Cherrel Melesia Miller Dyce

  • Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG

There are 2 included publications by Cherrel Melesia Miller Dyce :

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
Security, Dignity, Caring Relationships, and Meaningful Work: Needs Motivating Participation in a Job-Training Program 2008 2259 Researchers asked 17 participants in a job-training program to describe their personal struggles following an economic restructuring. Examined through a critical theoretical lens, findings indicate that the learners enrolled in the program to reclaim...
Social capital as village network: rethinking the nature of parental involvement in the precollege preparation of African American students 2009 3959 The purpose of this study was to examine the processes involved in how African American high school students in a southeastern city of the United States of America prepare for college. The social science research literature is saturated with studies ...