K. Jay Poole

Dr. Poole's research interests are: identity,including gender and sexuality, clinical social work practice, and gerontology in social work practice.

There are 11 included publications by K. Jay Poole :

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
Determining Intention to Provide Culturally Responsive Clinical Mental Health Care to Collegiate Student-Athletes 2023 158 Mental health care providers’ cultural responsiveness related to athletics is crucial to their clinical care provision for student-athletes on college campuses. However, little research has been conducted in applying a theoretical framework to explor...
The impact of the faith-based and community initiative on rural mental health care. 2008 909 President George W. Bush established the Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives in 2001 and eventually, by executive order, set a precedent for federal agencies to revise their policies to allow faith-based organizations to apply for feder...
Innovative Social Work Field Education in Congregational and Community-based Settings Serving Persons Fifty Five+: An Interdisciplinary Training Initiative for BSW and MSW Students 2013 1426 Advances in medical technology, nutrition and life styles are all contributing to increased life expectancy for persons age 55+. However, persistent poverty, chronic disease and gaps in both community social services and family caregiving often adver...
Perspectives on Supervision in Human Services: Gazing Through Critical and Feminist Lenses. 2010 1658 Supervision is a cornerstone activity in the development of practice skills for human service professionals. Traditionally, supervision is conducted in ways that emphasize the expertise of the supervisor and the need to impart expert wisdom to the su...
Psycho: Queering a classic. In Morris, G. (Ed.). 2008 5506 As the first staccato chords ominously resound and the viewer sees through broken horizontal bars the word "Psycho," it is clear that what lies beyond these frames is no ordinary story, and a strange feeling of anxiety begins to rise in the throat al...
Queer Representations of Gay Males and Masculinities in the Media 2014 7250 Ways of being that transcend what has been defined or expected have been called queer and, in the past 10 years, media has offered some representations of queer gay males and masculinity. For males struggling with identity and for professionals who w...
Reflections on Teaching and Learning in Field Education: A Teacher-Scholar Model 2019 449 The purpose of this brief article is to report an innovative attempt to promote high quality field education utilizing Specialized Field Education Units (SFEUs) while overcoming both the internal and external barriers noted above. This approach, an i...
Sexualities in Rural Spaces: Conservatism and Fundamentalism as Curriculum 2011 1639 Notions of sexual and gender identities seem to be troubled as people are more forth-coming with sexual and gender practices that stray beyond traditionally defined boundaries. Working within geographical locations; in particular, those that are rur...
Sexualities in rural spaces: Fundamentalism and conservatism as curriculum. 2011 920 Notions of sexual and gender identities seem to be troubled as people are more forth-coming with sexual and gender practices that stray beyond traditionally defined boundaries. Working within geographical locations; in particular, those that are rura...
Shame on you; shame in me: the impact of degradation on males who identify as gay 2009 4499 Literature in gender and identity studies does not reveal plentiful inquiry regarding the impact of shame, particularly with regard to males who identify as gay; however, the literature does reflect that people who identify as non-conformist with reg...
Students' Perceptions of Social Work: Implications for Strengthening the Image of Social Work among College Students 2007 9395 This study, inspired by the efforts of NASW to improve the public perception and understanding of social work, focused on the perceptions and attitudes of college students regarding the profession of social work. The sample included 678 undergraduate...