Ruby Hurley Cox

There are 2 included publications by Ruby Hurley Cox :

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
Effects of a nutrition-based health promotion program on stress, chronic disease risk factors, meal patterning, and job satisfaction among female airline reservationists 1985 295 A quasi-experimental, nonequivalent control group, pretest-posttest study was conducted with 84 female reservation employees of Piedmont Airlines in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, and Nashville, Tennessee. The purpose was to investigate the relations...
An investigation of the relationship of oxidized carotenoids to off-odor development in dehydrated foods 1969 340 A series of tests were conducted in which the odors of standard and impaired, precooked, dehydrated sweetpotato flakes were compared with the odors of oxidized carotenoid fractions which had been isolated from sweetpotatoes. In another series of test...