Muhsin Michael Orsini

Dr. Orsini has experience teaching and learning in a variety of contexts involving diverse subjects, settings, and populations. His research interests are focused on program evaluation, curriculum, and instruction. He earned his B.S. in Psychology from Campbell University (1990), his M.S. in Teaching (Secondary Education) from the New School for Social Research (1994), and his Ed.D. in Curriculum and Instruction from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (2004). He has served as principal investigator for evaluation, evaluation specialist, or research consultant for N.I.D.A., U.S.D.O.E., N.B.P.T.S., and other grants. He has authored several academic papers on program evaluation, teacher education, and curriculum. He serves on the Curriculum & Instruction Advisory Board for the School of Education, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

There are 28 included publications by Muhsin Michael Orsini :

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
Cartoon images on E-juice labels: A descriptive analysis 2020 421 Introduction: Although previous studies have found cartoons in electronic cigarette (e-cigarette) advertisements, social media posts, and a small sample of labels, there has yet to be an analysis of cartoons located on the labels attached to bottles ...
Collaborative evaluation of a high school prevention curriculum: How methods of collaborative evaluation enhanced a randomized control trial to inform program improvement. 2012 2104 Blending high-quality and rigorous research with pure evaluation practice can often be best accomplished through thoughtful collaboration. The evaluation of a high school drug prevention program (All Stars Senior) is an example of how perceived compe...
College Students' Perceived Wellness Among Online, Face-to-Face, and Hybrid Formats of a Lifetime Physical Activity and Wellness Course 2013 2546 Background: College students are vulnerable to risks associated with unhealthy behaviors. Considering the role that colleges play in facilitating lifelong health and wellness behaviors of college students, health-related fitness (HRF) courses ...
College students’ perception of the flipped classroom: A phenomenographical study 2014 1465 The 'flipped classroom' has become popular among educators; however, research on the topic has been relatively sparse, especially in terms of qualitative research. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to explore student perceptions of the flipped...
Construct validity of college students’ responses to the Behavioral Regulation in Exercise Questionnaire (BREQ-2) 2014 462 The purpose of this study was to assess the construct validity and reliability of college students' responses to the Behavioral Regulation in Exercise Questionnaire (BREQ-2) to be used in campus recreation programs and physical activity and wellness ...
Coverage of adolescent substance use prevention in state frameworks for health education. 2013 1709 BACKGROUND: The use of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs (ATOD) by adolescents is a national health issue. One way in which the United States approaches the prevention of substance use among adolescents is by teaching high school students about ATOD ...
Developing a Web-Based Tool Using Information and Communication Technologies to Expand the Reach and Impact of Photovoice 2015 1522 Information and communication technologies are opening up vast new arenas for conducting the work of health promotion. Technology-based health promotions expand reach, standardize information and its delivery, provide opportunities for tailoring, cre...
Development and validation of the 4-Factor Critical Consciousness Scale 2022 904 Assessment of critical consciousness among individuals can provide a proxy measure of the readiness of communities, and individual decision-makers within, for social changes that address root causes of ill health. Critical consciousness, as conceived...
Evaluation of an infused alcohol and drug prevention programme 2019 1131 Purpose: Alcohol, tobacco, marijuana and other drugs use typically increases in prevalence and frequency during middle and late adolescence. School health instruction often focusses on providing facts and rarely provides tools for addressing the psyc...
Going the distance: Delivery of high school drug prevention via distance education. 2010 2123 The purpose of this project was to develop a technology that can be used in schools where there are insufficient resources to implement a quality drug prevention program. The specific technology—distance education via teleconferencing—allows a highly...
Hazardous drinking by first-year college-athletes: The differential roles of drinking motives, alcohol consequences, and season status 2013 5507 College student-athletes and first-year students are two undergraduate populations at risk for heavy-episodic drinking and alcohol-related negative consequences. In this study, 63 (56% female, 62% Caucasian) first-year student-athletes completed a pr...
Implementing an Alcohol and Other Drug Use Prevention Program Using University–High School Partnerships: Challenges and Lessons Learned 2015 2049 Background: School-based alcohol and other drug use prevention remains an important national strategy. Collaborative partnerships between universities and high schools have the potential to enhance prevention programming; however, there are ch...
Investigating Motivation for Physical Activity among Minority College Females using the BREQ-2 2015 1715 Adolescents who engage in regular physical activity experience increased academic performance and grades, improved academic behavior, such as time on task, as well as an increase in other factors that influence academic achievement. Despite physical ...
A National Study of the Reasons for Use and Non-Use of Alcohol Among College Student-Athletes by Sex, Race, and NCAA Division 2014 1404 Alcohol use among college student-athletes should be of great concern due to their risk for excessive consumption and related negative consequences compared to their non-athlete peers. Previous research has focused on reasons and/or motives for alcoh...
Photovoice as Pedagogy for Authentic Learning: Empowering Undergraduate Students to Increase Community Awareness About Issues Related to the Impact of Low Income on Health 2016 1080 Students preparing for helping professions who understand the influences of income on health are better equipped to address health challenges in communities and in their future careers. Universities have a responsibility to bolster and provide a safe...
The photovoice decision tree: Legal considerations and ethical implications for photographs and captions 2022 1623 This article presents a photovoice decision tree that serves as a guide for making lawful and ethical decisions during the portions of the photovoice process that involve photograph selection, caption development, and public display of photographs an...
Physical Activity Promotion on Campus: Using Empirical Evidence to Recommend Strategic Approaches to Target Female College Students 2015 1088 PROBLEM: A large number of American adults do not meet national physical activity (PA) guidelines for aerobic PA and muscle strengthening. Similarly, many American college students, specifically females do not engage in regular PA. Self Determ...
The Physical and Social Environments as Determinants of Health: Implications for Substance and Behavioral Addictions 2020 2583 Whether unintentional or by design, built, social, and perceived environments influence the human experience. Behavior is not solely the product of a rational motivated actor, operating independently from his or her environment; rather, it is also a ...
Polysubstance use among first-year NCAA collegiate student-athletes 2018 426 The purpose of this article is to investigate polysubstance use among college student-athletes and determine whether use is independent of gender, race, season status, and athletic division. College student-athletes responded to questions related to ...
Quantifying littered cigarette butts to measure effectiveness of smoking bans to building perimeters. 2012 2875 Objective: The authors estimated the number of violations of a university policy that prohibited smoking within 25 ft of all campus buildings. Participants: The project was conducted by 13 student researchers from the university and a member of the l...
The reliability and construct validity of American college students’ responses to the WHOQOL-BREF. 2011 1170 The World Health Organization Quality of Life (WHOQOL-100) instrument was developed to assess quality of life from a multi-dimensional perspective. A shorter 26-item version of the instrument was created called the WHOQOL-BREF, which is the focus of ...
Rethinking addiction 2019 496 Addiction is a complex and challenging condition with many contributing factors. Although addictive behaviors appear to be individual choices, behavior alterations cannot be addressed successfully without considering characteristics of the physical a...
Revisiting the roots and aims of photovoice 2022 1686 Since its introduction, photovoice has been implemented in numerous fields with a wide array of outcomes of interest, but has the method been implemented in a way that is consistent with its initial aims in mind? From Caroline Wang and Mary Ann Burri...
The snowball survey and peer-education posters: Methods of teaching social norms. 2011 10716 Adolescent substance use is a major health issue in the United States. Adolescent substance use is associated with motor vehicle crashes,1 risky sexual behaviors,2 and the development of substance disorders during adulthood.3 National studies indicat...
Twitter as a tool to warn others about sobriety checkpoints: A pilot observational study. 2012 1554 Anecdotal evidence suggests that young people use the website Twitter as a tool to warn drivers about the locations of sobriety checkpoints. Researchers investigated this claim by independently analyzing the website’s content regarding a sample of 10...
Using photovoice to uncover campus issues and advocate change for black males 2018 1345 Disparity of Black male academic achievement compared with non-Black males is well documented in a variety of educational settings (Dancy & Brown, 2008; Harper, 2006; Jackson & Moore, 2008; Sander, 2014; Strayhorn, 2012). The literature has primarily...
YouTube: An international medium for sharing videos about hookah smoking. 2011 2149 The hookah pipe is an ancient tool for smoking tobacco and is a growing public health concern at the global level. YouTube is a website that allows its members to post videos for people to watch and to share comments about the videos in an online for...
YouTube: An International Platform for Sharing Methods of Cheating 2011 2768 This study investigated the video sharing website for the presence of instructional videos that teach students how to cheat on academic work. Videos were analyzed to determine the methods of cheating, the popularity of the videos, th...