Body of knowledge |
1995 |
5916 |
As a scholar in a dance department, I am expected to produce words, not movement, scholarly research instead of choreography. While I have experimented with some forms that mix media, combining spoken scholarly text with choreographed or improvised m... |
Choreographing a life: Reflections on curriculum design, consciousness, and possibility |
2001 |
3464 |
Over a decade ago, Mary Catherine Bateson1 published a book titled Composing a Life, in which she reflected upon various life decisions she and several other women in her generation had made about work, relationships, and other aspects of their lives... |
Dance education in early childhood |
1990 |
19307 |
Current educational discourse reveals concerns that our chil are not learning enough during their school years. In the twenty-five years since my own public schooling ended, knowledge has multiplied dramatically. There is more and more to know, yet o... |
"I feel like I'm going to take off!": Young people's experiences of the superordinary in dance |
2000 |
5411 |
Work by children in every art form has been both romanticized and criticized by adults. Child art has been emulated as "natural" by artists seeking to free themselves from social and historical conventions (Lowenfeld and Brittain 1987; Read 1957, 197... |
An interpretive study of meaning in dance: Voices of young women students. |
1988 |
2089 |
This study attempts to gain understanding of how adolescent pre-professional dance students experience dance; a qualitative methodology is used. The researchers describe larger issues which emerge from the analysis, focusing primarily on how the stud... |
"It's work, work, work, work": Young people's experiences of effort and engagement in dance |
2007 |
7093 |
This study is the second phase of a large project examining young people's experiences in dance education. It draws on multi-modal data from over 700 young people, diverse both demographically and in terms of degree and kind of dance experience. This... |
Moving social justice: Challenges, fears and possibilities in dance education |
2010 |
7933 |
This essay explores social justice commitments in dance pedagogy and dance education teacher preparation in the USA as developed through a series of conversations between two dance educators and former administrators in higher education. The authors ... |
Piaget for dance educators: A theoretical study |
1985 |
9609 |
Most individuals who spend serious time with children recognize that children are not simply small versions of adults. Not only are their bodies different, but they also think differently. The dance educator, just like other educators, must attempt t... |
Professional ethics and personal values: Intersections and decisions in dance education |
2004 |
4076 |
Since I began my involvement with the Making a Difference in Dance project, I have done a lot of thinking about ethics and politics. In the past month or so, I have been doing even more thinking about it, ever since the results of my country’s presid... |
A question of fun: Adolescent engagement in dance education |
1997 |
5858 |
Ever since the publication of A Nation at Risk (National Commission on Excellence in Education, 1983), educational literature and the popular press have been filled with concern over low achievement levels among students in this country. One of the m... |
Reflections and visions : a hermeneutic study of dangers and possibilities in dance education |
1984 |
494 |
This investigation focuses on the validity of dance as an educative process, with particular concern for ways in which dance may limit human personhood. This concern, with focus on the issues of liberation and communion, is expanded through awareness... |
Reflections on student experience in dance education |
1992 |
2775 |
Students spoke powerfully and passionately of enhanced understanding of self, perception of the world, and ability to respond to others. |
Reflections on teacher education in dance |
1991 |
2669 |
It takes little if any imagination to recognize that today's schools are not working well for more than a small number of students. Statistics on low SAT scores and dropout rates are part of the daily news. There is little evidence, despite efforts a... |
Research as choreography |
2006 |
5945 |
Since 1977-78, The USA National Dance Association (NDA) has selected one individual each year to receive an award as NDA Scholar and/or Artist and make a presentation at the association's annual meeting. The following essay was originally presented a... |
Review of Movement Education by J.Fowler |
1983 |
2013 |
Movement Education is addressed primarily to the physical education major who is just beginning a study of teaching methodology. It could also be of interest to the specialist who desires to move from a more traditional methodology to a discovery lea... |
Review of Partnering Dance in Education |
2000 |
2829 |
Judith Lynne Hanna is probably best known for her work as an anthropologist of dance. Since the publication of her book To Dance Is Human in 1987, however, she has done research on a variety of other topics. Dance education is her latest focus, and t... |
Symposium on the arts in early childhood |
1993 |
955 |
These articles, while focusing on young children, explore central issues in arts education: what is it about arts education that makes it educational, and what is it that makes it art? All four authors find unguided self-expression limited or inappro... |
Testing creativity of dance students in the People's Republic of China |
1993 |
2215 |
In the past decade there has been increasing concern over the losses that may accompany the benefits of dance training for young people (Abra, 1987/ 88; Brady, J., 1982; Gordon, S., 1983; Innes, 1988; Kirkland, G. with Lawrence, G., 1986; Schnitt, 19... |
The Voices of Young Women Dance Students. |
1990 |
3592 |
What is dance and what is the experience of dancing? What does dancing mean for those who do it? Dance scholars and critics have written many words in response to these questions. Choreographers give their answers to "what is dance?" in the work they... |
What we teach is who we are: Reflections on the stories of our lives |
1999 |
2995 |
Teacher education students in methods courses learn to teach according to rules provided by other people. Once in their own classrooms, however, teachers sort through those rules, deciding which ones to keep and which to discard or replace with their... |