The effect of partial vascular occlusion on oxidative stress and inflammatory markers in young resistance trained individuals
- UNCG Author/Contributor (non-UNCG co-authors, if there are any, appear on document)
- Ryan S. Garten (Creator)
- Institution
- The University of North Carolina at Greensboro (UNCG )
- Web Site:
- Advisor
- Allan H. Goldfarb
Abstract: Low-intensity strength training with partial vascular occlusion (PVO)was reported to result in muscle hypertrophy and strength increases similar to high-intensity training without PVO. Resistance training has been reported to increase markers of oxidative stress and inflammation. A recent study reported that PVO by itself may result in elevated oxidative stress markers. The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of PVO on oxidative stress and inflammatory markers. Twelve resistance trained males (18-35yrs) completed three sets of elbow flexion at either moderate (70% 1RM) or low (30% 1RM) intensity with or without PVO. Two rest (R) conditions done with and without PVO were also included. All exercise conditions were done to failure with the exception of one condition done at 30%1RM and repetition matched to the 30%1RM condition with PVO. The seven conditions were completed at least72 hours apart in a counterbalanced fashion over 3-4 weeks. Blood was obtained before and immediately after each condition. Protein carbonyls (PC), glutathione ratio (GSSG/TGSH), xanthine oxidase (XO), oxygen radical absorbance capacity (ORAC), and interleukin-6 (IL-6) were analyzed in the plasma. The addition of PVO impacted the number of repetitions done and time to completion in both the low and moderate intensity conditions. The analysis of PC levels revealed interaction effects which post hoc analysis revealed a time effect for exercise. Glutathione ratio measures revealed a PVO main effect independent of intensity level or time. ORAC analysis revealed significant interaction effects which were intensity x PVO, intensity x time, and PVO x time interactions. XO activity analysis noted an intensity x time interaction resulting from decreases in XO activity over time in both the moderate and low intensity conditions that were not observed in the rest condition. Analysis of IL-6 levels revealed an intensity x time interaction with a significant increase over time for the moderate intensity condition when compared to the rest condition. A PVO x time interaction was also noted and subsequent post-hoc analysis revealed a significant increase over time for the conditions with PVO. This resulted in a greater IL-6 increase over time in conditions with PVO compared to without PVO. The effect of completing each set to failure as opposed to repetitions matched resulted in no differences between low intensity groups without PVO. In summary, this study shows that partial vascular occlusion can increase oxidative stress and inflammation independent of exercise and that combined with low or moderate intensity exercise there was not a significant change in the variables determined using the elbow flexor muscle group.
The effect of partial vascular occlusion on oxidative stress and inflammatory markers in young resistance trained individuals
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Created on 8/1/2011
Views: 2194
Additional Information
- Publication
- Dissertation
- Language: English
- Date: 2011
- Keywords
- Partial vascular occlusion (PVO), Oxidative stress, Inflammatory Markers
- Subjects
- Cardiovascular fitness
- Oxidative stress
- Isometric exercise