Jeremy D. Bailoo

There are 2 included publications by Jeremy D. Bailoo :

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
Manipulation of the Pre- and Post-Weaning Social Environment and its Effects on Prepulse Inhibition of the Acoustic Startle Response in C57BL/6 2008 2054 Pre-pulse inhibition (PPI) is a tool that may be used to identify how early life stress can result in a deficient adult nervous system (as represented by a deficit in sensorimotor gating). Since both animals and humans demonstrate a PPI, animal resea...
A re-evaluation of the effects of maternal care on offspring behavioral development 2011 1936 Recent studies of early handling in inbred mice do not replicate results from previous work in rats. In addition, studies using extended periods of dam-offspring separation suffer from a lack of consistency in behavioral, physiological and neuroanato...