Effects of augmented local abdominal activation patterns on lower extremity biomechanics during landing in males and females
- UNCG Author/Contributor (non-UNCG co-authors, if there are any, appear on document)
- Anthony S. Kulas (Creator)
- Institution
- The University of North Carolina at Greensboro (UNCG )
- Web Site: http://library.uncg.edu/
- Advisor
- Randy Schmitz
Abstract: "This research assessed changes in lower extremity biomechanics as a result of augmented local abdominal contractions during double leg landings. The study design followed a two-day (control and intervention days) within subject model in which two conditions on each day were compared, (control-control and control-experimental) with between sex comparisons. Fifty subjects (25 males and 25 females) were activity matched and represented a sample of healthy and recreationally active individuals. A repeated measures ANOVA comparing control and experimental conditions on the intervention day revealed that all subjects significantly increased local abdominal activation during 150ms prior to landing. However, a 2 (sex) x 3 (muscle) x 2 (phase of landing) repeated measures ANOVA demonstrated that only males maintained this contraction during the 150ms time interval after landing. A repeated measures ANOVA evaluating changes in leg spring stiffness (LSS) as a result of the augmented local abdominal contraction showed a sex by condition interaction demonstrating that only males experienced significant increases in LSS from control to experimental condition while females demonstrated no significant changes. No significant differences by condition were noted when assessing changes in ankle, knee, and hip energetics. The evaluation of lower extremity total joint displacements across condition demonstrated that males increased LSS through decreases in hip range of motion while females showed no significant changes in hip range of motion but increased knee and ankle motion. From these results we concluded that augmented local abdominal activation during a double leg landing task increased LSS by decreasing hip range of motion in males. "--Abstract from author supplied metadata.
Effects of augmented local abdominal activation patterns on lower extremity biomechanics during landing in males and females
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Created on 5/1/2005
Views: 3265
Additional Information
- Publication
- Dissertation
- Language: English
- Date: 2005
- Keywords
- lower extremity, biomechanics, lower extremity biomechanics, double leg landings, energetics, knee, ankle, motion, abdominal activation
- Subjects
- Leg--Mechanical properties
- Leg--Movements
- Abdomen--Muscles
- Muscle contraction
- Impact--Physiological effect