Sonya Elisa Blades

There are 2 included publications by Sonya Elisa Blades :

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
The feminine erotic ; and Gen(d)re bending: ambiguity and sexual androgyny in Virginia Woolf's Orlando 2009 15044 For this paper I propose an experimental application of Hélène Cixous's theory of écriture féminine to the erotic works of Anaïs Nin, particularly the erotic short stories written in the 1940s that are now found in her books Little Birds and Delta of...
A satire of their own: subjectivity, subversion, and the rewriting of literary history in women’s satire of the twentieth century 2016 17046 In recent years, there has been renewed interest in the study of literary satire, particularly twentieth century works that are more aligned with the complexity and ambiguity found in Menippean satire. Despite the abundance of scholarship about satir...