Noah Keita N. Christophe

There are 2 included publications by Noah Keita N. Christophe :

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
Ethnic-racial socialization messages given to multiracial youth: a person-centered analysis 2019 665 The multiracial population is the fastest growing racial group in the United States, and almost half of the multiracial population nationwide is under the age of 18. Despite the rapidly growing numbers of young multiracial individuals, little is unde...
Protecting minoritized youth against discrimination: the concurrent impact of ethnic-racial identity and culturally-congruent shift-&-persist coping 2021 462 Discrimination is a largely uncontrollable stressor that has a negative impact on the psychological health and wellbeing of racially and ethnically minoritized youth. From a strengths-based perspective, this integrative dissertation presents a testab...