Marilyn Guilkey

There are 3 included publications by Marilyn Guilkey :

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
The effects of CS and cycle durations on stimulus-elicited keypecking in the pigeon 1977 309 The relative duration of the CS to the inter-US interval has been found to determine the rate of acquisition and rate of maintained keypecking by pigeons in delay conditioning procedures. Also maintenance of keypecking, but not rate of acquisition, d...
Performance and perception of love oriented discipline by fourth grade negro girls 1969 531 There has been much concern expressed in the literature on child training practices with the effect of different types of maternal discipline on the personality of the child and in particular on moral or conscience development. There have also been a...
Rate constancy : another look at response independence in concurrent schedules 1972 397 The purpose of this study was to re-examine the question of response Independence or response rate constancy in concurrent variable interval schedules of reinforcement. The results of an earlier study (Catania, 1963) Indicated that responding in one ...