Brown Biggers

There are 7 included publications by Brown Biggers :
Title | Date | Views | Brief Description |
Assessing relevance of tweets in natural disasters using a multi-model approach [Poster] |
2019 |
81 |
A poster presented at the UNCG Graduate Expo on April 3, 2019. |
A deep semantic matching approach for identifying relevant messages for social media analysis |
2023 |
516 |
There is a growing interest in using social media content for Natural Language Processing applications. However, it is not easy to computationally identify the most relevant set of tweets related to any specific event. Challenging semantics coupled w... |
Deep semantic matching approach towards dynamic text filtering in micro-blog messages |
2020 |
26 |
There is a growing interest in using social media content for Natural LanĀ¬guage Processing applications. This paper seeks to demonstrate a way to present the changing semantics of Twitter within the context of a crisis event, specifically tweets duri... |
Meeting your productivity goals with the UnMeeting [slides] |
2022 |
176 |
[Slides from a presentation given March 14, 2022 at the Library Association of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Annual Conference, virtual.] Organizing and prioritizing tasks is a common productivity challenge, but we seldom make time ... |
A multi-modal approach towards mining social media data during natural disasters - A case study of Hurricane Irma |
2021 |
128 |
Streaming social media provides a real-time glimpse of extreme weather impacts. However, the volume of streaming data makes mining information a challenge for emergency managers, policy makers, and disciplinary scientists. Here we explore the effecti... |
Scan This to See a Cat: A Pilot for Digital Image Collections Outreach around Campus [poster] |
2021 |
267 |
Poster presented at the 2021 ARLIS-NA Virtual Conference May 11, 2021. For many art information professionals, COVID-19 has impacted not just physical library operations but also opportunities for instruction and outreach to new and returning art and... |
What does it meme? Visual literacy programming in the library through the language of memes [poster] |
2019 |
1714 |
Poster presented October 18, 2019 at the North Carolina Library Association conference in Winston-Salem, NC. This poster will describe a library outreach and instruction program centered around memes and visual literacy at UNC Greensboro. The program... |