The ABCs for pre-service teacher cultural competency development |
2009 |
7171 |
In an effort to combine pre-service teachers' self-reflection with their field experiences to enhance their cultural competency, this study adopted Schmidt's ABC's (Autobiography, Biography, and Cross-cultural Comparison) Model in two courses in a pr... |
The application of the ABC's model in ESL teacher education : patterns and effects |
2005 |
5364 |
"In order to increase English-as-a-Second-Language (ESL) teachers' cultural diversity awareness, this study applied Schmidt's ABC's (Autobiography, Biography, and Cross-cultural Comparison) Model to an ESL teacher education course and described the p... |
Beyond the Joys of Teaching: Stories from Four Novice Secondary Teachers |
2013 |
1256 |
The purpose of this study was to document four novice secondary teachers' experiences as they progressed from the last year in their teacher education program through their first three years of teaching. Autobiographies, interviews, and focus groups ... |
Beyond Knowledge: Exploring Why Some Teachers Are More Thoughtfully Adaptive Than Others |
2010 |
8887 |
As teacher educators, we have observed that knowledge alone does not lead to the kinds of thoughtful teaching we strive for. Puzzled by differences in the teaching practices of teacher candidates having similar professional knowledge, we explore what... |
Comparative Analysis of Preservice Teachers' Reflective Thinking in Synchronous versus Asynchronous Online Case Discussions |
2006 |
3250 |
This study was undertaken to better understand the nature of preservice teachers' reflective thinking during case discussions about classroom management in two online formats: synchronous versus asynchronous. Findings indicated that when participants... |
Data management and use through research practice partnerships: A literature review |
2020 |
1125 |
Through research-practice partnerships (RPPs) researchers and practitioners engage in long-term problem-solving collaborations aimed, in part, at increasing the capacity of personnel in local schools and districts to manage and use educational data f... |
Equity and social justice in research practice partnerships in the United States |
2022 |
2278 |
Research–practice partnerships (RPPs) have grown rapidly in the last decade in the United States to challenge traditional notions of education research by emphasizing the importance of researchers and practitioners working together in a spirit of mut... |
Impact of short-term study abroad program: Inservice teachers' development of intercultural competence and pedagogical beliefs |
2017 |
2460 |
A comprehensive study abroad program is one of the most effective ways to prepare multicultural and global teachers. However, in teacher education, most of the study abroad programs are designed for preservice teachers. In this study, we detailed the... |
Investigating the Content and Sources of Teacher Candidates’ Personal Practical Theories (PPTS) |
2008 |
5397 |
Research on teachers’ (personal) theories and beliefs and their (practical) knowledge derived from experience, whether held implicitly or stated explicitly as their personal practical theories (PPTs), indicates that such beliefs can influence teacher... |
Investigating the Content and Sources of Teacher Candidates’ Personal Practical Theories (PPTS) |
2008 |
5096 |
Research on teachers’ (personal) theories and beliefs and their (practical) knowledge derived from experience, whether held implicitly or stated explicitly as their personal practical theories (PPTs), indicates that such beliefs can influence teacher... |
Journey of "Becoming": Secondary Teacher Candidates' Concerns and Struggles |
2012 |
1536 |
The article presents a study on the apprehension and difficulties of secondary educators. The participants belonged to the CUI 450-Educational Psychology and CUI 545-Diverse Learners courses. The data analysis employed narratives and interviews. The ... |
Match or Mismatch? How congruent are the beliefs of teacher candidates, cooperating teachers, and university-based teacher educators? |
2008 |
4496 |
As is recognized by many teacher educators, teacher candidates enter their teacher preparation programs with individual attitudes, views, beliefs, or personal theories of teaching (Lortie, 1975; Pajares, 1992; Richardson, 1996, 2003). These views may... |
Reframing literacy practices for culturally and linguistically diverse students in U.S. schools |
2014 |
780 |
The growing numbers of culturally and linguistically diverse students, including English learners, in US K–12 settings, pose unique challenges and opportunities for English educators. While there have been evolving efforts in policy, research, and cl... |
Struggles and strategies in teaching: voices of five novice secondary teachers |
2011 |
2147 |
A study examines five pre-service teachers over a period of two years during their teacher education program to understand their difficulties and the strategies they employed to face their struggles. The study collected data from participants through... |
What We Choose to Remember: Imagined Shared Narratives of Education During COVID-19 |
2021 |
282 |
The impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on educational policies and practices are unprecedented. With the majority of educational institutions forced to limit face-to-face interactions, teaching and learning have rapidly taken on vastly new meanings. Ev... |