Craig S. Cashwell

**Education: PhD, Counseling and Counselor Education, The University of North Carolina at Greensboro--MEd, Community Agency Counseling, The University of North Carolina at Greensboro--BA, Recreation Administration and Psychology, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill **Research Interests (selected): Spirituality and counseling--Couple and family Counseling--Counseling process--Behavioral addictions--Counseling supervision

There are 60 included publications by Craig S. Cashwell :

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
Absolute Versus Tentative Interpretations: Mediating Effects of Client Locus of Control 2001 2808 An analog design was used to investigate the mediating effects of client locus of control (i.e., an internal focus or external focus) on perceptions of counselor style of interpreting events (i.e., absolute or tentative interpretations) on measures o...
Addiction Counseling Accreditation: CACREP’s Role in Solidifying the Counseling Profession 2012 2204 In this article, the authors discuss the Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs’ (CACREP) role in furthering the specialty of addiction counseling. After sharing a brief history and the role of counselor certificatio...
Adolescent Sex Offenders: Identification and Intervention Strategies 1997 13431 Adolescent sex offenders increasingly are involved in the mental health delivery system. Because researchers have concluded that between 34 and 60 percent of all sexual offenses are perpetrated by adolescents, it is imperative that mental health coun...
African American Pastors on Mental Health, Coping, and Help Seeking 2015 6460 Within the Black Church, there remains much that is unknown about pastoral motivations, beliefs, and attitudes about mental health. The purpose of this study was to investigate pastors' responses to parishioners dealing with mental health issues, inc...
Appreciating Cultural Diversity Through Clinical Supervision 1997 8529 Structured supervision techniques encourage service providers to increase their knowledge, skills, and self-awareness in providing multicultural services. Structured techniques are described and illustrated.
Attachment, Stress, Dyadic Coping, and Marital Satisfaction of Counseling Graduate Students 2013 3503 A sample of 191 married students from 23 Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs-accredited programs participated in a survey designed to examine factors that affect the marital satisfaction of counseling graduate stu...
The Black Church: Theology and Implications for Counseling African Americans 2015 7021 Researchers, scholars and counseling practitioners note the differences in help-seeking behaviors among racial and ethnic minority clients. With African Americans in particular, researchers attribute some of these differences to African Americans’ pr...
Breathwork as a Theraputic Modality: An Overview for Counselors. 2010 2683 Using the breath as a vehicle for accessing psychological material Is a topic rarely discussed In the counseling literature, despite the use of conscious engagement with the breath by many spiritual traditions for the purpose of personal transform...
Building Self-Esteem Trough Adventure-Based Counseling 1997 16072 Fostering self-esteem in adolescents is a common goal of community and school counselors, particularly counselors who work with at-risk populations and issues. Adventure-based Counseling (ABC) activities can enhance self-esteem through both preventio...
Clinical Behaviors for Addressing Religious/Spiritual Issues: Do We Practice What We Preach? 2013 4150 To determine if counselors integrate clinical behaviors for addressing religious/spiritual issues in counseling consistent with their ratings of the importance of such behaviors, the authors conducted a national survey of American Counseling Associat...
Comparing Gay Identity Development Theory to Cognitive Development: An Empirical Study 2004 9897 The relationship between gay identity development and cognitive development, as outlined by Ivey’s Developmental Counseling Therapy Model, was explored. The Gay Identity Questionnaire and the Standard Developmental Counseling Interview were administe...
Critical factors in cultural immersion: A synthesis of the literature 2013 3082 This synthesis of the literature on cross-cultural immersion experiences gives emphasis to the need for effective pedagogy for enhancing multicultural counseling competency, with cultural immersion being a potentially valuable training tool. The auth...
Effect of Client and Counselor Ethnicity on Preference for Counselor Disclosure 2003 3414 Preferences for counselor self-disclosure based on the ethnicity of both the respondent and the counselor were examined for African American and Caucasian students. Results suggested that respondent ethnicity affected preferences for certain types o...
The effects of ability- and effort-based praise on task persistence and task performance 2003 3595 A pervasive idea among many school professionals is that verbal praise for ability may have several undesirable consequences relative to verbal praise for effort. Despite these arguments, past research has produced conflicting results. The present st...
Entering the Sacred: Using Motivational Interviewing to Address Spirituality in Counseling 2014 7105 Despite the salience of spirituality in the lives of many clients, counselors are often hesitant to explore spiritual issues in counseling, largely out of a valid concern of imposing values on the client. Motivational interviewing provides a framewor...
Ethical Issues in Counseling Supervision: A Comparison of University and Site Supervisors 2002 19790 The purpose of this study was to examine how site and university supervisors differed on the interpretation of ethical dilemmas based on the ethical standards developed by the Association for Counselor Education and Supervision (ACES) Ethical Guideli...
Exploring the Relationship Between Social Interest, Social Bonding, and Collegiate Substance Abuse 2014 2663 Substance abuse continues to be prevalent on college campuses. This study explored the relationships between social interest, social bonding, and hazardous drinking and marijuana use among college students. Results indicate that the social bonding el...
Familial Influences on Adolescent Delinquent Behavior 1996 8360 A path model was tested to examine a modified version of coercion theory. Results suggested that family cohesion is a salient issue in adolescent delinquent behavior, particularly as mediated by involvement with deviant peers.
Family Functioning and Eating Disorders among College Women: A Model of Prediction 2000 2266 The overall relationship between family functioning, self-esteem. and perfectionism and facing disorder behaviors was examined in a sample of 437 college women. Results of the path analysis suggest significant direct and indirect effects. Implicatio...
Family Functioning and Risk Behaviors: Influences on Adolescent Delinquency 1996 6159 Since the turn of the century, juvenile delinquency, which is defined as antisocial or criminal behavior by children or adolescents (Morris, 1980), has been an important area of study. However, never has the study of delinquency been more important t...
Family Functioning and Self-Esteem of Middle School Students: A Matter of Perspective? 1995 5561 The relationship between family functioning and self-esteem of 619 middle school students was examined. Practical implications for counselors working with this population and their families are provided.
Fostering Intrinsic Motivation in Children: A Humanistic Counseling Process 2004 16326 Humanistic counselors working with children seek to help them grow and develop the motivation needed to make decisions and changes in their lives. Intrinsic motivation, an important component of humanistic counseling, is defined and explicated, resea...
From Victim to Client: Preventing the Cycle of Sexual Reactivity 1995 4703 Much has been written concerning the incidence of sexual abuse of children and adolescents, the potential long-term consequences of such abuse, and the need for child sexual abuse prevention efforts (Barker, 1990; Barth & Derezotes, 1990; Krivacska, ...
The Gay and Lesbian Affirmative Development (GLAD) Model: Facilitating Positive Gay Identity Development 1999 4652 The Gay and Lesbian Affirmative Development (GLAD) model, a proactive, gay-affirmative counseling approach, is proposed Parallels are drawn between Cass's (I919) Homosexual Identity Formation model and Ivey's (I99O) cognitive-behavioral Developmenta...
Graduate students on campus: Needs and implications for college counselors 2015 2548 Graduate students compose an important segment of university and college populations. However, institutions of higher education often have not addressed adequately their status as adult students with different developmental and life issues and concer...
Group Reward Programs: A Humanistic Approach 1998 4894 Education at the University of Northern Colorado, Greeley. Historically, some educators and counselors have perceived that behavioral contingencies are antithetical to a humanistic approach to education. Negative side effects and limitations of depen...
Helping Students Apply the Scientist-Practitioner Model: A Teaching Approach 1994 4261 The scientist-practitioner model was taught to counseling students by giving them an opportunity to integrate theory. research, and practice via a process research case study.
The Inclusion of Spiritual Process in Counseling and Perceived Counselor Effectiveness 2001 3586 In this study, client level of spirituality was examined as a potential moderater for the effectiveness of including spiritual process in the counseling process. Using an analogue design, participants were crossed on self-reported level of spirituali...
Independent and Interdependent Group Contingencies: Smoothing the Rough Waters 1996 21199 Independent and interdependent group contingencies have many applied advantages for influencing behaviors in school settings. However, there are negative side effects associated with these group oriented contingencies. A scenario is presented that il...
Integrating spirituality and religion into counseling : a guide to competent practice 1994 460 Since the turn of the century, the domain of juvenile delinquency, defined as antisocial or criminal behavior by children or adolescents (Morris, 1980), has been an important area of study. The purpose of the current study was to examine how family r...
International Immersion in Counselor Education: A Consensual Qualitative Research Investigation 2014 2703 This study used consensual qualitative research methodology to examine the phenomenon of international immersion on counselor education students' (N = 10) development and growth. Seven domains emerged from the data (cultural knowledge, empathy, perso...
Mindfulness and Counseling Self-Efficacy: The Mediating Role of Attention and Empathy 2009 24023 This study examined the predictive relationship between mindfulness and counseling, self-efficacy and the potential mediating effects of attention and empathy. Master's-level counseling interns and doctoral counseling students (N = 179) were surveyed...
Mindfulness-based awareness and compassion: Predictors of counselor empathy and anxiety 2015 3996 Mindfulness-based awareness and compassion were examined as predictors of empathy and anxiety among 152 master's-level counseling interns. Results of hierarchical multiple regression analysis supported that awareness and compassion differentially con...
The Moderating Relationship of Spirituality on Negative Life Events and Psychological Adjustment 2000 6427 The authors used a path model to examine how spirituality moderates relationships between negative life experiences and psychological adjustment, operationalized for this study as levels of depression and anxiety. Results suggest that spirituality pr...
Moral Commitment in Intimate Committed Relationships: A Conceptualization From Cohabiting Same-Sex and Opposite-Sex Partners 2013 1577 The purpose of this study was to examine how a prominent framework of commitment, Johnson’s Tripartite Model, fits within the context of cohabiting same-sex and opposite-sex partnerships to test the applicability of the model to diverse types of rela...
The New ASERVIC Competencies for Addressing Spiritual and Religious Issues in Counseling 2011 20772 In 2009, leaders in the Association for Spiritual, Ethical and Religious Values in Counseling (ASERVIC) developed new competencies for addressing spiritual and religious issues In counseling. This article briefly addresses the need for new ASERVIC co...
Nicholas A. Vacc: A Legacy of Professional Leadership and Mentoring 2014 3076 For more than 20 years, Dr. Nicholas A. Vacc helped shape the counseling profession through his extensive involvement in accreditation, certification, and testing, as well as his research and scholarship. This article, based on a review of documents ...
The only way out is through: The peril of spiritual bypass 2007 43182 Given the increased attention to spirituality in the counseling literature, with a primary emphasis on helping clients find their spiritual path, it is important for counselors to be aware of one potential pitfall of the spiritual path, namely spirit...
Patient rated outcomes and survivorship following cytoreductive surgery plus hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy (CS+HIPEC)† 2012 1129 Background Cytoreductive surgery plus hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy (CS+HIPEC) is a treatment combining cytoreductive surgery with hyperthermic chemotherapy directly into the peritoneal cavity. Recipients may gain extended life when compa...
A Preliminary Investigation of College Students' Alcohol Consumption at Two Universities With Limited Greek Systems 2003 1472 At 2 moderately sized, public, urban universitíes with limited Greek systems, 1,246 college students completed the CORE Survey (C. A. Presley, R. Harrold, E. Scouten, R. Lyerla, & P. W. Meilman, 1994). Serious alcohol-related behaviors and concerns w...
Preparing counselors-in-training to work with couples: Using role plays and reflecting teams 2006 10191 The use of experiential learning practices is a cornerstone of marriage and family training. In this article, two novel experiential approaches for teaching couples counseling are detailed. Specifically, the evolution from the original format to the ...
Preteens Talking to Parents: Perceived Communication and School-Based Aggression 2004 5414 In order to combat escalating aggression and violence in schools, it is important to understand the relationship between intrafamilial communication and aggressive behaviors. In this study, the authors examined the link between preadolescents’ percep...
The Relationship of Spirituality to Cognitive and Moral Development and Purpose in Life: An Exploratory Investigation 1998 8239 In this exploratory study of 152 undergraduate students, the relationships among spirituality, cognitive and moral development, and existential sense of meaning were examined. Results suggest that no relationship exists between spirituality and cogni...
School Discipline Programs: Issues and Implications for School Counselors 1994 10411 Discipline within schools is becoming an increasing priority. School counselors, together with other education professionals, acknowledge that productive schools need effective discipline programs. Numerous authors have argued that discipline precede...
Social Distance and Mental Illness: Attitudes Among Mental Health and Non-Mental Health Professionals and Trainees 2011 7276 Social distance towards adults with mental illness was explored among mental health and nonmental health trainees and professionals. Results suggested mental health trainees andprofessionals desired less social distance than non-mental health trainee...
Spiritual and Religious Competencies: A National Survey of CACREP Accredited Programs 2002 2472 In this study of 94 Counsel for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs (CACREP)-accredited counselor education prograns, 69% of respondents reported their programs addressed spiritual and religious issues; however, only 46% of C...
Spiritual Bypass: A Preliminary Investigation 2011 6437 The phenomenon of spiritual bypass has received limited attention in the transpersonal psychology and counseling literature and has not been subjected to empirical inquiry. This study examines the phenomenon of spiritual bypass by considering how spi...
Spirituality and Counselor Competence: A National Survey of American Counseling Association Members 2007 9380 A random sample of 505 American Counseling Association (ACA) members completed a questionnaire thaI evaluated respondents' ratings of the importance of 9 competencies developed at the Summit on Spirituality (G. Miller, 1999; "Summit Results," 1995)...
Spirituality and Counselor Wellness 2007 2511 Spirituality often is conceptualized as a vital, if not essential, aspect of holistic wellness. The spiritual lives of counselors and counselors-in-training, therefore, are considered with an emphasis on healthy spiritual practices that encourage min...
Spirituality in counselor training: A content analysis of syllabi from introductory spirituality courses 2004 7778 The authors discuss the results of a content analysis of 14 syllabi of introductory courses on spirituality in counseling. Course syllabi were examined to determine trends in the content of these courses and to determine it the instruction is consist...
Step by step: Avoiding spiritual bypass in 12-step work. 2009 14046 With spirituality as a cornerstone, 12-step groups serve a vital role in the recovery community. It is important for counselors to be mindful, however, of the potential for clients to be in spiritual bypass, which likely will undermine the recovery p...
Stigma and Mental Illness: Investigating Attitudes of Mental Health and Non-Mental-Health Professionals and Trainees 2011 5539 The authors explored attitudes toward adults with mental illness. Results suggest that mental health trainees and professionals had less stigmatizing attitudes than did non-mental-health trainees and professionals. Professionals receiving supervision...
The Straight Path to Healing: Using Motivational Interviewing to Address Spiritual Bypass 2013 2467 Spiritual bypass is the avoidance of underlying emotional issues by focusing solely on spiritual beliefs, practices, and experiences. Motivational interviewing (MI) is a client-centered, compassionate approach to effectively addressing resistance amo...
Strategies for the Competent Integration of Spirituality Into Addictions Counseling Training and Supervision 2010 3808 Spirituality is widely covered in both the counseling (e.g., Benda & McGovern, 2006; Cashwell & Young, in-press; Morgan, 2007; Sori-Ford, 2008; Young, Wiggins-Frame, & Cashwell, 2007) and addictions counseling literatures (e.g., Cashwell, Clarke, & G...
Supervision of Counselor Licensure Applicants: A Comparative Study 1995 3473 A survey of supervisors of counselor licensure applicants in two states indicated that a state board's supervision regulations do have some impact on the practice of supervision.
Supervision Regulations in Counselor Licensure Legislation 1992 3875 Legislation regarding supervisor criteria and the conduct of supervision for counselor licensure applicants in 34 states is summarized and compared with ACES and AACD standards.
Time to Talk: Investigation of a Peer Consultation Group for Residence Hall Directors 1996 1807 Professional development and support of residence hall staff is a particularly important issue as residence life staff seek to strengthen programs and retain personnel. Herr and Strange (1985) noted that "much research has focused on the student occu...
Using the Developmental Counseling and Therapy Model to Work With a Client in Spiritual Bypass: Some Preliminary Considerations 2004 14648 At a time when attention to spirituality within the counseling profession is unparalleled, 1 potential problem is that clients who engage in spiritual bypass will be supported in this dysfunctional pattern by their counselor. The purpose of this art...
Using Leader-Member Exchange Theory to Examine Principal-School Counselor Relationships, School Counselors' Roles, Job Satisfaction, and Turnover Intentions 2009 12852 Principals have considerable influence on shaping the role of school counselors with whom they work (Amatea & Clark, 2005; Dollarhide, Smith, & Lemberger, 2007; Ponec & Brock, 2000). Researchers used leader-member exchange theory (Graen & Uhl-Bien, 1...
Using the PATHOS questionnaire for screening sexual addiction among college students: A preliminary exploration 2015 6785 Researchers posit that sexual addiction often develops in young adulthood (Goodman, 2005), the time when many individuals are in college. The PATHOS screening questionnaire (Carnes et al., 2012) may be a helpful resource for counselors working with c...