Alternative SiO2 surface energies direct MCDK epithelial behavior |
2017 |
244 |
The mechanical interactions of cells are mediated through adhesive interactions. In this study, we examined the growth, cellular behavior, and adhesion of MDCK epithelial cells on three different SiO2 substrates: amorphous glass coverslips and the si... |
A fluorescence-electrochemical study of carbon nanodots (CNDs) in bio- and photoelectronic applications and energy gap investigation |
2017 |
1203 |
Carbon nanodots (CNDs) have attracted great attention due to their superior solubility, biocompatibility, tunable photoluminescence, and opto-electronic properties. This work describes a new fluorescence-based spectroelectrochemistry approach to simu... |
Magnetoreception of photoactivated cryptochrome 1 in electrochemistry and electron transfer |
2018 |
1081 |
Cryptochromes are flavoproteins whose photochemistry is important for crucial functions associated with phototropism and circadian clocks. In this report, we, for the first time, observed a magnetic response of the cryptochrome 1 (CRY1) immobilized a... |
Nanostructured metallic film plasmonics: fabrication and biosensing applications |
2018 |
1001 |
The research presented in this dissertation is interdisciplinary in nature. It covers the areas of micro- and nanofabrication, chemistry, materials science, and biological sensing. The running theme of the dissertation is the fabrication of micro- an... |
Plasmon enhanced fluorescence of carbon nanodots in gold nanoslit cavities |
2019 |
1200 |
Carbon nanodots (CNDs) are featured with a wide range of light absorption and excitation-dependent fluorescence. The emission enhancement of CNDs is of great interest for the development of nanophotonics. Although the phenomenon of plasmon-enhanced f... |
Plasmon-exciton coupling in photosystem I based biohybrid photoelectrochemical cells |
2018 |
1039 |
The light-induced property of photosystem I (PSI) has been utilized to convert solar energy to electrical energy in photoelectrochemical cells. Here we provide new results on the relationship between surface plasmon generation (SPG) efficiency of nan... |
Protein Trapping in Plasmonic Nanoslit and Nanoledge Cavities: The Behavior and Sensing |
2017 |
1125 |
A novel plasmonic nanoledge device was presented to explore the geometry-induced trapping of nanoscale biomolecules and examine a generation of surface plasmon resonance (SPR) for plasmonic sensing. To design an optimal plasmonic device, a semianalyt... |
Surface plasmon resonance of a bimetallic nanostructured film for enhanced optical sensitivity |
2018 |
1090 |
A bimetallic (Ag/Au) nanoslit film is reported on surface plasmon (SP) generation and refractive index (RI) sensitivity. These were compared to gold devices in transmission surface plasmon resonance (tSPR). The bimetallic films have a primary resonan... |