Leslie H. Brown

There are 8 included publications by Leslie H. Brown :

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
A continuum of suspiciousness and its relation to schizotypy and social anxiety 2010 5001 Paranoia, a continuum of clinical and subclinical experiences in which other people are assumed or suspected to have negative and harmful intentions, is a key symptom of schizotypy (including schizophrenia spectrum disorders). Subclinical paranoia is...
The Expression of Adult ADHD Symptoms in Daily Life: An Application of Experience Sampling Methodology 2008 4102 Objective: To use experience sampling method (ESM) to examine the impact of inattentive and hyperactive-impulsive ADHD symptoms on emotional well-being, activities and distress, cognitive impairment, and social functioning assessed in the daily lives...
The expression of bipolar spectrum psychopathology in daily life 2011 2519 Background Bipolar psychopathology has traditionally been defined by categorical diagnoses. However, these disorders may simply reflect the extremes of a broader spectrum of clinical and subclinical bipolar psychopathology. Method The present stud...
For Whom the Mind Wanders, and When: An Experience- Sampling Study of Working Memory and Executive Control in Daily Life 2007 7177 An experience-sampling study of 124 under-graduates, pretested on complex memory-span tasks, examined the relation between working memory capacity (WMC) and the experience of mind wandering in daily life. Over 7 days, personal digital assistants sign...
The relationship of social anhedonia and social anxiety with schizotypy and their expression in daily life 2006 4134 "Schizotypy involves social disinterest (anhedonia) and social anxiety. The first study examined the relationship of these constructs in 364 young adults. As hypothesized, there was a moderate association between them, which diminished after partial...
The relationship of social anxiety and social anhedonia to psychometrically identified schizotypy. 2008 3441 Schizotypy and schizophrenia involve social disinterest (anhedonia) and social anxiety. To clarify the role of social dysfunction in schizotypy, this study examined the relationship of social anxiety and social anhedonia in 364 young adults. As hypot...
The social world of the socially anhedonic: Exploring the daily ecology of asociality. 2009 4101 The need to belong is fundamental to human motivation. The significance of needs for relatedness and intimacy can be highlighted by examining aberrations in these needs. Social anhedonia, a component of the schizophrenia spectrum, represents a lack o...
When the Need to Belong Goes Wrong: The Expression of Social Anhedonia and Social Anxiety in Daily Life 2007 1909 Baumeister and Leary (1995) proposed that people possess an innate “need to belong” that drives social interactions. Aberrations in the need to belong, such as social anhedonia and anxiety, provide a point of entry for examining this need. The curren...