A study of the evolution of the phenomenological nature of cultural consciousness : Kant, Hegel, and Heidegger

UNCG Author/Contributor (non-UNCG co-authors, if there are any, appear on document)
Barbara Froeschle Mascali (Creator)
The University of North Carolina at Greensboro (UNCG )
Web Site: http://library.uncg.edu/
Fritz Mengert

Abstract: This study is an examination of the evolution of individual consciousness from German Idealism to Heideggerian Existentialism. It traces the individual ego back to Kant and Fichte, demonstrates how with Hegel it underwent a gathering process, and suggests that with Heidegger it returned to the realm of pre-Socratic unity. The investigation begins with an analysis of the groundwork laid by Kant and Fichte, whose conception of the powers of the Transcendental Ego paved the way to phenomenal thought. The system of consciousness established by German Idealism is thus characterized by the presupposition of an unmediated "I". With Hegel, the conception of consciousness underwent a radical change, demonstrated in his attempt to bring together the multitude of individual minds in his concept of the Absolute Spirit.

Additional Information

Language: English
Date: 1994
Self (Philosophy)
Consciousness $x History

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