignall, Nichole M. | Ph.D. | Geography, Environment, and Sustainability, UNCG |
The geography of household computer waste management (Student Work) | 2007 | Amankwah, Evans Kwame | Master of Arts | Geography, UNCG |
The geography of industry specialization: tourism development strategies within the Appalach... (Student Work) | 2010 | Gallaway, Suzanne | Ph.D. | Geography, UNCG |
The geography of the Long-term Care Continuum production system by county (Student Work) | 2017 | Miller, Jason C. | Ph.D. | Geography, UNCG |
The geography of mobility and aging in community: a case study in Orcas Island, Washington (Student Work) | 2015 | Rupe, Rachel | M.A. | Geography, UNCG |
The geography of non-employment income in the metropolitan Upper Great Plains: during the 20... (Student Work) | 2013 | Beaver, Edward M. | M.A. | Geography, UNCG |
Geography of primary healthcare in Forsyth County, North Carolina (Student Work) | 2020 | Boyter, Meagan N. | M.A. | Geography, Environment, and Sustainability, UNCG |
The geography of public-private school choice and race: a case study of Sumter, Clarendon, a... (Student Work) | 2015 | Canup, William Shane | M.A. | Geography, UNCG |
The geography of technopoles : computer and electronic product manufacturing by MSA, 2005 (Student Work) | 2007 | Miller, Jason C. | Master of Science | Geography, UNCG |
The geography of wild American ginseng in North Carolina, USA : terroir, site selection effi... (Student Work) | 2021 | Khademian, Mehrnaz | Ph.D. | Geography, Environment, and Sustainability, UNCG |
The geography of wine in North Carolina: terroir, site selection efficacy, and implications ... (Student Work) | 2017 | Nowlin, John W. | Ph.D. | Geography, UNCG |
A geometric generalization of continued fractions for imaginary quadratic fields (Student Work) | 2021 | Scheckelhoff, Kristen | M.A. | Mathematics and Statistics, UNCG |
Geophysical and ground truthing examination of the Confederate prison in Salisbury, North Ca... (Student Work) | 2018 | Cope, Megan | M.A. | Geography, Environment, and Sustainability, UNCG |
Geophysical investigation at 31MA684 floodplain and 31MA774 hilltop, Macon County, North Car... (Student Work) | 2017 | Lukas, Ari D. | M.A. | Geography, UNCG |
Geophysical remote sensing of North Carolina’s historic cultural landscapes: studies at hous... (Student Work) | 2017 | Turner, Jacob Richmond | Ph.D. | Geography, UNCG |
The geopolitical challenge of Iraqi-Kurdistan’s natural gas (Student Work) | 2018 | Ismael, Hemin M. | Ph.D. | Geography, UNCG |
George Eliot's moral vision : the feminine ideal (Student Work) | 1987 | Fitzpatrick, Winston | Ph.D. | English, UNCG |
George W. Cable's use of the Bible in his fiction and major polemical essays (Student Work) | 1980 | Morehead, Martha H. | Ph.D. | English, UNCG |
Georgic rest and pastoral labor: John Clare’s Environmentalism AND “Fled for Shelter to a He... (Student Work) | 2015 | Coturri Sorenson, Gianina Marie | M.A. | English, UNCG |
Geospatial Analysis of Lake and Landscape Interactions within the Toolik Lake Region, North ... (Student Work) | 2010 | Pathak, Prasad A. | Ph.D. | Geography, UNCG |
Geospatial analysis of mean sensitivity in Pinus strobus (Student Work) | 2011 | Laxson, Thomas A. | MA | Geography, UNCG |
A geospatial analysis of racial segregation in North Carolina's major metropolitan areas (Student Work) | 2012 | Morse, David Davis | M.A. | Geography, UNCG |
Getting in the zone: flow experiences of high school students in language arts (Student Work) | 2018 | Pearsall, Sarah J. | Ph.D. | Specialized Education Services, UNCG |
Gide's quest for authenticity (Student Work) | 1970 | Smith, William Henry | M.A. | Romance Languages-French, UNCG |
The gift of the bee-Poet: Bee Symbolism in H.D.'s Poetry and Prose (Student Work) | 2012 | Stillwell, Kristen Mary Elizabeth | M.A. | English, UNCG |
Gifted Women Who Underachieve: A Study of Mathematics and Gender (Student Work) | 2007 | Hudgins, Jane Craft | PhD | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Gil Askey’s (1925-2014) horn arrangements for the Four Tops and the Temptations: a lecture r... (Student Work) | 2016 | Smith, Russell Alan | D.M.A. | Music Performance, UNCG |
The girl in the deer & other tales of the pre-apocalypse (Student Work) | 2012 | Patt, Julia Katherine | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
GIS applications to model and interpret Monarch butterfly migratory behavior and population ... (Student Work) | 2023 | Kesler, Karen Keller | Ph.D. | Geography, Environment, and Sustainability, UNCG |
GIS as an investigative tool: groundwater contamination and private wells in Guilford County... (Student Work) | 2008 | Wolfe, Kathleen M. | MA | Geography, UNCG |
"Give me a chance, I want to learn" : narratives of African American high school seniors' or... (Student Work) | 1995 | Oliver, Donna H. | Ph.D. | Education, UNCG |
Give me space (Student Work) | 2024 | Gardner, Karrington | M.F.A. | School of Art, UNCG |
Giving voices to Mexican immigrant parents: a mixed methods study of perceptions on the tran... (Student Work) | 2013 | Beasley, Jennifer M. | Ph.D. | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Glenwar Wescott's Apartment in Athens : a novel of instruction and revelation (Student Work) | 1965 | Angle, Claire Frank | M.A. | English, UNCG |
Glycerol for improving solubility and evaluation of antimicrobial activity for natural produ... (Student Work) | 2016 | Zich, David B. | M.S. | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Glycolytic control of vacuolar ATPase pump activity: a mechanism to regulate influenza viral... (Student Work) | 2012 | Kohio, Hinissan | M.S. | Biology, UNCG |
God-Talk and Kin-Talk in the Survival Epistemology of Liberian Refugee Women: A Radical Chal... (Student Work) | 2008 | Nsonwu, Maura B | PhD | Social Work, UNCG |
The goddess, Columbia (Student Work) | 2021 | Graham, Aaron Dylan | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
Going against the grain? Brazil and the global furniture production network (Student Work) | 2016 | Sloop, Joseph Bryon | Ph.D. | Geography, UNCG |
Going Green in Labor and Delivery: Assessing Knowledge and Identifying Barrier and Facilitat... (Student Work) | 2023 | Rickelton, Angela Draughon | DNP | Nursing, UNCG |
Going steady among eighth-, tenth- and twelfth-grade youth (Student Work) | 1964 | Everett, Ann Boston | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Gold nanoparticle enhanced capillary electrophoresis separations for Alzheimer's disease bio... (Student Work) | 2009 | Wambua, Dickson M. | MS | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Goldenseal: a case study on LC-MS profiling to identify synergists (Student Work) | 2011 | Junio, Hiyas A. | Ph.D. | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Good listening : discovering and understanding Rudolf Escher’s harmonic language in his Arca... (Student Work) | 2024 | Clifton, Corey Greyson | D.M.A. | School of Music, UNCG |
Good vs. evil: the role of the soundtrack in developing a dichotomy in "Harry potter and the... (Student Work) | 2011 | Morgan, Catherine P. | MM | Music, UNCG |
"Good wares and modest manners:" the Salem store entrusted to merchant Traugott Bagge, 1775-... (Student Work) | 2009 | Culler, Lola Langdon | MS | Interior Architecture, UNCG |
Governance of women's intercollegiate athletics : an historical perspective (Student Work) | 1976 | Hunt, Virginia | Ed.D. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
Government support of innovation in small business: North Carolina’s Green Business Fund (Student Work) | 2016 | Hall, Michael J. | Ph.D. | Economics, UNCG |
GPR6 receptor: model construction, docking studies, drug design, and development of novel GP... (Student Work) | 2020 | Isawi, Israa Hani | Ph.D. | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Grabbing him by the tweets: presidential parody as political activism (Student Work) | 2018 | Wood, Olivia | M.A. | English, UNCG |
"Grace of character" : the gentleman in Anthony Trollope's Palliser novels (Student Work) | 1986 | Lewis, Juanita Florence | Ph.D. | English, UNCG |
Graduate employability : essential skills and personal attributes of fitness trainers (Student Work) | 2023 | Eaton, Alma S. | Ed.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Grape polyphenols attenuate inflammation and insulin resistance in human adipocytes and obes... (Student Work) | 2012 | Chuang, Chia-Chi | Ph.D. | Nutrition, UNCG |
Grape powder extract (GPE) attenuates markers of inflammation in human macrophages. (Student Work) | 2010 | Overman, Angel | M.S. | Nutrition, UNCG |
A graphic presentation of the spatio/structural relationships in the development of the tree... (Student Work) | 1969 | Florance, Sheila Karen | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
A grateful heart: parents’ reflections on gratitude and its development in their children. (Student Work) | 2019 | Mendonca, Sara Ann Etz | Ph.D. | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Grave space: Mr. Shimerda’s suicide and the prairie in My Ántonia ; and, Is this still Shell... (Student Work) | 2013 | Scott, Whitney N. | M.A. | English, UNCG |
The Greek philosophy of physical education in ancient Athens as compared with the philosophy... (Student Work) | 1949 | Kesler, Ethel | | Physical Education/Health and Human Performance, UNCG |
Green Curation: Plants as a Vehicle for Curation (Student Work) | 2021 | Boardman, Timothy C. | B.A. | Arts Administration, UNCG |
The Greening of Historic Places: Finding Common Ground Between Historic Tax Credits and LEED... (Student Work) | 2008 | Taylor Wells, Gisele | MS | Interior Architecture, UNCG |
Grindr-ing respectability, normativity, and the abject other (Student Work) | 2020 | Toler, Eric Blaine | M.A. | Women's and Gender Studies, UNCG |
Groomings (Student Work) | 2016 | Soler, Kristin Alexandra | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
Grotesque beauty (Student Work) | 2007 | Ryono, Izumi | Master of Fine Arts | Studio Art, UNCG |
Group methods for reducing racial prejudice and discrimination (Student Work) | 1974 | Breckheimer, Steven Edwin | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
Group process variables in group supervision (Student Work) | 1994 | Werstlein, Pamela Odham | Ph.D. | Education, UNCG |
Group self motivation in handwriting (Student Work) | 1943 | Owen, Blanche Hedgecock | M.A.Ed. | Education, UNCG |
The growing season (Student Work) | 1964 | Speas, Jan Cox | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
Growing up too fast? : an examination of pubertal timing and childhood social wariness in th... (Student Work) | 2023 | Lee, Jessica M. | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
The growth hormone adaptation to short-term sprint exercise training (Student Work) | 2012 | Smith, Jason Kyle | M.S. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Growth made by a group of girls in appreciation of beauty of surroundings and human relation... (Student Work) | 1941 | Rhyne, Madge M. | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Growth media studies approach to enhance production of the bioactive fungal metabolite virid... (Student Work) | 2018 | Oyekunle, Olalekan Saheed | M.S. | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
The growth of a design : Frank O'Connor's story cycles (Student Work) | 1979 | Lamb, Melinda | Ph.D. | English, UNCG |
Growth of larvae of Plathemis Lydia Drury as influenced by controlled photoperiod and temper... (Student Work) | 1970 | Shepard, Lucille James | M.A. | Biology, UNCG |
Growth of a Teacher Garden: A Research Evaluation Study of the Creative Options Partnership ... (Student Work) | 2004 | Painter, Janet | Ph.D. | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
Growth-minded athletes: does coaching feedback matter? (Student Work) | 2018 | Wierzba, Jill | Ed.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Guest preferences for facilities and room design features of twenty resorts in Northern Wisc... (Student Work) | 1971 | Littlefield, Ardala Everell | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Guide our feet: teacher education and servant-leadership in a Children's defense fund freedo... (Student Work) | 2010 | Davis, Joyce H. | Ed.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
A guide to good stewardship: sustainable preservation strategies for popular historic homes ... (Student Work) | 2013 | Vega, Mary Estelle | M.S. | Interior Architecture, UNCG |
A guide to the performance and musical understanding of the role of Zerbinetta from Richard ... (Student Work) | 2016 | Yoder, Elizabeth A. | D.M.A. | Music, UNCG |
A guide to performance practice: Sonnets from the Portuguese by Libby Larsen (Student Work) | 2011 | Cornelius, Polly Butler | DMA | Music, UNCG |
A guide to the works for and involving Horn by Ruth Gipps (Student Work) | 2018 | Creasy, Catherine Satchwell | D.M.A. | School of Music, UNCG |
Guided composition: a performer’s guide to an original work by composer Lance Hulme with an ... (Student Work) | 2016 | Ironside, Kelvin Brandon Churchill | D.M.A. | Music, UNCG |
Gut check : exploring gastrointestinal morphology as a continuous functional trait in Appala... (Student Work) | 2022 | Chapman, Olivia Scout | M.S. | Biology, UNCG |
Gwyneth Walker’s use of melodic motive and tonal centricity to depict E. E. Cummings’ Poetry... (Student Work) | 2015 | Oliveira, Carolina C. | D.M.A. | Music, UNCG |
Gyres and waves: Bergsonian movement and multiplicity in the works of W.B. Yeats and Virgini... (Student Work) | 2017 | McGuire, Meghan H. | Ph.D. | English, UNCG |
[H]ere was one room ; there another : tracing relations between self and other in Woolf and ... (Student Work) | 2006 | Bedsole, Michael R. | Master of Art | English, UNCG |
Habitat suitability and ecological niche profiling of the West Nile Virus vector, Culex pipi... (Student Work) | 2014 | Frake, April N. | M.A. | Geography, UNCG |
Habits of solitude (Student Work) | 2013 | Dayhuff, Zachary J. | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
“Had I a right to inflict this curse upon everlasting generations?”: Mary Shelley’s subversi... (Student Work) | 2019 | McDonald, Samantha | M.A. | English, UNCG |
Hair and masculinity in the alliterative Morte Arthure : and, The rhetoric of the Pennsylvan... (Student Work) | 2006 | Urquhart, Elizabeth F | Master of Arts | English, UNCG |
Hammer pieces (Student Work) | 1970 | Benedict, Dexter Noel | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
The hammered dulcimer in the Southern Appalachian old time string band music of North Caroli... (Student Work) | 2012 | Wood, Michael Alan | D.M.A. | Music, UNCG |
Hand built pottery (Student Work) | 1975 | Roughton, Jerry R. | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
Hand preference in the acquisition of beginning fencing skill (Student Work) | 1975 | Linder, Susan Ann | M.S.P.E. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
A hard kind of freedom: absurdity, choice, and responsibility in the writings of Harriet Jac... (Student Work) | 2013 | Little, Jawana Southerland | Ph.D. | Educational Studies, UNCG |
The harmony of conflict : the cosmology of Heracleitus in D. H. Lawrence's Women in love (Student Work) | 1975 | Pipan, Richard C. | M.A. | Education, UNCG |
"An harmony of parts" : image and logic in the poetry of Edward, Lord Herbert of Chirbury (Student Work) | 1981 | Allen, Anne Kimberly Bryson | Ph.D. | English, UNCG |
Harry S. Truman as an advocate of civil rights : politics or compassion? (Student Work) | 1971 | Aldstadt, Harriet | M.A. | History, UNCG |
Haunted by waters (Student Work) | 2017 | Gallas, Codey | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
The haunted ground we walk on: (un)knowable gendered and racialized subjects (Student Work) | 2015 | Brown, Sherronda J. | M.A. | Women's and Gender Studies, UNCG |
The haunted world of C. S. Lewis : a study of his space trilogy (Student Work) | 1968 | Chiddie, George Amos | M.A. | English, UNCG |
Hawthorne's use of mirror symbolism in his writings (Student Work) | 1968 | Kellett, Jane Whicker | M.A. | English, UNCG |
Hazard (Student Work) | 1969 | Baugh, Linda Sue | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
He cried uncle--an opera in one act (Student Work) | 2007 | Colaner, Seth W. | Masters | Music, UNCG |
Head Start impact on parent educational practices and the influence of household risk (Student Work) | 2018 | Barnes, Amanda C. | M.S. | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Heads (Student Work) | 1975 | Hudson, Samuel Campbell | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
Headscarf in America: perceptions, considerations, and behaviors of Muslim women, before and... (Student Work) | 2018 | Atta, Maryam | M.A. | Sociology, UNCG |
The Healing Power of Art (Student Work) | 2013 | Dunn, Mariah | Master of Fine Arts | Media Studies, UNCG |
Healing: the stories of academic successes and barriers faced by Lumbee tribal young adults (Student Work) | 2017 | Locklear, Leslie A. | Ph.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Health and Alcohol Consumption Prevalence During the COVID-19 Pandemic (Student Work) | 2022 | LaButte, Collin | B.S. | Economics, UNCG |
Health belief model, social support, and intent to screen for colorectal cancer in older Afr... (Student Work) | 2011 | Griffin, Mary J. | Ph.D. | Nursing, UNCG |
The health effects of automobile fuel economy through improvements in air quality (Student Work) | 2017 | Shi, Qing | Ph.D. | Economics, UNCG |
Health information technology (HIT) in small and medium sized physician practices: examinati... (Student Work) | 2015 | Wallace, Steven A. | Ph.D. | Information Systems and Supply Chain Management, UNCG |
The health knowledge of senior health education majors at selected universities in North Car... (Student Work) | 1977 | Tuthill, Susan Eleanor | M.Ed. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
Health literacy and adherence to antihypertensive regimens in African Americans ages 50 and ... (Student Work) | 2010 | Ingram, Racquel | Ph.D. | Nursing, UNCG |
Health literacy, understanding, and decisional satisfaction in women’s decision-making for p... (Student Work) | 2018 | Shea, Tamra L. | Ph.D. | Nursing, UNCG |
Healthcare Providers Knowledge, Attitudes, and Beliefs Toward the CALM Coping Scale (Student Work) | 2022 | Tuma, Giuliana C. | DNP | Nursing, UNCG |
Hear our stories: an examination of the external factors and motivating forces that help und... (Student Work) | 2015 | Brown, Leslie Neal | Ph.D. | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
The heart attack of President Dwight D. Eisenhower and its political implications for his ca... (Student Work) | 1967 | Goodbread, Ronald A. | M.A. | History and Political Science, UNCG |
Heart rate variability as an assessment of fall risk in older adults (Student Work) | 2022 | Higgins, Lauren Quinn | Ph.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
The heat of transfer of some slightly soluble salts from water to tert-Butanol--water mixtur... (Student Work) | 1973 | Bright, Linford Lawrence | M.S. | Chemistry, UNCG |
Heats of dilution of sodium chloride temperature dependence (Student Work) | 1972 | Ensor, Dale Duvall | M.S. | Chemistry, UNCG |
Heats of mixing of aqueous electrolytes : temperature dependence (Student Work) | 1970 | Petree, Linda Anne | M.S. | Chemistry, UNCG |
Heats of mixing of aqueous electrolytes temperature dependence (Student Work) | 1970 | Smith, Danne Elizabeth | | Chemistry, UNCG |
Heavy things: materiality and masculinity in African American literature (Student Work) | 2014 | Gibson, Scott Thomas | Ph.D. | English, UNCG |
Height and weight of black infants from low-income families first postnatal year : a normati... (Student Work) | 1971 | Das, P. Selvie | Ph. D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Hellfire and water (Student Work) | 2016 | McCann, Caitlin Ann | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
Helping parents to pitch smart : evaluation of an educational program for parents of Little ... (Student Work) | 2022 | Graham, Adam D. | Ed.D | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Hemingway and pictorial art (Student Work) | 1970 | Robbins, Elizabeth L. | M.A. | English, UNCG |
Hemingway's critical reception in Spain from 1940 to the present (Student Work) | 1966 | Yount, Dorothy Furr | M.A. | English, UNCG |
Hemingway's Mixed Drinks: An Examination of the Varied Representation of Alcohol Across the ... (Student Work) | 2007 | Oliphant, Ashley Yarbrough | PhD | English, UNCG |
Hemingway's religion of death : the cult of the bullring (Student Work) | 1972 | Hupp, Garrison Scherich | M.A. | English, UNCG |
Hemispheric differences in color perception: relative versus absolute frequency levels, impl... (Student Work) | 2013 | McCormick, Michael | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
Hepatic zinc deficiency in alcoholic liver disease: dysregulation of zinc transporters and a... (Student Work) | 2015 | Sun, Qian | Ph.D. | Nutrition, UNCG |
“her convenience was always to give way”: (re)examining Anne Elliot’s Agency in Jane Austen’... (Student Work) | 2017 | Wade, Heather L. | M.A. | English, UNCG |
Herbert Howells’ A garland for De la Mare twelve songs for voice and piano: contexts for per... (Student Work) | 2013 | Blozan, Benjamin C. | D.M.A. | Music, UNCG |
Heritage (Student Work) | 1976 | Strom, Arlene | M.S.P.E. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
Hermeneutic experience and intersubjectivity in schools : on the way toward meaning (Student Work) | 1981 | Dickinson, Edward Glenn | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
A hermeneutic phenomenology study of schooling experiences of Lumbee indian students with hi... (Student Work) | 2011 | Hung, HsuanFang | Ph.D. | Specialized Education Services, UNCG |
Herman Melville's tragic heroes (Student Work) | 1962 | Hayward, Becky Jon | | English, UNCG |
Heroism in the chivalric code : from medieval to modern AND Tales of queens and good women :... (Student Work) | 2022 | Smith, Camille A | M.A. | English, UNCG |
Herstories of war: representations of silence in women's Vietnam/American war narratives (Student Work) | 2016 | Johnson, Alison M. | Ph.D. | English, UNCG |
Heterosocial cues and perceptions of sexual intentions : effects of sexual connotativeness, ... (Student Work) | 1990 | Kowalski, Robin M. | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
Hibridez e identidad: espacios imaginarios en La gran fiesta y Bienvenido Míster Marshall (Student Work) | 2014 | López, Lizely M. | M.A. | Romance Languages and Literatures, UNCG |
Hidden in plain sight: Virgilian, Dantean, and Laforguian allusions in T. S. Eliot's "La fig... (Student Work) | 2010 | Adams, Nancy J. | MA | English, UNCG |
Hidden in plain view (Student Work) | 2021 | Douglass, Susan Andrea Elgie | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
High resolution visualization and characterization of cell surface adhesion protein in three... (Student Work) | 2018 | Diaz, Reynaldo T. | Ph.D. | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
High school employment experiences and work related attitudes of college students (Student Work) | 1989 | Goslen, Mary Anne | Ph.D. | Human Environmental Sciences, UNCG |
A high school’s collaborative planning PLC initiative (Student Work) | 2016 | Fields, Amanda Jane Barbour | Ed.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
High-speed rail in the United States: accessibility potential and spatial equity (Student Work) | 2019 | Kim, Hyojin | Ph.D. | Geography, Environment, and Sustainability, UNCG |
Higher education and the discursive construction of American national identity, 1946-2013 (Student Work) | 2014 | Palmadessa, Allison L. | Ph.D. | Educational Studies, UNCG |
Higher education and environmental concern : a global perspective (Student Work) | 2023 | Johnson, Shana L. | M.A. | Sociology, UNCG |
Higher education planning for a strategic goal with a concept mapping process at a small pri... (Student Work) | 2010 | Driscoll, Deborah P. | Ph.D. | Educational Research Methodology, UNCG |
Higher-order control over equivalence classes and response sequences : an experimental analo... (Student Work) | 1987 | Wulfert, Edelgard | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
Hip-hop dress and identity: a qualitative study of music, materialism, and meaning (Student Work) | 2009 | Suddreth, Courtney B. | MS | Consumer, Apparel, and Retail Studies, UNCG |
Hip-hop is more than just music to me: a narrative study exploring the counter-stories of Bl... (Student Work) | 2013 | Tafari, Dawn Nicole Hicks | Ph.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Hispanic first-generation college students' perceptions of stress, emotion regulation, and g... (Student Work) | 2022 | Seo, Grace Yeeun Lee | Ph.D. | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Historic character preservation during neighborhood revitalization: a mixed methods analysis... (Student Work) | 2015 | French, Catherine L. | M.F.A. | Interior Architecture, UNCG |
Historic houses of Beaufort County, North Carolina, 1744-1899 (Student Work) | 1982 | Casto, Marilyn Dee | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Historic preservation =community revitalization: new beginnings for Carolina Piedmont textil... (Student Work) | 2010 | Marion, Sarah Whitfield | M.S. | Interior Architecture, UNCG |
Historic tax incentives as disaster relief: a case study on post-Katrina New Orleans (Student Work) | 2010 | Williams, Joy | MS | Interior Architecture, UNCG |
A historical account of the controversy over state support of church-related higher educatio... (Student Work) | 1978 | Bolick, Ernest Bernard | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
A historical analysis of the impact of selected teachers on education for blacks in coastal ... (Student Work) | 1988 | Addo, Linda D. | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
A historical and legal analysis of the role of the North Carolina public school principal in... (Student Work) | 1983 | Franklin, Charles Lee | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
A historical and legal analysis of the role of school bus drivers in the pupil transportatio... (Student Work) | 1980 | Herman, Carl Smith | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
A historical and legal analysis of teacher certification in North Carolina (Student Work) | 1979 | Thompson, Richard Lewis | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
A historical and phenomenological examination of African American mothers in special educati... (Student Work) | 2013 | Ruffin-Adams, April Y. | Ph.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Historical resource-book of Guilford County, North Carolina, and immediate vicinity (Student Work) | 1951 | Bostian, Catherine Grantham | M.A. Ed. | Education, UNCG |
A historical study of degree students graduating from Surry Community College from 1966-1976... (Student Work) | 1977 | Reeves, James Michael | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
A historical study of the founding and development of Tuskegee Institute (Student Work) | 1983 | Jackson, McArthur | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
A historical study of women in public school administration from 1900-1977 (Student Work) | 1979 | Scarlette, Erma Toomes | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
A historical study of the women's intercollegiate athletic union Canada (Student Work) | 1971 | Taylor, Margaret Joy | M.S. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
A history of Burlington Industries, Inc. (Student Work) | 1973 | Tahal, Vishwa Nath | M.A. | History, UNCG |
A history of the department of physical education at Winthrop College, 1886-1970 (Student Work) | 1973 | Fleming, Rhonda Kay | M.S. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
The history of the development of elementary school physical education in the Charlotte-Meck... (Student Work) | 1973 | Clayton, Lurah Brenda | M.S. | Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, UNCG |
The history of the development of women's costumes in selected team and individual sports (Student Work) | 1976 | Doull, Judith Diana | M.S.P.E. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
The history of East Coast surfing (Student Work) | 1976 | Pace, David Lee | M.Ed. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
The history of the Greensboro Cerebral Palsy and Orthopedic School, Greensboro, North Caroli... (Student Work) | 1970 | Barnes, Suzanne Bethea | M.A. | Drama and Speech, UNCG |
The history of intercollegiate athletics for men at Elon College (Student Work) | 1982 | Tolley, Jerry R. | Ed.D. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
A history of the Ludwig drummer with an annotated bibliography of the issues from 1961 to 19... (Student Work) | 1994 | Bolton, Calvin Alonzo | D.M.A. | Music, UNCG |
A history of the motivations for underwater diving as depicted in selected literature (Student Work) | 1976 | Krucker, Kathleen Ann | M.S.P.E. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
A history of others (Student Work) | 2019 | Pittard, Michael | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
The history of physical education and sport in the Libyan Arab Republic (Student Work) | 1976 | El-Hinshiri, Ali Khalifa | M.S.P.E. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
A history of recreation at Broughton Hospital : 1883-1973 (Student Work) | 1976 | Turner, Velma Ree | M.Ed. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
The history of residential lighting standards (Student Work) | 1972 | Welborn, Margaret Schmidt | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
A history of the Southern Business Association (Student Work) | 1954 | Chapman, Robert Roscoe | M.S.H.E. | Business Education, UNCG |
Holding spaces (Student Work) | 2019 | Colborn, Katherine | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
Holding tight to the tail of a shooting star: an autoethnography of unschooling as just educ... (Student Work) | 2019 | Purcell, William H. | Ph.D. | Liberal Studies, UNCG |
The holistic paradigm in the foreign language-culture curriculum (Student Work) | 1981 | Arnold, Donald George | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
The Hollywood curriculum : teachers and teaching in the movies (Student Work) | 1995 | Dalton, Mary M. | Ph.D. | Education, UNCG |
Holy Sonnets: La Corona of Louise Talma: Selected Elements of Texture, Technique, and Text (Student Work) | 2008 | Moore, Laura McDonald | DMA | Music, UNCG |
Home activities, motives, and attitudes of seventh and eighth grade pupils in the different ... (Student Work) | 1951 | Winston, Henrietta Elizabeth | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Home base (Student Work) | 2014 | Austin, Katharine W. | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
Home economics curricular reforms in the public elementary schools in the Philippines 1900-1... (Student Work) | 1981 | Lopez De Leon, Isidra Edralin | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Home economics teachers and programmed instruction, an explanatory inquiry (Student Work) | 1963 | Huffman, Sally Elizabeth | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Home economics teachers' knowledge and attitudes toward the integration of special needs stu... (Student Work) | 1985 | Webb, Jacquelyn Driver | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
The home environment of model pupils (Student Work) | 1950 | Martin, Ann Raper | M.A. Ed. | Education, UNCG |
Home environment, metamemory, motivation, and memory performance in young school children (Student Work) | 1993 | Pierce, Sarah Helen | Ph.D. | Human Environmental Sciences, UNCG |
Home exercise program adherence in patients with low back pain (Student Work) | 2024 | Holmes, Loretta M. | Ed.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Home improvements in Durham, North Carolina, during years 1959-68 (Student Work) | 1969 | Shah, Ketki Babubhai | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
The home lives of wild birds (Student Work) | 2014 | Campbell, Chloe Anne | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
Home management practices of twenty-five homemakers employed with rotating work hours (Student Work) | 1972 | Chisenhall, Sarah Cawthon | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Home school curricula : constitutional issues (Student Work) | 1987 | Fox, Linda Page | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Home Sweet Home: An Exploration of Women's Home Furnishings Shopping Experiences (Student Work) | 2012 | Kemerly, Trisha W. | Ph.D. | Consumer, Apparel, and Retail Studies, UNCG |
The home visit as a means of a more effective homemaking program (Student Work) | 1951 | Councilman, Mary Edith | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Homefront activities in Wake County during World War II (Student Work) | 1977 | Williford, Jo Ann | M.A. | History, UNCG |
Homeless sheltered women's health promotion behaviors (Student Work) | 2009 | Ballard, Frances Anderson | PhD | Nursing, UNCG |
Homemakers' knowledge and utilization of three floor care appliances (Student Work) | 1966 | Wilcox, Elizabeth Ann | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Homemakers' reactions to planning, developing and using coordinated food mixing centers in t... (Student Work) | 1968 | Godley, Lou Watson | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Homemakers' use of available house furnishings information (Student Work) | 1959 | Brown, Anne Marie | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Homeomorphic spaces in the plane (Student Work) | 1971 | Yandell, Anne Lewis | M.A. | Mathematics, UNCG |
Homeomorphic subspaces in the plane (Student Work) | 1972 | Dahir, Mustafa | M.A. | Mathematics, UNCG |
Homeschool and school: an inquiry into the sphere sovereignty of educational entities (Student Work) | 2014 | McClain, Kevin R. | Ph.D. | Educational Studies, UNCG |
Homicide, sex role differences and role relationships in North Carolina (Student Work) | 1975 | Ketner, Linda Gayle | M.A. | Sociology, UNCG |
Honesty admits discourse : lying in the fiction of Elizabeth Gaskell (Student Work) | 1994 | McGavran, Dorothy Heissenbuttel | Ph.D. | English, UNCG |
Hope : pedagogy in a despairing world (Student Work) | 1996 | McLaurin, William M. | Ph.D. | Education, UNCG |
The hope well : the lived treatment experiences of African American women with substance mis... (Student Work) | 2023 | Chambers, Michelle | Ph.D. | Joint Program in Social Work, UNCG |
Hormone status and measures of joint laxity (Student Work) | 2007 | Smith, Krystal | Master of Science | Kinesiology, UNCG |
The horn in America from Colonial society to 1842: performers, instruments, and repertoire (Student Work) | 2014 | Bridwell-Briner, Kathryn Eileen | D.M.A. | Music, UNCG |
Hospital nurses’ experiences of providing care for Muslim patients in the United States (Student Work) | 2021 | Alfar, Zainab | Ph.D. | Nursing, UNCG |
Hotspotting in home health: the impact of interprofessional student-team home visits on heal... (Student Work) | 2019 | Alderman, Jennifer Taylor | Ph.D. | Nursing, UNCG |
House furnishing practices as they relate to the family life cycle and certain selected fact... (Student Work) | 1965 | Little, Lillie Bradshaw | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
The house that Jack built (Student Work) | 2009 | Whiteside, Anna E. | MFA | English, UNCG |
Household income and depressive mood among single women in midlife : a nuanced approach acro... (Student Work) | 2005 | Craig, Debra Lynde | Master of Science | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Household income, economic pressure, and depressive mood among unmarried women in midlife: t... (Student Work) | 2008 | Craig, Debra Lynde | PhD | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Housescapes (Student Work) | 1969 | Jenkins, Harry Kells | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
Housing affordability by metropolitan area (Student Work) | 2006 | Wolff, Amy H. | Master of Arts | Geography, UNCG |
Housing characteristics of North Carolina households with incomes of less than $5,000 (Student Work) | 1966 | Cook, Jean Bailey | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Housing needs, expectations, and satisfactions of public housing and Turnkey III residents i... (Student Work) | 1973 | Atkins, Karen S. | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Housing space divisions for living and for storage suggested by thirty-six homemakers who li... (Student Work) | 1964 | White, Joanne Leslie | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
How community health workers affiliated with a program in Greensboro, North Carolina promote... (Student Work) | 2020 | Eluka, Nneze Njideka | Ph.D. | Public Health Education, UNCG |
How convict criminologists navigate stigma (Student Work) | 2021 | Catoe, Kristen | M.A. | Sociology, UNCG |
How the “Cop Killer” disappeared: how genre deviation influences uptake in censorship AND Se... (Student Work) | 2018 | Hill, Brandon | M.A. | English, UNCG |
How can teachers teach for social justice within the confines of the No Child Left Behind er... (Student Work) | 2013 | Self, Patti Lamb | Ph.D. | Educational Studies, UNCG |
How do digital comfort and digital mindset affect teachers’ willingness to integrate technol... (Student Work) | 2023 | Haley, Matthew R. | Ed.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
How do firefighters cope? : an investigation of coping strategies and symptoms of distress w... (Student Work) | 1996 | Black, Lynda K. | Ph.D. | Education, UNCG |
How Do Frames in the Local Context Influence Participant's Responses (Student Work) | 2023 | Smoogen, Paul J. | B.A | Political Science, UNCG |
How do personal and professional experiences influence second-career alternatively certified... (Student Work) | 2018 | Poole, Dawn C. | Ed.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
How do personality traits and art-related individual differences shape art viewing behavior ... (Student Work) | 2022 | Rodriguez, Rebekah M. | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
How do principals conceptualize success: are their actions consistent with their definitions... (Student Work) | 2012 | Patience, Brian J. | Ed.D | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
How does behavior drive population and community dynamics of rodents? (Student Work) | 2017 | Larsen, Angela Lynn | Ph.D. | Biology, UNCG |
How does handedness affect the development of construction skill from 10-24 months? (Student Work) | 2015 | Marcinowski, Emily. C. | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
How elementary principals define inclusion and use their definition to lead (Student Work) | 2020 | Buchanan, Shanta Mitchell | Ed.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
How five successful middle school principals in North Carolina define vision and how they pe... (Student Work) | 1991 | Stillerman, Katherine Poerschke | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
How identity develops: using attachment, differentiation, mood, communication, and personal ... (Student Work) | 2013 | Willis, Benjamin T. | Ph.D. | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
How individualized education plan team members determine least restrictive environment and e... (Student Work) | 2015 | Bost, Julie Irene | Ed.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
How is adding cereal into the bottle associated with daily macronutrient intake among low-in... (Student Work) | 2023 | Hernandez, Marlen | M.S. | Nutrition, UNCG |
How often do younger and older adults engage in monitoring? a new approach to studying metac... (Student Work) | 2018 | Jordano, Megan L. | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
How parents' beliefs and expectations influence their investments in children's early learni... (Student Work) | 2010 | Fetalvero, Abigaiel F. | MS | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
How principals of highly impacted schools are getting it done: practices for building teache... (Student Work) | 2018 | Smith, Chelsea Sadé | Ed.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
How public school leaders are responding to charter schools (Student Work) | 2019 | Hildreth, Shon Patrick | Ed.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
How two elementary schools in a medium-sized school district support family engagement (Student Work) | 2022 | Harris, Robin T. | Ed.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
How two successful North Carolina elementary school principals effectively implement reflect... (Student Work) | 2016 | Eldreth, Leslie | Ed.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
How we are related (Student Work) | 2007 | Martin, Jennifer Lee | Master of Fine Arts | English, UNCG |
How work enfaiths : catechizing in the religious poetry of Denise Levertov ; and, "Writing u... (Student Work) | 2007 | George, Joseph A. | Master of Arts | English, UNCG |
A HPLC/ESI-MS method developed and validated to evaluate the quantity, identity, and stabili... (Student Work) | 2007 | Bae, Stacy S. | Master of Science | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Huey Long and share-our-wealth (Student Work) | 1971 | Lovely, Syllus Eugene | M.A. | History, UNCG |
Humanismo Y mestizaje cultural en la Nueva España del siglo XVI los Diàlogos latinos de Fran... (Student Work) | 2012 | Aragon Moreno, Adan | M.A. | Romance Languages, UNCG |
Humanistic physical education and athletics in the secondary school (Student Work) | 1975 | Burns, Kristin Louise | M.S.P.E. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
Human capital (Student Work) | 1960 | Tripp, Rosalie Holms | | Economics, UNCG |
The human condition of the game (Student Work) | 1982 | Nugent, Jane Elizabeth | Ed.D. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
Human dynamics in the age of big data: a theory-data-driven approach (Student Work) | 2019 | Pourebrahim, Nastaran | Ph.D. | Geography, Environment, and Sustainability, UNCG |
The Human Gut Microbiome: A Physiological System Approach (Student Work) | 2013 | Banks, David | BA | Biology, UNCG |
Human Junk: Children Textile Workers and their private and social lives in High Point, North... (Student Work) | 2013 | Mozingo, Kimberly | | History, UNCG |
Human nature and the Civil War: justification, comprehension, and reconciliation through env... (Student Work) | 2018 | Luikart, Tamara | Ph.D. | English, UNCG |
Humornonhumornon (Student Work) | 1977 | Warden, Susan | M.F.A. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
The human side of teaching : an inquiry into the limits and possibilities of teacher evaluat... (Student Work) | 1987 | Gerringer, Karen Frances | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Human Weather (Student Work) | 2008 | Moseley, Lauren J. | MFA | English, UNCG |
A hundred years with the feminine side of the frock (Student Work) | 1958 | Smith, Sarah Whitlock | | Home Economics, UNCG |
Hungarian Gypsy Style in the Lisztian Spirit: Georges Cziffra's Two Transcriptions of Brahms... (Student Work) | 2008 | Loparits, Elizabeth | DMA | Music, UNCG |
Hungarian wedding (Student Work) | 1972 | Lekki, Gloria Ann | M.F.A. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
Hunger cues versus the passage of time in the resolution of an approach-avoidance conflict (Student Work) | 1966 | Redd, William H. | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
Hurry back (Student Work) | 2022 | LaPonte, Sarah C. | M.F.A. | School of Art, UNCG |
Husband's and wives' attitudes, behavior, and knowledge regarding family financial managemen... (Student Work) | 1982 | Carroll, Diana Lynn Dearing | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Husbands' time allocation in household production : effects of economic, socio-psychological... (Student Work) | 1980 | Godwin, Deborah D. | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Hybrid Image Classification Technique for Land-Cover Mapping in the Arctic Tundra, North Slo... (Student Work) | 2008 | Chaudhuri, Debasish | PhD | Geography, UNCG |
Hybrid nanomaterials based on carbon nanotubes (CNTs) and nanofibers (CNFs) for electrocatal... (Student Work) | 2021 | Yin, Ziyu | Ph.D. | Joint School of Nanoscience and Nanoengineering, UNCG |
Hybridizing political criticism in the postcolonial African novel: magical realism as aesthe... (Student Work) | 2012 | Issifou, Moussa | Ph.D. | English, UNCG |
Hydrogeomorphology of alluvial benches in an anabranching reach of the Upper Yadkin River, N... (Student Work) | 2012 | Sorrells, Robert Michael | M.A. | Geography, UNCG |
The hymn tunes of Lowell Mason: a performance edition of five settings for brass quintet (Student Work) | 2011 | McIvor, Christian Clinton | DMA | Music, UNCG |
Hypersensitivity to threat in paranoid personality (Student Work) | 1988 | West, Jeffrey Allen | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
Hypoxia and panchromatic photosensitizers for photodynamic therapy and photochemotherapy (Student Work) | 2021 | Roque, John A. | Ph.D. | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
I am because we are: exploring the relationships between mentorship, involvement in LGBTQ st... (Student Work) | 2016 | Hurley, Parker T. | Ph.D. | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
“I believe in it, it’s a pretty solid teacher bible!” Student teachers’ understanding of dev... (Student Work) | 2022 | Mckoy, Mauri C. | M.S. | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
“I cannot get out, as the starling said–”: estate improvements, gender, and morality in Mans... (Student Work) | 2013 | Dollar, Patrick G. | M.A. | University Libraries, UNCG |
I carry you with me (Student Work) | 2018 | Cortez, Mary Celia | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
“I definitely need that support” : examining support for women sport coaches (Student Work) | 2022 | Anderson, Shelby N. | Ph.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
I didn’t know it would be this hard : the experiences of African American women’s transition... (Student Work) | 2022 | Richardson, Christina L. | Ed.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
I do as I do and not as you say: how high school co-teachers reconcile professional knowledg... (Student Work) | 2015 | Barron, Tammy Lankford | Ph.D. | Specialized Education Services, UNCG |
"I don't think about being a black student and going through school" : an exploration into t... (Student Work) | 2007 | Seagraves, James M. | EdD | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
I have what it takes: taking a closer look at leadership in culturally diverse schools (Student Work) | 2013 | Taylor, Jonita Dunn | Ed.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
The I of movement (Student Work) | 1974 | Birdsong, Lark | M.Ed. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
I Thought This Is What We Were Doing (Student Work) | 2010 | Dickens, Christopher D. | MFA | English, UNCG |
“I want to hide my body inside of yours”: grotesque female consumption in Alexandra Kleeman ... (Student Work) | 2020 | Young, Shannon Lee | M.A. | English, UNCG |
“I who am here dissembled”: exteriority in T.S. Eliot and his modernist contemporaries (Student Work) | 2016 | Bedsole, Michael R. | Ph.D. | English, UNCG |
I wonder as I wander: a reorientation of attention, embodiment, and consciousness (Student Work) | 2016 | Thomas-Reid, Matthew | Ph.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
I.A. Richards and the ambiguous medium (Student Work) | 1963 | Howle, Sarah S.W. | | English, UNCG |
“I’m really sorry you joined us, but welcome to the club” : the impact of parental death on ... (Student Work) | 2023 | Wojciechowski, Scott William | Ph.D. | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
The iconic ghetto, color-blind racism and white masculinities: a content and discourse analy... (Student Work) | 2017 | Julien, Christopher | M.A. | Sociology, UNCG |
Identical twins : distinguishing between two in a set (Student Work) | 1971 | Gerald, Betty Sue | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Identification and Characterization of a gene required for meiosis I mono-orientation of sis... (Student Work) | 2020 | Thornton, Sean | B.S. | Biology, UNCG |
Identification and comprehensive structural characterization of serum lipid markers to Type ... (Student Work) | 2019 | Vu, Ngoc H. M. | Ph.D. | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Identification and stability of anthocyanins in Plantago lanceolata (Student Work) | 2007 | Dee, Stacy | Master of Science | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Identification of adulteration in botanical samples with untargeted mass spectrometry metabo... (Student Work) | 2019 | Wallace, Emily D. | M.S. | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Identification of agonist and antagonist binding sites at the G-Protein Coupled Receptor, GP... (Student Work) | 2015 | Pyle, Jennifer L. | M.S. | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
The identification of certain competencies appropriate for secondary school business teacher... (Student Work) | 1982 | Vaughan, E. Rose Tate | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Identification of commensal bacteria autoinducing peptides with ultrahigh performance liquid... (Student Work) | 2020 | Mejia Cruz, Luis A. | M.S. | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Identification of drug sensitive gene motifs using “epigenetic profiles” derived from bioinf... (Student Work) | 2016 | Nelson, Jonathan | M.S. | Biology, UNCG |
Identification of dTopors domains required for subcellular localization (Student Work) | 2009 | Byungura, Fidele | MS | Biology, UNCG |
The identification of inservice training needs of educators resulting from the enactment of ... (Student Work) | 1983 | Matteson, Jane Franklin | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Identification of Morphologic and Chemical Markers of Aestivation Conditions in Female Anoph... (Student Work) | 2011 | Wagoner, Kaira Malinda | MS | Biology, UNCG |
Identification of SARS-CoV-2 main protease cleavage sites in host cellular selenoproteins an... (Student Work) | 2022 | Gallardo, Ignacio A. | M.S. | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Identification of two new [beta]-glucosidases of neurospora crassa (Student Work) | 1971 | Madden, Brenda Satterfield | M.A. | Biology, UNCG |
Identification, quantification and investigation of anti-inflammatory effects of Echinacea p... (Student Work) | 2012 | Kandhi, Vamsikrishna | Ph.D. | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Identify effective emotion regulation behaviors in infancy (Student Work) | 2017 | Qu, Jin | Ph.D. | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Identifying the binding sequence of Teflon, a protein required for autosomal homolog conjunc... (Student Work) | 2011 | Hansen, Katie | MS | Biology, UNCG |
Identifying facilitators and barriers limiting youth sport participation among adolescents (Student Work) | 2023 | Haas, Paul E. | Ed.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Identifying Knowledge Gaps and Attitude Barriers Amongst Certified Registered Nurse Anesthet... (Student Work) | 2022 | Cranford, Rebecca | DNP | Nursing, UNCG |
Identifying oviposition attractants from the larval rearing medium of phlebotomus papatasi, ... (Student Work) | 2015 | Marayati, Bahjat Fadi | M.S. | Biology, UNCG |
Identifying the role of student-athlete leadership development in Division II athletics (Student Work) | 2019 | Cole, Jennifer Ruth | Ed.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Identifying Sleep-Disruptive Noise Factors in Healthcare Environments (Student Work) | 2007 | Volchansky, Nadezhda V. | MS | Interior Architecture, UNCG |
Identifying with the graffiti subculture: the impact of entering and exiting the graffiti su... (Student Work) | 2013 | Dar, Aneliese K. | M.A. | Sociology, UNCG |
Identity economics and malleable characteristics among adolescents: a study of family and pe... (Student Work) | 2018 | Norris, Jonathan Lee | Ph.D. | Economics, UNCG |
Identity (re)determination among upwardly-mobile Black women (Student Work) | 2017 | Mauro, Alta Thornton | Ph.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Identity through excess : trans identities expressed through hyperpop (Student Work) | 2024 | Jones, Phoebe | M.M. | School of Music, UNCG |
The identity-equivalence conservation paradigm : development relative to age and task criter... (Student Work) | 1981 | Hoover, Roberta Rose | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
The idea of man and art (Student Work) | 1956 | Carroll, Linda | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
The ideologies responsible for the presence and absence of a sexual orientation provision in... (Student Work) | 2009 | Haberman, Tionna Lael | M.A. | Sociology, UNCG |
Ideology as symbolic change : a study of public perception of social movements (Student Work) | 1975 | Seltz, Stephen Wayne | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
An idiographic and nomothetic assessment of coping with daily stressors : issues of consiste... (Student Work) | 1986 | Dolan, Carol Ann | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
iDisconnect: smartphones, social media and mobile mediation (Student Work) | 2014 | Parker, Kristi L. | M.A. | Sociology, UNCG |
If the creek don't rise (Student Work) | 2009 | Elkins, Jane Ansel | MFA | English, UNCG |
If gender isn’t binary, neither is drag : an analysis of drag, progressiveness, and activism... (Student Work) | 2022 | Hollister, Kelton | M.A. | Women's and Gender Studies, UNCG |
If they lead, will we follow? an examination of fourth graders’ agency in literacy (Student Work) | 2020 | Metzger, Salem R. | Ph.D. | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
"If you don't have a story, you don't know where you are" : listening to African-American fe... (Student Work) | 1996 | Burgin, Terry Bunce | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
"If you're coming out, what are you coming into?": queer educators theorize about teaching, ... (Student Work) | 2011 | Channing, Jill Ann | Ph.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Igniting the tinderbox (Student Work) | 2011 | Howard, Virginia Carroll | MA | History, UNCG |
Igor Stravinsky's L'Histoire du soldat trio for clarinet, violin, and piano: a critical edit... (Student Work) | 2011 | Goh, Soo Khoon | DMA | Music, UNCG |
The image in the seed : a creation of art forms through painting and drawing inspired by bio... (Student Work) | 1951 | Bevilaqua, William Otto | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
Image-making as a transformational process (Student Work) | 1972 | Delaney, Dianne McGhee | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
Images (Student Work) | 1972 | Acton, Katherine Klyman | M.F.A. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
Images (Student Work) | 1973 | Sherrill, James Bix | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
Images (Student Work) | 1970 | Holloway, William Martin | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
Images (Student Work) | 1975 | Hayes, Ivey | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
Imitation by children of model-performed behavior under a variety of stimulus conditions (Student Work) | 1974 | Johnson, Betty Sue | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Immaculate perceptions and other poems (Student Work) | 1968 | Hulbert, John R. | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
Immigrant innovative activity among entrepreneurial firms: a study of European firms (Student Work) | 2021 | Alwehaibi, Samar A. | Ph.D. | Economics, UNCG |
Immigrants and dynamics of spatial neighborhood change from 2000-2016: assessment from a les... (Student Work) | 2018 | Farhat, Nabeela | M.A. | Geography, Environment, and Sustainability, UNCG |
Impact averaging and social facilitation : the effects of a heterogeneous audience on anxiet... (Student Work) | 1988 | Crisson, James Edward | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
The impact of acculturative and contextual factors and session attendance on Latino caregive... (Student Work) | 2019 | Prandoni, Juan I. | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
The impact of an action research study on deficit thinking in an elementary school (Student Work) | 2017 | Moore-Lawrence, Shaneeka | Ed.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
The impact of adverse childhood experiences on suicidal ideation and attempts in African Ame... (Student Work) | 2020 | Thornton, Veronica J. | M.S. | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
The impact of African American English on language proficiency in adolescent speakers (Student Work) | 2015 | Graham Bethea, June | Ph.D. | Communication Sciences and Disorders, UNCG |
The impact of ambient awareness on customers’ purchase intentions (Student Work) | 2019 | Yarmohammadi, Zahra | Ph.D. | Information Systems and Supply Chain Management, UNCG |
The Impact of Anesthetic Choice on Carbon Emissions and Cost (Student Work) | 2023 | Moore, Cullen | DNP | Nursing, UNCG |
The impact of California table grapes on intestinal inflammation and microbiota in mice fed ... (Student Work) | 2015 | Collins, Brian | M.S. | Nutrition, UNCG |
Impact of California table grapes on systemic inflammation, insulin resistance, and hepatic ... (Student Work) | 2015 | Baldwin, Jessie | M.S. | Nutrition, UNCG |
The impact of campus constituencies on the institutional goals and values of a small, privat... (Student Work) | 1985 | Bolding, William Harvey | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
The impact of caregiving on the marital need satisfaction of older wives with dependent husb... (Student Work) | 1984 | McCrory, Audrey Mona | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
The impact of Catechol-O-Methyl transferase on working memory in psychometrically identified... (Student Work) | 2012 | Kaczorowski, Jessica | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
The impact of charter schools on rural traditional public-schools and their communities (Student Work) | 2019 | Carroll, Bruce | Ed.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
The impact of the Circle of Security-Parenting© program on mothers in residential substance ... (Student Work) | 2013 | Horton, Gretta Evette | Ph.D. | Counseling, UNCG |
The impact of collective leadership development on the practice of civic leadership (Student Work) | 2019 | Kniffin, Lori Elizabeth | Ph.D. | Educational Studies, UNCG |
The impact of competition on the ability of public schools to develop resiliency in abused a... (Student Work) | 2006 | Neal, Gerald Wade | EdD | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
The impact of constitutional rights of students on in loco parentis in the administration of... (Student Work) | 1986 | Hayner, Carol K. Houltram | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
The impact of consumer- and retailer-related factors on marketing outcomes: a comparison of ... (Student Work) | 2014 | Kananukul, Chawanuan (Fai) | Ph.D. | Consumer, Apparel, and Retail Studies, UNCG |
Impact of Corbicula fluminae (Asian clam) on particulate matter transport in an urban stream... (Student Work) | 2010 | Bullard, Allison Elaine Carruth | MS | Biology, UNCG |
The impact of COVID-19 on one rural middle school band in North Carolina (Student Work) | 2024 | Wills, Zachary D. | Ph.D. | School of Music, UNCG |
The Impact of Cultural Perspectives on Parents of their Children with Orofacial Cleft (Student Work) | 2021 | Bowman, Holland E. | B.S. | Communication Sciences and Disorders, UNCG |
Impact of deaf client and therapist moods on sign language interpreter recipient mood (Student Work) | 2009 | Gold Brunson, Julianne T. | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
The impact of different types of prior knowledge on science text comprehension (Student Work) | 2012 | Clark, Mary Kristen | Ph.D. | Communication Sciences and Disorders, UNCG |
The impact of differential knee laxity on brain function/structure and postural control (Student Work) | 2020 | Park-Braswell, Kyoungyoun | Ph.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Impact of an Educational Intervention on Current Guidelines to Attenuate Spinal-induced Hypo... (Student Work) | 2022 | Bates, Rebecca R. | DNP | Nursing, UNCG |
The impact of endoparasitic Wolbachia on the evolution of reproductive barriers during speci... (Student Work) | 2013 | Craven, Austin N. | M.S. | Biology, UNCG |
The impact of a faith community nursing program on a culturally diverse community (Student Work) | 2011 | Shores, Cynthia I. | Ph.D. | Nursing, UNCG |
The impact of foreign-trade zones in the United States (Student Work) | 2022 | Lane, Jesse M. | Ph.D. | Geography, Environment, and Sustainability, UNCG |
The impact of Greek affiliation on student involvement patterns (Student Work) | 2018 | O'Connor, Christopher | Ph.D. | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
Impact of the HEROS (Healthy Eating to Reduce Obesity through Schools) study on healthy food... (Student Work) | 2005 | O'Connell, Kellie Marie | PhD | Nutrition, UNCG |
The impact of high intensity training on fitness of middle school students (Student Work) | 2020 | Rockey, Christine Michelle | Ed.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
The impact of honey bee (Apis mellifera) group size on hygienic behavior performance (Student Work) | 2020 | Snyder, Phoebe R. | M.S. | Biology, UNCG |
The Impact of Human Resource Capital on Ethnic Minority Middle School Students' Engagement i... (Student Work) | 2007 | Keck, Tracey Lavette | PhD | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
The Impact of an Interdisciplinary Seminar on First-Year University Students' Development of... (Student Work) | 2008 | Olive-Taylor, Rebecca A. | PhD | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
Impact of item parameter drift on IRT linking methods (Student Work) | 2021 | Chen, David Frederick | Ph.D. | Educational Research Methodology, UNCG |
Impact of land-use land-cover change on stream water quality in the Reedy Fork- Buffalo Cree... (Student Work) | 2017 | Ayivi, Frederick | Ph.D. | Geography, UNCG |
Impact of maternal depression and emotion socialization on the emergence of children’s depre... (Student Work) | 2018 | Suffness, Rebecca A. | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
Impact of Medicaid transformation in North Carolina on people with intellectual and developm... (Student Work) | 2023 | James, Matthew G. | Ed.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
The impact of a middle school 1:1 laptop initiative on the quality of instruction, teacher e... (Student Work) | 2013 | Pack, Julie A. | Ed.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Impact of multidimensionality on unidimensional IRT linking and equating methods (Student Work) | 2024 | Cho, Uk Hyun | Ph.D. | Educational Research Methodology, UNCG |
Impact of Nurse Education in PACU on Opioid Minimization Compliance in Bariatric Surgery Pat... (Student Work) | 2022 | Windham, Adrienne | DNP | Nursing, UNCG |
Impact of open adoption and contact with biological mothers on perceptions of parenting comp... (Student Work) | 2005 | Eanes, Angella | PhD | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
The Impact of Parent Involvement on a Child's Academic Performance (Student Work) | 2007 | Topor, David | PhD | Psychology, UNCG |
The impact of pedagogical documentation on the individualizing practices of early educators ... (Student Work) | 2016 | Busio, Dionne Sills | Ph.D. | Specialized Education Services, UNCG |
The Impact of the Principal Socialization Experience on the Professional Lives of Selected W... (Student Work) | 2007 | Shaver, Randall Ray | EdD | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
The impact of prior evening exercise on endocrine awakening responses (Student Work) | 2021 | Anderson, Travis | Ph.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
The impact of processing on the retention and distribution of macronutrients and bioactive c... (Student Work) | 2020 | Friend, Linda Lee | Ph.D. | Nutrition, UNCG |
The impact of race, gender and other selected variables on the participation of college and ... (Student Work) | 1991 | Daniels, Deborah Thies | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Impact of Racial Disparities in Transportation Access on Older Adults in Chatham County (Student Work) | 2021 | Westervelt, Krista | | Peace and Conflict Studies, UNCG |
The impact of repeated exposure and depressive symptom improvement on others (Student Work) | 1995 | Granda-Gage, Irene | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
The impact of safety culture on nurse and patient outcomes in Middle East acute care hospita... (Student Work) | 2020 | Almotairy, Monir Morisheed R. | Ph.D. | School of Nursing, UNCG |
The impact of saltwater intrusion on mercury cycling in coastal plain wetlands (Student Work) | 2021 | Ulus, Yener | Ph.D. | Biology, UNCG |
The impact of singing styles on tension in the adolescent voice (Student Work) | 2007 | Smith-Vaughn, Beverly Joyce | PhD | Music, UNCG |
The impact of a supervisor-generated metaphor on the clinical hypothesis formation skills of... (Student Work) | 1996 | Young, J. Scott | Ph.D. | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
The impact of teacher change in an overseas military child development classroom (Student Work) | 2007 | Cree, Beverly Jean | PhD | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
The impact of teacher education, administrative support, and teacher self-efficacy on using ... (Student Work) | 2020 | Goines, Melissa A. | Ed.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
The impact of teacher renewal seminars on classroom practices : a case study of selected par... (Student Work) | 1992 | Pressley, Carroll Andrew | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
The impact of technology on collection development in selected academic and research librari... (Student Work) | 1991 | Smith, Merrill Fetner | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Impact of tomato juice on radiation side effects and select inflammatory mediators in prosta... (Student Work) | 2011 | Datta, Mridul | Ph.D. | Nutrition, UNCG |
Impact of trans-10, cis-12 conjugated linoleic acid on interleukin (IL)-6 and IL-8 and adipo... (Student Work) | 2005 | Provo, James Nathan | Master of Science | Nutrition, UNCG |
The impact of two clinical peer supervision models on school counselors' job satisfaction, c... (Student Work) | 1995 | Crutchfield, Lori B. | Ph.D. | Education, UNCG |
Impact of a virtual education presentation on knowledge and usage of cupping therapy among a... (Student Work) | 2021 | Cage, Stephen Andrew | Ed.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Impact of a Wellness Recovery Program on Balance for Individuals with Parkinson's Disease (Student Work) | 2018 | Dawkins, Aileen | B.S. | Therapeutic Recreation, UNCG |
The impact of youth adapted sport on physical activity of adults with disabilities (Student Work) | 2019 | Kyle, David Lewis | Ed.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Impact on an Educational Intervention for Anesthesia Providers on the Benefits of Total Intr... (Student Work) | 2022 | Kim, Cheahee | DNP | Nursing, UNCG |
The Impacts of Dialogic Reading on 2-4 Year Olds and Their Awareness to Print (Student Work) | 2023 | Funderburk, Aubreanna | B.S. | Communication Sciences and Disorders, UNCG |
The impacts of experiential learning on leadership identity in female college graduates (Student Work) | 2010 | Belton, Rhonda Andrews | Ph.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Impacts of patch burn grazing on the invertebrate communities of Kansas rangelands (Student Work) | 2024 | Bunch, Zachary | M.S. | Biology, UNCG |
Impacts of triclosan on stream microbial communities: investigating mitigation and multidrug... (Student Work) | 2018 | Trowbridge, Kirsten Elise | Ph.D. | Biology, UNCG |
Impairment associated with symptoms of AD/HD, ODD, and mania in adolescence (Student Work) | 2011 | Bray, Allison C. | MA | Psychology, UNCG |
The impeachment and trial of Governor William W. Holden, 1870-1871 (Student Work) | 1965 | Young, Lowell Thomas | M.A. | History and Political Science, UNCG |
Imperialism displaced, imperialism inverted : the trope of the other world in Gulliver's tra... (Student Work) | 2007 | Somody, John Peter | Master of Arts | English, UNCG |
Impermanence in For Decorative Purposes Only (Student Work) | 2018 | Fuchs, Lowell | M.M. | School of Music, UNCG |
The implementation and evaluation of a church-based, peer-delivered nutrition and lifestyle ... (Student Work) | 2011 | Cherry, Carinthia A. | Ph.D. | Nutrition, UNCG |
Implementation and Evaluation of a Patient Action Plan for Patients with Atopic Dermatitis (Student Work) | 2023 | Thormann, Kathrin | DNP | Nursing, UNCG |
Implementation and use of community-based prescription drug disposal programs (Student Work) | 2017 | Egan, Kathleen L. | Ph.D. | Public Health Education, UNCG |
Implementation fidelity of a physical education intervention (Student Work) | 2013 | Loflin, Jerry W. | Ph.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Implementation of the A-OK Protocol for Treatment of Amniotic Fluid Emboli with Quick Refere... (Student Work) | 2023 | Bauer , Chase | DNP | Nursing, UNCG |
Implementation of Adult Depression Screening in Solo Free-Standing Primary Care Clinics or P... (Student Work) | 2023 | Agyemang, Matilda G. | DNP | Nursing, UNCG |
Implementation of a Best Practice Advisory to Reduce Postoperative Delirium Rates in Elderly... (Student Work) | 2024 | Danneker, Megan | DNP | Nursing, UNCG |
Implementation of Cardiac Emergency Drills on a School Campus to Obtain Heart Safe School St... (Student Work) | 2024 | Nelson , Rebecca Garrett | DNP | Nursing, UNCG |
Implementation of a constructivist-oriented training for kinesiology graduate teaching assis... (Student Work) | 2017 | Schweighardt, Ray | Ph.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Implementation of a diagnostic classification model for middle-school physics (Student Work) | 2022 | Su, Kun | Ph.D. | Educational Research Methodology, UNCG |
Implementation of a Fall Prevention Program to Decrease Falls in a Skilled Nursing Unit (Student Work) | 2023 | Wagner, Lorena | DNP | Nursing, UNCG |
Implementation of the flipped classroom to improve student engagement, academic success, and... (Student Work) | 2020 | Crawford, Christopher P. | Ed.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Implementation of Frailty Screenings in the Perioperative Setting (Student Work) | 2023 | Chandik, Alexis R. | DNP | Nursing, UNCG |
Implementation of an Intervention to Reduce Mental Health Stigma in Healthcare Workers (Student Work) | 2022 | Kee, LaQuinta | DNP | Nursing, UNCG |
Implementation of a No Interruption Zone to Decrease CRNA Distractions (Student Work) | 2022 | Schlesinger, Stacey L. | DNP | Nursing, UNCG |
Implementation of a Postoperative Handoff Checklist for Cardiac Surgery Patients (Student Work) | 2022 | Taylor, Gerald Shane | DNP | Nursing, UNCG |
The Implementation Of A Preparation Checklist And Simulation For Out Of Or Intubation: A Q... (Student Work) | 2024 | Schaeffer, Stephanie | DNP | Nursing, UNCG |
The Implementation of a Preparation Checklist and Simulation Training for Out-Of-Or Intubati... (Student Work) | 2024 | Alton, Robin | DNP | Nursing, UNCG |
Implementation of Standardized Handoff Reporting to Improve Communication Between Certified ... (Student Work) | 2024 | Bracken, Alisha | DNP | Nursing, UNCG |
Implementation of a Suspected Urinary Tract Infection Decision Support Tool to Improve Antib... (Student Work) | 2022 | Synowiez, Teresa M. | DNP | Nursing, UNCG |
Implementation of Unit Council in the Anesthesia Department (Student Work) | 2022 | Whaley, Jennifer K. | DNP | Nursing, UNCG |
Implementation of a Written Anesthesia-PACU Report Tool: To Increase Data Transfer and Impro... (Student Work) | 2024 | Johnson, Brandi | DNP | Nursing, UNCG |
Implementing biophilic attributes in elementary schools (Student Work) | 2018 | Miller, Emily | M.F.A. | Interior Architecture, UNCG |
Implementing a Delirium Assessment Tool to Increase Routine Assessment for Hospice Patients (Student Work) | 2023 | Kaplan, Karen Brown | DNP | Nursing, UNCG |
Implementing a Fall Prevention Education Program in Long-Term Care (Student Work) | 2023 | Jennings, Angela N. | DNP | Nursing, UNCG |
Implementing OPTIMAL Theory in lower extremity tasks to reduce risk of injury (Student Work) | 2021 | Pierson, Mackenzie Ann | Ph.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Implementing Screening For Diabetes Distress In Adolescents With Type 1 Diabetes (Student Work) | 2024 | Beasley, Spenser | DNP | Nursing, UNCG |
Implementing a Standardized Handoff Checklist (Student Work) | 2022 | Harris, Chelsea | DNP | Nursing, UNCG |
Implementing Trauma-Informed Care Training to Improve Interaction Between Nursing Students a... (Student Work) | 2023 | Hedrick, Emory Abbigail | B.S. | Nursing, UNCG |
Implementing the vision of the high school principal (Student Work) | 1991 | Tillman, Jean B. | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Implenmentation of a Nurse Led Psychiatric Consultation Service in a Long-term Care Facility... (Student Work) | 2023 | Fischer, Susan | DNP | Nursing, UNCG |
Implications of intensive mothering beliefs for the well-being of full-time employed mothers... (Student Work) | 2010 | Walls, Jill K. | Ph.D. | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
The implications of reinforcement sensitivity theory for depression and anxiety (Student Work) | 2006 | Hundt, Natalie E. | Master of Art | Psychology, UNCG |
Implications of the relationships between intelligence and physical fitness (Student Work) | 1958 | White, Katherine A. | | Physical Education, UNCG |
Importance and pedagogical value of Three Sonatas for Two Cellos, Op. 43 by Bernhard Romberg... (Student Work) | 2014 | Placzek, Roman | D.M.A. | Music, UNCG |
The importance and usage of keyboard skills in public school music teaching according to pub... (Student Work) | 1986 | Wells, Anna W. | Ed.D. | Music, UNCG |
The Importance of Biogenic Methane and Sedimentation to Benthic Chironomid Larvae in Four Re... (Student Work) | 2007 | Wade, Elizabeth M | MS | Biology, UNCG |
The importance of children in Dostoevsky's thought (Student Work) | 1969 | Ivester, Judy Maureen | | English, UNCG |
The importance of marriage in Chaucer's "Knight's tale" (Student Work) | 1971 | Edmundson, Mary Elizabeth | M.A. | English, UNCG |
The Impractical Man (Student Work) | 2008 | Saulters, Andrew | MFA | English, UNCG |
Improbable beauty (Student Work) | 2009 | Maness, Karen | MFA | Studio Art, UNCG |
Improving Access and Screening for Cervical Cander in the Underserved Population (Student Work) | 2023 | Teschemaker, Lakisha | DNP | Nursing, UNCG |
Improving Adherence for Postpartum Diabetic Testing for Gestational Diabetes (Student Work) | 2022 | Schramm, Melissa | DNP | Nursing, UNCG |
Improving Awareness and Knowledge of Local Anesthetic System Toxicity Amongst Labor and Deli... (Student Work) | 2024 | Johnson, Jaclyn | DNP | Nursing, UNCG |
Improving bicycle helmet research: examining intervention studies and parental experiences (Student Work) | 2013 | Cathorall, Michelle L. | Dr.P.H. | Public Health Education, UNCG |
Improving classroom practice through collaborative inquiry: a case of flipped learning (Student Work) | 2014 | Reinhardt, Jill Y. | Ed.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Improving the early identification of malignant hyperthermia, neuroleptic malignant syndrome... (Student Work) | 2024 | Elliott, Ashley Adeola | DNP | Nursing, UNCG |
Improving Education Provided to Patients on the Interaction of Sugammadex and Hormonal (Student Work) | 2024 | Jefferson, Laila | DNP | Nursing, UNCG |
Improving efficiency in XML interoperability (Student Work) | 2007 | Gethers, Malcom B. | Master of Science | Computer Science, UNCG |
Improving federated learning in heterogeneous wireless networks (Student Work) | 2022 | Shanu, Shipra | M.S. | Computer Science, UNCG |
Improving the health and wellbeing of homeless individuals using relational care approaches (Student Work) | 2024 | Pearson, Michael C. | Ph.D. | Joint Program in Social Work, UNCG |
Improving Health Literacy to Promote Hypertension Self-Management in the Primary Care Settin... (Student Work) | 2023 | Pridgen, Taylar | DNP | Nursing, UNCG |
Improving kinesiology student success in mixed-major biology courses : a case study explorin... (Student Work) | 2022 | Williams, Patricia J. | Ed.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Improving the Knowledge and Comfort Levels of Nurses Caring for Breastfeeding Mothers (Student Work) | 2022 | Robertson, Kathryn | DNP | Nursing, UNCG |
Improving Knowledge, Recognition, and Management of Local Anesthetic Systemic Toxicity (LAST... (Student Work) | 2024 | Hilton, Sheena | DNP | Nursing, UNCG |
Improving Perioperative Knowledge and Confidence of Local Anesthetic Systemic Toxicity Manag... (Student Work) | 2022 | Willingham, Daniel B. | DNP | Nursing, UNCG |
Improving Preterm Infants' Oxygen Saturation Target Time: A Quality Improvement Initiative (Student Work) | 2024 | Short, Kayla | DNP | Nursing, UNCG |
Improving Reading Performance in a High Poverty Elementary School: A Case Study (Student Work) | 2007 | Kemp, Darcy D. | EdD | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Improving Self-Efficacy in Problem Solving: Learning from Errors and Feedback (Student Work) | 2008 | Hall, T. Simin | PhD | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
Improving the success rate of academically disadvantaged black students in general education... (Student Work) | 1992 | Burrell, Selma Theresa Tuck | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
The improvisational style of Steve Lacy: analyses of selected transcriptions (1957-1962) (Student Work) | 2018 | Ostercamp, Neil Lewis | D.M.A. | School of Music, UNCG |
The impulse to tell and to know: the rhetoric and ethics of sympathy in the Nineteenth-centu... (Student Work) | 2010 | Pond, Kristen Anne | Ph.D. | English, UNCG |
In the act of playing you forget where you are (Student Work) | 2020 | Healy, Patrick | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
In and out of the broom closet : an inquiry into pagan identity management (Student Work) | 2022 | Brown, Holly | M.A. | Sociology, UNCG |
In a dry season (Student Work) | 1955 | Burgess, Jackson | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
In the flesh (Student Work) | 2024 | Humphrey, Erin Fei | M.F.A. | School of Art, UNCG |
In a green tree (Student Work) | 1967 | Hamer, Janet Ernst | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
In mother's lap : microcomputers, mother's teaching behavior and young children's classifica... (Student Work) | 1984 | Shade, Daniel David | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
In our own separate words : interpersonal coordination and depression in college student tex... (Student Work) | 2021 | Weinstein, Mariani | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
In pursuit of a justification of living : a comparative study of Dostoyevsky and Camus (Student Work) | 1967 | Keeton, Hope | | Romance Languages, UNCG |
In pursuit of a pedagogy of personhood: existentialism and possibilities for educator libera... (Student Work) | 2015 | Lieb, Sheryl J. | Ph.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
In quest of a comprehensive model for educational supervision : an ethnographic inquiry (Student Work) | 1983 | Allred, Larry Douglas | Ph.D. | Education, UNCG |
"In a roundabout way": Evasive, Oblique and Indirect Discourse in Allen Tate, Tennessee Will... (Student Work) | 2007 | Perkins, Bethany Kathleen | PhD | English, UNCG |
In silico electrocardiogram from simplistic geometric and reaction diffusion model for detec... (Student Work) | 2021 | Loeffler, Shane E. | Ph.D. | Joint School of Nanoscience and Nanoengineering, UNCG |
In silico investigations of the ionotropic cannabinoid receptor TRPV1 (Student Work) | 2022 | Muller, Chante | Ph.D. | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
In silico refinement of a computer model of GPR55, a cannabinoid receptor (Student Work) | 2011 | Serbanescu, Ruxandra | MS | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
In the time of the foxhole (Student Work) | 2007 | Aarts, Tony | Master of Fine Arts | English, UNCG |
In vitro and in vivo roles of 3H-1,2-dithiole-3-thione in lipopolysaccharide-induced toxicit... (Student Work) | 2021 | Gaje, Gabriella M. | M.S. | Biology, UNCG |
In vitro availability of essential amino acids, and the protein efficiency ration of cooked ... (Student Work) | 1973 | Rao, Meera | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
In vitro effects of thyroxine on the chromosomes of human lymphocytes (Student Work) | 1967 | Prince, Susan R. | | Biology, UNCG |
An In vitro study of the effects of insect hormones on cell degeneration in the wing imagina... (Student Work) | 1974 | Albright, Pamela Ashton | M.A. | Biology, UNCG |
In vivo and in vitro effects of retinoids on the histological changes in colorectal tissue (Student Work) | 1984 | Brevard, Patricia Bowling | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
In your mother’s eyes (Student Work) | 2021 | Rahlan, Hoan | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
In-between (Student Work) | 2019 | Kabir, Shuvam | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
In-class physical activity, cognitive load, and energy-balance knowledge in high school phys... (Student Work) | 2021 | Deng, Anqi | Ph.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
The in-flight social calls of insectivorous bats: species specific behaviors and context of ... (Student Work) | 2019 | Springall, Brian | M.S. | Biology, UNCG |
In-school broadcasts of North Carolina stories for upper elementary grades (Student Work) | 1949 | Land, Alice Thornhill | M.A. Ed. | Education, UNCG |
In/complete visualities: spectatorship and subjectivity in women's studies epistemologies (Student Work) | 2011 | Hart, Carrie Elizabeth | MA | Women's and Gender Studies, UNCG |
The incidence of separation events of Saccharomyces cerevisiae in a flow displacement chambe... (Student Work) | 2018 | Smith, Anna Gray | M.S. | Biology, UNCG |
Incidence of Vancomycin Resistant Enterococci (VRE) colonization in adult hematopoietic stem... (Student Work) | 2022 | Green, Mary Lauren | DNP | Nursing, UNCG |
Incidences (Student Work) | 2007 | Berlanga, Catherine Marielle | Master of Fine Arts | Studio Art, UNCG |
Incised tondos (Student Work) | 1977 | Maggio, Kimberly Jane | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
Inclusive leadership in early childhood education: practices and perspectives of program adm... (Student Work) | 2015 | Jordan, Mary Credle | Ph.D. | Specialized Education Services, UNCG |
Incorporation of Humpback whale song in an electroacoustic concert piece (Student Work) | 2013 | Marquez, Joshua T. | M.M. | Music, UNCG |
Increased stress resistance in socially manipulated Honey Bee (Apis mellifera) workers (Student Work) | 2018 | Kennedy, Anissa C. | M.S. | Biology, UNCG |
Increasing Access to Care for Veterans: Improving the Utilization of the VA Video Connect (V... (Student Work) | 2023 | Moore, Lisa T. | DNP | Nursing, UNCG |
Increasing Cervical Cancer Screening Among Minority Women & Transgender/Transmasculine Men T... (Student Work) | 2023 | Tipton, Michael | DNP | Nursing, UNCG |
Increasing CRISPR-mediated digital data storage in DNA using engineered “Janus” protospacers... (Student Work) | 2023 | Gonzalez, Michelle | M.S. | Joint School of Nanoscience and Nanoengineering, UNCG |
Increasing HPV Vaccination Rates at a Public University (Student Work) | 2023 | Wedderburn , Ngozi N. | DNP | Nursing, UNCG |
Increasing Screening Rates for Sleep Apnea in the Cardiac Population with the use of the STO... (Student Work) | 2023 | Lombardi, Stephen | DNP | Nursing, UNCG |
Increasing Utilization of the Apfel Scoring System in High-Risk Patients (Student Work) | 2024 | Neal, Tyesha Harvey | DNP | Nursing, UNCG |
Independent women rendered sick, supple, and submissive: Charlotte Lennox and Jane Austen cr... (Student Work) | 2013 | Grubbs, Elizabeth Marie | M.A. | English, UNCG |
Indications of amorality (Student Work) | 1968 | Phillips, Lynn Shearin | | English, UNCG |
Indicators of multiplicative reasoning among fourth grade students (Student Work) | 2010 | Carrier, James A. | Ph.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
The indictment of America in 1925 : a comparative study of The great Gatsby and An American ... (Student Work) | 1969 | Lindsay, Julia Irene | M.A. | English, UNCG |
Indian fields: historicizing Native space and sovereignty in the era of removal (Student Work) | 2017 | Cooke, Jason Scott | Ph.D. | English, UNCG |
The Indian heroes of William Hickling Prescott : reflection of the nineteenth century's view... (Student Work) | 1973 | Keck, Dianne Lee | M.A. | English, UNCG |
The indirect effects of maternal psychopathology in early childhood on adolescent health out... (Student Work) | 2022 | Garcia, Jessica | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
The individual context of ultrasonic vocalizations in wild monogamous California mice (Perom... (Student Work) | 2009 | Briggs, Jessica | MS | Biology, UNCG |
The individual context of ultrasonic vocalizations produced by free-living Brush mice (Perom... (Student Work) | 2010 | Petric, Radmila | MS | Biology, UNCG |
Individual differences in forgetting strategies (Student Work) | 2008 | Foster, Nathaniel Lloyd | MA | Psychology, UNCG |
Individual differences in perfectionism predicting effort (Student Work) | 2015 | Harper, Kelly L. | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
Individual differences in response to goal conflict: impact of causality orientations on goa... (Student Work) | 2017 | Hoet, Ariana C. | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
Individual muscle thickness of the quadriceps and hamstrings and their relationship with kne... (Student Work) | 2017 | Partington, Heath Scott | M.S. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Individuals in same-gender couples’ experiences of outness in adult romantic relationships: ... (Student Work) | 2017 | Akers, Whitney Paige | Ph.D. | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
Indonesian art song: an exploration of Indonesian vocal heritage, phonetics, and song lyrics... (Student Work) | 2019 | Olson, Nathaniel | D.M.A. | School of Music, UNCG |
The inevitable retreat? digital media spaces and marriageability dynamics in modern Black Am... (Student Work) | 2018 | Green, Mackenzie M. | M.A. | Sociology, UNCG |
Infant as idea : the birth of a new composite person (Student Work) | 2006 | Kelley, Joshua R | Master of Arts | Sociology, UNCG |
Infant feeding attitudes, feeding method choice and breastfeeding initiation among African A... (Student Work) | 2011 | Street, Darlene J. | Ph.D. | Nursing, UNCG |
Infecting the academy: how reconfigured thought Jes Grew from Ishmael Reed's Mumbo jumbo (Student Work) | 2011 | Piatkowski, Paul David | MA | English, UNCG |
The influence of abnormal sleep durations and physical activity on serum uric acid levels am... (Student Work) | 2019 | Gabaldon, Josi R. | M.S. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Influence of additive dopaminergic genetic variation and acute stress on working memory (Student Work) | 2018 | Sapuram, Vaibhav | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
The influence of an additive HPA axis genetic variation score on lab-based stress reactivity... (Student Work) | 2021 | Grillo, Alessandra R. | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
Influence of adiposity on autonomic nervous system activity (Student Work) | 2022 | Jarrett, Michael S. | Ph.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
The influence of Andrew Craig Phillips on North Carolina local superintendents (Student Work) | 1989 | Banks, Theresa Kay | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
The influence of athletic identity, expectation of toughness, and attitude toward pain and i... (Student Work) | 2007 | Stadden, Stephanie A | PhD | Kinesiology, UNCG |
The influence of attentional focus on neuroplasticity following a seven-day balance training... (Student Work) | 2017 | Diekfuss, Jed Allen | Ph.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
The influence of Camoe¨ns' Lusiad on Melville's Moby-Dick (Student Work) | 1969 | Cockman, Nelda Reynolds | M.A. | English, UNCG |
The influence of case discussions on physical education preservice teachers' reflection in a... (Student Work) | 1996 | Bolt, Brian R. | Ph.D. | Health and Human Performance, UNCG |
Influence of cell loss during in vitro culture of drosophila wing discs (Student Work) | 1969 | Stimpson, L. Cheryl | | Biology, UNCG |
The influence of choice of materials and prompts and feedback upon the arithmetic performanc... (Student Work) | 1976 | Yelton, Ann Rubinsohn | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
Influence of clinical education models on professional socialization and commitment to athle... (Student Work) | 2019 | Fletcher, Janah E. | Ed.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
The influence of a collegiate fitness and wellness course on the students’ physical activity... (Student Work) | 2019 | DeLangie, Heather Leah | Ed.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Influence of edaphic conditions on seasonal and annual temperature trends in the North Carol... (Student Work) | 2019 | Blount, James Roderick | M.A. | Geography, Environment, and Sustainability, UNCG |
The influence of environmental conditions on the daily activities of Enallagma geminatum (Ke... (Student Work) | 1973 | Mitchell, William H. | M.A. | Biology, UNCG |
The influence of exercise type and motivation on music preference (Student Work) | 2015 | Barrett, Stephanie Leigh | M.S. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Influence of family and work experience on occupational aspirations of adolescents : a path ... (Student Work) | 1993 | Ok, Kyunghee | Ph.D. | Human Environmental Sciences, UNCG |
The influence of femoral structure, hip capsular constraints, and gluteal muscle strength an... (Student Work) | 2018 | Hogg, Jennifer A. | Ph.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
The influence of habitual fluid intake on energy balance (Student Work) | 2023 | Zaplatosch, Mitchell Evan | Ph.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
The influence of hamstring musculo-articular stiffness on biomechanical factors indicative o... (Student Work) | 2017 | Waxman, Justin Phillip | Ph.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
The influence of individual and team goals on cohesion and performance in youth bowling (Student Work) | 1992 | Frierman, Steven Howard | Ph.D. | Health and Human Performance, UNCG |
The influence of induced positive emotion upon the play behavior of 5-year-old children (Student Work) | 1973 | Kerr, Roby M. | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Influence of intercropping switchgrass in intensively managed pine forests on ultrasound pro... (Student Work) | 2013 | Matteson, Ashley M. | M.S. | Biology, UNCG |
The influence of managing a loblolly pine (Pinus taeda) forest for biofuels production via s... (Student Work) | 2011 | Marshall, Matthew M. | MS | Biology, UNCG |
The influence of Marshal Pilsudski on Poland's political development (1926-1935) (Student Work) | 1960 | Helms, Martha | | History, UNCG |
The influence of a methods course on physical education majors knowledge in teaching outdoor... (Student Work) | 2022 | Stratton, Christopher J. | Ed.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
The influence of mindful exercise on mood state and perceived stress in community college st... (Student Work) | 2019 | Opon, David John | Ed.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
The influence of multisensory environments on college students' perceived anxiety and stress... (Student Work) | 2024 | Williams, Lisa S. | M.F.A. | Interior Architecture, UNCG |
The influence of negative school climate factors on African American adolescent males' acade... (Student Work) | 2013 | Herring, Melvin H. | Ph.D. | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Influence of noise exposure background on wave I amplitude on student musicians and non-musi... (Student Work) | 2017 | Washnik, Nilesh Jeevandas | Ph.D. | Communication Sciences and Disorders, UNCG |
The influence of north, east, south, and west exposures on plant community composition aroun... (Student Work) | 1970 | Curtis, John Stone | M.A. | Biology, UNCG |
The influence of Parisian popular entertainment on the piano works of Erik Satie and Francis... (Student Work) | 1996 | McKinney, David Conley | D.M.A. | Music, UNCG |
Influence of personality on learning and related processes among nonclinical panickers (Student Work) | 1994 | Richman, Harvey | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
The influence of physical activity courses on stress and anxiety in students at a Hispanic-s... (Student Work) | 2022 | Habring-Frehlich, Dianne M. | Ed.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
The influence of privacy awareness and privacy self-efficacy in e-commerce (Student Work) | 2015 | Liu, Rui | M.S. | Information Systems and Supply Chain Management, UNCG |
The influence of rate of behavior and predictability of rate conditions on observer accuracy... (Student Work) | 1982 | Kapust, Jeffry Allan | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
The influence of selected social variables on the achievement of elementary school children ... (Student Work) | 1982 | Hansley, Clementine Elizabeth Barber | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
The influence of sensory and motor set on early attention-sensitive VERs (Student Work) | 1987 | Oakley, Marta Valerie Tlapova' | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
The influence of sex and handedness on the development of constructing skills during infancy... (Student Work) | 2013 | Marcinowski, Emily. C. | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
The influence of sex and strain on neurobiological and behavioral changes due to diet-induce... (Student Work) | 2020 | Totten, Melissa Sardina | Ph.D. | Nutrition, UNCG |
The influence of teacher beliefs and knowledge on planning for technology integration in tec... (Student Work) | 2013 | Beeson, Melissa Walker | Ph.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
The influence of temperament and social skills on quality of friendship in students with and... (Student Work) | 2015 | Rose, Amy J. | Ph.D. | Communication Sciences and Disorders, UNCG |
The influence of values and self-concept on gender differences in occupational aspiration le... (Student Work) | 1985 | Brown, Myrna Kay Troxler | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
The Influence of Water Source Type and Insect Abundance on Bat Foraging Behavior in a Manage... (Student Work) | 2008 | Vindigni, Melissa Anne | MS | Biology, UNCG |
Influence of zinc supplementation on protein utilization in young rats (Student Work) | 1977 | Motsinger, Brenda McAdams | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Influences of energy conservation education on attitudes and behaviors of selected youths in... (Student Work) | 1981 | McCutcheon, Linda Flowers | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
The influences of parental racial socialization on the academic achievement of African Ameri... (Student Work) | 2009 | Friend, Christian | PhD | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Influences of urbanization on long-term streamflow patterns in different physiographic regio... (Student Work) | 2011 | Hey, Cassidy | MA | Geography, UNCG |
Influences on the early development of general health knowledge in young children (Student Work) | 1992 | Clark, Kathryn Summers | Ph.D. | Human Environmental Sciences, UNCG |
Influences on the identification of wives with the Air Force organization : an examination o... (Student Work) | 1985 | Beeson, Gilbert W. | Ed.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Influencing a physically active lifestyle through instructional practices in university basi... (Student Work) | 2013 | Moennich, Kevin D. | M.S. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Influential factors in career orientation and career aspiration of early adolescent females (Student Work) | 1995 | Rainey, Leslie Martin | Ph.D. | Education, UNCG |
Informal music learning in UNCG Ukes (Student Work) | 2016 | Secoy, Jacqueline Joy Ritorto | Ph.D. | Music Education, UNCG |
Informant gender differences in parental reports of Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder... (Student Work) | 2012 | Sommer, Jennifer L. | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
Information and the ethical apparel consumer : an exploration of the connections between kno... (Student Work) | 2024 | Hendershot, Haley Elizabeth | M.S. | Consumer, Apparel, and Retail Studies, UNCG |
Information disorder behavior on social media : a moral intensity perspective (Student Work) | 2021 | Xie, Wei | Ph.D. | Information Systems and Supply Chain Management, UNCG |
Information distribution and recharging dispatch strategy in large wireless networks (Student Work) | 2017 | Man, Yanmao | M.S. | Computer Science, UNCG |
Information on home furnishings for potential television programs designed to meet the inter... (Student Work) | 1959 | Griswold, Peggy Britt | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Information Science and Mythological Items (Student Work) | 2024 | Bowman, Vance J. | B.S. | Information Science, UNCG |
Information systems, competitive dynamics, and firm performance: an interpretive and centeri... (Student Work) | 2010 | Vannoy, Sandra A. | Ph.D. | Information Systems and Operations Management, UNCG |
Information technology enabled followership on social media platforms: a multimethod analysi... (Student Work) | 2018 | Uppala, Vishal | Ph.D. | Information Systems and Supply Chain Management, UNCG |
Information technology governance maturity and technology innovation in higher education: fa... (Student Work) | 2015 | Carraway, Deborah Louise | M.S. | Information Systems and Supply Chain Management, UNCG |
Information-seeking as a function of locus of control and situational control (Student Work) | 1974 | Daughtry, Timothy C. | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
Inhabiting a broken body: female agency in the Middle Ages AND Murderous mothers: implicatio... (Student Work) | 2018 | Beeman, Reba Katherine | M.A. | English, UNCG |
Inheritance and Other Stories (Student Work) | 2008 | Dietzer, Jenna | MFA | English, UNCG |
Inhibiting antimicrobial resistance in Staphylococcus aureus using natural products (Student Work) | 2013 | Ettefagh, Keivan A. | Ph.D. | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Inhibition of Cytochrome P450 2C9 by essential oils (Student Work) | 2015 | Cochrane, Meredith Lee | M.S. | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Inhibition of Cytochrome P450 2E1 and Cytochrome P450 2A6 by essential oils: tarragon (Artem... (Student Work) | 2014 | Khan, Mohammad Mazamal | M.S. | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Inhibition of Cytochrome P450 2E1, Cytochrome P450 3A6 and Cytochrome P450 2A6 by Citrus Ess... (Student Work) | 2010 | Williamson, Emily Ann | MS | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Inhibition of cytochrome P450 subfamilies 2E1, 2A6, & 2B4 using the Amazon acai berry, Euter... (Student Work) | 2010 | Stewart, Jonathan | MS | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Inhibition of cytochrome P4502E1 by lemongrass and the primary aldehyde constituent of lemon... (Student Work) | 2010 | Chen, Wei-Yang | MS | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Inhibition of Influenza A Viral Replication by Activity Modulation of the M2 Viral Protein. (Student Work) | 2010 | Kincaid, Jennifer Berrier | M.S. | Biology, UNCG |
The initial development and validation of the counselor empathy fatigue scale (CEFS) (Student Work) | 2023 | Whitbeck, Megan A. | Ph.D. | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
Initiating a Standardized Screening Tool for Sexual Histories in College Students (Student Work) | 2024 | Koenig, Christine | DNP | Nursing, UNCG |
Initiation of Rapid Start Antiretroviral Therapy (ART) in Men Who Have Sex with Men (MSM) (Student Work) | 2023 | Wilkins, Grace Kathryn | DNP | Nursing, UNCG |
Injective and coarse embeddings of persistence diagrams and Wasserstein space (Student Work) | 2023 | Pritchard, Christopher Neil | Ph.D. | Mathematics and Statistics, UNCG |
The injective envelope of the n x n upper triangular matrix ring over a field (Student Work) | 1970 | Bray, Elizabeth Edith | M.A. | Mathematics, UNCG |
Injective modules over commutative noetherian rings (Student Work) | 1974 | Staton, James Brooks | M.A. | Mathematics, UNCG |
Innovation activities in developing countries (Student Work) | 2022 | Sardar, Md Rashedur Rahman | Ph.D. | Economics, UNCG |
Innovative methods to advance the analysis of intact glycolipids by mass spectrometry (Student Work) | 2019 | Barrientos, Rodell C. | Ph.D. | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
An inquiry into the alignment between the theoretical assumptions of self-determination theo... (Student Work) | 2021 | Alansari, Rawiya | Ph.D. | Specialized Education Services, UNCG |
An inquiry into the attitudes of a selected group of African Americans towards the portrayal... (Student Work) | 1992 | Costello, Jane Hunt | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
An inquiry into food price information : specials and nonspecials (Student Work) | 1984 | Shell, Adeline Garner | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
An Inquiry into the Risk Factors Affecting Foster Care Children (Student Work) | 2024 | Wienecke, Emma | B.S.W. | Social Work, UNCG |
The insatiable Charlotte (Student Work) | 2016 | Makarion, Elena Christine | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
Inservice workshop for high school physics teachers : an evaluation (Student Work) | 1989 | Carroll, Terry Neal | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Inside edge (Student Work) | 2012 | Taylor, Jennifer Kristen | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
Inside the storm of Summertime Rain (Student Work) | 2022 | McDonald, Devon L. | M.M. | School of Music, UNCG |
Insightful imitation : Chopin’s Impromptu in C-sharp Minor as a pastiche of Moscheles (Student Work) | 2022 | Morace, Robin | D.M.A. | School of Music, UNCG |
Inspiration or defeat: the motivational and evaluative impact of social comparison on dyspho... (Student Work) | 2013 | Majestic, Catherine | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
Instigative aggression: traditional versus liberal sex roles (Student Work) | 1976 | Nirenberg, Theodore D. | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
Institutional effectiveness : a handbook for program implementation by members of the Accred... (Student Work) | 1995 | Wilburn, Howard L. | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Institutional relocation : examination of effects and efficacy of two preparatory training p... (Student Work) | 1980 | Nirenberg, Theodore D. | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
Instructional and trial durations in conditional discrimination (Student Work) | 1988 | Cooper, Lee David | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
Instructional geographic information science: map overlay and spatial abilities (Student Work) | 2010 | Tricot, Thomas Alexander | Ph.D. | Geography, UNCG |
An instructional manual for high school and beginning curling (Student Work) | 1971 | Moore, Judith A. | M.S. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
Instructional practices and professional culture in high growth high schools (Student Work) | 2017 | Stephan, Todd A. | Ed.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
An instrument for use in selecting supplementary materials from fiction to illuminate the we... (Student Work) | 1943 | Lindsay, Etta Mildred | M.A.Ed. | Education, UNCG |
Instrumental music education in rural North Carolina: a descriptive study (Student Work) | 2019 | Causby, Melody C. | Ph.D. | School of Music, UNCG |
Integrated preparation system: an adaptation of the theory and methodology of gymnastic trai... (Student Work) | 2019 | Phelps, Kurt Aaron | D.M.A. | School of Music, UNCG |
Integrating the extended clarinet : an exploratory process for incorporating extended techni... (Student Work) | 2022 | Gianini, Lucas Nunes | D.M.A. | School of Music, UNCG |
Integrating holistic human performance training into Basic Law Enforcement Training (Student Work) | 2018 | Thompson, Kathryn A. | Ed.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Integrating spirituality and religion into counseling : a guide to competent practice (Student Work) | 1994 | Cashwell, Craig S. | Ph.D. | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
Integrating uncertain XML data from different sources. (Student Work) | 2009 | Eshmawi, Ala A. | MS | Computer Science, UNCG |
The integration of acquisitions and mergers : an interpretive inquiry (Student Work) | 1991 | Dodgen, Loretta Pate | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
The integration of church and state : an examination of rural school and church partnerships... (Student Work) | 2021 | Sexton, Crystal L. | Ed.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
The integration of sound, resonance, and color in Lacrimosa for alto saxophone and piano by ... (Student Work) | 2016 | Thompson, Bobbi Amanda | D.M.A. | Music Performance, UNCG |
An integrative approach to the study of social competence in adolescence (Student Work) | 1992 | Lenhart, Lisa Anne | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
Intensity and frequency of children's fears (Student Work) | 1995 | Crawford, Susan Stemples | Ph.D. | Education, UNCG |
Intentional urbanism : a study of the components of grid-layout cities through time (Student Work) | 2023 | Bardsley, Roger | Ph.D. | Geography, Environment, and Sustainability, UNCG |
Interaction metabolomics to discover synergists in natural product mixtures (Student Work) | 2022 | Vidar, Warren S. | Ph.D. | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
The interaction of borderline personality disorder symptoms and relationship satisfaction in... (Student Work) | 2011 | Kuhlken, Katherine | MA | Psychology, UNCG |
The interaction of learning styles with learner control treatments in an interactive videodi... (Student Work) | 1989 | Burwell, Lawrence Barrett | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
The interaction of student-teacher relationships and mutual friends on academic achievement:... (Student Work) | 2011 | Boye, Jason E. | MA | Psychology, UNCG |
The Interaction of Temperament and Childhood Sexual Abuse in Predicting Symptoms of Borderli... (Student Work) | 2008 | Robertson, Christopher | MA | Psychology, UNCG |
Interactions of echinacea and spilanthes with human metabolizing systems (Student Work) | 2006 | Moulick, Kamalika | Master of Science | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Interactions of variants of the host blue-green bacterium Anacystis nidulans with a variant ... (Student Work) | 1977 | Brown, Anne Howard | M.A. | Biology, UNCG |
Interactions with Iraqi non-government organizations (Student Work) | 2012 | Emery, Maria Isabel | M.A. | Sociology, UNCG |
Interactive hypermedia : a comparative study of the effects of real-time motion videodisc ve... (Student Work) | 1991 | Meshot, Carole Jean | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
The interactive processes of leader vision alignment and team functioning in a temporary emp... (Student Work) | 1991 | Colgan, Malinda Beasley | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Interactive public "art-chitecture": engaging the city and its inhabitants (Student Work) | 2010 | Isaac Lara, Adriana | MS | Interior Architecture, UNCG |
Interactivity between a saxophone performer and a computer operator (Student Work) | 2006 | Ward, Cameron Bryan | Masters of Music | Music, UNCG |
Interchange (Student Work) | 1972 | Pritchett, Doris Davis | M.F.A. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
Interdepartmental sharing of resources in a small university : a curriculum planning case st... (Student Work) | 1983 | Boyd, Nellie Brown | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Interface I for horn and orchestra (Student Work) | 1975 | Follas, Ronald William | M.F.A. | Music, UNCG |
Interfaces and interfacings: posthuman ecologies, bodies and identities (Student Work) | 2016 | Skelley, Chelsea Atkins | Ph.D. | English, UNCG |
Intergenerational linguistic changes to the Spanish dialect of three participant groups from... (Student Work) | 2010 | Tyler, Sarah Gevene Hopton | M.A. | Languages, Literatures, and Cultures, UNCG |
An intergenerational study of value socialization in a low-income Appalachian subculture (Student Work) | 1988 | Robertson, Elizabeth B. | Ph.D. | Human Environmental Sciences, UNCG |
Intergenerational transmission of self-esteem : parental determinants and consequences for r... (Student Work) | 1994 | Dechman, Kimberly S. Klein | Ph.D. | Human Environmental Sciences, UNCG |
Interior studies (Student Work) | 1978 | Smith, Clare Purcell | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
Interleukin-10 Promotes cell proliferation in Epstein-Barr infected B cells through activati... (Student Work) | 2014 | Smith, Jansen Barrett | M.S. | Biology, UNCG |
Intermedia, hypermedia, and metamedia in Tarrare: consumption studies (Student Work) | 2013 | Wall, Jonathan Frederick | M.M. | Music, UNCG |
Internal base-directed regioselective aromatic Claisen rearrangements of imine derivatives (Student Work) | 2024 | Li, Runzi | M.S. | Chemistry, UNCG |
Internal/external occupational status congruence and life/job satisfaction of southern low-i... (Student Work) | 1984 | Farris, M. Cynthia | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
International immersion: an exploratory study of critical factors, sustained impact and coun... (Student Work) | 2011 | Mehta, Sejal | Ph.D. | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
International involvement in the Congo labyrinth (Student Work) | 1964 | Stephans, Patsy Routh | | History, UNCG |
The international student in the University of North Carolina (Student Work) | 1985 | VanSant, Flora McDonald | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
International supervisors' social influence, self-efficacy, and acculturation in cross-cultu... (Student Work) | 2009 | Chung, Mijin | Ph.D. | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
Interoperability of XML and relational data-optimization algorithm (Student Work) | 2005 | Ivanica, Adina D. | Master of Science | Computer Science, UNCG |
Interparental conflict and internalizing symptoms: the moderating role of positive peer rela... (Student Work) | 2010 | Fallah, Niloofar | MA | Psychology, UNCG |
The interpenetration of form and the ordering of the resulting fragmentation (Student Work) | 1973 | Jarvis, Judith Jane | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
Interpersonal perfectionism, attributions, expectations, and social disconnection in daily l... (Student Work) | 2019 | Harper, Kelly L. | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
Interplay (Student Work) | 1972 | Stubbs, Carolyn Cardwell | M.F.A. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
The interplay of feedback literacy, attachment anxiety, and supervisory working alliance in ... (Student Work) | 2024 | Pan, Yu | Ph.D. | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
An interpretation of movement education developed from curriculum critical theory (Student Work) | 1988 | Clayton, Lurah Brenda | Ed.D. | Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, UNCG |
Interpretations of Oliver Cromwell, 1647-1970 (Student Work) | 1971 | Lloyd, Anne Stephanie | M.A. | History, UNCG |
An interpretative essay concerning six works of art (Student Work) | 1978 | James, Walton Burton | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
An interpretative essay concerning twelve paintings (Student Work) | 1952 | Porter, Raiford Miller | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
Interpreting a three years' homemaking program in a rural high school to the community throu... (Student Work) | 1951 | Eller, Daphne | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
An interpretive analysis of elementary teachers' conceptions of caring (Student Work) | 1986 | Gray, Mary Ann C. | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
An interpretive analysis of some basic assumptions of academic advising at a large universit... (Student Work) | 1985 | Carter, Margaret Sandor | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
An interpretive analysis of teacher expectations in early childhood education (Student Work) | 1985 | Arnold, Genevieve Hunter | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
An interpretive inquiry into Chinese educators' reflections and perceptions of the Chinese u... (Student Work) | 1991 | Liu, Baoshan | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
An interpretive inquiry into the consciousness of special educators : the search for dignity... (Student Work) | 1985 | Keller, Virginia Zemp | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
An interpretive inquiry into psycho-social development of students with learning disabilitie... (Student Work) | 1995 | Bailey, Patricia L. | Ph.D. | Education, UNCG |
An interpretive inquiry into socialization and developmental processes concurrent with prese... (Student Work) | 1989 | Bowers, Rebecca Sue | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
An interpretive inquiry into student teachers' reflections on instruction (Student Work) | 1991 | Spooner, Melba McCall | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
An interpretive inquiry into using adolescent literature to inform pre-service teachers abou... (Student Work) | 1989 | Degni, Suzanne M. | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
An interpretive inquiry into the world of the teacher (Student Work) | 1979 | Rubio, Carmelo Albert | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
An interpretive inquiry of preservice teachers' reflections and development during a field-b... (Student Work) | 1992 | Sebren, Mary Abb | Ed.D. | Health and Human Performance, UNCG |
An interpretive inquiry of the professional life histories of selected women dance/physical ... (Student Work) | 1992 | Clark, Dawn | Ed.D. | Health and Human Performance, UNCG |
The interrelationship of the creative process and creative personality to activities and met... (Student Work) | 1971 | Mesenbrink, Robberta | Ed. D. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
Interrelationships among selenium, iron status biomarkers and body weight in young adults (Student Work) | 2019 | Larvie, Doreen Y. | M.S. | Nutrition, UNCG |
Interrelationships of light and space within the still-life painting and the figure drawing (Student Work) | 1976 | Williams, Gretchen Van Loon | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
Interrupted versus uninterrupted story reading to preschool children (Student Work) | 1983 | Anderson, Anna Marie | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Interval serialization and its use in Exploring the third major nebula. (Student Work) | 2009 | Clem, Daniel Travis | MM | Music, UNCG |
An intervention to promote self-efficacy and physical activity in individuals with Type 2 di... (Student Work) | 2022 | Booker, Amber Fair | Ed.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Interventions to Increase Osteoporosis Screening in Patients with Seizure Disorder on Antiep... (Student Work) | 2024 | Bastable, Jamie | DNP | Nursing, UNCG |
Interventions with good intentions: effective implementation of response to intervention in ... (Student Work) | 2013 | Kissell, Tina Marie Eberly | Ed.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Intonation tendencies of selected university flute, oboe, and clarinet players (Student Work) | 1989 | Church, Ray Edward | Ed.D. | Music, UNCG |
Intra-modality selective attention to dioptically- and dichoptically-presented patterns and ... (Student Work) | 1974 | Wilson, Lynda Elizabeth | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
The Intracellular Consequences of the Interaction between Epstein-Barr Virus Protein BZLF1 a... (Student Work) | 2008 | Wakeman, Brian S. | MS | Biology, UNCG |
Intrapersonal and interpersonal factors influencing physical activity in Arab Americans: a s... (Student Work) | 2019 | Nahari, Ahmed Mohammad J. | Ph.D. | Nursing, UNCG |
Introduction of cooperative learning in one rural elementary school by the school psychologi... (Student Work) | 1992 | Jones, Thomas Ernest | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
The introduction of Methodism into North Carolina, 1772-1785 (Student Work) | 1969 | Fripp, Gayle Hicks | M.A. | History and Political Science, UNCG |
An introduction to the game of hex (Student Work) | 1970 | Simmons, Steven Daniel | M.A. | Mathematics, UNCG |
An introduction to knots and knot groups (Student Work) | 1970 | Supulski, Gwendolyn Eva | M.A. | Mathematics, UNCG |
Introduction, technical information, catalogue, and reproductions (Student Work) | 1966 | Gordon, Harvey Charles | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
An introspective inquiry into what and how preservice physical education teachers observe in... (Student Work) | 1983 | Allison, Pamela C. | Ed.D. | Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, UNCG |
An inventory of biophilic design attributes within child life play spaces (Student Work) | 2012 | McGee, Beth L. | M.S. | Interior Architecture, UNCG |
Investigating antecedents and consequences of exploratory consumer behavior in the context o... (Student Work) | 2017 | Cook, Sasikarn Chatvijit | Ph.D. | Consumer, Apparel, and Retail Studies, UNCG |
Investigating the biosynthesis of the ß-branch found in the polyketide difficidin isolated f... (Student Work) | 2019 | Kiel, Brittany E. | Ph.D. | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Investigating the diversity of secondary metabolites from filamentous fungi (Student Work) | 2017 | Paguigan, Noemi D. | Ph.D. | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Investigating the effect of xenobiotics on honeybee intestinal stem cell proliferation (Student Work) | 2012 | Sackey-Mensah, Cordelia | M.S. | Biology, UNCG |
Investigating emic care in Appalachians of Western North Carolina (Student Work) | 2018 | Frederick, Delia England | Ph.D. | Nursing, UNCG |
Investigating the gap between evidence and practice in the use of virtual reality for physic... (Student Work) | 2021 | Felsberg, Danielle Tomeck | Ph.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Investigating gene–environment interaction as a contributor to language performance. (Student Work) | 2010 | Simone, Laura E. | M.S. | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Investigating the impact of health analytics on the cost and quality of care for patients wi... (Student Work) | 2016 | Mirzaei, Tala | Ph.D. | Information Systems and Supply Chain Management, UNCG |
Investigating the impact of routinized health information technology on hospital effectivene... (Student Work) | 2022 | Jenkins, Jimmy Howard | Ph.D. | Information Systems and Supply Chain Management, UNCG |
Investigating the Influence of Various Migratory Allyl Ethers on the Regioselectivity of the... (Student Work) | 2023 | Brown, Logan E. | B.S. | Chemistry, UNCG |
Investigating the inhibition of cytochrome P450 isoform 1A1 by açai berry (Euterpe oleracea)... (Student Work) | 2016 | Collins, Davis Earl | M.S. | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Investigating intersubjectivity in peer-review-based, technology-enabled knowledge creation ... (Student Work) | 2015 | Babik, Dmytro | Ph.D. | Information Systems and Supply Chain Management, UNCG |
Investigating the mechanism of action of a new gold based therapeutic with re-myelinating pr... (Student Work) | 2019 | Garikipati, Vandana | Ph.D. | Joint School of Nanoscience and Nanoengineering, UNCG |
Investigating methylcitric acid cycle enzymes in Bacillus subtilis and polyketide synthase e... (Student Work) | 2022 | Meadows, Victoria Gail | Ph.D. | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Investigating the North Carolina charter school movement: a critical discourse analysis of e... (Student Work) | 2015 | Carr, Nora K. | Ed.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Investigating older female consumers’ environmentally sustainable apparel consumption throug... (Student Work) | 2018 | Kim, Gwia | M.S. | Consumer, Apparel, and Retail Studies, UNCG |
Investigating the physical properties of still life objects and figure studies (Student Work) | 1976 | Quick, Archie | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
Investigating preservice teachers’ instructional decision-making for reading (Student Work) | 2020 | Moore, Hanna | Ph.D. | Specialized Education Services, UNCG |
Investigating Proactive Interference Effects After Switching Encoding Language in Bilingual ... (Student Work) | 2023 | Xu, Mufeng | B.S. | Cognitive Psychology, UNCG |
Investigating the relationship between self-efficacy and anxiety symptom interpretation in y... (Student Work) | 2024 | Confar, Dylan T. | M.S. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Investigating the relationship between word knowledge and cognitive ability (Student Work) | 1991 | Hall, Dorothy P. | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Investigating the relationships among breathing, attachment, and emotion-regulation (Student Work) | 2014 | Crockett, Jamie E. | Ph.D. | Counseling, UNCG |
Investigating relationships with alcohol: the construction of meaning through narrative in i... (Student Work) | 2013 | Good, Adrian Brinton | M.A. | Sociology, UNCG |
Investigating the role of plasma proteins in the cellular uptake of metallic nanoparticles (Student Work) | 2013 | Stewart, Kimberly D. | M.S. | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Investigating sources of seasonal variation in mercury exported from an upland-peatland ecos... (Student Work) | 2016 | Woerndle, Glenn | M.S. | Biology, UNCG |
Investigating teacher preferences for teaching in charter schools and the democratic implica... (Student Work) | 2019 | Barr, Daniel A. | Ed.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
An investigation and analysis of ninth grade academic profiles and plans after high school (Student Work) | 1991 | Simon, Nancy Tysinger | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Investigation and comparison of stereoisomer products of 2-methylcitrate synthase and 2-meth... (Student Work) | 2017 | Adams, Sydney Lucille Hughes | M.S. | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
An investigation into the behaviors of high school leaders : gender and its relationship to ... (Student Work) | 2006 | Nixon, Melissa Murray | EdD | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
An investigation into the effects of a specially designed introductory poetry unit on the co... (Student Work) | 1979 | Ball, Eugenia Ruth | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Investigation into hippocampal-dependent memory: the effects of exercise and nutrition (Student Work) | 2016 | Bocchine, Anthony J. | M.S. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Investigation into the inhibition of drug-metabolizing Cytochrome P450 isoenzymes by the Ama... (Student Work) | 2014 | Hollers, Bradley Christopher | M.S. | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Investigation into the mechanism of catalysis for the kinetic resolution of a,a-Disubstitute... (Student Work) | 2018 | Wilson, Gregory T. | M.S. | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Investigation into qNMR for use in natural products research (Student Work) | 2016 | Brooks, Wilson | M.S. | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
An investigation into the relationship between locomotor dynamics and adaptability (Student Work) | 2018 | Cone, Brian Lawrence | Ph.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
An investigation into the relationship between mother-child co-regulation patterns and self-... (Student Work) | 2021 | Bayer, Savannah | M.S. | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
An investigation into teaching games for understanding (Student Work) | 1995 | Turner, Adrian P. | Ph.D. | Health and Human Performance, UNCG |
An investigation into the types of homes represented in the home economics department of the... (Student Work) | 1933 | Faison, Mary Davis | M.S. | Home Economics, UNCG |
An investigation of analytics and business intelligence applications in improving healthcare... (Student Work) | 2017 | Bedeley, Rudolph Tetteh | Ph.D. | Information Systems and Operations Management, UNCG |
An Investigation of Antecedents and Consequences of Consumers’ Attitudes Toward an Apparel W... (Student Work) | 2010 | Lee, Zui-Chih | Ph.D. | Consumer, Apparel, and Retail Studies, UNCG |
An Investigation of Attitudes Towards Adults with Mental Illness Among Mental Health Profess... (Student Work) | 2008 | Smith, Allison L. | PhD | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
An investigation of auditory laterality effects for sung stimuli : influence of musical trai... (Student Work) | 1979 | Mayo, Walter Stephen | Ed.D. | Music, UNCG |
An investigation of auditory laterality effects for verbal and melodic stimuli among musicia... (Student Work) | 1977 | Franklin, Elda | Ed.D. | Music, UNCG |
An investigation of breath holding with exercise calisthenics (Student Work) | 1968 | Jaynes, Betty | M.S. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
An investigation of certain personality factors as correlates of perceptual responses (Student Work) | 1959 | Jarman, Frances Elaine | | Psychology, UNCG |
An investigation of commitment to information security and information sharing on social med... (Student Work) | 2020 | Li, Xiaoyu | Ph.D. | Information Systems and Supply Chain Management, UNCG |
An investigation of the comparability and accuracy of three differential item functioning (d... (Student Work) | 1995 | Harman, Ann Elizabeth | Ph.D. | Education, UNCG |
An investigation of cross-situational consistency in the behavior of compulsive and histrion... (Student Work) | 1988 | Amodei, Nancy | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
An investigation of the curricular and instructional leadership roles of elementary principa... (Student Work) | 1988 | Owen, Jean Davis | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
An investigation of diagnostic sex bias for narcissistic personality disorder, in comparison... (Student Work) | 1994 | Kolker, Jeannette I. | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
Investigation of dialysis methods for the complete removal of Cl- from photosystem II (Student Work) | 2006 | Li, Xiaoming | Master of Science | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Investigation of dietary zinc and linoleic acid interactions in the Sprague-Dawley rat (Student Work) | 1988 | McCarthy, Patrick Vincent | Ph.D. | Human Environmental Sciences, UNCG |
An investigation of ecocultural influences on sustained engagement: insights from parents in... (Student Work) | 2015 | Cummings, Katrina P. | Ph.D. | Specialized Education Services, UNCG |
An investigation of the effects of feedback on creativity and self-confidence levels of perf... (Student Work) | 1975 | Higgs, Howard Rutter | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
An investigation of the effects of reed strength on the radiated waveform of a b-flat clarin... (Student Work) | 1986 | Smiley, William C. | Ed.D. | Music, UNCG |
An investigation of the effects of selected variables on the Graduate Management Admission T... (Student Work) | 1993 | Howard, Sandra Anita | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
An investigation of the effects of two training programs on selected cardio-respiratory vari... (Student Work) | 1962 | King, Louise Chloe | M.S. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
Investigation of endothelial cell injury and dysfunction induced by air pollutant benzo-a-py... (Student Work) | 2018 | Shah, Halley Jayesh | Ph.D. | Biology, UNCG |
Investigation of environmental virus-host interactions: chlorpyrifos effects on Epstein-Barr... (Student Work) | 2019 | Miller, Katelyn Jo | Ph.D. | Biology, UNCG |
An investigation of facilities and equipment available for speech and hearing therapy in the... (Student Work) | 1970 | Nowlin, Lucinda Lyon | M.A. | Drama and Speech, UNCG |
An investigation of the feasibility of employing scores on tests of musical aptitude, academ... (Student Work) | 1972 | Hufstader, Ronald Alan | M.M. | Music, UNCG |
The investigation of the impact of physical education on social and emotional learning and e... (Student Work) | 2023 | Russell-Belcher, Brittany | Ed.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
An investigation of inferred and professed self-concept-as-learner of gifted and average mid... (Student Work) | 1989 | Harper, Kenneth Leon | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
An investigation of the influence of pediatric unit design on nurses' fatigue (Student Work) | 2014 | Qu, Sangni | M.F.A. | Interior Architecture, UNCG |
Investigation of the interaction between myosin IIA and filamentous actin during insulin sti... (Student Work) | 2012 | Stall, Richard | M.S. | Biology, UNCG |
An investigation of the interrelations of attributional bias, life stress, and social suppor... (Student Work) | 1989 | Arbuckle, Barry Scott | Ph.D. | Human Environmental Sciences, UNCG |
An investigation of leadership characteristics and backgrounds of prominent women educators ... (Student Work) | 1986 | Fitzgerald, Jeri A. | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
An investigation of the long-term effects of early developmental stress exposure in the Hone... (Student Work) | 2019 | Vega Meléndez, Carlos Jose | Ph.D. | Biology, UNCG |
An investigation of the methodological problems inherent in the use of teachers as observers... (Student Work) | 1974 | Hay, Linda Rudin | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
An investigation of middle school teachers' thinking about motivation (Student Work) | 2013 | Wall, Nancy Amanda | Ph.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
An investigation of the motivations for second-hand clothing donation and purchase (Student Work) | 2011 | Baker, Jennifer Bauk | MS | Consumer, Apparel, and Retail Studies, UNCG |
Investigation of Needs, Best Practices, and Challenges in Physical Education with Limited En... (Student Work) | 2008 | Ballard, Kymm D. | EdD | Kinesiology, UNCG |
An investigation of non-salary incentives as viewed by Cleveland County teachers (Student Work) | 1989 | McSwain, Jerry Winfred | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Investigation of optoelectronic properties and anti/pro-oxidation effects of carbon nanodots... (Student Work) | 2023 | Azami, Mahsa | Ph.D. | Joint School of Nanoscience and Nanoengineering, UNCG |
An investigation of outdoor adventure leadership and programming preparation in physical edu... (Student Work) | 1988 | Uhlendorf, Karen Jane | Ed.D. | Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, UNCG |
An investigation of paedomorphic secondary xylem and secondary woodiness in Xanthorhiza simp... (Student Work) | 2008 | Dulin, Max W. | MS | Biology, UNCG |
An investigation of the perception of the role of resource teacher in the education of educa... (Student Work) | 1979 | Boyles, Carolyn Dale | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
An investigation of performance consistency of intercollegiate and interscholastic basketbal... (Student Work) | 1980 | McDuffie, Richard Adrian | Ed.D. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
An investigation of personality and value characteristics of successful high school band dir... (Student Work) | 1973 | Beaver, Maxie | Ed. D. | Music, UNCG |
An investigation of personality characteristics and demographic profiles of women and men in... (Student Work) | 1990 | Robertson, Patricia Elaine | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Investigation of plastic crystal and metal-organic framework-based solid-state electrolytes (Student Work) | 2021 | Letfullina, Alla | Ph.D. | Nanoscience, UNCG |
An investigation of the possibility of differential effects of color upon human emotions (Student Work) | 1958 | Richmond, Dorothy | | Psychology, UNCG |
An investigation of possible relationships between telecourse student success and student su... (Student Work) | 1995 | Schumaker, Mary L. | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
An investigation of the prediction of success in women's field hockey (Student Work) | 1979 | Chapman, Nancy L. | Ed.D. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
An investigation of the professed characteristics and backgrounds of women in managerial pos... (Student Work) | 1983 | Vincent, Joan Kay | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
An investigation of a programmed method of beginning reading instruction utilizing phrases a... (Student Work) | 1968 | Higgs, Howard Rutter | M.A. | Home Economics, UNCG |
An investigation of psychological type and career maturity (Student Work) | 1994 | Freeman, Suzanne Cole | Ph.D. | Education, UNCG |
An investigation of the real-problem-solving curriculum in the college general education mat... (Student Work) | 1983 | Treadway, Ray Theodore | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
An investigation of the recruitment and retention of qualified speech therapists in the Nort... (Student Work) | 1969 | Franklin, Nancy Campbell | M.A. | Drama and Speech, UNCG |
An investigation of the relationship between aphasia and sensorimotor level cognitive functi... (Student Work) | 1977 | Earle, Patty T. | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
An investigation of the relationship between the cardiac cost during a basketball game and t... (Student Work) | 1968 | Kerr, Frances Beth | M.S. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
An investigation of the relationship between positive and negative assertive behavior (Student Work) | 1976 | Talbert, Elisabeth Elaine | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
An investigation of the relationship of musical aptitude and intelligence of students at the... (Student Work) | 1984 | Webb, Marjorie Nan A. | Ed.D. | Music, UNCG |
An investigation of the relationship of oxidized carotenoids to off-odor development in dehy... (Student Work) | 1969 | Cox, Ruby Hurley | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Investigation of the relationship of tip extension and cellulase secretion in Neurospora Cra... (Student Work) | 1974 | Goolsby, Kathy Martin | M.A. | Biology, UNCG |
An investigation of the relationships among leadership styles, occupational stress, and type... (Student Work) | 1989 | Bradford, Norman Charles | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
An investigation of the relationships between common stressors, brood-signaling, hygienic be... (Student Work) | 2015 | Wagoner, Kaira Malinda | Ph.D. | Biology, UNCG |
An investigation of the relationships between Gaston County's instructional management syste... (Student Work) | 1991 | Shellman, David Wayne | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
An investigation of secondary physical education teachers’ attitudes towards and perceptions... (Student Work) | 2022 | Boone, Natalie | Ed.D | Kinesiology, UNCG |
An investigation of self-concept, clothing selection, and life satisfaction among disabled c... (Student Work) | 2012 | Chang, Hyo Jung | Ph.D. | Consumer, Apparel, and Retail Studies, UNCG |
An investigation of self-concept-as-learner of Native American middle level learners (Student Work) | 1993 | Lowery, Jo Ann | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
An investigation of self-efficacy and control theory with elite distance runners (Student Work) | 1992 | Martin, Jeffrey John | Ph.D. | Health and Human Performance, UNCG |
An investigation of skill test items as measures of golf playing ability (Student Work) | 1973 | Hudson, Agnes Scott | M.S. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
An investigation of some refined aspects of tension in painting (Student Work) | 1960 | Salley, Anne Katharine | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
The investigation of some water--carbohydrate and water--polyhydroxyalcohol systems utilizin... (Student Work) | 1975 | O'Neil, Susan Elizabeth | M.S. | Chemistry, UNCG |
Investigation of the source of stimulus control as a function of the number of negative trai... (Student Work) | 1972 | Rand, Judith Furber | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
An investigation of the speech and drama curriculum in the community colleges, junior colleg... (Student Work) | 1971 | Nance, Donald Alan | M.A. | Drama and Speech, UNCG |
An investigation of the test-impaired new learning effect with associative recognition (Student Work) | 2016 | Bettencourt, Kathleen M. | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
An investigation of the use of the occluded forehead bone conduction method in a clinical se... (Student Work) | 1972 | Hodges, Sarah Rowland | M.A. | Drama and Speech, UNCG |
The investigation of variable nernst equilibria on isolated neurons and coupled neurons form... (Student Work) | 2016 | Meier, Stephen R. | Ph.D. | Nanoscience and Nanoengineering, UNCG |
An investigation of variables that predict string students’ musical achievement (Student Work) | 2023 | Lofdahl, Heather Ann | Ph.D. | School of Music, UNCG |
An investigation on computer-adaptive multistage testing panels for multidimensional assessm... (Student Work) | 2013 | Wang, Xinrui | Ph.D. | Educational Research, Measurement, and Evaluation, UNCG |
Investigations in drawing and painting (Student Work) | 1975 | Abbott, Janet Newsome | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
Investigations in the synthesis of isocarbacyclin analogs involving transition metal catalys... (Student Work) | 2013 | Gettys, Kristen Elizabeth | M.S. | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Investing the "time" in time-based prospective memory (Student Work) | 2011 | Waldum, Emily Rose | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
Invisible to visible, unheard to heard: African American principals leading high priority sc... (Student Work) | 2014 | Wilkerson, Reginald DeVan | Ed.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
An involvement with the dreaming face (Student Work) | 1974 | Elliott, Carmen Alma | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
Ion mobility mass spectrometry of isomeric RNA biomarkers (Student Work) | 2018 | Mwangi, Joseph Njoroge | Ph.D. | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Ionic modulation of QPX stability as a nano - switch regulating gene expression in neurons (Student Work) | 2016 | Baghaee, Ravari Soodeh | Ph.D. | Joint School of Nanoscience and Nanoengineering, UNCG |
Iris series (Student Work) | 1972 | Moore, Cynthia Cox | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
Irish radicals, southern conservatives: slavery, religious liberty, and the Presbyterian fri... (Student Work) | 2011 | Moore, Joseph S. | Ph.D. | History, UNCG |
The Irish theatre of Brian Friel : texts and contexts (Student Work) | 1992 | Dennis, Mary Kate Lowrey | Ph.D. | English, UNCG |
Iron carbonyl catalyzed rearrangement of BICYCLO[6.1.0]nonene systems (Student Work) | 1977 | Dasher, Luther Winfield | M.S. | Chemistry, UNCG |
Is it testimony or trait? Understanding children’s preferences for informants (Student Work) | 2019 | Croce, Rachel C. | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
Is the leadership in the black church complicit in the perpetuation of dominance and oppress... (Student Work) | 2009 | Gillespie, Robin Rachelle Cox | PhD | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
Is the Me Too movement influencing a shift towards carceral feminism? (Student Work) | 2021 | Moberly, Elizabeth Carter | M.A. | Sociology, UNCG |
Is the plausibility account of the illusion of truth effect plausible? (Student Work) | 2019 | Chang, Yoojin | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
Is an understanding of moral obligation associated with the moral virtue gratitude? (Student Work) | 2016 | Mendonca, Sara Ann Etz | M.S. | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Isang Yun's musical bilingualism: serial technique and Korean elements in Fünf Stücke für Kl... (Student Work) | 2012 | Lee, Ko Eun | D.M.A. | Music, UNCG |
Isolation of auxotrophic mutants of the blue-green bacterium, Anacystis nidulans, and Isolat... (Student Work) | 1977 | Spivey, David Lee | M.A. | Biology, UNCG |
Isolation of fungal secondary metabolites: leporin B, benzoisoquinoline and related compound... (Student Work) | 2017 | Turner, Franklin L. | M.S. | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Isolation of novel naphthoquinones from fungal strain MSX53507, Cladorrhinum sp. (Student Work) | 2019 | Gallagher, Jacklyn M. | M.S. | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Isotopic labeling of heme in dehaloperoxidase and CYP102A2 for NMR studies (Student Work) | 2007 | Bryson, David Irby | Master of Science | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Isotopic probe for spectroscopic studies of heme (Student Work) | 2009 | Manjunath, Sandhya C. | MS | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Israeli acute paralysis virus impact on Apis mellifera queens’ attractiveness, transmission ... (Student Work) | 2016 | Zuluaga Smith, Wendy Kendy | M.S. | Biology, UNCG |
Issues and problems of Cuban identity and acculturation (Student Work) | 1985 | Colmenero, Jose Antonio | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Issues influencing medication adherence in Black women with hypertension (Student Work) | 2011 | Abel, Willie M. | Ph.D. | Nursing, UNCG |
Isthmus (Student Work) | 2008 | Goff, Peter | MFA | Studio Art, UNCG |
It is so ordered : the storytelling power of the United States Supreme Court (Student Work) | 2023 | Ellison, Kristie L. | Ph.D. | English, UNCG |
It is. It is not: a composition for narrator and electronics (Student Work) | 2020 | Sirvent, Maria Lihuen | M.M. | School of Music, UNCG |
It Takes A Village to Raise an Andy: A Low-Fi Portrait (Student Work) | 2007 | Hall, Peggy Ann | MA | Liberal Studies, UNCG |
“It’s complicated” : Black people who are social justice oriented and have a tension-filled ... (Student Work) | 2024 | Ferguson, Josette Ruth | Ph.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Item parameter changes and equating: an examination of the effects of lack of item parameter... (Student Work) | 2013 | Store, Davie | Ed.D. | Educational Research, Measurement, and Evaluation, UNCG |
The itinerant justices of Henry II (Student Work) | 1965 | Preimats, Rudite | | History, UNCG |
It's deja vu all over again : the failure of educational reform in Reagan's America (Student Work) | 1991 | Smith, Penny | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
"It's just different for women": exploring the post-military development of female veterans ... (Student Work) | 2016 | Mathwig, Amber M. | M.A. | Women's and Gender Studies, UNCG |
J. R. R. Tolkien, ecology, and education (Student Work) | 2015 | Burkhart, Thad A. | Ph.D. | English, UNCG |
James Cunningham Harper and the Lenoir, North Carolina High School band (Student Work) | 1973 | Hammond, Frank Milton | Ed.D. | Music, UNCG |
James DeMars’s Concerto for Violin: the process of creating the orchestral reduction (Student Work) | 2016 | Ironside, Kristen Deanna | D.M.A. | Music, UNCG |
James Fenimore Cooper and the genteel hero of romance (Student Work) | 1975 | Gladsky, Thomas S. | Ph.D. | English, UNCG |
James Fenimore Cooper's "bad" Indians : a study of Magua, Mahtoree and Wyandotte´ (Student Work) | 1969 | Williams, Owen D. | M.A. | English, UNCG |
James Francis Burke’s Zorita (c. 1968): a transcribed edition for solo cornet and brass quin... (Student Work) | 2013 | Bennett, Wayne Clifford | D.M.A. | Music, UNCG |
James Ralph Scales : a case study of sixteen years of university leadership (Student Work) | 1988 | Pearman, Roger R. | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Jane Austen at play : self-consciousness, beginnings, endings (Student Work) | 1990 | Kuwahara, Kuldip Kaur | Ph.D. | English, UNCG |
Jane Austen’s Persuasion and Wentworth’s unconscious constancy ; and, “Nay, Mama, if he is n... (Student Work) | 2014 | Moore, Kellia | M.A. | English, UNCG |
Jean-Jacques Rousseau's writings on music as an aspect of preromanticism (Student Work) | 1972 | Mabe, Cassandra Pritchett | M.A. | Romance Languages-French, UNCG |
Jean Giraudoux, his life and works : a critical bibliography, 1945-1954 (Student Work) | 1973 | Emma, Patsy Ann | M.A. | Romance Languages-French, UNCG |
Jewelry sets (Student Work) | 2011 | McDade, Neela Rao | MFA | English, UNCG |
Jewishly-informed mature adult service-learning (Student Work) | 2013 | Bretan, Gail Helene | Ph.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Jews in North Carolina : identification and community satisfaction (Student Work) | 1975 | Fleishman, Edward Jay | M.A. | Sociology, UNCG |
Job design of patternmakers in apparel manufacturing (Student Work) | 1990 | Staples, Nancy Jeanne | Ph.D. | Human Environmental Sciences, UNCG |
Job Satisfaction and Intent to Leave the Profession of Athletic Training (Student Work) | 2008 | Terranova, Aaron B. | EdD | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Job tenure of moonlighters in a service occupation (Student Work) | 1972 | Nile, Julia Bree | M.A. | Sociology, UNCG |
Joe Henderson: An Analysis of Harmony in Selected Compositions and Improvisations (Student Work) | 2008 | White, Arthur Lynn | DMA | Music, UNCG |
Jogando e crescendo em comunidade : a critical autoethnography of integrating sociological m... (Student Work) | 2022 | Flores, Santos J. | Ph.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
John Donne's two anniversaries (Student Work) | 1964 | McGlaun, Rithia Anna | M.A. | English, UNCG |
John Updike and Norman Mailer : sport inferences (Student Work) | 1972 | Upshaw, Kathryn Jane | M.S. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
Johnny Hodges: an analysis and study of his improvisational style through selected transcrip... (Student Work) | 2021 | Hill, Aaron D. | D.M.A. | Music, UNCG |
Johnson, nature, and women : the early years (Student Work) | 1994 | Elliott, Helen Y. | Ph.D. | English, UNCG |
José Donoso: los conflictos psicológicos del individuo frente a una sociedad que cambia radi... (Student Work) | 2013 | Leiva Silva, Nora B. | M.S. | Romance Languages and Literatures, UNCG |
Joseph Milford Nicholson (b. 1935) : pioneer trombone historian (Student Work) | 2007 | Judd, Andrew David | DMA | Music, UNCG |
Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu, an initiator of the psychological thriller (Student Work) | 1973 | Meisart, Michelle F. | M.A. | English, UNCG |
Joseph Willcox Jenkins: male chorus arrangements of Stephen Collins Foster melodies (Student Work) | 2012 | Cannon, Carey Joseph | D.M.A. | Music, UNCG |
Journey (Student Work) | 1973 | Burke, Maureen E. | M.F.A. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
'Journey into the square' a geographical perspective of sacred harp (Student Work) | 2012 | Abee, Michele | M.A. | Geography, UNCG |
The journey of becoming a distinguished elementary teacher leader (Student Work) | 2013 | Finberg, Robin A. | Ed.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Journey through (Student Work) | 2013 | Williamson, Clark Ellis | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
Journeying into darkness: spatializing Latinx students’ literacy narratives in the in-betwee... (Student Work) | 2020 | Hinman, Tierney B. | Ph.D. | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
The journeys of three international teachers working in North Carolina public schools (Student Work) | 2022 | Smith Pennington, Carolyn Tracy | Ed.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Joy (Student Work) | 2019 | Brunelli, Kristen Ashley | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
Joy : a phenomenological and aesthetic view (Student Work) | 1994 | Liston, Delores D. | Ph.D. | Education, UNCG |
Judicial and statutory definition of authority : selected case studies of the Burger court (Student Work) | 1988 | Metcalf, Roger Dale | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
A judicial definition of immorality as cause for teacher dismissal : a comparison of two era... (Student Work) | 1989 | Harris, Fred Eugene | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Judicial knight errant: Walter Clark and the long Progressive era in North Carolina (Student Work) | 2015 | Kaiser, John James | Ph.D. | History, UNCG |
Jugtown pottery : history and design (Student Work) | 1962 | Crawford, Mary Jean | M.F.A. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Junior high school choral music teachers' philosophies of vocal mutation, choices of music, ... (Student Work) | 1987 | Funderburk-Galva´n, Janet | Ed.D. | Music, UNCG |
Junior high to middle school transition : a portrait of one setting's metamorphosis (Student Work) | 1990 | Schnuit, Lisa Louise Zimmerman | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Juno & Bruno (Student Work) | 2024 | Crutcher, Chris Christopher | M.M. | School of Music, UNCG |
Jusep Torres Campalans: una propuesta artística (Student Work) | 2020 | Acosta, Gretel | M.A. | Languages, Literatures, and Cultures, UNCG |
Just a click away : first-time mothers’ invisible presence using social networking sites (Student Work) | 2021 | Elliott, Gail M. C. | Ph.D. | Nursing, UNCG |
"Just a dream": community, identity, and the blues of Big Bill Broonzy (Student Work) | 2011 | Greene, Kevin D. | Ph.D. | History, UNCG |
"Just to dance" (Student Work) | 1972 | Festa, Anita Marie | M.F.A. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
‘Just’ a sweet transvestite(?): (re)contextualizing Rocky Horror’s Dr. Frank-N-Furter (Student Work) | 2021 | Hamilton, Sullivan | M.A. | English, UNCG |
Justice reasoning and responsibility reasoning in relation to commitment and happiness in lo... (Student Work) | 1988 | Goodwin, Ellen Pemberton | Ph.D. | Human Environmental Sciences, UNCG |
Kairos (Student Work) | 1975 | Wellford, Jane | M.F.A. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
Kaleidoscope (Student Work) | 2015 | Harris, Kerry Anne | M.F.A. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Kaleidoscopes : an imaginative look at the aesthetic and existential dimensions of education... (Student Work) | 1981 | McNeil, Sue Ellen Fagg | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Katrina’s aftermath: the New Orleans “looter” as framed by the media. (Student Work) | 2010 | Priesmeyer, Jessica Lynn | M.A. | Sociology, UNCG |
Keep me from sinking down: a thematic catalog of the violin works by Samuel Coleridge-Taylor... (Student Work) | 2018 | Ottoni do Rosario, Leonardo | D.M.A. | School of Music, UNCG |
Keepin' It Real: The Black Male's (Dis) Ability to Achieve in Higher Education (Student Work) | 2007 | Phillips, Adrienne Louise | PhD | English, UNCG |
Keeping the keys: mentoring and support for aspiring principals (Student Work) | 2010 | Citty, Gay S. | Ed.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Keeping Older Adult Drivers Safe: An Initiative To Increase Safety Screening In Primary Care... (Student Work) | 2023 | Wittenborn, Deborah M. | DNP | Nursing, UNCG |
Keeping up with the Joneses : Progressive Era revivalism in the South and the rise of the Ch... (Student Work) | 2024 | Rouse, Anderson R. | Ph.D. | History, UNCG |
Kenneth Frazelle's Blue Ridge airs I and Sonata for cello and piano : a synthesis of music, ... (Student Work) | 1993 | Inkman, Joanne Elizabeth | D.M.A. | Music, UNCG |
Kernel density estimation using randomized response models (Student Work) | 2024 | Shou, Wenhao | Ph.D. | Mathematics and Statistics, UNCG |
The keyboard sonatas of Marianna Martines (1744-1812) : contexts for performance, accompanie... (Student Work) | 2024 | Garcia Gil, Patricia | D.M.A. | School of Music, UNCG |
The kids are not all right: LGBTQIA+ student identity and introductory film studies curricul... (Student Work) | 2020 | O'Brien, Stephanie P. | Ph.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Kierkegaard's concept of the individual (Student Work) | 1967 | Pinell, Beverly J. | | History, UNCG |
Kindergartners who become friends : classroom influences on interactions and patterns of sta... (Student Work) | 1995 | Winterhoff, Paul Andrew | Ph.D. | Human Environmental Sciences, UNCG |
Kinematic and kinetic effects of knee and ankle sagittal plane joint restrictions during squ... (Student Work) | 2005 | Howard, R. Lee | PhD | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Kinesthesis in relation to skill level in basketball, bowling and tennis (Student Work) | 1963 | Sisley, Becky L. | M.S. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
Kinetic and temporal correlates to skillfulness in vertical jumping (Student Work) | 1995 | Strohmeyer, H. Scott | Ph.D. | Health and Human Performance, UNCG |
Kinetic force within the "dead" center of the square (Student Work) | 1969 | Vandermeer, Jozef Alfons | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
The kinetic theory of sound propagation in binary gaseous mixtures. (Student Work) | 1972 | Craven, David E. | M.S. | Physics, UNCG |
The kinetics and thermodynamics for isothermal germination of Grand Rapids lettuce seeds (Student Work) | 1976 | Jaynes, Michael Leon | M.S. | Physics, UNCG |
Kissing by the book : carnal knowledge and bookish metaphor in the works of John Donne ; and... (Student Work) | 2007 | Currin, Elizabeth R. | Master of Fine Arts | English, UNCG |
Kitchen as text: decoding the influence of Julia Child on interiors, 1961-1969 (Student Work) | 2012 | Reilly, Karyn Judd | M.S. | Interior Architecture, UNCG |
Knave Girl (Student Work) | 2008 | Briney, Elaine M. | MFA | English, UNCG |
Knowing the unknown (unknowing the known) (Student Work) | 2009 | Rochon, Julie | MFA | Studio Art, UNCG |
Knowledge and attitudes of child care services/teacher aide students in North Carolina's edu... (Student Work) | 1984 | Todd, Barbara Reynolds | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Knowledge and Readiness to Change in Corneal Abrasion Protection Method in Robotic Assisted ... (Student Work) | 2023 | Jo, Joel | DNP | Nursing, UNCG |
Knowledge and use of the therapeutic relationship in physical therapy (Student Work) | 2024 | Johnston, Tyler | Ed.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Knowledge and utilization of Lung Protective Ventilation Among CRNAs (Student Work) | 2023 | Jimenez, Andrew | DNP | Nursing, UNCG |
Knowledge of preschool programing and practice in early childhood specialist students traine... (Student Work) | 1983 | Price, Jean Bertolet | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Knowledge, attitude, and demographic characteristics of selected local education agencies an... (Student Work) | 1983 | Stone, Alice N. | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
The knowledge, skills, and attitudes that are foundational to prepare counselors-in-training... (Student Work) | 2018 | Land, Laura | Ph.D. | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
The knowledge, skills, practices and attributes that are necessary for leadership roles in c... (Student Work) | 2011 | Wolf, Ali Kyle | Ph.D. | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
Knüpftechnik: coding narrative in the music of Brahms and the experimental fiction of Robbe-... (Student Work) | 2015 | Rahn, Steven C. | M.M. | Music, UNCG |
Korean parents' disciplinary practices and socioeconomic status : an investigation based on ... (Student Work) | 2006 | Kim, Jungyeon | Master of Science | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
The Kreul oboe: history of a family business (Student Work) | 2011 | Pappas, Thomas C. | DMA | Music, UNCG |
The Ku Klux Klan in Buffalo, New York, 1922-1924 : a case study (Student Work) | 1972 | Kowalski, Daniel Robert | M.A. | History, UNCG |
Label information on ready-made clothing for pre-school children (Student Work) | 1956 | Parnell, Sarah Louise | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Labeling and Representation in a Multistep Multilocation Search Task with 2.5- to 3-Year-Old... (Student Work) | 2007 | Miller, Stephanie Elisabeth | MA | Psychology, UNCG |
Laboratory testing for wear performance of selected wood floor finishes (Student Work) | 1971 | Bristol, Nancy Lucas | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Ladson-Billings' culturally relevant pedagogy is not measuring up - and that's exactly as it... (Student Work) | 2023 | Reddy, Saras N. | Ph.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Lady with Unicorn (Student Work) | 1967 | Clarkson, Sheelah Ann | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
Lamaze prepared and non-formally prepared fathers : a comparative study of expectations and ... (Student Work) | 1977 | Saunders, Rebecca B. | M.S.N. | Graduate School, UNCG |
Land use change in Thimphu, Bhutan from 1990 - 2007: effects of cultural, political, and eco... (Student Work) | 2009 | Gosai, Mayur Arvind | Ph.D. | Geography, UNCG |
Land-use/land-cover and water quality in the Cape Fear River Basin, North Carolina: spatial-... (Student Work) | 2014 | Alford, Jennifer Braswell | Ph.D. | Geography, UNCG |
A landscape analysis and cultural resource inventory of Troublesome Creek Ironworks: a geogr... (Student Work) | 2011 | Phillips, Harriet Lauren | MA | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Landscape and light (Student Work) | 1965 | Ross, Elizabeth S. | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
Landscape painting (Student Work) | 1959 | Beall, Elizabeth | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
Landscape-scale effects of intercropping switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.) and Loblolly Pine... (Student Work) | 2013 | King, Kristy L. | M.S. | Biology, UNCG |
The language of an exploitive economy: centering women’s narratives in William Faulkner’s Th... (Student Work) | 2019 | Roberts, Taylor | M.A. | English, UNCG |
The language of resistance : the transnational Black American press, public culture, and pub... (Student Work) | 2022 | Cheek, Kimberly M. | Ph.D. | History, UNCG |
The language use and language development of blind and sighted preschool children (Student Work) | 1983 | Kayler, Claudette Taylor | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Language, belief, domestication: constructing paradise in Charlotte’s Web and The Animal Fam... (Student Work) | 2017 | Yates, Kristin J. | M.A. | English, UNCG |
Language, metaphors, and phenomenology of leadership (Student Work) | 1993 | Watson, John Lynn | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Lanterns too red for hotels (Student Work) | 2007 | Westwood, Kia | Master of Fine Arts | English, UNCG |
L'art de Marivaux : grandes de´couvertes dues a` l'observation des petites choses (Student Work) | 1965 | Vail, Marilyn | | Romance Languages, UNCG |
Last Night, the Magnolia Tree (Student Work) | 2010 | Patterson, Rachel Marie | MFA | English, UNCG |
The last war of honor: manhood, race, gender, class and conscription in North Carolina durin... (Student Work) | 2019 | Hall, James Wilson | Ph.D. | History, UNCG |
Late afternoon at the zoo. (Student Work) | 2010 | Silva, Stefanie R. | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
Late auditory evoked potentials and P300 in young female adults who perceive temporary tinni... (Student Work) | 2021 | Ukaegbe, Onyinyechi | Ph.D. | Communication Sciences and Disorders, UNCG |
A latent profile analysis of emerging adult men’s perceptions of their fathers’ masculinity ... (Student Work) | 2023 | Alligood, Brittany Nicole | Ph.D. | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Latina/o adolescent adjustment: understanding the role of adolescent self-disclosure to moth... (Student Work) | 2020 | Kulish, Andrea L. | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
Latinos (a, e, x) in program evaluation theory and practice : an examination of the general ... (Student Work) | 2022 | Arias Orozco, Grettel Mariana | Ph.D. | Educational Research Methodology, UNCG |
Latinx students’ perceptions of the credit recovery experience in a rural public high school... (Student Work) | 2021 | Chappell, Susan W. | Ed.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Lattice dynamics in a gallium crystal using the "6-exp" potential (Student Work) | 1970 | Thompson, Dale Ermine | M.S. | Physics, UNCG |
Lattice dynamics in gallium using the "6-exp" potential with parameters determined by the "l... (Student Work) | 1971 | Freeman, Wallace Larry | M.S. | Physics, UNCG |
Lattice isomorphisms (Student Work) | 1974 | Lamb, Karen Carter | M.A. | Mathematics, UNCG |
The laugh line of a desperate man : stories and poems (Student Work) | 1975 | Makler, Stephen Jay | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
"Lawless wingd & unconfind": aesthetics and the possibility of justice in early British roma... (Student Work) | 2011 | Chernik, Aria Fortune | Ph.D. | English, UNCG |
Laying the foundation for protective digital parenting : the development of a theoretical fr... (Student Work) | 2022 | Navarro, Jessica Lauren | Ph.D. | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
LC-MS analysis of gangliosides : methods development and software solutions (Student Work) | 2023 | Smith, Ryan A. | M.S. | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Le gai paris and Concerto Pour Trombone by Jean Francaix: an analysis and discussion of two ... (Student Work) | 2012 | Norman, Mark Allen | D.M.A. | Music, UNCG |
Le ro^le du devoir illusoire dans sept pie`ces de Henry de Montherlant (Student Work) | 1973 | Brenes, Maria-Christina | M.A. | Romance Languages-French, UNCG |
Lead sculpture (Student Work) | 1971 | Makelin, Helen Esther | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
The lead teacher model : a case study (Student Work) | 1991 | Dickerson, Celia B. Hunter | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
A Leader-Member Exchange Approach to Understanding School Counselors' Roles, Job Satisfactio... (Student Work) | 2008 | Clemens, Elysia Versen | PhD | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
Leaders for North Carolina's schools : a review of programs for the professional development... (Student Work) | 1993 | Hoppes, Sharon McMahan | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Leadership : considerations and implications for women in physical education (Student Work) | 1968 | Walter, Janet Louise | M.S. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
Leadership behavior of selected community college presidents and situational characteristics... (Student Work) | 1992 | Mann, Rebecca Smith | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Leadership behaviors that build or destroy trust: a narrative study (Student Work) | 2010 | Baird, Crystal A. | Ph.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Leadership development and sport participation : perceptions of selected business managers (Student Work) | 1986 | Kerbaugh, Gale Denise | Ed.D. | Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, UNCG |
Leadership development for women in higher education: a multiphase mixed methods case study (Student Work) | 2020 | Strickland, Amy Williams | Ph.D. | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
Leadership in higher education: the CIO role and the leadership team (Student Work) | 2011 | Nicolet, Todd | Ph.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Leadership lessons from coaches and principals (Student Work) | 2016 | Reed, Jennifer | Ed.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Leadership practices that build a positive school culture (Student Work) | 2021 | Hancock, Julie | Ed.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Leadership strategies for effectively fostering positive teacher-student relationships in mi... (Student Work) | 2019 | Smith, Kenya Nakkia | Ed.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Leadership styles and teacher involvement in the decision-making process in the small admini... (Student Work) | 1979 | Boggs, Robert Marshall | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Leadership styles of selected successful choral conductors in the United States (Student Work) | 1988 | Allen, Suzanne Gail | Ed.D. | Music, UNCG |
Leadership styles of small, private, liberal arts college presidents in North Carolina (Student Work) | 1990 | Riley, Michael Fritz | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Leadership styles of successful middle school principals (Student Work) | 1987 | Sams, Peggy Ann Howell | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Leadership styles, range, and adaptability of principals in North Carolina's exemplary eleme... (Student Work) | 1988 | Hall, James Terry | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Leadership types and second-order change (Student Work) | 1991 | Crawford, Sherron Griggs | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Leading change : the study of a leadership team in transition (Student Work) | 2007 | Nichols, Christopher A. | EdD | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Leading in common: principal perspectives on CCSS implementation (Student Work) | 2013 | Schuhler, Rhonda Cox | Ed.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Leading, learning, and teaching: an exploration of instructor leadership in a retention inte... (Student Work) | 2013 | Reese, Ruth Norrine Ryida Re | Ph.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Learned helplessness in the development of at-risk behavior (Student Work) | 1996 | McIntosh, Michael L. | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
The learning and recognition of random shapes : effects of number of response categories and... (Student Work) | 1974 | Hall, Donald Madison | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
Learning disability programs of the North Carolina Community College System (Student Work) | 1989 | Robinson, James Richard | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Learning engagement across the transition to school: investigating the measurement of learni... (Student Work) | 2018 | Halliday, Simone E. | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
Learning in 3D : creating virtual reality environments (Student Work) | 2024 | Martin, Teena L. | Ed.D. | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
Learning in cultural contexts: children’s evaluations of learning experiences and cultural e... (Student Work) | 2017 | Marble, Kimberly E. | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
Learning Style Preference, Sense of Classroom Community, Gender, Age, and Previous Experienc... (Student Work) | 2008 | Smith, Daniel Rudolph | PhD | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
Learning to ask: philanthropic struggles and rewards of women forging the path toward transf... (Student Work) | 2011 | Walther, Meredith E. | Ph.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Learning to be STRATEGIC : a training evaluation on the student reentry process following ps... (Student Work) | 2024 | Cammarano, Alexandria S. | Ph.D. | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
Leaving Cinderella in the Ashes: The Self-Actualization Novel (Student Work) | 2008 | Rohrer-Walsh, Patricia Jennifer | PhD | English, UNCG |
Leevi Madetoja’s Syksy Op. 68 : a guide to performance (Student Work) | 2022 | AuBuchon, Rachel S. | D.M.A. | School of Music, UNCG |
The legacy of romantic love in The great Gatsby and The sun also rises (Student Work) | 1970 | Antonin, Claudine | M.A. | English, UNCG |
A legal analysis of appellate tort negligence cases in public school physical education K-12... (Student Work) | 1985 | Dailey, Robert John | Ed.D. | Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, UNCG |
A legal analysis of issues related to educational vouchers and public funds for private elem... (Student Work) | 1990 | McConnell, Charles Candler | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
A legal analysis of student assignment in North Carolina (Student Work) | 1992 | Morris, Charles Franklin | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Legal and extra-legal factors that influence redress received by death row exonerees (Student Work) | 2017 | Merritt, Tiffany Charity | M.A. | Sociology, UNCG |
Legal and historical aspects of local school boards in North Carolina (Student Work) | 1992 | Ratledge, Thomas L. | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Legal aspects of ability grouping, tracking, and classification (Student Work) | 1978 | Bentley, Charles P. | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Legal aspects of academic freedom and tenure in community colleges (Student Work) | 1985 | Miller, Steven Arthur | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Legal aspects of administering medication to public school students in North Carolina (Student Work) | 1987 | Weatherly, Larry Keith | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Legal aspects of affirmative action admissions programs in higher education (Student Work) | 1979 | McClellan, Robie W. | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Legal aspects of assigning teachers out of field in North Carolina (Student Work) | 1985 | Vaughn, Harold Edward | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Legal aspects of busing for desegregation in de facto segregated school districts (Student Work) | 1983 | Fuller, James Nathaniel | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
The legal aspects of censorship of public school library and instructional materials (Student Work) | 1981 | Detty, Elizabeth W. | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Legal aspects of certification requirements for private elementary and secondary school teac... (Student Work) | 1992 | Ford, Donald Junior | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Legal aspects of child abuse and neglect as related to the public schools (Student Work) | 1986 | Jenkins, Martha Williford | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
The legal aspects of competency-based testing for high school graduation (Student Work) | 1979 | Blanton, Rupert Neil | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
The legal aspects of corporal punishment in American public schools (Student Work) | 1987 | McCluney, Roger Stanley | Ph.D. | Education, UNCG |
The legal aspects of disciplinary suspension and expulsion practice and policy at major tax-... (Student Work) | 1988 | Brague, Kirk Alan | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
The legal aspects of dismissal of noncertificated personnel (Student Work) | 1983 | Walker, Lawrence Calvin | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
The legal aspects of the dismissal of a teacher/coach from only his coaching responsibilitie... (Student Work) | 1987 | Phillips, Johnny Harris | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Legal aspects of drug testing in North Carolina public schools (Student Work) | 1994 | Blair, Phyllis Kay | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Legal aspects of due process hearings in the state of North Carolina, 1978-1984 (Student Work) | 1985 | Wilson, Kenneth A. | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
The legal aspects of equal employment opportunities in the public schools (Student Work) | 1984 | Brooks, Joseph R. | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Legal aspects of faculty employment : tenure, contracts, and dismissal in the community coll... (Student Work) | 1979 | Berrier, Paul Raymond | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
The legal aspects of funding public education through real property taxation : 1971 Serrano ... (Student Work) | 1978 | Coullard, John Burke | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
The legal aspects of girls' interscholastic athletics : a summary of litigation involving th... (Student Work) | 1978 | Russell, William L. | Ed.D. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
The legal aspects of home instruction (Student Work) | 1985 | Burgess, Sue F. | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
The legal aspects of local financial support for public schools in North Carolina (Student Work) | 1984 | DeHart, Danny William | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
The legal aspects of male students' hair grooming policies in the public schools of the Unit... (Student Work) | 1980 | Shelton, David E. | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Legal aspects of no-pass/no-play in high school extracurricular activities (Student Work) | 1992 | Cooke, Raymond Dewey | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Legal aspects of parental liability for student vandalism (Student Work) | 1985 | Medley, Sue Ellen | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Legal aspects of the practice of religious activities in selected public schools in North Ca... (Student Work) | 1993 | Hall, Wayne Thompson | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
The legal aspects of the principal's responsibilities in developing teacher improvement plan... (Student Work) | 1985 | Nantz, John Fletcher | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
The legal aspects of private use of public school facilities (Student Work) | 1984 | Hollar, Warren Lynn | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
The legal aspects of the public school academic curriculum (Student Work) | 1981 | Boyles, Norman Bennett | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
The legal aspects of the public school curriculum (Student Work) | 1994 | Zullinger, Sidney Chip Wayne | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
The legal aspects of religion in the public school curriculum (Student Work) | 1995 | Redmond, David Marshall | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
The legal aspects of religious instruction in public schools (Student Work) | 1980 | Mize, Richard Leon | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Legal aspects of the role of the public school counselor in North Carolina (Student Work) | 1990 | Herndon, Eleanor Hunter | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Legal aspects of school board authority to accommodate religious observance by employees (Student Work) | 1985 | Miller, Joseph Wainwright | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Legal aspects of school fees in public elementary and secondary schools (Student Work) | 1982 | Kirkman, Duane Henry | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Legal aspects of the school principalship (Student Work) | 1981 | Henderson, Doris Jarrett | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Legal aspects of school psychological practice (Student Work) | 1986 | Rader, Barbara Sue | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Legal aspects of sexual harassment : implications for educational administrators (Student Work) | 1993 | VanderLinden, Lana Jean | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Legal aspects of special education with respect to program inclusion or exclusion based sole... (Student Work) | 1995 | Pope, Nicole Martin | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
The legal aspects of stigmatizing teachers in nonrenewal and dismissal (Student Work) | 1979 | Carrigan, Jane Kelly | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Legal aspects of student teaching in North Carolina (Student Work) | 1989 | Ellenberger, Timothy Roy | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Legal aspects of teacher dismissal for immorality on grounds of sexual misconduct (Student Work) | 1990 | Allen, Margaret Karen | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Legal aspects of teacher dismissal for insubordination (Student Work) | 1988 | Singletary, Ronald Brooks | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Legal aspects of teacher dismissal on grounds of incompetence (Student Work) | 1989 | Lee, Kathleen Gay | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
The legal aspects of teacher dress and grooming in the United States (Student Work) | 1980 | Tyner, Beverly | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Legal aspects of teacher evaluation (Student Work) | 1985 | Nantz, Mary Thorne | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Legal aspects of teacher tenure laws, teacher incompetency and due process (Student Work) | 1976 | Lakey, Edward Ray | E | Education, UNCG |
Legal aspects of textbook selection as related to the public schools (Student Work) | 1978 | Gardner, Charles Thurman | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Legal aspects relating to handicapped students in physical education and athletics (Student Work) | 1979 | West, Terrell | Ed.D. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
The legal impact of conservative New Right influences on public school curriculum (Student Work) | 1987 | Mobley, Phillip Anthony | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
The legal relationship existing between principal, teacher, and student in the North Carolin... (Student Work) | 1950 | Gibbs, Thomas Ray | M.A. Ed. | Education, UNCG |
Legality of restrictions on athletic eligibility of secondary school students (Student Work) | 1988 | Laney, Gary Keith | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
The legality of teacher dismissals for immorality (Student Work) | 1976 | Simmons, Leonard Hassel | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
The legality of using public funds for religious schools as interpreted by federal court dec... (Student Work) | 1971 | Smith, Michael R. | Ed. D. | Education, UNCG |
The legality of using public tax funds for parochial elementary and secondary schools : the ... (Student Work) | 1982 | Houston, Samuel H. | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Leisure attitudes among middle school and high school students (Student Work) | 1981 | Frye, Buford Vernon | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Leo Arnaud (1904-1991), trombonist, composer, film musician : a biographical sketch and cata... (Student Work) | 1996 | Kolstad, Michael L. | D.M.A. | Music, UNCG |
Leo Kraft's Three fantasies for flute and piano: a perfomer's analysis (Student Work) | 2010 | Chernov, Konstantza | DMA | Music, UNCG |
Leon Trotsky's theory of permanent revolution and its incorporation into Lenin's party platf... (Student Work) | 1963 | Slacum, Penelope Lynn | | History, UNCG |
Leptaxis and the constructed body: an exploration of poetic queer cyborg prosthesis. (Student Work) | 2010 | Ryan, Christian | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
The lessons of experience of successful school principals : how successful principals develo... (Student Work) | 1992 | Morrison, Milton Hall | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Let them lie: stories (Student Work) | 2018 | Bailey, Sarah L. | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
Let’s talk about food: an examination of the dietary and health perceptions, behaviors, know... (Student Work) | 2016 | Sastre, Lauren R. | Ph.D. | Nutrition, UNCG |
Let's hear what we can see (Student Work) | 1972 | Gibbs, Nancy R. | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
Let's just steal the rockets: 1970s feminist science fiction as radical rhetorical revisioni... (Student Work) | 2014 | Belk, Patrick Nolan | Ph.D. | English, UNCG |
Let's talk over coffee (Student Work) | 2017 | Caston, Julia | M.F.A. | Studio Art, UNCG |
The Lettuce Head Cells of the SCANS region of the Drosophila larval midgut are required for ... (Student Work) | 2008 | Johnson, Brooke A. | MS | Biology, UNCG |
Level-specific fit index performance with diagonally weighted least squares estimation of mu... (Student Work) | 2019 | Sessoms, John Cameron Lee | Ph.D. | Educational Research Methodology, UNCG |
Levels of religious thinking in young children and religious practices of their families (Student Work) | 1978 | Davis, Ruth Faye | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Libby Larsen's De toda la eternidad: creating infinity through the words of Sor Juana Ines d... (Student Work) | 2011 | Wisuthseriwong, Christy | DMA | Music, UNCG |
Liberians living in the U.S.: an examination of post-resettlement food insecurity and associ... (Student Work) | 2012 | Nunnery, Danielle Lee | M.S. | Nutrition, UNCG |
L'idee de la souffrance dans la poesie d'Alfred de Vigny (Student Work) | 1962 | Comer, Jeanette | | Romance Languages, UNCG |
The life history, morphological, and behavioral changes of two Arctic daphnids to kairomone ... (Student Work) | 2006 | Burris, Melinda E. | Master of Science | Biology, UNCG |
Life is hard : the lived experience of adults with bipolar disorder and comorbid substance u... (Student Work) | 2009 | Ward, Terry D. | PhD | Nursing, UNCG |
Life patterning of men with depression (Student Work) | 2012 | Kaufman, Millicent | Ph.D. | Nursing, UNCG |
The life patterning of women in midlife transition (Student Work) | 2010 | Scroggs, Nancy H. | Ph.D. | Nursing, UNCG |
Life satisfaction of single middle-aged professional women (Student Work) | 1992 | Lewis, Virginia Griffin | Ph.D. | Education, UNCG |
Life Science Industry Regional Clusters: Spatial Concentrations in Denver/Boulder, Colorado ... (Student Work) | 2008 | Pardasani, Raj | MA | Geography, UNCG |
Life stages (Student Work) | 2010 | Wolf, Selena J. | MFA | English, UNCG |
Life stories that shaped advocacy in parents of children with disabilities (Student Work) | 2012 | Peddle, Timothy Joel | Ed.D | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Life Story of a Reluctant Leader (Identity Formation in Educational Leadership) (Student Work) | 2007 | Carter, Sandra Efird | Ed.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Life stress, sibling relationship qualities, and youth adjustment (Student Work) | 2010 | Blane, Evelyn C. | MA | Psychology, UNCG |
The life-history of Ischnura posita (Hagen) in relation to seasonal regulation : (Odonata: C... (Student Work) | 1968 | Patrick, Odessa Robinson | M.A. | Biology, UNCG |
Life-history study of libellula incesta with emphasis on egg development as influenced by co... (Student Work) | 1971 | Pittman, Annette Rogers | M.A. | Biology, UNCG |
Lifelong learning : the state of the field (Student Work) | 1984 | Wood, Robert Allison | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Lifestyles of never married women physical educators in institutions of higher education in ... (Student Work) | 1976 | Beck, Bonnie Ann | Ed. D. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
A lifetime underground: coal mining and occupational dispossession in eastern Kentucky (Student Work) | 2016 | Allen, Cody S. | M.A. | Sociology, UNCG |
Ligand binding to G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) 1. 1,8-naphthyridine analogs binding t... (Student Work) | 2014 | Lawrence, Lyle | M.S. | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Light (Student Work) | 1976 | Hillmer, Sarah | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
Light and shadows : an exhibit of twenty experimental paintings (Student Work) | 1964 | Bonitz, Ann Weeks | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
Light and space in the figure, still-life and landscape (Student Work) | 1975 | Berry, Eric Raymond | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
Light trap (Student Work) | 2015 | Smothers, Lauren Alis | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
Light, pattern, and domestic architecture (Student Work) | 1973 | Hough, Sylvia Jennine | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
Light-space (Student Work) | 1972 | Coe, Mary Robeson | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
Lightbulb moment: electricity in the YWCA scrapbook (Student Work) | 2015 | Pope, Kyle M. | B.A. | History, UNCG |
Like this you will live on forever: memory, the keepsake and the photograph (Student Work) | 2015 | Lowe, Marlowe Jannelle | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
Lila uyanu : understanding Garifuna women’s sociohistorical experiences through the ancestra... (Student Work) | 2024 | Mena, Nodia C. | Ph.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
The line integral and its applications (Student Work) | 1951 | Huggins, Miriam | | Mathematics, UNCG |
Linear and circular k-combinations with restrictions (Student Work) | 1969 | Hedgpeth, Marianne Austin | M.A. | Mathematics, UNCG |
A linear approach to the head as form (Student Work) | 1976 | Walters, Julie Ann Memory | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
Linear programming and development planning models (Student Work) | 1977 | Balkan, Erol Mustafa | M.A. | Business and Economics, UNCG |
The lingering death of assimilation : problems and issues in Indian education (Student Work) | 1996 | Red Shirt, Ellen McCoy | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
The link between attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and oppositional defiant disorder ... (Student Work) | 2006 | Rhoads, Laura K. Hennis | PhD | Psychology, UNCG |
Linking Adolescents' Problem Behaviors and Parents' Divorce Proneness (Student Work) | 2007 | Moore, Mary Julia Constance | MS | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Linking methane concentration and stable isotope distribution to methane derived carbon in f... (Student Work) | 2018 | Brigham, Joshua S. | M.S. | Biology, UNCG |
Links between maternal education and parenting quality during children's first three years: ... (Student Work) | 2012 | Gudmundson, Jessica Ann | Ph.D. | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Links between maternal parenting characteristics and the development of preschool peer play ... (Student Work) | 2011 | Westerberg, Diana | MA | Psychology, UNCG |
Links between the statuses of gay men in relationships and couple identity a theoretical ext... (Student Work) | 2005 | Van Eeden-Moorefield, Bradley Matheus | PhD | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Links between temperament and coparenting: the moderating role of family characteristics (Student Work) | 2010 | Burney, Regan V. | Ph.D. | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Lintheads and barons: filling the silences of the Loray Mill Strike (Student Work) | 2009 | Griffin, Sally Wyatt | Doctor of Philosophy | English, UNCG |
Lisa se Klavier or Lisa's Piano - A Play (Student Work) | 2024 | Rossouw, Zoe | B.F.A. | Theatre, UNCG |
A list of words selected from the Horn-Peterson list containing all three letter sequences f... (Student Work) | 1947 | Daniel, Virginia Jennings | M.S. | Business Education, UNCG |
“Listen up, I got a story to tell” : a qualitative study examining collegiate experiences an... (Student Work) | 2021 | Jackson, Jadarius Rashaun | Ph.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Listening between the notes: personality, listening context, and aesthetic chills in everyda... (Student Work) | 2012 | Nusbaum, Emily C. | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
Listening for Learning in the Talk: An Ethnographic Story of the School Librarian as Broker ... (Student Work) | 2010 | Kimmel, Sue Crownfield | Ph.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Listening to parents : supports to increase parental participation in low-performing schools... (Student Work) | 2021 | Helsabeck, Stephanie S. | Ed.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Listening to the voices of beginning teachers: providing meaningful administrative support i... (Student Work) | 2010 | Rumley, Mark Alvis | Ed.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
The Lister-Sink method: a holistic approach to injury-preventive piano technique (Student Work) | 2009 | Osada, Mayumi | D.M.A. | Music, UNCG |
"Litany" (Student Work) | 1977 | Wilgus, Anne Gay | M.F.A. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
Literacy and the Congolese refugee families : using homegrown literacy practices and experie... (Student Work) | 2022 | Birabwa, Joy Catherine | M.S. | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Literacy coaching through teachers' lenses: a phenomenological study (Student Work) | 2016 | Davis, Stephanie Lee | Ph.D. | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
Literacy practices and outcomes in kindergarten classrooms (Student Work) | 2006 | Michael, Sonia H. | PhD | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
The literacy practices of feminist consciousness - raising: an argument for remembering and ... (Student Work) | 2016 | Leuschen, Kathleen T. | Ph.D. | English, UNCG |
Literacy that matters: how teacher's instructional decisions shape students' reading identit... (Student Work) | 2013 | Morefield, Vickie McEwen | Ph.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
The literary criticism of William Howard Gardiner (Student Work) | 1976 | Kinard, Lee W. | M.A. | Education, UNCG |
Literary historical relations in Cormac McCarthy's Blood meridian (Student Work) | 2011 | Vasilos, Thomas Alexander | MA | English, UNCG |
Little pieces: quotidian and quixotic (Student Work) | 2013 | Richter, Micah Branch | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
Little sister (Student Work) | 2019 | Sasson, Zoe | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
Little Tallassee: a Creek Indian colonial town (Student Work) | 2019 | Ward, Monica R. | Ph.D. | History, UNCG |
Live manipulation of documentary audio in a narrative electroacoustic concert piece (Student Work) | 2011 | Stuart-Moore, Jonathan W. | MM | Music, UNCG |
The lived experience of the older registered nurse working at the bedside in the critical ca... (Student Work) | 2009 | Hodge, Mary Alice | Ph.D. | Nursing, UNCG |
The lived experience of veteran nurse educators teaching in selected baccalaureate or higher... (Student Work) | 1994 | Coleman, Janice Feemster | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
The lived experience of women living with HIV regarding intimate relationship power and repr... (Student Work) | 2019 | Eruotor, Shaheerah Nur Id-Din | Ph.D. | Nursing, UNCG |
The lived experiences of adolescents seeking asylum in the United States with an intersectio... (Student Work) | 2021 | Rodriguez, Chanel Shahnami | Ph.D. | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
Lived experiences of African American administrators at predominantly White institutions (Student Work) | 2021 | Lee, Allison N. | Ed.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
The lived experiences of critical care nurses while caring for patients that are not expecte... (Student Work) | 2019 | Kime, Mary R. | Ph.D. | Nursing, UNCG |
Lived experiences of international graduate students of color and their cultural capital: a ... (Student Work) | 2019 | Anandavalli, S | Ph.D. | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
Lives, language, and leadership: english teachers as leaders (Student Work) | 2011 | Hamilton, Jeffrey Dean | Ed.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Living arrangements and housing conditions of selected old age assistance recipients in thre... (Student Work) | 1973 | Jackson, Elizabeth Golden | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Living clay (Student Work) | 1973 | Yun, Saung Sook | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
Living in the orchard and being hungry (Student Work) | 2012 | Swartz-Turfle, Harry Joseph | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
Living room furnishings in selected homes of Beirut, Lebanon (Student Work) | 1964 | Howling, Frieda O. | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Living with leprosy (Student Work) | 1975 | Yeary, Dm | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
Living with strangers (Student Work) | 1974 | Katz, Arlene Diane | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
Loblolly pine traumatic resin ducts serve as a proxy for cool-season storm events at Nags He... (Student Work) | 2021 | Catherwood, Avery A. | M.A. | Geography, Environment, and Sustainability, UNCG |
Localization of Myosin II and identification of its potential upstream regulators in Dictyos... (Student Work) | 2015 | Herring, Ashley | M.S. | Biology, UNCG |
Locus of control as a function of the confirmation or disconfirmation of an expectancy (Student Work) | 1973 | Lurey, Edward | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
Lodovico's curious experiment and other poems (Student Work) | 1977 | Beal, Harley Juneau | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
Logic (Student Work) | 1976 | Murphy, Carol Lynne Narz | M.A. | Mathematics, UNCG |
Logo mastery : cognitive styles and problem solving strategies used by kindergartners and th... (Student Work) | 1994 | Ingels-Young, Gingerlee | Ph.D. | Human Environmental Sciences, UNCG |
Lolita the immortal: Nabokov, Kubrick, and Lyne's nymphet ; and Luray's pearls: a woman's li... (Student Work) | 2009 | Bonney, Duana | MA | English, UNCG |
Lone survivor: linking institutionalized racial adversity, lived experiences and mental heal... (Student Work) | 2018 | John, Mary Elisabeth | M.A. | Sociology, UNCG |
The long road : Methodism in North Carolina (Student Work) | 1963 | Atkins, Gertrude Walton | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
The long-term impact of COVID-19 : unveiling the relationship between cognition and quality ... (Student Work) | 2022 | Holt, Brooke E. | Ph.D. | Communication Sciences and Disorders, UNCG |
Long-term retention of patient-reported outcomes after a 12-week attentional focus balance t... (Student Work) | 2021 | Wilson, Taniya Monet | M.S. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Longitudinal BMI trajectories and adolescent dietary patterns in the RIGHT Track research pr... (Student Work) | 2021 | Paynter, Ashley Lauren | Ph.D. | Nutrition, UNCG |
Longitudinal changes in visual attention and EEG coherence: implications for the development... (Student Work) | 2015 | Whedon, Margaret C. | M.S. | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
A longitudinal examination of structural environments within U.S. college and university lea... (Student Work) | 2018 | Mencarini, Steven M. | Ph.D. | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
Longitudinal Influences of Maternal Sensitivity on Infant Temperamental Reactivity and Emoti... (Student Work) | 2008 | Siepak, Kathryn J. | PhD | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
A longitudinal investigation of the factor structure of subjective well-being as measured by... (Student Work) | 1988 | McCulloch, Bethany Jan | Ph.D. | Human Environmental Sciences, UNCG |
Longitudinal link between ADHD and anxiety for children with low social preference : the med... (Student Work) | 2021 | Huber, Sabine Reasbeck | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
A longitudinal study of IT-enabled crowdsourcing performance in a business context (Student Work) | 2017 | Modaresnezhad, Minoo | Ph.D. | Information Systems and Supply Chain Management, UNCG |
A longitudinal study of web-based homework (Student Work) | 2010 | Khanlarian, Cynthia J. | Ph.D. | Accounting and Finance, UNCG |
Longleaf pine masting, climate variability, and tick-borne disease prevalence in the Southea... (Student Work) | 2017 | Patterson, Thomas William | Ph.D. | Geography, UNCG |
Looking for the backdoor: a phenomenology of mis-education (Student Work) | 2014 | Pryor, Erick G. | Ph.D. | Educational Studies, UNCG |
Looking for bipolar spectrum psychopathology: identification and expression in daily life (Student Work) | 2010 | Armistead, Molly S. | MA | Psychology, UNCG |
Looking for Laveau: the mythology of Marie Laveau in and out of the archive (Student Work) | 2019 | Carter, Morgan | M.A. | Women's and Gender Studies, UNCG |
Looking for love: a critique of doctrinal elements of a curriculum framework for the develop... (Student Work) | 2010 | Ostasiewski, Danita Miskiewicz | Ph.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Looking forward : sovereign responsibilities in the United States and Great Britain, 1894-19... (Student Work) | 2023 | Kellam, Lynda M. | Ph.D. | University Libraries, UNCG |
Loosening the bible belt: the search for alternative spiritual narratives in the fiction of ... (Student Work) | 2010 | Warren, Karen Wheeler | Ph.D. | English, UNCG |
Los estudiantes de herencia en la clase de español AP/BI: Actitudes e ideologías lingüística... (Student Work) | 2019 | González, Marisa Guerrero | M.A. | Languages, Literatures, and Cultures, UNCG |
Losing Minds and Hearts: Ideology, Education, and the Development of Youth Nonconformity Und... (Student Work) | 2022 | Osorio, Luiz Francisco Guizzo Gutierrez | B.A. | History, UNCG |
The loss of Impact Aid and implications for American public school systems (Student Work) | 1986 | Hager, Charles Thomas | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
The Lost Friend (Student Work) | 2007 | Exoo, Josh | Master of Fine Arts | English, UNCG |
Louis Vierne's Sonata in G minor for violin and piano : a performance edition (Student Work) | 2006 | Skidmore, Daniel J. | DMA | Music, UNCG |
Love in Racine's Britannicus (Student Work) | 1968 | Jones, Katherine Rena | | Romance Languages, UNCG |
Love is always a cigar: Gatsby and Fight Club with recourse to freud AND Britney, Lolita, an... (Student Work) | 2010 | Turley, Bryan Patrick | M.A. | English, UNCG |
Love may be blind, but Dante isn't : the development of the gaze in Vita nuova and the Comme... (Student Work) | 2006 | Bass, Erin R. | Master of Art | English, UNCG |
Love, labor, skin & blood (Student Work) | 2021 | Beaton, Jill | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
Lovebug and other stories (Student Work) | 2015 | Haffner, Brandon | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
Low-cost home furnishings (Student Work) | 1972 | Johnson, Sue Wynne | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Low-fired earthenware pottery (Student Work) | 1976 | Leonard, Pamela Blume | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
Low-income children's pretend play: The contributory influences of individual and contextual... (Student Work) | 2007 | Shim, Jonghee | PhD | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
La percepción del uso y las actitudes en el lenguaje inclusivo en español (Student Work) | 2023 | Garcia de las Bayonas Mayor, Andrea | M.A. | Languages, Literatures, and Cultures, UNCG |
La pieza ausente de una memoria olvidada (Student Work) | 2012 | Garrison, Allison | M.A. | Romance Languages, UNCG |
La salvación del otro: la representación de raza y religión en los autos sacramentales de Pe... (Student Work) | 2012 | Hilgartner, Kristin Nicole | M.A. | Romance Languages, UNCG |
Luciano Berio's Sequenza VII: temporal multiplicity and alternative conceptions of form. (Student Work) | 2012 | Strum, Nicole E. | D.M.A. | Music, UNCG |
Ludwig Schuncke (1810-1834) and his piano music (Student Work) | 1995 | Cooper, Ruskin King | D.M.A. | Music, UNCG |
Luening’s invention in twelve tones: transcription and max patch for performance by the cont... (Student Work) | 2020 | Simoneau, Abigail H. | D.M.A. | School of Music, UNCG |
Lugares de Vida: places of life (Student Work) | 2010 | Chipenda-Dansokho, Selma T. | Ph.D. | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Luigi Boccherini’s string quintet in B-flat major, G. 312: a critical performing edition (Student Work) | 2013 | Carter, Brian Andrew | D.M.A. | Music, UNCG |
Luigi Dallapiccola's first twelve-tone work : an analytical study of compositional technique... (Student Work) | 2007 | Crosson, Julie | Master of Music | Music, UNCG |
Luigi Dallapiccola's Liriche greche : an analysis for performance (Student Work) | 1994 | James-Gallagher, Elizabeth W. | D.M.A. | Music, UNCG |
M.S. selective enrichment of rare mutations as a new biotechnology to study DNA mismatch rep... (Student Work) | 2020 | Desai, Parth H. | M.S. | Joint School of Nanoscience and Nanoengineering, UNCG |
Machine’s conceptual development using FNet (Student Work) | 2022 | Jayanna, Deepa | M.S. | Computer Science, UNCG |
The madam is mad: madness as kairos, ur-time, and lesbian space in Gilman, Plath, and Millet... (Student Work) | 2013 | Galli, Joanne | M.A. | Women's and Gender Studies, UNCG |
Madrigaletti a due et tre voci of Salamone Rossi (Student Work) | 1963 | Stewart, Marlene Cramme | M.Ed. | Music, UNCG |
Magical mythical men (Student Work) | 1976 | Gaski, Michael | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
Mainstreaming movements: the U.S. anti-apartheid movement and civil rights memory (Student Work) | 2012 | Bratyanski, Jennifer Anne | Ph.D. | History, UNCG |
Make contact with your life (Student Work) | 2023 | Baynes, Max B. | M.F.A. | School of Art, UNCG |
“Make a real school out of the air” : the experiences of principals who were tasked with lau... (Student Work) | 2024 | Robeson, Tanicka Lashawn | Ed.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Make a real woman of me (Student Work) | 2017 | Wilkinson, Katelyn Joy | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
Makerspace-the future of public libraries (Student Work) | 2019 | Chivukula, Divya | M.F.A. | Interior Architecture, UNCG |
Making and re-making. (Student Work) | 2010 | Thomason, Matthew Watson | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
Making Carrboro home : user alteration of company space (Student Work) | 2005 | Lachenman, Sara Regan | Master of Science | Interior architecture, UNCG |
"Making a considerable tumult in the streets" (Student Work) | 2006 | Broomall, James Joseph | Master of Art | History, UNCG |
Making meaning of refugee resettlement experiences: the acculturation attitudes of Liberian ... (Student Work) | 2009 | Clarke, Leah K. | Ph.D. | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
Making new worlds at the intersection of mathematics and language learning : teacher profess... (Student Work) | 2022 | Kroiss, Doris A. | Ph.D. | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
The making of a book, Thais (Student Work) | 1961 | Shewmake, Mitzi | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
Making our own way: exploring the experiences of mid-level Black womxn student affairs profe... (Student Work) | 2021 | Adams, J'nai D. | Ph.D. | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
Making protest matter: bodies, objects, and rhetorical assemblage in social justice movement... (Student Work) | 2020 | McCrary, Andrea | Ph.D. | English, UNCG |
Making up for lost time: hypermetric equilibrium in two keyboard sonatas of Franz Joseph Hay... (Student Work) | 2017 | Hartburg, Lauren Michele | M.M. | Music, UNCG |
Making your own meaning: designing constructivist interactive history exhibits (Student Work) | 2012 | Sikes, Kathryn Marie | M.S. | Interior Architecture, UNCG |
Malcom Lowry's Under the volcano as tragedy (Student Work) | 1975 | Kluttz, Phyllis Huffman | M.A. | English, UNCG |
Male caregivers with cancer diagnosed partners : an exploratory study (Student Work) | 1996 | Browning, Frankie Carroll | Ph.D. | Education, UNCG |
Male chromosome loss(3)Z2566 is required for paternal chromosome transmission in Drosophila ... (Student Work) | 2015 | Binder, Andrea Maria | M.S. | Biology, UNCG |
Malignant Hyperthermia Crisis: Improving Knowledge, Recognition, and Preparedness of the Lab... (Student Work) | 2022 | Garland, John | DNP | Nursing, UNCG |
Man-eating horses (Student Work) | 2017 | Eckert, Chelsea S. | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
Man-made menopause and architectural embodiment in Herman Melville’s “I and My Chimney” AND... (Student Work) | 2017 | Watson, Jamie | M.A. | English, UNCG |
Management of finances in selected North Carolina homemaking departments, 1951-1952 (Student Work) | 1953 | Allison, Bette Jean | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Manifesto on the ledge: an American comic chamber (Student Work) | 2015 | Meadors, Anna L. | M.M. | Music, UNCG |
Manipulation of the Pre- and Post-Weaning Social Environment and its Effects on Prepulse Inh... (Student Work) | 2008 | Bailoo, Jeremy D. | MA | Psychology, UNCG |
Mapping expert supervisors' cognitions (Student Work) | 2012 | Kemer, Gülsah | Ph.D. | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
Mapping the Impact of Vegetation and Terrain on Cellular Signal Levels (Student Work) | 2008 | Tapp, Anna F. | MA | Geography, UNCG |
Mapping realities & cultivating belief (Student Work) | 2014 | Bonner, Jennifer Leigh | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
The Mapuche Indians in Chilean twentieth century poetry (Student Work) | 1970 | Helms, Daphne Uvonne | M.A. | Romance Languages-Spanish, UNCG |
Marital conflict, mother-son interaction, and sons' aggression with peers (Student Work) | 1993 | Lisson, Robert Charles | Ph.D. | Human Environmental Sciences, UNCG |
Marital hostility, adolescents’ responses to marital conflict, and adolescents’ adjustment: ... (Student Work) | 2016 | Zhou, Nan | Ph.D. | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Marital instability : the relationship of gender role beliefs, negativity, and distancing (Student Work) | 1997 | Guilbert, Douglas Edward | Ph.D. | Education, UNCG |
Marital quality and interspousal self-concept congruency (Student Work) | 1981 | Seutter, Raymond Alphonze | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Marital Satisfaction Across the Transition to Parenthood: A Vulnerability-Stress-Adaptation ... (Student Work) | 2010 | Parade, Stephanie H. | Ph.D. | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Mark Applebaum : challenging the ontology of music (Student Work) | 2020 | Ball, Logan | D.M.A. | School of Music, UNCG |
Marketing the female politician: an exploration of gender, appearance, and power (Student Work) | 2014 | Sanghvi, Minita | Ph.D. | Consumer, Apparel, and Retail Studies, UNCG |
Marketing techniques applied to energy conservation (Student Work) | 1980 | Christensen, William L. | Ph.D. | Education, UNCG |
Marriage among high school students in North Carolina (Student Work) | 1960 | Thompson, Mary Ruth | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Marxist influences in the United States prior to 1900 (Student Work) | 1966 | McNeill, Ella May | M.A. | History and Political Science, UNCG |
Masculinity Under Assault: Homosociality in Lady Chatterley’s Lover and The Great Gatsby (Student Work) | 2018 | Eury, Kiersten R. | B.A. | English, UNCG |
Masking-level difference (MLD) as a function of noise spectrum level, frequency, and signal ... (Student Work) | 1970 | Lindsey, John W. | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
Mass spectrometric detection of cortisol in hair samples (Student Work) | 2018 | Howell, Faith E. | M.S. | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Mass spectrometric methods and bioinformatics tools for accurate identification of MicroRNA ... (Student Work) | 2012 | Wambua, Dickson M. | Ph.D. | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Massed vs. distributed practice on the learning of the forehand and backhand drives in tenni... (Student Work) | 1968 | Schroeder, Pamela Jean | M.S. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
Material adaptations (Student Work) | 2016 | Beck, Ivana M. | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
Maternal attitudes and behaviors regarding adolescent internet use (Student Work) | 2009 | Bridges, Tracey H. | MS | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Maternal attitudes in women trained for childbirth by Lamaze techniques and women receiving ... (Student Work) | 1974 | Karmel, Marylin O. | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Maternal depression and parenting stress among families of children with AD/HD: child and fa... (Student Work) | 2009 | Schatz, Nicole K. | MA | Psychology, UNCG |
Maternal influence on negative interactions in children's friendships (Student Work) | 2008 | Blair, Bethany L. | MS | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Maternal influences on friendship quality: a dyadic approach (Student Work) | 2013 | Blair, Bethany L. | Ph.D. | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Maternal sensitivity and physiological processes as predictors of infant emotion regulation (Student Work) | 2013 | Perry, Nicole Elizabeth Brown | Ph.D. | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Maternal Socialization of Children's Emotion Knowledge (Student Work) | 2008 | Nelson, Jackie A. | MS | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Maternal socialization of emotion : child, maternal, and relational factors (Student Work) | 2005 | Stone, Caitlin Elizabeth | Master of Art | Psychology, UNCG |
Mathematical and computational analysis of reaction diffusion models arising in ecology (Student Work) | 2020 | Fonseka, Gampola Waduge Nalin | Ph.D. | Mathematics and Statistics, UNCG |
A mathematical approach to an optimal strategy for the dice game pig (Student Work) | 1973 | Elliott, Nancy Lee | M.A. | Mathematics, UNCG |
Mathematical metaphors and philosophical structures (Student Work) | 1986 | Wishnietsky, Dan H. | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Mathematical Models for the pH Dependence of Oxygen Evolution under Fluoride Inhibition and ... (Student Work) | 2008 | Chen, Xuejin | MS | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
The mathematics district leader research group : building the capacity of mathematics distri... (Student Work) | 2021 | Wonsavage, Franklin Paul | Ph.D. | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
The mathematics program of the Greek high school : in terms of internationally acceptable pa... (Student Work) | 1978 | Kostaki, Stavroula Eriketta | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
A matter of national concern: the Kennedy administration’s campaign to restore public educat... (Student Work) | 2015 | Lee, Brian E. | Ph.D. | History, UNCG |
Matters of resilience: mattering relationships and renegotiated masculinity in resilient col... (Student Work) | 2012 | Graves, Elizabeth Gest | Ph.D. | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
Maurice Ravel: Trois Chansons and World War I (Student Work) | 2014 | Jackson, Aaron Ronald | D.M.A. | Music, UNCG |
Max Bruch's dramatic cantata on Friedrich Schiller's poem, Das Lied von der Glocke : a condu... (Student Work) | 1995 | Steinert, Daniel A. | D.M.A. | Music, UNCG |
Maximally connected topological spaces (Student Work) | 1976 | Garner, Andrew Kelly | M.A. | Mathematics, UNCG |
“May the odds be ever in your favor” : The Hunger Games as texts for critical engagement AND... (Student Work) | 2022 | Army, Abigail G. | M.A. | English, UNCG |
McCarthy : "the trial of unreason by humane voices" (Student Work) | 1972 | Buchanan, Gary Robert | M.F.A. | Music, UNCG |
MCT2 expression in the hypothalamus and the counterregulatory response to hypoglycemia (Student Work) | 2017 | Porcelli, Vincent | M.S. | Nutrition, UNCG |
Mealtime food intake and behavior of normal weight adult males : effects of phenylalanine an... (Student Work) | 1987 | Ryan-Harshman, Milly | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
The meaning of space for designers (Student Work) | 1967 | Poole, Marilyn Seitz | | Home Economics, UNCG |
Meanings of athletic identity within the multidimensional self and social context (Student Work) | 2020 | Newton, Jamian D. | Ph.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Meanings teachers make of teaching science outdoors as they EXPLORE citizen science (Student Work) | 2016 | Benavides, Aerin Workman | Ph.D. | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
A measure of children's reasoning about interpersonal relations (Student Work) | 1965 | Deal, Therry Nash | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Measurement of attitudes of women coaches toward the conduct of intercollegiate athletics fo... (Student Work) | 1973 | Sisley, Becky L. | Ed.D. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
Measurement of attitudes toward the conduct of intercollegiate basketball for women (Student Work) | 1976 | Hutchison, Jill | Ed.D. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
The measurement of changes in perception of spouse and marriage following a marriage enrichm... (Student Work) | 1985 | Catron, Sarah Swann | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
A measurement of parental opinions toward a university nursery school and its contribution t... (Student Work) | 1965 | Egerton, Juanita Fowler | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Measuring and Reducing Noise Levels in the Operating Room during Induction and Emergence (Student Work) | 2024 | Timcheck, Phillip | DNP | Nursing, UNCG |
Measuring caregiver identity: scale development and validation (Student Work) | 2014 | Eifert, Elise K. | Ph.D. | Public Health Education, UNCG |
Measuring distances between nucleotides using CW- EPR and dual site-directed spin labels to ... (Student Work) | 2018 | Rosales, Osbin Perdomo Frenet | M.S. | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Measuring the effectiveness of “the major decision”: a career counseling group for undecided... (Student Work) | 2014 | Wheeler, Melissa | Ph.D. | Counseling, UNCG |
Measuring mental illness identity (Student Work) | 2023 | Badillo-Winard, Emily J. | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
Measuring social vulnerability to natural hazards: an examination of the United States Virgi... (Student Work) | 2011 | Dunno, Carly Hertz | Ph.D. | Geography, UNCG |
Mechanical evaluation of various geometrical designs in additive manufacturing for future kn... (Student Work) | 2024 | Modey, Paul | M.S. | Joint School of Nanoscience and Nanoengineering, UNCG |
Mechanical evaluation of various geometrical designs in additive manufacturing for future kn... (Student Work) | 2024 | Afrane, Shadrack Boadu | M.S. | Joint School of Nanoscience and Nanoengineering, UNCG |
Mechanical principles and retention of the elementary back stroke (Student Work) | 1970 | Peridier, Pamela Sue | M.S. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
Mechanism and in-situ crystal growth kinetics of ultrathin binary transition metal hydroxide... (Student Work) | 2021 | Pathiraja, Gayani Chathurika | Ph.D. | Joint School of Nanoscience and Nanoengineering, UNCG |
Mechanisms by which conjugated linoleic acid causes human adipocyte delipidation (Student Work) | 2006 | Chung, Soonkyu | PhD | Nutrition, UNCG |
Mechanisms of change in cognitive-behavioral therapy in relation to depressives' dysfunction... (Student Work) | 1983 | Jarrett, Robin Beth | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
Mechanistic studies of water soluble fullerenes as free radical scavengers, biological antio... (Student Work) | 2014 | Rawashdeh, Rabeah Yousef | Ph.D. | Nanoscience, UNCG |
The mediating effect of intrinsic motivation on perceived work uncertainty for individual in... (Student Work) | 2022 | Hodges, Darin | Ph.D. | Information Systems and Supply Chain Management, UNCG |
The mediating role of mind wandering in the relationship between working memory capacity and... (Student Work) | 2010 | McVay, Jennifer C. | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
The mediating role of the self in the prediction of psychopathology from the mother-child re... (Student Work) | 1992 | Magee, Karin Dodge | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
Mediational Pathways to Moral Reasoning: Quality of the Mother-Child Relationship, Cognitive... (Student Work) | 2008 | Hinnant, James Benjamin | PhD | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Medical education reform in the South, 1910-1941 (Student Work) | 2024 | Rubin, Mike | Ph.D. | History, UNCG |
Medical providers’ perceptions of and response to adolescent hypertension : the role of soci... (Student Work) | 2021 | Hale, Coleman Murray | Ph.D. | Nutrition, UNCG |
Medical staff perceptions regarding pediatric weight management from a low-income community ... (Student Work) | 2012 | Sastre, Lauren R. | M.S. | Nutrition, UNCG |
Medicine and magic in the Lapidario del rey don Alfonso X (Student Work) | 1960 | Fuquay, Faye | | Romance Languages, UNCG |
Media construction of Korean transnational sporting masculinities (Student Work) | 2015 | Choi, Yeomi | Ph.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Medieval modes (Student Work) | 1972 | Lister, Christine Janet | M.F.A. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
Media Marketing Campaign for Non-Profit: The Connecting Space (Student Work) | 2024 | Collins, Maggie | B.A. | Communication Studies, UNCG |
Mean estimation of sensitive variables under measurement errors and non-response (Student Work) | 2020 | Zhang, Qi | Ph.D. | Mathematics and Statistics, UNCG |
Meeting the career development needs of Black women aspiring to become principals (Student Work) | 2022 | Newsome, Tiffany A. | Ed.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Meeting disability with resiliency, hope and agency: a narrative study of caregivers of chil... (Student Work) | 2013 | Kirby, Carol Ann | Ph.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
The meeting of the oriental and the occidental in my paintings (Student Work) | 1961 | Yang, Wang-Yong | M.S.H.E. | Art, UNCG |
Mejante locas [semejante locas] (Student Work) | 2024 | Ramirez-Lamos, Daniel | M.F.A. | School of Art, UNCG |
Members of boards of trustees of North Carolina community colleges : their selected personal... (Student Work) | 1974 | Sharrock, William Roger | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Memorable messages that shape student-athletes’ perceptions of seeking mental health service... (Student Work) | 2019 | Reich, Aviry L. | Ph.D. | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
Memory and organizational processes in children of high and average intellectual ability (Student Work) | 1978 | Corriher-Sheslow, Susan | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
Memory for prototypically consistent and inconsistent social actions (Student Work) | 1988 | Seta, Catherine E. | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
Memory, awareness, and automaticity : cognitive patterns of sexually aggressive and sexually... (Student Work) | 1992 | Yescavage, Karen Marie | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
"Men call me chaste" : a feminine redefinition of androcentric chastity in medieval, Renaiss... (Student Work) | 1994 | Weir, Mary Ellen | Ph.D. | English, UNCG |
Men's responsibilities in the home as desired by the wife (Student Work) | 1943 | Kehoe, Cathryne Bradford | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Mental control of musical imagery: combining behavioral and experience-sampling approaches (Student Work) | 2020 | Cotter, Katherine N. | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
Mental Health and Well-Being in Young Children; A Mission to Save Our Children (Student Work) | 2024 | McMasters, Madison | B.S. | Elementary Education, UNCG |
Mental health counseling services and resources for community college student athletes (Student Work) | 2024 | Johnson, Sabrina H. | Ed.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Mental health in the collegiate music studio : applied instrumental faculty perspectives (Student Work) | 2024 | Poe, Grace Nelson | D.M.A. | School of Music, UNCG |
Mental health issues and seeking of formal mental health services among Muslims in the South... (Student Work) | 2017 | Tanhan, Ahmet | Ph.D. | Counseling and Counselor Education, UNCG |
Mental models high school students hold of zoos (Student Work) | 2006 | Patrick, Patricia Gail | PhD | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
Mental representations in clarinet performance : connections between auditory imagery and mo... (Student Work) | 2007 | Allen, David Reed | DMA | Music, UNCG |
Mental skills training for ice hockey goalies (Student Work) | 2021 | Monnich, Theodore F. | Ed.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Mentor perceptions in urban middle schools: a qualitative study of one school district (Student Work) | 2009 | Boyd, Karen | Ed.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
The mentoring of beginning teachers : an evaluation of one school system's program (Student Work) | 1992 | Pennell, Myra Lea | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
The mentoring of beginning teachers : a program review (Student Work) | 1990 | Woodruff, Brenda Shumate | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Mentorship in a small private university (Student Work) | 2017 | Burris, Deborah Briley | Ph.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Mentorship through exercise : a timely intervention for well-being in college students (Student Work) | 2023 | Howley, Timothy M. | Ed.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
The Mercator Projection: its uses, misuses, and its association with scientific information ... (Student Work) | 2019 | Abee, Michele | Ph.D. | Geography, UNCG |
The mesomorphic phase transition temperatures of the unsymmetrical 1,4-phenylene esters of t... (Student Work) | 1971 | Haut, Stephen A. | M.S. | Chemistry, UNCG |
A mesoscale geophysical capability/suitability model for Vitis vinifera vineyard site select... (Student Work) | 2013 | Nowlin, John W. | M.A. | Geography, UNCG |
A meta-analysis of context integration deficits across the schizotypy spectrum (Student Work) | 2018 | Chun, Charlotte A. | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
A meta-analysis of individual differences in humor production and personality (Student Work) | 2015 | Nusbaum, Emily C. | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
Metacognition, proactive interference, and working memory : can people monitor for proactive... (Student Work) | 2007 | Miyake, Tina M. | PhD | Psychology, UNCG |
Metacognitive age differences in strategy shift: retrieval avoidance or general shift reluct... (Student Work) | 2012 | Frank, David Joseph | M.S. | Psychology, UNCG |
Metacognitive predictions and strategic adaptation to distraction (Student Work) | 2017 | Siri, Jacob M. | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
Metal and cloth sculptures (Student Work) | 1978 | Tornero, Velez Marta | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
Metal (manganese) oxide based nano-architectures and supercapacitor materials in energy stor... (Student Work) | 2017 | Liu, Yiyang | Ph.D. | Joint School of Nanoscience and Nanoengineering, UNCG |
Metal oxide nanostructures for thermoelectric materials: experimental and computational mate... (Student Work) | 2020 | Yarbrough, Ryan A. | Ph.D. | Joint School of Nanoscience and Nanoengineering, UNCG |
Metamorphosis of the horse (Student Work) | 1976 | Davis, Rebecca Spotswood | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
A metaphorical model of sacrament : toward broader discourse in the teaching of science (Student Work) | 1988 | Helgeson, Claire Rhea | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Metaphorically speaking: the role of cognitive abilities in the production of figurative lan... (Student Work) | 2012 | Beaty, Roger E. | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
Methane and methylmercury production potentials in North Carolina Piedmont stream sediments (Student Work) | 2016 | Blum, Peter W. | M.S. | Biology, UNCG |
Methanogens and methane oxidizing bacteria in forested, urban unrestored, and urban restored... (Student Work) | 2013 | Smith, McKenzie K. | M.S. | Biology, UNCG |
Methanol Synthesis from Synthesis Gas utilziing an Innovated Ruthenium-Catalyzed Method (Student Work) | 2013 | Ibe, Veronica | | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Method development for studying bacterial messenger RNA as biomarkers (Student Work) | 2017 | Goswami, Rimaben A. | M.S. | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
A method for the determination of the ingredients of several dietary supplements by liquid c... (Student Work) | 2011 | Taylor, Whitney Leigh | MS | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
A method for the identification of the products from controlled-potential coulometry of p-ni... (Student Work) | 1976 | Thacker, Franklin Aubrey | M.S. | Chemistry, UNCG |
A method of appraising the livability of the living-dining area of a home (Student Work) | 1956 | Lawrence, Dorothy Blanche | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
A method of determining culture related users using computation of correlation (Student Work) | 2015 | Da, Rui | M.S. | Computer Science, UNCG |
Methodological problems in the use of participant observers (Student Work) | 1977 | Hay, Linda Rudin | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
A methodology and overview of key collaborations : a duo practice method for trumpet and pia... (Student Work) | 2021 | Sanders, Anthony Richard | D.M.A. | School of Music, UNCG |
Methods and materials for teaching adult beginning readers (Student Work) | 1988 | Branson, Randy Long | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Methylmercury production in two urban artificial wetlands (Student Work) | 2022 | Morales, Kristina | Ph.D. | Biology, UNCG |
Metric displacement in the first movement of Brahms's Clarinet quintet, op. 115 : an analysi... (Student Work) | 1996 | Ellenwood, Christian Kent | D.M.A. | Music, UNCG |
Mean when hungry and other stories (Student Work) | 2015 | Caldwell - Midero, Judy | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
Mexican immigrant couples’ marital quality and coparenting satisfaction: the role of spouses... (Student Work) | 2015 | Rodriguez, Yuliana | Ph.D. | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Mexico in senior high school American history textbooks : a content analysis (Student Work) | 1961 | Gray, Sybil Crotts | M.A.Ed. | Education, UNCG |
The Mexican Revolution as seen through the novelistic works of Marti´n Luis Guzma´n (Student Work) | 1968 | Ritchie, Kathryn S. | | Romance Languages, UNCG |
Micro-blog marketing of luxury consumption: the role of envy in purchase intention (Student Work) | 2017 | Chou, Hsiao-Chun | Ph.D. | Consumer, Apparel, and Retail Studies, UNCG |
Micro-dwellings as housing for young adult professionals (Student Work) | 2018 | Ocasio Adorno, Jessica M. | M.F.A. | Interior Architecture, UNCG |
Microaggressions, sense of belonging, and sexual identity development among LGBQ students: a... (Student Work) | 2018 | Blackmon, Zachary R. | Ph.D. | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
Microbial interactions with nanoscale features (Student Work) | 2019 | Iyer, Divya Shankar | Ph.D. | Joint School of Nanoscience and Nanoengineering, UNCG |
Microcomputer utilization in elementary schools : a Henderson county case study (Student Work) | 1987 | Taylor, Frederick Eugene | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Microcomputer word processor versus handwriting : a comparative study of writing samples pro... (Student Work) | 1985 | Vacc, Nancy Nesbitt | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
The middle arm (Student Work) | 1971 | Lynn, George H. | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
The middle of emptiness (Student Work) | 2018 | Liston, Emma Elizabeth | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
Middle school culture and teacher efficacy : an examination of relationships in two professi... (Student Work) | 1996 | Hartman, Kimberly J. | Ph.D. | Education, UNCG |
Middle school science teachers' conceptions of the nature of scientific knowledge (Student Work) | 1992 | Tomlinson, John Garrett | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Middle-aged sons' and daughters' resolution of moral conflict with their aging parents (Student Work) | 1989 | Reece, Linda Wallace | Ph.D. | Human Environmental Sciences, UNCG |
Military veterans and college success: a qualitative examination of veteran needs in higher ... (Student Work) | 2011 | Murphy, M. Patrick | Ph.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Milk thistle flavonolignans: biomimetic synthesis, synthesis of analogues and biological eva... (Student Work) | 2013 | Althagafy, Hanan Saad | Ph.D. | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Milton's attitude toward women (Student Work) | 1965 | Aiken, Marianne Sewell | M.A. | English, UNCG |
A man in a woman's world: male support networks in women's flat track roller derby (Student Work) | 2016 | Fleming, Patrick Kegan | M.A. | Sociology, UNCG |
Mindful awareness and compassion, and empathy and anxiety in counselor trainees (Student Work) | 2012 | Fulton, Cheryl L. | Ph.D. | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
Mindfulness and counseling self-efficacy : the mediating role of attention and empathy (Student Work) | 2007 | Bentley, D. Paige | PhD | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
Mindfulness and free improvisation : a holistic approach to cultivating creativity and aware... (Student Work) | 2024 | Keplin, Rachael Lynn | D.M.A. | School of Music, UNCG |
Mindfulness and quality of life among breast cancer survivors: the mediating role of self-ki... (Student Work) | 2011 | Forti, Allison | Ph.D. | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
Mindfulness in physical education : an innovative pedagogical approach (Student Work) | 2022 | Reimer, Crystal T. | Ed.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
The mini-opera concept: a study of short works in the opera repertory and their viability in... (Student Work) | 2014 | Howell, Jourdan Laine | D.M.A. | Music, UNCG |
Minimum distance bounds for error-correcting codes (Student Work) | 1977 | Witty, Marilyn Pait | M.A. | Mathematics, UNCG |
Minorities in Kinesiology: challenges encountered in the pursuit of an athletic training deg... (Student Work) | 2020 | Griffin, Lauren D. | Ed.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Mirrors and entrances (Student Work) | 1968 | Glascock, Ellen Louise | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
Miscarriage, elegy, and an alternative reading of Lady Mary Wroth's sonnets as public docume... (Student Work) | 2013 | Haley, Jae Kim | M.A. | English, UNCG |
Missionary Work: Politics, Culture, and Ethical Globalization (Student Work) | 2012 | Humphrey, Jimmy | BA | Religious Studies, UNCG |
The Mississippi Democratic primary of July, 1946 : a case study (Student Work) | 1967 | Moore, Thomas Lane | M.A. | History and Political Science, UNCG |
Missa luba : new edition and conductor's analysis (Student Work) | 2005 | Foster, Marc Ashley | PhD | Music, UNCG |
Mitigating the Impact of Inhaled Anesthetics on Carbon Emissions (Student Work) | 2024 | Bohrer, Jason | DNP | Nursing, UNCG |
Mix (Student Work) | 2008 | Whetstone, Stephanie | MFA | English, UNCG |
A mixed methods evaluation of vicarious traumatization and posttraumatic growth among counse... (Student Work) | 2015 | Foreman, Tamarine M. | Ph.D. | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
A mixed methods study of early childhood preservice teachers: beliefs about poverty, perceiv... (Student Work) | 2016 | Johnson, Amy V. | Ph.D. | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
A mixed-use facility for migrants from Mexico : a research-based design thesis (Student Work) | 2023 | Diaz Serrano, Guadalupe Elizabeth | M.F.A. | Interior Architecture, UNCG |
Mobile-device location data and labor markets (Student Work) | 2023 | Pandit, Hitanshu | Ph.D. | Economics, UNCG |
Model for analyzing course description using LDA topic modeling (Student Work) | 2022 | Kallem, Snehith Reddy | M.S. | Computer Science, UNCG |
A model for the development of an African literature curriculum in the secondary schools of ... (Student Work) | 1975 | Buck, Roland E. | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
A model for evaluating the traits of school principals : with particular reference to their ... (Student Work) | 1978 | Navarino, Nicholas J. | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
A model for predicting highway noise using a Geographic Information System: Interstate 73 in... (Student Work) | 2013 | Kelly, Sean Michael | M.A. | Geography, UNCG |
A model for a student-centered teaching plan in basic business (Student Work) | 1975 | Watson, Gwendolyn S. | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
A model job description for the personnel administrator position in North Carolina public sc... (Student Work) | 1991 | Everett, Barbara Blanks | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Model of kleptoparasitism in the Onthophagus taurus: when to enter and leave a dung pat (Student Work) | 2010 | Allmond, Heather Ann | MA | Mathematics and Statistics, UNCG |
A model of mental process (Student Work) | 1976 | Fain, George Alexander | M.A.Ed. | Education, UNCG |
A model system for understanding cellular signaling of the cannabinoid CB2 receptor via the ... (Student Work) | 2014 | Singh, Jagjeet | Ph.D. | Medicinal Biochemistry, UNCG |
Modeling and implementing a voice care prevention program for school teachers in Kuwait (Student Work) | 2020 | Alsalimi, Latifa | Ph.D. | Communication Sciences and Disorders, UNCG |
A modeling approach to identity, motivation, and physical activity participation in former c... (Student Work) | 2014 | Reifsteck, Erin J. | Ph.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Modeling differential pacing trajectories in high stakes computer adaptive testing using hie... (Student Work) | 2006 | Thomas, Marie Huffmaster | PhD | Educational Research Methodology, UNCG |
Modeling nutrient attenuation by riparian buffer zones along headwater streams (Student Work) | 2007 | Bereitschaft, Bradley J.F. | Master of Science | Biology, UNCG |
Modeling young global consumers' apparel brand resonance: a cross-cultural comparison betwee... (Student Work) | 2013 | Frank, Phillip | Ph.D. | Consumer, Apparel, and Retail Studies, UNCG |
A moderated mediation model of changes in adolescent social anxiety symptoms: the contributi... (Student Work) | 2016 | Weymouth, Bridget B. | Ph.D. | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
The moderating effect of conformity to parental expectations on the association between auto... (Student Work) | 2018 | Washington, Kenneshia | M.S. | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
The moderating effect of tibialis anterior fatigue protocol on the relationships between rea... (Student Work) | 2006 | Shimokochi, Yohei | PhD | Kinesiology, UNCG |
A modern appraisal of the Montessori method (Student Work) | 1965 | Cline, Linda | | Education, UNCG |
Modern dance in a postmodern world (Student Work) | 1989 | Van Dyke, Jan E. | Ed.D. | Dance, UNCG |
Modern traditions of the essay (Student Work) | 1987 | White, Laurie L. | Ph.D. | English, UNCG |
Modification of human high density lipoprotein by cigarette smoke extract and its impact on ... (Student Work) | 1996 | Chen, Chen | Ph.D. | Human Environmental Sciences, UNCG |
Modified binary randomized response technique models (Student Work) | 2017 | Sihm, Jeong Sep | Ph.D. | Mathematics and Statistics, UNCG |
Modified contrapuntal conventions: stability and instability in the neotonal music of Hindem... (Student Work) | 2013 | Uppercue, Kevin | M.M. | Music, UNCG |
A modifier of [beta]-glucosidases in neurospora crassa (Student Work) | 1971 | Miller, Carroll Christian | M.A. | Biology, UNCG |
Modulation of macrophage polarization by carbon nanodots (Student Work) | 2020 | Dunphy, Andrew M. | M.S. | Biology, UNCG |
Modules over a principal ideal domain (Student Work) | 1974 | Stowell, Thomas Leo | M.A. | Mathematics, UNCG |
Moisture transport properties of selected knit fabrics (Student Work) | 1975 | Crippen, Loretta Kaye | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Molecular dynamics of O(1D) + CCl4 ? ClO + CCl3 probed by cavity-enhanced sub-THz spectrosco... (Student Work) | 2020 | O'Neal, Ryan | M.S. | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Molecular information storage using CRISPR (Student Work) | 2023 | Glass, Robert F. | Ph.D. | Joint School of Nanoscience and Nanoengineering, UNCG |
Molecular level studies on the cannabinoid receptor type 1 (CB1): biased signaling and MD si... (Student Work) | 2018 | Al Zoubi, Rufaida M. | Ph.D. | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Molecular mechanisms of mutant mu-opioid receptors where naloxone acts as an agonist (Student Work) | 2013 | Pearsall, Elizabeth A. | Ph.D. | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Molecular Modeling Studies of Curcumin Analogs as Anti-Angiogenic Agents (Student Work) | 2008 | Paila, Hari Srinivas Kalyan | MS | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Molybdenum Hydroxylases from Bovine Kidney and Liver (Student Work) | 2008 | Baum, Kenneth Michael | MS | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Moments of awareness (Student Work) | 1958 | Berry, Mary Jane Chapman | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
Money management practices of eighth grade students (Student Work) | 1972 | Westbrook, Nellie Baucom | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Monitoring for success : implementing a proactive probation program for diverse, at-risk col... (Student Work) | 2006 | Hutson, Bryant L. | PhD | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
Mood and symptoms of expectant fathers during the course of pregnancy (Student Work) | 1977 | Davis, Ora | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
The moral and ethical challenges of principal data-driven decisions about annual growth data... (Student Work) | 2019 | Williams, Jamisa C. | Ed.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Moral commitment in intimate committed relationships: a conceptualization from cohabiting sa... (Student Work) | 2010 | Pope, Amber Leighann | Ph.D. | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
Moral development, content analysis and the moral/value dimensions of television drama : a m... (Student Work) | 1980 | Russo, Charles William | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Moral education as a part of the study of children's literature : an inservice model and cas... (Student Work) | 1979 | Gupton, Sandra Lee | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
The moral milieu of information technology: using domain and affordance theory to explain si... (Student Work) | 2012 | Schilhavy, Richard Arthur Milton | Ph.D. | Information Systems and Operations Management, UNCG |
Moral perspectives of women administrators of student services in higher education : an expl... (Student Work) | 1991 | Luce, Jean Marie | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
The morality of student futures at the North Carolina State Normal and Industrial College, 1... (Student Work) | 2023 | Ortel, Elizabeth | M.A. | Sociology, UNCG |
More lives than a cat: a state and federal history of bank deposit insurance in the United S... (Student Work) | 2017 | Gates, Sarah | Ph.D. | History, UNCG |
More than just a teacher: exploring multiple perspectives of how teachers serve as instructi... (Student Work) | 2016 | Woods, Jessalyn | Ed.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
More than Men in Drag : gender, sexuality, and the falsetto in musical comedy of Western civ... (Student Work) | 2006 | Fugate, Bradley K | Doctor of Musical Arts | Music, UNCG |
More than a number : measuring ‘success’ in substance use treatment (Student Work) | 2022 | Trustey, Caroline E. | Ph.D. | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
More than a party : how party affiliation affects intergroup dating (Student Work) | 2023 | Schachner, Alec | M.A. | Sociology, UNCG |
Morphological and chromatic changes in the last instars of Erythemis simplicicollis (odonata... (Student Work) | 1966 | Sharp, Mary Joan | | Biology, UNCG |
The morphological effects of infant- and adult-onset monocular paralysis on cells in the cat... (Student Work) | 1984 | Garraghty, Preston Evans | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
Morphological response to reduced discharge on a losing Catawba River bifurcate (Student Work) | 2016 | Reynolds, Jennifer L. | M.A. | Geography, UNCG |
A morphology of quick response strategies for the apparel industry (Student Work) | 1988 | Kincade, Doris H. | Ph.D. | Human Environmental Sciences, UNCG |
Mortality salience and worldview defense: the effect of death awareness and self-esteem on m... (Student Work) | 2009 | Ivers, Nathaniel N. | PhD | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
Mother-in-law adjustment of young marrieds (Student Work) | 1971 | Hoye, Doris Dickens | Ph. D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
A mother’s movement : exploring the effects of exogamy on maternal performance in medieval r... (Student Work) | 2023 | Beeman, Reba Katherine | Ph.D. | English, UNCG |
The motherless child : the absent mother in twentieth-century Southern fiction (Student Work) | 1993 | Grimes, Margaret Katherine | Ph.D. | English, UNCG |
Motherload II : an electronic dimmer control (Student Work) | 1976 | Alvis, Arthur Elliot | M.F.A. | Drama and Speech, UNCG |
Mothers' experiences raising children who have multiple disabilities and their perceptions o... (Student Work) | 2010 | Parrish, Rosalie N. | Ph.D. | Specialized Education Services, UNCG |
Mothers' opinions regarding child care centers for preschool children (Student Work) | 1971 | Reece, Johnie Dotson | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Mothers' perceptions of children's age of maturity : an exploratory study (Student Work) | 1987 | McAninch, John Patrick | Ph.D. | Human Environmental Sciences, UNCG |
Motion in time (Student Work) | 1976 | Hawkins, Lewis Gresham | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
Motion towards the center : an essay on reality as expressed in fourteen paintings (Student Work) | 1953 | Pope, Charlotte Hume | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
The motivation and evaluation of elementary school citizenship (Student Work) | 1948 | Royster, Lillie B. | M.A. Ed. | Education, UNCG |
Motivation at preschool age and subsequent school success: role of supportive parenting and ... (Student Work) | 2012 | Mokrova, Irina L. | Ph.D. | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Motivation for males to participate in private middle school and high school choruses (Student Work) | 2015 | Haire, Chris E. | Ph.D. | Music, UNCG |
Motivation for participation in adult religious education : an exploratory study (Student Work) | 1986 | Conrad, Katherine Other | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
The motivation of female college business students to manage : a study of selected college b... (Student Work) | 1977 | Hampton, Blythe Carroll | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
A motivational perspective on caregiver psychological distress (Student Work) | 2016 | Majestic, Catherine | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
The motivations of high school male athletes (Student Work) | 1977 | Holcomb, Ernest Conrad | M.Ed. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
Motives, incentives, and disincentives of older adult volunteers in youth development and ot... (Student Work) | 1990 | Rouse, Shirley B. | Ph.D. | Human Environmental Sciences, UNCG |
Motivic treatment in four selected early works of Anton Webern (Student Work) | 1973 | Tippens, Philip C. | M.M. | Music, UNCG |
A motor creativity test for college women (Student Work) | 1974 | Glover, Elizabeth Gay | Ed.D. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
Motor creativity, movement concept, and motor ability of college freshmen women with high an... (Student Work) | 1973 | Kiernan, Leslie Jean | M.S. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
The moulding into being of Tennessee Williams' The night of the iguana (Student Work) | 1977 | Reynolds, David D. | M.F.A. | Drama and Speech, UNCG |
Mourning through murder: the role of psychic mimesis in early modern revenge tragedies AND S... (Student Work) | 2018 | Kelly, Maggie S. | M.A. | English, UNCG |
Movement and three-dimensional art : an exploration (Student Work) | 1962 | Eller, H. Jeanne | M.S. | Art, UNCG |
Movement experience in modern dance : a phenomenological inquiry (Student Work) | 1984 | Braxton, Jean Patricia Bailey | Ed.D. | Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, UNCG |
Moving concrete: development, deployment and consumption of skateboarding in the city (Student Work) | 2017 | Pipe, Laura May | Ph.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Moving portraiture (Student Work) | 2006 | Farrell, Nicholas James | Master of Art | Studio Art, UNCG |
Moving through a global health crisis : exploring how middle-aged women used outdoor exercis... (Student Work) | 2023 | Baclawski, Deborah Jené | Ed.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Mozart and the horn : Aria no. 13 from Mitridate, re` di Ponto, K. 87 (Student Work) | 1995 | Edwards, Melissa Michele | D.M.A. | Music, UNCG |
“Much improved of late”: ecogothic readings of improvement in American and British novels, 1... (Student Work) | 2020 | McMillan, Bryan | Ph.D. | English, UNCG |
Mudfish (Student Work) | 2013 | Barrionuevo, Fausto | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
The multi-cello ensemble writing of Laszlo Varga: a study of his arrangements for multi-cell... (Student Work) | 2011 | Skogen, Meaghan Elizabeth | DMA | Music, UNCG |
A multi-method qualitative inquiry of girls' access to education and literacy through the im... (Student Work) | 2010 | Latif, Amna | Ed.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Multi-scale persistent homology (Student Work) | 2016 | Lawson, Austin | M.A. | Mathematics and Statistics, UNCG |
Multi/Cross-cultural Competence: Integrating Universal and Particular Perspectives (Student Work) | 2007 | Paredes, Daniel Mariano | PhD | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
Multiculturalism: increasing sensitivity at end of life and after death care (Student Work) | 2013 | Jiang, Jian | M.S. | Gerontology, UNCG |
Multidimensional kinships : Black and Indigenous environmental thought (Student Work) | 2024 | Cory, Jessica Suzanne | Ph.D. | English, UNCG |
Multigenerational Teams in the Workplace: Exploring the Outcomes, Conflict, Value, and Ways ... (Student Work) | 2021 | Cox, Alexis | B.A. | Management, UNCG |
Multilevel modeling of undergraduate student attrition across the University of North Caroli... (Student Work) | 2019 | Reilley, Elizabeth M. | Ph.D. | Educational Research Methodology, UNCG |
The multinational corporation : its effects on the American labor force (Student Work) | 1972 | Chappell, Joseph Edward | M.A. | Business and Economics, UNCG |
Multiple Bridge Secret Delivery in Wireless Sensor Networks (Student Work) | 2010 | Nimmagadda, Spoorthy | M.S. | Computer Science, UNCG |
Multiple Case Studies of Literacy Practices Utilized by Intermediate Grade Teachers Which En... (Student Work) | 2010 | Wooten, Cynthia Brooks | Ph.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Multiple case study of the relationship between data use and evaluative thinking in school i... (Student Work) | 2022 | Zemaitis, Julianne | Ph.D. | Educational Research Methodology, UNCG |
Multiple positive solutions for semipositone problems (Student Work) | 2006 | Luper, Jack | Master of Arts | Mathematics and Statistics, UNCG |
Multiradial (multi)filtrations and persistent homology (Student Work) | 2016 | Martin, Joshua M. | M.A. | Mathematics and Statistics, UNCG |
The multistep grievance procedure : a cybernetic feedback loop operating in local education ... (Student Work) | 1991 | Davis, Grace Moore | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Multivariate relationships among visual perceptual attributes and gross motor tasks with dif... (Student Work) | 1978 | Beitel, Patricia Ann | Ed.D. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
A multivariate study of religious commitment among a sample of United Methodist adults (Student Work) | 1976 | Brown, Gary Holmes | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Murder and martial justice : spying and retribution in World War II America (Student Work) | 1959 | Lentz, Meredith Blake | | History, UNCG |
Murmurs from home (Student Work) | 2021 | Junquera, Leah | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
Muscadine wine (Student Work) | 2019 | Howse, Rose Himber | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
Music and the companion arts of the Gothic era (Student Work) | 1964 | Brett, Rachel | M.Ed. | Music, UNCG |
Music and patterns (Student Work) | 2011 | Rawls, Benjamin Brent | MM | Music, UNCG |
Music education in the United States and Germany as a representative example of internationa... (Student Work) | 2022 | Garrepy, Stacey A. | Ph.D. | School of Music, UNCG |
Music for flute by Ulysses Kay (1917-1995): a descriptive analysis with performance notes fo... (Student Work) | 2013 | Douthit, La-tika Shanee' | D.M.A. | Music, UNCG |
Music in honor of the Virgin Mary during the Middle ages and Renaissance (Student Work) | 2010 | Bates, James M. | DMA | Music, UNCG |
Music theory on marimba: bringing the classroom into the practice room (Student Work) | 2015 | Bunting, Justin Matthew | D.M.A. | Music, UNCG |
Musical accompaniments in the preparation of marimba concerti: a survey of selective interac... (Student Work) | 2009 | Frye, George Daniel | DMA | Music, UNCG |
Musical architecture in Hindemith's first piano sonata (Student Work) | 1970 | McBane, Frances Ashcraft | M.M. | Music, UNCG |
Musical borrowing and quotation in John Corigliano’s piano works (Student Work) | 2024 | Lao, Lin | D.M.A. | School of Music, UNCG |
Musicians in the digital age : how digitalization changed how music is made (Student Work) | 2022 | Bolte, Brett M. | M.A. | Sociology, UNCG |
Musicianship for musical theatre: a new instructional resource for the musical theatre stude... (Student Work) | 2018 | Cowan, Justin P. | D.M.A. | School of Music, UNCG |
Música y revolución global: la Tropicália y la evolución del significado del año 1968 en Bra... (Student Work) | 2017 | Calhoun, Carmen Inez Sotomayor | M.A. | Languages, Literatures, and Cultures, UNCG |
Muslim punk rock in the United States: a social history of the taqwacores (Student Work) | 2009 | Hosman, Sarah Siltanen | M.A. | Sociology, UNCG |
Muted visions, all-American pride: queer geographies of the Fort Bragg region (Student Work) | 2021 | McMenamin, Nathan | M.A. | Geography, Environment, and Sustainability, UNCG |
The man who came back from the dead (Student Work) | 1972 | Matros, Michael J. | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
My journey into intercollegiate athletic administration : how it was influenced by feminist ... (Student Work) | 1995 | Lawrence, Bethyna Ann | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
My painting (Student Work) | 1966 | Bland, Deanna Bland | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
My presence is a disruption for good : exploring the experiences of first-generation adminis... (Student Work) | 2023 | Clency, Shakima M. | Ph.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
My progress is our progress: Latinx students pursuing their educational goals at North Carol... (Student Work) | 2021 | Robledo, Isai | Ph.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
My quest for meaning: wishes of adult women learners (Student Work) | 2011 | Richardson, Sydney Davis | Ph.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
My relationship to paint (Student Work) | 2007 | Birmingham, Stephanie R | Master of Fine Art | Studio Art, UNCG |
My work (Student Work) | 1976 | Rice, Robert McConnell | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
Mycological provisions: an a/r/tographic portraiture of four contemporary teaching artists (Student Work) | 2014 | Kennedy, Christopher Lee | Ph.D. | Educational Studies, UNCG |
"Myself yet not quite myself" : Jane Eyre, Wide Sargasso Sea, and a third space of enunciati... (Student Work) | 2005 | Reavis, Serena | Master of Art | English, UNCG |
Mysticism and ritual : a processual framework for dance as social transformation (Student Work) | 1991 | Hunt, Peggy | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
A mythic canon of education : response to political and spiritual alienation (Student Work) | 1988 | Joyce, Roma Bowen | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Myths : perceiving and ordering within high-intensity phenomena (Student Work) | 1971 | Poole, Michael | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
Myths, morals, and models : implications for special education (Student Work) | 1976 | Milner, Edward Willis | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
The N-Word Manifesto: Interpreting Mark Twain via an Inspiration ‘Made in Germany’ (Student Work) | 2015 | Canada, Fred | | English, UNCG |
N.C. community college/industry interactions : present status and future possibilities (Student Work) | 1989 | Ellis, Martha Shields | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Nabokov : the artist against caprice (Student Work) | 1987 | Parker, Mary Elizabeth | Ph.D. | English, UNCG |
Names in Toni Morrison's novels : connections (Student Work) | 1994 | Clayton, Jane Burris | Ph.D. | English, UNCG |
Nanocidals therapy for osteomyelitis (Student Work) | 2012 | Qadri, Shahnaz Majid | Ph.D. | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Nanoparticle toxicity in Drosophila melanogaster: a case study with nickel, nickel oxide, an... (Student Work) | 2018 | Zhang, Tian | Ph.D. | Biology, UNCG |
Nanoscale reactions in opto-magneto-electric systems (Student Work) | 2017 | Zeng, Zheng | Ph.D. | Joint School of Nanoscience and Nanoengineering, UNCG |
Nanostructure-biofilm interactions : a study of Candida albicans biofilm behaviors on differ... (Student Work) | 2023 | Shah, Snehal | Ph.D. | Joint School of Nanoscience and Nanoengineering, UNCG |
Nanostructured metallic film plasmonics: fabrication and biosensing applications (Student Work) | 2018 | Mabe, Taylor Levi | Ph.D. | Joint School of Nanoscience and Nanoengineering, UNCG |
Nanostructured surface induced transcriptome response in Candida albicans (Student Work) | 2022 | Chivukula, Lakshmi Gayitri | Ph.D. | Joint School of Nanoscience and Nanoengineering, UNCG |
The narcissistic dialectic : narcissism, dualism and gender (Student Work) | 1986 | Speer, Allen Paul | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
A narrative study of international teachers' transitional identities in U.S. high schools (Student Work) | 2011 | Nganga, Christine | Ed.D | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Narratives and stories of an “anti-racist racist:” making whiteness visible, bridging the ga... (Student Work) | 2017 | Voigt, Julie | Ph.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Narratives of female ROTC student-cadets in the postmodern university (Student Work) | 2010 | Fairfield-Artman, Patricia | Ph.D. | Communication Studies, UNCG |
Narratives of political struggle in Frederic Rzewski’s Four Pieces (Student Work) | 2022 | Lott,, Walton Alexander | D.M.A. | School of Music, UNCG |
Narrow-stencil finite difference methods for linear second order elliptic problems of non-di... (Student Work) | 2021 | Ward, Kellie Marie | M.A. | Mathematics and Statistics, UNCG |
Nashville's lower Broadway : preservation and playscapes in the urban environment (Student Work) | 2005 | Sertell, Mary | Master of Science | Interior Architecture, UNCG |
Nathanael West's vision of the end : the Apocalypse as ludicrous (Student Work) | 1976 | Wilson, Ashby S. | M.A. | English, UNCG |
Nathaniel Hawthorne's satire of Transcendentalism in "The Artist of the Beautiful" (Student Work) | 1965 | McKeithan, Dell Landreth | M.A. | English, UNCG |
Nation, myth, cosmovision, and self: literary representations of transculturation, nation-bu... (Student Work) | 2011 | Winford, Blaine Romon' | MA | Romance Languages, UNCG |
Nation, region, and power in the Southern abject heterotopia (Student Work) | 2022 | Compton, Benjamin S.F. | Ph.D. | English, UNCG |
The National Collegiate Athletic Association and the courts : a summary of litigation involv... (Student Work) | 1975 | Reece, Milton E. | Ed.D. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
A national survey of athletic training educators' academic role strain, role orientation, an... (Student Work) | 2007 | Charles-Liscombe, Robert S | EdD | Kinesiology, UNCG |
National systems of innovation in the Japanese and American consumer electronics industries.... (Student Work) | 2009 | Sweatman, Bradley S. | MA | Geography, UNCG |
The National Woman's Party (1916-1919) : its story and its images (Student Work) | 1977 | Leonard, Deborah Lynn | M.A. | History, UNCG |
Native American music instruction in the elementary general music classroom (Student Work) | 2024 | Razo, Dalila E. | Ph.D. | School of Music, UNCG |
Naturalism, the new journalism, and the tradition of the modern American fact-based homicide... (Student Work) | 1993 | Whited, Lana Ann | Ph.D. | English, UNCG |
A naturalistic responsive evaluation of a selected middle school home-school-community partn... (Student Work) | 1994 | Legrand, Patricia Evans | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
A naturalistic study of student teaching in the secondary school (Student Work) | 1982 | Wolfe, Delores Morton | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Naturally mindful : piloting nature-based mindfulness training for college students with anx... (Student Work) | 2023 | Vitagliano, Luke A. | Ph.D. | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
The nature and consequences of prefrontal lobotomy (Student Work) | 1955 | Alexander, Frances | | Psychology, UNCG |
Nature and Eleusis in Ezra Pound's Cantos 1-11 (Student Work) | 1977 | Mangum, Geoffrey Carlyle | M.A. | English, UNCG |
Nature and its background in The parliament of fowls and Piers Plowman (Student Work) | 1968 | Flick, June Jarman | M.A. | English, UNCG |
Nature and the non-objective : an essay concerning fifteen paintings (Student Work) | 1953 | Brandt, Warren | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
The nature and significance of the response latency associated with the amendment of movemen... (Student Work) | 1975 | Siegel, Donald Steven | Ed.D. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
Nature in the poetry of Saint-Amant (Student Work) | 1976 | Stewart, Phillip Scott | M.A. | Romance Languages-French, UNCG |
The nature of game strategy observation in field hockey with respect to selected variables (Student Work) | 1974 | Arrighi, Margarite Ann | Ed. D. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
The nature of human movement : a philosophical interpretation delineated from Neo-Confuciani... (Student Work) | 1978 | Charpio, Donald Joseph | Ed.D. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
The nature of twenty paintings (Student Work) | 1959 | Petteway, Betty E. | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
The nature of women's power : an interpretive analysis of perceptions of selected senior adm... (Student Work) | 1988 | Cartwright, Talula | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Nature references and scientific interest in the works of Fray Luis de Leon (Student Work) | 1948 | Herman, Rosemary | | Romance Languages-Spanish, UNCG |
Nature trails for elementary children (Student Work) | 1951 | Keller, Dale Franklin | M.A. Ed. | Education, UNCG |
Navigating growing awareness and shifting identities: the experiences of Saudi international... (Student Work) | 2019 | Abothneen, Noura Aloush | Ph.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Navigating mainstream higher education: examining the experiences of Native students using T... (Student Work) | 2012 | Harrington, Billie | Ph.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Navigating racialized contexts: the influence of school and family socialization on African ... (Student Work) | 2013 | McCoy, Shuntay Z. | Ph.D. | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Navigating renewable energy markets in Saudi Arabia : residential rooftop solar panels and p... (Student Work) | 2024 | Alwulayi, Sami A. | Ph.D. | Geography, UNCG |
Navigating sexual challenges across relationship development (Student Work) | 2022 | Brady, Ashlyn | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
Navigating the social/cultural politics of school choice : why do parents choose montessori?... (Student Work) | 2007 | Parker, Deborah Evans | EdD | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
Navigating southern spaces: queer narratives from below the Mason Dixon (Student Work) | 2016 | Armer, Caitlin A. | M.A. | Sociology, UNCG |
NC laboratory school principals’ efforts to implement culturally responsive parent, family, ... (Student Work) | 2023 | Chestnut, Catina S. | Ph.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Near-continuous functions and near-continuous homotopy (Student Work) | 1972 | Goolsby, Ronnie Christian | M.A. | Mathematics, UNCG |
Nebula 2072 (Student Work) | 1973 | Wikle, Kathy Smith | M.F.A. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
“Necessary fictions”: authorship and transethnic identity in contemporary American narrative... (Student Work) | 2015 | Milne, Leah A. | Ph.D. | English, UNCG |
The need to belong: an exploration of belonging among urban middle school students (Student Work) | 2017 | Stickl, Jamie E. | Ph.D. | Counseling and Counselor Education, UNCG |
Needs assessment of motor proficiency and health-related fitness for children conducted in c... (Student Work) | 1985 | McCormick, Mickie Runnette | Ed.D. | Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, UNCG |
Negative emotion differentiation and related processes : a qualitative approach (Student Work) | 2022 | Lunsford, Jaimie M. | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
Negative parent interaction and the student affairs professional (Student Work) | 2009 | Rouse, Sandra A. | PhD | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
Negative self-perceptions in preadolescence: the role of parental hostility and peer victimi... (Student Work) | 2018 | Lorenzo, Jessica A. | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
Negotiating masculinity within prison (Student Work) | 2009 | Hefner, Mary Kristen | MA | Sociology, UNCG |
Negotiating normativity: the disruptive wonder of subversive giants : and, Embracing ambigui... (Student Work) | 2020 | Patrick, Ariel A. | M.A. | English, UNCG |
Negotiating violence at the feast in medieval British texts (Student Work) | 2016 | Elmes, Melissa Ridley | Ph.D. | English, UNCG |
Negotiations of race, class, and gender among Afro-Latina women immigrants to the southern U... (Student Work) | 2015 | Hines-Gaither, Krishauna | Ph.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
The negritude poets and their critics : a literary assessment and implications for education... (Student Work) | 1978 | Latimer, Georgie Blanche | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
The Negro and the struggle for equal opportunity in Greensboro, May-July, 1963 (Student Work) | 1970 | Stuber, Robert Warren | M.A. | History and Political Science, UNCG |
Negro disfranchisement in North Carolina : the politics of race in a southern state (Student Work) | 1973 | Cotten, Jerry Wayne | M.A. | History, UNCG |
Neighborhood associations: security and hospitality in American suburban fiction (Student Work) | 2013 | George, Joseph A. | Ph.D. | English, UNCG |
Neighborhood disadvantage, parenting, and obesity in the transition from adolescence to youn... (Student Work) | 2016 | Irby, Megan B. | Ph.D. | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Neither recurrent hypoglycemia nor chronic aerobic training alter the content of MCTs in the... (Student Work) | 2016 | Oberlin, Douglas J. | Ph.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Nemasket river myths (Student Work) | 2010 | Zinkowski, Michael C. | MFA | English, UNCG |
Neonatal feeding skills in preterm infants and the relationship to speech and expressive lan... (Student Work) | 2016 | Mabe, Betty | Ph.D. | Communication Sciences and Disorders, UNCG |
Neonatologists' judgments regarding medical treatment for disabled newborns with life-threat... (Student Work) | 1990 | Chalnick, Maria Kappen | Ph.D. | Human Environmental Sciences, UNCG |
Network science and the effects of music on the human brain (Student Work) | 2015 | Wilkins, Robin W. | Ph.D. | Gateway MRI Center, UNCG |
Networking in curriculum planning : the development and application of a model (Student Work) | 1984 | Simmons, Robert Dale | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
NEural models for ontology annotations - NEMO (Student Work) | 2022 | Devkota, Pratik | M.S. | Computer Science, UNCG |
Neurodevelopmental Evaluation in a Neonatal Follow Up Clinic (Student Work) | 2022 | McManus, Laura | DNP | Nursing, UNCG |
Neurological soft signs in psychometrically identified schizotypy (Student Work) | 2008 | Kaczorowski, Jessica | MA | Psychology, UNCG |
Neuromotor and electrocortical activity characteristics of dynamic postural control (Student Work) | 2023 | Palazzolo, John Matthew | Ph.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Neuropsychological functioning in individuals at-risk for schizophrenia : a multidimensiona... (Student Work) | 2006 | Chok, James T. | PhD | Psychology, UNCG |
The Neurosciences and Music Education: An Online Database of Neuromusical Brain Imaging Rese... (Student Work) | 2008 | Edwards, Richard D. | PhD | Music, UNCG |
Neuroticism and cognitive constructs as risk factors for repeated episodes of self-injurious... (Student Work) | 2013 | Miskey, Holly M. | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
New almanac (Student Work) | 2017 | Stockburger, Nicole Maria | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
A new approach to Mandarin Chinese lyric diction in choral music (Student Work) | 2023 | Song, Pingyi | D.M.A. | School of Music, UNCG |
New beings (Student Work) | 2012 | Browning, Abigail Perkins | MFA | English, UNCG |
The new child : a collection of poems (Student Work) | 1965 | Eidam, Sylvia | | English, UNCG |
A new crossed molecular beam apparatus for the study of the Cl + O3 reaction probed via dire... (Student Work) | 2012 | Mark, Nicholas R. | M.S. | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
New instrument for probing the pure rotational spectroscopy of cold molecules produced via "... (Student Work) | 2012 | Mauney, Daniel T. | M.S. | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
New leads against drug-resistant organisms : shifting the focus in discovery towards rapid p... (Student Work) | 2022 | Winter, Heather Lyn | Ph.D. | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
A new method for creating a visual plant identification key (Student Work) | 2015 | Dellinger-Johnston, Rebecca A. | M.S. | Biology, UNCG |
A new model for aesthetic education (Student Work) | 1980 | Jenkins, Mary Anne Caruana | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
New perceptions of a transformed shoreline (Student Work) | 2007 | Briley, Phoebe L | Master of Fine Arts | Studio Art, UNCG |
A new perspective on the warrior figure in the Grail legend (Student Work) | 1973 | Llewellyn, Dara Virginia | M.A. | English, UNCG |
New ridges (Student Work) | 1968 | Kollath, Richard | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
The new state board of community colleges of North Carolina : 1981 decisions and the governa... (Student Work) | 1983 | Oliver, Dorothy McMichael | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
New strategies to identify bioactive compounds from complex matrices to combat drug-resistan... (Student Work) | 2018 | Britton, Emily R. | Ph.D. | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Newborns' preference for female voices as a function of spectral composition (Student Work) | 1984 | Spence, Melanie Jean | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
Newly Incorporated Municipalities (NIMs) in the United States 1990 - 2000: Socioeconomic Dif... (Student Work) | 2007 | Smith, Russell Miles | PhD | Geography, UNCG |
Nietzsche and the Limitations of the Will to Power (Student Work) | 2024 | Doshi, Meet | B.A. | Political Science, UNCG |
Nietzsche and Wagner their influence on national socialism (Student Work) | 1949 | Johnston, Ethel Celeste | | History, UNCG |
Nietzsche, Mann, and Modernism: a framework for morality in Raymond Chandler's detective fic... (Student Work) | 2019 | Coulter, Caitlin Brooke | M.A. | English, UNCG |
Night vision and other stories (Student Work) | 1974 | Ruh, Robert J. | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
Night-song sung for me (Student Work) | 1975 | Albright, Donald Alexander | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
Nikolai Kapustin’s Ten bagatelles, op. 59 (Student Work) | 2013 | Steele, Susannah | D.M.A. | Music, UNCG |
Nineteen-hundred and seventy-four (Student Work) | 1975 | Harris, John Paul | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
Nineteen-hundred and seventy-three (Student Work) | 1975 | Godwin, Vann Abbegail | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
Nineteenth century land-use, watershed erosion, and sediment yield in southern Appalachia (Student Work) | 2012 | Kennedy, Linda | Ph.D. | Geography, UNCG |
The nineteenth century wasteland : the void in the works of Byron, Baudelaire, and Melville (Student Work) | 1969 | Brittain, Mary Gates | M.A. | English, UNCG |
Nineteenth-Century Whaling and the Environment: An Exploration of the Cultural Influences on... (Student Work) | 2021 | Davidson, Matthew | B.A. | English, UNCG |
Ninth graders' expectancy-value motivation, energy-balance knowledge, and physical activity (Student Work) | 2011 | Chen, Senlin | Ph.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
No change in brain function or cognition following acute exercise in young adults with compa... (Student Work) | 2022 | Johnson, Megan N. | M.S. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
No child left behind and literacy: progress and pitfalls (Student Work) | 2018 | Roan, Marcy N. | Ed.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
No Curs Allowed: Exploring the Subculture of Dogmen (Student Work) | 2008 | Solomon, Robert F. | MA | Sociology, UNCG |
No damsel (Student Work) | 2018 | Barr, Caroline Parkman | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
No longer living in silence from the margins: African American male college student’s voices... (Student Work) | 2015 | Wyatt, James Roderick | Ph.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
"No more existence than the inhabitants of Utopia" : Utopian satire in Gulliver's travels (Student Work) | 1995 | Argent, Joseph E. | Ph.D. | English, UNCG |
No new snow to cover the snow: two stories (Student Work) | 2012 | Williams, Jonathan Gordon | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
No one is hurt forever (Student Work) | 1953 | Kerr, Lane | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
"Noga syksnivarts" (Student Work) | 1972 | Holder, Franklin D. | M.F.A. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
Noise Reduction in the Operating Room (Student Work) | 2022 | Pulliam, Elizabeth Coble | DNP | Nursing, UNCG |
Non-commercial use of soy protein products as extenders for ground beef (Student Work) | 1976 | Dale, Margot Lucile | M.S. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Non-continuous fundamental groups of continuous loops (Student Work) | 1976 | Andersen, Stephen S. | M.A. | Mathematics, UNCG |
Non-continuous set-valued functions (Student Work) | 1973 | Fife, Earl Dennett | M.A. | Mathematics, UNCG |
Non-dieting focused weight management curriculum in current accredited US dietetic programs (Student Work) | 2019 | Huebner, Grace | M.S. | Nutrition, UNCG |
Non-preconception (Student Work) | 1971 | Evans, Dennis James | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
Non-tax money in Guilford County schools 1972-73 (Student Work) | 1974 | Nelson, Ralph Russell | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
The noncrossing poset and topological indices of finite graphs (Student Work) | 2024 | Farmer, Charles Matthew | Ph.D. | Mathematics and Statistics, UNCG |
The nondual level: the cosmopolitan imagination of liquid modernity as visual midrash. (Student Work) | 2012 | Serpa, Gabriel Forrester | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
Nonnegative solutions of nonlinear fractional Laplacian equations (Student Work) | 2020 | Hollifield, Elliott Z. | Ph.D. | Mathematics and Statistics, UNCG |
Nonparametric and Parametric Survival Analysis of Censored Data with Possible Violation of M... (Student Work) | 2008 | Zhao, Guolin | MA | Mathematics and Statistics, UNCG |
Nonparametric diagnostic classification analysis for testlet based tests (Student Work) | 2016 | Sha, Shuying | Ph.D. | Educational Research Methodology, UNCG |
Nonpublic schools revisited : a comparative study of nonpublic education in North Carolina f... (Student Work) | 1988 | Graves, Rebecca Webster | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Nonsense (Student Work) | 1975 | Schwartz, Lydia | M.F.A. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
Nonverbal behaviors of collegiate female volleyball and basketball coaches as recalled by at... (Student Work) | 1980 | Grastorf, Jane E. | Ed.D. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
Nonverbal communicative skills used with peers by deaf and hearing five-year-old children (Student Work) | 1966 | Wyman, Dorothy Lassiter | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
The Norman conquest: ten centuries of interpretation (Student Work) | 1975 | Carter, John Marshall | M.A. | History, UNCG |
Norman Herzberg: An Icon of Bassoon Pedagogy (Student Work) | 2008 | Cope Lowe, Carol Loraine | DMA | Music, UNCG |
North Carolina, Claude Kitchin, and the Great War, 1869-1923 (Student Work) | 2020 | Reagin, Timothy Mitchell | Ph.D. | History, UNCG |
North Carolina’s Clean Smokestacks Act: untangling a tangled relationship (Student Work) | 2018 | Larson, Justin J. | Ph.D. | Economics, UNCG |
North Carolina's alternative programs for disruptive youth : analysis and recommendations (Student Work) | 1992 | Hudgins, Jeannette | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
North Carolina's first railroads, a study in historical geography (Student Work) | 2008 | Burke, James C. | PhD | Geography, UNCG |
North Carolina's republican press during Reconstruction (Student Work) | 1972 | Thompson, Linda Bowland | M.A. | History, UNCG |
North Carolina Basic Education Program : design versus implementation (Student Work) | 1991 | Ingle, Mary Margaret | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
The North Carolina community college system : its inception - its growth - its legal framewo... (Student Work) | 1978 | Lochra, Albert Pultz | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
The North Carolina Contractual Scholarship Fund program : outcomes, administrative practices... (Student Work) | 1987 | Simmons, Barry Williams | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
North Carolina education professionals' linguistic knowledge and instructional and collabora... (Student Work) | 2020 | Abdelaziz, Mariam M. | Ph.D. | Communication Sciences and Disorders, UNCG |
North Carolina high school coaches’ knowledge of the Female Athlete Triad (Student Work) | 2018 | Lowery, Michael C. | Ed.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
North Carolina high school football first responders' perceived knowledge and their likeliho... (Student Work) | 2010 | Eilbacher, Craig A. | Ed.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
North Carolina K-5 principals' perceptions of the teacher performance appraisal instrument (Student Work) | 1990 | Lamm, Mary Hobgood | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
North Carolina Law Enforcement Officers' Perceptions Regarding the CSI Effect (Student Work) | 2008 | Thomas, Gerald R. | MA | Sociology, UNCG |
North Carolina mill rehabilitation: an analysis of historic building character and design st... (Student Work) | 2012 | Klem, Megan J. | M.S. | Interior Architecture, UNCG |
The North Carolina press and the World War, 1914-1917 : a study of opinion (Student Work) | 1973 | Farlowe, Joanne | M.A. | History, UNCG |
The North Carolina Railroad, industrial slavery, and the economic development of North Carol... (Student Work) | 2017 | Petersen, Keri T. | Ph.D. | History, UNCG |
North Carolina rural superintendents perceived professional development needs (Student Work) | 2019 | Taylor, David Wade | Ed.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
The North Carolina Speaker Ban Commission hearing : a study of evidence (Student Work) | 1974 | Best, Gloria T. | M.A. | Drama and Speech, UNCG |
The North Carolina speaker ban law episode : its history and implications for higher educati... (Student Work) | 1988 | Stewart, William Albert | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
The North Carolina state system of allotting administrative positions to the public schools ... (Student Work) | 1977 | Slemenda, Charles John | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
The North Carolina Symphony: a case study in fiscal sustainability strategies for a large Am... (Student Work) | 2016 | Graebert, Marian | D.M.A. | Music Performance, UNCG |
Northeastern North Carolina: A Study of School Quality in Public High Schools & County Viole... (Student Work) | 2015 | Mills, Tanisha D. | B.A. | Sociology, UNCG |
Nostalgia remix: fusing traditional crafts and contemporary interior product design (Student Work) | 2009 | Kalman, Tracy Cottrell | MS | Interior Architecture, UNCG |
Not the kind that means splendor (Student Work) | 2015 | Lee, Abigail | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
Noticing trauma responses: the development and validation of the autonomic response screenin... (Student Work) | 2020 | Lowman, Madeleine Morris | Ph.D. | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
A notion of human space (Student Work) | 1975 | Elliott, Teresa Ann | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
A novel application of organocatalysis for the synthesis of six-membered ring lactones (Student Work) | 2019 | Baber, Tylisha M. | M.S. | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Novel mechanisms regulating inflammatory gene expression in adipocytes (Student Work) | 2012 | Nam, Heesun | Ph.D. | Nutrition, UNCG |
A novel method for the selective elimination of HIV infected cells: dexamethasone and procai... (Student Work) | 2011 | Elbourakadi, Najoua | Ph.D. | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Novel role for dual-specificity phosphatase 4 in adipocytes (Student Work) | 2017 | Guo, Wei | Ph.D. | Nutrition, UNCG |
The novels of Roddy Doyle (Student Work) | 1996 | White, Caramine | Ph.D. | English, UNCG |
Numerical analysis of the kinetic theory of sound propagation in a simple monatomic gas (Student Work) | 1975 | Dharmapala, Aparna | M.S. | Physics, UNCG |
The Nuremberg paradox: how the trial of the Nazis challenged American support of internation... (Student Work) | 2018 | Ross, Joseph A. | Ph.D. | History, UNCG |
Nurse perceptions of elder self-neglect (Student Work) | 2014 | Johnson, Yvonne O'Connell | Ph.D. | Nursing, UNCG |
Nurse Practitioner Knowledge and Use of Complementary and Alternative Therapies for the Mana... (Student Work) | 2019 | Phillips, Courtney F. | B.S. | Nursing, UNCG |
Nurse-led Hypertension Clinic in Primary Care (Student Work) | 2023 | Cichowicz, Christa | DNP | Nursing, UNCG |
The nurse's liberation : an evolutionary epistemological paradigm for nursing (Student Work) | 1987 | Murphey, Carol Jean | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Nurses’ experiences caring for patients with opioid use disorders (Student Work) | 2022 | Messer, April | Ph.D. | Nursing, UNCG |
Nurses’ knowledge regarding nursing surveillance of the septic patient (Student Work) | 2020 | LeBlanc, Paul H. J. | Ph.D. | Nursing, UNCG |
Nursing Presence Enhancement Using the CALM Scale for Pain Assessment in Laboring Women (Student Work) | 2022 | Marzbani , Emily K. | DNP | Nursing, UNCG |
The nutrient content of food served versus food eaten by hospitalized patients on selected d... (Student Work) | 1976 | Andrews, Shirley Marie | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Nutrient desposition and drought effects on arthropod herbivore damage in longleaf pine sava... (Student Work) | 2024 | Mann, William T. | M.S. | Biology, UNCG |
Nutrient intake and the effectiveness of a community-based nutrition education program in re... (Student Work) | 1993 | Bell, Ronny A. | Ph.D. | Human Environmental Sciences, UNCG |
Nutrition knowledge of students enrolled in one North Carolina medical school (Student Work) | 1975 | Richardson, Karen D.J. | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Nutritional health of adolescent females : zinc, copper and lipid status (Student Work) | 1985 | Kinard, James Donald | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Nutritional investigations with cellulomonas flavigena (Student Work) | 1967 | Fletcher, Paul Litton | M.A. | Biology, UNCG |
Nutritional manipulation of HIV/AIDS: the effects of ergothioneine and cultural complementar... (Student Work) | 2015 | West, Lauren | M.S. | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Nutritional modulation of growth and maturation and the development of specific age-related ... (Student Work) | 1987 | Levin, Laurence Buck | Ph.D. | Human Environmental Sciences, UNCG |
Nutritional status of a group of Bolivians living in the state of Cochabamba (Student Work) | 1982 | Zahran, Effat Abdel-Kader | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Nutritional status of nongravid female adolescents, their knowledge, and attitudes about pre... (Student Work) | 1982 | Condit, Mary Garidel | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
The O chronicle (Student Work) | 1966 | Arl, Ellen | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
"O’er mountains and rivers": Community and commerce in the Greenbrier Valley in the Late Eig... (Student Work) | 2018 | McCartney, Sarah Ellen | Ph.D. | History, UNCG |
Obesity, child-feeding attitudes, and reactive eating : an intergenerational study (Student Work) | 1977 | Rogers, Cosby S. | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Obesity, dietary behaviors, and level of physical activity among low- income children in Gui... (Student Work) | 2011 | Matteson, Anna L. | MS | Nutrition, UNCG |
Object lessons (Student Work) | 2018 | Kent, Linda A. | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
Object orientation as a dimension for stimulus generalization (Student Work) | 1969 | Pullen, Michael | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
Objective negative evaluation level, perceived stress, and autonomic reactivity in a lab-bas... (Student Work) | 2022 | Suresky, Rachel E | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
An observational study of anger behavior of the preschool child (Student Work) | 1947 | Cockfield, Marveign Cloud | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
An observational study of teachers' expectancy effects and their mediating mechanisms on stu... (Student Work) | 1977 | Crowe, Patricia Barbara | Ed.D. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
An obstruction to property A (Student Work) | 2018 | Pritchard, Christopher Neil | M.A. | Mathematics and Statistics, UNCG |
The occupational socialization of Korean secondary school physical education teachers (Student Work) | 1993 | Park, Myoung Gee | Ph.D. | Human Environmental Sciences, UNCG |
An occupational survey of Greenville, North Carolina and a follow-up survey of the graduates... (Student Work) | 1939 | Bell, Laura Mattocks | | Secretarial Science, UNCG |
Oceans apart: women readers in the Nineteenth-century British and American novel (Student Work) | 2011 | Griffin, Martha Broadaway | Ph.D. | English, UNCG |
Of this place (Student Work) | 2007 | Cox, Jessica Dawn | Master of Fine Arts | English, UNCG |
Offenders' perceptions of the choices they had and the choices they made (Student Work) | 2007 | Gathings, M.J. | Master of Arts | Sociology, UNCG |
Oil paintings and pencil drawings (Student Work) | 1975 | Davis, Troy Timmons | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
An old acquaintance: personifying trees to overcome the nature/culture binary (Student Work) | 2020 | Coturri Sorenson, Gianina Marie | Ph.D. | English, UNCG |
The Old Lady and Old Beardless: Gender, Emotion, and Legitimate Violence in Njal's Saga (Student Work) | 2016 | Ridpath, Ryan | Bachelor of Arts | History, UNCG |
Older adults’ perceptions of disposition decisions from the emergency department (Student Work) | 2021 | Valcheff, Karen | Ph.D. | Nursing, UNCG |
Older men's experience of informal caregiving (Student Work) | 2010 | Taylor, Catherine S. | Ph.D. | Nursing, UNCG |
Older women’s health outcomes during retirement (Student Work) | 2016 | Sheppard, Francine Hebert | Ph.D. | Nursing, UNCG |
Olfactory processing of spatial information in hamsters (Student Work) | 1989 | Tomlinson, William Thomas | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
On the care and feeding of animals (Student Work) | 2011 | Smith, Anastasia | MFA | English, UNCG |
On characterizing pairs of permutations in determining their generated group (Student Work) | 2013 | Watts, Michael D. | M.A. | Mathematics, UNCG |
On the Culture Concept (Student Work) | 1949 | Moore, Margaret Alice | | Sociology, UNCG |
On the encoding of pitch and the quantitative measurement of pitch strength (Student Work) | 1974 | Hall, Joseph Walton | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
On the far edge of paradise: three short stories (Student Work) | 2014 | Haile, Molly Sentell | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
On generators of Hilbert modular groups of totally real number fields (Student Work) | 2016 | Everhart, Lance M. | M.A. | Mathematics and Statistics, UNCG |
On the Hausdorff Dimension of the Boundary of a Self-Similar Tile (Student Work) | 2009 | Tally, Anne E. | MA | Mathematics and Statistics, UNCG |
On hereditary torsion theories (Student Work) | 1973 | Swaim, Terryl Siler | M.A. | Mathematics, UNCG |
On the nature of and teachers' goals for students' mathematical argumentation in five high s... (Student Work) | 2013 | Howell, Tracey H. | Ph.D. | Mathematics and Statistics, UNCG |
On the orderly listing of permutations (Student Work) | 1969 | Griffin, Patricia Anne | M.A. | Mathematics, UNCG |
On our feet: feasibility trial of an intervention to reduce sedentary behavior and increase ... (Student Work) | 2012 | Adams, Melanie | Ph.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
On the preservation of coarse properties over products and on persistence curves (Student Work) | 2019 | Lawson, Austin | Ph.D. | Mathematics and Statistics, UNCG |
On the prevalence and prevention of rental housing evictions (Student Work) | 2021 | Hobbs, Kelsi Gabrielle | Ph.D. | Economics, UNCG |
On [psi (kappa, Mu)] spaces with [kappa equals omega subscript 1] (Student Work) | 2010 | Payne, Catherine Ann | M.A. | Mathematics and Statistics, UNCG |
On purity in abelian groups and in modules (Student Work) | 1973 | Thacker, Barbara Lea | M.A. | Mathematics, UNCG |
On the Quadratic Sieve (Student Work) | 2008 | Garrett, Stephani Lee | MA | Mathematics and Statistics, UNCG |
On quasi-injective abelian groups (Student Work) | 1971 | Sanderson, Rebecca Davis | M.A. | Mathematics, UNCG |
On rational extensions of a ring (Student Work) | 1971 | Bowers, June Irene | M.A. | Mathematics, UNCG |
On the Reconstruction Conjecture (Student Work) | 2008 | Wall, Nicole Turpin | MA | Mathematics and Statistics, UNCG |
On the relationship between femininity and administrative success : a study of the perceptio... (Student Work) | 1988 | Sarantos, Sandra Todd | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
On the shoulders of the bear (Student Work) | 2009 | Webb, Thera | MFA | English, UNCG |
On the social psychology of taboo deviancy : some observations on theories (Student Work) | 1963 | Ford, Martha L. | | Sociology and Anthropology, UNCG |
On this or that side (Student Work) | 1967 | Humes, Harry | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
On union-closed families (Student Work) | 2007 | Renn, Charles Frederick | Master of Arts | Mathematics and Statistics, UNCG |
On Whom the Nation Rests: Leopoldo Méndez’s Allegory of Suffering (Student Work) | 2022 | Campbell, Beth I. | | Art History, UNCG |
On the Wing : a new four-movement composition for folk band and string orchestra (Student Work) | 2023 | Rich, Nicholas Elliot | D.M.A. | School of Music, UNCG |
On zeros of fractional derivatives of Dirichlet series and polynomials (Student Work) | 2024 | Caparatta, Torre Eugene | Ph.D. | Mathematics and Statistics, UNCG |
The once lived life (Student Work) | 2007 | Richardson, Nathan Lee | Master of Fine Arts | English, UNCG |
One along side the other : the collected letters of William Carlos Williams and Kenneth Burk... (Student Work) | 1994 | East, James H. | Ph.D. | English, UNCG |
One hundred forty-six: the score for a music and modern dance theatre production about the T... (Student Work) | 2013 | Kowalski, Elizabeth L. | M.M. | Music, UNCG |
One work : a rhizomatic treatise on the creative act (Student Work) | 2024 | Lord, Jason | M.F.A. | School of Art, UNCG |
The one-step arithmetic story problem-solving of deaf/hard-of-hearing children who primarily... (Student Work) | 2020 | Hallenbeck, Taylor L. | Ph.D. | Specialized Education Services, UNCG |
Online counselor training: challenges and successes in the experiences of online counselor e... (Student Work) | 2016 | Hall, Daniel P. | Ph.D. | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
Online kinesiology: using the community of inquiry framework to enhance students’ learning e... (Student Work) | 2019 | Bukhin, Cassandra E. | Ed.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Online resources for lesson planning : perspectives of students, faculty, and teachers (Student Work) | 2024 | Mejia Robles, Amy J. | M.S. | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Online social systems, social actions, and politics: a narrative analysis of the role of soc... (Student Work) | 2017 | Maghrabi, Rozan Omar | Ph.D. | Information Systems and Supply Chain Management, UNCG |
The only house in the neighborhood (Student Work) | 2007 | Exoo, Sarah Rose | Master of Fine Arts | English, UNCG |
Only to the extent: insanity in the works of Kurt Vonnegut and redesigning developmental edu... (Student Work) | 2013 | Lane, Thomas-Anderson Joshua | M.A. | English, UNCG |
Open and storage space preference of forty homemakers living in ranch type houses of approxi... (Student Work) | 1964 | Davis, Sylvia Freeman | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Open Tubular Capillary Electrochromatography-Laser Induced Fluorescence for the Separation a... (Student Work) | 2007 | Davis, Kellie M. | MS | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Open your eyes (Student Work) | 1971 | Kramer, Julie F. | M.F.A. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
Open-ended storytelling and the written word (Student Work) | 2007 | Hinson, Dustin W | Master of Fine Arts | Studio Art, UNCG |
Opening and entering critical spaces: exploring how high school students and their English t... (Student Work) | 2014 | Meacham, Mark R. | Ph.D. | Educational Studies, UNCG |
Openness versus secrecy in adoptive parenthood (Student Work) | 1984 | Geissinger, Shirley B. | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Operational levels of cognitive stage achievement and representations of cognitive structure... (Student Work) | 1980 | Holland, Locke | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Operationalizing item difficulty modeling in a medical certification context (Student Work) | 2020 | Brucia, Robert Charles | Ph.D. | Educational Research Methodology, UNCG |
Ophelia as archetype: Jake Heggie's Songs and sonnets to Ophelia (Student Work) | 2012 | Frazer, Elizabeth | D.M.A. | Music, UNCG |
Opinions of home economics graduates concerning the use and value of clothing and textile in... (Student Work) | 1954 | Luffman, Winnie Frances | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
The opioid epidemic and the impact on opioid prescribing in hospice and palliative care: a q... (Student Work) | 2019 | Borders, Joshua | Ph.D. | Nursing, UNCG |
Opioid-sparing Anesthesia in Cardiac Surgery: Discovering Certified Registered Nurse Anesthe... (Student Work) | 2022 | Best, Mariah B. | DNP | Nursing, UNCG |
Opioid-Sparing Anesthesia Protocol: An Educational Intervention to Improve Knowledge and Co... (Student Work) | 2023 | Moseley II, Charles F. | DNP | Nursing, UNCG |
Optimal characteristics of anchor tests in vertical scaling: a special case of non equivalen... (Student Work) | 2019 | Ngerano, Gilbert Njiru | Ph.D. | Educational Research Methodology, UNCG |
The optimal design of the dual-purpose test (Student Work) | 2013 | Luo, Xiao | Ph.D. | Educational Research, Measurement, and Evaluation, UNCG |
Optimal timing of a PETTLEP mental imagery intervention on a dart throwing task (Student Work) | 2011 | Knackstedt, Paul T. | MS | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Optimization of ambuic acid as an anti-virulence agent against methicillin-resistant Staphyl... (Student Work) | 2020 | Odoyo, Isaiah O. | M.S. | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Optimizing frequency domain contention in wireless network (Student Work) | 2014 | Al-zurfi, Huda Kadhem Abdnoor | M.S. | Computer Science, UNCG |
Optimizing Lung Cancer Screening with Low-Dose Computed Tomography in a Primary Care Setting... (Student Work) | 2022 | Gregerson, Asante | DNP | Nursing, UNCG |
Optimizing small spaces: a new typology for living functions of the millennial generation (Student Work) | 2010 | Hayden, Amanda Cody | MS | Interior Architecture, UNCG |
Orange Line : ambient music and the Washington, D.C. Metro (Student Work) | 2024 | Yagerline, John M. | M.M. | School of Music, UNCG |
Orchestral color in Richard Strauss’s Lieder: enhancing performance choices of all of Straus... (Student Work) | 2009 | Hollis, Deborah Lee | D.M.A. | Music, UNCG |
Order my steps of faith: a philosophical self-reflection of faith using an African-American ... (Student Work) | 2014 | Kennedy, Joy L. | Ph.D. | Educational Studies, UNCG |
Ordering the chaos : family, nation, and terror in post-9/11 anglophone fiction (Student Work) | 2022 | Shelat, Jay N. | Ph.D. | English, UNCG |
Organization of content for a self-instructional program for the construction of a blouse (Student Work) | 1966 | Moebes, Betty Halligan | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Organization, management, and leadership from a Biblical perspective (Student Work) | 1977 | Suttles, Donald Roland | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
The organizational bases of community power; a subsequent test of selected hypotheses (Student Work) | 1975 | Carroll, Mary R. | M.A. | Sociology, UNCG |
Organizational culture and international education : case studies at selected institutions (Student Work) | 1992 | Kee, Steven Douglas | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
An organizational development program for academic departments and divisions at community an... (Student Work) | 1981 | Poetzinger, John Frederick | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Organizing rhetoric: situation, ethos, identification, and the institution of social form (Student Work) | 2014 | Scisco, Peter L. | Ph.D. | English, UNCG |
Organ influences on selected French piano works from the 1880s to the 1920s (Student Work) | 2021 | Xu, Mengfei | D.M.A. | School of Music, UNCG |
Organ literature of twentieth-century black composers : an annotated bibliography (Student Work) | 1992 | Harrell, Paula Denise | D.M.A. | Music, UNCG |
The origins and development of the public junior college movement, 1850-1921 (Student Work) | 1979 | Oakley, Jesse Ronald | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
An ornament of civilization : the literary criticism of Randall Jarrell (Student Work) | 1979 | Monroe, Hayden Keith | Ph.D. | English, UNCG |
Other Americans: the racialized and anachronized Appalachian mountaineer at the turn of the ... (Student Work) | 2016 | Boissonneau, Sara Taylor | Ph.D. | English, UNCG |
The other part and other stories (Student Work) | 2011 | Klinkner, Benjamin Wayne | MFA | English, UNCG |
Our brothers’ keeper: the leadership practices of African-American male principals and their... (Student Work) | 2018 | Dawson, NeShawn Cox | Ed.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Our hunting fathers by Benjamin Britten and W.H. Auden : a musical and textual analysis (Student Work) | 1994 | Emmons, Celeste Mildred | D.M.A. | Music, UNCG |
“Our objective wasn’t to belittle people’s behavior”: the history of gestational diabetes, 1... (Student Work) | 2013 | Foy, Marjorie Elvin | Ph.D. | History, UNCG |
Our sad ecstatic mouths (Student Work) | 2015 | Parody, Clifford | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
“Out here fighting for my life” : exploring the experiences of Black women student affairs p... (Student Work) | 2024 | Propst, Brandy S. | Ph.D. | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
Out of water: stories (Student Work) | 2018 | Keeley, Anna Blake | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
Outcome effectiveness in counseling: the role of nonverbal immediacy behaviors and the thera... (Student Work) | 2014 | Adamson, Nicole A. | Ph.D. | Counseling, UNCG |
Outcomes of a peer assessment/feedback training program in an undergraduate sports medicine ... (Student Work) | 2010 | Marty, Melissa Catherine | Ph.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Outlanders. (Student Work) | 2010 | Martin, Jeff | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
Outlaw knot-makers : context, culture, and magic realism (Student Work) | 1995 | Shannon, Edward A. | Ph.D. | English, UNCG |
The Outsourcing of Apparel and Textiles: Manufacturing Site Selection (Student Work) | 2008 | Walsh, Edlyn-Kay Leipohaimaukealoha | MA | Geography, UNCG |
Outstanding teachers as an endangered species : a study of burnout (Student Work) | 1985 | Schreiber, Patricia Terrell | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
“Overcoming the sinful states : Anne Finch’s “Psalm the 137th : Paraphrased to the 7th Verse... (Student Work) | 2024 | Neal, Brooke M. | M.A. | English, UNCG |
Overexpression, purification, and characterization of AcpK, PksG, and MmgA from Bacillus sub... (Student Work) | 2007 | Williams, Jayme | Master of Science | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Overexpression, Purification, and Characterization of MmgB and MmgC from Bacillus subtilis S... (Student Work) | 2008 | Russell, Spencer A. | MS | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Overexpression, purification, and characterization of MmgD from Bacillus subtilis strain 168... (Student Work) | 2009 | Acharya, Rejwi | MS | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
The overnight stay in the homemaking cottage (Student Work) | 1949 | Keller, Mozelle | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Oviposition site-selection of Phlebotomus papatasi: the effects of conspecific stages (Student Work) | 2018 | Kowacich, Dannielle Josephine | M.S. | Biology, UNCG |
Pain locus of control and quality of life index scores in chronic pain patients : a pilot st... (Student Work) | 2006 | Keck, Sherry Denise Andrews | Master of Science Nursing | Nursing, UNCG |
Paint by Numbers. (Student Work) | 2010 | Montgomery, Heath | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
Painted still life studies and figurative drawings (Student Work) | 1976 | Sumpter, Henry Earl | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
The painter and the figured fabric (Student Work) | 1960 | Boggs, Jacqueline Louise | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
Painting and collage : search, surface, and surprise (Student Work) | 1963 | Moore, Susan | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
Painting and drawing : a commentary (Student Work) | 1977 | Kronberg, Eugene Theodore | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
Painting and the experience of place in the Southern landscape (Student Work) | 2011 | Abbot, Isabelle Peyton | MFA | Art, UNCG |
Painting experiences (Student Work) | 1966 | Coffie, James Ho | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
Painting within the realist tradition (Student Work) | 1978 | Stumpf, Jeffrey | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
Painting, studio interior series (Student Work) | 1972 | Daniel, Edwin Lewis | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
Paintings and drawings : a private lifestyle (Student Work) | 1975 | Spencer, Lucille Mann | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
Paintings in oils and acrylics (Student Work) | 1971 | Taylor, Theolander | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
Pairing cognitive training and exercise (Student Work) | 2011 | Pendleton, Daniel Morgan | MS | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Palladium catalyzed dehydration of primary amides: a step economical synthesis of Vildaglipt... (Student Work) | 2021 | Stanley, Jarrod Lee | M.S. | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Paper space & interior fiction : employing speculative design to explore the creative design... (Student Work) | 2021 | John, Cameron | M.F.A. | Interior Architecture, UNCG |
Parameters influencing interobserver agreement and observer accuracy in a vigilance analogue... (Student Work) | 1976 | Kapust, Jeffry Allan | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
The Paramount Series (Student Work) | 2006 | Leger, Patrick Nathan | Master of Fine Arts | Studio Art, UNCG |
The paranoid bride and the tiger-striped priest (Student Work) | 1974 | Westbrook, Nancy | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
Paraprofessionals in community mental health : attitudes, attitude change, and attitude stab... (Student Work) | 1976 | Sampson, Myrtle B. | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Parasocial Relationships and Fanfiction: Intimacy, Identification, Friendship, and New Media... (Student Work) | 2022 | Smith, Courtney E. | B.A. | Communication Studies, UNCG |
Parent and teacher perceptions of discipline problems and solutions in small, urban, western... (Student Work) | 1993 | Hill, Raymond Stephen | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Parent education needs of infants with complex life-threatening illnesses (Student Work) | 2013 | Twaddell, Jennifer W. | Ph.D. | Nursing, UNCG |
Parent factors associated with anxiety in children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity diso... (Student Work) | 2011 | O'Rourke, Sarah R. | MA | Psychology, UNCG |
Parent involvement with at-risk students : a case study (Student Work) | 1991 | Everhart, Barbara Link | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Parent text messages behaviors and emerging adult percieved support of autonomy (Student Work) | 2022 | Brown, Morgan T. | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
Parent, Child, and Relational Components of Child Disclosure about Peer Relationships in Ear... (Student Work) | 2008 | Madison, Karis J. | MS | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Parent-adolescent hostility: a family systems approach (Student Work) | 2013 | Weymouth, Bridget B. | M.S. | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Parent-child co-regulation predicting emotion regulation in early childhood (Student Work) | 2015 | Morris, Nneka | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
Parent-child conflict style: associations with family stress and vulnerability (Student Work) | 2011 | Nelson Taylor, Jackie A. | Ph.D. | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Parental alcoholism and coping : a comparison of female children of alcoholics with female c... (Student Work) | 1993 | Kelly, Virginia A. | Ph.D. | Education, UNCG |
Parental antecedents of instrumentality, expressiveness, and gender role preferences (Student Work) | 1988 | Arditti, Joyce A. | Ph.D. | Human Environmental Sciences, UNCG |
Parental attitudes and acceptance of deafness related to the sex-role development of the dea... (Student Work) | 1975 | Holland, Nancy Alexander | M.S.H.E. | UNCG |
Parental attitudes toward the values of interscholastic athletics (Student Work) | 1978 | Maggard, Robert E. | Ed.D. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
Parental behaviors and child expressive language ability as predictors of peer social compet... (Student Work) | 2019 | Paymon, Holly | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
Parental beliefs, home learning environment, and school readiness in the Latino population: ... (Student Work) | 2008 | Mendoza, Jennifer M. | MS | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Parental Cancer: The Parent-Child Bond at Risk (Student Work) | 2008 | Miller, Julie M. | PhD | Psychology, UNCG |
Parental conflict and bargaining in custody and divorce negotiations : toward a theory of cu... (Student Work) | 1988 | Ferreiro, Beverly Webster | Ph.D. | Human Environmental Sciences, UNCG |
Parental empathy and family-role interactions as portrayed on commercial television (Student Work) | 1981 | Shaner, James Michael | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Parental influences on youth competitive and recreational sport: a battle of perspectives (Student Work) | 2019 | Sappenfield, Kourtney B. | M.S. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Parental involvement of families with limited financial resources: bridging home and school ... (Student Work) | 2010 | Pemberton, Kimberly Doggett | Ph.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Parental marital conflict and youth maladjustment (Student Work) | 2012 | Boyd, Timothy Wright | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
Parental monitoring and oppositionality in the context of early parenting behaviors (Student Work) | 2013 | Kalianivala, Anahita Z. | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
Parental perceived needs of senior high school students concerning adult roles and responsib... (Student Work) | 1987 | Copeland, Patricia Dianne Brandon | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Parental perceptions of 2, 3, and 4-year-old children: 1963-1983 (Student Work) | 1984 | Moore, Mary Louise Hanson | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Parental perceptions of disciplining preschool children (Student Work) | 1984 | James, Rebecca Smoak | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Parental perceptions of family management styles in families with a child with asthma (Student Work) | 2011 | Hines, Annette | Ph.D. | Nursing, UNCG |
Parental perceptions of school meal programs in Guilford County, NC (Student Work) | 2011 | Himmelrich, Sara Swindell | MS | Nutrition, UNCG |
Parental perspectives regarding sports participation of children diagnosed with attention de... (Student Work) | 2023 | Turek, Laura M. | Ed.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Parental symptoms of attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder and maternal responsiveness in... (Student Work) | 2006 | Patterson, Cryshelle Schouest | Phd | Psychology, UNCG |
Parental views on sport specialization for adolescent volleyball players (Student Work) | 2019 | Phillips, Callie E. | Ed.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Parenting Behavior and Child Adjustment in a Sample of Mainland Chinese Adolescents (Student Work) | 2007 | Wang, Yudan Chen | MS | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Parents and Teachers' Beliefs about Preschool Inclusion in P.R. China (Student Work) | 2007 | Li, Linlin | PhD | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Parents' attitudes toward mainstreaming their handicapped children in preschool programs (Student Work) | 1984 | Austin, Patsy C. | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Parents Choosing Independent Education: Personal Advantage or a Moral Alternative (Student Work) | 2007 | Jordan, Susanne Plum | Ph.D. | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
Parents speak : what are their perceptions of their children’s experiences in a 90/10 one-wa... (Student Work) | 2023 | Davern, John M. | Ed.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Parents’ values and children’s gratitude expression in African American families (Student Work) | 2018 | Leon, Ebony D. | M.S. | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Parody in Pale fire : a re-reading of Boswell's Life of Johnson (Student Work) | 1996 | Morris, Matthew Charles Evans | Ph.D. | English, UNCG |
Partial reinforcement and resistance to extinction (Student Work) | 1987 | Mellon, Robert Charles | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
Participant assessment of a reduction in tracking in high school social studies (Student Work) | 1993 | Ratchford, Victoria Feimster | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
pass/codes: Code Switching for Survival (Student Work) | 2021 | Winn, Brian | M.F.A. | Dance, UNCG |
Passage (metamorphic drawings) (Student Work) | 1973 | Caldwell, Robert Clyde | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
The passing (Student Work) | 1966 | Friedman, Robert S. | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
Passing (Student Work) | 2019 | Murray, Siobhan Moynihan | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
The past as liberation from history (Student Work) | 1996 | Culclasure, Scott P. | Ph.D. | Education, UNCG |
Past possible paths (Student Work) | 2015 | Reichgott, Dalea Redd | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
Pastoral influences on Robert Greene's social views in his romances and comedies (Student Work) | 1977 | Mackay, Helen Honeycutt | Ph.D. | English, UNCG |
Paternal, infant, and social contextual characteristics as determinants of competent parenta... (Student Work) | 1990 | Edwards, Lienne | Ph.D. | Human Environmental Sciences, UNCG |
“The path she had chosen”: mobility in works by American women regionalists from the late ni... (Student Work) | 2014 | Wedehase, Erin | Ph.D. | English, UNCG |
Pathways by which mothers’ adverse childhood experiences and emotionally responsive parentin... (Student Work) | 2023 | Girod, Savannah A. | Ph.D. | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Pathways to change : pre-service teachers’ experiences providing support to college students... (Student Work) | 2024 | Bergmann, Erica R. | Ph.D. | Specialized Education Services, UNCG |
Pathways to learning: the musical journeys of five adult fiddle players (Student Work) | 2016 | Blanton, Christen J. | Ph.D. | Music Education, UNCG |
A Patient or Baton? Implementation of a Standardized Report Sheet in the Post Anesthesia C... (Student Work) | 2024 | Cil, Olivia | DNP | Nursing, UNCG |
Patient-rated outcome measures in athletic training: an exploratory study (Student Work) | 2020 | Justice, Beverly R. | Ed.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Patriarchy and nursing education : analysis and model (Student Work) | 1981 | Hodges, Linda Compton | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Pattern, process, production: a design Investigation in Interior product design, exploring p... (Student Work) | 2014 | Dale, Ashley Danielle | M.S. | Interior Architecture, UNCG |
Patterns of behavior over coffee: an exploration of engagement among coffee-house patrons in... (Student Work) | 2013 | Will, Anna Kate | M.S. | Interior Architecture, UNCG |
Patterns of the business education curricula of the member institutions of business teacher-... (Student Work) | 1944 | Max, Keith | M.S. | Business Education, UNCG |
Patterns of family access to early care and education arrangements during preschool and impl... (Student Work) | 2023 | Stephens, Christina M. | Ph.D. | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Patterns of physical activity among preschoolers in a childcare setting: a pilot study (Student Work) | 2016 | Jones, Morgan | M.S. | Nutrition, UNCG |
Patterns of physiological stress response and family climate of stress in children attending... (Student Work) | 2015 | Westerberg, Diana | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
Patterns of self–other overlap in children (Student Work) | 2016 | Collyer, Delaney A. | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
Patterns of urban stream stability: relaxation times and the conditions of (dis)equilibrium ... (Student Work) | 2016 | Johnson, Philip | M.A. | Geography, UNCG |
Paul Eluard (Student Work) | 1958 | Cotchett, Carolyn | | Romance Languages, UNCG |
Pausing under a glass dome (Student Work) | 1972 | Fuqua, Nancy | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
"Pavel Chesnokov's Op. 45, In Days of Battle: a new publication and conductor’s analysis" (Student Work) | 2013 | Keith, James Andrew | D.M.A. | Music, UNCG |
Pavlovian occasion-setting, attention and observing (Student Work) | 1992 | Russell, Franklin Eugene | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
Pedagogical and performance guide of Lera Auerbach’s Images from childhood, op. 52 (Student Work) | 2019 | Yamazaki, Akiko | D.M.A. | School of Music, UNCG |
A pedagogical reference guide and performance analysis of Bagatelles, Op. 34 by Jean Sibeliu... (Student Work) | 2021 | Chen, Xiaoxiong | D.M.A. | Music, UNCG |
Pedagogical strategies for delivering the teaching games for understanding model to preservi... (Student Work) | 2018 | Parkes, Craig A. | Ed.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Pedagogues’ perceived barriers and facilitators to resolution of vocal health problems in co... (Student Work) | 2018 | Wolber Scheuring, Emily | D.M.A. | School of Music, UNCG |
The pedagogy of becoming: identity formation through the Baltimore symphony orchestra's Orch... (Student Work) | 2012 | Shoemaker, Ann | D.M.A. | Music, UNCG |
The pedestrian (Student Work) | 2009 | Newham, Amanda | MFA | Studio Art, UNCG |
Pediatric Airway Management to Improve Competence and Self-Efficacy in PACU Nurses (Student Work) | 2023 | Majors, Shannon Ann | DNP | Nursing, UNCG |
Pedro Ximenez Abrill's Symphony No. 11: editorial research and performance considerations fo... (Student Work) | 2012 | Vargas, Eduardo Marcos | D.M.A. | Music, UNCG |
Peer interaction of infants under two years of age with and without early group experience (Student Work) | 1974 | Mazyck, Aurelia Chaney | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Peer reinforcement as a function of teacher reinforcement in the modification of deviant beh... (Student Work) | 1974 | Albuero, Anne N. | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Peer social support as a moderator of child abuse risk and child internalizing symptomatolog... (Student Work) | 2013 | Gowda, Anjali S. | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
Peer victimization and aggression across elementary school (Student Work) | 2011 | Reavis, Rachael Dianna | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
Peers, parents, school, and neighborhood influences on adolescent substance use across ethni... (Student Work) | 2011 | Su, Jinni | MS | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Penalized weighted methods for robust offline and online learning (Student Work) | 2024 | Li, Mingyan | Ph.D. | Mathematics and Statistics, UNCG |
The Penalty of Patriarchy: How Misogyny Motivates Female Violence and Rebellion in Shakespea... (Student Work) | 2008 | DeJonghe, Natalie Marie | MA | English, UNCG |
Penitentials to poetry: the literary critique of avarice in fourteenth-century England (Student Work) | 2019 | Ward, Jessica D. | Ph.D. | English, UNCG |
People and patterns (Student Work) | 1962 | Linville, Bobbee Snider | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
Peopledance in midstream (Student Work) | 1974 | Payne, Harriet | M.F.A. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
Perceived and reported importance of teaching in public, comprehensive colleges and universi... (Student Work) | 1987 | Starr, Nina Kennedy | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Perceived barriers limiting ascension to the principalship: identifying perceptions of assis... (Student Work) | 2016 | Perkins, Charles W. | Ed.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Perceived challenges and supports among expatriate mothers in Singapore (Student Work) | 2006 | Maxson, Jennifer R | Master of Art | Sociology, UNCG |
Perceived cognitive and affective growth among university students in a service learning cla... (Student Work) | 2007 | Duffy, Donna | Ph.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Perceived cultural competence levels among challenge course facilitators (Student Work) | 2011 | Lange, Elizabeth H. | Ed.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Perceived Discrimination and Academic Achievement among Latino Adolescents: A Risk and Resil... (Student Work) | 2008 | Ghazarian, Sharon R. | PhD | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Perceived effects of state mandates on the work of principals and superintendents in the wes... (Student Work) | 1989 | Buckner, Iva Nell | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Perceived environmental restorativeness and affective responses to indoor vs. outdoor exerci... (Student Work) | 2011 | Williams, Amanda L. | MS | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Perceived Genetic Knowledge of Pre-licensure Nursing Students (Student Work) | 2008 | Dodson, Crystal Heath | MSN | Nursing, UNCG |
Perceived health of former Division I women’s college soccer players (Student Work) | 2020 | Cross, Shannon J. | Ed.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
The perceived impact of an arts-integrated curriculum on the academic achievement of fifth- ... (Student Work) | 2019 | Fragakis, Eleni Vasso | Ed.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Perceived needs of senior high school students concerning adult roles and responsibilities i... (Student Work) | 1985 | Willis, Gwendola Williams | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Perceived nonfinancial barriers to maternity services in Guilford County by African American... (Student Work) | 1996 | Bennett, Karen Webb | Ph.D. | Human Environmental Sciences, UNCG |
Perceived norms, alcohol outcome expectancies, and collegiate drinking: examining the mediat... (Student Work) | 2013 | Wahesh, Edward | Ph.D. | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
The perceived status of female athletes by male and female athletes and non-athletes in Cana... (Student Work) | 1978 | Holman, Roy Paul | Ed.D. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
Perceived stress, adult attachment, dyadic coping and marital satisfaction of counseling gra... (Student Work) | 2009 | Kardatzke, Kerrie N. | Ph.D. | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
Perceiving greater commitment increases selfish behaviors among disagreeable people (Student Work) | 2022 | Sizemore, Raini N. | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
The perception of special education teachers of the educational experiences of female studen... (Student Work) | 2022 | Alkhattabi, Shoroq Odah | Ph.D. | Specialized Education Services, UNCG |
Perception, extension, and enclosure of space (Student Work) | 1969 | Green, Ralph James | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Perceptions and beliefs of teacher educators who work in professional development schools (Student Work) | 1995 | Julian, Larry Glenn | Ph.D. | Education, UNCG |
Perceptions and concerns of healthy eating in low-income African American mothers of prescho... (Student Work) | 2015 | Porter, Lauren | M.S. | Nutrition, UNCG |
Perceptions and experiences of lesbian intercollegiate coaches. (Student Work) | 2010 | Schreibstein, Melissa A. | M.S. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Perceptions and experiences of mothers who have children with autism spectrum disorders: cro... (Student Work) | 2013 | Kamei, Ai | Ph.D. | Specialized Education Services, UNCG |
Perceptions and Meanings of Liberal Education: A Qualitative Comparison of Two Types of Nurs... (Student Work) | 2008 | Debrew, Jacqueline K. | PhD | Nursing, UNCG |
Perceptions and reactions to career barriers among women in executive leadership roles in co... (Student Work) | 2007 | Back, Diann Parker | PhD | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Perceptions from the highline (Student Work) | 2013 | Koenig, Brian Matthew | M.M. | Music, UNCG |
Perceptions of Athletic Participation: A Comparative Case Study of Two North Carolina Commun... (Student Work) | 2008 | Nanney, Ronald C. | PhD | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
Perceptions of central office personnel on the role of the principal as curriculum leader (Student Work) | 1986 | Briggs, Marilyn Palmer | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Perceptions of the co-principalship as implemented in High Point, North Carolina (Student Work) | 1989 | Groover, Elsie Cureton | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Perceptions of competencies needed for a selected upholstered furniture occupation (Student Work) | 1975 | Griffin, Gwendolyn Keller | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Perceptions of crisis intervention in the instructional setting: a hermeneutic phenomenologi... (Student Work) | 2018 | Idol, Whitney Austin | Ph.D. | Specialized Education Services, UNCG |
Perceptions of CUNY women athletes and coaches about selected coaching practices (Student Work) | 1977 | Garvin, Lorraine | M.S.P.E. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
Perceptions of home economics administrators' leadership behavior by administrators and facu... (Student Work) | 1985 | Johnson, Bernice Duffy | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Perceptions of an Intensive Care Unit Mentorship Program (Student Work) | 2007 | Wolak, Eric S. | MSN | Nursing, UNCG |
Perceptions of leader behavior of selected women physical education administrators (Student Work) | 1977 | Kemp, Joann | Ed.D. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
The perceptions of long-serving superintendents regarding specific behaviors that contribute... (Student Work) | 2018 | Kriesky, Richard | Ed.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Perceptions of North Carolina school superintendents and their roles with board members in t... (Student Work) | 1991 | Merrill, James Gordon | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
The perceptions of North Carolina social studies teachers in relation to practice and theory... (Student Work) | 1984 | Bohlen, Donald C. | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Perceptions of nutrition education and the role of dietitians at a medical school in the Cze... (Student Work) | 2021 | Hawk, Victoria Hazelette | Ph.D. | Nutrition, UNCG |
Perceptions of personal victimizations : a comparison of predictions made by the defensive a... (Student Work) | 1981 | Gruber, Kenneth Jay | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
Perceptions of public school: a quantitative study comparing and contrasting the way current... (Student Work) | 2009 | Rice, Phillip Bradley | Ed.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
The perceptions of school resource officers regarding their effects on African American stud... (Student Work) | 2021 | Kelly, Christopher | Ed.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Perceptions of struggling adolescent readers on tier 2 or tier 3 of response to intervention... (Student Work) | 2017 | Santis, Teresa Shew | Ph.D. | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
Perceptions of the supervisory relationship : recovering and non-recovering substance abuse ... (Student Work) | 1996 | Culbreth, John R. | Ph.D. | Education, UNCG |
Perceptions of three Black leaders of the National Intramural-Recreational Sports Associatio... (Student Work) | 1986 | Yarbrough, Roy Earl | Ed.D. | Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, UNCG |
Perceptions of "the woman athlete" and "the woman coach" (Student Work) | 1973 | Buhrer, Nancy | M.S. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
Perceptions of a youth leadership program's impact on resiliency (Student Work) | 2015 | Talbert, Cody | Ph.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Perchloric acid catalyzed acylations (Student Work) | 1971 | McKenzie, John Lawrence | M.S. | Chemistry, UNCG |
Percussion instruments in graphic arts in sixteenth- and seventeenth-century western Europe (Student Work) | 1996 | Overmeir, Douglas Roy | D.M.A. | Music, UNCG |
Percussion instruments in two compositions by Carlos Cha´vez : Xochipilli: an imagined Aztec... (Student Work) | 1995 | Conklin, Dorothy Rice | D.M.A. | Music, UNCG |
A perfect storm: a routine activity analysis of female undergraduate sexual assault (Student Work) | 2016 | Bethune, Kristen M. | M.A. | Sociology, UNCG |
Performance analysis of the song cycle El Alba del Alhelí by composer Juan Orrego-Salas (Student Work) | 2023 | Menendez, Maria M. | D.M.A. | School of Music, UNCG |
Performance and other stories (Student Work) | 1973 | Shelnutt, Eve B. | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
Performance and perception of love oriented discipline by fourth grade negro girls (Student Work) | 1969 | Guilkey, Marilyn | | Psychology, UNCG |
A performance edition of the choral portions of Symphony No. 2 by Gustav Mahler (Student Work) | 2017 | Webb, Matthew Gary | D.M.A. | School of Music, UNCG |
A performance edition of Concerto in Modo Antico by Rudolf Matz (Student Work) | 2024 | Simmons, Jonathan W. | D.M.A. | School of Music, UNCG |
A performance edition of Five works by William Grant Still (1895-1978): brass quintet arrang... (Student Work) | 2012 | Armstrong, James Earl | D.M.A. | Music, UNCG |
A Performance Edition of Quartetto in G Major for flute, violin, viola, and cello by Joseph ... (Student Work) | 2014 | Stevens, Laura D. | D.M.A. | Music, UNCG |
A performance edition of thirty instructive and melodic exercises for French horn by Vincenz... (Student Work) | 2007 | Hopper, Kathleen Kenyon | DMA | Music, UNCG |
A performance edition with piano reduction and biographical overview of the concerto for Two... (Student Work) | 2016 | Turanchik, Thomas Stephen | D.M.A. | Music, UNCG |
Performance factors of selected wood floor finishes (Student Work) | 1971 | Greene, Nancy Donave | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
A performance guide and analysis of compositional techniques in selected percussion music of... (Student Work) | 2017 | Mitchell, David J. | D.M.A. | Music, UNCG |
Performance guide for 24 Preludes for Piano, Op. 41 by Lera Auerbach (Student Work) | 2017 | Nezhdanova-Cunningham, Elena Victoria | D.M.A. | School of Music, UNCG |
A performance guide for three compositions for solo flute and indefinite pitched percussion ... (Student Work) | 2015 | Phillips, Janet Watson | D.M.A. | Music, UNCG |
Performance of a novel task under two conditions of anxiety (Student Work) | 1973 | Kich, Larry Michael | M.S. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
The performance of poetry : a creative approach to selected poems (Student Work) | 1973 | Martin, Howard Rodney | M.A. | Drama and Speech, UNCG |
The performance of selected cotton sheetings as indicated by three methods of abrasion resis... (Student Work) | 1968 | Creech, Peggy Quinn | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Performance of three flame-retardant finished, bottom-weight fabrics as measured by in-field... (Student Work) | 1978 | McLellan, Kay Rinn | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Performance on a simple reaction time task as a function of individually selected feedback (Student Work) | 1976 | Liddle, Shirley M. | M.S.P.E. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
A performance, rehearsal guide and examination of selected Japanese works for saxophone and ... (Student Work) | 2024 | Yang, Jia-Yu | D.M.A. | School of Music, UNCG |
The performances are politicized: a poetic hermeneutical phenomenology examining mothering a... (Student Work) | 2016 | Gringle, Meredith | Ph.D. | Public Health Education, UNCG |
A performer's guide to baroque vocal ornamentation as applied to selected works of George Fr... (Student Work) | 1996 | Brittain, Karen Anne Greunke | D.M.A. | Music, UNCG |
A performer's guide to the saxophone music of Sherwood Shaffer (Student Work) | 2007 | Hays, Andrew Paul | DMA | Music, UNCG |
A performing and teaching guide to the clarinet excerpts in five major works for band (Student Work) | 1994 | Young, Eileen Marie | D.M.A. | Music, UNCG |
Periods, partial words, and an extension of a result of Guibas and Odlyzko (Student Work) | 2007 | Shirey, Brian | Master of Science | Computer Science, UNCG |
Perioperative Anesthesia Considerations for Patients with Alpha Gal Syndrome (Student Work) | 2024 | Jones, Cynthia | DNP | Nursing, UNCG |
Permanence results for dimension-theoretic coarse notions (Student Work) | 2014 | Moran, Danielle | Ph.D. | Computational Mathematics, UNCG |
A Permutation based Mixed Eect Model in Rare Variants Association Study (Student Work) | 2020 | Vilaseca, Luke | B.S. | Mathematics, UNCG |
Permutation tests for mixed paired and two-sample designs (Student Work) | 2018 | Johnson, Emily Nance | M.A. | Mathematics and Statistics, UNCG |
The perpetuation of the Moravian instrumental music tradition : Bernard Jacob Pfohl and the ... (Student Work) | 1991 | Rothrock, Donna Kaye | Ed.D. | Music, UNCG |
Persistence & Involvement Reconsidered: A Phenomenology of African American College Men Who ... (Student Work) | 2008 | Gajda, Stanley Jacob | PhD | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
Person-centered approaches to examining links between self-regulation and conduct problems, ... (Student Work) | 2019 | Rehder, Peter D. | Ph.D. | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Person-centered approaches to modeling trajectories of concurrent substance use across adole... (Student Work) | 2017 | Wood, Claire | Ph.D. | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Persona 5 Royal: Topics in a Post Great Recession World (Student Work) | 2022 | Rowe, Nicole L. | B.A. | Disciplinary Honors, UNCG |
Personal and couple level risk factors: maternal vs paternal physical child abuse risk (Student Work) | 2014 | Tucker, Meagan C. | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
A personal artistic philosophy (Student Work) | 1961 | Dearsley-Vernon, Ann | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
Personal computers and the liberating aspects for human creativity (Student Work) | 1990 | Scott, Gayle Wimberly | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Personal effects : education in the age of personal-industry technology (Student Work) | 1996 | King, Robert Alan | Ph.D. | Education, UNCG |
A personal inquiry, through Currere, into the person/earth relationship, using the hermeneut... (Student Work) | 1983 | Myers, Christine Foster | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
A personal interpretation of the facial expression (Student Work) | 1973 | Rodgers, Kenneth Gerald | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
A personal perspective of the appointed leader's role in creating an educational setting (Student Work) | 1982 | Gottesman, Barbara Little | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Personal perspectives of major factors that influenced the educational, personal and profess... (Student Work) | 1991 | Chatman, Cheryl Troutman | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Personal problems in creativity (Student Work) | 1969 | Ainsley, Margaret Lynne | | Art, UNCG |
Personal symbolism in the study of selected tales of Edgar A. Poe (Student Work) | 1964 | Wilkinson, Wayne B. | M.A. | English, UNCG |
Personal typewriting : a follow-up study (Student Work) | 1952 | Cordle, Ruth | M.S.H.E. | Business Education, UNCG |
Personal values, institutional goals and voting on sport governance issues (Student Work) | 1979 | Greaves, Ellen C. | Ed.D. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
Personal, family, and social characteristics of southern low-income young adults by occupati... (Student Work) | 1984 | Boyd, Judith Crist | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
The personality and movement preference relationships of high school girls affiliated with d... (Student Work) | 1973 | Brugger, Sandra Diane | M.S. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
Personality correlates of clothing interest for a group of non-incarcerated and incarcerated... (Student Work) | 1975 | Darden, Leatha Anne | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Personality features associated with junior and senior recreation majors at selected private... (Student Work) | 1993 | Robertson, Kimberly Griffin | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Personality traits of selected female United States Volleyball Association players (Student Work) | 1971 | Chin, Deborah | M.S. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
Personality type, locus of control and sex role orientation as predictors within two moral p... (Student Work) | 1991 | Ritchie, George Dewey | Ph.D. | Human Environmental Sciences, UNCG |
Personality types and value orientations with special reference to the feminine role (Student Work) | 1953 | DeShazo, Marshall | | Sociology, UNCG |
Perspectives of the I : literary and dramatic interpretations of Martin Buber's I-Thou and I... (Student Work) | 1981 | Benfield, William Grady | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Perspectives of nursing students regarding racial implicit bias (Student Work) | 2020 | Etienne, Shirley | Ph.D. | Nursing, UNCG |
Perspectives of perception (Student Work) | 1972 | Maxwell, Donald A. | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
Pervasiveness of use and adequacy of care labels for piece good fabrics (Student Work) | 1978 | Briggs, Janice Sue | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Pesticide penetration and comfort properties of protective clothing fabrics (Student Work) | 1985 | Hobbs, Nancy Elizabeth | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Peter Doub 1796-1869 : his contribution to the religious and educational development of Nort... (Student Work) | 1969 | Hites, Margaret Ann | M.A. | History and Political Science, UNCG |
Phase of alpha rhythm and visually evoked potentials (Student Work) | 1971 | Deaton, Fran Kirksey | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
The phenomena of nature as interpreted in experimental painting (Student Work) | 1962 | Bishop, Barbara Lee | M.S.H.E. | Art, UNCG |
A phenomenological exploration of the sport-career transition experiences that affect subjec... (Student Work) | 2006 | Coakley, Stephany Cassandra | PhD | Kinesiology, UNCG |
A phenomenological inquiry into the concept of home (Student Work) | 1987 | Mann, John Bright | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
A phenomenological inquiry into movement awareness illustrated through Zeami's theory of Noh... (Student Work) | 1983 | Yamaguchi, Junko | Ed.D. | Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, UNCG |
A phenomenological study of WFMY-TV's "Good Morning Show" and its relationship to the Greens... (Student Work) | 1988 | Kinard, Lee W. | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
The phenomenon of transformation from help seeking to help giving: the role of family-run or... (Student Work) | 2013 | Weber, Laura J. | Ph.D. | Educational Studies, UNCG |
Philosophical and legal bases for resolving student absenteeism (Student Work) | 1987 | Campbell, Karen Harmon | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
The philosophical beliefs of undergraduate and graduate physical education major students an... (Student Work) | 1964 | Slatton, Yvonne L. | M.S. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
A philosophical comparison of the goals of dance education and humanistic education (Student Work) | 1977 | O'Brien, Barbara A. | M.Ed. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
Philosophical unity in the Keats letters (Student Work) | 1971 | Schell, David | M.A. | English, UNCG |
The philosophy of Lester Ward and its reflections on the New Deal (Student Work) | 1965 | Hayes, Karen | | History, UNCG |
A phonetic analysis and comparison of nineteen consonant sounds as they appear in the speech... (Student Work) | 1969 | May, Betty Jo Whitten | M.A. | Home Economics, UNCG |
A phonetic analysis of glossolalia (Student Work) | 1972 | Clenseur, Janet MacLeod | M.A. | Drama and Speech, UNCG |
Photic stimulation, selective attention, and averaged evoked responses in humans (Student Work) | 1971 | Salmon, Lenin Eduardo | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
Photographs and objects (Student Work) | 1977 | Baylin, Beth | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
Photophysical study of fused arene based dyes effective for Förster resonance energy transfe... (Student Work) | 2022 | Hawkins, Matthew D. | Ph.D. | Joint School of Nanoscience and Nanoengineering, UNCG |
Physical activity and facial affect recognition in older adults versus younger adults (Student Work) | 2020 | Dubois, Samantha L. | M.S. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Physical activity and health : an agrarian perspective (Student Work) | 2024 | Vitatoe, Kirstie Chase | Ed.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Physical activity and quality of life in Korean adolescents: the mediating role of physical ... (Student Work) | 2018 | Oh, Eungwang | Ph.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Physical activity engagement and wellbeing in an instructional physical activity program (Student Work) | 2023 | Nanney, Lindsey W. | Ed.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Physical activity instruction requirements in higher education (Student Work) | 2019 | Surratt, Jacob W. | Ed.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Physical and psychological late effects on health-related quality of life in long-term survi... (Student Work) | 2017 | Shin, Hyewon | Ph.D. | Nursing, UNCG |
Physical discipline and externalizing behavior problems: moderating factors (Student Work) | 2011 | Loudermilk, Sara M. | MA | Psychology, UNCG |
Physical education class climate and adolescent girls’ physical activity (Student Work) | 2019 | Mueller, Misti R. | Ed.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Physical education for language acquisition in middle school ELLs (Student Work) | 2020 | Winstead, Anna Arlart | Ed.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Physical fitness and the effectiveness of high school principals as perceived by superintend... (Student Work) | 1990 | Allred, Michael Caraway | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Physical fitness as presented by the Victory Corps and the President's Council on Physical F... (Student Work) | 1964 | Sand, Lorna Susan | | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
A physical fitness knowledge test for first graders (Student Work) | 1984 | Wilson, Rolayne | Ed.D. | Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, UNCG |
Physical fitness test items for boys and girls in the first, second, and third grades (Student Work) | 1962 | Glover, Elizabeth Gay | M.S. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
The physical properties of selected curtain fabrics made from synthetic fibers (Student Work) | 1960 | Honeycutt, Fay Chandler | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Physical therapists’ knowledge and promotion of physical activity in patients with lung canc... (Student Work) | 2023 | Sawyer, Scot Merrill | Ed.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Physical, psychological and social predictors of locus of control among middle aged adults (Student Work) | 1976 | Kivett, Vira Rogers | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Physical, psychological and social predictors of locus of control among middle aged adults (Student Work) | 1960 | Kivett, Vira Rogers | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Physiologic synchrony: a systems approach to understanding the hierarchical regulation of ph... (Student Work) | 2018 | Berry, Nathaniel T. | Ph.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Physiological and morphological effects of short and long term lid-suture on cells in the la... (Student Work) | 1986 | MacAvoy, Martha Grace | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
Physiological and psychological factors related to selected food choices : five case studies... (Student Work) | 1966 | Martin, Sue Swindell | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Physiological response of female sport divers to exercise during treadmill and underwater wo... (Student Work) | 1983 | Graves, Barbara Sue | Ed.D. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
Pianist and composer Robert Casadesus: Huit Études, Opus 28 and Toccata, Opus 40 (Student Work) | 2012 | Yudha, Cicilia Prihatini | D.M.A. | Music, UNCG |
A pianist's reference guide to Beethoven's piano sonatas (Student Work) | 1992 | Shieh, Shiow-Lih Lillian | D.M.A. | Music, UNCG |
Piazzolla’s Nightclub 1960 : a viola/cello transcription with historical notes and performan... (Student Work) | 2022 | Ronnevik, Jessica | D.M.A. | School of Music, UNCG |
Pictorial composition and plant forms (Student Work) | 1972 | Beaman, Hope Spaulding | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
Piers Plowman and fourteenth century ecclesiology (Student Work) | 1978 | Crews, Charles Daniel | Ph.D. | English, UNCG |
PILATES Connect: support for collegiate student-athletes in the transition to meaningful lif... (Student Work) | 2019 | Smith, Melinda B. | Ed.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
A Pilot Project Exploring Possible Novel Ways of Delivering Relevant Education for Radiation... (Student Work) | 2023 | Hillson, John | DNP | Nursing, UNCG |
A pilot study of a method for determining the amount of time spent in certain leisure-time a... (Student Work) | 1963 | Grogan, Marilea Roberts | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
A pilot study of the visible effects of estradiol on human intestinal cells in tissue cultur... (Student Work) | 1971 | Curtis, Linda Neskaug | M.A. | Biology, UNCG |
Pilot study to determine estimated gain in income and expected net income gain of women empl... (Student Work) | 1973 | Barry, Sharon Amanda | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Piscivore effect on size distribution and planktivorous behavior of slimy sculpin in arctic ... (Student Work) | 2010 | Jones, Christopher Michael | MS | Biology, UNCG |
The pivotal role of Messiaen’s quartet for the end of time in the establishment of the clari... (Student Work) | 2012 | Keen Hock, Rena Catherine | D.M.A. | Music, UNCG |
PK-hybrid protocols: a new framework for hybrid encryption (Student Work) | 2011 | Weeks, Scott W. | MS | Computer Science, UNCG |
Place and setting in the work of Sarah Orne Jewett (Student Work) | 1980 | Nail, Rebecca Wall | Ph.D. | English, UNCG |
Place attachment and the historic brewpub: a case study in Greensboro, North Carolina (Student Work) | 2015 | Rojak, Dana L. | M.S. | Interior Architecture, UNCG |
Place, paradise, and perfection: the narrative function of three Middle English versions of ... (Student Work) | 2010 | Brandon, Robert Richard | MA | English, UNCG |
Place-name etymologies in the Cronistas de Indias (Student Work) | 1971 | D'Agostino, Vincent Louis | M.A. | Romance Languages-Spanish, UNCG |
A plain watch : a study of Henry Vaughan's use of time in Silex scintellans (Student Work) | 1962 | Bell, Helen | | English, UNCG |
The planning and implementation of the North Carolina second language program in selected el... (Student Work) | 1989 | Brafford, Mary Lynn | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Plans for use of space for activities and storage in a given dining area (Student Work) | 1956 | Hansinger, Betty Jane | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Planter reaction in North Carolina to presidential Reconstruction, 1865-1867 (Student Work) | 1964 | Miller, Kenneth Jay | M.A. | History and Political Science, UNCG |
Plasmon-exciton coupling for enhanced energy conversion (Student Work) | 2021 | Bagra, Bhawna | Ph.D. | Nanoscience, UNCG |
Plasmon-exciton coupling for signal amplification and biosensing : fundamentals and applicat... (Student Work) | 2023 | Tukur, Frank James | Ph.D. | Joint School of Nanoscience and Nanoengineering, UNCG |
Plastic heart neighborhood (Student Work) | 2007 | Rahochik, Ellie June | Master of Fine Arts | English, UNCG |
Platonism in Shelley's poetry (Student Work) | 1929 | Kerns, Ida | M.A. | English, UNCG |
The play day/sport day movement in selected colleges of the south (Student Work) | 1984 | St. Clair, Stephen Isaac | Ed.D. | Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, UNCG |
Play materials used by toddler age children in free play activities (Student Work) | 1959 | Moore, Nancy Lee | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Play orientations in picture books : a content analysis (Student Work) | 1977 | McVaigh, Betty Lee | Ed.D. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
Playing Tough and Clean Hockey: Developing Emotional Management Skills to Reduce Individual ... (Student Work) | 2005 | Lauer, Larry L. | PhD | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Playing with fire: an examination of the other 'other' AND Interview as genre: Djuna Barnes'... (Student Work) | 2010 | Price, Alissa J. | MA | English, UNCG |
A plan for an integrated course in institution economics (Student Work) | 1940 | North, Sister Maud | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
A plan for teaching home and family living in elementary grades four, five, and six (Student Work) | 1947 | Hall, Margaret Sprunt | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
The plight of the African American student: a study of the schooling experiences of African ... (Student Work) | 2017 | Royster, Albert L. | Ed.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Plugging in: reinterpreting the traditional housing archetype within a community using shipp... (Student Work) | 2011 | Brandt, Kathryn Ann | MS | Interior Architecture, UNCG |
Pluvial flooding and flood rescues in Rowan County, NC : an analysis of 9-1-1 call data for ... (Student Work) | 2024 | Watkins, Jamie Ariail | M.S. | Geography, UNCG |
Pocket change (Student Work) | 1973 | Godwin, Linda Joyce | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
Poems (Student Work) | 1972 | Gianino, Peter Thomas | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
Poems (Student Work) | 1971 | Schell, Jessie Rosenberg | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
Poems (Student Work) | 1970 | Middleton, Ed | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
Poems (Student Work) | 1970 | Callow, Noel | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
Poems (Student Work) | 1950 | Farley, Jean | | English, UNCG |
Poems (Student Work) | 1956 | McWhorter, Nancy | | English, UNCG |
Poems, 1967-1968 (Student Work) | 1968 | Lebovitz, Richard | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
Poems, anatomy of melancholy, or, "There is much more need of Hellebor than tobacco"-- Rober... (Student Work) | 1972 | Williams, Elizabeth Lynch | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
Poet Robert Bly : shaman of the dark side (Student Work) | 1989 | Bowman, Lynne Martin | Ph.D. | English, UNCG |
Poetic polyphony (Student Work) | 1961 | Gatlin, Wanda | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
Poetry in Motion: The Devine Sarah on the English Stage (Student Work) | 2009 | Robinson, Mary | BA | Theatre, UNCG |
The poetry of Robert Duncan (Student Work) | 1976 | Jones, Steven Jeffrey | M.A. | English, UNCG |
Pointing behaviors of preschoolers during Logo mastery (Student Work) | 1989 | Brinkley, Vickie McCann | Ph.D. | Human Environmental Sciences, UNCG |
Polarized light sensitivity in the zoea of the rock crab (Panopeus herbstii) (Student Work) | 1976 | Bardolph, Mark | M.A. | Biology, UNCG |
Police brutality as an extension of white supremacy: social control of African Americans in ... (Student Work) | 2020 | Brand, Jerry N. | M.A. | Sociology, UNCG |
The policies, politics, and players in the North Carolina parental school choice voucher deb... (Student Work) | 2010 | Haire, Rita C. | Ed.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Policing in the Era of Increased Awareness of Wrongful Convictions: Police Officers' Reflect... (Student Work) | 2007 | Perry, Kanawha | MA | Sociology, UNCG |
A Polish opera becomes violin fantasy (Student Work) | 2022 | Tokarska, Elzbieta | D.M.A. | School of Music, UNCG |
Political friendship in early America (Student Work) | 2010 | Campbell, Theresa J. | Ph.D. | History, UNCG |
The politics of Norplant: feminism, civil rights, and social policy in the 1990s (Student Work) | 2020 | Licata, Justina Carmela | Ph.D. | History, UNCG |
Polymeter in Twentieth-Century Music: A Study in Notational Methods (Student Work) | 2008 | Daoust, Timothy James | MM | Music, UNCG |
A polymorphism in human Estrogen-related receptor beta (ESRRß) is associated with physiologi... (Student Work) | 2013 | Bhatt, Ishan Sunilkumar | Ph.D. | Communication Sciences and Disorders, UNCG |
Ponder and believe: interpretive experiments in Victorian literary fantasies (Student Work) | 2009 | Davis, Allison Cooper | PhD | English, UNCG |
Popular culture as pharmakon: metamodernism and the deconstruction of status quo consciousne... (Student Work) | 2020 | Pruitt, Daniel Joseph | M.A. | English, UNCG |
Portrait paintings and drawings of the human figure (Student Work) | 1978 | Davis, Walter K. | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
The portrait: an investigation of contrasting and comparable moods and attitudes in a variet... (Student Work) | 1977 | Rogers, Charles Donald | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
Portraits (Student Work) | 1974 | Holton, Frank Petty | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
Portraits and figures in various media (Student Work) | 1967 | Huntley, Emily Balchin | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
Portraits and small figures (Student Work) | 1977 | Davis, Arcenia Martin | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
Portraits of Black girl magic : understanding the lived experiences of African American wome... (Student Work) | 2023 | Clemons, Kisha | Ed.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
A portraiture of excellence in female educational leadership (Student Work) | 1989 | Wilson, Phyllis Anne | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
The position of women in the administration of physical education units in selected four-yea... (Student Work) | 1975 | Marshall, Mary Eleanor | Ed.D. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
Positive emissions: local musicians’ contribution to defeating the largest proposed coal exp... (Student Work) | 2019 | Olson, Julianne Grace | D.M.A. | School of Music, UNCG |
Positive freedom: an exploration of pedagogical citizenship (Student Work) | 2010 | Griggs, Charles Bradford | Ph.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
The positive self-evaluation of selected adolescents living in group care (Student Work) | 1974 | Bekanan, Punthip | Ph. D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Positive solutions for a class of one dimensional p-Laplacian problems (Student Work) | 2014 | Eury, Adam L. | M.A. | Mathematics, UNCG |
Positive solutions of nonlinear elliptic boundary value problems (Student Work) | 2014 | Abebe, Abraham | Ph.D. | Computational Mathematics, UNCG |
Possibilities and paradoxes of religious schools : case study of Seventh-Day Adventist schoo... (Student Work) | 1991 | Peterson, Thomas Allen | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Possible involvement of NF-?B in the response of cells to folate deficiency. (Student Work) | 2009 | Ranjana, Rashmi | MS | Biology, UNCG |
Post-war housing as contemporary home: a case study of residential change in the Kirkwood ne... (Student Work) | 2012 | McGimsey, Laura | M.S. | Interior Architecture, UNCG |
Postmodern materialism: things, people, and the remaking of the social in contemporary Ameri... (Student Work) | 2012 | Mullins, Matthew Ryan | Ph.D. | English, UNCG |
Postmodernity and the History of African American Religious Representations: A Foucauldian A... (Student Work) | 2007 | Dawkins, Sabrina Y. | MA | Sociology, UNCG |
Postmortem postmodernists : authorship and cultural revisionism in late twentieth-century na... (Student Work) | 2006 | Savu, Laura E. | PhD | English, UNCG |
Postpartum depression : epidemiology and theory (Student Work) | 1984 | Salinger, Margaret Chandler | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
Postural control differences among collision, contact, and non-contact sport female athletes... (Student Work) | 2017 | Schleich, Kristen N. | M.S. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Postzygotic sexual isolation among populations of Drosophila ananassae and Drosophila pallid... (Student Work) | 2009 | Pantazis, Christopher John | MS | Biology, UNCG |
Potential effects of the invasive bivalve, Corbicula fluminea, on methane cycle processes in... (Student Work) | 2018 | Brown, Robert S. | M.S. | Biology, UNCG |
Potential postural constraints on the development of lateralized hand-use in infancy (Student Work) | 2010 | Babik, Iryna | MA | Psychology, UNCG |
A potential role for naringenin in reversing tamoxifen resistance in MCF-7 breast cancer cel... (Student Work) | 2012 | Ramos, Joseph | M.S. | Biology, UNCG |
Potential role of methane-derived carbon as a food source for Daphnia in a North Carolina re... (Student Work) | 2010 | Berkeley, Candace L. | MS | Biology, UNCG |
The power of dark academia : exposing the violent relationship students have with the academ... (Student Work) | 2023 | Golden, Jessica L. | M.A. | Women's and Gender Studies, UNCG |
The power of perception: an exploration of the relationship between perceptions of parenting... (Student Work) | 2015 | Wachtel, Katie A. | Ph.D. | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
Power to young hands: an exploration into student experiences from service-learning particip... (Student Work) | 2014 | Coble, Esther M. Underwood | Ed.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Practical and pedagogical intentions: new perspectives on the organ masses from the Tablatur... (Student Work) | 2019 | Fancey, Marya J. | D.M.A. | School of Music, UNCG |
Practices of premarital and marital counseling by clergymen in Greensboro, North Carolina (Student Work) | 1966 | Montgomery, Martha Fulcher | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Practicum practices of 4-year early childhood education teacher preparation programs : resul... (Student Work) | 2021 | Kim, Sung-Ae | Ph.D. | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Pragmatism as a conceptual framework for Binx’s “search” in the Moviegoer. (Student Work) | 2010 | Jolliff, Grant D. | MA | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
The pragmatization of love : a study of the concepts of hierarchy, encounter, and epoche (Student Work) | 1989 | Hinson, Anna Jane | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
A praxis for developing a model of shared governance in the secondary school (Student Work) | 1974 | Calkins, James Eugene | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
The praxis of disrupting educational spaces: culturally relevant pedagogy in a school-based ... (Student Work) | 2020 | Hawkins, Elbert | Ph.D. | Educational Studies, UNCG |
“Pray if you want to:” a reevaluation of religion in the fiction of Ernest J. Gaines (Student Work) | 2010 | Kelly, Evelyn E. | Ph.D. | English, UNCG |
Pre-adolescent peer status as a function of the compatibility of maternal and child temperam... (Student Work) | 1990 | Thompson-Pope, Susan Katherine | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
Pre-competitive and competitive cognition and affect in collegiate wrestlers (Student Work) | 1991 | Eklund, Robert C. | Ph.D. | Health and Human Performance, UNCG |
Pre-service teaching experiences during the University of North Carolina at Greensboro Summe... (Student Work) | 2009 | Alvis, Jonathan D. | DMA | Music, UNCG |
A precarious history : war, sanctuary, self, and (un)belonging in America (Student Work) | 2021 | Roberts, Melissa Ann | M.A. | Sociology, UNCG |
Preclinical development of fungal secondary metabolites and the discovery of new metabolites... (Student Work) | 2021 | Al Subeh, Zeinab Y. | Ph.D. | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Precursor directed biosynthesis for the discovery of ‘non-natural’ natural products in fungi... (Student Work) | 2020 | Faye, Boukar Koumba Sene | M.S. | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Predicting the Academic Success of T.E.A.C.H. Early Childhood® Scholarship Program Participa... (Student Work) | 2008 | Duffy, Amy | MS | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Predicting behavioral outcomes from reactivity and regulation and the role of social prefere... (Student Work) | 2011 | Morris, Nneka | MA | Psychology, UNCG |
Predicting child handedness from measures of infant and toddler handedness (Student Work) | 2020 | Latta, Jonathan | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
Predicting children's emotion regulation behaviors from maternal emotion socialization and v... (Student Work) | 2010 | Brown, Nicole E. | MS | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Predicting divorce in parents: the relationship between coparenting and divorce proneness (Student Work) | 2018 | Leis, Kiyara J. | M.S. | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Predicting early peer acceptance from toddler peer behavior (Student Work) | 2007 | Reavis, Rachael Dianna | Master of Arts | Psychology, UNCG |
Predicting network anomalies with deep sequence analysis (Student Work) | 2019 | SayedAhmed, Saed | M.S. | Computer Science, UNCG |
Predicting social-skill proficiency in young children from adult ratings of children's instr... (Student Work) | 1989 | Garner, Barbara Polen | Ph.D. | Human Environmental Sciences, UNCG |
Predicting substance use trajectories from early adolescence to young adulthood: examination... (Student Work) | 2015 | Su, Jinni | Ph.D. | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Predicting survival probability for major congestive heart failure events in patients attain... (Student Work) | 2008 | Kenjale, Aarti | MS | Kinesiology, UNCG |
The prediction of scholastic and leadership performance utilizing biographical data (Student Work) | 1971 | Britt, Morris F. | Ed. D. | Education, UNCG |
A predictive model of coach-athlete attachment and emotion regulation on student-athlete agg... (Student Work) | 2015 | Hebard, Stephen P. | Ph.D. | Institute to Promote Athlete Health and Wellness, UNCG |
The predictive value of selected extrinsic and intrinsic indicators of overall job satisfact... (Student Work) | 2010 | Beavers, Gregory S. | Ph.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Predictive variables and scholastic performance of adults on a college campus (Student Work) | 1974 | Eason, Dorothy Jean | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Predictors and consequences of maternal attributions among families with children at risk fo... (Student Work) | 1990 | Trivette, Carol M. | Ph.D. | Human Environmental Sciences, UNCG |
Predictors of associational solidarity among older relocated adults and their adult children... (Student Work) | 1996 | Farmer, Deborah Frisbie | Ph.D. | Human Environmental Sciences, UNCG |
Predictors of change in relationship quality among first-time unmarried parents (Student Work) | 2010 | Carter, Gerard Anthony | Ph.D. | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Predictors of coparenting quality among first time parents during toddlerhood (Student Work) | 2007 | Burney, Regan V. | Master of Science | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Predictors of flow in recreational participants at a large group event (Student Work) | 2013 | Henning, David A. | M.S. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Predictors of high risk teenage pregnancies (Student Work) | 1988 | Bonar, Joy Walker | Ph.D. | Human Environmental Sciences, UNCG |
Predictors of Hostile Attribution Bias: Child Emotional Reactivity and Parent-Child Hostile ... (Student Work) | 2008 | Zdravkovic, Ana | MA | Psychology, UNCG |
Predictors of perceived fairness among Latinx adolescents (Student Work) | 2020 | Patel, Puja | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
Predictors of predominant breastfeeding and exclusive breastfeeding among mothers of young i... (Student Work) | 2023 | Watts, Tamika | M.S. | Nutrition, UNCG |
Predictors of reentry shock in American adolescents who have lived overseas (Student Work) | 1994 | Fuller, James O'Leary | Ph.D. | Education, UNCG |
Predictors of sleep quality: stress exposure and the additive influence of six serotonergic ... (Student Work) | 2018 | Corneau, Gail M. | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
Predictors of teachers’ emotion language and its association with toddlers’ social emotional... (Student Work) | 2016 | King, Elizabeth K. | Ph.D. | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Preference for furniture style as related to personality type and other selected variables (Student Work) | 1978 | Blackburn, Mary Ellen | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Preference, identification, dependence and the decision to move (Student Work) | 1977 | Ginn, Helen L. | M.A. | Sociology, UNCG |
Preferences of a group of college women for certain standard features of selected categories... (Student Work) | 1969 | Miller, Mary Gauthier | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Preferential patterns and purposes of gross motor activity selection of adult college studen... (Student Work) | 1983 | Smith, Willie S. | Ed.D. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
A preliminary clinical prediction model for upper-extremity injury in collegiate baseball: a... (Student Work) | 2013 | Tarara, Daniel Thomas | Ed.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
A preliminary investigation of expectancy changes in locus of control among aged white women... (Student Work) | 1973 | Shea, Jannis B. | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Preliminary steps to the establishment of functional language in non-communicating children (Student Work) | 1973 | Rebolone, Rafael Antonio | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
A preliminary study of selected themes in the Amadis (Student Work) | 1975 | Douglas, Lee Vernon | M.A. | Romance Languages-Spanish, UNCG |
A preliminary validation study of the Basic Assumption Inventory (Student Work) | 1974 | Rowland, Bobbie Haynes | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Prelongitudinal screening of hypothesized developmental sequences for the tennis serve and t... (Student Work) | 1987 | Messick, Jo Ann | Ed.D. | Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, UNCG |
Prenatal auditory experience with melodies : effects on postnatal auditory preferences in hu... (Student Work) | 1985 | Panneton, Robin Kay | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
A preparation guide to horn excerpts from the concert band literature (Student Work) | 2009 | Woods, Tiffany B. | DMA | Music, UNCG |
Preparation of the Richard Luby edition of the Adagio and Fuga from J. S. Bach’s Sonata in G... (Student Work) | 2017 | Kiefer, Matthew David | D.M.A. | School of Music, UNCG |
Prepared for a future? Experiences and perceptions of former students who were remanded to a... (Student Work) | 2024 | Studevent Curry, Monique | Ed.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Preparing master’s level counselors-in-training to work with trauma (Student Work) | 2021 | Wyche, Brittany E. | Ph.D. | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
Preparing a new generation of church musicians : a Delphi study of evangelical church-based ... (Student Work) | 2022 | Grassi, Daniel J. | Ph.D. | School of Music, UNCG |
Preparing preceptors to be clinical educators (Student Work) | 2023 | Wise, Leah D. | Ed.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Preparing school counselor leaders: an intervention study with first-year school counseling ... (Student Work) | 2019 | LeBlanc, Joseph J. | Ph.D. | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
Preparing vocational teachers to effectively serve special needs students : an inservice edu... (Student Work) | 1990 | Parker, Debra Owens | Ph.D. | Human Environmental Sciences, UNCG |
The preschool child and television (Student Work) | 1955 | Rea, Betsy Gertrude Elizabeth | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Preschool teachers' beliefs and practices of outdoor play and outdoor environments (Student Work) | 2009 | Chakravarthi, Swetha | Ph.D. | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Preschool training for deaf and hard of hearing children in Guilford County, North Carolina (Student Work) | 1969 | Jackson, Sara Catherine | M.A. | Drama and Speech, UNCG |
Preschoolers' outdoor pretend play and social competence: do individual and home factors pla... (Student Work) | 2012 | Li, Jiayao | M.S. | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
The presence, bioavailability, and impact of antibiotics in rural and urban streams of North... (Student Work) | 2020 | Gray, Austin Douglas | Ph.D. | Biology, UNCG |
Preservice elementary teachers' performance on tasks involving building, interpreting, and u... (Student Work) | 1993 | Bowman, Anita Hill | Ph.D. | Education, UNCG |
Preservice teachers' reflections on professional education : a synthetic rendition (Student Work) | 1988 | Mueller, Marilyn Ruth Kimball | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Preserving the Kirkbride legacy: an analysis of the extant state of the plan and challenges ... (Student Work) | 2016 | Murphy, Mardita M. | M.F.A. | Interior Architecture, UNCG |
Presidents' and trustee chairmen's perceptions of trustee selection and tenure in the North ... (Student Work) | 1985 | Taylor, Michael Ray | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Press coverage of the personal appearance of presidents' wives, Truman to Johnson, (1945-196... (Student Work) | 1972 | Gair, Judith Davis | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Pressure Injury Prevention Education Program for Staff in a Skilled Nursing Facility (Student Work) | 2023 | Marcelin, Joviane Louis | DNP | Nursing, UNCG |
The prevalence of racial/ethnic and socioeconomic factors in pressure-equalization tube trea... (Student Work) | 2020 | Cotton, Catherine L. | Ph.D. | Communication Sciences and Disorders, UNCG |
The prevalence of simulation technology in athletic training clinical education (Student Work) | 2022 | Kong, Steven M. | Ed.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Preventing Hospital Readmissions: Evaluation of a Transitional Care Management Program (Student Work) | 2022 | Moody, Andrea | DNP | Nursing, UNCG |
Preventing Local Anesthetic Systemic Toxicity Associated with Liposomal Bupivacaine Use (Student Work) | 2024 | Althof, Elsa | DNP | Nursing, UNCG |
Prevention Initiative for Postoperative Delirium (Student Work) | 2024 | Lee, Danielle | DNP | Nursing, UNCG |
Prevention of Spinal-Induced Hypothermia in Cesarean Section Patients; a Quality Improvement... (Student Work) | 2022 | Pareja, Vincent | DNP | Nursing, UNCG |
Pricing European stock options using stochastic and fuzzy continuous time processes (Student Work) | 2012 | Ely, William | M.A. | Mathematics and Statistics, UNCG |
Primary function of the elementary supervisor in North Carolina schools (Student Work) | 1947 | Hunter, Mary Alford | M.A. Ed. | Education, UNCG |
Primary objects: developing a new type of furniture for the early elementary classroom (Student Work) | 2011 | Brooker, Stephanie Lee | MS | Interior Architecture, UNCG |
The principal and school bullying: an examination of the administrator's ability to positive... (Student Work) | 2014 | Vernon, Trent Davis | Ed.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
The principal as evaluator : an application of the curriculum evaluation model of Elliot W. ... (Student Work) | 1988 | Hotaling, Elaine S. | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Principal leadership and the development of organizational culture in a new school (Student Work) | 2006 | Reeves, Travis Lee | Ed.D | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Principal leadership and school culture in public schools : case studies of two piedmont Nor... (Student Work) | 2006 | Raymer, Anthony Neil | EdD | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Principal leadership for special education: perceptions of principals and directors of speci... (Student Work) | 2010 | Duncan, Angela Bost | Ed.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Principal leadership in the junior high school setting (Student Work) | 1985 | Frazier, George Willie | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Principal stories of working with ineffective teachers (Student Work) | 2019 | Hardin, Jennifer M. | Ed.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Principals' perceptions of their ability to evaluate Special education teachers using the 21... (Student Work) | 2011 | Mimms, Megan | Ed.D. | Specialized Education Services, UNCG |
The principal's role in establishing developmental readiness programs (Student Work) | 1987 | Glascock, Cynthia Jane | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
The principal's role in the implementation of a middle school inclusion program (Student Work) | 2012 | Hedgecock, Dara Jeannene | Ed.D | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Principled assessment as a foundation for standard setting (Student Work) | 2015 | Furter, Robert Thomas | Ph.D. | Educational Research Methodology, UNCG |
Principles of cooperative work experience applicable to clerical education (Student Work) | 1943 | Shaffer, Delight MacLaron | M.S. | Business Education, UNCG |
Printable products: investigating three-dimensional printing in the design process of interi... (Student Work) | 2014 | Lumans, Christine Zinta | M.F.A. | Interior Architecture, UNCG |
Prior to Matriculation, Student Registered Nurse Anesthetist Anxiety Mitigation By Participa... (Student Work) | 2022 | Watkins, Jared L. | DNP | Nursing, UNCG |
Prior to Matriculation, Student Registered Nurse Anesthetist Stress Mitigation by Participat... (Student Work) | 2022 | Porter, Sarah E. | DNP | Nursing, UNCG |
Prioritizing engagement : a qualitative study examining the nature of preschool children’s c... (Student Work) | 2023 | Friddle, Karole-Ann | Ph.D. | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
"Prism" (Student Work) | 1976 | McLeod, Jane Elizabeth | M.F.A. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
Prismatic vision : a phenomenological exploration of creativity (Student Work) | 1992 | Hotz, Helen Nita | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
The prison of the self : images of entrapment, retreat, and release in the novels of Robert ... (Student Work) | 1986 | Houck, Donna Havnaer | Ph.D. | English, UNCG |
Privacy in American interiors (Student Work) | 1967 | Crawford, Elizabeth McAshan | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
The private war of General Sherman (Student Work) | 1970 | Franzoni, Janet Brenner | M.A. | History and Political Science, UNCG |
Probing and perceiving second graders' affective responses to movement experiences (Student Work) | 1980 | Carlson, Judith Brenda | Ed.D. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
Probing the interior : style and gender in the fiction of Reynolds Price (Student Work) | 1994 | Jones, Gloria Godfrey | Ph.D. | English, UNCG |
Problem solving difficulty from unrecognized equivalency (Student Work) | 2011 | Leroux, Andrew L. | MA | Psychology, UNCG |
Problems in landscape painting (Student Work) | 1978 | Link, Henry E. | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
Procedural justice in dispute resolution : effects of interrelatedness, trust and penalty on... (Student Work) | 1989 | Wang, Maureen Aimei | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
Procedure for selection of participants in high school home economics programs with occupati... (Student Work) | 1967 | Wise, Barbara Ann | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
A procedure for systematically describing teacher-student verbal and nonverbal interaction i... (Student Work) | 1974 | Lunt, Joanne Margaret | Ed.D. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
A process model for curriculum theorizing (Student Work) | 1978 | Mamola, Claire Zebroski | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
The process of change and the development of alternative teacher evaluation models in four s... (Student Work) | 1993 | Egelson, Pauline Ericson | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
A process-focused feasibility study of At the Core : a physical activity promotion program f... (Student Work) | 2023 | Garner, LaVerene | Ed.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Processing and characterization of cobalt nanowires-growth characteristics and thermal chara... (Student Work) | 2020 | Shiave, Ali Imran | Ph.D. | Joint School of Nanoscience and Nanoengineering, UNCG |
A production analysis of Arthur Miller's The price (Student Work) | 1976 | Bell, Louis P. | M.F.A. | Drama and Speech, UNCG |
A production analysis of Charlotte Chorpenning's Rumpelstiltskin (Student Work) | 1978 | Metz, Susan Alene | M.F.A. | Drama and Speech, UNCG |
A production analysis of Frederick Knott's Wait until dark (Student Work) | 1977 | Tauger, Paul | M.F.A. | Drama and Speech, UNCG |
A production analysis of Frederick Knott's Wait until dark (Student Work) | 1978 | Tauger, Paul | M.F.A. | Drama and Speech, UNCG |
A production analysis of Noel Coward's Hay fever (Student Work) | 1976 | Grapes, David | M.F.A. | Drama and Speech, UNCG |
A production of A. A. Milne's Winnie-The-Pooh (Student Work) | 1975 | McGee, Carole Ann | M.F.A. | Drama and Speech, UNCG |
A production of Alejandro Casona's La dama del Alba (Student Work) | 1973 | Reynolds, Isabell Doyle | M.F.A. | Drama and Speech, UNCG |
A production of And Miss Reardon drinks a little (Student Work) | 1975 | Fisher, Albert James | M.F.A. | Drama and Speech, UNCG |
A production of Aristophanes' Lysistrata (Student Work) | 1970 | Martin, Charles A. | M.F.A. | Drama and Speech, UNCG |
Production of The Balcony by Jean Genet (Student Work) | 1977 | Buxton, Sarah Wallace | M.F.A. | Drama and Speech, UNCG |
A production of The ballad of the sad cafe (Student Work) | 1970 | Dannenberg, William John | M.F.A | Drama and Speech, UNCG |
A production of Dale Wasserman's Man of La Mancha (Student Work) | 1973 | Johnson, Doris Drye | M.F.A. | Drama and Speech, UNCG |
A production of Eugene O'Neill's Long day's journey into night (Student Work) | 1972 | Beasley, Blair Edward | M.F.A. | Drama and Speech, UNCG |
A production of Guys and dolls based on short stories and characters by Damon Runyon (Student Work) | 1977 | Mishoe, Emmalee Elizabeth | M.F.A. | Drama and Speech, UNCG |
A production of Jason Miller's That championship season (Student Work) | 1974 | Spaugh, Dan Edward | M.F.A. | Drama and Speech, UNCG |
A production of Jean-Baptiste Molier`e's The doctor in spite of himself (Student Work) | 1972 | Alpaugh, Roberta L. | M.F.A. | Drama and Speech, UNCG |
A production of Madge Miller's The land of the dragon (Student Work) | 1976 | Heard, Doreen Brown | M.F.A. | Drama and Speech, UNCG |
A production of Mart Crowley's The boys in the band (Student Work) | 1973 | Lytton, John | M.F.A. | Drama and Speech, UNCG |
A production of Paul Baker's Hamlet ESP (Student Work) | 1977 | Fowlkes, H. Lee | M.F.A. | Drama and Speech, UNCG |
The production of a play for children : A song is a blue fish (Student Work) | 1970 | Gilbreath, Pat Kelly | M.F.A. | Drama and Speech, UNCG |
A production of Samuel Beckett's Waiting for Godot (Student Work) | 1972 | Van Blarcom, Bruce | M.F.A. | Drama and Speech, UNCG |
A production of The school for wives by Moliere, adapted by Miles Malleson (Student Work) | 1976 | Thompson, Colin | M.F.A. | Drama and Speech, UNCG |
A production of William Hanley's Slow dance on the killing ground (Student Work) | 1978 | Jones, Betty Jean | M.F.A. | Drama and Speech, UNCG |
A production of William Inge's Picnic (Student Work) | 1971 | Allison, Nelson Bergen | M.F.A. | Drama and Speech, UNCG |
Production thesis : Ernest in love (Student Work) | 1969 | Forman, Sandra Hopper | M.F.A. | Drama and Speech, UNCG |
Production thesis : A funny thing happened on the way to the forum by Burt Shevelove, Larry ... (Student Work) | 1968 | Elliott, Paul Cherry | M.F.A. | Drama and Speech, UNCG |
Production thesis : the ghost sonata (Student Work) | 1972 | Linder, Roberta Penn | M.F.A. | Drama and Speech, UNCG |
Professional development for part-time community college insurance instructors (Student Work) | 1988 | Moulton, Sandra Davis | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Professional judgments of neglect in child self-care (latchkey) arrangements : a field exper... (Student Work) | 1985 | Otten, Mary | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Professional preparation activities for the student athletic trainer in a collegiate athleti... (Student Work) | 1992 | Watson, Mary Allen | Ed.D. | Health and Human Performance, UNCG |
A professional profile of the associate superintendent of schools in North Carolina in 1976-... (Student Work) | 1978 | Rains, Clarice Ensley | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Professional women's catalog use and its relationships with their clothing involvement and l... (Student Work) | 1991 | Kim, Youn-Kyung | Ph.D. | Human Environmental Sciences, UNCG |
Professionally and personally inviting teacher practices as related to affective course outc... (Student Work) | 1985 | Amos, Lundee Williams | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
A profile analysis and study of the perceptions North Carolina elementary public school prin... (Student Work) | 1986 | Leonard, Barbara Ann Bennett | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
A profile analysis of women employed as elementary school principals in North Carolina (Student Work) | 1984 | Horine, Mary Ellen | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
A profile analysis of women in central office positions in North Carolina public schools (Student Work) | 1979 | Stiller, Elaine Sells | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
A profile analysis of women in central office positions in North Carolina public schools (19... (Student Work) | 1990 | Lackey-Laumann, Josiane Therese | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
A profile of black administrators in the local education administrative units of the North C... (Student Work) | 1980 | Sibert, James Edward | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
A profile of male mid-life concerns (Student Work) | 1983 | Weller, Elaine K. | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Profile of North Carolina K-12 hearing-impaired students and their parents/caregivers (Student Work) | 1991 | Whitener, Betty Chester | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
A profile of principals in digital learning environments (Student Work) | 2019 | Withers, Kelly Weaver | Ed.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Profiles in excellence : leadership styles of female principals in high schools of excellenc... (Student Work) | 1991 | Harris, Patricia B. | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Progesterone response of females participating in a progressive running program (Student Work) | 1986 | Sykes, Jean Crane | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
A program evaluation of existing and proposed American Heart Association nutrition education... (Student Work) | 1993 | Kinley, Marie Meredith | Ph.D. | Human Environmental Sciences, UNCG |
A program of extensive research in current methods and problems and future trends in an orie... (Student Work) | 1948 | Coleman, Frances Page | | Physical Education/Health and Human Performance, UNCG |
Programmatic and performance observations for Two Chamber Works by Chen Yi (Student Work) | 2019 | Blankenship, Xiaoyuan Huang | D.M.A. | School of Music, UNCG |
Programmed instruction : theory and application (Student Work) | 1964 | Renegar, Julia Carol | | Home Economics, UNCG |
Programs of study in student development in higher education : job relevancy of the CACREP a... (Student Work) | 1991 | Phelps, Susan Quick | Ph.D. | Education, UNCG |
Progressive harmonic series exercises in high range expansion for beginning horn players (Student Work) | 2016 | Phillips, Andrew Timothy | D.M.A. | Music Performance, UNCG |
Project China: a resource of contemporary saxophone music written by Chinese-born composers (Student Work) | 2016 | Gao, Xin | D.M.A. | Music Performance, UNCG |
Projected urbanization in North Carolina’s Piedmont-Triad Region; the urban heat island effe... (Student Work) | 2021 | Gaillard, Samantha K. | B.A. | Geography, Environment, and Sustainability, UNCG |
The prologue to the old French Vie de St. Alexis : a linguistic study with considerations of... (Student Work) | 1971 | Bullington, Rachel McGill | M.A. | Romance Languages-French, UNCG |
Prolonged encounters (Student Work) | 2018 | Gilbert, Brittany | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
Promoting college students’ physical activity enjoyment and motivation in a semester-long Zu... (Student Work) | 2022 | Woelfel, Isabel | Ed.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Promoting ecological consciousness in the classroom : a search for spiritual union (Student Work) | 1994 | Thomas, Richard Byron | Ph.D. | Education, UNCG |
Promoting environmentally responsible behaviors in public elementary schools’ children (Student Work) | 2018 | Leon Villasmil, Isabel | M.F.A. | Interior Architecture, UNCG |
Promoting physical activity in the United States : challenge to physical education (Student Work) | 1985 | Brooks, Christine Mary | Ed.D. | Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, UNCG |
Promoting positive change in at-risk students utilizing and adapting the FOCUS model in drop... (Student Work) | 1987 | Casebolt, Hampton Durant | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Promoting social and emotional learning for students through sports-based youth development ... (Student Work) | 2022 | Shen, Yanhua | Ph.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Promoting Urinary Continence: Education Program For Nursing Staff Using The 3-Day Voiding Re... (Student Work) | 2022 | Bailey, Jennifer Joyner | DNP | Nursing, UNCG |
Promotion of creative dramatics in elementary education in North Carolina in school systems ... (Student Work) | 1975 | Denmark, William Craddock | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Promotion of mental health referral efficacy in college athletic trainers (Student Work) | 2019 | Dettl-Rivera, Martha Grace | Ed.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Promotion of physical activity in physical therapy practice within North Carolina (Student Work) | 2020 | Lazicki, Randall Scott | Ed.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
The proof is in the profile : patterns of temperament predicting adolescent depression (Student Work) | 2023 | Kim, Yuji Y. | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
Prophetic teaching : a struggle to create spiritual community in the classroom (Student Work) | 1993 | Levine, Jerry Alan | Ph.D. | Education, UNCG |
Proportion as it relates to interior design (Student Work) | 1967 | Sloan, Ann Elizabeth | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
A proposal for the publication of the correspondence between Elizabeth I of England and Ivan... (Student Work) | 1972 | Harned, Mary Lou K. | M.A. | History, UNCG |
A proposed framework for individualizing staff development programs in the North Carolina Co... (Student Work) | 1988 | Taylor, Susan R. | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
The prose-poetry of James Agee : Samuel Barber's response (Student Work) | 1989 | Dressler, Jane K. | D.M.A. | Music, UNCG |
A prosocial manipulation produces increases in positive affect and prosocial behavior, but n... (Student Work) | 2019 | Adcock, Shannon J. | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
Protecting minoritized youth against discrimination: the concurrent impact of ethnic-racial ... (Student Work) | 2021 | Christophe, Noah Keita N. | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
Protection of HepG2 cells from acrolein toxicity by CDDO-Im via glutathione-mediated mechani... (Student Work) | 2013 | Shah, Halley Jayesh | M.S. | Biology, UNCG |
Protective parenting and African American adolescents’ decision-making in the context of fin... (Student Work) | 2021 | Williams, Kenneshia N. | Ph.D. | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Protein level and source in single meal influence voluntary intake during subsequent meal (Student Work) | 2017 | Murray, Coleman | M.S. | Nutrition, UNCG |
Protein-zinc interrelationship in young rats (Student Work) | 1973 | Grainger, Frances Powe | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Protodecarboxylation of ß-keto-acrylates and synthesis of isomaleimides by dehydration of ma... (Student Work) | 2021 | McFee, Elvis C. | M.S. | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Protonation of the isopropenylcyclopentadienyl anion : trapping of the isomer mixture with t... (Student Work) | 1971 | Hartless, Ray Lawson | M.S. | Chemistry, UNCG |
Protonation state of the bridging Ligand in the resting state of cytochrome c oxidase: inves... (Student Work) | 2021 | Carrasco, Maria C. | M.S. | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Prototypes and diagnoses : effects of attribute centrality and attribute distinctiveness (Student Work) | 1987 | Boykin, Ronald Aubrey | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
Providing home through affordable infill in historic districts (Student Work) | 2011 | Keane, Catherine Claire | MS | Interior Architecture, UNCG |
The Proximity Hotel: a case study on guest satisfaction of sustainable luxury environments (Student Work) | 2009 | Becker, Emily J. | MS | Interior Architecture, UNCG |
Pseudospectra and structured pseudospectra (Student Work) | 2012 | Hardee, John D. | M.A. | Mathematics, UNCG |
Psychiatric Treatment Team: A Structured Approach (Student Work) | 2022 | Strange, Heather E. | DNP | Nursing, UNCG |
Psychological adjustment and well-being in recently arriving immigrant adolescents (Student Work) | 2013 | Thibeault, Matthew | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
Psychological and physiological changes associated with a period of increased training (Student Work) | 1993 | Caruso, Christina Marie | Ph.D. | Health and Human Performance, UNCG |
Psychological anxiety of members of selected intercollegiate athletic teams (Student Work) | 1973 | Kaatz, Doris Marie | M.S. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
Psychological characteristics and skills of junior competitive swimmers (Student Work) | 2023 | Pennisi, Nori Sie | Ed.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
The psychology of space in domestic interiors (Student Work) | 2011 | Christian, Jody L. | MFA | Art, UNCG |
The psychology of virtual art gallery experiences (Student Work) | 2024 | Rodriguez, Rebekah M. | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
A psychometric evaluation of a state testing program: accommodated versus non-accommodated s... (Student Work) | 2010 | Roxbury, Tiese | Ph.D. | Educational Research Methodology, UNCG |
A psychometric evaluation of the student teacher assessment system at UNCG using structural ... (Student Work) | 2016 | Stern, Lucas Eric | Ph.D. | Educational Research Methodology, UNCG |
Psychometric properties of the hand of polyester/cotton blend fabrics (Student Work) | 1988 | Wiczynski, Mary Ellen | Ph.D. | Human Environmental Sciences, UNCG |
The psychometric properties of the lifetime experience questionnaire (LEQ) in older American... (Student Work) | 2012 | Gonzales, Clifford | Ph.D. | Nursing, UNCG |
A psychooncology intervention for newly diagnosed cancer patients in a hospital outpatient c... (Student Work) | 1993 | Wells, Michael E. | Ph.D. | Education, UNCG |
Psychophysical performance, contingent negative variations, visually evoked cortical potenti... (Student Work) | 1975 | Musso, Mario F. | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
Psychophysiological correlates of voluntary alpha control (Student Work) | 1975 | Sadler, Roberta Ray | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
The psychosocial content area in athletic training education: perceptions of athletic traini... (Student Work) | 2016 | Washington, Leah M. | Ph.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Psychosocial Factors and Physical Activity Among Black Adolescent Females (Student Work) | 2010 | Williams, Rennae A. | Ed.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Psychosocial predictors of breastfeeding initiation and duration (Student Work) | 2013 | Mathews, Meagan Eve | M.S. | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Public and private presentations of the self and employment seeking (Student Work) | 2011 | Calabria, Christine S. | MA | Sociology, UNCG |
Public education as a situational right, privilege, and entitlement (Student Work) | 1988 | Adams, Franklin Delano | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Public school curriculum : legislative and judicial mandates (Student Work) | 1986 | Gray, Peggy Byers | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
The pullman series (Student Work) | 1971 | Svenson, Peter Grattan | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
Punk, art and education (Student Work) | 1990 | Harrison, Cherl Theresa | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Purification and Characterization of BaeI and PksL in Bacillus amyloliquefaciens and Analysi... (Student Work) | 2020 | Lewars, Alexis | B.S. | Biochemistry, UNCG |
Purification and characterization of an enoyl-coA hydratase encoded by the yhaR gene from Ba... (Student Work) | 2015 | Maybin, Michael A. | M.S. | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Purity, a fourteenth century penitential sermon (Student Work) | 1973 | Dye, Mary Sue | M.A. | English, UNCG |
The purposes of tubists universal brotherhood association: development, literature, performa... (Student Work) | 2013 | Smith, Andrew McLane | D.M.A. | Music, UNCG |
Pursuing unhappiness: city, space, and sentimentalism in post-Cold War American literature (Student Work) | 2009 | Chandler, Aaron | PhD | English, UNCG |
The pursuit of chemical diversity in fungi (Student Work) | 2020 | Wright, Allison Jade | M.S. | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Putting induction into practice: a case study of how school context mediates induction polic... (Student Work) | 2009 | Higgins, Heather | PhD | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
Pwning it: voices of nerd women in a male-dominated subculture (Student Work) | 2018 | Pruitt, Stephanie M. | M.A. | Sociology, UNCG |
Quadratic reciprocity for the rational integers and the Gaussian integers (Student Work) | 2010 | Buck, Nancy | MA | Mathematics and Statistics, UNCG |
A qualitative analysis of the contraceptive behavior patterns of adolescent women (Student Work) | 1990 | Wilson, Patty J. | Ph.D. | Human Environmental Sciences, UNCG |
A qualitative analysis of the phases of involuntary childlessness (Student Work) | 1985 | Coble, Jack R. | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
A qualitative case study of an electronic learning community as a community of practice for ... (Student Work) | 2014 | Linton, Jayme Nixon | Ph.D. | Educational Studies, UNCG |
A qualitative exploration of mattering and belonging in the transfer student experience (Student Work) | 2013 | Woodward, William Charles | Ph.D. | Educational Studies, UNCG |
A qualitative inquiry of ICT based socio-economic development in developing countries: the c... (Student Work) | 2009 | Baqir, Muhammad Naveed | Ph.D. | Information Systems and Operations Management, UNCG |
A qualitative investigation of sport injury rehabilitation motivation from the perspective o... (Student Work) | 2016 | Seeberg, Steven A. | Ph.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
A qualitative study exploring pre-hospital patient delays in seeking care for symptoms of se... (Student Work) | 2021 | Ruffin, Felicia | Ph.D. | Nursing, UNCG |
A qualitative study exploring structural violence and mental health among Latino migrant and... (Student Work) | 2024 | Amegashie, Jennifer | Ph.D. | Public Health Education, UNCG |
A qualitative study of the impact of surprises and challenges on the identity-building and s... (Student Work) | 2018 | Triplett, Ashley Weinkle | Ed.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
A qualitative study of the lived experiences, practices, and perceptions of McKinney-Vento l... (Student Work) | 2024 | Moffitt, Roslyn | Ed.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
A qualitative study of the pedagogical content knowledge and personal orientations toward ec... (Student Work) | 2015 | Ayers, Cheryl A. | Ph.D. | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
A qualitative study of relationships between suggested guidelines and actual practices in co... (Student Work) | 1977 | Albert, J. Ross | Ed.D. | Music, UNCG |
A qualitative study of the roles, functions, and leadership strategies of central office adm... (Student Work) | 2015 | Muller, Brian | Ed.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
A qualitative study of RTI/Multi-tiered instruction in reading and LD identification from ed... (Student Work) | 2016 | Alhusayni, Faisal A. | Ph.D. | Specialized Education Services, UNCG |
A qualitative study to understand the perception of illness and the decision making process ... (Student Work) | 2016 | Nance-Floyd, Betty | Ph.D. | Nursing, UNCG |
Quality control and the impact of variation and prediction errors on item family design (Student Work) | 2024 | Someshwar, Shonai | Ph.D. | Educational Research Methodology, UNCG |
Quality education : the student view (Student Work) | 1995 | Joyce, Nancy Fulmer | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
A Quality Improvement DNP Project to Increase Adherence to an Adult Hypersensitivity Protoco... (Student Work) | 2023 | Joran, Elizabeth Hill | DNP | Nursing, UNCG |
Quality of life and sleep quality of long-term survivors of cytoreductive surgery plus hyper... (Student Work) | 2010 | Duckworth, Katharine E. | Ph.D. | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
Quality of life indicators in North Carolina: geographic differences between urban and rural... (Student Work) | 2011 | James, Sakika Mitchell | MA | Geography, UNCG |
Quality of special education : legal parameters and philosophical differences (Student Work) | 1991 | Biles, Luanne | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Quality time: an exploration of subjective temporality (Student Work) | 2012 | Ernstes, Amy Marie | M.A. | Sociology, UNCG |
Quam oblationem : the act of sacrifice in the poetry of Saint Robert Southwell (Student Work) | 1994 | O' Donnell, Mary | Ph.D. | English, UNCG |
Quantification of select cyanobacteria and cyanotoxins in Piedmont North Carolina lakes usin... (Student Work) | 2014 | Grubbs, Laura Fondario | M.S. | Biology, UNCG |
Quantifying the qualities of team players using the Lencioni framework of humble, hungry, an... (Student Work) | 2019 | McMurry, Summer V. | Ph.D. | Communication Sciences and Disorders, UNCG |
Quantitative analysis of grapefruit constituents involved in diet-drug interactions and modi... (Student Work) | 2014 | VanderMolen, Karen M. | Ph.D. | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Quantitative analysis of resource conflict and urban sustainability in Central North Carolin... (Student Work) | 2013 | Gramopadhye, Jasraj Vinayak | p | Geography, UNCG |
A quantitative examination of the engagement of undergraduate Lumbee commuter students at a ... (Student Work) | 2019 | Locklear, Lawrence T. | Ph.D. | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
A quantitative examination of the ways parents and families interact with their students’ co... (Student Work) | 2019 | Chapman, Elizabeth A. (Betsy) | Ph.D. | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
A quantitative exploration of strategies to reduce fatigue among nurses (Student Work) | 2020 | Cochran, Karen R. | Ph.D. | Nursing, UNCG |
Quantitative Measurements of Carcinogen-DNA Adduct Using MALDI Time-Of-Flight Mass Spectrome... (Student Work) | 2008 | Huang, Zhuoli | MS | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Quantitative Neuromuscular Monitoring: The Safest Practice (Student Work) | 2024 | Matthews, Michael | DNP | Nursing, UNCG |
A quantum mechanical Boltzmann equation for a polyatomic gas in magnetic and electric fields... (Student Work) | 1972 | Baker, William Mebane | M.S. | Physics, UNCG |
Quarrels of Sir Conscience: Langland’s critique of knighthood in the visio of Piers Plowman ... (Student Work) | 2015 | Sorenson, Eric M. | M.A. | English, UNCG |
The quarry (Student Work) | 2009 | Craft, Joellen | MFA | English, UNCG |
Queer kairos: resistance, resilience, and hope AND Queer assemblage in Running with scissors... (Student Work) | 2019 | Powers, Daniel George | M.A. | English, UNCG |
Queer pedagogy as spiritual practice (Student Work) | 2010 | Ammons, Brian Dwight | Ph.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Queer possibilities: disidentification and queer spectatorship in Black Swan and The Kids Ar... (Student Work) | 2014 | Holmes, Tara J. | M.A. | Women's and Gender Studies, UNCG |
Queering the cyborg in cyberpunk role-playing games (Student Work) | 2023 | Oslund, Meg | M.A. | Women's and Gender Studies, UNCG |
Queer(ing) gender: a critical analysis of thinking, embodying, and living genderqueer (Student Work) | 2013 | Stachowiak, Dana Marie | Ph.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
A query into the social construction of (un)natural disasters: teaching (about) the biopolit... (Student Work) | 2013 | Nix-Stevenson, Dara Nilajah | Ph.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
The query of depiction (Student Work) | 2007 | Richter, Ari Benjamin | Master of Fine Arts | Studio Art, UNCG |
Query optimization in XML based information integration for queries involving aggregation an... (Student Work) | 2009 | Alkaldi, Wejdan Abdullah | MS | Computer Science, UNCG |
A quest for personal meaning and wholeness through the movement experience : an alternative ... (Student Work) | 1986 | Marshall, Jacqueline Carol | Ed.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
A question in life, answered with art (Student Work) | 2017 | Roland, Sherrill | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
Question use following right hemisphere brain damage (Student Work) | 2014 | Minga, Jamila M. | Ph.D. | Communication Sciences and Disorders, UNCG |
Qui plus fait, miex vault : evaluating combat in Malory's Le Morte d'Arthur (Student Work) | 2006 | Osborne, James Michael | PhD | English, UNCG |
Quiet work: stories (Student Work) | 2009 | Bradbury, Jamey | MFA | English, UNCG |
Race, class, and family success stories : a study of two magnet programs in a southern eleme... (Student Work) | 1996 | Deasy, Mary Kay | Ph.D. | Education, UNCG |
Race, place, and age: an intersectional multilevel investigation of birth outcome disparitie... (Student Work) | 2014 | Coley, Sheryl L. | D.P.H. | Community Health Education, UNCG |
Race-ethnicity and the big-fish-little-pond effect (Student Work) | 2021 | Lesick, Tara L. | M.A.. | Psychology, UNCG |
Race(ing) around in rhetoric and composition circles: racial literacy as the way out (Student Work) | 2009 | Johnson, Michelle T. | PhD | English, UNCG |
Racial awareness and racial identification among American Indian children as influenced by n... (Student Work) | 1977 | Wicker, Leslie Cleveland | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Racial microaggressions, racial identity, and working alliance in cross-racial counseling su... (Student Work) | 2011 | Barnes, Rachelle Redmond | Ph.D. | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
Racial Stereotypes in Television Advertisements and their Effect on the Perception of Africa... (Student Work) | 2022 | Ellis , Kapria D. | B.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
Racially socializing biracial youth: a cultural ecological study of parental influences on r... (Student Work) | 2009 | Rollins, Alethea | PhD | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Racine, Les trage´dies grecques et le gou^t classique (Student Work) | 1969 | Schwaneger, Jeanne | M.A. | Romance Languages-French, UNCG |
The racism of maternalism : Grace King’s feminine white supremacy AND Edna Pontellier’s hidd... (Student Work) | 2022 | Robertson, Elizabeth Padgett | M.A. | English, UNCG |
Radical goodness/radical evil : Martin Buber's philosophical anthropology in contemporary ti... (Student Work) | 1992 | Polinsky, Susan Lecin | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
The radical integration of science, religion, and poetry in the writings of Loren Eiseley an... (Student Work) | 1995 | Rogers, Betty Ritz | Ph.D. | English, UNCG |
Rapid and improved assay of surfactins from Bacillus subtilis, 203R via UPLC-ESI-MS (Student Work) | 2018 | Wright, David M. | M.S. | Chemistry, UNCG |
Rat killing, Two prisoners and Molting : three short stories (Student Work) | 1973 | Ferguson, Wesley Wilson | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
Rate constancy : another look at response independence in concurrent schedules (Student Work) | 1972 | Guilkey, Marilyn | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
Ratio estimation of the mean under RRT models (Student Work) | 2016 | Zhang, Qi | M.A. | Mathematics and Statistics, UNCG |
Ray and other stories (Student Work) | 2017 | Gamero, Rafael J. | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
(Re)envisioning self and other : subverting visual orientalism through the creation of postc... (Student Work) | 2007 | Jones, Rachel Bailey | PhD | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
(Re)framing service-learning with youth participatory action research: examining students’ c... (Student Work) | 2016 | Bocci, Melissa Cochrane | Ph.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
(Re)imagining the Armenian duduk: cross-cultural borrowing in a seemingly borderless world (Student Work) | 2017 | Reed, Heidi | D.M.A. | Music, UNCG |
Re-assemblage of forms (Student Work) | 2010 | Ashley, Kristin V. | MFA | Art, UNCG |
Re-engagement among white retired urban and rural men (Student Work) | 1977 | Setz, Heidi Marthia | M.A. | Sociology, UNCG |
Re-envisioning negritude: historical and cultural contexts for Aimé Césaire and Léopold Séda... (Student Work) | 2012 | Howell, Emma Catherine Thompson | M.A. | Romance Languages, UNCG |
The re-evaluation of a clerical aptitude test (Student Work) | 1944 | Fowler, Evelyn | M.S. | Business Education, UNCG |
A re-evaluation of the effects of maternal care on offspring behavioral development (Student Work) | 2011 | Bailoo, Jeremy D. | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
A re-examination of the institutionalization of equalitarian marital role norms (Student Work) | 1976 | Neely, Becky Glass | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Re-mystifying the exhibition of medieval sacred objects (Student Work) | 2012 | Wall, Natalie Lentz | M.S. | Interior Architecture, UNCG |
Re-visions of place in transnational literatures of the long nineties (Student Work) | 2012 | Brister, Rose A. | Ph.D. | English, UNCG |
'React and Go with it': Interviewing Persons with Alzheimer's Disease about their Friendship... (Student Work) | 2008 | McCullough, Brandi M. | MA | Sociology, UNCG |
Reaction kinetics in the synthesis of highly nitrogen doped carbon nanotubes (Student Work) | 2020 | Craps, Matthew | Ph.D. | Nanoscience, UNCG |
The reaction of alternate oxidants with cytochrome P450BM3 and mutants generates spectrally ... (Student Work) | 2006 | Thompson, Jonathan Ira | Master of Science | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Reactions from the American press toward the regime of Salvador Allende (Student Work) | 1974 | Heal, Charles Frederick | M.A. | History, UNCG |
Reactions of Korean women who adopted western-style dress in the acculturation period of 194... (Student Work) | 1988 | Park, Sunae | Ph.D. | Human Environmental Sciences, UNCG |
Reactions to failure in preschool children from different ethnic and socio-economic backgrou... (Student Work) | 1966 | Rizwana, Khudaija | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Readers in text worlds and lived worlds : a narrative inquiry study of understanding and mea... (Student Work) | 2022 | Kirkman, Christopher J. | Ph.D. | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
Readiness for racialized encounters in the career preparedness of Black HBCU graduates in Wh... (Student Work) | 2023 | Williams, Keisha Mark | Ed.D. | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
Reading incest: tyranny, subversion, and the preservation of patriarchy (Student Work) | 2011 | Summers, Karen Crady | Ph.D. | English, UNCG |
"Reading is power!" critical literacy in practice: a formative experiment using critical lit... (Student Work) | 2016 | Langston-DeMott, Brooke | Ph.D. | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
Reading while listening : adult literacy students (Student Work) | 1987 | Wisner, Marion Frommelt | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Ready for work and beyond: a study of the impact of work-based experiences on secondary stud... (Student Work) | 2017 | Winborne, Stanley | Ed.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Ready or not: a qualitative investigation of the experiences of entry-level professional cou... (Student Work) | 2015 | Blake, Susan D. | Ph.D. | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
Realities of perception (Student Work) | 2009 | DiSarno, Anthony | MFA | Studio Art, UNCG |
Reality and the artistic vision : a study of Randall Jarrell's poetic style (Student Work) | 1973 | Rodenbough, Jean | M.A. | English, UNCG |
Reality of form : form of reality (Student Work) | 1974 | Wofford, John Albert | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
Rearing condition affects the development of allocentric responding and hippocampal n-methyl... (Student Work) | 1990 | Hyatt, Laura Elizabeth | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
A reassessment of enlightenment architectural thought in Thomas Jefferson’s Poplar Forest: a... (Student Work) | 2019 | Vann, Christopher Scott | M.F.A. | Interior Architecture, UNCG |
Reassessment of the nutrient intakes and anthropometric measurements of adolescent females a... (Student Work) | 1984 | El-Masry, Ebtesam A. | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
The rebel as tragic hero : a study of The plague by Albert Camus [and] Death of a salesman b... (Student Work) | 1968 | Culbertson, Betsy Greenleaf | | English, UNCG |
A rebel spirit, or, The Pre-Raphaelite movement in the nineteenth century (Student Work) | 1956 | Etheridge, Doris | | English, UNCG |
Recall validity of the Health and Reproductive Survey (HeRS) and findings of menstrual healt... (Student Work) | 2021 | Gardner, Hanna M. | M.S. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Recalling and revisiting : a visual remembrance of things past (Student Work) | 1973 | Castello, Charlene Georgia-Mildred | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
Recent advances in the analytical methodology of some clinically important compounds (Student Work) | 1976 | Valsalan, A. Kattiappurathu | M.S. | Chemistry, UNCG |
Reciprocity of perspectives : an application of the work of James B. MacDonald to a personal... (Student Work) | 1984 | Burke, Melvia McCrory | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Reclaiming our bodies : towards a sentient pedagogy of liberation (Student Work) | 1991 | Taylor, Sherry Badger | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
The recognition of passion in selected fiction of E.M. Forster (Student Work) | 1964 | Nichols, Joyce | | English, UNCG |
A reconceptualization of IRT calibration with DIF items in a PROMIS Fatigue measure (Student Work) | 2022 | Ma, Jia | Ph.D. | Educational Research Methodology, UNCG |
Reconceptualizing the influence of empathic capacity and emotional numbing on perceptions of... (Student Work) | 2013 | Jones, Laura Kay | Ph.D. | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
Reconceptualizing information systems business value in the non-profit organizational contex... (Student Work) | 2014 | Oakley, Richelle Lucy | Ph.D. | Information Systems and Operations Management, UNCG |
Reconciling childhood and deviance: an historical analysis of media depictions of young 'dev... (Student Work) | 2009 | Ireland, Amanda Lynn | MA | Sociology, UNCG |
Reconfiguring the "other" in late nineteenth-century British utopian literature (Student Work) | 1996 | Rose, Anita R. | Ph.D. | English, UNCG |
Reconsidering a reform novel: George Washington Cable and The Grandissimes (Student Work) | 2009 | Budnick, Paul | M.A. | English, UNCG |
Recovering aesthetics in teaching : beauty informed with love (Student Work) | 1995 | Levine, Phoebe M. | Ph.D. | Education, UNCG |
A recreation therapy twist to sign language: an intervention for primary progressive aphasia... (Student Work) | 2010 | Sardina, Angela | M.S. | Community and Therapeutic Recreation, UNCG |
Recreational therapists’ status and perceptions of incorporating spirituality in therapeutic... (Student Work) | 2020 | Powalie, Kaitlyn | M.S. | Community and Therapeutic Recreation, UNCG |
The recruitment of followers by social movements : an exploratory study of the labor movemen... (Student Work) | 1974 | Townsend, Henry Kayes | M.A. | Sociology, UNCG |
Reducible Configurations and So On: The Final Years of the Four Color Theorem (Student Work) | 2008 | Magee, Jeremy Preston | MA | Mathematics and Statistics, UNCG |
The reduction of test, state and trait anxiety by two variants of stress inoculation trainin... (Student Work) | 1977 | Hussian, Richard A. | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
Reentry women : the relationship of Q-ACH, extraversion-introversion, and locus of control t... (Student Work) | 1981 | Molstad, Susan Mary | Ed.D. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
A reference for the art songs of Dora Pejacevic; with English translations of the song texts... (Student Work) | 2014 | Auvil, Richard D. | D.M.A. | Music, UNCG |
Refinement of the conformation of selected transmembrane helices in the cannabinoid receptor... (Student Work) | 2011 | Madrigal, Karla E. | MS | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Reflections (Student Work) | 1973 | Bediz, Bulent | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
Reflections and visions : a hermeneutic study of dangers and possibilities in dance educatio... (Student Work) | 1984 | Stinson, Susan W. | Ed.D. | Dance, UNCG |
Reflections of environmental images (Student Work) | 1972 | Bush, William Perry | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
Reflections on a reality : the decline of female administrators in the public schools of Nor... (Student Work) | 1985 | Andrews, Maxine Ramseur | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Reframing the plantation house: preservation critique in Southern literature (Student Work) | 2015 | Webb, Cynthia Montgomery | Ph.D. | English, UNCG |
Reframing the story : counter-narrative storytelling and Black men in educational leadership... (Student Work) | 2024 | Pledger, Latarsha Sherrod | Ph.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Refugee transition into American public schools: an emergent study of major influences (Student Work) | 2009 | Henry, Jacob Scott | Ed.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Refugee women and higher education across space, place, and time (Student Work) | 2022 | Bennett, Cathryn B. | Ph.D. | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
Regional cerebral blood flow correlates of orthographic analysis and phonetic discrimination... (Student Work) | 1989 | Flowers, Donna Lynn | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
Regionalizing rhetoric : making, writing, and teaching place (Student Work) | 2022 | Haynes, Leah Justine Sink | Ph.D. | English, UNCG |
Regular dangers (Student Work) | 2011 | McBee, Wilson | MFA | English, UNCG |
Regulation and function of Skp2 in mediating p27 degradation during adipocyte hyperplasia (Student Work) | 2006 | Auld, Corinth Andrews | PhD | Nutrition, UNCG |
Regulation of cytochrome P450 2A6 and phase II enzymes by unsaturated aldehydes (Student Work) | 2009 | Mack, Todd Steven | M.S. | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Regulation of dickkopf-1(Dkk-1) promoter sequences under various growth conditions (Student Work) | 2006 | Feimster, Jasmin Denee | Master of Science | Biology, UNCG |
Regulation of Myosin II Isoform Localization and Activation during Insulin Stimulated Glucos... (Student Work) | 2006 | Fulcher, Franklin Kent | MS | Biology, UNCG |
Regulation of sumoylation by dTopors during male meiosis in Drosophila melanogaster (Student Work) | 2009 | Mukherjee, Avik | Master of Science | Biology, UNCG |
Rehab code versus the North Carolina building code: a comparison of their application in pre... (Student Work) | 2013 | Postlmayr, Lauren Michelle | M.F.A. | Interior Architecture, UNCG |
Reinforcement of a Preoperative Insulin Protocol (Student Work) | 2022 | Newton, Matthew | DNP | Nursing, UNCG |
Reinforcement sensitivity theory, adult AD/HD symptoms, and comorbidity: an examination of p... (Student Work) | 2009 | Mitchell, John Thomas | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
Reinforcement sensitivity, cognitive biases, stressful life events, and depression symptoms (Student Work) | 2011 | Hundt, Natalie E. | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
Rejecting the empowered reader: re-claiming authorial agency in twenty-first century, avant-... (Student Work) | 2016 | Hall, Emily | Ph.D. | English, UNCG |
Relating measures of maternal responsivity to selected aspects of infant learning and affect... (Student Work) | 1988 | Meinhold, Patricia | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
The relation between central and peripheral measures in a perceptual-motor task (Student Work) | 1968 | Dudley, Linda Motley | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
The relation between certain phases of reading ability and speed and accuracy in typewriting... (Student Work) | 1944 | Cobb, Emma Katharine | M.S. | Business Education, UNCG |
The relation between early frustration reactivity, parental responsiveness and later externa... (Student Work) | 2018 | Maddox, Melanie A. | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
The relation between handedness for reaching and unimanual handedness from 6 to 14 months (Student Work) | 2015 | Campbell, Julie | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
The relation between maternal child-rearing styles and the development of aggression in chil... (Student Work) | 1989 | Tryon, Adeline Spencer Curry | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
The relation of certain background factors and freshman standardized tests to college succes... (Student Work) | 1948 | Frazier, Lois Elizabeth | M.S. | Business Education, UNCG |
The relation of chronic stress during middle childhood to allostatic load in adolescence (Student Work) | 2014 | Wolpert, Chantelle | Ph.D. | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
The relation of early attachment with kindergarten social preference : an examination of int... (Student Work) | 2007 | Balentine, Angelea Christine | PhD | Psychology, UNCG |
The relation of fiber elongation to selected serviceability features of experimental cotton ... (Student Work) | 1960 | Guin, Ruth B. | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Relation of fiber resilience to the consumer selection of carpeting (Student Work) | 1969 | Sears, Nancy Jane | Ph. D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Relation of honey production in Apis mellifera colonies to the normalized difference vegetat... (Student Work) | 2013 | Lynn, Bradley Carl | M.A. | Geography, UNCG |
The relation of past and present diets to the physical condition of a group of aged people (Student Work) | 1944 | Lanham, Willie Gertrude | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
The relation of selected environmental factors to weight and height of Indian pre-school chi... (Student Work) | 1961 | Badlani, Nalina Naraindas | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Relation of selected variables to dominant-submissive patterns in children (Student Work) | 1964 | Elam, Annie Merle White | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
The relation of yarn characteristics of selected cotton sheeting to wrinkle recovery (Student Work) | 1967 | Jarrelle, Audrey Lee | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
The relation of yarn structure of selected cotton fabrics to abrasion resistance (Student Work) | 1966 | Kennedy, Geraldine | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
The relational experiences of Latinx immigrant couples living in the United States : an inte... (Student Work) | 2023 | Silverio, Nicole | Ph.D. | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
Relations among promotive parenting behaviors and resourcefulness among African American chi... (Student Work) | 2006 | Williams-Wheeler, Meeshay | PhD | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Relations between parental autonomy support and child anxiety symptoms across elementary sch... (Student Work) | 2021 | McCurdy, Amy Leigh | Ph.D. | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
The relations between social class, maternal values of self-direction and conformity, and ch... (Student Work) | 2008 | Mokrova, Irina L. | MS | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
The relations between temporal memory abilities, time knowledge, executive function, and lan... (Student Work) | 2022 | Bettencourt, Kathleen M. | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
Relations in memory: examining the development of children’s episodic and semantic memory (Student Work) | 2017 | Sipe, Sarah J. | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
The relationship among career aspiration, multiple role planning attitudes, and wellness in ... (Student Work) | 2005 | Booth, Caroline Susanne | PhD | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
The relationship among prostaglandin E2, leukotriene B4, creatine kinase, lactic acid and de... (Student Work) | 1995 | Boyer, Brian Trevor | Ph.D. | Health and Human Performance, UNCG |
The relationship among selected measures of physical fitness, body-image, self-concept, move... (Student Work) | 1964 | Stroble, Sharon Elizabeth | M.S. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
The relationship among work possible selves, work role salience, socioeconomic position, and... (Student Work) | 2006 | Pisarik, Christopher T. | PhD | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
The relationship between the AAHPER Youth Fitness Test and the twelve-minute test (Student Work) | 1970 | Johnston, Karla Ruth | M.S. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
Relationship Between Adult Attachment Styles, Hostile Attribution Bias and Aggression. (Student Work) | 2010 | Ly, Tam | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
The relationship between age and factors that influence the academic success of undergraduat... (Student Work) | 1994 | Lewis, Henry Albert | Ph.D. | Education, UNCG |
The Relationship Between Anterior Pelvic Tilt, Hamstring Extensibility and Hamstring Strengt... (Student Work) | 2008 | Rockey, Ashley Marie | MS | Kinesiology, UNCG |
The relationship between anxiety and athletic performance : a test of the multidimensional a... (Student Work) | 1990 | Krane, Victoria Ivy | Ph.D. | Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, UNCG |
The relationship between anxiety and efforts in movements of children (Student Work) | 1978 | Wilson, Verna Jean | Ed.D. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
The relationship between athletic identity and physical activity levels after retirement fro... (Student Work) | 2011 | Reifsteck, Erin J. | MS | Kinesiology, UNCG |
The relationship between average student achievement and nonpromotion rate : a path analysis... (Student Work) | 1983 | Maddocks, John Calvin | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
The relationship between child care program administration, organizational climate, and glob... (Student Work) | 2006 | Hansen, Joanna K. | Master of Science | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
The relationship between children's perception of maternal discipline and performance on two... (Student Work) | 1968 | Martin, Lynda Joyce | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
The Relationship Between a Coach's Goal Orientation and Perceived Motivational Climate (Student Work) | 2008 | Rodenbeck, Russell | MS | Kinesiology, UNCG |
The relationship between consistent/inconsistent identification data of gifted children and ... (Student Work) | 1979 | Weiss, Linda Mellette | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
The relationship between coping and sport injury anxiety among college athletes (Student Work) | 2013 | Tomalski, Jenna L. | M.S. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
The relationship between counselor training and multicultural competence (Student Work) | 1996 | Holcomb, Cheryl Colethia | Ph.D. | Education, UNCG |
The relationship between creativity and leadership and the effects of a creative leadership ... (Student Work) | 1976 | Austin, Gerald D. | Ed. D. | Education, UNCG |
The relationship between education as liberation and computing (Student Work) | 1986 | Sineath, Bythel June | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
The relationship between the effectiveness of resident assistants and the variables of asser... (Student Work) | 1988 | Maleski, Stanley Steve | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
The relationship between executive function and joint attention in the second year of life (Student Work) | 2012 | Miller, Stephanie Elisabeth | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
The relationship between exercise and the symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder in mili... (Student Work) | 2014 | Williams, Lauren Marie | M.S. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
The relationship between figure-ground perception and viewing time in a ball catching task (Student Work) | 1978 | Petrakis, Elizabeth | Ed.D. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
A relationship between general motor ability and objective measures of achievement in swimmi... (Student Work) | 1962 | Wilson, Marcia Ruth | M.S. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
The relationship between goal characteristics and emotional well-being (Student Work) | 2014 | Hoet, Ariana C. | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
The relationship between individual characteristics, behavioral motifs, and interactive frie... (Student Work) | 1996 | Dugan, Elizabeth | Ph.D. | Human Environmental Sciences, UNCG |
The relationship between intelligence and motor proficiency in the intellectually gifted chi... (Student Work) | 1968 | Lauten, Doris Anne Higgins | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
The relationship between intrafamily violence and self-concept (Student Work) | 1977 | Galant, Lawrence L. | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
The relationship between leader behavior, type of organization, and role conflict (Student Work) | 1975 | Moniot, Sara Hamill | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
The relationship between level of activation and reaction time (Student Work) | 1961 | Evans, Diana | | Psychology, UNCG |
The relationship between the level of aspiration and performance in selected motor tasks (Student Work) | 1960 | Price, Nannette | M.S. | Physical Education, UNCG |
The relationship between load and elasticity in the power squat (Student Work) | 1993 | Bird, Michael | Ed.D. | Health and Human Performance, UNCG |
The relationship between maternal depression and child attention-deficit/hyperactivity disor... (Student Work) | 2012 | Schatz, Nicole K. | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
The relationship between maternal knowledge of developmental norms, mother-child interaction... (Student Work) | 1992 | Wyatt, Kathryn Parker | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
The relationship between membership status of rural youth in selected organizations and cert... (Student Work) | 1965 | Brooks, Elizabeth Ann | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
The relationship between mothers' lifestyles and the lifestyles and gender-hypertension risk... (Student Work) | 2010 | Morton, Tiffany Brooke | MS | Nutrition, UNCG |
The relationship between motor ability and self-concept of women non-physical education majo... (Student Work) | 1961 | Parker, Nancy Kay | M.S. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
The relationship between organizational structure and the structure of organizational commun... (Student Work) | 1974 | Fuller, Theron Keith | M.A. | Sociology, UNCG |
The relationship between oxidized low-density lipoprotein and paraoxonase 1 following acute ... (Student Work) | 2011 | Robison, Charles Elliot | Ph.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
The relationship between parental androgyny and early child-rearing attitudes and behaviors (Student Work) | 1977 | Hobson, Carol McLester | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
The relationship between parents' perception of family environment and prosocial behavior in... (Student Work) | 1979 | Temke, Mary Wagner | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
The relationship between personal growth group experiences in multicultural counseling cours... (Student Work) | 2005 | Rowell, Paul Clay | PhD | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
The relationship between personality traits of selected Michigan high school band members an... (Student Work) | 1983 | Sherman, Robert C. | Ed.D. | Music, UNCG |
The relationship between physical activity, stress, obesity, and depression among healthcare... (Student Work) | 2022 | Busam, Maria R. | Ph.D. | Nursing, UNCG |
The relationship between physical education and leisure-time physical activity behavior (Student Work) | 2018 | Deng, Yangyang | M.S. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
The relationship between physical fitness and academic achievement among 4th and 5th grade b... (Student Work) | 2018 | Jones, David D. | Ed.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
The relationship between positional alcohol nystagmus and accuracy of estimation of blood al... (Student Work) | 1975 | Ahr, Charles Jonathan | Ph. D. | Psychology, UNCG |
The relationship between a principal's behavior and the organizational climate in selected r... (Student Work) | 1988 | Nelon, Betty Masters | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
The relationship between psychological climate and work motivation in a retail setting (Student Work) | 1992 | Woodard, Ginger | Ph. D. | Human Environmental Sciences, UNCG |
The relationship between public school desegregation and the displacement of black high scho... (Student Work) | 1979 | Childs, Walter | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
The Relationship between Religion, Social Interest, and Wellness in Adults (Student Work) | 2008 | Bigbee, Amy | PhD | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
The relationship between self-care of diabetes and diabetes distress in non-Hispanic Black a... (Student Work) | 2022 | Neblett, Debra Anita | Ph.D. | School of Nursing, UNCG |
The relationship between the self-concept, the body-image and the movement-concept of colleg... (Student Work) | 1962 | Doudlah, Anna May | M.S.H.E. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
The relationship between softball skill self-esteem and softball skill (Student Work) | 1977 | Ford, Maureen Elizabeth | M.S.P.E. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
The relationship between teaching experience and effective administrative behavior (Student Work) | 1985 | Jones, Paris | Ed.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
The relationship between trauma, social support, and postdeployment reintegration among warr... (Student Work) | 2016 | Scanlon, Kelli Elizabeth | Ph.D. | Counseling and Counselor Education, UNCG |
The relationship between two classes of measures examined idiothetically and nomothetically (Student Work) | 1986 | Turner, Arlinza Earl | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
The relationship between the use of indirect and direct nonverbal behavior of college women ... (Student Work) | 1971 | McConnell, Ann E. | M.S. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
The relationship between wellness, emotion regulation, and relapse in adult outpatient subst... (Student Work) | 2012 | Clarke, Philip | Ph.D. | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
The relationship between whole body movement and the retarded child's ability to learn selec... (Student Work) | 1968 | Pharnes, Joan Sandra | M.S. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
The relationship between the work organization of long-haul truck drivers and body mass inde... (Student Work) | 2015 | Hege, Barry Adam | Ph.D. | Public Health Education, UNCG |
The relationship between working memory and gait performance (Student Work) | 2013 | Grubaugh, Jordan | M.S. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
The relationship between working memory and verbal fluency following traumatic brain injury (Student Work) | 2012 | Cralidis, Ann Louise | Ph.D. | Communication Sciences and Disorders, UNCG |
The relationship between the world anti-doping agency’s spirit of sport values and anti-dopi... (Student Work) | 2023 | Grist, Pauline | Ph.D. | Public Health Education, UNCG |
Relationship building practices in one rural and predominantly Latino school (Student Work) | 2011 | Hatley, Sue Norris | Ed.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
The relationship of ACL morphometry and structural composition to anterior knee laxity (Student Work) | 2016 | Wang, Hsin-Min | Ph.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Relationship of the anaerobic threshold and running performance in female recreational runne... (Student Work) | 1985 | Claiborne, Janet Mary | Ed.D. | Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, UNCG |
The relationship of blood pressure, calcium, and exercise in normotensive women (Student Work) | 1990 | Booth, Robert Arthur | Ph.D. | Human Environmental Sciences, UNCG |
The relationship of certification and mathematics background of teachers and pupil performan... (Student Work) | 1983 | Hathaway, Harriett Anne | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Relationship of early adversity and negative emotionality to emerging adult latent internali... (Student Work) | 2023 | Ponder, Darha M. | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
Relationship of early infant feeding (breast vs. formula) and fruit and vegetable variety in... (Student Work) | 2010 | Strong, LaCrystal A. | MS | Nutrition, UNCG |
Relationship of family employment status to husband and wife marital satisfaction and sex ro... (Student Work) | 1981 | Bueche, Nancy Ann | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Relationship of feeding human milk by breast versus bottle with infant growth (Student Work) | 2015 | Wilson, Kelsey | M.S. | Nutrition, UNCG |
The relationship of gloss and skid resistance of specific floor surfaces (Student Work) | 1965 | Shamburger, Elizabeth | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
The relationship of group size, sex of benefactor and sex of recipient to sharing behavior i... (Student Work) | 1976 | Upton, Marsha Ann | M.S. | Home Economics, UNCG |
The relationship of hand-eye coordination as measured by the pursuit rotor and selected moto... (Student Work) | 1967 | Childrey, Anita M. | M.S. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
Relationship of infant feeding mode, tongue thrusting, and lisping (Student Work) | 1968 | Richman, Julia | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
The relationship of marital partnership status to husband/wife bargaining mode (Student Work) | 1987 | Arnett, Cynthia Ellen | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Relationship of membership in fraternities and sororities and academic achievement in four h... (Student Work) | 1982 | Scales, Manderline Elizabeth | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
The relationship of molecular structure to mesomorphism in some aromatic esters of diphenols... (Student Work) | 1974 | Bristol, David W. | M.S. | Chemistry, UNCG |
Relationship of the order of presentation of vegetables to amount selected and consumed by n... (Student Work) | 1967 | King, Nora Jane | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
The relationship of overhand throwing ability to general motor ability in college freshman w... (Student Work) | 1963 | Mesenbrink, Robberta | Ed.D. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
The relationship of parental support, control attempts and power to adolescent drinking (Student Work) | 1983 | Reeves, Donald Wayne | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
The relationship of parent's food preferences and their claims on their children's preferenc... (Student Work) | 1963 | Hodge, JoAnn Snyder | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
The relationship of parents' food preferences to children's food preferences (Student Work) | 1975 | Stephens, Sally McCartney | M.S. | Home Economics, UNCG |
The relationship of perceived autonomy-supportive coaching behavior with motivation among hi... (Student Work) | 2016 | Burrell, Chelsea J. | M.S. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
The Relationship of Physical Activity and Aerobic Fitness with Health-Related Quality of Lif... (Student Work) | 2008 | Barella, Lisa A. | Ph.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
The relationship of school size and the socio-economic status, ethnic origin, gender, and em... (Student Work) | 1989 | Cockman, Daniel Atlas | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
The relationship of select nutrients, obesity, cardiovascular fitness, and stress on the imm... (Student Work) | 1992 | Sigmon, Rita Charlotte | Ph.D. | Human Environmental Sciences, UNCG |
The relationship of selected factors to teacher morale among teachers in Burke County, North... (Student Work) | 1974 | Brendle, Ava A. | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
The relationship of selected factors to teacher morale among vocational teachers in Guilford... (Student Work) | 1968 | Francis, Mary Lee | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
The relationship of selected prosocial play behaviors in children to moral reasoning, youth ... (Student Work) | 1979 | Horrocks, Robert N. | Ed.D. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
The relationship of social anhedonia and social anxiety with schizotypy and their expression... (Student Work) | 2006 | Brown, Leslie H. | Master of Art | Psychology, UNCG |
The relationship of social class and other variables to parental acceptance among foster par... (Student Work) | 1977 | Aberg, Miriam Ruth | M.S. | Home Economics, UNCG |
The relationship of social support networks and support network function to the health statu... (Student Work) | 1991 | Perry, Charlotte Marie | Ph.D. | Human Environmental Sciences, UNCG |
The relationship of status origins and status prospects to in-school deviance and delinquenc... (Student Work) | 1975 | Lombardo, Michael M. | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
The relationship of strength of selected muscle groups to the five iron driving distance for... (Student Work) | 1968 | Burgdorf, Jeri Lynn | M.S. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
The relationship of teachers' involvement in participative decision making at different care... (Student Work) | 1992 | Stowe, Frances Gail Dixon | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
The relationship of team cohesion to individual anxiety among recreational soccer players (Student Work) | 2014 | Oh, Eungwang | M.S. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Relationship of visually evoked responses to patterning of stimuli and nature of perceptual ... (Student Work) | 1974 | Cook, Barbara Ann | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
The relationship of wellness factors to work performance and job satisfaction among managers... (Student Work) | 1996 | Hutchinson, Gerald A. | Ph.D. | Education, UNCG |
The relationships among achievement, self-concept, and role models for black students (Student Work) | 1989 | Spicer, Patricia Black | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Relationships among basal body temperature, simple reaction time and movement time at six sp... (Student Work) | 1976 | Shay, Nancy Lynn | M.S.P.E. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
The relationships among coping strategies, trait anxiety, and performance in collegiate soft... (Student Work) | 1993 | Finch, Laura Marie | Ph.D. | Health and Human Performance, UNCG |
The relationships among dietary habits, media usage, physical activity, and BMI in preschool... (Student Work) | 2010 | Bowman, Anne Eyre | MS | Nutrition, UNCG |
Relationships among interpretations of modern dance and cultural background (Student Work) | 1983 | Lively-Berger, Rosalind Calvert | Ed.D. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
The relationships among mental toughness, hardiness, optimism and coping: a structural equat... (Student Work) | 2014 | Madrigal, Leilani | Ph.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Relationships among Parental Influences, Selected Demographic Factors, Adolescent Self-Conce... (Student Work) | 2007 | McClellan, Edward Richard | PhD | Music, UNCG |
Relationships among perceived stress, burnout, and physical activity in social workers (Student Work) | 2018 | Tucker, Eric D. | Ed.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
The relationships among role involvement, team cohesion, and athlete satisfaction (Student Work) | 2006 | Jones, Hope R | Master of Science | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
Relationships and personal development : an ethnomethodological study of teachers' perspecti... (Student Work) | 1979 | Mulgrew, Edna Catherine Birmingham | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Relationships between children's space utilization, field dependence, and body image boundar... (Student Work) | 1973 | Schnabl, Elizabeth A. | M.S. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
Relationships between drug use and male sexual aggression across time (Student Work) | 2008 | Swartout, Kevin Michael | MA | Psychology, UNCG |
Relationships between examinee pacing and observed item responses: results from a multi-fact... (Student Work) | 2009 | Klaric, John S. | Ph.D. | Educational Research Methodology, UNCG |
The relationships between mindfulness, diabetes-related distress, selected demographic varia... (Student Work) | 2014 | Brown, Jennifer Bell | Ed.D. | Counseling, UNCG |
The relationships between multicultural counseling competence, cultural immersion, & cogniti... (Student Work) | 2013 | Shannonhouse, Laura R. | Ph.D. | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
Relationships between warm-ups and physical performance (Student Work) | 1960 | Steacy, Gail B. | M.S. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
The relationships of race, sex, length of service and tenure status : to the organizational ... (Student Work) | 1979 | Phillips, Barbara Kinard | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Relationships of receipt of aid (AFDC), number of children, and maternal-receptive vocabular... (Student Work) | 1983 | Vonderweidt, Joyce Carol | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
The relationships of selected characteristics of financial aid and academic achievement (Student Work) | 1978 | Falk, George Joseph | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
The relationships of selected psycho-social variables associated with achievement to the per... (Student Work) | 1982 | Lidstone, James E. | Ed.D. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
The relative effectiveness of combinations of mental and physical practice on performance sc... (Student Work) | 1966 | Stephens, Myrna Lewis | M.S. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
The relative effectiveness of mothers and fathers as social reinforcing agents with preschoo... (Student Work) | 1971 | Everhart, James Donald | Ph. D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
The relative effects on learning and on performance of a motor skill when visual information... (Student Work) | 1971 | Howard, Emma Jean | M.S. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
The relative role of previous experience on the recognition and transfer of geometric forms (Student Work) | 1974 | Cox, Roswell David | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Relative topological properties (Student Work) | 2006 | Chodounsky, David | Master of Science | Mathematics and Statistics, UNCG |
Relativity and the theme of love in Lawrence Durrell's Alexandria Quartet (Student Work) | 1966 | Hester, Ernest Carrington | M.A. | English, UNCG |
Relaxation in a binary gaseous mixture of Maxwell molecules (Student Work) | 1971 | Williams, Anna Margaret | M.S. | Physics, UNCG |
Released: Rehumanizing the Carceral State (Student Work) | 2022 | McCarthy, Allison | M.F.A. | Dance, UNCG |
The relevance of an adequate concept of "bigger" for the investigation of size conservation ... (Student Work) | 1968 | Kling, J. Kenneth | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
The reliability of the behavioral interview (Student Work) | 1977 | Hay, William Martin | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
Religion and Acculturation in the Montagnard Community of Greensboro, North Carolina (Student Work) | 2008 | Clapp, Joyce F. | MA | Sociology, UNCG |
Religiosity, moral obligation, and the moral virtue of gratitude (Student Work) | 2019 | Navarro, Jessica Lauren | M.S. | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Religious challenges to the public school curriculum : analysis of the application of the Le... (Student Work) | 1988 | Meany, Margaret Bloom | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Remain tender, you are here (Student Work) | 2020 | Cloninger, Toni Caitlin | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
Remarks tangent to a thesis exhibition of paintings (Student Work) | 1965 | Bennett, Rita | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
Remember to forget: does strategic retrieval from the list before the last enable forgetting... (Student Work) | 2020 | Gilbert, Elizabeth T. | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
Remembering and reinforcing their why : exploring teacher self-efficacy within the implement... (Student Work) | 2024 | Fowler, Judy A. | Ph.D. | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
Remembering when to better recall what (Student Work) | 2021 | Adams, Russell Lane | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
Reminders of past injustices against African Americans and support for affirmative action (Student Work) | 2023 | Rivera, Sydney M. | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
Remnants of experience (Student Work) | 2007 | Koenig, Christi Ann | Master of Fine Arts | Studio Art, UNCG |
ReMobile home: an exploration of mobile homes in rural North Carolina (Student Work) | 2018 | Hannapel, Emily-Kate | M.F.A. | Interior Architecture, UNCG |
Remote sensing analysis of urban heat island effects on selected impervious surfaces in west... (Student Work) | 2022 | Lehman, Adam | M.A. | Geography, Environment, and Sustainability, UNCG |
Remote sensing and data fusion of cultural and physical landscapes (Student Work) | 2019 | Curry, Stacy E. | Ph.D. | Geography, Environment, and Sustainability, UNCG |
Remote surgery guidance using virtual reality and 360º video (Student Work) | 2022 | Taweel, Amani | M.S. | Computer Science, UNCG |
Remotely close associations: openness to experience and semantic memory structure (Student Work) | 2017 | Christensen, Alexander P. | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
Removing the Christian mask: an examination of Scandinavian war cults in Medieval narratives... (Student Work) | 2008 | Pettit, Matthew Joseph | MA | English, UNCG |
Renewing the cultural and environmental commons: creating communities of mutual care, solida... (Student Work) | 2010 | Latham, Kathleen Barrett | Ph.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
The renovation and partial restoration of the North Carolina executive mansion (1974-1976) (Student Work) | 1977 | Ham, Marie Sharpe | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Repertoires of habitual emotion regulation strategy use in trauma-exposed undergraduates: as... (Student Work) | 2020 | Pugach, Cameron P. | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
Replacement Windows in Historic Houses: A Study of the College Hill Historic District in Gre... (Student Work) | 2008 | Alkire, Jennie G. | MS | Interior Architecture, UNCG |
A replicational study of the correlation between a Hullian constant and intelligence (Student Work) | 1967 | Rice, Mary | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
Report on a follow-up study of business education graduates of the Woman's College, Universi... (Student Work) | 1946 | Jones, Sarah Wilson | M.S. | Education, UNCG |
Representative athletes: national identity in Olympic swimmers (Student Work) | 2009 | Hodler, Matthew R. | MA | Sociology, UNCG |
Representin’: the rise of the hip-hop generation. (Student Work) | 2010 | Shealey, Derek | M.A. | English, UNCG |
A Republican governor and a Democratic editor : their relationship during the reconstruction... (Student Work) | 1972 | Brooks, Ann Kearns | M.A. | History, UNCG |
Requiem (Student Work) | 2010 | Toy, Clare C. | MM | Music, UNCG |
The requiem reinvented: Brahms‘s Ein deutsches Requiem and the transformation from literal t... (Student Work) | 2010 | McDermott, Pamela D. J. | D.M.A. | Music, UNCG |
Research of future furniture design : exploring trends and aesthetics in futurism (Student Work) | 2017 | Lee, Sookwang | M.F.A. | Interior Architecture, UNCG |
Resident Assistant Performance: an Analysis of Relevant Factors as Determined by their Resid... (Student Work) | 2008 | Clark, David E. | PhD | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
Residential Building Permit Activity by U.S. Metropolitan Area: Key Agents of Change (Student Work) | 2008 | Misago, Augustin | PhD | Geography, UNCG |
Residents' housing satisfaction in a community development block grant neighborhood (Student Work) | 1984 | Shaner, Katrina Rivers | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Resilience in Black collegiate women attending a predominantly White institution: a latent p... (Student Work) | 2019 | Causey, Shakiera T. | Ph.D. | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Resiliency in children at risk : a multivariate profile analysis of protective factors for c... (Student Work) | 1995 | Allison, Dorothy Tennant | Ph.D. | Human Environmental Sciences, UNCG |
Resisting triumph and embracing uncertainty in narratives of mental health (Student Work) | 2024 | Makarion, Elena Christine | PhD | English, UNCG |
Resonant spaces (Student Work) | 2018 | Paulino, Brian | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
Resources that work here : the role of infrastructure in shaping science teachers’ documenta... (Student Work) | 2024 | Schouweiler, David J. | Ph.D. | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
Respiratory sinus arrythmia and PTSD: a meta-analysis (Student Work) | 2017 | Campbell, Allison Ann | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
Respite Care: Who Cares for the Caregiver? (Student Work) | 2024 | Haralson, Joe | DNP | Nursing, UNCG |
Response of Eptesicus fuscus and Nycticeius humeralis to social call playback in North Carol... (Student Work) | 2020 | Malin, Rebecca D. | M.S. | Biology, UNCG |
Response of pulmonary and cardiac cells to ceria nanoparticle exposure (Student Work) | 2020 | Beeravalli, Lakshmi P. | Ph.D. | Nanoscience, UNCG |
A response-initiated differential reinforcement of low rates schedule of reinforcement (Student Work) | 1972 | Donaldson, Ralph Thad | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
Responses of human bronchial epithelial cells to ?-9- tetrahydrocannabinol exposure in vitro... (Student Work) | 2022 | Doldron, Megan | Ph.D. | Biology, UNCG |
Responses of nurses, pediatricians and hospital administrators in North Carolina to a play a... (Student Work) | 1969 | Coghill, Nancy Taylor | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Responses to social rejection: the role of borderline personality disorder traits (Student Work) | 2014 | Skinner, Stephanie | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
Responsiveness of selected community colleges to work-force preparedness education and train... (Student Work) | 1992 | Finney, Pamela B. | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Restoration shrinkage laboratory test method (Student Work) | 1976 | McClaskey, Bettie Wilson | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Restorative discipline practices in alternative education (Student Work) | 2022 | Bayless, Michael Daniel | Ed.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Results about fractional derivatives of Zeta functions (Student Work) | 2017 | Farr, Ricky E. | Ph.D. | Mathematics and Statistics, UNCG |
Retention of Lake-derived Nitrogen in Arctic Streams with Different Geomorphic Settings Usin... (Student Work) | 2010 | Pollard, Lindsey Diane | MS | Biology, UNCG |
Retinal and nonretinal influences on the relative encounter rates for x and y cells in the l... (Student Work) | 1984 | Guido, William | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
Retinal processes involved in the evoked cortical potential to patterned stimuli (Student Work) | 1969 | Greer, William Franklin | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
Retirement modeling [electronic resource] : an exploration of the effects of retirement role... (Student Work) | 2005 | Harper, Melanie Claire | PhD | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
Retrospective discounting and augmenting in an overjustification procedure (Student Work) | 1983 | Carstens, Christian B. | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
A retrospective evaluation of the Governor's School of North Carolina (Student Work) | 1984 | Thomas, Elizabeth Marshall Murray | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
A retrospective inquiry into selected experiences of beginning teachers : a study in teacher... (Student Work) | 1982 | Snyder, Mary Margaret J. | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
A return to the reader and their imagination: the forming of a referential world in order to... (Student Work) | 2015 | Smith, Michael D. | M.A. | English, UNCG |
The return to the slide from the valve trombone by late nineteenth and early twentieth-centu... (Student Work) | 2005 | Everett, Micah Paul | PhD | Music, UNCG |
Reunion ; Sixteen ; June of the year ; The stakes four short stories (Student Work) | 1949 | Rodgers, Winifred Ann | | English, UNCG |
Reuniting word and deed : negotiation for real peacemaking and authentic classroom writing (Student Work) | 1995 | Holmes, Marsha | Ph.D. | English, UNCG |
A revaluation of the serious thematic concerns of three plays of Francis Beaumont and John F... (Student Work) | 1967 | Johnson, Thomas Penn | M.A. | English, UNCG |
Revenue Fraud and the Impact of New Revenue Recognition Standards (Student Work) | 2018 | Pleasant, Olivia | B.S. | Accounting, UNCG |
A review of the effects of Australian wool marketing initiatives on the associations between... (Student Work) | 2005 | Brown, Kathryn A | Master of Science | Consumer, Apparel, and Retail Studies, UNCG |
A review of the literature pertaining to the modifiability of the intelligence quotient thro... (Student Work) | 1943 | Gehring, Clara | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Revising the Gerotranscendence Scale for use with older adults in the southern United States... (Student Work) | 2008 | Cozort, Rachel W. | PhD | Nursing, UNCG |
Revision and field test of a self-instructional program on the sewing machine (Student Work) | 1964 | Shoffner, Sarah M. | M.S.H.E. | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Revisioning the basic communication course in the context of globalization (Student Work) | 2011 | Patterson, Andrea R. | Ph.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Revisiting the association between executive function and social competence : a process-orie... (Student Work) | 2021 | Caporaso, Jessica S. | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
Revitalization of a neighborhood business district (Student Work) | 1977 | Leathers, Elisabeth B. | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
The revival of the romantic mode in the lyrics of Twenty One Pilots (Student Work) | 2022 | Hunt, Micaela Alexis | M.A. | English, UNCG |
Reward processing and decision-making in Posttraumatic stress disorder (Student Work) | 2017 | May, Casey | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
Reworking the garden: revisions of the pastoral tradition in twentieth-century Southern poet... (Student Work) | 2016 | Smits Masten, Sally L. | Ph.D. | English, UNCG |
Rewriting rhetorical perfection: claiming agency and enacting embodiment within ballet’s cul... (Student Work) | 2015 | Scudder, Shana | Ph.D. | English, UNCG |
The rhetoric of advocacy in American nature writing (Student Work) | 1996 | Carpenter, Geoffrey Paul | Ph.D. | English, UNCG |
The rhetoric of characterization : a study of Dickens' Mr. Dombey and Arthur Clennam (Student Work) | 1978 | Bengel, Jane Walters | Ph.D. | English, UNCG |
The Rhetoric of Food Narratives: Ideology and Influence in American Culture (Student Work) | 2008 | Littlejohn, Sara Jane | PhD | English, UNCG |
The rhetoric of Nuna Dual Tsuny : retelling the Cherokee Trail of Tears (Student Work) | 2006 | Nixon-Auguste´, Nicol | PhD | English, UNCG |
The Rhetoric of Prostitution in Victorian England (Student Work) | 2011 | Lyda, Laurie L. | Ph.D. | English, UNCG |
The Rhetoric of Public Advocacy: Closing Communication Gaps (Student Work) | 2023 | Baker, Briyana Storm | B.A. | English, UNCG |
A rhetorical analysis of logos, pathos, and ethos in selected speeches of Terry Sanford (Student Work) | 1972 | Marshall, Judy | M.A. | Drama and Speech, UNCG |
Rhetorical approaches to gender and human rights in contemporary transnational literature an... (Student Work) | 2012 | Walzer, Belinda | Ph.D. | English, UNCG |
The rhetorical helix of the biotechnology and pharmaceutical industries (Student Work) | 2007 | Gretton, Linda Burak | PhD | English, UNCG |
Rhetorical memory, synaptic mapping, and ethical grounding (Student Work) | 2014 | Dodson, William | Ph.D. | English, UNCG |
Rhythm and movement : an objective analysis of their association with music aptitude (Student Work) | 1984 | Moore, Janet L.S. | Ed.D. | Music, UNCG |
Rhythmic beat perception in a Down's syndrome population : a computerized measure of beat ac... (Student Work) | 1986 | Freeman, Isabel Autry | Ed.D. | Music, UNCG |
The right of public access to commercial television stations in North Carolina (Student Work) | 1974 | Cox, James Calhoun | M.A. | Drama and Speech, UNCG |
The rights and duties of the principal and the teacher in their professional relationship (Student Work) | 1950 | Finch, Margaret Garvin | M.A. Ed. | Education, UNCG |
Rightward attentional bias in perception and memory in normal males and females and dyslexic... (Student Work) | 1992 | Conder, Elizabeth Sarah | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
Risk and protective factors associated with depressive symptomatology in youth with AD/HD (Student Work) | 2009 | Smith, Taylor F. | MA | Psychology, UNCG |
Risk and resilience processes, familism, and depressive symptoms in Latino adolescents (Student Work) | 2013 | Cupito, Alexandra M. | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
Risk factors related to familial hemorrhagic stroke (Student Work) | 2017 | Hanley, Holly Ann | Ph.D. | Communication Sciences and Disorders, UNCG |
The ritual and other stories (Student Work) | 1968 | Carter, Melinda Hiscos | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
River runners (Student Work) | 2019 | Moriarty, Richard | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
RNA viruses : the strategies they employ to interfere with host cell protein expression and ... (Student Work) | 2021 | Dailey, Gabrielle Patricia | Ph.D. | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
The Road Less Traveled: The Achievement Gap in College and Differences by Parents’ Education... (Student Work) | 2018 | Avery, Marlina J. | B.A. | Sociology, UNCG |
Roark Bradford and John Henry (Student Work) | 1974 | Hetherington, Ferris Sands | M.A. | English, UNCG |
Roars of laughter : a study of the use of laughter as a sound-image motif in selected short ... (Student Work) | 1964 | Smith, Martha Stribling | M.A. | English, UNCG |
Robert Schumann's Fantasie in C major for piano, opus 17 (1839) : a comparative study of sel... (Student Work) | 1989 | Bencini, Sara Haltiwanger | D.M.A. | Music, UNCG |
Robert Watson : the power of his command (Student Work) | 1969 | Larson, Linda | | English, UNCG |
The Roberts English Series : an analysis (Student Work) | 1969 | Jones, Helen Hayward | M.A. | English, UNCG |
Robust high-dimensional data analysis using a weight shrinkage rule (Student Work) | 2016 | Luo, Bin | M.A. | Mathematics and Statistics, UNCG |
Robust penalized regression for complex high-dimensional data (Student Work) | 2020 | Luo, Bin | Ph.D. | Mathematics and Statistics, UNCG |
Robustness of reliability predictions based on the exponential component failure distributio... (Student Work) | 1975 | Varner, Susan Payne | M.A. | Mathematics, UNCG |
The role and function of the department chairperson at large North Carolina community colleg... (Student Work) | 1996 | Dymmel, Richard Roy | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
The Role Caregiver Support Plays in Client Progression in Therapeutic Recreation Interventio... (Student Work) | 2022 | Bilodeau, Robin | B.S. | Community and Therapeutic Recreation, UNCG |
Role competence and psychological well-being among the elderly (Student Work) | 1977 | Mancini, Jay A. | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Role for dual-specificity phosphatases on mitogen-activated protein kinase signaling in adip... (Student Work) | 2011 | Ferguson, Bradley S. | Ph.D. | Nutrition, UNCG |
Role for hypoxia-inducible factor-1a in Oncostatin-induced adaptations in adipocytes during ... (Student Work) | 2019 | DeSilva, Dana M. | Ph.D. | Nutrition, UNCG |
The role in systematic desensitization of the reattribution of causality through self-observ... (Student Work) | 1975 | Lurey, Edward | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
The role of acculturation on sense of fairness of the division of family labor and marital q... (Student Work) | 2012 | Lima, Maria Cristina F. | Ph.D. | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
Role of adipose triglyceride lipase in hepatic lipid homeostasis and lipotoxicity in alcohol... (Student Work) | 2022 | Li, Tianjiao | Ph.D. | Nutrition, UNCG |
The role of affective characteristics in the effective leadership of elementary school princ... (Student Work) | 1987 | Pelc, Pamela R. | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
The role of anxiety and depressive symptoms in the cognitive functioning of old and young wo... (Student Work) | 1991 | Melton, Mary Elizabeth | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
The role of attention to changes in episodic memory updating (Student Work) | 2021 | Lee, Jong Won | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
The role of attentional fluctuation in recollecting episodic changes (Student Work) | 2019 | Garlitch, Sydney M. | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
The role of bias in explaining the relation between social preference and depressive symptom... (Student Work) | 2014 | Lorenzo, Jessica A. | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
The role of the Black church in socializing African American students for school success: a ... (Student Work) | 2012 | Jordan, Diedria Howell | Ed.D | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
The role of central level staff in supporting high quality instruction (Student Work) | 2013 | Gamble, Matthew Tanner | Ed.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
The role of cognitive appraisals in the relationship between reinforcement sensitivity and c... (Student Work) | 2016 | DiMeo, Melissa A. | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
The role of Computer Mediated Communication (CMC) media in patient empowerment: a "uses and ... (Student Work) | 2014 | Thambusamy, Ravi | Ph.D. | Information Systems and Operations Management, UNCG |
The Role of COMT in Schizophrenic-Like Cognitive Impairment and Social Functioning in Childr... (Student Work) | 2007 | Lewandowski, Kathryn Eve | PhD | Psychology, UNCG |
The role of cultural competency in the provision of clinical mental health care for collegia... (Student Work) | 2021 | Sanders, Lindsey D. | Ph.D. | Public Health Education, UNCG |
The role of dietary components in mitigating inflammation and related health conditions (Student Work) | 2022 | Larvie, Doreen Y. | Ph.D. | Nutrition, UNCG |
The role of disturbance in Great Plains grassland community dynamics (Student Work) | 2024 | Bloodworth, Kathryn J. | Ph.D. | Biology, UNCG |
Role of DNA methylation in WNT5A Promoter B expression in Osteosarcoma (SaOS-2) cells. (Student Work) | 2013 | Vaidya, Himani | M.S. | Biology, UNCG |
The role of dTopors in nuclear structure and meiotic chromosome segregation in Drosophila me... (Student Work) | 2022 | Binder, Andrea Maria | Ph.D. | Biology, UNCG |
The role of early experience in the development of specialized and diverse preferences for f... (Student Work) | 1989 | Fulk, Keith Randal | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
The role of emotion regulation in children's coping with environmental stress (Student Work) | 2009 | Mackler, Jennifer S. | MA | Psychology, UNCG |
The role of empathy in narcissism : an empirical investigation of Heinz Kohut's work (Student Work) | 1994 | Leventhal, Seth D. | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
The role of folklore in Hawthorne's literary nationalism (Student Work) | 1976 | Bland, Robert Lamar | Ph. D. | English, UNCG |
The role of the four-year college in addressing the developmental needs of faculty during mi... (Student Work) | 1984 | Picot, Mary Rosalind | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
The role of gender and social class in parent-child communication (Student Work) | 2005 | Keel Shinn, Lauren Malone | | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
The Role of High School Coaches in the Intercollegiate Athletics Recruiting Process (Student Work) | 2008 | Smith, Joseph L. | EdD | Kinesiology, UNCG |
The role of illness in Central American Indian and Ladino society (Student Work) | 1971 | Clement, Susan Letitia | | Anthropology, UNCG |
The Role of the Imposter Phenomenon on First-Generation College Students (Student Work) | 2022 | Lowery, Stanysha | B.S. | Psychology, UNCG |
The role of an inclusive education coach within a district-wide successful inclusive instruc... (Student Work) | 2024 | Baker, Dale | Ph.D. | Specialized Education Services, UNCG |
The role of increased reactive oxygen species on 3T3-L1 preadipocytes differentiation (Student Work) | 2012 | Patel, Amit P. | M.S. | Biology, UNCG |
The role of intercollegiate athletics in the retention of first-time, first-year students at... (Student Work) | 2009 | Harshaw, Clay E. | EdD | Kinesiology, UNCG |
The role of KEAP1 in Nrf2 regulation in response to chronic exercise training (Student Work) | 2021 | Martin, Kerry James | Ph.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
The role of larval rearing media types in regulating the growth and development of Phlebotom... (Student Work) | 2022 | Ufot, Nora N. | M.S. | Biology, UNCG |
The role of learned helplessness in the onset of depression in obsessive compulsive personal... (Student Work) | 1994 | Faucette, Robert Chester | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
The role of Lucien Bonaparte in the coup d'etat of 18-19 Brumaire (Student Work) | 1965 | Kadis, Claudia Bichdahl | | History, UNCG |
The role of meaningfulness in paired-associate recognition learning of trainable and educabl... (Student Work) | 1972 | Haywood, Karen Lucille | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
Role of medial olivocochlear neural efferent pathway in perception of tinnitus in presence o... (Student Work) | 2018 | Tayade, Amitkumar Gulabrao | Ph.D. | Communication Sciences and Disorders, UNCG |
The role of mental health symptoms & psychosocial factors in predicting help-seeking behavio... (Student Work) | 2022 | Beamon, Emily R. | Ph.D. | Public Health Education, UNCG |
The role of mindfulness and positive reappraisal in stress and quality of life (Student Work) | 2022 | Ranaweera, Sudheera T. | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
The role of mindfulness in clinical supervision (Student Work) | 2011 | Wyatt, Laura | Ph.D. | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
The role of molecular sizes of carbohydrates on mouth sensations (Student Work) | 1978 | Stallings, Sarah Frances | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
The role of mothers’ global and parenting-specific emotionality in relation to parenting and... (Student Work) | 2021 | Bailes, Lauren G. | Ph.D. | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
The Role of Myosin II in GLUT4 Activity and Membrane Fusion during Insulin-Stimulated Glucos... (Student Work) | 2006 | Smith, Bethany Tralana-Thompson | MS | Biology, UNCG |
The role of myosin II in stabilizing actin tethers promoting GLUT4 exocytosis in 3T3-L1 adip... (Student Work) | 2018 | Nikouyeh, Jonah B. | M.S. | Biology, UNCG |
The role of naringenin on ERRa and adipocyte metabolism (Student Work) | 2019 | Chanelo, Alma Rosa | M.S. | Biology, UNCG |
The role of the organ in Moravian sacred music between 1740-1840 (Student Work) | 1989 | Duncan, Timothy Paul | D.M.A. | Music, UNCG |
The role of parent-adolescent relationships in predicting Mexican American adolescents' copi... (Student Work) | 2012 | Cavanaugh, Alyson M. | M.S. | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
The role of parental psychopathology in friendship among children with AD/HD (Student Work) | 2012 | Mendelson, Jenna Louise | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
The role of perceptions in strategic planning in higher education (Student Work) | 1989 | Taylor, Edward William | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
The role of phenotypic plasticity in the colonization of novel environments (Student Work) | 2013 | Herrera, Freddy O. | M.S. | Biology, UNCG |
The role of pop culture based information and stereotypes versus direct knowledge of individ... (Student Work) | 2006 | Brown, Doris A. | EdD | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
The role of the principal as verified by North Carolina teachers (Student Work) | 1987 | Williams, Julia Crowell | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
The role of the principal as verified by the secondary school department chairpersons in Gui... (Student Work) | 1989 | Crowell, Julius Alexander | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
The role of the principal as viewed by North Carolina's assistant superintendents for curric... (Student Work) | 1992 | Schnuit, William Edward | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
The role of the principal as viewed by North Carolina assistant principals (Student Work) | 1989 | Rogers, Kathryn May | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
The role of the principal as viewed by North Carolina school board members (Student Work) | 1992 | Bledsoe, Marsha Eads | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
The role of the principal as viewed by North Carolina superintendents (Student Work) | 1987 | McRae, Robert Redfern | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
The role of proximal-distal reference groups for descriptive and injunctive norms on college... (Student Work) | 2013 | Seitz, Christopher | Dr.P.H. | Public Health Education, UNCG |
The role of reactive oxygen species in insulin resistance (Student Work) | 2013 | Hlavinka, Katherine | M.S. | Biology, UNCG |
The role of rule-governed behavior in histrionic and compulsive personality disorders (Student Work) | 1987 | Schneidmiller, Sara Weber | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
The role of schematic support in strategy choice during cognitive skill learning (Student Work) | 2018 | Kuhns, Jack | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
The role of school peer relations, stressful life events and supportive resources in predict... (Student Work) | 1994 | McCandies, Terry Thompson | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
The role of selected administrative units in the recruitment, training and supervision of gr... (Student Work) | 1992 | Vaughan, Peter Roy | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
The role of shame within the context of familism in emerging adults (Student Work) | 2020 | Sircar, Joseph Kumar | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
The role of socializing agents on dropout and continuing participation of adolescent girls i... (Student Work) | 2017 | Abadi, Efrat | M.S. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
The role of student development professionals in reducing the prevalence of sexual assault o... (Student Work) | 1994 | Bernard, Daniel Leonard | Ph.D. | Education, UNCG |
The role of the substitute teacher in educational reform of the 1980's in North Carolina (Student Work) | 1988 | Gorst, James Donald | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Role of topographic corridors and small mammals in facilitating the spread of Lyme disease f... (Student Work) | 2022 | Garshong, Reuben Akwei | Ph.D. | Biology, UNCG |
The role of the transformative teacher : an interpretive inquiry into the possibilities of p... (Student Work) | 1990 | Smith, Richard Wayne | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
The role of the white wing patch in communication among northern mockingbirds (Student Work) | 1996 | Justice, Michael J. | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
Role of WNT5A isoform L(A) and isoform S(B) during osteoblast differentiation (Student Work) | 2018 | Bhandari, Dristi | M.S. | Biology, UNCG |
The role of working memory capacity and mind wandering in creativity and insight (Student Work) | 2013 | Smeekens, Bridget A. | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
Role perceptions and communication in partnerships between preschool teachers and families (Student Work) | 2007 | Connelly, Susan | PhD | Specialized Education Services, UNCG |
A role repertory grid measure of subjects' perception of parent-peer differentiation (Student Work) | 1970 | Biggerstaff, Carolyn Jane | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
Roles of endothelial dysfunction and injury in mercury-induced cardiotoxicity (Student Work) | 2019 | Fowler, Joshua | M.S. | Biology, UNCG |
The roles of reinforcement sensitivity and cognitive appraisals in predicting coping strateg... (Student Work) | 2012 | Williams, Ann M. | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
The romantic concept of the poet-prophet and its culmination in Walt Whitman (Student Work) | 1970 | Mackay, Helen Honeycutt | M.A. | English, UNCG |
The romantic spirit in American painting, 1800-1870 (Student Work) | 1964 | Moore, Virginia DeeAnne | | History, UNCG |
Romanticism after Eliot : the continuance of the romantic movement in twentieth-century Amer... (Student Work) | 1982 | Davidson, Robert Gregory | Ph.D. | English, UNCG |
Ronald Roseman: A Biographical Description and Study of his Teaching Methodology (Student Work) | 2008 | Lampidis, Anna | DMA | Music, UNCG |
Rosario Castellanos: feminista innovadora y revolucionaria del México de mitad de siglo (Student Work) | 2018 | Arango-Sosa, Cinthia | M.A. | Languages, Literatures, and Cultures, UNCG |
“Rosebud” and the “Glass Ball”: Two Tricks to the Myth-Making of Citizen Kane (Student Work) | 2016 | Damasceno, Paula | BA | Media Studies, UNCG |
Rotating shiftwork and links to family participation : family life preferences and satisfact... (Student Work) | 1984 | McCoy, Peg | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Rough reckoning (Student Work) | 2016 | Huffman, Timothy Luke | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
Rousseau on the education of women (Student Work) | 1979 | Misenheimer, Helen Evans | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Ruin creek road : street poems (Student Work) | 1976 | Sainte-Pierre, Raymond R-J. | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
Rumination and inhibitory difficulties: exploring the role of state rumination with emotiona... (Student Work) | 2014 | Foxworth, Tamara | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
Rural Appalachian and urban Triad children’s understanding and justification of ecological f... (Student Work) | 2024 | Jarvis, Lindsay G. | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
Rural attitudes toward the negro in North Carolina, 1875-1900 (Student Work) | 1969 | Chandler, Martin Bell | M.A. | History and Political Science, UNCG |
Rural Community College Nontraditional Women: Overcoming Educational Barriers (Student Work) | 2008 | Phillips, Nancy S. | PhD | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
Rural Kenyan Luo women's lived experiences : an interpretation (Student Work) | 1996 | Opiyo, Felicia A. | Ph.D. | Human Environmental Sciences, UNCG |
Rural students, aspirations, motivation, and music education : why don't more rural student... (Student Work) | 2007 | Sheek, James L. | EdD | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
The Russian peasant : his world before the Revolution (Student Work) | 1952 | DeWitt, Glenna | | History, UNCG |
The sacred choral works of Mark Oakland Fax (1911-1974) (Student Work) | 2012 | Poole, Eric Orlando | D.M.A. | Music, UNCG |
Sacred heresies: the Harrowing of Hell in early modern English literature (Student Work) | 2014 | Romanelli, Christina | Ph.D. | English, UNCG |
Sad mood and response inhibition (Student Work) | 2017 | King, Jake Slater | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
Sailing the Seas of Slavery: An Analysis of Instructions to British and American Slave Ship ... (Student Work) | 2019 | Joyce, Montana | | History, UNCG |
Sampling from the space of persistence diagrams (Student Work) | 2024 | Slater, Joshua W. | M.A. | Mathematics and Statistics, UNCG |
Samuel Beckett's trilogy : a study in circles and ciphers (Student Work) | 1967 | Scher, Linda | | English, UNCG |
Sarah Orne Jewett : New England Pastoralist (Student Work) | 1968 | Babb, Terry A. | M.A. | English, UNCG |
Sassy subversions, knowing glances, and Black women’s laughter: moving towards a Black woman... (Student Work) | 2020 | Horhn, Erica-Brittany M. | Ph.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
A satire of their own: subjectivity, subversion, and the rewriting of literary history in wo... (Student Work) | 2016 | Blades, Sonya Elisa | Ph.D. | English, UNCG |
A satirical interpretation of the history of selected persons, events and organizations in A... (Student Work) | 1981 | Kent, Mary Chris | Ed.D. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
A Saturday at the lake and other stories (Student Work) | 1968 | Barthel, Thomas Hanley | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
Saudade (Student Work) | 2014 | Whiteside, James R. | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
Scapegoated, castaway, and forgotten: the dispensable principals of school turnaround (Student Work) | 2016 | Buckrham, Robin Neal | Ed.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
The Sce´nologie of the death of selected eighteenth- and nineteenth-century heroines (Student Work) | 1970 | Moore, Janice Hooke | M.A. | Romance Languages-French, UNCG |
Schema-as-knowledge and schema-as-importance effects on children's memory and organization o... (Student Work) | 1988 | Calhoun, Ann Ward | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
School adjustment and academic achievement of head start participants compared with eligible... (Student Work) | 1968 | Hawkins, Melba Ann | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
School administrator selection and placement: a case study on dispositions that support the ... (Student Work) | 2009 | Morrison, Shirley D. | EdD | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
School administrators’ perceptions of the experiences and challenges of the early/middle col... (Student Work) | 2018 | Harris, Darrell Anthony | Ed.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
School as community or school in community : conflicting values in control and professional ... (Student Work) | 1994 | Smith, Richard Jackson | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
School board perceptions of effective superintendents in North Carolina (Student Work) | 1990 | Mitchell, Terry Grey | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
School choice in rural North Carolina: understanding parents’ experiences navigating the sch... (Student Work) | 2017 | Ham, Roland C. | Ed.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
School design for students with ADHD (Student Work) | 2022 | Bischler, Paige | M.F.A. | Interior Architecture, UNCG |
School district creation, abolishment and reorganization in North Carolina : a legal history... (Student Work) | 1988 | Roberts, Jan Wayne | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
School drop-outs in a rural school in the tobacco area of North Carolina (Student Work) | 1949 | Shepherd, Hurley S. | M.A. Ed. | Education, UNCG |
School Environment and Coping Resources: A Predictive Model of School Counselor Burnout (Student Work) | 2005 | Stephan, Julie Beth | PhD | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
School Improvement Groups Network (Project SIGN) : a two-year study of a collaborative schoo... (Student Work) | 1992 | Gaines, Patricia Jones | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
School leaders’ experiences and perceptions around student reintegration after a psychiatric... (Student Work) | 2024 | Grier, Yvetta Shepherd | Ed.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
School leadership in North Carolina through the eyes of distinguished leaders: a thematic an... (Student Work) | 2013 | Stewart, Yvette A. | Ed.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
School performance of eighth grade students from broken homes (Student Work) | 1963 | Baucom, Dorothy McLean | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
School-based family interventions : current and preferred practices of school counselors (Student Work) | 1995 | Bloss, Kim Kathryn | Ph.D. | Education, UNCG |
School/family/work : a mesosystem analysis of factors affecting child care teachers' persist... (Student Work) | 1996 | Buell, Martha J. | Ph.D. | Human Environmental Sciences, UNCG |
Science education for responsible social action (Student Work) | 1977 | Clements, Frank Wayne | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
“Science is more than a reward” : understanding science teacher leaders’ roles in supporting... (Student Work) | 2024 | Stallings, Sarah F. | Ph.D. | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
Scientific methods: American fiction and the professionalization of medicine, 1880-1940 (Student Work) | 2010 | Hall, Deidre Dallas | Ph.D. | English, UNCG |
Scientific sympathy and understanding in Mary Barton : and, Antifraternalism and biblical al... (Student Work) | 2020 | Cox, Sarah Noel | M.A. | English, UNCG |
“Scope for elbow and mind”: industrial labor and working-class culture in the nonfiction of ... (Student Work) | 2017 | Rich, Emily | M.A. | English, UNCG |
The scope of nutrition education by selected primigravidas with emphasis on the role of thei... (Student Work) | 1976 | Barker, Linda Rallings | M.S. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Score reading and retention of twentieth-century compositions : effects of conventional nota... (Student Work) | 1980 | Harrison, Judith L. | Ed.D. | Music, UNCG |
Scoring methods of innovative items (Student Work) | 2021 | Ungurait, Bradley J. | Ph.D. | Educational Research Methodology, UNCG |
Scorpion (Student Work) | 1977 | Burkholder, John Bradley | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
A screen for modifiers of teflon identifies novel components of the meiotic segregation path... (Student Work) | 2007 | Thomas, Amanda L. | Master of Science | Biology, UNCG |
Screening highly-specific hairpin guide RNAs for CRISPR-Cas gene editing (Student Work) | 2021 | Roesing, Miranda R. | M.S. | Joint School of Nanoscience and Nanoengineering, UNCG |
Screwtape, Crowley, and their predecessors: the witty demon as an antimimetic device AND Tho... (Student Work) | 2019 | Hundley, Victoria R. | M.A. | English, UNCG |
Sculptolinear kintinuum : a theater art piece (Student Work) | 1969 | Miller, Earlynn J. | Ed. D. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
Sculpture as a strategy for living (Student Work) | 2012 | Howe, Paul Michael | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
Sculpture as systematic growth (Student Work) | 2014 | Le, Nam | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
Sculpture in clay and cast iron, wood-block prints and drawings : studies of mass and space (Student Work) | 1974 | Dunigan, Martha Malicoat | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
Sculpture in porcelain and pencil drawings (Student Work) | 1975 | Kendrick, Diane Pricilla | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
Sculptures with light (Student Work) | 1977 | Windsor, Dale Conrad | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
Se-ing bacteria in a new light: investigating selenium metabolism in Bacillus selenitireduce... (Student Work) | 2015 | Wells, Michael Banner | M.S. | Biology, UNCG |
A search for balance (Student Work) | 1970 | Taylor, Arden Nelson | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
A search for determinants of the authoritarian parenting style (Student Work) | 1985 | King, John Haskins | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
A search into the meaning of the painter's creative images (Student Work) | 1954 | Pollard, Ann Carter | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
Searching for design energy: re-visiting my generative process using selection, evaluation, ... (Student Work) | 2011 | Jones, Brandon King | MS | Interior Architecture, UNCG |
Searching for truth in the post-truth era: an examination of detective fiction from Poe to p... (Student Work) | 2019 | Watson, David Riddle | Ph.D. | English, UNCG |
Seasonal changes in lotic phytoplankton and their successional responses to experimental tem... (Student Work) | 1973 | Narala, Channa Reddi | M.A. | Biology, UNCG |
Seasons in the abyss (Student Work) | 2020 | McNerney, Connor | M.F.A. | School of Art, UNCG |
Second order predictor-corrector pairs (Student Work) | 1976 | Franklin, Carol Marley | M.A. | Mathematics, UNCG |
Second victim support: nurses’ perspectives of organizational support (Student Work) | 2019 | Stone, Misty Britt | Ph.D. | Nursing, UNCG |
Second wave women : self-efficacy and self-worth dimensions of professional women in their e... (Student Work) | 1993 | Vedder, Patricia Ann | Ph.D. | Human Environmental Sciences, UNCG |
Second-order schedules : a comparison of the effects of paired and unpaired brief stimuli on... (Student Work) | 1974 | Witty, William Irvin | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
A secondary analysis to inform a clinical decision rule for predicting skull fracture and in... (Student Work) | 2018 | Stone, Elizabeth L. | Ph.D. | School of Nursing, UNCG |
Secondary health education teachers’ perspectives of professional development and learning i... (Student Work) | 2022 | Bowman, Katherine L. | Ed.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Secondary teachers' perceptions of assistive technology use for students with learning disab... (Student Work) | 2013 | Williamson-Henriques, Kendra M. | Ph.D. | Specialized Education Services, UNCG |
Securing capital : how the Ronald E. McNair Postbaccalaureate Achievement Program promotes s... (Student Work) | 2022 | Bohannon, McKayla D. | M.A. | Sociology, UNCG |
See it our way : Black American environmental perspectives (Student Work) | 2022 | White, T'Shari | Ph.D. | Geography, Environment, and Sustainability, UNCG |
See nothing: for string quintet and electronics (Student Work) | 2020 | Nash, Treya Michelle | M.M. | School of Music, UNCG |
Segregating the police: negotiating equality in postwar Memphis, Tennessee (Student Work) | 2016 | Williams, Margaret Keeton | Ph.D. | History, UNCG |
Selected child rearing practices in low income negro families and white families (Student Work) | 1969 | Veach, Davia M. | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Selected clothing characteristics and educator credibility (Student Work) | 1990 | Roberts, Anna Duggins | Ph.D. | Human Environmental Sciences, UNCG |
Selected environmental factors influencing attainment of positions of leadership on a colleg... (Student Work) | 1974 | Motsinger, Nanci Coggin | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Selected North Carolina school administrators and business leaders perceptions of behaviors ... (Student Work) | 1994 | Coaxum, Thomas Clifton | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Selected variables related to movement task performance measures of 7-year-old girls (Student Work) | 1977 | Greenlee, Joy Carol | Ed.D. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
The selection and consumption of food by nursery school children (Student Work) | 1965 | Fesmire, Rachel Teague | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Selection and maintenance of natural plants for commercial interiors (Student Work) | 1975 | Falta, Nancy Turk | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
The selection of Logo problem-solving strategies by young minority children as influenced by... (Student Work) | 1991 | Howard, Janice Renee | Ph.D. | Human Environmental Sciences, UNCG |
Self and society : the dialectic of themes and forms in the novels of Carson McCullers (Student Work) | 1976 | Smith, Christopher Michael | Ph.D. | English, UNCG |
The self portrait (Student Work) | 1977 | Schweninger, Patricia Jean Eames | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
Self portrait drawings (Student Work) | 1976 | Brown, Dale Bradford | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
Self-care behaviors of college students with diabetes (Student Work) | 2013 | Cockroft, Marianne Channas | Ph.D. | Nursing, UNCG |
Self-care expressions, patterns, and practices of Latinos/Hispanics for the management of Ty... (Student Work) | 2011 | Amirehsani, Karen A. | Ph.D. | Nursing, UNCG |
Self-concept and academic achievement : a comparison of intellective and non-intellective va... (Student Work) | 1979 | Legette, Helen Rogers | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Self-concept in the biographical narratives of women visual art educators and artists (Student Work) | 1994 | Hipp, Phyllis Talley | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Self-focus and distraction models of choking domain applicability: impact of neutral pressur... (Student Work) | 2012 | Ezell, Efferman | M.S. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Self-gifting and consumer perceived values : development and validation of a scale to measur... (Student Work) | 2022 | Seo, Sukyung | Ph.D. | Consumer, Apparel, and Retail Studies, UNCG |
Self-imposed timeouts during a successive discrimination : escape or stimulus change? (Student Work) | 1978 | Santoro, Patricia A. | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
Self-portrait of a high school assistant principal as a curriculum leader (Student Work) | 1991 | Johnson, Brenda S. | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Self-portrait series (Student Work) | 1973 | Steever, Carol Ann | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
Self-Portraits (Student Work) | 2006 | Igoe, Robert Daniel | Master of Art | Studio Art, UNCG |
Self-Reflection during Transition to College: A Qualitative Understanding of Women Becoming ... (Student Work) | 2008 | Helms, Kimberly Turner | PhD | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
Self-reported reasons for acting or not acting on safety recommendations taken by older Blac... (Student Work) | 2015 | Grant, Ernest J. | Ph.D. | Nursing, UNCG |
Self-service technology: an investigation of the potential for adoption in apparel retail se... (Student Work) | 2011 | Cho, Sooeun | Ph.D. | Consumer, Apparel, and Retail Studies, UNCG |
Self-social concept of young negro children (Student Work) | 1970 | Campbell, Martha Pratt | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
A Semiotic Analysis of Iconicity in Japanese Manner Posters (Student Work) | 2012 | Eberhardinger, Mary J. | | Communication Studies, UNCG |
Sensation of being : new realism (Student Work) | 1966 | Bell, Marianne | | Art, UNCG |
Sense, conscience, and soul : the hybrid epistemology of natural science and Unitarian faith... (Student Work) | 2021 | Ratliff, Cameron L. | M.A. | English, UNCG |
Senses of Selves: Adult Intermediate Readers' Identity, Agency, and Literacy Learning in an ... (Student Work) | 2007 | Trawick, Amy | PhD | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
Sensibility in the novels of James Fenimore Cooper (Student Work) | 1977 | Boyles, Mary P. | Ph.D. | English, UNCG |
Sensing the Pressure: Providing Evidence for Automated Blood Pressure Monitoring in Primary ... (Student Work) | 2024 | Fore-Flores, Kara | DNP | Nursing, UNCG |
Sensitivity to aversive events in currently depressed and remitted depressed subjects (Student Work) | 1989 | Sigmon, Sandra Tate | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
Sensory evaluation and the relationship of carotenoids to off-odors and off-flavors of dehyd... (Student Work) | 1967 | Jones, Nancy Lou | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Sensory sensitivity and quality of performance as functions of level of activation (Student Work) | 1962 | Watkins, Virgina Carolyn | | Psychology, UNCG |
Sentiment analysis and review ranking using Naïve Bayes with weights in online social networ... (Student Work) | 2019 | Joyce, Brandon | M.S. | Computer Science, UNCG |
Sentimental biopolitics and nineteenth-century American literary representations of female f... (Student Work) | 2022 | Joyce, Shelby E. | M.A. | English, UNCG |
Separation axioms weaker than T (Student Work) | 1972 | Bates, Robert Frank | M.A. | Mathematics, UNCG |
Separation of Alzheimer's disease biomarkers using a nanoparticle pseudostationary phase in ... (Student Work) | 2010 | Barry, Jeremy Alan | MS | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Separation, skepticism, and the self : the developing mind and art of Emily Dickinson (Student Work) | 1977 | Callahan, Gaylor Forrest | M.A. | English, UNCG |
Separation-individuation and coping : contributions to freshman college adjustment (Student Work) | 1994 | Smith, Alfred W. | Ph.D. | Education, UNCG |
Sequence Variation in LEAFY, a Candidate Gene for Life History Variation in Arabidopsis lyra... (Student Work) | 2010 | Vestal, Richard D. | MS | Biology, UNCG |
Sequence: for clarinets, electric guitar, double bass and drum set (Student Work) | 2019 | Li, Yunfei | M.M. | School of Music, UNCG |
Sequencing musical elements in Night of the Black Moon : Part II (Student Work) | 2022 | Crittenden, Joseph D. | M.M. | School of Music, UNCG |
Sergei Lyapunov's Preludes for solo piano, Op. 6 : an analysis for performance (Student Work) | 2007 | Allred, Karen A. | DMA | Music, UNCG |
Sermon hymns (Student Work) | 2011 | Curtis, Christopher Cody | MM | Music, UNCG |
Serological typing and chlorine resistance of cyanophages isolated from wastewater (Student Work) | 1976 | Stanley, James Lee | M.A. | Biology, UNCG |
Service convenience, service consumption experience and relational exchange in electronic me... (Student Work) | 2009 | Dai, Hua | Ph.D. | Information Systems and Operations Management, UNCG |
The service for the Lord's day (Student Work) | 1977 | Graves, Roberta Hatcher | M.F.A. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
Service-learning internships : speech communication in the community (Student Work) | 1976 | Goins, Valerie Jean | M.A. | Drama and Speech, UNCG |
Serviceability features of sheets made from selected cottons of low and high fiber elongatio... (Student Work) | 1961 | Henkel, Shirley L. | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
The serviceability of cotton sheetings as indicated by measurements of abrasion resistance (Student Work) | 1965 | Mock, Judieth Elizabeth | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
'Set the record straight' : nonviolence and the interpretation of trans life writing AND Und... (Student Work) | 2022 | Weaver, Virginia P. | M.A. | English, UNCG |
Setting the stage for culturally responsive counseling: an experimental investigation of Whi... (Student Work) | 2018 | King, Kelly M. | Ph.D. | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
Seven figures (Student Work) | 1974 | Wilhelm, Iola Peed | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
Seven stories (Student Work) | 1965 | Davis, Angela | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
Several works over the year (Student Work) | 1970 | English, Kent | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
Sex and race preferences among children in an integrated kindergarten program (Student Work) | 1969 | Flatt, Anna Ruth | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Sex differences in the development of spatial behavior in montane voles : experiential and h... (Student Work) | 1995 | Walker-Sands, Rebecca L. | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
Sex differences in modes of social influence chosen as a function of attack and motive (Student Work) | 1977 | Burton, Joe P. | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
Sex equality in physical education programs of selected NCA accredited Iowa high schools (Student Work) | 1978 | Geadelmann, Patricia L. | Ed.D. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
Sex linkages and older parent-adult child interactions : effects on social activities, mutua... (Student Work) | 1984 | Leamer, Richard Max | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
A sex positive investigation of the sexual Development of Black women from adolescence to ea... (Student Work) | 2020 | Thorpe, Shemeka Y. | Ph.D. | Public Health Education, UNCG |
Sex role preference and job satisfaction among secondary home economics teachers (Student Work) | 1980 | Weiner, Anne Marie | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Sex roles and moral reasoning : the relationship between moral orientation and the social do... (Student Work) | 1988 | Moore, Marvin L. | Ph.D. | Human Environmental Sciences, UNCG |
Sex roles, religiosity, and the response to courtship violence : predicting how long women r... (Student Work) | 1988 | Flynn, Clifton P. | Ph.D. | Human Environmental Sciences, UNCG |
Sex-role orientation, fear of success, and competitive sport performance of high school athl... (Student Work) | 1978 | Harris, Bette L. | Ed.D. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
Sex-role preferences and marital quality in the military (Student Work) | 1981 | Bowen, Gary L. | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Sex-typed attitudes, sex-typed contingency behaviors, and personality characteristics of mal... (Student Work) | 1976 | Robinson, Bryan E. | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Sexism in elementary physical education literature : a content analysis (Student Work) | 1979 | Hildreth, Kathleen | Ed.D. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
The sexton (Student Work) | 2017 | Lee, Cody | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
Sexual dimorphism and offspring sex ratio in feral cats (Student Work) | 2015 | Perkins, Tyler | Bachelor of Science | Biology, UNCG |
Sexual knowledge, attitudes, and behavior and attitudes toward feminism : a cross cultural s... (Student Work) | 1979 | Raben, Ried S. | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Sexual orientation and vulnerability to chronic disease: understanding cardiovascular risk f... (Student Work) | 2016 | Babic, Aleksandra | Ph.D. | Public Health Education, UNCG |
Sexual violence prevention and response at institutions of higher education in a changing fe... (Student Work) | 2017 | Royster, Leigh-Anne A. | Ph.D. | Public Health Education, UNCG |
San Francisco de Borja and the theme of desengan~o in four seventeenth century Spanish plays... (Student Work) | 1966 | Bonomo, Barbara Jean | | Romance Languages, UNCG |
A Shackleford vision (Student Work) | 1973 | Sugg, William A. | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
Shakespeare’s Aaron as a figure of Black anger (Student Work) | 2018 | Brown, Asia Briana | M.A. | English, UNCG |
Shame and depressive symptoms in Latino youths: when are cultural values a risk and when are... (Student Work) | 2017 | Mejia, Yesenia | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
Shame on you; shame in me: the impact of degradation on males who identify as gay (Student Work) | 2009 | Poole, K. Jay | Ph.D. | Social Work, UNCG |
The shape of things to come (Student Work) | 2012 | Buchanan, Lynne Michelle | MFA | English, UNCG |
Shaping perceptions of musical identity: an ethnography of non-music majors' experiences in ... (Student Work) | 2013 | Woodward, Raychl Smith | Ph.D. | Music, UNCG |
Shared decision-making equals empowerment : portraits of teacher-leaders in a high school se... (Student Work) | 1989 | Scroggs, Richard Wilcher | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
She (Student Work) | 1976 | Sawyer, Lynda Reed | M.F.A. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
Shielding a musician: a case study on the effectiveness of acoustic shields in live ensemble... (Student Work) | 2009 | Libera, Rebecca Christine Hammontree | DMA | Music, UNCG |
Shifts in the promotion of thin beauty ideals and racial minorities in Seventeen magazine fr... (Student Work) | 2015 | Cassell, Caley | M.A. | UNCG |
The shoemaker's holiday : a study in technique and significance (Student Work) | 1969 | Cole, Barbara Hancock | M.A. | English, UNCG |
Shoplifting control through feedback to sales personnel (Student Work) | 1978 | Black, John Linwood | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
Shopping locally: an exploration of motivations and meanings in the context of a revitalized... (Student Work) | 2018 | Wilson, Jennifer L. | Ph.D. | Consumer, Apparel, and Retail Studies, UNCG |
Short term outcomes in hospitalized infants (Student Work) | 2019 | Coe, Kristi | Ph.D. | Nursing, UNCG |
Shyness and parental emotion socialization: impacts on the social competence of preschool ch... (Student Work) | 2016 | Andrews, Emily K. | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
Sibling relationships : their nature and association with other familial and peer relationsh... (Student Work) | 1988 | Cox, Elizabeth Paula | Ph.D. | Human Environmental Sciences, UNCG |
The sickness in schooling : the healing of education (Student Work) | 1994 | Sipes, Stephen Ricky | Ph.D. | Education, UNCG |
Sidewalk rubbings : a study in flatness (Student Work) | 1972 | Anderson, Dennis Ray | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
Sidney Homer, song composer (Student Work) | 1963 | McDonald, Dorothy T. | M.Ed. | Music, UNCG |
Sight-Singing Instruction in the Undergraduate Choral Ensembles of Colleges and Universities... (Student Work) | 2008 | Myers, Gerald C. | DMA | Music, UNCG |
The significance of gospel music to social activism in North Carolina (Student Work) | 2016 | Boyd, Libra N. | Ph.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
The significance of myth for curriculum development (Student Work) | 1981 | Stohler, Sara McClendon | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Significant aspects of weaving an exhibit of woven tapis (Student Work) | 1974 | Bailey, Anne Malphrus | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
Significant psychosocial factors related to holistic wellbeing among cancer survivors: a mix... (Student Work) | 2018 | Sylvestro, Hallie M. | Ph.D. | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
The silence is deafening : a pilot study of the role media plays in peoples’ perceptions reg... (Student Work) | 2023 | Burke, Matthew R. | M.A. | Sociology, UNCG |
Silent occupants (Student Work) | 2019 | Morrissette, Alexandra | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
Silver apples of the moon (Student Work) | 1972 | Dickey, Wanda Lee | M.F.A. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
Simple slopes are not as simple as you think (Student Work) | 2013 | Chen, Xidan | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
Simulacra (Student Work) | 2015 | Connellee, Mackenzie A. | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
Simulated criticism from a significant other as a precipitating factor for depression in dep... (Student Work) | 1994 | Catterall, William Van Crott | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
Simulation of a communications system with error correction (Student Work) | 1974 | Price, Pamela Sue | M.A. | Mathematics, UNCG |
A simulation study to investigate optimal equating anchor set construction practices under t... (Student Work) | 2018 | MacInnes, Joshua | Ph.D. | Educational Research Methodology, UNCG |
Simulation: Strategies to Increase Nurse Educator Confidence (Student Work) | 2022 | Olczak, Joy H. | DNP | Nursing, UNCG |
Simultaneous brightness contrast as a function of practice (Student Work) | 1968 | McClure, Gary | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
Simultaneous tone on tone masking : an investigation of monaural and dichotic overshoot (Student Work) | 1977 | Carstens, Andrea Andrews | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
A singer's point of reference: baseline vocal measurements during study at a university (Student Work) | 2009 | Celona-VanGorden, Julie F. | DMA | Music, UNCG |
Singing on the grassland (Student Work) | 2016 | Zhao, Binshan | M.M. | Music Performance, UNCG |
Singing through the oboe : voicing and other vocal techniques within playing and teaching (Student Work) | 2021 | Tracz, Kelley Irene | D.M.A. | School of Music, UNCG |
Single brand with multiple country images: the effect of discrepancies between country image... (Student Work) | 2016 | Woo, Hongjoo | Ph.D. | Consumer, Apparel, and Retail Studies, UNCG |
A single unit analysis of neural plasticity in adult cats : effects of monocular paralysis o... (Student Work) | 1976 | Brown, Dawn LaRue | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
Single vision (Student Work) | 1973 | Lane, John Dewey | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
Single-nucleotide variations and linkage disequilibrium patterns in three candidate genes fo... (Student Work) | 2009 | Acosta, Glen Howel G. | M.S. | Biology, UNCG |
The sisterhood (Student Work) | 1975 | Suarez, Judith | M.F.A. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
Situational and contextual influences on goal orientations (Student Work) | 1996 | Williams, Lavon | Ph.D. | Health and Human Performance, UNCG |
Six Minute Snake Bite for solo bass clarinet and backing track (Student Work) | 2017 | Milloway, Shawn H. | M.M. | School of Music, UNCG |
Six short films (Student Work) | 1978 | Hudson, Joanna | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
Sixteen paintings (Student Work) | 1973 | DeHart, Norman | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
The sizing and design for physical education uniforms (Student Work) | 1966 | Tyler, Allene | M.S. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
Sketches in black and white (Student Work) | 1954 | Lewis, Laura L.W. | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
Skid resistance of waxed and unwaxed smooth floor surfaces (Student Work) | 1962 | Trogdon, Jean Webb | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Skid resistance of wood floor finishes under varying surface conditions (Student Work) | 1966 | Smythe, Katherine D. | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Skill and knowledge proficiencies for selected activities in the required program at Memphis... (Student Work) | 1970 | Farrow, Andrea | Ed. D. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
Sky paintings (Student Work) | 1972 | Bennett, James Moore | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
Sleepover games (Student Work) | 2018 | Naymon, Kathleen | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
Slow fashion: understanding potential consumers and creating customer value for increasing p... (Student Work) | 2014 | Jung, Sojin | Ph.D. | Consumer, Apparel, and Retail Studies, UNCG |
Small aspects of nature (Student Work) | 1960 | Moser, Sara Jane | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
Small paintings (Student Work) | 1978 | Lilly, Beth | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
Smashing the monuments and saving the pedestals : Washington Allston and Edgar Allan Poe's m... (Student Work) | 1992 | Weston, Debra Faye | Ph.D. | English, UNCG |
Smoking modification : the effects of combining positive and aversive treatment and maintena... (Student Work) | 1974 | St. Pierre, Richard W. | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
A snowball in hell? : ecological education in a postmodern age (Student Work) | 2007 | Hewett, Ronald Gant | PhD | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Soap operas and liberal education values (Student Work) | 1980 | Bond, Mitzi Dale | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
The social and financial effects of the German inflation of 1923 (Student Work) | 1975 | Clark, Thomas Henry | M.A. | Business and Economics, UNCG |
Social anxiety and heterosexual dating initiation (Student Work) | 2007 | Daniels, Steven Michael | Master of Arts | Psychology, UNCG |
Social anxiety, attention control, and performance deficits (Student Work) | 2011 | Daniels, Steven Michael | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
Social capital as village network: rethinking the nature of parental involvement in the prec... (Student Work) | 2009 | Miller Dyce, Cherrel Melesia | PhD | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
The social characteristics and career patterns of women administrators in North Carolina col... (Student Work) | 1979 | Piggott, Lucille Johnson | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Social competence and adaptive learning behaviors as predictors of school readiness (Student Work) | 2015 | Paymon, Holly | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
Social control and social change factors in the nurturer-provider role of women : a study of... (Student Work) | 1986 | Bailey, Lois LaMonica | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Social dance in North Carolina before the twentieth century : an overview (Student Work) | 1978 | Jenkins, Jane R. | Ed.D. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
A social density model of child/teacher ratio effects in early childhood settings (Student Work) | 1978 | Asher, Kenneth Nathan | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Social difficulties associated with self-reported depressive symptomatology in childhood : t... (Student Work) | 1995 | Parrish, Amy E. | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
Social engagement patterns of refugees resettled within a settlement house (Student Work) | 2013 | Sienkiewicz, Holly C. | D.P.H. | Community Health Education, UNCG |
Social Functioning in Anhedonics: A Daily Diary Study (Student Work) | 2018 | Wernette, Corey J. | | Psychology, UNCG |
Social Inequalities in the Time of COVID-19 (Student Work) | 2020 | Robertson, Hayley H. | B.A. | Sociology, UNCG |
Social integration, motivational orientation, and self-regulated learning strategies of onli... (Student Work) | 2006 | Harlow, Joel E. | PhD | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
Social interest and social bonding: understanding collegiate hazardous drinking and marijuan... (Student Work) | 2012 | Giordano, Amanda Lee | Ph.D. | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
Social isolation and telephone contact of self-care children : an exploratory study (Student Work) | 1992 | Hobbs, Barbara Virgo | Ph.D. | Human Environmental Sciences, UNCG |
Social justice and higher education in the age of neoliberalism (Student Work) | 2018 | Sawyer, Warren Patterson | Ph.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Social justice development: creating social change agents in academic systems (Student Work) | 2011 | Rouse, Janell Ellis | Ph.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
The social meaning of offensive sexual behaviors : an exploratory study (Student Work) | 1979 | Nelson, Rosemary Smith | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Social media’s impact on rape myth acceptance and distress in women (Student Work) | 2020 | Nomamiukor, Faith Odosa | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
Social networking and the school adjustment of Karen refugee youth from Burma: determining t... (Student Work) | 2013 | Lewis, Lucy D. | Ph.D. | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
Social participation of racialized immigrants living under crimmigration law in North Caroli... (Student Work) | 2020 | Cholula, Natalie Jasmine | M.A. | Sociology, UNCG |
Social policy toward higher education in the United States (Student Work) | 1975 | Redmond, John G. | M.A. | Business and Economics, UNCG |
Social practice methods in the applied flute studio (Student Work) | 2021 | Storey, Jillian Marie | D.M.A. | School of Music, UNCG |
Social processes : a curriculum approach to local and community history : Julian, North Caro... (Student Work) | 1981 | Beyer, Carolyn Holt | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Social reinforcement of activity and problem-solving training in the treatment of depressed ... (Student Work) | 1978 | Hussian, Richard A. | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
Social support, coping, stress, and intent to persist in nurse anesthesia students (Student Work) | 2015 | Conner, Megan Myrick | Ph.D. | Nursing, UNCG |
Social support, school engagement, and academic achievement in a sample of African American ... (Student Work) | 2014 | Eades, Mark P. | Ph.D. | Counseling, UNCG |
Social vs. sensual: the struggle for identity within the characters of Clarín’s La Regenta. (Student Work) | 2016 | Reininger, Molly R. | M.A. | Languages, Literatures, and Cultures, UNCG |
Social-cultural predictors of parental racial/ethnic and emotion socialization and relations... (Student Work) | 2016 | Dunbar, Angelicia S. | Ph.D. | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Socialization agents influencing Anglo and Hispanic American generation Y females' apparel c... (Student Work) | 2006 | Halstead, Katherine Marie | Master of Science | Consumer, Apparel, and Retail Studies, UNCG |
The socialization of beginning nurses in the hospital setting : an interpretive inquiry (Student Work) | 1982 | Pitts, Hilda Pickney | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
The socialization of emotion regulation in late childhood: the influence of friendship (Student Work) | 2013 | Mackler, Jennifer S. | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
Socially sustainable development: capturing Black voices for designing an appropriate livabi... (Student Work) | 2021 | Jones, Nathaniel D. | M.A. | Geography, Environment, and Sustainability, UNCG |
Socio-cognitive, physiological, and behavioral predictors of preadolescent physical and rela... (Student Work) | 2016 | Gangel, Meghan June | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
Socio-economic factors and crime across large, urban areas (Student Work) | 2017 | Tostoe, Jon K. | M.A. | Sociology, UNCG |
The Sociocultural Context of Borderline Traits (Student Work) | 2023 | Rogers, Breanna J. | B.S. | Psychology, UNCG |
A sociocultural framework for understanding change in organizations : and application of th... (Student Work) | 1978 | Haworth, Shirley Lambert | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Sociocultural, political, and musical amalgam in Thomas Jennefelt's "Villarosa sarialdi" (Student Work) | 2012 | Hazelgrove, Justin T. | D.M.A. | Music, UNCG |
A Socioculturalist Remakes a Middle School Classroom or- Unpacking More Tools for Learning (Student Work) | 2013 | Brown, Kathryn K. | Adolescent Literacy | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
Socioeconomic Disparities in North Carolina Communities: Issues of Access and Quality of Lic... (Student Work) | 2010 | Lower, Joanna K. | Ph.D. | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Sociogenesis of species-typical and species-atypical behavior in mallard ducklings (Student Work) | 1994 | Sexton, Cheryl Ann | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
A sociology of bariatric surgery (male symbol) men, bodies, and meanings (Student Work) | 2018 | Nolasco, Lindsay C. | M.A. | Sociology, UNCG |
Soft rain of sticky notes : an experimental musical theater song cycle about ADHD for chambe... (Student Work) | 2022 | Weitz, Joshua Isaac | M.M. | School of Music, UNCG |
Sol-gel synthesis and band gap engineering of Zinc Oxide nanostructures (Student Work) | 2021 | Davis, Klinton P. | Ph.D. | Nanoscience, UNCG |
Soldiers, not Wacs: how women’s integration transformed the Army, 1964-1994 (Student Work) | 2016 | Strohmer, Therese M. | Ph.D. | History, UNCG |
Solid-state nanopores: a new platform for DNA biomarker discovery (Student Work) | 2014 | Marshall, Michael M. | Ph.D. | Nanoscience, UNCG |
Solid-state synthesis of silver nanowires by green chemistry and mechanistic aspects influen... (Student Work) | 2019 | Chevva, Harish | Ph.D. | Joint School of Nanoscience and Nanoengineering, UNCG |
Solitary (Student Work) | 1974 | Barrett, Lynne Marie | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
Solvability of nonlinear elliptic boundary value problems (Student Work) | 2023 | Bandyopadhyay, Shalmali | Ph.D. | Mathematics and Statistics, UNCG |
Some aspects of the ecology of benthic macroinvertebrates in a cove of Lake Jeanette (Student Work) | 1974 | Lively, Eleanor Ruth | M.A. | Biology, UNCG |
Some aspects of the effects of day care on infants' emotional and personality development (Student Work) | 1972 | Saunders, Minta M. | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Some aspects of printmaking (Student Work) | 1959 | Hutton, Letitia Wilmot | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
Some banach algebras of analytic functions (Student Work) | 1970 | Stanfield, Linda Louise | M.A. | Mathematics, UNCG |
Some confusions in punctuation and capitalization (Student Work) | 1929 | Coffey, Natalie | M.A. | Education, UNCG |
Some consequences for social behavior of perinatal asphyxia and c-section delivery of full t... (Student Work) | 2014 | Varholick, Justin A. | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
"Some day, I'm goin' sing" (Student Work) | 1972 | Lyons, Sherry Kay | M.F.A. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
Some dynamics of post-divorce adjustment problems of recently divorced mothers : a pilot stu... (Student Work) | 1962 | Mason, Marietta Allen | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Some effects of chronic monocular paralysis in adult cats rapidly reversed by paralyzing the... (Student Work) | 1984 | Schroeder, Charlie | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
Some effects of the interfood interval on schedule-induced drinking (Student Work) | 1976 | Wetherington, Cora Lee | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
Some experiments in relief painting and relief etching (Student Work) | 1961 | Smith, Lou Anne | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
Some investigations in game theory (Student Work) | 1967 | Johnson, E. Francine | | Mathematics, UNCG |
Some methodological considerations and strategies for processing of visual information (Student Work) | 1971 | Longo, Fran L. | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
Some novelists between two wars (Student Work) | 1948 | Posson, Joyce | | English, UNCG |
Some observations on Tilia (Basswood) seeds (Student Work) | 1930 | Grimsley, Gertrude | M.A. | Biology, UNCG |
Some pre-emergence studies on final-instar larvae of Tetragoneuria cynosura (Odonata) (Student Work) | 1975 | Mantz, William Jeffrey | M.A. | Biology, UNCG |
Some psychological and physiological effects of aerobic exercise on adult inpatient alcoholi... (Student Work) | 1985 | Palmer, James Horton | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Some theoretical implications of power, resource allocation, and theories of action on highe... (Student Work) | 1985 | Bell, Edwin Dewey | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Something Creative: Developing the Well-Rounded Writer in the High School English Classroom (Student Work) | 2014 | Kane, Taylor R. | B.A. | English, UNCG |
Something to talk about: An examination of predictors of immediate versus delayed sexual ass... (Student Work) | 2011 | Swartout, Ashlyn Gollehon | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
Sometimes the bear gets you (Student Work) | 2007 | Nameche, Quinn | Master of Fine Arts | English, UNCG |
Somewheres Else (Student Work) | 2010 | Meredith, Andrew | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
The song of the man whose touch (Student Work) | 1975 | Osborn, Michael D. | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
The song remains the same : ownership concentration and format homogeneity in the radio indu... (Student Work) | 2007 | Montgomery, Bertram O'Neal | Master of Arts | Sociology, UNCG |
Song sets by Beethoven, Berg, and Lutoslawski: transcriptions for trombone and piano within ... (Student Work) | 2015 | Vance, David Nathaniel | D.M.A. | Music, UNCG |
Songs by Florence Beatrice Price (1887–1953) : transcriptions for the trombone (Student Work) | 2024 | Lewis, Nicholas Elijah | D.M.A. | School of Music, UNCG |
The songs we love to hate: a pedagogical analysis of Twenty-four Italian songs and arias (Student Work) | 2018 | Taylor, Sarah Love | D.M.A. | School of Music, UNCG |
Sorting-recall behaviors exhibited by reflective and impulsive children : an individual diff... (Student Work) | 1975 | Summers, Kathryn Ann | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
The souls of good folk: prophetic pragmatism as a pedagogy of humanity in the composition cl... (Student Work) | 2010 | Carter, Temeka L. | Ph.D. | English, UNCG |
Sound of rain (Student Work) | 1969 | Hill, Robert Paul | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
The sounds of Zora Neale Hurston's Their eyes were watching God: blues rhythm, rhyme, and re... (Student Work) | 2013 | Zimmerman, Katherine Anne | M.A. | English, UNCG |
The source and substance for a contemporary art of American origin (Student Work) | 1952 | Morgan, Andrew W. | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
The source of control, the art of liberation and problematics of school transformation in th... (Student Work) | 1995 | Pfefferkorn, Jane M. | Ph.D. | Education, UNCG |
Source of reinforcement as a potential factor in Women's sport involvement (Student Work) | 1975 | Stauss, Joan M. | M.S.P.E. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
Southeastern suburban. (Student Work) | 2010 | Sullivan, Melissa | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
Southern stories (Student Work) | 1976 | Driggers, James Archie | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
Southern Women, Southern Voices: Civil War Songs by Southern Women (Student Work) | 2007 | Cooke, Mary Lee | D.M.A. | Music, UNCG |
Space allocations to implement the teaching of interior design in a college situation (Student Work) | 1964 | Nelms, Lorene Garriss | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Space and location of laundry areas in split level houses (Student Work) | 1964 | Eddins, Peyton Hudson | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Space is freedom, place is security : an intersectional study of queer placemaking (Student Work) | 2022 | Clapp, Joyce F. | Ph.D. | Geography, Environment, and Sustainability, UNCG |
Space planning for converting under utilized areas of the home into family living space (Student Work) | 1976 | Avram, Patricia Finger | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Space requirements for people performing office tasks (Student Work) | 1975 | Goode, Ellen Bonham | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Spacing by retention interval interactions in retroactive effects of memory: the role of det... (Student Work) | 2021 | Smith, Sydney T. | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
The Spark of the Text: Toward an Ethical Reading Theory for Traumatic Literature (Student Work) | 2008 | Atchison, Steven Todd | PhD | English, UNCG |
Spatial Analysis of Helianthus schweinitzii (Schweinitz's Sunflower), An Endangered Species ... (Student Work) | 2008 | Smith, Tammy Capps | MA | Geography, UNCG |
Spatial dynamics in painting achieved through plane manipulation (Student Work) | 1953 | Morgan, John Theodore | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
Spatial fix, labor unrest and the vacancy of mass media attention : analyzing news framing w... (Student Work) | 2024 | Farrar, Cameron | M.A. | Sociology, UNCG |
Spatial prediction for axially symmetric process on spheres (Student Work) | 2022 | Balasubramaniam, Sarangan | Ph.D. | Mathematics and Statistics, UNCG |
Spatial variation in mammal and ectoparasite communities in the foothills along the Southern... (Student Work) | 2021 | Mellis, Anna Marie | M.S. | Biology, UNCG |
Speak For The Silent (Student Work) | 2010 | Peck, Samuel H. | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
"The speaker of the orchestra" : an analytical study of the bass line in the fourth movement... (Student Work) | 1993 | Barket, James Charles | Ph.D. | Music, UNCG |
Speaking truth to power from the margins : the experiences of Black women faculty at PWIs an... (Student Work) | 2023 | Gunthrop, Lakecia M. | Ph.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Special education administration in North Carolina: who is leading the field? (Student Work) | 2009 | Tate, Alicia Salemme | Ph.D. | Specialized Education Services, UNCG |
Special education administration: what does it take? (Student Work) | 2017 | Summey, Emily F. | Ph.D. | Specialized Education Services, UNCG |
Special education and human dignity : a hermeneutic of hope (Student Work) | 1988 | Blomgen, Rebecca Ann Frazier | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
A special education teacher’s use of culturally informed practices to enhance a direct instr... (Student Work) | 2023 | Mason, Hollie A. | Ph.D. | Specialized Education Services, UNCG |
Special Needs Adoptive Families: A Study of Social Supports and Family Functioning (Student Work) | 2008 | Schweiger, Wendi K. | PhD | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
Species differences and interspecific interactions in wild Peromyscus ultrasonic vocalizatio... (Student Work) | 2009 | Carney, Catherine | MS | Biology, UNCG |
Species-specific low-temperature thresholds for winter active bats in North Carolina (Student Work) | 2019 | Parker, Kevin A. | M.S. | Biology, UNCG |
Specific tasks required and expected of student teachers in a laboratory nursery school (Student Work) | 1970 | Weant, Lynda Kathleen | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
A spectral analysis of the tones of five flutes constructed of different materials (Student Work) | 1980 | White, Joan Lynn | Ed.D. | Music, UNCG |
Spectral and spatial semi-automated detection of thermokarst change in the Alaskan Arctic. (Student Work) | 2010 | Sulewski, Leanne | M.A. | Geography, UNCG |
Spectral estimation for random processes with stationary increments (Student Work) | 2018 | Chen, Wei | Ph.D. | Mathematics and Statistics, UNCG |
Spectrum (Student Work) | 1976 | Brandman, Pollyann | M.F.A. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
The spectrum of bulimic behaviors and attitudes and the Five factor model of personality (Student Work) | 2007 | Cobb, Amanda R. | PhD | Psychology, UNCG |
The speculative mode: intersections of literature and the new science in Restoration England... (Student Work) | 2018 | Matey, Crystal Lee | Ph.D. | English, UNCG |
Speech is my hammer, bang the world into shape: making meaning in college through hip hop ly... (Student Work) | 2020 | Livingston, Donovan | Ph.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
A spherical model for hyperbolic geometry (Student Work) | 1964 | Prince, Ruth Anne | | Mathematics, UNCG |
Spillover and crossover effects of Mexican immigrant wives' acculturative stress on spouses'... (Student Work) | 2011 | Rodriguez, Yuliana | MS | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Spirit of place: bridging the ‘epistemological gap’ (Student Work) | 2013 | Dudley, Nickola B. N. | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
Spiritual landscapes in the 21st century: the geography of Power mountains and healing water... (Student Work) | 2010 | Todd, Amanda J. | Ph.D. | Geography, UNCG |
Spit tobacco use and behavioral intentions in North Carolina high school baseball coaches (Student Work) | 2010 | Eaves, Edward Henry | Ed.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
A spoken word count of aphasic speakers (Student Work) | 1973 | Boger, Jennie Lydia | M.A. | Drama and Speech, UNCG |
Spontaneous trail: mapping the moment (Student Work) | 2019 | Litaker, Alexandra | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
Sport as a vehicle of social mobility for the black athlete in twentieth century America (Student Work) | 1971 | Palmer, Jacqueline | M.S. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
Sport motivation among three levels of high calibre soccer players (Student Work) | 1980 | Bird, Geoffrey J. | Ed.D. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
Sports as finite provinces of meaning : an application of the phenomenology of Alfred Schutz... (Student Work) | 1980 | Whitaker, K. Gail | Ed.D. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
Sports fashions as a reflection of the changing role of American women in society from 1850 ... (Student Work) | 1985 | Leslie, Judith Elaine | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Sports participation as a protective factor in students that have attended Sherman Indian Hi... (Student Work) | 2024 | Schwab, Kara J. | Ed.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Sports specialization and the family: examining the effects outside the lines (Student Work) | 2021 | Aguilar, Amanda R. | Ed.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Spouses' gender role attitudes, wives' employment status, and Mexican-origin husbands' marit... (Student Work) | 2013 | Hengstebeck, Natalie D. | M.S. | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Spruille Braden : slayer of dragons right and left (Student Work) | 1975 | Theodorakis, Michael George | M.A. | History, UNCG |
The stability of narrative and paradigmatic framing of mother-child communication within and... (Student Work) | 1995 | Carroll, Deborah E. | Ph.D. | Human Environmental Sciences, UNCG |
Stability of social relationship in two groups of preschool children as measured by a pictur... (Student Work) | 1967 | Kutchei, Rivka R. Kolari | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Stabilizing RED queue oscillation using the logistic map in AutoRED mechanism (Student Work) | 2009 | Oh, Jiyoung | MS | Computer Science, UNCG |
Staging and production : a proposal to develop a computer software program for opera and the... (Student Work) | 2006 | Sokol, Renee Janette | DMA | Music, UNCG |
Staining characteristics of selected synthetic fabrics for "minimum care" garments (Student Work) | 1961 | Crawford, Sara J. | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Stakeholder perceptions of an exemplary middle school character education program and its im... (Student Work) | 2016 | Miller, Johncarlos M. | Ed.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Stakeholder perspectives of early childhood inclusion: a phenomenological study of parents o... (Student Work) | 2015 | Jordan, Carol Welch | Ph.D. | Specialized Education Services, UNCG |
Staking out space: British women’s war poetry, 1780-1840 (Student Work) | 2019 | Dolive, Emily J. | Ph.D. | English, UNCG |
Standardized tests : irregularities in the administering of tests affect test results (Student Work) | 1989 | Gay, Genevieve Hodgin | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Standardized Trauma Anesthesia Set Up and Its Relationship to Preparedness and Confidence of... (Student Work) | 2023 | Runyon, Meghann | DNP | Nursing, UNCG |
Standardizing Intraoperative and Postoperative Handoffs for Anesthesia Providers (Student Work) | 2022 | Belford, Jennifer | DNP | Nursing, UNCG |
Standards of mailability of the intra-company correspondence of eight life insurance offices... (Student Work) | 1944 | Rosensaft, Jean | M.S. | Business Education, UNCG |
Starmount vespers: an oratorio for voices and strings (Student Work) | 2016 | Stemke, John A. | M.M. | Music Performance, UNCG |
Starnight touch (Student Work) | 1973 | Hawkins, Thomas Rhodes | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
State Education Agency curriculum consultants' perceptions of the principalship in North Car... (Student Work) | 1991 | Riley, Pamela Lewis | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
State-level immigrant policies, diabetes prevalence, and cardiovascular health behaviors in ... (Student Work) | 2023 | Alam, Md Towfiqul | Ph.D. | Public Health Education, UNCG |
A state-wide survey of teacher use of narrative test report forms for instructional decision... (Student Work) | 1985 | DeCasper, Helen Suarez | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
A statement about the dance "Restless eydeas on uneasy pad" (Student Work) | 1960 | Trump, Chrystelle Lee | | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
Statistical methods for the determination of content validity (Student Work) | 1987 | Olangunju, Amos Omotayo | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
A statistical study to determine intelligence quotients and general achievement test scores ... (Student Work) | 1951 | Giles, Mary Angelyn | M.S.H.E. | Business Education, UNCG |
Status as a factor affecting decisions of members of a youth basketball team (Student Work) | 1975 | Rundio, Stephen Joseph | Ed.D. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
The status of advanced placement English in North Carolina (Student Work) | 1987 | Carroll, Dennis Gordon | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
The status of business education in Catholic high schools, 1943-1944 (Student Work) | 1947 | Whyte, M. Teresa | M.S. | Business Education, UNCG |
The status of elementary school general music programs in selected elementary schools in the... (Student Work) | 1988 | Walker, Bettye Coleman | Ed.D. | Music, UNCG |
The status of music education in the fifth grades of the public schools of Piedmont North Ca... (Student Work) | 1949 | Jones, Margaret Tyson | M.A. Ed. | UNCG |
Status of physical education, athletics, and intramurals in community colleges and technical... (Student Work) | 1975 | Hardy, Clinton Rex | Ed.D. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
Staying in the trying : queer kinship solidarity as liberation praxis (Student Work) | 2022 | Dominguez, Cristina M. | Ph.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Steel sculpture : transformations and relationships (Student Work) | 1977 | Evans, Annette Fulton | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
Steel structures (Student Work) | 1975 | Carrow, David Michael | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
Steinitz rings (Student Work) | 1973 | McCanless, Imogene | M.A. | Mathematics, UNCG |
STEM and literacy integration as a locus for restorative practices professional learning : a... (Student Work) | 2023 | Blankmann, Dearing | Ph.D. | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
STEM teacher leadership (Student Work) | 2020 | Bailey, Christy Ann | Ed.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
The Stendhalian hero : psychological, historical, and moral (Student Work) | 1964 | Maffitt, Roxanne Heffner | | Romance Languages, UNCG |
Step up MyPyramid – comparing teaching methods for limited resource elementary school childr... (Student Work) | 2009 | Hazlegrove, Sarah | M.S. | Nutrition, UNCG |
Stepchild (Student Work) | 1972 | Whatley, James Wallace | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
Stephen Crane on film : James Agee's adaptation of "The Blue Hotel" (Student Work) | 1966 | Wiggins, Anne Louise | | English, UNCG |
Stephen Crane's Man in war (Student Work) | 1969 | Faison, Margaret Boaz | M.A. | English, UNCG |
Steps in the journey to advance the study of nature’s chemistry (Student Work) | 2019 | Kao, Diana | Ph.D. | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Stereoselective lactone synthesis via chiral Brønsted acid catalysis (Student Work) | 2024 | Frost, Joshua Adam | Ph.D. | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Stereotype threat and mind-wandering in older adults (Student Work) | 2016 | Jordano, Megan L. | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
Steven Bryant’s Solace: a conductor’s analysis and performance guide (Student Work) | 2013 | Davis, Justin C. | D.M.A. | Music, UNCG |
A Stieltjes integral existence theorem (Student Work) | 1970 | Joyner, George David | M.A. | Mathematics, UNCG |
Stigma Theory and Reproductive Health: A Literature Review (Student Work) | 2022 | Schueren, Emma M. | B.S. | Public Health Education, UNCG |
Still I rise: the role of social capital on the experiences of African American women senior... (Student Work) | 2020 | Walker, Coretta Roseboro | Ph.D. | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
Still life studies of composition, light, contrast, and space (Student Work) | 1974 | Williams, Laura Keene | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
Still life studies of light and form (Student Work) | 1975 | Canady, Leander | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
Still-life drawing and figure drawing (Student Work) | 1977 | Page, Cynthia Joan | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
Stimulus demand qualities and reinforcement as determinants of interrogative strategy (Student Work) | 1977 | Brown, Geneva Leek | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Stimulus equivalence and language development in children (Student Work) | 1985 | Devany, Jeanne Marie | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
Stimulus intensity effects and second-order response acquisition in Pavlovian fear condition... (Student Work) | 1976 | Moyer, Stephen Michael | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
Stones of memory: narratives from a Black beach community (Student Work) | 2013 | Jackson, Hope W. | Ph.D. | Educational Studies, UNCG |
Stoneware : functional forms with lids (Student Work) | 1976 | Driver, Cary Falconer | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
Stoneware and porcelain forms (Student Work) | 1973 | Shirlen, Margaret Louise | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
Stoneware containers (Student Work) | 1977 | Delisle, Richard | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
Stoneware forms (Student Work) | 1975 | Bernau, Eleanor Jane | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
Storage requirements for bathrooms (Student Work) | 1960 | Nicholson, Mary Katherine | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
"Stories" (Student Work) | 2017 | Hough, David Matthew | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
Stories (Student Work) | 1977 | Meads, Kathy Ann | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
Stories from the field: teaching science in low-performing, rural schools (Student Work) | 2015 | Conetta, Patrick John | Ph.D. | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
Stories of African American women who are long-term breast cancer survivors (Student Work) | 2016 | Ford, Yvonne Ratchford | Ph.D. | Nursing, UNCG |
Stories of the Greensboro massacre (Student Work) | 2012 | Quaye, Tiffany George Butler | Ph.D. | History, UNCG |
Stories of sustainability concerning school-wide technology integration (Student Work) | 2013 | Taylor, Mary Oliver | Ph.D. | Educational Studies, UNCG |
The storm (Student Work) | 1967 | Root, William Pitt | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
Story as a Weapon in Colonized America: Native American Women's Transrhetorical Fight for La... (Student Work) | 2008 | Wilkinson, Elizabeth Leigh | Ph.D. | English, UNCG |
A story to tell: chronicling retired, Black male teachers’ lived experiences with Whiteness ... (Student Work) | 2020 | Stallworth, Theron Antonio | Ed.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Storylines: a narrative study of young adolescents making meaning of their writing experienc... (Student Work) | 2015 | Lambert, Claire Smith | Ph.D. | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
Strange changes: cultural transformation in U.S. magical realist fiction (Student Work) | 2008 | Bro, Lisa Wenger | PhD | English, UNCG |
Strange Municipal (Student Work) | 2008 | Peterson, Michael C. | MFA | English, UNCG |
Strategic innovation in information technology outsourcing: identifying the gaps between ven... (Student Work) | 2014 | Wood, Allyson W. | M.S. | Information Technology and Management, UNCG |
Strategic organizational engagement in social media to motivate directed action (Student Work) | 2014 | Heath, Donald Ray | Ph.D. | Information Systems and Operations Management, UNCG |
Strategic planning: driver of change (Student Work) | 2018 | Salmon-Hosey, Candace Ann | Ed.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Strategic value of data analytics in interorganizational relationships (Student Work) | 2018 | Daneshvar Kakhki, Mohammad | Ph.D. | Information Systems and Supply Chain Management, UNCG |
Strategies for intergenerational transmission of important values : a study of African-Ameri... (Student Work) | 1995 | Walls, Sandra H. | Ph.D. | Human Environmental Sciences, UNCG |
Streetscape and Ethnicity: New York's Mulberry Street and the Redefinition of the Italian Am... (Student Work) | 2008 | Frunza, Bogdana | MS | Interior Architecture, UNCG |
Strength increase as a factor in the performance of a gymnastic skill (Student Work) | 1967 | Preskitt, Donna C. | M.S. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
The strength of chemically bonded nonwoven fabrics as a function of the ionic charges of bin... (Student Work) | 1984 | Kalpagian, Harry S. | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Strength, balance, and range of motion as modifiers of the effect of external load-bearing o... (Student Work) | 2015 | Glass, Stephen Michael | Ph.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Stress and burnout : a pervasive sense of unbelonging, to one's self and to one's world, and... (Student Work) | 1991 | Wilhite, Elizabeth Frazier | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Stress and burnout in NCAA Division I head women’s volleyball coaches (Student Work) | 2019 | Murczek, Kenneth Edward | Ed.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Stress and coping for high school head football coaches (Student Work) | 2022 | Wallace, Kevin R. | Ed.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Stress and social evaluative concerns: stability across later middle childhood (Student Work) | 2011 | Wright, Jonathan C. | MA | Psychology, UNCG |
Stress inoculation education and counseling with patients on hemodialysis : effects on psych... (Student Work) | 1991 | Courts, Nancy Fleming | Ph.D. | Education, UNCG |
Stressors, academic performance, and learned resourcefulness in baccalaureate nursing studen... (Student Work) | 2009 | Goff, Anne-Marie V. | Ph.D. | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
String quintet No.1 ghost town portraits (Student Work) | 2013 | Landis, Steven J. | M.M. | Music, UNCG |
Stripping (away) the stereotype: race, culture, and gender in neo-burlesque performance (Student Work) | 2015 | Haney, Alyssa McNeil | M.A. | Dance, UNCG |
Stroke Velocity in Two-Mallet Marimba Performance (Student Work) | 2008 | Haldeman, Michael Edward | DMA | Music, UNCG |
Strong Black mother : generational transfer of resilience (Student Work) | 2023 | Gibbs, Jasmine S. | M.A. | Sociology, UNCG |
Structural Adjustment in Nicaragua: The Impact on Workers in the Agricultural and Manufactur... (Student Work) | 2008 | Bean, Anderson | MA | Sociology, UNCG |
Structural analysis of mothers' attitudes toward child rearing in four communities in Appala... (Student Work) | 1969 | Noble, Lucinda A. | Ph. D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
A structural analysis of relationships among stress, social support, dysfunctional attitudes... (Student Work) | 1995 | Hyers, Darryl Ann | Ph.D. | Education, UNCG |
Structural articulation and processes of growth in the two unaccompanied viola da gamba sona... (Student Work) | 1977 | Karnes, Clifton H. | M.M. | Music, UNCG |
Structural characterization and docking studies of acetylcholine binding proteins. (Student Work) | 2009 | Sirkisoon, Leona Ravini | MS | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Structural empowerment’s influence on nursing outcomes in MagnetTM and non-MagnetTM healthca... (Student Work) | 2015 | Callicutt, Jimmy Dale | Ph.D. | Nursing, UNCG |
Structural models of Franz Schubert’s Wanderer fantasy: fantasy, symphonic poem, and two-dim... (Student Work) | 2020 | Arko, Anja | D.M.A. | School of Music, UNCG |
Structure and meaning of the quest in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight and Malory's "Tale of ... (Student Work) | 1976 | McDaniel, Peggy Joyce | M.A. | English, UNCG |
The structure and performance of American textile printing : redefinition of an industry (Student Work) | 1988 | Amidon, Jill Yousling | Ph.D. | Human Environmental Sciences, UNCG |
Structure, process, and recommendations of emergency department triage in the U.S. (Student Work) | 2017 | Worth, Murtis Gilliam | Ph.D. | Nursing, UNCG |
Struggle for equality: experiences of African American public school principals during deseg... (Student Work) | 2011 | Burgman, Anessa Madeleine | Ed.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
A struggle for “grace and truth”: a qualitative investigation of counselor education’s effec... (Student Work) | 2020 | Cash, Rebecca M. | Ph.D. | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
Student attitudes toward instructional processes in secondary physical education (Student Work) | 1979 | McKethan, James Floyd | Ed.D. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
Student choice and voice in physical education (Student Work) | 2024 | Dinson, Donovan A. | Ed.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Student cognition and motivation during the Classroom BirdWatch citizen science project (Student Work) | 2006 | Tomasek, Terry Morton | PhD | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
Student engagement in making : connecting research in student engagement and making in educa... (Student Work) | 2023 | Gladson, Jonathan T. | M.Ed. | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
Student expectations and dyadic interactions with physical education teachers of third-grade... (Student Work) | 1982 | Johnson, Susan B. | Ed.D. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
Student perception of the classroom environment in secondary school physical education (Student Work) | 1979 | Ward, Dianne Stanton | Ed.D. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
Student Registered Nurse Anesthetists Perceptions of Uncivil Behavior in the Clinical Educat... (Student Work) | 2023 | Lorden, Daniel Michael | DNP | Nursing, UNCG |
Student teachers' beliefs and dispositions and their relation to observed classroom practice... (Student Work) | 2006 | Tolbert, Tenisha LaNae | PhD | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
The student teaching experience : perceptions of student teachers, cooperating teachers, and... (Student Work) | 1979 | Gallemore, Sandra L. | Ed.D. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
Student-athlete transition program with a health-related focus : a feasibility study for one... (Student Work) | 2023 | Hilton, Amanda H. | Ed.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Studies (Student Work) | 1977 | Barber, Ronald Christopher | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
Studies examining the anti-aging effects of fullerenes (Student Work) | 2017 | Turner, Ashley R. | Ph.D. | Joint School of Nanoscience and Nanoengineering, UNCG |
Studies examining the efficacy of therapeutically enhanced human mast cells as a cancer immu... (Student Work) | 2021 | Fereydouni, Mohammad | Ph.D. | Joint School of Nanoscience and Nanoengineering, UNCG |
Studies examining the infectivity of Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) on human immune cell... (Student Work) | 2017 | Duncan, Bryce | Ph.D. | Joint School of Nanoscience and Nanoengineering, UNCG |
Studies examining mast cells, nanomaterials, and immunoglobulins to treat breast cancer, ath... (Student Work) | 2019 | Elias, Michael George | Ph.D. | Joint School of Nanoscience and Nanoengineering, UNCG |
Studies in painting (Student Work) | 1975 | Thompson, Carol Harkey | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
Studies of the Actin Binding Activity of Dictyostelium discoideum Myosin II Heavy Chain Kina... (Student Work) | 2008 | Keener, Mary Elizabeth | MS | Biology, UNCG |
Studies of Alpha Kinase 1 and its potential to influence cytoskeletal reorganization (Student Work) | 2016 | Burgett, Kyle D. | M.S. | Biology, UNCG |
Studies of environmental pollutant acrolein-induced endothelial dysfunction: the role of glu... (Student Work) | 2015 | Chitrakar, Rojin | M.S. | Biology, UNCG |
Studies of the human CCR3 chemokine receptor: development of a cell line stably expressing C... (Student Work) | 2016 | Paila, Hari Srinivas Kalyan | Ph.D. | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Studies on bacterial Efflux pump inhibitors in land plants (Student Work) | 2015 | Brown, Adam | Ph.D. | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Studies on the beta-glucosidases of neurospora crassa (Student Work) | 1969 | Lee, Catherine Ting | M.S. | Biology, UNCG |
Studies on epipolythiodioxopiperazine alkaloids (Student Work) | 2019 | Amrine, Chiraz Soumia M. | Ph.D. | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Studies on the genotype, phenotype, and co-cultures of Aspergillus section Fumigati and the ... (Student Work) | 2021 | Knowles, Sonja L. | Ph.D. | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Studies on the rates of ring closure of alpha-omega chlorohydrins with alkali hydroxides (Student Work) | 1967 | Davis, Judy Ann | | Chemistry, UNCG |
Studies on the rates of ring closure of alpha-omega chlorohydrins with alkali hydroxides (Student Work) | 1967 | Van Horne, Janice L. | | Chemistry, UNCG |
Studies on the solid-phase biosynthesis of S-adenosyl-L-methionine (Student Work) | 1978 | Mauldin, Stanley Kenneth | M.A. | Biology, UNCG |
Studies on the synthesis of threo 2-methylisocitrate (Student Work) | 2014 | Coffey, Nicolas Christopher | M.S. | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Studio craft and the production of the heirloom (Student Work) | 2014 | Rexrode, Stacy Bloom | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
A study in blackness (Student Work) | 1968 | Cheek, Betty E. | | Art, UNCG |
A study in intraorganizational influence processes : the relationship between a superordinat... (Student Work) | 1988 | Tilley, Gary Carson | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
A study in the relationship between nature and the creative work of man (Student Work) | 1959 | Pratt, Janet Lee | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
A study in seventeenth century orchestration (Student Work) | 1959 | Gilreath, Martha Jane | | Music, UNCG |
A study in the sexuality of Emily Dickinson, The spider and the flower : manifest homosexual... (Student Work) | 1970 | Lochridge, Dorothy Lynn | M.A. | English, UNCG |
A study of the adequacy of clothing storage provided in thirty similar three-bedroom houses ... (Student Work) | 1957 | Erath, Marion Skinner | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
A study of the adequacy of diets selected by industrial workers on the day and night shifts (Student Work) | 1944 | Whitaker, Meredith | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
A study of the after school activities of children in a textile community (Student Work) | 1950 | Westmoreland, Blanche Margaret | M.A. Ed. | Education, UNCG |
A study of the agreement and conflict of textbook concepts in distributive education and con... (Student Work) | 1944 | Logan, William Boyd | M.S. | Business Education, UNCG |
The study of allosteric modulator sites at the cannabinoid CB1 receptor (Student Work) | 2009 | Barber, Teresa S. | MS | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
A study of an analytical and kinesiological approach to teaching (Student Work) | 1960 | Kearns, Nancy Jean | M.S. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
A study of Anthony Philip Heinrich, an American composer (Student Work) | 1964 | Moore, Alicia Younts | M.Ed. | Music, UNCG |
A study of the associations between two means of vocal modeling by a male music teacher and ... (Student Work) | 1988 | Montgomery, Timothy David | Ed.D. | Music, UNCG |
A study of attitudes of selected public school music teachers toward the integration of hand... (Student Work) | 1979 | Damer, Linda Kay | Ed.D. | Music, UNCG |
A study of behavioral and reproductive patterns of adult Lestes Vigilax Hagen (Odonata: Lest... (Student Work) | 1972 | O'briant, Patricia | M.A. | Biology, UNCG |
A study of the blood plasma level of vitamin C in a group of old people (Student Work) | 1944 | Bell, Mary Parks | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
A study of the boundaries of existence (Student Work) | 1994 | Davis, William Pike | Ph.D. | Education, UNCG |
A study of the career maturity of gifted students (Student Work) | 1983 | Adams, Sandra Parker | Ed. D. | Education, UNCG |
A study of Caribbean students’ experiences at U.S. institutions (Student Work) | 2019 | Andrew, Hazael | Ph.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
A study of cellular proliferation and apoptosis in short- and long-lived honey bees, Apis me... (Student Work) | 2007 | Ward, Kristen Nicole | Master of Science | Biology, UNCG |
A study of Chinese composer Huang Anlun and his Chinese Rhapsody No. 3 (Student Work) | 2022 | Lu, Yue | D.M.A. | School of Music, UNCG |
A study of Christian mysticism in the b-text of Piers Plowman (Student Work) | 1970 | Wasson, Mary Morris | M.A. | English, UNCG |
A study of chromatographic methods (Student Work) | 1962 | Clark, Patricia Ann | | Chemistry, UNCG |
A study of clay involving a combination of handbuilding and wheel thrown utilitarian objects... (Student Work) | 1972 | Hartness, Marilyn Houser | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
A study of college women's attitudes toward the feminine role (Student Work) | 1972 | Trader, Dorinda Duncan | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
A study of the conception of the form employed in the composition of twelve paintings (Student Work) | 1956 | Coggin, James R. | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
A study of conjugate addition of curcumin and chalcone derivatives (Student Work) | 2011 | Zhou, Yingqiu | MS | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
A study of consumer research in clothing and textiles (Student Work) | 1956 | McArthur, Margaret Ann | | Home Economics, UNCG |
A study of the criterion-related validity of North Carolina's teacher performance appraisal ... (Student Work) | 1988 | Riner, Phillip S. | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
A study of current office practices of owner-managers of small, skilled service businesses i... (Student Work) | 1979 | Royall, Velma Lee | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Study of delivery systems utilizing functionalized single wall carbon nanotubes (Student Work) | 2022 | Adesina, Adeyinka Olumide | Ph.D. | Joint School of Nanoscience and Nanoengineering, UNCG |
A study of the demand and supply of business teachers in the standard white secondary school... (Student Work) | 1944 | Bratcher, Fadral Acrey | M.S. | Business Education, UNCG |
A study of dietary practices of freshman girls to find implications for the teaching of food... (Student Work) | 1956 | Shockey, Mary Pleasants | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
A study of the different attitudes regarding women held by Greek Orthodox men (Student Work) | 1977 | Avgerinos, Elizabeth Anne | M.S.P.E. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
A study of differential characteristics of freshmen music students in selected two-year and ... (Student Work) | 1976 | Banks, Robert George | Ed. D. | Music, UNCG |
A study of differentiated staffing at the post-secondary level with the development of a mod... (Student Work) | 1976 | Bledsoe, Maynard Tony | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
A study of Dilsey Gibson : Faulkner's tragic heroine in The sound and the fury (Student Work) | 1967 | Brittain, Mary Gates | | English, UNCG |
A study of the economic waste of clothing among young women employed in Greensboro, N.C. (Student Work) | 1949 | Sherrill, Sarah Josephine | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
A study of the effect of carbon nanodots on proinflammatory cytokine TNF-a induced endotheli... (Student Work) | 2020 | Belperain, Sarah | M.S. | Biology, UNCG |
A study of the effect of carbon nanodots on TNF-a induced human aortic endothelial inflammat... (Student Work) | 2023 | Amin, Urooj | M.S. | Biology, UNCG |
A study of the effect of different approaches to gymnastics on movement concept (Student Work) | 1967 | Richardson, Dorothy Anne | M.S. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
A study of the effect of differing foreperiods on performance of the forward grab swimming s... (Student Work) | 1975 | Cooper, Carol Ann | Ed.D. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
A study of the effect of an eight week camping experience on the self-concept of girls aged ... (Student Work) | 1967 | Sise, Betsy | M.S. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
A study of the effect of manganese toxicity on growth and mineral metabolism of young rats (Student Work) | 1965 | Artz, Martha Dash | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
A study of the effect of mother employment upon elementary school children of a textile comm... (Student Work) | 1945 | Clifton, Annette Patton | M.A. Ed. | UNCG |
A study of the effect of resin finishes for crease resistance upon the serviceability of cer... (Student Work) | 1952 | Parker, Gladys Ruth | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
A study of the effect of selected biological, psychological, and sociological factors on the... (Student Work) | 1970 | Vanderstok, Annie A. | Ed. D. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
A study of the effect of sweeping on the distance and direction of a moving curling stone (Student Work) | 1971 | Taylor, Sharon E. | M.S. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
A study of the effect of two different methods of teaching on gymnastics (Student Work) | 1968 | Fath, Judith Ann | M.S. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
A study of the effectiveness of pitch discrimination training as a method of sound discrimin... (Student Work) | 1970 | Parrish, Annette H. | M.A. | Drama and Speech, UNCG |
A study of the effectiveness of teaching methods used in a college course in food selection ... (Student Work) | 1941 | Howell, Evelyn Louise | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
A study of the effects of calcium and phosphorus supplements on the mineral metabolism of yo... (Student Work) | 1964 | Chang, Serena Tsui-ying | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
A study of the effects of heat and cold on reaction time, steadiness balance, and motor perf... (Student Work) | 1961 | Gosselin, Pauline T. | M.S. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
A study of the effects of isotonic and isometric exercise on selected physiological variable... (Student Work) | 1965 | Stephens, Martha | M.S. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
A study of the effects of leg strengthening exercises on the vertical jumping and speed of r... (Student Work) | 1965 | Blucker, Judith Ann | M.S. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
A study of the effects of required mastery strategies and the use of concrete manipulatives ... (Student Work) | 1983 | Maynard, Robert Lee | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
A study of the effects on achievement of supplemental computer-aided instruction versus supp... (Student Work) | 1987 | Ellis, Richard Simon | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
A study of elementary principals' perceptions of accountability and leadership in an era of ... (Student Work) | 2012 | McKoy, Essie Manley | Ed.D | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
A study of empathy as lived by Edith Stein, Edward Flanagan, and Dorothy Day: a Catholic per... (Student Work) | 2013 | Fitzpatrick, Pamela | Ph.D. | Educational Studies, UNCG |
A study of evaluation instruments used with students while they are in home economics reside... (Student Work) | 1954 | Teufel, Magdalene R. | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
A study of the evaluation process of school superintendents in North Carolina (Student Work) | 1978 | Grill, Henry Stephen | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
A study of the evolution of the phenomenological nature of cultural consciousness : Kant, He... (Student Work) | 1994 | Mascali, Barbara Froeschle | Ph.D. | Education, UNCG |
A study of the evolution of plot structure in the English novel from approximately 1580 to 1... (Student Work) | 1948 | Penninger, Freida Elaine | | English, UNCG |
A study of the evolution of plot structure in the English novel from approximately 1580 to 1... (Student Work) | 1948 | Penninger, Freida Elaine | | English, UNCG |
A study of experience and its relationship to painting (Student Work) | 1951 | Dehoney, Martyvonne | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
A study of factors affecting the palatability of home dehydrated apples (Student Work) | 1945 | Dowdle, Margaret Jane | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
A study of the factors influencing the purchase of upholstered furniture and the resulting s... (Student Work) | 1949 | Miller, Mary Carleton | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
A study of factors related to the difficulties encountered by two-year business transfer stu... (Student Work) | 1978 | Stanton, Henry Thompson | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
A study of the feasibility of employing cable television in the Winston-Salem/Forsyth County... (Student Work) | 1972 | Fain, Adeline Eden | M.A.Ed. | Education, UNCG |
A study of five diverse middle schools and their efforts to bring about positive changes wit... (Student Work) | 1992 | Chance, Deborah Cecil | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
A study of the food intakes of a group with familial polyposis (Student Work) | 1968 | Waller, Violet Elaine | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
A study of fourth grade students' comprehension of basal reader workbooks (Student Work) | 1986 | Owen, Shirley Brown | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
A study of Franz Liszt’s Variations on “Weinen, Klagen, Sorgen, Zagen” (Student Work) | 2021 | Yu, Xiuwei | D.M.A. | Music, UNCG |
A study of George Gissing's New grub street as a transitional novel (Student Work) | 1968 | Kearns, Elizabeth Wright | M.A. | English, UNCG |
A study of graduates and drop-outs to determine the effectiveness of the secondary schools i... (Student Work) | 1943 | Wyman, Ella Sloan | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
A study of housing and equipment provided for young children in the homes of members of pare... (Student Work) | 1939 | Rogers, Lorena Eveyn | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
A study of housing facilities as they contribute to home recreation (Student Work) | 1951 | Jones, Caroline Tyson | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
A study of the ideal teacher : heroic metaphors of teacher in popular literature (Student Work) | 1992 | Underwood, Steven Forrest | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
A study of the implementation of a bureaucratic-professional model of decision-making at an ... (Student Work) | 1976 | Sloan, Molly James | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
A study of the implementation of an evaluative model for the gifted and talented program of ... (Student Work) | 1981 | Rierson, Judy Scott | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
A study of the importance of church-related family living curricula (Student Work) | 1971 | Ellison, Alice Faye Brown | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
A study of the individual factors that contribute to alcohol related risk in college student... (Student Work) | 2019 | Hicks-Becton, Latasha Yvonne | Ph.D. | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
The study of individual perception and neural control underlying movement in coordinating po... (Student Work) | 2021 | Sugimoto, Yuki A. | Ph.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
A study of the influence of nutrition knowledge on the food selection habits of high school ... (Student Work) | 1943 | O'Connell, Sister Mary Frances | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
A study of the influence of texts from the Liber usualis on three improvised french organ wo... (Student Work) | 2020 | Alexander, John David | D.M.A. | School of Music, UNCG |
The study of Jeff Porcaro's musical style and the development of an analytical model for the... (Student Work) | 2011 | Artimisi, Anthony B. | DMA | Music, UNCG |
A study of leadership, change, and school culture in Title 1 schools (Student Work) | 2014 | Moore, Angela Lenora | Ed.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
A study of levels of job satisfaction and job aspiration among black clerical employees in c... (Student Work) | 1976 | Dorsett, Katie Grays | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
A study of life : the nude and the self-portrait (Student Work) | 1976 | Graff, Kathleen Bednarski | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
A study of lined hymnsinging in selected black churches of North and South Carolina (Student Work) | 1979 | Crowder, William S. | Ed.D. | Music, UNCG |
A study of the literature of the history of mathematics (Student Work) | 1965 | Habicht, Louise | | Mathematics, UNCG |
A study of the literature pertaining to kinesthesia and movement with special emphasis on th... (Student Work) | 1956 | Wilson, Sylvia | | Physical Education, UNCG |
A study of the low cost diet in a home management house (Student Work) | 1952 | Potts, Jessie Anna | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
A study of marginalization, mental illness, illiteracy, and poverty : the problematics of in... (Student Work) | 1994 | Elissondo, Guillermina | Ph.D. | Education, UNCG |
A study of marital satisfactions of college and non-college educated spouses of a group of w... (Student Work) | 1970 | Kidd, Ida Carolyn | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
A study of Martin Buber's I-Thou and I-It relationships in sport (Student Work) | 1980 | Desensi, Joy Theresa | Ed.D. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
A study of menarche as it relates to age and certain geographical factors (Student Work) | 1969 | Fremont, Gertrude Mae | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
A study of the musical ability of children with vocal nodules (Student Work) | 1972 | Mashburn, Jeannine Austin | M.A. | Drama and Speech, UNCG |
Study of nanoscale structural biology using advanced particle beam microscopy (Student Work) | 2015 | Boseman, Adam J. | Ph.D. | Nanoscience, UNCG |
A study of needed alterations in ready-made dresses (Student Work) | 1945 | Ellett, Elizabeth Wood | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
A study of the needs of high school girls in the area of sex guidance in family life educati... (Student Work) | 1948 | Ingle, Kelsey Hudleson | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
A study of Ningwu Du’s 24 Piano Preludes (Student Work) | 2022 | Zhou, Baiyun | D.M.A. | School of Music, UNCG |
A study of non-promotion in North Carolina public school systems from 1973 through 1976 (Student Work) | 1978 | Craig, David Harold | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
A study of the opinions of mothers with children two to five years of age inclusive in Green... (Student Work) | 1955 | Conger, Flora Fenn Stabler | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
A study of the perceptions of occupational instructors and administrators of in-service educ... (Student Work) | 1973 | Uche, Ukaonu William | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
A study of the performance of students who take developmental courses in the community colle... (Student Work) | 1989 | Sims, Janette Lowman | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
A study of performance practice for Three Morceaux de Concours for trumpet from the Paris Co... (Student Work) | 2017 | Underwood, John Christopher | D.M.A. | School of Music, UNCG |
A study of personal and home living needs of rural high school girls in western North Caroli... (Student Work) | 1949 | Jenkins, Sarah Burton | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
A study of personal distance ratings among college students enrolled in four physical activi... (Student Work) | 1971 | Harris, Elizabeth Carol | M.S. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
A study of personal expenditures of college freshman women as one index of the effectiveness... (Student Work) | 1945 | Howell, Mary Newell | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
A study of physical education in the non-graded program (Student Work) | 1967 | Isgett, Martha Carson | | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
A study of the physical education, intramural and interscholastic programs in selected indep... (Student Work) | 1974 | Cannon, Suzan E. | M.S. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
A study of pipe dreams in the last plays of Eugene O'Neill (Student Work) | 1968 | Stout, Naomi Grace | M.A. | English, UNCG |
A study of plate waste in the dining hall of a state woman's college (Student Work) | 1946 | Dubois, Rita | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
A study of the poetry of Stephen Crane (Student Work) | 1954 | Lee, Robert Ellis | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
A study of the practices for evaluating administrators in the four-year public and private c... (Student Work) | 1980 | Moore, Richard E. | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
A study of the preparation and characterization of selected complex aluminum hydrides (Student Work) | 1976 | Bratten, Gordon Lee | M.S. | Chemistry, UNCG |
A study of present practices in regard to the home experience projects of second and third y... (Student Work) | 1954 | Hunter, Allene Wall | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
A study of the problem-solving method of teaching bowling (Student Work) | 1965 | La Plante, Marilyn | M.S. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
A study of problems recognized by vocational home economics teachers (Student Work) | 1966 | Gatlin, Sammie Carol | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
A study of professed and inferred self-concept-as-learner of male African-American middle gr... (Student Work) | 1995 | Finger, Joan Patricia Kimbrough | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
A study of program relevance and student preparation in business education and administrativ... (Student Work) | 1980 | Cameron, Dorothy | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
A study of the psycholinguistic abilities of inadequate readers (Student Work) | 1971 | Randall, Sally Morris | M.A. | Drama and Speech, UNCG |
A study of the racial identification of instructors as related to the self-concept and skill... (Student Work) | 1970 | Nole, Barbara Jane | M.S. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
A study of receptive vocabulary development and syntax development in mentally retarded chil... (Student Work) | 1973 | Stone, Charlotte Potter | M.F.A. | Drama and Speech, UNCG |
A study of recreation and recreational facilities of freshman high school girls (Student Work) | 1950 | Shine, Ruth Reilly | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
A study of the relation between the type of house and the location for the home activities o... (Student Work) | 1953 | Day, Savannah Segraves | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
A study of the relationship between depth perception of moving objects and sports skill (Student Work) | 1966 | Tomlin, Frances Ann | M.S. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
A study of the relationship between scores on the Minnesota vocational test for clerical wor... (Student Work) | 1948 | Walke, Cordelia French | M.S. | Business Education, UNCG |
A study of the relationship between selected learning independence characteristics of third-... (Student Work) | 1980 | Hayes, Virginia B. | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
A study of the relationship between typewriting achievement and scores obtained on the Downe... (Student Work) | 1945 | McQuarrie, Francis M. | M.A. Ed. | Business Education, UNCG |
A study of the relationship between visual depth perception and general tennis ability (Student Work) | 1968 | Heimerer, Elsa M. | M.S. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
A study of the relationship of the loss of excess weight to the motor performance ability of... (Student Work) | 1961 | Robinson, Sarah | | Physical Education, UNCG |
A study of the relationship of selected measures to tennis ability (Student Work) | 1966 | Pankonin, Jean | M.S. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
A study of the relationship of selected physical strength factors to success in executing a ... (Student Work) | 1973 | Karps, Carol Ann | M.S. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
A study of the relationships between managerial styles and moral reasoning (Student Work) | 1978 | Lundy, Muriel L. | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
A study of the relative significance of positional authority and expertise in an experimenta... (Student Work) | 1974 | Howard, James Marvin | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
A study of school district level public relations programs in North Carolina (Student Work) | 1985 | Burns, Caryl Blair | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
A study of science leadership and science standards in exemplary standards-based science pro... (Student Work) | 2014 | Carpenter, Wendy Renae | Ed.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
A study of selected campus groups' ratings of national standards as components of current mi... (Student Work) | 1992 | Stokes, C. Michael | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
A study of selected Christian day schools in North Carolina (Student Work) | 1988 | Tilley, Joan Robertson | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
A study of selected group's perceptions of mission and mission effectiveness at a community ... (Student Work) | 1989 | Jarrett, William Harry | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
A study of selected piano works by Tobias Picker (Student Work) | 2019 | Harris, Amy M. | D.M.A. | School of Music, UNCG |
A study of selected works of Ignaz Joseph Pleyel (Student Work) | 1964 | Hudson, Rachel Elizabeth | M.Ed. | Music, UNCG |
A study of self and direct report perceptions of the skills and performance competencies imp... (Student Work) | 1996 | Hood, Sandra Jesse | Ph.D. | Education, UNCG |
The study of the self concept of church college and state university athletes and non-athlet... (Student Work) | 1971 | Hunsberger, Elizabeth H. | M.S. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
A study of self concept of sixth graders in two settings : rural Appalachia and urban Piedmo... (Student Work) | 1978 | Reck, Una Mae Lange | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
A study of the serviceability of selected dress fabrics utilizing the newer synthetic fiber ... (Student Work) | 1954 | Womble, Charlotte Mae | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
A study of sizing and grading in different brands of misses' dress patterns (Student Work) | 1950 | Lucas, Laura Louise | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
A study of song preferences of children and possible influences of identified musical elemen... (Student Work) | 1980 | McCachern, Frances L. | Ed.D. | Music, UNCG |
A study of the songs and sonnets of John Donne as they show his reaction to the Elizabethan ... (Student Work) | 1955 | White, D'Orsay | | English, UNCG |
A study of space as an element in plastic design (Student Work) | 1951 | Wall, Helen Anne | M.F.A. | UNCG |
A study of space, object and reality (Student Work) | 1974 | Roughton, Becke | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
A study of state winners of Secondary School Athletic Directors of the Year Award and the pe... (Student Work) | 1986 | Harper, Wyatt Kelly | Ed.D. | Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, UNCG |
A study of the structure and functions of campus unions in four-year public and private inst... (Student Work) | 1978 | Welborne, Sullivan Anthony | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
A study of superintendent turnover in North Carolina (1980-1982) (Student Work) | 1984 | Dalton, Steve | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
A study of sweet potatoes : their nutritive value, utilization, and standardized methods of ... (Student Work) | 1948 | Cloer, Linda | | Home Economics, UNCG |
A study of teachers' perceptions of participating in professional learning communities and t... (Student Work) | 2013 | Robbins, Susan Cornwell | Ph.D. | Specialized Education Services, UNCG |
A study of teachers' perceptions of school-level factors affecting transition services (Student Work) | 2013 | Lazaroff, Kurt Charles | Ph.D. | Specialized Education Services, UNCG |
A study of teaching effectiveness of a cotton fabric selection unit with ninth grade homemak... (Student Work) | 1952 | Alexander, Dorothy McCulloch | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
A study of teaching reality therapy to adolescents for self-management (Student Work) | 1981 | Atwell, Bobbie McGuire | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
A study of the thermal dehydration and decomposition of oxocarbon anion salts of transition ... (Student Work) | 1977 | Lewchalermwong, Chittawat Charles | M.S. | Chemistry, UNCG |
Study of toxicity and uptake of nanoparticles towards understanding biotic-abiotic interacti... (Student Work) | 2015 | Kosaraju, Karshak | Ph.D. | Joint School of Nanoscience and Nanoengineering, UNCG |
A study of two kinds of activities of preschool children : dressing activities and play acti... (Student Work) | 1951 | Edwards, Louise | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
A study of the understanding of science processes in relation to Piaget cognitive developmen... (Student Work) | 1982 | El-Gosbi, Ali Mohamed | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
A study of the use of educational television in parent education (Student Work) | 1962 | Easter, Martha Gallimore | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
A study of velopharyngeal closure in children with vocal nodules (Student Work) | 1972 | Amos, Bonnie Wagoner | M.A. | Drama and Speech, UNCG |
A study of wall color and its effects on the classroom social behavior of nursery school chi... (Student Work) | 1971 | Webb, Joyce Hasell | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Study of white privilege in K- 12 schools: minority teachers’ perspectives (Student Work) | 2013 | Thompson Christman, Kristen Pope | Ph.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Study of Y*l (1385) decay modes (Student Work) | 1974 | Garner, Larry W. | M.S. | Physics, UNCG |
A study of the zinc toxicity alleviating factor(s) in soybean meal (Student Work) | 1970 | Durkin, Mary Virginia | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
A study to determine the effect of a nutrition program on the eating habits of a group of fi... (Student Work) | 1943 | Outlaw, Eunice Bryan | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
A study to develop a cost accounting model for improved decision-making in higher education (Student Work) | 1977 | Oliver, Edward Eugene | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
A study to evaluate the manpower development training programs in Richmond County, North Car... (Student Work) | 1975 | Street, Robert Decatur | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
A study to identify and analyze adjustment problems experienced by foreign non-European grad... (Student Work) | 1971 | Sharma, Sarla | Ed. D. | Education, UNCG |
A study to investigate the effectiveness of using a lightweight plastic ball in teaching the... (Student Work) | 1971 | Adams, Alice | M.S. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
A study to investigate the information base used to place handicapped children in the North ... (Student Work) | 1979 | Worley, Carolyn Jean | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
A study to profile the features of physical educators in higher education by institutional l... (Student Work) | 1986 | Scott, Marvin W. | Ed.D. | Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, UNCG |
Studying the effects of DNA methylation on adduct formation using molecular modeling (Student Work) | 2011 | Proctor, Nathanael K. | MS | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Studying of two-dimensional interfacial interactions (Student Work) | 2022 | Pourianejad, Sajedeh | Ph.D. | Joint School of Nanoscience and Nanoengineering, UNCG |
Style and history in La Conquete de Constantinople : a descriptive study (Student Work) | 1973 | Moore, Alice Raye | M.A. | Romance Languages-French, UNCG |
Style in Malory's book of Balin (Student Work) | 1977 | Briggs, Carol Reid | M.A. | English, UNCG |
The stylistic evolution of the violoncello sonata (Student Work) | 1964 | Fountain, Marcia Taylor | | Music, UNCG |
Subclinical Eating Disorders Among Female (Student Work) | 2005 | Lloyd, Marie Elizabeth | Master of Science | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Sublexical representations in adult skilled spellers (Student Work) | 2022 | Key, Kristin M. | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
Substance use and temporary assistance for needy families (Student Work) | 2016 | Price, Joshua L. | Ph.D. | Economics, UNCG |
Substance Use Disorder Awareness in the Anesthesia Provider, A Quality Improvement Initiativ... (Student Work) | 2022 | Coates, Eldridge | DNP | Nursing, UNCG |
Substance: sustainable design through positive user/object relationships. (Student Work) | 2009 | Boggs, Adrian Hubbell | MS | Interior Architecture, UNCG |
Success and satisfaction of members of selected adult male bowling teams registered with the... (Student Work) | 1975 | Piggott, Bert Cody | Ed.D. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
Successful African American women in science: a narrative inquiry (Student Work) | 2015 | Petty, Cailisha L. | Ph.D. | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
Successful inclusion : teachers' needs and supports (Student Work) | 2007 | McCurry, Nancy Y. | PhD | Specialized Education Services, UNCG |
Suffering and liberation: the personal poetics of Robert Lowell and Allen Ginsberg (Student Work) | 2011 | McNees, Matthew J. | Ph.D. | English, UNCG |
Suicide among working women : an occupational model (Student Work) | 1983 | Alston, Maude Holloway | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Suicide in the novels of Georges Bernanos (Student Work) | 1977 | Del Tatto, Ann Femia | M.A. | Romance Languages-French, UNCG |
A summary of comparable data found in twenty-three selected master's theses reporting follow... (Student Work) | 1944 | Ditmars, Earl Edward | M.S. | Business Education, UNCG |
A Summative Program Evaluation of an Outpatient Community Heart Failure Clinic (Student Work) | 2022 | Carr, Tina Gray | DNP | Nursing, UNCG |
Summer run (Student Work) | 1971 | Thomas, Georganne Spruce | M.F.A. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
Sumptuary legislation and other regulations pertaining to personal appearance in the sevente... (Student Work) | 1961 | Phillips, Joana W. | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Superiors' and subordinates' perceptions and expectations of the leader behavior of the dean... (Student Work) | 1974 | Cox, Edward Wilton | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Superstitions of athletes (Student Work) | 1974 | Paratore, Jean | M.Ed. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
Supervise me : strengthening school counselor professional identity through peer supervision... (Student Work) | 2021 | Smith, Ashley Devon | Ph.D. | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
Supervision of resident assistant paraprofessionals in higher education : perceptions of sup... (Student Work) | 1991 | Dean, Laura A. | Ph.D. | Education, UNCG |
Supervision of school counselors-in-training: site supervisors’ experiences and perspectives... (Student Work) | 2012 | Sopko, Holly K. | Ph.D. | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
A supervision program for approved clinical instructors in athletic training (Student Work) | 2009 | Groh, Nancy Diana | EdD | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Superwomen of color and the multiverse of graduate school : amplifying the voices of graduat... (Student Work) | 2023 | Wallace, Erica R. | Ph.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Superwoman schema: using structural equation modeling to investigate measurement invariance ... (Student Work) | 2013 | Steed, Teneka C. | Ph.D. | Educational Research, Measurement, and Evaluation, UNCG |
Supplemental Instruction for Non-Science Majors Biology Students: Meanings and Influences on... (Student Work) | 2008 | Warner, Jennifer M. | PhD | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
Supplier satisfaction, buyer power, and supply chain performance : an investigation of appar... (Student Work) | 2022 | Wu, Huicheng | Ph.D. | Consumer, Apparel, and Retail Studies, UNCG |
"Supporting" beginning secondary science teachers through induction: a multi-case study of t... (Student Work) | 2012 | Webb, Angela W. | Ph.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
The Supreme Court and the constitutional rights of students : the Burger years, 1969-1986 (Student Work) | 1987 | Beck, Robert Edward | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
The Supreme Court of North Carolina and the public schools (Student Work) | 1987 | Pierce, Michael G. | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Supreme Court rhetoric : explorations in the culture of argument and the language of the law... (Student Work) | 1992 | Wall, Beverly C. | Ph.D. | English, UNCG |
Surface distortion of polyester double knit fabrics using a rotary abrasion device (Student Work) | 1975 | Phillips, Penny Lynne | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) enhancement using hybrid gold nanoparticle-carbon n... (Student Work) | 2024 | Aboualigaledari, Naghmeh | Ph.D. | Joint School of Nanoscience and Nanoengineering, UNCG |
A survey and comparative analysis of evaluation programs for principals in fifty-eight North... (Student Work) | 1983 | Williams, Joyce Davis | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
A survey and evaluation of current emphasis given geographical areas in North Carolina state... (Student Work) | 1949 | Winslow, Sidney Arthur | M.A. Ed. | Education, UNCG |
A survey and evaluation of the Draper high school (Student Work) | 1948 | Ainsley, Raymond M. | M.A. Ed. | Education, UNCG |
A survey and evaluation of the literature on children's interests, 1939-1949 (Student Work) | 1950 | Johnson, Martha Nethery | M.A. Ed. | Education, UNCG |
A survey and evaluation of the professional literature on the over-aggressive primary school... (Student Work) | 1948 | Lawson, R. Ruth | M.A. Ed. | Education, UNCG |
A survey and evaluation of professional literature on spelling, 1938-1948 (Student Work) | 1949 | Southern, Lillian Smith | M.A. Ed. | Education, UNCG |
A survey of American women's underwear and foundation garments from 1875 to 1950 (Student Work) | 1958 | Ott, Peggy Sue | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
A survey of the attitudes of the Abingdon community toward Barter Theatre of Abingdon, Virgi... (Student Work) | 1977 | Keller, Teresa Diane | M.A. | Drama and Speech, UNCG |
A survey of audio-visual aid resources as used in fifteen Guilford county high schools durin... (Student Work) | 1948 | Robbins, James Raymond | M.A. Ed. | Education, UNCG |
A survey of data processing education in industry and government in Piedmont North Carolina (Student Work) | 1970 | Andrews, William Campbell | M.A.Ed. | Education, UNCG |
A survey of the diets of the children in the fourth, fifth, and sixth grades of Curry school... (Student Work) | 1947 | Sharpe, Evelyn Terry | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
A survey of duelling in the United States (Student Work) | 1969 | Wilson, Martin Luther | M.A. | History and Political Science, UNCG |
Survey of fashion trends in women's shoes in the United States July, 1914-February, 1943 (Student Work) | 1943 | Cabell, Bettie | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
A survey of food practices of 124 eleventh and twelfth grade students in three North Carolin... (Student Work) | 1946 | Blackman, Nina Ruth | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
A survey of lay opinion of teachers conduct and obligations in Clemmons, North Carolina (Student Work) | 1949 | Smith, M. Jack | M.A. Ed. | Education, UNCG |
A survey of the literature on health habits in the primary grades from 1936-1948 (Student Work) | 1950 | Livengood, Zona Belle | M.A. Ed. | Education, UNCG |
A survey of methods, procedures, and materials used for teaching critical thinking in a sele... (Student Work) | 1989 | Thorpe, Vivian Cameron | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
A survey of music education programs for senior citizens in Mecklenburg County, North Caroli... (Student Work) | 1992 | Robertson, William Dwayne | Ed.D. | Music, UNCG |
A survey of the music of Norway and Sweden for the purpose of selecting folk music to enrich... (Student Work) | 1947 | Sikes, Ruth | M.A. Ed. | Education, UNCG |
Survey of Norwegian oboe literature (Student Work) | 1989 | Register, Paul Brent | D.M.A. | Music, UNCG |
A survey of the physical education, intramural, interscholastic and recreation programs for ... (Student Work) | 1970 | Chase, Philip E. | M.Ed. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
A survey of protectionism from import quotas (Student Work) | 1973 | Brady, Gordon Leonard | M.A. | Business and Economics, UNCG |
A survey of the requirements for the licensing of preschools and certification of preschool ... (Student Work) | 1954 | Schaper, Monna Jean | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
A survey of research in television by graduate students in speech and cognate fields, 1968-1... (Student Work) | 1972 | Baumgardner, Anita Teresa | M.A. | Drama and Speech, UNCG |
A survey of student evaluations of teacher/course effectiveness within dance technique cours... (Student Work) | 1985 | Schubert, Deborah David | Ed.D. | Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, UNCG |
A survey of the teaching of filing in the public white high schools of North Carolina and of... (Student Work) | 1949 | Wheless, Martha E. | M.S. | Business Education, UNCG |
A survey of weekday programs for preschool children in Southern Baptist Churches in North Ca... (Student Work) | 1965 | Wagoner, Elizabeth Tucker | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
A survey to determine the use of music theory knowledge and skills by North Carolina public ... (Student Work) | 1984 | Decker, Robert L. | Ed.D. | Music, UNCG |
Survival and reproduction: optimal resource allocation (Student Work) | 2017 | Safley, Joshua | M.A. | Mathematics and Statistics, UNCG |
Surviving and thriving: the development and validation of the Intimate Partner Violence Reco... (Student Work) | 2019 | Kelly, Joy Victoria | Ph.D. | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
Sustainable business in the experience economy: an examination of marketplace, consumers, an... (Student Work) | 2016 | Turner, Thomas F. | Ph.D. | Consumer, Apparel, and Retail Studies, UNCG |
Sustainable technology readiness of apparel professionals in Bangladesh (Student Work) | 2023 | Iqbal, Md Arif | Ph.D. | Consumer, Apparel, and Retail Studies, UNCG |
Swapping styles: an exploration of fashion leadership, brands, and group membership in the c... (Student Work) | 2012 | Matthews, Delisia R. | Ph.D. | Consumer, Apparel, and Retail Studies, UNCG |
The Swedish system of gymnastics and its relationship to corrective physical education and p... (Student Work) | 1959 | Jamerson, Ann Lou | | Physical Education, UNCG |
Sweet potato flakes : a study of their development and usage with dried whey in pies (Student Work) | 1965 | Smitherman, Sarah Alice | | Home Economics, UNCG |
Sweet potato sticks : acceptability as a nutritious snack food for adolescents (Student Work) | 1974 | Hogan, Martha Ann | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
“Swiche illusiouns and meschaunces”: magic as a catalytic agent in the Breton lay : and, “Ke... (Student Work) | 2020 | Smith, William Siegfried | M.A. | English, UNCG |
Swift on the mountain (Student Work) | 2009 | Tobin, Christine | MFA | English, UNCG |
A symbolic analysis of the dimensions of holiness in American culture and curriculum : towar... (Student Work) | 1990 | Hage, George Campbell | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Symbolic computation of resolvents (Student Work) | 2017 | Rudzinski, Sandi | M.A. | Mathematics and Statistics, UNCG |
Symmetric dual-wind discontinuous Galerkin methods for elliptic variational inequalities (Student Work) | 2020 | Rapp, Aaron Frost | Ph.D. | Mathematics and Statistics, UNCG |
Symmetry and retrospect: a stylistic and analytical review of Three Works for Solo Piano by ... (Student Work) | 2020 | Davis, Kenneth M. | D.M.A. | School of Music, UNCG |
Syncing up with the iKid: portrait of seven high school teacher leaders transforming the Ame... (Student Work) | 2009 | Davis, Annie Wilson | Ed.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Syntheses of new fulvene derivatives (Student Work) | 1973 | Burnette, James Cornette | M.S. | Chemistry, UNCG |
Synthesis and analysis of isomers of unsaturated hydrocarbon Z-alkenes and enantioselective ... (Student Work) | 2022 | Sigdel, Sujata | M.S. | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Synthesis and biological evaluation of potent neuroprotective agents against stroke and rese... (Student Work) | 2017 | Abu Deiab, Ghina'a Ismail | Ph.D. | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Synthesis and characterization of bacterial cellulose towards osteogenic differentiation of ... (Student Work) | 2019 | Ruparelia, Priyanka S. | Ph.D. | Joint School of Nanoscience and Nanoengineering, UNCG |
Synthesis and mechanical characterization of polyamide-imide/zinc oxide nanocomposites towar... (Student Work) | 2020 | Kesler, Dallas | M.S. | Nanoscience, UNCG |
Synthesis of C6-substituted uridine-5'-monophosphate derivatives as potential inhibitors of ... (Student Work) | 2009 | McDonald, Molly C. | M.S. | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
A synthesis of modern and Brazilian elements: an investigation of Variantes e Toccata Opus 1... (Student Work) | 2009 | Gusmão, Pablo da Silva | DMA | Music, UNCG |
Synthesis of novel lanthanide paramagnetic ionic liquids (Student Work) | 2019 | Knoop, James Eugene | M.S. | Joint School of Nanoscience and Nanoengineering, UNCG |
The synthesis of a polydiacetylene to create a novel sensory material (Student Work) | 2007 | Selde, Kristen A | Master of Science | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Synthesis of potential potent antagonist of G-Protein coupled receptors (Student Work) | 2016 | Sayed, Sommayah | M.S. | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Synthesis of z-monoalkene and a diether compound (Student Work) | 2023 | Pickens-Flynn, Ti'bran Dondre’ | M.S. | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Synthesis, characterization and understanding photophysical properties of isoreticular metal... (Student Work) | 2021 | Saha, Sujoy | M.S. | Joint School of Nanoscience and Nanoengineering, UNCG |
Synthesizing systems : the work of art and of science in the fiction of Richard Powers (Student Work) | 1995 | Copeland, Anna Darden | Ph.D. | English, UNCG |
Synthetic and molecular modeling studies of antiangiogenic compounds based on Solenopsin A l... (Student Work) | 2009 | Ford, Shavon L. | MS | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Synthetic derivatives of Solenopsin A (Student Work) | 2012 | Baker, Michael Robert | M.S. | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Synthetic landscapes (Student Work) | 1976 | Gantt, Charles Richard | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
Synthetic oxo-bridged manganese(porphyrin)-copper complexes derived from dioxygen chemistry (Student Work) | 2024 | Porter-Cole, Dahlia S. | M.S. | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
A system for studying the effect of vitamin A on ³H-Uridine uptake and incorporation in cell... (Student Work) | 1975 | Kelly, Patricia W. | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
A systematic approach to double bass fingerings for the classroom string teacher (Student Work) | 2015 | Rex, Cody | D.M.A. | Music Performance, UNCG |
A systems approach for unpacking the mechanisms of a global society (Student Work) | 2012 | Lindo, Dean Marvin | M.A. | Liberal Arts, UNCG |
A systems model for comprehensive staff development in the community college (Student Work) | 1985 | Joseph, Elizabeth Tetterton | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
T. S. Eliot’s debt to J. M. Robertson: a consideration of their critical theories as represe... (Student Work) | 2009 | Brammer, Jacky L. | M.A. | English, UNCG |
Table manners of leadership (Student Work) | 1988 | Holderness, Catherine Darrah | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
A tachistoscopic recognition task with deaf and hearing adults (Student Work) | 1985 | Clark, Mary Diane | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
Tackling drug resistant pathogenic fungi through antimicrobial nanostructured surfaces (Student Work) | 2020 | Kollu, Naga Venkatesh | Ph.D. | Nanoscience, UNCG |
Tactile sense discrimination of six nursery school children (Student Work) | 1968 | Anderson, Marjorie Goff | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
A tailored nutrition intervention to reduce cardiovascular disease risk in low-income Africa... (Student Work) | 2011 | Ingram, Kandis P. | MS | Nutrition, UNCG |
Take it with you : poems (Student Work) | 1971 | Young, James R. | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
Taken to biopsy : Piedmont poems and other poems (Student Work) | 1971 | Grundberg, John Andrew | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
Taking care of things (Student Work) | 1976 | Venters, Travis Roy | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
Tales from the pit: moshing in the metal scene (Student Work) | 2019 | Barker, Joseph M. | M.A. | Sociology, UNCG |
Talking the talk, walking the walk : Black children’s understanding of race and racism (Student Work) | 2023 | Wiley, Keadija C. | Ph.D. | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Tap tone & stray (Student Work) | 2014 | Ballance, Aaron Michael | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
Taphonomic analysis of the excavated faunal assemblage from BK East at Olduvai Gorge, Tanzan... (Student Work) | 2018 | Saunders, Megan A. | B.A. | Anthropology, UNCG |
Targeted analogue detection from Pestalotiopsis microspora using molecular networking and ma... (Student Work) | 2019 | Naphen, Cassandra Nichole | M.S. | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Targeting the Atypical Chemokine Receptor ACKR3/CXCR7 for the treatment of cancer and other ... (Student Work) | 2015 | Vestal, Richard D. | Ph.D. | Nanoscience, UNCG |
Targeting multiple proliferation pathways as a novel breast cancer treatment (Student Work) | 2013 | Hatkevich, Talia | M.S. | Biology, UNCG |
Task performance is inversely related to spatial external focus target removal (Student Work) | 2019 | Cochran, Sean M. | M.S. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Tasks that promote functional reasoning in early elementary school (Student Work) | 2012 | Payne, Nancy Tilley | Ph.D. | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
The tattooed treatise: breaking down mind/body binaries in Moby-Dick ; and Poetic minds in c... (Student Work) | 2009 | Guy-McAlpin, Charles T. | MA | English, UNCG |
Teacher activity level and the presence or absence of retarded adolescent mediators on sorti... (Student Work) | 1974 | Teague, Michael Craig | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
Teacher as artist : a metaphor drawn from the paradigms of M.C. Richards, Maxine Greene and ... (Student Work) | 1991 | Heck, Marsha Lynn | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
The teacher as a leader of other adults (Student Work) | 1982 | Palmer, Ruth Ann Pugh | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
The teacher as prophet in a transformational ideology of education (Student Work) | 1987 | Lalor, Drenda Power | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Teacher attitudes toward use and teaching of consumer credit and relationships to consumer c... (Student Work) | 1974 | Aberi, Jewell Miller | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Teacher certification in home schools : emerging constitutional issues (Student Work) | 1986 | Huffman, Gilbert T. | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Teacher collaboration and elementary science teaching : using action research as a tool for ... (Student Work) | 2006 | Roberts, Sara Hayes | EdD | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Teacher guidance of the sex development of eight, nine, and ten-year old pupils (Student Work) | 1949 | McDonald, Mary Quill Omohundro | M.A. Ed. | Education, UNCG |
Teacher guidance of the sex development of six and seven-year-old pupils (Student Work) | 1949 | Finch, Margaret Goode | M.A. Ed. | Education, UNCG |
Teacher induction in North Carolina: relationships to retention (Student Work) | 2008 | Mitchell, Lisa Nanette | PhD | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
Teacher influence on the reading attitudes and reading behavior of seventh grade language ar... (Student Work) | 1983 | Wooten, Anne Martin | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Teacher invitations and effectiveness as reported by physical education students grades 9-12... (Student Work) | 1984 | Turner, Robert B. | Ed.D. | Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, UNCG |
Teacher leaders' perceptions of the use of humor in the high school classroom (Student Work) | 2013 | Kosiczky, Bonnie | Ed.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Teacher leadership in the balance: a phenomenological study (Student Work) | 2013 | O'Connor, Christina Koelb | Ph.D. | Educational Studies, UNCG |
Teacher leadership, power, and the gendered space of teaching: intersections and discourses (Student Work) | 2015 | Rathbone, Rita J. | Ed.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Teacher participation roles in British primary classrooms (Student Work) | 1975 | Conover, Joyce Mae | M.A.Ed. | Education, UNCG |
Teacher perceptions of factors influencing middle school student achievement (Student Work) | 2012 | Nixon-Green, Rochelle Reene | Ed.D | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Teacher perceptions of issues in the implementation of cooperative teaching in middle school... (Student Work) | 1995 | Hamlin, Mary B. | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Teacher perceptions of the North Carolina Educator Evaluation System and the use of value-ad... (Student Work) | 2015 | Conley, April L. | Ph.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Teacher perceptions of the organizational management systems in their schools and department... (Student Work) | 1979 | Rikard, Grace Linda | Ed.D. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
Teacher personal and professional characteristics: contributions to emotional support and be... (Student Work) | 2011 | Thomason, Amy C. | Ph.D. | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Teacher Practices in Preschool Classrooms: Promoting Engaged Learners (Student Work) | 2010 | Mims, Sharon U. | Ph.D. | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Teacher practices while interacting with preschoolers in inclusive settings (Student Work) | 2009 | Roach Scott, Marisa D. | Ph.D. | Specialized Education Services, UNCG |
Teacher professional development : a plan for multi-agency collaboration (Student Work) | 1984 | Barker, Douglas N. | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Teacher retention : who stays, who goes, and what can we do about it? (Student Work) | 2023 | Lloyd, Jamie | Ed.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Teacher support for language development and content mastery in English learning Students wi... (Student Work) | 2019 | Hayes, Mayra I. | Ed.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Teacher/caregiver practices influencing the early development of emotion regulation in toddl... (Student Work) | 2006 | Gloeckler, Phyllis | PhD | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Teacher–child interpersonal dynamics: a closer look at prekindergarten children’s classroom ... (Student Work) | 2013 | Maynard, Christine N. | Ph.D. | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Teachers' adaptations during planning and instruction, their vision for teaching, and their ... (Student Work) | 2011 | Howerton, Walter Scott | Ph.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Teachers' beliefs about purposes as reflected in teaching practices : a study in elementary ... (Student Work) | 1990 | Roberts, Ellen Louise | Ed.D. | Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, UNCG |
Teachers' expression of mental state talk in Head Start classrooms (Student Work) | 2013 | King, Elizabeth K. | M.S. | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Teachers' perceptions of instructional improvement through learning styles (Student Work) | 1994 | Gassaway, Jesse Redyard | Ph.D. | Education, UNCG |
Teachers’ adaptations and rationales as they relate to openness of task and student motivati... (Student Work) | 2009 | Kear, Kathryn | Ph.D. | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
Teachers’ job satisfaction, their professional development and the academic achievement of l... (Student Work) | 2015 | Ejimofor, Anurika D. | Ph.D. | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Teachers’ knowledge, beliefs, self-efficacy, and implementation of early childhood learning ... (Student Work) | 2015 | Pierro, Rebekah Chace | M.S. | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Teachers’ perspectives on toy value, potential, and utilization in classrooms of two-to-thre... (Student Work) | 2022 | Denham, Miranda L. | M.S. | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Teaching adaptations as they are related to academic task and student engagement (Student Work) | 2009 | Scales, Roya Qualls | PhD | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
The teaching and artistic legacy of French-born pianist Daniel Ericourt (Student Work) | 1993 | Hutton, Judy Foreman | D.M.A. | Music, UNCG |
Teaching as a religious activity : the classroom as a place of darkness and mystery (Student Work) | 1991 | Zinn, Carol Ann | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Teaching as worship : pedagogy of the spirit in the narratives of Bahai educators (Student Work) | 2007 | Snipes, Tracey Booth | PhD | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Teaching the basic violin bowing technique : a comparative study of bowing technique of sele... (Student Work) | 1993 | Liu, Kexi | Ph.D. | Music, UNCG |
Teaching correlates of number conservation to very young children (Student Work) | 1973 | Schenck, Betsy Roberts | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Teaching the how for making in-session counselor or self-disclosure decisions : a model for ... (Student Work) | 2022 | Grossman, Lindsey M. | Ph.D. | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
Teaching literature with a specific emphasis on critical thinking : an interpretive investig... (Student Work) | 1991 | Dickson, Myra Alice | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Teaching Matters: Pedagogical Ideologies and Success in the Basic Writing Classroom (Student Work) | 2007 | Bir, Elizabeth A. | Ph.D. | English, UNCG |
Teaching moves and rationales of prospective elementary school teachers in one-on-one mathem... (Student Work) | 2020 | Smithey, Montanta L. | Ph.D. | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
The teaching of badminton skills to the adolescent : traditional vs. programmed (Student Work) | 1974 | Malizola, Florence Theresa | Ed.D. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
The teaching of dance : a characterization of dance teacher behaviors in technique and chore... (Student Work) | 1979 | Lord, Madeleine | Ed.D. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
The teaching of ethics in selected U.S. protestant theological schools (Student Work) | 1986 | Holliday, Boyd Marshall | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
The teaching of poetry in the primary grades : a suggested supplement to Language arts in th... (Student Work) | 1949 | Waynick, Mildred Gilliam | M.A. Ed. | Education, UNCG |
The teaching of skills for the observation of movement ; inquiry into a model (Student Work) | 1977 | Craft, Ann Harrell | Ed.D. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
Teaching peace: an exploration of identity development of peace educators (Student Work) | 2015 | Church, Marjorie Ross | Ph.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Teaching the Piccolo: A Survey of Selected College Flute Teachers (Student Work) | 2005 | Orr, Emily G. | Doctor of Musical Arts | Music, UNCG |
Teaching problems encountered by Negro and Caucasian home economics teachers in integrated s... (Student Work) | 1970 | Stokes, Nancy Armes | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
The teaching profession : an evaluation of career stages (Student Work) | 1990 | Eberhart, Mary Catherine Edmonds | Ph.D. | Education, UNCG |
Teaching regional forms of Spanish in the L2 beginning and intermediate classroom (Student Work) | 2022 | Hauk, Jacob | M.A. | Languages, Literatures, and Cultures, UNCG |
Teaching rhythm: a comparative study of beginning band and solo flute method books (Student Work) | 2017 | Mitchell, Amanda K. | D.M.A. | School of Music, UNCG |
Teaching strategies and their impact on physical activity intensity in elementary school phy... (Student Work) | 2018 | Schlosser, Theresa B. | Ed.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Teaching three techniques of behavior modification to nonprofessionals (Student Work) | 1973 | Talbert, Elisabeth Elaine | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
Teaching towards the twenty-fourth century : the social curriculum of Star Trek in the schoo... (Student Work) | 1994 | Anijar-Zapolsky, Karen | Ph.D. | Education, UNCG |
Teaching writing to adults : a synthesis of research and a report on current practice in the... (Student Work) | 1987 | Sherrill, Sharon L. | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Team flow in a Japanese university baseball team: narrative study of a university baseball c... (Student Work) | 2012 | Fuse, Tsutomu | Ph.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
A technique for assessing attitudes of teenagers toward conformity in dress (Student Work) | 1967 | Roten, Celia G. | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
A technique for identifying educational beliefs of preservice physical educators relative to... (Student Work) | 1978 | Askew, Joan | Ed.D. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
Techniques of characterization in the works of Andre´ Gide (Student Work) | 1960 | Toenes, Sara | | Romance Languages, UNCG |
Techniques used by rural mothers in rearing their only child who was under three years of ag... (Student Work) | 1960 | Wilson, Ruth Friddle | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Technology, communication, and couples’ intimacy: a study of technology use behavior and int... (Student Work) | 2015 | Campbell, Emily C. | Ph.D. | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
Teenage marital units : a descriptive study (Student Work) | 1973 | Powell, Isabelle Reedy | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Telecommuting satisfaction, lifestyle choice and geography (Student Work) | 2007 | Koeplinger, Natalie Setzer | Master of Arts | Geography, UNCG |
"Tell Me What Your God Look Like": A Study of African Americans and the God-Image. (Student Work) | 2010 | Welch, Metoka L. | Ph.D. | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
Temperament and internalizing problems in middle childhood (Student Work) | 2013 | Suffness, Rebecca A. | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
The temperament traits of women who coach team sports and individual sports on the intercoll... (Student Work) | 1978 | Hill, Sandee Lee | Ed.D. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
Temperature dependence of the heats of mixing aqueous alkaline earth chlorides (Student Work) | 1972 | Vani, Basil G. | M.S. | Chemistry, UNCG |
Temperature dependence of the heats of mixing of tetrapropylammonium chloride with some alka... (Student Work) | 1972 | Conally, Thomas Grady | M.S. | Chemistry, UNCG |
Temporal expression of nitric oxide synthase in Ilyanassa obsoleta using an Ilyanassa-specif... (Student Work) | 2009 | Weaver, Allison Deal | MS | Biology, UNCG |
Ten feet at a time (Student Work) | 2024 | Machia, Sam | M.F.A. | School of Art, UNCG |
Ten Orchestral Excerpts for Piccolo: An Historical and Stylistic Analysis (Student Work) | 2008 | Fletcher, Allison Marie Flores | DMA | Music, UNCG |
Ten thousand miles away (Student Work) | 2012 | Fernandes, Andre | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
The Tennessee self-concept scale as an indicator of community college student retention and ... (Student Work) | 1994 | Megerian, Rebekah Henderson | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Tennyson's historical trilogy (Student Work) | 1970 | Pugh, Howard Latham | M.A. | English, UNCG |
Tenor Arias by Gaetano Donizetti, Giacomo Puccini and Giuseppe Verdi: Transcriptions for Eup... (Student Work) | 2018 | Landry, Stephanie A. | D.M.A. | School of Music, UNCG |
Tensions and ambiguities in the point of view of Marlowe's Doctor Faustus (Student Work) | 1971 | Ball, Martha Charlene | M.A. | English, UNCG |
Terre de France: nostalgia in Louise Talma’s French song cycle (Student Work) | 2013 | Dawalt, Laura F. | D.M.A. | Music, UNCG |
"Terrestrial consciousness" (Student Work) | 1976 | Koprowski, Alison Barbara | M.F.A. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
Terzetto no. 9 in D minor by Johann Daniel Grimm: in performance edition with analysis (Student Work) | 2012 | Steele, Julianne Odahowski | D.M.A. | Music, UNCG |
Tess as the archetype of the earth goddess in Hardy's Tess of the D'Urbervilles (Student Work) | 1967 | Hostettler, Ernst | M.A. | English, UNCG |
A test of Kohlberg's theory : the development of moral reasoning in deaf and hearing individ... (Student Work) | 1985 | Couch, Charles G. | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
A test of the opponent-process model as an explanation for cigarette smoking (Student Work) | 1986 | Murray, Anne Louise | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
Testifying: a case study of students' perceptions of experiences as members of a school-base... (Student Work) | 2008 | Burks, Tony Burks | EdD | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Testing the effects of oxidative stress on genomic recombination in the honey bee, Apis mell... (Student Work) | 2014 | Langberg, Kurt A. | M.S. | Biology, UNCG |
Testing the engagement theory of program quality in CACREP-accredited counselor education pr... (Student Work) | 2009 | Warden, Shannon Prater | Ph.D. | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
Testing of skid resistances of hard floor surfaces using various shoe heel materials (Student Work) | 1965 | Hodges, Marianne Berry | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Testing skid resistance of smooth surfaces using various sizes of rubber and leather shoe he... (Student Work) | 1963 | Tuten, Fern | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Testing a social-cognitive model of achievement motivation (Student Work) | 1996 | D'Agostino, Cynthia Anne Frasco | Ph.D. | Human Environmental Sciences, UNCG |
The tests of general educational development as predictors of student performance in five pr... (Student Work) | 1989 | Banner, Doris Vance | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Textile production in nineteenth century Orange, Alamance, and Durham counties, North Caroli... (Student Work) | 1986 | Wilson, Laurel E. Janke | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Thank you God: a way through the wilderness of double standards, misinformation, and fear to... (Student Work) | 2009 | Turner, Reginald H. | PhD | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
That Grand Canyon and other stories (Student Work) | 1967 | Reynolds, Lawrence Judson | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
“That’s not fair!” Black secondary students’ perceptions and experiences with school discipl... (Student Work) | 2021 | Leslie, Noelle | Ed.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Thaw (Student Work) | 2012 | Querner, Chelsea M. | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
The orthogonal matrix and its applications (Student Work) | 1953 | Shugart, Sue Harris | | Mathematics, UNCG |
Their bodies and other stories (Student Work) | 2018 | Adkins, Maria | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
"Their transformations were never for a piece of beauty rarer": the transformative effects o... (Student Work) | 2009 | Murray, Lynne Norris | PhD | Philosophy, UNCG |
A thematic catalog of the choral and solo vocal compositions of Margaret Vardell Sandresky (Student Work) | 2021 | Brown, Cristy Lynn | D.M.A. | Music, UNCG |
Theme and various blues for jazz band and orchestra (Student Work) | 1976 | Thomas, Paul C. | M.F.A. | Music, UNCG |
Theology of leadership : investigating religions’ impact on female executive advancement and... (Student Work) | 2024 | Brewer, Linda J. | Ph.D. | Bryan School of Business and Economics, UNCG |
A theoretical and empirical investigation of factor analytically-based matching criteria in ... (Student Work) | 1995 | Johnson, Robert Lewis | Ph.D. | Education, UNCG |
A theoretical framework toward implementing and sustaining middle and early college high sch... (Student Work) | 2006 | Slade, John R. | EdD | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
A theoretical model of professional/staff development from a liberation perspective (Student Work) | 1983 | Earls, Ruth Fairfield | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Theoretical modeling of physical processes in low density lipoprotein nanostructures (Student Work) | 2015 | Antonijevic, Todor | Ph.D. | Nanoscience, UNCG |
Theories of social reproduction and student resistance in Jamaica, West Indies (Student Work) | 1987 | Rhone, Angela Eleanor | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Theory and experience of relationships from a phenomenological perspective (Student Work) | 1989 | Steele, Carolyn Marie | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
The theory and practice of critical experiential pedagogy : enacting a critical experiential... (Student Work) | 2023 | Thomas, Colleen A. | Ph.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Theory of computation and computing machines (Student Work) | 1974 | Carpenter, Cecil Seigler | M.A. | Mathematics, UNCG |
Theory of mirrors (Student Work) | 2019 | Parkes, Amy Elsie | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
A therapeutic approach for improved vocal performance in individuals in teaching occupations... (Student Work) | 2005 | Sonnenberg, Lori L. | Master | Communication Sciences and Disorders, UNCG |
The therapeutic effects of five types of modeling on snake-phobic women (Student Work) | 1972 | Standahl, Jon Roy | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
There’s more to it than just girl power: a case study exploring a women’s and gender studies... (Student Work) | 2016 | Colonna, Sarah Elizabeth | Ph.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
A thermodynamic model of RXR self-association and ligand binding (Student Work) | 2014 | Healy, James Patrick | Ph.D. | Medicinal Biochemistry, UNCG |
Thermodynamics of aqueous electrolytes : temperature dependence of the heats of mixing of an... (Student Work) | 1973 | Wilson, Ronald Dean | M.S. | Chemistry, UNCG |
Thermoluminescence and optical absorption studies of highly pure KCl crystals (Student Work) | 1971 | Vaidya, Smita Pralhad | M.S. | Physics, UNCG |
Thermoluminescence studies of F centers in X-irradiated potassium chloride (Student Work) | 1969 | Flanagan, Susan | | Physics, UNCG |
A thesis production of Cat on a hot tin roof by Tennessee Williams (Student Work) | 1976 | Thorp, James Odell | M.F.A. | Drama and Speech, UNCG |
A thesis production of Dark of the moon by Howard Richardson and William Berney (Student Work) | 1973 | Epperson, Sandra | M.F.A. | Drama and Speech, UNCG |
A thesis written to avoid writing about my own work (Student Work) | 1957 | Gray, Mary Lee | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
They look like me: impactos y beneficios de la comunidad en los programas de español para ha... (Student Work) | 2019 | Arango Callejas, Cristina | M.A. | Languages, Literatures, and Cultures, UNCG |
"They made me mean" : students in the margins speak out against unfair school practices (Student Work) | 1996 | Putnam-Whaley, Kathy J. | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
The thing is (Student Work) | 2016 | Neely, Carmen | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
“Think about us” : addressing racial biases in current EEG cap design (Student Work) | 2024 | Kier, Alexa K. | M.S. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Thinking on sidewalks (Student Work) | 1968 | Peters, Patricia Claire | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
Third party instigation of aggression as a function of noncooperation and "veto power" (Student Work) | 1975 | Mander, Anthony Michael | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
Thirsty garden (Student Work) | 2013 | Raha, Jennifer Linda | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
Thirty Thousand Miles Above. (Student Work) | 2010 | Julian, Jennifer | MFA | English, UNCG |
This is My Mic: Hip Hop and the Media, 1970s-1990s (Student Work) | 2008 | Scism, Jennifer Lynn | MA | History, UNCG |
"This is no world in which to pity men" : a study of Thomas Heywood as a Jacobean social cri... (Student Work) | 1978 | Brittain, Mary Gates | Ph.D. | English, UNCG |
“This must be worked out locally”: race, education, and leadership in Rockingham County, Nor... (Student Work) | 2019 | Russell, Deborah Doss | Ph.D. | History, UNCG |
This woman's work: an exploration of women's experiences with role transition. (Student Work) | 2008 | Lentz, Holly M. | PhD | Consumer, Apparel, and Retail Studies, UNCG |
This won’t hurt you (Student Work) | 2018 | Reed, Michelle S. | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
Thoughtfully adaptive teaching in fourth-grade science instruction (Student Work) | 2011 | Allen, Melony Holyfield | Ph.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Three analytics-based essays examining the use and impact of Intelligent Voice Assistants (I... (Student Work) | 2021 | Appiah Otoo, Brigid A. | Ph.D. | Information Systems and Supply Chain Management, UNCG |
Three case studies of three high school teachers' definitions, beliefs, and implementation p... (Student Work) | 2005 | Blackburn-Morrison, Kimberly D. | PhD | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Three chapters from Hunting, a novel in progress (Student Work) | 1975 | Brownlee, Fambrough Lamonte | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
Three Eichendorff lieder of Hans Pfitzner : study of musical and poetic affinity (Student Work) | 2007 | Bumgardner, James D. | DMA | Music, UNCG |
Three essays in applied microeconomics using panel data (Student Work) | 2013 | Rhodes, Matthew Taylor | Ph.D. | Economics, UNCG |
Three essays in entrepreneurial financial markets (Student Work) | 2012 | Wagner, Steven H. | Ph.D. | Economics, UNCG |
Three essays in health and nutrition economics (Student Work) | 2014 | Rabbitt, Matthew P. | Ph.D. | Economics, UNCG |
Three essays in health econometrics and health economics (Student Work) | 2015 | Parish, William James | Ph.D. | Economics, UNCG |
Three essays on economic influences for meal decisions (Student Work) | 2012 | Woodward, Jonathan Veness | Ph.D. | Economics, UNCG |
Three Essays on the Economics of Obesity (Student Work) | 2010 | Gregory, Christian Anthony | Ph.D. | Economics, UNCG |
Three essays on evaluating effectiveness of workplace wellness programs (Student Work) | 2018 | Unsal, Nilay | Ph.D. | Economics, UNCG |
Three essays on the microeconomic analysis of long-acting reversible contraception (Student Work) | 2020 | Pagan, Lorissa Charis | Ph.D. | Economics, UNCG |
Three essays on smoking bans (Student Work) | 2010 | Black, David R. | Ph.D. | Economics, UNCG |
Three essays on socially engineered attacks : the case of online romantic scams (Student Work) | 2021 | Alam, Md Nabid | Ph.D. | Information Systems and Supply Chain Management, UNCG |
Three female superheroes? The feminists are taking over! : perceptions of feminism and rheto... (Student Work) | 2024 | Cavalieri, Alyssa | M.A. | Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies, UNCG |
Three inconsistencies in Hawthorne's unfinished romance : Septimius Felton (Student Work) | 1964 | Washburn, Ivie Ann | M.A. | English, UNCG |
Three paintings (Student Work) | 1974 | Keesing, Madeleine Sidle | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
Three recitals and a dissertation document: the early choro ensemble (Student Work) | 2019 | Rocha, Darkson Magrinelli | D.M.A. | School of Music, UNCG |
“The three rivers have talked”: the Creek Indians and community politics in the Native South... (Student Work) | 2016 | Peach, Steven J. | Ph.D. | History, UNCG |
Three spatial conditions (Student Work) | 1969 | Stanley, Mildred Taylor | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
Three stories (Student Work) | 1969 | Beaufort, Bowman | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
Three stories (Student Work) | 1968 | Chieffet, George Lawrence | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
Three stories (Student Work) | 1973 | McCandless, Catherine Brown | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
Three stories (Student Work) | 1966 | Fields, Curtis Muse | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
Three stories (Student Work) | 1951 | McLean, Joanne | | English, UNCG |
Three studies on the assessment and diagnosis of auditory processing disorders (Student Work) | 2015 | Shaikh, Mohsin Ahmed M. | Ph.D. | Communication Sciences and Disorders, UNCG |
Three techniques for teaching behavior principles to kindergarten children (Student Work) | 1974 | Corriher, Susan Elaine | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
Three-dimensional metal organic frameworks for atomic scale patterning (Student Work) | 2020 | Dawood, Sheeba | Ph.D. | Nanoscience, UNCG |
A three-year longitudinal study of social anhedonia and comparison groups (Student Work) | 2005 | Diaz, Martha Ann | PhD | Psychology, UNCG |
Threshold concepts in relational leadership and Leadership Identity Development (Student Work) | 2018 | Schmiederer, Jodean Kay | Ph.D. | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
Through Changing Scenes: Architecture and Community Values in Little Rock's Historic Churche... (Student Work) | 2008 | Miller, Rachel E. | MS | Interior Architecture, UNCG |
Through their eyes : a look at achievement and success of selected African American male stu... (Student Work) | 2006 | Holder, Tracy L. | EdD | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Through their eyes: perceptions of the Guilford County schools coaching model for new princi... (Student Work) | 2014 | Ferrell, Michael Joe | Ed.D | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Tight spaces, contextualizing the journey of my experiences: black feminist scholars negotia... (Student Work) | 2011 | Ricks, Shawn Arango | Ph.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Time allocation with concurrent asymmetrical responses (Student Work) | 1972 | Bauman, Richard Alexander | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
The time between “just going to work” and “being there”: fathers’ experiences parenting youn... (Student Work) | 2015 | Appenzeller, Margo Catharine | Ph.D. | Specialized Education Services, UNCG |
The time course of attention during two golf putts of different lengths in a group of experi... (Student Work) | 2011 | Fisher, Kevin M. | MS | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Time in the novels of Eudora Welty (Student Work) | 1980 | Owens, Phillip Lamar | Ph.D. | English, UNCG |
Time-sampling caretaker and infant behavior in the first five weeks of life (Student Work) | 1970 | Bloom, Kathleen | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
Time-series analysis of individual performances of older women on a serial gross motor task (Student Work) | 1982 | Johnson, Sandra K. | Ed.D. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
Time-series analysis of intraindividual performances of a complex serial gross motor task (Student Work) | 1982 | Dix, Caryl L. | Ed.D. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
Timed Purposeful Rounding for Fall Reduction Among Residents in the Skilled Nursing Facility... (Student Work) | 2022 | Remi-Johnson, Olurounke | DNP | Nursing, UNCG |
Title here (Student Work) | 2010 | Zalevskaya, Liliya | MFA | Art, UNCG |
To be first : exploring experiences of first-generation college students at Hamilton Univers... (Student Work) | 2021 | King, Princess I. | Ph.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
“To be or not to be”: a study of the factors that affect and support the academic success of... (Student Work) | 2015 | Williams, Quincy D. | Ph.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
"To each his own bastard": a viewer's guide to The seduction of Mimi (Student Work) | 2010 | Wilkins, Budd | MA | Media Studies, UNCG |
To fabricate experience (Student Work) | 2015 | Sondberg, Brittany M. | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
"To form a new world, new systems create": Margaret Lowther Page's poetic revisions of women... (Student Work) | 2010 | Wallis, Lauren M. | MA | English, UNCG |
To New York and back: the life and music of Al Neese (Student Work) | 2013 | Faub, Robert | D.M.A. | Music, UNCG |
To one beyond seas : a performance analysis of two song cycles by the composers Ingrid Stölz... (Student Work) | 2023 | Palmer, Erin H. | D.M.A. | School of Music, UNCG |
"To Speak For Myself": Eighteenth-Century Writers of Color and the First Great Awakening (Student Work) | 2014 | Pisano, Andrew Michael | Ph.D. | English, UNCG |
To use or not to use? influences of list presentation format and working memory capacity on ... (Student Work) | 2013 | Kuhlmann, Beatrice G. | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
Toddler behavior patterns as related to mother anxiety levels (Student Work) | 1969 | Rollinson, Phyllis Waring | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Tolkien's synthetic myth fantasy at the dawn of the global age ; and, Comic book cosmopolis... (Student Work) | 2005 | Tedder, Charles F. | Master of Art | English, UNCG |
Tolstoy and the dragon (Student Work) | 1961 | Abramson, Jane | | English, UNCG |
Tonal and formal blurring in Faure's Piano Trio Op. 120 (Student Work) | 2012 | Steele, Christopher Daniel | D.M.A. | Music, UNCG |
Too big to fail: principal professional development—perceptions of secondary principals (Student Work) | 2017 | Kashubara, Pete Zachary | Ed.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Topographical distribution of visually evoked cortical potentials in relation to locus of re... (Student Work) | 1971 | Atkins, Pamlyn Dawn | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
Topological properties related to the upper bound topology (Student Work) | 1972 | Rapp, Linda Gentry | M.A. | Mathematics, UNCG |
A total visual design of Samuel Beckett's Waiting for Godot (Student Work) | 1972 | Sydow, Ronald Larry | M.F.A. | Drama and Speech, UNCG |
Touch me where I'm rusting (Student Work) | 2014 | Blanchard, Ann-Marie | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
"Touching tomorrow with technology" : a case study of the impact of effective school leaders... (Student Work) | 2007 | Camp, Jean S, | EdD | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Touchstones of connection: a concept mapping study of therapist factors that contribute to r... (Student Work) | 2015 | Bartley, Jodi L. | Ph.D. | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
Tourism as heritage: uncovering Hubert Bebb’s tourist vernacular in Gatlinburg. (Student Work) | 2009 | Nash, Katherine A. | MS | Interior Architecture, UNCG |
Toward an African-American critical pedagogy for liberation (Student Work) | 1992 | Kamara, Mohammed Brima | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Toward a behavioral contingency theory of security-related corruption control: understanding... (Student Work) | 2015 | Wall, Jeffrey D. | Ph.D. | Information Systems and Supply Chain Management, UNCG |
Toward the development of a construct of faculty scholarship (Student Work) | 1989 | Sundre, Donna L. | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Toward the development of a programmatic language for social studies curriculum and instruct... (Student Work) | 1974 | Simon, Lawrence Howard | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Toward an education for crossing cultures : a study of emotional issues related to the cross... (Student Work) | 1987 | Grinnell, John Roberts | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Toward a feminist pedagogy : relationships, experience, and liberation (Student Work) | 1987 | Fortune, Janet Cummings | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Toward a free appropriate public education for African American male students with disabilit... (Student Work) | 2023 | Horton, Ray | Ph.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Toward a more inclusive profession: a qualitative study of female wind band conductors (Student Work) | 2020 | Klena, Pamela Lynn | D.M.A. | School of Music, UNCG |
Toward a pedagogy of critical liberative theological consciousness: cultivating students as ... (Student Work) | 2020 | Thomas, Oliver Melton-Christian | Ph.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Toward a theory-based developmental reading program (Student Work) | 2008 | Renn, Elizabeth | PhD | English, UNCG |
Toward a translingual composition: ancient rhetorics and language difference (Student Work) | 2012 | Ray, Brian | Ph.D. | English, UNCG |
Toward a triadic theory of Walker Percy : a semiotic reading of the novels (Student Work) | 1992 | McDonald, Harold Lawson | Ph.D. | English, UNCG |
Toward an understanding of the impact of mobile data services on individual quality of life (Student Work) | 2016 | Brown, Wiley Steven | Ph.D. | Information Systems and Supply Chain Management, UNCG |
Toward workmen's compensation in North Carolina, 1913-1929 (Student Work) | 1969 | Tickle, Terrence Stephen | M.A. | History and Political Science, UNCG |
Towards collaborative approaches to heritage and education : a postcritical ethnography of a... (Student Work) | 2023 | Phillips, Harriet Lauren | Ph.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Towards consequence and collaboration in composition studies: theorizing collaboration after... (Student Work) | 2011 | Duffy, William E. | Ph.D. | English, UNCG |
Towards equity in health : envisioning authentic health education in schools (Student Work) | 2007 | Kimbrough, Jennifer Bennett | PhD | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Towards a network psychometrics approach to assessment: simulations for redundancy, dimensio... (Student Work) | 2020 | Christensen, Alexander P. | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
Towards a pedagogy of forgiveness: lessons from the Israeli-Palestinian conflict (Student Work) | 2017 | Weston, Marcia E. | Ph.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Towards the stereoselective syntheses of 2-methylcitrate and 2-methylisocitrate and their us... (Student Work) | 2018 | Doyle, Jennifer Suzanne Harty | M.S. | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Towards a sustainable urban expansion: a case study of cities in Bangladesh (Student Work) | 2021 | Bajracharya, Pankaj R. | Ph.D. | Geography, Environment, and Sustainability, UNCG |
The town that made monday, part I (Student Work) | 2013 | Davenport, Leah H. | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
Towns in urban development: a case study of their demographic, socioeconomic and structural ... (Student Work) | 2019 | Sharma, Purva | Ph.D. | Geography, Environment, and Sustainability, UNCG |
TPACK in practice: a qualitative study of middle school Social Studies teachers in a 1:1 lap... (Student Work) | 2016 | Gomez, Miguel | Ph.D. | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
Tracing a certain slant of light--forming a personal philosophy and voice in music compositi... (Student Work) | 2007 | Josephson, Adam K. | Master of Music | Music, UNCG |
Tracing change and its effects on students and staff : a longitudinal case study at one elem... (Student Work) | 1994 | Harper, Dorothy Gwyn | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Tracing changes and revealing culture : a study of shotgun houses in the East Wilson Histori... (Student Work) | 2022 | Davis, Monica T. | M.F.A. | Interior Architecture, UNCG |
Tracks we leave (Student Work) | 2014 | Julius, Langdon Dean | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
Trade fairs and their influence on textiles in Central Europe 10th through 15th centuries (Student Work) | 1962 | Furches, Mildred M. | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Trade guilds that influenced the textile industry of western Europe, 12th through 14th centu... (Student Work) | 1964 | Kendall, Carol Elizabeth | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Traditional martial arts and children with ADHD : self-perceptions of competence (Student Work) | 2007 | Graham, Lane G. | PhD | Specialized Education Services, UNCG |
Traditional vs. self-compassionate expressive writing: differentiating processes through lin... (Student Work) | 2019 | Kalianivala, Anahita Z. | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
Trafficking in women: when survivors find their voice (Student Work) | 2015 | McCrory, Michelle Lyn | Ph.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Tragedy in Malory's Morte d'Arthur (Student Work) | 1968 | Engleman, Roberta | | English, UNCG |
Train your brain the way you play : a constraints-led approach to developing mental skills i... (Student Work) | 2023 | Hamilton, Lindsey | Ed.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Training and equipment of the high school teacher of English in the state of North Carolina (Student Work) | 1929 | Curtis, Fern Joanna | M.A. | Education, UNCG |
Training competent counselors for everyBODY : the impact of a health at every size training ... (Student Work) | 2022 | Gerringer, Brittany Putnam | Ph.D. | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
Training functional mobility using a dynamic virtual reality obstacle course (Student Work) | 2020 | LoJacono, Chanel T. | Ph.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Training letter discrimination in preschool children by manipulation of the confusability of... (Student Work) | 1976 | Ortman, Deborah Ellen | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
The training of jazz and popular styles in multiple woodwind degree programs (Student Work) | 2017 | Davis, Trevor E. | D.M.A. | School of Music, UNCG |
Trait-like depression risk factors and cortisol reactivity to lab-induced stress: a meta-ana... (Student Work) | 2019 | Ditcheva, Maria | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
Trajectories of college students with and without Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: ... (Student Work) | 2017 | Beal, Kaicee K | M.S. | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Transannular effects in cage compounds : the alcohol-ketal exchange reaction of 3-methoxy-4-... (Student Work) | 1974 | Smith, William Francis | M.S. | Chemistry, UNCG |
Transatlantic terrorism : British and American literature, 1859- 1991 (Student Work) | 2024 | Roberts, Taylor | Ph.D. | English, UNCG |
A transcendental geometry (Student Work) | 1976 | Cooke, Althea Carol P. | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
Transcendental Unification of Temporal Consciousness (Student Work) | 2021 | Schlanger, Jeremy | B.A. | Philosophy, UNCG |
A transcription of Vivaldi's violin concerto RV 208 for cello (Student Work) | 2007 | Hodges, Brian D. | DMA | Music, UNCG |
A transfer learning-based feature reduction method to improve classification accuracy (Student Work) | 2017 | Asiri, Maha Mohammed | M.S. | Computer Science, UNCG |
The Transfer Student (Student Work) | 2022 | Boone, Alexis | B.A. | Disciplinary Honors, UNCG |
Transference and countertransference : Freud’s therapeutic frame in narratives of psychother... (Student Work) | 2022 | Gay, Jesse | Ph.D. | English, UNCG |
Transferring cultures across imagined borders: a look at Quentin Compson and Martin Arrowsmi... (Student Work) | 2011 | Barbour, Brian Foster | MA | English, UNCG |
The Transformation of the Battery Park Landscape in Asheville, North Carolina: 1900-1930 (Student Work) | 2008 | Greene, Mary Bennett | MS | Interior Architecture, UNCG |
Transformations in the Belize sugar industry: from Colonial plantations to a vital tourist i... (Student Work) | 2013 | Campbell, Rachel Marissa | Ph.D. | Geography, UNCG |
Transforming 4-H pedagogy: equity, access, and opportunity for students of color (Student Work) | 2015 | Free, Travella R. | Ed.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
The transforming classroom : pedagogy for today and the future (Student Work) | 1996 | Young, Phillip Franklin | Ph.D. | English, UNCG |
Transforming a neural circuit to function without oxygen or glucose delivery : balancing ene... (Student Work) | 2022 | Bueschke, Nikolaus | M.S. | Biology, UNCG |
Transforming Oppression in Nursing Education: Towards a Liberation Pedagogy (Student Work) | 2008 | Pope, Bonnie Gabard | EdD | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Transforming race, class, and gender relationships within the United Methodist Church throug... (Student Work) | 2014 | Harris, Otto D. | Ph.D. | Educational Studies, UNCG |
Transgenerational and epigenetic effects of developmental exposure to atrazine on medaka (Or... (Student Work) | 2018 | Cleary, Jacob Alexander | M.S. | Biology, UNCG |
Transgenerational differences in gut microbiota population and epigenetic responses of host ... (Student Work) | 2021 | Guzman, Elissa | M.S. | Biology, UNCG |
Transient species (Student Work) | 2018 | Edwards, Hannah Evangeline | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
The transition experience of the certified registered nurse anesthetist from clinical expert... (Student Work) | 2020 | Kress, Christine M. Bazik | Ph.D. | Nursing, UNCG |
Transition services from school to adult life for secondary students with moderate intellect... (Student Work) | 2021 | Alshuayl, Mohammed S. | Ph.D. | Specialized Education Services, UNCG |
Transition-metal catalyzed rearrangements in cyclobutene systems (Student Work) | 1975 | Cann, Kevin | M.A. | Chemistry, UNCG |
Transitioning from the euphonium to the trombone: a four-year case study (Student Work) | 2020 | Kling, Brannon Vincent | D.M.A. | School of Music, UNCG |
Transitions in early childhood: a look at parents' perspectives (Student Work) | 2011 | Bailey, Harriette N. | Ph.D. | Specialized Education Services, UNCG |
Transitions in university learning environments: moving towards a kinesthetic model (Student Work) | 2019 | Howard, Meaghan Kelly | Ed.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Translating the call to teach into instructional practice and the mentoring of student teach... (Student Work) | 1996 | Oglesby, Penny E. | Ph.D. | Education, UNCG |
Translating theory to practice: a multi-method study of the contribution analysis evaluation... (Student Work) | 2020 | Sunnassee, Emma M. | Ph.D. | Educational Research Methodology, UNCG |
Transnational faculty work in counselor education: a Delphi study (Student Work) | 2016 | Smith, Paul H. | Ph.D. | Counseling and Counselor Education, UNCG |
The transposition of literary and rhetorical constructs to dance theory and choreography (Student Work) | 1974 | Phillips, Daniel Alvord | Ed.D. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
Trauma-sensitive schools: a look at the Public School Forum of North Carolina's Resilience a... (Student Work) | 2021 | Aberg, Laura J. | Ed.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Trauma-sensitive yoga: a collective case study of the trauma recovery of women impacted by I... (Student Work) | 2016 | Ong, Jennifer Isabelle | Ph.D. | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
Trauma informed care in recreation therapy practice (Student Work) | 2022 | Downing, Belle | M.S. | Community and Therapeutic Recreation, UNCG |
Traversing the sunken place : investigating relationships between internet use and mental he... (Student Work) | 2022 | White, Rio | M.A. | Sociology, UNCG |
Travesía de la posmemoria : la nostalgia genealógica y el trauma intergeneracional en la lit... (Student Work) | 2024 | Marquez Vergel, Keyla | M.A. | Language, Literature and Culture, UNCG |
The treatment of the middle class in the city comedies of Thomas Middleton (Student Work) | 1960 | Upchurch, Mary Moore | | English, UNCG |
The treatment of olfactory sensations in the works of (Sidonie Gabrielle) Colette (Student Work) | 1956 | Lewis, Ellen | | Romance Languages, UNCG |
The treatment validity of classifying obese clients on a cognitive measure (Student Work) | 1986 | Willis, Susan Elizabeth | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
Treatment validity of the dexamethasone suppression test (Student Work) | 1986 | McKnight, Dennis L. | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
The treatment validity of identifying and treating depression and behavior change symptom cl... (Student Work) | 1985 | Leonard, Susan Ruth | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
Tree-Ring Based Reconstruction of Multi-Year Summer Droughts in Piedmont and Coastal Plain C... (Student Work) | 2008 | Ortegren, Jason T. | PhD | Geography, UNCG |
Trees as supplementary material in the elementary school curriculum in art, science, and res... (Student Work) | 1950 | Coble, Belle Elliott | M.A. Ed. | Education, UNCG |
"Trigger events" for depressed affect in sociotropic vs. autonomous individuals : a test of ... (Student Work) | 1994 | Johnson, Diane E. | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
Trophic Patterns of an Insectivorous Bat Community Foraging Over Urban and Pristine Streams ... (Student Work) | 2007 | Shiflet, Lindsey Ann | MS | Biology, UNCG |
Tropical cyclone frequency inferred from intra-annual density fluctuations in longleaf pine (Student Work) | 2019 | Mitchell, Tyler J. | M.A. | Geography, Environment, and Sustainability, UNCG |
Troubled voices : Choctaws in mass deportation and ethnic cleansing (Student Work) | 2021 | Hanson, Arlen M. | Ph.D. | History, UNCG |
Trusting homo economicus: a hermeneutical inquiry into the origin, application, and necessit... (Student Work) | 2011 | Fletcher, Sara | Ph.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Trying to reach a hundred with you (Student Work) | 2015 | Aaron, Julian L. | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
“Trying to sound like I belong” : a phenomenological examination of music recording and prod... (Student Work) | 2023 | Graham, Heather B. | Ph.D. | School of Music, UNCG |
Tuning the core-shell ratio in heterojunction nanostructured CuS@In2S3 nanoparticles and pho... (Student Work) | 2023 | Liu, Mengxin | Ph.D. | Joint School of Nanoscience and Nanoengineering, UNCG |
The Turkish clarinet: its history, an exemplification of its practice by Serkan Çagri, and a... (Student Work) | 2011 | Kragulj, Boja | DMA | Music, UNCG |
Turning back the tides: the Anglo-Saxon vice of ofermod in Tolkien’s Fall of Arthur AND The ... (Student Work) | 2016 | Cutler, Colin J. | M.A. | English, UNCG |
Turning data into information: assessing and reporting GIS metadata integrity using integrat... (Student Work) | 2009 | Mulrooney, Timothy J. | | Geography, UNCG |
Turtle (Student Work) | 1972 | Root, Judith C. | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
Tutoring strategies: a case study comparing learning center tutors and academic department t... (Student Work) | 2010 | Bailey, Geoffrey K. | Ph.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Twelve woodblock prints (Student Work) | 1969 | Watts, Roland S. | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
Twenty nine paintings (Student Work) | 1967 | Vernon, Homer Jamerson | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
The twenty-first century cellist's bibliography: a guide to cello research from 2000-2015 (Student Work) | 2016 | Ronnevik, Karl A. | D.M.A. | Music Performance, UNCG |
Twenty-three poems and six tales (Student Work) | 1973 | Monroe, Hayden Keith | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
A twisting of the sacred: the lived experience of religious abuse (Student Work) | 2017 | Swindle, Paula J. | Ph.D. | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
Two apartments (Student Work) | 1975 | Medeiros, James Phillip | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
Two cantatas for tenor voice by Alessandro Stradella : Il Xerse and Pieta` di Belisario, mod... (Student Work) | 1995 | Hensley, Hunter Cameron | D.M.A. | Music, UNCG |
Two chapters from Tracks : a novel in progress (Student Work) | 1973 | Lillian, Guy Herbert | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
Two perceptions of the purposes, aesthetic concepts, and background for writing dance critic... (Student Work) | 1981 | Johnson, Nancy Diers | Ed.D. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
Two self-portrait and stillife series (Student Work) | 1977 | Link, Phillip Anthony | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
Two stories (Student Work) | 1977 | Pawlosky, Joseph | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
Two stories (Student Work) | 1966 | Molyneux, Thomas W. | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
Two stories about a war (Student Work) | 1974 | MacLeod, Robert Miles | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
Two stories of man and woman (Student Work) | 1974 | Maiolo, Joseph Crumpler | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
Two stories, "Gift" and "Possum" (Student Work) | 1974 | Gingher, Marianne | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
Two teachers' thoughtful adaptations during Planning and instruction and the relationship to... (Student Work) | 2010 | Vaughn, Margaret | Ph.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Two transcriptions for brass ensemble: Herman Bellstedt’s La Coquette: Fantasia Capprisioso ... (Student Work) | 2008 | Toth, Scott R. | DMA | Music, UNCG |
Two-dimensional grid grammars (Student Work) | 1977 | Moore, Gene Wall | M.A. | Mathematics, UNCG |
A two-line wall volley test as a measure of volleying ability of high school girls (Student Work) | 1972 | Mulvihill, Rosemary Ann | M.Ed. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
A two-stage binary optional randomized response model (Student Work) | 2012 | Sihm, Jeong Sep | M.A. | Mathematics and Statistics, UNCG |
Two-stage Optional Randomized Response Models. (Student Work) | 2008 | Sehra, Supriti | MA | Mathematics and Statistics, UNCG |
Type and frequency of children's fears : a comparison of self-care and adult-care children (Student Work) | 1989 | Lopp, Eileen Tate | Ph.D. | Human Environmental Sciences, UNCG |
Types of information and services obtained and desired by parents of early adolescents (Student Work) | 1963 | Wilson, Louise Long | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
U.S. apparel retailers' international expansion: an application of the Uppsala model. (Student Work) | 2012 | Cho, Hyeon Jeong | Ph.D. | Consumer, Apparel, and Retail Studies, UNCG |
The U.S. plus-size female consumer : self-perception, clothing involvement, and the importan... (Student Work) | 2007 | Wang, Meng | Master of Science | Consumer, Apparel, and Retail Studies, UNCG |
U.S. reaction to the Mexican Revolution : an analysis of contemporary opinion (Student Work) | 1970 | Stephans, Patsy Routh | M.A. | History, UNCG |
Ubiquitous background radiation in the United States : comparing NCRP estimates to readings ... (Student Work) | 2023 | Shields, John H. | M.A. | Geography, Environment, and Sustainability, UNCG |
The Ulrich house : a brief analysis of a creative project and sketches (Student Work) | 1962 | Gery, Frances | | Art, UNCG |
Ultra-sensitive and multiplex detection of clinical biomarkers using a SPRi-based sensor (Student Work) | 2016 | Zeidan, Effat | Ph.D. | Nanoscience and Nanoengineering, UNCG |
Umbo suite (Student Work) | 1973 | Stokes, Brenda Pugh | M.F.A. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
(Un)restricting the imagination: community engaged research involving college students with ... (Student Work) | 2017 | Harrington, Lalenja Giddens | Ph.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
The unaccompanied trumpet music of Stanley Friedman (Student Work) | 2014 | Sullivan, Phillip Reed | D.M.A. | Music, UNCG |
Uncertain data integration with probabilities (Student Work) | 2013 | Tallur, Gayatri | M.S. | Computer Science, UNCG |
UNCG educational administration doctoral graduates : a study of the factors affecting the wo... (Student Work) | 1991 | Poole, Katherine Patrick | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Unconditional response: a story inspired by an actual thesis (Student Work) | 2018 | Toomes, Derek Scott | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
Unconventional lessons learned : a survey Of applied horn instructors (Student Work) | 2022 | Stanger, Elliott Thomas | D.M.A. | School of Music, UNCG |
Uncovering agency in oppressive nineteenth-century domesticated workplaces (Student Work) | 2019 | Crawley, Kristy Liles | Ph.D. | English, UNCG |
Uncovering identity negotiation stories of multi-marginalized students: debunking racist and... (Student Work) | 2015 | Harrison, Rydell | Ed.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Underexplored barriers, facilitators, and benefits in a district-university tutoring collabo... (Student Work) | 2024 | Saastamoinen, Monique | Ph.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Undergraduate independent college students' use of and opinions about tobacco, alcohol, and ... (Student Work) | 1989 | Wagner, Miriam Ledbetter | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Undergraduate students and academic library utilization: a quantitative dominant mixed metho... (Student Work) | 2016 | Croxton, Rebecca A. | Ph.D. | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
The underrepresentation of women as cinematographers : a sociological exploration (Student Work) | 2006 | Shimkus, Elizabeth | Master of Arts | Sociology, UNCG |
Understanding beliefs and practices of African American parents with male toddlers: a focus ... (Student Work) | 2014 | Blanchard, Sheresa Boone | Ph.D. | Specialized Education Services, UNCG |
Understanding Black identities : a qualitative comparison of intra-racial class differences ... (Student Work) | 2023 | Clark, Derek T. | M.A. | Sociology, UNCG |
Understanding conductor-educator identity formation in novice band music educators : a case ... (Student Work) | 2021 | Jones, Joseph Benjamin | D.M.A. | School of Music, UNCG |
Understanding the consequences of invasive plant species for native rangeland communities in... (Student Work) | 2023 | Frost, Morgan D. T. | Ph.D. | Biology, UNCG |
Understanding diaper need in under-resourced communities: a Durham County, North Carolina ca... (Student Work) | 2017 | Massengale, Kelley Erin Carpenter | Ph.D. | Public Health Education, UNCG |
Understanding the effects of fake news corrections on memory and belief accuracy : the roles... (Student Work) | 2024 | Kemp, Paige L. | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
Understanding the experience of interacting with service providers from the perspective of h... (Student Work) | 2013 | Biederman, Donna J. | DrPH | Community Health Education, UNCG |
Understanding the experiences of chronic low back pain in Post-9/11 female veterans (Student Work) | 2020 | Peets, Risa M. | Ph.D. | Nursing, UNCG |
Understanding the gap in theory to practice in evaluation (Student Work) | 2023 | Moller, Jaime Rita | Ph.D. | Educational Research Methodology, UNCG |
Understanding graduate student constructs for finding meaning in the advising experience : a... (Student Work) | 2007 | Naylor, Sarah Marlyne | PhD | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Understanding how adolescent perception of mother-adolescent communication changes over time... (Student Work) | 2018 | Brown, Margaret Elizabeth | Ph.D. | Public Health Education, UNCG |
Understanding how finances impact nonresident student college enrollment decisions: a mixed ... (Student Work) | 2015 | Davies, Susan | Ph.D. | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
Understanding inner music: a dimensional approach to musical imagery (Student Work) | 2017 | Cotter, Katherine N. | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
Understanding the interaction strategies of blind health IT users: a qualitative study (Student Work) | 2018 | Sahasrabudhe, Shrirang | Ph.D. | Information Systems and Supply Chain Management, UNCG |
Understanding the link between parenting behaviors and friendship competence: socioemotional... (Student Work) | 2009 | Cook, Emily C. | PhD | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Understanding the lived experiences of Black girls in a North Carolina elementary school : t... (Student Work) | 2024 | Jones, Rickeya Renee | Ed.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Understanding online information avoidance behavior during a crisis (Student Work) | 2022 | Sultana, Tahmina | Ph.D. | Information Systems and Supply Chain Management, UNCG |
Understanding physical education teacher motivation in relation to job resources and demands... (Student Work) | 2016 | Zhang, Tan | Ph.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Understanding preschoolers' problem solving in LOGO microworlds through critical analysis of... (Student Work) | 1996 | Allen, Catherine J. | Ph.D. | Human Environmental Sciences, UNCG |
Understanding race relations within the Tumblr role-play community (Student Work) | 2019 | Prskalo, Ena | M.A. | Sociology, UNCG |
Understanding reflective practice among postsecondary EFL instructors through the sociocultu... (Student Work) | 2023 | Alzahrani, Mohammed S. | Ph.D. | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
Understanding the relationship between physical activity and self-esteem with race and ethni... (Student Work) | 2021 | Thibodeau, Delaney E. | M.S. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Understanding student learning evidence: a case study of evaluation use and evaluation influ... (Student Work) | 2017 | Pitts, Robyn Lyn Thomas | Ph.D. | Educational Research Methodology, UNCG |
Understanding teachers’ inquiries and classroom literacy practices (Student Work) | 2015 | Myers, Joy Kammerer | Ph.D. | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
Understanding teachers’ noticing of children’s mathematical thinking in written work from di... (Student Work) | 2018 | Jessup, Naomi Allen | Ph.D. | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
Understandings and experiences of teaching and learning social and emotional learning and me... (Student Work) | 2022 | Howley, Donal | Ph.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Underway (Student Work) | 2013 | Dashiell, Rebecca | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
Undue burdens: the Black woman subject in June Medical Services LLC. V. Russo : and, “Will y... (Student Work) | 2020 | Carter, Morgan Ellen | M.A. | English, UNCG |
Une etude de L'Humour dans Calligrammes de Guillaume Apollinaire (Student Work) | 1969 | Fesmire, Anna Hyer | M.A. | Romance Languages-French, UNCG |
Unearthing: Indigenous Art as Environmental Activism in Contemporary Canada (Student Work) | 2021 | Walls, David | B.A. | Arts Administration, UNCG |
Uneasy entry (Student Work) | 1977 | Reich, Heather Tosteson | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
An uneasy peace: the struggle for civil rights and economic justice in Winston-Salem, North ... (Student Work) | 2015 | Usher, Jess Alan | Ph.D. | History, UNCG |
Unexpected utility (Student Work) | 2018 | Tinklenberg, Chelsea | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
The unimagined city : public humanities and change in Fayetteville, North Carolina (Student Work) | 1987 | Anthony, Bolton | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
The union of poetry and music : three Paul Verlaine poems as set by Claude Debussy and Gabri... (Student Work) | 1976 | Poston, Jo Ann D. | M.M. | Music, UNCG |
The unitary development of a dimensional art form (Student Work) | 1969 | Lewis, Robert Mack | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
"United essential harmony" : the Puritan perception of Edward Taylor (Student Work) | 1979 | Willis, Mary Sue | Ph.D. | English, UNCG |
The United States Supreme Court and the legal aspects of busing for public school desegregat... (Student Work) | 1978 | Stockard, Robert Moore | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
“The United States, it’s supposed to be where dreams come true” : rhizomatic familias, neste... (Student Work) | 2023 | Lambrinou, Marina | Ph.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Universal density: a musical representation of astronomical objects and concepts (Student Work) | 2012 | Baugher, Sarah A. | M.M. | Music, UNCG |
Universal military training : some prevalent ideas behind the post-World War II debate (Student Work) | 1967 | Vanhoy, Timothy L. | M.A. | History and Political Science, UNCG |
Universally composable zero-knowledge protocol using trusted platform modules (Student Work) | 2011 | Sama, Vivek Reddy | MS | Computer Science, UNCG |
The University of North Carolina at Greensboro study abroad students' preparation for and pa... (Student Work) | 2009 | Duffy, Lauren N. | MS | Community and Therapeutic Recreation, UNCG |
University women's acknowledgement of rape : individual, interpersonal, and social factors (Student Work) | 1995 | Bondurant, A. Barrie | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
Unpacking martial arts pedagogy in sport - based youth development (Student Work) | 2022 | Lee, Yongsun | Ph.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Unrest (Student Work) | 2016 | Ford, Am're | M.M. | Music Performance, UNCG |
Unruly gestures (Student Work) | 2016 | Robinson, Kathleen | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
Unscripted Actions: Designing for Product Interaction through a Preschool Play System (Student Work) | 2008 | Stewart, Tiffany Ann | MS | Interior Architecture, UNCG |
Unsettling choreographies (Student Work) | 2022 | Spencer, Caitlin Medlock | Ph.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Unsettling professional code: relationship boundaries and ethical possibilities (Student Work) | 2015 | Martin, Troy A. | Ph.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Unstretched : wants, palms, and pits (Student Work) | 2019 | Reichhardt, Miranda | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
Until the red heart beats : rhetorical fusion in the fiction of Toni Morrison (Student Work) | 1993 | Locklear, Glorianna | Ph.D. | English, UNCG |
Unusual separation axioms and topological spaces (Student Work) | 1971 | Link, William Kermit | M.A. | Mathematics, UNCG |
Unveiling insights : program evaluation in Black and/or African American communities (Student Work) | 2024 | Hooks Singletary, Brianna T. | Ph.D. | Educational Research Methodology, UNCG |
Upon the King : myth and meaning in the principalship (Student Work) | 2006 | Temple, David B. | PhD | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Upregulation of ROS detoxification genes by triterpenoid CDDO-Im in macrophages: protection ... (Student Work) | 2019 | Ahmed, Hassan S. | M.S. | Biology, UNCG |
Upward reclassification of intercollegiate athletic departments to Division I : a case study... (Student Work) | 2007 | Weaver, Anthony G. | PhD | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
Urbanization effects on leaf mining densities and leaf damage of white oak (Quercus alba) in... (Student Work) | 2015 | Lawton, Douglas | | Biology, UNCG |
Urban expansion modeling using machine learning algorithms (Student Work) | 2021 | Karimi, Firoozeh | Ph.D. | Geography, Environment, and Sustainability, UNCG |
Urban form and air quality in U.S. metropolitan and megapolitan areas (Student Work) | 2011 | Bereitschaft, Bradley J.F. | Ph.D. | Biology, UNCG |
Urban Sustainable Parking Lots (Student Work) | 2023 | Parker, Myles | B.A. | Geography, Environment, and Sustainability, UNCG |
Urban vegetation and the environmental health of sixteen global cities (Student Work) | 2014 | Sinykin, Alex O. | M.A. | Geography, UNCG |
The urge: stories (Student Work) | 2021 | Dunne, Joseph D. | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
Urtext and performance editions of sonata for Violoncello Alone (1968) by Peter Paul Fuchs (Student Work) | 2015 | Graebert, Ryan James | D.M.A. | Music Performance, UNCG |
Use and feasibility of videocassettes for individualized instruction by home economics exten... (Student Work) | 1982 | Hammett, Wilma S. | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
The use of the accelerotor in developing an accelerated abrasion test to predict fabric serv... (Student Work) | 1964 | Simon, Virginia Ann | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Use of adsorbent resins in fermentations of bacteria obtained from the red soils of the King... (Student Work) | 2012 | Johnston, Thomas | M.S. | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
The use of biographical data for a better understanding of leadership (Student Work) | 1984 | Clontz, Ann Carswell | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
The use of brief family counseling with middle school students experiencing discipline probl... (Student Work) | 1996 | Simington, Kenneth W. | Ph.D. | Education, UNCG |
The use of building materials and structural systems in the architectural environment (Student Work) | 1972 | Alberg, Sandra Lynne | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Use of Checklists for Trauma Anesthesia Standardization: Protocol for Trauma Preparedness (Student Work) | 2023 | Jones, Angel R. | DNP | Nursing, UNCG |
Use of cognitive dissonance to produce changes in the attitudes and behavior of economically... (Student Work) | 1969 | Leonhardt, Teresa Martin | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
The use of color to extend the suggestion of space and volume (Student Work) | 1969 | Frink, Elizabeth | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
The use of consumer preference data in forecasting sales (Student Work) | 1968 | Clayton, Richard E. | M.A.Ed. | Education, UNCG |
The use of court-ordered busing to desegregate the public schools : legal aspects of actions... (Student Work) | 1988 | Causby, James Frank | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Use of cyanocarbenes for the synthesis of donor-acceptor cyclopropanes (Student Work) | 2024 | von Dohlen, David John | M.S. | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
The use of digital devices with high-performing students in elementary schools (Student Work) | 2019 | Abernathy, Christie S. | Ed.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Use of educational techniques for caretakers of institutionalized individuals to increase th... (Student Work) | 1983 | Litchford, Mary D. | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
The use of eyes and objects to express a personal theory of art (Student Work) | 1973 | O'Neal, Eugene | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
The use of the family room for individual and group activities (Student Work) | 1959 | Hinson, Thelma Lee | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Use of Forest Edges by Bats in a Managed Pine Forest Landscape in Coastal North Carolina (Student Work) | 2008 | Morris, Adam D. | MS | Biology, UNCG |
The use of hand gestures as self-generated cues (Student Work) | 1991 | Frick, Donna Jean | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
The use of keyboard instruments in the religious services of selected Black Baptist churches... (Student Work) | 1987 | Amos, Alvin E. | Ed.D. | Music, UNCG |
The use of labanotation for synchronized swimming (Student Work) | 1963 | Hoyle, Mary Ann | M.S. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
Use of LiDAR data in defining the urban-rural transition zone in stream cross-section morpho... (Student Work) | 2009 | Hunt, Kirsten J. | MA | Geography, UNCG |
The use of microteaching to aid preservice physical educators in the acquisition of a variet... (Student Work) | 1977 | Taylor, Martha Sue | Ed.D. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
The use of mindfulness training to examine the role of executive function in preschool peer ... (Student Work) | 2017 | Caporaso, Jessica S. | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
The use of movement in virtual elementary music education (Student Work) | 2023 | Poquette, Kelly A. | Ph.D. | School of Music, UNCG |
The use of music or percussion instruments in the teaching of ninth grade modern jazz dance (Student Work) | 1976 | Loundermon, Correll Demeter | M.S.P.E. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
Use of national folk music in a style utilizing original and modern procedures: a case study... (Student Work) | 2013 | Kim, Mun Soo | D.M.A. | Music, UNCG |
The use of operant behavior principles by husbands for the modification of wives' behavior (Student Work) | 1974 | Palmer, George Melvin | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
The use of pitch imagery in the management of trumpet embouchure : a theoretical considerati... (Student Work) | 1990 | Gardner, James Edward | D.M.A. | Music, UNCG |
The use of prayer in marathon runners (Student Work) | 2017 | Huffman, Mary Katherine | M.S. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
The use of process data to examine reading strategies (Student Work) | 2019 | Hicks, Juanita C. | Ph.D. | Educational Research Methodology, UNCG |
Use of programmed instruction of basic sewing skills by adult women in their homes (Student Work) | 1967 | Schenck, Betsy Roberts | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
The use of refrigerated space (Student Work) | 1960 | Frazier, Ernestine Hall | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
The use of the saxophone in the dramatic music of Leonard Bernstein (Student Work) | 2006 | Gargrave, Wayne Eric | DMA | Music, UNCG |
Use of screened and glassed porches (Student Work) | 1976 | McDonald, Rose Holley | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
The use of sewing skills by the teachers of home economics in the colleges of North Carolina... (Student Work) | 1959 | Sutton, Paula Leone | M.S. | Home Economics, UNCG |
The use of small electrical appliances that supplement the range (Student Work) | 1960 | Anderson, Elma Frances | M.S. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Use of a Smartphone Application to Promote Participation in Cardiac Rehabilitation (Student Work) | 2022 | Monge, Emily C. | DNP | Nursing, UNCG |
Use of Social Media Videos to Improve Nurse Anesthetist Engagement in Evidence-based Literat... (Student Work) | 2024 | Buttitta, Azelin | DNP | Nursing, UNCG |
Use of statistics in recently-published physical education research (Student Work) | 1985 | Tritschler, Kathleen A. | Ed.D. | Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, UNCG |
The use of symbolic line as a means to composition (Student Work) | 1954 | Clarke, Ruth Abbott | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
The use of therapist rules, self rules, and contingency-shaped feedback in the treatment of ... (Student Work) | 1986 | Rosenfarb, Irwin Shimon | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
Use of a Variable Compensation Item Response Model to Assess the Effect of Working-Memory Lo... (Student Work) | 2005 | Simpson, Mary Ann | PhD | Educational Research Methodology, UNCG |
Use of videotape learning packages : a marital enrichment field experiment with two delivery... (Student Work) | 1976 | Shoffner, Sarah M. | Ph.D. | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Using the 3-minute Diabetic Foot Examination to Create a Risk-Based Referral System for at R... (Student Work) | 2022 | Brown, Beverly Ann | DNP | Nursing, UNCG |
Using the area between two item response functions to index differential item functioning : ... (Student Work) | 1994 | Penny, James A. | Ph.D. | Education, UNCG |
Using Bronfenbrenner’s PPCT model as a lens to understand refugee parent–teacher communicati... (Student Work) | 2019 | Conlin, Dana M. | M.S. | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Using coaching as a social justice tool (Student Work) | 2015 | Clodfelter, Melissa Ann | Ph.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Using a complexity-based perspective to better understand the relationships among mentoring,... (Student Work) | 2011 | Waterman, Sheryn Elaine Spencer | Ph.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Using dimensional overlap theory as a framework to explain the relationship between working ... (Student Work) | 2014 | Meier, Matthew E. | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
Using feedback enhanced visual metronomes to manipulate gait dynamics (Student Work) | 2016 | MacPherson, Ryan | M.S. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Using film to think historically about the civil rights movement with elementary preservice ... (Student Work) | 2012 | Buchanan, Lisa Brown | Ph.D. | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
Using High-Fidelity Simulation of a Crisis Event, CO2 Embolism, to Increase Confidence Level... (Student Work) | 2024 | Foster, Emma Bly Beck | DNP | Nursing, UNCG |
Using institutional ethnography to understand how the ruling text organizes nursing performa... (Student Work) | 2021 | Slaughter, Robert L. | Ph.D. | Nursing, UNCG |
Using instructional videotape to teach couples communication, conflict-resolution, and probl... (Student Work) | 1996 | Willett, Larry C. | Ph.D. | Education, UNCG |
Using an MTSS framework for school improvement: the implementation experiences and perspecti... (Student Work) | 2019 | Williamson, Holly Smith | Ed.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Using the organ to teach the fourth suite prelude for violoncello solo by J.S. Bach (Student Work) | 2012 | Timmons, Lena G. | D.M.A. | Music, UNCG |
Using participatory action research to approach teacher professional development: an analysi... (Student Work) | 2016 | Hales, Patrick Dean | Ph.D. | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
Using post-tonal analytical techniques for a better performance of Ida Gotkovsky's Quatour d... (Student Work) | 2011 | Heim, Amanda M. | DMA | Music, UNCG |
Using realistic fiction to enhance social decision making in middle grades students (Student Work) | 1992 | Jones, Jeanneine | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Using reflective practice with critical incidents pedagogy to investigate and enhance preser... (Student Work) | 2023 | Arcila, Jennifer A. | Ph.D. | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
Using remote sensing and geographical information science to predict and delineate critical ... (Student Work) | 2007 | Walton, Elizabeth M. | | Geography, UNCG |
Using the Revised Wilson and Cleary Model to Explore Factors Affecting Quality of Life in Pe... (Student Work) | 2008 | Kring, Daria L. | PhD | Nursing, UNCG |
The utility of using sugar maple tree-ring data to reconstruct maple syrup production in New... (Student Work) | 2011 | Tyminski, William Paul | Ph.D. | Geography, UNCG |
Utility of Viscoelastic Hemostatic Analysis During Postpartum Hemorrhage (Student Work) | 2024 | Krueger, Adam | DNP | Nursing, UNCG |
Utilizing children as change agents to promote healthy family lifestyle behaviors (Student Work) | 2017 | Koch, Allison Ann | Ph.D. | Nutrition, UNCG |
Utilizing the writing workshop in the high school English classrooms (Student Work) | 2016 | Snider, Elizabeth Michelle | M.A. | English, UNCG |
Utopian discourse: identity, ethnicity, and community in post-Cold War American narrative. (Student Work) | 2010 | Tedder, Charles F. | Ph.D. | English, UNCG |
Vagal regulation and children's social competence (Student Work) | 2005 | Graziano, Paulo A. | Master of Arts | Psychology, UNCG |
The vale of new beginnings (Student Work) | 2018 | Newgard, Benjamin L. | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
Validation of self-reported hypertension status and predictors of uncontrolled blood pressur... (Student Work) | 2011 | Dave, Gaurav | DPH | Public Health Education, UNCG |
Validation of a test of motor ability of preschool children (Student Work) | 1964 | Singletary, Emeve Paul | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Validation of the thigh stabilization system for a novel multi-planar instrumented knee arth... (Student Work) | 2019 | Coppock, James Avery | M.S. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Value creation through social media : how influencer marketing can affect brand attitude, pe... (Student Work) | 2023 | Bettle, Tara | M.S. | Consumer, Apparel, and Retail Studies, UNCG |
The value of a rehabilitated neighborhood school in Edenton, NC: a quantative and qualitativ... (Student Work) | 2011 | Shepulski, Lauren Beth | MS | Interior Architecture, UNCG |
The value of subjective measures in training load quantification and injury incidence in int... (Student Work) | 2020 | Coppus, Troy Andrew | Ed.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
The value of three supplementary exercises designed to increase pull-up performance in junio... (Student Work) | 1969 | Lutz, Victor Herbert | M.S. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
Value orientations of elementary classroom teachers toward physical activity for themselves ... (Student Work) | 1985 | Akers, Patricia Ann | Ed.D. | Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, UNCG |
Values and the academic organization (Student Work) | 1986 | Macdonald, Susan Colberg | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Values and other factors which influence consumer choice of a portable lamp (Student Work) | 1972 | McCann, Duska Leone | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Values of low-income homemakers as they relate to the physical design of the house (Student Work) | 1973 | Carll, Mary Allison | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Values, risk taking and selection of leisure time activities among delinquent and non-delinq... (Student Work) | 1975 | Braxton, Howard McCoy | Ed.D. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
Values, satisfaction, aspirations and goal commitment among multiunit housing residents (Student Work) | 1976 | Humphries, Glenda M. | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Vanishing species (Student Work) | 1974 | Sullivan, Charles Christopher | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
Variance estimation using Randomized Response Technique (Student Work) | 2021 | Aloraini, Badr | Ph.D. | Mathematics and Statistics, UNCG |
Variation in physiological and behavioral activity as reflected in changes in arousal level (Student Work) | 1972 | Johnson, Patricia Ann | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
Variations in amount of indoor play space as associated with certain physical aggressive con... (Student Work) | 1969 | Arnote, Thelma Elaine | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Variations in levels of aspirations of children grouped by class, race, sex and grade level (Student Work) | 1964 | Foster, Josephine A. | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Variations in recombination rates across Escherichia coli populations (Student Work) | 2022 | Burton, Corey | M.S. | Biology, UNCG |
Variations of the Greenberg Unrelated Question binary model (Student Work) | 2018 | Perez-Suarez, David | M.A. | Mathematics and Statistics, UNCG |
Variations on a theme : four plays (Student Work) | 1965 | Archer, Shelby | | Drama and Speech, UNCG |
Variations on a theme by Scriabine : for violoncello and orchestra (Student Work) | 1972 | Prendergast, Roy M. | M.F.A. | Music, UNCG |
Various stories (Student Work) | 1972 | Hetherington, Sands | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
Varus/valgus and internal/external rotational knee joint stiffness in males and females (Student Work) | 2006 | Ficklin, Travis Kent | Master of Sports Science | Kinesiology, UNCG |
"Veneer" (Student Work) | 1977 | Dobbins, Paula | M.F.A. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
Venus' Frown: the paradox of chaste marriage in the Dedicatory Poems to Salve Deus Rex Judæo... (Student Work) | 2013 | Hamrick, Forrest | M.A. | English, UNCG |
Verbal and spatial processing in transitive inference : effects of problem complexity and am... (Student Work) | 1994 | Huffman, Charles J. | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
The verbal behavior of the autistic child (Student Work) | 1967 | Fussell, Mary Robertson | M.A. | Drama and Speech, UNCG |
Verbal responses of institutionalized delinquent and non-delinquent adolescent girls to TAT ... (Student Work) | 1973 | Penry, Mallie B. | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Verbal self-regulation of behavior by children with internal and external locus of control (Student Work) | 1975 | Standahl, Jerry Joel | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Verticals and horizontals (Student Work) | 1976 | Liner, Amon George | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
A view of physical education : perceptions of five classroom teachers (Student Work) | 1987 | Brumbaugh, Jane Irwin | Ed.D. | Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, UNCG |
Village of Petrified Men (Student Work) | 2007 | Fiander, Matthew F. | Master of Fine Arts | English, UNCG |
The viola concerto of Ahmed Adnan Saygun : compositional elements and performance perspectiv... (Student Work) | 2013 | Yücel, Gizem | D.M.A. | Music, UNCG |
The violin sonata in the Baroque era (Student Work) | 1966 | Watson, Mary Alyce | | Music, UNCG |
The violin works of Joaquin Nin: a catalogue and violinistic perspective (Student Work) | 2013 | Fernández, Mildred "Mili" | D.M.A. | Music, UNCG |
Viral : curriculum theorizing in feminist technoscience (Student Work) | 2022 | Hudson, Stephanie L. | Ph.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Virginia Woolf as equilibrist : the moment of vision and the androgynous mind (Student Work) | 1978 | Vanderwerff, Whitney Grove | Ph.D. | English, UNCG |
Virtual obstacle crossing and the clinical implications for rehabilitation (Student Work) | 2016 | LoJacono, Chanel T. | M.S. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Virtual technology and online apparel shopping : perceptions and behaviors of female baby bo... (Student Work) | 2023 | Lee, Youngji | Ph.D. | Consumer, Apparel, and Retail Studies, UNCG |
Virtually absent: searching for journalism and mass communication deans of color (Student Work) | 2018 | Coleman, Keonte C. | Ph.D. | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
Virtuosity and innovation : the grotesque aesthetic in the piano music of C.-V. Alkan (Student Work) | 2021 | Saviola, Stephen | D.M.A. | School of Music, UNCG |
A visual and textual analysis of transnational identity formation and representation (Student Work) | 2007 | Chapman, Daniel E. | PhD | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
The visual design and arena theatre for Squaring the circle (Student Work) | 1976 | Burns, Ronald Q. | M.F.A. | Drama and Speech, UNCG |
A visual design and technical production of Eugene O'Neill's Long day's journey into night (Student Work) | 1972 | Raby, Corland Frederick | M.F.A. | Drama and Speech, UNCG |
A visual design for Dark of the moon by Howard Richardson and William Berney (Student Work) | 1971 | Dudley, Barry S. | M.F.A. | Drama and Speech, UNCG |
Visual design for Garcia Lorca's The house of Bernarda Alba (Student Work) | 1969 | Barnes, Orville Kenneth | M.F.A. | Drama and Speech, UNCG |
A visual design for Moliere's The doctor in spite of himself (Student Work) | 1973 | Parker, James E. | M.F.A. | Drama and Speech, UNCG |
Visual design for Murray Schisgal's Luv (Student Work) | 1974 | Olson, Eric Ellis | M.F.A. | Drama and Speech, UNCG |
Visual design of Charlotte Chorpenning's Jack and the beanstalk (Student Work) | 1973 | Jarvis, Robert Cauthorn | M.F.A. | Drama and Speech, UNCG |
The visual design of Guys and dolls by Jo Swirling (i.e. Swerling) and Abe Burrows (Student Work) | 1974 | Emmert, Lynn Cookerly | M.F.A. | Drama and Speech, UNCG |
Visual design of Jack A. Melanos' Sinbad the sailor (Student Work) | 1971 | Berg, Diane Rough | M.F.A. | Drama and Speech, UNCG |
Visual design of Jean Genet's The balcony (Student Work) | 1973 | Garnett, G. Carr | M.F.A. | Drama and Speech, UNCG |
The visual design of Mart Crowley's The boys in the band (Student Work) | 1972 | Dawson, Thomas Donald | M.F.A. | Drama and Speech, UNCG |
Visual design of Robin Shorts' The Red shoes (Student Work) | 1977 | Ramsey, David Leland | M.F.A. | Drama and Speech, UNCG |
Visual design of Tennessee Williams' Cat on a hot tin roof (Student Work) | 1974 | Lockrow, A. Lynn | M.F.A. | Drama and Speech, UNCG |
A visual design of William Inge's Picnic (Student Work) | 1971 | Ward, Ralph Carlton | M.F.A. | Drama and Speech, UNCG |
Visual designs and technical production of William Gibson's A Cry of players (Student Work) | 1977 | Harper, V. Herschel | M.F.A. | Drama and Speech, UNCG |
Visual designs for James M. Barrie's Peter Pan (Student Work) | 1977 | Maulden, Dennis C. | M.F.A. | Drama and Speech, UNCG |
Visual designs for Madge Miller's The land of the dragon (Student Work) | 1976 | Conger, Joseph H. | M.F.A. | Drama and Speech, UNCG |
Visual documents (Student Work) | 2007 | Rattley, Juie | Master of Fine Arts | Studio Art, UNCG |
Visual event-related potentials to colored patterns and color names : attention to feature, ... (Student Work) | 1983 | Aine, Cheryl J. | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
Visual evoked cortical responses and selective dioptic masking with pattern flashes of diffe... (Student Work) | 1973 | Musso, Mario F. | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
Visual impairment and eye health and safety among Latino farmworkers (Student Work) | 2010 | Verma, Amit | Dr. P.H. | Public Health Education, UNCG |
Visual pattern recognition in the cerebral hemispheres : the role of spatial filtering (Student Work) | 1982 | Previc, Fred H. | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
Visual sensations which create expressions (Student Work) | 1972 | Joyner, Charles Edward | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
Visual stimulation for premature infants with hyperbilirubinemia (Student Work) | 1977 | Evans, Michelle C. | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Visual-spatial selective attention and reading ability in children : a study using event-rel... (Student Work) | 1991 | Anllo-Vento, Maria Lourdes | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
A visualization of America hurrah by Jean-Claude Van Itallie (Student Work) | 1973 | Burroughs, Carlotta Blakenship | M.F.A. | Drama and Speech, UNCG |
Visualizing architectural character: the effects of rehabilitation on the voices of 20th cen... (Student Work) | 2009 | Zylstra, Katherine L. | MS | Interior Architecture, UNCG |
Visualizing Arctic ice data with optimal transport (Student Work) | 2023 | Ilagor, Jocelyn | M.A. | Mathematics and Statistics, UNCG |
The visually evoked cortical potential : stimulus effects and interactions (Student Work) | 1971 | Suitt, Constance DePew | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
Visually evoked responses and reaction times in man : effects of interocular and intraocular... (Student Work) | 1974 | Shuttlesworth, Duane Elwood | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
Vitamin A and ascorbic acid nutriture and snacking patterns of female adolescents (Student Work) | 1982 | Sumner, Sheron Keel | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Vivir la Música: Spanish cultural identity examined through the lens of Spanish classical pi... (Student Work) | 2015 | Summers, Rachel B | B.A. | Music, UNCG |
The vocal arrangements of Ed Smalle and Frank J. Black: seven performance editions of songs ... (Student Work) | 2017 | Phillips, Craig Alan | D.M.A. | Music, UNCG |
Voice classification and Fach : recent, historical and conflicting systems of voice categori... (Student Work) | 2007 | Cotton, Sandra | DMA | Music, UNCG |
A voice profile of the adolescent speaker and singer (Student Work) | 2007 | Waller, William N | PhD | Communication Sciences and Disorders, UNCG |
Voice, Activism, Democracy: A Website Uniting Greensboro Residents (Student Work) | 2018 | Clifford, Jessica Rose | B.A. | Communication Studies, UNCG |
Voices from the secondary school : women English teachers engaged in critical pedagogy (Student Work) | 1993 | Mitchell, Suzanne Mancuso | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Voices of Bloomsdale: a student-centered and asset-based approach to understanding the exper... (Student Work) | 2021 | Goodlett, Ashley D. | Ed.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Voices of Indianness : the lived world of Native American women (Student Work) | 1990 | Brayboy, Mary Elizabeth Jones | Ph.D. | Human Environmental Sciences, UNCG |
Voices of recovery: an exploration of stigma experienced by college students in recovery fro... (Student Work) | 2017 | Spencer, Kelly Moore | Ph.D. | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
Voices of southern women : speaking from the country schoolhouse, 1915-1940, Rockingham Coun... (Student Work) | 1996 | Pasour, Katherine Meador | Ph.D. | Education, UNCG |
The void and tensions in landscape painting (Student Work) | 1959 | Kesler, Anne Mercer | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
Volunteers in mental health service programs : a work behavior analysis (Student Work) | 1994 | Nassar, Sylvia C. | Ph.D. | Education, UNCG |
Vowed and disavowed : religious, social, and political promises in Measure for measure (Student Work) | 1992 | Mokris, Mary P. | Ph.D. | English, UNCG |
Vulnerability in the context of risk: effortful control and maternal depression (Student Work) | 2016 | Denio, Erin B. | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
W.W. Cobbett's Phantasy: A Legacy of Chamber Music in the British Musical Renaissance (Student Work) | 2008 | Hodges, Betsi | DMA | Music, UNCG |
Wage effects of changes in the task composition of the workforce from 1980 to 2015 (Student Work) | 2021 | Gorsuch, Joshua K. | Ph.D. | Economics, UNCG |
Wage payment and incentive plans used by department and departmentalized specialty stores in... (Student Work) | 1950 | Slattery, William G. | M.S. | Business Education, UNCG |
Waiting for Godot : critical perspectives (Student Work) | 1969 | Carstarphen, Sally Sullivan | M.A. | English, UNCG |
The waiting room and other stories (Student Work) | 1974 | Lambeth, Candace Elaine | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
Walking "the same path" : Indian voices and the issues of removal (Student Work) | 1994 | Griffin, Frank Winget | Ph.D. | English, UNCG |
Wallace Stevens, James Merrill, and the way of the dandy (Student Work) | 1989 | Fuller, Janice Moore | Ph.D. | English, UNCG |
The Walled City of Charles Town (Student Work) | 2012 | Frierson, Michael | Master of Fine Arts | Media Studies, UNCG |
The Walled City of Charles Town (Student Work) | 2012 | Ingram, Brett R. | Master of Fine Arts | Media Studies, UNCG |
The Walled City of Charles Town (Student Work) | 2012 | Lopez, Mary S. | Master of Fine Arts | Media Studies, UNCG |
Walls and windows : Ixion revisited (Student Work) | 1976 | Keck, George Albert | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
Wanting and liking: the effects of depressive symptoms and anhedonia on hedonic responses to... (Student Work) | 2019 | Maloney, Kathleen H. | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
Wanting more : sex positivity and sexual liberation from an asexual feminist lens (Student Work) | 2023 | Sprout, Lauren E. | M.A. | Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies, UNCG |
War and peace : a rhetorical criticism of the Ford-Carter amnesty issue, 1974-1976 (Student Work) | 1977 | Glenn, Phillip James | M.A. | Drama and Speech, UNCG |
War and physical education an historical study of German physical education (Student Work) | 1958 | Steacy, Gail B. | | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
Warnings & fables (Student Work) | 2011 | Sterling, Kyla | MFA | English, UNCG |
Warring fictions : cultural politics and the Vietnam war narrative (Student Work) | 1995 | Neilson, James J. | Ph.D. | English, UNCG |
Watauga College : the residential college at Appalachian State University (Student Work) | 1985 | Foxx, Virginia Ann | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Water as a kinetic element in sculpture (Student Work) | 1971 | Mintich, Mary | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
Water color (Student Work) | 1972 | Saffiotti, Carol | | English, UNCG |
Water management in Neopalatial Crete and the development of the Mediterranean climate (Student Work) | 2012 | Flood, Jonathan Michael | M.S. | Geography, UNCG |
Water quality measurements to predict macroinvertebrate diversity in piedmont aquatic habita... (Student Work) | 2023 | MacCheyne, Cassandra L. | M.S. | Biology, UNCG |
Water quality perceptions and water-related practices among African refugee women : a qualit... (Student Work) | 2023 | Odetola, Love O. | Ph.D. | Public Health Education, UNCG |
Water, leave me as salt (Student Work) | 2016 | Whiteford, Sean Malcolm | | English, UNCG |
Watercolor paintings : trees (Student Work) | 1978 | Groulx, Adele Freedman | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
The Wavelet-Galerkin method on global random processes (Student Work) | 2021 | Athuruliye Liyana Arachchige, Romesh Ruwan Thanuja | Ph.D. | Mathematics and Statistics, UNCG |
The way we learned : rural schooling in Nebraska (1915-1925) (Student Work) | 1995 | Simmons, Aldonna Searles | Ph.D. | Education, UNCG |
The ways of God in Paradise Lost (Student Work) | 1966 | Helvey, James Relerford | M.A. | English, UNCG |
We are never more human (Student Work) | 2012 | Bookman, Elly Kathryn | MFA | English, UNCG |
We are not monolithic : exploring the intersectionality of multiple identities and professio... (Student Work) | 2024 | Onwuka du Bruyn, Onyinyechukwu Onu | Ph.D. | Educational Research Methodology, UNCG |
We Interrupt This Program: States of Continuous Audience Interference as Dance Performance (Student Work) | 2021 | Taylor, Mandi | M.F.A. | Dance, UNCG |
We know who you are! connecting education, identity, and national security. (Student Work) | 2010 | Torres, Eric D. | Ph.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
We race as one : the competing rhetorics surrounding activism in Formula One AND Banning the... (Student Work) | 2024 | King, Olivia G. | M.A. | English, UNCG |
We remember : conversational and narrative discourse during mother and child reminiscing (Student Work) | 2024 | Nix, Karen Leigh | Ph.D. | Communication Sciences and Disorders, UNCG |
We wear the mask : the lived experiences of Black undergraduate music education students in ... (Student Work) | 2021 | Parker, Quinton Douglas | Ph.D. | School of Music, UNCG |
Weaker forms of continuity (Student Work) | 1972 | Keith, Martha Allred | M.A. | Mathematics, UNCG |
Weather impacts on visitor behavior: a spatio-temporal study of select U.S. metropolitan zoo... (Student Work) | 2015 | Perkins, David Richard | Ph.D. | Geography, UNCG |
Weaving weave (Student Work) | 2015 | Woods, Stephanie J. | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
Web 2.0 technologies for effective knowledge management in organizations: a qualitative anal... (Student Work) | 2012 | Nath, Anupam Kumar | Ph.D. | Information Systems and Operations Management, UNCG |
Weight in childhood and its association with social anxiety in adolescence: pathways examini... (Student Work) | 2019 | Brown, Ashley R. | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
Weight stereotyping in young children: an early personality reasoning perspective in 3- to 6... (Student Work) | 2010 | Peterson, Jamie Lee | MA | Psychology, UNCG |
Weight training practices and perspectives among cadet women at a senior military college (Student Work) | 2024 | Baur, Katherine G. | Ed.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
The Weimar Republic (Student Work) | 1952 | Rawlins, Ruth | | History, UNCG |
Welcome to new student orientation!: a thought experiment on alternative models of student o... (Student Work) | 2017 | Patton, Anna L. | Ph.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
“Welcome to the world of Pokémon!”: music and the player’s experience in Chunsoft’s Pokémon ... (Student Work) | 2018 | Roberts, Evangeline Mae | M.M. | School of Music, UNCG |
"Well, she was a woman" : female characters in the poetry of Edwin Arlington Robinson (Student Work) | 1993 | Weil, Eric A. | Ph.D. | English, UNCG |
Wellbeing: the great design (Student Work) | 2017 | Blackmon, Lyndsey Denise | M.S. | Interior Architecture, UNCG |
“Went to build castles in the aire:” colonial failure in the Anglo-North Atlantic World, 157... (Student Work) | 2015 | Findley, James Walter | Ph.D. | History, UNCG |
The West African drum set: applying Mande Djembé traditions to the modern drum set (Student Work) | 2016 | Snow, Adam M. | D.M.A. | Music Performance, UNCG |
The Western American oboe reed as constructed by John Ellis (Student Work) | 2019 | Ford, Ronnal Vanté | D.M.A. | School of Music, UNCG |
The Western Carolinian as a political organ : 1820-1832 (Student Work) | 1973 | Topkins, Robert Morton | M.A. | History, UNCG |
The Whale, the Whaler, and the World: An Ecocritical Evaluation of Melville's Moby-Dick (Student Work) | 2021 | Davidson, Matthew | B.A. | English, UNCG |
What about the impact of outdoor quality? the unique associations between outdoor quality an... (Student Work) | 2021 | Rodrigues, Blenda Luize Chor | M.S. | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
What Are You So Scared About?: Understanding the False Fear Response to Horror Films (Student Work) | 2019 | Seyler, Sarah | B.A. | Media Studies, UNCG |
What do ancient pottery, bees and fungi have in common? : the identification, isolation, and... (Student Work) | 2022 | Cank, Kristof B. | Ph.D. | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
What do black women who were division I elite track and field athletes identify as influenci... (Student Work) | 2010 | Brooks, Deanne Davis | Ed.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
What do successful elementary leaders perceive that they do that promotes academic success o... (Student Work) | 2013 | Maness, Norma Jean H. | Ed.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
What do teachers value? : a study examining elementary teachers’ perceptions, beliefs, and c... (Student Work) | 2024 | Meyer, Mary Elizabeth | Ph.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
What do we know about the implementation of the quality rating and improvement system?: a cr... (Student Work) | 2015 | Li, Jiayao | Ph.D. | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
What do you want to be when you grow up? the impact of cultural capital on the post-high sch... (Student Work) | 2009 | Hampton-Garland, Pamela Gazelle | Ph.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
What does CRT have to do with a roof?: critical race spatial praxis – an equity approach to ... (Student Work) | 2020 | Perez, Amara Haydee | Ph.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
What does it mean to be smart: Black male perspectives on school and academic achievement (Student Work) | 2015 | Albritton, Travis J. | Ph.D. | Educational Studies, UNCG |
What happens next (Student Work) | 2006 | Arrington, James Bradley | Master of Fine Arts | English, UNCG |
What happens when you kiss a Black boy (Student Work) | 2019 | Boykin, James J. | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
What is the importance of a prekindergarten program to achievement and school success for st... (Student Work) | 1991 | McMasters, Linda Maness | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
What leads to effective science-teaching practices in preschool classrooms? An examination o... (Student Work) | 2019 | Pierro, Rebekah Chace | Ph.D. | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
What makes a successful school turnaround: the story of three schools (Student Work) | 2014 | Faison, Patrice Jones | Ed.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
What Motivates Community College Faculty to Support the Adoption of a Learning-Centered Educ... (Student Work) | 2008 | Ray, Jennifer S. | PhD | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
What moves at the margins: Black queer poetics and the critical pedagogical imagination (Student Work) | 2018 | Randolph, Robert Earl | Ph.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
What remains (Student Work) | 2011 | Gray, Whitney D. | MFA | English, UNCG |
What then shall we say to these things? an investigation of African American pastors' respon... (Student Work) | 2013 | Avent, Janeé R. | Ph.D. | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
What to expect (Student Work) | 2017 | Murphy, Kathryn O'Connor | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
What We Talk About When We Talk About Emotion: The Rhetoric of Emotion in Composition. (Student Work) | 2008 | Vogel, Elizabeth | PhD | English, UNCG |
What you ask for, what you want (Student Work) | 2017 | Cooper, Margaret L. | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
What you say and how you say it : instructional strategies for demonstrating enthusiasm and ... (Student Work) | 2023 | Baldwin, Jessica L. | Ed.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
What’s in your dabba? children’s evaluations of ethnic lunchbox foods (Student Work) | 2021 | Venkatesh, Shruthi M. | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
"What's in a name?": theorizing an etymological dictionary of Shakespearean characters. (Student Work) | 2009 | Beshere, Robert C. | Ph.D. | English, UNCG |
"What's it going to be then, eh?" : tracing the English paragraph into its second century (Student Work) | 1988 | Branson, Mark Keith | Ph.D. | English, UNCG |
When the Eagle Encountered the Lion: An Exploration of Religious Syncretism after the Spanis... (Student Work) | 2018 | Countryman, Caroline | B.A. | History, UNCG |
When the heat kicks on (Student Work) | 2017 | Beckitt, Alyssa Marie | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
When innovative research fails: exploring the role of principal investigators (Student Work) | 2021 | Boyce, Morgan | Ph.D. | Economics, UNCG |
When is the appropriate time to pursue nurse practitioner practice legislation? : a case stu... (Student Work) | 2017 | Moore, Catherine | Ph.D. | Nursing, UNCG |
When the lights go down: why do people still go to the movies? (Student Work) | 2017 | Canada, Nicholas | M.A. | Sociology, UNCG |
When peer performance matters: effects of expertise and trait information on children’s self... (Student Work) | 2016 | Lapan, Candace | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
When to move on to new learning: meta-cognition’s role on updating with incorporation (Student Work) | 2019 | Smith, Wyatt G. | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
When women talk who's listening? the effects of sex of the speaker on listening comprehensio... (Student Work) | 1976 | Gruber, Kenneth Jay | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
When Words Are Not Enough: Tracing the Development of Extended Vocal Techniques in Twentieth... (Student Work) | 2008 | Crump, Melanie Austin | DMA | Music, UNCG |
Where do nitergic and GABAergic neurons lie in the metamorphic pathway of Nassarius obsoletu... (Student Work) | 2015 | Welch, Matthew | M.S. | Biology, UNCG |
Where do we fit in: the narrative of the Black female athlete (Student Work) | 2016 | Evans, Jacinda NaTasha | M.A. | Sociology, UNCG |
Where practice meets philosophy: feminist pedagogy in the women’s choral rehearsal (Student Work) | 2015 | Wolfe, Nana Faith | D.M.A. | Music, UNCG |
White Privilege in American Society (Student Work) | 2023 | Williams, Makayla R. | B.A. | Sociology, UNCG |
White soul paintings (Student Work) | 1973 | Davenport, Rebecca Read | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
White street landfill controversy: a case study in environmental justice and how experience ... (Student Work) | 2012 | Madsen, Rachel S. | M.A. | Sociology, UNCG |
White teachers navigating race in elementary classrooms: portraits of possibility (Student Work) | 2019 | Mellor, Kimberly P. | Ed.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Whiteface as rhetorical metis in Sharmila Sen’s Not quite not white : and, Code meshing: pra... (Student Work) | 2020 | Raghunandan, Janie | M.A. | English, UNCG |
The whiteness retention of selected flame retardant finished fabrics laundered with phosphat... (Student Work) | 1974 | Wertz, Elizabeth Dreisbach | M.S.H.E. | Home Economics, UNCG |
Who am I?: culturally relevant pedagogy and the quest to transform teacher beliefs through p... (Student Work) | 2016 | Boone, Rodney L. | Ed.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
"Who are we? Sudanese!” : Sudanese Revolution and national identity formation within the Sud... (Student Work) | 2022 | Abdelgadir, Yathrip Makawi | M.A. | Sociology, UNCG |
Who benefits : a study of Pell grant and Stafford loan awards in four-year colleges, 1986-87... (Student Work) | 1994 | Fraser, Donald Ross | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Who Brinser? and other stories (Student Work) | 1968 | Ackley, David Lawrence | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
Who helps best? Children’s evaluation of knowledgeable versus wealthy individuals in negativ... (Student Work) | 2022 | Marble, Kimberly E. | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
Who is to blame, who is to credit? counterfactual thinking and children’s judgments of emoti... (Student Work) | 2016 | Payir, Ayse | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
Who owns domestic violence? : a content analysis of newsmagazines, 1960-2000 (Student Work) | 2006 | Berggren, Jenny | Master of Arts | Sociology, UNCG |
Who Would Have Thought It?: Space and Hybridity in Chicana Literature and Literary Humanitar... (Student Work) | 2007 | Houlihan, Erin Kathleen | MA | English, UNCG |
“Whoa! It has a lot of benefits” : the early care and education perceptions and preferences ... (Student Work) | 2021 | Eastern, Amanda C. | Ph.D. | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Whole cell mass spectroscopy as a cytotoxicity screening method (Student Work) | 2013 | Diaz, Reynaldo T. | M.S. | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Why are all the Black kids tweeting together? : exploring the impact of Black social media s... (Student Work) | 2023 | Baker, Kayla J. | Ph.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Why are linguistic features and PTSD symptoms related? An analysis of cognitive reappraisal ... (Student Work) | 2022 | Priest, Sophia E. | B.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
Why Harry woke up and other stories (Student Work) | 1971 | Kimball, Clark Craig | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
Why nonsuicidal self-injury?: examining the validity of steps of a decisional model of nonsu... (Student Work) | 2013 | Robertson, Christopher | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
Why principals leave? Why principals stay? (Student Work) | 2017 | Burress, Karen Conner | Ed.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Why those with chronic low back pain engage in physical activity (Student Work) | 2024 | Thornton-Brooks, Jennifer D. | Ed.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Why we left : a study of North Carolina educators who left the principalship to return to th... (Student Work) | 2022 | Maxfield, Michelle D. | Ed.D | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Why whites riot: the race riot narrative and demonstrations of nineteenth century black citi... (Student Work) | 2011 | McFarland, Ebone | MA | English, UNCG |
"Why you always be sweatin' me?" : cultural mapping : eighth grade, black adolescent females... (Student Work) | 1987 | Pember, Ann Piper | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Wi-Fi 802.11 based mobile robotics positioning system (Student Work) | 2007 | Misior, Robert | Master of Science | Mathematics and Statistics, UNCG |
Wife beating or chastisement? : an approach to generating new theoretical concepts for under... (Student Work) | 2007 | Quinn, Joseph M. | Master of Arts | Sociology, UNCG |
A wild garden approach (Student Work) | 2013 | Hoover, Harriet | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
Wild, willful, and wicked: African American childhood and the nineteenth-century literary im... (Student Work) | 2013 | Brewington, Paulette F. | Ph.D. | English, UNCG |
The wilderness experience (Student Work) | 1993 | Chamlee, Kenneth | Ph.D. | English, UNCG |
Wildwood permutations (Student Work) | 1973 | Delattre, Susan B. | M.F.A. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
William Blake's The marriage of heaven and hell : a formal analysis (Student Work) | 1969 | Hester, Kathleen Driscoll | M.A. | English, UNCG |
William Duckworth’s The Time Curve Preludes and postminimalism (Student Work) | 2016 | Luciano, Nicholas Grant | M.M. | Music Performance, UNCG |
William Henry Squire's out-of-print works for cello and piano: analysis and suggestions for ... (Student Work) | 2011 | Pezzoli, Gina Annalise | DMA | Music, UNCG |
William T. Sutherlin and the Danville tobacco industry (Student Work) | 1974 | Bennett, Barbara Napier | M.A. | History, UNCG |
William W. Holden and the Standard : the Civil War years (Student Work) | 1966 | Fiore, Jannette Carringer | M.A. | History and Political Science, UNCG |
William Walker and the Nicaraguan filibuster war of 1855-1857 (Student Work) | 1973 | Ellis, John C. | M.A. | History, UNCG |
Wind and water work (Student Work) | 1972 | Tadlock, Marvin Lane | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
The wind, the calm (Student Work) | 1974 | Fortunato, Peter A. | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
Window series (Student Work) | 1972 | Grimes, Willie Baucom | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
Windows (Student Work) | 1968 | Stripling, Kathryn | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
Winds of change (Student Work) | 2013 | Miller, Tyler | M.M. | Music, UNCG |
Wine-dark (Student Work) | 2017 | Gardiner, Grace | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
WISC characteristics and Devereux behavior scale ratings for third grade reading disabled ch... (Student Work) | 1974 | Muzyczka, Marjorie J. | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
WISC, VMI, and behavioral characteristics of reading disabled children identified by the Z-S... (Student Work) | 1974 | Santoro, Patricia A. | M.A. | Psychology, UNCG |
With Regards from Frankel City (Student Work) | 2008 | Walker, Susan Overcash | MFA | English, UNCG |
Within the chrysalis (Student Work) | 1976 | Zigler, Donald N. | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
Without Force: Examining Voluntary Compliance in Police/Citizen Encounters (Student Work) | 2008 | Triche, Nathan E. | MA | Sociology, UNCG |
Wolves, dragons, and ponies… oh my!: fursonas and stigmatization in the “human” world (Student Work) | 2017 | Lucas, Torie E. | M.A. | Sociology, UNCG |
Woman, sport and society in Victorian England (Student Work) | 1974 | Kennard, June Arianna | Ed.D. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
Woman, warrior: the story of Linda Bray and an analysis of female war veterans in the Americ... (Student Work) | 2009 | Ruffin, Ingrid J. | MA | English, UNCG |
Womanist intellectuals : developing a tradition (Student Work) | 1996 | Willis, Lucindy A. | Ph.D. | English, UNCG |
Women abused as children and participatory dreaming: a study of unitary healing. (Student Work) | 2009 | Repede, Elizabeth J. | Ph.D. | Nursing, UNCG |
Women and knowledge : a study of eight doctoral students in the School of Education, Univers... (Student Work) | 1990 | Wallace, Pricilla Provost | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Women and pre-hospital delays associated with myocardial infarction (Student Work) | 2015 | Walters, Gloria A. | Ph.D. | Nursing, UNCG |
Women mid-level managers in higher education: a study of inequity in higher education (Student Work) | 2020 | Jones-Goodwin, Jennifer E. | Ph.D. | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
Women’s empowerment: defining and operationalizing a critical variable (Student Work) | 2021 | Liles, Heidi H. | M.A. | Sociology, UNCG |
Women's basketball rule infringements in seasonal and national tournament play (Student Work) | 1972 | Strausberger, Janet G. | M.S. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
Women's rhetoric(s) as a method for feminist pedagogy in composition studies (Student Work) | 2011 | Field, Laura A. | Ph.D. | English, UNCG |
The woman in the principals' office: a study of young, female principals practicing in the e... (Student Work) | 2011 | Oakley, Whitney W. | Ed.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Work and family : a baseline study of the relative importance of the perception of organizat... (Student Work) | 1983 | Bard, Leona Fliegner | Ph.D. | Home Economics, UNCG |
A Work Behavior Analysis of Executive Coaches. (Student Work) | 2008 | Newsom, Glenn | PhD | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
Work-it circuit: improving health, fitness, and self-efficacy through a worksite exercise pr... (Student Work) | 2020 | Preuss, Sean R. | Ph.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Workplace climate, degree of outness, and job satisfaction of gay and lesbian professional s... (Student Work) | 2009 | Johnson, Robert Bradley | Ph.D. | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
Workplace incivility and its effects on nursing faculty (Student Work) | 2019 | Sherrod, Jayme Trocino | Ph.D. | Nursing, UNCG |
Works on paper (Student Work) | 1978 | Narbutavicius, Mary Grazina | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
Works on paper (Student Work) | 1977 | Dodson, Michael Gary | M.F.A. | Art, UNCG |
World enough and time : a vision of man (Student Work) | 1966 | Jenkins, Faye | | English, UNCG |
The world in color for chamber orchestra (Student Work) | 2018 | McLaughlin, Robin E. | M.M. | School of Music, UNCG |
World language teacher education and Web-Enhanced Language Learning (WELL): How K-12 world l... (Student Work) | 2018 | Coleman Swinton, Ayesha M. | Ph.D. | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
The World of ?amza al-I?fahani: His Life and Writings in Context (Student Work) | 2024 | Sherrill, Logan J. | B.A. | History, UNCG |
The world of Carson McCullers (Student Work) | 1969 | Kirk, Dorothy Jean | M.A. | English, UNCG |
World of stars and bone (Student Work) | 2017 | Rosquillo, Michelle | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
World religions: seeing with, not looking at (Student Work) | 2016 | Lovett, Stephanie Jane | Ph.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Wounded whiteness: masculinity, sincerity, and settlement in contemporary U.S. fiction (Student Work) | 2015 | Laminack, Zachary S. | Ph.D. | English, UNCG |
Write, tweet, march: how Argentina’s #NiUnaMenos employed discourse in digital and physical ... (Student Work) | 2019 | Bedrosian, Alyssa | M.A. | Languages, Literatures, and Cultures, UNCG |
Writing across the curriculum : a call for pedagogical change in the secondary school (Student Work) | 1989 | Fowler, Helen Lawson | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Writing as a way of knowing : an interpretive inquiry into voice development in the high sch... (Student Work) | 1990 | Wright-Kernodle, Lynn | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Writing the body : sentimental rhetoric in nineteenth-century Southern women writers’ fictio... (Student Work) | 2022 | Watson, Jamie | Ph.D. | English, UNCG |
A writing collaborative: shaping secondary English teachers’ identities as writers within a ... (Student Work) | 2014 | Ormond, Allison Huffman | Ph.D. | Educational Studies, UNCG |
The writing lives of students with learning disabilities: a multiple case study (Student Work) | 2019 | Whitehurst, April Corn | Ph.D. | Specialized Education Services, UNCG |
Writing program administration and institutional narratives (Student Work) | 2011 | Hassell Ritola, Tonya | Ph.D. | English, UNCG |
A written knowledge test for the fifth grade students at Archer Elementary School (Student Work) | 1965 | Hambright, Joanne | M.S. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
The Yazoo Library Association's significance in history : the American social and public lib... (Student Work) | 1992 | Buchanan, William Emory | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
The year of the girl : nostalgia and girlhood portrayed in the music of Taylor Swift (Student Work) | 2024 | Chappell, Madelyn Carol | M.M. | School of Music, UNCG |
Year round education : implementing the first two years in the elementary grades (Student Work) | 1993 | Boyles, Bruce Willard | Ed.D. | Education, UNCG |
Year-round activity of peripheral bat populations in the North Carolina coastal plain (Student Work) | 2014 | Grider, John. F. | M.S. | Biology, UNCG |
Yeats's poetry from early to late : a changing view of man (Student Work) | 1976 | Broadwell, Frances Annette | M.A. | English, UNCG |
Yes, rural communities do have African American male school leaders (Student Work) | 2021 | Smith, Chemeeka Nichelle | Ed.D. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Yin-Yang 1 regulation of Epstein-Barr virus BRLF1 transcription is altered during mTORC1 inh... (Student Work) | 2018 | Moran, Steven Javier | M.S. | Biology, UNCG |
Yoga: mindful physical activity to enhance college students’ well-being (Student Work) | 2021 | Almedina-McQuade, Lisa Marie | Ed.D | Kinesiology, UNCG |
'You don't even know me:' exploring news media, educational policies and practices affecting... (Student Work) | 2014 | Boyer, Sabrina L. | Ph.D. | Educational Studies, UNCG |
“You have waked me all up”: New Women’s reformist utopian novels of the Progressive Era (Student Work) | 2018 | Beeson, Alicia Matheny | Ph.D. | English, UNCG |
You hurt me, i'll hurt you: the prediction of aggression based on the interaction between an... (Student Work) | 2011 | Skinner, Stephanie | MA | Psychology, UNCG |
You Made Me This Way: Systems of Oppression in Joseph Heller's Something Happened (Student Work) | 2005 | Humphries, Matthew McLaurin | Master of Art | English, UNCG |
You will be with me in paradise (Student Work) | 2023 | Pintado, Steisha I. | M.F.A. | School of Art, UNCG |
Young infants' binocular interaction : evoked potential measures (Student Work) | 1978 | Odom, James Vernon | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
The young republic's self-image during the administration of James Knox Polk : a study of th... (Student Work) | 1966 | Lamar, Quinton Curtis | M.A. | History and Political Science, UNCG |
"Your Former Selves and Your Present State:" Identity and Domestic Landscape in Upper Georgi... (Student Work) | 2008 | Mails, Ryan Fredrick | MA | History, UNCG |
Your love is safe with me (Student Work) | 2012 | Wheeler, Anna Marie | M.F.A. | English, UNCG |
Youth leadership identity development through a sports-based youth development program (Student Work) | 2021 | Seo, Geumran | Ph.D. | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Youth-directed racial socialization : developmental processes that contribute to second-gene... (Student Work) | 2024 | Patel, Puja | Ph.D. | Psychology, UNCG |
YouTube: An International Platform for Sharing Methods of Cheating (Student Work) | 2011 | Gringle, Meredith | DrPH | Public Health Education, UNCG |
YouTube: An International Platform for Sharing Methods of Cheating (Student Work) | 2011 | Seitz, Christopher | DrPH | Public Health Education, UNCG |
YouTube: An International Platform for Sharing Methods of Cheating (Student Work) | 2011 | Orsini, Muhsin Michael | DrPH | Public Health Education, UNCG |
"You've got to want to do!": an examination of the construction of academic identity among h... (Student Work) | 2012 | McCain, Johnette Atkinson | Ph.D. | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
Zagier’s reduction theory for indefinite binary quadratic forms and the Fermat-Pell Equation... (Student Work) | 2020 | Steward, Stephen Michael | M.A. | Mathematics and Statistics, UNCG |
Zarathustra as Superman: reading the Nietzschean narrative in Also Sprach Zarathustra (Student Work) | 2014 | Arno, Joseph L. | M.M. | Music, UNCG |
Zirconia poems (Student Work) | 1968 | Morgan, Robert Ray | M.A. | English, UNCG |
Zoltán Kodály’s Op. 9, Öt dal: a historical, textual, and musical analysis with translations... (Student Work) | 2020 | Hahn, Jacob Andrew | D.M.A. | School of Music, UNCG |
Zora Neale Hurston: A Universal Voice Far Removed From the Orgasms of Harlem (Student Work) | 2014 | Canada, Fred | | English, UNCG |