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There are 17679 record/s using the keyword/s: other.

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TitleDateCreatorPublication TypeInstitution
State report card rating, poverty and burnout : South Carolina high school principal perspe...2009Gramling-Vasquez, Susan StudentHuman Services, WCU
#Black Boy Joy: The College Aspirations of Rural Black Male Students2023Crumb, Loni StudentECU
#Black Boy Joy: The College Aspirations of Rural Black Male Students2023Chambers, Crystal RenéeStudentECU
#Black Boy Joy: The College Aspirations of Rural Black Male Students2023Chittum, Jessica R.StudentECU
#oldnews: Diffusion of Pro-Conservation Behaviors and Social Media in Wildlife Tourism2023Schuler, Gwyneth MStudentECU
"... and all the men knew the colors of the sea..." Historical and Archaeological investigat...2023Eslinger, Kimberly LaneStudentECU
... With the speed of a stag hound, the Steamship Winfield Scott : a case study in early Uni...2023Marx, Deborah E.StudentECU
"...While the music lasts" : the timeless moment in the modern quest for unity1971Beamon, Glenda WardStudentEducation, UNCG
"...the whole river is a bustle some about their children, brothers and husbands and the res...2013Bruns, Carter StudentHistory, WCU
?ísti? X?isto?2023Dixon, Cameron StudentECU
{C7}1 integrins mediate tubule formation induced by supernatants derived from KSHV infected ...2023Dyson, Ossie F.StudentECU
«En música italiana / y castellana en la letra». El camino hacia la ópera italianizante en e...2008Lopez Alemany, Ignacio FacultyLanguages, Literatures, and Cultures, UNCG
¿Como se llama? What's in a library name and logo?2023Simpson, Susan StudentECU
¿Como se llama? What's in a library name and logo?2023Ketterman, Elizabeth StudentECU
¿Como se llama? What's in a library name and logo?2023Coghill, Jeffrey StudentECU
100 Plus Tips to Improve Your Club Operation2010Rehkopf, Ed FacultyHospitality and Tourism Administration, NCCU
12 Human Resource Best Practices to Improve Your Operations2021Rehkopf, Ed FacultyHospitality and Tourism Administration, NCCU
12 Leadership Best Practices to Improve Your Operations2021Rehkopf, Ed FacultyHospitality and Tourism Administration, NCCU
14 Finance and Accounting Best Practices to Improve Your Operations2021Rehkopf, Ed FacultyHospitality and Tourism Administration, NCCU
14-3-3?/? Affects the stability of d-catenin and regulates d-catenin-induced dendrogenesis2023He, Yongfeng StudentECU
14-3-3?/? Affects the stability of d-catenin and regulates d-catenin-induced dendrogenesis2023Han, Jeong-Ran StudentECU
14-3-3?/? Affects the stability of d-catenin and regulates d-catenin-induced dendrogenesis2023Chang, Ockyoung StudentECU
14-3-3?/? Affects the stability of d-catenin and regulates d-catenin-induced dendrogenesis2023Oh, Minsoo StudentECU
14-3-3?/? Affects the stability of d-catenin and regulates d-catenin-induced dendrogenesis2023James, Sarah E.StudentECU
14-3-3?/? Affects the stability of d-catenin and regulates d-catenin-induced dendrogenesis2023Lu, Qun StudentECU
14-3-3?/? Affects the stability of d-catenin and regulates d-catenin-induced dendrogenesis2023Seo, Young-Woo StudentECU
14-3-3?/? Affects the stability of d-catenin and regulates d-catenin-induced dendrogenesis2023Kim, Hangun StudentECU
14-3-3?/? Affects the stability of d-catenin and regulates d-catenin-induced dendrogenesis2023Kim, Kwonseop StudentECU
14-3-3?/? Affects the stability of d-catenin and regulates d-catenin-induced dendrogenesis2012Kim, Hangun StudentECU
14-3-3?/? Affects the stability of d-catenin and regulates d-catenin-induced dendrogenesis2012He, Yongfeng StudentECU
14-3-3?/? Affects the stability of d-catenin and regulates d-catenin-induced dendrogenesis2012Kim, Kwonseop StudentECU
14-3-3?/? Affects the stability of d-catenin and regulates d-catenin-induced dendrogenesis2012Han, Jeong RanStudentECU
14-3-3?/? Affects the stability of d-catenin and regulates d-catenin-induced dendrogenesis2012Chang, Ockyoung StudentECU
14-3-3?/? Affects the stability of d-catenin and regulates d-catenin-induced dendrogenesis2012Oh, Minsoo StudentECU
14-3-3?/? Affects the stability of d-catenin and regulates d-catenin-induced dendrogenesis2012James, Sarah E.StudentECU
14-3-3?/? Affects the stability of d-catenin and regulates d-catenin-induced dendrogenesis2012Lu, Qun StudentECU
14-3-3?/? Affects the stability of d-catenin and regulates d-catenin-induced dendrogenesis2012Seo, Young-Woo StudentECU
A 14-year longitudinal study of the impact of clean indoor air legislation on state smoking ...2023Becker, Craig M.StudentECU
A 14-year longitudinal study of the impact of clean indoor air legislation on state smoking ...2023Lee, Joseph G. L.StudentECU
A 14-year longitudinal study of the impact of clean indoor air legislation on state smoking ...2023Hudson, Suzanne StudentECU
A 14-year longitudinal study of the impact of clean indoor air legislation on state smoking ...2023Hoover, Jeanne K.StudentECU
A 14-year longitudinal study of the impact of clean indoor air legislation on state smoking ...2023Civils, Donald StudentECU
The 16 April 2011 EF3 Tornado in Greene County, Eastern North Carolina2023Rickenbach, Thomas M.StudentECU
17ß-Estradiol Directly Lowers Mitochondrial Membrane Microviscosity and Improves Bioenergeti...2023Spangenburg, Espen StudentECU
1896 : free silver and the Virginia Democratic Party2023Carter, Alfred W.StudentECU
1986-1987 Archaeological Survey of the Schooner FLEETWING Site, 47DR168, Garrett Bay, Wiscon...2023Cooper, David J.StudentECU
(2)rotaxanes as reagents for (3)rotaxane sythesis [i.e. synthesis]2010Hart, Matthew BenStudentChemistry and Physics, WCU
[2+2] dimerization of cinnamylidenemalonic acid 2010Weathersby, Shana StudentChemistry and Physics, WCU
2,3,5-Triphenyltetrazolium chloride : effect on neurospora crassa1970Wallace, Donna GaleazziStudentBiology, UNCG
2011 North Carolina Hurricane Workshop Summary ?2023Covi, Michelle P.StudentECU
2013 Hurricane Season Forecast2023Szatkowski, Gary StudentECU
THE 2016 MODEL OF THE CLINICAL PRACTICE OF EMERGENCY MEDICINE2017Counselman, Francis L.,Babu,Kavita,Edens,Mary Ann,Gorgas,Diane L.,HobgStudentECU
20M Sprint Capacity Test, a component of the Wheelchair Sports Performance Test : A Smartwhe...2023Brown-Bochicchio, Christina M.StudentECU
21st Century Skills: Student Readiness, Opportunities, and Development2023Robbins, Kerry StudentECU
The 24-hr. recall and its application with an elderly population1977Sweeney, Catherine GreenwoodStudentHome Economics, UNCG
3 Rs in the Human Body Systems (Lactate as an Example)2023Salem, Fatema StudentECU
The 3-Phosphoinositide-Dependent Protein Kinase 1 Inhibits Rod Photoreceptor Development2018Xing, Tiaosi,Hass,Daniel T.,Zhang,Samuel S.,Barnstable,Colin J.StudentECU
A 3D Star Shot to Determine the Gantry, Collimator, and Couch Axes Positions2023Corns, Robert StudentECU
A 3D Star Shot to Determine the Gantry, Collimator, and Couch Axes Positions2023Yang, Kaida StudentECU
A 3D Star Shot to Determine the Gantry, Collimator, and Couch Axes Positions2023Ross, Mason StudentECU
A 3D Star Shot to Determine the Gantry, Collimator, and Couch Axes Positions2023Bhandari, Shiva StudentECU
A 3D Star Shot to Determine the Gantry, Collimator, and Couch Axes Positions2023Aryal, Makunda StudentECU
A 3D Star Shot to Determine the Gantry, Collimator, and Couch Axes Positions2023Ciaccio, Peter StudentECU
55th Anniversary Legacy Award at JMM 20242024Houston, Johnny FacultyMathematics and Computer Science, ECSU
80 Years of "the Orient": Re-Mapping the Trajectory of American Orientalism in the Wake of C...2023Sehnal, Tyler StudentECU
8th Annual Johnny L. Houston Lecture Series flyer2024Houston, Johnny FacultyMathematics and Computer Science, ECSU
A- Mobilizing Computable Biomedical Knowledge (MCBK) Training Syllabus2021Mobilizing Computable Biomedical Knowledge (MCBK), FacultyNCCU
a-Klotho Expression in Mouse Tissues Following Acute Exhaustive Exercise2023Rao, Zhijian StudentECU
a-Klotho Expression in Mouse Tissues Following Acute Exhaustive Exercise2023Zheng, Lifang StudentECU
a-Klotho Expression in Mouse Tissues Following Acute Exhaustive Exercise2023Huang, Hu StudentECU
a-Klotho Expression in Mouse Tissues Following Acute Exhaustive Exercise2023Feng, Yu StudentECU
a-Klotho Expression in Mouse Tissues Following Acute Exhaustive Exercise2023Shi, Rengfei StudentECU
A.C. Reynolds Letter to Mary Woods Reynolds Cowan2018Allen, Victoria StudentEnglish, WCU
A.C. Reynolds Letter to the “Reynolds Clan”2018Allen, Victoria StudentEnglish, WCU
A1 - MODULES LIST for MCBK OER (Read First document)2021Mobilizing Computable Biomedical Knowledge (MCBK), FacultyNCCU
The abdication of King Edward VIII2023Long, Scott A.StudentECU
The ability of a basal ration to alleviate biological changes in rats resulting from previou...1965Scott, Alice SmithStudentHome Economics, UNCG
The ability of career maturity indicators to predict interest score differentiation, consist...1992Usher, Claire Jo HamiltonStudentEducation, UNCG
Ability of the Functional Movement Screen™ to Predict Injuries and Performance in Collegiate...2023Anderson, Kendra L.StudentECU
Abnormal Involuntary Movement Scale in Tardive Dyskinesia:Minimal Clinically Important Diffe...2019Stacy, Mark,Sajatovic,Martha,Kane,John M.,Cutler,Andrew J.,Liang,Grace S.,O’Brien,ChrisStudentECU
Aboard Ship on Way to States by Carr Hooper2016Harden, Sarah StudentEnglish, WCU
Aboard Ship on Way to States by Carr Hooper2016Hawley, Craig StudentEnglish, WCU
Aboard Ship on Way to States by Carr Hooper2016Hufham, Scott StudentEnglish, WCU
Aboard Ship on Way to States by Carr Hooper2016Patterson, Laura StudentEnglish, WCU
Aboard Ship on Way to States by Carr Hooper2016Williams, Margaret StudentEnglish, WCU
Above It All2016Horner, Jeff StudentLiterature, UNCA
Abraham Flexner and the black medical schools.2006Savitt, Todd L.FacultyECU
Absolutism and Relativism: Practical Implications for Philosophical Counseling2000Koch, Andrew MFacultyGovernment and Justice Studies, ASU
The absorption and dispersion of sound waves in polyatomic gases1971Creech, Harold W.StudentPhysics, UNCG
Abstract organic structures1975Blanchard, Scott HaydenStudentArt, UNCG
Abstraction of bilingually-presented ideas1975Wildman, Hal EliStudentPsychology, UNCG
Abundance and Viability of Striped Bass Eggs Spawned in Roanoke River North Carolina in 19...2011Rulifson, Roger StudentECU
Abundance and Viability of Striped Bass Eggs Spawned in the Roanoke River North Carolina i...2011Rulifson, Roger StudentECU
Abundance and Viability of Striped Bass Eggs Spawned in Roanoke River North Carolina in 19...2011Rulifson, Roger StudentECU
Abundance and Viability of Striped Bass Eggs Spawned in the Roanoke River North Carolina in...2011Rulifson, Roger StudentECU
Abundance and Viability of Striped Bass Eggs Spawned in Roanoke River, North Carolina, in 19...1989Rulifson, Roger FacultyECU
Abundance and Viability of Striped Bass Eggs Spawned in the Roanoke River, North Carolina, i...1989Rulifson, Roger FacultyECU
Abundance and Viability of Striped Bass Eggs Spawned in Roanoke River, North Carolina, in 19...1990Rulifson, Roger FacultyECU
Abundance and Viability of Striped Bass Eggs Spawned in the Roanoke River, North Carolina in...1993Rulifson, Roger FacultyECU
Academic and Behavioral Effects of Self-Regulated Strategy Development on Children with Writ...2023Meyers, Allison KatrinaStudentECU
Academic governance, freedom, tenure, and due process at East Coast Bible College : a develo...1984Oxendine, Sammy RayStudentUNCG
The Academic Library in Institutional Assessment: Seizing an Opportunity2010Lewis, Janice FacultyECU
Academic Preparation of a Nurse Practitioner: Doctor of Nursing Practice versus Master of Sc...2023Howard, Sydney StudentECU
Academic success and resiliency among low-income African American male students1992Witty, Janeen PaigeStudentHuman Environmental Sciences, UNCG
The academic, social, and emotional effects of early grade retention on fourth and fifth gra...2023Greene, Carol StudentECU
Acaenasuchus geoffreyi (Archosauria:Aetosauria) from the Upper Triassic Chinle Group: Juveni...2002Heckert, Andrew B. FacultyGeology, ASU
The acceptability of efficiency-enhancing environmental taxes, subsidies and regulation: An ...2011Cherry, Todd FacultyEconomics, ASU
The acceptability of reconstituted sweet potato flakes1974Silance, Mary FrancesStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Acceptability of selected convenience chicken products1974Farthing, Mary Ann CrossStudentHome Economics, UNCG
The acceptance of certain programs and services by two groups of parents of toddlers1958Allen, Sarah HoltStudentHome Economics, UNCG
The acceptance of certain programs and services by two groups of parents of young children1958Harris, Joyce LeeStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Accessibility over Appeal: Developing Classical Music Audiences through Community2015Knotts, Anna StudentCommunication - Student, ASU
Accessible Targets, But Not Advisable Ones: The Role Of 'Accessibility' In Student Apartment...1998Robinson, Matthew B. FacultyGovernment and Justice Studies, ASU
An accommodation of intuitively combined images employing objects with constructed forms1969Rogers, Joseph ShepperdStudentArt, UNCG
The Accounting Office Interface: Syracuse University1992Bazirjian, Rosann V.FacultyUniversity Libraries, UNCG
Accounting on the Go2011Rehkopf, Ed FacultyHospitality and Tourism Administration, NCCU
Accounting Practices Of Cacao Farmers In Southern Belize2016McKinney, Cody StudentAccounting - Student, ASU
Acculturation, Depression and Oral Health of Immigrants in the USA2023Luo, Huabin StudentECU
Acculturation, Depression and Oral Health of Immigrants in the USA2023Luo, Huabin StudentECU
Accumulation and depletion of zinc in the liver and plasma of acutely stressed rats with det...2023New, Charles G.StudentECU
Accumulation of Particles and Formation of a Dissipative Structure in a Nonequilibrium Bath2023Yuvan, Steven StudentECU
Accumulation of Particles and Formation of a Dissipative Structure in a Nonequilibrium Bath2023Bier, Martin,1959- StudentECU
Accuracy of Intensity and Inclinometer Output of Three Activity Monitors for Identification ...2012Carr, Lucas J.StudentECU
Accuracy of Intensity and Inclinometer Output of Three Activity Monitors for Identification ...2012Mahar, Matthew T.StudentECU
The accuracy of self-appraised health knowledge of selected college students in eight specif...1977Phillips, Frederick RoyStudentEducation, UNCG
Accuracy of Wet Bulb Globe Temperature (WBGT) Obtained from Regional Weather Station Data fo...2023Dillane, Danielle NicoleStudentECU
ACE's and Friendship Difficulties2023True, Hannah ElizabethStudentECU
Achievement in North Carolina history in the state as measured by objective tests : grade si...1929Terry, Bessie StudentEducation, UNCG
Achievement motivation of general students and selected women in sport1974Anderson, Norma JeanStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
Achievement orientation, self-confidence, and attributions of female collegiate tennis playe...1989Gold, Ginger LeeStudentHealth, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, UNCG
Acid ceramidase is upregulated in AML and represents a novel therapeutic target2016Tan, Su-Fern,Liu,Xin,Fox,Todd E.,Barth,Brian M.,Sharma,Arati,Turner,Stephen D.,AStudentECU
Acidosis Activated GPR68 Promotes Vascular Smooth Muscle Cell Growth2023Morgan, Joshua SStudentECU
Acidosis Activates Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress Pathways through GPR4 in Human Vascular Endo...2017Dong, Lixue,Krewson,Elizabeth A.,Yang,Li V.StudentECU
Acidosis Activation of the Proton-Sensing GPR4 Receptor Stimulates Vascular Endothelial Cell...2013Dong, Lixue StudentECU
Acidosis Activation of the Proton-Sensing GPR4 Receptor Stimulates Vascular Endothelial Cell...2013Chi, Jen-Tsan StudentECU
Acidosis Activation of the Proton-Sensing GPR4 Receptor Stimulates Vascular Endothelial Cell...2013Yang, Li V.StudentECU
Acidosis Activation of the Proton-Sensing GPR4 Receptor Stimulates Vascular Endothelial Cell...2013Asch, Adam S.StudentECU
Acidosis Activation of the Proton-Sensing GPR4 Receptor Stimulates Vascular Endothelial Cell...2013Leffler, Nancy R.StudentECU
Acidosis Activation of the Proton-Sensing GPR4 Receptor Stimulates Vascular Endothelial Cell...2013Li, Zhigang StudentECU
Acinetobacter baumannii Regulates Its Stress Responses via the BfmRS Two-Component Regulator...2023Palethorpe, Samantha StudentECU
Acinetobacter baumannii Regulates Its Stress Responses via the BfmRS Two-Component Regulator...2023Farrow III, John M.StudentECU
Acinetobacter baumannii Regulates Its Stress Responses via the BfmRS Two-Component Regulator...2023Wells, Greg StudentECU
Acinetobacter baumannii Regulates Its Stress Responses via the BfmRS Two-Component Regulator...2023Pesci, Everett StudentECU
Acinetobacter baumannii Regulates Its Stress Responses via the BfmRS Two-Component Regulator...2023Milton, Morgan E.StudentECU
Acinetobacter baumannii Regulates Its Stress Responses via the BfmRS Two-Component Regulator...2023Cavanagh, John StudentECU
Acinetobacter baumannii Regulates Its Stress Responses via the BfmRS Two-Component Regulator...2023Actis, Luis StudentECU
The Acolytes of Being: A Definition of "Transcendence" in German History and Politics2015Long , Emily StudentHistory - Student, ASU
Acoustic characterization of soniferous fishes of North Carolina estuaries2023Pullinger, Robert Christopher.StudentECU
An Acoustic Password Enhances Auditory Learning in Juvenile Brood Parasitic Cowbirds2023Balakrishnan, Christopher N.StudentECU
An Acoustic Password Enhances Auditory Learning in Juvenile Brood Parasitic Cowbirds2023Driver, Robert J.StudentECU
Acquiring Articles through Unmediated, User-Initiated Pay-Per-View Transactions: An Assessme...2023Carr, Patrick L.StudentECU
Acquiring minds want Plagiarism: A Victim Speaks Out1992Ogburn, Joyce FacultyUniversity Libraries, ASU
Acquiring Minds Want To Know Acquisitions And New Technology1994Ogburn, Joyce FacultyUniversity Libraries, ASU
Acquiring Minds Want To Know The Art Vs, The Business Of Librarianship1995Ogburn, Joyce FacultyUniversity Libraries, ASU
Acquiring Minds Want To Know Is Full Text Half Full Or Half Empty?1996Ogburn, Joyce FacultyUniversity Libraries, ASU
Acquiring Minds Want To Know: Cloth/Paper-Still, An Issue1994Ogburn, Joyce FacultyUniversity Libraries, ASU
Acquiring Minds Want To Know: Digital Scholarship - A New Scholarly Enterprise2003Ogburn, Joyce FacultyUniversity Libraries, ASU
Acquiring Minds Want To Know: The Future Of Technical Services1996Ogburn, Joyce FacultyUniversity Libraries, ASU
Acquiring Minds Want To Know: A Glimpse of Paradigms1993Ogburn, Joyce FacultyUniversity Libraries, ASU
Acquiring Minds Want To Know: Information Policies And Intellectual Property1998Ogburn, Joyce FacultyUniversity Libraries, ASU
Acquiring Minds Want To Know: Smart Systems, Smart Books1994Ogburn, Joyce FacultyUniversity Libraries, ASU
Acquiring Minds Want To Know: What Are Our Obligations1993Ogburn, Joyce FacultyUniversity Libraries, ASU
The Acquisition of a Plastid by Haptophytes, Cryptophytes, and Photosynthetic Heterokonts2023Schreiber, John M.StudentECU
Acquisitions Up, Up, And Away1991Ogburn, Joyce FacultyUniversity Libraries, ASU
Acquisitions: So What and Where? In Perspectives on Acquisitions1998Ogburn, Joyce FacultyUniversity Libraries, ASU
ACRL from the inside: an interview with recent ACRL president Mary Reichel2002Wise, Suzanne FacultyUniversity Libraries, ASU
ACRL: the learning community for excellence in academic libraries: the presidential theme fo...2001Reichel, Mary FacultyUniversity Libraries, ASU
The Actin Bundling Protein Fascin-1 as an ACE2-Accessory Protein2023Sriramula, Srinivas StudentECU
The Actin Bundling Protein Fascin-1 as an ACE2-Accessory Protein2023Ogunlade, Blessing StudentECU
The Actin Bundling Protein Fascin-1 as an ACE2-Accessory Protein2023Guidry, Jessie J.StudentECU
The Actin Bundling Protein Fascin-1 as an ACE2-Accessory Protein2023Mukerjee, Snigdha StudentECU
The Actin Bundling Protein Fascin-1 as an ACE2-Accessory Protein2023Lazartigues, Eric StudentECU
The Actin Bundling Protein Fascin-1 as an ACE2-Accessory Protein2023Filipeanu, Catalin M.StudentECU
Actin is a PKC[epsilon] anchoring protein :role of this cytoskeletal signaling complex in ac...2023Cooper, James Bryan.StudentECU
Actin is a PKC[epsilon] anchoring protein :role of this cytoskeletal signaling complex in ac...2023Cooper, James Bryan.StudentECU
Action Orientation, Consistency and Feelings of Regret2007McElroy, Todd FacultyPsychology, ASU
Action Research and New Media: Concepts, Methods, and Cases2009Sanders, Robert L. FacultyLeadership and Educational Studies, ASU
Activated B-Cell Signet Ring Lymphoma: A Case Report and a Comparative Review of the Literat...2023Younes, Ahmed I.StudentECU
Activated B-Cell Signet Ring Lymphoma: A Case Report and a Comparative Review of the Literat...2023Majeed, Marwan M.StudentECU
Activated B-Cell Signet Ring Lymphoma: A Case Report and a Comparative Review of the Literat...2023Vora, Moiz StudentECU
Activated B-Cell Signet Ring Lymphoma: A Case Report and a Comparative Review of the Literat...2023Richardson, Maurice D.StudentECU
Activation of GPR4 by Acidosis Increases Endothelial Cell Adhesion through the cAMP/Epac Pat...2011Dong, Lixue StudentECU
Activation of GPR4 by Acidosis Increases Endothelial Cell Adhesion through the cAMP/Epac Pat...2011Leffler, Nancy R.StudentECU
Activation of GPR4 by Acidosis Increases Endothelial Cell Adhesion through the cAMP/Epac Pat...2011Asch, Adam S.StudentECU
Activation of GPR4 by Acidosis Increases Endothelial Cell Adhesion through the cAMP/Epac Pat...2011Witte, Owen N.StudentECU
Activation of GPR4 by Acidosis Increases Endothelial Cell Adhesion through the cAMP/Epac Pat...2011Yang, Li V.StudentECU
Activation of GPR4 by Acidosis Increases Endothelial Cell Adhesion through the cAMP/Epac Pat...2011Chen, Aishe StudentECU
Activation of GPR4 by acidosis inhibits tumor cell migration, invasion and metastasis.2023Castellone, Reid DavidStudentECU
Activation of Kinin B1R Upregulates ADAM17 and Results in ACE2 Shedding in Neurons2023Parekh, Rohan UmeshStudentECU
Activation of Kinin B1R Upregulates ADAM17 and Results in ACE2 Shedding in Neurons2023Sriramula, Srinivas StudentECU
Activation of the proton sensing G-protein coupled receptor, GPR4, regulates focal adhesion ...2014Justus, Calvin RichardStudentECU
Activation of Raf kinase results in GM-CSF overexpression and cytokine independency in murin...2023Knapp, Steven Lee.StudentECU
Active Fund Managers and Earnings Management at Portfolio Companies2023Ngo, Thanh StudentECU
Activities, interests, and needs of junior high school students in North Carolina with impli...1969Flowers, Linda BertaStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Activity Leader Training Manual2009Rehkopf, Ed FacultyHospitality and Tourism Administration, NCCU
Activity of dose-dense outpatient intravenous Interleukin-2 preceded by famotidine in metast...2013Quan, Francine MStudentECU
Activity of dose-dense outpatient intravenous Interleukin-2 preceded by famotidine in metast...2013Quan, Walter StudentECU
Acute effects of fine particulate air pollution on ST segment height: A longitudinal study2010Rodriguez-Colon, Sol StudentECU
Acute effects of fine particulate air pollution on ST segment height: A longitudinal study2010Vgontzas, Alexandros NStudentECU
Acute effects of fine particulate air pollution on ST segment height: A longitudinal study2010Williams, Ronald WStudentECU
Acute effects of fine particulate air pollution on ST segment height: A longitudinal study2010Wu, Rongling StudentECU
Acute effects of fine particulate air pollution on ST segment height: A longitudinal study2010Cascio, Wayne EStudentECU
Acute effects of fine particulate air pollution on ST segment height: A longitudinal study2010Liao, Duanping StudentECU
Acute effects of fine particulate air pollution on ST segment height: A longitudinal study2010Shaffer, Michele LStudentECU
Acute effects of fine particulate air pollution on ST segment height: A longitudinal study2010Bixler, Edward OStudentECU
Acute effects of fine particulate air pollution on ST segment height: A longitudinal study2010He, Fan StudentECU
Acute Effects of JUUL and IQOS in Cigarette Smokers2023Soule, Eric StudentECU
Acute Effects of JUUL and IQOS in Cigarette Smokers2023Maloney, Sarah StudentECU
Acute Effects of JUUL and IQOS in Cigarette Smokers2023Eversole, Alisha StudentECU
Acute Effects of JUUL and IQOS in Cigarette Smokers2023Crabtree, Melanie StudentECU
Acute Effects of JUUL and IQOS in Cigarette Smokers2023Eissenberg, Thomas StudentECU
Acute Effects of JUUL and IQOS in Cigarette Smokers2023Breland, Alison StudentECU
Acute Effects of Whole-Body Vibration on Muscle Activity, Strength, and Power2006Triplett, N. Travis FacultyHealth and Exercise Science, ASU
Acute effects on insulin, thryroid hormone, and cellular stress on glucose transporter mRNA ...2023de Vent{acute}e, James Edward.StudentECU
Acute Exercise Activates p38 MAPK and Increases the Expression of Telomere-Protective Genes ...2023Spangenburg, Espen StudentECU
Acute Exercise Activates p38 MAPK and Increases the Expression of Telomere-Protective Genes ...2023Roth, Stephen M,StudentECU
Acute Motor Neuropathy with Quadriparesis following Treatment with Triple Tyrosine Kinase In...2023Kunadu, Afua StudentECU
Acute Motor Neuropathy with Quadriparesis following Treatment with Triple Tyrosine Kinase In...2023Alqalyoobi, Shehabaldin StudentECU
Acute Motor Neuropathy with Quadriparesis following Treatment with Triple Tyrosine Kinase In...2023Frere, Robert C.StudentECU
Acute Motor Neuropathy with Quadriparesis following Treatment with Triple Tyrosine Kinase In...2023Obi, Ogugua NdiliStudentECU
Acute resistance exercise does not stimulate skeletal muscle fibroblast proliferation in you...2023Doty, Christina M.StudentECU
Acute Venous Thromboembolism in Acute Pancreatitis Based on the Severity: A Retrospective Co...2023Ali, Hassam StudentECU
Acute Venous Thromboembolism in Acute Pancreatitis Based on the Severity: A Retrospective Co...2023Manickam, Swethaa StudentECU
Acute Venous Thromboembolism in Acute Pancreatitis Based on the Severity: A Retrospective Co...2023Pamarthy, Rahul StudentECU
Acute Venous Thromboembolism in Acute Pancreatitis Based on the Severity: A Retrospective Co...2023Farooq, Muhamad FahdStudentECU
Acute Venous Thromboembolism in Acute Pancreatitis Based on the Severity: A Retrospective Co...2023Leland, William StudentECU
Acyl-CoA Synthetase 6 is Required for Brain Docosahexaenoic Acid Retention and Neuroprotecti...2023Fernandez, Regina F.StudentECU
Acyl-CoA Synthetase 6 is Required for Brain Docosahexaenoic Acid Retention and Neuroprotecti...2023Pereyra, Andrea S.StudentECU
Acyl-CoA Synthetase 6 is Required for Brain Docosahexaenoic Acid Retention and Neuroprotecti...2023Diaz, Victoria StudentECU
Acyl-CoA Synthetase 6 is Required for Brain Docosahexaenoic Acid Retention and Neuroprotecti...2023Wilson, Emily S.StudentECU
Acyl-CoA Synthetase 6 is Required for Brain Docosahexaenoic Acid Retention and Neuroprotecti...2023Litwa, Karen A.StudentECU
Acyl-CoA Synthetase 6 is Required for Brain Docosahexaenoic Acid Retention and Neuroprotecti...2023Martínez-Gardeazabal, Jonatan StudentECU
Acyl-CoA Synthetase 6 is Required for Brain Docosahexaenoic Acid Retention and Neuroprotecti...2023Jackson, Shelley N.StudentECU
Acyl-CoA Synthetase 6 is Required for Brain Docosahexaenoic Acid Retention and Neuroprotecti...2023Brenna, Thomas StudentECU
Acyl-CoA Synthetase 6 is Required for Brain Docosahexaenoic Acid Retention and Neuroprotecti...2023Hermann, Brian P.StudentECU
Acyl-CoA Synthetase 6 is Required for Brain Docosahexaenoic Acid Retention and Neuroprotecti...2023Eells, Jeffrey B.StudentECU
Acyl-CoA Synthetase 6 is Required for Brain Docosahexaenoic Acid Retention and Neuroprotecti...2023Ellis, Jessica M.StudentECU
Adamts9 is critical for the development of primary ovarian follicles2023Carver, Jonathan J.StudentECU
Adamts9 is critical for the development of primary ovarian follicles2023Carver, Jonathan JacobStudentECU
Adamts9 is necessary for ovarian development in zebrafish2023Roach, Zachary AdamStudentECU
ADAP 1/Centaurin-a1 Negatively Regulates Dendritic Spine function and Memory Formation in th...2023Szatmari, Erzsebet M.StudentECU
ADAP 1/Centaurin-a1 Negatively Regulates Dendritic Spine function and Memory Formation in th...2023Moran, Corey StudentECU
ADAP 1/Centaurin-a1 Negatively Regulates Dendritic Spine function and Memory Formation in th...2023Cohen, Sarah S.StudentECU
ADAP 1/Centaurin-a1 Negatively Regulates Dendritic Spine function and Memory Formation in th...2023Jacob, Amanda StudentECU
ADAP 1/Centaurin-a1 Negatively Regulates Dendritic Spine function and Memory Formation in th...2023Parra-Bueno, Paula StudentECU
ADAP 1/Centaurin-a1 Negatively Regulates Dendritic Spine function and Memory Formation in th...2023Kamasawa, Naomi StudentECU
ADAP 1/Centaurin-a1 Negatively Regulates Dendritic Spine function and Memory Formation in th...2023Guerrero-Given, Debbie StudentECU
ADAP 1/Centaurin-a1 Negatively Regulates Dendritic Spine function and Memory Formation in th...2023Klein, Michael StudentECU
ADAP 1/Centaurin-a1 Negatively Regulates Dendritic Spine function and Memory Formation in th...2023Stackman Jr, Robert StudentECU
ADAP 1/Centaurin-a1 Negatively Regulates Dendritic Spine function and Memory Formation in th...2023Yasuda, Ryohei StudentECU
An Adaptation Of The Coping Cat Program: The Successful Treatment Of A 6-Year-Old Boy With G...2012Michael, Kurt D.FacultyPsychology, ASU
An Adaptation Of The Coping Cat Program: The Successful Treatment Of A 6-Year-Old Boy With G...2012Albright, Abby E.FacultyPsychology - Student, ASU
The adaptation of an exemplary curriculum model : implications for the Department of Communi...1982Hammond, Clifton HenryStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Adaptation of a Modified Diet Quality Index to Quantify Healthfulness of Food-Related Toy Se...2023Jilcott Pitts, Stephanie StudentECU
Adaptation of a Modified Diet Quality Index to Quantify Healthfulness of Food-Related Toy Se...2023Lazorick, Suzanne StudentECU
Adaptation of a Modified Diet Quality Index to Quantify Healthfulness of Food-Related Toy Se...2023Stage, Virginia C.StudentECU
Adaptation of a Modified Diet Quality Index to Quantify Healthfulness of Food-Related Toy Se...2023Poston, Jacqueline R.StudentECU
Adaptation of a Modified Diet Quality Index to Quantify Healthfulness of Food-Related Toy Se...2023Watkins, Rachel E.StudentECU
Adaptation of a moral judgment interview for a pen and paper test1974Schwarz, Madge TwiggsStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Adaptation studies in residue pitch1976Hall, Joseph WaltonStudentPsychology, UNCG
Adaptations from Russian literature for upper elementary grades1946Huffman, Edith StudentEducation, UNCG
Adaptations of Pseudomonas aeruginosa to the Cystic Fibrosis Lung Environment Can Include De...2023Silo-Suh, Laura StudentECU
Adaptations of Pseudomonas aeruginosa to the Cystic Fibrosis Lung Environment Can Include De...2023Suh, Sang-Jin StudentECU
Adaptations of Pseudomonas aeruginosa to the Cystic Fibrosis Lung Environment Can Include De...2023Phibbs, Paul V.StudentECU
Adaptations of Pseudomonas aeruginosa to the Cystic Fibrosis Lung Environment Can Include De...2023Ohman, Dennis E.StudentECU
Adaptive and interpretive recruitment strategies of five small liberal arts colleges1985Carter, Charles MillsStudentEducation, UNCG
Adaptive and Maladaptive Narcissism among University Faculty, Clergy, Politicians, and Libra...1998Hill, Robert FacultyPsychology, ASU
Adaptive sex ratio manipulation in the common moorhen (Gallinula chloropus)2023Mauney, Debbie F.StudentECU
Addressing the achievement gap in marganilized [i.e., marginalized] BIPOC populations2022Bryan, Elizabeth HarleyStudentPsychology, WCU
Addressing counselors' personal issues in supervision : perceived impact of experience level...1992Sumerel, Marie BellamyStudentEducation, UNCG
Addressing COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy Using a Vaccine Decision Aid Tool2023Pardini, Erin StudentECU
Addressing the pilot shortage: funding flight training at Asheville-Buncombe Technical Commu...2023Corman, Richard JustinStudentHuman Services, WCU
Adduction to arginine detoxifies aflatoxin B1 by eliminating genotoxicity and altering in vi...2018Rushing, Blake R.,Selim,Mustafa I.StudentECU
Adenosine monophosphate-activated protein kinase inhibits vascular smooth muscle growth asso...2014Stone, Joshua StudentECU
Adequacy of lighting in the home study areas of junior high school students in Greensboro, N...1974Cuthbertson, Ann StatonStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Adequacy of preparation in undergraduate home economics education from 1958-1967 at the Univ...1968Mullen, Jean YvonneStudentHome Economics, UNCG
ADHD Comorbidities: Handbook for ADHD Complications in Children and Adults 2010Canu, Will FacultyPsychology, ASU
Adiposity changes after a 1-year aerobic exercise intervention among postmenopausal women: a...2011Irwin, M LStudentECU
Adiposity changes after a 1-year aerobic exercise intervention among postmenopausal women: a...2011Ballard-Barbash, R StudentECU
Adiposity changes after a 1-year aerobic exercise intervention among postmenopausal women: a...2011Brant, R StudentECU
Adiposity changes after a 1-year aerobic exercise intervention among postmenopausal women: a...2011Terry, T StudentECU
Adiposity changes after a 1-year aerobic exercise intervention among postmenopausal women: a...2011McTiernan, A StudentECU
Adiposity changes after a 1-year aerobic exercise intervention among postmenopausal women: a...2011Woolcott, C GStudentECU
Adiposity changes after a 1-year aerobic exercise intervention among postmenopausal women: a...2011Friedenreich, C MStudentECU
Adiposity changes after a 1-year aerobic exercise intervention among postmenopausal women: a...2011Courneya, K SStudentECU
Adiposity changes after a 1-year aerobic exercise intervention among postmenopausal women: a...2011Karvinen, K HStudentECU
Adiposity changes after a 1-year aerobic exercise intervention among postmenopausal women: a...2011McNeely, M LStudentECU
Adiposity changes after a 1-year aerobic exercise intervention among postmenopausal women: a...2011Campbell, K LStudentECU
Adiposity changes after a 1-year aerobic exercise intervention among postmenopausal women: a...2011Yaffe, M JStudentECU
Adiposity changes after a 1-year aerobic exercise intervention among postmenopausal women: a...2011Boyd, N FStudentECU
Adiposity changes after a 1-year aerobic exercise intervention among postmenopausal women: a...2011Jones, C AStudentECU
Adjustments in open space and storage space divisions expressed by twenty homemakers who liv...1962Davis, Carolyn JaneStudentHome Economics, UNCG
The administration of Governor Henry Toole Clark, 1861-18622023Mercer, Garry CarnellStudentECU
Administrative Data Versus Corrected Administrative Data2003Price, Jammie FacultyPast faculty member, ASU
Administrative revenge1987Phillips, James BruceStudentEducation, UNCG
An administrative review of an early reading intervention1996Hedrick, Denise EverhartStudentEducation, UNCG
Adolescent and Young Adult Oncology Patients and their Caregivers2023Kolobova, Irina StudentECU
Adolescent free time activity participation and its relationships with perceptions of parent...2023Lubben, Isaiah CStudentECU
Adolescent literature as a useful addition to today's curriculum1989Durway, Flo Ellen DennyStudentEducation, UNCG
Adolescent mothers['] perception[s] of their infants and quality of mother-infant interactio...1985Adams, Virginia WatsonStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Adolescent Sexual Assault and Suicidal Behaviors: Investigating a National Sample2010Tomasula, Jessica StudentECU
Adolescent suicide : the role of the public school1987Hollar, Cleve CordellStudentEducation, UNCG
Adolescents' purpose in life and engagement in risky behaviors : differences by gender and e...1994Sayles, Martha L.StudentEducation, UNCG
Adolescents' self evaluations : the influence of exposure to self evaluations of others1973Bishop, Cynthia LeonardStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Adolescents with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and Interest in Educational...2023Al-Hammori, Deanna WaledStudentECU
Adolph the laser sight reindeer2023Stiles, John FacultyMusic and Visual Arts, ECSU
Adoption of Lightning Safety Best-Practices Policies in the Secondary School Setting2023Scarneo-Miller, Samantha E.StudentECU
Adoption of Lightning Safety Best-Practices Policies in the Secondary School Setting2023Flanagan, Katie WalshStudentECU
Adoption of Lightning Safety Best-Practices Policies in the Secondary School Setting2023Belval, Luke N.StudentECU
Adoption of Lightning Safety Best-Practices Policies in the Secondary School Setting2023Register-Mihalik, Johna K.StudentECU
Adoption of Lightning Safety Best-Practices Policies in the Secondary School Setting2023Casa, Douglas J.StudentECU
Adoption of Lightning Safety Best-Practices Policies in the Secondary School Setting2023DiStefano, Lindsay J.StudentECU
Adsorption Characteristics of Activated Carbon Fibers in Respirator Cartridges for Toluene2023Balanay, Jo AnneStudentECU
Adsorption Characteristics of Activated Carbon Fibers in Respirator Cartridges for Toluene2023Oh, Jonghwa StudentECU
Adsorption of copper (II) by peanut hulls in a fixed-bed, continuous flow column2017Cook, Tyler StephenStudentChemistry and Physics, WCU
The adsorption of disperse dyes on powdered activated carbon1975Hall, Seymour GeraldStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Adults and Children in Low-Income Households That Participate in Cost-Offset Community Suppo...2017Hanson, Karla L.,Kolodinsky,Jane,Wang,Weiwei,Morgan,Emily H.,JilStudentECU
Adults who were adopted as older children1983Powell, John Y.StudentHome Economics, UNCG
Advanced Age Redistributes Positive but Not Negative Leg Joint Work During Walking2023DeVita, Paul,1955- StudentECU
Advanced Placement English and First-Year Composition : An Analysis Using Activity Theory wi...2023Dennis, Elizabeth ParhamStudentECU
Advancing the Health of Migrant and Seasonal Farmworkers in the United States: Identifying G...2023Bloss, Jamie E.StudentECU
Advancing the Health of Migrant and Seasonal Farmworkers in the United States: Identifying G...2023Zahra, Abdul G.StudentECU
Advancing the Health of Migrant and Seasonal Farmworkers in the United States: Identifying G...2023Firnhaber, Gina StudentECU
Advancing the Health of Migrant and Seasonal Farmworkers in the United States: Identifying G...2023Cofie, Leslie E.StudentECU
Advancing the Health of Migrant and Seasonal Farmworkers in the United States: Identifying G...2023Lee, Joseph G. L.StudentECU
Advancing research on racial-ethnic health disparities: Improving measurement equivalence in...2014eLandrine, Hope,eCorral,Irma StudentECU
Advantages of Executive Processing in Bilingual Students2023Dixon, Hannah MarieStudentECU
Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) in Pregnancy: Screening, Identification and Referral2023Sells, Katherine StudentECU
The advocacy coalition framework and implementation of the Endangered Species Act: a case st...1998Ellison, Brian A. FacultyPast faculty member, ASU
Aeolian sediment transport in the coastal barrier dunes of Cape Hatteras National Seashore2023Beachley, Richard A.StudentECU
Aeolian sediment transport in the coastal barrier dunes of Cape Hatteras National Seashore2023Beachley, Richard A.StudentECU
Aerobic and Resistance Exercise Training Reverses Age-Dependent Decline in NAD + Salvage Cap...2023Houmard, Joseph A.StudentECU
Aerobic Exercise during Pregnancy and Presence of Fetal-Maternal Heart Rate Synchronization2014Van Leeuwen, Peter StudentECU
Aerobic Exercise during Pregnancy and Presence of Fetal-Maternal Heart Rate Synchronization2014Geue, Daniel StudentECU
Aerobic Exercise during Pregnancy and Presence of Fetal-Maternal Heart Rate Synchronization2014May, Linda E.StudentECU
Aerobic Exercise during Pregnancy and Presence of Fetal-Maternal Heart Rate Synchronization2014Grönemeyer, Dietrich StudentECU
Aerobic Exercise during Pregnancy and Presence of Fetal-Maternal Heart Rate Synchronization2014Cysarz, Dirk StudentECU
Aerobic Exercise during Pregnancy and Presence of Fetal-Maternal Heart Rate Synchronization2014Gustafson, Kathleen M.StudentECU
Aerobic, Resistance, and Combination Training on Health-Related Quality of Life: The STRRIDE...2023Houmard, Joseph A.StudentECU
Aerobic, Resistance, and Combination Training on Health-Related Quality of Life: The STRRIDE...2023Collins, Katherine A.StudentECU
Aerobic, Resistance, and Combination Training on Health-Related Quality of Life: The STRRIDE...2023Fos, Liezl B.StudentECU
Aerobic, Resistance, and Combination Training on Health-Related Quality of Life: The STRRIDE...2023Ross, Leanna M.StudentECU
Aerobic, Resistance, and Combination Training on Health-Related Quality of Life: The STRRIDE...2023Slentz, Cris A.StudentECU
Aerobic, Resistance, and Combination Training on Health-Related Quality of Life: The STRRIDE...2023Davis, Paul G.StudentECU
Aerobic, Resistance, and Combination Training on Health-Related Quality of Life: The STRRIDE...2023Willis, Leslie H.StudentECU
Aerobic, Resistance, and Combination Training on Health-Related Quality of Life: The STRRIDE...2023Piner, Lucy W.StudentECU
Aerobic, Resistance, and Combination Training on Health-Related Quality of Life: The STRRIDE...2023Bateman, Lori A.StudentECU
Aerobic, Resistance, and Combination Training on Health-Related Quality of Life: The STRRIDE...2023Kraus, William E.StudentECU
Aerosol-Precipitation Interactions in the Southern Appalachian Mountains2011Kelly, Ginger MarieStudentGeography and Planning - Student , ASU
Aeschylus' Agamemnon : a translation1966Derkics, Dorothy J.StudentClassical Civilization, UNCG
Aesthetic and technical matters concerning the Japanese woodcut technique1965Ingram, Virginia StudentArt, UNCG
Aesthetics of sport : a metacritical analysis1977Wulk, Nancy GayleStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
Aetosaurs (Archosauria:Stagonolepididae) from the Upper Triassic (Revueltian) Snyder Quarry2003Heckert, Andrew B. FacultyGeology, ASU
Affective responses to sub-maximal exercise in the young and old2023Knapp, Deborah J.StudentECU
Affordable Family Rental Housing: Successful Practices in Massachusetts Communities2005Tighe, J. Rosie FacultyPast Faculty Member, ASU
Affordable Food for Thought2019Scott-Branch, Jamillah FacultyJames E. Shepard Memorial Library, NCCU
Affordable Food for Thought2019Colbert-Lewis, Danielle FacultyJames E. Shepard Memorial Library , NCCU
Afghanistan in Anglo-Russian rivalry, 1830-18802023Bede, John StudentECU
African Americans in the Republican Party: Choosing the Road Less Traveled2006Ardoin, Phillip FacultyGovernment and Justice Studies, ASU
African American Women with Type 2 Diabetes : A Biopsychosocial-Spiritual Approach2010Hames, April M.StudentECU
African American women-s speech: Vowel inherent spectral change2017Holt, Yolanda Feimster,Ellis,Charles Jr.StudentECU
African American women’s speech: Vowel inherent spectral change2023Holt, Yolanda FeimsterStudentECU
African American women’s speech: Vowel inherent spectral change2023Ellis, Charles StudentECU
After-school activities and care arrangements of early adolescents : an exploratory study1991Bey, Kathleen AnneStudentHuman Environmental Sciences, UNCG
Age and growth of yellowtail snapper, Ocyurus chrysurus, collected from the Southeastern Uni...2023Garcia, Eden R.StudentECU
Age and lake margin migration of Lake Phelps, Washington County, North Carolina2023Holley, James K.(James Kevin)StudentECU
Age and Sex Differences in Orofacial Strength2011Clark, Heather FacultyPast Faculty Member, ASU
Age Differences in Item-Manipulation Span: The Case of Letter-Number Sequencing2007Emery, Lisa FacultyPsychology, ASU
Age Differences in Proactive Interference, Working Memory, and Reasoning2008Emery, Lisa FacultyPsychology, ASU
Age Does Not Affect the Relationship Between Muscle Activation and Joint Work During Incline...2023DeVita, Paul,1955- StudentECU
Age Does Not Affect the Relationship Between Muscle Activation and Joint Work During Incline...2023Waanders, Jeroen B.StudentECU
Age Does Not Affect the Relationship Between Muscle Activation and Joint Work During Incline...2023Murgia, Alessio StudentECU
Age Does Not Affect the Relationship Between Muscle Activation and Joint Work During Incline...2023Franz, Jason R.StudentECU
Age Does Not Affect the Relationship Between Muscle Activation and Joint Work During Incline...2023Hortobagyi, Tibor StudentECU
The age, growth and food habits of the windowpane flounder, Scophthalmus aquosus (Mitchell) ...2023Shelton, Scott Tindal.StudentECU
Age, growth and mortality of lane snapper, Lutjanus synagris, from the east coast of Florida...2023Brennan, Kenneth J.StudentECU
Age, growth and mortality of lane snapper, Lutjanus synagris, from the east coast of Florida...2023Brennan, Kenneth J.StudentECU
Age, growth and mortality of weakfish, Cynoscion regalis, in North Carolina with a discussio...2023Hawkins, Jess H.StudentECU
Age, growth, and life history characteristics of striped bass, Morone saxatilis, from the Sh...2023Paramore, Lee M.StudentECU
Age, physical activity patterns, estrogen levels and central circulatory responses of postme...1986Morocco, Kathleen M.StudentHealth, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, UNCG
Age, Sex, and Remote Monitoring Differences in Device Acceptance for Patients With Implanted...2023Sears, Samuel F.StudentECU
Age-Related Changes Between the Level of Velopharyngeal Closure and the Cervical Spine2023Perry, Jamie L.StudentECU
Age-Related Changes Between the Level of Velopharyngeal Closure and the Cervical Spine2023Mason, Kazlin N.StudentECU
Age-Related Changes Between the Level of Velopharyngeal Closure and the Cervical Spine2023Fang, Xiangming StudentECU
Age-Related Changes in Neural Activity During Performance Matched Working Memory Manipulatio...2008Emery, Lisa FacultyPsychology, ASU
Aged Rats: Sex Differences and Responses to Chronic Stress2006Zrull, Mark C. FacultyPsychology, ASU
Agent and method for treating disorders associated with cytidine deaminase or deoxycytidine ...2000Nyce, Jonathan W.StudentECU
Ages and Stages Questionnaire: a global screening scale | Ages and Stages Questionnaire: una...2017Singh, Ajay,Yeh,Chia Jung,Blanchard,Sheresa BooneStudentECU
Ages and Stages Questionnaire: a global screening scale | Ages and Stages Questionnaire: una...2023Singh, Ajay StudentECU
Ages and Stages Questionnaire: a global screening scale | Ages and Stages Questionnaire: una...2023Yeh, Chia JungStudentECU
Ages and Stages Questionnaire: a global screening scale | Ages and Stages Questionnaire: una...2023Blanchard, Sheresa,1976- StudentECU
Aggressive and nonaggressive children : the relationship between affect, perceptions and the...1995Klumb, Donald E.StudentPsychology, UNCG
Aging and selective attention to location and color : visual event-related potentials1988Schroeder, Mary MarvinStudentPsychology, UNCG
Aging Inmates: A Convergence of Trends in the American Criminal Justice System2007Rosenberg, Ed FacultySociology, ASU
The Aging Woman in Popular Film: Underrepresented, Unattractive, Unfriendly, and Unintellige...1997Bazzini, Doris FacultyPsychology, ASU
Agmatine reverses pain induced by inflammation, neuropathy, and spinal cord injury2023Fairbanks, Carolyn A.StudentECU
Agmatine reverses pain induced by inflammation, neuropathy, and spinal cord injury2023Schreiber, Kristin L.StudentECU
Agmatine reverses pain induced by inflammation, neuropathy, and spinal cord injury2023Brewer, Kori L.StudentECU
Agmatine reverses pain induced by inflammation, neuropathy, and spinal cord injury2023Yu, Chen-Guang StudentECU
Agmatine reverses pain induced by inflammation, neuropathy, and spinal cord injury2023Stone, Laura S.StudentECU
Agmatine reverses pain induced by inflammation, neuropathy, and spinal cord injury2023Kitto, Kelley F.StudentECU
Agmatine reverses pain induced by inflammation, neuropathy, and spinal cord injury2023Nguyen, H. OanhStudentECU
Agmatine reverses pain induced by inflammation, neuropathy, and spinal cord injury2023Grocholski, Brent M.StudentECU
Agmatine reverses pain induced by inflammation, neuropathy, and spinal cord injury2023Shoeman, Don W.StudentECU
Agmatine reverses pain induced by inflammation, neuropathy, and spinal cord injury2023Kehl, Lois J.StudentECU
Agmatine reverses pain induced by inflammation, neuropathy, and spinal cord injury2023Regunathan, Soundararajan StudentECU
Agmatine reverses pain induced by inflammation, neuropathy, and spinal cord injury2023Reis, Donald J.StudentECU
Agmatine reverses pain induced by inflammation, neuropathy, and spinal cord injury2023Yezierski, Robert P.StudentECU
Agmatine reverses pain induced by inflammation, neuropathy, and spinal cord injury2023Wilcox, George L.StudentECU
Agnes McDonald’s Letter to Dan Tompkins2018Bowman, Molly M. StudentEnglish, WCU
The Agricultural Adjustment Act in North Carolina, 1933-19362023Coker, M. ThomasStudentECU
Agricultural land use patterns in the Southern Piedmont, 1945 to 19822023Phillips, Lynn Roche.StudentECU
AgRP/NPY Neuron Excitability Is Modulated by Metabotropic Glutamate Receptor 1 During Fastin...2023Laing, Brenton ThomasStudentECU
AgRP/NPY Neuron Excitability Is Modulated by Metabotropic Glutamate Receptor 1 During Fastin...2023McClung, Joseph M.StudentECU
AgRP/NPY Neuron Excitability Is Modulated by Metabotropic Glutamate Receptor 1 During Fastin...2023Li, Peixin StudentECU
AgRP/NPY Neuron Excitability Is Modulated by Metabotropic Glutamate Receptor 1 During Fastin...2023Schmidt, Cameron AlanStudentECU
AgRP/NPY Neuron Excitability Is Modulated by Metabotropic Glutamate Receptor 1 During Fastin...2023Bunner, Wyatt StudentECU
AgRP/NPY Neuron Excitability Is Modulated by Metabotropic Glutamate Receptor 1 During Fastin...2023Yuan, Yuan StudentECU
AgRP/NPY Neuron Excitability Is Modulated by Metabotropic Glutamate Receptor 1 During Fastin...2023Landry, Taylor StudentECU
AgRP/NPY Neuron Excitability Is Modulated by Metabotropic Glutamate Receptor 1 During Fastin...2023Prete, Amber StudentECU
AgRP/NPY Neuron Excitability Is Modulated by Metabotropic Glutamate Receptor 1 During Fastin...2023Huang, Hu StudentECU
AI Library Guide - Presented to Faculty as part of the Teaching and Learning Center Workshop...2023Tuncer-Bayramli, Nurhak FacultyLibrary, ECSU
AIM for success with IM2006Sanders, Mark FacultyECU
Air flow and sediment transport over a low coastal foredune2023Lampe, Mark A.StudentECU
Airway observations during upper endoscopy predicting obstructive sleep apnea2016Harvin, Glenn,Ali,Eslam,Raina,Amit,Leland,William,Abid,Sab StudentECU
Akhenaten-s Amarna in New Kingdom Egypt: Relations of Landscape and Ideology2016Christie, Jessica JoyceStudentECU
Akhenaten’s Amarna in New Kingdom Egypt: Relations of Landscape and Ideology2023Christie, Jessica JoyceStudentECU
The Albemarle area of North Carolina :a study in rural geography2023McCraw, Monte Francis.StudentECU
Alcibiades : a study in character2023Troadec, Jean-Pierre StudentECU
Alcohol and Other Substance Use after Bariatric Surgery: Prospective Evidence from a US Mult...2023Pories, Walter J.StudentECU
Alcohol in the Movies: Characteristics of Drinkers and Nondrinkers in Films from 1940-19891999Bazzini, Doris FacultyPsychology, ASU
Alcohol Type and Ideal Cardiovascular Health Among Adults of the Multi-Ethnic Study of Ather...2023Okunrintemi, Victor StudentECU
Alcohol Type and Ideal Cardiovascular Health Among Adults of the Multi-Ethnic Study of Ather...2023Ogunmoroti, Oluseye StudentECU
Alcohol Type and Ideal Cardiovascular Health Among Adults of the Multi-Ethnic Study of Ather...2023Osibogun, Olatokunbo StudentECU
Alcohol Type and Ideal Cardiovascular Health Among Adults of the Multi-Ethnic Study of Ather...2023McClelland, Robyn L.StudentECU
Alcohol Type and Ideal Cardiovascular Health Among Adults of the Multi-Ethnic Study of Ather...2023Lazo, Mariana StudentECU
Alcohol Type and Ideal Cardiovascular Health Among Adults of the Multi-Ethnic Study of Ather...2023Mathews, Lena StudentECU
Alcohol Type and Ideal Cardiovascular Health Among Adults of the Multi-Ethnic Study of Ather...2023Oni, Ebenezer T.StudentECU
Alcohol Type and Ideal Cardiovascular Health Among Adults of the Multi-Ethnic Study of Ather...2023Burke, Gregory L.StudentECU
Alcohol Type and Ideal Cardiovascular Health Among Adults of the Multi-Ethnic Study of Ather...2023Michos, Erin D.StudentECU
Aldehyde Dehydrogenase Inhibition Ameliorates Cardiac Dysfunction and Exacerbates Hypotensio...2023Abdel-Rahman, Abdel A.StudentECU
ALA Disaster Relief for Nepal: Impact on Libraries2015Cramer, Elizabeth FacultyUniversity Libraries, ASU
Alexander Herzen : a study1959Long, Jacqueline StudentHistory, UNCG
An Algorithm for Using Hydroxyurea in Sickle Cell Disease2023Curry, Joy StudentECU
Alice Bird Letter to Minnie Bird2018Jones, Nikki StudentEnglish, WCU
Alice Green Hoffman : queen of Bogue Banks2023Guthrie, Kathleen McMillanStudentECU
Alienation and Ethnic Identities in "Growing Up Ethnic in America," "Borderlands/La Frontera...2023Long, Brittany AnnStudentECU
Alienation and self-concept of male high school basketball players1971Gailus, Janet ElaineStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
AlienG2 - An Automated Analysis Tool for Genome-scale Prediction of Horizontal Gene Transfer...2014Ahmadvand, Ali StudentECU
All Hands on Deck Mentoring Program2023Nobles, Morgan LeaStudentECU
All Hands on Deck Mentorship Program2023Sosebee, Caitlin StudentECU
All roads lead to the same city1971Harris, Deanna JeanStudentEnglish, UNCG
The Allelopathic Algicides Sanguinarine and Berberine Reduced the Dominance of Microcystis i...2023Duan, Pengfei StudentECU
The Allelopathic Algicides Sanguinarine and Berberine Reduced the Dominance of Microcystis i...2023Wei, Mengjiao StudentECU
The Allelopathic Algicides Sanguinarine and Berberine Reduced the Dominance of Microcystis i...2023Li, Ming StudentECU
The Allelopathic Algicides Sanguinarine and Berberine Reduced the Dominance of Microcystis i...2023Gao, LI StudentECU
Allograft rejection of cultured mouse heart cultivated in media containing chlorpromazine pr...2023Peacock, Don Thomas.StudentECU
Allusions in Ernest Hemingway's The sun also rises1971Edmondson, Sylvia NelsonStudentEnglish, UNCG
Alone in a Crowd: Effect of a Nonfunctional Lateral Line on Expression of the Social Hormone...2023Venuto, Alexandra StudentECU
Alone in a Crowd: Effect of a Nonfunctional Lateral Line on Expression of the Social Hormone...2023Smith, Cameron P.StudentECU
Alone in a Crowd: Effect of a Nonfunctional Lateral Line on Expression of the Social Hormone...2023Cameron-Pack, Marybelle StudentECU
Alone in a Crowd: Effect of a Nonfunctional Lateral Line on Expression of the Social Hormone...2023Erickson, Timothy StudentECU
Alone Together? Fighting Student Isolation in Online Art Education2023Song, Borim StudentECU
Alpha Taxonomy of Eocene Primates from the Great Divide Basin, Wyoming2023Pavell, Dakota RStudentECU
"Alpha to Omega"1976Wilson, Margaret ElizabethStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
The altar controversies of the Angelican Church, 1547-16452023Keown, Alexander J.StudentECU
Alterations in Sphingolipid Composition and Mitochondrial Bioenergetics Represent Synergisti...2023Fisher-Wellman, Kelsey H.StudentECU
Alterations in Sphingolipid Composition and Mitochondrial Bioenergetics Represent Synergisti...2023Hagen, James T.StudentECU
Alterations in Sphingolipid Composition and Mitochondrial Bioenergetics Represent Synergisti...2023Nelson, Margaret A. M.StudentECU
Alterations in Sphingolipid Composition and Mitochondrial Bioenergetics Represent Synergisti...2023McLaughlin, Kelsey L.StudentECU
Alterations in Sphingolipid Composition and Mitochondrial Bioenergetics Represent Synergisti...2023Coalson, Hannah S.StudentECU
Alterations in Sphingolipid Composition and Mitochondrial Bioenergetics Represent Synergisti...2023Kassai, Miki StudentECU
Alterations in Sphingolipid Composition and Mitochondrial Bioenergetics Represent Synergisti...2023Kao, Li-Pin StudentECU
Alterations in Sphingolipid Composition and Mitochondrial Bioenergetics Represent Synergisti...2023Cabot, Myles C.StudentECU
Altered mechanical and structural characteristics of corpus cavernosum in a rat model of Met...2023Pawar, Rohit R.StudentECU
Altered Susceptibility to Trematode Infection in Native Versus Introduced Populations of the...2023Blakeslee, April StudentECU
Altered Susceptibility to Trematode Infection in Native Versus Introduced Populations of the...2023Ruocchio, Matt StudentECU
Altered Susceptibility to Trematode Infection in Native Versus Introduced Populations of the...2023Moore, Chris S.StudentECU
Altered wheel thrown forms1973Ferree, Joseph MichaelStudentArt, UNCG
Alternative compensation method : a theoretical reward system model incorporating adult-life...1991Snyder, Richard HarryStudentEducation, UNCG
Alternative ideas to increase the percentage of filled seats in nephrology fellowships2014Desai, Tejas StudentECU
Alternative patterns and values of play, games, and sport in America1979Brightman, Dorothy LouiseStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
Alternative reinforcement and resistance to change1991Tota-Faucette, Mary ElizabethStudentPsychology, UNCG
Alternative schooling in North Carolina, 1977-19811982Gravely, Etta Christine LeathStudentEducation, UNCG
Alternative splicing of UCP1 by non-cell-autonomous action of PEMT2019Johnson, Jordan M.,Verkerke,Anthony R.P.,Maschek,J. Alan,Ferrara,PStudentECU
Altruism, Discourse, and Blood Donation : The rhetoric of "The Gift of Life"2014Solomon, Guy DouglasStudentECU
Aluminum and acid pH effects on larval striped bass (Morone saxatilis) epithelium determined...2023Dorton, Peter J.StudentECU
Aluminum Oxide Nanoparticle Impact on Plant Growth and Development2023Brinkley, Evan StudentECU
Alveolar macrophage priming by intravenous administration of chitin particles, polymers of N...2023Shibata, Yoshimi StudentECU
Alveolar macrophage priming by intravenous administration of chitin particles, polymers of N...2023Foster, L. AnnStudentECU
Alveolar macrophage priming by intravenous administration of chitin particles, polymers of N...2023Metzger, James StudentECU
Alveolar macrophage priming by intravenous administration of chitin particles, polymers of N...2023Myrvik, Quentin N.StudentECU
Alveolar Rhabdomyosarcoma with Regional Nodal Involvement: Results of a Combined Analysis fr...2023Rodeberg, David A.StudentECU
Alveolar Rhabdomyosarcoma with Regional Nodal Involvement: Results of a Combined Analysis fr...2023Gallego, Soledad StudentECU
Alveolar Rhabdomyosarcoma with Regional Nodal Involvement: Results of a Combined Analysis fr...2023Chi, Yueh-Yun StudentECU
Alveolar Rhabdomyosarcoma with Regional Nodal Involvement: Results of a Combined Analysis fr...2023De Salvo, Gian LucaStudentECU
Alveolar Rhabdomyosarcoma with Regional Nodal Involvement: Results of a Combined Analysis fr...2023Li, Minjie StudentECU
Alveolar Rhabdomyosarcoma with Regional Nodal Involvement: Results of a Combined Analysis fr...2023Merks, Johannes H.M.StudentECU
Alveolar Rhabdomyosarcoma with Regional Nodal Involvement: Results of a Combined Analysis fr...2023van Scheltinga, Sheila TerwisschaStudentECU
Alveolar Rhabdomyosarcoma with Regional Nodal Involvement: Results of a Combined Analysis fr...2023Mascarenhas, Leo StudentECU
Alveolar Rhabdomyosarcoma with Regional Nodal Involvement: Results of a Combined Analysis fr...2023Orbach, Daniel StudentECU
Alveolar Rhabdomyosarcoma with Regional Nodal Involvement: Results of a Combined Analysis fr...2023Jenney, Meriel StudentECU
Alveolar Rhabdomyosarcoma with Regional Nodal Involvement: Results of a Combined Analysis fr...2023Jenney, Meriel StudentECU
Alveolar Rhabdomyosarcoma with Regional Nodal Involvement: Results of a Combined Analysis fr...2023Million, Lynn StudentECU
Alveolar Rhabdomyosarcoma with Regional Nodal Involvement: Results of a Combined Analysis fr...2023Minard-Colin, Veronique StudentECU
Alveolar Rhabdomyosarcoma with Regional Nodal Involvement: Results of a Combined Analysis fr...2023Wolden, Suzanne StudentECU
Alveolar Rhabdomyosarcoma with Regional Nodal Involvement: Results of a Combined Analysis fr...2023Zanetti, Ilaria StudentECU
Alveolar Rhabdomyosarcoma with Regional Nodal Involvement: Results of a Combined Analysis fr...2023Parham, David M.StudentECU
Alveolar Rhabdomyosarcoma with Regional Nodal Involvement: Results of a Combined Analysis fr...2023Mandeville, Henry StudentECU
Alveolar Rhabdomyosarcoma with Regional Nodal Involvement: Results of a Combined Analysis fr...2023Venkatramani, Rajkumar StudentECU
Alveolar Rhabdomyosarcoma with Regional Nodal Involvement: Results of a Combined Analysis fr...2023Bisogno, Gianni StudentECU
Alveolar Rhabdomyosarcoma with Regional Nodal Involvement: Results of a Combined Analysis fr...2023Hawkins, Douglas S.StudentECU
Alzheimer’s Care: Getting Better2023Pate, Jenna StudentECU
Ambassador Henry Morgenthau to Turkey, 1913-1916 : protection of American rights2023Stinagle, George W.StudentECU
Ambient PM Exposure Up-regulates the Expression of Costimulatory Receptors on Circulating Mo...2011Buse, John B.StudentECU
Ambient PM Exposure Up-regulates the Expression of Costimulatory Receptors on Circulating Mo...2011Cascio, Wayne E.StudentECU
Ambient PM Exposure Up-regulates the Expression of Costimulatory Receptors on Circulating Mo...2011Schneider, Alexandra StudentECU
Ambient PM Exposure Up-regulates the Expression of Costimulatory Receptors on Circulating Mo...2011Diaz-Sanchez, David StudentECU
Ambient PM Exposure Up-regulates the Expression of Costimulatory Receptors on Circulating Mo...2011Neas, Lucas M.StudentECU
Ambient PM Exposure Up-regulates the Expression of Costimulatory Receptors on Circulating Mo...2011Harder, Shirley StudentECU
Ambient PM Exposure Up-regulates the Expression of Costimulatory Receptors on Circulating Mo...2011Herbst, Margaret C.StudentECU
Ambient PM Exposure Up-regulates the Expression of Costimulatory Receptors on Circulating Mo...2011Alexis, Neil E.StudentECU
Ambient PM Exposure Up-regulates the Expression of Costimulatory Receptors on Circulating Mo...2011Devlin, Robert B.StudentECU
Ambient PM Exposure Up-regulates the Expression of Costimulatory Receptors on Circulating Mo...2011Peters, Annette StudentECU
Ambiguity as a positive value : The golden bowl by Henry James1971Singh, Susan AndressStudentEnglish, UNCG
Ambiguity of Inter & Intra Hostility2023Valcin, Mariot StudentECU
America's China trade : a framework for linking the history profession with social studies c...1987Bond, Elizabeth BatemanStudentEducation, UNCG
American Battle Monuments Commission2010Stoffan, Mark A. FacultyHunter Library, WCU
American conceptualization of Asian martial arts : an interpretive analysis of the narrative...1996Yang, Jin BangStudentHuman Environmental Sciences, UNCG
An American Drama: The Debate of Slavery in Antebellum Theatre2015Winstead, Molly StudentHistory - Student, ASU
American dusk1977Childers, David ChristianStudentEnglish, UNCG
The American immigrant in fiction1963Hicks, Gayle VenableStudentHistory, UNCG
The American labor movement in the 1980's : a story of givebacks and wage concessions2023Riley, Shane D.StudentECU
American landscape constructions1978McClain, William J.StudentArt, UNCG
American Lightships, 1820-1983 : History, Construction, and Archaeology within the Maritime ...2023MacKenzie, Morgan StudentECU
The American opera singer and the German opera system1993Martin, William R.StudentMusic, UNCG
The American political perspective : the diffusion of Whig political ideal in revolutionary ...2023Dunn, Anthony J.StudentECU
American portraiture/American identity : transformations in American art, 1730-1860 2011Blaylock, Matthew RobertStudentHistory, WCU
American Professional Military Education, 1776-1945: A Foundation for Failure2023Van Riper, James KStudentECU
The American vocabulary, the colloquial style, and the oratorical mode : influences on Whitm...1975Taylor, Lucie G.StudentEnglish, UNCG
Amerikorean2020Kim, Youngjae StudentECU
Amino acid oxidation in skeletal muscle :adaption to endurance training2023Brown, William E.StudentECU
AMP Deaminase 3 in Skeletal Muscle Atrophy: Regulation of Protein Degradation and Contractil...2023Davis, Patrick R.StudentECU
AMP Deaminase 3 overexpression regulates cellular energetics and signaling for PGC-1a activa...2023Miller, Spencer StudentECU
Amplifying teacher voice in education policy discussions: The case of North Carolina2022Artis, Marlow McKenzieStudentHuman Services, WCU
Amyloid beta peptide heterogeneity studied by limited proteolysis2023Murray, Ryan Patrick.StudentECU
Anaerobic utilization of Fe(III)-xenosiderophores among Bacteroides species and the distinct...2017Rocha, Edson R.,Krykunivsky,Anna S.StudentECU
Anal Cleansing Practices And Fecal Contamination: A Preliminary Investigation Of Behaviors A...2011Rheingans, Richard FacultySustainable Development, ASU
Analogies to the Cantor-Schro¨der-Bernstein theorem1973Davis, Lynne MarieStudentMathematics, UNCG
Analogy as Pedagogy: Using What Students Already Know in Library Instruction [Slides]2018Murphy, Maggie FacultyUniversity Libraries, UNCG
Analyses of the oligopeptide transporter gene family in poplar and grape2011Huang, Jinling StudentECU
Analyses of the oligopeptide transporter gene family in poplar and grape2011Hu, Xiangyang StudentECU
Analyses of the oligopeptide transporter gene family in poplar and grape2011Cao, Jun StudentECU
Analyses of the oligopeptide transporter gene family in poplar and grape2011Yang, Yongping StudentECU
An analysis and comparison of the choreographic processes of Alwin Nikolais, Murray Louis, a...1978Zupp, Nancy ThornhillStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
An analysis and evaluation of the professional literature on pupil participation in elementa...1946Wortham, Frances FosterStudentEducation, UNCG
An analysis and evaluation of reading readiness experiences described in the professional li...1945McNairy, Julia MasseyStudentEducation, UNCG
Analysis and interpretation of The innocents and The turn of the screw1970Neely, Newton C.StudentDrama and Speech, UNCG
Analysis and interpretation of Rashomon1972Su, Kwang HwaStudentDrama and Speech, UNCG
Analysis of a 41-year data set : Environmental influences on the fish assemblages of Albemar...2023Gillum, Zachary D.StudentECU
An analysis of achievement motivation and motivational tendencies among men and women colleg...1976Fodero, Joseph M.StudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
An analysis of the anthropometric measurements of the U.S. navy male recruit in order to imp...1985Ranieri, Richard A.J.StudentHome Economics, UNCG
Analysis of the B-RAFV600E mutation in cutaneous melanoma patients with occupational sun exp...2014Candido, Saverio,Rapisarda,Venerando,Marconi,Andrea,Malapon A.,Maestro,Roberta,Spandidos,Demetrios A.,Fenga,CoStudentECU
An analysis of bacterial growth under opsite dressings placed on immature excoriated skin2023Strickland, Mary E.StudentECU
An analysis of board of education/superintendent relationships in the area of public school ...1986Renn, Michael ThomasStudentEducation, UNCG
An analysis of Chief Justice Burger's influence in Supreme Court cases affecting public educ...1980Buckner, Kermit G.StudentEducation, UNCG
An analysis of cognitive style, grade level and spatial sequencing during LOGO mastery1989Easton, Charles EdwardStudentHuman Environmental Sciences, UNCG
Analysis of color center thermoluminescence in KCl crystals1972Miller, Robert LeeStudentPhysics, UNCG
Analysis of communication between nurses and patients on mechanical ventilation2023Longest, Robin IpockStudentECU
An analysis of the competitive advantages of North Carolina ports2023Bulow, John K.StudentECU
Analysis of the concept of movement education in American elementary school physical educati...1987Hudgens, Vivian AnnStudentHealth, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, UNCG
An analysis of court decisions involving injuries to participants and spectators in youth sp...1988Appenzeller, Herbert ThomasStudentHealth, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, UNCG
An analysis of distributive education students' attitudes toward their classroom instruction...1964Rountree, Wallace DanielStudentEducation, UNCG
An analysis of drought components in the eastern United States2023Pond, Thomas Eugene.StudentECU
An analysis of the duties performed by public high school head athletic coaches1977Smith, Jean CarolStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
An Analysis of the Effect of Saturday Home Football Games on Physical Use of University Libr...2023Sewell, Kerry StudentECU
An Analysis of the Efficient Market Theory: Active Versus Passive Investment Management in E...2011Hopkins, Brandy ElaineStudentBusiness - Student, ASU
Analysis of Electrospun Tß4 Coated Scaffolds: A Tissue Engineering Study2023Myers, Victoria StudentECU
The analysis of enrollment patterns and student profile characteristics at a small rural New...1990Holmes, Margaret LouiseStudentHealth, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, UNCG
An analysis of the equity issues in North Carolina's allocation of state resources to public...2023Blinson, Cathryn SmithStudentECU
An analysis of the external trade and service areas of Greenville, North Carolina2023Woolverton, James A.StudentECU
Analysis of factors causing runway excursion incidents and accidents2021Andrews, Robert StudentECSU
Analysis of factors causing runway excursion incidents and accidents2021Belch, Alston StudentECSU
Analysis of factors causing runway excursion incidents and accidents2021Davis, Andrew StudentECSU
Analysis of factors causing runway excursion incidents and accidents2021Dobbins, Phillip StudentECSU
Analysis of factors causing runway excursion incidents and accidents2021Douglass, Robert StudentECSU
Analysis of factors causing runway excursion incidents and accidents2021Hauser, Thomas StudentECSU
Analysis of factors causing runway excursion incidents and accidents2021Lopez, Kevin StudentECSU
Analysis of factors causing runway excursion incidents and accidents2021Asthana, Chandra Bhushan StudentEngineering and Technology, ECSU
An analysis of factors influencing branch plant closures and layoffs in North Carolina2023O'Connell, Melanie Maxine.StudentECU
An analysis of the feminine image and various sport images of competitive college women swim...1974Lewis, Jane BrownStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
Analysis of the Germination of Individual Clostridium sporogenes Spores with and without Ger...2017Wang, Shiwei,Brunt,Jason,Peck,Michael W.,Setlow,Peter,Li,Yong-QingStudentECU
An analysis of the ghost motif in some nineteenth and twentieth century short stories1952Poplin, Elizabeth StudentEnglish, UNCG
Analysis of gloss values of unpolished and polished floor surfaces and finishes1966Rose, Mary EllenStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Analysis of the Height Dependence of Site-Specific Cancer Risk in Relation to Organ Mass2023Lin, Zi-Wei StudentECU
Analysis of home kitchens as the basis for planning some effective learning experiences for ...1955Shuford, Valeria JacksonStudentHome Economics, UNCG
An analysis of the ideal and actual roles of technology coordinators in today's schools2023Thornton, Chris D.StudentECU
An analysis of the impact of Public Law 94-142 state regulation changes upon selected role a...1987Teague, Janet HarbinsonStudentEducation, UNCG
Analysis of the Impact of Tags on Stack Overflow Questions2023Ithipathachai, Von KendallStudentECU
Analysis of Infrastructure Damage After Superstorm Sandy : A Case Study of Long Beach, NY2023Catania, Jaclyn A.StudentECU
An analysis of the intergenerational patterns in two African-American families1980Tuck, Inez StudentHome Economics, UNCG
The analysis of James B. MacDonald's "A transcendental developmental ideology of education" ...1984Swider, Antony StudentEducation, UNCG
An analysis of mathematical skills of eighth-grade pupils in certain schools of Greensboro, ...1948Lael, Frances RhyneStudentEducation, UNCG
Analysis of Myopodin in Hela Cervical Carcinoma Cells2023Harkins, Melissa StudentECU
An analysis of ninth grade pupils' understanding of science processes2023Whitman, Johnnie RoseStudentECU
Analysis of Overwash Sediment Transport in an Experimental Laboratory Setting: Channel Dimen...2023Heffentrager, Madison LynnStudentECU
Analysis of oxidatively induced clustered DNA damage in normal and tumor mammalian tissues2023Aziz, Khaled. StudentECU
Analysis of oxidatively induced clustered DNA damage in normal and tumor mammalian tissues2023Aziz, Khaled. StudentECU
An analysis of performance evaluation programs for certificated personnel in fifty-one selec...1975Cardwell, Carolyn McBrydeStudentEducation, UNCG
An analysis of the personalities of ten Burlington, North Carolina, teachers conceded to be ...1948Lane, Ada MaeStudentEducation, UNCG
An analysis of the planning process used in a regional approach to establish secondary-posts...1990Phillips, Patricia LaymanStudentEducation, UNCG
Analysis of Polarized Diffraction Images of Human Red Blood Cells: A Numerical Study2023Hu, Xin-Hua StudentECU
Analysis of Polarized Diffraction Images of Human Red Blood Cells: A Numerical Study2023Wang, Wenjin StudentECU
An analysis of the potential of the community education process for changing the K-12 curric...1979White, Bonnie ProctorStudentEducation, UNCG
An analysis of the production of Aurand Harris's The brave little tailor1976Carlson, Martha CassandraStudentDrama and Speech, UNCG
An Analysis of Publicly Available Health Education Materials Designed for Migrant Farm Worke...2023Wright, Michael ZStudentECU
An analysis of the qualifications of the mathematics instructors and of the content of the m...1972Sharrock, Ruth YoungbloodStudentEducation, UNCG
Analysis of the relationship between specified clothing profiles and selected demographic va...1978Terry, Lucille MildredStudentHome Economics, UNCG
An analysis of relationships between some environmental variables and river herring abundanc...2023Wynne, Milton BennettStudentECU
An analysis of reported behavior in grades 3, 5, and 7 of students who were in three class s...1996Hibbs, Ballard FrankStudentEducation, UNCG
Analysis of scn5Laa and scn5Lab Gene Function in Danio rerio (Zebrafish) Heart Development t...2023Chokshi, Payal StudentECU
An Analysis of Sex Differences in Empathy and Forgiveness2009Kmiec, Stephen M.StudentECU
Analysis of Six tonB Gene Homologs in Bacteroides Fragilis Revealed That tonB3 is Essential ...2023Parker, Anita C.StudentECU
Analysis of Six tonB Gene Homologs in Bacteroides Fragilis Revealed That tonB3 is Essential ...2023Seals, Nathaniel L.StudentECU
Analysis of Six tonB Gene Homologs in Bacteroides Fragilis Revealed That tonB3 is Essential ...2023Rocha, Edson R.StudentECU
Analysis of Six tonB Gene Homologs in Bacteroides Fragilis Revealed That tonB3 is Essential ...2023Baccanale, Cecile L.StudentECU
An analysis of sleep deprivation factors and consequences of staying awake in the stimulus c...1976Tokarz, Thomas PeterStudentPsychology, UNCG
An analysis of Smith v. Board of School Commissioners of Mobile County : the impact on home ...1991Tippett, Deborah TunstallStudentHuman Environmental Sciences, UNCG
An analysis of the social behavior of developmentally disabled children1975Yelton, Ann RubinsohnStudentPsychology, UNCG
An analysis of student leaders in junior high school1950Smith, Odell VirginiaStudentEducation, UNCG
An Analysis of Supreme Court Opinions Regarding the Death Penalty2006Robinson, Matthew B. FacultyGovernment and Justice Studies, ASU
Analysis of Testing Approaches for Web Applications Based on Each Choice and Pairwise Method...2023Moore, Mary FrancesStudentECU
An analysis of three non-objective choreographic techniques1976Byrum, Mary CarolynStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
An analysis of urban development, specialization, and functional classification of selected ...2023Payne, Roger L.StudentECU
An analysis of urinary metabolites of tryptophan as related to alcoholism2023Thomson, Stuart McGuire.StudentECU
An analysis of the use of height in the prose fiction of Albert Camus1974Gladsky, Rita HolmesStudentRomance Languages-French, UNCG
Analysis of the volatile organic compounds in grave soil using solid phase microextraction c...2024Beck, Kyarra LynnStudentChemistry and Physics, WCU
Analytic functions and complex integration1971Lin, Ying MeiStudentMathematics, UNCG
Analytic path model of joint decision-making by husbands and wives1988Waldruff, Douglas LeeStudentHuman Environmental Sciences, UNCG
Analytical formulas for differential cross sections for ejection of electrons in ionization ...2015Lapicki, Gregory StudentECU
An analytical study of the evaluation processes of student teachers and their use as instrum...1950Hunt, M. LouiseStudentEducation, UNCG
Analyzing Digital Collections Entrances: What Gets Used and Why It Matters2016Biswas, Paromita FacultyHunter Library, WCU
Analyzing Drivers of Compound Coastal Water Events (CCWE) with Copulas: A Case Study in East...2023De Polt, Kelley StudentECU
Analyzing Elements of Postpartum Confinement and the Effect on Overall Health: An Integrativ...2023Chu, Wei ShenStudentECU
Analyzing Resident Place Satisfaction in a Tourist Destination through Auto-Photography : Th...2023Hueber, Allison M.StudentECU
Anatomical and Physiological Changes Following Primary Palatoplasty Using the Buccal Flap Ap...2023Haenssler, Abigail EStudentECU
Anatomy of a 17th century slave ship :historical and archaeological investigations of "The H...2023Moore, David D.StudentECU
The anatomy of crisis :oil, politics, and Nigerian society2023Cockerham, Micheal. StudentECU
The anatomy of crisis :oil, politics, and Nigerian society2023Cockerham, Micheal. StudentECU
Ancient Biogeography of Generalist Predators on Remote Oceanic Islands2023Brewer, Michael S.StudentECU
And All the Men Knew the Colors of the Sea... : Historical and Archaeological Investigation ...2011Eslinger, Kimberly LaneStudentHistory, ECU
"And Now a Word From..." and "Answer This"2002Wood, Cynthia FacultyCultural, Gender, and Global Studies, ASU
Andre Vann Biography2021Vann, Andre' FacultyJames E. Shepard Memorial Library, NCCU
Andrew Jackson's presidential appeal in North Carolina, 1822-18322023Bourdon, Jeffrey NormandStudentECU
Andrew Marvell : the most eclectic poet1964Thomas, Carolyn FayStudentEnglish, UNCG
Androgen Signaling Promotes Translation of in Prostate Cancer Cells via Phosphorylation of ...2013Geyer, Christopher B.StudentECU
Androgen Signaling Promotes Translation of in Prostate Cancer Cells via Phosphorylation of ...2013Chappell, Vesna A.StudentECU
Androgen Signaling Promotes Translation of in Prostate Cancer Cells via Phosphorylation of ...2013Ruiz-Echevarría, Maria J.StudentECU
Androgen Signaling Promotes Translation of in Prostate Cancer Cells via Phosphorylation of ...2013Green, Thomas StudentECU
Androgen Signaling Promotes Translation of in Prostate Cancer Cells via Phosphorylation of ...2013Asch, Adam S.StudentECU
Androgen Signaling Promotes Translation of in Prostate Cancer Cells via Phosphorylation of ...2013Overcash, Ryan F.StudentECU
Anesthesia Providers’ Perceptions of Perioperative Temperature Monitoring: A DNP Project2023Soderblom, Zachary StudentECU
Anger following provocation in individuals with psychopathic characteristics1996Steuerwald, Brian LeeStudentPsychology, UNCG
Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme 2 Expression in Ovariectomized Rat Kidney: Effects of Ethanol...2023Farrow, Sophia StudentECU
Angles between subspaces in two-way designs1976Kendall, Allen ClementStudentMathematics, UNCG
The angry woman poems1971Feeney, Mary MargaretStudentEnglish, UNCG
Animal environments1970Rogers, Nanette MizeStudentArt, UNCG
Anionic homopolymerization studies of methyl vinyl sulfone1971Jotikasthira, Suebsthira StudentChemistry, UNCG
Anisotropic Parton Escape is the Dominant Source of Azimuthal Anisotropy in Transport Models...2023Lin, Ziwei W.StudentECU
Anisotropic Reflectance Correction Of SPOT-3 HRV2002Colby, Jeff FacultyGeography and Planning, ASU
Ankle Joint Biomechanics During Progressive Loading Tasks in Persons with Chronic Ankle Inst...2023Kenny, Summer AStudentECU
An annotated bibliography of Lope de Vega : studies and editions: 1963-19691972McLeod, Melinda FolgerStudentRomance Languages-Spanish, UNCG
An annotated catalog of the publications of certain North Carolina state departments for use...1946Shamburger, Pearl GordonStudentEducation, UNCG
Annual Budgeting Disciplines: An Essential Element of Performance Management2021Rehkopf, Ed FacultyHospitality and Tourism Administration, NCCU
Anomaly1974Powell, Ruth AnneStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
Antarctica ice melting- Mathematical modeling lesson2016Baird, Alana FacultyMathematical Sciences, ASU
Ante-bellum Elizabeth City2023Griffin, William AlbertStudentECU
Antecedent factors associated with late birthtiming decisions of dual-career couples1985Soloway, N. MaxineStudentHome Economics, UNCG
The antecedents and correlates of the use of self-care for school-age children1989Cole, Cynthia MaeStudentHuman Environmental Sciences, UNCG
Anthropometric Analysis of the Velopharynx and Related Craniometric Dimensions in Three Adul...2023Perry, Jamie L.StudentECU
Anthropometric Analysis of the Velopharynx and Related Craniometric Dimensions in Three Adul...2023Fang, Xiangming StudentECU
Anti-Asian Racism and Racial Justice in the Classroom2023Shin, Ryan StudentECU
Anti-Asian Racism and Racial Justice in the Classroom2023Bae, Jaehan StudentECU
Anti-Asian Racism and Racial Justice in the Classroom2023Song, Borim StudentECU
The Anti-Social Network2016McDonald, Kathryn StudentLiterature, UNCA
Antibiotic Stewardship: Implementing the Use of Centor Scoring for Pharyngitis2023Earp, Crystal StudentECU
Anticipatory experiences leading to competence with formal maps1948Gibbs, Mary EllenStudentEducation, UNCG
Antigen-specific interactions of macrophages and CD4+T cells in experimental autoimmune ence...2023Madison, Samuel J.StudentECU
The Antinomian Controversy : the effects of Winthrop, Hutchinson, and Cotton on later genera...2023Hall, Julian H.StudentECU
Antisense oligonucleotide and thyroid hormone conjugates for obesity treatment2017Cao, Yang,Matsubara,Tomoko,Zhao,Can,Gao,Wei,Peng,Linxiu StudentECU
Antisense RNA regulation of Newcastle disease virus P gene translation2023Jones, Jeffrey Paul.StudentECU
Antiseptic Humor : Using Comedy To Confront Realities And Refute Stereotypes In The Works Of...2023Bryan, Janie StudentECU
Antithesis1969Frankel, Lora StrasserStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
Antivenom Treatment Is Associated with Fewer Patients using Opioids after Copperhead Envenom...2019Freiermuth, Caroline E.,Lavonas,Eric J.,Anderson,Victoria E,KleinschmidStudentECU
Anxiety Sensitivity and Retaliatory Aggressive Behavior in Research Volunteers2007Broman-Fulks, Joshua FacultyPsychology, ASU
Anxiety Sensitivity And Risk-Taking Behaviors2015Dowd, Correy LynnStudentPsychology - Student, ASU
Apocalypticism and Nuclear War2008Reed, Randall FacultyPhilosophy and Religion, ASU
Appearance and resilience characteristics of selected carpeting following serviceability tes...1970Thomas, Shirley AnnStudentHome Economics, UNCG
The Applicability of Current Turbidimetric Approaches for Analyzing Fibrin Fibers and Other ...2023Belcher, Heather A.StudentECU
The Applicability of Current Turbidimetric Approaches for Analyzing Fibrin Fibers and Other ...2023Hudson, Nathan E.StudentECU
The Applicability of Current Turbidimetric Approaches for Analyzing Fibrin Fibers and Other ...2023Litwa, Karen StudentECU
The Applicability of Current Turbidimetric Approaches for Analyzing Fibrin Fibers and Other ...2023Guthold, Martin StudentECU
The applicability of invitational counseling to marriage, family, and relationship counselin...2023Cannon, William ChristopherStudentECU
The application and analysis of three evapotranspiration models in eastern North Carolina2023Moore, Stephen Powell.StudentECU
Application of an Automatic Segmentation Method for Evaluating Cardiac Structure Doses Recei...2023Jung, Jae WonStudentECU
Application of an Automatic Segmentation Method for Evaluating Cardiac Structure Doses Recei...2023Mille, Matthew M.StudentECU
Application of an Automatic Segmentation Method for Evaluating Cardiac Structure Doses Recei...2023Ky, Bonnie StudentECU
Application of an Automatic Segmentation Method for Evaluating Cardiac Structure Doses Recei...2023Kenworthy, Walter StudentECU
Application of an Automatic Segmentation Method for Evaluating Cardiac Structure Doses Recei...2023Lee, Choonik StudentECU
Application of an Automatic Segmentation Method for Evaluating Cardiac Structure Doses Recei...2023Yeom, Yeon SooStudentECU
Application of an Automatic Segmentation Method for Evaluating Cardiac Structure Doses Recei...2023Kwag, Aaron StudentECU
Application of an Automatic Segmentation Method for Evaluating Cardiac Structure Doses Recei...2023Bosch, Walter StudentECU
Application of an Automatic Segmentation Method for Evaluating Cardiac Structure Doses Recei...2023MacDonald, Shannon StudentECU
Application of an Automatic Segmentation Method for Evaluating Cardiac Structure Doses Recei...2023Cahlon, Oren StudentECU
Application of an Automatic Segmentation Method for Evaluating Cardiac Structure Doses Recei...2023Bekelman, Justin E.StudentECU
Application of chemostratigraphy of slackwater deposits to enhance paleoflood reconstruction...2016Walsh, Danvey C.StudentChemistry and Physics, WCU
An application of forecasting techniques for a small geographical area1977Spainhour, Larry SamuelStudentBusiness and Economics, UNCG
Application of Gray's theory of personality to the DSM-III-R personality disorders : multiva...1993Farmer, Richard FrancisStudentPsychology, UNCG
Application of linear programming techniques to minimax approximation1969Evans, Mary ElizabethStudentMathematics, UNCG
The application of an optimal decision-making model within a higher education subsystem1977Cooper, Dale CornishStudentEducation, UNCG
The application of the principles of reality therapy on the student teaching experience : a ...1983Babcock, Treva MaeStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Application of a regression model in the determination of post-mortem transport of foraminif...2023Hale, Walter R.StudentECU
Application of scaling techniques to data on value orientations1953Maney, Ann C.StudentSociology, UNCG
The application of Section 1983 to teacher freedom of speech from Pickering to the present1988Pate, Gary DeWeeseStudentEducation, UNCG
The application of a theoretical model of intergenerational helping to the older adult-sibli...1985Suggs, Patricia KaylorStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Application of the Tri-Square Method in Measuring Changes in Learner Performance: Illustrati...2021Osler, James FacultySchool of Education , NCCU
Application of Universal Design for Learning in Co-Taught Classrooms in the High School Sett...2023Boyd, Anita DawnStudentECU
Applications of ion-selective electrodes1976Guanci, Joseph J.StudentChemistry, UNCG
Applications of mosaic design for today's home1976Hite, Doris RossStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Applying the basics to improve the collection1905Teel, Linda FacultyECU
Applying GIS to Locate the USS Louisiana: A Study of the Fort Fisher Civil War Battlefield2014Clayton, Brian T.StudentECU
Applying knowledge management to planning joint-use facilities: the ImaginOn library and the...2021Roughen, Patrick FacultySchool of Library and Information Sciences, NCCU
Applying knowledge management to planning joint-use facilities: the ImaginOn library and the...2021Swain, Deborah E. Faculty School of Library and Information Science, NCCU
Applying Wavelet Analysis to S.M.A.R.T. 1 for Hard Drive Classi?cation2023Childers, Logan StudentECU
Appraisal of gloss and slipperiness of resilient floor covering materials1963Penn, Janice CaroleStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Appraisal of home economics teachers' ability to apply three basic concepts of home economic...1962Clawson, Barbara NelleStudentHome Economics, UNCG
An appraisal technique utilizing the cloze procedure for selecting general business instruct...1980Spellman, Davesene WigginsStudentEducation, UNCG
An approach to characterization in Chaucer1977Baumgaertner, Marcia AnneStudentEnglish, UNCG
An approach to directing America hurrah by Jean-Claude van Itallie1970Burroughs, James BenjaminStudentDrama and Speech, UNCG
Approach to landscape painting1976Connelly, Frances S.StudentArt, UNCG
An approach to reducing parameter uncertainty for robotic surface assembly tasks2017Saric, Amar StudentComputer Science, UNCC
An approach to relieving anxiety in the mathematics classroom1979Kitchens, Anita NarvarteStudentEducation, UNCG
Appropriate setbacks for intensive livestock operations in eastern North Carolina2023Padrick, Lee. StudentECU
The appropriation of endogenously provided common-pool resources2013Cherry, Todd FacultyEconomics, ASU
APR-246—The Mutant TP53 Reactivator—Increases the Effectiveness of Berberine and Modified Be...2023McCubrey, James AndrewStudentECU
APR-246—The Mutant TP53 Reactivator—Increases the Effectiveness of Berberine and Modified Be...2023Abrams, Stephen L.StudentECU
APR-246—The Mutant TP53 Reactivator—Increases the Effectiveness of Berberine and Modified Be...2023Steelman, Linda S.StudentECU
April 15, 2013 – Five-Year Achievement Seminar2023Herron, Thomas StudentECU
April 16, 2013 – Five-Year Achievement Seminar2023Zhang, Baohong StudentECU
Aquatics leadership as perceived by African American and European American aquatic leaders1995Wiesner, Ruth Ann HoodStudentEducation, UNCG
Aquifer depressurization for mining at Texasgulf, Inc. :evaluation and modeling of hydrogeol...2023Reynolds, Jeffrey W.StudentECU
Arab children's play as a reflection of social interaction patterns of their culture1976Khouri, Lorraine MaryStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
Archaeological and historical assessment of the Troy Spring wreck2023Haiduven, Richard G.StudentECU
Archaeological and Historical Investigations at Foscue Plantation : Identifying the Structur...2023Stamper, Amanda KeenyStudentECU
Archaeological and historical site investigation/thesis of the John's Island wreck (EDS0001)...2023Neidinger, Adriane Askins.StudentECU
An archaeological and historical survey of a Jeffersonian gunboat2023Enright, Jeffrey M.StudentECU
An Archaeological Biography of the Garrity Family in Presque Isle, Michigan2023Stuart, Sophia StudentECU
An Archaeological Exploration of a Settlement at Dixie Plantation, Hollywood, SC2023Falls, Eva E.StudentECU
Archaeological Investigation of the B&B Wreck (38BK1672) An Eighteenth-Century Plantation_Bu...2023Pecorelli, Harty IIIStudentECU
An Archaeological Investigation of Barber Landing, Pitt County, North Carolina2009Patterson, Robert MitchellStudentECU
Archaeological Investigation of an Eighteenth-Century British Merchant Vessel, CHUB HEADS CU...2023Krivor, Michael CameronStudentECU
An archaeological investigation of the steamboat Maple Leaf2023Cantelas, Frank J.StudentECU
Archaeological investigation of the workboat Widgeon : a Chesapeake Bay schooner2023Watts, Jennifer J.StudentECU
Archaeological Survey of the Schooner FLEETWING Site, 47DR168, Garrett Bay, Wisconsin2023Cooper, David J.StudentECU
Archaeologists Don-t Dig Dinosaurs!2020Boyd, Rachel StudentECU
The archetypal dark woman in Hemingway's fiction : the American bitch versus the European da...1969Wyche, Lois MooreStudentEnglish, UNCG
Archetypal patterns of the romance in The damnation of Theron Ware1968Hagen, William HenryStudentEnglish, UNCG
Arctic Coastal Lagoons of Cape Krusenstern National Monument : Subsistence, Ecosystem Charac...2023Reynolds, Melinda J.StudentECU
Arcuate cropland patterns and related geomorphic processes in eastern North Carolina2023White, William Coke.StudentECU
Are the Beautiful Good in Hollywood? An Investigation of the Beauty and Goodness Stereotype ...1999Bazzini, Doris FacultyPsychology, ASU
Are C02 Emission Levels Converging Among Industrial Countries?2003Strazicich, Mark FacultyEconomics, ASU
Are Construction Managers from Mars and Workers from Venus? Exploring Differences in Constru...2023Namian, Mostafa StudentECU
Are Construction Managers from Mars and Workers from Venus? Exploring Differences in Constru...2023Tafazzoli, Mohammadsoroush StudentECU
Are Construction Managers from Mars and Workers from Venus? Exploring Differences in Constru...2023Al-Bayati, Ahmed JalilStudentECU
Are Construction Managers from Mars and Workers from Venus? Exploring Differences in Constru...2023Kermanshachi, Sharareh StudentECU
Are incomes converging among OECD countries? Time series evidence with two structural breaks...2004Strazicich, Mark FacultyEconomics, ASU
Are Item-Level Strategy Shifts Abrupt and Collective? Age Differences in Cognitive Skill Acq...2006Touron, Dayna FacultyPsychology, ASU
Are Marine Migrations of Striped Bass Genetically Pre-determined? An investigation of Albema...2010Patrick, Wesley StudentECU
Are online auction markets efficient? An empirical study of market liquidity and abnormal re...2009Spaulding, Trent FacultyNutrition and Health Care Management, ASU
Are political freedoms converging?2004Strazicich, Mark FacultyEconomics, ASU
Are State and Provincial Governments Tax Smoothing? Evidence from Panel Data1996Strazicich, Mark FacultyEconomics, ASU
Are Stereotypes Of Social Media Users Accurate?2016DeFelice, Sally StudentPsychology - Student, ASU
Are There Common Characteristics among Alcohol Retail Outlets that make them more likely to ...2023McCallum, Lindsey StudentECU
Are Unilateral and Bilateral Knee Osteoarthritis Patients Unique Subsets of Knee Osteoarthri...2023DeVita, Paul,1955- StudentECU
Are universities creating millennial narcissistic employees?2012Bergman, Shawn FacultyPsychology, ASU
Are We Protecting Our Youth Online? An Examination Of The Lack Of Policies And Programs Keep...2007Marcum, Cathy FacultyGovernment and Justice Studies, ASU
Area-Level Socioeconomic Status, Adiposity, Physical Activity, and Inflammation in Young Adu...2014Evans, Ellen M.StudentECU
Area-Level Socioeconomic Status, Adiposity, Physical Activity, and Inflammation in Young Adu...2014Fedewa, Michael V.StudentECU
Area-Level Socioeconomic Status, Adiposity, Physical Activity, and Inflammation in Young Adu...2014Das, Bhibha M.StudentECU
Area-Level Socioeconomic Status, Adiposity, Physical Activity, and Inflammation in Young Adu...2014Forehand, Ronald L.StudentECU
The areal association of Tar-Pamlico Estuarine shoreline types and shoreline land use2023Wilfong, Gary H.StudentECU
Areas of conflict in living arrangements of three-generation families1970Buckley, Katherine IsabelleStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Areas of study pertinent to interior designers based on interviews with twenty-seven interio...1966Hoffman, Lucy RamseyStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Arizona’s Jurassic Fossil Vertebrates and the Age of the Glen Canyon Group2005Heckert, Andrew B. FacultyGeology, ASU
Arousal and Mood Factors in the "Mozart Effect"2000Steele, Kenneth M.FacultyPsychology, ASU
Arousal level and voluntary alpha control1977Sadler, Roberta RayStudentPsychology, UNCG
Arrangement of dermal chromatophore units in a polymorphic species, Ranitomeya imitator2023De Araujo Miles, Mallory StudentECU
Arrangements of cooperative learning groups based on learning styles : effect on achievement...2023Allen, Catherine S.StudentECU
Art and religion in W.B. Yeats : the poet and the saint1965Pannell, Joan RowenaStudentEnglish, UNCG
Art as idolatry or sacred possibility : a hermeneutic study of art education1987Wright, Sylvia JeanStudentEducation, UNCG
Art as Radical Act: Teenagers Revisit Diversity and Social Justice through JR’s Giant Baby2023Song, Borim StudentECU
Art Images in Holistic Nursing Education2017Elhammoumi, Cheryl V.,Kellam,BarbaraStudentECU
The art of fantasy : etchings1971Schnabel, Audrey GraceStudentArt, UNCG
The Art of Provisionalism2020Carter, Robin StudentECU
‘'An Art That Nature Makes’?: Shakespeare’s Ambiguous Garden in The Winter’s Tale2010Burnette, Amy KatherineStudentEnglish - Student, ASU
ART, MUSIC, and STORY AT WOODS CHARTER SCHOOL : An Exploration of A/r/tography Methods2023Durham, Derrick BrettStudentECU
Art, sketchbooks, and knowing : a case study1991Rauch, Kristin StudentEducation, UNCG
Arthropods Associated with Carrion in a Salt Marsh Habitat in Southeastern Florida2023Richards, Stephanie L.StudentECU
Arthur L. Kopit and Oh Dad, poor Dad, Mama's hung you in the closet and I'm feelin' so sad1970Pilkington, Edward L.StudentDrama and Speech, UNCG
Artifact Analysis for the Reader's Point Vessel: A Late-Eighteenth-Century Merchant Ship fro...2023Gottschamer, Amy L. RubensteinStudentECU
Artificial Intelligence's Impact on Cyber Security2022Collins, Kellen StudentMathematics and Computer Science, UNCP
Artificial Intelligence's Impact on Cyber Security2022Mohanarajah, Selvarajah StudentMathematics and Computer Science, UNCP
Artistic integrity in Woodstock1970Williams, Kay PhillipsStudentEnglish, UNCG
The artist's emotional response to environment as reflected in painting1952King, Wilma LillianStudentArt, UNCG
As The Sun Sets, We Remain: A Bioarchaeological Analysis of the Gause Cemetery at Seaside2023Quintana, Jorge RStudentECU
The Asheville Doctoral Program : portrait of an off-campus venture1987Radford, Eleanor RuthStudentEducation, UNCG
Ask Me No Question, I'll Tell You No Lies: Does the Bradley Effect Still Exist?2008Ardoin, Phillip FacultyGovernment and Justice Studies, ASU
The ASK-SEAT: A Competency-Based Assessment Scale for Students Majoring in Clinical Medicine...2023Zheng, Yingying StudentECU
Asking for Identification and Retail Tobacco Sales to Minors2023Lee, Joseph G. L.StudentECU
Aspects of numerical analysis relative to computing1973Arthur, James DouglasStudentMathematics, UNCG
Aß peptides and the exposure of their hydrophobic residues upon copper(ii) complex formation...2023Sipe, Sarah StudentECU
Assemblage Structure of Larval Fishes in Epipelagic and Mesopelagic Waters of the Northern G...2023Wang, Verena H.StudentECU
Assemblage Structure of Larval Fishes in Epipelagic and Mesopelagic Waters of the Northern G...2023Zapfe, Carley R.StudentECU
Assemblage Structure of Larval Fishes in Epipelagic and Mesopelagic Waters of the Northern G...2023Hernandez, Frank J.StudentECU
Assertion in women's intercollegiate tennis singles1979Shelton, Janice CaroleStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
Assertive discipline : portrait of an effective elementary school discipline program1988Garrett, Elizabeth Anne GentryStudentEducation, UNCG
Assessing the Adequacy of a Newly Developed Corneal Abrasion Prevention Guide in High-Risk C...2023Matthews, Luke StudentECU
Assessing Anesthesia and Post Anesthesia Care Unit Perceptions of Adequacy of a Patient Care...2023Atkins, Reagan StudentECU
Assessing anesthesia providers’ perceptions of adequacy of endotracheal tube cuff occlusion ...2023Hobbs, Adam StudentECU
Assessing Anesthesia Providers’ Perceptions of Adequacy of Endotracheal Tube Cuff Pressure A...2023Brown, Charlotte StudentECU
Assessing Anesthesia Providers’ Preferences and Perceptions of Adequacy of Endotracheal Tube...2023Travlos, Hannah StudentECU
Assessing Appetitive Traits Among Chinese Young Adults Using the Adult Eating Behavior Quest...2023Ellis, Jordan M.StudentECU
Assessing Appetitive Traits Among Chinese Young Adults Using the Adult Eating Behavior Quest...2023He, Jinbo StudentECU
Assessing Appetitive Traits Among Chinese Young Adults Using the Adult Eating Behavior Quest...2023Sun, Shengyan StudentECU
Assessing Appetitive Traits Among Chinese Young Adults Using the Adult Eating Behavior Quest...2023Zickgraf, Hana F.StudentECU
Assessing biota and environmental characteristics above and below a low-head dam2023Alexander, Trevor LaneStudentBiology, WCU
Assessing connections between multiple representations of linear functions in algebra I2023Cayton, Charity StudentECU
Assessing creativity in preschool handicapped children2023Massingill-Goldstein, Tammy S.StudentECU
Assessing Criminal Justice Practice Using Social Justice Theory2010Robinson, Matthew B. FacultyGovernment and Justice Studies, ASU
Assessing dietary change among participants in the "Diet and health study of colon adenomas"...1994McAuliffe, Colleen AnneStudentHuman Environmental Sciences, UNCG
Assessing the effects of socio-demographic, social-psychological, socio-cultural, organizati...1989Hall, LaCheata GravesStudentEducation, UNCG
Assessing the Efficacy of a Culturally Informed Adherence Intervention for Rural African Ame...2014Rush, Taylor E.StudentECU
Assessing faculty commitment at four doctoral-granting universities1988Harshbarger, David BruceStudentEducation, UNCG
Assessing Future Water Resources : The Influence of Climate Change, Population Growth and La...2023Griffin, Michael T.StudentECU
Assessing the “Gateway Hypothesis” Among Middle- and High- School Students in Tennessee2008Robinson, Matthew B. FacultyGovernment and Justice Studies, ASU
Assessing grief, depression, and coping behaviors of women participating in in vitro fertili...1991Lukse, Michelle PrinceStudentEducation, UNCG
Assessing the Impact of Gender Inequality on Female Homicide Victimization Across U.S. Citie...2002Williams, Marian FacultyGovernment and Justice Studies, ASU
Assessing The Impact Of A School-Based Latrine Cleaning And Handwashing Program On Pupil Abs...2014Rheingans, Richard FacultySustainable Development, ASU
Assessing The Impact Of A School-Based Water Treatment, Hygiene And Sanitation Programme On ...2012Rheingans, Richard FacultySustainable Development, ASU
Assessing Impacts of Rural Gentrification on an Appalachian Community in Watauga County, NC2010Saunders, Brandon ScottStudentGeography and Planning - Student , ASU
Assessing Insecticide Resistance in Adult Mosquitoes: Perspectives on Current Methods2023Richards, Stephanie L.StudentECU
Assessing the Management Practices of Historic Wreck Sites Containing Human Remains: USS Mon...2023Carroll, Elise ButchartStudentECU
Assessing The Monophyly Of Red Algae And Green Plants Via Core Conserved Informational Genes...2023Perry, Justin StudentECU
Assessing the Needs of Physical Activity in a Pediatric Weight Management Clinic2023Robins, Kiara JaneStudentECU
Assessing North Carolina Pre-K Teachers’ Perceived Preparedness to Work with Chronically Ill...2023Miller, Ashley StudentECU
Assessing Parenting Behaviors of a Southern, Rural Community Using the Ghent Parental Behavi...2023Nelson, Mary C.StudentECU
Assessing the Petroleum Geology and Future Development of the Clendenin Gas Field in Kanawha...2020Prevatte, Jonathan StudentECU
Assessing the Potential Impact of Cigarette Packs Designed for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and T...2023Lee, Joseph G. L.StudentECU
Assessing Public Perceptions of Computer-Based Models2004Cockerill, Kristan FacultyCultural, Gender, and Global Studies, ASU
Assessing Rates of Consumption in Newly Restored Seagrass Beds Across a Depth Gradient2023Smith, Dawsyn AlyssaStudentECU
Assessing the Reliability of Species Distribution Models in the Face of Climate and Ecosyste...2023Asch, Rebecca G.StudentECU
Assessing the Reliability of Species Distribution Models in the Face of Climate and Ecosyste...2023Sobolewska, Joanna StudentECU
Assessing the Reliability of Species Distribution Models in the Face of Climate and Ecosyste...2023Chan, Keo StudentECU
Assessing Servant Leadership Development Among Student Employees Through a Challenge Course ...2014Tucci, Stephen StudentECU
Assessing Sex Experiences of Online Victimization: An Examination of Adolescent Online Behav...2010Marcum, Cathy FacultyGovernment and Justice Studies, ASU
Assessing the shallow groundwater system as a potential factor in generating storm-water run...2014Sisco, Michael S.StudentECU
Assessment of Adrenal Function at Birth Using Adrenal Glucocorticoid Precursor to Product Ra...2023Wu, Qiang StudentECU
Assessment of Adrenal Function at Birth Using Adrenal Glucocorticoid Precursor to Product Ra...2023Karsli, Tijen StudentECU
An assessment of anxiety in instrumental and vocal performances1980Hamann, Donald LeeStudentMusic, UNCG
The assessment of classroom teachers' ability to provide quality instruction in movement edu...1974Bressan, Elizabeth StetsonStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
The assessment of dance movement satisfaction of elementary age children participating in a ...1988Sanders, Gary E.StudentHealth, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, UNCG
An assessment of decision-making processes in dual-career marriages1983Kingsbury, Nancy MorganStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Assessment of the effect of sphingosine kinase inhibitors on apoptosis,unfolded protein resp...2023Evangelisti, Cecilia StudentECU
Assessment of the effect of sphingosine kinase inhibitors on apoptosis,unfolded protein resp...2023Evangelisti, Camilla StudentECU
Assessment of the effect of sphingosine kinase inhibitors on apoptosis,unfolded protein resp...2023Teti, Gabriella StudentECU
Assessment of the effect of sphingosine kinase inhibitors on apoptosis,unfolded protein resp...2023Chiarini, Francesca StudentECU
Assessment of the effect of sphingosine kinase inhibitors on apoptosis,unfolded protein resp...2023Falconi, Mirella StudentECU
Assessment of the effect of sphingosine kinase inhibitors on apoptosis,unfolded protein resp...2023Melchionda, Fraia StudentECU
Assessment of the effect of sphingosine kinase inhibitors on apoptosis,unfolded protein resp...2023Pession, Andrea StudentECU
Assessment of the effect of sphingosine kinase inhibitors on apoptosis,unfolded protein resp...2023Bertaina, Alice StudentECU
Assessment of the effect of sphingosine kinase inhibitors on apoptosis,unfolded protein resp...2023Locatelli, Franco StudentECU
Assessment of the effect of sphingosine kinase inhibitors on apoptosis,unfolded protein resp...2023McCubrey, James A.StudentECU
Assessment of the effect of sphingosine kinase inhibitors on apoptosis,unfolded protein resp...2023Beak, Dong JaeStudentECU
Assessment of the effect of sphingosine kinase inhibitors on apoptosis,unfolded protein resp...2023Bittman, Robert StudentECU
Assessment of the effect of sphingosine kinase inhibitors on apoptosis,unfolded protein resp...2023Pyne, Susan StudentECU
Assessment of the effect of sphingosine kinase inhibitors on apoptosis,unfolded protein resp...2023Pyne, Nigel J.StudentECU
Assessment of the effect of sphingosine kinase inhibitors on apoptosis,unfolded protein resp...2023Martelli, Alberto M.StudentECU
Assessment of effectiveness of environmental education in North Carolina State Park programs...2023Everett, Lisa J.StudentECU
An assessment of the effects of feedback on the performance standards of type A and type B c...1986Cook, Alan RichardStudentPsychology, UNCG
Assessment of the effects of superoxide-generating agents on the growth and viability of Esc...2010Patterson, Jennifer LynnStudentBiology, WCU
An assessment of hands-on activity-based science for summer school remediation1993Sturdivant, Leon HarlieStudentEducation, UNCG
Assessment of Health Care Cost for Complex Surgical Patients: Review of Cost, Re-Imbursement...2023Vohra, Nasreen A.StudentECU
Assessment of Health Care Cost for Complex Surgical Patients: Review of Cost, Re-Imbursement...2023Zervos, Emmanuel E.StudentECU
Assessment of Health Care Cost for Complex Surgical Patients: Review of Cost, Re-Imbursement...2023Fitzgerald, Timothy L.StudentECU
Assessment of hydraulic connection between surficial cover and a fractured bedrock aquifer, ...2023Ingalls, Arthur M.StudentECU
An assessment of the interest of executives of manufacturing firms in employer-sponsored chi...1971Wall, Jean GriffithStudentHome Economics, UNCG
An assessment of level of knowledge about individual blood pressure values and the disease o...2023Edwards, Sue G.StudentECU
An assessment of members of the North Carolina sports media's perceived satisfaction of the ...2023Mills, Bruce H.StudentECU
An assessment of the nearest associates and the effects of competition on the threatened dun...2023Johnson, Sarah E.StudentECU
Assessment of Occupational Noise Exposure among Groundskeepers in North Carolina Public Univ...2016Balanay, Jo Anne G.,Kearney,Gregory D.,Mannarino,Adam J.StudentECU
Assessment of Orofacial Strength in Adults with Dysarthria2008Clark, Heather FacultyPast Faculty Member, ASU
Assessment of physiological, biomechanical and structural correlates of age-related differen...1995Craib, Mitchell WellsStudentHealth and Human Performance, UNCG
Assessment of the predictive validity of the North Carolina Preterm Labor/Low Birth Weight R...2023Blackburn, Sandra G.StudentECU
An assessment of the preparation of North Carolina public school music teachers in performan...1980Gilchrist, Charles HermanStudentMusic, UNCG
An assessment of the relationship between institutional planning, resource development and i...1989Wilson, Bryan WadeStudentEducation, UNCG
An assessment of shiftwork effects on job/family management and role strain in dual-earner c...1986Burston, James LutherStudentHome Economics, UNCG
An assessment of the social behaviors of depressed children1989Romano, Barbara AnnStudentPsychology, UNCG
Assessment of Spatial Variation of Groundwater Quality in a Mining Basin2017Alexander, Augustina Clara,Ndambuki,Julius,Salim,Ramadhan,Manda,AlexStudentECU
Assessment of the US Federal Retailer Violation Rate as an Estimate of the Proportion of Ret...2023Lee, Joseph G. L.StudentECU
Assigned Versus Participatory Goal Setting and Response Generalization: Managing Injury Cont...1997Ludwig, Timothy D. FacultyPsychology, ASU
Association Between Age, Electronic Cigarette Use in Vehicles, and User Health Perceptions: ...2023Tiet, Alex StudentECU
Association between Changes in Muscle Quality with Exercise Training and Changes in Cardiore...2015Swift, Damon L.StudentECU
Association between Changes in Muscle Quality with Exercise Training and Changes in Cardiore...2015Earnest, Conrad P.StudentECU
Association between Changes in Muscle Quality with Exercise Training and Changes in Cardiore...2015Lavie, Carl J.StudentECU
Association between Changes in Muscle Quality with Exercise Training and Changes in Cardiore...2015Blair, Steven N.StudentECU
Association between Changes in Muscle Quality with Exercise Training and Changes in Cardiore...2015Church, Timothy S.StudentECU
Association between Changes in Muscle Quality with Exercise Training and Changes in Cardiore...2015Sénéchal, Martin StudentECU
Association between Changes in Muscle Quality with Exercise Training and Changes in Cardiore...2015Johannsen, Neil M.StudentECU
Association between Chronotype and Nutritional, Clinical and Sociobehavioral Characteristics...2023Pardi, Vanessa StudentECU
Association between Chronotype and Nutritional, Clinical and Sociobehavioral Characteristics...2023Murata, Ramiro M.StudentECU
Association between Chronotype and Nutritional, Clinical and Sociobehavioral Characteristics...2023Reis-Canaan, Juliana C.StudentECU
Association between Chronotype and Nutritional, Clinical and Sociobehavioral Characteristics...2023Canaan, Marcelo M.StudentECU
Association between Chronotype and Nutritional, Clinical and Sociobehavioral Characteristics...2023Costa, Patrícia D.StudentECU
Association between Chronotype and Nutritional, Clinical and Sociobehavioral Characteristics...2023Rodrigues-Juliatte, Tamires P.StudentECU
Association between Chronotype and Nutritional, Clinical and Sociobehavioral Characteristics...2023Pereira, Michel C. A.StudentECU
Association between Chronotype and Nutritional, Clinical and Sociobehavioral Characteristics...2023Castelo, Paula M.StudentECU
Association between Chronotype and Nutritional, Clinical and Sociobehavioral Characteristics...2023Pereira, Luciano J.StudentECU
The Association Between Discontinuing Hormonal Contraceptives and Wives’ Marital Satisfactio...2014Baker, Levi R. FacultyPsychology, UNCG
Association Between Family/ Neighborhood Cancer Risk Factors and Adolescent Dietary Behavior...2023Xu, Lei StudentECU
Association Between Family/ Neighborhood Cancer Risk Factors and Adolescent Dietary Behavior...2023Wu, Qiang StudentECU
Association Between Family/ Neighborhood Cancer Risk Factors and Adolescent Dietary Behavior...2023Wilmouth, Logan StudentECU
Association Between Family/ Neighborhood Cancer Risk Factors and Adolescent Dietary Behavior...2023Rogers, Charles R.StudentECU
The association between handedness and pervasiveness of academic difficulty in fourth grade ...2023Rojeski, Hallie JanaeStudentECU
The Association Between Lactate and Muscle Aerobic Substrate Oxidation: Is Lactate an Early ...2023Broskey, Nicholas T.StudentECU
The Association Between Lactate and Muscle Aerobic Substrate Oxidation: Is Lactate an Early ...2023Tanner, Charles J.StudentECU
The Association Between Lactate and Muscle Aerobic Substrate Oxidation: Is Lactate an Early ...2023Zheng, Donghai StudentECU
The Association Between Lactate and Muscle Aerobic Substrate Oxidation: Is Lactate an Early ...2023Cortright, Ronald N.StudentECU
The Association Between Lactate and Muscle Aerobic Substrate Oxidation: Is Lactate an Early ...2023Yang, Zhen W.StudentECU
The Association Between Lactate and Muscle Aerobic Substrate Oxidation: Is Lactate an Early ...2023Khang, Nkaujyi StudentECU
The Association Between Lactate and Muscle Aerobic Substrate Oxidation: Is Lactate an Early ...2023Houmard, Joseph A.StudentECU
The Association Between Lactate and Muscle Aerobic Substrate Oxidation: Is Lactate an Early ...2023Pories, Walter J.StudentECU
The Association Between Lactate and Muscle Aerobic Substrate Oxidation: Is Lactate an Early ...2023Jones, Terry E.StudentECU
The Association Between Lactate and Muscle Aerobic Substrate Oxidation: Is Lactate an Early ...2023Yang, Josh StudentECU
The Association Between Lactate and Muscle Aerobic Substrate Oxidation: Is Lactate an Early ...2023Dohm, G. LynisStudentECU
The Association between Neighborhood Social and Economic Environment and Prevalent Diabetes ...2023Cummings, Doyle M.StudentECU
The Association between Neighborhood Social and Economic Environment and Prevalent Diabetes ...2023, et alStudentECU
Association Between Objectively Measured Physical Activity And Depression Symptoms2023Dover, Sara StudentECU
The association between the perception of sexual harassment and grade classification among c...2023Marziano, Bryte E.StudentECU
Association of cardiac and vascular changes with ambient PMin diabetic individuals2010Neas, Lucas MStudentECU
Association of cardiac and vascular changes with ambient PMin diabetic individuals2010Graff, Don WStudentECU
Association of cardiac and vascular changes with ambient PMin diabetic individuals2010Cascio, Wayne EStudentECU
Association of cardiac and vascular changes with ambient PMin diabetic individuals2010Schmitt, Mike TStudentECU
Association of cardiac and vascular changes with ambient PMin diabetic individuals2010Buse, John BStudentECU
Association of cardiac and vascular changes with ambient PMin diabetic individuals2010Schneider, Alexandra StudentECU
Association of cardiac and vascular changes with ambient PMin diabetic individuals2010Devlin, Robert BStudentECU
Association of cardiac and vascular changes with ambient PMin diabetic individuals2010Herbst, Margaret CStudentECU
Association of cardiac and vascular changes with ambient PMin diabetic individuals2010Peters, Annette StudentECU
Association of Extended Dosing Intervals or Delays in Pembrolizumab-Based Regimens With Surv...2023Bulumulle, Anushi StudentECU
Association of Extended Dosing Intervals or Delays in Pembrolizumab-Based Regimens With Surv...2023Brody, Heather StudentECU
Association of Extended Dosing Intervals or Delays in Pembrolizumab-Based Regimens With Surv...2023Macherla, Shravanti StudentECU
Association of Extended Dosing Intervals or Delays in Pembrolizumab-Based Regimens With Surv...2023Walker, Paul R.StudentECU
Association of Extended Dosing Intervals or Delays in Pembrolizumab-Based Regimens With Surv...2023Sehgal, Kartik StudentECU
Association of Extended Dosing Intervals or Delays in Pembrolizumab-Based Regimens With Surv...2023Gill, Ritu R.StudentECU
Association of Extended Dosing Intervals or Delays in Pembrolizumab-Based Regimens With Surv...2023Qilleri, Aleksandra StudentECU
Association of Extended Dosing Intervals or Delays in Pembrolizumab-Based Regimens With Surv...2023McDonald, Danielle C.StudentECU
Association of Extended Dosing Intervals or Delays in Pembrolizumab-Based Regimens With Surv...2023Cherry, Cynthia R.StudentECU
Association of Extended Dosing Intervals or Delays in Pembrolizumab-Based Regimens With Surv...2023Shea, Meghan StudentECU
Association of Extended Dosing Intervals or Delays in Pembrolizumab-Based Regimens With Surv...2023Huberman, Mark S.StudentECU
Association of Extended Dosing Intervals or Delays in Pembrolizumab-Based Regimens With Surv...2023VanderLaan, Paul A.StudentECU
Association of Extended Dosing Intervals or Delays in Pembrolizumab-Based Regimens With Surv...2023Weiss, Glen J.StudentECU
Association of Extended Dosing Intervals or Delays in Pembrolizumab-Based Regimens With Surv...2023Costa, Daniel B.StudentECU
Association of Extended Dosing Intervals or Delays in Pembrolizumab-Based Regimens With Surv...2023Rangachari, Deepa StudentECU
Association of Extended Dosing Intervals or Delays in Pembrolizumab-based Regimens With Surv...2023Bulumulle, Anushi StudentECU
Association of Extended Dosing Intervals or Delays in Pembrolizumab-based Regimens With Surv...2023Brody, Heather StudentECU
Association of Extended Dosing Intervals or Delays in Pembrolizumab-based Regimens With Surv...2023Macherla, Shravanti StudentECU
Association of Extended Dosing Intervals or Delays in Pembrolizumab-based Regimens With Surv...2023Walker, Paul R.StudentECU
Association of Extended Dosing Intervals or Delays in Pembrolizumab-based Regimens With Surv...2023Sehgal, Kartik StudentECU
Association of Extended Dosing Intervals or Delays in Pembrolizumab-based Regimens With Surv...2023Gill, Ritu R.StudentECU
Association of Extended Dosing Intervals or Delays in Pembrolizumab-based Regimens With Surv...2023Qilleri, Aleksandra StudentECU
Association of Extended Dosing Intervals or Delays in Pembrolizumab-based Regimens With Surv...2023McDonald, Danielle C.StudentECU
Association of Extended Dosing Intervals or Delays in Pembrolizumab-based Regimens With Surv...2023Cherry, Cynthia R.StudentECU
Association of Extended Dosing Intervals or Delays in Pembrolizumab-based Regimens With Surv...2023Shea, Meghan StudentECU
Association of Extended Dosing Intervals or Delays in Pembrolizumab-based Regimens With Surv...2023Huberman, Mark S.StudentECU
Association of Extended Dosing Intervals or Delays in Pembrolizumab-based Regimens With Surv...2023VanderLaan, Paul A.StudentECU
Association of Extended Dosing Intervals or Delays in Pembrolizumab-based Regimens With Surv...2023Weiss, Glen J.StudentECU
Association of Extended Dosing Intervals or Delays in Pembrolizumab-based Regimens With Surv...2023Costa, Daniel B.StudentECU
Association of Extended Dosing Intervals or Delays in Pembrolizumab-based Regimens With Surv...2023Rangachari, Deepa StudentECU
The Association of Health Insurance and Race with Treatment and Survival in Patients with Me...2023Mitsakos, Anastasios T.StudentECU
The Association of Health Insurance and Race with Treatment and Survival in Patients with Me...2023Parikh, Alexander A.StudentECU
The Association of Health Insurance and Race with Treatment and Survival in Patients with Me...2023Snyder, Rebecca A.StudentECU
The Association of Health Insurance and Race with Treatment and Survival in Patients with Me...2023Irish, William StudentECU
The Association of Health Literacy and Blood Pressure Reduction in a Cohort of Patients with...2023Cummings, Doyle M.StudentECU
Association of Lowering Low-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol With Contemporary Lipid-Lowering...2023Khan, Safi U.StudentECU
Association of Lowering Low-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol With Contemporary Lipid-Lowering...2023Rahman, Hammad StudentECU
Association of Lowering Low-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol With Contemporary Lipid-Lowering...2023Okunrintemi, Victor StudentECU
Association of Lowering Low-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol With Contemporary Lipid-Lowering...2023Riaz, Haris StudentECU
Association of Lowering Low-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol With Contemporary Lipid-Lowering...2023Khan, Muhammad ShahzebStudentECU
Association of Lowering Low-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol With Contemporary Lipid-Lowering...2023Sattur, Sudhakar StudentECU
Association of Lowering Low-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol With Contemporary Lipid-Lowering...2023Kaluski, Edo StudentECU
Association of Lowering Low-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol With Contemporary Lipid-Lowering...2023Lincoff, A. MichaelStudentECU
Association of Lowering Low-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol With Contemporary Lipid-Lowering...2023Martin, Seth S.StudentECU
Association of Lowering Low-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol With Contemporary Lipid-Lowering...2023Blaha, Michael J.StudentECU
Association of N-Acetyl Asparagine with QTc in Diabetes: A Metabolomics Study2023Moey, Melissa Y. Y.StudentECU
Association of Obesity Subtypes in the Longitudinal Assessment of Bariatric Surgery Study an...2023Pories, Walter J.StudentECU
Association of Patient Sex and Pregnancy Status With Naloxone Administration During Emergenc...2023Forbes, Lauren A.StudentECU
Association of Patient Sex and Pregnancy Status With Naloxone Administration During Emergenc...2023Canner, Joseph K.StudentECU
Association of Patient Sex and Pregnancy Status With Naloxone Administration During Emergenc...2023Milio, Lorraine StudentECU
Association of Patient Sex and Pregnancy Status With Naloxone Administration During Emergenc...2023Halscott, Torre StudentECU
Association of Patient Sex and Pregnancy Status With Naloxone Administration During Emergenc...2023Vaught, Arthur JasonStudentECU
Association of Perfluoroalkyl Substances, Bone Mineral Density, and Osteoporosis in the U.S....2023Khalil, Naila StudentECU
Association of Perfluoroalkyl Substances, Bone Mineral Density, and Osteoporosis in the U.S....2023Chen, Aimin StudentECU
Association of Perfluoroalkyl Substances, Bone Mineral Density, and Osteoporosis in the U.S....2023Lee, Miryoung StudentECU
Association of Perfluoroalkyl Substances, Bone Mineral Density, and Osteoporosis in the U.S....2023Czerwinski, Stefan A.StudentECU
Association of Perfluoroalkyl Substances, Bone Mineral Density, and Osteoporosis in the U.S....2023Ebert, James R.StudentECU
Association of Perfluoroalkyl Substances, Bone Mineral Density, and Osteoporosis in the U.S....2023DeWitt, Jamie C.StudentECU
Association of Perfluoroalkyl Substances, Bone Mineral Density, and Osteoporosis in the U.S....2023Kannan, Kurunthachalam StudentECU
Association of Perfluoroalkyl Substances, Bone Mineral Density, and Osteoporosis in the U.S....2015Kannan, Kurunthachalam StudentECU
Association of Perfluoroalkyl Substances, Bone Mineral Density, and Osteoporosis in the U.S....2015Ebert, James R.StudentECU
Association of Perfluoroalkyl Substances, Bone Mineral Density, and Osteoporosis in the U.S....2015Czerwinski, Stefan A.StudentECU
Association of Perfluoroalkyl Substances, Bone Mineral Density, and Osteoporosis in the U.S....2015Lee, Miryoung StudentECU
Association of Perfluoroalkyl Substances, Bone Mineral Density, and Osteoporosis in the U.S....2015Chen, Aimin StudentECU
Association of Perfluoroalkyl Substances, Bone Mineral Density, and Osteoporosis in the U.S....2015Khalil, Naila StudentECU
Association of Perfluoroalkyl Substances, Bone Mineral Density, and Osteoporosis in the U.S....2015DeWitt, Jamie C.StudentECU
Association of Perfluoroalkyl Substances, Bone Mineral Density, and Osteoporosis in the U.S....2015DeWitt, Jamie C.StudentECU
Association of Perfluoroalkyl Substances, Bone Mineral Density, and Osteoporosis in the U.S....2015Ebert, James R.StudentECU
Association of Perfluoroalkyl Substances, Bone Mineral Density, and Osteoporosis in the U.S....2015Lee, Miryoung StudentECU
Association of Perfluoroalkyl Substances, Bone Mineral Density, and Osteoporosis in the U.S....2015Khalil, Naila StudentECU
Association of Perfluoroalkyl Substances, Bone Mineral Density, and Osteoporosis in the U.S....2015Chen, Aimin StudentECU
Association of Perfluoroalkyl Substances, Bone Mineral Density, and Osteoporosis in the U.S....2015Czerwinski, Stefan A.StudentECU
Association of Perfluoroalkyl Substances, Bone Mineral Density, and Osteoporosis in the U.S....2015Kannan, Kurunthachalam StudentECU
Association of race and health insurance in treatment disparities of colon cancer: A retrosp...2023Hao, Scarlett StudentECU
Association of race and health insurance in treatment disparities of colon cancer: A retrosp...2023Snyder, Rebecca A.StudentECU
Association of race and health insurance in treatment disparities of colon cancer: A retrosp...2023Irish, William StudentECU
Association of race and health insurance in treatment disparities of colon cancer: A retrosp...2023Parikh, Alexander A.StudentECU
Association of Variants in BAG3 With Cardiomyopathy Outcomes in African American Individuals...2023McClung, Joseph M.StudentECU
Associations Between County and Municipality Zoning Ordinances and Access to Fruit And Veget...2013Chriqui, Jamie F.StudentECU
Associations Between County and Municipality Zoning Ordinances and Access to Fruit And Veget...2013Pitts, Stephanie B. JilcottStudentECU
Associations Between County and Municipality Zoning Ordinances and Access to Fruit And Veget...2013Mayo, Mariel LeahStudentECU
Associations between dimensional parenting style and adolescent personality and psychologica...2021Adolf, Madeline FrancesStudentPsychology, WCU
Associations Between Neighborhood-Level Factors Related to a Healthful Lifestyle and Dietary...2023Pitts, Stephanie StudentECU
Associations Between Neighborhood-Level Factors Related to a Healthful Lifestyle and Dietary...2023Rafferty, Ann P.StudentECU
Associations between Pain, Objective Sleep Efficiency and Cognition in Patients with Implant...2023Sears, Samuel F.StudentECU
Associations between physical activity, motor skills, executive function and EEG in preschoo...2024Dennis, Nicole DawnStudentPsychology, WCU
Associations of Pregnancy After Bariatric Surgery with Long-Term Weight Trajectories and Bir...2023Pories, Walter J.StudentECU
Associative and Phonological Priming Effects After Letter Search on the Prime2006Broman-Fulks, Joshua FacultyPsychology, ASU
Assurances of Voluntary Compliance: A Regulatory Mechanism to Reduce Youth Access to E-Cigar...2023Lee, Joseph G. L.StudentECU
Asymmetry and Positioning of the Levator Veli Palatini Muscle in Children With Repaired Clef...2023Perry, Jamie L.StudentECU
Asymmetry and Positioning of the Levator Veli Palatini Muscle in Children With Repaired Clef...2023Fang, Xiangming StudentECU
Asymmetry in internal dialogue, core assumptions, valence of self statements and counselor t...1991Stanley, Paula HelenStudentEducation, UNCG
At the Crossroads : Maritime Systems in Transition and the Elizabeth City Ships' Graveyard, ...2010Smith, Lindsay S.StudentECU
At the Crossroads: Maritime Systems in Transition and the Elizabeth City Ships' Graveyard, N...2023Smith, Lindsey S.StudentECU
At home2009Anderson, April LynnStudentEnglish, WCU
At my work1969Yun, Jin SookStudentArt, UNCG
"At a time like this" : a play in three acts1957Parks, Helen MarieStudentEnglish, UNCG
Athletic Trainers’ Confidence and Proficiency in Addressing Athlete Mental Health2023Turner, Christina StudentECU
Atlantic City2010Frazier, Jason StudentECU
Atmospheric Distributions of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) in Coastal Northern Gul...2014Scalise, Kimberly StudentECU
Atmospheric inputs and flux of soluble chloride, calcium, and magnesium in a maritime forest...2023Proffitt, C. Edward.StudentECU
An Atrial Fibrillation Transitions of Care Clinic Improves Atrial Fibrillation Quality Metri...2023Sears, Samuel F.StudentECU
An Atrial Fibrillation Transitions of Care Clinic Improves Atrial Fibrillation Quality Metri...2023Gehi, Anil K.StudentECU
An attempt to predict success in a vocational rehabilitation program1967Rice, David P.StudentPsychology, UNCG
The attempted construction and validation of a test for scientific aptitude1958Boyd, Nancy TharringtonStudentPsychology, UNCG
Attempts at the formation of a European system for the preservation of peace in the seventee...1948Funderburk, Nancy BeamStudentHistory, UNCG
Attending the show alone: adventures of a female audience ethnographer2020Rossi, Amanda StudentDance, UNCG
Attention-related evoked potential correlates of precortical gating in the human visual syst...1987Harding, J. MichaelStudentPsychology, UNCG
Attitudes of cooperating teachers toward their role in the teacher education program at the ...1969Griffin, Gwendolyn KellerStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Attitudes of middle school teachers toward practices recommended for middle schools2023Watson, Charles R.StudentECU
Attitudes of regular classroom teachers toward the integration of students with visual impai...1980Roscoe, Bruce K.StudentHome Economics, UNCG
Attitudes of selected groups toward quality and selected aspects of education provided by co...1977Evans, Dorotea LugaricStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Attitudes of selected high school boys towards girls playing on boys' interscholastic teams1972Jaffie, Charlene K.StudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
Attitudes toward cost-conscious care among U.S. physicians and medical students: analysis of...2018Leep Hunderfund, Andrea N.,Dyrbye,Liselotte N.,Starr,Stephanie R.,MandrekaStudentECU
Attitudes toward disability and their relationship to two scales of the personal orientation...2023Griffin, James B.StudentECU
Attitudes toward Eating Disorders and the Role of Body Dissatisfaction in College Women2009Daniels, Katherine A.StudentECU
Attitudes toward feminism : the development of a measurement scale1972Richey, Lona T.StudentHome Economics, UNCG
Attitudes toward feminism and patterns of family economic decision-making1976Godwin, Deborah D.StudentHome Economics, UNCG
Attitudes toward mastectomy : the development of a measurement scale1977Heyl, Margaret Adair RountreeStudentEconomics, UNCG
Attitudes toward musical activities among North Carolina high school band students with dire...1983Head, Jerry StudentMusic, UNCG
Attitudes toward physical activity and self-perceived body image of selected black high scho...1975Hudgens, Vivian AnnStudentHealth, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, UNCG
Attitudes toward physical activity held by selected students and secondary school teachers o...1974Pafford, Joan M.StudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
Attitudes toward rayon as an apparel fiber : as expressed by department store resident appar...1979Campbell, Fred HammondStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Attitudes toward women among selected undergraduate students representing various fields of ...1976Margolis, Ellen S.StudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
Attitudes, Beliefs, and Responses to Stalking: A Law Enforcement Perspective2023Banner, Jessica L.StudentECU
The attitudinal and physical relationships of man to the motorcycle as a problem in painting...1970Fox, John BenjaminStudentArt, UNCG
Attributional Biases in the Service of Stereotype Maintenance: A Schema-Maintenance Through ...2003McElroy, Todd FacultyPsychology, ASU
Attributional Style, Depression, and Self-esteem: Adult Children of Alcoholic and Non-Alcoho...1995Ballard, Mary FacultyPsychology, ASU
Attrition and barriers to participation in workplace literacy programs2023High, Teresa G.StudentECU
ATX1-Generated H3K4me3 Is Required for Efficient Elongation of Transcription, Not Initiation...2012Lapko, Hanna StudentECU
ATX1-Generated H3K4me3 Is Required for Efficient Elongation of Transcription, Not Initiation...2012Xu, Zaoshi StudentECU
ATX1-Generated H3K4me3 Is Required for Efficient Elongation of Transcription, Not Initiation...2012Ndamukong, Ivan StudentECU
ATX1-Generated H3K4me3 Is Required for Efficient Elongation of Transcription, Not Initiation...2012Avramova, Zoya StudentECU
ATX1-Generated H3K4me3 Is Required for Efficient Elongation of Transcription, Not Initiation...2012Fromm, Michael StudentECU
ATX1-Generated H3K4me3 Is Required for Efficient Elongation of Transcription, Not Initiation...2012Ding, Yong StudentECU
An audio-visual educational program adapted to the specific needs of the seventh, eighth, an...1948Freeman, Mary WhitfieldStudentEducation, UNCG
Auditing While Black: Revealing Microaggressions Faced by Black Professionals in Public Acco...2023Davis, Phebian L.StudentECU
Auditing While Black: Revealing Microaggressions Faced by Black Professionals in Public Acco...2023Dickins, Denise StudentECU
Auditing While Black: Revealing Microaggressions Faced by Black Professionals in Public Acco...2023Higgs, Julia L.StudentECU
Auditing While Black: Revealing Microaggressions Faced by Black Professionals in Public Acco...2023Reid, Joseph D.StudentECU
Auditory and visual sustained attention on tasks with varied motivation and cognitive loads ...2023Russell, Emily LouiseStudentECU
Auditory brainstem responses to air- and bone-conducted chirp stimuli in newborns and young ...2023Cobb, Kensi M.StudentECU
Augmented coronary vascular smooth muscle response to endothelin-1 exacerbates cardiac injur...2023Thompson, Leslie CharlesStudentECU
An Augmented Counseling Approach on Fear of Crime and Self-Efficacy in Older Adults2023Sanders, Meg PerryStudentECU
An Augmented Counseling Approach on Fear of Crime and Self-Efficacy in Older Adults2023Sanders, Meg PerryStudentECU
Aural music theory competencies required of music majors at the end of the freshman year and...1974Bragg, Mary AliceStudentMusic, UNCG
Aurora-A Mitotic Kinase Induces Endocrine Resistance through Down-Regulation of ERa+ Express...2014Salisbury, Jeffrey L.StudentECU
Aurora-A Mitotic Kinase Induces Endocrine Resistance through Down-Regulation of ERa+ Express...2014Degnim, Amy StudentECU
Aurora-A Mitotic Kinase Induces Endocrine Resistance through Down-Regulation of ERa+ Express...2014Haddad, Tufia StudentECU
Aurora-A Mitotic Kinase Induces Endocrine Resistance through Down-Regulation of ERa+ Express...2014Lomberk, Gwen A.StudentECU
Aurora-A Mitotic Kinase Induces Endocrine Resistance through Down-Regulation of ERa+ Express...2014Goetz, Mattew P.StudentECU
Aurora-A Mitotic Kinase Induces Endocrine Resistance through Down-Regulation of ERa+ Express...2014Hawse, John StudentECU
Aurora-A Mitotic Kinase Induces Endocrine Resistance through Down-Regulation of ERa+ Express...2014McCubrey, James StudentECU
Aurora-A Mitotic Kinase Induces Endocrine Resistance through Down-Regulation of ERa+ Express...2014Zhang, Shuya StudentECU
Aurora-A Mitotic Kinase Induces Endocrine Resistance through Down-Regulation of ERa+ Express...2014Opyrchal, Mateusz StudentECU
Aurora-A Mitotic Kinase Induces Endocrine Resistance through Down-Regulation of ERa+ Express...2014D'Assoro, Antonino B.StudentECU
Aurora-A Mitotic Kinase Induces Endocrine Resistance through Down-Regulation of ERa+ Express...2014Galanis, Evanthia StudentECU
Aurora-A Mitotic Kinase Induces Endocrine Resistance through Down-Regulation of ERa+ Express...2014Ingle, James N.StudentECU
Aurora-A Mitotic Kinase Induces Endocrine Resistance through Down-Regulation of ERa+ Express...2014Lange, Carol StudentECU
Aurora-A Mitotic Kinase Induces Endocrine Resistance through Down-Regulation of ERα Express...2014Hawse, John StudentECU
Aurora-A Mitotic Kinase Induces Endocrine Resistance through Down-Regulation of ERα Express...2014Goetz, Mattew P.StudentECU
Aurora-A Mitotic Kinase Induces Endocrine Resistance through Down-Regulation of ERα Express...2014Lomberk, Gwen A.StudentECU
Aurora-A Mitotic Kinase Induces Endocrine Resistance through Down-Regulation of ERα Express...2014Haddad, Tufia StudentECU
Aurora-A Mitotic Kinase Induces Endocrine Resistance through Down-Regulation of ERα Express...2014Degnim, Amy StudentECU
Aurora-A Mitotic Kinase Induces Endocrine Resistance through Down-Regulation of ERα Express...2014Lange, Carol StudentECU
Aurora-A Mitotic Kinase Induces Endocrine Resistance through Down-Regulation of ERα Express...2014Ingle, James N.StudentECU
Aurora-A Mitotic Kinase Induces Endocrine Resistance through Down-Regulation of ERα Express...2014Galanis, Evanthia StudentECU
Aurora-A Mitotic Kinase Induces Endocrine Resistance through Down-Regulation of ERα Express...2014D'Assoro, Antonino B.StudentECU
Aurora-A Mitotic Kinase Induces Endocrine Resistance through Down-Regulation of ERα Express...2014Zhang, Shuya StudentECU
Aurora-A Mitotic Kinase Induces Endocrine Resistance through Down-Regulation of ERα Express...2014Salisbury, Jeffrey L.StudentECU
Aurora-A Mitotic Kinase Induces Endocrine Resistance through Down-Regulation of ERα Express...2014Opyrchal, Mateusz StudentECU
Aurora-A Mitotic Kinase Induces Endocrine Resistance through Down-Regulation of ERα Express...2014McCubrey, James StudentECU
Aurora Slicer2016Bond, Jonathan StudentLiterature, UNCA
Australian War Memorial2006Stoffan, Mark A. FacultyHunter Library, WCU
The Authentic Workaholic : Moderating Effects and Life Satisfaction Outcomes2023Vitiello, Katie L.StudentECU
Author Impact Metrics in Communication Sciences and Disorder Research2017Stuart, Andrew,Faucette,Sarah P.,Thomas,William JosephStudentECU
Authorizing Gender and Development: "Third World Women," Native Informants, and Speaking Nea...2001Wood, Cynthia FacultyCultural, Gender, and Global Studies, ASU
Autism BrainNet: A Collaboration between Medical Examiners, Pathologists, Researchers, and F...2023Anderson, Matthew P.StudentECU
Autism BrainNet: A Collaboration between Medical Examiners, Pathologists, Researchers, and F...2023Quinton, Reade StudentECU
Autism BrainNet: A Collaboration between Medical Examiners, Pathologists, Researchers, and F...2023Kelly, Karen StudentECU
Autism BrainNet: A Collaboration between Medical Examiners, Pathologists, Researchers, and F...2023Falzon, Andrew StudentECU
Autism BrainNet: A Collaboration between Medical Examiners, Pathologists, Researchers, and F...2023Halladay, Alycia StudentECU
Autism BrainNet: A Collaboration between Medical Examiners, Pathologists, Researchers, and F...2023Schumann, Cynthia M.StudentECU
Autism BrainNet: A Collaboration between Medical Examiners, Pathologists, Researchers, and F...2023Hof, Patrick R.StudentECU
Autism BrainNet: A Collaboration between Medical Examiners, Pathologists, Researchers, and F...2023Tamminga, Carol A.StudentECU
Autism BrainNet: A Collaboration between Medical Examiners, Pathologists, Researchers, and F...2023Amaral, David G.StudentECU
Auto-Count Symbols in Portable Document Format (PDF)2023Florian, Andrew StudentECU
An autobiographical approach to the creative process and to my creative work1953Smith, Eugene TaftStudentArt, UNCG
Autobiography as a way of knowing : a student-centered curriculum model using Maya Angelou's...1987Williamson, Marie SolomonStudentEducation, UNCG
The Autolite case : an economic analysis of a vertical merger and potential competition1973Gurley, Frank RichardStudentBusiness and Economics, UNCG
Automated Dental Aesthetics with Machine Learning2023Mehta, Ashwinee StudentECU
Automated Pavement Condition Assessment using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) and Convolutio...2023Chawla, Vinay KStudentECU
Automated Usability Evaluations using Client Side Usability Framework (CSUF)2023Chintalapani, Venkat Narsimha ReddyStudentECU
Automobility, Hospitality, African American Tourism, and Mapping Victor H. Green's Negro Mot...2014Kennedy, Richard A.StudentECU
Autonomic responses to negative personal feedback in narcissistic individuals2013McIntyre, Jerica StudentPsychology, WCU
Autonomy in Action: Bureaucratic Competition Among Functional Rivals in Denver Water Politic...1995Ellison, Brian A. FacultyPast faculty member, ASU
An autoradiographic analysis of mitotic activity in imaginal wing discs of drosophila virili...1971Hunt, Linda-Margaret StudentBiology, UNCG
An awareness of our own reality1976Fey, A. MichaelStudentArt, UNCG
B - MCBK Introduction2023Mobilizing Computable Biomedical Knowledge (MCBK), FacultyNCCU
B Sweet Socials2023, Clayton PaulStudentECU
B1- MCBK Overview by Dr. Friedman2020Mobilizing Computable Biomedical Knowledge (MCBK), FacultyNCCU
B2 - MCBK Manifesto2018Mobilizing Computable Biomedical Knowledge (MCBK), FacultyNCCU
B3 - IMLS training grant proposal2021Mobilizing Computable Biomedical Knowledge (MCBK), FacultyNCCU
B4 - List of MCBK research contacts and bios2021Mobilizing Computable Biomedical Knowledge (MCBK), FacultyNCCU
Babeuf : a Communist in a non-Communist conspiracy1967Kanipe, Esther SueStudentHistory, UNCG
Baby Boomer Adoption of Healthcare Apps2023Patrick, Annie YStudentECU
Bacillus Subtilis iron operon mutants produced by treatment with 1-methyl-3-nitro-1-nitrosog...2023Nelson, Mark Steven.StudentECU
Back of the plantation museum :an evaluation of the representation of slavery at North Carol...2023Modlin, E. Arnold.StudentECU
Background And Preliminary Results Of A Growing Interdisciplinary Rural School Mental Health...2009Michael, Kurt D.FacultyPsychology, ASU
Background And Preliminary Results Of A Growing Interdisciplinary Rural School Mental Health...2009Renkert, Lauren FacultySocial Work, ASU
The background experiences and current status of women intercollegiate basketball coaches in...1974Klock, Gail PatriciaStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
Backward detection and discrimination unmasking : suppression or cueing?1992Shilling, Russell DwightStudentPsychology, UNCG
Bacteria of a feather floc together: Microbial interactions and function within iron-oxidizi...2023Brooks, Chequita N.StudentECU
Badminton skill tests for the smash and overhead drop shot1972Besner, Patricia R.StudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
Bag, Range and Cart Attendant Training2009Rehkopf, Ed FacultyHospitality and Tourism Administration, NCCU
BAG3 (Bcl-2-Associated Athanogene-3) Coding Variant in Mice Determines Susceptibility to Isc...2023McClung, Joseph StudentECU
BAG3 (Bcl-2-Associated Athanogene-3) Coding Variant in Mice Determines Susceptibility to Isc...2023Ryan, Terence E.StudentECU
BAG3 (Bcl-2-Associated Athanogene-3) Coding Variant in Mice Determines Susceptibility to Isc...2023Schmidt, Cameron A.StudentECU
BAG3 (Bcl-2-Associated Athanogene-3) Coding Variant in Mice Determines Susceptibility to Isc...2023Green, Tom D.StudentECU
BAG3 (Bcl-2-Associated Athanogene-3) Coding Variant in Mice Determines Susceptibility to Isc...2023Spangenburg, Espen E.StudentECU
BAG3 (Bcl-2-Associated Athanogene-3) Coding Variant in Mice Determines Susceptibility to Isc...2023McCord, Timothy J.StudentECU
BAG3 (Bcl-2-Associated Athanogene-3) Coding Variant in Mice Determines Susceptibility to Isc...2023Reinardy, Jessica L.StudentECU
BAG3 (Bcl-2-Associated Athanogene-3) Coding Variant in Mice Determines Susceptibility to Isc...2023Mueller, Sarah B.StudentECU
BAG3 (Bcl-2-Associated Athanogene-3) Coding Variant in Mice Determines Susceptibility to Isc...2023Kontos, Christopher D.StudentECU
BAG3 (Bcl-2-Associated Athanogene-3) Coding Variant in Mice Determines Susceptibility to Isc...2023Southerland, Kevin W.StudentECU
A BAG3 Coding Variant in Mice Determines Susceptibility to Ischemic Limb Muscle Myopathy by ...2023Spangenburg, Espen StudentECU
A BAG3 Coding Variant in Mice Determines Susceptibility to Ischemic Limb Muscle Myopathy by ...2023McClung, Joseph M.StudentECU
A BAG3 Coding Variant in Mice Determines Susceptibility to Ischemic Limb Muscle Myopathy by ...2023McCord, Timothy J.StudentECU
A BAG3 Coding Variant in Mice Determines Susceptibility to Ischemic Limb Muscle Myopathy by ...2023Ryan, Terence E.StudentECU
A BAG3 Coding Variant in Mice Determines Susceptibility to Ischemic Limb Muscle Myopathy by ...2023Schmidt, Cameron A.StudentECU
A BAG3 Coding Variant in Mice Determines Susceptibility to Ischemic Limb Muscle Myopathy by ...2023Green, Thomas D.StudentECU
A Baitbox for all Seasons: Temporal Shifts in a Vector's Propagule Supply Characteristics an...2023Blakeslee, April StudentECU
Balance and counterbalance in Andrew Marvell's pastoral poems1977Allen, Anne Kimberly BrysonStudentEnglish, UNCG
The Balance Point: Celebrating Twenty Years of a Serials Column2007Scherlen, Allan G.FacultyUniversity Libraries, ASU
Balancing Acts : Public Access And Archaeology In The Cape Fear Civil War Shipwreck District...2023Wright, Jeneva StudentECU
The band music of Don Gillis : an annotated catalog1991Fry, William EnricoStudentMusic, UNCG
Bands on the Book- Themes Found in a Facebook Laparoscopic Adjustable Gastric Band Support G...2023Gribble, Lindsay kStudentECU
The banking industry in North Carolina, 1955-1975 : a discussion of its changing structure1976Salmony, Edith RichardsStudentBusiness and Economics, UNCG
Banking on the future of rock outcrops: analysis and comparison of soil seedbanks and extant...2021Blackburn, Amanda-Jean StudentBiology, WCU
Baptists and religious liberty in the U.S.S.R.1971Stewart, Elliot BrownStudentHistory, UNCG
Barcelona 1919 : a critical turning in the Spanish anarcho-syndicalist movement2023Carroll, John M.StudentECU
The barebones parliament1966Rakama, Washington Z.W.StudentHistory and Political Science, UNCG
Bargaining and Trust: The Effects of 36-H Total Sleep Deprivation on Socially Interactive De...2010Dickinson, David L. FacultyEconomics, ASU
A Bargaining Experiment to Motivate Discussion on Fairness2002Dickinson, David L. FacultyEconomics, ASU
Bargaining Outcomes with Double-Offer Arbitration2005Dickinson, David L. FacultyEconomics, ASU
Barges, Battlefields, and Ferry Slips: A Study of Archaeological Findings and Site Formation...2023Lacey, Thomas StudentECU
Bariatric Surgery among Medicare Subgroups: Short- and LongTerm Outcomes2023Pories, Walter J.StudentECU
Baryon spectra and antiparticle-to-particle ratios from the improved AMPT model2018He, Yuncun,Lin,Zi-Wei StudentECU
Baseline Assessment of a Healthy Corner Store Initiative: Associations between Food Store En...2023Jilcott Pitts, Stephanie BellStudentECU
Baseline Assessment of a Healthy Corner Store Initiative: Associations between Food Store En...2023Wu, Qiang StudentECU
Baseline Assessment of a Healthy Corner Store Initiative: Associations between Food Store En...2023Laska, Melissa NelsonStudentECU
Baseline Assessment of a Healthy Corner Store Initiative: Associations between Food Store En...2023Grinchak, Taras StudentECU
Baseline Assessment of a Healthy Corner Store Initiative: Associations between Food Store En...2023McGuirt, Jared T.StudentECU
Baseline Assessment of a Healthy Corner Store Initiative: Associations between Food Store En...2023Haynes-Maslow, Lindsey StudentECU
Baseline Assessment of a Healthy Corner Store Initiative: Associations between Food Store En...2023Bell, Ronny A.StudentECU
Baseline Assessment of a Healthy Corner Store Initiative: Associations between Food Store En...2023Ammerman, Alice S.StudentECU
Baseline Assessment of a Healthy Corner Store Initiative: Associations between Food Store En...2023Truesdale, Kimberly P.StudentECU
Baseline Assessment of a Healthy Corner Store Initiative: Associations between Food Store En...2023Wu, Qiang StudentECU
Baseline Assessment of a Healthy Corner Store Initiative: Associations between Food Store En...2023Jilcott Pitts, Stephanie B.StudentECU
Baseline Assessment of a Healthy Corner Store Initiative: Associations between Food Store En...2023Pitts, Stephanie StudentECU
Basic Accounting and Financial Management for Club Managers2021Rehkopf, Ed FacultyHospitality and Tourism Administration, NCCU
Basic Herb and Spice Starter2023, NC Cooperative Extension ServiceStudentECU
Basic Herb and Spice Starter2023Kolasa, Kathryn StudentECU
Basic life history characteristics of the Atlantic needlefish, Strongylura marina, in Lake M...2023Egbert, Mary Elizabeth.StudentECU
Basic skeletal and interior forms1971Lambert, Dennis KeithStudentArt, UNCG
Basil is nutritious and full of flavor2023Hines, Erika StudentECU
Basil is nutritious and full of flavor2023Kolasa, Kathryn StudentECU
A basketball skill test for college women1969Lambert, Ann ThomasStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
Batchloading MARC Records1998Ellern, Gillian (Jill) D. FacultyHunter Library, WCU
The Battle of Bentonville, March 19-21, 18652023Herring, William B.StudentECU
The Battle of Hayes Pond : the Ku Klux Klan versus the Lumbee Indians, Robeson County, North...2023Fox, Cynthia GregoryStudentECU
Battle of the sexes: An examination of male and female cyberbullying2012Marcum, Cathy FacultyGovernment and Justice Studies, ASU
Battleship Customs2022Frazee, Roger StudentEsther G. Maynor Honors College, UNCP
Battleship Customs2022Frazee, Roger StudentEsther G. Maynor Honors College, UNCP
The Bay Of Storms And Tavern Of The Seas : Risk In The Maritime Cultural Landscape Of The Ha...2023Borrelli, Jeremy RobertStudentECU
A Bayesian Approach to Investigating Age-at-Death of Subadults in a Forensic Context2023Roepe, Kelsey LeighStudentECU
A Bayesian machine scientist to aid in the solution of challenging scientific problems2020Guimerà, Roger,Reichardt,Ignasi,Aguilar-Mogas,Antoni,Massuc A.,Miranda,Manuel,Pallarès,Jordi,Sales-Pardo,MartStudentECU
BB0259 Encompasses a Peptidoglycan Lytic Enzyme Function for Proper Assembly of Periplasmic ...2023Xu, Hui StudentECU
BB0259 Encompasses a Peptidoglycan Lytic Enzyme Function for Proper Assembly of Periplasmic ...2023Hu, Bo StudentECU
BB0259 Encompasses a Peptidoglycan Lytic Enzyme Function for Proper Assembly of Periplasmic ...2023Flesher, David A.StudentECU
BB0259 Encompasses a Peptidoglycan Lytic Enzyme Function for Proper Assembly of Periplasmic ...2023Liu, Jun StudentECU
BB0259 Encompasses a Peptidoglycan Lytic Enzyme Function for Proper Assembly of Periplasmic ...2023Motaleb, Md A.StudentECU
Bcl-2 overexpression in the MCF-10A breast epithelial cell line yields slowed proliferation ...2023Kushman, Mary Elizabeth.StudentECU
"Be as God?"1972McGilliard, Kathleen LynetteStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
Be the Light2020Mansfield, Emmaline StudentEsther G. Maynor Honors College, UNCP
"Be My Friend:" Using Facebook in Libraries 2008Jennings, Susan L. FacultyUniversity Libraries, ASU
Beach and bar dynamics on a low-energy, micro-tidal coast, Cedar Island, North Carolina2023Lange, Mark D.StudentECU
Beads and 'Biomes: A Hands-On Classroom Activity for Understanding the Effects of Antibiotic...2023Brooks, Chequita N.StudentECU
Beads and 'Biomes: A Hands-On Classroom Activity for Understanding the Effects of Antibiotic...2023Poles, Tamara A.StudentECU
Bearing Witness: The Case For Holocaust Education In Public Schools2016Sealey, Robert StudentHistory - Student, ASU
Beaufort County, NC, List of Taxables, 17642023Jones, Plummer AlstonStudentECU
The beauty of paradox : Mansfield Park and Christianity1977Love, Donna SniderStudentEnglish, UNCG
'Because You Got to Have Heat': Energy Poverty and Weatherization in Eastern North Carolina2010Harrison, Conor StudentECU
Becoming A Better Ally: Improving the Social Experiences of LGBTQ Students at Elizabeth City...2023Hinton, Tiffany StudentECU
The Bee Microbiome: Impact on Bee Health and Model for Evolution and Ecology of Host-Microbe...2016Engel, Philipp,Kwong,Waldan K.,McFrederick,Quinn,Anderson,Kirk E.,Barribeau,SeStudentECU
Before-school running/walking club: Effects on student on-task behavior2016Stylianou, Michalis,Kulinna,Pamela Hodges,Amazeen,Eric,van der Mars,Hans,Mahar,MattheStudentECU
Behavior Change Among Agents of a Community Safety Program: Pizza Deliverers Advocate Commun...1999Ludwig, Timothy D. FacultyPsychology, ASU
Behavior Change Through Wearables: The Interplay Between Self-Leadership and IT-Based Leader...2023Eseryel, U. YelizStudentECU
Behavior Change Through Wearables: The Interplay Between Self-Leadership and IT-Based Leader...2023Lehrer, Christiane StudentECU
Behavior Change Through Wearables: The Interplay Between Self-Leadership and IT-Based Leader...2023Rieder, Annamina StudentECU
Behavior Change Through Wearables: The Interplay Between Self-Leadership and IT-Based Leader...2023Jung, Reinhard StudentECU
The behavior therapy systems of Joseph Wolpe and Hans Eysenck1967Rice, Shelby StudentPsychology, UNCG
Behavioral and humanistic curriculum models : a dilemma-reconciliation approach1981Rhodes, Patrick LawsonStudentEducation, UNCG
Behavioral contrast : distribution of responses and time in a two-component multiple schedul...1974Hughes, Ronald GrangerStudentPsychology, UNCG
Behavioral contrast and decreasing preference for a multiple-schedule component with reduced...1970Newsom, Crighton DowdStudentPsychology, UNCG
Behavioral health and recidivism among rural county jail inmates2021Raggio, Alyssa LeighStudentPsychology, WCU
Behavioral response to ultrasound stimulation and tympanal characterization of Megacephela c...2023Panneton, Bruce EdwardStudentECU
Behavioral Treatment for a Female Engaging in Autoerotic Asphyxiation2003Martz, Denise M. FacultyPsychology, ASU
Behaviorally anchored rating scales for principals : a developmental approach to evaluation1980Moon, Brenda KimbleStudentEducation, UNCG
A behaviorally based appraisal of coaching performance in women's athletics at Michigan Stat...1978Knoppers, Annelies StudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
Behaviors observed during S- in a simple discrimination learning task1974Rand, Judith FurberStudentPsychology, UNCG
Behind the Brands: Analyzing the Characteristics of Social Media Influencers and Their Relat...2023Keeter, Caroline StudentECU
Behind Every Powerful Woman Is Herself2023Massey, Niamh CiaranStudentECU
Beliefs and Misperceptions about Naloxone and Overdose among U.S. Laypersons: A Cross-Sectio...2023Eldridge, Lori StudentECU
Beliefs and Relationships Matter: Critical Pedagogy Tenets As A Foundation For Changing Teac...2023García, Luis Enrique RodríguezStudentECU
Beliefs, Perceptions, and Knowledge Regarding the Benefits of Nut Intake2023London, Hilary StudentECU
Belowground biomass in six salt marsh plant communities2023Gaither, A. Clark.StudentECU
Ben Jonson's use of English folk ritual in the court masques1964Tucker, Virginia AchesonStudentEnglish, UNCG
Benchmarking Operations: The key to Understanding and Improving Your Club2021Rehkopf, Ed FacultyHospitality and Tourism Administration, NCCU
Benefit of Delayed Primary Excision in Rhabdomyosarcoma: A Report from the Children’s Oncolo...2023Rodeberg, David A.StudentECU
Benefit of Delayed Primary Excision in Rhabdomyosarcoma: A Report from the Children’s Oncolo...2023Lautz, Timothy B.StudentECU
Benefit of Delayed Primary Excision in Rhabdomyosarcoma: A Report from the Children’s Oncolo...2023Chi, Yueh-Yun StudentECU
Benefit of Delayed Primary Excision in Rhabdomyosarcoma: A Report from the Children’s Oncolo...2023Li, Minjie StudentECU
Benefit of Delayed Primary Excision in Rhabdomyosarcoma: A Report from the Children’s Oncolo...2023Wolden, Suzanne L.StudentECU
Benefit of Delayed Primary Excision in Rhabdomyosarcoma: A Report from the Children’s Oncolo...2023Casey, Dana L.StudentECU
Benefit of Delayed Primary Excision in Rhabdomyosarcoma: A Report from the Children’s Oncolo...2023Routh, Jonathan C.StudentECU
Benefit of Delayed Primary Excision in Rhabdomyosarcoma: A Report from the Children’s Oncolo...2023Granberg, Candace F.StudentECU
Benefit of Delayed Primary Excision in Rhabdomyosarcoma: A Report from the Children’s Oncolo...2023Binite, Odion StudentECU
Benefit of Delayed Primary Excision in Rhabdomyosarcoma: A Report from the Children’s Oncolo...2023Rudzinski, Erin R.StudentECU
Benefit of Delayed Primary Excision in Rhabdomyosarcoma: A Report from the Children’s Oncolo...2023Hawkins, Douglas S.StudentECU
Benefit of Delayed Primary Excision in Rhabdomyosarcoma: A Report from the Children’s Oncolo...2023Venkatramani, Rajkumar StudentECU
Benefits, barriers, self-efficacy and knowledge regarding healthy foods\; perception of Afri...2023Pawlak, Roman StudentECU
Benefits, barriers, self-efficacy and knowledge regarding healthy foods\; perception of Afri...2023Colby, Sarah E.StudentECU
Benjamin Franklin, Jonathan Williams and the United States Military Academy1974Zuersher, Dorothy StudentEducation, UNCG
Benjamin John and other poems1967Cherry, Kelly StudentEnglish, UNCG
Benthic Biocriteria Assessment of the Lower Roanoke River North Carolina: A Final Report to...2011Cooper, John StudentECU
Benthic Biocriteria Assessment of the Lower Roanoke River North Carolina: A Final Report to...2011Rulifson, Roger StudentECU
Benthic community response to ice algae and phytoplankton in Ny Ålesund, Svalbard2023Clough, Lisa M.StudentECU
The benthic infaunal community, bioerosion, and sediment production on Miocene mudstone hard...2023Cook, Jeffrey W.StudentECU
The benthic infaunal community, bioerosion, and sediment production on Miocene mudstone hard...2023Cook, Jeffrey W.StudentECU
Benthic Invertebrate Utilization of Man-Made and Natural Wetlands1990West, Terry FacultyECU
Benthonic foraminiferal paleoecology of the Yorktown Formation at Lee Creek Mine, Beaufort C...2023Mauger, Lucy Lanning.StudentECU
Bernard Shaw as devil's advocate1978Helvey, James RelerfordStudentEnglish, UNCG
Bernardino de Sahagún, Jose de Acosta and the Sixteenth-Century Theology of Sacrifice in New...2011Ammon, Laura FacultyPhilosophy and Religion, ASU
The best cure for a hangover is to avoid it2023Larkins, Michael StudentECU
The best cure for a hangover is to avoid it2023Kolasa, Kathryn MStudentECU
The best of both worlds? A review of delayed selfing in flowering plants2018Goodwillie, Carol,Weber,Jennifer J.StudentECU
Better Than Better-Than-Average (or Not): Elevated and Depressed Self-evaluations Following ...2006McElroy, Todd FacultyPsychology, ASU
Between the Eves of Allhallowmas1976Nash, Robert TimothyStudentEnglish, UNCG
Between the Lines2023Cambra, Gaiselle StudentECU
Between parentheses and other poems1966Wyrick, Charles L.StudentEnglish, UNCG
Between Two Worlds: Mixed-Race Ostracism by the Minority Group in Leslie Marmon Silko’s Cere...2023Herche, Nicole ElizabethStudentECU
Between Us - Serving the Silent: We Are Still a Nation of Immigrants2023Jones, Plummer AlstonStudentECU
Between writer and reader : the relationship of the concept of audience to the teaching of c...1979Cochran, Janet FyneStudentEducation, UNCG
Bevacizumab in the treatment of NSCLC: patient selection and perspectives2017Russo, Alessia E,Priolo,Domenico,Antonelli,Giovanna,Libra,MassimoStudentECU
Beverage Cart Attendant Training Manual2009Rehkopf, Ed FacultyHospitality and Tourism Administration, NCCU
Beyond Beck's triad: A case report of cardiac tamponade in a "super-super" obese patient2017Zhang, Jiandong,Mao,Yuxuan StudentECU
Beyond Beck's triad: A case report of cardiac tamponade in a “super-super” obese patient2023Zhang, Jiandong StudentECU
Beyond Beck's triad: A case report of cardiac tamponade in a “super-super” obese patient2023Mao, Yuxuan StudentECU
Beyond the Bem Sex-Role Inventory : a reconceptualization of the constructs of "masculinity"...1996Hoffman, Rose MarieStudentEducation, UNCG
Beyond the borders of the sun : desert exploration in the Graeco-Roman world2023Kegerreis, Christopher M.StudentECU
Beyond Discovery Tools: The Evolution of Discovery at ECU Libraries2023Bacon, Virginia StudentECU
Beyond Discovery Tools: The Evolution of Discovery at ECU Libraries2023Boyer, Ginny StudentECU
Beyond Historic Bath : Archaeological Investigation of Handy's Point, Bath, North Carolina2014McLaughlin, Erin StudentECU
Beyond Law And Policy: Reaffirming The Role Of Student Affairs.1998Lancaster, James FacultyHuman Development & Psychological Counseling, ASU
Beyond Men's Experiences: Developing a Psychometric Scale to Measure Perceptions of Men's Fi...2023Smith, Chris MichaelStudentECU
Beyond Oral History The Importance of a Club Operation Plan2021Rehkopf, Ed FacultyHospitality and Tourism Administration, NCCU
Beyond tools and skills: Putting information back into information literacy2015McDonough, Beth AllsoppFacultyHunter Library, WCU
Bi-topological spaces1971Garner, Betty RuffinStudentMathematics, UNCG
Bias in meta-analyses using Hedges’ d2023Hamman, Elizabeth A.StudentECU
Bias in meta-analyses using Hedges’ d2023Pappalardo, Paula StudentECU
Bias in meta-analyses using Hedges’ d2023Bence, James R.StudentECU
Bias in meta-analyses using Hedges’ d2023Peacor, Scott D.StudentECU
Bias in meta-analyses using Hedges’ d2023Osenberg, Craig W.StudentECU
Biased processing as a function of attitude accessibility : applications to sexual aggressio...1995Donat, Patricia Lyn NilesStudentPsychology, UNCG
A biblical doctrine of physical education1983Martin, Dennis WallaceStudentHealth, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, UNCG
Bibliographic Reference Analysis in Archival Data Using Supervised Machine Learning and Gram...2023Philips, James PatrickStudentECU
Bibliography of Arizona vertebrate paleontology2005Heckert, Andrew B. FacultyGeology, ASU
Bibliography, Social History of Books & Libraries2023Valentine, Patrick StudentECU
Bicycle Tourists: Staying Connected at Public Libraries2013Cramer, Elizabeth FacultyUniversity Libraries, ASU
Bicycle Tourists: Staying Connected at Public Libraries2013Boyd, John FacultyUniversity Libraries, ASU
The Big Deal: Should Libraries Stay or Should Libraries Go?2023Coghill, Jeffrey StudentECU
Biimidazole diamide anion binding agents2006Allen, William StudentECU
Biimidazole diamide anion binding agents2006Causey, Corey StudentECU
Bilingual education : legal aspects and imperatives for public schools1982Fee, Jerry RayStudentEducation, UNCG
Bilirubin inhibits neointima formation and vascular smooth muscle cell proliferation and mig...2012Peyton, Kelly J.,Shebib,Ahmad R.,Azam,Mohammad A.,Liu,Xiao-ming,StudentECU
Billy Budd, The Caine Mutiny, and Fiedler's Contingency Model : an inferential analysis of l...1980Anderson, Lane SchofieldStudentEducation, UNCG
Binary nematic mixtures of 4,4'-dialkoxyazoxybenzene homologs1970Andrews, Mary AnnaStudentChemistry, UNCG
Binaural analysis as a function of physiological masking : the cardiac cycle1972Lindsey, John W.StudentPsychology, UNCG
Binaural Interference in Normal Hearing Children2009Shanley, Robyn HelenaStudentECU
Binding of Calcium and Magnesium to Human Cardiac Troponin C2023Spuches, Anne MarieStudentECU
Binding of Calcium and Magnesium to Human Cardiac Troponin C2023Rayani, Kaveh StudentECU
Binding of Calcium and Magnesium to Human Cardiac Troponin C2023Seffernick, Justin StudentECU
Binding of Calcium and Magnesium to Human Cardiac Troponin C2023Li, Alison YuehStudentECU
Binding of Calcium and Magnesium to Human Cardiac Troponin C2023Davis, Jonathan P.StudentECU
Binding of Calcium and Magnesium to Human Cardiac Troponin C2023Van Petegem, Filip StudentECU
Binding of Calcium and Magnesium to Human Cardiac Troponin C2023Solaro, R. JohnStudentECU
Binding of Calcium and Magnesium to Human Cardiac Troponin C2023Steffen Lindert, Steffen StudentECU
Binding of Calcium and Magnesium to Human Cardiac Troponin C2023Tibbits, Glen F.StudentECU
Binge-Eating Support Group for African American Women2023DuRant, Tieshia StudentECU
Binocular interaction : fusion or suppression of the visually evoked potential to dichoptic ...1972Seiple, William HenryStudentPsychology, UNCG
The binocular interaction of size and orientation channels : evoked potentials and observer ...1978Towle, Vernon LeoStudentPsychology, UNCG
Bioabsorption and effectiveness of long-lasting permethrin-treated uniforms over three month...2019Sullivan, Kristin M.,Poffley,Alison,Funkhouser,Sheana,Driver,JeffreyStudentECU
Bioabsorption and Effectiveness of Longlasting Permethrin-Treated Uniforms Over Three Months...2023Balanay, Jo AnneStudentECU
Bioabsorption and Effectiveness of Longlasting Permethrin-Treated Uniforms Over Three Months...2023White, Avian StudentECU
Bioabsorption and Effectiveness of Longlasting Permethrin-Treated Uniforms Over Three Months...2023Richards, Stephanie StudentECU
Biochemical and cultural characteristics of Staphylococcus aureus associated with lysogenic ...2023Mason, Richard Edward.StudentECU
Biochemical characterization of bacteriophage IPhane7 repressor proteins2021Renaud, Vance StudentChemistry and Physics, WCU
Biochemical characterization of bacteriophage IPhane7 repressor proteins2021Cafferty, Erin StudentChemistry and Physics, WCU
The Biochemical Characterization Of Neuronal K+ Channel N-Glycans And Their Role In Regulati...2009Cartwright, Tara AnnStudentECU
Biochemical genetic markers in blueback herring subpopulations2023Smith, Robert Allan.StudentECU
Biochemical studies of galactokinase from neurospora crassa1970Wang, Jun-Lan StudentBiology, UNCG
Bioenergetic Consequences of Compromised Mitochondrial DNA Repair in the Mouse Heart2023McClung, Joseph M.StudentECU
Bioenergetic Consequences of Compromised Mitochondrial DNA Repair in the Mouse Heart2023McLaughlin, Kelsey L.StudentECU
Bioenergetic Consequences of Compromised Mitochondrial DNA Repair in the Mouse Heart2023Fisher-Wellman, Kelsey H.StudentECU
Bioenergetic Phenotyping of DEN-Induced Hepatocellular Carcinoma Reveals a Link Between Aden...2023McLaughlin, Kelsey L.StudentECU
Bioenergetic Phenotyping of DEN-Induced Hepatocellular Carcinoma Reveals a Link Between Aden...2023Nelson, Margaret A.M.StudentECU
Bioenergetic Phenotyping of DEN-Induced Hepatocellular Carcinoma Reveals a Link Between Aden...2023Coalson, Hannah S.StudentECU
Bioenergetic Phenotyping of DEN-Induced Hepatocellular Carcinoma Reveals a Link Between Aden...2023Hagen, James T.StudentECU
Bioenergetic Phenotyping of DEN-Induced Hepatocellular Carcinoma Reveals a Link Between Aden...2023Montgomery, McLane M.StudentECU
Bioenergetic Phenotyping of DEN-Induced Hepatocellular Carcinoma Reveals a Link Between Aden...2023Fisher-Wellman, Kelsey H.StudentECU
Bioenergetic Phenotyping of DEN-Induced Hepatocellular Carcinoma Reveals a Link Between Aden...2023Wooten, Ashley R.StudentECU
Bioenergetic Phenotyping of DEN-Induced Hepatocellular Carcinoma Reveals a Link Between Aden...2023Zeczycki, Tonya N.StudentECU
Bioenergetic Phenotyping of DEN-Induced Hepatocellular Carcinoma Reveals a Link Between Aden...2023Vohra, Nasreen A.StudentECU
A bioenergetic study of metabolism and nutrition in eggs and larval striped bass (Morone saz...2023Bauer, Richard F.StudentECU
Bioethical Boundaries, Critiques of Current Paradigms, and the Importance of Transparency2023Parker, J. ClintStudentECU
“Biogenetic Intervention (Or ‘gardening,’ Shakespeare, and the future of ecological thought)...2023Feder, Helena StudentECU
Biogeographic Characterization of Fishes from Intertidal Sandflats in Pamlico River, North C...2023Mabe, M. WayneStudentECU
A biographical sketch suitable for use in supplementing the teaching of North Carolina socia...1946Walker, Mary HannahStudentEducation, UNCG
Biographical sketches to supplement the social studies curriculum of the North Carolina four...1945Jackson, Nevelyn MartinStudentEducation, UNCG
Biographical vignettes for North Carolina seventh grade history1949Penry, Sadye MarcelleStudentEducation, UNCG
Biography of Dr. Johnny Houston, PhD2024Houston, Johnny FacultyMathematics and Computer Science, ECSU
Bioimaging of sense organs and the central nervous system in extant fishes and reptiles in s...2024Yopak, Kara FacultyBiology and Marine Biology, UNCW
Bioinformatically-based identification of cis-regulatory elements2023Sethi, Pooja Ranbirchand.StudentECU
Biolability of Fresh and Photodegraded Pyrogenic Dissolved Organic Matter From Laboratory-Pr...2023Mitra, S. StudentECU
Biolability of Fresh and Photodegraded Pyrogenic Dissolved Organic Matter From Laboratory-Pr...2023Bostick, Kyle W.StudentECU
Biolability of Fresh and Photodegraded Pyrogenic Dissolved Organic Matter From Laboratory-Pr...2023Zimmerman, A. R.StudentECU
Biolability of Fresh and Photodegraded Pyrogenic Dissolved Organic Matter From Laboratory-Pr...2023Goranov, A. I.StudentECU
Biolability of Fresh and Photodegraded Pyrogenic Dissolved Organic Matter From Laboratory-Pr...2023Hatcher, P. G.StudentECU
Biolability of Fresh and Photodegraded Pyrogenic Dissolved Organic Matter From Laboratory-Pr...2023Wozniak, A. S.StudentECU
Biological characterization of Cyanophage LP-1 infecting Plectonema and Lyngbya species1975Barwick, Robert AllenStudentBiology, UNCG
Biological containment integrity of a flight transport isolator during altitude exposure and...2023Higgins, Robert P.StudentECU
Biological Interactions between Hosts, Parasites, and Mercury2023Lukas, Laura CStudentECU
Biological Significance as a Determinant of Cue Competition1996Denniston, James FacultyPsychology, ASU
Biological, Psychological, Social, and Spiritual Health of Active Duty Women: An Exploratory...2023Lacks, Meghan StudentECU
Biological, Psychological, Social, and Spiritual Health of Active Duty Women: An Exploratory...2023Lamson, Angela StudentECU
Biological, Psychological, Social, and Spiritual Health of Active Duty Women: An Exploratory...2023Goodman, Jessica StudentECU
Biology and conservation of elasmobranchs: an introduction to the collection2014Shiffman, D. S.StudentECU
Biology and conservation of elasmobranchs: an introduction to the collection2014Bangley, Charles W.StudentECU
Biomass and remote sensing of aquatic macrophytes in the Pamlico River estuary2023Vicars, Thomas Martin.StudentECU
Biomechanical differences in landing techniques in focused, static distraction, and moving d...2023Sampson, Dylan StudentECU
Biophysical Investigation into the Protein Dynamics Governing the Allosteric Regulation of P...2023Roberts, Daniella StudentECU
Biopsychosocial Barriers, Motivational Interviewing, and Antiretroviral Medication Adherence...2023Hinton, Qu'Nesha SStudentECU
A Biopsychosocial Examination of Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement Health Outcomes2023Woodrow, Lawrence KevinStudentECU
The biopsychosocial model and chiropractic: a commentary with recommendations for the chirop...2017Gliedt, Jordan A.,Schneider,Michael J.,Evans,Marion W.,King,Jeff,StudentECU
Biopsychosocial-Spiritual Factors Impacting African American Patients' Cardiac Rehabilitatio...2023Koehler, Aubry NelsonStudentECU
A biosocial study exploring self-reported vs predicted ancestry using the Verogen ForenSeq™ ...2021Sims, Xykiera Charde'StudentBiology, WCU
Biosystematics and control of Lagenidium, Haliphthoros and Fusariumfungal pathogens of marin...2023Crisp, Laddie M.StudentECU
The birth of a controversy : the presidency of Jacobo Arbenz Guzman1965Williams, Linda MiddletonStudentHistory, UNCG
Bit By Bit: Communicating Voucher Information To The Accounting Department From Automated Li...1991Ogburn, Joyce FacultyUniversity Libraries, ASU
Bit By Bit: Digitizing Information1992Ogburn, Joyce FacultyUniversity Libraries, ASU
Bit by Bit: EDUCOM (Electronic Connection for Higher Education)1991Ogburn, Joyce FacultyUniversity Libraries, ASU
Bit By Bit: Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) And The X12 Format.1992Ogburn, Joyce FacultyUniversity Libraries, ASU
Bite Force Estimates in Juvenile Tyrannosaurus Rex Based on Simulated Puncture Marks2023Brink, Shannon StudentECU
Bite Force Estimates in Juvenile Tyrannosaurus Rex Based on Simulated Puncture Marks2023Peterson, Joseph E.StudentECU
Bite Force Estimates in Juvenile Tyrannosaurus Rex Based on Simulated Puncture Marks2023Tseng, Z. JackStudentECU
Bite Force Estimates in Juvenile Tyrannosaurus Rex Based on Simulated Puncture Marks2023Brink, Shannon StudentECU
Bite Force Estimates in Juvenile Tyrannosaurus Rex Based on Simulated Puncture Marks2023Tseng, Z. JackStudentECU
Bivalve Facilitation Mediates Seagrass Recovery from Physical Disturbance in a Temperate Est...2023Baillie, Christopher J.StudentECU
Bivalve Facilitation Mediates Seagrass Recovery from Physical Disturbance in a Temperate Est...2023Donaher, Sarah E.StudentECU
Bivalve Facilitation Mediates Seagrass Recovery from Physical Disturbance in a Temperate Est...2023Smith, Carter S.StudentECU
Bivalve Facilitation Mediates Seagrass Recovery from Physical Disturbance in a Temperate Est...2023Zhang, Y. StacyStudentECU
Bivalve Facilitation Mediates Seagrass Recovery from Physical Disturbance in a Temperate Est...2023Albright, Anna StudentECU
Bivalve Facilitation Mediates Seagrass Recovery from Physical Disturbance in a Temperate Est...2023Trackenberg, Stacy N.StudentECU
Bivalve Facilitation Mediates Seagrass Recovery from Physical Disturbance in a Temperate Est...2023Wellman, Emory H.StudentECU
Bivalve Facilitation Mediates Seagrass Recovery from Physical Disturbance in a Temperate Est...2023Woodard, Nina StudentECU
Bivalve Facilitation Mediates Seagrass Recovery from Physical Disturbance in a Temperate Est...2023Gittman, Rachel K.StudentECU
Bivalve facilitation mediates seagrass recovery from physical disturbance in a temperate est...2023Donaher, Sarah E.StudentECU
Bivalve facilitation mediates seagrass recovery from physical disturbance in a temperate est...2023Baillie, Christopher J.StudentECU
Bivalve facilitation mediates seagrass recovery from physical disturbance in a temperate est...2023Smith, Carter S.StudentECU
Bivalve facilitation mediates seagrass recovery from physical disturbance in a temperate est...2023Zhang, Y. StacyStudentECU
Bivalve facilitation mediates seagrass recovery from physical disturbance in a temperate est...2023Albright, Anna StudentECU
Bivalve facilitation mediates seagrass recovery from physical disturbance in a temperate est...2023Trackenberg, Stacy N.StudentECU
Bivalve facilitation mediates seagrass recovery from physical disturbance in a temperate est...2023Wellman, Emory H.StudentECU
Bivalve facilitation mediates seagrass recovery from physical disturbance in a temperate est...2023Woodard, Nina StudentECU
Bivalve facilitation mediates seagrass recovery from physical disturbance in a temperate est...2023Gittman, Rachel K.StudentECU
Black angels of the ice :the history of chartered ice breaking on the Great Lakes by the rai...2023Jaeschke, Brian S.StudentECU
A "Black Body Electric" - African American Rhetoric(s) and the Hip-Hop Aesthetic: Claudia Ra...2023Moore, Nadine StudentECU
Black Lives Matter: A Perspective From Three Black Information Systems Scholars2023Mbarika, Victor StudentECU
Black Lives Matter: A Perspective From Three Black Information Systems Scholars2023Payton, Fay CobbStudentECU
Black Lives Matter: A Perspective From Three Black Information Systems Scholars2023Yarger, Lynette StudentECU
Black music in the university system of North Carolina, 1960-19741975Mitchell, Joseph ThurmanStudentMusic, UNCG
Black People and Bodily Autonomy: Where do we go from here?2023King, Nykaysia LateshaStudentECU
Black philanthropy in three North Carolina counties 1880-1910 : Craven, Edgecombe, and Warre...2023Taylor, Gregory D.StudentECU
The Black Solidarity Committee For Community Improvement: The Dynamics of Black Leadership i...1994Osakwe, Afi StudentNCCU
Black Wall Street of the South: From Reconstruction to the Pandemic2021Vann, Andre' FacultyJames E. Shepard Memorial Library, NCCU
Black Women Unite: A History of Black Women's Club in Durham, North Carolina, 1917-19541995Vann, Andre' FacultyJames E. Shepard Memorial Library, NCCU
Black Women United: A Look at Black Club Women in Durham, North Carolina 1917-19531995Vann, Andre' FacultyJames E. Shepard Memorial Library, NCCU
Black workers : commitment to work, retirement attitude, and retirement planning1987Bethea, Patricia DavisStudentEducation, UNCG
Blankets in the River with Oranges and Other Stories2023Gamero, Rafael StudentECU
Blast phase myeloproliferative neoplasm: Mayo-AGIMM study of 410 patients from two separate ...2018Tefferi, Ayalew,Mudireddy,Mythri,Mannelli,Francesco,Begna,K H.,Patnaik,Mrinal M.,Hanson,Curtis A.,Ketterling,RStudentECU
The Blockade of Wilmington, North Carolina: 1861-18652023Browning, Robert M.,1955-StudentECU
The Blockade of Wilmington, North Carolina: 1861-18652023Browning, Robert M.,1955-StudentECU
Blockchain and its Implications for Libraries2023Coghill, Jeffrey StudentECU
Blood Pressure Control in Diabetes2010Cummings, Doyle M.StudentECU
Blood Pressure Control in Diabetes2010Lackland, Daniel T.StudentECU
Blood Pressure Control in Diabetes2010Kissela, Brett StudentECU
Blood Pressure Control in Diabetes2010Prince, Valerie StudentECU
Blood Pressure Control in Diabetes2010Safford, Monika M.StudentECU
Blood Pressure Control in Diabetes2010Howard, Virginia J.StudentECU
Blood Pressure Control in Diabetes2010Howard, George StudentECU
Blood Pressure Control in Diabetes2010Doherty, Lisa StudentECU
Blood-based markers of efficacy and resistance to cetuximab treatment in metastatic colorec...2016Hatch, Ace J.,Sibley,Alexander B.,Starr,Mark D.,Brady,J. ChriStudentECU
Blood-based markers of efficacy and resistance to cetuximab treatment in metastatic colorect...2023Hatch, Ace J.StudentECU
Blood-based markers of efficacy and resistance to cetuximab treatment in metastatic colorect...2023Sibley, Alexander B.StudentECU
Blood-based markers of efficacy and resistance to cetuximab treatment in metastatic colorect...2023Starr, Mark D.StudentECU
Blood-based markers of efficacy and resistance to cetuximab treatment in metastatic colorect...2023Brady, J. ChrisStudentECU
Blood-based markers of efficacy and resistance to cetuximab treatment in metastatic colorect...2023Jiang, Chen StudentECU
Blood-based markers of efficacy and resistance to cetuximab treatment in metastatic colorect...2023Jia, Jingquan StudentECU
Blood-based markers of efficacy and resistance to cetuximab treatment in metastatic colorect...2023Bowers, Daniel L.StudentECU
Blood-based markers of efficacy and resistance to cetuximab treatment in metastatic colorect...2023Pang, Herbert StudentECU
Blood-based markers of efficacy and resistance to cetuximab treatment in metastatic colorect...2023Owzar, Kouros StudentECU
Blood-based markers of efficacy and resistance to cetuximab treatment in metastatic colorect...2023Niedzwiecki, Donna StudentECU
Blood-based markers of efficacy and resistance to cetuximab treatment in metastatic colorect...2023Innocenti, Federico StudentECU
Blood-based markers of efficacy and resistance to cetuximab treatment in metastatic colorect...2023Venook, Alan P.StudentECU
Blood-based markers of efficacy and resistance to cetuximab treatment in metastatic colorect...2023Hurwitz, Herbert I.StudentECU
Blood-based markers of efficacy and resistance to cetuximab treatment in metastatic colorect...2023Nixon, Andrew B.StudentECU
Blood-based markers of efficacy and resistance to cetuximab treatment in metastatic colorect...2023, Alliance for Clinical Trials in OncologyStudentECU
Blue Collar Workers Physical Activity Study: Examining the Relationship between Occupation ...2023Larkins, Christina StudentECU
The blue flame1996Ayau, Kurt JoseStudentEnglish, UNCG
Blue Guardian Original TV Series : Two Episodes, Blue Tornado and Blue Mountains2023Westerman, Sabrina StudentECU
Blue Jackets and White trousers: British and American Sailor Clothing, 1750-18152023Brenkle, Matthew PStudentECU
Blue pool grind ii2023Stiles, John FacultyMusic and Visual Arts, ECSU
A Blurry Outline and Other Stories2023Smith, Stephanie AnnStudentECU
Body and soul realism and the ideal in nineteenth century Russia1953Holshouser, Mary LeeStudentEnglish, UNCG
Body mass estimates of phytosaurs (Archosauria: Parasuchidae) from the Petrified Forest Form...2003Heckert, Andrew B. FacultyGeology, ASU
Body size dissatisfaction and avoidance behavior: How gender, age, ethnicity, and relative c...2013Bergman, Shawn FacultyPsychology, ASU
Body, mind, spirit, voice : Helen Kemp and the development of the children's choir movement1993Farrior, Christine BordeauxStudentMusic, UNCG
Body, pleasure, language and world : a framework for the critical analysis of dance educatio...1990Blumenfeld-Jones, Donald StudentEducation, UNCG
Bogue Banks, North Carolina :An Analysis of the land use and cover changes from 1939 to 1983...2023Flint, Katrina L.StudentECU
Bonds2023Sogol, Sydney JayeStudentECU
Bone marrow stromal cells attenuate sepsis via prostaglandin E2— dependent reprogramming of...2023Nemeth, Krisztian StudentECU
Bone marrow stromal cells attenuate sepsis via prostaglandin E2— dependent reprogramming of...2023Leelahavanichkul, Asada StudentECU
Bone marrow stromal cells attenuate sepsis via prostaglandin E2— dependent reprogramming of...2023Yuen, Peter S. T.StudentECU
Bone marrow stromal cells attenuate sepsis via prostaglandin E2— dependent reprogramming of...2023Mayer, Balazs StudentECU
Bone marrow stromal cells attenuate sepsis via prostaglandin E2— dependent reprogramming of...2023Parmelee, Alissa StudentECU
Bone marrow stromal cells attenuate sepsis via prostaglandin E2— dependent reprogramming of...2023Doi, Kent StudentECU
Bone marrow stromal cells attenuate sepsis via prostaglandin E2— dependent reprogramming of...2023Robey, Pamela G.StudentECU
Bone marrow stromal cells attenuate sepsis via prostaglandin E2— dependent reprogramming of...2023Leelahavanichkul, Kantima StudentECU
Bone marrow stromal cells attenuate sepsis via prostaglandin E2— dependent reprogramming of...2023Koller, Beverly H.StudentECU
Bone marrow stromal cells attenuate sepsis via prostaglandin E2— dependent reprogramming of...2023Brown, Jared StudentECU
Bone marrow stromal cells attenuate sepsis via prostaglandin E2— dependent reprogramming of...2023Hu, Xuzhen StudentECU
Bone marrow stromal cells attenuate sepsis via prostaglandin E2— dependent reprogramming of...2023Jelinek, Ivett StudentECU
Bone marrow stromal cells attenuate sepsis via prostaglandin E2— dependent reprogramming of...2023Star, Robert A.StudentECU
Bone marrow stromal cells attenuate sepsis via prostaglandin E2— dependent reprogramming of...2023Mezey, Eva StudentECU
Book Review -- Adrian Brown's Practical Digital Preservation: A How-To Guide For Organizatio...2015Mitchem, Pam FacultyUniversity Libraries, ASU
Book Review -- "It Is The Bad Time," Edited By Kazimir Lee Iskander2016Fischer, Craig FacultyEnglish, ASU
Book Review of Adaptive Governance and Water Conflict2007Cockerill, Kristan FacultyCultural, Gender, and Global Studies, ASU
Book review of American Environmental Policy, 1990-2006: Beyond Gridlock2008Cockerill, Kristan FacultyCultural, Gender, and Global Studies, ASU
Book Review of The Century by Alain Badiou 2009Koch, Andrew MFacultyGovernment and Justice Studies, ASU
Book review of Collaborative Environmental Management: What Roles for Government?2006Cockerill, Kristan FacultyCultural, Gender, and Global Studies, ASU
Book review of Comparing Futures for the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta 2010Cockerill, Kristan FacultyCultural, Gender, and Global Studies, ASU
Book Review of Mediated Modeling: A System Dynamics Approach to Environmental Consensus Buil...2005Cockerill, Kristan FacultyCultural, Gender, and Global Studies, ASU
Book review of Useless Arithmetic 2007Cockerill, Kristan FacultyCultural, Gender, and Global Studies, ASU
Book review of Water for Life: Water Management and Environmental Policy2005Cockerill, Kristan FacultyCultural, Gender, and Global Studies, ASU
[Book review of] Corruption in Africa: Causes, Consequences, and Cleanups2008Udogu, E. Ike FacultyGovernment and Justice Studies, ASU
[Book review of] Globalization, Violence and World Governance2011Udogu, E. Ike FacultyGovernment and Justice Studies, ASU
[Book review of] Human Rights and Social Movements2011Udogu, E. Ike FacultyGovernment and Justice Studies, ASU
[Book review of] Human Rights: Politics & Practice2012Udogu, E. Ike FacultyGovernment and Justice Studies, ASU
[Book review of] Imperialism and Human Rights: Colonial Discourses of Rights and Liberties i...2008Udogu, E. Ike FacultyGovernment and Justice Studies, ASU
Book review of] Kenya: Between Hope and Despair, 1963-20112012Udogu, E. Ike FacultyGovernment and Justice Studies, ASU
[Book review of] Political Alienation in Libya: Assessing Citizens’ Political Attitude and B...2012Udogu, E. Ike FacultyGovernment and Justice Studies, ASU
[Book review of] The Politics of Ethnicity in Ethiopia: Actors, Power and Mobilization under...2012Udogu, E. Ike FacultyGovernment and Justice Studies, ASU
[Book review of] Rethinking Development Strategies in Africa: The Triple Partnership as an A...2012Udogu, E. Ike FacultyGovernment and Justice Studies, ASU
[Book review of] Rethinking Development Strategies in Africa: The Triple Partnership as an A...2012Udogu, E. Ike FacultyGovernment and Justice Studies, ASU
Book Review: A Disciplinary Blueprint for the Assessment of Information Literacy2009Gregor, Margaret FacultyUniversity Libraries, ASU
Book Review: Embedded Librarians: Moving Beyond One-Shot Instruction2012Gregor, Margaret FacultyUniversity Libraries, ASU
Book Review: Mistakes in Academic Library Management: Grievous Errors and How to Avoid Them2010Gregor, Margaret FacultyUniversity Libraries, ASU
Book Reviews -- "Hergé: The Man Who Created Tintin" By Pierre Assouline. "God Of Comics: Osa...2010Fischer, Craig FacultyEnglish, ASU
The booke of Sir Thomas Moore : an interpretation in the light of its sources and probable o...1965Ganim, Virginia LynnStudentEnglish, UNCG
Bookkeeping practices of small independent grocery stores of Morehead township of Greensboro...1950Anderson, Sara ElizabethStudentBusiness Education, UNCG
Books in Jails in Western North Carolina2017Ellern, Gillian (Jill) D. FacultyHunter Library, WCU
Books in Tolerable Supply: College Libraries in North Carolina from 1795 to the Civil War2007Valentine, Patrick M.FacultyECU
Borrelia burgdorferi ErpB and ErpQ inhibit C1 complex of the classical pathway of complement...2023Garrigues, Ryan StudentECU
Borrelia miyamotoi FbpA and FbpB Are Immunomodulatory Outer Surface Lipoproteins With Distin...2023Booth, Charles E. JrStudentECU
Borrelia miyamotoi FbpA and FbpB Are Immunomodulatory Outer Surface Lipoproteins With Distin...2023Garcia, Brandon L.StudentECU
Borrowing Ecological Principles: Effect of Substrate Orientation and Complexity on Reef Form...2023Woodard, Nina StudentECU
Borrowing ecological principles: Influence of reef placement and habitat complexity on free-...2023Woodard, Nina CeciliaStudentECU
Borrowing ecological principles: Influence of reef placement and habitat complexity on free-...2023Woodard, Nina CeciliaStudentECU
Bottom-Up Violence Work: Exploring the Case of Armed Racial Justice Counter-Protest2022Schneider, Matthew J. FacultySociology and Criminal Justice, UNCP
Boundary Quotient C*-Algebras of Semigroups2023Katsoulis, Elias G.StudentECU
Boundary Quotient C*-Algebras of Semigroups2023Kakariadis, Evgenios T.A.StudentECU
Boundary Quotient C*-Algebras of Semigroups2023Laca, Marcelo StudentECU
Boundary Quotient C*-Algebras of Semigroups2023Li, Xin StudentECU
Bounded Generation of S-Arithmetic Subgroups of Isotropic Orthogonal Groups over Number Fiel...2006Erovenko, Igor FacultyMathematics and Statistics, UNCG
Bouveret's Syndrome with Severe Esophagitis and a Purulent Fistula2014Harvin, Glenn StudentECU
Bouveret's Syndrome with Severe Esophagitis and a Purulent Fistula2014Leland, William StudentECU
Bouveret's Syndrome with Severe Esophagitis and a Purulent Fistula2014Vahora, Zahid StudentECU
Bouveret's Syndrome with Severe Esophagitis and a Purulent Fistula2014Bonam, Rami StudentECU
"The Bower Yet Remains": Historical and Archaeological Technomic Analysis of Anchor Design T...2023Marlowe, Elizabeth P.StudentECU
Boy toys :the construction of gendered and racialized identities in video games2023Delp, Christopher A.StudentECU
Brain prostaglandins in experimental perinatal asphyxia2023Allen, Leonard Gregory.StudentECU
Breaking Barriers in Provider-Patient Relationships : An Analysis of Perceived Intercultural...2023Deal, Kelley PaynterStudentECU
Breaking Down Borderland Stereotypes: The Borderland Mindset and Double Consciousness2023Babyak, Lauren StudentECU
Breast feeding intention and initiation among rural, low-income Native American and African ...2023Herndon, Cynthia HalesStudentECU
Breastfeeding Support Group2023Laughlin, Amanda StudentECU
Brecht : reflection of reality1964Vestal, Charlotte AnnStudentHistory, UNCG
Bridging Disciplines with the Riparian Area Management Project2004Cockerill, Kristan FacultyCultural, Gender, and Global Studies, ASU
Bridging the Gap: Achieving Excellence in Oncology Transitional Care2023Passwater, Chelsea StudentECU
Bridging the Gap: S.T.A.B.L.E. cardiac education and nurses’ self-efficacy2023Amador, Jodi StudentECU
Brief Cognitive Behavioral Therapy For College Students With ADHD: A Case Series Report2015Broman-Fulks, Joshua FacultyPsychology, ASU
Brief Cognitive Behavioral Therapy For College Students With ADHD: A Case Series Report2015Eddy, Laura DownsFacultyPsychology - Student, ASU
Brief Cognitive Behavioral Therapy For College Students With ADHD: A Case Series Report2015Canu, Will FacultyPsychology, ASU
Brief Cognitive Behavioral Therapy For College Students With ADHD: A Case Series Report2015Michael, Kurt D.FacultyPsychology, ASU
Brief description of six oil paintings1957Bradford, Sarah G.StudentArt, UNCG
A brief history and description of inmate education in the North Carolina Department of Corr...1977Oliver, Dorothy McMichaelStudentEducation, UNCG
A brief history of the Kinston daily free press2023Arthur, Charles Lethco.StudentECU
Bright Beginnings, Failed Finales: The Sexenio Pattern of US Perceptions of Mexican Counter...2008Scherlen, Renee FacultyGovernment and Justice Studies, ASU
A Bright Idea How much energy and money different light bulbs can save us.2016Nikbakht, Sherry FacultyMathematical Sciences, ASU
Bringing the Family Tradition in Bluegrass Music to the Music Classroom2009Mills, Susan FacultyMusic, ASU
Bringing union to textiles : factors which aided and impeded the progress of unionism in the...1962Wilkins, Mary VannStudentHistory, UNCG
Brita2016Baird, Alana FacultyMathematical Sciences, ASU
British attitudes toward Negro suffrage during American reconstruction1977Yardley, Rosemary RobertsStudentHistory, UNCG
The British Expedition to Wilmington North Carolina, January - November, 1971.2023Massey, Gregory De VanStudentECU
The British Expedition to Wilmington, North Carolina, January-November, 17812023Massey, Gregory De VanStudentECU
British foreign policy during the Indo-China crisis of 19542023Hinnant, Jesse RayStudentECU
British History Online2007Stoffan, Mark A. FacultyHunter Library, WCU
British images of the Chinese trader; 1865-18801975Swiger, Philip WellerStudentHistory, UNCG
British public reaction to the Chinese Revolution of 1911 as seen through the British press2023Griffin, Michael CharlesStudentECU
British reaction to the Bosnia-Herzegovina crisis of 19082023Brumbach, William KeeferStudentECU
British reaction to General Boulanger : 1886-18912023Hepler, Paul RufusStudentECU
Brody's new executive dean discusses ways to remain healthy2023Firnhaber, Julia StudentECU
Brody's new executive dean discusses ways to remain healthy2023Kolasa, Kathryn MStudentECU
Bronze Age Aegean Ritual Watercraft Imagery: An Iconographic Analysis2023Hewett, Jacquelyn CStudentECU
Bruce Lincoln's philosophy2005Schilbrack, Kevin FacultyPhilosophy and Religion, ASU
Brucella abortus strain 2308 Wisconsin genome: importance of the definition of reference str...2017Suárez-Esquivel, Marcela,Ruiz-Villalobos,Nazareth,Castillo-Zeledón R II,Comerci,Diego J.,Barquero-Calvo,Elías,ChacóStudentECU
Bryozoan Colonial Growth Forms As Paleoenvironmental Indicators: Evaluation Of Methodology A...1997Hageman, Steven J. FacultyGeology, ASU
The Building Blocks of Walkability: Pedestrian Activity in Abu Dhabi City Center2023Kashef, Mohamad StudentECU
Building Buddies2023Barnard, Caroline StudentECU
Building Buddies Signature Honors Project2023Parker, Aeryn StudentECU
Building Buddies Signature Honors Project2023Rhue, Madison StudentECU
Building Buddies Signature Honors Project2023Whitley, Kristina KatherineStudentECU
Building Buddies Signature Honors Project2023Zon, Carolina HelenaStudentECU
Building community in schools through aesthetic curricular language1993Lee, Katherine StudentEducation, UNCG
Building Cultural Competence Through Multicultural Fiction2010Luckhardt, Jessica KeallyStudentECU
Building a Methodology for Monitoring and Measuring Civic Engagement2023Hill, Kathleen StudentECU
Building Positive Mentoring Experiences for Black Male Faculty at a Historically Black Colle...2018Osler, James FacultySchool of Education , NCCU
Building the Reservoir to Nowhere: The Role of Agencies in Advocacy Coalitions2010Newmark, Adam J FacultyGovernment and Justice Studies, ASU
Building the Reservoir to Nowhere: The Role of Agencies in Advocacy Coalitions2010Ellison, Brian A. FacultyPast faculty member, ASU
Building a Staff Development Program for Nursing Assistants in Long-Term Care2023Sharpe, Natalie StudentECU
Building Up: Using Faculty Requests to build an Expansive Collection2023Jordan, Mary FacultyLibrary, ECSU
The Burger court and the public schools1978Deakin, George RobertStudentEducation, UNCG
Burglary Revictimization: The Time Period of Heightened Risk1998Robinson, Matthew B. FacultyGovernment and Justice Studies, ASU
Burn Related Injuries: A Nationwide Analysis of Adult Inter-Facility Transfers Over a Six-Ye...2023Evans, Christopher S.StudentECU
Burnout in Ghanaian hospitals: Phase model findings in Sub-Saharan Africa.2010Bradbury, Mark FacultyGovernment and Justice Studies, ASU
Bury Your Horses and Other Stories2023Buchanan, Tim StudentECU
Business data processing curriculum in the community colleges and technical institutes and d...1973Overton, Ruby JeanStudentEducation, UNCG
Business ethics: the influence of religion1975English, Michael DewayneStudentBusiness and Economics, UNCG
Business Mobilization and Public Policy in the U.S. States2005Newmark, Adam J FacultyGovernment and Justice Studies, ASU
The Business Of Acquisitions 19911991Ogburn, Joyce FacultyUniversity Libraries, ASU
Butyl Rubber Stoppers Increase the Shelf Life of Prereduced, Anaerobically Sterilized Media2023Fulghum, Robert S.StudentECU
Butyl Rubber Stoppers Increase the Shelf Life of Prereduced, Anaerobically Sterilized Media2023Worthington, John M.StudentECU
Buyouts with Rentbacks: A Policy Proposal for Managing Coastal Retreat2023Keeler, Andrew G.StudentECU
Buyouts with Rentbacks: A Policy Proposal for Managing Coastal Retreat2023Mullin, Megan StudentECU
Buyouts with Rentbacks: A Policy Proposal for Managing Coastal Retreat2023Smith, Martin D.StudentECU
Buyouts with Rentbacks: A Policy Proposal for Managing Coastal Retreat2023McNamara, Dylan E.StudentECU
C*-Envelopes for Operator Algebras with a Coaction and Co-Universal C*-Algebras for Product ...2023Katsoulis, E. StudentECU
C*-Envelopes for Operator Algebras with a Coaction and Co-Universal C*-Algebras for Product ...2023Dor-on, A. StudentECU
C*-Envelopes for Operator Algebras with a Coaction and Co-Universal C*-Algebras for Product ...2023Kakariadis, E.T.A. StudentECU
C*-Envelopes for Operator Algebras with a Coaction and Co-Universal C*-Algebras for Product ...2023Laca, M. StudentECU
C*-Envelopes for Operator Algebras with a Coaction and Co-Universal C*-Algebras for Product ...2023Li, X. StudentECU
Calcineurin regulation of GLUT4 transcription2023Jensen, Ellis B.StudentECU
Calcium and phosphorus retention in frozen okra and spinach cooked in a steam jacketed kettl...1967Shah, Ranjana KanchanlalStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Calcium balances of premenopausal women consuming cheese- compared to spinach- and tofu cont...1987Landis, William HathawayStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Calcium Dependent CAMTA1 in Adult Stem Cell Commitment to a Myocardial Lineage2012Jin, Jian PingStudentECU
Calcium Dependent CAMTA1 in Adult Stem Cell Commitment to a Myocardial Lineage2012Woon, Woohyun StudentECU
Calcium Dependent CAMTA1 in Adult Stem Cell Commitment to a Myocardial Lineage2012Aldina, Rob StudentECU
Calcium Dependent CAMTA1 in Adult Stem Cell Commitment to a Myocardial Lineage2012Esch, Gwyn StudentECU
Calcium Dependent CAMTA1 in Adult Stem Cell Commitment to a Myocardial Lineage2012Anderson, Page StudentECU
Calcium Dependent CAMTA1 in Adult Stem Cell Commitment to a Myocardial Lineage2012Hutson, Mary StudentECU
Calcium Dependent CAMTA1 in Adult Stem Cell Commitment to a Myocardial Lineage2012Kirby, Margaret L.StudentECU
Calcium Dependent CAMTA1 in Adult Stem Cell Commitment to a Myocardial Lineage2012Malouf, Nadia N.StudentECU
Calcium Dependent CAMTA1 in Adult Stem Cell Commitment to a Myocardial Lineage2012Shepherd, Neal StudentECU
Calcium Dependent CAMTA1 in Adult Stem Cell Commitment to a Myocardial Lineage2012Maeda, Nobuyuo StudentECU
Calcium Dependent CAMTA1 in Adult Stem Cell Commitment to a Myocardial Lineage2012Hiller, Sylvia StudentECU
Calcium Dependent CAMTA1 in Adult Stem Cell Commitment to a Myocardial Lineage2012Muller-Borer, Barbara StudentECU
Calcium Dependent CAMTA1 in Adult Stem Cell Commitment to a Myocardial Lineage2012Bursac, Nenad StudentECU
Calcium Dependent CAMTA1 in Adult Stem Cell Commitment to a Myocardial Lineage2012Fox, Raymond StudentECU
Calculable fire : a collection of poems1968Settlemyre, Susan MorrisonStudentEnglish, UNCG
Calculating the Initial Energy Density in Heavy Ion Collisions by Including the Finite Nucle...2023Mendenhall, Todd StudentECU
Calculating the Initial Energy Density in Heavy Ion Collisions by Including the Finite Nucle...2023Lin, Zi-Wei StudentECU
Caldesmon Ablation in Mice Causes Umbilical Herniation and Alters Contractility of Fetal Uri...2023Putz, Sandra StudentECU
Caldesmon Ablation in Mice Causes Umbilical Herniation and Alters Contractility of Fetal Uri...2023Barthel, Lisa SophieStudentECU
Caldesmon Ablation in Mice Causes Umbilical Herniation and Alters Contractility of Fetal Uri...2023Frohn, Marina StudentECU
Caldesmon Ablation in Mice Causes Umbilical Herniation and Alters Contractility of Fetal Uri...2023Metzler, Doris StudentECU
Caldesmon Ablation in Mice Causes Umbilical Herniation and Alters Contractility of Fetal Uri...2023Barham, Mohammed StudentECU
Caldesmon Ablation in Mice Causes Umbilical Herniation and Alters Contractility of Fetal Uri...2023Pryymachuk, Galyna StudentECU
Caldesmon Ablation in Mice Causes Umbilical Herniation and Alters Contractility of Fetal Uri...2023Trunschke, Oliver StudentECU
Caldesmon Ablation in Mice Causes Umbilical Herniation and Alters Contractility of Fetal Uri...2023Lubomirov, Lubomir T.StudentECU
Caldesmon Ablation in Mice Causes Umbilical Herniation and Alters Contractility of Fetal Uri...2023Hescheler, Jürgen StudentECU
Caldesmon Ablation in Mice Causes Umbilical Herniation and Alters Contractility of Fetal Uri...2023Chalovich, Joseph StudentECU
Caldesmon Ablation in Mice Causes Umbilical Herniation and Alters Contractility of Fetal Uri...2023Neiss, Wolfram F.StudentECU
Caldesmon Ablation in Mice Causes Umbilical Herniation and Alters Contractility of Fetal Uri...2023Koch, Manuel StudentECU
Caldesmon Ablation in Mice Causes Umbilical Herniation and Alters Contractility of Fetal Uri...2023Schroeter, Mechthild M.StudentECU
Caldesmon Ablation in Mice Causes Umbilical Herniation and Alters Contractility of Fetal Uri...2023Pfitzer, Gabriele StudentECU
Calibrating TrueBeam jaws by considering collimator walk out to improve the dose uniformity ...2023Corns, Robert A.StudentECU
Calibrating TrueBeam jaws by considering collimator walk out to improve the dose uniformity ...2023Zhao, Yingli StudentECU
Calnexin association with major histocompatibility class II molecules in Ictalurus punctatus...2023Fuller, James R.StudentECU
A Calorimetric and Spectroscopic Study of the Interactions Between Model Lipid Membrane Bila...2023Pennington, Edward RossStudentECU
Calorimetric and Spectroscopic Tools Used to Study Pb2+ Binding to Human Cardiac Troponin C:...2023Zia, Raazia StudentECU
Calorimetric Investigation of Copper Binding in the N-Terminal Region of the Prion Protein a...2015Spuches, Anne M.StudentECU
Calorimetric Investigation of Copper Binding in the N-Terminal Region of the Prion Protein a...2015Burns, Colin S.StudentECU
Calorimetric Investigation of Copper Binding in the N-Terminal Region of the Prion Protein a...2015Gogineni, Devi PraneethaStudentECU
Calpain inhibition rescues troponin T3 fragmentation, increases Cav1.1, and enhances skeleta...2016Zhang, Tan,Pereyra,Andrea S.,Wang,Zhong-Min,Birbrair,Alexander,Reisz,Julie AStudentECU
Calvin Henderson Wiley and his educational policy in North Carolina2023Wooten, Charles SpringerStudentECU
The Campaign for a National Park in Western North Carolina, 1885-19401973Lankford, Jesse R. StudentHistory, WCU
Campus Voter Initiatie2023Bryan, Avery StudentECU
Campus Voter Initiative2023Urban, Alex StudentECU
Campus Voter Initiative Abstract2023Almasri, Amr GhiathStudentECU
‘Candidatus Mellornella Promiscua’ n. gen. n. sp. (Alphaproteobacteria: Rickettsiales: Anapl...2023Blakeslee, April M.H.StudentECU
‘Candidatus Mellornella Promiscua’ n. gen. n. sp. (Alphaproteobacteria: Rickettsiales: Anapl...2023Bojko, Jamie StudentECU
‘Candidatus Mellornella Promiscua’ n. gen. n. sp. (Alphaproteobacteria: Rickettsiales: Anapl...2023McCoy, Krista A.StudentECU
Candy mockup2021Williams, Michael StudentMusic and Visual Arts, ECSU
Cannabinoid exposure during zebra finch sensorimotor vocal learning persistently alters expr...2011Soderstrom, Ken StudentECU
Cannabinoid exposure during zebra finch sensorimotor vocal learning persistently alters expr...2011Lichtman, Aron HStudentECU
Cannabinoid exposure during zebra finch sensorimotor vocal learning persistently alters expr...2011Poklis, Justin LStudentECU
Cannabinoids Modulate Neuronal Activity and Cancer by CB1 and CB2 Receptor-Independent Mecha...2017Soderstrom, Ken,Soliman,Eman,Van Dross,RukiyahStudentECU
Canonical variates of post abortion syndrome1990Vaughan, Helen P.StudentHuman Environmental Sciences, UNCG
The Canopus by Capt. E.L. Sackett, U.S.N.2017Jones, Amanda M. StudentEnglish, WCU
The Canopus by Capt. E.L. Sackett, U.S.N.2017Mangum, Alexandra StudentEnglish, WCU
The Canopus by Capt. E.L. Sackett, U.S.N.2017Ellwood, Crystal StudentEnglish, WCU
The Canopus by Capt. E.L. Sackett, U.S.N.2017Worsham, Charlie StudentEnglish, WCU
The Canopus by Capt. E.L. Sackett, U.S.N.2017Woodburn, Kelsey StudentEnglish, WCU
The Canopus by Capt. E.L. Sackett, U.S.N.2017Chandler, Melody StudentEnglish, WCU
The Canopus by Capt. E.L. Sackett, U.S.N.2017New, Diana E. StudentEnglish, WCU
The Canopus by Capt. E.L. Sackett, U.S.N.2017Smith, Kellie StudentEnglish, WCU
The Canopus by Capt. E.L. Sackett, U.S.N.2017Adams, Randi StudentEnglish, WCU
The Canopus by Capt. E.L. Sackett, U.S.N.2017Redman, Michael StudentEnglish, WCU
Cap-Independent Translation Promotes Germ Cell Apoptosis through Apaf-1/CED-4 in a Caspase-...2011Contreras, Vince StudentECU
Cap-Independent Translation Promotes Germ Cell Apoptosis through Apaf-1/CED-4 in a Caspase-...2011Morrison, J. KaitlinStudentECU
Cap-Independent Translation Promotes Germ Cell Apoptosis through Apaf-1/CED-4 in a Caspase-...2011Hao, Enhui StudentECU
Cap-Independent Translation Promotes Germ Cell Apoptosis through Apaf-1/CED-4 in a Caspase-...2011Keiper, Brett D.StudentECU
Cap-Independent Translation Promotes Germ Cell Apoptosis through Apaf-1/CED-4 in a Caspase-...2011Friday, Andrew J.StudentECU
Cape Fear's Forgotten Fleet: The Eagles Island Ships' Graveyard, Wilmington, North Carolina2023Seeb, Sami KayStudentECU
Capital flows and the liquidity of landscapes2023Sheehy, James A.StudentECU
Capture of heat-killed Mycobacterium bovis bacillus Calmette-Guérin by intelectin-1deposited...2023Tsuji, Shoutaro StudentECU
Capture of heat-killed Mycobacterium bovis bacillus Calmette-Guérin by intelectin-1deposited...2023Yamashita, Makiko StudentECU
Capture of heat-killed Mycobacterium bovis bacillus Calmette-Guérin by intelectin-1deposited...2023Hoffman, Donald R.StudentECU
Capture of heat-killed Mycobacterium bovis bacillus Calmette-Guérin by intelectin-1deposited...2023Nishiyama, Akihito StudentECU
Capture of heat-killed Mycobacterium bovis bacillus Calmette-Guérin by intelectin-1deposited...2023Shinohara, Tsutomu StudentECU
Capture of heat-killed Mycobacterium bovis bacillus Calmette-Guérin by intelectin-1deposited...2023Ohtsu, Takashi StudentECU
Capture of heat-killed Mycobacterium bovis bacillus Calmette-Guérin by intelectin-1deposited...2023Shibata, Yoshimi StudentECU
Capus Miller Waynick : New Deal administrator and politician2023Pontinen, Michele Jan KellerStudentECU
A Carbohydrate/Lipid Research Project for Organic and Analytical CURE Laboratories: Reaction...2023Hagwood, Abigail MStudentECU
Carbon Accounting: Issues of Scale2014Marland, Gregg FacultyGeology, ASU
Carbonate petrology and sedimentology of the Miocene Pungo River Formation, Onslow Bay, Nort...2023Stewart, T. Lori.StudentECU
Cardiac Surgeons' Concerns, Perceptions, and Responses During the COVID-19 Pandemic2023Boyd, Douglas StudentECU
The cardiac training effect of selected college men as measured by three heart rate intensit...1972Whiteley, Thomas MonroeStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
Cardioprotective mechanisms targeting thiol redox homeostasis and mitochondrial bioenergetic...2023Alleman, Rick J.StudentECU
Cardiovascular adaptations to aerobic exercise in obese pregnant women : the ENHANCED by mom...2023Parks, Lauren StudentECU
Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors Profile Among Australian Vegetarian and Nonvegetarian Te...2023Pawlak, Roman StudentECU
Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors Profile Among Australian Vegetarian and Nonvegetarian Te...2023Vos, Paul StudentECU
Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors Profile Among Australian Vegetarian and Nonvegetarian Te...2023Grant, Ross StudentECU
Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors Profile Among Australian Vegetarian and Nonvegetarian Te...2023Bilgin, Ayse A.StudentECU
Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors Profile Among Australian Vegetarian and Nonvegetarian Te...2023Berg, Jade StudentECU
Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors Profile Among Australian Vegetarian and Nonvegetarian Te...2023Pearce, Robyn StudentECU
Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors Profile Among Australian Vegetarian and Nonvegetarian Te...2023Morris, Margaret StudentECU
Cardiovascular disease-related miRNAs expression: potential role as biomarkers and effects o...2018Ultimo, Simona,Zauli,Giorgio,Martelli,Alberto M.,Vitale,Marco,McCubrey,James A.,Capitani,SilvanoStudentECU
The cardiovascular effects of neuropeptide Y2023Leach, Sandra McCarter.StudentECU
Cardiovascular Emotional Dampening, Heart Rate Variability, and Emotion Regulation2023Loveless, James P.StudentECU
The Care & Keeping of Demons2016Churchwell, McKinley StudentLiterature, UNCA
Career anchors of North Carolina principals1996Puryear, Paul J.StudentEducation, UNCG
Career and earner wives' preferences for the use of time and use of strategies for coping wi...1986Hiatt, Ann RenigarStudentHome Economics, UNCG
The Career Choices of Workaholics : An Investigation of the Relationship Between Workaholism...2023Eason, Timothy R.StudentECU
Career development assessment of at-risk students : implications for a dropout prevention mo...1991Enzor, Harriett LeighStudentEducation, UNCG
Career networks : the use of personal and professional relationships by women administrators...1985Cannie, Mary RuthStudentEducation, UNCG
The career of the CSS Rappahannock2023Bray, William J.StudentECU
The career of Herbert R. Hazelman : public school bandmaster1988Jeffreys, Harold LeonStudentMusic, UNCG
Carefully Research Meat Alternatives2023Skwara, Morgan MStudentECU
Carefully Research Meat Alternatives2023Kolasa, Kathryn MStudentECU
Caregiver Oral Health Literacy, Pediatric Oral Health: A Systematic Review2023Fogarty, Luke EdwardStudentECU
Caregiving behaviors and coping skills of caregivers to people with Acquired Immune Deficien...1991Gabbay, Sarah G.StudentHuman Environmental Sciences, UNCG
Caregiving in Social Context1994Rosenberg, Ed FacultySociology, ASU
Caring : a nursing administration phenomenon2023Fogleman, Kathi B.StudentECU
Caring for Communities in 'The Land of the Sky': Health Care Institutions and Asheville Mult...2014Pollitt, Phoebe AnnFacultyNursing , ASU
Caring for Communities in 'The Land of the Sky': Health Care Institutions and Asheville Mult...2014Leonard, Andrea FacultyUniversity Libraries, ASU
Caritas Certification Program Impact on Human Services Leadership2023Montana Rhodes, Donna StudentECU
Carolina Gothic2022Combs, Jared StudentEnglish, WCU
Carolina Israelite2006Coonin, Bryna FacultyECU
The carpus and tarsus of the early Permian synapsid Sphenacodon ferox (Eupelycosauria: Sphen...2005Heckert, Andrew B. FacultyGeology, ASU
The Carrot vs. the Stick in Work Team Motivation2001Dickinson, David L. FacultyEconomics, ASU
Carson McCullers : the tragedy of the grotesque1964Rogers, Betsy StudentEnglish, UNCG
Carson McCullers' The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter : isolation and self-fulfillment1968Smith, Christopher MichaelStudentEnglish, UNCG
A case of successfully treated with voriconazole2013Lindner, Jonathan R.StudentECU
A case of successfully treated with voriconazole2013Wiederhold, Nathan P.StudentECU
A case of successfully treated with voriconazole2013Thompson, Elizabeth H.StudentECU
A case of successfully treated with voriconazole2013Sutton, Deanna A.StudentECU
A case of successfully treated with voriconazole2013Marchell, Richard StudentECU
A case of successfully treated with voriconazole2013Steed, Lisa L.StudentECU
A case of successfully treated with voriconazole2013Mirdamadi, Meena StudentECU
A case of successfully treated with voriconazole2013Rimawi, Ramzy H.StudentECU
A case of successfully treated with voriconazole2013Rimawi, Bassam H.StudentECU
A case of successfully treated with voriconazole2013Boger, M. SeanStudentECU
A case of Exophiala oligosperma successfully treated with voriconazole2013Rimawi, Bassam H.,Rimawi,Ramzy H.,Mirdamadi,Meena,Steed,Lisa L.,MStudentECU
A Case of Extremest Necessity? : Baltimore and Habeas Corpus in April 1861.2023Williams, G. AndrewStudentECU
The case of the I'm Alone2023Fleming, Patrick HoltStudentECU
A case of pulmonary hemorrhage and renal failure2012Meara, Alexa S.,Harrington,Daphne M.,Foster,Jennifer,VachharajaStudentECU
Case report of atypical Still's disease: a diagnosis of exclusion2016Yerra, Sandeep,Tlhabano,Letlhogonolo,Vasamsetty,Tejaswini StudentECU
Case Studies of Four Teachers: The Openness of the Tasks They Implement, the Adaptations The...2008Parsons, Seth ArthurStudentTeacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG
A case study analysis of the effects of learning styles self-awareness among community colle...2023Proctor, Robin OwensStudentECU
A case study analysis of the effects of learning styles self-awareness among community colle...2023Latham, Robin OwensStudentECU
A case study of decision-making in a school established to increase decision-making by teach...1976Sloan, E. ConradStudentEducation, UNCG
A case study of the diffusion of an electronic mail system in a high school administrative s...1993Moore, Richard EugeneStudentEducation, UNCG
A case study of the effects of learner-centered portfolio assessment on teachers' and studen...1996Brown, Constance RippetoeStudentEducation, UNCG
A case study of the management development program in one medium-to-large U.S. corporation, ...1984Sinatra, Salvatore JosephStudentEducation, UNCG
A case study of occupational therapists serving military personnel: identifying therapeutic ...2014Pippin, Kelly StudentECU
Casimir Pistons with General Boundary Conditions2015Fucci, Guglielmo StudentECU
Casimir Pistons with Generalized Boundary Conditions: a Step Forward2023Fucci, Guglielmo StudentECU
Casimir Pistons with Generalized Boundary Conditions: a Step Forward2023Kirsten, Klaus StudentECU
Casimir Pistons with Generalized Boundary Conditions: a Step Forward2023Mu˜noz-Casta˜neda, Jose M.StudentECU
Caspase-3 dependent nitrergic neuronal apoptosis following cavernous nerve injury is mediate...2016Hannan, Johanna L.,Matsui,Hotaka,Sopko,Nikolai A.,Liu,Xiaopu,WeyneStudentECU
Cast methyl methacrylate1975Schroeder, Nancy LeeStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
The "Castle" and the "Palace": Comparing Artifact Patterns at Russellborough and Tryon Palac...2023Beaman, Thomas E.StudentECU
Casual video game play as an augmentation intervention for anxiety: a controlled study2023Fish, Matthew T.StudentECU
Caswell County--the first century, 1777-18771972Sartin, Ruby PearlStudentHistory, UNCG
Catabolite repression control (Crc) gene and Pseudomonas virulence2004Hager, Paul W.StudentECU
Catabolite repression control (Crc) gene and Pseudomonas virulence2004Phibbs, Paul V.StudentECU
Catabolite repression control (Crc) gene and Pseudomonas virulence2004Collier, David N.StudentECU
A catalogue study of business offerings in the colleges of the Presbyterian church, U.S.1946Maphet, Princie StudentBusiness Education, UNCG
A catalogue study of the secretarial programs in senior colleges in North Carolina1948McEntire, Kathryn W.StudentBusiness Education, UNCG
Catalpol Modulates Lifespan via DAF-16/FOXO and SKN-1/Nrf2 Activation in2015Seo, Hyun WonStudentECU
Catalpol Modulates Lifespan via DAF-16/FOXO and SKN-1/Nrf2 Activation in2015Cheon, Se MyungStudentECU
Catalpol Modulates Lifespan via DAF-16/FOXO and SKN-1/Nrf2 Activation in2015Lee, Myon-Hee StudentECU
Catalpol Modulates Lifespan via DAF-16/FOXO and SKN-1/Nrf2 Activation in2015Kim, Hong JunStudentECU
Catalpol Modulates Lifespan via DAF-16/FOXO and SKN-1/Nrf2 Activation in2015Jeon, Hoon StudentECU
Catalpol Modulates Lifespan via DAF-16/FOXO and SKN-1/Nrf2 Activation in2015Cha, Dong SeokStudentECU
Catalpol Modulates Lifespan via DAF-16/FOXO and SKN-1/Nrf2 Activation in Caenorhabditis eleg...2023Lee, Myon HeeStudentECU
Catch comparisons between low profile and high profile skimmer trawl nets in the inshore shr...2023Hines, Kenneth L.StudentECU
Categorization and differentiation : a set, re-set, comparison analysis of the effects of co...1983Martin, Leonard L.StudentPsychology, UNCG
Catering Server Training Manual2009Rehkopf, Ed FacultyHospitality and Tourism Administration, NCCU
Catfish farming in North Carolina2023Purgason, Franklin A.StudentECU
Causal attributions and task persistence of learned-helpless and mastery-oriented sixth grad...1994Griffith, Joseph BentonStudentHealth and Human Performance, UNCG
CB1 Antagonism Increases Excitatory Synaptogenesis in a Cortical Spheroid Model of Fetal Bra...2023Papariello, Alexis StudentECU
CB1 Antagonism Increases Excitatory Synaptogenesis in a Cortical Spheroid Model of Fetal Bra...2023Taylor, David StudentECU
CB1 Antagonism Increases Excitatory Synaptogenesis in a Cortical Spheroid Model of Fetal Bra...2023Soderstrom, Ken StudentECU
CB1 Antagonism Increases Excitatory Synaptogenesis in a Cortical Spheroid Model of Fetal Bra...2023Litwa, Karen StudentECU
CBCT Analysis of Crestal Soft Tissue Thickness Before Implant Placement and its Relationship...2023Cui, Xiaoxi StudentECU
CBCT Analysis of Crestal Soft Tissue Thickness Before Implant Placement and its Relationship...2023, et alStudentECU
CBD, Vocal Impairment, and Healing2023Judd, Carly MStudentECU
CCL2-CCR2 axis promotes metastasis of nasopharyngeal carcinoma by activating ERK1/2-MMP2/9 p...2016Yang, Jing,Lv,Xing,Chen,Jinna,Xie,Changqing,Xia,Weixiong StudentECU
Cdc6 expression represses E-cadherin transcription and activates adjacent replication origin...2011Georgakilas, Alexandros G.StudentECU
Cdc6 expression represses E-cadherin transcription and activates adjacent replication origin...2011Sideridou, Maria StudentECU
Cdc6 expression represses E-cadherin transcription and activates adjacent replication origin...2011Zakopoulou, Roubini StudentECU
Cdc6 expression represses E-cadherin transcription and activates adjacent replication origin...2011Evangelou, Konstantinos StudentECU
Cdc6 expression represses E-cadherin transcription and activates adjacent replication origin...2011Liontos, Michalis StudentECU
Cdc6 expression represses E-cadherin transcription and activates adjacent replication origin...2011Kotsinas, Athanassios StudentECU
Cdc6 expression represses E-cadherin transcription and activates adjacent replication origin...2011Rampakakis, Emmanouil StudentECU
Cdc6 expression represses E-cadherin transcription and activates adjacent replication origin...2011Gagos, Sarantis StudentECU
Cdc6 expression represses E-cadherin transcription and activates adjacent replication origin...2011Kahata, Kaoru StudentECU
Cdc6 expression represses E-cadherin transcription and activates adjacent replication origin...2011Grabusic, Kristina StudentECU
Cdc6 expression represses E-cadherin transcription and activates adjacent replication origin...2011Gkouskou, Kalliopi StudentECU
Cdc6 expression represses E-cadherin transcription and activates adjacent replication origin...2011Trougakos, Ioannis P.StudentECU
Cdc6 expression represses E-cadherin transcription and activates adjacent replication origin...2011Trougakos, Kol StudentECU
Can Dynamic MRI Be Used to Accurately Identify Velopharyngeal Closure Patterns?2023Perry, Jamie L.StudentECU
Cedar on the reef : archaeological and historical assessments of the Eighteenth-Century Berm...2011Southerly, James Christopher WelliverStudentHistory, ECU
Cedar on the reef : archaeological and historical assessments of the Eighteenth-Century Berm...2003Southerly, James Christopher WelliverStudentECU
Cedar on the Reef: Archaeological and Historical assessments of the Eighteenth-Century Bermu...2023Southerly, James Christopher WelliverStudentECU
Cell cycling and expansion of umbilical cord blood CD34+ cells in culture with FLT3 ligand a...2023Harbour-Beal, Dianne M.StudentECU
Cell surface N-glycans influence the level of functional E-cadherin at the cell–cell borde...2014Dayal, Sahil StudentECU
Cell surface N-glycans influence the level of functional E-cadherin at the cell–cell borde...2014Schwalbe, Ruth A.StudentECU
Cell surface N-glycans influence the level of functional E-cadherin at the cell–cell borde...2014Hall, M. KristenStudentECU
Cell surface N-glycans influence the level of functional E-cadherin at the cell–cell borde...2014Weidner, Douglas A.StudentECU
Cell-Specific “Competition for Calories” Drives Asymmetric Nutrient-Energy Partitioning, Obe...2023Archer, Edward StudentECU
Cell-Specific “Competition for Calories” Drives Asymmetric Nutrient-Energy Partitioning, Obe...2023Pavela, Gregory StudentECU
Cell-Specific “Competition for Calories” Drives Asymmetric Nutrient-Energy Partitioning, Obe...2023McDonald, Samantha StudentECU
Cell-Specific “Competition for Calories” Drives Asymmetric Nutrient-Energy Partitioning, Obe...2023Lavie, Carl J.StudentECU
Cell-Specific “Competition for Calories” Drives Asymmetric Nutrient-Energy Partitioning, Obe...2023Hill, James O.StudentECU
Cell-to-Cell Lactate Shuttle Operates in Heart and is Important in Age-Related Heart Failure...2023McCubrey, James A.StudentECU
The Cellular Function of ROP GTPase Prenylation is Important for Multicellularity in the Mos...2023Huang, Jinling StudentECU
Cellular miR-150-5p May Have a Crucial Role to Play in the Biology of SARS-CoV-2 Infection b...2023Akula, Shaw M.StudentECU
Cellular miR-150-5p May Have a Crucial Role to Play in the Biology of SARS-CoV-2 Infection b...2023Bolin, Paul StudentECU
Cellular miR-150-5p May Have a Crucial Role to Play in the Biology of SARS-CoV-2 Infection b...2023Cook, Paul P.StudentECU
Cellulose metabolism by the intestinal microbiota of the pinfish, Lagodon rhomboides2023Burr, Gary S.StudentECU
Cellulose metabolism by the intestinal microbiota of the pinfish, Lagodon rhomboides2023Burr, Gary S.StudentECU
Cemetery Analysis Using Temporal and Cultural Context2019Lindsay, Bria A. StudentAnthropology and Sociology, WCU
Center for Sustainable Tourism, Division of Research and Graduate Studies2023Long, Patrick StudentECU
Central a-Klotho is a Novel Regulator of Arcuate Neurons and Peripheral Metabolism2023Landry, Taylor StudentECU
Central alpha adrenergic involvement in the hemodynamic effects of estrogens2023Shackelford, D. Paul.StudentECU
The central business district (CBD) of Greenville, North Carolina2023Harris, Haywood Denard.StudentECU
Central GPR109A activation Mediates Glutamate-Dependent Pressor Response in Conscious Rats2023Abdel-Rahman, Abdel A.StudentECU
Central GPR109A Mediates Neuronal Oxidative Stress and Pressor Response in Conscious Rats2023Rezq, Samar StudentECU
Central place theory as applied to the counties of southeastern North Carolina2023Todd, William Smith,1920-StudentECU
The Central Role of Hypothermia and Hyperactivity in Anorexia Nervosa: A Hypothesis2023Smith, Lucille LakierStudentECU
Centralization of public education governance in Sun Belt States : legislation and litigatio...1987Norville, Herman BruceStudentEducation, UNCG
Centrally Circulating a-klotho Inversely Correlates with Human Obesity and Modulates Arcuate...2023Huang, Hu StudentECU
Centrally Circulating a-klotho Inversely Correlates with Human Obesity and Modulates Arcuate...2023Shookster, Daniel StudentECU
Centrally Circulating a-klotho Inversely Correlates with Human Obesity and Modulates Arcuate...2023Landry, Taylor StudentECU
Centrally Circulating a-klotho Inversely Correlates with Human Obesity and Modulates Arcuate...2023Li, Peixin StudentECU
Centrally Circulating a-klotho Inversely Correlates with Human Obesity and Modulates Arcuate...2023Jiang, Zhiying StudentECU
Centrally Circulating a-klotho Inversely Correlates with Human Obesity and Modulates Arcuate...2023Li, Hongli StudentECU
Centrally Circulating a-klotho Inversely Correlates with Human Obesity and Modulates Arcuate...2023Laing, Brenton ThomasStudentECU
Centrally Circulating a-klotho Inversely Correlates with Human Obesity and Modulates Arcuate...2023Bunner, Wyatt StudentECU
Centrally Circulating a-klotho Inversely Correlates with Human Obesity and Modulates Arcuate...2023Langton, Theodore StudentECU
Centrally Circulating a-klotho Inversely Correlates with Human Obesity and Modulates Arcuate...2023Tong, Qingchun StudentECU
Ceramic objects : containers and handpieces1972Gurley, Marianne BellStudentArt, UNCG
Ceramide Nanoliposomes Augment the Efficacy of Venetoclax and Cytarabine in Models of Acute ...2023Cabot, Myles C.StudentECU
Ceramide Nanoliposomes Augment the Efficacy of Venetoclax and Cytarabine in Models of Acute ...2023Khokhlatchev, Andrei V.StudentECU
Cerebral Ischemia/Reperfusion Increases Endothelial Nitric Oxide Synthase Levels by An Indom...2023Beasley, Tracy C.StudentECU
Cerebral Ischemia/Reperfusion Increases Endothelial Nitric Oxide Synthase Levels by An Indom...2023Bari, Ferenc StudentECU
Cerebral Ischemia/Reperfusion Increases Endothelial Nitric Oxide Synthase Levels by An Indom...2023Busija, David W.StudentECU
Cerebral Ischemia/Reperfusion Increases Endothelial Nitric Oxide Synthase Levels by An Indom...2023Louis, Thomas StudentECU
Cerebral Ischemia/Reperfusion Increases Endothelial Nitric Oxide Synthase Levels by An Indom...2023Thrikawala, Nishadi StudentECU
Cerebral Ischemia/Reperfusion Increases Endothelial Nitric Oxide Synthase Levels by An Indom...2023Thore, Clara StudentECU
Cerebrovascular Reactivity Remains Intact after Cortical Depolarization in Newborn Piglets2023Bari, Ferenc StudentECU
Cerebrovascular Reactivity Remains Intact after Cortical Depolarization in Newborn Piglets2023Domoki, Ferenc StudentECU
Cerebrovascular Reactivity Remains Intact after Cortical Depolarization in Newborn Piglets2023Veltkamp, Roland StudentECU
Cerebrovascular Reactivity Remains Intact after Cortical Depolarization in Newborn Piglets2023Louis, Thomas M.StudentECU
Cerebrovascular Reactivity Remains Intact after Cortical Depolarization in Newborn Piglets2023Busija, David W.StudentECU
Certain socio-economic characteristics as a reflection of family goal values1959Holcomb, Carrie ElizabethStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Can the government prevent an economic depression?1954Irby, Alice StudentEconomics, UNCG
Can GPR4 be a potential therapeutic target for COVID-19?2023Yang, L. V.StudentECU
Can GPR4 be a potential therapeutic target for COVID-19?2023Oppelt, K. A.StudentECU
Can GPR4 be a potential therapeutic target for COVID-19?2023Thomassen, M. J.StudentECU
Can GPR4 be a potential therapeutic target for COVID-19?2023Marie, M. A.StudentECU
Can GPR4 be a potential therapeutic target for COVID-19?2023Nik Akhtar, S. StudentECU
Can GPR4 be a potential therapeutic target for COVID-19?2023McCallen, J. D.StudentECU
Can GPR4 Be a Potential Therapeutic Target for COVID-19?2023Yang, Li V.StudentECU
Can GPR4 Be a Potential Therapeutic Target for COVID-19?2023Oppelt, Karen A.StudentECU
Can GPR4 Be a Potential Therapeutic Target for COVID-19?2023Thomassen, Mary JaneStudentECU
Can GPR4 Be a Potential Therapeutic Target for COVID-19?2023Marie, Mona A.StudentECU
Can GPR4 Be a Potential Therapeutic Target for COVID-19?2023Nik Akhtar, Shayan StudentECU
Can GPR4 Be a Potential Therapeutic Target for COVID-19?2023McCallen, Justin D.StudentECU
CGS Canada : a Canadian warship in the Florida Keys2023Casserley, Tane RenataStudentECU
The chain letter and other stories1971Smith, Stephen EmersonStudentEnglish, UNCG
A Chain Mediation Model on COVID-19 Symptoms and Mental Health Outcomes in Americans, Asians...2023Tripp, Connor StudentECU
A Chain Mediation Model on COVID-19 Symptoms and Mental Health Outcomes in Americans, Asians...2023Sears, Samuel F.StudentECU
A Chain Mediation Model on COVID-19 Symptoms and Mental Health Outcomes in Americans, Asians...2023Wang, Cuiyan StudentECU
A Chain Mediation Model on COVID-19 Symptoms and Mental Health Outcomes in Americans, Asians...2023Chudzicka-Czupala, Agata StudentECU
A Chain Mediation Model on COVID-19 Symptoms and Mental Health Outcomes in Americans, Asians...2023Tee, Michael L.StudentECU
A Chain Mediation Model on COVID-19 Symptoms and Mental Health Outcomes in Americans, Asians...2023Núñe, María Inmaculada LópezStudentECU
A Chain Mediation Model on COVID-19 Symptoms and Mental Health Outcomes in Americans, Asians...2023Fardin, Mohammad A.StudentECU
A Chain Mediation Model on COVID-19 Symptoms and Mental Health Outcomes in Americans, Asians...2023Habib, Hina A.StudentECU
A Chain Mediation Model on COVID-19 Symptoms and Mental Health Outcomes in Americans, Asians...2023Tran, Bach X.StudentECU
A Chain Mediation Model on COVID-19 Symptoms and Mental Health Outcomes in Americans, Asians...2023Adamus, Katarzyna StudentECU
A Chain Mediation Model on COVID-19 Symptoms and Mental Health Outcomes in Americans, Asians...2023Anlacan, Joseph StudentECU
A Chain Mediation Model on COVID-19 Symptoms and Mental Health Outcomes in Americans, Asians...2023García, Marta E. AparicioStudentECU
A Chain Mediation Model on COVID-19 Symptoms and Mental Health Outcomes in Americans, Asians...2023Grabowski, Damian StudentECU
A Chain Mediation Model on COVID-19 Symptoms and Mental Health Outcomes in Americans, Asians...2023Hussain, Shahzad StudentECU
A Chain Mediation Model on COVID-19 Symptoms and Mental Health Outcomes in Americans, Asians...2023Hoang, Men T.StudentECU
A Chain Mediation Model on COVID-19 Symptoms and Mental Health Outcomes in Americans, Asians...2023Hetnal, Mateusz StudentECU
A Chain Mediation Model on COVID-19 Symptoms and Mental Health Outcomes in Americans, Asians...2023Le, Xuan T.StudentECU
A Chain Mediation Model on COVID-19 Symptoms and Mental Health Outcomes in Americans, Asians...2023Ma, Wenfang StudentECU
A Chain Mediation Model on COVID-19 Symptoms and Mental Health Outcomes in Americans, Asians...2023Pham, Hai Q.StudentECU
A Chain Mediation Model on COVID-19 Symptoms and Mental Health Outcomes in Americans, Asians...2023Reyes, Patrick Wincy C.StudentECU
A Chain Mediation Model on COVID-19 Symptoms and Mental Health Outcomes in Americans, Asians...2023Shirazi, Mahmoud StudentECU
A Chain Mediation Model on COVID-19 Symptoms and Mental Health Outcomes in Americans, Asians...2023Tan, Yilin StudentECU
A Chain Mediation Model on COVID-19 Symptoms and Mental Health Outcomes in Americans, Asians...2023Tee, Cherica A.StudentECU
A Chain Mediation Model on COVID-19 Symptoms and Mental Health Outcomes in Americans, Asians...2023Xu, Linkang StudentECU
A Chain Mediation Model on COVID-19 Symptoms and Mental Health Outcomes in Americans, Asians...2023Xu, Ziqi StudentECU
A Chain Mediation Model on COVID-19 Symptoms and Mental Health Outcomes in Americans, Asians...2023Vu, Giang T.StudentECU
A Chain Mediation Model on COVID-19 Symptoms and Mental Health Outcomes in Americans, Asians...2023Zhou, Danqing StudentECU
A Chain Mediation Model on COVID-19 Symptoms and Mental Health Outcomes in Americans, Asians...2023Chan, Natalie A.StudentECU
A Chain Mediation Model on COVID-19 Symptoms and Mental Health Outcomes in Americans, Asians...2023Kuruchittham, Vipat StudentECU
A Chain Mediation Model on COVID-19 Symptoms and Mental Health Outcomes in Americans, Asians...2023McIntyre, Roger S.StudentECU
A Chain Mediation Model on COVID-19 Symptoms and Mental Health Outcomes in Americans, Asians...2023Ho, Cyrus S. H.StudentECU
A Chain Mediation Model on COVID-19 Symptoms and Mental Health Outcomes in Americans, Asians...2023Ho, Roger StudentECU
Chairs1975Whisnant, Joe LaneStudentArt, UNCG
Chalk&Walk for Suicide Prevention and Awareness: Review of an On-Campus Event2022Ferry, Tracy StudentPsychology, UNCP
Challenges to adaptation: a fundamental concept for the shared socio-economic pathways and b...2014Rothman, Dale S.,Romero-Lankao,Patricia,Schweizer,Vanessa J.,BeeStudentECU
Challenging exclusionary paradigms in the traditional musical canon: Implications for music ...2011Mills, Susan FacultyMusic, ASU
Chalupa no. 2 : a comparative study of 16th-century Basque whaleboat construction from examp...2023Harris, Ryan. StudentECU
The Chanc?un de Willame, a study of theme and style1971Pardue, Patricia E.StudentRomance Languages-French, UNCG
Chance, sequence and field painting in relation to a selected environment1969Norcom, Ellen FarmerStudentArt, UNCG
Change and conservation : portraits of two schools1988Deviney, Collette W.StudentEducation, UNCG
Change in Pain and Physical Function Following Bariatric Surgery for Severe Obesity2023Pories, Walter J.StudentECU
Change in parent attitudes during participation in certain parenthood in a free nation study...1964Hawkins, Margaret SnodgrassStudentHome Economics, UNCG
The change that makes the movement that makes the Hemingway short story : a study in techniq...1970Pruitt, Phyllis B.StudentEnglish, UNCG
Changes in attitudes of mothers toward child rearing practices after their participation in ...1970Johnson, Irene WatersStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Changes in body weight and serum lipid levels in low, moderate, and highly competitive male ...1986Black, Mary McAnearStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Changes in the Circadian Rhythm in Patients with Primary Glaucoma2013Wang, Huaizhou StudentECU
Changes in the Circadian Rhythm in Patients with Primary Glaucoma2013Wang, Ningli StudentECU
Changes in the Circadian Rhythm in Patients with Primary Glaucoma2013Ding, Jianming StudentECU
Changes in the Circadian Rhythm in Patients with Primary Glaucoma2013Zhang, Ye StudentECU
Changes in cognitive appraisals and metabolic indices of physical exertion during a two-hour...1989Acevedo, Edmund O.StudentHealth, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, UNCG
Changes in Mindfulness, Well-being, and Sleep Quality in College Students Through Taijiquan ...2011Caldwell, Karen FacultyHuman Development & Psychological Counseling, ASU
Changes in a Myriophyllum spicatum L. community following 2, 4-D treatment2023Getsinger, Kurt D.StudentECU
Changes in Perceived Color with Intermittent Illumination1997Steele, Kenneth M.FacultyPsychology, ASU
Changes in performance on the nursing licensure examination : an investigation of possible c...1991Webster, Sadie BrownStudentEducation, UNCG
Changes in protein electrophoretic patterns of rat brain white and grey matter as a result o...2023Hooper, Thomas Eugene.StudentECU
Changes in Sexual Functioning in Women and Men in the 5 Years after Bariatric Surgery2023Pories, Walter J.StudentECU
Changes in students' attitudes during a course in child development1971Lomax, Diane WhitehurstStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Changes in Vascular and Hemodynamic Parameters Following Acute Exercise and Antioxidant Supp...2010Kappus, Rebecca MarieStudentHealth and Exercise Science, ASU
Changes in zooplankton community, and seston and zooplankton fatty acid profiles at the fres...2017Lichti, Deborah A.,Rinchard,Jacques,Kimmel,David G.StudentECU
Changes to Cigarette Packaging Influence US Consumers’ Choices: Results of Two Discrete-Choi...2023Lee, Joseph G. L.StudentECU
Changes to Cigarette Packaging Influence US Consumers’ Choices: Results of Two Discrete-Choi...2023O’Brien, Kevin F.StudentECU
Changes to Cigarette Packaging Influence US Consumers’ Choices: Results of Two Discrete-Choi...2023Blanchflower, Tiffany StudentECU
Changes to Cigarette Packaging Influence US Consumers’ Choices: Results of Two Discrete-Choi...2023Swanson, Gunnar StudentECU
Changes to Cigarette Packaging Influence US Consumers’ Choices: Results of Two Discrete-Choi...2023Averett, Paige E.StudentECU
Changes to Cigarette Packaging Influence US Consumers’ Choices: Results of Two Discrete-Choi...2023Gregory, Kyle R.StudentECU
The changing agriculture of Hyde County, North Carolina2023Wilkinson, Kenneth CStudentECU
Changing the curriculum and teaching methods to meet the evolving needs in Chinese agricultu...2002Shao, Xiaorong FacultyUniversity Libraries, ASU
Changing the Game : A 21st-Century Perspective on the Use of the Supernatural in Multicultur...2023Williams, Jewel StudentECU
Changing the Hidden Curriculum of Campus Rape Prevention and Education: Women’s Self- Defens...2015McCaughey, Martha FacultySociology, ASU
Changing Incidence and Survival of Desmoplastic Small Round Cell Tumor in the USA2023Ali, Hassam StudentECU
Changing Incidence and Survival of Desmoplastic Small Round Cell Tumor in the USA2023Waqar, Syed Hamza BinStudentECU
Changing Incidence and Survival of Intrahepatic Cholangiocarcinoma Based on Surveillance, Ep...2023Ali, Hassam StudentECU
Changing Incidence and Survival of Intrahepatic Cholangiocarcinoma Based on Surveillance, Ep...2023Tedder, Brandon StudentECU
Changing Incidence and Survival of Intrahepatic Cholangiocarcinoma Based on Surveillance, Ep...2023Mohamed, Rana StudentECU
Changing Incidence and Survival of Intrahepatic Cholangiocarcinoma Based on Surveillance, Ep...2023Cate, Edward LawsonStudentECU
Changing Incidence and Survival of Intrahepatic Cholangiocarcinoma Based on Surveillance, Ep...2023Ali, Eslam StudentECU
Changing Incidence and Survival of Intrahepatic Cholangiocarcinoma Based on Surveillance, Ep...2023Waqar, Syed HamzaStudentECU
Changing Nature: Stacy Alaimo and Cary Wolfe at ASLE2023Feder, Helena StudentECU
"Changing Routines:" An Exploration of Parental Stress and Child Adjustment During a Militar...2023Lewis, Shelby StudentECU
Changing the social environment in an elementary school to reduce dropout predictors for Afr...2011Edwards, Leah RoseStudentPsychology, WCU
Chapman's humor theory1967Gallimore, Roena VirginiaStudentEnglish, UNCG
The character and evolution of black urban commercial land use in Greenville, North Carolina...2023Klingman, Thomas B.StudentECU
The character of Tamburlaine1965Swaim, Argus StudentEnglish, UNCG
Characteristics and attitudes of freshman home economics students at the University of North...1973Rohlfs, Katherine KoklasStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Characteristics of change in biology classes in a computer-assisted environment2023Doughty, Janet HallStudentECU
Characteristics of an early Internet adoption in a middle school2023Woodul, Charles E.StudentECU
Characteristics of the immune response to type III pneumococcal polysaccharide induced in BA...2023Armacost, J. L.StudentECU
Characteristics of Injuries in the Logging Industry of Louisiana, USA: 1986 to 19982003Pine, John FacultyGeography and Planning, ASU
Characteristics of leadership behaviors of successful high school principals in North Caroli...1992Reid, Tommy ParksStudentEducation, UNCG
Characteristics of Local Health Departments Associated with Implementation of Electronic Hea...2023Luo, Huabin StudentECU
Characteristics of Medical School Applicants: A Single-Institution Study2023Tumin, Dmitry StudentECU
Characteristics of Nursing Home Resident Movement Patterns: Results from the TEAM-UP Trial2023Kennerly, Susan M.StudentECU
Characteristics of Nursing Home Resident Movement Patterns: Results from the TEAM-UP Trial2023Sharkey, Phoebe D.StudentECU
Characteristics of Nursing Home Resident Movement Patterns: Results from the TEAM-UP Trial2023Horn, Susan D.StudentECU
Characteristics of Nursing Home Resident Movement Patterns: Results from the TEAM-UP Trial2023Zheng, Tianyu StudentECU
Characteristics of Nursing Home Resident Movement Patterns: Results from the TEAM-UP Trial2023Alderden, Jenny StudentECU
Characteristics of Nursing Home Resident Movement Patterns: Results from the TEAM-UP Trial2023Sabo, Valerie K.StudentECU
Characteristics of Nursing Home Resident Movement Patterns: Results from the TEAM-UP Trial2023Rowe, Meredeth StudentECU
Characteristics of Nursing Home Resident Movement Patterns: Results from the TEAM-UP Trial2023Yap, Tracey L.StudentECU
Characteristics of Obese and Non-obese Nursing Home Residents Who Develop Pressure Injuries2023Halvorsen, Kelsey LuiseStudentECU
Characteristics of Patients Presenting to Emergency Department for Primary Atrial Fibrillati...2023Sears, Samuel F.StudentECU
Characteristics of Patients Presenting to Emergency Department for Primary Atrial Fibrillati...2023Sadaf, Murrium I.StudentECU
Characteristics of Patients Presenting to Emergency Department for Primary Atrial Fibrillati...2023O'Bryan, James StudentECU
Characteristics of Patients Presenting to Emergency Department for Primary Atrial Fibrillati...2023Biese, Kevin StudentECU
Characteristics of Patients Presenting to Emergency Department for Primary Atrial Fibrillati...2023Chen, Sarah StudentECU
Characteristics of Patients Presenting to Emergency Department for Primary Atrial Fibrillati...2023Deyo, Zachariah StudentECU
Characteristics of Patients Presenting to Emergency Department for Primary Atrial Fibrillati...2023Mendys, Phil StudentECU
Characteristics of Patients Presenting to Emergency Department for Primary Atrial Fibrillati...2023Tuttle, Heather StudentECU
Characteristics of Patients Presenting to Emergency Department for Primary Atrial Fibrillati...2023Walker, T. JenniferStudentECU
Characteristics of Patients Presenting to Emergency Department for Primary Atrial Fibrillati...2023Gehi, Anil K.StudentECU
Characteristics of volunteer lay leaders who show longevity in teaching A Matter Of Balance...2023Fountain, Caroline G.StudentECU
Characterization and Biomimetic Fabrication Study of Fetal Membranes for Understanding and P...2023Wheeler, Mackenzie LeeStudentECU
Characterization and differentiation of NALM-6 and Jurkat cell lines using confocal laser sc...2023Hill, Rodney Chason.StudentECU
Characterization and expression of HOXb1b in Morone saxatilis2023Smith, Matthew H.StudentECU
Characterization and Expression of the Nuclear Progestin Receptor in Zebrafish Gonads and Br...2023Hanna, Richard N.StudentECU
Characterization and Expression of the Nuclear Progestin Receptor in Zebrafish Gonads and Br...2023Daly, Sean C. J.StudentECU
Characterization and Expression of the Nuclear Progestin Receptor in Zebrafish Gonads and Br...2023Pang, Yeifei StudentECU
Characterization and Expression of the Nuclear Progestin Receptor in Zebrafish Gonads and Br...2023Anglade, Isabelle StudentECU
Characterization and Expression of the Nuclear Progestin Receptor in Zebrafish Gonads and Br...2023Kah, Olivier StudentECU
Characterization and Expression of the Nuclear Progestin Receptor in Zebrafish Gonads and Br...2023Thomas, Peter StudentECU
Characterization and Expression of the Nuclear Progestin Receptor in Zebrafish Gonads and Br...2023Zhu, Yong StudentECU
Characterization and regulation of an oxygen induced putative elongation factor-g in the obl...2023Harvey, Samantha. StudentECU
Characterization and utilization of the flexor digitorum brevis for assessing skeletal muscl...2018Tarpey, Michael D.,Amorese,Adam J.,Balestrieri,Nicholas P.,Ryan,TeStudentECU
Characterization of the {esc}(Sb{esc}(B-2 microglobulin gene in channel catfish (Ictalurus p...2023Benedetto, Ralph G.StudentECU
Characterization of the {esc}(Sb{esc}(B-2 microglobulin gene in channel catfish (Ictalurus p...2023Benedetto, Ralph G.StudentECU
Characterization of B2 microglobulin in the catfish family Ictaluridae2023Criscitiello, Michael F.StudentECU
Characterization of B2 microglobulin in the catfish family Ictaluridae2023Criscitiello, Michael F.StudentECU
Characterization of breeding habitat of a Henslow's sparrow (Ammodramus henslowii) populatio...2023Liles, Rebecca Lynn.StudentECU
Characterization of bycatch in the white perch small mesh gill net fishery in upper Currituc...2023Price, A. Blake.StudentECU
Characterization of critical spawning habitats of weakfish, spotted seatrout and red drum in...2023Luczkovich, Joseph J.StudentECU
Characterization of critical spawning habitats of weakfish, spotted seatrout and red drum in...2023Daniel, Hal J.,IIIStudentECU
Characterization of critical spawning habitats of weakfish, spotted seatrout and red drum in...2023Sprague, Mark W.StudentECU
Characterization of Damping Properties in 3D Printed Structures2018Gietl, Jenna,Vignola,Joseph,Sterling,John,Ryan,Teresa StudentECU
Characterization of the double mutant, RD305306SN, in the CP43 protein of Photosystem II in ...2023Patel, Meeraben Sunil.StudentECU
Characterization of the Dynamic Germination of Individual Clostridium difficile Spores Using...2023Li, Yong-Qing StudentECU
Characterization of the effects of chloride depletion on oxygen evolving activity in the R30...2023Burch, Brandon Douglas.StudentECU
Characterization of the effects of chloride depletion on oxygen evolving activity in the R30...2023Burch, Brandon Douglas.StudentECU
Characterization of Electronic Cigarette Warning Statements Portrayed in YouTube Videos2023Soule, Eric StudentECU
Characterization of Electronic Cigarette Warning Statements Portrayed in YouTube Videos2023Jones, Dina M.StudentECU
Characterization of Electronic Cigarette Warning Statements Portrayed in YouTube Videos2023Guy, Mignonne C.StudentECU
Characterization of Electronic Cigarette Warning Statements Portrayed in YouTube Videos2023Sakuma, Kari-Lyn K.StudentECU
Characterization of Electronic Cigarette Warning Statements Portrayed in YouTube Videos2023Pokhrel, Pallav StudentECU
Characterization of Electronic Cigarette Warning Statements Portrayed in YouTube Videos2023Orloff, Mohammed StudentECU
Characterization of Electronic Cigarette Warning Statements Portrayed in YouTube Videos2023Trinidad, Dennis StudentECU
Characterization of Electronic Cigarette Warning Statements Portrayed in YouTube Videos2023Smith, Denelle StudentECU
Characterization of Electronic Cigarette Warning Statements Portrayed in YouTube Videos2023Browley, Sharaka StudentECU
Characterization of Electronic Cigarette Warning Statements Portrayed in YouTube Videos2023Walker, A. PaigeStudentECU
Characterization of Electronic Cigarette Warning Statements Portrayed in YouTube Videos2023Bullock, Sandilyn StudentECU
Characterization of Electronic Cigarette Warning Statements Portrayed in YouTube Videos2023Eissenberg, Thomas StudentECU
Characterization of Electronic Cigarette Warning Statements Portrayed in YouTube Videos2023Fagan, Pebbles StudentECU
Characterization of endocrine cell structure and organization in the porcine pancreas2023Stokes, Virginia Kimbrell.StudentECU
Characterization of the Flagellar Collar Reveals Structural Plasticity Essential for Spiroch...2023Xu, Hui StudentECU
Characterization of the Flagellar Collar Reveals Structural Plasticity Essential for Spiroch...2023Motaleb, Md A.StudentECU
Characterization of the Flagellar Collar Reveals Structural Plasticity Essential for Spiroch...2023Chang, Yunjie StudentECU
Characterization of the Flagellar Collar Reveals Structural Plasticity Essential for Spiroch...2023Liu, Jun StudentECU
Characterization of the Flagellar Collar Reveals Structural Plasticity Essential for Spiroch...2023Xu, Hui StudentECU
Characterization of the Flagellar Collar Reveals Structural Plasticity Essential for Spiroch...2023Motaleb, Md A.StudentECU
Characterization of the Flagellar Collar Reveals Structural Plasticity Essential for Spiroch...2023Chang, Yunjie StudentECU
Characterization of the Flagellar Collar Reveals Structural Plasticity Essential for Spiroch...2023Liu, Jun StudentECU
Characterization Of 'Fuzzy Tassel' Male Sterility Defects Implicates Novel MiRNA-Regulated P...2023Field, Sterling StudentECU
Characterization of the glucose transport mechanism responsible for mechanical overload- and...2023Evans, Parker L.StudentECU
Characterization of the glucose transport mechanism responsible for mechanical overload- and...2023Evans, Parker LanceStudentECU
Characterization of the glucose transporters responsible for mechanical overloadstimulated g...2020McMillin, Shawna StudentECU
Characterization of glycans on major histocompatibility complex class II molecules in channe...2023Thankappan, Anil. StudentECU
Characterization of Heterogeneity and Dynamics of Lysis of Single Bacillus 2 Subtilis Cells ...2023Wu, Mei-yan StudentECU
Characterization of Heterogeneity and Dynamics of Lysis of Single Bacillus 2 Subtilis Cells ...2023Li, Yong-qing StudentECU
Characterization of Heterogeneity and Dynamics of Lysis of Single Bacillus 2 Subtilis Cells ...2023Li, Wen-wei StudentECU
Characterization of Heterogeneity and Dynamics of Lysis of Single Bacillus 2 Subtilis Cells ...2023Christie, Graham StudentECU
Characterization of Heterogeneity and Dynamics of Lysis of Single Bacillus 2 Subtilis Cells ...2023Setlow, Peter StudentECU
Characterization of human mitochondrial translation initiation factor 2 pseudogene 12023Enderle, Patrick J.StudentECU
Characterization of a Low Affinity Thyroid Hormone Receptor Binding Site within the Rat GLUT...2023Torrance, Christopher J.StudentECU
Characterization of a Low Affinity Thyroid Hormone Receptor Binding Site within the Rat GLUT...2023Usala, Stephen J.StudentECU
Characterization of a Low Affinity Thyroid Hormone Receptor Binding Site within the Rat GLUT...2023Pessin, Jeffrey E.StudentECU
Characterization of a Low Affinity Thyroid Hormone Receptor Binding Site within the Rat GLUT...2023Dohm, G. LynisStudentECU
Characterization of the male r. human fibroblast cell line and its ability to support hemato...2023Hatfield, Jean B.StudentECU
Characterization of MCF-10A/BCL-2 cells2023Bell, Charles W.StudentECU
Characterization of MCF-10A/BCL-2 cells2023Bell, Charles W.StudentECU
Characterization of membrane progestin receptor subtypes in zebrafish, Danio rerio2023Hanna, Richard Ned.StudentECU
Characterization of METTL16 as a cytoplasmic RNA binding protein2020Nance, Daniel J,Satterwhite,Emily R.,Bhaskar,Brinda,Misra,Sway,CStudentECU
Characterization of the MHC class II A genes of the channel catfish, ictalurus punctatus2023Flores, Michael. StudentECU
Characterization of MiR319-Regulated TCPs in Maize Development2023Novitzky, Katherine StudentECU
Characterization of mutant and normal thyroid hormone receptor complexes by electrophoretic ...2023Bone, Tammy L.StudentECU
Characterization of mutant and normal thyroid hormone receptor complexes by electrophoretic ...2023Bone, Tammy L.StudentECU
Characterization of mutant strains of Synechocystis SP. PCC 6803 bearing site-directed mutat...2023Burch, Erin Gaddy.StudentECU
Characterization of mutant strains of Synechocystis SP. PCC 6803 bearing site-directed mutat...2023Burch, Erin Gaddy.StudentECU
Characterization of mutations at the Glutamate 339 residue in the Photosystem II protein CP ...2023Dunn, Ethan. StudentECU
Characterization of the perfused rat hindquarter as a model for the study of muscle protein ...2023Tapscott, Edward B.StudentECU
Characterization of Pgrmcs and mPRs in oocyte maturation and ovulation in zebrafish2020Wu, Xinjun StudentECU
Characterization of Pgrmcs and mPRs in oocyte maturation and ovulation in zebrafish (Danio r...2023Wu, Xinjun StudentECU
Characterization of the photoenzymatic repair of ultraviolet-induced damage in Staphyloccus ...2023Adkins, Bernard. StudentECU
Characterization of proteins binding the 3' regulatory region of the IL-3 gene in IL-3-depen...2023Wang, X-Y StudentECU
Characterization of proteins binding the 3' regulatory region of the IL-3 gene in IL-3-depen...2023Hoyle, PE StudentECU
Characterization of proteins binding the 3' regulatory region of the IL-3 gene in IL-3-depen...2023McCubrey, JA StudentECU
Characterization of a putative trehalose biosynthetic pathway in salmonella typhimurium2023Larmore, Connor JosephStudentBiology, WCU
Characterization of Residential Pesticide Use and Chemical Formulations through Self-Report ...2012Buffler, Patricia A.StudentECU
Characterization of Residential Pesticide Use and Chemical Formulations through Self-Report ...2012Metayer, Catherine StudentECU
Characterization of Residential Pesticide Use and Chemical Formulations through Self-Report ...2012Lea, C. SuzanneStudentECU
Characterization of Residential Pesticide Use and Chemical Formulations through Self-Report ...2012Colt, Joanne S.StudentECU
Characterization of Residential Pesticide Use and Chemical Formulations through Self-Report ...2012Gunier, Robert StudentECU
Characterization of Residential Pesticide Use and Chemical Formulations through Self-Report ...2012Ward, Mary H.StudentECU
Characterization of Residential Pesticide Use and Chemical Formulations through Self-Report ...2012Guha, Neela StudentECU
Characterization of rhesus monkey natural killer cells mediating lytic activity to Raji2023Carver, Frances Melinda.StudentECU
Characterization of the Role of Mcm10 in DNA Replication in Drosophila melanogaster2014Dalia, Ritu StudentECU
Characterization of Site-Directed Mutants in the Cytochrome c-550 Protein of Photosystem II2010Manne, Akarsh StudentECU
Characterization of spontaneous mutations in the bacteriophage P1 inversion system2023Dean, Joey. StudentECU
Characterization of Stress Impacts to Lipids Involved in Photosynthesis2023Donnelly, Shannon StudentECU
Characterization of the striped bass sport fishery on the Annapolis River, Nova Scotia2023Harris, Patrick J.StudentECU
Characterization of surface water/groundwater interactions along a coastal plain river2023Johnson, Patrick Kolt.StudentECU
The characterization of Theseus in Chaucer1964Dawson, Janice FayeStudentEnglish, UNCG
Characterization of the Vaccinia Virus A35R Protein and Its Role in Virulence2006Roper, Rachel L.FacultyECU
Characterization of Wet-Heat Inactivation of Single Spores of Bacillus Species by Dual-Trap ...2023Zhang, Pengfei StudentECU
Characterization of Wet-Heat Inactivation of Single Spores of Bacillus Species by Dual-Trap ...2023Kong, Lingbo StudentECU
Characterization of Wet-Heat Inactivation of Single Spores of Bacillus Species by Dual-Trap ...2023Setlow, Peter StudentECU
Characterization of Wet-Heat Inactivation of Single Spores of Bacillus Species by Dual-Trap ...2023Li, Yong-qing StudentECU
Characterization, character, and moral judgment of the women in Middlemarch1989Heard, Betty BoydStudentEnglish, UNCG
Characterizations of Cross-Bridges in the Presence of Saturating Concentrations of MgAMP-PNP...2023Frisbie, S.M. StudentECU
Characterizations of Cross-Bridges in the Presence of Saturating Concentrations of MgAMP-PNP...2023Xu, S. StudentECU
Characterizations of Cross-Bridges in the Presence of Saturating Concentrations of MgAMP-PNP...2023Chalovich, Joseph StudentECU
Characterizations of Cross-Bridges in the Presence of Saturating Concentrations of MgAMP-PNP...2023Yu, L.C. StudentECU
Characterizing Angling Trends among Blue Marlin Anglers Following the 2008 Circle Hook Regul...2023Kelly, Marisa AnnStudentECU
Characterizing the Binding of Ca2+ and Cd2+ to EF-hand Peptide V of Calbindin D28K and EF-ha...2023Taylor, Whitney CameronStudentECU
Characterizing the Binding of Ca2+, Cd2+, and Pb2+ to EF-hand Peptide V of Calbindin D28K an...2020Taylor, Cameron StudentECU
Characterizing Coastal Subenvironments with Modern Foraminiferal Assemblages: Bear Island an...2023Shmorhun, Nina Maria-ElenaStudentECU
Characterizing the Deceased Mariners of the Swedish Warship Vasa : An Analysis of Personal ...2023Smeeks, Jessica DianeStudentECU
Characterizing Environmental and Physicochemical Conditions in Nursery Areas of River Herrin...2023Butler, Matthew G.StudentECU
Characterizing the Expression Pattern of miR167-Regulated ZmArf3 and ZmArf30 in Maize Inflor...2023Johnson, Caitlin E.StudentECU
Characterizing the geographic variability of opioid mortality in North Carolina, 2014-20162023Washington, Tyquin StudentECU
Characterizing jurisdictional wetlands using aerial LiDAR2023Shaeffer, David L.StudentECU
Characterizing Patterns And Drivers Of Land Use/Land Cover Change Along The Atlantic Coast B...2023Bennett, Andrew T.StudentECU
Characterizing the Role of Pectin in Cell Wall Composition and Organ Initiation in Maize2023Maynard, Daniel JStudentECU
The Charitable Contribution Deduction: How Tax Policy Influences Donor Behavior2015Koran, Amy StudentBusiness - Student, ASU
Charles Dickens' "The life of our Lord" as a primer for Christian education1995Hanna, Robert ConradStudentEducation, UNCG
Charles George Gordon : the evolution of a British hero1973Kozak, Bruce StudentHistory, UNCG
Charley's aunt in summer repertory1974Tucker, John AlanStudentDrama and Speech, UNCG
Charlie Tackles Diabetes2009Harris, Nancy G.FacultyECU
Charlotte Bronte's Villette : the confessional perspective1966Cochran, Janet P.StudentEnglish, UNCG
Charm Quarks Are More Hydrodynamic Than Light Quarks in Final-State Elliptic Flow2023Lin, Zi-Wei StudentECU
Chartacterizating the stigma transcriptome of leptosiphon jepsonii2023Tucci, Albert AnthonyStudentECU
Chas Askins’ Letter to Horace Kephart, May 8, 18982019Perske, Alissa StudentEnglish, WCU
Chase for the cash : the evolution of NASCAR as a postmodern sport2023Edwards, Michael B.StudentECU
Chasing Moore’s Law: Information Technology Policy in the United States2005Stoffan, Mark A. FacultyHunter Library, WCU
Cheating: Digital Learning Activities and Challenges2016Osler, James FacultySchool of Education , NCCU
Cheating: Digital Learning Activities and Challenges2016Osler, James FacultySchool of Education , NCCU
Chefs of the Mountains2013Stoffan, Mark A. FacultyHunter Library, WCU
Chemical and physical aberrations of low density lipoproteins from subjects with male-type a...2023Peeples, Laura Harris.StudentECU
Chemical defense in the gammarid amphipods Chromopleustes oculatus, Ch. lineatus, and Crypto...2023Hutchinson, Marcy. StudentECU
Chemical denaturation studies of two isozymes of aryl-B-glucosidasein neurospora1975Morton, Susan RawlesStudentBiology, UNCG
Cherishing as a model of education : a spiritual journey1993Ayers, Carole AnnetteStudentEducation, UNCG
Chesapeake Bay Privateering During the American Revolution: The Patriots, the Loyalists, an...2023Herron, Richard D.StudentECU
Chesapeake Bay Privateering During the American Revolution: The Patriots, the Loyalists, and...2023Herron, Richard DStudentECU
A chess game1977Church, Michael StephenStudentEnglish, UNCG
Child Care and Severe Externalizing Behavior in Kindergarten Children2003Bacharach, Verne FacultyPsychology, ASU
Child care on the move : a modular mobile child care center1973Wall, Jean GriffithStudentHome Economics, UNCG
The Child Life Specialists' Perception of Animal Assisted Therapy Within a Pediatric Oncolog...2023Doobrow, Becca StudentECU
Child Passenger Safety Initiative for Primary Care Providers2023Ribeiro, Laurie StudentECU
The Child-Parent Reading Experience in Pediatric Medical Office Waiting Areas2023Butler, Adam StudentECU
Childbirth education : a descriptive investigation1973Darnley, Frederick StudentHome Economics, UNCG
Childhood psychological abuse and neglect, personality traits and adulthood relationship qua...2015Franz, Annabel O.StudentPsychology, WCU
Childhood sexual abuse : an investigation of it's [sic] impact on children's coping, self-ef...1996Thompson, Lori BastStudentPsychology, UNCG
Children at risk : the need for preschool intervention programs for North Carolina's schools...1988Horne, Lisa ConradStudentEducation, UNCG
Children in the apple tree1955Brandt, Carolyn CokerStudentEnglish, UNCG
Children’s Unmet Need for Mental Health Care Within and Outside Metropolitan Areas2023Pasli, Melisa StudentECU
Children’s Unmet Need for Mental Health Care Within and Outside Metropolitan Areas2023Tumin, Dmitry StudentECU
Children's learning and memorization experiences at home and at school : a survey of parents...1983Griffith, Saralyn B.StudentHome Economics, UNCG
Children's participation in foster care hearings2011Wingrove, Twila FacultyPsychology, ASU
Children's perceived quality of significant relationships and socioemotional adjustment1995Dorsch, Andrea MariaStudentPsychology, UNCG
Children's perceptions of ability, effort, and gender as determinants of success and failure...1984Lean, Ronald KeithStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Children's reasoning about sexual abuse reporting1989Tennant, Cheryl V.StudentEducation, UNCG
Children's reported investment of mental effort when viewing child and adult television prog...1988Bordeaux, Barbara R.StudentHuman Environmental Sciences, UNCG
A children's theatre production of William Glennon's The adventures of Harlequin1975Leong, David StuartStudentDrama and Speech, UNCG
Children's use of category labels in recall of conceptually related terms1978Monroe, Mary Elizabeth KellyStudentHome Economics, UNCG
A child's movement performance using Labanotation and referenced to the Laban framework : a ...1980Kisabeth, Kathryn LucilleStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
A child's personalized curriculum in physical education1977Craig, Beverly R.StudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
Chile in the U.S. Imagination: National and North Carolina Press Coverage of The Chilean Mil...2023Kosich, Tristan StudentECU
The Chilling Effect of Optimism: The Case of Final-Offer Arbitration2006Dickinson, David L. FacultyEconomics, ASU
Chinese Americans- Views and Use of Family Health History: A Qualitative Study2016Chen, Lei-Shih,Li,Ming,Talwar,Divya,Xu,Lei,Zhao,Mei StudentECU
Chinese Americans’ Views and Use of Family Health History: A Qualitative Study2023Chen, Lei-Shih StudentECU
Chinese Americans’ Views and Use of Family Health History: A Qualitative Study2023Li, Ming StudentECU
Chinese Americans’ Views and Use of Family Health History: A Qualitative Study2023Talwar, Divya StudentECU
Chinese Americans’ Views and Use of Family Health History: A Qualitative Study2023Xu, Lei StudentECU
Chinese Americans’ Views and Use of Family Health History: A Qualitative Study2023Zhao, Mei StudentECU
Chinese Students in American Libraries: A Survey of Chinese User Satisfaction with U.S. Acad...2013Shao, Xiaorong FacultyUniversity Libraries, ASU
Chinese Students in American Libraries: A Survey of Chinese User Satisfaction with U.S. Acad...2013Johnson, Megan FacultyUniversity Libraries, ASU
Chinese Students in American Libraries: A Survey of Chinese User Satisfaction with U.S. Acad...2013Scherlen, Allan G.FacultyUniversity Libraries, ASU
Chk1 and the Host Cell DNA Damage Response as a Potential Antiviral Target in BK Polyomaviru...2023Smith, Ralph StudentECU
Chk1 and the Host Cell DNA Damage Response as a Potential Antiviral Target in BK Polyomaviru...2023Arthur, Justin StudentECU
Chk1 and the Host Cell DNA Damage Response as a Potential Antiviral Target in BK Polyomaviru...2023Lehman, John M.StudentECU
Chk1 and the Host Cell DNA Damage Response as a Potential Antiviral Target in BK Polyomaviru...2023Hainley, Lydia E.StudentECU
Chk1 and the Host Cell DNA Damage Response as a Potential Antiviral Target in BK Polyomaviru...2023Hughson, Martina S.StudentECU
Chk1 and the Host Cell DNA Damage Response as a Potential Antiviral Target in BK Polyomaviru...2023Narendran, Amithi StudentECU
Chk1 and the Host Cell DNA Damage Response as a Potential Antiviral Target in BK Polyomaviru...2023Hayner-Buchan, Alida StudentECU
Chk1 and the Host Cell DNA Damage Response as a Potential Antiviral Target in BK Polyomaviru...2023Conti, David J.StudentECU
Chk1 and the Host Cell DNA Damage Response as a Potential Antiviral Target in BK Polyomaviru...2023Friedrich, Thomas D.StudentECU
Chlorpromazine reduces avoidance performance deficit in rats with dorsomedial thalamic lesio...2023Wuensch, Karl L.StudentECU
Chlorpromazine reduces avoidance performance deficit in rats with dorsomedial thalamic lesio...2023Means, Larry W.StudentECU
Choice responding in infants and preschoolers : the effects of child control over stimulus p...1987Cushing, Phyllis JeanStudentPsychology, UNCG
Cholesterol ester transfer protein (CETP) expression in human adipose tissue of lean, obese,...2023Thomas, Robyn C.StudentECU
Chondroprotective Effect of Kartogenin on CD44-Mediated Functions in Articular Cartilage and...2014Ishizuka, Shinya StudentECU
Chondroprotective Effect of Kartogenin on CD44-Mediated Functions in Articular Cartilage and...2014Knudson, Cheryl B.StudentECU
Chondroprotective Effect of Kartogenin on CD44-Mediated Functions in Articular Cartilage and...2014Knudson, Warren StudentECU
Chondroprotective Effect of Kartogenin on CD44-Mediated Functions in Articular Cartilage and...2014Ono, Yohei StudentECU
Choosing voluntary simplicity as a lifestyle1994Nolen, Teris StudentHuman Environmental Sciences, UNCG
Choral and general music teaching techniques used in eighteen North Carolina junior high sch...1967Younts, Betty RandallStudentEducation, UNCG
A choreographic experiment with mixed means for the purpose of communicating through the act...1973Gustafson, Sandra ElizabethStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
The choreography, production and notation of "The covetous sister"1951Falloon, Marian StudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
The choreography, production and notation of a long dance entitled "A love dream"1951Gavett, Elizabeth ReeStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
Chowan's Best: Women, Labor, And Change In The Bertie County Herring Industry2023White, Heather StudentECU
The Christ of John Milton1967Fleming, Rosalyn R.StudentEnglish, UNCG
Christian Zionism2008Reed, Randall FacultyPhilosophy and Religion, ASU
Christological controversies in the East, 428 to 4821963Browne, Millicent StudentHistory, UNCG
Chromatic Polynomials of Some Mixed Hypergraphs2014Allagan , Julian A. D. FacultyMATHEMATICS, COMPUTER SCIENCE & ENGINEERING TECH, ECSU
Chromium picolinate supplementation plus an exercise program leads to a reduction of serum c...2023Boyd, S. Gregory.StudentECU
Chromium picolinate supplementation plus an exercise program leads to a reduction of serum c...2023Boyd, S. Gregory.StudentECU
Chromosomal Analysis and Identification Based on Optical Tweezers and Ramen Spectroscopy2023Ojeda, Jenifer Fay.StudentECU
Chromosomal differences between cultures of Staphylococcus aureus2023Cole, Joseph JeraldStudentECU
Chromosome evolution in Cophomantini (Amphibia, Anura, Hylinae)2018Ferro, Juan M.,Cardozo,Dario E.,Suarez,Pablo,Boeris,Juan M.,BlStudentECU
Chromosome studies of Xiphophorus helleri, Xiphophorus maculatus, and their hybrid1964Putnam, Celia DonaldsonStudentBiology, UNCG
Chronic effects of fitness on the golf putt1992Piparo, Anthony JohnStudentHealth and Human Performance, UNCG
Chronic ethanol attenuates centrally-mediated hypotension elicited via alpha-2-adrenergic, b...2023El-Mas, Mahmoud M.StudentECU
Chronic ethanol attenuates centrally-mediated hypotension elicited via alpha-2-adrenergic, b...2023Abdel-Rahman, Abdel A.StudentECU
Chronic High Fat Diet Decreased Detrusor Mitochondrial Respiration and Increased Nerve-Media...2023McClung, Joseph M.StudentECU
Chronic High Fat Diet Decreased Detrusor Mitochondrial Respiration and Increased Nerve-Media...2023Powers, Shelby A.StudentECU
Chronic High Fat Diet Decreased Detrusor Mitochondrial Respiration and Increased Nerve-Media...2023Ryan, Terence E.StudentECU
Chronic High Fat Diet Decreased Detrusor Mitochondrial Respiration and Increased Nerve-Media...2023Pak, Elena S.StudentECU
Chronic High Fat Diet Decreased Detrusor Mitochondrial Respiration and Increased Nerve-Media...2023Hannan, Johanna L.StudentECU
Chronic Illness Narratives Through Facebook2023Hinson, Katrina LaytonStudentECU
Chronic Restraint Stress Enhances Radial Arm Maze Performance in Female Rats2001Zrull, Mark C. FacultyPsychology, ASU
Chronic Salt Loading and the Expression of Adenosine Receptor Subtypes2023Nayeem, Mohammed A.StudentECU
Chronic Salt Loading and the Expression of Adenosine Receptor Subtypes2023Olanrewaju, Hammed A.StudentECU
Chronic Salt Loading and the Expression of Adenosine Receptor Subtypes2023Mustafa, S. JamalStudentECU
Chronicling the heroic epistle in England : a study of its development and demise1991Kates, Carolyn J.StudentEnglish, UNCG
Chronostratigraphy and geologic framework of the Currituck Sand Ridges, Currituck County, NC...2023Burdette, Kevin E.StudentECU
Chronostratigraphy and geologic framework of the Currituck Sand Ridges, Currituck County, NC...2023Burdette, Kevin E.StudentECU
Church control and family structure in a Moravian community of North Carolina, 1753-18571981Patterson, Jo-Ellen StudentHome Economics, UNCG
Can I go with you? : short stories1970Sedgwick, William HenryStudentEnglish, UNCG
Cicero and Caesar : A Turbulent Amicitia2023Parison, Adam L.StudentECU
Cigarette smoking abrogates angiogenesis :implications for Kaposi's sarcoma2023Bryan, Benjamin A.StudentECU
Cigarette smoking abrogates angiogenesis :implications for Kaposi's sarcoma2023Bryan, Benjamin A.StudentECU
Cigarette Smoking Curiosity and its Correlates Among Never-Smoking US Middle and High School...2023Ilesanmi, Olayinka S.StudentECU
Cigarette Smoking Curiosity and its Correlates Among Never-Smoking US Middle and High School...2023Afolabi, Aanuoluwapo A.StudentECU
A cinematographic analysis of the crouch start as performed by a woman sprinter1971Dix, Karen RuthStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
A cinematographic analysis of the lacrosse cradle1969Rozzi, Louise MariaStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
A cinematographical analysis of a baseball batter's swing1972Smith, John WesleyStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
A cinematographical analysis of two selected methods of drawing the bow1973Reese, Carol StudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
Can an Invasive Species of Crayfish Help Save a Population of a Threatened Species of Bird, ...2023Beamon, Weston LStudentECU
Circadian periodicities of selected social and motor behaviors in two-year-old children : an...1976Darnley, Frederick StudentHome Economics, UNCG
The Circadian Rhythm and its Role in the Dynamic Dopamine Neuron Phenotype2023Barker, Samantha StudentECU
Circular Single-Stranded DNA Virus ( Microviridae: Gokushovirinae: Jodiemicrovirus) Associat...2023Blakeslee, April StudentECU
Circular Single-Stranded DNA Virus ( Microviridae: Gokushovirinae: Jodiemicrovirus) Associat...2023McCoy, Krista A.StudentECU
Circular Single-Stranded DNA Virus (Microviridae: Gokushovirinae: Jodiemicrovirus) Associate...2023Bojko, Jamie StudentECU
Circular Single-Stranded DNA Virus (Microviridae: Gokushovirinae: Jodiemicrovirus) Associate...2023McCoy, Krista A.StudentECU
Circular Single-Stranded DNA Virus (Microviridae: Gokushovirinae: Jodiemicrovirus) Associate...2023Behringer, Donald C.StudentECU
Circular Single-Stranded DNA Virus (Microviridae: Gokushovirinae: Jodiemicrovirus) Associate...2023Blakeslee, April StudentECU
Circulating B cells in type 1 diabetics exhibit fewer maturation-associated phenotypes2017Hanley, Patrick,Sutter,Jennifer A.,Goodman,Noah G.,Du,Yangzhu,Sekiguchi,Debora R.,StudentECU
Citizen action education for a democratic community : a model for curriculum development1976Massey, Charles EdwardStudentEducation, UNCG
Citizen Science in Higher Education2023Vance-Chalcraft, Heather StudentECU
Citizen Science in Higher Education2023Hitchcock, Colleen StudentECU
Citizen Science in Higher Education2023Aristeidou, Maria StudentECU
Citizen Science in Postsecondary Education: Current Practices and Knowledge Gaps2023Vance-Chalcraft, Heather D.StudentECU
Citizen Science in Postsecondary Education: Current Practices and Knowledge Gaps2023Reyes, Michelle AnneStudentECU
Citizen Science: Is It Worth Your Time?2023Smith, Michael ChadwickStudentECU
The citizen-strangers : Puerto Rican migration to New York City2023Nieves, Victor C.StudentECU
City of Greenville’s Social Media in times of emergencies2023Hawley, Steve StudentECU
Civil asset forfeiture, equitable sharing, and policing for profit in the United States2011Holcomb, Jeff FacultyGovernment and Justice Studies, ASU
Civil asset forfeiture, equitable sharing, and policing for profit in the United States2011Williams, Marian FacultyGovernment and Justice Studies, ASU
Civil Asset Forfeiture: Where Does The Money Go?2002Williams, Marian FacultyGovernment and Justice Studies, ASU
The civil rights movement1987Sellers, Cleveland StudentEducation, UNCG
Civil War Letters from Henry M. Misemer to His Wife Martha, April 21, 18642023Barton, Joshua StudentEnglish, WCU
Civil War Letters from Henry M. Misemer to His Wife Martha April 11th, 18642023Barton, Joshua StudentEnglish, WCU
Clarence Hamilton Poe : the formative years, 1899-19172023Cote, Joseph AnthonyStudentECU
The classical and generalized Schoenflies theorems1977Heatherly, David LeeStudentMathematics, UNCG
Classical Galois theory1972Mastin, Millicent GayStudentMathematics, UNCG
Classical myth as thematic image in King Lear and Antony and Cleopatra1952Ward, Freda ElizabethStudentEnglish, UNCG
Classical reaction time and anticipation reaction time in a simple visual reaction time task...1973Drouin, Denis StudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
Classification of Kuga Fiber Varieties2023Abdulali, Salman StudentECU
Classification of a species of Erwinia from the Oconaluftee River, Great Smoky Mountains Nat...2017McKinnon, Robert PollockStudentBiology, WCU
A Classification System for Instruments Frequently Found in Textbooks Used in Vocational Reh...2023Schuster, Ralf StudentECU
A classification test for junior high school girls in physical education1965Bolton, Catherine AnnStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
Classroom climate and teacher questioning strategies : relationship to student cognitive dev...1990Beamon, Glenda WardStudentEducation, UNCG
Classroom Management: A Deep Dive into Effective and Equitable Practices2022Livengood, Brianna StudentElementary Education, UNCP
Classroom tasks and student ability effects on motivation goal orientation in early adolesce...1991Hooper, Mary-Louise BiasottiStudentEducation, UNCG
Claude Kitchin and the financing of World War I2023Corl, Scott StudentECU
Claude Kitchin, second district congressman from North Carolina 1901-1923 : a study of the f...2023Bunting, Florence DunnStudentECU
The claudin family of proteins in human malignancy: a clinical perspective2013Ding, Lei StudentECU
The claudin family of proteins in human malignancy: a clinical perspective2013Lu, Qun StudentECU
The claudin family of proteins in human malignancy: a clinical perspective2013Lu, Zhe StudentECU
The claudin family of proteins in human malignancy: a clinical perspective2013Chen, Yan-Hua StudentECU
Claudin-7 modulates cell-matrix adhesion that controls cell migration, invasion and attachme...2023KIM, DO HYUNGStudentECU
Claudin-7 modulates cell-matrix adhesion that controls cell migration, invasion and attachme...2023LU, QUN StudentECU
Claudin-7 modulates cell-matrix adhesion that controls cell migration, invasion and attachme...2023Chen, Yan-Hua StudentECU
Claudin-7 Modulates Cl- and Na+ Homeostasis and WNK4 Expression in Renal Collecting Duct Cel...2023Fan, Junming StudentECU
Claudin-7 Modulates Cl- and Na+ Homeostasis and WNK4 Expression in Renal Collecting Duct Cel...2023Tatum, Rodney StudentECU
Claudin-7 Modulates Cl- and Na+ Homeostasis and WNK4 Expression in Renal Collecting Duct Cel...2023Hoggard, John StudentECU
Claudin-7 Modulates Cl- and Na+ Homeostasis and WNK4 Expression in Renal Collecting Duct Cel...2023Chen, Yan-Hua StudentECU
Claudins in intestines2013Lu, Qun StudentECU
Claudins in intestines2013Ding, Lei StudentECU
Claudins in intestines2013Lu, Zhe StudentECU
Claudins in intestines2013Chen, Yan-Hua StudentECU
Clay1975Hawkins, Robert MiltonStudentArt, UNCG
Clay folks1975Batountis, Nicholas EmanuelStudentArt, UNCG
Clay mineralogy of the Pungo River formation, Onslow Bay, North Carolina continental shelf2023Lyle, Michael E.StudentECU
Clay wraps : containers1977Seville, Jane MarilynStudentArt, UNCG
The Clearinghouse Concept - A Model for Geospatial Data Centralization and Dissemination in ...2008Pine, John FacultyGeography and Planning, ASU
The cliff1977McWaters, Mark ThomasStudentEnglish, UNCG
Climate Change Alters Trophic Interactions in Coastal Ecosystems2023Speights, Cori J.StudentECU
A Climatology of the Structure, Frequency, and Propagation of Midlatitude Cyclones that Affe...2014Hall, Linwood Earl, Jr.StudentECU
Clinical and echocardiographic predictors of mortality in acute pulmonary embolism2016Dahhan, Talal,Siddiqui,Irfan,Tapson,Victor F.,Velazquez,Eric J.,Sun,Stephanie,Davenport,ClemoStudentECU
Clinical assessment of medical students in the Emergency Department, A National Consensus Co...2017Hiller, Katherine M.,Franzen,Douglas,Lawson,Luan,Manthey,David,FisheStudentECU
Clinical Associations of an Updated Medication Effect Score for Measuring Diabetes Treatment...2023Dar, Moahad S.StudentECU
Clinical Associations of an Updated Medication Effect Score for Measuring Diabetes Treatment...2023Alexopoulos, Anastasia-Stefania StudentECU
Clinical Associations of an Updated Medication Effect Score for Measuring Diabetes Treatment...2023Yancy, William S.StudentECU
Clinical Associations of an Updated Medication Effect Score for Measuring Diabetes Treatment...2023Edelman, David StudentECU
Clinical Associations of an Updated Medication Effect Score for Measuring Diabetes Treatment...2023Coffman, Cynthia J.StudentECU
Clinical Associations of an Updated Medication Effect Score for Measuring Diabetes Treatment...2023Jeffreys, Amy S.StudentECU
Clinical Associations of an Updated Medication Effect Score for Measuring Diabetes Treatment...2023Maciejewski, Matthew L.StudentECU
Clinical Associations of an Updated Medication Effect Score for Measuring Diabetes Treatment...2023Voils, Corrine I.StudentECU
Clinical Associations of an Updated Medication Effect Score for Measuring Diabetes Treatment...2023Sagalla, Nicole StudentECU
Clinical Associations of an Updated Medication Effect Score for Measuring Diabetes Treatment...2023Bradley, Anna BartonStudentECU
Clinical Associations of an Updated Medication Effect Score for Measuring Diabetes Treatment...2023Mayer, Stéphanie B.StudentECU
Clinical Associations of an Updated Medication Effect Score for Measuring Diabetes Treatment...2023Crowley, Matthew J.StudentECU
Clinical Course and Quality of Life in High-Risk Patients with Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy a...2023Sears, Samuel F.StudentECU
Clinical Internship Support: Instructional Coaching2023Smith, Judy StudentECU
Clinical Internship Support: Instructional Coaching2023Cuthrell, Kristen StudentECU
Clinical Trial Demonstrates Exercise Following Bariatric Surgery Improves Insulin Sensitivit...2023Houmard, Joseph A.StudentECU
Clinical Trial Demonstrates Exercise Following Bariatric Surgery Improves Insulin Sensitivit...2023Houmard, Joseph A.StudentECU
Clinical use of rifampicin during routine reporting of rifampicin susceptibilities: a lesson...2023Steffee, CH StudentECU
Clinical use of rifampicin during routine reporting of rifampicin susceptibilities: a lesson...2023Morrell, RM StudentECU
Clinical use of rifampicin during routine reporting of rifampicin susceptibilities: a lesson...2023Wasilauskas, BL StudentECU
The Clinical, Operational, and Financial Worlds of Neonatal Palliative Care : An Ethnographi...2023Williams Reade, Jackie StudentECU
Clive Staples Lewis2020Whelan, Jeffrey FacultyMusic and Visual Arts, ECSU
Clonal micropropagation with fir and characterizing a drought-stress responsive gene in pine...2023Bloom, Josie C.StudentECU
Clonal micropropagation with fir and characterizing a drought-stress responsive gene in pine...2023Bloom, Josie C.StudentECU
Cloning and Characterization of Ancylostoma-secreted Protein2023Hawdon, John M.StudentECU
Cloning and Characterization of Ancylostoma-secreted Protein2023Jones, Brian F.StudentECU
Cloning and Characterization of Ancylostoma-secreted Protein2023Hoffman, Donald R.StudentECU
Cloning and Characterization of Ancylostoma-secreted Protein2023Hotez, Peter J.StudentECU
Cloning and characterization of the cDNA encoding the antigen 5 allergen from two species of...2023Morris, Phillip Ray.StudentECU
Cloning and characterization of the cDNA encoding the venom serine protease found in Poliste...2023Fitch, Christina D.StudentECU
The cloning and characterization of a cefoxitin resistance determinant in Bacteroides vulgat...2023Parker, Anita C.StudentECU
Cloning and Characterization of the Classical Maize Mutant, Polytypic12023Amoiroglou, Anastasia StudentECU
Cloning and characterization of a conjugated bile acid hydrolase gene from enterococcus faec...2023Jordan, Rick Matthew.StudentECU
Cloning and characterization of the endogenous cephalosporinase gene, cepA, from Bacteroides...2023Rogers, Marc B.StudentECU
Cloning and characterization of the endogenous cephalosporinase gene, cepA, from Bacteroides...2023Parker, Anita C.StudentECU
Cloning and characterization of the endogenous cephalosporinase gene, cepA, from Bacteroides...2023Smith, C. JeffreyStudentECU
Cloning and Characterization of the Pseudomonas aeruginosa zwf Gene Encoding Glucose-6-Phosp...2023Ma, Ju-Fang StudentECU
Cloning and Characterization of the Pseudomonas aeruginosa zwf Gene Encoding Glucose-6-Phosp...2023Hager, Paul W.StudentECU
Cloning and Characterization of the Pseudomonas aeruginosa zwf Gene Encoding Glucose-6-Phosp...2023Howell, Michael L.StudentECU
Cloning and Characterization of the Pseudomonas aeruginosa zwf Gene Encoding Glucose-6-Phosp...2023Phibbs, Paul V.StudentECU
Cloning and Characterization of the Pseudomonas aeruginosa zwf Gene Encoding Glucose-6-Phosp...2023Hassett, Daniel J.StudentECU
Cloning of the 18s rDNA gene, an internal transcribed spacer, and the 5' region of the 28s r...2023Owens, Gary,Jr. StudentECU
Cloning of a catabolite repression control (crc) gene from Pseudomonas aeruginosa, expressio...2023MacGregor, C HStudentECU
Cloning of a catabolite repression control (crc) gene from Pseudomonas aeruginosa, expressio...2023Wolff, J AStudentECU
Cloning of a catabolite repression control (crc) gene from Pseudomonas aeruginosa, expressio...2023Arora, Shiwani K.StudentECU
Cloning of a catabolite repression control (crc) gene from Pseudomonas aeruginosa, expressio...2023Phibbs Jr., P VStudentECU
Cloning of somatolactin {esc}(Sa{esc}(B and {esc}(Sb{esc}(B cDNA subtypes in zebrafish, Dani...2023Shaner, Michael Phillip.StudentECU
Cloning of somatolactin alpha and beta cDNAs in zebrafish and phylogenetic analysis of two d...2023Zhu, Y StudentECU
Cloning of somatolactin alpha and beta cDNAs in zebrafish and phylogenetic analysis of two d...2023Stiller, JW StudentECU
Cloning of somatolactin alpha and beta cDNAs in zebrafish and phylogenetic analysis of two d...2023Shaner, MP StudentECU
Cloning of somatolactin alpha and beta cDNAs in zebrafish and phylogenetic analysis of two d...2023Baldini, A StudentECU
Cloning of somatolactin alpha and beta cDNAs in zebrafish and phylogenetic analysis of two d...2023Scemama, JL StudentECU
Cloning of somatolactin alpha and beta cDNAs in zebrafish and phylogenetic analysis of two d...2023Capeheart, Anthony A.StudentECU
Closed form bound-state perturbation theory2023Rose, Ollie JStudentECU
Closed form bound-state perturbation theory2023Adler, Carl G.StudentECU
Closing Perceived Care Gaps Through Process Development2023Stepney, Kimberly StudentECU
Closing Treatment Gaps for Adult Individuals with Intellectual or Developmental Disorders Th...2023Cobb, Madison StudentECU
A Clostridium difficile-Specific, Gel-Forming Protein Required for Optimal Spore Germination...2017Donnelly, M. Lauren,Li,William,Li,Yong-qing,Hinkel,Lauren,SetloStudentECU
Clothing and social interaction of four-year old children1967Stiles, Lynora ParksStudentHome Economics, UNCG
The clothing needs of women over sixty-five years of age1964Massey, Frances WilsonStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Clusterin Enhances AKT2-mediated Motility of Normal and Cancer Prostate Cells Through a PTEN...2023McCubrey, James A.StudentECU
The co-construction of social development : a longitudinal study of the relations among soci...1996Hogan, Diane M.StudentHuman Environmental Sciences, UNCG
Co-dependent and Interdigitated: Dual Quorum Sensing Systems Regulate Conjugative Transfer o...2023Barton, Ian S.StudentECU
Co-dependent and Interdigitated: Dual Quorum Sensing Systems Regulate Conjugative Transfer o...2023Eagan, Justin L.StudentECU
Co-dependent and Interdigitated: Dual Quorum Sensing Systems Regulate Conjugative Transfer o...2023Nieves-Otero, Priscila A.StudentECU
Co-dependent and Interdigitated: Dual Quorum Sensing Systems Regulate Conjugative Transfer o...2023Reynolds, Ian P.StudentECU
Co-dependent and Interdigitated: Dual Quorum Sensing Systems Regulate Conjugative Transfer o...2023Platt, Thomas G.StudentECU
Co-dependent and Interdigitated: Dual Quorum Sensing Systems Regulate Conjugative Transfer o...2023Fuqua, Clay StudentECU
Co-Development of a Web Application (COVID-19 Social Site) for Long-Term Care Workers (“Some...2023Little, Nancy RuthStudentECU
Co-Development of a Web Application (COVID-19 Social Site) for Long-Term Care Workers (“Some...2023Saunders, Catherine H.StudentECU
Co-occurrence of ecologically similar species of Hawaiian spiders reveals critical early pha...2018Cotoras, Darko D.,Bi,Ke,Brewer,Michael S.,Lindberg,David R.,ProstStudentECU
Co-occurring ADHD and Substance Abuse : Substance Use Patterns, Motives and Executive Funct...2023Stanton, Marina R.StudentECU
Coach perceptions of psychological characteristics and behaviors of male and female athletes...1995Tuffey, Suzanne L.StudentHealth and Human Performance, UNCG
Coaches’ Implementation of the USA Football “Heads Up Football” Educational Program2023Lee, Joseph G. L.StudentECU
Coaches’ Implementation of the USA Football “Heads Up Football” Educational Program2023Kerr, Zachary Y.StudentECU
Coagulation Factor XIIIa Undergoes a Conformational Change Evoked by Glutamine Substrate2023Mitkevich, Olga StudentECU
Coagulation Factor XIIIa Undergoes a Conformational Change Evoked by Glutamine Substrate2023Teller, David C.StudentECU
Coagulation Factor XIIIa Undergoes a Conformational Change Evoked by Glutamine Substrate2023Bishop, Paul D.StudentECU
Coagulation Factor XIIIa Undergoes a Conformational Change Evoked by Glutamine Substrate2023Yee, Vivian StudentECU
Coagulation Factor XIIIa Undergoes a Conformational Change Evoked by Glutamine Substrate2023Smejkal, Gary B.StudentECU
Coagulation Factor XIIIa Undergoes a Conformational Change Evoked by Glutamine Substrate2023Shainoff, John R.StudentECU
Coagulation Factor XIIIa Undergoes a Conformational Change Evoked by Glutamine Substrate2023Samokhin, Gennady P.StudentECU
The Coast As A Vernacular Region2010Mann, Jennifer StudentECU
Coastal barrier stratigraphy for Holocene high-resolution sea-level reconstruction2016Costas, Susana,Ferreira,Óscar,Plomaritis,Theocharis A.,Leorri,EduardoStudentECU
Coastal Microbial Communities Disrupted During the 2018 Hurricane Season in Outer Banks, Nor...2023Garrison, Cody E.StudentECU
Coastal Microbial Communities Disrupted During the 2018 Hurricane Season in Outer Banks, Nor...2023Roozbehi, Sara StudentECU
Coastal Microbial Communities Disrupted During the 2018 Hurricane Season in Outer Banks, Nor...2023Field, Erin K.StudentECU
Coastal Microbial Communities Disrupted During the 2018 Hurricane Season in Outer Banks, Nor...2023Mitra, Siddhartha StudentECU
Coastal Microbial Communities Disrupted During the 2018 Hurricane Season in Outer Banks, Nor...2023Corbett, D. Reide (David Reide),1971-StudentECU
Coastal urbanization and tidal creek water quality2023Chambers, Brian L.StudentECU
Coastal urbanization and tidal creek water quality2023Chambers, Brian L.StudentECU
Cock of the Walk2016Palestrant, Christopher FacultyMusic and Visual Arts, ECSU
Cod, Contracts, and Capital: New England's Motivations for Attacking Louisbourg in 17452023Groszkowski, Jeffery MatthewStudentECU
Coder agreement on content analysis of interaction of preschool children1963Deal, Therry NashStudentHome Economics, UNCG
The coeducational transition of the Woman's College of the University of North Carolina : a ...1987Gallien, Louis B.StudentEducation, UNCG
Coelophysids (Dinosauria: Theropoda) from the Upper Triassic (Revueltian) Snyder Quarry2003Heckert, Andrew B. FacultyGeology, ASU
Coevolutionary analysis of Appalachian Xystodesmid millipedes and their symbiotic Mesostigma...1905Swafford, Angela LynnStudentECU
Cognitive and behavioral-emotional functioning during the early school-age years for preterm...1996Richtsmeier, Lynda M.StudentPsychology, UNCG
A Cognitive Approach to Assessing the Materials in Problem-Based Learning Environments2023Drake, John R.StudentECU
A Cognitive Approach to Assessing the Materials in Problem-Based Learning Environments2023Paul, Ravi StudentECU
Cognitive complexity and selected aspects of leaders' self-reported cognitions1991Wooten, Herbert RayStudentEducation, UNCG
Cognitive Consequences of Expressive Regulation in Older Adults2011Emery, Lisa FacultyPsychology, ASU
Cognitive level and attitudes of global understanding in undergraduate students : effects of...1982Woollen, John RobersonStudentMusic, UNCG
Cognitive level and attitudes toward science in prospective elementary school teachers : eff...1979Nolan, Francis XavierStudentEducation, UNCG
Cognitive Performance in Patients with Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillators: Associations...2023Sears, Samuel F.StudentECU
Cognitive processes in depression : the effects of content and presentation variables on org...1985Badawi, Isis Y.StudentPsychology, UNCG
Cognitive restructuring and verbal extinction effects in treating snake phobia1974Wein, Kenneth StuartStudentPsychology, UNCG
Cognitive Skill Acquisition and Transfer in Younger and Older Adults2001Touron, Dayna FacultyPsychology, ASU
Cognitive Skill Learning: Age-Related Differences in Strategy Shifts and Speed of Component ...2004Touron, Dayna FacultyPsychology, ASU
Cognitive therapy of depression : a conceptual and empirical analysis of component and proce...1984Zettle, Robert D.StudentPsychology, UNCG
Cognitive-Motor Interference Heightens the Prefrontal Cortical Activation and Deteriorates t...2023Surkar, Swati M.StudentECU
Cognitive-Motor Interference Heightens the Prefrontal Cortical Activation and Deteriorates t...2023Hoffman, Rashelle M.StudentECU
Cognitive-Motor Interference Heightens the Prefrontal Cortical Activation and Deteriorates t...2023Harbourne, Regina StudentECU
Cognitive-Motor Interference Heightens the Prefrontal Cortical Activation and Deteriorates t...2023Kurz, Max J.StudentECU
Cohomology classes associated to anomalies2023Peterson, Gregory L.StudentECU
Cohort work values of employed men and women1987Norman, Kathryn HeathStudentHuman Environmental Sciences, UNCG
Coil-built ceramic landscape1975Reed, Karen AllenStudentArt, UNCG
Coincidence-anticipation tasks utilizing selected speeds, directions, and fielding sides in ...1977Toburen, Karen RuthStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
Cold war strategy and diplomacy in the October 1973 war2023Thomas, James RobertStudentECU
Coleman Livingston Blease, South Carolina politician1971Miller, Anthony BarryStudentHistory, UNCG
Collaborating With Your Campus Community To Execute Your Library’s High Impact Educational P...2023Hisle, David StudentECU
Collaborating With Your Campus Community To Execute Your Library’s High Impact Educational P...2023Willis, Carolyn StudentECU
Collaborative Training Strategies to Reduce COVID-19 Propagation in Long Term Care Facilitie...2023Haq, Fuzail StudentECU
Collecting Ourselves: An Analysis of holdings in North Carolina libraries of selected catego...2023Barricella, Lisa SheetsStudentECU
Collecting Ourselves: An Analysis of holdings in North Carolina libraries of selected catego...2023Reynolds, Matthew C.StudentECU
A collection of original work1963Daughtridge, Anne E.StudentEnglish, UNCG
Collective Action and the Mobilization of Institutions2004Newmark, Adam J FacultyGovernment and Justice Studies, ASU
Collective Action and the Mobilization of Institutions2002Newmark, Adam J FacultyGovernment and Justice Studies, ASU
Collective bargaining for public school teachers in North Carolina : a study of major negoti...1976Sinclair, Joseph R.StudentEducation, UNCG
Collective ERK/Akt Activity Waves Orchestrate Epithelial Homeostasis by Driving Apoptosis-In...2023Hughes, Robert M.StudentECU
Collective ERK/Akt Activity Waves Orchestrate Epithelial Homeostasis by Driving Apoptosis-In...2023Gagliardi, Paolo ArmandoStudentECU
Collective ERK/Akt Activity Waves Orchestrate Epithelial Homeostasis by Driving Apoptosis-In...2023Dobrzynski, Maciej StudentECU
Collective ERK/Akt Activity Waves Orchestrate Epithelial Homeostasis by Driving Apoptosis-In...2023Jacques, Marc-Antoine StudentECU
Collective ERK/Akt Activity Waves Orchestrate Epithelial Homeostasis by Driving Apoptosis-In...2023Dessauges, Coralie StudentECU
Collective ERK/Akt Activity Waves Orchestrate Epithelial Homeostasis by Driving Apoptosis-In...2023Ender, Pascal StudentECU
Collective ERK/Akt Activity Waves Orchestrate Epithelial Homeostasis by Driving Apoptosis-In...2023Blum, Yannick StudentECU
Collective ERK/Akt Activity Waves Orchestrate Epithelial Homeostasis by Driving Apoptosis-In...2023Cohen, Andrew R.StudentECU
Collective ERK/Akt Activity Waves Orchestrate Epithelial Homeostasis by Driving Apoptosis-In...2023Pertz, Olivier StudentECU
A Collective: Working Towards a Better Place2020McLelland, Heather LStudentECU
College career planning and employment professionals : a profile and comparison of their per...1990Smith, Linda DeaseStudentEducation, UNCG
The College Persistence Questionnaire: Development and Validation of an Instrument That Pred...2009Beck, Hall FacultyPsychology, ASU
College Spillover Effects\; Reassessing Whites' Racial Beliefs and Policy Attitudes2023Johnson, Jerry,Jr StudentECU
College Student Drinking: Perception of the Norm and Behavioral Intentions2006Zrull, Mark C. FacultyPsychology, ASU
College Student Participation in Risky Behaviors: Hazardous Drinking, Sleeping while Driving...2023Hodges, Katlyn MarieStudentECU
College View Historic District : A case Study of Historic Preservation in Greenville, North ...2023Benedict, Deann LynStudentECU
Collegians and conscription on the home front in North Carolina during World War I, 1917-191...2023Fraser, Walter J.,Jr.StudentECU
Collegiate consumers of physical education1986Metzger, Rhoda StudentHealth, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, UNCG
Colocalization of Known Focal Adhesion Proteins and Novel Focal Adhesion Protein GPR98 in Hu...2023Petritsch, Amanda MichelleStudentECU
Colocalization of Known Focal Adhesion Proteins and Novel Focal Adhesion Protein GPR98 in Hu...2023Petritsch, Amanda MichelleStudentECU
The Colombianization of Mexico? The Evolving Mexican Drug War2009Scherlen, Renee FacultyGovernment and Justice Studies, ASU
Colonel Frederick Augustus Olds and the founding of the North Carolina Museum of History2023Warren, Harry S.StudentECU
Colonial Beaufort : the history of a North Carolina town2023Paul, Charles LivingstonStudentECU
Color and space in the still life1977Eldridge, Janita HayworthStudentArt, UNCG
Color Pattern Evolution in the Threespine Stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus): Functional, ...2023Anderson, Christopher MichaelStudentECU
Color Pattern Evolution in the Threespine Stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus): Functional, ...2023Anderson, Christopher MichaelStudentECU
Color preference for black and white in infants and young children1977May, Betty Jo WhittenStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Color systems1974O'Connor, Francis WilliamStudentArt, UNCG
The colored people1974Tillotson, Robert MarkStudentArt, UNCG
Combination of Raman tweezers and quantitative differential interference contrast microscopy...2023Zhang, Pengfei StudentECU
Combination of Raman tweezers and quantitative differential interference contrast microscopy...2023Kong, Lingbo StudentECU
Combination of Raman tweezers and quantitative differential interference contrast microscopy...2023Wang, Guiwen StudentECU
Combination of Raman tweezers and quantitative differential interference contrast microscopy...2023Setlow, Peter StudentECU
Combination of Raman tweezers and quantitative differential interference contrast microscopy...2023Li, Yong-Qing StudentECU
Combinations and variations of related forms1972Prokop, Clifton AndrewStudentArt, UNCG
Combinations of Electronic Nicotine Delivery System Device and Liquid Characteristics Among ...2023Soule, Eric StudentECU
Combinations of Electronic Nicotine Delivery System Device and Liquid Characteristics Among ...2023Cohen, Joanna E.StudentECU
Combinations of Electronic Nicotine Delivery System Device and Liquid Characteristics Among ...2023Hardesty, Jeffrey J.StudentECU
Combinations of Electronic Nicotine Delivery System Device and Liquid Characteristics Among ...2023Nian, Qinghua StudentECU
Combinations of Electronic Nicotine Delivery System Device and Liquid Characteristics Among ...2023Crespi, Elizabeth StudentECU
Combinations of Electronic Nicotine Delivery System Device and Liquid Characteristics Among ...2023Sinamo, Joshua K.StudentECU
Combinations of Electronic Nicotine Delivery System Device and Liquid Characteristics Among ...2023Kennedy, Ryan D.StudentECU
Combinations of Electronic Nicotine Delivery System Device and Liquid Characteristics Among ...2023Welding, Kevin StudentECU
Combinations of Electronic Nicotine Delivery System Device and Liquid Characteristics Among ...2023Kaplan, Bekir StudentECU
Combinations of Electronic Nicotine Delivery System Device and Liquid Characteristics Among ...2023Eissenberg, Thomas StudentECU
Combinations of Electronic Nicotine Delivery System Device and Liquid Characteristics Among ...2023Breland, Alison StudentECU
Combinations of lines, planes, and forms that generate eye movement1968Cox, Ralph JamesStudentArt, UNCG
Combined Catalase and ADH Inhibition Ameliorates Ethanol-Induced Myocardial Dysfunction Desp...2023Abdel-Rahman, Abdel A.StudentECU
Combined effect of free and forced convection on MHD flow in a rotating porous channel2023Prasada Rao, D.R.V. StudentECU
Combined effect of free and forced convection on MHD flow in a rotating porous channel2023Krishna, D.V. StudentECU
Combined effect of free and forced convection on MHD flow in a rotating porous channel2023Debnath, Lokenath StudentECU
Combined effects of aberrant MEK1 activity and BCL2 overexpression on relieving the cytokine...2023Blalock, WL StudentECU
Combined effects of aberrant MEK1 activity and BCL2 overexpression on relieving the cytokine...2023Moye, PW StudentECU
Combined effects of aberrant MEK1 activity and BCL2 overexpression on relieving the cytokine...2023Chang, Fumin StudentECU
Combined effects of aberrant MEK1 activity and BCL2 overexpression on relieving the cytokine...2023Pearce, M StudentECU
Combined effects of aberrant MEK1 activity and BCL2 overexpression on relieving the cytokine...2023LS, Steelman StudentECU
Combined effects of aberrant MEK1 activity and BCL2 overexpression on relieving the cytokine...2023McMahon, M StudentECU
Combined effects of aberrant MEK1 activity and BCL2 overexpression on relieving the cytokine...2023McCubrey, JA StudentECU
Combining ultrasonography and noncontrast helical computerized tomography to evaluate Holmiu...2016Mi, Jia,Li,Jie,Zhang,Qinglu,Wang,Xing,Liu,Hongyu,Cao,Y StudentECU
Combining Willingness to Pay and Behavior Data with Limited Information2005Whitehead, John FacultyEconomics, ASU
Come 'out,' come 'out,' wherever you are :the Myspace lesbian and her material social worlds...2023McArdle, Suzanne M.StudentECU
Coming Full Circle: Post Revolutionary Change in Egypt and its Effect on Relations with Isra...2016Goldberg, Benjamin StudentGovernment And Justice Studies - Student, ASU
Coming Out Of The Congregation: An Interpretive Analysis Of The Communication Of Homosexuali...2016Williams, Jonathan StudentCommunication - Student, ASU
Command and Control of the Union Army in the East, Spring 1864\; Ulysses S. Grant, George G....2023LaVoie, William GerardStudentECU
Command and Initiative in North Africa: Patton VS. Fredendall, and the Battle of Kasserine P...2023Kunert, Jessica Marie (Timmerman)StudentECU
A commentary on thirteen paintings1954Click, Margaret StudentArt, UNCG
Commentary: Effect of Skeletal Muscle Native Tropomyosin on the Interaction of Amoeba Actin ...2016Chalovich, Joseph M.,Johnson,DylanStudentECU
Commentary: Suicide risk is high, but often overlooked, in autistic spectrum disorder popula...2023Curtis, Luke StudentECU
Commentary: Suicide risk is high, but often overlooked, in autistic spectrum disorder popula...2023Curtis, Luke StudentECU
Commerce and captives : the ironic role of the Indian trade in colonial South Carolina, 1663...2023Askew, Victoria L.StudentECU
Common Era Sea-Level Budgets along the U.S. Atlantic Coast2023Corbett, D. Reide (David Reide),1971-StudentECU
Common Era Sea-Level Budgets along the U.S. Atlantic Coast2023Walker, Jennifer S.StudentECU
Common Era Sea-Level Budgets along the U.S. Atlantic Coast2023Kopp, Robert E.StudentECU
Common Era Sea-Level Budgets along the U.S. Atlantic Coast2023Shaw, Timothy A.StudentECU
Common Era Sea-Level Budgets along the U.S. Atlantic Coast2023Cahill, Niamh StudentECU
Common Era Sea-Level Budgets along the U.S. Atlantic Coast2023Khan, Nicole S.StudentECU
Common Era Sea-Level Budgets along the U.S. Atlantic Coast2023Barber, Donald C.StudentECU
Common Era Sea-Level Budgets along the U.S. Atlantic Coast2023Ashe, Erica L.StudentECU
Common Era Sea-Level Budgets along the U.S. Atlantic Coast2023Brain, Matthew J.StudentECU
Common Era Sea-Level Budgets along the U.S. Atlantic Coast2023Clear, Jennifer L.StudentECU
Common Era Sea-Level Budgets along the U.S. Atlantic Coast2023Horton, Benjamin P.StudentECU
Common threads : the meaning of needlework to ordinary women1996Daniels, Glennie OvermanStudentHuman Environmental Sciences, UNCG
Communicating with the patient requiring mechanical ventilation2023Perkins, Ann StudentECU
Communication and Learning in Natural Environments: Generalization and Collaboration between...2023Porter, Sarah GraceStudentECU
Communication satisfaction as a component of job satisfaction : a comparison study between n...2023Cooke, Valorie L.StudentECU
Community Accessible Resources, Education, and Screenings: Community Partnership providing P...2023Smith, Erin StudentECU
Community Assembly on Isolated Islands: Macroecology Meets Evolution2023Brewer, Michael S.StudentECU
Community collections: Exploring three distinct approaches to collaboration and outreach thr...2015Gwynn, David FacultyUniversity Libraries, UNCG
Community college educational technology : its control, allocation, purchase and utilization...1992Randall, William DavidStudentEducation, UNCG
A community college office technology soft skills course compared to soft skills employers r...2023Hackworth, Robbie G.StudentECU
Community Health Workers’ Role in Addressing Farmworker Health Disparities2023Cofie, Leslie E.StudentECU
Community Health Workers’ Role in Addressing Farmworker Health Disparities2023Lee, Joseph G. L.StudentECU
Community Impacts of International Service-Learning and Study Abroad: An Analysis of Focus G...2011Schroeder, Kathleen FacultyGeography and Planning, ASU
Community Impacts of International Service-Learning and Study Abroad: An Analysis of Focus G...2011Wood, Cynthia FacultyCultural, Gender, and Global Studies, ASU
Community Impacts of International Service-Learning and Study Abroad: An Analysis of Focus G...2011Koehn, Jenny FacultyStudent Programs, ASU
Community Lost? Changes and Stratification in Perceived Neighborhood Social Cohesion among F...2023Campbell, Colin StudentECU
Community Lost? Changes and Stratification in Perceived Neighborhood Social Cohesion among F...2023, et alStudentECU
Community Lost? Changes and Stratification in Perceived Neighborhood Social Cohesion among F...2023Campbell, Colin StudentECU
Community Lost? Changes and Stratification in Perceived Neighborhood Social Cohesion among F...2023Pearlman, Jessica StudentECU
Community Lost? Changes and Stratification in Perceived Neighborhood Social Cohesion among F...2023Verdery, Ashton M.StudentECU
Community Lost? Changes and Stratification in Perceived Neighborhood Social Cohesion among F...2023England, Kira StudentECU
Community of interest, demographic or geographic? :an analysis of discourse in two southern ...2023Best, Robert B.StudentECU
Community of interest, demographic or geographic? :an analysis of discourse in two southern ...2023Best, Robert B.StudentECU
Community Supported Agriculture Plus Nutrition Education Improves Skills, Self-efficacy, and...2023Jilcott Pitts, Stephanie B.StudentECU
Community Supported Agriculture Plus Nutrition Education Improves Skills, Self-efficacy, and...2023Seguin-Fowler, Rebecca A.StudentECU
Community Supported Agriculture Plus Nutrition Education Improves Skills, Self-efficacy, and...2023Hanson, Karla L.StudentECU
Community Supported Agriculture Plus Nutrition Education Improves Skills, Self-efficacy, and...2023Kolodinsky, Jane StudentECU
Community Supported Agriculture Plus Nutrition Education Improves Skills, Self-efficacy, and...2023Sitaker, Marilyn StudentECU
Community Supported Agriculture Plus Nutrition Education Improves Skills, Self-efficacy, and...2023Ammerman, Alice S.StudentECU
Community Supported Agriculture Plus Nutrition Education Improves Skills, Self-efficacy, and...2023Marshall, Grace A.StudentECU
Community Supported Agriculture Plus Nutrition Education Improves Skills, Self-efficacy, and...2023Belarmino, Emily H.StudentECU
Community Supported Agriculture Plus Nutrition Education Improves Skills, Self-efficacy, and...2023Garner, Jennifer A.StudentECU
Community Supported Agriculture Plus Nutrition Education Improves Skills, Self-efficacy, and...2023Wang, Weiwei StudentECU
Community-based Participatory Health Promotion and Prevention: An Advanced Public Health Nur...2012Park, Eunhee FacultyFamily and Community Nursing, UNCG
Community-Campus Partnerships and Student Learning: Using Lessons Learned to Chart a Path fo...2023McCunney, W. DennisStudentECU
Community-Campus Partnerships and Student Learning: Using Lessons Learned to Chart a Path fo...2023Linz Dickinson, Megan StudentECU
A Community-Driven Approach to Identifying “Winnable� Policies Using the Centers for Dis...2012Smith, Tosha W.StudentECU
A Community-Driven Approach to Identifying “Winnable� Policies Using the Centers for Dis...2012Jilcott Pitts, Stephanie B.StudentECU
A Community-Driven Approach to Identifying “Winnable� Policies Using the Centers for Dis...2012Whetstone, Lauren M.StudentECU
A Community-Driven Approach to Identifying “Winnable� Policies Using the Centers for Dis...2012Wilkerson, Jean R.StudentECU
A Community-Driven Approach to Identifying “Winnable� Policies Using the Centers for Dis...2012Ammerman, Alice S.StudentECU
A Community-Driven Approach to Identifying "Winnable" Policies Using the Centers for Disease...2012Smith, Tosha W.StudentECU
A Community-Driven Approach to Identifying "Winnable" Policies Using the Centers for Disease...2012Wilkerson, Jean R.StudentECU
A Community-Driven Approach to Identifying "Winnable" Policies Using the Centers for Disease...2012Whetstone, Lauren M.StudentECU
A Community-Driven Approach to Identifying "Winnable" Policies Using the Centers for Disease...2012Ammerman, Alice S.StudentECU
A Community-Driven Approach to Identifying "Winnable" Policies Using the Centers for Disease...2012Jilcott Pitts, Stephanie B.StudentECU
Commutativity Degrees of Wreath Products of Finite Abellian Groups2008Erovenko, Igor FacultyMathematics and Statistics, UNCG
Commute Times, Food Retail Gaps, and Body Mass Index in North Carolina Counties2010Jilcott, Stephanie B.StudentECU
Commute Times, Food Retail Gaps, and Body Mass Index in North Carolina Counties2010Ammerman, Alice S.StudentECU
Commute Times, Food Retail Gaps, and Body Mass Index in North Carolina Counties2010Wilson, James StudentECU
Commute Times, Food Retail Gaps, and Body Mass Index in North Carolina Counties2010Bethel, Jeffrey W.StudentECU
Commute Times, Food Retail Gaps, and Body Mass Index in North Carolina Counties2010Moore, Justin B.StudentECU
Commute Times, Food Retail Gaps, and Body Mass Index in North Carolina Counties2010Liu, Haiyong StudentECU
Compact NMR relaxometry of human blood and blood components2016Cistola, David P.,Robinson,Michelle D.StudentECU
Compact operators and nest representations of limit algebras2023Katsoulis, Elias StudentECU
Compact operators and nest representations of limit algebras2023Peters, Justin R.StudentECU
Compactifications of convergens spaces2023Kent, D.C. StudentECU
Compactifications of convergens spaces2023Richardson, G.D. StudentECU
A compactness preserving topology for products sets1975Howe, Thomas LavernStudentMathematics, UNCG
The comparability of masculine and feminine gender schemas for male and female college stude...1984Morris, James ThomasStudentPsychology, UNCG
Comparative Analysis and Trends in Liver Transplant Hospitalizations with Clostridium Diffic...2023Ali, Hassam StudentECU
Comparative Analysis and Trends in Liver Transplant Hospitalizations with Clostridium Diffic...2023Pamarthy, Rahul StudentECU
Comparative Analysis and Trends in Liver Transplant Hospitalizations with Clostridium Diffic...2023, et alStudentECU
A comparative analysis of cardiovascular risk factors of premenopausal clerical workers and ...2023Batchelor, Cheryl B.StudentECU
A comparative analysis of funding formulas applied to the North Carolina Community College S...1994Cuthbertson, Lloyd WilliamStudentEducation, UNCG
A comparative analysis of intonational patterns in Ana Maria Matute and Juan Goytisolo : a s...1973McLeod, Donald VirgilStudentRomance Languages-French, UNCG
A comparative analysis of marital role expectations of paired husbands and wives seeking cou...1972Anderson, Eugene DavidStudentHome Economics, UNCG
A comparative analysis of melodic and rhythmic music reading skills of percussion and wind i...1992Wheeler, Mark RoyStudentMusic, UNCG
A comparative analysis of needs and attitudes of home economics teachers in North Carolina w...1984Tharpe, Frances R.StudentHome Economics, UNCG
A Comparative Analysis of Paleopathology and Mortuary Practices at West Site (31CK22), Curri...2023Souther, Lauren StudentECU
A comparative analysis of the performance interview in graduate instruction1972Atkins, Sally Ann SmithStudentEducation, UNCG
A comparative analysis of the philosophies of John Dewey and the new British infant school1975Sasser, Martha SueStudentEducation, UNCG
A comparative anatomical and histological study of the female reproductive tracts of the bro...2023Burden, Ann CottleStudentECU
Comparative Differences of Mitral Valve-In-Valve Implantation: A New Mitral Bioprosthesis Ve...2023Chitwood, W. RandolphStudentECU
Comparative DNA Analysis of Solid Tumors by Flow Cytometric and Image Analyses of Touch Impr...2023Elsheikh, Tarik M.StudentECU
Comparative DNA Analysis of Solid Tumors by Flow Cytometric and Image Analyses of Touch Impr...2023Silverman, Jan F.StudentECU
Comparative DNA Analysis of Solid Tumors by Flow Cytometric and Image Analyses of Touch Impr...2023Mccool, Janet W.StudentECU
Comparative DNA Analysis of Solid Tumors by Flow Cytometric and Image Analyses of Touch Impr...2023Riley, Roger S.StudentECU
Comparative effects of exercise reduction and relaxation training on type A behavior and dys...1990DeVaney, Susan B.StudentEducation, UNCG
Comparative Efficacy And Acceptability Of Psychotherapies For Depression In Children And Ado...2015Michael, Kurt D.FacultyPsychology, ASU
Comparative evaluation of two severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) vaccine candidates in...2023Roper, Rachel L.StudentECU
Comparative Gene Expression and Physiological Analyses Reveal Molecular Mechanisms in Wound-...2023Stiller, John W.StudentECU
Comparative Gene Expression and Physiological Analyses Reveal Molecular Mechanisms in Wound-...2023Guan, Xiaowei StudentECU
Comparative genomic analysis of the Morone saxatilis (striped bass) Hoxb4a gene :conservatio...2023Smith, Robert M.StudentECU
Comparative Genomics and Evolution of Proteins Associated with RNA Polymerase II C-Terminal ...2023Guo, Zhenhua StudentECU
Comparative Genomics and Evolution of Proteins Associated with RNA Polymerase II C-Terminal ...2023Stiller, John W.StudentECU
Comparative Geochemical Assay of Napier and Connestee Ceramic Sherds as a Means to Evaluate ...2022Parrish, Wesley StudentAnthropology and Sociology, WCU
Comparative growth rates in wild types and carotenoid mutants of Sporobolomyces salmonicolor...1960Yundt, Joanne StudentBiology, UNCG
Comparative interpretations of religious symbolism in the design on a textile dated 16801970Gibson, Fay YorkStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Comparative intragenic mapping of aspartic-acid auxotrophs of Staphylococcus Aureus using tr...2023Van Taylor, James. StudentECU
A comparative investigation of young children's recall memory proficiency in naturalistic an...1986Nida, Robert EugeneStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Comparative petrography of intra- and extra-macrofossil sediment within Pleistocene to Creta...2023Varlashkin, Charlotte M.StudentECU
Comparative physiology and chemical control of selected strains of the marine fungus, lageni...2023Daniels, William Henry.StudentECU
A comparative ranking of the severity of five ASTM abrasion test methods using nine polyeste...1983Clapp, Anne C.StudentHome Economics, UNCG
Comparative records of college students before and after marriage1960Corriher, Edith BeardStudentHome Economics, UNCG
A comparative study involving the administration of computer- managed instruction in a remed...1989Kestner, Michael KieStudentEducation, UNCG
A comparative study involving two approaches to documenting computer software for mathematic...1994Blood, Talmon CliftonStudentEducation, UNCG
A Comparative Study of As a Library Book and Media Vendor2005Orkiszewski, Paul T.FacultyUniversity Libraries, ASU
A comparative study of the attitudes of mother-father pairs to child-rearing practices in 19...1970Herring, Carol AnnStudentHome Economics, UNCG
A comparative study of body sway in the anterior-posterior plane with reference to external ...1965Swim, Carol LeeStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
A comparative study of a checkmark grading system and a traditional grading system in busine...1979Weavil, Linda ThompsonStudentEducation, UNCG
A comparative study of competencies attained by students who have received instruction in co...1982Stokes, Nancy ArmesStudentHome Economics, UNCG
A comparative study of the effectiveness of German submarine warfare on the eastern seaboard...2023Blake, Samuel StudentECU
A comparative study of the feminine role concept of undergraduate and graduate women majorin...1971Beck, Bonnie AnnStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
A comparative study of life in first grade classrooms of 1:14 and 1:23 teacher/pupil ratios1995Kiser-Kling, Karen A.StudentEducation, UNCG
A comparative study of the means of communication toddlers use at home and in the group sett...1969Johnson, Sherrie McGradyStudentHome Economics, UNCG
A comparative study of nurse role-conceptions held by nursing faculty and nursing service pe...1977McNeal, Linda JeanStudentNursing, UNCG
A comparative study of perceived leadership behavior of selected North Carolina high school ...1988Spatkowski, Theodore JosephStudentHealth, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, UNCG
A Comparative Study of Perceptions and Use of Google Scholar and Academic Library Discovery ...2019Eun Oh, Kyong,Colón-Aguirre,Mónica StudentECU
A comparative study of price and construction of trade name dresses in three determined pric...1948Matthews, Edith WebberStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Comparative Study of the Roles of AhpC and KatE as Respiratory Antioxidants in Brucella abor...2023Steele, Kendra H.StudentECU
Comparative Study of the Roles of AhpC and KatE as Respiratory Antioxidants in Brucella abor...2023Baumgartner, John StudentECU
Comparative Study of the Roles of AhpC and KatE as Respiratory Antioxidants in Brucella abor...2023Wright Valderas, Michelle StudentECU
Comparative Study of the Roles of AhpC and KatE as Respiratory Antioxidants in Brucella abor...2023Roop II, R. MartinStudentECU
Comparative thermal properties of aryl-B-Glucosidase isozymes in Neurospora crassa1975Hartis, Eileen HarleyStudentBiology, UNCG
Comparative Transcriptomics of Strawberries (Fragaria spp.) Provides Insights into Evolution...2016Qiao, Qin,Xue,Li,Wang,Qia,Sun,Hang,Zhong,Yang,Huang,Jinl StudentECU
Comparing City Policies on Mandatory Drug Testing: A Process Evaluation1990Strickland, Ruth Ann FacultyGovernment and Justice Studies, ASU
Comparing developed and undeveloped barrier island systems :a descriptive historical morphol...2023Brass, Jesse Lyman.StudentECU
Comparing developed and undeveloped barrier island systems :a descriptive historical morphol...2023Brass, Jesse Lyman.StudentECU
Comparing the Effectiveness of Education Versus Digital Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Adu...2023Liles, Darla StudentECU
Comparing the Effectiveness of Education Versus Digital Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Adu...2023Badawy, Sherif M.StudentECU
Comparing the Effectiveness of Education Versus Digital Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Adu...2023Abebe, Kaleab Z.StudentECU
Comparing the Effectiveness of Education Versus Digital Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Adu...2023Reichman, Charlotte A.StudentECU
Comparing the Effectiveness of Education Versus Digital Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Adu...2023Checo, Grace StudentECU
Comparing the Effectiveness of Education Versus Digital Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Adu...2023Hamm, Megan E.StudentECU
Comparing the Effectiveness of Education Versus Digital Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Adu...2023Stinson, Jennifer StudentECU
Comparing the Effectiveness of Education Versus Digital Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Adu...2023Lalloo, Chitra StudentECU
Comparing the Effectiveness of Education Versus Digital Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Adu...2023Carroll, Patrick StudentECU
Comparing the Effectiveness of Education Versus Digital Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Adu...2023Saraf, Santosh L.StudentECU
Comparing the Effectiveness of Education Versus Digital Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Adu...2023Gordeuk, Victor R.StudentECU
Comparing the Effectiveness of Education Versus Digital Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Adu...2023Desai, Payal StudentECU
Comparing the Effectiveness of Education Versus Digital Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Adu...2023Shah, Nirmish StudentECU
Comparing the Effectiveness of Education Versus Digital Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Adu...2023Trimnell, Cassandra StudentECU
Comparing the Effectiveness of Education Versus Digital Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Adu...2023Jonassaint, Charles R.StudentECU
Comparing the Hickory Shad (Alosa mediocris) and American Shad (Alosa sapidissima) Sport Fis...2023Dowiarz, Samantha A.StudentECU
Comparing Outcomes for Normal Aging and Post Stroke Populations in Interactive Metronome The...2010Slye, Annie StudentECU
Comparing Tribal Research and SpecimensPolicies: Models, Practices, and PrinciplesJessica Ba...2017Bardill, Jessica StudentECU
Comparing Tribal Research and SpecimensPolicies: Models, Practices, and PrinciplesJessica Ba...2023Bardill, Jessica StudentECU
A comparison between 1, 1, 3-tricyano-2-amino-1-propene (TRIAP) and nerve growth factor's ef...2023Moore, James N.StudentECU
A Comparison Between Male and Female Strength to Body Mass Ratios and Varus/Valgus Knee Angl...2010Haines, Tracie LynnStudentHealth and Exercise Science - Student, ASU
A comparison between a polluted and a non-polluted stream in Pitt County, North Carolina2023Foster, Owen Guilford.StudentECU
A comparison between recommendations and practices in interscholastic athletics for junior h...1967Burton, William WyeburgStudentEducation, UNCG
A Comparison of 9th Grade Student's BMI, Body Weight, Skin Fold Measurements, and Blood Pres...2023Hamrick, Adam StudentECU
Comparison of abundance and diets of selected fishes in trawling and non-trawling zones in C...2023Hart, Kevin. StudentECU
Comparison of achievement in typewriting and interest as measured by an occupational interes...1947Barksdale, Anne StudentBusiness Education, UNCG
Comparison of anthropometric measurements of oriental and caucasian females for sizing syste...1984Hu, Kap-Sum StudentHome Economics, UNCG
A Comparison of Artifacts and Activities among Mound Area Contexts at Town Creek, A Mississi...2023Armour, Daryl W.StudentECU
A comparison of attitude change toward physical education in classes taught with different e...1970Nugent, Jane ElizabethStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
A comparison of attitudes about child-rearing in middle- and lower-class families1971Mitchell, Marion HawkinsStudentHome Economics, UNCG
The comparison of attitudes of black and white high school students toward physical educatio...1977Tucker, Marilyn QueStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
A comparison of attitudes toward the Negro as pictured in the Raleigh News and Observer in t...1972Massey, Charles EdwardStudentEducation, UNCG
A comparison of attitudes toward physical education among ninth grade students in four schoo...1975Settle, Leah WattsStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
Comparison of attitudes, knowledge, and use of alcohol and drugs between freshmen students a...2023Kroboth, Richard LewisStudentECU
A comparison of baked custards made with sweet acidophilus lowfat milk and other lowfat milk...1977Debnam, Janet FayeStudentHome Economics, UNCG
A comparison of career maturity and personality preferences between Mexican-American and Ang...1995Lundberg, David JohnStudentEducation, UNCG
Comparison of CBCT Prescriptions among Different Campuses of East Carolina University School...2023Phen, Cody C.StudentECU
Comparison of CBCT Prescriptions among Different Campuses of East Carolina University School...2023Camargo, Gerard A.StudentECU
Comparison of CBCT Prescriptions among Different Campuses of East Carolina University School...2023Zhang, Wenjian StudentECU
A comparison of certain characteristics of students taking a high school family living cours...1961Tripp, Hazel GarrisStudentHome Economics, UNCG
A Comparison of Contingent Valuation Method and Random Utility Model Estimates of the Value ...2006Whitehead, John FacultyEconomics, ASU
A Comparison of Conventional, Final-Offer, and “Combined” Arbitration for Dispute Resolution...2004Dickinson, David L. FacultyEconomics, ASU
A comparison of counselor attention, counselor attention plus modeling, and supervised study...1978Bray, Margaret R. CrouseStudentEducation, UNCG
A comparison of the cytogenetic, clinical, and immunologic aspects of four "chromosome break...1977Adams, Nancy JStudentBiology, UNCG
A comparison of the diet of a selected group of grade children living in a boarding school w...1947Powell, Mary RaymondStudentHome Economics, UNCG
A comparison of the difference among selected sit-ups with regard to strength1964Crowe, Patricia BarbaraStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
Comparison of Documentation Models Used by Emergency Physicians in a Community Hospital Sett...2023Evans, Guyla CorbettStudentECU
A comparison of drive, cognitive-attentional, and cybernetic models of test anxiety and soci...1983Beck, Hall P.StudentPsychology, UNCG
A comparison of the effect of body build on selected tests of arm strength among college wom...1972Connolly, Maureen LucilleStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
A comparison of the effect of ordered and scrambled sequential techniques in programmed tenn...1968Mariello, Frances StudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
A comparison of the effectiveness of computer-assisted instruction using microcomputers and ...1988Tilidetzke, Robert JamesStudentEducation, UNCG
A comparison of the effectiveness of teaching volleyball through the "fingertip" method and ...1967Romero, Margaret StudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
A comparison of the effectiveness of three commonly used scoring methods for prioritizing ar...1994Penta, Mary Q.StudentEducation, UNCG
A comparison of the effectiveness of three teaching methods based on rote learning, improvis...1993Lorenz, Kevin StudentMusic, UNCG
A comparison of the effectiveness of two methods of teaching a four-week unit on selected mo...1965Gravlee, Gayle StudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
A comparison of the effects of mental and physical practice upon abdominal strength in high ...1967Rodriguez, Gloria JeanStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
A comparison of the effects of reinforcing accuracy and on-task responses in a programmed re...1974Deaton, Fran KirkseyStudentPsychology, UNCG
A comparison of the effects of two methods of teaching high school physics on understanding ...1969Eason, Clifton WayneStudentEducation, UNCG
Comparison of the efficiency of four styles of breast stroke1965Zeh, Brenda SueStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
A comparison of expected and observed piano skills required of public school music teachers ...1977Case, Trelles GlennStudentMusic, UNCG
Comparison of F(ab')2 Versus Fab Antivenom for Pit Viper Envenomation: A Prospective, Blinde...2023Toschlog, Eric StudentECU
Comparison of the fit of dresses constructed by the traditional method from basic fitting pa...1975Clark, Peyton HudsonStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Comparison of Food and Beverage Products' Availability, Variety, Price and Quality in German...2023Pitts, Stephanie StudentECU
A comparison of graduated exposure, training in verbal coping skills : and a combination of ...1978Sheslow, David V.StudentPsychology, UNCG
A comparison of the heroism of Antigone in the plays of Sophocles, Jean Cocteau, and Jean An...1956Harrill, Nancy StudentRomance Languages, UNCG
A comparison of implicit versus explicit measures in evaluating outcomes after a pregnancy p...2010Okon, Amanda LynnStudentPsychology, WCU
Comparison of instructor and student-generated cues for enhancing skill acquisition of the g...2023Street, Ivan N.StudentECU
A comparison of the intercultural sensitivity levels of high school principals and their stu...1996Penland, Thomas JamesStudentEducation, UNCG
A comparison of the interest, importance, and psychological aspects of clothing between a gr...1969Bissell, Lucille MildredStudentHome Economics, UNCG
A comparison of job performance ratings obtained with mixed and unmixed standard scales1974Moyer, Stephen MichaelStudentPsychology, UNCG
A Comparison of Lean and Obese Gait Characteristics of Children and Adults During Level Walk...2010Herring, Cortney StudentECU
Comparison of male and female college students' interpretations of physical characteristics,...1971Baldwin, Joyce AnneStudentHome Economics, UNCG
A comparison of measures of community college effectiveness in satisfying students' academic...1995Flake, Judy B.StudentEducation, UNCG
Comparison of Mental Health between First-Year College Students Residing in Living-Learning ...2023Wiles, Heather,L StudentECU
Comparison of Methods to Quantify Volume During Resistance Exercise2009Triplett, N. Travis FacultyHealth and Exercise Science, ASU
Comparison of Mitochondrial Phenotypes Across Cancers with Different Tissues of Origin2023McLaughlin, Kelsey LStudentECU
A comparison of modeling, instructions and feedback in the development of three social respo...1974Gibson, Frank WilsonStudentPsychology, UNCG
Comparison of motor ability, new motor skill learning, and adjustment to a rearranged visual...1959Hoepner, Barbara JaneStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
A comparison of multiple regression computer programs and their usefulness in analysis of va...1977Mills, Douglas LaneStudentMathematics, UNCG
Comparison of Nasalance in Spanish-Speaking Bilinguals and English-Speaking Monolinguals Liv...2023Broadwell, Katie StudentECU
Comparison of a New bioprosthetic Mitral Valve to Other Commercially Available Devices Under...2023Chitwood, W. RandolphStudentECU
Comparison of a New bioprosthetic Mitral Valve to Other Commercially Available Devices Under...2023Wang, Dee DeeStudentECU
Comparison of a New bioprosthetic Mitral Valve to Other Commercially Available Devices Under...2023Caranasos, Thomas G.StudentECU
Comparison of a New bioprosthetic Mitral Valve to Other Commercially Available Devices Under...2023O'Neill, Brian P.StudentECU
Comparison of a New bioprosthetic Mitral Valve to Other Commercially Available Devices Under...2023Stack, Richard S.StudentECU
Comparison of a New bioprosthetic Mitral Valve to Other Commercially Available Devices Under...2023O'Neill, William W.StudentECU
Comparison of non-invasive to invasive oxygenation ratios for diagnosing acute respiratory d...2018Bashar, Farshid R.,Vahedian-Azimi,Amir,Farzanegan,Behrooz,GoharaniStudentECU
A comparison of nurse and patient perceptions of patient's postsurgical pain2023Stephenson, Nancy Lou NicksStudentECU
Comparison of Online and Face-to-Face Physical Activity Courses on Undergraduates' Physical ...2023White, T. Isaac IStudentECU
Comparison of Pain, Functioning, Coping, and Psychological Distress in Patients with Chronic...2023Wu, Qiang StudentECU
Comparison of Pain, Functioning, Coping, and Psychological Distress in Patients with Chronic...2023Kyle, Brandon N.StudentECU
Comparison of Pain, Functioning, Coping, and Psychological Distress in Patients with Chronic...2023Firnhaber, Juan StudentECU
A comparison of parental attitudes toward competition in youth sports in relation to the sex...1979Phillips, James H.StudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
A comparison of perceptions, benefits, advantages and convenience of breastfeeding between a...2023Ketchie, Monica F.StudentECU
A comparison of personality profiles of employees in selected job classification in a textil...1971McKinney, David WayneStudentPsychology, UNCG
A comparison of personality variables of college women physical education majors who were su...1959Rogers, Kitty ElaineStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
A comparison of physical education in Germany and America from the years 1860-19301963Wertz, Delores JeanStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
A comparison of postsecondary academic success of traditional high school graduates and GED ...1992Shepherd, Johnny BruceStudentEducation, UNCG
Comparison of the professionalization of nursing in Canton, Hong Kong, and Macao1983Tabor, Ellen D.StudentEducation, UNCG
A comparison of progressive relaxation technique to therapeutic touch in reducing state anxi...2023Hooks, Patricia PikeStudentECU
A comparison of the qualities of dacron and cotton blends used in shirtings with all-cotton ...1955Hawkins, Janet B.StudentHome Economics, UNCG
Comparison of quantification methods to measure fire-derived (black/elemental) carbon in soi...2023Hammes, Karen StudentECU
Comparison of quantification methods to measure fire-derived (black/elemental) carbon in soi...2023Schmidt, Michael W.I.StudentECU
Comparison of quantification methods to measure fire-derived (black/elemental) carbon in soi...2023Smernik, Ronald J.StudentECU
Comparison of quantification methods to measure fire-derived (black/elemental) carbon in soi...2023Currie, Lloyd A.StudentECU
Comparison of quantification methods to measure fire-derived (black/elemental) carbon in soi...2023Ball, William P.StudentECU
Comparison of quantification methods to measure fire-derived (black/elemental) carbon in soi...2023Nguyen, Thanh H.StudentECU
Comparison of quantification methods to measure fire-derived (black/elemental) carbon in soi...2023Louchouarn, Patrick StudentECU
Comparison of quantification methods to measure fire-derived (black/elemental) carbon in soi...2023Houel, Stephane StudentECU
Comparison of quantification methods to measure fire-derived (black/elemental) carbon in soi...2023Gustafsson, Orjan StudentECU
Comparison of quantification methods to measure fire-derived (black/elemental) carbon in soi...2023Elmquist, Marie StudentECU
Comparison of quantification methods to measure fire-derived (black/elemental) carbon in soi...2023Cornelissen, Gerard StudentECU
Comparison of quantification methods to measure fire-derived (black/elemental) carbon in soi...2023Skjemstad, Jan O.StudentECU
Comparison of quantification methods to measure fire-derived (black/elemental) carbon in soi...2023Masiello, Caroline A.StudentECU
Comparison of quantification methods to measure fire-derived (black/elemental) carbon in soi...2023Song, Jianzhong StudentECU
Comparison of quantification methods to measure fire-derived (black/elemental) carbon in soi...2023Peng, Ping'an StudentECU
Comparison of quantification methods to measure fire-derived (black/elemental) carbon in soi...2023Mitra, Siddhartha StudentECU
Comparison of quantification methods to measure fire-derived (black/elemental) carbon in soi...2023Dunn, Joshua C.StudentECU
Comparison of quantification methods to measure fire-derived (black/elemental) carbon in soi...2023Hatcher, Patrick G.StudentECU
Comparison of quantification methods to measure fire-derived (black/elemental) carbon in soi...2023Hockaday, William C.StudentECU
Comparison of quantification methods to measure fire-derived (black/elemental) carbon in soi...2023Smith, Dwight M.StudentECU
Comparison of quantification methods to measure fire-derived (black/elemental) carbon in soi...2023Hartkopf-Froder, Cristoph StudentECU
Comparison of quantification methods to measure fire-derived (black/elemental) carbon in soi...2023Bohmer, Axel StudentECU
Comparison of quantification methods to measure fire-derived (black/elemental) carbon in soi...2023Luer, Burkhard StudentECU
Comparison of quantification methods to measure fire-derived (black/elemental) carbon in soi...2023Huebert, Barry J.StudentECU
Comparison of quantification methods to measure fire-derived (black/elemental) carbon in soi...2023Amelung, Wulf StudentECU
Comparison of quantification methods to measure fire-derived (black/elemental) carbon in soi...2023Brodowski, Sonja StudentECU
Comparison of quantification methods to measure fire-derived (black/elemental) carbon in soi...2023Huang, Lin StudentECU
Comparison of quantification methods to measure fire-derived (black/elemental) carbon in soi...2023Zhang, Wendy StudentECU
Comparison of quantification methods to measure fire-derived (black/elemental) carbon in soi...2023Gschwend, Philip M.StudentECU
Comparison of quantification methods to measure fire-derived (black/elemental) carbon in soi...2023Flores-Cervantes, D. XanatStudentECU
Comparison of quantification methods to measure fire-derived (black/elemental) carbon in soi...2023Largeau, Claude StudentECU
Comparison of quantification methods to measure fire-derived (black/elemental) carbon in soi...2023Rouzaud, Jean-Noel StudentECU
Comparison of quantification methods to measure fire-derived (black/elemental) carbon in soi...2023Rumpel, Cornelia StudentECU
Comparison of quantification methods to measure fire-derived (black/elemental) carbon in soi...2023Guggenberger, Georg StudentECU
Comparison of quantification methods to measure fire-derived (black/elemental) carbon in soi...2023Kaiser, Klaus StudentECU
Comparison of quantification methods to measure fire-derived (black/elemental) carbon in soi...2023Rodionov, Andrei StudentECU
Comparison of quantification methods to measure fire-derived (black/elemental) carbon in soi...2023Gonzalez-Vila, Francisco J.StudentECU
Comparison of quantification methods to measure fire-derived (black/elemental) carbon in soi...2023Gonzalez-Perez, Jose A.StudentECU
Comparison of quantification methods to measure fire-derived (black/elemental) carbon in soi...2023de la Rosa, Jose M.StudentECU
Comparison of quantification methods to measure fire-derived (black/elemental) carbon in soi...2023Manning, David A. C.StudentECU
Comparison of quantification methods to measure fire-derived (black/elemental) carbon in soi...2023Lopez-Capel, Elisa StudentECU
Comparison of quantification methods to measure fire-derived (black/elemental) carbon in soi...2023Ding, Luyi StudentECU
A comparison of reinforcement and model-reinforcement techniques in influencing verbal parti...1973Cain, William HenryStudentEducation, UNCG
Comparison of responses of basketball coaches and players to situation - response survey1982Hodges, Carolyn VirginiaStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
Comparison of the Revised and Original Versions of the Bayley Scales of Infant Development2000Gagnon, Sandra G.FacultyPsychology, ASU
A comparison of the Rokeach and values clarification methods of values change1975Medford, Bobby LeeStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Comparison of Sampling Strategies for Tobacco Retailer Inspections to Maximize Coverage in V...2023Lee, Joseph G. L.StudentECU
A comparison of the scale and otolith methods of ageing alewife (Alosa pseudoharengus) and b...2023Kornegay, James W.StudentECU
A comparison of scholastic achievements of married and unmarried high school students1959Garner, Kate BaucomStudentHome Economics, UNCG
A comparison of selected personality traits of college women who participate in varsity team...1971Wilson, Verna JeanStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
A comparison of selected student outcomes in community college associate degree nursing prog...1993Banks, Teressa W.StudentEducation, UNCG
A Comparison of Sentencing Outcomes for Defendants with Public Defenders Versus Retained Cou...2002Williams, Marian FacultyGovernment and Justice Studies, ASU
A comparison of shallow groundwater nitrate concentrations in vegetated vs. cultivated ripar...2023Boettger, Peter C.StudentECU
A comparison of shallow groundwater nitrate concentrations in vegetated vs. cultivated ripar...2023Boettger, Peter C.StudentECU
A comparison of single- and multi-band attention models by use of short duration noise pulse...1974Harris, Stephen RobertStudentPsychology, UNCG
Comparison of the Skin-to-Epidural Space Distance at the Thoracic and Lumbar Levels in Child...2023Tumin, Dmitry StudentECU
A comparison of the soiling behavior of dacron-and-cotton fabrics with those of similarly co...1958Buchanan, Frances BarnettStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Comparison of space and facilities in mobile homes and public housing by selected recommende...1969Pittman, Audrey LaverneStudentHome Economics, UNCG
A comparison of staff development methods for training school-based assessment committees in...1980Smith, Sarah CookeStudentEducation, UNCG
Comparison of Stance Phase Knee Joint Angles and Moments Using Two Different Surface Marker ...2023Willson, John D.StudentECU
Comparison of Stance Phase Knee Joint Angles and Moments Using Two Different Surface Marker ...2023Petit, Daniel J.StudentECU
Comparison of Stance Phase Knee Joint Angles and Moments Using Two Different Surface Marker ...2023Barrios, Joaquin A.StudentECU
A comparison of statewide public higher education agencies1985Lancaster, James M.StudentEducation, UNCG
A Comparison of Strength and Power Characteristics Between Power Lifters, Olympic Lifters, a...1999Triplett, N. Travis FacultyHealth and Exercise Science, ASU
A Comparison of Students’ and Jury Panelists’ Decision-making in Split Recovery Cases2011Wingrove, Twila FacultyPsychology, ASU
Comparison of subjective evaluation and objective laboratory measurement of the property of ...1973Jarrelle, Audrey LeeStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Comparison of Sustainable Flood Risk Management by Four Countries – the United Kingdom, the ...2023Wang, Zilin StudentECU
Comparison of Sustainable Flood Risk Management by Four Countries – the United Kingdom, the ...2023Montz, Burrell StudentECU
Comparison of Sustainable Flood Risk Management by Four Countries – the United Kingdom, the ...2023Chan, Faith Ka ShunStudentECU
Comparison of Sustainable Flood Risk Management by Four Countries – the United Kingdom, the ...2023, et alStudentECU
A comparison of teacher response to the preacademic and problem behavior of boys and girls1974Wolfe, Donna HelenStudentHome Economics, UNCG
A comparison of three methods of career planning for liberal arts majors1984Pickering, James WorthStudentEducation, UNCG
A comparison of three strategies and teacher influence on beginning reading skill achievemen...1977Slatton, Thomas D.StudentHome Economics, UNCG
Comparison of three treatments for stress reduction1990Moore, Nil AlptekinStudentEducation, UNCG
Comparison of a Traditional Teaching Model to the SCALE-UP Teaching Model in Undergraduate B...2023Mears, Samantha StudentECU
A comparison of trained and untrained caregivers' behaviors with varied infant-adult ratios1980Hartman, Linda McCallStudentHome Economics, UNCG
A comparison of two approaches to the teaching of reading2023Roberson, Elizabeth StudentECU
A comparison of two approaches to the teaching of reading2023Roberson, Elizabeth. StudentECU
A comparison of two keyboarding instruction methods over 2 years for elementary students.2023Donica, Denise StudentECU
A comparison of two keyboarding instruction methods over 2 years for elementary students.2023Giroux, P. StudentECU
A comparison of two keyboarding instruction methods over 2 years for elementary students.2023Kim, Y. J.StudentECU
A comparison of two keyboarding instruction methods over 2 years for elementary students.2023Branson, Sydney StudentECU
Comparison of two methods of improving speed in the 100 yard dash1969Buck, Gilbert RexStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
A comparison of two methods of teaching beginning golf : expository versus guided discovery1970Ward, Dianne StantonStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
A comparison of two methods of teaching grammar2023Booth, Sandra KayStudentECU
A comparison of two nutrition education programs for weight control1983Tyndall, Elizabeth Ann QuinnStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Comparison of Two Relaxation Techniques to Reduce Physiological Indices of Anxiety in a Pers...2009Kenner, Courtney StudentECU
A comparison of two training procedures for maintaining inter-rater reliability1974Wildman, Beth GoldsteinStudentPsychology, UNCG
A comparison of the university rankings and educational backgrounds for university superviso...2023Manning, Dionna DraperStudentECU
A comparison of the utility of five methods of time sampling1976Swetlow, Linda KatherineStudentPsychology, UNCG
A comparison of the utilization of language arts instructional time for teachers with aides ...1981Kasias, Lou Ann WilsonStudentEducation, UNCG
Comparison of values held about purposes in life and death anxiety attitudes2023Hunter, Gwendolyn C.StudentECU
A comparison of values of high school seniors enrolled in a public high school, a Roman Cath...1964Rudisill, Betty ShealyStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Comparison of the vocabularies of the Gregg shorthand dictionary and Horn-Peterson's basic v...1945Cobb, Daisy ElizabethStudentBusiness Education, UNCG
Comparison of water quality in coastal plain streams of North Carolina2023Noltemeier, Deborah D.StudentECU
Comparison of Water Quality Upstream and Downstream of Coal Refuse in Southwest Virginia’s C...2015Noel, Kimberly StudentChemistry - Student, ASU
A comparison of watershed nitrogen loading and watershed nitrogen exports from on-site waste...2014Iverson, Guy StudentECU
A comparison of wear and cost of selected wood floor finishes1967Spencer, Virginia AnnStudentHome Economics, UNCG
A comparison of the weight loss, tenderness, and nutrient retention of selected meat product...1974McMullen, Elsa AileenStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Comparison of Whole Blood and Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cell Gene Expression for Evaluati...2014Bondar, Galyna,Cadeiras,Martin,Wisniewski,Nicholas,Maque,J StudentECU
A Comparison of Wii™ Exergaming and Matter of Balance on Aspects of Balance and Activity Adh...2023Sauter, Whitney M.StudentECU
Comparison of ZnO nanoparticles and ZnCl2 induced germ cell apoptosis in Caenorhabditis eleg...2023O'Donnell, Brittany StudentECU
Comparison Study of Distinguishing Cancerous and Normal Prostate Epithelial Cells by Confoca...2023Lu, Jun QingStudentECU
Comparison Study of Distinguishing Cancerous and Normal Prostate Epithelial Cells by Confoca...2023Jiang, Wenhuan StudentECU
Comparison Study of Distinguishing Cancerous and Normal Prostate Epithelial Cells by Confoca...2023Yang, Li V.StudentECU
Comparison Study of Distinguishing Cancerous and Normal Prostate Epithelial Cells by Confoca...2023Ding, Junhua StudentECU
Comparison Study of Distinguishing Cancerous and Normal Prostate Epithelial Cells by Confoca...2023Hu, Xin-Hua StudentECU
Comparisons and relationships of selected measures of self-concept in primary age children1975Snodgrass, Jeanne EllenStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
Comparisons between a skimmer trawl and an otter trawl in the North Carolina shrimp fishery2023Coale, J. Stuart.StudentECU
Comparisons between a skimmer trawl and an otter trawl in the North Carolina shrimp fishery2023Coale, J. Stuart.StudentECU
Comparisons of decision-making styles of Florida community and junior college department cha...1985Parke, Janet E.StudentHealth, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, UNCG
Comparisons of Ecological Knowledge About Fish Stocks Among Fishermen, Fishery Managers, and...2023Hamilton, Melanie StudentECU
Comparisons of procedures for modifying question-asking behavior of mildly retarded children...1973Bondy, Andrew S. StudentPsychology, UNCG
COMPASS-CP: An Electronic Application to Capture Patient-Reported Outcomes to Develop Action...2023Cummings, Doyle M.StudentECU
Complementary and alternative interventions : attitudes and use of counselors-in-training in...2023Crawford, Celeste S.StudentECU
Complementary and similarity encoding : developmental trends and the relationship to adult r...1975Greenberg, Mary KatherineStudentPsychology, UNCG
Complementary pain intervention pilot study in the acute hospitalization phase after lower e...2023Horne, Carolyn E.StudentECU
Complementary Square Wave Voltammetry and Tandem Mass Spectrometry Analysis to Identify and ...2023LaFave, Elizabeth R.StudentECU
Complementary Square Wave Voltammetry and Tandem Mass Spectrometry Analysis to Identify and ...2023Turner, Ryne StudentECU
Complementary Square Wave Voltammetry and Tandem Mass Spectrometry Analysis to Identify and ...2023Schaaf, Nicholas J.StudentECU
Complementary Square Wave Voltammetry and Tandem Mass Spectrometry Analysis to Identify and ...2023Hindi, Thekra StudentECU
Complementary Square Wave Voltammetry and Tandem Mass Spectrometry Analysis to Identify and ...2023Rudel, David StudentECU
Complementary Square Wave Voltammetry and Tandem Mass Spectrometry Analysis to Identify and ...2023Hvastkovs, Eli G.StudentECU
Complementary Therapies for Significant Dysfunction from Tinnitus: Treatment Review and Pote...2015Wolever, Ruth Q.,Price,Rebecca,Hazelton,A. Garrett,Dmitrieva,NatStudentECU
Complementary Therapies for Significant Dysfunction from Tinnitus: Treatment Review and Pote...2015Bechard, Elizabeth M.StudentECU
Complementary Therapies for Significant Dysfunction from Tinnitus: Treatment Review and Pote...2015Hazelton, A. GarrettStudentECU
Complementary Therapies for Significant Dysfunction from Tinnitus: Treatment Review and Pote...2015Wolever, Ruth Q.StudentECU
Complementary Therapies for Significant Dysfunction from Tinnitus: Treatment Review and Pote...2015Shaffer, Janet K.StudentECU
Complementary Therapies for Significant Dysfunction from Tinnitus: Treatment Review and Pote...2015Tucci, Debara L.StudentECU
Complementary Therapies for Significant Dysfunction from Tinnitus: Treatment Review and Pote...2015Price, Rebecca StudentECU
Complementary Therapies for Significant Dysfunction from Tinnitus: Treatment Review and Pote...2015Dmitrieva, Natalia O.StudentECU
Complete search strategies of: An integrative review of adverse childhood experiences and re...2023Haberstroh, Amanda StudentECU
Complex -Glycans Influence the Spatial Arrangement of Voltage Gated Potassium Channels in Me...2015Hall, M. KristenStudentECU
Complex -Glycans Influence the Spatial Arrangement of Voltage Gated Potassium Channels in Me...2015Edwards, Michael A. J.StudentECU
Complex -Glycans Influence the Spatial Arrangement of Voltage Gated Potassium Channels in Me...2015Weidner, Douglas A.StudentECU
Complex -Glycans Influence the Spatial Arrangement of Voltage Gated Potassium Channels in Me...2015Schwalbe, Ruth A.StudentECU
A complex features account of the occasion setting effect1995Wine, Jennifer Ann SharpStudentPsychology, UNCG
A complex Holocene infill history of Albemarle Sound, North Carolina :an integrated seismic,...2023Sager, Eric D.StudentECU
Complex N-Glycans Influence the Spatial Arrangement of Voltage Gated Potassium Channels in M...2015Hall, Kristen,Weidner,Douglas A.,Edwards,Michael A.J.,Schwalbe,Ruth A.StudentECU
Complexities of Disturbance Response in a Marine Food Web2023Christian, Robert R.StudentECU
Complexities of Disturbance Response in a Marine Food Web2023Lewis, Kristy A.StudentECU
Complexities of Disturbance Response in a Marine Food Web2023, et alStudentECU
Complexity Generated by Iteration of Hierarchical Modules in Bryozoa2003Hageman, Steven J. FacultyGeology, ASU
A Complicated “Simple” Renal Cyst2023Harrington, Daphne M.StudentECU
A Complicated “Simple” Renal Cyst2023Meara, Alexa S.StudentECU
A Complicated “Simple” Renal Cyst2023Vaccharajani, Tushar StudentECU
A Complicated “Simple” Renal Cyst2023Desai, Tejas StudentECU
Components Of Sexual Satisfaction As Identified By Emerging Adults2023Osborn, Ramsey McKennaStudentECU
Composition & Method for altering levels of or sensitivity to adenosine with a dehydroepiand...2003Nyce, Jonathan W.StudentECU
Composition and formulations and their use as nociceptic, anti-anxiolytic and anabolic agent...2023Nyce, Jonathan W.StudentECU
Composition as it relates to the teaching of grammar in the junior or senior high school2023Mulder, Robert GlennStudentECU
A composition comprising nerve growth factor and 2-amino-1,1,3-tricyano-1-propene useful for...1997Paul, Paul West,JrStudentECU
A composition comprising nerve growth factor and 2-amino-1,1,3-tricyano-1-propene useful for...1997Da Vanzo, John PaulStudentECU
A composition comprising nerve growth factor and 2-amino-1,1,3-tricyano-1-propene useful for...2023Da Vanzo, John PaulStudentECU
A composition comprising nerve growth factor and 2-amino-1,1,3-tricyano-1-propene useful for...2023Paul, Joseph W.StudentECU
Composition, formulations & method for prevention & treatment of diseases and conditions ass...2004Nycel, Jonathan W.StudentECU
Composition, formulations & method for prevention & treatment of diseases and conditions ass...2023Nyce, Jonathan W.StudentECU
Composition, kit and method for treatment of disorders associated withbronchoconstriction an...2000Nyce, Jonathan W.StudentECU
Comprehension monitoring skills of reading-disabled/learning-disabled students and normally-...1991Schedler, Jean FryerStudentHuman Environmental Sciences, UNCG
Comprehensive analysis of TCP transcription factors and their expression during cotton (Goss...2016Ma, Jun,Liu,Fang,Wang,Qinglian,Wang,Kunbo,Jones,Don C.,Zhang,BaohongStudentECU
A Comprehensive Approach to Identify Reliable Reference Gene Candidates to Investigate the L...2014Abdel-Rahman, Abdel A.StudentECU
A Comprehensive Approach to Identify Reliable Reference Gene Candidates to Investigate the L...2014Taki, Faten A.StudentECU
A Comprehensive Approach to Identify Reliable Reference Gene Candidates to Investigate the L...2014Zhang, Baohong StudentECU
Comprehensive Assessment of Hurricane Shelters: Lessons from Hurricane Georges2003Pine, John FacultyGeography and Planning, ASU
Comprehensive Club Training Meeting the Promise of Quality and Service2021Rehkopf, Ed FacultyHospitality and Tourism Administration, NCCU
The Comprehensive Post-Acute Stroke Services (COMPASS) study: design and methods for a clust...2017Duncan, Pamela W.,Bushnell,Cheryl D.,Rosamond,Wayne D.,Jones BerkStudentECU
A comprehensive review of sport psychology doctoral dissertations completed between 1966 and...1988Selby, Martha JaneStudentHealth, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, UNCG
Comprehensive track-structure based evaluation of DNA damage by light ions from radiotherapy...2017Friedland, W.,Schmitt,E.,Kundrát,P.,Dingfelder,M.,Baiocco,G. StudentECU
Compression Garments: Influence on Muscle Fatigue1998Triplett, N. Travis FacultyHealth and Exercise Science, ASU
Compressional resilience of selected carpeting1969Kline, Mary Jane BrittonStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Compromised N-Glycosylation Processing of Kv3.1b Correlates with Perturbed Motor Neuron Stru...2023Issa, Fadi A.StudentECU
Compromised N-Glycosylation Processing of Kv3.1b Correlates with Perturbed Motor Neuron Stru...2023Hall, M. KristenStudentECU
Compromised N-Glycosylation Processing of Kv3.1b Correlates with Perturbed Motor Neuron Stru...2023Hatchett, Cody J.StudentECU
Compromised N-Glycosylation Processing of Kv3.1b Correlates with Perturbed Motor Neuron Stru...2023Weidner, Douglas A.StudentECU
Compromised N-Glycosylation Processing of Kv3.1b Correlates with Perturbed Motor Neuron Stru...2023Fiorenza, Alexandria C.StudentECU
Compromised N-Glycosylation Processing of Kv3.1b Correlates with Perturbed Motor Neuron Stru...2023Schwalbe, Ruth A.StudentECU
Computational and Genomic Analysis of Mycobacteriophage: A Longitudinal Study of Technology ...2015Osler, James FacultySchool of Education , NCCU
Computational identification of microRNAs associated to both epithelial to mesenchymal trans...2016Falzone, Luca,Candido,Saverio,Salemi,Rossella,Basile,Maria S.,Scalisi,Aurora,McCubrey,James A.,Torino,FrancesStudentECU
A Computational Model Quantifies the Effect of Anatomical Variability on Velopharyngeal Func...2023Perry, Jamie L.StudentECU
Computational Modeling of PI3K/AKT and MAPK Signaling Pathways in Melanoma Cancer2016Pappalardo, Francesco,Russo,Giulia,Candido,Saverio,Pennisi,Mar A.,Nicoletti,Ferdinando,Libra,MassimoStudentECU
Computational Modeling of PI3K/AKT and MAPK Signaling Pathways in Melanoma Cancer2016Nicoletti, Ferdinando StudentECU
Computational Modeling of PI3K/AKT and MAPK Signaling Pathways in Melanoma Cancer2016McCubrey, James A.StudentECU
Computational Modeling of PI3K/AKT and MAPK Signaling Pathways in Melanoma Cancer2016Motta, Santo StudentECU
Computational Modeling of PI3K/AKT and MAPK Signaling Pathways in Melanoma Cancer2016Cavalieri, Salvatore StudentECU
Computational Modeling of PI3K/AKT and MAPK Signaling Pathways in Melanoma Cancer2016Pennisi, Marzio StudentECU
Computational Modeling of PI3K/AKT and MAPK Signaling Pathways in Melanoma Cancer2016Candido, Saverio StudentECU
Computational Modeling of PI3K/AKT and MAPK Signaling Pathways in Melanoma Cancer2016Pappalardo, Francesco StudentECU
Computational Modeling of PI3K/AKT and MAPK Signaling Pathways in Melanoma Cancer2016Russo, Giulia StudentECU
Computational Modeling of PI3K/AKT and MAPK Signaling Pathways in Melanoma Cancer2016Libra, Massimo StudentECU
Computer hardware and software training needs for office employees of manufacturing firms in...2023Asby, Howard PhilStudentECU
Computer Lab to Active Learning Classroom: Lessons Learned2013Buchanan, Heidi FacultyHunter Library, WCU
Computer Lab to Active Learning Classroom: Lessons Learned2013Ellern, Gillian (Jill) D. FacultyHunter Library, WCU
Conaway, James. America’s Library: The Story of the Library of Congress, 1800– 2000.2023Jones, Plummer AlstonStudentECU
Concept identification at various developmental levels as a function of simultaneous and suc...1973Wyatt, Kathryn BentonStudentPsychology, UNCG
The concept of essential use for determining when uses of PFASs can be phased out2019Cousins, Ian T.,Goldenman,Gretta,Herzke,Dorte,Lohmann,Rainer,MiStudentECU
The concept of rest in the poetry of George Herbert1968Gibbons, Katharine E.StudentEnglish, UNCG
The concept of space as seen in Japanese horizontal architecture and in Roman vaulted archit...1967Helsing, Elizabeth C.StudentArt, UNCG
Concept perception in preschool children's use of stories through several media1985Bonner, Mildred J. LeeStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Conceptions of self and role : their consistency, salience, and change among nursing student...1974Fogarty, Brian EdwardStudentSociology, UNCG
Concepts of husband-wife roles held by boys and girls in a southern high school1950Fitzpatrick, Dorothy StudentHome Economics, UNCG
Conceptual and functional elements of university counseling centers : an ecological perspect...2023Fornaguera-Trias, Antonio J.StudentECU
A conceptual framework for analyzing bureaucratic politics and autonomy1995Ellison, Brian A. FacultyPast faculty member, ASU
A Conceptual Framework for Developing and Evaluating Behavior Change Interventions for Injur...1990Ludwig, Timothy D. FacultyPsychology, ASU
A conceptual framework for elementary social studies curriculum and instruction1973Williams, Jo WattsStudentEducation, UNCG
A conceptual framework for principals' K-12 involvement in the evaluation of teachers1984Greene, Linda HincherStudentEducation, UNCG
A conceptual framework for teaching college credit courses via public radio1983Foster, Jimmy WhelessStudentEducation, UNCG
A conceptual framework of curriculum for higher education for Bendel State, Nigeria : aesthe...1983Moye, Ambrose O.StudentEducation, UNCG
Conceptual instruction in developmental algebra and its effect on student achievement and af...1993Skinner, Sara BrameStudentEducation, UNCG
A conceptual model for adult education applied to a nonacademic setting1983Miller, Richard SuttonStudentEducation, UNCG
A conceptual model for in-service education for community college and technical institute oc...1975Culbertson, William N. C.StudentEducation, UNCG
A conceptual system for identifying teacher behaviors in physical education activity classes...1974Showers, Judith CarolStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
Conceptualizations of test bias and adverse impact : implications of recent policy proposals...1990Tesh, Anita S.StudentNursing, UNCG
Conceptualizing outness through sexual minority disclosure narratives2021Roles, Sara E.StudentPsychology, WCU
Concerns toward hiring individuals with substance use disorders as compared to mental health...2023Wright McDougal, Jennifer J.StudentECU
Conclusions: Ontological Relations and the Spatial Politics of Capital Cities2016Bogdanović, Jelena,Christie,Jessica Joyce,Guzmán,EulogioStudentECU
Concomitant use of renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system inhibitors prevent trastuzumab-induc...2019Moey, Melissa Y. Y.,Liles,Darla K.,Carabello,Blase A.StudentECU
Concurrent schedules of reinforcement : the effects of an upper limit of reinforcement avail...1976Groves, Ivor DurhamStudentPsychology, UNCG
Concurrent validity of the paper and electronic versions of the motor-free visual perception...2023Armstrong, Lauren StudentECU
Concurrent validity of skin carotenoid status as a concentration biomarker of vegetable and ...2019Jahns, Lisa,Johnson,LuAnn K,Conrad,Zach,Bukowski,Michael,Raatz,Susan K,JilcoStudentECU
Concussion History, Hazardous Drinking, and BrAC Levels Among a Sample of Bar Patrons, 20152023Martin, Ryan J.StudentECU
Concussion History, Hazardous Drinking, and BrAC Levels Among a Sample of Bar Patrons, 20152023Lee, Joseph G. L.StudentECU
Concussion History, Hazardous Drinking, and BrAC Levels Among a Sample of Bar Patrons, 20152023Chaney, Beth H.StudentECU
Concussion Recovery in Children and Adolescents2023Ferderber, Megan LynnStudentECU
Concussion Recovery in Children and Adolescents2023Rizk, Christina StudentECU
Concussion Recovery in Children and Adolescents2023Zsoldos, Shellie StudentECU
Concussion Recovery in Children and Adolescents2023Meardon, Stacey StudentECU
Concussion Recovery in Children and Adolescents2023Lin, Chia-Cheng StudentECU
Conditional control of equivalence and the relations different and opposite : a behavior ana...1987Steele, David LeeStudentPsychology, UNCG
A Conditional Reasoning Measure of Goal Orientation : Preliminary Development2009Bienkowski, Sarah C.StudentECU
Conditions affecting the accuracy of classical equating methods for small samples under the ...2011Sunnassee, Devdass StudentEducational Research Methodology, UNCG
Condom Use among High-Risk Adolescents: Testing the Influence of Alcohol Use on the Relation...2005Rocheleau, Courtney FacultyPsychology, ASU
Conducting Community Audits to Evaluate Community Resources for Healthful Lifestyle Behavior...2011Jilcott, Stephanie B.StudentECU
Conducting Community Audits to Evaluate Community Resources for Healthful Lifestyle Behavior...2011Keyserling, Thomas C.StudentECU
Conducting Community Audits to Evaluate Community Resources for Healthful Lifestyle Behavior...2011Vu, Maihan B.StudentECU
Conducting Community Audits to Evaluate Community Resources for Healthful Lifestyle Behavior...2011McGuirt, Jared T.StudentECU
Conducting International Research in the Library and Information Science Field: Challenges a...2023Bright, Kawanna StudentECU
Conducting International Research in the Library and Information Science Field: Challenges a...2023Matusiak, Krystyna StudentECU
Conducting International Research in the Library and Information Science Field: Challenges a...2023Schachter, Debbie StudentECU
A conductor's guide to twentieth-century choral-orchestral works in English1992Green, Jonathan D.StudentMusic, UNCG
Confederate naval ordnance2023Gutierrez, Joseph A.,Jr.StudentECU
Conference Report on: “Is the Journal Dead? Possible Futures for Serial Scholarship” by Rick...2012Leonard, Andrea FacultyUniversity Libraries, ASU
Confessions of Cherubino1968Wyland, Bertha HarrisStudentEnglish, UNCG
Conflict and commerce :maritime archaeological site distribution as cultural change on the R...2023Price, Franklin Haines.StudentECU
Conflict resolution in six United Methodist colleges in North Carolina : a plan1987Padgett, Patricia R. SatterfieldStudentEducation, UNCG
Confrontation scenes in Middlemarch1970Queen, Larry TalmadgeStudentEnglish, UNCG
Confronting Racism in All Forms of Pain Research: Reframing Study Designs2023Campbell, Lisa C.StudentECU
Confronting Racism in All Forms of Pain Research: Reframing Study Designs2023Letzen, Janelle E.StudentECU
Confronting Racism in All Forms of Pain Research: Reframing Study Designs2023, et alStudentECU
Confronting Racism in All Forms of Pain Research: A Shared Commitment for Engagement, Divers...2023Campbell, Lisa C.StudentECU
Confronting Racism in All Forms of Pain Research: A Shared Commitment for Engagement, Divers...2023Hood, Anna M.StudentECU
Confronting Racism in All Forms of Pain Research: A Shared Commitment for Engagement, Divers...2023, et alStudentECU
Confronting Racism in Pain Research: A Call to Action2023Campbell, Lisa C.StudentECU
Confronting Racism in Pain Research: A Call to Action2023Morais, Calia A.StudentECU
Confronting Racism in Pain Research: A Call to Action2023, et alStudentECU
Congruity and elaboration in children's and adults' free and cued recall1976Hall, Donald MadisonStudentPsychology, UNCG
Congruity of semantic and acoustic encoding in children's memory1976Soderquist, Linda DanielsStudentPsychology, UNCG
Conjugal roles : relationship to employment of domestic help and marital satisfaction1982Eboch, Sharon StevensStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Conlangtionary: Prototyping a Language-Agnostic Dictionary For The Web2016Waldon, Christopher StudentComputer Science - Student, ASU
Connaissance de Pe´guy a` travers ses oeuvres sur Jeanne d'Arc1973Hooper, Suzanne BluteauStudentRomance Languages-French, UNCG
Connected topologies for the unit interval1971Hester, Sara OwenStudentMathematics, UNCG
Connecting Kindergarten Readiness and Food-based Learning in the Head Start Preschool Classr...2023Dixon, Jocelyn StudentECU
Connection Discrepancies - Unmasking Further Layers of the Digital Divide2003Davison, Elizabeth Lynn (Beth) FacultySociology, ASU
Connections and disconnections between a college methods course and elementary classroom tea...1987Royall, Mary LuellaStudentHealth, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, UNCG
Connections through narrative2022Kelsey, Kyle PatrickStudentArt and Design, WCU
Connotations of color names among Negroes and Causasians : a replication and an extension1969Tucker, Richard DennisStudentPsychology, UNCG
Consensus Guidelines on the Construct Validity of Rodent Models of Restless Legs Syndrome2023Clemens, Stefan StudentECU
Consensus Guidelines on the Construct Validity of Rodent Models of Restless Legs Syndrome2023Salminen, Aaro V.StudentECU
A consideration of Chaucer's and Wycliffe's ideals of the parish clergy1970Crews, Charles DanielStudentEnglish, UNCG
A consideration of the morality contained in the three love tragedies of John Ford1964Pastore, Catherine StudentEnglish, UNCG
A consideration of the Riemann-Stieltjes integral for complex-valued functions defined on a ...1971Clark, Thomas BlairStudentMathematics, UNCG
Consideration of selected social theories of aging as evidenced by patterns of adjustment to...1981Washington, Martha AnneStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
A consideration of some of the aspects of art in relation to fifteen thesis paintings1958Button, Evelyn Gaynor MayStudentArt, UNCG
A consideration of the Thurstone Temperament Schedule as a predictor of job tenure in a text...1967Williams, Newsom E.StudentPsychology, UNCG
Considerations for incorporating implementation science into dietetics education2023Wilson, Hannah KStudentECU
Considerations for incorporating implementation science into dietetics education2023Eliot, Kathrin AStudentECU
Considerations for incorporating implementation science into dietetics education2023Kolasa, Kathryn MStudentECU
Considering Instructional Approach & Question Design with the Hardy-Weinberg Principle2023Driver, Robert J.StudentECU
Considering Instructional Approach & Question Design with the Hardy-Weinberg Principle2023McRae, Susan B.StudentECU
Considering the Oxygen Effect : Further Development of a Volumetric Model of Tumor Response ...2023Winkler, Stephanie S.StudentECU
Consistency of Stress Hormone Profiles and Associations between Personality and Hormone Leve...2015Content, Kristen ReneeStudentBiology - Student, ASU
Conspicuous Female Ornamentation and Tests of Male Mate Preference in Threespine Stickleback...2015Wright, Daniel Shane,Pierotti,Michele E R,Rundle,Howard D.,McKinnStudentECU
Conspiracy and revolutionary dictatorship in the ideology of Russian Populism, 1861-18811965Pfaff, Pamela StudentHistory, UNCG
Constantine and Christianity1976Parris, Richard WayneStudentHistory, UNCG
Constants and variants in the school behavior of siblings1949Hampton, Gwendolyn StudentEducation, UNCG
The Constitution Under Pressure: The Amendment Process1987Strickland, Ruth Ann FacultyGovernment and Justice Studies, ASU
Constitutional rights and the public high school student1974Presson, Johnny E.StudentEducation, UNCG
Constitutively Active CaMKKα Stimulates Skeletal Muscle Glucose Uptake in Insulin-Resistant...2014Gilliam, Laura A.A.StudentECU
Constitutively Active CaMKKα Stimulates Skeletal Muscle Glucose Uptake in Insulin-Resistant...2014Witczak, Carol A.StudentECU
Constitutively Active CaMKKα Stimulates Skeletal Muscle Glucose Uptake in Insulin-Resistant...2014Smith, Cheryl A.S.StudentECU
Constitutively Active CaMKKα Stimulates Skeletal Muscle Glucose Uptake in Insulin-Resistant...2014Brault, Jeffrey J.StudentECU
Constitutively Active CaMKKα Stimulates Skeletal Muscle Glucose Uptake in Insulin-Resistant...2014Ferey, Jeremie L.StudentECU
Constitutively Active CaMKKα Stimulates Skeletal Muscle Glucose Uptake in Insulin-Resistant...2014Hinkley, J. MatthewStudentECU
Constitutively Active CaMKKa Stimulates Skeletal Muscle Glucose Uptake in InsulinResistant M...2014Hinkley, J. Matthew,Ferey,Jeremie L.,Brault,Jeffrey J.,Smith,CStudentECU
Constraining reactions between MOR vent fluids and new oceanic crust: the hydrothermal upflo...2008Carmichael, Sarah K. FacultyGeology, ASU
A Constraint-Based Method For Flow-Sensitive Static Type Analysis Of PHP Using The Rascal Me...2023Tamang, Apil StudentECU
Constraints on Incremental Assembly of Upper Crustal Igneous Intrusions, Mount Ellen, Henry ...2023de Sousa, Laura Isabel MariaStudentECU
Construct Validity of Dichotomous and Polychotomous Choice Contingent Valuation Questions1998Whitehead, John FacultyEconomics, ASU
Constructing the Blue Ridge Parkway :stages, scenes, and spectacles2023Downer, David M.StudentECU
Constructing Furniture: From Design to Stage2019Moyse, Stephanie StudentStage and Screen, WCU
Construction and characterization of a bacterial artificial chromosome library for Gossypium...2018Liu, Yuling,Zhang,Baohong,Wen,Xinpeng,Zhang,Shulin,Wei, StudentECU
Construction and evaluation of a toy for preschool children1966Brankey, Joseph JohannesStudentHome Economics, UNCG
The construction and initial characterization of transgenic mice constitutively expressing C...2023Ledford, Aric W.StudentECU
The Construction and Reinforcement of Myths of Race and Crime2016Robinson, Matthew B. FacultyGovernment and Justice Studies, ASU
The construction and standardization of skills tests to measure achievement in specific soft...1960Yates, Martha MossStudentPhysical Education, UNCG
The construction and validation of a series of color film loops to illustrate selected women...1976Wasserman, Nancy B.StudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
Construction Of A ?mbaA?potD1 Mutant And The Effects On Biofilm Formation In Vibrio Cholerae...2016Burriss, Marybeth ArceoStudentBiology - Student, ASU
The construction of a badminton high clear test utilizing a fan shaped target1968Griot, Mary AnnStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
Construction of a basketball official's test presented by videotape1974Turnbull, William IvanStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
The construction of a film loop and audio cassette series in beginning synchronized swimming...1977Temple, Carolyn DeneStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
Construction of an instrument for assessing cognitive learning based upon "Ready? Set... Go!...1976Hart, Virginia StudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
Construction of an instrument to ascertain mothers' understanding of the importance of play ...1970Busick, Elizabeth HighStudentHome Economics, UNCG
The construction of an objective basketball knowledge examination for college women1964McCutcheon, Sallie StudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
Construction of an objective knowledge test in lacrosse for college women1967Hodges, Carolyn VirginiaStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
The construction of a report card for use in the elementary schools of Forsyth County, North...1951Emerson, Kathleen StudentEducation, UNCG
Construction of a situation-response scale to measure the attitudes of freshman and sophomor...1972Zelfer, Geraldine HelenStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
Construction of a unit of programmed instruction in health education1965Woolen, Sandra AnnStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
The construction of a volleyball skill test for the forearm pass1976Kautz, Elizabeth MarieStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
Construction series1973Robbins, Michael WayneStudentArt, UNCG
Constructions in color-aid, formica, and plexiglas1968Hodes, Barnett DavidStudentArt, UNCG
Consuls and commodores : the initial, unsuccessful campaign against the barbary pirates, 180...2023Jennette, Alexander T.StudentECU
Consultant and design services desired by residential builders1961Feldman, Eva HicksStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Consumer Intravenous Vitamin Therapy: Wellness Boost or Toxicity2023Dayal, Sahil StudentECU
Consumer Intravenous Vitamin Therapy: Wellness Boost or Toxicity2023Kolasa, Kathryn MStudentECU
Consumer preferences and perceptions of terry towels as related to selected demographic fact...1975Mohler, June F.StudentHome Economics, UNCG
Consumer problems related to color changes in textile products1964Pollock, Frances FerrellStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Consumer purchasing behavior and buying practices for men's lightweight underwear1975Watson, Emily WagonerStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Consumer Purchasing in Sustainable Tourism : Attraction Sustainability and Its Impact on Dec...2023Rubright, Heather L.StudentECU
Consumer usage of frozen dinners and main dishes, some nutritive and economic implications1970Lane, Linda TinkhamStudentHome Economics, UNCG
The contact hypothesis and its relevance to busing1973Henderson, Bertha DancilStudentPsychology, UNCG
Contemporary developments in Negro middle-class religion : an overview1967Carr, Willine StudentSociology, UNCG
Contemporary educational criticism : a critique1991Books, Sue StudentEducation, UNCG
Contemporary textile designs inspired by seasonal symbols of China1977Jones, Cynthia AnnStudentHome Economics, UNCG
A Content Analysis of Social Media Posts Related to Alcohol: 2018-20192023Hart, Hunter LynleeStudentECU
The Content and Structure of Reputation Domains Across 2 Human Societies: A View from the Ev...2023Schacht, Ryan StudentECU
The Content and Structure of Reputation Domains Across 2 Human Societies: A View from the Ev...2023Garfield, Zachary H. StudentECU
The Content and Structure of Reputation Domains Across 2 Human Societies: A View from the Ev...2023Post, Emily R. StudentECU
The Content and Structure of Reputation Domains Across 2 Human Societies: A View from the Ev...2023Ingram, Dominique StudentECU
The Content and Structure of Reputation Domains Across 2 Human Societies: A View from the Ev...2023Uehling, Andrea StudentECU
The Content and Structure of Reputation Domains Across 2 Human Societies: A View from the Ev...2023Macfarlan, Shane J. StudentECU
The Contentnea Creek Granite : Constraints On Late Paleozoic Magmatism And Deformation, East...2023Burns, Richard W.StudentECU
Context effects on cross-modality equations of sensory magnitude1961Hardy, Ann HowellStudentPsychology, UNCG
Context is Key: The Media Role in Shaping Public Perceptions about Environmental Issues2002Cockerill, Kristan FacultyCultural, Gender, and Global Studies, ASU
Context-Dependent Accuracy of the BG-Counter Remote Mosquito Surveillance Device in North Ca...2023Richards, Stephanie L.StudentECU
Context-Dependent Accuracy of the BG-Counter Remote Mosquito Surveillance Device in North Ca...2023Richards, Stephanie L.StudentECU
Contextual tumor suppressor function of T cell death-associated gene 8 (TDAG8) in hematologi...2017Justus, Calvin R.,Sanderlin,Edward J.,Dong,Lixue,Sun,Tianai,Chi,JStudentECU
A Contingent Valuation Estimate of the Benefits of Wolves in Minnesota2003Whitehead, John FacultyEconomics, ASU
Continual Process Improvement: An Essential Discipline of Successful Clubs2021Rehkopf, Ed FacultyHospitality and Tourism Administration, NCCU
Continued professional learning and the experienced elementary school physical education spe...1989Pissanos, Becky W.StudentHealth, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, UNCG
The Continuing Cautionary Tale of Creative Writing ETDs2023Thomas, William JosephStudentECU
The Continuing Cautionary Tale of Creative Writing ETDs2023Shirkey, Cynthia StudentECU
The Continuing Fellowship Conundrum2018Powell, Suzanne Zein-Eldin,Kragel,Peter J.,Domen,Ronald E.StudentECU
The Contour of Developmental Music: Analog of the Plot Diagram2023Bellardini, Nick StudentECU
Contraception and Conception After Bariatric Surgery2023Pories, Walter J.StudentECU
Contracts1974Turner, Kermit SteveStudentEnglish, UNCG
Contradiction Is Not Disappointing: An Interview with Michael Hardt2023Feder, Helena StudentECU
Contradictions in Composer Diversity2023Hruska, Kelly StudentECU
Contradictions in a mad world2012Boisseau, Julie FawnStudentArt and Design, WCU
The contrapuntal style of Hector Berlioz1970Silverman, Richard SamuelStudentMusic, UNCG
Contrasting Predictive and Causal Values of Predictors and of Causes2005Denniston, James FacultyPsychology, ASU
Contributing organizational factors to driver fatigue based on the Compliance, Safety, Accou...2023Hosseini Tabar, Hossein StudentECU
Contribution and distribution of inorganic ions and organic compounds to the osmotic adjustm...2015Zhang, Baohong StudentECU
Contribution and distribution of inorganic ions and organic compounds to the osmotic adjustm...2015Yang, Ruirui StudentECU
Contribution and distribution of inorganic ions and organic compounds to the osmotic adjustm...2015Li, Ling StudentECU
Contribution and distribution of inorganic ions and organic compounds to the osmotic adjustm...2015Zeng, Youling StudentECU
Contribution and distribution of inorganic ions and organic compounds to the osmotic adjustm...2015Yi, Xiaoya StudentECU
Contribution and distribution of inorganic ions and organic compounds to the osmotic adjustm...2015Zeng, Youling,Li,Ling,Yang,Ruirui,Yi,Xiaoya,Zhang,Baohon StudentECU
The contribution of church schools to education in North Carolina 1700-18501933Matlock, Jack FaustStudentEducation, UNCG
Contribution of Gut Bacteria to Liver Pathobiology2010Kremer, Michael StudentECU
Contribution of Gut Bacteria to Liver Pathobiology2010Hines, Ian N.StudentECU
Contribution of Gut Bacteria to Liver Pathobiology2010Son, Gakuhei StudentECU
Contribution of Milk components on Protein Aggregation2023Lor, Kong PengStudentECU
The contribution of motility and chemotaxis in the Borrelia burgdorferi infectious life cycl...2014Yerke, Aaron StudentECU
Contributions of the Musculus Uvulae to Velopharyngeal Closure Quantified With a 3-Dimension...2023Perry, Jamie L.StudentECU
Contributors to the decision of elementary education majors to choose science as an academic...2023Moore, Jacquelyn J.StudentECU
Control of vascular smooth muscle cell growth by connexin 432012Joshi, Chintamani N.,Martin,Danielle N.,Shaver,Patti,Madamanchi,ChaiStudentECU
Controlling Payroll Cost Critical Disciplines for Club Profitability2021Rehkopf, Ed FacultyHospitality and Tourism Administration, NCCU
Controls on Septic System Wastewater Treatment and Shallow Groundwater Quality in Coastal No...2009Humphrey, Charles PittmanStudentECU
The controversial role of Die Neue Wache Central War Memorial in German political history2023Keever, Jay P.StudentECU
The controversy over Bach's trills : towards a reconciliation1994Polevoi, Randall MarkStudentMusic, UNCG
The Conundrum of the American China Trade, 1784-18442023Fontenoy, Paul EStudentECU
Convergence in topological spaces1970Frierson, Dargan StudentMathematics, UNCG
A convergence theory approach to definitions of the integral1974Tennis, Grace KeyserStudentMathematics, UNCG
Convergent elaboration : equating the mnemonic value of provided and generated words and ima...1990Martin, Laureen SandborgStudentPsychology, UNCG
Convergent Evolution in the Colour Polymorphism of Selkirkiella Spiders (Theridiidae) from t...2023Brewer, Michael S.StudentECU
Convergent evolution of bright coloration and toxicity in frogs2003Summers, Kyle FacultyECU
Convergent Validity Of The Internalizing Symptoms Scale For Children With Three Self-Report ...1997Michael, Kurt D.FacultyPsychology, ASU
Convergent Validity of Revealed and Stated Recreation Behavior with Quality Change: A Compar...2010Whitehead, John FacultyEconomics, ASU
Conversations : computer mediated dialogue, multilogue, and learning1996Baldwin, Beth Ann W.StudentEnglish, UNCG
Conversations with leaders: Sharing perspectives on the impact of and response to COVID-19 a...2023Schmidt, Steven W.StudentECU
Conversations with leaders: Sharing perspectives on the impact of and response to COVID-19 a...2023English, Leona M.StudentECU
Conversations with leaders: Sharing perspectives on the impact of and response to COVID-19 a...2023Carr-Chellman, Ali StudentECU
A Convict Criminology Perspective on Women Guarding Men2007Murphy, Daniel S. FacultyGovernment and Justice Studies, ASU
Convocation speech2010Gessner, David FacultyCreative Writing, UNCW
A cool summer heat1971Byrtus, William A.StudentEnglish, UNCG
Cool-Water Carbonate Production from Epizoic Bryozoans on Ephemeral Substrates2000Hageman, Steven J. FacultyGeology, ASU
Cooperation in and out of markets: An experimental comparison of public good games and marke...2013Cherry, Todd FacultyEconomics, ASU
Cooperation in and out of markets: An experimental comparison of public good games and marke...2013McEvoy, Dave FacultyEconomics, ASU
Cooperative Modeling Lessons for Environmental Management2007Cockerill, Kristan FacultyCultural, Gender, and Global Studies, ASU
A cooperative plan between an independent liberal arts college and a public school for the t...1947Swain, Virginia SloanStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Coordinating Cognition: The Costs and Benefits of Shared Gaze During Collaborative Search2008Dickinson, Chris FacultyPsychology, ASU
A coordinating framework for wellness care1981Armentrout, Virginia HalterStudentEducation, UNCG
Coordination of Root Growth with Root Morphology, Physiology and Defense Functions in Respon...2023Zhang, Baohong StudentECU
Coordination of Root Growth with Root Morphology, Physiology and Defense Functions in Respon...2023Feng, Zhipei StudentECU
Copyright and fair use - Presentation2023Wise, Cynthia FacultyLibrary, ECSU
Copyright and Scholarly Communication2023Thomas, William JosephStudentECU
Copyright and Scholarly Communication2023Gee, Charles WilliamStudentECU
Copyright for Academics in the Digital Age2012Ramsey, Colin FacultyEnglish, ASU
Copyright for Academics in the Digital Age2012McCaughey, Martha FacultySociology, ASU
Core lithologies, veins and fractures of the Concord Gabbro/Syenite Complex of North Carolin...2023Headd, Kevin O.StudentECU
Corners1977Davis, Margaret CarleenStudentArt, UNCG
Coronary artery ligation and intramyocardial injection in a murine model of infarction2011Virag, Jitka A.I.,Lust,Robert M.StudentECU
Coronary endothelial differences between male and female rats during alcohol-induced hyperte...2023Adams, Robin D.StudentECU
Coronary endothelial differences between male and female rats during alcohol-induced hyperte...2023Adams, Robin D.StudentECU
Coronavirus Pandemic Highlights Critical Gaps in Rural Internet Access for Migrant and Seaso...2023Lee, Joseph G. L.StudentECU
Corporate Social Responsibility Reporting in the Casino Industry: A Content Analysis2023Cho, Kyuha StudentECU
Corporate Social Responsibility Reporting in the Casino Industry: A Content Analysis2023Choi, Younggin StudentECU
Corporate Social Responsibility Reporting in the Casino Industry: A Content Analysis2023Lee, Junghoon (Jay)StudentECU
Corporate Social Responsibility Reporting in the Casino Industry: A Content Analysis2023Hwang, Jinsoo StudentECU
Corporatism and 'political context' in the Federal Republic of Germany1991Koch, Andrew MFacultyGovernment and Justice Studies, ASU
Correction: Genome-Wide Meta-Analysis of Homocysteine and Methionine Metabolism Identifies F...2014Williams, Stephen R.,Yang,Qiong,Chen,Fang,Liu,Xuan,Keene,Keith L,JacStudentECU
Corrections to Twenty Years of Banding : The Necessity of Precision2010Gasperson, Sean M.StudentECU
Correlates of Physical Activity, Psychosocial Factors, and Home Environment Exposure among U...2023Wu, Qiang StudentECU
Correlates of Physical Activity, Psychosocial Factors, and Home Environment Exposure among U...2023Xu, Lei StudentECU
Correlates of Physical Activity, Psychosocial Factors, and Home Environment Exposure among U...2023Wilmouth, Logan StudentECU
Correlates of social competence among mildly mentally retarded school-aged children1983Person, Sallie JenkinsStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Correlating the Morphological and Light Scattering Properties of Biological Cells2023Moran, Marina StudentECU
The correlation between a Hullian constant and intelligence1966Eckman, Guy StudentPsychology, UNCG
The correlation between life satisfaction and physical functioning of spinal cord injured in...2023Dunnum, Linda R.StudentECU
Correlation of consumer and homemaking education and home management tasks performed by adol...2023Heal, Elizabeth W.StudentECU
Correlation of consumer and homemaking education and home management tasks performed by adol...2023Heal, Elizabeth(Elizabeth W.)StudentECU
Correlation of the National Emergency Medicine M4 Clerkship Examination with USMLE Examinati...2015Musick, Davis StudentECU
Correlation of the National Emergency Medicine M4 Clerkship Examination with USMLE Examinati...2015Lawson, Luan E.StudentECU
Correlation of the National Emergency Medicine M4 Clerkship Examination with USMLE Examinati...2015Brewer, Kori StudentECU
Correlation of the National Emergency Medicine M4 Clerkship Examination with USMLE Examinati...2015Lawson, Luan E.,Musick,Davis,Brewer,KoriStudentECU
Correlation of the NBME Advanced Clinical Examination in EM and the National EM M4 exams2015Lawson, Luan StudentECU
Correlation of the NBME Advanced Clinical Examination in EM and the National EM M4 exams2015Poznanski, Stacey StudentECU
Correlation of the NBME Advanced Clinical Examination in EM and the National EM M4 exams2015House, Joseph StudentECU
Correlation of the NBME Advanced Clinical Examination in EM and the National EM M4 exams2015Morrissey, Thomas StudentECU
Correlation of the NBME Advanced Clinical Examination in EM and the National EM M4 exams2015Heitz, Corey StudentECU
Correlation of the NBME Advanced Clinical Examination in EM and the National EM M4 exams2015Beeson, Michael StudentECU
Correlation of the NBME Advanced Clinical Examination in EM and the National EM M4 exams2015Wald, David StudentECU
Correlation of the NBME Advanced Clinical Examination in EM and the National EM M4 exams2015Miller, Emily S.StudentECU
Correlation of the NBME Advanced Clinical Examination in EM and the National EM M4 exams2015Hiller, Katherine StudentECU
The correlation of penicillinase production and bacteriophage adsorption of Staphylococcus a...1960Rose, Mary PatriciaStudentBiology, UNCG
Correlation of pretreatment drug induced apoptosis in ovarian cancer cells with patient surv...2012Penalver, Manuel StudentECU
Correlation of pretreatment drug induced apoptosis in ovarian cancer cells with patient surv...2012Perree, Mathieu StudentECU
Correlation of pretreatment drug induced apoptosis in ovarian cancer cells with patient surv...2012Hallquist, Allan StudentECU
Correlation of pretreatment drug induced apoptosis in ovarian cancer cells with patient surv...2012Chernick, Michael StudentECU
Correlation of pretreatment drug induced apoptosis in ovarian cancer cells with patient surv...2012Rutledge, James StudentECU
Correlation of pretreatment drug induced apoptosis in ovarian cancer cells with patient surv...2012Presant, Cary AStudentECU
Correlation of pretreatment drug induced apoptosis in ovarian cancer cells with patient surv...2012Garrett, Audrey StudentECU
Correlation of pretreatment drug induced apoptosis in ovarian cancer cells with patient surv...2012Burrell, Matthew StudentECU
Correlation of pretreatment drug induced apoptosis in ovarian cancer cells with patient surv...2012Homesley, Howard StudentECU
Correlation of pretreatment drug induced apoptosis in ovarian cancer cells with patient surv...2012Salom, Emery StudentECU
Correlation of pretreatment drug induced apoptosis in ovarian cancer cells with patient surv...2012Salom, Emery,Penalver,Manuel,Homesley,Howard,Burrell,Matt A,Rutledge,James,Chernick,Michael,Hallquist,Allan,StudentECU
Correlation of Triassic Strata Across the Rio Grande Rift, North-Central New Mexico1999Heckert, Andrew B. FacultyGeology, ASU
Correspondence journals : their potential impact on the creative writing of first grade stud...2023Thomas, Emily A.StudentECU
Corrigendum to "Obesity in a model of gpx4 haploinsufficiency uncovers a causal role for lip...2015Katunga, Lalage A.,Gudimell,Preeti,Efird,Jimmy T.,Abernathy,Scott,StudentECU
Corrigendum to “Obesity in a model of gpx4 haploinsufficiency uncovers a causal role for lip...2023Katunga, Lalage A.StudentECU
Corrigendum to “Obesity in a model of gpx4 haploinsufficiency uncovers a causal role for lip...2023Gudimell, Preeti StudentECU
Corrigendum to “Obesity in a model of gpx4 haploinsufficiency uncovers a causal role for lip...2023Efird, Jimmy T.StudentECU
Corrigendum to “Obesity in a model of gpx4 haploinsufficiency uncovers a causal role for lip...2023Abernathy, Scott StudentECU
Corrigendum to “Obesity in a model of gpx4 haploinsufficiency uncovers a causal role for lip...2023Mattox, Taylor A.StudentECU
Corrigendum to “Obesity in a model of gpx4 haploinsufficiency uncovers a causal role for lip...2023Beatty, Cherese StudentECU
Corrigendum to “Obesity in a model of gpx4 haploinsufficiency uncovers a causal role for lip...2023Darden, Timothy M.StudentECU
Corrigendum to “Obesity in a model of gpx4 haploinsufficiency uncovers a causal role for lip...2023Thayne, Kathleen A.StudentECU
Corrigendum to “Obesity in a model of gpx4 haploinsufficiency uncovers a causal role for lip...2023Alwair, Hazaim StudentECU
Corrigendum to “Obesity in a model of gpx4 haploinsufficiency uncovers a causal role for lip...2023Kypson, Alan P.StudentECU
Corrigendum to “Obesity in a model of gpx4 haploinsufficiency uncovers a causal role for lip...2023Virag, Jitka A.StudentECU
Corrigendum to “Obesity in a model of gpx4 haploinsufficiency uncovers a causal role for lip...2023Anderson, Ethan StudentECU
Corrigendum to “Stationarity of health expenditures and GDP: Evidence from panel unit root t...2008Strazicich, Mark FacultyEconomics, ASU
Corsairs in Drain Pipes : An Examination of the Submariner Folk Group in the United States N...2023Mason, Zachary StudentECU
Cosmic consciousness in James Agee's Let us now praise famous men1968Friedman, Donna ReissStudentEnglish, UNCG
The Cosmological Connections to Rock Art In the Great Basic and California2020Clark, Samantha StudentAnthropology and Sociology, WCU
Cost Comparison of Foods Purchased for an All-Organic Diet and a Conventional, Non-Organic D...2023Chestnut, Caroline KnaussStudentECU
Cost of heating a house with natural gas in Eastern North Carolina2016Nikbakht, Sherry FacultyMathematical Sciences, ASU
The Cost of Social Distancing for Persons With Aphasia During COVID-19: A Need for Social Co...2023Ellis, Charles StudentECU
The Cost of Social Distancing for Persons With Aphasia During COVID-19: A Need for Social Co...2023Jacobs, Molly StudentECU
The Cost of a Vote: Examining Legislative Incentives in an Election Year2023Spears, Joshua MatthewStudentECU
Costly Enforcement of Voluntary Environmental Agreements2010McEvoy, Dave FacultyEconomics, ASU
Costs and cost components of mobile home living in owner-occupied units1969Meldua, Elizabeth UzzleStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Costs of Diarrheal Disease and the Cost-Effectiveness of a Rotavirus Vaccination Program in ...2009Rheingans, Richard FacultySustainable Development, ASU
Cotton Mill Colic : the conflict between employer and employee at the Riverside and Dan Rive...2023Potts, Brooke E.StudentECU
Cotton, Rum, and Reason : Anti-Imperialist Poetry from 19th Century U.S. Newspapers and Post...2014James, Joshua NicholasStudentECU
Counselor characteristics and situational factors as related to rated importance and practic...1979Schmidt, John J.StudentEducation, UNCG
Counselors’ Attitudes Toward Sex Trafficking: A Quantitative, National Analysis2023Pritchard, Kenn SStudentECU
Counselors’ Attitudes Toward Sex Trafficking: A Quantitative, National Analysis2023Pritchard, Kenn SStudentECU
Counterinsurgency in the Graeco-Roman world2023Kegerreis, Michael W.StudentECU
County Rankings Have Limited Utility When Predicting Liver Transplant Outcomes2023Tumin, Dmitry StudentECU
County-Level Correlates of Dental Service Utilization for Low Income Pregnant Women. Ecologi...2023Moss, Mark E.StudentECU
County-Level Correlates of Dental Service Utilization for Low Income Pregnant Women. Ecologi...2023Grodner, Andrew StudentECU
County-Level Correlates of Dental Service Utilization for Low Income Pregnant Women. Ecologi...2023Dasanayake, Ananda P.StudentECU
County-Level Correlates of Dental Service Utilization for Low Income Pregnant Women. Ecologi...2023Beasley, Cherry M.StudentECU
Couples Communication Assessment Tools: A systematic Review2023Li, Ruitong (Cherish)StudentECU
Coupling Up: An Exploratory Study of Mapping Loosely Coupled Systems in Higher Education - M...2021Ellern, Gillian (Jill) D. FacultyHunter Library, WCU
Court decisions in school athletic, physical education, and intramural programs in which the...1986Gaskin, Lynne PearsallStudentHealth, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, UNCG
Covariates of Identified Stress and Depression among Seasonal Farmworkers2017Chaney, Beth H.,Torres,EssieStudentECU
Covert positive reinforcement in the treatment of nailbiting : target-relevant versus target...1978Meade, Linda SwetlowStudentPsychology, UNCG
COVID-19 Deaths in the United States: Shifts in Hot Spots over the Three Phases of the Pande...2023Park, Yoo MinStudentECU
COVID-19 Deaths in the United States: Shifts in Hot Spots over the Three Phases of the Pande...2023Kearney, Gregory D.StudentECU
COVID-19 Deaths in the United States: Shifts in Hot Spots over the Three Phases of the Pande...2023Wall, Bennett StudentECU
COVID-19 Deaths in the United States: Shifts in Hot Spots over the Three Phases of the Pande...2023Jones, Katherine StudentECU
COVID-19 Deaths in the United States: Shifts in Hot Spots over the Three Phases of the Pande...2023Howard, Robert J.StudentECU
COVID-19 Deaths in the United States: Shifts in Hot Spots over the Three Phases of the Pande...2023Hylock, Ray H.StudentECU
COVID-19 Infection Enhances Susceptibility to OxidativeStress–Induced Parkinsonism2023Eells, Jeffrey B.StudentECU
COVID-19 Infection Enhances Susceptibility to OxidativeStress–Induced Parkinsonism2023Akula, Shaw M.StudentECU
COVID-19 Infection Enhances Susceptibility to OxidativeStress–Induced Parkinsonism2023Sriramula, Srinivas StudentECU
COVID-19 Infection Enhances Susceptibility to OxidativeStress–Induced Parkinsonism2023O’Rourke, Dorcas P.StudentECU
COVID-19 Infection Enhances Susceptibility to OxidativeStress–Induced Parkinsonism2023Smeyne, Richard J.StudentECU
COVID-19 Infection Enhances Susceptibility to OxidativeStress–Induced Parkinsonism2023, et alStudentECU
Crafting A/R/Tographic Spaces For New Art Educators through Visual Journaling2015LaMaire, Rebecca StudentArt - Student, ASU
Creating Cherokee Print: Samuel Austin Worcester’s Impact on the Syllabary2008Thomas, William JosephFacultyAcademic Library Services, ECU
Creating a Club to Increase Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention on ECU's Campus2023Adams, Danielle StudentECU
“Creating False Images: Stream Restoration In An Urban Setting” REPLY TO DISCUSSION by David...2015Cockerill, Kristan FacultyCultural, Gender, and Global Studies, ASU
“Creating False Images: Stream Restoration In An Urban Setting” REPLY TO DISCUSSION by David...2015Anderson, William FacultyGeology, ASU
Creating an Image Bank for Teaching World Religion: Challenging and Reifying Structures of K...1992Carp, Richard M. FacultyPast faculty member, ASU
Creating Information Resources and Trainings for Farmworker-Serving Community Health Workers...2023Bloss, Jamie E.StudentECU
Creating Information Resources and Trainings for Farmworker-Serving Community Health Workers...2023Cofie, Leslie E.StudentECU
Creating Information Resources and Trainings for Farmworker-Serving Community Health Workers...2023Lee, Joseph G. L.StudentECU
Creating Information Resources and Trainings for Farmworker-Serving Community Health Workers...2023LePrevost, Catherine E.StudentECU
Creating a List of Free Higher Ed Collections in the Time of COVID-19 [slides]2020Leininger, Lea FacultyUniversity Libraries, UNCG
Creating a List of Free Higher Ed Collections in the Time of COVID-19 [slides]2020Burton, Marcie B.FacultyUniversity Libraries, UNCG
Creating mosaics1960Zezefillis, Helen StudentArt, UNCG
Creating the Papahanaumokuakea Marine National Monument : Discourse, Media, Place-making, an...2023Ward, Heather Elizabeth McDowellStudentECU
Creating a User Centered Environment. What DO Our Patrons Want? 2009Jennings, Susan L. FacultyUniversity Libraries, ASU
The creation of culture in middle school1995Harrison, John AndrewStudentEducation, UNCG
Creation of an Effective Manufacturing Supply Chain Utilizing Lean Best Practices2023Lahiji, Narges StudentECU
The creation of settings and inservice education1978Britt, Viola SeymourStudentEducation, UNCG
A creation of settings model for the gifted1977Bennett, Barbara NapierStudentHistory, UNCG
Creation of a Support Group for Ruptured Brain Aneurysm, Arteriovenous Malformation, and Hem...2023McDaniel, Joshua StudentECU
Creative activities for young children : a guide-book for parents and teachers1968Rowland, Bobbie HaynesStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Creative and leadership behaviors of preschool children1974Fu, Victoria RuthStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Creative art for the non-specialized elementary school teacher1950Stewart, Evelyn StudentEducation, UNCG
Creative destruction of the first mover : a case study of an American entrepreneur2023Hill, Steven A.StudentECU
Creative dramatics in the treatment of language delay1972Wells, Susan MargueritteStudentDrama and Speech, UNCG
Creative fidelity : the study of compassionate consciousness in a technological world1993Ford, Chris StudentEducation, UNCG
A creative presentation of a gym teacher's perceptions1989Rovegno, Inez StudentHealth, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, UNCG
Creativity and its implications for secondary college-preparatory mathematics education1978Lee, Sandra GaleStudentEducation, UNCG
Creativity and risk-taking in young children1980Ritchie, Shirley PeelerStudentHome Economics, UNCG
CRENULATION & TENTACULARITY: An exploration of ceramics as a tool for communicating marine c...2023Beblo, Julienne StudentECU
Cretaceous dinosaurs in New Mexico2000Heckert, Andrew B. FacultyGeology, ASU
Crime in North Carolina schools : the perception and response of administrators1979Harlan, John P.StudentEducation, UNCG
Crime on Campus: A Survey of Space Users2001Robinson, Matthew B. FacultyGovernment and Justice Studies, ASU
Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design and Consumption Control in the United States2000Robinson, Matthew B. FacultyGovernment and Justice Studies, ASU
Criminology and Penology Abstracts1990Ogburn, Joyce FacultyUniversity Libraries, ASU
The Crimmons place and other stories1968Goins, Melinda StudentEnglish, UNCG
Crisis in the Family: Counselor Anxiety and Self-Efficacy in Responding to Family Crises2020DodgeEvans, J HilaryStudentECU
Crisis theory related to divorce and remarriage1980Kezar, Edward FrazeStudentHome Economics, UNCG
A CRISPR/Cas9 Toolbox for Multiplexed Plant Genome Editing and Transcriptional Regulation2015Tang, Xu StudentECU
A CRISPR/Cas9 Toolbox for Multiplexed Plant Genome Editing and Transcriptional Regulation2015Baltes, Nicholas J.StudentECU
A CRISPR/Cas9 Toolbox for Multiplexed Plant Genome Editing and Transcriptional Regulation2015Zhang, Dengwei StudentECU
A CRISPR/Cas9 Toolbox for Multiplexed Plant Genome Editing and Transcriptional Regulation2015Lowder, Levi G.StudentECU
A CRISPR/Cas9 Toolbox for Multiplexed Plant Genome Editing and Transcriptional Regulation2015Qi, Yiping StudentECU
A CRISPR/Cas9 Toolbox for Multiplexed Plant Genome Editing and Transcriptional Regulation2015Voytas, Daniel F.StudentECU
A CRISPR/Cas9 Toolbox for Multiplexed Plant Genome Editing and Transcriptional Regulation2015Hsieh, Tzung-Fu StudentECU
A CRISPR/Cas9 Toolbox for Multiplexed Plant Genome Editing and Transcriptional Regulation2015Zhang, Yong StudentECU
A CRISPR/Cas9 Toolbox for Multiplexed Plant Genome Editing and Transcriptional Regulation2015Zheng, Xuelian StudentECU
A CRISPR/Cas9 Toolbox for Multiplexed Plant Genome Editing and Transcriptional Regulation2015Paul III, Joseph W.StudentECU
Criteria for the construction of units on North Carolina to supplement the social studies co...1946Faulconer, Rose JonesStudentEducation, UNCG
A Critical Analysis of the Infant Health and Development Program1996Bacharach, Verne FacultyPsychology, ASU
A critical analysis of the problems encountered in posture research1969Fullilove, Margaret AnnStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
A critical examination of published sport motivation research, 1975-19861987Warren, Linda LouiseStudentHealth, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, UNCG
A Critical Look at Campus Climate After Institutional Changes2023Ayers, Marianne StudentECU
The critical reception of Amos Tutuola, Chinua Achebe and Wole Soyinka, in England and Ameri...1974Eko, Ebele OfamaStudentEnglish, UNCG
The critical reception of Reynolds Price from 1961 through 19661970Reams, Gail MillerStudentEnglish, UNCG
The critical reputation of Kate Chopin1978Garitta, Anthony PaulStudentEnglish, UNCG
A critical review of research on memory interventions for the elderly1986Greenberg, Cheryl StudentEducation, UNCG
A critical study of Synge's early writings, published in 1966, with references to his plays1969Lee, Suzan SafrisStudentEnglish, UNCG
A critical study of Thomas Middleton's Hengist, king of Kent1971Simmons, Nancy C.StudentEnglish, UNCG
Critical Thinking and Research - Presentation given to Honors Students2020Tuncer-Bayramli, Nurhak FacultyLibrary, ECSU
Critical thinking in young children1994Davis-Seaver, Jane StudentEducation, UNCG
A "critical year" (April 1860-April 1861) : a study of Unionist sentiment in Western North C...1975Ambrose, Robert PaulStudentHistory, UNCG
The criticism of The Red Badge of Courage1966Butler, Judith AnnStudentEnglish, UNCG
Crochet1974Davis, Pamela NelleStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
Cross-age tutoring and young children's spatial problem solving skills in a LOGO programming...1989Rembert, Wilhelmenia StudentHuman Environmental Sciences, UNCG
A cross-contextual analysis of boys' aggressiveness1991Curtner, Mary ElizabethStudentHuman Environmental Sciences, UNCG
A cross-cultural study on exercise motivation and behavior : the case of American and Taiwan...1991Kang, Lingjiin StudentHealth and Human Performance, UNCG
Cross-Cultural Validation of A Revised Environmental Identity Scale2023Skibins, Jeffrey C.StudentECU
Cross-Cultural Validation of A Revised Environmental Identity Scale2023Clayton, Susan StudentECU
Cross-Cultural Validation of A Revised Environmental Identity Scale2023Czellar, Sandor StudentECU
Cross-Cultural Validation of A Revised Environmental Identity Scale2023Nartova-Bochaver, Sonya StudentECU
Cross-Cultural Validation of A Revised Environmental Identity Scale2023Salazar, Gabby StudentECU
Cross-Cultural Validation of A Revised Environmental Identity Scale2023Tseng, Yu-Chi StudentECU
Cross-Cultural Validation of A Revised Environmental Identity Scale2023Irkhin, Boris StudentECU
Cross-Cultural Validation of A Revised Environmental Identity Scale2023Monge-Rodriguez, Fredy S.StudentECU
Cross-Generational Valuing Among Peer Academic Librarians2015Munde, Gail,Coonin,Bryna StudentECU
Cross-National Variation in Aggregate Levels of Life Satisfaction of Gay Men2023Morris, Hannah StudentECU
Cross-Sector Decision Landscape in Response to COVID-19: A Qualitative Network Mapping Analy...2023Smith, Raymond L.StudentECU
Cross-Sector Decision Landscape in Response to COVID-19: A Qualitative Network Mapping Analy...2023Biddell, Caitlin B.StudentECU
A cross-validation of the Welsh origence-intelligence keys for the strong vocational interes...1968Saunders, Minta M.StudentHome Economics, UNCG
Crossing the Color Line in Little Rock: The Eisenhower Administration and the Dilemma of Rac...2000Fraser, Cary FacultyGovernment and Justice Studies, ASU
Crossing the Line : A Look at the Symbols of the Ritual throughout Time2023Otte, Jana LynnStudentECU
The Crossroads Between Science and Faith: An Analysis of Prayer and Participation in Prevent...2022Turner, Alexis J. StudentMcKenzie-Elliot School of Nursing, UNCP
Crude world2023Stiles, John FacultyMusic and Visual Arts, ECSU
Cruising for Plants and Progress: Marian and David Fairchild and the Allison V. Armour Exped...2023Latham, Janet MoselyStudentECU
CRY–BARs: Versatile Light-Gated Molecular Tools for the Remodeling of Membrane Architectures...2023Wurz, Anna I.StudentECU
CRY–BARs: Versatile Light-Gated Molecular Tools for the Remodeling of Membrane Architectures...2023Hughes, Robert M.StudentECU
CRY–BARs: Versatile Light-Gated Molecular Tools for the Remodeling of Membrane Architectures...2023Bunner, Wyatt P.StudentECU
CRY–BARs: Versatile Light-Gated Molecular Tools for the Remodeling of Membrane Architectures...2023Szatmari, Erzsebet M.StudentECU
Cryo-electron tomography of periplasmic flagella in Borrelia burgdorferi reveals a distinct ...2018Qin, Zhuan,Tu,Jiagang,Lin,Tao,Norris,Steven J.,Li,Chunhao,Motaleb,Md A.StudentECU
Crystal Structures of 3-halo-2-organochalcogenylbenzo[b]chalcogenophenes2023Tullio, Suelen C. M. C.StudentECU
Crystal Structures of 3-halo-2-organochalcogenylbenzo[b]chalcogenophenes2023Luz, Eduardo Q.StudentECU
Crystal Structures of 3-halo-2-organochalcogenylbenzo[b]chalcogenophenes2023Santana, Francielli S.StudentECU
Crystal Structures of 3-halo-2-organochalcogenylbenzo[b]chalcogenophenes2023Silverio, Gabriel L.StudentECU
Crystal Structures of 3-halo-2-organochalcogenylbenzo[b]chalcogenophenes2023Iodice, Bianca StudentECU
Crystal Structures of 3-halo-2-organochalcogenylbenzo[b]chalcogenophenes2023Prola, Lizieˆ D. T.StudentECU
Crystal Structures of 3-halo-2-organochalcogenylbenzo[b]chalcogenophenes2023Barbosa, Ronilson V.StudentECU
Crystal Structures of 3-halo-2-organochalcogenylbenzo[b]chalcogenophenes2023Rampon, Daniel S.StudentECU
Crystal Structures of Non-Oxidative Decarboxylases Reveal a New Mechanism of Action with a C...2023Zeug, Matthias StudentECU
Crystal Structures of Non-Oxidative Decarboxylases Reveal a New Mechanism of Action with a C...2023Iancu, Cristina V.StudentECU
Crystal Structures of Non-Oxidative Decarboxylases Reveal a New Mechanism of Action with a C...2023Choe, Jun-Yong StudentECU
Crystal Structures of Non-Oxidative Decarboxylases Reveal a New Mechanism of Action with a C...2023Markovic, Nebojsa StudentECU
Crystal Structures of Non-Oxidative Decarboxylases Reveal a New Mechanism of Action with a C...2023Tripp, Joanna StudentECU
Crystal Structures of Non-Oxidative Decarboxylases Reveal a New Mechanism of Action with a C...2023Oreb, Mislav StudentECU
CSS Raleigh : the history and archaeology of a Civil War ironclad in the Cape Fear River2023Peebles, Martin D.StudentECU
"Can such an eye judge of the stars" : a study of star imagery in William Blake's poetry1981Beal, Ann DickinsonStudentEnglish, UNCG
Cu²? Binding to A[beta] peptides : Detailed Heat Capacity Studies Provide Structural Insight...2023Gade, Sunitha StudentECU
Cube constructions1970Isenhour, Mary M.StudentArt, UNCG
Cucurbitacin IIa: a novel class of anti-cancer drug inducing non-reversible actin aggregatio...2011Zhang, R-W StudentECU
Cucurbitacin IIa: a novel class of anti-cancer drug inducing non-reversible actin aggregatio...2011Chen, Y-H StudentECU
Cucurbitacin IIa: a novel class of anti-cancer drug inducing non-reversible actin aggregatio...2011Zhang, G StudentECU
Cucurbitacin IIa: a novel class of anti-cancer drug inducing non-reversible actin aggregatio...2011Boykin, C StudentECU
Cucurbitacin IIa: a novel class of anti-cancer drug inducing non-reversible actin aggregatio...2011Yang, W-M StudentECU
Cucurbitacin IIa: a novel class of anti-cancer drug inducing non-reversible actin aggregatio...2011Lu, Q StudentECU
Cucurbitacin IIa: a novel class of anti-cancer drug inducing non-reversible actin aggregatio...2011Fan, X-E StudentECU
Cue Competition as a Retrieval Deficit2003Denniston, James FacultyPsychology, ASU
Culinary Medicine Workshop Assessment Tools2023Craven, Kay StudentECU
Culinary Medicine Workshop Assessment Tools2023Kolasa, Kathryn StudentECU
Culinary Medicine Workshop Assessment Tools2023Smith, Brittany StudentECU
Culinary Medicine Workshop Assessment Tools2023Kramer, Shiann StudentECU
Cultural change and conservation : the implementation of The Paideia proposal in four school...1989Hart, Alice HuffStudentEducation, UNCG
Cultural Competence and Referral Rates of Hispanic Students2023Pahl, Jennie StudentECU
Cultural continuity in subjective definition of situations1974Albert, Edward HenryStudentSociology, UNCG
Cultural Factors of Shipwreck Site Formation: An Examination of Ferrous Shipwrecks on the Ou...2023Bera, Daniel J.StudentECU
Cultural Hegemony, Identity, and the Story of the Catawba Nation2023Fortner, Jefferson LockeStudentECU
Cultural Heritage and Coastal Resiliency: An Assessment of Archaeological Sites in North Car...2023Harrup, Matthew JStudentECU
Cultural Heritage and Coastal Resiliency: An Assessment of Archaeological Sites in North Car...2023Harrup, Matthew JStudentECU
Cultural identity, Jewish identity and the educational struggle for social justice : social ...1995Bliss, Linda AllisonStudentEducation, UNCG
Cultural influence on listener responses to stuttering2010Zhang, Jianliang StudentECU
Cultural Oasis or Ethnic Ghetto? The North Carolina Foreign Language Center and Statewide Mu...2023Jones, Plummer AlstonStudentECU
Cultural Sensitivity: Beyond First Impressions2007Johanson, Linda FacultyNursing, ASU
Cultural values and wellness of Native American high school students1996Garrett, Michael T.StudentEducation, UNCG
The culturally responsive beginning teacher: Reimagining onboarding through a lens of equity...2022Bales, Robert StudentHuman Services, WCU
The culturally responsive beginning teacher: Reimagining onboarding through a lens of equity...2022Tyson, Brian StudentHuman Services, WCU
Culturally responsive school leadership: Increasing equity-centered implementation support f...2023Farley Martin, Cassandra R. StudentHuman Services, WCU
Culture and preschoolers' activities : the United States and Korea1994Lee, Soeun StudentHuman Environmental Sciences, UNCG
Cumulative Trauma Disorders – "The Disease of the 90's": An Interdisciplinary Analysis1995Pine, John FacultyGeography and Planning, ASU
Can Unscrewed be Unskewed? Television Coverage of the Internet2006McCaughey, Martha FacultySociology, ASU
The curative bloom : an investigation of medicinal botanical imagery incorporating precious ...2009Friedland, Mara StudentECU
A cure for shapes1973Jones, Rodney GlennStudentEnglish, UNCG
Current Athletes, Future CEOs2022Jones, Josh StudentKinesiology, UNCP
The current constitutional debate concerning the separation of church and state as manifeste...1987Tilley, James GarlandStudentEducation, UNCG
The Current Profile of Aquatic Rehabilitation, Fitness, and Training Practitioners2010Langella, Joan M.StudentECU
Current systematic carbon-cycle observations and the need for implementing a policy-relevant...2014Marland, Gregg FacultyGeology, ASU
Curriculum and collective consciousness : speculations on individualism, community and cosmo...1985Pipan, Richard C.StudentEducation, UNCG
Curriculum and creativity : reconciliation through language1973Callebs, John SolomenStudentEducation, UNCG
A curriculum model for academic preparation of hospital playroom personnel1976Rollins, Ann CannonStudentHome Economics, UNCG
The curriculum of the Kake, Alaska, territorial school in relation to the lives and habits o...1949Howell, Clingman W.StudentEducation, UNCG
Curriculum Vitae2019Osler, James FacultySchool of Education , NCCU
Currituck Sound regional remote sensing survey, Currituck County, North Carolina2023Meverden, Keith N.StudentECU
Curses, hallelujahs, and amens : the rhetoric of Daniel Defoe, a case study in didactic fict...1996Ashburn, Beth Ann StudentEnglish, UNCG
Cut-Off Lows and Extreme Precipitation in Eastern Spain: Current and Future Climate2023Ferreira, Rosana NietoStudentECU
Cutaneous melanoma: From pathogenesis to therapy (Review)2018Leonardi, Giulia C.,Falzone,Luca,Salemi,Rossella,Zanghi,Antonino,SpStudentECU
CVD and COVID-19: Emerging Roles of Cardiac Fibroblasts and Myofibroblasts2023Katwa, Laxmansa C.StudentECU
CVD and COVID-19: Emerging Roles of Cardiac Fibroblasts and Myofibroblasts2023Mendoza, Chelsea StudentECU
CVD and COVID-19: Emerging Roles of Cardiac Fibroblasts and Myofibroblasts2023Clements, Madison StudentECU
Cyber citizen or cyborg citizen: Baudrillard, political agency, and the commons in virtual p...2005Koch, Andrew MFacultyGovernment and Justice Studies, ASU
Cyber Scams and You: Prevention and Education2023Clubb, Joshua FacultyEsther G. Maynor Honors College, UNCP
Cyberloafing: A Study Of Personality Factors And Organizational Commitment As Predictor Vari...2023Sage, Michael A.StudentECU
The Cycas Genome and the Early Evolution of Seed Plants2023Huang, Jinling StudentECU
The Cycas Genome and the Early Evolution of Seed Plants2023Liu, Yang StudentECU
The Cycas Genome and the Early Evolution of Seed Plants2023, et alStudentECU
Cyclic adenosine 3',5'-monophosphate :effect on neurulation in the early chick embryo2023Bjorkman, David R.StudentECU
Cyclic Deposition of Neogene Phosphorites in the Aurora Area, North Carolina, and their Poss...2023Riggs, Stanley R.StudentECU
Cyclic Deposition of Neogene Phosphorites in the Aurora Area, North Carolina, and their Poss...2023Lewis, Don W.StudentECU
Cyclic Deposition of Neogene Phosphorites in the Aurora Area, North Carolina, and their Poss...2023Scarborough, A. KellyStudentECU
Cyclic Deposition of Neogene Phosphorites in the Aurora Area, North Carolina, and their Poss...2023Snyder, Scott W.StudentECU
The cyclic-di-GMP signaling pathway in the Lyme disease spirochete, Borrelia burgdorferi2014Novak, Elizabeth A.,Sultan,Syed Z.,Motaleb,Md. A.StudentECU
Cyclical succinate and glutamate dehydrogenase activities in rat ovarian and liver mitochond...2023Robertson, James Marion.StudentECU
Cyclopentadienyliron Dicarbonyl Dimer Carbon Nanotube Synthesis2014Conrad, Brad R.FacultyPhysics and Astronomy, ASU
Can you hear the voices on the walls? :how graffiti is known in punitive and tolerant public...2023Moreau, Terri. StudentECU
Cystathionine-? Lyase-Derived Hydrogen Sulfide Mediates the Cardiovascular Protective Effect...2023Abdel-Rahman, Abdel A.StudentECU
Cystic Fibrosis Virtual Patient Advocacy2023Cottrell, Stacey StudentECU
Cytochrome analysis of a cytoplasmic mutant of neurospora crassa1971Farrior, Julian WadeStudentBiology, UNCG
A cytogenetic investigation of selected children with birth defects1969Hall, Joan OverbyStudentBiology, UNCG
Cytokine-neuroantigen fusion proteins as a new class of tolerogenic, therapeutic vaccines fo...2012Mannie, Mark D.,Blanchfield,J. Lori,Islam,S. M. Touhidul,AbbottStudentECU
Cytokine/antigen fusion proteins as targeting mechanisms and modifiers of immune cell behavi...2023DeVine, Jarret L.StudentECU
Cytoprotective Effect of Vitamin D on Doxorubicin-Induced Cardiac Toxicity in Triple Negativ...2023Dal Zotto, Valeria L.StudentECU
Cytoprotective Effect of Vitamin D on Doxorubicin-Induced Cardiac Toxicity in Triple Negativ...2023Lee, Kevin J.StudentECU
Cytoprotective Effect of Vitamin D on Doxorubicin-Induced Cardiac Toxicity in Triple Negativ...2023Wright, Griffin StudentECU
Cytoprotective Effect of Vitamin D on Doxorubicin-Induced Cardiac Toxicity in Triple Negativ...2023Bryant, Hannah StudentECU
Cytoprotective Effect of Vitamin D on Doxorubicin-Induced Cardiac Toxicity in Triple Negativ...2023Wiggins, Leigh AnnStudentECU
Cytoprotective Effect of Vitamin D on Doxorubicin-Induced Cardiac Toxicity in Triple Negativ...2023Schuler, Michele StudentECU
Cytoprotective Effect of Vitamin D on Doxorubicin-Induced Cardiac Toxicity in Triple Negativ...2023Malozzi, Christopher StudentECU
Cytoprotective Effect of Vitamin D on Doxorubicin-Induced Cardiac Toxicity in Triple Negativ...2023Cohen, Michael V.StudentECU
Cytoprotective Effect of Vitamin D on Doxorubicin-Induced Cardiac Toxicity in Triple Negativ...2023Gassman, Natalie R.StudentECU
The cytoprotective properties of Prostaglandine E against the toxic effects of Actinomycin C...2023Dymond, John B.StudentECU
Cytotoxic and Pathogenic Properties of Klebsiella oxytoca Isolated from Laboratory Animals2014Darby, Alison,Lertpiriyapong,Kvin,Sarkar,Ujja,Seneviratne S.,Gamazon,Eric R,Batchelder,Chara,Cheung,Cheryl,BStudentECU
D-amphetamine sulfate :an investigation of possible teratogenicity in the albino rat2023Buck, John RichardStudentECU
D. H. Lawrence's neglected art :  his theory and practice of drama1976Bardon, Sally SullivanStudentEnglish, UNCG
Daily Advance article on Johnny Houston2010Houston, Johnny FacultyMathematics and Computer Science, ECSU
Daily and season-long fantasy sports participation and gambling-related problems among a sam...2023Martin, Ryan J.StudentECU
Daily and season-long fantasy sports participation and gambling-related problems among a sam...2023Lee, Joseph G. L.StudentECU
Daily precipitation distributions over the intra-Americas sea and their interannual variabil...2012Curtis, S StudentECU
Damage-Associated Molecular Pattern (DAMP) Activation in Melanoma: Investigation of the Immu...2023Elhassanny, Ahmed StudentECU
Damage-Associated Molecular Pattern (DAMP) Activation in Melanoma: Investigation of the Immu...2023Escobedo, Rene StudentECU
Damage-Associated Molecular Pattern (DAMP) Activation in Melanoma: Investigation of the Immu...2023Van Dross, Rukiyah StudentECU
Damage-Associated Molecular Pattern (DAMP) Activation in Melanoma: Investigation of the Immu...2023Ladin, Daniel StudentECU
Damage-Associated Molecular Pattern (DAMP) Activation in Melanoma: Investigation of the Immu...2023Burns, Colin SandersonStudentECU
Dance piece1975Doyle, Laura WatkinsStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
Dancing with the dead generations after the Holocaust: a fictional blogged phenomenology and...2009Dresser, Karen ElizabethStudentTeacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG
The Dangers of Online Shopping2023Meadows, Sydney StudentECU
Danish Borders of Identity:Dankshed, Social Capital, And Immigration2016Lawson, Elyse StudentCultural, Gender, and Global Studies - Student, ASU
Dare To Discipline2012Johanson, Linda FacultyNursing, ASU
The Dark Side of Imagination: Horror Literature as a Sacred Space2015Davis, Justin DavidStudentPhilosophy and Religion - Student, ASU
Darth Bane : The Monomyth's Dark Liberator2023Davis, Jenna F.StudentECU
Data, Video, Coding, Making: Libraries are Spaces to Create2023Webb, Kathryn StudentECU
Data-Driven Collection Development: The Approval Plan in Today's Academic Library [Notes]2019Fischer, Christine M.FacultyUniversity Libraries, UNCG
Data-driven prediction modeling for part attributes and process monitoring in additive manuf...2023Deb, Jayanta Bhusan StudentEngineering and Technology, WCU
Data assimilation sensitivity experiments in the East Auckland Current system using 4D-Var2023Suanda, Sutara FacultyPhysics and Physical Oceanography, UNCW
Data for "Delays in Open Access Availability of Faculty Journal Articles" poster2015Wiswell, John FacultyUniversity Libraries, ASU
Daughters of depressed mothers : an examination of self-efficacy and stress reactivity1996Homan, Margot A.StudentPsychology, UNCG
David Ross Locke, consistent advocate1978Taylor, Anita DianneStudentDrama and Speech, UNCG
David Stone : a political biography2023Taylor, Melonie JohnsonStudentECU
A Day in the life of ERHelp [slides]2020Nunnally, Katherine J.FacultyUniversity Libraries, UNCG
A Day in the life of ERHelp [slides]2020Burton, Marcie B.FacultyUniversity Libraries, UNCG
De Novo Pediatric Ulcerative Colitis Triggered by SARS-CoV-2 Infection: a Tale of 2 Sisters2023Preziosi, Nicholas A.StudentECU
De Novo Pediatric Ulcerative Colitis Triggered by SARS-CoV-2 Infection: a Tale of 2 Sisters2023Rizvi, Areeba H.StudentECU
De Novo Pediatric Ulcerative Colitis Triggered by SARS-CoV-2 Infection: a Tale of 2 Sisters2023Feerick, John D.StudentECU
De Novo Pediatric Ulcerative Colitis Triggered by SARS-CoV-2 Infection: a Tale of 2 Sisters2023Mandelia, Chetan StudentECU
De Novo Transcriptome Assembly and Comparative Analysis Elucidate Complicated Mechanism Regu...2015Çakır, Özgür,Turgut-Kara1,Neslihan,Arı,Şule,Zhang,Bao StudentECU
Deadly Campaign2010Bowen, LeeFredrick StudentECU
Death and love in the poetry of Dylan Thomas1958Ridinger, Charlotte AliceStudentEnglish, UNCG
Death as a psychological crisis : an analysis of death in Les Thibault1973Clayton, Faye RichardsonStudentRomance Languages-French, UNCG
Death of Cuchulain1959Curlee, Jo Ann StudentMusic, UNCG
The Death of King Arthur: How Society Shaped Malory's Writing2019Boggess, Heather FacultyEnglish, UNCP
The Death of Women in Wordsworth, Byron, and Poe2010Kang, Gina StudentECU
The Death Penalty in North Carolina: A Summary of the Data and Scientific Studies2011Robinson, Matthew B. FacultyGovernment and Justice Studies, ASU
Debris Flow Fan Evolution, Chalk Creek Natural Debris Flow Laboratory, Colorado2023Scheinert, Cal R.StudentECU
Decadal-scale evolution of a barrier island : Insights from storm overwash and shoreline cha...2023Conery, Ian W.StudentECU
The Decade of Bedbugs and Fear2011Anderson, Alice StudentECU
A Decade of Environmental Public Health Tracking (2002-2012): Progress and Challenges2023Kearney, Gregory D.StudentECU
Decarboxylative and dehydrative coupling of dienoic acids and pentadienyl alcohols to form 1...2017Abu Deiab, Ghina’a I.,Al-Huniti,Mohammed H.,Hyatt,I. F. Dempsey,Nagy,StudentECU
Deciphering the impact of fructose metabolism on liver mitochondrial bioenergetics2023Buddo, Katherine AStudentECU
Deciphering the Role of Long-chain Acyl-CoA Synthetase 6 in Brain Lipid Metabolism and Neuro...2023Fernández Fernández, Regina StudentECU
The decision process for the acquisition of capital equipment in teaching hospitals1983Hewitt, Gerald NealStudentEducation, UNCG
The decision to remarry and the ethic of care : a qualitative study of formerly divorced fem...1986Byrd, Anne JusticeStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Decisions Under Duress: Influences on Official Decision Making During Superstorm Sandy2023Hoekstra, Stephanie StudentECU
Decisions with Good Intentions: Substance Use Allegations and Child Protective Services Scre...2008Howell, Michael FacultySocial Work, ASU
The decomposition of Microcystis aeruginosa in estuarine microcosms2023Heath, Judy K.(Judy Kay)StudentECU
Deconstructing Sexual Violence In Higher Education: A Conceptual Analysis, Appendix A2018Sherrill, Audrey L.StudentEducation - Student, ASU
Deconstructing Sexual Violence In Higher Education: A Conceptual Analysis, Appendix B2018Sherrill, Audrey L.StudentEducation - Student, ASU
Deconstructing Sexual Violence In Higher Education: A Conceptual Analysis, Appendix C2018Sherrill, Audrey L.StudentEducation - Student, ASU
Deconstructing Sexual Violence In Higher Education: A Conceptual Analysis, Appendix D2018Sherrill, Audrey L.StudentEducation - Student, ASU
Deconstructing Sexual Violence In Higher Education: A Conceptual Analysis, Appendix E2018Sherrill, Audrey L.StudentEducation - Student, ASU
Deconstructing Sexual Violence In Higher Education: A Conceptual Analysis, Appendix F2018Sherrill, Audrey L.StudentEducation - Student, ASU
Deconstructing Sexual Violence In Higher Education: A Conceptual Analysis, Appendix G2018Sherrill, Audrey L.StudentEducation - Student, ASU
Deconstructing Sexual Violence In Higher Education: A Conceptual Analysis, Appendix H2018Sherrill, Audrey L.StudentEducation - Student, ASU
Decrease in heart rate following the administration of sugammadex in adults2023Tumin, Dmitry StudentECU
Decreased CD8+CD28+/CD8+CD28-- T cell ratio can sensitively predict poor outcome for patient...2017Dai, Shi-xue,Gu,Hong-xiang,Lin,Qian-yi,Wu,Yan-kun,Wang, StudentECU
Decreased CD8+CD28+/CD8+CD28– T cell ratio can sensitively predict poor outcome for patients...2023Dai, Shi-xue StudentECU
Decreased CD8+CD28+/CD8+CD28– T cell ratio can sensitively predict poor outcome for patients...2023Gu, Hong-xiang StudentECU
Decreased CD8+CD28+/CD8+CD28– T cell ratio can sensitively predict poor outcome for patients...2023Lin, Qian-yi StudentECU
Decreased CD8+CD28+/CD8+CD28– T cell ratio can sensitively predict poor outcome for patients...2023Wu, Yan-kun StudentECU
Decreased CD8+CD28+/CD8+CD28– T cell ratio can sensitively predict poor outcome for patients...2023Wang, Xiao-yan StudentECU
Decreased CD8+CD28+/CD8+CD28– T cell ratio can sensitively predict poor outcome for patients...2023Huang, Shao-zhuo StudentECU
Decreased CD8+CD28+/CD8+CD28– T cell ratio can sensitively predict poor outcome for patients...2023Xing, Tiao-si StudentECU
Decreased CD8+CD28+/CD8+CD28– T cell ratio can sensitively predict poor outcome for patients...2023Chen, Min-hua StudentECU
Decreased CD8+CD28+/CD8+CD28– T cell ratio can sensitively predict poor outcome for patients...2023Zhang, Qing-fang StudentECU
Decreased CD8+CD28+/CD8+CD28– T cell ratio can sensitively predict poor outcome for patients...2023Zheng, Zhong-wen StudentECU
Decreased CD8+CD28+/CD8+CD28– T cell ratio can sensitively predict poor outcome for patients...2023Sha, Wei-hong StudentECU
Decreasing Emergency Department Boarding Times for the Intensive Care Patient2023Berry, Peter StudentECU
Decreasing Employee Burnout Through Improved Resilience2023Watson, Melanie StudentECU
Decreasing Inappropriate Speech Consults in a Neurologic Intensive Care Unit2023Sullivan, Lindsay StudentECU
Deep sequencing identifies novel and conserved microRNAs in peanuts (L.)2010Zhao, Chuan-Zhi StudentECU
Deep sequencing identifies novel and conserved microRNAs in peanuts (L.)2010Xia, Han StudentECU
Deep sequencing identifies novel and conserved microRNAs in peanuts (L.)2010Frazier, Taylor PriceStudentECU
Deep sequencing identifies novel and conserved microRNAs in peanuts (L.)2010Yao, Ying-Yin StudentECU
Deep sequencing identifies novel and conserved microRNAs in peanuts (L.)2010Bi, Yu-Ping StudentECU
Deep sequencing identifies novel and conserved microRNAs in peanuts (L.)2010Li, Ai-Qin StudentECU
Deep sequencing identifies novel and conserved microRNAs in peanuts (L.)2010Li, Meng-Jun StudentECU
Deep sequencing identifies novel and conserved microRNAs in peanuts (L.)2010Li, Chang-Sheng StudentECU
Deep sequencing identifies novel and conserved microRNAs in peanuts (L.)2010Zhang, Bao-Hong StudentECU
Deep sequencing identifies novel and conserved microRNAs in peanuts (L.)2010Wang, Xing-Jun StudentECU
Deep Sequencing Reveals Transcriptome Re-Programming of Taxus × media Cells to the Elicitati...2023Sun, Guiling StudentECU
Deep Sequencing Reveals Transcriptome Re-Programming of Taxus × media Cells to the Elicitati...2023Yang, Yanfang StudentECU
Deep Sequencing Reveals Transcriptome Re-Programming of Taxus × media Cells to the Elicitati...2023Xie, Fuliang StudentECU
Deep Sequencing Reveals Transcriptome Re-Programming of Taxus × media Cells to the Elicitati...2023Wen, Jian-Fan StudentECU
Deep Sequencing Reveals Transcriptome Re-Programming of Taxus × media Cells to the Elicitati...2023Wu, Jianqiang StudentECU
Deep Sequencing Reveals Transcriptome Re-Programming of Taxus × media Cells to the Elicitati...2023Wilson, Iain W.StudentECU
Deep Sequencing Reveals Transcriptome Re-Programming of Taxus × media Cells to the Elicitati...2023Tang, Qi StudentECU
Deep Sequencing Reveals Transcriptome Re-Programming of Taxus × media Cells to the Elicitati...2023Liu, Hongwei StudentECU
Deep Sequencing Reveals Transcriptome Re-Programming of Taxus × media Cells to the Elicitati...2023Qiu, Deyou StudentECU
Deep Sequencing Reveals Transcriptome Re-Programming of Taxus × media Cells to the Elicitat...2013Sun, Guiling,Yang,Yanfang,Xie,Fuliang,Wen,Jian-Fan,Wu,J W.,Tang,Qi,Liu,Hongwei,Qiu,DeyouStudentECU
Defending the East Coast : Adapting and Converting Commercial Ships for Military Operations2023Sassorossi, William ScottStudentECU
Defense Attorneys' Concerns about the Competence of Adolescent Defendants2010Wingrove, Twila FacultyPsychology, ASU
Defibrillator Shocks and Their Impact on Objective and Subjective Patient Outcomes: Results ...2023Sears, Samuel F.StudentECU
Defining and Achieving Success in the Movement to Change Scholarly Communication2008Ogburn, Joyce FacultyUniversity Libraries, ASU
Defining God, Love, and Grammar2023Johnson, Jamie StudentECU
Defining the Great Lakes Passenger Freight Propeller: A Statistical, and Historical Study2023Mihich, Martha StudentECU
Defining her kind : an historical and archaeological investigation of the composite built gu...2023Post, Sarah A. MilsteadStudentECU
Defining Protein Motions that Comprise the Reaction Barrier in Human Epithelial 15-Lipoxygen...2023Ohler, Amanda StudentECU
Defining the role of acyl-CoA synthetase 6 on a-synucleinopathy2023Smaltz, Amber LStudentECU
Defining the role of acyl-CoA synthetase 6 on a-synucleinopathy2023Smaltz, Amber LStudentECU
Definition and Correlation of the Lamyan: A New Biochronological Unit for the Nonmarine Late...2005Heckert, Andrew B. FacultyGeology, ASU
Deflections1973Lackey, Louise BaleyStudentArt, UNCG
Defragmentation of in-vitro fertilization blastocyst stage embryos leading to rescued blasto...2023Chae-Kim, Jennifer J.StudentECU
Defragmentation of in-vitro fertilization blastocyst stage embryos leading to rescued blasto...2023Waggener, K. StudentECU
Defragmentation of in-vitro fertilization blastocyst stage embryos leading to rescued blasto...2023Gavrilova-Jordan, L. StudentECU
The Deianeiran heroine in six English tragedies, 1603-17031991Gay, Richard RolandStudentEnglish, UNCG
Delay in Primordial Germ Cell Migration in Adamts9 Knockout Zebrafsh2023Carver, Jonathan J.StudentECU
Delay in Primordial Germ Cell Migration in Adamts9 Knockout Zebrafsh2023He, Yuanfa StudentECU
Delay in Primordial Germ Cell Migration in Adamts9 Knockout Zebrafsh2023Zhu, Yong StudentECU
Deletion analysis of an actin binding site within the regulatory domain of PKC [epsilon] :re...2023Goodwin, Crystal D.StudentECU
Deletion of BmoR affects the expression of genes related to thiol/disulfide balance in Bacte...2018Teixeira, Felipe L.,Pauer,Heidi,Costa,Scarlathe B.,Smith,C. JeffreyStudentECU
Deletion of the EphA2 receptor exacerbates myocardial injury and the progression of ischemic...2014Vuncannon, Jackson StudentECU
Deletion of the EphA2 receptor exacerbates myocardial injury and the progression of ischemic...2014Griffin, William F.StudentECU
Deletion of the EphA2 receptor exacerbates myocardial injury and the progression of ischemic...2014Kent, Susan D.StudentECU
Deletion of the EphA2 receptor exacerbates myocardial injury and the progression of ischemic...2014Virag, Jitka A. I.StudentECU
Deletion of the EphA2 receptor exacerbates myocardial injury and the progression of ischemic...2014O'Neal, Wesley T.StudentECU
Deletion of the EphA2 receptor exacerbates myocardial injury and the progression of ischemic...2014Hodges, Jonathan StudentECU
Deletion of the EphA2 receptor exacerbates myocardial injury and the progression of ischemic...2014Faiz, Filza StudentECU
Deletion of Estrogen Receptor a in Skeletal Muscle Results in Impaired Contractility in Fema...2023Spangenburg, Espen StudentECU
Deletion of LPCAT3 Promotes Enhanced Insulin Signaling in Skeletal Muscle2023Ferrara, Patrick J.StudentECU
Deletion of Macrophage Vitamin D Receptor Promotes Insulin Resistance and Monocyte Cholester...2015Oh, Jisu,Riek,Amy E.,Darwech,Isra,Funai,Katsuhiko,Shao,JianSu,Chin,KStudentECU
Deliberation by a group of college women in their purchases of three selected items of outer...1970Cutright, Pamela SueStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Deliberations1976Jarecke, George WalterStudentEnglish, UNCG
Delineation and mapping of coastal shark habitat within a shallow lagoonal estuary2018Bangley, Charles W.,Paramore,Lee,Dedman,Simon,Rulifson,Roger A.StudentECU
Delphi : a collection of stories1969Miller, Heather RossStudentEnglish, UNCG
[Delta]-catenin: implications in prostate cancer progression2023Nopparat, Jongdee StudentECU
Democracy, the Two-party System and the Transition Imbroglio in the March toward Nigeria’s T...1994Udogu, E. Ike FacultyGovernment and Justice Studies, ASU
A Democratic Art2014Smoot, Michael StudentECU
Democratic faith : in search of a more accessible critical pedagogy for teachers in their cl...1995Bell, James W.StudentEducation, UNCG
The Democratic Study Group : an aid to freshmen Congressmen1967Ransome, Elizabeth WhitneyStudentHistory and Political Science, UNCG
Demographic characteristics, health beliefs, and preferred methods of smoking cessation inte...2023Eady, Mary Lee.StudentECU
Demographic risk factors predicting substance use treatment outcomes2016Quintero, Jade VincentStudentPsychology, WCU
Demonstration of an Actuarial Method for Estimating Preinjury Hand Strength1992Beck, Hall FacultyPsychology, ASU
Demystifying Fund Allocation Formulas in an Academic Library Setting2023Barricella, Lisa SheetsStudentECU
Demystifying Fund Allocation Formulas in an Academic Library Setting2023Shirkey, Cynthia StudentECU
Dengue risk assessment2023van Dodewaard, Caitlin A.StudentECU
Dense Sampling of Bird Diversity Increases Power of Comparative Genomics2023Balakrishnan, Christopher N.StudentECU
Dental Care Utilization among Caregivers Who Care for Older Adults2023luo, Huabin StudentECU
Dental morphology of the hybodontoid shark Lonchidion humblei Murry from the Upper Triassic ...2007Heckert, Andrew B. FacultyGeology, ASU
Department of Homeland Security2014Stoffan, Mark A. FacultyHunter Library, WCU
A depauperate immune repertoire precedes evolution of sociality in bees2015Niu, Jinzhi StudentECU
A depauperate immune repertoire precedes evolution of sociality in bees2015Barribeau, Seth MStudentECU
A depauperate immune repertoire precedes evolution of sociality in bees2015Sadd, Ben MStudentECU
A depauperate immune repertoire precedes evolution of sociality in bees2015du Plessis, Louis StudentECU
A depauperate immune repertoire precedes evolution of sociality in bees2015Brown, Mark JFStudentECU
A depauperate immune repertoire precedes evolution of sociality in bees2015Buechel, Severine DStudentECU
A depauperate immune repertoire precedes evolution of sociality in bees2015Cappelle, Kaat StudentECU
A depauperate immune repertoire precedes evolution of sociality in bees2015Carolan, James CStudentECU
A depauperate immune repertoire precedes evolution of sociality in bees2015Christiaens, Olivier StudentECU
A depauperate immune repertoire precedes evolution of sociality in bees2015Colgan, Thomas JStudentECU
A depauperate immune repertoire precedes evolution of sociality in bees2015Erler, Silvio StudentECU
A depauperate immune repertoire precedes evolution of sociality in bees2015Evans, Jay StudentECU
A depauperate immune repertoire precedes evolution of sociality in bees2015Helbing, Sophie StudentECU
A depauperate immune repertoire precedes evolution of sociality in bees2015Karaus, Elke StudentECU
A depauperate immune repertoire precedes evolution of sociality in bees2015Lattorff, H Michael GStudentECU
A depauperate immune repertoire precedes evolution of sociality in bees2015Lattorff, StudentECU
Depletion of the sylvan sea seventeenth-century English shipbuilding2023Church, Robert A.StudentECU
Depletion of the sylvan sea seventeenth-century English shipbuilding2023Church, Robert A.StudentECU
Depositional history of the Waccamaw River between Old Dock and the North Carolina-South Car...2023Brant, D. Randall.StudentECU
Depositional processes :their influence on the mineralogy of the Hatteras Abyssal Plain sedi...2023Ayers, Mark W.StudentECU
Deprescribing Medications in Comfort Care Patients in the Intensive Care Unit2023Manton, Bryce StudentECU
Depression and Dementia: Exploring the Connection2023Fountain, Naomi FacultyEsther G. Maynor Honors College, UNCP
Depression in college students : analysis of activity preference and comparison of treatment...1974Sheslow, David V.StudentPsychology, UNCG
Depression Screening Implementation for a Substance Use Disorder Clinic2023Hether, Mary-Margaret StudentECU
Deregulation and Reregulation: Structural Change and the Adoption of "Performative" Norms in...1996Koch, Andrew MFacultyGovernment and Justice Studies, ASU
Deregulation of the EGFR/PI3K/PTEN/Akt/mTORC1 pathway in breast cancer: possibilities for th...2014Demidenko, Zoya N.StudentECU
Deregulation of the EGFR/PI3K/PTEN/Akt/mTORC1 pathway in breast cancer: possibilities for th...2014Abrams, Stephen L.StudentECU
Deregulation of the EGFR/PI3K/PTEN/Akt/mTORC1 pathway in breast cancer: possibilities for th...2014Libra, Massimo StudentECU
Deregulation of the EGFR/PI3K/PTEN/Akt/mTORC1 pathway in breast cancer: possibilities for th...2014Candido, Saverio StudentECU
Deregulation of the EGFR/PI3K/PTEN/Akt/mTORC1 pathway in breast cancer: possibilities for th...2014Nicoletti, Ferdinando StudentECU
Deregulation of the EGFR/PI3K/PTEN/Akt/mTORC1 pathway in breast cancer: possibilities for th...2014Polesel, Jerry StudentECU
Deregulation of the EGFR/PI3K/PTEN/Akt/mTORC1 pathway in breast cancer: possibilities for th...2014Davis, Nicole M.StudentECU
Deregulation of the EGFR/PI3K/PTEN/Akt/mTORC1 pathway in breast cancer: possibilities for th...2014Maestro, Roberta StudentECU
Deregulation of the EGFR/PI3K/PTEN/Akt/mTORC1 pathway in breast cancer: possibilities for th...2014D’Assoro, Antonino StudentECU
Deregulation of the EGFR/PI3K/PTEN/Akt/mTORC1 pathway in breast cancer: possibilities for th...2014Drobot, Lyudmyla StudentECU
Deregulation of the EGFR/PI3K/PTEN/Akt/mTORC1 pathway in breast cancer: possibilities for th...2014Rakus, Dariusz StudentECU
Deregulation of the EGFR/PI3K/PTEN/Akt/mTORC1 pathway in breast cancer: possibilities for th...2014Gizak, Agnieszka StudentECU
Deregulation of the EGFR/PI3K/PTEN/Akt/mTORC1 pathway in breast cancer: possibilities for th...2014Laidler, Piotr StudentECU
Deregulation of the EGFR/PI3K/PTEN/Akt/mTORC1 pathway in breast cancer: possibilities for th...2014Laidler, Dulińska-Litewk StudentECU
The descent motif in the American naturalistic novel1963Stutts, Carol L.StudentEnglish, UNCG
Descent to war : the context and conditions surrounding the outbreak of the Six Day War2023Stoddard, Adam StudentECU
Describing behaviors of participants during a Virtual Dementia Tour™: A secondary descriptiv...2023Morgan, Anna StudentECU
Describing the Relationship Between Psychosocial Distress and Extent of Criminal Justice Sys...2023Coleman, Samantha MStudentECU
A description and analysis of an academic enrichment program at Bennett College1986Reynolds, Amy ArmstrongStudentEducation, UNCG
A description and analysis of the behavior of two experienced teachers initiating the moveme...1975Willcox, Diane E.StudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
Description and analysis of the Camp Lejeune teacher education consortium : a modified compe...1982Novicki, Judith RodriguezStudentEducation, UNCG
A description of the causal attributions made to perceived teaching behavior across three el...1990Mros, Marilyn StudentHealth, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, UNCG
A description of children's verbal responses to a modern dance work in grades kindergarten t...1982Sutlive, Josephine L.StudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
A description of dyadic student/teacher interactions in the physical education activity clas...1979Brown, Janie P.StudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
Description of a program employed to develop listening skills in children with severe functi...1970Wilson, Carolyne MartinStudentDrama and Speech, UNCG
A description of satisfactory principal leadership from the perspective of teachers1984Miller, Richard W.StudentEducation, UNCG
A descriptive analysis of the effects of a model of flexible scheduling on achievement in re...1983Wood, Fred SimpsonStudentEducation, UNCG
A Descriptive Analysis of Pharmacological Management of Aggression and/or Agitation in Patie...2023Rahmani, Elham StudentECU
A Descriptive Analysis of Pharmacological Management of Aggression and/or Agitation in Patie...2023, et alStudentECU
A descriptive analysis of teacher augmented feedback given to university students in beginni...1979Cole, Judith L.StudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
Descriptive Epidemiology of Collegiate Men's Football Injuries: National Collegiate Athletic...2023Dick, Randall StudentECU
Descriptive Epidemiology of Collegiate Men's Football Injuries: National Collegiate Athletic...2023Ferrara, Michael S.StudentECU
Descriptive Epidemiology of Collegiate Men's Football Injuries: National Collegiate Athletic...2023Agel, Julie StudentECU
Descriptive Epidemiology of Collegiate Men's Football Injuries: National Collegiate Athletic...2023Courson, Ron StudentECU
Descriptive Epidemiology of Collegiate Men's Football Injuries: National Collegiate Athletic...2023Marshall, Stephen W.StudentECU
Descriptive Epidemiology of Collegiate Men's Football Injuries: National Collegiate Athletic...2023Hanley, Michael J.StudentECU
Descriptive Epidemiology of Collegiate Men's Football Injuries: National Collegiate Athletic...2023Reifsteck, Fred StudentECU
A descriptive exploratory study on how nurse educators use digital stories in the classroom2023Schwartz, Melissa R.StudentECU
A descriptive study of earth/environmental science classroom practices rich in outdoor educa...2023Foster, T. NicholeStudentECU
A descriptive study of the efforts and related elements of two middle schools highly success...1995Colavito, James W. StudentEducation, UNCG
A descriptive study of job satisfaction and intent to stay among certified nurse midwives in...2023Sigouin, Anne StudentECU
A descriptive study of the personality of selected amateur golfers1970Owens, Norma DianeStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
A descriptive study of the role of the nurse in health promotion programs in the workplace t...2023Singley, Jan OvermanStudentECU
A descriptive study of telephone communications between diabetes clients and diabetes nurse ...2023Leggett-Frazier, Nancy StudentECU
Desegregation and the rise of private education1975Franklin, Lewis GlennStudentEducation, UNCG
Desiccation tolerance in Acinetobacter baumannii is mediated by the two-component response r...2018Farrow, John M,Wells,Greg,Pesci,Everett CStudentECU
The design and implementation of a conceptual model for identifying gifted and talented stud...1981Guthrie, Wesley EugeneStudentEducation, UNCG
The design and technical production of Jason Miller's That championship season1975Peerbolte, David RoyStudentDrama and Speech, UNCG
A design for demonstration equipment to be used in teaching lighting and adequate wiring for...1958Freeman, Rebecca AnneStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Design of a cost effective battery-supercapacitor hybrid energy storage system for hourly di...2018Roy, Pranoy Kumar SinghaStudentEngineering and Technology, WCU
Design of a prospective, multicenter, global, cohort study of electromagnetic navigation bro...2016Folch, Erik E.,Bowling,Mark R.,Gildea,Thomas R.,Hood,Kristin LStudentECU
The design structure of my paintings with special reference to color, shape, and space1965Foltz, Jane J.StudentArt, UNCG
Design, construction, and uses of a web server for teacher professional development2023Lonon, Jason B.StudentECU
Design, Expression, and Characterization of a Bifunctional Protein Chimera for Applications ...2023Taylor, William StudentECU
Design, implementation and evaluation of the Language Experiences Advancement Program : amel...1988Summer, Gail LaubscherStudentEducation, UNCG
The design, implementation, and evaluation of a French immersion weekend1988Litaker, Linnea RuthStudentEducation, UNCG
The designation of family living activities in two open-plan house designs for the five stag...1975Mobley, Patsy HandStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Designer's Perception of Safe Design and its Potential for Innovation2023McAleenan, Ronan StudentECU
Designing Ceramics for Social Events2023Bailey, William GainesStudentECU
Designing the Learning Experiences in Serious Games: The Overt and the Subtle—The Virtual Cl...2023Peery, Joshua G.StudentECU
Designing the Learning Experiences in Serious Games: The Overt and the Subtle—The Virtual Cl...2023Pasalar, Celen StudentECU
Designing A Research Study on ECU’s Recycling Habits Through Prototyping, Pivoting, and Fail...2023High, Mattie StudentECU
Designing A Research Study on ECU’s Recycling Habits Through Prototyping, Pivoting, and Fail...2023Agostini, Marco StudentECU
Designing A Research Study on ECU’s Recycling Habits Through Prototyping, Pivoting, and Fail...2023Banzon, Caroline StudentECU
Designing A Research Study on ECU’s Recycling Habits Through Prototyping, Pivoting, and Fail...2023Rubino, Emily StudentECU
Designing A Research Study on ECU’s Recycling Habits Through Prototyping, Pivoting, and Fail...2023Shingleton, Will StudentECU
Designs for lighting selected art objects in the interior of Chinqua-Penn Plantation in Nort...1970Greenfield, Cecelia DoreenStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Desirable equipment related to available space in typical first grade classrooms in North Ca...1950Woollen, Frances EvelynStudentEducation, UNCG
Destination Recreation : A Generational Exploration of Psychographic Characteristics related...2023Merritt, Ryan T.StudentECU
Destruction of the Caribbean Landscape Through Colonization in Edgar Mittelholzer's Corentyn...2010Williams, Sandra StudentECU
Detailed portraits1978Comer, Stanley DonnellStudentArt, UNCG
Detecting SARS-CoV-2 From Dorm HVAC System Using PCR2023Boatman, Marina NicholeStudentECU
Detecting SARS-CoV-2 From Dorm HVAC System Using PCR2023Johansen, Lauren GraceStudentECU
The detection and quantitation of estradiol-17 from ovarian tissue of the albino rat using t...2023Powell, Thomas Theodore.StudentECU
The detection of ceruloplasmin in avian plasma and its validity as a biochemical taxonomic i...1971Schecter, Roger NormanStudentBiology, UNCG
Detection of endolithic conchocelis in substratum using species-specific PCR primers as prob...2023McClanahan, Ana M.StudentECU
Detection of oxidative clustered DNA lesions in human breast cancer cells2023Francisco, Dave C.StudentECU
Detection of oxidatively induced clustered DNA lesions in mammalian cancer tissues2023Nowsheen, Somaira. StudentECU
Detection of Varicella Zoster Virus Antigen and DNA in Two Cases of Cerebral Amyloid Angiopa...2023Boyer, Philip J.StudentECU
Detection of Varicella Zoster Virus Antigen and DNA in Two Cases of Cerebral Amyloid Angiopa...2023Bubak, Andrew N.StudentECU
Detection of Varicella Zoster Virus Antigen and DNA in Two Cases of Cerebral Amyloid Angiopa...2023Hassell, James E. Jr.StudentECU
Detection of Varicella Zoster Virus Antigen and DNA in Two Cases of Cerebral Amyloid Angiopa...2023Nagel, Maria A.StudentECU
The Determinants and Consequences of Information Seeking Among Cancer Patients2003Price, Jammie FacultyPast faculty member, ASU
Determinants of diagnostic prototypicality judgments of the personality disorders1990Herbert, Diana LeeStudentPsychology, UNCG
Determinants of infant feeding choice in Carteret County, North Carolina2023Boccetti, Gina StudentECU
The determination of anions and metals in kombucha using ion chromatography and inductively ...2016Harris, Monesha AnnStudentChemistry and Physics, WCU
A determination of the bacterial and fungal flora of normal and iron containing fish aquaria...1964Robbins, Joanna JohnsonStudentBiology, UNCG
DETERMINATION OF CALCIUM, MAGNESIUM, AND ALUMINUM IN RED SPRUCE (Picea rubens) FOLIAGE AND S...2006Bintz, Wesley W.StudentChemistry and Physics, WCU
Determination of cell viability of superoxide dismutase knockout Escherichia coli strains us...2012Beyer, Christopher MarkStudentBiology, WCU
Determination of cisplatin sensitivity enhanced by the addition of zinc and EDTA in three ca...2023Nicholson, Daniel L.StudentECU
Determination of Composition and Purity of Boericke and Tafel Physician Administered Homeopa...2023Chamberlin, Jamie CStudentECU
Determination of the cytotoxicity of boron sulfhydryl, boronphenylalanine, and boric acid an...2023Clark, William B.StudentECU
Determination of Individual Building Performance Targets to Achieve Community-Level Social a...2023Kruse, Jamie L.StudentECU
Determination of Individual Building Performance Targets to Achieve Community-Level Social a...2023Wang, Wanting “Lisa”StudentECU
Determination of Individual Building Performance Targets to Achieve Community-Level Social a...2023, et alStudentECU
Determination of Legacy and Emerging Perfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) in Biological Media us...2023Fuentes, Valeria StudentECU
Determination of Legacy and Emerging Perfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) in Biological Media us...2023Fuentes, Valeria StudentECU
The determination of macrophage origins in parabiotic mice2023Parish, Michele K.StudentECU
Determination of optimal concentrations of Cassia occidentalis used to inhibit histamine rel...2023Moore, Shawn Anthony.StudentECU
Determination of palatability, tenderness, and vitamin retention of meat and poultry cooked ...1974Meadows, Jerriane Kujie StaffordStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Determination of pesticide levels as the result of cross- contamination during laundering1989Milikin, Corinth StudentHuman Environmental Sciences, UNCG
Determination of the prorelaxin nucleotide sequence and temporal expression of prorelaxin mR...2023McCaslin, R. Brian.StudentECU
Determination of surfactant build-up and its effects on resin treated cotton fabrics1976Ogbogu, Uchenna StudentHome Economics, UNCG
A Determination Worthy of a Better Cause : Naval Action at the Battle of Roanoke Island 7 Fe...2023Simonds, Lucas SamuelStudentECU
Determining the Ability of an At-home Test Kit to Detect Lead in Drinking Fountains at East ...2023Jones, Megan StudentECU
Determining The Association of Patient Reported Outcomes with Lower Extremity Biomechanical ...2023Booysen, Grethe StudentECU
Determining the Chemical Structure of Brucebactin: The Sole Complex Siderophore Utilized by ...2023Atkinson, Xavier J.StudentECU
Determining the Drivers of Mosquito and Fish Distributions In An Urban, Riverine Rock Pool M...2023Kernstine, Melissa AStudentECU
Determining Mean Grain-Size in High Gradient Streams With Autocorrelative Digital Image Proc...2010Penders, Carla AnnStudentPhysics and Astronomy - Student, ASU
Determining the relationship of certain venereal diseases to speech and hearing pathology1967Elkins, Sue NealStudentDrama and Speech, UNCG
Determining the role of BRCA1 in skeletal muscle regeneration2023Williamson, Nick StudentECU
Determining the role of BRCA1 in skeletal muscle regeneration2023Williamson, Nick StudentECU
Determining the Role of Progesterone Nuclear Receptor in Modulating Aggression in Male Zebra...2023Carrell, Skyler StudentECU
Determining Seasonal Corrosion Rates in Ferrous-Hulled Shipwrecks : A Case Study of the USS ...2023Horn, Thomas WildeStudentECU
Determining structural and stratigraphic controls on natural gas production of the Upper Dev...2023Noles, Jonathan R.StudentECU
Determining Suitable Spaceborne SAR Observations and Ground Control Points for Surface Defor...2023Yan, Yan StudentECU
Determining Suitable Spaceborne SAR Observations and Ground Control Points for Surface Defor...2023Wang, Yong StudentECU
Determining Trends and Factors Associated with Self-Reported Physical Activity among Adolesc...2023Fang, Xiangming StudentECU
Determining Trends and Factors Associated with Self-Reported Physical Activity among Adolesc...2023Kazemzadeh, Sina StudentECU
Determining Trends and Factors Associated with Self-Reported Physical Activity among Adolesc...2023Opper, Chloe E.StudentECU
Determining Trends and Factors Associated with Self-Reported Physical Activity among Adolesc...2023Lazorick, Suzanne StudentECU
Deterrence and Digital Piracy: A Preliminary Examination of the Role of Viruses2008Marcum, Cathy FacultyGovernment and Justice Studies, ASU
Dethroning the Kings of Cape Fear: Consequences of Edward Moseley’s Surveys2023Brooks, Baylus C.StudentECU
Detraining Produces Minimal Changes in Physical Performance and Hormonal Variables in Recrea...2002Triplett, N. Travis FacultyHealth and Exercise Science, ASU
Developing And Implementing A University-School Mental Health Partnership To Enhance Student...2009Michael, Kurt D.FacultyPsychology, ASU
Developing And Implementing A University-School Mental Health Partnership To Enhance Student...2009Renkert, Lauren FacultySocial Work, ASU
Developing and maintaining student interest in learning through a study of the selection, co...1941Harrill, Thelma HawkinsStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Developing a child health model : a prospective study of maternal health beliefs and utiliza...1995Walker, Kim SchmidtStudentPsychology, UNCG
Developing Concept Enriched Models for Big Data Processing Within the Medical Domain2023Gudivada, Akhil StudentECU
Developing Concept Enriched Models for Big Data Processing Within the Medical Domain2023Tabrizi, Nasseh StudentECU
Developing Concept Enriched Models for Big Data Processing Within the Medical Domain2023Philips, James StudentECU
Developing Expertise: Using Video to Hone Teacher Candidates’ Classroom Observation Skills2023Cuthrell, Kristen StudentECU
Developing Expertise: Using Video to Hone Teacher Candidates’ Classroom Observation Skills2023Steadman, Sharilyn StudentECU
Developing Expertise: Using Video to Hone Teacher Candidates’ Classroom Observation Skills2023Stapleton, Joy StudentECU
Developing Expertise: Using Video to Hone Teacher Candidates’ Classroom Observation Skills2023Hodge, Elizabeth StudentECU
Developing formal thinking skills in upper middle grades students2023Wooten, Phyllis L.StudentECU
Developing Functional Network Connectivity of the Dorsal Anterior Cingulate Cortex Mediates ...2023Boney, Simone StudentECU
Developing Functional Network Connectivity of the Dorsal Anterior Cingulate Cortex Mediates ...2023Silveira, Sarita StudentECU
Developing Functional Network Connectivity of the Dorsal Anterior Cingulate Cortex Mediates ...2023Tapert, Susan F.StudentECU
Developing Functional Network Connectivity of the Dorsal Anterior Cingulate Cortex Mediates ...2023Mishra, Jyoti StudentECU
Developing Future Public Health Leaders Trained in Long-term Care Administration2023Little, N. Ruth GaskinsStudentECU
Developing Future Public Health Leaders Trained in Long-term Care Administration2023Welsh, Polly StudentECU
Developing Future Public Health Leaders Trained in Long-term Care Administration2023Sholar, Adam StudentECU
Developing a health communication campaign for disposal of unused opioid medications2023Egan, Kathleen L.StudentECU
Developing an Integrated Telehealth Algorithm for Diabetes Management2023Jackson, Gillian StudentECU
Developing a model to test the predictors and consequences of the amount of time school-age ...1989Payne, Cathy ChrisStudentHuman Environmental Sciences, UNCG
Developing My Archive: on being2023Earl, Briana NicoleStudentECU
Developing Novel Chemotherapeutics: A Structure-Activity Study of Anandamide Analogs and the...2023Morris, Andrew StudentECU
Developing Practice Standards to Target Mental Health Disparities Among the Farming Populati...2023Booth, Kelsey StudentECU
Developing Somatic Awareness In Creative Practice Through Writing And Movement2016Choate, Colleen StudentTheatre and Dance - Student, ASU
Developing Substance Misuse Educational Outreach for North Carolina’s Agricultural Populatio...2023Lawson, Melissa StudentECU
Developing an understanding of the nature of accessibility and usability problems blind stud...2011Babu, Rakesh StudentInformation Systems and Operations Management, UNCG
Development and Application of a Custom Algorithm to Assess Hamstring Muscle Stiffness2020Harrison, David StudentECU
The development and application of an instrument to indicate the fire resistance characteris...1972Mori, Yang-Ja KimStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Development and Assessment of a Systematic Approach for Detecting Disparities in Surgical Ac...2023Wong, Jan H.StudentECU
Development and Assessment of a Systematic Approach for Detecting Disparities in Surgical Ac...2023Vohra, Nasreen A.StudentECU
Development and Assessment of a Systematic Approach for Detecting Disparities in Surgical Ac...2023Akram, Warqaa StudentECU
Development and Assessment of a Systematic Approach for Detecting Disparities in Surgical Ac...2023Irish, William D.StudentECU
Development and Assessment of a Systematic Approach for Detecting Disparities in Surgical Ac...2023DeMaria, Eric J.StudentECU
Development and Assessment of a Systematic Approach for Detecting Disparities in Surgical Ac...2023Pories, Walter J.StudentECU
Development and Assessment of a Systematic Approach for Detecting Disparities in Surgical Ac...2023Brownstein, Michelle R.StudentECU
Development and Assessment of a Systematic Approach for Detecting Disparities in Surgical Ac...2023Altieri, Maria S.StudentECU
Development and Assessment of a Systematic Approach for Detecting Disparities in Surgical Ac...2023Haisch, Carl E.StudentECU
Development and Assessment of a Systematic Approach for Detecting Disparities in Surgical Ac...2023Leeser, David B.StudentECU
Development and Assessment of a Systematic Approach for Detecting Disparities in Surgical Ac...2023Tuttle, Janet E.StudentECU
Development and Characterization of Experimental ZnO Cement Containing Niobophosphate Bioact...2023Abuna, Gabriel FloresStudentECU
Development and Characterization of Experimental ZnO Cement Containing Niobophosphate Bioact...2023Oliveira, Ba´rbara Emanoele CostaStudentECU
Development and Characterization of Experimental ZnO Cement Containing Niobophosphate Bioact...2023Carvalho, Ceci NunesStudentECU
Development and Characterization of Experimental ZnO Cement Containing Niobophosphate Bioact...2023Bauer, Jose´ StudentECU
Development and Characterization of Experimental ZnO Cement Containing Niobophosphate Bioact...2023Ferreira, Paulo Vitor CamposStudentECU
Development and Characterization of Experimental ZnO Cement Containing Niobophosphate Bioact...2023Consani, Simonides StudentECU
Development and Characterization of Experimental ZnO Cement Containing Niobophosphate Bioact...2023Sinhoreti, Ma´rio StudentECU
The development and deployment of low-carbon energy technologies: The role of economic inter...2014Cherry, Todd FacultyEconomics, ASU
The development and effect of a multimedia presentation upon knowledges about a university g...1978Ferguson, Claudia JeanStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
The Development and Estimation of a Latent Choice Multinomial Logit Model with Application t...2011Groothuis, Peter FacultyEconomics, ASU
The development and evaluation of an asynchronously instructed college level anatomy and phy...2023Boyd, Lisa Lynn PittmanStudentECU
The development and evaluation of a behaviorally anchored rating scale for secondary physica...1985McKethan, Robert N.StudentHealth, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, UNCG
Development and Evaluation of a Measure of Dangerous, Aggressive, Negative Emotional, and Ri...2003Ballard, Mary FacultyPsychology, ASU
The development and evaluation of selected instructional materials for teaching percussion i...1975Preston, Andrew ConrathStudentMusic, UNCG
The development and evaluation of a senior high school unit on the buying of ready-made clot...1949James, Jeannie HenriettaStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Development and evaluation of a staff development model addressing issues of concerns, belie...2023Everhart, Jerry L.StudentECU
The development and implementation of a rhythmic ability test designed for four-year-old pre...1974McDowell, Robert HarveyStudentMusic, UNCG
Development and implementation of a student portfolio assessment model for use in the second...1993Johnson, Sharon AnnStudentHuman Environmental Sciences, UNCG
Development and Implementation of Work Engagement Strategies in a Clinical Research Consorti...2023Johnson, Marcus R.StudentECU
Development and Implementation of Work Engagement Strategies in a Clinical Research Consorti...2023Asghar, Aliya StudentECU
Development and Implementation of Work Engagement Strategies in a Clinical Research Consorti...2023Velarde, Kandi StudentECU
Development and Implementation of Work Engagement Strategies in a Clinical Research Consorti...2023Donaire, Marti StudentECU
Development and Implementation of Work Engagement Strategies in a Clinical Research Consorti...2023Bratcher, Karen StudentECU
The Development and Pilot Testing of a Behavioral Activation-Based Treatment for Depressed M...2023Whited, Matthew C.StudentECU
The Development and Pilot Testing of a Behavioral Activation-Based Treatment for Depressed M...2023, et alStudentECU
Development and status of business education in North Carolina1940Harman, Clay StudentBusiness Education, UNCG
Development and testing of records for longitudinal studies1958Herndon, Joyce WilsonStudentHome Economics, UNCG
The development and use of tape recordings as motivation for older youth towards concept lea...1971Hubbard, Nancy GailStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
Development and Validation of a Farmers' Market Audit Tool in Rural and Urban Communities2023Pitts, Stephanie StudentECU
The development and validation of the North Carolina Elementary Measures of Music Achievemen...1994Warren, Mary Ann StudentMusic, UNCG
Development and validation of a questionnaire for assessing habitual physical activity of si...1988Koehler, Karen MarieStudentHealth, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, UNCG
Development and Validation of Scores on a Measure of Six Academic Orientations in College St...1999Beck, Hall FacultyPsychology, ASU
Development and validation of a specific learning disabilities concept questionnaire for par...1975Shirk, Robert D.StudentHome Economics, UNCG
The development and validation of a sport assertion scale1978Dailey, Jacqueline AnnStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
Development and Validation of a Tool for Assessing Glucose Impairment in Adolescents2012Collier, David N.StudentECU
Development and Validation of a Tool for Assessing Glucose Impairment in Adolescents2012DuBose, Katrina D.StudentECU
Development and Validation of a Tool for Assessing Glucose Impairment in Adolescents2012Cummings, Doyle M.StudentECU
Development and Validation of a Tool for Assessing Glucose Impairment in Adolescents2012Imai, Satomi StudentECU
Development and Validation of a Tool for Assessing Glucose Impairment in Adolescents2012Lazorick, Suzanne StudentECU
Development and Validation of a Universal Sleep Screener for College Students2023Ezell, Erin StudentECU
Development and Validation of a Universal Sleep Screener for College Students2023Ezell, Erin EStudentECU
Development as transcendence an examination of a phenomenological perspective of how individ...1987Oussaty, Janet MaryStudentHealth, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, UNCG
The development of academic efficacy among Asian, Hispanic, Black, and White high school stu...1994Thomas, Sabrina LynetteStudentHuman Environmental Sciences, UNCG
The development of the alcoholic beverage control system in North Carolina1972Adcock, Attie W.StudentHistory, UNCG
The development of Alexandria's maritime economy and Ptolemaic naval policy2023Williams, Kimberly E.StudentECU
The Development of Arabian Shipping and Commerce in Classical Antiquity2023Prados, Edward FStudentECU
Development of the artist's painting and prints1956Ould, Mary Jane FoxStudentArt, UNCG
The development of the Assessment of Intimacy in Marriage (AIM) instrument1993Shackleford, Robert S. StudentHuman Environmental Sciences, UNCG
The Development of Bridging and Bonding Social Capital Among Sudanese Refugees in Guilford ...2010Ziegler, Sandra KathleenStudentGeography and Planning - Student , ASU
Development of a cellular model to evaluate the hypothesis that dietary carotenoids are anti...1996Martin, Keith R.StudentHuman Environmental Sciences, UNCG
The development of the city schools in North Carolina from 1860-19001933Cason, Aleph AnnStudentEducation, UNCG
Development of a Clinical Research Consortium Position Interview Panel within the Departme...2023Johnson, Marcus R.StudentECU
Development of a Clinical Research Consortium Position Interview Panel within the Departme...2023Willis, Cyenthia StudentECU
Development of a Clinical Research Consortium Position Interview Panel within the Departme...2023Velarde, Kandi StudentECU
Development of a Clinical Research Consortium Position Interview Panel within the Departme...2023Bratcher, Karen StudentECU
Development of a Clinical Research Consortium Position Interview Panel within the Departme...2023Condon, Debra StudentECU
Development of a Clinical Research Consortium Position Interview Panel within the Departme...2023Johnson, Marcus R.StudentECU
Development of a Clinical Research Consortium Position Interview Panel within the Departme...2023Willis, Cyenthia StudentECU
Development of a Clinical Research Consortium Position Interview Panel within the Departme...2023Velarde, Kandi StudentECU
Development of a Clinical Research Consortium Position Interview Panel within the Departme...2023Bratcher, Karen StudentECU
Development of a Clinical Research Consortium Position Interview Panel within the Departme...2023Condon, Debra StudentECU
Development of a college beginning swimming course which possesses selected characteristics ...1974Neikirk, Mary MargaretStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
Development of Computational Tools and Resources for Cotton microRNA Analysis2023Xie, Fuliang StudentECU
Development of computer supplements to calculus1972Martin, John RandolphStudentMathematics, UNCG
Development of the Concept of Middleness in Children: Response Time and Complexity1993Williams, Kathleen FacultyHealth and Human Sciences, UNCG
The development of creative thinking and its educational implications1989Johnson, Aostre N.StudentEducation, UNCG
The development of criteria for identifying music preferred by children with behavioral prob...1978Bowman, Jo Ann CurleeStudentMusic, UNCG
The development of Dahlgren's heavy cast-iron smoothbores and their adoption by the navy2023Schneller, Robert J.StudentECU
Development of the ECU Behavioral and Lifestyle Risk Factor Assessment in Cardiology2023Anthony, Scarlett StudentECU
The development of essential character traits in prospective religious workers through the a...1949Temple, Kenneth ElsworthStudentEducation, UNCG
Development of an evaluation device to accompany a self-instructional program on the teachin...1967Newnam, Carol StainbackStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Development of an evaluation device to measure quality of workmanship on a blouse1967Solomon, Mary McNeelyStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Development of an explicit bias scale for law enforcement2024Barton, Patrick C.StudentPsychology, WCU
Development of an Expression and Purification System of Recombinant Fibrinogen Towards Study...2023Popovic, Grega StudentECU
Development of Fed and Starved Striped Bass (Morone saxatilis) Larvae from the Roanoke River...2011Colombo, Giuseppe StudentECU
Development of Fed and Starved Striped Bass (Morone saxatilis) Larvae from the Roanoke River...2011Cooper, John StudentECU
Development of Fed and Starved Striped Bass (Morone saxatilis) Larvae from the Roanoke River...2011Rulifson, Roger StudentECU
Development of a Finite Difference Time Domain (FDTD) Model for Propagation of Transient Sou...2023Sprague, Mark W.StudentECU
Development of a Finite Difference Time Domain (FDTD) Model for Propagation of Transient Sou...2023Luczkovich, Joseph J.StudentECU
Development of a formaldehyde analysis method for use with portable spectrometers2020Lillie, Alexander MichaelStudentChemistry and Physics, WCU
The development of a framework for an articulation plan for the transfer of credits from two...1983Andrews, Frances KennedyStudentEducation, UNCG
Development of the French drama of the eighteenth century1934Heilig, Annie PrestonStudentRomance Languages-French, UNCG
Development of the Get Active Questionnaire for Pregnancy: Breaking Down Barriers to Prenata...2023May, Linda StudentECU
Development of the Get Active Questionnaire for Pregnancy: Breaking Down Barriers to Prenata...2023Davenport, Margie H.StudentECU
The development of a guide to field studies for the coastal environment2023Barker, Wells J.StudentECU
The development of Guttman scales measuring attitudes toward athletic scholarships and attit...1975Buede, Patricia SueStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
The development of the historiography of the Civil War1950Rigney, Eleanor StudentHistory, UNCG
The development of a homemaking unit on methods of work simplification as applied to home ta...1952Smith, Rebecca McCullochStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Development of a Human IFN-ß Expression System using Chinese Hamster Ovarian Cells2023Hylton, Todd CameronStudentECU
Development of a hypertext student orientation system for facilitating middle to high school...2023Humphries, Judy L.StudentECU
Development of improved therapeutic mesothelin-based vaccines for pancreatic cancer2018White, Michael,Freistaedter,Andrew,Jones,Gwendolyn J B,Zervos,Emmanuel,Roper,Rachel LStudentECU
The development of an indoor putting test1970Williford, Edna WolfeStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
The development of an instrument for measuring library instructional services and organizati...1986Safrit, Janice AnnetteStudentEducation, UNCG
The development of an instrument for measuring the opinions of educators toward potential sc...1990Blanton, Roy ErnestStudentEducation, UNCG
The development of an instrument for measuring strength of elbow flexion in elementary schoo...1966Koenigsberger, Ruth E.StudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
Development of An Instrument to Assess Decision Making Among Persons With and Without Trauma...2023Manley Beamon, Holly StudentECU
Development of an inventory to ascertain the problems and interests related to home economic...1965Denning, Mary Lou Román StudentHome Economics, UNCG
Development of a Logic Model for a Physical Activity–Based Employee Wellness Program for M...2014Ryan, Katherine E.StudentECU
Development of a Logic Model for a Physical Activity–Based Employee Wellness Program for M...2014Das, Bhibha M.StudentECU
Development of a Logic Model for a Physical Activity–Based Employee Wellness Program for M...2014Petruzzello, Steven J.StudentECU
Development of materials on family planning and population education for use by Thai home ec...1975Chatraphorn, Suparp StudentHome Economics, UNCG
The development of mathematical understanding and its application to Libyan secondary school...1982Zeguan, Bashir HosniStudentEducation, UNCG
Development of a Measure of Function Word Use in Narrative Discourse: Core Lexicon Analysis ...2023Kim, Hana StudentECU
Development of a Measure of Function Word Use in Narrative Discourse: Core Lexicon Analysis ...2023Wright, Heather HarrisStudentECU
Development of a Measure of Function Word Use in Narrative Discourse: Core Lexicon Analysis ...2023Kintz, Stephen StudentECU
The development of a model for assessing quality learning experiences in elementary physical...1977Johnston, Jeanne LouiseStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
The development of a model for participatory goal setting in private educational institution...1976Schoppert, Gail DeanStudentEducation, UNCG
Development of a multi-purpose proton microbeam system: irradiation of tumor cells by energe...2023Haibet, Raafat StudentECU
The development of a multi-skill test in lacrosse for college women1977Ennis, Catherine D.StudentKinesiology, UNCG
The development of muscular endurance in women physical education majors with diverse initia...1971Alley, Jennifer ElaineStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
Development of a new diabetes medication self-efficacy scale and its association with both r...2016Sleath, Betsy,Carpenter,Delesha M,Blalock,Susan J,Davis,Scott A,Hickson,Ryan P,LeeStudentECU
Development of NMR Methodologies to Study Site Specific Zinc-Protein Interactions2023Benton, Amy MusgraveStudentECU
The development of a nursery school leadership observation schedule and a nursery school lea...1970Fu, Victoria RuthStudentHome Economics, UNCG
The development of an objective measure of achievement in swimming at the advanced level for...1964Linter, Marie AnneStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
The development of an objective, reliable and valid tool for the systematic description of s...1972Ciesla, Lucy KatherineStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
Development of the objectives and generalizations for use in a self-instructional program on...1968Lewis, Alice StudentHome Economics, UNCG
Development of an Optogenetic Tool for Targeted Sensory Hair Cell Ablation in Zebrafish2023Cedrone, Alexandria ChristineStudentECU
Development of a paper and pencil test and a performance test to accompany a self-instructio...1965Ross, Carolyn ElizabethStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Development of the PREMature Infant Index (PREMIITM), a Clinician-Reported Outcome Measure A...2023Higginson, Jason StudentECU
Development of the PREMature Infant Index (PREMIITM), a Clinician-Reported Outcome Measure A...2023Ward, Robert M.StudentECU
Development of preservice elementary teachers' multicultural education perspectives1995Cristol, Dean S.StudentEducation, UNCG
The development of a program of survival swimming and lifesaving to be taught as a part of b...1960Berry, Anne EliseStudentPhysical Education, UNCG
The development of a progression of synchronized swimming skills to accompany the American R...1965Eastridge, Marilyn StudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
Development of a RAD-Seq Based DNA Polymorphism Identification Software, AgroMarker Finder, ...2016Luo, Zhijing StudentECU
Development of a RAD-Seq Based DNA Polymorphism Identification Software, AgroMarker Finder, ...2016Zhao, Xiangxiang StudentECU
Development of a RAD-Seq Based DNA Polymorphism Identification Software, AgroMarker Finder, ...2016Zhang, Dabing StudentECU
Development of a RAD-Seq Based DNA Polymorphism Identification Software, AgroMarker Finder, ...2016Qi, Yiping StudentECU
Development of a RAD-Seq Based DNA Polymorphism Identification Software, AgroMarker Finder, ...2016Fan, Wei StudentECU
Development of a RAD-Seq Based DNA Polymorphism Identification Software, AgroMarker Finder, ...2016Yuan, Zheng StudentECU
Development of a RAD-Seq Based DNA Polymorphism Identification Software, AgroMarker Finder, ...2016Zong, Jie StudentECU
Development of a RAD-Seq Based DNA Polymorphism Identification Software, AgroMarker Finder, ...2016Chen, Mingjiao StudentECU
Development of a RAD-Seq Based DNA Polymorphism Identification Software, AgroMarker Finder, ...2016Fan, Wei,Zong,Jie,Luo,Zhijing,Chen,Mingjiao,Zhao,Xiangx StudentECU
The development of school counselor identity1996Brott, Pamelia EllynStudentEducation, UNCG
Development of a self-instructional program on the sewing machine1963Moore, Catherine PorterStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Development of sex differences in listening1976Reis, Laura AnnStudentPsychology, UNCG
Development of small-molecule inhibitors of the initiating proteases, C1r and C1s, of the cl...2023Rohlik, Denise LStudentECU
The development of a social program in a church-related college engaged in teacher preparati...1949MacLeod, Frances AlexanderStudentEducation, UNCG
The development of study materials for use in parent education groups1959Ashby, Helen BewleyStudentHome Economics, UNCG
The development of a teaching manual and loopfilms for officials of conventional foil fencin...1968Alphin, Beth StudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
Development of a test to measure the ability of home economics teachers to apply certain acc...1962Cooper, Marjorie AnnStudentHome Economics, UNCG
The development of a tool to measure perceptions of physical education teaching behaviors fo...1983Daniel, Mary ReginaStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
Development of Transient Recombinant Expression and Affinity Chromatography Systems for Huma...2023Popovic, Grega StudentECU
Development of Transient Recombinant Expression and Affinity Chromatography Systems for Huma...2023Kirby, Nicholas C.StudentECU
Development of Transient Recombinant Expression and Affinity Chromatography Systems for Huma...2023Daub, Caroline E.StudentECU
Development of Transient Recombinant Expression and Affinity Chromatography Systems for Huma...2023Offenbacher, Adam R.StudentECU
Development of Transient Recombinant Expression and Affinity Chromatography Systems for Huma...2023Dement, Taylor C.StudentECU
Development of Transient Recombinant Expression and Affinity Chromatography Systems for Huma...2023Belcher, Heather A.StudentECU
Development of Transient Recombinant Expression and Affinity Chromatography Systems for Huma...2023Hudson, Nathan E.StudentECU
Development of the trireme and naval warfare : Alalia to Salamis2023Williams, Stephen A.StudentECU
The development of a values inventory for high school girls to measure selected psychologica...1970Leathem, Jocelyn StudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
Development of Walk Tests to Estimate Aerobic Fitness in 10 to 13 Year-Old Children2014Sung, Hoyong StudentECU
The development of witchcraft in the thirteenth century1973Decker, Janet F.StudentHistory, UNCG
The Development, Implementation And Enduring Impact Of John Dewey's Philosophy Of History2016Santos, Joseph StudentHistory - Student, ASU
Developmental changes in information input preference1977Ramirez, Louise McKibbinStudentPsychology, UNCG
Developmental changes in mnemonic organization in children1975Bales, Mary LeeStudentPsychology, UNCG
Developmental education and teacher training1977Sujjavanich, Pairin NateharnStudentEducation, UNCG
A developmental examination of the modeling of aggression and altruism1976Fawaz, Dan StudentHome Economics, UNCG
Developmental histories of five preschool children1961Carter, Martha DuvallStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Developmental lead exposure and the exacerbation of Alzheimer's\r\npathology: an immunologic...2023Vonderembse, Annalise NoelleStudentECU
A developmental model for the evolution of paternal care1995Justice, Teresa C.StudentPsychology, UNCG
Developmental psychogenic mutism as a cause of severely delayed speech development1970Hahn, Tamara KayStudentDrama and Speech, UNCG
Developmental pursuits of excellence in North Carolina music education shared by Alice Bivin...1989McKinney, Jane Louise GrantStudentMusic, UNCG
Developmental sentence scoring as a measure of readability for first grade reading textbooks...1975Powers, Wanda ChasonStudentEducation, UNCG
A developmental study of regeneration in Dugesia tigrina1969Sheridan, Charles LinwoodStudentBiology, UNCG
A developmental study of the role of category information in word identification1986Carroll, Elizabeth StudentHome Economics, UNCG
Developmental Trajectories Of Nonsocial Reinforcement And Delinquency In Adolescence: An Ex...2011Marcum, Cathy FacultyGovernment and Justice Studies, ASU
The Devereaux Cover Vessel and the Penobscot Expedition of 1779: An historical and archaeol...2023Green, Russell TStudentECU
Deviations from optimal choice : skilled performance, feedback, and Bayesian decision making...1982Bauman, Richard AlexanderStudentPsychology, UNCG
The Devonian West Falls Formation, implications of sedimentation controlled by preexisting s...2023Smith, Casey StudentECU
Diabetes Preventive Care Practices in North Carolina, 2000-20152023Cummings, Doyle M.StudentECU
Diabetes Preventive Care Practices in North Carolina, 2000-20152023Luo, Huabin StudentECU
Diabetes Preventive Care Practices in North Carolina, 2000-20152023Bell, Ronny A.StudentECU
Diabetes Preventive Care Practices in North Carolina, 2000-20152023Chen, Zhuo StudentECU
Diabetes: The Evolution of a New Paradigm2004Pories, Walter J.FacultyECU
Diabetes: Have We Got It All Wrong?2012Pories, Walter J.StudentECU
Diabetes: Have We Got It All Wrong?2012Dohm, G. LynisStudentECU
Diabetes: Have we got it all wrong? Hyperinsulinism as the culprit: Surgery provides the evi...2012Pories, Walter J.,Dohm,G. LynisStudentECU
Diabetic muscle infarction: A rare complication of long-standing and poorly controlled diabe...2011Iyer, Shridhar N.,Drake,Almond J. III,West,R. Lee,Tanenberg,RobeStudentECU
Diabetic Muscle Infarction: A Rare Complication of Long-Standing and Poorly Controlled Diabe...2011Iyer, Shridhar N.StudentECU
Diabetic Muscle Infarction: A Rare Complication of Long-Standing and Poorly Controlled Diabe...2011Tanenberg, Robert J.StudentECU
Diabetic Muscle Infarction: A Rare Complication of Long-Standing and Poorly Controlled Diabe...2011West, R. LeeStudentECU
Diabetic Muscle Infarction: A Rare Complication of Long-Standing and Poorly Controlled Diabe...2011Drake, Almond J.StudentECU
Diagenesis of benthic foraminifera in the Miocene Pungo River formation of Onslow Bay, North...2023Moretz, Leonard C.StudentECU
Diagenetic alteration of foraminiferal tests in Quaternary sediments, Frying Pan phosphate d...2023Fuller, Leah B.StudentECU
Diagnostic Foraminifera and Paleocology of the Pungo River Formation, Central Coastal Plain ...2023Katrosh, Mark R.StudentECU
Diagnostic Foraminifera and Paleocology of the Pungo River Formation, Central Coastal Plain ...2023Snyder, Scott W.StudentECU
Dialogue - "Holy Insecurity"1996Lubarsky, Sandra FacultySustainable Development, ASU
Dialogues of being-in-living relations : re-imagining office education1996Rhoney, Frances CrockerStudentEducation, UNCG
Diatom biostraitigraphy and paleoecology of the Miocene Pungo River Formation, North Carolin...2023Powers, Eric R.StudentECU
DICE: A Drug Indication Classification and Encyclopedia for AI-Based Indication Extraction2023Bhatt, Arjun StudentECU
DICE: A Drug Indication Classification and Encyclopedia for AI-Based Indication Extraction2023Roberts, Ruth StudentECU
DICE: A Drug Indication Classification and Encyclopedia for AI-Based Indication Extraction2023Chen, Xi StudentECU
DICE: A Drug Indication Classification and Encyclopedia for AI-Based Indication Extraction2023Li, Ting StudentECU
DICE: A Drug Indication Classification and Encyclopedia for AI-Based Indication Extraction2023Connor, Skylar StudentECU
DICE: A Drug Indication Classification and Encyclopedia for AI-Based Indication Extraction2023Hatim, Qais StudentECU
DICE: A Drug Indication Classification and Encyclopedia for AI-Based Indication Extraction2023Mikailov, Mike StudentECU
DICE: A Drug Indication Classification and Encyclopedia for AI-Based Indication Extraction2023Tong, Weida StudentECU
DICE: A Drug Indication Classification and Encyclopedia for AI-Based Indication Extraction2023Liu, Zhichao StudentECU
Dichotomy of observation1975Bass, David LorenStudentArt, UNCG
"Did you Hear?" : Gossip as a Manifestation of Trait Aggression2023Granecki, J. WaltStudentECU
Diet analysis of selected fishes in a Belizean coral reef ecosystem and development of an ec...2023Chagaris, David D.StudentECU
Diet and osteoarthritis: Sharing strategies for reduced pain and improved function when the...2023Smith, Brittany StudentECU
Diet and osteoarthritis: Sharing strategies for reduced pain and improved function when the...2023Kolasa, Kathryn MStudentECU
Diet and osteoarthritis: Sharing strategies for reduced pain and improved function when the...2023Craven, Kay StudentECU
Diet and Osteoarthritis: Sharing Strategies for Reduced Pain and Improved Function when the ...2023Smith, Brittany StudentECU
Diet and Osteoarthritis: Sharing Strategies for Reduced Pain and Improved Function when the ...2023Craven, Kay StudentECU
Diet and Osteoarthritis: Sharing Strategies for Reduced Pain and Improved Function when the ...2023Kolasa, Kathryn M.StudentECU
Diet can help heal injuries2023Romaine, Catherine StudentECU
Diet can help heal injuries2023Kolasa, Kathryn MStudentECU
Diet can help manage polycystic ovary syndrome2023Zhong, Connie StudentECU
Diet can help manage polycystic ovary syndrome2023Kolasa, Kathryn MStudentECU
Diet patterns, competitive potential, and variation in delta15N of juvenile Morone americana...2023Clermont, Jason J.StudentECU
Diet patterns, competitive potential, and variation in delta15N of juvenile Morone americana...2023Clermont, Jason J.StudentECU
Diet-induced muscle insulin resistance is associated with extracellular matrix remodeling an...2011Kang, Li,Ayala,Julio E.,Lee-Young,Robert S.,Zhang,Zhonghua,James,FreyjaStudentECU
Diet-induced muscle insulin resistance is associated with extracellular matrix remodeling an...2023Kang, Li StudentECU
Diet-induced muscle insulin resistance is associated with extracellular matrix remodeling an...2023Ayala, Julio E.StudentECU
Diet-induced muscle insulin resistance is associated with extracellular matrix remodeling an...2023Lee-Young, Robert S.StudentECU
Diet-induced muscle insulin resistance is associated with extracellular matrix remodeling an...2023Zhang, Zhonghua StudentECU
Diet-induced muscle insulin resistance is associated with extracellular matrix remodeling an...2023James, Freyja D.StudentECU
Diet-induced muscle insulin resistance is associated with extracellular matrix remodeling an...2023Neufer, P. DarrellStudentECU
Diet-induced muscle insulin resistance is associated with extracellular matrix remodeling an...2023Pozzi, Ambra StudentECU
Diet-induced muscle insulin resistance is associated with extracellular matrix remodeling an...2023Zutter, Mary M.StudentECU
Diet-induced muscle insulin resistance is associated with extracellular matrix remodeling an...2023Wasserman, David H.StudentECU
Diet-Induced Muscle Insulin Resistance Is Associated With Extracellular Matrix Remodeling an...2011Neufer, P. DarrellStudentECU
Diet-Induced Muscle Insulin Resistance Is Associated With Extracellular Matrix Remodeling an...2011Wasserman, David H.StudentECU
Diet-Induced Muscle Insulin Resistance Is Associated With Extracellular Matrix Remodeling an...2011Lee-Young, Robert S.StudentECU
Diet-Induced Muscle Insulin Resistance Is Associated With Extracellular Matrix Remodeling an...2011Kang, Li StudentECU
Diet-Induced Muscle Insulin Resistance Is Associated With Extracellular Matrix Remodeling an...2011Zutter, Mary M.StudentECU
Diet-Induced Muscle Insulin Resistance Is Associated With Extracellular Matrix Remodeling an...2011Pozzi, Ambra StudentECU
Diet-Induced Muscle Insulin Resistance Is Associated With Extracellular Matrix Remodeling an...2011Zhang, Zhonghua StudentECU
Diet-Induced Muscle Insulin Resistance Is Associated With Extracellular Matrix Remodeling an...2011Ayala, Julio E.StudentECU
Diet-Induced Muscle Insulin Resistance Is Associated With Extracellular Matrix Remodeling an...2011James, Freyja D.StudentECU
Dietary patterns and stable isotope ecology of sympatric Verreaux-s sifaka (Propithecus verr...2020Sawyer, Nora StudentECU
Dietary patterns and stable isotope ecology of sympatric Verreaux’s sifaka (Propithecus verr...2023Sawyer, Nora WStudentECU
Dietary Reconstruction Of Urban Inhabitants Of The 1St Century AD Petra2023Appleton, Laurel StudentECU
Dieting practices, weight perceptions, and body composition: A comparison of normal weight, ...2023Malinauskas, Brenda M.StudentECU
Dieting practices, weight perceptions, and body composition: A comparison of normal weight, ...2023Raedeke, Thomas D.StudentECU
Dieting practices, weight perceptions, and body composition: A comparison of normal weight, ...2023Aeby, Victor G.StudentECU
Dieting practices, weight perceptions, and body composition: A comparison of normal weight, ...2023Smith, Jean L.StudentECU
Dieting practices, weight perceptions, and body composition: A comparison of normal weight, ...2023Dallas, Matthew B.StudentECU
Diets of home economics students eating in the dining halls of North Carolina Agricultural a...1970Vereen, Elau KingStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Différence, Deference, and the Notion of Proper Reading1987Yarbrough, Stephen R.FacultyEnglish, UNCG
Differences between aspirations and expectations among eight-, tenth- and twelfth-grade yout...1965Vicinanza, Paul JerryStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Differences Between Self- and Peer Ratings of Interpersonal Problems1998Hill, Robert FacultyPsychology, ASU
Differences Between Self- and Peer Ratings of Interpersonal Problems1998Zrull, Mark C. FacultyPsychology, ASU
Differences in breast cancer knowledge, attitudes, and screening practices among older black...2023Mayne, Linda StudentECU
Differences in the effects of carbohydrate food form on endurance performance to exhaustion1990Murdoch, Scott StudentHuman Environmental Sciences, UNCG
Differences in females' math and science self-efficacy based on gender-type socialization an...2009Rayburn, Ashley MeganStudentPsychology, WCU
Differences in heterosocial behavior and outcomes of ADHD-symptomatic subtypes in a college ...2003Canu, Will FacultyPsychology, ASU
Differences in maternal verbalizations and involvement during Hawaiian mother-child interact...1986Dick-Barnes, Margaret LiljaStudentPsychology, UNCG
Differences in music achievement among gifted and talented, average, and educable mentally h...1982Ellis, Donald LeslieStudentMusic, UNCG
Differences in Neurological Connectivity Between Right and Left Limb Dominant Individuals in...2023Painter, Jennifer LeeStudentECU
Differences in quality of romantic relationships in college females based on family status :...2010Sessoms, Carrie AnneStudentPsychology, WCU
Differences in Receipt of Multimodality Therapy by Race, Insurance Status, and Socioeconomic...2023Hao, Scarlett StudentECU
Differences in Receipt of Multimodality Therapy by Race, Insurance Status, and Socioeconomic...2023Mitsakos, Anastasios StudentECU
Differences in Receipt of Multimodality Therapy by Race, Insurance Status, and Socioeconomic...2023Irish, William StudentECU
Differences in Receipt of Multimodality Therapy by Race, Insurance Status, and Socioeconomic...2023Tuttle-Newhall, Janet ElizabethStudentECU
Differences in Receipt of Multimodality Therapy by Race, Insurance Status, and Socioeconomic...2023Parikh, Alexander A.StudentECU
Differences in Receipt of Multimodality Therapy by Race, Insurance Status, and Socioeconomic...2023Snyder, Rebecca A.StudentECU
Differences in receipt of multimodality therapy by race,insurance status, and socioeconomic ...2023Hao, Scarlett StudentECU
Differences in receipt of multimodality therapy by race,insurance status, and socioeconomic ...2023Mitsakos, Anastasios StudentECU
Differences in receipt of multimodality therapy by race,insurance status, and socioeconomic ...2023Irish, William StudentECU
Differences in receipt of multimodality therapy by race,insurance status, and socioeconomic ...2023Tuttle-Newhall, Janet ElizabethStudentECU
Differences in receipt of multimodality therapy by race,insurance status, and socioeconomic ...2023Parikh, Alexander A.StudentECU
Differences in receipt of multimodality therapy by race,insurance status, and socioeconomic ...2023Rebecca A., Snyder StudentECU
Differences in Smoking Prevalence and Eligibility for Low-Dose Computed Tomography (LDCT) Lu...2023Lee, Joseph G. L.StudentECU
Differences in the Tensor Veli Palatini Between Adults With and Without Cleft Palate Using H...2023Perry, Jamie L.StudentECU
Differences in the Tensor Veli Palatini Muscle and Hearing Status in Children With and Witho...2023Perry, Jamie L.StudentECU
Differences in Treatment Response to a Total Diet Replacement Intervention Versus a Food-Bas...2023Pories, Walter J.StudentECU
Differences in variability of color of stimuli on the child's habituation of attention and o...1972Spillman, Carolyn V.StudentHome Economics, UNCG
Different Commonalities: Gender Mainstreaming and the Marginalization of Difference in Econo...2005Wood, Cynthia FacultyCultural, Gender, and Global Studies, ASU
Differential aging-related changes of D1, D2, and D3 dopamine receptor expression in the str...2023Patel, Mukund StudentECU
Differential display and cloning of thyroid hormone-regulated mRNAs in human fibroblasts :ev...2023Miller, Lance D.StudentECU
The differential effects of four training strategies for use in the sheltered workshop1972Standahl, Beverly WeipertStudentPsychology, UNCG
The differential effects of phonics versus sight-recognition methods of teaching reading on ...1974Peoples, Arthur C.StudentPsychology, UNCG
Differential Epigenetic and Transcriptional Response of the Skeletal Muscle Carnitine Palmit...2023Houmard, Joseph A.StudentECU
Differential expression of microRNAs during fiber development between fuzzless- lintless mut...2017Sun, Runrun,Li,Chengqi,Zhang,Jinbao,Li,Fei,Ma,Liang,Tan StudentECU
Differential Expression of MicroRNAs During Fiber Development Between Fuzzless-Lintless Muta...2023Zhang, Baohong StudentECU
The Differential Framing Measure for Procrastination : An Implicit Measure of Procrastinatio...2014Parker, Zachary StudentECU
Differential impacts by race caused by the flooding due to Hurricane Floyd2023Jensen, Carol A.StudentECU
Differential memory impairment in individuals exhibiting Korsakoff's syndrome1977Sawyer, Terry McCrayStudentPsychology, UNCG
Differential Post-Exercise Blood Pressure Responses between Blacks and Caucasians2016Yan, Huimin,Behun,Michael A.,Cook,Marc D.,Ranadive,Sushant M.,Lane-Cordova,AStudentECU
Differential reinforcing value of speech and heartbeats : a measure of functional lateraliza...1985Prescott, Phyllis A.StudentPsychology, UNCG
Differential Responses of Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) to...2023Oo, Sando StudentECU
Differential Responses of Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) to...2023Patterson, Caitlin StudentECU
Differential Responses of Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) to...2023Pan, Xiaoping StudentECU
Differential Responses of Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) to...2023Zhang, Baohong StudentECU
The Differential Roles of pH sensing G-Protein Coupled Receptors in Inflammation and Cancer2023Marie, Mona AStudentECU
Differential YAP Nuclear Signaling in Healthy and Dystrophic Skeletal Muscle2023Spangenburg, Espen StudentECU
Differentiation of Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells into Keratinocytes2023Koch, Peter J.StudentECU
Differentiation of Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells into Keratinocytes2023Webb, Saiphone StudentECU
Differentiation of Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells into Keratinocytes2023Gugger, Jessica A.StudentECU
Differentiation of Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells into Keratinocytes2023Salois, Maddison N.StudentECU
Differentiation of Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells into Keratinocytes2023Koster, Maranke I.StudentECU
Differentiation-dependent Requirement of Tsix long non-coding RNA in Imprinted X-chromosome ...2014Purushothaman, Sonya StudentECU
Differentiation-dependent Requirement of Tsix long non-coding RNA in Imprinted X-chromosome ...2014Maclary, Emily StudentECU
Differentiation-dependent Requirement of Tsix long non-coding RNA in Imprinted X-chromosome ...2014Kalantry, Sundeep StudentECU
Differentiation-dependent Requirement of Tsix long non-coding RNA in Imprinted X-chromosome ...2014Harris, Clair StudentECU
Differentiation-dependent Requirement of Tsix long non-coding RNA in Imprinted X-chromosome ...2014Sarkar, Mrinal KumarStudentECU
Differentiation-dependent Requirement of Tsix long non-coding RNA in Imprinted X-chromosome ...2014Buttigieg, Emily StudentECU
Differentiation-dependent Requirement of Tsix long non-coding RNA in Imprinted X-chromosome ...2014Gayen, Srimonta StudentECU
Differentiation-dependent Requirement of Tsix long non-coding RNA in Imprinted X-chromosome ...2014Hinten, Michael StudentECU
Diffusion and perfusion weighted magnetic resonance imaging for tumor volume definition in r...2016Guo, Lu,Wang,Gang,Feng,Yuanming,Yu,Tonggang,Guo,Yu,Bai, StudentECU
The digestibility of phytoplankton and ice algae by the bivalve Macoma balthica in Alaska2023Betournay, Scott H.StudentECU
The digestibility of phytoplankton and ice algae by the bivalve Macoma balthica in Alaska2023Betournay, Scott H.StudentECU
Digital Heritage test2017Harper, Elizabeth SkeneFacultyHunter Library, WCU
Digital Heritage video test2017Harper, Elizabeth SkeneFacultyHunter Library, WCU
Digital Piracy: An Examination of Three Measurements of Self-Control2008Marcum, Cathy FacultyGovernment and Justice Studies, ASU
Digital Project as Community Outreach: a New Way of Approaching Metadata2023Dragon, Patricia M.StudentECU
Digital Project as Community Outreach: a New Way of Approaching Metadata2023Vinogradov, Amanda StudentECU
Digital Project as Community Outreach: a New Way of Approaching Metadata2023White, Heather M.StudentECU
Digits lost or gained? Evidence for pedal evolution in the Dwarf salamander complex (Eurycea...2012Lamb, Trip,Beamer,David AStudentECU
Dignidad real y acción mayestática en La farsa de las galeras de Luis Milá2002Lopez Alemany, Ignacio FacultyLanguages, Literatures, and Cultures, UNCG
The Dilemma of Choosing Talent: Michael Jordans are Hard to Find2009Groothuis, Peter FacultyEconomics, ASU
Dimensions of clothing interest based on factor analysis of Creekmore's 1968 clothing measur...1974Gurel, Lois M.StudentHome Economics, UNCG
Dimensions of perfectionism as vulnerability factors for depression in the narcissistic and ...1996Cassady, Patricia M. B.StudentPsychology, UNCG
Dimeric and tetrameric forms of muscle fructose-1,6- bisphosphatase play different roles in ...2017Wiśniewski, Janusz,Piróg,Michał,Hołubowicz,Rafał,Dobryszyc A.,Rakus,Dariusz,Gizak,AgnieszkaStudentECU
Dimeric and tetrameric forms of muscle fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase play different roles in t...2023McCubrey, James A.StudentECU
Diminished Force Production and Mitochondrial Respiratory Deficits are Strain-Dependent Myop...2023McClung, Joseph StudentECU
Diminished Force Production and Mitochondrial Respiratory Deficits are Strain-Dependent Myop...2023Schmidt, Cameron A.StudentECU
Diminished Force Production and Mitochondrial Respiratory Deficits are Strain-Dependent Myop...2023Ryan, Terence E.StudentECU
Diminished Force Production and Mitochondrial Respiratory Deficits are Strain-Dependent Myop...2023Lin, Chien-Te StudentECU
Diminished Force Production and Mitochondrial Respiratory Deficits are Strain-Dependent Myop...2023Inigo, Melissa M. RStudentECU
Diminished Force Production and Mitochondrial Respiratory Deficits are Strain-Dependent Myop...2023Green, Tom D.StudentECU
Diminished Force Production and Mitochondrial Respiratory Deficits are Strain-Dependent Myop...2023Brault, Jeffrey J.StudentECU
Diminished Force Production and Mitochondrial Respiratory Deficits are Strain-Dependent Myop...2023Spangenburg, Espen E.StudentECU
Diminished Force Production and Mitochondrial Respiratory Deficits are Strain-Dependent Myop...2023Spangenburg, Espen StudentECU
Diminished Force Production and Mitochondrial Respiratory Deficits are Strain-Dependent Myop...2023Schmidt, Cameron A.StudentECU
Diminished Force Production and Mitochondrial Respiratory Deficits are Strain-Dependent Myop...2023Ryan, Terence E.StudentECU
Diminished Force Production and Mitochondrial Respiratory Deficits are Strain-Dependent Myop...2023Lin, Chien-Te StudentECU
Diminished Force Production and Mitochondrial Respiratory Deficits are Strain-Dependent Myop...2023Inigo, Melissa M.R.StudentECU
Diminished Force Production and Mitochondrial Respiratory Deficits are Strain-Dependent Myop...2023Green, Tom D.StudentECU
Diminished Force Production and Mitochondrial Respiratory Deficits are Strain-Dependent Myop...2023Brault, Jeffrey J.StudentECU
Diminished Force Production and Mitochondrial Respiratory Deficits are Strain-Dependent Myop...2023McClung, Joseph M.StudentECU
Diminutive metoposaurid skulls from the Upper Triassic Blue Hills (Adamanian:latest Carnian)...2002Heckert, Andrew B. FacultyGeology, ASU
Dinodang: The Melon Rex Myth2012Senter, Philip PhilFacultyBiological Science, FSU
Dinosaurs of New Mexico: An overview2000Heckert, Andrew B. FacultyGeology, ASU
Dinosaurs of New Mexico: A Popular Guide2000Heckert, Andrew B. FacultyGeology, ASU
Diophantine Generation, Galois Theory, and Hilbert's Tenth Problem2023Kennedy, Kendra StudentECU
The diplomatic career of Jan Christian Smuts1976Dean, Phillip WalterStudentHistory, UNCG
Direct and Indirect Effects of Maternal Intelligence, Maternal Age, Income, and Home Environ...1998Bacharach, Verne FacultyPsychology, ASU
Direct Effects of the Home, School, and Consumer Food Environments on the Association betwee...2017Gustafson, Alison,Pitts,Stephanie Jilcott,McDonald,Jordan,Ford,Hannah,Connelly,PaigeStudentECU
Direct Modification of Multiple Gene homoeologs in Brassica Oleracea and Brassica Napus Usin...2023Zhang, BaoHong StudentECU
Direct Modification of Multiple Gene homoeologs in Brassica Oleracea and Brassica Napus Usin...2023Li, Chao StudentECU
Direct Modification of Multiple Gene homoeologs in Brassica Oleracea and Brassica Napus Usin...2023Sang, Shifei StudentECU
Direct Modification of Multiple Gene homoeologs in Brassica Oleracea and Brassica Napus Usin...2023Sun, MengDan StudentECU
Direct Modification of Multiple Gene homoeologs in Brassica Oleracea and Brassica Napus Usin...2023Yang, Jin StudentECU
Direct Modification of Multiple Gene homoeologs in Brassica Oleracea and Brassica Napus Usin...2023Shi, YuQin StudentECU
Direct Modification of Multiple Gene homoeologs in Brassica Oleracea and Brassica Napus Usin...2023Hu, XueZhi StudentECU
Direct Modification of Multiple Gene homoeologs in Brassica Oleracea and Brassica Napus Usin...2023Li, Yun StudentECU
Direct Modification of Multiple Gene homoeologs in Brassica Oleracea and Brassica Napus Usin...2023Hao, MengYu StudentECU
Direct Modification of Multiple Gene homoeologs in Brassica Oleracea and Brassica Napus Usin...2023Chu, Wen StudentECU
Direct Modification of Multiple Gene homoeologs in Brassica Oleracea and Brassica Napus Usin...2023Zhang, HaiYan StudentECU
Direct Modification of Multiple Gene homoeologs in Brassica Oleracea and Brassica Napus Usin...2023Wang, Hui StudentECU
Direct Modification of Multiple Gene homoeologs in Brassica Oleracea and Brassica Napus Usin...2023Wang, WenXiang StudentECU
Direct Modification of Multiple Gene homoeologs in Brassica Oleracea and Brassica Napus Usin...2023Fu, Li StudentECU
Direct Modification of Multiple Gene homoeologs in Brassica Oleracea and Brassica Napus Usin...2023Liu, Jia StudentECU
Direct Modification of Multiple Gene homoeologs in Brassica Oleracea and Brassica Napus Usin...2023Cheng, HongTao StudentECU
Direct Modification of Multiple Gene homoeologs in Brassica Oleracea and Brassica Napus Usin...2023Mei, DeSheng StudentECU
Direct Modification of Multiple Gene homoeologs in Brassica Oleracea and Brassica Napus Usin...2023Fu, ShaoHong StudentECU
Direct Modification of Multiple Gene homoeologs in Brassica Oleracea and Brassica Napus Usin...2023Hu, Qiong StudentECU
"Directing threds-- through the labyrinth" : the moral use of Platonic conventions and patte...1973Tucker, Virginia AchesonStudentEnglish, UNCG
The direction and presentation of Tango, a play by Slawomir Mrozek1977Childers, Michael EugeneStudentDrama and Speech, UNCG
Director Co-option and the Cash Conversion Cycl2023Hampton, Jonathan BradleyStudentECU
Directory of curriculum materials centers and collections, 7th edition2015Walker, Judy A.FacultyLibrary, UNCC
Disadvantaged children's play behavior over the school year in public school preschool class...1996Son-Yarbrough, Whasoup StudentHuman Environmental Sciences, UNCG
Disc electrophoretic studies of brain proteins of the white rat, Rattus Norvegicus berkenhou...2023Askew, William Earl.StudentECU
The discernibility of the effect of varying levels of illumination on individuals1963Gore, Janelle WhiteStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Disciplinary Differences in Student Use of Library-Provided Materials in Dissertations2023Thomas, William JosephStudentECU
Disciplinary Differences in Student Use of Library-Provided Materials in Dissertations2023Shouse, Daniel N.StudentECU
Disclosing Information about the Risk of Inherited Disease2015Parker, Clint StudentECU
Discontinuation of Transmission Precautions for COVID-19 Patients: Polymerase Chain Reaction...2023Burch, Ashley E.StudentECU
Discontinuation of Transmission Precautions for COVID-19 Patients: Polymerase Chain Reaction...2023Jiwani, Rahim A.StudentECU
Discontinuation of Transmission Precautions for COVID-19 Patients: Polymerase Chain Reaction...2023Mao, Yuxuan StudentECU
Discontinuation of Transmission Precautions for COVID-19 Patients: Polymerase Chain Reaction...2023Pona, Adrian StudentECU
Discontinuation of Transmission Precautions for COVID-19 Patients: Polymerase Chain Reaction...2023Bradner, Evan StudentECU
Discontinuation of Transmission Precautions for COVID-19 Patients: Polymerase Chain Reaction...2023Hussain, Jaffer StudentECU
Discontinuation of Transmission Precautions for COVID-19 Patients: Polymerase Chain Reaction...2023Stalls, J. StephenStudentECU
Discontinuation of Transmission Precautions for COVID-19 Patients: Polymerase Chain Reaction...2023Cook, Paul P.StudentECU
Discontinuation of Transmission Precautions for COVID-19 Patients: Polymerase Chain Reaction...2023Afriyie, Felix StudentECU
Discontinuation of Transmission Precautions for COVID-19 Patients: Polymerase Chain Reaction...2023Labbe, Jonathan StudentECU
Discontinuation of Transmission Precautions for COVID-19 Patients: Polymerase Chain Reaction...2023Younes, Ahmed StudentECU
Discontinuation of Transmission Precautions for COVID-19 Patients: Polymerase Chain Reaction...2023Badr, Mai StudentECU
Discontinuation of Transmission Precautions for COVID-19 Patients: Polymerase Chain Reaction...2023Lee, Elisabeth StudentECU
Discontinuation of Transmission Precautions for COVID-19 Patients: Polymerase Chain Reaction...2023Rope, Rachel L.StudentECU
Discourse Processing in Neurologically Healthy Adults: A Cross-Modal Eye tracking Study2023Sharma, Saryu StudentECU
Discourse processing treatment for adults with aphasia.2023Frisco, Nicole StudentECU
Discovered Repeatedly: Archaeological Documentation and Site Restoration of Pacific Reef Wre...2023Roth, Madeline J.StudentECU
Discovering mechanisms during spermatogonial differentiation that prepare male germ cells fo...2023Johnson, Taylor AnthonyStudentECU
Discovery and investigation of a novel role for mitochondrial prohibitin in mitigating acute...2023Mattox, Taylor A.StudentECU
The discovery of a novel bacterial species in the genus Paenibacillus found in Great Smoky M...2017Carlson, Tori KaytlynStudentBiology, WCU
Discrepant Performance on Multiple-Choice And Short Answer Assessments and the Relation of P...2007Webb, Rose Mary FacultyPsychology, ASU
Discrimination between preterm and term delivery based on hematocrit levels during pregnancy...2023Woolard, Alma Kay BullockStudentECU
Discriminators of interest in family support programs among Air Force couples1981Brown, Richard JuliusStudentHome Economics, UNCG
A discussion of the Pearl stanza as an approach to the poem1968Goodwin, Jean StudentEnglish, UNCG
Disease Vectors2014Richards, Stephanie LStudentECU
Disentangling the Impacts of Industrial and Global Diversification on Firm Risk2023Ngo, Thanh StudentECU
Disgusting Bodies, Disgusting Religion: The Biology of Tantra2011Ellis, Thomas B. FacultyPhilosophy and Religion, ASU
Disintegration of Amyloid fibrils using chaperones, inorganic chemicals2023Bedsole, Sidney EthanStudentECU
Disparities in cigarette tax exposure by race, ethnicity, poverty and sexual orientation, 20...2023Lee, Joseph G. L.StudentECU
Disparities in cigarette tax exposure by race, ethnicity, poverty and sexual orientation, 20...2023Golden, Shelley StudentECU
Disparities in Dialysis Modality Decision-Making Using a Social-Ecological Lens: A Qualitati...2023Christensen, Alan J.StudentECU
Disparities in healthy food zoning, farmers’ market availability, and fruit and vegetable co...2015Lancaster, Mandee FStudentECU
Disparities in healthy food zoning, farmers’ market availability, and fruit and vegetable co...2015Raines, Justin StudentECU
Disparities in healthy food zoning, farmers’ market availability, and fruit and vegetable co...2015Ammerman, Alice SStudentECU
Disparities in healthy food zoning, farmers’ market availability, and fruit and vegetable co...2015Jilcott Pitts, Stephanie BStudentECU
Disparities in healthy food zoning, farmers’ market availability, and fruit and vegetable co...2015Acheson, Mariel L MStudentECU
Disparities in healthy food zoning, farmers’ market availability, and fruit and vegetable co...2015Ward, Rachel KStudentECU
Disparities in healthy food zoning, farmers’ market availability, and fruit and vegetable co...2015Wu, Qiang StudentECU
Disparities in healthy food zoning, farmers’ market availability, and fruit and vegetable co...2015McGuirt, Jared TStudentECU
Disparities in healthy food zoning, farmers’ market availability, and fruit and vegetable co...2015Bullock, Sally LStudentECU
Disposal of Prescription Drugs by Parents of Middle and High School Students2023Egan, Kathleen L.StudentECU
Disruption of mitochondrial fitness in human preadipocytes by fatty acids2014Rogers, Artie CarlyleStudentECU
Dissatisfaction with telephone communications with physicians among nurses in two nursing ho...2023McDaniel, James GoodlettStudentECU
Disseminated superficial porokeratosis involving the groin and genitalia in a 72-year-old im...2015Burke, William A.StudentECU
Disseminated superficial porokeratosis involving the groin and genitalia in a 72-year-old im...2015Pruitt, Laura GrayStudentECU
Disseminated superficial porokeratosis involving the groin and genitalia in a 72-year-old im...2015Hsia, Ling-Lun BobStudentECU
Dissociation and posttraumatic stress disorder in Khmer refugees resettled in the United Sta...1991Rosser-Hogan, Rhonda L.StudentEducation, UNCG
Distant lands : multiple interpretations of school-university partnerships2023McDaniel, Taylor A.StudentECU
Distant Transmissions2023Zuercher, Christine StudentECU
Distinct Adaptations of Mitochondrial Dynamics to Electrical Pulse Stimulation in Lean and S...2023Houmard, Joseph A.StudentECU
Distinct Adaptations of Mitochondrial Dynamics to Electrical Pulse Stimulation in Lean and S...2023Kugler, Benjamin A.StudentECU
Distinct Adaptations of Mitochondrial Dynamics to Electrical Pulse Stimulation in Lean and S...2023Deng, Wenqian StudentECU
Distinct Adaptations of Mitochondrial Dynamics to Electrical Pulse Stimulation in Lean and S...2023Francois, Bergomi StudentECU
Distinct Adaptations of Mitochondrial Dynamics to Electrical Pulse Stimulation in Lean and S...2023Nasta, Meaghan StudentECU
Distinct Adaptations of Mitochondrial Dynamics to Electrical Pulse Stimulation in Lean and S...2023Hinkley, J. MatthewStudentECU
Distinct Adaptations of Mitochondrial Dynamics to Electrical Pulse Stimulation in Lean and S...2023Gona, Philimon N.StudentECU
Distinct Adaptations of Mitochondrial Dynamics to Electrical Pulse Stimulation in Lean and S...2023Zou, Kai StudentECU
Distinct Microbial Communities Alter Litter Decomposition Rates in a Fertilized Coastal Plai...2023Koceja, Megan StudentECU
Distinct Microbial Communities Alter Litter Decomposition Rates in a Fertilized Coastal Plai...2023Bledsoe, Regina B.StudentECU
Distinct Microbial Communities Alter Litter Decomposition Rates in a Fertilized Coastal Plai...2023Goodwillie, Carol StudentECU
Distinct Microbial Communities Alter Litter Decomposition Rates in a Fertilized Coastal Plai...2023Peralta, Ariane StudentECU
Distinct Roles of Two eIF4E Isoforms in the Germline of Caenorhabditis elegans2023Lee, Myon HeeStudentECU
Distinct Roles of Two eIF4E Isoforms in the Germline of Caenorhabditis elegans2023Huggins, Hayden P.StudentECU
Distinct Roles of Two eIF4E Isoforms in the Germline of Caenorhabditis elegans2023Subash, Jacob S.StudentECU
Distinct Roles of Two eIF4E Isoforms in the Germline of Caenorhabditis elegans2023Stoffel, Hamilton StudentECU
Distinct Roles of Two eIF4E Isoforms in the Germline of Caenorhabditis elegans2023Hoffman, Jenna L.StudentECU
Distinct Roles of Two eIF4E Isoforms in the Germline of Caenorhabditis elegans2023Buckner, David S.StudentECU
Distinct Roles of Two eIF4E Isoforms in the Germline of Caenorhabditis elegans2023Keiper, Brett D.StudentECU
Distinctions between sociometric status groups : internalizing difficulties1996Ward, Wendy L.StudentPsychology, UNCG
Distinctive physical education teachers : personal qualities, perceptions of teacher educati...1980Earls, Neal FranklinStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
The "Distinctive" South : forty-year quest for a regional mystique (1928-1968)1970Stanback, Betty AnneStudentHistory and Political Science, UNCG
Distinguishing Age Differences in Knowledge, Strategy Use, and Confidence During Strategic S...2004Touron, Dayna FacultyPsychology, ASU
The distribution and causes of rural house abandonment in Pitt County, North Carolina2023Schoettinger, David Grover.StudentECU
The distribution and characteristics of Farmers Home Administration subdivisions in Pitt Cou...2023Quinley, S Lynn.StudentECU
Distribution and clay mineralogy of organic-rich mud sediments in the Pamlico River estuary,...2023Hartness, Thomas Scott.StudentECU
Distribution and petrology of glauconitic sediments in the Miocene Pungo River Formation, On...2023Mallinson, David J.StudentECU
Distribution and Population Structure in the Naked Goby Gobiosoma Bosc (Perciformes: Gobiida...2023Blakeslee, April StudentECU
The distribution and relative intensity of the 1977 drought in the southeastern United State...2023Petterson, Lynn M.StudentECU
The distribution and seasonality of the benthic aquatic macrophytes of the Pamlico River est...2023Reed, Steven E.StudentECU
Distribution of benthic foraminifera of the Waipaoa River margin, North Island, New Zealand ...2023Camp, Reanna Lynne.StudentECU
Distribution of benthic foraminifera of the Waipaoa River margin, North Island, New Zealand ...2023Camp, Reanna Lynne.StudentECU
The distribution of Ephemeroptera, Odonata, Plecoptera, and Trichoptera in Sandy Creek-Swift...2023Smith, Lannis E.StudentECU
The distribution of heavy metals and trace elements in the sediments surrounding the Sweetwa...2023Hill, Lewis E.StudentECU
Distribution Patterns of Juvenile Spotted Seatrout (Cynoscion nebulosus) and Red Drum (Sciae...2023Powers, J. PhillipStudentECU
Distribution, age and correlation of Cretaceous fossil vertebrates from Arizona2005Heckert, Andrew B. FacultyGeology, ASU
A distributional study of estuarine Macrobenthos in the sandy littoral of the Pamlico River,...2023Civils, Myron F.StudentECU
Divergence and Functional Degradation of a Sex Chromosome-like Supergene2023Brewer, Michael S.StudentECU
Divergent roles of superoxide and nitric oxide in liver ischemia and reperfusion injury2011Hines, Ian N.,Grisham,Matthew B.StudentECU
Diversifying Eastern North Carolina Heritage Sites : Tour Guides' Perspectives2023Hoggard, Wilson M.StudentECU
Diversity and Function of Fungi Associated with the Fungivorous Millipede, Brachycybe lecont...2023Brewer, Michael S.StudentECU
The Diversity Efforts Disparity in Academic Medicine2023Campbell, Kendall M.StudentECU
Diversity in warning coloration: selective paradox or the norm?2018Briolat, Emmanuelle S.,Burdfield-Steel,Emily R.,Paul,Sarah C.,Ronka,KStudentECU
The divided world of Andrew Marvell1958Carden, Patricia StudentEnglish, UNCG
Divine judgment and the "Fall of Britain" in early medieval historiography2023Moore-Cobb, Cecilia StudentECU
Divorce mediation : factors influencing the choice of mediation and their respective objecti...1985Deal, Tony RayStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Djuna Barnes and experimental narration : a study of character-narration in the poetry, fict...1968Mallison, David WalkerStudentEnglish, UNCG
DNA-induced transformation in a multicellular organism \; drosophila melanogaster2023Carey, Clifton M.StudentECU
DNA methylation analyses identify an intronic ZDHHC6 locus associated with time to recurrent...2023Davis Armstrong, Nicole M.StudentECU
DNA methylation analyses identify an intronic ZDHHC6 locus associated with time to recurrent...2023Chen, Wei-Min StudentECU
DNA methylation analyses identify an intronic ZDHHC6 locus associated with time to recurrent...2023Hsu, Fang-Chi StudentECU
DNA methylation analyses identify an intronic ZDHHC6 locus associated with time to recurrent...2023Brewer, Michael S.StudentECU
DNA methylation analyses identify an intronic ZDHHC6 locus associated with time to recurrent...2023Cullell, Natalia StudentECU
DNA methylation analyses identify an intronic ZDHHC6 locus associated with time to recurrent...2023Fernández-Cadenas, Israel StudentECU
DNA methylation analyses identify an intronic ZDHHC6 locus associated with time to recurrent...2023Williams, Stephen R.StudentECU
DNA methylation analyses identify an intronic ZDHHC6 locus associated with time to recurrent...2023Sale, Michèle M.StudentECU
DNA methylation analyses identify an intronic ZDHHC6 locus associated with time to recurrent...2023Worrall, Bradford B.StudentECU
DNA methylation analyses identify an intronic ZDHHC6 locus associated with time to recurrent...2023Keene, Keith L.StudentECU
DNA Methylation Analyses Identify an Intronic ZDHHC6 Locus Associated with Time to Recurrent...2023Armstrong, Nicole M. DavisStudentECU
DNA Methylation Analyses Identify an Intronic ZDHHC6 Locus Associated with Time to Recurrent...2023Brewer, Michael S.StudentECU
DNA Methylation Analyses Identify an Intronic ZDHHC6 Locus Associated with Time to Recurrent...2023Keene, Keith L.StudentECU
DNA Methylation Analyses Identify an Intronic ZDHHC6 Locus Associated with Time to Recurrent...2023Chen, Wei-Min StudentECU
DNA Methylation Analyses Identify an Intronic ZDHHC6 Locus Associated with Time to Recurrent...2023Hsu, Fang-Chi StudentECU
DNA Methylation Analyses Identify an Intronic ZDHHC6 Locus Associated with Time to Recurrent...2023Cullell, Natalia StudentECU
DNA Methylation Analyses Identify an Intronic ZDHHC6 Locus Associated with Time to Recurrent...2023Ferna´ndez-Cadenas, Israel StudentECU
DNA Methylation Analyses Identify an Intronic ZDHHC6 Locus Associated with Time to Recurrent...2023Williams, Stephen R.StudentECU
DNA Methylation Analyses Identify an Intronic ZDHHC6 Locus Associated with Time to Recurrent...2023Sale, Michèle M.StudentECU
DNA Methylation Analyses Identify an Intronic ZDHHC6 Locus Associated with Time to Recurrent...2023Worrall, Bradford B.StudentECU
DNA Methylation and RNA-Sequencing Analysis Show Epigenetic Function During Grain Filling in...2023Zhang, Baohong StudentECU
DNA Methylation and RNA-Sequencing Analysis Show Epigenetic Function During Grain Filling in...2023Wang, Tao StudentECU
DNA Methylation and RNA-Sequencing Analysis Show Epigenetic Function During Grain Filling in...2023Lu, Quanwei StudentECU
DNA Methylation and RNA-Sequencing Analysis Show Epigenetic Function During Grain Filling in...2023Song, Hui StudentECU
DNA Methylation and RNA-Sequencing Analysis Show Epigenetic Function During Grain Filling in...2023Hu, Nan StudentECU
DNA Methylation and RNA-Sequencing Analysis Show Epigenetic Function During Grain Filling in...2023Wei, Yangyang StudentECU
DNA Methylation and RNA-Sequencing Analysis Show Epigenetic Function During Grain Filling in...2023Li, Pengtao StudentECU
DNA Methylation and RNA-Sequencing Analysis Show Epigenetic Function During Grain Filling in...2023Liu, Yuling StudentECU
DNA Methylation and RNA-Sequencing Analysis Show Epigenetic Function During Grain Filling in...2023Zhao, Zilin StudentECU
DNA Methylation and RNA-Sequencing Analysis Show Epigenetic Function During Grain Filling in...2023Liu, Jinrong StudentECU
DNA Methylation and RNA-Sequencing Analysis Show Epigenetic Function During Grain Filling in...2023Peng, Renhai StudentECU
DNP Project: Perioperative Temperature Monitoring2023Reinhard, Garrett StudentECU
DNA sequence analysis and characterization of Morone saxatilis (striped bass) genomic clone ...2023McCallum, Jeffrey Borden.StudentECU
DNA sequence analysis of two Hox genes in the teleost Morone saxatilis :implications for the...2023Giesler, Thomas A.StudentECU
Do Animated Disney Characters Portray and Promote the Beauty-Goodness Stereotype?2010Bazzini, Doris FacultyPsychology, ASU
Do the comments we receive on our performance change our motivation? A look at how feedback ...2023Schroeder, Alexis StudentECU
Do Customs Union Members Engage in More Bilateral Trade than Free-Trade Agreement Members?2010Roy, Jayjit FacultyEconomics, ASU
Do Federal Reserve policy surprises affect the risk perception in the emerging markets?2006Ince, Onur FacultyEconomics, ASU
Do Intracanal Medications Used in Regenerative Endodontics Affect the Bond Strength of Powde...2023Marciano, Marina A.StudentECU
Do Intracanal Medications Used in Regenerative Endodontics Affect the Bond Strength of Powde...2023Abuna, Gabriel FloresStudentECU
Do Intracanal Medications Used in Regenerative Endodontics Affect the Bond Strength of Powde...2023de-Jesus-Soares, Adriana StudentECU
Do Intracanal Medications Used in Regenerative Endodontics Affect the Bond Strength of Powde...2023Prado, Marina CarvalhoStudentECU
Do Pesticides cause Obesity and Diabetes?2019Elliott, Zachary StudentECU
Do rats show a Mozart effect? 2003Steele, Kenneth M.FacultyPsychology, ASU
Do you not like Pigou, or do you not understand him? Tax aversion and revenue recycling in t...2011Cherry, Todd FacultyEconomics, ASU
Docosahexaenoic acid counteracts palmitate-induced endoplasmic reticulum stress in C2C12 myo...2017Woodworth-Hobbs, Myra E.,Perry,Ben D.,Rahnert,Jill A.,Hudson,Matthew B.,StudentECU
Doctoral dissertations in physical education : a twenty-year portrait1986Gillis, Jacqueline HannaStudentHealth, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, UNCG
The Doctrine of Stare Decisis in Supreme Court Decisions2023Cekada, Lauren StudentECU
The Doe River Gorge2017Stamper, Jason FacultyUniversity Libraries, ASU
Does Child Temperament Predict Student-Teacher Relationship Quality?2010Holt, Heather AnnStudentPsychology - Student, ASU
Does Don't Know Mean No? Analysis of ‘Don't Know’ Responses in Dichotomous Choice Contingent...2002Groothuis, Peter FacultyEconomics, ASU
Does Fact-Finding Promote Settlement? Theory and a Test2005Dickinson, David L. FacultyEconomics, ASU
Does Gender Minority Professional Experience Impact Employment Discrimination? Two Résumé Ex...2023Lee, Joseph G. L.StudentECU
Does health literacy affect the uptake of annual physical check-ups?: Results from the 2017 ...2023Lee, Hee YunStudentECU
Does health literacy affect the uptake of annual physical check-ups?: Results from the 2017 ...2023Kim, Sooyoung StudentECU
Does health literacy affect the uptake of annual physical check-ups?: Results from the 2017 ...2023Neese, Jessica StudentECU
Does health literacy affect the uptake of annual physical check-ups?: Results from the 2017 ...2023Lee, Mi HwaStudentECU
Does It Matter If It Involves My Group? How the Importance of Collective-Esteem Influences a...2006McElroy, Todd FacultyPsychology, ASU
Does Land Degradation Increase Poverty in Developing Countries?2016Barbier, Edward B.,Hochard,Jacob P.StudentECU
Does Minimally Invasive Robotic Surgical Treatment Alter Exercise Tolerance in Patients with...2009Patel, Leena JayeshStudentECU
Does Short-Term Near-Maximal Intensity Machine Resistance Training Induce Overtraining?1994Triplett, N. Travis FacultyHealth and Exercise Science, ASU
Does size matter? A comparison of self-reports of mental health concerns of student-athletes...2024Burns, Brandy LynnStudentPsychology, WCU
Does static balance predict decline in mobility with age?2023Smith, Kimberley N.StudentECU
Does Tax Smoothing Differ by the Level of Government? Time Series Evidence from Canada and t...1997Strazicich, Mark FacultyEconomics, ASU
The dolphin as symbol in three modern works : Ernest Hemingway, The old man and the sea; Wil...1970Gaither, Nell WeddellStudentEnglish, UNCG
Domestic and Foreign University Financial Planning with Masters of International/Global Poli...2022Turner, Remus StudentAccounting, Finance, Info Systems and Business Law, WCU
The domestic formation of United States policy towards the Barbary powers, 1784-18081976Scott, Douglas AlanStudentHistory, UNCG
Domingo1975Stolpen, Steven LeeStudentEnglish, UNCG
Donor-Derived Neuroendocrine Carcinoma Transmission to Two Kidney Transplant Recipients Demo...2023Takeda, Kotaro StudentECU
Donor-Derived Neuroendocrine Carcinoma Transmission to Two Kidney Transplant Recipients Demo...2023Geisinger, Kim R.StudentECU
Donor-Derived Neuroendocrine Carcinoma Transmission to Two Kidney Transplant Recipients Demo...2023Rebellato, Lorita M.StudentECU
Donor-Derived Neuroendocrine Carcinoma Transmission to Two Kidney Transplant Recipients Demo...2023Mittenzwei, Rhonda StudentECU
Donor-Derived Neuroendocrine Carcinoma Transmission to Two Kidney Transplant Recipients Demo...2023Datto, Michael B.StudentECU
Door construction behavior of the mygalomorph spider family Antrodiaetidae and one member of...1988Mayo, Ann BurgessStudentBiology, WCU
The Dopamine D3 Receptor Knockout Mouse Mimics Aging-Related Changes in Autonomic Function a...2013Lust, Robert M.StudentECU
The Dopamine D3 Receptor Knockout Mouse Mimics Aging-Related Changes in Autonomic Function a...2013Clemens, Stefan StudentECU
The Dopamine D3 Receptor Knockout Mouse Mimics Aging-Related Changes in Autonomic Function a...2013Tulis, David A.StudentECU
The Dopamine D3 Receptor Knockout Mouse Mimics Aging-Related Changes in Autonomic Function a...2013Johnson, Tracy L.StudentECU
The Dopamine D3 Receptor Knockout Mouse Mimics Aging-Related Changes in Autonomic Function a...2013Virag, Jitka A.StudentECU
The Dopamine D3 Receptor Knockout Mouse Mimics Aging-Related Changes in Autonomic Function a...2013Keeler, Benjamin E.StudentECU
The Dopamine D3 Receptor Knockout Mouse Mimics Aging-Related Changes in Autonomic Function a...2013Johnson, Tracy L.,Tulis,David A.,Keeler,Benjamin E.,Virag,Jitka AStudentECU
Dopaminergic regulation of the secondary sexual characteristics in the male red-spotted newt...2023Jonnalagadda, D. Penusila.StudentECU
Dorothy Heathcote as philosopher, educator and dramatist1991St. Clair, Jeanne PetersonStudentEducation, UNCG
Dorothy Parker, who are you? : an adaptation of Dorothy Parker's work, reflecting her life a...1977Willson, Wendy B.StudentDrama and Speech, UNCG
Dose-Dependent Effects of GLD-2 and GLD-1 on Germline Differentiation and Dedifferentiation ...2020Park, Youngyong,O’Rourke,Samuel,Taki,Faten A.,Alfhili,Mohammad A.,Hee Lee,MyonStudentECU
Double Strangeness - Production as a Probe of Nuclear Equation of State at High Densities2023Lin, Zi-Wei StudentECU
Double Strangeness - Production as a Probe of Nuclear Equation of State at High Densities2023Yong, Gao-Chan StudentECU
Double Strangeness - Production as a Probe of Nuclear Equation of State at High Densities2023Xiao, Zhi-Gang StudentECU
Double Strangeness - Production as a Probe of Nuclear Equation of State at High Densities2023Gao, Yuan StudentECU
Down the Rabbit Hole of Image Storage and Retrieval in CONTENTdm2018Ellern, Gillian (Jill) D. FacultyHunter Library, WCU
Doxorubicin Causes Lesions in the Electron Transport System of Skeletal Muscle Mitochondria ...2023Spangenburg, Espen StudentECU
Dr. Charles Buell : leader in physical education for the visually impaired1980Whitley, Patricia RiceStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
Dr. Joseph Goldberger and Pellagra : His Life and Legacy2023Strausbauch, Paul StudentECU
Dramatic Historicizing of Hawai`i : The Juxtaposition of Indigenous Culture, Colonization/Am...2023Parsons, Patti MayStudentECU
A dramatic interpretation of the role of Isabella in William Glennon's The adventures of Har...1975Nassif, Mary SheilaStudentDrama and Speech, UNCG
A dramatic interpretation of the role of Queen Margaret of Anjou in William Shakespeare's Th...1976Ramsey, Mary LawStudentDrama and Speech, UNCG
Dramaturgy and Its Effect on Theatrical Productions and Scriptwriting2023Blackburn, Reagan MichelleStudentECU
Drama in the life and works of Thomas More1988Fredricks, Daniel DavidStudentEnglish, UNCG
Drawings1977Lee, Scott WilliamStudentArt, UNCG
Drawings and paintings1976Seagraves, Eleanor Sue KodyStudentArt, UNCG
Drawings and paintings of still life situations and the figure1976Kornegay, Cassandra F.StudentArt, UNCG
Dreamscape2023Harvell, Sarah StudentECU
a dreary midnight (and nothing more)2023Ausherman, Rieneke HStudentECU
Dress and nudity in the iconography of the Florentine Renaissance woman1982Ledogar, Judith W.StudentHome Economics, UNCG
Drilling Away the Spirits: A Worldwide Study of Trepanation2010Frame, Lara StudentECU
Drinking Water–Associated PFAS and Fluoroethers and Lipid Outcomes in the GenX Exposure Stud...2023Lea, C. SuzanneStudentECU
Drinking Water–Associated PFAS and Fluoroethers and Lipid Outcomes in the GenX Exposure Stud...2023Collier, David N.StudentECU
Driving innovation through big open linked data (BOLD): Exploring antecedents using interpre...2016Dwivedi, Yogesh K.,Janssen,Marijn,Slade,Emma L.,Rana,Nripendra P.,StudentECU
Driving Performance While Wayfinding On-Road & in an Interactive Driving Simulator2023Cochran, Lauren MarchmanStudentECU
Drosophila Ctf4 is essential for efficient DNA replication and normal cell cycle progression...2011Gosnell, Justin A,Christensen,Tim WStudentECU
Drosophila Ctf4 is essential for efficient DNA replication and normal cell cycle progression...2011Gosnell, Justin AStudentECU
Drosophila Ctf4 is essential for efficient DNA replication and normal cell cycle progression...2011Christensen, Tim WStudentECU
Drug knowledge and selected sociological factors among high school students1973Wychules, Michael V.StudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
Drug-Dependent Behaviors and Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptor Expressions in Caenorhabditis ...2023Lee, Myon HeeStudentECU
Drug-Dependent Behaviors and Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptor Expressions in Caenorhabditis ...2023Polli, Joseph R.StudentECU
Drug-Dependent Behaviors and Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptor Expressions in Caenorhabditis ...2023Dobbins, Dorothy L.StudentECU
Drug-Dependent Behaviors and Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptor Expressions in Caenorhabditis ...2023Kobet, Robert A.StudentECU
Drug-Dependent Behaviors and Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptor Expressions in Caenorhabditis ...2023Farwell, Mary A.StudentECU
Drug-Dependent Behaviors and Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptor Expressions in Caenorhabditis ...2023Zhang, Baohong StudentECU
Drug-Dependent Behaviors and Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptor Expressions in Caenorhabditis ...2023Pan, Xiaoping StudentECU
Drug-resistance in doxorubicin-resistant FL5.12 hematopoietic cells: elevated MDR1, drug eff...2017Steelman, Linda S.,Abrams,Steve L.,Ruvolo,Peter,Ruvolo,Vivian,CoccStudentECU
DAN TOMPKINS: MOUNTAIN EDITOR1966Austin, Suelle ReeceStudentTeaching and Learning, WCU
Dual Credit/Concurrent Enrollment Initiatives: A Study of Influences on Students' Postsecond...2008Bartlett, Walter ClaudeStudentPhilosophy, UNCG
The Dual Mission Paradigm: A Ranganathanian Critique2010Carr, Patrick L.FacultyECU
The dual role of single parent and professional : a study of gender issues and the work-fami...1984Simmons, Gwenneva StudentEducation, UNCG
The dual roles of interleukin-2 during T cell activation2023Norris, Marcus S.StudentECU
Dual-Task Costs and the Role of Inhibitory Control in Non- Inferential Theory of Mind Proce...2012Schmenger, Kurt ThomasStudentPsychology - Student, ASU
Dubliner's in winter : a study of Joyce's "Chapter of Moral History"1970Hargrave, Elizabeth GeorgeStudentEnglish, UNCG
The duel at Yamazaki-Daira1967Takahashi, Hiromi StudentEnglish, UNCG
Duke Vincentio of Shakespeare's Measure for measure : a review of the criticism from a dialo...1989Ahn, Woo KyuStudentEnglish, UNCG
Dull trots the crowd : "a symphonic cantata based on lines by the poet Stephan George"1972Martin, Richard TerryStudentMusic, UNCG
Duodenal carcinoma at the ligament of Treitz. A molecular and clinical perspective2010Kalogerinis, Peter TStudentECU
Duodenal carcinoma at the ligament of Treitz. A molecular and clinical perspective2010Morfesis, Andrew StudentECU
Duodenal carcinoma at the ligament of Treitz. A molecular and clinical perspective2010Georgakilas, Alexandros GStudentECU
Duodenal carcinoma at the ligament of Treitz. A molecular and clinical perspective2010Poulos, John EStudentECU
Duodenal carcinoma at the ligament of Treitz. A molecular and clinical perspective2010Daignualt, Thomas StudentECU
Duodenal carcinoma at the ligament of Treitz. A molecular and clinical perspective2010Georgakila, Stavroula StudentECU
Duodenal carcinoma at the ligament of Treitz. A molecular and clinical perspective2010Daniels, Anthony StudentECU
Duration1970Howell, Jerry MorrisStudentArt, UNCG
Dyad rounding on inpatients admitted from Emergency Department: Rehumaniz2023Walden, Christine StudentECU
Dyad rounding on inpatients admitted from Emergency Department: Rehumaniz2023Patterson, Leigh StudentECU
Dyad rounding on inpatients admitted from Emergency Department: Rehumaniz2023Oehlert, Julie StudentECU
Dying in the city of the blues: sickle cell anemia and the politics of race and health2002Savitt, Todd L.FacultyECU
DynaMed (PDA access), version 13.20.0/2010.05.242023Ketterman, Elizabeth StudentECU
Dynamic modeling of public and private decision-making for hurricane risk management includi...2023Guo, Cen StudentECU
Dynamic modeling of public and private decision-making for hurricane risk management includi...2023Nozick, Linda StudentECU
Dynamic modeling of public and private decision-making for hurricane risk management includi...2023Kruse, Jamie StudentECU
Dynamic modeling of public and private decision-making for hurricane risk management includi...2023Millea, Meghan StudentECU
Dynamic modeling of public and private decision-making for hurricane risk management includi...2023Davidson, Rachel StudentECU
Dynamic modeling of public and private decision-making for hurricane risk management includi...2023Trainor, Joseph StudentECU
Dynamic Molecular Evolution of a Supergene with Suppressed Recombination in White-Throated S...2023Balakrishnan, Christopher N.StudentECU
Dynamic Molecular Evolution of a Supergene with Suppressed Recombination in White-Throated S...2023Jeong, Hyeonsoo StudentECU
A Dynamic Power Management Schema for Multi-Tier Data Centers2023Azimzadeh, Aryan StudentECU
Dysnomia and its relationship to subtypes of reading disabilities1983Felton, Rebecca HobgoodStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Dysregulation of Mitochondrial Bioenergetics and Quality Control by HIV-1 Tat in Cardiomyocy...2023McClung, Joseph M.StudentECU
E pluribus Unum : Adding Multiple URLs to One OCN in the KB [slides]2017Burton, Marcie B.FacultyUniversity Libraries, UNCG
E-Books, Soup to Nuts: Considering Workflows for Electronic Books2023Thomas, William JosephStudentECU
E1 - Instructions for Learning Health Systems Journal Authors2021Mobilizing Computable Biomedical Knowledge (MCBK), FacultyNCCU
E2 - Slides on Learning Health Systems article publishing process2021Mobilizing Computable Biomedical Knowledge (MCBK), FacultyNCCU
Early Antibiotic Exposure Is Not Detrimental to Therapeutic Effect from Immunotherapy in Hep...2023Muzaffar, Mahvish StudentECU
Early Antibiotic Exposure Is Not Detrimental to Therapeutic Effect from Immunotherapy in Hep...2023Navaid, Musharraf StudentECU
Early Antibiotic Exposure Is Not Detrimental to Therapeutic Effect from Immunotherapy in Hep...2023Bulumulle, Anushi StudentECU
Early Antibiotic Exposure Is Not Detrimental to Therapeutic Effect from Immunotherapy in Hep...2023Fessas, Petros StudentECU
Early Antibiotic Exposure Is Not Detrimental to Therapeutic Effect from Immunotherapy in Hep...2023Naeem, Muntaha StudentECU
Early Antibiotic Exposure Is Not Detrimental to Therapeutic Effect from Immunotherapy in Hep...2023Pinterb, Matthias StudentECU
Early Antibiotic Exposure Is Not Detrimental to Therapeutic Effect from Immunotherapy in Hep...2023Marron, Thomas U.StudentECU
Early Antibiotic Exposure Is Not Detrimental to Therapeutic Effect from Immunotherapy in Hep...2023Szafron, David StudentECU
Early Antibiotic Exposure Is Not Detrimental to Therapeutic Effect from Immunotherapy in Hep...2023Balcar, Lorenz StudentECU
Early Antibiotic Exposure Is Not Detrimental to Therapeutic Effect from Immunotherapy in Hep...2023Saeed, Anwaar StudentECU
Early Antibiotic Exposure Is Not Detrimental to Therapeutic Effect from Immunotherapy in Hep...2023Jun, Tomi StudentECU
Early Antibiotic Exposure Is Not Detrimental to Therapeutic Effect from Immunotherapy in Hep...2023Dharmapuri, Sirish StudentECU
Early Antibiotic Exposure Is Not Detrimental to Therapeutic Effect from Immunotherapy in Hep...2023Gampa, Anuhya StudentECU
Early Antibiotic Exposure Is Not Detrimental to Therapeutic Effect from Immunotherapy in Hep...2023Wang, Yinghong StudentECU
Early Antibiotic Exposure Is Not Detrimental to Therapeutic Effect from Immunotherapy in Hep...2023Khan, Uqba StudentECU
Early Antibiotic Exposure Is Not Detrimental to Therapeutic Effect from Immunotherapy in Hep...2023Lee, Pei-Chang StudentECU
Early Antibiotic Exposure Is Not Detrimental to Therapeutic Effect from Immunotherapy in Hep...2023Yu, Bo StudentECU
Early Antibiotic Exposure Is Not Detrimental to Therapeutic Effect from Immunotherapy in Hep...2023Paul, Sonal StudentECU
Early Antibiotic Exposure Is Not Detrimental to Therapeutic Effect from Immunotherapy in Hep...2023Nimkar, Neil StudentECU
Early Antibiotic Exposure Is Not Detrimental to Therapeutic Effect from Immunotherapy in Hep...2023Bettinger, Dominik StudentECU
Early Antibiotic Exposure Is Not Detrimental to Therapeutic Effect from Immunotherapy in Hep...2023Hildebrand, Hannah StudentECU
Early Antibiotic Exposure Is Not Detrimental to Therapeutic Effect from Immunotherapy in Hep...2023Abugabal, Yehia I.StudentECU
Early Antibiotic Exposure Is Not Detrimental to Therapeutic Effect from Immunotherapy in Hep...2023Pressiani, Tiziana StudentECU
Early Antibiotic Exposure Is Not Detrimental to Therapeutic Effect from Immunotherapy in Hep...2023Personeni, Nicola StudentECU
Early Antibiotic Exposure Is Not Detrimental to Therapeutic Effect from Immunotherapy in Hep...2023Nishida, Naoshi StudentECU
Early Antibiotic Exposure Is Not Detrimental to Therapeutic Effect from Immunotherapy in Hep...2023Kudo, Masatoshi StudentECU
Early Antibiotic Exposure Is Not Detrimental to Therapeutic Effect from Immunotherapy in Hep...2023Kaseb, Ahmed StudentECU
Early Antibiotic Exposure Is Not Detrimental to Therapeutic Effect from Immunotherapy in Hep...2023Huang, Yi-Hsiang StudentECU
Early Antibiotic Exposure Is Not Detrimental to Therapeutic Effect from Immunotherapy in Hep...2023Ang, Celina StudentECU
Early Antibiotic Exposure Is Not Detrimental to Therapeutic Effect from Immunotherapy in Hep...2023Pillai, Anjana StudentECU
Early Antibiotic Exposure Is Not Detrimental to Therapeutic Effect from Immunotherapy in Hep...2023Rimassa, Lorenza StudentECU
Early Antibiotic Exposure Is Not Detrimental to Therapeutic Effect from Immunotherapy in Hep...2023Naqash, Abdul RafehStudentECU
Early Antibiotic Exposure Is Not Detrimental to Therapeutic Effect from Immunotherapy in Hep...2023Sharon, Elad StudentECU
Early Antibiotic Exposure Is Not Detrimental to Therapeutic Effect from Immunotherapy in Hep...2023Cortellini, Alessio StudentECU
Early Antibiotic Exposure Is Not Detrimental to Therapeutic Effect from Immunotherapy in Hep...2023Pinato, David J.StudentECU
Early Antibiotic Exposure Is Not Detrimental to Therapeutic Effect from Immunotherapy in Hep...2023Muzaffar, Mahvish StudentECU
Early Antibiotic Exposure Is Not Detrimental to Therapeutic Effect from Immunotherapy in Hep...2023Navaid, Musharraf StudentECU
Early Antibiotic Exposure Is Not Detrimental to Therapeutic Effect from Immunotherapy in Hep...2023Bulumulle, Anushi StudentECU
Early Antibiotic Exposure Is Not Detrimental to Therapeutic Effect from Immunotherapy in Hep...2023Fessas, Petros StudentECU
Early Antibiotic Exposure Is Not Detrimental to Therapeutic Effect from Immunotherapy in Hep...2023Naeem, Muntaha StudentECU
Early Antibiotic Exposure Is Not Detrimental to Therapeutic Effect from Immunotherapy in Hep...2023Pinter, Matthias StudentECU
Early Antibiotic Exposure Is Not Detrimental to Therapeutic Effect from Immunotherapy in Hep...2023Marron, Thomas U.StudentECU
Early Antibiotic Exposure Is Not Detrimental to Therapeutic Effect from Immunotherapy in Hep...2023Szafron, David StudentECU
Early attachment : maternal voice preference in one- and three-day-old infants1981Fifer, William PaulStudentPsychology, UNCG
The early career of Commodore James Biddle2023Dressel, Barry L.StudentECU
Early Childhood Administrators' Attitudes and Experiences in Working with Gay and Lesbian Fa...2023Church, Julie WestonStudentECU
The early effects of cortisol on 3H-uridine and 14C-leucine uptake and incorporation in cell...1977Lohrman, Charles RichardStudentBiology, UNCG
Early Entry in the NBA Draft: The Influence of Unraveling, Human Capital, and Option Value2007Groothuis, Peter FacultyEconomics, ASU
An early eubrachyuran (Malacostraca: Decapoda) from the Upper Triassic Snyder quarry, Petrif...2003Heckert, Andrew B. FacultyGeology, ASU
Early experience with food items of differing sizes and optimal foraging in golden hamsters ...1989Turpin, Barbara StudentPsychology, UNCG
Early experience, binocular competition, and the sculpting of relay cell morphology in the c...1992Vaughan, John WilliamsStudentPsychology, UNCG
Early Generic Educational Intervention Has No Effect on Intelligence and Does Not Prevent Me...2000Bacharach, Verne FacultyPsychology, ASU
Early Human Impacts and Ecosystem Reorganization in Southern-Central Africa2023Blome, Margaret W.StudentECU
Early Human Impacts and Ecosystem Reorganization in Southern-Central Africa2023Thompson, Jessica C.StudentECU
Early Human Impacts and Ecosystem Reorganization in Southern-Central Africa2023Wright, David K.StudentECU
Early Human Impacts and Ecosystem Reorganization in Southern-Central Africa2023Ivory, Sarah J.StudentECU
Early Human Impacts and Ecosystem Reorganization in Southern-Central Africa2023Choi, Jeong-Heon StudentECU
Early Human Impacts and Ecosystem Reorganization in Southern-Central Africa2023Nightingale, Sheila StudentECU
Early Human Impacts and Ecosystem Reorganization in Southern-Central Africa2023Mackay, Alex StudentECU
Early Human Impacts and Ecosystem Reorganization in Southern-Central Africa2023Schilt, Flora StudentECU
Early Human Impacts and Ecosystem Reorganization in Southern-Central Africa2023Otárola-Castillo, Erik StudentECU
Early Human Impacts and Ecosystem Reorganization in Southern-Central Africa2023Mercader, Julio StudentECU
Early Human Impacts and Ecosystem Reorganization in Southern-Central Africa2023Forman, Steven L.StudentECU
Early Human Impacts and Ecosystem Reorganization in Southern-Central Africa2023Pietsch, Timothy StudentECU
Early Human Impacts and Ecosystem Reorganization in Southern-Central Africa2023Cohen, Andrew S.StudentECU
Early Human Impacts and Ecosystem Reorganization in Southern-Central Africa2023Arrowsmith, J. RamónStudentECU
Early Human Impacts and Ecosystem Reorganization in Southern-Central Africa2023Welling, Menno StudentECU
Early Human Impacts and Ecosystem Reorganization in Southern-Central Africa2023Davis, Jacob StudentECU
Early Human Impacts and Ecosystem Reorganization in Southern-Central Africa2023Schiery, Benjamin StudentECU
Early Human Impacts and Ecosystem Reorganization in Southern-Central Africa2023Kaliba, Potiphar StudentECU
Early Human Impacts and Ecosystem Reorganization in Southern-Central Africa2023Malijani, Oris StudentECU
Early Human Impacts and Ecosystem Reorganization in Southern-Central Africa2023O’Driscoll, Corey A.StudentECU
Early Human Impacts and Ecosystem Reorganization in Southern-Central Africa2023Mentzer, Susan M.StudentECU
Early Human Impacts and Ecosystem Reorganization in Southern-Central Africa2023Miller, Christopher StudentECU
Early Human Impacts and Ecosystem Reorganization in Southern-Central Africa2023Heo, Seoyoung StudentECU
Early Human Impacts and Ecosystem Reorganization in Southern-Central Africa2023Choi, Jungyu StudentECU
Early Human Impacts and Ecosystem Reorganization in Southern-Central Africa2023Tembo, Joseph StudentECU
Early Human Impacts and Ecosystem Reorganization in Southern-Central Africa2023Mapemba, Fredrick StudentECU
Early Human Impacts and Ecosystem Reorganization in Southern-Central Africa2023Simengwa, Davie StudentECU
Early Human Impacts and Ecosystem Reorganization in Southern-Central Africa2023Gomani-Chindebvu, Elizabeth StudentECU
Early maternal-infant interactions in adolescent and young adult mothers1989Penny, Judith MacKayStudentHuman Environmental Sciences, UNCG
Early Metabolic Differences in Alzheimer’s Disease Mouse Model and Exercise Intervention Tre...2023Do, Khoa StudentECU
Early Permian Vertebrate Assemblage and Its Biostratigraphic Significance, Arroyo del Agua, ...2005Heckert, Andrew B. FacultyGeology, ASU
Earth landscapes1977White, Charlotte CottingStudentArt, UNCG
Earthenware sculpture1977Vanderlaan, Dan H.StudentArt, UNCG
Easing the Heavy Hand: Humanitarian Concern, Empathy, and Opinion on Immigration2015Hartman, Todd KFacultyGovernment and Justice Studies, ASU
East Africa and Great Britain, 1875-18902023Nickens, Charles SheltonStudentECU
Eastern North Carolina Head Start Teachers’ Personal and Professional Experiences with Healt...2023Stage, Virginia C.StudentECU
Eastern North Carolina Head Start Teachers’ Personal and Professional Experiences with Healt...2023Bayles, Jocelyn StudentECU
Eastern North Carolina Head Start Teachers’ Personal and Professional Experiences with Healt...2023Hegde, Archana V.StudentECU
Eastern North Carolina Head Start Teachers’ Personal and Professional Experiences with Healt...2023Jones, Lorelei StudentECU
Eastern North Carolina Head Start Teachers’ Personal and Professional Experiences with Healt...2023Dev, Dipti A.StudentECU
Eastern North Carolina Head Start Teachers’ Personal and Professional Experiences with Healt...2023Goodell, L. SuzanneStudentECU
Eat intuitively for holiday health2023Nowicki, Kylie StudentECU
Eat intuitively for holiday health2023Kolasa, Kathryn MStudentECU
Eat Well and Stay Active to Keep Bones Safe2023Travia, Kevin StudentECU
Eaten alive1973Bardon, James StudentEnglish, UNCG
Eating attitudes in fourth-, sixth- and eighth-grade females1988Rhyne, Martha CorneliaStudentEducation, UNCG
Eating Behavior and Eating Disorders in Adults Prior to Bariatric Surgery2023Pories, Walter J.StudentECU
Eating disorders, sex role identification, and assertion1986Sullivan, James DavisStudentEducation, UNCG
Eating Smart and Moving More for Head Start: A Pilot Study With Head Start Teachers2023Stage, Virginia C.StudentECU
Eating Smart and Moving More for Head Start: A Pilot Study With Head Start Teachers2023Hegde, Archana V.StudentECU
Eating Smart and Moving More for Head Start: A Pilot Study With Head Start Teachers2023Goodell, L SuzanneStudentECU
Eating Smart and Moving More for Head Start: A Pilot Study With Head Start Teachers2023Chase, Susan StudentECU
Eating Smart and Moving More for Head Start: A Pilot Study With Head Start Teachers2023McDonald, Stephanie StudentECU
Eating to Reduce NAFLD the Mediterranean Way2023Smith, Brittany StudentECU
Eating to Reduce NAFLD the Mediterranean Way2023Craven, Kay StudentECU
Eating to Reduce NAFLD the Mediterranean Way2023Kolasa, Kathryn StudentECU
The EBM-DPSER Conceptual Model: Integrating Ecosystem Services into the DPSIR Framework2013Kelble, Christopher R.,Loomis,Dave K.,Lovelace,Susan,Nuttle,William K.StudentECU
The EBM-DPSER Conceptual Model: Integrating Ecosystem Services into the DPSIR Framework2013Loomis, Dave K.StudentECU
The EBM-DPSER Conceptual Model: Integrating Ecosystem Services into the DPSIR Framework2013Lovelace, Susan StudentECU
The EBM-DPSER Conceptual Model: Integrating Ecosystem Services into the DPSIR Framework2013Nuttle, William K.StudentECU
The EBM-DPSER Conceptual Model: Integrating Ecosystem Services into the DPSIR Framework2013Ortner, Peter B.StudentECU
The EBM-DPSER Conceptual Model: Integrating Ecosystem Services into the DPSIR Framework2013Fletcher, Pamela StudentECU
The EBM-DPSER Conceptual Model: Integrating Ecosystem Services into the DPSIR Framework2013Cook, Geoffrey S.StudentECU
The EBM-DPSER Conceptual Model: Integrating Ecosystem Services into the DPSIR Framework2013Lorenz, Jerry J.StudentECU
The EBM-DPSER Conceptual Model: Integrating Ecosystem Services into the DPSIR Framework2013Boyer, Joseph N.StudentECU
The EBM-DPSER Conceptual Model: Integrating Ecosystem Services into the DPSIR Framework2013Kelble, Christopher R.StudentECU
AN ECOLOGICAL COMPARISON BETWEEN TWO STRAlNS OF WILD BROOK TROUT, Salvelinus fontinalis2005Cornelison, James WesStudentBiology, WCU
An Ecological Examination of North Carolina Amendment One Vote to Ban Same Sex Marriage2013Davison, Elizabeth Lynn (Beth) FacultySociology, ASU
Ecological factors associated with bark thickness in Pinus taeda L.2023Doggett, Coleman A.StudentECU
An ecological study of bald cypress, taxodium distichum (L.) Rich., in eastern North Carolin...2023Blanck, Cynthia Elizabeth.StudentECU
Ecology, Evolution and Undergraduates: Integrating Education and Research in a Long-term Fie...2023Goodwillie, Carol StudentECU
Economic Analysis of Recovery in States with Higher Minimum Wages than National Law2015Marquie, Merrick StudentEconomics - Student, ASU
Economic aspects of a selected group of tenth and eleventh grade dropouts1968Faircloth, Ann HorneStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Economic Community of West African States: From an Economic Union to a Peacekeeping Mission?...1999Udogu, E. Ike FacultyGovernment and Justice Studies, ASU
Economic Costs of Rotavirus Gastroenteritis and Cost-Effectiveness of Vaccination in Develop...2009Rheingans, Richard FacultySustainable Development, ASU
Economic Design of CUSUM Control Charts2023Croskery, Thomas StudentECU
Economic development effectiveness of selected Piedmont Triad community colleges1993Hennis, Anne R.StudentEducation, UNCG
Economic Effects of Pfiesteria2003Whitehead, John FacultyEconomics, ASU
Economic Evaluation Of An Eventual Incorporation Of Anti-Rotavirus Vaccine Into Childhood Im...2006Rheingans, Richard FacultySustainable Development, ASU
The economic geography of MLK streets2023Mitchelson, Matthew Louis.StudentECU
Economic Globalization and Regional Penetration: The Failure of Networks in Baden-Wuerttembe...2000Koch, Andrew MFacultyGovernment and Justice Studies, ASU
Economic Impact of Early-‘in-‘Hospital Diagnosis and Initiation of Eculizumab in Atypical Ha...2019Ryan, Michael,Donato,Bonnie M. K.,Irish,William,Gasteyger,Christoph,L’ItalieStudentECU
Economic Impact of Early-in-Hospital Diagnosis and Initiation of Eculizumab in Atypical Haem...2023Ryan, Michael StudentECU
Economic Impact of Early-in-Hospital Diagnosis and Initiation of Eculizumab in Atypical Haem...2023Donato, Bonnie M. K.StudentECU
Economic Impact of Early-in-Hospital Diagnosis and Initiation of Eculizumab in Atypical Haem...2023Irish, William StudentECU
Economic Impact of Early-in-Hospital Diagnosis and Initiation of Eculizumab in Atypical Haem...2023Gasteyger, Christoph StudentECU
Economic Impact of Early-in-Hospital Diagnosis and Initiation of Eculizumab in Atypical Haem...2023L’Italien, Gilbert StudentECU
Economic Impact of Early-in-Hospital Diagnosis and Initiation of Eculizumab in Atypical Haem...2023Laurence, Jefrey StudentECU
The economic impact of Interstate 95 in selected counties of eastern North Carolina2023Powers, Ralph T.StudentECU
Economic Marginalia: Postcolonial Readings of Unpaid Domestic Labor and Development2003Wood, Cynthia FacultyCultural, Gender, and Global Studies, ASU
Economic Pressure and Intention to Complete Colorectal Cancer Screening: A Cross-Sectional ...2023Farr, Deeonna E.StudentECU
Economic Pressure and Intention to Complete Colorectal Cancer Screening: A Cross-Sectional ...2023Korous, Kevin M.StudentECU
Economic Pressure and Intention to Complete Colorectal Cancer Screening: A Cross-Sectional ...2023Brooks, Ellen StudentECU
Economic Pressure and Intention to Complete Colorectal Cancer Screening: A Cross-Sectional ...2023Tuuhetaufa, Fa StudentECU
Economic Pressure and Intention to Complete Colorectal Cancer Screening: A Cross-Sectional ...2023Rogers, Charles R.StudentECU
The economic socialization of elementary school children : their experiences and understandi...1973Kearney, Paula LuckadooStudentHome Economics, UNCG
The Economic Trajectory of Juvenile Delinquency2023Defranco, Francesca StudentECU
The economic value of rapid deployment aortic valve replacement via full sternotomy2017Moore, Matt,Barnhart,Glenn R.,Chitwood,W Randolph Jr.,Rizzo,John A.,GunnarssoStudentECU
The economic, educational, and social effects of the shift in the character of the tax suppo...1950Kennedy, Nellie PaulineStudentEducation, UNCG
The economics of historic preservation in New Bern, North Carolina2023Barnett, Colin W.StudentECU
The economics of John Maynard Keynes1949Cohn, Marilyn StudentEconomics, UNCG
The economics of racial discrimination : an econometric study of the earnings gap between bl...1976Edington, Charles ArthurStudentBusiness and Economics, UNCG
Ectopic expression of BCL2 in MCF10A cells :differential BCL-2 family protein expression and...2023Fagg, W. Samuel.StudentECU
Ectopic expression of Hel-N1, an RNA-binding protein, increases glucose transporter (GLUT1) ...2023Jain, Renu G.StudentECU
Ectopic expression of Hel-N1, an RNA-binding protein, increases glucose transporter (GLUT1) ...2023Andrews, Lucy G.StudentECU
Ectopic expression of Hel-N1, an RNA-binding protein, increases glucose transporter (GLUT1) ...2023McGowan, Kevin M.StudentECU
Ectopic expression of Hel-N1, an RNA-binding protein, increases glucose transporter (GLUT1) ...2023Pekala, Phillip H.StudentECU
Ectopic expression of Hel-N1, an RNA-binding protein, increases glucose transporter (GLUT1) ...2023Keene, Jack D.StudentECU
ECU researchers discuss risky oil spill clean-up2011Mitra, Siddhartha StudentECU
ECU researchers discuss risky oil spill clean-up2011Mondale, Arthur StudentECU
The edge1969Burris, Betty LouiseStudentArt, UNCG
Editing Project: Josephina Niggli2015Thomas, T. A. StudentEnglish, WCU
Edition of Kephart’s Letter (#7)2015Meadows, Erin W. StudentEnglish, WCU
An edition of "Welcome to our city, a play by Thomas Wolfe1979Huffman, Phyllis L.StudentEnglish, UNCG
Edmund Burke and the Scottish enlightenment1977MacKinnon, Stephen BrewerStudentHistory, UNCG
An eDNA Diagnostic Test to Detect a Rare, Secretive Marsh Bird2023Neice, Amberly A.StudentECU
An eDNA Diagnostic Test to Detect a Rare, Secretive Marsh Bird2023McRae, Susan B.StudentECU
Educating and Preventing Avian Window Collisions on UNCP Campus2023Larkins, Jenna FacultyEsther G. Maynor Honors College, UNCP
Educating Caregivers Reduces Hospital Readmissions2023Boykin, Kay StudentECU
Educating engaged citizens through service: Innovative models for reflection and dialogue2023McCunney, W. DennisStudentECU
Educating engaged citizens through service: Innovative models for reflection and dialogue2023Linz Dickinson, Megan StudentECU
Educating engaged citizens through service: Innovative models for reflection and dialogue2023Harrison, Christina StudentECU
Educating engaged citizens through service: Innovative models for reflection and dialogue2023Farley, Megan StudentECU
Educating teachers in an integrated arts curriculum : a rationale and pilot study1974Bell, Annie L. VanZandtStudentEducation, UNCG
Education and community : an interpretive inquiry into the meaning and messages of schooling...1985Kilbride, Ita FayStudentEducation, UNCG
Education and critical consciousness : Freire, Freud and Hegel1987Sloop, Joyce HoneycuttStudentEducation, UNCG
Education for assimilation, integration or liberation? : a critical analysis of black educat...1991Lee, Boon TzaoStudentEducation, UNCG
The education of Junius Irving Scales, 1939-1962 : an analysis of Scales's ordeal as represe...2023Gentry, Jonathan DanielStudentECU
Education of Nursing Students on Heat-Related Illness First Aid2023Brady, Jessica StudentECU
Educational and vocational interests of members of Future Homemakers of America1959Price, Mary FloyceStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Educational change, cultural transformation and spiritual renewal : reflections on a mytholo...1992McLaughlin, Joy StallingsStudentEducation, UNCG
Educational concepts which home economics teachers in North Carolina accept and believe they...1961Godwin, Helen MillerStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Educational criteria to be observed when employing the staff of an orphanage1945Lord, William BroughtonStudentEducation, UNCG
Educational efforts in colonial Virginia, North Carolina and South Carolina : the first cent...1964Glover, Elizabeth GayStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
Educational implications of the impact of white culture on the natives of Kake, Alaska1949Howell, Lora F.StudentEducation, UNCG
An educational program in breast cancer screening for first-degree relatives of breast cance...1990Sharp, Penny CunninghamStudentEducation, UNCG
Educational resources and facilities of Greensboro, North Carolina : industry suitable for u...1949Perkins, Thurman ThomasStudentEducation, UNCG
The educational services and contributions of Charles H. Mebane, superintendent of public in...2023Eliades, David K.StudentECU
Educational Technology Assessment: A Model for Analyzing Online Psychometric Tests for Co...2015Osler, James FacultySchool of Education , NCCU
Edward Jones Hale and the Fayetteville Observer, 1860-18652023Nicholson, Ivan W.StudentECU
Edward Scheidt to Dan Tompkins2018Riopko, Yustin StudentEnglish, WCU
Efects of Family Planning on Fertility Behaviour Across the Demographic Transition2023Schacht, Ryan StudentECU
Efects of Family Planning on Fertility Behaviour Across the Demographic Transition2023Kramer, Karen L.StudentECU
Efects of Family Planning on Fertility Behaviour Across the Demographic Transition2023Hackman, Joe StudentECU
Efects of Family Planning on Fertility Behaviour Across the Demographic Transition2023Davis, Helen E.StudentECU
The effect of 17 B-estradiol and vitamin A on the proliferation of the cell line I-4071974Johnson, Kathryn LouiseStudentBiology, UNCG
Effect of 28 days of creatine ingestion on muscle metabolism and performance of a simulated ...2010Sklar, Josh StudentECU
Effect of 28 days of creatine ingestion on muscle metabolism and performance of a simulated ...2010Hatley, Holly StudentECU
Effect of 28 days of creatine ingestion on muscle metabolism and performance of a simulated ...2010Byrd, Priscilla StudentECU
Effect of 28 days of creatine ingestion on muscle metabolism and performance of a simulated ...2010Hickner, Robert CStudentECU
Effect of 28 days of creatine ingestion on muscle metabolism and performance of a simulated ...2010Dyck, David JStudentECU
Effect of a 5-day high-fat diet on regulation of lipid metabolism in lean individuals2023Canham, John PatrickStudentECU
The effect of 5-thio-D-glucose on reproductin in female mice2023Gray, Roslyn S.StudentECU
Effect of 5-thio-D-glucose on reproduction in male mice :histological, histochemical and fer...2023Fick, Kenneth Burgwin.StudentECU
The effect of acetylcholine on rat brain synaptosomal protein synthesis2023Watson, David Franklin.StudentECU
The Effect of Active Video Gaming on Physical Activity Levels of Students with Developmental...2023Schillo, David RichardStudentECU
Effect of an Acute Bout of Whole Body Vibration Exercise on Muscle Force Output and Motor Ne...2010Triplett, N. Travis FacultyHealth and Exercise Science, ASU
The effect of adult enrichment courses on self-actualization as measured by Shostrom's POI1980Eller, Wayne ClarkStudentEducation, UNCG
The effect of age and speed on mechanical plasticity in level walking2023Gruber, Allison H.StudentECU
Effect of age and thirty minutes of exercise on prostacyclin/thromboxane A ratios and circul...1990Todd, Mikel KentStudentHealth, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, UNCG
Effect of age on skeletal muscle interstitial VEGF protein2023Ruster, Rebecca SusanneStudentECU
The effect of age, reading ability, and representational mode on recognition memory performa...1976Taweel, Suzanne S,StudentHome Economics, UNCG
The effect of air velocity on the burning characteristics of selected drapery fabrics1975Drinka, Mary BethStudentHome Economics, UNCG
The effect of alteration of "variable" characteristics on speciation of coagulase-negative s...2023Stephens, Cecil Wayne.StudentECU
The effect of aquatic performance on balance of cerebral palsied children1960Loeffler, Pauline AnnStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
The effect of attitude toward pre-performance exercises on fifty-yard dash time1972Groff, Donald LeeStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
The effect of auditory occlusion on TAT responses of institutionalized delinquent, adolescen...1972Villeponteaux, Lorenz StudentHome Economics, UNCG
The effect of ball size and basket height on the mechanics of the basketball free throw as p...1986Satern, Miriam N.StudentHealth, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, UNCG
Effect of Bariatric Surgery on CKD Risk2023Pories, Walter J.StudentECU
The effect of behavioral interactions on the structure and maintenance of blackbird winter r...2023Whedbee, E. Duke.StudentECU
The effect of bias instructions on the judgments and interobserver agreements of naive behav...1977Wildman, Beth GoldsteinStudentPsychology, UNCG
The effect of brand mix, merchandise requirements, and supplier accessibility factors on the...1992Thomas, Jane BoydStudentHuman Environmental Sciences, UNCG
The Effect of Brief Sex Offender Training on the Graduate Counseling Students’ Scores on the...2023Britton, Kendrick StudentECU
Effect of the cell-division cycle mutation cdc6-1 on chromosome structure and recombination ...2023McMillan, John N.StudentECU
The effect of cerebellar and collicular lesions on the relative encounter rates for x and y ...1989Moore, Rodney JoeStudentPsychology, UNCG
The Effect of Chronic Activation of the Novel Endocannabinoid Receptor GPR18 on Myocardial F...2023Abdel-Rahman, Abdel A.StudentECU
The effect of the Civil Rights Law of 1871 on teacher dismissal1980Trogdon, E. WayneStudentEducation, UNCG
The effect of class size on retention in the primary grades : implications for educators and...1993Harvey, Barbara HawksStudentEducation, UNCG
The effect of colchicine (CC) on the plaque-forming cell response and serum antibody titer i...2023Hodges, Michael G.StudentECU
The effect of color on food selection and consumption by nursery school children1968Bacon, Mary EllenStudentHome Economics, UNCG
The Effect of Concept Mapping on Student Understanding and Correlation with Student Learning...2014Mosley, William G.StudentECU
The effect of concurrent alcohol, drug, psychiatric and vocational treatment on consumer iss...2014Kim, Min StudentECU
The Effect Of Conservation Treatments On Organic Residues In Archaeological Ceramics2023Carman, Sophia L.StudentECU
The effect of constant hypoxia on the metabolism of Oreochromis mossambicus2023Hogan, Katherine Anne.StudentECU
Effect of Constipation on Outcomes in Mechanically Ventilated Patients2023Ali, Hassam StudentECU
Effect of Constipation on Outcomes in Mechanically Ventilated Patients2023Pamarthy, Rahul StudentECU
Effect of Constipation on Outcomes in Mechanically Ventilated Patients2023Manickam, Swethaa StudentECU
Effect of Constipation on Outcomes in Mechanically Ventilated Patients2023Sahebazamani, Mitra StudentECU
Effect of Constipation on Outcomes in Mechanically Ventilated Patients2023Movahed, Hossein StudentECU
Effect of Constipation on Outcomes in Mechanically Ventilated Patients2023Sarfraz, Shiza StudentECU
Effect Of Counter-Movement Frequency On Performance in a Single Joint Maximal Jumping Task2015Lidstone, Daniel StudentHealth and Exercise Science - Student, ASU
Effect of Crystalline Phase Assemblage on Reliability of 3Y-TZP2023Abdelaal, Maged StudentECU
Effect of Crystalline Phase Assemblage on Reliability of 3Y-TZP2023Denry, Isabelle StudentECU
Effect of Crystalline Phase Assemblage on Reliability of 3Y-TZP2023Dawson, Deborah V.StudentECU
Effect of Crystalline Phase Assemblage on Reliability of 3Y-TZP2023Holloway, Julie A.StudentECU
Effect of Crystalline Phase Assemblage on Reliability of 3Y-TZP2023Kelly, J. RobertStudentECU
The effect of Cyclosporin treatment on prolactin and luteinizing hormone secretion in adult ...2023Davenport, April T.StudentECU
The effect of Cyclosporin treatment on prolactin and luteinizing hormone secretion in adult ...2023Davenport, April T.StudentECU
The effect of delayed knowledge of results on the performance of a dart throwing skill1972Bailey, Elaine M.StudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
Effect of Different Adhesive Strategies and Storage Time on Bond Strength of Bi-Functional M...2023Girotto, Aline CarvalhoStudentECU
Effect of Different Adhesive Strategies and Storage Time on Bond Strength of Bi-Functional M...2023Abuna, Gabriel FloresStudentECU
Effect of Different Adhesive Strategies and Storage Time on Bond Strength of Bi-Functional M...2023Sanchez-Puetate, Cristian StudentECU
Effect of Different Adhesive Strategies and Storage Time on Bond Strength of Bi-Functional M...2023Piccioni, Mayra AndressaStudentECU
Effect of Different Adhesive Strategies and Storage Time on Bond Strength of Bi-Functional M...2023Porto, Thiago SoaresStudentECU
Effect of Different Adhesive Strategies and Storage Time on Bond Strength of Bi-Functional M...2023Kuga, Milton CarlosStudentECU
The effect of dynamic balance training on reading readiness of selected kindergarten childre...1971Donahue, Janet AnnStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
The effect of early manual communication on academic achievement and acquisition of linguist...1971Cutting, Douglas ScottStudentPsychology, UNCG
The Effect of Eccentric Hamstring Strength Training on Muscle Function2023Seymore, Kayla D.StudentECU
Effect of Educational Session Including Lived Experiences from Local First Responders on Com...2023Benson, Stephanie StudentECU
The effect of electronic cookery upon the appearance and palatability of a yellow cake1960Surratt, Helen KirkStudentHome Economics, UNCG
The effect of erythropoietin on prostate cancer cells expressing the erythropoietin receptor...2023Hudgins, Ryan Majette.StudentECU
Effect of estrogen on cardiac and vascular adrenergic receptors in the spontaneously hyperte...2023Fleming, George S.StudentECU
Effect of ethanol on thymidine incorporation in chick neural tissue2023Barrow, Richard Dowell.StudentECU
Effect of an exercise training intervention with resistance bands on blood cell counts durin...2014Raedeke, Thomas DStudentECU
Effect of an exercise training intervention with resistance bands on blood cell counts durin...2014Walker, Paul RStudentECU
Effect of an exercise training intervention with resistance bands on blood cell counts durin...2014Karvinen, Kristina HStudentECU
Effect of an exercise training intervention with resistance bands on blood cell counts durin...2014Vick, Joshua StudentECU
Effect of an exercise training intervention with resistance bands on blood cell counts durin...2014Esposito, David StudentECU
The Effect of Exercise Training on Cardiovascular Mortality Risk2023Haynes, Tori StudentECU
Effect of Exercise Training on Metabolic Syndrome z-score : the Association of C- reactive p...2023Gates, Taylor StudentECU
The effect of exercise (training) on the basal concentration of ATP in muscle tissue1965Williams, Julia AnnStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
Effect of explicitness of task presentation and response format on cognitive role-taking in ...1976Brandt, Melda MaryStudentHome Economics, UNCG
The effect of a fabric softener on the surface appearance of wash-wear cotton fabrics1962Cagle, Betty AnnStudentHome Economics, UNCG
The effect of feedback on the reliability of self-recording1974Black, John LinwoodStudentPsychology, UNCG
The effect of feeder duration on fixed-interval performance : context dependencies1974Hatten, Jean LeightonStudentPsychology, UNCG
The effect of first pregnancy on selected aspects of the marital relationship1985Saunders, Rebecca B.StudentGraduate School, UNCG
The effect of five different approaches in teaching the overhand throw for accuracy to junio...1968Gallaway, Carolyn RandallStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
The effect of fixed and variable blackouts of different durations on responding in fixed int...1979Hatten, Jean LeightonStudentPsychology, UNCG
The effect of foot exercise upon foot function and balance1963Bailey, Laura LillianStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
Effect of grade retention on student achievement : a case study of the effectiveness of grad...1986Routh, Nancy ReynoldsStudentEducation, UNCG
The Effect of Grain Size on Porewater Radiolysis2023DeWitt, J. StudentECU
The Effect of Grain Size on Porewater Radiolysis2023McMahon, S. StudentECU
The Effect of Grain Size on Porewater Radiolysis2023Parnell, J. StudentECU
The effect of grip and wrist strengthening exercises on tennis playing ability1961Vogt, Mary AnnStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
The effect of growth regulating compounds on isolated stem sections1964Taylor, Kaye StudentBiology, UNCG
The Effect of Hadronic Scatterings on the Measurement of Vector Meson Spin Alignments in Hea...2023Lin, Zi-Wei StudentECU
The Effect of Hadronic Scatterings on the Measurement of Vector Meson Spin Alignments in Hea...2023Shen, Diyu StudentECU
The Effect of Hadronic Scatterings on the Measurement of Vector Meson Spin Alignments in Hea...2023Chen, Jinhui StudentECU
Effect of a heart health nutrition program on elementary school children in Piedmont North C...1990Leddon, Kay RagsdaleStudentHuman Environmental Sciences, UNCG
The Effect of Heavy- vs. Light-Load Jump Squats on the Development of Strength, Power, and S...2002Triplett, N. Travis FacultyHealth and Exercise Science, ASU
Effect of high pressure steaming, low pressure steaming, and a steam jacketed kettle on the ...1970Beal, Nancy KarenStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Effect of high pressure steaming, low pressure steaming, and a steam jacketed kettle on froz...1968McGrath, Mary DanielStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Effect of High-Dose Vitamin C Infusion in a Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase-Deficient Pati...2017Quinn, Joseph,Gerber,Bryan,Fouche,Ryan,Kenyon,Katharine,B StudentECU
The Effect of Home-School Communication on Treatment Integrity2023Neverve, Jessica LaurenStudentECU
The effect of husband-wife communication on marital power in decision-making1973Weeks, Melvin O'NealStudentHome Economics, UNCG
The effect of hypo and hypercapnia on thromboxane and prostacyclin levels in piglets2023Gravelle-Camelo, Sheryl L.StudentECU
The effect of the implementation of comprehensive planning and management by objectives on t...1978Coble, Larry D.StudentEducation, UNCG
Effect of Incorporation of Bioactive Glass-Ceramic into Self-etch Adhesives2023Geraldeli, Saulo StudentECU
Effect of Incorporation of Bioactive Glass-Ceramic into Self-etch Adhesives2023Rafaella, Tonani-Torrieri StudentECU
Effect of Increased Damping in Subordinate Oscillator Arrays2018Sterling, John,Vignola,Joseph,Gietl,Jenna,Ryan,Teresa,Sonne, TejStudentECU
The effect of instruction on the stereotypical expectations for learning-disabled children h...1980Harold, John GaryStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Effect of instructional set on degree of simultaneous brightness contrast1966Parrish, Michael StudentPsychology, UNCG
Effect of Intensive Diet and Exercise on Self-Efficacy in Overweight and Obese Adults with K...2023DeVita, Paul,1955- StudentECU
The effect of internalized homonegativity on the reaction of homosexual men to anti-gay soci...1996Walker-Matthews, Susan GraceStudentPsychology, UNCG
The Effect of International Aid and Development on Maternal Health in Haiti2015Crook, Allison StudentRecreation Management and Phys. Ed. - Student, ASU
The effect of iron on hematocrit levels in tropical fish1964Hopper, Patricia EllenStudentBiology, UNCG
Effect of a junior high school weight control program on weight loss, self-concept, knowledg...1985Daye, Shirley WatfordStudentHome Economics, UNCG
The effect of L-NAME administration on angiogenesis in overloaded, hyperthrophying rat skele...2023George, Sarah C.StudentECU
Effect of laundering by professional services on selected flame- retardant finished fabrics1971Williams, Ardis AdaStudentHome Economics, UNCG
The effect of learning on selected physiological reactions1962Thornburg, Mary LouStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
The effect of listener group and masker condition on auditory memory scores2023Fennie, Kathryn GStudentECU
The effect of a matched-mismatched instructional preference program on fostering psychologic...2023Lennon, Patrick A.StudentECU
The effect of mechanical strain on the differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells into a card...2023Midgette, Yasmeen Adia.StudentECU
The effect of meditation on mindfulness and happiness2016Teeter, Sabrina RoseStudentPsychology, WCU
The effect of menopause and hormone replacement therapy on the leptin-fat mass relationship2023Gardiner, Suzanne N.StudentECU
The effect of a miscarriage patient's age and parity status on nurses' emotional care1988Reed, Karen S.StudentHuman Environmental Sciences, UNCG
The effect of mode of stimulus presentation on the acquisition and generalization of tacting...1973Cutting, Douglas ScottStudentPsychology, UNCG
The Effect of Mood on Wishful Thinking and NFL Outcome Predictions2015Cruz, Zachary StudentPsychology - Student, ASU
The effect of morality content stories on the young child's responses on a moral development...1978Stegall, Mary LivingstonStudentHome Economics, UNCG
The effect of muscular strength on the development of mechanical plasticity in old adults2023Rider, Patrick M.StudentECU
Effect of music instruction on language development of preschool children1996Crosswhite, Jeanette E.StudentMusic, UNCG
The effect of musical experiences and age on the ability of deaf children to discriminate pi...1985Ford, Theresa AnnStudentMusic, UNCG
The effect of near ultraviolet radiation on the morphology of nylon 661973Stowe, Barbara SpilkerStudentHome Economics, UNCG
The Effect of Nordic Hamstring Strength Training on Muscle Architecture, Stiffness, and Stre...2023DeVita, Paul,1955- StudentECU
The Effect of Nordic Hamstring Strength Training on Muscle Architecture, Stiffness, and Stre...2023Domire, Zachary StudentECU
The Effect of Nordic Hamstring Strength Training on Muscle Architecture, Stiffness, and Stre...2023Rider, Patrick M.StudentECU
The Effect of Nordic Hamstring Strength Training on Muscle Architecture, Stiffness, and Stre...2023Kulas, Anthony S.StudentECU
The Effect of a Nurse Manager's Authentic Leadership Intervention on Nurses' Well-Being: A S...2023Sherrod, Bradley StudentECU
The Effect of a Nurse Manager's Authentic Leadership Intervention on Nurses' Well-Being: A S...2023, et alStudentECU
The effect of obesity and non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus on insulin, IGF-I, and IGF...2023Elton, Charles W.StudentECU
The effect of a one-semester music appreciation course upon music processing strategies of c...1985Fishburne, Shirley HerlongStudentMusic, UNCG
The effect of pairing self-evaluation with reinforcement on a transfer task requiring self-e...1975Newell, Mary ElizabethStudentPsychology, UNCG
The effect of perspiration, antiperspirants and atmospheric fumes on the colorfastness of se...1964Golchien, Mary EstherStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Effect of physical activity recommendations on physical activity level and self-efficacy2023Miller, Tiana Y.StudentECU
The effect of planned exercise as a disinhibitor of dietary restraint : an investigation of ...1993Hart, Elizabeth AnnStudentHealth and Human Performance, UNCG
The Effect of Plantarflexor Strength Training on Gait Biomechanics in Healthy Old Adults2014Tatarski, Rachel L.StudentECU
The effect of platelet activation inhibitors on the generation of microparticles in platelet...2023Orton, Susan M.(Susan Marie)StudentECU
Effect of a Polymerization Inhibitor on the Chemomechanical Properties and Consistency of Ex...2023Geraldeli, Saulo StudentECU
The Effect of a Practice-Based Multicomponent Intervention that Includes Health Coaching on ...2023Cummings, Doyle M.StudentECU
The effect of the presence of a peer adolescent mediator and the amount of verbal praising o...1973Hooper, Sarah CatherineStudentPsychology, UNCG
The Effect of Pretrial Detention on Imprisonment Decisions2003Williams, Marian FacultyGovernment and Justice Studies, ASU
The effect of prolonged epinephrine exposure on GLUT-4 glucose transporter expression in rat...2023DaVanzo, William J.StudentECU
The effect of prolonged epinephrine exposure on GLUT-4 glucose transporter expression in rat...2023DaVanzo, William J.StudentECU
The Effect of Quadriceps Strength Symmetry and Task Demands on Lower Extremity Biomechanics2020Hoff, Michael StudentECU
The effect of race and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease on long-term survival after cor...2013Efird, Jimmy Thomas,O'Neal,Wesley T.,Anderson,Curtis A.,O'Neal,StudentECU
The effect of real-life problem-solving training upon students' problem-solving ability1976Wilkinson, Larry DaleStudentEducation, UNCG
Effect of reality therapy/control theory on predictors of responsible behavior of junior hig...1992Harris, Margaret Ann CannonStudentHuman Environmental Sciences, UNCG
The Effect of Recreational Therapy on the Psychosocial Functioning of an Inpatient Behaviora...2010Orr, Elizabeth StudentECU
The effect of remedial reading programs on the classroom behavior of children with reading d...1975Johnsen, Thomajean StudentPsychology, UNCG
The effect of reminiscence on the degree of humanizing communication of the elderly2023Dunn, Ann R.StudentECU
The Effect of Reminiscing about Laughter on Relationship Satisfaction2007Bazzini, Doris FacultyPsychology, ASU
Effect of S&P500'S return on emerging markets: Turkish experience2005Ince, Onur FacultyEconomics, ASU
Effect of sampling interval on objectively measured physical activity in preschool children2023Hart, Stephanie SmithStudentECU
The effect of seagrass blade length and patch size on the growth and survivorship of Argopec...2023Orlando, Beth A.StudentECU
Effect of a Seasonal Fishery Closure on Sardine and Mackerel Catch in the Visayan Sea, Phili...2023Bagsit, Farisal U.StudentECU
Effect of a Seasonal Fishery Closure on Sardine and Mackerel Catch in the Visayan Sea, Phili...2023Frimpong, Eugene StudentECU
Effect of a Seasonal Fishery Closure on Sardine and Mackerel Catch in the Visayan Sea, Phili...2023Asch, Rebecca G.StudentECU
Effect of a Seasonal Fishery Closure on Sardine and Mackerel Catch in the Visayan Sea, Phili...2023Monteclaro, Harold M.StudentECU
The effect of selected cleansing treatments on garments with durable press finishes1966McGraw, Lynda ClaudiaStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Effect of selected fabric softeners on the surface appearance and physical properties of cot...1962Neely, Mary ReginaStudentHome Economics, UNCG
The effect of selected maternal, dietary and nutrition status variables on fetal outcome1976Green, Claudia GillStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Effect of selected preparatory and response signal durations on reaction time in a simple re...1974Utter, William DeanStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
The effect of the selective estrogen receptor modulator LY117018 on peripheral nerve regener...2023McMurray, Roger J.StudentECU
The effect of a self-instructional program of badminton rules on the knowledge and playing a...1965Neuman, Bonnie J.StudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
The effect of semantic encoding on unconscious retrieval processes1990Toth, Jeffrey PaulStudentPsychology, UNCG
The Effect of Semantic Interference on Speech Perception in Noise Ability2023Ormond, Abigail StudentECU
The effect of seven days of endurance training on GLUT-4 protein concentration in aged subje...2023Hird, Julie C.StudentECU
The effect of seven days of endurance training on insulin receptor tyrosine kinase activity ...2023Keen, Stefanie U.StudentECU
The effect of sex differences and brief peer deprivation or satiation on social behaviors in...1976Zibung-Huffman, Patricia IreneStudentPsychology, UNCG
The effect of sex differences on the subjective well-being of older widows and widowers1979Scott, Jean PearsonStudentHome Economics, UNCG
The effect of sex education on social responsibility and locus of control1985Houston, Sandra T.StudentHome Economics, UNCG
The effect of sex, ethnic group and the endorsement of masculine/feminine personality traits...1984Snyder, Linda AnnetteStudentHome Economics, UNCG
The Effect of Shareholder Activism on Bondholders and Stockholders2023Ngo, Thanh StudentECU
The effect of social reinforcement contingencies on the predictive validity of IQ test score...1976Grebenkemper, Nancy S.StudentPsychology, UNCG
Effect of a staff nutrition education program on the nutrition status of clients with mental...1996Rocchi, Felecia L.StudentHuman Environmental Sciences, UNCG
The Effect of Stimulus Audibility on the Relationship between Pure-Tone Average and Speech R...2023Fang, Xiangming StudentECU
The effect of the straight approach and the angular approach upon accuracy of the volleyball...1974Cordell, Lynn VirginiaStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
The effect of a stress management instructional program upon anxiety and health locus of con...2023Peele, Louise BadhamStudentECU
The effect of student teaching experience upon preservice elementary teachers' attitude and ...2023West, Shelly L.StudentECU
The Effect of Surface Compliance n Knee Joint Loads During Level and Decline Running2020Casadonte, Joey StudentECU
The effect of synthesized I-E change techniques in modifying locus of control expectancies1978Suggs, Delano RudolphStudentEducation, UNCG
The Effect of Teacher Modeling on Reading Behaviors, Fluency and Comprehension2023Anthony, Anna StudentECU
The effect of teacher scaffolding and student comprehension monitoring on a multimedia/inter...1993Nelson, Carole SheetsStudentHuman Environmental Sciences, UNCG
The effect of teaching by the nurse on patient knowledge of medications and compliant behavi...1977Beeson, Susan A.StudentNursing, UNCG
The effect of a theoretical listening study on the performance of jr. high clarinetists1975Hooker, L. Carol NeedhamStudentMusic, UNCG
The effect of therapist empathy, norm disclosure, and self-disclosure on client disclosure a...1979Newell, Mary ElizabethStudentPsychology, UNCG
The effect of traditional classroom assessment on science learning and understanding of the ...2023Taylor, Amy R.StudentECU
The effect of training for dynamic balance on bowling performance1965Gaskin, Lynne PearsallStudentHealth, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, UNCG
Effect of training on frequency discrimination in primary school children1971Moore, Mildred JaneStudentPsychology, UNCG
The effect of travel patterns on geographic literacy :using the World Wide Web to survey U.S...2023McPhilamy, Chris. StudentECU
The effect of two different approaches to gymnastics free-exercise on body-image concept and...1970Fetters, Janis LynnStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
The effect of two different exercise programs on college women as measured by girth and skin...1967Sylvester, Patricia L.StudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
The effect of two specific practice environments on the forehand and backhand ball placement...1975Roberts, Betty RuthStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
The effect of two types of augmented feedback on self-reinforcement of high school physical ...1977Weinmann, Carol AnnStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
The effect of utilizing a badminton shuttlecock projecting device on the playing ability of ...1971Lee, Frieda StudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
Effect of Varying Repositioning Frequency on Pressure Injury Prevention in Nursing Home Resi...2023Kennerly, Susan M.StudentECU
Effect of Varying Repositioning Frequency on Pressure Injury Prevention in Nursing Home Resi...2023Yap, Tracey L.StudentECU
Effect of Varying Repositioning Frequency on Pressure Injury Prevention in Nursing Home Resi...2023Horn, Susan D.StudentECU
Effect of Varying Repositioning Frequency on Pressure Injury Prevention in Nursing Home Resi...2023Sharkey, Phoebe D.StudentECU
Effect of Varying Repositioning Frequency on Pressure Injury Prevention in Nursing Home Resi...2023Zheng, Tianyu StudentECU
Effect of Varying Repositioning Frequency on Pressure Injury Prevention in Nursing Home Resi...2023Bergstrom, Nancy StudentECU
Effect of Varying Repositioning Frequency on Pressure Injury Prevention in Nursing Home Resi...2023Colon-Emeric, Cathleen StudentECU
Effect of Varying Repositioning Frequency on Pressure Injury Prevention in Nursing Home Resi...2023Sabol, Valerie K.StudentECU
Effect of Varying Repositioning Frequency on Pressure Injury Prevention in Nursing Home Resi...2023Alderden, Jenny StudentECU
Effect of Varying Repositioning Frequency on Pressure Injury Prevention in Nursing Home Resi...2023Yap, Winston StudentECU
The effect of versican (Cspg-2) on the localization of myoblasts and axons in the developing...2023Richmond, A. Todd.StudentECU
Effect of Versican G1 Domain Overexpression on Hyaluronan, Hyaluronidase-2, and Synovial Joi...2014Andrews, Kristen NicholeStudentECU
The effect of wear upon selected performance factors of cotton sheeting1965Haywood, Elizabeth JaneStudentHome Economics, UNCG
The effect of zinc supplementation on total cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, the HDL cholestero...1988McKibben, Gerald DumarStudentHuman Environmental Sciences, UNCG
The effect of zinc toxicity on the calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium content of bone and bl...1962Stewart, Alta KennedyStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Effect on resident's attitudes of social, physical, and environmental aspects of high-rise c...1981Jimenez De Ramirez, Iris StudentHome Economics, UNCG
Effective Velopharyngeal Ratio: A More Clinically Relevant Measure of Velopharyngeal Functio...2023Perry, Jamie L.StudentECU
Effective Velopharyngeal Ratio: A More Clinically Relevant Measure of Velopharyngeal Functio...2023Fang, Xiangming StudentECU
Effectiveness of the Nintendo® Wii Fit™ games on the balance of a community-dwelling olde...2023Gardner, Brittany StudentECU
Effectiveness of an aphasia training module presented to mental health professionals2017Deaton, Kalie ElizabethStudentCommunication Sciences and Disorders, WCU
Effectiveness of Common Household Cleaning Agents2023Stewart, Elliot FacultyEsther G. Maynor Honors College, UNCP
Effectiveness of a computer assisted instruction program for teaching consumer credit to sec...1984Faircloth, Ann HorneStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Effectiveness of a Computer Literacy Intervention for Young Children with Attention and Read...2010McDuffy, Katie StudentECU
The effectiveness of developmental education at Forsyth Technical Community College, Winston...1992King, Charles RichardStudentEducation, UNCG
Effectiveness of digital recruitment for school psychology graduate program2021Clasen, Benjamin JohnStudentPsychology, WCU
Effectiveness of a global education module on the knowledge and attitudes of home economics ...1989Odhuno-Otieno, M. AdhiamboStudentHuman Environmental Sciences, UNCG
Effectiveness of the inquiry method of instruction in teaching a secondary home economics te...1991Lunsford, Magnoria WatsonStudentHuman Environmental Sciences, UNCG
The Effectiveness of Interactive Metronome® as a Tool to Improve Cognition and Motor Perform...2023Reilly, Rebekah StudentECU
The effectiveness of the Interactive Metronome® as a tool to improve selective attention of ...2023Baker, Karla StudentECU
Effectiveness of microskills interview training in increasing the responsiveness of medical ...1987Brewer, Carolyn ColeStudentEducation, UNCG
The effectiveness of movement education through a rhythmic structured program offered to tra...1970McCall, Judith DubonnStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
Effectiveness of a multicultural education unit on the cultural sensitivity of undergraduate...1993Holt, Charlotte L. ClericiStudentHuman Environmental Sciences, UNCG
The effectiveness of multisensory stimulation on the cognitive development of young physical...1975Bringle, Elizabeth K. HarrisonStudentHome Economics, UNCG
The effectiveness of nutrition education for pregnant women certified as WIC participants in...1983Duncan, Harriette E.StudentHome Economics, UNCG
Effectiveness of online delivery as a means for professional development in biotechnology2023Anderson, Cynthia J.StudentECU
The effectiveness of public defenders in four Florida counties2013Williams, Marian FacultyGovernment and Justice Studies, ASU
The effectiveness of secondary schools' guidance services1971Mann, Cheryl ElizabethStudentSociology, UNCG
The effectiveness of a selected aiming method in archery for use with cross-dominant subject...1966Schumm, Maryanne M.StudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
Effectiveness of a self-instructional sewing program when used with disadvantaged adults1967White, Sally WrightStudentHome Economics, UNCG
The effectiveness of stain removal from durable press treated fabrics using three cleaning m...1967Wilber, Mary ElizabethStudentHome Economics, UNCG
The effectiveness of teaching selected number concepts to kindergarten children1966Poindexter, Florence CarolynStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Effectiveness of Technology Tools in the Classroom2023Foster, Brittany StudentECU
Effectiveness of a Total Meal Replacement Program (OPTIFAST Program) on Weight Loss: Results...2018Ard, Jamy D.,Lewis,Kristina H.,Rothberg,Amy,Auriemma,AnthonyStudentECU
Effectivenss of an Educational Booklet on Parenting Children with Congenital Heart Defects2023Kirby, Kristin L.StudentECU
The effects of 1,1,3 tricyano-2-amino-1-propene (TRIAP) and retinoic acid on limb regenerati...2023Nguyen, Ngan-Ha Thai.StudentECU
The effects of 10 days of endurance exercise training on gene expression regulating skeletal...2023Sweazey, Melanie A.StudentECU
The effects of 10 days of endurance exercise training on skeletal muscle fatty acid oxidatio...2023Basilio, Jessica L.StudentECU
The effects of 10 days of endurance exercise training on skeletal muscle fatty acid oxidatio...2023Sandhoff, Kimberly M.StudentECU
The effects of 10 days of endurance exercise training on whole body fat oxidation in lean an...2023Reed, Melissa AnneStudentECU
The effects of 16-week walking and 16-week weight-training programs on the performance of me...1993Moul, Jamie LynnStudentEducation, UNCG
The effects of 400 Hz, 100 db sound on the kinetics and thermodynamics of isothermal seed ge...1976Horton, Sherry JeanStudentPhysics, UNCG
Effects of 5-fluorouracil Drug Treatment on the Expression Profile of MicroRNAs in MCF7 Brea...2010Shah, Maitri StudentECU
The Effects Of Accounting Standards Update 2014-09: Revenue From Contracts With Customers2016Church, Isaac StudentBusiness - Student, ASU
Effects of an acute bout of resistance exercise on cognitive performance in preadolescents2014Castellano, Michael A.StudentKinesiology, UNCG
Effects of Aerobic Capacity Phenotype on Adaptive Responses to Ischemic Stress2009Fontenot, Elizabeth GailStudentECU
The effects of aerobic exercise and insulin on myosin heavy chain messenger RNA2023O'Neill, Sean StudentECU
Effects of Aerobic Exercise on Anxiety Sensitivity2004Broman-Fulks, Joshua FacultyPsychology, ASU
Effects of aerobic exercise training on arterial stiffness and autonomic function in obese a...2020McGee, Joshua StudentECU
Effects of aerobic training with and without weight loss on insulin sensitivity and lipids2018Swift, Damon L.,Houmard,Joseph A.,Slentz,Cris A.,Kraus,William StudentECU
The Effects of Aerobic, Resistance, and Combination Training on Insulin Sensitivity and Secr...2023Houmard, Joseph A.StudentECU
Effects of an After-School Physical Activity Intervention on Physical Activity, Aerobic Fitn...2023Edwards, Grace AnneStudentECU
The effects of an afterschool STEM program on students- motivation and engagement2017Chittum, Jessica R.,Jones,Brett D.,Akalin,Sehmuz,Schram,Ásta B.StudentECU
The effects of an afterschool STEM program on students’ motivation and engagement2023Chittum, Jessica R.StudentECU
The effects of an afterschool STEM program on students’ motivation and engagement2023Jones, Brett D.StudentECU
The effects of an afterschool STEM program on students’ motivation and engagement2023Akalin, Sehmuz StudentECU
The effects of an afterschool STEM program on students’ motivation and engagement2023Schram, Asta B.StudentECU
The effects of an afterschool STEM program on students’ motivation and engagement2023Chittum, Jessica R.StudentECU
The effects of an afterschool STEM program on students’ motivation and engagement2023Jones, Brett D.StudentECU
The effects of an afterschool STEM program on students’ motivation and engagement2023Akalin, Sehmuz StudentECU
The effects of an afterschool STEM program on students’ motivation and engagement2023Schram, Ásta B.StudentECU
Effects of Age Gender Bolus Volume and Trial on Swallowing Apnea Duration and Swallow/Res...2011Hiss, Susan G.StudentECU
Effects of Age Gender Bolus Volume and Trial on Swallowing Apnea Duration and Swallow/Res...2011Stuart, Andrew StudentECU
Effects of Age Gender Bolus Volume and Trial on Swallowing Apnea Duration and Swallow/Res...2011Treole, Kathleen StudentECU
The Effects of Aging on Cognitive Motor Control:Functional Connectivity Analysis of Alpha Fr...2023Smith, Hunter CStudentECU
The Effects of Aging on Cognitive Motor Control:Functional Connectivity Analysis of the Beta...2023Pate, Abigail GraceStudentECU
The effects of air and lip-pressure variations on the motion of a clarinet reed within an ar...1988Miller, Douglas EvanStudentMusic, UNCG
The Effects Of Air Quality Regulations On The Location Decisions Of Pollution-Intensive Manu...2009Morgan, Ashton FacultyEconomics, ASU
Effects of Alternative Seating on the Academic Engagement of Children With Autism1905Tunstall, Hillary R.StudentECU
Effects of aluminum oxide nanoparticles on the growth, development, and microrna expression ...2012Burklew, Caitlin E.,Ashlock,Jordan,Winfrey,William B.,Zhang,BaohongStudentECU
The effects of amino-oxyacetic acid and isolation on GABA levels in the hypothalamus, left a...2023Bolin, Paul Jr.StudentECU
Effects of Amount, Intensity, and Mode of Exercise Training on Insulin Resistance and Type 2...2023Houmard, Joseph A.StudentECU
Effects of Amount, Intensity, and Mode of Exercise Training on Insulin Resistance and Type 2...2023Ross, Leanna M.StudentECU
Effects of Amount, Intensity, and Mode of Exercise Training on Insulin Resistance and Type 2...2023Slentz, Cris A.StudentECU
Effects of Amount, Intensity, and Mode of Exercise Training on Insulin Resistance and Type 2...2023Zidek, Alyssa M.StudentECU
Effects of Amount, Intensity, and Mode of Exercise Training on Insulin Resistance and Type 2...2023Huffman, Kim M.StudentECU
Effects of Amount, Intensity, and Mode of Exercise Training on Insulin Resistance and Type 2...2023Shalaurova, Irina StudentECU
Effects of Amount, Intensity, and Mode of Exercise Training on Insulin Resistance and Type 2...2023Otvos, James D.StudentECU
Effects of Amount, Intensity, and Mode of Exercise Training on Insulin Resistance and Type 2...2023Connelly, Margery A.StudentECU
Effects of Amount, Intensity, and Mode of Exercise Training on Insulin Resistance and Type 2...2023Kraus, Virginia B.StudentECU
Effects of Amount, Intensity, and Mode of Exercise Training on Insulin Resistance and Type 2...2023Bales, Connie W.StudentECU
Effects of Amount, Intensity, and Mode of Exercise Training on Insulin Resistance and Type 2...2023Kraus, William E.StudentECU
The effects of angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibition on nuclear proliferation and h...2023Westerkamp, Christopher MichaelStudentECU
The effects of arrow direction, length of interstimulus interval, and certainty of interstim...1995Keyes, Alvin L.StudentPsychology, UNCG
The effects of BCL-2 over-expression on apoptosis in MCF-10A breast epithelial cells2023Smith, Matthew M.StudentECU
Effects of beaver impoundments on stream water quality and floodplain vegetation in the inne...2023Bason, Christopher W.StudentECU
Effects of beaver impoundments on stream water quality and floodplain vegetation in the inne...2023Bason, Christopher W.StudentECU
Effects of a Before School Physical Activity Program on Physical Activity and On-Task Behavi...1905Vuchenich, Michelle StudentECU
Effects of a before school physical activity program on physical activity, musculoskeletal f...2023Knight, Noelle A.StudentECU
Effects of a Behavior-Based Weight Management Program Delivered Through a State Cooperative ...2011Lackey, Carolyn StudentECU
Effects of a Behavior-Based Weight Management Program Delivered Through a State Cooperative ...2011van Staveren, Meg StudentECU
Effects of a Behavior-Based Weight Management Program Delivered Through a State Cooperative ...2011Thomas, Cathy StudentECU
Effects of a Behavior-Based Weight Management Program Delivered Through a State Cooperative ...2011Schneider, Lori StudentECU
Effects of a Behavior-Based Weight Management Program Delivered Through a State Cooperative ...2011Aggarwal, Surabhi StudentECU
Effects of a Behavior-Based Weight Management Program Delivered Through a State Cooperative ...2011Vodicka, Sherée StudentECU
Effects of a Behavior-Based Weight Management Program Delivered Through a State Cooperative ...2011Jayaratne, K. S. U.StudentECU
Effects of a Behavior-Based Weight Management Program Delivered Through a State Cooperative ...2011Dunn, Carolyn StudentECU
Effects of a Behavior-Based Weight Management Program Delivered Through a State Cooperative ...2011Kolasa, Kathryn M.StudentECU
Effects of a Behavior-Based Weight Management Program Delivered Through a State Cooperative ...2011MacKenzie Whetstone, Lauren StudentECU
The effects of beta-endorphin on glucose homeostasis and hormonal responses during exercise1994Fatouros, Ioannis GeorgiouStudentHealth and Human Performance, UNCG
Effects of biotin, vitamin B-6, and zinc on growth and trace mineral status of young male ra...1989Wade, Wilda DixonStudentHuman Environmental Sciences, UNCG
The Effects of Bullying on Mental Health in Adolescents with Neurological Conditions2023Foster, Courtney StudentECU
The Effects of Bullying on Mental Health in Adolescents with Neurological Conditions2023Foster, Courtney StudentECU
Effects of calcium/calmodulin kinase and high-fat feeding on weight gain and insulin action2023Fish, Robert R.StudentECU
Effects of cardiomyopathy-linked mutations K15N and R21H in tropomyosin on thin-filament reg...2018Ly, Thu,Pappas,Christopher T.,Johnson,Dylan,Schlecht,William,Galkin,Vitold E.StudentECU
The Effects of Care Plan Utilization on the Rate of Hospital Acquired Pressure Injuries2023McMahan, Carly StudentECU
The effects of a career course on the career maturity of undergraduates1995Robinson, Chester RandallStudentEducation, UNCG
Effects of Childhood Chronic Illness on Depression Outcomes in Adulthood2023Shanahan, Aubrie StudentECU
Effects of circuit training on spontaneous physical activity, and selected fitness and psych...2023Thorpe, Aaron GeorgiaStudentECU
The effects of climate variability on the timing of ichthyoplankton ingress through Beaufort...2023Thaxton, William CStudentECU
Effects of the Co-occurrence of Diabetes Mellitus and Tooth Loss on Cognitive Function2023Luo, Huabin StudentECU
Effects of the Co-occurrence of Diabetes Mellitus and Tooth Loss on Cognitive Function2023Tan, Chenxin StudentECU
Effects of the Co-occurrence of Diabetes Mellitus and Tooth Loss on Cognitive Function2023Adhikari, Samrachana StudentECU
Effects of the Co-occurrence of Diabetes Mellitus and Tooth Loss on Cognitive Function2023Plassman, Brenda StudentECU
Effects of the Co-occurrence of Diabetes Mellitus and Tooth Loss on Cognitive Function2023Kamer, Angela StudentECU
Effects of the Co-occurrence of Diabetes Mellitus and Tooth Loss on Cognitive Function2023Sloan, Frank StudentECU
Effects of the Co-occurrence of Diabetes Mellitus and Tooth Loss on Cognitive Function2023Schwartz, Mark StudentECU
Effects of the Co-occurrence of Diabetes Mellitus and Tooth Loss on Cognitive Function2023Qi, Xiang StudentECU
Effects of the Co-occurrence of Diabetes Mellitus and Tooth Loss on Cognitive Function2023Wu, Bei StudentECU
Effects of CO2 laser irradiation on matrix-rich biofilm development formation--an in vitro s...2016Raquel Zancope ́, Bruna,Dainezi,Vanessa B.,Nobre-dos-Santos,Marines,Duarte,Sillas Jr.,PardStudentECU
Effects of CO2 laser irradiation on matrix-rich biofilm development formation–an in vitro st...2023Raquel Zancope ´, Bruna StudentECU
Effects of CO2 laser irradiation on matrix-rich biofilm development formation–an in vitro st...2023Dainezi, Vanessa B.StudentECU
Effects of CO2 laser irradiation on matrix-rich biofilm development formation–an in vitro st...2023Nobre-dos-Santos, Marines StudentECU
Effects of CO2 laser irradiation on matrix-rich biofilm development formation–an in vitro st...2023Duarte, Sillas Jr.StudentECU
Effects of CO2 laser irradiation on matrix-rich biofilm development formation–an in vitro st...2023Pardi, Vanessa StudentECU
Effects of CO2 laser irradiation on matrix-rich biofilm development formation–an in vitro st...2023Murata, Ramiro M.StudentECU
The effects of a coeducational environment on the skill development of ninth grade girls1974Wasmuth, C. SuzanneStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
The effects of competitive swimming on selected physiological measures and performance level...1970Walker, Diane GaleStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
Effects of computer technology and traditional methods of instruction upon the critical thin...1991Kezar, Lois PaulsonStudentEducation, UNCG
The effects of a constructivist learning environment on student cognition of mechanics and a...1995Andrews, Sherri StudentEducation, UNCG
Effects of consumption of fatty fish rich in omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids on plasma l...1989Elavia, Swati TonyStudentHuman Environmental Sciences, UNCG
Effects of contingent and noncontingent social reinforcement on performance of children in a...1974Bailey, Nancy JoStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
Effects of the Couple Communication Program I on the marital adjustment, self-disclosure, an...1987Valenti, Francis TimothyStudentHuman Environmental Sciences, UNCG
The Effects of The COVID-19 Pandemic on The Atheltic Trainers of The UNC-System2023Meeks, Joshua LeeStudentECU
The Effects of Crude Oil and Chemical Dispersant Exposure on Danio rerio (zebrafish) Embryon...2023Ghiassi, Erfaan StudentECU
The effects of CS and cycle durations on stimulus-elicited keypecking in the pigeon1977Guilkey, Marilyn StudentPsychology, UNCG
Effects of cyclic nucleotides on macromolecular synthesis in cultured chick neural retina ce...2023Dunson, Thomas R.StudentECU
The effects of Dalcroze eurhythmics on beat competency performance skills of kindergarten, f...1995Rose, Sarah ElizabethStudentMusic, UNCG
The effects of deer trampling in a salt marsh2023Keusenkothen, Mark. StudentECU
The Effects Of Dehydration And Rehydration On Oxidative Stress Levels In Athletes As Determi...2016Vaudo, Kathleen StudentHealth and Exercise Science - Student, ASU
The effects of demand characteristics on heart rate : implications for a triple response mod...1974Odom, James VernonStudentPsychology, UNCG
Effects of deregulated RAF and BCL-2 expression on the abrogation of cytokine-dependency and...2023Moye, Phillip W.StudentECU
The effects of a diet-exercise program on blood lipids, blood pressure, and diabetes indices...1992Sanches-Lugo, Lizette StudentHuman Environmental Sciences, UNCG
Effects of dietary and physiological factors on Fe transport and metabolism by human intesti...1995Han, Okhee StudentHuman Environmental Sciences, UNCG
Effects of dietary fat levels and fat sources on growth and trace mineral deposition in youn...1987Zúniga, Thelma HowellStudentHuman Environmental Sciences, UNCG
Effects of dietary fatty acids, polyunsaturated/saturated ratios, and fat levels on growth a...1990D'Souza, Deborah M.StudentHuman Environmental Sciences, UNCG
The effects of dietary supplement substance #39 on aerobic capacity and ventilatory threshol...2023Trantham, Lauren H.StudentECU
The effects of diets enriched in omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids on systemic vaccinia vi...2017Jones, Gwendolyn J. B.,Roper,Rachel L.StudentECU
The effects of differences in fat free weight of endurance trained athletes on energy balanc...1986Marquart, Leonard FrederickStudentHome Economics, UNCG
The effects of differential reinforcement on reliability and reactivity of self-recorders1974Lipinski, David PaulStudentPsychology, UNCG
The effects of direct and imaginal stimulation on physiological and self-report measures : a...1978Wein, Kenneth StuartStudentPsychology, UNCG
The effects of divalent cations on the sedimentation of chromaffin granules2023Godwin, Glenn Thomas.StudentECU
The Effects of Dual Enrollment Credit and Huskins Program Credit on College Readiness2010Ganzert, Bartlett YanceyStudentEducational Leadership - Student, ASU
Effects of Dual-Task Training on Cognitive-Motor Learning and Cortical Activation in Healthy...2023Phinizy, Tyler StudentECU
The effects of an educational intervention on colledge [i.e. college] students knowledge, at...2023Woolard, Suzanne StudentECU
The effects of educational intervention on fathers' relationships with their infants1983Arbuckle, Margaret BourdeauxStudentHome Economics, UNCG
The effects of electronic piano instruction on sixth-grade middle- school students' music-re...1987Moss, Ronald BruceStudentMusic, UNCG
The effects of elevated temperature and dissolved ? CO 2 on a marine foundation species2023Speights, Cori J.StudentECU
The effects of elevated temperature and dissolved ? CO 2 on a marine foundation species2023Silliman, Brian R.StudentECU
The effects of elevated temperature and dissolved ? CO 2 on a marine foundation species2023McCoy, Michael W.StudentECU
The effects of elevated temperature and dissolved ?CO2 on a marine foundation species2023Speights, Cori J.StudentECU
The effects of elevated temperature and dissolved ?CO2 on a marine foundation species2023Silliman, Brian R.StudentECU
The effects of elevated temperature and dissolved ?CO2 on a marine foundation species2023McCoy, Michael W.StudentECU
The effects of elevated temperature and dissolved ρ CO 2 on a marine foundation species2017Speights, Cori J.,Silliman,Brian R.,McCoy,Michael W.StudentECU
The effects of emotional states and traits on time perception2018Lehockey, Katie A.,Winters,Andrea R.,Nicoletta,Alexandra J.,ZurlinStudentECU
The effects of environmental nickel toxicity upon survival, growth, reproduction, fecundity,...2023Douglas, Chandler D.StudentECU
The Effects Of Environmental Variation On Individual Variation2023Kain, Morgan P.StudentECU
The Effects of an Equine Assisted Learning Supervision Intervention on Counselors’-in-Traini...2023Meola, Cheryl CStudentECU
The Effects of an Ergonomically Designed Computer-Based Tutorial on Elementary Students'' Re...1996Osler, James StudentSchool of Education , NCCU
The effects of estradiol-3, 17b on embryonic hamster kidney cells in vitro1965Blythe, Cynthia RuthStudentBiology, UNCG
Effects of estrogen and progesterone on oviductal morphology and glycoprotein secretion in t...2023Frimpong, Yaw. StudentECU
Effects of estrogen on the morphology of human chromosomes and on the mitotic rate of chromo...1967Barrow, Elizabeth AnnStudentBiology, UNCG
The effects of ethanol on adenylate cyclase activity of cultured chick neural retina cells2023Lee, Douglas Casey.StudentECU
Effects of Ethnicity and Sex on Life Expectancy in Southeastern North Carolina2022Withrow, Megan StudentEsther G. Maynor Honors College, UNCP
The effects of ethyl metanesulfonate (EMS) on the plaque-forming capacity of BALS/cAn mice2023McKenzie, Gail Orr.StudentECU
The Effects of Exercise Intensity on Non-Exercise Physical Activity2020Stein, John StudentECU
The effects of exercise on hypothalamic neurodegeneration of Alzheimer-s disease mouse model...2018Do, Khoa,Laing,Brenton Thomas,Landry,Taylor,Bunner,Wyatt,Mersaud,Naderi,MStudentECU
The effects of exercise on hypothalamic neurodegeneration of Alzheimer’s disease mouse model...2023Do, Khoa StudentECU
The effects of exercise on hypothalamic neurodegeneration of Alzheimer’s disease mouse model...2023Laing, Brenton ThomasStudentECU
The effects of exercise on hypothalamic neurodegeneration of Alzheimer’s disease mouse model...2023Landry, Taylor StudentECU
The effects of exercise on hypothalamic neurodegeneration of Alzheimer’s disease mouse model...2023Bunner, Wyatt StudentECU
The effects of exercise on hypothalamic neurodegeneration of Alzheimer’s disease mouse model...2023Mersaud, Naderi StudentECU
The effects of exercise on hypothalamic neurodegeneration of Alzheimer’s disease mouse model...2023Matsubara, Tomoko StudentECU
The effects of exercise on hypothalamic neurodegeneration of Alzheimer’s disease mouse model...2023Li, Peixin StudentECU
The effects of exercise on hypothalamic neurodegeneration of Alzheimer’s disease mouse model...2023Yuan, Yuan StudentECU
The effects of exercise on hypothalamic neurodegeneration of Alzheimer’s disease mouse model...2023Lu, Qun StudentECU
The effects of exercise on hypothalamic neurodegeneration of Alzheimer’s disease mouse model...2023Huang, Hu StudentECU
Effects of exercise on obesity-induced mitochondrial dysfunction in skeletal muscle2017Heo, Jun-Won,No,Mi-Hyun,Park,Dong-Ho,Kang,Ju-Hee,Seo,Da Yun,Han,Jin,Neufer,P. Darrell,Kwak,Hyo-BumStudentECU
The effects of exercise on protein degradation2023Williams, Richard T.StudentECU
The effects of exercise training of various intensities on insulin sensitivity in previously...2023Buckalew, E. LindsayStudentECU
Effects of exercise training on salivary cortisol concentrations in prepubescent children2023Dubis, Gabriel S.StudentECU
The effects of expectancy and parenthood on observations by parents1974Lipinski, Judith MackayStudentEducation, UNCG
The effects of expected probability of success and audience presence on complex task perform...1977Saddick, Shaul StudentPsychology, UNCG
The Effects of Experienced, Vicarious, and Anticipated Strain on Violence and Drug Use among...2012Marcum, Cathy FacultyGovernment and Justice Studies, ASU
The effects of expression of the Newcastle disease virus phosphoprotein on viral protein syn...2023Blalock, William L.StudentECU
The effects of external action and its relation to the theme of war in plays by Sean O'Casey...1969Griffin, Flora Faye HelmsStudentEnglish, UNCG
Effects Of Extracellular Matrix Stiffness On Muscle Fiber Mechanotransduction Signaling In A...2023Salzano, Matthew StudentECU
The effects of extralinguistic control of comprehension and production in the non-fluent chi...1976Hoenigmann, Natalia MariaStudentPsychology, UNCG
The effects of extrinsic reward on intrinsic motivation : eating behavior1976Parker, Leslie StudentPsychology, UNCG
The effects of family visitation on patient depression2023Elesha, Mary L.StudentECU
Effects of Fasting on Isolated Murine Skeletal Muscle Contractile Function During Acute Hypo...2023Spangenburg, Espen StudentECU
Effects of Fasting on Isolated Murine Skeletal Muscle Contractile Function During Acute Hypo...2023Schmidt, Cameron A.StudentECU
Effects of Fasting on Isolated Murine Skeletal Muscle Contractile Function During Acute Hypo...2023Goldberg, Emma J.StudentECU
Effects of Fasting on Isolated Murine Skeletal Muscle Contractile Function During Acute Hypo...2023Green, Tom D.StudentECU
Effects of Fasting on Isolated Murine Skeletal Muscle Contractile Function During Acute Hypo...2023Karnekar, Reema R.StudentECU
Effects of Fasting on Isolated Murine Skeletal Muscle Contractile Function During Acute Hypo...2023Brault, Jeffrey J.StudentECU
Effects of Fasting on Isolated Murine Skeletal Muscle Contractile Function During Acute Hypo...2023Amorese, Adam J.StudentECU
Effects of Fasting on Isolated Murine Skeletal Muscle Contractile Function During Acute Hypo...2023Yamaguchi, Dean J.StudentECU
Effects of Fasting on Isolated Murine Skeletal Muscle Contractile Function During Acute Hypo...2023McClung, Joseph M.StudentECU
Effects of Fasting on Isolated Murine Skeletal Muscle Contractile Function During Acute Hypo...2023McClung, Joseph M.StudentECU
Effects of Fasting on Isolated Murine Skeletal Muscle Contractile Function During Acute Hypo...2023Schmidt, Cameron A.StudentECU
Effects of Fasting on Isolated Murine Skeletal Muscle Contractile Function During Acute Hypo...2023Goldberg, Emma J.StudentECU
Effects of Fasting on Isolated Murine Skeletal Muscle Contractile Function During Acute Hypo...2023Green, Tom D.StudentECU
Effects of Fasting on Isolated Murine Skeletal Muscle Contractile Function During Acute Hypo...2023Karnekar, Reema R.StudentECU
Effects of Fasting on Isolated Murine Skeletal Muscle Contractile Function During Acute Hypo...2023Brault, Jeffrey J.StudentECU
Effects of Fasting on Isolated Murine Skeletal Muscle Contractile Function During Acute Hypo...2023Amorese, Adam J.StudentECU
Effects of Fasting on Isolated Murine Skeletal Muscle Contractile Function During Acute Hypo...2023Spangenburg, Espen E.StudentECU
Effects of fatty acid supplements to a minimal diet on growth of the hard clam, Mercenaria m...2023Hurd, Theresa Bosse.StudentECU
Effects of finite coverage on global polarization observables in heavy ion collisions2018Lan, Shaowei,Lin,Zi-Wei,Shi,Shusu,Sun,Xu StudentECU
The effects of fluoride and magnesium ions on the metabolism of the blue crab2023McClellan, Patricia D.StudentECU
The effects of focused videotape feedback on family communication patterns displayed in prob...1975Blackstock, Richard MaynorStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Effects of food and temperature on siphon regeneration and growth in the estuarine clam Rang...2023Landen, Mitchell E.StudentECU
Effects of forced artificial selection for endurance running phenotype on cardioprotection2023Brinkley, Christopher S.StudentECU
Effects of forced artificial selection for endurance running phenotype on cardioprotection2023Brinkley, Christopher S.StudentECU
The effects of a free exercise course upon the kinesthetic sense of the limbs1964Cosgrove, Elinor F.StudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
The Effects of Gastrin and Hox-A1 on HT-29 Cell Proliferation2014White, Daniel StudentECU
Effects of General Anesthetics on Cytochrome C Oxidase1994Lowry, Leslie StudentChancellor's Scholars, UNCP
Effects of generation on tenure-track faculty satisfaction2013McCullough, Emily ElizabethStudentHuman Services, WCU
The effects of the GI Bill at East Carolina Teachers College, 1946-19522023King, DeAnn Nichole.StudentECU
The effects of group directed versus individual directed instruction within a group instruct...1975Hughes, Jane AnnStudentPsychology, UNCG
The effects of growth factors on proliferation of adult porcine islets in vitro2023Donofrio, Christa M.StudentECU
The effects of guided aural versus guided aural-visual modeling on the performance achieveme...1992Quindag, Susan RoseStudentMusic, UNCG
Effects of hands-on, activity-based science and a supportive instructional environment on at...1990Miller, Anne-Courtney SeiglerStudentEducation, UNCG
The effects of high-fat diet induced insulin resistance on cardiac structure, function, and ...2023Sarathy, Brinda StudentECU
Effects of High-Pressure Treatment on Spores of Clostridium Species2023Li, Yong-Qing StudentECU
Effects of Increased Eccentric Loading on Bench Press 1 RM2002Triplett, N. Travis FacultyHealth and Exercise Science, ASU
Effects of increased inundation and wrack deposition on a saltmarsh plant community2023Tolley, Patricia M.StudentECU
The effects of indomethacin and dexamethasone on fibroblast chemotoxis2023Poulos, John Emanuel.StudentECU
Effects of influent composition and substrate type on nitrate and Escherichia coli removal i...2023Brink, Shannon EStudentECU
Effects of Information about Invasive Species on Risk Perception and Seafood Demand by Gende...2010Whitehead, John FacultyEconomics, ASU
Effects of Information about Invasive Species on Risk Perception and Seafood Demand by Gende...2010Price, Jammie FacultyPast faculty member, ASU
Effects of inhibitors on fumarate reductase in anaerobic mitochondria from rangia cuneata ma...2023Beasley, Robert Earl.StudentECU
The Effects of Injury on the Neuromotor Control of the Shoulder2020Simpson, Hannah StudentECU
The effects of instructions and calculation procedures on the accuracy, agreement, and calcu...1977Boykin, Ronald AubreyStudentPsychology, UNCG
Effects of integrated writing on attitude and algebra performance of high school students1993Kasparek, Rebecca FinleyStudentEducation, UNCG
The Effects of Intensive Dietary Weight Loss and Exercise on Gait in Overweight and Obese Ad...2023DeVita, Paul,1955- StudentECU
The effects of the Interactive Metronome® as an intervention tool on decreasing levels of ag...2023Foley, Michelle LeighStudentECU
Effects of the Interactive Metronome® on older adults : does use improve cognitive and motor...2023Christy, Lauren SStudentECU
Effects of interfood interval on discrete-trial fixed-time schedules1977Fifer, William PaulStudentPsychology, UNCG
The effects of intertarget-interval certainty and length on autonomic and cortical reactivit...1983Anderson, Norman B.StudentPsychology, UNCG
The effects of intralist similarity on acquisition and generalization in beginning reading i...1968McCutcheon, Beth AnneStudentPsychology, UNCG
Effects of iron and zinc supplements on bioavailability of iron, copper, and zinc in young r...1983Booker, Lovie KingStudentHome Economics, UNCG
The effects of isometric conditioning on accuracy in archery1973Dunn, Betty LouStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
The Effects of ITQ Management on Fishermen’s Welfare When the Processing Sector is Imperfect...2009McEvoy, Dave FacultyEconomics, ASU
The effects of jogging therapy on fasting plasma total cholesterol, HDL-cholesterol, glucose...1982Yuhas, Joan AndreaStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Effects of Land Use Change on Juvenile Fishes, Blue Crab, and Brown Shrimp Abundance in the ...2023Meyer, Gregory F.StudentECU
Effects of Leader Rounding on Staff Satisfaction2023Reagan, Angela StudentECU
The effects of learning on bodily stress reactions1960Perry, Shirley JoyceStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
The effects of light and nutrient availability on primary productivity across the freshwater...2023Lackey, Gregory J.StudentECU
The effects of long duration eccentric or concentric contraction on neuromuscular function i...2023Brown, Todd J.StudentECU
The Effects of Low-Energy Heavy Charged Particles on the Optically Stimulated Luminescence a...2023Pogue, Joel StudentECU
Effects of malachite green on zoospores of the marine fungus Lagenidium calinectes Couch2023Hall, Michael T.StudentECU
The effects of manipulating objects in modeling films on imitative response topographies1975Bondy, Andrew S. StudentPsychology, UNCG
Effects of Maternal Intelligence, Marital Status, Income, and Home Environment on Cognitive ...1998Bacharach, Verne FacultyPsychology, ASU
The Effects of the A Matter of Balance Program on Falls and Physical Risk of Falls, Tampa, F...2015Janke, Megan C.StudentECU
The Effects of the A Matter of Balance Program on Falls and Physical Risk of Falls, Tampa, F...2015Chen, Tuo-Yu StudentECU
The Effects of the A Matter of Balance Program on Falls and Physical Risk of Falls, Tampa, F...2015Edwards, Jerri D.StudentECU
Effects of Medially Wedged Foot Orthoses on Knee and Hip Joint Running Mechanics in Females ...2023Boldt, Andrew R.StudentECU
Effects of Medially Wedged Foot Orthoses on Knee and Hip Joint Running Mechanics in Females ...2023Willson, John D.StudentECU
Effects of Medially Wedged Foot Orthoses on Knee and Hip Joint Running Mechanics in Females ...2023Barrios, Joaquin A.StudentECU
Effects of Medially Wedged Foot Orthoses on Knee and Hip Joint Running Mechanics in Females ...2023Kernozek, Thomas W.StudentECU
The effects of median eminence morphine and naloxone implants on pituitary {esc}(Sb{esc}(B-e...2023Johnson, Jeffrey T.StudentECU
The effects of mental practice and physical practice on the scores of intermediate bowlers1963Tufts, Sharon StudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
Effects of a mentor-led exercise intervention on physical self-perceptions, fitness, body co...2014Sawyer, Megan StudentECU
The Effects of a Mentoring Program on the Behavior Rating of Children2009Baxter, Amy S.StudentECU
Effects of metformin on skeletal muscle peroxisomal and mitochondrial handling of fatty acid...2023Price, Jesse W.,III.StudentECU
The effects of microscale and traditional chemistry experiments on the development of integr...2023Daly, Kathleen B.StudentECU
The effects of monocular paralysis and binocular eyelid suture on the electrophysiology of l...1978Schwartz, Mark AllanStudentPsychology, UNCG
The Effects of Moral Self-Reflective Priming on Faking in Personality Testing2023Hodges, Chad D.StudentECU
The Effects of Moringa Oleifera On Angiogenic Factors In The Cervix Of Pregnant Mice2016Fitch, Morgan StudentBiology - Student, ASU
The effects of movement-based instruction, meter, and rhythmic aptitude on beginning instrum...1996Kuhlman, Kristyn LeeStudentMusic, UNCG
The Effects of Mowing and Fertilization on Plant Species Diversity2023Moore, Kaila GenevaStudentECU
Effects of a multiple schedule on interactions of multiple responses with children1974Zukerman, Alan GirardStudentPsychology, UNCG
Effects of the Mutant TP53 Reactivator APR-246 on Therapeutic Sensitivity of Pancreatic Canc...2023Abrams, Stephen L.StudentECU
Effects of the Mutant TP53 Reactivator APR-246 on Therapeutic Sensitivity of Pancreatic Canc...2023Akula, Shaw M.StudentECU
Effects of the Mutant TP53 Reactivator APR-246 on Therapeutic Sensitivity of Pancreatic Canc...2023Steelman, Linda S.StudentECU
Effects of the Mutant TP53 Reactivator APR-246 on Therapeutic Sensitivity of Pancreatic Canc...2023McCubrey, James A.StudentECU
Effects of n-3 PUFA and n-6 PUFA on plasma lipids, bleeding time, prothrombin time, and live...1988Dunn, Patricia CarolynStudentHuman Environmental Sciences, UNCG
The effects of a negative contingency between response rate and reinforcement rate on rate o...1987Spear, Debra JeanStudentPsychology, UNCG
Effects of Nicotine on Caenorhabditis elegans survival, reproduction, and gene expressions :...2023Smith, Michael A.StudentECU
The effects of nitric oxide on lipolysis in obese women before and after 10 days of enduranc...2023Johnson, Emily StudentECU
Effects Of Nutrient Availability And Disturbance On The Composition And Diversity Of Soil Mi...2023Thigpen, Joshua C.StudentECU
Effects of a nutrition-based health promotion program on nutritional adequacy, planned physi...1986McKenzie, Patricia FenstermakerStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Effects of a nutrition-based health promotion program on stress, chronic disease risk factor...1985Cox, Ruby HurleyStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Effects of obesity on the transcriptional regulation of protein degradation in skeletal musc...2014Bollinger, Lance M.StudentECU
The Effects of One Night of Sleep Deprivation on Known-Risk and Ambiguous-Risk Decisions2007Dickinson, David L. FacultyEconomics, ASU
The Effects of the OPTIFAST Diet and Aerobic Exercise on Insulin Sensitivity2023Brown, Taylor T.StudentECU
The effects of an oral contraceptive on the submaximal work performance of college women1976Mozingo, Louise ElaineStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
The effects of oral-motor exercises on swallowing in children: an evidence-based systematic ...2010Clark, Heather FacultyPast Faculty Member, ASU
The effects of orthotics on running economy and gait mechanics in symptomatic recreational r...2023Harper, Wanda E.StudentECU
Effects of ovarian denervation on compensatory ovarian hypertrophy in hypophysectomized rats...2023Prevatte, Steven H.StudentECU
Effects of Ovarian Hormones and Estrogen Receptor a on Physical Activity and Skeletal Muscle...2023Spangenburg, Espen StudentECU
The effects of pairing, training, and gender on second graders' content-mastery of a hyperme...1993Kwan-Ching, Jane YinlengStudentHuman Environmental Sciences, UNCG
The effects of parathyroid hormone and ovariectomy on the calcium and fluoride concentration...2023Gates, Alvin Richard.StudentECU
Effects of parathyroidectomy on the expression of glycoconjugates and pthrp in the kidney of...2023Pulley, Jason E.StudentECU
The effects of part set cuing on automatic and controlled processes1995Matthews, Timothy DarinStudentPsychology, UNCG
The effects of participating in an elementary science practicum on classroom practice2023James, Linda EverettStudentECU
The effects of personal and outcome similarity on physiological and verbal response modes1975Hay, William MartinStudentPsychology, UNCG
Effects of PFMOAA, An Understudied PFAS, on Developing Mice2023Stewart, Erica JStudentECU
The Effects Of Physiological Arousal On Cognitive And Psychomotor Performance Among Individu...2010Michael, Kurt D.FacultyPsychology, ASU
The Effects Of Physiological Arousal On Cognitive And Psychomotor Performance Among Individu...2010Broman-Fulks, Joshua FacultyPsychology, ASU
The Effects Of Physiological Arousal On Cognitive And Psychomotor Performance Among Individu...2010Zawilinski, Laci L.FacultyPsychology - Student, ASU
The Effects Of Physiological Arousal On Cognitive And Psychomotor Performance Among Individu...2010Webb, Rose Mary FacultyPsychology, ASU
The effects of physiology-based breath-management instruction on performance achievement of ...1996VanMiddlesworth, Jane LeonaStudentMusic, UNCG
Effects of positive reinforcement on an assessment measure of visual perception behavior1975Ferree, Robert GrayStudentEducation, UNCG
The effects of posttransplant total lymphoid irradiation in conjunction with anti-thymocyte ...2023Cannon, Michael Louis.StudentECU
The effects of posttransplant total lymphoid irradiation in conjunction with anti-thymocyte ...2023Cannon, Michael Louis.StudentECU
Effects of pre-hydration on urine creatinine clearance results : a pilot study2023Rehm, Marsha N.StudentECU
The effects of predation by threadfin shad, dorosoma petenense, and competition on body leng...1978Walker, Ronald DarwinStudentBiology, UNCG
The effects of the presence of a spouse on the stroke rehabilitation patient's adaptation2023Britt, Annette B.StudentECU
The effects of presentation rate on semantic, syntactic, and orthographic processing and rel...2023Wolfe, Donna L.StudentECU
Effects of probability and duration of reinforcement on choice behavior in discrete trial in...1975Stone, Carolyn DeanStudentPsychology, UNCG
Effects of progesterone nuclear receptor on dopaminergic nuclei involved in social aggressio...2023Priest, Allison MStudentECU
The effects of prolactin on epidermal gylcoconjugates in the red-spotted newt, Notophthalmus...2023Ward, Demetrice L.StudentECU
The Effects of prolactin on the populations of gonadotropes and blood serum levels of gonado...2023Simpson, Marshall Craig.StudentECU
Effects of prostaglandins E1 and E2 on lymphocyte activation and cytotoxic T cell generation...2023Warren, Ronald Quinn.StudentECU
The effects of a prototype bio-protective natural supplement on antioxidant status in cardio...2023Anderson, Juliet P.StudentECU
The effects of the psychological components of competition on reaction time in tennis1967Plunkett, Carol StudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
Effects of psychological stressors and [delta]?-THC acutely and chronically on zebra finch s...2023Holland, Tessa LynnStudentECU
The effects of pulsed, high frequency direct current electro-therapy on wound epithelializat...2023Raymond, Thomas Leigh.StudentECU
The effects of pure tone stimulation on non-nutritive sucking in the human infant1974Hughes, Natalia HoenigmannStudentPsychology, UNCG
The effects of putrescine on the expression of genes involved in cell growth2023Gill, John E.StudentECU
Effects of Quercetin Supplementation on Innate Immune Function and Inflammation in Female Hu...2010Heinz, Serena AnnStudentBiology - Student, ASU
The effects of race on the principal's sources of power : a comparative study1980Jones, N. FreemanStudentEducation, UNCG
The effects of the racial make-up of the college environment on the self-concepts of black c...1985Linster, Michelle LynnStudentPsychology, UNCG
The effects of rainfall on the distribution and succession of adult beetle (Coleoptera) in b...2023Talley, Cherie Pittillo.StudentECU
Effects of rate, patterning, and contingency of reinforcement upon perceived control and lea...1979Daughtry, Timothy C.StudentPsychology, UNCG
The effects of reading acceleration on reading comprehension and decoding accuracy in high s...2023Carter, Matthew DavidStudentECU
Effects of respiratory inhibitors on intermediate stages in the development of the mi-1 phen...1975Slott, Edwin FrederickStudentBiology, UNCG
The effects of reward and perception of competency upon subsequent task interest1976Mander, Anthony MichaelStudentPsychology, UNCG
The effects of rhythmic gymnastics on the physical fitness of college women1959Beyer, Beverlyn StudentPhysical Education, UNCG
The effects of salinity and irradiation on the intracellular free amino acid pool of the gra...1976Shelton, Margaret GoodmanStudentBiology, UNCG
The effects of Salinity, Depth, and Turbidity on Submerged Aquatic Vegetation (SAV) abundanc...2023Gwynn, Noah ScottStudentECU
The effects of school classroom settings on physical activity levels of children who are dev...2023Donovan, Michael P.StudentECU
Effects of Secondhand Smoke Exposure on the Health and Development of African American Prema...2011Engelke, Stephen C.StudentECU
Effects of Secondhand Smoke Exposure on the Health and Development of African American Prema...2011Miles, Margaret ShandorStudentECU
Effects of Secondhand Smoke Exposure on the Health and Development of African American Prema...2011Weaver, Mark A.StudentECU
Effects of Secondhand Smoke Exposure on the Health and Development of African American Prema...2011Holditch-Davis, Diane StudentECU
Effects of Secondhand Smoke Exposure on the Health and Development of African American Prema...2011Brooks, Jada StudentECU
The effects of a selected durable press finish upon cotton sheetings of selected fiber chara...1968McFarland, Linda DickStudentHome Economics, UNCG
The effects of selected fungicides on the growth and development of Lagenidium callinectes c...2023Ruch, Donald Gene.StudentECU
Effects of selected rhythmic teaching strategies on beat performance skills of kindergarten ...1987High, Linda Kaye RockwellStudentMusic, UNCG
The effects of selected soaps upon the removal of soil from dacron-and-cotton and similar al...1958Jackson, Alice DixonStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Effects of selected timbres, tasks, grade level, and gender on vocal pitch-matching accuracy...1990Tatem, Frank LeonStudentMusic, UNCG
Effects of the Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor Fluoxetine on Developing Neural Circui...2023Tate, Kinsley StudentECU
Effects of the Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor Fluoxetine on Developing Neural Circui...2023Kirk, Brenna StudentECU
Effects of the Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor Fluoxetine on Developing Neural Circui...2023Tseng, Alisia StudentECU
Effects of the Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor Fluoxetine on Developing Neural Circui...2023Ulffers, Abigail StudentECU
Effects of the Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor Fluoxetine on Developing Neural Circui...2023Litwa, Karen StudentECU
The effects of self-care and adult-care arrangements on elementary school children's adjustm...1986Stewart, Martha WatsonStudentPsychology, UNCG
The effects of self-care practices on perceived stress of school psychology graduate student...2020Zelhofer, Nicole StudentPsychology, WCU
Effects of a self-instructional program on women hospitalized with complications of pregnanc...2023Irons, Carol StudentECU
The effects of self-instructional training on the reading performance of learning disabled c...1981Cellucci, Anthony J.StudentPsychology, UNCG
The effects of sensitivity and assertive training upon the performance of nursing students1973Kelton, Linda HigdonStudentPsychology, UNCG
The effects of separate public schooling on parent perceptions of inclusive educational prac...2023Mak, Dawn J.StudentECU
Effects of septal lesion and habit requirement on the acquisition of a CAR in rats1971Shuttlesworth, Duane ElwoodStudentPsychology, UNCG
Effects of seven days of training on NOS-dependent nutritive exchange in young and aged men2023Evans, Christopher A.StudentECU
Effects of sex and trunk flexion angle on lower extremity energetics and maximal jump height...2023Zalewski, Paul R.StudentECU
The effects of sex-typed labeling in conjunction with sex-typed modeling upon preschool chil...1983Robinson, Clyde StudentHome Economics, UNCG
Effects of a Short-Term Aquatic Resistance Program on Strength and Body Composition in Fit Y...2009Triplett, N. Travis FacultyHealth and Exercise Science, ASU
Effects of short-term father absence on perceptions of paternal discipline toward aggression...1972Twitty, Gaila MarieStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Effects of a Short-Term Resistance Program Using Elastic Bands vs. Weight Machines for Seden...2008Triplett, N. Travis FacultyHealth and Exercise Science, ASU
The effects of signalled reinforcement in multiple schedules of reinforcement1970Hughes, Ronald GrangerStudentPsychology, UNCG
The effects of silvicultural practices and stand development on surface water storage in for...2023Farley, Paul M.StudentECU
Effects of siRNA knockdown of translation initiation factor 4G-1 (eIFG-1) isoforms in MCF7 b...2023Blackwell, Amber Reilley.StudentECU
Effects of siRNA knockdown of translation initiation factor 4G-1 (eIFG-1) isoforms in MCF7 b...2023Blackwell, Amber Reilley.StudentECU
The effects of situational anxiety, manifest anxiety and achievement on skin conductance and...1969Gold, Barbara StottStudentPsychology, UNCG
The effects of six herbal supplements commonly used by women on expression of aromatase (CYP...2023Sujjavanich, Darin N.StudentECU
The effects of slow heating during canning on the mouthfeel characteristics of sweet potatoe...1975Scruggs, Janna HarrisStudentHome Economics, UNCG
The effects of social reinforcement and reprimand techniques on the behaviors of disruptive ...1975Trollinger, Rhonda GoffStudentPsychology, UNCG
The effects of social resources and mental status on medication compliance among the elderly...2023Yokley, Sharron StudentECU
The Effects of Social Stories on Language and Social Appropriateness in Children with Autism...2009Taylor, Kelly M.StudentECU
The effects of sodium butyrate on Hox gene expression in a human colorectal adenocarcinoma c...2014Conaty, Lucy D.StudentECU
Effects of some ecological factors on a late summer community of adult Odonata1977Cheshire, James MarshallStudentBiology, UNCG
The effects of a specially structured seven week physical education class upon the self-conc...1969Samuels, Genelle FayeStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
The effects of statins on mitochondrial function2014Mayo, William JosephStudentECU
Effects of subjects' expectancy of experimenter's involvement on live and taped relaxation t...1974Sammons, Robert ArdelStudentPsychology, UNCG
Effects of suboptimal temperature on cell division in human lymphocytes in vitro1968Ballance, Mary FrancesStudentBiology, UNCG
The effects of support networks, marital satisfaction, and stressor events on the noncancero...1983Johnston, Joanne S.StudentHome Economics, UNCG
Effects of Surgical Intervention and Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) Therapy on V...2023Schenck, Graham C.StudentECU
Effects of Surgical Intervention and Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) Therapy on V...2023Perry, Jamie L.StudentECU
Effects of Surgical Intervention and Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) Therapy on V...2023Kollara, Lakshmi StudentECU
Effects of Surgical Intervention and Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) Therapy on V...2023Kuehn, David P.StudentECU
The effects of SV40 transformation on the levels of messenger RNA of C-ERBA BETA 1, C-ERBA A...2023Nguyen, Uyen K.StudentECU
The effects of tactile choices on the behavior of a child with autism2023McKinney, Christle DowdyStudentECU
Effects of Task on the Activation of Predictive Inferences1998Waring, Douglas A.FacultyPsychology, ASU
The Effects of Task Service Fit on Brand Loyalty: A Study of Branded Apps2023Tran, Trang P.StudentECU
The Effects of Task Service Fit on Brand Loyalty: A Study of Branded Apps2023Furner, Christopher P.StudentECU
Effects of teaching control theory and reality therapy as an approach to reducing disruptive...1995Edens, Robert ManningStudentPsychology, UNCG
Effects of teaching intensity on sixth-grade students' general music achievements and attitu...1992Yoder-White, Maribeth GailStudentMusic, UNCG
Effects of a Telephone Nurse-Led Care Path for Pain Management in Head and Neck Cancer Patie...2023McDuffie, Angela StudentECU
The effects of temperament-based teaching strategies and gender on undergraduate music achie...1990Winner, Joan KathrynStudentMusic, UNCG
The effects of temperature and single frequency audio sound on the germination rate of seeds...1973Joyner, Roger DaleStudentPhysics, UNCG
The Effects of Temperature on Microcystin-LR Toxicity to Bosmina Longirostris: Food Web Impl...2023Jupitz, Madison C.StudentECU
Effects of temperature, flow, and climate factors on inter-annual variation of larval fish a...2023McCulloch, Tracy StudentECU
The effects of temporal and spatial location of a CS paired with food on a pigeon's key-peck...1979Hatten, Anna DixonStudentPsychology, UNCG
The effects of text messaging on memory recall in college students2013Lawson, Dakota RaeStudentPsychology, WCU
Effects of a Theory of Planned Behavior-Based Intervention on Breastfeeding Behaviors after ...2023Wei, Holly StudentECU
Effects of a Theory of Planned Behavior-Based Intervention on Breastfeeding Behaviors after ...2023Wen, Juan StudentECU
Effects of a Theory of Planned Behavior-Based Intervention on Breastfeeding Behaviors after ...2023Yu, Guiling StudentECU
Effects of a Theory of Planned Behavior-Based Intervention on Breastfeeding Behaviors after ...2023Kong, Yan StudentECU
Effects of a Theory of Planned Behavior-Based Intervention on Breastfeeding Behaviors after ...2023Zhao, Shuran StudentECU
Effects of a Theory of Planned Behavior-Based Intervention on Breastfeeding Behaviors after ...2023Liu, Furong StudentECU
The Effects of Therapeutic Horseback Riding on Balance2023Anderson, Susan StudentECU
The effects of threadfin shad, Dorosoma petenense on Diaptomus in Piedmont North Carolina la...1975Beavers, Richard AllenStudentBiology, UNCG
The effects of three behavioral treatments on sleep difficulties of college students1974Tokarz, Thomas PeterStudentPsychology, UNCG
The Effects of Total Sleep Deprivation on Bayesian Updating2008Dickinson, David L. FacultyEconomics, ASU
Effects of training impulsive students to become reflective while performing one-to-one corr...1979Davis, Joyce LucilleStudentHome Economics, UNCG
The effects of trait anxiety, potentially traumatic events, and psychological adjustment on ...2016Shebuski, Karen MarieStudentPsychology, WCU
The effects of trait labels on teacher evaluations of target behaviors, ratings, and academi...1977Fogel, Loueen SlaughterStudentPsychology, UNCG
Effects of treatment on conservation of continuous quantity tasks in young children1975Hardin, Mary Juanita PateStudentHome Economics, UNCG
The effects of trial and cycle durations on automaintenance in the pigeon1976Groves, Lee CanipeStudentPsychology, UNCG
The effects of two bouts of eccentric exercise on insulin sensitivity, glycogen repletion, a...2023Lew, Natalie E.StudentECU
The effects of two different distributions of practice on the learning and retention of a no...1972Noble, Susan W.StudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
The effects of two isometric exercise programs upon cardiovascular efficiency and selected a...1967Hildreth, Kathleen StudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
The effects of two training programs on the ability of preservice physical education majors ...1987Bell, Frederick I.StudentHealth, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, UNCG
The effects of two training programs on swimming speed, physiological efficiency, and streng...1961Kingston, Margaret StudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
Effects of undergoing arbitrary discrimination on subsequent attitudes toward a minority gro...1971Wright, Frances ElizabethStudentPsychology, UNCG
Effects of urbanization on the ecological condition of small streams in the inner coastal pl...2023Hardison, Emma C.StudentECU
The effects of a variable-interval changeover contingency on concurrent performances1972Jones, Cora LeeStudentPsychology, UNCG
The effects of various growth regulators on Helianthus stem tissue1964Lavender, Jacqueline HendrickStudentBiology, UNCG
The effects of varying amounts of creative modern dance activities on creative-thinking abil...1978Trigg, Marilyn G.StudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
The effects of varying the duration of grain presentation on negative automaintenance in the...1973Balsam, Peter D.StudentPsychology, UNCG
The effects of varying the trace interval, cs duration, and inter-reinforcement interval on ...1975Balsam, Peter D.StudentPsychology, UNCG
The effects of vasectomy and exercise on testosterone levels in mice2023Barone, Stanley. StudentECU
The effects of verbal consequences for rule-following on sensitivity to programmed contingen...1991Hass, Joseph RaymondStudentPsychology, UNCG
The effects of videogames on clinical measures of attention, processing speed, and working m...2014Patton, Russell DrewStudentPsychology, WCU
The effects of vision on force control in young and old adults2023Pullen, Michelle A.StudentECU
Effects of visual field of presentation and stimulus characteristics on visual discriminatio...1974Lefebvre, Patricia Y.StudentPsychology, UNCG
Effects of vitamin E supplementation on muscle soreness, plasma creatine kinase, and plasma ...1992Lewis, Cynthia LynnStudentHealth and Human Performance, UNCG
The effects of wall color and room size on the classroom social behavior of nursery school c...1973Horton, Patricia JoyceStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Effects of Weight Loss and Exercise on GlycA Levels in Middle-Aged Adults2023King, Katie MStudentECU
Effects of Weight Loss and Exercise on GlycA Levels in Middle-Aged Adults2023Swift, Damon LStudentECU
The Effects of Weight Loss and Exercise on Quality of Life2023Bartlett, Allison NicoleStudentECU
The effects of weight loss on intramuscular lipid content and muscle fiber type distribution...2023Gray, Robert E.StudentECU
Effects of Word Type, Orthographic Type, and Word Length on Decoding and Spelling Abilities ...2023Naylor, Joanne StudentECU
The effects of zinc and copper supplementation on blood lipids and trace minerals deposition...1983Sinthusek, Govit StudentHome Economics, UNCG
The effects of zinc and copper supplementation on growth, lipid profiles, and trace mineral ...1985Frimpong, Nesba AmaStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Effects of zinc and vitamin B-6 supplementation on growth and mineral deposition of young ra...1984Son, Sook Mee StudentHome Economics, UNCG
The effects of zinc nutrition on the copper and iron status of the young rat1972Jackson, Mabel YvonneStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Effects on a salt marsh ecosystem following a brown marsh event2023Marsh, Amanda C.StudentECU
Efficacy and Safety of LY3127804, an Anti-Angiopoietin-2 Antibody, in a Randomized, Double-B...2023Cook, Paul P.StudentECU
Efficacy and Safety of LY3127804, an Anti-Angiopoietin-2 Antibody, in a Randomized, Double-B...2023Jones, Rosie S.StudentECU
Efficacy and tolerability of pegloticase for the treatment of chronic gout in patients refra...2011Sundy, John S.,Baraf,Herbert S. B.,Yood,Robert A.,Edwards,N. LStudentECU
Efficacy in ROTC: Leader-follower congruence2023Flinchum, Evin StudentECU
The Efficacy of Behavioral Interventions in Primary Care Management of Obesity in African Am...2023McCurdy, LaToya StudentECU
The efficacy of the bug-in-the-ear technique in training teachers as mediators of behavior m...1974Bowles, Paul E.StudentPsychology, UNCG
The Efficacy of Crotalidae Polyvalent Immune Fab (Ovine) Antivenom Versus Placebo Plus Optio...2017Gerardo, Charles J.,Quackenbush,Eugenia,Lewis,Brandon,Rose,S. RutheStudentECU
The Efficacy of an Evidence-Based Biofeedback Intervention to Reduce Anxiety in College Stud...2023Saul, Amelia DayStudentECU
Efficacy of using music therapy combined with traditional aphasia and apraxia of speech trea...2010Aitken Dunham, Debra JeanStudentCommunication Sciences and Disorders, WCU
Efficacy, Safety, and Tolerability of Oral Furosemide Among Patients Receiving Hemodialysis:...2023Tugman, Matthew J.StudentECU
Efficacy, Safety, and Tolerability of Oral Furosemide Among Patients Receiving Hemodialysis:...2023Flythe, Jennifer E.StudentECU
Efficacy, Safety, and Tolerability of Oral Furosemide Among Patients Receiving Hemodialysis:...2023, et alStudentECU
An Efficient CRISPR/Cas9 Platform for Rapidly Generating Simultaneous Mutagenesis of Multipl...2023Zhang, Baohong StudentECU
An Efficient Method For Mapping Flood Extent In A Coastal Floodplain Using Landsat TM And DE...2001Colby, Jeff FacultyGeography and Planning, ASU
The efforts of North Carolina to obtain amendments to the federal constitution from August, ...2023Sellers, Annie AndrewsStudentECU
Egbert of Wessex : the Warrior King2023Redmond, Barney M.StudentECU
Egg safety: To refrigerate or not2023Nowicki, Kylie StudentECU
Egg safety: To refrigerate or not2023Kolasa, Kathryn MStudentECU
Eggs, painted eggs, painted heads, figures1975Tuck, Richard LeeStudentArt, UNCG
Eigenvalues for Sums of Hermitian Matrices2023Taylor, James M.StudentECU
Eight paintings1974Hill, Charles MonroeStudentArt, UNCG
Eight versions of a mother holding her baby1972Fraser, Barbara BairdStudentArt, UNCG
Eight Years Superb Performance of a Motorcycles Race Track Pavement – A Design and Construct...2023Wang, George StudentECU
Eight Years Superb Performance of a Motorcycles Race Track Pavement – A Design and Construct...2023Steenbakkers, Marc StudentECU
El registro geológico de la transformación ambiental de la ría de Bilbao durante el Holoceno...2023Cearreta, Alejandro StudentECU
El registro geológico de la transformación ambiental de la ría de Bilbao durante el Holoceno...2023Leorri, Eduardo SorianoStudentECU
El Sansón de Extremadura: Diego García de Paredes en la literatura española del Siglo XVI [R...2009Lopez Alemany, Ignacio FacultyLanguages, Literatures, and Cultures, UNCG
Elaboration propensity and formal operational ability1978Reed, Mary Kay GreenbergStudentPsychology, UNCG
Elective English in secondary schools : descriptive evaluation in macrocosm and microcosm1980Painter, Lorene HuffmanStudentEducation, UNCG
Electroacupuncture Improves Baroreflex and ?-Aminobutyric Acid Type B Receptor-Mediated Resp...2023Zhang, Qi StudentECU
Electroacupuncture Improves Baroreflex and ?-Aminobutyric Acid Type B Receptor-Mediated Resp...2023Tan, Ying-Ying StudentECU
Electroacupuncture Improves Baroreflex and ?-Aminobutyric Acid Type B Receptor-Mediated Resp...2023Liu, Xiao-hua StudentECU
Electroacupuncture Improves Baroreflex and ?-Aminobutyric Acid Type B Receptor-Mediated Resp...2023Yao, Fan-Rong StudentECU
Electroacupuncture Improves Baroreflex and ?-Aminobutyric Acid Type B Receptor-Mediated Resp...2023Cao, Dong-Yuan StudentECU
Electroacupuncture Improves Baroreflex and γ-Aminobutyric Acid Type B Receptor-Mediated Res...2018Zhang, Qi,Tan,Ying-Ying,Liu,Xiao-hua,Yao,Fan-Rong,Cao,Don StudentECU
Electrochemical Detection of Anti-Biofilm Activity Using Unnatural Amino Acid-Containing Ant...2023Vinogradov, Sergey M.StudentECU
Electrochemical Detection of Benzo[a]Pyrene-Induced DNA Damage at TP53 Oligomers : Impact of...2023Trumbo, Caitlin M.StudentECU
Electrochemical studies of fast reactions : the EC(-E) mechanism1971Surana, Prakash MalStudentChemistry, UNCG
Electroencephalographic (EEG) and Personality Correlates of Anger, Hostility, and Aggressio...2023Watson, Eric StudentECU
Electromagnetic Navigation Bronchoscopy for Peripheral Pulmonary Lesions: One-Year Results o...2023Bowling, Mark R.StudentECU
Electromagnetic navigation bronchoscopy to access lung lesions in 1,000 subjects: first resu...2017Khandhar, Sandeep J.,Bowling,Mark R.,Flandes,Javier,Gildea,Thomas R.StudentECU
Electron Emission from Fast Proton and Carbon Ion Interactions with Gold Nanoparticles and A...2023Hawkins, Wilson StudentECU
Electronic Cigarette Users’ Reactions and Responses to a Hypothetical Ban of Flavoured Elect...2023Soule, Eric K.StudentECU
Electronic Cigarette Users’ Reactions and Responses to a Hypothetical Ban of Flavoured Elect...2023Mayne, Shannon StudentECU
Electronic Cigarette Users’ Reactions and Responses to a Hypothetical Ban of Flavoured Elect...2023Snipes, William StudentECU
Electronic Cigarette Users’ Reactions and Responses to a Hypothetical Ban of Flavoured Elect...2023Thomas, Luke StudentECU
Electronic Cigarette Users’ Reactions and Responses to a Hypothetical Ban of Flavoured Elect...2023, et alStudentECU
An Electronic Health Record Intervention for Advance Care Planning in an Emergency Departmen...2023Hall, Holley StudentECU
Electrophoretic studies of induction in neurospora1969Barwick, Joyce LeeStudentBiology, UNCG
An electrophoretic study of blood proteins to determine the generic position of hylocichla m...1971Yow, Marie PoteatStudentBiology, UNCG
Electrophysiological aspects of selective attention during concept learning1971Wilson, Lynda ElizabethStudentPsychology, UNCG
Electrophysiological indicants of reading disability : a longitudinal investigation1991Miller, Steven LamontStudentPsychology, UNCG
ELEMENTAL2023Peck, Audrey StudentECU
The elementary principal as performer : Erving Goffman's analytical framework applied to the...1989Eaker, Herman AlfredStudentEducation, UNCG
The elementary school principal as leader : an analytic and programmatic model1978Jones, Frances FairclothStudentEducation, UNCG
Elementary teachers' conceptions of mathematics staff development and their roles as worksho...1995Frost, Diane LeeStudentEducation, UNCG
Elementary teachers' reflections on major influences impacting their decisions in reading an...1995Hamrick, Johnnie ConnerStudentEducation, UNCG
Elements of creativity and destruction in science and art1962Underwood, Margaret StudentArt, UNCG
Elevated Blood Lead Levels in Buncombe County Children: Implications of Lowering the North C...2023Balanay, Jo AnneStudentECU
Elevated Blood Lead Levels in Buncombe County Children: Implications of Lowering the North C...2023Kelley, Timothy StudentECU
Elevated Endogenous Erythropoietin Concentrations Are Associated with Increased Risk of Brai...2015Korzeniewski, Steven J.,Allred,Elizabeth,Logan,J. Wells,Fichorova,RainaStudentECU
Elevated MicroRNA-33 in Sarcoidosis and a Carbon Nanotube Model of Chronic Granulomatous Dis...2023Bowling, Mark R.StudentECU
Elevated MicroRNA-33 in Sarcoidosis and a Carbon Nanotube Model of Chronic Granulomatous Dis...2023Barna, Barbara P.StudentECU
Elevated MicroRNA-33 in Sarcoidosis and a Carbon Nanotube Model of Chronic Granulomatous Dis...2023McPeek, Matthew StudentECU
Elevated MicroRNA-33 in Sarcoidosis and a Carbon Nanotube Model of Chronic Granulomatous Dis...2023Malur, Anagha StudentECU
Elevated MicroRNA-33 in Sarcoidosis and a Carbon Nanotube Model of Chronic Granulomatous Dis...2023Wingard, Christopher J.StudentECU
Elevated MicroRNA-33 in Sarcoidosis and a Carbon Nanotube Model of Chronic Granulomatous Dis...2023Dobbs, Larry StudentECU
Elevated MicroRNA-33 in Sarcoidosis and a Carbon Nanotube Model of Chronic Granulomatous Dis...2023Verbanac, Kathryn M.StudentECU
Elevated MicroRNA-33 in Sarcoidosis and a Carbon Nanotube Model of Chronic Granulomatous Dis...2023Thomassen, Mary JaneStudentECU
Elevated salivary C-reactive protein predicted by low cardio-respiratory fitness and being o...2012Naidoo, T StudentECU
Elevational Range Extension of the Marsupial Frog, Gastrotheca marsupiata (Duméril & Bibron,...2023Sorokin, Anton StudentECU
Elevational Range Extension of the Marsupial Frog, Gastrotheca marsupiata (Duméril & Bibron,...2023Steigerwald, Emma StudentECU
Elevational Range Extension of the Marsupial Frog, Gastrotheca marsupiata (Duméril & Bibron,...2023Condori, F. PeterStudentECU
Elevational Range Extension of the Marsupial Frog, Gastrotheca marsupiata (Duméril & Bibron,...2023Guevara, Y. JaredStudentECU
Elevational Range Extension of the Marsupial Frog, Gastrotheca marsupiata (Duméril & Bibron,...2023Crispin, Gumercindo StudentECU
Elevational Range Extension of the Marsupial Frog, Gastrotheca marsupiata (Duméril & Bibron,...2023Chaparro, Juan C.StudentECU
Eleven landscape paintings1970Baird, Francis BernardStudentArt, UNCG
Eliminating Barriers to Youth Sport in Pitt County2023O'Brien, Emma CatherineStudentECU
Elite athletes in flow : the psychology of optimal sport experience1992Jackson, Susan A.StudentHealth and Human Performance, UNCG
Elizabeth I, Visual Icon : A Title Unintended2023Stewart, Emily BallanceStudentECU
Elizabeth Stuart : English Princess, electress Palatine, and Queen of Bohemia : the religio-...2023Gelo, Beverly CarapelleStudentECU
Elizabeth-Claude Jacquet de La Guerre's Le passage de la mer rouge : an edition with comment...1992Guthrie, Diane StudentMusic, UNCG
Ellen Glasgow's Gothicism1973Fick, Virginia GunnStudentEnglish, UNCG
Ellen Griffin, a creative personality1974Germain, Dorothy StudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
Elliptic Anisotropy v2 May Be Dominated by Particle Escape instead of Hydrodynamic Flow2023Lin, Zi-Wei StudentECU
Elucidating "Consumption" : Using Fluorescent Steroid Probes to Understand Host Cholesterol ...2023Wercholuk, Ashley N.StudentECU
Elucidating Gene Function with the use of Genome Wide Association Study (GWAS)2023Ransdell, Garrett StudentECU
Elucidating the Role of BRCA1 in Skeletal Muscle Myogenesis and Function2023Koripella, Ananya StudentECU
Embedded and Exposed: Exploring the Lived Experiences of African American Tourists2023Tucker, Charis N.StudentECU
Embedded and Exposed: Exploring the Lived Experiences of African American Tourists2023Deale, Cynthia S.StudentECU
Embryonic stem cells in treatment of sensory dysfunction following excitotoxic spinal cord i...2023Hendricks, Wesley A.StudentECU
The emergence of American women in the Summer Olympic Games 1900-19721975Welch, Paula D.StudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
The emergence of stripes1977Shepherd, Rebecca McKaughnStudentArt, UNCG
The emergence process of black elected leadership in North Carolina1983Buie, Sampson StudentEducation, UNCG
Emergency Department Time Course for Mild Traumatic Brain Injury Workup2018Michelson, Edward A.,Huff,J. Stephen,Loparo,Mae,Naunheim,Rosanne S.,StudentECU
Emergency Food Bag and Patient Education for the MOTHeRS' Project2023Craven, Kay StudentECU
Emergency Food Bag and Patient Education for the MOTHeRS' Project2023Smith, Brittany StudentECU
Emergency Food Bag and Patient Education for the MOTHeRS' Project2023Kolasa, Kathryn MStudentECU
Emergency Preparedness Education Inclusive of Chronic Disease and Access and Functional Need...2023Hartman, Mackenzie AnnStudentECU
Emergency snake bite treatment devices, medical kits and related methods2023Hack, Jason StudentECU
Emerging Adult and Young Adult Cancer Survivors: Exploring Coping, Parental Care and Control...2023Foster, Cameron LoraineStudentECU
Emerging Adults and Chronic Pain: Exploring the Impact of Chronic Pain on Emerging Adults an...2023Geistman, Kayla StudentECU
An Emerging Natural History in the Development, Mechanisms and Worldwide Prevalence of Major...2016Pediaditakis, Nicholas StudentECU
The Emerging Role Of The Physician Assistant In The Medical Field2016McCune, Haley StudentNursing - Student, ASU
The emerging "standard of reasonableness" for search and seizure in American public schools ...1987Page, Stephen LeonStudentEducation, UNCG
Emerging themes and patterns of information-based teacher education curricula in response to...1992Turner, Susan S.StudentEducation, UNCG
Emerson's redefinition of the literary hero in the nineteenth century by means of a reinterp...1974Castellano, Denis CharlesStudentEnglish, UNCG
Emily Prudden and her schools1994Pollitt, Phoebe AnnStudentEducation, UNCG
Emily Weigle to Dan Tompkins2018McMillan, Grant StudentEnglish, WCU
Emily Weigle’s Letter to Dan Tompkins2018Poole, Andrew StudentEnglish, WCU
Emotional development and alcohol use among entering college students2023Pettit, Emily CarolStudentECU
Emotional eloquence : the argument from pathos in deliberation1996Armstrong, Mark R.StudentEnglish, UNCG
Emotional expression and modality: an analysis of affective arousal and linguistic output in...2004Hargrove, David FacultyPsychology, ASU
Emotions, Subjectivity, and the Environment: A Study of Environmental Involvement in a Camp...2023Kresz, Camille StudentECU
Empathy as a Catalyst for Movement Expression2014Wathen, Samantha FayeStudentDance, UNCG
Empathy, gender, and training as factors in the identification of cry-signal patterns of inf...1977Gladding, Samuel T.StudentHome Economics, UNCG
An empirical study of the effects of geographic distance and institutional barriers on the p...1975Walther, Erskine SmithStudentBusiness and Economics, UNCG
Employee attributes for entry-level management positions identified by apparel manufacturers...1986Lowry, Glenda LeeStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Employer assessment of personal appearance, personal and social characteristics, and work ha...1970Holding, Mary C.StudentHome Economics, UNCG
Employment opportunities and educational requirements for secretarial workers in the churche...1948Vance, Mary ElamStudentBusiness Education, UNCG
Empowering Women In A Global Eco-Village2021Osler, James FacultySchool of Education , NCCU
Empowerment, Feminism and Self-Efficacy: Relationships with Disordered Body Image and Eating...2010Kinsaul, Jessica AbaigealStudentPsychology - Student, ASU
Enabling Collaboration through Mentorship: Examining the Role of the School Librarian2023Soulen, Rita ReinselStudentECU
Encephalitogenic T cell clones expressing heterogeneous T cell receptor {esc}(Sb{esc}(B chai...2023Johnson, Brian D.StudentECU
Encouraging Disposal of Unused Opioid Analgesics in Appalachia2023Egan, Kathleen L.StudentECU
Encouraging Honesty: A Nursing Imperative2010Johanson, Linda FacultyNursing, ASU
End of the Line : The Wright's Creek Commercial Fishing Graveyard, Belhaven, North Carolina2023Marcotte, Jacqueline L.StudentECU
End of Year Monies: The Case for Congruence2008Abbott, John FacultyUniversity Libraries, ASU
End of Year Monies: The Case for Congruence2008Donovan, Georgie FacultyUniversity Libraries, ASU
Ending Drunk Driving at East Carolina University2023Seguin, Emily StudentECU
Ending Drunk Driving at East Carolina University2023Seguin, Anna StudentECU
Ending Drunk Driving at ECU2023Traflet, Lauren StudentECU
Ending Drunk Driving at ECU2023Bryant, Amber StudentECU
Ending Drunk Driving at ECU2023Crumpler, Michael DavidStudentECU
The Endless Pursuit for Self-Validation through Attainment: An Examination of Self-Esteem as...2023Zamary, Shannon StudentECU
The Endocannabinoid System Regulates Synaptogenesis in a Cortical Spheroid Model of Fetal Ne...2023Papariello, Alexis StudentECU
Endocrinologists- Opinions of Diabetology as a Primary Care Subspecialty2018Healy, Amber M.,Shubrook,Jay H.,Schwartz,Frank L.,Cummings,DoylStudentECU
Endocrinologists’ Opinions of Diabetology as a Primary Care Subspecialty2023Healy, Amber M.StudentECU
Endocrinologists’ Opinions of Diabetology as a Primary Care Subspecialty2023Shubrook, Jay H.StudentECU
Endocrinologists’ Opinions of Diabetology as a Primary Care Subspecialty2023Schwartz, Frank L.StudentECU
Endocrinologists’ Opinions of Diabetology as a Primary Care Subspecialty2023Cummings, Doyle M.StudentECU
Endocrinologists’ Opinions of Diabetology as a Primary Care Subspecialty2023Drake, Almond J.,IIIStudentECU
Endocrinologists’ Opinions of Diabetology as a Primary Care Subspecialty2023Tanenberg, Robert J.StudentECU
Energizing Street Life of Urban Neighborhoods: Qualitative Narratives Versus Quantitative Me...2023Kashef, Mohamad StudentECU
Energy Dependence Study of Directed Flow in Au + Au Collisions Using an Improved Coalescence...2023Lin, Zi-Wei StudentECU
Energy expenditure of 8- to 12-year-old girls during free living physical activities2023Aull, Jennifer LynnStudentECU
Energy Status Differentially Modifies Feeding Behavior and POMCARC Neuron Activity After Acu...2023Landry, Taylor StudentECU
Energy Status Differentially Modifies Feeding Behavior and POMCARC Neuron Activity After Acu...2023Shookster, Daniel StudentECU
Energy Status Differentially Modifies Feeding Behavior and POMCARC Neuron Activity After Acu...2023Chaves, Alec B.StudentECU
Energy Status Differentially Modifies Feeding Behavior and POMCARC Neuron Activity After Acu...2023Free, Katrina StudentECU
Energy Status Differentially Modifies Feeding Behavior and POMCARC Neuron Activity After Acu...2023Nguyen, Tony StudentECU
Energy Status Differentially Modifies Feeding Behavior and POMCARC Neuron Activity After Acu...2023Huang, Hu StudentECU
Energy- and Protein-Enriched Formula Improves Weight Gain in Infants with Malnutrition Due t...2023Sang, Charlie J. Jr.StudentECU
Energy- and Protein-Enriched Formula Improves Weight Gain in Infants with Malnutrition Due t...2023Goday, Praveen S.StudentECU
Energy- and Protein-Enriched Formula Improves Weight Gain in Infants with Malnutrition Due t...2023, et alStudentECU
Enforcing Compliance with Environmental Agreements in the Absence of Strong Institutions: An...2012Cherry, Todd FacultyEconomics, ASU
Enforcing Compliance with Environmental Agreements in the Absence of Strong Institutions: An...2012McEvoy, Dave FacultyEconomics, ASU
Enforcing compliance with international environmental agreements using a deposit-refund syst...2013McEvoy, Dave FacultyEconomics, ASU
Engaging the 21st Century Learner: The LIB1000 Experience2022Young, David FacultyMary Livermore Library, UNCP
Engaging in Health Behaviors to Lower Risk for Breast Cancer Recurrence2013O'Neill, Suzanne C.,DeFrank,Jessica T.,Vegella,Patti,Richman,Alice StudentECU
Engaging in healthy sexual decision making: The role of protective factors from an ecologica...2023Senn, Rebecca R.StudentECU
Engaging Students in Instruction Through Active Learning: A Research Based, Student-Centered...2023Corra, Mamadi StudentECU
Engendering social and environmental safeguards in REDD+: Lessons from feminist and developm...2023Bee, Beth A.StudentECU
Engendering social and environmental safeguards in REDD+: Lessons from feminist and developm...2023Basnett, Bimbika SijapatiStudentECU
English and Reichel Share Plans for ACRL2000Reichel, Mary FacultyUniversity Libraries, ASU
The English Eden : Nationhood and Kingship in Shakespeare and Spenser2023Lukens, David StudentECU
The English novel in the eighteenth century1964Delafield, Carter StudentEnglish, UNCG
English shepherds' carols and the medieval arts1974Olson, Barbara StudentEnglish, UNCG
Enhanced genome assembly and a new official gene set for Tribolium castaneum2020Herndon, Nicolae,Shelton,Jennifer,Gerischer,Lizzy,Ioannidis M,Liang,Chun,Damm,Carsten,Siemanowski,Janna,KitzmaStudentECU
Enhanced Mitochondrial Superoxide Scavenging Does Not Improve Muscle Insulin Action in the H...2015Lark, Daniel S.,Kang,Li,Lustig,Mary E.,Bonner,Jeffrey S.,James,StudentECU
Enhanced Mitochondrial Superoxide Scavenging Does Not Improve Muscle Insulin Action in the H...2015Kang, Li StudentECU
Enhanced Mitochondrial Superoxide Scavenging Does Not Improve Muscle Insulin Action in the H...2015Lark, Daniel S.StudentECU
Enhanced Mitochondrial Superoxide Scavenging Does Not Improve Muscle Insulin Action in the H...2015Wasserman, David H.StudentECU
Enhanced Mitochondrial Superoxide Scavenging Does Not Improve Muscle Insulin Action in the H...2015Neufer, P. DarrellStudentECU
Enhanced Mitochondrial Superoxide Scavenging Does Not Improve Muscle Insulin Action in the H...2015James, Freyja D.StudentECU
Enhanced Mitochondrial Superoxide Scavenging Does Not Improve Muscle Insulin Action in the H...2015Bonner, Jeffrey S.StudentECU
Enhanced Mitochondrial Superoxide Scavenging Does Not Improve Muscle Insulin Action in the H...2015Lustig, Mary E.StudentECU
Enhanced Production of Strange Baryons in High-Energy Nuclear Collisions from a Multiphase T...2023Lin, Zi-Wei StudentECU
Enhanced Recovery after Surgery in a Single High-Volume Surgical Oncology Unit: Details Matt...2016Fitzgerald, Timothy L.,Mosquera,Catalina,Koutlas,Nicholas J.,Vohra,NasStudentECU
Enhancement of Mesenchymal Stem Cell-Driven Bone Regeneration by Resveratrol-Mediated SOX2 R...2023Lee, Myon HeeStudentECU
Enhancement of Mesenchymal Stem Cell-Driven Bone Regeneration by Resveratrol-Mediated SOX2 R...2023Yoon, Dong SukStudentECU
Enhancing the effectiveness of nucleoside analogs with mTORC1 blockers to treat acute myeloi...2013Martelli, Alberto M.,Lonetti,Annalisa,Amadori,Sergio,McCubrey,James StudentECU
Enhancing GNSS RTK Solutions with Random Sample Consensus2023Krebs, Angela StudentECU
Enhancing GNSS RTK Solutions with Random Sample Consensus2023Krebs, Angela StudentECU
Enhancing Opportunity By Increasing Access For African American Males At An Early College Hi...2023St.Clair, Randy EricStudentECU
Enhancing The Well-Being Of Youth: Rationale, Preliminary Results, And Policy Implications O...2009Michael, Kurt D.FacultyPsychology, ASU
Enhancing The Well-Being Of Youth: Rationale, Preliminary Results, And Policy Implications O...2009Renkert, Lauren FacultySocial Work, ASU
Enough is Enough: Changing Adult Behaviors To Reduce Disparities In Discipline Referrals Amo...2023Mckenzie, Demond WayneStudentECU
Ensnared into Crime: A Preliminary Test of Moffitt's Snares Hypothesis in a National Sample ...2010Marcum, Cathy FacultyGovernment and Justice Studies, ASU
Ensuring the Need is Met: A 50-year Simulation Study of the National Kidney Registry’s Famil...2023Leeser, David B.StudentECU
Ensuring the Need is Met: A 50-year Simulation Study of the National Kidney Registry’s Famil...2023Cooper, Matthew StudentECU
Ensuring the Need is Met: A 50-year Simulation Study of the National Kidney Registry’s Famil...2023Flechner, Stuart M.StudentECU
Ensuring the Need is Met: A 50-year Simulation Study of the National Kidney Registry’s Famil...2023Beaumont, Jennifer L.StudentECU
Ensuring the Need is Met: A 50-year Simulation Study of the National Kidney Registry’s Famil...2023Waterman, Amy D.StudentECU
Ensuring the Need is Met: A 50-year Simulation Study of the National Kidney Registry’s Famil...2023Shannon, Patrick W.StudentECU
Ensuring the Need is Met: A 50-year Simulation Study of the National Kidney Registry’s Famil...2023Ronin, Matthew StudentECU
Ensuring the Need is Met: A 50-year Simulation Study of the National Kidney Registry’s Famil...2023Hil, Garet StudentECU
Ensuring the Need is Met: A 50-year Simulation Study of the National Kidney Registry’s Famil...2023Veale, Jeffrey L.StudentECU
The entelechy of "Penelope" : the epiphany of the eternal in the temporal1970Suhr, Sung-hae StudentEnglish, UNCG
Entheseal Changes as a Reflection of Activity Patterns at 1st Century BC/AD Petra, Jordan2023Wagner, Tara StudentECU
Entrepreneurship Education for Professional Growth2023Berry, Peyton McKennaStudentECU
Entrepreneurship Education for Professional Growth2023Weil, Elizabeth StudentECU
Enviornmental Enrichment Affects the Behavior of Adolescent Rats in a Social Preference Task...2015Patterson, Kelly StudentPsychology - Student, ASU
"Environ"1975Richardson, Elizabeth LyonStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
Environmental Characteristics Associated With Residential Burglaries Of Student Apartment Co...1997Robinson, Matthew B. FacultyGovernment and Justice Studies, ASU
Environmental effectors of breeding calls and spermatogenesis in the male spring peeper, Hyl...1977Davis, Gary S.StudentBiology, UNCG
Environmental effectors of the reproductive cycle and breeding behavior in the male upland c...1976Wiley, John EdwinStudentBiology, UNCG
Environmental Enrichment's Effects On Exploration And Response to Novelty in Adolescent Rats...2016Artz, Elisabeth StudentPsychology - Student, ASU
Environmental factors influencing bacterial levels associated with Rangia Cuneata (Gray) in ...2023Green, David P.StudentECU
Environmental Health2013Kelley, Timothy StudentECU
Environmental Health2013Covi, Michelle StudentECU
Environmental Health Hazardscapes2013Kelley, Timothy,Covi,Michelle StudentECU
Environmental Health Insights into the 2010 Deepwater Horizon (BP) Oil Blowout2010Kelley, Timothy R.StudentECU
Environmental Health Insights into the 2011 TÅ?hoku Japan Earth quake Disaster2011Kelley, Timothy StudentECU
Environmental Health Insights into the 2011 TÃ…?hoku Japan Earth quake Disaster2011Kelley, Timothy StudentECU
Environmental Health Insights into the 2011 Tōhoku Japan Earth quake Disaster2011Kelley, Timothy StudentECU
Environmental Health Insights into the 2011 Tohoku Japan Earth quake Disaster2023Kelley, Timothy StudentECU
Environmental Health Resilience2013Kelley, Tim StudentECU
Environmental Health Resilience2013Kelley, Tim StudentECU
Environmental Health Screening With Gis: Creating A Community Environmental Health Profile2000Pine, John FacultyGeography and Planning, ASU
Environmental learning style preferences of limited-resource women in adult education progra...1994Smoak, Ellen PresnellStudentHuman Environmental Sciences, UNCG
Environmental Niche Adaptation Revealed Through Fine Scale Phenological Niche Modelling2023Brewer, Michael S.StudentECU
Environmental Risk and Averting Behavior: Predictive Validity of Jointly Estimated Revealed ...2005Whitehead, John FacultyEconomics, ASU
Envy and other stories1974Van Noppen, Sally StudentEnglish, UNCG
Enzymatic construction of bacteriophage {ostrok}x174 mutants with increased genome sizes2023Russell, Perry Walker.StudentECU
Enzymatic determination of itoic acid, a Bacillus subtilis siderophore, and 2,3-dihydroxyben...2023Ito, Takeru StudentECU
EPG5-related Vici syndrome: a paradigm of neurodevelopmental disorders with defective autoph...2016Byrne, Susan,Jansen,Lara,U-King-Im,Jean-Marie,Siddiqui,At G. W.,Bodi,Istvan,Smith,Luke,Mein,Rachael,Cullup,TStudentECU
EphrinA1-Fc attenuates myocardial ischemia/ reperfusion injury in mice2017DuSablon, Augustin,Parks,Justin,Whitehurst,K’Shylah,Estes, StudentECU
An epidemiologic investigation of the relationship between religiosity, selected health beha...1996Hixson, Karen AveryStudentHealth and Human Performance, UNCG
Epidemiology of Alcohol Use in the General Population of Togo2023Abdel-Rahman, Abdel A.StudentECU
Epifauna of the Pamlico River estuary, North Carolina2023Dean, Thomas Allen.StudentECU
Epigenetic Control of Ataxin-1 in Multiple Sclerosis2023Didonna, Alessandro StudentECU
Epigenetic Control of Ataxin-1 in Multiple Sclerosis2023Ma, Qin StudentECU
Epigenetic Control of Ataxin-1 in Multiple Sclerosis2023Oksenberg, Jorge R.StudentECU
Epigenetic re-wiring of breast cancer by pharmacological targeting of C-terminal binding pro...2019Byun, Jung S.,Park,Samson,Yi,Dae Ik,Shin,Jee-Hye,Hernandez,SaStudentECU
Epigenome-Wide Analyses Identify Two Novel Associations With Recurrent Stroke in the Vitamin...2023Brewer, Michael S.StudentECU
Epigenome-Wide Analyses Identify Two Novel Associations With Recurrent Stroke in the Vitamin...2018Armstrong, Nicole M. Davis,Chen,Wei-Min,Brewer,Michael S.,Williams,SStudentECU
The epilogue as the key to the thematic unity of Troilus and Criseyde1971Sloop, Joyce HoneycuttStudentEducation, UNCG
Episodic Summer Chlorophyll-a Blooms Driven by Along-Front Winds at Aotearoa's Southeast She...2024Suanda, Sutara FacultyPhysics and Physical Oceanography, UNCW
Equal Work for Unequal Pay: the Gender Reimbursement Gap for Healthcare Providers in the Uni...2023Fang, Xiangming StudentECU
Equipment preferences of men and women employed in early childhood education1987Gordon, Tom StudentHome Economics, UNCG
Equity and Advanced Placement: Examining a School-Based Initiative to Remove Enrollment Barr...2023Jones, Nydra SStudentECU
Equity and Advanced Placement: Examining a School-Based Initiative to Remove Enrollment Barr...2023Jones, Nydra SStudentECU
Equity in Education: Impacts of the Project I4 Participation on School Leader and Teacher Pr...2023McCoy, Ava JStudentECU
The equivalency of Cooper's 12-minute test and a 1 1/4-mile run for junior high school girls...1970Hielscher, Patricia AnnStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
An Ergonomic Evaluation of a Front Support Chair for Forward Leaning Seated Tasks2023Cooke, Michelle StudentECU
Erratum to: Unity in defence: honeybee workers exhibit conserved molecular responses to dive...2017Doublet, Vincent,Poeschl,Yvonne,Gogol-Döring,Andreas,Alaux M.,Bedoya-Reina,Oscar C.,Brown,Mark J. F.,Bull,JamStudentECU
An Error Prediction Model for Construction Bulk Measurements Using a Customized Low-Cost UAS...2023Guan, Shanyue StudentECU
An Error Prediction Model for Construction Bulk Measurements Using a Customized Low-Cost UAS...2023Huang, Yilei StudentECU
An Error Prediction Model for Construction Bulk Measurements Using a Customized Low-Cost UAS...2023Wang, George StudentECU
An Error Prediction Model for Construction Bulk Measurements Using a Customized Low-Cost UAS...2023Sirianni, Hannah StudentECU
An Error Prediction Model for Construction Bulk Measurements Using a Customized Low-Cost UAS...2023Zhu, Zhen StudentECU
The errors of individualistic public health interventions: Denial of treatment to obese pers...2023Goldberg, Daniel S.StudentECU
Escapist Ideations2023Hutchinson, Katya LeeStudentECU
ESL and SSL: English and Spanish as Second Languages Collection Development2006Cramer, Elizabeth FacultyUniversity Libraries, ASU
Esophageal perforation secondary to malignant gastric outlet obstruction: a case report2019Johnson, Helen M.,Anciano,Carlos J.,Laks,ShacharStudentECU
Esophageal perforation secondary to malignant gastric outlet obstruction: a case report2019Johnson, Helen M,Anciano,Carlos J,Laks,ShacharStudentECU
The essence of still life folds1974Cooke, Consuelo StudentArt, UNCG
Essential role of proteasomes in maintaining self-renewal in neural progenitor cells2016Zhang, Li StudentECU
Essential role of proteasomes in maintaining self-renewal in neural progenitor cells2016Zhao, Yunhe StudentECU
Essential role of proteasomes in maintaining self-renewal in neural progenitor cells2016Li, Ang StudentECU
Essential role of proteasomes in maintaining self-renewal in neural progenitor cells2016Liu, Xueqin StudentECU
Essential role of proteasomes in maintaining self-renewal in neural progenitor cells2016He, Zebin StudentECU
Essential role of proteasomes in maintaining self-renewal in neural progenitor cells2016Yang, Wulin StudentECU
Essential role of proteasomes in maintaining self-renewal in neural progenitor cells2016Niu, Xiaojie StudentECU
Essential role of proteasomes in maintaining self-renewal in neural progenitor cells2016Shi, Weijun StudentECU
Essential role of proteasomes in maintaining self-renewal in neural progenitor cells2016Ding, Jian M.StudentECU
Essential role of proteasomes in maintaining self-renewal in neural progenitor cells2016Lu, Li StudentECU
Essential role of proteasomes in maintaining self-renewal in neural progenitor cells2016Yuan, Tifei StudentECU
Essential role of proteasomes in maintaining self-renewal in neural progenitor cells2016Zhao, Yunhe,Liu,Xueqin,He,Zebin,Niu,Xiaojie,Shi,Weijun,D M.,Zhang,Li,Yuan,Tifei,Li,Ang,Yang,Wulin,Lu,LiStudentECU
Establishing Accessibility for E-Journals: A Suggested Approach2002Coonin, Bryna FacultyECU
Establishing Documentary Production Support for 21st Century Campuses2014Davison, Elizabeth Lynn (Beth) FacultySociology, ASU
Establishing the Relationship Between Nonhuman Primates and Mangrove Forests at the Global, ...2023Hamilton, Stuart E.StudentECU
Establishing the Relationship Between Nonhuman Primates and Mangrove Forests at the Global, ...2023Presotto, Andrea StudentECU
Establishing the Relationship Between Nonhuman Primates and Mangrove Forests at the Global, ...2023Lembo, Arthur J. Jr.StudentECU
Establishing story, establishing ethos : community college, composition, & the development o...2016Smith, Shane MarieStudentEnglish, WCU
Establishment of the Coast Range ophiolite microbial observatory (CROMO): Drilling objective...2013Cardace, D.,Hoehler,T.,McCollom,T.,Schrenk,M.,Carnevale,D., StudentECU
Estimating coastal lagoon tidal flooding and repletion with multidate ASTER thermal imagery2012Allen, Thomas RStudentECU
Estimating the Economic Impacts of Climate Change on 16 Major U.S. Fisheries2023Morley, James W.StudentECU
Estimating the Economic Impacts of Climate Change on 16 Major U.S. Fisheries2023Moore, Chris StudentECU
Estimating the Economic Impacts of Climate Change on 16 Major U.S. Fisheries2023Morrison, Brian StudentECU
Estimating the Economic Impacts of Climate Change on 16 Major U.S. Fisheries2023Kolian, Michael StudentECU
Estimating the Economic Impacts of Climate Change on 16 Major U.S. Fisheries2023Horsch, Eric StudentECU
Estimating the Economic Impacts of Climate Change on 16 Major U.S. Fisheries2023Frolocher, Thomas StudentECU
Estimating the Economic Impacts of Climate Change on 16 Major U.S. Fisheries2023Pinsky, Malin L.StudentECU
Estimating the Economic Impacts of Climate Change on 16 Major U.S. Fisheries2023Griffis, Roger StudentECU
Estimating Environmental Benefits Of Natural Hazard Mitigation With Data Transfer: Results F...2009Whitehead, John FacultyEconomics, ASU
Estimating A Payment Vehicle For Financing Nourishment Of Residential Beaches Using A Spatia...2010Morgan, Ashton FacultyEconomics, ASU
Estimation of Laceration Length by Emergency Department Personnel2014Brewer, Kori L.StudentECU
Estimation of Laceration Length by Emergency Department Personnel2014Bourne, Christina L.StudentECU
Estimation of Laceration Length by Emergency Department Personnel2014Jenkins, M. AdamsStudentECU
Estrogen Modulation of the Ethanol-Evoked Myocardial Oxidative Stress and Dysfunction via DA...2023Abdel-Rahman, Abdel A.StudentECU
Estrogen Receptor a Activation Enhances its Cell Surface Localization and Improves Myocardia...2023Abdel-Rahman, Abdel A.StudentECU
Estrogen Receptor ERa Plays a Major Role in Ethanol-Evoked Myocardial Oxidative Stress and D...2023Abdel-Rahman, Abdel A.StudentECU
Estrogen Receptor-a in Female Skeletal Muscle is Not Required for Regulation of Muscle Insul...2023Spangenburg, Espen StudentECU
Estrogen Receptor-a in Female Skeletal Muscle is Not Required for Regulation of Muscle Insul...2023McClung, Joseph M.StudentECU
Estrogen Receptor-a in Female Skeletal Muscle is Not Required for Regulation of Muscle Insul...2023Iñigo, Melissa R.StudentECU
Estrogen Receptor-a in Female Skeletal Muscle is Not Required for Regulation of Muscle Insul...2023Amorese, Adam J.StudentECU
Estrogen Receptor-a in Female Skeletal Muscle is Not Required for Regulation of Muscle Insul...2023Tarpey, Michael D.StudentECU
Estrogen Receptor-a in Female Skeletal Muscle is Not Required for Regulation of Muscle Insul...2023Balestrieri, Nicholas P.StudentECU
Estrogen Receptor-a in Female Skeletal Muscle is Not Required for Regulation of Muscle Insul...2023Jones, Keith G.StudentECU
Estrogen Receptor-a in Female Skeletal Muscle is Not Required for Regulation of Muscle Insul...2023Patteson, Daniel J.StudentECU
Estrogen Receptor-a in Female Skeletal Muscle is Not Required for Regulation of Muscle Insul...2023Torres, Maria.J. StudentECU
Estrogen Receptor-a in Female Skeletal Muscle is Not Required for Regulation of Muscle Insul...2023Lin, Chien-Te StudentECU
Estrogen Receptor-a in Female Skeletal Muscle is Not Required for Regulation of Muscle Insul...2023Smith, Cody D.StudentECU
Estrogen Receptor-a in Female Skeletal Muscle is Not Required for Regulation of Muscle Insul...2023Heden, Timothy D.StudentECU
Estrogen Receptor-a in Female Skeletal Muscle is Not Required for Regulation of Muscle Insul...2023McMillin, Shawna L.StudentECU
Estrogen Receptor-a in Female Skeletal Muscle is Not Required for Regulation of Muscle Insul...2023Weyrauch, Luke A.StudentECU
Estrogen Receptor-a in Female Skeletal Muscle is Not Required for Regulation of Muscle Insul...2023Stanley, Erin C.StudentECU
Estrogen Receptor-a in Female Skeletal Muscle is Not Required for Regulation of Muscle Insul...2023Schmidt, Cameron A.StudentECU
Estrogen Receptor-a in Female Skeletal Muscle is Not Required for Regulation of Muscle Insul...2023Funai, Katsuhiko StudentECU
Estrogen Receptor-a in Female Skeletal Muscle is Not Required for Regulation of Muscle Insul...2023Gowdy, Kymberly M.StudentECU
Estrogen Receptor-a in Female Skeletal Muscle is Not Required for Regulation of Muscle Insul...2023Witczak, Carol A.StudentECU
Estrogen Receptor-a in Female Skeletal Muscle is Not Required for Regulation of Muscle Insul...2023Neufer, P. DarrellStudentECU
Estrogen Receptor-a in Female Skeletal Muscle is Not Required for Regulation of Muscle Insul...2023Spangenburg, Espen E.StudentECU
Estrogen Receptors a and ß Play Major Roles in Ethanol-Evoked Myocardial Oxidative Stress an...2023Abdel-Rahman, Abdel A.StudentECU
Estrogen Regulates the Satellite Cell Compartment in Females2019Collins, Brittany C.,Arpke,Robert W.,Larson,Alexie A.,Baumann,Cory WStudentECU
Estrogen, ischemic preconditioning and heat shock protein 70 in the heart2023Hammonds, Charles D.StudentECU
Estrogen-Dependent Hypersensitivity to Diabetes-Evoked Cardiac Autonomic Dysregulation: Role...2023Abdel-Rahman, Abdel A.StudentECU
Estuarine shoreline erosion, Albemarle-Pamlico Sound, North Carolina2023Murphy, Megan. StudentECU
Estuarine Shoreline Mapping using Object-based Ensemble Analysis, Aerial Imagery, and LiDAR:...2023Richter, Jessica StudentECU
Ethanol induced modulation of the insulin-like growth factor system in chicken embryo crania...2023Lynch, Steven A.StudentECU
Ethanol metabolism by the mixed function oxidase system2023Ward, Thomas Richard.StudentECU
Ethel Loroline Martus Lawther : her contributions to physical education1980Watson, Jan CaroleStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
Ethel Smyth's Mass in D : a performance-study guide1994Daniel, Robert MarionStudentMusic, UNCG
Ethical judgments of high school seniors in Piedmont North Carolina1951Bird, Jane FlorenceStudentEducation, UNCG
The Ethnic Bildungsroman2023Elliott, Loretta JohnsonStudentECU
Ethnic differences in DNA methyltransferases expression in patients with systemic lupus eryt...2013Wiley, Kenneth L.,Treadwell,Edward,Manigaba,Kayihura,Word,BeverlyStudentECU
An ethnographic exploration of a student subculture of sustained civic engagement2023McCunney, W. DennisStudentECU
An ethnography of a physical education class : an experiment in integrated living1977Wang, Beulah MarieStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
Evaluating the Ability of Multi-Sensor Techniques to Capture Topographic Complexity2023Cooper, Hannah StudentECU
Evaluating the Ability of Multi-Sensor Techniques to Capture Topographic Complexity2023Wasklewicz, Thad StudentECU
Evaluating the Ability of Multi-Sensor Techniques to Capture Topographic Complexity2023LeCompte, Karley StudentECU
Evaluating the Ability of Multi-Sensor Techniques to Capture Topographic Complexity2023Heffentrager, Madison StudentECU
Evaluating the Ability of Multi-Sensor Techniques to Capture Topographic Complexity2023Smaby, Rachel StudentECU
Evaluating the Ability of Multi-Sensor Techniques to Capture Topographic Complexity2023Brady, Julian StudentECU
Evaluating the Ability of Multi-Sensor Techniques to Capture Topographic Complexity2023Howard, Robert StudentECU
Evaluating the Ability of Multi-Sensor Techniques to Capture Topographic Complexity2023Zhu, Zhen StudentECU
Evaluating the Ability of Multi-Sensor Techniques to Capture Topographic Complexity2023Lewis, William StudentECU
Evaluating the Attitudes of Law Enforcement Towards DWI Court Efficiency: An Analysis of Sur...2023Height, Megan AmandaStudentECU
Evaluating the Barriers to Completing a College Internship2023Johnson, Colin GrahamStudentECU
Evaluating the Black Student Peer Mentoring Program at the University of North Carolina at G...1991Drakeford, Robert WayneStudentEducation, UNCG
Evaluating the Cost of Collection, Processing, and Application of Face Masks in Hot-Mix Asph...2023Massarr, Carol StudentECU
Evaluating the Cost of Collection, Processing, and Application of Face Masks in Hot-Mix Asph...2023Wang, George StudentECU
Evaluating the Cost of Collection, Processing, and Application of Face Masks in Hot-Mix Asph...2023, et alStudentECU
Evaluating the Death and Recovery of Lateral Line Hair Cells Following Repeated Neomycin Tre...2023Venuto, Alexandra StudentECU
Evaluating the Death and Recovery of Lateral Line Hair Cells Following Repeated Neomycin Tre...2023Erickson, Timothy StudentECU
Evaluating Difficult Intravenous Access: A Program to Decrease Harm in Outpatient Oncology2023Dalton, Kerri StudentECU
Evaluating the discipline program of Camp Lejeune dependents schools2023Johnson, Carla R.StudentECU
Evaluating effectiveness of the application of the new perspective in safety, Safety-II: by ...2023Shaki, Hamidreza StudentECU
Evaluating the Effectiveness of QR Code in Expansion of Reach Out and Read Carolinas' Initia...2023Brown, Cierra StudentECU
Evaluating The Essential Functions Of The Replication Factor Mcm10 In Drosophila Melanogaste...2023Reubens, Michael C.StudentECU
Evaluating Land Use Effects On The Stinging Sea Nettle : Chrysaora Quinquecirrha: Are Shorel...2023Sassano, Nina L.StudentECU
Evaluating Learning Space Designs for Flipped and Collaborative Learning: A Transactional Di...2023Swart, William StudentECU
Evaluating Learning Space Designs for Flipped and Collaborative Learning: A Transactional Di...2023MacLeod, Ken StudentECU
Evaluating Multipulse Integration as a Neural-Health Correlate in Human Cochlear-Implant Use...2017Zhou, Ning,Dong,Lixue StudentECU
Evaluating Nasalance Values Among Bilingual Mandarin–English Speakers2023Perry, Jamie L.StudentECU
Evaluating Nasalance Values Among Bilingual Mandarin–English Speakers2023Pua, Eshan StudentECU
Evaluating Nasalance Values Among Bilingual Mandarin–English Speakers2023Fang, Xiangming StudentECU
Evaluating Nasalance Values Among Bilingual Mandarin–English Speakers2023Holt, Yolanda StudentECU
Evaluating Performance in State Judicial Institutions: Trust and Confidence in the Georgia J...2006Bradbury, Mark FacultyGovernment and Justice Studies, ASU
Evaluating a Predator-Induced Phenotype in a Mixed Species Context2023Baker, Eleanor AnneStudentECU
Evaluating problem solving in the mathematics curriculum : a case study1991Jetton, Janice H.StudentEducation, UNCG
Evaluating self-segregation of seminal fluid components via surface-enhanced Raman spectrosc...2020Bond, Michael AnthonyStudentChemistry and Physics, WCU
Evaluating Spatial and Temporal Overlap Between Larval Alosines and Potential Zooplankton Pr...2023Binion, Samantha M.StudentECU
Evaluating the Sustainability of Heritage Tourism and Historic Preservation in New Bern, Nor...1905Watterson, Matthew StudentECU
Evaluating Two Measures of Postural Stability in Response to Perturbations in People with Di...2023Becker, Matthew G.StudentECU
Evaluation and status of the estuarine yellow perch (Perca flavescens) in eastern North Caro...2023Fitzpatrick, Eric Edwards.StudentECU
An evaluation approach applicable to North Carolina police management development programs1987Simerson, Byron K.StudentEducation, UNCG
Evaluation as a means for teacher improvement : using the North Carolina Performance Apprais...1987Beaver, Pamela B.StudentEducation, UNCG
An evaluation of the adequacy of diets planned in a home management house1946McCall, Nancy StudentHome Economics, UNCG
An evaluation of the assertive discipline program at Charles D. Owen High School1989McCallum, Larry ClintonStudentEducation, UNCG
Evaluation of Barrier Sprays for Controlling Mosquitoes in Eastern North Carolina: Can Land ...2023Balanay, Jo AnneStudentECU
Evaluation of Barrier Sprays for Controlling Mosquitoes in Eastern North Carolina: Can Land ...2023Bunn, Justin P.StudentECU
Evaluation of Barrier Sprays for Controlling Mosquitoes in Eastern North Carolina: Can Land ...2023Richards, Stephanie L.StudentECU
Evaluation of Barrier Sprays for Controlling Mosquitoes in Eastern North Carolina: Can Land ...2023Richards, Stephanie L.StudentECU
Evaluation of Barrier Sprays for Controlling Mosquitoes in Eastern North Carolina: Can Land ...2023Bunn, Justin P.StudentECU
Evaluation of Barrier Sprays for Controlling Mosquitoes in Eastern North Carolina: Can Land ...2023Balanay, Jo AnneStudentECU
Evaluation of a Brief Aerobic Exercise Intervention for High Anxiety Sensitivity2008Broman-Fulks, Joshua FacultyPsychology, ASU
An evaluation of broad bean, Vicia faba, and whole wheat combinations for growth, developmen...1981Abdel-Kader, Mona KhalilStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Evaluation of by-passing as a technique for adjusting a self-instructional clothing program ...1967Murphy, Mae GregoryStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Evaluation of the CDC autocidal gravid ovitrap for the surveillance of La Crosse virus vecto...2016Henry, Monica LeeStudentBiology, WCU
An Evaluation of Citation Counts, Search Results, and Frequency of Updates in DynaMed® and U...2023Ketterman, Elizabeth StudentECU
An Evaluation of Citation Counts, Search Results, and Frequency of Updates in DynaMed® and U...2023Besaw, Megan E.StudentECU
Evaluation of a Cognitive–Behavioral Therapy Intervention to Improve Body Image and Decrease...2001Curtin , Lisa FacultyPsychology, ASU
Evaluation of a Cognitive–Behavioral Therapy Intervention to Improve Body Image and Decrease...2001Martz, Denise M. FacultyPsychology, ASU
An Evaluation Of Coverage Of Autism Spectrum Disorders In Speech-Language Pathology Masters ...2016Stockstad, Marissa StudentPsychology - Student, ASU
An evaluation of a dropout prevention program for middle school students in an urban setting...1991Hampton, Frederick MaceoStudentEducation, UNCG
Evaluation of the effects of fragmented steam exposure cycles on the survival of bacterial s...2023Shirtz, John T.StudentECU
Evaluation of the Efficacy of Barrier Sprays Conducted by a Private Backyard Mosquito Contro...2023VanDusen, Amberlynne E.StudentECU
An evaluation of the experiences encountered by rural families in adding a bathroom to the h...1958Cusick, Josephine RymerStudentHome Economics, UNCG
An evaluation of extracellular products of Staphylococcus aureus as possible agents increasi...2023Kucera, Gary Thomas.StudentECU
An evaluation of the freshman seminar at Appalachian State University1991Spann, Nancy GrayStudentEducation, UNCG
An Evaluation of the Genetic Variation Within Selected Populations of Vaejovis Coahuilae Wil...2010Lopez, Ramona NicholeStudentBiology - Student, ASU
An evaluation of the High Point, North Carolina Cities in Schools program1991McCausley, Alfreda EllisStudentEducation, UNCG
Evaluation of hydrologic restoration in the Alligator Swamp :a water balance approach2023Belk, Donald R.StudentECU
Evaluation Of The Implementation Of The Triple P Positive Parenting Program In Pitt County2023Nolan, Melissa FrancineStudentECU
An Evaluation Of An Interdisciplinary Rural School Mental Health Programme In Appalachia2013Michael, Kurt D.FacultyPsychology, ASU
An Evaluation Of An Interdisciplinary Rural School Mental Health Programme In Appalachia2013Sale, Rafaella FacultyPsychology - Student, ASU
An Evaluation Of An Interdisciplinary Rural School Mental Health Programme In Appalachia2013Albright, Abby E.FacultyPsychology - Student, ASU
An Evaluation Of An Interdisciplinary Rural School Mental Health Programme In Appalachia2013Kirk, Alex FacultyPsychology - Student, ASU
Evaluation of laricobius nigrinus (coleoptera: derodontidae) oviposition behavior and the ef...2021Gonzalez, Lauren MichelleStudentBiology, WCU
Evaluation of the Modified Social Reactions Questionnaire: A Mixed-Methods Approach2023Haney, Laura StudentECU
An evaluation of the movement responses of four first grade boys to teacher-stated movement ...1969Rink, Judith E.StudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
Evaluation of a Musculoskeletal Ultrasound Workshop in the Family Medicine Clerkship2023Ferderber, Megan L.StudentECU
Evaluation of a Musculoskeletal Ultrasound Workshop in the Family Medicine Clerkship2023Tzaras, Athanasios StudentECU
Evaluation of a Musculoskeletal Ultrasound Workshop in the Family Medicine Clerkship2023Hadadi, Noam StudentECU
Evaluation of a Musculoskeletal Ultrasound Workshop in the Family Medicine Clerkship2023Gilbird, Rebecca M.StudentECU
An evaluation of the North Carolina cumulative record, grades 1-121947Love, Grady EdwardStudentEducation, UNCG
Evaluation of potential recharge of the Castle Hayne Aquifer System by stream infiltration a...2023Johnson, John J.StudentECU
Evaluation of the reading program of the Guilford county school system1983Johnson, Juanita JamisonStudentEducation, UNCG
Evaluation of a religious family enrichment program1985Rider, James WesleyStudentHome Economics, UNCG
An evaluation of the role of irrational cognitions in depression1989Herbert, James D.StudentPsychology, UNCG
The evaluation of the school lunch menus at a demonstration school1949Krahnke, Gwendolyn ElizabethStudentHome Economics, UNCG
An evaluation of science education in the secondary schools of eastern North Carolina2023Bierma, Stephen GuyStudentECU
An evaluation of the secondary curriculum of a suburban school in the Carolina Piedmont1950Dawson, Joseph LeroyStudentEducation, UNCG
Evaluation of sediment dynamics using geochemical tracers in the Pamlico Sound estuarine sys...2023Tully, Lancen S.StudentECU
An evaluation of selected components of the mobile meals program in Greensboro, North Caroli...1977Trulove, Janet RegerStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Evaluation of Social Media Use by Emergency Medicine Residents and Faculty2015Patterson, Leigh,Runyon,Michael,Khadpe,Jay,Garg,Manish,Cooney C.,Pearson,DavidStudentECU
Evaluation of striped bass, Morone saxatilis, condition in coastal North Carolina using phys...2023Gentry, David E.StudentECU
Evaluation of Surface versus Total Permethrin Content in Permethrin-Treated Clothing: Consid...2023Vang, Adam StudentECU
Evaluation of the Symmetry of the Levator Veli Palatini Muscle and Velopharyngeal Closure Am...2023Tahmasebifard, Neda StudentECU
Evaluation of the Symmetry of the Levator Veli Palatini Muscle and Velopharyngeal Closure Am...2023Ellis, Charles StudentECU
Evaluation of the Symmetry of the Levator Veli Palatini Muscle and Velopharyngeal Closure Am...2023Rothermich, Kathrin StudentECU
Evaluation of the Symmetry of the Levator Veli Palatini Muscle and Velopharyngeal Closure Am...2023Fang, Xiangming StudentECU
Evaluation of the Symmetry of the Levator Veli Palatini Muscle and Velopharyngeal Closure Am...2023Perry, Jamie L.StudentECU
An evaluation of three approaches for reducing disruptive behavior in preschool children1974Zakrzewski, Maria StudentPsychology, UNCG
An evaluation of two pamphlets for assessing the accuracy of breast self-examination in olde...1993Fulk, Carlene HedgecockStudentEducation, UNCG
Evaluation of Underreporting of Work-Related Injuries and Illnesses in the United States Mil...2020O'Connell, Floyd StudentECU
Evaluation of the use of Wastewater Based Epidemiology as a Surveillance Tool and the Potent...2023White, Avian StudentECU
An evaluation program to measure the ability of students to apply principles of nutrition1943Walsh, Sister Mary EdwardStudentHome Economics, UNCG
An evaluation study of the dining area in thirty families1950Campbell, Catherine McLeanStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Evaluative approaches to selected employment-training programs for unskilled, economically d...1981Drozd, Nancy CarolynStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Evaluative feedback and the need for cognition1992Roufail, Mary MichelStudentPsychology, UNCG
An evaluative study of one approach to marriage enrichment1974Swicegood, Myrle LutterlohStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Evangelical Men's Movements2008Reed, Randall FacultyPhilosophy and Religion, ASU
Evangelical thought in the works of Fran{commab}cois Rabelais2023Terry, Mickey Thomas.StudentECU
Evangelicals and Environmentalism2008Reed, Randall FacultyPhilosophy and Religion, ASU
Even with higher prices, eggs still a cheap complete protein.2023Williams, Ellen StudentECU
Even with higher prices, eggs still a cheap complete protein.2023Kolasa, Kathryn MStudentECU
Event sequence modeling of IT adoption in healthcare2013Spaulding, Trent FacultyNutrition and Health Care Management, ASU
Event-related potentials and behavioral assessment : a 20 year follow-up of adults who were ...1987Naylor, Cecile EdithStudentPsychology, UNCG
Everybody Calm Down (It's Just Music)2023Hogwood, Ben StudentECU
Everyday lessons of North American preschoolers : social class as cultural community1995Putnam, Sarah ElizabethStudentHuman Environmental Sciences, UNCG
Everything is Not on the Web, Doggone it: Remembering the Library in Your Research Process2000Scherlen, Allan G.FacultyUniversity Libraries, ASU
Everything is Not on the Web, Doggone it: Remembering the Library in Your Research Process2000Boyd, John FacultyUniversity Libraries, ASU
Evidence Based Mindfulness Resource for Undergraduate Nursing Students2023Lynch, Maureen StudentECU
Evidence for acquisition of virulence effectors in pathogenic chytrids2011Sun, Guiling,Yang,Zefeng,Kosch,Tiffany,Summers,Kyle,Hua StudentECU
Evidence for acquisition of virulence effectors in pathogenic chytrids2011Huang, Jinling StudentECU
Evidence for acquisition of virulence effectors in pathogenic chytrids2011Sun, Guiling StudentECU
Evidence for acquisition of virulence effectors in pathogenic chytrids2011Yang, Zefeng StudentECU
Evidence for acquisition of virulence effectors in pathogenic chytrids2011Summers, Kyle StudentECU
Evidence for acquisition of virulence effectors in pathogenic chytrids2011Kosch, Tiffany StudentECU
Evidence for a “Little Ice Age” Glacial Advance within the Antarctic Peninsula - Examples fr...2023DeWitt, Regina StudentECU
Evidence for a “Little Ice Age” Glacial Advance within the Antarctic Peninsula - Examples fr...2023Simms, Alexander R.StudentECU
Evidence for a “Little Ice Age” Glacial Advance within the Antarctic Peninsula - Examples fr...2023Bentley, Michael J.StudentECU
Evidence for a “Little Ice Age” Glacial Advance within the Antarctic Peninsula - Examples fr...2023Simkins, Lauren M.StudentECU
Evidence for a “Little Ice Age” Glacial Advance within the Antarctic Peninsula - Examples fr...2023Zurbuchen, Julie StudentECU
Evidence for a “Little Ice Age” Glacial Advance within the Antarctic Peninsula - Examples fr...2023Reynolds, Laura C.StudentECU
Evidence for a “Little Ice Age” Glacial Advance within the Antarctic Peninsula - Examples fr...2023Thomas, Elizabeth R.StudentECU
Evidence for the value of the DrPH in public health2023Little, Ruth GaskinsStudentECU
Evidence of kin-specific communication in a temperate, subsocial spider Anelosimus studiosus...2013Eckardt, Megan AnnStudentBiology, WCU
Evidence-Based Systematic Review (EBSR): The Effects of Oral Motor Interventions on Feeding ...2010Clark, Heather FacultyPast Faculty Member, ASU
The evoked cortical potential and its relation to eye dominance, handedness, and visual fiel...1968Tanley, James CharlesStudentPsychology, UNCG
Evoked potentials to syllable perception and production1977Schumacher, Susan JeanStudentPsychology, UNCG
The evolution of Confederate ironclad design2023Holcombe, A. Robert.StudentECU
The evolution of the education of exceptional children in Charleston, South Carolina from 19...1991Hunt, Jane DoggettStudentEducation, UNCG
Evolution of the Greek warship and its tactics in the fourth century B.C.2023Moore, Robert ScottStudentECU
The Evolution of the Late Roman World:\r\nRelgious, Political, and Military Developments in ...2020Atkinson, Corry StudentECU
Evolution of olfactory receptors in birds2023Driver, Robert StudentECU
The Evolution of Organ Shape : Distal Tip Cell Migration and Gonadogenesis in Nematodes2014Wyatt, Brent StudentECU
The evolution of photosynthesis in chromist algae through serial endosymbioses2014Stiller, John W.,Schreiber,John,Yue,Jipei,Guo,Hui,Ding,Qin,HuangStudentECU
Evolution of plant nucleotide-sugar interconversion enzymes2011Yin, Yanbin,Huang,Jinling,Gu,Xiaogang,Bar-Peled,Maor,Xu StudentECU
The evolution of preservice teachers' orientations during early field experiences and initia...1992Smith, Robin LoflinStudentEducation, UNCG
Evolution of proteins1969Vernon, June StudentBiology, UNCG
The Evolution of Sacred Music and Its Rituals in Watauga County, North Carolina: A Compariso...2010Doster, Meredith AbigailStudentAppalachian Studies - Student, ASU
Evolution of tuff ring-dome complex: the case study of Cerro Pinto, eastern Trans-Mexican Vo...2010Zimmer, Brian W. FacultyGeology, ASU
The evolution of the universe : conflicting modern theories1972Ingram, Ned CarletonStudentMathematics, UNCG
Evolutionary Divergence of Duplicated Genomes in Newly Described Allotetraploid Cottons2023Zhang, Baohong StudentECU
Evolutionary Divergence of Duplicated Genomes in Newly Described Allotetraploid Cottons2023Peng, Renhai StudentECU
Evolutionary Divergence of Duplicated Genomes in Newly Described Allotetraploid Cottons2023, et alStudentECU
Evolutionary Dynamics of Floral Homeotic Transcription Factor Protein--Protein Interactions2016Bartlett, Madelaine,Thompson,Beth,Brabazon,Holly,Del Gizzi,Robert,Zhang,Thompson,Whipple,ClintonStudentECU
Evolutionary Dynamics of Floral Homeotic Transcription Factor Protein–Protein Interactions2023Bartlett, Madelaine StudentECU
Evolutionary Dynamics of Floral Homeotic Transcription Factor Protein–Protein Interactions2023Thompson, Beth StudentECU
Evolutionary Dynamics of Floral Homeotic Transcription Factor Protein–Protein Interactions2023Brabazon, Holly StudentECU
Evolutionary Dynamics of Floral Homeotic Transcription Factor Protein–Protein Interactions2023Del Gizzi, Robert StudentECU
Evolutionary Dynamics of Floral Homeotic Transcription Factor Protein–Protein Interactions2023Zhang, Thompson StudentECU
Evolutionary Dynamics of Floral Homeotic Transcription Factor Protein–Protein Interactions2023Whipple, Clinton StudentECU
Evolving Canadian foreign policy : Canada and China, 1949-19731975Swiger, Kathleen DickersonStudentHistory, UNCG
Evolving IQOS packaging designs change perceptions of product appeal, uniqueness, quality, a...2023Lee, Joseph G. L.StudentECU
An Ex-Con Teaching Criminal Justice: The Etics-Emics Debate and the Role of Subjectivity in ...2007Murphy, Daniel S. FacultyGovernment and Justice Studies, ASU
Examination and Comparison of Theta Band Connectivity in Left- and Right-Hand Dominant Indiv...2023McDonnell, Jessica StudentECU
Examination and Comparison of Theta Band Connectivity in Left- and Right-Hand Dominant Indiv...2023Murray, Nicholas P.StudentECU
Examination and Comparison of Theta Band Connectivity in Left- and Right-Hand Dominant Indiv...2023Ahn, S. StudentECU
Examination and Comparison of Theta Band Connectivity in Left- and Right-Hand Dominant Indiv...2023Clemens, Stefan StudentECU
Examination and Comparison of Theta Band Connectivity in Left- and Right-Hand Dominant Indiv...2023Everhart, D. ErikStudentECU
Examination and Comparison of Theta Band Connectivity in Left- and Right-Hand Dominant Indiv...2023Mizelle, J. ChrisStudentECU
Examination of the 2011 Mississippi River Flood Deposit on the Louisiana Continental Shelf2023Young, David R.StudentECU
An Examination of Accidental-Release Scenarios from Chemical-Processing Sites: The Relation ...2002Pine, John FacultyGeography and Planning, ASU
An examination of assistive technology knowledge and use in a rural school district2023Ales, Joanna CharlotteStudentECU
An examination of associations between children's popularity and mothers' and children's vie...1992Runion, Jane ElizabethStudentPsychology, UNCG
An Examination of Attachment In Afterschool Programs2023Jackson, Ariana V.StudentECU
Examination of a Brief, Self-Paced Online Self-Compassion Intervention Targeting Intuitive E...2023Hlavka, Reid RStudentECU
Examination of the Cameroon DHS Data to Investigate how Water Access and Sanitation Services...2023Sastre, Lauren R.StudentECU
Examination of the Cameroon DHS Data to Investigate how Water Access and Sanitation Services...2023Dharod, Jigna M.StudentECU
Examination of the Cameroon DHS Data to Investigate how Water Access and Sanitation Services...2023Nounkeu, Carole DeboraStudentECU
Examination of the Cameroon DHS Data to Investigate how Water Access and Sanitation Services...2023Paynter, Lauren StudentECU
Examination of the Cameroon DHS Data to Investigate how Water Access and Sanitation Services...2023Labban, Jeffrey D.StudentECU
An examination of consumers' perceived barriers to healthy eating and the role of context in...2023Scarborough, Rebecca AnnStudentECU
An examination of the contributions of Lady Augusta Persse Gregory to the development of the...1967Benson, Brian JosephStudentEnglish, UNCG
An Examination of Cuban Migrant Craft: Rafts, Chugs, and Boats2023McCusker, Dylan R.StudentECU
Examination of Culture, Place and Environmental Heat Stress on Fluid Intake and Hydration St...2023Mizelle, Elizabeth GStudentECU
An examination of the differences between physicians practicing in urban and rural areas of ...2023Rhodes, James F.StudentECU
Examination of the differential impacts of antitachycardia pacing vs. shock on patient activ...2023Sears, Samuel F.StudentECU
Examination of the differential impacts of antitachycardia pacing vs. shock on patient activ...2023Whited, Amanda StudentECU
An examination of earth science teacher beliefs2023Sinnett, Benjamin S.StudentECU
Examination of Estuarine Sediment Dynamics : Insights from the Large, Shallow, Albemarle-Pam...2023Eulie, Devon OlivolaStudentECU
An examination of Gateways : a citizen participation organization emphasizing citizen involv...1978Lowery, Clifford BenjaminStudentEducation, UNCG
An examination of the impact of personality factors and depression on maternal responses to ...1992Johnson, Victoria R.StudentPsychology, UNCG
An examination of an individual philosophy of art and painting1956Crawford, Margaret LouiseStudentArt, UNCG
An examination of the institutional character and organizational ethos at Seventh-Day Advent...1992Ritter, David MalcolmStudentEducation, UNCG
An examination of the interrelationship of maternal psychopathology, peer relations and moth...1989Hricik, Debra AnnStudentPsychology, UNCG
An examination of library involvement in the literacy education programs of the North Caroli...1986Vaughan, Elinor FolgerStudentEducation, UNCG
An Examination of Minority Groups and Human Rights Issues in Europe and Africa2000Udogu, E. Ike FacultyGovernment and Justice Studies, ASU
An examination of a model of burnout in dual-role teacher-coaches1990Kelley, Betty CarolinaStudentHealth, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, UNCG
Examination of Nutrition Monitoring through Ecological Momentary Assessment during an Intern...2023Solar, Chelsey StudentECU
An examination of the relationship between life review reminiscence and ego integrity among ...2023Connor, Cherice S.StudentECU
An examination of the relationship between teacher burnout and organizational design1983Crews, Michele A.StudentEducation, UNCG
An Examination of Sanitation and Hygiene Habit Artifacts Found Aboard Vasa Health, Sanitati...2023King, Nathaniel RobertStudentECU
An examination of selected attitudes and opinions of federal-level bureaucrats on the develo...1975Rue, Vincent MontgomeryStudentHome Economics, UNCG
An Examination of seminal fluid 65Zn transfer from male to female rats through copulation2023Fin, Scott J.StudentECU
An examination of small class as a "gap reduction" strategy for achievement differences in g...1993Bingham, Charles StevenStudentEducation, UNCG
Examination of three dimensions of a nursing unit climate before and after a computerized be...2023James, Elaine N.StudentECU
An examination of Tobias Smollett's The Expedition of Humphry Clinker1967Fenigsohn, Harvey HeywoodStudentEnglish, UNCG
Examiner race effects on standard vs. culture-fair IQ performance and correlations with achi...1976Hanks, Edna ElaineStudentPsychology, UNCG
Examining Age, Sex, and Race Characteristics of Velopharyngeal Structures in 4- to 9-Year Ol...2023Perry, Jamie L.StudentECU
Examining Age, Sex, and Race Characteristics of Velopharyngeal Structures in 4- to 9-Year Ol...2023Fang, Xiangming StudentECU
Examining the Base Rates of Atrial Fibrillation in Eastern North Carolina: Community Screeni...2023Kropp, Caley MStudentECU
Examining Chronic Nutrient Enrichment Effects on Wetland Plant-Microbe Interactions Using a ...2023Garcia, Aied StudentECU
Examining Coastal Marsh Sedimentation In Northeastern North Carolina2023Strand, Jessica StudentECU
Examining Differences in Breath Alcohol Concentration (BrAC) Levels and Hazardous Drinking b...2023Martin, Ryan J.StudentECU
Examining Differences in Breath Alcohol Concentration (BrAC) Levels and Hazardous Drinking b...2023Lee, Joseph G. L.StudentECU
Examining the Effect of Mindset Theory on Stereotype Threat Experienced by Overweight People...2023Shareshian, Kelly StudentECU
Examining “fat talk” experimentally in a female dyad: How are women influenced by another wo...2007Bazzini, Doris FacultyPsychology, ASU
Examining “fat talk” experimentally in a female dyad: How are women influenced by another wo...2007Curtin , Lisa FacultyPsychology, ASU
Examining “fat talk” experimentally in a female dyad: How are women influenced by another wo...2007Martz, Denise M. FacultyPsychology, ASU
Examining the implementation of PETTLEP-based imagery in youth soccer-dribbling performance2023Basnight, Joshua Steven G.StudentECU
Examining the interplay of social status and host gut microbiome composition in male zebrafi...2023Scott, Emily MStudentECU
Examining the Link Between Being a Victim of Bullying and Delinquency Trajectories Among an ...2012Marcum, Cathy FacultyGovernment and Justice Studies, ASU
Examining the marriages of nontraditional women : marital processes and outcomes1996Rhoden, J. LynStudentHuman Environmental Sciences, UNCG
Examining Mid-Atlantic Ocean Shipwrecks and Commercial Fish Trawling & Dredging2010Steinmetz, Joyce StudentECU
Examining mood, coping, and social support in the context of athletic injuries1995Udry, Eileen M.StudentHealth and Human Performance, UNCG
Examining the Perspectives of Practitioners and Educators toward a Geospatial Competency Ma...2023Jackson, Rodney D.StudentECU
Examining the Perspectives of Practitioners and Educators toward a Geospatial Competency Ma...2023Mueller, Thomas R.StudentECU
Examining Practice Patterns of Emergency Physicians through the Use of Simulated Patient Vig...2005Michael, Kurt D.FacultyPsychology, ASU
Examining the relations among working memory capacity, ADHD symptology and conscious experie...2021Beikmohamadi, Leila AnnieStudentPsychology, WCU
Examining the Relationships between Parental Mental Health, Feeding Styles and Weight in For...2023Nelson, Taylor StudentECU
Examining the Role of Peer Influence and Self-Control on Downloading Behavior2012Marcum, Cathy FacultyGovernment and Justice Studies, ASU
Examining signals of trust in criminal markets online2016Holt, Thomas J.,Smirnova,Olga,Hutchings,AliceStudentECU
Examining the therapeutic potential of the investigational agent, 15dPMJ2, in mismatch repai...2023Myers, Ariel StudentECU
Examining the therapeutic potential of the investigational agent, 15dPMJ2, in mismatch repai...2023Myers, Ariel StudentECU
Examining the Use of Internet-Based Interventions Among Racial/Ethnic Minority Cancer Surviv...2023Willard, Samantha RStudentECU
Examining the use of the Shore Handwriting Screening to assess the handwriting skills of pre...2014Schofield, Erin StudentECU
Examining the validity of an interactive driving simulator for determining fitness to drive ...2023Davis, Caitlin E.StudentECU
Examining Velopharyngeal Closure Patterns Based on Anatomic Variables2023Perry, Jamie L.StudentECU
Examining Velopharyngeal Closure Patterns Based on Anatomic Variables2023Ellis, Charles StudentECU
Examining Velopharyngeal Closure Patterns Based on Anatomic Variables2023Fang, Xiangming StudentECU
The exceptional child in the elementary schools of North Carolina1929Cuthbertson, Daisy JaneStudentEducation, UNCG
An exceptional perspective : the rhetoric of retarded children in Newbery award-winning fict...1978Bunn, Olena SwainStudentEducation, UNCG
Excursions in Winston-Salem, North Carolina to supplement the seventh grade course of study1949Carmichael, Dorothy ThaxtonStudentEducation, UNCG
The Executive Briefing: A Management Tool for Improving Communication between School Library...2023Jones, Plummer AlstonStudentECU
Executive Clemency In Ohio: A Historical Assessment2004Holcomb, Jeff FacultyGovernment and Justice Studies, ASU
Executive summary: "Mantle Frontier" workshop2011Zhanhua, Workshop Report Writing GroupStudentECU
Exercise and Recovery Responses of Lymphokines to Heavy Resistance Exercise2000Triplett, N. Travis FacultyHealth and Exercise Science, ASU
Exercise and Weight Loss Improve Muscle Mitochondrial Respiration, Lipid Partitioning, and I...2023Houmard, Joseph A.StudentECU
Exercise to Improve Age-Related Loss of Function and Corresponding Alterations in Gene Expre...2023Nandigama, Nainika StudentECU
Exercise-Induced Myokine Response Following 75-km Cycling2016Tolbert, Brandon StudentHealth and Exercise Science - Student, ASU
Exercise-Induced Protection Against Reperfusion Arrhythmia Involves Stabilization of Mitocho...2023Spangenburg, Espen StudentECU
Exercise-Induced Protection Against Reperfusion Arrhythmia Involves Stabilization of Mitocho...2023Alleman, Rick J.StudentECU
Exercise-Induced Protection Against Reperfusion Arrhythmia Involves Stabilization of Mitocho...2023Tsang, Alvin M.StudentECU
Exercise-Induced Protection Against Reperfusion Arrhythmia Involves Stabilization of Mitocho...2023Ryan, Terence E.StudentECU
Exercise-Induced Protection Against Reperfusion Arrhythmia Involves Stabilization of Mitocho...2023Patteson, Daniel J.StudentECU
Exercise-Induced Protection Against Reperfusion Arrhythmia Involves Stabilization of Mitocho...2023McClung, Joseph M.StudentECU
Exercise-Induced Protection Against Reperfusion Arrhythmia Involves Stabilization of Mitocho...2023Shaikh, Saame RazaStudentECU
Exercise-Induced Protection Against Reperfusion Arrhythmia Involves Stabilization of Mitocho...2023Neufer, P. DarrellStudentECU
Exercise-Induced Protection Against Reperfusion Arrhythmia Involves Stabilization of Mitocho...2023Brown, David A.StudentECU
Exercise-Induced Protection Against Reperfusion Arrhythmia Involves Stabilization of Mitocho...2023McClung, Joseph StudentECU
An exhibition of ceiling-hung banners1970Montgomery, Katherine MarshStudentArt, UNCG
An exhibition of constructions1968Walker, Jane HornerStudentArt, UNCG
An exhibition of diagrams and models of constructions in plastic1969Hitchcock, Dorothy J.StudentArt, UNCG
An exhibition of drawings and paintings in oil and mixed media1965Hobbs, Emilie MillsStudentArt, UNCG
An exhibition of drawings, caricatures, and comic strips1972Gilliam, Lawrence StanleyStudentArt, UNCG
An exhibition of drawings, intaglio, woodcuts1967Faires, Patricia McCallumStudentArt, UNCG
An exhibition of painted objects1968Greene, Joseph CraigStudentArt, UNCG
Exhibition of paintings1968Hill, Suzanne RansleyStudentArt, UNCG
An exhibition of paintings1968Matsunobu, Morris TatsuoStudentArt, UNCG
An exhibition of paintings1968Yates, Samuel StudentArt, UNCG
An exhibition of paintings1968York, Robert StudentArt, UNCG
An exhibition of paintings1964Neill, Nancy L.StudentArt, UNCG
An exhibition of paintings1965Watson, Elizabeth ReanStudentArt, UNCG
An exhibition of paintings, drawings and prints1967Nicholson, Mike McCoyStudentArt, UNCG
An exhibition of portraits1976Catherwood, Adele StudentArt, UNCG
An exhibition of sculpture1969Corcoran, Harry BryonStudentArt, UNCG
An exhibition of sculpture1970Budny, Virginia StudentArt, UNCG
An exhibition of self-portraits1977Powell-McEllen, Fran StudentArt, UNCG
An exhibition of watercolor paintings and wire sculpture1971Murray, Ellen RosanneStudentArt, UNCG
Exile in the fiction of Joseph Conrad and Fyodor Dostoyevsky1985King, Don W.StudentEnglish, UNCG
The Exile in Literature : Remembering What Has Been Lost and Finding the Courage to Move For...2023Schindler, Kristen StudentECU
Exit Discrimination in Major League Baseball: 1990-20042008Groothuis, Peter FacultyEconomics, ASU
Exit Discrimination in the NBA: A Duration Analysis of Career Length2004Groothuis, Peter FacultyEconomics, ASU
Exits1968Jackson, Joel ThomasStudentEnglish, UNCG
An Expanded Multi-scale Monte Carlo Simulation Method for Personalized Radiobiological Effec...2017Zhang, Ying,Feng,Yuanming,Wang,Wei,Yang,Chengwen,Wang,Pin StudentECU
Expanding the Reach of an Evidence-Based, System-Level, Racial Equity Intervention: Translat...2023Black, Kristin Z.StudentECU
Expanding the Reach of an Evidence-Based, System-Level, Racial Equity Intervention: Translat...2023Baker, Stephanie L.StudentECU
Expanding the Reach of an Evidence-Based, System-Level, Racial Equity Intervention: Translat...2023Dixon, Crystal E.StudentECU
Expanding the Reach of an Evidence-Based, System-Level, Racial Equity Intervention: Translat...2023Yongue, Christina M.StudentECU
Expanding the Reach of an Evidence-Based, System-Level, Racial Equity Intervention: Translat...2023Mason, Hailey NicoleStudentECU
Expanding the Reach of an Evidence-Based, System-Level, Racial Equity Intervention: Translat...2023McCarter, Patrick StudentECU
Expanding the Reach of an Evidence-Based, System-Level, Racial Equity Intervention: Translat...2023Manning, Matthew StudentECU
Expanding the Reach of an Evidence-Based, System-Level, Racial Equity Intervention: Translat...2023Hessmiller, Joanne StudentECU
Expanding the Reach of an Evidence-Based, System-Level, Racial Equity Intervention: Translat...2023Griesemer, Ida StudentECU
Expanding the Reach of an Evidence-Based, System-Level, Racial Equity Intervention: Translat...2023Garikipati, Aditi StudentECU
Expanding the Reach of an Evidence-Based, System-Level, Racial Equity Intervention: Translat...2023Eng, Eugenia StudentECU
Expanding the Reach of an Evidence-Based, System-Level, Racial Equity Intervention: Translat...2023Bullock, Daniel KelvinStudentECU
Expanding the Reach of an Evidence-Based, System-Level, Racial Equity Intervention: Translat...2023Bosire, Claire StudentECU
Expanding the Reach of an Evidence-Based, System-Level, Racial Equity Intervention: Translat...2023Alexander, Kimberly M.StudentECU
Expanding the Reach of an Evidence-Based, System-Level, Racial Equity Intervention: Translat...2023Lightfoot, Alexandra F.StudentECU
Expansion des laitiers d’aciérie : à l’ouest, il y a du nouveau !2023Wang, George StudentECU
Expansion des laitiers d’aciérie : à l’ouest, il y a du nouveau !2023Wang, Yuhong StudentECU
Expansion des laitiers d’aciérie : à l’ouest, il y a du nouveau !2023Gaob, Zhili StudentECU
The Expansion of Recycling Within the Pembroke Community2023Holmes, Lauren FacultyEsther G. Maynor Honors College, UNCP
Expectations of and for Clerkship Directors 2.0: A Collaborative Statement from the Alliance...2023Sutton, Jill StudentECU
Expectations of and for Clerkship Directors 2.0: A Collaborative Statement from the Alliance...2023Morgenstern, Bruce Z.StudentECU
Expectations of and for Clerkship Directors 2.0: A Collaborative Statement from the Alliance...2023Roman, Brenda J. B.StudentECU
Expectations of and for Clerkship Directors 2.0: A Collaborative Statement from the Alliance...2023DeWaay, Deborah StudentECU
Expectations of and for Clerkship Directors 2.0: A Collaborative Statement from the Alliance...2023Golden, W. ChristopherStudentECU
Expectations of and for Clerkship Directors 2.0: A Collaborative Statement from the Alliance...2023Malloy, Erin StudentECU
Expectations of and for Clerkship Directors 2.0: A Collaborative Statement from the Alliance...2023Reddy, Rishindra M.StudentECU
Expectations of and for Clerkship Directors 2.0: A Collaborative Statement from the Alliance...2023Rutter, Ann E.StudentECU
Expectations of and for Clerkship Directors 2.0: A Collaborative Statement from the Alliance...2023Salash, Rachel StudentECU
Expectations of and for Clerkship Directors 2.0: A Collaborative Statement from the Alliance...2023Sonii, Madhu StudentECU
Expectations of and for Clerkship Directors 2.0: A Collaborative Statement from the Alliance...2023Starr, Stephanie StudentECU
Expectations of and for Clerkship Directors 2.0: A Collaborative Statement from the Alliance...2023Wald, David A.StudentECU
Expectations of and for Clerkship Directors 2.0: A Collaborative Statement from the Alliance...2023Pangaro, Louis N.StudentECU
Expectations of women collegiate athletes regarding coaching style1974Martin, Peggy E.StudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
Experiences and Perceptions of Fatherhood Among Fathers With Sons Who Have Autism Spectrum D...2010Isenhour, Jeffrey AllenStudentEducational Leadership - Student, ASU
Experiences and relations in the work of women teacher/coaches : a critical inquiry1989Jeffreys, Arcelia TaylorStudentHealth, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, UNCG
Experiences in moving encountered by families transferred by their employer1958Evins, Virginia BarrettStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Experiential citizen education for early adolescents : a model1978Bourgeois, Mildred IkardStudentEducation, UNCG
An Experiential Learning Activity Demonstrating Normal and Phobic Anxiety2008Canu, Will FacultyPsychology, ASU
An Experiment Assessing Punitive versus Wellness Framing of a Tobacco-Free Campus Policy on ...2023Lee, Joseph G. L.StudentECU
An Experiment Assessing Punitive versus Wellness Framing of a Tobacco-Free Campus Policy on ...2023Purcell, Christopher J.StudentECU
An Experiment Assessing Punitive versus Wellness Framing of a Tobacco-Free Campus Policy on ...2023Chaney, Beth H.StudentECU
Experiment Timing and Preferences for Fairness2009Dickinson, David L. FacultyEconomics, ASU
An experimental and theoretical study of cobalt (II) and nickel (II) complexes with acetonit...1978Kong, Peter Chuen SunStudentChemistry, UNCG
An experimental approach to Coleopteran succession in bovine manure2023Bernhardt, Johnny L.StudentECU
Experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis as a model of Multiple Sclerosis : pathogenesis o...2023Curtis II, Alan DaleStudentECU
An experimental course : calculus with computing1973Jones, Carolyn ThrockmortonStudentMathematics, UNCG
Experimental design and statistical rigor in phylogenomics of horizontal and endosymbiotic g...2011Stiller, John WStudentECU
Experimental design and statistical rigor in phylogenomics of horizontal and endosymbiotic g...2011Stiller, John WStudentECU
Experimental evidence for predator learning and Müllerian mimicry in Peruvian poison frogs (...2023Stuckert, Adam StudentECU
An Experimental Examination of Labor Supply and Work Intensities1999Dickinson, David L. FacultyEconomics, ASU
Experimental otitis media in gerbils using single and polymicrobial anaerobic bacterial cult...2023Beamer, Mark Edward.StudentECU
Experimental phenylketonuria in rats : an investigation of the critical interval hypothesis1966Donahue, Paul LangdonStudentPsychology, UNCG
The Experimental Railroad Company2023Tyer, Edward JuniorStudentECU
Experimental Studies of Flow-Structure Interactions in Blast/Shock-Driven Complex Flows2023Zieg, Parker RichardStudentECU
An experimental study of color yield phenomenology in thermal fixation dyeing of a polyethyl...1986Etters, James NolanStudentHome Economics, UNCG
An experimental study of verbal and non-verbal intelligence scores of children with articula...1967Hodgin, Jimmi MurrayStudentDrama and Speech, UNCG
Experimentally calculated stoichiometric ratios of boroxine-picoline systems for future appl...2022Kennedy, Lane JayStudentChemistry and Physics, WCU
Experimentation with voices1973Joyner, Whitmel M.StudentEnglish, UNCG
Experiments in the Analytical Study of the Bible: Burton Mack as Pioneer2012Reed, Randall FacultyPhilosophy and Religion, ASU
Experiments in the use of glass in painting1959Jeffries, Lucy BaneStudentArt, UNCG
Experiments with finite state machines1975Saranakomana, Suchada StudentMathematics, UNCG
Experiments with online tools to deliver off-campus library instruction2006Purpur, Geraldine FacultyUniversity Libraries, ASU
Experiments with online tools to deliver off-campus library instruction2006Abbott, Lisa FacultyUniversity Libraries, ASU
Expert Consensus Guidelines for Stocking of Antidotes in Hospitals That Provide Emergency Ca...2018Dart, Richard C.,Goldfrank,Lewis R.,Erstad,Brian L.,Huang,David StudentECU
Expert determination of knowledge and skills essential to the elementary classroom teacher f...1978McCutchen, Mary GeneStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
Expert Opinions on the Debate of Pericardial Reconstruction in Cardiovascular Surgery: To Cl...2023Boyd, W. DouglasStudentECU
Expert Opinions on the Debate of Pericardial Reconstruction in Cardiovascular Surgery: To Cl...2023, et alStudentECU
Explainable Artificial Intelligence for Predicting Hospital-Acquired Pressure Injuries in CO...2023Kennerly, Susan M.StudentECU
Explainable Artificial Intelligence for Predicting Hospital-Acquired Pressure Injuries in CO...2023Alderden, Jenny StudentECU
An explanation of the existence of twelve paintings1953Chipley, Ann StudentArt, UNCG
An explanation of five thesis paintings1965Lackey, Joanna H.StudentArt, UNCG
Explanation of my work1965Mignone, Roseann StudentArt, UNCG
Explanted pancreatic primordium of the rat as transplant tissue to normal and diabetic hosts...2023Blanton, Kenneth R.StudentECU
Explicit and implicit memory for affectively valenced material in depression1994Denny, Elizabeth ByrdStudentPsychology, UNCG
Exploiting p53 status to enhance effectiveness of chemotherapy by lowering associated toxici...2011Steelman, Linda S.,Martelli,Alberto M.,Nicoletti,Ferdinando,McCubrStudentECU
Exploiting p53 Status to Enhance Effectiveness of Chemotherapy by Lowering Associated Toxici...2011Martelli, Alberto M.StudentECU
Exploiting p53 Status to Enhance Effectiveness of Chemotherapy by Lowering Associated Toxici...2011Steelman, Linda S.StudentECU
Exploiting p53 Status to Enhance Effectiveness of Chemotherapy by Lowering Associated Toxici...2011McCubrey, James A.StudentECU
Exploiting p53 Status to Enhance Effectiveness of Chemotherapy by Lowering Associated Toxici...2011Nicoletti, Ferdinando StudentECU
The exploration of a burned American vessel from the War of 1812 in the upper Chesapeake Bay...2023Plakos, Michael J.StudentECU
An Exploration of the Career Trajectory, Experiences and Satisfaction of Registered Dietitia...2023Harris, Jordan TStudentECU
An Exploration of Collegiate Outdoor Recreation Professionals' Personality Traits and Job Ta...2023Turnis, Brittany StudentECU
Exploration of the development of an instrument to evaluate the volleyball forearm bounce pa...1976Trosclair, Kathleene AnneStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
An exploration of the flow experience among selected collegiate athletes1981Progen, Janice LeeStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
An Exploration of Health/Nutrition Managers Common Experiences with Measuring, Tracking, and...2023Clow, Jesse MStudentECU
An Exploration of Health/Nutrition Managers Common Experiences with Measuring, Tracking, and...2020Clow, Jesse StudentECU
An Exploration of Heart Failure Readmission in Eastern North Carolina2016Rochin, Elizabeth StudentECU
An Exploration of the Impact of the “Open Gym” Scheduling Model of Cardiovascular Rehabilita...2023Whited, Matthew C.StudentECU
An Exploration of the Impact of the “Open Gym” Scheduling Model of Cardiovascular Rehabilita...2023Ellis, Jordan M.StudentECU
An Exploration of the Impact of the “Open Gym” Scheduling Model of Cardiovascular Rehabilita...2023Freeman, John TaylorStudentECU
An Exploration of the Impact of the “Open Gym” Scheduling Model of Cardiovascular Rehabilita...2023Corson, Ansley T.StudentECU
An Exploration of the Impact of the “Open Gym” Scheduling Model of Cardiovascular Rehabilita...2023Greenway, Stacey StudentECU
An Exploration of the Impact of the “Open Gym” Scheduling Model of Cardiovascular Rehabilita...2023Whited, Amanda L.StudentECU
An Exploration of the Impact of the “Open Gym” Scheduling Model of Cardiovascular Rehabilita...2023Sears, Samuel F.StudentECU
An exploration of inter-clutch variability and eggshell patterning in two species of rail2023Johnson, Emily WittenbergStudentECU
Exploration of Interest and Development of Intergenerational Facilities in Pitt County2023Kustka, Emily StudentECU
An exploration of mentorship between adults in the public schools1985Dockery, Linda BengeStudentEducation, UNCG
Exploration of Public Health Students’ Remote Course Learning Experience and Mental Wellbein...2023Lennon, Chelsea StudentECU
An Exploration of Teacher and Staff Collaboration during Elementary School Action Teams2020Ingram, Heather StudentECU
An exploratory study of a color association exercise for the assessment of verbal creative a...1967Britt, Morris F.StudentEducation, UNCG
An Exploratory Study of the Effect of Online Learning Readiness on Self-Regulated Learning2023Lin, Xi StudentECU
An Exploratory Study of the Effect of Online Learning Readiness on Self-Regulated Learning2023Dai, Yan StudentECU
An exploratory study of the effects of young children's color biases, racial attitudes, and ...1981Munoz, Millie CaridadStudentHome Economics, UNCG
An exploratory study of a leadership style and communication style measure for a sample of m...1996Watkins, Daniel B.StudentEducation, UNCG
An exploratory study of the problem solving strategies used by selected young adolescents wh...1987Sheriff, Thomas MichaelStudentEducation, UNCG
Exploring Accessibility versus Opportunity Crime Factors2003Davison, Elizabeth Lynn (Beth) FacultySociology, ASU
Exploring behaviors, treatment beliefs, and barriers to oral chemotherapy adherence among ad...2018Lea, C. Suzanne,Bohra,Sulochana,Moore,Tiffanie,Passwater,CStudentECU
Exploring Camper Perspectives on Health Care Transition Programming Offered Through Medical ...2023Chesnutt, Tripp StudentECU
Exploring the Characteristics of Adults’ Online Learning Activities: a Case Study of EdX Onl...2023Shi, Yuewei StudentECU
Exploring the Characteristics of Adults’ Online Learning Activities: a Case Study of EdX Onl...2023Lin, Xi StudentECU
Exploring The Contributions Of The Academic Library To Student Learning2011Ogburn, Joyce FacultyUniversity Libraries, ASU
Exploring Cultural Influences and Moral Experiences Behind Mental Illness Stigma in the U.S....2014Handloff, Jessica R.StudentECU
Exploring Effective Sex Education Programming In The United States2016Culler, Tori StudentSocial Work - Student, ASU
Exploring the efficacy of workplace book groups as a method of learning in a manufacturing f...2023Lanoux, Jeannine M.StudentECU
Exploring the Experiences and Attitudes of Healthcare Professionals Caring for People with I...2023Tucker, Emily CooperStudentECU
Exploring the Experiences, Roles, and Impacts of Child Life Specialists Providing Psychosoci...2023Backes, Emily M.StudentECU
Exploring Expressions of Possible Selves with High School and College Students with Learning...2023James, Morgan BranchStudentECU
Exploring Expressions of Possible Selves with High School and College Students with Learning...2023Williams, Sarah CarverStudentECU
Exploring Expressions of Possible Selves with High School and College Students with Learning...2023Moore, Dominic A.StudentECU
Exploring Expressions of Possible Selves with High School and College Students with Learning...2023Jones, J. TannerStudentECU
Exploring the factor structure and correlates of capability for suicide2023Gamble, Taylor StudentPsychology, WCU
Exploring Identity Development in a Summer Residential Camp for Adolescent Girls2023Hartman, Ariel EStudentECU
Exploring Interactive Survivorship Care Plans to Support Breast Cancer Survivors: Protocol f...2023Kapoor, A. StudentECU
Exploring Interactive Survivorship Care Plans to Support Breast Cancer Survivors: Protocol f...2023Nambisan, P. StudentECU
Exploring the Lived Experiences of Individuals with Tattoos2009Lucas, Tesha StudentECU
Exploring the Lives of the Imperial Consorts and Empresses in Qianlong’s Court Through the S...2023Ajirotutu, Peace StudentUNCP
Exploring Musical Heritage: Composition of an Original Jazz Ballad2023Wattenbarger, Josiah WadeStudentECU
Exploring Online Art Education: Multi-Institutional Perspectives and Practices2023Song, Borim StudentECU
Exploring Online Art Education: Multi-Institutional Perspectives and Practices2023Lim, Kyungeun StudentECU
Exploring Possible Roles Of Organic Anion-Transporting Polypeptides In Invadopodia Function2016Tabor, George StudentChemistry - Student, ASU
Exploring the process of reflection used by preservice teachers : a case study1991Stewart, Loraine MosesStudentEducation, UNCG
Exploring Quality of Life at Petra Through Paleopathology2023Canipe, Courtney StudentECU
Exploring the Role of Human Judgment in Making Discount Decisions in the Lodging Industry2023Lee, Seung HyunStudentECU
Exploring the Role of Photography in Agritourism Marketing2023Joyner, Leah StudentECU
Exploring the School Nurse's Knowledge, Experiences, and Role in Trauma-Informed Care: Impli...2023Rouse, Lesha HStudentECU
Exploring the somatic dimensions of physical education1977Norton, Candace JaneStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
Exploring Undergraduate Research Experiences for Latinx College Students from Farmworker Fam...2023Amaresh, Sneha A.StudentECU
Exploring Undergraduate Research Experiences for Latinx College Students from Farmworker Fam...2023Gámez, Raúl StudentECU
Exploring Undergraduate Research Experiences for Latinx College Students from Farmworker Fam...2023LePrevost, Catherine E.StudentECU
Exploring Undergraduate Research Experiences for Latinx College Students from Farmworker Fam...2023Lee, Joseph G. L.StudentECU
Exploring the Usability Issues Encountered by Individuals with Visual Impairments on Social ...2023Brinkley, Julian StudentECU
Exploring the use and implementation of the CATT Intervention System2014Robertson, Brittany StudentECU
Exploring the Use of the Expert Search and Scanning Skills with Novice Drivers with and With...2023Biggs, Stephanie StudentECU
Exposure To Elevated Prenatal Testosterone Metabolites Induce Autism-Like Behavior In Rats :...2023Blake, Bevin EllenStudentECU
Exposure to medicines in the family medicine cabinet: is it a harbinger of later opioid depe...2023Egan, Kathleen L.StudentECU
Expression and material1974Heffelfinger, Marcus KidderStudentArt, UNCG
Expression of cardiogenic markers in bone marrow derived human mesenchymal stem cells using ...2023Collins, Maria C.StudentECU
Expression of cardiogenic markers in bone marrow derived human mesenchymal stem cells using ...2023Collins, Maria C.StudentECU
Expression of the endoplasmic reticulum protein calnexin in the channel catfish, ictalurus p...2023Machon, Benjamin D.StudentECU
Expression of microRNA in Alveolar Macrophages Deficient in PPARy2023McPeek, Matthew StudentECU
Expression of a protein involved in bone resorption, Dkk1, is activated by HTLV-1 bZIP facto...2010Gregory, Heather StudentECU
Expression of a protein involved in bone resorption, Dkk1, is activated by HTLV-1 bZIP facto...2010Lemasson, Isabelle StudentECU
Expression of a protein involved in bone resorption, Dkk1, is activated by HTLV-1 bZIP facto...2010Mesnard, Jean-Michel StudentECU
Expression of a protein involved in bone resorption, Dkk1, is activated by HTLV-1 bZIP facto...2010Polakowski, Nicholas StudentECU
The expression of a putative cytoskeletal protein in hypertrophying skeletal muscle2023Ambert, Deborah L.StudentECU
Expression of X-Linked Inhibitor of Apoptosis Protein (XIAP) in Breast Cancer Is Associated ...2023Devi, Gayathri R.StudentECU
Expression of X-Linked Inhibitor of Apoptosis Protein (XIAP) in Breast Cancer Is Associated ...2023Finetti, Pascal StudentECU
Expression of X-Linked Inhibitor of Apoptosis Protein (XIAP) in Breast Cancer Is Associated ...2023Morse, Michael A.StudentECU
Expression of X-Linked Inhibitor of Apoptosis Protein (XIAP) in Breast Cancer Is Associated ...2023Lee, Seayoung StudentECU
Expression of X-Linked Inhibitor of Apoptosis Protein (XIAP) in Breast Cancer Is Associated ...2023de Nonneville, Alexandre StudentECU
Expression of X-Linked Inhibitor of Apoptosis Protein (XIAP) in Breast Cancer Is Associated ...2023Van Laere, Steven StudentECU
Expression of X-Linked Inhibitor of Apoptosis Protein (XIAP) in Breast Cancer Is Associated ...2023Troy, Jesse StudentECU
Expression of X-Linked Inhibitor of Apoptosis Protein (XIAP) in Breast Cancer Is Associated ...2023Geradts, Joseph StudentECU
Expression of X-Linked Inhibitor of Apoptosis Protein (XIAP) in Breast Cancer Is Associated ...2023McCall, Shannon StudentECU
Expression of X-Linked Inhibitor of Apoptosis Protein (XIAP) in Breast Cancer Is Associated ...2023Bertucci, Francois StudentECU
Extended shelf life platelet preparations and process for preparing the same1991Heaton, William A.L.StudentECU
Extended shelf life platelet preparations and process for preparing the same1991Miller, David T.StudentECU
Extended shelf life platelet preparations and process for preparing the same1991Holme, Stein StudentECU
Extended shelf life platelet preparations and process for preparing the same1991Bode, Arthur P.StudentECU
Extension Dimension and C-Spaces2002Chigogidze, A. "Alex"FacultyMathematics and Statistics, UNCG
Extension of the Bjorken energy density formula of the initial state for relativistic heavy ...2023Lin, Zi-Wei StudentECU
Extension of the Late Holocene Sea-Level Record In North Carolina, USA2023Kegel, Jessica StudentECU
An extension of Rachlin's commitment model to obese and normal weight adults1977Zakrzewski, Maria StudentPsychology, UNCG
Extensive Skeletal Muscle Cell Mitochondriopathy Distinguishes Critical Limb Ischemia Patien...2023Spangenburg, Espen StudentECU
Extensive Skeletal Muscle Cell Mitochondriopathy Distinguishes Critical Limb Ischemia Patien...2023McClung, Joseph M.StudentECU
Extensive Skeletal Muscle Cell Mitochondriopathy Distinguishes Critical Limb Ischemia Patien...2023Ryan, Terence E.StudentECU
Extensive Skeletal Muscle Cell Mitochondriopathy Distinguishes Critical Limb Ischemia Patien...2023Yamaguchi, Dean J.StudentECU
Extensive Skeletal Muscle Cell Mitochondriopathy Distinguishes Critical Limb Ischemia Patien...2023Schmidt, Cameron A.StudentECU
Extensive Skeletal Muscle Cell Mitochondriopathy Distinguishes Critical Limb Ischemia Patien...2023Zeczycki, Tonya N.StudentECU
Extensive Skeletal Muscle Cell Mitochondriopathy Distinguishes Critical Limb Ischemia Patien...2023Brophy, Patricia StudentECU
Extensive Skeletal Muscle Cell Mitochondriopathy Distinguishes Critical Limb Ischemia Patien...2023Green, Thomas D.StudentECU
Extensive Skeletal Muscle Cell Mitochondriopathy Distinguishes Critical Limb Ischemia Patien...2023Tarpey, Michael D.StudentECU
Extensive Skeletal Muscle Cell Mitochondriopathy Distinguishes Critical Limb Ischemia Patien...2023Karnekar, Reema StudentECU
Extensive Skeletal Muscle Cell Mitochondriopathy Distinguishes Critical Limb Ischemia Patien...2023Goldberg, Emma J.StudentECU
Extensive Skeletal Muscle Cell Mitochondriopathy Distinguishes Critical Limb Ischemia Patien...2023Neufer, P. DarrellStudentECU
Extensive Skeletal Muscle Cell Mitochondriopathy Distinguishes Critical Limb Ischemia Patien...2023Spangenburg, Espen E.StudentECU
Extent and structure of treatment of substance abusers in multiservice mental-health agencie...1996Von Steen, Patricia GalatasStudentCounseling and Educational Development, UNCG
The extent of social resistance to the notion of sexual expression by elderly men and women1976McCrory, Audrey MonaStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Exterior and interior design of two mobile homes1971Scott, Wilma GayStudentHome Economics, UNCG
External nature in the poetry of Robert Browning1982Edwards, Suzanne OzmentStudentEnglish, UNCG
The Extracellular Domain of Myelin Oligodendrocyte Glycoprotein Elicits Atypical Experimenta...2014Grebenciucova, Elena StudentECU
The Extracellular Domain of Myelin Oligodendrocyte Glycoprotein Elicits Atypical Experimenta...2014Reece, Shaun P.StudentECU
The Extracellular Domain of Myelin Oligodendrocyte Glycoprotein Elicits Atypical Experimenta...2014Taslim, Najla StudentECU
The Extracellular Domain of Myelin Oligodendrocyte Glycoprotein Elicits Atypical Experimenta...2014Curtis, Alan D.StudentECU
The Extracellular Domain of Myelin Oligodendrocyte Glycoprotein Elicits Atypical Experimenta...2014Wardle, Robert L.StudentECU
The Extracellular Domain of Myelin Oligodendrocyte Glycoprotein Elicits Atypical Experimenta...2014Rosenbaum, Matthew D.StudentECU
The Extracellular Domain of Myelin Oligodendrocyte Glycoprotein Elicits Atypical Experimenta...2014Ray, Richard H.StudentECU
The Extracellular Domain of Myelin Oligodendrocyte Glycoprotein Elicits Atypical Experimenta...2014Mannie, Mark D.StudentECU
The Extracellular Domain of Myelin Oligodendrocyte Glycoprotein Elicits Atypical Experimenta...2014Van Scott, Michael R.StudentECU
The extracellular domain of myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein elicits atypical experimenta...2014Curtis II, Alan D.,Taslim,Najla,Reece,Shaun P.,Grebenciucova,ElenaStudentECU
Extracellular matrix induction method to produce pancreatic islet tissue1990Dudek, Ronald W.StudentECU
The extracellular processing of aggrecan aggregate and its effect on CD44 mediated internali...2023Danielson, Ben StudentECU
Extrafacial nuchal lupus miliaris disseminatus faciei2017Pruitt, Laura G.,Fowler,Carley O.,Page,Robert N.,Coleman,Neil M.StudentECU
Extreme Outsourcing in Local Government: At the Top and All but the Top2009Bradbury, Mark FacultyGovernment and Justice Studies, ASU
Eyes Open, Eyes Closed: Exploring the Cognitive and Neurophysiological Features of Sleep and...2023Nicoletta, Alexandra StudentECU
Fabric preferences as related to selected personality characteristics of delinquent and nond...1966Sears, Nancy JaneStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Fabricating identities : dress in American realist novels, 1880-19251996Mathews, Carolyn L.StudentEnglish, UNCG
Fabrication and Characterization of a Hydrogel-Nanofiber Composite for Cartilage Replacement...2020Ludwich, Jacob MStudentECU
Facetacks Season One : A Narrative on Ceramic Vessels2023Rees, Kyle StudentECU
Facial Affect Recognition Accuracy in Inidividuals with Substance Use Disorders2010Buckhout, Ashley StudentECU
Facies characteristics of fluviodeltaic strat of the upper Pocahontas formation (Lower Penns...2023Allen, Joseph L.StudentECU
Facies characteristics of fluviodeltaic strat of the upper Pocahontas formation (Lower Penns...2023Allen, Joseph L.StudentECU
Facilitating Equitable Breastfeeding Among Black Women2023Carey, Mariah StudentECU
Facilitators and Barriers to Colorectal Cancer Screening in an Outpatient Setting2023Samuel, Gbeminiyi StudentECU
Facilitators and Barriers to Colorectal Cancer Screening in an Outpatient Setting2023Lambert, Karissa StudentECU
Facilitators and Barriers to Colorectal Cancer Screening in an Outpatient Setting2023Ali, Eslam StudentECU
Facilitators and Barriers to Colorectal Cancer Screening in an Outpatient Setting2023KIratzer, MaryKate StudentECU
Facilitators and Barriers to Colorectal Cancer Screening in an Outpatient Setting2023Kinderwater, Josef StudentECU
Facilitators and Barriers to Colorectal Cancer Screening in an Outpatient Setting2023Udom, Jennifer StudentECU
Facilitators and Barriers to Colorectal Cancer Screening in an Outpatient Setting2023Mian, Muna StudentECU
Facilitators and Barriers to Colorectal Cancer Screening in an Outpatient Setting2023Asagbra, Oghale StudentECU
Facilitators and Barriers to Colorectal Cancer Screening in an Outpatient Setting2023Poola, Shiva StudentECU
Facing the Pacific: Polynesia in the U.S. Imperial Imagination2008Waldroup, Heather L. FacultyArt, ASU
A factor analysis of the motivation of women collegiate athletes1975Smith, Gladys StudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
A factorial approach in the development of a basketball rating scale to evaluate players in ...1977Boetel, Norma M.StudentPhysical Education and Recreation, UNCG
Factorization of irreducible polynomials over a finite field1975Caskey, Robert AlexanderStudentMathematics, UNCG
Factors affecting the behavior of selected disperse dyes under high temperature dyeing condi...1977Daniels, Michael DeanStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Factors affecting breakthrough time of commercial pesticide formulations through butyl glove...1989Hassler, Kyle D.StudentHuman Environmental Sciences, UNCG
Factors affecting coparental relationships1985Fishel, Anne HopkinsStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Factors affecting the electro-transformation of intact yeast cells with a yeast artificial c...2023Miller, Christian P.StudentECU
Factors affecting high-level college administrators' attitudes toward information from and f...1989Flake, Wesley LloydStudentEducation, UNCG
Factors affecting mothers' and adolescent sons' preference for family counseling approaches1995Wachsmuth, James AlanStudentEducation, UNCG
Factors affecting the physical education grades of high school girls1969Feuerlein, Margaret StudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
Factors affecting the psychological stress of cancer patients and spouses of cancer patients...1989Mullen, Paul MichaelStudentHuman Environmental Sciences, UNCG
Factors affecting the retention of vitamin C in community canned tomatoes1944Daniels, Elna ElizabethStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Factors affecting the self-esteem hypothesis : self-serving biases in the intergroup situati...1995Donaldson, Sandra J.StudentPsychology, UNCG
Factors Associated with Choosing Social Work as a Major and Timely Graduation2023Nelson, Allison StudentECU
Factors associated with fan identification and team support of a collegiate athletic team2023Mahar, Francis J.StudentECU
Factors Associated with Myocardial Infarction Reoccurrence2023Scanlan, Lauren N.StudentECU
Factors Associated with Myocardial Infarction Reoccurrence2023Horne, Carolyn E.StudentECU
Factors Associated with Myocardial Infarction Reoccurrence2023Abel, Willie M.StudentECU
Factors Associated with Myocardial Infarction Reoccurrence2023Crane, Patricia B.StudentECU
Factors associated with survival of veterans with gastrointestinal neuroendocrine tumors2012Balmadrid, Bryan L.,Thomas,Catherine M.,Coffman,Cynthia J.,Liddle,RStudentECU
Factors Associated with Survival of Veterans with Gastrointestinal Neuroendocrine Tumors2012Coffman, Cynthia J.StudentECU
Factors Associated with Survival of Veterans with Gastrointestinal Neuroendocrine Tumors2012Thomas, Catherine M.StudentECU
Factors Associated with Survival of Veterans with Gastrointestinal Neuroendocrine Tumors2012Balmadrid, Bryan L.StudentECU
Factors Associated with Survival of Veterans with Gastrointestinal Neuroendocrine Tumors2012Fisher, Deborah A.StudentECU
Factors Associated with Survival of Veterans with Gastrointestinal Neuroendocrine Tumors2012Liddle, Rodger A.StudentECU
Factors Correlated with Communication Confidence in Persons with Aphasia: A Synthetic Cohort...2023Jebahi, Fatima StudentECU
Factors Driving the Adoption of Quality Improvement Initiatives in Local Health Departments:...2023Luo, Huabin StudentECU
Factors Facilitating Peer-Reviewed Publication by Clinical Nurses in Magnet Settings2023Tyndall, Deborah EStudentECU
Factors influencing decisions to invest in cryptocurrency2023Bland, Austin SStudentECU
Factors influencing hypothetical care decisions concerning dependent elderly parents1987Murray, John CliffordStudentEducation, UNCG
Factors influencing lesbians' direct disclosure of their sexual orientation1993Radonsky, Vivian ElaineStudentEducation, UNCG
Factors influencing the location of chemical manufacturing plants in Wilmington, North Carol...2023Witcher, Eulis Dale.StudentECU
Factors influencing the occupational aspirations of low-income Southern youth : a longitudin...1983Turner, Edward JayStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Factors influencing the selection of rugs and carpets and their resulting satisfaction1961Hurley, Patricia GodwinStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Factors Influencing Teacher Acceptability of Evidence-Based Interventions for the Treatment ...2023Lal, Mili G.StudentECU
Factors Influencing US Hospital and Medical School Participation in Pediatric COVID-19 Resea...2023Tumin, Dmitry StudentECU
Factors Influencing US Hospital and Medical School Participation in Pediatric COVID-19 Resea...2023Sasser, Georgia StudentECU
Factors Influencing US Hospital and Medical School Participation in Pediatric COVID-19 Resea...2023Buckman, Cierra StudentECU
Factors Influencing US Hospital and Medical School Participation in Pediatric COVID-19 Resea...2023Khanchandani, Ashish StudentECU
Factors influencing the use of economic resources for family living among selected low-incom...1973Hinson, Thelma LeeStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Factors influencing the vitamin C content and palatability of home dehydrated green beans1944Cornwell, Mary AshbrookStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Factors related to the election or non-election of Home Economics at Page High School, Green...1967Hawkins, Barbara JeanStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Factors related to ownership and use of electric blenders1967Rasdall, Joyce OliverStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Factors related to the social competence of children in single-parent families1985Heath, Phyllis StudentPsychology, UNCG
Factors Responsible for Healthcare Avoidance Among Rural Adults in the Eastern Region of Nor...2023Burch, Ashley E.StudentECU
Factors that affect success in nursing education : an exploratory study1981Brown, Hazel NixonStudentEducation, UNCG
Factors that contribute to social media influence within an Internal Medicine Twitter learni...2014Desai, Tejas StudentECU
Factors that contribute to social media influence within an Internal Medicine Twitter learni...2014Patwardhan, Manish StudentECU
Factors that contribute to social media influence within an Internal Medicine Twitter learni...2014Coore, Hunter StudentECU
Factors that influence the decision of preservice elementary teachers to specialize in scien...2023Sutton, Lynn C.StudentECU
Factors that promote success in women enrolled in STEM disciplines in rural North Carolina c...2015Kincaid, Shannon D.StudentHuman Services, WCU
Facts 1983-1984 North Carolina Central University1983Office of Institutional Research and Analysis , North Carolina Central University FacultyOffice of Institutional Research and Analysis, NCCU
Faculty academic freedom in North Carolina community colleges and technical institutes1986Hollar, Thurman DeWittStudentEducation, UNCG
Faculty and student perceptions of effective clinical teachers in associate degree nursing e...2023Kenworthy, Martha StudentECU
Faculty Forum, Volume 242012Faculty Forum, Coulter Faculty Commons FacultyCoulter Faculty Commons, WCU
Faculty perceptions of institutional goals and faculty influence in university governance at...1988McCarter, Merdis TaylorStudentEducation, UNCG
Faculty recital. [sound recording] : featuring the music of Mark Alan Taggart and Britton Th...2011Williams, Nathan L.StudentECU
Faculty recital. [sound recording] : featuring the music of Mark Alan Taggart and Britton Th...2011Taggart, Mark AlanStudentECU
Faculty recital. [sound recording] : featuring the music of Mark Alan Taggart and Britton Th...2011Theurer, Britton StudentECU
Faculty recital. [sound recording] : featuring the music of Mark Alan Taggart and Britton Th...2011Ulffers, Christopher StudentECU
Faculty recital. [sound recording] : featuring the music of Mark Alan Taggart and Britton Th...2011O'Brien, John B. 1958-StudentECU
Faculty recital. [sound recording] : featuring the music of Mark Alan Taggart and Britton Th...2011Foley, Brad StudentECU
Faculty recital. [sound recording] : featuring the music of Mark Alan Taggart and Britton Th...2011Ford, Mark StudentECU
Faculty recital. [sound recording] : featuring the music of Mark Alan Taggart and Britton Th...2011Dashiell, Carroll V.StudentECU
Faculty Scholarship Celebration 20092009Western Carolina University Hunter Library, FacultyHunter Library, WCU
Faculty Scholarship Celebration 20102010Western Carolina University Hunter Library, FacultyHunter Library, WCU
Faculty Scholarship Celebration 20112011Western Carolina University Hunter Library, FacultyHunter Library, WCU
Faculty Scholarship Celebration 20122012Western Carolina University Hunter Library, FacultyHunter Library, WCU
Faculty Scholarship Celebration 20132013Western Carolina University Hunter Library, FacultyHunter Library, WCU
Faculty Scholarship Celebration 20142014Western Carolina University Hunter Library, FacultyHunter Library, WCU
Faculty Scholarship Celebration 20152015Western Carolina University Hunter Library, FacultyHunter Library, WCU
Faculty Scholarship Celebration 20152015Johnson, Peter FacultyHunter Library, WCU
Faculty Scholarship Celebration 20162016Johnson, Peter FacultyHunter Library, WCU
Faculty Scholarship Celebration 20162016Western Carolina University Hunter Library, FacultyHunter Library, WCU
Faculty Scholarship Celebration 20172017Western Carolina University Hunter Library, FacultyHunter Library, WCU
Faculty Scholarship Celebration 20172017Marcus, Elizabeth FacultyHunter Library, WCU
Faculty Scholarship Celebration 20182018Marcus, Elizabeth FacultyHunter Library, WCU
Faculty Scholarship Celebration 20182018Western Carolina University Hunter Library, FacultyHunter Library, WCU
Faculty Scholarship Celebration 20182018Roper, Elen FacultyHunter Library, WCU
Faculty Scholarship Celebration 20182018Adams, Andrew FacultyMusic, WCU
Faculty Scholarship Celebration 20192019Roberson, Tony FacultyNursing, WCU
Faculty Scholarship Celebration 20192019Banerjee, Ruby FacultyHunter Library, WCU
Faculty Scholarship Celebration 20192019Roper, Elen FacultyHunter Library, WCU
Faculty Scholarship Celebration 20192019Western Carolina University Hunter Library, FacultyHunter Library, WCU
Faculty Scholarship Celebration 20192019Marcus, Elizabeth FacultyHunter Library, WCU
Faculty Scholarship Celebration 20202020McDonough, Beth AllsoppFacultyHunter Library, WCU
Faculty Scholarship Celebration 20202020Buchanan, Heidi FacultyHunter Library, WCU
Faculty Scholarship Celebration 20202020Western Carolina University Hunter Library, FacultyHunter Library, WCU
Faculty Scholarship Celebration 20202020Ashburn, Aria RoseFacultyEnglish, WCU
Faculty Scholarship Celebration 20212021Rakower, Josh FacultyHunter Library, WCU
Faculty Scholarship Celebration 20212021Cromartie, Shamella FacultyHunter Library, WCU
Faculty Scholarship Celebration 20212021Western Carolina University Hunter Library, FacultyHunter Library, WCU
Faculty Scholarship Celebration 20212021McDonough, Beth AllsoppFacultyHunter Library, WCU
Failed feminisms? : inactive rhetoric and the ethos of early women writers' defenses of wome...1995Combs, Debra A.StudentEnglish, UNCG
Failure patterns and survival outcomes in triple negative breast cancer (TNBC): a 15 year co...2016Prasad, Shreya,Efird,Jimmy T.,James,Sarah E.,Walker,Paul R.,Zagar,Timothy M.,StudentECU
Failure to Confirm the Rauscher and Shaw Description of Recovery of the Mozart Effect1999Steele, Kenneth M.FacultyPsychology, ASU
"A fair return for the investment in money and labour" :slavery from 1695 to 1802 in North C...2023Thompson, Robert S.StudentECU
"A Fair Specimen of a Southern River Steamer": The Oregon and Tar/Pamlico River Steam Navig...2023Lawrence, Matthew SStudentECU
Fairy Dust™2023Highley, Garrett StudentECU
Fairy tale elements in the short fiction of Nathaniel Hawthorne1994Hundley, Clarence StudentEnglish, UNCG
Faith & Fitness in Farming Families2023Moore, Mallory StudentECU
Falling forward: A memoir2024Fonseca, Braulio StudentEnglish, WCU
Falls Education and Post-Fall Management in an Independent Living Community2023Sloan, Kelsey StudentECU
A Familial Case Study Exploring Craniofacial, Velopharyngeal, and Speech Variations in Pierr...2023Perry, Jamie L.StudentECU
Family and school factors related to internal-external locus of control in kindergarten chil...1976Kezar, Lois PaulsonStudentEducation, UNCG
Family Functioning and Social Capital of Families Participating in Intensive In-Home Service...1905Sutton, Laketa StudentECU
Family power and decision-making : beyond the husband-wife dyad1988Brown, James ScottStudentHuman Environmental Sciences, UNCG
Family Stories Matter: Critical Pedagogy of Storytelling in Fifth-Grade Classrooms2023Machado, Moraima StudentECU
Family stress, antisocial behavior and the behaviorally/emotionally disturbed girl1992Phifer, John DwaineStudentEducation, UNCG
Family transition : development, implementation and evaluation of a correspondence program f...1983Yarborough, Ellen StrawbridgeStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Family-Centered Primary Care for Older Adults with Cognitive Impairment2023Welch, Melissa L.StudentECU
Family-Centered Primary Care for Older Adults with Cognitive Impairment2023Hodgson, Jennifer L.StudentECU
Family-Centered Primary Care for Older Adults with Cognitive Impairment2023Didericksen, Katharine W.StudentECU
Family-Centered Primary Care for Older Adults with Cognitive Impairment2023Lamson, Angela L.StudentECU
Family-Centered Primary Care for Older Adults with Cognitive Impairment2023Forbes, Thompson StudentECU
Family-planning education project : a teaching model through home economics1981Schroder, Cecilia MarulandaStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Fanny Burney's three eighteenth-century romances : Evelina, Cecelia, and Camilla1980Brown, Martha GleatonStudentEnglish, UNCG
Fanny Mendelssohn Hensel's Festspiel, MA Ms. 37 : a modern edition and conductor's analysis ...1996Vana, Marilee A.StudentMusic, UNCG
Farm Fresh Foods for Healthy Kids (F3HK): An innovative community supported agriculture inte...2017Seguin, Rebecca A.,Morgan,Emily H.,Hanson,Karla L.,Ammerman,Alice StudentECU
Farmers' Market Shopping and Dietary Behaviours Among Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Prog...2023Wu, Qiang StudentECU
Farmers' Market Shopping and Dietary Behaviours Among Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Prog...2023Jilcott Pitts, Stephanie BStudentECU
Farmers' Market Shopping and Dietary Behaviours Among Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Prog...2023Dortche, Crystal StudentECU
Fashion : a reflection of an age1957Alley, Barbara JaneStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Fat talk and self-presentation of body image: Is there a social norm for women to self-degra...2006Martz, Denise M. FacultyPsychology, ASU
Fat talk and self-presentation of body image: Is there a social norm for women to self-degra...2006Curtin , Lisa FacultyPsychology, ASU
Fat talk and self-presentation of body image: Is there a social norm for women to self-degra...2006Bazzini, Doris FacultyPsychology, ASU
The Fate and Transport of Pharmaceuticals and other Personal Care Products Through Groundwat...2014Del Rosario, Katie LynnStudentECU
Fathers' coping strategies and family environment when college freshmen leave home1987Callahan, Cheryl MannStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Fatty acid transporters in adipose tissue : effect of aerobic running phenotype and high fat...2023Granville, Esther Otelia VictoriaStudentECU
Fatty Acids Composition and in Vivo Biochemical Effects of Aleurites Moluccana Seed (Candlen...2023Pardi, Vanessa StudentECU
Fatty Acids Composition and in Vivo Biochemical Effects of Aleurites Moluccana Seed (Candlen...2023Murata, Ramiro MendonçaStudentECU
Fatty Infiltration Is a Prognostic Marker of Muscle Function After Rotator Cuff Tear2023Spangenburg, Espen StudentECU
Fatty Infiltration Is a Prognostic Marker of Muscle Function After Rotator Cuff Tear2023Spangenburg, Espen StudentECU
Fatty Infiltration Is a Prognostic Marker of Muscle Function After Rotator Cuff Tear2023Spangenburg, Espen StudentECU
Faulkner's theory of relativity : relative clauses in Absalom, Absalom!1983Canine, Karen McFarlandStudentEnglish, UNCG
A Favorite Pastime: Disease and Disinformation in the Cold War2023Durant, David M.StudentECU
Fayetteville, North Carolina : 1865-18682023Cavenaugh, Andy B.StudentECU
Fear & Opportunity2023Ary, Lori NicoleStudentECU
Feasibility and Efficacy of Prolonged Exposure for PTSD among Individuals with a Psychotic S...2017Grubaugh, Anouk L.,Veronee,Kimberly,Ellis,Charles,Brown,Wilson,KnaStudentECU
Feasibility and Safety of the Transbronchial Access Tool for Peripheral Pulmonary Nodule and...2023Bowling, Mark R.StudentECU
Feasibility and Safety of the Transbronchial Access Tool for Peripheral Pulmonary Nodule and...2023Anciano, Carlos J.StudentECU
Feasibility of Frequent Patient-Reported Outcome Surveillance in Patients Undergoing Hematop...2012Wood, William A.,Deal,Allison M.,Abernethy,Amy,Basch,Ethan,BattaStudentECU
Feasibility of Image-Guided Radiotherapy for Elderly Patients with Locally Advanced Rectal C...2013Nguyen, Nam P.,Ceizyk,Misty,Vock,Jacqueline,Vos,Paul,Chi,AlexaStudentECU
Feasibility of Image-Guided Radiotherapy for Elderly Patients with Locally Advanced Rectal C...2013Chi, Alexander StudentECU
Feasibility of Image-Guided Radiotherapy for Elderly Patients with Locally Advanced Rectal C...2013Vinh-Hung, Vincent StudentECU
Feasibility of Image-Guided Radiotherapy for Elderly Patients with Locally Advanced Rectal C...2013Pugh, Judy StudentECU
Feasibility of Image-Guided Radiotherapy for Elderly Patients with Locally Advanced Rectal C...2013Khan, Rihan StudentECU
Feasibility of Image-Guided Radiotherapy for Elderly Patients with Locally Advanced Rectal C...2013Truong, Christina StudentECU
Feasibility of Image-Guided Radiotherapy for Elderly Patients with Locally Advanced Rectal C...2013Albala, Gabby StudentECU
Feasibility of Image-Guided Radiotherapy for Elderly Patients with Locally Advanced Rectal C...2013Karlsson, Ulf StudentECU
Feasibility of Image-Guided Radiotherapy for Elderly Patients with Locally Advanced Rectal C...2013Locke, Angela StudentECU
Feasibility of Image-Guided Radiotherapy for Elderly Patients with Locally Advanced Rectal C...2013Nguyen, Nam P.StudentECU
Feasibility of Image-Guided Radiotherapy for Elderly Patients with Locally Advanced Rectal C...2013Ceizyk, Misty StudentECU
Feasibility of Image-Guided Radiotherapy for Elderly Patients with Locally Advanced Rectal C...2013Vock, Jacqueline StudentECU
Feasibility of Image-Guided Radiotherapy for Elderly Patients with Locally Advanced Rectal C...2013Vos, Paul StudentECU
Feasibility of Image-Guided Radiotherapy for Elderly Patients with Locally Advanced Rectal C...2013Smith-Raymond, Lexie StudentECU
Feasibility of Image-Guided Radiotherapy for Elderly Patients with Locally Advanced Rectal C...2013Gelumbauskas, Steve StudentECU
Feasibility of Intensity-Modulated and Image-Guided Radiotherapy for Functional Organ Preser...2012Gelumbauskas, Steven StudentECU
Feasibility of Intensity-Modulated and Image-Guided Radiotherapy for Functional Organ Preser...2012Jang, Siyoung StudentECU
Feasibility of Intensity-Modulated and Image-Guided Radiotherapy for Functional Organ Preser...2012Stevie, Michelle StudentECU
Feasibility of Intensity-Modulated and Image-Guided Radiotherapy for Functional Organ Preser...2012Smith-Raymond, Lexie StudentECU
Feasibility of Intensity-Modulated and Image-Guided Radiotherapy for Functional Organ Preser...2012Abraham, Dave StudentECU
Feasibility of Intensity-Modulated and Image-Guided Radiotherapy for Functional Organ Preser...2012Ceizyk, Misty StudentECU
Feasibility of Intensity-Modulated and Image-Guided Radiotherapy for Functional Organ Preser...2012Slane, Benjamin StudentECU
Feasibility of Intensity-Modulated and Image-Guided Radiotherapy for Functional Organ Preser...2012Nguyen, Nam P.StudentECU
Feasibility of Intensity-Modulated and Image-Guided Radiotherapy for Functional Organ Preser...2012Davis, Rick StudentECU
Feasibility of Intensity-Modulated and Image-Guided Radiotherapy for Functional Organ Preser...2012Vos, Paul StudentECU
Feasibility of Intensity-Modulated and Image-Guided Radiotherapy for Functional Organ Preser...2012Almeida, Fabio StudentECU
Feasibility of Intensity-Modulated and Image-Guided Radiotherapy for Functional Organ Preser...2012Chi, Alexander StudentECU
Feasibility of Intensity-Modulated and Image-Guided Radiotherapy for Functional Organ Preser...2012Betz, Michael StudentECU
Feasibility of Intensity-Modulated and Image-Guided Radiotherapy for Functional Organ Preser...2012Vinh-Hung, Vincent StudentECU
Feasibility of intensity-modulated and image-guided radiotherapy for functional organ preser...2012Nguyen, Nam P.,Chi,Alexander,Betz,Michael,Almeida,Fabio,Vos,PaStudentECU
Feasibility of intensity-modulated and image-guided radiotherapy for locally advanced esopha...2014Chi, Alexander StudentECU
Feasibility of intensity-modulated and image-guided radiotherapy for locally advanced esopha...2014Jang, Siyoung StudentECU
Feasibility of intensity-modulated and image-guided radiotherapy for locally advanced esopha...2014Nguyen, Nam PStudentECU
Feasibility of intensity-modulated and image-guided radiotherapy for locally advanced esopha...2014Ceizyk, Misty StudentECU
Feasibility of intensity-modulated and image-guided radiotherapy for locally advanced esopha...2014Desai, Anand StudentECU
Feasibility of intensity-modulated and image-guided radiotherapy for locally advanced esopha...2014Smith-Raymond, Lexie StudentECU
Feasibility of intensity-modulated and image-guided radiotherapy for locally advanced esopha...2014Vinh-Hung, Vincent StudentECU
Feasibility of intensity-modulated and image-guided radiotherapy for locally advanced esopha...2014Vock, Jacqueline StudentECU
Feasibility of intensity-modulated and image-guided radiotherapy for locally advanced esopha...2014Vo, Richard AStudentECU
Feasibility of intensity-modulated and image-guided radiotherapy for locally advanced esopha...2014Pugh, Judith StudentECU
Feasibility of intensity-modulated and image-guided radiotherapy for locally advanced esopha...2014Vos, Paul StudentECU
Feasibility of large scale implementation of the component approach for assessment of fundam...1986Jenkot, Virginia K.StudentHealth, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, UNCG
Feasibility of tomotherapy-based image-guided radiotherapy for locally advanced oropharyngea...2013Nguyen, Nam P.,Ceizyk,Misty,Vos,Paul,Betz,Michael,Chi,AlexandeStudentECU
Feasibility of Tomotherapy-Based Image-Guided Radiotherapy for Locally Advanced Oropharyngea...2013Davis, Rick StudentECU
Feasibility of Tomotherapy-Based Image-Guided Radiotherapy for Locally Advanced Oropharyngea...2013Almeida, Fabio StudentECU
Feasibility of Tomotherapy-Based Image-Guided Radiotherapy for Locally Advanced Oropharyngea...2013Betz, Michael StudentECU
Feasibility of Tomotherapy-Based Image-Guided Radiotherapy for Locally Advanced Oropharyngea...2013Chi, Alexander StudentECU
Feasibility of Tomotherapy-Based Image-Guided Radiotherapy for Locally Advanced Oropharyngea...2013Vos, Paul StudentECU
Feasibility of Tomotherapy-Based Image-Guided Radiotherapy for Locally Advanced Oropharyngea...2013Ceizyk, Misty StudentECU
Feasibility of Tomotherapy-Based Image-Guided Radiotherapy for Locally Advanced Oropharyngea...2013Nguyen, Nam P.StudentECU
Feasibility of Tomotherapy-Based Image-Guided Radiotherapy for Locally Advanced Oropharyngea...2013Vinh-Hung, Vincent StudentECU
Feasibility of Tomotherapy-Based Image-Guided Radiotherapy for Locally Advanced Oropharyngea...2013Jang, Siyoung StudentECU
Feasibility of Tomotherapy-Based Image-Guided Radiotherapy for Locally Advanced Oropharyngea...2013Stevie, Michelle StudentECU
Feasibility of Tomotherapy-Based Image-Guided Radiotherapy for Locally Advanced Oropharyngea...2013Abraham, Dave StudentECU
Feasibility of Tomotherapy-Based Image-Guided Radiotherapy for Locally Advanced Oropharyngea...2013Smith-Raymond, Lexie StudentECU
Feasibility of Tomotherapy-Based Image-Guided Radiotherapy for Locally Advanced Oropharyngea...2013Gelumbauskas, Steven StudentECU
Feasibility of Tomotherapy-Based Image-Guided Radiotherapy for Locally Advanced Oropharyngea...2013Slane, Benjamin StudentECU
Feasibility of Tomotherapy-Based Image-Guided Radiotherapy for Small Cell Lung Cancer2013Vock, Jacqueline StudentECU
Feasibility of Tomotherapy-Based Image-Guided Radiotherapy for Small Cell Lung Cancer2013Nguyen, Nam P.StudentECU
Feasibility of Tomotherapy-Based Image-Guided Radiotherapy for Small Cell Lung Cancer2013Shen, Wei StudentECU
Feasibility of Tomotherapy-Based Image-Guided Radiotherapy for Small Cell Lung Cancer2013Chi, Alexander StudentECU
Feasibility of Tomotherapy-Based Image-Guided Radiotherapy for Small Cell Lung Cancer2013Dutta, Suresh StudentECU
Feasibility of Tomotherapy-Based Image-Guided Radiotherapy for Small Cell Lung Cancer2013Vincent, Vinh-Hung StudentECU
Feasibility of Tomotherapy-Based Image-Guided Radiotherapy for Small Cell Lung Cancer2013Sroka, Thomas StudentECU
Feasibility of Tomotherapy-Based Image-Guided Radiotherapy for Small Cell Lung Cancer2013Vos, Paul StudentECU
Feasibility of Tomotherapy-Based Image-Guided Radiotherapy for Small Cell Lung Cancer2013Mills, Melissa StudentECU
Feasibility of Tomotherapy-Based Image-Guided Radiotherapy for Small Cell Lung Cancer2013Godinez, Juan StudentECU
Feasibility of Tomotherapy-Based Image-Guided Radiotherapy for Small Cell Lung Cancer2013Altdorfer, Gabor StudentECU
Feasibility of Tomotherapy-Based Image-Guided Radiotherapy for Small Cell Lung Cancer2013Karlsson, Ulf StudentECU
Feasibility of Tomotherapy-Based Image-Guided Radiotherapy for Small Cell Lung Cancer2013Jang, Siyoung StudentECU
Feasibility of Tomotherapy-Based Image-Guided Radiotherapy for Small Cell Lung Cancer2013Ewell, Lars StudentECU
Feasibility of Tomotherapy-Based Image-Guided Radiotherapy for Small Cell Lung Cancer2013Kratz, Sarah StudentECU
Feasibility of Tomotherapy-Based Image-Guided Radiotherapy to Reduce Aspiration Risk in Pati...2013Ceizyk, Misty StudentECU
Feasibility of Tomotherapy-Based Image-Guided Radiotherapy to Reduce Aspiration Risk in Pati...2013Vos, Paul StudentECU
Feasibility of Tomotherapy-Based Image-Guided Radiotherapy to Reduce Aspiration Risk in Pati...2013Vinh-Hung, Vincent StudentECU
Feasibility of Tomotherapy-Based Image-Guided Radiotherapy to Reduce Aspiration Risk in Pati...2013Smith-Raymond, Lexie StudentECU
Feasibility of Tomotherapy-Based Image-Guided Radiotherapy to Reduce Aspiration Risk in Pati...2013Stevie, Michelle StudentECU
Feasibility of Tomotherapy-Based Image-Guided Radiotherapy to Reduce Aspiration Risk in Pati...2013Modarresifar, Homayoun StudentECU
Feasibility of Tomotherapy-Based Image-Guided Radiotherapy to Reduce Aspiration Risk in Pati...2013Jo, Beng-Hoey StudentECU
Feasibility of Tomotherapy-Based Image-Guided Radiotherapy to Reduce Aspiration Risk in Pati...2013Davis, Rick StudentECU
Feasibility of Tomotherapy-Based Image-Guided Radiotherapy to Reduce Aspiration Risk in Pati...2013Sroka, Thomas StudentECU
Feasibility of Tomotherapy-Based Image-Guided Radiotherapy to Reduce Aspiration Risk in Pati...2013Abraham, Dave StudentECU
Feasibility of Tomotherapy-Based Image-Guided Radiotherapy to Reduce Aspiration Risk in Pati...2013Desai, Anand StudentECU
Feasibility of Tomotherapy-Based Image-Guided Radiotherapy to Reduce Aspiration Risk in Pati...2013Krafft, Shane P.StudentECU
Feasibility of Tomotherapy-Based Image-Guided Radiotherapy to Reduce Aspiration Risk in Pati...2013Nguyen, Nam P.StudentECU
Feasibility of Tomotherapy-Based Image-Guided Radiotherapy to Reduce Aspiration Risk in Pati...2013Nguyen, Nam P.,Smith-Raymond,Lexie,Vinh-Hung,Vincent,Vos,Paul,StudentECU
Feasibility Study of Dual Energy Radiographic Imaging for Target Localization in Radiotherap...2014Zhu, Xianfeng StudentECU
Feasibility Study of Dual Energy Radiographic Imaging for Target Localization in Radiotherap...2014Feng, Yuanming StudentECU
Feasibility Study of Dual Energy Radiographic Imaging for Target Localization in Radiotherap...2014Hu, Xin-Hua StudentECU
Feasibility Study of Dual Energy Radiographic Imaging for Target Localization in Radiotherap...2014Wang, Gang StudentECU
Feasibility Study of Dual Energy Radiographic Imaging for Target Localization in Radiotherap...2014Wang, Xuemin StudentECU
Feasibility Study of Dual Energy Radiographic Imaging for Target Localization in Radiotherap...2014Wang, Ping StudentECU
Feasibility Study of Dual Energy Radiographic Imaging for Target Localization in Radiotherap...2014Yuan, Zhiyong StudentECU
Feasibility Study of Dual Energy Radiographic Imaging for Target Localization in Radiotherap...2014Dong, Yang StudentECU
Feasibility Study of Dual Energy Radiographic Imaging for Target Localization in Radiotherap...2014Huo, Jie StudentECU
The feather series and reflection 2011Hatfield, Dana StudentTeaching and Learning, WCU
Features of the Pharyngeal Muscles and Nasal Cavity Features in Velocardiofacial Syndrome2023Tahmasebifard, Neda StudentECU
Federal Operations at Hatteras Inlet, North Carolina, 18612023Marcinko, Tom StudentECU
Federico Garcia Lorca and The house of Bernarda Alba1969Ackler, Ellen S.StudentDrama and Speech, UNCG
Feeding ecology of juvenile fishes from the southeast United States continental shelf2023Jenkins, Jacqueline A.StudentECU
Feeding habits of vertebrates in Mallard Creek2023Heath, Charlie F.StudentECU
Feedsack Fashion in Rural Appalachia: A Social History of Women’s Experiences in Ashe County...2010Hopper, Natalya RachaelStudentHistory - Student, ASU
Felony Convictions and Program Admissions: Theoretical Perspectives to Guide Decision-Making...2005Leedy, M. Gail FacultySocial Work, ASU
Female and Male Sexual Responses in Female Cats with Ventromedial Hypothalamic Lesions1985Leedy, M. Gail FacultySocial Work, ASU
The Female Gaze And Feminism In The Works Of Jane Campion2017Parkhurst, Jordan StudentEnglish - Student, ASU
Female Sexual Responses in Male Cats Facilitated by Olfactory Bulbectomy and Medial Preoptic...1983Leedy, M. Gail FacultySocial Work, ASU
Females Appraisal Distortions in Intimate Partner Relationships2023Lee, Frandrea StudentECU
Feminine understandings of power and the culture of the school1993Hudson, Martha B.StudentEducation, UNCG
Feminism, Psychoanalysis, and (Male) Hysteria over John Bobbitt's Missing Manhood1998McCaughey, Martha FacultySociology, ASU
A feminist approach to climate change governance: Everyday and intimate politics2023Bee, Beth A.StudentECU
A feminist approach to climate change governance: Everyday and intimate politics2023Rice, Jennifer StudentECU
A feminist approach to climate change governance: Everyday and intimate politics2023Trauger, Amy StudentECU
A Feminist Examination of Community Kitchens in Peru and Bolivia2006Schroeder, Kathleen FacultyGeography and Planning, ASU
Feminizing Adrenal Carcinoma Presenting with Heart Failure and Ventricular Tachycardia2012West, R. LeeStudentECU
Feminizing Adrenal Carcinoma Presenting with Heart Failure and Ventricular Tachycardia2012Harnoor, Anjana StudentECU
Feminizing Adrenal Carcinoma Presenting with Heart Failure and Ventricular Tachycardia2012Cook, Fiona J.StudentECU
Fermented foods like Kimchi are fer-me and fer-you2023Park, Charles StudentECU
Fermented foods like Kimchi are fer-me and fer-you2023Bhatt, Arjun StudentECU
Fermented foods like Kimchi are fer-me and fer-you2023Kolasa, Kathryn MStudentECU
Fesselin and caldesmon: natively unfolded proteins in smooth muscle regulation2010Hamden, Svetlana StudentECU
Fesselin, an intrinsically disordered smooth muscle protein, organizes and stabilizes actin-...2023Kingsbury, Nathaniel StudentECU
Festival Gap : Comparing Organizers' Perceptions of Visitors to a Survey of Visitors at the ...2011Gross, Justin A.StudentGeography, ECU
Festival Gap : Comparing Organizers' Perceptions of Visitors to a Survey of Visitors at the ...2006Gross, Justin A.StudentECU
The festival gap :comparing organizers' perceptions of visitors to a survey of visitors at t...2023Gross, Justin A.StudentECU
Festival jubilate, op. 17 by Amy Cheney Beach (1867-1944) : a performing edition1994Brittain, Randy CharlesStudentMusic, UNCG
The fetal alcohol syndrome :characterization of liver alcohol dehydrogenase in the developin...2023Wilson, Robert Wayne.StudentECU
The fetal alcohol syndrome: influence of ethanol on chick embryo brain cAMP and protein kina...2023Boyd, John William.StudentECU
Fibers in sliver and roving form for wall hangings1974Parker, Sharron BaileyStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Fibrational Induction Meets Effects2016Johann, Patricia FacultyComputer Science, ASU
Fifth Generation Warfare, Hybrid Warfare, and Gray Zone Conflict: A Comparison2023Krishnan, Armin StudentECU
Fifty homemakers' evaluation of the performance characteristics of kitchen carpet1975Browning, Delinda ReedStudentHome Economics, UNCG
The fig tree1955Wright, Dorothea StudentEnglish, UNCG
The Fighting Spirit: Women's Self-Defense Training and the Discourse of Sexed Embodiment1998McCaughey, Martha FacultySociology, ASU
Figurative drawings and paintings 1975-19771977Yeats, Craig KennethStudentArt, UNCG
The figure1975Stevenson, Louise B.StudentArt, UNCG
Figure fragmentation1971Hawkins, Rebecca HumphreyStudentArt, UNCG
The figure in space1977Lane, Barbara ChestnuttStudentArt, UNCG
Figure paintings and drawings1978Stokes, Steven RayStudentArt, UNCG
Figure studies : color, space, and form1975Fox, Donald MartinStudentArt, UNCG
Filtration Efficiency of Surgical Sterilization Fabric for Respiratory Protection During COV...2023Sousan, Sinan StudentECU
Filtration Efficiency of Surgical Sterilization Fabric for Respiratory Protection During COV...2023Garcia, Nicole StudentECU
Filtration Efficiency of Surgical Sterilization Fabric for Respiratory Protection During COV...2023White, Avian StudentECU
Filtration Efficiency of Surgical Sterilization Fabric for Respiratory Protection During COV...2023Balanay, Jo AnneStudentECU
The Financial Behavior of Emerging Adults : A Family Financial Socialization Approach2023Schweichler, John T.StudentECU
The financing and completion of a group of shell homes1964Campbell, Betty StudentHome Economics, UNCG
Find Your Voice Final2023Best, Emma GStudentECU
Find Your Voice Final2023Abercrombie, Claire StudentECU
Find Your Voice Final2023Jarvis, Olivia StudentECU
Find Your Voice Final2023Jessee, Allie StudentECU
Find Your Voice Final2023Sasser, Georgia StudentECU
Find Your Voice Final2023Talbert, Gracie StudentECU
Find Your Voice: A Signature Honors Project on Sexual Assault Education and Advocacy2023Abercrombie, Claire StudentECU
Finding Displacement through Incest in Salman Rushdie's The Ground Beneath her Feet and Fury...2023Sinor, Katie StudentECU
Finding Little Albert: A Journey to John B. Watson’s Infant Laboratory2009Beck, Hall FacultyPsychology, ASU
Finding Little Albert: Reports on a seven-year search for psychology’s lost boy2011Beck, Hall FacultyPsychology, ASU
Finding most nearly compatible conditionals under a finite discrete set-up: An overview and ...2024Ghosh, Indranil FacultyMathematics and Statistics, UNCW
Fine Particulate air Pollution is Associated with Higher Vulnerability to Atrial Fibrillatio...2011He, Fan StudentECU
Fine Particulate air Pollution is Associated with Higher Vulnerability to Atrial Fibrillatio...2011Liao, Duanping StudentECU
Fine Particulate air Pollution is Associated with Higher Vulnerability to Atrial Fibrillatio...2011Bixler, Edward O.StudentECU
Fine Particulate air Pollution is Associated with Higher Vulnerability to Atrial Fibrillatio...2011Cascio, Wayne E.StudentECU
Fine Particulate air Pollution is Associated with Higher Vulnerability to Atrial Fibrillatio...2011Whitsel, Eric A.StudentECU
Fine Particulate air Pollution is Associated with Higher Vulnerability to Atrial Fibrillatio...2011Wu, Rongling StudentECU
Fine Particulate air Pollution is Associated with Higher Vulnerability to Atrial Fibrillatio...2011Rodriguez-Colon, Sol StudentECU
Fine Particulate air Pollution is Associated with Higher Vulnerability to Atrial Fibrillatio...2011Shaffer, Michele L.StudentECU
A fine structural analysis of eight-day chicken comb and comb-feather chimeras2023Sawyer, Linwood McAuley.StudentECU
Finger placement correction for static gesture recognition in American Sign Language2014Cordova, Veronica Yenquenida FlamencoStudentEngineering and Technology, WCU
‘Finish Your Soup’: Counterproductive Effects of Pressuring Children to Eat On Intake and Af...2006Galloway, Amy FacultyPsychology, ASU
Fire resistance characteristics of selected multilayer fabric assemblies in varying air cond...1974Conner, Mary GailStudentHome Economics, UNCG
The first amendment rights of high school newspapers in Virginia1980Hoffman, David E.StudentEducation, UNCG
The First Dime: A Decade of Convict Criminology2009Murphy, Daniel S. FacultyGovernment and Justice Studies, ASU
First directions1971Davidson, Robert GregoryStudentEnglish, UNCG
First impressions of clothing as related to personality traits of authoritarianism1975Kayler, Carol HendricksStudentHome Economics, UNCG
The First Modified Delphi Consensus Statement on Sleeve Gastrectomy2023DeMaria, Eric J.StudentECU
First Report On Reptile Tracks From The Moenkopi Formation (Lower-Middle Triassic) In Dinosa...2014Heckert, Andrew B. FacultyGeology, ASU
First-Time Chinese Online Students’ Expectations of Their Instructors in Fully Online Learni...2023Lin, Xi StudentECU
Fish and Invertebrate use of Restored vs. Natural Oyster Reefs in a Shallow Temperate Latitu...2023Baillie, Christopher J.StudentECU
Fish and Invertebrate use of Restored vs. Natural Oyster Reefs in a Shallow Temperate Latitu...2023Gittman, Rachel K.StudentECU
Fish assemblage and habitat use in North Carolina and Virginia waters during the annual Coop...2023Osborne, Jillian HStudentECU
Fish in Waterfowl Habitat: Managing National Wildlife Refuges for Multiple Purposes using Ma...2020Mulligan, Allison StewartStudentECU
Fish utilization of an inundated swamp-stream floodplain2023Walker, Michael D.StudentECU
Fish utilization of submerged aquatic vegetation in the Pamlico River2023FitzGerald, John M.StudentECU
Fishers’ Perceptions of Ciguatoxin Fish Poisoning and Modeling Biomagnification of Ciguatoxi...2023Raab, Henry RStudentECU
Fishing For The Evolutionary Bases Of Female Ornamentation2023Yong, Lengxob StudentECU
Fit of clothing related to body image, body build, and selected clothing attitudes1974Williams, Ardis AdaStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Fitness versus Fatness and Insulin Resistance in U.S. Adolescents2010Collier, David N.StudentECU
Fitness versus Fatness and Insulin Resistance in U.S. Adolescents2010Cummings, Doyle M.StudentECU
Fitness versus Fatness and Insulin Resistance in U.S. Adolescents2010Imai, Satomi StudentECU
Fitness versus Fatness and Insulin Resistance in U.S. Adolescents2010DuBose, Katrina D.StudentECU
Five college students' involvement in creating mathematics and the resulting effects on thei...1992Goodman, Billie W.StudentEducation, UNCG
Five stories1966Cox, Judy RichardsonStudentEnglish, UNCG
Fixed dried red blood cells and method of use2005Fischer, Thomas StudentECU
Fixed dried red blood cells and method of use2005Nichols, Timothy StudentECU
Fixed dried red blood cells and method of use2005Read, Marjorie StudentECU
Fixed dried red blood cells and method of use2005Bode, Arthur StudentECU
Fixed interval reinforcement for a situational response1974Hatten, Anna DixonStudentPsychology, UNCG
Fixed-dried red blood cells2008Bode, Arthur StudentECU
Fixed-dried red blood cells2008Read, Marjorie StudentECU
Fixed-dried red blood cells2008Fischer, Thomas StudentECU
Fixed-dried red blood cells2008Nichols, Timothy StudentECU
Flame safety in the consumer apparel market1976Koonce, Joan B.StudentHome Economics, UNCG
Flannery O'Connor : prophet and evangelist1966Delafield, Carter StudentEnglish, UNCG
Flaubert's Un coeur simple1965Martin, Patsy StudentRomance Languages, UNCG
Flavor acceptance of selected sweet potato cultivars1976Pittman, Mallery KneeStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Flexible Drought Deciduousness in a Neotropical Understory Herb2023Chen, Grace F.StudentECU
Flexible Drought Deciduousness in a Neotropical Understory Herb2023Harencár, Julia G.StudentECU
Flexible Drought Deciduousness in a Neotropical Understory Herb2023Ávila-Lovera, Eleinis StudentECU
Flexible Drought Deciduousness in a Neotropical Understory Herb2023Goldsmith, Gregory R.StudentECU
Flexible Drought Deciduousness in a Neotropical Understory Herb2023Kay, Kathleen M.StudentECU
FliL Ring Enhances the Function of Periplasmic Flagella2023Xu, Hui StudentECU
FliL Ring Enhances the Function of Periplasmic Flagella2023Motaleb, Md A.StudentECU
FliL Ring Enhances the Function of Periplasmic Flagella2023, et alStudentECU
The flood of the century :extraordinary hydro-meteorological event or human-induced catastro...2023Kotecki, Erica S.StudentECU
Flood Vulnerability of Hog Farms in Eastern North Carolina: An Inconvenient Poop2023Harmin, Calvin StudentECU
Floorcloths made using the acrylic polymer medium1975La Mar, Deborah DealStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Floristic assessment of a wet mineral flat at the East Carolina University West Research Cam...2023Chester, Rebecca E.StudentECU
Floristic assessment of a wet mineral flat at the East Carolina University West Research Cam...2023Chester, Rebecca E.StudentECU
The Flotilla Project: Preliminary Report 1997 Fieldwork2023Babits, Lawrence EdwardStudentECU
The Flotilla Project: Preliminary Report 1997 Fieldwork2023Fach, Catherine StudentECU
The Flotilla Project: Preliminary Report 1997 Fieldwork2023Harris, Ryan StudentECU
Flow and the perceived balance between challenges and skills in physical education and other...1987Chandler, Gary LeonardStudentHealth, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, UNCG
Fluid-Structure Interaction Modeling of Pulmonary Artery Blood Flow in End-Stage Renal Disea...2020Pearce, Daniel StudentECU
Fluvial sedimentology of the Rio Desguadero, Bolivia :modern fluvial processes, Holocene ter...2023Baucom, Patti C.StudentECU
Fluvial sedimentology of the Rio Desguadero, Bolivia :modern fluvial processes, Holocene ter...2023Baucom, Patti C.StudentECU
A follow-up study of the business graduates of Campbell College, Buies Creek, North Carolina...1969Sikes, Ellen M.StudentBusiness and Economics, UNCG
A follow-up study of the distributive education cooperative training students of Greensboro,...1950Frye, Frances A. SowellStudentBusiness Education, UNCG
Food and Feeding of Young Striped Bass in the Lower Roanoke River and Western Albemarle Soun...2011Stanley, D.W. StudentECU
Food and Feeding of Young Striped Bass in the Lower Roanoke River and Western Albemarle Soun...2011Rulifson, Roger StudentECU
Food and Feeding of Young Striped Bass in the Lower Roanoke River and Western Albemarle Soun...2011Cooper, J.E. StudentECU
Food and Feeding of Young Striped Bass in Roanoke River and Western Albemarle Sound North C...2011Cooper, John StudentECU
Food and Feeding of Young Striped Bass in Roanoke River and Western Albemarle Sound North C...2011Rulifson, Roger StudentECU
Food and Feeding of Young Striped Bass in Roanoke River and Western Albemarle Sound North C...2011Stanley, Donald StudentECU
Food and Feeding of Young Striped Bass in Roanoke River and Western Albemarle Sound North C...2011Stanley, D.W. StudentECU
Food and Feeding of Young Striped Bass in Roanoke River and Western Albemarle Sound North C...2011Rulifson, Roger StudentECU
Food and Feeding of Young Striped Bass in Roanoke River and Western Albemarle Sound North C...2011Shepherd, M.E. StudentECU
Food and Feeding of Young Striped Bass in Roanoke River and Western Albemarle Sound North C...2011Wood, S.F. StudentECU
Food and Feeding of Young Striped Bass in Roanoke River and Western Albemarle Sound North C...2011Cooper, J.E. StudentECU
Food and Feeding of Young Striped Bass in Roanoke River and Western Albemarle Sound North C...2011Daniel, D.D. StudentECU
Food and Feeding of Young Striped Bass in Roanoke River and Western Albemarle Sound, North C...2023Rulifson, Roger StudentECU
Food and Feeding of Young Striped Bass in Roanoke River and Western Albemarle Sound, North C...2023Cooper, John E.StudentECU
Food and Feeding of Young Striped Bass in Roanoke River and Western Albemarle Sound, North C...2023Stanley, D.W. StudentECU
Food and Feeding of Young Striped Bass in Roanoke River and Western Albemarle Sound, North C...2023Shepherd, M.E. StudentECU
Food and Feeding of Young Striped Bass in Roanoke River and Western Albemarle Sound, North C...2023Wood, S.F. StudentECU
Food and Feeding of Young Striped Bass in Roanoke River and Western Albemarle Sound, North C...2023Daniel, D.D. StudentECU
Food conversion efficiency and growth in the American eel (Anguilla rostrata (Lesueur))2023Reynolds, Gary Wayne.StudentECU
Food habits and food purchasing practices of low-income families1973Moore, Eva ElliottStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Food Literacy Partners Program: Cooking Class Unit2023Kolasa, Kathryn StudentECU
Food Literacy Partners Program: Cooking Class Unit2023Harris, Nancy StudentECU
Food Literacy Partners Program: Cooking Class Unit2023Peery, Annette StudentECU
Food practices of homemakers in a suburban area of Greensboro, North Carolina1963Harris, Phyllis StudentHome Economics, UNCG
Food production and consumption practices in a selected group of North Carolina homes1941Brendle, Cleo StudentHome Economics, UNCG
Food Service in Private Clubs2018Rehkopf, Ed FacultyHospitality and Tourism Administration, NCCU
Food venue choice, consumer food environment, but not food venue availability within daily t...2013Gustafson, Alison,Christian,Jay W,Lewis,Sarah,Moore,Kate,Jilcott,StephanieStudentECU
Food-Based Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics (STEAM) Learning Activiti...2023Bayles, Jocelyn StudentECU
Food-Based Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics (STEAM) Learning Activiti...2023Peterson, Amanda D.StudentECU
Food-Based Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics (STEAM) Learning Activiti...2023Jilcott Pitts, Stephanie StudentECU
Food-Based Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics (STEAM) Learning Activiti...2023Burkholder, Sarah StudentECU
Food-Based Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics (STEAM) Learning Activiti...2023Stage, Virginia C.StudentECU
Food-Based Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics (STEAM) Learning Activiti...2023Goodell, L. SuzanneStudentECU
Food-Based Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics (STEAM) Learning Activiti...2023Hegde, Archana V.StudentECU
Food-Based Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics (STEAM) Learning Activiti...2023Bian, Hui StudentECU
Food-based STEAM Learning Activities Reduce Decline in Preschoolers Skin Carotenoid Status2023Bayles, Jocelyn StudentECU
"For ’the making and glimpsing of Other-Worlds’: Literature of the Fantastic in the Schlobin...2023Thomas, William JosephStudentECU
For the Love of Profit : Examining Traditional Capitalism on Eagles Island, North Carolina2023Minford, Robert J.StudentECU
For the Men on the Ground : An Examination of the Tuscaroras-Colonial Relations in North Car...2023Esterline, Matthew CameronStudentECU
FOR THE NOTETAKERS2023Massoud, Nadia StudentECU
Foraminiferal and Geochemical Evidence of Environmental Change in Response to Aquaculture in...2023Thornberg, Hanna StudentECU
Foraminiferal assemblages of the nearshore inner continental shelf, Nags Head and Wilmington...2023Workman, Robert R.StudentECU
Foraminiferal biostratighraphy[sic] and paleoecology of the Miocene Pungo River Formation, c...2023Moore, Teresa L.StudentECU
Foraminiferal biostratigraphy and paleoecology of Upper Pleistocene sediments from the outer...2023Byrum, Scott R.StudentECU
Foraminiferal evidence for recent paleoenvironmental change in Core Sound, North Carolina2023Pruitt, Rebecca J.StudentECU
Foraminiferal paleoecology and biostratigraphy of the Pungo River Formation, southern Onslow...2023Waters, Virginia J.StudentECU
Foraminiferal paleoecology and biostratigraphy of the Yorktown and Pungo River formations :B...2023Katrosh, Mark Ralph.StudentECU
Foraminiferal paleoecology of the Yazoo Clay, Mossy Grove Core #1, Hind's County, Mississipp...2023Daniel, Deborah A.StudentECU
Foraminiferal paleoecology of the Yazoo Clay, Mossy Grove Core #1, Hind's County, Mississipp...2023Daniel, Deborah A.StudentECU
Foraminiferal, sedimentological, and geochemical indications of Holocene environmental chang...2023Foley, Jennifer A.StudentECU
Foraminifera as indicators of hypoxia off Southwest Pass, Mississippi Delta, Gulf of Mexico?...2014Tichenor, Hal Raymond, Jr.StudentECU
Forcehymn1977Huey, Tom StudentEnglish, UNCG
The Foreign policy of Cleomenes I of Sparta2023Hancock, Joel GrantStudentECU
The foreign policy of James I 1603-16182023Lovier, John A.StudentECU
the forest burns bright2023Lee, Noah HardeeStudentECU
Form as process in selected works of Edgard Vare`se1973Ross, Marion StudentMusic, UNCG
Form Letter from King George V to Dan Tompkins2018Waters, Whitney StudentEnglish, WCU
The Form of Healing Vibrations2023Hall, Steven StudentECU
Formal Elements, Wearable Jewelry2023Jovanovic, Dejan StudentECU
Formal Model To Reduce the Risk Of Cloud Outages2023Hotwani, Komal StudentECU
Formal operations and organizational memory strategies in bright adolescents1977Wyatt, Kathryn BentonStudentPsychology, UNCG
Formal Sex Education on Consent, Sexual Assault, and IPV: An Evaluation of Students' Experie...2023Muscari, Emma StudentECU
Formation of Replacement Dolomite in the Latemar Carbonate Buildup, Dolomites, Northern Ital...2008Carmichael, Sarah K. FacultyGeology, ASU
Formation of Replacement Dolomite in the Latemar Carbonate Buildup, Dolomites, Northern Ital...2008Carmichael, Sarah K. FacultyGeology, ASU
Formative Assessment for the Development of an Undergraduate Research Experience for College...2023Amaresh, Sneha AmareshStudentECU
Formative Evaluation for a Healthy Corner Store Initiative in Pitt County, North Carolina: A...2013Lawton, Katherine K.StudentECU
Formative Evaluation for a Healthy Corner Store Initiative in Pitt County, North Carolina: A...2013Bringolf, Karamie R.StudentECU
Formative Evaluation for a Healthy Corner Store Initiative in Pitt County, North Carolina: A...2013Pitts, Stephanie B. JilcottStudentECU
Formative Evaluation for a Healthy Corner Store Initiative in Pitt County, North Carolina: A...2013Wall-Bassett, Elizabeth StudentECU
Formative Evaluation for a Healthy Corner Store Initiative in Pitt County, North Carolina: A...2013Morgan, Jo StudentECU
Formative Evaluation for a Healthy Corner Store Initiative in Pitt County, North Carolina: A...2013Laska, Melissa NelsonStudentECU
Formative Evaluation for a Healthy Corner Store Initiative in Pitt County, North Carolina: A...2013Sharkey, Joseph R.StudentECU
Formative Evaluation for a Healthy Corner Store Initiative in Pitt County, North Carolina: A...2013McGuirt, Jared T.StudentECU
Formative Evaluation for a Healthy Corner Store Initiative in Pitt County, North Carolina: E...2013Bringolf, Karamie R.StudentECU
Formative Evaluation for a Healthy Corner Store Initiative in Pitt County, North Carolina: E...2013Lloyd, Cameron L.StudentECU
Formative Evaluation for a Healthy Corner Store Initiative in Pitt County, North Carolina: E...2013Pitts, Stephanie B. JilcottStudentECU
Formative Evaluation for a Healthy Corner Store Initiative in Pitt County, North Carolina: E...2013Morgan, Jo StudentECU
Formative Evaluation for a Healthy Corner Store Initiative in Pitt County, North Carolina: E...2013Lawton, Katherine K.StudentECU
Formative Evaluation for a Healthy Corner Store Initiative in Pitt County, North Carolina: E...2013McGuirt, Jared T.StudentECU
The formative period of religion in Guilford County1970Tucker, Gary J.StudentHistory, UNCG
Forms in fluctuation1972Gilling, Thomas FrancisStudentArt, UNCG
The formulation of British foreign policy : Britain, Russia, and Central Asia, 1904-19071971Swiger, Ernest CullimoreStudentHistory, UNCG
The formulation of a Q-sort to assess body-image of high school girls1976Wiese, Cynthia EllenStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
Fort Bragg, North Carolina : from wartime emergency to peacetime permanence2023Carter, Charlotte F.StudentECU
Forty-Year Trends in Tooth Loss Among American Adults With and Without Diabetes Mellitus: An...2015Pan, Wei StudentECU
Forty-Year Trends in Tooth Loss Among American Adults With and Without Diabetes Mellitus: An...2015Luo, Huabin StudentECU
Forty-Year Trends in Tooth Loss Among American Adults With and Without Diabetes Mellitus: An...2015Sloan, Frank StudentECU
Forty-Year Trends in Tooth Loss Among American Adults With and Without Diabetes Mellitus: An...2015Wu, Bei StudentECU
Forty-Year Trends in Tooth Loss Among American Adults With and Without Diabetes Mellitus: An...2015Feinglos, Mark StudentECU
The Forum2001Steele, Kenneth M.FacultyPsychology, ASU
Forward to Kenyan Education System: Are We Preparing Students to Meet Current Global Needs a...2017Osler, James FacultySchool of Education , NCCU
Foster family environments in relation to social competence of adolescent foster children : ...1983Davis, Rebecca T.StudentHome Economics, UNCG
Fostering culturally responsive classroom management in beginning teachers2021Quinn, Elizabeth (Libba)StudentHuman Services, WCU
Fostering a sense of belonging in community college: a faculty initiative to increase suppor...2021Baylor, Laura Sherrill WilsonStudentHuman Services, WCU
Fostering a sense of belonging in community college: a faculty initiative to increase suppor...2021Lambert, Maureen DattiloStudentHuman Services, WCU
Fostering social capital through neighborhood design2023Baucom, Katherine. StudentECU
Fostering social capital through neighborhood design2023Baucom, Katherine. StudentECU
Fostering the Success of Working-Class Latina Doctoral Students at Predominantly White Insti...2023Crumb, Loni StudentECU
Foundations For Structured Programming With GADTs2008Johann, Patricia FacultyComputer Science, ASU
Four Kinds of Hard: An Understanding of Cancer and Death among Latino Community Leaders2023Larson, Kim L.StudentECU
Four Kinds of Hard: An Understanding of Cancer and Death among Latino Community Leaders2023Mathews, Holly F.StudentECU
Four Kinds of Hard: An Understanding of Cancer and Death among Latino Community Leaders2023Congema, Marianne R.StudentECU
Four Kinds of Hard: An Understanding of Cancer and Death among Latino Community Leaders2023Hoffman, Sarah J.StudentECU
Four Kinds of Hard: An Understanding of Cancer and Death among Latino Community Leaders2023Moye, Janet P.StudentECU
Four Kinds of Hard: An Understanding of Cancer and Death among Latino Community Leaders2023Murrieta, Karla M.StudentECU
Four Kinds of Hard: An Understanding of Cancer and Death among Latino Community Leaders2023Johnson, Lee AnnStudentECU
Four Kinds of Hard: An Understanding of Cancer and Death among Latino Community Leaders2023Larson, Kim L.StudentECU
Four Kinds of Hard: An Understanding of Cancer and Death among Latino Community Leaders2023Mathews, Holly F.StudentECU
Four Kinds of Hard: An Understanding of Cancer and Death among Latino Community Leaders2023Moye, Janet P.StudentECU
Four Kinds of Hard: An Understanding of Cancer and Death among Latino Community Leaders2023Congema, Marianne R.StudentECU
Four Kinds of Hard: An Understanding of Cancer and Death among Latino Community Leaders2023Hoffman, Sarah J.StudentECU
Four Kinds of Hard: An Understanding of Cancer and Death among Latino Community Leaders2023Murrieta, Karla M.StudentECU
Four Kinds of Hard: An Understanding of Cancer and Death among Latino Community Leaders2023Johnson, Lee AnnStudentECU
Four middle school physical education teachers' experiences during a collaborative action re...1989Butt, Karen L.StudentHealth, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, UNCG
Four three dimensional works executed in two or more opposing materials1969Martin, Carolyn SuttonStudentArt, UNCG
Four women1974Craig, Savannah RaeStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
Four-Dimensional In Vivo Dosimetry By Dose Reconstruction Using Continuous Epid Images And P...2023Yoon, JiHyung StudentECU
A Four-Year Observational Study to Examine the Dietary Impact of the North Carolina Healthy ...2023Jilcott Pitts, Stephanie B.StudentECU
A Four-Year Observational Study to Examine the Dietary Impact of the North Carolina Healthy ...2023Rafferty, Ann P.StudentECU
A Four-Year Observational Study to Examine the Dietary Impact of the North Carolina Healthy ...2023Johnson, Nevin StudentECU
A Four-Year Observational Study to Examine the Dietary Impact of the North Carolina Healthy ...2023Kaur, Archana P.StudentECU
A Four-Year Observational Study to Examine the Dietary Impact of the North Carolina Healthy ...2023Wu, Qiang StudentECU
A Four-Year Observational Study to Examine the Dietary Impact of the North Carolina Healthy ...2023Truesdale, Kimberly P.StudentECU
A Four-Year Observational Study to Examine the Dietary Impact of the North Carolina Healthy ...2023Haynes-Maslow, Lindsey StudentECU
A Four-Year Observational Study to Examine the Dietary Impact of the North Carolina Healthy ...2023Boys, Kathryn A.StudentECU
A Four-Year Observational Study to Examine the Dietary Impact of the North Carolina Healthy ...2023McGuirt, Jared T.StudentECU
A Four-Year Observational Study to Examine the Dietary Impact of the North Carolina Healthy ...2023Fleischhacker, Sheila StudentECU
A Four-Year Observational Study to Examine the Dietary Impact of the North Carolina Healthy ...2023Bell, Ronny A.StudentECU
A Four-Year Observational Study to Examine the Dietary Impact of the North Carolina Healthy ...2023Ammerman, Alice S.StudentECU
A Four-Year Observational Study to Examine the Dietary Impact of the North Carolina Healthy ...2023Laska, Melissa N.StudentECU
Fractional Flow Reserve/ Instantaneous Wave-Free Ratio Discordance in Angiographically Inter...2017Cook, Christopher M.,Jeremias,Allen,Petraco,Ricardo,Sen,Sayan,NijjerStudentECU
Fractionation and control of iron in channelized and swamp drainage streams in North Carolin...2023Vodopich, Darrell Stowe.StudentECU
A fracture and geophysical analysis of the hydrothermal system of Warm Springs, Bath County,...2023Bowman, Barry E.StudentECU
A fracture and geophysical analysis of the hydrothermal system of Warm Springs, Bath County,...2023Bowman, Barry E.StudentECU
A framework for higher education leader performance based on frameworks of Erving Goffman an...1984Kinchen, James BenjaminStudentEducation, UNCG
A framework linking discipline-based art education and visualization to a social studies cur...1990Elliott, David S.StudentEducation, UNCG
Framing Effects: An Analytic–Holistic Perspective2003McElroy, Todd FacultyPsychology, ASU
Framing exercise : the impacts on self-efficacy, other-efficacy, and anticipated affect2023Grantham, Rachel StudentECU
Framing the Frame: How Task Goals Determine the Likelihood and Direction of Framing Effects2007McElroy, Todd FacultyPsychology, ASU
Franc¸ois Mauriac and the search for happiness1968Crockett, Martha AnnStudentRomance Languages, UNCG
Frances Elvira Alexander Owens to Samuel Owens, December 26, 19412017Chandler, Melody StudentEnglish, WCU
Frances Elvira Owens to Samuel R. Owens, February 16, 19422017Jones, Amanda M. StudentEnglish, WCU
Frances Henne and the Development of School Library Standards2023Jones, Plummer AlstonStudentECU
Frances Owens to Samuel Robert Owens, January 10, 19422017Worsham, Charlie StudentEnglish, WCU
Frances Owens to Samuel Robert Owens, January 26, 19422017Woodburn, Kelsey StudentEnglish, WCU
Frances Renfrow Doak : a twentieth century woman of transition2023Spain, Suzanne V.StudentECU
Free Southern Theater : there is always a message1986Tripp, Ellen LouiseStudentEnglish, UNCG
A Freirian approach to world view instruction in the foreign language curriculum1990Ivers, John JosephStudentEducation, UNCG
French women writers, 1800-18501948Tilley, Betty SueStudentRomance Languages, UNCG
[French] Dr. Houston Attends State Dinner at the White House In Honor of President Kufuor of...2008Houston, Johnny FacultyMathematics and Computer Science, ECSU
Frequency altered feedback for treating non-stuttering pathologies2012Kalinowski, Joseph S.StudentECU
Frequency altered feedback for treating non-stuttering pathologies2012Rastatter, Michael P.StudentECU
Frequency altered feedback for treating non-stuttering pathologies2012Stuart, Andrew M.StudentECU
The frequency and inducibility of staphylococcus epidermidis bacteriophages and their potent...2023Bostian, James Edward.StudentECU
Frequency of use of specific expanded role skills by maternal-gynecological nurse practition...1977Nifong, Deborah H.StudentNursing, UNCG
Frequentist Statistical Inference without Repeated Sampling2023Vos, Paul StudentECU
Frequentist Statistical Inference without Repeated Sampling2023Holbert, Don StudentECU
Frequently Close to the point of Peril: A History of Buoys and Tenders in the U.S. Coastal W...2023Marshall, Amy KStudentECU
A Fresh Look at a Policy Sciences Methodology: Collaborative Modeling for More Effective Pol...2009Cockerill, Kristan FacultyCultural, Gender, and Global Studies, ASU
Fresh Tracks2023Mannino, Joe StudentECU
Friends in high places : Prince Philipp zu Eulenburg and William II of Germany2023Martin, James I.StudentECU
Friends in the Meetinghouse and Masters in the Fields: Seventeenth Century Quakers in the Sl...2023Winchester, Jonathan StudentECU
From Censorship to Intellectual Freedom to Empowermant: The Evolution of the Social Responsi...2023Jones, Plummer AlstonStudentECU
From Columbia to Averasboro, February 6 - March 16, 18652023Powell, Joseph W.,JrStudentECU
From the Editor: A Community of Practice2023Jones, Plummer AlstonStudentECU
From Exclusion to Inclusion : -- A Shift in the Perception of Native and Asian Americans thr...2023Summerlin, Coley RayStudentECU
From the Field: “BAD TIME”: THE RISE AND FALL OF PENAL POLICY IN OHIO2003Williams, Marian FacultyGovernment and Justice Studies, ASU
From the Field: “BAD TIME”: THE RISE AND FALL OF PENAL POLICY IN OHIO2003Holcomb, Jeff FacultyGovernment and Justice Studies, ASU
From Hopeless to Curious?: Thoughts on Hausman’s “Dubious to Hopeless” Critique of Contingen...2013Whitehead, John FacultyEconomics, ASU
From imitation to innovation: A study of China's drug R&amp\;D and relevant national policie...2023Ding, Jingxi StudentECU
From imitation to innovation: A study of China's drug R&amp\;D and relevant national policie...2023Xue, Yajiong StudentECU
From imitation to innovation: A study of China's drug R&amp\;D and relevant national policie...2023Liang, Huigang StudentECU
From imitation to innovation: A study of China's drug R&amp\;D and relevant national policie...2023Shao, Rong StudentECU
From imitation to innovation: A study of China's drug R&amp\;D and relevant national policie...2023Chen, Yongfa StudentECU
From “The Lost Colony” to “Unto These Hills”: Outdoor Theatre in North Carolina2023Thomas, William JosephStudentECU
From Luxury Liners to Aircraft Carriers: USS Wolverine and USS Sable2020Swierenga, Sydney MStudentECU
From Naptown to Sportstown : growth politics, urban development, and economic change in Indi...1994Schimmel, Kimberly S.StudentHealth and Human Performance, UNCG
From National Negro Health Week to National Public Health Week1996Pollitt, Phoebe AnnFacultyNursing , ASU
From novel to film : a study of To have and have not1974Hudson, Martha BennettStudentEnglish, UNCG
From paradigm to K Mart : an alternative approach to teaching students with severe mental re...1992Shaw, Dennis GeorgeStudentEducation, UNCG
From the president [interview with Plummer Alston "Al" Jones, Jr., NCLA President, 1999-2001...2023Jones, Plummer AlstonStudentECU
"From Quiet Woods to Tide Kissed Shore" : Searching for the Colonial Port of Sunbury, Georgi...2023Dilk, Stephen D.StudentECU
From Research to Policy: Preventing Residential Burglary Through a Systems Approach2000Robinson, Matthew B. FacultyGovernment and Justice Studies, ASU
From Silos to (Archives)Space: Moving Legacy Finding Aids Online as a Multi-Department Libra...2016Biswas, Paromita FacultyHunter Library, WCU
From small ways to big business, ship construction on the United States Pacific Coast, 1850-...2023Cooper, Diane E.StudentECU
From Steaming Hearths : The Transition from English Colonial Fare to African Foodways in the...2023Gurley, Sue HardingStudentECU
From test to testimony: Resiliency after TBI diagnosis2023Davis, Quanisha StudentECU
From Treatment to Recovery: Family, Health, and Sociocultural Implications of Anorexia Nervo...2023DavyRomano, Evie CStudentECU
From Wasteland to Praxis: Uncertainty and Control in the Creative Process2023Borsay, Peter StudentECU
Fruit and Vegetable Intake Assessed by Repeat 24 h Recalls, but Not by A Dietary Screener, I...2023Jilcott Pitts, Stephanie B.StudentECU
Fruit and Vegetable Intake Assessed by Repeat 24 h Recalls, but Not by A Dietary Screener, I...2023Seguin-Fowler, Rebecca A.StudentECU
Fruit and Vegetable Intake Assessed by Repeat 24 h Recalls, but Not by A Dietary Screener, I...2023Hanson, Karla L.StudentECU
Fruit and Vegetable Intake Assessed by Repeat 24 h Recalls, but Not by A Dietary Screener, I...2023Marshall, Grace A.StudentECU
Fruit and Vegetable Intake Assessed by Repeat 24 h Recalls, but Not by A Dietary Screener, I...2023Belarmino, Emily H.StudentECU
Fruit and Vegetable Intake Assessed by Repeat 24 h Recalls, but Not by A Dietary Screener, I...2023Kolodinsky, Jane StudentECU
Fruit and Vegetable Intake Assessed by Repeat 24 h Recalls, but Not by A Dietary Screener, I...2023Sitaker, Marilyn StudentECU
Fruit and Vegetable Intake Assessed by Repeat 24 h Recalls, but Not by A Dietary Screener, I...2023Ammerman, Alice S.StudentECU
Fruit and Vegetable Preferences and Practices May Hinder Participation in Community-Supporte...2023Pitts, Stephanie StudentECU
Fudan and Appalachian Library Exchange Program 2009 to 20122013Shao, Xiaorong FacultyUniversity Libraries, ASU
Fudan and Appalachian Library Exchange Program 2009 to 20122013Scherlen, Allan G.FacultyUniversity Libraries, ASU
Fudan and Appalachian Library Exchange Program 2009 to 20122013Johnson, Megan FacultyUniversity Libraries, ASU
Fuel selection in muscle :the regulation of pyruvate dehydrogenase activity during exercise ...2023Brozinick, Joseph T.StudentECU
Fueling the fire: An underwater archaeological investigation of the Clarfin Point wreck and ...2023Gray, Jefferson JStudentECU
Fugal procedures in the Mendelssohn organ sonatas1968Alston, Charlotte StudentMusic, UNCG
The fulfillment of a part of earth's furthest dream which is assigned to me1963Kao, Wen-chi StudentArt, UNCG
Function and regulation of the polysaccharide utilization locus, don, in the gut symbiont ba...2023Cao, Yanlu StudentECU
The function of parents' educational level and marital happiness in actual-ideal discrepanci...1976Darnley, Martha HighsmithStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Functional Aging of the Inner Ear Sensory Systems in Mouse Models of Age-Related Hearing Los...2009Mock, Bruce ElliottStudentECU
Functional Analysis of N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase-I Knockdown in 2D and 3D Neuroblastom...2023Hall, M. KristenStudentECU
Functional Analysis of N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase-I Knockdown in 2D and 3D Neuroblastom...2023Burch, Adam P.StudentECU
Functional Analysis of N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase-I Knockdown in 2D and 3D Neuroblastom...2023Schwalbe, Ruth A.StudentECU
Functional and Comparative Genomics of Hoxa2 Gene cis-Regulatory Elements: Evidence for Evol...2016Davis, Adam,Reubens,Michael C.,Stellwag,Edmund J.StudentECU
The functional and symbolic roles of hair and headgear among Afro-American women : a cultura...1982Simkins, Anna AtkinsStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Functional and Visionary Leadership in Self-Managing Virtual Teams2023Eseryel, U. YelizStudentECU
Functional and Visionary Leadership in Self-Managing Virtual Teams2023Crowston, Kevin StudentECU
Functional and Visionary Leadership in Self-Managing Virtual Teams2023Heckman, Robert StudentECU
Functional Connectivity Analysis of Visually Evoked ERPs for Mild Cognitive Impairment2023Wang, Lana StudentECU
Functional Expression of the Human Glucose Transporters GLUT2 and GLUT3 in Yeast Offers Nove...2023Schmidl, Sina StudentECU
Functional Expression of the Human Glucose Transporters GLUT2 and GLUT3 in Yeast Offers Nove...2023Tamayo Rojas, Sebastian A.StudentECU
Functional Expression of the Human Glucose Transporters GLUT2 and GLUT3 in Yeast Offers Nove...2023Iancu, Cristina V.StudentECU
Functional Expression of the Human Glucose Transporters GLUT2 and GLUT3 in Yeast Offers Nove...2023Choe, Jun-Yong StudentECU
Functional Expression of the Human Glucose Transporters GLUT2 and GLUT3 in Yeast Offers Nove...2023Oreb, Mislav StudentECU
Functional imaging of cognition in an old-old population: A case for portable functional nea...2017Huppert, Theodore J.,Karim,Helmet,Lin,Chia-Cheng,Alqahtani,Bader A.,StudentECU
Functional morphology of the tubular lattice in the crayfish, Procambarus Clarkii, medial gi...2023Hahn, Paulette C.StudentECU
Functional Unit of the RNA Polymerase II C-Terminal Domain Lies within Heptapeptide PairsÂ2023Stiller, John W.StudentECU
Functional Unit of the RNA Polymerase II C-Terminal Domain Lies within Heptapeptide PairsÂ2023Cook, Matthew S.StudentECU
Functions of the Community Farmers’ Market: A Sociological Analysis2015Smith, Nicholas J.StudentSociology - Student, ASU
Functions weaker than continuous functions1972High, Willie CarterStudentMathematics, UNCG
Fundamental and Applied Studies on Chromatographic Separation of Cold Drugs and Skincare Cre...2023Kapalavavi, Brahmam StudentECU
Fundamental properties of near-rings1973Shelton, Anelia SueStudentMathematics, UNCG
Fundamental Social Motives and Their Effect On Food Selection in Undergraduate Students2023Hagans, Kinsley RStudentECU
Fungal-Host Interaction: Curcumin Modulates Proteolytic Enzyme Activity of Candida albicans ...2018Chen, Emily,Benso,Bruna,Seleem,Dalia,Ferreira,Luiz Eduardo Nunes,Pasetto,Silvana,Pardi,Vanessa,MurataStudentECU
Fungicidal behavior of laundering detergents as a function of water temperature1983Durand, Georgette StudentHome Economics, UNCG
Fungicide Difenoconazole Induced Biochemical and Developmental Toxicity in Wheat (Triticum A...2023Zhang, Baohong StudentECU
Fungicide Difenoconazole Induced Biochemical and Developmental Toxicity in Wheat (Triticum A...2023Liu, Runqiang StudentECU
Fungicide Difenoconazole Induced Biochemical and Developmental Toxicity in Wheat (Triticum A...2023Jingchong Li, Jingchong StudentECU
Fungicide Difenoconazole Induced Biochemical and Developmental Toxicity in Wheat (Triticum A...2023Zhang, Lei StudentECU
Fungicide Difenoconazole Induced Biochemical and Developmental Toxicity in Wheat (Triticum A...2023Feng, Ta StudentECU
Fungicide Difenoconazole Induced Biochemical and Developmental Toxicity in Wheat (Triticum A...2023Zhang, Zhiyong StudentECU
Furniture needs, preferences, and purchasing capabilities of public housing consumers1972Turner, Carolyn SimpkinsStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Further Developments of a Multi-Phase Transport Model for Relativistic Nuclear Collisions2023Lin, Zi-Wei StudentECU
Further Developments of a Multi-Phase Transport Model for Relativistic Nuclear Collisions2023Zheng, Liang StudentECU
Fusing Logic And Control With Local Transformations: An Example Optimization2001Johann, Patricia FacultyComputer Science, ASU
Fusion1975Dwyer, Ann StudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
Future Carbon Emissions from Global Mangrove Forest Loss2023Lagomasino, David StudentECU
Future Carbon Emissions from Global Mangrove Forest Loss2023Adame, Maria F.StudentECU
Future Carbon Emissions from Global Mangrove Forest Loss2023Connolly, Rod M.StudentECU
Future Carbon Emissions from Global Mangrove Forest Loss2023Turschwell, Mischa P.StudentECU
Future Carbon Emissions from Global Mangrove Forest Loss2023Lovelock, Catherine E.StudentECU
Future Carbon Emissions from Global Mangrove Forest Loss2023Fatoyinbo, Temilola StudentECU
Future Carbon Emissions from Global Mangrove Forest Loss2023Goldberg, Liza A.StudentECU
Future Carbon Emissions from Global Mangrove Forest Loss2023Holdorf, Jordan StudentECU
Future Carbon Emissions from Global Mangrove Forest Loss2023Friess, Daniel A.StudentECU
Future Carbon Emissions from Global Mangrove Forest Loss2023Sasmito, Sigit D.StudentECU
Future Carbon Emissions from Global Mangrove Forest Loss2023Sanderman, Jonathan StudentECU
Future Carbon Emissions from Global Mangrove Forest Loss2023Sievers, Michael StudentECU
Future Carbon Emissions from Global Mangrove Forest Loss2023Buelow, Christina StudentECU
Future Carbon Emissions from Global Mangrove Forest Loss2023Kauffman, J. BooneStudentECU
Future Carbon Emissions from Global Mangrove Forest Loss2023Bryan-Brown, Dale StudentECU
Future Carbon Emissions from Global Mangrove Forest Loss2023Brown, Christopher J.StudentECU
The Future of Forsyth County Special Olympics Athlete Physicals2023Holt, Briana StudentECU
The Future of Managing Terrorism Risk: Industry Challenges & Opportunities2015Vickers, Eric StudentFinance, Banking, and Insurance - Student, ASU
The Future of Physical Therapy Clinics: Working to Diminish the Opioid Epidemic2023Flax, Caroline FacultyEsther G. Maynor Honors College, UNCP
Future orientation among 7th grade African American youths1996Powell, Frankie DeniseStudentHuman Environmental Sciences, UNCG
A fuzzy feature fusion method for auto-segmentation of gliomas with multi-modality diffusion...2018Guo, Lu,Wang,Ping,Sun,Ranran,Yang,Chengwen,Zhang,Ning,G StudentECU
G Protein-Coupled Receptor Signaling in Growth and Inflammation of Vascular Smooth Muscle2023Bullock, Michael TStudentECU
G. B. S. pamphleteer or playwright?1956Long, Joyce StudentEnglish, UNCG
G. C. Simkins et al. v. Moses H. Cone Memorial Hospital et al. : a landmark decision1969Connelly, Michale KarnesStudentHistory and Political Science, UNCG
G. R. Little Library's  Enrollment of Congress Surplus Books Program 2023Tuncer-Bayramli, Nurhak FacultyLibrary, ECSU
G.R. Little Library Newsletter 20192019Tuncer-Bayramli, Nurhak FacultyLibrary, ECSU
G.R. Little Library Newsletter 20192019Spence, Juanita Midgette FacultyLibrary, ECSU
G.R. Little Library Newsletter 20202020Spence, Juanita Midgette FacultyLibrary, ECSU
G.R. Little Library Newsletter 20202020Tuncer-Bayramli, Nurhak FacultyLibrary, ECSU
G.R. Little Library Newsletter 20212021Tuncer-Bayramli, Nurhak FacultyLibrary, ECSU
G.R. Little Library Newsletter 20212021Spence, Juanita Midgette FacultyLibrary, ECSU
G.R. Little Library Newsletter 20222022Spence, Juanita Midgette FacultyLibrary, ECSU
G.R. Little Library Newsletter 20222022Tuncer-Bayramli, Nurhak FacultyLibrary, ECSU
G.R. Little Library Newsletter 20232023Tuncer-Bayramli, Nurhak FacultyLibrary, ECSU
G.R. Little Library Newsletter 20232023Spence, Juanita Midgette FacultyLibrary, ECSU
Gabriel J. Rains and the ethical controversy over Confederate land mine use2023Bonner, Michael StudentECU
Gagliardi1973Bohen, Michael StudentEnglish, UNCG
A Gain and Dynamic Range Independent Index to Quantify Spillover Spread to Aid Panel Design ...2023Ratlif, Michelle L.StudentECU
A Gain and Dynamic Range Independent Index to Quantify Spillover Spread to Aid Panel Design ...2023Bhowmick, Debajit StudentECU
A Gain and Dynamic Range Independent Index to Quantify Spillover Spread to Aid Panel Design ...2023van Diepen, Frank StudentECU
A Gain and Dynamic Range Independent Index to Quantify Spillover Spread to Aid Panel Design ...2023Pfauth, Anita StudentECU
A Gain and Dynamic Range Independent Index to Quantify Spillover Spread to Aid Panel Design ...2023Tissier, Renaud StudentECU
Gaining ground1975Seabrooke, Deborah StudentEnglish, UNCG
Gaining the PROMIS perspective from children with nephrotic syndrome: A Midwest pediatric ne...2013Gipson, Debbie S,Selewski,David T,Massengill,Susan F,Wickman,LaryStudentECU
Game rules and morality1972Weiblen, Joyce H.StudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
Game-Theoretic Analysis of the North Korean Missile Crisis2023Jackson, Philip StudentECU
"Games"1975Alvarez, Linda RodrigueStudentUNCG
Gaps and Barriers Along the North Carolina Agri-Food Value Chain2023Pitts, Stephanie StudentECU
Garcinia Cambogia, Either Alone or in Combination with Green Tea Causes Moderate to Severe L...2023Tillmann, Hans L.StudentECU
Gasper Zappula and other stories1973Hildebrandt, Hugo JohnStudentEnglish, UNCG
gC1qR/C1qBP/HABP-1: Structural Analysis of the Trimeric Core Region, Interactions With a Nov...2023Garcia, Brandon L.StudentECU
gC1qR/C1qBP/HABP-1: Structural Analysis of the Trimeric Core Region, Interactions With a Nov...2023Zhang, Ying StudentECU
Gemella Species Bacteremia and Stroke in an Elderly Patient with Respiratory Tract Infection...2017Jayananda, Sriraksha,Gollol-Raju,Narasimha Swamy,Fadul,NadaStudentECU
Gender and cohort differences in high school students' sex role orientation, 1984-19871989Beaver, Carolyn B.StudentHuman Environmental Sciences, UNCG
Gender and Racial Identity, Smoking Norms, and Smoking Behaviors Among College-Aged African ...2023Thornton, Shelly A.StudentECU
Gender and Sentencing: An Analysis of Indicators1999Williams, Marian FacultyGovernment and Justice Studies, ASU
Gender Differences in Aerobic and Work Capacity During Plantar Flexion Exercise2009Stagner, Lindsay StudentECU
Gender differences in aphasia outcomes: evidence from the AphasiaBank2023Wright, Heather HarrisStudentECU
Gender differences in aphasia outcomes: evidence from the AphasiaBank2023Perry, Jamie L.StudentECU
Gender differences in aphasia outcomes: evidence from the AphasiaBank2023Fang, Xiangming StudentECU
Gender differences in aphasia outcomes: evidence from the AphasiaBank2023Ellis, Charles StudentECU
Gender differences in aphasia outcomes: evidence from the AphasiaBank2023Sharma, Saryu StudentECU
Gender Differences in Fat Talk Among American Adults: Results from the Psychology of Size ...2009Bazzini, Doris FacultyPsychology, ASU
Gender Differences in Fat Talk Among American Adults: Results from the Psychology of Size Su...2009Martz, Denise M. FacultyPsychology, ASU
Gender Differences in Fat Talk Among American Adults: Results from the Psychology of Size Su...2009Curtin , Lisa FacultyPsychology, ASU
Gender Differences in Written Expression Curriculum-Based Measurement in Third Through Eight...2010Parker, Patricia D.StudentPsychology - Student, ASU
Gender differentiation in leadership styles among high school principals in North Carolina1991Brookbank, Priscilla GayleStudentEducation, UNCG
Gender Equity in Mathematics: Beliefs of Students, Parents and Teachers2003Leedy, M. Gail FacultySocial Work, ASU
Gender role conflict and coping : a preliminary investigation of college males1996Bergen, David JohnStudentEducation, UNCG
Gender role conflict and situational context2017Banos, Noely StudentPsychology, WCU
Gender, Gender Identity and Undergraduates' Perceptions of School Psychology as a Career Cho...2023Klotz, Charli StudentECU
Gender, power and leadership style : perceptions of selected senior level North Carolina com...1993Bryan, Lori DeniseStudentPsychology, UNCG
Gender, race, and the wartime home front : Onslow County, North Carolina and World War II2023Brown, Greta J.StudentECU
Gender, Sexual Experience, and the Sexual Double Standard: Evaluations of Female Contracepti...2001Bazzini, Doris FacultyPsychology, ASU
Gender-based differences in high school employment : is there differential socialization for...1992Clifford, Dean MajorStudentHuman Environmental Sciences, UNCG
Gendered spaces of payment for environmental services: A critical look2023Bee, Beth A.StudentECU
Gene controlled heterocaryon instability in Neurospora crassa1976Calligan, Charles ParkerStudentBiology, UNCG
Gene Expression Divergence Between Zebra Finch (Taeniopygia Guttata) Subspecies And Gene Reg...2023Davidson, John H.StudentECU
Gene Expression in Male and Female Stickleback from Populations with Convergent and Divergen...2023McKinnon, Jeffrey S.StudentECU
Gene Expression in Male and Female Stickleback from Populations with Convergent and Divergen...2023Newsome, William BurnsStudentECU
Gene Expression in Male and Female Stickleback from Populations with Convergent and Divergen...2023Balakrishnan, Christopher N.StudentECU
Gene Expression in the Social Behavior Network of the Wire-Tailed Manakin (Pipra Filicauda) ...2023Balakrishnan, Christopher N.StudentECU
Gene Expression Signatures of Individual Ductal Carcinoma in Situ Lesions Identify Processes...2023Geradts, Joseph StudentECU
Gene Expression Signatures of Individual Ductal Carcinoma in Situ Lesions Identify Processes...2023Rebbeck, Clare A.StudentECU
Gene Expression Signatures of Individual Ductal Carcinoma in Situ Lesions Identify Processes...2023, et alStudentECU
Gene mutation and biochemical characterization of recombinant mutant FtrB: A novel cupredoxi...2023Buchanan, Jessica DStudentECU
Gene Regulatory Evolution During Speciation in a Songbird2016Davidson, John H.,Balakrishnan,Christopher N.StudentECU
General And Device-Specific Quality Of Life In Arrhythmogenic Right Ventricular Cardiomyopat...2023Rhodes, Ashley C.StudentECU
The General and the Particular in Theravada Ethics: A Response to Charles Hallisey1997Schilbrack, Kevin FacultyPhilosophy and Religion, ASU
General music in the junior high school1962Varnum, Carolyn C.StudentMusic, UNCG
The general perceptions of North Carolina recreation administrators of the legal aspects of ...1985Gaskill, Paul LathropStudentEducation, UNCG
The generalization and maintenance of social skills for at-risk preschool children : a compa...1994Garriss, Charlotte ElizabethStudentEducation, UNCG
A generalization of the field of fractions of an integral domain1970Michaud, Robert EugeneStudentMathematics, UNCG
Generalization of Social Skills Training on Disruptive Classroom Behavior2023Scott, Emma StudentECU
A generalization of torsion to modules1971Bennett, Frances AnnStudentMathematics, UNCG
Generalization via multiple exemplar training and two methods of rule training : do rules he...1987Feinberg, Hal StudentPsychology, UNCG
Generalized Cost-Effectiveness of Residential Wind Mitigation Strategies for Wood-Frame, Sin...2023Massarra, Carol C.StudentECU
Generalized Cost-Effectiveness of Residential Wind Mitigation Strategies for Wood-Frame, Sin...2023Orooji, Fatemeh StudentECU
Generalized motor programme and parameterization accuracy in apraxia of speech and conductio...1998Clark, Heather FacultyPast Faculty Member, ASU
Generating a theoretical base for restructuring curriculum content1979Weingarten, Ira MarcStudentEducation, UNCG
Generation of Pseudo-CT using High-Degree Polynomial Regression on Dual-Contrast Pelvic MRI ...2023Lin, Zi-Wei StudentECU
Generational Differences and Predictors of Variance in Marital Attitudes among Men2023Lampert, Chloe StudentECU
Generic Medications and Blood Pressure Control in Diabetic Hypertensive Subjects2013Howard, Virginia J.StudentECU
Generic Medications and Blood Pressure Control in Diabetic Hypertensive Subjects2013Muntner, Paul StudentECU
Generic Medications and Blood Pressure Control in Diabetic Hypertensive Subjects2013Cummings, Doyle M.StudentECU
Generic Medications and Blood Pressure Control in Diabetic Hypertensive Subjects2013Prince, Valerie StudentECU
Generic Medications and Blood Pressure Control in Diabetic Hypertensive Subjects2013Letter, Abraham J.StudentECU
Generic Medications and Blood Pressure Control in Diabetic Hypertensive Subjects2013Howard, George StudentECU
Generic Medications and Blood Pressure Control in Diabetic Hypertensive Subjects2013Safford, Monika M.StudentECU
Generic relationships of extant cats : an electrophoretic study of blood proteins1974Hodgson, Betsy GobbleStudentBiology, UNCG
Genesis : into being1975Stenhouse, Richard WearnStudentArt, UNCG
The Genesis of a Virtual World - Revisited2007Sanders, Robert L. FacultyLeadership and Educational Studies, ASU
Genetic Algorithm Stream Cipher Key Generation Using NIST Functions2023Leggett, Hunter WayneStudentECU
Genetic and biochemical analysis of a novel Ambler class A ß-Lactamase responsible for cefox...2023Parker, Anita C.StudentECU
Genetic and biochemical analysis of a novel Ambler class A ß-Lactamase responsible for cefox...2023Smith, C. JeffreyStudentECU
Genetic and Chemical Effects on Somatic and Germline Aging2020Lee, Myon-Hee,Luo,Huai-Rong,Han Bae,Soo,San-Miguel,AdrianaStudentECU
Genetic and hypoxic effects on germline tumor development in caenorhabditis elegans2023Datla, Udaya SreeStudentECU
Genetic and morphological characterization of striped bass Morone saxatilis collected from t...2023May, Paula G.StudentECU
Genetic and phenotypic variation among fox squirrels in eastern North Carolina2015Bennett, Kendell RayStudentBiology, WCU
Genetic Architecture of Conspicuous Red Ornaments in Female Threespine Stickleback2016Yong, Lengxob,Peichel,Catherine L.,McKinnon,Jeffrey S.StudentECU
Genetic associations at 53 loci highlight cell types and biological pathways relevant for ki...2016Curhan, Gary C.StudentECU
Genetic associations at 53 loci highlight cell types and biological pathways relevant for ki...2016Pattaro, Cristian StudentECU
Genetic associations at 53 loci highlight cell types and biological pathways relevant for ki...2016Teumer, Alexander StudentECU
Genetic associations at 53 loci highlight cell types and biological pathways relevant for ki...2016Gorski, Mathias StudentECU
Genetic associations at 53 loci highlight cell types and biological pathways relevant for ki...2016Chu, Audrey Y.StudentECU
Genetic associations at 53 loci highlight cell types and biological pathways relevant for ki...2016Li, Man StudentECU
Genetic associations at 53 loci highlight cell types and biological pathways relevant for ki...2016Mijatovic, Vladan StudentECU
Genetic associations at 53 loci highlight cell types and biological pathways relevant for ki...2016Garnaas, Maija StudentECU
Genetic associations at 53 loci highlight cell types and biological pathways relevant for ki...2016Tin, Adrienne StudentECU
Genetic associations at 53 loci highlight cell types and biological pathways relevant for ki...2016Sorice, Rossella StudentECU
Genetic associations at 53 loci highlight cell types and biological pathways relevant for ki...2016Li, Yong StudentECU
Genetic associations at 53 loci highlight cell types and biological pathways relevant for ki...2016Taliun, Daniel StudentECU
Genetic associations at 53 loci highlight cell types and biological pathways relevant for ki...2016Olden, Matthias StudentECU
Genetic associations at 53 loci highlight cell types and biological pathways relevant for ki...2016Foster, Meredith StudentECU
Genetic associations at 53 loci highlight cell types and biological pathways relevant for ki...2016Yang, Qiong StudentECU
Genetic associations at 53 loci highlight cell types and biological pathways relevant for ki...2016Chen, Ming-Huei StudentECU
Genetic associations at 53 loci highlight cell types and biological pathways relevant for ki...2016Chen, StudentECU
Genetic Characterization of Physical Activity Behaviours in University Students Enrolled in ...2023Houmard, Joseph A.StudentECU
Genetic control of cell fate specification in Caenorhabditis elegans germline.2023Mamillapalli, Srivalli SwathiStudentECU
Genetic heterogeneity of Roanoke River striped bass2023Payne, Elmer Sturgis.StudentECU
Genetic Landscape of Gullah African Americans2023Keene, Keith L.StudentECU
Genetic Landscape of Gullah African Americans2023Zimmerman, Kip D.StudentECU
Genetic Landscape of Gullah African Americans2023Schurr, Theodore G.StudentECU
Genetic Landscape of Gullah African Americans2023Chen, Wei-Min StudentECU
Genetic Landscape of Gullah African Americans2023Nayak, Uma StudentECU
Genetic Landscape of Gullah African Americans2023Mychaleckyj, Josyf C.StudentECU
Genetic Landscape of Gullah African Americans2023Quet, Queen StudentECU
Genetic Landscape of Gullah African Americans2023Moultrie, Lee H.StudentECU
Genetic Landscape of Gullah African Americans2023Divers, Jasmin StudentECU
Genetic Landscape of Gullah African Americans2023Kamen, Diane L.StudentECU
Genetic Landscape of Gullah African Americans2023Gilkeson, Gary S.StudentECU
Genetic Landscape of Gullah African Americans2023Hunt, Kelly J.StudentECU
Genetic Landscape of Gullah African Americans2023Spruill, Ida J.StudentECU
Genetic Landscape of Gullah African Americans2023Fernandes, Jyotika K.StudentECU
Genetic Landscape of Gullah African Americans2023Aldrich, Melinda C.StudentECU
Genetic Landscape of Gullah African Americans2023Reich, David StudentECU
Genetic Landscape of Gullah African Americans2023Garvey, W. TimothyStudentECU
Genetic Landscape of Gullah African Americans2023Langefeld, Carl D.StudentECU
Genetic Landscape of Gullah African Americans2023Sale, Michèle M.StudentECU
Genetic Landscape of Gullah African Americans2023Ramos, Paula S.StudentECU
Genetic mapping of the female mimic morph locus in the ruff2013Lank, David BStudentECU
Genetic mapping of the female mimic morph locus in the ruff2013Burke, Terry StudentECU
Genetic mapping of the female mimic morph locus in the ruff2013Farrell, Lindsay LStudentECU
Genetic mapping of the female mimic morph locus in the ruff2013McRae, Susan BStudentECU
Genetic mapping of the female mimic morph locus in the ruff2013Slate, Jon StudentECU
Genetic mapping of the female mimic morph locus in the ruff2013Farrell, Lindsay L,Burke,Terry,Slate,Jon,McRae,Susan B,Lank,David BStudentECU
Genetic regulation of maize floral development - insights from the transcriptome and transla...2023Yang, Hailong StudentECU
Genetic regulation of maize floral development - insights from the transcriptome and transla...2023Yang, Hailong StudentECU
Genetic structure of striped-bass, Morone saxatilis, populations from the Roanoke, Tar, and ...2023Patrick, Wesley S.StudentECU
Genetic Testing to Inform Epilepsy Treatment Management From an International Study of Clini...2023Boutlier, Susan B.StudentECU
Genetic Testing to Inform Epilepsy Treatment Management From an International Study of Clini...2023, et alStudentECU
Genetic Variation in Acid Ceramidase Predicts Non-Completion of an Exercise Intervention2023Houmard, Joseph A.StudentECU
Genetically Increasing Flux Through b-Oxidation in Skeletal Muscle Increases Mitochondrial R...2023Smith, Cody D.StudentECU
Genetically Increasing Flux Through b-Oxidation in Skeletal Muscle Increases Mitochondrial R...2023Lin, Chien-Te StudentECU
Genetically Increasing Flux Through b-Oxidation in Skeletal Muscle Increases Mitochondrial R...2023McMillin, Shawna L.StudentECU
Genetically Increasing Flux Through b-Oxidation in Skeletal Muscle Increases Mitochondrial R...2023Weyrauch, Luke A.StudentECU
Genetically Increasing Flux Through b-Oxidation in Skeletal Muscle Increases Mitochondrial R...2023Schmidt, Cameron A.StudentECU
Genetically Increasing Flux Through b-Oxidation in Skeletal Muscle Increases Mitochondrial R...2023Smith, Cheryl A.StudentECU
Genetically Increasing Flux Through b-Oxidation in Skeletal Muscle Increases Mitochondrial R...2023Witczak, Carol StudentECU
Genetically Increasing Flux Through b-Oxidation in Skeletal Muscle Increases Mitochondrial R...2023Neufer, P. DarrellStudentECU
Genetically Increasing Flux Through b-Oxidation in Skeletal Muscle Increases Mitochondrial R...2023Kurland, Irwin J.StudentECU
Genome Analysis of Planctomycetes Inhabiting Blades of the Red Alga2016Jenkins, Jerry StudentECU
Genome Analysis of Planctomycetes Inhabiting Blades of the Red Alga2016Grimwood, Jane StudentECU
Genome Analysis of Planctomycetes Inhabiting Blades of the Red Alga2016Chovatia, Mansi StudentECU
Genome Analysis of Planctomycetes Inhabiting Blades of the Red Alga2016Prochnik, Simon StudentECU
Genome Analysis of Planctomycetes Inhabiting Blades of the Red Alga2016Brawley, Susan H.StudentECU
Genome Analysis of Planctomycetes Inhabiting Blades of the Red Alga2016Kim, Jay W.StudentECU
Genome Analysis of Planctomycetes Inhabiting Blades of the Red Alga2016Grossman, Arthur R.StudentECU
Genome Analysis of Planctomycetes Inhabiting Blades of the Red Alga2016Stiller, John W.StudentECU
Genome Analysis of Planctomycetes Inhabiting Blades of the Red Alga2016Schmutz, Jeremy StudentECU
Genome Analysis of Planctomycetes Inhabiting Blades of the Red Alga2016Zane, Matthew StudentECU
Genome Analysis of Planctomycetes Inhabiting Blades of the Red Alga2016Nolan, Matt StudentECU
Genome Analysis of Planctomycetes Inhabiting Blades of the Red Alga2016Mavromatis, Konstantinos StudentECU
Genome Analysis of Planctomycetes Inhabiting Blades of the Red Alga2016LaButti, Kurt StudentECU
Genome of Wild Olive and the Evolution of Oil Biosynthesis2023Zhang, Baohong StudentECU
Genome Sequence Analysis of Dengue Virus 1 Isolated in Key West, Florida2013Smartt, Chelsea T.StudentECU
Genome Sequence Analysis of Dengue Virus 1 Isolated in Key West, Florida2013Bettinardi, David J.StudentECU
Genome Sequence Analysis of Dengue Virus 1 Isolated in Key West, Florida2013Alto, Barry W.StudentECU
Genome Sequence Analysis of Dengue Virus 1 Isolated in Key West, Florida2013Richards, Stephanie L.StudentECU
Genome Sequence Analysis of Dengue Virus 1 Isolated in Key West, Florida2013Shin, Dongyoung StudentECU
Genome sequence analysis of dengue virus 1 isolated in Key West, Florida2013Shin, Dongyoung,Richards,Stephanie L.,Alto,Barry W.,Bettinardi,David J.,Smartt,ChelseStudentECU
Genome sequence and comparative analysis of a putative entomopathogenic Serratia isolated fr...2015Abebe, Eyualem FacultyNatural Sciences, Pharmacy, & Health Professions, ECSU
Genome Sequences for Two Acinetobacter baumannii Strains Obtained Using the Unicycler Hybrid...2023Farrow, John M. ,IIIStudentECU
Genome Sequences for Two Acinetobacter baumannii Strains Obtained Using the Unicycler Hybrid...2023Pesci, Everett C.StudentECU
Genome Sequences for Two Acinetobacter baumannii Strains Obtained Using the Unicycler Hybrid...2023Slade, Daniel StudentECU
Genome wide identification of ARF transcription factor gene family and their expression anal...2023Pratt, Isaac StudentECU
Genome-wide association study identifies multiple susceptibility loci for craniofacial micro...2016Zhang, Yong-Biao,Hu,Jintian,Zhang,Jiao,Zhou,Xu,Li,Xin,Gu, StudentECU
Genome-wide association study identifies multiple susceptibility loci for craniofacial micro...2016Dong, Xiaoqun StudentECU
Genome-wide association study identifies multiple susceptibility loci for craniofacial micro...2016Zhang, Qingguo StudentECU
Genome-wide association study identifies multiple susceptibility loci for craniofacial micro...2016Yu, Jun StudentECU
Genome-wide association study identifies multiple susceptibility loci for craniofacial micro...2016Wang, Yue StudentECU
Genome-wide association study identifies multiple susceptibility loci for craniofacial micro...2016Qian, Jin StudentECU
Genome-wide association study identifies multiple susceptibility loci for craniofacial micro...2016Wu, Tingting StudentECU
Genome-wide association study identifies multiple susceptibility loci for craniofacial micro...2016Wang, Panpan StudentECU
Genome-wide association study identifies multiple susceptibility loci for craniofacial micro...2016Gu, Mingliang StudentECU
Genome-wide association study identifies multiple susceptibility loci for craniofacial micro...2016Liu, Jiqiang StudentECU
Genome-wide association study identifies multiple susceptibility loci for craniofacial micro...2016Xie, Yangchun StudentECU
Genome-wide association study identifies multiple susceptibility loci for craniofacial micro...2016Liu, Tun StudentECU
Genome-wide association study identifies multiple susceptibility loci for craniofacial micro...2016Gu, Chaohao StudentECU
Genome-wide association study identifies multiple susceptibility loci for craniofacial micro...2016Li, Xin StudentECU
Genome-wide association study identifies multiple susceptibility loci for craniofacial micro...2016Zhou, Xu StudentECU
Genome-wide association study identifies multiple susceptibility loci for craniofacial micro...2016Zhang, Jiao StudentECU
Genome-wide association study identifies multiple susceptibility loci for craniofacial micro...2016Hu, Jintian StudentECU
Genome-wide association study identifies multiple susceptibility loci for craniofacial micro...2016Zhang, Yong-Biao StudentECU
Genome-wide functional analysis of the cotton transcriptome by creating an integrated EST da...2011Xie, Fuliang,Sun,Guiling,Stiller,John W.,Zhang,BaohongStudentECU
Genome-wide Identifcation and Characterization of SPL Transcription Factor Family and Their ...2023Zhang, Baohong StudentECU
Genome-Wide Identification And Expression Analysis Of TCP Transcription Factors In Cotton2023Ma, Jun StudentECU
Genome-Wide Identification of ARF Transcription Factor Gene Family and Their Expression Anal...2023Pratt, Isaac SethStudentECU
Genome-Wide Identification of ARF Transcription Factor Gene Family and Their Expression Anal...2023Zhang, Baohong StudentECU
Genome-Wide Identification of ARF Transcription Factor Gene Family and Their Expression Anal...2023Pratt, Isaac SethStudentECU
Genome-Wide Identification of ARF Transcription Factor Gene Family and Their Expression Anal...2023Zhang, Baohong StudentECU
Genome-Wide Identification of R2R3-MYB Genes and Expression Analyses During Abiotic Stress i...2023Zhang, Baohong StudentECU
Genome-Wide Identification, Characterization, and Expression Analysis of Superoxide Dismutas...2023Zhang, Baohong StudentECU
Genome-Wide Meta-Analysis of Homocysteine and Methionine Metabolism Identifies Five One Carb...2014Wang, Liewei StudentECU
Genome-Wide Meta-Analysis of Homocysteine and Methionine Metabolism Identifies Five One Carb...2014Beiser, Alexa StudentECU
Genome-Wide Meta-Analysis of Homocysteine and Methionine Metabolism Identifies Five One Carb...2014Hsu, Fang-Chi StudentECU
Genome-Wide Meta-Analysis of Homocysteine and Methionine Metabolism Identifies Five One Carb...2014Weinstein, Galit StudentECU
Genome-Wide Meta-Analysis of Homocysteine and Methionine Metabolism Identifies Five One Carb...2014Chen, Wei-Min StudentECU
Genome-Wide Meta-Analysis of Homocysteine and Methionine Metabolism Identifies Five One Carb...2014Jacques, Paul StudentECU
Genome-Wide Meta-Analysis of Homocysteine and Methionine Metabolism Identifies Five One Carb...2014Keene, Keith L.StudentECU
Genome-Wide Meta-Analysis of Homocysteine and Methionine Metabolism Identifies Five One Carb...2014Liu, Xuan StudentECU
Genome-Wide Meta-Analysis of Homocysteine and Methionine Metabolism Identifies Five One Carb...2014Chen, Fang StudentECU
Genome-Wide Meta-Analysis of Homocysteine and Methionine Metabolism Identifies Five One Carb...2014Yang, Qiong StudentECU
Genome-Wide Meta-Analysis of Homocysteine and Methionine Metabolism Identifies Five One Carb...2014Williams, Stephen R.StudentECU
Genome-Wide Meta-Analysis of Homocysteine and Methionine Metabolism Identifies Five One Carb...2014Wolf, Philip A.StudentECU
Genome-Wide Meta-Analysis of Homocysteine and Methionine Metabolism Identifies Five One Carb...2014Zilka, Michelle StudentECU
Genome-Wide Meta-Analysis of Homocysteine and Methionine Metabolism Identifies Five One Carb...2014Selhub, Jacob StudentECU
Genome-Wide Meta-Analysis of Homocysteine and Methionine Metabolism Identifies Five One Carb...2014Nelson, Sarah StudentECU
Genome-Wide Meta-Analysis of Homocysteine and Methionine Metabolism Identifies Five One Carb...2014Worrall, Bradford B.StudentECU
Genome-Wide Meta-Analysis of Homocysteine and Methionine Metabolism Identifies Five One Carb...2014Worrall, Go StudentECU
Genome-wide profiles of CtBP link metabolism with genome stability and epithelial reprogramm...2013Gardner, Kevin StudentECU
Genome-wide profiles of CtBP link metabolism with genome stability and epithelial reprogramm...2013Olopade, Olufunmilayo I.StudentECU
Genome-wide profiles of CtBP link metabolism with genome stability and epithelial reprogramm...2013Di, Li-Jun StudentECU
Genome-wide profiles of CtBP link metabolism with genome stability and epithelial reprogramm...2013Byun, Jung S.StudentECU
Genome-wide profiles of CtBP link metabolism with genome stability and epithelial reprogramm...2013Wong, Madeline M.StudentECU
Genome-wide profiles of CtBP link metabolism with genome stability and epithelial reprogramm...2013Wakano, Clay StudentECU
Genome-wide profiles of CtBP link metabolism with genome stability and epithelial reprogramm...2013Taylor, Tara StudentECU
Genome-wide profiles of CtBP link metabolism with genome stability and epithelial reprogramm...2013Bilke, Sven StudentECU
Genome-wide profiles of CtBP link metabolism with genome stability and epithelial reprogramm...2013Baek, Songjoon StudentECU
Genome-wide profiles of CtBP link metabolism with genome stability and epithelial reprogramm...2013Hunter, Kent StudentECU
Genome-wide profiles of CtBP link metabolism with genome stability and epithelial reprogramm...2013Yang, Howard StudentECU
Genome-wide profiles of CtBP link metabolism with genome stability and epithelial reprogramm...2013Lee, Maxwell StudentECU
Genome-wide profiles of CtBP link metabolism with genome stability and epithelial reprogramm...2013Zvosec, Celia StudentECU
Genome-wide profiles of CtBP link metabolism with genome stability and epithelial reprogramm...2013Khramtsova, Galina StudentECU
Genome-wide profiles of CtBP link metabolism with genome stability and epithelial reprogramm...2013Cheng, Fan StudentECU
Genome-wide profiles of CtBP link metabolism with genome stability and epithelial reprogramm...2013Perou, Charles M.StudentECU
Genome-wide profiles of CtBP link metabolism with genome stability and epithelial reprogramm...2013Perou, Mi StudentECU
Genome-Wide Survey and Comparative Analysis of Long Terminal Repeat (LTR) Retrotransposon Fa...2023Zhang, Baohong StudentECU
The genomes of two key bumblebee species with primitive eusocial organization2015Dearden, Peter StudentECU
The genomes of two key bumblebee species with primitive eusocial organization2015Elsik, Christine GStudentECU
The genomes of two key bumblebee species with primitive eusocial organization2015Gadau, Jürgen StudentECU
The genomes of two key bumblebee species with primitive eusocial organization2015Grimmelikhuijzen, Cornelis JPStudentECU
The genomes of two key bumblebee species with primitive eusocial organization2015Hasselmann, Martin StudentECU
The genomes of two key bumblebee species with primitive eusocial organization2015Lozier, Jeffrey DStudentECU
The genomes of two key bumblebee species with primitive eusocial organization2015Robertson, Hugh MStudentECU
The genomes of two key bumblebee species with primitive eusocial organization2015Smagghe, Guy StudentECU
The genomes of two key bumblebee species with primitive eusocial organization2015Stolle, Eckart StudentECU
The genomes of two key bumblebee species with primitive eusocial organization2015Van Vaerenbergh, Matthias StudentECU
The genomes of two key bumblebee species with primitive eusocial organization2015Waterhouse, Robert MStudentECU
The genomes of two key bumblebee species with primitive eusocial organization2015Bornberg-Bauer, Erich StudentECU
The genomes of two key bumblebee species with primitive eusocial organization2015Klasberg, St StudentECU
Genomic isolation and characterization of the 5' region of the human mitochondrial translati...2023Overman, Russell Glenn.StudentECU
Genomic organization of the Hoxa4-a10 region from Morone saxatilis (striped bass) :macroevol...2023Snell, Elizabeth Ann.StudentECU
The Genomics of Mimicry: Gene Expression Throughout Development Provides Insights into Conve...2023Stuckert, Adam M. M.StudentECU
The Genomics of Mimicry: Gene Expression Throughout Development Provides Insights into Conve...2023Summers, Kyle StudentECU
The Genomics of Mimicry: Gene Expression Throughout Development Provides Insights into Conve...2023Chouteau, Mathieu StudentECU
The Genomics of Mimicry: Gene Expression Throughout Development Provides Insights into Conve...2023McClure, Melanie StudentECU
The Genomics of Mimicry: Gene Expression Throughout Development Provides Insights into Conve...2023LaPolice, Troy M.StudentECU
The Genomics of Mimicry: Gene Expression Throughout Development Provides Insights into Conve...2023Linderoth, Tyler StudentECU
The Genomics of Mimicry: Gene Expression Throughout Development Provides Insights into Conve...2023Nielsen, Rasmus StudentECU
The Genomics of Mimicry: Gene Expression Throughout Development Provides Insights into Conve...2023MacManes, Matthew D.StudentECU
A Genotype–Phenotype Analysis of Glutathione Peroxidase 4 in Human Atrial Myocardium and Its...2023Akhter, Shahab A.StudentECU
A Genotype–Phenotype Analysis of Glutathione Peroxidase 4 in Human Atrial Myocardium and Its...2023Berdaweel, Islam A.StudentECU
A Genotype–Phenotype Analysis of Glutathione Peroxidase 4 in Human Atrial Myocardium and Its...2023Hart, Alexander A.StudentECU
A Genotype–Phenotype Analysis of Glutathione Peroxidase 4 in Human Atrial Myocardium and Its...2023Jatis, Andrew J.StudentECU
A Genotype–Phenotype Analysis of Glutathione Peroxidase 4 in Human Atrial Myocardium and Its...2023Karlan, Nathan StudentECU
A Genotype–Phenotype Analysis of Glutathione Peroxidase 4 in Human Atrial Myocardium and Its...2023Gaine, Marie E.StudentECU
A Genotype–Phenotype Analysis of Glutathione Peroxidase 4 in Human Atrial Myocardium and Its...2023Smith, Ryan M.StudentECU
A Genotype–Phenotype Analysis of Glutathione Peroxidase 4 in Human Atrial Myocardium and Its...2023Anderson, Ethan StudentECU
Genre of Music and Lyrical Content: Expectation Effects1999Ballard, Mary FacultyPsychology, ASU
Genre of Music and Lyrical Content: Expectation Effects1999Bazzini, Doris FacultyPsychology, ASU
The gentle hero in the Victorian novel : Thackeray, George Eliot & Dickens1991Postma, Pamela LovelessStudentEnglish, UNCG
GeoAir—A Novel Portable, GPS-Enabled, Low-Cost Air-Pollution Sensor: Design Strategies to Fa...2023Park, Yoo MinStudentECU
GeoAir—A Novel Portable, GPS-Enabled, Low-Cost Air-Pollution Sensor: Design Strategies to Fa...2023Sousan, Sinan StudentECU
GeoAir—A Novel Portable, GPS-Enabled, Low-Cost Air-Pollution Sensor: Design Strategies to Fa...2023Streuber, Dillon StudentECU
GeoAir—A Novel Portable, GPS-Enabled, Low-Cost Air-Pollution Sensor: Design Strategies to Fa...2023Zhao, Kai StudentECU
Geochemistry and Genesis of Late Paleoproterozoic Banded Iron Formations and Metamorphosed C...2023Serna, Erica StudentECU
Geochemistry and geochronology of the Sims granite, Eastern Carolina Slate Belt, North Carol...2023Wedemeyer, Richard C.StudentECU
A Geographic Approach to Racial Profiling: The Microanalysis and Macroanalysis of Racial Dis...2009Robinson, Matthew B. FacultyGovernment and Justice Studies, ASU
Geographic Differences in Emergency Management Decision-Making : A Case Study of Severe Weat...2023Lussenden, Holly BethStudentECU
Geographic mobility and religious attitudes1974Macdonald, Ruth WaldrupeStudentHome Economics, UNCG
A Geographic Ontology and GIS Model for Carolina Bays2010Turner, Jacob RichmondStudentGeography and Planning - Student , ASU
Geographical mobility and academic achievement of a group of ninth grade junior high school ...1966Stegall, Mary LivingstonStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Geologic history of coastal plain streams eastern Pitt County, North Carolina2023Maddry, John W.StudentECU
The geologic history of the Post-Croatan (Pleistocene) sediments at the Lee Creek Mine, Beau...2023Roberts, Sarah Ann.StudentECU
Geologic processes and history of the Fort Fisher coastal area, North Carolina2023Moorefield, Thomas P.StudentECU
Geology and geochemistry of the granitic and related rocks of the Littletion and Thelma area...2023Grundy, Allen T.StudentECU
Geology and Paleontology of the Upper Jurassic (Morrison Formation: Brushy Basin Member) Pet...2003Heckert, Andrew B. FacultyGeology, ASU
Geology of the Castle Hayne Limestone in the Onslow Quarry, Richlands, NC2023Simms, Craig StudentECU
Geology of the Deadman Gulch drape fold and the surrounding area, Upper Spring Creek Canyon,...2023Chilcote, Ray L.StudentECU
Geology of early Permian tracksites, Robledo Mountains, south-central New Mexico.1995Heckert, Andrew B. FacultyGeology, ASU
Geology of the Limestone Cove Window, Tennessee and North Carolina2023Coble, James F.StudentECU
Geology of Lower Canyon Santa Clara, Chihuahua, Mexico2023Dayvault, Richard D.StudentECU
Geology of organic-rich mud in Slocum and Hancock Creeks, Craven County, North Carolina2023Duque, Thomas Anthony.StudentECU
The geology of Ramsey Gas Field, Fayette and Nicholas Counties, West Virginia2023Beavers, Margaret Kathryn.StudentECU
The geology of Ramsey Gas Field, Fayette and Nicholas Counties, West Virginia2023Beavers, Margaret Kathryn.StudentECU
The geology of the Rancho El Papalote area, Chihuahua, Mexico2023Capps, Richard C.StudentECU
The geology of the Rancho Los Filtros area, Chihuahua, Mexico2023Blount, Jonathan G.StudentECU
Geology of a section of ignimbrites near Sacramento, Chihuahua, Mexico2023Gall, Daniel G.StudentECU
The geology of the Valentines area north of Lake Gaston, North Carolina and Virginia2023Koehler, Adrienne. StudentECU
Geology, petrography, and geochemistry of the Lemon springs Pluton and associated rocks, Lee...2023Campbell, Steven K.StudentECU
Geology, structure and metamorphic zonation of the Chappells 7.5' Quadrangle, South Carolina...2023Doar, William Richardson.StudentECU
Geometry and construction history of a complex intrusive center in the shallow crust, Mount ...2023Ward, Mitchell ThompsonStudentECU
Geometry and Construction History of the Copper Ridge Laccolith, Mount Ellen, Henry Mountain...2023Maurer, Elizabeth AnnaStudentECU
Geometry and Construction of Upper Crustal Intrusions; Sawtooth Ridge, Henry Mountains, Sout...2020Eischen, Tanner StudentECU
Geometry and Construction of Upper Crustal Intrusions\; Sawtooth Ridge, Henry Mountains, Sou...2023Eischen, Tanner EStudentECU
Geometry and Progressive Development of a Shallow Crustal Intrusive Complex, Mount Hillers, ...2023Broda, Robert JosephStudentECU
Geometry of the universe and its relation to entropy and information2013Haranas, Ioannis,Gkigkitzis,Ioannis StudentECU
Geomorphology of Dune Blowouts, Cape Cod National Seashore, MA2023Smith, Alexander B.StudentECU
Geophagy in eastern North Carolina2023Furuseth, Owen J.,1949-StudentECU
Geophysical characterization of onsite wastewater treatment system effects on groundwater qu...2023Hardison, Sarah StudentECU
Geophysical Detection of On-site Wastewater Plumes in the North Carolina Coastal Plain, USA2023Smith, Matthew StudentECU
A geophysical study of the Hollister mylonite zone, northeastern North Carolina2023Fletcher, Charles D.StudentECU
George Eliot's moral vision : the feminine ideal1987Fitzpatrick, Winston StudentEnglish, UNCG
George W. Cable's use of the Bible in his fiction and major polemical essays1980Morehead, Martha H.StudentEnglish, UNCG
The Georgetown Loop2017Stamper, Jason FacultyUniversity Libraries, ASU
The Germ Cell-Specific RNA Binding Protein RBM46 is Essential for Spermatogonial Differentia...2023Johnson, Taylor A.StudentECU
The Germ Cell-Specific RNA Binding Protein RBM46 is Essential for Spermatogonial Differentia...2023Geyer, Christopher B.StudentECU
The German barque Peking : history, restoration, and interpretation of a Cape Horn sailing s...2023Reid, Phillip F.StudentECU
German Composers and the Evolution of Horn Playing2023Hartman, Jacob StudentECU
Germination, Outgrowth, and Vegetative-Growth Kinetics of Dry-Heat-Treated Individual Spores...2023Li, Yong-Qing StudentECU
Gerontological course unit and a nursing home experience : the effects on knowledge and atti...2023Davies, Carole AnnStudentECU
Gertrude Dills McKee: A Biographical Analysis1988Ferguson, Joan WrightStudentWCU
Gestational Diabetes and Health Behaviors Among Women: National Health and Nutrition Examina...2023Luo, Huabin StudentECU
Gestational Diabetes Is Characterized by Reduced Mitochondrial Protein Expression and Altere...2014Janssen, Rachel C.StudentECU
Gestational Diabetes Is Characterized by Reduced Mitochondrial Protein Expression and Altere...2014DeVente, James M.StudentECU
Gestational Diabetes Is Characterized by Reduced Mitochondrial Protein Expression and Altere...2014Barbour, Linda A.StudentECU
Gestational Diabetes Is Characterized by Reduced Mitochondrial Protein Expression and Altere...2014Hernandez, Teri L.StudentECU
Gestational Diabetes Is Characterized by Reduced Mitochondrial Protein Expression and Altere...2014Mandarino, Lawrence J.StudentECU
Gestational Diabetes Is Characterized by Reduced Mitochondrial Protein Expression and Altere...2014Lappas, Martha StudentECU
Gestational Diabetes Is Characterized by Reduced Mitochondrial Protein Expression and Altere...2014Friedman, Jacob E.StudentECU
Gestational Diabetes Is Characterized by Reduced Mitochondrial Protein Expression and Altere...2014Hwang, Hyonson StudentECU
Gestational Diabetes Is Characterized by Reduced Mitochondrial Protein Expression and Altere...2014Boyle, Kristen E.StudentECU
GestDefLS : A Gesture Definition Language in Swift2023Writtenberry, Robert WilliamStudentECU
Gesture Prediction Model for the Guitar Fingering Problem2023Samavatian, Arman StudentECU
Getting Our Ducks In A Row : An Analysis Of Waterfowl Management Within The Atlantic Coast J...2014Evans, April WhichardStudentECU
Ghost Whispers: Physical Memory and the Self in Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex2020Jones, Brandon DStudentECU
Ghostly Oaks2016Schoenthaler, Madeleine StudentLiterature, UNCA
A Giant Phytosaur (Reptilia: Archosauria) Skull from the Redonda Formation (Upper Triassic: ...2001Heckert, Andrew B. FacultyGeology, ASU
A giant skull, ontogenetic variation and taxonomic validity of the Late Triassic phytosaur P...2007Heckert, Andrew B. FacultyGeology, ASU
Gibberellie acid mediated changes in cholesterol levels in the albino rat2023Barnes, James Nixon.StudentECU
Gide's quest for authenticity1970Smith, William HenryStudentRomance Languages-French, UNCG
‘The Girl With Her Period Is The One To Hang Her Head’ Reflections On Menstrual Management A...2011Rheingans, Richard FacultySustainable Development, ASU
GIS analysis of volumetric change in coastal dunes :Coquina Beach, North Carolina2023Andrews, Brian D.StudentECU
GIS analysis of volumetric change in coastal dunes :Coquina Beach, North Carolina2023Andrews, Brian D.StudentECU
GIS: a new component of public services1995Abbott, Lisa FacultyUniversity Libraries, ASU
"Give me a chance, I want to learn" : narratives of African American high school seniors' or...1995Oliver, Donna H.StudentEducation, UNCG
Glass Kingdom2020Zhu, Mayee StudentECU
Glenwar Wescott's Apartment in Athens : a novel of instruction and revelation1965Angle, Claire FrankStudentEnglish, UNCG
Glimpsing beneath the waters : a survey of Jamestown Island's submerged cultural resources, ...2023Carpenter, Jodi LeeStudentECU
Global Financial Crisis and Africa: Is the Impact Permanent or Transitory? Time Series Evide...2011Strazicich, Mark FacultyEconomics, ASU
Global redox proteome and phosphoproteome analysis reveals redox switch in Akt2019Su, Zhiduan,Burchfield,James G.,Yang,Pengyi,Humphrey,Sean J.,Yang,Guang,FrancisStudentECU
Global Storybook Theatre - Tales from Far, Middle, and Near2023Clark, Patricia StudentECU
A Global Supply Network Design Model: A Resilient Management Approach2023Das, Kanchan StudentECU
A Global Supply Network Design Model: A Resilient Management Approach2023Annand, Adarsh StudentECU
A Global Supply Network Design Model: A Resilient Management Approach2023Ram, Mangey StudentECU
Global Triassic tetrapod biostratigraphy and biochronology: 2007 status2007Heckert, Andrew B. FacultyGeology, ASU
Globalization, Cuban-Style?2003Scherlen, Renee FacultyGovernment and Justice Studies, ASU
The glutamate decarboxylase genes, gadBC, are not required for brucella abortus resistance t...2023Brown, Tim D.StudentECU
The glutamate decarboxylase genes, gadBC, are not required for brucella abortus resistance t...2023Brown, Tim D.StudentECU
Glycan Structures Contain Information for the Spatial Arrangement of Glycoproteins in the Pl...2013Bernetski, Christopher J.StudentECU
Glycan Structures Contain Information for the Spatial Arrangement of Glycoproteins in the Pl...2013Hall, M. KristenStudentECU
Glycan Structures Contain Information for the Spatial Arrangement of Glycoproteins in the Pl...2013Weidner, Douglas A.StudentECU
Glycan Structures Contain Information for the Spatial Arrangement of Glycoproteins in the Pl...2013Schwalbe, Ruth A.StudentECU
Glycan Structures Contain Information for the Spatial Arrangement of Glycoproteins in the Pl...2013Chen, Jian mingStudentECU
Glycan Structures Contain Information for the Spatial Arrangement of Glycoproteins in the Pl...2013Hall, M. Kristen,Weidner,Douglas A.,Chen,Jian ming,BernetskStudentECU
Glyptops (Testudines, Pleurosternidae) from the Upper Jurassic Morrison Formation, New Mexic...2006Heckert, Andrew B. FacultyGeology, ASU
The Goal is Whiteness : Yugoslav-American Communism, Gender, and Race in Postwar Pittsburgh2023Duryea, Scott N.StudentECU
God's Grace: English Maritime Salvage, 1600-18002023Cole, Patrick JamesStudentECU
Going Home: Evacuation-Migration Decisions of Hurricane Katrina Survivors2007Whitehead, John FacultyEconomics, ASU
Going on the Account : Examining Golden Age Pirates as a Distinct Culture Through Artifact P...2023Page, Courtney E.StudentECU
Going steady among eighth-, tenth- and twelfth-grade youth1964Everett, Ann BostonStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Golden-winged warblers (Vermivora chrysoptera) of the Southern Appalachians : behavior, ecol...2015Harrelson, Jamie AmandaStudentBiology, WCU
Goldsboro, North Carolina :an analysis of the major old and new business districts2023Norman, Herbert P.StudentECU
Good Medicine and Good Music: The Virtual Life of Mrs. Joe Person at East Carolina Universit...1905Hursh, David FacultyECU
Good roads in Virginia, 1916-19232023Shifflett, Andrew LewisStudentECU
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly of Data Migration: a Case Study with ECU2023Thomas, William JosephStudentECU
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly of Data Migration: a Case Study with ECU2023Zhou, Ying StudentECU
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly of Data Migration: a Case Study with ECU2023Fey, Melba StudentECU
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly of Data Migration: a Case Study with ECU2023Rosen, Andrew StudentECU
Got Milk?: Breastfeeding as an 'Incurably Informed' Feminist STS Scholar2010McCaughey, Martha FacultySociology, ASU
GOTHIC REVOLUTIONS : Wilde's Ekphrastic Inheritance2023Urban, Christopher StudentECU
Gouty Panniculitis: A Case Series2023Hess, Aubrey AllenStudentECU
Gouty Panniculitis: A Case Series2023Negbenebor, Nicole A.StudentECU
Gouty Panniculitis: A Case Series2023DiMarco, Christopher StudentECU
Gouty Panniculitis: A Case Series2023Robinson-Bostom, Leslie StudentECU
Gouty Panniculitis: A Case Series2023Li, Hongmei StudentECU
Gouty Panniculitis: A Case Series2023Onajin, Oluwakemi StudentECU
Gouty Panniculitis: A Case Series2023Sangueza, Omar P.StudentECU
Governance of women's intercollegiate athletics : an historical perspective1976Hunt, Virginia StudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
Government control of the telephone industry : August 1, 1918- July 31, 19192023Voigt, Robert CarlStudentECU
The governorship of Alexander Spotswood in colonial Virginia2023Krop, David S.StudentECU
"Grace of character" : the gentleman in Anthony Trollope's Palliser novels1986Lewis, Juanita FlorenceStudentEnglish, UNCG
Gradients In Success: The Impact of Wave Energy, Elevation and Predation on Oyster Reef Rest...2023Albright, Anna StudentECU
Gradients In Success: The Impact of Wave Energy, Elevation and Predation on Oyster Reef Rest...2023Albright, Anna MooreStudentECU
Grand challenge: Understanding survival paradoxes in epidemiology2013Efird, Jimmy T.,O’Neal,Wesley T.,Kennedy,Whitney L.,Kypson,AlStudentECU
Granulocytic Sarcoma of the Male Breast in Acute Myeloblastic Leukemia with Concurrent Delet...2012Rizwan, Muhammad StudentECU
Granulocytic Sarcoma of the Male Breast in Acute Myeloblastic Leukemia with Concurrent Delet...2012Rehman, Zia urStudentECU
Granulocytic Sarcoma of the Male Breast in Acute Myeloblastic Leukemia with Concurrent Delet...2012Islam, Md. MonirulStudentECU
A graphic presentation of the spatio/structural relationships in the development of the tree...1969Florance, Sheila KarenStudentArt, UNCG
Graviton and photon orbitals surrounding a black hole : Application to the supermassive blac...2023Culbreth, Shawn StudentECU
Gray Jackets in Savannah: The Enlisted Sailor of the Confederate States Navy on the Savannah...2023Kennington, John W.,JrStudentECU
Great Lakes Ship Traps and Salvage: A Regional Analysis of An Archaeological Phenomenon2023Pecoraro, Tiffany AStudentECU
A Great Lakes Vessel Type: Archaeological and Historical Examination of the Welland Sailing ...2023Monk, Kimberly EStudentECU
Great Leviathan of the Pacific : the saga of the gold rush steamship Tennessee2023Delgado, James P.StudentECU
Greater Acculturation is Associated With Poorer Cardiovascular Health in the Multi-Ethnic St...2023Okunrintemi, Victor StudentECU
Greater Acculturation is Associated With Poorer Cardiovascular Health in the Multi-Ethnic St...2023Osibogun, Olatokunbo StudentECU
Greater Acculturation is Associated With Poorer Cardiovascular Health in the Multi-Ethnic St...2023Ogunmoroti, Oluseye StudentECU
Greater Acculturation is Associated With Poorer Cardiovascular Health in the Multi-Ethnic St...2023Mathews, Lena StudentECU
Greater Acculturation is Associated With Poorer Cardiovascular Health in the Multi-Ethnic St...2023Tibuakuu, Martin StudentECU
Greater Acculturation is Associated With Poorer Cardiovascular Health in the Multi-Ethnic St...2023Michos, Erin D.StudentECU
Greater Oxidative Capacity in Primary Myotubes from Endurance-Trained Women2023McClung, Joseph StudentECU
The Greek philosophy of physical education in ancient Athens as compared with the philosophy...1949Kesler, Ethel StudentPhysical Education/Health and Human Performance, UNCG
Green vs. Green: Measuring the Compensation Required to Site Electrical Generation Windmills...2008Whitehead, John FacultyEconomics, ASU
Green Vs. Green: Measuring the Compensation Required to Site Electrical Generation Windmills...2008Groothuis, Peter FacultyEconomics, ASU
Greenhouse Governmentality : Discourses of Rural Development and the Negotiation of Farmer S...2023Moulton, Alex StudentECU
Greening therapy: The impact of green elements on the efficacy of anxiety-reducing intervent...2023Ford, Angelica StudentECU
Gross Anatomy In the Library: Evaluating the Impact of Anatomical Models in Academic Health ...2023Harmon, Geoffrey James CoreyStudentECU
Gross Anatomy In the Library: Evaluating the Impact of Anatomical Models in Academic Health ...2023Roby, Mary StudentECU
Gross Anatomy: Are Anatomical Models Worth the Investment?2023Harmon, Geoffrey James CoreyStudentECU
Gross Anatomy: Are Anatomical Models Worth the Investment?2023Roby, Mary StudentECU
Ground state modulations in the CP N-1 model2023Flachi, Antonino StudentECU
Ground state modulations in the CP N-1 model2023Fucci, Guglielmo StudentECU
Ground state modulations in the CP N-1 model2023Nitta, Muneto StudentECU
Ground state modulations in the CP N-1 model2023Takada, Satoshi StudentECU
Ground state modulations in the CP N-1 model2023Yoshii, Ryosuke StudentECU
Ground state modulations in the CP N−1 model2019Flachi, Antonino,Fucci,Guglielmo,Nitta,Muneto,Takada,Satos StudentECU
Grounded2023Gunn, Noelle StudentECU
Groundwater geochemistry of the Castle Hayne aquifer2023Brown, Rae Troiano.StudentECU
Groundwater geochemistry of the Castle Hayne aquifer2023Brown, Rae Troiano.StudentECU
Groundwater geochemistry of the Castle Hayne Aquifer in capacity use area no. 1, Northeaster...2023Sutton, Lynn Carole.StudentECU
Groundwater geochemistry of the Castle Hayne aquifer system in the North Carolina coastal pl...2023Beck, E. Glynn.StudentECU
Group methods for reducing racial prejudice and discrimination1974Breckheimer, Steven EdwinStudentPsychology, UNCG
Group process variables in group supervision1994Werstlein, Pamela OdhamStudentEducation, UNCG
Group self motivation in handwriting1943Owen, Blanche HedgecockStudentEducation, UNCG
Group ß Streptococcus Education for Pregnant Women at a Birth Center2023Smith, Mandesa StudentECU
Grouping of PFAS for Human Health Risk Assessment: Findings from an Independent Panel of Exp...2023DeWitt, J. StudentECU
Grouping of PFAS for Human Health Risk Assessment: Findings from an Independent Panel of Exp...2023Anderson, J.K. StudentECU
Grouping of PFAS for Human Health Risk Assessment: Findings from an Independent Panel of Exp...2023, et alStudentECU
The growing season1964Speas, Jan CoxStudentEnglish, UNCG
Growing Up Amid The Religion And Science Affair: A Perspective From Indology2012Ellis, Thomas B. FacultyPhilosophy and Religion, ASU
Growth and Survival of Leiostomus Xanthurus (Spot) in Man-Made and Natural Wetlands1990West, Terry FacultyECU
Growth Effects on Velopharyngeal Anatomy From Childhood to Adulthood2023Perry, Jamie L.StudentECU
Growth Effects on Velopharyngeal Anatomy From Childhood to Adulthood2023Fang, Xiangming StudentECU
Growth made by a group of girls in appreciation of beauty of surroundings and human relation...1941Rhyne, Madge M.StudentHome Economics, UNCG
The growth of a design : Frank O'Connor's story cycles1979Lamb, Melinda StudentEnglish, UNCG
Growth of larvae of Plathemis Lydia Drury as influenced by controlled photoperiod and temper...1970Shepard, Lucille JamesStudentBiology, UNCG
GSK-3ß Can Regulate the Sensitivity of MIA-PaCa-2 Pancreatic and MCF-7 Breast Cancer Cells t...2023Abrams, Stephen L.StudentECU
GSK-3ß Can Regulate the Sensitivity of MIA-PaCa-2 Pancreatic and MCF-7 Breast Cancer Cells t...2023Akula, Shaw M.StudentECU
GSK-3ß Can Regulate the Sensitivity of MIA-PaCa-2 Pancreatic and MCF-7 Breast Cancer Cells t...2023Meher, Akshaya K.StudentECU
GSK-3ß Can Regulate the Sensitivity of MIA-PaCa-2 Pancreatic and MCF-7 Breast Cancer Cells t...2023Steelman, Linda S.StudentECU
GSK-3ß Can Regulate the Sensitivity of MIA-PaCa-2 Pancreatic and MCF-7 Breast Cancer Cells t...2023Gizak, Agnieszka StudentECU
GSK-3ß Can Regulate the Sensitivity of MIA-PaCa-2 Pancreatic and MCF-7 Breast Cancer Cells t...2023Duda, Przemyslaw StudentECU
GSK-3ß Can Regulate the Sensitivity of MIA-PaCa-2 Pancreatic and MCF-7 Breast Cancer Cells t...2023Rakus, Dariusz StudentECU
GSK-3ß Can Regulate the Sensitivity of MIA-PaCa-2 Pancreatic and MCF-7 Breast Cancer Cells t...2023Martelli, Alberto M.StudentECU
GSK-3ß Can Regulate the Sensitivity of MIA-PaCa-2 Pancreatic and MCF-7 Breast Cancer Cells t...2023Ratti, Stefano StudentECU
GSK-3ß Can Regulate the Sensitivity of MIA-PaCa-2 Pancreatic and MCF-7 Breast Cancer Cells t...2023Cocco, Lucio StudentECU
GSK-3ß Can Regulate the Sensitivity of MIA-PaCa-2 Pancreatic and MCF-7 Breast Cancer Cells t...2023Montalto, Giuseppe StudentECU
GSK-3ß Can Regulate the Sensitivity of MIA-PaCa-2 Pancreatic and MCF-7 Breast Cancer Cells t...2023Cervello, Melchiorre StudentECU
GSK-3ß Can Regulate the Sensitivity of MIA-PaCa-2 Pancreatic and MCF-7 Breast Cancer Cells t...2023Ruvolo, Peter StudentECU
GSK-3ß Can Regulate the Sensitivity of MIA-PaCa-2 Pancreatic and MCF-7 Breast Cancer Cells t...2023Libra, Massimo StudentECU
GSK-3ß Can Regulate the Sensitivity of MIA-PaCa-2 Pancreatic and MCF-7 Breast Cancer Cells t...2023Falzone, Luca StudentECU
GSK-3ß Can Regulate the Sensitivity of MIA-PaCa-2 Pancreatic and MCF-7 Breast Cancer Cells t...2023Candido, Saverio StudentECU
GSK-3ß Can Regulate the Sensitivity of MIA-PaCa-2 Pancreatic and MCF-7 Breast Cancer Cells t...2023McCubrey, James A.StudentECU
Guest preferences for facilities and room design features of twenty resorts in Northern Wisc...1971Littlefield, Ardala EverellStudentHome Economics, UNCG
The GUIDE-HF Trial of Pulmonary Artery Pressure Monitoring in Heart Failure: Impact of the C...2023Sears, Samuel F.StudentECU
The GUIDE-HF Trial of Pulmonary Artery Pressure Monitoring in Heart Failure: Impact of the C...2023Zile, Michael R.StudentECU
Gulf Stream Position, Width, and Orientation Estimated from HF Radar Radial Velocity Maps of...2023Muglia, Mike StudentECU
Gulf Stream Position, Width, and Orientation Estimated from HF Radar Radial Velocity Maps of...2023Taylor, Patterson StudentECU
Gulf Stream Position, Width, and Orientation Estimated from HF Radar Radial Velocity Maps of...2023Seim, Harvey StudentECU
Gummies a great vitamin D-livery device2023Pasli, Melisa StudentECU
Gummies a great vitamin D-livery device2023Kolasa, Kathryn MStudentECU
Gungan vs predator2023Stiles, John FacultyMusic and Visual Arts, ECSU
H.D. Gault to Frances Owens, 08/24/19422017New, Diana E. StudentEnglish, WCU
H.M. Misemer to Wife Martha August 17, 18642023Gross, Ashley StudentEnglish, WCU
H.M. Misemer to Wife Martha March 24, 18652023Gross, Ashley StudentEnglish, WCU
H.M. Misemer to Wife Martha September 19, 18642023Gross, Ashley StudentEnglish, WCU
H.M. Misemer’s Letter to Martha Misemer July 13, 18642023Wheeler, Joseph A.StudentEnglish, WCU
H.M. Misemer’s Letter to Martha Misemer July 24, 18642023Wheeler, Joseph A.StudentEnglish, WCU
H.M. Misimer’s Letter to Martha Misimer August 8, 18642023Wheeler, Joseph A.StudentEnglish, WCU
H.M.S. DEBRAAK: A Treasure Debunked, a treasure Revealed2023Beard, David VStudentECU
H1 - Systematic and Scoping Reviews2021Mobilizing Computable Biomedical Knowledge (MCBK), FacultyNCCU
Habitat and the effects of elevation, salinity and drought on Amaranthus pumilus Rafinesque ...2023Wigent, Cass A.StudentECU
Habitat and scale shape the demographic fate of the keystone sea urchin paracentrotus lividu...2012Prado, Patricia,Tomas,Fiona,Pinna,Stefania,Farina,Simone, StudentECU
Habitat assessment and restoration methodologies for seabeach amaranth (Amaranthus pumilus, ...2023Sellars, Jon D.StudentECU
A habitat assessment of rare and endangered species in the Upper Little Tennessee River Basi...2024Miles, James L.StudentGeosciences and Natural Resources, WCU
Habitat use of early Alosa spp. and striped bass, Morone saxatilis, in the lower Tar River, ...2023Smith, Michael Chadwick.StudentECU
Habitat utilization of juvenile striped bass Morone saxatilis in Albemarle Sound inferred fr...2023Mohan, John. StudentECU
The Hadal Zone is an Important and Heterogeneous Sink of Black Carbon in the Ocean2023Mitra, Siddhartha StudentECU
The Hadal Zone is an Important and Heterogeneous Sink of Black Carbon in the Ocean2023Zhang, Xi StudentECU
Hadrian's Religious Policy : An Architectural Perspective2023Brines, Chelsie W.StudentECU
Halifax county : the civil war years2023Braswell, Peggy Jo CobbStudentECU
Hammer pieces1970Benedict, Dexter NoelStudentArt, UNCG
Hand built pottery1975Roughton, Jerry R.StudentArt, UNCG
Hand In The Cookie Jar: An Experimental Investigation Of Equity-Based Compensation And Manag...2008Bruner, David FacultyEconomics, ASU
Hand preference in the acquisition of beginning fencing skill1975Linder, Susan AnnStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
A Handbook of the Mythological and Biblical Allusions in Lamb's Essays of Elia2023Overton, Laura HudginsStudentECU
Handling Student Excuses2011Johanson, Linda FacultyNursing, ASU
Handmade Book2015Crook, Allison StudentRecreation Management and Phys. Ed. - Student, ASU
Handwriting in Young Adults in an Era of Technological Advancements2023Spencer, Courtney N.StudentECU
Hang Together or Hang Separately: Improved Information Services Through Communication and Cu...2009Leonard, Andrea FacultyUniversity Libraries, ASU
Hannibal at the Gates: An Analysis of the Punic Invasion of Italy in the Third Century BCE2020Teegarden, Seth StudentECU
Hannibal, Scipio Africanus, and military tactics in the Second Punic War2023Pittman, David ChristopherStudentECU
Haplo-Insufficiency of Bcl2-Associated Athanogene 3 in Mice Results in Progressive Left Vent...2023McClung, Joseph M.StudentECU
Hardware implementation of a voice stress detection algorithm using empirical mode decomposi...2011Schwartz, Joshua StudentEngineering and Technology, WCU
Harm Perceptions of Secondhand Aerosol Exposure and Opinions About Acceptability and ECIG Us...2023Gogineni, Anish StudentECU
The harmony of conflict : the cosmology of Heracleitus in D. H. Lawrence's Women in love1975Pipan, Richard C.StudentEducation, UNCG
"An harmony of parts" : image and logic in the poetry of Edward, Lord Herbert of Chirbury1981Allen, Anne Kimberly BrysonStudentEnglish, UNCG
Harnessing the PI3K/Akt/mtor pathway in T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia: Eliminating act...2012Bressanin, Daniela,Evangelisti,Camilla,Ricci,Francesca,Tabell Luigi,Melchionda,Fraia,Buontempo,Francesca,PagliarStudentECU
Harry S. Truman as an advocate of civil rights : politics or compassion?1971Aldstadt, Harriet StudentHistory, UNCG
Harvest time2023Stiles, John FacultyMusic and Visual Arts, ECSU
Harvesting Quality: Evaluating Metadata for Digital Collections2014Biswas, Paromita FacultyHunter Library, WCU
The haunted world of C. S. Lewis : a study of his space trilogy1968Chiddie, George AmosStudentEnglish, UNCG
Hawthorne's use of mirror symbolism in his writings1968Kellett, Jane WhickerStudentEnglish, UNCG
Hazard1969Baugh, Linda SueStudentEnglish, UNCG
HBZ inhibits the HAT activity of the cellular coactivators p300 and CBP2011Wright, Diana GraceStudentECU
HBZ inhibits the HAT activity of the cellular coactivators p300 and CBP2011Mesnard, Jean-Michel StudentECU
HBZ inhibits the HAT activity of the cellular coactivators p300 and CBP2011Polakowski, Nicholas StudentECU
HBZ inhibits the HAT activity of the cellular coactivators p300 and CBP2011Wurm, Torsten StudentECU
HBZ inhibits the HAT activity of the cellular coactivators p300 and CBP2011Lemasson, Isabelle StudentECU
"He Has Earned the Right of Citizenship" : The Black Soldiers of North Carolina in the Civil...2023Coffman, Peter W.StudentECU
Heads1975Hudson, Samuel CampbellStudentArt, UNCG
Health and condition of largemouth bass in the lower Roanoke River, North Carolina based on ...2023McHenry, David Gregg.StudentECU
The Health and Medical Care of Enslaved African Americans at Somerset Place, 1839-18632023Menees, Jay ColinStudentECU
Health and Wellness Initiative: Improving the Health of Hospital Employees2023Lamb, Nicola StudentECU
Health and Wellness: Biofeedback Interventions in Mitigating Stress in Undergraduate Nursing...2023Burks, Ellyson KayStudentECU
Health and Wellness: Biofeedback Interventions in Mitigating Stress in Undergraduate Nursing...2023Farber, Sydney StudentECU
Health At Every Size2023Nowicki, Kylie StudentECU
Health At Every Size2023Kolasa, Kathryn MStudentECU
Health Care Usage Among Adolescents With Congenital Heart Defects at 5 Sites in the United S...2023Sarno, Lauren StudentECU
Health Care Usage Among Adolescents With Congenital Heart Defects at 5 Sites in the United S...2023Lui, George K.StudentECU
Health Care Usage Among Adolescents With Congenital Heart Defects at 5 Sites in the United S...2023, et alStudentECU
Health Careers Exploration Club: Improving the Healthcare Workforce2023Perry Parker, Kara StudentECU
Health Careers Exploration Club: An Upstream Approach to Improving Health Equity2023Cook, Anna StudentECU
Health Claims, Marketing Appeals, and Warnings on Popular Brands of Waterpipe Tobacco Packag...2023Soule, Eric StudentECU
Health Claims, Marketing Appeals, and Warnings on Popular Brands of Waterpipe Tobacco Packag...2023Sutfin, Erin L.StudentECU
Health Claims, Marketing Appeals, and Warnings on Popular Brands of Waterpipe Tobacco Packag...2023Lazard, Allison J.StudentECU
Health Claims, Marketing Appeals, and Warnings on Popular Brands of Waterpipe Tobacco Packag...2023Kimes, Caroline M.StudentECU
Health Claims, Marketing Appeals, and Warnings on Popular Brands of Waterpipe Tobacco Packag...2023King, Jessica StudentECU
Health Claims, Marketing Appeals, and Warnings on Popular Brands of Waterpipe Tobacco Packag...2023Jenson, Desmond StudentECU
Health Claims, Marketing Appeals, and Warnings on Popular Brands of Waterpipe Tobacco Packag...2023Ross, Jennifer CornacchioneStudentECU
Health Communication2007Antunez, Marilia FacultyPast faculty member, ASU
Health effects following subacute exposure to geogenic dust collected from active drainage s...2017DeWitt, Jamie C.,Buck,Brenda J.,Goossens,Dirk,Teng,Yuanxin,PollaStudentECU
The Health Implications of Employment in Non-Profit Animal Care In Eastern North Carolina: A...2023Fountain, Sierra NicoleStudentECU
Health Inequities among Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Adults in North Carolina, 2011--20142017Barnhill, Melissa M.,Lee,Joseph G. L.,Rafferty,Ann P.StudentECU
Health Inequities among Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Adults in North Carolina, 2011–20142023Barnhill, Melissa M.StudentECU
Health Inequities among Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Adults in North Carolina, 2011–20142023Lee, Joseph G. L.StudentECU
Health Inequities among Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Adults in North Carolina, 2011–20142023Rafferty, Ann P.StudentECU
The health knowledge of senior health education majors at selected universities in North Car...1977Tuthill, Susan EleanorStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
Health Literacy and Health Behaviors Among Adults With Prediabetes, 2016 Behavioral Risk Fac...2023Luo, Huabin StudentECU
Health Literacy Improvement Project2023Combs, Yvette StudentECU
The Health of Migrant and Seasonal Farmworkers in the U.S.: Mapping the Extant Literature2023Bloss, Jamie StudentECU
The Health of Migrant and Seasonal Farmworkers in the U.S.: Mapping the Extant Literature2023Firnhaber, Gina StudentECU
The Health of Migrant and Seasonal Farmworkers in the U.S.: Mapping the Extant Literature2023Lee, Joseph G. L.StudentECU
The Health of Migrant and Seasonal Farmworkers in the U.S.: Mapping the Extant Literature2023Zahra, Abdul StudentECU
Health Promotion Activities for the Expectant Mother2022Badami, Samantha Rose StudentMcKenzie-Elliot School of Nursing, UNCP
Health System Electronic Nursing Documentation Optimization2023Lindsay, Mary StudentECU
Health Systems Science Education: The New Post-Flexner Professionalism for the 21st Century2023Lawson, Luan StudentECU
Health Systems Science Education: The New Post-Flexner Professionalism for the 21st Century2023Borkan, Jeffrey M.StudentECU
Health Systems Science Education: The New Post-Flexner Professionalism for the 21st Century2023Hammoud, Maya M.StudentECU
Health Systems Science Education: The New Post-Flexner Professionalism for the 21st Century2023Nelson, Elizabeth StudentECU
Health Systems Science Education: The New Post-Flexner Professionalism for the 21st Century2023Oyler, Julie StudentECU
Health Systems Science Education: The New Post-Flexner Professionalism for the 21st Century2023Starr, Stephanie R.StudentECU
Health Systems Science Education: The New Post-Flexner Professionalism for the 21st Century2023Gonzalo, Jed D.StudentECU
Health-related Quality of Life in Head and Neck Cancer Survivors: Evaluating the Rural Disad...2023Christensen, Alan StudentECU
Health-related Quality of Life in Head and Neck Cancer Survivors: Evaluating the Rural Disad...2023Adamowicz, Jenna L.StudentECU
Health-related Quality of Life in Head and Neck Cancer Survivors: Evaluating the Rural Disad...2023, et alStudentECU
Health-Related Quality of Life in Weight Loss Interventions: Results from the OPTIWIN Trial2023Matarese, Laura E.StudentECU
Health-Related Quality of Life in Weight Loss Interventions: Results from the OPTIWIN Trial2023Pories, Walter J.StudentECU
Health-Related Quality of Life in Weight Loss Interventions: Results from the OPTIWIN Trial2023Dainelli, Livia StudentECU
Health-Related Quality of Life in Weight Loss Interventions: Results from the OPTIWIN Trial2023Luo, Dan RobertoStudentECU
Health-Related Quality of Life in Weight Loss Interventions: Results from the OPTIWIN Trial2023Cohen, Sarah S.StudentECU
Health-Related Quality of Life in Weight Loss Interventions: Results from the OPTIWIN Trial2023Marczewska, Agnieszka StudentECU
Health-Related Quality of Life in Weight Loss Interventions: Results from the OPTIWIN Trial2023Ard, Jamy D.StudentECU
Health-Related Quality of Life in Weight Loss Interventions: Results from the OPTIWIN Trial2023Coburn, Sally L.StudentECU
Health-Related Quality of Life in Weight Loss Interventions: Results from the OPTIWIN Trial2023Lewis, Kristina H.StudentECU
Health-Related Quality of Life in Weight Loss Interventions: Results from the OPTIWIN Trial2023Loper, Judy StudentECU
Health-Related Quality of Life in Weight Loss Interventions: Results from the OPTIWIN Trial2023Rothberg, Amy E.StudentECU
Health-Related Regional and Neighborhood Correlates of Sexual Minority Concentration: A Syst...2023Lee, Joseph G. L.StudentECU
Health-Related Regional and Neighborhood Correlates of Sexual Minority Concentration: A Syst...2023Sewell, Kerry StudentECU
Healthcare Employees’ Burnout, Job Stress, Health, And Workplace Social Networks: Addressing...2023Sesemann, Erin MStudentECU
Healthcare Like Me2023Foy, Amanda StudentECU
Healthcare Providers' Experiences with Screening for Intimate Partner Violence Among Migrant...2023Wilson, Jonathan B.StudentECU
Healthcare providers’ experiences screening for intimate partner violence among migrant and ...2023Wilson, Jonathan StudentECU
Healthcare providers’ experiences screening for intimate partner violence among migrant and ...2023Hodgson, Jennifer StudentECU
Healthcare providers’ experiences screening for intimate partner violence among migrant and ...2023Thompson, Alyssa StudentECU
Healthcare providers’ experiences screening for intimate partner violence among migrant and ...2023Hall, Tana StudentECU
Healthcare providers’ experiences screening for intimate partner violence among migrant and ...2023Brimhall, Andrew StudentECU
Healthcare providers’ experiences screening for intimate partner violence among migrant and ...2023Rappleyea, Damon StudentECU
A healthy breakfast is best way to start the day2023Pasli, Melisa StudentECU
A healthy breakfast is best way to start the day2023Kolasa, Kathryn MStudentECU
Healthy Choices in Context: How Contextual Cues Can Influence the Persuasiveness of Framed H...2009McElroy, Todd FacultyPsychology, ASU
Healthy Habits for Teens: Changing the Trajectory of Obesity2023Bagley, Ivy M.StudentECU
Healthy Hospital Food Environment: Policy & Programs in Practice2012Gaskins, Scottie StudentECU
Healthy living best remedy for brain fog2023Romaine, Catherine StudentECU
Healthy living best remedy for brain fog2023Kolasa, Kathryn M.StudentECU
Healthy Pals2023Rector, Madeleine GrazynaStudentECU
Healthy Pals : The Igniting of Community Involvement and Enhanced Leadership2023Judd, Ross StudentECU
Hearing aids in older adults: audibility, outcomes, status, characteristics, and skills2014Poland, Ellen StudentECU
Hearing, Smelling, Tasting, Feeling, Seeing: The Role of the Arts in Making Sense Out of th...1995Carp, Richard M. FacultyPast faculty member, ASU
The heart attack of President Dwight D. Eisenhower and its political implications for his ca...1967Goodbread, Ronald A.StudentHistory and Political Science, UNCG
Heart Rate Changes Following the Administration of Sugammadex to Infants and Children With C...2023Tumin, Dmitry StudentECU
Heart Smart Guide for Young Patients with Cardiac Devices2023Sears, Samuel F.StudentECU
The heat of transfer of some slightly soluble salts from water to tert-Butanol--water mixtur...1973Bright, Linford LawrenceStudentChemistry, UNCG
Heat-Related Illness Among Latinx Child Farmworkers in North Carolina: A Mixed-Methods Study...2023Kearney, Gregory D.StudentECU
Heats of dilution of sodium chloride temperature dependence1972Ensor, Dale DuvallStudentChemistry, UNCG
Heats of mixing of aqueous electrolytes : temperature dependence1970Petree, Linda AnneStudentChemistry, UNCG
Heats of mixing of aqueous electrolytes temperature dependence1970Smith, Danne ElizabethStudentChemistry, UNCG
Hefty Vs Wimpy: A Biomechanical Hypothesis For Plant Pollinator Associations2016Bowman, Kimberly StudentBiology - Student, ASU
Heirloom : An Examination of Value, Family History and Personal Identity2023Heuss, Abigail StudentECU
Helen Winkelmes to Samuel R. Owens, October 23, 19452017Adams, Randi StudentEnglish, WCU
A helminthological survey of small woodland mammals from eastern North Carolina2023Anderson, Michael MathesonStudentECU
Help-Seeking and Help-Giving In Student-Athletes: Efficacy and Quality2023Sanford, Kimberly StudentECU
Help-Seeking and Help-Giving In Student-Athletes: Efficacy and Quality2023Sanford, Kimberly StudentECU
Hemingway and pictorial art1970Robbins, Elizabeth L.StudentEnglish, UNCG
Hemingway's critical reception in Spain from 1940 to the present1966Yount, Dorothy FurrStudentEnglish, UNCG
Hemingway's religion of death : the cult of the bullring1972Hupp, Garrison ScherichStudentEnglish, UNCG
Hemodynamic-GUIDEd management of Heart Failure (GUIDE-HF)2019Lindenfeld, JoAnn,Abraham,William T.,Maisel,Alan,Zile,Michael,Smart,Frank,Costanzo,MStudentECU
Hemodynamically-Guided Management of Heart Failure Across the Ejection Fraction Spectrum: Th...2023Sears, Samuel F.StudentECU
Hemodynamically-Guided Management of Heart Failure Across the Ejection Fraction Spectrum: Th...2023Zile, Michael R.StudentECU
Hemodynamically-Guided Management of Heart Failure Across the Ejection Fraction Spectrum: Th...2023, et alStudentECU
Henry M. Misemer’s Letter to his wife Martha J. Misemer June 27th, 18642023Fonseca, Braulio StudentEnglish, WCU
Henry M. Misemer’s Letter to his wife Martha J. Misemer May 2nd 18642023Fonseca, Braulio StudentEnglish, WCU
Heparin-Induced Thrombocytopenia After Mitral Valve Replacement2023Bates, Michael J.StudentECU
Heparin-Induced Thrombocytopenia After Mitral Valve Replacement2023Tugulan, Carmen StudentECU
Heparin-Induced Thrombocytopenia After Mitral Valve Replacement2023Chang, Donald D.StudentECU
Hera: A Record of the End of Masculinity2016Talbert, Jared StudentLiterature, UNCA
Heritage1976Strom, Arlene StudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
Heritage at Risk? : An Assessment of Environmental Factors in Archaeological Site Damage in ...2023Hayman, Jeanette A.StudentECU
Hermeneutic experience and intersubjectivity in schools : on the way toward meaning1981Dickinson, Edward GlennStudentEducation, UNCG
Herman Melville's tragic heroes1962Hayward, Becky JonStudentEnglish, UNCG
Heroes and Legends: African-American Identity in Graphic Novels and Comic Books2023Ashley, Jamica C.StudentECU
Herpetofaunal sampling in the North Carolina coastal plain :a comparison between techniques ...2023Hall, Jeffrey Galen.StudentECU
Herpetofauna of the Rio Upano Valley in southeastern Ecuador2023Walls, Albert B.StudentECU
Heterogeneity Among Women with Stroke: Health, Demographic and Healthcare Utilization Differ...2023Jacobs, Molly M.StudentECU
Heterogeneity Among Women with Stroke: Health, Demographic and Healthcare Utilization Differ...2023Ellis, Charles StudentECU
Heterogeneity, Coordination and the Provision of Best-Shot Public Goods2013Cherry, Todd FacultyEconomics, ASU
Heterosocial cues and perceptions of sexual intentions : effects of sexual connotativeness, ...1990Kowalski, Robin M.StudentPsychology, UNCG
Heterozygous SOD2 Deletion Impairs Glucose-Stimulated Insulin Secretion, but Not Insulin Act...2014Mokshagundam, Shilpa StudentECU
Heterozygous SOD2 Deletion Impairs Glucose-Stimulated Insulin Secretion, but Not Insulin Act...2014Kang, Li StudentECU
Heterozygous SOD2 Deletion Impairs Glucose-Stimulated Insulin Secretion, but Not Insulin Act...2014Dai, Chunhua StudentECU
Heterozygous SOD2 Deletion Impairs Glucose-Stimulated Insulin Secretion, but Not Insulin Act...2014Lustig, Mary E.StudentECU
Heterozygous SOD2 Deletion Impairs Glucose-Stimulated Insulin Secretion, but Not Insulin Act...2014Bonner, Jeffrey S.StudentECU
Heterozygous SOD2 Deletion Impairs Glucose-Stimulated Insulin Secretion, but Not Insulin Act...2014Mayes, Wesley H.StudentECU
Heterozygous SOD2 Deletion Impairs Glucose-Stimulated Insulin Secretion, but Not Insulin Act...2014James, Freyja D.StudentECU
Heterozygous SOD2 Deletion Impairs Glucose-Stimulated Insulin Secretion, but Not Insulin Act...2014Thompson, Courtney S.StudentECU
Heterozygous SOD2 Deletion Impairs Glucose-Stimulated Insulin Secretion, but Not Insulin Act...2014Lin, Chien-Te StudentECU
Heterozygous SOD2 Deletion Impairs Glucose-Stimulated Insulin Secretion, but Not Insulin Act...2014Perry, Christopher G.R.StudentECU
Heterozygous SOD2 Deletion Impairs Glucose-Stimulated Insulin Secretion, but Not Insulin Act...2014Anderson, Ethan J.StudentECU
Heterozygous SOD2 Deletion Impairs Glucose-Stimulated Insulin Secretion, but Not Insulin Act...2014Neufer, P. DarrellStudentECU
Heterozygous SOD2 Deletion Impairs Glucose-Stimulated Insulin Secretion, but Not Insulin Act...2014Wasserman, David H.StudentECU
Heterozygous SOD2 Deletion Impairs Glucose-Stimulated Insulin Secretion, but Not Insulin Act...2014Powers, Alvi StudentECU
Hexatonic Collections and Thematic Development in Frederic Rzewski's "Four Pieces for Piano"...2023Martschenko, Evan DavidStudentECU
Hidden in plain view2021Douglass, Susan Andrea ElgieStudentArt, UNCG
Hidden Interiors2010Wells, Jennifer StudentECU
Hierarchies and Communication : Analyzing Negotiated Power Relationships in a Small Software...2014Buchko, Robert D.StudentECU
The Hierarchy of Ethical Values in Nonprofit Organizations: A Framework for an Ethical, Self...2008Strickland, Ruth Ann FacultyGovernment and Justice Studies, ASU
High Aesthetics/Low Incivilities: Criminal Victimizations and Perceptions of Risk in a Downt...1998Robinson, Matthew B. FacultyGovernment and Justice Studies, ASU
The high concentration of Arg213 ? Gly extracellular superoxide dismutase (EC-SOD) in plasma...2023Petersen, Steen V.StudentECU
The high concentration of Arg213 ? Gly extracellular superoxide dismutase (EC-SOD) in plasma...2023Olsen, Dorte Aa.StudentECU
The high concentration of Arg213 ? Gly extracellular superoxide dismutase (EC-SOD) in plasma...2023Kenney, John M.StudentECU
The high concentration of Arg213 ? Gly extracellular superoxide dismutase (EC-SOD) in plasma...2023Oury, Tim D.StudentECU
The high concentration of Arg213 ? Gly extracellular superoxide dismutase (EC-SOD) in plasma...2023Valnickova, Zuzana StudentECU
The high concentration of Arg213 ? Gly extracellular superoxide dismutase (EC-SOD) in plasma...2023Thogersen, Ida B.StudentECU
The high concentration of Arg213 ? Gly extracellular superoxide dismutase (EC-SOD) in plasma...2023Crapo, James D.StudentECU
The high concentration of Arg213 ? Gly extracellular superoxide dismutase (EC-SOD) in plasma...2023Enghild, Jan J.StudentECU
High Fat Diet Induces Obesity in Adult Mice but Fails to Develop Pre-Penile and Penile Vascu...2023Odom, Michael R.StudentECU
High Fat Diet Induces Obesity in Adult Mice but Fails to Develop Pre-Penile and Penile Vascu...2023Hunt, Trevor C.StudentECU
High Fat Diet Induces Obesity in Adult Mice but Fails to Develop Pre-Penile and Penile Vascu...2023Pak, Elena S.StudentECU
High Fat Diet Induces Obesity in Adult Mice but Fails to Develop Pre-Penile and Penile Vascu...2023Hannan, Johanna L.StudentECU
High marsh plant community response to sea-level induced high marsh subsidence and ecosystem...2023Buck, Tracy Lynne.StudentECU
High marsh plant community response to sea-level induced high marsh subsidence and ecosystem...2023Buck, Tracy Lynne.StudentECU
High marsh-forest transitions in a brackish marsh :the effects of slope2023Hmieleski, Joseph I.StudentECU
High school employment experiences and work related attitudes of college students1989Goslen, Mary AnneStudentHuman Environmental Sciences, UNCG
High Trait Attention Promotes Resilience and Reduces Binge Drinking Among College Students W...2023Khan, Farhan StudentECU
High Trait Attention Promotes Resilience and Reduces Binge Drinking Among College Students W...2023Elton, Amanda StudentECU
High Trait Attention Promotes Resilience and Reduces Binge Drinking Among College Students W...2023Allen, J. HunterStudentECU
High Trait Attention Promotes Resilience and Reduces Binge Drinking Among College Students W...2023Yorke, Mya StudentECU
High Trait Attention Promotes Resilience and Reduces Binge Drinking Among College Students W...2023Lin, Qiaosen StudentECU
High Trait Attention Promotes Resilience and Reduces Binge Drinking Among College Students W...2023Boettiger, Charlotte A.StudentECU
High versus Low Aggressive Priming During Video Game Training: Effects on Game Violence, Sta...2002Ballard, Mary FacultyPsychology, ASU
High-Fat Diet Induced Obesity Increases Serum Myostatin, but Does Not Accelerate Skeletal Mu...2023Roseno, Steven L.StudentECU
High-Frame-Rate Full-Vocal-Tract 3D Dynamic Speech Imaging2023Perry, Jamie L.StudentECU
High-intensity exercise to promote accelerated improvements in cardiorespiratory fitness (HI...2019McGee, Joshua E,Barefoot,Savanna G,Gniewek,Nicole R,Brophy,PatriStudentECU
High-intensity exercise to promote accelerated improvements in cardiorespiratory fitness (HI...2019McGee, Joshua E.,Barefoot,Savanna G.,Gniewek,Nicole R.,Brophy,PaStudentECU
High-Resolution Dynamic Speech Imaging with Joint Low-Rank and Sparsity Constraints2023Perry, Jamie L.StudentECU
Higher-order control over equivalence classes and response sequences : an experimental analo...1987Wulfert, Edelgard StudentPsychology, UNCG
Highlighting NC LIVE’s Home Grown eBooks2023Thomas, William JosephStudentECU
The Hinterlands Of Town Creek : A Settlement Pattern Study Of The Mississippian Occupation O...2023Ricciardelli, Taryn StudentECU
His and Hers : How Military Spouses Experience Physical, Psychological, and Relational Healt...2023Buchner, Lisa J.StudentECU
A histochemical and immunocytochemical study of neonatal porcine pancreatic islets and nerve...2023Osborne, Jody Neil.StudentECU
The histochemical localization of acetycholinesterase in the thoracic dorsal root ganglia of...2023Ambrose, Wallace Witherell.StudentECU
Histology of the female reproductive track in the crab, Panopeus Herbsti H. Milne Edwards (B...2023Stern, Mark Allen.StudentECU
Historic houses of Beaufort County, North Carolina, 1744-18991982Casto, Marilyn DeeStudentHome Economics, UNCG
A historical account of the controversy over state support of church-related higher educatio...1978Bolick, Ernest BernardStudentEducation, UNCG
A historical analysis of the impact of selected teachers on education for blacks in coastal ...1988Addo, Linda D.StudentEducation, UNCG
A historical and archaeological investigation of the Chickahominy Shipyard site2023Morris, Jeffery DStudentECU
The historical and archaeological investigation of L'Herminine2023Waters, Sarah. StudentECU
The historical and archaeological investigation of the MacKnight Shipyard Wreck (0001NCR)2023Jones, Sheridan R.StudentECU
An Historical and Archaeological Investigation of the SCUPPERNONG: A Mid-Nineteenth Century ...2023Turner, C. Alexander,IIIStudentECU
The historical and archaeological investigation of the Selah Chamberlain, a nineteenth-centu...2023Ronca, Filippo P.StudentECU
Historical and Archaeological Investigations Concerning a Revolutionary War Vessel Burned at...2023Reedy, James R.,JrStudentECU
Historical and archaeological investigations of a sunken federal period vessel near Oriental...2023Jackson, Claude V.,IIIStudentECU
An Historical and Ethnographic Study of Cultural Change and Continuity in the Construction a...2023Marr, Ryan D.StudentECU
A historical and legal analysis of the role of the North Carolina public school principal in...1983Franklin, Charles LeeStudentEducation, UNCG
A historical and legal analysis of the role of school bus drivers in the pupil transportatio...1980Herman, Carl SmithStudentEducation, UNCG
A historical and legal analysis of teacher certification in North Carolina1979Thompson, Richard LewisStudentEducation, UNCG
the historical foundations of modern earth science: using the power of history to teach mode...2010Davis, Joseph StudentECU
Historical Foundations of Rural EMS System Challenges2015Phillips , Jefferson StudentHistory - Student, ASU
Historical resource-book of Guilford County, North Carolina, and immediate vicinity1951Bostian, Catherine GranthamStudentEducation, UNCG
A historical study of degree students graduating from Surry Community College from 1966-1976...1977Reeves, James MichaelStudentEducation, UNCG
A historical study of the founding and development of Tuskegee Institute1983Jackson, McArthur StudentEducation, UNCG
A historical study of women in public school administration from 1900-19771979Scarlette, Erma ToomesStudentEducation, UNCG
A historical study of the women's intercollegiate athletic union Canada1971Taylor, Margaret JoyStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
A Historical, Archaeological, and Geographical Study of the Battle of the Atlantic in North ...2023Wagner, John MichaelStudentECU
Historicizing and Contextualizing the Discourse on African International Law and A Concise O...2008Udogu, E. Ike FacultyGovernment and Justice Studies, ASU
Historiographical and cultural study of Anglo-American naval edged weapons, 1797-18152023Wolfe, Sarah CatherineStudentECU
Historizing from Ludus: Assemblage and Medieval Ludic Space2023Escourido, Juan StudentECU
The History and Development of Libraries in American Higher Education2023Jones, Plummer AlstonStudentECU
The history and restoration of Somerset Place State Historic site2023Cahoon, Elizabeth A.StudentECU
The history of the 1880-1891 Marshall/Firehole Hotel, Yellowstone National Park, and conserv...2023Harris, Margaret Jane M.StudentECU
A history of the black population of New Bern, North Carolina, 1862-18722023Mitchell, Mark S.StudentECU
A history of Burlington Industries, Inc.1973Tahal, Vishwa NathStudentHistory, UNCG
A history of child labor legislation in the Carolinas and Virginia with emphasis on the educ...2023Garner, Margaret StudentECU
A history of the department of physical education at Winthrop College, 1886-19701973Fleming, Rhonda KayStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
The history of the development of elementary school physical education in the Charlotte-Meck...1973Clayton, Lurah BrendaStudentHealth, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, UNCG
The history of the development of women's costumes in selected team and individual sports1976Doull, Judith DianaStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
The history of East Coast surfing1976Pace, David LeeStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
History of the education of Negro teachers in the state normal schools of North Carolina fro...2023Brown, Harold F.StudentECU
The history of the Greensboro Cerebral Palsy and Orthopedic School, Greensboro, North Caroli...1970Barnes, Suzanne BetheaStudentDrama and Speech, UNCG
The history of intercollegiate athletics for men at Elon College1982Tolley, Jerry R.StudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
A history of intercollegiate football at East Carolina University from 1932 through 19752023Wrenn, Jack StudentECU
A history of the Ludwig drummer with an annotated bibliography of the issues from 1961 to 19...1994Bolton, Calvin AlonzoStudentMusic, UNCG
A history of the Memorial Baptist Church Greenville, North Carolina2023Tolson, John NealStudentECU
A history of the motivations for underwater diving as depicted in selected literature1976Krucker, Kathleen AnnStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
History of NCCU-Duke Collaborations2022Vann, Andre' FacultyJames E. Shepard Memorial Library, NCCU
The history of the Oxford Orphanage2023Peacock, Myrtle LeighStudentECU
The history of physical education and sport in the Libyan Arab Republic1976El-Hinshiri, Ali KhalifaStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
A history of recreation at Broughton Hospital : 1883-19731976Turner, Velma ReeStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
The history of residential lighting standards1972Welborn, Margaret SchmidtStudentHome Economics, UNCG
History of Sexism in Advertising in 1950’s2021McMurrin, Jhatiana FacultyMusic and Visual Arts, ECSU
A history of the Southern Business Association1954Chapman, Robert RoscoeStudentBusiness Education, UNCG
The history of women's intercollegiate athletics at East Carolina University from 1969 to 19...2023Hampton, Vonda T.StudentECU
History Repeats Itself In Paradise2023Johnson, David StudentECU
HistoryCentral.com2003Stoffan, Mark A. FacultyHunter Library, WCU
HLA-B*35:01 and Green Tea Induced Liver Injury2023Tillmann, Hans L.StudentECU
HLA-B*35:01 and Green Tea Induced Liver Injury2023Hoofnagle, Jay H.StudentECU
HLA-B*35:01 and Green Tea Induced Liver Injury2023Bonkovsky, Herbert L.StudentECU
HLA-B*35:01 and Green Tea Induced Liver Injury2023Phillips, Elizabeth J.StudentECU
HLA-B*35:01 and Green Tea Induced Liver Injury2023Li, Yi-Ju StudentECU
HLA-B*35:01 and Green Tea Induced Liver Injury2023Ahmad, Jawad StudentECU
HLA-B*35:01 and Green Tea Induced Liver Injury2023Barnhart, Huiman StudentECU
HLA-B*35:01 and Green Tea Induced Liver Injury2023Durazo, Francisco StudentECU
HLA-B*35:01 and Green Tea Induced Liver Injury2023Fontana, Robert J.StudentECU
HLA-B*35:01 and Green Tea Induced Liver Injury2023Gu, Jiezhun StudentECU
HLA-B*35:01 and Green Tea Induced Liver Injury2023Khan, Ikhlas StudentECU
HLA-B*35:01 and Green Tea Induced Liver Injury2023Kleiner, David E.StudentECU
HLA-B*35:01 and Green Tea Induced Liver Injury2023Koh, Christopher StudentECU
HLA-B*35:01 and Green Tea Induced Liver Injury2023Rockey, Don C.StudentECU
HLA-B*35:01 and Green Tea Induced Liver Injury2023Seeff, Leonard B.StudentECU
HLA-B*35:01 and Green Tea Induced Liver Injury2023Serrano, Jose StudentECU
HLA-B*35:01 and Green Tea Induced Liver Injury2023Stolz, Andrew StudentECU
HLA-B*35:01 and Green Tea Induced Liver Injury2023Vuppalanchi, Raj StudentECU
HLA-B*35:01 and Green Tea Induced Liver Injury2023Navarro, Victor J.StudentECU
Hoc est corpus meum : a theological controversy and a synthesis of ideas in England2023Barrett, Barney StudentECU
The holistic paradigm in the foreign language-culture curriculum1981Arnold, Donald GeorgeStudentEducation, UNCG
Hollowing2015Roberson, Connor StudentEnglish - Student, ASU
The Hollywood curriculum : teachers and teaching in the movies1995Dalton, Mary M.StudentEducation, UNCG
Holocene evolution of a drowned tributary estuary, Croatan Sound, North Carolina2023Rudolph, Greg L.StudentECU
Holocene evolution of a nanotidal brackish marsh :protected bay system Roanoke Island, North...2023Benton, Stephen Boyd.StudentECU
Holocene Evolution of the Ocracoke Inlet Flood-tide Delta Region, Outer Banks, North Carolin...2023Smith, Caroline FaulknerStudentECU
Holocene geologic development of central Hatteras flats and Buxton Beach ridges, Outer Banks...2023McDowell, Katie L.StudentECU
Holocene paleoenvironental change in southern Pamlico Sound, North Carolina2023Metger, M. Lauren.StudentECU
Holocene paleoenvironmental change in Pamlico Sound, North Carolina :foraminiferal and stabl...2023Grand Pre, Candace A.StudentECU
Holocene Paleoenvironmental Reconstruction of Depositional Environments on the Sunda Shelf, ...2023Twarog, Michael R.StudentECU
A Holocene record of climate-driven shifts in coastal carbon sequestration2023Mitra, Siddhartha StudentECU
A Holocene record of climate-driven shifts in coastal carbon sequestration2023Zimmerman, Andrew R.StudentECU
A Holocene record of climate-driven shifts in coastal carbon sequestration2023Hunsinger, Glendon B.StudentECU
A Holocene record of climate-driven shifts in coastal carbon sequestration2023Willard, Debra StudentECU
A Holocene record of climate-driven shifts in coastal carbon sequestration2023Dunn, Joshua C.StudentECU
Holocene Sedimentary Record from the Sunda Shelf off Peninsular Malaysia: Insights from Elem...2023Hindes, Haley StudentECU
Holocene Stratigraphy and Paleoenvironmental Change of Pamlico Sound, North Carolina, USA2023Zaremba, Nicholas StudentECU
Home activities, motives, and attitudes of seventh and eighth grade pupils in the different ...1951Winston, Henrietta ElizabethStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Home economics curricular reforms in the public elementary schools in the Philippines 1900-1...1981Lopez De Leon, Isidra EdralinStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Home economics teachers and programmed instruction, an explanatory inquiry1963Huffman, Sally ElizabethStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Home economics teachers' knowledge and attitudes toward the integration of special needs stu...1985Webb, Jacquelyn DriverStudentHome Economics, UNCG
The home environment of model pupils1950Martin, Ann RaperStudentEducation, UNCG
Home environment, metamemory, motivation, and memory performance in young school children1993Pierce, Sarah HelenStudentHuman Environmental Sciences, UNCG
Home improvements in Durham, North Carolina, during years 1959-681969Shah, Ketki BabubhaiStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Home management practices of twenty-five homemakers employed with rotating work hours1972Chisenhall, Sarah CawthonStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Home school curricula : constitutional issues1987Fox, Linda PageStudentEducation, UNCG
Home school parents and their educational methods and beliefs2023Pearce, Marianne LucyStudentECU
The home visit as a means of a more effective homemaking program1951Councilman, Mary EdithStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Homefront activities in Wake County during World War II1977Williford, Jo AnnStudentHistory, UNCG
Homemakers' knowledge and utilization of three floor care appliances1966Wilcox, Elizabeth AnnStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Homemakers' reactions to planning, developing and using coordinated food mixing centers in t...1968Godley, Lou WatsonStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Homemakers' use of available house furnishings information1959Brown, Anne MarieStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Homeomorphic spaces in the plane1971Yandell, Anne LewisStudentMathematics, UNCG
Homeomorphic subspaces in the plane1972Dahir, Mustafa StudentMathematics, UNCG
Homeowner Preference for Household-level Flood Mitigation in US: Analysis of a Discrete Choi...2023Frimpong, Eugene StudentECU
Homeowner Preference for Household-level Flood Mitigation in US: Analysis of a Discrete Choi...2023Howard, Gregory StudentECU
Homeowner Preference for Household-level Flood Mitigation in US: Analysis of a Discrete Choi...2023Kruse, Jamie StudentECU
Homeowner Preference for Household-Level Flood Mitigation in US: Analysis of a Discrete Choi...2023Howard, Gregory StudentECU
Homeowner Preference for Household-Level Flood Mitigation in US: Analysis of a Discrete Choi...2023Frimpong, Eugene StudentECU
Homeowner Preference for Household-Level Flood Mitigation in US: Analysis of a Discrete Choi...2023Kruse, Jamie StudentECU
Homeschooling2008Reed, Randall FacultyPhilosophy and Religion, ASU
Homicide, sex role differences and role relationships in North Carolina1975Ketner, Linda GayleStudentSociology, UNCG
Homogeneous Catalysis Part II. Ziegler Systems as Catalysts for Hydrosilylation1974Nile, Terence "Terry"FacultyChemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG
A Homozygous deletion in the C-erbA-beta thyroid hormone receptor gene in a patient with gen...2023Menke, Jay B.StudentECU
Honesty admits discourse : lying in the fiction of Elizabeth Gaskell1994McGavran, Dorothy HeissenbuttelStudentEnglish, UNCG
Honors Educators: Faculty Perceptions of Teaching Honors 2000 and 30002023Thomas, Peyton StudentECU
Hope : pedagogy in a despairing world1996McLaurin, William M.StudentEducation, UNCG
Horace Kephart letter to Charles Henry Hull, October 8, 18922019Qadous, Muath StudentEnglish, WCU
Horizontal gene transfer of epigenetic machinery and evolution of parasitism in the malaria ...2013Kishore, Sandeep P,Stiller,John W,Deitsch,Kirk WStudentECU
Horse Owner Practices and Equine and Human Arboviral Encephalitis in North Carolina2023White, Avian V.StudentECU
Horse Owner Practices and Equine and Human Arboviral Encephalitis in North Carolina2023Smith, Deryn M.StudentECU
Horse Owner Practices and Equine and Human Arboviral Encephalitis in North Carolina2023Richards, Stephanie L.StudentECU
Hospice nurses' experience of caring for the elderly with wounds at the end-of-life.2023Shepard, Joy A.StudentECU
Host And Geography Together Drive Early Adaptive Radiation Of Hawaiian Planthoppers2023Brewer, Michael S.StudentECU
"The Hostess City of the South": Destination Image and Risk Perception in Savannah, Georgia2023Thompson, Marla StudentECU
The Hourglass Hotel2017Banner, Emily StudentLiterature, UNCA
House furnishing practices as they relate to the family life cycle and certain selected fact...1965Little, Lillie BradshawStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Housescapes1969Jenkins, Harry KellsStudentArt, UNCG
Housing characteristics of North Carolina households with incomes of less than $5,0001966Cook, Jean BaileyStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Housing needs, expectations, and satisfactions of public housing and Turnkey III residents i...1973Atkins, Karen S.StudentHome Economics, UNCG
Housing Policy and the Underclass debate: Policy Choices and Implications (1900-1970)2006Tighe, J. Rosie FacultyPast Faculty Member, ASU
Housing space divisions for living and for storage suggested by thirty-six homemakers who li...1964White, Joanne LeslieStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Houston and Nash Presented on the Same Day at ICM 2002 in Beijing, China2002Houston, Johnny FacultyMathematics and Computer Science, ECSU
How Age and Surface Inclination Affect Joint Moment Strategies to Accelerate and Decelerate ...2023DeVita, Paul,1955- StudentECU
How are Mentees’ Goals and Demographic Characteristics Associated with their Mentoring Exper...2023Wekam, Vanina StudentECU
How Coverage Of Death Sentences Vary: A Study Of Two Ohio Newspapers2012Williams, Marian FacultyGovernment and Justice Studies, ASU
How can virtual communities create value for business?2010Spaulding, Trent FacultyNutrition and Health Care Management, ASU
How Can We End the Stigma Surrounding Domestic and Sexual Violence? A Modified Delphi Study ...2023Crowe, Allison StudentECU
How Do Aesthetics Effect Our Ecology?2006Lubarsky, Sandra FacultySustainable Development, ASU
How do firefighters cope? : an investigation of coping strategies and symptoms of distress w...1996Black, Lynda K.StudentEducation, UNCG
"How Do I Reach These Keeeds?" : A New Teacher Uses Personality Type to Rethink Cognition, M...2023Gilbert, Jeffrey StudentECU
How Do New BSN Nurses Perceive Their Nursing Education?2013Johanson, Linda FacultyNursing, ASU
How do we accelerate while running?2023Schuster, Daniel J.StudentECU
How Do We Rate? An Evaluation of Online Student Evaluations2009Davison, Elizabeth Lynn (Beth) FacultySociology, ASU
How Do We Rate? An Evaluation of Online Student Evaluations2009Price, Jammie FacultyPast faculty member, ASU
How Does it Feel to be a Problem? : Race, Sexuality and the Black College2023Lang, Marissa NicholeStudentECU
How five successful middle school principals in North Carolina define vision and how they pe...1991Stillerman, Katherine PoerschkeStudentEducation, UNCG
How has COVID-19 affected ECU Applications, Admissions, and Enrollment?2023Taraboi, Olivia AvaStudentECU
How Job Status Affects Moral Development and Ethical Leadership2023Thomas, Sean FacultyEsther G. Maynor Honors College, UNCP
How Latino Community Leaders Talk About Death, Dying, and Cancer2023Hoffman, Sarah StudentECU
How many steps/day are enough? For older adults and special populations2011Tudor-Locke, Catrine,Craig,Cora L,Aoyagi,Yukitoshi,Bell,Rhonda C,Croteau,Karen A,DStudentECU
How many steps/day are enough? For older adults and special populations2011Rogers, Laura QStudentECU
How many steps/day are enough? For older adults and special populations2011Tully, Mark AStudentECU
How many steps/day are enough? For older adults and special populations2011Blair, Steven NStudentECU
How many steps/day are enough? For older adults and special populations2011Matsudo, Sandra MStudentECU
How many steps/day are enough? For older adults and special populations2011Lutes, Lesley DStudentECU
How many steps/day are enough? For older adults and special populations2011Hatano, Yoshiro StudentECU
How many steps/day are enough? For older adults and special populations2011Gardner, Andrew WStudentECU
How many steps/day are enough? For older adults and special populations2011Ewald, Ben StudentECU
How many steps/day are enough? For older adults and special populations2011De Bourdeaudhuij, Ilse StudentECU
How many steps/day are enough? For older adults and special populations2011Croteau, Karen AStudentECU
How many steps/day are enough? For older adults and special populations2011Bell, Rhonda CStudentECU
How many steps/day are enough? For older adults and special populations2011Aoyagi, Yukitoshi StudentECU
How many steps/day are enough? For older adults and special populations2011Craig, Cora LStudentECU
How many steps/day are enough? For older adults and special populations2011Tudor-Locke, Catrine StudentECU
How many steps/day are enough? For older adults and special populations2011Tudor-Locke, Ramirez- StudentECU
How the program “GoNoodle” impacts attention in elementary-age children2023Clark, Shelby LeeannStudentPsychology, WCU
How to cook healthy meals at home on a budget2023Trei, Alexander StudentECU
How to cook healthy meals at home on a budget2023Kolasa, Kathryn MStudentECU
How to Write a Nutrition-Related Children’s Book with Consideration of Child Perceptions2023Poindexter, Ashley StudentECU
How A Vessel of This Magnitude Was Moved : A Comparative Analysis of Confederate Ironclad St...2023Bisbee, Saxon T.StudentECU
Hox Gene clustering and regulatory networks2023Parker, Stephen Christopher James.StudentECU
Hox Gene Expression During Oreochromis niloticus Pharyngeal Arch Development : Discovering t...1905Lyon, Raymond StewartStudentECU
HPV Vaccine Recommendation Practices of Current and Future Physicians in North Carolina: An ...2023Richman, Alice R.StudentECU
HPV Vaccine Recommendation Practices of Current and Future Physicians in North Carolina: An ...2023Torres, Essie StudentECU
HPV Vaccine Recommendation Practices of Current and Future Physicians in North Carolina: An ...2023Wu, Qiang StudentECU
HPV Vaccine Recommendation Practices of Current and Future Physicians in North Carolina: An ...2023Eldridge, David StudentECU
HPV Vaccine Recommendation Practices of Current and Future Physicians in North Carolina: An ...2023Lawson, Luan StudentECU
HTLV-1 basic leucine zipper factor protects cells from oxidative stress by upregulating expr...2019Rushing, Amanda W,Rushing,Blake,Hoang,Kimson,Sanders,Stephanie V,PStudentECU
HTLV-1 Tax directly modulates expression of the CDK6 and RNASET2 genes2011Han, Hongjin StudentECU
HTLV-1 Tax directly modulates expression of the CDK6 and RNASET2 genes2011Polakowski, Nicholas StudentECU
HTLV-1 Tax directly modulates expression of the CDK6 and RNASET2 genes2011Lemasson, Isabelle StudentECU
The HTLV-1-encoded protein HBZ directly inhibits the acetyl transferase activity of p300/CBP...2012Mesnard, Jean-Michel StudentECU
The HTLV-1-encoded protein HBZ directly inhibits the acetyl transferase activity of p300/CBP...2012Lemasson, Isabelle StudentECU
The HTLV-1-encoded protein HBZ directly inhibits the acetyl transferase activity of p300/CBP...2012Wurm, Torsten StudentECU
The HTLV-1-encoded protein HBZ directly inhibits the acetyl transferase activity of p300/CBP...2012Wright, Diana G.StudentECU
The HTLV-1-encoded protein HBZ directly inhibits the acetyl transferase activity of p300/CBP...2012Polakowski, Nicholas StudentECU
The HTLV-1-encoded protein HBZ directly inhibits the acetyl transferase activity of p300/CBP...2012Wurm, Torsten,Wright,Diana G.,Polakowski,Nicholas,Mesnard,Jean-Michel,LemassoStudentECU
HUAC vs. the “Greenville Benevolent Association”: Investigating the Klan in Eastern North Ca...2023Durant, David M.StudentECU
Hubris, Heresy, and Hearsay2023Jones, Plummer AlstonStudentECU
Huey Long and share-our-wealth1971Lovely, Syllus EugeneStudentHistory, UNCG
The Hull Remains of Helen C.: A Comparative Analysis of Chesapeake Bay and Albemarle-Pamlico...2020Barbery, Carlos MiguelStudentECU
Human Agency, Environmental Drivers, and Western Juniper Establishment During the Late Holo...2004Soule', Peter T. FacultyGeography and Planning, ASU
Human-Animal Bond : Attachment vs. Objectification2023Walton, Magdalen J.StudentECU
Humanistic physical education and athletics in the secondary school1975Burns, Kristin LouiseStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
A Humanitarian Logistics-Based Planning for Rescue and Relief Operation After a Devastating ...2023Das, Kanchan StudentECU
A Humanitarian Logistics-Based Planning for Rescue and Relief Operation After a Devastating ...2023Lashkari, R. S.StudentECU
A Humanitarian Logistics-Based Planning for Rescue and Relief Operation After a Devastating ...2023Khan, Azizur R.StudentECU
The Humanization of 20th Century Europe’s Perpetrators: How Humanizing Our History’s Perpetr...2023Hutchens, Hali StudentECU
Human capital1960Tripp, Rosalie HolmsStudentEconomics, UNCG
The human condition of the game1982Nugent, Jane ElizabethStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
Human homolog of airy and nhancer of plit 1, Hes1, negatively regulates δ-catenin () expres...2010Nopparat, Jongdee StudentECU
Human homolog of airy and nhancer of plit 1, Hes1, negatively regulates δ-catenin () expres...2010Lu, Qun StudentECU
Human homolog of airy and nhancer of plit 1, Hes1, negatively regulates δ-catenin () expres...2010Case, Thomas CStudentECU
Human homolog of airy and nhancer of plit 1, Hes1, negatively regulates δ-catenin () expres...2010Matusik, Robert JStudentECU
Human homolog of airy and nhancer of plit 1, Hes1, negatively regulates δ-catenin () expres...2010Chen, Yan-hua StudentECU
Human homolog of airy and nhancer of plit 1, Hes1, negatively regulates δ-catenin () expres...2010Wolfe, Michael StudentECU
Human homolog of airy and nhancer of plit 1, Hes1, negatively regulates δ-catenin () expres...2010Lu, Jian-Ping StudentECU
Human homolog of airy and nhancer of plit 1, Hes1, negatively regulates δ-catenin () expres...2010Zhang, Jiao StudentECU
Human homolog of airy and nhancer of plit 1, Hes1, negatively regulates δ-catenin () expres...2010Kim, Kwonseop StudentECU
Humor and perceptions of political identity2022Rice, William E., IVStudentPsychology, WCU
Human Organ Real-time Localization using HTC Vive Tracking System and Machine Learning Model...2023Hall, Linwood EStudentECU
Humornonhumornon1977Warden, Susan StudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
Human Papillomavirus Dose Reminder Preferences Among Parents From a Diverse Clinical Sample:...2023Cofie, Leslie E.StudentECU
Human Papillomavirus Dose Reminder Preferences Among Parents From a Diverse Clinical Sample:...2023Hirth, Jacqueline M.StudentECU
Human Resources on the Go2012Rehkopf, Ed FacultyHospitality and Tourism Administration, NCCU
Human Rights and Minorities in Africa: A Theoretical and Conceptual Overview2001Udogu, E. Ike FacultyGovernment and Justice Studies, ASU
Human Rights Issues of Minorities in Contemporary India: A Concise Analysis2012Udogu, E. Ike FacultyGovernment and Justice Studies, ASU
The human side of teaching : an inquiry into the limits and possibilities of teacher evaluat...1987Gerringer, Karen FrancesStudentEducation, UNCG
Human Studies of Mitochondrial Biology Demonstrate an Overall Lack of Binary Sex Differences...2023Fisher-Wellman, Kelsey H.StudentECU
Human Studies of Mitochondrial Biology Demonstrate an Overall Lack of Binary Sex Differences...2023Neufer, P. DarrellStudentECU
Human Studies of Mitochondrial Biology Demonstrate an Overall Lack of Binary Sex Differences...2023Junker, Alex StudentECU
Human T-cell Leukemia Virus Type 1 Basic Leucine Zipper Factor (HBZ) Interacts and Inhibits ...2023Wright, Diana GraceStudentECU
Human T-cell leukemia virus type 1 (HTLV-1) bZIP factor requires cellular transcription fact...2012Chitwood, W. RandolphStudentECU
The Human T-cell Leukemia Virus type I basic leucine zipper factor upregulates the expressio...2023Rushing, Amanda W.StudentECU
The Human T-cell Leukemia Virus type I basic leucine zipper factor upregulates the expressio...2023Rushing, Blake StudentECU
The Human T-cell Leukemia Virus type I basic leucine zipper factor upregulates the expressio...2023Hoang, Kimson StudentECU
The Human T-cell Leukemia Virus type I basic leucine zipper factor upregulates the expressio...2023Péloponèse, Jean MarieStudentECU
The Human T-cell Leukemia Virus type I basic leucine zipper factor upregulates the expressio...2023Polakowski, Nicholas StudentECU
The Human T-cell Leukemia Virus type I basic leucine zipper factor upregulates the expressio...2023Lemasson, Isabelle StudentECU
Human Trafficking Awareness2023Overholt, Molly S.StudentECU
A hundred years with the feminine side of the frock1958Smith, Sarah WhitlockStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Hungarian Identity : Constancy and Change in the Father Land, Mother Tongue, and Family Line...2023Hardy, Paula StudentECU
Hungarian wedding1972Lekki, Gloria AnnStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
Hunger cues versus the passage of time in the resolution of an approach-avoidance conflict1966Redd, William H.StudentPsychology, UNCG
Hunter's Clarion, April 20112011Western Carolina University Hunter Library, FacultyHunter Library, WCU
Hunter's Clarion, April 20122012Western Carolina University Hunter Library, FacultyHunter Library, WCU
Hunter's Clarion, April 20132013Western Carolina University Hunter Library, FacultyHunter Library, WCU
Hunter's Clarion, December 20142014Western Carolina University Hunter Library, FacultyHunter Library, WCU
Hunter's Clarion, Fall 20012001Western Carolina University Hunter Library, FacultyHunter Library, WCU
Hunter's Clarion, Fall 20022002Western Carolina University Hunter Library, FacultyHunter Library, WCU
Hunter's Clarion, Fall 20042004Western Carolina University Hunter Library, FacultyHunter Library, WCU
Hunter's Clarion, Fall 20132013Western Carolina University Hunter Library, FacultyHunter Library, WCU
Hunter's Clarion, January 20092009Western Carolina University Hunter Library, FacultyHunter Library, WCU
Hunter's Clarion, January/February 19991999Western Carolina University Hunter Library, FacultyHunter Library, WCU
Hunter's Clarion, January/February 20002000Western Carolina University Hunter Library, FacultyHunter Library, WCU
Hunter's Clarion, January/February 20012001Western Carolina University Hunter Library, FacultyHunter Library, WCU
Hunter's Clarion, July/August 19991999Western Carolina University Hunter Library, FacultyHunter Library, WCU
Hunter's Clarion, July/August 20002000Western Carolina University Hunter Library, FacultyHunter Library, WCU
Hunter's Clarion, March/April 19991999Western Carolina University Hunter Library, FacultyHunter Library, WCU
Hunter's Clarion, March/April 20002000Western Carolina University Hunter Library, FacultyHunter Library, WCU
Hunter's Clarion, March/April 20012001Western Carolina University Hunter Library, FacultyHunter Library, WCU
Hunter's Clarion, May 20142014Western Carolina University Hunter Library, FacultyHunter Library, WCU
Hunter's Clarion, May 20152015Western Carolina University Hunter Library, FacultyHunter Library, WCU
Hunter's Clarion, May/June 19991999Western Carolina University Hunter Library, FacultyHunter Library, WCU
Hunter's Clarion, May/June 20002000Western Carolina University Hunter Library, FacultyHunter Library, WCU
Hunter's Clarion, November 20092009Western Carolina University Hunter Library, FacultyHunter Library, WCU
Hunter's Clarion, November 20102010Western Carolina University Hunter Library, FacultyHunter Library, WCU
Hunter's Clarion, November/December 19991999Western Carolina University Hunter Library, FacultyHunter Library, WCU
Hunter's Clarion, November/December 20002000Western Carolina University Hunter Library, FacultyHunter Library, WCU
Hunter's Clarion, September/October 19991999Western Carolina University Hunter Library, FacultyHunter Library, WCU
Hunter's Clarion, September/October 20002000Western Carolina University Hunter Library, FacultyHunter Library, WCU
Hunter's Clarion, Spring 20022002Western Carolina University Hunter Library, FacultyHunter Library, WCU
Hunter's Clarion, Spring 20032003Western Carolina University Hunter Library, FacultyHunter Library, WCU
Hunter's Clarion, Spring 20042004Western Carolina University Hunter Library, FacultyHunter Library, WCU
Hunter's Clarion, Spring 20082008Western Carolina University Hunter Library, FacultyHunter Library, WCU
Hunter's Clarion, Spring 20102010Western Carolina University Hunter Library, FacultyHunter Library, WCU
Hunter's Clarion, Summer 20062006Western Carolina University Hunter Library, FacultyHunter Library, WCU
Hunter's Clarion, Summer/Fall 20072007Western Carolina University Hunter Library, FacultyHunter Library, WCU
Hunter's Clarion, Winter 20062006Western Carolina University Hunter Library, FacultyHunter Library, WCU
Hunter's Clarion, Winter 20072007Western Carolina University Hunter Library, FacultyHunter Library, WCU
Hurricane Katrina and Oil Spills - Impact on Coastal and Ocean Environments2006Pine, John FacultyGeography and Planning, ASU
Hurricane Sandy (Panel)2023Johnson, Darlene StudentECU
Hurricane Sandy (Panel)2023Szatkowski, Gary StudentECU
Hurricane Sandy (Panel)2023Smith, Craig StudentECU
Hurricanes :where does the knowledge begin?2023Stein, David N.StudentECU
Hurricanes May Be Good for Gulf Oil Spill, Experts Say2023Dell'Amore, Christine StudentECU
Husband's and wives' attitudes, behavior, and knowledge regarding family financial managemen...1982Carroll, Diana Lynn DearingStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Husbands' time allocation in household production : effects of economic, socio-psychological...1980Godwin, Deborah D.StudentHome Economics, UNCG
Hyaluronan regulates synapse formation and function in developing neural networks.2023Wilson, E. StudentECU
Hyaluronan regulates synapse formation and function in developing neural networks.2023Knudson, W. StudentECU
Hyaluronan regulates synapse formation and function in developing neural networks.2023Newell-Litwa, K. StudentECU
Hybrid Computational Pregnant Female Phantom Construction for Radiation Dosimetry Applicatio...2023Makkia, Rasha StudentECU
Hybrid Computational Pregnant Female Phantom Construction for Radiation Dosimetry Applicatio...2023Nelson, Keith StudentECU
Hybrid Computational Pregnant Female Phantom Construction for Radiation Dosimetry Applicatio...2023Dingfelder, Michael StudentECU
Hybrid Computational Pregnant Female Phantom Construction for Radiation Dosimetry Applicatio...2023Zaidi, Habib StudentECU
A Hybrid Machine-Learning-Based Method for Analytic Representation of the Vocal Fold Edges d...2023Orlikoff, Robert F.StudentECU
A Hybrid Machine-Learning-Based Method for Analytic Representation of the Vocal Fold Edges d...2023Yousef, Ahmed M.StudentECU
A Hybrid Machine-Learning-Based Method for Analytic Representation of the Vocal Fold Edges d...2023Zacharias, Stephanie R. C.StudentECU
A Hybrid Machine-Learning-Based Method for Analytic Representation of the Vocal Fold Edges d...2023, de AlarconStudentECU
A Hybrid Machine-Learning-Based Method for Analytic Representation of the Vocal Fold Edges d...2023de Alarcon, Alessandro StudentECU
A Hybrid Machine-Learning-Based Method for Analytic Representation of the Vocal Fold Edges d...2023Naghibolhosseini, Maryam StudentECU
Hybridization in two subspecies of triodanis perfoliata, a cleistogamous annual plant (campa...2023Stewart, Emily RoseStudentECU
A Hydroclimatological Analysis of Precipitation in the Ganges–Brahmaputra–Meghna River Basin...2023Curtis, Scott StudentECU
A Hydroclimatological Analysis of Precipitation in the Ganges–Brahmaputra–Meghna River Basin...2023Crawford, Thomas W.StudentECU
A Hydroclimatological Analysis of Precipitation in the Ganges–Brahmaputra–Meghna River Basin...2023Rahman, Munshi StudentECU
A Hydroclimatological Analysis of Precipitation in the Ganges–Brahmaputra–Meghna River Basin...2023Paul, Bimal StudentECU
A Hydroclimatological Analysis of Precipitation in the Ganges–Brahmaputra–Meghna River Basin...2023Miah, M. GiashuddinStudentECU
A Hydroclimatological Analysis of Precipitation in the Ganges–Brahmaputra–Meghna River Basin...2023Islam, M. RafiqulStudentECU
A Hydroclimatological Analysis of Precipitation in the Ganges–Brahmaputra–Meghna River Basin...2023Patel, Mohin StudentECU
Hydrogeologic evaluation of the Castle Hayne aquifer system north of New Bern, North Carolin...2023Matyiko, Sara. StudentECU
Hydrogeologic framework study of Bertie County, North Carolina2023Byers, Brion Norman.StudentECU
Hydrogeologic framework study of Bertie County, North Carolina2023Byers, Brion Norman.StudentECU
Hydrogeologic investigation and wellhead protection planning for the Castle Hayne Aquifer ne...2023Consolvo, Curtis A.StudentECU
Hydrogeologic investigation and wellhead protection planning for the Castle Hayne Aquifer ne...2023Consolvo, Curtis A.StudentECU
A hydrogeologic investigation of the Peedee aquifer in southeastern Pitt County, North Carol...2023Lincicum, Kevin F.StudentECU
Hydrogeology and environmental quality of the water table aquifer in the vicinity of Kennedy...2023Leinbach, K. Chad(Kenneth Chad)StudentECU
Hydrogeology of the Castle Hayne Aquifer System in eastern Onslow County, North Carolina2023Amsbaugh, Michael B.StudentECU
Hydrogeology of the Castle Hayne Aquifer System in eastern Onslow County, North Carolina2023Amsbaugh, Michael B.StudentECU
Hydrogeomorphology and Horizontal Movement of Juncus roemerianus2023Etheridge, Sherer BrookeStudentECU
Hydrologic and isotopic response of low-order coastal plain streams to urban land use2023Hutchinson, Heather Wilhelm.StudentECU
Hydrologic Dynamics in Response to Natural and Anthropogenic Stresses on a Barrier Island: S...2020Prock, Kyle StudentECU
The hydrology of Greens Mill Run, Greenville, North Carolina2023Palko, Erin. StudentECU
Hypersensitivity to threat in paranoid personality1988West, Jeffrey AllenStudentPsychology, UNCG
Hypophysical fine structure of the channel catfist Ictalurus punctatus2023Davis, Everett VanDeveer.StudentECU
Hypothalamic Kinin B1 Receptor Mediates Orexin System Hyperactivity in Neurogenic Hypertensi...2023Parekh, Rohan UmeshStudentECU
Hypothalamic Kinin B1 Receptor Mediates Orexin System Hyperactivity in Neurogenic Hypertensi...2023White, Acacia StudentECU
Hypothalamic Kinin B1 Receptor Mediates Orexin System Hyperactivity in Neurogenic Hypertensi...2023Lefer, Korin E.StudentECU
Hypothalamic Kinin B1 Receptor Mediates Orexin System Hyperactivity in Neurogenic Hypertensi...2023Abdel-Rahman, Abdel A.StudentECU
Hypothalamic Kinin B1 Receptor Mediates Orexin System Hyperactivity in Neurogenic Hypertensi...2023Sriramula, Srinivas StudentECU
Hypothalamic Kinin B1 Receptor Mediates Orexin System Hyperactivity in Neurogenic Hypertensi...2023Biancardi, Vinicia C.StudentECU
Hypothalamic Kinin B1 Receptor Mediates Orexin System Hyperactivity in Neurogenic Hypertensi...2023Eells, Jeffrey B.StudentECU
Hypothalamic regulation of glucose tolerance2023Davis, Michael T.StudentECU
Hypothermia in trauma patients: predicting the big chill2012Waibel, Brett HStudentECU
Hypoxia and Hypoglycemia synergistically regulate mRNA stability2017Carraway, Kristen R.,Johnson,Ellen M.,Kauffmann,Travis C.,Fry,Nate JStudentECU
Hypoxia and Serum Deprivation in Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells, and the Protective Role of Th...2023Crifasi, Katherine L.StudentECU
Hypoxia inducible factor-1a-dependent epithelial to mesenchymal transition under hypoxic con...2023Li, Mingchuan StudentECU
Hypoxia inducible factor-1a-dependent epithelial to mesenchymal transition under hypoxic con...2023Wang, Yong XingStudentECU
Hypoxia inducible factor-1a-dependent epithelial to mesenchymal transition under hypoxic con...2023Luo, Yong StudentECU
Hypoxia inducible factor-1a-dependent epithelial to mesenchymal transition under hypoxic con...2023Zhao, Jiahui StudentECU
Hypoxia inducible factor-1a-dependent epithelial to mesenchymal transition under hypoxic con...2023Li, Qing StudentECU
Hypoxia inducible factor-1a-dependent epithelial to mesenchymal transition under hypoxic con...2023Zhang, Jiao StudentECU
Hypoxia inducible factor-1a-dependent epithelial to mesenchymal transition under hypoxic con...2023Jiang, Yongguang StudentECU
Hypoxia inducible factor-1a-dependent epithelial to mesenchymal transition under hypoxic con...2016Li, Mingchuan,Wang,Yong Xing,Luo,Yong,Zhao,Jiahui,Li,Qing,Zhang,Jiao,JiangStudentECU
"I am still negative": Female sex workers' perspectives on uptake and use of daily pre-expos...2019Eakle, Robyn,Bothma,Rutendo,Bourne,Adam,Gumede,Sanele,Mot StudentECU
“I Cannot Live Without My Vape”: Electronic Cigarette User-Identified Indicators of Vaping D...2023Lee, Joseph G. L.StudentECU
“I Cannot Live Without My Vape”: Electronic Cigarette User-Identified Indicators of Vaping D...2023Egan, Kathleen L.StudentECU
“I Cannot Live Without My Vape”: Electronic Cigarette User-Identified Indicators of Vaping D...2023Soule, Eric K.StudentECU
I Don't Wanna Die2023Kilgore, Vincent MaxStudentECU
I Love You, I Hate You: Toward a Psychology of the Hindu Deus Absconditus2009Ellis, Thomas B. FacultyPhilosophy and Religion, ASU
I Might Be Wrong \; and, As If It Was Made of Glass2023Mason, Stephen StudentECU
The I of movement1974Birdsong, Lark StudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
I.A. Richards and the ambiguous medium1963Howle, Sarah S.W.StudentEnglish, UNCG
I.L. Kephart’s Letter to Horace Kephart, September 11, 18882019Perske, Alissa StudentEnglish, WCU
β-catenin nuclear translocation induced by HIF-1a overexpression leads to the radioresistan...2018Luo, YONG,Li,MINGCHUAN,Zuo,XUEMEI,BASOURAKOS,SPYRIDON P.,Zhang,JIAO,Zhao,JIAHUI,Han,Yili,Lin,YUNHUA,WangStudentECU
I1 - Computable Biomedical Knowledge Metadata Model (CBK-MM) Project Project Description2022Mobilizing Computable Biomedical Knowledge (MCBK), FacultyNCCU
Ictalurus punctatus [beta]-actin promoter vs. CMV (cytomegalovirus) transfection efficiency ...2023Cantrell, Adam B.StudentECU
Ictalurus punctatus [beta]-actin promoter vs. CMV (cytomegalovirus) transfection efficiency ...2023Cantrell, Adam B.StudentECU
Ideal Cardiovascular Health, Glycaemic Status and Incident Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: the REa...2023Cummings, Doyle M.StudentECU
Identical twins : distinguishing between two in a set1971Gerald, Betty SueStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Identifcation of New GLUT2-Selective Inhibitors Through in Silico Ligand Screening and Valid...2023Iancu, Cristina V.StudentECU
Identifcation of New GLUT2-Selective Inhibitors Through in Silico Ligand Screening and Valid...2023Choe, Jun-Yong StudentECU
Identifcation of New GLUT2-Selective Inhibitors Through in Silico Ligand Screening and Valid...2023Schmidl, Sina StudentECU
Identifcation of New GLUT2-Selective Inhibitors Through in Silico Ligand Screening and Valid...2023Ursu, Oleg StudentECU
Identifcation of New GLUT2-Selective Inhibitors Through in Silico Ligand Screening and Valid...2023Oreb, Mislav StudentECU
Identifcation of New GLUT2-Selective Inhibitors Through in Silico Ligand Screening and Valid...2023Oprea, Tudor I.StudentECU
Identification and Characterization of alcR, a Gene Encoding an AraC-Like Regulator of Alca...2023Beaumont, Fiona C.StudentECU
Identification and Characterization of alcR, a Gene Encoding an AraC-Like Regulator of Alca...2023Kang, Ho YoungStudentECU
Identification and Characterization of alcR, a Gene Encoding an AraC-Like Regulator of Alca...2023Brickman, Timothy J.StudentECU
Identification and Characterization of alcR, a Gene Encoding an AraC-Like Regulator of Alca...2023Armstrong, Sandra K.StudentECU
Identification and Isolation of Genomic DNA from Pollen and the Intestines of the Western Ho...2022Walline, Crystal C.StudentBiology, UNCP
Identification and Isolation of Genomic DNA from Pollen and the Intestines of the Western Ho...2022Creech-Sutton, Melissa StudentChemistry, UNCP
Identification and isolation of genomic DNA from pollen and the intestines of the Western Ho...2022Creech-Sutton, Melissa StudentChemistry, UNCP
The identification of certain competencies appropriate for secondary school business teacher...1982Vaughan, E. Rose TateStudentEducation, UNCG
Identification of Changes in Sleep Across Pregnancy and the Impact on Cardiometabolic Health...2023Broskey, Nicholas T.StudentECU
Identification of Changes in Sleep Across Pregnancy and the Impact on Cardiometabolic Health...2023Flanagan, Emily W.StudentECU
Identification of Changes in Sleep Across Pregnancy and the Impact on Cardiometabolic Health...2023Most, Jasper StudentECU
Identification of Changes in Sleep Across Pregnancy and the Impact on Cardiometabolic Health...2023Altazan, Abby D.StudentECU
Identification of Changes in Sleep Across Pregnancy and the Impact on Cardiometabolic Health...2023Beyl, Robbie A.StudentECU
Identification of Changes in Sleep Across Pregnancy and the Impact on Cardiometabolic Health...2023Keadle, Sarah K.StudentECU
Identification of Changes in Sleep Across Pregnancy and the Impact on Cardiometabolic Health...2023Drews, Kimberly L.StudentECU
Identification of Changes in Sleep Across Pregnancy and the Impact on Cardiometabolic Health...2023Singh, Prachi StudentECU
Identification of Changes in Sleep Across Pregnancy and the Impact on Cardiometabolic Health...2023Redman, Leanne M.StudentECU
The identification of domains in the human chemokine receptor, CCR3, critical for HIV-1 entr...2023Ho, Phong Thanh.StudentECU
Identification of Factors Associated with the Development and Decay of Heterologous Toleranc...2023Thompson, Benjamin StudentECU
The identification of inservice training needs of educators resulting from the enactment of ...1983Matteson, Jane FranklinStudentEducation, UNCG
The identification of an iron regulated protein in the membrane of Bacillus subtilis2023Behfar, Kasra. StudentECU
The identification of an iron regulated protein in the membrane of Bacillus subtilis2023Behfar, Kasra. StudentECU
Identification of a novel transcriptional repressor gene in Kumao, a genetically unique bact...2020Neri, Lori MarieStudentChemistry and Physics, WCU
Identification of Stress in Latino Families who have Young Exceptional Children2023Rosato, Jennifer M.StudentECU
Identification of superior markers for the RT-PCR detection of breast cancer micrometastases...2023Min, Christopher Justus.StudentECU
Identification of two new [beta]-glucosidases of neurospora crassa1971Madden, Brenda SatterfieldStudentBiology, UNCG
Identification, characterization and expression of hamster proliferin-related protein2023Barnes, Stephanie Wilkins.StudentECU
Identifying Delirium in the Geriatric Population2023Gee, Amy StudentECU
Identifying the key barriers to promote sustainable construction in the United States: A pri...2023Karji, A. StudentECU
Identifying the key barriers to promote sustainable construction in the United States: A pri...2023Namian, M. StudentECU
Identifying the key barriers to promote sustainable construction in the United States: A pri...2023Tafazzoli, M. StudentECU
Identifying Keys to Success in Innovative Teaching: Student Engagement and Instructional Pra...2017Alvarez-Bell, Rosa M.,Wirtz,Derrick,Bian,HuiStudentECU
Identifying Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Search Terminology: A Systematic Review ...2016Lee, Joseph,Ylioja,Thomas,Lackey,Mellanye StudentECU
Identifying the missing piece of suicide prevention : Formative risk assessment2023Tomasula, Jessica L.StudentECU
Identifying potential factors of adolescent online victimization in high school seniors2008Marcum, Cathy FacultyGovernment and Justice Studies, ASU
Identifying Predictors of Levator Veli Palatini Muscle Contraction During Speech Using Dynam...2023Perry, Jamie L.StudentECU
Identifying Predictors of Levator Veli Palatini Muscle Contraction During Speech Using Dynam...2023Schleif, Eshan PuaStudentECU
Identifying Predictors of Levator Veli Palatini Muscle Contraction During Speech Using Dynam...2023Ellis, Charles StudentECU
Identifying Predictors of Levator Veli Palatini Muscle Contraction During Speech Using Dynam...2023Fang, Xiangming StudentECU
Identifying Predictors of Levator Veli Palatini Muscle Contraction During Speech Using Dynam...2023Leierer, Stephen J.StudentECU
Identifying Primary Healthcare Providers’ Barriers to Prescribing Physical Activity as Medic...2023Sneed, Alexandra StudentECU
Identifying the role of selection in the expression of aggressive phenotypes in song sparrow...2014Krippel, Jessica AnnaStudentBiology, WCU
Identifying the roles, responsibilities, and practices of nurses in telehealth/telemedicine ...2023Horton, Maria ChahlStudentECU
The identity-equivalence conservation paradigm : development relative to age and task criter...1981Hoover, Roberta RoseStudentHome Economics, UNCG
The idea of man and art1956Carroll, Linda StudentArt, UNCG
The idea of progress in the nineteenth century2023Edmundson, Tracey D.StudentECU
Ideology and Criminal Justice: Suggestions for a Pedagogical Model2004Robinson, Matthew B. FacultyGovernment and Justice Studies, ASU
Ideology as symbolic change : a study of public perception of social movements1975Seltz, Stephen WayneStudentPsychology, UNCG
An idiographic and nomothetic assessment of coping with daily stressors : issues of consiste...1986Dolan, Carol AnnStudentPsychology, UNCG
Idiopathic Ventricular Fibrillation Triggered by Premature Ventricular Complexes Originating...2023Hashmath, Zeba StudentECU
Idiopathic Ventricular Fibrillation Triggered by Premature Ventricular Complexes Originating...2023Naniwadekar, Aditi StudentECU
Ida J. Smith to Dan Tompkins from January 24, 19472018Masters, Jessica StudentEnglish, WCU
"If there are no female nurses to attend to me, I will just go and deliver at home": a quali...2019N’Gbichi, Coralie,Ziraba,Abdhalah K,Wambui,David W,Bakibinga,Pauline,Kisiangani,IsaaStudentECU
"If you don't have a story, you don't know where you are" : listening to African-American fe...1996Burgin, Terry BunceStudentEducation, UNCG
“If you just tell me you’re 18, I’ll still sell to you”: A qualitative study of underage tob...2023West, Tyler AustinStudentECU
IFN-β Facilitates Neuroantigen-Dependent Induction of CD25+ FOXP3+ Regulatory T Cells That ...2016Wang, Duncheng,Ghosh,Debjani,Islam,Touhidul,Moorman,Cody StudentECU
IFN-ß Facilitates Neuroantigen-Dependent Induction of CD25+ FOXP3+ Regulatory T Cells That S...2023Wang, Duncheng StudentECU
IFN-ß Facilitates Neuroantigen-Dependent Induction of CD25+ FOXP3+ Regulatory T Cells That S...2023Ghosh, Debjani StudentECU
IFN-ß Facilitates Neuroantigen-Dependent Induction of CD25+ FOXP3+ Regulatory T Cells That S...2023Islam, Touhidul StudentECU
IFN-ß Facilitates Neuroantigen-Dependent Induction of CD25+ FOXP3+ Regulatory T Cells That S...2023Moorman, Cody StudentECU
IFN-ß Facilitates Neuroantigen-Dependent Induction of CD25+ FOXP3+ Regulatory T Cells That S...2023Thomason, Ashton StudentECU
IFN-ß Facilitates Neuroantigen-Dependent Induction of CD25+ FOXP3+ Regulatory T Cells That S...2023Wilkinson, Daniel StudentECU
IFN-ß Facilitates Neuroantigen-Dependent Induction of CD25+ FOXP3+ Regulatory T Cells That S...2023Mannie, Mark StudentECU
An illustrated atlas of the phytosaur (Archosauria: Parasuchidae) postcrania from the Upper ...2003Heckert, Andrew B. FacultyGeology, ASU
Illustrated Examples of the Effects of Risk Preferences and Expectations on Bargaining Outco...2003Dickinson, David L. FacultyEconomics, ASU
The image in the seed : a creation of art forms through painting and drawing inspired by bio...1951Bevilaqua, William OttoStudentArt, UNCG
Image processing to optimize wave energy converters2016Bailey, Kyle Marc-AnthonyStudentEngineering and Technology, WCU
Image-making as a transformational process1972Delaney, Dianne McGheeStudentArt, UNCG
Images1972Acton, Katherine KlymanStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
Images1973Sherrill, James BixStudentArt, UNCG
Images1970Holloway, William MartinStudentArt, UNCG
Images1975Hayes, Ivey StudentArt, UNCG
Imagine the Future: An Ex Post Facto Analysis of the 53rd NCLA Biennial Conference2023Jones, Plummer AlstonStudentECU
Imagining the Homeland : Myth, Movement, and Migration in Three Novels by Women from the Af...2023Nosalek, Kevin StudentECU
"Imagining a Theory: Questioning the Eschatological and Soteriological Motivations in Ganana...2005Ellis, Thomas B. FacultyPhilosophy and Religion, ASU
Imitation by children of model-performed behavior under a variety of stimulus conditions1974Johnson, Betty SueStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Immaculate perceptions and other poems1968Hulbert, John R.StudentEnglish, UNCG
Immediate Impact of Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Surgery on Regional Myocardial Perfusion: R...2023Ferguson, T. Bruce,Jr.StudentECU
Immediate Impact of Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Surgery on Regional Myocardial Perfusion: R...2023Buch, Ashesh N.StudentECU
Immediate Impact of Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Surgery on Regional Myocardial Perfusion: R...2023, et alStudentECU
The immune and neurological impacts of developmental Bisphenol A exposure in a C57bl/6 mouse...2023Franklin, Jason NeilStudentECU
Immunocytochemical localization of glutamate, glutamine synthetase and glutaminase in the gi...2023McKinnon, Beth. StudentECU
The immunomodulation of myelin basic protein-specific T helper cells by interleukin-22023Fraser, Dana Jean.StudentECU
Immunomodulation of TH1 and TH2 cytokine gene expression by IL-12 in allergic mice2023Lam, Johnsimon K.StudentECU
The Immunotoxicity of Two Novel Perfluoroether Acids Found in North Carolina’s Cape Fear Riv...2023Tobin, Emma EStudentECU
Impact averaging and social facilitation : the effects of a heterogeneous audience on anxiet...1988Crisson, James EdwardStudentPsychology, UNCG
The Impact Influencers Have on the Buying Habits of Individuals2023Deatherage, Isabella StudentECU
The Impact of Age on Political Attitudes: A Comparative Analysis of the Baby Boomer, Generat...2015Lackey , Sarah StudentGovernment and Justice Studies - Student , ASU
Impact of the Alert Program on School Function for At Risk Cohorts in the Kindergarten Class...2023LaBelle, Leslie StudentECU
The impact of alternative methods of teacher evaluation on teacher perception of organizatio...2023Tinkham, Brenda StricklandStudentECU
Impact of Attachment on the Relationship Between Emotion-Regulation, Body Satisfaction, and ...2023Arrante, Joelle StudentECU
Impact of BMI, Socioeconomic Status and Bedtime Technology Use on Sleep Duration in Adolesce...2023Stine, Frederick StudentECU
Impact of BMI, Socioeconomic Status and Bedtime Technology Use on Sleep Duration in Adolesce...2023Collier, David N.StudentECU
Impact of BMI, Socioeconomic Status and Bedtime Technology Use on Sleep Duration in Adolesce...2023Fang, Xiangming StudentECU
Impact of BMI, Socioeconomic Status and Bedtime Technology Use on Sleep Duration in Adolesce...2023Dew, Kelsey RossStudentECU
Impact of BMI, Socioeconomic Status and Bedtime Technology Use on Sleep Duration in Adolesce...2023Lazorick, Suzanne StudentECU
Impact of Body Mass Index, Socioeconomic Status, and Bedtime Technology Use on Sleep Duratio...2023Stine, Frederick StudentECU
Impact of Body Mass Index, Socioeconomic Status, and Bedtime Technology Use on Sleep Duratio...2023Collier, David N.StudentECU
Impact of Body Mass Index, Socioeconomic Status, and Bedtime Technology Use on Sleep Duratio...2023Fang, Xiangming StudentECU
Impact of Body Mass Index, Socioeconomic Status, and Bedtime Technology Use on Sleep Duratio...2023Dew, Kelsey RossStudentECU
Impact of Body Mass Index, Socioeconomic Status, and Bedtime Technology Use on Sleep Duratio...2023Lazorick, Suzanne StudentECU
The impact of campus constituencies on the institutional goals and values of a small, privat...1985Bolding, William HarveyStudentEducation, UNCG
The impact of caregiving on the marital need satisfaction of older wives with dependent husb...1984McCrory, Audrey MonaStudentHome Economics, UNCG
The impact of the Cherry Point Marine Corps Air Station upon local settlement2023Pietz, Reuel Henry,1921-StudentECU
The Impact of Chest Pain Center on Treatment Delay of STEMI Patients: a Time Series Study2023Sun, Xiaolin StudentECU
The Impact of Chest Pain Center on Treatment Delay of STEMI Patients: a Time Series Study2023Yao, Bo StudentECU
The Impact of Chest Pain Center on Treatment Delay of STEMI Patients: a Time Series Study2023Shi, Kexin StudentECU
The Impact of Chest Pain Center on Treatment Delay of STEMI Patients: a Time Series Study2023Xue, Yajiong StudentECU
The Impact of Chest Pain Center on Treatment Delay of STEMI Patients: a Time Series Study2023Liang, Huigang StudentECU
The Impact of Cognitive Complexity on Impression Management2023Nuckols, Jeffrey O.StudentECU
The impact of constitutional rights of students on in loco parentis in the administration of...1986Hayner, Carol K. HoultramStudentEducation, UNCG
Impact of Covid-19 on Animal Assisted Therapy in Pediatric Oncology: A Child Life Specialist...2023Williams, Savanna MStudentECU
Impact of COVID-19 on Pediatric Primary Care Visits at Four Academic Institutions in the Car...2023Simeonsson, Kristina StudentECU
Impact of COVID-19 on Pediatric Primary Care Visits at Four Academic Institutions in the Car...2023Townsend, John D.StudentECU
Impact of COVID-19 on Pediatric Primary Care Visits at Four Academic Institutions in the Car...2023Brown, Callie L.StudentECU
Impact of COVID-19 on Pediatric Primary Care Visits at Four Academic Institutions in the Car...2023Montez, Kimberly StudentECU
Impact of COVID-19 on Pediatric Primary Care Visits at Four Academic Institutions in the Car...2023Amati, Jane BlakelyStudentECU
Impact of COVID-19 on Pediatric Primary Care Visits at Four Academic Institutions in the Car...2023Orr, Colin J.StudentECU
Impact of COVID-19 on Pediatric Primary Care Visits at Four Academic Institutions in the Car...2023Palakshappa, Deepak StudentECU
The Impact of COVID-19 on the Work System's Influence on Care Processes and Ambulation Outco...2023Jones-Hooker, Christa StudentECU
The Impact of COVID-19 on the Work System's Influence on Care Processes and Ambulation Outco...2023Jones-Hooker, Christa StudentECU
Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Cancer Clinical Trials2023Snyder, Rebecca A.StudentECU
Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Cancer Clinical Trials2023Boughey, Judy C.StudentECU
Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Cancer Clinical Trials2023Kantor, Olga StudentECU
Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Cancer Clinical Trials2023Zheng, Linda StudentECU
Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Cancer Clinical Trials2023Chawla, Akhil StudentECU
Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Cancer Clinical Trials2023Nguyen, Toan T.StudentECU
Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Cancer Clinical Trials2023Hillman, Shauna L.StudentECU
Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Cancer Clinical Trials2023Hahn, Olwen M.StudentECU
Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Cancer Clinical Trials2023Mandrekar, Sumithra J.StudentECU
Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Cancer Clinical Trials2023Roland, Christina L.StudentECU
Impact of the COVID-19: Hazard Recognition Performance and Safety Risk Perception Among Cons...2023Nabil, Fahim RidwanStudentECU
The Impact of Culture on Nutrition Among African American Students at East Carolina Universi...2023Melvin, Nakaya ReyhanStudentECU
The Impact of Curated Educational Videos on Pathology Health Literacy for Patients with a Pa...2023Khanchandani, Ashish T.StudentECU
The Impact of Curated Educational Videos on Pathology Health Literacy for Patients with a Pa...2023Larkins, Michael C.StudentECU
The Impact of Curated Educational Videos on Pathology Health Literacy for Patients with a Pa...2023Tooley, Ann M.StudentECU
The Impact of Curated Educational Videos on Pathology Health Literacy for Patients with a Pa...2023Meyer, David B.StudentECU
The Impact of Curated Educational Videos on Pathology Health Literacy for Patients with a Pa...2023Chaudhary, Vijay StudentECU
The Impact of Curated Educational Videos on Pathology Health Literacy for Patients with a Pa...2023Fallon, John T.StudentECU
Impact of Distress Reduction on Behavioral Correlates and A1C in African American Women with...2023Cummings, Doyle M.StudentECU
Impact of Educational Messages on Patient Acceptance of Male Medical Students in OB-GYN Enco...2023Buck, Katherine S.StudentECU
The Impact of Empire : The Effects of British Imperial Culture on the Maritime Landscape of ...2023Siegel, Benjamin D.StudentECU
Impact of Espirito Santo Virus on Dengue Virus Growth Kinetics In Vitro2023Mazzara, Jordan StudentECU
Impact of frailty on approach to colonic resection: Laparoscopy vs open surgery2016Mosquera, Catalina,Fitzgerald,Timothy,Spaniolas,Konstantinos StudentECU
Impact of Fuel and Energy Complex on Sustainable Development of Mineral Extracting Regions: ...2019Barbara, Anna,Sluder,Lyubov StudentECU
Impact of Global Curricular Experiences on Student GPA2023Saffo, George NStudentECU
The impact of the Great Depression on public education in Johnston County, North Carolina, 1...2023Proctor, Bernard FranklinStudentECU
The Impact of Hands-On Simulation Laboratories on Teaching of Wireless Communications2023Chou, Te-Shun,1964- StudentECU
The Impact of Hands-On Simulation Laboratories on Teaching of Wireless Communications2023Vanderbye, Aaron StudentECU
The Impact of Healthy Habit Promotion to Elementary Aged Children2023Pittman, Autumn FacultyEsther G. Maynor Honors College, UNCP
Impact of Hurricane Katrina (2005) on deltaic evolution and shelf organic carbon cycling2023Allison, M.A. StudentECU
Impact of Hurricane Katrina (2005) on deltaic evolution and shelf organic carbon cycling2023Dellapenna, T.M. StudentECU
Impact of Hurricane Katrina (2005) on deltaic evolution and shelf organic carbon cycling2023Gordon, Elizabeth S.StudentECU
Impact of Hurricane Katrina (2005) on deltaic evolution and shelf organic carbon cycling2023Mitra, Siddhartha StudentECU
Impact of Hurricane Katrina (2005) on deltaic evolution and shelf organic carbon cycling2023Petsch, S.T. StudentECU
Impact of the Insect Growth Regulator Pyriproxyfen on Immature Development, Fecundity, and F...2023Richards, Stephanie L.StudentECU
Impact of insecticide exposure method on susceptibility/resistance in Aedes albopictus mosqu...2023Slade, Raven StudentECU
The Impact of an Interactive Multimedia Educational Platform on Patient Comprehension and An...2023Barbour, Ashley K.StudentECU
The Impact of an Interactive Multimedia Educational Platform on Patient Comprehension and An...2023Bernard, Abigail L.StudentECU
The Impact of International Virtual Exchange on Student Success2023Lee, Jonathan StudentECU
The Impact of International Virtual Exchange on Student Success2023Leibowitz, Jami StudentECU
The Impact of International Virtual Exchange on Student Success2023Rezek, Jon StudentECU
The Impact of International Virtual Exchange on Student Success2023Millea, Meghan StudentECU
The Impact of International Virtual Exchange on Student Success2023Saffo, George StudentECU
Impact of Intraoperative Fluid Management on Electrolyte and Acid-Base Variables During Post...2023Tumin, Dmitry StudentECU
The Impact of Locoregional Therapy in Nonmetastatic Inflammatory Breast Cancer: A Population...2018Muzaffar, Mahvish,Johnson,Helen M.,Vohra,Nasreen A.,Liles,Darla,Wong,Jan H.StudentECU
The Impact of Mild Stroke on Participation in Physical Fitness Activities2012Brewer, Megan StudentECU
The Impact of Mild Stroke on Participation in Physical Fitness Activities2012Hildebrand, Mary StudentECU
The Impact of Mild Stroke on Participation in Physical Fitness Activities2012Wolf, Timothy StudentECU
The impact of mild stroke on participation in physical fitness activities2012Hildebrand, Mary,Brewer,Megan,Wolf,Timothy StudentECU
The Impact of Moral Judgment on the Relationship Between Trait Aggression and Deviant Behavi...2023Bell, Matthew L.StudentECU
Impact of Mosquito Age and Insecticide Exposure on Susceptibility of Aedes albopictus (Dipte...2023Balanay, Jo AnneStudentECU
Impact of Mosquito Age and Insecticide Exposure on Susceptibility of Aedes albopictus (Dipte...2023Richards, Stephanie L.StudentECU
Impact of Mosquito Age and Insecticide Exposure on Susceptibility of Aedes albopictus (Dipte...2023White, Avian V.StudentECU
Impact of Mosquito Age and Insecticide Exposure on Susceptibility of Aedes albopictus (Dipte...2023Knecht, Heidi StudentECU
Impact of Mosquito Age and Insecticide Exposure on Susceptibility of Aedes albopictus (Dipte...2023Richards, Stephanie L.StudentECU
Impact of Mosquito Age and Insecticide Exposure on Susceptibility of Aedes albopictus (Dipte...2023Knecht, Heidi StudentECU
Impact of Mosquito Age and Insecticide Exposure on Susceptibility of Aedes albopictus (Dipte...2023Balanay, Jo AnneStudentECU
Impact of Mosquito Age and Insecticide Exposure on Susceptibility of Aedes albopictus (Dipte...2023White, Avian V.StudentECU
Impact of NC LIVE on Serials Collection Development1999Ellern, Gillian (Jill) D. FacultyHunter Library, WCU
The Impact Of Neurological Fatigue On Linguistic Choices After TBI2016Swansinger, Shelby StudentRehabilitation Sciences - Student, ASU
Impact of a Nurse-Led Early Mobility Protocol in Postoperative General Surgery Older Adults...2023Harris, Gerri StudentECU
Impact of Older Age in Patients Receiving Atezolizumab and Bevacizumab for Hepatocellular Ca...2023Amar, Suneetha StudentECU
Impact of Older Age in Patients Receiving Atezolizumab and Bevacizumab for Hepatocellular Ca...2023Muzaffar, Mahvish StudentECU
Impact of Older Age in Patients Receiving Atezolizumab and Bevacizumab for Hepatocellular Ca...2023Naqash, Abdul RafehStudentECU
Impact of Older Age in Patients Receiving Atezolizumab and Bevacizumab for Hepatocellular Ca...2023Vithayathil, Mathew StudentECU
Impact of Older Age in Patients Receiving Atezolizumab and Bevacizumab for Hepatocellular Ca...2023, et alStudentECU
The Impact of Pain and Family Stress on Children’s Sleep in a National Sample of Children wi...2023Bahulekar, Dhanashree RStudentECU
The impact of parenting and personality on mental illness stigma2024Fox, James StudentPsychology, WCU
The impact of percieved procedural justice on health, HIV risk behaviors, substance use, and...2017Kulick, Katherine A.StudentPsychology, WCU
Impact of personality on burden of caregivers with aphasia2019Mashburn, Taylor StudentCommunication Sciences and Disorders, WCU
The Impact of Populating the Freshman Seminar on Retention, Student Perception of Content, S...2008Rogerson, C. LisaStudentECU
The Impact of Presidential Selection Methods on Executive-Legislative Conflict1994Strickland, Ruth Ann FacultyGovernment and Justice Studies, ASU
The Impact of Public Health Organization and Political Figure Message Sources on Reactions t...2023Lee, Joseph G. L.StudentECU
The Impact of Public Health Organization and Political Figure Message Sources on Reactions t...2023Boynton, Marcella H.StudentECU
The Impact of Public Health Organization and Political Figure Message Sources on Reactions t...2023O’Hara, Ross E.StudentECU
The Impact of Public Health Organization and Political Figure Message Sources on Reactions t...2023Tennen, Howard StudentECU
Impact of pulmonary exposure to gold core silver nanoparticles of different size and capping...2016Holland, Nathan,Thompson,Leslie,Vidanapathirana,Achini,Uran StudentECU
The Impact of Race and Ethnic Identity on Body Dissatisfaction and Fit Ideal Internalization...2023Dunn, Monica RStudentECU
The Impact of Race on the Pretrial Decision2010Marcum, Cathy FacultyGovernment and Justice Studies, ASU
The impact of race, gender and other selected variables on the participation of college and ...1991Daniels, Deborah ThiesStudentEducation, UNCG
Impact of Reading for Pleasure Versus School During Exercise on Affective State Responses2010Day, Rachel M.StudentECU
The impact of a repeated bout of eccentric exercise on muscular strength, muscle soreness an...2023Smith, L. L.StudentECU
The impact of a repeated bout of eccentric exercise on muscular strength, muscle soreness an...2023Fulmer, M. G.StudentECU
The impact of a repeated bout of eccentric exercise on muscular strength, muscle soreness an...2023Holbert, Donald StudentECU
The impact of a repeated bout of eccentric exercise on muscular strength, muscle soreness an...2023McCammon, Michael R.StudentECU
The impact of a repeated bout of eccentric exercise on muscular strength, muscle soreness an...2023Houmard, Joseph A.StudentECU
The impact of a repeated bout of eccentric exercise on muscular strength, muscle soreness an...2023Frazer, D. D.StudentECU
The impact of a repeated bout of eccentric exercise on muscular strength, muscle soreness an...2023Nsien, E. StudentECU
The impact of a repeated bout of eccentric exercise on muscular strength, muscle soreness an...2023Israel, R. GayStudentECU
The impact of repeated exposure and depressive symptom improvement on others1995Granda-Gage, Irene StudentPsychology, UNCG
Impact of a Revised Curriculum Focusing on Clinical Neurology and Musculoskeletal Care on a ...2016Norbury, John,Faulk,Clinton,Harrell,Kelly,Lawson,Luna,Moore StudentECU
The Impact of Sign Language on Hearing Babies’ Communication. Unpublished honors thesis2015Reynolds, Katherine StudentRehabilitation Sciences - Student, ASU
Impact of simulation experiences on learning transfer in new graduate registered nurses.2023Anderson, Lori S.StudentECU
The Impact of Smoking, Alcohol Use, Recurrent Disease, and Age on the Development of Neck Fi...2023Pratson, Connor L.StudentECU
The Impact of Smoking, Alcohol Use, Recurrent Disease, and Age on the Development of Neck Fi...2023Larkins, Michael C.StudentECU
The Impact of Smoking, Alcohol Use, Recurrent Disease, and Age on the Development of Neck Fi...2023Karimian, Brandon H.StudentECU
The Impact of Smoking, Alcohol Use, Recurrent Disease, and Age on the Development of Neck Fi...2023Curtis, Caitrin M.StudentECU
The Impact of Smoking, Alcohol Use, Recurrent Disease, and Age on the Development of Neck Fi...2023Lepera, Pamela A.StudentECU
The Impact of Smoking, Alcohol Use, Recurrent Disease, and Age on the Development of Neck Fi...2023Brodish, Brian N.StudentECU
The Impact of Smoking, Alcohol Use, Recurrent Disease, and Age on the Development of Neck Fi...2023Ju, Andrew W.StudentECU
The Impact of Social Media on Individual Interactions with and Experiences in Nature2023Pilkington, Jason GStudentECU
Impact of spirituality on resilience and coping during the COVID-19 crisis: A mixed-method a...2020Cherry, Sabrina T.FacultySchool of Health and Applied Human Sciences, UNCW
The impact of a supervisor-generated metaphor on the clinical hypothesis formation skills of...1996Young, J. ScottStudentCounseling and Educational Development, UNCG
The impact of teacher renewal seminars on classroom practices : a case study of selected par...1992Pressley, Carroll AndrewStudentEducation, UNCG
The impact of technology on collection development in selected academic and research librari...1991Smith, Merrill FetnerStudentEducation, UNCG
Impact of Training Patterns on Incidence of Illness and Injury During a Women's Collegiate B...2003Triplett, N. Travis FacultyHealth and Exercise Science, ASU
The impact of two clinical peer supervision models on school counselors' job satisfaction, c...1995Crutchfield, Lori B.StudentEducation, UNCG
Impact of United States political sanctions on international collaborations and research in ...2019Kokabisaghi, Fatemeh,Miller,Andrew C,Bashar,Farshid R,Salesi,Mahmood,Zarchi,Ali A K,KStudentECU
Impacts of Arts Centers on Communities2023Delconte, John D.StudentECU
Impacts of Control and Stress on U.S. Army Veterans: The role of alcohol and tobacco as copi...2023Irving, Hannah FacultyEsther G. Maynor Honors College, UNCP
Impacts of an extreme early-season freeze event in the Interior Pacific Northwest (30 Octobe...2005Soule', Peter T. FacultyGeography and Planning, ASU
The impacts of faculty caring on nursing students’ intent to graduate: A systematic literatu...2023Henderson, Dalton StudentECU
The impacts of faculty caring on nursing students’ intent to graduate: A systematic literatu...2023Sewell, Kerry A.StudentECU
The impacts of faculty caring on nursing students’ intent to graduate: A systematic literatu...2023Wei, Holly StudentECU
The Impacts of Long-Term Changes in Weather on Small-Scale Fishers’ Available Fishing Hours ...2023Farquhar, Samantha StudentECU
The Impacts of Long-Term Changes in Weather on Small-Scale Fishers’ Available Fishing Hours ...2023Saldarriaga, Maria GomezStudentECU
The Impacts of Long-Term Changes in Weather on Small-Scale Fishers’ Available Fishing Hours ...2023Xu, Yicheng StudentECU
The Impacts of Long-Term Changes in Weather on Small-Scale Fishers’ Available Fishing Hours ...2023Heck, Nadine StudentECU
The Impacts of Long-Term Changes in Weather on Small-Scale Fishers’ Available Fishing Hours ...2023Nirindrainy, Avisoa FrancisStudentECU
Impacts of New Regulations on North Carolina Fishermen: A Classificatory Analysis1996Griffith, David FacultyECU
Impacts of Thermal Environments on Health Risk: A Case Study of Harris County, Texas2023Hur, Misun StudentECU
Impacts of Thermal Environments on Health Risk: A Case Study of Harris County, Texas2023Chun, Bumseok StudentECU
Impacts of Thermal Environments on Health Risk: A Case Study of Harris County, Texas2023Won, Jaewoong StudentECU
The Impacts of Web 2.0, Web 3.0, and Web 4.0 Technologies Used in Distance Education2023Kimbrell, Julia StudentECU
Impaired contractile function of the supraspinatus in the acute period following a rotator c...2017Valencia, Ana P.,Iyer,Shama R.,Spangenburg,Espen E.,Gilotra,MohiStudentECU
Impaired Muscle Relaxation and Mitochondrial Fission Associated with Genetic Ablation of Cyt...2023Spangenburg, Espen StudentECU
Impaired Muscle Relaxation and Mitochondrial Fission Associated with Genetic Ablation of Cyt...2023Tarpey, Michael D.StudentECU
Impaired N-Glycosylation Processing Impacts Neuronal Function2023Hatchett, Cody JStudentECU
Impaired T cell-mediated hepatitis in peroxisome proliferator activated receptor alpha (PPAR...2023Hines, Ian N.StudentECU
Impaired T cell-mediated hepatitis in peroxisome proliferator activated receptor alpha (PPAR...2023Kremer, Michael StudentECU
Impaired T cell-mediated hepatitis in peroxisome proliferator activated receptor alpha (PPAR...2023Moore, Sherri M.StudentECU
Impaired T cell-mediated hepatitis in peroxisome proliferator activated receptor alpha (PPAR...2023Wheeler, Michael D.StudentECU
Impairments in Site-Specific AS160 Phosphorylation and Effects of Exercise Training2013Van Meter, Jessica StudentECU
Impairments in Site-Specific AS160 Phosphorylation and Effects of Exercise Training2013Consitt, Leslie A.StudentECU
Impairments in Site-Specific AS160 Phosphorylation and Effects of Exercise Training2013Newton, Christopher A.StudentECU
Impairments in Site-Specific AS160 Phosphorylation and Effects of Exercise Training2013Collier, David N.StudentECU
Impairments in Site-Specific AS160 Phosphorylation and Effects of Exercise Training2013Dar, Moahad S.StudentECU
Impairments in Site-Specific AS160 Phosphorylation and Effects of Exercise Training2013Wojtaszewski, Jørgen F.P.StudentECU
Impairments in Site-Specific AS160 Phosphorylation and Effects of Exercise Training2013Treebak, Jonas T.StudentECU
Impairments in Site-Specific AS160 Phosphorylation and Effects of Exercise Training2013Tanner, Charles J.StudentECU
Impairments in Site-Specific AS160 Phosphorylation and Effects of Exercise Training2013Houmard, Joseph A.StudentECU
The impeachment and trial of Governor William W. Holden, 1870-18711965Young, Lowell ThomasStudentHistory and Political Science, UNCG
The Imperative for Data Curation2010Ogburn, Joyce FacultyUniversity Libraries, ASU
Implementation of a Charge Nurse Fellowship for Continuous Development2023Ennis, Kimberly StudentECU
Implementation of Computer-Based Educational Modules: Improving Nurse Self-Efficacy and Nurs...2023Sheldon, Angela StudentECU
Implementation of Cross-Curricular Instruction: An Evaluation of Julia Marshall-s Five Strat...2020Quinn, Casey StudentECU
Implementation of Cross-Curricular Instruction: An Evaluation of Julia Marshall’s Five Strat...2023Quinn, Casey StudentECU
Implementation of the FISH! Philosophy in Primary Care: A change in the culture of healthcar...2016Arledge, Leslie StudentECU
Implementation of Geriatric Depression Screening in a Primary Care Setting2023Thomas, Rani StudentECU
Implementation of Non-Opioid Protocol to Reduce Opioid Use in an Adult Outpatient Clinic2023Charles, Angelica StudentECU
Implementation of a Post-Fall Medication Reconciliation Assessment Tool2023Mosakowski, Joshua StudentECU
Implementation of recommended tobacco cessation systems in dental practices: A qualitative e...2023Lee, Joseph G. L.StudentECU
Implementation of recommended tobacco cessation systems in dental practices: A qualitative e...2023Wright, Wanda G.StudentECU
Implementation of a Standardized Robotic Assistant Surgical Training Curriculum2023Collins, Jill M.StudentECU
Implementation of a Standardized Robotic Assistant Surgical Training Curriculum2023Walsh, Danielle S.StudentECU
The Implementation Of A Study Abroad Course For Nursing2006Johanson, Linda FacultyNursing, ASU
Implementation of the Target: Type 2 Diabetes - Heart Failure Initiative2023Hillis, Hannah Sherry D.StudentECU
Implementation of a Wound Care Algorithm at Local Syringe Services Program2023Gobush, Alaina StudentECU
Implementing the Alert Program for self-regulation through the response to intervention mode...2023Powell, Monica StudentECU
Implementing the Alert Program(R) into a Kindergarten curriculum using the Response to Inter...2011Buchanan, Rebecca J.StudentOccupational Therapy, ECU
Implementing a Chemotherapy Education Intervention in Adult Oncology Patients2023Gray, Jennifer StudentECU
Implementing Evidence Based Intervention to Improve Sexual Health in Female Oncology Patient...2023Aronowitz, Ivey StudentECU
Implementing a Fall Prevention Program in a Long-Term Care Facility2023Misher, April StudentECU
Implementing a Kidney Screening Process for Diabetic Patients in a Primary Care Office2023Baumgartner, Elizabeth StudentECU
Implementing A Routine Diabetic Foot Screening in A Primary Care Clinic2023George, Regimol StudentECU
Implementing a Self-Compassion Seminar With the Teen Court System2022Allen, Ashley StudentPsychology, UNCP
Implementing a Self-Compassion Seminar With the Teen Court System2022Borden, Jazmine StudentPsychology, UNCP
Implementing a Self-Compassion Seminar within the Teen Court System2022Borden, Jazmine StudentPsychology, UNCP
Implementing a Toolkit to Improve Sexual Assault Screening in the College Student Population...2023Kidd, Christina StudentECU
Implementing Transportation Planning With Older Adults After Driving Cessation: Observing Co...2023Moore, Kathryn StudentECU
Implementing a Trauma Consult Protocol for Geriatric Trauma Patients2023Kelly, Lorraine StudentECU
Implementing the vision of the high school principal1991Tillman, Jean B.StudentEducation, UNCG
Implication of Two-Baryon Azimuthal Correlations in pp Collisions at LHC Energies on the QGP...2023Lin, Zi-Wei StudentECU
Implication of Two-Baryon Azimuthal Correlations in pp Collisions at LHC Energies on the QGP...2023, et alStudentECU
Implications of the relationships between intelligence and physical fitness1958White, Katherine A.StudentPhysical Education, UNCG
Implicit Bias Education For Healthcare Employees2023Warner, Elise StudentECU
Implicit versus explicit self-defense instruction on self-efficacy, affect, and subjective w...2023Sanders, Margaret P.StudentECU
The 'Imponderable Bloom': Reconsidering the Role of Technology in Education2006Sanders, Robert L. FacultyLeadership and Educational Studies, ASU
The importance and usage of keyboard skills in public school music teaching according to pub...1986Wells, Anna W.StudentMusic, UNCG
The importance of children in Dostoevsky's thought1969Ivester, Judy MaureenStudentEnglish, UNCG
The Importance of Children on the American Frontier: A Comparative Study in Nineteenth Cent...2023Jackman, Kimberly StudentECU
The Importance of Duck Hunting: Making Connections2023Johnson, Madison NoelaniStudentECU
Importance of Glycosylation on Function of a Potassium Channel in Neuroblastoma Cells2011Schwalbe, Ruth A.StudentECU
Importance of Glycosylation on Function of a Potassium Channel in Neuroblastoma Cells2011Hall, M. K.StudentECU
Importance of Glycosylation on Function of a Potassium Channel in Neuroblastoma Cells2011Fleming, Christa M.StudentECU
Importance of Glycosylation on Function of a Potassium Channel in Neuroblastoma Cells2011Cartwright, Tara A.StudentECU
Importance of glycosylation on function of a potassium channel in neuroblastoma cells2011Hall, M K,Cartwright,Tara A,Fleming,Christa M,Schwalbe,RutStudentECU
Importance of Isobar Density Distributions on the Chiral Magnetic Effect Search2023Lin, Zi-Wei StudentECU
The importance of marriage in Chaucer's "Knight's tale"1971Edmundson, Mary ElizabethStudentEnglish, UNCG
The importance of mentorship and the impact of stress when measuring program satisfaction fo...2022Curry, Ashley StudentPsychology, WCU
The importance of organic matter to nutrient processing in headwater stream bottoms of the c...2023O'Neal, Jessi Elizabeth.StudentECU
An Improved Algorithm to Delineate Urban Targets with Model-Based Decomposition of PolSAR Da...2017Duan, Dingfeng,Wang,Yong StudentECU
Improved Quark Coalescence for a Multi-Phase Transport Model2023Lin, Zi-Wei StudentECU
Improved respiratory motion tracking through a novel fiducial marker placement guidance syst...2019Stowe, Hayley,Ogake,Stella,Sharma,Sunil,Kelly,Suzanne,McD A,Bowling,Mark,Ju,AndrewStudentECU
Improvement of Heavy Flavor Production in a Multiphase Transport Model Updated with Modern N...2023Lin, Zi-Wei StudentECU
Improvement of platelet ionized calcium measurements by implementation and standardization o...2023Hickerson, Darren H. M.StudentECU
Improvements in Depressive Symptoms and Affect during Cardiac Rehabilitation: Predictors and...2023Whited, Matthew C.StudentECU
Improving Access to Care for Special Olympics’ Athletes2023Stephens, Clarissa StudentECU
Improving Cancer Patient Outcomes by Redesigning Chemotherapy Education2023Curkovic, Bobbie JeanStudentECU
Improving Code Cart Education for New Graduate Nurses2023Huffman, Derek StudentECU
Improving Colorectal Cancer Screening in a Rural Community During a Global Pandemic2023English, Dara StudentECU
Improving Contraception Counseling among Adolescents2023Patten, Mary StudentECU
Improving COVID-19 Transmission Rates in Long Term Care Facilities2023Barnette, LaShonda StudentECU
Improving Discharge Teaching in Heart Failure Patients Using the Teach-Back Method2023Niyonkuru, Grace StudentECU
Improving the Driving Practices of Pizza Deliverers: Potential Moderating Effects of Age an...1991Ludwig, Timothy D. FacultyPsychology, ASU
Improving Emergency Department Length of Stay by Reducing Laboratory Turnaround Times2023Byrum, Dana StudentECU
Improving Healthcare for Spanish-Speaking Special Olympics Athletes in Chatham County, North...2023Collins, Rachel StudentECU
Improving Heart Failure Outcomes with Education2023Sheppard, Tonya StudentECU
Improving Hepatitis A and B Vaccinations and Screenings in an Outpatient GI Setting2023Wetherington, Kimberly StudentECU
Improving Interdisciplinary Communication on the Medicine Progressive Care Unit2023Faulkenbury, Carly StudentECU
Improving Marketplace Health Insurance Enrollment for Eligible HIV and AIDs Positive Clients...2023Ritenour, Kimberly StudentECU
Improving Medication Adherence In Patients With Multiple Chronic Conditions : Evaluation Of ...2023Daniels, Laura M.StudentECU
Improving Mental Health Literacy in Middle School Teachers Through Emotional Poverty© Traini...2023Sharabi, Lihi StudentECU
Improving Nursing Leadership’s Usage of Real Time, Data-Driven Dashboards2023Hunt, Eleanor StudentECU
Improving Patient and Family Experience in Level One Post Anesthesia Care Unit2023Chen, Pei-Chun StudentECU
Improving Patient and Provider Engagement in Hypertension Control2023Long, Alyssa StudentECU
Improving Quality and Efficiency of Postpartum Hospital Patient Education Delivery2023Brummett, Athena StudentECU
Improving the Resilience of Nurses in the Emergency Department2023Quick, Matthew DStudentECU
Improving Resiliency Among Inpatient Nursing Teams During the SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic2023Merrill, Diane R.StudentECU
Improving Resiliency and Patient Satisfaction in a Rural Community Hospital2023Taylor, Melinda StudentECU
Improving Staff Education and Application of Knowledge Regarding COVID-19 Transmission Preve...2023Onkundi, Roselyne StudentECU
Improving the success rate of academically disadvantaged black students in general education...1992Burrell, Selma Theresa TuckStudentEducation, UNCG
Improving Willingness to Pay Estimates for Quality Improvements through Joint Estimation wit...2006Whitehead, John FacultyEconomics, ASU
"In behalf of the Continent" : Privateering and Irregular Naval Warfare in Early Revolutiona...2023Wils, James RichardStudentECU
In The Belly of the Beast: a cophylogenetic study of the pitcher plant flies (Fletcherimyia)...2023Kann, Peter TStudentECU
In Defense of the Nation: Syphilis, North Carolina’s “Girl Problem” and WWI2023Zipf, Karin StudentECU
In a dry season1955Burgess, Jackson StudentEnglish, UNCG
In England2016Hollander, Emily StudentLiterature, UNCA
In a green tree1967Hamer, Janet ErnstStudentEnglish, UNCG
In Harm’s Way: Non-Migration Decisions of People at Risk of Slow-Onset Coastal Hazards in Ba...2023Rogers, Kimberly G.StudentECU
In Harm’s Way: Non-Migration Decisions of People at Risk of Slow-Onset Coastal Hazards in Ba...2023Mallick, Bishawjit StudentECU
In Harm’s Way: Non-Migration Decisions of People at Risk of Slow-Onset Coastal Hazards in Ba...2023Sultana, Zakia StudentECU
In mother's lap : microcomputers, mother's teaching behavior and young children's classifica...1984Shade, Daniel DavidStudentHome Economics, UNCG
In pursuit of a justification of living : a comparative study of Dostoyevsky and Camus1967Keeton, Hope StudentRomance Languages, UNCG
In quest of a comprehensive model for educational supervision : an ethnographic inquiry1983Allred, Larry DouglasStudentEducation, UNCG
In Search of Political Stability and Survival: Toward Nigeria’s Third Republic1992Udogu, E. Ike FacultyGovernment and Justice Studies, ASU
In Style2021Jackson, Douglas A. FacultyMusic and Visual Arts, ECSU
In vitro analysis of versican in limb chondrogenesis utilizing the hdf transgenic mouse2023Gillotte, Danielle Marie.StudentECU
In vitro availability of essential amino acids, and the protein efficiency ration of cooked ...1973Rao, Meera StudentHome Economics, UNCG
In vitro characterization of human anti-porcine xenogeneic cellular immune responses2023Coleman Johnson, Tia Shermaine.StudentECU
In vitro characterization of human anti-porcine xenogeneic cellular immune responses2023Coleman Johnson, Tia Shermaine.StudentECU
In vitro effects of thyroxine on the chromosomes of human lymphocytes1967Prince, Susan R.StudentBiology, UNCG
An In vitro study of the effects of insect hormones on cell degeneration in the wing imagina...1974Albright, Pamela AshtonStudentBiology, UNCG
In vivo and in vitro effects of retinoids on the histological changes in colorectal tissue1984Brevard, Patricia BowlingStudentHome Economics, UNCG
An in vivo assay for 2 [mu] plasmid recombination2023Howe, Gregg (Gregg A.)StudentECU
In Vivo Blood Glucose Quantification Using Raman Spectroscopy2012Shao, Jingwei,Lin,Manman,Li,Yongqing,Li,Xue,Liu,Junxian, StudentECU
In Vivo Blood Glucose Quantification Using Raman Spectroscopy2012Yao, Huilu StudentECU
In Vivo Blood Glucose Quantification Using Raman Spectroscopy2012Lin, Manman StudentECU
In Vivo Blood Glucose Quantification Using Raman Spectroscopy2012Shao, Jingwei StudentECU
In Vivo Blood Glucose Quantification Using Raman Spectroscopy2012Liang, Jianpin StudentECU
In Vivo Blood Glucose Quantification Using Raman Spectroscopy2012Liu, Junxian StudentECU
In Vivo Blood Glucose Quantification Using Raman Spectroscopy2012Li, Xue StudentECU
In Vivo Blood Glucose Quantification Using Raman Spectroscopy2012Li, Yongqing StudentECU
In vivo imaging and modeling of artery blood pressure wave and interaction with light in tim...2023Jin, Jiahong StudentECU
An In-depth model for determining teaching efficacy through the use of qualitative single su...2020Osler, James FacultySchool of Education , NCCU
In-hospital mortality trends among patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis in the United...2023Alqalyoobi, Shehabaldin StudentECU
In-hospital mortality trends among patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis in the United...2023Fernández Pérez, E. R.StudentECU
In-hospital mortality trends among patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis in the United...2023Oldham, J. M.StudentECU
In-school broadcasts of North Carolina stories for upper elementary grades1949Land, Alice ThornhillStudentEducation, UNCG
In-training practice patterns of combined emergency medicine/internal medicine residents, 20...2011Kessler, Chad S,Gonzalez,Andrew A,Stallings,Leonard A,Templeman,StudentECU
In-Training Practice Patterns of Combined Emergency Medicine/Internal Medicine Residents, 20...2011Templeman, Todd AStudentECU
In-Training Practice Patterns of Combined Emergency Medicine/Internal Medicine Residents, 20...2011Kessler, Chad SStudentECU
In-Training Practice Patterns of Combined Emergency Medicine/Internal Medicine Residents, 20...2011Gonzalez, Andrew AStudentECU
In-Training Practice Patterns of Combined Emergency Medicine/Internal Medicine Residents, 20...2011Stallings, Leonard AStudentECU
Incidence of emesis in orogastrically fed premature infants in the prone position versus rig...2023Cashwell, Anastatia K.StudentECU
Incidental factors related to stuttering2023Edwards, Alyce ErwinStudentECU
Incidents in Educational and Academic Chemistry Laboratories: A Comparative Case Study Proje...2023Sommer, Stella JuliaStudentECU
Incised tondos1977Maggio, Kimberly JaneStudentArt, UNCG
Inclusion of Intra- and Interspecific Facilitation Expands the Theoretical Framework for Sea...2023Zhang, Y. StacyStudentECU
Inclusion of Intra- and Interspecific Facilitation Expands the Theoretical Framework for Sea...2023Gittman, Rachel K.StudentECU
Inclusion of Intra- and Interspecific Facilitation Expands the Theoretical Framework for Sea...2023Donaher, Sarah E.StudentECU
Inclusion of Intra- and Interspecific Facilitation Expands the Theoretical Framework for Sea...2023Trackenberg, Stacy N.StudentECU
Inclusion of Intra- and Interspecific Facilitation Expands the Theoretical Framework for Sea...2023van der Heide, T. StudentECU
Inclusion of Intra- and Interspecific Facilitation Expands the Theoretical Framework for Sea...2023Silliman, Brian R.StudentECU
Inclusion of Knowledge Communities in Planning Processes : An Analysis of Green Infrastructu...2023Jordan, Lauren M.StudentECU
Inclusive Training for Future Health Care Providers Regarding Individuals with Intellectual ...2023Cobb, Katherine StudentECU
Income and Oral Health: The Relationship Among Medicaid Recipients2023Oswald, Kaleigh StudentECU
Incomplete Metamorphic Democracy as a Conceptual Framework in the Analysis of African Politi...1996Udogu, E. Ike FacultyGovernment and Justice Studies, ASU
Incorporating Migration and Local Movement Patterns into Management Strategies for Spiny Do...2023Cudney, Jennifer L.StudentECU
Incorporation of Arginine to Commercial Orthodontic Light-Cured Resin Cements—Physical, Adhe...2023Geraldeli, Saulo StudentECU
Incorporation of Arginine to Commercial Orthodontic Light-Cured Resin Cements—Physical, Adhe...2023Carvalho, Lucas de Almeida MaiaStudentECU
Incorporation of Arginine to Commercial Orthodontic Light-Cured Resin Cements—Physical, Adhe...2023Araújo, Isaac Jordão de SouzaStudentECU
Incorporation of Arginine to Commercial Orthodontic Light-Cured Resin Cements—Physical, Adhe...2023Guarda, Maurício BotteneStudentECU
Incorporation of Arginine to Commercial Orthodontic Light-Cured Resin Cements—Physical, Adhe...2023Nascimento, Marcelle M.StudentECU
Incorporation of Arginine to Commercial Orthodontic Light-Cured Resin Cements—Physical, Adhe...2023Bertolo, Marcus Vinícius LoureiroStudentECU
Incorporation of Arginine to Commercial Orthodontic Light-Cured Resin Cements—Physical, Adhe...2023Di Nizo, Paolo TúlioStudentECU
Incorporation of Arginine to Commercial Orthodontic Light-Cured Resin Cements—Physical, Adhe...2023Sinhoreti, Mário Alexandre CoelhoStudentECU
Incorporation of Arginine to Commercial Orthodontic Light-Cured Resin Cements—Physical, Adhe...2023McCarlie, V. Wallace, Jr.StudentECU
Increased Coronary Artery Disease Severity in Black Women Undergoing Coronary Bypass Surgery...2015Efird, Jimmy T.,O'Neal,Wesley T.,Griffin,William F.,Anderson,EtStudentECU
Increased Coronary Artery Disease Severity in Black Women Undergoing Coronary Bypass Surgery...2015Griffin, William F.StudentECU
Increased Coronary Artery Disease Severity in Black Women Undergoing Coronary Bypass Surgery...2015O’Neal, Wesley T.StudentECU
Increased Coronary Artery Disease Severity in Black Women Undergoing Coronary Bypass Surgery...2015Efird, Jimmy T.StudentECU
Increased Coronary Artery Disease Severity in Black Women Undergoing Coronary Bypass Surgery...2015Shiue, Kristin Y.StudentECU
Increased Coronary Artery Disease Severity in Black Women Undergoing Coronary Bypass Surgery...2015Kindell, Linda C.StudentECU
Increased Coronary Artery Disease Severity in Black Women Undergoing Coronary Bypass Surgery...2015O’Neal, Jason B.StudentECU
Increased Coronary Artery Disease Severity in Black Women Undergoing Coronary Bypass Surgery...2015Landrine, Hope StudentECU
Increased Coronary Artery Disease Severity in Black Women Undergoing Coronary Bypass Surgery...2015Kypson, Alan P.StudentECU
Increased Coronary Artery Disease Severity in Black Women Undergoing Coronary Bypass Surgery...2015Davies, Stephen W.StudentECU
Increased Coronary Artery Disease Severity in Black Women Undergoing Coronary Bypass Surgery...2015Randolph Chitwood, W. StudentECU
Increased Coronary Artery Disease Severity in Black Women Undergoing Coronary Bypass Surgery...2015Bruce Ferguson, T. StudentECU
Increased Coronary Artery Disease Severity in Black Women Undergoing Coronary Bypass Surgery...2015Anderson, Ethan J.StudentECU
Increased Glycemic Variability Is Independently Associated With Length of Stay and Mortality...2013Mendez, Carlos E.StudentECU
Increased Glycemic Variability Is Independently Associated With Length of Stay and Mortality...2013Mok, Ki-Tae StudentECU
Increased Glycemic Variability Is Independently Associated With Length of Stay and Mortality...2013Calles-Escandon, Jorge StudentECU
Increased Glycemic Variability Is Independently Associated With Length of Stay and Mortality...2013Tanenberg, Robert J.StudentECU
Increased Glycemic Variability Is Independently Associated With Length of Stay and Mortality...2013Ata, Ashar StudentECU
Increased Glycemic Variability Is Independently Associated With Length of Stay and Mortality...2013Umpierrez, Guillermo E.StudentECU
Increased homozygosity in the first Hispanic patient with plantar lipomatosis, unusual facie...2016Wiley, John,Schmidt,Karen,Humberson,Jennifer,Wefuan,O'Kee StudentECU
Increased Level of Tumor Necrosis Factor-Alpha (TNF-a) Leads to Downregulation of Nitrergic ...2023Hannan, Johanna L.StudentECU
Increased Level of Tumor Necrosis Factor-Alpha (TNF-a) Leads to Downregulation of Nitrergic ...2023Matsui, Hotaka StudentECU
Increased Level of Tumor Necrosis Factor-Alpha (TNF-a) Leads to Downregulation of Nitrergic ...2023Sopko, Nikolai StudentECU
Increased Level of Tumor Necrosis Factor-Alpha (TNF-a) Leads to Downregulation of Nitrergic ...2023Campbell, Jeffery D.StudentECU
Increased Level of Tumor Necrosis Factor-Alpha (TNF-a) Leads to Downregulation of Nitrergic ...2023Liu, Xiaopu StudentECU
Increased Level of Tumor Necrosis Factor-Alpha (TNF-a) Leads to Downregulation of Nitrergic ...2023Reinhardt, Allison StudentECU
Increased Level of Tumor Necrosis Factor-Alpha (TNF-a) Leads to Downregulation of Nitrergic ...2023Weyne, Emmanuel StudentECU
Increased Level of Tumor Necrosis Factor-Alpha (TNF-a) Leads to Downregulation of Nitrergic ...2023Castiglione, Fabio StudentECU
Increased Level of Tumor Necrosis Factor-Alpha (TNF-a) Leads to Downregulation of Nitrergic ...2023Albersen, Maarten StudentECU
Increased Level of Tumor Necrosis Factor-Alpha (TNF-a) Leads to Downregulation of Nitrergic ...2023Bivalacqua, Trinity J.StudentECU
Increased mitochondrial NADPH oxidase 4 (NOX4) expression in aging is a causative factor in ...2019Canugovi, Chandrika,Stevenson,Mark D.,Vendrov,Aleksandr E.,Hayami,Takayuki,Robidoux,JStudentECU
Increased nucleotide polymorphic changes in the 5'-untranslated region of d-catenin (CTNND2)...2023Wang, Tao StudentECU
Increased nucleotide polymorphic changes in the 5'-untranslated region of d-catenin (CTNND2)...2023Chen, Yan-Hua StudentECU
Increased nucleotide polymorphic changes in the 5'-untranslated region of d-catenin (CTNND2)...2023Hong, Heng StudentECU
Increased nucleotide polymorphic changes in the 5'-untranslated region of d-catenin (CTNND2)...2023Zeng, Yan StudentECU
Increased nucleotide polymorphic changes in the 5'-untranslated region of d-catenin (CTNND2)...2023Zhang, Jiao StudentECU
Increased nucleotide polymorphic changes in the 5'-untranslated region of d-catenin (CTNND2)...2023Lu, Jian-Ping StudentECU
Increased nucleotide polymorphic changes in the 5'-untranslated region of d-catenin (CTNND2)...2023Jeansonne, Beverly StudentECU
Increased nucleotide polymorphic changes in the 5'-untranslated region of d-catenin (CTNND2)...2023Lu, Qun StudentECU
Increased Systemic Th17 Cytokines Are Associated with Diastolic Dysfunction in Children and ...2013Hoffman, William H.,Passmore,Gregory G.,Hannon,David W.,Talor,MonicStudentECU
Increased Systemic Th17 Cytokines Are Associated with Diastolic Dysfunction in Children and ...2013Fiordalisi, Irma StudentECU
Increased Systemic Th17 Cytokines Are Associated with Diastolic Dysfunction in Children and ...2013Passmore, Gregory G.StudentECU
Increased Systemic Th17 Cytokines Are Associated with Diastolic Dysfunction in Children and ...2013Haislip, Dynita StudentECU
Increased Systemic Th17 Cytokines Are Associated with Diastolic Dysfunction in Children and ...2013Hannon, David W.StudentECU
Increased Systemic Th17 Cytokines Are Associated with Diastolic Dysfunction in Children and ...2013Keel, Cynthia StudentECU
Increased Systemic Th17 Cytokines Are Associated with Diastolic Dysfunction in Children and ...2013Harris, Glenn StudentECU
Increased Systemic Th17 Cytokines Are Associated with Diastolic Dysfunction in Children and ...2013Rose, Noel R.StudentECU
Increased Systemic Th17 Cytokines Are Associated with Diastolic Dysfunction in Children and ...2013Talor, Monica V.StudentECU
Increased Systemic Th17 Cytokines Are Associated with Diastolic Dysfunction in Children and ...2013Hoffman, William H.StudentECU
Increased Systemic Th17 Cytokines Are Associated with Diastolic Dysfunction in Children and ...2013Fox, Pam StudentECU
Increased Systemic Th17 Cytokines Are Associated with Diastolic Dysfunction in Children and ...2013Brailer, Catherine StudentECU
Increased Systemic Th17 Cytokines Are Associated with Diastolic Dysfunction in Children and ...2013Čiháková, Daniela StudentECU
Increased TNF-alpha and sTNFR2 levels are associated with high-grade anal squamous intraepit...2017Haga, Takeshi,Efird,Jimmy T.,Tugizov,Sharof,Palefsky,Joel M.StudentECU
Increasing The Awareness of Implicit Biases2023Bonner, Vanetta StudentECU
Increasing the Compliance of Using the CAUTI Maintenance Bundle2023Mallard, Lee StudentECU
Increasing Creative Output by Visually Enhancing Engineering Design Tools2023Harr, David DouglasStudentECU
Increasing exposure and understanding of post-secondary education: breaking down barriers to...2021Vandermore, Erica StudentHuman Services, WCU
Increasing exposure and understanding of post-secondary education: breaking down barriers to...2021Wagner, Amy StudentHuman Services, WCU
Increasing gender diversity in the skilled trades workforce sector: An intervention at Ashev...2022Messer, Cindy MorrowStudentHuman Services, WCU
Increasing Health Literacy in Women Diagnosed with Breast Cancer2023Williams, Nichola D.StudentECU
Increasing Health Literacy of Parents of Children 0 to 5 Regarding Oral Health and Immunizat...2023Tiger, Malgorzata StudentECU
Increasing Health Literacy of Parents of Children Age 0 to 5 Regarding Oral Health and Immun...2023Davis, Jaime StudentECU
Increasing Health Literacy of Parents of Children Age 0 to 5 Regarding Oral Health and Immun...2023Sharpe, Sydney StudentECU
Increasing Hepatitis C Screening in Primary Care2023Mascarenhas, Henry StudentECU
Increasing Knowledge And Skills of Students in a Fluency Disorder2015Steyl, Nicole StudentRehabilitation Sciences - Student, ASU
Increasing LGBTQ Cultural Competence in Primary Care Providers2023Milford, Jessica StudentECU
Increasing Medication Adherence in a Primary Care Practice2023Carson-Johnson, Tracey StudentECU
Increasing minority enrollment in advanced classes in a rural North Carolina high school2023Boone, Tammy RStudentECU
Increasing Palliative Medicine Presence in Heart Failure Admissions2023Thompson, Brooke StudentECU
Increasing Provider Education to Improve HPV Vaccination Rates in Female Veterans2023Murphy, Deidre StudentECU
Increasing Recycling in Academic Buildings: A Systematic Replication1998Ludwig, Timothy D. FacultyPsychology, ASU
Increasing retention rates of black women in gateway STEM courses: an intervention at NCCU2018Owens, Jacqueline D.StudentHuman Services, WCU
Increasing Use of Mammography Among Older, Rural African American Women: Results From a Comm...2023Earp, Jo AnneStudentECU
Increasing Use of Mammography Among Older, Rural African American Women: Results From a Comm...2023Eng, Eugenia StudentECU
Increasing Use of Mammography Among Older, Rural African American Women: Results From a Comm...2023O'Malley, Michael S.StudentECU
Increasing Use of Mammography Among Older, Rural African American Women: Results From a Comm...2023Altpeter, Mary StudentECU
Increasing Use of Mammography Among Older, Rural African American Women: Results From a Comm...2023Rauscher, Garth StudentECU
Increasing Use of Mammography Among Older, Rural African American Women: Results From a Comm...2023Mayne, Linda StudentECU
Increasing Use of Mammography Among Older, Rural African American Women: Results From a Comm...2023Mathews, Holly F.StudentECU
Increasing Use of Mammography Among Older, Rural African American Women: Results From a Comm...2023Lynch, Kathy S.StudentECU
Increasing Use of Mammography Among Older, Rural African American Women: Results From a Comm...2023Qaqish, Bahjat StudentECU
Independent contributions of relatively low horizontal forces and relatively high vertical f...2023Helseth, Joseph L.StudentECU
Indications of amorality1968Phillips, Lynn ShearinStudentEnglish, UNCG
The indictment of America in 1925 : a comparative study of The great Gatsby and An American ...1969Lindsay, Julia IreneStudentEnglish, UNCG
The Indian heroes of William Hickling Prescott : reflection of the nineteenth century's view...1973Keck, Dianne LeeStudentEnglish, UNCG
Indirect effects of a competitor on life history and reproductive traits in a cavity nesting...2018Britton, Sarah Elizabeth TreimanStudentBiology, WCU
Individual and Institutional Determinants of the Male Female Wage Gap Among U.S. Economics F...2011Cherry, Todd FacultyEconomics, ASU
Induced Cre-Mediated Knockdown of Brca1 in Skeletal Muscle Reduces Mitochondrial Respiration...2023McClung, Joseph M.StudentECU
Induced Cre-Mediated Knockdown of Brca1 in Skeletal Muscle Reduces Mitochondrial Respiration...2023Spangenburg, Espen StudentECU
Induced in Vivo Knockdown of the Brca1 Gene in Skeletal Muscle Results in Skeletal Muscle We...2023Spangenburg, Espen StudentECU
Induced in Vivo Knockdown of the Brca1 Gene in Skeletal Muscle Results in Skeletal Muscle We...2023Tarpey, Michael D.StudentECU
Induced in Vivo Knockdown of the Brca1 Gene in Skeletal Muscle Results in Skeletal Muscle We...2023Amorese, Adam J.StudentECU
Induced in Vivo Knockdown of the Brca1 Gene in Skeletal Muscle Results in Skeletal Muscle We...2023Balestrieri, Nicholas P.StudentECU
Induced in Vivo Knockdown of the Brca1 Gene in Skeletal Muscle Results in Skeletal Muscle We...2023Ryan, Terence E.StudentECU
Induced in Vivo Knockdown of the Brca1 Gene in Skeletal Muscle Results in Skeletal Muscle We...2023McClung, Joseph M.StudentECU
Induced in Vivo Knockdown of the Brca1 Gene in Skeletal Muscle Results in Skeletal Muscle We...2023Renegar, Randall H.StudentECU
Inducing awe with nature environments: implications for mental health2021Yoe, Jennifer StudentPsychology, WCU
Induction and processing of complex DNA damage in the BRCA1-deficient human breast cancer ce...2023Hair, Jessica. StudentECU
The induction of antigen-specific immunological tolerance and attenuation of inflammation vi...2023Burleson, Stefanie Carole MarieStudentECU
The induction of apoptosis and signal transduction by HIV-1 GP120 interaction with chemokine...2023Franklin, Edwin L.StudentECU
Induction of cap-independent BiP () and Bcl-2 () translation in response to eIF4G (IFG-1) de...2014Morrison, J KaitlinStudentECU
Induction of cap-independent BiP () and Bcl-2 () translation in response to eIF4G (IFG-1) de...2014Friday, Andrew JStudentECU
Induction of cap-independent BiP () and Bcl-2 () translation in response to eIF4G (IFG-1) de...2014Henderson, Melissa AStudentECU
Induction of cap-independent BiP () and Bcl-2 () translation in response to eIF4G (IFG-1) de...2014Hao, Enhui StudentECU
Induction of cap-independent BiP () and Bcl-2 () translation in response to eIF4G (IFG-1) de...2014Keiper, Brett DStudentECU
The induction of consecutive pseudopregnancies by estrogen-progesterone injections in the ma...2023Garrett, Michael Reed,1943-StudentECU
Induction of labor : current practice of North Carolina nurse- midwives2023Bullock, Carolyn N.StudentECU
Industrial Ecology Education at Wuhan University2007Cockerill, Kristan FacultyCultural, Gender, and Global Studies, ASU
The Industrial Image: Preserving a Deteriorating Identity2023Loch-Test, Sarah StudentECU
Inequalities in tobacco outlet density by race, ethnicity, and socioeconomic status, 2012, U...2023Lee, Joseph G. L.StudentECU
Inequities in tobacco retailer sales to minors by neighborhood racial/ethnic composition, po...2023, Lee JosephStudentECU
Inequities in tobacco retailer sales to minors by neighborhood racial/ethnic composition, po...2023Lee, Joseph G. L.StudentECU
The inequity of digital engagement: Examining strategies to support educators in delivering ...2022McNeill, Corey MarcusStudentHuman Services, WCU
Inertial loading during gait evokes neuromuscular plasticity in old adults2023Powell, Douglas W.StudentECU
The Infamous Convict Museum Ship Success : an Archaeological Investigation of Material Cultu...2023Cooper, Kathryn L.StudentECU
Infant Mesenchymal Stem Cell Insulin Action Is Associated With Maternal Plasma Free Fatty Ac...2023Chaves, Alec B.StudentECU
Infant Mesenchymal Stem Cell Insulin Action Is Associated With Maternal Plasma Free Fatty Ac...2023Zheng, Donghai StudentECU
Infant Mesenchymal Stem Cell Insulin Action Is Associated With Maternal Plasma Free Fatty Ac...2023Johnson, Jonathan A.StudentECU
Infant Mesenchymal Stem Cell Insulin Action Is Associated With Maternal Plasma Free Fatty Ac...2023Biagioni, Ericka M.StudentECU
Infant Mesenchymal Stem Cell Insulin Action Is Associated With Maternal Plasma Free Fatty Ac...2023Krassovskaia, Polina StudentECU
Infant Mesenchymal Stem Cell Insulin Action Is Associated With Maternal Plasma Free Fatty Ac...2023Broskey, Nicholas T.StudentECU
Infant Mesenchymal Stem Cell Insulin Action Is Associated With Maternal Plasma Free Fatty Ac...2023May, Linda E.StudentECU
Infant Mesenchymal Stem Cell Insulin Action Is Associated With Maternal Plasma Free Fatty Ac...2023Houmard, Joseph A.StudentECU
Infant Tufted Capuchin Monkeys’ Behaviour with Novel Foods: Opportunism, Not Selectivity1997Galloway, Amy FacultyPsychology, ASU
Infant Vaccination Education Preferences among Low-Income Pregnant Women2023Cofie, Leslie E.StudentECU
Infant Vaccination Education Preferences among Low-Income Pregnant Women2023Fuchs, Erika L.StudentECU
Infant Vaccination Education Preferences among Low-Income Pregnant Women2023Hirth, Jacqueline M.StudentECU
Infant Vaccination Education Preferences among Low-Income Pregnant Women2023Guo, Fangjian StudentECU
Infant Vaccination Education Preferences among Low-Income Pregnant Women2023Brown, V. GnaukitaStudentECU
Infant Vaccination Education Preferences among Low-Income Pregnant Women2023Berenson, Abbey B.StudentECU
The infection and impact of Azorhizobium caulinodans ORS571 on wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)2017Liu, Huawei,Wang,Xiaojing,Qi,Huaiting,Wang,Qian,Chen,Yo Elise,Zhang,Baohong,Wang,Weiling,Xie,YinggeStudentECU
The Influence of Acculturative Discrepancies on Negative Affect, Drinking to Cope, and Drink...2023Ruiz, Michelle StudentECU
Influence of Alternative Feeding Modes on Gene Expression and Microbiome Composition in Pois...2020Weinfurther, Kayla StudentECU
The Influence of Ambiguity and Uncertainty on Wishful Thinking2016Smith, Cassandra, StudentPsychology - Student, ASU
The influence of Andrew Craig Phillips on North Carolina local superintendents1989Banks, Theresa KayStudentEducation, UNCG
The Influence of Aquaculture on Foraminifera and Sediment Properties in the Setiu Estuary an...2023Ellis, Alisha M.StudentECU
The influence of Camoe¨ns' Lusiad on Melville's Moby-Dick1969Cockman, Nelda ReynoldsStudentEnglish, UNCG
Influence of carbon nanomaterial exposure on pro-constrictor mechanisms during pregnancy2014Vidanapathirana, Achini KushanthiStudentECU
The influence of case discussions on physical education preservice teachers' reflection in a...1996Bolt, Brian R.StudentHealth and Human Performance, UNCG
The influence of catchment and bathymetry characteristics on the spatial distribution of sed...2023Grieve, Brandon S.StudentECU
Influence of cell loss during in vitro culture of drosophila wing discs1969Stimpson, L. CherylStudentBiology, UNCG
The influence of choice of materials and prompts and feedback upon the arithmetic performanc...1976Yelton, Ann RubinsohnStudentPsychology, UNCG
Influence of Climatic Oscillations on Indian Ocean Tropical Cyclone Energy2023Armstrong, Dicky Leroy,Jr.,StudentECU
The Influence of Cognitive, Affective, and Somatic Symptoms of Depression and Related Psych...2023Freeman, John TaylorStudentECU
Influence of Community-Based Dental Education on Practice Choice: Preliminary Data from Eas...2019Gordon, Sharon,Warren,Abigail C.,Wright,Wanda G.StudentECU
Influence of Community-Based Dental Education on Practice Choice: Preliminary Data from East...2023Gordon, Sharon StudentECU
Influence of Community-Based Dental Education on Practice Choice: Preliminary Data from East...2023Warren, Abigail C.StudentECU
Influence of Community-Based Dental Education on Practice Choice: Preliminary Data from East...2023Wright, Wanda G.StudentECU
Influence of Compression Garments on Vertical Jump Performance in NCAA Division I Volleyball...1996Triplett, N. Travis FacultyHealth and Exercise Science, ASU
Influence of density and salinity on larval development of salt-adapted and salt-naïve frog...2023Albecker, Molly StudentECU
Influence of density and salinity on larval development of salt-adapted and salt-naïve frog...2023Pahl, Matthew StudentECU
Influence of density and salinity on larval development of salt-adapted and salt-naïve frog...2023Smith, Melanie StudentECU
Influence of density and salinity on larval development of salt-adapted and salt-naïve frog...2023Wilson, Jefferson G.StudentECU
Influence of density and salinity on larval development of salt-adapted and salt-naïve frog...2023McCoy, Michael W.StudentECU
The Influence of Energy Expenditure on Mitochondrial Functions, Oxidative Stress and Insulin...2023Lin, Chien-Te StudentECU
The influence of environmental conditions on the daily activities of Enallagma geminatum (Ke...1973Mitchell, William H.StudentBiology, UNCG
The Influence of Exercise during Pregnancy and Racial Disparities on Infant Energy expenditu...2023Freeman, D'Nia NishelleStudentECU
The Influence of Exercise During Pregnancy on Racial/Ethnic Health Disparities and Birth Out...2023Raper, Madigan J.StudentECU
The Influence of Exercise During Pregnancy on Racial/Ethnic Health Disparities and Birth Out...2023McDonald, Samantha StudentECU
The Influence of Exercise During Pregnancy on Racial/Ethnic Health Disparities and Birth Out...2023Johnston, Carol StudentECU
The Influence of Exercise During Pregnancy on Racial/Ethnic Health Disparities and Birth Out...2023Isler, Christy StudentECU
The Influence of Exercise During Pregnancy on Racial/Ethnic Health Disparities and Birth Out...2023Newton, Edward StudentECU
The Influence of Exercise During Pregnancy on Racial/Ethnic Health Disparities and Birth Out...2023Kuehn, Devon StudentECU
The Influence of Exercise During Pregnancy on Racial/Ethnic Health Disparities and Birth Out...2023Collier, David N.StudentECU
The Influence of Exercise During Pregnancy on Racial/Ethnic Health Disparities and Birth Out...2023Broskey, Nicholas T.StudentECU
The Influence of Exercise During Pregnancy on Racial/Ethnic Health Disparities and Birth Out...2023Muldrow, Adrienne StudentECU
The Influence of Exercise During Pregnancy on Racial/Ethnic Health Disparities and Birth Out...2023May, Linda E.StudentECU
Influence of Exercise Mode on Maternal, Fetal, and Neonatal Health Outcomes : The ENHANCED b...2023Moyer, Carmen StudentECU
Influence of Exercise Type on Maternal Blood Pressure Adaptation throughout Pregnancy2023Murphy, Sarah E.StudentECU
Influence of Exercise Type on Maternal Blood Pressure Adaptation throughout Pregnancy2023Isler, Christy StudentECU
Influence of Exercise Type on Maternal Blood Pressure Adaptation throughout Pregnancy2023Haven, Kelley StudentECU
Influence of Exercise Type on Maternal Blood Pressure Adaptation throughout Pregnancy2023Newton, Edward StudentECU
Influence of Exercise Type on Maternal Blood Pressure Adaptation throughout Pregnancy2023May, Linda E.StudentECU
Influence of Exercise Type on Maternal Blood Pressure Adaptation throughout Pregnancy2023Johnston, Carol A.StudentECU
Influence of Exercise Type on Maternal Blood Pressure Adaptation throughout Pregnancy2023Strom, Cody StudentECU
Influence of Exercise Type on Maternal Blood Pressure Adaptation throughout Pregnancy2023McDonald, Samantha StudentECU
Influence of family and work experience on occupational aspirations of adolescents : a path ...1993Ok, Kyunghee StudentHuman Environmental Sciences, UNCG
The Influence of Fear and Efficacy Appeals on Motivation, Test Anxiety, and Test Performance...2023Draughn, Jeremy StudentECU
The influence of gender on the level of human need fulfillment2023Moore, Hope SylvainStudentECU
Influence of geographical orientation, beach shelter, and seasonality on beach behavior in t...2023P{acute}erez-S{acute}anchez, Naomy. StudentECU
Influence of Gestational Exercise on One-Month Infant Resting Autonomic and Cardiac Control2023Schneider, Taylor StudentECU
The Influence of High-Stakes Accountability Policy on Teacher Job Satisfaction and Turnover2023Curtiss, Caroline StudentECU
Influence Of Human Activity On The Stress-Hormone Levels And Nestling Growth Of Wild Breedin...2016Mroz, Kylee StudentBiology - Student, ASU
Influence of hydrology and related variables on primary productivity along an environmental ...2023Hook, Paul B.StudentECU
The influence of hydroperiod on competitive interactions among larval anurans2023Rogers, Tracy Noel.StudentECU
The influence of impact-based severe weather warnings on risk perceptions and intended prote...2018Potter, Sally H.,Kreft,Peter V.,Milojev,Petar,Noble,Chris,Montz,StudentECU
The influence of individual and team goals on cohesion and performance in youth bowling1992Frierman, Steven HowardStudentHealth and Human Performance, UNCG
The influence of induced positive emotion upon the play behavior of 5-year-old children1973Kerr, Roby M.StudentHome Economics, UNCG
The Influence of Instructor Behaviors and the Perceived Motivational Climate on Undergraduat...2023Moore, Whitney G.StudentECU
The Influence of Instructor Behaviors and the Perceived Motivational Climate on Undergraduat...2023Wineinger, Troy O.StudentECU
The Influence of Instructor Behaviors and the Perceived Motivational Climate on Undergraduat...2023Fry, Mary D.StudentECU
The influence of Marshal Pilsudski on Poland's political development (1926-1935)1960Helms, Martha StudentHistory, UNCG
The Influence of Maternal Aerobic Exercise, Blood DHA and EPA Concentrations on Maternal Lip...2023Kew, Kimberly A.StudentECU
The Influence of Maternal Aerobic Exercise, Blood DHA and EPA Concentrations on Maternal Lip...2023Houmard, Joseph A.StudentECU
The Influence of Maternal Aerobic Exercise, Blood DHA and EPA Concentrations on Maternal Lip...2023Tulis, David A.StudentECU
The Influence of Maternal Aerobic Exercise, Blood DHA and EPA Concentrations on Maternal Lip...2023Pawlak, Roman StudentECU
The Influence of Maternal Aerobic Exercise, Blood DHA and EPA Concentrations on Maternal Lip...2023Newton, Edward StudentECU
The Influence of Maternal Aerobic Exercise, Blood DHA and EPA Concentrations on Maternal Lip...2023May, Linda E.StudentECU
Influence of Maternal Exercise on Fetal Heart Response During Labor and Delivery2023Fang, Xiangming StudentECU
The Influence of Maternal Exercise Type on Heart Measures at One Month2023Jones, Dominique StudentECU
Influence of maternal physical exercise on fetal and maternal heart rate responses2019Roldan-Reoyo, O.,Pelaez,M.,Barakat,R. StudentECU
Influence Of Maternal Training Modes On Offspring Heart Outcomes2023Holden, Olivia M.StudentECU
Influence of Measles-Mumps-Rubella Vaccine Series Initiation and Completion on Influenza Vac...2023Cortright, Lindsay StudentECU
Influence of Measles-Mumps-Rubella Vaccine Series Initiation and Completion on Influenza Vac...2023Buckman, Cierra StudentECU
Influence of Measles-Mumps-Rubella Vaccine Series Initiation and Completion on Influenza Vac...2023Tumin, Dmitry StudentECU
Influence of Measles-Mumps-Rubella Vaccine Series Initiation and Completion on Influenza Vac...2023Syed, Salma StudentECU
Influence of Measles-Mumps-Rubella Vaccine Series Initiation and Completion on Influenza Vac...2023Beeninga, F. TrentStudentECU
Influence of mental health stigma on behavioral health evaluations2021Taylor, Stephanie LeighStudentPsychology, WCU
Influence of Micronutrient Intake, Sociodemographic, and Behavioral Factors on Periodontal S...2023Murata, Ramiro MendonçaStudentECU
Influence of Micronutrient Intake, Sociodemographic, and Behavioral Factors on Periodontal S...2023Pardi, Vanessa StudentECU
Influence of Micronutrient Intake, Sociodemographic, and Behavioral Factors on Periodontal S...2023Costa, Patrícia D.StudentECU
Influence of Micronutrient Intake, Sociodemographic, and Behavioral Factors on Periodontal S...2023Canaan, Juliana Cristina ReisStudentECU
Influence of Micronutrient Intake, Sociodemographic, and Behavioral Factors on Periodontal S...2023Castelo, Paula M.StudentECU
Influence of Micronutrient Intake, Sociodemographic, and Behavioral Factors on Periodontal S...2023Fonseca, Douglas CampideliStudentECU
Influence of Micronutrient Intake, Sociodemographic, and Behavioral Factors on Periodontal S...2023Pereira-Dourado, Stela MárciaStudentECU
Influence of Micronutrient Intake, Sociodemographic, and Behavioral Factors on Periodontal S...2023Pereira, Luciano JoséStudentECU
The influence of a motivational interviewing based computerized screening assessment on vete...2023Putts, Matthew R.StudentECU
The influence of north, east, south, and west exposures on plant community composition aroun...1970Curtis, John StoneStudentBiology, UNCG
The Influence of Orthodontic Appliances on Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Velopharynx2023Schleif, Eshan StudentECU
The influence of Parisian popular entertainment on the piano works of Erik Satie and Francis...1996McKinney, David ConleyStudentMusic, UNCG
Influence of Perivascular Adipose Tissue on Central Arterial Mechanics and Hemodynamics: A P...2023Huda, Fatma TahsinStudentECU
Influence of Perivascular Adipose Tissue on Central Arterial Mechanics and Hemodynamics: A P...2020Huda, Fatma StudentECU
Influence of Permeable Interlocking Concrete Paver Performance on Infiltration and Temperatu...2023Farley, Lori StudentECU
Influence of Permeable Interlocking Concrete Paver Performance on Infiltration and Temperatu...2023Farley, Lori StudentECU
Influence of personality on learning and related processes among nonclinical panickers1994Richman, Harvey StudentPsychology, UNCG
The Influence of Potentially Morally Injurious Experiences on the Stigma of Seeking Professi...2023Griffith, Ashley MStudentECU
The Influence of Potentially Morally Injurious Experiences on the Stigma of Seeking Professi...2023Griffith, Ashley MStudentECU
The influence of rate of behavior and predictability of rate conditions on observer accuracy...1982Kapust, Jeffry AllanStudentPsychology, UNCG
The influence of resistance exercise training on the levels of anxiety in ischemic stroke2012Aidar, Felipe José,de Oliveira,Ricardo Jacó,Silva,António JosStudentECU
The Influence of Resistance Exercise Training on the Levels of Anxiety in Ischemic Stroke2012Mazini Filho, Mauro LúcioStudentECU
The Influence of Resistance Exercise Training on the Levels of Anxiety in Ischemic Stroke2012Hickner, Robert C.StudentECU
The Influence of Resistance Exercise Training on the Levels of Anxiety in Ischemic Stroke2012Machado Reis, Victor StudentECU
The Influence of Resistance Exercise Training on the Levels of Anxiety in Ischemic Stroke2012Aidar, Felipe JoséStudentECU
The Influence of Resistance Exercise Training on the Levels of Anxiety in Ischemic Stroke2012de Oliveira, Ricardo JacóStudentECU
The Influence of Resistance Exercise Training on the Levels of Anxiety in Ischemic Stroke2012Silva, António JoséStudentECU
The Influence of Resistance Exercise Training on the Levels of Anxiety in Ischemic Stroke2012de Matos, Dihogo GamaStudentECU
Influence of Resistance Exercise Volume on Serum Growth Hormone and Cortisol Concentrations ...1996Triplett, N. Travis FacultyHealth and Exercise Science, ASU
The influence of selected social variables on the achievement of elementary school children ...1982Hansley, Clementine Elizabeth BarberStudentHome Economics, UNCG
The influence of sensory and motor set on early attention-sensitive VERs1987Oakley, Marta Valerie Tlapova'StudentPsychology, UNCG
The Influence of Strength and Power on the 40s Muscle Endurance Test Performance2009Triplett, N. Travis FacultyHealth and Exercise Science, ASU
Influence of testosterone on comb development in embryonic and young chicks2023Holt, Thomas Manning.StudentECU
Influence of Trait Mindfulness on COVID-19 Anxiety in College Students2023Chan, Victoria StudentECU
Influence of underlying geology on beach erosion :Onslow Beach, North Carolina2023Filardi, Mark P.StudentECU
The influence of values and self-concept on gender differences in occupational aspiration le...1985Brown, Myrna Kay TroxlerStudentEducation, UNCG
Influence of virtual reality height exposure on cognitive load and visual processing during ...2023Herman, Callie StudentECU
Influence of zinc supplementation on protein utilization in young rats1977Motsinger, Brenda McAdamsStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Influences of benzoyl derivatives on the embryological development of Tribolium confusum2023Oakley, William E.(William Ennis)StudentECU
Influences of energy conservation education on attitudes and behaviors of selected youths in...1981McCutcheon, Linda FlowersStudentHome Economics, UNCG
The Influences of Information Technology Organizational Performance in Higher Education2008Creasey, Wendy StudentECU
The influences of leaders and organizational cultures in sustained multi-agency community co...2014Vidotto, Julie StudentHuman Services, WCU
Influences of TP53 and the anti-aging DDR1 receptor in controlling Raf/MEK/ERK and PI3K/Akt ...2023McCubrey, James A.StudentECU
Influences on the early development of general health knowledge in young children1992Clark, Kathryn SummersStudentHuman Environmental Sciences, UNCG
Influences on the identification of wives with the Air Force organization : an examination o...1985Beeson, Gilbert W.StudentHome Economics, UNCG
Influential factors in career orientation and career aspiration of early adolescent females1995Rainey, Leslie MartinStudentEducation, UNCG
Informal Care Giving: Cross-Cultural Applicability of the Person-Environment Model2009Rosenberg, Ed FacultySociology, ASU
Information Literacy and Global Readiness: Library Involvement Can Make a World of Differenc...2010Whitehurst, Angela FacultyECU
Information Moshing: Open Educational Resources\; What they are, Where they are, and What ca...2023Seibert, Heather StudentECU
Information on home furnishings for potential television programs designed to meet the inter...1959Griswold, Peggy BrittStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Information-seeking as a function of locus of control and situational control1974Daughtry, Timothy C.StudentPsychology, UNCG
The Infuence of Political Regime on State-Level Disciplinary Actions of CPAs Sanctioned by t...2023Dickins, Denise StudentECU
The Infuence of Political Regime on State-Level Disciplinary Actions of CPAs Sanctioned by t...2023Al-Moshaigeh, Abdullah StudentECU
The Infuence of Political Regime on State-Level Disciplinary Actions of CPAs Sanctioned by t...2023Higgs, Julia L.StudentECU
Infusing assistive technology into instruction : a teaching program for teacher candidates2023Myrick, Katheryne RhysStudentECU
“The Ingenious Unravelling of Evidence”: Empathy, Extinction, and Wells’s The Croquet Player...2023Feder, Helena StudentECU
The inglorious revolution of 16852023Quintanilla, Mark S.StudentECU
Inheritability of the “Athlete’s Paradox”2023Krassovskaia, Polina StudentECU
Inhibition of Autoimmune Diabetes in NOD Mice by miRNA Therapy.2015Wang, Duncheng,Shanina,Iryna,Toyofuku,Wendy M.,Horwitz,Marc S.,Scott,Mark D.StudentECU
Inhibition of CD44 intracellular domain production suppresses bovine articular chondrocyte d...2019Sobue, Yasumori,Takahashi,Nobunori,Ohashi,Yoshifumi,Suzuk StudentECU
Inhibition of histone acetyltransferase (HAT) activity by HBZ extends beyond the p300/CBP HA...2014Wright, Diana GStudentECU
Inhibition of histone acetyltransferase (HAT) activity by HBZ extends beyond the p300/CBP HA...2014Lemasson, Isabelle StudentECU
Inhibition of histone acetyltransferase (HAT) activity by HBZ extends beyond the p300/CBP HA...2014Polakowski, Nicholas StudentECU
Inhibition of vascular smooth muscle growth via signaling crosstalk between amp-activated pr...2012Stone, Joshua Daniel,Narine,Avinash,Tulis,David AnthonyStudentECU
Inhibitory and oxidative effects of gossypol on MCF7 Breast Cancer cells in vitro2023Winfrey, William BrandonStudentECU
Iniquities2023Nelson, Rose StudentECU
The initial changes in oxygen consumption of Fundulus Heteroclitus due to combined changes o...2023O'Rear, Charles W.StudentECU
Initial characterization of the genomic structure of the human mitochondrial elongation fact...2023Burr, Patrick C.StudentECU
Initial characterization of the genomic structure of the human mitochondrial elongation fact...2023Burr, Patrick C.StudentECU
The injective envelope of the n x n upper triangular matrix ring over a field1970Bray, Elizabeth EdithStudentMathematics, UNCG
Injective modules over commutative noetherian rings1974Staton, James BrooksStudentMathematics, UNCG
Injuries of the mind, body, and soul : an exploration of moral injury among military servic...2023Richardson, Natalie MStudentECU
Inland steam navigation in North Carolina, 1818-19002023Sloan, Thomas H.StudentECU
An Innovative Use of Twitter to Disseminate and Promote Medical Student Scholarship During t...2023Allen, Gary StudentECU
An Innovative Use of Twitter to Disseminate and Promote Medical Student Scholarship During t...2023Garris, Jenna StudentECU
An Innovative Use of Twitter to Disseminate and Promote Medical Student Scholarship During t...2023Lawson, Luan StudentECU
An Innovative Use of Twitter to Disseminate and Promote Medical Student Scholarship During t...2023Reeder, Timothy StudentECU
An Innovative Use of Twitter to Disseminate and Promote Medical Student Scholarship During t...2023Crotty, Jennifer StudentECU
An Innovative Use of Twitter to Disseminate and Promote Medical Student Scholarship During t...2023Hannan, Johanna StudentECU
An Innovative Use of Twitter to Disseminate and Promote Medical Student Scholarship During t...2023Brewer, Kori StudentECU
Inpatient Outcomes of Dieulafoy’s Lesions in the United States2023Ali, Hassam StudentECU
Inpatient Outcomes of Dieulafoy’s Lesions in the United States2023Pamarthy, Rahul StudentECU
Inpatient Outcomes of Dieulafoy’s Lesions in the United States2023Farooq, Muhammad FahdStudentECU
Inpatient Outcomes of Dieulafoy’s Lesions in the United States2023Eslam, Ali StudentECU
Inpatient Outcomes of Dieulafoy’s Lesions in the United States2023Bolick, Nicole LeighStudentECU
Inpatient Outcomes of Dieulafoy’s Lesions in the United States2023Farooq, Muhammad HassanStudentECU
Inpatient Rehabilitation Services and Physical Activity Level2023Overman, Carley BStudentECU
An inquiry into the attitudes of a selected group of African Americans towards the portrayal...1992Costello, Jane HuntStudentEducation, UNCG
An inquiry into food price information : specials and nonspecials1984Shell, Adeline GarnerStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Inquiry: A Pedagogy for Personal Empowerment, Collaboration, and Democracy2023Simon, Ken StudentECU
Inservice workshop for high school physics teachers : an evaluation1989Carroll, Terry NealStudentEducation, UNCG
Insights From Three Online Art Educators: Strategies for Instruction, Interaction, and Asses...2023Song, Borim StudentECU
Insights From Three Online Art Educators: Strategies for Instruction, Interaction, and Asses...2023Lim, Kyungeun StudentECU
Insights From Three Online Art Educators: Strategies for Instruction, Interaction, and Asses...2023Kwon, Hyunji StudentECU
Insights into Diversity in the Environmental Health Science Workforce2023Balanay, Jo AnneStudentECU
Insights into Diversity in the Environmental Health Science Workforce2023Richards, Stephanie LStudentECU
Insights into the Evolution of Environmental Health2009Kelley, Timothy FacultyECU
Insights into Zika Virus History, Human Health Effects, and Control Measures2016Kelley, Tim,Richrds,Stephanie StudentECU
Instar sizes and growth in the Middle Permian monuran Dasyleptus brongniarti (Insecta: Machi...2005Heckert, Andrew B. FacultyGeology, ASU
Instigative aggression: traditional versus liberal sex roles1976Nirenberg, Theodore D.StudentPsychology, UNCG
Instituting Change in Blood Clot Prophylaxis Protocol for Perioperative Patients2023Searcy, Katherine StudentECU
Institutional effectiveness : a handbook for program implementation by members of the Accred...1995Wilburn, Howard L.StudentEducation, UNCG
Institutional Ownership Stability and Dividend Payout Policy2023Ngo, Thanh StudentECU
Institutional relocation : examination of effects and efficacy of two preparatory training p...1980Nirenberg, Theodore D.StudentPsychology, UNCG
Instructional and career guidance in STEM: an improvement initiative to create opportunities...2017Belcher, Aaron HeathStudentHuman Services, WCU
Instructional and trial durations in conditional discrimination1988Cooper, Lee DavidStudentPsychology, UNCG
An instructional manual for high school and beginning curling1971Moore, Judith A.StudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
Instructions for Uploading to The ScholarShip2023Tillman, Janet DStudentECU
Instructions for Uploading to The ScholarShip2023Tillman, Jan StudentECU
An instrument for use in selecting supplementary materials from fiction to illuminate the we...1943Lindsay, Etta MildredStudentEducation, UNCG
Insulin in the nervous system and the mind: Functions in metabolism, memory, and mood2016Lee, Seung-Hwan,Zabolotny,Janice,Huang,Hu,Lee,Hyon,Kim, StudentECU
Insulin Resistance Is Not Sustained Following Denervation in Glycolytic Skeletal Muscle2023McMillin, Shawna L.StudentECU
Insulin Resistance Is Not Sustained Following Denervation in Glycolytic Skeletal Muscle2023Stanley, Erin C.StudentECU
Insulin Resistance Is Not Sustained Following Denervation in Glycolytic Skeletal Muscle2023Weyrauch, Luke A.StudentECU
Insulin Resistance Is Not Sustained Following Denervation in Glycolytic Skeletal Muscle2023Brault, Jeffrey J.StudentECU
Insulin Resistance Is Not Sustained Following Denervation in Glycolytic Skeletal Muscle2023Kahn, Barbara B.StudentECU
Insulin Resistance Is Not Sustained Following Denervation in Glycolytic Skeletal Muscle2023Witczak, Carol A.StudentECU
Insulin secretion of the adult porcine pancreatic islets of Langerhans in short term culture...2023Gainey, Glenn M.StudentECU
Insulin stimulates lactate production in subcutaneous, omental and preperitoneal adipocytes ...2023Kehoskie, Marilyn J.StudentECU
Insulin/IGF1-PI3K-Dependent Nucleolar Localization of a Glycolytic Enzyme – Phosphoglycerate...2023McCubrey, James A.StudentECU
Insulin/IGF1-PI3K-dependent nucleolar localization of a glycolytic enzyme – phosphoglycerate...2023Gizak, Agnieszka StudentECU
Insulin/IGF1-PI3K-dependent nucleolar localization of a glycolytic enzyme – phosphoglycerate...2023Grenda, Marcin StudentECU
Insulin/IGF1-PI3K-dependent nucleolar localization of a glycolytic enzyme – phosphoglycerate...2023Mamczur, Piotr StudentECU
Insulin/IGF1-PI3K-dependent nucleolar localization of a glycolytic enzyme – phosphoglycerate...2023Wisniewski, Janusz StudentECU
Insulin/IGF1-PI3K-dependent nucleolar localization of a glycolytic enzyme – phosphoglycerate...2023Sucharsk, Filip StudentECU
Insulin/IGF1-PI3K-dependent nucleolar localization of a glycolytic enzyme – phosphoglycerate...2023Silberring, Jerzy StudentECU
Insulin/IGF1-PI3K-dependent nucleolar localization of a glycolytic enzyme – phosphoglycerate...2023McCubrey, James A.StudentECU
Insulin/IGF1-PI3K-dependent nucleolar localization of a glycolytic enzyme – phosphoglycerate...2023Wisniewski, Jacek R.StudentECU
Insulin/IGF1-PI3K-dependent nucleolar localization of a glycolytic enzyme – phosphoglycerate...2023Rakus, Dariusz StudentECU
Insurance Status Differences in Weight Loss and Regain Over 5 Years Following Bariatric Surg...2023Pories, Walter J.StudentECU
An Integrated Approach to Policy Transfer and Diffusion2002Newmark, Adam J FacultyGovernment and Justice Studies, ASU
An Integrated Assessment System Model for Supporting a Large-scale Teacher Preparation Progr...2023Lys, Diana StudentECU
An Integrated Assessment System Model for Supporting a Large-scale Teacher Preparation Progr...2023Dobson, Ellen E.StudentECU
An Integrated Individual Environmental Exposure Assessment System for Real-Time Mobile Sensi...2023Park, Yoo MinStudentECU
An Integrated Individual Environmental Exposure Assessment System for Real-Time Mobile Sensi...2023Wang, Jue StudentECU
An Integrated Individual Environmental Exposure Assessment System for Real-Time Mobile Sensi...2023Kou, Lirong StudentECU
An Integrated Individual Environmental Exposure Assessment System for Real-Time Mobile Sensi...2023Kwan, Mei-Po StudentECU
An Integrated Individual Environmental Exposure Assessment System for Real-Time Mobile Sensi...2023Shakespeare, Rebecca MarieStudentECU
An Integrated Individual Environmental Exposure Assessment System for Real-Time Mobile Sensi...2023Lee, Kangjae StudentECU
An Integrated Method for Monitoring Material Transport in a Coupled Land-Estuary System Foll...2023Brown, Matthew M.StudentECU
Integrated Small RNA and mRNA Expression Profiles Reveal miRNAs and Their Target Genes in Re...2023Zhang, Baohong StudentECU
Integrated Use of PD-1 Inhibition and Transarterial Chemoembolization for Hepatocellular Car...2023Muzaffar, Mahvish StudentECU
Integrated Use of PD-1 Inhibition and Transarterial Chemoembolization for Hepatocellular Car...2023Marinelli, Brett StudentECU
Integrating Digital/Mobile Learning Strategies With Students in the Classroom at the Histori...2018Osler, James FacultySchool of Education , NCCU
Integrating Environmental Health Sciences Research, Teaching, and Service2023Humphrey, Charles PittmanStudentECU
Integrating Lean, Green, and Resilience Criteria in a Sustainable Food Supply Chain Planning...2023Das, Kanchan StudentECU
Integrating Lean, Green, and Resilience Criteria in a Sustainable Food Supply Chain Planning...2023Das, Kanchan StudentECU
Integrating a QR Code Identification System for First Responders and Families Within Special...2023Beck, Taylor StudentECU
Integrating science and society issues into physical science2023Williams, Lola M.StudentECU
Integrating spirituality and religion into counseling : a guide to competent practice1994Cashwell, Craig S.StudentCounseling and Educational Development, UNCG
Integrating Sustainability in the Design and Planning of Supply Chains2023Das, Kanchan StudentECU
The integration of acquisitions and mergers : an interpretive inquiry1991Dodgen, Loretta PateStudentEducation, UNCG
An integrative approach to the study of social competence in adolescence1992Lenhart, Lisa AnneStudentPsychology, UNCG
Integrative Health Coaching: An Organizational Case Study2011Caldwell, Karen FacultyHuman Development & Psychological Counseling, ASU
Integrative Praxes: Learning from Multiple Knowledge Formations2001Carp, Richard M. FacultyPast faculty member, ASU
An Integrative Review of Physical Activity in Adults with Inflammatory Bowel Disease2023Bolin, Linda P.StudentECU
An Integrative Review of Physical Activity in Adults with Inflammatory Bowel Disease2023Davis, Suja P.StudentECU
An Integrative Review of Physical Activity in Adults with Inflammatory Bowel Disease2023Crane, Patricia B.StudentECU
An Integrative Review of Physical Activity in Adults with Inflammatory Bowel Disease2023Johnson, Lee AnnStudentECU
Integumental morphology and the response to prolactin in the slimy salamander, Plethodon chl...2023Howard, Carolyn. StudentECU
Intellectual Treasure Hunting: Measuring Effects of Treasure Salvors on Spanish Colonial Shi...2023Price, Melissa RaeStudentECU
Intelligence problems in the case of Iwo Jima2023Moore, Jeff M.StudentECU
Intensity and frequency of children's fears1995Crawford, Susan StemplesStudentEducation, UNCG
Intensive Care Unit Joint Commission Remediation Plan 20212023Tilley, Chelsea StudentECU
The Intensive Diet and Exercise for Arthritis (IDEA) Trial: 18-Month Radiographic and MRI Ou...2023DeVita, Paul,1955- StudentECU
Intentional Weight Loss in Overweight and Obese Patients With Knee Osteoarthritis: Is More B...2023DeVita, Paul,1955- StudentECU
An inter-cultural comparative study on elementary science teachers' perceptions of their beh...2023Shimiza, Kinya StudentECU
The interacting effects of hybridization and breeding systems in two species of Leptosiphon ...2023Ness, Jennifer M.StudentECU
The Interaction Between BMI, Weight Criticism, Weight Bias and Psychological and Relational ...2023Carels, Robert A.StudentECU
The Interaction Between BMI, Weight Criticism, Weight Bias and Psychological and Relational ...2023Miller, J. CarolineStudentECU
The Interaction Between BMI, Weight Criticism, Weight Bias and Psychological and Relational ...2023Hlavka, Reid StudentECU
The Interaction Between BMI, Weight Criticism, Weight Bias and Psychological and Relational ...2023Shonrock, Abigail MTStudentECU
The interaction of laser radiation with epithelial and dermal tissue2023Cariveau, Mickael J.StudentECU
The interaction of laser radiation with epithelial and dermal tissue2023Cariveau, Mickael J.StudentECU
The interaction of learning styles with learner control treatments in an interactive videodi...1989Burwell, Lawrence BarrettStudentEducation, UNCG
Interactions Among Hosts, Parasites, and Mercury with Changes in Salinity2023Lukas, Laura StudentECU
Interactions of the adenovirus E1B-55KD and E4-34KD proteins reveal a novel property of the ...2023Johnson, Milissa D.StudentECU
Interactions of benthic communities and material fluxes across the sediment-water interface ...2023Dailey, Susan K.StudentECU
Interactions of benthic communities and material fluxes across the sediment-water interface ...2023Dailey, Susan K.StudentECU
Interactions of variants of the host blue-green bacterium Anacystis nidulans with a variant ...1977Brown, Anne HowardStudentBiology, UNCG
Interactive hypermedia : a comparative study of the effects of real-time motion videodisc ve...1991Meshot, Carole JeanStudentEducation, UNCG
The interactive processes of leader vision alignment and team functioning in a temporary emp...1991Colgan, Malinda BeasleyStudentEducation, UNCG
Interactive public "art-chitecture": engaging the city and its inhabitants2010Isaac Lara, Adriana StudentInterior Architecture, UNCG
Interannual Winter Site Fidelity for Yellow and Black Rails2023Kephart, Bailey StudentECU
Interannual Winter Site Fidelity for Yellow and Black Rails2023Butler, Christopher J.StudentECU
Interchange1972Pritchett, Doris DavisStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
Interclutch variability in egg characteristics in two species of rail: Is maternal identity ...2023McRae, Susan B.StudentECU
Interclutch variability in egg characteristics in two species of rail: Is maternal identity ...2023Johnson, Emily W.StudentECU
Interclutch Variability in Egg Characteristics in Two Species of Rail: Is Maternal Identity ...2023Johnson, Emily W.StudentECU
Interclutch Variability in Egg Characteristics in Two Species of Rail: Is Maternal Identity ...2023McRae, Susan B.StudentECU
Intercultural Contact, Communication Apprehension, and Social Perspective Taking2023Cavanaugh, S. AustinStudentECU
Interdepartmental sharing of resources in a small university : a curriculum planning case st...1983Boyd, Nellie BrownStudentEducation, UNCG
Interdependence of Non-Overlapping Cortical Systems in Dual Cognitive Tasks2001Emery, Lisa FacultyPsychology, ASU
Interdisciplinary Diabetes Care: A New Model for Inpatient Diabetes Education2015Hardee, Sandra G.,Osborne,Kim Crickmore,Njuguna,Njeri,Allis,DustiStudentECU
Interest in a Twitter-Delivered Weight Loss Program Among Women of Childbearing Age2023Whited, Matthew C.StudentECU
Interest, Challenge, Choice, and Enjoyment for the Gifted Learner2023Blanchard, Katherine A.StudentECU
Interface I for horn and orchestra1975Follas, Ronald WilliamStudentMusic, UNCG
An intergenerational study of value socialization in a low-income Appalachian subculture1988Robertson, Elizabeth B.StudentHuman Environmental Sciences, UNCG
Intergenerational transmission of self-esteem : parental determinants and consequences for r...1994Dechman, Kimberly S. KleinStudentHuman Environmental Sciences, UNCG
Intergenerational Trauma in African and Native American Literatures2023Craddock, Tina StudentECU
Intergovernmental relations and the advocacy coalition framework: the operation of federalis...1998Ellison, Brian A. FacultyPast faculty member, ASU
Interior studies1978Smith, Clare PurcellStudentArt, UNCG
Interleukin-11 regulation of gene expression and signal transduction in 3T3-L1 adipocytes2023Tenney, Raleigh E.StudentECU
Intermediation: Arts' Contribution to General Integrative Theory1999Carp, Richard M. FacultyPast faculty member, ASU
Internal Control for Private Clubs2019Rehkopf, Ed FacultyHospitality and Tourism Administration, NCCU
Internal Landscapes2023Purcell, Lauren NStudentECU
Internal/external occupational status congruence and life/job satisfaction of southern low-i...1984Farris, M. CynthiaStudentHome Economics, UNCG
International evidence of tax smoothing in a panel of industrial countries2002Strazicich, Mark FacultyEconomics, ASU
International involvement in the Congo labyrinth1964Stephans, Patsy RouthStudentHistory, UNCG
International Society of Sports Nutrition Position Stand: nutritional considerations for sin...2019Tiller, Nicholas B,Roberts,Justin D,Beasley,Liam,Chapman,Shaun,PintStudentECU
International Society of Sports Nutrition Position Stand: nutritional considerations for sin...2019Tiller, Nicholas B.,Roberts,Justin D.,Beasley,Liam,Chapman,Shaun,PiStudentECU
The international student in the University of North Carolina1985VanSant, Flora McDonaldStudentEducation, UNCG
International Students in US Colleges and Universities : Eating Habits, Cultural Identity, a...2023Noyongoyo, Boniface StudentECU
The International Trade and Fishery Management of Spiny dogfish (Squalus Acanthias) in Light...2014Dell'Apa, Andrea StudentECU
International Trends and Techniques Used to Teach Studio Art Courses Through Distance Educat...2009Sheldon, Kathryn ElizabethStudentECU
The Internet Never Forgets: Image-Based Sexual Abuse and the Workplace2021Rood, Melody FacultyUniversity Libraries, UNCG
Internet-Based Interventions for Traumatic Stress-Related Mental Health Problems: A Review a...2009Broman-Fulks, Joshua FacultyPsychology, ASU
Internship in applied and development anthropology : Catholic charities of Tennessee refugee...2023McInnis, Leila WStudentECU
Interoperability of Information Systems Managed and Used by the Local Health Departments2023Luo, Huabin StudentECU
The interpenetration of form and the ordering of the resulting fragmentation1973Jarvis, Judith JaneStudentArt, UNCG
Interplay1972Stubbs, Carolyn CardwellStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
An interpretation of movement education developed from curriculum critical theory1988Clayton, Lurah BrendaStudentHealth, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, UNCG
Interpretations of Oliver Cromwell, 1647-19701971Lloyd, Anne StephanieStudentHistory, UNCG
An interpretative essay concerning six works of art1978James, Walton BurtonStudentArt, UNCG
An interpretative essay concerning twelve paintings1952Porter, Raiford MillerStudentArt, UNCG
Interpreting God’s Truth: A Postmodern Interpretation of Medieval Epistemology2002Koch, Andrew MFacultyGovernment and Justice Studies, ASU
Interpreting the Intentions of Internet Predators: An Examination of Online Predatory Behavi...2007Marcum, Cathy FacultyGovernment and Justice Studies, ASU
Interpreting a three years' homemaking program in a rural high school to the community throu...1951Eller, Daphne StudentHome Economics, UNCG
An interpretive analysis of elementary teachers' conceptions of caring1986Gray, Mary Ann C.StudentEducation, UNCG
An interpretive analysis of some basic assumptions of academic advising at a large universit...1985Carter, Margaret SandorStudentEducation, UNCG
An interpretive analysis of teacher expectations in early childhood education1985Arnold, Genevieve HunterStudentEducation, UNCG
An interpretive inquiry into Chinese educators' reflections and perceptions of the Chinese u...1991Liu, Baoshan StudentEducation, UNCG
An interpretive inquiry into the consciousness of special educators : the search for dignity...1985Keller, Virginia ZempStudentEducation, UNCG
An interpretive inquiry into psycho-social development of students with learning disabilitie...1995Bailey, Patricia L.StudentEducation, UNCG
An interpretive inquiry into socialization and developmental processes concurrent with prese...1989Bowers, Rebecca SueStudentEducation, UNCG
An interpretive inquiry into student teachers' reflections on instruction1991Spooner, Melba McCallStudentEducation, UNCG
An interpretive inquiry into using adolescent literature to inform pre-service teachers abou...1989Degni, Suzanne M.StudentEducation, UNCG
An interpretive inquiry into the world of the teacher1979Rubio, Carmelo AlbertStudentEducation, UNCG
An interpretive inquiry of preservice teachers' reflections and development during a field-b...1992Sebren, Mary AbbStudentHealth and Human Performance, UNCG
An interpretive inquiry of the professional life histories of selected women dance/physical ...1992Clark, Dawn StudentHealth and Human Performance, UNCG
Interprofessional collaborative project for the diagnosis, assessment, and treatment of cont...2016Bean, Christopher StudentECU
Interprofessional obesity treatment: An exploration of current literature and practice2023Eliot, Kathrin StudentECU
Interprofessional obesity treatment: An exploration of current literature and practice2023Cuff, Patricia StudentECU
Interprofessional obesity treatment: An exploration of current literature and practice2023Firnhaber, Gina StudentECU
Interprofessional obesity treatment: An exploration of current literature and practice2023Kolasa, Kathryn MStudentECU
Interracial/intergender versus Intra-racial/intragender Antagonism in Postcolonial Literatur...2023Valcin, Mariot,Jr StudentECU
Interrelated role of Notch signaling and mTORC pathways in prostate cancer cell survival and...2023Nutter, Jennifer MakenzieStudentECU
Interrelationships of light and space within the still-life painting and the figure drawing1976Williams, Gretchen Van LoonStudentArt, UNCG
Interrupted versus uninterrupted story reading to preschool children1983Anderson, Anna MarieStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Interventional- and Amputation-Stage Muscle Proteomes in the Chronically Threatened Ischemic...2023Green, Thomas D.StudentECU
Interventional- and Amputation-Stage Muscle Proteomes in the Chronically Threatened Ischemic...2023Karnekar, Reema StudentECU
Interventional- and Amputation-Stage Muscle Proteomes in the Chronically Threatened Ischemic...2023Fisher-Wellman, Kelsey H.StudentECU
Interventional- and Amputation-Stage Muscle Proteomes in the Chronically Threatened Ischemic...2023Yamaguchi, Dean J.StudentECU
Interventional- and Amputation-Stage Muscle Proteomes in the Chronically Threatened Ischemic...2023McClung, Joseph M.StudentECU
Interventions for Child and Adolescent Depression: Do Professional Therapists Produce Better...2005Huelsman, Timothy FacultyPsychology, ASU
Interventions for Child and Adolescent Depression: Do Professional Therapists Produce Better...2005Michael, Kurt D.FacultyPsychology, ASU
An Interview with Yotburd : Creating as a Collector2023Lechtenberg, Zachery StudentECU
The Intimate Partner Violence Stigma Scale: Initial Development and Validation2023Crowe, Allison StudentECU
The Intimate Partner Violence Stigma Scale: Initial Development and Validation2023Overstreet, Nicole M.StudentECU
The Intimate Partner Violence Stigma Scale: Initial Development and Validation2023Murray, Christine E.StudentECU
Intimate Partner Violence: Satisficing or Maximizing? Examining Indicators of Relationship C...2023Lancaster, Morgan StudentECU
Into the Fire!2023Breitinger, Rachel LeahStudentECU
Intonation tendencies of selected university flute, oboe, and clarinet players1989Church, Ray EdwardStudentMusic, UNCG
Intra-modality selective attention to dioptically- and dichoptically-presented patterns and ...1974Wilson, Lynda ElizabethStudentPsychology, UNCG
Intracoastal waterway of North Carolina :a study in recreational geography2023Mortimer, Frederick Craig.StudentECU
Intraoperative Eye Care: A DNP Project2023Samuel, Savannah StudentECU
intraoperative Radiotherapy for Breast Cancer2017Harris, Eleanor E. R.,Small,William Jr.StudentECU
Intratracheal instillation of silver nanoparticles exacerbates cardiac ischemia/reperfusion ...2023Holland, Nathan A.StudentECU
Intravenously delivered graphene nanosheets and multiwalled carbon nanotubes induce site-spe...2013Wang, Xiaojia,Podila,Ramakrishna,Shannahan,Jonathan H,Rao,Apparao M,Brown,Jared MStudentECU
Intrinsic OXPHOS Limitations Underlie Cellular Bioenergetics in Leukemia2023Nelson, Margaret AMStudentECU
Intrinsic OXPHOS Limitations Underlie Cellular Bioenergetics in Leukemia2023McLaughlin, Kelsey L.StudentECU
Intrinsic OXPHOS Limitations Underlie Cellular Bioenergetics in Leukemia2023Hagen, James T.StudentECU
Intrinsic OXPHOS Limitations Underlie Cellular Bioenergetics in Leukemia2023Coalson, Hannah S.StudentECU
Intrinsic OXPHOS Limitations Underlie Cellular Bioenergetics in Leukemia2023Schmidt, Cameron StudentECU
Intrinsic OXPHOS Limitations Underlie Cellular Bioenergetics in Leukemia2023Kassai, Miki StudentECU
Intrinsic OXPHOS Limitations Underlie Cellular Bioenergetics in Leukemia2023Kew, Kimberly A.StudentECU
Intrinsic OXPHOS Limitations Underlie Cellular Bioenergetics in Leukemia2023McClung, Joseph M.StudentECU
Intrinsic OXPHOS Limitations Underlie Cellular Bioenergetics in Leukemia2023Neufer, P. DarrellStudentECU
Introducing the global medical community to the information presented at local scientific co...2012Desai, Tejas,Fang,Xiangming,Ferris,Maria StudentECU
Introducing the global medical community to the information presented at local scientific co...2012Ferris, Maria StudentECU
Introducing the global medical community to the information presented at local scientific co...2012Fang, Xiangming StudentECU
Introducing the global medical community to the information presented at local scientific co...2012Desai, Tejas StudentECU
Introducing portable pedal machines inside a university library to reduce sedentary behavior...2023Maeda, Hotaka StudentECU
Introducing scholarly communications: A cross-departmental approach for reaching students an...2020Harlow, Sam FacultyUniversity Libraries, UNCG
Introducing scholarly communications: A cross-departmental approach for reaching students an...2020Houk, Amanda "Amy" HarrisFacultyUniversity Libraries, UNCG
Introducing scholarly communications: A cross-departmental approach for reaching students an...2020Craft, Anna R.FacultyUniversity Libraries, UNCG
Introduction of cooperative learning in one rural elementary school by the school psychologi...1992Jones, Thomas ErnestStudentEducation, UNCG
Introduction of an Electronic Mobile Device Version of an Alcohol Impairment Scale (the Hack...2023Hack, Jason B.StudentECU
Introduction of an Electronic Mobile Device Version of an Alcohol Impairment Scale (the Hack...2023Ferrante, Dennis StudentECU
Introduction of an Electronic Mobile Device Version of an Alcohol Impairment Scale (the Hack...2023Baird, Janette StudentECU
Introduction of large mesh webbing in the belly of a traditional shrimp trawl to reduce byca...2023Gearhart, Jeff. StudentECU
The introduction of Methodism into North Carolina, 1772-17851969Fripp, Gayle HicksStudentHistory and Political Science, UNCG
Introduction of a Novel Quick Reference Guide for Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists to...2023Stevens, Erin StudentECU
Introduction to Algebra and Geometry Grades 9 and 102008Houston, Johnny FacultyMathematics and Computer Science, ECSU
Introduction to E. Berkley Bowie’s Letter of January 3, 19192015Huber, Jason StudentEnglish, WCU
An introduction to the game of hex1970Simmons, Steven DanielStudentMathematics, UNCG
Introduction to Hazards Analysis, in Hazards Analysis: Reducing the Impact of Disasters - Ch...2014Pine, John FacultyGeography and Planning, ASU
Introduction to Hazards Analysis, in Hazards Analysis: Reducing the Impact of Disasters - Ch...2014Pine, John FacultyGeography and Planning, ASU
An introduction to knots and knot groups1970Supulski, Gwendolyn EvaStudentMathematics, UNCG
Introduction, technical information, catalogue, and reproductions1966Gordon, Harvey CharlesStudentArt, UNCG
Introduction: Biology and the Idea of Culture2023Feder, Helena StudentECU
Introductory Physics Labs: A Tale of Two Transformations2023Wolf, Steven FrederickStudentECU
Introductory Physics Labs: A Tale of Two Transformations2023Sprague, Mark W.StudentECU
Introspective images of the South :a study of cognition2023Lowry, James D.(James Daniel)StudentECU
An introspective inquiry into what and how preservice physical education teachers observe in...1983Allison, Pamela C.StudentHealth, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, UNCG
Intrusive Inklings: An Artist's Proposition for Invasive Species2023Trimpe, Margaret FacultyEsther G. Maynor Honors College, UNCP
Invasion History Shapes Host Transcriptomic Response to a Body-Snatching Parasite2023Blakeslee, April StudentECU
Invasion History Shapes Host Transcriptomic Response to a Body-Snatching Parasite2023Tobias, Zachary J. C.StudentECU
Invasion History Shapes Host Transcriptomic Response to a Body-Snatching Parasite2023Fowler, Amy E.StudentECU
Invasion History Shapes Host Transcriptomic Response to a Body-Snatching Parasite2023Darling, John A.StudentECU
Invasion History Shapes Host Transcriptomic Response to a Body-Snatching Parasite2023Torchin, Mark E.StudentECU
Invasion History Shapes Host Transcriptomic Response to a Body-Snatching Parasite2023Miller, A. WhitmanStudentECU
Invasion History Shapes Host Transcriptomic Response to a Body-Snatching Parasite2023Ruiz, Gregory M.StudentECU
Invasion History Shapes Host Transcriptomic Response to a Body-Snatching Parasite2023Tepolt, Carolyn K.StudentECU
Invasion of Water Hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) Is Associated with Decline in Macrophyte B...2017Abebe, Eyualem FacultyNatural Sciences, Pharmacy, & Health Professions, ECSU
Invertebrate paleontology of the Upper Triassic Snyder quarry, Chinle Group, Chama basin. ...2003Heckert, Andrew B. FacultyGeology, ASU
Investigating candidate genes for an association with skin color pattern in the mimic poison...2023White, Emily DStudentECU
Investigating candidate genes for an association with skin color pattern in the mimic poison...2020White, Emily StudentECU
Investigating the effect of ball impact location on the overhead motion in tennis during gam...2014Diaz, Ainhoa IglesiasStudentEngineering and Technology, WCU
Investigating the effects of predicted stabilizing secondary mutations in nucleotide binding...2023Taylor, Joseph DakotaStudentBiology, WCU
Investigating the Effects of Sodium Benzoate on Fat Deposition and Pharyngeal Pumping and Re...2023Vang, Jerry XaiStudentECU
Investigating the Effects of Sodium Benzoate on Fat Deposition and Pharyngeal Pumping and Re...2023Vang, Jerry XaiStudentECU
Investigating Energy Consumption of Coastal Vacation Rental Homes2023Myers, Sam StudentECU
Investigating High Energy Proton Proton Collisions with a Multi-Phase Transport Model Approa...2023Lin, Zi-Wei StudentECU
Investigating High Energy Proton Proton Collisions with a Multi-Phase Transport Model Approa...2023Zheng, Liang StudentECU
Investigating High Energy Proton Proton Collisions with a Multi-Phase Transport Model Approa...2023Zhang, Guang-Hui StudentECU
Investigating High Energy Proton Proton Collisions with a Multi-Phase Transport Model Approa...2023Liu, Yun-Fan StudentECU
Investigating High Energy Proton Proton Collisions with a Multi-Phase Transport Model Approa...2023Shou, Qi-Ye StudentECU
Investigating High Energy Proton Proton Collisions with a Multi-Phase Transport Model Approa...2023Yin, Zhong-Bao StudentECU
Investigating the Interaction of RecQL4 and Mcm10 in Drosophila melanogaster2023Rummings, Wayne Anthony,Jr.StudentECU
Investigating Intra- and Inter-Molecular Coevolution of Intrinsically Disordered Protein, Pr...2023Biscardi, Brianna StudentECU
Investigating Membrane Protection of Red Blood Cells in the Presence of Mono and Disaccharid...2020Hickman, Josie StudentECU
Investigating Non-Tight Junction Functions of Claudin-7: Regulating Large Intestine Stem Cel...2023Naser, Amna NajihStudentECU
Investigating the Performance of the Visual Oddball Paradigm in the Context of Facial Recogn...2023Abdelfattah, Basel AStudentECU
Investigating the physical properties of still life objects and figure studies1976Quick, Archie StudentArt, UNCG
Investigating Prior Mentoring Experiences of Medical Students and Its Perceived Benefits2023Wekam, Vanina StudentECU
Investigating Prior Mentoring Experiences of Medical Students and Its Perceived Benefits2023Vance-Chalcraft, Heather StudentECU
Investigating the relationship between word knowledge and cognitive ability1991Hall, Dorothy P.StudentEducation, UNCG
Investigating the Relationship Between Zetaproteobacteria and Cyanobacteria and its Implicat...2023Chamberlain, Michelle StudentECU
Investigating the Relationship Between Zetaproteobacteria and Cyanobacteria and its Implicat...2023Chamberlain, Michelle StudentECU
Investigating the reproductive migration of adult hickory shad, Alosa mediocris2023Murauskas, Joshua Graham.StudentECU
Investigating the Role of Conserved Cysteine Residues in Arabidopsis thaliana Diacylglycerol...2023Pahl, Matthew StudentECU
Investigating the role of TER94 in Drosophila melanogaster germ cells2023Gowdy, Alyssa CelineStudentECU
Investigating the role of transcription factor, Trl, during germline development in the Dros...2023Davenport, Lindsay LStudentECU
Investigating the roles of E-T coupling and social environment in the stimulus-dependent exp...2023Smith, Cameron PaulStudentECU
Investigating the Safety Challenges of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) in the Construction E...2023Khalid, Mohammad StudentECU
Investigating Scuba Divers' Attitudes To Sustainable Shipwreck Diving In North Carolina2023Duncan, James P.StudentECU
Investigating the Social-Adjustive and Value-Expressive Functions of Well-Grounded Attitudes...1995Bazzini, Doris FacultyPsychology, ASU
Investigating the Structural and Functional Roles of Conserved Cysteine Residues in Arabidop...2023Novotny, Lauren StudentECU
Investigating the Use of Virtual Reality Headsets for Postural Control Assessment: An Instru...2023Sylcott, Brian StudentECU
Investigating the Use of Virtual Reality Headsets for Postural Control Assessment: An Instru...2023Lin, Chia-Cheng StudentECU
Investigating the Use of Virtual Reality Headsets for Postural Control Assessment: An Instru...2023Williams, Keith StudentECU
Investigating the Use of Virtual Reality Headsets for Postural Control Assessment: An Instru...2023Hinderaker, Mark StudentECU
Investigating the Use of Virtual Reality Headsets for Postural Control Assessment: Instrumen...2023Sylcott, Brian StudentECU
Investigating the Use of Virtual Reality Headsets for Postural Control Assessment: Instrumen...2023Lin, Chia-Cheng StudentECU
Investigating the Use of Virtual Reality Headsets for Postural Control Assessment: Instrumen...2023Williams, Keith StudentECU
Investigating the Use of Virtual Reality Headsets for Postural Control Assessment: Instrumen...2023Hinderaker, Mark StudentECU
Investigating vocal plasticity in song sparrows (Melospizia melodia) as a mechanism to avoid...2023Inouye, Karen MitsukoStudentBiology, WCU
An investigation and analysis of ninth grade academic profiles and plans after high school1991Simon, Nancy TysingerStudentEducation, UNCG
An investigation into the effects of a specially designed introductory poetry unit on the co...1979Ball, Eugenia RuthStudentEducation, UNCG
An investigation into the morphology of the amphibian pancreatic islet2023McLane, J. W.(James Warren)StudentECU
Investigation Into The Scope, Limitations, And Mechanistic Aspects Of A Regioselective Acyla...2023Carroll, Jeffrey SamuelStudentECU
An investigation into teaching games for understanding1995Turner, Adrian P.StudentHealth and Human Performance, UNCG
An investigation into the types of homes represented in the home economics department of the...1933Faison, Mary DavisStudentHome Economics, UNCG
An investigation of the adherence behavior and adverse effects of pregnant women on suppleme...2023Williams, Sandra L.StudentECU
An investigation of alkaloid sequestration by the poison frog Dendrobates auratus when fed t...2023Davison, Ian StudentECU
An investigation of auditory laterality effects for sung stimuli : influence of musical trai...1979Mayo, Walter StephenStudentMusic, UNCG
An investigation of auditory laterality effects for verbal and melodic stimuli among musicia...1977Franklin, Elda StudentMusic, UNCG
An investigation of breath holding with exercise calisthenics1968Jaynes, Betty StudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
An investigation of a British raid on the Upper Elk River during the War of 18122023Hughes, Michael D.StudentECU
An Investigation of Bubble Resonance and its Implications for Sound Production by Deep-Water...2023Sprague, Mark W.StudentECU
An Investigation of Bubble Resonance and its Implications for Sound Production by Deep-Water...2023Fine, Michael L.StudentECU
An Investigation of Bubble Resonance and its Implications for Sound Production by Deep-Water...2023Cameron, Timothy M.StudentECU
Investigation of the catalytic mechanism of Mycoplasma pneumoniae L-alpha-glycerophosphate o...2016Crowley, Craig MatthewStudentChemistry and Physics, WCU
An investigation of certain personality factors as correlates of perceptual responses1959Jarman, Frances ElaineStudentPsychology, UNCG
An investigation of the comparability and accuracy of three differential item functioning (d...1995Harman, Ann ElizabethStudentEducation, UNCG
An investigation of the comparative effectiveness of instruction employing programed materia...2023Carruth, James WaltonStudentECU
Investigation of conserved cysteines on 6 fatty acid desaturase function in Arabidopsis thal...2023Dave, Parth StudentECU
An investigation of cross-situational consistency in the behavior of compulsive and histrion...1988Amodei, Nancy StudentPsychology, UNCG
Investigation of Curli-Specific Proteins CsgD and CsgA Reveals a Potential Target for Neurod...2023Kinkead, Jude StudentECU
An investigation of the curricular and instructional leadership roles of elementary principa...1988Owen, Jean DavisStudentEducation, UNCG
An investigation of diagnostic sex bias for narcissistic personality disorder, in comparison...1994Kolker, Jeannette I.StudentPsychology, UNCG
Investigation of dietary zinc and linoleic acid interactions in the Sprague-Dawley rat1988McCarthy, Patrick VincentStudentHuman Environmental Sciences, UNCG
An investigation of the ecological relationship between a carboxymethylcellulase-producing b...2023Mitchell, Tonya G.StudentECU
An investigation of the effects of feedback on creativity and self-confidence levels of perf...1975Higgs, Howard RutterStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Investigation of the effects of Lethal Toxin Neutralizing Factor (LTNF) on Insulin Degrading...2021Varner, Samantha NicoleStudentBiology, WCU
An investigation of the effects of reed strength on the radiated waveform of a b-flat clarin...1986Smiley, William C.StudentMusic, UNCG
An investigation of the effects of selected variables on the Graduate Management Admission T...1993Howard, Sandra AnitaStudentEducation, UNCG
An investigation of the effects of two training programs on selected cardio-respiratory vari...1962King, Louise ChloeStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
An investigation of facilities and equipment available for speech and hearing therapy in the...1970Nowlin, Lucinda LyonStudentDrama and Speech, UNCG
An investigation of the feasibility of employing scores on tests of musical aptitude, academ...1972Hufstader, Ronald AlanStudentMusic, UNCG
An investigation of the genetic and ecological status of the Carolina salt marsh snake, Nero...2023Gaul, Rufus Wharton.StudentECU
Investigation of genetics, demographics, and life history strategies of striped bass, Morone...2023Morris, James A.StudentECU
An investigation of inferred and professed self-concept-as-learner of gifted and average mid...1989Harper, Kenneth LeonStudentEducation, UNCG
An investigation of the interrelations of attributional bias, life stress, and social suppor...1989Arbuckle, Barry ScottStudentHuman Environmental Sciences, UNCG
An investigation of leadership characteristics and backgrounds of prominent women educators ...1986Fitzgerald, Jeri A.StudentEducation, UNCG
An investigation of the methodological problems inherent in the use of teachers as observers...1974Hay, Linda RudinStudentPsychology, UNCG
Investigation of Molecular Mechanism of Transthyretin Oligomerization Associated with ATTR A...2023Coats, Matthew FontaineStudentECU
Investigation of NADPH-Dependent Thioredoxin Reductase-C (NTRC) In Chloroplast Lipid Metabol...2023Donnelly, Shannon StudentECU
Investigation of NADPH-Dependent Thioredoxin Reductase-C (NTRC) In Chloroplast Lipid Metabol...2023Donnelly, Shannon StudentECU
An investigation of non-salary incentives as viewed by Cleveland County teachers1989McSwain, Jerry WinfredStudentEducation, UNCG
Investigation of Nonhydrolyzable ATP Analogues and Cofilin-Derived Peptides for Inhibition o...2023O'Bryant, Collin TownsendStudentECU
An investigation of outdoor adventure leadership and programming preparation in physical edu...1988Uhlendorf, Karen JaneStudentHealth, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, UNCG
An investigation of the perception of the role of resource teacher in the education of educa...1979Boyles, Carolyn DaleStudentEducation, UNCG
An investigation of performance consistency of intercollegiate and interscholastic basketbal...1980McDuffie, Richard AdrianStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
An investigation of personality and value characteristics of successful high school band dir...1973Beaver, Maxie StudentMusic, UNCG
An investigation of personality characteristics and demographic profiles of women and men in...1990Robertson, Patricia ElaineStudentEducation, UNCG
Investigation of pica history and trace elements in pica substances ingested by pregnant fem...2023Corbett, Robin WebbStudentECU
Investigation of Platinum-Catalyzed Acylation of 2-Aryloxypyridines via C-H Activation and F...2023Barham, Alex StudentECU
Investigation of Platinum-Catalyzed Acylation of 2-Aryloxypyridines via C-H Activation and F...2023Barham, Alex StudentECU
An investigation of the possibility of differential effects of color upon human emotions1958Richmond, Dorothy StudentPsychology, UNCG
An investigation of possible relationships between telecourse student success and student su...1995Schumaker, Mary L.StudentEducation, UNCG
An investigation of potential additional species and hybridization in early saxifrage (Micra...2023Hall, Tara KathleenStudentBiology, WCU
An investigation of the prediction of success in women's field hockey1979Chapman, Nancy L.StudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
An investigation of the principle of equalization as applied to the public schools in the Un...2023Jackson, George EliaStudentECU
An investigation of the professed characteristics and backgrounds of women in managerial pos...1983Vincent, Joan KayStudentEducation, UNCG
An investigation of a programmed method of beginning reading instruction utilizing phrases a...1968Higgs, Howard RutterStudentHome Economics, UNCG
An investigation of psychological type and career maturity1994Freeman, Suzanne ColeStudentEducation, UNCG
An investigation of the real-problem-solving curriculum in the college general education mat...1983Treadway, Ray TheodoreStudentEducation, UNCG
An investigation of the recruitment and retention of qualified speech therapists in the Nort...1969Franklin, Nancy CampbellStudentDrama and Speech, UNCG
An investigation of the relationship between aphasia and sensorimotor level cognitive functi...1977Earle, Patty T.StudentHome Economics, UNCG
An investigation of the relationship between the cardiac cost during a basketball game and t...1968Kerr, Frances BethStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
An investigation of the relationship between positive and negative assertive behavior1976Talbert, Elisabeth ElaineStudentPsychology, UNCG
An investigation of the relationship of musical aptitude and intelligence of students at the...1984Webb, Marjorie Nan A.StudentMusic, UNCG
An investigation of the relationship of oxidized carotenoids to off-odor development in dehy...1969Cox, Ruby HurleyStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Investigation of the relationship of tip extension and cellulase secretion in Neurospora Cra...1974Goolsby, Kathy MartinStudentBiology, UNCG
An investigation of the relationships among leadership styles, occupational stress, and type...1989Bradford, Norman CharlesStudentEducation, UNCG
An investigation of the relationships between Gaston County's instructional management syste...1991Shellman, David WayneStudentEducation, UNCG
Investigation of the Role of Infusate Properties Related to Midline Catheter Failure in an O...2023Meyer, Britt M.StudentECU
Investigation of the Role of Infusate Properties Related to Midline Catheter Failure in an O...2023Ryder, Marcia StudentECU
Investigation of the Role of Infusate Properties Related to Midline Catheter Failure in an O...2023Gunther, Robert A.StudentECU
Investigation of the Role of Infusate Properties Related to Midline Catheter Failure in an O...2023Nishikawa, Reid A.StudentECU
Investigation of the Role of Infusate Properties Related to Midline Catheter Failure in an O...2023Stranz, Marc StudentECU
Investigation of the Role of Infusate Properties Related to Midline Catheter Failure in an O...2023Spangler, Taylor A.StudentECU
Investigation of the Role of Infusate Properties Related to Midline Catheter Failure in an O...2023Parker, Albert E.StudentECU
Investigation of the Role of Infusate Properties Related to Midline Catheter Failure in an O...2023Sylvia, Charles, Jr.StudentECU
An investigation of the role of transcriptional activator protein RHLR in pseudomonas aerugi...2023Baine, Stephanie F.StudentECU
An investigation of the role of transcriptional activator protein RHLR in pseudomonas aerugi...2023Baine, Stephanie F.StudentECU
An investigation of self-concept-as-learner of Native American middle level learners1993Lowery, Jo Ann StudentEducation, UNCG
An investigation of self-efficacy and control theory with elite distance runners1992Martin, Jeffrey JohnStudentHealth and Human Performance, UNCG
An investigation of skill test items as measures of golf playing ability1973Hudson, Agnes ScottStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
An investigation of some refined aspects of tension in painting1960Salley, Anne KatharineStudentArt, UNCG
The investigation of some water--carbohydrate and water--polyhydroxyalcohol systems utilizin...1975O'Neil, Susan ElizabethStudentChemistry, UNCG
Investigation of the source of stimulus control as a function of the number of negative trai...1972Rand, Judith FurberStudentPsychology, UNCG
An investigation of the speech and drama curriculum in the community colleges, junior colleg...1971Nance, Donald AlanStudentDrama and Speech, UNCG
An Investigation of the Underlying Mechanism in Insulin Aggregation and Fibrillogenesis with...2023Styons, Ellen StudentECU
An investigation of the use of the occluded forehead bone conduction method in a clinical se...1972Hodges, Sarah RowlandStudentDrama and Speech, UNCG
Investigation of the Zinc binding region of Prothymosin-alpha : A spectroscopic and thermody...2023Garapati, Sri RamyaStudentECU
Investigations in drawing and painting1975Abbott, Janet NewsomeStudentArt, UNCG
Investigations into the Oldest Standing Structure in North Carolina2023Idol, Coy JacobStudentECU
Investigations of the effects of food type and temperature on the seasonal and annual growth...2023Meltzer, Kate R.StudentECU
Invited Perspective: Key Characteristics as a Starting Point for Improved Hazard Identificat...2023DeWitt, Jamie C.StudentECU
Invited Perspective: Key Characteristics as a Starting Point for Improved Hazard Identificat...2023Walker, Lauren M.StudentECU
The involvement of cap-independent mRNA translation in cell fate\r\ndecisions2023Morrison, J. KaitlinStudentECU
Involvement of protein kinase C in the evoked release of glutamate2023Dalrymple, Debbie A. Zetts.StudentECU
Involvement of protein kinase C in the evoked release of glutamate2023Dalrymple, Debbie A. Zetts.StudentECU
An involvement with the dreaming face1974Elliott, Carmen AlmaStudentArt, UNCG
Involving a transient population in local policy : solid waste management for Ocracoke Islan...2023Smith, Amy Michelle Y.StudentECU
The ionic basis for elongated action potentials induced in nerve by tungsten-platinum metal2023Orr, Liston A.(Liston Anderson)StudentECU
Ionian Revolt, Reconsidered2023Joyner, Misty DeniseStudentECU
IPV6 Diffusion on the Internet Reaches a Critical Point2023Chou, Te-Shun StudentECU
IPV6 Diffusion on the Internet Reaches a Critical Point2023Pickard, John StudentECU
IPV6 Diffusion on the Internet Reaches a Critical Point2023Angolia, Mark StudentECU
Iris series1972Moore, Cynthia CoxStudentArt, UNCG
The Irish theatre of Brian Friel : texts and contexts1992Dennis, Mary Kate LowreyStudentEnglish, UNCG
Iron carbonyl catalyzed rearrangement of BICYCLO[6.1.0]nonene systems1977Dasher, Luther WinfieldStudentChemistry, UNCG
The iron isotope composition of pyroxene from the Skaergaard layered mafic intrusion, East G...2023Pertunen, Brett AnthonyStudentECU
The iron response regulator Irr controls iron homoeostasis in Brucella2023Martinson, David A.StudentECU
The Iron Sentinel: U.S.S. MICHIGAN 1844-19492023Rodgers, Bradley AStudentECU
Irregular warfare in eastern North Carolina during the Civil War2023Penny, Charles T.StudentECU
Is Aristotle's Account of Incontinence Inconsistent?1975McConnell, Terrance C.FacultyPhilosophy, UNCG
Is the bandwidth for timbre invariance only one octave? 2006Steele, Kenneth M.FacultyPsychology, ASU
Is the cigarette pack just a wrapper or a characteristic of the product itself? A qualitativ...2023Lee, Joseph G. L.StudentECU
Is Content Really King? An Objective Analysis of the Public's Response to Medical Videos on ...2013Kats, Mark StudentECU
Is Content Really King? An Objective Analysis of the Public's Response to Medical Videos on ...2013Shariff, Afreen StudentECU
Is Content Really King? An Objective Analysis of the Public's Response to Medical Videos on ...2013Dhingra, Vibhu StudentECU
Is Content Really King? An Objective Analysis of the Public's Response to Medical Videos on ...2013Minhas, Deeba StudentECU
Is Content Really King? An Objective Analysis of the Public's Response to Medical Videos on ...2013Eure, Megan StudentECU
Is Content Really King? An Objective Analysis of the Public's Response to Medical Videos on ...2013Desai, Tejas StudentECU
Is content really king? An objective analysis of the public's response to medical videos on ...2013Desai, Tejas,Shariff,Afreen,Dhingra,Vibhu,Minhas,Deeba,Eu StudentECU
Is Digital Piracy a Crime?2023Sutton, Raegine StudentECU
Is field of study or location associated with college students' snacking patterns?2012McArthur, Laura H.,Holbert,Donald,Forsythe,WilliamStudentECU
Is Field of Study or Location Associated with College Students' Snacking Patterns?2012Holbert, Donald StudentECU
Is Field of Study or Location Associated with College Students' Snacking Patterns?2012Forsythe, William StudentECU
Is Field of Study or Location Associated with College Students' Snacking Patterns?2012McArthur, Laura H.StudentECU
Is the genetic landscape of the deep subsurface biosphere affected by viruses?2011Anderson, Rika E,Brazelton,William J,Baross,John AStudentECU
Is glaucocystophyta the protistan ancestor of green plants?2023Harrell, Leslie Elizabeth.StudentECU
Is lumosity an effective brain training program?: a meta-analysis of the existing research2017Hyman, Kristen NicoleStudentPsychology, WCU
Is Motorized Treadmill Running Biomechanically Comparable to Overground Running? A Systemati...2019Van Hooren, Bas,Fuller,Joel T.,Buckley,Jonathan D.,Miller,Jayme R.,Sewell,KerrStudentECU
Is Perfectionism Categorical or Dimensional? A Taxometric Analysis2008Hill, Robert FacultyPsychology, ASU
Is Perfectionism Categorical or Dimensional? A Taxometric Analysis2008Broman-Fulks, Joshua FacultyPsychology, ASU
Is Service Convenience in Healthcare Related to Sustained Competitive Advantage?2023Webster, Abigail LeighStudentECU
Is the term ‘serials’ relevant any longer? Some thoughts on the matter…2023Cook, Eleanor I.StudentECU
Is the term ‘serials’ relevant any longer? Some thoughts on the matter…2023Reynolds, Regina RomanoStudentECU
Is There a Metabolic Program in the Skeletal Muscle of Obese Individuals?2011Houmard, Joseph A.StudentECU
Is There a Metabolic Program in the Skeletal Muscle of Obese Individuals?2011Dohm, G. LynisStudentECU
Is There a Metabolic Program in the Skeletal Muscle of Obese Individuals?2011Pories, Walter J.StudentECU
Is there a metabolic program in the skeletal muscle of obese individuals?2011Houmard, Joseph A.,Pories,Walter J.,Dohm,G. LynisStudentECU
Is There a Valid App for That? Validity of a Free Pedometer iPhone Application2012Bergman, Shawn FacultyPsychology, ASU
Is this Ship Covered?: The Intersection of Law, Geography, and Management of Sunken Military...2023Bleichner, Barry JStudentECU
Is the whole story of coastal change being told by 2D shoreline erosion rates?2023Christoff, Katie NStudentECU
Is the whole story of coastal change being told by 2D shoreline erosion rates?2023Christoff, Katie NStudentECU
Isaiah L. Kephart’s Letter to Horace Kephart, September 2, 18882019Ashburn, Aria RoseStudentEnglish, WCU
Isaiah Lafayette Kephart's letter to his son Horace Kephart, October 3 and 4, 18882019Palpal-latoc, Nicole StudentEnglish, WCU
The Isaiah Rice Collection at D. H. Ramsey Library, UNC Asheville2023Thomas, William JosephStudentECU
Islam and the African Diaspora in the Indian Ocean World2010Ali, Omar H.FacultyAfrican American & African Diaspora Studies, UNCG
Islam and the West: Problematizing a Discourse of Dualism2010Lean, Nathan StudentECU
Isocrates, Panhellenism, and the social, political, and economic disorder in Greece2023Skeen, Phillip S.StudentECU
Isolated neutropenia as a rare but serious adverse event secondary to immune checkpoint inhi...2019Naqash, Abdul R.,Appah,Ebenezer,Yang,Li V.,Muzaffar,Mahvish,MariStudentECU
Isolation and characterization of a calmodulin-like domain protein kinase cDNA from the moss...2023McKnight, Susan L.StudentECU
The isolation and characterization of the cellulolytic anaerobic gastrointestinal microflora...2023Smith, Tonya D.StudentECU
The isolation and characterization of the invariant chain in the channel catfish, Ictalurus ...2023Harris, Jason R.StudentECU
Isolation and molecular identification of endophytic diazotrophs from seeds and stems of thr...2017Liu, Huawei,Zhang,Lei,Meng,Aihua,Zhang,Junbiao,Xie,Miao Chase,Zhang,Baohong,Yang,Shushen,Qiu,LiStudentECU
Isolation of auxotrophic mutants of the blue-green bacterium, Anacystis nidulans, and Isolat...1977Spivey, David LeeStudentBiology, UNCG
Isolation, characterization and functional activity of human placental stromal cells in hema...2023Ciaramella, Jason. StudentECU
Isolation, characterization and functional activity of human placental stromal cells in hema...2023Ciaramella, Jason. StudentECU
Isolation, Connection, and Embracement: Exploring Students’ Perspectives on Virtual Art Educ...2023Song, Borim StudentECU
Isolation, Connection, and Embracement: Exploring Students’ Perspectives on Virtual Art Educ...2023Lim, Kyungeun StudentECU
Isometric Skeletal Muscle Contractile Properties in Common Strains of Male Laboratory Mice2023Minchew, Everett C.StudentECU
Isometric Skeletal Muscle Contractile Properties in Common Strains of Male Laboratory Mice2023Williamson, Nicholas C.StudentECU
Isometric Skeletal Muscle Contractile Properties in Common Strains of Male Laboratory Mice2023Readyoff, Andrew T.StudentECU
Isometric Skeletal Muscle Contractile Properties in Common Strains of Male Laboratory Mice2023McClung, Joseph M.StudentECU
Isometric Skeletal Muscle Contractile Properties in Common Strains of Male Laboratory Mice2023Spangenburg, Espen E.StudentECU
The Isomorphism Problem for Tensor Algebras of Multivariable Dynamical Systems2023Katsoulis, Elias G.StudentECU
The Isomorphism Problem for Tensor Algebras of Multivariable Dynamical Systems2023Ramsey, Christopher StudentECU
Isotopic Investigation Of The Origins Of Homicide Victims From Qasr Hallabat2023Parker, Kathryn StudentECU
The Issue of Ethnicity and Democratization in Africa: Toward the Millennium1999Udogu, E. Ike FacultyGovernment and Justice Studies, ASU
The Issue of Political Leadership in the Third World: What is to be done?2008Udogu, E. Ike FacultyGovernment and Justice Studies, ASU
Issues and problems of Cuban identity and acculturation1985Colmenero, Jose AntonioStudentEducation, UNCG
Issues in Rural Pediatric Primary Care2014Borst, Christine E. W.StudentECU
It-s not what you expect: feedback negativity is independent of reward expectation and affec...2017Highsmith, Jonathan M.,Wuensch,Karl L.,Tran,Tuan,Stephenson,Alexandra StudentECU
‘It’s Like You Don’t Have a Roadmap Really’: Using an Antiracism Framework to Analyze Patien...2023Black, Kristin Z.StudentECU
‘It’s Like You Don’t Have a Roadmap Really’: Using an Antiracism Framework to Analyze Patien...2023Lightfoot, Alexandra F.StudentECU
‘It’s Like You Don’t Have a Roadmap Really’: Using an Antiracism Framework to Analyze Patien...2023Schaal, Jennifer C.StudentECU
‘It’s Like You Don’t Have a Roadmap Really’: Using an Antiracism Framework to Analyze Patien...2023Mouw, Mary S.StudentECU
‘It’s Like You Don’t Have a Roadmap Really’: Using an Antiracism Framework to Analyze Patien...2023Yongue, Christina StudentECU
‘It’s Like You Don’t Have a Roadmap Really’: Using an Antiracism Framework to Analyze Patien...2023Samuel, Cleo A.StudentECU
‘It’s Like You Don’t Have a Roadmap Really’: Using an Antiracism Framework to Analyze Patien...2023Faustin, Yanica F.StudentECU
‘It’s Like You Don’t Have a Roadmap Really’: Using an Antiracism Framework to Analyze Patien...2023Ackert, Kristen L.StudentECU
‘It’s Like You Don’t Have a Roadmap Really’: Using an Antiracism Framework to Analyze Patien...2023Akins, Barbara StudentECU
‘It’s Like You Don’t Have a Roadmap Really’: Using an Antiracism Framework to Analyze Patien...2023Baker, Stephanie L.StudentECU
‘It’s Like You Don’t Have a Roadmap Really’: Using an Antiracism Framework to Analyze Patien...2023Foley, Karen StudentECU
‘It’s Like You Don’t Have a Roadmap Really’: Using an Antiracism Framework to Analyze Patien...2023Hilton, Alison R.StudentECU
‘It’s Like You Don’t Have a Roadmap Really’: Using an Antiracism Framework to Analyze Patien...2023Mann-Jackson, Lilli StudentECU
‘It’s Like You Don’t Have a Roadmap Really’: Using an Antiracism Framework to Analyze Patien...2023Robertson, Linda B.StudentECU
‘It’s Like You Don’t Have a Roadmap Really’: Using an Antiracism Framework to Analyze Patien...2023Shin, Janet Y.StudentECU
‘It’s Like You Don’t Have a Roadmap Really’: Using an Antiracism Framework to Analyze Patien...2023Yonas, Michael StudentECU
‘It’s Like You Don’t Have a Roadmap Really’: Using an Antiracism Framework to Analyze Patien...2023Eng, Eugenia StudentECU
It’s Not Me, It’s You: Considering the Worthy Sacrifice Hip Hop Artists May Need to Make to ...2023Botex, Sharieka StudentECU
It’s not what you expect: feedback negativity is independent of reward expectation and affec...2023Highsmith, Jonathan M.StudentECU
It’s not what you expect: feedback negativity is independent of reward expectation and affec...2023Wuensch, Karl L.StudentECU
It’s not what you expect: feedback negativity is independent of reward expectation and affec...2023Tran, Tuan StudentECU
It’s not what you expect: feedback negativity is independent of reward expectation and affec...2023Stephenson, Alexandra J.StudentECU
It’s not what you expect: feedback negativity is independent of reward expectation and affec...2023Everhart, D. ErikStudentECU
Italian settlements in Newark, New Jersey2023Corbo, Robert. StudentECU
The itinerant justices of Henry II1965Preimats, Rudite StudentHistory, UNCG
It's deja vu all over again : the failure of educational reform in Reagan's America1991Smith, Penny StudentEducation, UNCG
It's Funny2016Wyche, Andrew TStudentLiterature, UNCA
It's my party and I'll cry2016McDonald, Jenna J.StudentArt and Design, WCU
IV threshold cointegration tests and the Taylor rule2010Strazicich, Mark FacultyEconomics, ASU
J.W. Barre’s Letter to Horace Kephart, May 22, 18982019Perske, Alissa StudentEnglish, WCU
J1 – Overview on Phenotypes2022Mobilizing Computable Biomedical Knowledge (MCBK), FacultyNCCU
J2 – Introduction to OHDSI Presentation from Training Pilot2022Mobilizing Computable Biomedical Knowledge (MCBK), FacultyNCCU
Jack, Alive and Well on Beech Mountain in Western North Carolina: The Cultural Traditions of...2010Baldwin, Lisa StudentAppalachian Studies - Student, ASU
Jacob Siler letter to Governor Ellis, May 5, 18592024Longacre, Brian FacultyEnglish, WCU
Jacob Siler’s Letter to Governor Graham, 25 November 18462024Braddock, Cathy FacultyEnglish, WCU
Jacob Siler’s Letter to Governor Reid, December 1, 18542024Acocella, Daniel FacultyEnglish, WCU
Jacob Siler’s Letter to Governor William A. Graham, April 1, 18482024Thomas, Jade FacultyEnglish, WCU
Jacob Siler’s Letter to William H. Thomas, December 18, 18542024Acocella, Daniel FacultyEnglish, WCU
Jacob Siler’s Letter to William H. Thomas, December 22, 18542024Acocella, Daniel FacultyEnglish, WCU
Jacob Siler’s letters to Governor Ellis, September 24, 18592024Longacre, Brian FacultyEnglish, WCU
Jacob Siler’s Response Letter to Governor Thomas Bragg, August 10, 18572024Newman-Shaw, Merritt FacultyEnglish, WCU
The Jacobite Rebellion of 1719 : Revenge and Regrets2023Klinger, PJ (Patrick)StudentECU
Jamaica's mid-summer dry spell and vegetative response2023Allen, Teddy. StudentECU
Jamaica's mid-summer dry spell and vegetative response2023Allen, Teddy. StudentECU
James Bulman and the North Carolina Baptist Controversies of the Mid-Twentieth Century2023Nobles, Stephen W.,IIStudentECU
James Cunningham Harper and the Lenoir, North Carolina High School band1973Hammond, Frank MiltonStudentMusic, UNCG
James Fenimore Cooper and the genteel hero of romance1975Gladsky, Thomas S.StudentEnglish, UNCG
James Fenimore Cooper's "bad" Indians : a study of Magua, Mahtoree and Wyandotte´1969Williams, Owen D.StudentEnglish, UNCG
James Ralph Scales : a case study of sixteen years of university leadership1988Pearman, Roger R.StudentEducation, UNCG
The James River Bateau: Tobacco transport in the Upland Virginia, 1745-18402023Terrell, Bruce GStudentECU
James Yadkin Joyner : the early and formative years, 1862-19072023Johnson, George LloydStudentECU
Jamestown Rediscovery2004Stoffan, Mark A. FacultyHunter Library, WCU
Jane Austen at play : self-consciousness, beginnings, endings1990Kuwahara, Kuldip KaurStudentEnglish, UNCG
"The Japanese and U.S. Fought the War, We Ended Up Paying the Price": The Indigenous Experie...2023Soder, Stephanie StudentECU
Jean-Jacques Rousseau's writings on music as an aspect of preromanticism1972Mabe, Cassandra PritchettStudentRomance Languages-French, UNCG
Jean Giraudoux, his life and works : a critical bibliography, 1945-19541973Emma, Patsy AnnStudentRomance Languages-French, UNCG
Jews in North Carolina : identification and community satisfaction1975Fleishman, Edward JayStudentSociology, UNCG
The Jim Crow of Bipartisan Rule2010Ali, Omar H.FacultyAfrican American & African Diaspora Studies, UNCG
Job design of patternmakers in apparel manufacturing1990Staples, Nancy JeanneStudentHuman Environmental Sciences, UNCG
Job satisfaction and intent to leave of nursing assistants in a hospital setting.2023Hand, Mark C.StudentECU
Job tenure of moonlighters in a service occupation1972Nile, Julia BreeStudentSociology, UNCG
Joe Bird’s Letter to His Parents, Charles and Sally Bird2018LeForce-Seibert, Alexandria StudentEnglish, WCU
John Donne's two anniversaries1964McGlaun, Rithia AnnaStudentEnglish, UNCG
John F. Kennedy Library and Museum2011Stoffan, Mark A. FacultyHunter Library, WCU
John Humphrey Small and the development of the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway, 1899-19212023Watson, Phyllis A.StudentECU
John Stiles' Art Work (Portrait)2023Stiles, John FacultyMusic and Visual Arts, ECSU
John Updike and Norman Mailer : sport inferences1972Upshaw, Kathryn JaneStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
Johnetta Webb Spilman and the New Deal2023Hodges, Elizabeth StudentECU
Johnson, nature, and women : the early years1994Elliott, Helen Y.StudentEnglish, UNCG
Joint and Individual Analysis of Breast Cancer Histologic Images and Genomic Covariates2023Geradts, Joseph StudentECU
Joint and Individual Analysis of Breast Cancer Histologic Images and Genomic Covariates2023Carmichael, Iain StudentECU
Joint and Individual Analysis of Breast Cancer Histologic Images and Genomic Covariates2023Calhoun, Benjamin C.StudentECU
Joint and Individual Analysis of Breast Cancer Histologic Images and Genomic Covariates2023Hoadley, Katherine A.StudentECU
Joint and Individual Analysis of Breast Cancer Histologic Images and Genomic Covariates2023Troester, Melissa A.StudentECU
Joint and Individual Analysis of Breast Cancer Histologic Images and Genomic Covariates2023Couture, Heather D.StudentECU
Joint and Individual Analysis of Breast Cancer Histologic Images and Genomic Covariates2023Olsson, Linnea StudentECU
Joint and Individual Analysis of Breast Cancer Histologic Images and Genomic Covariates2023Perou, Charles M.StudentECU
Joint and Individual Analysis of Breast Cancer Histologic Images and Genomic Covariates2023Niethammer, Marc StudentECU
Joint and Individual Analysis of Breast Cancer Histologic Images and Genomic Covariates2023Hannig, Jan StudentECU
Joint and Individual Analysis of Breast Cancer Histologic Images and Genomic Covariates2023Marron, J.S. StudentECU
Joint Mathematics Meetings 2025 Professional Panel Discussions2024Houston, Johnny FacultyMathematics and Computer Science, ECSU
The Joni Wreck : An Archaeological Study of Late Roman Trade Patterns in the Adriatic Sea2023Stratton, Gregory OwenStudentECU
Jordan: State Interests and Public Spheres: The International Politics of Jordan's Identity2001Ryan, Curtis R.FacultyGovernment and Justice Studies, ASU
Jordan and the Rise and Fall of the Arab Cooperation Council1998Ryan, Curtis R.FacultyGovernment and Justice Studies, ASU
“Jordan First”: Jordan's Inter-Arab Relations and Foreign Policy under King Abdullah II2004Ryan, Curtis R.FacultyGovernment and Justice Studies, ASU
Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu, an initiator of the psychological thriller1973Meisart, Michelle F.StudentEnglish, UNCG
Josephine Niggli’s Letter to Family -­- June, 20th 19352015Roberts, Corrine StudentEnglish, WCU
Josephus Daniels and democracy in the Navy2023Romer, Kevin StudentECU
Josephus, Messianism and the Jewish uprising of A.D. 65 : interpretations and analysis2023Osborne, Jason M.StudentECU
The Journal2023White, Christopher StudentECU
'A journal of our own': the Medical and Surgical Observer at the beginnings of an African-Am...1996Savitt, Todd L.FacultyECU
Journey1973Burke, Maureen E.StudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
The journey to radical love in Shafak's The Forty Rules Of Love, Hamid's How to Get Filthy R...2023Kassakatis, Kayla StudentECU
Joy : a phenomenological and aesthetic view1994Liston, Delores D.StudentEducation, UNCG
Joyner Library’s Cold War and Internal Security Collection2023Thomas, William JosephStudentECU
Judging Women and Defining Crime: Police Officers’ Attitudes Toward Women and Rape2008Page, Amy Dellinger FacultySociology, ASU
Judicial and statutory definition of authority : selected case studies of the Burger court1988Metcalf, Roger DaleStudentEducation, UNCG
A judicial definition of immorality as cause for teacher dismissal : a comparison of two era...1989Harris, Fred EugeneStudentEducation, UNCG
The Judicialization of Student Conduct Administration and Its Impacts on Practitioners2023Glassman, Valerie BethStudentECU
Juegos caballerescos en el origen del teatro áulico2006Lopez Alemany, Ignacio FacultyLanguages, Literatures, and Cultures, UNCG
Jugtown pottery : history and design1962Crawford, Mary JeanStudentHome Economics, UNCG
JunD/HBZ enhances HBZ enhances HTLV-1 antisense transcription2011Lemasson, Isabelle StudentECU
JunD/HBZ enhances HBZ enhances HTLV-1 antisense transcription2011Mesnard, Jean-Michel StudentECU
JunD/HBZ enhances HBZ enhances HTLV-1 antisense transcription2011Barbeau, Benoit StudentECU
JunD/HBZ enhances HBZ enhances HTLV-1 antisense transcription2011Peloponese, Jean-Marie StudentECU
Junior high school choral music teachers' philosophies of vocal mutation, choices of music, ...1987Funderburk-Galva´n, Janet StudentMusic, UNCG
Junior high to middle school transition : a portrait of one setting's metamorphosis1990Schnuit, Lisa Louise ZimmermanStudentEducation, UNCG
Jurassic Dinosaurs in New Mexico2000Heckert, Andrew B. FacultyGeology, ASU
Jurassic Stratigraphy in West-Central New Mexico2003Heckert, Andrew B. FacultyGeology, ASU
Just keep clicking Till You Find It: Building a Library Digital Collection Interface with Br...2009Gueguen, Gretchen FacultyECU
"Just to dance"1972Festa, Anita MarieStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
Just What Does Someone Have to Do to Gain Access to a Computer in the Library?2012Ellern, Gillian (Jill) D. FacultyHunter Library, WCU
Just What Does Someone Have to Do to Gain Access to a Computer in the Library?2012Hitch, Robin FacultyHunter Library, WCU
Justice as Freedom, Fairness, Compassion, and Utilitarianism: How My Life Experiences Shaped...2003Robinson, Matthew B. FacultyGovernment and Justice Studies, ASU
Justice reasoning and responsibility reasoning in relation to commitment and happiness in lo...1988Goodwin, Ellen PembertonStudentHuman Environmental Sciences, UNCG
Kairos1975Wellford, Jane StudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
Kaiso (ZBTB33) Subcellular Partitioning Functionally Links LC3A/B, the Tumor Microenvironmen...2023Vohra, Nasreen StudentECU
Kaiso (ZBTB33) Subcellular Partitioning Functionally Links LC3A/B, the Tumor Microenvironmen...2023Singhal, Sandeep K.StudentECU
Kaiso (ZBTB33) Subcellular Partitioning Functionally Links LC3A/B, the Tumor Microenvironmen...2023Byun, Jung S.StudentECU
Kaiso (ZBTB33) Subcellular Partitioning Functionally Links LC3A/B, the Tumor Microenvironmen...2023Park, Samson StudentECU
Kaiso (ZBTB33) Subcellular Partitioning Functionally Links LC3A/B, the Tumor Microenvironmen...2023Yan, Tingfen StudentECU
Kaiso (ZBTB33) Subcellular Partitioning Functionally Links LC3A/B, the Tumor Microenvironmen...2023Yancey, Ryan StudentECU
Kaiso (ZBTB33) Subcellular Partitioning Functionally Links LC3A/B, the Tumor Microenvironmen...2023Caban, Ambar StudentECU
Kaiso (ZBTB33) Subcellular Partitioning Functionally Links LC3A/B, the Tumor Microenvironmen...2023Hernandez, Sara GilStudentECU
Kaiso (ZBTB33) Subcellular Partitioning Functionally Links LC3A/B, the Tumor Microenvironmen...2023Hewitt, Stephen M.StudentECU
Kaiso (ZBTB33) Subcellular Partitioning Functionally Links LC3A/B, the Tumor Microenvironmen...2023Boisvert, Heike StudentECU
Kaiso (ZBTB33) Subcellular Partitioning Functionally Links LC3A/B, the Tumor Microenvironmen...2023Hennek, Stephanie StudentECU
Kaiso (ZBTB33) Subcellular Partitioning Functionally Links LC3A/B, the Tumor Microenvironmen...2023Bobrow, Mark StudentECU
Kaiso (ZBTB33) Subcellular Partitioning Functionally Links LC3A/B, the Tumor Microenvironmen...2023Ahmed, Md Shakir UddinStudentECU
Kaiso (ZBTB33) Subcellular Partitioning Functionally Links LC3A/B, the Tumor Microenvironmen...2023White, Jason StudentECU
Kaiso (ZBTB33) Subcellular Partitioning Functionally Links LC3A/B, the Tumor Microenvironmen...2023Yates, Clayton StudentECU
Kaiso (ZBTB33) Subcellular Partitioning Functionally Links LC3A/B, the Tumor Microenvironmen...2023Aukerman, Andrew StudentECU
Kaiso (ZBTB33) Subcellular Partitioning Functionally Links LC3A/B, the Tumor Microenvironmen...2023Vanguri, Rami StudentECU
Kaiso (ZBTB33) Subcellular Partitioning Functionally Links LC3A/B, the Tumor Microenvironmen...2023Bareja, Rohan StudentECU
Kaiso (ZBTB33) Subcellular Partitioning Functionally Links LC3A/B, the Tumor Microenvironmen...2023Lenci, Romina StudentECU
Kaiso (ZBTB33) Subcellular Partitioning Functionally Links LC3A/B, the Tumor Microenvironmen...2023Farré, Paula LuciaStudentECU
Kaiso (ZBTB33) Subcellular Partitioning Functionally Links LC3A/B, the Tumor Microenvironmen...2023De Siervi, Adriana StudentECU
Kaiso (ZBTB33) Subcellular Partitioning Functionally Links LC3A/B, the Tumor Microenvironmen...2023Nápoles, Anna MaríaStudentECU
Kaiso (ZBTB33) Subcellular Partitioning Functionally Links LC3A/B, the Tumor Microenvironmen...2023Gardner, Kevin StudentECU
Kaleidoscopes : an imaginative look at the aesthetic and existential dimensions of education...1981McNeil, Sue Ellen FaggStudentEducation, UNCG
Karyotype analysis and sex determination in Australian Brush-turkeys (Alectura lathami)2017Ortega, Madison T.,Foote,Dustin J.,Nees,Nicholas,Erdmann,Jason C.,StudentECU
Kathy Kolasa: Start a health lifestyle during National Nutrition Month2023Ramirez, Ashley StudentECU
Kathy Kolasa: Start a health lifestyle during National Nutrition Month2023Kolasa, Kathryn MStudentECU
Keeping a Rural Psychology Presence Alive2007Hargrove, David FacultyPsychology, ASU
Kenneth Frazelle's Blue Ridge airs I and Sonata for cello and piano : a synthesis of music, ...1993Inkman, Joanne ElizabethStudentMusic, UNCG
Kephart Letters (6)2015Talarico, Tessa StudentEnglish, WCU
Kerr Reservoir, North Carolina-Virginia :a case study of the effects of water impoundment up...2023Daniels, Neville A.StudentECU
Ketone body metabolism in obesity2023Hanson, Esther Vice.StudentECU
The Key Driver Implementation Scale (KDIS) for Practice Facilitators: Psychometric Testing i...2023Cummings, Doyle M.StudentECU
The Key Driver Implementation Scale (KDIS) for Practice Facilitators: Psychometric Testing i...2023Peaden, Shannon StudentECU
Keyboard layout in eye gaze communication access: typical vs. ALS2014Raupp, Skye StudentECU
Keynote Speaker: Bill Read, Director of the National Hurricane Center2023Read, Bill StudentECU
The Kids Aren't Alright: A Podcast on Mental Health in Young Adults2022Yitts, Michelle StudentEsther G. Maynor Honors College, UNCP
Kids Run the World SHP2023Baukema, Abby StudentECU
Kids Run the World SHP2023Bodine, Jayda StudentECU
Kids Run the World SHP2023Johnson, Elizabeth StudentECU
Kids Run the World SHP2023Landry, Andrew StudentECU
Kids Run the World SHP2023Martin, Elizabeth StudentECU
Kids Run the World SHP2023Meletiou, Li nneaStudentECU
Kids Run the World SHP2023Mills, Samantha StudentECU
Kids Run the World SHP2023Murphy, Sarah StudentECU
Kids Run the World SHP2023Redick, Lily StudentECU
Kids Run the World SHP2023Sauls, Merry LandenStudentECU
Kids Run the World SHP2023Vassallo, Anna StudentECU
Kids Run the World SHP2023Whitley, McKenzie C.StudentECU
Kids Run the World SHP2023Wagner, Eric StudentECU
Kids Run the World SHP2023Creech, Emma StudentECU
Kierkegaard's concept of the individual1967Pinell, Beverly J.StudentHistory, UNCG
Kill Switch for WheeStat Potentiostats2018Summers, Jack FacultyChemistry and Physics, WCU
Killing the Medical Self-help Tradition among African Americans: The Case of Lay Midwifery i...2023Mathews, Holly F.StudentECU
A Kindergarten Unit: Cardinality2016Rinker, Jessica StudentASU
Kindergartners who become friends : classroom influences on interactions and patterns of sta...1995Winterhoff, Paul AndrewStudentHuman Environmental Sciences, UNCG
The Kinematic and Kinetic Changes During Distracted Landing and Focused Landing Tasks in Col...2023Yeomans, Caroline ElizabethStudentECU
Kinesthesis in relation to skill level in basketball, bowling and tennis1963Sisley, Becky L.StudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
Kinetic and Structural Investigations of Novel Inhibitors of Human Epithelial 15-Lipoxygenas...2023Ohler, Amanda StudentECU
Kinetic and Structural Investigations of Novel Inhibitors of Human Epithelial 15-Lipoxygenas...2023Offenbacher, Adam R.StudentECU
Kinetic and Structural Investigations of Novel Inhibitors of Human Epithelial 15-Lipoxygenas...2023Tsai, Wan-Chen StudentECU
Kinetic and Structural Investigations of Novel Inhibitors of Human Epithelial 15-Lipoxygenas...2023Gilbert, Nathaniel C.StudentECU
Kinetic and Structural Investigations of Novel Inhibitors of Human Epithelial 15-Lipoxygenas...2023Armstrong, Michelle StudentECU
Kinetic and Structural Investigations of Novel Inhibitors of Human Epithelial 15-Lipoxygenas...2023Perry, Steven StudentECU
Kinetic and Structural Investigations of Novel Inhibitors of Human Epithelial 15-Lipoxygenas...2023Kalyanaraman, Chakrapani StudentECU
Kinetic and Structural Investigations of Novel Inhibitors of Human Epithelial 15-Lipoxygenas...2023Yasgar, Adam StudentECU
Kinetic and Structural Investigations of Novel Inhibitors of Human Epithelial 15-Lipoxygenas...2023Rai, Ganesha StudentECU
Kinetic and Structural Investigations of Novel Inhibitors of Human Epithelial 15-Lipoxygenas...2023Simeonov, Anton StudentECU
Kinetic and Structural Investigations of Novel Inhibitors of Human Epithelial 15-Lipoxygenas...2023Jadhav, Ajit StudentECU
Kinetic and Structural Investigations of Novel Inhibitors of Human Epithelial 15-Lipoxygenas...2023Standley, Melissa StudentECU
Kinetic and Structural Investigations of Novel Inhibitors of Human Epithelial 15-Lipoxygenas...2023Lee, Hsiau-Wei StudentECU
Kinetic and Structural Investigations of Novel Inhibitors of Human Epithelial 15-Lipoxygenas...2023Crew, Phillip StudentECU
Kinetic and Structural Investigations of Novel Inhibitors of Human Epithelial 15-Lipoxygenas...2023Iavarone, Anthony T.StudentECU
Kinetic and Structural Investigations of Novel Inhibitors of Human Epithelial 15-Lipoxygenas...2023Jacobson, Matthew P.StudentECU
Kinetic and Structural Investigations of Novel Inhibitors of Human Epithelial 15-Lipoxygenas...2023Neau, David B.StudentECU
Kinetic and Structural Investigations of Novel Inhibitors of Human Epithelial 15-Lipoxygenas...2023Newcomer, Marcia StudentECU
Kinetic and Structural Investigations of Novel Inhibitors of Human Epithelial 15-Lipoxygenas...2023Holman, Theodore R.StudentECU
Kinetic and temporal correlates to skillfulness in vertical jumping1995Strohmeyer, H. ScottStudentHealth and Human Performance, UNCG
Kinetic force within the "dead" center of the square1969Vandermeer, Jozef AlfonsStudentArt, UNCG
The kinetic theory of sound propagation in binary gaseous mixtures.1972Craven, David E.StudentPhysics, UNCG
The kinetics and thermodynamics for isothermal germination of Grand Rapids lettuce seeds1976Jaynes, Michael LeonStudentPhysics, UNCG
Kinetics of Germination of Individual Spores of as Measured by Raman Spectroscopy and Diffe...2013Zhou, Tingting StudentECU
Kinetics of Germination of Individual Spores of as Measured by Raman Spectroscopy and Diffe...2013Dong, Zhiyang StudentECU
Kinetics of Germination of Individual Spores of as Measured by Raman Spectroscopy and Diffe...2013Li, Yong-qing StudentECU
Kinetics of Germination of Individual Spores of as Measured by Raman Spectroscopy and Diffe...2013Setlow, Peter StudentECU
Kinetics of Germination of Individual Spores of Geobacillus stearothermophilus as Measured b...2013Zhou, Tingting,Dong,Zhiyang,Setlow,Peter,Li,Yong-qing StudentECU
Kinetics of serum IgA in response to salmonella flagellar antigen in BALB/C mice2023Snyder, Douglas Scott.StudentECU
Kinin B1 Receptor Mediated Mechanisms in Hypertension2023Parekh, Rohan UStudentECU
Kinin B1 Receptor Mediated Mechanisms in Hypertension2023Parekh, Rohan UStudentECU
Kinin B1 Receptor Mediates Renal Injury and Remodeling in Hypertension2023Basuli, Debargha StudentECU
Kinin B1 Receptor Mediates Renal Injury and Remodeling in Hypertension2023Parekh, Rohan UmeshStudentECU
Kinin B1 Receptor Mediates Renal Injury and Remodeling in Hypertension2023White, Acacia StudentECU
Kinin B1 Receptor Mediates Renal Injury and Remodeling in Hypertension2023Sriramula, Srinivas StudentECU
Kinin B1 Receptor Mediates Renal Injury and Remodeling in Hypertension2023Thayyil, Abdullah StudentECU
Kinin B1R Activation Induces Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress in Primary Hypothalamic Neurons2023White, Acacia StudentECU
Kinin B1R Activation Induces Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress in Primary Hypothalamic Neurons2023Parekh, Rohan UmeshStudentECU
Kinin B1R Activation Induces Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress in Primary Hypothalamic Neurons2023Theobald, Drew StudentECU
Kinin B1R Activation Induces Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress in Primary Hypothalamic Neurons2023Pakala, Pranaya StudentECU
Kinin B1R Activation Induces Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress in Primary Hypothalamic Neurons2023Myers, Ariel LynnStudentECU
Kinin B1R Activation Induces Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress in Primary Hypothalamic Neurons2023Van Dross, Rukiyah StudentECU
Kinin B1R Activation Induces Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress in Primary Hypothalamic Neurons2023Sriramula, Srinivas StudentECU
Kinship Foster Parents' Perceptions of Factors that Promote or Inhibit Successful Fostering2006Coakley, Tanya M.FacultySocial Work, UNCG
Kinship Foster Parents' Perceptions of Factors that Promote or Inhibit Successful Fostering2006Buehler, Cheryl A.FacultyHuman Development and Family Studies, UNCG
Kister, Kenneth F. Eric Moon: The Life and Library Times2023Jones, Plummer AlstonStudentECU
Knowledge and attitudes of child care services/teacher aide students in North Carolina's edu...1984Todd, Barbara ReynoldsStudentHome Economics, UNCG
The knowledge and attitudes of maternity nurses about nipple stimulation for contraction str...2023Gurley, Lucinda P.StudentECU
Knowledge Management and Comparative International Strategies on Vertical Information Flow i...2002Dickinson, David L. FacultyEconomics, ASU
Knowledge of child development and use of coping practices of adult parents of preschool chi...2023Simme, Bernadette StudentECU
Knowledge of preschool programing and practice in early childhood specialist students traine...1983Price, Jean BertoletStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Knowledge, attitude, and demographic characteristics of selected local education agencies an...1983Stone, Alice N.StudentEducation, UNCG
The Krein–Von Neumann Extension Revisited2023Fucci, Guglielmo StudentECU
The Krein–Von Neumann Extension Revisited2023Gesztesy, Fritz StudentECU
The Krein–Von Neumann Extension Revisited2023Littlejohn, Lance L.StudentECU
The Krein–Von Neumann Extension Revisited2023Nichol, Roger StudentECU
The Krein–Von Neumann Extension Revisited2023Nichols, Roger StudentECU
The Krein–Von Neumann Extension Revisited2023Stanfill, Jonathan StudentECU
Krzyzanowskisaurus, a new name for a probable ornithischian dinosaur from the Upper Triassic...2005Heckert, Andrew B. FacultyGeology, ASU
KSHV gB associated RGD interactions promote attachment of cells by inhibiting the potential ...2016Walker, Lia R.StudentECU
KSHV gB associated RGD interactions promote attachment of cells by inhibiting the potential ...2016Akula, Shaw M.StudentECU
KSHV gB associated RGD interactions promote attachment of cells by inhibiting the potential ...2016Hussein, Hosni A. M.StudentECU
The Ku Klux Klan in Buffalo, New York, 1922-1924 : a case study1972Kowalski, Daniel RobertStudentHistory, UNCG
L.M. Bogart’s Letter to Martha Misemer April 21, 18652023McLeod, Hannah StudentEnglish, WCU
L.M. Bogart’s Letter to Martha Misemer July 13, 18642023McLeod, Hannah StudentEnglish, WCU
L.M. Bogart’s Letter to Martha Misemer June 16, 18642023McLeod, Hannah StudentEnglish, WCU
L.M. Bogart’s Letters to Martha Misemer, February 14, 18632023McLeod, Hannah StudentEnglish, WCU
L.M. Bogart’s Letters to Martha Misemer, March 31, 18632023McLeod, Hannah StudentEnglish, WCU
L1 – MCBK Infrastructure2021Mobilizing Computable Biomedical Knowledge (MCBK), FacultyNCCU
L2 – Guiding Principles for Technical Infrastructure White Paper2022Mobilizing Computable Biomedical Knowledge (MCBK), FacultyNCCU
Label information on ready-made clothing for pre-school children1956Parnell, Sarah LouiseStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Label-free classification of cultured cells through diffraction imaging2011Yang, Li V.StudentECU
Label-free classification of cultured cells through diffraction imaging2011Bertrand, Fred E.StudentECU
Label-free classification of cultured cells through diffraction imaging2011Farwell, Mary A.StudentECU
Label-free classification of cultured cells through diffraction imaging2011Hu, Xin-Hua StudentECU
Label-free classification of cultured cells through diffraction imaging2011Brock, R. ScottStudentECU
Label-free classification of cultured cells through diffraction imaging2011Lu, Jun Q.StudentECU
Label-free classification of cultured cells through diffraction imaging2011Jacobs, Kenneth M.StudentECU
Label-free classification of cultured cells through diffraction imaging2011Feng, Yuanming StudentECU
Label-free classification of cultured cells through diffraction imaging2011Dong, Ke StudentECU
The Labor Market Impact of the War in Donbass2023Bilan, Roman StudentECU
Laboratory and Field Evaluations of the GeoAir2 Air Quality Monitor for Indoor Exposure2023Streuber, Dillon StudentECU
Laboratory and Field Evaluations of the GeoAir2 Air Quality Monitor for Use in Indoor Enviro...2023Streuber, Dillon StudentECU
Laboratory and Field Evaluations of the GeoAir2 Air Quality Monitor for Use in Indoor Enviro...2023Park, Yoo MinStudentECU
Laboratory and Field Evaluations of the GeoAir2 Air Quality Monitor for Use in Indoor Enviro...2023Sousan, Sinan StudentECU
Laboratory Determination of Gravimetric Correction Factors for Real-Time Area Measurements o...2023Sousan, Sinan StudentECU
Laboratory Determination of Gravimetric Correction Factors for Real-Time Area Measurements o...2023Pender, Jack StudentECU
Laboratory Determination of Gravimetric Correction Factors for Real-Time Area Measurements o...2023Streuber, Dillon StudentECU
Laboratory Determination of Gravimetric Correction Factors for Real-Time Area Measurements o...2023Hale, Meaghan StudentECU
Laboratory Determination of Gravimetric Correction Factors for Real-Time Area Measurements o...2023Shingleton, Will StudentECU
Laboratory Determination of Gravimetric Correction Factors for Real-Time Area Measurements o...2023Soule, Eric StudentECU
Laboratory Evaluation of Low-Cost Optical Particle Counters for Environmental and Occupation...2023Sousan, Sinan StudentECU
Laboratory Evaluation of Low-Cost Optical Particle Counters for Environmental and Occupation...2023Park, Yoo MinStudentECU
Laboratory Evaluation of Low-Cost Optical Particle Counters for Environmental and Occupation...2023Regmi, Swastika StudentECU
Laboratory testing for wear performance of selected wood floor finishes1971Bristol, Nancy LucasStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Labyrinth (As Time Goes By) by Gabriel Trujillo Muñoz: Novel of hybridity2012Knickerblocker, Dale StudentECU
Labyrinth (As Time Goes By) by Gabriel Trujillo Muñoz: Novel of hybridity2023Knickerblocker, Dale StudentECU
Lack of K-Dependent Oxidative Stress in Cotton Roots Following Coronatine-Induced ROS Accumu...2015Zhang, Jinbao StudentECU
Lack of K-Dependent Oxidative Stress in Cotton Roots Following Coronatine-Induced ROS Accumu...2015Zhang, Baohong StudentECU
Lack of K-Dependent Oxidative Stress in Cotton Roots Following Coronatine-Induced ROS Accumu...2015Wang, Sufang StudentECU
Lack of K-Dependent Oxidative Stress in Cotton Roots Following Coronatine-Induced ROS Accumu...2015Hu, Zebing StudentECU
Lack of K-Dependent Oxidative Stress in Cotton Roots Following Coronatine-Induced ROS Accumu...2015Wang, Qinglian StudentECU
Lack of K-Dependent Oxidative Stress in Cotton Roots Following Coronatine-Induced ROS Accumu...2015Zhang, Xin StudentECU
Lack of K-Dependent Oxidative Stress in Cotton Roots Following Coronatine-Induced ROS Accumu...2015Zhang, Zhiyong StudentECU
Lack of K-Dependent Oxidative Stress in Cotton Roots Following Coronatine-Induced ROS Accumu...2015Wang, Xiaojing StudentECU
Lack of K-Dependent Oxidative Stress in Cotton Roots Following Coronatine-Induced ROS Accumu...2015Zhang, Zhiyong,Zhang,Xin,Wang,Sufang,Zhang,Jinbao,Wang,Xi StudentECU
LacZ expression between the cytomegalovirus and the catfish B-actin promoters via electropor...2023Corey, Keyren E.StudentECU
LacZ expression between the cytomegalovirus and the catfish B-actin promoters via electropor...2023Corey, Keyren E.StudentECU
Lady with Unicorn1967Clarkson, Sheelah AnnStudentEnglish, UNCG
Lagniappe - Empowering Managers and Leaders in Times of Change and Transition: A Videography...2023Jones, Plummer AlstonStudentECU
Lagniappe - Out of the Closet, But Not on the Shelves: North Carolina Gay and Lesbian Newspa...2023Jones, Plummer AlstonStudentECU
Lamaze prepared and non-formally prepared fathers : a comparative study of expectations and ...1977Saunders, Rebecca B.StudentGraduate School, UNCG
Lamin B1 Accumulation’s Effects on Autosomal Dominant Leukodystrophy (ADLD): Induction of Re...2023Ratti, Stefano StudentECU
Lamin B1 Accumulation’s Effects on Autosomal Dominant Leukodystrophy (ADLD): Induction of Re...2023Rusciano, Isabella StudentECU
Lamin B1 Accumulation’s Effects on Autosomal Dominant Leukodystrophy (ADLD): Induction of Re...2023Mongiorgi, Sara StudentECU
Lamin B1 Accumulation’s Effects on Autosomal Dominant Leukodystrophy (ADLD): Induction of Re...2023Neri, Irene StudentECU
Lamin B1 Accumulation’s Effects on Autosomal Dominant Leukodystrophy (ADLD): Induction of Re...2023Alessandra Cappellini, Alessandra StudentECU
Lamin B1 Accumulation’s Effects on Autosomal Dominant Leukodystrophy (ADLD): Induction of Re...2023Cortelli, Pietro StudentECU
Lamin B1 Accumulation’s Effects on Autosomal Dominant Leukodystrophy (ADLD): Induction of Re...2023Suh, Pann-Ghill StudentECU
Lamin B1 Accumulation’s Effects on Autosomal Dominant Leukodystrophy (ADLD): Induction of Re...2023McCubrey, James A.StudentECU
Lamin B1 Accumulation’s Effects on Autosomal Dominant Leukodystrophy (ADLD): Induction of Re...2023Manzoli, Lucia StudentECU
Lamin B1 Accumulation’s Effects on Autosomal Dominant Leukodystrophy (ADLD): Induction of Re...2023Cocco, Lucio StudentECU
Lamin B1 Accumulation’s Effects on Autosomal Dominant Leukodystrophy (ADLD): Induction of Re...2023Ramazzotti, Giulia StudentECU
Land Cover Classification Using Landsat TM Imagery In The Tropical Highlands: The Influence ...1998Colby, Jeff FacultyGeography and Planning, ASU
Land Of Hope: Charting Development and Children's Lives in Uganda through Education2015Kopkin, Zachary StudentAnthropology - Student, ASU
Land use change in Thimphu, Bhutan from 1990 - 2007: effects of cultural, political, and eco...2009Gosai, Mayur ArvindStudentGeography, UNCG
Landscape and light1965Ross, Elizabeth S.StudentArt, UNCG
Landscape painting1959Beall, Elizabeth StudentArt, UNCG
Landscapes in Transition: Redbanks Landing on the Tar River, Greenville, North Carolina2023Southerly, Kathy Ann WelliverStudentECU
The language use and language development of blind and sighted preschool children1983Kayler, Claudette TaylorStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Language, metaphors, and phenomenology of leadership1993Watson, John LynnStudentEducation, UNCG
Laparoscopic Peritoneopericardial Herniorrhaphy in 2 Dogs2023Iannettoni, Mark StudentECU
Laparoscopic Peritoneopericardial Herniorrhaphy in 2 Dogs2023Anciano, Carlos StudentECU
Laparoscopic Peritoneopericardial Herniorrhaphy in 2 Dogs2023Scharf, Valery F.StudentECU
Laptops for Students of Migrant Farmworkers During a Pandemic2023Russell, Roger StudentECU
Laptops for Students of Migrant Farmworkers During a Pandemic2023Roby, Mary StudentECU
Laptops for Students of Migrant Farmworkers During a Pandemic2023Bloss, Jamie StudentECU
Laptops for Students of Migrant Farmworkers During a Pandemic2023Ketterman, Elizabeth StudentECU
A Large Archosauriform Tooth with Multiple Supernumerary Carinae from the Upper Triassic of ...2009Heckert, Andrew B. FacultyGeology, ASU
The Large Footprint of Small-Scale Artisanal Gold Mining in Ghana2023Payton, Amanda StudentECU
The Large Footprint of Small-Scale Artisanal Gold Mining in Ghana2023Lagomasino, David StudentECU
The Large Footprint of Small-Scale Artisanal Gold Mining in Ghana2023Barenblitt, Abigail StudentECU
The Large Footprint of Small-Scale Artisanal Gold Mining in Ghana2023Fatoyinbo, Temilola StudentECU
The Large Footprint of Small-Scale Artisanal Gold Mining in Ghana2023Asare, Kofi StudentECU
The Large Footprint of Small-Scale Artisanal Gold Mining in Ghana2023Aidoo, Kenneth StudentECU
The Large Footprint of Small-Scale Artisanal Gold Mining in Ghana2023Pigott, Hugo StudentECU
The Large Footprint of Small-Scale Artisanal Gold Mining in Ghana2023Som, Charles KofiStudentECU
The Large Footprint of Small-Scale Artisanal Gold Mining in Ghana2023Smeets, Laurent StudentECU
The Large Footprint of Small-Scale Artisanal Gold Mining in Ghana2023Seidu, Omar StudentECU
The Large Footprint of Small-Scale Artisanal Gold Mining in Ghana2023Wood, Danielle StudentECU
Large Vessel Occlusion Identification through Rapid Arterial Occlusion Evaluation2023Harden, Shirley StudentECU
Large-Eddy Simulation of Reynolds Stress Budgets in and Above Forests in Neutral Atmospheric...2023Su, Hong-Bing StudentECU
Large-Eddy Simulation of Reynolds Stress Budgets in and Above Forests in Neutral Atmospheric...2023Paw U, Kyaw ThaStudentECU
Large-Scale High-Resolution Coastal Mangrove Forests Mapping Across West Africa With Machine...2023Liu, Xue StudentECU
Large-Scale High-Resolution Coastal Mangrove Forests Mapping Across West Africa With Machine...2023Fatoyinbo, Temilola StudentECU
Large-Scale High-Resolution Coastal Mangrove Forests Mapping Across West Africa With Machine...2023Thomas, Nathan M.StudentECU
Large-Scale High-Resolution Coastal Mangrove Forests Mapping Across West Africa With Machine...2023Guan, Weihe WendyStudentECU
Large-Scale High-Resolution Coastal Mangrove Forests Mapping Across West Africa With Machine...2023Zhan, Yanni StudentECU
Large-Scale High-Resolution Coastal Mangrove Forests Mapping Across West Africa With Machine...2023Mondal, Pinki StudentECU
Large-Scale High-Resolution Coastal Mangrove Forests Mapping Across West Africa With Machine...2023Lagomasino, David StudentECU
Large-Scale High-Resolution Coastal Mangrove Forests Mapping Across West Africa With Machine...2023Simard, Marc StudentECU
Large-Scale High-Resolution Coastal Mangrove Forests Mapping Across West Africa With Machine...2023Trettin, Carl C.StudentECU
Large-Scale High-Resolution Coastal Mangrove Forests Mapping Across West Africa With Machine...2023Deo, Rinki StudentECU
Large-Scale High-Resolution Coastal Mangrove Forests Mapping Across West Africa With Machine...2023Barenblitt, Abigail StudentECU
L'art de Marivaux : grandes de´couvertes dues a` l'observation des petites choses1965Vail, Marilyn StudentRomance Languages, UNCG
Larval and post-metamorphic ecology of the dusky gopher frog (Rana sevosa)2022Lance, Christien MylesStudentBiology, WCU
Larval competition and its correlates to species distributions, habitat selection, and inclu...2023Twomey, Evan M.StudentECU
Larval fish assemblages of the Georgia bight2023Marancik, Katrin E.StudentECU
Larval habitat and reproductive trajectory in the Dendrobatidae2023McKeon, Christian Hollis.StudentECU
Laser tweezers and Raman spectroscopy systems and methods for the study of microscopic parti...2005Dinno, Mumtaz StudentECU
Laser tweezers and Raman spectroscopy systems and methods for the study of microscopic parti...2005Li, Yong-Qing StudentECU
Last Call Pizza Information System2023Jackson, Kelsey StudentECU
Last Glacial Maximum in an Andean cloud forest environment (Eastern Cordillera, Bolivia): Co...2003Baker, Paul A,Bush,Mark,Fritz,Sherilyn,Rigsby,Catherine A,SeltStudentECU
Last Glacial Maximum in an Andean cloud forest environment (Eastern Cordillera, Bolivia): Co...2003Baker, Paul A.,Bush,Mark,Fritz,Sherilyn,Rigsby,Catherine A.,SeStudentECU
The last of her line : the steam sternwheeler Portland of Portland, Oregon, an anchronism in...2023Greeley, Joseph M.StudentECU
LAST: Leisure Activity Step Tracking study2023Kautz, Sarah StudentECU
The Lasting Effects of Growing up in a Military-Connected Home: A Qualitative Study of Colle...2023Zurlinden, Taylor E.StudentECU
The Lasting Effects of Growing up in a Military-Connected Home: A Qualitative Study of Colle...2023Firmin, Michael W.StudentECU
The Lasting Effects of Growing up in a Military-Connected Home: A Qualitative Study of Colle...2023Shell, Aubrey L.StudentECU
The Lasting Effects of Growing up in a Military-Connected Home: A Qualitative Study of Colle...2023Grammer, Hannah W.StudentECU
A Late Cretaceous Mosasaur from North-Central New Mexico1995Heckert, Andrew B. FacultyGeology, ASU
The Late Cretaceous Tucson Mountains Dinosaur2005Heckert, Andrew B. FacultyGeology, ASU
Late gastrointestinal tissue effects after hypofractionated radiation therapy of the pancrea...2015Olsen, Jeffrey R.StudentECU
Late gastrointestinal tissue effects after hypofractionated radiation therapy of the pancrea...2015Elhammali, Adnan StudentECU
Late gastrointestinal tissue effects after hypofractionated radiation therapy of the pancrea...2015Patel, Mukund StudentECU
Late gastrointestinal tissue effects after hypofractionated radiation therapy of the pancrea...2015Weinberg, Benjamin StudentECU
Late gastrointestinal tissue effects after hypofractionated radiation therapy of the pancrea...2015Verma, Vivek StudentECU
Late gastrointestinal tissue effects after hypofractionated radiation therapy of the pancrea...2015Liu, Jingxia StudentECU
Late gastrointestinal tissue effects after hypofractionated radiation therapy of the pancrea...2015Gay, Hiram A.StudentECU
Late gastrointestinal tissue effects after hypofractionated radiation therapy of the pancrea...2015Elhammali, Adnan,Patel,Mukund,Weinberg,Benjamin,Verma,Vivek,L R.,Gay,Hiram A.StudentECU
Late Holocene back-barrier development of Portsmouth Island, Outer Banks, North Carolina2023Rosenberger, Jeb E.StudentECU
Late Holocene evolution of Currituck Sound, North Carolina, USA : environmental change drive...2023Moran, Kelli StudentECU
Late Holocene geologic evolution of central Ocracoke Island, Outer Banks, North Carolina2023Hale, Michael E.StudentECU
Late Holocene paleoenvironmental change of the Salvo-Gull Island-Little Kinnekeet area, Oute...2023Ricardo, John P.StudentECU
The late Quaternary seismic stratigraphy, lithostratigraphy, and geologic history of a shelf...2023Eames, Gary B.StudentECU
The Late Triassic aetosaur Paratypothorax2006Heckert, Andrew B. FacultyGeology, ASU
The Late Triassic Canjilon quarry (upper Chinle Group, New Mexico) phytosaur skulls: Evidenc...2002Heckert, Andrew B. FacultyGeology, ASU
The Late Triassic Snyder Quarry: A brief history of discovery and excavation2003Heckert, Andrew B. FacultyGeology, ASU
Latent Health Risk Classes Associated with Poor Physical and Mental Outcomes in Workers with...2023Balanay, Jo AnneStudentECU
Latent Health Risk Classes Associated with Poor Physical and Mental Outcomes in Workers with...2023Wu, Rui StudentECU
The Latent Structure of Anxiety Sensitivity—Revisited2008Broman-Fulks, Joshua FacultyPsychology, ASU
Latent Structure of Aversion: Taxometric Exploration2009Broman-Fulks, Joshua FacultyPsychology, ASU
The Latent Structure of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Among Adolescents2009Broman-Fulks, Joshua FacultyPsychology, ASU
Latin Americanists and Librarians: Their Nexus through Technology and Interdisciplinarity2001Scherlen, Allan G.FacultyUniversity Libraries, ASU
The Latin Americans in the Cortes of Cadiz (1810-1812)2023Black, Lawrence StudentECU
Latino Voices are Here to Stay2023Ojeda, Giselle FacultyEsther G. Maynor Honors College, UNCP
Latinx Child Farmworkers in North Carolina: Study Design and Participant Baseline Characteri...2023Kearney, Gregory D.StudentECU
Lattice dynamics in a gallium crystal using the "6-exp" potential1970Thompson, Dale ErmineStudentPhysics, UNCG
Lattice dynamics in gallium using the "6-exp" potential with parameters determined by the "l...1971Freeman, Wallace LarryStudentPhysics, UNCG
Lattice isomorphisms1974Lamb, Karen CarterStudentMathematics, UNCG
The laugh line of a desperate man : stories and poems1975Makler, Stephen JayStudentEnglish, UNCG
Laura Kephart to Leonard W. Kephart, March 14, 19342019Blevins, Hailey StudentEnglish, WCU
Laura Kephart’s Letter to Jane Frazer Kephart March 11, 19462020Hicks, Emilee StudentEnglish, WCU
Laura Kephart’s Letter to Leonard Kephart February 18, 19532020Zwilling, Stephen PaulStudentEnglish, WCU
Laura Kephart’s Letter to Leonard Kephart May, 20 19462020Sheppard, Zak StudentEnglish, WCU
Laura Kephart’s Letter to Leonard Kephart, April 5, 19342019Rhu, Sarah StudentEnglish, WCU
Laura Kephart’s Letter to Leonard Kephart, May 18, 19332019Upton, Jordan StudentEnglish, WCU
Laura Kephart’s Letter to Leonard Kephart, September 16, 19332019Upton, Jordan StudentEnglish, WCU
Laura M. Kephart’s Letter to Leonard W. Kephart, 19 February 19292019Mosovich, Galena StudentEnglish, WCU
Laura Mack Kephart’s Letter to Leonard W. Kephart February 16, 19462020Cook, Stephanie ReginaStudentEnglish, WCU
Laura Mack Kephart’s Letter To Leonard W. Kephart March 12, 19462020Hurley, Carra StudentEnglish, WCU
Laura Mack Kephart’s Letter To Leonard W. Kephart October 7, 19462020Vann, Kristen StudentEnglish, WCU
Laura Mack Kephart’s Letter To Leonard W. Kephart, January 24, 19462020Combs, Jared StudentEnglish, WCU
Laura Mack Kephart’s Letter To Leonard W. Kephart, March 26, 19342019Clay, Jessie StudentEnglish, WCU
The Law of Scale Independence2023Phillips, Jonathan D.StudentECU
Law, History, and Literature as Narrative in The Sense of an Ending2023Kulvete, Samuel C.StudentECU
Layered Evolution of Gene Expression in “Superfast” Muscles for Courtship2023Driver, Robert J.StudentECU
Layered Evolution of Gene Expression in “Superfast” Muscles for Courtship2023Balakrishnan, Christopher N.StudentECU
Layered Evolution of Gene Expression in “Superfast” Muscles for Courtship2023, et alStudentECU
Layered regulation of a pathway capable of altering quinolone production in Pseudomonas aeru...2023Tipton, Kyle A.StudentECU
LDCT Lung Cancer Screening Eligibility and Use of CT Scans for Lung Cancer among Sexual Mino...2023Lee, Joseph G. L.StudentECU
Le ro^le du devoir illusoire dans sept pie`ces de Henry de Montherlant1973Brenes, Maria-Christina StudentRomance Languages-French, UNCG
Lead sculpture1971Makelin, Helen EstherStudentArt, UNCG
The lead teacher model : a case study1991Dickerson, Celia B. HunterStudentEducation, UNCG
Leaders for North Carolina's schools : a review of programs for the professional development...1993Hoppes, Sharon McMahanStudentEducation, UNCG
Leaders in Library Work with Immigrants: Eleanor (Edwards) Ledbetter Part I: The Broadway Br...2023Jones, Plummer AlstonStudentECU
Leaders in Library Work with Immigrants: Eleanor (Edwards) Ledbetter, Part I: The Broadway B...2023Jones, Plummer AlstonStudentECU
Leaders in Library Work with Immigrants: Eleanor (Edwards) Ledbetter, Part II: American Libr...2023Jones, Plummer,Alston StudentECU
Leaders in Library Work with Immigrants: Eleanor (Edwards) Ledbetter, Part II: American Libr...2023Jones, Plummer AlstonStudentECU
Leaders in Library Work with Immigrants: Jane Maud Campbell, 1869-19472023Jones, Plummer AlstonStudentECU
Leaders in Library Work with Immigrants: Jane Maud Campbell,1869-1947, Part II: The North Am...2023Jones, Plummer AlstonStudentECU
Leaders in Library Work with Immigrants: John Foster Carr (1869-1939), Propagandist for Amer...2023Jones, Plummer AlstonStudentECU
Leaders in Library Work with Immigrants: John Foster Carr (1869-1939), Propagandist for Amer...2023Jones, Plummer AlstonStudentECU
Leaders in Library Work with Immigrants: John Foster Carr (1869-1939), Propagandist for Amer...2023Jones, Plummer AlstonStudentECU
Leaders in Library Work with Immirants: Jane Maud Campbell, 1869-1947, Part III: The Massach...2023Jones, Plummer AlstonStudentECU
Leadership : considerations and implications for women in physical education1968Walter, Janet LouiseStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
Leadership behavior of selected community college presidents and situational characteristics...1992Mann, Rebecca SmithStudentEducation, UNCG
Leadership Boot Camp2006Escott-Stump, Sylvia FacultyECU
Leadership development and sport participation : perceptions of selected business managers1986Kerbaugh, Gale DeniseStudentHealth, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, UNCG
Leadership Development in Undergraduate Nursing Students2023Byrd, Trey EStudentECU
Leadership in Library Work with Immigrants: Eleanor (Edwards) Ledbetter2023Jones, Plummer AlstonStudentECU
Leadership on the Go2010Rehkopf, Ed FacultyHospitality and Tourism Administration, NCCU
Leadership on the Line: A Guide for Front Line Supervisors, Business Owners, and Emerging Le...2006Rehkopf, Ed FacultyHospitality and Tourism Administration, NCCU
Leadership styles and teacher involvement in the decision-making process in the small admini...1979Boggs, Robert MarshallStudentEducation, UNCG
Leadership styles of selected successful choral conductors in the United States1988Allen, Suzanne GailStudentMusic, UNCG
Leadership styles of small, private, liberal arts college presidents in North Carolina1990Riley, Michael FritzStudentEducation, UNCG
Leadership styles of successful middle school principals1987Sams, Peggy Ann HowellStudentEducation, UNCG
Leadership styles, range, and adaptability of principals in North Carolina's exemplary eleme...1988Hall, James TerryStudentEducation, UNCG
Leadership types and second-order change1991Crawford, Sherron GriggsStudentEducation, UNCG
The Leadville, Colorado & Southern Railroad2018Stamper, Jason FacultyUniversity Libraries, ASU
A Leaky Hose in Your Throat: Hypernasality Following Maxillary Advancement2023Schlief, Eshan StudentECU
Learned helplessness in the development of at-risk behavior1996McIntosh, Michael L.StudentEducation, UNCG
The learning and recognition of random shapes : effects of number of response categories and...1974Hall, Donald MadisonStudentPsychology, UNCG
Learning disability programs of the North Carolina Community College System1989Robinson, James RichardStudentEducation, UNCG
The learning environment in high school physics classes2023Pierce, Hal WarrenStudentECU
Learning to Increase Access to Higher Education in a New Latino Destination2023Ford, Katherine StudentECU
Learning to Increase Access to Higher Education in a New Latino Destination2023Pinedo, Mónica CalderónStudentECU
Learning to ‘light out after it with a club’: The story of a Faculty Learning Community for ...2012Stilling, Glenn Ellen StarrFacultyUniversity Libraries, ASU
Learning to Provide 3D Virtual Reference: A Library Science Assignment2009Abbott, Lisa FacultyUniversity Libraries, ASU
Learning to Provide 3D Virtual Reference: A Library Science Assignment2009Johnson, Megan FacultyUniversity Libraries, ASU
Learning to Provide 3D Virtual Reference: A Library Science Assignment2009Purpur, Geraldine FacultyUniversity Libraries, ASU
Learning a Trade: Increasing Success Rates of African American Males in Gateway English and ...2023Gonyea, Jennifer WilsonStudentECU
Learning Womanhood in China1998Rosenberg, Ed FacultySociology, ASU
La economía de los despojos teatrales: reutilización y disputas2006Lopez Alemany, Ignacio FacultyLanguages, Literatures, and Cultures, UNCG
Legacy of distrust :the challenges of participatory planning in Greenville, North Carolina2023Myrick, Shamaury C.StudentECU
The legacy of romantic love in The great Gatsby and The sun also rises1970Antonin, Claudine StudentEnglish, UNCG
A legal analysis of appellate tort negligence cases in public school physical education K-12...1985Dailey, Robert JohnStudentHealth, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, UNCG
A legal analysis of issues related to educational vouchers and public funds for private elem...1990McConnell, Charles CandlerStudentEducation, UNCG
A legal analysis of student assignment in North Carolina1992Morris, Charles FranklinStudentEducation, UNCG
Legal and historical aspects of local school boards in North Carolina1992Ratledge, Thomas L.StudentEducation, UNCG
The Legal and Managerial Challenge of Obesity as a Disability: Evidence from the Federal Cou...2007Bradbury, Mark FacultyGovernment and Justice Studies, ASU
Legal aspects of ability grouping, tracking, and classification1978Bentley, Charles P.StudentEducation, UNCG
Legal aspects of academic freedom and tenure in community colleges1985Miller, Steven ArthurStudentEducation, UNCG
Legal aspects of administering medication to public school students in North Carolina1987Weatherly, Larry KeithStudentEducation, UNCG
Legal aspects of affirmative action admissions programs in higher education1979McClellan, Robie W.StudentEducation, UNCG
Legal aspects of assigning teachers out of field in North Carolina1985Vaughn, Harold EdwardStudentEducation, UNCG
Legal aspects of busing for desegregation in de facto segregated school districts1983Fuller, James NathanielStudentEducation, UNCG
The legal aspects of censorship of public school library and instructional materials1981Detty, Elizabeth W.StudentEducation, UNCG
Legal aspects of certification requirements for private elementary and secondary school teac...1992Ford, Donald JuniorStudentEducation, UNCG
Legal aspects of child abuse and neglect as related to the public schools1986Jenkins, Martha WillifordStudentEducation, UNCG
The legal aspects of competency-based testing for high school graduation1979Blanton, Rupert NeilStudentEducation, UNCG
The legal aspects of corporal punishment in American public schools1987McCluney, Roger StanleyStudentEducation, UNCG
The legal aspects of disciplinary suspension and expulsion practice and policy at major tax-...1988Brague, Kirk AlanStudentEducation, UNCG
The legal aspects of dismissal of noncertificated personnel1983Walker, Lawrence CalvinStudentEducation, UNCG
The legal aspects of the dismissal of a teacher/coach from only his coaching responsibilitie...1987Phillips, Johnny HarrisStudentEducation, UNCG
Legal aspects of drug testing in North Carolina public schools1994Blair, Phyllis KayStudentEducation, UNCG
Legal aspects of due process hearings in the state of North Carolina, 1978-19841985Wilson, Kenneth A.StudentEducation, UNCG
The legal aspects of equal employment opportunities in the public schools1984Brooks, Joseph R.StudentEducation, UNCG
Legal aspects of faculty employment : tenure, contracts, and dismissal in the community coll...1979Berrier, Paul RaymondStudentEducation, UNCG
The legal aspects of funding public education through real property taxation : 1971 Serrano ...1978Coullard, John BurkeStudentEducation, UNCG
The legal aspects of girls' interscholastic athletics : a summary of litigation involving th...1978Russell, William L.StudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
The legal aspects of home instruction1985Burgess, Sue F.StudentEducation, UNCG
The legal aspects of local financial support for public schools in North Carolina1984DeHart, Danny WilliamStudentEducation, UNCG
The legal aspects of male students' hair grooming policies in the public schools of the Unit...1980Shelton, David E.StudentEducation, UNCG
Legal aspects of no-pass/no-play in high school extracurricular activities1992Cooke, Raymond DeweyStudentEducation, UNCG
Legal aspects of parental liability for student vandalism1985Medley, Sue EllenStudentEducation, UNCG
Legal aspects of the practice of religious activities in selected public schools in North Ca...1993Hall, Wayne ThompsonStudentEducation, UNCG
The legal aspects of the principal's responsibilities in developing teacher improvement plan...1985Nantz, John FletcherStudentEducation, UNCG
The legal aspects of private use of public school facilities1984Hollar, Warren LynnStudentEducation, UNCG
The legal aspects of the public school academic curriculum1981Boyles, Norman BennettStudentEducation, UNCG
The legal aspects of the public school curriculum1994Zullinger, Sidney Chip WayneStudentEducation, UNCG
The legal aspects of religion in the public school curriculum1995Redmond, David MarshallStudentEducation, UNCG
The legal aspects of religious instruction in public schools1980Mize, Richard LeonStudentEducation, UNCG
Legal aspects of the role of the public school counselor in North Carolina1990Herndon, Eleanor HunterStudentEducation, UNCG
Legal aspects of school board authority to accommodate religious observance by employees1985Miller, Joseph WainwrightStudentEducation, UNCG
Legal aspects of school fees in public elementary and secondary schools1982Kirkman, Duane HenryStudentEducation, UNCG
Legal aspects of the school principalship1981Henderson, Doris JarrettStudentEducation, UNCG
Legal aspects of school psychological practice1986Rader, Barbara SueStudentEducation, UNCG
Legal aspects of sexual harassment : implications for educational administrators1993VanderLinden, Lana JeanStudentEducation, UNCG
Legal aspects of special education with respect to program inclusion or exclusion based sole...1995Pope, Nicole MartinStudentEducation, UNCG
The legal aspects of stigmatizing teachers in nonrenewal and dismissal1979Carrigan, Jane KellyStudentEducation, UNCG
Legal aspects of student teaching in North Carolina1989Ellenberger, Timothy RoyStudentEducation, UNCG
Legal aspects of teacher dismissal for immorality on grounds of sexual misconduct1990Allen, Margaret KarenStudentEducation, UNCG
Legal aspects of teacher dismissal for insubordination1988Singletary, Ronald BrooksStudentEducation, UNCG
Legal aspects of teacher dismissal on grounds of incompetence1989Lee, Kathleen GayStudentEducation, UNCG
The legal aspects of teacher dress and grooming in the United States1980Tyner, Beverly StudentEducation, UNCG
Legal aspects of teacher evaluation1985Nantz, Mary ThorneStudentEducation, UNCG
Legal aspects of teacher tenure laws, teacher incompetency and due process1976Lakey, Edward RayStudentEducation, UNCG
Legal aspects of textbook selection as related to the public schools1978Gardner, Charles ThurmanStudentEducation, UNCG
Legal aspects relating to handicapped students in physical education and athletics1979West, Terrell StudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
The legal choice in a cultural landscape : an explanatory model created from the maritime an...2023Friedman, Adam DavidStudentECU
The legal impact of conservative New Right influences on public school curriculum1987Mobley, Phillip AnthonyStudentEducation, UNCG
The legal relationship existing between principal, teacher, and student in the North Carolin...1950Gibbs, Thomas RayStudentEducation, UNCG
Legality of restrictions on athletic eligibility of secondary school students1988Laney, Gary KeithStudentEducation, UNCG
The legality of teacher dismissals for immorality1976Simmons, Leonard HasselStudentEducation, UNCG
The legality of using public tax funds for parochial elementary and secondary schools : the ...1982Houston, Samuel H.StudentEducation, UNCG
Leisure attitudes among middle school and high school students1981Frye, Buford VernonStudentEducation, UNCG
Leisure time for everyone2012Hartlaub, Nora LynnStudentArt and Design, WCU
Leisure-Time Physical Activity before and during Pregnancy Is Associated with Improved Insul...2023May, Linda E.StudentECU
Leisure-Time Physical Activity before and during Pregnancy Is Associated with Improved Insul...2023Cai, Chenxi StudentECU
Leisure-Time Physical Activity before and during Pregnancy Is Associated with Improved Insul...2023Zhang, Zhengxiao StudentECU
Leisure-Time Physical Activity before and during Pregnancy Is Associated with Improved Insul...2023Mcdonald, Samantha StudentECU
Leisure-Time Physical Activity before and during Pregnancy Is Associated with Improved Insul...2023Strom, Cody StudentECU
Leisure-Time Physical Activity before and during Pregnancy Is Associated with Improved Insul...2023Skow, Rachel J.StudentECU
Leisure-Time Physical Activity before and during Pregnancy Is Associated with Improved Insul...2023Steinback, Craig D.StudentECU
Leisure-Time Physical Activity before and during Pregnancy Is Associated with Improved Insul...2023Davenport, Margie H.StudentECU
Lemurs in North America? Really?2023Pavell, Dakota StudentECU
“Lengua spada” y “buen palacio” en los motes eróticos y burlescos de El cortesano de Luis Mi...2009Lopez Alemany, Ignacio FacultyLanguages, Literatures, and Cultures, UNCG
Lenoir County during the Civil War2023Tyndall, Clifford C.StudentECU
Leo Arnaud (1904-1991), trombonist, composer, film musician : a biographical sketch and cata...1996Kolstad, Michael L.StudentMusic, UNCG
Leo Kraft's Three fantasies for flute and piano: a perfomer's analysis2010Chernov, Konstantza StudentMusic, UNCG
Leon Trotsky's theory of permanent revolution and its incorporation into Lenin's party platf...1963Slacum, Penelope LynnStudentHistory, UNCG
Lessons From Jing2004Johanson, Linda FacultyNursing, ASU
Lessons Learned From Implementing Health Coaching in The Heart Healthy Lenoir Hypertension S...2023Cummings, Doyle M.StudentECU
Lessons Learned in Clinical Research Recruitment of Midlife Latinas During COVID-192023Marginean, Valentina StudentECU
Lessons Learned in Clinical Research Recruitment of Midlife Latinas During COVID-192023Corte´s, Yamnia I.StudentECU
Lessons Learned in Clinical Research Recruitment of Midlife Latinas During COVID-192023, et alStudentECU
The lessons of experience of successful school principals : how successful principals develo...1992Morrison, Milton HallStudentEducation, UNCG
Let the seasons shape what's on your plate2023Nowicki, Kylie StudentECU
Let the seasons shape what's on your plate2023Kolasa, Kathryn MStudentECU
Let’s Talk About Stress! Exploring Physiological Arousal While Discussing Relationship Probl...2023Brown, Braden J.StudentECU
Let’s Talk About Stress! Exploring Physiological Arousal While Discussing Relationship Probl...2023Rainone, Lauren StudentECU
Let’s Talk About Stress! Exploring Physiological Arousal While Discussing Relationship Probl...2023Jensen, Jakob StudentECU
Let’s Talk About Stress! Exploring Physiological Arousal While Discussing Relationship Probl...2023Fish, Matthew T.StudentECU
Let’s Talk Cleft2023Gilbert, Imani StudentECU
“Let’s Use This Mess to Our Advantage”: Calls to Action to Optimize School Nutrition Program...2023Pitts, Stephanie JilcottStudentECU
“Let’s Use This Mess to Our Advantage”: Calls to Action to Optimize School Nutrition Program...2023Katz, Beth N.StudentECU
Let's Get Healthy2023Allensworth, Ashlee StudentECU
Let's hear what we can see1972Gibbs, Nancy R.StudentArt, UNCG
Let's Motivate: Combating Childhood Obesity2023McPherson, Kimberly StudentECU
Let's Talk About Sex2023Cairns, Kathryn StudentECU
Let's Talk Emotions : Re-envisioning the Writing Center through Consultant Emotional Labor2023Rowell, Christina StudentECU
Letter from C. D. Smith to Jacob Siler, December 17th, 18602024Fisher, Elizabeth FacultyEnglish, WCU
Letter from EW Bird to Horace Kephart, April 29, 18982019Jenson, Kevin StudentEnglish, WCU
Letter from The Executive Office to Jacob Siler, November 13, 18472024Cable, Caitlyn FacultyEnglish, WCU
Letter from Gov. Thomas Bragg to Jacob Siler, April 14th, 18582024Stone, Kate FacultyEnglish, WCU
Letter from H. M. Misemer to His Wife March 20, 18642023Dillard, Faith StudentEnglish, WCU
Letter from H. M. Misemer to His Wife March 21, 18642023Dillard, Faith StudentEnglish, WCU
Letter from Hannah Hall to Dan Tompkins2018Falter, John StudentEnglish, WCU
Letter from J.A. Sobolewski to Horace Kephart, May 9, 18982019Jenson, Kevin StudentEnglish, WCU
Letter from Jacob Siler to Gov. Thomas Bragg, March 16th, 18582024Stone, Kate FacultyEnglish, WCU
Letter from Josefina Niggli to her family – October 12, 19352015Campbell, Nathan StudentEnglish, WCU
Letter from Marc Woodmansee to Horace Kephart in 1919 Transcription and Annotations2015Cole, Aaron StudentEnglish, WCU
Letter from The Treasury Department to Jacob Siler, March 22nd, 18442024Cable, Caitlyn FacultyEnglish, WCU
Letter to Editor of Life Magazine from Charles James Metz2018Masters, Jessica StudentEnglish, WCU
Letter to Florence (Mrs. James Y.) Paris from “Hallie”2018Falter, John StudentEnglish, WCU
A Letter to Martha Jane Misemer by her Husband Henry Marshall Misemer April 14th, 18652023Marth, Victoria StudentEnglish, WCU
A Letter to Martha Jane Misemer by her Husband Henry Marshall Misemer March 28th, 18652023Marth, Victoria StudentEnglish, WCU
Levels of N-acetylglucosamine during the molt cycle of callinectes sapidus Rathbun2023Quinn, Wendy E.StudentECU
Levels of religious thinking in young children and religious practices of their families1978Davis, Ruth FayeStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Leveraging Opportunities for Campus Sustainability2009Cockerill, Kristan FacultyCultural, Gender, and Global Studies, ASU
Levetiracetam-Induced Psychosis in the Setting of Intracranial Cavernomas2023Majarwitz, Daniel StudentECU
Levetiracetam-Induced Psychosis in the Setting of Intracranial Cavernomas2023Pasti, Irene StudentECU
Levetiracetam-Induced Psychosis in the Setting of Intracranial Cavernomas2023Dvalishvili, Mariam StudentECU
Lèvy noise induced steady states2023Yuvan, Steven StudentECU
Lèvy noise induced steady states2023Yuvan, Steven StudentECU
Lexical diversity in Parkinson’s disease2015Ellis, Charles StudentECU
Lexical diversity in Parkinson’s disease2015West, Thomas StudentECU
Lexical diversity in Parkinson’s disease2015Holt, Yolanda FStudentECU
Liberalization and Deliberalization in Jordan2003Ryan, Curtis R.FacultyGovernment and Justice Studies, ASU
Libraries and the Book Trade: The Formation of Collections from the Sixteenth to the Twentie...2023Jones, Plummer AlstonStudentECU
Libraries: Spaces to find primary sources in the sciences vs. humanities [poster]2019Carlton, Megan FacultyUniversity Libraries, UNCG
Library Dreams/Architectural Realities: North Carolina Library Architecture of the 1990s2023Jones, Plummer AlstonStudentECU
Library Guides at the G.R. Little Library Guide - A Presentation given to Faculty2023Tuncer-Bayramli, Nurhak FacultyLibrary, ECSU
Library Publishing Services: Strategies for Success Research Report Version 1.02011Ogburn, Joyce FacultyUniversity Libraries, ASU
Library Publishing Services: Strategies for Success: Final Research Report2012Ogburn, Joyce FacultyUniversity Libraries, ASU
Library Services to Inmates in the Rural Jails of Western North Carolina2013Ellern, Gillian (Jill) D. FacultyHunter Library, WCU
Licensed, commercial shooting preserves in eastern North Carolina :a study in recreational g...2023Wall, Everette T.StudentECU
L'idee de la souffrance dans la poesie d'Alfred de Vigny1962Comer, Jeanette StudentRomance Languages, UNCG
Lieutenant-General Wade Hampton III : an analysis of his military leadership2023Watkins, Phillip MichaelStudentECU
Life History Aspects of the Hickory Shad (Alosa Mediocris) in the Albemarle Sound/ Roanoke R...2011Rulifson, Roger StudentECU
Life History Aspects of the Hickory Shad (Alosa Mediocris) in the Albemarle Sound/ Roanoke R...2011Batsavage, Christopher StudentECU
Life history aspects of the Hickory shad (Alosa mediocris) in the Albemarle Sound/Roanoke Ri...2023Batsavage, Christopher F.StudentECU
Life Inoculation : Examining the Relationship Between Adventure Education Components and Res...2023Tessneer, Sharon E.StudentECU
The Life of Death2023Ruotolo, Christina LStudentECU
Life satisfaction of single middle-aged professional women1992Lewis, Virginia GriffinStudentEducation, UNCG
Life Values as an Intrinsic Guide for Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation Program Engagement: A Q...2023Whited, Matthew C.StudentECU
Life Values as an Intrinsic Guide for Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation Program Engagement: A Q...2023Ellis, Jordan M.StudentECU
Life Values as an Intrinsic Guide for Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation Program Engagement: A Q...2023Freeman, John TaylorStudentECU
Life Values as an Intrinsic Guide for Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation Program Engagement: A Q...2023Corson, Ansley T.StudentECU
Life Values as an Intrinsic Guide for Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation Program Engagement: A Q...2023Greenway, Stacey StudentECU
Life Values as an Intrinsic Guide for Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation Program Engagement: A Q...2023Sager, David M.StudentECU
Life Values as an Intrinsic Guide for Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation Program Engagement: A Q...2023Midgette, Emily P.StudentECU
Life Values as an Intrinsic Guide for Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation Program Engagement: A Q...2023Varju, Eliza V.StudentECU
The life-history of Ischnura posita (Hagen) in relation to seasonal regulation : (Odonata: C...1968Patrick, Odessa RobinsonStudentBiology, UNCG
Life-history study of libellula incesta with emphasis on egg development as influenced by co...1971Pittman, Annette RogersStudentBiology, UNCG
Lifelong learning : the state of the field1984Wood, Robert AllisonStudentEducation, UNCG
Lifelong Learning in the United States and Japan2006Rosenberg, Ed FacultySociology, ASU
Lifelong Learning Requires Lifelong Access: Reflections on the ACRL Plan for Excellence2011Ogburn, Joyce FacultyUniversity Libraries, ASU
Lifestyle Behaviors and Chronic Disease Risk in Emerging Adults with a History of Adverse Ch...2023Capiaghi, Alexander JStudentECU
Lifestyles of never married women physical educators in institutions of higher education in ...1976Beck, Bonnie AnnStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
Light1976Hillmer, Sarah StudentArt, UNCG
Light and shadows : an exhibit of twenty experimental paintings1964Bonitz, Ann WeeksStudentArt, UNCG
Light and space in the figure, still-life and landscape1975Berry, Eric RaymondStudentArt, UNCG
Light Nuclei Production in Relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions from the AMPT Model2023Lin, Ziwei StudentECU
Light Nuclei Production in Relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions from the AMPT Model2023Sun, Kai-Jia StudentECU
Light Nuclei Production in Relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions from the AMPT Model2023Ko, Che MingStudentECU
Light Pollution Increases West Nile Virus Competence of a Ubiquitous Passerine Reservoir Spe...2023Balakrishnan, Christopher N.StudentECU
Light Pollution Increases West Nile Virus Competence of a Ubiquitous Passerine Reservoir Spe...2023Newhouse, Daniel J.StudentECU
Light the Towers2023Holmes, Brianne StudentECU
Light, pattern, and domestic architecture1973Hough, Sylvia JennineStudentArt, UNCG
Light-space1972Coe, Mary RobesonStudentArt, UNCG
Lightbulb moment: electricity in the YWCA scrapbook2015Pope, Kyle M.StudentHistory, UNCG
Lignin in Suspended Particulate Matter in the Albemarle- Pamlico Estuarine System During the...2023Donini Rivera, Ariana AlexandraStudentECU
Lignin in Suspended Particulate Matter in the Albemarle- Pamlico Estuarine System During the...2023Donini Rivera, Ariana AlexandraStudentECU
"Like Foxes Loose in a Chicken Coop" : The Second World War's Forgotten Turkey Shoot2023Frazier, Brandon MichaelStudentECU
Like, Share, Tweet: Using Campus Recreation and Wellness Social Media to Better Understand E...2023Massey, Malinda StudentECU
Limited Improvements in Health Behaviors Suggest Need to Review Approaches to Health Promoti...2023Becker, Craig M.StudentECU
Limited Improvements in Health Behaviors Suggest Need to Review Approaches to Health Promoti...2023Lee, Joseph G. L.StudentECU
Limited Improvements in Health Behaviors Suggest Need to Review Approaches to Health Promoti...2023Bian, Hui StudentECU
Limited Improvements in Health Behaviors Suggest Need to Review Approaches to Health Promoti...2023Sewell, Kerry StudentECU
Limited indications of tax stamp discordance and counterfeiting on cigarette packs purchased...2017Lee, Joseph G.L.,Golden,Shelley D.,Ribisl,Kurt M.StudentECU
The line integral and its applications1951Huggins, Miriam StudentMathematics, UNCG
Linear and circular k-combinations with restrictions1969Hedgpeth, Marianne AustinStudentMathematics, UNCG
A linear approach to the head as form1976Walters, Julie Ann MemoryStudentArt, UNCG
Linear programming and development planning models1977Balkan, Erol MustafaStudentBusiness and Economics, UNCG
The lingering death of assimilation : problems and issues in Indian education1996Red Shirt, Ellen McCoyStudentEducation, UNCG
The link between crime severity and drug and alcohol dependence2013Vartanian, Lisa StudentPsychology, WCU
The Link Between Foreign Trade And Domestic Politics In The Clinton Economic Agenda1994Koch, Andrew MFacultyGovernment and Justice Studies, ASU
Link Between Redemption of a Medical Food Pantry Voucher and Reduced Hospital Readmissions2023Sastre, Lauren StudentECU
Link Between Redemption of a Medical Food Pantry Voucher and Reduced Hospital Readmissions2023Wynn, Desiree StudentECU
Link Between Redemption of a Medical Food Pantry Voucher and Reduced Hospital Readmissions2023Roupe, Melissa StudentECU
Link Between Redemption of a Medical Food Pantry Voucher and Reduced Hospital Readmissions2023Jacobs, Molly StudentECU
Linking Fishing Behavior and Ecosystem Dynamics Using Social and Ecological Network Models2023Luczkovich, Joseph J.StudentECU
Linking Fishing Behavior and Ecosystem Dynamics Using Social and Ecological Network Models2023Johnson, Jeffrey C.StudentECU
Linking Fishing Behavior and Ecosystem Dynamics Using Social and Ecological Network Models2023Deehr, Rebecca A.StudentECU
Linking Fishing Behavior and Ecosystem Dynamics Using Social and Ecological Network Models2023Hart, Kevin J.StudentECU
Linking Fishing Behavior and Ecosystem Dynamics Using Social and Ecological Network Models2023Clough, Lisa M.StudentECU
Linking Fishing Behavior and Ecosystem Dynamics Using Social and Ecological Network Models2023Griffith, David C.StudentECU
Linking People and Activities through Community Mobility: An International Comparison of the...2023Dickerson, Anne ElizabethStudentECU
Linking People and Activities through Community Mobility: An International Comparison of the...2023Unsworth, Carolyn StudentECU
Linking People and Activities through Community Mobility: An International Comparison of the...2023Gélinas, Isabelle StudentECU
Linking People and Activities through Community Mobility: An International Comparison of the...2023Harries, Priscilla StudentECU
Linking People and Activities through Community Mobility: An International Comparison of the...2023Margot-Cattin, Isabel StudentECU
Linking People and Activities through Community Mobility: An International Comparison of the...2023Mazer, Barbara StudentECU
Linking People and Activities through Community Mobility: An International Comparison of the...2023Stapleton, Tadhg StudentECU
Linking People and Activities through Community Mobility: An International Comparison of the...2023Swanepoel, Lizette StudentECU
Linking People and Activities through Community Mobility: An International Comparison of the...2023Timmer, Amanda StudentECU
Linking People and Activities through Community Mobility: An International Comparison of the...2023Van Niekerk, Lana StudentECU
Linking People and Activities through Community Mobility: An International Comparison of the...2023Vrkljan, Brenda StudentECU
Lipid Exposure Elicits Differential Responses in Gene Expression and DNA Methylation in Prim...2023Houmard, Joseph A.StudentECU
Lipolysis :the Atkins' Diet versus a balanced diet2023Howe, Harold. StudentECU
Lipoproteome Screening of the Lyme Disease Agent Identifies Inhibitors of Antibody-Mediated ...2023Garrigues, Ryan J.StudentECU
Lipoproteome Screening of the Lyme Disease Agent Identifies Inhibitors of Antibody-Mediated ...2023Garcia, Brandon L.StudentECU
Lipoproteome Screening of the Lyme Disease Agent Identifies Inhibitors of Antibody-Mediated ...2023, et alStudentECU
LIS Education in America: The Present, the Past, and the Future.2016Cramer, Elizabeth FacultyUniversity Libraries, ASU
LIS Education in America: The Present, the Past, and the Future.2016Boyd, John FacultyUniversity Libraries, ASU
List of Taxables for Beaufort County, NC, for 17792023Jones, Plummer AlstonStudentECU
A list of words selected from the Horn-Peterson list containing all three letter sequences f...1947Daniel, Virginia JenningsStudentBusiness Education, UNCG
Listening to the most important voice in teacher education: The voice of the teacher candida...2023Steadman, Sharilyn StudentECU
Listening to the most important voice in teacher education: The voice of the teacher candida...2023Lys, Diana BStudentECU
Listening to Mozart Does Not Enhance Backwards Digit Span Performance1997Steele, Kenneth M.FacultyPsychology, ASU
"Litany"1977Wilgus, Anne GayStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
The literary criticism of William Howard Gardiner1976Kinard, Lee W.StudentEducation, UNCG
The Literary Richard III: The Making of a Monster through Historiography2015Breed, Miana StudentEnglish - Student, ASU
A Literature and Experiment Based Evaluation of Synthesis Techniques for Prothymosin-a Deriv...2023Allen, Daniel LandonStudentECU
Lithic Fragments : Sand, Stones, and Spirituality2023Steiner, Elizabeth R.StudentECU
Lithologic, geophysical, and paleoenvironmental framework of relict inlet channel-fill and a...2023Smith, Curtis W.StudentECU
Lithostratigraphic analysis of cyclical phosphorite sedimentation within the Miocene Pungo R...2023Mallette, Patrick M.StudentECU
“Little Margaret Reynolds Dead”: An Obituary Written by Olin S. Dean for the Jackson County ...2018Grooms, Brittany StudentEnglish, WCU
" ""A Little More Swinging and Upbeat:"" The Music Traditions of the Boone Mennonite Brethre...2015Thomas, Audrey StudentHistory - Student, ASU
Little success and scarce inhabitants : the role of Beaufort, Edenton, and New Bern in the d...2023Quinn, David S.StudentECU
The lived experience of end-of-life decision making of well elders : a phenomenological stud...2023Kenny, Elaine KilloughStudentECU
The Lived Experience of Nursing Staff in Skilled Nursing Facilities: Identification of Urina...2023Delgado, Kimberly FStudentECU
The lived experience of obese employees who discontinued voluntary participation in a workpl...2023Vintinner-Wallace, Mary EllenStudentECU
The lived experience of veteran nurse educators teaching in selected baccalaureate or higher...1994Coleman, Janice FeemsterStudentEducation, UNCG
Lives matter2017Sawyer, Donald R.StudentArt and Design, WCU
Living arrangements and housing conditions of selected old age assistance recipients in thre...1973Jackson, Elizabeth GoldenStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Living clay1973Yun, Saung SookStudentArt, UNCG
Living room furnishings in selected homes of Beirut, Lebanon1964Howling, Frieda O.StudentHome Economics, UNCG
Living with leprosy1975Yeary, Dm StudentArt, UNCG
Living with strangers1974Katz, Arlene DianeStudentEnglish, UNCG
LM threshold unit root tests2011Strazicich, Mark FacultyEconomics, ASU
Local Economic Inequality and the Primary Care Physician Workforce in North Carolina2023Tumin, Dmitry StudentECU
Local Economic Inequality and the Primary Care Physician Workforce in North Carolina2023Nenow, Joseph StudentECU
Local Economic Inequality and the Primary Care Physician Workforce in North Carolina2023Nenow, Andrew StudentECU
Local Economic Inequality and the Primary Care Physician Workforce in North Carolina2023Priest, Allison StudentECU
Local Economic Inequality and the Primary Care Physician Workforce in North Carolina2023Campbell, Kendall M.StudentECU
Local Implementation Of The State Wildlife Action Plan In Coastal North Carolina2023Heath, Jamie L.StudentECU
A local positioning system for AGV navigation2016Fortune, Kenyatta StudentEngineering and Technology, WCU
Localization of the bacteriophage P1 cin recombinase promoter2023Onks, David L.StudentECU
Locating Hazardous Waste Facilities: The Influence of NIMBY Beliefs1994Groothuis, Peter FacultyEconomics, ASU
The locational and developmental effect of water pollution on industry in the Roanoke River ...2023Holland, Timothy Dale.StudentECU
Locus of control as a function of the confirmation or disconfirmation of an expectancy1973Lurey, Edward StudentPsychology, UNCG
Lodovico's curious experiment and other poems1977Beal, Harley JuneauStudentEnglish, UNCG
Logboats of the Southeastern United States: Investigating the Question of Form2023Curci, Jessica LeeStudentECU
Logic1976Murphy, Carol Lynne NarzStudentMathematics, UNCG
Logistics of Invasion: The Anglo Saxon Migration to Post-Roman Britain2023Nichols, Kevin HStudentECU
Logo mastery : cognitive styles and problem solving strategies used by kindergartners and th...1994Ingels-Young, Gingerlee StudentHuman Environmental Sciences, UNCG
Loneliness in the Older Adult Population2023Wilson, Avery C.StudentECU
A Long and Slow Martyrdom: The Jesuits' Supply Route to Huronia, 1632-16502023Schaefer, John CStudentECU
Long Noncoding RNA Expression Signatures of Metastatic Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma and Their Pr...2015Zhang, Wei,Wang,Lin,Zheng,Fang,Zou,Ruhai,Xie,Changging,Gu StudentECU
Long Noncoding RNA Expression Signatures of Metastatic Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma and Their Pr...2015Zhang, Wei StudentECU
Long Noncoding RNA Expression Signatures of Metastatic Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma and Their Pr...2015Hu, Qian StudentECU
Long Noncoding RNA Expression Signatures of Metastatic Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma and Their Pr...2015Guo, Qiannan StudentECU
Long Noncoding RNA Expression Signatures of Metastatic Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma and Their Pr...2015Xie, Changqing StudentECU
Long Noncoding RNA Expression Signatures of Metastatic Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma and Their Pr...2015Zou, Ruhai StudentECU
Long Noncoding RNA Expression Signatures of Metastatic Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma and Their Pr...2015Zheng, Fang StudentECU
Long Noncoding RNA Expression Signatures of Metastatic Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma and Their Pr...2015Yang, Xing StudentECU
Long Noncoding RNA Expression Signatures of Metastatic Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma and Their Pr...2015Wang, Lin StudentECU
Long Noncoding RNA Expression Signatures of Metastatic Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma and Their Pr...2015Chen, Jianing StudentECU
Long Noncoding RNA Expression Signatures of Metastatic Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma and Their Pr...2015Xiang, Yanqun StudentECU
Long Noncoding RNA Expression Signatures of Metastatic Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma and Their Pr...2015Song, Erwei StudentECU
Long Noncoding RNA Expression Signatures of Metastatic Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma and Their Pr...2015Yao, Herui StudentECU
The long road : Methodism in North Carolina1963Atkins, Gertrude WaltonStudentEnglish, UNCG
Long-term changes in taxonomic and functional composition of European marine fish communitie...2024McLean, Matthew FacultyBiology and Marine Biology, UNCW
Long-Term Effects of Low-Level Blast Exposure and High-Caliber Weapons Use in Military Speci...2023Murray, Nicholas P.StudentECU
Long-Term Impacts to the Federally Permitted For-Hire Headboat Fishery in the Gulf of Mexico...2020Lock, Karolyn StudentECU
Long-term nutrient enrichment of an oligotroph-dominated wetland increases bacterial diversi...2023Bledsoe, R. B.StudentECU
Long-term nutrient enrichment of an oligotroph-dominated wetland increases bacterial diversi...2023Goodwillie, C. StudentECU
Long-term nutrient enrichment of an oligotroph-dominated wetland increases bacterial diversi...2023Peralta, A. L.StudentECU
Long-term nutrient enrichment, mowing, and ditch drainage interact in the dynamics of a wetl...2023Goodwillie, C. StudentECU
Long-term nutrient enrichment, mowing, and ditch drainage interact in the dynamics of a wetl...2023McCoy, M. W.StudentECU
Long-term nutrient enrichment, mowing, and ditch drainage interact in the dynamics of a wetl...2023Peralta, A. L.StudentECU
Longitudinal Effects of Motivation and Physical Activity on Depressive Symptoms among Colleg...2023Zhang, Xiaoxia StudentECU
Longitudinal Effects of Motivation and Physical Activity on Depressive Symptoms among Colleg...2023Zhang, Jie StudentECU
Longitudinal Effects of Motivation and Physical Activity on Depressive Symptoms among Colleg...2023Gu, Xiangli StudentECU
Longitudinal Effects of Motivation and Physical Activity on Depressive Symptoms among Colleg...2023Lee, Jihye StudentECU
Longitudinal Effects of Motivation and Physical Activity on Depressive Symptoms among Colleg...2023Chang, Mei StudentECU
Longitudinal Effects of Motivation and Physical Activity on Depressive Symptoms among Colleg...2023Zhang, Tao StudentECU
A Longitudinal Examination of Suicide-Related Thoughts and Behaviors among Bariatric Surgery...2023Pories, Walter J.StudentECU
A longitudinal investigation of the factor structure of subjective well-being as measured by...1988McCulloch, Bethany JanStudentHuman Environmental Sciences, UNCG
Longitudinal Monitoring for the Emergence of Epidermal Growth Factor C797S Resistance Mutati...2023Bowling, Mark R.StudentECU
Longitudinal Monitoring for the Emergence of Epidermal Growth Factor C797S Resistance Mutati...2023Arastu, Hyder StudentECU
Longitudinal Monitoring for the Emergence of Epidermal Growth Factor C797S Resistance Mutati...2023Walker, Paul StudentECU
A Look Inside Different Cultures Through Art2023Hall, Skyler NStudentECU
Loss Aversion And A Kinked Demand Curve: Evidence From Contingent Behaviour Analysis Of Seaf...2008Morgan, Ashton FacultyEconomics, ASU
The loss of Impact Aid and implications for American public school systems1986Hager, Charles ThomasStudentEducation, UNCG
Loss of suitable habitat and phenological shifts of grouper and snapper spawning aggregation...2023Gokturk, Esra StudentECU
Lost in the Desert: A Review of Mark C. Taylor's Disfiguring Art, Architecture, Religion1994Carp, Richard M. FacultyPast faculty member, ASU
Lots to know about benefits, risks of zinc2023Daodu, Joseph StudentECU
Lots to know about benefits, risks of zinc2023Kolasa, Kathryn MStudentECU
Louisiana State University Geographic Information System Support of Hurricane Katrina Recove...2006Pine, John FacultyGeography and Planning, ASU
Love in Racine's Britannicus1968Jones, Katherine RenaStudentRomance Languages, UNCG
Love Letters from William Stringfield to Maria Love2015Davidson, Laura StudentEnglish, WCU
Love's Labor Reconsidered2023Jones, Plummer AlstonStudentECU
Low adenosine agent, composition, kit and method for treatment of airway disease1999Nyce, Jonathan StudentECU
Low adenosine agent, composition, kit and method for treatment of airway disease1999Metzger, James W.StudentECU
Low adenosine anti-sense oligonucleotide agent, composition, kit and treatments2023Nyce, Jonathan W.StudentECU
Low adenosine anti-sense oligonucleotide, compositions, kit and method for treatment of airw...2023Nyce, Jonathan W.StudentECU
Low alpha power (7.5--9.5 Hz) changes during positive and negative affective learning2003EVERHART, D. ERIK,DEMAREE,HEATH AStudentECU
Low alpha power (7.5--9.5 Hz) changes during positive and negative affective learning2003EVERHART, D. ERIK,DEMAREE,HEATH AStudentECU
Low alpha power (7.5–9.5 Hz) changes during positive and negative affective learning2023Everhart, D. ErikStudentECU
Low alpha power (7.5–9.5 Hz) changes during positive and negative affective learning2023DEMAREE, HEATH A.StudentECU
Low alpha power (7.5–9.5 Hz) changes during positive and negative affective learning2023Everhart, D. ErikStudentECU
Low alpha power (7.5–9.5 Hz) changes during positive and negative affective learning2023DEMAREE, HEATH AStudentECU
Low human interest for the most at-risk reef fishes worldwide2024McLean, Matthew FacultyBiology and Marine Biology, UNCW
Low total harmonic distortion (THD) resonant converter for cooker magnetron power supply2016Zhou, Yang StudentEngineering and Technology, WCU
Low-cost home furnishings1972Johnson, Sue WynneStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Low-fired earthenware pottery1976Leonard, Pamela BlumeStudentArt, UNCG
Low-Income Housing in Eastern North Carolina2023Arensberg, Ashley StudentECU
Lower Chinle Group (Upper Triassic:Carnian) stratigraphy in the Zuni Mountains, west-central...2002Heckert, Andrew B. FacultyGeology, ASU
Lower Chinle Group (Upper Triassic:upper Carnian) tetrapods from the vicinity of Cameron, Ar...2002Heckert, Andrew B. FacultyGeology, ASU
Lower Extremity Strength and Mechanics During Jumping in Women With Patellofemoral Pain2023Willson, John D.StudentECU
Lower Extremity Strength and Mechanics During Jumping in Women With Patellofemoral Pain2023Davis, Irene S.StudentECU
Lower skeletal muscle capillarization and VEGF expression in aged versus young men2023Ryan, Nicholas A.StudentECU
Loyal to Commerce?: Merchants and the Occupation of Eastern North Carolina, 1862-18652023Shuler, Noah SStudentECU
La representación de Fieras afemina Amor en la proclamación de Luis I (1724)2013Lopez Alemany, Ignacio FacultyLanguages, Literatures, and Cultures, UNCG
Luce2016Gibson, Sarah StudentLiterature, UNCA
Ludic Itineraries: from Medieval Play to Digital Ludocapitalism2023Escourido, Juan StudentECU
Ludwig Schuncke (1810-1834) and his piano music1995Cooper, Ruskin KingStudentMusic, UNCG
Luigi Dallapiccola's Liriche greche : an analysis for performance1994James-Gallagher, Elizabeth W.StudentMusic, UNCG
Luminescence characteristics of quartz from Brazilian sediments and constraints for OSL dati...2013GUEDES, CARLOS C.F.,SAWAKUCHI,ANDRÉ O.,GIANNINI,PAULO C.F.,DEWITStudentECU
Luminescent enhancement of europium metal-based calcium fluoride nanoparticles using surface...2023Fratarcangeli, Matteo StudentChemistry and Physics, WCU
Lung Protective Ventilation (ARDSNet) versus APRV: Ventilatory Management in a Combined Mode...2023Toschlog, Eric StudentECU
Lung Protective Ventilation (ARDSNet) versus APRV: Ventilatory Management in a Combined Mode...2023Leonard, Kenji L.StudentECU
Lung Protective Ventilation (ARDSNet) versus APRV: Ventilatory Management in a Combined Mode...2023Falls, Randall StudentECU
Lung Protective Ventilation (ARDSNet) versus APRV: Ventilatory Management in a Combined Mode...2023Mageau, Ronald P.StudentECU
Lung Protective Ventilation (ARDSNet) versus APRV: Ventilatory Management in a Combined Mode...2023Efird, Jimmy T.StudentECU
Lung Protective Ventilation (ARDSNet) versus APRV: Ventilatory Management in a Combined Mode...2023Hollowell, Joseph P.StudentECU
Lung Protective Ventilation (ARDSNet) versus APRV: Ventilatory Management in a Combined Mode...2023Trainor, Wayne E. IIStudentECU
Lung Protective Ventilation (ARDSNet) versus APRV: Ventilatory Management in a Combined Mode...2023Kanaan, Hilal A.StudentECU
Lung Protective Ventilation (ARDSNet) versus APRV: Ventilatory Management in a Combined Mode...2023Hickner, Robert C.StudentECU
Lung Protective Ventilation (ARDSNet) versus APRV: Ventilatory Management in a Combined Mode...2023Poulin, Nathaniel R.StudentECU
Lung Protective Ventilation (ARDSNet) versus APRV: Ventilatory Management in a Combined Mode...2023Waibel, Brett H.StudentECU
The lungs of the red-spotted newt, Nophthalmus viridescens viridescens2023Atchison, Tammy J.StudentECU
The lungs of the red-spotted newt, Nophthalmus viridescens viridescens2023Atchison, Tammy J.StudentECU
Luther, the devil, and the apocalypse2023Merritt, Marshall ScottStudentECU
The Lutheran theory of political resistance in the German territories :from Luther to the Bo...2023Rickert, Kathryn Ann.StudentECU
Lyme Disease Pathogenesis2023Garcia, Brandon L.StudentECU
Lyme Disease Pathogenesis2023Coburn, Jenifer StudentECU
Lyme Disease Pathogenesis2023Hu, Linden T.StudentECU
Lyme Disease Pathogenesis2023Jewett, Mollie W.StudentECU
Lyme Disease Pathogenesis2023Kraiczy, Peter StudentECU
Lyme Disease Pathogenesis2023Norris, Steven J.StudentECU
Lyme Disease Pathogenesis2023Skare, Jon StudentECU
Lynchburgh, Virginia : a city of war, 1861-18652023Bouldin, Mary JaneStudentECU
The M2a Macrophage Phenotype Accompanies Pulmonary Granuloma Resolution in Mmp12 Knock-Out M...2023Ogburn, David StudentECU
The M2a Macrophage Phenotype Accompanies Pulmonary Granuloma Resolution in Mmp12 Knock-Out M...2023Bhalla, Sophia StudentECU
The M2a Macrophage Phenotype Accompanies Pulmonary Granuloma Resolution in Mmp12 Knock-Out M...2023Leffler, Nan StudentECU
The M2a Macrophage Phenotype Accompanies Pulmonary Granuloma Resolution in Mmp12 Knock-Out M...2023Mohan, Arjun StudentECU
The M2a Macrophage Phenotype Accompanies Pulmonary Granuloma Resolution in Mmp12 Knock-Out M...2023Malur, Anagha StudentECU
The M2a Macrophage Phenotype Accompanies Pulmonary Granuloma Resolution in Mmp12 Knock-Out M...2023Malur, Achut G.StudentECU
The M2a Macrophage Phenotype Accompanies Pulmonary Granuloma Resolution in Mmp12 Knock-Out M...2023McPeek, Matthew StudentECU
The M2a Macrophage Phenotype Accompanies Pulmonary Granuloma Resolution in Mmp12 Knock-Out M...2023Barna, Barbara P.StudentECU
The M2a Macrophage Phenotype Accompanies Pulmonary Granuloma Resolution in Mmp12 Knock-Out M...2023Thomassen, Mary JaneStudentECU
The M2a macrophage phenotype accompanies pulmonary granuloma resolution in Mmp12 knock-out m...2023Ogburn, David StudentECU
The M2a macrophage phenotype accompanies pulmonary granuloma resolution in Mmp12 knock-out m...2023Bhalla, Sophia StudentECU
The M2a macrophage phenotype accompanies pulmonary granuloma resolution in Mmp12 knock-out m...2023Leffler, Nan StudentECU
The M2a macrophage phenotype accompanies pulmonary granuloma resolution in Mmp12 knock-out m...2023Mohan, Arjun StudentECU
The M2a macrophage phenotype accompanies pulmonary granuloma resolution in Mmp12 knock-out m...2023Malur, Anagha StudentECU
The M2a macrophage phenotype accompanies pulmonary granuloma resolution in Mmp12 knock-out m...2023Malur, Achut G.StudentECU
The M2a macrophage phenotype accompanies pulmonary granuloma resolution in Mmp12 knock-out m...2023McPeek, Matthew StudentECU
The M2a macrophage phenotype accompanies pulmonary granuloma resolution in Mmp12 knock-out m...2023Barna, Barbara P.StudentECU
The M2a macrophage phenotype accompanies pulmonary granuloma resolution in Mmp12 knock-out m...2023Thomassen, Mary JaneStudentECU
Machine Learning Assisted Non-Rigid Surface Tracking in Biological Systems2020Hempstead, William StudentECU
Macondo-1 well oil-derived polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in mesozooplankton from the nort...2023Mitra, Siddhartha StudentECU
Macondo-1 well oil-derived polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in mesozooplankton from the nort...2023Kimmel, David G.StudentECU
Macondo-1 well oil-derived polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in mesozooplankton from the nort...2023Snyder, Jessica StudentECU
Macondo-1 well oil-derived polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in mesozooplankton from the nort...2023Scalise, Kimberly StudentECU
Macondo-1 well oil-derived polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in mesozooplankton from the nort...2023McGlaughon, Benjamin D.StudentECU
Macondo-1 well oil-derived polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in mesozooplankton from the nort...2023Roman, Michael R.StudentECU
Macondo-1 well oil-derived polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in mesozooplankton from the nort...2023Jahn, Ginger L.StudentECU
Macondo-1 well oil-derived polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in mesozooplankton from the nort...2023Pierson, James J.StudentECU
Macondo-1 well oil-derived polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in mesozooplankton from the nort...2023Brandt, Stephen B.StudentECU
Macondo-1 well oil-derived polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in mesozooplankton from the nort...2023Montoya, Joseph P.StudentECU
Macondo-1 well oil-derived polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in mesozooplankton from the nort...2023Rosenbauer, Robert J.StudentECU
Macondo-1 well oil-derived polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in mesozooplankton from the nort...2023Lorenson, Thomas D.StudentECU
Macondo-1 well oil-derived polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in mesozooplankton from the nort...2023Wong, Florence L.StudentECU
Macondo-1 well oil-derived polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in mesozooplankton from the nort...2023Campbell, Pamela L.StudentECU
Mad men, nighthawks2023Stiles, John FacultyMusic and Visual Arts, ECSU
The Madden-Julian Oscillation: A Tool for Regional Seasonal Precipitation Outlooks?2017Curtis, Scott StudentECU
Made Yours Design2023Carroll, Gabrielle StudentECU
Madrigaletti a due et tre voci of Salamone Rossi1963Stewart, Marlene CrammeStudentMusic, UNCG
Magic and Mermaids: Fairy Tales Revisited2016Sommers, Amily StudentLiterature, UNCA
Magical mythical men1976Gaski, Michael StudentEnglish, UNCG
Magnetic Control of the Manganese Photoluminescence in Fe3O4/l-Cys ZnS:Mn Nanocomposites2023Sutariya, Shyam StudentECU
Magnetic Control of the Manganese Photoluminescence in Fe3O4/l-Cys ZnS:Mn Nanocomposites2023Gololobova, Olesia StudentECU
Magnetic Control of the Manganese Photoluminescence in Fe3O4/l-Cys ZnS:Mn Nanocomposites2023Diaz-Diestra, Daysi StudentECU
Magnetic Control of the Manganese Photoluminescence in Fe3O4/l-Cys ZnS:Mn Nanocomposites2023Thapa, Bibek StudentECU
Magnetic Control of the Manganese Photoluminescence in Fe3O4/l-Cys ZnS:Mn Nanocomposites2023Weiner, Brad R.StudentECU
Magnetic Control of the Manganese Photoluminescence in Fe3O4/l-Cys ZnS:Mn Nanocomposites2023Morell, Gerardo StudentECU
Magnetic Control of the Manganese Photoluminescence in Fe3O4/l-Cys ZnS:Mn Nanocomposites2023Jadwisienczak, Wojciech M.StudentECU
Major and trace element composition of phosphorites of the North Carolina continental margin...2023Ellington, Micheal D.StudentECU
Major Episodes of Horizontal Gene Transfer Drove the Evolution of Land Plants2023Huang, Jinling StudentECU
Major Episodes of Horizontal Gene Transfer Drove the Evolution of Land Plants2023Ma, Jianchao StudentECU
Major Episodes of Horizontal Gene Transfer Drove the Evolution of Land Plants2023, et alStudentECU
Major general Robert Frederick Hoke and the Civil War in North Carolina2023Joyner, Clinton StudentECU
Major histocompatibility complex class II DAB and DXB polymorphism in Xiphophorus fishes2023Roney, Kelly Jones.StudentECU
Major histocompatibility complex class II A gene polymorphism in the striped bass, Morone sa...2023Hardee, Jennifer J.StudentECU
Make Your Own Way: The Creative Process Behind Writing and Illustrating a Children’s Book2023Moore, Leah FacultyEsther G. Maynor Honors College, UNCP
Making a case for the role of your library in your XR project2020Ellern, Gillian (Jill) D. FacultyHunter Library, WCU
Making Connections: The Creation of Lesbian Community in Cyberspace2001Ellern, Gillian (Jill) D. FacultyHunter Library, WCU
Making Land With Pirates2023Clothier, Kaitlin StudentECU
The making of a book, Thais1961Shewmake, Mitzi StudentArt, UNCG
Malcom Lowry's Under the volcano as tragedy1975Kluttz, Phyllis HuffmanStudentEnglish, UNCG
Male caregivers with cancer diagnosed partners : an exploratory study1996Browning, Frankie CarrollStudentEducation, UNCG
Males and Females Respond Similarly to Walking with a Standardized, Heavy Load2023DeVita, Paul,1955- StudentECU
Males and Females Respond Similarly to Walking with a Standardized, Heavy Load2023Rider, Patrick StudentECU
Males and Females Respond Similarly to Walking with a Standardized, Heavy Load2023Domire, Zachary StudentECU
Malva Sylvestris Derivatives as Inhibitors of HIV-1 BaL Infection2023Pasetto, Silvana StudentECU
Malva Sylvestris Derivatives as Inhibitors of HIV-1 BaL Infection2023Murata, Ramiro MendonçaStudentECU
Malva Sylvestris Derivatives as Inhibitors of HIV-1 BaL Infection2023Benso, Bruna StudentECU
Malva Sylvestris Derivatives as Inhibitors of HIV-1 BaL Infection2023Rosalen, Pedro LuizStudentECU
Malva Sylvestris Derivatives as Inhibitors of HIV-1 BaL Infection2023Marquezin, Maria Carolina SaloméStudentECU
Malva Sylvestris Derivatives as Inhibitors of HIV-1 BaL Infection2023Freitas–Blanco, Verônica StudentECU
The mammalian Harderian gland :a comparison of the normal and diabetic Chinese hamster based...2023Sobol, Todd Lowell.StudentECU
The Mammalian Spermatogenesis Single-Cell Transcriptome, from Spermatogonial Stem Cells to S...2018Hermann, Brian P.,Cheng,Keren,Singh,Anukriti,Roa-De La Cruz,LorenStudentECU
Mammalian SWI/SNF Chromatin Remodeler is Essential for Reductional Meiosis in Males2023Kirsanov, Oleksandr StudentECU
Mammalian SWI/SNF Chromatin Remodeler is Essential for Reductional Meiosis in Males2023Geyer, Christopher B.StudentECU
Mammalian SWI/SNF Chromatin Remodeler is Essential for Reductional Meiosis in Males2023Magnuson, Terry StudentECU
Mammalian SWI/SNF Chromatin Remodeler is Essential for Reductional Meiosis in Males2023Menon, Debashish U.StudentECU
Mammogram Uptake among Korean American Women in the South: Do Health Beliefs Matter?2023Lee, Mi HwaStudentECU
Mammogram Uptake among Korean American Women in the South: Do Health Beliefs Matter?2023Schwartz, Abby J.StudentECU
Mammogram Uptake among Korean American Women in the South: Do Health Beliefs Matter?2023, et alStudentECU
Management of finances in selected North Carolina homemaking departments, 1951-19521953Allison, Bette JeanStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Management of Venous Thromboembolism in High-Grade Glioma: Does Low Molecular Weight Heparin...2023Jo, Jasmin StudentECU
Management of Venous Thromboembolism in High-Grade Glioma: Does Low Molecular Weight Heparin...2023Donahue, Joseph StudentECU
Management of Venous Thromboembolism in High-Grade Glioma: Does Low Molecular Weight Heparin...2023Sarai, Guneet StudentECU
Management of Venous Thromboembolism in High-Grade Glioma: Does Low Molecular Weight Heparin...2023Petroni, Gina StudentECU
Management of Venous Thromboembolism in High-Grade Glioma: Does Low Molecular Weight Heparin...2023Schiff, David StudentECU
Managers' Handbook2009Rehkopf, Ed FacultyHospitality and Tourism Administration, NCCU
Managing diversity: does it matter to municipal governments?2010Strickland, Ruth Ann FacultyGovernment and Justice Studies, ASU
Managing Mental Health: Athlete Help-Seeking2023Habeeb, Christine StudentECU
Managing Mental Health: Athlete Help-Seeking2023Warner, Stacy StudentECU
Managing Mental Health: Athlete Help-Seeking2023Walsh, David StudentECU
Mandibles of Juvenile Phytosaurs (Archosaura: Crurotarsi) from the Upper Triassic Chinle Gro...2013Heckert, Andrew B. FacultyGeology, ASU
Mandibles Of Juvenile Phytosaurs (Archosauria: Crurotarsi) From The Upper Triassic Chinle Gr...2013Heckert, Andrew B. FacultyGeology, ASU
Mangrove Carbon Stocks in Pongara National Park, Gabon2023Lagomasino, David StudentECU
Mangrove Carbon Stocks in Pongara National Park, Gabon2023Trettin, Carl C.StudentECU
Mangrove Carbon Stocks in Pongara National Park, Gabon2023Dai, Zhaohua StudentECU
Mangrove Carbon Stocks in Pongara National Park, Gabon2023Tang, Wenwu StudentECU
Mangrove Carbon Stocks in Pongara National Park, Gabon2023Thomas, Nathan StudentECU
Mangrove Carbon Stocks in Pongara National Park, Gabon2023Lee, Seung KukStudentECU
Mangrove Carbon Stocks in Pongara National Park, Gabon2023Simard, Marc StudentECU
Mangrove Carbon Stocks in Pongara National Park, Gabon2023Ebanega, M´edard ObiangStudentECU
Mangrove Carbon Stocks in Pongara National Park, Gabon2023Stoval, Atticus StudentECU
Mangrove Carbon Stocks in Pongara National Park, Gabon2023Fatoyinbo, Temilola StudentECU
Manifestations of Tribalography in Indigenous American Literature: LeAnne Howe and Beyond2023Brown, Megan StudentECU
Manipulating the Biosynthesis of Bioactive Compound Alkaloids for Next-Generation Metabolic ...2023Zhang, Baohong StudentECU
Manipulating Common Method Variance via Experimental Conditions2023Waterwall, Brian StudentECU
Manipulation and Perception of Internal and External Focus During Resistance Training2023Tomchesson, Roy StudentECU
Mapping the Extent of Mangrove Ecosystem Degradation by Integrating an Ecological Conceptual...2023Lagomasino, David StudentECU
Mapping the Extent of Mangrove Ecosystem Degradation by Integrating an Ecological Conceptual...2023Lee, Calvin K. F.StudentECU
Mapping the Extent of Mangrove Ecosystem Degradation by Integrating an Ecological Conceptual...2023Duncan, Clare StudentECU
Mapping the Extent of Mangrove Ecosystem Degradation by Integrating an Ecological Conceptual...2023Nicholson, Emily StudentECU
Mapping the Extent of Mangrove Ecosystem Degradation by Integrating an Ecological Conceptual...2023Fatoyinbo, Temilola StudentECU
Mapping the Extent of Mangrove Ecosystem Degradation by Integrating an Ecological Conceptual...2023Thomas, Nathan StudentECU
Mapping the Extent of Mangrove Ecosystem Degradation by Integrating an Ecological Conceptual...2023Worthington, Thomas A.StudentECU
Mapping the Extent of Mangrove Ecosystem Degradation by Integrating an Ecological Conceptual...2023Murray, Nicholas J.StudentECU
Mapping the Future - Merging the Old with the New Across Disciplines2012Efird, J.T. StudentECU
Mapping the future-merging the old with the new across disciplines2012Efird, Jimmy T.StudentECU
Mapping the Future—Merging the Old with the New Across Disciplines2012Efird, J.T. StudentECU
Mapping Habitat Suitability for the Eastern Black Rail throughout its Atlantic Coastal Range...2023Neice, Amberly A.StudentECU
Mapping Habitat Suitability for the Eastern Black Rail throughout its Atlantic Coastal Range...2023McRae, Susan B.StudentECU
Mapping The Landscape of Educational Research Dissemination2023Warren, Rylie LayneStudentECU
Mapping of the human mitochondrial translation initiation factor 2 gene (MTIF2) to human chr...2023Bonner, Diane S.StudentECU
Mapping of the human mitochondrial translation initiation factor 2 gene (MTIF2) to human chr...2023Bonner, Diane S.StudentECU
Mapping Transgressions: The Road To Privacy2016Taylor, Cody StudentGovernment and Justice Studies - Student, ASU
The Mapuche Indians in Chilean twentieth century poetry1970Helms, Daphne UvonneStudentRomance Languages-Spanish, UNCG
Marc Woodmansee's Letter to Horace Kepart, January 26, 19192015Habit, Melissa StudentEnglish, WCU
March of the "Corps Editorial" : The Development of Journalism in North Carolina, 1796-18602023Clark, McIver Allen,Jr.StudentECU
Marine Corps enlistment as an occupational choice with a view toward post-military vocations...2023Osmondson, Eugene LeeStudentECU
Marital conflict, mother-son interaction, and sons' aggression with peers1993Lisson, Robert CharlesStudentHuman Environmental Sciences, UNCG
Marital instability : the relationship of gender role beliefs, negativity, and distancing1997Guilbert, Douglas EdwardStudentEducation, UNCG
Marital quality and interspousal self-concept congruency1981Seutter, Raymond AlphonzeStudentHome Economics, UNCG
The Maritime History and Nautical Archaeology of China in Southeast Asia: Song to Early Ming...2023Van Tilburg, Hans KonradStudentECU
A Maritime History of Okracoke Inlet, 1584-17832023Newell, Samuel WStudentECU
Market potential and the possible location for a New England steel mill2023Ellison, Ralph Waldo.StudentECU
Marketing techniques applied to energy conservation1980Christensen, William L.StudentEducation, UNCG
Markov Chains, Random Walks, and Card Shuffling2023Outlaw, Nolan StudentECU
Marriage among high school students in North Carolina1960Thompson, Mary RuthStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Marsh macrophyte responses to inundation anticipate impacts of sea-level rise and indicate o...2012Voss, Christine M.StudentECU
Marsh macrophyte responses to inundation anticipate impacts of sea-level rise and indicate o...2012Morris, James T.StudentECU
Marsh macrophyte responses to inundation anticipate impacts of sea-level rise and indicate o...2012Christian, Robert R.StudentECU
Marsh macrophyte responses to inundation anticipate impacts of sea-level rise and indicate o...2013Voss, Christine M.,Christian,Robert R.,Morris,James T.StudentECU
Martha Jane Misemer’s Letter to Philip Misemer June 18, 18652023Winstead, Morgan AshleyStudentEnglish, WCU
Martin Luther King, Jr., Malcolm X, Cornel West, Barack Obama: Giving Voice and Purpose to...2023Meisenhelder, Randall StudentECU
Martin Luther's Eucharistic theology and its effects on popular deity in the sixteenth centu...2023Monroe, Alan BrentStudentECU
Marxist influences in the United States prior to 19001966McNeill, Ella MayStudentHistory and Political Science, UNCG
Masculinity, Resources, and Retention in Care: South African Men’s Behaviors and Experiences...2023Kipp, Aaron StudentECU
Masculinity, Resources, and Retention in Care: South African Men’s Behaviors and Experiences...2023Daniels, Joseph StudentECU
Masculinity, Resources, and Retention in Care: South African Men’s Behaviors and Experiences...2023Medina-Marino, Andrew StudentECU
Masculinity, Resources, and Retention in Care: South African Men’s Behaviors and Experiences...2023Glockner, Katherine StudentECU
Masculinity, Resources, and Retention in Care: South African Men’s Behaviors and Experiences...2023Grew, Emily StudentECU
Masculinity, Resources, and Retention in Care: South African Men’s Behaviors and Experiences...2023Ngcelwane, Nondumiso StudentECU
Masking-level difference (MLD) as a function of noise spectrum level, frequency, and signal ...1970Lindsey, John W.StudentPsychology, UNCG
Massed vs. distributed practice on the learning of the forehand and backhand drives in tenni...1968Schroeder, Pamela JeanStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
Massive Extinction Treatment Attenuates the Renewal Effect2003Denniston, James FacultyPsychology, ASU
Material culture of nineteenth century steamboat passengers on the Bertrand and Arabia2023Kjorness, Annalies Corbin.StudentECU
Maternal Aerobic Exercise, but Not Blood Docosahexaenoic Acid and Eicosapentaenoic Acid Conc...2023Kew, Kimberly A.StudentECU
Maternal Aerobic Exercise, but Not Blood Docosahexaenoic Acid and Eicosapentaenoic Acid Conc...2023Houmard, Joseph A.StudentECU
Maternal Aerobic Exercise, but Not Blood Docosahexaenoic Acid and Eicosapentaenoic Acid Conc...2023Tulis, David A.StudentECU
Maternal Aerobic Exercise, but Not Blood Docosahexaenoic Acid and Eicosapentaenoic Acid Conc...2023Pawlak, Roman StudentECU
Maternal Aerobic Exercise, but Not Blood Docosahexaenoic Acid and Eicosapentaenoic Acid Conc...2023Newton, Edward StudentECU
Maternal Aerobic Exercise, but Not Blood Docosahexaenoic Acid and Eicosapentaenoic Acid Conc...2023Isler, Christy StudentECU
Maternal Aerobic Exercise, but Not Blood Docosahexaenoic Acid and Eicosapentaenoic Acid Conc...2023DeVente, James StudentECU
Maternal Aerobic Exercise, but Not Blood Docosahexaenoic Acid and Eicosapentaenoic Acid Conc...2023May, Linda E.StudentECU
Maternal attitudes in women trained for childbirth by Lamaze techniques and women receiving ...1974Karmel, Marylin O.StudentHome Economics, UNCG
Maternal input of Striped Bass (Morone saxatilis) : Determining a mother's life history from...2023Elking, Brie StudentECU
Maternal Perceptions of Father Involvement, Co-parent Relationship Quality, Maternal Anxiety...2023Burdo, Victoria CorrineStudentECU
Maternal perceptions of preschool child's behavior before and after separation for childbirt...2023Burton, Caroline M.StudentECU
Maternal-fetal attachment and perceived social support in the third trimester2023Walden, Christine M.StudentECU
A mathematical approach to an optimal strategy for the dice game pig1973Elliott, Nancy LeeStudentMathematics, UNCG
Mathematical Aspects of Image Processing2023Kirk, Samantha StudentECU
Mathematical metaphors and philosophical structures1986Wishnietsky, Dan H.StudentEducation, UNCG
Mathematical Model of Subthalamic Nucleus Neuron: Characteristic Activity Patterns and Bifur...2023Ahn, S. StudentECU
Mathematical Model of Subthalamic Nucleus Neuron: Characteristic Activity Patterns and Bifur...2023Park, Choongseok StudentECU
Mathematical Model of Subthalamic Nucleus Neuron: Characteristic Activity Patterns and Bifur...2023Rubchinsky, Leonid L.StudentECU
A Mathematical Model of Tumor Volume Changes during Radiotherapy2013Wang, Ping StudentECU
A Mathematical Model of Tumor Volume Changes during Radiotherapy2013Feng, Yuanming StudentECU
Mathematical Modeling of Oxygen Transport, Cell Killing and Cell Decision Making in Photodyn...2023Gkigkitzis, Ioannis StudentECU
Mathematically Facile Adolescents with Math-Science Aspirations: New Perspectives on Their E...2002Webb, Rose Mary FacultyPsychology, ASU
Mathematics and Music: Using Group Theory to Qualify N-Note Tonal Systems2015Kennedy, Kristie StudentASU
The mathematics program of the Greek high school : in terms of internationally acceptable pa...1978Kostaki, Stavroula ErikettaStudentEducation, UNCG
Matters of Steel : Illustrating and Assessing the Deterioration of the World War II Merchant...2023Fox, Kara DavisStudentECU
Maturation and fecundity of the Neuse and Tar-Pamlico Rivers striped bass (morone saxatilis)...2023Knight, Evan StudentECU
Maturation and fecundity of Roanoke River/Albemarle Sound striped bass (Morone saxatilis)2023Olsen, Erik J.StudentECU
Maturation, Fecundity, and Spawning Frequency of the Albemarle/Roanoke Striped Bass Stock2023Boyd, Jacob B.StudentECU
The maturity onset relationship of prostaglandin Fc in rabbit serum2023Bell, Floyd Ernest.StudentECU
Max Bruch's dramatic cantata on Friedrich Schiller's poem, Das Lied von der Glocke : a condu...1995Steinert, Daniel A.StudentMusic, UNCG
Max Stirner: The Last Hegelian or the First Poststructuralist?1997Koch, Andrew MFacultyGovernment and Justice Studies, ASU
Maximally connected topological spaces1976Garner, Andrew KellyStudentMathematics, UNCG
Maximum Likelihood Estimators Uniformly Minimize Distribution Variance Among Distribution Un...2023Wu, Qiang StudentECU
Maximum Likelihood Estimators Uniformly Minimize Distribution Variance Among Distribution Un...2023Vos, Paul StudentECU
"May I Buy a Pack of Marlboros, Please?" A Systematic Review of Evidence to Improve the Vali...2016Lee, Joseph G. L.,Gregory,Kyle R.,Baker,Hannah M.,Ranney,Leah StudentECU
Mayor Scott B. Berkeley and Seymour Johnson Air Force Base : an analysis of one man's effort...2023Mullen, James P.StudentECU
McCarthy : "the trial of unreason by humane voices"1972Buchanan, Gary RobertStudentMusic, UNCG
Mealtime food intake and behavior of normal weight adult males : effects of phenylalanine an...1987Ryan-Harshman, Milly StudentHome Economics, UNCG
The Meaning and Cultural Context of Physical Activity as Perceived by Physically Active, Rur...2010Lenkerd, Allison StudentECU
The meaning of home as portrayed in the novels of George Lamming and Paule Marshall2023Horner, Randi K.StudentECU
The meaning of illness for breast cancer patients and their spouses2023Roberson, Donna W.StudentECU
The Meaning of MOOC-topia2023Siegel, David J.StudentECU
The Meaning of MOOC-topia2023Carchidi, Daniel M.StudentECU
The meaning of space for designers1967Poole, Marilyn SeitzStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Means and Long-Term Trends of Global Coastal Zone Precipitation2019Curtis, Scott StudentECU
Measurement invariance between the English and German versions of the Informal Workplace Lea...2023Dos Santos, Anne FrancisStudentECU
Measurement of attitudes of women coaches toward the conduct of intercollegiate athletics fo...1973Sisley, Becky L.StudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
Measurement of attitudes toward the conduct of intercollegiate basketball for women1976Hutchison, Jill StudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
The measurement of changes in perception of spouse and marriage following a marriage enrichm...1985Catron, Sarah SwannStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Measurement of Dispositional Affect: Construct Validity and Convergence with a Circumplex Mo...2003Huelsman, Timothy FacultyPsychology, ASU
Measurement of Mass by Optical Forced Oscillation of Absorbing Particles Trapped in Air2023Li, Yong-Qing StudentECU
The Measurement of a Novel Conceptual Framework Entitled: "Process Education: Learning to Le...2018Osler, James FacultySchool of Education , NCCU
The Measurement of a Novel Conceptual Framework Entitled: "Process Education: Learning to Le...2018Mutisya, Philliph FacultyEducational Technology Program, NCCU
A measurement of parental opinions toward a university nursery school and its contribution t...1965Egerton, Juanita FowlerStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Measurement of Patient Confidence in Self-Management of Atrial Fibrillation: Initial Validat...2023Tripp, Connor StudentECU
Measurement of Patient Confidence in Self-Management of Atrial Fibrillation: Initial Validat...2023Anthony, Scarlett L.StudentECU
Measurement of Patient Confidence in Self-Management of Atrial Fibrillation: Initial Validat...2023Sears, Samuel F.StudentECU
Measurement of Patient Confidence in Self-Management of Atrial Fibrillation: Initial Validat...2023Gehi, Anil K.StudentECU
Measurement of Patient Confidence in Self-Management of Atrial Fibrillation: Initial Validat...2023Rosman, Lindsey StudentECU
Measuring Constituency Ideology in U.S. House Districts: A Top-Down Simulation Approach2003Ardoin, Phillip FacultyGovernment and Justice Studies, ASU
Measuring Contingent Values for Wetlands: Effects of Information about Related Environmental...1991Whitehead, John FacultyEconomics, ASU
Measuring Customer Service: Georgia’s Local Government Mystery Shopper Program2003Bradbury, Mark FacultyGovernment and Justice Studies, ASU
Measuring Disparities In Sanitation Access: Does The Measure Matter?2014Rheingans, Richard FacultySustainable Development, ASU
Measuring the Economic Benefits of Saginaw Bay Coastal Marsh with Revealed and Stated Prefer...2009Whitehead, John FacultyEconomics, ASU
Measuring the Economic Benefits of Saginaw Bay Coastal Marsh with Revealed and Stated Prefer...2009Groothuis, Peter FacultyEconomics, ASU
Measuring the Economic Effects of Sea Level Rise On Shore Fishing2009Whitehead, John FacultyEconomics, ASU
Measuring the Ecosystem Impacts of Commercial Shrimp Trawling and Other Fishing Gear in Core...2023Deehr, Rebecca A.StudentECU
Measuring the Efficacy of Pathology Career Recruitment Strategies in US Medical Students2023Fallon, John T.StudentECU
Measuring the Efficacy of Pathology Career Recruitment Strategies in US Medical Students2023Hernandez, Patricia V.StudentECU
Measuring the Efficacy of Pathology Career Recruitment Strategies in US Medical Students2023Razzano, Dana StudentECU
Measuring the Efficacy of Pathology Career Recruitment Strategies in US Medical Students2023Riddle, Nicole D.StudentECU
Measuring the Efficacy of Pathology Career Recruitment Strategies in US Medical Students2023Islam, Humayun K.StudentECU
Measuring the Efficacy of Pathology Career Recruitment Strategies in US Medical Students2023Mirza, Kamran M.StudentECU
Measuring the Efficacy of Pathology Career Recruitment Strategies in US Medical Students2023Pattarkine, Rugved StudentECU
Measuring the Efficacy of Pathology Career Recruitment Strategies in US Medical Students2023Platero, Tania StudentECU
Measuring the Efficacy of Pathology Career Recruitment Strategies in US Medical Students2023Hermelin, Daniela StudentECU
Measuring the Efficacy of Pathology Career Recruitment Strategies in US Medical Students2023Adem, Patricia V.StudentECU
Measuring the Efficacy of Pathology Career Recruitment Strategies in US Medical Students2023Booth, Adam L.StudentECU
Measuring the Efficacy of Pathology Career Recruitment Strategies in US Medical Students2023Nachinga, Eunice MbelaStudentECU
Measuring the Efficacy of Pathology Career Recruitment Strategies in US Medical Students2023Reddy, Kalpana S.StudentECU
Measuring the Efficacy of Pathology Career Recruitment Strategies in US Medical Students2023Mares, Angelica StudentECU
Measuring the Efficacy of Pathology Career Recruitment Strategies in US Medical Students2023Lento, Patrick A.StudentECU
Measuring Exercise Capacity and Physical Function in Adult and Older Mice2023Graber, Ted G.StudentECU
Measuring Exercise Capacity and Physical Function in Adult and Older Mice2023Maroto, Rosario StudentECU
Measuring Exercise Capacity and Physical Function in Adult and Older Mice2023Fry, Christopher S.StudentECU
Measuring Exercise Capacity and Physical Function in Adult and Older Mice2023Brightwell, Camille R.StudentECU
Measuring Exercise Capacity and Physical Function in Adult and Older Mice2023Rasmussen, Blake B.StudentECU
Measuring the Filtration Efficiency of the Best-Selling Alternative Masks on Amazon2023Chaaban, Omar MansoorStudentECU
Measuring Health Information Seeking Challenges in Chronic Disease: A Psychometric Analysis ...2023Stellefson, Michael StudentECU
Measuring Health Information Seeking Challenges in Chronic Disease: A Psychometric Analysis ...2023Paige, Samantha R.StudentECU
Measuring Health Information Seeking Challenges in Chronic Disease: A Psychometric Analysis ...2023Flood-Grady, Elizabeth StudentECU
Measuring Health Information Seeking Challenges in Chronic Disease: A Psychometric Analysis ...2023Krieger, Janice L.StudentECU
Measuring Health Information Seeking Challenges in Chronic Disease: A Psychometric Analysis ...2023Miller, David StudentECU
Measuring the Impact of Sea-Level Rise on Coastal Real Estate: A Hedonic Property Model Appr...2011Whitehead, John FacultyEconomics, ASU
Measuring Importance, Performance, and Frequency of Green Initiatives among North Carolina B...2023Sanderson, Mary S.StudentECU
Measuring Mitochondrial Electron Transfer Complexes in Previously Frozen Cardiac Tissue from...2023May, Linda E.StudentECU
Measuring Mitochondrial Electron Transfer Complexes in Previously Frozen Cardiac Tissue from...2023Barrera, Daniel StudentECU
Measuring Mitochondrial Electron Transfer Complexes in Previously Frozen Cardiac Tissue from...2023Upton, Sierra StudentECU
Measuring Mitochondrial Electron Transfer Complexes in Previously Frozen Cardiac Tissue from...2023Rauch, Megan StudentECU
Measuring Mitochondrial Electron Transfer Complexes in Previously Frozen Cardiac Tissue from...2023Notarianni, Tara StudentECU
Measuring Mitochondrial Electron Transfer Complexes in Previously Frozen Cardiac Tissue from...2023Eum, Ki SukStudentECU
Measuring Mitochondrial Electron Transfer Complexes in Previously Frozen Cardiac Tissue from...2023Liberty, Megan StudentECU
Measuring Mitochondrial Electron Transfer Complexes in Previously Frozen Cardiac Tissue from...2023Sah, Sarmila VenkobaStudentECU
Measuring Mitochondrial Electron Transfer Complexes in Previously Frozen Cardiac Tissue from...2023Liu, Robert StudentECU
Measuring Mitochondrial Electron Transfer Complexes in Previously Frozen Cardiac Tissue from...2023Newcomer, Sean StudentECU
Measuring Mitochondrial Electron Transfer Complexes in Previously Frozen Cardiac Tissue from...2023Agbas, Emre StudentECU
Measuring Mitochondrial Electron Transfer Complexes in Previously Frozen Cardiac Tissue from...2023Sage, Jessica StudentECU
Measuring Mitochondrial Electron Transfer Complexes in Previously Frozen Cardiac Tissue from...2023Kosa, Edina StudentECU
Measuring Mitochondrial Electron Transfer Complexes in Previously Frozen Cardiac Tissue from...2023Agbas, Abdulbaki StudentECU
Measuring Recreation Benefits of Quality Improvements with Revealed and Stated Behavior Data...2000Whitehead, John FacultyEconomics, ASU
Meat Traceability: Are U.S. Consumers Willing To Pay for It? 2002Dickinson, David L. FacultyEconomics, ASU
Mechanical principles and retention of the elementary back stroke1970Peridier, Pamela SueStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
Mechanisms for Springtime Onset of Isolated Precipitation across the Southeastern United Sta...2023Ferreira, Rosana NietoStudentECU
Mechanisms for Springtime Onset of Isolated Precipitation across the Southeastern United Sta...2023Rickenbach, Thomas M.StudentECU
Mechanisms of action of 2, 3-dihydroxybenzoic-3, 4-dioxygenase2023Ayers, Alan R.StudentECU
Mechanisms of Assortative Mating in Speciation with Gene Flow: Connecting Theory and Empiric...2023Balakrishnan, Christopher N.StudentECU
Mechanisms of change in cognitive-behavioral therapy in relation to depressives' dysfunction...1983Jarrett, Robin BethStudentPsychology, UNCG
Mechanisms of resistance to the anti-CD4 monoclonal antibody W3/25 by encephalitogenic T cel...2023Marinakis, Christopher A.StudentECU
Mechanistic analysis of a synthetic inhibitor of the LasI quorum-sensing signal synthase2015Steinberg, D. StudentECU
Mechanistic analysis of a synthetic inhibitor of the LasI quorum-sensing signal synthase2015Lidor, O. StudentECU
Mechanistic analysis of a synthetic inhibitor of the LasI quorum-sensing signal synthase2015Al-Quntar, A. StudentECU
Mechanistic analysis of a synthetic inhibitor of the LasI quorum-sensing signal synthase2015Pesci, E. C.StudentECU
MedFTs’ Role in the Recruitment and Retention of a Diverse Physician Population: A Conceptua...2023Davis, Corin E.StudentECU
MedFTs’ Role in the Recruitment and Retention of a Diverse Physician Population: A Conceptua...2023Lamson, Angela L.StudentECU
MedFTs’ Role in the Recruitment and Retention of a Diverse Physician Population: A Conceptua...2023Black, Kristin Z.StudentECU
The mediating role of the self in the prediction of psychopathology from the mother-child re...1992Magee, Karin DodgeStudentPsychology, UNCG
Mediators of Change in Insulin Resistance with Weight-loss and Exercise Through the use of H...2023Hiller, Kayleigh MStudentECU
Medical and Household Characteristics Associated with Methicillin Resistant Nasal Carriage ...2013Richardson, David B.StudentECU
Medical and Household Characteristics Associated with Methicillin Resistant Nasal Carriage ...2013Ramsey, Keith M.StudentECU
Medical and Household Characteristics Associated with Methicillin Resistant Nasal Carriage ...2013Nobles, Delores L.StudentECU
Medical and Household Characteristics Associated with Methicillin Resistant Nasal Carriage ...2013L.Augustino, Kerri StudentECU
Medical and Household Characteristics Associated with Methicillin Resistant Nasal Carriage ...2013Stewart, Jill R.StudentECU
Medical and Household Characteristics Associated with Methicillin Resistant Nasal Carriage ...2013MacDonald, Pia D. M.StudentECU
Medical and Household Characteristics Associated with Methicillin Resistant Nasal Carriage ...2013Wing, Steve StudentECU
Medical and Household Characteristics Associated with Methicillin Resistant Nasal Carriage ...2013Schinasi, Leah StudentECU
Medical and Household Characteristics Associated with Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus a...2013Schinasi, Leah,Wing,Steve,MacDonald,Pia D. M.,Richardson,David B.,Stewart,Jill R.,AugustinStudentECU
Medical Family Therapy in Rural Community Health: A Longitudinal “Peek” into Integrated Care...2023Lamson, Angela L.StudentECU
Medical Family Therapy in Rural Community Health: A Longitudinal “Peek” into Integrated Care...2023Hodgson, Jennifer L.StudentECU
Medical Family Therapy in Rural Community Health: A Longitudinal “Peek” into Integrated Care...2023Limon, Francisco StudentECU
Medical Family Therapy in Rural Community Health: A Longitudinal “Peek” into Integrated Care...2023Feng, Cheng StudentECU
Medical Family Therapy Meets Childhood Obesity2010Pratt, Keeley J.StudentECU
Medical Food Pantry Emergency Bag Contents\; Client Education Handouts\; and Volunteer Trai...2023Craven, Kay StudentECU
Medical Food Pantry Emergency Bag Contents\; Client Education Handouts\; and Volunteer Trai...2023Kolasa, Kathryn StudentECU
Medical Food Pantry Emergency Bag Contents\; Client Education Handouts\; and Volunteer Trai...2023Taft, Natalie StudentECU
Medical Like Me Mentorship Program2023Womble, Morgan StudentECU
Medical Schools Must Prioritize Food as Medicine2023Roupas, Julianna FStudentECU
Medical Student Performance on the National Board of Medical Examiners Emergency Medicine Ad...2015Hiller, Katherine,House,Joseph,Lawson,Luan,Poznanski,Stace K.StudentECU
Medical treatises and their authors in the libraries of Medieval Paris, 1050-13202023Diket, Jeffrey StudentECU
Medicare Under Age 65 and Medicaid Patients Have Poorer Bowel Preparations: Implications for...2016Brimhall, Bryan,Hankins,Sam,Kankanala,Vineel,Austin,Gregory StudentECU
Medication Adherence Among African American Women Who Have Been HIV Positive for 10 or More ...2020Cherry, Sabrina T.FacultySchool of Health and Applied Human Sciences, UNCW
Medication Cost Savings in Hospice and Palliative Care Through Implementation of a Quick-Ref...2023Sabol, Brittney StudentECU
Medicine and magic in the Lapidario del rey don Alfonso X1960Fuquay, Faye StudentRomance Languages, UNCG
Medieval modes1972Lister, Christine JanetStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
The Mediterranean Diet And The Effects On Primary And Secondary Prevention Of Heart Disease2016Minyard, Kayla StudentNutrition and Health Care Management - Student, ASU
The Mediterranean Diet patient handout2023Smith, Brittany StudentECU
The Mediterranean Diet patient handout2023Kolasa, Kathryn StudentECU
The Mediterranean Diet patient handout2023Craven, Kay StudentECU
The Mediterranean way of eating at three USDA cost levels: A culinary medicine workshop for ...2023Craven, Kay StudentECU
The Mediterranean way of eating at three USDA cost levels: A culinary medicine workshop for ...2023Kolasa, Kathryn StudentECU
The Mediterranean way of eating at three USDA cost levels: A culinary medicine workshop for ...2023Smith, Brittany StudentECU
The Mediterranean way of eating at three USDA cost levels: A culinary medicine workshop for ...2023Kramer, Shiann StudentECU
The Mediterranean way of eating at three USDA cost levels: A culinary medicine workshop for ...2023McClenahan, Alex StudentECU
The Mediterranean way of eating at three USDA cost levels: A culinary medicine workshop for ...2023Morcos, Marina StudentECU
The Mediterranean way of eating at three USDA cost levels: A culinary medicine workshop for ...2023McCloskey, Ashley StudentECU
The Mediterranean way of eating at three USDA cost levels: A culinary medicine workshop for ...2023Surles, Sharon StudentECU
The Mediterranean way of eating at three USDA cost levels: A culinary medicine workshop for ...2023Overby, Carrie StudentECU
The Mediterranean way of eating at three USDA cost levels: A culinary medicine workshop for ...2023Firnhaber, Jonathon StudentECU
The Mediterranean way of eating at three USDA cost levels: A culinary medicine workshop for ...2023Watson, Ricky StudentECU
The Mediterranean way of eating at three USDA cost levels: A culinary medicine workshop for ...2023Dunn, Carolyn KusbitStudentECU
The Mediterranean way of eating at three USDA cost levels: A culinary medicine workshop for ...2023Smith, Brittany StudentECU
The Mediterranean way of eating at three USDA cost levels: A culinary medicine workshop for ...2023Watson, Ricky StudentECU
The Mediterranean way of eating at three USDA cost levels: A culinary medicine workshop for ...2023Dunn, Carolyn KusbitStudentECU
MEDLINE via PubMed Search Strategy for Cox et al., A systematic review of high-risk environm...2023Sewell, Kerry StudentECU
Medspectives - the Podcast about Health Professionals, the Stories of Their Practice, and Th...2023Rajan, Arvind StudentECU
Meeting the Challenge of Providing Nutrition Services During the COVID-19 Pandemic2023Kolasa, Kathryn M.StudentECU
Meeting the Challenge of Providing Nutrition Services During the COVID-19 Pandemic2023Craven, Kay StudentECU
Meeting the Challenge of Providing Nutrition Services During the COVID-19 Pandemic2023Nordby, Kelly StudentECU
Meeting the Challenge of Providing Nutrition Services During the COVID-19 Pandemic2023Drier, Lindsay StudentECU
Meeting the Challenge of Providing Nutrition Services During the COVID-19 Pandemic2023Ascanio, Kathleen StudentECU
Meeting the Challenge of Providing Nutrition Services During the COVID-19 Pandemic2023Tant, Robin StudentECU
Meeting the Challenge of Providing Nutrition Services During the COVID-19 Pandemic2023Strickland, Ashley StudentECU
Meeting the Challenge of Providing Nutrition Services During the COVID-19 Pandemic2023Matarese, Laura StudentECU
Meeting the Challenge of Providing Nutrition Services During the COVID-19 Pandemic2023Jennings, Jill StudentECU
Meeting the Challenge of Providing Nutrition Services During the COVID-19 Pandemic2023Johnstone, Julia StudentECU
Meeting the Challenge of Providing Nutrition Services During the COVID-19 Pandemic.2023Kolasa, Kathryn M.StudentECU
Meeting the Challenge of Providing Nutrition Services During the COVID-19 Pandemic.2023Craven, Kay StudentECU
Meeting the Challenge of Providing Nutrition Services During the COVID-19 Pandemic.2023Nordby, K. StudentECU
Meeting the Challenges of Providing Nutrition Services During the COVID-19 Pandemic2023Kolasa, Kathryn M.StudentECU
Meeting the Challenges of Providing Nutrition Services During the COVID-19 Pandemic2023Craven, Kay StudentECU
Meeting the Challenges of Providing Nutrition Services During the COVID-19 Pandemic2023Nordby, Kelly StudentECU
Meeting the Challenges of Providing Nutrition Services During the COVID-19 Pandemic2023Drier, Lindsay StudentECU
Meeting the Challenges of Providing Nutrition Services During the COVID-19 Pandemic2023Ascanio, Kathleen StudentECU
Meeting the Challenges of Providing Nutrition Services During the COVID-19 Pandemic2023Tant, Robin StudentECU
Meeting the Challenges of Providing Nutrition Services During the COVID-19 Pandemic2023Strickland, Ashley StudentECU
Meeting the Challenges of Providing Nutrition Services During the COVID-19 Pandemic2023Matarese, Laura StudentECU
Meeting the Challenges of Providing Nutrition Services During the COVID-19 Pandemic2023Jennings, Jill StudentECU
Meeting the Challenges of Providing Nutrition Services During the COVID-19 Pandemic2023Johnstone, Julia StudentECU
Meeting the Madwomen : Mental Illness in Women in Rhys's Wide Sargasso Sea, Hijuelos's Our H...2023Weaver, Melanie BoyterStudentECU
Meeting The Mental Health Needs Of Homeless Students In Schools: A Multi-Tiered System Of Su...2014Michael, Kurt D.FacultyPsychology, ASU
The meeting of the oriental and the occidental in my paintings1961Yang, Wang-Yong StudentArt, UNCG
The Melancholic Subject : Exploring Loss and Relationships in African American and Asian Ame...2023Smoak, Melissa SueStudentECU
Melding Research and Education in a Zoological Setting2016Foote, Dustin StudentECU
MELPF version 1: Modeling Error Learning based Post-Processor Framework for Hydrologic Model...2019Wu, Rui,Yang,Lei,Chen,Chao,Ahmad,Sajjad,Dascalu,Sergiu M.,Harris,Frederick C. JrStudentECU
Member Relationship Management Plan: Romancing Your Members2021Rehkopf, Ed FacultyHospitality and Tourism Administration, NCCU
Members of boards of trustees of North Carolina community colleges : their selected personal...1974Sharrock, William RogerStudentEducation, UNCG
Memoirs of Ruth Hooper2016Fox, Samuel StudentEnglish, WCU
Memoirs of Ruth Hooper2016French, Brandon StudentEnglish, WCU
Memoirs of Ruth Hooper2016Martinez, Aramis StudentEnglish, WCU
Memoirs of Ruth Hooper2016Robinette, Andrew StudentEnglish, WCU
Memoirs of Ruth Hooper2016Worley, Jarred StudentEnglish, WCU
Memorializing Individuals, Seeking Justice for Communities: The Epidemic of Systemic Violen...2023Ferris, Amanda StudentECU
Memories of the September 21, 1944 Air Raid by Carr Hooper2016LeQuire, Maci StudentEnglish, WCU
Memories of the September 21, 1944 Air Raid by Carr Hooper2016Tingler, Kristina StudentEnglish, WCU
Memory and organizational processes in children of high and average intellectual ability1978Corriher-Sheslow, Susan StudentPsychology, UNCG
Memory for prototypically consistent and inconsistent social actions1988Seta, Catherine E.StudentPsychology, UNCG
Memory for the Search Path: Evidence for a High-Capacity Representation of Search History2007Dickinson, Chris FacultyPsychology, ASU
Memory of Germinant Stimuli in Bacterial Spores2015Wang, Shiwei StudentECU
Memory of Germinant Stimuli in Bacterial Spores2015Faeder, James R.StudentECU
Memory of Germinant Stimuli in Bacterial Spores2015Setlow, Peter StudentECU
Memory of Germinant Stimuli in Bacterial Spores2015Li, Yong-qing StudentECU
Memory of Germinant Stimuli in Bacterial Spores2015Wang, Shiwei,Faeder,James R.,Setlow,Peter,Li,Yong-qingStudentECU
Memory, awareness, and automaticity : cognitive patterns of sexually aggressive and sexually...1992Yescavage, Karen MarieStudentPsychology, UNCG
"Men call me chaste" : a feminine redefinition of androcentric chastity in medieval, Renaiss...1994Weir, Mary EllenStudentEnglish, UNCG
Men in Nursing Academia: Recruitment and Retention Factors2023Reid, Ashley StudentECU
The menhaden fishing industry in North Carolina2023Whitehurst, Jonathan Haywood.StudentECU
Men's responsibilities in the home as desired by the wife1943Kehoe, Cathryne BradfordStudentHome Economics, UNCG
The Mental Health Effects of Assisted Reproductive Technology2023Malham, Shae StudentECU
Mental Health PSAs2022Russell, Trinity StudentEsther G. Maynor Honors College, UNCP
Mental Health PSAs.2022Russell, Trinity StudentEsther G. Maynor Honors College, UNCP
Mentoring as a Buffer for the Syndemic Impact of Racism and COVID-19 among Diverse Faculty w...2023Campbell, Kendall M.StudentECU
Mentoring as a Buffer for the Syndemic Impact of Racism and COVID-19 among Diverse Faculty w...2023South-Paul, Jeannette E.StudentECU
Mentoring as a Buffer for the Syndemic Impact of Racism and COVID-19 among Diverse Faculty w...2023Poll-Hunter, Norma StudentECU
Mentoring as a Buffer for the Syndemic Impact of Racism and COVID-19 among Diverse Faculty w...2023Murrell, Audrey J.StudentECU
Mentoring in Nursing Education: An Integrative Literature Review2023McKinney, Katelyn StudentECU
The mentoring of beginning teachers : an evaluation of one school system's program1992Pennell, Myra LeaStudentEducation, UNCG
The mentoring of beginning teachers : a program review1990Woodruff, Brenda ShumateStudentEducation, UNCG
Merchants, marauders, and empire in the English West Indies, 1627-16882023York, Wilson DavidStudentECU
Merit Scholarships: Are They Accessible For All Students2023Raleigh, Shaelyn RStudentECU
Mesenchymal stem cell properties of breast tissue derived cells2023Rhinehart, Jennifer Elizabeth.StudentECU
The mesomorphic phase transition temperatures of the unsymmetrical 1,4-phenylene esters of t...1971Haut, Stephen A.StudentChemistry, UNCG
Mesoscale and wind-driven intra-annual variability in the East Auckland Current2021Suanda, Sutara FacultyPhysics and Physical Oceanography, UNCW
Mesozoic Stratigraphy at Durango, Colorado2005Heckert, Andrew B. FacultyGeology, ASU
Message Framing to Inform Cancer Prevention Pricing Interventions in the UK and USA: A Facto...2023Lee, Joseph G. L.StudentECU
Message Framing to Inform Cancer Prevention Pricing Interventions in the UK and USA: A Facto...2023Cristello, Julie V.StudentECU
Message Framing to Inform Cancer Prevention Pricing Interventions in the UK and USA: A Facto...2023Buckton, Christina H.StudentECU
Message Framing to Inform Cancer Prevention Pricing Interventions in the UK and USA: A Facto...2023Carey, Rachel N.StudentECU
Message Framing to Inform Cancer Prevention Pricing Interventions in the UK and USA: A Facto...2023Trucco, Elisa M.StudentECU
Message Framing to Inform Cancer Prevention Pricing Interventions in the UK and USA: A Facto...2023Schenk, Paulina M.StudentECU
Message Framing to Inform Cancer Prevention Pricing Interventions in the UK and USA: A Facto...2023Ikegwuonu, Theresa StudentECU
Message Framing to Inform Cancer Prevention Pricing Interventions in the UK and USA: A Facto...2023Hilton, Shona StudentECU
Message Framing to Inform Cancer Prevention Pricing Interventions in the UK and USA: A Facto...2023Golden, Shelley D.StudentECU
Message Framing to Inform Cancer Prevention Pricing Interventions in the UK and USA: A Facto...2023Conway, David I.StudentECU
Messaging Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Health Inequities: A Qualitative Explorati...2023Lee, Joseph G. L.StudentECU
Metabolic Disease in Subadult Skeletal Remains from Late Ottoman-Era Tell Hisban, Jordan2023Edwards, Emily ArleneStudentECU
Metabolic Flexibility in Non-Obese Individuals2020Khang, Nkaujyi StudentECU
Metabolic Inflexibility in Response to Lipid Oversupply with Obesity: Epigenetic Modificatio...2023Maples, Jill M.StudentECU
Metabolic Inflexibility in Skeletal Muscle With Obesity2009Boyle, Kristen E.StudentECU
Metabolic Inflexibility with Obesity and the Effects of Fenofibrate on Skeletal Muscle Fatty...2023Houmard, Joseph A.StudentECU
Metabolic Remodeling of Human Skeletal Myocytes by Cocultured Adipocytes Depends on the Lipo...2011Slentz, Dorothy StudentECU
Metabolic Remodeling of Human Skeletal Myocytes by Cocultured Adipocytes Depends on the Lipo...2011Muoio, Deborah M.StudentECU
Metabolic Remodeling of Human Skeletal Myocytes by Cocultured Adipocytes Depends on the Lipo...2011Buehrer, Benjamin M.StudentECU
Metabolic Remodeling of Human Skeletal Myocytes by Cocultured Adipocytes Depends on the Lipo...2011Kien, C. LawrenceStudentECU
Metabolic Remodeling of Human Skeletal Myocytes by Cocultured Adipocytes Depends on the Lipo...2011Everingham, Karen StudentECU
Metabolic Remodeling of Human Skeletal Myocytes by Cocultured Adipocytes Depends on the Lipo...2011Lea-Currie, Y. ReneeStudentECU
Metabolic Remodeling of Human Skeletal Myocytes by Cocultured Adipocytes Depends on the Lipo...2011Nicoll, James B.StudentECU
Metabolic Remodeling of Human Skeletal Myocytes by Cocultured Adipocytes Depends on the Lipo...2011Houmard, Joseph A.StudentECU
Metabolic Remodeling of Human Skeletal Myocytes by Cocultured Adipocytes Depends on the Lipo...2011Kraus, William E.StudentECU
Metabolic Remodeling of Human Skeletal Myocytes by Cocultured Adipocytes Depends on the Lipo...2011Stevens, Robert D.StudentECU
Metabolic Remodeling of Human Skeletal Myocytes by Cocultured Adipocytes Depends on the Lipo...2011Kovalik, Jean-Paul StudentECU
Metabolic remodeling of human skeletal myocytes by cocultured adipocytes depends on the lipo...2011Kovalik, Jean-Paul,Slentz,Dorothy,Stevens,Robert D.,Kraus,William E.,Houmard,Joseph A.,Nicoll,JamesStudentECU
Metabolic Reprogramming in Chondrocytes to Promote Mitochondrial Respiration Reduces Downstr...2023Knudson, Cheryl B.StudentECU
Metabolic Reprogramming in Chondrocytes to Promote Mitochondrial Respiration Reduces Downstr...2023Knudson, Warren StudentECU
Metabolic Reprogramming in Chondrocytes to Promote Mitochondrial Respiration Reduces Downstr...2023Ohashi, Yoshifumi StudentECU
Metabolic Reprogramming in Chondrocytes to Promote Mitochondrial Respiration Reduces Downstr...2023Takahashi, Nobunori StudentECU
Metabolic Reprogramming in Chondrocytes to Promote Mitochondrial Respiration Reduces Downstr...2023Terabe, Kenya StudentECU
Metabolic Reprogramming in Chondrocytes to Promote Mitochondrial Respiration Reduces Downstr...2023Tsuchiya, Saho StudentECU
Metabolic Reprogramming in Chondrocytes to Promote Mitochondrial Respiration Reduces Downstr...2023Kojima, Toshihisa StudentECU
Metabolic Reprogramming in Chondrocytes to Promote Mitochondrial Respiration Reduces Downstr...2023Imagama, Shiro StudentECU
Metabolic Response as Assessed by 18F-Fluorodeoxyglucose Positron Emission Tomography-Comput...2023Harrison, Douglas J.StudentECU
Metabolic Response as Assessed by 18F-Fluorodeoxyglucose Positron Emission Tomography-Comput...2023Chi, Yueh-Yun StudentECU
Metabolic Response as Assessed by 18F-Fluorodeoxyglucose Positron Emission Tomography-Comput...2023Tian, Jing StudentECU
Metabolic Response as Assessed by 18F-Fluorodeoxyglucose Positron Emission Tomography-Comput...2023Hingorani, Pooja StudentECU
Metabolic Response as Assessed by 18F-Fluorodeoxyglucose Positron Emission Tomography-Comput...2023Mascarenhas, Leo StudentECU
Metabolic Response as Assessed by 18F-Fluorodeoxyglucose Positron Emission Tomography-Comput...2023McCowage, Geoffrey B.StudentECU
Metabolic Response as Assessed by 18F-Fluorodeoxyglucose Positron Emission Tomography-Comput...2023Weigel, Brenda J.StudentECU
Metabolic Response as Assessed by 18F-Fluorodeoxyglucose Positron Emission Tomography-Comput...2023Venkatramani, Rajkumar StudentECU
Metabolic Response as Assessed by 18F-Fluorodeoxyglucose Positron Emission Tomography-Comput...2023Wolden, Suzanne L.StudentECU
Metabolic Response as Assessed by 18F-Fluorodeoxyglucose Positron Emission Tomography-Comput...2023Yock, Torunn I.StudentECU
Metabolic Response as Assessed by 18F-Fluorodeoxyglucose Positron Emission Tomography-Comput...2023Rodeberg, David A.StudentECU
Metabolic Response as Assessed by 18F-Fluorodeoxyglucose Positron Emission Tomography-Comput...2023Hayes-Jordan, Andrea A.StudentECU
Metabolic Response as Assessed by 18F-Fluorodeoxyglucose Positron Emission Tomography-Comput...2023Teot, Lisa A.StudentECU
Metabolic Response as Assessed by 18F-Fluorodeoxyglucose Positron Emission Tomography-Comput...2023Spunt, Sheri L.StudentECU
Metabolic Response as Assessed by 18F-Fluorodeoxyglucose Positron Emission Tomography-Comput...2023Meyer, William H.StudentECU
Metabolic Response as Assessed by 18F-Fluorodeoxyglucose Positron Emission Tomography-Comput...2023Hawkins, Douglas S.StudentECU
Metabolic Response as Assessed by 18F-Fluorodeoxyglucose Positron Emission Tomography-Comput...2023Shulki, Barry L.StudentECU
Metabolic Response as Assessed by 18F-Fluorodeoxyglucose Positron Emission Tomography-Comput...2023Parisi, Marguerite T.StudentECU
Metabolic, Physiological, And Behavioral Responses Of Prey To Predation2023Trone, Richard StudentECU
The metabolism of 2-chlorodeoxyadenosine in leukemia L1210 cells and cell-free extracts2023Nelson, Tonie O.StudentECU
Metabolism of glucose-1-14C and glucose-6-14C by testis and liver tissue from 5-thio-D-gluco...2023Newton, Catherine A.StudentECU
Metabolite Profile of Xylem Sap in Cotton Seedlings Is Changed by K Deficiency2023Zhang, Baohong StudentECU
Metabolomic Analysis Reveals Altered Skeletal Muscle Amino Acid and Fatty Acid Handling in O...2023Houmard, Joseph A.StudentECU
Metagenomic Characterization of Swine Slurry in a North American Swine Farm Operation2023Greer, Annette G.StudentECU
Metagenomic Characterization of Swine Slurry in a North American Swine Farm Operation2023Ramesh, Akshaya StudentECU
Metagenomic Characterization of Swine Slurry in a North American Swine Farm Operation2023Bailey, Emily S.StudentECU
Metagenomic Characterization of Swine Slurry in a North American Swine Farm Operation2023Ahyong, Vida StudentECU
Metagenomic Characterization of Swine Slurry in a North American Swine Farm Operation2023Langelier, Charles StudentECU
Metagenomic Characterization of Swine Slurry in a North American Swine Farm Operation2023Phelps, Maira StudentECU
Metagenomic Characterization of Swine Slurry in a North American Swine Farm Operation2023Neff, Norma StudentECU
Metagenomic Characterization of Swine Slurry in a North American Swine Farm Operation2023Sit, Rene StudentECU
Metagenomic Characterization of Swine Slurry in a North American Swine Farm Operation2023Tato, Cristina StudentECU
Metagenomic Characterization of Swine Slurry in a North American Swine Farm Operation2023DeRisi, Joseph L.StudentECU
Metagenomic Characterization of Swine Slurry in a North American Swine Farm Operation2023Gray, Gregory C.StudentECU
Metagenomic Evidence for H2 Oxidation and H2 Production by Serpentinite-Hosted Subsurface Mi...2012Saperstein, Adam K,Viera,Anthony J,Firnhaber,Gina CStudentECU
Metal and cloth sculptures1978Tornero, Velez MartaStudentArt, UNCG
Metamorphosis of the horse1976Davis, Rebecca SpotswoodStudentArt, UNCG
A metaphorical model of sacrament : toward broader discourse in the teaching of science1988Helgeson, Claire RheaStudentEducation, UNCG
Metaphysics in Dogen2000Schilbrack, Kevin FacultyPhilosophy and Religion, ASU
Metempsychosis & Reincarnation2023Guan, Kerry YichenStudentECU
Metformin Improves Insulin Signaling in Obese Rats via Reduced IKK Action in a Fiber-Type Sp...2010Anderson, Ethan J.StudentECU
Metformin Improves Insulin Signaling in Obese Rats via Reduced IKK Action in a Fiber-Type Sp...2010Woodlief, Tracey L.StudentECU
Metformin Improves Insulin Signaling in Obese Rats via Reduced IKK Action in a Fiber-Type Sp...2010Price, Jesse W.StudentECU
Metformin Improves Insulin Signaling in Obese Rats via Reduced IKK Action in a Fiber-Type Sp...2010Dohm, G. LynisStudentECU
Metformin Improves Insulin Signaling in Obese Rats via Reduced IKK Action in a Fiber-Type Sp...2010Neufer, P. DarrellStudentECU
Metformin Improves Insulin Signaling in Obese Rats via Reduced IKK Action in a Fiber-Type Sp...2010Cortright, Ronald N.StudentECU
Metformin Improves Insulin Signaling in Obese Rats via Reduced IKK Action in a Fiber-Type Sp...2010Kane, Daniel A.StudentECU
Metformin Improves Insulin Signaling in Obese Rats via Reduced IKK Action in a Fiber-Type Sp...2010Bikman, Benjamin T.StudentECU
Metformin Improves Insulin Signaling in Obese Rats via Reduced IKK Action in a Fiber-Type Sp...2010Zheng, Donghai StudentECU
Methamphetamine treatment in rural western North Carolina [Presentation Slides]2010Thorp, Heather FacultySocial Work, ASU
Methamphetamine treatment in rural western North Carolina [Presentation Slides]2010Renkert, Lauren FacultySocial Work, ASU
Methamphetamine treatment in rural western North Carolina [Presentation Slides]2010Curtin , Lisa FacultyPsychology, ASU
Methanoregula Boonei Gen. Nov., Sp. Nov., An Acidiphilic Methanogen Isolated From An Acidic ...2011Brauer, Suzanna FacultyBiology, ASU
Method Development and Validation for the Rapid Detection of Organophosphates in Blood Plasm...2023Bowman, Cheyenne StudentECU
Method development for the determination of surface zeta potential of silver coated nylon su...2021Walk, Jace BrennanStudentChemistry and Physics, WCU
A Method for Detecting Positive Growth Autocorrelation without Marking Individuals2013Brooks, Mollie E.,McCoy,Michael W.,Bolker,Benjamin M.StudentECU
A method for the identification of the products from controlled-potential coulometry of p-ni...1976Thacker, Franklin AubreyStudentChemistry, UNCG
Method for the microbial decontamination of blood platelets1999Read, Marjorie S.StudentECU
Method for the microbial decontamination of blood platelets1999Summarial, Louis J.StudentECU
Method for the microbial decontamination of blood platelets1999Bode, Arthur P.StudentECU
A Method for Monitoring Intensity During Aquatic Resistance Exercises2008Triplett, N. Travis FacultyHealth and Exercise Science, ASU
Method for nerve growth induction1993Paul, Joseph W.StudentECU
Method for nerve growth induction1993Da Vanzo, John P.StudentECU
Method for reducing adenosine levels with a dehydroepiandrosterone and optionally a ubiquino...2000Nyce, Jonathan W.StudentECU
A method of appraising the livability of the living-dining area of a home1956Lawrence, Dorothy BlancheStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Method of inhibiting carcinogenesis by treatment with dehydroepiandrosterone and analogs the...1996Nyce, Jonathan W.StudentECU
Method of treating adenosine depletion1997Nycel, Jonathan W.StudentECU
Method of treating anxiety-related disorders with 2-aminocycloaliphatic amide compounds1995Privette, Thomas H.StudentECU
Method of treating anxiety-related disorders with 2-aminocycloaliphatic amide compounds1995Terrian, David M.StudentECU
Method of treating asthma1996Henriksen, Ruth A.StudentECU
Method of treating asthma1996Metzger, W. JamesStudentECU
Method of treating asthma1996Fisher, Robert H.StudentECU
Method of treating asthma using IL-81994Metzger, James StudentECU
Method of treating asthma using IL-81994Fisher, Robert H.StudentECU
Method of treating disorders characterized by overexpression of cytidine deaminase or deoxyc...2002Nyce, Jonathan W.StudentECU
Method of treatment using chemotherapy and erythropoietin1999Sigounas, George StudentECU
Method of treatment using chemotherapy and erythropoietin1999Anagnostou, Athanasius A.StudentECU
A method to broadly assess watershed and riparian condition as they potentially affect strea...2023Morrison, Sandra S.StudentECU
Methodological problems in the use of participant observers1977Hay, Linda RudinStudentPsychology, UNCG
A Methodology to Statistically Analyze Critical Race Theory Outcomes for Leadership Studies:...2016Osler, James FacultySchool of Education , NCCU
Methods and devices for delivering exogenously generated speech signals to enhance fluency i...2004Stuart, Andrew StudentECU
Methods and devices for delivering exogenously generated speech signals to enhance fluency i...2004Kalinowski, Joseph StudentECU
Methods and devices for delivering exogenously generated speech signals to enhance fluency i...2004Rastatter, Michael StudentECU
Methods and devices for enhancing fluency in persons who stutter employing visual speech ges...2006Kalinowski, Joseph StudentECU
Methods and devices for enhancing fluency in persons who stutter employing visual speech ges...2006Rastatter, Michael StudentECU
Methods and devices for enhancing fluency in persons who stutter employing visual speech ges...2006Stuart, Andrew StudentECU
Methods and materials for teaching adult beginning readers1988Branson, Randy LongStudentEducation, UNCG
Methods for assessing mitochondrial function in diabetes2013Perry, Christopher G.R.,Kane,Daniel A.,Lanza,Ian R.,Neufer,P. DarrellStudentECU
Methods for Assessing Mitochondrial Function in Diabetes2013Perry, Christopher G.R.StudentECU
Methods for Assessing Mitochondrial Function in Diabetes2013Kane, Daniel A.StudentECU
Methods for Assessing Mitochondrial Function in Diabetes2013Lanza, Ian R.StudentECU
Methods for Assessing Mitochondrial Function in Diabetes2013Neufer, P. DarrellStudentECU
Methods, systems and computer program products for visualizing anatomical structures and blo...2023Cheng, Chen,Jr StudentECU
Methods, systems and computer program products for visualizing anatomical structures and blo...2023Ferguson, T. BruceStudentECU
Methods, systems and computer program products for visualizing anatomical structures and blo...2023Jacobs, Kenneth MichaelStudentECU
Methods, systems and computer program products for visualizing anatomical structures and blo...2023Zhiyong, Peng StudentECU
Methods, systems, and devices for multi-user improvement of reading comprehension using freq...2023Rastatter, Michael StudentECU
Methods, systems, and devices for multi-user improvement of reading comprehension using freq...2023Carter, Todd StudentECU
Methods, systems, and devices for multi-user improvement of reading comprehension using freq...2023Allen, Mark StudentECU
Methods, systems, and devices for multi-user improvement of reading comprehension using freq...2023Rodriguez, Ricardo StudentECU
Methods, systems, and devices for multi-user improvement of reading comprehension using freq...2023Trainor, John StudentECU
Metric displacement in the first movement of Brahms's Clarinet quintet, op. 115 : an analysi...1996Ellenwood, Christian KentStudentMusic, UNCG
Mexico in senior high school American history textbooks : a content analysis1961Gray, Sybil CrottsStudentEducation, UNCG
The Mexican Revolution as seen through the novelistic works of Marti´n Luis Guzma´n1968Ritchie, Kathryn S.StudentRomance Languages, UNCG
MHC class I variation among wild, domestic and insular populations of the zebra finch (Taeni...2023Newhouse, Daniel J.StudentECU
Micro- and small vertebrate biostratigraphy and biochronology of the Upper Triassic Chinle ...2006Heckert, Andrew B. FacultyGeology, ASU
A Micro-Thermal Sensor for Focal Therapy Applications2016Natesan, Harishankar,Hodges,Wyatt,Choi,Jeunghwan,Lubner,Sea StudentECU
Microarray and pathway analysis reveals BCL-2's effect on MCF10A cells2023Long, Jacquelyn M.StudentECU
Microbial communities as indicators of ecosystem functions at two sites in Great Smoky Mount...2023Swank, Elin RichardStudentBiology, WCU
Microbial community response to environmental change during the Anthropocene2023Garrison, Cody EdwardStudentECU
Microbial Labilization and Diversification of Pyrogenic Dissolved Organic Matter2023Mitra, Siddhartha StudentECU
Microbial Labilization and Diversification of Pyrogenic Dissolved Organic Matter2023Goranov, Aleksandar I.StudentECU
Microbial Labilization and Diversification of Pyrogenic Dissolved Organic Matter2023Wozniak, Andrew S.StudentECU
Microbial Labilization and Diversification of Pyrogenic Dissolved Organic Matter2023Bostick, Kyle W.StudentECU
Microbial Labilization and Diversification of Pyrogenic Dissolved Organic Matter2023Zimmerman, Andrew R.StudentECU
Microbial Labilization and Diversification of Pyrogenic Dissolved Organic Matter2023Hatcher, Patrick G.StudentECU
Microbial metabolism phthalic acid isomers2023Shim, Eunhee. StudentECU
A microbiological survey of four non-sterile pharmaceutical products and their production en...2023Rudisill, Jackie Brooks.StudentECU
Microcomputer utilization in elementary schools : a Henderson county case study1987Taylor, Frederick EugeneStudentEducation, UNCG
Microcomputer word processor versus handwriting : a comparative study of writing samples pro...1985Vacc, Nancy NesbittStudentEducation, UNCG
The microfauna of the Upper Triassic Ojo Huelos Member, San Pedro Arroyo Formation, central ...2002Heckert, Andrew B. FacultyGeology, ASU
MicroRNA, a New Target for Engineering New Crop Cultivars2023Zhang, Baohong StudentECU
MicroRNA-431 regulates axon regeneration in mature sensory neurons by targeting the Wnt anta...2013Wu, Di,Murashov,Alexander KStudentECU
MicroRNA expression analysis in the cellulosic biofuel crop switchgrass (panicum virgatum) u...2012Sun, Guiling,Stewart,C. Neal Jr,Xiao,Peng,Zhang,BaohongStudentECU
MicroRNA expression profiles during cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L) fiber early development2017Wang, Min,Sun,Runrun,Li,Chao,Wang,Qinglian,Zhang,Baohong StudentECU
MicroRNA profiling in the left atrium in patients with non-valvular paroxysmal atrial fibril...2015Wang, Jiangang,Song,Shiqiu,Xie,Changqing,Han,Jie,Li,Yan, StudentECU
MicroRNA profiling in the left atrium in patients with non-valvular paroxysmal atrial fibril...2015Xin, Meng StudentECU
MicroRNA profiling in the left atrium in patients with non-valvular paroxysmal atrial fibril...2015Luo, Tiange StudentECU
MicroRNA profiling in the left atrium in patients with non-valvular paroxysmal atrial fibril...2015Wang, Jun StudentECU
MicroRNA profiling in the left atrium in patients with non-valvular paroxysmal atrial fibril...2015Wang, Jiangang StudentECU
MicroRNA profiling in the left atrium in patients with non-valvular paroxysmal atrial fibril...2015Song, Shiqiu StudentECU
MicroRNA profiling in the left atrium in patients with non-valvular paroxysmal atrial fibril...2015Xie, Changqing StudentECU
MicroRNA profiling in the left atrium in patients with non-valvular paroxysmal atrial fibril...2015Han, Jie StudentECU
MicroRNA profiling in the left atrium in patients with non-valvular paroxysmal atrial fibril...2015Li, Yan StudentECU
MicroRNA profiling in the left atrium in patients with non-valvular paroxysmal atrial fibril...2015Shi, Jiahai StudentECU
MicroRNA profiling in the left atrium in patients with non-valvular paroxysmal atrial fibril...2015Yang, Bo StudentECU
MicroRNA profiling in the left atrium in patients with non-valvular paroxysmal atrial fibril...2015Meng, Xu StudentECU
Microsatellite analysis of brook trout, Salvelinus fontinalis, in western Pennsylvania2023Horiates, Julia M.StudentECU
Microscale Structural Changes of Individual Fibrin Fibers During Fibrinolysis2023Lynch, Spencer R.StudentECU
Microscale Structural Changes of Individual Fibrin Fibers During Fibrinolysis2023Hudson, Nathan E.StudentECU
Microscale Structural Changes of Individual Fibrin Fibers During Fibrinolysis2023Laverty, Sean M.StudentECU
Microscale Structural Changes of Individual Fibrin Fibers During Fibrinolysis2023Bannish, Brittany E.StudentECU
Microscale structural changes of individual fibrin fibers during fibrinolysis2023Lynch, Spencer R.StudentECU
Microscale structural changes of individual fibrin fibers during fibrinolysis2023Laverty, Sean M.StudentECU
Microscale structural changes of individual fibrin fibers during fibrinolysis2023Bannish, Brittany E.StudentECU
Microscale structural changes of individual fibrin fibers during fibrinolysis2023Hudson, Nathan E.StudentECU
The Microvertebrate Fauna of the Upper Triassic (Revueltian) Snyder Quarry, North-Central Ne...2005Heckert, Andrew B. FacultyGeology, ASU
Mid-Summer Dry Spell and Agriculture in Jamaica : Implications for farming practices, techn...2023Jessop, Sarah J.StudentECU
The middle arm1971Lynn, George H.StudentEnglish, UNCG
The Middle East Supply Center and Anglo-American co-operation2023Wade, William FrankStudentECU
Middle school culture and teacher efficacy : an examination of relationships in two professi...1996Hartman, Kimberly J.StudentEducation, UNCG
Middle school science teachers' conceptions of the nature of scientific knowledge1992Tomlinson, John GarrettStudentEducation, UNCG
Middle-aged sons' and daughters' resolution of moral conflict with their aging parents1989Reece, Linda WallaceStudentHuman Environmental Sciences, UNCG
A Midsagittal-View Magnetic Resonance Imaging Study of the Growth and Involution of the Aden...2023Perry, Jamie L.StudentECU
A Midsagittal-View Magnetic Resonance Imaging Study of the Growth and Involution of the Aden...2023Haenssle, Abigail E.StudentECU
A Midsagittal-View Magnetic Resonance Imaging Study of the Growth and Involution of the Aden...2023Fang, Xiangming StudentECU
A Midsagittal-View Magnetic Resonance Imaging Study of the Growth and Involution of the Aden...2023Middleton, Shea StudentECU
The migration of the sharpie : economic, environmental, and archaeological aspects2023Rotsted, Lauren A.StudentECU
Mile Marker : A Material Investigation in Two Lane Travels2023James, Danielle StudentECU
Military and naval operations in the region of the Albemarle Sound, 1862-18642023Elmore, Ashby DunnStudentECU
The military career of Frank Armstrong :1928-19612023McCormack, David Allan.StudentECU
The Military Reforms of Gaius Marius in their Social, Economic, and Political context2023Gambino, Michael C.StudentECU
The Military, Civil Society and the Issue of Democratic Governance: Toward Nigeria’s Fourth ...1995Udogu, E. Ike FacultyGovernment and Justice Studies, ASU
Mill Dam Effects on Freshwater Mussel Growth in an Alabama Stream2010Singer, Erin ElizabethStudentBiology - Student, ASU
Millennial Mountaineer: The Reconfiguration of Literary Appalachia in the Works Of Pinckney ...2010Robertson, Paul LesterStudentEnglish - Student, ASU
Millennium Minutes: A Look Back At Licensing2001Ogburn, Joyce FacultyUniversity Libraries, ASU
Millipede taxonomy after 250 years: classification and taxonomic practices in a mega-diverse...2012Brewer, Michael S.,Sierwald,Petra,Bond,Jason E.StudentECU
Milton's attitude toward women1965Aiken, Marianne SewellStudentEnglish, UNCG
Man in the Middle: The Boarding School Education of Will West Long2008Ingram, Jill ElizabethStudentHistory, WCU
the MIND diet handout2023Smith, Brittany StudentECU
the MIND diet handout2023Craven, Kay StudentECU
the MIND diet handout2023Kolasa, Kathryn StudentECU
Mindfulness and Suppression as Emotion Regulation Strategies2015Pechanek, Kaitlyn StudentPsychology - Student, ASU
Mindfulness Based Approaches to Obesity and Weight Loss Maintenance2012Caldwell, Karen FacultyHuman Development & Psychological Counseling, ASU
Mineralogical and chemical analysis of the Castle Hayne aquifer in east-central North Caroli...2023Mehlhop, Delynda Leigh Tolen.StudentECU
Mineralogy, Geochemistry, and Genesis of the Valentines Iron Formation, Nico Pérez Terrane, ...2023Lancaster, Heather N.StudentECU
Minimal conditions for collectivity in e+e- and p+p collisions2023Lin, Zi-Wei StudentECU
Minimum distance bounds for error-correcting codes1977Witty, Marilyn PaitStudentMathematics, UNCG
Minimum Lagrange Multiple Unit Root Test With Two Structural Breaks2003Strazicich, Mark FacultyEconomics, ASU
Miocene Seismic Stratigraphy, Structural Framework, and Sea-Level Cyclicity: North Carolina ...2023Snyder, Stephen W.StudentECU
Miocene Seismic Stratigraphy, Structural Framework, and Sea-Level Cyclicity: North Carolina ...2023Hine, Albert C.StudentECU
Miocene Seismic Stratigraphy, Structural Framework, and Sea-Level Cyclicity: North Carolina ...2023Riggs, Stanley R.StudentECU
Miracle metal2023Murphine, Susannah StudentEnglish, WCU
miRDiabetes : A microRNA-Diabetes Association Database Constructed With Data Mining on Liter...2023Guo, Hui StudentECU
miRNA-23a/27a attenuates muscle atrophy and renal fibrosis through muscle-kidney crosstalk2018Zhang, Aiqing,Li,Min,Wang,Bin,Klein,Janet D.,Price,S. Russ,Wang,Xiaonan H.StudentECU
miRNA-36 inhibits KSHV, EBV, HSV-2 infection of cells via stifling expression of interferon ...2017Hussein, Hosni A. M.,Akula,Shaw M.StudentECU
Mirrors and entrances1968Glascock, Ellen LouiseStudentEnglish, UNCG
The Missing Link Between Sail and Steam : Steambarges and the Joys of Door County, Wisconsin...2023Bazzill, Dana M.StudentECU
The Missing Link Between Sail and Steam: Steambarges and the Joys of Door County, Wisconsin2023Brazzill, Dina MStudentECU
Mission Matters: Association Between a Medical School’s Mission and Minority Student Represe...2023Campbell, Kendall M.StudentECU
Mission Matters: Association Between a Medical School’s Mission and Minority Student Represe...2023Tumin, Dmitry StudentECU
Mission Possible: A Library’s Rededication to Public Service2009Johnson, Ken FacultyUniversity Libraries, ASU
The Mississippi Democratic primary of July, 1946 : a case study1967Moore, Thomas LaneStudentHistory and Political Science, UNCG
Missouri Workhorse: The Boats, Business, and back of St. Charles, Missouri2023Valvano, Christopher FStudentECU
Mitigation Effect of Waste Glass Powders on Alkali--Silica Reaction (ASR) Expansion in Cemen...2018Ke, Guojun,Li,Wengui,Li,Ruyi,Li,Yuelin,Wang,George StudentECU
Mitigation Effect of Waste Glass Powders on Alkali–Silica Reaction (ASR) Expansion in Cement...2023Ke, Guojun StudentECU
Mitigation Effect of Waste Glass Powders on Alkali–Silica Reaction (ASR) Expansion in Cement...2023Li, Wengui StudentECU
Mitigation Effect of Waste Glass Powders on Alkali–Silica Reaction (ASR) Expansion in Cement...2023Li, Ruyi StudentECU
Mitigation Effect of Waste Glass Powders on Alkali–Silica Reaction (ASR) Expansion in Cement...2023Li, Yuelin StudentECU
Mitigation Effect of Waste Glass Powders on Alkali–Silica Reaction (ASR) Expansion in Cement...2023Wang, George StudentECU
Mitochondrial alterations accompany forced differentiation in acute myeloid leukemia.2023Coalson, Hannah S.StudentECU
Mitochondrial Diagnostics: A Multiplexed Assay Platform for Comprehensive Assessment of Mito...2018Fisher-Wellman, Kelsey H.,Davidson,Michael T.,Narowski,Tara M.,Lin,Chien-StudentECU
Mitochondrial DNA variation in the Southeastern crowned snakes, Tantilla2023Bivans, Donna H.StudentECU
Mitochondrial DNA variation in the Southeastern crowned snakes, Tantilla2023Bivans, Donna H.StudentECU
Mitochondrial Dysfunction in HIV-1 Transgenic Mouse Cardiac Myocytes2023McClung, Joseph M.StudentECU
Mitochondrial PE potentiates respiratory enzymes to amplify skeletal muscle aerobic capacity...2019Heden, Timothy D.,Johnson,Jordan M.,Ferrara,Patrick J.,Eshima,HirStudentECU
Mitochondrial Respiratory Capacity and Content Are Normal in Young Insulin-Resistant Obese H...2014Brophy, Patricia M.StudentECU
Mitochondrial Respiratory Capacity and Content Are Normal in Young Insulin-Resistant Obese H...2014Gilliam, Laura A.A.StudentECU
Mitochondrial Respiratory Capacity and Content Are Normal in Young Insulin-Resistant Obese H...2014Weber, Todd M.StudentECU
Mitochondrial Respiratory Capacity and Content Are Normal in Young Insulin-Resistant Obese H...2014Fisher-Wellman, Kelsey H.StudentECU
Mitochondrial Respiratory Capacity and Content Are Normal in Young Insulin-Resistant Obese H...2014Neufer, P. DarrellStudentECU
Mitochondrial Respiratory Capacity and Content Are Normal in Young Insulin-Resistant Obese H...2014Houmard, Joseph A.StudentECU
Mitochondrial Respiratory Capacity and Content Are Normal in Young Insulin-Resistant Obese H...2014Gavin, Timothy P.StudentECU
Mitochondrial Respiratory Capacity and Content Are Normal in Young Insulin-Resistant Obese H...2014Kane, Constance L.StudentECU
Mitochondrial Respiratory Capacity and Content Are Normal in Young Insulin-Resistant Obese H...2014Maples, Jill M.StudentECU
Mitochondrial Respiratory Capacity and Content Are Normal in Young Insulin-Resistant Obese H...2014Cathey, Brook L.StudentECU
Mitochondrial Therapy Improves Limb Perfusion and Myopathy Following Hindlimb Ischemia2023McClung, Joseph StudentECU
Mitochondrial Therapy Improves Limb Perfusion and Myopathy Following Hindlimb Ischemia2023Ryan, Terence E.StudentECU
Mitochondrial Therapy Improves Limb Perfusion and Myopathy Following Hindlimb Ischemia2023Schmidt, Cameron A.StudentECU
Mitochondrial Therapy Improves Limb Perfusion and Myopathy Following Hindlimb Ischemia2023Alleman, Rick J.StudentECU
Mitochondrial Therapy Improves Limb Perfusion and Myopathy Following Hindlimb Ischemia2023Tsang, Alvin M.StudentECU
Mitochondrial Therapy Improves Limb Perfusion and Myopathy Following Hindlimb Ischemia2023Green, Thomas D.StudentECU
Mitochondrial Therapy Improves Limb Perfusion and Myopathy Following Hindlimb Ischemia2023Neufer, P. DarrellStudentECU
Mitochondrial Therapy Improves Limb Perfusion and Myopathy Following Hindlimb Ischemia2023Brown, David A.StudentECU
Mitomycin Induced Pulmonary Veno-Occlusive Disease2023Kunadu, Afua StudentECU
Mitomycin Induced Pulmonary Veno-Occlusive Disease2023Labuschagne, Heloise StudentECU
Mitomycin Induced Pulmonary Veno-Occlusive Disease2023Maddipati, Veeranna StudentECU
Mitomycin Induced Pulmonary Veno-Occlusive Disease2023Stalls, J. StephenStudentECU
Mitomycin Induced Pulmonary Veno-Occlusive Disease2023Thayyil, Abdullah StudentECU
Mitomycin Induced Pulmonary Veno-Occlusive Disease2023Falls, Randall StudentECU
Mitsui-7, heat-treated, and nitrogen-doped multi-walled carbon nanotubes elicit genotoxicity...2019Siegrist, Katelyn J,Reynolds,Steven H,Porter,Dale W,Mercer,Robert R,StudentECU
A Mixed Methods Critical Review of the A+ Schools in North Carolina: An Argument for High St...2023Wheeler, Kate StudentECU
Ml proteins from Mesorhizobium loti and MucR from Brucella abortus: an AT-rich core DNA-targ...2017Baglivo, Ilaria,Pirone,Luciano,Pedone,Emilia Maria,Pitzer,Joshua Edison,Muscariello,Lidia,MarinStudentECU
MMP-9 Overexpression is Associated with Intragenic Hypermethylation of MMP9 Gene in Melanoma...2023McCubrey, James A.StudentECU
The MMPI-3 and personality correlates of maladaptive substance use2021Barrett, Alexa JaneStudentPsychology, WCU
Mn(II)-oxidizing Bacteria are Abundant and Environmentally Relevant Members of Ferromanganes...2013Carmichael, Sarah K. FacultyGeology, ASU
Mn(II)-oxidizing Bacteria are Abundant and Environmentally Relevant Members of Ferromanganes...2013Carmichael, Mary JaneFacultyBiology - Student, ASU
Moana Ocean Hindcast – a ?>?25-year simulation for New Zealand waters using the Regional Oce...2023Suanda, Sutara FacultyPhysics and Physical Oceanography, UNCW
Mobile Assessment of the Dynamic Relationships between Experiential Avoidance, Mood, Stress,...2020Ellis, Jordan StudentECU
Mobile Device Management Policy2023Meadows, Sydney StudentECU
Mobile Neurofeedback for Pain Management in Veterans with TBI and PTSD2023Russoniello, Carmen StudentECU
Mobile Neurofeedback for Pain Management in Veterans with TBI and PTSD2023Elbogen, Eric B.StudentECU
Mobile Neurofeedback for Pain Management in Veterans with TBI and PTSD2023Alsobrooks, Amber StudentECU
Mobile Neurofeedback for Pain Management in Veterans with TBI and PTSD2023Battles, Sara StudentECU
Mobile Neurofeedback for Pain Management in Veterans with TBI and PTSD2023Molloy, Kiera StudentECU
Mobile Neurofeedback for Pain Management in Veterans with TBI and PTSD2023Dennis, Paul A.StudentECU
Mobile Neurofeedback for Pain Management in Veterans with TBI and PTSD2023Beckham, Jean C.StudentECU
Mobile Neurofeedback for Pain Management in Veterans with TBI and PTSD2023McLean, Samuel A.StudentECU
Mobile Neurofeedback for Pain Management in Veterans with TBI and PTSD2023Keith, Julian R.StudentECU
Mobile robot guidance2018Gamez, Oscar StudentEngineering and Technology, WCU
Model computer skills modules for grade four and five :a teaching kit based on the North Car...2023Kahn, Helen M.StudentECU
A model for the development of an African literature curriculum in the secondary schools of ...1975Buck, Roland E.StudentEducation, UNCG
A model for evaluating the traits of school principals : with particular reference to their ...1978Navarino, Nicholas J.StudentEducation, UNCG
A model for a student-centered teaching plan in basic business1975Watson, Gwendolyn S.StudentEducation, UNCG
A model job description for the personnel administrator position in North Carolina public sc...1991Everett, Barbara BlanksStudentEducation, UNCG
A model of a community program for African American males2023Fox, Mary W.StudentECU
A model of mental process1976Fain, George AlexanderStudentEducation, UNCG
A model of Microcystis aeruginosa blooms in the Neuse River, North Carolina2023Bryant, Wade L.StudentECU
A model of Microcystis aeruginosa blooms in the Neuse River, North Carolina2023Bryant, Wade L.StudentECU
Modeling and characterization of material deposition strategy in additive manufacturing2023Roney, Md Saidur Rahman StudentEngineering and Technology, WCU
Modeling and evaluation of the Cretaceous aquifer system for the storage and recovery of tre...2023Foldesi, Christopher Paul.StudentECU
Modeling and Planning for Storm Surge (Panel)2023Losego, Jessica StudentECU
Modeling and Planning for Storm Surge (Panel)2023Dorman, John StudentECU
Modeling and Planning for Storm Surge (Panel)2023Birch, Traci StudentECU
Modeling Carbon Sequestration In Harvested Wood Products2016Bates, Laurel StudentMathematical Sciences - Student, ASU
Modeling Flooding Extent Due To Hurricane Floyd In The Coastal Plains Of North Carolina2000Colby, Jeff FacultyGeography and Planning, ASU
Modeling Groundwater Inundation Under Sea-Level Rise Scenarios in the Surficial Aquifer of B...2023Owers, James E.StudentECU
Modeling Mammalian Spermatogonial Differentiation and Meiotic Initiation in Vitro2023Kirsanov, Oleksandr StudentECU
Modeling Mammalian Spermatogonial Differentiation and Meiotic Initiation in Vitro2023Johnson, Taylor StudentECU
Modeling Mammalian Spermatogonial Differentiation and Meiotic Initiation in Vitro2023Malachowski, Taylor StudentECU
Modeling Mammalian Spermatogonial Differentiation and Meiotic Initiation in Vitro2023Niedenberger, Bryan A.StudentECU
Modeling Mammalian Spermatogonial Differentiation and Meiotic Initiation in Vitro2023Gilber, Emma A.StudentECU
Modeling Mammalian Spermatogonial Differentiation and Meiotic Initiation in Vitro2023Geyer, Christopher B.StudentECU
Modeling Mammalian Spermatogonial Differentiation and Meiotic Initiation in Vitro2023Fisher-Wellman, Kelsey StudentECU
Modeling Mammalian Spermatogonial Differentiation and Meiotic Initiation in Vitro2023, et alStudentECU
Modeling Net Ecosystem Carbon Balance and Loss in Coastalwetlands Exposed to Sea-Level Rise ...2023Charles, Sean P.StudentECU
Modeling Net Ecosystem Carbon Balance and Loss in Coastalwetlands Exposed to Sea-Level Rise ...2023, et alStudentECU
Modeling of Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Volume Changes during CT-Based Image Guided Radiother...2013Allison, Ron R.StudentECU
Modeling of Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Volume Changes during CT-Based Image Guided Radiother...2013Dieck, Geoffrey T.StudentECU
Modeling of Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Volume Changes during CT-Based Image Guided Radiother...2013Ubezio, Paolo StudentECU
Modeling of Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Volume Changes during CT-Based Image Guided Radiother...2013Gay, Hiram A.StudentECU
Modeling of Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Volume Changes during CT-Based Image Guided Radiother...2013Taylor, Quendella Q.StudentECU
Modeling of Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Volume Changes during CT-Based Image Guided Radiother...2013Kiriyama, Fumika StudentECU
Modeling of Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Volume Changes during CT-Based Image Guided Radiother...2013Jenkins, Todd StudentECU
Modeling of Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Volume Changes during CT-Based Image Guided Radiother...2013Walker, Paul StudentECU
Modeling of non-small cell lung cancer volume changes during CT-based image guided radiother...2013Gay, Hiram A.,Taylor,Quendella Q.,Kiriyama,Fumika,Dieck,GeoffStudentECU
Modeling Site Suitability of Living Shorelines in the Albemarle-Pamlico Estuarine System2023Carey, Matthew StudentECU
Modeling Tsunami Waves Using Q-Advanced Waves in 2-D2023Cook, Cameron StudentECU
Moderately Risky Business2009Ogburn, Joyce FacultyUniversity Libraries, ASU
The Moderating Effect of Employee Political Skill on the Link between Perceptions of a Victi...2017Bentley, Jeffrey R.,Treadway,Darren C.,Williams,Lisa V.,Gazdag,BrooStudentECU
The Moderating Effects of Academic and Social Success on Delinquency2023Manley, Holly StudentECU
Moderation of Older Adults' Retrieval Reluctance Through Task Instructions and Monetary Ince...2007Touron, Dayna FacultyPsychology, ASU
Moderators of Child Anxiety due to Food Allergy2023Scott, Katherine ElizabethStudentECU
Moderators of the Relationship between Exercise and Mood Changes: Gender, Exertion Level, an...2004Rocheleau, Courtney FacultyPsychology, ASU
Modern and Classic Quantum Chemistry: Modeling Rhodium-Catalyzed Hydroacylation with Advance...2020Shoopman, Thomas StudentECU
Modern and historic trends in foraminiferal distributions and sedimentary processes in the A...2023Vance, David J.StudentECU
A modern appraisal of the Montessori method1965Cline, Linda StudentEducation, UNCG
Modern dance in a postmodern world1989Van Dyke, Jan E.StudentDance, UNCG
Modern Greece : Values of a Civil War Blockade-Runner2023Freeland, Chelsea RachelleStudentECU
Modern Memories : Intersections of Religion, History, and Parks in Guilford County, North Ca...2023Parker, Zachary StudentECU
Modern Sedimentation And Estuarine Shoreline Change Around Roanoke Island, North Carolina2023Hawkins, David W.StudentECU
Modern traditions of the essay1987White, Laurie L.StudentEnglish, UNCG
Modes of coping with anger in individuals with schizopnrenia2023Currin, Candace T.StudentECU
Modifiable risk factors associated with disposal of unused prescription drugs by parents of ...2023Egan, Kathleen L.StudentECU
Modification of human high density lipoprotein by cigarette smoke extract and its impact on ...1996Chen, Chen StudentHuman Environmental Sciences, UNCG
Modification of municipal wastewaters using duckweed and alligatorweed communities2023Ellis, Pamela C.StudentECU
Modification of the standard peeler pot using four different culling devices to reduce bycat...2023Pulley, Randall L.StudentECU
A modifier of [beta]-glucosidases in neurospora crassa1971Miller, Carroll ChristianStudentBiology, UNCG
Modulation of IKKß with AMPK Improves Insulin Sensitivity in Skeletal Muscle2008Bikman, Benjamin ThomasStudentECU
Modules over a principal ideal domain1974Stowell, Thomas LeoStudentMathematics, UNCG
Moisture flux in a field of maize2023Cox, Hardee Richard.StudentECU
Moisture transport properties of selected knit fabrics1975Crippen, Loretta KayeStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Molecular chaperones calnexin and calretculin in the channel catfish, ictalurus punctatus2023Pitzer, Joshua E.StudentECU
Molecular detection of INV(16)(p13q22) in acute myeloid leukemia2023Hedgebeth, Tamara L.StudentECU
Molecular Diversity of Bacteria from Three Distinct Ecosystems within Great Smoky Mountains ...2006Collins, Melissa BrookeStudentBiology, WCU
Molecular Dynamics Studies of Point Mutations of Cardiac Troponin C and Annexin2023Simpkins, Bradley StudentECU
A Molecular Dynamics Study into Annexin A1 Induced Membrane Binding and Aggregation2010Donohue, Matthew StudentECU
Molecular evolution of venom proteins in Ctenidae (Order: Araneae) spiders2023Cole, T. JeffreyStudentECU
Molecular genetic analysis of the swordtail major histocompatibility complex DXB locus2023Cuthbertson, Brandon J.StudentECU
Molecular genetic analysis of the swordtail major histocompatibility complex DXB locus2023Cuthbertson, Brandon J.StudentECU
Molecular genetic characterization of the HOXBb cluster from the striped bass, Morone saxati...2023LaButti, Kurt Michael.StudentECU
Molecular mechanism of anandamide-induced apoptosis in non-melanoma skin cancer.2023Soliman, Eman StudentECU
Molecular mechanisms of TMEFF2 action in Prostate Cancer2014Chen, Xiaofei StudentECU
The Molecular Nature of Tumorigenesis2023Thompson, Nicholas,R StudentECU
The molecular systematics of the genus geochelone using mitochondrial DNA analysis of the cy...2023Obermiller, Lewis E.StudentECU
Molecular targeting of the Aurora-A/SMAD5 oncogenic axis restores chemosensitivity in human ...2017Opyrchal, Mateusz,Gil,Malgorzata,Salisbury,Jeffrey L.,Goetz,Mathew P.,Suman,Vera,Degnim,Amy,McCubrey,StudentECU
Moments of awareness1958Berry, Mary Jane ChapmanStudentEnglish, UNCG
Monarchs, Merchants, and Parliament: The English East India Company and the Politics of Mono...2023DiPrizito, M. JefferyStudentECU
Money management practices of eighth grade students1972Westbrook, Nellie BaucomStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Monitor of a new iron age : the construction of the U.S.S. Monitor2023Watts, Gordon P.,Jr.StudentECU
Monitoring Matang’s Mangroves in Peninsular Malaysia through Earth Observations: A Globally ...2023Lagomasino, David StudentECU
Monitoring Matang’s Mangroves in Peninsular Malaysia through Earth Observations: A Globally ...2023Lucas, Richard StudentECU
Monitoring Matang’s Mangroves in Peninsular Malaysia through Earth Observations: A Globally ...2023Otero, Viviana StudentECU
Monitoring Matang’s Mangroves in Peninsular Malaysia through Earth Observations: A Globally ...2023Van De Kerchove, Ruben StudentECU
Monitoring Matang’s Mangroves in Peninsular Malaysia through Earth Observations: A Globally ...2023Satyanarayana, Behara StudentECU
Monitoring Matang’s Mangroves in Peninsular Malaysia through Earth Observations: A Globally ...2023Fatoyinbo, Temilola StudentECU
Monitoring Matang’s Mangroves in Peninsular Malaysia through Earth Observations: A Globally ...2023Dahdouh-Guebas, Farid StudentECU
Monitoring Patients with Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillators Using Mobile Phone Electroc...2023Sears, Samuel F.StudentECU
Monitoring Rice Phenology Based on Backscattering Characteristics of Multi-Temporal RADARSAT...2018He, Ze,Li,Shihua,Wang,Yong,Dai,Leiyu,Lin,Sen StudentECU
Monoclonal antibody DS6, tumor-associated antigen CA6, and methods of use thereof2003Wennerberg, Anne ElizabethStudentECU
Monoclonal antibody DS6, tumor-associated antigen CA6, and methods of use thereof2003Semer, Diane A.StudentECU
Monokine regulation of hexose metabolism in L6 Myotubes2023Lee, Mitchell Douglas.StudentECU
Monopolar Detection Thresholds Predict Spatial Selectivity of Neural Excitation in Cochlear ...2016Zhou, Ning StudentECU
The Monte Cristi Pipewreck: An Archaeological Assessment of the hull remains of a seventeent...2023Beshears, Jemison RStudentECU
The monuments and statues on the Capitol Square of North Carolina2023Berent, Irwin M.StudentECU
Mood and symptoms of expectant fathers during the course of pregnancy1977Davis, Ora StudentHome Economics, UNCG
The Moon is Down. [book review] 2007Bradbury, Mark FacultyGovernment and Justice Studies, ASU
Moral development, content analysis and the moral/value dimensions of television drama : a m...1980Russo, Charles WilliamStudentEducation, UNCG
The moral discourses of -˜post-crisis- neoliberalism: a case study of Lithuania-s Labour Cod...2017Just, Arunas,Woolfson,Charles StudentECU
The moral discourses of ‘post-crisis’ neoliberalism: a case study of Lithuania’s Labour Code...2023Just, Arunas StudentECU
The moral discourses of ‘post-crisis’ neoliberalism: a case study of Lithuania’s Labour Code...2023Woolfson, Charles StudentECU
Moral education as a part of the study of children's literature : an inservice model and cas...1979Gupton, Sandra LeeStudentEducation, UNCG
Moral perspectives of women administrators of student services in higher education : an expl...1991Luce, Jean MarieStudentEducation, UNCG
Morbihan disease: A diagnostic dilemma: two cases with successful resolution2023Donthi, Deepak StudentECU
Morbihan disease: A diagnostic dilemma: two cases with successful resolution2023Nenow, Joseph StudentECU
Morbihan disease: A diagnostic dilemma: two cases with successful resolution2023Samia, Arthur StudentECU
Morbihan disease: A diagnostic dilemma: two cases with successful resolution2023Phillips, Charles StudentECU
Morbihan disease: A diagnostic dilemma: two cases with successful resolution2023Papalas, John StudentECU
Morbihan disease: A diagnostic dilemma: two cases with successful resolution2023Prenshaw, Karyn StudentECU
Morbihan Disease: A Diagnostic Dilemma: Two Cases with Successful Resolution2023Donthi, Deepak StudentECU
Morbihan Disease: A Diagnostic Dilemma: Two Cases with Successful Resolution2023Prenshaw, Karyn StudentECU
Morbihan Disease: A Diagnostic Dilemma: Two Cases with Successful Resolution2023Nenow, Joseph StudentECU
Morbihan Disease: A Diagnostic Dilemma: Two Cases with Successful Resolution2023Samia, Arthur StudentECU
Morbihan Disease: A Diagnostic Dilemma: Two Cases with Successful Resolution2023Papalas, John StudentECU
Morbihan Disease: A Diagnostic Dilemma: Two Cases with Successful Resolution2023Phillips, Charles StudentECU
More than just Alcohol: Marijuana and Illicit Drug Use at Parties Attended by 15–20 Year Old...2023Egan, Kathleen L.StudentECU
Morphogenesis of the tail fan in the grass shrimp, palaemonetes pugio2023Gibson-Brown, Robin A.StudentECU
Morphological and chromatic changes in the last instars of Erythemis simplicicollis (odonata...1966Sharp, Mary JoanStudentBiology, UNCG
Morphological effects of improved corneal storage medium on corneal epithelial cells2023Johnson, Stacy Hume.StudentECU
The morphological effects of infant- and adult-onset monocular paralysis on cells in the cat...1984Garraghty, Preston EvansStudentPsychology, UNCG
A morphological quantification of intracellular triglyceride and mitochondria in obese subje...2023Thompson, R. Peter.StudentECU
A morphological study of Leranathropus Rathbuni Willson, 1922 (Crustacea, Copepoda)2023Burris, Kenneth WayneStudentECU
A morphological study on the preferential release of newly synthesized insulin from rats isl...2023Masius, William G.StudentECU
Morphological Variation of the Velum in Children and Adults Using Magnetic Resonance Imaging...2023Perry, Jamie L.StudentECU
Morphology of the Levator Veli Palatini Muscle in Adults with Repaired Cleft Palate2023Perry, Jamie L.StudentECU
Morphology of the Levator Veli Palatini Muscle in Adults with Repaired Cleft Palate2023Fang, Xiangming StudentECU
Morphology of the Musculus Uvulae In Vivo Using MRI and 3D Modeling Among Adults With Normal...2023Perry, Jamie L.StudentECU
Morphology of the Musculus Uvulae In Vivo Using MRI and 3D Modeling Among Adults With Normal...2023Fang, Xiangming StudentECU
A morphology of quick response strategies for the apparel industry1988Kincade, Doris H.StudentHuman Environmental Sciences, UNCG
Morphology, Geologic History and Dynamics of Wimble Shoals, Rodanthe, NC2023Gibbons, Ryan MStudentECU
Morphometric analysis of myelinated nerve fibers in the sympathetic trunk of the severely (R...2023Davis, Dean Eldon.StudentECU
Mortal Kombat: The Effect of Violent Videogame Play on Males' Hostility and Cardiovascular R...1996Ballard, Mary FacultyPsychology, ASU
Mortality After Bariatric Surgery: Findings From a 7-Year Multicenter Cohort Study2023Pories, Walter J.StudentECU
A Mortuary Analysis of the Structure 7 Cemetery at Town Creek, a Mississippian Site in the P...2023Rosenwinkel, Heidi StudentECU
Mosquito Control in North Carolina : Funding Issues and Emergency Management2023Harris, Jonathan W.StudentECU
Mosquito wing measurements separate potential West Nile vectors: a morphometric study of thr...2018Robinson, Paige StudentBiology, WCU
"The most abandoned sett of wretches": North Carolina's privateering efforts during the Amer...2023Howard, Joshua BStudentECU
The "Most Accurate, Least Factual" Writer : Hunter S. Thompson, Journalist2023Stotesbury, Marion SuzanneStudentECU
The Most Impudent Procedure in the History of Blockade Running: An Historical and Archaeolog...2023Marshall, Timothy PStudentECU
Mother’s Own Milk Expression: A Quality Improvement Initiative to Increase the Provision of ...2023Gitlin, Carter StudentECU
The motherless child : the absent mother in twentieth-century Southern fiction1993Grimes, Margaret KatherineStudentEnglish, UNCG
Motherload II : an electronic dimmer control1976Alvis, Arthur ElliotStudentDrama and Speech, UNCG
Mothers' opinions regarding child care centers for preschool children1971Reece, Johnie DotsonStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Mothers' perceptions of children's age of maturity : an exploratory study1987McAninch, John PatrickStudentHuman Environmental Sciences, UNCG
MOTHeRS' Project Food Guide for Women with Gestational Diabetes2023Dorriety, Janina StudentECU
MOTHeRS' Project Food Guide for Women with Gestational Diabetes2023Craven, Kay StudentECU
MOTHeRS' Project Food Guide for Women with Gestational Diabetes2023Smith, Brittany StudentECU
MOTHeRS' Project Food Guide for Women with Gestational Diabetes2023Kolasa, Kathryn MStudentECU
MOTHeRS' Project Food Safety Tips2023Craven, Kay StudentECU
MOTHeRS' Project Food Safety Tips2023Smith, Brittany StudentECU
MOTHeRS' Project Food Safety Tips2023Kolasa, Kathryn MStudentECU
MOTHeRS' Project Plate and Shopping Guide2023Craven, Kay StudentECU
MOTHeRS' Project Plate and Shopping Guide2023Smith, Brittany StudentECU
MOTHeRS' Project Plate and Shopping Guide2023Kolasa, Kathryn MStudentECU
MOTHeRS' Project Recipes2023Craven, Kay StudentECU
MOTHeRS' Project Recipes2023Smith, Brittany StudentECU
MOTHeRS' Project Recipes2023Kolasa, Kathryn MStudentECU
MOTHeRS' Project Technical Report2023Craven, Kay StudentECU
MOTHeRS' Project Technical Report2023Smith, Brittany StudentECU
MOTHeRS' Project Technical Report2023Kolasa, Kathryn MStudentECU
MOTHeRS' Project: Acceptability of a Medically Tailored Food Bag Treating Food Insecurity in...2023Craven, Kay StudentECU
MOTHeRS' Project: Acceptability of a Medically Tailored Food Bag Treating Food Insecurity in...2023Smith, Brittany StudentECU
MOTHeRS' Project: Acceptability of a Medically Tailored Food Bag Treating Food Insecurity in...2023Kolasa, Kathryn MStudentECU
MOTHeRS' Project: Acceptability of a Medically Tailored Food Bag Treating Food Insecurity in...2023Sastre, Lauren RStudentECU
Motion in time1976Hawkins, Lewis GreshamStudentArt, UNCG
Motion towards the center : an essay on reality as expressed in fourteen paintings1953Pope, Charlotte HumeStudentArt, UNCG
The motivation and evaluation of elementary school citizenship1948Royster, Lillie B.StudentEducation, UNCG
Motivation for participation in adult religious education : an exploratory study1986Conrad, Katherine OtherStudentEducation, UNCG
The motivation of female college business students to manage : a study of selected college b...1977Hampton, Blythe CarrollStudentEducation, UNCG
Motivation, achievement orientation, and competition in collegiate track and field athletes2023Woodson, Kimberly S.StudentECU
Motivational Drivers of Heavy Work Investment: Intercultural Comparison between USA and Midd...2023Garas, Lydia StudentECU
Motivational Interviewing for Smoking Cessation Among College Students2010Gagnon, Sandra G.FacultyPsychology, ASU
Motivational Interviewing for Smoking Cessation Among College Students2010Curtin , Lisa FacultyPsychology, ASU
Motivational Interviewing for Smoking Cessation Among College Students2010Martz, Denise M. FacultyPsychology, ASU
Motivational Interviewing for Smoking Cessation Among College Students2010Michael, Kurt D.FacultyPsychology, ASU
The motivations of high school male athletes1977Holcomb, Ernest ConradStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
Motivations to Attend College Among Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, And Queer Students2016Rawson, Kate StudentPsychology - Student, ASU
Motives, incentives, and disincentives of older adult volunteers in youth development and ot...1990Rouse, Shirley B.StudentHuman Environmental Sciences, UNCG
Motivic treatment in four selected early works of Anton Webern1973Tippens, Philip C.StudentMusic, UNCG
A motor creativity test for college women1974Glover, Elizabeth GayStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
Motor creativity, movement concept, and motor ability of college freshmen women with high an...1973Kiernan, Leslie JeanStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
The moulding into being of Tennessee Williams' The night of the iguana1977Reynolds, David D.StudentDrama and Speech, UNCG
Mourning Sun2023McDonnell, Ashley EStudentECU
Mouse Strain Dependent Differences in Muscle Fiber Type, Fiber Area, and Blood Perfusion in ...2023Hakimi, Javid StudentECU
The Mouse Who Would Rule the World! How American Criminal Justice Reflects the Themes of Di...2003Robinson, Matthew B. FacultyGovernment and Justice Studies, ASU
Movement and three-dimensional art : an exploration1962Eller, H. JeanneStudentArt, UNCG
Movement experience in modern dance : a phenomenological inquiry1984Braxton, Jean Patricia BaileyStudentHealth, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, UNCG
Movement Patterns of Transient and Prolonged Positioning Events in Nursing Home Residents: R...2023Kennerly, Susan M.StudentECU
Movement Patterns of Transient and Prolonged Positioning Events in Nursing Home Residents: R...2023, et alStudentECU
The Movement to Change Scholarly Communication Has Come a Long Way – How Far Might It Go?2012Ogburn, Joyce FacultyUniversity Libraries, ASU
Movements of North Carolina Striped Bass, Morone saxatilis, Inferred through Otolith Microch...2023Zurlo, Daniel J.StudentECU
THE MOVING AVERAGE: An Analysis of the Profitability of the 50-Day and 200-Day Moving Averag...2023Bunten, Tim StudentECU
Moving Here: 200 Years of Migration in England2008Stoffan, Mark A. FacultyHunter Library, WCU
Moving a Library Collection into New Quarters: Lessons Learned2007Abbott, John FacultyUniversity Libraries, ASU
Moving a Library Collection into New Quarters: Lessons Learned2007Donovan, Georgie FacultyUniversity Libraries, ASU
Moving psychopathology forward: combining a transdiagnostic and dimensional approach to clin...2017Ricketts, Nicole AshtonStudentPsychology, WCU
"Moving Toward Healthy": Insights Into Food Choices of Mothers in Residential Recovery2016Wall-Bassett, Elizabeth D.,Robinson,Michael A.,Knight,SharonStudentECU
“Moving Toward Healthy”: Insights Into Food Choices of Mothers in Residential Recovery2023Wall-Bassett, Elizabeth D.StudentECU
“Moving Toward Healthy”: Insights Into Food Choices of Mothers in Residential Recovery2023Robinson, Michael A.StudentECU
“Moving Toward Healthy”: Insights Into Food Choices of Mothers in Residential Recovery2023Knight, Sharon StudentECU
Mozart and the horn : Aria no. 13 from Mitridate, re` di Ponto, K. 871995Edwards, Melissa MicheleStudentMusic, UNCG
MPK-1/ERK is Required for the Full Activity of Resveratrol in Extended Lifespan and Reproduc...2023Lee, Myon HeeStudentECU
MPK-1/ERK is Required for the Full Activity of Resveratrol in Extended Lifespan and Reproduc...2023Yoon, Dong SukStudentECU
MPK-1/ERK Regulatory Network Controls the Number of Sperm by Regulating Timing of Sperm-Oocy...2023Lee, Myon HeeStudentECU
Mrs. Laura Mack Kephart’s Letter to Leonard Kephart October 11, 19462020Wilkie, Haylee StudentEnglish, WCU
mtDNA variation in the gopher tortoise, Gopherus polyphemus2023Osentoski, Matthew F.StudentECU
Much remains to be learned about CBD.2023Larkins, Michael StudentECU
Much remains to be learned about CBD.2023Kolasa, Kathryn MStudentECU
MucR binds multiple target sites in the promoter of its own gene and is a heat-stable protei...2018Baglivo, Ilaria,Pirone,Luciano,Malgieri,Gaetano,Fattorusso, Martin II,Pedone,Emilia Maria,Pedone,Paolo VincenzStudentECU
A Müllerian mimicry ring in Appalachian millipedes2023Marek, Paul E.StudentECU
A Müllerian mimicry ring in Appalachian millipedes2023Bond, Jason E.StudentECU
Multi-Criteria Analysis Of Offshore Wind Energy Site Suitability In North Carolina2023Gregg, Kelsey LaurenStudentECU
Multi-institutional Implementation of the National Clinical Assessment Tool in Emergency Med...2023Lawson, Luan StudentECU
Multi-institutional Implementation of the National Clinical Assessment Tool in Emergency Med...2023Hiller, Katherine StudentECU
Multi-institutional Implementation of the National Clinical Assessment Tool in Emergency Med...2023Jung, Julianna StudentECU
Multi-institutional Implementation of the National Clinical Assessment Tool in Emergency Med...2023Riddell, Rebecca StudentECU
Multi-institutional Implementation of the National Clinical Assessment Tool in Emergency Med...2023Franzen, Douglas StudentECU
Multi-Omic Analysis of Stroke Recurrence in African Americans from the Vitamin Intervention ...2023Armstrong, Nicole M. DavisStudentECU
Multi-Omic Analysis of Stroke Recurrence in African Americans from the Vitamin Intervention ...2023Spragley, Kelsey J.StudentECU
Multi-Omic Analysis of Stroke Recurrence in African Americans from the Vitamin Intervention ...2023Brewer, Michael S.StudentECU
Multi-Omic Analysis of Stroke Recurrence in African Americans from the Vitamin Intervention ...2023Horn, Patrick J.StudentECU
Multi-Omic Analysis of Stroke Recurrence in African Americans from the Vitamin Intervention ...2023Keene, Keith L.StudentECU
Multi-Omic Analysis of Stroke Recurrence in African Americans from the Vitamin Intervention ...2023Chen, Wei-Min StudentECU
Multi-Omic Analysis of Stroke Recurrence in African Americans from the Vitamin Intervention ...2023Hsu, Fang-Chi StudentECU
Multi-Omic Analysis of Stroke Recurrence in African Americans from the Vitamin Intervention ...2023Williams, Stephen R.StudentECU
Multi-Omic Analysis of Stroke Recurrence in African Americans from the Vitamin Intervention ...2023Sale, Michèle M.StudentECU
Multi-Omic Analysis of Stroke Recurrence in African Americans from the Vitamin Intervention ...2023Worrall, Bradford B.StudentECU
A multi-sensor approach to examining the distribution of total suspended matter (TSM) in the...2011Miller, Richard L.,Liu,Cheng-Chien,Buonassissi,Christopher J.,Wu,AStudentECU
A Multi-Site Preregistered Paradigmatic Test of the Ego Depletion Effect2023Baker, Michael StudentECU
Multi-walled carbon nanotube instillation impairs pulmonary function in C57BL/6 mice2011Wang, Xiaojia,Katwa,Pranita,Podila,Ramakrishna,Chen,Peng Ke,Pu,Rao,Apparao M,Walters,Dianne M,Wingard,ChrisStudentECU
A Multi-Year Mixed Methods Public Health Needs Assessment in Rural Honduras2023McMains, Jennifer StudentECU
Multicomponent intervention to reduce daily sedentary time: A randomised controlled trial2013Carr, Lucas J,Karvinen,Kristina,Peavler,Mallory,Smith,Rebecca,StudentECU
A Multicomponent Quality Improvement Intervention to Improve Blood Pressure and Reduce Racia...2023Cummings, Doyle M.StudentECU
Multiculturalism as an Alternative to Nihilism in Jamaica Kincaid's The Autobiography of My ...2023Topliff, Maria StudentECU
Multifunctional experimental assessment in a newly established Mediterranean restored marsh ...2023Calvo-Cubero, Juan StudentECU
The Multifunctional Protein BAG3: A Novel Therapeutic Target in Cardiovascular Disease2018Myers, Valerie D.,McClung,Joseph M.,Wang,JuFang,Tahrir,Farzaneh GStudentECU
Multihazard hurricane fragility model for wood structure homes considering hazard parameters...2023Massarra, C. C.StudentECU
Multihazard hurricane fragility model for wood structure homes considering hazard parameters...2023Friedland, C. J.StudentECU
Multihazard hurricane fragility model for wood structure homes considering hazard parameters...2023Marx, B. D.StudentECU
Multihazard hurricane fragility model for wood structure homes considering hazard parameters...2023Dietrich, J. C.StudentECU
A Multilevel Mixed-Effects Regression Analysis of the Association between Hospital, Communit...2023Mose, Jason N.StudentECU
Multilevel Structural Equation Modeling of Students- Dietary Intentions/Behaviors, BMI, and ...2018Horacek, Tanya,Yildirim,Elif Dede,Kattelmann,Kendra,Byrd-Bredbenner,Carol,BrownStudentECU
Multilevel Structural Equation Modeling of Students’ Dietary Intentions/Behaviors, BMI, and ...2023Horacek, Tanya StudentECU
Multilevel Structural Equation Modeling of Students’ Dietary Intentions/Behaviors, BMI, and ...2023Yildirim, Elif DedeStudentECU
Multilevel Structural Equation Modeling of Students’ Dietary Intentions/Behaviors, BMI, and ...2023Kattelmann, Kendra StudentECU
Multilevel Structural Equation Modeling of Students’ Dietary Intentions/Behaviors, BMI, and ...2023Byrd-Bredbenner, Carol StudentECU
Multilevel Structural Equation Modeling of Students’ Dietary Intentions/Behaviors, BMI, and ...2023Brown, Onikia StudentECU
Multilevel Structural Equation Modeling of Students’ Dietary Intentions/Behaviors, BMI, and ...2023Colby, Sarah E.StudentECU
Multilevel Structural Equation Modeling of Students’ Dietary Intentions/Behaviors, BMI, and ...2023Greene, Geoffrey StudentECU
Multilevel Structural Equation Modeling of Students’ Dietary Intentions/Behaviors, BMI, and ...2023Hoerr, Sharon StudentECU
Multilevel Structural Equation Modeling of Students’ Dietary Intentions/Behaviors, BMI, and ...2023Kidd, Tandalayo StudentECU
Multilevel Structural Equation Modeling of Students’ Dietary Intentions/Behaviors, BMI, and ...2023Koenings, Mallory StudentECU
Multilevel Structural Equation Modeling of Students’ Dietary Intentions/Behaviors, BMI, and ...2023Morrell, Jesse StudentECU
Multilevel Structural Equation Modeling of Students’ Dietary Intentions/Behaviors, BMI, and ...2023Olfert, Melissa D.StudentECU
Multilevel Structural Equation Modeling of Students’ Dietary Intentions/Behaviors, BMI, and ...2023Phillips, Beatrice StudentECU
Multilevel Structural Equation Modeling of Students’ Dietary Intentions/Behaviors, BMI, and ...2023Shelnutt, Karla StudentECU
Multilevel Structural Equation Modeling of Students’ Dietary Intentions/Behaviors, BMI, and ...2023White, Adrienne StudentECU
The multinational corporation : its effects on the American labor force1972Chappell, Joseph EdwardStudentBusiness and Economics, UNCG
Multiphase Transport Model Predictions of Isobaric Collisions with Nuclear Structure From De...2023Lin, Zi-Wei StudentECU
A Multiple Additive Regression Tree Analysis of Three Exposure Measures During Hurricane Kat...2010Pine, John FacultyGeography and Planning, ASU
Multiple caregiver roles of "women in the middle" : impact on health careers development2023Holland, Mary E.StudentECU
Multiple Kinase Involvement in the Regulation of Vascular Growth2013Tulis, David A.StudentECU
Multiple Kinase Involvement in the Regulation of Vascular Growth2013Martin, Danielle N.StudentECU
Multiple Kinase Involvement in the Regulation of Vascular Growth2013Mooney, Shayna StudentECU
Multiple Kinase Involvement in the Regulation of Vascular Growth2013Joshi, Chintamani N.StudentECU
Multiple Kinase Involvement in the Regulation of Vascular Growth2013Adderly, Shaquria StudentECU
Multiple Switching Behaviour In Multiple Price Lists2011Bruner, David FacultyEconomics, ASU
Multiple target hybridizing nucleic acids, their preparation, compositions, formulation, kit...2023Nyce, Jonathan W.StudentECU
A multiproxy paleoenvironmental reconstruction of Late Quaternary marine sediments: Sunda Sh...2023Donovan, Bailey G.StudentECU
The multistep grievance procedure : a cybernetic feedback loop operating in local education ...1991Davis, Grace MooreStudentEducation, UNCG
A multivariate approach to establish habitat classifications in a coral reef ecosystem using...2023Rueter, Jason W.StudentECU
Multivariate relationships among visual perceptual attributes and gross motor tasks with dif...1978Beitel, Patricia AnnStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
A multivariate study of religious commitment among a sample of United Methodist adults1976Brown, Gary HolmesStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Murder and martial justice : spying and retribution in World War II America1959Lentz, Meredith BlakeStudentHistory, UNCG
Murine Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma Reduces Ikaros Expression and Disrupts T Cell Homeostasis2015Nelson, Nadine,Xiang,Shengyan,Zhang,Xiaohong,Gilvary,Danie StudentECU
Muscle cramps? Try pickle juice2023Kolasa, Kathryn M.StudentECU
Muscle cramps? Try pickle juice2023Fletcher, Morgan StudentECU
Muscle Mitochondria in Vascular Disease: A Novel Genetic Target for Limb Salvage2023Goldberg, Emma JoyStudentECU
Muscle Work Discrepancy during Incline and Decline Running at Three Speeds1905Long, Benjamin L.StudentECU
Muscle-to-muscle coherence in young and old adults during gait2023Moscicki, Brian M.StudentECU
Muscles generate more energy in ascending gaits than they dissipate in descending gaits2023Bushey, Erin B.StudentECU
Musculoskeletal Disorders in Perioperative Personnel and Related Factors2023Apple, Brandi KStudentECU
Musculoskeletal Injections Performed by Family Medicine Residents Participating in a Clinica...2023Ferderber, Megan L.StudentECU
Musculoskeletal Injections Performed by Family Medicine Residents Participating in a Clinica...2023Adams, Alyssa StudentECU
Musculoskeletal Injections Performed by Family Medicine Residents Participating in a Clinica...2023Urbanek, Christopher WilliamStudentECU
Musculoskeletal Injections Performed by Family Medicine Residents Participating in a Clinica...2023Cummings, Doyle M.StudentECU
Musée Gauguin Tahiti: Indigenous Places, Colonial Heritage2008Waldroup, Heather L. FacultyArt, ASU
Music and the companion arts of the Gothic era1964Brett, Rachel StudentMusic, UNCG
Music piracy and neutralization: A trajectory analysis from short-term longitudinal2008Marcum, Cathy FacultyGovernment and Justice Studies, ASU
Music Written for Bassoon by Bassoonists: An Overview2001Burns, Michael FacultyMusic, UNCG
Musical architecture in Hindemith's first piano sonata1970McBane, Frances AshcraftStudentMusic, UNCG
Musical Materialism: a Defense in Several Movements2023Crumpler, Charles WStudentECU
Musical Notations Presentation - Library Instruction2023Tuncer-Bayramli, Nurhak FacultyLibrary, ECSU
Mutant Caviar2023Carver, Jonathan J.StudentECU
Mutations and deregulation of Ras/Raf/MEK/ERK and PI3K/PTEN/Akt/mtor cascades which alter th...2012McCubrey, James A.,Steelman,Linda S.,Chappell,William H.,Abrams,StStudentECU
Mutations at ARG-342 in the chlorophyll binding protein CP43 affect growth and oxygen evolvi...2023Franch, William R.StudentECU
The man who came back from the dead1972Matros, Michael J.StudentEnglish, UNCG
My Dear Horace Kephart: Letters from George Mac Reynolds and Louise Rhead2015Foote, Alex StudentEnglish, WCU
“My Determination Is To Live”: Narratives of African-American Women Who Have Lived with HIV ...2018Cherry, Sabrina T.FacultySchool of Health and Applied Human Sciences, UNCW
My journey into intercollegiate athletic administration : how it was influenced by feminist ...1995Lawrence, Bethyna AnnStudentEducation, UNCG
My painting1966Bland, Deanna BlandStudentEnglish, UNCG
My Time (Might Be Over)2009Palestrant, Christopher FacultyMusic and Visual Arts, ECSU
My work1976Rice, Robert McConnellStudentArt, UNCG
Myeloid ABCG1 Deficiency Enhances Apoptosis and Initiates Efferocytosis in Bronchoalveolar L...2023Soliman, Eman StudentECU
Myeloid ABCG1 Deficiency Enhances Apoptosis and Initiates Efferocytosis in Bronchoalveolar L...2023Bhalla, Sophia StudentECU
Myeloid ABCG1 Deficiency Enhances Apoptosis and Initiates Efferocytosis in Bronchoalveolar L...2023Malur, Anagha StudentECU
Myeloid ABCG1 Deficiency Enhances Apoptosis and Initiates Efferocytosis in Bronchoalveolar L...2023Ogburn, David StudentECU
Myeloid ABCG1 Deficiency Enhances Apoptosis and Initiates Efferocytosis in Bronchoalveolar L...2023Leffler, Nancy StudentECU
Myeloid ABCG1 Deficiency Enhances Apoptosis and Initiates Efferocytosis in Bronchoalveolar L...2023Thomassen, Mary JaneStudentECU
Myeloid ABCG1 Deficiency Enhances Apoptosis and Initiates Efferocytosis in Bronchoalveolar L...2023Elhassanny, Ahmed E. M.StudentECU
Myeloid ABCG1 Deficiency Enhances Apoptosis and Initiates Efferocytosis in Bronchoalveolar L...2023Malu, Achut G.StudentECU
Mylonite zones associated with thrust faults, Madison County, North Carolina2023Marsil, Keith R.StudentECU
Mysticism and ritual : a processual framework for dance as social transformation1991Hunt, Peggy StudentEducation, UNCG
Myth and Metaphysics2000Schilbrack, Kevin FacultyPhilosophy and Religion, ASU
The Myth of a Fair Criminal Justice System2009Robinson, Matthew B. FacultyGovernment and Justice Studies, ASU
A mythic canon of education : response to political and spiritual alienation1988Joyce, Roma BowenStudentEducation, UNCG
Myths : perceiving and ordering within high-intensity phenomena1971Poole, Michael StudentArt, UNCG
Myths, morals, and models : implications for special education1976Milner, Edward WillisStudentEducation, UNCG
N-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids differentially enhance B-cell\r\nmediated immunity in lean a...2023Teague, Heather L.StudentECU
N-Methyl-D-Aspartate Receptor Signaling and Function in Cardiovascular Tissues2023Abdel-Rahman, Abdel A.StudentECU
N.C. community college/industry interactions : present status and future possibilities1989Ellis, Martha ShieldsStudentEducation, UNCG
N.C. Governor Thomas Bragg’s Response to Jacob Siler’s Letter, July 30, 18572024Newman-Shaw, Merritt FacultyEnglish, WCU
N1 – NLM Roles Related to Computable Knowledge2022Mobilizing Computable Biomedical Knowledge (MCBK), FacultyNCCU
N6-methyladenosine contributes to cellular phenotype in a genetically-defined model of breas...2018Fry, Nate J.,Law,Brittany A.,Ilkayeva,Olga R.,Carraway,KristStudentECU
N6-methyladenosine is required for the hypoxic stabilization of specific mRNAs2017Fry, Nate J.,Law,BRITTANY A.,ILKAYEVA,OLGA R.,Holley,CHRISTOStudentECU
Nabokov : the artist against caprice1987Parker, Mary ElizabethStudentEnglish, UNCG
NADPH Oxidase as a Mechanistic Link Between Erectile Dysfunction, Peripheral, and Coronary E...2023La Favor, Justin D.StudentECU
Naegele's rule or fetal ultrasound when determining estimated date of delivery : a midwifery...2023Anderson, Janet StudentECU
The NAFTA(-ization) of Sexual Harassment: The Experiences of Canada, Mexico and the United S...1997Scherlen, Renee FacultyGovernment and Justice Studies, ASU
The NAFTA(-ization) of Sexual Harassment: The Experiences of Canada, Mexico and the United S...1997Strickland, Ruth Ann FacultyGovernment and Justice Studies, ASU
Naloxone availability in retail pharmacies and neighborhood inequities in access2023Egan, Kathleen L.StudentECU
Naloxone Nasal Spray Co-Prescription for the Prevention of Opioid Overdose Complications2023Raju, Princy StudentECU
NAM David Harold Blackwell Lecture flyer2023Houston, Johnny FacultyMathematics and Computer Science, ECSU
Names in Toni Morrison's novels : connections1994Clayton, Jane BurrisStudentEnglish, UNCG
Nanotechnology learning innovation: “The quantum tripositive biosmart nanobiotechnology mode...2020Osler, James FacultySchool of Education , NCCU
Narcissism, materialism, and environmental ethics in business students2013Bergman, Shawn FacultyPsychology, ASU
The narcissistic dialectic : narcissism, dualism and gender1986Speer, Allen PaulStudentEducation, UNCG
Narrative, Identity, and Sense of Place Discourse : Woman's Club of Fayetteville, North Caro...2023Rach, Amber FernaldStudentECU
Narrowing but Persisting Gender Pay Gap among Employees of the US Department of Health and H...2023Luo, Huabin StudentECU
Narrowing but Persisting Gender Pay Gap among Employees of the US Department of Health and H...2023Chen, Zhuo StudentECU
Narrowing but Persisting Gender Pay Gap among Employees of the US Department of Health and H...2023Zhang, Yihong StudentECU
Narrowing but Persisting Gender Pay Gap among Employees of the US Department of Health and H...2023Zhang, Donglan StudentECU
Narrowing but Persisting Gender Pay Gap among Employees of the US Department of Health and H...2023Rajbhandari-Thapa, Janani StudentECU
Narrowing but Persisting Gender Pay Gap among Employees of the US Department of Health and H...2023Yuheng Wang, Yuheng StudentECU
Narrowing but Persisting Gender Pay Gap among Employees of the US Department of Health and H...2023Wang, Ruoxi StudentECU
Narrowing but Persisting Gender Pay Gap among Employees of the US Department of Health and H...2023Bagwell-Adams, Grace StudentECU
Nasometric Comparison Between Spanish-English Bilingual and English Monolingual Children2023Perry, Jamie L.StudentECU
Natal Origin of Central Southern Management Area, North Carolina Striped Bass, Inferred from...2023Dobbs, Jeffrey M.StudentECU
Nathanael West's vision of the end : the Apocalypse as ludicrous1976Wilson, Ashby S.StudentEnglish, UNCG
Nathaniel Hawthorne's satire of Transcendentalism in "The Artist of the Beautiful"1965McKeithan, Dell LandrethStudentEnglish, UNCG
The National Clinical Assessment Tool for Medical Students in the Emergency Department (NCAT...2018Jung, Julianna,Franzen,Douglas,Lawson,Luan,Manthey,David B.,Trainor,Arleigh,Wald,David A.,Hiller,KatherineStudentECU
The National Collegiate Athletic Association and the courts : a summary of litigation involv...1975Reece, Milton E.StudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
National Constitutions and Human Rights Issues in Africa2003Udogu, E. Ike FacultyGovernment and Justice Studies, ASU
National Integration Attempts in Nigerian Politics 1979-19841990Udogu, E. Ike FacultyGovernment and Justice Studies, ASU
National Mass Drug Administration Costs For Lymphatic Filariasis Elimination2007Rheingans, Richard FacultySustainable Development, ASU
A National Needs Analysis of Sudden Cardiac Arrest Survivors2023Derian, Leslie BlueStudentECU
A National Study of Social Media, Television, Radio, and Internet Usage of Adults by Sexual ...2017Seidenberg, Andrew B.,Jo,Catherine L.,Ribisl,Kurt M.,Lee,Joseph G. L.StudentECU
National Transportation Week: Second Week in May1986Abbott, John FacultyUniversity Libraries, ASU
National Transportation Week: Second Week in May1986Abbott, Lisa FacultyUniversity Libraries, ASU
National Trends in Cessation Counseling, Prescription Medication Use, and Associated Costs A...2019Tibuakuu, Martin,Okunrintemi,Victor,Jirru,Ermias,Tcheugui,Ju B. Echouffo,Orimoloye,Olusola A.,Mehta,Puja K.,DeFStudentECU
National Union Catalog: Asset or Albatross?2012Scherlen, Allan G.FacultyUniversity Libraries, ASU
National Union Catalog: Asset or Albatross?2012Abbott, John FacultyUniversity Libraries, ASU
National Weather Service Hydrology Products: Influencing Factors of People’s Effective Use a...2023Jiang, Zizhan StudentECU
The National Woman's Party (1916-1919) : its story and its images1977Leonard, Deborah LynnStudentHistory, UNCG
Natural and trawling induced sediment disturbances in a tributary of the Pamlico River, NC2023Frank, James E.StudentECU
Natural History of the Social Millipede Brachycybe lecontii Wood, 18642023Brewer, Michael S.StudentECU
Natural Observation of Alcohol Price and Promotions at Bars: Implications for Alcohol Misuse...2023Cox, Melissa StudentECU
Natural Observation of Alcohol Price and Promotions at Bars: Implications for Alcohol Misuse...2023Moskwiak, Meredith StudentECU
Natural Observation of Alcohol Price and Promotions at Bars: Implications for Alcohol Misuse...2023Chaney, Beth H.StudentECU
Natural Observation of Alcohol Price and Promotions at Bars: Implications for Alcohol Misuse...2023Garrigues, Madison StudentECU
Natural versus artifcial light exposure on delirium incidence in ARDS patients2020Vahedian‑Azimi, Amir,Bashar,Farshid R.,Khan,Abbas M.,Miller,Andrew C.StudentECU
Naturalism, the new journalism, and the tradition of the modern American fact-based homicide...1993Whited, Lana AnnStudentEnglish, UNCG
A naturalistic responsive evaluation of a selected middle school home-school-community partn...1994Legrand, Patricia EvansStudentEducation, UNCG
A naturalistic study of student teaching in the secondary school1982Wolfe, Delores MortonStudentEducation, UNCG
The nature and consequences of prefrontal lobotomy1955Alexander, Frances StudentPsychology, UNCG
Nature and Eleusis in Ezra Pound's Cantos 1-111977Mangum, Geoffrey CarlyleStudentEnglish, UNCG
Nature and its background in The parliament of fowls and Piers Plowman1968Flick, June JarmanStudentEnglish, UNCG
Nature and the non-objective : an essay concerning fifteen paintings1953Brandt, Warren StudentArt, UNCG
The nature and significance of the response latency associated with the amendment of movemen...1975Siegel, Donald StevenStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
Nature in the poetry of Saint-Amant1976Stewart, Phillip ScottStudentRomance Languages-French, UNCG
The nature of game strategy observation in field hockey with respect to selected variables1974Arrighi, Margarite AnnStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
Nature of the Genii: An Exploration of the Classical and Contemporary Genius Loci2023Horn, Aly FacultyEsther G. Maynor Honors College, UNCP
The nature of human movement : a philosophical interpretation delineated from Neo-Confuciani...1978Charpio, Donald JosephStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
The nature of twenty paintings1959Petteway, Betty E.StudentArt, UNCG
The nature of women's power : an interpretive analysis of perceptions of selected senior adm...1988Cartwright, Talula StudentEducation, UNCG
Nature references and scientific interest in the works of Fray Luis de Leon1948Herman, Rosemary StudentRomance Languages-Spanish, UNCG
Nature trails for elementary children1951Keller, Dale FranklinStudentEducation, UNCG
Naval development and the diffusion of nineteenth-century maritime innovation :an archaeolog...2023Diveley, Brian D.StudentECU
Naval Operations of the POTOMAC FLOTILLA, 1861-18652023Schmidt, James SStudentECU
NAVIGATE 24-Month Results: Electromagnetic Navigation Bronchoscopy for Pulmonary Lesions at ...2023Bowling, Mark R.StudentECU
NAVIGATE 24-Month Results: Electromagnetic Navigation Bronchoscopy for Pulmonary Lesions at ...2023Folch, Erik E.StudentECU
NAVIGATE 24-Month Results: Electromagnetic Navigation Bronchoscopy for Pulmonary Lesions at ...2023, et alStudentECU
Navigating 21st Century Digital Scholarship: Open Educational Resources (OERs), Creative Com...2023Seibert, Heather StudentECU
Navigating Historical Waters: A Study of the Pilots and Original Settlers of Ocracoke Island...2023Howard, Bernard JamesStudentECU
NC DOCKS (Digital Repository) & Open Access at ECSU 2023Tuncer-Bayramli, Nurhak FacultyLibrary, ECSU
NCEM Workshop Keynote Speaker2023Sturgis, Linda StudentECU
ncreased glycemic variability is independently associated with length of stay and mortality ...2013Mendez, Carlos E.,Mok,Ki-Tae,Ata,Ashar,Tanenberg,Robert J.,CallesStudentECU
Near-continuous functions and near-continuous homotopy1972Goolsby, Ronnie ChristianStudentMathematics, UNCG
Near-infrared spectroscopy detects age-related differences in skeletal muscle oxidative func...2018Chung, Susie,Rosenberry,Ryan,Ryan,Terence E.,Munson,Madison,Dombrowsky,Thomas,Park,Suwon,NasStudentECU
Nearshore mixing and nutrient delivery along the western Antarctic Peninsula2017CORBETT, D. REIDE,CRENSHAW,JARED,NULL,KIMBERLY,PETERSON,RICHARStudentECU
Nearshore rock exposures and their relationship to modern shelf sedimentation Onslow Bay, No...2023Crowson, Ronald A.StudentECU
Nebula 20721973Wikle, Kathy SmithStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
Necessary Absence: Familial Distance and the Adult Immigrant Child in Korean American Fictio...2023Faulkenbury, Alexandria StudentECU
Necrotizing enterocolitis leads to disruption of tight junctions and increase in gut permeab...2018Ravisankar, Srikanth,Tatum,Rodney,Garg,Parvesh M,Herco,Maja,Shekhawat,Prem S,Chen,Yan-HuaStudentECU
Necrotizing enterocolitis leads to disruption of tight junctions and increase in gut permeab...2018Ravisankar, Srikanth,Tatum,Rodney,Garg,Parvesh M,Herco,Maja,Shekhawat,Prem S.,Chen,Yan-HuaStudentECU
The Need for a Conceptual Framework for Leadership and Shared Governance between Faculty an...2021Osler, James FacultySchool of Education , NCCU
The Need for Educating Technical Communicators on the Changing Face of Copyright and its Imp...2023Williams, Karen J.StudentECU
A Needs Assessment for a Physical Activity Intervention for Caregivers2023Somma, Kristen StudentECU
Needs assessment of motor proficiency and health-related fitness for children conducted in c...1985McCormick, Mickie RunnetteStudentHealth, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, UNCG
Negative sexual experiences and rape: understanding the relationship between adult and child...2023Wright, LaNika L.StudentECU
Negative Values in Vickrey Auctions2004Dickinson, David L. FacultyEconomics, ASU
Neglected Aspects and Unsupported Claims2002Webb, Rose Mary FacultyPsychology, ASU
Negotiating Identities in a Heteronormative Context2013Page, Amy Dellinger FacultySociology, ASU
The negritude poets and their critics : a literary assessment and implications for education...1978Latimer, Georgie BlancheStudentEducation, UNCG
The Negro and the struggle for equal opportunity in Greensboro, May-July, 19631970Stuber, Robert WarrenStudentHistory and Political Science, UNCG
Negro disfranchisement in North Carolina : the politics of race in a southern state1973Cotten, Jerry WayneStudentHistory, UNCG
Neighborhood Inequalities in Retailers' Compliance With the Family Smoking Prevention and To...2015Baker, Hannah M.StudentECU
Neighborhood Inequalities in Retailers' Compliance With the Family Smoking Prevention and To...2015Lee, Joseph G. L.StudentECU
Neighborhood Inequalities in Retailers' Compliance With the Family Smoking Prevention and To...2015Ranney, Leah M.StudentECU
Neighborhood Inequalities in Retailers' Compliance With the Family Smoking Prevention and To...2015Goldstein, Adam O.StudentECU
Neighborhood Inequalities in Retailers’ Compliance With the Family Smoking Prevention and ...2015Goldstein, Adam O.StudentECU
Neighborhood Inequalities in Retailers’ Compliance With the Family Smoking Prevention and ...2015Lee, Joseph G. L.StudentECU
Neighborhood Inequalities in Retailers’ Compliance With the Family Smoking Prevention and ...2015Baker, Hannah M.StudentECU
Neighborhood Inequalities in Retailers’ Compliance With the Family Smoking Prevention and ...2015Ranney, Leah M.StudentECU
A Neo-Searlean Theory of Intentionality2023Georgalis, Nicholas StudentECU
A Neo-Searlean Theory of Intentionality2023Georgalis, Nicholas StudentECU
Neonatal nurses selection of appropriate intervention in response to preterm infant behavior...2023Sarvey, Sharon IsenhourStudentECU
Neonatologists' judgments regarding medical treatment for disabled newborns with life-threat...1990Chalnick, Maria KappenStudentHuman Environmental Sciences, UNCG
Nepotism or Family Tradition? A Study of NASCAR Drivers2008Groothuis, Peter FacultyEconomics, ASU
Nestin in immature embryonic neurons affects axon growth cone morphology and Semaphorin3a se...2019Bott, C. J.,Johnson,C. G.,Yap,C. C.,Dwyer,N. D.,Litwa,K. A.StudentECU
The net effects of medical malpractice tort reform on health insurance losses: the Texas exp...2017Born, Patricia H.,Karl,J. Bradley,Viscusi,W. KipStudentECU
Network traffic anomaly detection using EMD and Hilbert-Huan transform2013Han, Jieying StudentEngineering and Technology, WCU
Networking in curriculum planning : the development and application of a model1984Simmons, Robert DaleStudentEducation, UNCG
Neural Crest Cell Genes and the Domestication Syndrome: A Comparative Analysis of Selection2023Rubio, Andrew O.StudentECU
Neural Crest Cell Genes and the Domestication Syndrome: A Comparative Analysis of Selection2023Summers, Kyle StudentECU
Neural Mechanisms of Auditory Species Recognition in Birds2023Balakrishnan, Christopher N.StudentECU
A neural prosthesis to improve gait in people with muscle weakness2018Farsad Asadi, Reza StudentEngineering and Technology, WCU
Neuro-Holistic Learning©: An Integrated Kinesthetic Approach to Cognitive Learning© Using Co...2016Osler, James FacultySchool of Education , NCCU
Neuroantigen-specific, tolerogenic vaccines: GM-CSF is a fusion partner that facilitates tol...2011Abbott, Derek J,Blanchfield,J Lori,Martinson,David A,Russell,SeaStudentECU
Neuroantigen-specific, tolerogenic vaccines: GM-CSF is a fusion partner that facilitates tol...2011Blanchfield, J LoriStudentECU
Neuroantigen-specific, tolerogenic vaccines: GM-CSF is a fusion partner that facilitates tol...2011Mannie, Mark DStudentECU
Neuroantigen-specific, tolerogenic vaccines: GM-CSF is a fusion partner that facilitates tol...2011Curtis, Alan DStudentECU
Neuroantigen-specific, tolerogenic vaccines: GM-CSF is a fusion partner that facilitates tol...2011Taslim, Najla StudentECU
Neuroantigen-specific, tolerogenic vaccines: GM-CSF is a fusion partner that facilitates tol...2011Russell, Sean CStudentECU
Neuroantigen-specific, tolerogenic vaccines: GM-CSF is a fusion partner that facilitates tol...2011Martinson, David AStudentECU
Neuroantigen-specific, tolerogenic vaccines: GM-CSF is a fusion partner that facilitates tol...2011Abbott, Derek JStudentECU
Neurobehavioral Strategies of Skill Acquisition in Left and Right Hand Dominant Individuals2020McDonnell, Jessica StudentECU
Neurocognitive and social-communicative function of children born very preterm at 10 years o...2019Tomlinson, Martha Scott,Santos,Hudson P.,Stewart,Jill R.,Joseph,RobeStudentECU
Neurodevelopmentally Based Care Training for International Healthcare Volunteers2023Roberts, Rachel StudentECU
Neurogenic switching: a hypothesis for a mechanism for shifting the site of inflammation in ...1995Meggs, William J.FacultyECU
Neurological Effects Of A Single Low Level Blast Overpressure Exposure : Behavior And Micro ...2023Dobbins, Dorothy L.StudentECU
Neuromotor Control Differences in the Upper Extremity Between Those With and Without Rheumat...2023Pierce, Whitney StudentECU
Neuromuscular Blockade Monitoring: Assessing Nurse Anesthetists’ Perceptions of the Usefulne...2023Romagnoli, Jenn StudentECU
Neuromuscular Treatments for Speech and Swallowing: A Tutorial2003Clark, Heather FacultyPast Faculty Member, ASU
Neuron-derived transthyretin modulates astrocytic glycolysis in hormone-independent manner2017Zawiślak, Alina,Jakimowicz,Piotr,McCubrey,James A.,Rakus,DariuszStudentECU
Neuropeptide Y analogues, compositions and methods of lowering blood pressure2000Nyce, Jonathan StudentECU
Neuropeptide Y analogues, compositions and methods of lowering blood pressure2000Leonard, Sherry AnnStudentECU
A Neuropsychological Profile of College Students with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disord...2023Guiler, William RStudentECU
Neuroscience Near-Peer-Led Flipped Classroom Improves Student Confidence With Clinical Appli...2023Brewer, Kori L.StudentECU
Neuroscience Near-Peer-Led Flipped Classroom Improves Student Confidence With Clinical Appli...2023McAllister, William StudentECU
Neuroscience Near-Peer-Led Flipped Classroom Improves Student Confidence With Clinical Appli...2023Curtis, Caitrin M.StudentECU
Neuroscience Near-Peer-Led Flipped Classroom Improves Student Confidence With Clinical Appli...2023Brown, Andrew StudentECU
Neuroscience Near-Peer-Led Flipped Classroom Improves Student Confidence With Clinical Appli...2023Lim, Szu-Aun StudentECU
Nevada desert dust with heavy metals suppresses IgM antibody production2018Keil, Deborah E,Buck,Brenda,Goossens,Dirk,McLaurin,Brett,Murphy,StudentECU
"Never Waste a Good Crisis": An Interview with Mary Mellor2023Feder, Helena StudentECU
The new child : a collection of poems1965Eidam, Sylvia StudentEnglish, UNCG
New Data, Old Methods : A Functional Analysis of Colonial Era Structures on the "Wooten-Marn...2023Gabriel, Jennifer L.StudentECU
New Deal administrator : John Lang and the National Youth Administration in North Carolina2023Piercy, Robert M.StudentECU
A new dinosaur footprint locality from the Dakota Sandstone (Upper Cretaceous: Cenomanian) i...1998Heckert, Andrew B. FacultyGeology, ASU
New Directions For Philosophy Of Religion: Four Proposals2012Schilbrack, Kevin FacultyPhilosophy and Religion, ASU
The New Face of Reference2013Schmidt, Krista FacultyHunter Library, WCU
New Findings on Student Multitasking with Mobile Devices and Student Success2023Eseryel, U. YelizStudentECU
New Findings on Student Multitasking with Mobile Devices and Student Success2023Jiang, Dan StudentECU
New Findings on Student Multitasking with Mobile Devices and Student Success2023Eseryel, Deniz StudentECU
The 'New Frontier' of Empire in the Caribbean: The Transfer of Power in British Guiana, 1961...2000Fraser, Cary FacultyGovernment and Justice Studies, ASU
A new genus and species of Enterobacteriaceae isolated from Kephart Prong, Great Smoky Mount...2017Fraser, Kacie StudentBiology, WCU
New Landscapes and Horizons in Hepatocellular Carcinoma Therapy2023McCubrey, James A.StudentECU
New Landscapes and Horizons in Hepatocellular Carcinoma Therapy2023McCubrey, James A.StudentECU
A New Measure of Perfectionism: The Perfectionism Inventory2004Huelsman, Timothy FacultyPsychology, ASU
A New Measure of Perfectionism: The Perfectionism Inventory2004Hill, Robert FacultyPsychology, ASU
A new model for aesthetic education1980Jenkins, Mary Anne CaruanaStudentEducation, UNCG
A new model for the Kellwasser Anoxia Events (Late Devonian): Shallow water anoxia in an ope...2014Carmichael, Sarah K. FacultyGeology, ASU
New music camerata. [sound recording] : Chamber music2011Bell, Rafael StudentECU
New music camerata. [sound recording] : Chamber music2011Burroughs, Mary AliceStudentECU
New music camerata. [sound recording] : Chamber music2011Gustafson, Christine 1957-StudentECU
New music camerata. [sound recording] : Chamber music2011Ulffers, Christopher StudentECU
New music camerata. [sound recording] : Chamber music2011Wacker, Jonathan StudentECU
New music camerata. [sound recording] : Chamber music2011Williams, Nathan L.StudentECU
New music camerata. [sound recording] : Chamber music2011Leonard, Lisa StudentECU
New music camerata. [sound recording] : Chamber music2011Jacobs, Edward StudentECU
New music camerata. [sound recording] : Chamber music2011Gilliam, Alisa StudentECU
New music camerata. [sound recording] : Chamber music2011Gregorian, Ara StudentECU
New music camerata. [sound recording] : Chamber music2011Munden, Sharon StudentECU
New music camerata. [sound recording] : Chamber music2011Rawls, Scott StudentECU
New music camerata. [sound recording] : Chamber music2011Richardson, Mark DouglasStudentECU
New music camerata. [sound recording].2011Newsome, Bo StudentECU
New music camerata. [sound recording].2011O'Brien, John B. 1958-StudentECU
New music camerata. [sound recording].2011Jarvis, Jeffery W.StudentECU
New music camerata. [sound recording].2011Lewis, Leonard Mark 1973-StudentECU
New music camerata. [sound recording].2011Jacobs, Edward StudentECU
New music camerata. [sound recording].2011Williams, Nathan L.StudentECU
New music camerata. [sound recording].2011Taggart, Mark AlanStudentECU
New music camerata. [sound recording].2011Theurer, Britton StudentECU
New music camerata. [sound recording].2011Ulffers, Christopher StudentECU
New music camerata. [sound recording].2011Gustafson, Christine 1957-StudentECU
New music camerata. [sound recording].2011Carter, Scott StudentECU
New music camerata. [sound recording].2011Burroughs, Mary AliceStudentECU
New music camerata. [sound recording].2011Broussard, George StudentECU
New music camerata. [sound recording].2011Bair, Jeff 1960-StudentECU
The New NBA Collective Bargaining Agreement, the Median Voter Model, and a Robin Hood Rent R...2001Groothuis, Peter FacultyEconomics, ASU
New nurse transitions: a qualitative study of perceived difficulties2014Brewington, Daphne Michelle CarterStudentECU
New Occurrence of Trilophosaurus (Reptilia: Archosauromorpha) Form the Upper Triassic of Wes...2001Heckert, Andrew B. FacultyGeology, ASU
A new perspective on the warrior figure in the Grail legend1973Llewellyn, Dara VirginiaStudentEnglish, UNCG
New ridges1968Kollath, Richard StudentArt, UNCG
A new species of the aetosaur Typothorax (Archosauria: Stagonolepididae) from the Upper Tria...2002Heckert, Andrew B. FacultyGeology, ASU
A new species of Desmatosuchus (Archosauria: Aetosauria) from the Upper Triassic of the Cham...2002Heckert, Andrew B. FacultyGeology, ASU
The new state board of community colleges of North Carolina : 1981 decisions and the governa...1983Oliver, Dorothy McMichaelStudentEducation, UNCG
A New Type of Image-Based Key2008Kirchoff, Bruce K.FacultyBiology, UNCG
The New York commerce connection : a planter-merchant during the antebellum North Carolina t...2023Bateman, Wallace BrysonStudentECU
Newborns' preference for female voices as a function of spectral composition1984Spence, Melanie JeanStudentPsychology, UNCG
Newfangled & Highfalutin: North Carolina Library Innovations Over the Decades2023Jones, Plummer AlstonStudentECU
News and Notes Spring 20082008Western Carolina University Hunter Library, FacultyHunter Library, WCU
Next Door2023Hairston, Cara StudentECU
Nickel as a mutagen and as an enabler of EMS genotoxicity in Caenorhabditis elegans2023Atkinson, John StudentECU
Nietzsche and Wagner their influence on national socialism1949Johnston, Ethel CelesteStudentHistory, UNCG
Night vision and other stories1974Ruh, Robert J.StudentEnglish, UNCG
Night-song sung for me1975Albright, Donald AlexanderStudentEnglish, UNCG
Nightlife2009Palestrant, Christopher FacultyMusic and Visual Arts, ECSU
Nine to Five2020Han, Junghoon StudentECU
Nine Years of Pediatric Gunshot Wounds: A Descriptive Analysis2023Palmer, Lilly StudentECU
Nine Years of Pediatric Gunshot Wounds: A Descriptive Analysis2023, et alStudentECU
Nineteen-hundred and seventy-four1975Harris, John PaulStudentArt, UNCG
Nineteen-hundred and seventy-three1975Godwin, Vann AbbegailStudentArt, UNCG
The nineteenth century wasteland : the void in the works of Byron, Baudelaire, and Melville1969Brittain, Mary GatesStudentEnglish, UNCG
Nineteenth-Century North American Figureheads from the Mariners' Museum Collection: A Histor...2023Green, Catherine MStudentECU
Nitration of annexin II tetramer :a novel post-translational modification with implications ...2023Rowan, William H.StudentECU
Nitrogen cycling in an alluvial swamp forest2023Bradshaw, Hansel D.StudentECU
Nitrogen Treatment by a Dry Detention Basin with Stormwater Wetland Characteristics2023Humphrey, Charles P. JrStudentECU
Nitrogen Treatment by a Dry Detention Basin with Stormwater Wetland Characteristics2023Iverson, Guy StudentECU
Nitrogen Treatment by a Dry Detention Basin with Stormwater Wetland Characteristics2023Nolan, Melissa StudentECU
Nitrogen, phosphorus, and sediment exports from headwater streams in a coastal plain agricul...2023Cappiella, Karen. StudentECU
Nitrogen, phosphorus, and sediment exports from headwater streams in a coastal plain agricul...2023Cappiella, Karen. StudentECU
Nixon Presidential Library and Museum2012Stoffan, Mark A. FacultyHunter Library, WCU
NMR Studies into the Potential Interactions of Fullerene C[subscript]60, with Tetraphenylpor...2023Obondi, Christopher OtaraStudentECU
No Added Sugar!2020Narron, Mairin GwynStudentECU
No Bath In A Morning1976Ray, Richard FacultyEnglish, UNCP
No Definitive Evidence of Paleocene Dinosaurs in the San Juan Basin2009Heckert, Andrew B. FacultyGeology, ASU
No Excuses: Consistent Christian Living2002Johanson, Linda FacultyNursing, ASU
No "golden opportunity" : from separate schools to unequal integration, black and white educ...2023Douglas, Deborah AnnStudentECU
"No more existence than the inhabitants of Utopia" : Utopian satire in Gulliver's travels1995Argent, Joseph E.StudentEnglish, UNCG
No one is hurt forever1953Kerr, Lane StudentEnglish, UNCG
No Thaw This Spring: The Competing Values of Lyndon Johnson and Alexander Dubcek2023Jarrell, John StudentECU
No-dependent regulation of muscle blood flow in fibromyalgia patients and healthy adults2023McIver, Kerry LeighStudentECU
"Noga syksnivarts"1972Holder, Franklin D.StudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
Non-commercial use of soy protein products as extenders for ground beef1976Dale, Margot LucileStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Non-continuous fundamental groups of continuous loops1976Andersen, Stephen S.StudentMathematics, UNCG
Non-continuous set-valued functions1973Fife, Earl DennettStudentMathematics, UNCG
Non-dairy treats leave lactose behind with alternative ingredients2023Douglas, Tyler StudentECU
Non-dairy treats leave lactose behind with alternative ingredients2023Kolasa, Kathryn MStudentECU
Non-Endemic Skeletal Fluorosis: Causes And Associated Secondary Hyperparathyroidism (Case Re...2023Cook, Fiona J.StudentECU
Non-Endemic Skeletal Fluorosis: Causes And Associated Secondary Hyperparathyroidism (Case Re...2023Seagrove-Guffey, Maighan StudentECU
Non-Endemic Skeletal Fluorosis: Causes And Associated Secondary Hyperparathyroidism (Case Re...2023Mumm, Steven StudentECU
Non-Endemic Skeletal Fluorosis: Causes And Associated Secondary Hyperparathyroidism (Case Re...2023Veis, Deborah J.StudentECU
Non-Endemic Skeletal Fluorosis: Causes And Associated Secondary Hyperparathyroidism (Case Re...2023McAlister, William H.StudentECU
Non-Endemic Skeletal Fluorosis: Causes And Associated Secondary Hyperparathyroidism (Case Re...2023Bijanki, Vinieth N.StudentECU
Non-Endemic Skeletal Fluorosis: Causes And Associated Secondary Hyperparathyroidism (Case Re...2023Wenkert, Deborah StudentECU
Non-Endemic Skeletal Fluorosis: Causes And Associated Secondary Hyperparathyroidism (Case Re...2023Whyte, Michael P.StudentECU
A Non-Invasive Assessment of Skin Carotenoid Status Through Reflection Spectroscopy is a Fea...2023Wu, Qiang StudentECU
A Non-Invasive Assessment of Skin Carotenoid Status Through Reflection Spectroscopy is a Fea...2023Jilcott Pitts, Stephanie BellStudentECU
Non-invasive Cancer Detection in Canine Urine Through Caenorhabditis Elegans Chemotaxis2023Lee, Myon HeeStudentECU
Non-invasive Cancer Detection in Canine Urine Through Caenorhabditis Elegans Chemotaxis2023Namgong, Chan StudentECU
Non-Ionic Surfactants Antagonize Toxicity of Potential Phenolic Endocrine-Disrupting Chemica...2023Zhang, Baohong StudentECU
Non-Ionic Surfactants Antagonize Toxicity of Potential Phenolic Endocrine-Disrupting Chemica...2023Lee, Myon HeeStudentECU
Non-Ionic Surfactants Antagonize Toxicity of Potential Phenolic Endocrine-Disrupting Chemica...2023Alfhili, Mohammad A.StudentECU
Non-isotopic hybridization assays for bacterial DNA samples2023Daskalakis, Sotirios A.StudentECU
Non-isotopic hybridization assays for bacterial DNA samples2023Daskalakis, Sotirios A.StudentECU
Non-Linear Interactions between Consumers and Flow Determine the Probability of Plant Commun...2013Silliman, Brian R.,McCoy,Michael W.,Trussell,Geoffrey C.,Crain,CaiStudentECU
Non-Operating Earnings and Firm Risk2023Ngo, Thanh StudentECU
Non-Operating Earnings and Firm Risk2023Jory, Surendranath StudentECU
Non-Operating Earnings and Firm Risk2023Wang, Hongxia StudentECU
Non-parental Adults and Sexual Health Behaviors Among Young Minority Men: A Qualitative Exam...2023Roberts, Erin StudentECU
Non-parental Adults and Sexual Health Behaviors Among Young Minority Men: A Qualitative Exam...2023Sterrett-Hong, Emma M.StudentECU
Non-parental Adults and Sexual Health Behaviors Among Young Minority Men: A Qualitative Exam...2023DeBow, Joseph StudentECU
Non-parental Adults and Sexual Health Behaviors Among Young Minority Men: A Qualitative Exam...2023Caton, Erica StudentECU
Non-parental Adults and Sexual Health Behaviors Among Young Minority Men: A Qualitative Exam...2023Harris, Matthew StudentECU
Non-parental Adults and Sexual Health Behaviors Among Young Minority Men: A Qualitative Exam...2023Brewer, Russell StudentECU
Non-parental Adults and Sexual Health Behaviors Among Young Minority Men: A Qualitative Exam...2023Marchal, Madeline StudentECU
Non-parental Adults and Sexual Health Behaviors Among Young Minority Men: A Qualitative Exam...2023Tauzer, Marjorie StudentECU
Non-parental Adults and Sexual Health Behaviors Among Young Minority Men: A Qualitative Exam...2023Arnold, Emily A.StudentECU
Non-preconception1971Evans, Dennis JamesStudentArt, UNCG
Non-renewable resource prices: Deterministic or stochastic trends?2006Strazicich, Mark FacultyEconomics, ASU
The Non-Selfadjoint Approach to the Hao-Ng Isomorphism2023Katsoulis, Elias G.StudentECU
The Non-Selfadjoint Approach to the Hao-Ng Isomorphism2023Ramsey, Christopher StudentECU
Non-tax money in Guilford County schools 1972-731974Nelson, Ralph RussellStudentEducation, UNCG
Nonconsumptive effects in a multiple predator system reduce the foraging efficiency of a key...2013Davenport, Jon M.,Chalcraft,David R.StudentECU
Nonliteral Language Processing Across the Lifespan2023Rothermich, Kathrin StudentECU
Nonliteral Language Processing Across the Lifespan2023Giorio, Cristal StudentECU
Nonliteral Language Processing Across the Lifespan2023Falkins, Sharon StudentECU
Nonliteral Language Processing Across the Lifespan2023Leonard, Lindsay StudentECU
Nonliteral Language Processing Across the Lifespan2023Roberts, Angela StudentECU
Nonpublic schools revisited : a comparative study of nonpublic education in North Carolina f...1988Graves, Rebecca WebsterStudentEducation, UNCG
Nonsense1975Schwartz, Lydia StudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
Nonverbal behaviors of collegiate female volleyball and basketball coaches as recalled by at...1980Grastorf, Jane E.StudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
Nonverbal communicative skills used with peers by deaf and hearing five-year-old children1966Wyman, Dorothy LassiterStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Norfolk in wartime : the effect of the First World War on the expansion of a southern city2023Field, Bruce E.StudentECU
Normative Velopharyngeal Data in Infants: Implications for Treatment of Cleft Palate2023Schenck, Graham C.StudentECU
Normative Velopharyngeal Data in Infants: Implications for Treatment of Cleft Palate2023Perry, Jamie L.StudentECU
Normative Velopharyngeal Data in Infants: Implications for Treatment of Cleft Palate2023Fang, Xiangming StudentECU
The Norman conquest: ten centuries of interpretation1975Carter, John MarshallStudentHistory, UNCG
The North Carolina alliance legislature of 1891 : harvest time for the farmer2023Boyette, Robert SidneyStudentECU
The North Carolina alternate assessment portfolio : how does it influence instructional prac...2023Smith, Julie ElizabethStudentECU
North Carolina's alternative programs for disruptive youth : analysis and recommendations1992Hudgins, Jeannette StudentEducation, UNCG
North Carolina's participation in the battle of Gettysburg2023Estes, H. LynnStudentECU
North Carolina's republican press during Reconstruction1972Thompson, Linda BowlandStudentHistory, UNCG
North Carolina Basic Education Program : design versus implementation1991Ingle, Mary MargaretStudentEducation, UNCG
North Carolina cabinetmakers 1700-18802023Carroll, Karen CobbStudentECU
North Carolina Central University Alumni Association, INC. 90th Anniversary Historical Celeb...2021Vann, Andre' FacultyJames E. Shepard Memorial Library, NCCU
The North Carolina community college system : its inception - its growth - its legal framewo...1978Lochra, Albert PultzStudentEducation, UNCG
The North Carolina Contractual Scholarship Fund program : outcomes, administrative practices...1987Simmons, Barry WilliamsStudentEducation, UNCG
North Carolina elementary and middle school teachers' perceptions of time related to working...2015Pavao, Kristen KauperStudentPsychology, WCU
North Carolina K-5 principals' perceptions of the teacher performance appraisal instrument1990Lamm, Mary HobgoodStudentEducation, UNCG
North Carolina Library Networks: A Bibilography on Library Cooperation Involving Old North S...2023Jones, Plummer AlstonStudentECU
North Carolina Material Culture : An Analysis of the Excavation, Conservation, and Display o...2023Caudill, Jessica StudentECU
The North Carolina press and the World War, 1914-1917 : a study of opinion1973Farlowe, Joanne StudentHistory, UNCG
North Carolina public school compulsory attendance laws as related to incidents in Hyde Coun...2023Whitfield, David L.StudentECU
North Carolina schooners, 1815-1901, and the S.R. Fowle and Son Company of Washington, North...2023Merriman, Ann M.StudentECU
North Carolina Sexual Offender Legislation: Policy Placebo?2012Page, Amy Dellinger FacultySociology, ASU
The North Carolina Speaker Ban Commission hearing : a study of evidence1974Best, Gloria T.StudentDrama and Speech, UNCG
The North Carolina speaker ban law episode : its history and implications for higher educati...1988Stewart, William AlbertStudentEducation, UNCG
The North Carolina standard course of study for elementary visual art : an analysis of possi...2023Alexander, Kelly StudentECU
The North Carolina State Fair, 1853-18992023McLaurin, Melton AlonzaStudentECU
The North Carolina State Library as a Cultural Resource, 1812-19142023York, Maurice C.StudentECU
The North Carolina state system of allotting administrative positions to the public schools ...1977Slemenda, Charles JohnStudentEducation, UNCG
North Carolina Winegrowers' Perceptions of Climate Change Impacts2023Blair, Heather StudentECU
Not it: Opting out of voluntary coalitions that provide a public good2009McEvoy, Dave FacultyEconomics, ASU
Not Just For Kids : The Impact of Bullying on Academic and Job Performance2023Herpin, Regina StudentECU
Not White Saviors, but Critical Scholars: The Need for Gifted Critical Race Theory2023Novak, Angela MarieStudentECU
Notch Signaling Mediates Drug Resistance in Colorectal Cancer Cells via Effects on DNA Repai...2016George, Dennis StudentECU
Notch-1 signaling regulates the expression of the phosphatase and tensin homolog deleted on ...2023Chappell, William H.StudentECU
Notch-1 signaling regulates the expression of the phosphatase and tensin homolog deleted on ...2023Chappell, William H.StudentECU
NOTCH3 Expression Is Linked to Breast Cancer Seeding and Distant Metastasis2018Leontovich, Alexey A.,Jalalirad,Mohammad,Salisbury,Jeffrey L.,Mills,LStudentECU
NOTCH3 expression is linked to breast cancer seeding and distant metastasis2018Leontovich, Alexey A.,Jalalirad,Mohammad,Salisbury,Jeffrey L.,Mills,LStudentECU
Notched Acoustic Stimulus and Tinnitus: A Treatment Intervention Using a Randomization Test...2023Manning, Candice StudentECU
Note taking skills using the LiveScribe pen: implications for college students diagnosed wit...2023Martin, Anne StudentECU
A notion of human space1975Elliott, Teresa AnnStudentArt, UNCG
A novel 5-HT 1A agonist/5-HT 2A antagonist, FG5865, reduced alcohol consumption in high alco...2023Long, Tammy Alanda.StudentECU
A Novel A1 Adenosine Receptor Antagonist, L-97-1 [3-[2-(4-Aminophenyl)-ethyl]-8-benzyl-7-{2-...2023Obiefuna, P. C. M.StudentECU
A Novel A1 Adenosine Receptor Antagonist, L-97-1 [3-[2-(4-Aminophenyl)-ethyl]-8-benzyl-7-{2-...2023Batra, V. K.StudentECU
A Novel A1 Adenosine Receptor Antagonist, L-97-1 [3-[2-(4-Aminophenyl)-ethyl]-8-benzyl-7-{2-...2023Nadeem, A. StudentECU
A Novel A1 Adenosine Receptor Antagonist, L-97-1 [3-[2-(4-Aminophenyl)-ethyl]-8-benzyl-7-{2-...2023Borron, P. StudentECU
A Novel A1 Adenosine Receptor Antagonist, L-97-1 [3-[2-(4-Aminophenyl)-ethyl]-8-benzyl-7-{2-...2023Wilson, C. N.StudentECU
A Novel A1 Adenosine Receptor Antagonist, L-97-1 [3-[2-(4-Aminophenyl)-ethyl]-8-benzyl-7-{2-...2023Mustafa, Syed JamalStudentECU
Novel Care Pathway for Patients Presenting to the Emergency Department with Atrial Fibrillat...2023Sears, Samuel F.StudentECU
Novel Combination of Sorafenib and Celecoxib Provides Synergistic Anti-Proliferative and Pro...2013Cervello, Melchiorre,Bachvarov,Dimcho,Lampiasi,Nadia,Cusiman A.,Montalto,GiuseppeStudentECU
Novel Combination of Sorafenib and Celecoxib Provides Synergistic Anti-Proliferative and Pro...2013Cervello, Melchiorre StudentECU
Novel Combination of Sorafenib and Celecoxib Provides Synergistic Anti-Proliferative and Pro...2013Bachvarov, Dimcho StudentECU
Novel Combination of Sorafenib and Celecoxib Provides Synergistic Anti-Proliferative and Pro...2013Lampiasi, Nadia StudentECU
Novel Combination of Sorafenib and Celecoxib Provides Synergistic Anti-Proliferative and Pro...2013Cusimano, Antonella StudentECU
Novel Combination of Sorafenib and Celecoxib Provides Synergistic Anti-Proliferative and Pro...2013Azzolina, Antonina StudentECU
Novel Combination of Sorafenib and Celecoxib Provides Synergistic Anti-Proliferative and Pro...2013McCubrey, James A.StudentECU
Novel Combination of Sorafenib and Celecoxib Provides Synergistic Anti-Proliferative and Pro...2013Montalto, Giuseppe StudentECU
Novel diagnostic and analytical applications of benchtop time-domain NMR.2023Robinson, Michelle DeniseStudentECU
A Novel Diagnostic Approach for Pneumocystis Jirovecii Pneumonia Using Fine-Needle Aspiratio...2023Bowling, Mark R.StudentECU
A Novel Educational Intervention: Improving Abdominal Pressure Strategies during Colonoscop...2023Osborne, Kelly StudentECU
A Novel Formamidase is Required for Riboflavin Biosynthesis in Invasive Bacteria2023Baumgartner, John StudentECU
A Novel Formamidase is Required for Riboflavin Biosynthesis in Invasive Bacteria2023Pitzer, Josh E.StudentECU
A Novel Formamidase is Required for Riboflavin Biosynthesis in Invasive Bacteria2023Roop, R. Martin IIStudentECU
A Novel Formamidase is Required for Riboflavin Biosynthesis in Invasive Bacteria2023Yurge, Svetlana N.StudentECU
Novel Function of PUF Proteins and Their Partners in Spermatogenesis and Spermatocyte-Derive...2023Park, Youngyong StudentECU
Novel Nano-Based Antibacterial Therapeutic Against Hospital Acquired Infection2023Williams, Jordan EStudentECU
Novel Nano-Based Antibacterial Therapeutic Against Hospital Acquired Infection2023Williams, Jordan EStudentECU
Novel Pelagic Iron-Oxidizing Zetaproteobacteria from the Chesapeake Bay Oxic--Anoxic Transit...2017Chiu, Beverly K.,Kato,Shingo,McAllister,Sean M.,Field,Erin K.,ChStudentECU
Novel Pelagic Iron-Oxidizing Zetaproteobacteria from the Chesapeake Bay Oxic–Anoxic Transiti...2023Chiu, Beverly K.StudentECU
Novel Pelagic Iron-Oxidizing Zetaproteobacteria from the Chesapeake Bay Oxic–Anoxic Transiti...2023Kato, Shingo StudentECU
Novel Pelagic Iron-Oxidizing Zetaproteobacteria from the Chesapeake Bay Oxic–Anoxic Transiti...2023McAllister, Sean M.StudentECU
Novel Pelagic Iron-Oxidizing Zetaproteobacteria from the Chesapeake Bay Oxic–Anoxic Transiti...2023Field, Erin K.StudentECU
Novel Pelagic Iron-Oxidizing Zetaproteobacteria from the Chesapeake Bay Oxic–Anoxic Transiti...2023Chan, Clara S.StudentECU
A Novel Phenotype-Based Drug-Induced Liver Injury Causality Assessment Tool (DILI-CAT) Allow...2023Tillmann, Hans L.StudentECU
A Novel Phenotype-Based Drug-Induced Liver Injury Causality Assessment Tool (DILI-CAT) Allow...2023Hermann, Richard P.StudentECU
A Novel Phenotype-Based Drug-Induced Liver Injury Causality Assessment Tool (DILI-CAT) Allow...2023Rockey, Don C.StudentECU
A Novel Phenotype-Based Drug-Induced Liver Injury Causality Assessment Tool (DILI-CAT) Allow...2023Suzuki, Ayako StudentECU
A Novel Phenotype-Based Drug-Induced Liver Injury Causality Assessment Tool (DILI-CAT) Allow...2023Merz, Michael StudentECU
A Novel Quantitative Computer-Assisted Drug-Induced Liver Injury Causality Assessment Tool (...2023Tillmann, Hans L.StudentECU
A Novel Quantitative Computer-Assisted Drug-Induced Liver Injury Causality Assessment Tool (...2023, et alStudentECU
Novel roles for ecdysone receptor in the Drosophila germline2023Phipps, Daniel NoahStudentECU
Novel roles for ecdysone receptor in the Drosophila germline2023Phipps, Daniel NoahStudentECU
A novel TCF7L2 type 2 diabetes SNP identified from fine mapping in African American women2017Haddad, Stephen A.,Palmer,Julie R.,Lunetta,Kathryn L.,Ng,Maggie C.StudentECU
A Novel Wide Area Multiple Azimuth Beam ISAR Imaging System2023Wang, Yong StudentECU
The novels of Roddy Doyle1996White, Caramine StudentEnglish, UNCG
Noves funcions en un entorn de canvis: implicacions de l’accés obert per a les biblioteques2005Schmidt, Krista FacultyHunter Library, WCU
Novice Teachers’ Preparedness Towards Successfully Interacting with Culturally Diverse Stude...2023Young, Tremaine RonnellStudentECU
Now-Gen Resources for Next-Gen Librarians2011Schmidt, Krista FacultyHunter Library, WCU
An NTP-Driven Mechanism for the Nucleotide Addition Cycle of Escherichia Coli RNA Polymerase...2023Johnson, Ronald S.StudentECU
An NTP-Driven Mechanism for the Nucleotide Addition Cycle of Escherichia Coli RNA Polymerase...2023Strausbauch, Mark StudentECU
An NTP-Driven Mechanism for the Nucleotide Addition Cycle of Escherichia Coli RNA Polymerase...2023McCloud, Christopher StudentECU
Nuclear Inositide Signaling Via Phospholipase C2023McCubrey, James A.StudentECU
Nuclear Nox4 Interaction with Prelamin A is Associated with Nuclear Redox Control of Stem Ce...2023McCubrey, James A.StudentECU
Nuclear progesterone receptors are up-regulated by estrogens in neurons and radial glial pro...2011Diotel, Nicolas,Servili,Arianna,Gueguen,Marie-Madeleine,Mi StudentECU
Nuclear Progesterone Receptors Are Up-Regulated by Estrogens in Neurons and Radial Glial Pro...2011Gueguen, Marie-Madeleine StudentECU
Nuclear Progesterone Receptors Are Up-Regulated by Estrogens in Neurons and Radial Glial Pro...2011Diotel, Nicolas StudentECU
Nuclear Progesterone Receptors Are Up-Regulated by Estrogens in Neurons and Radial Glial Pro...2011Servili, Arianna StudentECU
Nuclear Progesterone Receptors Are Up-Regulated by Estrogens in Neurons and Radial Glial Pro...2011Mironov, Svetlana StudentECU
Nuclear Progesterone Receptors Are Up-Regulated by Estrogens in Neurons and Radial Glial Pro...2011Pellegrini, Elisabeth StudentECU
Nuclear Progesterone Receptors Are Up-Regulated by Estrogens in Neurons and Radial Glial Pro...2011Vaillant, Colette StudentECU
Nuclear Progesterone Receptors Are Up-Regulated by Estrogens in Neurons and Radial Glial Pro...2011Zhu, Yong StudentECU
Nuclear Progesterone Receptors Are Up-Regulated by Estrogens in Neurons and Radial Glial Pro...2011Kah, Olivier StudentECU
Nuclear Progesterone Receptors Are Up-Regulated by Estrogens in Neurons and Radial Glial Pro...2011Anglade, Isabelle StudentECU
Nuclear Translocation of PKC is Associated with Cell Cycle Arrest and Erythroid Differentiat...2023McCubrey, James A.StudentECU
Nucleotide Excision Repair, XPA-1, and Translesion Synthesis Complex, POLZ-1 and REV-1, are ...2023Lee, Myon HeeStudentECU
Nucleotide sequence analysis of the Bacteroides plasmid pBI1432023Rollins, Lisa A.StudentECU
“Nuevos casos, nuevas artes.” Intertextualidad, autorrepresentación e ideología en la obra d...2012Lopez Alemany, Ignacio FacultyLanguages, Literatures, and Cultures, UNCG
Number of days of monitoring needed with accelerometers and pedometers to obtain reliable es...2023Robinson, Terrance S.StudentECU
Numerical analysis of the kinetic theory of sound propagation in a simple monatomic gas1975Dharmapala, Aparna StudentPhysics, UNCG
NUPR1, a New Target in Liver Cancer: Implication in Controlling Cell Growth, Migration, Inva...2023McCubrey, James A.StudentECU
Nurse Anesthetists’ Perceptions of Perioperative Temperature Monitoring and Management and t...2023Daniels, Miranda StudentECU
Nurse leader behavior and patient safety.2023Drake, Daniel J.StudentECU
Nurse Like Me Mentorship Program: A DNP Approach to Elevating Health Equity2023Burris, Metta P.StudentECU
Nurse Like Me Mentorship Project2023Frye, Elicia StudentECU
Nurse-Led Heart Failure Education: Improving the Quality of Life for Home Hospice Patients2023James, Nancy StudentECU
Nurses' knowledge of heart failure in a North Carolina community hospital2015Swiger, Natalie RhiannonStudentNursing, WCU
The nurse's liberation : an evolutionary epistemological paradigm for nursing1987Murphey, Carol JeanStudentEducation, UNCG
The Nurses' Physical Activity Study: Caring for You so You can Care for Others2016Clemmons, Brianna SStudentECU
Nursing and the New Deal: We Met the Challenge1997Pollitt, Phoebe AnnFacultyNursing , ASU
Nursing director management style and staff nurse job satisfaction in local public health de...2023Hogan, Karen C.StudentECU
Nursing history from a simple beginning to a rich heritage : a historical case study of Park...2023Collins, Patty C.StudentECU
Nursing in a Time and Place of Peril: Five North Carolina Nurses2013Pollitt, Phoebe AnnFacultyNursing , ASU
Nursing Students’ Perceptions of the Impact of Faculty’s Caring Behaviors on Their Intent to...2023Henderson, Dalton ChaseStudentECU
Nursing-Relevant Patient Outcomes and Clinical Processes in Data Science Literature: 2019 Ye...2023Forbes, Thompson StudentECU
Nursing-Relevant Patient Outcomes and Clinical Processes in Data Science Literature: 2019 Ye...2023Schultz, Mary AnneStudentECU
Nursing-Relevant Patient Outcomes and Clinical Processes in Data Science Literature: 2019 Ye...2023Walden, Rachel LaneStudentECU
Nursing-Relevant Patient Outcomes and Clinical Processes in Data Science Literature: 2019 Ye...2023Cato, Kenrick StudentECU
Nursing-Relevant Patient Outcomes and Clinical Processes in Data Science Literature: 2019 Ye...2023Coviak, Cynthia PeltierStudentECU
Nursing-Relevant Patient Outcomes and Clinical Processes in Data Science Literature: 2019 Ye...2023Cruz, Christopher StudentECU
Nursing-Relevant Patient Outcomes and Clinical Processes in Data Science Literature: 2019 Ye...2023D'Agostino, Fabio StudentECU
Nursing-Relevant Patient Outcomes and Clinical Processes in Data Science Literature: 2019 Ye...2023Douthit, Brian J.StudentECU
Nursing-Relevant Patient Outcomes and Clinical Processes in Data Science Literature: 2019 Ye...2023Gao, Grace StudentECU
Nursing-Relevant Patient Outcomes and Clinical Processes in Data Science Literature: 2019 Ye...2023Lee, Mikyoung AngelaStudentECU
Nursing-Relevant Patient Outcomes and Clinical Processes in Data Science Literature: 2019 Ye...2023Lekan, Deborah StudentECU
Nursing-Relevant Patient Outcomes and Clinical Processes in Data Science Literature: 2019 Ye...2023Wieben, Ann StudentECU
Nursing-Relevant Patient Outcomes and Clinical Processes in Data Science Literature: 2019 Ye...2023Jeffery, Alvin D.StudentECU
The nutrient content of food served versus food eaten by hospitalized patients on selected d...1976Andrews, Shirley MarieStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Nutrient contributions from septic systems in nutrient-sensitive watersheds: Quantifying nut...2023Iverson, Guy StudentECU
Nutrient intake and the effectiveness of a community-based nutrition education program in re...1993Bell, Ronny A.StudentHuman Environmental Sciences, UNCG
Nutrient transport between the riparian and hyporheic zones in a small agricultural watershe...2023Elkins, John Bradley.StudentECU
Nutrition Consult asking 2 Food Insecurity Questions2023Craven, Kay StudentECU
Nutrition Consult asking 2 Food Insecurity Questions2023Kolasa, Kathryn MStudentECU
Nutrition knowledge of students enrolled in one North Carolina medical school1975Richardson, Karen D.J.StudentHome Economics, UNCG
Nutrition-Related Policy and Environmental Strategies to Prevent Obesity in Rural Communitie...2023Pitts, Stephanie StudentECU
Nutrition-Related Policy and Environmental Strategies to Prevent Obesity in Rural Communitie...2015McGuirt, Jared StudentECU
Nutrition-Related Policy and Environmental Strategies to Prevent Obesity in Rural Communitie...2015Barnidge, Ellen StudentECU
Nutrition-Related Policy and Environmental Strategies to Prevent Obesity in Rural Communitie...2015Dean, Wesley StudentECU
Nutrition-Related Policy and Environmental Strategies to Prevent Obesity in Rural Communitie...2015Quinn, Emilee StudentECU
Nutrition-Related Policy and Environmental Strategies to Prevent Obesity in Rural Communitie...2015Johnson, Donna StudentECU
Nutrition-Related Policy and Environmental Strategies to Prevent Obesity in Rural Communitie...2015Pinard, Courtney StudentECU
Nutrition-Related Policy and Environmental Strategies to Prevent Obesity in Rural Communitie...2015Kolodinsky, Jane StudentECU
Nutrition-Related Policy and Environmental Strategies to Prevent Obesity in Rural Communitie...2015Piltch, Emily StudentECU
Nutrition-Related Policy and Environmental Strategies to Prevent Obesity in Rural Communitie...2015Ammerman, Alice StudentECU
Nutrition-Related Policy and Environmental Strategies to Prevent Obesity in Rural Communitie...2015Calancie, Larissa StudentECU
Nutrition-Related Policy and Environmental Strategies to Prevent Obesity in Rural Communitie...2015Leeman, Jennifer StudentECU
Nutrition-Related Policy and Environmental Strategies to Prevent Obesity in Rural Communitie...2015Jilcott Pitts, Stephanie B.StudentECU
Nutrition-Related Policy and Environmental Strategies to Prevent Obesity in Rural Communitie...2015Khan, Laura KettelStudentECU
Nutrition-Related Policy and Environmental Strategies to Prevent Obesity in Rural Communitie...2015Fleischhacker, Sheila StudentECU
Nutrition-Related Policy and Environmental Strategies to Prevent Obesity in Rural Communitie...2015Fleischhacker, StudentECU
Nutritional adequacy of a gluten free diet in those newly diagnosed with celiac disease: An ...2020Dean, Darcy StudentNutrition and Dietetics, WCU
Nutritional health of adolescent females : zinc, copper and lipid status1985Kinard, James DonaldStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Nutritional investigations with cellulomonas flavigena1967Fletcher, Paul LittonStudentBiology, UNCG
Nutritional modulation of growth and maturation and the development of specific age-related ...1987Levin, Laurence BuckStudentHuman Environmental Sciences, UNCG
Nutritional status of a group of Bolivians living in the state of Cochabamba1982Zahran, Effat Abdel-KaderStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Nutritional status of nongravid female adolescents, their knowledge, and attitudes about pre...1982Condit, Mary GaridelStudentHome Economics, UNCG
The O chronicle1966Arl, Ellen StudentEnglish, UNCG
O1 - Trust and Policy Slides2021Mobilizing Computable Biomedical Knowledge (MCBK), FacultyNCCU
O2 – Optional reference on Knowledge Commons2005Mobilizing Computable Biomedical Knowledge (MCBK), FacultyNCCU
Oak, Steel, and Men: The History of USS Constitution through Artifact Biographies2020Miranda, Ryan WStudentECU
Obese Children Have a Lower Lipolytic Response to an Acute Bout of Exercise When Compared to...1905Geyer, Gabriel StudentECU
Obesity and Weaning from Mechanical Ventilation-” An Exploratory Study2018Obi, Ogugua Ndili,Mazer,Mark,Bangley,Charles,Kassabo,Zuheir,SaStudentECU
Obesity and Weaning from Mechanical Ventilation— An Exploratory Study2023Obi, Ogugua NdiliStudentECU
Obesity and Weaning from Mechanical Ventilation— An Exploratory Study2023Mazer, Mark StudentECU
Obesity and Weaning from Mechanical Ventilation— An Exploratory Study2023Bangley, Charles StudentECU
Obesity and Weaning from Mechanical Ventilation— An Exploratory Study2023Kassabo, Zuheir StudentECU
Obesity and Weaning from Mechanical Ventilation— An Exploratory Study2023Saadah, Khalid StudentECU
Obesity and Weaning from Mechanical Ventilation— An Exploratory Study2023Trainor, Wayne StudentECU
Obesity and Weaning from Mechanical Ventilation— An Exploratory Study2023Stephens, Kenneth StudentECU
Obesity and Weaning from Mechanical Ventilation— An Exploratory Study2023Rice, Patricia LStudentECU
Obesity and Weaning from Mechanical Ventilation— An Exploratory Study2023Shaw, Robert StudentECU
Obesity II: Establishing Causal Links Between Chemical Exposures and Obesity2023Collier, David N.StudentECU
Obesity, child-feeding attitudes, and reactive eating : an intergenerational study1977Rogers, Cosby S.StudentHome Economics, UNCG
Object orientation as a dimension for stimulus generalization1969Pullen, Michael StudentPsychology, UNCG
Object-based machine learning correction of LiDAR using RTK-GNSS to model the potential effe...2020Schlup, Michelle StudentECU
Objective measures of childhood emotional neglect2024Robinson, Scot StudentPsychology, WCU
An Obligation to do One-s Best2020Smessaert, Dana StudentECU
An Obligation to do One’s Best2023Smessaert, Dana StudentECU
An Observation-Based Study of Gulf Stream Meander Kinematics Offshore of Cape Hatteras2023Muglia, Mike StudentECU
An Observation-Based Study of Gulf Stream Meander Kinematics Offshore of Cape Hatteras2023Taylor, Patterson StudentECU
An Observation-Based Study of Gulf Stream Meander Kinematics Offshore of Cape Hatteras2023Seim, Harvey StudentECU
An Observation-Based Study of Gulf Stream Meander Kinematics Offshore of Cape Hatteras2023Bane, John StudentECU
An observational study of anger behavior of the preschool child1947Cockfield, Marveign CloudStudentHome Economics, UNCG
An observational study of teachers' expectancy effects and their mediating mechanisms on stu...1977Crowe, Patricia BarbaraStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
Observations on Halipthoros Milfordensis, a marine phycomycete2023Tharp, Thomas Paul.StudentECU
Observations on spiny dogfish () captured in late spring in a North Carolina estuary2014Bangley, Charles StudentECU
Observations on spiny dogfish () captured in late spring in a North Carolina estuary2014Rulifson, Roger StudentECU
Observing the Transit of Nearby Exoplanet Qatar-2b Using CCD Photometry via Robotic Telescop...2021Speyer, Aaron StudentAccounting, Finance, Info Systems and Business Law, WCU
Obstructive Sleep Apnea and Weight Loss Treatment Outcome Among Adults With Metabolic Syndro...2023Whited, Matthew C.StudentECU
The occupational socialization of Korean secondary school physical education teachers1993Park, Myoung GeeStudentHuman Environmental Sciences, UNCG
An occupational survey of Greenville, North Carolina and a follow-up survey of the graduates...1939Bell, Laura MattocksStudentSecretarial Science, UNCG
The occurrence and geochemical characteristics of acidic groundwater in the Black Creek Form...2023He, Helin. StudentECU
Occurrence and Remediation of Pollutants in the Environment2015Fontanals, Núria,James,Rathinam A.,Ok,Yong Sik,Balakrishnan,Malini,Efird,Jimmy T.StudentECU
Occurrence of the dinosaurian ichnogenus Grallator in the Redonda Formation (Upper Triassic:...2000Heckert, Andrew B. FacultyGeology, ASU
Occurrence of Escherichia coli (E coli) and Enterococcus in shallow groundwater adjacent to ...2023Henry, Keaton A.StudentECU
The occurrence of the fungus coelomomyces in larval populations of North Carolina salt marsh...2023Kiser, Dale Ross.StudentECU
Occurrence of jurisdictional wetlands on riverine floodplains along a climatic gradient2023Kroes, Daniel E.StudentECU
Oceanic loading of wildfire-derived organic compounds from a small mountainous river2023Hunsinger, Glendon B.StudentECU
Oceanic loading of wildfire-derived organic compounds from a small mountainous river2023Mitra, Siddhartha StudentECU
Oceanic loading of wildfire-derived organic compounds from a small mountainous river2023Warrick, Jonathan A.StudentECU
Oceanic loading of wildfire-derived organic compounds from a small mountainous river2023Alexander, Clark R.StudentECU
Ocean Circulation Near Cape Hatteras: Observations of Mean and Variability2023Muglia, Mike StudentECU
Ocean Circulation Near Cape Hatteras: Observations of Mean and Variability2023, et alStudentECU
Octanoate is Differentially Metabolized in Liver and Muscle and Fails to Rescue Cardiomyopat...2023Pereyra, Andrea S.StudentECU
Octanoate is Differentially Metabolized in Liver and Muscle and Fails to Rescue Cardiomyopat...2023Ellis, Jessica M.StudentECU
Octanoate is Differentially Metabolized in Liver and Muscle and Fails to Rescue Cardiomyopat...2023Fisher-Wellman, Kelsey H.StudentECU
Octanoate is Differentially Metabolized in Liver and Muscle and Fails to Rescue Cardiomyopat...2023Harris, Kate L.StudentECU
Octanoate is Differentially Metabolized in Liver and Muscle and Fails to Rescue Cardiomyopat...2023Soepriatna, Arvin H.StudentECU
Octanoate is Differentially Metabolized in Liver and Muscle and Fails to Rescue Cardiomyopat...2023Waterbury, Quin A.StudentECU
Octanoate is Differentially Metabolized in Liver and Muscle and Fails to Rescue Cardiomyopat...2023Bharathi, Sivakama S.StudentECU
Octanoate is Differentially Metabolized in Liver and Muscle and Fails to Rescue Cardiomyopat...2023Zhang, Yuxun StudentECU
Octanoate is Differentially Metabolized in Liver and Muscle and Fails to Rescue Cardiomyopat...2023Goergen, Craig J.StudentECU
Octanoate is Differentially Metabolized in Liver and Muscle and Fails to Rescue Cardiomyopat...2023Goetzman, Eric S.StudentECU
Oculomotor behavior as a biomarker for differentiating pediatric patients with mild traumati...2023Hunfalvay, M. StudentECU
Oculomotor behavior as a biomarker for differentiating pediatric patients with mild traumati...2023Murray, N. P.StudentECU
Oculomotor behavior as a biomarker for differentiating pediatric patients with mild traumati...2023Roberts, C. StudentECU
Oculomotor behavior as a biomarker for differentiating pediatric patients with mild traumati...2023Tyagi, A. StudentECU
Oculomotor behavior as a biomarker for differentiating pediatric patients with mild traumati...2023Barclay, K. W.StudentECU
Oculomotor behavior as a biomarker for differentiating pediatric patients with mild traumati...2023Carrick, F. R.StudentECU
Oculomotor Behavior Predict Professional Cricket Batting and Bowling Performance2023Murray, Nicholas P.StudentECU
Oculomotor Behavior Predict Professional Cricket Batting and Bowling Performance2023Lawton, Josh StudentECU
Oculomotor Behavior Predict Professional Cricket Batting and Bowling Performance2023Rider, Patrick StudentECU
Oculomotor Behavior Predict Professional Cricket Batting and Bowling Performance2023Harris, Nathanial StudentECU
Oculomotor Behavior Predict Professional Cricket Batting and Bowling Performance2023Hunfalvay, Melissa StudentECU
The Odd Couple: Ending the Jordanian-Syrian "Cold War"2006Ryan, Curtis R.FacultyGovernment and Justice Studies, ASU
The odyssey of the immigrant in American history: From the changed to the changer. A bibliog...2023Jones, Plummer AlstonStudentECU
“Of And and Of : The Politics of Grammar and the Study of Religion”2008Ellis, Thomas B. FacultyPhilosophy and Religion, ASU
Of Blood, Salt, and Oil: An Archaeological, Geographical, and Historical Study of North Caro...2023Huss, George MartinStudentECU
Of maps and monsters : meaning in cartographic ornamentation2023Garrett, Veronica L.StudentECU
Of Mothers and Monsters2017Sibley, Melissa StudentLiterature, UNCA
"Of my own accord" : Milton's Dialogue with the Rabbis in Samson Agonistes2023Pittman, Joshua W.StudentECU
Of Prophets and Propaganda: An Exploration of Christian Dispensationalism Using the Work of ...2012Reed, Randall FacultyPhilosophy and Religion, ASU
Offsetting the cost of Community Support Agriculture (CSA) for low-income families: Percepti...2023Jilcott Pitts, Stephanie B.StudentECU
Oh the hard times we poor fellows see the 55th North Carolina in the Civil War2023Girvan, Jeffrey M.StudentECU
Oil paintings and pencil drawings1975Davis, Troy TimmonsStudentArt, UNCG
Old sailorman portrait2014Stiles, John FacultyMusic and Visual Arts, ECSU
The oldest North American prosauropod, from the Upper Triassic Tecovas Formation of the Chin...2002Heckert, Andrew B. FacultyGeology, ASU
Oldest records of the Late Triassic theropod dinosaur Coelophysis bauri2007Heckert, Andrew B. FacultyGeology, ASU
Oleocanthal Exerts Antitumor Effects on Human Liver and Colon Cancer Cells Through ROS Gener...2023McCubrey, James A.StudentECU
Olfactory processing of spatial information in hamsters1989Tomlinson, William ThomasStudentPsychology, UNCG
Omicron less likely to affect taste, smell.2023Larkins, Michael StudentECU
Omicron less likely to affect taste, smell.2023Kolasa, Kathryn MStudentECU
On the Culture Concept1949Moore, Margaret AliceStudentSociology, UNCG
On Edge: A Techné of Marginality2023Shelton, Cecilia D.StudentECU
On the encoding of pitch and the quantitative measurement of pitch strength1974Hall, Joseph WaltonStudentPsychology, UNCG
On Existential Definitions of C.E. Subsets of Rings of Functions of Characteristic 02023Shlapentokh, Alexandra StudentECU
On Existential Definitions of C.E. Subsets of Rings of Functions of Characteristic 02023Miller, Russell StudentECU
On hereditary torsion theories1973Swaim, Terryl SilerStudentMathematics, UNCG
On the orderly listing of permutations1969Griffin, Patricia AnneStudentMathematics, UNCG
On the Other Hand Am I Rational? Hemispheric Activation and the Framing Effect2004McElroy, Todd FacultyPsychology, ASU
On purity in abelian groups and in modules1973Thacker, Barbara LeaStudentMathematics, UNCG
On quasi-injective abelian groups1971Sanderson, Rebecca DavisStudentMathematics, UNCG
On rational extensions of a ring1971Bowers, June IreneStudentMathematics, UNCG
On the relationship between femininity and administrative success : a study of the perceptio...1988Sarantos, Sandra ToddStudentEducation, UNCG
On the Same Page: A Wiki Redux2008Jennings, Susan L. FacultyUniversity Libraries, ASU
On the social psychology of taboo deviancy : some observations on theories1963Ford, Martha L.StudentSociology and Anthropology, UNCG
On this or that side1967Humes, Harry StudentEnglish, UNCG
On-Line Adaptive Radiation Therapy: Feasibility and Clinical Study2010Lee, W. RobertStudentECU
On-Line Adaptive Radiation Therapy: Feasibility and Clinical Study2010Li, Taoran StudentECU
On-Line Adaptive Radiation Therapy: Feasibility and Clinical Study2010Zhu, Xiaofeng StudentECU
On-Line Adaptive Radiation Therapy: Feasibility and Clinical Study2010Thongphiew, Danthai StudentECU
On-Line Adaptive Radiation Therapy: Feasibility and Clinical Study2010Yin, Fang-Fang StudentECU
On-Line Adaptive Radiation Therapy: Feasibility and Clinical Study2010Wu, Qiuwen StudentECU
On-Line Adaptive Radiation Therapy: Feasibility and Clinical Study2010Wu, Q. JackieStudentECU
On-Line Adaptive Radiation Therapy: Feasibility and Clinical Study2010Vujaskovic, Zeljko StudentECU
On-the-Job Leisure as a Cause of Asymmetric Observed Effort Distributions2006Dickinson, David L. FacultyEconomics, ASU
One along side the other : the collected letters of William Carlos Williams and Kenneth Burk...1994East, James H.StudentEnglish, UNCG
"One good port" : the Union Navy and Beaufort Harbor, NC, 1862-18652023Blair, William DanfordStudentECU
One Good Road2023Wynne, Elizabeth StudentECU
One Million Dollars per Mile?: The Opportunity Costs of Hurricane Evacuation2003Whitehead, John FacultyEconomics, ASU
One-Loop Effective Action of the CP N-1 Model at Large µß2023Fucci, Guglielmo StudentECU
One-Loop Effective Action of the CP N-1 Model at Large µß2023Flachi, Antonino StudentECU
One-Year Follow-Up Examination of the Impact of the North Carolina Healthy Food Small Retail...2018Jilcott Pitts, Stephanie B,Wu,Qiang,Truesdale,Kimberly P.,Haynes-Maslow,LinStudentECU
An Ongoing Study of Simulating Life on Mars through Microbes Isolated from an Ophiolite Depo...2023Moss, Nona KatherineStudentECU
The Online Catalog: Another Source of Frustration or An Opportunity for Collaboration?2004Dragon, Patricia FacultyECU
Online Resources To Support Your Community’s College Literacy2023Hands, Africa S.StudentECU
Onset of Effect and Impact on Health-Related Quality of Life, Exacerbation Rate, Lung Functi...2023Mohan, Arjun StudentECU
Onset of Effect and Impact on Health-Related Quality of Life, Exacerbation Rate, Lung Functi...2023Harrison, Tim StudentECU
Onset of Effect and Impact on Health-Related Quality of Life, Exacerbation Rate, Lung Functi...2023Chanez, Pascal StudentECU
Onset of Effect and Impact on Health-Related Quality of Life, Exacerbation Rate, Lung Functi...2023Menzella, Francesco StudentECU
Onset of Effect and Impact on Health-Related Quality of Life, Exacerbation Rate, Lung Functi...2023Canonica, Giorgio WalterStudentECU
Onset of Effect and Impact on Health-Related Quality of Life, Exacerbation Rate, Lung Functi...2023Louis, Renaud StudentECU
Onset of Effect and Impact on Health-Related Quality of Life, Exacerbation Rate, Lung Functi...2023Cosio, Borja StudentECU
Onset of Effect and Impact on Health-Related Quality of Life, Exacerbation Rate, Lung Functi...2023Lugogo, Njira StudentECU
Onset of Effect and Impact on Health-Related Quality of Life, Exacerbation Rate, Lung Functi...2023Burden, Annie StudentECU
Onset of Effect and Impact on Health-Related Quality of Life, Exacerbation Rate, Lung Functi...2023Mcdermott, Lawrence StudentECU
Ontogeny of hamster placental lactogen-II2023Roberts, Melissa A.StudentECU
Open Access Publishing in Business Research: The Authors’ Perspective2023Coonin, Bryna StudentECU
Open and storage space preference of forty homemakers living in ranch type houses of approxi...1964Davis, Sylvia FreemanStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Open Educational Resources Initiatives among North Carolina’s Community Colleges2023Thomas, William JosephStudentECU
Open your eyes1971Kramer, Julie F.StudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
Openness versus secrecy in adoptive parenthood1984Geissinger, Shirley B.StudentHome Economics, UNCG
Operating Room to Post Anesthesia Care Unit: Introduction of a Standardized Checklist to Fac...2023Purvis, John StudentECU
Operational levels of cognitive stage achievement and representations of cognitive structure...1980Holland, Locke StudentHome Economics, UNCG
Operations of the United States Marine Corps in the Philippines insurrection : 1899-19022023Capeci, Robert L.StudentECU
Operations Perspective to Competency-Based Medical Education: Experiences of IUPS-ICMR Physi...2023Chandran, Dinu S.StudentECU
Operations Perspective to Competency-Based Medical Education: Experiences of IUPS-ICMR Physi...2023Muthukrishnan, Suriya PrakashStudentECU
Operations Perspective to Competency-Based Medical Education: Experiences of IUPS-ICMR Physi...2023Barman, Susan M.StudentECU
Operations Perspective to Competency-Based Medical Education: Experiences of IUPS-ICMR Physi...2023Peltonen, Liisa M.StudentECU
Operations Perspective to Competency-Based Medical Education: Experiences of IUPS-ICMR Physi...2023Ghosh, Sarmishtha StudentECU
Operations Perspective to Competency-Based Medical Education: Experiences of IUPS-ICMR Physi...2023Sharma, Renuka StudentECU
Operations Perspective to Competency-Based Medical Education: Experiences of IUPS-ICMR Physi...2023Bhattacharjee, Manasi StudentECU
Operations Perspective to Competency-Based Medical Education: Experiences of IUPS-ICMR Physi...2023Rathore, Bharti BhandariStudentECU
Operations Perspective to Competency-Based Medical Education: Experiences of IUPS-ICMR Physi...2023Carroll, Robert G.StudentECU
Operations Perspective to Competency-Based Medical Education: Experiences of IUPS-ICMR Physi...2023Sengupta, Jayasree StudentECU
Operations Perspective to Competency-Based Medical Education: Experiences of IUPS-ICMR Physi...2023Chan, Julie Y.H.StudentECU
Operations Perspective to Competency-Based Medical Education: Experiences of IUPS-ICMR Physi...2023Ghosh, Debabrata StudentECU
Opinions of home economics graduates concerning the use and value of clothing and textile in...1954Luffman, Winnie FrancesStudentHome Economics, UNCG
The Opioid Crisis in North Carolina: Can the Crisis be Contained?2023Baxley, Sara FacultyEsther G. Maynor Honors College, UNCP
Opportunities and Lessons Learned to Support Didactic Experiential Learning through a Nutrit...2023Sastre, Lauren R.StudentECU
Opportunities and Lessons Learned to Support Didactic Experiential Learning through a Nutrit...2023King, Rebecca M.StudentECU
Opportunities and Lessons Learned to Support Didactic Experiential Learning through a Nutrit...2023, et alStudentECU
Optical and dielectric properties of metallic calcium, modeled generalized oscillator streng...2023Jorjishvili, Irakli G.StudentECU
Optical Pulling, Optical Deflection, and Optical Trapping of Single Airborne Particles using...2023Hart, Adam StudentECU
Optimization of Parameters for the Construction of a Sensing System to Measure the Hydrolysi...2015McGuire, Nicholas DavidStudentChemistry - Student, ASU
Optimization of a PS2.M-based catalytic beacon in preparation for use as a device to explore...2010Patterson, Donald FranklinStudentBiology, WCU
Optimizing Patient Education on Orthotic Bracing2023Wattenburger, Jordan StudentECU
Options Trades, Short Sales and Real Earnings Management2023Ngo, Thanh StudentECU
Oral health, diabetes, and inflammation: Effects of oral hygiene behavior2023Luo, Huabin StudentECU
Oral health, diabetes, and inflammation: Effects of oral hygiene behavior2023Wu, Bei StudentECU
Oral health, diabetes, and inflammation: Effects of oral hygiene behavior2023Kamer, Angela R.StudentECU
Oral health, diabetes, and inflammation: Effects of oral hygiene behavior2023Adhikari, Samrachana StudentECU
Oral health, diabetes, and inflammation: Effects of oral hygiene behavior2023Sloan, Frank StudentECU
Oral health, diabetes, and inflammation: Effects of oral hygiene behavior2023Plassman, Brenda L.StudentECU
Oral health, diabetes, and inflammation: Effects of oral hygiene behavior2023Tan, Chenxin StudentECU
Oral health, diabetes, and inflammation: Effects of oral hygiene behavior2023Qi, Xiang StudentECU
Oral health, diabetes, and inflammation: Effects of oral hygiene behavior2023Schwartz, Mark D.StudentECU
Oral Health, Diabetes, and Inflammation: Effects of Oral Hygiene Behaviour2023Luo, Huabin StudentECU
Oral History, Storytelling, & Institutional Memory2023Hendrickson, Paige A. FacultyLibrary, ECSU
Oral microbe-host interactions: influence of β-glucans on gene expression of inflammatory c...2017Silva, Viviam de Oliveira,Pereira,Luciano José,Murata,Ramiro MeStudentECU
Oral microbe-host interactions: influence of ß-glucans on gene expression of inflammatory cy...2023Silva, Viviam de OliveiraStudentECU
Oral microbe-host interactions: influence of ß-glucans on gene expression of inflammatory cy...2023Pereira, Luciano JoséStudentECU
Oral microbe-host interactions: influence of ß-glucans on gene expression of inflammatory cy...2023Murata, Ramiro MendonçaStudentECU
Ordinal-Level Phylogenomics of the Arthropod Class Diplopoda (Millipedes) Based on an Analys...2013Brewer, Michael S.,Bond,Jason E.StudentECU
Organic & Intentional: A Study of Network Theory and Nonprofit Collaboration in the High Cou...2015Parshley, Genevieve StudentCommunication - Student, ASU
Organic carbon and deoxygenation in the Pamlico River estuary2023Burke, William A.StudentECU
Organic Frameworks for Novel Cobalt Glyoximes as Potential Hydrogen Catalysts2015Ester, Corbin DanielStudentChemistry - Student, ASU
Organic matter distribution and turnover along a gradient from forest to tidal creek2023Appolone, Eileen L.StudentECU
Organization of content for a self-instructional program for the construction of a blouse1966Moebes, Betty HalliganStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Organization Values on the Go2010Rehkopf, Ed FacultyHospitality and Tourism Administration, NCCU
Organization, management, and leadership from a Biblical perspective1977Suttles, Donald RolandStudentEducation, UNCG
The organizational bases of community power; a subsequent test of selected hypotheses1975Carroll, Mary R.StudentSociology, UNCG
Organizational culture and international education : case studies at selected institutions1992Kee, Steven DouglasStudentEducation, UNCG
An organizational development program for academic departments and divisions at community an...1981Poetzinger, John FrederickStudentEducation, UNCG
Organizational Values and Culture of Service2021Rehkopf, Ed FacultyHospitality and Tourism Administration, NCCU
Organizational work-family culture: A prospective moderator for the caregiver burden of empl...2023Stevens, Emily StudentECU
Organ literature of twentieth-century black composers : an annotated bibliography1992Harrell, Paula DeniseStudentMusic, UNCG
Orientation and Mentorship Transition to Practice for Nurse Practitioners2023Treasure, Karen StudentECU
An Orientation Experience: Introducing Newly Licensed Nurses to Ambulatory Care Settings2023Guerrier, Lillian StudentECU
Orientation for BSN-to-DNP Clinical Preceptors2023Owens, Rebecca StudentECU
Orientation to Screening and Treating Patients for Food Insecurity, The MOTHeRS Project - Up...2023Kolasa, Kathryn StudentECU
Orientation to Screening and Treating Patients for Food Insecurity, The MOTHeRS Project - Up...2023Smith, Brittany StudentECU
Orientation to Screening and Treating Patients for Food Insecurity, The MOTHeRS Project - Up...2023Craven, Kay StudentECU
Origin and geochemical evolution of localized, high-ferrous-iron zones in the Upper Castle H...2023Akland, Mark JStudentECU
Origin of chert in the middle Ordovician Lincolnshire limestone, Tazewell County, Virginia2023Rice, Sarah M.StudentECU
Origin of the mass splitting of azimuthal anisotropies in a multiphase transport model2023Lin, Zi-Wei StudentECU
Origin of the Mass Splitting of Elliptic Anisotropy in a Multiphase Transport Model2023Lin, Zi-Wei StudentECU
The origin of replacement dolomite, Dolomites, northern Italy: Part 12005Carmichael, Sarah K. FacultyGeology, ASU
The origin of replacement dolomite, Dolomites, northern Italy: Part 22005Carmichael, Sarah K. FacultyGeology, ASU
The origins and development of the public junior college movement, 1850-19211979Oakley, Jesse RonaldStudentEducation, UNCG
Origins and Early Development of the North Carolina Division of Commercial Fisheries, 1822-1...2023Thorson, Bradley DeanStudentECU
An ornament of civilization : the literary criticism of Randall Jarrell1979Monroe, Hayden KeithStudentEnglish, UNCG
Orphan Nuclear Receptor ftz-f1 (NR5A3) Promotes Egg Chamber Survival in the Drosophila Ovary...2023Ables, Elizabeth TweedieStudentECU
Orphan Nuclear Receptor ftz-f1 (NR5A3) Promotes Egg Chamber Survival in the Drosophila Ovary...2023Beachum, Allison N.StudentECU
Orphan Nuclear Receptor ftz-f1 (NR5A3) Promotes Egg Chamber Survival in the Drosophila Ovary...2023Whitehead, Kaitlin M.StudentECU
Orphan Nuclear Receptor ftz-f1 (NR5A3) Promotes Egg Chamber Survival in the Drosophila Ovary...2023McDonald, Samantha I.StudentECU
Orphan Nuclear Receptor ftz-f1 (NR5A3) Promotes Egg Chamber Survival in the Drosophila Ovary...2023Phipps, Daniel N.StudentECU
Orphan Nuclear Receptor ftz-f1 (NR5A3) Promotes Egg Chamber Survival in the Drosophila Ovary...2023Berghout, Hanna E.StudentECU
Orthodontic and Oral Health Literacy in Adults2023McCarlie, V. Wallace ,JrStudentECU
Orthodontic and Oral Health Literacy in Adults2023Phillips, Morgan E.StudentECU
Orthodontic and Oral Health Literacy in Adults2023Price, Barry D.StudentECU
Orthodontic and Oral Health Literacy in Adults2023Taylor, Peyton B.StudentECU
Orthodontic and Oral Health Literacy in Adults2023EckertI, George J.StudentECU
Orthodontic and Oral Health Literacy in Adults2023Stewart, Kelton T.StudentECU
The osmotic behavior of Zygocotyle lunata (Trematoda:paramphistomidae)2023Shaikh, Shahnawaz Kadir.StudentECU
Osprey, Pandion haliaetus, as a model of mercury accumulation in top predators of aquatic ec...2023Alderman, Heidi Lynn.StudentECU
Osprey, Pandion haliaetus, as a model of mercury accumulation in top predators of aquatic ec...2023Alderman, Heidi Lynn.StudentECU
Ossification of the stapedial crus of the rat :an electron microscopic study2023Lunney, Carol Zalewski.StudentECU
Osteoderms of juveniles of Stagonolepis (Archosauria: Aetosauria) from the lower Chinle Grou...2008Heckert, Andrew B. FacultyGeology, ASU
The Other Underground Railroad : Hidden Histories Of Slavery And Freedom Across The Porous ...2023Hammack, Maria EstherStudentECU
Otherworldliness: Uncanny Literary Devices in the Liminal Spaces Created by Transnational Au...2023Lemus, Wendy StudentECU
Otitis media and the nasopharyngeal microflora of the Mongolian gerbil-meriones unguiculatus...2023Thompson, Terry A.StudentECU
Our Health, Our Responsibility2023Pakala, Pranaya StudentECU
Our hunting fathers by Benjamin Britten and W.H. Auden : a musical and textual analysis1994Emmons, Celeste MildredStudentMusic, UNCG
Out in the Cowboy State: a Look at Gay And Lesbian Lives in Wyoming2006Leedy, M. Gail FacultySocial Work, ASU
Out of Hospital Sudden Death in a Rural Population: Low Rates of ICD Underutilization Among ...2023Eboh, Oghenesuvwe StudentECU
Out of Hospital Sudden Death in a Rural Population: Low Rates of ICD Underutilization Among ...2023Lee, Elisabeth StudentECU
Out of Hospital Sudden Death in a Rural Population: Low Rates of ICD Underutilization Among ...2023Okunrintemi, Victor StudentECU
Out of Hospital Sudden Death in a Rural Population: Low Rates of ICD Underutilization Among ...2023Derbal, Ouassim StudentECU
Out of Hospital Sudden Death in a Rural Population: Low Rates of ICD Underutilization Among ...2023Mao, Yuxuan StudentECU
Out of Hospital Sudden Death in a Rural Population: Low Rates of ICD Underutilization Among ...2023Hill, Sharidan M.StudentECU
Out of Hospital Sudden Death in a Rural Population: Low Rates of ICD Underutilization Among ...2023Sears, Samuel F.StudentECU
Out of Hospital Sudden Death in a Rural Population: Low Rates of ICD Underutilization Among ...2023Pursell, Irion StudentECU
Out of Hospital Sudden Death in a Rural Population: Low Rates of ICD Underutilization Among ...2023Mounsey, John P.StudentECU
Out of Hospital Sudden Death in a Rural Population: Low Rates of ICD Underutilization Among ...2023Burch, Ashley E.StudentECU
Out of the shadows :the women of Duke come into their own2023Arthur, Robert B.StudentECU
Out of the shadows :the women of Duke come into their own2023Arthur, Robert B.StudentECU
Outcomes of Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factor Screening and Referrals in a Family Planning ...2023Pitts, Stephanie StudentECU
Outer Banks Tourists' Preferences, Sensitivities, and Environmental Perceptions: A Case Stud...2023McSherry, Logan M.StudentECU
Outer Surface Lipoproteins from the Lyme Sisease Spirochete Exploit the Molecular Switch Mec...2023Garrigues, Ryan J.StudentECU
Outer Surface Lipoproteins from the Lyme Sisease Spirochete Exploit the Molecular Switch Mec...2023Thomas, Sheila StudentECU
Outer Surface Lipoproteins from the Lyme Sisease Spirochete Exploit the Molecular Switch Mec...2023Garcia, Brandon L.StudentECU
Outer Surface Lipoproteins from the Lyme Sisease Spirochete Exploit the Molecular Switch Mec...2023Leong, John M.StudentECU
Outlaw knot-makers : context, culture, and magic realism1995Shannon, Edward A.StudentEnglish, UNCG
Outstanding teachers as an endangered species : a study of burnout1985Schreiber, Patricia TerrellStudentEducation, UNCG
Overcoming Challenges for Implementing Nature-Based Solutions in Deltaic Environments: Insig...2023Narayan, Siddharth StudentECU
Overcoming Challenges for Implementing Nature-Based Solutions in Deltaic Environments: Insig...2023Rogers, Kimberly G.StudentECU
Overcoming Marginalization and Discovering Identity through Literacy in Representative Works...2023Goodie, John StudentECU
Overcoming the Spartan Phalanx : The Evolution of Greek Battlefield Tactics, 394 BC-371 BC2023Hasapis, Constantinos StudentECU
Overexpression of the G1 domain and V3 isoform of versican during chick limb development2023Hudson, Karla Sue.StudentECU
Overland travel in colonial eastern North Carolina2023Watson, Alan D.StudentECU
The overnight stay in the homemaking cottage1949Keller, Mozelle StudentHome Economics, UNCG
An Overnight Success?: Usage Patterns and Demographics of Academic Library Patrons During th...2023Hodges, Chris StudentECU
An Overnight Success?: Usage Patterns and Demographics of Academic Library Patrons During th...2023Sanders, Mark StudentECU
An Overview of the Implementation and Effectiveness of the CATCH My Breath Program Within a ...2023Ballance, Layla StudentECU
An Overview of Rural Entrepreneurship and Future Directions2023Barber, Dennis IIIStudentECU
An Overview of Rural Entrepreneurship and Future Directions2023Harris, Michael L.StudentECU
An Overview of Rural Entrepreneurship and Future Directions2023Jones, Jeffrey StudentECU
Oxidation of Isoprene to Methyl vinyl ketone and Methacrolein via Hydroxyl Radical : A Regen...2023Howell, Richard StudentECU
Oxygen isotope and geochemistry of groundwater from the surfical, Castle Hayne, and Peedee a...2023Hedges, E. Lauren.StudentECU
Oxytocin Modulation of Zebra Finch Vocal Development2010Riffle, Brandy StudentECU
P02.35. Methodology in integrative medicine research: challenges and solutions from a random...2012Donohue, T StudentECU
P02.35. Methodology in integrative medicine research: challenges and solutions from a random...2012Marieb, M StudentECU
P02.35. Methodology in integrative medicine research: challenges and solutions from a random...2012Blitzer, M StudentECU
P02.35. Methodology in integrative medicine research: challenges and solutions from a random...2012Sears, S StudentECU
P02.35. Methodology in integrative medicine research: challenges and solutions from a random...2012Schoenfeld, M StudentECU
P02.35. Methodology in integrative medicine research: challenges and solutions from a random...2012Slade, M StudentECU
P02.35. Methodology in integrative medicine research: challenges and solutions from a random...2012Toise, S StudentECU
P02.35. Methodology in integrative medicine research: challenges and solutions from a random...2012Drury, J StudentECU
P1 – Samples posters from MCBK conferences: 2019-20212021Mobilizing Computable Biomedical Knowledge (MCBK), FacultyNCCU
Packaging Designs for Hydrocortisone2023Durham, Savannah JStudentECU
“The Packaging Is Very Inviting and Makes Smokers Feel Like They’re More Safe”: The Meanings...2023Lee, Joseph G. L.StudentECU
Paid time off (PTO): Work stress as a potential moderator between workaholism and PTO usage...2023French, Natalie StudentECU
Pain as a global public health priority2011Goldberg, Daniel S,McGee,Summer JStudentECU
Pain as a global public health priority2011Goldberg, Daniel SStudentECU
Pain as a global public health priority2011McGee, Summer JStudentECU
Pain coping skills training for African Americans with osteoarthritis (STAART): study protoc...2016Schrubbe, Leah,Ravyts,Scott,Benas,Bernadette,Campbell,Lisa,C StudentECU
Pain Coping Skills Training for African Americans With Osteoarthritis Study: Baseline Partic...2018Allen, Kelli D.,Arbeeva,Liubov,Cené,Crystal W.,Coffman,CynthiaStudentECU
Pain coping skills training for African Americans with osteoarthritis study: baseline partic...2018Allen, Kelli D.,Arbeeva,Liubov,Cené,Crystal W.,Coffman,CynthiaStudentECU
Painted still life studies and figurative drawings1976Sumpter, Henry EarlStudentArt, UNCG
The painter and the figured fabric1960Boggs, Jacqueline LouiseStudentArt, UNCG
Painting and collage : search, surface, and surprise1963Moore, Susan StudentArt, UNCG
Painting and drawing : a commentary1977Kronberg, Eugene TheodoreStudentArt, UNCG
Painting experiences1966Coffie, James HoStudentArt, UNCG
Painting within the realist tradition1978Stumpf, Jeffrey StudentArt, UNCG
Painting, studio interior series1972Daniel, Edwin LewisStudentArt, UNCG
Paintings and drawings : a private lifestyle1975Spencer, Lucille MannStudentArt, UNCG
Paintings in oils and acrylics1971Taylor, Theolander StudentArt, UNCG
The Paleobiology of Coelophysis bauri (Cope) from the Upper Triassic (Apachean) Whitaker qua...2009Heckert, Andrew B. FacultyGeology, ASU
A Paleodemographic Study of Mortality in 1st century BC/AD Petra, Jordan2023Propst, Akacia StudentECU
Paleoecology of middle Pleistocene estuarine deposits in southern Beaufort County, North Car...2023Auch, Timothy William.StudentECU
Paleoecology of the Yorktown formation in Edgecombe County, North Carolina2023Gay, Norman Kennedy.StudentECU
Paleoecosystematics of the Dismal Swamp, Virginia-North Carolina2023Smith, Brenda Joyce.StudentECU
Paleoenvironmental Significance of Celleporaria (Bryozoa) from Modern and Tertiary Cool-wate...2003Hageman, Steven J. FacultyGeology, ASU
The paleontology and paleoecology of the Hillsdale Limestone (Mississippian, Meramecian), Wa...2023Slagle, Edward S.StudentECU
Palimpsest2014Gaebel, Amanda NoelStudentArt and Design, WCU
Palmitate-induced ER stress and inhibition of protein synthesis in cultured myotubes does no...2018Perry, Ben D.,Rahnert,Jill A.,Xie,Yang,Zheng,Bin,Woodworth-HoStudentECU
Palynological characters and their systematic significance in Naucleeae (Cinchonoideae, Rubi...2008Kirchoff, Bruce K.FacultyBiology, UNCG
The Pamlico-Tar River and its role in the development of eastern North Carolina2023Cox, James M.StudentECU
The Pamlico-Tar River and its role in the development of eastern North Carolina2023Cox, James M.StudentECU
Pancreatic Cancer Incidence Trends in the United States from 2000-2017: Analysis of Surveill...2023Ali, Hassam StudentECU
Pancreatic Cancer Incidence Trends in the United States from 2000-2017: Analysis of Surveill...2023Pamarthy, Rahul StudentECU
Pancreatic Cancer Incidence Trends in the United States from 2000-2017: Analysis of Surveill...2023Vallabhaneni, Meghana StudentECU
Pancreatic Cancer Incidence Trends in the United States from 2000-2017: Analysis of Surveill...2023Sarfraz, Shiza StudentECU
Pancreatic Cancer Incidence Trends in the United States from 2000-2017: Analysis of Surveill...2023Ali, Hadiqa StudentECU
Pancreatic Cancer Incidence Trends in the United States from 2000-2017: Analysis of Surveill...2023Rafique, Hamza StudentECU
Pancreatitis Associated With Incretin-Based Therapies2013Tanenberg, Robert J.StudentECU
Pancreatitis Associated With Incretin-Based Therapies2013Drake, Almond J.StudentECU
Pancreatitis Associated With Incretin-Based Therapies2013West, R. LeeStudentECU
Pancreatitis Associated With Incretin-Based Therapies2013Mendez, Carlos E.StudentECU
Pancreatitis Associated With Incretin-Based Therapies2013Iyer, Shridhar N.StudentECU
Pancreatitis associated with incretin-based therapies2013Iyer, Shridhar N.,Tanenberg,Robert J.,Mendez,Carlos E.,West,R. LeStudentECU
A Panel Data Analysis Of The Craft Brewing Industry And North Carolina Driving Rates2016McMakin, Kyle StudentGovernment and Justice Studies - Student, ASU
Paper fish and policy conflict: Catch shares and ecosystem-based management in Maine's groun...2011Brewer, Jennifer FStudentECU
Paradigms as exemplars2023Norris, Jay J.StudentECU
Paradise is relative :implications of labor transition in the crab processing industry of ea...2023Selby, Emily F.StudentECU
Parameters influencing interobserver agreement and observer accuracy in a vigilance analogue...1976Kapust, Jeffry AllanStudentPsychology, UNCG
The paranoid bride and the tiger-striped priest1974Westbrook, Nancy StudentEnglish, UNCG
Paraprofessionals in community mental health : attitudes, attitude change, and attitude stab...1976Sampson, Myrtle B.StudentEducation, UNCG
Parasites: The Next Line of Defense Against Cancer2023Lee, Timothy StudentECU
Parent and Offspring Genotypes Influence Gene Expression in Early Life2023Balakrishnan, Christopher N.StudentECU
Parent and Offspring Genotypes Influence Gene Expression in Early Life2023Newhouse, Daniel J.StudentECU
Parent and teacher perceptions of discipline problems and solutions in small, urban, western...1993Hill, Raymond StephenStudentEducation, UNCG
Parent and Teacher Ratings of Peer Interactive Play and Social-Emotional Development of Pres...2007Gagnon, Sandra G.FacultyPsychology, ASU
Parent Interviews on Co-Participation of Physical Activity with their Preschool-Aged Child: ...2023Cook, Kristen StudentECU
Parent Interviews on Co-Participation of Physical Activity with their Preschool-Aged Child: ...2023Cook, Kristen StudentECU
Parent involvement with at-risk students : a case study1991Everhart, Barbara LinkStudentEducation, UNCG
Parent Motivational Climate, Sport Enrollment Motives, and Young Athlete Commitment and Enjo...2023Habeeb, Christine M.StudentECU
Parent Motivational Climate, Sport Enrollment Motives, and Young Athlete Commitment and Enjo...2023Raedeke, Thomas D.StudentECU
Parent Motivational Climate, Sport Enrollment Motives, and Young Athlete Commitment and Enjo...2023DuBose, Katrina D.StudentECU
Parent Motivational Climate, Sport Enrollment Motives, and Young Athlete Commitment and Enjo...2023Habeeb, Christine M.StudentECU
Parent Motivational Climate, Sport Enrollment Motives, and Young Athlete Commitment and Enjo...2023Raedeke, Thomas D.StudentECU
Parent Motivational Climate, Sport Enrollment Motives, and Young Athlete Commitment and Enjo...2023Dubose, Katrina D.StudentECU
Parent Motivational Climate, Sport Enrollment Motives, and Young Athlete Commitment and Enjo...2023, et alStudentECU
Parent opinions of a structured functional curriculum for students with significant intellec...2009Bowen, Anne ElizabethStudentPsychology, WCU
Parent-, Teacher-, and Self-Rated Motivational Styles in ADHD Subtypes2002Canu, Will FacultyPsychology, ASU
Parent-Initiated Motivational Climate and Young Child Enjoyment and Commitment in Year-Round...2023Williams, Rachel StudentECU
Parent-Initiated Motivational Climate and Young-Child Enjoyment and Commitment in Year-Round...2020Williams, Rachel StudentECU
Parental alcoholism and coping : a comparison of female children of alcoholics with female c...1993Kelly, Virginia A.StudentEducation, UNCG
Parental antecedents of instrumentality, expressiveness, and gender role preferences1988Arditti, Joyce A.StudentHuman Environmental Sciences, UNCG
Parental attitudes and acceptance of deafness related to the sex-role development of the dea...1975Holland, Nancy AlexanderStudentUNCG
Parental attitudes toward the values of interscholastic athletics1978Maggard, Robert E.StudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
Parental conflict and bargaining in custody and divorce negotiations : toward a theory of cu...1988Ferreiro, Beverly WebsterStudentHuman Environmental Sciences, UNCG
Parental divorce, romantic attachment, and internalizing symptoms in adulthood2023Franklin, Kirstin E.StudentECU
Parental empathy and family-role interactions as portrayed on commercial television1981Shaner, James MichaelStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Parental perceived needs of senior high school students concerning adult roles and responsib...1987Copeland, Patricia Dianne BrandonStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Parental perceptions of 2, 3, and 4-year-old children: 1963-19831984Moore, Mary Louise HansonStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Parental perceptions of disciplining preschool children1984James, Rebecca SmoakStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Parental Perceptions of Nondisabled Preschoolers in Inclusive Classroom Settings2023Maine, Erica StudentECU
Parental Pressure, Dietary Patterns, and Weight Status among Girls Who Are "Picky Eaters"2005Galloway, Amy FacultyPsychology, ASU
Parental Spiritual Coping with a Chronically Ill Child2023Cudmore, Chelse DStudentECU
Parentally-derived baby food: crop milk in captive-reared doves impacts growth and microbiom...2023Orr, Kristen NStudentECU
Parenting skills and family stressors : implications for child removal and maltreatment reci...2015Dumessa, Lediya A.StudentPsychology, WCU
Parents' attitudes toward mainstreaming their handicapped children in preschool programs1984Austin, Patsy C.StudentHome Economics, UNCG
Parents Involved in Community Schools v. Seattle School District No. 1: Dubious Prospects fo...2008Bradbury, Mark FacultyGovernment and Justice Studies, ASU
Parent's perceptions of language proficiency in their bilingual children2024Marquez, Olivia Stephanie CobianStudentPsychology, WCU
Parody in Pale fire : a re-reading of Boswell's Life of Johnson1996Morris, Matthew Charles EvansStudentEnglish, UNCG
Part-Whole Bias in Contingent Valuation: Will Scope Effects Be Detected with Inexpensive Sur...1998Whitehead, John FacultyEconomics, ASU
Partial cD25 antagonism enables Dominance of antigen-inducible cD25high FOXP3+ regulatory T ...2017Wilkinson, Daniel S.,Ghosh,Debjani,Nickle,Rebecca A.,Moorman,Cody D.StudentECU
Partial characterization of sheep T cell growth factor2023Latta, Harold Frank.StudentECU
Partial reinforcement and resistance to extinction1987Mellon, Robert CharlesStudentPsychology, UNCG
Participant assessment of a reduction in tracking in high school social studies1993Ratchford, Victoria FeimsterStudentEducation, UNCG
Participation rates, satisfaction levels, and perceived benefits of recreational services am...2023Goetz, Emily StudentECU
Particle export and mixing rates in surface waters of the Gulf of Mexico using 234TH and 222...2023Allen, Matthew C.StudentECU
Particle export and mixing rates in surface waters of the Gulf of Mexico using 234TH and 222...2023Allen, Matthew C.StudentECU
Particle Productions and Anisotropic Flows from the AMPT Model for Cu+Au Collisions at vsNN=...2023Lin, Zi-Wei StudentECU
Partisan Bias in the Electoral College: Cheap States and Wasted Votes2007Ardoin, Phillip FacultyGovernment and Justice Studies, ASU
Partisan media exposure, polarization, and candidate evaluations in the 2016 general electio...2023Morris, David S.StudentECU
Partisan media exposure, polarization, and candidate evaluations in the 2016 general electio...2023Morris, Jonathan S.StudentECU
Partisan Media Exposure, Polarization, and Candidate Evaluations in the 2016 General Electio...2023Morris, Jonathan S.StudentECU
Partisan Media Exposure, Polarization, and Candidate Evaluations in the 2016 General Electio...2023Morris, David S.StudentECU
Partitioning of metals and other selected elements in sediments of the lower Tar River and P...2023Moore, Richard P.StudentECU
Partying With A Purpose2012McCaughey, Martha FacultySociology, ASU
The passage and repeal of Iowa's Granger Law, 1868-18782023Bailey, Elaine ByasseeStudentECU
Passage (metamorphic drawings)1973Caldwell, Robert ClydeStudentArt, UNCG
Passengers, Packages, And Copper : The Steamer Pewabic, Its Archaeology, Management, Materia...2023Hartmeyer, Philip AlexanderStudentECU
The passing1966Friedman, Robert S.StudentEnglish, UNCG
Passing the Torch2023Jones, Plummer AlstonStudentECU
The past as liberation from history1996Culclasure, Scott P.StudentEducation, UNCG
Pastoral influences on Robert Greene's social views in his romances and comedies1977Mackay, Helen HoneycuttStudentEnglish, UNCG
Patellofemoral Joint and Achilles Tendon Loads During Overground and Treadmill Running2023Willson, John StudentECU
Patent Pools as a Solution to Efficient Licensing of Complementary Patents? Some Experimenta...2010McKee, Mike FacultyEconomics, ASU
Paternal diet and exercise epigenetically program energy expenditure and glucose metabolism ...2023Koury, Michael StudentECU
Paternal, infant, and social contextual characteristics as determinants of competent parenta...1990Edwards, Lienne StudentHuman Environmental Sciences, UNCG
The Path to Pearl Harbor: Japan, the United States, and the Economic Origins of War2023Johnson, Adonis FacultyEsther G. Maynor Honors College, UNCP
Pathobiologic Stratification of Oncotype DX Recurrence Scores and Comparative Validation of ...2023Mohamed, Anas StudentECU
Pathobiologic Stratification of Oncotype DX Recurrence Scores and Comparative Validation of ...2023Kousar, Aisha StudentECU
Pathobiologic Stratification of Oncotype DX Recurrence Scores and Comparative Validation of ...2023Geradts, Joseph StudentECU
Pathobiologic Stratification of Oncotype DX Recurrence Scores and Comparative Validation of ...2023Wong, Jan StudentECU
Pathobiologic Stratification of Oncotype DX Recurrence Scores and Comparative Validation of ...2023Vohra, Nasreen StudentECU
Pathobiologic Stratification of Oncotype DX Recurrence Scores and Comparative Validation of ...2023Muzaffar, Mahvish StudentECU
Pathobiology and Therapeutic Relevance of GSK-3 in Chronic Hematological Malignancies2023McCubrey, James A.StudentECU
Pathobiology and Therapeutic Relevance of GSK-3 in Chronic Hematological Malignancies2023Martelli, Alberto M.StudentECU
Pathobiology and Therapeutic Relevance of GSK-3 in Chronic Hematological Malignancies2023Paganelli, Francesca StudentECU
Pathobiology and Therapeutic Relevance of GSK-3 in Chronic Hematological Malignancies2023Evangelisti, Camilla StudentECU
Pathobiology and Therapeutic Relevance of GSK-3 in Chronic Hematological Malignancies2023Chiarini, Francesca StudentECU
Pathology Informatics Essentials for Residents: A Flexible Informatics Curriculum Linked to ...2017Henricks, Walter H.,Karcher,Donald S.,Harrison,James H. Jr.,SInard,StudentECU
Pathology Informatics Essentials for Residents: A Flexible Informatics Curriculum Linked to ...2017Henricks, Walter,Karcher,Donald,Harrison,James,Sinard,John,R StudentECU
Pathology Informatics Essentials for Residents: A Flexible Informatics Curriculum Linked to ...2016Riben, Michael W.,Boyer,Philip J.,Plath,Sue,Thompson,Ariene,PantaStudentECU
Patient and Partner Sexual Concerns During the First Year After an Implantable Cardioverter ...2023Sears, Samuel F.StudentECU
Patient and Practice Perspectives on Strategies for Controlling Blood Pressure, North Caroli...2014DeWalt, Darren StudentECU
Patient and Practice Perspectives on Strategies for Controlling Blood Pressure, North Caroli...2014Donahue, Katrina E.StudentECU
Patient and Practice Perspectives on Strategies for Controlling Blood Pressure, North Caroli...2014Vu, Maihan B.StudentECU
Patient and Practice Perspectives on Strategies for Controlling Blood Pressure, North Caroli...2014Halladay, Jacqueline R.StudentECU
Patient and Practice Perspectives on Strategies for Controlling Blood Pressure, North Caroli...2014Miller, Cassandra StudentECU
Patient and Practice Perspectives on Strategies for Controlling Blood Pressure, North Caroli...2014Garcia, Beverly A.StudentECU
Patient and Practice Perspectives on Strategies for Controlling Blood Pressure, North Caroli...2014Cummings, Doyle M.StudentECU
Patient and Practice Perspectives on Strategies for Controlling Blood Pressure, North Caroli...2014Cene, Crystal W.StudentECU
Patient and Practice Perspectives on Strategies for Controlling Blood Pressure, North Caroli...2014Hinderliter, Alan StudentECU
Patient and Practice Perspectives on Strategies for Controlling Blood Pressure, North Caroli...2014Little, Edwin StudentECU
Patient and Practice Perspectives on Strategies for Controlling Blood Pressure, North Caroli...2014Rachide, Marjorie StudentECU
Patient and Practice Perspectives on Strategies for Controlling Blood Pressure, North Caroli...2014Hinderliter, Alan StudentECU
Patient and Practice Perspectives on Strategies for Controlling Blood Pressure, North Caroli...2014DeWalt, Darren StudentECU
Patient and Practice Perspectives on Strategies for Controlling Blood Pressure, North Caroli...2014Vu, Maihan B.StudentECU
Patient and Practice Perspectives on Strategies for Controlling Blood Pressure, North Caroli...2014Donahue, Katrina E.StudentECU
Patient and Practice Perspectives on Strategies for Controlling Blood Pressure, North Caroli...2014Halladay, Jacqueline R.StudentECU
Patient and Practice Perspectives on Strategies for Controlling Blood Pressure, North Caroli...2014Miller, Cassandra StudentECU
Patient and Practice Perspectives on Strategies for Controlling Blood Pressure, North Caroli...2014Garcia, Beverly A.StudentECU
Patient and Practice Perspectives on Strategies for Controlling Blood Pressure, North Caroli...2014Cummings, Doyle M.StudentECU
Patient and Practice Perspectives on Strategies for Controlling Blood Pressure, North Caroli...2014Cene, Crystal W.StudentECU
Patient and Practice Perspectives on Strategies for Controlling Blood Pressure, North Caroli...2014Rachide, Marjorie StudentECU
Patient and Practice Perspectives on Strategies for Controlling Blood Pressure, North Caroli...2014Little, Edwin StudentECU
Patient Education Initiative Aimed at Reducing Postoperative Complications2023Snowten, Arrian StudentECU
A Patient with Single Coronary Artery, Bicuspid Aortic Valve and Sinus of Valsalva Aneurysm2023Mohammad, Ahmed N.StudentECU
A Patient with Single Coronary Artery, Bicuspid Aortic Valve and Sinus of Valsalva Aneurysm2023Eboh, Oghenesuvwe StudentECU
A Patient with Single Coronary Artery, Bicuspid Aortic Valve and Sinus of Valsalva Aneurysm2023Mian, Muna StudentECU
A Patient with Single Coronary Artery, Bicuspid Aortic Valve and Sinus of Valsalva Aneurysm2023Shammas, Rony L.StudentECU
A Patient-Specific Multiscale Model of Mechanical Ventilation of COVID-19-afflicted Lungs2023Middleton, Shea TaranStudentECU
A Patient-Specific Multiscale Model of Mechanical Ventilation of COVID-19-afflicted Lungs2023Middleton, Shea TaranStudentECU
Patriarchy and nursing education : analysis and model1981Hodges, Linda ComptonStudentEducation, UNCG
Patriot by nature, soldier by training, Christian by faith : the life of William Dorsey Pend...2023Simpson, Kenrick N.StudentECU
Pattern and process of headward erosion in salt marsh tidal creeks2023May, Melynda K.StudentECU
Patterning of Paternal Investment in Response to Socioecological Change2018Schacht, Ryan,Davis,Helen E.,Kramer,Karen L.StudentECU
Patterns and Outcomes of Subsequent Therapy After Immune Checkpoint Inhibitor Discontinuatio...2023Muzaffar, Mahvish StudentECU
Patterns and Outcomes of Subsequent Therapy After Immune Checkpoint Inhibitor Discontinuatio...2023Bulumulle, Anushi StudentECU
Patterns and Outcomes of Subsequent Therapy After Immune Checkpoint Inhibitor Discontinuatio...2023Sharma, Rohini StudentECU
Patterns of the business education curricula of the member institutions of business teacher-...1944Max, Keith StudentBusiness Education, UNCG
Patterns of Pelvic Radiotherapy in Patients with Stage II/III Rectal Cancer2013Fitzgerald, Timothy L.StudentECU
Patterns of Pelvic Radiotherapy in Patients with Stage II/III Rectal Cancer2013Wong, Jan H.StudentECU
Patterns of Pelvic Radiotherapy in Patients with Stage II/III Rectal Cancer2013Zervos, Emmanuel StudentECU
Patterns of pelvic radiotherapy in patients with stage II/III rectal cancer2013Fitzgerald, Timothy L.,Zervos,Emmanuel,Wong,Jan H.StudentECU
Patterns of Succession in Man-Made and Natural Wetlands1990Ambrose, William Jr.FacultyECU
Paul Eluard1958Cotchett, Carolyn StudentRomance Languages, UNCG
Pausing under a glass dome1972Fuqua, Nancy StudentEnglish, UNCG
Paving the Way : A Biopsychosocial Survey Study of Young Adults Diagnosed with Heart Failure...2023Tippey, Amaris R.StudentECU
Pavlovian occasion-setting, attention and observing1992Russell, Franklin EugeneStudentPsychology, UNCG
Paying to Punish on a free ride: member and nonmember punishments in voluntary coalitions2012McEvoy, Dave FacultyEconomics, ASU
PB2Y Coronado Flying Boat Archaeology and Site Formation Studies, Tanapag Lagoon, Saipan2023Pruitt, James RobertStudentECU
Peace of Mind2020Ellerbe, Samayah FacultyMusic and Visual Arts, ECSU
Peace, Bread and Riots: Jordan and the International Monetary Fund1998Ryan, Curtis R.FacultyGovernment and Justice Studies, ASU
Pearl Harbor: First Hand Accounts of December 7, 19412023Brown, William H.StudentECU
Pediatric Behavioral Concerns : Does Physician Training Influence Their Referral and Recomme...2023Soltow, Amber StudentECU
Peer interaction of infants under two years of age with and without early group experience1974Mazyck, Aurelia ChaneyStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Peer reinforcement as a function of teacher reinforcement in the modification of deviant beh...1974Albuero, Anne N.StudentHome Economics, UNCG
People and patterns1962Linville, Bobbee SniderStudentArt, UNCG
A people with no past have no future : the interpretation of slavery at Colonial Williamsbu...2023Carter, Jessica S.StudentECU
Peopledance in midstream1974Payne, Harriet StudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
Perceived Advantages and Disadvantages of Online Grocery Shopping Among Special Supplemental...2023Pitts, Stephanie StudentECU
Perceived and reported importance of teaching in public, comprehensive colleges and universi...1987Starr, Nina KennedyStudentEducation, UNCG
Perceived Barriers to Serving on National Institutes of Health Scientific Review Groups Expe...2023Soule, Eric K.StudentECU
Perceived Barriers to Serving on National Institutes of Health Scientific Review Groups Expe...2023Thomas, Alisha StudentECU
Perceived effects of state mandates on the work of principals and superintendents in the wes...1989Buckner, Iva NellStudentEducation, UNCG
Perceived Gender Roles and ADHD: An Explanation for the Diagnosis Gap2023Mirabelli, Karlie StudentECU
Perceived Importance of Health Concerns Among a Nationally Representative Sample of Lesbian,...2023Lee, Joseph G. L.StudentECU
The Perceived Influence of Cost-Offset Community-Supported Agriculture on Food Access Among ...2023Pitts, Stephanie StudentECU
Perceived needs of senior high school students concerning adult roles and responsibilities i...1985Willis, Gwendola WilliamsStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Perceived nonfinancial barriers to maternity services in Guilford County by African American...1996Bennett, Karen WebbStudentHuman Environmental Sciences, UNCG
Perceived Outdoor Activity Constraints and Negotiation Strategies in Greenville, NC2023Frost, Andrew StudentECU
Perceived Relationship Experiences Among Adolescents and Young Adult Women: Reproductive Coe...2023Bonen-Clark, Rebecca ClareStudentECU
Perceived Social Standing, Medication Nonadherence, and Systolic Blood Pressure in the Rural...2023Cummings, Doyle M.StudentECU
The perceived status of female athletes by male and female athletes and non-athletes in Cana...1978Holman, Roy PaulStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
Perceived Stress and ADHD Symptoms in Adults2012Canu, Will FacultyPsychology, ASU
Perception and choice :sea level rise in North Carolina's future2023Tollinger, Melissa L.StudentECU
Perception and Evaluation of Antisocial Behaviors2023Thornton, Hannah ElizabethStudentECU
The Perception of Exercisers vs Non-Exercisers Using EEG Analysis2023Boone, Paige StudentECU
The Perception of Exercisers vs Non-Exercisers Using EEG Analysis2023Boone, Paige StudentECU
Perception of power and powerlessness in flight nurse administrators2023Nimmo, Mary JoStudentECU
Perception of Speaker Sincerity in Complex Social Interactions by Cochlear Implant Users2023Rothermich, Kathrin StudentECU
Perception of Speaker Sincerity in Complex Social Interactions by Cochlear Implant Users2023Dixon, Susannah StudentECU
Perception of Speaker Sincerity in Complex Social Interactions by Cochlear Implant Users2023Weiner, Marti StudentECU
Perception of Speaker Sincerity in Complex Social Interactions by Cochlear Implant Users2023Capps, Madison StudentECU
Perception of Speaker Sincerity in Complex Social Interactions by Cochlear Implant Users2023Dong, Lixue StudentECU
Perception of Speaker Sincerity in Complex Social Interactions by Cochlear Implant Users2023Zhou, Ning StudentECU
Perception of Speaker Sincerity in Complex Social Interactions by Cochlear Implant Users2023Paquette, Se´bastien StudentECU
The perception of storm hazard along the Outer Banks of North Carolina2023Martin, Walter E.StudentECU
Perception, extension, and enclosure of space1969Green, Ralph JamesStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Perceptions Among CRNAs on Qualitative Versus Quantitative Monitoring for the Assessment of ...2023Maness, Anna StudentECU
Perceptions and beliefs of teacher educators who work in professional development schools1995Julian, Larry GlennStudentEducation, UNCG
Perceptions of 21st Century Community College Leaders on the Role of Relational Leadership2010Overman, Jan GardnerStudentEducational Leadership - Student, ASU
Perceptions of central office personnel on the role of the principal as curriculum leader1986Briggs, Marilyn PalmerStudentEducation, UNCG
Perceptions of the co-principalship as implemented in High Point, North Carolina1989Groover, Elsie CuretonStudentEducation, UNCG
Perceptions of competencies needed for a selected upholstered furniture occupation1975Griffin, Gwendolyn KellerStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Perceptions of CUNY women athletes and coaches about selected coaching practices1977Garvin, Lorraine StudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
Perceptions of former graduate students toward the Educational Administration and Supervisio...2023Price, Larry EugeneStudentECU
Perceptions of head nurses regarding communication behaviors needed by nurses2023Edwards, Rachel K.StudentECU
Perceptions of home economics administrators' leadership behavior by administrators and facu...1985Johnson, Bernice DuffyStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Perceptions of Hurricane Risk Among North Carolina's Coastal Residents : A Case Study of Hur...2023Pace, William StudentECU
Perceptions of Law Enforcement Officers on Capital Punishment in the United States .2013Robinson, Matthew B. FacultyGovernment and Justice Studies, ASU
Perceptions of leader behavior of selected women physical education administrators1977Kemp, Joann StudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
Perceptions of North Carolina school superintendents and their roles with board members in t...1991Merrill, James GordonStudentEducation, UNCG
The perceptions of North Carolina social studies teachers in relation to practice and theory...1984Bohlen, Donald C.StudentEducation, UNCG
Perceptions of Nutrition Education Classes Offered in Conjunction with a Community-Supported...2023Pitts, Stephanie B JilcottStudentECU
Perceptions of Nutrition Education Classes Offered in Conjunction with a Community-Supported...2023Lu, Isabel StudentECU
Perceptions of Nutrition Education Classes Offered in Conjunction with a Community-Supported...2023Hanson, Karla LStudentECU
Perceptions of Nutrition Education Classes Offered in Conjunction with a Community-Supported...2023Kolodinsky, Jane StudentECU
Perceptions of Nutrition Education Classes Offered in Conjunction with a Community-Supported...2023Ammerman, Alice S.StudentECU
Perceptions of Nutrition Education Classes Offered in Conjunction with a Community-Supported...2023Sitaker, Marilyn StudentECU
Perceptions of Nutrition Education Classes Offered in Conjunction with a Community-Supported...2023Wang, Weiwei StudentECU
Perceptions of Nutrition Education Classes Offered in Conjunction with a Community-Supported...2023Volpe, Leah CStudentECU
Perceptions of Nutrition Education Classes Offered in Conjunction with a Community-Supported...2023Belarmino, Emily H.StudentECU
Perceptions of Nutrition Education Classes Offered in Conjunction with a Community-Supported...2023Garner, Jennifer StudentECU
Perceptions of Nutrition Education Classes Offered in Conjunction with a Community-Supported...2023Gonsalves, Liana StudentECU
Perceptions of Nutrition Education Classes Offered in Conjunction with a Community-Supported...2023Seguin, Rebecca AStudentECU
Perceptions of personal victimizations : a comparison of predictions made by the defensive a...1981Gruber, Kenneth JayStudentPsychology, UNCG
The Perceptions of Preservice English Education Candidates on Censorship of Literature2023Brown, Rachel StudentECU
Perceptions of Qualitative Versus Quantitative Monitoring for the Assessment of Postoperativ...2023Bolick, Andrew StudentECU
Perceptions of Risk to Compound Coastal Water Events: A Case Study in Eastern North Carolina...2023Mukherji, Anuradha StudentECU
Perceptions of Risk to Compound Coastal Water Events: A Case Study in Eastern North Carolina...2023Kruse, Jamie StudentECU
Perceptions of Risk to Compound Coastal Water Events: A Case Study in Eastern North Carolina...2023Ausmita, Ghosh StudentECU
Perceptions of Risk to Compound Coastal Water Events: A Case Study in Eastern North Carolina...2023, et alStudentECU
Perceptions of the supervisory relationship : recovering and non-recovering substance abuse ...1996Culbreth, John R.StudentEducation, UNCG
Perceptions of three Black leaders of the National Intramural-Recreational Sports Associatio...1986Yarbrough, Roy EarlStudentHealth, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, UNCG
Perceptions of "the woman athlete" and "the woman coach"1973Buhrer, Nancy StudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
Perceptions on cooperative learning : a case study of Kagan cooperative learning structures ...2023Hinson, Tina StudentECU
Perceptions, Satisfaction, and Experience of Low-Income, Rural Patients who Participated in ...2023Tripp, Madeline StudentECU
Perchloric acid catalyzed acylations1971McKenzie, John LawrenceStudentChemistry, UNCG
Percussion instruments in graphic arts in sixteenth- and seventeenth-century western Europe1996Overmeir, Douglas RoyStudentMusic, UNCG
Percussion instruments in two compositions by Carlos Cha´vez : Xochipilli: an imagined Aztec...1995Conklin, Dorothy RiceStudentMusic, UNCG
Perfectionistic concerns suppress associations between perfectionistic strivings and positiv...2010Hill, Robert FacultyPsychology, ASU
Performance and other stories1973Shelnutt, Eve B.StudentEnglish, UNCG
Performance and perception of love oriented discipline by fourth grade negro girls1969Guilkey, Marilyn StudentPsychology, UNCG
Performance assessment of retrofitted water control structures at Mattamuskeet National Wild...2023Godwin, Charlton Holloman.StudentECU
Performance factors of selected wood floor finishes1971Greene, Nancy DonaveStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Performance Management An Essential Discipline of Success2021Rehkopf, Ed FacultyHospitality and Tourism Administration, NCCU
Performance of First Pacemaker to Use Smart Device App for Remote Monitoring2023Sears, Samuel F.StudentECU
Performance of First Pacemaker to Use Smart Device App for Remote Monitoring2023Tarakji, Khaldoun G.StudentECU
Performance of First Pacemaker to Use Smart Device App for Remote Monitoring2023Zaidi, Amir M.StudentECU
Performance of First Pacemaker to Use Smart Device App for Remote Monitoring2023Zweibel, Steven L.StudentECU
Performance of First Pacemaker to Use Smart Device App for Remote Monitoring2023Varma, Niraj StudentECU
Performance of First Pacemaker to Use Smart Device App for Remote Monitoring2023Allred, James StudentECU
Performance of First Pacemaker to Use Smart Device App for Remote Monitoring2023Roberts, Paul R.StudentECU
Performance of First Pacemaker to Use Smart Device App for Remote Monitoring2023Shaik, Naushad A.StudentECU
Performance of First Pacemaker to Use Smart Device App for Remote Monitoring2023Silverstein, Josh R.StudentECU
Performance of First Pacemaker to Use Smart Device App for Remote Monitoring2023Maher, Abdul StudentECU
Performance of First Pacemaker to Use Smart Device App for Remote Monitoring2023Mittal, Suneet StudentECU
Performance of First Pacemaker to Use Smart Device App for Remote Monitoring2023Patwala, Ashish StudentECU
Performance of First Pacemaker to Use Smart Device App for Remote Monitoring2023Schoenhard, John StudentECU
Performance of First Pacemaker to Use Smart Device App for Remote Monitoring2023Emert, Martin StudentECU
Performance of First Pacemaker to Use Smart Device App for Remote Monitoring2023Molon, Giulio StudentECU
Performance of First Pacemaker to Use Smart Device App for Remote Monitoring2023Augello, Giuseppe StudentECU
Performance of First Pacemaker to Use Smart Device App for Remote Monitoring2023Patel, Nilam StudentECU
Performance of First Pacemaker to Use Smart Device App for Remote Monitoring2023Seide, Hanscy StudentECU
Performance of First Pacemaker to Use Smart Device App for Remote Monitoring2023Porfilio, Antonio StudentECU
Performance of First Pacemaker to Use Smart Device App for Remote Monitoring2023Maus, Baerbel StudentECU
Performance of First Pacemaker to Use Smart Device App for Remote Monitoring2023Di Jorio, Sherry L.StudentECU
Performance of First Pacemaker to Use Smart Device App for Remote Monitoring2023Holloman, Keith StudentECU
Performance of First Pacemaker to Use Smart Device App for Remote Monitoring2023Natera, Ana C.StudentECU
Performance of First Pacemaker to Use Smart Device App for Remote Monitoring2023Turakhia, Mintu P.StudentECU
Performance of a novel task under two conditions of anxiety1973Kich, Larry MichaelStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
The performance of poetry : a creative approach to selected poems1973Martin, Howard RodneyStudentDrama and Speech, UNCG
The performance of selected cotton sheetings as indicated by three methods of abrasion resis...1968Creech, Peggy QuinnStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Performance of three flame-retardant finished, bottom-weight fabrics as measured by in-field...1978McLellan, Kay RinnStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Performance on a simple reaction time task as a function of individually selected feedback1976Liddle, Shirley M.StudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
A performer's guide to baroque vocal ornamentation as applied to selected works of George Fr...1996Brittain, Karen Anne GreunkeStudentMusic, UNCG
A performing and teaching guide to the clarinet excerpts in five major works for band1994Young, Eileen MarieStudentMusic, UNCG
Peri-Implant Tissue Adaptation after Implant Rehabilitation with Shoulderless Abutments with...2023Casula, Luca StudentECU
Peri-Implant Tissue Adaptation after Implant Rehabilitation with Shoulderless Abutments with...2023Gillone, Alex StudentECU
Peri-Implant Tissue Adaptation after Implant Rehabilitation with Shoulderless Abutments with...2023Musu, Davide StudentECU
Pericles as a military leader : an investigation of Athenian strategic objectives and milita...2023Charles, Kim B.StudentECU
Perilesional Perfusion in Chronic Stroke-Induced Aphasia and Its Response to Behavioral Trea...2023Walenski, Matthew StudentECU
Perilesional Perfusion in Chronic Stroke-Induced Aphasia and Its Response to Behavioral Trea...2023, et alStudentECU
The perilous leap of Henri IV2023Amerson, Kathryn SmawStudentECU
Perioperative Corneal Abrasion: An Exploration of Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists’ P...2023Chukala, Christopher StudentECU
Perioperative Corneal Abrasion: An Exploration of Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists’ P...2023Grady, Justin StudentECU
Perioperative Temperature Monitoring and Management to Maximize Patient Safety: A Quality I...2023Jones, Rachel StudentECU
Perivascular Epithelioid Cell Tumor (PEComa) of the Uterus: Challenges of Pregnancy in Deter...2023Dal Zotto, Valeria L.StudentECU
Perivascular Epithelioid Cell Tumor (PEComa) of the Uterus: Challenges of Pregnancy in Deter...2023Wilhite, Annelise M.StudentECU
Permethrin Treated Clothing to Protect Outdoor Workers: Evaluation of Dfferent Methods for M...2023Balanay, Jo AnneStudentECU
Permethrin Treated Clothing to Protect Outdoor Workers: Evaluation of Dfferent Methods for M...2023Richards, Stephanie L.StudentECU
Permethrin Treated Clothing to Protect Outdoor Workers: Evaluation of Dfferent Methods for M...2023White, Avian V.StudentECU
Permethrin Treated Clothing to Protect Outdoor Workers: Evaluation of Different Methods for ...2023Richards, Stephanie L.StudentECU
Permethrin Treated Clothing to Protect Outdoor Workers: Evaluation of Different Methods for ...2023Balanay, Jo AnneStudentECU
Permethrin Treated Clothing to Protect Outdoor Workers: Evaluation of Different Methods for ...2023White, Avian V.StudentECU
Permethrin Treated Clothing to Protect Outdoor Workers: Evaluation of Different Methods for ...2023Richards, Stephanie L.StudentECU
Permethrin Treated Clothing to Protect Outdoor Workers: Evaluation of Different Methods for ...2023Balanay, Jo AnneStudentECU
Permethrin Treated Clothing to Protect Outdoor Workers: Evaluation of Different Methods for ...2023White, Avian V.StudentECU
Permian Footprints and Facies [Table of Contents - Co-editor of this issue]1995Heckert, Andrew B. FacultyGeology, ASU
Peroxisome proliferation activated receptor-Gamma :macrophage effects on cardiac collagen ho...2023Nichols, Marshall W.StudentECU
Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor-γ Regulates the Expression of Alveolar Macrophag...2023Bonfield, Tracey L.StudentECU
Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor-γ Regulates the Expression of Alveolar Macrophag...2023Thomassen, Mary JaneStudentECU
Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor-γ Regulates the Expression of Alveolar Macrophag...2023Farver, Carol F.StudentECU
Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor-γ Regulates the Expression of Alveolar Macrophag...2023Abraham, Susamma StudentECU
Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor-γ Regulates the Expression of Alveolar Macrophag...2023Koloze, Mary T.StudentECU
Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor-γ Regulates the Expression of Alveolar Macrophag...2023Zhang, Xia StudentECU
Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor-γ Regulates the Expression of Alveolar Macrophag...2023Mosser, David M.StudentECU
Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor-γ Regulates the Expression of Alveolar Macrophag...2023Culver, Daniel A.StudentECU
Peroxisome Proliferator–Activated Receptor-γ Coactivator-1α Overexpression Increases Lip...2010Hulver, Matthew W.StudentECU
Peroxisome Proliferator–Activated Receptor-γ Coactivator-1α Overexpression Increases Lip...2010Haynie, Kimberly R.StudentECU
Peroxisome Proliferator–Activated Receptor-γ Coactivator-1α Overexpression Increases Lip...2010Dohm, G. LynisStudentECU
Peroxisome Proliferator–Activated Receptor-γ Coactivator-1α Overexpression Increases Lip...2010Houmard, Joseph A.StudentECU
Peroxisome Proliferator–Activated Receptor-γ Coactivator-1α Overexpression Increases Lip...2010Consitt, Leslie A.StudentECU
Peroxisome Proliferator–Activated Receptor-γ Coactivator-1α Overexpression Increases Lip...2010Bell, Jill A.StudentECU
Peroxisome Proliferator–Activated Receptor-γ Coactivator-1α Overexpression Increases Lip...2010Koves, Timothy R.StudentECU
Peroxisome Proliferator–Activated Receptor-γ Coactivator-1α Overexpression Increases Lip...2010Muoio, Deborah M.StudentECU
The perpetuation of the Moravian instrumental music tradition : Bernard Jacob Pfohl and the ...1991Rothrock, Donna KayeStudentMusic, UNCG
Persistent akathisia masquerading as agitated depression after use of ziprasidone in the tre...2013Penders, Thomas M,Agarwal,Salina,Rohaidy,RachelStudentECU
Persistent reovirus rna, in the absence of detectable infectious reovirus, is associated wit...2023Lewis, Jennifer Aleisa.StudentECU
Personal archaeology : an autoethnographic illumination of a late-blooming feminist artist2012May, Dora C.StudentTeaching and Learning, WCU
A personal artistic philosophy1961Dearsley-Vernon, Ann StudentArt, UNCG
Personal Barriers to Seeking Diabetes Self-Management Education in Pitt County, North Caroli...2023Turney, Kenley StudentECU
Personal computers and the liberating aspects for human creativity1990Scott, Gayle WimberlyStudentEducation, UNCG
Personal effects : education in the age of personal-industry technology1996King, Robert AlanStudentEducation, UNCG
A personal inquiry, through Currere, into the person/earth relationship, using the hermeneut...1983Myers, Christine FosterStudentEducation, UNCG
A personal interpretation of the facial expression1973Rodgers, Kenneth GeraldStudentArt, UNCG
Personal Letter from C.B. Robinson to H.T. Hunter2018Waters, Whitney StudentEnglish, WCU
Personal Letter from Charles A. Webb to Dan Tompkins2018Waters, Whitney StudentEnglish, WCU
Personal Letter from Dan Tompkins to his mother and family2018Waters, Whitney StudentEnglish, WCU
Personal Narrative of Robert Venoy Reed April 6, 1944 - January 16, 19452016Fulp, Kris StudentEnglish, WCU
Personal Narrative of Robert Venoy Reed April 6, 1944 - January 16, 19452016Greener, Michelle StudentEnglish, WCU
Personal Narrative of Robert Venoy Reed April 6, 1944 - January 16, 19452016Randolph, Samantha StudentEnglish, WCU
A personal perspective of the appointed leader's role in creating an educational setting1982Gottesman, Barbara LittleStudentEducation, UNCG
Personal perspectives of major factors that influenced the educational, personal and profess...1991Chatman, Cheryl TroutmanStudentEducation, UNCG
Personal problems in creativity1969Ainsley, Margaret LynneStudentArt, UNCG
Personal Productivity and Organization2021Rehkopf, Ed FacultyHospitality and Tourism Administration, NCCU
Personal symbolism in the study of selected tales of Edgar A. Poe1964Wilkinson, Wayne B.StudentEnglish, UNCG
Personal typewriting : a follow-up study1952Cordle, Ruth StudentBusiness Education, UNCG
Personal values, institutional goals and voting on sport governance issues1979Greaves, Ellen C.StudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
Personal, family, and social characteristics of southern low-income young adults by occupati...1984Boyd, Judith CristStudentHome Economics, UNCG
The personality and movement preference relationships of high school girls affiliated with d...1973Brugger, Sandra DianeStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
Personality and political policy opinion2010Johnson, Joseph AndrewStudentPsychology, WCU
Personality correlates of clothing interest for a group of non-incarcerated and incarcerated...1975Darden, Leatha AnneStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Personality features associated with junior and senior recreation majors at selected private...1993Robertson, Kimberly GriffinStudentEducation, UNCG
Personality Traits of Accounting Professionals in Different Practice Areas2015Doublin, Katlyn StudentPsychology - Student, ASU
Personality traits of selected female United States Volleyball Association players1971Chin, Deborah StudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
Personality type, locus of control and sex role orientation as predictors within two moral p...1991Ritchie, George DeweyStudentHuman Environmental Sciences, UNCG
Personality types and value orientations with special reference to the feminine role1953DeShazo, Marshall StudentSociology, UNCG
Personality, job performance, and job satisfaction in non-profit organizations2013Campbell-Bridges, Whittney BreanneStudentPsychology, WCU
Personality, pathology, and the moderating effect of parental loss2024O'Brien, Francis StudentPsychology, WCU
Persons of Interest : Mentoring Relationships in Mary Wollstonecraft's A Vindication of the ...2023Mackey, Preston StudentECU
Perspectives of the I : literary and dramatic interpretations of Martin Buber's I-Thou and I...1981Benfield, William GradyStudentEducation, UNCG
Perspectives of perception1972Maxwell, Donald A.StudentEnglish, UNCG
Perspectives on the Future of Burnout in Sport2023Raedeke, Thomas D.StudentECU
Perspectives on the Future of Burnout in Sport2023Madigan, Daniel J.StudentECU
Pervasiveness of use and adequacy of care labels for piece good fabrics1978Briggs, Janice SueStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Perverting Evolutionary Narratives of Heterosexual Masculinity Or, Getting Rid of the Hetero...1999McCaughey, Martha FacultySociology, ASU
Pesticide penetration and comfort properties of protective clothing fabrics1985Hobbs, Nancy ElizabethStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Pesticides Could Alter Amphibian Skin Microbiomes and the Effects of Batrachochytrium dendro...2018McCoy, Krista A.,Peralta,Ariane L.StudentECU
Peter Doub 1796-1869 : his contribution to the religious and educational development of Nort...1969Hites, Margaret AnnStudentHistory and Political Science, UNCG
Petrography and geochemistry of the metasedimentary/metavolcanic host rocks and associated g...2023Corbitt, Christopher L. (Christopher Lee)StudentECU
Petrography of unconfromable surfaces and associated stratigraphic units of the Eocene Castl...2023Moran, LeAnn Kathleen.StudentECU
Petrography, geochemistry, and geochronology of the Rocky Mount batholith, northeastern Nort...2023Moncla, Alfred M.StudentECU
A Petrologic and Diagenetic Study of the Onondaga Formation, New Jersey2023McGee, Kelsey L.StudentECU
Petrology and depositional environment of the Cove Creek and Girkin limestones (Mississippia...2023Bergren, Christopher L.StudentECU
Petrology and depositional environments of the Little Valley Limestone (Upper Mississippian)...2023DiRenzo, Vincent N.StudentECU
Petrology and depositional environments of the Ste. Genevieve limestone (Mississippian), Wis...2023Cooper, John K.StudentECU
Petrology and depositional environments of the Ste. Genevieve limestone (Mississippian), Wis...2023Cooper, John K.StudentECU
Petrology and diagenesis of the Pettet interval, Sligo Formation (lower cretaceous) Bossier ...2023Hartsook, Alan D.StudentECU
Petrology and diagenesis of sandstone of the Bluefield Formation (Upper Mississippian), sout...2023Kirkland, Michael John.StudentECU
Petrology and geochemistry of Late Cretaceous and Tertiary Epizonal Plutons in the vicinity ...2023Ouimette, Mark A.StudentECU
Petrology and stratigraphy of the Miocene Pungo River and Pliocene Yorktown Formations in th...2023Ames, Dorothea v. d. P.StudentECU
Petrology and stratigraphy of the Miocene Pungo River and Pliocene Yorktown Formations in th...2023Ames, Dorothea v. d. P.StudentECU
The petrology and stratigraphy of the Reynolds Limestone Member of the Bluefield formation (...2023Corbitt, Lisa Bailey.StudentECU
Petrology of the Stony Gap sandstone (upper Mississippian), Mercer County, West Virginia2023Hines, Robert A.StudentECU
Petrology of the Weir sand (lower Mississippian) in the Ashland-Clark Gap gas field of south...2023Privette, Robert W.StudentECU
Petrology, depositional environment, and diagenesis of the Hillsdale Limestone (Mississippia...2023Danahy, Thomas V.StudentECU
Petrology, depositional environments, and diagenesis of the Ste. Genevieve Limestone (Upper ...2023Bedell, Theodore E.StudentECU
PFKFB3-Mediated Glycolysis Rescues Myopathic Outcomes in the Ischemic Limb2023Spangenburg, Espen StudentECU
PFKFB3-Mediated Glycolysis Rescues Myopathic Outcomes in the Ischemic Limb2023Ryan, Terence E.StudentECU
PFKFB3-Mediated Glycolysis Rescues Myopathic Outcomes in the Ischemic Limb2023McClung, Joseph M.StudentECU
PFKFB3-Mediated Glycolysis Rescues Myopathic Outcomes in the Ischemic Limb2023McClung, Joseph M.StudentECU
PFKFB3-Mediated Glycolysis Rescues Myopathic Outcomes in the Ischemic Limb2023Ryan, Terence E.StudentECU
PFKFB3-Mediated Glycolysis Rescues Myopathic Outcomes in the Ischemic Limb2023Spangenburg, Espen E.StudentECU
PFKFB3-Mediated Glycolysis Rescues Myopathic Outcomes in the Ischemic Limb2023Schmidt, Cameron A.StudentECU
PFKFB3-Mediated Glycolysis Rescues Myopathic Outcomes in the Ischemic Limb2023Tarpey, Michael D.StudentECU
PFKFB3-Mediated Glycolysis Rescues Myopathic Outcomes in the Ischemic Limb2023Amorese, Adam J.StudentECU
PFKFB3-Mediated Glycolysis Rescues Myopathic Outcomes in the Ischemic Limb2023Yamaguchi, Dean J.StudentECU
PFKFB3-Mediated Glycolysis Rescues Myopathic Outcomes in the Ischemic Limb2023Goldberg, Emma J.StudentECU
PFKFB3-Mediated Glycolysis Rescues Myopathic Outcomes in the Ischemic Limb2023Iñigo, Melissa M.R.StudentECU
PFKFB3-Mediated Glycolysis Rescues Myopathic Outcomes in the Ischemic Limb2023Karnekar, Reema StudentECU
PFKFB3-Mediated Glycolysis Rescues Myopathic Outcomes in the Ischemic Limb2023Brophy, Patricia StudentECU
PFKFB3-Mediated Glycolysis Rescues Myopathic Outcomes in the Ischemic Limb2023Green, Thomas D.StudentECU
PFKFB3-Mediated Glycolysis Rescues Myopathic Outcomes in the Ischemic Limb2023Neufer, P. DarrellStudentECU
PFKFB3-Mediated Glycolysis Rescues Myopathic Outcomes in the Ischemic Limb2023Fisher-Wellman, Kelsey H.StudentECU
PFKFB3-Mediated Glycolysis Rescues Myopathic Outcomes in the Ischemic Limb2023Spangenburg, Espen E.StudentECU
Pgrmc1 Knockout Impairs Oocyte Maturation in Zebrafish2018Wu, Xin-Jun,Thomas,Peter,Zhu,Yong StudentECU
Phage-associated lysozyme of Staphylococcus Aureus :its characterization and use in genetic ...2023Nippert, Joan Mae.StudentECU
Phantoms, banshees, will-of-the-wisps and the dare, or, The search for speed under steam : t...2023Foster, Kevin J.StudentECU
Pharmaceutically acceptable fixed-dried human blood platelets1999Reddick, Robert L.StudentECU
Pharmaceutically acceptable fixed-dried human blood platelets1999Bode, Arthur P.StudentECU
Pharmaceutically acceptable fixed-dried human blood platelets1999Read, Marjorie S.StudentECU
Pharmacokinetic and Pharmacodynamic Profiling of Minocycline for Injection following a Singl...2023Kabchi, Badih A.StudentECU
Pharmacokinetic and Pharmacodynamic Profiling of Minocycline for Injection following a Singl...2023Lodise, Thomas P.StudentECU
Pharmacokinetic and Pharmacodynamic Profiling of Minocycline for Injection following a Singl...2023Van Wart, Scott StudentECU
Pharmacokinetic and Pharmacodynamic Profiling of Minocycline for Injection following a Singl...2023Sund, Zoe M.StudentECU
Pharmacokinetic and Pharmacodynamic Profiling of Minocycline for Injection following a Singl...2023Bressler, Adam M.StudentECU
Pharmacokinetic and Pharmacodynamic Profiling of Minocycline for Injection following a Singl...2023Khan, Akram StudentECU
Pharmacokinetic and Pharmacodynamic Profiling of Minocycline for Injection following a Singl...2023Makley, Amy T.StudentECU
Pharmacokinetic and Pharmacodynamic Profiling of Minocycline for Injection following a Singl...2023Hamad, Yasir StudentECU
Pharmacokinetic and Pharmacodynamic Profiling of Minocycline for Injection following a Singl...2023Salat, Robert A.StudentECU
Pharmacokinetic and Pharmacodynamic Profiling of Minocycline for Injection following a Singl...2023Silveira, Fernanda P.StudentECU
Pharmacokinetic and Pharmacodynamic Profiling of Minocycline for Injection following a Singl...2023Sims, Matthew D.StudentECU
Pharmacokinetic and Pharmacodynamic Profiling of Minocycline for Injection following a Singl...2023Saad, Mohamed A.StudentECU
Pharmacokinetic and Pharmacodynamic Profiling of Minocycline for Injection following a Singl...2023Brown, Carrie StudentECU
Pharmacokinetic and Pharmacodynamic Profiling of Minocycline for Injection following a Singl...2023Oler, Randolph E. Jr.StudentECU
Pharmacokinetic and Pharmacodynamic Profiling of Minocycline for Injection following a Singl...2023Fowler, Vance Jr.StudentECU
Pharmacokinetic and Pharmacodynamic Profiling of Minocycline for Injection following a Singl...2023Wunderink, Richard G.StudentECU
Pharmacological Inhibition of Dynamin-Related Protein 1 Attenuates Skeletal Muscle Insulin R...2023Houmard, Joseph A.StudentECU
Pharmacological Inhibition of Dynamin-Related Protein 1 Attenuates Skeletal Muscle Insulin R...2023Kugler, Benjamin A.StudentECU
Pharmacological Inhibition of Dynamin-Related Protein 1 Attenuates Skeletal Muscle Insulin R...2023Deng, Wenqian StudentECU
Pharmacological Inhibition of Dynamin-Related Protein 1 Attenuates Skeletal Muscle Insulin R...2023Duguay, Abigail L.StudentECU
Pharmacological Inhibition of Dynamin-Related Protein 1 Attenuates Skeletal Muscle Insulin R...2023Garcia, Jessica P.StudentECU
Pharmacological Inhibition of Dynamin-Related Protein 1 Attenuates Skeletal Muscle Insulin R...2023Anderson, Meaghan C.StudentECU
Pharmacological Inhibition of Dynamin-Related Protein 1 Attenuates Skeletal Muscle Insulin R...2023Nguyen, Paul D.StudentECU
Pharmacological Inhibition of Dynamin-Related Protein 1 Attenuates Skeletal Muscle Insulin R...2023Zou, Kai StudentECU
Pharmacological Regulation of Neural Circuit Formation in hIPSC-Derived Neurons and ‘Mini-Br...2023Rudisill, Taylor LeeStudentECU
The PharmNet Harm Reduction Intervention for Community Pharmacies: Protocol for a Pilot Rand...2023Eldridge, Lori AnnStudentECU
The PharmNet Harm Reduction Intervention for Community Pharmacies: Protocol for a Pilot Rand...2023, et alStudentECU
Phase IIb, Randomized, Double-Blind Trial of GC4419 Versus Placebo to Reduce Severe Oral Muc...2019Anderson, Carryn M.,Lee,Christopher M.,Saunders,Deborah P.,Curtis,AStudentECU
Phase of alpha rhythm and visually evoked potentials1971Deaton, Fran KirkseyStudentPsychology, UNCG
Phenology in a Changing Environment: Assessing and Forecasting the Timing of the Spawning Mi...2023Nichols, Quentin BratkowskiStudentECU
Phenology in a Changing Environment: Assessing and Forecasting the Timing of the Spawning Mi...2023Nichols, Quentin BratkowskiStudentECU
The phenomena of nature as interpreted in experimental painting1962Bishop, Barbara LeeStudentArt, UNCG
A phenomenological inquiry into the concept of home1987Mann, John BrightStudentEducation, UNCG
A phenomenological inquiry into movement awareness illustrated through Zeami's theory of Noh...1983Yamaguchi, Junko StudentHealth, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, UNCG
A phenomenological investigation of Spanish-English bilingual supervisees’ experience in cli...2023Perry, Vanessa MStudentECU
A phenomenological study of WFMY-TV's "Good Morning Show" and its relationship to the Greens...1988Kinard, Lee W.StudentEducation, UNCG
The Phenomenology of Impairment2023Hobbs, Katherine K.StudentECU
Phenomenon of Declining Anxiety Sensitivity Scores: A Controlled Investigation2009Broman-Fulks, Joshua FacultyPsychology, ASU
Phenotypic and Genetic Divergence among Poison Frog Populations in a Mimetic Radiation2013Twomey, Evan,Yeager,Justin,Brown,Jason Lee,Morales,Victor,Cummings,Molly,Summers,KyleStudentECU
Phenyl replacement reactions: solvent effects on reactions of boroxines with primary amines2015Wilcox, Nicholas JohnStudentChemistry and Physics, WCU
Philosophical and legal bases for resolving student absenteeism1987Campbell, Karen HarmonStudentEducation, UNCG
The philosophical beliefs of undergraduate and graduate physical education major students an...1964Slatton, Yvonne L.StudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
A philosophical comparison of the goals of dance education and humanistic education1977O'Brien, Barbara A.StudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
Philosophical unity in the Keats letters1971Schell, David StudentEnglish, UNCG
Philosophy of American Wilderness2014Henderson, David FacultyPhilosophy and Religion, WCU
The philosophy of Lester Ward and its reflections on the New Deal1965Hayes, Karen StudentHistory, UNCG
A phonetic analysis and comparison of nineteen consonant sounds as they appear in the speech...1969May, Betty Jo WhittenStudentHome Economics, UNCG
A phonetic analysis of glossolalia1972Clenseur, Janet MacLeodStudentDrama and Speech, UNCG
Phospholipase C Beta1 (PI-PLCbeta1)/Cyclin D3/protein Kinase C (PKC) Alpha Signaling Modulat...2023McCubrey, James A.StudentECU
Phosphorus cycling in an alluvial swamp forest in the North Carolina coastal plain2023Holmes, Russell N.StudentECU
Phosphorus cycling in Nuphar luteum communities in the lower Chowan River, North Carolina2023Twilley, Robert Reece.StudentECU
Phosphorylation state of a Tob/BTG protein, FOG-3, regulates initiation and maintenance of t...2011Lee, Myon-Hee,Kim,Kyung Won,Morgan,Clinton T.,Morgan,Dyan E.,Kimble,JudithStudentECU
Photic stimulation, selective attention, and averaged evoked responses in humans1971Salmon, Lenin EduardoStudentPsychology, UNCG
Photo of STEM Classroom dedication2024Houston, Johnny FacultyMathematics and Computer Science, ECSU
Photodynamic Therapeutic Effect of Nanostructured Metal Sulfide Photosensitizers for Cancer ...2023Beltran-Huarac, Juan StudentECU
Photographs and objects1977Baylin, Beth StudentArt, UNCG
Photosynthesis, water use, and biomass allocation of princess tree (paulownia tomentosa) and...2021Dinkins, Hannah E.StudentBiology, WCU
Photosystem II synechocystis 6803 protein CP43 :effects of site-directed mutagenesis of cons...2023Rosenberg, Christina R.StudentECU
Phylogenetic relationships of dart-poison frogs via evidence from cytochrome B, 16S rRNA, an...2023Clough, Mark E.StudentECU
Phylogenetic relationships of dart-poison frogs via evidence from cytochrome B, 16S rRNA, an...2023Clough, Mark E.StudentECU
Phylogenetics and population status of coastal plain dusky salamanders (Amphibia: Caudata: P...2023Beamer, David A.StudentECU
Phylogenetics and population status of coastal plain dusky salamanders (Amphibia: Caudata: P...2023Beamer, David A.StudentECU
Phylogenetics and Systematics of the Millipede genus Brachycybe Wood, 1864 (Platydesmida: An...2010Spruill, Chad StudentECU
Phylogenomics and the rise of the angiosperms2024Penneys, Darin FacultyBiology and Marine Biology, UNCW
Phylogeny and taxonomy of the Californian trapdoor spider genus Promyrmekiaphila Schenkel (A...2023Stockman, Amy K.StudentECU
Phylogeography of Arenivaga floridensis caudell (polyphagidae) in peninsular Florida2023Justice, Teresa C.StudentECU
Physical Activity and Obesity’s Relationship with Motor Skills in Children Ages 3 – 5 Years ...2023Wood, Aaron P.StudentECU
Physical Activity and Sleep in Pediatric Cardiology Patients: Understanding the Patterns and...2023Huber, Nichelle LStudentECU
Physical Activity and Sleep Observation in Preschool Aged Children2023Turner, Diana LeeStudentECU
Physical activity is reduced prior to ventricular arrhythmiasin patients with a wearable car...2019Burch, Ashley E.,D'Souza,Benjamin,Gimbel,J. Rod,Rohrer,Ursula,MEStudentECU
Physical Activity Levels in Urban-Based South African Learners: A Cross-Sectional Study of 7...2018van Biljon, A,McKune,A J,DuBose,K D,Kolanisi,U,Semple,S JStudentECU
Physical Activity Levels, Barriers, and Facilitators Encountered In Adolescents with and Wit...2023Leahy, Nicholas StudentECU
Physical Activity, Academic Performance, and Physical Self-Description in Adolescent Females...2009Guerieri, Ashley M.StudentECU
Physical Activity, Stress, and Psychological Health among Military Wives2023Palmer, Autumn B.StudentECU
Physical fitness and the effectiveness of high school principals as perceived by superintend...1990Allred, Michael CarawayStudentEducation, UNCG
Physical fitness as presented by the Victory Corps and the President's Council on Physical F...1964Sand, Lorna SusanStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
A physical fitness knowledge test for first graders1984Wilson, Rolayne StudentHealth, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, UNCG
Physical fitness test items for boys and girls in the first, second, and third grades1962Glover, Elizabeth GayStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
Physical Health Outcomes of Bereaved Parents2023Murphy, Savannah StudentECU
The physical properties of selected curtain fabrics made from synthetic fibers1960Honeycutt, Fay ChandlerStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Physical, psychological and social predictors of locus of control among middle aged adults1976Kivett, Vira RogersStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Physical, psychological and social predictors of locus of control among middle aged adults1960Kivett, Vira RogersStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Physician’s Personal and Practice Use of CAM Therapies in a Rural Community in the Southeas...2006Martz, Denise M. FacultyPsychology, ASU
Physics-Based Computational Modeling of Mechanics and Perfusion in COVID-19 Infected Lungs2023Dimbath, Elizabeth StudentECU
Physics-Based Computational Modeling of Mechanics and Perfusion in COVID-19 Infected Lungs2023Dimbath, Elizabeth StudentECU
Physiological and morphological effects of short and long term lid-suture on cells in the la...1986MacAvoy, Martha GraceStudentPsychology, UNCG
Physiological and Phylogenetic Studies of the Biogeography of Alkaliphilic Heterotrophic Bac...2023Kloysuntia, Alyssa N.StudentECU
Physiological and psychological factors related to selected food choices : five case studies...1966Martin, Sue SwindellStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Physiological response of female sport divers to exercise during treadmill and underwater wo...1983Graves, Barbara SueStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
Physiological Studies of Alkaliphilic Anaerobic Organotrophs in a Serpentinizing Subsurface ...2023George, Crystal RStudentECU
Phytosaur (Archosauria: Parasuchidae) cranial and mandibular material from the Upper Triassi...2003Heckert, Andrew B. FacultyGeology, ASU
A phytosaur skull from the Upper Triassic Snyder quarry (Petrified Forest Formation, Chinle ...2002Heckert, Andrew B. FacultyGeology, ASU
PI3K isoform inhibition associated with anti Bcr-Abl drugs shows in vitro increased anti-leu...2017Ultimo, Simona,Simioni,Carolina,Martelli,Alberto M.,Zauli,Giorgio,Evangelisti,Camilla,Celeghini,ClaStudentECU
PI3K mediated activation of GSK-3ß reduces at-level primary afferent growth responses associ...2023Bareiss, Sonja StudentECU
PI3K mediated activation of GSK-3ß reduces at-level primary afferent growth responses associ...2023Dugan, Elizabeth StudentECU
PI3K mediated activation of GSK-3ß reduces at-level primary afferent growth responses associ...2023Brewer, Kori L.StudentECU
PI(4,5)P2 concentration at the APC side of the Immunological Synapse is Required for Effecto...2023Fooksman, David RobertStudentECU
PI(4,5)P2 concentration at the APC side of the Immunological Synapse is Required for Effecto...2023Shaikh, Saame RazaStudentECU
PI(4,5)P2 concentration at the APC side of the Immunological Synapse is Required for Effecto...2023Boyle, Sarah StudentECU
PI(4,5)P2 concentration at the APC side of the Immunological Synapse is Required for Effecto...2023Edidin, Michael StudentECU
A pianist's reference guide to Beethoven's piano sonatas1992Shieh, Shiow-Lih LillianStudentMusic, UNCG
Pick Your Poison: Molecular Evolution of Venom Proteins in Asilidae (Insecta: Diptera)2023Brewer, Michael S.StudentECU
Pick Your Poison: Molecular Evolution of Venom Proteins in Asilidae (Insecta: Diptera)2023Cole, T. JeffreyStudentECU
The pickle industry in North Carolina2023Cates, Donald BrooksStudentECU
Pictorial composition and plant forms1972Beaman, Hope SpauldingStudentArt, UNCG
Picturing Pleasure: Fanny Stevenson And Beatrice Grimshaw In The Pacific Islands2009Waldroup, Heather L. FacultyArt, ASU
Pieces of History : Reconstructing the Past of Bassett Hall, 1650-20132023Jones, Melissa LaurenStudentECU
Piers Plowman and fourteenth century ecclesiology1978Crews, Charles DanielStudentEnglish, UNCG
Pigouvian Tax Aversion and Inequity Aversion in the Lab2010Cherry, Todd FacultyEconomics, ASU
A pilot project to increase health literacy among youth from seasonal farmworker families in...2019Mendez, Israel M.,Pories,Mary Lisa,Cordova,Leah,Malki,Andreina,WiStudentECU
A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial of a Coaching Intervention for College Students with ADH...2016Kininger, Rachel StudentECU
A Pilot Study Investigating the Relationship Between Heart Rate Variability and Blood Pressu...2023Bolin, Linda P.StudentECU
A Pilot Study Investigating the Relationship Between Heart Rate Variability and Blood Pressu...2023Horne, Carolyn StudentECU
A Pilot Study Investigating the Relationship Between Heart Rate Variability and Blood Pressu...2023Saul, Amelia D.StudentECU
A Pilot Study Investigating the Relationship Between Heart Rate Variability and Blood Pressu...2023Scroggs, Lauren L. BethuneStudentECU
A pilot study of a method for determining the amount of time spent in certain leisure-time a...1963Grogan, Marilea RobertsStudentHome Economics, UNCG
A pilot study of the visible effects of estradiol on human intestinal cells in tissue cultur...1971Curtis, Linda NeskaugStudentBiology, UNCG
Pilot study to determine estimated gain in income and expected net income gain of women empl...1973Barry, Sharon AmandaStudentHome Economics, UNCG
A Pilot Study To Investigate The Effects Of Imperceptible Wrist Vibration On The Corticospin...2016Nagy, Tibor Ferenc StudentBiology - Student, ASU
A Pilot Study: The Effect of Healing Touch on Anxiety, Stress, Pain, Pain Medication Usage,...1905Thomas, Linda SteedlyStudentECU
Pineal Region Glioblastoma, a Case Report and Literature Review2017Stowe, Hayley Beacher,Miller,C. Ryan,Wu,Jing,Randazzo,Dina M.,JuStudentECU
Pioglitazone Enhances the Beneficial Effects of Glucocorticoids in Experimental Nephrotic Sy...2016Agrawal, S,Chanley,M,Westbrook,D,Nie,X,Kiato,T,Guess,A,Benn StudentECU
Pirates For Academic Success2023Wittig, Tanner JStudentECU
Pirates for Academic Success2023Coil, Benjamin CStudentECU
Pirates for Academic Success2023Kirby, Mackenzie LaineStudentECU
Pirates for Academic Success2023Tripp, Lucas CStudentECU
Pirates for Academic Success2023Levesque, Allison EStudentECU
Pirates for Academic Success2023DePerno, Christopher StudentECU
The Pirates of Cilicia: A GIS Approach to Creating a Predictive Model of 1st Century B.C. Pi...2023Jakeman, William Carter,IIIStudentECU
Piratical Colonization: Piracy's Role in the First English Colonies, 1550-16002023Croom, Austin FStudentECU
A Pivotal Role for Enhanced Brainstem Orexin Receptor 1 Signaling in the Central Cannabinoid...2023Abdel-Rahman, Abdel A.StudentECU
Pivotal Role of Adenosine Neurotransmission in Restless Legs Syndrome2018Ferré, Sergi,Quiroz,César,Guitart,Xavier,Rea,William,Sey P.,Earley,Christopher J.,García-Borreguero,DiegoStudentECU
Place and setting in the work of Sarah Orne Jewett1980Nail, Rebecca WallStudentEnglish, UNCG
Place-name etymologies in the Cronistas de Indias1971D'Agostino, Vincent LouisStudentRomance Languages-Spanish, UNCG
Placental Mitochondria Response to Different Modes of Exercise During Pregnancy2023Fountain, Sarah RaeStudentECU
Placental Mitochondria Response to Different Modes of Exercise During Pregnancy2023Fountain, Sarah RaeStudentECU
A plain watch : a study of Henry Vaughan's use of time in Silex scintellans1962Bell, Helen StudentEnglish, UNCG
The planning and implementation of the North Carolina second language program in selected el...1989Brafford, Mary LynnStudentEducation, UNCG
Planning Environmental and Economic Sustainability in Closed-Loop Supply Chains2023Das, Kanchan StudentECU
Plans for use of space for activities and storage in a given dining area1956Hansinger, Betty JaneStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Plant genome editing with TALEN and CRISPR2017Malzahn, Aimee,Lowder,Levi,Qi,Yiping StudentECU
Plant Inventory Of Random Sites At The Appalachian State Sustainable Development Teaching An...2016Mize, Charles StudentSustainable Development - Student, ASU
Planter reaction in North Carolina to presidential Reconstruction, 1865-18671964Miller, Kenneth JayStudentHistory and Political Science, UNCG
Plasma Acylcarnitines During Insulin Stimulation in Humans are Reflective of Age-Related Met...2023Houmard, Joseph A.StudentECU
Plasma calcium regulation following parathyroidectomy in the red- spotted newt, Notophthalmu...2023Jenkins, Nelson L.StudentECU
Plasma Irisin Modestly Increases during Moderate and High-Intensity Afternoon Exercise in Ob...2017Winn, Nathan C.,Grunewald,Zachary I.,Liu,Ying,Heden,Timothy D.,StudentECU
Plasma Lactate as a Marker for Metabolic Health2023Houmard, Joseph A.StudentECU
The plasticity of place : the lives of Cherokee sacred places and the struggles to protect t...2012Holly, Nathaniel FrancisStudentHistory, WCU
Platonism in Shelley's poetry1929Kerns, Ida StudentEnglish, UNCG
The play day/sport day movement in selected colleges of the south1984St. Clair, Stephen IsaacStudentHealth, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, UNCG
Play materials used by toddler age children in free play activities1959Moore, Nancy LeeStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Play orientations in picture books : a content analysis1977McVaigh, Betty LeeStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
A Playground for the Privileged: The Appalachian and Wonderland Clubs in the Great Smoky Mou...2016Gartz, Melany LynnStudentHistory, UNCA
Plein air memorial park fl 20132023Stiles, John FacultyMusic and Visual Arts, ECSU
Pleistocene-Holocene sediment aggradational history of the lower Tar River and the upper Pam...2023Fournet, Stephen C.StudentECU
Plethora of Plastics: Lesson Plan2016Baird, Alana FacultyMathematical Sciences, ASU
Pleural Dye Marking of Lung Nodules by Electromagnetic Navigation Bronchoscopy2023Bowling, Mark R.StudentECU
A plan for an integrated course in institution economics1940North, Sister MaudStudentHome Economics, UNCG
A plan for teaching home and family living in elementary grades four, five, and six1947Hall, Margaret SpruntStudentHome Economics, UNCG
The Plight of the Minority Resident Physician-” Similar Challenges in a Different World2018Campbell, Kendall M.StudentECU
The Plight of the Minority Resident Physician— Similar Challenges in a Different World2023Campbell, Kendall M.StudentECU
Pliocene (latest Hemphillian and Blancan) vertebrate fossils from the Mangas Basin, southwes...1997Heckert, Andrew B. FacultyGeology, ASU
Plying the Water in America's Little Switzerland: The Role of Turn of the Century Lake Touri...2023Mires, Calvin HStudentECU
Pocket change1973Godwin, Linda JoyceStudentEnglish, UNCG
Poems1972Gianino, Peter ThomasStudentEnglish, UNCG
Poems1971Schell, Jessie RosenbergStudentEnglish, UNCG
Poems1970Callow, Noel StudentEnglish, UNCG
Poems1970Middleton, Ed StudentEnglish, UNCG
Poems1956McWhorter, Nancy StudentEnglish, UNCG
Poems1950Farley, Jean StudentEnglish, UNCG
Poems, 1967-19681968Lebovitz, Richard StudentEnglish, UNCG
Poems, anatomy of melancholy, or, "There is much more need of Hellebor than tobacco"-- Rober...1972Williams, Elizabeth LynchStudentEnglish, UNCG
Poet Robert Bly : shaman of the dark side1989Bowman, Lynne MartinStudentEnglish, UNCG
Poetic polyphony1961Gatlin, Wanda StudentEnglish, UNCG
The poetry of Robert Duncan1976Jones, Steven JeffreyStudentEnglish, UNCG
Point-of-sale cigarette purchase patterns among U.S. adult smokers—National Adult Tobacco Su...2023Lee, Joseph G. L.StudentECU
Point-of-sale cigarette purchase patterns among U.S. adult smokers—National Adult Tobacco Su...2023Kruger, Judy StudentECU
Point-of-sale cigarette purchase patterns among U.S. adult smokers—National Adult Tobacco Su...2023Jama, Amal StudentECU
Point-of-sale cigarette purchase patterns among U.S. adult smokers—National Adult Tobacco Su...2023Kennedy, Sara StudentECU
Point-of-sale cigarette purchase patterns among U.S. adult smokers—National Adult Tobacco Su...2023Banks, Asha StudentECU
Point-of-sale cigarette purchase patterns among U.S. adult smokers—National Adult Tobacco Su...2023Sharapova, Saida StudentECU
Point-of-sale cigarette purchase patterns among U.S. adult smokers—National Adult Tobacco Su...2023Agaku, Israel StudentECU
Point/Counter Point - NCLA Biennials Bring Home the Bacon2023Jones, Plummer AlstonStudentECU
Pointing behaviors of preschoolers during Logo mastery1989Brinkley, Vickie McCannStudentHuman Environmental Sciences, UNCG
Polarization Splitter-Rotator Based on Multimode Waveguide Grating2023Luo, Yannong StudentECU
Polarization Splitter-Rotator Based on Multimode Waveguide Grating2023Ge, Renyou StudentECU
Polarization Splitter-Rotator Based on Multimode Waveguide Grating2023Luo, Haozhi StudentECU
Polarization Splitter-Rotator Based on Multimode Waveguide Grating2023Wu, Meiyan StudentECU
Polarization Splitter-Rotator Based on Multimode Waveguide Grating2023Zhou, Lidan StudentECU
Polarization Splitter-Rotator Based on Multimode Waveguide Grating2023Aryal, Makunda StudentECU
Polarization Splitter-Rotator Based on Multimode Waveguide Grating2023Li, Wenwei StudentECU
Polarization Splitter-Rotator Based on Multimode Waveguide Grating2023Yuan, Jianhui StudentECU
Polarization Splitter-Rotator Based on Multimode Waveguide Grating2023Xu, Jian StudentECU
Polarization Splitter-Rotator Based on Multimode Waveguide Grating2023Lan, Quanxue StudentECU
Polarization Splitter-Rotator Based on Multimode Waveguide Grating2023Li, Yongqing StudentECU
Polarization Splitter-Rotator Based on Multimode Waveguide Grating2023Cai, Xinlun StudentECU
Polarized light sensitivity in the zoea of the rock crab (Panopeus herbstii)1976Bardolph, Mark StudentBiology, UNCG
Policing in the Era of Increased Awareness of Wrongful Convictions: Police Officers' Reflect...2007Perry, Kanawha StudentSociology, UNCG
Policing possession of child pornography online: Investigating the training and resources de...2010Marcum, Cathy FacultyGovernment and Justice Studies, ASU
Policy, Technology, and Change: The ABCD Warship Program and the Transformation of American ...2023Thiesen, William HStudentECU
Poliomyelitis: History, Conquest and Cost Analysis2023Lehman, John M.StudentECU
Political and Socioeconomic Indicators of State Restrictiveness Toward Abortion1992Strickland, Ruth Ann FacultyGovernment and Justice Studies, ASU
Political Divergence: A Brief History of the North Carolina Farmers’ Alliance2023Breshears, Patrick StudentECU
Political Opposition, Democracy and Jordan's 2003 Elections2003Ryan, Curtis R.FacultyGovernment and Justice Studies, ASU
Political religiosity in Anglo-Saxon Northumbria : a case study of the unifying role of Chri...2023Edwards, Brian DeanStudentECU
Political Strategies and Regime Survival in Egypt2001Ryan, Curtis R.FacultyGovernment and Justice Studies, ASU
Political Strategies and Regime Survival in Egypt2001Ryan, Curtis R.FacultyGovernment and Justice Studies, ASU
The political views and public activities of Benjamin Smith of Brunswick County (1783-1816)2023Lennon, Donald R.StudentECU
Politician generals, gunboat commanders, and army-navy joint operations in coastal and inlan...2023Workman, Stephen MichaelStudentECU
The politics of anti-kudzu legislation in Missouri :an analysis of discourses and material p...2023Eskridge, Anna E.StudentECU
The politics of church space :North Carolina's United Methodist clergy respond to homosexual...2023Parker, W. Caleb.StudentECU
The Politics of Electricity Restructuring Across the American States: Power Failure and Poli...2006Ardoin, Phillip FacultyGovernment and Justice Studies, ASU
THE POLITICS OF HELMS-BURTON: Explaining a Cold War Policy in the Post-Cold War Era1998Scherlen, Renee FacultyGovernment and Justice Studies, ASU
The Politics of Prejudice in Psychology: A Syllabus and Bibliography1995Ballard, Mary FacultyPsychology, ASU
Pollen Geochronology from the Atlantic Coast of the United States during the Last 500 Years2023Corbett, D. Reide (David Reide),1971-StudentECU
Pollen Geochronology from the Atlantic Coast of the United States during the Last 500 Years2023Christie, Margaret A.StudentECU
Pollen Geochronology from the Atlantic Coast of the United States during the Last 500 Years2023Bernhardt, Christopher E.StudentECU
Pollen Geochronology from the Atlantic Coast of the United States during the Last 500 Years2023Parnell, Andrew C.StudentECU
Pollen Geochronology from the Atlantic Coast of the United States during the Last 500 Years2023Shaw, Timothy A.StudentECU
Pollen Geochronology from the Atlantic Coast of the United States during the Last 500 Years2023Khan, Nicole S.StudentECU
Pollen Geochronology from the Atlantic Coast of the United States during the Last 500 Years2023García-Artola, Ane StudentECU
Pollen Geochronology from the Atlantic Coast of the United States during the Last 500 Years2023Clear, Jennifer L.StudentECU
Pollen Geochronology from the Atlantic Coast of the United States during the Last 500 Years2023Walker, Jennifer S.StudentECU
Pollen Geochronology from the Atlantic Coast of the United States during the Last 500 Years2023Donnelly, Jeffrey P.StudentECU
Pollen Geochronology from the Atlantic Coast of the United States during the Last 500 Years2023Hasse, Tobias R.StudentECU
Pollen Geochronology from the Atlantic Coast of the United States during the Last 500 Years2023Horto, Benjamin P.StudentECU
Pollution, Politics, and Preferences for Environmental Spending in the States2007Newmark, Adam J FacultyGovernment and Justice Studies, ASU
Poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase-1, ischemic preconditioning, and apoptosis in the rat myocardium...2023Byrd, Jeremy M.StudentECU
Poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase-1, ischemic preconditioning, and apoptosis in the rat myocardium...2023Byrd, Jeremy M.StudentECU
Polyamines in human intestinal anaerobic bacteria2023Proctor, William D.StudentECU
Polycationic effects on airways epithelia2023Smith, Michael D.StudentECU
Polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies that define an IgA associated idiotype2023Tannehill, William Bruce.StudentECU
Poly(ethylene Oxide)/ß-lactoglobulin Electrospun Nanofibers: Chemical Crossliking Assessment...2023Vargas, Daniel E.StudentECU
Polymorphism of the MHC class II DAB locus in swordtails Xiphophorus multilineatus and Xipho...2023Capraro, Gerald A.StudentECU
Polytobacco use and multiple-product smoking among a random community sample of African-Amer...2013Landrine, Hope StudentECU
Polytobacco use and multiple-product smoking among a random community sample of African-Amer...2013Corral, Irma StudentECU
Polytobacco use and multiple-product smoking among a random community sample of African-Amer...2013Bess, Jukelia JStudentECU
Polytobacco use and multiple-product smoking among a random community sample of African-Amer...2013Simms, Denise AdamsStudentECU
Polytobacco use and multiple-product smoking among a random community sample of African-Amer...2013Corral, Irma,Landrine,Hope,Simms,Denise Adams,Bess,Jukelia JStudentECU
Pond Life : A Landscape of Sustainability for the Table2023Stasevich, Catherine StudentECU
"Pop-up" Your Data! Kinesthetic learner in an E-Resources World?2012Leonard, Andrea FacultyUniversity Libraries, ASU
Popular dynamics of the internal parasites of Lepomis Gibbosus (Linnaeus) (Centrarchidae) fr...2023Kohlweiss, Lily Ann.StudentECU
Popular herb throughout the ages, dill packs flavor2023Hendrix, Khadijah StudentECU
Popular herb throughout the ages, dill packs flavor2023Kolasa, Kathryn MStudentECU
Popular Reading Collections in Public University Libraries: A Survey of Three Southeastern S...2009Sanders, Mark FacultyECU
Population demographics and critical habitat of American eel (Anguilla rostrata) in northwes...2023Cudney, Jennifer L.StudentECU
Population demographics and critical habitat of American eel (Anguilla rostrata) in northwes...2023Cudney, Jennifer L.StudentECU
Population demography and seed and seeding ecology of the Great Lakes endemic, Pitcher's thi...2023Hamze, Samara I.StudentECU
Population density and distribution of the estuarine clam Rangia cuneata in Croatan Sound, N...2023Crump, Roger Moser.StudentECU
Population Structure and Demography of Non-Indigenous Japanese Mystery Snails in Freshwater ...2023Blakeslee, April StudentECU
Population Structure and Demography of Non-Indigenous Japanese Mystery Snails in Freshwater ...2023Fowler, Amy E.StudentECU
Population Structure and Demography of Non-Indigenous Japanese Mystery Snails in Freshwater ...2023Loonam, Grace A.StudentECU
Population Structure Of River Herring In Albemarle Sound, North Carolina, Inferred From Geom...2023Rogers, Walter DouglasStudentECU
A population study of Tomocerus (Collembola) in a woodland area of Pitt County, North Caroli...2023Bunch, Lillian McRaeStudentECU
Population viability analysis and the effect of light availability and litter on Cirsium pit...2023Marik, Julie E.StudentECU
The Populus holobiont: dissecting the effects of plant niches and genotype on the microbiome...2018Cregger, M. A.,Veach,A. M.,Yang,Z. K.,Crouch,M. J.,Vilgalys,R.StudentECU
Porosity development and reservoir characterization of the Berea sandstone in southwestern W...2023Must, Erin L.StudentECU
Portions of the Differential Aptitude Test as a tool to predict student success in technical...2023Horton, James ArlenStudentECU
Portrait paintings and drawings of the human figure1978Davis, Walter K.StudentArt, UNCG
The portrait: an investigation of contrasting and comparable moods and attitudes in a variet...1977Rogers, Charles DonaldStudentArt, UNCG
Portraits1974Holton, Frank PettyStudentArt, UNCG
Portraits and figures in various media1967Huntley, Emily BalchinStudentArt, UNCG
Portraits and small figures1977Davis, Arcenia MartinStudentArt, UNCG
Portraits of Relentless Progressives: Equity Work in Complex Educational Organizations2023Yung, Mary MStudentECU
A portraiture of excellence in female educational leadership1989Wilson, Phyllis AnneStudentEducation, UNCG
Portre 42023Stiles, John FacultyMusic and Visual Arts, ECSU
The position of women in the administration of physical education units in selected four-yea...1975Marshall, Mary EleanorStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
Positive Assortative Mating and Spouses as Complementary Factors of Production: A Theory of ...2010Groothuis, Peter FacultyEconomics, ASU
Positive mRNA Translational Control in Germ Cells by Initiation Factor Selectivity2015Keiper, Brett D.StudentECU
Positive mRNA Translational Control in Germ Cells by Initiation Factor Selectivity2015Friday, Andrew J.StudentECU
Positive mRNA Translational Control in Germ Cells by Initiation Factor Selectivity2015Friday, Andrew J.,Keiper,Brett D.StudentECU
The positive self-evaluation of selected adolescents living in group care1974Bekanan, Punthip StudentHome Economics, UNCG
Possibilities and paradoxes of religious schools : case study of Seventh-Day Adventist schoo...1991Peterson, Thomas AllenStudentEducation, UNCG
A Possible Colonial Tavern Site in Brunswick, North Carolina2023Mulkey, Mackenzie GStudentECU
A Possible Dose–Response Association Between Distance to Farmers’ Markets and Roadside Produ...2023Wu, Qiang StudentECU
A Possible Dose–Response Association Between Distance to Farmers’ Markets and Roadside Produ...2023Whitt, Olivia R.StudentECU
A Possible Dose–Response Association Between Distance to Farmers’ Markets and Roadside Produ...2023Winterbauer, Nancy StudentECU
A possible dose–response association between distance to farmers’ markets and roadside produ...2023Jilcott Pitts, Stephanie BellStudentECU
A possible dose–response association between distance to farmers’ markets and roadside produ...2023Hinkley, Jedediah StudentECU
A possible dose–response association between distance to farmers’ markets and roadside produ...2023Wu, Qiang StudentECU
A possible dose–response association between distance to farmers’ markets and roadside produ...2023McGuirt, Jared T.StudentECU
A possible dose–response association between distance to farmers’ markets and roadside produ...2023Lyonnais, Mary JaneStudentECU
A possible dose–response association between distance to farmers’ markets and roadside produ...2023Rafferty, Ann P.StudentECU
A possible dose–response association between distance to farmers’ markets and roadside produ...2023Whitt, Olivia R.StudentECU
A possible dose–response association between distance to farmers’ markets and roadside produ...2023Winterbauer, Nancy L.StudentECU
A possible dose–response association between distance to farmers’ markets and roadside produ...2023Phillips, Lisa StudentECU
Possible Effects Of Climate Change On Induced Defenses In Tadpoles2023D'Alessandro, Alyssa StudentECU
Post treatment protector device2003Lalikos, Janice StudentECU
Post treatment protector device2003Staubes, Laura StudentECU
Post treatment protector device2003Grady, Shelia StudentECU
Post-coital oral administration of synthetic progestins and estrogens to the white rat2023Burden, Hubert W.StudentECU
Post-drought Growth Response of Western Juniper (Juniperus occidentalis var. occidentalis) ...2001Soule', Peter T. FacultyGeography and Planning, ASU
A Post-Marxist Look at Pre-Marxism." Review of Warren Breckman, Marx, the Young Hegelians, a...2002Stanovsky, Derek FacultyCultural, Gender, and Global Studies, ASU
Post-placement needs of adoptive mothers2023Cauley, Lisa W.StudentECU
Post-Sepsis Syndrome: A Case Study2023West, Summer LouiseStudentECU
Postcolonial Masculinities2007Stanovsky, Derek FacultyCultural, Gender, and Global Studies, ASU
Postcranial anatomy of Angistorhinus, a Late Triassic phytosaur from West Texas2002Heckert, Andrew B. FacultyGeology, ASU
Posterioization of Hoxaa cluster gene expression in Morone saxatilis2023Sharek, Lisa Marie.StudentECU
Posthum/an/ous: Identity, Imagination, and the Internet2010Altman, Eric StephenStudentEnglish - Student, ASU
Postlapsarian2016Wade, Savannah StudentLiterature, UNCA
Postmortem Archaeology: Reinterpreting Salvaged Sites using the CSS Neuse as a Case Study2023Hauck, Chelsea StudentECU
Postoperative Behavioral Variables and Weight Change 3 Years After Bariatric Surgery2023Pories, Walter J.StudentECU
Postpartum depression : epidemiology and theory1984Salinger, Margaret ChandlerStudentPsychology, UNCG
Postpartum Prolapsed Leiomyoma with Uterine Inversion Managed by Vaginal Hysterectomy2014DeVente, James E.StudentECU
Postpartum Prolapsed Leiomyoma with Uterine Inversion Managed by Vaginal Hysterectomy2014Hall, Tana StudentECU
Postpartum Prolapsed Leiomyoma with Uterine Inversion Managed by Vaginal Hysterectomy2014Pieh-Holder, Kelly L.StudentECU
Postpartum Prolapsed Leiomyoma with Uterine Inversion Managed by Vaginal Hysterectomy2014Bell, Heidi StudentECU
Postpartum spontaneous dissection of the first obtuse marginal branch of the left circumflex...2013Shahzad, Khurram,Cao,Long,Ain,Quara Tul,Waddy,Jennifer,Khan,Nawazish,Nekkanti,RajasekhStudentECU
Poststructuralism and the Epistemological Basis of Anarchism 1993Koch, Andrew MFacultyGovernment and Justice Studies, ASU
Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in Pediatric Patients with Implantable Cardioverter-Defibrilla...2023Sears, Samuel F.StudentECU
Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in Pediatric Patients with Implantable Cardioverter-Defibrilla...2023Schneider, Lauren M.StudentECU
Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Specific to the COVID-19 Pandemic: Risk and Protective Factors...2023Feiler, Tatum IStudentECU
Potassium Deficiency Significantly Affected Plant Growth and Development as Well as microRNA...2023Zhang, Baohong StudentECU
The Potential Effect of Metabolic Alkalosis on Insulin Sensitivity in an Adolescent with New...2023Novotny, William E.StudentECU
The Potential Effect of Metabolic Alkalosis on Insulin Sensitivity in an Adolescent with New...2023Fiordalisi, Irma StudentECU
The Potential Effect of Metabolic Alkalosis on Insulin Sensitivity in an Adolescent with New...2023Keel, Cynthia P.StudentECU
The Potential Effect of Metabolic Alkalosis on Insulin Sensitivity in an Adolescent with New...2023Harris, Glenn D.StudentECU
Potential Factors of Online Victimization of Youth: An Examination of Adolescent Online Beha...2010Marcum, Cathy FacultyGovernment and Justice Studies, ASU
Potential interference of HTLV-1 HBZ protein with the DNA damage response pathway2011Lemasson, Isabelle StudentECU
Potential interference of HTLV-1 HBZ protein with the DNA damage response pathway2011Wurm, Torsten StudentECU
Potential Mechanisms and Functions of Intermittent Neural Synchronization2017Ahn, Sungwoo,Rubchinsky,Leonid L.StudentECU
The potential role of magnetic resonance spectroscopy in image-guided radiotherapy2014Nguyen, Mai Lin,Willows,Brooke,Khan,Rihan,Chi,Alexander,Kim,LyStudentECU
Potential Symptoms of ADHD for Emerging Adults2009Canu, Will FacultyPsychology, ASU
Power and Place : A Case Study Approach to Rethinking Crisis Communication2010Dunn, Carolyn KusbitStudentECU
Power of Employee Empowerment2009Rehkopf, Ed FacultyHospitality and Tourism Administration, NCCU
The Power of Group Dynamics in Musical Ensembles2015Kunze, Carys StudentMusic - Student, ASU
Power of the Peer and Parent: Gender Differences, Norms, and Nonmedical Prescription Opioid ...2023Egan, Kathleen L.StudentECU
The power of photography :measuring levels of gender and racial/ethnic representation in Nor...2023Heavner, Laura M.StudentECU
The Power of Story: Rhetorical Empathy and Antiracist Organizational Change2023Cameron, Brent MStudentECU
The Power of Story: Rhetorical Empathy and Antiracist Organizational Change2023Cameron, Brent MStudentECU
Power Output in the Jump Squat in Adolescent Male Athletes2011Triplett, N. Travis FacultyHealth and Exercise Science, ASU
Power, perception, and adaptation: Exploring gender and social-environmental risk perception...2023Bee, Beth A.StudentECU
“Powerful Tools for Caregivers”: Teaching Skills that Reduce Stress and Increase Self-Confid...2007Rosenberg, Ed FacultySociology, ASU
The Powers of North Carolina’s Second Executive: Discovering if the Lieutenant Governor Shou...2023Brinkley, Ethan CStudentECU
PP1 Forms an Active Complex with TLRR (lrrc67), a Putative PP1 Regulatory Subunit, during th...2011Sperry, Ann O.StudentECU
PP1 Forms an Active Complex with TLRR (lrrc67), a Putative PP1 Regulatory Subunit, during th...2011Wang, Rong StudentECU
PP1 forms an active complex with TLRR (lrrc67), a putative PP1 regulatory subunit, during th...2011Wang, Rong,Sperry,Ann OStudentECU
PPP1R42 is a positive regulator of PP1 in centrosome duplication and separation and cilia dy...2023DeVaul, Nicole StudentECU
Practical Advice Regarding the Reliability of the Patient Educational Materials Assessment T...2023Lee, Joseph G. L.StudentECU
Practical Advice Regarding the Reliability of the Patient Educational Materials Assessment T...2023Sesay, Mahdi StudentECU
Practical Advice Regarding the Reliability of the Patient Educational Materials Assessment T...2023Acevedo, Paula A.StudentECU
Practical Advice Regarding the Reliability of the Patient Educational Materials Assessment T...2023Chichester, Zachary A.StudentECU
Practical Advice Regarding the Reliability of the Patient Educational Materials Assessment T...2023Chaney, Beth H.StudentECU
Practice Change During a Pandemic2023Klemm, Dawn StudentECU
A Practice Change Project to Decrease Heart Failure Readmission Rates2023Johnson, Kayla StudentECU
Practice Characteristics and Job Satisfaction of Private Practice and Academic Surgeons2023Irish, William StudentECU
Practice Characteristics and Job Satisfaction of Private Practice and Academic Surgeons2023Tuttle-Newhall, J. E. “Betsy”StudentECU
Practice Characteristics and Job Satisfaction of Private Practice and Academic Surgeons2023Brownstein, Michelle R.StudentECU
Practice Characteristics and Job Satisfaction of Private Practice and Academic Surgeons2023Mahoney, Stephen T.StudentECU
Practice Characteristics and Job Satisfaction of Private Practice and Academic Surgeons2023Strassle, Paula D.StudentECU
Practice Characteristics and Job Satisfaction of Private Practice and Academic Surgeons2023Schroen, Anneke T.StudentECU
Practice Characteristics and Job Satisfaction of Private Practice and Academic Surgeons2023Freischlag, Julie A.StudentECU
Practices of premarital and marital counseling by clergymen in Greensboro, North Carolina1966Montgomery, Martha FulcherStudentHome Economics, UNCG
A Pragmatic Attempt to Undermine the Evil-God Challenge2023Roupe, Zachary ThomasStudentECU
The pragmatization of love : a study of the concepts of hierarchy, encounter, and epoche1989Hinson, Anna JaneStudentEducation, UNCG
A praxis for developing a model of shared governance in the secondary school1974Calkins, James EugeneStudentEducation, UNCG
Pre-adolescent peer status as a function of the compatibility of maternal and child temperam...1990Thompson-Pope, Susan KatherineStudentPsychology, UNCG
Pre-competitive and competitive cognition and affect in collegiate wrestlers1991Eklund, Robert C.StudentHealth and Human Performance, UNCG
Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) for College Students2023Jones, Kenneth StudentECU
Pre-Matriculation Characteristics And Health Risk Behaviors Among Freshmen In Two Civil And ...2023Carroll, Anne CorinneStudentECU
Pre-Service Teachers Perceptions and Practices of Multicultural Education: Multicultural Lit...2023Burke, Rachel StudentECU
Pre-service teachers’ perceptions and knowledge about students who stutter2023Hopson, Linda StudentCommunication Sciences and Disorders, WCU
Precipitation Trends in the Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna River Basin, South Asia: Inconsistency...2023Khatiwada, Muna StudentECU
Precipitation Trends in the Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna River Basin, South Asia: Inconsistency...2023Curtis, Scott StudentECU
Precision Medicine for Heart Failure: Lessons from Oncology2023McClung, Joseph StudentECU
Preclinical evaluation of the PI3K/Akt/mTOR pathway in animal models of multiple sclerosis2018Mammana, Santa,Bramanti,Placido,Mazzon,Emanuela,Cavalli,Eug Sofia,Fagone,Paolo,Petralia,Maria Cristina,McCubreStudentECU
Predator Out of Place: The Differential Impacts of Native and Non-native Crayfish on Bufo T...2010Connell, Patia StudentECU
Predicting HBZ Interaction with BATF3 Enhancer Regions Through ChIP-seq?2023Luke, Mikayla StudentECU
Predicting Misuse and Disuse of Combat Identification Systems2001Beck, Hall FacultyPsychology, ASU
Predicting Responses to Flash Flooding : A Case Study of Boulder, Colorado2023Mulder, Kelsey JillStudentECU
Predicting Sex and Age Using Swipe-Gesture Data from a Mobile Device2023Davis, Storm PierceStudentECU
Predicting social-skill proficiency in young children from adult ratings of children's instr...1989Garner, Barbara PolenStudentHuman Environmental Sciences, UNCG
Predicting Treatment Success : Assessing Theoretically-Driven Constructs that Impact the Man...2023DiNatale, Emily StudentECU
Prediction of Athletic Injury with a Functional Movement Screen2023Hall, Tyler R.StudentECU
Predictions for Cold Nuclear Matter Effects in p+Pb Collisions at vsNN = 8.16 TeV2023Lin, Zi-Wei StudentECU
Predictive variables and scholastic performance of adults on a college campus1974Eason, Dorothy JeanStudentEducation, UNCG
Predictors and Consequences of Food Neophobia and Pickiness in Young Girls2003Galloway, Amy FacultyPsychology, ASU
Predictors and consequences of maternal attributions among families with children at risk fo...1990Trivette, Carol M.StudentHuman Environmental Sciences, UNCG
Predictors of associational solidarity among older relocated adults and their adult children...1996Farmer, Deborah FrisbieStudentHuman Environmental Sciences, UNCG
Predictors of Entrepreneurial Success in Tunisia2016Hardy, Kelsey StudentECU
Predictors of high risk teenage pregnancies1988Bonar, Joy WalkerStudentHuman Environmental Sciences, UNCG
Predictors of Perceptions toward the Confederate Flag : The Impacts of Social Class and Sub-...2023Talbert, Ryan StudentECU
Predictors of reentry shock in American adolescents who have lived overseas1994Fuller, James O'LearyStudentEducation, UNCG
Predictors of Sexual Assault Risk Perception and Resistance Self-efficacy among Sexual Assau...2023Decker, Melissa StudentECU
Predictors of well-being and growth following exposure to interpersonal violence among emerg...2017Weierbach, Gabrielle StudentPsychology, WCU
Preface to the special issue "High-definition topographic and geophysical data in geoscience...2018Hayakawa, Yuichi S.,Wasklewicz,Thad A.,Obanawa,Hiroyuki,Kusumoto,ShStudentECU
Preface to the special issue “High-definition topographic and geophysical data in geoscience...2023Hayakawa, Yuichi S.StudentECU
Preface to the special issue “High-definition topographic and geophysical data in geoscience...2023Wasklewicz, Thad A.StudentECU
Preface to the special issue “High-definition topographic and geophysical data in geoscience...2023Obanawa, Hiroyuki StudentECU
Preface to the special issue “High-definition topographic and geophysical data in geoscience...2023Kusumoto, Shigekazu StudentECU
Preference and Detrimental Effects of High Fat, Sugar, and Salt Diet in Wild-Caught Drosophi...2023Murashov, Alexander K.StudentECU
Preference and Detrimental Effects of High Fat, Sugar, and Salt Diet in Wild-Caught Drosophi...2023Pak, Elena S.StudentECU
Preference and Detrimental Effects of High Fat, Sugar, and Salt Diet in Wild-Caught Drosophi...2023Chien-Te Lin, Chien-Te StudentECU
Preference and Detrimental Effects of High Fat, Sugar, and Salt Diet in Wild-Caught Drosophi...2023Boykov, Ilya N.StudentECU
Preference and Detrimental Effects of High Fat, Sugar, and Salt Diet in Wild-Caught Drosophi...2023Katherine A. Buddo, Katherine A.StudentECU
Preference and Detrimental Effects of High Fat, Sugar, and Salt Diet in Wild-Caught Drosophi...2023Jordan Mar, Jordan StudentECU
Preference and Detrimental Effects of High Fat, Sugar, and Salt Diet in Wild-Caught Drosophi...2023Krishna M. Bhat, Krishna M.StudentECU
Preference and Detrimental Effects of High Fat, Sugar, and Salt Diet in Wild-Caught Drosophi...2023Neufer, Peter DarrellStudentECU
Preference for furniture style as related to personality type and other selected variables1978Blackburn, Mary EllenStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Preference, identification, dependence and the decision to move1977Ginn, Helen L.StudentSociology, UNCG
Preferences of a group of college women for certain standard features of selected categories...1969Miller, Mary GauthierStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Preferential patterns and purposes of gross motor activity selection of adult college studen...1983Smith, Willie S.StudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
Preferred credentials of community college biology instructors based on input from administr...2023Pharr, Maria S.StudentECU
Preferred Self-Care Behaviors of Participants Who Have Completed a Caring Science Online Cou...2023McGinnis, Erin StudentECU
Pregaming: A Field-Based Investigation of Alcohol Quantities Consumed Prior to Visiting a Ba...2023Chaney, Beth H.StudentECU
Pregaming: A Field-Based Investigation of Alcohol Quantities Consumed Prior to Visiting a Ba...2023Martin, Ryan J.StudentECU
Pregaming: A Field-Based Investigation of Alcohol Quantities Consumed Prior to Visiting a Ba...2023Lee, Joseph G. L.StudentECU
Pregaming: A Field-Based Investigation of Alcohol Quantities Consumed Prior to Visiting a Ba...2023Cremeens-Matthews, Jennifer StudentECU
Pregaming: A Field-Based Investigation of Alcohol Quantities Consumed Prior to Visiting a Ba...2023Stellefson, Michael L.StudentECU
Prehistoric Ceramics from the Barber Creek Site (31PT259), Greenville, North Carolina2023Roberts, Joseph F.StudentECU
Preliminary Analysis of the Effect of Adolescent Anxiety on Student-Teacher Relationships Du...2016Faulkner, Samuel AStudentECU
Preliminary description of coelophysoids (Dinosauria:Theropoda) from the Upper Triassic (Rev...2000Heckert, Andrew B. FacultyGeology, ASU
Preliminary examination of proteins in extracts of sinus gland of the Blue Crab, Callinectes...2023Gurganus, Thomas M.StudentECU
A preliminary investigation of expectancy changes in locus of control among aged white women...1973Shea, Jannis B.StudentHome Economics, UNCG
A preliminary investigation of the Seaport, Table Bay, ad Shipwrecks of Cape Town , South Af...2023Harris, Lynn B.StudentECU
A Preliminary investigation of the Seaport, Table Bay, and shipwrecks in the vicinity of Cap...2023Harris, Lynn BStudentECU
A preliminary investigation of the seaport, Table Bay, and shipwrecks in the vicinity of Cap...2023Harris, Lynn B.StudentECU
Preliminary report on paleontology of the Abo Formation, McLeod Hills, Sierra County, New Me...1995Heckert, Andrew B. FacultyGeology, ASU
Preliminary Report on Phase II Testing: Grover's Creek Cove Site July 19972023Babits, Lawrence EdwardStudentECU
Preliminary Report on Phase II Testing: Grover's Creek Cove Site July 19972023Fach, Catherine StudentECU
Preliminary Report on Phase II Testing: Grover's Creek Cove Site July 19972023Harris, Ryan StudentECU
Preliminary steps to the establishment of functional language in non-communicating children1973Rebolone, Rafael AntonioStudentPsychology, UNCG
Preliminary stratigraphy of the Pungo River formation of the Atlantic continental shelf, Ons...2023Lewis, Don W.StudentECU
A Preliminary Study of Anatomical Changes Following the Use of a Pedicled Buccal Fat Pad Fla...2023Fang, Xiangming StudentECU
A Preliminary Study of Anatomical Changes Following the Use of a Pedicled Buccal Fat Pad Fla...2023Ellis, Charles StudentECU
A Preliminary Study of Anatomical Changes Following the Use of a Pedicled Buccal Fat Pad Fla...2023Perry, Jamie L.StudentECU
A preliminary study of selected themes in the Amadis1975Douglas, Lee VernonStudentRomance Languages-Spanish, UNCG
A preliminary survey of benthic macroinvertebrates in Croatan Sound, North Carolina, during ...2023Wright, Stephen LeeStudentECU
A preliminary validation study of the Basic Assumption Inventory1974Rowland, Bobbie HaynesStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Prelongitudinal screening of hypothesized developmental sequences for the tennis serve and t...1987Messick, Jo Ann StudentHealth, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, UNCG
Prelude or requiem for the ‘Mozart effect’?1999Steele, Kenneth M.FacultyPsychology, ASU
Prenatal auditory experience with melodies : effects on postnatal auditory preferences in hu...1985Panneton, Robin KayStudentPsychology, UNCG
Prenatal Smoking Cessation and Infant Health: Evidence from Sibling Births2013Yan, Ji FacultyEconomics, ASU
Prenatal yoga practice in late pregnancy and patterning of change in optimism, power, and we...2023Reis, Pamela J.StudentECU
Preoperative Factors and Three Year Weight Change in the Longitudinal Assessment of Bariatri...2023Pories, Walter J.StudentECU
Preparation and characterization of flax, hemp and sisal fiber-derived mesoporous activated ...2018Dizbay-Onat, Melike,Vaidya,Uday K,Balanay,Jo Anne G,Lungu,Claudiu TStudentECU
Preparing Faculty to Incorporate Health Systems Science into the Clinical Learning Environme...2023Lazorick, Suzanne StudentECU
Preparing Faculty to Incorporate Health Systems Science into the Clinical Learning Environme...2023Lawson, Luan StudentECU
Preparing Faculty to Incorporate Health Systems Science into the Clinical Learning Environme...2023Higginson, Jason StudentECU
Preparing Faculty to Incorporate Health Systems Science into the Clinical Learning Environme...2023Garris, Jenna StudentECU
Preparing Faculty to Incorporate Health Systems Science into the Clinical Learning Environme...2023Baxley, Elizabeth G.StudentECU
Preparing Faculty to Incorporate Health Systems Science into the Clinical Learning Environme...2023Teherani, Arianne StudentECU
Preparing Faculty to Incorporate Health Systems Science into the Clinical Learning Environme...2023Dekhtyar, Michael StudentECU
Preparing a new generation of church musicians : a Delphi study of evangelical church-based ...2022Grassi, Daniel J.StudentSchool of Music, UNCG
Preparing vocational teachers to effectively serve special needs students : an inservice edu...1990Parker, Debra OwensStudentHuman Environmental Sciences, UNCG
Preprocessing Techniques’ Effect On Overfitting for VGG16 Fast-RCNN Pistol Detection2023Wu, Rui StudentECU
Preprocessing Techniques’ Effect On Overfitting for VGG16 Fast-RCNN Pistol Detection2023Li, Jiahao StudentECU
Preprocessing Techniques’ Effect On Overfitting for VGG16 Fast-RCNN Pistol Detection2023Ablan, Charles StudentECU
Preprocessing Techniques’ Effect On Overfitting for VGG16 Fast-RCNN Pistol Detection2023Guan, Shanyue StudentECU
Preprocessing Techniques’ Effect On Overfitting for VGG16 Fast-RCNN Pistol Detection2023Yao, Jason StudentECU
The preschool child and television1955Rea, Betsy Gertrude ElizabethStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Preschool training for deaf and hard of hearing children in Guilford County, North Carolina1969Jackson, Sara CatherineStudentDrama and Speech, UNCG
Prescribed exercise to Reduce Recidivism After Weight Loss-Pilot (PREVAIL-P): Design, Method...2023Swift, Damon L.StudentECU
Prescribed exercise to Reduce Recidivism After Weight Loss-Pilot (PREVAIL-P): Design, Method...2023McGee, Joshua E.StudentECU
Prescribed exercise to Reduce Recidivism After Weight Loss-Pilot (PREVAIL-P): Design, Method...2023Huff, Anna C.StudentECU
Prescribed exercise to Reduce Recidivism After Weight Loss-Pilot (PREVAIL-P): Design, Method...2023Clunan, Marie C.StudentECU
Prescribed exercise to Reduce Recidivism After Weight Loss-Pilot (PREVAIL-P): Design, Method...2023Gniewek, Nicole R.StudentECU
Prescribed exercise to Reduce Recidivism After Weight Loss-Pilot (PREVAIL-P): Design, Method...2023Brown, Taylor T.StudentECU
Prescribed exercise to Reduce Recidivism After Weight Loss-Pilot (PREVAIL-P): Design, Method...2023Osborne, Briceida G.StudentECU
Prescribed exercise to Reduce Recidivism After Weight Loss-Pilot (PREVAIL-P): Design, Method...2023Bucher, Colleen StudentECU
Prescribed exercise to Reduce Recidivism After Weight Loss-Pilot (PREVAIL-P): Design, Method...2023Tanner, Charles J.StudentECU
Prescribed exercise to Reduce Recidivism After Weight Loss-Pilot (PREVAIL-P): Design, Method...2023Barefoot, Savanna G.StudentECU
Prescribed exercise to Reduce Recidivism After Weight Loss-Pilot (PREVAIL-P): Design, Method...2023Brophy, Patricia StudentECU
Prescribed exercise to Reduce Recidivism After Weight Loss-Pilot (PREVAIL-P): Design, Method...2023Clark, Angela StudentECU
Prescribed exercise to Reduce Recidivism After Weight Loss-Pilot (PREVAIL-P): Design, Method...2023Dubis, Gabriel S.StudentECU
Prescribed exercise to Reduce Recidivism After Weight Loss-Pilot (PREVAIL-P): Design, Method...2023Martin, Corby K.StudentECU
Prescribed exercise to Reduce Recidivism After Weight Loss-Pilot (PREVAIL-P): Design, Method...2023Beyl, Robbie A.StudentECU
Prescribed exercise to Reduce Recidivism After Weight Loss-Pilot (PREVAIL-P): Design, Method...2023Houmard, Joseph A.StudentECU
Prescribed exercise to Reduce Recidivism After Weight Loss-Pilot (PREVAIL-P): Design, Method...2023Carels, Robert A.StudentECU
Prescribed exercise to Reduce Recidivism After Weight Loss-Pilot (PREVAIL-P): Design, Method...2023Pories, Walter StudentECU
Prescribed exercise to Reduce Recidivism After Weight Loss-Pilot (PREVAIL-P): Design, Method...2023Matarese, Laura E.StudentECU
Presence Pedagogy: Teaching and Learning in a 3D Virtual Immersive World2008Sanders, Robert L. FacultyLeadership and Educational Studies, ASU
Preservice elementary teachers' performance on tasks involving building, interpreting, and u...1993Bowman, Anita HillStudentEducation, UNCG
Preservice teachers' reflections on professional education : a synthetic rendition1988Mueller, Marilyn Ruth KimballStudentEducation, UNCG
Presidents' and trustee chairmen's perceptions of trustee selection and tenure in the North ...1985Taylor, Michael RayStudentEducation, UNCG
Press coverage of the personal appearance of presidents' wives, Truman to Johnson, (1945-196...1972Gair, Judith DavisStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Pressure-Mediated Reflection Spectroscopy Criterion Validity as a Biomarker of Fruit and Veg...2023Jilcott Pitts, Stephanie B.StudentECU
Pressure-Mediated Reflection Spectroscopy Criterion Validity as a Biomarker of Fruit and Veg...2023Johnson, Nevin StudentECU
Pressure-Mediated Reflection Spectroscopy Criterion Validity as a Biomarker of Fruit and Veg...2023, et alStudentECU
The Prevalence of Vaping and Vaping Addiction Among a Sample of College Students2023Swinson, Kathryn AStudentECU
Prevalence, Determinants, and Clinical Significance of Masked Hypertension in a Population-B...2023Whited, Matthew C.StudentECU
Prevalent nursing approaches to acute urinary retention : a comparison of rapid and gradual ...2023Krusa, Kay SchwagmeyerStudentECU
Preventing Falls in Older Adults: A SAFE Approach2023Patterson, Karen StudentECU
Preventing Surgical Fires During High Risk Surgeries: A CRNA Quality Improvement Project2023Guzman, Genesis StudentECU
Prevention and Early Detection of ICU Delirium2023Hardison, Casey StudentECU
Prevention of Tick Exposure in Environmental Health Specialists Working in the Piedmont Regi...2023Richards, Stephanie L.StudentECU
Prevention of Tick Exposure in Environmental Health Specialists Working in the Piedmont Regi...2023Balanay, Jo AnneStudentECU
Prevention of Tick Exposure in Environmental Health Specialists Working in the Piedmont Regi...2023Richards, Stephanie L.StudentECU
Prey Responses to Predator Chemical Cues: Disentangling the Importance of the Number and Bio...2012McCoy, Michael W,Touchon,Justin C,Landberg,Tobias,Warkentin,KarenStudentECU
The Price of Bondage: Slavery, Slave Valuation, and Economics in the Albemarle2023Parks, Jacob StudentECU
The Price of Empire: Britain’s Military Costs During the Seven Years’ War2010Land, Jeremy StudentHistory - Student, ASU
Primary Aging: Thermoregulatory Sweating & Skin Blood Flow2015Sullivan, Chasity N.StudentHealth and Exercise Science - Student, ASU
Primary Bilateral Adrenal Lymphoma Masquerading as a Metastatic Melanoma: An Unusual Present...2023Stalls, J. StephenStudentECU
Primary Bilateral Adrenal Lymphoma Masquerading as a Metastatic Melanoma: An Unusual Present...2023Mohamed, Anas StudentECU
Primary Bilateral Adrenal Lymphoma Masquerading as a Metastatic Melanoma: An Unusual Present...2023Hassan, Masood StudentECU
Primary Bilateral Adrenal Lymphoma Masquerading as a Metastatic Melanoma: An Unusual Present...2023Geisinger, Kim StudentECU
Primary Bilateral Adrenal Lymphoma Masquerading as a Metastatic Melanoma: An Unusual Present...2023Kanungo, Anuradha StudentECU
Primary Bilateral Adrenal Lymphoma Masquerading as a Metastatic Melanoma: An Unusual Present...2023Vora, Moiz StudentECU
Primary Bilateral Adrenal Lymphoma Masquerading as a Metastatic Melanoma: An Unusual Present...2023Patel, Anokhi StudentECU
Primary Bilateral Adrenal Lymphoma Masquerading as a Metastatic Melanoma: An Unusual Present...2023Weil, Andrew StudentECU
Primary function of the elementary supervisor in North Carolina schools1947Hunter, Mary AlfordStudentEducation, UNCG
Primary Malignant Melanoma of the Gastric Antrum: A Case Report2023Younes, Ahmed I.StudentECU
Primary Malignant Melanoma of the Gastric Antrum: A Case Report2023Mohamed, Anas StudentECU
Primary Malignant Melanoma of the Gastric Antrum: A Case Report2023Rizvi, Areeba H.StudentECU
Primary Malignant Melanoma of the Gastric Antrum: A Case Report2023Prenshaw, Karyn StudentECU
Primary objects2013Seefeldt, John EdwardStudentArt and Design, WCU
Primary production of distichlis spicata and spartina patens and effects of increased inunda...2023Roberts, Steve,W. StudentECU
Primary productivity and biomass distribution of aquatic macrophytes in the lower Chowan Riv...2023Blanton, Lacy R.StudentECU
Primary skeletal muscle cell cultures : endurance trained vs. sedentary humans2023Berggren, Jason R.StudentECU
Primary Stroke Center’s Standardized Process for Implementation of Evidence Based Patient an...2023Canady, Brittany StudentECU
Primeval Germany: Nazism through beast, blood, and soil in the 19th and 20th centuries2023Allen, Ryon StudentHistory, WCU
Prince Rupert :a controversial general in the English Civil War, 1642-16452023Lawson, Dean F.StudentECU
The principal as evaluator : an application of the curriculum evaluation model of Elliot W. ...1988Hotaling, Elaine S.StudentEducation, UNCG
Principal leadership in the junior high school setting1985Frazier, George WillieStudentEducation, UNCG
The principal's role in establishing developmental readiness programs1987Glascock, Cynthia JaneStudentEducation, UNCG
Principles of cooperative work experience applicable to clerical education1943Shaffer, Delight MacLaronStudentBusiness Education, UNCG
Print Journals: Off Site? Out of Site? Out of Mind?2003Abbott, John FacultyUniversity Libraries, ASU
A Printmaker’s Field Guide: A Chronicle of Artistic Succession Through Printmaking2023Berman, Adam NoahStudentECU
Prior Daily Menthol Smokers More Likely to Quit 2 Years After a Menthol Ban Than Non-menthol...2023Soule, Eric StudentECU
Prior Daily Menthol Smokers More Likely to Quit 2 Years After a Menthol Ban Than Non-menthol...2023Chaiton, Michael StudentECU
Prior Daily Menthol Smokers More Likely to Quit 2 Years After a Menthol Ban Than Non-menthol...2023Schwart, Robert StudentECU
Prior Daily Menthol Smokers More Likely to Quit 2 Years After a Menthol Ban Than Non-menthol...2023Cohen, Joanna E.StudentECU
Prior Daily Menthol Smokers More Likely to Quit 2 Years After a Menthol Ban Than Non-menthol...2023Zhang, Bo StudentECU
Prior Daily Menthol Smokers More Likely to Quit 2 Years After a Menthol Ban Than Non-menthol...2023Eissenberg, Thomas StudentECU
Priority effects of overwintered Rana tadpoles on larval Southern toad (Bufo terrestris Bonn...2010Hernandez, Jason P.StudentECU
"Prism"1976McLeod, Jane ElizabethStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
Prismatic vision : a phenomenological exploration of creativity1992Hotz, Helen NitaStudentEducation, UNCG
The prison of the self : images of entrapment, retreat, and release in the novels of Robert ...1986Houck, Donna HavnaerStudentEnglish, UNCG
Privacy in American interiors1967Crawford, Elizabeth McAshanStudentHome Economics, UNCG
The private war of General Sherman1970Franzoni, Janet BrennerStudentHistory and Political Science, UNCG
Privateers and letters of marque in North Carolina during the American Revolution2023Frye, Barry E.StudentECU
pro model2023Stiles, John FacultyMusic and Visual Arts, ECSU
Probing and perceiving second graders' affective responses to movement experiences1980Carlson, Judith BrendaStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
Probing the interior : style and gender in the fiction of Reynolds Price1994Jones, Gloria GodfreyStudentEnglish, UNCG
Probiotics and its effects on Irritable Bowel Syndrome2019Barber, Chelsea StudentNutrition and Dietetics, WCU
Probiotics and its effects on Irritable Bowel Syndrome2019Gossett, MiChaela StudentNutrition and Dietetics, WCU
Probiotics and its effects on Irritable Bowel Syndrome2019Lippard, Brianna StudentNutrition and Dietetics, WCU
Problem Alcohol Use Among Rural Head and Neck Cancer Patients at Diagnosis: Associations wit...2023Christensen, Alan J.StudentECU
Problem Alcohol Use Among Rural Head and Neck Cancer Patients at Diagnosis: Associations wit...2023Howren, M. BryantStudentECU
Problem Alcohol Use Among Rural Head and Neck Cancer Patients at Diagnosis: Associations wit...2023Adamowicz, Jenna L.StudentECU
Problem Alcohol Use Among Rural Head and Neck Cancer Patients at Diagnosis: Associations wit...2023Seaman, Aaron StudentECU
Problem Alcohol Use Among Rural Head and Neck Cancer Patients at Diagnosis: Associations wit...2023Wardyn, Shylo StudentECU
Problem Alcohol Use Among Rural Head and Neck Cancer Patients at Diagnosis: Associations wit...2023Pagedar, Nitin A.StudentECU
The Problem of Ideology in Biblical Studies2011Reed, Randall FacultyPhilosophy and Religion, ASU
The problem of maintaining compliance within stable coalitions: experimental evidence2011McEvoy, Dave FacultyEconomics, ASU
Problems encountered in developing a partnership between a pharmaceutical corporation and a ...2023Hackett, Jacqueline E.StudentECU
Problems for a Complete Naturalism1994Schilbrack, Kevin FacultyPhilosophy and Religion, ASU
Problems in landscape painting1978Link, Henry E.StudentArt, UNCG
Procedural justice in dispute resolution : effects of interrelatedness, trust and penalty on...1989Wang, Maureen AimeiStudentPsychology, UNCG
Procedure for selection of participants in high school home economics programs with occupati...1967Wise, Barbara AnnStudentHome Economics, UNCG
A procedure for systematically describing teacher-student verbal and nonverbal interaction i...1974Lunt, Joanne MargaretStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
The Process behind “Adventures in Wandermere: The Sanguine Tales”2023Savage, Eric FacultyEsther G. Maynor Honors College, UNCP
A process evaluation of the use of a training protocol integrating biofeedback and neurofeed...2023Fragedakis, Tami MaesStudentECU
Process Evaluation: Executive Summary and Final Report. NC Methamphetamine Initiative/ASU ...2008Ashcraft, Kellie B.FacultySocial Work, ASU
Process Evaluation: Executive Summary and Final Report. NC Methamphetamine Initiative/ASU ...2008Reed-Ashcraft, Kellie B. FacultySocial Work, ASU
Process Evaluation: Executive Summary and Final Report. NC Methamphetamine Initiative/ASU ...2008Thorp, Heather FacultySocial Work, ASU
Process Evaluation: Executive Summary and Final Report. NC Methamphetamine Initiative/ASU ...2008Renkert, Lauren FacultySocial Work, ASU
A Process for Utilizing Disposable Face Masks in Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) Pavement Construction...2023Rahat, Md. Hasibul HasanStudentECU
A Process for Utilizing Disposable Face Masks in Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) Pavement Construction...2023Rahat, Md. Hasibul HasanStudentECU
A process model for curriculum theorizing1978Mamola, Claire ZebroskiStudentEducation, UNCG
The process of change and the development of alternative teacher evaluation models in four s...1993Egelson, Pauline EricsonStudentEducation, UNCG
THE PROCESS OF PROMOTION2023Puthuparampil, Joyel StephenStudentECU
The Process of Promotion2023Bolick, Hannah StudentECU
The Process of Promotion2023McLean, April BrookeStudentECU
Process of Promotion2023Bolick, Hannah StudentECU
Process Thought and Bridge Building: A Response to Stephen K. White2011Schilbrack, Kevin FacultyPhilosophy and Religion, ASU
Processing of bistranded abasic DNA clusters in ?-irradiated human hematopoietic cells2023Georgakilas, Alexandros G.StudentECU
Processing of bistranded abasic DNA clusters in ?-irradiated human hematopoietic cells2023Bennett, Paula V.StudentECU
Processing of bistranded abasic DNA clusters in ?-irradiated human hematopoietic cells2023Wilson III, David M.StudentECU
Processing of bistranded abasic DNA clusters in ?-irradiated human hematopoietic cells2023Sutherland, Betsy M.StudentECU
Processing of bistranded abasic DNA clusters in γ-irradiated human hematopoietic cells2011Wilson, III David M.StudentECU
Processing of bistranded abasic DNA clusters in γ-irradiated human hematopoietic cells2011Sutherland, Betsy M.StudentECU
Processing of bistranded abasic DNA clusters in γ-irradiated human hematopoietic cells2011Bennett, Paula V.StudentECU
Processing of bistranded abasic DNA clusters in γ-irradiated human hematopoietic cells2011Georgakilas, Alexandros G.StudentECU
A production analysis of Arthur Miller's The price1976Bell, Louis P.StudentDrama and Speech, UNCG
A production analysis of Charlotte Chorpenning's Rumpelstiltskin1978Metz, Susan AleneStudentDrama and Speech, UNCG
A production analysis of Frederick Knott's Wait until dark1977Tauger, Paul StudentDrama and Speech, UNCG
A production analysis of Frederick Knott's Wait until dark1978Tauger, Paul StudentDrama and Speech, UNCG
A production analysis of Noel Coward's Hay fever1976Grapes, David StudentDrama and Speech, UNCG
Production And Characterization Of Elastic Iron (II) Tris-Bipyridine Cross-Linked PDMS Netwo...2016Pawlik, Jacob StudentChemistry - Student, ASU
Production and Composition of Pyrogenic Dissolved Organic Matter From a Logical Series of La...2018Bostick, Kyle W.,Zimmerman,Andrew R.,Wozniak,Andrew S.,Mitra,SidStudentECU
A production of A. A. Milne's Winnie-The-Pooh1975McGee, Carole AnnStudentDrama and Speech, UNCG
A production of Alejandro Casona's La dama del Alba1973Reynolds, Isabell DoyleStudentDrama and Speech, UNCG
A production of And Miss Reardon drinks a little1975Fisher, Albert JamesStudentDrama and Speech, UNCG
A production of Aristophanes' Lysistrata1970Martin, Charles A.StudentDrama and Speech, UNCG
Production of The Balcony by Jean Genet1977Buxton, Sarah WallaceStudentDrama and Speech, UNCG
A production of The ballad of the sad cafe1970Dannenberg, William JohnStudentDrama and Speech, UNCG
A production of Dale Wasserman's Man of La Mancha1973Johnson, Doris DryeStudentDrama and Speech, UNCG
A production of Eugene O'Neill's Long day's journey into night1972Beasley, Blair EdwardStudentDrama and Speech, UNCG
A production of Guys and dolls based on short stories and characters by Damon Runyon1977Mishoe, Emmalee ElizabethStudentDrama and Speech, UNCG
The Production of Health and the Valuation of Medical Inputs in Wage-Amenity Models2000Whitehead, John FacultyEconomics, ASU
A production of Jason Miller's That championship season1974Spaugh, Dan EdwardStudentDrama and Speech, UNCG
A production of Jean-Baptiste Molier`e's The doctor in spite of himself1972Alpaugh, Roberta L.StudentDrama and Speech, UNCG
A production of Madge Miller's The land of the dragon1976Heard, Doreen BrownStudentDrama and Speech, UNCG
A production of Mart Crowley's The boys in the band1973Lytton, John StudentDrama and Speech, UNCG
A production of Paul Baker's Hamlet ESP1977Fowlkes, H. LeeStudentDrama and Speech, UNCG
The production of a play for children : A song is a blue fish1970Gilbreath, Pat KellyStudentDrama and Speech, UNCG
A production of Samuel Beckett's Waiting for Godot1972Van Blarcom, Bruce StudentDrama and Speech, UNCG
A production of The school for wives by Moliere, adapted by Miles Malleson1976Thompson, Colin StudentDrama and Speech, UNCG
A production of William Hanley's Slow dance on the killing ground1978Jones, Betty JeanStudentDrama and Speech, UNCG
A production of William Inge's Picnic1971Allison, Nelson BergenStudentDrama and Speech, UNCG
Production thesis : Ernest in love1969Forman, Sandra HopperStudentDrama and Speech, UNCG
Production thesis : A funny thing happened on the way to the forum by Burt Shevelove, Larry ...1968Elliott, Paul CherryStudentDrama and Speech, UNCG
Production thesis : the ghost sonata1972Linder, Roberta PennStudentDrama and Speech, UNCG
Professional development for part-time community college insurance instructors1988Moulton, Sandra DavisStudentEducation, UNCG
Professional Development Readings in Leadership and Management 12021Rehkopf, Ed FacultyHospitality and Tourism Administration, NCCU
Professional Development Readings in Leadership and Management 32010Rehkopf, Ed FacultyHospitality and Tourism Administration, NCCU
Professional Development Readings in Leadership and Management 42021Rehkopf, Ed FacultyHospitality and Tourism Administration, NCCU
Professional Development: Readings in Leadership and Management 22021Rehkopf, Ed FacultyHospitality and Tourism Administration, NCCU
Professional Development: Readings in Leadership and Management 52021Rehkopf, Ed FacultyHospitality and Tourism Administration, NCCU
Professional judgments of neglect in child self-care (latchkey) arrangements : a field exper...1985Otten, Mary StudentHome Economics, UNCG
Professional Leadership in Local Government1993DeHoog, Ruth H.FacultyPolitical Science, UNCG
Professional preparation activities for the student athletic trainer in a collegiate athleti...1992Watson, Mary AllenStudentHealth and Human Performance, UNCG
A professional profile of the associate superintendent of schools in North Carolina in 1976-...1978Rains, Clarice EnsleyStudentEducation, UNCG
Professional women's catalog use and its relationships with their clothing involvement and l...1991Kim, Youn-Kyung StudentHuman Environmental Sciences, UNCG
The professionalism disconnect: Do entering residents identify yet participate in unprofessi...2014Nagler, Alisa,Andolsek,Kathryn,Rudd,Mariah,Sloane,Richard, StudentECU
The professionalism disconnect: do entering residents identify yet participate in unprofessi...2014Nagler, Alisa StudentECU
The professionalism disconnect: do entering residents identify yet participate in unprofessi...2014Andolsek, Kathryn StudentECU
The professionalism disconnect: do entering residents identify yet participate in unprofessi...2014Basnight, Lorraine StudentECU
The professionalism disconnect: do entering residents identify yet participate in unprofessi...2014Musick, David StudentECU
The professionalism disconnect: do entering residents identify yet participate in unprofessi...2014Sloane, Richard StudentECU
The professionalism disconnect: do entering residents identify yet participate in unprofessi...2014Rudd, Mariah StudentECU
Professionally and personally inviting teacher practices as related to affective course outc...1985Amos, Lundee WilliamsStudentEducation, UNCG
A profile analysis and study of the perceptions North Carolina elementary public school prin...1986Leonard, Barbara Ann BennettStudentEducation, UNCG
A profile analysis of women employed as elementary school principals in North Carolina1984Horine, Mary EllenStudentEducation, UNCG
A profile analysis of women in central office positions in North Carolina public schools1979Stiller, Elaine SellsStudentEducation, UNCG
A profile analysis of women in central office positions in North Carolina public schools (19...1990Lackey-Laumann, Josiane ThereseStudentEducation, UNCG
A profile of black administrators in the local education administrative units of the North C...1980Sibert, James EdwardStudentEducation, UNCG
A profile of male mid-life concerns1983Weller, Elaine K.StudentHome Economics, UNCG
Profile of North Carolina K-12 hearing-impaired students and their parents/caregivers1991Whitener, Betty ChesterStudentEducation, UNCG
Profiles in excellence : leadership styles of female principals in high schools of excellenc...1991Harris, Patricia B.StudentEducation, UNCG
A profitable, but risky business : slave hiring in colonial and antebellum eastern North Car...2023Perry, Darlene M.StudentECU
Progesterone response of females participating in a progressive running program1986Sykes, Jean CraneStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Progestin and Nuclear Progestin Receptor Are Essential for Upregulation of Metalloproteinase...2018Liu, Dong Teng,Carter,Nichole J.,Wu,Xin Jun,Hong,Wan Shu,CheStudentECU
Prognostic factor from MR spectroscopy in rat with astrocytic tumour during radiation therap...2015Yu, T G,Feng,Y,Dai,J Z,Qian,H J,Huang,ZStudentECU
A program evaluation of existing and proposed American Heart Association nutrition education...1993Kinley, Marie MeredithStudentHuman Environmental Sciences, UNCG
A Program for Nurse Managers: How to Improve Nurse Wellbeing2023King, Ashley StudentECU
A program of extensive research in current methods and problems and future trends in an orie...1948Coleman, Frances PageStudentPhysical Education/Health and Human Performance, UNCG
Programmed instruction : theory and application1964Renegar, Julia CarolStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Programming in Chemistry: Solving Simple and Complex Equations on TI-83/842023Branch, Lindsay FacultyEsther G. Maynor Honors College, UNCP
Programming in Chemistry: Solving Simple and Complex Equations on TI-83/842023Abumoshen, Dina FacultyEsther G. Maynor Honors College, UNCP
Programs of study in student development in higher education : job relevancy of the CACREP a...1991Phelps, Susan QuickStudentEducation, UNCG
A PROGRESSION OF PERSPECTIVE2020Mrakovcich, Dominic StudentECU
The Progression of Women in Legislation: From Property to People2015Fox, Hanna StudentGovernment and Justice Studies - Student , ASU
A progressive intellect : Charlotte Perkins Gilman on woman suffrage2023Anishanslin, Zara MieuxStudentECU
Progressive Politics, the McMillan Plan, and the Expression of an American Identity2023Dodd, Virginia StudentECU
Prohibitin-1 Is a Dynamically Regulated Blood Protein with Cardioprotective Effects in Sepsi...2023Mattox, Taylor A.StudentECU
Prohibitin-1 Is a Dynamically Regulated Blood Protein with Cardioprotective Effects in Sepsi...2023Psaltis, Christine StudentECU
Prohibitin-1 Is a Dynamically Regulated Blood Protein with Cardioprotective Effects in Sepsi...2023Robidoux, Jacques StudentECU
Prohibitin-1 Is a Dynamically Regulated Blood Protein with Cardioprotective Effects in Sepsi...2023Kilburg-Basnyat, Brita StudentECU
Prohibitin-1 Is a Dynamically Regulated Blood Protein with Cardioprotective Effects in Sepsi...2023Gowdy, Kymberly M.StudentECU
Prohibitin-1 Is a Dynamically Regulated Blood Protein with Cardioprotective Effects in Sepsi...2023Weihbrecht, Katie StudentECU
Prohibitin-1 Is a Dynamically Regulated Blood Protein with Cardioprotective Effects in Sepsi...2023Murphy, Michael P.StudentECU
Prohibitin-1 Is a Dynamically Regulated Blood Protein with Cardioprotective Effects in Sepsi...2023Anderson, Ethan StudentECU
Prohibitin: A novel regulator of inflammatory cell dynamics2023Psaltis, Christine EStudentECU
Project MENTOR+ : Mentor-led exercise with cognitive-behavioral therapy to improve perceived...2023Carraway, Marissa StudentECU
Projected Estimates of African American Medical Graduates of Closed Historically Black Medic...2023Tumin, Dmitry StudentECU
Prolactin and Dehydroepiandrosterone Levels in Women with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus: The ...2023Treadwell, Edward L.StudentECU
Prolactin and Dehydroepiandrosterone Levels in Women with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus: The ...2023Wiley, Kenneth StudentECU
Prolactin and Dehydroepiandrosterone Levels in Women with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus: The ...2023Word, Beverly StudentECU
Prolactin and Dehydroepiandrosterone Levels in Women with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus: The ...2023Melchior, William StudentECU
Prolactin and Dehydroepiandrosterone Levels in Women with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus: The ...2023Tolleson, William H.StudentECU
Prolactin and Dehydroepiandrosterone Levels in Women with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus: The ...2023Gopee, Neera StudentECU
Prolactin and Dehydroepiandrosterone Levels in Women with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus: The ...2023Hammons, George StudentECU
Prolactin and Dehydroepiandrosterone Levels in Women with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus: The ...2023Lyn-Cook, Beverly D.StudentECU
Prolactin and Dehydroepiandrosterone Levels in Women with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus: The ...2015Treadwell, Edward L.,Wiley,Kenneth,Word,Beverly,Melchior,William,TolStudentECU
Prolactin and Dehydroepiandrosterone Levels in Women with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus: The ...2015Wiley, Kenneth StudentECU
Prolactin and Dehydroepiandrosterone Levels in Women with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus: The ...2015Word, Beverly StudentECU
Prolactin and Dehydroepiandrosterone Levels in Women with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus: The ...2015Melchior, William StudentECU
Prolactin and Dehydroepiandrosterone Levels in Women with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus: The ...2015Treadwell, Edward L.StudentECU
Prolactin and Dehydroepiandrosterone Levels in Women with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus: The ...2015Tolleson, William H.StudentECU
Prolactin and Dehydroepiandrosterone Levels in Women with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus: The ...2015Gopee, Neera StudentECU
Prolactin and Dehydroepiandrosterone Levels in Women with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus: The ...2015Hammons, George StudentECU
Prolactin and Dehydroepiandrosterone Levels in Women with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus: The ...2015Lyn-Cook, Beverly D.StudentECU
Prolactin and Dehydroepiandrosterone Levels in Women with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus: The ...2015Wiley, Kenneth StudentECU
Prolactin and Dehydroepiandrosterone Levels in Women with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus: The ...2015Word, Beverly StudentECU
Prolactin and Dehydroepiandrosterone Levels in Women with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus: The ...2015Melchior, William StudentECU
Prolactin and Dehydroepiandrosterone Levels in Women with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus: The ...2015Hammons, George StudentECU
Prolactin and Dehydroepiandrosterone Levels in Women with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus: The ...2015Lyn-Cook, Beverly D.StudentECU
Prolactin and Dehydroepiandrosterone Levels in Women with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus: The ...2015Gopee, Neera StudentECU
Prolactin and Dehydroepiandrosterone Levels in Women with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus: The ...2015Treadwell, Edward L.StudentECU
Prolactin and Dehydroepiandrosterone Levels in Women with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus: The ...2015Tolleson, William H.StudentECU
Proliferating CD8+ T Cell Infiltrates Are Associated with Improved Survival in Glioblastoma2023Mauldin, Ileana S.StudentECU
Proliferating CD8+ T Cell Infiltrates Are Associated with Improved Survival in Glioblastoma2023Jo, Jasmin StudentECU
Proliferating CD8+ T Cell Infiltrates Are Associated with Improved Survival in Glioblastoma2023Wages, Nolan A.StudentECU
Proliferating CD8+ T Cell Infiltrates Are Associated with Improved Survival in Glioblastoma2023Yogendran, Lalanthica V.StudentECU
Proliferating CD8+ T Cell Infiltrates Are Associated with Improved Survival in Glioblastoma2023Mahmutovic, Adela StudentECU
Proliferating CD8+ T Cell Infiltrates Are Associated with Improved Survival in Glioblastoma2023Young, Samuel J.StudentECU
Proliferating CD8+ T Cell Infiltrates Are Associated with Improved Survival in Glioblastoma2023Lopes, Maria BeatrizStudentECU
Proliferating CD8+ T Cell Infiltrates Are Associated with Improved Survival in Glioblastoma2023Craig L. Slingluff, Craig L. Jr.StudentECU
Proliferating CD8+ T Cell Infiltrates Are Associated with Improved Survival in Glioblastoma2023Erickson, Loren D.StudentECU
Proliferating CD8+ T Cell Infiltrates Are Associated with Improved Survival in Glioblastoma2023Fadul, Camilo E.StudentECU
The prologue to the old French Vie de St. Alexis : a linguistic study with considerations of...1971Bullington, Rachel McGillStudentRomance Languages-French, UNCG
Prolonged administration of Diethylstilbestrol (des) and subsequent fecundity2023Glosson, George E.StudentECU
Prolonging the Shelf Life of Homemade Gelatin Ultrasound Phantoms2023Harryman, Claire F.StudentECU
Prolonging the Shelf Life of Homemade Gelatin Ultrasound Phantoms2023Re, Anthony T.StudentECU
Prolonging the Shelf Life of Homemade Gelatin Ultrasound Phantoms2023Rathbun, Kimberly M.StudentECU
Promising insights into the health related quality of life for children with severe obesity2013Selewski, David T,Collier,David N,MacHardy,Jackie,Gross,Heather E,StudentECU
Promising Practices in African American Rural Education College Transitions and Postsecondar...2023Crumb, Loni StudentECU
Promising Practices in African American Rural Education College Transitions and Postsecondar...2023Chambers, Crystal R.StudentECU
Promising Results from a Residential Rehabilitation Intervention Focused on Fatigue and the ...2023Kim, Young JooStudentECU
Promising Results from a Residential Rehabilitation Intervention Focused on Fatigue and the ...2023Joshi, Vicky L.StudentECU
Promising Results from a Residential Rehabilitation Intervention Focused on Fatigue and the ...2023, et alStudentECU
Promoting ecological consciousness in the classroom : a search for spiritual union1994Thomas, Richard ByronStudentEducation, UNCG
Promoting healthy relationships and families: An exploratory study of the perceptions of res...2019Murray, Christine E.FacultyCenter for Youth, Family, & Community Partnerships, UNCG
Promoting Immunization and Oral Health Literacy Among Parents2023Tupes, Danielle StudentECU
Promoting physical activity in the United States : challenge to physical education1985Brooks, Christine MaryStudentHealth, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, UNCG
Promoting positive change in at-risk students utilizing and adapting the FOCUS model in drop...1987Casebolt, Hampton DurantStudentEducation, UNCG
Promoting Web-based Education on Healthcare careers2023Lockhart, Elizabeth StudentECU
Promoting Wellness using Motivational Interviewing in Pediatric Obesity2023Clopp, Rebecca StudentECU
The promotion of angiogenesis by a calcineurin regulated pathway2023Davanzo, Michael J.StudentECU
Promotion of creative dramatics in elementary education in North Carolina in school systems ...1975Denmark, William CraddockStudentEducation, UNCG
Promotions on Newport and Marlboro Cigarette Packages: A National Study2023Lee, Joseph G. L.StudentECU
PROPHETIC EU: Prospective Identification of Pneumonia in Hospitalized Patients in the Intens...2023Kabchi, Badih A.StudentECU
PROPHETIC EU: Prospective Identification of Pneumonia in Hospitalized Patients in the Intens...2023, et alStudentECU
Prophetic teaching : a struggle to create spiritual community in the classroom1993Levine, Jerry AlanStudentEducation, UNCG
Proportion as it relates to interior design1967Sloan, Ann ElizabethStudentHome Economics, UNCG
A proposal for the publication of the correspondence between Elizabeth I of England and Ivan...1972Harned, Mary Lou K.StudentHistory, UNCG
A Proposed Change to Astronaut Exposures Limits is a Giant Leap Backwards for Radiation Prot...2023Schimmerling, Walter StudentECU
A Proposed Change to Astronaut Exposures Limits is a Giant Leap Backwards for Radiation Prot...2023Cucinotta, Francis A.StudentECU
A Proposed Change to Astronaut Exposures Limits is a Giant Leap Backwards for Radiation Prot...2023Blakely, Eleanor A.StudentECU
A Proposed Change to Astronaut Exposures Limits is a Giant Leap Backwards for Radiation Prot...2023Hei, Tom K.StudentECU
A proposed framework for individualizing staff development programs in the North Carolina Co...1988Taylor, Susan R.StudentEducation, UNCG
Proposed regulatory role of noncatalytic Adams in ectodomain shedding2023Hoggard, Jason AndrewStudentECU
A Proposed Set of Metrics to Reduce Patient Safety Risk From Within the Anatomic Pathology L...2017Banks, Peter,Brown,Richard,Laslowski,Alex,Daniels,Yvonne, StudentECU
Proposing a Transactional Model of eHealth Literacy: Concept Analysis2018Paige, Samantha R.,Stellefson,Michael,Krieger,Janice L,Anderson-LeStudentECU
PROPRIETARIES, PRIVATEERS, AND PIRATES: America’s Forgotten Golden Age2023Brooks, Baylus C.StudentECU
The prose-poetry of James Agee : Samuel Barber's response1989Dressler, Jane K.StudentMusic, UNCG
Proserpinaca: Photoperiodic and Chemical Differentiation of Leaf Development and Flowering1967Davis, Graham J.FacultyECU
A Prospective Longitudinal Study of Health-Related Quality of Life and Psychological Wellbei...2023Sears, Samuel F.StudentECU
A Prospective Longitudinal Study of Health-Related Quality of Life and Psychological Wellbei...2023van den Heuvel, Lieke M.StudentECU
Prospective Study Examining Clinical Outcomes Associated with a Negative Pressure Wound Ther...2013Miles, William S.StudentECU
Prospective Study Examining Clinical Outcomes Associated with a Negative Pressure Wound Ther...2013Rotondo, Michael F.StudentECU
Prospective Study Examining Clinical Outcomes Associated with a Negative Pressure Wound Ther...2013Sarani, Babak StudentECU
Prospective Study Examining Clinical Outcomes Associated with a Negative Pressure Wound Ther...2013Bochicchio, Grant StudentECU
Prospective Study Examining Clinical Outcomes Associated with a Negative Pressure Wound Ther...2013Holcomb, John B.StudentECU
Prospective Study Examining Clinical Outcomes Associated with a Negative Pressure Wound Ther...2013Schreiber, Martin A.StudentECU
Prospective Study Examining Clinical Outcomes Associated with a Negative Pressure Wound Ther...2013Kaplan, Mark J.StudentECU
Prospective Study Examining Clinical Outcomes Associated with a Negative Pressure Wound Ther...2013Fabian, Timothy C.StudentECU
Prospective Study Examining Clinical Outcomes Associated with a Negative Pressure Wound Ther...2013Demetriades, Demetrios StudentECU
Prospective Study Examining Clinical Outcomes Associated with a Negative Pressure Wound Ther...2013Cheatham, Michael L.StudentECU
Prospective Study Examining Clinical Outcomes Associated with a Negative Pressure Wound Ther...2013Schreiber, Martin A.StudentECU
Prospective Study Examining Clinical Outcomes Associated with a Negative Pressure Wound Ther...2013Sarani, Babak StudentECU
Prospective Study Examining Clinical Outcomes Associated with a Negative Pressure Wound Ther...2013Bochicchio, Grant StudentECU
Prospective Study Examining Clinical Outcomes Associated with a Negative Pressure Wound Ther...2013Holcomb, John B.StudentECU
Prospective Study Examining Clinical Outcomes Associated with a Negative Pressure Wound Ther...2013Rotondo, Michael F.StudentECU
Prospective Study Examining Clinical Outcomes Associated with a Negative Pressure Wound Ther...2013Miles, William S.StudentECU
Prospective Study Examining Clinical Outcomes Associated with a Negative Pressure Wound Ther...2013Kaplan, Mark J.StudentECU
Prospective Study Examining Clinical Outcomes Associated with a Negative Pressure Wound Ther...2013Fabian, Timothy C.StudentECU
Prospective Study Examining Clinical Outcomes Associated with a Negative Pressure Wound Ther...2013Demetriades, Demetrios StudentECU
Prospective Study Examining Clinical Outcomes Associated with a Negative Pressure Wound Ther...2013Cheatham, Michael L.StudentECU
Prospective study examining clinical outcomes associated with a negative pressure wound ther...2013Cheatham, Michael L.,Demetriades,Demetrios,Fabian,Timothy C.,Kaplan,StudentECU
Prospective Study of Recovery from Copperhead Snake Envenomation: An Observational Study2023Toschlog, Eric StudentECU
Prospects and Challenges in Post-apartheid South Africa: Toward the Next Millennium1999Udogu, E. Ike FacultyGovernment and Justice Studies, ASU
Prospects for the study of evolution in the deep biosphere2012Biddle, Jennifer F,Sylvan,Jason B,Brazelton,William J.,Tully,BenjamStudentECU
protaTETHER - A Method for the Incorporation of Variable Linkers in Protein Fusions Reveals ...2018Norris, Jessica L.,Hughes,Robert M.StudentECU
protaTETHER – a method for the incorporation of variable linkers in protein fusions reveals ...2023Norris, Jessica L.StudentECU
protaTETHER – a method for the incorporation of variable linkers in protein fusions reveals ...2023Hughes, Robert M.StudentECU
Protecting Yourself from Targeted Ransomware2023Alston, Marcus StudentECU
Protection and sensitization of normal and tumor cells to proton radiation by cerium oxide n...2015Shinpaugh, J L,Swartz,B,Putnam-Evans,C,Das,S,Seal,SStudentECU
Protein Expression of the gp78 E3 Ligase Predicts Poor Breast Cancer Outcome Based on Race2023Vohra, Nasreen StudentECU
Protein Expression of the gp78 E3 Ligase Predicts Poor Breast Cancer Outcome Based on Race2023inghal, Sandeep K. SStudentECU
Protein kinase C [epsilon] promotes the survival of human prostate cancer cells2023McJilton, Meagan. StudentECU
Protein patterns from lens of blueback herring (Alosa aestivalis) from eastern North Carolin...2023Leete, Jerome B.StudentECU
Protein-zinc interrelationship in young rats1973Grainger, Frances PoweStudentHome Economics, UNCG
The proteome of extracellular vesicles released by clastic cells differs based on their subs...2019Rody, Wellington J. Jr.,Chamberlain,Casey A.,Emory-Carter,Alyssa K.StudentECU
Proteome Quantification of Cotton Xylem Sap Suggests the Mechanisms of Potassium Deficiency-...2023Zhang, Baohong StudentECU
Proteome quantification of cotton xylem sap suggests the mechanisms of potassium-deficiency-...2016Bu, Jingjing StudentECU
Proteome quantification of cotton xylem sap suggests the mechanisms of potassium-deficiency-...2016Wang, Sufang StudentECU
Proteome quantification of cotton xylem sap suggests the mechanisms of potassium-deficiency-...2016Chao, Maoni StudentECU
Proteome quantification of cotton xylem sap suggests the mechanisms of potassium-deficiency-...2016Zhang, Zhiyong StudentECU
Proteome quantification of cotton xylem sap suggests the mechanisms of potassium-deficiency-...2016Wang, Qinglian StudentECU
Proteome quantification of cotton xylem sap suggests the mechanisms of potassium-deficiency-...2016Li, Fei StudentECU
Proteome quantification of cotton xylem sap suggests the mechanisms of potassium-deficiency-...2016Tang, Juxiang StudentECU
Proteome quantification of cotton xylem sap suggests the mechanisms of potassium-deficiency-...2016Zhang, Baohong StudentECU
Proteome quantification of cotton xylem sap suggests the mechanisms of potassiumdeficiency-i...2016Zhang, Zhiyong,Chao,Maoni,Wang,Sufang,Bu,Jingjing,Tang,Ju StudentECU
The Proton-Sensing GPR4 Receptor Regulates Paracellular Gap Formation and Permeability of Va...2020Krewson, Elizabeth A.,Sanderlin,Edward J.,Marie,Mona A.,Akhtar,ShayanStudentECU
Protonation of the isopropenylcyclopentadienyl anion : trapping of the isomer mixture with t...1971Hartless, Ray LawsonStudentChemistry, UNCG
Protoplast Dissociation and Transcriptome Analysis Provides Insights to Salt Stress Response...2023Zhang, Baohong StudentECU
Protoplast Dissociation and Transcriptome Analysis Provides Insights to Salt Stress Response...2023Liu, Qiankun StudentECU
Prototypes and diagnoses : effects of attribute centrality and attribute distinctiveness1987Boykin, Ronald AubreyStudentPsychology, UNCG
A Provider’s Guide to Weight Loss through Motivational Interviewing2023Boone, Angela StudentECU
Providing effective, high quality support for every ECU teacher candidate2023Morgan, Susan StudentECU
Providing effective, high quality support for every ECU teacher candidate2023Smith, Judy StudentECU
Providing effective, high quality support for every ECU teacher candidate2023Steadman, Sharilyn StudentECU
Provision of Personal Healthcare Services by Local Health Departments: 2008-20132023Luo, Huabin StudentECU
Proximal vs. Distal Fascicle Behavior within the Biceps Femoris Long Head at Different Muscl...2023Bennett, Hunter J.StudentECU
PsrA controls the synthesis of the Pseudomonas aeruginosa quinolone signal via repression of...2017Wells, Greg,Palethorpe,Samantha,Pesci,Everett C.StudentECU
Psychoactive Substance Use Disorders. [In S. F. Davis & W. Buskist (Eds.). 21st Century Psy...2008Michael, Kurt D.FacultyPsychology, ASU
Psychological and physiological changes associated with a period of increased training1993Caruso, Christina MarieStudentHealth and Human Performance, UNCG
Psychological anxiety of members of selected intercollegiate athletic teams1973Kaatz, Doris MarieStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
Psychological Benefits of Purchasing Home Meal Replacement in the Context of Eco-Friendly TV...2023Lee, JungHoon (Jay)StudentECU
Psychological Benefits of Purchasing Home Meal Replacement in the Context of Eco-Friendly TV...2023Kim, Heather MarkhamStudentECU
Psychological Responses and Behaviors During the Initial Stages of COVID-19 Among General US...2023Tripp, Connor StudentECU
Psychometric properties of the hand of polyester/cotton blend fabrics1988Wiczynski, Mary EllenStudentHuman Environmental Sciences, UNCG
Psychometric Properties of the Physical Activity, Nutrition, and Technology Survey2023Mirabelli, Karlie StudentECU
A psychooncology intervention for newly diagnosed cancer patients in a hospital outpatient c...1993Wells, Michael E.StudentEducation, UNCG
Psychopathology among adult survivors of in-person and online child sexual abuse2024Feiler, Tatum InezStudentPsychology, WCU
Psychophysical performance, contingent negative variations, visually evoked cortical potenti...1975Musso, Mario F.StudentPsychology, UNCG
Psychophysiological correlates of voluntary alpha control1975Sadler, Roberta RayStudentPsychology, UNCG
A Psychophysiological Mechanism Underlying Women’s Weight-Management Goals: Women Desire and...2015Baker, Levi R. FacultyPsychology, UNCG
Psychosocial Disparities between LGBTQ+ and non-LGBTQ+ Individuals2023Alexander, Jareyce FacultyEsther G. Maynor Honors College, UNCP
Psychosocial Factors Associated with Treatment Outcomes in Women with Obesity and Major Depr...2023Whited, Matthew C.StudentECU
The Psychosocial Implications of Being Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Military Personnel in a Po...2023Robinson-Thomas, Jeffrey FranklinStudentECU
A PTEN Inhibitor Displays Preclinical Activity Against Hepatocarcinoma Cells2023McCubrey, James A.StudentECU
PTEN status is a crucial determinant of the functional outcome of combined MEK and mTOR inhi...2017Milella, Michele,Falcone,Italia,Conciatori,Fabiana,Matteoni Luca,Teresa,Bazzichetto,Chiara,Corbo,Vincenzo,SimbStudentECU
PTSD and Opioid Use: Challenges Facing Veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan Wars2023Mundt, Laura ElizabethStudentECU
Public education as a situational right, privilege, and entitlement1988Adams, Franklin DelanoStudentEducation, UNCG
Public Finance Of Rotavirus Vaccination In India And Ethiopia: An Extended Cost-Effectivenes...2013Rheingans, Richard FacultySustainable Development, ASU
Public Funding of Professional Sports Stadiums: Public Choice or Civic Pride2004Groothuis, Peter FacultyEconomics, ASU
A Public Health Approach to Communicate Risks and Benefits of Vaccine-Preventable Diseases A...2023Phillips, Brooke StudentECU
Public school curriculum : legislative and judicial mandates1986Gray, Peggy ByersStudentEducation, UNCG
Publishing in Open Access Education Journals: The Authors’ Perspectives2023Coonin, Bryna StudentECU
PUF-8 and MPK-1: Genetic and Chemical Control of Spermatocyte Dedifferentiation in Caenorhab...2023Gaddy, Matthew A.StudentECU
The pullman series1971Svenson, Peter GrattanStudentArt, UNCG
Pulmonary Exposure to Magnéli Phase Titanium Suboxides Results in Significant Macrophage Abn...2023McDaniel, Dylan K.StudentECU
Pulmonary Exposure to Magnéli Phase Titanium Suboxides Results in Significant Macrophage Abn...2023Ringel-Scaia, Veronica M.StudentECU
Pulmonary Exposure to Magnéli Phase Titanium Suboxides Results in Significant Macrophage Abn...2023Morrison, Holly A.StudentECU
Pulmonary Exposure to Magnéli Phase Titanium Suboxides Results in Significant Macrophage Abn...2023Coutermarsh-Ott, Sheryl StudentECU
Pulmonary Exposure to Magnéli Phase Titanium Suboxides Results in Significant Macrophage Abn...2023Council-Troche, McAlister StudentECU
Pulmonary Exposure to Magnéli Phase Titanium Suboxides Results in Significant Macrophage Abn...2023Angle, Jonathan W.StudentECU
Pulmonary Exposure to Magnéli Phase Titanium Suboxides Results in Significant Macrophage Abn...2023Perry, Justin B.StudentECU
Pulmonary Exposure to Magnéli Phase Titanium Suboxides Results in Significant Macrophage Abn...2023Davis, Grace StudentECU
Pulmonary Exposure to Magnéli Phase Titanium Suboxides Results in Significant Macrophage Abn...2023Leng, Weinan StudentECU
Pulmonary Exposure to Magnéli Phase Titanium Suboxides Results in Significant Macrophage Abn...2023Minarchick, Valerie StudentECU
Pulmonary Exposure to Magnéli Phase Titanium Suboxides Results in Significant Macrophage Abn...2023Yang, Yi StudentECU
Pulmonary Exposure to Magnéli Phase Titanium Suboxides Results in Significant Macrophage Abn...2023Chen, Bo StudentECU
Pulmonary Exposure to Magnéli Phase Titanium Suboxides Results in Significant Macrophage Abn...2023Reece, Sky W.StudentECU
Pulmonary Exposure to Magnéli Phase Titanium Suboxides Results in Significant Macrophage Abn...2023Brown, David A.StudentECU
Pulmonary Exposure to Magnéli Phase Titanium Suboxides Results in Significant Macrophage Abn...2023Cecere, Thomas E.StudentECU
Pulmonary Exposure to Magnéli Phase Titanium Suboxides Results in Significant Macrophage Abn...2023Brown, Jared StudentECU
Pulmonary Exposure to Magnéli Phase Titanium Suboxides Results in Significant Macrophage Abn...2023Gowdy, Kymberly M.StudentECU
Pulmonary Exposure to Magnéli Phase Titanium Suboxides Results in Significant Macrophage Abn...2023Hochella, Michael F.StudentECU
Pulmonary Exposure to Magnéli Phase Titanium Suboxides Results in Significant Macrophage Abn...2023Allen, Irving C.StudentECU
Pulmonary Pathologies Following Inhalation of Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes at Occupational ...2023Phipps, Marshal Anthony,Jr.StudentECU
Pulse wave generator for cardiopulmonary bypass and extracorporealoxygenation apparatus2003McCotter, Craig J.StudentECU
Punk, art and education1990Harrison, Cherl TheresaStudentEducation, UNCG
Purdue University Inaugural Johnny Houston Lecture Series article2023Houston, Johnny FacultyMathematics and Computer Science, ECSU
A Purely Spaceborne Open Source Approach for Regional Bathymetry Mapping2023Lagomasino, David StudentECU
A Purely Spaceborne Open Source Approach for Regional Bathymetry Mapping2023Thomas, Nathan StudentECU
Purification and characterization of the nad-dependent 7 -hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase from ...2023Bennett, Michael Joseph.StudentECU
Purification and characterization of the nad-dependent 7 -hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase from ...2023Bennett, Michael Joseph.StudentECU
Purification and spectral characteristics of cytochrome C-551 in a phthalate metabolizing ba...2023Gunderson, Mark Charles.StudentECU
Purity, a fourteenth century penitential sermon1973Dye, Mary SueStudentEnglish, UNCG
Purple and red2023Stiles, John FacultyMusic and Visual Arts, ECSU
Push on the column! : a study of the Wide Awakes during the 1860 presidential election2023Barrow, Elizabeth C.StudentECU
Put not your trust in princes : Confederate diplomacy with Great Britain2023Brooks, Jonathan G.StudentECU
Put This in Your Pipe and Smoke it: An Evaluation of Tobacco Pipe Stem Dating Methods2010McMillan, Lauren StudentECU
Putrescine and PHAS-I expression2023Suess, Karin Andrea.StudentECU
Putting a Human Face on Harm: Reducing Patient Adverse Events through Story-telling2023Loftis, Jennifer StudentECU
Q-advanced models for tsunami and rogue waves2012Pravica, D. W.,Randriampiry,N.,Spurr,M. J.StudentECU
QR Coding Application Uptake by Individuals with Communication Challenges, Caregivers, and F...2023Lyons, Zara StudentECU
Quadriceps Muscle Volume Positively Contributes to ACL Volume2023Kulas, Anthony S.StudentECU
Quadriceps Muscle Volume Positively Contributes to ACL Volume2023Shultz, Sandra J.StudentECU
A qualitative analysis of the contraceptive behavior patterns of adolescent women1990Wilson, Patty J.StudentHuman Environmental Sciences, UNCG
A qualitative analysis of the phases of involuntary childlessness1985Coble, Jack R.StudentHome Economics, UNCG
Qualitative assessment of a Context of Consumption Framework to inform regulation of cigaret...2018Lee, Joseph G. L.,Averett,Paige E.,Blanchflower,Tiffany,GregorStudentECU
A qualitative description of family caregiver’s perceptions of dementia education and suppor...2023Harris, Rachel ReneeStudentECU
A Qualitative Examination of Accelerated Baccalaureate of Science in Nursing Students’ Lear...2023Kistler, Brooke StudentECU
Qualitative Perspectives of the North Carolina Healthy Food Small Retailer Program Among Cus...2023Haynes-Maslow, Lindsey StudentECU
Qualitative Perspectives of the North Carolina Healthy Food Small Retailer Program Among Cus...2023Jilcott-Pitts, Stephanie B.StudentECU
Qualitative Perspectives of the North Carolina Healthy Food Small Retailer Program Among Cus...2023Boys, Kathryn A.StudentECU
Qualitative Perspectives of the North Carolina Healthy Food Small Retailer Program Among Cus...2023McGuirt, Jared T.StudentECU
Qualitative Perspectives of the North Carolina Healthy Food Small Retailer Program Among Cus...2023Fleischhacker, Sheila StudentECU
Qualitative Perspectives of the North Carolina Healthy Food Small Retailer Program Among Cus...2023Ammerman, Alice S.StudentECU
Qualitative Perspectives of the North Carolina Healthy Food Small Retailer Program Among Cus...2023Johnson, Nevin StudentECU
Qualitative Perspectives of the North Carolina Healthy Food Small Retailer Program Among Cus...2023Kelley, Casey StudentECU
Qualitative Perspectives of the North Carolina Healthy Food Small Retailer Program Among Cus...2023Donadio, Victoria E.StudentECU
Qualitative Perspectives of the North Carolina Healthy Food Small Retailer Program Among Cus...2023Bell, Ronny A.StudentECU
Qualitative Perspectives of the North Carolina Healthy Food Small Retailer Program Among Cus...2023Laska, Melissa N.StudentECU
A qualitative study of patient's perceptions of learning needs two months postoperative coro...2023House, Margaretann B.StudentECU
A qualitative study of relationships between suggested guidelines and actual practices in co...1977Albert, J. RossStudentMusic, UNCG
A qualitative study of women's network social support and facility delivery in rural Ghana2018Cofie, Leslie E,Barrington,Clare,Sodzi-Tettey,Sodzi,Ennett,SusanStudentECU
A Qualitative Study on the Perceived Impact Online Asynchronous Professional Development has...2023Freeman, Ricky Lane,JrStudentECU
Quality and Service In Private Clubs: What Every Manager Needs to Know2021Rehkopf, Ed FacultyHospitality and Tourism Administration, NCCU
Quality education : the student view1995Joyce, Nancy FulmerStudentEducation, UNCG
Quality Improvement of Antibiotic Stewardship in the Treatment of Respiratory Infections2023Babashanian, Maggie StudentECU
A Quality Improvement Project: Implementation of a Standardized Handoff Report for Nurse Ane...2023Young, Jennifer StudentECU
Quality of life in school-age children with obesity, the experiences of school nurses, and m...2016Powell, Shannon BakerStudentECU
Quality of special education : legal parameters and philosophical differences1991Biles, Luanne StudentEducation, UNCG
Quam oblationem : the act of sacrifice in the poetry of Saint Robert Southwell1994O' Donnell, Mary StudentEnglish, UNCG
Quantification of characterization of biologically active components of Actaea racemosa L. (...2012Looney, Patrick MichaelStudentChemistry and Physics, WCU
Quantification of murine olfactory receptor 691 and 78 quaternary structure in hek293 cells ...2022Voet, Danielle NicoleStudentBiology, WCU
Quantifying Dissolved Lignin Phenols in the Albemarle–Pamlico Estuarine System and Coastal N...2023Ferris, Katie StudentECU
Quantifying Dissolved Lignin Phenols in the Albemarle–Pamlico Estuarine System and Coastal N...2023Ferris, Katie StudentECU
Quantifying the effectiveness of shoreline armoring removal on coastal biota of Puget Sound2018Lee, Timothy S.,Toft,Jason D.,Cordell,Jeffery R.,Dethier,Megan StudentECU
Quantifying Exchangeable Dissolved Organic Carbon (EDOC) in Hurricane Harvey (2017) and Hurr...2023Wheatley, Rachel MarieStudentECU
Quantifying Mangrove Canopy Regrowth and Recovery after Hurricane Irma with Large-Scale Repe...2023Xiong, Lin StudentECU
Quantifying Mangrove Canopy Regrowth and Recovery after Hurricane Irma with Large-Scale Repe...2023Lagomasino, David StudentECU
Quantifying Mangrove Canopy Regrowth and Recovery after Hurricane Irma with Large-Scale Repe...2023Charles, Sean P.StudentECU
Quantifying nearshore bathymetric change using an Unoccupied Surface Vehicle equipped with R...2023Knowles, Ryann StudentECU
Quantifying nearshore bathymetric change using an Unoccupied Surface Vehicle equipped with R...2023Knowles, Ryann StudentECU
Quantifying Orofacial Muscle Stiffness Using Damped Oscillation2010Clark, Heather FacultyPast Faculty Member, ASU
Quantifying Total Phosphorus and Heavy Metals in Residential Septage2023Iverson, Guy StudentECU
Quantifying Total Phosphorus and Heavy Metals in Residential Septage2023Humphrey, Charles P. Jr.StudentECU
Quantifying Total Phosphorus and Heavy Metals in Residential Septage2023Jernigan, Jordan StudentECU
Quantifying Total Phosphorus and Heavy Metals in Residential Septage2023Serozi, Brent StudentECU
Quantifying Total Phosphorus and Heavy Metals in Residential Septage2023Sanderford, Christa StudentECU
Quantifying Total Phosphorus and Heavy Metals in Residential Septage2023O’Driscoll, Michael StudentECU
Quantitative acoustic differentiation of cryptic species illustrated with King and Clapper r...2018Stiffler, Lydia L.,Schroeder,Katie M.,Anderson,James T.,McRae,SusaStudentECU
Quantitative analysis and comparison of 3D morphology between viable and apoptotic MCF-7 bre...2017Wen, Yuhua,Chen,Zhan,Lu,Jianfen,Ables,Elizabeth,Scemama V.,Lu,Jun Q.,Hu,Xin-HuaStudentECU
A quantitative and nondestructive method for determining the degradation of waterlogged arch...2023Bingham, Jessica StudentECU
Quantitative assessment of image motion blur in diffraction images of moving biological cell...2016Wang, He,Jin,Changrong,Feng,Yuanming,Qi,Dandan,Sa,Yu,Hu, StudentECU
Quantitative Characterization of Turbidity by Radiative Transfer Based Reflectance Imaging2023Hu, Xin-Hua StudentECU
Quantitative Characterization of Turbidity by Radiative Transfer Based Reflectance Imaging2023Lu, Jun QingStudentECU
Quantitative Characterization of Turbidity by Radiative Transfer Based Reflectance Imaging2023Tian, Peng StudentECU
Quantitative Characterization of Turbidity by Radiative Transfer Based Reflectance Imaging2023Chen, Cheng StudentECU
Quantitative Characterization of Turbidity by Radiative Transfer Based Reflectance Imaging2023Hong, Heng StudentECU
Quantitative Characterization of Turbidity by Radiative Transfer Based Reflectance Imaging2023Hu, Xin HuaStudentECU
Quantitative Immunohistochemistry to Measure Regional Expression of Nurr1 in the Brain and t...2023Kummari, Evangel StudentECU
Quantitative Immunohistochemistry to Measure Regional Expression of Nurr1 in the Brain and t...2023Guo-Ross, Shirley X.StudentECU
Quantitative Immunohistochemistry to Measure Regional Expression of Nurr1 in the Brain and t...2023Partington, Heath S.StudentECU
Quantitative Immunohistochemistry to Measure Regional Expression of Nurr1 in the Brain and t...2023Nutter, Jennifer MakenzieStudentECU
Quantitative Immunohistochemistry to Measure Regional Expression of Nurr1 in the Brain and t...2023Eells, Jeffrey B.StudentECU
Quantitative strain analysis of selected folds in the Western Blue Ridge Province, North Car...2023Kozel, Stephanie Lynn.StudentECU
A quantum mechanical Boltzmann equation for a polyatomic gas in magnetic and electric fields...1972Baker, William MebaneStudentPhysics, UNCG
Quaternary Evolution of North Core Sound Sound, North Carolina2023Dietsche, Andrew StudentECU
Quaternary lacustrine and fluvial history of the central Bolivian Altiplano as recorded in s...2023Rollins, Stephanie M.StudentECU
The quaternary lithostratigraphy, seismic stratigraphy, and geologic history of the Croatan ...2023Parham, Peter R.StudentECU
Quaternary paleoclimate variation as evidenced by paleosols :implications for anthropogenic ...2023Kulp, Thomas R.StudentECU
Queering the Writing Center: Shame, Attraction, and Gay Male Identity2023Rose, Rexford StudentECU
Quercetin’s Influence on Exercise Performance and Muscle Mitochondrial Biogenesis2010Triplett, N. Travis FacultyHealth and Exercise Science, ASU
A quest for personal meaning and wholeness through the movement experience : an alternative ...1986Marshall, Jacqueline CarolStudentPsychology, UNCG
The Quest for Sustainability in International Library Development: The Experience of the Rie...2013Cramer, Elizabeth FacultyUniversity Libraries, ASU
The Quest for Sustainability in International Library Development: The Experience of the Rie...2013Boyd, John FacultyUniversity Libraries, ASU
Questioning "Questioning" as a Sexual Identity and Label : An Interpretive Phenomenological ...2023Austen, Julie M.StudentECU
Quietus2023Hicks, Jimmy StudentECU
Quinone Formation via Ceric Ammonium Nitrate Oxidations of 2-Alkyl-1,4-dialkoxybenzenes2023Simmons, Alexander LinwoodStudentECU
The Quiz of Student Interest (QSI) "Combatting Early Isolation in First Year Students"2023Estorge, Benjamin JohnStudentECU
Race and evangelicalism: L. Nelson Bell and the fight for conservative Christianity, 1942-19...2020Bennett, Jonathan IsraelStudentHistory, WCU
Race and the Georgia court: Implications of the Georgia public trust and confidence survey f...2003Bradbury, Mark FacultyGovernment and Justice Studies, ASU
Race, class, and family success stories : a study of two magnet programs in a southern eleme...1996Deasy, Mary KayStudentEducation, UNCG
Race, insurance type, and stage of presentation among lung cancer patients2014Shiue, Kristin YStudentECU
Race, insurance type, and stage of presentation among lung cancer patients2014Rosenman, Julian GStudentECU
Race, insurance type, and stage of presentation among lung cancer patients2014Biswas, Tithi StudentECU
Race, insurance type, and stage of presentation among lung cancer patients2014O’Neal, Wesley TStudentECU
Race, insurance type, and stage of presentation among lung cancer patients2014Podder, Tarun StudentECU
Race, insurance type, and stage of presentation among lung cancer patients2014Efird, Jimmy TStudentECU
Race, insurance type, and stage of presentation among lung cancer patients2014Landrine, Hope StudentECU
Race-Specific Patterns of Treatment Intensification Among Hypertensive Patients Using Home B...2023Cummings, Doyle M.StudentECU
Racial and Gender Diversity Among Students and Faculty in EHAC-Accredited Environmental Heal...2023Balanay, Jo AnneStudentECU
Racial and Gender Diversity Among Students and Faculty in EHAC-Accredited Environmental Heal...2023Mitchell, Leslie DStudentECU
Racial and Gender Diversity Among Students and Faculty in EHAC-Accredited Environmental Heal...2023Richards, Stephanie LStudentECU
Racial and Gender Diversity Among Students and Faculty in EHAC-Accredited Environmental Heal...2023Balanay, Jo AnneStudentECU
Racial and Gender Diversity Among Students and Faculty in EHAC-Accredited Environmental Heal...2023Richards, Stephanie L.StudentECU
Racial and Gender Diversity Among Students and Faculty in EHAC-Accredited Environmental Heal...2023Mitchell, Leslie D.StudentECU
Racial and Gender Science Achievement Gaps in Secondary Education2003Bacharach, Verne FacultyPsychology, ASU
Racial awareness and racial identification among American Indian children as influenced by n...1977Wicker, Leslie ClevelandStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Racial Differences in Cardiorespiratory Fitness between Blacks and Whites: A Meta-Analysis2023Nevels, Tyara StudentECU
Racial Differences in the Limb Skeletal Muscle Transcriptional Programs of Patients with Cri...2023Terwilliger, Zoe S.StudentECU
Racial Differences in the Limb Skeletal Muscle Transcriptional Programs of Patients with Cri...2023Goldberg, Emma J.StudentECU
Racial Differences in the Limb Skeletal Muscle Transcriptional Programs of Patients with Cri...2023Schmidt, Cameron A.StudentECU
Racial Differences in the Limb Skeletal Muscle Transcriptional Programs of Patients with Cri...2023Karnekar, Reema StudentECU
Racial Differences in the Limb Skeletal Muscle Transcriptional Programs of Patients with Cri...2023Brophy, Patricia StudentECU
Racial Differences in the Limb Skeletal Muscle Transcriptional Programs of Patients with Cri...2023Green, Thomas D.StudentECU
Racial Differences in the Limb Skeletal Muscle Transcriptional Programs of Patients with Cri...2023Zeczycki, Tonya N.StudentECU
Racial Differences in the Limb Skeletal Muscle Transcriptional Programs of Patients with Cri...2023McClung, Joseph M.StudentECU
Racial Differences in the Limb Skeletal Muscle Transcriptional Programs of Patients with Cri...2023Ryan, Terence E.StudentECU
Racial Differences in the Limb Skeletal Muscle Transcriptional Programs of Patients with Cri...2023Yamaguchi, Dean J.StudentECU
Racial Differences in the Limb Skeletal Muscle Transcriptional Programs of Patients with Cri...2023Gabhann, Feilim MacStudentECU
Racial Differences in the Limb Skeletal Muscle Transcriptional Programs of Patients with Cri...2023Annex, Brian H.StudentECU
Racial disparities in healthcare provider advice to quit smoking2018Landrine, Hope,Corral,Irma,Campbell,Kendall M.StudentECU
Racial Disparities in Recurrence and Overall Survival in Patients With Locoregional Colorect...2023Snyder, Rebecca A.StudentECU
Racial Disparities in Recurrence and Overall Survival in Patients With Locoregional Colorect...2023Hu, Chung-Yuan StudentECU
Racial Disparities in Recurrence and Overall Survival in Patients With Locoregional Colorect...2023Zafar, Syed NabeelStudentECU
Racial Disparities in Recurrence and Overall Survival in Patients With Locoregional Colorect...2023Francescatti, Amanda StudentECU
Racial Disparities in Recurrence and Overall Survival in Patients With Locoregional Colorect...2023Chang, George J.StudentECU
Racial disparity and death sentences in Ohio2001Holcomb, Jeff FacultyGovernment and Justice Studies, ASU
Racial disparity and death sentences in Ohio2001Williams, Marian FacultyGovernment and Justice Studies, ASU
Racial Variations in Velopharyngeal and Craniometric Morphology in Children: An Imaging Stud...2023Perry, Jamie L.StudentECU
Racine, Les trage´dies grecques et le gou^t classique1969Schwaneger, Jeanne StudentRomance Languages-French, UNCG
Radiation isocenter measurement devices and methods and 3-D radiation isocenter visualizatio...2008Allison, Ron StudentECU
Radiation isocenter measurement devices and methods and 3-D radiation isocenter visualizatio...2008Jenkins, Todd StudentECU
Radiation isocenter measurement devices and methods and 3-D radiation isocenter visualizatio...2008Sibata, Claudio StudentECU
Radical goodness/radical evil : Martin Buber's philosophical anthropology in contemporary ti...1992Polinsky, Susan LecinStudentEducation, UNCG
The radical integration of science, religion, and poetry in the writings of Loren Eiseley an...1995Rogers, Betty RitzStudentEnglish, UNCG
The radioprotective effects of IL-1[alpha] on murine gastrointestinal tissue2023Smith, Elizabeth S.StudentECU
Raegan Matthews SHP Final2023Matthews, Raegan StudentECU
RAF induced vascular endothelial growth factor augments Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvi...2023Hamden, Khalief Edward.StudentECU
Raising Awareness and Lowering Rates of Sexual Assault on East Carolina University’s Campus ...2023Black, Kelsey E.StudentECU
Raising Awareness and Lowering Rates of Sexual Assault on East Carolina University’s Campus ...2023Yourkavitch, Abigail GraceStudentECU
Raising Awareness and Lowering Rates of Sexual Assault on East Carolina University’s Campus ...2023Jarvis, Carly AngelaStudentECU
Raising Awareness and Lowering Rates of Sexual Assault on East Carolina University’s Campus ...2023Lyttle, Elizabeth MStudentECU
Raising Awareness and Lowering Rates of Sexual Assault on East Carolina University’s Campus ...2023Stox, Logan CarolineStudentECU
Raising Awareness and Lowering Rates of Sexual Assault on East Carolina University’s Campus ...2023Baile, Maggie StudentECU
Raising Awareness and Lowering Rates of Sexual Assault on East Carolina University’s Campus ...2023Jarvis, Carly StudentECU
Raising Awareness and Lowering Rates of Sexual Assault on East Carolina University’s Campus ...2023Lyttle, Elizabeth StudentECU
Raising Awareness and Lowering Rates of Sexual Assault on East Carolina University’s Campus ...2023Stox, Logan StudentECU
Raising Awareness and Lowering Rates of Sexual Assault on East Carolina University’s Campus ...2023Black, Kelsey E.StudentECU
Raising Awareness and Lowering Rates of Sexual Assault on East Carolina University’s Campus ...2023Thorell, Katherine StudentECU
Raising Awareness and Lowering Rates of Sexual Assault on East Carolina University’s Campus ...2023Giles, Attie StudentECU
Raising Exceptional Children: Assessment of Stress and Coping in Adoptive Parents2023Smith, Biancas StudentECU
Raising the Legal Age of Tobacco Sales: Policy Support and Trust in Government, 2014–2015, U...2023Lee, Joseph G. L.StudentECU
Raman Characterizations of Red Blood Cells With β-Thalassemia Using Laser Tweezers Raman Sp...2018Jia, Wenguang,Chen,Ping,Chen,Wenqiang,Li,Yongqing StudentECU
Raman Characterizations of Red Blood Cells with ß-Thalassemia Using Laser Tweezers Raman Spe...2023Li, Yong-Qing StudentECU
Raman Characterizations of Red Blood Cells With ß-Thalassemia Using Laser Tweezers Raman Spe...2023Jia, Wenguang StudentECU
Raman Characterizations of Red Blood Cells With ß-Thalassemia Using Laser Tweezers Raman Spe...2023Chen, Ping StudentECU
Raman Characterizations of Red Blood Cells With ß-Thalassemia Using Laser Tweezers Raman Spe...2023Chen, Wenqiang StudentECU
Raman Characterizations of Red Blood Cells With ß-Thalassemia Using Laser Tweezers Raman Spe...2023Li, Yongqing StudentECU
Raman Spectroscopy Characterization of Emerald and Other Beryl Varieties Worldwide2020Gray, Daniel StudentECU
The ranch house gang : images versus the reality of growing up in 1950s United States2023Payne, Timothy J.StudentECU
Random mutagenesis of the extrinsic loops c and e of the CP43 protein of photosystem II2023Goldfarb, Nathan Eric.StudentECU
Randomized Trial Reveals that Physical Activity and Energy Expenditure are Associated with W...2023Houmard, Joseph A.StudentECU
Range expansion of a fouling species indirectly impacts local species interactions2017Speights, Cori J.,McCoy,Michael W.StudentECU
Rape Education Videos: Presenting Mean Women Instead of Dangerous Men1995McCaughey, Martha FacultySociology, ASU
A Rare Case of Synchronous Oncocytoma and Angiomyolipoma of the Kidney2023Younes, Ahmed I.StudentECU
A Rare Case of Synchronous Oncocytoma and Angiomyolipoma of the Kidney2023Jackson, Monica StudentECU
A Rare Case of Synchronous Oncocytoma and Angiomyolipoma of the Kidney2023Dal Zotto, Valeria L.StudentECU
Rare Genetic Disorders: Novel Treatment Strategies and Insights Into Human Biology2023Koch, Peter J.StudentECU
Rare Genetic Disorders: Novel Treatment Strategies and Insights Into Human Biology2023Koster, Maranke I.StudentECU
Ras/Raf/MEK/ERK and PI3K/PTEN/Akt/mTOR cascade inhibitors: How mutations can result in thera...2012McCubrey, James A.,Steelman,Linda S.,Chappell,William H.,Abrams,StStudentECU
Rat killing, Two prisoners and Molting : three short stories1973Ferguson, Wesley WilsonStudentEnglish, UNCG
Rate constancy : another look at response independence in concurrent schedules1972Guilkey, Marilyn StudentPsychology, UNCG
Rational Choice or Capricious Whim? Analyzing the Decision-Making behind Cuban Economic Ref...2007Scherlen, Renee FacultyGovernment and Justice Studies, ASU
Rational Drug Design, Synthesis, and in Vivo Biological Activity of New indolyl-Imidazolone ...2023Ishtikhar, Mohd StudentECU
Rational Drug Design, Synthesis, and in Vivo Biological Activity of New indolyl-Imidazolone ...2023Husain, Asif StudentECU
Rationality Around the Clock: Sleep and Time-of-Day Effects on Guessing Game Responses2010Dickinson, David L. FacultyEconomics, ASU
Rationality, Romanticism, and the Individual: Max Weber's `Modernism' and the Confrontation...1993Koch, Andrew MFacultyGovernment and Justice Studies, ASU
The rauisuchian archosaur Saurosuchus from the Upper Triassic Chinle Group, southwestern U.S...2002Heckert, Andrew B. FacultyGeology, ASU
Raw beef liver could mean trip to hospital2023Oakley, Caleb StudentECU
Raw beef liver could mean trip to hospital2023Kolasa, Kathryn M.StudentECU
Raymond R. Nicholson to Dan Tompkins2018Riopko, Yustin StudentEnglish, WCU
Re-analyses of "Algal" Genes Suggest a Complex Evolutionary History of Oomycetes2017Wang, Qia,Sun,Hang,Huang,Jinling StudentECU
Re-analyses of “Algal” Genes Suggest a Complex Evolutionary History of Oomycetes2023Wang, Qia StudentECU
Re-analyses of “Algal” Genes Suggest a Complex Evolutionary History of Oomycetes2023Sun, Hang StudentECU
Re-analyses of “Algal” Genes Suggest a Complex Evolutionary History of Oomycetes2023Huang, Jinling StudentECU
Re-Enchantment without Supernaturalism - A Process Philosophy of Religion2002Schilbrack, Kevin FacultyPhilosophy and Religion, ASU
Re-engagement among white retired urban and rural men1977Setz, Heidi MarthiaStudentSociology, UNCG
The re-evaluation of a clerical aptitude test1944Fowler, Evelyn StudentBusiness Education, UNCG
Re-evaluation of coastal cultural heritage resources : case study of North Carolina southea...2016Khakzad, Sorna StudentECU
A re-examination of hydrothermal alteration and Fe-Ti oxide relationships in the Skaergaard ...2023Cummings, Tiffany LynnStudentECU
A re-examination of the institutionalization of equalitarian marital role norms1976Neely, Becky GlassStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Re-investigation of enigmatic fish bones known as colobodontid/perleidid toothplates from th...2006Heckert, Andrew B. FacultyGeology, ASU
Reach out and Read: Expanding Child Immunization and Oral Health Literacy Using Quick Respon...2023Akuoko, Tabitha StudentECU
Reaching Latino Farmworkers with On-Site Screening for Diabetes and Hypertension2023Foster, Brianna StudentECU
Reactions from the American press toward the regime of Salvador Allende1974Heal, Charles FrederickStudentHistory, UNCG
Reactions of Korean women who adopted western-style dress in the acculturation period of 194...1988Park, Sunae StudentHuman Environmental Sciences, UNCG
Reactions to failure in preschool children from different ethnic and socio-economic backgrou...1966Rizwana, Khudaija StudentHome Economics, UNCG
Reading comprehension : an evaluation of phonics, whole language and transitional approaches...2023Uzzell, Martha ErwinStudentECU
Reading Hume s Dialogues: A Veneration For True Religion2005Schilbrack, Kevin FacultyPhilosophy and Religion, ASU
Reading while listening : adult literacy students1987Wisner, Marion FrommeltStudentEducation, UNCG
Readmission and mortality in malnourished, older, hospitalized adults treated with a special...2016Deutz, Nicolaas E.,Matheson,Eric M.,Matarese,Laura E.,Luo,Menghua,StudentECU
Reaffirming Beauty - A Step Toward Sustainability2011Lubarsky, Sandra FacultySustainable Development, ASU
Real Activities Manipulation and Firm Valuation2023Ngo, Thanh StudentECU
Real Activities Manipulation by Bidders Prior to Mergers and Acquisitions2023Hu, Xin-Hua StudentECU
The Real Death Penalty: Capital Punishment According to the Experts2009Robinson, Matthew B. FacultyGovernment and Justice Studies, ASU
Real Earnings Management Activities Prior to Bond Issuance2023Ngo, Thanh StudentECU
Real earnings management activities prior to bondissuance2017Mellado-Cid, Cristhian,Jory,Surendranath R.,Ngo,ThanhStudentECU
Real meat grown in the lab could be on the table soon2023Firnhaber, Julia StudentECU
Real meat grown in the lab could be on the table soon2023Kolasa, Kathryn MStudentECU
Real Time Accounting - A Compelling Best Practice for Club Profitability2021Rehkopf, Ed FacultyHospitality and Tourism Administration, NCCU
Real-Time Prediction of Science Student Learning Outcomes Using Machine Learning Classificat...2023Lamb, Richard StudentECU
Real-Time Prediction of Science Student Learning Outcomes Using Machine Learning Classificat...2023Knut Neumann, Knut StudentECU
Real-Time Prediction of Science Student Learning Outcomes Using Machine Learning Classificat...2023Linder, Kayleigh A.StudentECU
Real-World Performance of Blood-Based Proteomic Profiling in First-Line Immunotherapy Treatm...2023Walker, Paul R.StudentECU
Real-World Performance of Blood-Based Proteomic Profiling in First-Line Immunotherapy Treatm...2023Rich, Patricia StudentECU
Real-World Performance of Blood-Based Proteomic Profiling in First-Line Immunotherapy Treatm...2023Mitchell, R. BrianStudentECU
Real-World Performance of Blood-Based Proteomic Profiling in First-Line Immunotherapy Treatm...2023Schaefer, Eric StudentECU
Real-World Performance of Blood-Based Proteomic Profiling in First-Line Immunotherapy Treatm...2023Dubay, John W.StudentECU
Real-World Performance of Blood-Based Proteomic Profiling in First-Line Immunotherapy Treatm...2023Boyd, Jason StudentECU
Real-World Performance of Blood-Based Proteomic Profiling in First-Line Immunotherapy Treatm...2023Oubre, David StudentECU
Real-World Performance of Blood-Based Proteomic Profiling in First-Line Immunotherapy Treatm...2023Page, Ray StudentECU
Real-World Performance of Blood-Based Proteomic Profiling in First-Line Immunotherapy Treatm...2023Khalil, Mazen StudentECU
Real-World Performance of Blood-Based Proteomic Profiling in First-Line Immunotherapy Treatm...2023Sinha, Suman StudentECU
Real-World Performance of Blood-Based Proteomic Profiling in First-Line Immunotherapy Treatm...2023Boniol, Scott StudentECU
Real-World Performance of Blood-Based Proteomic Profiling in First-Line Immunotherapy Treatm...2023Halawani, Hafez StudentECU
Real-World Performance of Blood-Based Proteomic Profiling in First-Line Immunotherapy Treatm...2023Santos, Edgardo S.StudentECU
Real-World Performance of Blood-Based Proteomic Profiling in First-Line Immunotherapy Treatm...2023Brenner, Warren StudentECU
Real-World Performance of Blood-Based Proteomic Profiling in First-Line Immunotherapy Treatm...2023Orsini, James M.StudentECU
Real-World Performance of Blood-Based Proteomic Profiling in First-Line Immunotherapy Treatm...2023Pauli, Emily StudentECU
Real-World Performance of Blood-Based Proteomic Profiling in First-Line Immunotherapy Treatm...2023Goldberg, Jonathan StudentECU
Real-World Performance of Blood-Based Proteomic Profiling in First-Line Immunotherapy Treatm...2023Veatch, Andrea StudentECU
Real-World Performance of Blood-Based Proteomic Profiling in First-Line Immunotherapy Treatm...2023Haut, Mitchell StudentECU
Real-World Performance of Blood-Based Proteomic Profiling in First-Line Immunotherapy Treatm...2023Ghabach, Bassam StudentECU
Real-World Performance of Blood-Based Proteomic Profiling in First-Line Immunotherapy Treatm...2023Bidyasar, Savita StudentECU
Real-World Performance of Blood-Based Proteomic Profiling in First-Line Immunotherapy Treatm...2023Quejada, Maria StudentECU
Real-World Performance of Blood-Based Proteomic Profiling in First-Line Immunotherapy Treatm...2023Khan, Waseemullah StudentECU
Real-World Performance of Blood-Based Proteomic Profiling in First-Line Immunotherapy Treatm...2023Huang, Kan StudentECU
Real-World Performance of Blood-Based Proteomic Profiling in First-Line Immunotherapy Treatm...2023Traylor, Linda StudentECU
Real-World Performance of Blood-Based Proteomic Profiling in First-Line Immunotherapy Treatm...2023Akerley, Wallace StudentECU
Realistic and Inexpensive Ultrasound Phantoms to Demonstrate Aortic Aneurysm and Aortic Diss...2023Harryman, Claire F.StudentECU
Realistic and Inexpensive Ultrasound Phantoms to Demonstrate Aortic Aneurysm and Aortic Diss...2023Moore, Corey StudentECU
Realistic and Inexpensive Ultrasound Phantoms to Demonstrate Aortic Aneurysm and Aortic Diss...2023Rathbun, Kimberly M.StudentECU
Reality and the artistic vision : a study of Randall Jarrell's poetic style1973Rodenbough, Jean StudentEnglish, UNCG
Reality of form : form of reality1974Wofford, John AlbertStudentArt, UNCG
Reanimating the Graveyard : Heritage Tourism Development of North Carolina Shipwrecks2009Grussing, Valerie J.StudentECU
Rearing condition affects the development of allocentric responding and hippocampal n-methyl...1990Hyatt, Laura ElizabethStudentPsychology, UNCG
Reasons non-returning students give about withdrawal from East Carolina University2023Powell, Ella JuliaStudentECU
Reassessing the Demographic Imperative2005Rosenberg, Ed FacultySociology, ASU
Reassessment of the nutrient intakes and anthropometric measurements of adolescent females a...1984El-Masry, Ebtesam A.StudentHome Economics, UNCG
Reawakening2023Akins, Ernest StudentECU
The rebel as tragic hero : a study of The plague by Albert Camus [and] Death of a salesman b...1968Culbertson, Betsy GreenleafStudentEnglish, UNCG
A rebel spirit, or, The Pre-Raphaelite movement in the nineteenth century1956Etheridge, Doris StudentEnglish, UNCG
Rebels and Nomads: Have White Southerners Found Sanctuary in the Republican Party?2003Ardoin, Phillip FacultyGovernment and Justice Studies, ASU
Rebranding a Wedding Videography Small Business Through a Public Relations Campaign2023White, Alita StudentECU
Recalling and revisiting : a visual remembrance of things past1973Castello, Charlene Georgia-MildredStudentArt, UNCG
Recent advances in the analytical methodology of some clinically important compounds1976Valsalan, A. KattiappurathuStudentChemistry, UNCG
Recent Progress in Discovering the Role of Carotenoids and Metabolites in Prostatic Physiolo...2023Duli ´nska-Litewka, Joanna StudentECU
Recent Progress in Discovering the Role of Carotenoids and Metabolites in Prostatic Physiolo...2023Halubiec, Przemyslaw StudentECU
Recent Progress in Discovering the Role of Carotenoids and Metabolites in Prostatic Physiolo...2023Lazarczyk, Agnieszka StudentECU
Recent Progress in Discovering the Role of Carotenoids and Metabolites in Prostatic Physiolo...2023Szafra ´nski, Oskar StudentECU
Recent Progress in Discovering the Role of Carotenoids and Metabolites in Prostatic Physiolo...2023Sharoni, Yoav StudentECU
Recent Progress in Discovering the Role of Carotenoids and Metabolites in Prostatic Physiolo...2023McCubrey, James A.StudentECU
Recent Progress in Discovering the Role of Carotenoids and Metabolites in Prostatic Physiolo...2023Gasiorkiewicz, Bartosz StudentECU
Recent Progress in Discovering the Role of Carotenoids and Metabolites in Prostatic Physiolo...2023Bohn, Torsten StudentECU
Recent research on Gulf War illness and other health problems in veterans of the 1991 Gulf W...2015White, Roberta F.,Steele,Lea,O'Callaghan,James P.,Sullivan,KimberStudentECU
Recent research on Gulf War illness and other health problems in veterans of the 1991 Gulf W...2015O’Callaghan, James P.StudentECU
Recent research on Gulf War illness and other health problems in veterans of the 1991 Gulf W...2015Sullivan, Kimberly StudentECU
Recent research on Gulf War illness and other health problems in veterans of the 1991 Gulf W...2015Steele, Lea StudentECU
Recent research on Gulf War illness and other health problems in veterans of the 1991 Gulf W...2015White, Roberta F.StudentECU
Recent research on Gulf War illness and other health problems in veterans of the 1991 Gulf W...2015Grashow, Rachel StudentECU
Recent research on Gulf War illness and other health problems in veterans of the 1991 Gulf W...2015Philbert, Martin A.StudentECU
Recent research on Gulf War illness and other health problems in veterans of the 1991 Gulf W...2015Melling, Jack StudentECU
Recent research on Gulf War illness and other health problems in veterans of the 1991 Gulf W...2015Meggs, William J.StudentECU
Recent research on Gulf War illness and other health problems in veterans of the 1991 Gulf W...2015Knox, Marguerite StudentECU
Recent research on Gulf War illness and other health problems in veterans of the 1991 Gulf W...2015Klimas, Nancy StudentECU
Recent research on Gulf War illness and other health problems in veterans of the 1991 Gulf W...2015Hardie, Anthony StudentECU
Recent research on Gulf War illness and other health problems in veterans of the 1991 Gulf W...2015Graves, Joel C.StudentECU
Recent research on Gulf War illness and other health problems in veterans of the 1991 Gulf W...2015Crawford, Fiona StudentECU
Recent research on Gulf War illness and other health problems in veterans of the 1991 Gulf W...2015Bunker, James A.StudentECU
Recent research on Gulf War illness and other health problems in veterans of the 1991 Gulf W...2015Bunker, Bloo StudentECU
Reciprocity of perspectives : an application of the work of James B. MacDonald to a personal...1984Burke, Melvia McCroryStudentEducation, UNCG
Reclaiming our bodies : towards a sentient pedagogy of liberation1991Taylor, Sherry BadgerStudentEducation, UNCG
Reclining male figure2023Stiles, John FacultyMusic and Visual Arts, ECSU
The recognition of cross-reacting, non-flagellar epitopes from Salmonella spp. and Pasteurel...2023Kendall, James E.StudentECU
Recognition of Nurse Activities in Endotracheal Suctioning Procedures: A Comparative Analysi...2024Dogan, Gulustan FacultyComputer Science and Information Systems, UNCW
The recognition of passion in selected fiction of E.M. Forster1964Nichols, Joyce StudentEnglish, UNCG
Recognizing Middle School Students' Taste for Popular Music2000Mills, Susan FacultyMusic, ASU
Recombinant DNA cloning and DNA sequence analysis of the Hox B5-B6 region from the Morone sa...2023Avery, Scott Wayne.StudentECU
Recombinant DNA cloning and DNA sequence analysis of the Hox B5-B6 region from the Morone sa...2023Avery, Scott Wayne.StudentECU
Recommendations for the Use of the Veggie Meter for Spectroscopy-Based Skin Carotenoid Measu...2023Jilcott Pitts, Stephanie StudentECU
Recommendations for the Use of the Veggie Meter for Spectroscopy-Based Skin Carotenoid Measu...2023Radtke, Marcela D.StudentECU
Recommendations for the Use of the Veggie Meter for Spectroscopy-Based Skin Carotenoid Measu...2023Poe, Mykaela StudentECU
Recommendations for the Use of the Veggie Meter for Spectroscopy-Based Skin Carotenoid Measu...2023Stookey, Jodi StudentECU
Recommendations for the Use of the Veggie Meter for Spectroscopy-Based Skin Carotenoid Measu...2023Moran, Nancy E.StudentECU
Recommendations for the Use of the Veggie Meter for Spectroscopy-Based Skin Carotenoid Measu...2023Landry, Matthew J.StudentECU
Recommendations for the Use of the Veggie Meter for Spectroscopy-Based Skin Carotenoid Measu...2023Rubin, Lewis P.StudentECU
Recommendations for the Use of the Veggie Meter for Spectroscopy-Based Skin Carotenoid Measu...2023Stage, Virginia C.StudentECU
Recommendations for the Use of the Veggie Meter for Spectroscopy-Based Skin Carotenoid Measu...2023Scherr, Rachel E.StudentECU
Reconceptualizing a teaching methods course to strengthen school science instruction2023Painter, Jason LawrenceStudentECU
Reconfiguring the "other" in late nineteenth-century British utopian literature1996Rose, Anita R.StudentEnglish, UNCG
Reconstructing Buffalo City (1887-1986): Applying Archaeological Site Reconstruction Techniq...2023Parkin, Sara MackenzieStudentECU
Reconstructing The Culture History Of The Multicomponent Site Squires Ridge (31Ed365) Within...2023Barbour, Terry E.,IIStudentECU
Reconstructing the waterfront : an historical and archaeological examination of the ninetent...2023Nassif, William TStudentECU
Reconstruction of the recent paleoenvironment of Pamlico Sound, North Carolina, using forami...2023Abbene, Irene Johanna.StudentECU
Reconstruction of single comb from dissociated cells on the chorioallantoic membrane2023Vogel, Rosalie M.(Rosalie Marie),1943-StudentECU
A Record of Holocene Climate Change from the Sunda Shelf, South China Sea2023Woodson, Anna LeeStudentECU
Records of the Children of the Light: The Friends Historical Collection at Guilford College2006Thomas, William JosephFacultyAcademic Library Services, ECU
The Records of a ‘Sober, Quiet, and Industrious People’: The Archives of the Moravian Church...2005Thomas, William JosephFacultyAcademic Library Services, ECU
Recovering aesthetics in teaching : beauty informed with love1995Levine, Phoebe M.StudentEducation, UNCG
Recovering the place of the Tuscarora Indians :examining colonial cartographies2023Edwards, William W.StudentECU
Recovery from Copperhead Snake Envenomation: Role of Age, Sex, Bite Location, Severity, and ...2023Toschlog, Eric StudentECU
Recovery from Copperhead Snake Envenomation: Role of Age, Sex, Bite Location, Severity, and ...2023Bush, Sean P.StudentECU
Recruiting Without Borders: The Rise Of Technology In Collegiate Athletics2015Thruston, Kaitlyn ReneStudentASU
Recruitment of Estuarine-Dependent Alosines to Roanoke River and Albemarle Sound, North Caro...2023Riley, Kenneth Lee PickrellStudentECU
The recruitment of followers by social movements : an exploratory study of the labor movemen...1974Townsend, Henry KayesStudentSociology, UNCG
The Recruitment Office of Interdisciplinary studies2023Russell, Steven DanielStudentECU
Rectifying Limitations On Species Delineation In Dusky Salamanders : Lineage Detection Using...2023Beamer, David A.StudentECU
Red Blood Cell Preservation Under Austere Conditions2023Angermeier, Tori MarenaStudentECU
A redeemer as Republican : William B. Rodman at the North Carolina Constitutional Convention...2023Smith, Judith ConnorStudentECU
Redefining the Postcolonial Identity Through the Deconstruction of Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie'...2023Martin, Shauna FergusonStudentECU
Redemption and Penance: Physical Humiliation, Bodily Harm, and Death Not Included2022Travis, Nathan StudentPhilosophy and Religion, WCU
Redirecting Feminist Critiques of Science1993McCaughey, Martha FacultySociology, ASU
Reduced efficiency of sarcolipin-dependent respiration in myocytes from humans with severe o...2023Houmard, Joseph A.StudentECU
Reduced Vitellogenesis and Female Fertility in Gper Knockout Zebrafish2023Wu, Xin-Jun StudentECU
Reduced Vitellogenesis and Female Fertility in Gper Knockout Zebrafish2023Williams, Marcus JermaulStudentECU
Reduced Vitellogenesis and Female Fertility in Gper Knockout Zebrafish2023Kew, Kimberly AnnStudentECU
Reduced Vitellogenesis and Female Fertility in Gper Knockout Zebrafish2023Converse, Aubrey StudentECU
Reduced Vitellogenesis and Female Fertility in Gper Knockout Zebrafish2023Thomas, Peter StudentECU
Reduced Vitellogenesis and Female Fertility in Gper Knockout Zebrafish2023Zhu, Yong StudentECU
Reducing Clinical Staff Burnout and Improving Clinical Staff Resilience in the Primary Care ...2023Camarillo, Whitney StudentECU
Reducing COVID-19 Infection Rates in Long-Term Care Facilities Through Education2023Hopkins, Cyrille StudentECU
Reducing Effects of Sensory Disorder with Innovative Technologies2023Schoeneberger, Trinity KStudentECU
Reducing Effects of Sensory Disorders With Innovative Technologies2023Cabanas, Fabiola CristinaStudentECU
Reducing Effects of Sensory Disorders with Innovative Technologies2023Moore, Caroline GStudentECU
Reducing Effects of Sensory Disorders with Innovative Technologies2023Kohake, Julia StudentECU
Reducing Effects of Sensory Disorders with Innovative Technologies2023Blango, Dymon EleraStudentECU
Reducing Falls Within the Geriatric Psychiatry Unit2023Oxentine, Megan StudentECU
Reducing Health Insurance Enrollment Barriers for Individuals Who are Homeless2023Lacambacal, Daniel VincentStudentECU
Reducing Length of Stay for Heart Failure Patients2023Murphy, Jennifer StudentECU
Reducing Restraint Use in an Intensive Care Unit Through Staff Education2023Pereira, Alethea StudentECU
Reducing Warehouse Employee Errors Using Voice-Assisted Technology That Provided Immediate F...2007Ludwig, Timothy D. FacultyPsychology, ASU
Reduction of Intradialytic Complications Using Interactive Fluid Volume Technology2023Hopper, Jessica StudentECU
Reduction of Ischemia/Reperfusion Injury With Bendavia, a Mitochondria-Targeting Cytoprotect...2012Kypson, Alan P.StudentECU
Reduction of Ischemia/Reperfusion Injury With Bendavia, a Mitochondria-Targeting Cytoprotect...2012Brown, David A.StudentECU
Reduction of Ischemia/Reperfusion Injury With Bendavia, a Mitochondria-Targeting Cytoprotect...2012Koomalsingh, Kevin J.StudentECU
Reduction of Ischemia/Reperfusion Injury With Bendavia, a Mitochondria-Targeting Cytoprotect...2012Gorman, Joseph H.StudentECU
Reduction of Ischemia/Reperfusion Injury With Bendavia, a Mitochondria-Targeting Cytoprotect...2012Watson, Corinne A.StudentECU
Reduction of Ischemia/Reperfusion Injury With Bendavia, a Mitochondria-Targeting Cytoprotect...2012Sloan, Ruben C.StudentECU
Reduction of Ischemia/Reperfusion Injury With Bendavia, a Mitochondria-Targeting Cytoprotect...2012Kloner, Robert A.StudentECU
Reduction of Ischemia/Reperfusion Injury With Bendavia, a Mitochondria-Targeting Cytoprotect...2012Hale, Sharon L.StudentECU
Reduction of Ischemia/Reperfusion Injury With Bendavia, a Mitochondria-Targeting Cytoprotect...2012Dai, Wangde StudentECU
Reduction of Ischemia/Reperfusion Injury With Bendavia, a Mitochondria-Targeting Cytoprotect...2012Gorman, Robert C.StudentECU
Reduction of Ischemia/Reperfusion Injury With Bendavia, a Mitochondria-Targeting Cytoprotect...2012Frasier, Chad R.StudentECU
Reduction of Ischemia/Reperfusion Injury With Bendavia, a Mitochondria-Targeting Cytoprotect...2012Bostian, Phillip A.StudentECU
Reduction of Ischemia/Reperfusion Injury With Bendavia, a Mitochondria-Targeting Cytoprotect...2012Shuto, Takashi StudentECU
The reduction of test, state and trait anxiety by two variants of stress inoculation trainin...1977Hussian, Richard A.StudentPsychology, UNCG
Reentry women : the relationship of Q-ACH, extraversion-introversion, and locus of control t...1981Molstad, Susan MaryStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
Refereeing as a Post-Athletic Career Option2023Bright, Vanessa StudentECU
Refereeing as a Post-Athletic Career Option2023Warner, Stacy StudentECU
Refereeing as a Post-Athletic Career Option2023Zvosec, Claire StudentECU
A reference for the art songs of Dora Pejacevic; with English translations of the song texts...2014Auvil, Richard D.StudentMusic, UNCG
Refining Practice Standards Targeting Mental Health Disorders in Agricultural Settings2023Carlson, Stacy StudentECU
Reflect2023Speranza, Katherine StudentECU
Reflection tomography of time-lapse GPR data for studying dynamic unsaturated flow phenomena...2020Mangel, Adam R.,Moysey,Stephen M. J.,Bradford,JohnStudentECU
Reflections1973Bediz, Bulent StudentArt, UNCG
Reflections and visions : a hermeneutic study of dangers and possibilities in dance educatio...1984Stinson, Susan W.StudentDance, UNCG
Reflections of environmental images1972Bush, William PerryStudentArt, UNCG
Reflections of the Self: How Self-Esteem Determines Decision Framing and Increases Risk Taki...2007McElroy, Todd FacultyPsychology, ASU
Reflections of the Self: How Self-Esteem Determines Decision Framing and Increases Risk Taki...2007Waring, Douglas A.FacultyPsychology, ASU
Reflections on a reality : the decline of female administrators in the public schools of Nor...1985Andrews, Maxine RamseurStudentEducation, UNCG
Reform Is Necessary: An Analysis of the United States Healthcare System after the Patient Pr...2015Yoder, Sarah StudentASU
Reform Retreats Amid Jordan's Political Storms2005Ryan, Curtis R.FacultyGovernment and Justice Studies, ASU
reFRACTion: A Performance Piece Exploring the Reflection of the Psyche’s Inner Turmoil thro...2023McKee, Lauren StudentECU
Reframing disorder: gender, class, and the history of the resurfacing debate in nursing2023Matthias, April D.StudentECU
Refugee Policy Implications of U.S. Immigration Medical Screenings: A New Era of Inadmissibi...2017Hong, Mi-Kyung,Varghese,Reshma E.,Jindal,Charulata,Efird,Jimmy T.StudentECU
Reggae for Standards-Based Music Learning2003Mills, Susan FacultyMusic, ASU
Regional cerebral blood flow correlates of orthographic analysis and phonetic discrimination...1989Flowers, Donna LynnStudentPsychology, UNCG
Regional County-Level Housing Inventory Predictions and the Effects on Hurricane Risk2023Millea, Meghan StudentECU
Regional County-Level Housing Inventory Predictions and the Effects on Hurricane Risk2023Kruse, Jamie L.StudentECU
Regional County-Level Housing Inventory Predictions and the Effects on Hurricane Risk2023Williams, Caroline J.StudentECU
Regional County-Level Housing Inventory Predictions and the Effects on Hurricane Risk2023, et alStudentECU
Regional variation of convective structure at monsoon onset across South America inferred fr...2010Barnhill, Richard StudentECU
Regret: The Roles of Consistency-Fit and Counterfactual Salience2008McElroy, Todd FacultyPsychology, ASU
Regulation of alcohol consumption :involvement of specific monoaminergic systems of midbrain...2023Quardfordt, Steven D.StudentECU
Regulation of cardiac fibroblast-mediated maladaptive ventricular remodeling by β-arrestins...2019Philip, Jennifer L.,Xu,Xianyao,Han,Mei,Akhter,Shahab A.,Razzaque,AbStudentECU
Regulation of cardiac fibroblast-mediated maladaptive ventricular remodeling by ß-arrestins2023Philip, Jennifer L.StudentECU
Regulation of cardiac fibroblast-mediated maladaptive ventricular remodeling by ß-arrestins2023Xu, Xianyao StudentECU
Regulation of cardiac fibroblast-mediated maladaptive ventricular remodeling by ß-arrestins2023Han, Mei StudentECU
Regulation of cardiac fibroblast-mediated maladaptive ventricular remodeling by ß-arrestins2023Akhter, Shahab A.StudentECU
Regulation of cardiac fibroblast-mediated maladaptive ventricular remodeling by ß-arrestins2023Razzaque, Abdur StudentECU
Regulation of Human T-cell Leukemia Virus Type 1 Antisense Promoter by Myocyte Enhancer Fact...2023Rushing, Amanda W.StudentECU
Regulation of Human T-cell Leukemia Virus Type 1 Antisense Promoter by Myocyte Enhancer Fact...2023Lemasson, Isabelle StudentECU
Regulation of Human T-cell Leukemia Virus Type 1 Antisense Promoter by Myocyte Enhancer Fact...2023, et alStudentECU
Regulation of insulin receptor function in skeletal muscle in response to diet, aging and ex...2023Boyd, Judy J.StudentECU
Regulation of insulin receptor function in skeletal muscle in response to diet, aging and ex...2023Boyd, Judy J.StudentECU
Regulation of Lipolysis By Perilipin: influence of Obesity and Exercise Training2010Johnson, Emily StudentECU
Regulation of the Mitogen Activated Protein Kinase Kinase (MEK)-1 by NAD+-Dependent Deacetyl...2023McCubrey, James A.StudentECU
Regulation of oleic acid synthesis in lymphoid cells2023Lowe, Martha R.StudentECU
Regulation of urease levels in jackbean cotyledons2023Cook, James ArthurStudentECU
Regulatory enforcement with competitive endogenous audit mechanisms2011McKee, Mike FacultyEconomics, ASU
Regulatory Federalism and the Distribution of Air Pollutant Emissions2007Strazicich, Mark FacultyEconomics, ASU
Rehabilitation counselors' ratings of the degree of handicap of speech disorders2023Sheldon, Sandra McClendonStudentECU
Reinforcement Learning based Recommender System using Q-Learning and Deep Q-Learning2023Rezaei, Mehrdad StudentECU
Reinforcement Learning based Recommender System using Q-Learning and Deep Q-Learning2023Rezaei, Mehrdad StudentECU
Reinterpretation of the holotype of Malerisaurus langstoni, a diapsid reptile from the Upper...2006Heckert, Andrew B. FacultyGeology, ASU
Rejection Sensitivity and Social Outcomes of Young Adult Men with ADHD2007Canu, Will FacultyPsychology, ASU
Rejoinder to Keller and Spicer1996Strickland, Ruth Ann FacultyGovernment and Justice Studies, ASU
Relating measures of maternal responsivity to selected aspects of infant learning and affect...1988Meinhold, Patricia StudentPsychology, UNCG
The relation between central and peripheral measures in a perceptual-motor task1968Dudley, Linda MotleyStudentPsychology, UNCG
The relation between certain phases of reading ability and speed and accuracy in typewriting...1944Cobb, Emma KatharineStudentBusiness Education, UNCG
The Relation Between Child Behavior, School Engagement, And Perceived Barriers And Parent In...2023Dayhoff, Nicole StudentECU
Relation between Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Depression, and Inpatient Outcomes in the Unite...2023Ali, Hassam StudentECU
Relation between Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Depression, and Inpatient Outcomes in the Unite...2023Pamarthy, Rahul StudentECU
Relation between Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Depression, and Inpatient Outcomes in the Unite...2023Lambert, Karissa StudentECU
Relation between Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Depression, and Inpatient Outcomes in the Unite...2023Bolick, Nicole LeighStudentECU
Relation between Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Depression, and Inpatient Outcomes in the Unite...2023Naseer, Maliha StudentECU
The relation between maternal child-rearing styles and the development of aggression in chil...1989Tryon, Adeline Spencer CurryStudentPsychology, UNCG
The relation between parenting strategies, parents' beliefs about children's emotions, and p...2024Weber, Ava E.StudentPsychology, WCU
The relation of certain background factors and freshman standardized tests to college succes...1948Frazier, Lois ElizabethStudentBusiness Education, UNCG
The relation of fiber elongation to selected serviceability features of experimental cotton ...1960Guin, Ruth B.StudentHome Economics, UNCG
The relation of past and present diets to the physical condition of a group of aged people1944Lanham, Willie GertrudeStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Relation of pupil progress to types of reports2023Sledge, William S.StudentECU
The relation of selected environmental factors to weight and height of Indian pre-school chi...1961Badlani, Nalina NaraindasStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Relation of selected variables to dominant-submissive patterns in children1964Elam, Annie Merle WhiteStudentHome Economics, UNCG
The relation of yarn characteristics of selected cotton sheeting to wrinkle recovery1967Jarrelle, Audrey LeeStudentHome Economics, UNCG
The relation of yarn structure of selected cotton fabrics to abrasion resistance1966Kennedy, Geraldine StudentHome Economics, UNCG
Relational Quality of Registered Nurses and Nursing Assistants: Influence on Patient Safety ...2023Campbell, Amy StudentECU
Relational Quality of Registered Nurses and Nursing Assistants: Influence on Patient Safety ...2023Scott, Elaine StudentECU
Relational Quality of Registered Nurses and Nursing Assistants: Influence on Patient Safety ...2023Layne, Diana StudentECU
The Relations Among Executive Dysfunction, Delay Aversion and Phonemic Awareness in Proschoo...2023Cin, Angela D.StudentECU
The Relations of Learning and Grade Orientations to Academic Performance1991Beck, Hall FacultyPsychology, ASU
The relationship among prostaglandin E2, leukotriene B4, creatine kinase, lactic acid and de...1995Boyer, Brian TrevorStudentHealth and Human Performance, UNCG
The relationship among selected measures of physical fitness, body-image, self-concept, move...1964Stroble, Sharon ElizabethStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
Relationship Based Practices for Infants and Toddlers in North Carolina : A Survey of High Q...2023Simms-Smith, Cassia StudentECU
The relationship between the AAHPER Youth Fitness Test and the twelve-minute test1970Johnston, Karla RuthStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
The relationship between age and factors that influence the academic success of undergraduat...1994Lewis, Henry AlbertStudentEducation, UNCG
The relationship between anxiety and athletic performance : a test of the multidimensional a...1990Krane, Victoria IvyStudentHealth, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, UNCG
The relationship between anxiety and efforts in movements of children1978Wilson, Verna JeanStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
The relationship between athletic identity and personal attributes of elite female wheelchai...2023Edwards, Terri L. N.StudentECU
The relationship between average student achievement and nonpromotion rate : a path analysis...1983Maddocks, John CalvinStudentEducation, UNCG
The relationship between benthic fauna and sediments of the Nags Head and Wilmington areas i...2023Wood, George H.StudentECU
The Relationship between Body Image and Free Time Physical Activity in Children 5-8 Years Ol...2010Crandol, Deirtra StudentECU
The Relationship Between Causal Beliefs and Stigma of Mental Illness1905Maxwell, Andrea StudentECU
The relationship between children's perception of maternal discipline and performance on two...1968Martin, Lynda JoyceStudentPsychology, UNCG
The relationship between consistent/inconsistent identification data of gifted children and ...1979Weiss, Linda MelletteStudentEducation, UNCG
The relationship between counselor training and multicultural competence1996Holcomb, Cheryl ColethiaStudentEducation, UNCG
The relationship between creativity and leadership and the effects of a creative leadership ...1976Austin, Gerald D.StudentEducation, UNCG
The relationship between culture and counterproductive work behaviors: the moderating role o...2023Boachie, Rebecca JStudentECU
The relationship between diet and oxygen utilization in tomocerus flavescens (collembola)2023Dewar, James B.StudentECU
The relationship between education as liberation and computing1986Sineath, Bythel JuneStudentEducation, UNCG
The relationship between the effectiveness of resident assistants and the variables of asser...1988Maleski, Stanley SteveStudentEducation, UNCG
The relationship between elementary principals' educational training and the methodologies u...2023Rhodes, Elizabeth D.StudentECU
Relationship Between Fantastical Events and Children’s Executive Function2023Koster, Melissa K.StudentECU
The relationship between figure-ground perception and viewing time in a ball catching task1978Petrakis, Elizabeth StudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
The Relationship Between Foot Anthropometry And Jump Performance2016Hawley, Victoria StudentHealth and Exercise Science - Student, ASU
The relationship between formal operational thinking ability and prospective grade level to ...2023Baker, Juliana RostStudentECU
The Relationship between Gait Biomechanics and Body Mass Index2023Tullock, Ann Marie HerringStudentECU
A relationship between general motor ability and objective measures of achievement in swimmi...1962Wilson, Marcia RuthStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
The Relationship between Hamstring Strength and Performance following ACL Reconstruction.2023Mitchell, Dasia StudentECU
Relationship Between Health And Sports Participation in Young Adults2023Moynahan, Ryan D.StudentECU
The Relationship between Health Literacy, Preventive Health Literacy, and Cigarette Smoking ...2023Stalls, Juliann StudentECU
The relationship between individual characteristics, behavioral motifs, and interactive frie...1996Dugan, Elizabeth StudentHuman Environmental Sciences, UNCG
The relationship between intrafamily violence and self-concept1977Galant, Lawrence L.StudentHome Economics, UNCG
The relationship between leader behavior, type of organization, and role conflict1975Moniot, Sara HamillStudentEducation, UNCG
The relationship between the leadership style of nurse administrators and job satisfaction o...2023Davis, Mary H.StudentECU
The relationship between level of activation and reaction time1961Evans, Diana StudentPsychology, UNCG
The relationship between the level of aspiration and performance in selected motor tasks1960Price, Nannette StudentPhysical Education, UNCG
The Relationship Between Levels of Participation in Yoga and Balance Measures of Older Adult...2023Pinchuk, Tori A.StudentECU
The relationship between load and elasticity in the power squat1993Bird, Michael StudentHealth and Human Performance, UNCG
The Relationship Between Marriage and Family Therapists and Complementary and Alternative Me...2006Caldwell, Karen FacultyHuman Development & Psychological Counseling, ASU
The relationship between maternal knowledge of developmental norms, mother-child interaction...1992Wyatt, Kathryn ParkerStudentPsychology, UNCG
The relationship between maternal pre-pregnancy fat mass and exercise during pregnancy, on i...2023Anderson, Brianna StudentECU
Relationship Between Maximal Squat Strength and Five, Ten, and Forty Yard Sprint Times2009Triplett, N. Travis FacultyHealth and Exercise Science, ASU
The relationship between membership status of rural youth in selected organizations and cert...1965Brooks, Elizabeth AnnStudentHome Economics, UNCG
The Relationship Between Micro-Counseling Skills and Clinical Attendance2023Wolstein, Dan AaronStudentECU
The relationship between motor ability and self-concept of women non-physical education majo...1961Parker, Nancy KayStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
The Relationship between Neuropsychological Measures of Executive Functioning and Anxiety wi...2023Highsmith, Jonathan M.StudentECU
The relationship between organizational structure and the structure of organizational commun...1974Fuller, Theron KeithStudentSociology, UNCG
The relationship between parental androgyny and early child-rearing attitudes and behaviors1977Hobson, Carol McLesterStudentHome Economics, UNCG
The relationship between a parent's anxiety and the child's behavior during painful health c...2023Gibson, Sandra E.StudentECU
The relationship between parents' perception of family environment and prosocial behavior in...1979Temke, Mary WagnerStudentHome Economics, UNCG
The relationship between perception of risk and the implementation of universal precautions ...2023Nifong, Mary H.StudentECU
The relationship between personality traits of selected Michigan high school band members an...1983Sherman, Robert C.StudentMusic, UNCG
The relationship between positional alcohol nystagmus and accuracy of estimation of blood al...1975Ahr, Charles JonathanStudentPsychology, UNCG
The relationship between a principal's behavior and the organizational climate in selected r...1988Nelon, Betty MastersStudentEducation, UNCG
The relationship between psychological climate and work motivation in a retail setting1992Woodard, Ginger StudentHuman Environmental Sciences, UNCG
The relationship between public school desegregation and the displacement of black high scho...1979Childs, Walter StudentEducation, UNCG
The relationship between quality of life and exercise endurance among pulmonary rehabilitati...2023Williams, Terri KosonStudentECU
The Relationship between Racial Microaggressions and Academic Self-Efficacy Among College St...2023Glenn, Melissa StudentECU
The Relationship Between Recreational Activity Participation and Vision Related Quality of L...2023Cuthrell, Betsy A.StudentECU
The relationship between risk management plans and incidence of injuries and legal claims in...2023Cooper, Nelson L.StudentECU
The relationship between selected sociodemographic variables, adolescent life change events,...2023Dukes-Jones, Medina StudentECU
The relationship between the self-concept, the body-image and the movement-concept of colleg...1962Doudlah, Anna MayStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
The Relationship Between Self-Management Behaviors and Associated Factors in Patients with D...2023Sigmon, Lorie BStudentECU
The relationship between severity of child abuse and disruptive behavior in adolescent males...2013Malone, Marisa GloriaStudentPsychology, WCU
The relationship between softball skill self-esteem and softball skill1977Ford, Maureen ElizabethStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
The relationship between structured tuberculosis education and the development of self-care ...2023Aultowski, Glenda P.StudentECU
The Relationship Between the Taghanic Unconformity and Marcellus Shale Production in Doddrid...2016Adams, Emily StudentECU
The relationship between teaching experience and effective administrative behavior1985Jones, Paris StudentHome Economics, UNCG
The relationship between three methods of pushing and the duration of the second stage of la...2023Prather, Caren J.StudentECU
The Relationship between Traffic-Related Air Pollution Exposures and Allostatic Load Score a...2023Bell, Ronny A.StudentECU
The Relationship between Traffic-Related Air Pollution Exposures and Allostatic Load Score a...2023Montresor-López, Jessica A.StudentECU
The Relationship between Traffic-Related Air Pollution Exposures and Allostatic Load Score a...2023Reading, Stephanie R.StudentECU
The Relationship between Traffic-Related Air Pollution Exposures and Allostatic Load Score a...2023Yanosky, Jeffrey D.StudentECU
The Relationship between Traffic-Related Air Pollution Exposures and Allostatic Load Score a...2023Mittleman, Murray A.StudentECU
The Relationship between Traffic-Related Air Pollution Exposures and Allostatic Load Score a...2023Crume, Tessa L.StudentECU
The Relationship between Traffic-Related Air Pollution Exposures and Allostatic Load Score a...2023Dabelea, Dana StudentECU
The Relationship between Traffic-Related Air Pollution Exposures and Allostatic Load Score a...2023Dolan, Lawrence M.StudentECU
The Relationship between Traffic-Related Air Pollution Exposures and Allostatic Load Score a...2023D’Agostino, Ralph B.,Jr.StudentECU
The Relationship between Traffic-Related Air Pollution Exposures and Allostatic Load Score a...2023Marcovina, Santica M.StudentECU
The Relationship between Traffic-Related Air Pollution Exposures and Allostatic Load Score a...2023Pihoke, Catherine StudentECU
The Relationship between Traffic-Related Air Pollution Exposures and Allostatic Load Score a...2023Reynolds, Kristi StudentECU
The Relationship between Traffic-Related Air Pollution Exposures and Allostatic Load Score a...2023Urbina, Elaine StudentECU
The Relationship between Traffic-Related Air Pollution Exposures and Allostatic Load Score a...2023Liese, Angela D.StudentECU
The Relationship between Traffic-Related Air Pollution Exposures and Allostatic Load Score a...2023Quirós-Alcalá, Lesliam StudentECU
The Relationship between Traffic-Related Air Pollution Exposures and Allostatic Load Score a...2023Smith, J. CarsonStudentECU
The Relationship between Traffic-Related Air Pollution Exposures and Allostatic Load Score a...2023de Mesquita, P. Jacob BuenoStudentECU
The Relationship between Traffic-Related Air Pollution Exposures and Allostatic Load Score a...2023Puett, Robin C.StudentECU
The relationship between trauma and spiritual well-being of women with substance use disorde...2023Weiss-Ogden, Karen R.StudentECU
The relationship between two classes of measures examined idiothetically and nomothetically1986Turner, Arlinza EarlStudentPsychology, UNCG
The relationship between the use of indirect and direct nonverbal behavior of college women ...1971McConnell, Ann E.StudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
The relationship between whole body movement and the retarded child's ability to learn selec...1968Pharnes, Joan SandraStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
Relationship of Aerobic Power to Anaerobic Performance Indices1996Triplett, N. Travis FacultyHealth and Exercise Science, ASU
Relationship of the anaerobic threshold and running performance in female recreational runne...1985Claiborne, Janet MaryStudentHealth, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, UNCG
Relationship of biographical, demographic and psychological characteristics and aquatic abil...2023Harrington, Joanna L.StudentECU
The relationship of blood pressure, calcium, and exercise in normotensive women1990Booth, Robert ArthurStudentHuman Environmental Sciences, UNCG
The relationship of certification and mathematics background of teachers and pupil performan...1983Hathaway, Harriett AnneStudentEducation, UNCG
Relationship of Core Self-Evaluations and Organizational Commitment in Volunteers and Fire F...2023Yaris, Catherine E.StudentECU
The relationship of critical thinking dispositions to the critical thinking skills of BSN se...2023Thomas, Linda S.StudentECU
Relationship of family employment status to husband and wife marital satisfaction and sex ro...1981Bueche, Nancy AnnStudentHome Economics, UNCG
The relationship of gloss and skid resistance of specific floor surfaces1965Shamburger, Elizabeth StudentHome Economics, UNCG
The relationship of group size, sex of benefactor and sex of recipient to sharing behavior i...1976Upton, Marsha AnnStudentHome Economics, UNCG
The relationship of hand-eye coordination as measured by the pursuit rotor and selected moto...1967Childrey, Anita M.StudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
Relationship of infant feeding mode, tongue thrusting, and lisping1968Richman, Julia StudentHome Economics, UNCG
The Relationship Of Level Of Physical Activity And Quality Of Life Of Community-Dwelling Old...2023Schurtz, Kelly StudentECU
The relationship of marital partnership status to husband/wife bargaining mode1987Arnett, Cynthia EllenStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Relationship of membership in fraternities and sororities and academic achievement in four h...1982Scales, Manderline ElizabethStudentEducation, UNCG
The relationship of molecular structure to mesomorphism in some aromatic esters of diphenols...1974Bristol, David W.StudentChemistry, UNCG
Relationship of the order of presentation of vegetables to amount selected and consumed by n...1967King, Nora JaneStudentHome Economics, UNCG
The relationship of overhand throwing ability to general motor ability in college freshman w...1963Mesenbrink, Robberta StudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
The relationship of parental support, control attempts and power to adolescent drinking1983Reeves, Donald WayneStudentHome Economics, UNCG
The relationship of parent's food preferences and their claims on their children's preferenc...1963Hodge, JoAnn SnyderStudentHome Economics, UNCG
The relationship of parents' food preferences to children's food preferences1975Stephens, Sally McCartneyStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Relationship of physical activity benefits and barriers with objectively measured and self-r...2023Birkenmeyer, Matthew J.StudentECU
The relationship of school size and the socio-economic status, ethnic origin, gender, and em...1989Cockman, Daniel AtlasStudentEducation, UNCG
The relationship of select nutrients, obesity, cardiovascular fitness, and stress on the imm...1992Sigmon, Rita CharlotteStudentHuman Environmental Sciences, UNCG
The relationship of selected factors to teacher morale among teachers in Burke County, North...1974Brendle, Ava A.StudentHome Economics, UNCG
The relationship of selected factors to teacher morale among vocational teachers in Guilford...1968Francis, Mary LeeStudentHome Economics, UNCG
The relationship of selected prosocial play behaviors in children to moral reasoning, youth ...1979Horrocks, Robert N.StudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
The relationship of social class and other variables to parental acceptance among foster par...1977Aberg, Miriam RuthStudentHome Economics, UNCG
The relationship of social support networks and support network function to the health statu...1991Perry, Charlotte MarieStudentHuman Environmental Sciences, UNCG
The relationship of status origins and status prospects to in-school deviance and delinquenc...1975Lombardo, Michael M.StudentEducation, UNCG
The relationship of strength of selected muscle groups to the five iron driving distance for...1968Burgdorf, Jeri LynnStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
The relationship of teachers' involvement in participative decision making at different care...1992Stowe, Frances Gail DixonStudentEducation, UNCG
Relationship of visually evoked responses to patterning of stimuli and nature of perceptual ...1974Cook, Barbara AnnStudentPsychology, UNCG
The relationship of wellness factors to work performance and job satisfaction among managers...1996Hutchinson, Gerald A.StudentEducation, UNCG
The relationships among achievement, self-concept, and role models for black students1989Spicer, Patricia BlackStudentEducation, UNCG
Relationships among basal body temperature, simple reaction time and movement time at six sp...1976Shay, Nancy LynnStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
The relationships among coping strategies, trait anxiety, and performance in collegiate soft...1993Finch, Laura MarieStudentHealth and Human Performance, UNCG
Relationships among interpretations of modern dance and cultural background1983Lively-Berger, Rosalind CalvertStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
Relationships Among Measures of Strength and Power and Health Outcomes in Youth2023Lloyd, Adrian DouglasStudentECU
The Relationships Among Nursing Students’ Stress, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, and Caring...2023Shepherd, Morgan StudentECU
Relationships Among Subjective and Objective Measures of Tongue Strength and Oral Phase Swal...2003Clark, Heather FacultyPast Faculty Member, ASU
Relationships Among Team Cohesion and Performance, Anxiety, Retention, and Satisfaction2023Anderson, Arden J.StudentECU
Relationships and personal development : an ethnomethodological study of teachers' perspecti...1979Mulgrew, Edna Catherine BirminghamStudentEducation, UNCG
Relationships between children's space utilization, field dependence, and body image boundar...1973Schnabl, Elizabeth A.StudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
Relationships Between Peer Interactive Play and Social Competence in At-Risk Preschool Child...2004Gagnon, Sandra G.FacultyPsychology, ASU
Relationships between warm-ups and physical performance1960Steacy, Gail B.StudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
The relationships of race, sex, length of service and tenure status : to the organizational ...1979Phillips, Barbara KinardStudentEducation, UNCG
Relationships of receipt of aid (AFDC), number of children, and maternal-receptive vocabular...1983Vonderweidt, Joyce CarolStudentHome Economics, UNCG
The relationships of selected characteristics of financial aid and academic achievement1978Falk, George JosephStudentEducation, UNCG
The relationships of selected psycho-social variables associated with achievement to the per...1982Lidstone, James E.StudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
Relative cost-effectiveness of using a liquid human milk fortifier in preterm infants in the...2017Guest, Julian F,Moya,Fernando,Sisk,Paula M,Hudak,Mark L,Kuehn,DeStudentECU
The relative effectiveness of combinations of mental and physical practice on performance sc...1966Stephens, Myrna LewisStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
The relative effects on learning and on performance of a motor skill when visual information...1971Howard, Emma JeanStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
The relative importance of intrinsic land properties and agricultural management practices o...2023Barnett, James S.StudentECU
The relative importance of intrinsic land properties and agricultural management practices o...2023Barnett, James S.StudentECU
The relative role of previous experience on the recognition and transfer of geometric forms1974Cox, Roswell DavidStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Relativity and the theme of love in Lawrence Durrell's Alexandria Quartet1966Hester, Ernest CarringtonStudentEnglish, UNCG
Relaxation in a binary gaseous mixture of Maxwell molecules1971Williams, Anna MargaretStudentPhysics, UNCG
Release2023Karpa, Alyssa StudentECU
The relevance of an adequate concept of "bigger" for the investigation of size conservation ...1968Kling, J. KennethStudentPsychology, UNCG
The reliability of the behavioral interview1977Hay, William MartinStudentPsychology, UNCG
Relief of dysphagia due to advanced achalasia by endoscopic creation of an esophagogastric b...2017Abdelfatah, Mohamed M.,Grimm,Ian S.,Baron,Todd H.StudentECU
Religion, Models Of, And Reality: Are We Through With Geertz?2005Schilbrack, Kevin FacultyPhilosophy and Religion, ASU
Religions: Are There Any?2010Schilbrack, Kevin FacultyPhilosophy and Religion, ASU
Religious challenges to the public school curriculum : analysis of the application of the Le...1988Meany, Margaret BloomStudentEducation, UNCG
Religious Diversity and the Closed Mind2003Schilbrack, Kevin FacultyPhilosophy and Religion, ASU
Religious fasting poses challenges and benefits2023Sims, Madison StudentECU
Religious fasting poses challenges and benefits2023Kolasa, Kathryn M.StudentECU
A reluctant imperialist in an age of shifting paradigms : the career of George L. Dyer, USN,...2023Lowris, Jason S.StudentECU
Relying on the Kindness of Strangers: CEDD’s Report on Hiring, Tenure, Promotion in IDS2008Carp, Richard M. FacultyPast faculty member, ASU
Remarkable Euryhalinity of a Marine Fish Lutjanus Novemfasciatus in Mangrove Nurseries2023Gittman, Rachel K.StudentECU
Remarkable Service Infrastructure: An Overarching Plan for Club Excellence2021Rehkopf, Ed FacultyHospitality and Tourism Administration, NCCU
Remarks tangent to a thesis exhibition of paintings1965Bennett, Rita StudentEnglish, UNCG
Remembering, Eating, Cooking, and Sharing : Identity Constructing Activities in Ethnic Ameri...2023French, Kellie J.StudentECU
Remote Sensing And Geomorphometry For Studying Relief Production In High Mountains2003Colby, Jeff FacultyGeography and Planning, ASU
Remote sensing and modeling of mosquito abundance and habitats in Coastal Virginia, USA2011Bellows, A. Scott,Cleckner,Haley L.,Allen,Thomas R.StudentECU
Remote-Only Monitoring for Patients with Cardiac Implantable Electronic Devices: a Before-an...2023Sears, Samuel F.StudentECU
Remote-Only Monitoring for Patients with Cardiac Implantable Electronic Devices: a Before-an...2023Sapp, John A.StudentECU
Remote-Only Monitoring for Patients with Cardiac Implantable Electronic Devices: a Before-an...2023Gillis, Anne M.StudentECU
Remote-Only Monitoring for Patients with Cardiac Implantable Electronic Devices: a Before-an...2023AbdelWahab, Amir StudentECU
Remote-Only Monitoring for Patients with Cardiac Implantable Electronic Devices: a Before-an...2023Nault, Isabelle StudentECU
Remote-Only Monitoring for Patients with Cardiac Implantable Electronic Devices: a Before-an...2023Nery, Pablo B.StudentECU
Remote-Only Monitoring for Patients with Cardiac Implantable Electronic Devices: a Before-an...2023Healey, Jeff S.StudentECU
Remote-Only Monitoring for Patients with Cardiac Implantable Electronic Devices: a Before-an...2023Raj, Satish R.StudentECU
Remote-Only Monitoring for Patients with Cardiac Implantable Electronic Devices: a Before-an...2023Lockwood, Evan StudentECU
Remote-Only Monitoring for Patients with Cardiac Implantable Electronic Devices: a Before-an...2023Sterns, Laurence D.StudentECU
Remote-Only Monitoring for Patients with Cardiac Implantable Electronic Devices: a Before-an...2023Wells, George A.StudentECU
Remote-Only Monitoring for Patients with Cardiac Implantable Electronic Devices: a Before-an...2023Yee, Raymond StudentECU
Remote-Only Monitoring for Patients with Cardiac Implantable Electronic Devices: a Before-an...2023Philippon, François StudentECU
Remote-Only Monitoring for Patients with Cardiac Implantable Electronic Devices: a Before-an...2023Tang, Anthony StudentECU
Remote-Only Monitoring for Patients with Cardiac Implantable Electronic Devices: a Before-an...2023Parkash, Ratika StudentECU
Renewal of Comparator Stimuli1998Denniston, James FacultyPsychology, ASU
The renovation and partial restoration of the North Carolina executive mansion (1974-1976)1977Ham, Marie SharpeStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Reovirus-induced apoptosis and the pathogenesis of biliary atresia2023LaHair, Michelle Marie.StudentECU
Reovirus-induced apoptosis in acutely - and persistently-infected liver cells2023Coleman Williams, DeShaun Renee.StudentECU
Reovirus-induced apoptosis in acutely - and persistently-infected liver cells2023Coleman Williams, DeShaun Renee.StudentECU
Repeated Diversification of Ecomorphs in Hawaiian Stick Spiders2023Brewer, Michael S.StudentECU
Replication sequence mapping of the chromosome of synchronized cells of Staphylococcus Aureu...2023Angsupanich, Kraison. StudentECU
A replicational study of the correlation between a Hullian constant and intelligence1967Rice, Mary StudentPsychology, UNCG
Report on a follow-up study of business education graduates of the Woman's College, Universi...1946Jones, Sarah WilsonStudentEducation, UNCG
Report This - The Value of Reports in Club Operations2021Rehkopf, Ed FacultyHospitality and Tourism Administration, NCCU
The Reporting of Uveal Melanoma Cases to the Cancer Registry in North Carolina2023Graham, Sharnee’ L.StudentECU
The Reporting of Uveal Melanoma Cases to the Cancer Registry in North Carolina2023Gordon, Kathleen G.StudentECU
Reports from the Congress on Professional Education1999Reichel, Mary FacultyUniversity Libraries, ASU
Representation and Accuracy : An Examination of School Psychology Content in Introductory Ps...2023Judkins, Austin H.StudentECU
Representation and images of ecotourism in Grenada2023Nelson, Velvet. StudentECU
The representation of Black Africans in nineteenth-century British popular culture2023Taylor, JoAnne. StudentECU
The Representation of Women at Old Salem Museums and Gardens2023Taylor, Sarah E.StudentECU
Representative Bureaucracy: Exploring the Potential for Active Representation in Local Gover...2008Bradbury, Mark FacultyGovernment and Justice Studies, ASU
Reproductive Plasticity In Two Subspecies Of A Cleistogamous Plant, Triodanis Perfoliata2023Colbert, Lauren I.StudentECU
Reproductive Toxicity of Crude oil-Dispersant Mixture in Caenorhabditis elegans2023Zhang, Yanqiong StudentECU
A Republican governor and a Democratic editor : their relationship during the reconstruction...1972Brooks, Ann KearnsStudentHistory, UNCG
Rereading Coomaraswamy1991Carp, Richard M. FacultyPast faculty member, ASU
The Research Advisory Program (RAP): Fostering Information Literacy Skills through Individua...2005Boyd, John FacultyUniversity Libraries, ASU
The Research Advisory Program (RAP): Fostering Information Literacy Skills through Individua...2005Rhodes, Kelly FacultyUniversity Libraries, ASU
Research Needs to Support the Emergency Manager of the Future2004Pine, John FacultyGeography and Planning, ASU
Research recruitment: A case study on women with substance use disorder.2023Cook, Kristy J.StudentECU
Research recruitment: A case study on women with substance use disorder.2023Larson, K. StudentECU
Research, Creative Activity and Teaching: Overlapping, Synergistic and Effective in Preparin...2023Paul, Ravi StudentECU
Resident Perceptions of Riverbank Erosion and Shoreline Protection: a Mixed-Methods Case Stu...2023Popke, Jeff StudentECU
Resident Perceptions of Riverbank Erosion and Shoreline Protection: a Mixed-Methods Case Stu...2023Rahman, Mizanur StudentECU
Resident Perceptions of Riverbank Erosion and Shoreline Protection: a Mixed-Methods Case Stu...2023Crawford, Thomas W.StudentECU
Residents' housing satisfaction in a community development block grant neighborhood1984Shaner, Katrina RiversStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Resilience differences of Black Greek-Lettered Organization members and African-American stu...2014White, Sherra' M.StudentECU
Resilience in Nurses Caring for Patients with COVID-192023Leutgens, Wendy StudentECU
Resiliency in children at risk : a multivariate profile analysis of protective factors for c...1995Allison, Dorothy TennantStudentHuman Environmental Sciences, UNCG
Resistance to state change by coastal ecosystems under conditions of rising sea level2023Ricker, Lisa D.StudentECU
Resisting Aliefs - Gendler on Belief-Discordant Behaviors2012Kwong, Jack FacultyPhilosophy and Religion, ASU
Resisting Temptation Revisited: Devaluation versus Enhancement of an Attractive Suitor by Ex...1999Bazzini, Doris FacultyPsychology, ASU
Resolution of Chronic Granulomatous Inflammation and Fibrosis in a Murine Model of Sarcoidos...2023Bhalla, Sophia StudentECU
Resolvin E1 Derived from Eicosapentaenoic Acid Prevents Hyperinsulinemia and Hyperglycemia i...2023Spangenburg, Espen StudentECU
Resolvin E1 Derived from Eicosapentaenoic Acid Prevents Hyperinsulinemia and Hyperglycemia i...2023Guesdon, William StudentECU
Resolvin E1 Derived from Eicosapentaenoic Acid Prevents Hyperinsulinemia and Hyperglycemia i...2023Torres, Maria J.StudentECU
Resource partitioning in four species of reef fishes in Onslow Bay, North Carolina2023Harris, Carl Anthony.StudentECU
Resource partitioning of sympatric carnivores in western North Carolina2023Feller, Maya JaneStudentBiology, WCU
Resource Quality Information and Validity of Willingness to Pay in Contingent Valuation1998Whitehead, John FacultyEconomics, ASU
Resources are available to address local food insecurity2023Travia, Kevin StudentECU
Resources are available to address local food insecurity2023Kolasa, Kathryn MStudentECU
The respective roles of BfmRS and PmrA in stress responses and antibiotic resistance in Acin...2023Palethorpe, Samantha StudentECU
Respiratory and Cardiovascular Effects of Ambient Particulate Matter from Dust Storm and Non...2023Walters, D. M.StudentECU
Respiratory and Cardiovascular Effects of Ambient Particulate Matter from Dust Storm and Non...2023Selim, M. I.StudentECU
Respiratory and Cardiovascular Effects of Ambient Particulate Matter from Dust Storm and Non...2023Al-Khulaifi, N. M.StudentECU
Respiratory and Cardiovascular Effects of Ambient Particulate Matter from Dust Storm and Non...2023Rushing, B. R.StudentECU
Respiratory Health and Suspected Asthma among Hired Latinx Child Farmworkers in Rural North ...2023Kearney, Gregory D.StudentECU
Respiratory Health and Suspected Asthma among Hired Latinx Child Farmworkers in Rural North ...2023Kearney, Gregory D.StudentECU
Responding to health and social needs of aging Latinos in new-growth communities: a qualitat...2017Larson, Kim,Mathews,Holly F.,Torres,Essie,Lea,C. SuzanneStudentECU
Responding to Negative Electronic Word of Mouth to Improve Purchase Intention2023Furner, Christopher P.StudentECU
Responding to Negative Electronic Word of Mouth to Improve Purchase Intention2023Zinko, Robert StudentECU
Responding to Negative Electronic Word of Mouth to Improve Purchase Intention2023Patrick, Angela StudentECU
Responding to Negative Electronic Word of Mouth to Improve Purchase Intention2023Gaines, Shalanda StudentECU
Responding to Negative Electronic Word of Mouth to Improve Purchase Intention2023Kim, Mi DyaStudentECU
Responding to Negative Electronic Word of Mouth to Improve Purchase Intention2023Negri, Matthew StudentECU
Responding to Negative Electronic Word of Mouth to Improve Purchase Intention2023Orellana, Elsy StudentECU
Responding to Negative Electronic Word of Mouth to Improve Purchase Intention2023Torres, Shelby StudentECU
Responding to Negative Electronic Word of Mouth to Improve Purchase Intention2023Villarreal, Carmen StudentECU
Responding to Sea Level Rise: Does Short-Term Risk Reduction Inhibit Successful Long-Term Ad...2018Keller, A. G.,McNamara,D. E.,Irish,J. L.StudentECU
The response of acute myeloid leukemia (AML) cells to small molecule inhibitors that target ...2023Misaghian, Negin. StudentECU
Response of Baldcypress (Taxodium distichum) at Different Life Stages to Flooding and Salini...2023Powell, Amanda S.StudentECU
Response of high-risk MDS to azacitidine and lenalidomide is impacted by baseline and acquir...2019Follo, Matilde Y.,Pellagatt,Andrea,Armstrong,Richard N.,Ratti,SteStudentECU
Response of soil Respiration to Changes in Soil Temperature and Water Table Level in Drained...2023Peralta, A. L.StudentECU
Response of soil Respiration to Changes in Soil Temperature and Water Table Level in Drained...2023, et alStudentECU
A response-initiated differential reinforcement of low rates schedule of reinforcement1972Donaldson, Ralph ThadStudentPsychology, UNCG
Responses in Baseflow Nitrogen Concentrations to Wastewater Management Approaches in the Nor...2023Richardson, Jennifer AnnStudentECU
Responses of Leaf Litter Breakdown Rates and Microbial Enzyme Activity to Salinity in North ...2023Korn, Patrick R.StudentECU
Responses of nurses, pediatricians and hospital administrators in North Carolina to a play a...1969Coghill, Nancy TaylorStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Responsible Internet Use1997Scherlen, Allan G.FacultyUniversity Libraries, ASU
Responsible Internet Use1997Truett, Carol FacultyLeadership and Educational Studies, ASU
Responsible Internet Use1997Tashner, John FacultyLeadership and Educational Studies, ASU
Responsiveness of selected community colleges to work-force preparedness education and train...1992Finney, Pamela B.StudentEducation, UNCG
Restoration2018Fox, Javier E.StudentArt and Design, WCU
Restoration of Adiponectin-Connexin43 Signaling Mitigates Myocardial Inflammation and Dysfun...2023Abdel-Rahman, Abdel A.StudentECU
Restoration of Adiponectin-Connexin43 Signaling Mitigates Myocardial Inflammation and Dysfun...2023Leffler, Korin E.StudentECU
The restoration of the John Wright Stanly and the Robert Hay houses, New Bern, North Carolin...2023Otey, Elizabeth StudentECU
Restoration shrinkage laboratory test method1976McClaskey, Bettie WilsonStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Restoration: For When Conservation Isn’t Enough2023Trackenberg, Stacy StudentECU
Restorative Erotica : "Let the Friend, and the Lover Be Handsomely Mixed"2023Holton-Johnson, Ruth AnneStudentECU
Results From the Periodontitis and Vascular Events (PAVE) Study: A Pilot Multicentered, Rand...2023Offenbacher, Steven StudentECU
Results From the Periodontitis and Vascular Events (PAVE) Study: A Pilot Multicentered, Rand...2023Beck, James D.StudentECU
Results From the Periodontitis and Vascular Events (PAVE) Study: A Pilot Multicentered, Rand...2023Moss, Kevin StudentECU
Results From the Periodontitis and Vascular Events (PAVE) Study: A Pilot Multicentered, Rand...2023Mendoza, Luisito StudentECU
Results From the Periodontitis and Vascular Events (PAVE) Study: A Pilot Multicentered, Rand...2023Paquette, David W.StudentECU
Results From the Periodontitis and Vascular Events (PAVE) Study: A Pilot Multicentered, Rand...2023Barrow, David A.StudentECU
Results From the Periodontitis and Vascular Events (PAVE) Study: A Pilot Multicentered, Rand...2023Couper, David J.StudentECU
Results From the Periodontitis and Vascular Events (PAVE) Study: A Pilot Multicentered, Rand...2023Steward, Dawn D.StudentECU
Results From the Periodontitis and Vascular Events (PAVE) Study: A Pilot Multicentered, Rand...2023Falkner, Karen L.StudentECU
Results From the Periodontitis and Vascular Events (PAVE) Study: A Pilot Multicentered, Rand...2023Graham, Susan P.StudentECU
Results From the Periodontitis and Vascular Events (PAVE) Study: A Pilot Multicentered, Rand...2023Grossi, Sara StudentECU
Results From the Periodontitis and Vascular Events (PAVE) Study: A Pilot Multicentered, Rand...2023Gunsolley, John C.StudentECU
Results From the Periodontitis and Vascular Events (PAVE) Study: A Pilot Multicentered, Rand...2023Madden, Theresa StudentECU
Results From the Periodontitis and Vascular Events (PAVE) Study: A Pilot Multicentered, Rand...2023Maupome, Gerardo StudentECU
Results From the Periodontitis and Vascular Events (PAVE) Study: A Pilot Multicentered, Rand...2023Trevisan, Maurizio StudentECU
Results From the Periodontitis and Vascular Events (PAVE) Study: A Pilot Multicentered, Rand...2023Van Dyke, Thomas E.StudentECU
Results From the Periodontitis and Vascular Events (PAVE) Study: A Pilot Multicentered, Rand...2023Genco, Robert J.StudentECU
Resume, Eulogy, Education and Future2017Demšar, A,Aneja,A StudentECU
Resumption of Immune Checkpoint Inhibitor Therapy After Immune-Mediated Colitis2019Abu-Sbeih, Hamzah,Ali,Faisal S.,Patel,Sandipkumar,Otterson,Gregory A.,Kendra,KaStudentECU
Resurrection of the Body and Cryonics2017Mercer, Calvin StudentECU
Resuspension events and seabed dynamics in the Neuse River Estuary, NC2023Dillard, Sophia C.StudentECU
Resveratrol inhibits KSHV reactivation by lowering the levels of cellular Egr-12012Dyson, Ossie F.,Walker,Lia R.,Whitehouse,Adrian,Cook,Paul P.,AkStudentECU
Retail competition in electricity supply—Survey results in North Carolina2012Groothuis, Peter FacultyEconomics, ASU
Retaining Adolescent and Young Adult Participants in Research During a Pandemic: Best Practi...2021Nooner, Kate FacultyPsychology, UNCW
Retardation of U937 macrophage proliferation by low density lipoproteins of patients with ty...2023Sells, Terri D.StudentECU
Rethinking Multiculturalism: theory and nonhuman cultures2023Feder, Helena StudentECU
Retinal and nonretinal influences on the relative encounter rates for x and y cells in the l...1984Guido, William StudentPsychology, UNCG
Retinal fine structure of the western plains garter snake, Thamnophis radex haydeni Kennicot...2023Chandler, John ParsonsStudentECU
Retinal processes involved in the evoked cortical potential to patterned stimuli1969Greer, William FranklinStudentPsychology, UNCG
Retinoids Potentiate Clinically Relevant Cellular Responses through RARa/RXR Nuclear Recepto...2023Wang, Lei StudentECU
Retrospective discounting and augmenting in an overjustification procedure1983Carstens, Christian B.StudentPsychology, UNCG
A retrospective evaluation of the Governor's School of North Carolina1984Thomas, Elizabeth Marshall MurrayStudentEducation, UNCG
A retrospective inquiry into selected experiences of beginning teachers : a study in teacher...1982Snyder, Mary Margaret J.StudentEducation, UNCG
Retrospective Risk Assessment of Forestry Workers in the United States: Injuries, Fatalities...2023Knecht, Heidi YvonneStudentECU
The return of the cordial anthropophagus2023Felix, Regina FacultyWorld Languages and Cultures, UNCW
Return on Investment for Mangrove and Reef Flood Protection2023Heck, Nadine StudentECU
Return on Investment for Mangrove and Reef Flood Protection2023Narayan, Siddharth StudentECU
Return To Democratization or New Hybrid Regime?: The 2003 Elections in Jordan2004Ryan, Curtis R.FacultyGovernment and Justice Studies, ASU
Return to the Stone Age :the maritime history and nautical archaeology of Sturgeon Bay, Wisc...2023Moore, James D.,III.StudentECU
Returning Classification to the Library Catalog2008Stoffan, Mark A. FacultyHunter Library, WCU
Reunion ; Sixteen ; June of the year ; The stakes four short stories1949Rodgers, Winifred AnnStudentEnglish, UNCG
Reuniting word and deed : negotiation for real peacemaking and authentic classroom writing1995Holmes, Marsha StudentEnglish, UNCG
Reusing COVID-19 Disposable Nitrile Gloves to Improve the Mechanical Properties of Expansive...2023Wang, George StudentECU
Reusing COVID-19 Disposable Nitrile Gloves to Improve the Mechanical Properties of Expansive...2023Zhu, Jiasheng StudentECU
Rev. A. Letter to Charles A. Bird2018LeForce-Seibert, Alexandria StudentEnglish, WCU
Rev. of Baseball in the Carolinas: 25 essays on the states' hardball heritage by Chris Holad...2007Wise, Suzanne FacultyUniversity Libraries, ASU
Rev. of Instructional Design for Librarians and Information Professionals, by Lesley S. J. F...2012Stilling, Glenn Ellen StarrFacultyUniversity Libraries, ASU
Rev. of Israel, Jordan, and the Peace Process, by Yehuda Lukacs1998Ryan, Curtis R.FacultyGovernment and Justice Studies, ASU
Rev. of Library 2.0 and Beyond: Innovative Technologies and Tomorrow's User, ed. Courtney St...2008Estep, Erik FacultyECU
Rev. of The Political Economy of Market Reform in Jordan, by Timothy J. Piro. 1999Ryan, Curtis R.FacultyGovernment and Justice Studies, ASU
Rev. of Practical Pedagogy for Library Instructors: 17 Innovative Strategies to Improve Stud...2008Rhodes, Kelly FacultyUniversity Libraries, ASU
Rev. of The Successful Academic Librarian: Winning Strategies from Library Leaders, ed. By G...2006Rhodes, Kelly FacultyUniversity Libraries, ASU
A revaluation of the serious thematic concerns of three plays of Francis Beaumont and John F...1967Johnson, Thomas PennStudentEnglish, UNCG
Reversal of Right Ventricular Hypertrophy and Dysfunction by Prostacyclin in a Rat Model of ...2023Alhamaydeh, Mohammad StudentECU
Reversal of Right Ventricular Hypertrophy and Dysfunction by Prostacyclin in a Rat Model of ...2023Vanderpool, Rebecca R.StudentECU
The Reverse Warburg Effect Is Associated with Fbp2-Dependent Hif1a Regulation in Cancer Cell...2023McCubrey, James A.StudentECU
Reversed-phase liquid chromatography for separation of illicit drugs utilizing water-rich mo...2023Hubler, Laura StudentChemistry and Physics, WCU
Reversing a Tyranny of Cascading Shoreline-Protection Decisions Driving Coastal Habitat Loss...2023Gittman, Rachel K.StudentECU
Reversing a Tyranny of Cascading Shoreline-Protection Decisions Driving Coastal Habitat Loss...2023Scyphers, Steven B.StudentECU
Reversing a Tyranny of Cascading Shoreline-Protection Decisions Driving Coastal Habitat Loss...2023Baillie, Christopher J.StudentECU
Reversing a Tyranny of Cascading Shoreline-Protection Decisions Driving Coastal Habitat Loss...2023Brodmerkel, Anna StudentECU
Reversing a Tyranny of Cascading Shoreline-Protection Decisions Driving Coastal Habitat Loss...2023Grabowski, Jonathan H.StudentECU
Reversing a Tyranny of Cascading Shoreline-Protection Decisions Driving Coastal Habitat Loss...2023Livernois, Mariah StudentECU
Reversing a Tyranny of Cascading Shoreline-Protection Decisions Driving Coastal Habitat Loss...2023Poray, Abigail K.StudentECU
Reversing a Tyranny of Cascading Shoreline-Protection Decisions Driving Coastal Habitat Loss...2023Smith, Carter S.StudentECU
Reversing a Tyranny of Cascading Shoreline-Protection Decisions Driving Coastal Habitat Loss...2023Fodrie, F. JoelStudentECU
Review Essay – Bodymakers - A Cultural Anatomy of Women’s Bodybuilding1999McCaughey, Martha FacultySociology, ASU
Review of Argentina - Hope in Hard Times 2005Scherlen, Allan G.FacultyUniversity Libraries, ASU
A Review of the Development and Implementation of the Healthy Pals Childhood Nutritional Edu...2023Johnson, Sydney ElizabethStudentECU
Review of The Encyclopedia of Behavioral Medicine (E-Resource)2013Rachlin, David JFacultyShepard Library, NCCU
A Review of Hospitality and Tourism Management Graduates' Post Education Employment2015Adams, Amanda StudentBusiness - Student, ASU
Review of John Clayton, Religions, Reasons, and Gods: Essays in Cross-Cultural Philosophy of...2007Schilbrack, Kevin FacultyPhilosophy and Religion, ASU
Review of John Gibler's Mexico Unconquered: chronicles of power and revolt2010Scherlen, Allan G.FacultyUniversity Libraries, ASU
Review of Library 2.0 A Guide to Participatory Research2007Estep, Erik FacultyECU
Review of Lightning at Dinner by Jim Moore2006Donovan, Georgie FacultyUniversity Libraries, ASU
A review of the literature pertaining to the modifiability of the intelligence quotient thro...1943Gehring, Clara StudentHome Economics, UNCG
Review of The Marine Chronometer: Its History & Development2014Rachlin, David JFacultyShepard Library, NCCU
Review of Mind-bending mysteries and thrillers for teens: A programming and readers’ advisor...2016Rachlin, David JFacultyShepard Library, NCCU
Review of Mosquitoes of the southeastern united states2014Rachlin, David JFacultyShepard Library, NCCU
Review of Musculoskeletal Injuries and Prevention in the Endoscopy Practitioner2014Harvin, Glenn StudentECU
Review of Popular picks for young readers: 500 + Best-Loved Contemporary Titles for Kids Age...2015Rachlin, David JFacultyShepard Library, NCCU
Review of Present/Tense: Poets in the World by Mark Pawlak. 2006Donovan, Georgie FacultyUniversity Libraries, ASU
Review of TechnoFeminism by Judy Wajcman2006McCaughey, Martha FacultySociology, ASU
Review of Upper Triassic Stratigraphy and Biostratigraphy in the Chama basin, Northern New M...2005Heckert, Andrew B. FacultyGeology, ASU
Review of Wei Zhang, Heidegger, Rorty, and the Eastern Thinkers: A Hermeneutic of Cross-Cult...2008Ellis, Thomas B. FacultyPhilosophy and Religion, ASU
[Review of] Beleaguered Winchester: A Virginia Community at War, 1861–18652009Phipps, Sheila FacultyHistory, ASU
[Review Of] Debating the Death Penalty: Should America Have Capital Punishment? The Experts ...2005Williams, Marian FacultyGovernment and Justice Studies, ASU
[Review of] Fine-Tuning Gender Construction of the Old South2010Phipps, Sheila FacultyHistory, ASU
[Review of] Getting Down to Business2000Phipps, Sheila FacultyHistory, ASU
[A review of] "Masked Metaphors: Masks of the Spirit: Image and Metaphor in Mesoamerica, b...1990Carp, Richard M. FacultyPast faculty member, ASU
[Review of] Murder stories: Ideological narratives in capital punishment2013Williams, Marian FacultyGovernment and Justice Studies, ASU
[Review of] "Philosophical Explorations of New And Alternative Religious Movements."2013Schilbrack, Kevin FacultyPhilosophy and Religion, ASU
[Review of] Robert C. Neville (ed.): The Human Condition: A Volume in the Comparative Relig...2002Schilbrack, Kevin FacultyPhilosophy and Religion, ASU
[Review of] Southern Women's Rhetoric2014Phipps, Sheila FacultyHistory, ASU
[Review of] "Spirituality and The Ethics Of Torture"2010Schilbrack, Kevin FacultyPhilosophy and Religion, ASU
[Review of] Thomas P. Kasulis, Intimacy or Integrity: Philosophy and Cultural Difference2003Schilbrack, Kevin FacultyPhilosophy and Religion, ASU
Revised Upper Triassic stratigraphy of the Petrified Forest National Park, Arizona, U.S.A. ...2002Heckert, Andrew B. FacultyGeology, ASU
Revision and field test of a self-instructional program on the sewing machine1964Shoffner, Sarah M.StudentHuman Development and Family Studies, UNCG
Revision of Redondasuchus (Archosauria: Aetosauria) from the Upper Triassic Redonda Formatio...2006Heckert, Andrew B. FacultyGeology, ASU
A revision of the Upper Triassic ornithischian dinosaur Revueltosaurus, with a description o...2002Heckert, Andrew B. FacultyGeology, ASU
Revisiting the Port of Brunswick : A Research Design for the Waterfront of Brunswick Town/Fo...2023Smith, Hannah P.StudentECU
Revitalization of a neighborhood business district1977Leathers, Elisabeth B.StudentHome Economics, UNCG
Revitalizing "Forgotten" African American Cemeteries2023Ransone, Rachel KStudentECU
A Revueltian (Norian) phytosaur from the Sonsela Member of the Petrified Forest Formation (C...2003Heckert, Andrew B. FacultyGeology, ASU
A revueltosaur-like tooth from the Petrified Forest Formation (Upper Triassic: Revueltian), ...2006Heckert, Andrew B. FacultyGeology, ASU
The rhetoric of advocacy in American nature writing1996Carpenter, Geoffrey PaulStudentEnglish, UNCG
The rhetoric of characterization : a study of Dickens' Mr. Dombey and Arthur Clennam1978Bengel, Jane WaltersStudentEnglish, UNCG
A Rhetorical Analysis of the 1981 Belizean Constitution: National Identity in the context of...2023Marfield, Randy B.StudentECU
A rhetorical analysis of logos, pathos, and ethos in selected speeches of Terry Sanford1972Marshall, Judy StudentDrama and Speech, UNCG
Rhizobium Radiobacter-Induced Peritonitis: A Case Report and Literature Analysis2023Basuli, Debargha StudentECU
Rhizobium Radiobacter-Induced Peritonitis: A Case Report and Literature Analysis2023Roya, Sasmit StudentECU
Rhizobium Radiobacter-Induced Peritonitis: A Case Report and Literature Analysis2023Rahman, Ebad U.StudentECU
Rhizobium Radiobacter-Induced Peritonitis: A Case Report and Literature Analysis2023Adapa, Sreedhar StudentECU
Rhizobium Radiobacter-Induced Peritonitis: A Case Report and Literature Analysis2023Reddy, Sohil N.StudentECU
Rho GTPases as therapeutic targets in Alzheimer-s disease2017Aguilar, Byron J.,Zhu,Yi,Lu,QunStudentECU
Rho GTPases as therapeutic targets in Alzheimer’s disease2023Aguilar, Byron J.StudentECU
Rho GTPases as therapeutic targets in Alzheimer’s disease2023Zhu, Yi StudentECU
Rho GTPases as therapeutic targets in Alzheimer’s disease2023Lu, Qun StudentECU
RhoGTPase Regulators Orchestrate Distinct Stages of Synaptic Development2017Martin-Vilchez, Samuel,Whitmore,Leanna,Asmussen,Hannelore,Zareno,J StudentECU
The rhynchosaur Hyperodapedon from the Upper Triassic of Wyoming and its global biochronolog...2002Heckert, Andrew B. FacultyGeology, ASU
Rhythm and movement : an objective analysis of their association with music aptitude1984Moore, Janet L.S.StudentMusic, UNCG
Rhythm to the Art Educator2009Colby, Brooke StudentECU
Rhythmic and Lyric Interactions in Kendrick Lamar's DAMN: An Analysis of the Pulitzer Winnin...2023Johnson, Shawn StudentECU
Rhythmic beat perception in a Down's syndrome population : a computerized measure of beat ac...1986Freeman, Isabel AutryStudentMusic, UNCG
Rich Spirits2023Denning, George AlexanderStudentECU
Richard Branson : a virgin empire and other signs of entrepreneurial genius amidst the 'Brit...2023Howard, Brian K.StudentECU
Richard Tillman Fountain and the gubernatorial primary of 1932 in North Caolina2023Tharrington, Martha H.StudentECU
The right of public access to commercial television stations in North Carolina1974Cox, James CalhounStudentDrama and Speech, UNCG
The rights and duties of the principal and the teacher in their professional relationship1950Finch, Margaret GarvinStudentEducation, UNCG
Rightward attentional bias in perception and memory in normal males and females and dyslexic...1992Conder, Elizabeth SarahStudentPsychology, UNCG
The Rise and Fall of the “Private” as Part of Western Political Socialization2010Koch, Andrew MFacultyGovernment and Justice Studies, ASU
The rise of Seleukos Nikator, 327-301 B.C. : military power and the creation of a Hellenisti...2023Rose, Thomas Caldwell.StudentECU
Rising patterns of children with severe developmental delay2023Holt, James E.StudentECU
Risk Assessment and Behavioral Choices of Larval Anurans (Lithobates Sphenocephalus)2023Albecker, Molly StudentECU
Risk Aversion in the Use of Complex Kidneys in Paired Exchange Programs: Opportunities for E...2023Irish, William StudentECU
Risk Aversion in the Use of Complex Kidneys in Paired Exchange Programs: Opportunities for E...2023Leeser, David B.StudentECU
Risk Aversion in the Use of Complex Kidneys in Paired Exchange Programs: Opportunities for E...2023Roll, Garrett R.StudentECU
Risk Aversion in the Use of Complex Kidneys in Paired Exchange Programs: Opportunities for E...2023Cooper, Matthew StudentECU
Risk Aversion in the Use of Complex Kidneys in Paired Exchange Programs: Opportunities for E...2023Verbesey, Jennifer StudentECU
Risk Aversion in the Use of Complex Kidneys in Paired Exchange Programs: Opportunities for E...2023Veale, Jeffrey L.StudentECU
Risk Aversion in the Use of Complex Kidneys in Paired Exchange Programs: Opportunities for E...2023Ronin, Matthew StudentECU
Risk Aversion in the Use of Complex Kidneys in Paired Exchange Programs: Opportunities for E...2023Waterman, Amy D.StudentECU
Risk Aversion in the Use of Complex Kidneys in Paired Exchange Programs: Opportunities for E...2023Flechner, Stuart M.StudentECU
Risk aversion in the use of complex kidneys in paired exchange programs: Opportunities for e...2023Roll, Garrett R.StudentECU
Risk aversion in the use of complex kidneys in paired exchange programs: Opportunities for e...2023Cooper, Matthew StudentECU
Risk aversion in the use of complex kidneys in paired exchange programs: Opportunities for e...2023Verbesey, Jennifer StudentECU
Risk aversion in the use of complex kidneys in paired exchange programs: Opportunities for e...2023Veale, Jeffrey L.StudentECU
Risk aversion in the use of complex kidneys in paired exchange programs: Opportunities for e...2023Ronin, Matthew StudentECU
Risk aversion in the use of complex kidneys in paired exchange programs: Opportunities for e...2023Irish, William StudentECU
Risk aversion in the use of complex kidneys in paired exchange programs: Opportunities for e...2023Waterman, Amy D.StudentECU
Risk aversion in the use of complex kidneys in paired exchange programs: Opportunities for e...2023Flechner, Stuart M.StudentECU
Risk aversion in the use of complex kidneys in paired exchange programs: Opportunities for e...2023Leeser, David B.StudentECU
Risk Factors for Stunting in Children under the Age of 5 in Rural Guatemalan Highlands2020Kragel, Emily A.,Merz,Alexandra,Flood,Dylan M. N.,Haven,Kelley EStudentECU
Risk, Resilience, and Smoking in a National, Probability Sample of Sexual and Gender Minorit...2023Lee, Joseph G. L.StudentECU
Risk-adapted targeted intraoperative radiotherapy versus whole-breast radiotherapy for breas...2014Vaidya, Jayant S,Wenz,Frederik,Bulsara,Max,Tobias,Jeffrey S,JosepStudentECU
Risky Business: Subsistence fishing in Tyrrell County, North Carolina2023Brown-Pickren, Elizabeth AnnStudentECU
The ritual and other stories1968Carter, Melinda HiscosStudentEnglish, UNCG
Ritual Metaphysics2004Schilbrack, Kevin FacultyPhilosophy and Religion, ASU
River Herring Nursery Habitat in Albemarle Sound, North Carolina, Inferred from Otolith Micr...2023Zapf, Daniel HunterStudentECU
RNA-Binding Protein PUM2 Regulates Mesenchymal Stem Cell Fate via Repression of JAK2 and RUN...2023Lee, Myon HeeStudentECU
RNA-Binding Protein PUM2 Regulates Mesenchymal Stem Cell Fate via Repression of JAK2 and RUN...2023Wu, Xinjun StudentECU
RNA-Binding Protein PUM2 Regulates Mesenchymal Stem Cell Fate via Repression of JAK2 and RUN...2023Zhu, Yong StudentECU
RNA polymerase II CTD Evolutionary Diversity and Associated Protein Identification in Green...2023Yang, Chunlin StudentECU
Roark Bradford and John Henry1974Hetherington, Ferris SandsStudentEnglish, UNCG
Roars of laughter : a study of the use of laughter as a sound-image motif in selected short ...1964Smith, Martha StriblingStudentEnglish, UNCG
Robert Schumann's Fantasie in C major for piano, opus 17 (1839) : a comparative study of sel...1989Bencini, Sara HaltiwangerStudentMusic, UNCG
Robert Watson : the power of his command1969Larson, Linda StudentEnglish, UNCG
The Roberts English Series : an analysis1969Jones, Helen HaywardStudentEnglish, UNCG
Robustness of reliability predictions based on the exponential component failure distributio...1975Varner, Susan PayneStudentMathematics, UNCG
Rochester's Search for His Mother and Meaning: A Psychoanalytic Reading of Jane Eyre's Hero2022Baker, Angela StudentEnglish, UNCP
The role and function of the department chairperson at large North Carolina community colleg...1996Dymmel, Richard RoyStudentEducation, UNCG
The role and status of the tobacco ordering pit in the eastern flue-cured belt of North Caro...2023Morgan, John. StudentECU
Role competence and psychological well-being among the elderly1977Mancini, Jay A.StudentHome Economics, UNCG
A role for VEGFRs in regulating KSHV latency2023Lambert, Phelps J.StudentECU
A role for versican during chick limb skeletogenesis2023Shepard, John Bruce.StudentECU
The role in systematic desensitization of the reattribution of causality through self-observ...1975Lurey, Edward StudentPsychology, UNCG
Role modeling in the socialization process of baccalaureate nursing students2023Wysocki, Annette B.StudentECU
The role of affective characteristics in the effective leadership of elementary school princ...1987Pelc, Pamela R.StudentEducation, UNCG
Role of Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme Inhibitors and Angiotensin Receptor Blockers in Cryoba...2023Hashmath, Zeba StudentECU
Role of Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme Inhibitors and Angiotensin Receptor Blockers in Cryoba...2023, et alStudentECU
Role of annexin II in reorganization of cytoskeleton in lung type II cells2023Singh, Taran K.StudentECU
The role of anxiety and depressive symptoms in the cognitive functioning of old and young wo...1991Melton, Mary ElizabethStudentPsychology, UNCG
The Role of the Arts in the Humanities and Social Science Classroom1989Carp, Richard M. FacultyPast faculty member, ASU
The Role of axon-glial cell interactions in perineural potassium homeostasis of the giant ax...2023Hassan, Sami. StudentECU
The role of the Bcl-2 protein in the drug resistance of human breast cancer cells2023Davis, Julianne M.StudentECU
The role of the Bcl-2 protein in the drug resistance of human breast cancer cells2023Davis, Julianne M.StudentECU
The role of CaMK in the activity dependent regulation of GLUT4 gene expression2023Jensen, Ellis BenjaminStudentECU
Role of central cannabinoid receptor GPR18 in cardiovascular regulation2023Penumarti, Anusha StudentECU
The role of the central nervous system in the antihypertensive actions of propranolol and an...2023Hawkins, Eric D.StudentECU
Role of Cold Fronts in South American Monsoon Onset2010Wright, Emily StudentECU
The role of cyclic-AMP in the circadian rhythm of egg-laying in Drosophila melanogaster2023Kiger, Will R.StudentECU
The role of density, predator defense, and microhabitat preference on the spatial distributi...2023Pressley, Medolian C.StudentECU
Role of Dipicolinic Acid in the Germination, Stability, and Viability of Spores of Bacillus ...2023Magge, Anil StudentECU
Role of Dipicolinic Acid in the Germination, Stability, and Viability of Spores of Bacillus ...2023Granger, Amanda C.StudentECU
Role of Dipicolinic Acid in the Germination, Stability, and Viability of Spores of Bacillus ...2023Wahome, Paul G.StudentECU
Role of Dipicolinic Acid in the Germination, Stability, and Viability of Spores of Bacillus ...2023Setlow, Barbara StudentECU
Role of Dipicolinic Acid in the Germination, Stability, and Viability of Spores of Bacillus ...2023Vepachedu, Venkata R.StudentECU
Role of Dipicolinic Acid in the Germination, Stability, and Viability of Spores of Bacillus ...2023Loshon, Charles A.StudentECU
Role of Dipicolinic Acid in the Germination, Stability, and Viability of Spores of Bacillus ...2023Peng, Lixin StudentECU
Role of Dipicolinic Acid in the Germination, Stability, and Viability of Spores of Bacillus ...2023Chen, De StudentECU
Role of Dipicolinic Acid in the Germination, Stability, and Viability of Spores of Bacillus ...2023Li, Yong-Qing StudentECU
Role of Dipicolinic Acid in the Germination, Stability, and Viability of Spores of Bacillus ...2023Setlow, Peter StudentECU
Role of DNA-PKCS in the processing of double stranded breaks and oxidative clustered DNA les...2023Peddi, Prakash. StudentECU
Role of Dopamine Receptor 3 in Cardiac Fibrosis2023Byrne, Shannon ElizabethStudentECU
The role of early experience in the development of specialized and diverse preferences for f...1989Fulk, Keith RandalStudentPsychology, UNCG
The role of eIF4G (IFG-1) in embryonic and germline development in Caenorhabditis elegans2023Contreras, Vince. StudentECU
The role of eIF4G (IFG-1) in embryonic and germline development in Caenorhabditis elegans2023Contreras, Vince. StudentECU
The role of empathy in narcissism : an empirical investigation of Heinz Kohut's work1994Leventhal, Seth D.StudentPsychology, UNCG
The role of the Essex Junto in the formation, development, and fall of the Federalist Party,...2023Page, James CaryStudentECU
The Role of Ethanolamine Phosphate Phospholyase in Regulation of Astrocyte Lipid Homeostasis...2023Ellis, Jessica M.StudentECU
The Role of Ethanolamine Phosphate Phospholyase in Regulation of Astrocyte Lipid Homeostasis...2023White, Cory J.StudentECU
The Role of Ethanolamine Phosphate Phospholyase in Regulation of Astrocyte Lipid Homeostasis...2023Wolfgang, Michael J.StudentECU
The role of fishing material culture in communities’ sense of place as an added-value in man...2023Khakzad, Sorna StudentECU
The role of fishing material culture in communities’ sense of place as an added-value in man...2023Griffith, David StudentECU
The role of flue-cured tobacco in the rural geography of Pitt County, North Carolina2023Dudley, Dennis Allen.StudentECU
The role of folklore in Hawthorne's literary nationalism1976Bland, Robert LamarStudentEnglish, UNCG
The role of forgiveness and personality on outcomes of childhood maltreatment2020Taylor, Kimberly MarieStudentPsychology, WCU
The role of the four-year college in addressing the developmental needs of faculty during mi...1984Picot, Mary RosalindStudentEducation, UNCG
The role of the G3 domain of versican during chondrogenesis of the embryonic chick limb2023Lee, Shelly Nicole.StudentECU
The role of gender in proposed DSM-5 alcohol use disorder criteria2012Metze, Amanda VictoriaStudentPsychology, WCU
The Role of Hope with School Aged Children2016Nunn, Elizabeth KStudentECU
The role of illness in Central American Indian and Ladino society1971Clement, Susan LetitiaStudentAnthropology, UNCG
Role of the Iron Storage Ferritins Dps and DpsL during the Prolonged Oxidative Stress Respon...2023Betteken, Michael I.StudentECU
The role of learned helplessness in the onset of depression in obsessive compulsive personal...1994Faucette, Robert ChesterStudentPsychology, UNCG
The role of lexical and semantic access efficiency in predicting reading fluency in second a...2011Gee, Brittney StudentCommunication Sciences and Disorders, ECU
The role of Lucien Bonaparte in the coup d'etat of 18-19 Brumaire1965Kadis, Claudia BichdahlStudentHistory, UNCG
Role of Macrophage Polarization and Apolipoprotein E in Granuloma Resolution2023Ogburn, David RStudentECU
The role of meaningfulness in paired-associate recognition learning of trainable and educabl...1972Haywood, Karen LucilleStudentPsychology, UNCG
The Role of media trained supervisors and its relationship to appropriations for media resou...2023Jackson, Gwendolyn G.StudentECU
The Role of methyl groups in differentiation of the post-nodal pieces of chick blastoderms2023Smith, Michael L.StudentECU
The role of molecular sizes of carbohydrates on mouth sensations1978Stallings, Sarah FrancesStudentHome Economics, UNCG
The Role of Musical Intelligence in a Multiple Intelligences Focused Elementary School2001Mills, Susan FacultyMusic, ASU
Role of nicotinic acetylcholine receptor subtypes a4ß2 and a7 in nicotine-ethanol interactio...2023Taslim, Najla StudentECU
The Role of North Carolina Medical Schools in Producing Primary Care Physicians for the Stat...2023Tumin, Dmitry StudentECU
Role of Notch signaling in tumorigenesis, stemness, and epithelial to mesenchymal transtion ...2023Fender, Alexander W.StudentECU
The Role of the Notch-3 Receptor in Stemness, EMT, and Tumorigenesis in Colorectal Cancer2023Vinson, Kaitlyn E.StudentECU
The Role of Oatp74D, an Ecdysone Importer, in the Drosophila ovary.2023Powell, Amanda MStudentECU
The role of the organization of American States in Costa Rican- Nicaraguan border conflicts,...2023Parker, John BertramStudentECU
The role of the organ in Moravian sacred music between 1740-18401989Duncan, Timothy PaulStudentMusic, UNCG
The role of oxidative clustered DNA lesions during breast cell transformation2023Cooke, Charles-Thomas D.StudentECU
The role of oxidative clustered DNA lesions during breast cell transformation2023Cooke, Charles-Thomas D.StudentECU
Role of oxygen and salinity on biogeochemical processes controlling mercury and monomethylme...2008Vinson, Joshua S. StudentChemistry and Biochemistry, UNCW
The role of perceptions in strategic planning in higher education1989Taylor, Edward WilliamStudentEducation, UNCG
The role of pineal secretions in hibernation of the golden hamster2023Laroussini, George B.StudentECU
The role of PPAR? in carbon nanotube-elicited granulomatous lung inflammation2023Huizar, Isham StudentECU
The role of PPAR? in carbon nanotube-elicited granulomatous lung inflammation2023Malur, Anagha StudentECU
The role of PPAR? in carbon nanotube-elicited granulomatous lung inflammation2023Patel, Janki StudentECU
The role of PPAR? in carbon nanotube-elicited granulomatous lung inflammation2023McPeek, Matthew StudentECU
The role of PPAR? in carbon nanotube-elicited granulomatous lung inflammation2023Dobbs, Larry StudentECU
The role of PPAR? in carbon nanotube-elicited granulomatous lung inflammation2023Wingard, Christopher StudentECU
The role of PPAR? in carbon nanotube-elicited granulomatous lung inflammation2023Barna, Barbara P.StudentECU
The role of PPAR? in carbon nanotube-elicited granulomatous lung inflammation2023Thomassen, Mary JaneStudentECU
The role of PPARγ in carbon nanotube-elicited granulomatous lung inflammation2013Huizar, Isham,Malur,Anagha,Patel,Janki,McPeek,Matthew,Dobb P,Thomassen,Mary JaneStudentECU
The role of PPARγ in carbon nanotube-elicited granulomatous lung inflammation2013Thomassen, Mary JaneStudentECU
The role of PPARγ in carbon nanotube-elicited granulomatous lung inflammation2013Huizar, Isham StudentECU
The role of PPARγ in carbon nanotube-elicited granulomatous lung inflammation2013Malur, Anagha StudentECU
The role of PPARγ in carbon nanotube-elicited granulomatous lung inflammation2013Patel, Janki StudentECU
The role of PPARγ in carbon nanotube-elicited granulomatous lung inflammation2013McPeek, Matthew StudentECU
The role of PPARγ in carbon nanotube-elicited granulomatous lung inflammation2013Dobbs, Larry StudentECU
The role of PPARγ in carbon nanotube-elicited granulomatous lung inflammation2013Wingard, Christopher StudentECU
The role of PPARγ in carbon nanotube-elicited granulomatous lung inflammation2013Barna, Barbara PStudentECU
The role of PPARy in carbon nanotube-elicited granulomatous lung inflammation2013Dobbs, Larry StudentECU
The role of PPARy in carbon nanotube-elicited granulomatous lung inflammation2013Thomassen, Mary JaneStudentECU
The role of PPARy in carbon nanotube-elicited granulomatous lung inflammation2013Barna, Barbara PStudentECU
The role of PPARy in carbon nanotube-elicited granulomatous lung inflammation2013Patel, Janki StudentECU
The role of PPARy in carbon nanotube-elicited granulomatous lung inflammation2013McPeek, Matthew StudentECU
The role of PPARy in carbon nanotube-elicited granulomatous lung inflammation2013Wingard, Christopher J.StudentECU
The role of PPARy in carbon nanotube-elicited granulomatous lung inflammation2013Malur, Anagha StudentECU
The role of PPARy in carbon nanotube-elicited granulomatous lung inflammation2013Huizar, Isham StudentECU
The role of prerequisites in a criminal justice curriculum2004Williams, Marian FacultyGovernment and Justice Studies, ASU
The role of the principal as verified by North Carolina teachers1987Williams, Julia CrowellStudentEducation, UNCG
The role of the principal as verified by the secondary school department chairpersons in Gui...1989Crowell, Julius AlexanderStudentEducation, UNCG
The role of the principal as viewed by North Carolina's assistant superintendents for curric...1992Schnuit, William EdwardStudentEducation, UNCG
The role of the principal as viewed by North Carolina assistant principals1989Rogers, Kathryn MayStudentEducation, UNCG
The role of the principal as viewed by North Carolina school board members1992Bledsoe, Marsha EadsStudentEducation, UNCG
The role of the principal as viewed by North Carolina superintendents1987McRae, Robert RedfernStudentEducation, UNCG
The Role of Resources and Message Exposure on Health-Related Outcomes2023Lowery, Megan R.StudentECU
The role of rule-governed behavior in histrionic and compulsive personality disorders1987Schneidmiller, Sara WeberStudentPsychology, UNCG
The role of school peer relations, stressful life events and supportive resources in predict...1994McCandies, Terry ThompsonStudentPsychology, UNCG
The role of selected administrative units in the recruitment, training and supervision of gr...1992Vaughan, Peter RoyStudentEducation, UNCG
The Role of Social Distrust in Risk-Benefit Analysis: A Study of the Siting of a Hazardous W...1997Groothuis, Peter FacultyEconomics, ASU
The role of student development professionals in reducing the prevalence of sexual assault o...1994Bernard, Daniel LeonardStudentEducation, UNCG
The Role of Student Leadership In International Service Learning: A Literature Review2016Carpenter, Anne StudentSocial Work - Student, ASU
The role of the substitute teacher in educational reform of the 1980's in North Carolina1988Gorst, James DonaldStudentEducation, UNCG
The Role of Technology in the 21st Century Art Room2023Diehl, David StudentECU
The Role of Temporal Variables in Inhibition Produced through Extinction2003Denniston, James FacultyPsychology, ASU
Role of thymosin beta-4 on human mesenchymal stem cell engraftment, survival, and differenti...2023Byrum, Graham V.StudentECU
Role of thymosin beta-4 on human mesenchymal stem cell engraftment, survival, and differenti...2023Byrum, Graham V.StudentECU
The role of thyroid hormones and myocardial alpha- and beta-adrenergic receptors in the deve...2023Blumenthal, Steven J.StudentECU
The Role of Transcription Factors Snail and Slug in Cardiac Myofibroblasts2023Ferrell, Paul StudentECU
The Role of Transformative Learning In Study abroad Experiences. Unpublished honors thesis2015Cook, Allison StudentArt - Student, ASU
The role of the transformative teacher : an interpretive inquiry into the possibilities of p...1990Smith, Richard WayneStudentEducation, UNCG
The Role of Tryptophan and Its Derivatives in Elucidating A PCET Mechanism in the Model Prot...2023Long, Hanna LKStudentECU
The role of the white wing patch in communication among northern mockingbirds1996Justice, Michael J.StudentPsychology, UNCG
A role repertory grid measure of subjects' perception of parent-peer differentiation1970Biggerstaff, Carolyn JaneStudentPsychology, UNCG
Roles of GSK-3 and microRNAs on epithelial mesenchymal transition and cancer stem cells2017McCubrey, James A.,Fitzgerald,Timothy L.,Yang,Li V.,LertpiriyapongStudentECU
Roles of neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin (NGAL) in human cancer2014Candido, Saverio,Maestro,Roberta,Polesel,Jerry,Catania,Ales S.,McCubrey,James A.,Libra,MassimoStudentECU
Roles of the Raf/MEK/ERK and PI3K/Akt/mTOR pathways in the resistance of hematopoietic cells...2023Abrams, Stephen Lee.StudentECU
Roles of the Raf/MEK/ERK and PI3K/Akt/mTOR pathways in the resistance of hematopoietic cells...2023Abrams, Stephen Lee.StudentECU
The romantic concept of the poet-prophet and its culmination in Walt Whitman1970Mackay, Helen HoneycuttStudentEnglish, UNCG
The romantic spirit in American painting, 1800-18701964Moore, Virginia DeeAnneStudentHistory, UNCG
Romanticism after Eliot : the continuance of the romantic movement in twentieth-century Amer...1982Davidson, Robert GregoryStudentEnglish, UNCG
The Rondan jacket support clamp and jacket transport sled2000Heckert, Andrew B. FacultyGeology, ASU
Root Cause Analysis of Missed Appointments2023Errante, Natalie StudentECU
Rosie the Riveter and the Kitchen Soldier : Fighting the Second World War from Wilmington, N...2023Whitfield, Victoria StudentECU
Rostral Ventrolateral Medulla EP3 Receptor Mediates the Sympathoexcitatory and Pressor Effec...2023Abdel-Rahman, Abdel A.StudentECU
Rotating Quark-Gluon Plasma in Relativistic Heavy-Ion Collisions2023Lin, Zi-Wei StudentECU
Rotating shiftwork and links to family participation : family life preferences and satisfact...1984McCoy, Peg StudentHome Economics, UNCG
Rotavirus Vaccination: Cost-Effectiveness and Impact on Child Mortality in Developing Countr...2009Rheingans, Richard FacultySustainable Development, ASU
Rousseau on the education of women1979Misenheimer, Helen EvansStudentEducation, UNCG
Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass Surgery Restores Insulin-Mediated Glucose Partitioning and Mitochon...2023Houmard, Joseph A.StudentECU
The Royal Navy Advice Boat Swift and the Potential of Unrated Warships2023Mather, I. RoderickStudentECU
Ruin creek road : street poems1976Sainte-Pierre, Raymond R-J.StudentEnglish, UNCG
Rules of thumb for deselecting, relocating, and retaining bound journals2023Thomas, William JosephStudentECU
Rules of thumb for deselecting, relocating, and retaining bound journals2023Shouse, Daniel StudentECU
Rules, Magic, and Instrumental Reason: A Critical Interpretation of Peter Winch s Philosophy...2003Schilbrack, Kevin FacultyPhilosophy and Religion, ASU
Runtime Monitoring On Hard Real-Time Operating Systems2023Darafsheh, Kaveh StudentECU
Rural attitudes toward the negro in North Carolina, 1875-19001969Chandler, Martin BellStudentHistory and Political Science, UNCG
Rural elementary school staff's knowledge of and experience with pediatric concussion2020Stewart, Lindsay M.StudentCommunication Sciences and Disorders, WCU
Rural Kenyan Luo women's lived experiences : an interpretation1996Opiyo, Felicia A.StudentHuman Environmental Sciences, UNCG
A Rural Mental Health Research Agenda: Defining Context and Setting Priorities1999Hargrove, David FacultyPsychology, ASU
Rural non-farm population growth in eastern North Carolina2023Gordon, Richard Clifton.StudentECU
Rural, Suburban, and Urban Differences in Chronic Pain and Coping Among Adults in North Caro...2023Rafferty, Ann P.StudentECU
Rural, Suburban, and Urban Differences in Chronic Pain and Coping Among Adults in North Caro...2023Luo, Huabin StudentECU
Rural, Suburban, and Urban Differences in Chronic Pain and Coping Among Adults in North Caro...2023Egan, Kathleen L.StudentECU
Rural, Suburban, and Urban Differences in Chronic Pain and Coping Among Adults in North Caro...2023Bell, Ronny A.StudentECU
Rural, Suburban, and Urban Differences in Chronic Pain and Coping Among Adults in North Caro...2023Little, N. Ruth GaskinsStudentECU
Rural, Suburban, and Urban Differences in Chronic Pain and Coping Among Adults in North Caro...2023Imai, Satomi StudentECU
Rural-Urban Differences in Dental Service Utilization and Dental Service Procedures Received...2023Luo, Huabin StudentECU
Rural-Urban Differences in Dental Service Utilization and Dental Service Procedures Received...2023Wu, Qiang StudentECU
Rural-Urban Differences in Dental Service Utilization and Dental Service Procedures Received...2023Bell, Ronny A.StudentECU
Rural-Urban Differences in Dental Service Utilization and Dental Service Procedures Received...2023Wright, Wanda StudentECU
Rural-Urban Differences in Dental Service Utilization and Dental Service Procedures Received...2023Basu, Rashmita StudentECU
Rural-Urban Differences in Dental Service Utilization and Dental Service Procedures Received...2023Moss, Mark E.StudentECU
Rural-Urban Differences in Dental Service Utilization and Dental Service Procedures Received...2023Quandt, Sara A.StudentECU
RURALITY2020Pittman, Laura StudentECU
The Russian peasant : his world before the Revolution1952DeWitt, Glenna StudentHistory, UNCG
S.O.S.2012Pories, Walter J.StudentECU
The S.S. Paraguay : the historical importance of an early-twentieth century freighter2023Coble, Wendy M.StudentECU
S.S. Polias : a prototype of the World War I concrete ship program2023Post, Larkin A.StudentECU
Safe Handling of Mitomycin in the Perioperative Setting2023Hester, Amber W.StudentECU
Safe Sleep Education for the Prevention of Newborn Falls2023Sullivan, Cierra StudentECU
Safety Climate Assessment: a Survey in an Electric Power Distribution Company2023Kiani, Moien StudentECU
Safety lockout adapter and coupling member used therefor1992Gobeski, David L.StudentECU
Sailmaking in nineteenth century southern New England2023O'Regan, Deirdre StudentECU
Salinity in Pamlico Sound, North Carolina :a space-time approach2023Phillips, Jonathan David.StudentECU
Salt Marsh Secrets. Lesson Plan.2016Nikbakht, Sherry FacultyMathematical Sciences, ASU
Salt varieties defined by iodine, sodium-levels, flavor2023Gandhi, Savan StudentECU
Salt varieties defined by iodine, sodium-levels, flavor2023Kolasa, Kathryn MStudentECU
Samayah-Junior Recital-20212021Ellerbe, Samayah FacultyMusic and Visual Arts, ECSU
Samuel A'Court Ashe :North Carolina redeemer, 1840-18942023Faulkner, Ronnie Wayne.StudentECU
Samuel Beckett's trilogy : a study in circles and ciphers1967Scher, Linda StudentEnglish, UNCG
Samuel Robert Owens from Bilibid Hospital2017Mangum, Alexandra StudentEnglish, WCU
Samuel Roberts Owens to Frances Owens, January 28, 19422017Smith, Kellie StudentEnglish, WCU
Sanctuary: a project in the American Gothic genre2023Perdue, Elizabeth PeytonStudentEnglish, WCU
Sanitary significance of the bacterial flora of the brackish water clam, Rangia cuneata, in ...2023Comar, Paul G.StudentECU
Sarah Orne Jewett : New England Pastoralist1968Babb, Terry A.StudentEnglish, UNCG
SARS-CoV-2 Detection in Air Samples from Inside Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (...2023Sousan, Sinan StudentECU
SARS-CoV-2 Detection in Air Samples from Inside Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (...2023Fan, Ming StudentECU
SARS-CoV-2 Detection in Air Samples from Inside Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (...2023Outlaw, Kathryn StudentECU
SARS-CoV-2 Detection in Air Samples from Inside Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (...2023Williams, Sydney StudentECU
SARS-CoV-2 Detection in Air Samples from Inside Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (...2023Roper, Rachel L.StudentECU
Satiety inducing composition comprising Neuropeptide Y analogues and methods of inducing sat...2002Nyce, Jonathan W.StudentECU
Satiety inducing composition comprising Neuropeptide Y analogues and methods of inducing sat...2002Leonard, Sherry AnnStudentECU
A satirical interpretation of the history of selected persons, events and organizations in A...1981Kent, Mary ChrisStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
Satisfaction with Work-Life Balance in the Medical Profession: A Review of the Literature2015Williams, Allison StudentNursing - Student, ASU
A Saturday at the lake and other stories1968Barthel, Thomas HanleyStudentEnglish, UNCG
Savagery on the Eastern Front: Hitler’s Policy of Annihilation in Russia2016Smith, Ian StudentGovernment and Justice Studies - Student, ASU
SAVE Currituck Sound : Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Evaluation in Currituck Sound, NC2020Biarrieta, Natasha GStudentECU
SBM Recommends Policy Support to Reduce Smoking Disparities for Sexual and Gender Minorities...2023Lee, Joseph G. L.StudentECU
Scavenger Receptor BI Attenuates IL-17A–Dependent Neutrophilic Inflammation in Asthma2023Reece, Sky W.StudentECU
Scavenger Receptor BI Attenuates IL-17A–Dependent Neutrophilic Inflammation in Asthma2023Kilburg-Basnyat, Brita StudentECU
Scavenger Receptor BI Attenuates IL-17A–Dependent Neutrophilic Inflammation in Asthma2023Hodge, Myles X.StudentECU
Scavenger Receptor BI Attenuates IL-17A–Dependent Neutrophilic Inflammation in Asthma2023Luo, Bin StudentECU
Scavenger Receptor BI Attenuates IL-17A–Dependent Neutrophilic Inflammation in Asthma2023Gowdy, Kymberly M.StudentECU
Scavenger Receptor BI Attenuates IL-17A–Dependent Neutrophilic Inflammation in Asthma2023Varikuti, Sanjay StudentECU
Scavenger Receptor BI Attenuates IL-17A–Dependent Neutrophilic Inflammation in Asthma2023Dunigan-Russell, Katelyn StudentECU
Scavenger Receptor BI Attenuates IL-17A–Dependent Neutrophilic Inflammation in Asthma2023Madenspacher, Jennifer H.StudentECU
Scavenger Receptor BI Attenuates IL-17A–Dependent Neutrophilic Inflammation in Asthma2023Thomas, Seddon Y.StudentECU
Scavenger Receptor BI Attenuates IL-17A–Dependent Neutrophilic Inflammation in Asthma2023Tokarz, Debra A.StudentECU
Scavenger Receptor BI Attenuates IL-17A–Dependent Neutrophilic Inflammation in Asthma2023Tighe, Robert M.StudentECU
Scavenger Receptor BI Attenuates IL-17A–Dependent Neutrophilic Inflammation in Asthma2023Cook, Donald N.StudentECU
Scavenger Receptor BI Attenuates IL-17A–Dependent Neutrophilic Inflammation in Asthma2023Fessler, Michael B.StudentECU
The Sce´nologie of the death of selected eighteenth- and nineteenth-century heroines1970Moore, Janice HookeStudentRomance Languages-French, UNCG
Schema-as-knowledge and schema-as-importance effects on children's memory and organization o...1988Calhoun, Ann WardStudentPsychology, UNCG
Scholarly Productivity of Faculty in Primary Care Roles Related to Tenure Versus Non-Tenure ...2023Tumin, Dmitry StudentECU
Scholarly publishing depends on peer reviewers2018Fernandez-Llimos, Fernando StudentECU
School adjustment and academic achievement of head start participants compared with eligible...1968Hawkins, Melba AnnStudentHome Economics, UNCG
School Aggression and Dispositional Aggression among Middle School Boys2004Ballard, Mary FacultyPsychology, ASU
School as community or school in community : conflicting values in control and professional ...1994Smith, Richard JacksonStudentEducation, UNCG
School board perceptions of effective superintendents in North Carolina1990Mitchell, Terry GreyStudentEducation, UNCG
School Connectedness and Help-Seeking Attitudes in the Middle School Population: Gender Diff...2023Taylor, Ellison StudentECU
School district creation, abolishment and reorganization in North Carolina : a legal history...1988Roberts, Jan WayneStudentEducation, UNCG
School drop-outs in a rural school in the tobacco area of North Carolina1949Shepherd, Hurley S.StudentEducation, UNCG
School Funding2008Reed, Randall FacultyPhilosophy and Religion, ASU
School health services identified as essential by parents, teachers, and school administrato...2023Harrell, Deborah S.StudentECU
School Improvement Groups Network (Project SIGN) : a two-year study of a collaborative schoo...1992Gaines, Patricia JonesStudentEducation, UNCG
School Nursing Practice of School-aged Children with Adverse Childhood Experiences: An Integ...2023Walker, Stewart EugeneStudentECU
School performance of eighth grade students from broken homes1963Baucom, Dorothy McLeanStudentHome Economics, UNCG
School psychologists supporting students with autism through particpation in school based te...2022Morton, Jennie AlexisStudentPsychology, WCU
The school reentry process in North Carolina schools for children with pediatric cancer2016Drillings, Jesse StudentPsychology, WCU
School Staff Perceptions of Connectedness with Students in a Low-Income Public Middle School...2023Pestaner, Mitzi CStudentECU
School-based family interventions : current and preferred practices of school counselors1995Bloss, Kim KathrynStudentEducation, UNCG
School-Based Mental Health Therapy : Meeting the Needs of Rural Adolescents2023Mendoza, Albee Therese OngsucoStudentECU
School/family/work : a mesosystem analysis of factors affecting child care teachers' persist...1996Buell, Martha J.StudentHuman Environmental Sciences, UNCG
The schooner as an economic tool in the development of North Carolina's commerce2023Dodds, Tricia J.StudentECU
Sci-Hub: What Is It, and Why Does It Matter to Academic Libraries? An Interview with Michael...2023Cook, Eleanor I.StudentECU
Sci-Hub: What Is It, and Why Does It Matter to Academic Libraries? An Interview with Michael...2023Levine-Clark, Michael StudentECU
Sci-Hub: What Is It, and Why Does It Matter to Academic Libraries? An Interview with Michael...2023Katz, Peter StudentECU
Science and Binational Cooperation: Bidirectionality in the Transboundary Aquifer Assessment...2023Petersen-Perlman, Jacob D.StudentECU
Science and Binational Cooperation: Bidirectionality in the Transboundary Aquifer Assessment...2023Albrecht, Tamee R.StudentECU
Science and Binational Cooperation: Bidirectionality in the Transboundary Aquifer Assessment...2023Tapia-Villaseñor, Elia M.StudentECU
Science and Binational Cooperation: Bidirectionality in the Transboundary Aquifer Assessment...2023Varady, Robert G.StudentECU
Science and Binational Cooperation: Bidirectionality in the Transboundary Aquifer Assessment...2023Megdal, Sharon B.StudentECU
Science and Social Change: A Conversation with Robert Sapolsky2023Feder, Helena StudentECU
Science attitute training in secondary education2023Dail, Philip RayStudentECU
Science education for responsible social action1977Clements, Frank WayneStudentEducation, UNCG
Science objectives of secondary school teachers of physical science and physics2023Franceschi, Elida OliveStudentECU
Scleroderma Defiance: A Practical, Educational and Free Guide for Self-Management of Sclerod...2023Flanagan, Magen StudentECU
The scope of nutrition education by selected primigravidas with emphasis on the role of thei...1976Barker, Linda RallingsStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Scoping review of smoking trend disparities over time in LGBTQ population2023Zahra, Abdul StudentECU
Score reading and retention of twentieth-century compositions : effects of conventional nota...1980Harrison, Judith L.StudentMusic, UNCG
Scorpion1977Burkholder, John BradleyStudentEnglish, UNCG
The Scots-Irish : Scottish origins, Irish experiences, and American dreams2023Hammack, Stephen A.StudentECU
Screening for Risk Stratification of Cardiovascular Disease in Type 2 Diabetes2023Bhardwaj, Victoria StudentECU
Screening Latino Farmworkers for Depression in Primary Care2023Limon, Francisco J.StudentECU
Screening of biocatalysts for synthesis of the Wieland-Miescher ketone.2023Patel, M. P.StudentECU
Screening of biocatalysts for synthesis of the Wieland-Miescher ketone.2023Green, N. T.StudentECU
Screening of biocatalysts for synthesis of the Wieland-Miescher ketone.2023Burch, J. K.StudentECU
Screening of biocatalysts for synthesis of the Wieland-Miescher ketone.2023Kew, K. A.StudentECU
Screening of biocatalysts for synthesis of the Wieland-Miescher ketone.2023Hughes, R. M.StudentECU
Scripting an Automated Score and Message Board\; Cyber Security Competitive Labs as a Servic...2023Hempenius, Nicholas StudentECU
Scripting an Automated Score and Message Board\; Cyber Security Competitive Labs as a Servic...2023Chou, Te-Shun,1964- StudentECU
Sculptolinear kintinuum : a theater art piece1969Miller, Earlynn J.StudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
Sculpture in clay and cast iron, wood-block prints and drawings : studies of mass and space1974Dunigan, Martha MalicoatStudentArt, UNCG
Sculpture in porcelain and pencil drawings1975Kendrick, Diane PricillaStudentArt, UNCG
Sculptures with light1977Windsor, Dale ConradStudentArt, UNCG
The Scuppernong River Project, Volume 1: Explorations of Tyrrell County Maritime History2023Richards, Nathan StudentECU
The Scuppernong River Project, Volume 1: Explorations of Tyrrell County Maritime History2023Bera, Daniel J.StudentECU
The Scuppernong River Project, Volume 1: Explorations of Tyrrell County Maritime History2023Bisbee, Saxon T.StudentECU
The Scuppernong River Project, Volume 1: Explorations of Tyrrell County Maritime History2023Bright, John ChristopherStudentECU
The Scuppernong River Project, Volume 1: Explorations of Tyrrell County Maritime History2023Brown, Daniel MarkStudentECU
The Scuppernong River Project, Volume 1: Explorations of Tyrrell County Maritime History2023Buttaro, David StudentECU
The Scuppernong River Project, Volume 1: Explorations of Tyrrell County Maritime History2023O'Neill, Jeffrey B.StudentECU
The Scuppernong River Project, Volume 1: Explorations of Tyrrell County Maritime History2023Schilling, William StudentECU
Sea-Level Rise Research and Dialogue in North Carolina: Creating Windows for Policy Change2009Whitehead, John FacultyEconomics, ASU
SEAFARING WOMEN : An Investigation of Material Culture for Potential Archaeological Diagnost...2023Seaborn, R. LaurelStudentECU
A search for balance1970Taylor, Arden NelsonStudentArt, UNCG
A search for determinants of the authoritarian parenting style1985King, John HaskinsStudentHome Economics, UNCG
A Search for Wholeness: Songs of Healing for Adolescents with Emotional and Behavioral Disor...2010Leonard, Katurah RuthStudentMusic - Student, ASU
A search into the meaning of the painter's creative images1954Pollard, Ann CarterStudentArt, UNCG
Search strategies for Eye tracking measures for studying language comprehension deficits in ...2020Haberstroh, Amanda StudentECU
Search strategies for Implicit Bias of Nurses2023Haberstroh, Amanda StudentECU
Search strategies for Nurses' Self-Care Strategies: A Mapping Review2023Haberstroh, Amanda StudentECU
Search strategies for Nurses' Self-Care Strategies: A Mapping Review2023Gantt, Laura,1957- StudentECU
Search strategies for Nursing staff's role in detecting urinary tract infection in long-term...2020Haberstroh, Amanda StudentECU
Search strategies for Reported Symptoms from Those Diagnosed with Hypertension2023Haberstroh, Amanda StudentECU
Search strategies for Structural Competency in Pre-health and Health Professional Learning: ...2023Haberstroh, Amanda StudentECU
Search Strategy for Are There Any Effective Strategies or Interventions for Driving Cessatio...2023Bloss, Jamie StudentECU
Search Strategy for Examining Oral Health Literacy of Caregivers and the Oral Health Status ...2023Bloss, Jamie StudentECU
Search Strategy for Glycogenic Hepatopathy Not Associated With Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus: Evi...2023Bloss, Jamie StudentECU
Search strategy for the identification of qualitative research exploring people’s experience...2023Reis, Heidi StudentECU
Search strategy for the identification of studies exploring influence of household food inse...2023Reis, Heidi StudentECU
Search strategy for the identification of studies exploring influence of household food inse...2023Harmon, Corey StudentECU
Search Strategy for Psychosocial Interventions for Aphasia: A Scoping Review2023Bloss, Jamie StudentECU
Search Strategy for A scoping review of the social and ecological context of adolescent and ...2023Bloss, Jamie StudentECU
Search Strategy for A Systematic Review of Pelvic Radiation's Impact on Female Sexual Dysfun...2023Bloss, Jamie StudentECU
Search Strategy for A Systematic Review of Pelvic Radiation's Impact on Female Sexual Dysfun...2023Reis, Heidi StudentECU
A search to identify the seventeenth-century shoreline of St. Mary's City, Maryland2023Embrey, James W.StudentECU
Searching for the Black Woman’s Identity in Alice Walker’s Fiction2023Boone, Alegrea MStudentECU
Searching for Florence2001Filene, Benjamin P.FacultyHistory, UNCG
Searching for the Schooner Rob Roy: An Historical Archaeological Analysis of a Civil War Blo...2020Bernard, Samantha JTCEStudentECU
Searching GeoRef for Archaeology1995Ogburn, Joyce FacultyUniversity Libraries, ASU
Seasonal abundance and distribution of phytoplankton in the Currituck Sound2023Tyndall, Linda Ives.StudentECU
Seasonal and diel feeding patterns among juvenile fish in Bond Creek, Beaufort County, North...2023Tyndall, M. Ted.StudentECU
Seasonal and event-driven sediment dynamics in the Mississippi Deltaic region2023Dail, Michael B.StudentECU
Seasonal and event-driven sediment dynamics in the Mississippi Deltaic region2023Dail, Michael B.StudentECU
Seasonal changes and temperature induced activity in the carbohydrate metabolism of the Gold...2023Scandale, Nicholas A.StudentECU
Seasonal changes in lotic phytoplankton and their successional responses to experimental tem...1973Narala, Channa ReddiStudentBiology, UNCG
Seasonal Changes In Methanogenesis And Methanogenic Community In Three Peatlands, New York S...2012Brauer, Suzanna FacultyBiology, ASU
Seasonal Changes of Extremes in Isolated and Mesoscale Precipitation for the Southeastern Un...2018Rickenbach, Thomas StudentECU
Seasonal community dynamics of macrobenthos on a high energy sandy beach in North Carolina2023Leber, Kenneth Miles.StudentECU
Seasonal dispersion patterns of the dusky salamander, Desmognathus fuscus, in the coastal pl...2023Clayton, Joe H.StudentECU
Seasonal growth and decomposition of vallisneria americana in the Pamlico River Estuary2023Zamuda, Craig DennisStudentECU
Seasonal home range dynamics and sex di?erences in habitat use in a threatened, coastal mars...2023Kolts, Jaan R.StudentECU
Seasonal home range dynamics and sex di?erences in habitat use in a threatened, coastal mars...2023McRae, Susan B.StudentECU
Seasonal home range dynamics and sex differences in habitat use in a threatened, coastal mar...2023Kolts, Jaan RunyonStudentECU
Seasonal home range dynamics and sex differences in habitat use in a threatened, coastal mar...2023McRae, Susan B.StudentECU
Seasonal home range dynamics and sex dierences in habitat use in a threatened, coastal ma...2017Kolts, Jaan R.,McRae,Susan B.StudentECU
Seasonal species assemblages in seagrass habitats of northeast Pamlico Sound2023Whitt, Dylan KennedyStudentECU
A seasonal study of parasite popluations in the cotton rat, Sigmodon Hispidus (Say)2023Coggins, James RayStudentECU
Seasonal variations in surface water chemistry and fire effects on a pocosin lake :Great Lak...2023Trapani, Elena E.StudentECU
A second locality for the Namib darkling beetle Onymacris brainei (Tenebrionidae, Coleoptera...2023Lamb, Trip StudentECU
A second locality for the Namib darkling beetle Onymacris brainei (Tenebrionidae, Coleoptera...2023Marais, Eugene StudentECU
A second locality for the Namib darkling beetle Onymacris brainei (Tenebrionidae, Coleoptera...2023Bond, Jason E.StudentECU
A second locality for the Namib darkling beetle Onymacris brainei (Tenebrionidae, Coleoptera...2023Lamb, Trip StudentECU
A second locality for the Namib darkling beetle Onymacris brainei (Tenebrionidae, Coleoptera...2023Marais, Eugene StudentECU
A second locality for the Namib darkling beetle Onymacris brainei (Tenebrionidae, Coleoptera...2023Bond, Jason E.StudentECU
Second order predictor-corrector pairs1976Franklin, Carol MarleyStudentMathematics, UNCG
Second wave women : self-efficacy and self-worth dimensions of professional women in their e...1993Vedder, Patricia AnnStudentHuman Environmental Sciences, UNCG
Second-hand Effects of Electronic Cigarette Use2023Fresquez, Sarah ElizabethStudentECU
Second-hand Effects of Electronic Cigarette Use2023Mooring, Ronald EStudentECU
Second-hand Effects of Electronic Cigarette Use2023Mooring, Ronald EStudentECU
Second-order schedules : a comparison of the effects of paired and unpaired brief stimuli on...1974Witty, William IrvinStudentPsychology, UNCG
Securing Internet-of-Things Devices2023Fix, Leigh StudentECU
Sediment composition and groundwater salinity of two marshes on the North Carolina Outer Ban...2023Purser, Mark T.StudentECU
Sediment Cores from White Pond, South Carolina, contain a Platinum Anomaly, Pyrogenic Carbon...2019Moore, Christopher R.,Brooks,Mark J.,Goodyear,Albert C.,Ferguson,TerrStudentECU
Sediment dynamics in tributaries of the Neuse River estuary, North Carolina2023Marciniak, Katherine J.StudentECU
Sediment redistribution and volumetric changes in a barrier island environment, Hatteras Isl...2023Ernst, Nicole L.StudentECU
Sedimentary diagenesis of hydrotherally altered distal turbidates of Middle Valley, Juan de ...2023Higgins, Katrina M.StudentECU
Sedimentation and morphology on the outer shelf/upper slope transition, Waipaoa River margin...2023Sumners, Benjamin W.StudentECU
Sedimentation in a mixed siliciclastic-carbonate coral reef setting, La Parguera, Puerto Ric...2023Ryan, Katherine E.StudentECU
Sedimentology and geochemistry of estuarine sediments from the Albemarle Sound and adjacent ...2023Letrick, Erin. StudentECU
Sedimentology and geomorphology of the Rio Madre de Dios from Diamante to Puerto Maldonado, ...2023Hemric, Erin M.StudentECU
Sedimentology and geomorphology of the Rio Ramis Valley, Peru :climatic effects on fluvial l...2023Farabaugh, Renee L.StudentECU
Sedimentology of the Stony Gap sandstone (Upper Mississippian), Summers and Mercer counties,...2023Kirkpatrick, James W.StudentECU
See the Triumph Healing Arts Workshops for Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence and Sexual...2023Crowe, Allison StudentECU
See the Triumph Survivor Advocacy Training Program: Equipping Survivors of Abuse to Engage i...2023Crowe, Allison StudentECU
Seeing is Believing: The Effects of Images on Trust and Purchase Intent in eWOM for Hedonic ...2023Zinko, Robert StudentECU
Seeing is Believing: The Effects of Images on Trust and Purchase Intent in eWOM for Hedonic ...2023de Burgh-Woodman, Helene StudentECU
Seeing is Believing: The Effects of Images on Trust and Purchase Intent in eWOM for Hedonic ...2023Furner, Zhan ZhangStudentECU
Seeing is Believing: The Effects of Images on Trust and Purchase Intent in eWOM for Hedonic ...2023Kim, Soo JungStudentECU
Seeking Comfort2023Bailey, Alison StudentECU
Seeking Tourism’s Benefits-Minimizing Tourism’s Costs2023Long, Patrick StudentECU
A seismic stratigraphic synthesis of the quaternary geologic framework of the Pamlico Sound,...2023Buckner, Michael David.StudentECU
A seismic stratigraphic synthesis of the quaternary geologic framework of the Pamlico Sound,...2023Buckner, Michael David.StudentECU
Selected child rearing practices in low income negro families and white families1969Veach, Davia M.StudentHome Economics, UNCG
Selected clothing characteristics and educator credibility1990Roberts, Anna DugginsStudentHuman Environmental Sciences, UNCG
Selected environmental factors influencing attainment of positions of leadership on a colleg...1974Motsinger, Nanci CogginStudentEducation, UNCG
Selected morphometric characteristics and their relationship to the genetic provinces of the...2023McCluskey, James Michael.StudentECU
Selected North Carolina school administrators and business leaders perceptions of behaviors ...1994Coaxum, Thomas CliftonStudentEducation, UNCG
Selected variables related to movement task performance measures of 7-year-old girls1977Greenlee, Joy CarolStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
The selection and consumption of food by nursery school children1965Fesmire, Rachel TeagueStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Selection and maintenance of natural plants for commercial interiors1975Falta, Nancy TurkStudentHome Economics, UNCG
The selection of Logo problem-solving strategies by young minority children as influenced by...1991Howard, Janice ReneeStudentHuman Environmental Sciences, UNCG
Selection of reliable reference genes in caenorhabditis elegans for analysis of nanotoxicity...2012Zhang, Yanqiong,Chen,Dongliang,Smith,Michael A.,Zhang,Baohong,Pan,XiaopingStudentECU
Selection's Role in Maintaining a Color Polymorphism in the Sulawesi Fish Telmatherina anton...2023Varnell, Drew TStudentECU
Selective Recruitment of Germ Cell mRNAs by eIF4 Factors2023Friday, Andrew J.StudentECU
Selective reduction of aromatic esters using in-situ-generated?LiBH42020Strayer, Theodore AlexanderStudentChemistry and Physics, WCU
Self and society : the dialectic of themes and forms in the novels of Carson McCullers1976Smith, Christopher MichaelStudentEnglish, UNCG
The self portrait1977Schweninger, Patricia Jean EamesStudentArt, UNCG
Self portrait drawings1976Brown, Dale BradfordStudentArt, UNCG
Self-Care in Cross-Cultural Social Work with Immigrants and Refugees2016Brouwer, Rachel StudentSocial Work - Student, ASU
Self-care strategies of nurses with musculoskeletal disorders: an integrative review2020Haberstroh, Amanda StudentECU
Self-concept and academic achievement : a comparison of intellective and non-intellective va...1979Legette, Helen RogersStudentEducation, UNCG
Self-concept in the biographical narratives of women visual art educators and artists1994Hipp, Phyllis TalleyStudentEducation, UNCG
Self-Control Behind Bars: a Validation Study of the Grasmick et al. Scale2003Murphy, Daniel S. FacultyGovernment and Justice Studies, ASU
Self-efficacy and knowledge of AIDS among adolescents2023Bobbitt, Deborah CarolStudentECU
Self-enforcing International Environmental Agreements with Costly Monitoring for Compliance2008McEvoy, Dave FacultyEconomics, ASU
Self-imposed timeouts during a successive discrimination : escape or stimulus change?1978Santoro, Patricia A.StudentPsychology, UNCG
Self-portrait2020Stiles, John FacultyMusic and Visual Arts, ECSU
Self-portrait of a high school assistant principal as a curriculum leader1991Johnson, Brenda S.StudentEducation, UNCG
Self-portrait series1973Steever, Carol AnnStudentArt, UNCG
Self-Reported Changes in Organizational Commitment : The Relationship between Present Organi...2023Wagy, Megan StudentECU
Self-Reported Cognitive Impairment Across Racial/Ethnic Groups in the United States, Nationa...2023Luo, Huabin StudentECU
Self-Reported Health Literacy Among North Carolina Adults and Associations with Health Statu...2023Luo, Huabin StudentECU
Self-Reported Health Literacy Among North Carolina Adults and Associations with Health Statu...2023Rafferty, Ann P.StudentECU
Self-Reported Health Literacy Among North Carolina Adults and Associations with Health Statu...2023Little, N. Ruth GaskinsStudentECU
The self-reported health status and perceived health beliefs of farmers in eastern North Car...2023Stevens, Casey S.StudentECU
Self-similarity and non-Markovian behavior in traded stock volumes2015Brown, Frank R.,Pravica,David,Bier,MartinStudentECU
Self-social concept of young negro children1970Campbell, Martha PrattStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Semiotrix Deux2002Carp, Richard M. FacultyPast faculty member, ASU
Senegambian Watercraft2023Zylstra, Trenton MichaelStudentECU
Sensation of being : new realism1966Bell, Marianne StudentArt, UNCG
Sensibility in the novels of James Fenimore Cooper1977Boyles, Mary P.StudentEnglish, UNCG
Sensitivity to aversive events in currently depressed and remitted depressed subjects1989Sigmon, Sandra TateStudentPsychology, UNCG
Sensitivity to Pulse Phase Duration as a Marker of Neural Health Across Cochlear Implant Rec...2023Zhou, Ning StudentECU
Sensitivity to Pulse Phase Duration as a Marker of Neural Health Across Cochlear Implant Rec...2023Dong, Lixue StudentECU
Sensitivity to Pulse Phase Duration as a Marker of Neural Health Across Cochlear Implant Rec...2023Zhu, Zhen StudentECU
Sensitivity to Pulse Phase Duration as a Marker of Neural Health Across Cochlear Implant Rec...2023Galvin, John,III StudentECU
Sensor Selection to Improve Estimates of Particulate Matter Concentration from a Low-Cost Ne...2018Sousan, Sinan,Gray,Alyson,Zuidema,Christopher,Stebounova,L StudentECU
Sensory evaluation and the relationship of carotenoids to off-odors and off-flavors of dehyd...1967Jones, Nancy LouStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Sensory Inclusion In College Athletics2023Martin, Hannah GStudentECU
Sensory Questions1999Carp, Richard M. FacultyPast faculty member, ASU
Sensory sensitivity and quality of performance as functions of level of activation1962Watkins, Virgina CarolynStudentPsychology, UNCG
Separation and Analysis of Aspirin and Metformin HCl Using Green Subcritical Water Chromatog...2018Doctor, Ninad,Yang,Yu StudentECU
Separation axioms weaker than T1972Bates, Robert FrankStudentMathematics, UNCG
Separation, skepticism, and the self : the developing mind and art of Emily Dickinson1977Callahan, Gaylor ForrestStudentEnglish, UNCG
Separation-individuation and coping : contributions to freshman college adjustment1994Smith, Alfred W.StudentEducation, UNCG
A serological study of the common killifish, Fundulus Heteroclitus L.2023Hyle, Roy Alton,1941-StudentECU
Serological typing and chlorine resistance of cyanophages isolated from wastewater1976Stanley, James LeeStudentBiology, UNCG
SERS-active nylon fiber evidence swabs for forensic applications2016Burleson, Matthew DarrenStudentChemistry and Physics, WCU
Serum Biomarkers of Inflammation and Adiposity in the LABS Cohort: Associations with Metabol...2023Pories, Walter J.StudentECU
Serum metabolomic profiling in acute alcoholic hepatitis identifies multiple dysregulated pa...2014Rachakonda, Vikrant,Gabbert,Charles,Raina,Amit,Bell,Lauren N.,Cooper,Sara,Malik,Shahid,Behari,JaideepStudentECU
The service for the Lord's day1977Graves, Roberta HatcherStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
Service Learning: Deepening Students’ Commitment To Serve2009Johanson, Linda FacultyNursing, ASU
Service quality as a predictor for academic engagement, student performance, and student sat...2023Brown, Charles William,Jr.,StudentECU
Service-learning internships : speech communication in the community1976Goins, Valerie JeanStudentDrama and Speech, UNCG
Serviceability features of sheets made from selected cottons of low and high fiber elongatio...1961Henkel, Shirley L.StudentHome Economics, UNCG
The serviceability of cotton sheetings as indicated by measurements of abrasion resistance1965Mock, Judieth ElizabethStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Sea Surface Salinity Seasonal Variability in the Tropics from Satellites, Gridded In Situ Pr...2020Bingham, Frederick MortonFacultyPhysics and Physical Oceanography, UNCW
Set manageable goals for the New Year2023Norris, Kennedy StudentECU
Set manageable goals for the New Year2023Kolasa, Kathryn MStudentECU
Setting up a Desktop CNC Router2017Summers, Jack FacultyChemistry and Physics, WCU
Seurat and Matisse: Influence, Tradition, and the Legacy of Divisionism2020Earp, Justin StudentArt and Design, WCU
Seven figures1974Wilhelm, Iola PeedStudentArt, UNCG
Seven stories1965Davis, Angela StudentEnglish, UNCG
Several factors affecting the transformation of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae by electr...2023Graham, Lawrence S.,M.S.StudentECU
Several works over the year1970English, Kent StudentArt, UNCG
Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus- 2 (SARS-CoV-2) in Long Term Care Facilities w...2023Kader, Farrah StudentECU
Sex and race preferences among children in an integrated kindergarten program1969Flatt, Anna RuthStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Sex Differences in Arrhythmic Burden with the Wearable Cardioverter-Defibrillator2023Burch, Ashley E.StudentECU
Sex Differences in Arrhythmic Burden with the Wearable Cardioverter-Defibrillator2023Goldenberg, Ido StudentECU
Sex Differences in Arrhythmic Burden with the Wearable Cardioverter-Defibrillator2023Erath, Julia W.StudentECU
Sex Differences in Arrhythmic Burden with the Wearable Cardioverter-Defibrillator2023Russo, Andrea M.StudentECU
Sex Differences in Arrhythmic Burden with the Wearable Cardioverter-Defibrillator2023Assmus, Birgit StudentECU
Sex Differences in Arrhythmic Burden with the Wearable Cardioverter-Defibrillator2023Bonderman, Diana StudentECU
Sex Differences in Arrhythmic Burden with the Wearable Cardioverter-Defibrillator2023McNitt, Scott StudentECU
Sex Differences in Arrhythmic Burden with the Wearable Cardioverter-Defibrillator2023Kutyifa, Valentina StudentECU
Sex Differences in Cardiac Autonomic Modulation and Baroreflex Sensitivity Following Differe...2011Lightner, Ashley NoelStudentHealth and Exercise Science - Student, ASU
Sex differences in the development of spatial behavior in montane voles : experiential and h...1995Walker-Sands, Rebecca L.StudentPsychology, UNCG
Sex Differences in the Manifestation of ADHD in Emerging Adults2012Canu, Will FacultyPsychology, ASU
Sex differences in modes of social influence chosen as a function of attack and motive1977Burton, Joe P.StudentPsychology, UNCG
Sex Differences in Willingness to Participate in Research Based on Study Risk Level Among a ...2023Egan, Kathleen L.StudentECU
Sex Differences in Willingness to Participate in Research Based on Study Risk Level Among a ...2023Otufowora, Ayodeji StudentECU
Sex Differences in Willingness to Participate in Research Based on Study Risk Level Among a ...2023Liu, Yiyang StudentECU
Sex Differences in Willingness to Participate in Research Based on Study Risk Level Among a ...2023Young, Henry,II StudentECU
Sex Differences in Willingness to Participate in Research Based on Study Risk Level Among a ...2023Varma, Deepthi S.StudentECU
Sex Differences in Willingness to Participate in Research Based on Study Risk Level Among a ...2023Striley, Catherine W.StudentECU
Sex Differences in Willingness to Participate in Research Based on Study Risk Level Among a ...2023Cottler, Linda B.StudentECU
Sex equality in physical education programs of selected NCA accredited Iowa high schools1978Geadelmann, Patricia L.StudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
Sex linkages and older parent-adult child interactions : effects on social activities, mutua...1984Leamer, Richard MaxStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Sex offenders and criminal recidivism: an exploratory trajectory analysis using a Virginia s...2012Marcum, Cathy FacultyGovernment and Justice Studies, ASU
Sex ratios at birth vary with environmental harshness but not maternal condition2019Schacht, Ryan,Tharp,Douglas,Smith,Ken R.StudentECU
Sex role preference and job satisfaction among secondary home economics teachers1980Weiner, Anne MarieStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Sex roles and moral reasoning : the relationship between moral orientation and the social do...1988Moore, Marvin L.StudentHuman Environmental Sciences, UNCG
Sex roles, religiosity, and the response to courtship violence : predicting how long women r...1988Flynn, Clifton P.StudentHuman Environmental Sciences, UNCG
Sex, not gender. A plea for accuracy2019Richie, Cristina StudentECU
Sex, SIN, and Dirty Books2023Bell, Jo Ann H.StudentECU
Sex, SIN, and Dirty Books2023Davis, Ann J.StudentECU
Sex-role orientation, fear of success, and competitive sport performance of high school athl...1978Harris, Bette L.StudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
Sex-role preferences and marital quality in the military1981Bowen, Gary L.StudentHome Economics, UNCG
Sex-typed attitudes, sex-typed contingency behaviors, and personality characteristics of mal...1976Robinson, Bryan E.StudentHome Economics, UNCG
Sexism in elementary physical education literature : a content analysis1979Hildreth, Kathleen StudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
Sexual Assault Disclosure in Relation to Adolescent Mental Health: Results From the National...2007Broman-Fulks, Joshua FacultyPsychology, ASU
Sexual Functioning of Men and Women with Severe Obesity Prior to Bariatric Surgery2023Pories, Walter J.StudentECU
Sexual Harassment: A Legal Perspective for Public Administrators1995Strickland, Ruth Ann FacultyGovernment and Justice Studies, ASU
Sexual knowledge, attitudes, and behavior and attitudes toward feminism : a cross cultural s...1979Raben, Ried S.StudentHome Economics, UNCG
Sexual Orientation Discrimination and Tobacco Use Disparities in the United States2023Lee, Joseph G. L.StudentECU
Sexual Orientation, Tobacco Use, and Tobacco Cessation Treatment-Seeking: Results from a Nat...2023Lee, Joseph G. L.StudentECU
Sexual Orientation, Tobacco Use, and Tobacco Cessation Treatment-Seeking: Results from a Nat...2023McCabe, Sean EstebanStudentECU
Sexual Orientation, Tobacco Use, and Tobacco Cessation Treatment-Seeking: Results from a Nat...2023West, Brady T.StudentECU
Sexual Orientation, Tobacco Use, and Tobacco Cessation Treatment-Seeking: Results from a Nat...2023Matthew, Alicia K.StudentECU
Sexual Orientation, Tobacco Use, and Tobacco Cessation Treatment-Seeking: Results from a Nat...2023Evans-Polce, Rebecca StudentECU
Sexual Orientation, Tobacco Use, and Tobacco Cessation Treatment-Seeking: Results from a Nat...2023Hughes, Tonda L.StudentECU
Sexual Orientation, Tobacco Use, and Tobacco Cessation Treatment-Seeking: Results from a Nat...2023Veliz, Phil StudentECU
Sexual Orientation, Tobacco Use, and Tobacco Cessation Treatment-Seeking: Results from a Nat...2023McCabe, Vita StudentECU
Sexual Orientation, Tobacco Use, and Tobacco Cessation Treatment-Seeking: Results from a Nat...2023Boyd, Carol J.StudentECU
Sexually Dimorphic Venom Proteins in Long-Jawed Orb-Weaving Spiders ( Tetragnatha) Comprise ...2018Zobel-Thropp, Pamela A.,Bulger,Emily A.,Cordes,Matthew H.J.,Binford,GreStudentECU
Sexually Dimorphic Venom Proteins in Long-Jawed Orb-Weaving Spiders (Tetragnatha) Comprise N...2023Brewer, Michael S.StudentECU
San Francisco de Borja and the theme of desengan~o in four seventeenth century Spanish plays...1966Bonomo, Barbara JeanStudentRomance Languages, UNCG
A Shackleford vision1973Sugg, William A.StudentEnglish, UNCG
Shackles, Collars, and Chains: Exposing the treatment of enslaved black women during the Mid...2023Dwyer, Kelsey StudentECU
Shades of Grey : Anglo-German Diplomacy and Eyre Crowe, 1905-19142010Jarvis, Elissa StudentECU
A shallow water ferrous-hulled shipwreck reveals a distinct microbial community.2023Price, K. A.StudentECU
A shallow water ferrous-hulled shipwreck reveals a distinct microbial community.2023Garrison, C. E.StudentECU
A shallow water ferrous-hulled shipwreck reveals a distinct microbial community.2023Richards, N. StudentECU
A shallow water ferrous-hulled shipwreck reveals a distinct microbial community.2023Field, Erin K.StudentECU
Shamba Maisha: Pilot Agricultural Intervention For Food Security And HIV Health Outcomes In ...2015Rheingans, Richard FacultySustainable Development, ASU
Shaped by Campus Culture: Intersections Between Transformative Learning, Civic Engagement, a...2023McCunney, W. DennisStudentECU
Shared decision-making equals empowerment : portraits of teacher-leaders in a high school se...1989Scroggs, Richard WilcherStudentEducation, UNCG
Shared Decision-Making: Case Study Analysis to Promote Cross-Programme Dialogue Between Admi...2007Sanders, Robert L. FacultyLeadership and Educational Studies, ASU
Shared Neural Substrates for Song Discrimination in Parental and Parasitic Songbirds2023Balakrishnan, Christopher N.StudentECU
Shared Outcomes, Shared Practice: Evaluating an Instruction Program with One Assessment Tech...2023Wanucha, Meghan StudentECU
Shared Transcriptional Responses to con- and Heterospecific Behavioral Antagonists in a Wild...2023Balakrishnan, Christopher N.StudentECU
Sharing the Power of White Privilege to Catalyze Positive Change in Academic Medicine2023Tumin, Dmitry StudentECU
Sharing the Power of White Privilege to Catalyze Positive Change in Academic Medicine2023Rodríguez, José E.StudentECU
Sharing the Power of White Privilege to Catalyze Positive Change in Academic Medicine2023Campbell, Kendall M.StudentECU
She1976Sawyer, Lynda ReedStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
She Kills Monsters Prop Design2023Webb, Alex StudentECU
The Shear Viscosity of Parton Matter Under Anisotropic Scatterings2023MacKay, Noah M.StudentECU
The Shear Viscosity of Parton Matter Under Anisotropic Scatterings2023Lin, Zi-Wei StudentECU
The shear viscosity of quark-gluon plasma under anisotropic scatterings2023MacKay, Noah StudentECU
Shedding Light on Dark Truths : The Interpretation of African American History at Tryon Pala...2023Hardy, Stephanie StudentECU
Shell Castle, A North Carolina Entrepot, 1789-1820: A Historical and Archaeological Investig...2023McGuinn, Phillip HorneStudentECU
Sherman and Cleburne at Tunnel Hill : the myth of the inevitability of Confederate defeat at...2023Goforth, Robert D.StudentECU
Shifting the Atmosphere : An Examination of the Relationships among African-American Female ...2014Morris, Jeanette WatsonStudentECU
Shifting Baselines May Undermine Shoreline Management Efforts in the United States2023Wellman, Emory H.StudentECU
Shifting Baselines May Undermine Shoreline Management Efforts in the United States2023Gittman, Rachel K.StudentECU
Shifting Baselines May Undermine Shoreline Management Efforts in the United States2023Correll-Brown, Riordan StudentECU
Shifting Evolutionary Sands: Transcriptome Characterization of the Aptostichus Atomarius Spe...2023Brewer, Michael S.StudentECU
Shifting Sands and Shifting Strategies: Advocacy Coalitions, Bonner Bridge, and the Future ...2023Swain, Deanna FStudentECU
The Shifting Sands: a Study of the Maritime Cultural Landscape of New Bern, North Caorlina2023Eamick, Jeremy StudentECU
Shifts in Morphology, Gene Expression, and Selection Underlie Web Loss in Hawaiian Tetragnat...2023Berger, Cory A.StudentECU
Shifts in Morphology, Gene Expression, and Selection Underlie Web Loss in Hawaiian Tetragnat...2023Brewer, Michael S.StudentECU
Shifts in Morphology, Gene Expression, and Selection Underlie Web Loss in Hawaiian Tetragnat...2023Kono, Nobuaki StudentECU
Shifts in Morphology, Gene Expression, and Selection Underlie Web Loss in Hawaiian Tetragnat...2023Nakamura, Hiroyuki StudentECU
Shifts in Morphology, Gene Expression, and Selection Underlie Web Loss in Hawaiian Tetragnat...2023Arakawa, Kazuharu StudentECU
Shifts in Morphology, Gene Expression, and Selection Underlie Web Loss in Hawaiian Tetragnat...2023Kennedy, Susan R.StudentECU
Shifts in Morphology, Gene Expression, and Selection Underlie Web Loss in Hawaiian Tetragnat...2023Wood, Hannah M.StudentECU
Shifts in Morphology, Gene Expression, and Selection Underlie Web Loss in Hawaiian Tetragnat...2023Adams, Seira A.StudentECU
Shifts in Morphology, Gene Expression, and Selection Underlie Web Loss in Hawaiian Tetragnat...2023Gillespie, Rosemary G.StudentECU
The Shipping Act of 19162023Whipple, David B.StudentECU
Ships of Russian America2023Anichtchenko, Evguenia VStudentECU
Shipwrecked swords :an examination of edged weaponry recovered from Spanish colonial vessels...2023Lusardi, Wayne R.StudentECU
The Shirt Off His Back2023Pories, Walter J.StudentECU
The shoemaker's holiday : a study in technique and significance1969Cole, Barbara HancockStudentEnglish, UNCG
Shoplifting control through feedback to sales personnel1978Black, John LinwoodStudentPsychology, UNCG
Shoreline erosion and its relationship to the geology of the Pamlico River Estuary2023Hardaway, C. Scott.StudentECU
Short Character Pieces for String Quartet and an Analysis of Motivic Development and Evoluti...2023Dosseva, Radina StudentECU
Short Cut Fusion is Correct2003Johann, Patricia FacultyComputer Science, ASU
The Short-Term Effect of Weight Loss Surgery on Volumetric Breast Density and Fibroglandular...2017Vohra, Nasreen A.,Kachare,Swapnil D.,Vos,Paul,Schroeder,Bruce F.,StudentECU
Short-term Mission: A Family Affair.2004Johanson, Linda FacultyNursing, ASU
Short-term, high-fat diet accelerates disuse atrophy and protein degradation in a muscle-spe...2015Roseno, Steven L.StudentECU
Short-term, high-fat diet accelerates disuse atrophy and protein degradation in a muscle-spe...2015Davis, Patrick R.StudentECU
Short-term, high-fat diet accelerates disuse atrophy and protein degradation in a muscle-spe...2015Bollinger, Lance M.StudentECU
Short-term, high-fat diet accelerates disuse atrophy and protein degradation in a muscle-spe...2015Powell, Jonathan J. S.StudentECU
Short-term, high-fat diet accelerates disuse atrophy and protein degradation in a muscle-spe...2015Witczak, Carol A.StudentECU
Short-term, high-fat diet accelerates disuse atrophy and protein degradation in a muscle-spe...2015Brault, Jeffrey J.StudentECU
Short-Term, Large-Area Survey of Container Aedes spp. (Diptera: Culicidae): Presence and Abu...2023Richards, Stephanie L.StudentECU
SHP Write- Up2023Christensen, Hali ReneeStudentECU
Shuttle & plow: A history of Alamance County, North Carolina2000Jones, Plummer AlstonFacultyECU
“Si no comemos tortilla, no vivimos:” Women, climate change and food security in central Me...2023Bee, Beth A.StudentECU
Sibling Eating Behaviours and Differential Child Feeding Practices Reported by Parents2009Galloway, Amy FacultyPsychology, ASU
Sibling relationships : their nature and association with other familial and peer relationsh...1988Cox, Elizabeth PaulaStudentHuman Environmental Sciences, UNCG
The sickness in schooling : the healing of education1994Sipes, Stephen RickyStudentEducation, UNCG
Sidewalk rubbings : a study in flatness1972Anderson, Dennis RayStudentArt, UNCG
Sidney Homer, song composer1963McDonald, Dorothy T.StudentMusic, UNCG
Sign language static gesture recognition using leap motion2017McNeil, Stephen H.StudentEngineering and Technology, WCU
Signature Honors Project2023Austin, Hailee StudentECU
Signature Honors Project2023Good, Anna StudentECU
Signature Honors Project - Healthy Pals2023Johnson, Sydney PingStudentECU
Signature Honors Project- Building Buddies- Erin Blevins2023Blevins, Erin MorgannStudentECU
Signature Honors Project: Healthy Pals2023Butler, Hannah StudentECU
Signature Honors Thesis - Healthy Pals2023Agner, Morgan LeStudentECU
Signed Petition to His Excellency, David S. Reed by members of Cherokee County Against a Pet...2024Fisher, Elizabeth FacultyEnglish, WCU
The Significance of Meals on Wheels of Pitt County on the Well-being of Homebound Older Adul...2023Schulte, Jess StudentECU
The significance of myth for curriculum development1981Stohler, Sara McClendonStudentEducation, UNCG
Significant aspects of weaving an exhibit of woven tapis1974Bailey, Anne MalphrusStudentArt, UNCG
The Siiklagradivad or the song of the great circle2023Spann, Kade AlexanderStudentEnglish, WCU
The Silk Purse: Creating an Electronic Reserve System That Works for You and Your Library1999Ellern, Gillian (Jill) D. FacultyHunter Library, WCU
Silver apples of the moon1972Dickey, Wanda LeeStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
Silver Linings: Connecting During COVID2023Forsberg, Malin Birgitta MarieStudentECU
A simple and rapid method for combining fluorescent in situ RNA hybridization (FISH) and imm...2016Yoon, Dong Suk,Pendergrass,DeQwon L.,Lee,Myon-HeeStudentECU
A simple model to quantitatively account for periodic outbreaks of the measles in the Dutch ...2015Bier, Martin,Brak,Bastiann StudentECU
A Simple Scan for Stress Reduction and Safety2023Coker, Kelly StudentECU
Simple Scoring for Acute Necrotizing Pancreatitis: Mortality2023Ali, Hassam StudentECU
Simple Scoring for Acute Necrotizing Pancreatitis: Mortality2023Tillmanna, Hans StudentECU
Simple Scoring for Acute Necrotizing Pancreatitis: Mortality2023Bolick, Nicole LeighStudentECU
Simulated criticism from a significant other as a precipitating factor for depression in dep...1994Catterall, William Van CrottStudentPsychology, UNCG
Simulating and quantifying legacy topographic data uncertainty: an initial step to advancing...2017Wasklewicz, Thad,Zhu,Zhen,Gares,Paul StudentECU
Simulation of a communications system with error correction1974Price, Pamela SueStudentMathematics, UNCG
Simultaneous brightness contrast as a function of practice1968McClure, Gary StudentPsychology, UNCG
Simultaneous tone on tone masking : an investigation of monaural and dichotic overshoot1977Carstens, Andrea AndrewsStudentPsychology, UNCG
Singing sleuth : three romantic mysteries2010McCall, Stephanie CassandraStudentEnglish, WCU
Singing: The Human Connection2023Hemedinger, Marguerite OliviaStudentECU
A single dose of trichloroethylene given during development does not substantially alter mar...2017Meadows, Jacqueline R.,Parker,Chevonne,Gilbert,Kathleen M.,Blossom,SarStudentECU
A single unit analysis of neural plasticity in adult cats : effects of monocular paralysis o...1976Brown, Dawn LaRueStudentPsychology, UNCG
Single vision1973Lane, John DeweyStudentEnglish, UNCG
Single-cell analysis reveals individual spore responses to simulated space vacuum2018He, Lin,Wang,Shiwei,Cortesão,Marta,Wu,Muying,Moeller, StudentECU
a single-institution analysis of 126 Patients Treated with stereotactic radiosurgery for Bra...2017Harris, Kevin B.,Corbett,Melanie R.,Mascarenhas,Henry,Lee,KennetStudentECU
Sipuleucel-T Associated Inflammatory Cardiomyopathy: A Case Report and Observations from a L...2023Moey, Melissa Y.Y.StudentECU
Sipuleucel-T Associated Inflammatory Cardiomyopathy: A Case Report and Observations from a L...2023Kreeger, R. WayneStudentECU
Sipuleucel-T Associated Inflammatory Cardiomyopathy: A Case Report and Observations from a L...2023Marcu, C. BogdanStudentECU
Sipuleucel-T Associated Inflammatory Cardiomyopathy: A Case Report and Observations from a L...2023Morris, D. LynnStudentECU
Sipuleucel-T Associated Inflammatory Cardiomyopathy: A Case Report and Observations from a L...2023Ardhanari, Sivakumar StudentECU
Sipuleucel-T Associated Inflammatory Cardiomyopathy: A Case Report and Observations from a L...2023Jiwani, Rahim A.StudentECU
Sipuleucel-T Associated Inflammatory Cardiomyopathy: A Case Report and Observations from a L...2023Takeda, Kotaro StudentECU
Sipuleucel-T Associated Inflammatory Cardiomyopathy: A Case Report and Observations from a L...2023Prenshaw, Karyn StudentECU
Sipuleucel-T Associated Inflammatory Cardiomyopathy: A Case Report and Observations from a L...2023Inzerillo, John StudentECU
Sipuleucel-T Associated Inflammatory Cardiomyopathy: A Case Report and Observations from a L...2023Liles, Darla K.StudentECU
Sipuleucel-T Associated Inflammatory Cardiomyopathy: A Case Report and Observations from a L...2023Lebrun-Vignes, Bénédicte StudentECU
Sipuleucel-T Associated Inflammatory Cardiomyopathy: A Case Report and Observations from a L...2023Salem, Joe-Elie StudentECU
Sister Sledge Said It Best— “We are Family”: Chosen Family in LGBTQ+ Young Adult Literatu...2023Barlow, Rachel StudentECU
Sister Sledge Said It Best— “We are Family”: Chosen Family in LGBTQ+ Young Adult Literatu...2023Barlow, Rachel StudentECU
The sisterhood1975Suarez, Judith StudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
SITE 44Y088: The Archaeological Assessment of the Hull Remains at Yorktown, Virginia2023Morris, John William,IIIStudentECU
Site formation processes : an environmental history of the Maple Leaf site 1864-19932023Duncan, Stan KeelsStudentECU
Site-directed mutagenesis of the CP43 protein of photosystem II :alteration of conserved pos...2023Knoepfle, Nicholas A.StudentECU
Site-directed mutagenesis of loop c and the large extrinsic loop e of the photosystem II pro...2023Glossip, Christy. StudentECU
Sites of exception2013Pierce, Rachel BostromStudentArt and Design, WCU
Siting of a hazardous waste facility in North Carolina2023Madden, Kevin S.StudentECU
Situational and contextual influences on goal orientations1996Williams, Lavon StudentHealth and Human Performance, UNCG
Six short films1978Hudson, Joanna StudentArt, UNCG
Six-Year Neurodevelopmental Outcomes for Children With Single-Ventricle Physiology2023Milazzo, Angelo StudentECU
Six-Year Neurodevelopmental Outcomes for Children With Single-Ventricle Physiology2023Sananes, Renee StudentECU
Six-Year Neurodevelopmental Outcomes for Children With Single-Ventricle Physiology2023Goldberg, Caren S.StudentECU
Six-Year Neurodevelopmental Outcomes for Children With Single-Ventricle Physiology2023Newburger, Jane W.StudentECU
Six-Year Neurodevelopmental Outcomes for Children With Single-Ventricle Physiology2023Hu, Chenwei StudentECU
Six-Year Neurodevelopmental Outcomes for Children With Single-Ventricle Physiology2023Trachtenberg, Felicia StudentECU
Six-Year Neurodevelopmental Outcomes for Children With Single-Ventricle Physiology2023Gaynor, J. WilliamStudentECU
Six-Year Neurodevelopmental Outcomes for Children With Single-Ventricle Physiology2023Mahle, William T.StudentECU
Six-Year Neurodevelopmental Outcomes for Children With Single-Ventricle Physiology2023Miller, Thomas StudentECU
Six-Year Neurodevelopmental Outcomes for Children With Single-Ventricle Physiology2023Uzark, Karen StudentECU
Six-Year Neurodevelopmental Outcomes for Children With Single-Ventricle Physiology2023Mussatto, Kathleen A.StudentECU
Six-Year Neurodevelopmental Outcomes for Children With Single-Ventricle Physiology2023Pizarro, Christian StudentECU
Six-Year Neurodevelopmental Outcomes for Children With Single-Ventricle Physiology2023Jacobs, Jeffrey P.StudentECU
Six-Year Neurodevelopmental Outcomes for Children With Single-Ventricle Physiology2023Cnota, James StudentECU
Six-Year Neurodevelopmental Outcomes for Children With Single-Ventricle Physiology2023Atz, Andrew M.StudentECU
Six-Year Neurodevelopmental Outcomes for Children With Single-Ventricle Physiology2023Lai, Wyman W.StudentECU
Six-Year Neurodevelopmental Outcomes for Children With Single-Ventricle Physiology2023Burns, Kristin M.StudentECU
Six-Year Neurodevelopmental Outcomes for Children With Single-Ventricle Physiology2023Votava-Smith, Jodie StudentECU
Six-Year Neurodevelopmental Outcomes for Children With Single-Ventricle Physiology2023Brosig, Cheryl L.StudentECU
Sixteen paintings1973DeHart, Norman StudentArt, UNCG
Size Class Segregation of Arctic Cod (Boreogadus saida) in a Shallow High Arctic Embayment2023Kessel, S.T. StudentECU
Size Class Segregation of Arctic Cod (Boreogadus saida) in a Shallow High Arctic Embayment2023Crawford, R.E. StudentECU
Size Class Segregation of Arctic Cod (Boreogadus saida) in a Shallow High Arctic Embayment2023Hussey, N.E. StudentECU
Size Class Segregation of Arctic Cod (Boreogadus saida) in a Shallow High Arctic Embayment2023Ivanova, S.V. StudentECU
Size Class Segregation of Arctic Cod (Boreogadus saida) in a Shallow High Arctic Embayment2023Holden, J.P. StudentECU
Size Class Segregation of Arctic Cod (Boreogadus saida) in a Shallow High Arctic Embayment2023Fisk, A.T. StudentECU
The sizing and design for physical education uniforms1966Tyler, Allene StudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
Skeletal muscle bradykinin [beta]2 receptor response to acute resistance exercise in young m...2023LeMoine, Jennifer K.StudentECU
Skeletal Muscle Eukaryotic Elongation Factor 2 (eEF2) Response to Acute Resistance Exercise ...1905Macesich, Jennifer StudentECU
Skeletal Muscle Myotubes in Severe Obesity Exhibit Altered Ubiquitin-Proteasome and Autophag...2023Houmard, Joseph A.StudentECU
Skeletal Muscle Purine Nucleotide Degradation and Atrophy: Cause or Consequence of Increased...2023Miller, Spencer GrahamStudentECU
Skeletal Muscle Purine Nucleotide Degradation and Atrophy: Cause or Consequence of Increased...2023Miller, Spencer GrahamStudentECU
Skeletal Muscle Undergoes Fiber Type Metabolic Switch Without Myosin Heavy Chain Switch in R...2023Pereyra, Andrea S.StudentECU
Skeletal Muscle Undergoes Fiber Type Metabolic Switch Without Myosin Heavy Chain Switch in R...2023Lin, Chien-Te StudentECU
Skeletal Muscle Undergoes Fiber Type Metabolic Switch Without Myosin Heavy Chain Switch in R...2023Spangenburg, Espen E.StudentECU
Skeletal Muscle Undergoes Fiber Type Metabolic Switch Without Myosin Heavy Chain Switch in R...2023Neufer, P. DarrellStudentECU
Skeletal Muscle Undergoes Fiber Type Metabolic Switch Without Myosin Heavy Chain Switch in R...2023Fisher-Wellman, Kelsey StudentECU
Skeletal Muscle Undergoes Fiber Type Metabolic Switch Without Myosin Heavy Chain Switch in R...2023Ellis, Jessica M.StudentECU
Skeletal Muscle Undergoes Fiber Type Metabolic Switch Without Myosin Heavy Chain Switch in R...2023Sanchez, Daniela MesaStudentECU
Skeletal Muscle Undergoes Fiber Type Metabolic Switch Without Myosin Heavy Chain Switch in R...2023Laskin, Julia StudentECU
Sketches in black and white1954Lewis, Laura L.W.StudentEnglish, UNCG
Skid resistance of waxed and unwaxed smooth floor surfaces1962Trogdon, Jean WebbStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Skid resistance of wood floor finishes under varying surface conditions1966Smythe, Katherine D.StudentHome Economics, UNCG
Skin Carotenoid Status Over Time and Differences by Age and Sex Among Head Start Children (3...2023Burkholder, Sarah StudentECU
Skin Carotenoid Status Over Time and Differences by Age and Sex Among Head Start Children (3...2023Jilcott Pitts, Stephanie StudentECU
Skin Carotenoid Status Over Time and Differences by Age and Sex Among Head Start Children (3...2023Wu, Qiang StudentECU
Skin Carotenoid Status Over Time and Differences by Age and Sex Among Head Start Children (3...2023Bayles, Jocelyn StudentECU
Skin Carotenoid Status Over Time and Differences by Age and Sex Among Head Start Children (3...2023Baybutt, Richard C.StudentECU
Skin Carotenoid Status Over Time and Differences by Age and Sex Among Head Start Children (3...2023Stage, Virginia C.StudentECU
Skull of the dicynodont Placerias from the Upper Triassic of Arizona2002Heckert, Andrew B. FacultyGeology, ASU
Sky paintings1972Bennett, James MooreStudentArt, UNCG
Skybolt and the Anglo-American nuclear relationship, 1945-19632023Howard, Timothy H.StudentECU
Slate Graffiti2023Pickens, Alexander StudentECU
Slave trading and slave traders in North Carolina2023Marr, Don H.StudentECU
Slavery and the emigration of North Carolina Friends2023McKiever, Charles FitzgeraldStudentECU
Slavery in microcosm : Bertie County, North Carolina, 1790-18102023Umfleet, LeRae StudentECU
Slavery White: A Study of Runaway Servants in Eighteenth-Century Virginia 2014Haygood, Tamia Kyana StudentHistory - Student, ASU
Sld5, A Member of the Heterotetrameric GINS Complex is Essential for Normal Cell Cycle Progr...2010Gouge, Catherine StudentECU
The Sled, the Litter, and the Plot: Finding Connections Between Mundane Material Culture Fro...2023Piner, Hannah E.StudentECU
Sleep Duration, Mental Health, And Substance Use Among Rural Adolescents: Developmental Corr...2015Michael, Kurt D.FacultyPsychology, ASU
Sleep Duration, Mental Health, And Substance Use Among Rural Adolescents: Developmental Corr...2015Jameson, John PaulFacultyPsychology, ASU
Sleep Hygiene Among Students2022Rios-Dixon, Kari StudentEsther G. Maynor Honors College, UNCP
Sleep, Psychosocial Functioning, and Device-Specific Adjustment in Patients with Implantable...2023Sears, Samuel F.StudentECU
Sleeping with the enemy: The economic cost of internal environmental conflicts2010Cherry, Todd FacultyEconomics, ASU
Slider crank wave energy converter performance analysis with adaptive autoregressing filteri...2019Khan, Md. Rakib HasanStudentEngineering and Technology, WCU
SLn(F [x]) Is Not Boundedly Generated by Elementary Matrices: Explicit Proof2004Erovenko, Igor FacultyMathematics and Statistics, UNCG
Slops for the Tarpaulin Rabble : The Clothing of Anglo-American Sailors 1680-17402023Fictum, David StudentECU
The Slow Creep Back: Threats and Opportunities for IPE Posed by COVID-192023Greer, Annette G.StudentECU
The Slow Creep Back: Threats and Opportunities for IPE Posed by COVID-192023Bennie, Scott StudentECU
Slow Leakage of Ca-Dipicolinic Acid from Individual Bacillus Spores during Initiation of Spo...2023Li, Yong-Qing StudentECU
Small aspects of nature1960Moser, Sara JaneStudentArt, UNCG
The small GTPase Ran and ß-importins Tnpo-SR and Cadmus promote ovarian cyst formation in Dr...2023Beachum, Allison NStudentECU
Small Molecule, Non-Peptide p75NTR Ligands Inhibit Aß-Induced Neurodegeneration and Synaptic...2023Yang, Tao StudentECU
Small Molecule, Non-Peptide p75NTR Ligands Inhibit Aß-Induced Neurodegeneration and Synaptic...2023Knowles, Juliet K.StudentECU
Small Molecule, Non-Peptide p75NTR Ligands Inhibit Aß-Induced Neurodegeneration and Synaptic...2023Lu, Qun StudentECU
Small Molecule, Non-Peptide p75NTR Ligands Inhibit Aß-Induced Neurodegeneration and Synaptic...2023Zhang, Hong StudentECU
Small Molecule, Non-Peptide p75NTR Ligands Inhibit Aß-Induced Neurodegeneration and Synaptic...2023Arancio, Ottavio StudentECU
Small Molecule, Non-Peptide p75NTR Ligands Inhibit Aß-Induced Neurodegeneration and Synaptic...2023Moore, Laura A.StudentECU
Small Molecule, Non-Peptide p75NTR Ligands Inhibit Aß-Induced Neurodegeneration and Synaptic...2023Chang, Timothy StudentECU
Small Molecule, Non-Peptide p75NTR Ligands Inhibit Aß-Induced Neurodegeneration and Synaptic...2023Wang, Qian StudentECU
Small Molecule, Non-Peptide p75NTR Ligands Inhibit Aß-Induced Neurodegeneration and Synaptic...2023Andreasson, Katrin StudentECU
Small Molecule, Non-Peptide p75NTR Ligands Inhibit Aß-Induced Neurodegeneration and Synaptic...2023Rajadas, Jayakumar StudentECU
Small Molecule, Non-Peptide p75NTR Ligands Inhibit Aß-Induced Neurodegeneration and Synaptic...2023Fuller, Gerald G.StudentECU
Small Molecule, Non-Peptide p75NTR Ligands Inhibit Aß-Induced Neurodegeneration and Synaptic...2023Xie, Youmei StudentECU
Small Molecule, Non-Peptide p75NTR Ligands Inhibit Aß-Induced Neurodegeneration and Synaptic...2023Massa, Stephen M.StudentECU
Small Molecule, Non-Peptide p75NTR Ligands Inhibit Aß-Induced Neurodegeneration and Synaptic...2023Longo, Frank M.StudentECU
Small paintings1978Lilly, Beth StudentArt, UNCG
Small RNA and Degradome Deep Sequencing Reveals Drought-and Tissue-Specific Micrornas and Th...2023Zhang, Baohong StudentECU
Smart Order Sets in Electronic Health Records to Decrease Provider Burden2023Pereira, Marlene StudentECU
Smashing the monuments and saving the pedestals : Washington Allston and Edgar Allan Poe's m...1992Weston, Debra FayeStudentEnglish, UNCG
The smells of eternity: Aromatic oils and resins in the Phoenician mortuary record2023Dixon, Helen StudentECU
Smithfield CARES (Community Accessing Resources, Education, and Screenings) Primary Care Cli...2023Hinnant, Margaret StudentECU
Smithfield Community Accessible Resources, Education, and Screenings (CARES)2023O'Hara, Anne HuittStudentECU
Smoking modification : the effects of combining positive and aversive treatment and maintena...1974St. Pierre, Richard W.StudentEducation, UNCG
Smooth wavelet approximations of truncated Legendre polynomials via the Jacobi theta functio...2014Pravica, David W,Randriampiry,Njinasoa,Spurr,Michael J.StudentECU
Snacking, Sugar-Sweetened Beverage Consumption and Child Obesity in Low-Income Households2023Pitts, Stephanie B. JilcottStudentECU
Snacking, Sugar-Sweetened Beverage Consumption and Child Obesity in Low-Income Households2023Walsh, Christine E.StudentECU
Snacking, Sugar-Sweetened Beverage Consumption and Child Obesity in Low-Income Households2023Seguin-Fowler, Rebecca StudentECU
Snacking, Sugar-Sweetened Beverage Consumption and Child Obesity in Low-Income Households2023Ammerman, Alice S.StudentECU
Snacking, Sugar-Sweetened Beverage Consumption and Child Obesity in Low-Income Households2023Hanson, Karla StudentECU
Snacking, Sugar-Sweetened Beverage Consumption and Child Obesity in Low-Income Households2023Kolodinsky, Jane StudentECU
Snacking, Sugar-Sweetened Beverage Consumption and Child Obesity in Low-Income Households2023Sitaker, Marilyn StudentECU
Snacking, Sugar-Sweetened Beverage Consumption and Child Obesity in Low-Income Households2023Ennett, Susan StudentECU
A Snapshot of SCJA Members: An Analysis of Paper Presentations at the 1998 2003 SCJA Meeting...2004Robinson, Matthew B. FacultyGovernment and Justice Studies, ASU
So You Don’t Just Take Babies? Debunking Discipline-Specific Stereotypes And Other Lessons A...2010Renkert, Lauren FacultySocial Work, ASU
So You Don’t Just Take Babies? Debunking Discipline-Specific Stereotypes And Other Lessons A...2010Michael, Kurt D.FacultyPsychology, ASU
So You Think You Know Gettysburg? Volume 22014Stoffan, Mark A. FacultyHunter Library, WCU
So, what do we do now? :a critical analysis of ENGO climate campaigns2023Covington, Ryan C.StudentECU
So, what do we do now? :a critical analysis of ENGO climate campaigns2023Covington, Ryan C.StudentECU
Soap operas and liberal education values1980Bond, Mitzi DaleStudentEducation, UNCG
Soaring on the Legacy: A Concise History of North Carolina Central University 1910-20102010Vann, Andre' FacultyJames E. Shepard Memorial Library, NCCU
The social and financial effects of the German inflation of 19231975Clark, Thomas HenryStudentBusiness and Economics, UNCG
Social and Situational Party Characteristics Associated With High-Intensity Alcohol Use Amon...2023Egan, Kathleen L.StudentECU
Social Appraisal of Adult ADHD: Stigma and Influences of the Beholder’s Big Five Personality...2008Canu, Will FacultyPsychology, ASU
The social characteristics and career patterns of women administrators in North Carolina col...1979Piggott, Lucille JohnsonStudentEducation, UNCG
Social communication between intellectually disabled, severe middle school students who use ...2023Frueh, Sarah StudentECU
Social Connectivity During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Disparities among Medicare Beneficiaries2023Jacobs, Molly StudentECU
Social Connectivity During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Disparities among Medicare Beneficiaries2023Ellis, Charles StudentECU
Social Connectivity During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Disparities among Medicare Beneficiaries2023Jacobs, Molly StudentECU
Social Connectivity During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Disparities among Medicare Beneficiaries2023Ellis, Charles StudentECU
The Social Construction of Religion and Its Limits: A Critical Reading of Timothy Fitzgerald...2012Schilbrack, Kevin FacultyPhilosophy and Religion, ASU
Social control and social change factors in the nurturer-provider role of women : a study of...1986Bailey, Lois LaMonicaStudentEducation, UNCG
Social dance in North Carolina before the twentieth century : an overview1978Jenkins, Jane R.StudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
A social density model of child/teacher ratio effects in early childhood settings1978Asher, Kenneth NathanStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Social Determinants of Emergency Department Visits in Mild Compared To Moderate and Severe A...2023Alachraf, Kamel StudentECU
Social Determinants of Emergency Department Visits in Mild Compared To Moderate and Severe A...2023Currie, Caroline StudentECU
Social Determinants of Emergency Department Visits in Mild Compared To Moderate and Severe A...2023Wooten, William StudentECU
Social Determinants of Emergency Department Visits in Mild Compared To Moderate and Severe A...2023Tumin, Dmitry StudentECU
Social Determinants of Health2023Balogh, Pamela StudentECU
Social Determinants of Health and Care Coordination for Total Hip Arthroplasty Patients2023Layton, Andrea StudentECU
Social difficulties associated with self-reported depressive symptomatology in childhood : t...1995Parrish, Amy E.StudentPsychology, UNCG
Social Experience Regulates Endocannabinoids Modulation of Zebrafish Motor Behaviors2023Orr, Stephen A.StudentECU
Social Experience Regulates Endocannabinoids Modulation of Zebrafish Motor Behaviors2023Ahn, S. StudentECU
Social Experience Regulates Endocannabinoids Modulation of Zebrafish Motor Behaviors2023Park, Choongseok StudentECU
Social Experience Regulates Endocannabinoids Modulation of Zebrafish Motor Behaviors2023Miller, Thomas H.StudentECU
Social Experience Regulates Endocannabinoids Modulation of Zebrafish Motor Behaviors2023Kassai, Miki StudentECU
Social Experience Regulates Endocannabinoids Modulation of Zebrafish Motor Behaviors2023Issa, Fadi A.StudentECU
Social Facilitation of Eating Familiar Food in Tufted Capuchins (Cebus apella): Does it Invo...2005Galloway, Amy FacultyPsychology, ASU
Social isolation and telephone contact of self-care children : an exploratory study1992Hobbs, Barbara VirgoStudentHuman Environmental Sciences, UNCG
The social meaning of offensive sexual behaviors : an exploratory study1979Nelson, Rosemary SmithStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Social Media, Social Support and Mental Health of Young Adults during COVID-192023Longest, Kaitlyn StudentECU
Social Media, Social Support and Mental Health of Young Adults during COVID-192023Kang, Jin-Ae StudentECU
Social Media, Social Support, and Mental Health of Young Adults During COVID-192023Longest, Kaitlyn StudentECU
Social Media, Social Support, and Mental Health of Young Adults During COVID-192023Kang, Jin-Ae StudentECU
Social media guidelines and best practices - Recommendations from the council of residency d...2013Pillow, Malford T.,Hopson,Laura,Bond,Michael,Cabrera,Daniel,PatterStudentECU
Social Media Use, Political Efficacy and Political Participation Among Youth During the 2016...2023Stanley, Kathryn ElizabethStudentECU
Social Network Analysis of Publication Collaboration of Accelerating Change in MedEd Consort...2023Lawson, Luan StudentECU
Social Network Analysis of Publication Collaboration of Accelerating Change in MedEd Consort...2023Santen, Sally A.StudentECU
Social Network Analysis of Publication Collaboration of Accelerating Change in MedEd Consort...2023, et alStudentECU
Social Network Development in Classrooms2023Wolf, Steven F.StudentECU
Social Network Development in Classrooms2023Sault, Timothy M.StudentECU
Social Network Development in Classrooms2023Suda, Tyme StudentECU
Social Network Development in Classrooms2023Traxler, Adrienne L.StudentECU
Social policy toward higher education in the United States1975Redmond, John G.StudentBusiness and Economics, UNCG
Social processes : a curriculum approach to local and community history : Julian, North Caro...1981Beyer, Carolyn HoltStudentEducation, UNCG
Social programs as positive inducements for tax participation2012Cherry, Todd FacultyEconomics, ASU
Social reinforcement of activity and problem-solving training in the treatment of depressed ...1978Hussian, Richard A.StudentPsychology, UNCG
Social Studies Middle-School Energizers Classroom-based Physical Activities The way teachers...2006Scales, Donna P.StudentECU
Social Studies Middle-School Energizers Classroom-based Physical Activities The way teachers...2006Shields, A. TamlynStudentECU
Social Studies Middle-School Energizers Classroom-based Physical Activities The way teachers...2006Mahar, Matthew T.StudentECU
Social Studies Middle-School Energizers Classroom-based Physical Activities The way teachers...2006Kenny, Rhonda K.StudentECU
Social Studies Middle-School Energizers Classroom-based Physical Activities The way teachers...2006Miller, Tiana Y.StudentECU
Social Support among Mothers Enrolled in a Physical Activity Intervention2023Baker, Mary-Metta StudentECU
Social Support, Health Behaviors, and Academic Success in College Students2023Fox, Megan C.StudentECU
Social Support, Stress, Depression, and Social Conflict : Testing for Main and Moderating Ef...2023Chittilla, Silpa StudentECU
Social vulnerability of coastal North Carolina to storm surge flooding2023Cain, Jessica Ann.StudentECU
Social vulnerability of coastal North Carolina to storm surge flooding2023Cain, Jessica Ann.StudentECU
The socialization of beginning nurses in the hospital setting : an interpretive inquiry1982Pitts, Hilda PickneyStudentEducation, UNCG
A sociocultural framework for understanding change in organizations :  and application of th...1978Haworth, Shirley LambertStudentEducation, UNCG
Sociodemographic Correlates of Colorectal Cancer Screening Completion among Women Adherent t...2023Farr, Deeonna E.StudentECU
Sociodemographic Correlates of Colorectal Cancer Screening Completion among Women Adherent t...2023Cofe, Leslie E.StudentECU
Sociodemographic Influences on Spiritual Well-Being Among Latino Leaders2023Alford, Claudia StudentECU
Socioecology of the Australian Tree Skink (Egernia striolata)2023Bolton, Peri E.StudentECU
Socioecology of the Australian Tree Skink (Egernia striolata)2023Riley, Julia L.StudentECU
Socioecology of the Australian Tree Skink (Egernia striolata)2023Noble, Daniel W. A.StudentECU
Socioecology of the Australian Tree Skink (Egernia striolata)2023Stow, Adam J.StudentECU
Socioecology of the Australian Tree Skink (Egernia striolata)2023While, Geoffrey M.StudentECU
Socioecology of the Australian Tree Skink (Egernia striolata)2023Dennison, Siobhan StudentECU
Socioecology of the Australian Tree Skink (Egernia striolata)2023Byrne, Richard W.StudentECU
Socioecology of the Australian Tree Skink (Egernia striolata)2023Whiting, Martin J.StudentECU
Sociogenesis of species-typical and species-atypical behavior in mallard ducklings1994Sexton, Cheryl AnnStudentPsychology, UNCG
A Sociological Analysis of the Relationship Status of Mothers Following a Nonmarital Birth2020Fox, Keely MaelynnStudentECU
Sodium ion flux in bovine rod-outer-segments and frog retinae2023Nelson, Eldon Lane,Jr.,author.StudentECU
A Soft Spot2023Snyder, Rebecca A.StudentECU
Software for objective comparison of vocal acoustic features over weeks of audio recording: ...2017Soderstrom, Ken,Alalawi,Ali StudentECU
Software Review: ITSM 2000 Professional Version 6.02002Strazicich, Mark FacultyEconomics, ASU
Soil Cries Out2017Beck, Zachary StudentLiterature, UNCA
Solar Ultraviolet (UV) Radiation Exposure in an Eastern North Carolina Outdoor Working Envir...2023Owusu, Nanaobaayaa StudentECU
Solitary1974Barrett, Lynne MarieStudentEnglish, UNCG
Solitary Confinement: A Hidden Horror2023Carter, Morgan FacultyEsther G. Maynor Honors College, UNCP
Solomon “Sol” Bogart’s Letter to Martha Jane Misemer2023Winstead, Morgan AshleyStudentEnglish, WCU
Solomon “Sol” Bogart’s Letter to Martha Jane Misemer April 17, 18652023Winstead, Morgan AshleyStudentEnglish, WCU
Solutions of a Class of Multiplicatively Advanced Differential Equations II: Fourier Transfo...2023Pravica, David W.StudentECU
Solutions of a Class of Multiplicatively Advanced Differential Equations II: Fourier Transfo...2023Randriampiry, Njinasoa StudentECU
Solutions of a Class of Multiplicatively Advanced Differential Equations II: Fourier Transfo...2023Spurr, Michael J.StudentECU
Solutions of a Class of Multiplicatively Advanced Differential Equations II: Fourier Transfo...2023Pravica, David W.StudentECU
Solutions of a Class of Multiplicatively Advanced Differential Equations II: Fourier Transfo...2023Randriampiry, Njinasoa StudentECU
Solutions of a Class of Multiplicatively Advanced Differential Equations II: Fourier Transfo...2023Spurr, Michael J.StudentECU
Solving Enzyme Kinetics using the Lambert (W) Function2023Collins, Virginia FacultyEsther G. Maynor Honors College, UNCP
Solving a Wicked Problem: Preventing Student Isolation2023Goodman, Stephanie NicoleStudentECU
Solving a Wicked Problem: Preventing Student Isolation2023Squires, Abigail StudentECU
Solving a Wicked Problem: Preventing Student Isolation2023Majette, Elizabeth StudentECU
The Soma-Germline Communication: Implications for Somatic and Reproductive Aging2023Gaddy, Matthew A.StudentECU
The Soma-Germline Communication: Implications for Somatic and Reproductive Aging2023Kuang, Swana StudentECU
The Soma-Germline Communication: Implications for Somatic and Reproductive Aging2023Alfhili, Mohammad A.StudentECU
The Soma-Germline Communication: Implications for Somatic and Reproductive Aging2023Lee, Myon HeeStudentECU
Somatic steroid hormone signaling promotes early oocyte polarization in Drosophila2023Whitehead, Kaitlin MStudentECU
Some aspects of the ecology of benthic macroinvertebrates in a cove of Lake Jeanette1974Lively, Eleanor RuthStudentBiology, UNCG
Some aspects of the effects of day care on infants' emotional and personality development1972Saunders, Minta M.StudentHome Economics, UNCG
Some aspects of induction mechanisms of 2, 3-dihydroxybenzoate oxygenase by pseudomonas fluo...2023Powell, Robert Timothy.StudentECU
Some aspects of printmaking1959Hutton, Letitia WilmotStudentArt, UNCG
Some banach algebras of analytic functions1970Stanfield, Linda LouiseStudentMathematics, UNCG
Some confusions in punctuation and capitalization1929Coffey, Natalie StudentEducation, UNCG
"Some day, I'm goin' sing"1972Lyons, Sherry KayStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
Some dynamics of post-divorce adjustment problems of recently divorced mothers : a pilot stu...1962Mason, Marietta AllenStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Some ecological effects of fishes by the how water discharge of a steam electric generating ...2023Grimes, Churchill B.StudentECU
Some effects of chronic monocular paralysis in adult cats rapidly reversed by paralyzing the...1984Schroeder, Charlie StudentPsychology, UNCG
Some effects of endurance training on protein metabolism2023Puente, Fernando Ren{acute}e.StudentECU
Some effects of estrogen and estrogen with progesterone on respiratory gas exchange in castr...2023Whitehurst, Willard Thomas,1940-StudentECU
Some effects of fluoride on guinea pig and rat stapes2023LeDoux, Jeffrey Charles.StudentECU
Some effects of insulin on nucleic acid levels in rat liver tissue2023Brinn, Jack E.,Jr.StudentECU
Some effects of the interfood interval on schedule-induced drinking1976Wetherington, Cora LeeStudentPsychology, UNCG
Some effects of stream channelization on sunfish populations in Swift Creek, Pitt County, No...2023Grune, Edward Frederick.StudentECU
Some experiments in relief painting and relief etching1961Smith, Lou AnneStudentArt, UNCG
Some investigations in game theory1967Johnson, E. FrancineStudentMathematics, UNCG
Some methodological considerations and strategies for processing of visual information1971Longo, Fran L.StudentPsychology, UNCG
Some novelists between two wars1948Posson, Joyce StudentEnglish, UNCG
Some observations on Tilia (Basswood) seeds1930Grimsley, Gertrude StudentBiology, UNCG
Some pre-emergence studies on final-instar larvae of Tetragoneuria cynosura (Odonata)1975Mantz, William JeffreyStudentBiology, UNCG
Some psychological and physiological effects of aerobic exercise on adult inpatient alcoholi...1985Palmer, James HortonStudentEducation, UNCG
Some Reason in Madness2016Overly, Wade StudentLiterature, UNCA
Some studies on adenyl cyclase2023Ward, Denise Kornegay.StudentECU
Some studies on sodium flux in the isolated retina2023Byrd, Otis LloydStudentECU
Some theoretical implications of power, resource allocation, and theories of action on highe...1985Bell, Edwin DeweyStudentEducation, UNCG
Something in the way2011Hubener, Scott LessingStudentArt and Design, WCU
Something Old In Something New: Construction of European Identity In The New World Via Conce...2016Davis, Wesley StudentHistory - Student, ASU
Sometimes I Think I am Losing my MIND2023Smith, Brittany StudentECU
Sometimes I Think I am Losing my MIND2023Kolasa, Kathryn StudentECU
A Song Cycle on Mortality: Reimagining Four Sonnets of Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz as Four Son...2016DeCristofaro, Jason StudentMaster of Liberal Arts and Sciences, UNCA
The song of the man whose touch1975Osborn, Michael D.StudentEnglish, UNCG
The Song Remains the Same: Cuban and Cuban-American Reactions to the New US Government Regul...2005Scherlen, Renee FacultyGovernment and Justice Studies, ASU
Sorbus alnifolia protects dopaminergic neurodegeneration in Caenorhabditis elegans2017Cheon, Se-Myeong,Jang,Insoo,Lee,Myon-Hee,Kim,Dae Keun,Jeon,Hoon,Cha,Dong SeokStudentECU
Sorting-recall behaviors exhibited by reflective and impulsive children : an individual diff...1975Summers, Kathryn AnnStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Soul Folk, Unzipped : The Intersection of Black Studies and Contemporary Erotica2023Melendez, Celeste RoremStudentECU
Sound of rain1969Hill, Robert PaulStudentEnglish, UNCG
Soundscape Maps of Soniferous Fishes Observed From a Mobile Glider2023Luczkovich, Joseph J.StudentECU
Soundscape Maps of Soniferous Fishes Observed From a Mobile Glider2023Sprague, Mark W.StudentECU
Soundscape maps of soniferous fishes observed from a mobile glider2023Luczkovich, Joseph J.StudentECU
Soundscape maps of soniferous fishes observed from a mobile glider2023Sprague, Mark W.StudentECU
The source and substance for a contemporary art of American origin1952Morgan, Andrew W.StudentArt, UNCG
The source of control, the art of liberation and problematics of school transformation in th...1995Pfefferkorn, Jane M.StudentEducation, UNCG
Source of reinforcement as a potential factor in Women's sport involvement1975Stauss, Joan M.StudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
Source of saltwater intrusion in the Castle Hayne aquifer on the western part of Bogue Banks...2023Szynal, David StudentECU
Sources and Components of Stigma Experienced by Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence2023Crowe, Allison StudentECU
The Sources of Skill in Seriating Cups in Children, Monkeys and Apes2002Galloway, Amy FacultyPsychology, ASU
Southeastern Geology: Directory Of Geological Research In The Southeast Special Publication ...1969Heron, Jr., S. Duncan FacultyGeology - Field Conference Guest Lecturer, ASU
Southeastern Geology: Directory Of Geological Research In The Southeast Special Publication ...1971Heron, Jr., S. Duncan FacultyGeology - Field Conference Guest Lecturer, ASU
Southeastern Geology: Volume 1, No. 1 Spring 19591959Heron, Jr., S. Duncan FacultyGeology - Field Conference Guest Lecturer, ASU
Southeastern Geology: Volume 1, No. 2 Summer 19591959Heron, Jr., S. Duncan FacultyGeology - Field Conference Guest Lecturer, ASU
Southeastern Geology: Volume 1, No. 3 Autumn 19591959Heron, Jr., S. Duncan FacultyGeology - Field Conference Guest Lecturer, ASU
Southeastern Geology: Volume 1, No. 4 April 19601960Heron, Jr., S. Duncan FacultyGeology - Field Conference Guest Lecturer, ASU
Southeastern Geology: Volume 10, No. 1 January 19691969Heron, Jr., S. Duncan FacultyGeology - Field Conference Guest Lecturer, ASU
Southeastern Geology: Volume 10, No. 2 April 1969 Part 11969Heron, Jr., S. Duncan FacultyGeology - Field Conference Guest Lecturer, ASU
Southeastern Geology: Volume 10, No. 2 April 1969 Part 21969Heron, Jr., S. Duncan FacultyGeology - Field Conference Guest Lecturer, ASU
Southeastern Geology: Volume 10, No. 2 April 1969 Part 31969Heron, Jr., S. Duncan FacultyGeology - Field Conference Guest Lecturer, ASU
Southeastern Geology: Volume 10, No. 3 July 19691969Heron, Jr., S. Duncan FacultyGeology - Field Conference Guest Lecturer, ASU
Southeastern Geology: Volume 10, No. 4 September 19691969Heron, Jr., S. Duncan FacultyGeology - Field Conference Guest Lecturer, ASU
Southeastern Geology: Volume 11, No. 1 November 19691969Heron, Jr., S. Duncan FacultyGeology - Field Conference Guest Lecturer, ASU
Southeastern Geology: Volume 11, No. 2 December 19691969Heron, Jr., S. Duncan FacultyGeology - Field Conference Guest Lecturer, ASU
Southeastern Geology: Volume 11, No. 3 March 19701970Heron, Jr., S. Duncan FacultyGeology - Field Conference Guest Lecturer, ASU
Southeastern Geology: Volume 11, No. 4 June 19701970Heron, Jr., S. Duncan FacultyGeology - Field Conference Guest Lecturer, ASU
Southeastern Geology: Volume 12, No. 1 September 19701970Heron, Jr., S. Duncan FacultyGeology - Field Conference Guest Lecturer, ASU
Southeastern Geology: Volume 12, No. 2 November 19701970Heron, Jr., S. Duncan FacultyGeology - Field Conference Guest Lecturer, ASU
Southeastern Geology: Volume 12, No. 3 January 19711971Heron, Jr., S. Duncan FacultyGeology - Field Conference Guest Lecturer, ASU
Southeastern Geology: Volume 12, No. 4 April 19711971Heron, Jr., S. Duncan FacultyGeology - Field Conference Guest Lecturer, ASU
Southeastern Geology: Volume 13, No. 1 May 19711971Heron, Jr., S. Duncan FacultyGeology - Field Conference Guest Lecturer, ASU
Southeastern Geology: Volume 13, No. 2 September 19711971Heron, Jr., S. Duncan FacultyGeology - Field Conference Guest Lecturer, ASU
Southeastern Geology: Volume 13, No. 3 October 19711971Heron, Jr., S. Duncan FacultyGeology - Field Conference Guest Lecturer, ASU
Southeastern Geology: Volume 13, No. 4 December 19711971Heron, Jr., S. Duncan FacultyGeology - Field Conference Guest Lecturer, ASU
Southeastern Geology: Volume 14, No. 1 March 19721972Heron, Jr., S. Duncan FacultyGeology - Field Conference Guest Lecturer, ASU
Southeastern Geology: Volume 14, No. 2 June 19721972Heron, Jr., S. Duncan FacultyGeology - Field Conference Guest Lecturer, ASU
Southeastern Geology: Volume 14, No. 3 September 19721972Heron, Jr., S. Duncan FacultyGeology - Field Conference Guest Lecturer, ASU
Southeastern Geology: Volume 14, No. 4 December 19721972Heron, Jr., S. Duncan FacultyGeology - Field Conference Guest Lecturer, ASU
Southeastern Geology: Volume 15, No. 1 April 19731973Heron, Jr., S. Duncan FacultyGeology - Field Conference Guest Lecturer, ASU
Southeastern Geology: Volume 15, No. 2 July 19731973Heron, Jr., S. Duncan FacultyGeology - Field Conference Guest Lecturer, ASU
Southeastern Geology: Volume 15, No. 3 December 19731973Heron, Jr., S. Duncan FacultyGeology - Field Conference Guest Lecturer, ASU
Southeastern Geology: Volume 15, No. 4 April 19741974Heron, Jr., S. Duncan FacultyGeology - Field Conference Guest Lecturer, ASU
Southeastern Geology: Volume 16, No. 1 August 19741974Heron, Jr., S. Duncan FacultyGeology - Field Conference Guest Lecturer, ASU
Southeastern Geology: Volume 16, No. 2 November 19741974Heron, Jr., S. Duncan FacultyGeology - Field Conference Guest Lecturer, ASU
Southeastern Geology: Volume 16, No. 3 February 19751975Heron, Jr., S. Duncan FacultyGeology - Field Conference Guest Lecturer, ASU
Southeastern Geology: Volume 16, No. 4 May 19751975Heron, Jr., S. Duncan FacultyGeology - Field Conference Guest Lecturer, ASU
Southeastern Geology: Volume 17, No. 1 September 19751975Heron, Jr., S. Duncan FacultyGeology - Field Conference Guest Lecturer, ASU
Southeastern Geology: Volume 17, No. 2 December 19751975Heron, Jr., S. Duncan FacultyGeology - Field Conference Guest Lecturer, ASU
Southeastern Geology: Volume 17, No. 3 March 19761976Heron, Jr., S. Duncan FacultyGeology - Field Conference Guest Lecturer, ASU
Southeastern Geology: Volume 17, No. 4 June 19761976Heron, Jr., S. Duncan FacultyGeology - Field Conference Guest Lecturer, ASU
Southeastern Geology: Volume 18, No. 1 September 19761976Heron, Jr., S. Duncan FacultyGeology - Field Conference Guest Lecturer, ASU
Southeastern Geology: Volume 18, No. 2 December 19761976Heron, Jr., S. Duncan FacultyGeology - Field Conference Guest Lecturer, ASU
Southeastern Geology: Volume 18, No. 3 April 19771977Heron, Jr., S. Duncan FacultyGeology - Field Conference Guest Lecturer, ASU
Southeastern Geology: Volume 18, No. 4 August 19771977Heron, Jr., S. Duncan FacultyGeology - Field Conference Guest Lecturer, ASU
Southeastern Geology: Volume 19, No. 1 December 19771977Heron, Jr., S. Duncan FacultyGeology - Field Conference Guest Lecturer, ASU
Southeastern Geology: Volume 19, No. 2 February 19781978Heron, Jr., S. Duncan FacultyGeology - Field Conference Guest Lecturer, ASU
Southeastern Geology: Volume 19, No. 3 May 19781978Heron, Jr., S. Duncan FacultyGeology - Field Conference Guest Lecturer, ASU
Southeastern Geology: Volume 19, No. 4 September 19781978Heron, Jr., S. Duncan FacultyGeology - Field Conference Guest Lecturer, ASU
Southeastern Geology: Volume 2, No. 1 August 19601960Heron, Jr., S. Duncan FacultyGeology - Field Conference Guest Lecturer, ASU
Southeastern Geology: Volume 2, No. 2 November 19601960Heron, Jr., S. Duncan FacultyGeology - Field Conference Guest Lecturer, ASU
Southeastern Geology: Volume 2, No. 3 March 19611961Heron, Jr., S. Duncan FacultyGeology - Field Conference Guest Lecturer, ASU
Southeastern Geology: Volume 2, No. 4 June 19611961Heron, Jr., S. Duncan FacultyGeology - Field Conference Guest Lecturer, ASU
Southeastern Geology: Volume 20, No. 2 March 19791979Heron, Jr., S. Duncan FacultyGeology - Field Conference Guest Lecturer, ASU
Southeastern Geology: Volume 20, No. 3 June 19791979Heron, Jr., S. Duncan FacultyGeology - Field Conference Guest Lecturer, ASU
Southeastern Geology: Volume 20, No. 4 September 19791979Heron, Jr., S. Duncan FacultyGeology - Field Conference Guest Lecturer, ASU
Southeastern Geology: Volume 21, No. 1 December 19791979Heron, Jr., S. Duncan FacultyGeology - Field Conference Guest Lecturer, ASU
Southeastern Geology: Volume 21, No. 2 March 19801980Heron, Jr., S. Duncan FacultyGeology - Field Conference Guest Lecturer, ASU
Southeastern Geology: Volume 21, No. 3 July 19801980Heron, Jr., S. Duncan FacultyGeology - Field Conference Guest Lecturer, ASU
Southeastern Geology: Volume 21, No. 4 November 19801980Heron, Jr., S. Duncan FacultyGeology - Field Conference Guest Lecturer, ASU
Southeastern Geology: Volume 22, No. 1 February 19811981Heron, Jr., S. Duncan FacultyGeology - Field Conference Guest Lecturer, ASU
Southeastern Geology: Volume 22, No. 2 May 19811981Heron, Jr., S. Duncan FacultyGeology - Field Conference Guest Lecturer, ASU
Southeastern Geology: Volume 22, No. 3 August 19811981Heron, Jr., S. Duncan FacultyGeology - Field Conference Guest Lecturer, ASU
Southeastern Geology: Volume 22, No. 4 December 19811981Heron, Jr., S. Duncan FacultyGeology - Field Conference Guest Lecturer, ASU
Southeastern Geology: Volume 23, No. 1 March 19821982Heron, Jr., S. Duncan FacultyGeology - Field Conference Guest Lecturer, ASU
Southeastern Geology: Volume 23, No. 2 June 19821982Heron, Jr., S. Duncan FacultyGeology - Field Conference Guest Lecturer, ASU
Southeastern Geology: Volume 23, No. 3 October 19821982Heron, Jr., S. Duncan FacultyGeology - Field Conference Guest Lecturer, ASU
Southeastern Geology: Volume 23, No. 4 December 19821982Heron, Jr., S. Duncan FacultyGeology - Field Conference Guest Lecturer, ASU
Southeastern Geology: Volume 24, No. 1 May 19831983Heron, Jr., S. Duncan FacultyGeology - Field Conference Guest Lecturer, ASU
Southeastern Geology: Volume 24, No. 2 August 19831983Heron, Jr., S. Duncan FacultyGeology - Field Conference Guest Lecturer, ASU
Southeastern Geology: Volume 24, No. 3 November 19831983Heron, Jr., S. Duncan FacultyGeology - Field Conference Guest Lecturer, ASU
Southeastern Geology: Volume 24, No. 4 March 19841984Heron, Jr., S. Duncan FacultyGeology - Field Conference Guest Lecturer, ASU
Southeastern Geology: Volume 25, No. 1 June 19841984Heron, Jr., S. Duncan FacultyGeology - Field Conference Guest Lecturer, ASU
Southeastern Geology: Volume 25, No. 2 October 19841984Heron, Jr., S. Duncan FacultyGeology - Field Conference Guest Lecturer, ASU
Southeastern Geology: Volume 25, No. 3 February 19851985Heron, Jr., S. Duncan FacultyGeology - Field Conference Guest Lecturer, ASU
Southeastern Geology: Volume 25, No. 4 April 19851985Heron, Jr., S. Duncan FacultyGeology - Field Conference Guest Lecturer, ASU
Southeastern Geology: Volume 26, No. 1 August 19851985Heron, Jr., S. Duncan FacultyGeology - Field Conference Guest Lecturer, ASU
Southeastern Geology: Volume 26, No. 2 November 19851985Heron, Jr., S. Duncan FacultyGeology - Field Conference Guest Lecturer, ASU
Southeastern Geology: Volume 26, No. 3 February 19861986Heron, Jr., S. Duncan FacultyGeology - Field Conference Guest Lecturer, ASU
Southeastern Geology: Volume 26, No. 4 May 19861986Heron, Jr., S. Duncan FacultyGeology - Field Conference Guest Lecturer, ASU
Southeastern Geology: Volume 27, No. 1 August 19861986Heron, Jr., S. Duncan FacultyGeology - Field Conference Guest Lecturer, ASU
Southeastern Geology: Volume 27, No. 2 November 19861986Heron, Jr., S. Duncan FacultyGeology - Field Conference Guest Lecturer, ASU
Southeastern Geology: Volume 27, No. 3 February 19871987Heron, Jr., S. Duncan FacultyGeology - Field Conference Guest Lecturer, ASU
Southeastern Geology: Volume 27, No. 4 April 19871987Heron, Jr., S. Duncan FacultyGeology - Field Conference Guest Lecturer, ASU
Southeastern Geology: Volume 28, No. 1 August 19871987Heron, Jr., S. Duncan FacultyGeology - Field Conference Guest Lecturer, ASU
Southeastern Geology: Volume 28, No. 2 November 19871987Heron, Jr., S. Duncan FacultyGeology - Field Conference Guest Lecturer, ASU
Southeastern Geology: Volume 28, No. 3 February 19881988Heron, Jr., S. Duncan FacultyGeology - Field Conference Guest Lecturer, ASU
Southeastern Geology: Volume 28, No. 4 May 19881988Heron, Jr., S. Duncan FacultyGeology - Field Conference Guest Lecturer, ASU
Southeastern Geology: Volume 29, No. 1 September 19881988Heron, Jr., S. Duncan FacultyGeology - Field Conference Guest Lecturer, ASU
Southeastern Geology: Volume 29, No. 2 December 19881988Heron, Jr., S. Duncan FacultyGeology - Field Conference Guest Lecturer, ASU
Southeastern Geology: Volume 29, No. 3 February 19891989Heron, Jr., S. Duncan FacultyGeology - Field Conference Guest Lecturer, ASU
Southeastern Geology: Volume 29, No. 4 April 19891989Heron, Jr., S. Duncan FacultyGeology - Field Conference Guest Lecturer, ASU
Southeastern Geology: Volume 3, No. 1 September 19611961Heron, Jr., S. Duncan FacultyGeology - Field Conference Guest Lecturer, ASU
Southeastern Geology: Volume 3, No. 2 December 19611961Heron, Jr., S. Duncan FacultyGeology - Field Conference Guest Lecturer, ASU
Southeastern Geology: Volume 3, No. 3 February 19621962Heron, Jr., S. Duncan FacultyGeology - Field Conference Guest Lecturer, ASU
Southeastern Geology: Volume 3, No. 4 May 19621962Heron, Jr., S. Duncan FacultyGeology - Field Conference Guest Lecturer, ASU
Southeastern Geology: Volume 30, No. 1 July 19891989Heron, Jr., S. Duncan FacultyGeology - Field Conference Guest Lecturer, ASU
Southeastern Geology: Volume 30, No. 2 September 19891989Heron, Jr., S. Duncan FacultyGeology - Field Conference Guest Lecturer, ASU
Southeastern Geology: Volume 30, No. 3 December 19891989Heron, Jr., S. Duncan FacultyGeology - Field Conference Guest Lecturer, ASU
Southeastern Geology: Volume 30, No. 4 March 19901990Heron, Jr., S. Duncan FacultyGeology - Field Conference Guest Lecturer, ASU
Southeastern Geology: Volume 31, No. 1 June 19901990Heron, Jr., S. Duncan FacultyGeology - Field Conference Guest Lecturer, ASU
Southeastern Geology: Volume 31, No. 2 September 19901990Heron, Jr., S. Duncan FacultyGeology - Field Conference Guest Lecturer, ASU
Southeastern Geology: Volume 31, No. 3 December 19901990Heron, Jr., S. Duncan FacultyGeology - Field Conference Guest Lecturer, ASU
Southeastern Geology: Volume 31, No. 4 March 19911991Heron, Jr., S. Duncan FacultyGeology - Field Conference Guest Lecturer, ASU
Southeastern Geology: Volume 32, No. 1 July 19911991Heron, Jr., S. Duncan FacultyGeology - Field Conference Guest Lecturer, ASU
Southeastern Geology: Volume 32, No. 2 October 19911991Heron, Jr., S. Duncan FacultyGeology - Field Conference Guest Lecturer, ASU
Southeastern Geology: Volume 32, No. 3 February 19921992Heron, Jr., S. Duncan FacultyGeology - Field Conference Guest Lecturer, ASU
Southeastern Geology: Volume 32, No. 4 May 19921992Heron, Jr., S. Duncan FacultyGeology - Field Conference Guest Lecturer, ASU
Southeastern Geology: Volume 33, No. 1 October 19921992Heron, Jr., S. Duncan FacultyGeology - Field Conference Guest Lecturer, ASU
Southeastern Geology: Volume 33, No. 2 March 19931993Heron, Jr., S. Duncan FacultyGeology - Field Conference Guest Lecturer, ASU
Southeastern Geology: Volume 33, No. 3 July 19931993Heron, Jr., S. Duncan FacultyGeology - Field Conference Guest Lecturer, ASU
Southeastern Geology: Volume 33, No. 4 October 19931993Heron, Jr., S. Duncan FacultyGeology - Field Conference Guest Lecturer, ASU
Southeastern Geology: Volume 34, No. 1 January 19941994Heron, Jr., S. Duncan FacultyGeology - Field Conference Guest Lecturer, ASU
Southeastern Geology: Volume 34, No. 2 May 19941994Heron, Jr., S. Duncan FacultyGeology - Field Conference Guest Lecturer, ASU
Southeastern Geology: Volume 34, No. 3 September 19941994Heron, Jr., S. Duncan FacultyGeology - Field Conference Guest Lecturer, ASU
Southeastern Geology: Volume 34, No. 4 December 19941994Heron, Jr., S. Duncan FacultyGeology - Field Conference Guest Lecturer, ASU
Southeastern Geology: Volume 35, No. 1 March 19951995Heron, Jr., S. Duncan FacultyGeology - Field Conference Guest Lecturer, ASU
Southeastern Geology: Volume 35, No. 2 June 19951995Heron, Jr., S. Duncan FacultyGeology - Field Conference Guest Lecturer, ASU
Southeastern Geology: Volume 35, No. 3 September 19951995Heron, Jr., S. Duncan FacultyGeology - Field Conference Guest Lecturer, ASU
Southeastern Geology: Volume 35, No. 4 December 19951995Heron, Jr., S. Duncan FacultyGeology - Field Conference Guest Lecturer, ASU
Southeastern Geology: Volume 36, No. 1 April 19961996Heron, Jr., S. Duncan FacultyGeology - Field Conference Guest Lecturer, ASU
Southeastern Geology: Volume 36, No. 2 August 19961996Heron, Jr., S. Duncan FacultyGeology - Field Conference Guest Lecturer, ASU
Southeastern Geology: Volume 36, No. 3 November 19961996Heron, Jr., S. Duncan FacultyGeology - Field Conference Guest Lecturer, ASU
Southeastern Geology: Volume 36, No. 4 March 19971997Heron, Jr., S. Duncan FacultyGeology - Field Conference Guest Lecturer, ASU
Southeastern Geology: Volume 37, No. 1 June 19971997Heron, Jr., S. Duncan FacultyGeology - Field Conference Guest Lecturer, ASU
Southeastern Geology: Volume 37, No. 2 October 19971997Heron, Jr., S. Duncan FacultyGeology - Field Conference Guest Lecturer, ASU
Southeastern Geology: Volume 37, No. 3 February 19981998Heron, Jr., S. Duncan FacultyGeology - Field Conference Guest Lecturer, ASU
Southeastern Geology: Volume 37, No. 4 May 19981998Heron, Jr., S. Duncan FacultyGeology - Field Conference Guest Lecturer, ASU
Southeastern Geology: Volume 38, No. 1 September 19981998Heron, Jr., S. Duncan FacultyGeology - Field Conference Guest Lecturer, ASU
Southeastern Geology: Volume 38, No. 2 December 19981998Heron, Jr., S. Duncan FacultyGeology - Field Conference Guest Lecturer, ASU
Southeastern Geology: Volume 38, No. 3 April 19991999Heron, Jr., S. Duncan FacultyGeology - Field Conference Guest Lecturer, ASU
Southeastern Geology: Volume 38, No. 4 August 19991999Heron, Jr., S. Duncan FacultyGeology - Field Conference Guest Lecturer, ASU
Southeastern Geology: Volume 39, No. 1 November 19991999Heron, Jr., S. Duncan FacultyGeology - Field Conference Guest Lecturer, ASU
Southeastern Geology: Volume 39, No. 2 May 20002000Heron, Jr., S. Duncan FacultyGeology - Field Conference Guest Lecturer, ASU
Southeastern Geology: Volume 39, Nos. 3 & 4 October 20002000Heron, Jr., S. Duncan FacultyGeology - Field Conference Guest Lecturer, ASU
Southeastern Geology: Volume 4, No. 1 September 19621962Heron, Jr., S. Duncan FacultyGeology - Field Conference Guest Lecturer, ASU
Southeastern Geology: Volume 4, No. 2 November 19621962Heron, Jr., S. Duncan FacultyGeology - Field Conference Guest Lecturer, ASU
Southeastern Geology: Volume 4, No. 3 February 19631963Heron, Jr., S. Duncan FacultyGeology - Field Conference Guest Lecturer, ASU
Southeastern Geology: Volume 4, No. 4 May 19631963Heron, Jr., S. Duncan FacultyGeology - Field Conference Guest Lecturer, ASU
Southeastern Geology: Volume 40, No. 1 February 20012001Heron, Jr., S. Duncan FacultyGeology - Field Conference Guest Lecturer, ASU
Southeastern Geology: Volume 40, No. 2 June 20012001Heron, Jr., S. Duncan FacultyGeology - Field Conference Guest Lecturer, ASU
Southeastern Geology: Volume 40, No. 3 September 20012001Heron, Jr., S. Duncan FacultyGeology - Field Conference Guest Lecturer, ASU
Southeastern Geology: Volume 40, No. 4 December 20012001Heron, Jr., S. Duncan FacultyGeology - Field Conference Guest Lecturer, ASU
Southeastern Geology: Volume 41, No. 1 March 20022002Heron, Jr., S. Duncan FacultyGeology - Field Conference Guest Lecturer, ASU
Southeastern Geology: Volume 41, No. 2 July 20022002Heron, Jr., S. Duncan FacultyGeology - Field Conference Guest Lecturer, ASU
Southeastern Geology: Volume 41, No. 3 November 20022002Heron, Jr., S. Duncan FacultyGeology - Field Conference Guest Lecturer, ASU
Southeastern Geology: Volume 41, No. 4 March 20032003Heron, Jr., S. Duncan FacultyGeology - Field Conference Guest Lecturer, ASU
Southeastern Geology: Volume 42, No. 1 June 20032003Heron, Jr., S. Duncan FacultyGeology - Field Conference Guest Lecturer, ASU
Southeastern Geology: Volume 42, No. 2 October 20032003Heron, Jr., S. Duncan FacultyGeology - Field Conference Guest Lecturer, ASU
Southeastern Geology: Volume 42, No. 3 February 20042004Heron, Jr., S. Duncan FacultyGeology - Field Conference Guest Lecturer, ASU
Southeastern Geology: Volume 42, No. 4 May 20042004Heron, Jr., S. Duncan FacultyGeology - Field Conference Guest Lecturer, ASU
Southeastern Geology: Volume 43, No. 1 August 20042004Heron, Jr., S. Duncan FacultyGeology - Field Conference Guest Lecturer, ASU
Southeastern Geology: Volume 43, No. 2 November 20042004Heron, Jr., S. Duncan FacultyGeology - Field Conference Guest Lecturer, ASU
Southeastern Geology: Volume 43, No. 3 February 20052005Heron, Jr., S. Duncan FacultyGeology - Field Conference Guest Lecturer, ASU
Southeastern Geology: Volume 43, No. 4 June 20052005Heron, Jr., S. Duncan FacultyGeology - Field Conference Guest Lecturer, ASU
Southeastern Geology: Volume 44, No. 1 October 20052005Heron, Jr., S. Duncan FacultyGeology - Field Conference Guest Lecturer, ASU
Southeastern Geology: Volume 44, No. 2 June 20062006Heron, Jr., S. Duncan FacultyGeology - Field Conference Guest Lecturer, ASU
Southeastern Geology: Volume 44, No. 3 October 20062006Heron, Jr., S. Duncan FacultyGeology - Field Conference Guest Lecturer, ASU
Southeastern Geology: Volume 44, No. 4 February 20072007Heron, Jr., S. Duncan FacultyGeology - Field Conference Guest Lecturer, ASU
Southeastern Geology: Volume 45, No. 1 June 20072007Heron, Jr., S. Duncan FacultyGeology - Field Conference Guest Lecturer, ASU
Southeastern Geology: Volume 45, No. 2 November 20072007Heron, Jr., S. Duncan FacultyGeology - Field Conference Guest Lecturer, ASU
Southeastern Geology: Volume 45, No. 3 April 20082008Heron, Jr., S. Duncan FacultyGeology - Field Conference Guest Lecturer, ASU
Southeastern Geology: Volume 45, No. 4 August 20082008Heron, Jr., S. Duncan FacultyGeology - Field Conference Guest Lecturer, ASU
Southeastern Geology: Volume 46, No. 1 November 20082008Heron, Jr., S. Duncan FacultyGeology - Field Conference Guest Lecturer, ASU
Southeastern Geology: Volume 46, No. 2 March 20092009Heron, Jr., S. Duncan FacultyGeology - Field Conference Guest Lecturer, ASU
Southeastern Geology: Volume 46, No. 3 July 20092009Heron, Jr., S. Duncan FacultyGeology - Field Conference Guest Lecturer, ASU
Southeastern Geology: Volume 46, No. 4 November 20092009Heron, Jr., S. Duncan FacultyGeology - Field Conference Guest Lecturer, ASU
Southeastern Geology: Volume 47, No. 1 February 20102010Heron, Jr., S. Duncan FacultyGeology - Field Conference Guest Lecturer, ASU
Southeastern Geology: Volume 47, No. 2 May 20102010Heron, Jr., S. Duncan FacultyGeology - Field Conference Guest Lecturer, ASU
Southeastern Geology: Volume 47, No. 3 August 20102010Heron, Jr., S. Duncan FacultyGeology - Field Conference Guest Lecturer, ASU
Southeastern Geology: Volume 47, No. 4 November 20102010Heron, Jr., S. Duncan FacultyGeology - Field Conference Guest Lecturer, ASU
Southeastern Geology: Volume 48, No. 1 February 20112011Heron, Jr., S. Duncan FacultyGeology - Field Conference Guest Lecturer, ASU
Southeastern Geology: Volume 48, No. 2 May 20112011Heron, Jr., S. Duncan FacultyGeology - Field Conference Guest Lecturer, ASU
Southeastern Geology: Volume 48, No. 3 October 20112011Heron, Jr., S. Duncan FacultyGeology - Field Conference Guest Lecturer, ASU
Southeastern Geology: Volume 48, No. 4 February 20122012Heron, Jr., S. Duncan FacultyGeology - Field Conference Guest Lecturer, ASU
Southeastern Geology: Volume 49, No. 1 June 20122012Heron, Jr., S. Duncan FacultyGeology - Field Conference Guest Lecturer, ASU
Southeastern Geology: Volume 49, No. 2 October 20122012Heron, Jr., S. Duncan FacultyGeology - Field Conference Guest Lecturer, ASU
Southeastern Geology: Volume 49, No. 3 March 20132013Heron, Jr., S. Duncan FacultyGeology - Field Conference Guest Lecturer, ASU
Southeastern Geology: Volume 49, No. 4 July 20132013Heron, Jr., S. Duncan FacultyGeology - Field Conference Guest Lecturer, ASU
Southeastern Geology: Volume 5, No. 1 September 19631963Heron, Jr., S. Duncan FacultyGeology - Field Conference Guest Lecturer, ASU
Southeastern Geology: Volume 5, No. 2 January 19641964Heron, Jr., S. Duncan FacultyGeology - Field Conference Guest Lecturer, ASU
Southeastern Geology: Volume 5, No. 3 May 19641964Heron, Jr., S. Duncan FacultyGeology - Field Conference Guest Lecturer, ASU
Southeastern Geology: Volume 5, No. 4 August 19641964Heron, Jr., S. Duncan FacultyGeology - Field Conference Guest Lecturer, ASU
Southeastern Geology: Volume 6, No. 1 November 19641964Heron, Jr., S. Duncan FacultyGeology - Field Conference Guest Lecturer, ASU
Southeastern Geology: Volume 6, No. 2 March 19651965Heron, Jr., S. Duncan FacultyGeology - Field Conference Guest Lecturer, ASU
Southeastern Geology: Volume 6, No. 3 July 19651965Heron, Jr., S. Duncan FacultyGeology - Field Conference Guest Lecturer, ASU
Southeastern Geology: Volume 6, No. 4 September 19651965Heron, Jr., S. Duncan FacultyGeology - Field Conference Guest Lecturer, ASU
Southeastern Geology: Volume 7, No. 1 December 19651965Heron, Jr., S. Duncan FacultyGeology - Field Conference Guest Lecturer, ASU
Southeastern Geology: Volume 7, No. 2 February 19661966Heron, Jr., S. Duncan FacultyGeology - Field Conference Guest Lecturer, ASU
Southeastern Geology: Volume 7, No. 4 December 19661966Heron, Jr., S. Duncan FacultyGeology - Field Conference Guest Lecturer, ASU
Southeastern Geology: Volume 8, No. 1 March 19671967Heron, Jr., S. Duncan FacultyGeology - Field Conference Guest Lecturer, ASU
Southeastern Geology: Volume 8, No. 2 June 19671967Heron, Jr., S. Duncan FacultyGeology - Field Conference Guest Lecturer, ASU
Southeastern Geology: Volume 8, No. 3 September 19671967Heron, Jr., S. Duncan FacultyGeology - Field Conference Guest Lecturer, ASU
Southeastern Geology: Volume 8, No. 4 December 19671967Heron, Jr., S. Duncan FacultyGeology - Field Conference Guest Lecturer, ASU
Southeastern Geology: Volume 9, No. 1 April 19681968Heron, Jr., S. Duncan FacultyGeology - Field Conference Guest Lecturer, ASU
Southeastern Geology: Volume 9, No. 2 June 19681968Heron, Jr., S. Duncan FacultyGeology - Field Conference Guest Lecturer, ASU
Southeastern Geology: Volume 9, No. 3 September 19681968Heron, Jr., S. Duncan FacultyGeology - Field Conference Guest Lecturer, ASU
Southeastern Geology: Volume 9, No. 4 November 19681968Heron, Jr., S. Duncan FacultyGeology - Field Conference Guest Lecturer, ASU
Southern stories1976Driggers, James ArchieStudentEnglish, UNCG
Space allocations to implement the teaching of interior design in a college situation1964Nelms, Lorene GarrissStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Space and location of laundry areas in split level houses1964Eddins, Peyton HudsonStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Space planning for converting under utilized areas of the home into family living space1976Avram, Patricia FingerStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Space requirements for people performing office tasks1975Goode, Ellen BonhamStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Space-Borne Cloud-Native Satellite-Derived Bathymetry (SDB) Models Using ICESat-2 And Sentin...2023Lagomasino, D. StudentECU
Space-Borne Cloud-Native Satellite-Derived Bathymetry (SDB) Models Using ICESat-2 And Sentin...2023Moreno, S. StudentECU
Space-Borne Cloud-Native Satellite-Derived Bathymetry (SDB) Models Using ICESat-2 And Sentin...2023Thomas, N. StudentECU
Space-Borne Cloud-Native Satellite-Derived Bathymetry (SDB) Models Using ICESat-2 And Sentin...2023Pertiwi, A. P.StudentECU
Space-Borne Cloud-Native Satellite-Derived Bathymetry (SDB) Models Using ICESat-2 And Sentin...2023Traganos, D. StudentECU
Space-Borne Cloud-Native Satellite-Derived Bathymetry (SDB) Models Using ICESat-2 And Sentin...2023Poursanidis, D. StudentECU
Space-Borne Cloud-Native Satellite-Derived Bathymetry (SDB) Models Using ICESat-2 And Sentin...2023Fatoyinbo, Temilola StudentECU
The Spaces Between2023Millar, Aisling StudentECU
The Spanish Civil War : developments in air warfare tactics and technology2023Winslow, Leonard F.StudentECU
A Sparsity-Based InSAR Phase Denoising Algorithm Using Nonlocal Wavelet Shrinkage2016Fang, Dongsheng,Lv,Xiaolei,Wang,Yong,Lin,Xue,Qian,Jiang StudentECU
The Spartan military system in the Archidamian war : the inadequacy of hoplite warfare2023Krim, H. JasonStudentECU
Spatial Ability: A Neglected Dimension In Talent Searches For Intellectually Precocious Yout...2007Webb, Rose Mary FacultyPsychology, ASU
A spatial analysis of the 1984 Helms-Hunt senate race2023Weeks, Gregory A.StudentECU
A Spatial Analysis of Bounded Cemeteries at the Town Creek Site (AD 1150-1400) in the Southe...2016Ford, Paige StudentECU
Spatial analysis of broadband service :identifying the digital divide in North Carolina2023Suvak, William J.StudentECU
Spatial Analysis of Terpenes and Aphid Abundance in Solidago Altissima2015Smith , Beatrice StudentBiology - Student, ASU
Spatial and Temporal Evaluation of Dune, Beach and Nearshore Bar Interactions : Cape Cod, MA...2023Roma´n Rivera, Mayra A.StudentECU
Spatial and Temporal Variability in Surficial Seabed Character, Waipaoa River Margin, New Ze...2023Kiker, Joseph M.StudentECU
Spatial and temporal variability of historic alluvial sedimentation on the lower coastal pla...2023Golden, Heather E.StudentECU
Spatial aspects of water quality in the White Oak River2023Dulin, Paul Archer.StudentECU
Spatial Characterization, Resolution, And Volumetric Change Of Coastal Dunes Using Airborne ...2002Colby, Jeff FacultyGeography and Planning, ASU
Spatial Constraints on Women's Work in Tarija, Bolivia2000Schroeder, Kathleen FacultyGeography and Planning, ASU
Spatial dynamics in painting achieved through plane manipulation1953Morgan, John TheodoreStudentArt, UNCG
Spatial Ecology and Seasonal Habitat Use of the King Rail (Rallus elegans) along the Atlanti...2023Kolts, Jaan RunyonStudentECU
Spatial Modeling of the Risk of Mosquito-borne Disease Transmission, Chesapeake, Virginia1905Cleckner, Haley StudentECU
Spatial organization of morphometric characteristics of the North Carolina Coastal Plain2023Giles, Billy E.StudentECU
Spatial patterning aboard the Millecoquins wreck : interpreting shipboard life and functiona...2023Whitesides, Scott M.StudentECU
Spatially Compounded Surge Events: an Example from Hurricanes Matthew and Florence2023De Polt, Kelley StudentECU
Spatially Compounded Surge Events: an Example from Hurricanes Matthew and Florence2023Mukherji, Anuradha StudentECU
Spatially Compounded Surge Events: an Example from Hurricanes Matthew and Florence2023Van Wagoner, Philip StudentECU
Spatially Compounded Surge Events: an Example from Hurricanes Matthew and Florence2023Ghosh, Ausmita StudentECU
Spatially Compounded Surge Events: an Example from Hurricanes Matthew and Florence2023Helgeson, Jennifer StudentECU
Spatially Compounded Surge Events: an Example from Hurricanes Matthew and Florence2023Curtis, Scott StudentECU
Spatiotemporal Water Quality Variability in a Highly Loaded Surface Flow Wastewater Treatmen...2023Bell, Natasha L.StudentECU
Spatiotemporal Water Quality Variability in a Highly Loaded Surface Flow Wastewater Treatmen...2023Hitchcock, Daniel R.StudentECU
Spawning activity of striped bass in a Tidal Bore River :the Shubenacadie-Stewiacke System, ...2023Tull, Katherine A.StudentECU
Spawning grounds of the striped bass, Roccus saxatilis (Walbaum) in the Tar River, North Car...2023Humphries, Earl Terry.StudentECU
Spawning Population Characteristics of Alewife in Lake Mattamuskeet, 2015-20162023Butts, Cooper ScottStudentECU
Speak like a wo(man) : a corpus linguistic and discourse analysis of gendered speech2011Caskey, David "Forrest" MeltonStudentEnglish, WCU
"The speaker of the orchestra" : an analytical study of the bass line in the fourth movement...1993Barket, James CharlesStudentMusic, UNCG
Speaking Out Against Domestic Violence2023Campbell, Candace FacultyEsther G. Maynor Honors College, UNCP
Special education and human dignity : a hermeneutic of hope1988Blomgen, Rebecca Ann FrazierStudentEducation, UNCG
A special relationship : US-China relations during the Carter and Reagan administrations, 19...2023Zhang, Ling StudentECU
Specialized High-Protein Oral Nutrition Supplement Improves Home Nutrient Intake of Malnouri...2023Loman, Brett R.StudentECU
Specialized High-Protein Oral Nutrition Supplement Improves Home Nutrient Intake of Malnouri...2023Luo, Menghua StudentECU
Specialized High-Protein Oral Nutrition Supplement Improves Home Nutrient Intake of Malnouri...2023Baggs, Geraldine E.StudentECU
Specialized High-Protein Oral Nutrition Supplement Improves Home Nutrient Intake of Malnouri...2023Mitchell, Diane C.StudentECU
Specialized High-Protein Oral Nutrition Supplement Improves Home Nutrient Intake of Malnouri...2023Nelson, Jeffrey L.StudentECU
Specialized High-Protein Oral Nutrition Supplement Improves Home Nutrient Intake of Malnouri...2023Ziegler, Thomas R.StudentECU
Specialized High-Protein Oral Nutrition Supplement Improves Home Nutrient Intake of Malnouri...2023Deutz, Nicolaas E.StudentECU
Specialized High-Protein Oral Nutrition Supplement Improves Home Nutrient Intake of Malnouri...2023Matarese, Laura E.StudentECU
Species And Stage Specific Developmental Toxicity Of Endosulfan Exposure In Hyla Cinerea And...2023Edwards, Matthew K.StudentECU
Species Traits and Geomorphic Setting as Drivers of Global Soil Carbon Stocks in Seagrass Me...2023Lagomasino, D. StudentECU
Species Traits and Geomorphic Setting as Drivers of Global Soil Carbon Stocks in Seagrass Me...2023Kennedy, H. StudentECU
Species Traits and Geomorphic Setting as Drivers of Global Soil Carbon Stocks in Seagrass Me...2023, et alStudentECU
Species-specific expansion and molecular evolution of the 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzym...2014Li, Wei,Liu,,Wei,Hengling,Wei,He,Qiuling,Chen,Jinhong, StudentECU
Specific antisense oligonucleotide composition & method for treatment of disorders associate...2000Nyce, Jonathan StudentECU
Specific Social Influences On the Acceptance of Novel Foods In 2–5-Year-Old Children2005Galloway, Amy FacultyPsychology, ASU
Specific tasks required and expected of student teachers in a laboratory nursery school1970Weant, Lynda KathleenStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Specification Bias in Contingent Valuation from Omission of Relative Price Variables1994Whitehead, John FacultyEconomics, ASU
Specimens of Gomphotherium in the New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science and the s...2000Heckert, Andrew B. FacultyGeology, ASU
A spectral analysis of the tones of five flutes constructed of different materials1980White, Joan LynnStudentMusic, UNCG
The Spectral Theorem for Self-Adjoint Operators2023Chilcoat, Kenneth StudentECU
Spectrum2023Stewart, Savannah E.StudentECU
Spectrum1976Brandman, Pollyann StudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
Speculative Speculations : An Original Composition for Mixed Ensemble and Rhythm, Tempo and ...2010Loebs, Christian StudentECU
Speech in noise ability, outer hair cell function, and working memory for trained flute play...2023Caldwell, Kelly A.StudentECU
Speech Production Analyses: Characterizing Typical Development versus Childhood Apraxia of S...2010Lemkes, Jennifer Margarethe.StudentECU
Speech Recognition in Noise Abilities between Musicians and Non-Musicians2023Davis, Rebecca StudentECU
A spelling investigation in eleven primary grades of North Carolina2023Robeson, Anne Glenn.StudentECU
A Spelling-Based Phonics Approach to Word Instruction for Children with Down Syndrome2010Williams, Amy ReneeStudentEducational Leadership - Student, ASU
A spherical model for hyperbolic geometry1964Prince, Ruth AnneStudentMathematics, UNCG
Spin Cycle2009Jackson, Stephen StudentECU
Spindle-cell sarcoma of the heart: A rare cause for a cardiac mass2012Mehra, Sanjay,Ibrahim,Osman,Moshiri,Mariam,Cahill,John,Bh StudentECU
The Spiritual Dimension: Religion, Philosophy and Human Value2007Schilbrack, Kevin FacultyPhilosophy and Religion, ASU
Spleen Tyrosine Kinase (Syk) Regulates Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) T Cell Signaling2013Grammatikos, Alexandros P.,Ghosh,Debjani,Devlin,Amy,Kyttaris,Vasileios C.,StudentECU
The Splintered Wall: The British Blockade of the United States, 1812-18152023Dudley, Wade G.StudentECU
A spoken word count of aphasic speakers1973Boger, Jennie LydiaStudentDrama and Speech, UNCG
Spontaneous bile duct perforation in a neonate2018Hopper, Leslie,Hao,Scarlett B.,Rodeberg,David,Longshore,ShannonStudentECU
Sport as a vehicle of social mobility for the black athlete in twentieth century America1971Palmer, Jacqueline StudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
Sport motivation among three levels of high calibre soccer players1980Bird, Geoffrey J.StudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
Sport Specialization Status and Athlete Burnout, Engagement, and Motivation2023Johnson, William HStudentECU
Sports as finite provinces of meaning : an application of the phenomenology of Alfred Schutz...1980Whitaker, K. GailStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
Sports fashions as a reflection of the changing role of American women in society from 1850 ...1985Leslie, Judith ElaineStudentHome Economics, UNCG
The Spread of Public Libraries: The Community of the Book in North Carolina, 1900-19602023Valentine, Patrick M.StudentECU
Spring Forward 2016: Planning A communication Alumni Event2016Bryson, Amanda StudentCommunication - Student, ASU
Springtime Onset of Isolated Convection in the Central and Eastern United States2023Jarrett, Christopher MStudentECU
Spruille Braden : slayer of dragons right and left1975Theodorakis, Michael GeorgeStudentHistory, UNCG
Square Wave Voltammetry Detection and CD Spectroscopy Structural Characterization of 5- Meth...2023Preston, Victoria StudentECU
Squeezing the Most From Your PC Dollar, or Who is Going to Get the New Computers This Time?2012Ellern, Gillian (Jill) D. FacultyHunter Library, WCU
ß-catenin nuclear translocation induced by HIF-1a overexpression leads to the radioresistanc...2023Luo, YONG StudentECU
ß-catenin nuclear translocation induced by HIF-1a overexpression leads to the radioresistanc...2023Li, MINGCHUAN StudentECU
ß-catenin nuclear translocation induced by HIF-1a overexpression leads to the radioresistanc...2023Zuo, XUEMEI StudentECU
ß-catenin nuclear translocation induced by HIF-1a overexpression leads to the radioresistanc...2023BASOURAKOS, SPYRIDON P.StudentECU
ß-catenin nuclear translocation induced by HIF-1a overexpression leads to the radioresistanc...2023Zhang, JIAO StudentECU
ß-catenin nuclear translocation induced by HIF-1a overexpression leads to the radioresistanc...2023Zhao, JIAHUI StudentECU
ß-catenin nuclear translocation induced by HIF-1a overexpression leads to the radioresistanc...2023Han, Yili StudentECU
ß-catenin nuclear translocation induced by HIF-1a overexpression leads to the radioresistanc...2023Lin, YUNHUA StudentECU
ß-catenin nuclear translocation induced by HIF-1a overexpression leads to the radioresistanc...2023Wang, YONGXING StudentECU
ß-catenin nuclear translocation induced by HIF-1a overexpression leads to the radioresistanc...2023Jiang, YONGGUANG StudentECU
ß-catenin nuclear translocation induced by HIF-1a overexpression leads to the radioresistanc...2023Lan, Ling StudentECU
The stability of narrative and paradigmatic framing of mother-child communication within and...1995Carroll, Deborah E.StudentHuman Environmental Sciences, UNCG
Stability of social relationship in two groups of preschool children as measured by a pictur...1967Kutchei, Rivka R. KolariStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Stable optical trapping and sensitive characterization of nanostructures using standing- wav...2017Wu, Mu-ying,Ling,Dong-xiong,Ling,Lin,Li,William,Li,Yon StudentECU
Stable Optical Trapping and Sensitive Characterization of Nanostructures Using Standing-Wave...2023Li, Yong-Qing StudentECU
Stable Recombination Hotspots in Birds2023Balakrishnan, Christopher N.StudentECU
Staining characteristics of selected synthetic fabrics for "minimum care" garments1961Crawford, Sara J.StudentHome Economics, UNCG
Standardized Definitions of Bleeding After Transbronchial Lung Biopsy: A Delphi Consensus St...2023Bowling, Mark R.StudentECU
Standardized Goals and Performance Feedback Aggregated Beyond the Work Unit: Optimizing the ...2009Ludwig, Timothy D. FacultyPsychology, ASU
Standardized tests : irregularities in the administering of tests affect test results1989Gay, Genevieve HodginStudentEducation, UNCG
Standardizing Assessment of Spoken Discourse in Aphasia: A Working Group With Deliverables2023Sharma, Saryu StudentECU
Standardizing Assessment of Spoken Discourse in Aphasia: A Working Group With Deliverables2023Stark, Brielle C.StudentECU
Standardizing Assessment of Spoken Discourse in Aphasia: A Working Group With Deliverables2023Dutta, Manaswita StudentECU
Standardizing Assessment of Spoken Discourse in Aphasia: A Working Group With Deliverables2023Murray, Laura L.StudentECU
Standardizing Assessment of Spoken Discourse in Aphasia: A Working Group With Deliverables2023Bryant, Lucy StudentECU
Standardizing Assessment of Spoken Discourse in Aphasia: A Working Group With Deliverables2023Fromm, Davida StudentECU
Standardizing Assessment of Spoken Discourse in Aphasia: A Working Group With Deliverables2023MacWhinney, Brian StudentECU
Standardizing Assessment of Spoken Discourse in Aphasia: A Working Group With Deliverables2023Ramage, Amy E.StudentECU
Standardizing Assessment of Spoken Discourse in Aphasia: A Working Group With Deliverables2023Roberts, Angela StudentECU
Standardizing Assessment of Spoken Discourse in Aphasia: A Working Group With Deliverables2023den Ouden, Dirk B.StudentECU
Standardizing Assessment of Spoken Discourse in Aphasia: A Working Group With Deliverables2023Brock, Kris StudentECU
Standardizing Assessment of Spoken Discourse in Aphasia: A Working Group With Deliverables2023McKinney-Bock, Katy StudentECU
Standardizing Assessment of Spoken Discourse in Aphasia: A Working Group With Deliverables2023Paek, Eun JinStudentECU
Standardizing Assessment of Spoken Discourse in Aphasia: A Working Group With Deliverables2023Harmon, Tyson G.StudentECU
Standardizing Assessment of Spoken Discourse in Aphasia: A Working Group With Deliverables2023Yoon, Si OnStudentECU
Standardizing Assessment of Spoken Discourse in Aphasia: A Working Group With Deliverables2023Themistocleous, Charalambos StudentECU
Standardizing Assessment of Spoken Discourse in Aphasia: A Working Group With Deliverables2023Yoo, Hyunsoo StudentECU
Standardizing Assessment of Spoken Discourse in Aphasia: A Working Group With Deliverables2023Aveni, Katharine StudentECU
Standardizing Assessment of Spoken Discourse in Aphasia: A Working Group With Deliverables2023Gutierrez, Stephanie StudentECU
Standardizing Operating Room to Post Anesthesia Care Unit Patient Handover with SBAR: A Qual...2023Mikesell, Mary-Belle StudentECU
Standards of mailability of the intra-company correspondence of eight life insurance offices...1944Rosensaft, Jean StudentBusiness Education, UNCG
Standing At The Intersection: Reconsidering The Balance In Administration1998Lancaster, James FacultyHuman Development & Psychological Counseling, ASU
Starnight touch1973Hawkins, Thomas RhodesStudentEnglish, UNCG
Start a healthy life style during National Nutrition Month2023Ramirez, Ashley,Kathryn KolasaStudentECU
State and Society in Syria and Lebanon1996Ryan, Curtis R.FacultyGovernment and Justice Studies, ASU
State Education Agency curriculum consultants' perceptions of the principalship in North Car...1991Riley, Pamela LewisStudentEducation, UNCG
The state of the science of nurse work environments in the United States: A systematic revie...2018Wei, Holly,Sewell,Kerry A.,Woody,Gina,Rose,Mary AnnStudentECU
State policy and economic development in North Carolina, 1876-18962023Cowley, Mary AnneStudentECU
A state-wide survey of teacher use of narrative test report forms for instructional decision...1985DeCasper, Helen SuarezStudentEducation, UNCG
A statement about the dance "Restless eydeas on uneasy pad"1960Trump, Chrystelle LeeStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
Statin Therapy and Its Impact on Muscle Mitochondrial Function2023Powell, Harley RStudentECU
Stationarity of health expenditures and GDP: evidence from panel unit root tests with hetero...2003Strazicich, Mark FacultyEconomics, ASU
Stations In Life : Visual Understandings of Travel, Exploration, and Self Discovery2023Willett, Dan StudentECU
Statistical Discrimination in Labor Markets: An Experimental Analysis2009Dickinson, David L. FacultyEconomics, ASU
Statistical methods for the determination of content validity1987Olangunju, Amos OmotayoStudentEducation, UNCG
A statistical study to determine intelligence quotients and general achievement test scores ...1951Giles, Mary AngelynStudentBusiness Education, UNCG
Status as a factor affecting decisions of members of a youth basketball team1975Rundio, Stephen JosephStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
The status of advanced placement English in North Carolina1987Carroll, Dennis GordonStudentEducation, UNCG
The status of business education in Catholic high schools, 1943-19441947Whyte, M. TeresaStudentBusiness Education, UNCG
The status of elementary school general music programs in selected elementary schools in the...1988Walker, Bettye ColemanStudentMusic, UNCG
The status of music education in the fifth grades of the public schools of Piedmont North Ca...1949Jones, Margaret TysonStudentUNCG
Status of physical education, athletics, and intramurals in community colleges and technical...1975Hardy, Clinton RexStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
A Steam Powered Time Machine: The Cumbres And Toltec Scenic Railroad2017Stamper, Jason FacultyUniversity Libraries, ASU
The steam schooner Cosmopolis/Hawaiian steamer Kauai : the M?ahukona harbor steamship wreck2023Froning, Donald J.,JrStudentECU
Steel sculpture : transformations and relationships1977Evans, Annette FultonStudentArt, UNCG
Steel structures1975Carrow, David MichaelStudentArt, UNCG
Steered Molecular Dynamics of Lipid Membrane Indentation by Carbon and Silicon-Carbide Nanot...2023Yuvan, Steven StudentECU
Steered Molecular Dynamics of Lipid Membrane Indentation by Carbon and Silicon-Carbide Nanot...2023Raczy ´nski, Przemyslaw StudentECU
Steered Molecular Dynamics of Lipid Membrane Indentation by Carbon and Silicon-Carbide Nanot...2023Górny, Krzysztof StudentECU
Steered Molecular Dynamics of Lipid Membrane Indentation by Carbon and Silicon-Carbide Nanot...2023Beldowski, Piotr StudentECU
Steered Molecular Dynamics of Lipid Membrane Indentation by Carbon and Silicon-Carbide Nanot...2023Marciniak, Beata StudentECU
Steered Molecular Dynamics of Lipid Membrane Indentation by Carbon and Silicon-Carbide Nanot...2023Dendzik, Zbigniew StudentECU
Steinitz rings1973McCanless, Imogene StudentMathematics, UNCG
Stem cell models of human synapse development and degeneration2018Wilson, Emily S.,Newell-Litwa,KarenStudentECU
The Stendhalian hero : psychological, historical, and moral1964Maffitt, Roxanne HeffnerStudentRomance Languages, UNCG
Step It Up ECU : Comparing a 10,000 Step a Day Goal to a Small, Relative Step Goal in a Pedo...2023DiNatale, Emily StudentECU
Step-wise evolution of complex chemical defenses in millipedes: a phylogenomic approach2018Rodriguez, Juanita,Jones,Tappey H.,Sierwald,Petra,Marek,Paul E.,Shear,William A.,BStudentECU
Stepchild1972Whatley, James WallaceStudentEnglish, UNCG
Stephen Crane on film : James Agee's adaptation of "The Blue Hotel"1966Wiggins, Anne LouiseStudentEnglish, UNCG
Stephen Crane's Man in war1969Faison, Margaret BoazStudentEnglish, UNCG
STepped exercise program for patients with knee OsteoArthritis (STEP-KOA): protocol for a ra...2019Allen, Kelli D.,Bongiorni,Dennis,Caves,Kevin,Coffman,Cynthia J.StudentECU
Sticky Side of the Web1997Sanders, Robert L. FacultyLeadership and Educational Studies, ASU
A Stieltjes integral existence theorem1970Joyner, George DavidStudentMathematics, UNCG
Stigma Towards Mental Health Treatment Among College Students: A Test Of An Interactive Onli...2015Goetzl, Megan BlairStudentASU
Stiles - A Pastel Sketch2022Stiles, John FacultyMusic and Visual Arts, ECSU
Still life studies of composition, light, contrast, and space1974Williams, Laura KeeneStudentArt, UNCG
Still life studies of light and form1975Canady, Leander StudentArt, UNCG
Still-life drawing and figure drawing1977Page, Cynthia JoanStudentArt, UNCG
Stimulus and Hormonal Determinants of Flehmen Behavior in Cats1987Leedy, M. Gail FacultySocial Work, ASU
Stimulus demand qualities and reinforcement as determinants of interrogative strategy1977Brown, Geneva LeekStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Stimulus equivalence and language development in children1985Devany, Jeanne MarieStudentPsychology, UNCG
Stimulus intensity effects and second-order response acquisition in Pavlovian fear condition...1976Moyer, Stephen MichaelStudentPsychology, UNCG
Stoneware : functional forms with lids1976Driver, Cary FalconerStudentArt, UNCG
Stoneware and porcelain forms1973Shirlen, Margaret LouiseStudentArt, UNCG
Stoneware containers1977Delisle, Richard StudentArt, UNCG
Stoneware forms1975Bernau, Eleanor JaneStudentArt, UNCG
Stop the hovering : The helicopter mentor, a new view on the dysfunctional mentor2023Buria, Catherine StudentECU
Stop wasting food and money by safely storing leftovers2023Kolasa, Kathryn MStudentECU
Stop wasting food and money by safely storing leftovers2023Anderson, Haley GStudentECU
Storage requirements for bathrooms1960Nicholson, Mary KatherineStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Stories1977Meads, Kathy AnnStudentEnglish, UNCG
The storm1967Root, William PittStudentEnglish, UNCG
Storm Surge and Ponding Explain Mangrove Dieback in Southwest Florida following Hurricane Ir...2023Lagomasino, David StudentECU
Storm Surge and Ponding Explain Mangrove Dieback in Southwest Florida following Hurricane Ir...2023Fatoyinbo, Temilola StudentECU
Storm Surge and Ponding Explain Mangrove Dieback in Southwest Florida following Hurricane Ir...2023Castañeda-Moya, Edward StudentECU
Storm Surge and Ponding Explain Mangrove Dieback in Southwest Florida following Hurricane Ir...2023Cook, Bruce D.StudentECU
Storm Surge and Ponding Explain Mangrove Dieback in Southwest Florida following Hurricane Ir...2023Montesano, Paul M.StudentECU
Storm Surge and Ponding Explain Mangrove Dieback in Southwest Florida following Hurricane Ir...2023Neigh, Christopher S. R.StudentECU
Storm Surge and Ponding Explain Mangrove Dieback in Southwest Florida following Hurricane Ir...2023Corp, Lawrence A.StudentECU
Storm Surge and Ponding Explain Mangrove Dieback in Southwest Florida following Hurricane Ir...2023Ott, Lesley E.StudentECU
Storm surge and ponding explain mangrove dieback in southwest Florida following Hurricane Ir...2023Lagomasino, David StudentECU
Storm surge and ponding explain mangrove dieback in southwest Florida following Hurricane Ir...2023Fatoyinbo, Temilola StudentECU
Storm surge and ponding explain mangrove dieback in southwest Florida following Hurricane Ir...2023Castañeda-Moya, Edward StudentECU
Storm surge and ponding explain mangrove dieback in southwest Florida following Hurricane Ir...2023Cook, Bruce D.StudentECU
Storm surge and ponding explain mangrove dieback in southwest Florida following Hurricane Ir...2023Montesano, Paul M.StudentECU
Storm surge and ponding explain mangrove dieback in southwest Florida following Hurricane Ir...2023Neigh, Christopher S. R.StudentECU
Storm surge and ponding explain mangrove dieback in southwest Florida following Hurricane Ir...2023Corp, Lawrence A.StudentECU
Storm surge and ponding explain mangrove dieback in southwest Florida following Hurricane Ir...2023Ott, Lesley E.StudentECU
Storm surge and ponding explain mangrove dieback in southwest Florida following Hurricane Ir...2023Chavez, Selena StudentECU
Storm surge and ponding explain mangrove dieback in southwest Florida following Hurricane Ir...2023Morton, Douglas C.StudentECU
Storm Surge Specialist2023Rhome, Jamie StudentECU
Storming the Hill: North Carolina librarians become lobbyists for a day2002Wise, Suzanne FacultyUniversity Libraries, ASU
Strain-Dependent Variation in Acute Ischemic Muscle Injury2023Spangenburg, Espen StudentECU
The Strange Disappearance of Investment in Human and Physical Capital in the United States2009Newmark, Adam J FacultyGovernment and Justice Studies, ASU
Strategic Behavior At The Certiorari Stage Of The Supreme Court Of The United States2016Walker, Aaron StudentGovernment and Justice Studies - Student, ASU
Strategies for intergenerational transmission of important values : a study of African-Ameri...1995Walls, Sandra H.StudentHuman Environmental Sciences, UNCG
Strategies for Reducing the Stress of Negative Life Experiences: An Averaging/Summation Anal...2002McElroy, Todd FacultyPsychology, ASU
Strategies to improve palatability and increase consumption intentions for momordica charant...2011Snee, Laura S,Nerurkar,Vivek R,Dooley,Dian A,Efird,Jimmy T,ShoStudentECU
Strategy Shift Affordance and Strategy Choice in Young and Older Adults2004Touron, Dayna FacultyPsychology, ASU
Stratigraphic Evidence of Two Historical Tsunamis on the Semi-Arid Coast of North-Central Ch...2023Corbett, D. Reide (David Reide),1971-StudentECU
Stratigraphic Evidence of Two Historical Tsunamis on the Semi-Arid Coast of North-Central Ch...2023DePaolis, Jessica M.StudentECU
Stratigraphic Evidence of Two Historical Tsunamis on the Semi-Arid Coast of North-Central Ch...2023Dura, Tina StudentECU
Stratigraphic Evidence of Two Historical Tsunamis on the Semi-Arid Coast of North-Central Ch...2023MacInnes, Breanyn StudentECU
Stratigraphic Evidence of Two Historical Tsunamis on the Semi-Arid Coast of North-Central Ch...2023Ely, Lisa L.StudentECU
Stratigraphic Evidence of Two Historical Tsunamis on the Semi-Arid Coast of North-Central Ch...2023Cisternas, Marco StudentECU
Stratigraphic Evidence of Two Historical Tsunamis on the Semi-Arid Coast of North-Central Ch...2023Carvajal, Matías StudentECU
Stratigraphic Evidence of Two Historical Tsunamis on the Semi-Arid Coast of North-Central Ch...2023Tang, Hui StudentECU
Stratigraphic Evidence of Two Historical Tsunamis on the Semi-Arid Coast of North-Central Ch...2023Fritz, Hermann M.StudentECU
Stratigraphic Evidence of Two Historical Tsunamis on the Semi-Arid Coast of North-Central Ch...2023Mizobe, Cyntia StudentECU
Stratigraphic Evidence of Two Historical Tsunamis on the Semi-Arid Coast of North-Central Ch...2023Wesson, Robert L.StudentECU
Stratigraphic Evidence of Two Historical Tsunamis on the Semi-Arid Coast of North-Central Ch...2023Figueroa, Gino StudentECU
Stratigraphic Evidence of Two Historical Tsunamis on the Semi-Arid Coast of North-Central Ch...2023Brennan, Nicole StudentECU
Stratigraphic Evidence of Two Historical Tsunamis on the Semi-Arid Coast of North-Central Ch...2023Horton i, Benjamin P.StudentECU
Stratigraphic Evidence of Two Historical Tsunamis on the Semi-Arid Coast of North-Central Ch...2023Pilarczyk, Jessica E.StudentECU
Stratigraphic Evidence of Two Historical Tsunamis on the Semi-Arid Coast of North-Central Ch...2023Gill, Benjamin C.StudentECU
Stratigraphic Evidence of Two Historical Tsunamis on the Semi-Arid Coast of North-Central Ch...2023Weiss, Robert StudentECU
Stratigraphy and Biostratigraphy of an Upper Cretaceous Outlier Near Roy, Harding County, Ne...2001Heckert, Andrew B. FacultyGeology, ASU
Stratigraphy and Correlation of Triassic Strata Around the Nacimiento and Jemez Uplifts, Nor...1996Heckert, Andrew B. FacultyGeology, ASU
Stratigraphy and Paleontology of the Lower Chinle Group (Adamanian: latest Carnian) in the V...2003Heckert, Andrew B. FacultyGeology, ASU
Stratigraphy and petroleum geology of the Alexander silstone in Doddridge and Ritchie Counti...2023Cummings, Katie L.StudentECU
Stratigraphy and Petroleum Geology of the Blue Monday Sandstone, Central West Virginia2023Ganak, Megan E.StudentECU
Stratigraphy and Petrology of the Pungo River Formation, Central Coastal Plain of North Caro...2023Scarborough, A. KellyStudentECU
Stratigraphy and Petrology of the Pungo River Formation, Central Coastal Plain of North Caro...2023Riggs, Stanley R.StudentECU
Stratigraphy and Petrology of the Pungo River Formation, Central Coastal Plain of North Caro...2023Snyder, Scott W.StudentECU
Stratigraphy and petrology of the Pungo River formation, central coastal plain of North Caro...2023Scarborough, A. Kelly.StudentECU
Stratigraphy of the Upper Triassic Chinle Group, Four Corners Region1997Heckert, Andrew B. FacultyGeology, ASU
Stratigraphy, taphonomy, and new discoveries from the Upper Jurassic (Morrison Formation: Br...2000Heckert, Andrew B. FacultyGeology, ASU
Streamlining Communication of STOP-Bang Questionnaire Results2023Putnam, Elizabeth StudentECU
Streamlining the Dental Care During COVID-19 Pandemic: Updated Clinical Recommendations and ...2023Pereira, Luciano JoséStudentECU
Streamlining the Dental Care During COVID-19 Pandemic: Updated Clinical Recommendations and ...2023Murata, Ramiro MendoncaStudentECU
Streamlining the Dental Care During COVID-19 Pandemic: Updated Clinical Recommendations and ...2023Pardi, Vanessa StudentECU
Streamlining the Dental Care During COVID-19 Pandemic: Updated Clinical Recommendations and ...2023Mattos, Flávio FreitasStudentECU
Streamlining the Volunteer Orientation Process for a Charlotte, NC Nonprofit: A Process Impr...2023Cayton, Hana StudentECU
Strength increase as a factor in the performance of a gymnastic skill1967Preskitt, Donna C.StudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
The strength of chemically bonded nonwoven fabrics as a function of the ionic charges of bin...1984Kalpagian, Harry S.StudentHome Economics, UNCG
Strength training for arthritis trial (START): Design and rationale2013Messier, Stephen P,Mihalko,Shannon L,Beavers,Daniel P,Nicklas,BarbaStudentECU
Strength Training for Arthritis Trial (START): design and rationale2013Messier, Stephen PStudentECU
Strength Training for Arthritis Trial (START): design and rationale2013Loeser, Richard FStudentECU
Strength Training for Arthritis Trial (START): design and rationale2013Lyles, Mary StudentECU
Strength Training for Arthritis Trial (START): design and rationale2013Guermazi, Ali StudentECU
Strength Training for Arthritis Trial (START): design and rationale2013Bennell, Kim LStudentECU
Strength Training for Arthritis Trial (START): design and rationale2013Williamson, Jeff DStudentECU
Strength Training for Arthritis Trial (START): design and rationale2013Hunter, David JStudentECU
Strength Training for Arthritis Trial (START): design and rationale2013Carr, J JefferyStudentECU
Strength Training for Arthritis Trial (START): design and rationale2013DeVita, Paul StudentECU
Strength Training for Arthritis Trial (START): design and rationale2013Nicklas, Barbara JStudentECU
Strength Training for Arthritis Trial (START): design and rationale2013Beavers, Daniel PStudentECU
Strength Training for Arthritis Trial (START): design and rationale2013Mihalko, Shannon LStudentECU
Strengthening a Tobacco-Free College Campus Policy Through Signage: GIS Mapping for Advocacy...2023Lee, Joseph G. L.StudentECU
Strengthening a Tobacco-Free College Campus Policy Through Signage: GIS Mapping for Advocacy...2023Bowrey, Brice L.StudentECU
Strengthening a Tobacco-Free College Campus Policy Through Signage: GIS Mapping for Advocacy...2023McLeod, Emmanuel J.StudentECU
Strengthening a Tobacco-Free College Campus Policy Through Signage: GIS Mapping for Advocacy...2023Kuteh, Jaleel D.StudentECU
Strengthening a Tobacco-Free College Campus Policy Through Signage: GIS Mapping for Advocacy...2023Duval, Garian I.StudentECU
Strengthening a Tobacco-Free College Campus Policy Through Signage: GIS Mapping for Advocacy...2023Sesay, Mahdi StudentECU
Strengthening a Tobacco-Free College Campus Policy Through Signage: GIS Mapping for Advocacy...2023Akou, Angela A.StudentECU
Stress and burnout : a pervasive sense of unbelonging, to one's self and to one's world, and...1991Wilhite, Elizabeth FrazierStudentEducation, UNCG
Stress and Coping Group Intervention for Youth with Type 1 Diabetes at a Summer Camp2023LePage, Ana StudentECU
Stress inoculation education and counseling with patients on hemodialysis : effects on psych...1991Courts, Nancy FlemingStudentEducation, UNCG
Stressful life events, discrimination, compliance, and social support among African American...2023Mutinda, Glenda StudentECU
Stressing the heart of the matter: Re-thinking the mechanisms underlying therapeutic effects...2012Anderson, Ethan J.,Taylor,David A.StudentECU
STRIDES - STudying Risk to Improve DisparitiES in Cervical Cancer in Mississippi – Design an...2023Geisinger, Kim R.StudentECU
STRIDES - STudying Risk to Improve DisparitiES in Cervical Cancer in Mississippi – Design an...2023Risley, Carolann StudentECU
STRIDES - STudying Risk to Improve DisparitiES in Cervical Cancer in Mississippi – Design an...2023Stewart, Mary W.StudentECU
STRIDES - STudying Risk to Improve DisparitiES in Cervical Cancer in Mississippi – Design an...2023Hiser, Laree M.StudentECU
STRIDES - STudying Risk to Improve DisparitiES in Cervical Cancer in Mississippi – Design an...2023Morgan, Jody C.StudentECU
STRIDES - STudying Risk to Improve DisparitiES in Cervical Cancer in Mississippi – Design an...2023Owens, Kenyata J.StudentECU
STRIDES - STudying Risk to Improve DisparitiES in Cervical Cancer in Mississippi – Design an...2023Ayyalasomayajula, Krishna StudentECU
STRIDES - STudying Risk to Improve DisparitiES in Cervical Cancer in Mississippi – Design an...2023Rives, Rhonda M.StudentECU
STRIDES - STudying Risk to Improve DisparitiES in Cervical Cancer in Mississippi – Design an...2023Jannela, Ashish StudentECU
STRIDES - STudying Risk to Improve DisparitiES in Cervical Cancer in Mississippi – Design an...2023Grunes, Dianne E.StudentECU
STRIDES - STudying Risk to Improve DisparitiES in Cervical Cancer in Mississippi – Design an...2023Zhang, Lei StudentECU
STRIDES - STudying Risk to Improve DisparitiES in Cervical Cancer in Mississippi – Design an...2023Schiffman, Mark StudentECU
STRIDES - STudying Risk to Improve DisparitiES in Cervical Cancer in Mississippi – Design an...2023Wentzensen, Nicolas StudentECU
STRIDES - STudying Risk to Improve DisparitiES in Cervical Cancer in Mississippi – Design an...2023Clarke, Megan A.StudentECU
Striped Bass Egg Abundance and Viability in the Roanoke River North Carolina and Young-of-...2011Rulifson, Roger StudentECU
Striped Bass Egg Abundance and Viability in the Roanoke River North Carolina and Young-of-...2011Isely, Jeffery StudentECU
Striped Bass Egg Abundance Viability in Scotland Neck Roanoke River North Carolina for 19...2011Rulifson, Roger StudentECU
Striped Bass Egg Abundance Viability in Scotland Neck, Roanoke River, North Carolina, for 19...1992Rulifson, Roger FacultyECU
Strongly interacting matter under rotation2018Jiang, Yin,Lin,Zi-Wei,Huang,Xu-Guang,Liao,Jinfeng StudentECU
Structural analysis of the Pine Mountain Thrust sheet and Jacksboro Oblique Ramp in the Pion...2023Cataldo, Francesco. StudentECU
Structural analysis of the Pine Mountain Thrust sheet and Jacksboro Oblique Ramp in the Pion...2023Cataldo, Francesco. StudentECU
A structural analysis of relationships among stress, social support, dysfunctional attitudes...1995Hyers, Darryl AnnStudentEducation, UNCG
Structural articulation and processes of growth in the two unaccompanied viola da gamba sona...1977Karnes, Clifton H.StudentMusic, UNCG
A Structural Basis for Inhibition of the Complement Initiator Protease C1r by Lyme Disease S...2023Garrigues, Ryan J.StudentECU
A Structural Basis for Inhibition of the Complement Initiator Protease C1r by Lyme Disease S...2023Garcia, Brandon L.StudentECU
A Structural Basis for Inhibition of the Complement Initiator Protease C1r by Lyme Disease S...2023Pierce, Alexandra D. PowellStudentECU
A Structural Basis for Inhibition of the Complement Initiator Protease C1r by Lyme Disease S...2023Hammel, Michal StudentECU
A Structural Basis for Inhibition of the Complement Initiator Protease C1r by Lyme Disease S...2023Skare, Jon T.StudentECU
Structural Competency: Evaluation of Qualitative Results of Pilot Study2023Calogero, Christie StudentECU
Structural determination of the complement inhibitory domain of Borrelia burgdorferi BBK32 p...2019Xie, Jialei,Zhi,Hui,Garrigues,Ryan J.,Keightley,Andrew,Garcia,Brandon L.,Skare,Jon T.StudentECU
Structural Dynamics of Troponin I during Ca2+-Activation of Cardiac Thin Filaments: A Multi-...2012Wang, Hui,Chalovich,Joseph M.,Marriott,GerardStudentECU
Structural Dynamics of Troponin I during Ca2+-Activation of Cardiac Thin Filaments: A Multi-...2012Marriott, Gerard StudentECU
Structural Dynamics of Troponin I during Ca2+-Activation of Cardiac Thin Filaments: A Multi-...2012Wang, Hui StudentECU
Structural Dynamics of Troponin I during Ca2+-Activation of Cardiac Thin Filaments: A Multi-...2012Chalovich, Joseph M.StudentECU
Structural Dynamics of Troponin I during Ca2+-Activation of Cardiac Thin Filaments: A Multi-...2023Wang, Hui StudentECU
Structural Dynamics of Troponin I during Ca2+-Activation of Cardiac Thin Filaments: A Multi-...2023Chalovich, Joseph StudentECU
Structural Dynamics of Troponin I during Ca2+-Activation of Cardiac Thin Filaments: A Multi-...2023Marriott, Gerard StudentECU
Structural insights into flagellar stator-- rotor interactions2019Chang, Yunjie,Moon,Ki Hwan,Zhao,Xiaowei,Norris,Steven J,Motaleb,MD A,LiuStudentECU
Structural insights into flagellar stator– rotor interactions2023Chang, Yunjie StudentECU
Structural insights into flagellar stator– rotor interactions2023Moon, Ki HwanStudentECU
Structural insights into flagellar stator– rotor interactions2023Zhao, Xiaowei StudentECU
Structural insights into flagellar stator– rotor interactions2023Norris, Steven JStudentECU
Structural insights into flagellar stator– rotor interactions2023Motaleb, MD AStudentECU
Structural insights into flagellar stator– rotor interactions2023Liu, Jun StudentECU
Structure and development of Haliphthoros milfordensis Vishniac2023Overton, Santford V.StudentECU
The structure and development of Lagenidium callinectes couch2023Van Amerson, Henry. StudentECU
The structure and development of the rat stapedial crux2023Tyndall, Margaret Ham.StudentECU
Structure and meaning of the quest in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight and Malory's "Tale of ...1976McDaniel, Peggy JoyceStudentEnglish, UNCG
The structure and performance of American textile printing : redefinition of an industry1988Amidon, Jill YouslingStudentHuman Environmental Sciences, UNCG
Structure and petrology of the Fountain Quarry Granite2023Christopher, Michael T.StudentECU
Structure-Function Relationship of Surface N-glycans and Enzyme Active Site Proficiency: A K...2023Whittington, Chris StudentECU
Student attitudes toward instructional processes in secondary physical education1979McKethan, James FloydStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
Student Attributions about Interest-Value Shape Academic Decisions and Recommendations2024Norman, Jasmine FacultyPsychology, UNCW
Student Burnout: A Lasting Impact of COVID-192023McKinley Allen, Haden FacultyEsther G. Maynor Honors College, UNCP
Student engagement, student wellness, and sense of belonging: Race and gender differences2024Brown, Destini Brianna TamaraStudentPsychology, WCU
Student expectations and dyadic interactions with physical education teachers of third-grade...1982Johnson, Susan B.StudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
Student Grouping in Secondary Education2023Sherrod, Lynn StudentECU
STUDENT LIFE AT CULLOWHEE: THE HUNTER YEARS, 1923-19471979Bellamy, Carol LorraineStudentHistory, WCU
Student perception of the classroom environment in secondary school physical education1979Ward, Dianne StantonStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
The Student Perspective on the Thomas School of Business Passport for Professional Success2023Duff, William FacultyEsther G. Maynor Honors College, UNCP
Student Safety in Middle School: Implications for School Nurse and Teacher Collaboration2023Pestaner, Mitzi C.StudentECU
Student Safety in Middle School: Implications for School Nurse and Teacher Collaboration2023Tyndall, Deborah E.StudentECU
Student Safety in Middle School: Implications for School Nurse and Teacher Collaboration2023Powell, Shannon B.StudentECU
The student teaching experience : perceptions of student teachers, cooperating teachers, and...1979Gallemore, Sandra L.StudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
Student-Teacher Relationships Matter: Moderating Influences Between Temperament and Preschoo...2009Huelsman, Timothy FacultyPsychology, ASU
Student-Teacher Relationships Matter: Moderating Influences Between Temperament and Preschoo...2009Gagnon, Sandra G.FacultyPsychology, ASU
Students' Attitudes Toward And Valuation of First-Year Composition (FYC) as Predictors of St...2023Strickland, Whitney LarrimoreStudentECU
Students' Motivations to Use Academic Library Resources and Services2023Bright, L. K.StudentECU
Students' Motivations to Use Academic Library Resources and Services2023Thompson, A. StudentECU
The Students' Voices in Developmental Education2023Miller, Tabitha R.StudentECU
Studies1977Barber, Ronald ChristopherStudentArt, UNCG
Studies in painting1975Thompson, Carol HarkeyStudentArt, UNCG
Studies of Glut-2 expression in patients with impaired glucose tolerance and noninsulin depe...2023Busby, James Griswold.StudentECU
Studies of Glut-2 expression in patients with impaired glucose tolerance and noninsulin depe...2023Busby, James Griswold.StudentECU
Studies on the beta-glucosidases of neurospora crassa1969Lee, Catherine TingStudentBiology, UNCG
Studies on the effects of acetylcholine and other putative neurotransmitters on in vitro pro...2023Pittman, James Lynn.StudentECU
Studies on the endocrine cell types of the fetal rat pancreas and gastrointestinal tract2023Frost, Cecil C.StudentECU
Studies on epipolythiodioxopiperazine alkaloids2019Amrine, Chiraz Soumia M.StudentChemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG
Studies on Gopala-Hemachandra Codes and their Applications2023Childers, Logan StudentECU
Studies on the preparation and maintenance of primary neural tissue cultures from the crayfi...2023Kurtz, Catherine L.StudentECU
Studies on the rates of ring closure of alpha-omega chlorohydrins with alkali hydroxides1967Davis, Judy AnnStudentChemistry, UNCG
Studies on the rates of ring closure of alpha-omega chlorohydrins with alkali hydroxides1967Van Horne, Janice L.StudentChemistry, UNCG
Studies on the solid-phase biosynthesis of S-adenosyl-L-methionine1978Mauldin, Stanley KennethStudentBiology, UNCG
Studies toward in vitro reconstitution of plant chromatin 2009Martinez, Nicholas StudentBiology, WCU
A study in blackness1968Cheek, Betty E.StudentArt, UNCG
A study in intraorganizational influence processes : the relationship between a superordinat...1988Tilley, Gary CarsonStudentEducation, UNCG
A Study in Love2023Knight, Nija StudentECU
A study in the relationship between nature and the creative work of man1959Pratt, Janet LeeStudentArt, UNCG
A study in seventeenth century orchestration1959Gilreath, Martha JaneStudentMusic, UNCG
A study in the sexuality of Emily Dickinson, The spider and the flower : manifest homosexual...1970Lochridge, Dorothy LynnStudentEnglish, UNCG
A Study of the Abundance, Distribution, and Grazing Effects of Zooplankton in the Chlorophyl...2023McGlaughon, Benjamin D.StudentECU
A study of the adequacy of clothing storage provided in thirty similar three-bedroom houses ...1957Erath, Marion SkinnerStudentHome Economics, UNCG
A study of the adequacy of diets selected by industrial workers on the day and night shifts1944Whitaker, Meredith StudentHome Economics, UNCG
A study of the after school activities of children in a textile community1950Westmoreland, Blanche MargaretStudentEducation, UNCG
A study of the agreement and conflict of textbook concepts in distributive education and con...1944Logan, William BoydStudentBusiness Education, UNCG
A study of an analytical and kinesiological approach to teaching1960Kearns, Nancy JeanStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
A study of Anthony Philip Heinrich, an American composer1964Moore, Alicia YountsStudentMusic, UNCG
A study of the associations between two means of vocal modeling by a male music teacher and ...1988Montgomery, Timothy DavidStudentMusic, UNCG
A study of attitudes of selected public school music teachers toward the integration of hand...1979Damer, Linda KayStudentMusic, UNCG
A study of behavioral and reproductive patterns of adult Lestes Vigilax Hagen (Odonata: Lest...1972O'briant, Patricia StudentBiology, UNCG
A study of benthic macroinvertebrates in channelized and unchannelized coastal plain stream-...2023Chapin, Jay WillardStudentECU
A study of the blood plasma level of vitamin C in a group of old people1944Bell, Mary ParksStudentHome Economics, UNCG
A study of the boundaries of existence1994Davis, William PikeStudentEducation, UNCG
A study of the career maturity of gifted students1983Adams, Sandra ParkerStudentEducation, UNCG
A study of changes in body composition of fingerling striped bass (Morone saxatilis) fed pur...2023Johnson, John Marshall.StudentECU
A study of Christian mysticism in the b-text of Piers Plowman1970Wasson, Mary MorrisStudentEnglish, UNCG
A study of chromatographic methods1962Clark, Patricia AnnStudentChemistry, UNCG
A study of clay involving a combination of handbuilding and wheel thrown utilitarian objects...1972Hartness, Marilyn HouserStudentArt, UNCG
A study of college women's attitudes toward the feminine role1972Trader, Dorinda DuncanStudentHome Economics, UNCG
A study of composition, abundance, and fatty acid profiles of zooplankton in Albemarle Sound...2023Lichti, Deborah AnnStudentECU
A study of the conception of the form employed in the composition of twelve paintings1956Coggin, James R.StudentArt, UNCG
A study of consumer research in clothing and textiles1956McArthur, Margaret AnnStudentHome Economics, UNCG
A study of corporal punishment in the public schools with emphasis on the attitudes of North...2023Davis, David E.StudentECU
A study of the criterion-related validity of North Carolina's teacher performance appraisal ...1988Riner, Phillip S.StudentEducation, UNCG
A Study of the Cultural Significance of a Dugout Canoe to People of the Past and Present2023Downs, Lydia StudentECU
A study of current office practices of owner-managers of small, skilled service businesses i...1979Royall, Velma LeeStudentEducation, UNCG
A study of the demand and supply of business teachers in the standard white secondary school...1944Bratcher, Fadral AcreyStudentBusiness Education, UNCG
A study of dietary practices of freshman girls to find implications for the teaching of food...1956Shockey, Mary PleasantsStudentHome Economics, UNCG
A study of the different attitudes regarding women held by Greek Orthodox men1977Avgerinos, Elizabeth AnneStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
A study of differential characteristics of freshmen music students in selected two-year and ...1976Banks, Robert GeorgeStudentMusic, UNCG
A study of differentiated staffing at the post-secondary level with the development of a mod...1976Bledsoe, Maynard TonyStudentEducation, UNCG
A Study of the Diffusion of Culture in a Relatively Isolated Mountain County1928Black, Ellen EngelmannStudentWCU
A study of Dilsey Gibson : Faulkner's tragic heroine in The sound and the fury1967Brittain, Mary GatesStudentEnglish, UNCG
A Study of Division Deans' in the North Carolina Community College System Self Perceived Lea...1905Sypawka, William StudentECU
A study of the ecological impact of beach nourishment with dredged materials on the intertid...2023Reilly, Francis J.StudentECU
A study of the economic waste of clothing among young women employed in Greensboro, N.C.1949Sherrill, Sarah JosephineStudentHome Economics, UNCG
A study of the effect of different approaches to gymnastics on movement concept1967Richardson, Dorothy AnneStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
A study of the effect of differing foreperiods on performance of the forward grab swimming s...1975Cooper, Carol AnnStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
A study of the effect of an eight week camping experience on the self-concept of girls aged ...1967Sise, Betsy StudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
A study of the effect of manganese toxicity on growth and mineral metabolism of young rats1965Artz, Martha DashStudentHome Economics, UNCG
A study of the effect of mother employment upon elementary school children of a textile comm...1945Clifton, Annette PattonStudentUNCG
A study of the effect of resin finishes for crease resistance upon the serviceability of cer...1952Parker, Gladys RuthStudentHome Economics, UNCG
A study of the effect of sweeping on the distance and direction of a moving curling stone1971Taylor, Sharon E.StudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
A study of the effect of two different methods of teaching on gymnastics1968Fath, Judith AnnStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
A study of effective management and discipline techniques for secondary science classrooms2023Forshey, Samantha G.StudentECU
A study of the effectiveness of pitch discrimination training as a method of sound discrimin...1970Parrish, Annette H.StudentDrama and Speech, UNCG
A study of the effectiveness of teaching methods used in a college course in food selection ...1941Howell, Evelyn LouiseStudentHome Economics, UNCG
A study of the effects of calcium and phosphorus supplements on the mineral metabolism of yo...1964Chang, Serena Tsui-yingStudentHome Economics, UNCG
A study of the effects of heat and cold on reaction time, steadiness balance, and motor perf...1961Gosselin, Pauline T.StudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
A study of the effects of isotonic and isometric exercise on selected physiological variable...1965Stephens, Martha StudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
A study of the effects of leg strengthening exercises on the vertical jumping and speed of r...1965Blucker, Judith AnnStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
A study of the effects of a modified science curriculum and teaching methods on a selected g...2023Hill, Stanford R.StudentECU
A study of the effects of required mastery strategies and the use of concrete manipulatives ...1983Maynard, Robert LeeStudentEducation, UNCG
A study of the effects on achievement of supplemental computer-aided instruction versus supp...1987Ellis, Richard SimonStudentEducation, UNCG
A study of evaluation instruments used with students while they are in home economics reside...1954Teufel, Magdalene R.StudentHome Economics, UNCG
A study of the evaluation process of school superintendents in North Carolina1978Grill, Henry StephenStudentEducation, UNCG
A study of the evolution of the phenomenological nature of cultural consciousness : Kant, He...1994Mascali, Barbara FroeschleStudentEducation, UNCG
A study of the evolution of plot structure in the English novel from approximately 1580 to 1...1948Penninger, Freida ElaineStudentEnglish, UNCG
A study of the evolution of plot structure in the English novel from approximately 1580 to 1...1948Penninger, Freida ElaineStudentEnglish, UNCG
A study of experience and its relationship to painting1951Dehoney, Martyvonne StudentArt, UNCG
A study of factors affecting the palatability of home dehydrated apples1945Dowdle, Margaret JaneStudentHome Economics, UNCG
A study of the factors influencing the purchase of upholstered furniture and the resulting s...1949Miller, Mary CarletonStudentHome Economics, UNCG
A study of factors related to the difficulties encountered by two-year business transfer stu...1978Stanton, Henry ThompsonStudentEducation, UNCG
A study of the feasibility of employing cable television in the Winston-Salem/Forsyth County...1972Fain, Adeline EdenStudentEducation, UNCG
A study of five diverse middle schools and their efforts to bring about positive changes wit...1992Chance, Deborah CecilStudentEducation, UNCG
A study of the food intakes of a group with familial polyposis1968Waller, Violet ElaineStudentHome Economics, UNCG
A study of fourth grade students' comprehension of basal reader workbooks1986Owen, Shirley BrownStudentEducation, UNCG
A study of George Gissing's New grub street as a transitional novel1968Kearns, Elizabeth WrightStudentEnglish, UNCG
A study of graduates and drop-outs to determine the effectiveness of the secondary schools i...1943Wyman, Ella SloanStudentHome Economics, UNCG
A study of housing and equipment provided for young children in the homes of members of pare...1939Rogers, Lorena EveynStudentHome Economics, UNCG
A study of housing facilities as they contribute to home recreation1951Jones, Caroline TysonStudentHome Economics, UNCG
A study of how local area networks are being used in North Carolina public schools2023Griffin, Linda C.StudentECU
A study of the ideal teacher : heroic metaphors of teacher in popular literature1992Underwood, Steven ForrestStudentEducation, UNCG
Study of Image Qualities From 6D Robot--Based CBCT Imaging System of Small Animal Irradiator...2017Sharma, Sunil,Narayanasamy,Ganesh,Clarkson,Richard,Chao,Mi G.,Zhang,Xin,Yan,Yulong,Boerma,Marjan,Paudel,Nava,StudentECU
Study of Image Qualities From 6D Robot–Based CBCT Imaging System of Small Animal Irradiator2023Sharma, Sunil StudentECU
Study of Image Qualities From 6D Robot–Based CBCT Imaging System of Small Animal Irradiator2023Narayanasamy, Ganesh StudentECU
Study of Image Qualities From 6D Robot–Based CBCT Imaging System of Small Animal Irradiator2023Clarkson, Richard StudentECU
Study of Image Qualities From 6D Robot–Based CBCT Imaging System of Small Animal Irradiator2023Chao, Ming StudentECU
Study of Image Qualities From 6D Robot–Based CBCT Imaging System of Small Animal Irradiator2023Moros, Eduardo G.StudentECU
Study of Image Qualities From 6D Robot–Based CBCT Imaging System of Small Animal Irradiator2023Zhang, Xin StudentECU
Study of Image Qualities From 6D Robot–Based CBCT Imaging System of Small Animal Irradiator2023Yan, Yulong StudentECU
Study of Image Qualities From 6D Robot–Based CBCT Imaging System of Small Animal Irradiator2023Boerma, Marjan StudentECU
Study of Image Qualities From 6D Robot–Based CBCT Imaging System of Small Animal Irradiator2023Paudel, Nava StudentECU
Study of Image Qualities From 6D Robot–Based CBCT Imaging System of Small Animal Irradiator2023Morrill, Steven StudentECU
Study of Image Qualities From 6D Robot–Based CBCT Imaging System of Small Animal Irradiator2023Corry, Peter StudentECU
Study of Image Qualities From 6D Robot–Based CBCT Imaging System of Small Animal Irradiator2023Griffin, Robert J.StudentECU
A study of the implementation of a bureaucratic-professional model of decision-making at an ...1976Sloan, Molly JamesStudentEducation, UNCG
A study of the implementation of an evaluative model for the gifted and talented program of ...1981Rierson, Judy ScottStudentEducation, UNCG
A study of the importance of church-related family living curricula1971Ellison, Alice Faye BrownStudentHome Economics, UNCG
A study of the influence of nutrition knowledge on the food selection habits of high school ...1943O'Connell, Sister Mary FrancesStudentHome Economics, UNCG
A study of insect succession on submerged sunfish carrion2023Gardner, Wayne Allan.StudentECU
A study of levels of job satisfaction and job aspiration among black clerical employees in c...1976Dorsett, Katie GraysStudentEducation, UNCG
A study of life : the nude and the self-portrait1976Graff, Kathleen BednarskiStudentArt, UNCG
A study of the life history of the pirate perch Aphredoderus sayanus (Billiams)2023Greene, Susan Becht.StudentECU
A study of lined hymnsinging in selected black churches of North and South Carolina1979Crowder, William S.StudentMusic, UNCG
A study of the literature of the history of mathematics1965Habicht, Louise StudentMathematics, UNCG
A study of the literature pertaining to kinesthesia and movement with special emphasis on th...1956Wilson, Sylvia StudentPhysical Education, UNCG
A study of the low cost diet in a home management house1952Potts, Jessie AnnaStudentHome Economics, UNCG
A study of marginalization, mental illness, illiteracy, and poverty : the problematics of in...1994Elissondo, Guillermina StudentEducation, UNCG
A study of marital satisfactions of college and non-college educated spouses of a group of w...1970Kidd, Ida CarolynStudentHome Economics, UNCG
A study of Martin Buber's I-Thou and I-It relationships in sport1980Desensi, Joy TheresaStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
Study of Membrane Protein Monolayers Using Surface-Enhanced Infrared Absorption Spectroscopy...2023Choe, Jun-Yong StudentECU
Study of Membrane Protein Monolayers Using Surface-Enhanced Infrared Absorption Spectroscopy...2023Seiça, Ana StudentECU
Study of Membrane Protein Monolayers Using Surface-Enhanced Infrared Absorption Spectroscopy...2023Iqbal, Muhammad HaseebStudentECU
Study of Membrane Protein Monolayers Using Surface-Enhanced Infrared Absorption Spectroscopy...2023Carvalho, Alain StudentECU
Study of Membrane Protein Monolayers Using Surface-Enhanced Infrared Absorption Spectroscopy...2023Boulmedais, Fouzia StudentECU
Study of Membrane Protein Monolayers Using Surface-Enhanced Infrared Absorption Spectroscopy...2023Hellwig, Petra StudentECU
A study of menarche as it relates to age and certain geographical factors1969Fremont, Gertrude MaeStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Study of Morphology Based Cell Assay by Diffraction Imaging Flow Cytometry2023Jiang, Wenhuan StudentECU
A study of multiple nucleolar organizing regions in Bufo terrestris2023Foote, Darci L.StudentECU
A study of the musical ability of children with vocal nodules1972Mashburn, Jeannine AustinStudentDrama and Speech, UNCG
A study of needed alterations in ready-made dresses1945Ellett, Elizabeth WoodStudentHome Economics, UNCG
A study of the needs of high school girls in the area of sex guidance in family life educati...1948Ingle, Kelsey HudlesonStudentHome Economics, UNCG
A study of non-promotion in North Carolina public school systems from 1973 through 19761978Craig, David HaroldStudentEducation, UNCG
A study of nucleolar organizing region polymorphism in Bufo terrestris2023Lupton, Thomas D.StudentECU
A study of the opinions of mothers with children two to five years of age inclusive in Green...1955Conger, Flora Fenn StablerStudentHome Economics, UNCG
A study of the origin and emergence of the flower of cuphea viscosissima Jacq2023Merritt, James Francis.StudentECU
A study of the perceptions of occupational instructors and administrators of in-service educ...1973Uche, Ukaonu WilliamStudentEducation, UNCG
A study of the performance of students who take developmental courses in the community colle...1989Sims, Janette LowmanStudentEducation, UNCG
A study of personal and home living needs of rural high school girls in western North Caroli...1949Jenkins, Sarah BurtonStudentHome Economics, UNCG
A study of personal distance ratings among college students enrolled in four physical activi...1971Harris, Elizabeth CarolStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
A study of personal expenditures of college freshman women as one index of the effectiveness...1945Howell, Mary NewellStudentHome Economics, UNCG
A study of physical education in the non-graded program1967Isgett, Martha CarsonStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
A study of the physical education, intramural and interscholastic programs in selected indep...1974Cannon, Suzan E.StudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
A study of pipe dreams in the last plays of Eugene O'Neill1968Stout, Naomi GraceStudentEnglish, UNCG
A study of plate waste in the dining hall of a state woman's college1946Dubois, Rita StudentHome Economics, UNCG
A study of the poetry of Stephen Crane1954Lee, Robert EllisStudentEnglish, UNCG
A study of the political and economic effects of school integration on Front Royal and Warre...2023Matthews, Clyde WalterStudentECU
A study of the practices for evaluating administrators in the four-year public and private c...1980Moore, Richard E.StudentEducation, UNCG
A study of the preparation and characterization of selected complex aluminum hydrides1976Bratten, Gordon LeeStudentChemistry, UNCG
A study of the preparation of preservice middle school science teachers : exploring attitude...2023Wertheim, Robyn LorenzStudentECU
A study of present practices in regard to the home experience projects of second and third y...1954Hunter, Allene WallStudentHome Economics, UNCG
A study of preservice elementary teacher attitude toward science as measured in the biology ...2023Koballa, Thomas RaymondStudentECU
A study of the problem-solving method of teaching bowling1965La Plante, Marilyn StudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
A study of problems recognized by vocational home economics teachers1966Gatlin, Sammie CarolStudentHome Economics, UNCG
A study of professed and inferred self-concept-as-learner of male African-American middle gr...1995Finger, Joan Patricia KimbroughStudentEducation, UNCG
A study of program relevance and student preparation in business education and administrativ...1980Cameron, Dorothy StudentEducation, UNCG
A study of the psycholinguistic abilities of inadequate readers1971Randall, Sally MorrisStudentDrama and Speech, UNCG
A study of the racial identification of instructors as related to the self-concept and skill...1970Nole, Barbara JaneStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
A study of receptive vocabulary development and syntax development in mentally retarded chil...1973Stone, Charlotte PotterStudentDrama and Speech, UNCG
A study of recreation and recreational facilities of freshman high school girls1950Shine, Ruth ReillyStudentHome Economics, UNCG
A study of the relation between the type of house and the location for the home activities o...1953Day, Savannah SegravesStudentHome Economics, UNCG
A study of the relationship between depth perception of moving objects and sports skill1966Tomlin, Frances AnnStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
A study of the relationship between scores on the Minnesota vocational test for clerical wor...1948Walke, Cordelia FrenchStudentBusiness Education, UNCG
A study of the relationship between selected learning independence characteristics of third-...1980Hayes, Virginia B.StudentEducation, UNCG
A study of the relationship between typewriting achievement and scores obtained on the Downe...1945McQuarrie, Francis M.StudentBusiness Education, UNCG
A study of the relationship between visual depth perception and general tennis ability1968Heimerer, Elsa M.StudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
A study of the relationship of the loss of excess weight to the motor performance ability of...1961Robinson, Sarah StudentPhysical Education, UNCG
A study of the relationship of selected measures to tennis ability1966Pankonin, Jean StudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
A study of the relationship of selected physical strength factors to success in executing a ...1973Karps, Carol AnnStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
A study of the relationships between managerial styles and moral reasoning1978Lundy, Muriel L.StudentEducation, UNCG
A study of the relative significance of positional authority and expertise in an experimenta...1974Howard, James MarvinStudentEducation, UNCG
The Study of Religious Belief after Donald Davidson2002Schilbrack, Kevin FacultyPhilosophy and Religion, ASU
A study of the rivalry between James Monroe and John Armstrong2023Hooks, Jonathon StudentECU
A study of the Salmonella flagellar antigens that are bound by a murine myeloma protein, MOP...2023Miller, Jeffrey Scott.StudentECU
A study of school district level public relations programs in North Carolina1985Burns, Caryl BlairStudentEducation, UNCG
A study of selected campus groups' ratings of national standards as components of current mi...1992Stokes, C. MichaelStudentEducation, UNCG
A study of selected Christian day schools in North Carolina1988Tilley, Joan RobertsonStudentEducation, UNCG
A study of selected group's perceptions of mission and mission effectiveness at a community ...1989Jarrett, William HarryStudentEducation, UNCG
A study of selected works of Ignaz Joseph Pleyel1964Hudson, Rachel ElizabethStudentMusic, UNCG
A study of self and direct report perceptions of the skills and performance competencies imp...1996Hood, Sandra JesseStudentEducation, UNCG
The study of the self concept of church college and state university athletes and non-athlet...1971Hunsberger, Elizabeth H.StudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
A study of self concept of sixth graders in two settings : rural Appalachia and urban Piedmo...1978Reck, Una Mae LangeStudentEducation, UNCG
A study of the serviceability of selected dress fabrics utilizing the newer synthetic fiber ...1954Womble, Charlotte MaeStudentHome Economics, UNCG
A study of sibling visitation in a neonatal intensive care unit2023Hager, Rhonda C.StudentECU
A study of sizing and grading in different brands of misses' dress patterns1950Lucas, Laura LouiseStudentHome Economics, UNCG
A study of some biochemical adaptations to exercise training2023Stephenson, Thomas Patrick.StudentECU
A study of some educational and societal influences upon the development of counseling servi...2023Scronce, Ronald GuyStudentECU
A study of song preferences of children and possible influences of identified musical elemen...1980McCachern, Frances L.StudentMusic, UNCG
A study of the songs and sonnets of John Donne as they show his reaction to the Elizabethan ...1955White, D'Orsay StudentEnglish, UNCG
A study of space as an element in plastic design1951Wall, Helen AnneStudentUNCG
A study of space, object and reality1974Roughton, Becke StudentArt, UNCG
A study of state winners of Secondary School Athletic Directors of the Year Award and the pe...1986Harper, Wyatt KellyStudentHealth, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, UNCG
A study of the structure and functions of campus unions in four-year public and private inst...1978Welborne, Sullivan AnthonyStudentEducation, UNCG
A study of superintendent turnover in North Carolina (1980-1982)1984Dalton, Steve StudentEducation, UNCG
A study of sweet potatoes : their nutritive value, utilization, and standardized methods of ...1948Cloer, Linda StudentHome Economics, UNCG
A study of teaching effectiveness of a cotton fabric selection unit with ninth grade homemak...1952Alexander, Dorothy McCullochStudentHome Economics, UNCG
A study of teaching reality therapy to adolescents for self-management1981Atwell, Bobbie McGuireStudentEducation, UNCG
A study of the thermal dehydration and decomposition of oxocarbon anion salts of transition ...1977Lewchalermwong, Chittawat CharlesStudentChemistry, UNCG
A Study of Travelers' Foodie Activity Dimensions, Demographic Characteristics, and Trip Beha...2023Green, Erin StudentECU
A study of two kinds of activities of preschool children : dressing activities and play acti...1951Edwards, Louise StudentHome Economics, UNCG
A study of the understanding of science processes in relation to Piaget cognitive developmen...1982El-Gosbi, Ali MohamedStudentEducation, UNCG
A study of the use of educational television in parent education1962Easter, Martha GallimoreStudentHome Economics, UNCG
A study of velopharyngeal closure in children with vocal nodules1972Amos, Bonnie WagonerStudentDrama and Speech, UNCG
A study of wall color and its effects on the classroom social behavior of nursery school chi...1971Webb, Joyce HasellStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Study of Y*l (1385) decay modes1974Garner, Larry W.StudentPhysics, UNCG
A study of the zinc toxicity alleviating factor(s) in soybean meal1970Durkin, Mary VirginiaStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Study strategies and motives : utilization of an assessment tool for an individualized advis...2016Shuford, Amanda Louise BergeronStudentPsychology, WCU
A study to determine the effect of a nutrition program on the eating habits of a group of fi...1943Outlaw, Eunice BryanStudentHome Economics, UNCG
A study to develop a cost accounting model for improved decision-making in higher education1977Oliver, Edward EugeneStudentEducation, UNCG
A study to evaluate the manpower development training programs in Richmond County, North Car...1975Street, Robert DecaturStudentEducation, UNCG
A study to identify a high risk profile for development of decubitus ulcers2023Johnson, Cynthia HillStudentECU
A study to investigate the effectiveness of using a lightweight plastic ball in teaching the...1971Adams, Alice StudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
A study to investigate the information base used to place handicapped children in the North ...1979Worley, Carolyn JeanStudentEducation, UNCG
A study to profile the features of physical educators in higher education by institutional l...1986Scott, Marvin W.StudentHealth, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, UNCG
Studying Re-Scattering Effect in Heavy-Ion Collision through K*Production2023Lin, Ziwei W.StudentECU
Style and history in La Conquete de Constantinople : a descriptive study1973Moore, Alice RayeStudentRomance Languages-French, UNCG
Style in Malory's book of Balin1977Briggs, Carol ReidStudentEnglish, UNCG
The stylistic evolution of the violoncello sonata1964Fountain, Marcia TaylorStudentMusic, UNCG
Sub-lethal toxic effect of Bisphenol A on Caenorhabditis elegans : the role of stress resist...2023Flood, Zailene StudentECU
Subcellular Proteomics Combined with Bioenergetic Phenotyping Reveals Protein Biomarkers of ...2023McClung, Joseph M.StudentECU
Subcellular Proteomics Combined with Bioenergetic Phenotyping Reveals Protein Biomarkers of ...2023McLaughlin, Kelsey L.StudentECU
Subcellular Proteomics Combined with Bioenergetic Phenotyping Reveals Protein Biomarkers of ...2023Kew, Kimberly A.StudentECU
Subcellular Proteomics Combined with Bioenergetic Phenotyping Reveals Protein Biomarkers of ...2023Fisher-Wellman, Kelsey H.StudentECU
Subcritical Water Extraction of Salvia miltiorrhiza2023Kapalavavi, Brahmam StudentECU
Subcritical Water Extraction of Salvia miltiorrhiza2023Doctor, Ninad StudentECU
Subcritical Water Extraction of Salvia miltiorrhiza2023Yang, Yu StudentECU
Subcritical Water Extraction of Salvia miltiorrhiza2023Zhang, Baohong StudentECU
"Subject to the power of the Infernall Spiritt" : Puritans, Privateers, and the Genesis of B...2023Robinson, M. ToddStudentECU
Subjective Versus Objective Measurement of ETT Cuff Pressures in the Operating Room: A Quali...2023Jackson, Jordan StudentECU
Submerged Cultural Resource survey of Whitefish Point, Michigan2023Mannesto, Richard NeilStudentECU
Submucosal Esophageal Hematomas in a Critically ill Patient on Anticoagulation2023Ali, Hassam StudentECU
Submucosal Esophageal Hematomas in a Critically ill Patient on Anticoagulation2023Naseer, Maliha StudentECU
Substance Use Screening and Referral Toolkit2023Wise, Kayla StudentECU
Substrate utilization during submaximal exercise in children with a severely obese parent2012Colon, Ashley StudentECU
Substrate utilization during submaximal exercise in children with a severely obese parent2012Collier, David StudentECU
Substrate utilization during submaximal exercise in children with a severely obese parent2012DuBose, Katrina DStudentECU
Substrate utilization during submaximal exercise in children with a severely obese parent2012Houmard, Joseph AStudentECU
Substrate utilization during submaximal exercise in children with a severely obese parent2012Eaves, Audrey DStudentECU
Subunits of the DNA Oolymerase Alpha-Primase Complex Promote Notch-Mediated Proliferation wi...2023Lee, Myon HeeStudentECU
Subunits of the DNA Oolymerase Alpha-Primase Complex Promote Notch-Mediated Proliferation wi...2023Yoon, Dong SukStudentECU
Subunits of the DNA Oolymerase Alpha-Primase Complex Promote Notch-Mediated Proliferation wi...2023Cha, Dong SeokStudentECU
Subunits of the DNA Oolymerase Alpha-Primase Complex Promote Notch-Mediated Proliferation wi...2023Alfhili, Mohammad A.StudentECU
Subunits of the DNA Oolymerase Alpha-Primase Complex Promote Notch-Mediated Proliferation wi...2023Keiper, Brett D.StudentECU
Success and satisfaction of members of selected adult male bowling teams registered with the...1975Piggott, Bert CodyStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
Successful Trial of Practice Facilitation for Plan, Do, Study, Act Quality Improvement2023Sutton, Kent F.StudentECU
Successful Trial of Practice Facilitation for Plan, Do, Study, Act Quality Improvement2023Richman, Erica L.StudentECU
Successful Trial of Practice Facilitation for Plan, Do, Study, Act Quality Improvement2023Rees, Jennifer R.StudentECU
Successful Trial of Practice Facilitation for Plan, Do, Study, Act Quality Improvement2023Pugh-Nicholson, Liza L.StudentECU
Successful Trial of Practice Facilitation for Plan, Do, Study, Act Quality Improvement2023Craft, Macie M.StudentECU
Successful Trial of Practice Facilitation for Plan, Do, Study, Act Quality Improvement2023Peaden, Shannon H.StudentECU
Successful Trial of Practice Facilitation for Plan, Do, Study, Act Quality Improvement2023Mackey, Monique StudentECU
Successful Trial of Practice Facilitation for Plan, Do, Study, Act Quality Improvement2023Halladay, Jacqueline R.StudentECU
The Suez Canal crisis of 1956 : its impact on British press opinion of United States policy ...2023Fulghum, Neil StudentECU
Sugar Pills? Investigating Humphreys’ Homeopathic Specifics: Utilizing Liquid Chromatography...2023Gerber, Bronte' ElizabethStudentECU
Suggesting Proprietary Liqueurs2009Rehkopf, Ed FacultyHospitality and Tourism Administration, NCCU
Suicide among working women : an occupational model1983Alston, Maude HollowayStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Suicide in the novels of Georges Bernanos1977Del Tatto, Ann FemiaStudentRomance Languages-French, UNCG
Suitable Groundwater Management: Equity in the North Carolina Central Coastal Plain, U.S.A.2023Klein, Wendy A.StudentECU
The Sum of the Parts2010Sheppard, Austin StudentECU
A summary of comparable data found in twenty-three selected master's theses reporting follow...1944Ditmars, Earl EdwardStudentBusiness Education, UNCG
Summary of Prisoner of War Experiences of Robert Venoy Reed2016Plemmons, Crystal StudentEnglish, WCU
Summer run1971Thomas, Georganne SpruceStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
Sumptuary legislation and other regulations pertaining to personal appearance in the sevente...1961Phillips, Joana W.StudentHome Economics, UNCG
A Sumptuous Salmagundi: The North Carolina Literary Review2023Jones, Plummer AlstonStudentECU
Superhero Influences: Connotations and Cultural Codes in Comic Book Culture2020Tecca, Jeremiah StudentECU
Superiors' and subordinates' perceptions and expectations of the leader behavior of the dean...1974Cox, Edward WiltonStudentEducation, UNCG
Superoxide dismutase inhibitor screening and characterization using ¹?F NMR 2010Arrington, Megan Elizabeth StudentChemistry and Physics, WCU
Superstitions of athletes1974Paratore, Jean StudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
Supervision of resident assistant paraprofessionals in higher education : perceptions of sup...1991Dean, Laura A.StudentEducation, UNCG
Supplemental File: Audio example 60 BPM2015Stith, Chelsea Christine StudentMusic - Student, ASU
Supplemental File: Audio example 90 BPM2015Stith, Chelsea Christine StudentMusic - Student, ASU
Supplemental File: Compressed Audio2015Stith, Chelsea Christine StudentMusic - Student, ASU
Supplemental File: Uncompressed Audio2015Stith, Chelsea Christine StudentMusic - Student, ASU
The Supreme Court and the constitutional rights of students : the Burger years, 1969-19861987Beck, Robert EdwardStudentEducation, UNCG
The Supreme Court of North Carolina and the public schools1987Pierce, Michael G.StudentEducation, UNCG
Supreme Court rhetoric : explorations in the culture of argument and the language of the law...1992Wall, Beverly C.StudentEnglish, UNCG
“Sure I’ll do that, but the joke’s on you.” Malicious Compliance in the Workplace2023Scanlan, Lauren NStudentECU
Surface and shallow subsurface sediment regime of the nearshore inner continental shelf, Nag...2023Pearson, Daniel R.StudentECU
Surface distortion of polyester double knit fabrics using a rotary abrasion device1975Phillips, Penny LynneStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Surface water and groundwater quality impacts at a swine CAFO with a capped lagoon system in...2023Richardson, Lauren JamesStudentECU
Surgery at Sea: An Analysis of Shipboard Medical Practitioners and Their Instrumentation2023Croskery Howard, Robin P.StudentECU
Surgical aids containing pharmaceutically acceptable fixed-dried human blood platelets1999Reddick, Robert L.StudentECU
Surgical aids containing pharmaceutically acceptable fixed-dried human blood platelets1999Read, Marjorie S.StudentECU
Surgical aids containing pharmaceutically acceptable fixed-dried human blood platelets1999BodeI, Arthur P.StudentECU
Surgical Management of Massive Labial Edema in a Gravid Preeclamptic Diabetic2014Lindsey, Jennifer S.StudentECU
Surgical Management of Massive Labial Edema in a Gravid Preeclamptic Diabetic2014DeVente, James E.StudentECU
Surgical Management of Paratesticular Rhabdomyosarcoma: A Consensus Opinion from the Childre...2023Rodeberg, David A.StudentECU
Surgical Management of Paratesticular Rhabdomyosarcoma: A Consensus Opinion from the Childre...2023Rogers, Timothy N.StudentECU
Surgical Management of Paratesticular Rhabdomyosarcoma: A Consensus Opinion from the Childre...2023Seitz, Guido StudentECU
Surgical Management of Paratesticular Rhabdomyosarcoma: A Consensus Opinion from the Childre...2023Fuchs, Jörg StudentECU
Surgical Management of Paratesticular Rhabdomyosarcoma: A Consensus Opinion from the Childre...2023Martelli, Helene StudentECU
Surgical Management of Paratesticular Rhabdomyosarcoma: A Consensus Opinion from the Childre...2023Dasgupta, Roshni StudentECU
Surgical Management of Paratesticular Rhabdomyosarcoma: A Consensus Opinion from the Childre...2023Routh, Jonathan C.StudentECU
Surgical Management of Paratesticular Rhabdomyosarcoma: A Consensus Opinion from the Childre...2023Hawkins, Douglas S.StudentECU
Surgical Management of Paratesticular Rhabdomyosarcoma: A Consensus Opinion from the Childre...2023Koscielniak, Ewa StudentECU
Surgical Management of Paratesticular Rhabdomyosarcoma: A Consensus Opinion from the Childre...2023Bisogno, Gianni StudentECU
Surgical Oncology APP Productivity: wRVUS and Continuity of Care Measures2023Threatt, Kara StudentECU
Surveillance Imaging Frequency in Adult Patients with Lower-Grade (WHO Grade 2 and 3) Glioma...2023Jo, Jasmin StudentECU
Surveillance Imaging Frequency in Adult Patients with Lower-Grade (WHO Grade 2 and 3) Glioma...2023, et alStudentECU
A survey and comparative analysis of evaluation programs for principals in fifty-eight North...1983Williams, Joyce DavisStudentEducation, UNCG
A survey and evaluation of current emphasis given geographical areas in North Carolina state...1949Winslow, Sidney ArthurStudentEducation, UNCG
A survey and evaluation of the Draper high school1948Ainsley, Raymond M.StudentEducation, UNCG
A survey and evaluation of the literature on children's interests, 1939-19491950Johnson, Martha NetheryStudentEducation, UNCG
A survey and evaluation of the professional literature on the over-aggressive primary school...1948Lawson, R. RuthStudentEducation, UNCG
A survey and evaluation of professional literature on spelling, 1938-19481949Southern, Lillian SmithStudentEducation, UNCG
A survey of American women's underwear and foundation garments from 1875 to 19501958Ott, Peggy SueStudentHome Economics, UNCG
A survey of the attitudes of the Abingdon community toward Barter Theatre of Abingdon, Virgi...1977Keller, Teresa DianeStudentDrama and Speech, UNCG
A survey of audio-visual aid resources as used in fifteen Guilford county high schools durin...1948Robbins, James RaymondStudentEducation, UNCG
A survey of college freshmen on their perceptions of the existence and effects of gender bia...2023Pratt, Catherine M.StudentECU
A survey of data processing education in industry and government in Piedmont North Carolina1970Andrews, William CampbellStudentEducation, UNCG
A survey of the diets of the children in the fourth, fifth, and sixth grades of Curry school...1947Sharpe, Evelyn TerryStudentHome Economics, UNCG
A survey of duelling in the United States1969Wilson, Martin LutherStudentHistory and Political Science, UNCG
Survey of fashion trends in women's shoes in the United States July, 1914-February, 19431943Cabell, Bettie StudentHome Economics, UNCG
A survey of food practices of 124 eleventh and twelfth grade students in three North Carolin...1946Blackman, Nina RuthStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Survey of Hox-like genes in a Neoteleost (striped bass) :implications for evolutionary expan...2023Pavell, Anthony M.StudentECU
A survey of lay opinion of teachers conduct and obligations in Clemmons, North Carolina1949Smith, M. JackStudentEducation, UNCG
A survey of the literature on health habits in the primary grades from 1936-19481950Livengood, Zona BelleStudentEducation, UNCG
A survey of methods employed to teach a remedial reading group with special emphasis on a vi...2023Roberts, Edith CrockettStudentECU
A survey of methods, procedures, and materials used for teaching critical thinking in a sele...1989Thorpe, Vivian CameronStudentEducation, UNCG
A survey of music education programs for senior citizens in Mecklenburg County, North Caroli...1992Robertson, William DwayneStudentMusic, UNCG
A survey of the music of Norway and Sweden for the purpose of selecting folk music to enrich...1947Sikes, Ruth StudentEducation, UNCG
Survey of non-histone chromatin proteins in a differentiating cell line :the 3T3-L1 preadipo...2023Blair, J. SeabornStudentECU
Survey of Norwegian oboe literature1989Register, Paul BrentStudentMusic, UNCG
A survey of operations at the Fort Bragg Army Education Center with a view toward improving ...2023Miller, Samuel ClemonsStudentECU
A survey of the physical education, intramural, interscholastic and recreation programs for ...1970Chase, Philip E.StudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
A survey of protectionism from import quotas1973Brady, Gordon LeonardStudentBusiness and Economics, UNCG
A survey of the requirements for the licensing of preschools and certification of preschool ...1954Schaper, Monna JeanStudentHome Economics, UNCG
A survey of research in television by graduate students in speech and cognate fields, 1968-1...1972Baumgardner, Anita TeresaStudentDrama and Speech, UNCG
A Survey of Retailer's Satisfaction2023Nakhostin Maher, Zahra StudentECU
A survey of student evaluations of teacher/course effectiveness within dance technique cours...1985Schubert, Deborah DavidStudentHealth, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, UNCG
A survey of the teaching of filing in the public white high schools of North Carolina and of...1949Wheless, Martha E.StudentBusiness Education, UNCG
A survey of weekday programs for preschool children in Southern Baptist Churches in North Ca...1965Wagoner, Elizabeth TuckerStudentHome Economics, UNCG
A survey to determine the use of music theory knowledge and skills by North Carolina public ...1984Decker, Robert L.StudentMusic, UNCG
Survival Is Worse in Patients Completing Immunotherapy Prior to SBRT/SRS Compared to Those R...2023Woody, Susan StudentECU
Survival Is Worse in Patients Completing Immunotherapy Prior to SBRT/SRS Compared to Those R...2023Hegde, Aparna StudentECU
Survival Is Worse in Patients Completing Immunotherapy Prior to SBRT/SRS Compared to Those R...2023Arastu, Hyder StudentECU
Survival Is Worse in Patients Completing Immunotherapy Prior to SBRT/SRS Compared to Those R...2023Peach, M. SeanStudentECU
Survival Is Worse in Patients Completing Immunotherapy Prior to SBRT/SRS Compared to Those R...2023Ju, Andrew W.StudentECU
Survival Is Worse in Patients Completing Immunotherapy Prior to SBRT/SRS Compared to Those R...2023Sharma, Nitika StudentECU
Survival Is Worse in Patients Completing Immunotherapy Prior to SBRT/SRS Compared to Those R...2023Walker, Paul StudentECU
Susceptibility and Antibody Response of the Laboratory Model Zebra Finch (Taeniopygia guttat...2017Hofmeister, Erik K.,Lund,Melissa,Shearn-Bochsler,Valerie,BalakrishnStudentECU
Susceptibility to Anchoring Effects: How Openness-to-Experience Influences Responses to Anch...2007McElroy, Todd FacultyPsychology, ASU
Sustainable, Community-Driven,Economic Well-Being2023Long, Patrick StudentECU
Sustained Anthropogenic Impact in Carter Saltpeter Cave, Carter County, Tennessee and the Po...2013Carmichael, Mary JaneFacultyBiology - Student, ASU
Sustained Anthropogenic Impact in Carter Saltpeter Cave, Carter County, Tennessee and the Po...2013Carmichael, Sarah K. FacultyGeology, ASU
Sustaining School Hand Washing And Water Treatment Programmes: Lessons Learned And To Be Lea...2011Rheingans, Richard FacultySustainable Development, ASU
Sustaining Tourism in Cuba : A Qualitative Examination of Perceived Entrepreneurial Climate ...2023Hingtgen, Nathan StudentECU
Sutton Hoo and the question of Germanic sacral kingship2023Hall, Timothy C.StudentECU
Swamp forest root systems :biomass distribution, nutrient content, and aspects of growth and...2023Kane, Emilie S.StudentECU
THE SWEDISH SAILOR'S TABLE : A Study of Vasa's Wooden Tableware2023Gandulla, Stephanie StudentECU
The Swedish system of gymnastics and its relationship to corrective physical education and p...1959Jamerson, Ann LouStudentPhysical Education, UNCG
Sweet potato flakes : a study of their development and usage with dried whey in pies1965Smitherman, Sarah AliceStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Sweet potato sticks : acceptability as a nutritious snack food for adolescents1974Hogan, Martha AnnStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Sweet potatoes, white potatoes, both are good2023Hodges, Christopher AStudentECU
Sweet potatoes, white potatoes, both are good2023Kolasa, Kathryn MStudentECU
Sweeteners Unproven in Fight Against Diabetes2023Gallagher, Bridget StudentECU
Sweeteners Unproven in Fight Against Diabetes2023Kolasa, Kathryn M.StudentECU
Swimming Pool Hygiene: Self-Monitoring, Task Clarification, and Performance Feedback Increas...2009Ludwig, Timothy D. FacultyPsychology, ASU
A symbolic analysis of the dimensions of holiness in American culture and curriculum : towar...1990Hage, George CampbellStudentEducation, UNCG
"Symbolic History and Sailors: Image Development Through Song at Sea2023McCracken, Peter HStudentECU
Symbolic Interactions in a Virtual Learning Community: Understanding the Creation of Shared ...2004Sanders, Robert L. FacultyLeadership and Educational Studies, ASU
Symbolism in Messiaen's Oratorio : La Transfiguration de Notre-Seigneur Jesus-Christ2023Tomlinson, Joshua StudentECU
The Symphonies of Louise Farrenc (1804-1875): A Comparative Examination2023Stephenson, J. CameronStudentECU
Synaptic Hyaluronan Synthesis and CD44-Mediated Signaling Coordinate Neural Circuit Developm...2023Wilson, Emily S.StudentECU
Synaptic Hyaluronan Synthesis and CD44-Mediated Signaling Coordinate Neural Circuit Developm...2023Litwa, Karen StudentECU
Synaptic Hyaluronan Synthesis and CD44-Mediated Signaling Coordinate Neural Circuit Developm...2023Wilson, Emily S.StudentECU
Synaptic Hyaluronan Synthesis and CD44-Mediated Signaling Coordinate Neural Circuit Developm...2023Litwa, Karen StudentECU
Synchronized Acoustic and Atmospheric Measurement System for Characterization of Atmospheric...2023Ryan, Teresa StudentECU
Synchronized Acoustic and Atmospheric Measurement System for Characterization of Atmospheric...2023Foeller, Jeffry StudentECU
Synchronized Acoustic and Atmospheric Measurement System for Characterization of Atmospheric...2023Cobb, Faith StudentECU
Synchronized Acoustic and Atmospheric Measurement System for Characterization of Atmospheric...2023, et alStudentECU
Synchronizing Automata and the C?erny´ Conjecture2023Masters, Miciah Dashiel ButlerStudentECU
Synechocystis 6803 photosysystem [sic] II proteins CP43 and D2 :the role of the n-terminal t...2023Kosovac, Michelle L.StudentECU
Synergistic Cytotoxic Effects of Bortezomib and CK2 Inhibitor CX-4945 in Acute LymphOblastic...2023McCubrey, James A.StudentECU
Synergistic Effects of Selective Inhibitors Targeting the PI3K/AKT/mTOR Pathway or NUP214-AB...2023McCubrey, James A.StudentECU
Syntheses of new fulvene derivatives1973Burnette, James CornetteStudentChemistry, UNCG
Synthesis and characterization of L-asparaginase encapsulated Poly-l-lysine-graft-poly(ethyl...2022Goff, Keri JoannaStudentChemistry and Physics, WCU
Synthesis and characterization of Ln(BTFA)3DMPHEN complexes (Ln= Eu3+, Er3+, Ho3+, Tb3+, Tm3...2016Martin, Louis ChristopherStudentChemistry and Physics, WCU
Synthesis and characterization of silica/silver multilayer nanoparticles and their applicati...2015Butcher, Emily RebeccaStudentChemistry and Physics, WCU
Synthesis and characterization of time-resolved fluorescence probes for the potential detect...2016Sedberry, Seth AlexanderStudentChemistry and Physics, WCU
Synthesis and characterization of time-resolved lanthanide (III) luminescent probes for pote...2017Love, Brian WilliamStudentChemistry and Physics, WCU
Synthesis and complexation of boronic acid derivatives with nitrogen- and phosphorous-oxides...2021Thomas, Keely SheaStudentChemistry and Physics, WCU
Synthesis of Functionalized Tolanes for Release of Rose Scent2015Russell, Danielle StudentChemistry - Student, ASU
Synthesis Of Non-Natural Fmoc-Protected Amino Acids To Provide Novel Fluorescent Anion Probe...2023Farrell, David PercyStudentECU
A Synthesis of Red Drum Feeding Ecology and Diets from North Carolina and South Carolina2023Peacock, Tyler StudentECU
Synthesis, structure, photophysics, and biological activity of platinum (II) complexes2014Vezzu, Dileep Atchyuth KumarStudentECU
Synthesizing systems : the work of art and of science in the fiction of Richard Powers1995Copeland, Anna DardenStudentEnglish, UNCG
Synthetic Antimicrobial Peptides Exhibit Two Different Binding Mechanisms to the Lipopolysac...2014Hicks, Rickey P.StudentECU
Synthetic Antimicrobial Peptides Exhibit Two Different Binding Mechanisms to the Lipopolysac...2014Allen, William E.StudentECU
Synthetic Antimicrobial Peptides Exhibit Two Different Binding Mechanisms to the Lipopolysac...2014Chai, Hanbo StudentECU
Synthetic landscapes1976Gantt, Charles RichardStudentArt, UNCG
Synthetic oxo-bridged manganese(porphyrin)-copper complexes derived from dioxygen chemistry2024Porter-Cole, Dahlia S.StudentChemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG
A system for studying the effect of vitamin A on ³H-Uridine uptake and incorporation in cell...1975Kelly, Patricia W.StudentHome Economics, UNCG
A system-based intervention to reduce Black-White disparities in the treatment of early stag...2023Cykert, Samuel StudentECU
A system-based intervention to reduce Black-White disparities in the treatment of early stag...2023Eng, Eugenia StudentECU
A system-based intervention to reduce Black-White disparities in the treatment of early stag...2023Walker, Paul StudentECU
A system-based intervention to reduce Black-White disparities in the treatment of early stag...2023Manning, Matthew A.StudentECU
A system-based intervention to reduce Black-White disparities in the treatment of early stag...2023Robertson, Linda B.StudentECU
A system-based intervention to reduce Black-White disparities in the treatment of early stag...2023Arya, Rohan StudentECU
A system-based intervention to reduce Black-White disparities in the treatment of early stag...2023Jones, Nora S.StudentECU
A system-based intervention to reduce Black-White disparities in the treatment of early stag...2023Heron, Dwight E.StudentECU
Systematic Assessment of the Panopeidae and Broader Eubrachyura (Decapoda: Brachyura) Using ...2023Jennings, Lucas A.StudentECU
Systematic Assessment of the Panopeidae and Broader Eubrachyura (Decapoda: Brachyura) Using ...2023Blakeslee, April StudentECU
Systematic Assessment of the Panopeidae and Broader Eubrachyura (Decapoda: Brachyura) Using ...2023McCoy, Krista A.StudentECU
Systematic Assessment of the Panopeidae and Broader Eubrachyura (Decapoda: Brachyura) Using ...2023Behringer, Donald C.StudentECU
Systematic Assessment of the Panopeidae and Broader Eubrachyura (Decapoda: Brachyura) Using ...2023Bojko, Jamie StudentECU
A systematic mRNA control mechanism for germline stem cell homeostasis and cell fate specifi...2016Lee, Myon-Hee,Mamillapalli,Srivalli Swathi,Keiper,Brett D.,Cha,Dong SeokStudentECU
Systematic Review Of The Economic Value Of Diarrheal Vaccines2014Rheingans, Richard FacultySustainable Development, ASU
Systematic Review Of Management For Treatment-Resistant Depression In Adolescents2014Michael, Kurt D.FacultyPsychology, ASU
A Systematic Review On Rural Parent Vaccine Hesitancy Related To The Administration Of the H...2023Hewett, Sydney EStudentECU
Systematics and biogeography of Amazonian poison frogs of the genus Epipedobates2023Roberts, Jennifer Lewis.StudentECU
The Systemic Inflammatory Response Identifies Patients with Adverse Clinical Outcome from Im...2023Muzaffar, Mahvish StudentECU
The Systemic Inflammatory Response Identifies Patients with Adverse Clinical Outcome from Im...2023Navaid, Musharraf StudentECU
The Systemic Inflammatory Response Identifies Patients with Adverse Clinical Outcome from Im...2023Naqash, Abdul RafehStudentECU
A systems model for comprehensive staff development in the community college1985Joseph, Elizabeth TettertonStudentEducation, UNCG
Systems, methods and computer program products for creating and maintaining electronic medic...2023Pories, Walter J.StudentECU
Systems, methods and computer program products for creating and maintaining electronic medic...2023Tabrizi, Mohammad StudentECU
Systems, Methods and Products for Diagnostic hearing assessments distributed via the use of ...2012Blanarovich, Adrian StudentECU
Systems, Methods and Products for Diagnostic hearing assessments distributed via the use of ...2012Keller, Patrick StudentECU
Systems, Methods and Products for Diagnostic hearing assessments distributed via the use of ...2012Givens, Gregg D.StudentECU
Systems, Methods and Products for Diagnostic hearing assessments distributed via the use of ...2012Balch, David C.StudentECU
Systems, Methods and Products for Diagnostic hearing assessments distributed via the use of ...2012Murphy, Timothy StudentECU
Systems, methods and products for diagnostic hearing assessments distributed via the use of ...2005Givens, Gregg D.StudentECU
Systems, methods and products for diagnostic hearing assessments distributed via the use of ...2005Blanarovich, Adrian StudentECU
Systems, methods and products for diagnostic hearing assessments distributed via the use of ...2005Balch, David C.StudentECU
Systems, methods and products for diagnostic hearing assessments distributed via the use of ...2005Keller, Patrick StudentECU
Systems, methods and products for diagnostic hearing assessments distributed via the use of ...2005Murphy, Timothy StudentECU
Table manners of leadership1988Holderness, Catherine DarrahStudentEducation, UNCG
A tachistoscopic recognition task with deaf and hearing adults1985Clark, Mary DianeStudentPsychology, UNCG
Tackling Student Debt2023Atkinson, Bradley MStudentECU
A tactical reactionary : Andrew Furuseth and the 1915 La Follette Seamen's Act2023Betz, Jacob M.StudentECU
Tactile Demographics: Predicting Demographic Information Using Touch Data from Mobile Device...2023Williams, Baylea StudentECU
Tactile sense discrimination of six nursery school children1968Anderson, Marjorie GoffStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Tadpole Begging Behavior And Parent-Offspring Interactions In The Mimic Poison Frog2023Yoshioka, Miho StudentECU
Take it with you : poems1971Young, James R.StudentEnglish, UNCG
Take small steps to arrive at a plant-based diet2023Townsend, Kaitlyn StudentECU
Taken to biopsy : Piedmont poems and other poems1971Grundberg, John AndrewStudentEnglish, UNCG
Taking care of things1976Venters, Travis RoyStudentEnglish, UNCG
“Taking Up a New Problem” - Context and Determinants of Podmod E-Cigarette Use Among College...2023Soule, Eric K.StudentECU
“Taking Up a New Problem” - Context and Determinants of Podmod E-Cigarette Use Among College...2023Gold, Emily StudentECU
“Taking Up a New Problem” - Context and Determinants of Podmod E-Cigarette Use Among College...2023Snipes, William StudentECU
“Taking Up a New Problem” - Context and Determinants of Podmod E-Cigarette Use Among College...2023Kava, Christine M.StudentECU
“Taking Up a New Problem” - Context and Determinants of Podmod E-Cigarette Use Among College...2023Seegmiller, Laura StudentECU
“Taking Up a New Problem” - Context and Determinants of Podmod E-Cigarette Use Among College...2023Westfield, Taya StudentECU
“Taking Up a New Problem” - Context and Determinants of Podmod E-Cigarette Use Among College...2023Wick, Noah StudentECU
“Taking Up a New Problem” - Context and Determinants of Podmod E-Cigarette Use Among College...2023Afifi, Rima StudentECU
A Tale of Two Patients2006Johanson, Linda FacultyNursing, ASU
A tale of two sites: A taphonomic comparison of two Late Triassic (Chinle Group) vertebrate ...2002Heckert, Andrew B. FacultyGeology, ASU
Talking Through It:Using Student-to-Student Interviews and Brainstorming Activities for Faci...2017Schmidt, Krista FacultyHunter Library, WCU
Talking to our faculty about open access and authors' rights2008Coonin, Bryna FacultyECU
Taphonomy of the Late Triassic Lamy amphibian quarry (Garita Creek Formation: Chinle Group),...2002Heckert, Andrew B. FacultyGeology, ASU
Taphonomy of the Lower Permian Cardillo Quarry, Chama Basin, North-Central New Mexico2005Heckert, Andrew B. FacultyGeology, ASU
Tar Kilns of Goose Creek State Park : History and Preservation2023Harrup, Matthew J.StudentECU
Tar River Blounts and a Transitional Maritime Cultural Landscape, 1778-18022023Edwards, Justin RandolphStudentECU
The Tarboro Three : Rape, Race and Secrecy in a Small Town2023Lampkin, Brian StudentECU
Target of Assassins: The American Merchant Marine During the Vietnam War, 1964-19752023Mercogliano, Salvatore RStudentECU
Targeted Expression of Catalase to Mitochondria Protects Against Ischemic Myopathy in High-F...2023McClung, Joseph StudentECU
Targeted Expression of Catalase to Mitochondria Protects Against Ischemic Myopathy in High-F...2023Ryan, Terence E.StudentECU
Targeted Expression of Catalase to Mitochondria Protects Against Ischemic Myopathy in High-F...2023Schmidt, Cameron A.StudentECU
Targeted Expression of Catalase to Mitochondria Protects Against Ischemic Myopathy in High-F...2023Green, Thomas D.StudentECU
Targeted Expression of Catalase to Mitochondria Protects Against Ischemic Myopathy in High-F...2023Spangenburg, Espen E.StudentECU
Targeted Expression of Catalase to Mitochondria Protects Against Ischemic Myopathy in High-F...2023Neufer, P. DarrellStudentECU
Targeted Expression of Catalase to Mitochondria Protects Against Ischemic Myopathy in High-F...2023Spangenburg, Espen StudentECU
Targeted Expression of Catalase to Mitochondria Protects Against Ischemic Myopathy in High-F...2023Ryan, Terence E.StudentECU
Targeted Expression of Catalase to Mitochondria Protects Against Ischemic Myopathy in High-F...2023Schmidt, Cameron A.StudentECU
Targeted Expression of Catalase to Mitochondria Protects Against Ischemic Myopathy in High-F...2023Green, Thomas D.StudentECU
Targeted Expression of Catalase to Mitochondria Protects Against Ischemic Myopathy in High-F...2023Neufer, P. DarrellStudentECU
Targeted Expression of Catalase to Mitochondria Protects Against Ischemic Myopathy in High-F...2023McClung, Joseph M.StudentECU
Targeted Health Program Effects on Health Perceptions Among Pregnant Women: The Importance o...2022Badami, Samantha Rose StudentMcKenzie-Elliot School of Nursing, UNCP
Targeted Health Program Effects on Health Perceptions Among Pregnant Women: The Important of...2022Badami, Samantha Rose StudentMcKenzie-Elliot School of Nursing, UNCP
Targeting aberrant signaling in the EGFR1/HER2/PI3K/PTEN/Akt/mTORC1/GSK-3 pathway : Novel th...2023Davis, Nicole MarieStudentECU
Targeting Exportin-1 to Inhibit HTLV-1 Infection2020Norton, Christopher StudentECU
Targeting HSP90 with the Small Molecule Inhibitor AUY922 (luminespib) as a Treatment Strateg...2023McCubrey, James A.StudentECU
Targeting Kremen1 Downregulation with RVG-9R/siRNA Complexes in the Triple-Transgenic Mouse ...2023Baker, Kelly E.StudentECU
Targeting the mitochondrial inner membrane to improve bioenergetics in the diseased heart2023Moukdar, Fatiha StudentECU
Targeting signaling and apoptotic pathways involved in chemotherapeutic drug-resistance of h...2017Abrams, Stephen L.,Ruvolo,Peter P.,Ruvolo,Vivian R.,Ligresti,GiovaStudentECU
Tau Induces Formation of a-synuclein Filaments with Distinct Molecular Conformations2023Dasari, Anvesh K. R.StudentECU
Tau Induces Formation of a-synuclein Filaments with Distinct Molecular Conformations2023Lim, Kwang HunStudentECU
Tau Induces Formation of a-synuclein Filaments with Distinct Molecular Conformations2023Hojjatian, Alimohammad StudentECU
Tau Induces Formation of a-synuclein Filaments with Distinct Molecular Conformations2023Sengupta, Urmi StudentECU
Tau Induces Formation of a-synuclein Filaments with Distinct Molecular Conformations2023Taylor, Dianne StudentECU
Tau Induces Formation of a-synuclein Filaments with Distinct Molecular Conformations2023Daneshparvar, Nadia StudentECU
Tau Induces Formation of a-synuclein Filaments with Distinct Molecular Conformations2023Yeganeh, Fatemeh AbbasiStudentECU
Tau Induces Formation of a-synuclein Filaments with Distinct Molecular Conformations2023Dillard, Lucas StudentECU
Tau Induces Formation of a-synuclein Filaments with Distinct Molecular Conformations2023Michael, Brian StudentECU
Tau Induces Formation of a-synuclein Filaments with Distinct Molecular Conformations2023Griffin, Robert G.StudentECU
Tau Induces Formation of a-synuclein Filaments with Distinct Molecular Conformations2023Borgnia, Mario StudentECU
Tau Induces Formation of a-synuclein Filaments with Distinct Molecular Conformations2023Kayed, Rakez StudentECU
Tau Induces Formation of a-synuclein Filaments with Distinct Molecular Conformations2023Taylor, Kenneth A.StudentECU
Taverns and Politics: A Volatile Combination2023Mulkey, Mackenzie StudentECU
Taxa-Specific Responses to Flooding Shape Patterns of Abundance in River Rock Pools2023McCoy, Michael W.StudentECU
Taxa-Specific Responses to Flooding Shape Patterns of Abundance in River Rock Pools2023Stunkle, Charles R.StudentECU
Taxa-Specific Responses to Flooding Shape Patterns of Abundance in River Rock Pools2023Davidson, Andrew T.StudentECU
Taxa-Specific Responses to Flooding Shape Patterns of Abundance in River Rock Pools2023Shuart, William J.StudentECU
Taxa-Specific Responses to Flooding Shape Patterns of Abundance in River Rock Pools2023Vonesh, James R.StudentECU
Taxometric Investigation of PTSD: Data From Two Nationally Representative Samples2006Broman-Fulks, Joshua FacultyPsychology, ASU
A Taxometric Study of the Latent Structure of Disgust Sensitivity: Converging Evidence for D...2007Broman-Fulks, Joshua FacultyPsychology, ASU
Taxonomic status of Seismosaurus hallorum, a Late Jurassic sauropod dinosaur from New Mexico...2006Heckert, Andrew B. FacultyGeology, ASU
Taxonomy and biostratigraphy of the Late Triassic archosauromorph Trilophosaurus2007Heckert, Andrew B. FacultyGeology, ASU
Taxonomy and phylogeny of the flowering plant genus Diervilla (Diervillaceae)2018Meeler, Hannah EliseStudentBiology, WCU
Taxpayer information assistance services and tax compliance behavior2010Cherry, Todd FacultyEconomics, ASU
Teach, Assess, and Redesign: Creating a Framework of Universal Design for Students with Lear...2023Nall, H. ClarkStudentECU
Teach, Assess, and Redesign: Creating a Framework of Universal Design for Students with Lear...2023Hoover, Jeanne K.StudentECU
Teach, Assess, and Redesign: Creating a Framework of Universal Design for Students with Lear...2023Willis, Carolyn StudentECU
Teacher activity level and the presence or absence of retarded adolescent mediators on sorti...1974Teague, Michael CraigStudentPsychology, UNCG
Teacher as artist : a metaphor drawn from the paradigms of M.C. Richards, Maxine Greene and ...1991Heck, Marsha LynnStudentEducation, UNCG
The teacher as a leader of other adults1982Palmer, Ruth Ann PughStudentEducation, UNCG
The teacher as prophet in a transformational ideology of education1987Lalor, Drenda PowerStudentEducation, UNCG
Teacher attitudes toward use and teaching of consumer credit and relationships to consumer c...1974Aberi, Jewell MillerStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Teacher certification in home schools : emerging constitutional issues1986Huffman, Gilbert T.StudentEducation, UNCG
Teacher evaluation in a quality school2023Bixiones, Elaine StudentECU
Teacher guidance of the sex development of eight, nine, and ten-year old pupils1949McDonald, Mary Quill OmohundroStudentEducation, UNCG
Teacher guidance of the sex development of six and seven-year-old pupils1949Finch, Margaret GoodeStudentEducation, UNCG
Teacher influence on the reading attitudes and reading behavior of seventh grade language ar...1983Wooten, Anne MartinStudentEducation, UNCG
Teacher invitations and effectiveness as reported by physical education students grades 9-12...1984Turner, Robert B.StudentHealth, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, UNCG
Teacher participation roles in British primary classrooms1975Conover, Joyce MaeStudentEducation, UNCG
Teacher perceptions of issues in the implementation of cooperative teaching in middle school...1995Hamlin, Mary B.StudentEducation, UNCG
Teacher perceptions of the organizational management systems in their schools and department...1979Rikard, Grace LindaStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
Teacher professional development : a plan for multi-agency collaboration1984Barker, Douglas N.StudentEducation, UNCG
Teacher Readiness, Belonging, and Cultural Awareness: A Model for International Teacher Indu...2023English, Thomas AStudentECU
Teachers' beliefs about purposes as reflected in teaching practices : a study in elementary ...1990Roberts, Ellen LouiseStudentHealth, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, UNCG
Teachers' perceptions of instructional improvement through learning styles1994Gassaway, Jesse RedyardStudentEducation, UNCG
Teachers Use Of Own Languages (TUOOLS) : Exploring the Use of African American Rhetorical St...2023Faison, Wonderful StudentECU
Teaching & Learning Guide for: On Spirituality: Natural and Non-Natural2009Ellis, Thomas B. FacultyPhilosophy and Religion, ASU
Teaching an Algebraic Equation to High School Students with Moderate Developmental Disabilit...2008Jimenez, Bree AnnFacultySpecialized Education Services, UNCG
The teaching and artistic legacy of French-born pianist Daniel Ericourt1993Hutton, Judy ForemanStudentMusic, UNCG
Teaching art history with artist books : an interdisciplinary approach2023Gant, Sara M.StudentECU
Teaching as a religious activity : the classroom as a place of darkness and mystery1991Zinn, Carol AnnStudentEducation, UNCG
Teaching the basic violin bowing technique : a comparative study of bowing technique of sele...1993Liu, Kexi StudentMusic, UNCG
Teaching Business Looking at the Support Needs of Instructors2019Colbert-Lewis, Danielle FacultyJames E. Shepard Memorial Library , NCCU
Teaching Business Looking at the Support Needs of Instructors2019Grimwood, Karen FacultyJames E. Shepard Memorial Library, NCCU
Teaching Business Looking at the Support Needs of Instructors2019Scott-Branch, Jamillah FacultyJames E. Shepard Memorial Library, NCCU
Teaching Comparative Religious Ethics - A Review Essay2002Schilbrack, Kevin FacultyPhilosophy and Religion, ASU
Teaching correlates of number conservation to very young children1973Schenck, Betsy RobertsStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Teaching Ethics for Construction Management Majored Students: Standalone or Micro-insert? – ...2023Wang, George StudentECU
Teaching Ethics for Construction Management Majored Students: Standalone or Micro-insert? – ...2023Buckeridge, John S.StudentECU
Teaching literature with a specific emphasis on critical thinking : an interpretive investig...1991Dickson, Myra AliceStudentEducation, UNCG
Teaching The Millennial Generation: Considerations For Nurse Educators2012Johanson, Linda FacultyNursing, ASU
The teaching of badminton skills to the adolescent : traditional vs. programmed1974Malizola, Florence TheresaStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
The teaching of dance : a characterization of dance teacher behaviors in technique and chore...1979Lord, Madeleine StudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
The teaching of ethics in selected U.S. protestant theological schools1986Holliday, Boyd MarshallStudentEducation, UNCG
The teaching of poetry in the primary grades : a suggested supplement to Language arts in th...1949Waynick, Mildred GilliamStudentEducation, UNCG
The teaching of skills for the observation of movement ; inquiry into a model1977Craft, Ann HarrellStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
Teaching problems encountered by Negro and Caucasian home economics teachers in integrated s...1970Stokes, Nancy ArmesStudentHome Economics, UNCG
The teaching profession : an evaluation of career stages1990Eberhart, Mary Catherine EdmondsStudentEducation, UNCG
Teaching Religion and Material Culture2007Carp, Richard M. FacultyPast faculty member, ASU
Teaching three techniques of behavior modification to nonprofessionals1973Talbert, Elisabeth ElaineStudentPsychology, UNCG
Teaching towards the twenty-fourth century : the social curriculum of Star Trek in the schoo...1994Anijar-Zapolsky, Karen StudentEducation, UNCG
Teaching Using G.R.O.W.T.H2000Johanson, Linda FacultyNursing, ASU
Teaching with Purpose: An Interview with Thomas E. Ludwig2010Ludwig, Timothy D. FacultyPsychology, ASU
Teaching writing to adults : a synthesis of research and a report on current practice in the...1987Sherrill, Sharon L.StudentEducation, UNCG
Teager–Kaiser energy operator signal conditioning improves EMG onset detection2010Steinweg, Ken StudentECU
Teager–Kaiser energy operator signal conditioning improves EMG onset detection2010DeVita, Paul StudentECU
Teager–Kaiser energy operator signal conditioning improves EMG onset detection2010Hortobágyi, Tibor StudentECU
Teager–Kaiser energy operator signal conditioning improves EMG onset detection2010Rider, Patrick StudentECU
Teager–Kaiser energy operator signal conditioning improves EMG onset detection2010Solnik, Stanislaw StudentECU
TEAM-UP for quality: a cluster randomized controlled trial protocol focused on preventing pr...2018Yap, Tracey L.,Kennerly,Susan M.,Horn,Susan D.,Bergstrom,NancyStudentECU
A technique for assessing attitudes of teenagers toward conformity in dress1967Roten, Celia G.StudentHome Economics, UNCG
A technique for identifying educational beliefs of preservice physical educators relative to...1978Askew, Joan StudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
Techniques For GIS Modeling Of Coastal Dunes2002Colby, Jeff FacultyGeography and Planning, ASU
Techniques of characterization in the works of Andre´ Gide1960Toenes, Sara StudentRomance Languages, UNCG
Techniques used by rural mothers in rearing their only child who was under three years of ag...1960Wilson, Ruth FriddleStudentHome Economics, UNCG
The Technological and Cultural Context of the North Carolina Shad Boat2023O'Neill, Jeffrey B.StudentECU
TECHNOLOGY AND EMPIRE: Comparing Dutch and British Maritime Technologies During the Napoleon...2023Mollema, Ivor StudentECU
Technology Engineering Educational Solutions for the Hurricane Katrina Region2008Osler, James FacultySchool of Education , NCCU
Teenage marital units : a descriptive study1973Powell, Isabelle ReedyStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Teeth, Sticks, and Bricks: Calligraphy, Graphic Focalization, and Narrative Braiding in Eddi...2011Fischer, Craig FacultyEnglish, ASU
The Teledemic. How Telework Influences Employee Productivity and Health.2023Scanlan, Lauren NStudentECU
Telephone surveys underestimate cigarette smoking among African-Americans2013Landrine, Hope,Corral,Irma,Adams Simms,Denise,Roesch,Scott C.,Pichon,Latrice C.,AkeStudentECU
Tell Them We Are Rising-An Historical Look at North Carolina Central University”-1910-20202021Vann, Andre' FacultyJames E. Shepard Memorial Library, NCCU
Telomere length as a biomarker for stress in Eastern bluebird nestlings (Sialia sialis) rear...2018Iglesia, Gabriel de laStudentBiology, WCU
The temperament traits of women who coach team sports and individual sports on the intercoll...1978Hill, Sandee LeeStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
Temperature dependence of the heats of mixing aqueous alkaline earth chlorides1972Vani, Basil G.StudentChemistry, UNCG
Temperature dependence of the heats of mixing of tetrapropylammonium chloride with some alka...1972Conally, Thomas GradyStudentChemistry, UNCG
Temperature Influences Herbivory and Algal Biomass in the Galápagos Islands2018Carr, Lindsey A.,Gittman,Rachel K.,Bruno,John F.StudentECU
Temperature Influences Herbivory and Algal Biomass in the Galápagos Islands2023Carr, Lindsey A.StudentECU
Temperature Influences Herbivory and Algal Biomass in the Galápagos Islands2023Gittman, Rachel K.StudentECU
Temperature Influences Herbivory and Algal Biomass in the Galápagos Islands2023Bruno, John F.StudentECU
Temporal Changes in Mortality After Transcatheter and Surgical Aortic Valve Replacement: Ret...2023Irish, William StudentECU
Temporal Changes in Mortality After Transcatheter and Surgical Aortic Valve Replacement: Ret...2023Lauck, Sandra B.StudentECU
Temporal Changes in Mortality After Transcatheter and Surgical Aortic Valve Replacement: Ret...2023Baron, Suzanne J.StudentECU
Temporal Changes in Mortality After Transcatheter and Surgical Aortic Valve Replacement: Ret...2023Borregaard, Britt StudentECU
Temporal Changes in Mortality After Transcatheter and Surgical Aortic Valve Replacement: Ret...2023Moore, Kimberly A.StudentECU
Temporal Changes in Mortality After Transcatheter and Surgical Aortic Valve Replacement: Ret...2023Gunnarsson, Candace L.StudentECU
Temporal Changes in Mortality After Transcatheter and Surgical Aortic Valve Replacement: Ret...2023Clancy, Seth StudentECU
Temporal Changes in Mortality After Transcatheter and Surgical Aortic Valve Replacement: Ret...2023Wood, David A.StudentECU
Temporal Changes in Mortality After Transcatheter and Surgical Aortic Valve Replacement: Ret...2023Thourani, Vinod H.StudentECU
Temporal Changes in Mortality After Transcatheter and Surgical Aortic Valve Replacement: Ret...2023Webb, John G.StudentECU
Temporal Changes in Mortality After Transcatheter and Surgical Aortic Valve Replacement: Ret...2023Wijeysundera, Harindra C.StudentECU
Temporal Dependence of Photophoretic Force Optically Induced on Absorbing Airborne Particles...2023Li, Yong-Qing StudentECU
Temporal dynamics of genetic clines of invasive European green crab (Carcinus maenas) in eas...2018Lehnert, Sarah J.,DiBacco,Claudio,Jeffery,Nicholas W.,Blakeslee,AStudentECU
Temporal Leadership2023Adgate, Joe StudentECU
Temporal Reliability of Willingness to Pay from the National Survey of Fishing, Hunting, and...2007Whitehead, John FacultyEconomics, ASU
Temporal stability of the electronic version of the Motor-Free Visual Perception Test third ...2023Eanes, Andrea SparksStudentECU
Ten-year Trends and Prediction Model of 30-day Inpatient Mortality for Alcoholic Hepatitis i...2023Ali, Hassam StudentECU
Ten-year Trends and Prediction Model of 30-day Inpatient Mortality for Alcoholic Hepatitis i...2023Pamarthy, Rahul StudentECU
Ten-year Trends and Prediction Model of 30-day Inpatient Mortality for Alcoholic Hepatitis i...2023Bolick, Nicole LeighStudentECU
Ten-year Trends and Prediction Model of 30-day Inpatient Mortality for Alcoholic Hepatitis i...2023Farooq, Muhammad FahdStudentECU
The Tennessee self-concept scale as an indicator of community college student retention and ...1994Megerian, Rebekah HendersonStudentEducation, UNCG
Tennyson's historical trilogy1970Pugh, Howard LathamStudentEnglish, UNCG
Tension Pneumopericardium in Blunt Multi-System Trauma in a Resource Limited Setting2023Chovaz, Matthew StudentECU
Tension Pneumopericardium in Blunt Multi-System Trauma in a Resource Limited Setting2023Moore, Clayton StudentECU
Tensions and ambiguities in the point of view of Marlowe's Doctor Faustus1971Ball, Martha CharleneStudentEnglish, UNCG
Teoria, Metodo e Analise: as interconexões necessárias no estudo das crianças e das famílias...2001Hayes, Sherrill W.FacultyPeace and Conflict Studies, UNCG
Teotography – A photo collection of North Carolina’s wilderness, wildlife, and culture surro...2023Teodorescu, Alex StudentECU
Teratogenic potential of D-Lysergic acid diethylamide (delysid) in the albino rat2023Holson, Joseph Franklin.StudentECU
"Terrestrial consciousness"1976Koprowski, Alison BarbaraStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
Tess as the archetype of the earth goddess in Hardy's Tess of the D'Urbervilles1967Hostettler, Ernst StudentEnglish, UNCG
TEST2018Byrd, Brian FacultyEnvironmental Health, WCU
Test 2 - image2018Byrd, Brian FacultyEnvironmental Health, WCU
A test of Kohlberg's theory : the development of moral reasoning in deaf and hearing individ...1985Couch, Charles G.StudentPsychology, UNCG
A test of the opponent-process model as an explanation for cigarette smoking1986Murray, Anne LouiseStudentPsychology, UNCG
Test Submission2015Crimi, Nick StudentECU
Testing for Non-Response And Sample Selection Bias in Contingent Valuation: Analysis of a Co...1993Groothuis, Peter FacultyEconomics, ASU
Testing Language: Media Language Influence on Public Attitudes about River Management2003Cockerill, Kristan FacultyCultural, Gender, and Global Studies, ASU
Testing a Model of the Development of PTSD Following Childbirth Resulting in Admission to th...2023Sharp, Meghan StudentECU
Testing the null of stationarity in the presence of a structural break2001Strazicich, Mark FacultyEconomics, ASU
Testing of the Maximal Dynamic Output Hypothesis in Trained and Untrained Subjects2010Triplett, N. Travis FacultyHealth and Exercise Science, ASU
Testing of skid resistances of hard floor surfaces using various shoe heel materials1965Hodges, Marianne BerryStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Testing skid resistance of smooth surfaces using various sizes of rubber and leather shoe he...1963Tuten, Fern StudentHome Economics, UNCG
Testing a social-cognitive model of achievement motivation1996D'Agostino, Cynthia Anne FrascoStudentHuman Environmental Sciences, UNCG
Testosterone and Cortisol Levels in Crewmen of U.S. Air Force Fighter and Cargo Planes1985Leedy, M. Gail FacultySocial Work, ASU
The tests of general educational development as predictors of student performance in five pr...1989Banner, Doris VanceStudentEducation, UNCG
Tetrapod biostratigraphy and biochronology across the Triassic- Jurassic boundary in northea...2005Heckert, Andrew B. FacultyGeology, ASU
The tetrapod fauna of the Upper Triassic lower Chinle Group (Adamanian:latest Carnian), of t...1997Heckert, Andrew B. FacultyGeology, ASU
Tetrapod fauna of the Upper Triassic (Revueltian) Owl Rock Formation, Chinle Group, Arizona2007Heckert, Andrew B. FacultyGeology, ASU
Tetrapod Footprints from the Middle Triassic (Perovkan—Early Middle Anisian) Moenkopi Format...2003Heckert, Andrew B. FacultyGeology, ASU
Textile production in nineteenth century Orange, Alamance, and Durham counties, North Caroli...1986Wilson, Laurel E. JankeStudentHome Economics, UNCG
A Textual Edition of Donne's "The Cross" and the Implications of Establishing a Copy-text2023Lake, Danielle M.StudentECU
TGF-ß Signaling, Via Smad3, Mediates Notch Pathway-Induced Stemness and Epithelial to Mesenc...2023Clark, Alexander G.StudentECU
TGF-ß1-directed Smad3 stimulates proliferation and alters morphology of rat primary vascular...2023Francisco, Jake StudentECU
That Grand Canyon and other stories1967Reynolds, Lawrence JudsonStudentEnglish, UNCG
“That’s so Gay!” Examining the Covariates of Hearing this Expression among Gay, Lesbian, an...2012Howell, Michael FacultySocial Work, ASU
“That’s so Gay”: Heterosexual Male Undergraduates and the Perpetuation of Sexual Orientation...2013Howell, Michael FacultySocial Work, ASU
That's Mine! How to Cite, Modify, and Create OERs using Creative Commons2023Seibert, Heather StudentECU
That's Mine! How to Cite, Modify, and Create OERs using Creative Commons2023Reeves, Delores StudentECU
The orthogonal matrix and its applications1953Shugart, Sue HarrisStudentMathematics, UNCG
"Their Packaging Has Always Been Like a Power": A Qualitative Study of U.S. Smokers- Percept...2017Lee, Joseph G. L.,Averett,Paige E.,Blanchflower,Tiffany,Landi,StudentECU
“Their Packaging Has Always Been Like a Power”: A Qualitative Study of U.S. Smokers’ Percept...2023Lee, Joseph G. L.StudentECU
“Their Packaging Has Always Been Like a Power”: A Qualitative Study of U.S. Smokers’ Percept...2023Averett, Paige E.StudentECU
“Their Packaging Has Always Been Like a Power”: A Qualitative Study of U.S. Smokers’ Percept...2023Blanchflower, Tiffany StudentECU
“Their Packaging Has Always Been Like a Power”: A Qualitative Study of U.S. Smokers’ Percept...2023Landi, Nunzio StudentECU
“Their Packaging Has Always Been Like a Power”: A Qualitative Study of U.S. Smokers’ Percept...2023Gregory, Kyle R.StudentECU
Theme and various blues for jazz band and orchestra1976Thomas, Paul C.StudentMusic, UNCG
Theorems in Visual Art: Art and Math Teacher Collaboration toward Creative Leadership2023Song, Borim StudentECU
Theorems in Visual Art: Art and Math Teacher Collaboration toward Creative Leadership2023Choi, Jungmin StudentECU
A theoretical and empirical investigation of factor analytically-based matching criteria in ...1995Johnson, Robert LewisStudentEducation, UNCG
Theoretical aspects and modelling of cellular decision making, cell killing and information-...2013Gkigkitzis, Ioannis StudentECU
Theoretical aspects and modelling of cellular decision making, cell killing and information-...2013Gkigkitzis, Ioannis StudentECU
A theoretical model of professional/staff development from a liberation perspective1983Earls, Ruth FairfieldStudentEducation, UNCG
Theories of social reproduction and student resistance in Jamaica, West Indies1987Rhone, Angela EleanorStudentEducation, UNCG
Theorizing Religion and the Role of Philosophy2015Schilbrack, Kevin FacultyPhilosophy and Religion, ASU
Theory and experience of relationships from a phenomenological perspective1989Steele, Carolyn MarieStudentEducation, UNCG
Theory of computation and computing machines1974Carpenter, Cecil SeiglerStudentMathematics, UNCG
Therapeutic device to ameliorate stuttering1999Stuart, Andrew MichaelStudentECU
Therapeutic device to ameliorate stuttering1999Rastatter, Michael PierreStudentECU
Therapeutic device to ameliorate stuttering1999Kalinowski, Joseph StanleyStudentECU
The therapeutic effect of Rho kinase inhibitor Y-27632 on protection from chemotherapy-induc...2018Elliott, Zachary StudentECU
The therapeutic effects of five types of modeling on snake-phobic women1972Standahl, Jon RoyStudentPsychology, UNCG
The therapeutic potential of Rho GTPase intervention2014Friesland, Amy MichelleStudentECU
Therapeutic targeting of CK2 in acute and chronic leukemias2018Buontempo, F.,McCubrey,JA,Orsini,E,Ruzzene,M,Cappellini,A,Lon StudentECU
Therapeutic Targeting of mTOR in T-Cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia: An Update2018Evangelisti, Camilla,Chiarini,Francesca,McCubrey,James A.,Martelli,Alberto M.StudentECU
"There Never Was a Good War or a Bad Peace" : Benjamin Franklin's diplomacy and the 1783 Tre...2023Jenner, Daryl A.StudentECU
There’s No Place like Aztlán: The Quest for Queer Homeland through Re-visionism in Chicana ...2023Jones, Amanda MStudentECU
Thermodynamic and spectroscopic studies of Cd²? binding to the regulatory domain and full le...2023Fulcher, Lindsay MichelleStudentECU
Thermodynamic and Structural Characterization of Cd(II) binding to human cardiac troponin C:...2020Palmer, Caitlin StudentECU
Thermodynamic Investigation into the Binding Properties of Cardiac Troponin (Human and Bovin...2010Haulsee, Zachary StudentECU
Thermodynamic studies of Ca²? binding to human cardiac troponin C2023Skowronsky, Rachel AnnStudentECU
Thermodynamics of aqueous electrolytes : temperature dependence of the heats of mixing of an...1973Wilson, Ronald DeanStudentChemistry, UNCG
Thermoluminescence and optical absorption studies of highly pure KCl crystals1971Vaidya, Smita PralhadStudentPhysics, UNCG
Thermoluminescence studies of F centers in X-irradiated potassium chloride1969Flanagan, Susan StudentPhysics, UNCG
Thermoregulatory responses following hemorrhage in conscious rats2023Henderson, Ricky A.StudentECU
A thesis production of Cat on a hot tin roof by Tennessee Williams1976Thorp, James OdellStudentDrama and Speech, UNCG
A thesis production of Dark of the moon by Howard Richardson and William Berney1973Epperson, Sandra StudentDrama and Speech, UNCG
A thesis written to avoid writing about my own work1957Gray, Mary LeeStudentArt, UNCG
"They made me mean" : students in the margins speak out against unfair school practices1996Putnam-Whaley, Kathy J.StudentEducation, UNCG
"They Would Have a Law of Their Own" : The Discourse on Smuggling at the Old Bailey, 1736-18...2023Morrisette, Annie TockStudentECU
They’re Not “Abnormal” and We’re Not Making Them “Abnormal”: A Longitudinal Study2004Martz, Denise M. FacultyPsychology, ASU
The Things We Hear in the Nighttime & Other Stories2023Geer, Aaron M.StudentECU
The thinker outside the box2023Stiles, John FacultyMusic and Visual Arts, ECSU
Thinking about Product Attributes: Investigating the Role of Unconscious Valence Processing ...2009McElroy, Todd FacultyPsychology, ASU
Thinking on sidewalks1968Peters, Patricia ClaireStudentEnglish, UNCG
Third party instigation of aggression as a function of noncooperation and "veto power"1975Mander, Anthony MichaelStudentPsychology, UNCG
Thirty seven2020Ellerbe, Samayah StudentMusic and Visual Arts, ECSU
This article corrects: “Correlation of the NBME Advanced Clinical Examination in EM and th...2015Poznanski, Stacey StudentECU
This article corrects: “Correlation of the NBME Advanced Clinical Examination in EM and th...2015Morrissey, Thomas StudentECU
This article corrects: “Correlation of the NBME Advanced Clinical Examination in EM and th...2015Hiller, Katherine StudentECU
This article corrects: “Correlation of the NBME Advanced Clinical Examination in EM and th...2015Miller, Emily S.StudentECU
This article corrects: “Correlation of the NBME Advanced Clinical Examination in EM and th...2015Lawson, Luan StudentECU
This article corrects: “Correlation of the NBME Advanced Clinical Examination in EM and th...2015Wald, David StudentECU
This article corrects: “Correlation of the NBME Advanced Clinical Examination in EM and th...2015Beeson, Michael StudentECU
This article corrects: “Correlation of the NBME Advanced Clinical Examination in EM and th...2015House, Joseph StudentECU
This article corrects: “Correlation of the NBME Advanced Clinical Examination in EM and th...2015Heitz, Corey StudentECU
This I believe : the relationship between beliefs and learning about biological evolution2023Adams, Michael R.StudentECU
"This is no world in which to pity men" : a study of Thomas Heywood as a Jacobean social cri...1978Brittain, Mary GatesStudentEnglish, UNCG
This Still Present Moment: an Interview with Gary Snyder2023Feder, Helena StudentECU
Thomas Cromwell, the Defensor Pacis, and the creation of an Erastian church in England, 1530...2023Phillips, Marcia D.StudentECU
Though the Stars Walk Backwards2023Ausherman, Rieneke HStudentECU
Thought suppression in the context of the normative window model of prejudice2019Buie, Hannah StudentPsychology, WCU
Thoughtfully adaptive teaching in fourth-grade science instruction2011Allen, Melony HolyfieldStudentEducational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG
Three chapters from Hunting, a novel in progress1975Brownlee, Fambrough LamonteStudentEnglish, UNCG
Three Generations, One Future: A Systematic Analysis on Nicotine's Effect across generations...2023Taki, Faten AhmadStudentECU
Three inconsistencies in Hawthorne's unfinished romance : Septimius Felton1964Washburn, Ivie AnnStudentEnglish, UNCG
Three Initiatives for Community-Based Art Education Practices2023Lim, Maria StudentECU
Three Initiatives for Community-Based Art Education Practices2023Chang, Eunjung StudentECU
Three Initiatives for Community-Based Art Education Practices2023Song, Borim StudentECU
Three paintings1974Keesing, Madeleine SidleStudentArt, UNCG
Three spatial conditions1969Stanley, Mildred TaylorStudentArt, UNCG
Three stories1969Beaufort, Bowman StudentEnglish, UNCG
Three stories1968Chieffet, George LawrenceStudentEnglish, UNCG
Three stories1966Fields, Curtis MuseStudentEnglish, UNCG
Three stories1973McCandless, Catherine BrownStudentEnglish, UNCG
Three stories1951McLean, Joanne StudentEnglish, UNCG
Three techniques for teaching behavior principles to kindergarten children1974Corriher, Susan ElaineStudentPsychology, UNCG
Three Years into a Periodical Use Study2001Ellern, Gillian (Jill) D. FacultyHunter Library, WCU
Threshold drainage areas in coastal plain streams2023Gosweiler, James D.StudentECU
Thrown Voices: A Series of Dramatic Monologues, With a Discussion of the Genre2010Finch, Matthew StudentECU
Ths Self-Controlled Eyewitness: Memory Changes Through Emotional Suppression2016Ryan, Michael StudentPsychology - Student, ASU
TIGAR Deficiency Enhances Skeletal Muscle Thermogenesis by Increasing Neuromuscular Junction...2023Buddo, Katherine A.StudentECU
TIGAR Deficiency Enhances Skeletal Muscle Thermogenesis by Increasing Neuromuscular Junction...2023Boykov, Ilya N.StudentECU
TIGAR Deficiency Enhances Skeletal Muscle Thermogenesis by Increasing Neuromuscular Junction...2023Schmidt, Cameron A.StudentECU
TIGAR Deficiency Enhances Skeletal Muscle Thermogenesis by Increasing Neuromuscular Junction...2023Lin, Chien-Te StudentECU
TIGAR Deficiency Enhances Skeletal Muscle Thermogenesis by Increasing Neuromuscular Junction...2023Neufer, P. DarrellStudentECU
Tiger shark2023Stiles, John FacultyMusic and Visual Arts, ECSU
Tight junction claudin-7 protein modulates multiple processes of cancer progression in human...2023Kim, Do HyungStudentECU
Time allocation with concurrent asymmetrical responses1972Bauman, Richard AlexanderStudentPsychology, UNCG
Time course metabolome of Roux-en-Y gastric bypass confirms correlation between leptin, body...2018Seridi, Loqmane,Leo,Gregory C.,Dohm,G. Lynis,Pories,Walter J.,Lenhard,JamesStudentECU
Time Course of Altered Sensitivity to Inhibitory and Excitatory Agonist Responses in the Lon...2012Maguma, Hercules T.StudentECU
Time Course of Altered Sensitivity to Inhibitory and Excitatory Agonist Responses in the Lon...2012Barrett, Dane M.StudentECU
Time Course of Altered Sensitivity to Inhibitory and Excitatory Agonist Responses in the Lon...2012Taylor, David A.StudentECU
Time course of altered sensitivity to inhibitory and excitatory agonist responses in the lon...2012Barrett, Dane M,Maguma,Hercules Tarambirwa,Taylor,David AStudentECU
Time Course of Altered Sensitivity to Inhibitory and Excitatory Agonist Responses in the Lon...2012Barrett, Dane M.StudentECU
Time Course of Altered Sensitivity to Inhibitory and Excitatory Agonist Responses in the Lon...2012Maguma, Hercules T.StudentECU
Time Course of Altered Sensitivity to Inhibitory and Excitatory Agonist Responses in the Lon...2012Taylor, David A.StudentECU
Time in the novels of Eudora Welty1980Owens, Phillip LamarStudentEnglish, UNCG
Time on Camera: An Alternative Explanation of NASCAR Tournaments2011Groothuis, Peter FacultyEconomics, ASU
Time to Ovary-Act2023Lindsay, Brooke ReneeStudentECU
Time to Ovary-Act2023Rodriguez, Rebecca StudentECU
Time-sampling caretaker and infant behavior in the first five weeks of life1970Bloom, Kathleen StudentPsychology, UNCG
Time-series analysis of individual performances of older women on a serial gross motor task1982Johnson, Sandra K.StudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
Time-series analysis of intraindividual performances of a complex serial gross motor task1982Dix, Caryl L.StudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
Time-series tests of income convergence with two structural breaks: evidence from 29 countri...2010Dawson, John FacultyEconomics, ASU
Time-series tests of income convergence with two structural breaks: evidence from 29 countri...2010Strazicich, Mark FacultyEconomics, ASU
Timing and Persistence of Material Hardship Among Children in the United States2023Campbell, Colin StudentECU
Timing and Persistence of Material Hardship Among Children in the United States2023O’Brien, Grant StudentECU
Timing and Persistence of Material Hardship Among Children in the United States2023Tumin, Dmitry StudentECU
Timing synchronization in MIMO-OFDM systems2013Farhan, Farhan StudentEngineering and Technology, WCU
Timing, internal flow characteristics, and emplacement mechanisms of the intrusive sheet net...2023Thornton, Erik StudentECU
Tiny Conclusions2016Brooks, Markia StudentLiterature, UNCA
Tips for Profiling in a Network Environment1998Ellern, Gillian (Jill) D. FacultyHunter Library, WCU
Tips For Succeeding With Internet Courses2001Johanson, Linda FacultyNursing, ASU
Tips will help young athletes cope with the summer heat2023Romaine, Catherine StudentECU
Tips will help young athletes cope with the summer heat2023Kolasa, Kathryn MStudentECU
Tirso de Molina. Don Gil de las calzas verdes. [Review]2012Lopez Alemany, Ignacio FacultyLanguages, Literatures, and Cultures, UNCG
Tissue lockable connecting structures2006Harris, Glenn StudentECU
Tissue lockable connecting structures2006Yu, Chang StudentECU
Tissue stiffness at the human maternal–fetal interface2023Abbas, Yassen StudentECU
Tissue stiffness at the human maternal–fetal interface2023Carnicer-Lombarte, Alejandro StudentECU
Tissue stiffness at the human maternal–fetal interface2023Gardner, Lucy StudentECU
Tissue stiffness at the human maternal–fetal interface2023Thomas, Jake StudentECU
Tissue stiffness at the human maternal–fetal interface2023Brosens, Jan J.StudentECU
Tissue stiffness at the human maternal–fetal interface2023Moffett, Ashley StudentECU
Tissue stiffness at the human maternal–fetal interface2023Sharkey, Andrew M.StudentECU
Tissue stiffness at the human maternal–fetal interface2023Franze, Kristian StudentECU
Tissue stiffness at the human maternal–fetal interface2023Burton, Graham J.StudentECU
Tissue stiffness at the human maternal–fetal interface2023Oyen, Michelle L.StudentECU
Tissue-Specific Characterization of Mitochondrial Branched-Chain Keto Acid Oxidation Using a...2023McClung, Joseph M.StudentECU
Tissue-specific characterization of mitochondrial branchedchain keto acid oxidation using a ...2023Nguyen, Tiffany StudentECU
TLR-4 agonism induces CD25+ MHCIIhigh dendritic cells in association with tolerogenic antige...2023Bastian, Alexander GevelingerStudentECU
TLR5 participates in the TLR4 receptor complex and promotes MyD88- dependent signaling in en...2020Hussain, Salik,Johnson,Collin G,Sciurba,Joseph,Meng,Xianglin,Stober,Vandy P,Liu,StudentECU
TMEFF2 is an epigenetic modulator that promotes androgen independent growth in castration-re...2023Corbin, Joshua MosesStudentECU
TNM cancer staging: can it help develop a novel staging system for type 2 diabetes?2018Dar, Moahad S,Bég,Sami AStudentECU
To Do or Not to Do: Desirability and Consistency Mediate Judgments of Regret2001McElroy, Todd FacultyPsychology, ASU
To Dan Tompkins from Marvin [A. Gerald?]2018Riopko, Yustin StudentEnglish, WCU
To forge a thunderbolt : the Wilmington Campaign, February, 18652023Fonvielle, Chris E.StudentECU
To Love Me Too2023Johnson, Brianna StudentECU
To seem rather than to be : Rocky Mount city schools and race, 1954-19702023Joyner, Jennifer D.StudentECU
To Turn or Not to Turn: Exploring Nurses’ Decision-Making Processes Concerning Regular Turni...2023Kennerly, Susan M.StudentECU
To Turn or Not to Turn: Exploring Nurses’ Decision-Making Processes Concerning Regular Turni...2023Yap, Tracey L.StudentECU
To Turn or Not to Turn: Exploring Nurses’ Decision-Making Processes Concerning Regular Turni...2023Alderden, Jenny StudentECU
To Turn or Not to Turn: Exploring Nurses’ Decision-Making Processes Concerning Regular Turni...2023Horn, Susan D.StudentECU
To Turn or Not to Turn: Exploring Nurses’ Decision-Making Processes Concerning Regular Turni...2023Rowe, Meredeth StudentECU
To Turn or Not to Turn: Exploring Nurses’ Decision-Making Processes Concerning Regular Turni...2023Sabol, Valerie K.StudentECU
"To Understand Me, You'll Have to Swallow a World:" Understanding Rhetorical Confusion in Tr...2023Kliman, Jaclyn StudentECU
The Tobacco Growers' Cooperative Association : efforts of cooperative marketing by Pitt Coun...2023Whitehurst, Angela P.StudentECU
Tobacco marketing warehouses and their location in the urban landscape of the eastern flue-c...2023Austin, T. E.StudentECU
Tobacco Use and Sexual Orientation in a National Cross-sectional Study: Age, Race, and Sexua...2023Lee, Joseph G. L.StudentECU
Tobacco-Free Policies and Tobacco Cessation Systems at Health Centers Serving Lesbian, Gay, ...2023Lee, Joseph G. L.StudentECU
Toddler behavior patterns as related to mother anxiety levels1969Rollinson, Phyllis WaringStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Tolstoy and the dragon1961Abramson, Jane StudentEnglish, UNCG
Tomol's and the "carrying of many people": Indigenous control of the sea in the Santa Barbar...2023Hough, Trevor HarrisonStudentECU
"The Tonic of Wildness" : Thoreau's Critique of Industrial Capitalism2023McMillan, Bryan ToddStudentECU
Tony hawk del mar2023Stiles, John FacultyMusic and Visual Arts, ECSU
Tools and Strategies for Circulation Profiling2013Ellern, Gillian (Jill) D. FacultyHunter Library, WCU
Tools for Risk and Emergency Communication (Panel)2023Sprayberry, Mike StudentECU
Tools for Risk and Emergency Communication (Panel)2023Mitchelson, Ron StudentECU
Tools for Risk and Emergency Communication (Panel)2023Kruse, Jamie StudentECU
Tools for Risk and Emergency Communication (Panel)2023Kain, Donna StudentECU
Tools for Risk and Emergency Communication (Panel)2023Hawley, Steve StudentECU
Tools for Risk and Emergency Communication (Panel)2023Putnam, Gloria StudentECU
Tools for Risk and Emergency Communication (Panel)2023Allen, Thomas RichardStudentECU
Tools of Mass Consumption2023Klacza, Mary E.StudentECU
Tooth enamel microstructure of Revueltosaurus and Krzyzanowskisaurus (Reptilia: Archosauria)...2013Heckert, Andrew B. FacultyGeology, ASU
Top 1 in 10,000: A 10-Year Follow-Up of the Profoundly Gifted2001Webb, Rose Mary FacultyPsychology, ASU
Top-down pulses reduce prey population sizes and persistence2018Hamman, Elizabeth A.,McCoy,Michael W.StudentECU
Tophus burden reduction with pegloticase: Results from phase 3 randomized trials and open-la...2013Baraf, Herbert SB,Becker,Michael A,Gutierrez-Urena,Sergio R,TreadStudentECU
Tophus burden reduction with pegloticase: results from phase 3 randomized trials and open-la...2013Vazquez-Mellado, Janitzia StudentECU
Tophus burden reduction with pegloticase: results from phase 3 randomized trials and open-la...2013Yood, Robert AStudentECU
Tophus burden reduction with pegloticase: results from phase 3 randomized trials and open-la...2013Sundy, John SStudentECU
Tophus burden reduction with pegloticase: results from phase 3 randomized trials and open-la...2013Ottery, Faith DStudentECU
Tophus burden reduction with pegloticase: results from phase 3 randomized trials and open-la...2013Baraf, Herbert SBStudentECU
Tophus burden reduction with pegloticase: results from phase 3 randomized trials and open-la...2013Becker, Michael AStudentECU
Tophus burden reduction with pegloticase: results from phase 3 randomized trials and open-la...2013Gutierrez-Urena, Sergio RStudentECU
Tophus burden reduction with pegloticase: results from phase 3 randomized trials and open-la...2013Treadwell, Edward LStudentECU
Tophus burden reduction with pegloticase: results from phase 3 randomized trials and open-la...2013Rehrig, Claudia DStudentECU
Topographical distribution of visually evoked cortical potentials in relation to locus of re...1971Atkins, Pamlyn DawnStudentPsychology, UNCG
Topological properties related to the upper bound topology1972Rapp, Linda GentryStudentMathematics, UNCG
Topology of the voltage-gated potassium channel, Kv3.1, revealed by N-glycosylation tagging2023Brooks, Natasha L.StudentECU
Topology of the voltage-gated potassium channel, Kv3.1, revealed by N-glycosylation tagging2023Brooks, Natasha L.StudentECU
Topotypes of Typothorax coccinarum, a Late Triassic aetosaur from the American Southwest. 2007Heckert, Andrew B. FacultyGeology, ASU
Total community metabolism modification of an aquatic ecosystem by 2, 4-D application2023Hall, Anthony B.StudentECU
A total visual design of Samuel Beckett's Waiting for Godot1972Sydow, Ronald LarryStudentDrama and Speech, UNCG
Tourism development in the largest remaining Carib community :a gender perspective2023Langholm, Elin. StudentECU
Tourism, Pilgrimage, and Development in Bodhgaya, Bihar, India2023Searcy, Sarah StudentECU
Toward an African-American critical pedagogy for liberation1992Kamara, Mohammed BrimaStudentEducation, UNCG
Toward a Cost-Effectiveness Assessment of State Ethics Commissions2007Bradbury, Mark FacultyGovernment and Justice Studies, ASU
Toward the development of a construct of faculty scholarship1989Sundre, Donna L.StudentEducation, UNCG
Toward the development of a programmatic language for social studies curriculum and instruct...1974Simon, Lawrence HowardStudentEducation, UNCG
Toward an education for crossing cultures : a study of emotional issues related to the cross...1987Grinnell, John RobertsStudentEducation, UNCG
Toward a feminist pedagogy : relationships, experience, and liberation1987Fortune, Janet CummingsStudentEducation, UNCG
Toward increasing leadership capacity in nurses: an exploration of the state and future per...2023Miles, Jane StudentECU
Toward Metaliteracy and Transliteracy in the History Classroom: A Case Study Among Underserv...2023Cobourn, Alston StudentECU
Toward Metaliteracy and Transliteracy in the History Classroom: A Case Study Among Underserv...2023Brown, Jen CorrinneStudentECU
Toward Metaliteracy and Transliteracy in the History Classroom: A Case Study Among Underserv...2023Warga, Edward StudentECU
Toward Metaliteracy and Transliteracy in the History Classroom: A Case Study Among Underserv...2023Louis, Lisa StudentECU
Toward a triadic theory of Walker Percy : a semiotic reading of the novels1992McDonald, Harold LawsonStudentEnglish, UNCG
Toward workmen's compensation in North Carolina, 1913-19291969Tickle, Terrence StephenStudentHistory and Political Science, UNCG
Towards Complete and Error-Free Genome Assemblies of all Vertebrate Species2023Balakrishnan, Christopher N.StudentECU
Towards measuring resilience of flood-prone communities: a conceptual framework2019Oladokun, Victor O.,Montz,Burrell E.StudentECU
Towards a Method for the Analysis of Experimental Music2023Pfalz, Andrew StudentECU
Towards a Multi-Scale Computer Modeling Workflow for Simulation of Pulmonary Ventilation in ...2023Middleton, Shea StudentECU
Towards a Multi-Scale Computer Modeling Workflow for Simulation of Pulmonary Ventilation in ...2023Dimbath, Elizabeth StudentECU
Towards a Multi-Scale Computer Modeling Workflow for Simulation of Pulmonary Ventilation in ...2023Pant, Anup StudentECU
Towards a Multi-Scale Computer Modeling Workflow for Simulation of Pulmonary Ventilation in ...2023George, Stephanie M.StudentECU
Towards a Multi-Scale Computer Modeling Workflow for Simulation of Pulmonary Ventilation in ...2023Vahdati, Ali StudentECU
Towards a Multi-Scale Computer Modeling Workflow for Simulation of Pulmonary Ventilation in ...2023Peach, M. SeanStudentECU
Towards a Multi-Scale Computer Modeling Workflow for Simulation of Pulmonary Ventilation in ...2023Yang, Kaida StudentECU
Towards a Multi-Scale Computer Modeling Workflow for Simulation of Pulmonary Ventilation in ...2023Ju, Andrew W.StudentECU
Towards a Multi-Scale Computer Modeling Workflow for Simulation of Pulmonary Ventilation in ...2023Maddipati, Veeranna StudentECU
Towards a New History: Iredell County, North Carolina2010Hager, Jamie LeanneStudentHistory - Student, ASU
Towards Redressing Inaccurate, Offensive and Inappropriate Common Bird Names2023Driver, Robert J.StudentECU
Towards Redressing Inaccurate, Offensive and Inappropriate Common Bird Names2023Bond, Alexander L.StudentECU
Toxic Metal Interactions with Human Cardiac Troponin C and Cysteine Replacement Mutants: Inv...2023Fyle, Amanda StudentECU
Toxicant Exposure During Pregnancy Increases Protective Proteins in the Dam and a Sexually D...2023Rister, Alana L.StudentECU
Toxicant Exposure During Pregnancy Increases Protective Proteins in the Dam and a Sexually D...2023Amat, Ciro M.StudentECU
Toxicant Exposure During Pregnancy Increases Protective Proteins in the Dam and a Sexually D...2023McCoy, Michael W.StudentECU
Toxicant Exposure During Pregnancy Increases Protective Proteins in the Dam and a Sexually D...2023Bereman, Michael StudentECU
Toxicant Exposure During Pregnancy Increases Protective Proteins in the Dam and a Sexually D...2023McCoy, Krista A.StudentECU
Toxicant Exposure During Pregnancy Increases Protective Proteins in the Dam and a Sexually D...2023Nash, Tara StudentECU
TP53/miR-34a-Associated Signaling Targets SERPINE1 Expression in Human Pancreatic Cancer2023McCubrey, James A.StudentECU
Trace element and stable isotopic trends associated with diagenesis of selected benthic fora...2023Jones, William E.StudentECU
Traceability in the Canadian Red Meat Sector: Do Consumers Care?2005Dickinson, David L. FacultyEconomics, ASU
Tracing change and its effects on students and staff : a longitudinal case study at one elem...1994Harper, Dorothy GwynStudentEducation, UNCG
TRACIT: Comparison of Dietary Self-Monitoring Adherence Using Targeted Vs. Traditional Monit...2016Solar, Chelsey StudentECU
Tracking Exceptional Human Capital Over Two Decades2006Webb, Rose Mary FacultyPsychology, ASU
Trade fairs and their influence on textiles in Central Europe 10th through 15th centuries1962Furches, Mildred M.StudentHome Economics, UNCG
Trade guilds that influenced the textile industry of western Europe, 12th through 14th centu...1964Kendall, Carol ElizabethStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Trade Secrets: A Historical, Archaeological, and Archaeometric Study of Greek Colonization i...2023Schilling, William J.,IVStudentECU
Traditional Values…Changing Times…2009Jennings, Susan L. FacultyUniversity Libraries, ASU
Traditional vs Multisensory: Assessing the Impact of Writing Tools on Letter Formation Maste...2023Williams, Lindsey StudentECU
Tragedy in Malory's Morte d'Arthur1968Engleman, Roberta StudentEnglish, UNCG
Training and Endothelial Function In Upper and Lower Limbs2023Bires, Anna KateStudentECU
Training and equipment of the high school teacher of English in the state of North Carolina1929Curtis, Fern JoannaStudentEducation, UNCG
A Training Curriculum for Professional Psychologists in Primary Care2002Hargrove, David FacultyPsychology, ASU
Training Effects on Recovering Parents' Self-Efficacy to Identify Problems, Solutions and Re...2023Schatz, Mary ThereseStudentECU
Training letter discrimination in preschool children by manipulation of the confusability of...1976Ortman, Deborah EllenStudentPsychology, UNCG
Trait Aggression and Violent Video Games2023Ruffin, Tanner BryanStudentECU
Trajectories of Unsecured Debt and Health at Midlife2023Tumin, Dmitry StudentECU
Trajectories of Unsecured Debt and Health at Midlife2023Frech, Adrianne StudentECU
Trajectories of Unsecured Debt and Health at Midlife2023Houle, Jason StudentECU
Trans Adults Amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic: Quality of Life, Pandemic Impact, and Vaccine Pre...2023Harner, Vern StudentECU
Trans Adults Amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic: Quality of Life, Pandemic Impact, and Vaccine Pre...2023Munion, Ascher K.StudentECU
Trans Adults Amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic: Quality of Life, Pandemic Impact, and Vaccine Pre...2023Shelton, Jama StudentECU
Trans Adults Amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic: Quality of Life, Pandemic Impact, and Vaccine Pre...2023Munion, Ascher K.StudentECU
Trans Adults Amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic: Quality of Life, Pandemic Impact, and Vaccine Pre...2023Harner, Vern StudentECU
Trans Adults Amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic: Quality of Life, Pandemic Impact, and Vaccine Pre...2023Shelton, Jama StudentECU
Trans-Amazon Drilling Project (TADP): origins and evolution of the forests, climate, and hyd...2015Baker, P.A.,Fritz,S. C.,Silva,C. G.,Rigsby,C. A.,Absy,M. L.,Almeida,R. StudentECU
Transaminase and glutamate dehydrogenase activity in Rangia cuneata2023Crumpler, Earl Hampton.StudentECU
Transannular effects in cage compounds : the alcohol-ketal exchange reaction of 3-methoxy-4-...1974Smith, William FrancisStudentChemistry, UNCG
A transcendental geometry1976Cooke, Althea Carol P.StudentArt, UNCG
Transcript to UN Women in Kenya2022Schull, Morgan StudentPsychology, WCU
Transcriptional Analysis of the Bacteroides fragilis Starch Utilization Operon, osuA2023Brock, Megan ElizabethStudentECU
Transcriptional regulation of 'pqsR', a gene that encodes a regulator of quinolone signal sy...2023Farrow, John M. IIIStudentECU
The Transcriptional Regulator Np20 Is the Zinc Uptake Regulator in2013Parrish, Whitney StudentECU
The Transcriptional Regulator Np20 Is the Zinc Uptake Regulator in2013Ellison, Matthew L.StudentECU
The Transcriptional Regulator Np20 Is the Zinc Uptake Regulator in2013Farrow, John MatthewStudentECU
The Transcriptional Regulator Np20 Is the Zinc Uptake Regulator in2013Danell, Allison S.StudentECU
The Transcriptional Regulator Np20 Is the Zinc Uptake Regulator in2013Pesci, Everett C.StudentECU
The Transcriptional Regulator Np20 Is the Zinc Uptake Regulator in Pseudomonas aeruginosa2013Ellison, Matthew L.,Farrow,John Matthew IIII,Parrish,Whitney,DanellStudentECU
Transcriptional response to West Nile virus infection in the zebra finch (Taeniopygia guttat...2017Newhouse, Daniel J.,Hofmeister,Erik K.,Balakrishnan,Christopher N.StudentECU
Transcriptome Analysis Provides Insights into Grain Filling in Foxtail Millet (Setaria itali...2023Zhang, Baohong StudentECU
Transcriptome sequencing of Crucihimalaya himalaica (Brassicaceae) reveals how Arabidopsis c...2016Qiao, Qin,Wang,Qia,Han,Xi,Guan,Yanlong,Sun,Hang,Zhong,Ya StudentECU
Transcriptome sequencing of Crucihimalaya himalaica (Brassicaceae) reveals how Arabidopsis c...2016Huang, Jinling StudentECU
Transcriptome sequencing of Crucihimalaya himalaica (Brassicaceae) reveals how Arabidopsis c...2016Qiao, Qin StudentECU
Transcriptome sequencing of Crucihimalaya himalaica (Brassicaceae) reveals how Arabidopsis c...2016Wang, Qia StudentECU
Transcriptome sequencing of Crucihimalaya himalaica (Brassicaceae) reveals how Arabidopsis c...2016Han, Xi StudentECU
Transcriptome sequencing of Crucihimalaya himalaica (Brassicaceae) reveals how Arabidopsis c...2016Guan, Yanlong StudentECU
Transcriptome sequencing of Crucihimalaya himalaica (Brassicaceae) reveals how Arabidopsis c...2016Sun, Hang StudentECU
Transcriptome sequencing of Crucihimalaya himalaica (Brassicaceae) reveals how Arabidopsis c...2016Zhong, Yang StudentECU
Transcriptome sequencing of Crucihimalaya himalaica (Brassicaceae) reveals how Arabidopsis c...2016Zhang, Ticao StudentECU
Transcriptomic Analysis Reveals the Significant Effects of Fertilization on the Biosynthesis...2023Zhang, Baohong StudentECU
Transcriptomic Analysis Reveals the Significant Effects of Fertilization on the Biosynthesis...2023Liu, Li StudentECU
Transcriptomic Signatures for Ovulation in Vertebrates2023Brewer, Michael S.StudentECU
Transfection and Activation of CofActor, a Light and Stress Gated Optogenetic Tool, in Prima...2023Bunner, Wyatt P.StudentECU
Transfection and Activation of CofActor, a Light and Stress Gated Optogenetic Tool, in Prima...2023Dodson, Rachel StudentECU
Transfection and Activation of CofActor, a Light and Stress Gated Optogenetic Tool, in Prima...2023Szatmari, Erzsebet M.StudentECU
Transfection and Activation of CofActor, a Light and Stress Gated Optogenetic Tool, in Prima...2023Hughes, Robert M.StudentECU
Transfection of interleukin-3 (IL-3) dependent cells with a rearranged IL-3 gene is sufficie...2023Arana, Guillermo Fernando.StudentECU
Transfection of interleukin-3 (IL-3) dependent cells with a rearranged IL-3 gene is sufficie...2023Arana, Guillermo Fernando.StudentECU
TRANSFORM (Multicenter Experience With Rapid Deployment Edwards INTUITY Valve System for Aor...2017Barnhart, Glenn R.,Accola,Kevin D.,Grossi,Eugene A.,Woo,Y. Joseph,StudentECU
Transformation Of Arabidopsis Thaliana For Tandem Affinity Purification Of Chloroplast Prote...2016Rzasa, Rebecca StudentBiology - Student, ASU
The Transformation of the South as Presented in the Literature of Southern African American ...2023Saunders, Hannah StudentECU
Transformational Parenting and Coaching on Mental Toughness and Physical Performance in Adol...2023Habeeb, Christine M.StudentECU
Transformational Parenting and Coaching on Mental Toughness and Physical Performance in Adol...2023Arthur, Calum A.StudentECU
Transformational Parenting and Coaching on Mental Toughness and Physical Performance in Adol...2023Murray, Ross M.StudentECU
Transformational Parenting and Coaching on Mental Toughness and Physical Performance in Adol...2023Dugdale, James H.StudentECU
Transformative Psychometric Research Trioengineering Modeling: Triangulating Digital Instrum...2020Osler, James FacultySchool of Education , NCCU
The transforming classroom : pedagogy for today and the future1996Young, Phillip FranklinStudentEnglish, UNCG
Transforming Pedagogies: Integrating 21st Century Skills And Web 2.0 Technology2014Tucker, Shelia Y.StudentECU
Transgender Focused Clothing Drive2023Mansfield, Blake DStudentECU
Transient expression of the rabies glycoprotein in soybean2021Williams, Grayson StudentBiology, WCU
The transition from wood to iron in Great Lakes bulk carriers : an historical and archaeolog...2023Hoyt, Joseph ClaytonStudentECU
Transition to college : necessary issues and considerations for students with learning disab...2023Palumbo, Jennifer L.StudentECU
Transition-metal catalyzed rearrangements in cyclobutene systems1975Cann, Kevin StudentChemistry, UNCG
Translating the call to teach into instructional practice and the mentoring of student teach...1996Oglesby, Penny E.StudentEducation, UNCG
Transluminal Minimally Invasive Management of Esophageal Gunshot Wound: The Houdini and Frie...2023Rogers, Austin StudentECU
Transluminal Minimally Invasive Management of Esophageal Gunshot Wound: The Houdini and Frie...2023Allman, Rob StudentECU
Transluminal Minimally Invasive Management of Esophageal Gunshot Wound: The Houdini and Frie...2023Brea, Fernando StudentECU
Transluminal Minimally Invasive Management of Esophageal Gunshot Wound: The Houdini and Frie...2023Oliver, Aundrea StudentECU
Transluminal Minimally Invasive Management of Esophageal Gunshot Wound: The Houdini and Frie...2023Speicher, James StudentECU
Transluminal Minimally Invasive Management of Esophageal Gunshot Wound: The Houdini and Frie...2023Iannettoni, Mark StudentECU
Transluminal Minimally Invasive Management of Esophageal Gunshot Wound: The Houdini and Frie...2023Anciano, Carlos StudentECU
Transluminal Minimally Invasive Management of Esophageal Gunshot Wound: The Houdini and Frie...2023Yamaguch, Dean StudentECU
A Transnational Research Collaboration: A Social Network Analysis and Perspectives on Our Co...2023Ko, Bomna StudentECU
A Transnational Research Collaboration: A Social Network Analysis and Perspectives on Our Co...2023Ward, Phillip StudentECU
A Transnational Research Collaboration: A Social Network Analysis and Perspectives on Our Co...2023Devrilmez, Erhan StudentECU
A Transnational Research Collaboration: A Social Network Analysis and Perspectives on Our Co...2023Ayvazo, Shiri StudentECU
A Transnational Research Collaboration: A Social Network Analysis and Perspectives on Our Co...2023Dervent, Fatih StudentECU
A Transnational Research Collaboration: A Social Network Analysis and Perspectives on Our Co...2023He, Yaohui StudentECU
A Transnational Research Collaboration: A Social Network Analysis and Perspectives on Our Co...2023Iserbyt, Peter StudentECU
A Transnational Research Collaboration: A Social Network Analysis and Perspectives on Our Co...2023Ince, Levent StudentECU
A Transnational Research Collaboration: A Social Network Analysis and Perspectives on Our Co...2023Kim, Insook StudentECU
A Transnational Research Collaboration: A Social Network Analysis and Perspectives on Our Co...2023Li, Weidong StudentECU
A Transnational Research Collaboration: A Social Network Analysis and Perspectives on Our Co...2023Tsuda, Emi StudentECU
Transplant Coordinators' Perceived Impact of Availability of Multiple Generic Immunosuppress...2013Bruno, A. S.StudentECU
Transplant Coordinators' Perceived Impact of Availability of Multiple Generic Immunosuppress...2013Parker, K. StudentECU
Transplant Coordinators' Perceived Impact of Availability of Multiple Generic Immunosuppress...2013Wiland, A. M.StudentECU
Transplant Coordinators' Perceived Impact of Availability of Multiple Generic Immunosuppress...2013Zagadailov, E. A.StudentECU
The Transport Amphoras from a Fifth Century Shipwreck Found off the Island of Alonnesos, Nor...2023Mantzouka, Eleftheria StudentECU
Transport of Anthocyanins and other Flavonoids by the Arabidopsis ATP-Binding Cassette Trans...2019Behrens, Claire E.,Smith,Kaila E.,Iancu,Cristina V.,Choe,Jun-yong,StudentECU
Transport of terrestrially derived nutrients along the Western Antarctic Peninsula, Anvers I...2023Crenshaw, Jared StudentECU
Transportation Aspects of Smart Growth in the Research Triangle Region (NC) : Current Condit...2023VanderJeugdt, Brian StudentECU
The transposition of literary and rhetorical constructs to dance theory and choreography1974Phillips, Daniel AlvordStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
Transsaccadic Representation of Layout: What Is the Time Course of Boundary Extension?2008Dickinson, Chris FacultyPsychology, ASU
Transthyretin Aggregation Pathway toward the Formation of Distinct Cytotoxic Oligomers2019Dasari, Anvesh K. R.,Hughes,Robert M.,Wi,Sungsool,Hung,Ivan,Gan,ZStudentECU
Transthyretin Amyloidosis: Proteolytic cleavage accelerates G53A TTR misfolding and aggregat...2020Arreola, Jenette StudentECU
Transvaginal evisceration progressing to peritonitis in the emergency department: a case rep...2011Patterson, Leigh StudentECU
Transvaginal evisceration progressing to peritonitis in the emergency department: a case rep...2011Carter, Kelly StudentECU
Transvaginal evisceration progressing to peritonitis in the emergency department: a case rep...2011Lawson, Luan StudentECU
Trapped in Statelessness: Rohingya Refugees in Bangladesh2017Milton, Abul Hasnat,Rahman,Mijanur,Hussain,Sumaira,Jindal,CharuStudentECU
Trauma, Coping, & the Couple Relationship : An Investigation of Pregnant Couples' Biopsychos...2023Wilson, Grace AnnStudentECU
Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Applied To Childhood Traumatic Grief In The Afte...2014Stevens, Anne E.FacultyPsychology - Student, ASU
Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Applied To Childhood Traumatic Grief In The Afte...2014Michael, Kurt D.FacultyPsychology, ASU
Trauma Affecting Asian-Pacific Islanders in the San Francisco Bay Area2017Bith-Melander, Pollie,Chowdhury,Nagia,Jindal,Charulata,Efird,Jimm T.StudentECU
Trauma Written in Plywood and Flesh: Hurricane Graffiti, Post-Katrina Tattoos, and the Value...2023Alderman, Derek H.StudentECU
Trauma Written in Plywood and Flesh: Hurricane Graffiti, Post-Katrina Tattoos, and the Value...2023Ward, Heather StudentECU
Trauma Written in Plywood and Flesh: Hurricane Graffiti, Post-Katrina Tattoos, and the Value...2023Gentry, Glenn StudentECU
Trawlers to the rescue: the role of "Minor War Vessels" in Securing the Eastern Sea Frontie...2023Cartellone, Chris StudentECU
Treasure Island Security framework : A Generic Security Framework for public clouds2023Shahbazi, Ali StudentECU
Treating problem solving deficits in traumatic brain injury2023Kelkar, Amit S.StudentECU
Treatment Adherence In Pediatric Sickle Cell Disease : Examining Medication Adherence, Appoi...2023Alston, Kristen JanayStudentECU
The treatment of the middle class in the city comedies of Thomas Middleton1960Upchurch, Mary MooreStudentEnglish, UNCG
The treatment of olfactory sensations in the works of (Sidonie Gabrielle) Colette1956Lewis, Ellen StudentRomance Languages, UNCG
The treatment validity of classifying obese clients on a cognitive measure1986Willis, Susan ElizabethStudentPsychology, UNCG
Treatment validity of the dexamethasone suppression test1986McKnight, Dennis L.StudentPsychology, UNCG
The treatment validity of identifying and treating depression and behavior change symptom cl...1985Leonard, Susan RuthStudentPsychology, UNCG
The Tree to Success: Using Decision Tree Analysis to Predict Employee Performance and Health...2023Raines, Justin M.StudentECU
Trees as supplementary material in the elementary school curriculum in art, science, and res...1950Coble, Belle ElliottStudentEducation, UNCG
Trees Outside Forests are an Underestimated Resource in a Country with Low Forest Cover2023Lagomasino, David StudentECU
Trees Outside Forests are an Underestimated Resource in a Country with Low Forest Cover2023Thomas, Nathan StudentECU
Trees Outside Forests are an Underestimated Resource in a Country with Low Forest Cover2023Baltezar, Priscilla StudentECU
Trees Outside Forests are an Underestimated Resource in a Country with Low Forest Cover2023Stovall, Atticus StudentECU
Trees Outside Forests are an Underestimated Resource in a Country with Low Forest Cover2023Iqbal, Zaheer StudentECU
Trees Outside Forests are an Underestimated Resource in a Country with Low Forest Cover2023Fatoyinbo, Temilola StudentECU
Trematode Parasites have Minimal Effect on the Behavior of Invasive Green Crabs2023Blakeslee, April StudentECU
Trematode Parasites have Minimal Effect on the Behavior of Invasive Green Crabs2023Ro, Hyejoo StudentECU
Trematode Parasites have Minimal Effect on the Behavior of Invasive Green Crabs2023Fowler, Amy E.StudentECU
Trematode Parasites have Minimal Effect on the Behavior of Invasive Green Crabs2023Wood, Chelsea L.StudentECU
Trend breaks and non-stationarity in the Yugoslav black market for dollars, 1974–19872007Dawson, John FacultyEconomics, ASU
Trend breaks and non-stationarity in the Yugoslav black market for dollars, 1974–19872007Strazicich, Mark FacultyEconomics, ASU
Trends and Costs Associated With Suboptimal Physical Activity Among US Women With Cardiovasc...2019Okunrintemi, Victor,Benson,Eve-Marie A.,Tibuakuu,Martin,Zhao,Di,Ogunmoroti,Oluseye,ValeStudentECU
Trends and Racial/Ethnic Disparities in Diabetic Retinopathy Among Adults with Diagnosed Dia...2023Luo, Huabin StudentECU
Trends and Racial/Ethnic Disparities in Diabetic Retinopathy Among Adults with Diagnosed Dia...2023Bell, Ronny A.StudentECU
Trends and Racial/Ethnic Disparities in Diabetic Retinopathy Among Adults with Diagnosed Dia...2023Cummings, Doyle M.StudentECU
Trends and Racial/Ethnic Disparities in Diabetic Retinopathy Among Adults with Diagnosed Dia...2023Patil, Shivajirao P.StudentECU
Trends and Racial/Ethnic Disparities in Diabetic Retinopathy Among Adults with Diagnosed Dia...2023Jones, Katherine StudentECU
Trends in Dengue Cases Imported into the United States from Pan America 2001–20122023Dodewaard, Caitlin A.M. vanStudentECU
Trends in Dengue Cases Imported into the United States from Pan America 2001–20122023Richards, Stephanie L.StudentECU
Trends in Illegal Wildlife Trade: Analyzing Personal Baggage Seizure Data in the Pacific Nor...2023Blakeslee, April StudentECU
Trends in illegal wildlife trade: Analyzing personal baggage seizure data in the Pacific Nor...2023Hitchens, R. T.StudentECU
Trends in illegal wildlife trade: Analyzing personal baggage seizure data in the Pacific Nor...2023Blakeslee, April StudentECU
Trends in mid-latitude cyclone frequency and occurrence during fire season in the Northern R...2007Soule', Peter T. FacultyGeography and Planning, ASU
Trends in online support seeking behavior among college students pre- and post COVID-19 pand...2024Bossing, Nathan StudentPsychology, WCU
Trends of Children Being Given Advice for Dental Checkups and Having a Dental Visit in the U...2023Luo, Huabin StudentECU
Tri-level trophic interactions in a North Carolina seagrass bed2023Gloeckner, David R.StudentECU
A Tri-Modality Image Fusion Method for Target Delineation of Brain Tumors in Radiotherapy2014Shen, Shuming StudentECU
A Tri-Modality Image Fusion Method for Target Delineation of Brain Tumors in Radiotherapy2014Feng, Yuanming StudentECU
A Tri-Modality Image Fusion Method for Target Delineation of Brain Tumors in Radiotherapy2014Guo, Lu StudentECU
A Tri-Modality Image Fusion Method for Target Delineation of Brain Tumors in Radiotherapy2014Harris, Eleanor StudentECU
A Tri-Modality Image Fusion Method for Target Delineation of Brain Tumors in Radiotherapy2014Wang, Zheng StudentECU
A Tri-Modality Image Fusion Method for Target Delineation of Brain Tumors in Radiotherapy2014Jiang, Wei StudentECU
A Tri-Modality Image Fusion Method for Target Delineation of Brain Tumors in Radiotherapy2014Guo, Yu StudentECU
The tri-sigma test: The triple-sigma trichotomous summation triostatistic for the viability,...2018Osler, James FacultySchool of Education , NCCU
A Tri–Squared Analysis to Establish the Need for a Statistical Framework for K–20 Faculty as...2013Osler, James FacultySchool of Education , NCCU
Trial by Fire: On the Terminology and Methods Used in Pyrogenic Organic Carbon Research2017Zimmerman, Andrew R.,Mitra,SiddharthaStudentECU
Triassic Dinosaurs in New Mexico2000Heckert, Andrew B. FacultyGeology, ASU
Triassic strata at Carrizo Arroyo, Lucero uplift, Central New Mexico2004Heckert, Andrew B. FacultyGeology, ASU
Triassic Stratigraphy Around the Sandia Uplift, Central New Mexico1995Heckert, Andrew B. FacultyGeology, ASU
Triassic Stratigraphy in the Lucero Uplift, Cibola, Valencia and Socorro Counties, New Mexic...1994Heckert, Andrew B. FacultyGeology, ASU
Triassic Stratigraphy in the Zuni Mountains, West-Central New Mexico2003Heckert, Andrew B. FacultyGeology, ASU
Triassic Stratigraphy, Biostratigraphy and Correlation in East-Central New Mexico2001Heckert, Andrew B. FacultyGeology, ASU
Triassic vertebrate fossils in Arizona2005Heckert, Andrew B. FacultyGeology, ASU
Tribulation Enshrined2023Younge, Erin E.StudentECU
Tributes To Richard Thompson2016Fischer, Craig FacultyEnglish, ASU
Trichomonas vaginalis-an amoeboid-adherent variant2023Tysor, Joanna Simons.StudentECU
Triclosan: An Update on Biochemical and Molecular Mechanisms2019Alfhili, Mohammad A.,Lee,Myon-HeeStudentECU
Triclosan Disrupts SKN-1/Nrf2- Mediated Oxidative Stress Response in C. elegans and Human Me...2017Yoon, Dong Suk,Choi,Yoorim,Cha,Dong Seok,Zhang,Peng,Choi,SeonStudentECU
Triclosan Disrupts SKN-1/Nrf2-Mediated Oxidative Stress Response in C. elegans and Human Mes...2023Lee, Myon HeeStudentECU
The trifactor model of leadership in secondary schools : organizational harmony as a functio...2023Weston, Rodman J.StudentECU
"Trigger events" for depressed affect in sociotropic vs. autonomous individuals : a test of ...1994Johnson, Diane E.StudentPsychology, UNCG
Trilophosaurus (Archosauromorpha: Trilophosauridae) Postcrania From The Upper Triassic Blue ...2013Heckert, Andrew B. FacultyGeology, ASU
Trilophosaurus (Archosauromorpha: Trilophosauridai) Postcrania from the Upper Triassic Blue ...2013Heckert, Andrew B. FacultyGeology, ASU
Trio-Engineering Interapplication and Comprehensive Cohesive Cogitation: The use of Systemic...2018Osler, James FacultySchool of Education , NCCU
Trophic state of three North Carolina Coastal Plain impoundments2023Smith, Phillip Joe.StudentECU
Trophically transmitted parasites as “cross-taxon surrogates” of biodiversity in coastal env...2023Moore, Christopher ScottStudentECU
Tropical Cyclone Impacts on Seagrass-associated Fishes in a Temperate-Subtropical Estuary2023Trackenberg, Stacy N.StudentECU
Tropical Cyclone Impacts on Seagrass-associated Fishes in a Temperate-Subtropical Estuary2023Gittman, Rachel K.StudentECU
Tropical Cyclone Impacts on Seagrass-associated Fishes in a Temperate-Subtropical Estuary2023, et alStudentECU
True Colors: Police Officers and Rape Myth Acceptance2010Page, Amy Dellinger FacultySociology, ASU
Trusting Digital Preservation for Print Collection Management, Or How Librarians Should Lear...2023Thomas, William JosephStudentECU
Truth Behind Thames: Archaeological and Historical Investigations of the “Missionary Whalesh...2023Lebras, Luke MStudentECU
Try spicing up your diet with red pepper flakes2023Win, Rupatun StudentECU
Try spicing up your diet with red pepper flakes2023Kolasa, Kathryn MStudentECU
Tumblr's Mental Health Community: The Patters of Microblogging on Trends of Depression2015Wright , Shannon StudentASU
Tumor Growth Induces Oxidative Clustered DNA Lesions Damage in Distant Mouse Tissue in vivo2010Kryston, Thomas StudentECU
Tumor Microenvironment and Metabolism2017Yang, Li V.StudentECU
A Tunguska Sized Airburst Destroyed Tall el-Hammam a Middle Bronze Age City in the Jordan Va...2023Mitra, Siddhartha StudentECU
A Tunguska Sized Airburst Destroyed Tall el-Hammam a Middle Bronze Age City in the Jordan Va...2023Bunch, Ted E.StudentECU
A Tunguska Sized Airburst Destroyed Tall el-Hammam a Middle Bronze Age City in the Jordan Va...2023LeCompte, Malcolm A.StudentECU
A Tunguska Sized Airburst Destroyed Tall el-Hammam a Middle Bronze Age City in the Jordan Va...2023Adedeji, A. VictorStudentECU
A Tunguska Sized Airburst Destroyed Tall el-Hammam a Middle Bronze Age City in the Jordan Va...2023Wittke, James H.StudentECU
A Tunguska Sized Airburst Destroyed Tall el-Hammam a Middle Bronze Age City in the Jordan Va...2023Burleigh, T. DavidStudentECU
A Tunguska Sized Airburst Destroyed Tall el-Hammam a Middle Bronze Age City in the Jordan Va...2023Hermes, Robert E.StudentECU
A Tunguska Sized Airburst Destroyed Tall el-Hammam a Middle Bronze Age City in the Jordan Va...2023Mooney, Charles StudentECU
A Tunguska Sized Airburst Destroyed Tall el-Hammam a Middle Bronze Age City in the Jordan Va...2023Batchelor, Dale StudentECU
A Tunguska Sized Airburst Destroyed Tall el-Hammam a Middle Bronze Age City in the Jordan Va...2023Wolbach, Wendy S.StudentECU
A Tunguska Sized Airburst Destroyed Tall el-Hammam a Middle Bronze Age City in the Jordan Va...2023Kathan, Joel StudentECU
A Tunguska Sized Airburst Destroyed Tall el-Hammam a Middle Bronze Age City in the Jordan Va...2023Kletetschka, Gunther StudentECU
A Tunguska Sized Airburst Destroyed Tall el-Hammam a Middle Bronze Age City in the Jordan Va...2023Patterson, Mark C. L.StudentECU
A Tunguska Sized Airburst Destroyed Tall el-Hammam a Middle Bronze Age City in the Jordan Va...2023Swindel, Edward C.StudentECU
A Tunguska Sized Airburst Destroyed Tall el-Hammam a Middle Bronze Age City in the Jordan Va...2023Witwer, Timothy StudentECU
A Tunguska Sized Airburst Destroyed Tall el-Hammam a Middle Bronze Age City in the Jordan Va...2023Howard, George A.StudentECU
A Tunguska Sized Airburst Destroyed Tall el-Hammam a Middle Bronze Age City in the Jordan Va...2023Moore, Christopher R.StudentECU
A Tunguska Sized Airburst Destroyed Tall el-Hammam a Middle Bronze Age City in the Jordan Va...2023Langworthy, Kurt StudentECU
A Tunguska Sized Airburst Destroyed Tall el-Hammam a Middle Bronze Age City in the Jordan Va...2023Kennett, James P.StudentECU
A Tunguska Sized Airburst Destroyed Tall el-Hammam a Middle Bronze Age City in the Jordan Va...2023West, Allen StudentECU
A Tunguska Sized Airburst Destroyed Tall el-Hammam a Middle Bronze Age City in the Jordan Va...2023Silvi, Phillip J.StudentECU
The Turlington Act : 1923 North Carolina Prohibition Conformity Act2023Oliver, Elizabeth DellStudentECU
Turtle1972Root, Judith C.StudentEnglish, UNCG
Tweeting the Meeting: An In-Depth Analysis of Twitter Activity at Kidney Week 20112012Shariff, Afreen StudentECU
Tweeting the Meeting: An In-Depth Analysis of Twitter Activity at Kidney Week 20112012Kats, Mark StudentECU
Tweeting the Meeting: An In-Depth Analysis of Twitter Activity at Kidney Week 20112012Fang, Xiangming StudentECU
Tweeting the Meeting: An In-Depth Analysis of Twitter Activity at Kidney Week 20112012Christiano, Cynthia StudentECU
Tweeting the Meeting: An In-Depth Analysis of Twitter Activity at Kidney Week 20112012Ferris, Maria StudentECU
Tweeting the Meeting: An In-Depth Analysis of Twitter Activity at Kidney Week 20112012Desai, Tejas StudentECU
Tweeting the Meeting: An In-Depth Analysis of Twitter Activity at Kidney Week 20112012Shariff, Aabid StudentECU
Tweeting the meeting: An in-depth analysis of Twitter activity at kidney week 20112012Desai, Tejas,Shariff,Afreen,Shariff,Aabid,Kats,Mark,Fang, StudentECU
Twelve woodblock prints1969Watts, Roland S.StudentArt, UNCG
Twenty nine paintings1967Vernon, Homer JamersonStudentArt, UNCG
Twenty Years Hunting and Fishing in the Great Smoky Mountains2016Western Carolina University Hunter Library, FacultyHunter Library, WCU
Twenty Years Hunting and Fishing in the Great Smoky Mountains2016Hunnicutt, Samuel Jeter FacultyWCU
The Twenty-Seventh Amendment and Constitutional Change by Stealth1993Strickland, Ruth Ann FacultyGovernment and Justice Studies, ASU
Twenty-three poems and six tales1973Monroe, Hayden KeithStudentEnglish, UNCG
The Twilight of Colonial Rule in the British West Indies: Nationalist Assertion vs Imperial ...1996Fraser, Cary FacultyGovernment and Justice Studies, ASU
Twitter in 30 minutes2011Cross, Cheryl FacultyUniversity Libraries, UNCG
Twitter in 30 minutes2011Williams, Beth FilarFacultyUniversity Libraries, UNCG
Twitter versus Facebook: Exploring the role of narcissism in the motives and usage of diffe...2014Bergman, Shawn FacultyPsychology, ASU
Twitter-Delivered Behavioral Weight-Loss Interventions: A Pilot Series2023Whited, Mathew C.StudentECU
Two apartments1975Medeiros, James PhillipStudentEnglish, UNCG
Two cantatas for tenor voice by Alessandro Stradella : Il Xerse and Pieta` di Belisario, mod...1995Hensley, Hunter CameronStudentMusic, UNCG
Two chapters from Tracks : a novel in progress1973Lillian, Guy HerbertStudentEnglish, UNCG
Two perceptions of the purposes, aesthetic concepts, and background for writing dance critic...1981Johnson, Nancy DiersStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
Two self-portrait and stillife series1977Link, Phillip AnthonyStudentArt, UNCG
Two stories1977Pawlosky, Joseph StudentEnglish, UNCG
Two stories1966Molyneux, Thomas W.StudentEnglish, UNCG
Two stories about a war1974MacLeod, Robert MilesStudentEnglish, UNCG
Two stories of man and woman1974Maiolo, Joseph CrumplerStudentEnglish, UNCG
Two stories, "Gift" and "Possum"1974Gingher, Marianne StudentEnglish, UNCG
Two Theories Of The United States Prison System2016Parker, Benjamin StudentPhilosophy and Religion - Student, ASU
A two-component response regulator, gltR, is required for glucose transport activity in Pseu...2023Sage, A. E.StudentECU
A two-component response regulator, gltR, is required for glucose transport activity in Pseu...2023Proctor, W. D.StudentECU
A two-component response regulator, gltR, is required for glucose transport activity in Pseu...2023Phibbs, P. V. Jr.StudentECU
Two-dimensional grid grammars1977Moore, Gene WallStudentMathematics, UNCG
Two-Dimensional Quantitative Profiling of Cell Morphology with Serous Effusion by Unsupervis...2023Al-Qaysi, Safaa StudentECU
Two-Dimensional Quantitative Profiling of Cell Morphology with Serous Effusion by Unsupervis...2023Dai, Ding StudentECU
Two-Dimensional Quantitative Profiling of Cell Morphology with Serous Effusion by Unsupervis...2023Hong, Heng StudentECU
Two-Dimensional Quantitative Profiling of Cell Morphology with Serous Effusion by Unsupervis...2023Wen, Yuhua StudentECU
Two-Dimensional Quantitative Profiling of Cell Morphology with Serous Effusion by Unsupervis...2023Hu, X.H. StudentECU
A two-line wall volley test as a measure of volleying ability of high school girls1972Mulvihill, Rosemary AnnStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
Two-Particle Angular Correlations in pp and p -Pb Collisions at Energies Available at the C...2023Lin, Zi-Wei StudentECU
Two-Particle Angular Correlations in Heavy Ion Collisions From a Multiphase Transport Model2023Lin, Zi-Wei StudentECU
Ty Matson: Senior Recital, Trombone2023Matson, Ty ChristianStudentECU
Type 2 Diabetes Modifies Skeletal Muscle Gene Expression Response to Gastric Bypass Surgery2023Dohm, G. LynisStudentECU
Type 2 Diabetes Modifies Skeletal Muscle Gene Expression Response to Gastric Bypass Surgery2023Barberio, Matthew D.StudentECU
Type 2 Diabetes Modifies Skeletal Muscle Gene Expression Response to Gastric Bypass Surgery2023Pories, Walter J.StudentECU
Type 2 Diabetes Modifies Skeletal Muscle Gene Expression Response to Gastric Bypass Surgery2023Gadaleta, Natalie A.StudentECU
Type 2 Diabetes Modifies Skeletal Muscle Gene Expression Response to Gastric Bypass Surgery2023Houmard, Joseph A.StudentECU
Type 2 Diabetes Modifies Skeletal Muscle Gene Expression Response to Gastric Bypass Surgery2023Nadler, Evan P.StudentECU
Type 2 Diabetes Modifies Skeletal Muscle Gene Expression Response to Gastric Bypass Surgery2023Hubal, Monica J.StudentECU
Type and frequency of children's fears : a comparison of self-care and adult-care children1989Lopp, Eileen TateStudentHuman Environmental Sciences, UNCG
The type locality of Belodon buceros Cope, 1881, a phytosaur (Archosauria: Parasuchidae) fro...2002Heckert, Andrew B. FacultyGeology, ASU
Types of Forecast and Weather-Related Information Used among Tourism Businesses in Coastal N...2023Ayscue, Emily P.StudentECU
Types of information and services obtained and desired by parents of early adolescents1963Wilson, Louise LongStudentHome Economics, UNCG
U.S. Army Center for Military History2002Stoffan, Mark A. FacultyHunter Library, WCU
U.S. reaction to the Mexican Revolution : an analysis of contemporary opinion1970Stephans, Patsy RouthStudentHistory, UNCG
The U.S.S. Peterhoff : an historical and archaeological investigation of a Civil War shipwre...2023Westrick, Robert F.StudentECU
UAS / UAV LiDAR Coastline Flood Zone Mapping2023Stone, Elton Lee StudentTechnology / Aviation Science, ECSU
UAS / UAV LiDAR Coastline Flood Zone Mapping2023Clipper, Danny StudentAviation and Emergency Management, ECSU
Ubiquitous Dissolved Inorganic Carbon Assimilation By Marine Bacteria In The Pacific Northwe...2012Brauer, Suzanna FacultyBiology, ASU
The UHS Nutrition Initiative: Enhancing the ability of patients, employees and the communit...2023Kolasa, Kathryn M.StudentECU
The UHS Nutrition Initiative: Enhancing the ability of patients, employees and the communit...2023Poole, Diane AStudentECU
The UHS Nutrition Initiative: Enhancing the ability of patients, employees and the communit...2023Chatman, Mary B.StudentECU
The UHS Nutrition Initiative: Enhancing the ability of patients, employees and the communit...2023Nelson, Catherine StudentECU
The UHS Nutrition Initiative: Enhancing the ability of patients, employees and the communit...2023Gaskins, Scottie StudentECU
The UHS Nutrition Initiative: Enhancing the ability of patients, employees and the communit...2023Holliday, Amanda StudentECU
UInterestManager : A Generic Framework to Model User Interests2023Darabi, Majid StudentECU
Ukraine's Destination Image as Perceived by U.S. College Students1905Iarmolenko, Svitlana StudentECU
The Ulrich house : a brief analysis of a creative project and sketches1962Gery, Frances StudentArt, UNCG
Ultra-High-Performance Concrete: Constituents, Mechanical Properties, Applications and Curre...2023Akhnoukh, Amin K.StudentECU
Ultra-High-Performance Concrete: Constituents, Mechanical Properties, Applications and Curre...2023Buckhalter, Chelsea StudentECU
An ultrastructural study of culicinomyces clavosporus :a parasite of mosquitos and related d...2023Inman, Alfred Oliver.StudentECU
An ultrastructure analysis of two stages of the developing cysticercoid of Hymenolepsis dimi...2023Herbst, Glenn Allen.StudentECU
The ultrastructure of rat ovarian interstitial gland cells during pregnancy :effects of dene...2023Harvell, James C.StudentECU
Umbo suite1973Stokes, Brenda PughStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
UN Women in Kenya2022Schull, Morgan StudentPsychology, WCU
Una adelfa en tierras extrañas emblemática y misoginia en la "Comedia famosa de los guanch...2017Lorenzo Dominguez, Javier StudentECU
Una adelfa en tierras extrañas emblemática y misoginia en la "Comedia famosa de los guanches...2023Lorenzo Dominguez, Javier StudentECU
Unblocking with Qualitative Change of Unconditioned Stimulus1997Denniston, James FacultyPsychology, ASU
UNC System Smoke-Free Campus Initiative2023Davis, Rachel StudentECU
UNC System Smoke-Free Campus Initiative2023Ferry, Mia ZhenStudentECU
UNC System Smoke-Free Campus Initiative2023Norris, Ethan ScottStudentECU
UNC System Smoke-Free Campus Initiative2023White, Darby NicoleStudentECU
UNC System Smoke-Free Campus Initiative2023Foster, Ally StudentECU
UNC System Smoke-Free Campus Initiative2023Foster, Ally StudentECU
UNC System Smoke-Free Campus Initiative2023White, Darby NicoleStudentECU
UNC System Smoke-Free Campus Initiative2023Norris, Ethan ScottStudentECU
UNC System Smoke-Free Campus Initiative2023Ferry, Mia ZhenStudentECU
Uncertainty in projecting GHG emissions from bioenergy2014Marland, Gregg FacultyGeology, ASU
Uncertainty In Qualitative Risk Analysis And Rating Systems : Modeling Decision Making Deter...2023Tebehaevu, Ogaga JonathanStudentECU
Uncertainty in the Workplace and the Impact on Employee Health during the 2013 US Government...2023Briggs, Katelyn ClairStudentECU
UNCG educational administration doctoral graduates : a study of the factors affecting the wo...1991Poole, Katherine PatrickStudentEducation, UNCG
Unconvincing evidence that rats show a Mozart effect2006Steele, Kenneth M.FacultyPsychology, ASU
Under the Sand Dunes : the Search for the Eliason House and the Socioeconomic Status of its ...2023Robbins, Valerie D.StudentECU
Undergraduate independent college students' use of and opinions about tobacco, alcohol, and ...1989Wagner, Miriam LedbetterStudentEducation, UNCG
Undergraduates' Perceptions of High School Experiences2023Phillips, Miranda E.StudentECU
Underneath North Carolina: The Buried Legacies of Puerto Rican War Workers2022Muñiz, Jessica Carolina StudentDepartment of History, UNCP
Underneath North Carolina: The Buried Legacies of Puerto Rican War Workers2022Muñiz, Jessica Carolina StudentDepartment of History, UNCP
Understanding Counterproductive Work Behavior : Aggressive Employees' Responses to Leader-Me...2023Clark, Steven B.StudentECU
Understanding COVID-19 Situation in Nepal and Implications for SARS-CoV-2 Transmission and M...2023Dawadi, Prabin StudentECU
Understanding COVID-19 Situation in Nepal and Implications for SARS-CoV-2 Transmission and M...2023Syangtan, Gopiram StudentECU
Understanding COVID-19 Situation in Nepal and Implications for SARS-CoV-2 Transmission and M...2023Lama, Bhupendra StudentECU
Understanding COVID-19 Situation in Nepal and Implications for SARS-CoV-2 Transmission and M...2023Kanel, Sushil R.StudentECU
Understanding COVID-19 Situation in Nepal and Implications for SARS-CoV-2 Transmission and M...2023Joshi, Dev RajStudentECU
Understanding COVID-19 Situation in Nepal and Implications for SARS-CoV-2 Transmission and M...2023Pokhrel, Lok R.StudentECU
Understanding COVID-19 Situation in Nepal and Implications for SARS-CoV-2 Transmission and M...2023Adhikari, Rameshwar StudentECU
Understanding COVID-19 Situation in Nepal and Implications for SARS-CoV-2 Transmission and M...2023Joshi, Hem R.StudentECU
Understanding COVID-19 Situation in Nepal and Implications for SARS-CoV-2 Transmission and M...2023Pavel, Ioana StudentECU
Understanding COVID-19 Situation in Nepal and Implications for SARS-CoV-2 Transmission and M...2023Pokhrel, Lok R.StudentECU
Understanding COVID-19 Situation in Nepal and Implications for SARS-CoV-2 Transmission and M...2023Dawadi, Prabin StudentECU
Understanding Forms of Oppression: A model to Utilize with women Globally2021Osler, James FacultySchool of Education , NCCU
Understanding the Impact of Coronavirus on Student Housing, Health, and Success2023Martin, Tara StudentECU
Understanding the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Honors College Students: A Qualitative ...2023Walker, Carmen AStudentECU
Understanding the Impact of Non-Health System Supports on High-Need-High-Cost Patient Outcom...2023Fricke, Cecilia StudentECU
Understanding Leadership Principles and Team Dynamics in Nonprofit Settings: A Study of Shor...2023Midgett, Samantha StudentECU
Understanding the Mentality of Collegiate Age Students in Rural North Carolina, In Regard to...2023Carroll, Macon ElizabethStudentECU
Understanding the Molecular Mechanisms that Contribute to Parkinson’s Disease: Defining the ...2023Washington, James StudentECU
Understanding the Peer, Manager, and System Influence on Patient Safety2023Swanson, Melvin StudentECU
Understanding the Peer, Manager, and System Influence on Patient Safety2023Forbes, Thompson H.,IIIStudentECU
Understanding the Peer, Manager, and System Influence on Patient Safety2023Wynn, Joan StudentECU
Understanding the Peer, Manager, and System Influence on Patient Safety2023Anderson, Teresa StudentECU
Understanding the Perspectives of Latino Community Leaders About the Burden of Cancer and De...2023Congema, Marianne RoseStudentECU
Understanding preschoolers' problem solving in LOGO microworlds through critical analysis of...1996Allen, Catherine J.StudentHuman Environmental Sciences, UNCG
Understanding the Relationship Between Key Clinical Variables of Childhood Malnutrition and ...2023Braxton, Morgan EStudentECU
Understanding the Sustainability of Quality Improvement in an Academic Medical Center: A Cas...2023Hansel, Rachel ElizabethStudentECU
Understanding Trauma Reactions in Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator Patients and Piloti...2023Ford, Jessica StudentECU
Understanding undergraduate students’ eHealth usage and views of the patient-provider relati...2023Reyes, Michelle AnneStudentECU
Understanding undergraduate students’ eHealth usage and views of the patient-provider relati...2023Vance-Chalcraft, Heather D.StudentECU
Understanding Undergraduate Students’ eHealth Usage and Views of the Patient-Provider Relati...2023Reyes, Michelle AnneStudentECU
Understanding Undergraduate Students’ eHealth Usage and Views of the Patient-Provider Relati...2023Vance-Chalcraft, Heather D.StudentECU
Understanding Undergraduate Students’ eHealth Use and Views of the Patient-Provider Relation...2023Reyes, Michelle AnneStudentECU
An Underwater Archaeological Survey of Heron's Colonial Bridge Crossing Site over the Northe...2023Hall, Wes StudentECU
Underwater Cultural Heritage in the Pacific: Themes and Future Directions2023McKinnon, Jennifer F.StudentECU
Underwater Cultural Heritage in the Pacific: Themes and Future Directions2023Jeffery, Bill StudentECU
Underwater Cultural Heritage in the Pacific: Themes and Future Directions2023Van Tilburg, Hans StudentECU
Underwater Cultural Heritage in the Pacific: Themes and Future Directions2023Jeffery, Bill StudentECU
Underwater Cultural Heritage in the Pacific: Themes and Future Directions2023McKinnon, Jennifer F.StudentECU
Underwater Cultural Heritage in the Pacific: Themes and Future Directions2023Van Tilburg, Hans StudentECU
Une etude de L'Humour dans Calligrammes de Guillaume Apollinaire1969Fesmire, Anna HyerStudentRomance Languages-French, UNCG
Uneasy entry1977Reich, Heather TostesonStudentEnglish, UNCG
An Unexpected Adverse Event During Gastrointestinal Endoscopy Involving Retrieval of Dislodg...2023Abbas, Daniyal StudentECU
An Unexpected Adverse Event During Gastrointestinal Endoscopy Involving Retrieval of Dislodg...2023McDonald, Nicholas StudentECU
An Unexpected Adverse Event During Gastrointestinal Endoscopy Involving Retrieval of Dislodg...2023Bilal, Mohammad StudentECU
Unexpected Lessons From Short-Term Mission2008Johanson, Linda FacultyNursing, ASU
Unfinished Business2006Rhodes, Kelly FacultyUniversity Libraries, ASU
Unhealthy Alcohol Use: Improving Practice Compliance2023Hampton, Gwen StudentECU
Unheard struggles : casting a new light on lower track issues and cultural identity in a rur...2023Gilbert, Andrew B. T.StudentECU
Unidirectional sodium flux in the duodenum, jejunum and ileum of normal and desoxycorticoste...2023Mannino, Joseph Robert,1941-2022StudentECU
The unimagined city : public humanities and change in Fayetteville, North Carolina1987Anthony, Bolton StudentEducation, UNCG
The union of poetry and music : three Paul Verlaine poems as set by Claude Debussy and Gabri...1976Poston, Jo Ann D.StudentMusic, UNCG
The unique roles of IFE-1 a germline-specific isoform of eukaryotic translation factor 4E ...2011Henderson, Melissa AnneStudentBiochemistry and Molecular Biology, ECU
Uniquely American : the policies, formation and experiences of the first black United States...2023Wareham, Matthew T.StudentECU
The unitary development of a dimensional art form1969Lewis, Robert MackStudentArt, UNCG
"United essential harmony" : the Puritan perception of Edward Taylor1979Willis, Mary SueStudentEnglish, UNCG
The United States Commercial Company : its organization and operation in the Iberian Peninsu...2023Roberts, James McDonaldStudentECU
United States diplomacy during the Civil War and Reconstruction: the stretch towards the Car...2017Dreher, Kyle Laurence StudentHistory, WCU
The United States Schooner ALLIGATOR: the U.S. Navy's Campaign to Suppress the Trans-Atlan...2023Derby, Alena JStudentECU
The United States Supreme Court and the legal aspects of busing for public school desegregat...1978Stockard, Robert MooreStudentEducation, UNCG
Unity in defence: honeybee workers exhibit conserved molecular responses to diverse path...2017Doublet, Vincent,Poeschl,Yvonne,Gogol-Döring,Andreas,Alaux M.,Bedoya-Reina,Oscar C.,Brown,Mark J. F.,Bull,JamStudentECU
The Unity of Knowledge and Action: Toward a Nonrepresentational Theory of Knowledge2003Schilbrack, Kevin FacultyPhilosophy and Religion, ASU
Unity v. Diversity: The Dilemma of Professionalism2023Jones, Plummer AlstonStudentECU
Universal Design for Learning (UDL) in the Academic Library: A Methodology for Mapping Multi...2015Webb, Katy Kavanagh,Hoover,JeanneStudentECU
Universal Design for Learning, the Library, and STEM: Common Cause, Uncommon Ground2023Webb, Kathryn KavanaghStudentECU
Universal Design for Learning, the Library, and STEM: Common Cause, Uncommon Ground2023Hoover, Jeanne K.StudentECU
Universal Language2023Almutairi, Norah StudentECU
Universal military training : some prevalent ideas behind the post-World War II debate1967Vanhoy, Timothy L.StudentHistory and Political Science, UNCG
"The Universe is Imaginative": An Interview with David Robertson2023Feder, Helena StudentECU
University Students' Perceptions of Pedagogical Documentation : A Qualitative Research Study...2012Mitchell, Nicole StudentChild Development and Family Relations, ECU
University women's acknowledgement of rape : individual, interpersonal, and social factors1995Bondurant, A. BarrieStudentPsychology, UNCG
Unloading History : Historical and Archaeological Investigations of the Self-Unloading Schoo...2023Zant, Caitlin N.StudentECU
“Unlocking Physical Activity” During COVID-19 in Cardiac Device Patients2023Harrell, Rebecca StudentECU
“Unlocking Physical Activity” During COVID-19 in Cardiac Device Patients2023Anthony, Scarlett StudentECU
“Unlocking Physical Activity” During COVID-19 in Cardiac Device Patients2023Travia, Kevin StudentECU
“Unlocking Physical Activity” During COVID-19 in Cardiac Device Patients2023Sears, Samuel F.StudentECU
Until the red heart beats : rhetorical fusion in the fiction of Toni Morrison1993Locklear, Glorianna StudentEnglish, UNCG
[Untitled]2012Cantrell, Jonathan ThomasStudentArt and Design, WCU
Unusual Cause of Hepatic Vein Systolic Flow Reversal2023Shah, Neeraj StudentECU
Unusual Cause of Hepatic Vein Systolic Flow Reversal2023Naniwadeka, Aditi StudentECU
An Unusual Presentation of Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia/Small Lymphocytic Lymphoma on Mammog...2023Mohamed, Anas StudentECU
An Unusual Presentation of Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia/Small Lymphocytic Lymphoma on Mammog...2023Younes, Ahmed I.StudentECU
An Unusual Presentation of Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia/Small Lymphocytic Lymphoma on Mammog...2023Stall, Stephen StudentECU
An Unusual Presentation of Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia/Small Lymphocytic Lymphoma on Mammog...2023Kousar, Aisha StudentECU
An Unusual Presentation of Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia/Small Lymphocytic Lymphoma on Mammog...2023Li, Tian StudentECU
An Unusual Presentation of a Posterior Mediastinal Schwannoma Associated with Traumatic Hemo...2015Amin, Ruchi StudentECU
An Unusual Presentation of a Posterior Mediastinal Schwannoma Associated with Traumatic Hemo...2015Waibel, Brett H.StudentECU
Unusual reticulin staining pattern in well-differentiated hepatocellular carcinoma2011Patonay, Bryan StudentECU
Unusual reticulin staining pattern in well-differentiated hepatocellular carcinoma2011Finley, James StudentECU
Unusual reticulin staining pattern in well-differentiated hepatocellular carcinoma2011Hong, Heng StudentECU
Unusual separation axioms and topological spaces1971Link, William KermitStudentMathematics, UNCG
Unveiling Meaning: The Pitt County Confederate Soldiers' Monument2023Mullis, Justin BlytheStudentECU
The unwanted : cholera, immigrants, and national public health in 18922023Jensen, John OdinStudentECU
Update of a Multiphase Transport Model with Modern Parton Distribution Functions and Nuclear...2023Lin, Zi-Wei StudentECU
An Update: Introduction To BIBFRAME And Linked Data2016Leonard, Andrea FacultyUniversity Libraries, ASU
An Update: Introduction To BIBFRAME And Linked Data2016Cramer, Elizabeth FacultyUniversity Libraries, ASU
An Update: Introduction To BIBFRAME And Linked Data2016Cramer, Elizabeth FacultyUniversity Libraries, ASU
Updating the Secondary Transition Research Base: Evidence - and Research - Based Practices i...2023Owens, Tosha L.StudentECU
Updating the Secondary Transition Research Base: Evidence - and Research - Based Practices i...2023Rowe, Dawn A.StudentECU
Updating the Secondary Transition Research Base: Evidence - and Research - Based Practices i...2023Mazzotti, Valerie L.StudentECU
Updating the Secondary Transition Research Base: Evidence - and Research - Based Practices i...2023Fowler, Catherine H.StudentECU
Updating the Secondary Transition Research Base: Evidence - and Research - Based Practices i...2023Test, David W.StudentECU
Updating the Secondary Transition Research Base: Evidence - and Research - Based Practices i...2023Mitchell, Vickie J.StudentECU
Updating the Secondary Transition Research Base: Evidence - and Research - Based Practices i...2023Clark, Kelly A.StudentECU
Updating the Secondary Transition Research Base: Evidence - and Research - Based Practices i...2023Holzberg, Debra StudentECU
Updating the Secondary Transition Research Base: Evidence - and Research - Based Practices i...2023Rusher, Dana StudentECU
Updating the Secondary Transition Research Base: Evidence - and Research - Based Practices i...2023Seaman-Tullis, Rachel L.StudentECU
Updating the Secondary Transition Research Base: Evidence - and Research - Based Practices i...2023Gushanas, Christina M.StudentECU
Updating the Secondary Transition Research Base: Evidence - and Research - Based Practices i...2023Castle, Hannah StudentECU
Updating the Secondary Transition Research Base: Evidence - and Research - Based Practices i...2023Chang, Wen-Hsuan StudentECU
Updating the Secondary Transition Research Base: Evidence - and Research - Based Practices i...2023Voggt, Ashley StudentECU
Updating the Secondary Transition Research Base: Evidence - and Research - Based Practices i...2023Kwiatek, Stephen StudentECU
Updating the Secondary Transition Research Base: Evidence - and Research - Based Practices i...2023Dean, Catie StudentECU
An Upper Jurassic Theropod Dinosaur from the Section 19 Mine, Grants Uranium District2003Heckert, Andrew B. FacultyGeology, ASU
The Upper Triassic (Norian: Revueltian) Snyder quarry, Chama basin, north-central New Mexico...2003Heckert, Andrew B. FacultyGeology, ASU
Upper Triassic stratigraphy and biostratigraphy, Chama basin, northcentral New Mexico2003Heckert, Andrew B. FacultyGeology, ASU
Upper Triassic Tetrapods from the Lucero Uplift, Central New Mexico1999Heckert, Andrew B. FacultyGeology, ASU
Uptake of and Resistance to the Antibiotic Berberine by Individual Dormant, Germinating and ...2015Yu, Jing StudentECU
Uptake of and Resistance to the Antibiotic Berberine by Individual Dormant, Germinating and ...2015Setlow, Peter StudentECU
Uptake of and Resistance to the Antibiotic Berberine by Individual Dormant, Germinating and ...2015Li, Yong-qing StudentECU
Uptake of and Resistance to the Antibiotic Berberine by Individual Dormant, Germinating and ...2015Wang, Shiwei StudentECU
Uptake of and Resistance to the Antibiotic Berberine by Individual Dormant, Germinating and ...2015Suvira, Milomir StudentECU
Uptake of and resistance to the antibiotic berberine by individual dormant, germinating and ...2015Wang, Shiwei,Yu,Jing,Suvira,Milomir,Setlow,Peter,Li,Yong StudentECU
Uptake of phosphorous-32 and calcium-45 by the liver mitochondria of rats made deficient in ...2023Armstrong, Wayne Warren.StudentECU
Uranium-phosphorus determinations for selected phosphate grains from the Miocene Pungo River...2023Indorf, Michael S.StudentECU
Urban channel incision effects on stream-groundwater interactions in the North Carolina coas...2023DeLoatch, John Phillip.StudentECU
Urban channel incision, water table decline, and nitrate attenuation in floodplain aquifers,...2023Harnsberger, David F.StudentECU
Urban decentralization as reflected by the location patterns of law firm offices in the Rale...2023Payne, Bruce Calvin.StudentECU
Urban Water Availability and Potential Future Stressors : A Case Study of Raleigh-Durham, No...2023Wickham, Elliot DonoghueStudentECU
Urinary Incontinence Before and After Bariatric Surgery2023Pories, Walter J.StudentECU
Usability Test Results for Encore in an Academic Library2013Johnson, Megan FacultyUniversity Libraries, ASU
Usage Error in Technical Communication2023Flanagan, Suzan StudentECU
Use and feasibility of videocassettes for individualized instruction by home economics exten...1982Hammett, Wilma S.StudentHome Economics, UNCG
The Use and Future of Splash Pages for CONTENTdm Databases2014Ellern, Gillian (Jill) D. FacultyHunter Library, WCU
The use of the accelerotor in developing an accelerated abrasion test to predict fabric serv...1964Simon, Virginia AnnStudentHome Economics, UNCG
The use of biographical data for a better understanding of leadership1984Clontz, Ann CarswellStudentEducation, UNCG
The use of brief family counseling with middle school students experiencing discipline probl...1996Simington, Kenneth W.StudentEducation, UNCG
The use of building materials and structural systems in the architectural environment1972Alberg, Sandra LynneStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Use of chromosome microdissection in conjunction with fluorescent in situ hybridization and ...2023Burnett, Wendy A.StudentECU
Use of chromosome microdissection in conjunction with fluorescent in situ hybridization and ...2023Burnett, Wendy A.StudentECU
Use of cognitive dissonance to produce changes in the attitudes and behavior of economically...1969Leonhardt, Teresa MartinStudentPsychology, UNCG
The use of color to extend the suggestion of space and volume1969Frink, Elizabeth StudentArt, UNCG
The use of consumer preference data in forecasting sales1968Clayton, Richard E.StudentEducation, UNCG
The use of court-ordered busing to desegregate the public schools : legal aspects of actions...1988Causby, James FrankStudentEducation, UNCG
Use of A Decision Support Guide to Assist CRNAs in Preventing Surgical Fires: A Quality Impr...2023Brackett, Erin StudentECU
Use of educational techniques for caretakers of institutionalized individuals to increase th...1983Litchford, Mary D.StudentHome Economics, UNCG
The use of eyes and objects to express a personal theory of art1973O'Neal, Eugene StudentArt, UNCG
The use of the family room for individual and group activities1959Hinson, Thelma LeeStudentHome Economics, UNCG
The use of grounded theory to develop a framework for understanding student retention in com...2023Priode, Kimberly StudentECU
The use of hand gestures as self-generated cues1991Frick, Donna JeanStudentPsychology, UNCG
The use of keyboard instruments in the religious services of selected Black Baptist churches...1987Amos, Alvin E.StudentMusic, UNCG
The use of labanotation for synchronized swimming1963Hoyle, Mary AnnStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
The use of microteaching to aid preservice physical educators in the acquisition of a variet...1977Taylor, Martha SueStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
Use of monoamine oxidase and redox enzymes in atrial tissue as novel predictors of postopera...2023Darden, Timothy M.StudentECU
The use of music or percussion instruments in the teaching of ninth grade modern jazz dance1976Loundermon, Correll DemeterStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
The use of network analysis to compare the nitrogen cycles of three salt marsh zones experie...2023Thomas, Cassondra R.StudentECU
The use of non-uniform drowning terminology: a follow-up study2017Schmidt, Andrew C.,Sempsrott,Justin R.,Szpilman,David,Queiroga,AnaStudentECU
Use of offspring mesenchymal stem cells to study in-utero maternal-fetal programming2023Chaves, Alec B.StudentECU
The use of operant behavior principles by husbands for the modification of wives' behavior1974Palmer, George MelvinStudentEducation, UNCG
Use of Oral Health Care Services in the United States: Unequal, Inequitable—a Cross-Sectiona...2023Ju, Xiangqun StudentECU
Use of Oral Health Care Services in the United States: Unequal, Inequitable—a Cross-Sectiona...2023Mejia, Gloria C.StudentECU
Use of Oral Health Care Services in the United States: Unequal, Inequitable—a Cross-Sectiona...2023Wu, Qiang StudentECU
Use of Oral Health Care Services in the United States: Unequal, Inequitable—a Cross-Sectiona...2023Luo, Huabin StudentECU
Use of Oral Health Care Services in the United States: Unequal, Inequitable—a Cross-Sectiona...2023Jamieson, Lisa M.StudentECU
Use of a Perioperative Fire Prevention Guide by Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists: A ...2023Zorin, Andrey StudentECU
The use of pitch imagery in the management of trumpet embouchure : a theoretical considerati...1990Gardner, James EdwardStudentMusic, UNCG
Use of Prescribed Opioids before and after Bariatric Surgery: Prospective Evidence from a US...2023Pories, Walter J.StudentECU
Use of programmed instruction of basic sewing skills by adult women in their homes1967Schenck, Betsy RobertsStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Use of Raman Spectroscopy and Phase-Contrast Microscopy To Characterize Cold Atmospheric Pla...2023Li, Yong-Qing StudentECU
Use of reflection inventories in a field based elementary science methods course to interpre...2023Mizell, Susan E.StudentECU
The use of refrigerated space1960Frazier, Ernestine HallStudentHome Economics, UNCG
The use of remote sensing in a study of submerged aquatic macrophytes of the Pamlico River E...2023Harwood, Joseph E.StudentECU
Use of screened and glassed porches1976McDonald, Rose HolleyStudentHome Economics, UNCG
The use of sewing skills by the teachers of home economics in the colleges of North Carolina...1959Sutton, Paula LeoneStudentHome Economics, UNCG
The use of small electrical appliances that supplement the range1960Anderson, Elma FrancesStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Use of statistics in recently-published physical education research1985Tritschler, Kathleen A.StudentHealth, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, UNCG
The use of symbolic line as a means to composition1954Clarke, Ruth AbbottStudentArt, UNCG
The use of therapist rules, self rules, and contingency-shaped feedback in the treatment of ...1986Rosenfarb, Irwin ShimonStudentPsychology, UNCG
The Use of Trace Eyeblink Classical Conditioning to Assess Hippocampal Dysfunction in a Rat ...2017Tran, Tuan D.,Amin,Aenia,Jones,Keith G.,Sheffer,Ellen M.,OrteStudentECU
Use of videotape learning packages : a marital enrichment field experiment with two delivery...1976Shoffner, Sarah M.StudentHuman Development and Family Studies, UNCG
User Authentication in the Public Areas of Academic Libraries in North Carolina2015Stoffan, Mark A. FacultyHunter Library, WCU
User impact along the southern Appalachian trail :a study in recreational geography2023Gunderson, Neil R.(Neil Robert)StudentECU
The Uses of Paradox: Religion, Self-Transformation, and The Absurd2009Schilbrack, Kevin FacultyPhilosophy and Religion, ASU
Using Active Learning in Criminal Justice: Twenty-Five Examples2000Robinson, Matthew B. FacultyGovernment and Justice Studies, ASU
Using Active Learning in Criminal Justice: Twenty-Five Examples2000Robinson, Matthew B. FacultyGovernment and Justice Studies, ASU
Using Age, Cohort and Period Effects to Study Elderly Volunteerism2006Rosenberg, Ed FacultySociology, ASU
Using the area between two item response functions to index differential item functioning : ...1994Penny, James A.StudentEducation, UNCG
Using Assessment Data and Problem Analysis to Match Interventions to Skill Deficits2023Serling, Heather StudentECU
Using "Batches" to Create Workflows in CONTENTdm for Shared Projects within the Library2014Biswas, Paromita FacultyHunter Library, WCU
Using Boyer’s Model of Scholarship: Our thoughts and experience on changing faculty evaluati...2008Ellern, Gillian (Jill) D. FacultyHunter Library, WCU
Using Children’s Literature to Discuss Race Relations, Racism, and Injustices2023Bailey, Alan StudentECU
Using Citizen Science to Incorporate Research into Introductory Biology Courses at Multiple ...2023Vance-Chalcraft, Heather D.StudentECU
Using Citizen Science to Incorporate Research into Introductory Biology Courses at Multiple ...2023Gates, Terry A.StudentECU
Using Citizen Science to Incorporate Research into Introductory Biology Courses at Multiple ...2023Hogan, Kelly A.StudentECU
Using Citizen Science to Incorporate Research into Introductory Biology Courses at Multiple ...2023Evans, Mara StudentECU
Using Citizen Science to Incorporate Research into Introductory Biology Courses at Multiple ...2023Bunnell, Anne StudentECU
Using Citizen Science to Incorporate Research into Introductory Biology Courses at Multiple ...2023Hurlbert, Allen H.StudentECU
Using Contingent Valuation to Measure the Compensation Required to Gain Community Acceptance...1998Whitehead, John FacultyEconomics, ASU
Using Contingent Valuation to Measure the Compensation Required to Gain Community Acceptance...1998Groothuis, Peter FacultyEconomics, ASU
Using a cooperative multimedia learning environment to enhance learning and affective self-p...2023Woodul, Charles E.StudentECU
Using Cryo-Electron Microscopy to Determine the 3-Dimensional Structure of Fibrinogen2023Viverette, Elizabeth GStudentECU
Using Drones in Disaster Areas: Perspectives of Disaster Responders in North Carolina, Virgi...2023Tanner, Victoria StudentECU
Using eDNA and Habitat Suitability Modeling to Better Understand the Range and Habitat Requi...2020Neice, Amberly StudentECU
Using Eye Tracking Technology To Compare Hazard Detection On Road Versus Driving Simulator A...2023Leonardo, Juliette StudentECU
Using Facebook Advertisements for Women’s Health Research: Methodology and Outcomes of an Ob...2023Farr, Deeonna E.StudentECU
Using Facebook Advertisements for Women’s Health Research: Methodology and Outcomes of an Ob...2023Battle, Darian A.StudentECU
Using Facebook Advertisements for Women’s Health Research: Methodology and Outcomes of an Ob...2023Hall, Marla B.StudentECU
Using Fluorescent Probes to Study the Location and Interaction of Disaccharides within Lipid...2023Barker, Morgan ElizabethStudentECU
Using A Framework To Review And Evaluate Educational Technology Resources2023Hawthorne, Geoffrey BStudentECU
Using geometry to select one dimensional exponential families that are monotone likelihood r...2014Vos, Paul,Anaya-Izquierdo,Karim StudentECU
Using GIS to model debris flow susceptibility for the Bent Creek Experimental Forest near As...2023Otteman, Ruth A.StudentECU
Using a Household Food Inventory to Assess Food Variety and Availability Among Mothers in Re...2023Gearhart, Kylie StudentECU
Using instructional videotape to teach couples communication, conflict-resolution, and probl...1996Willett, Larry C.StudentEducation, UNCG
Using Local Nuclear Scaling of Initial Condition Parameters to Improve the System Size Depen...2023Zhang, Chao StudentECU
Using Local Nuclear Scaling of Initial Condition Parameters to Improve the System Size Depen...2023Lin, Zi-Wei StudentECU
Using Local Nuclear Scaling of Initial Condition Parameters to Improve the System Size Depen...2023Zheng, Liang StudentECU
Using Local Nuclear Scaling of Initial Condition Parameters to Improve the System Size Depen...2023Shi, Shusu StudentECU
Using The Morphological Analysis Perspective (MAP) In Software Engineering Project Managemen...2023Moore, Roger StudentECU
Using A Participatory Process To Create A Faculty Advising Model2023Hill, Lisa AnneStudentECU
Using plant-bivalve inter-specific facilitation to enhance coastal restoration2023Wellman, Emory HStudentECU
Using QR Codes to Streamline Emergency Service Procceses2023Lewis, Whitney StudentECU
Using Random Sampling Consensus (RANSAC) to Detect Errors in Global Navigation Satellite Sys...2023Shah, Nihar StudentECU
Using realistic fiction to enhance social decision making in middle grades students1992Jones, Jeanneine StudentEducation, UNCG
Using the Rewrite Proxy Server and Multiple IP Product2004Ellern, Gillian (Jill) D. FacultyHunter Library, WCU
Using screen video capture software to aide and inform cognitive interviewing2012Chaney, Beth H.,Barry,Adam E.,Chaney,J. Don,Stellefson,Michael StudentECU
Using Spectral Analysis to Identify Drumming Sounds of Some North Carolina Fishes in the Fam...2023Sprague, Mark W.StudentECU
Using Spectral Analysis to Identify Drumming Sounds of Some North Carolina Fishes in the Fam...2023Luczkovich, Joseph J.StudentECU
Using Spectral Analysis to Identify Drumming Sounds of Some North Carolina Fishes in the Fam...2023Pullinger, R. ChristopherStudentECU
Using Spectral Analysis to Identify Drumming Sounds of Some North Carolina Fishes in the Fam...2023Johnson, Stephen E.StudentECU
Using Spectral Analysis to Identify Drumming Sounds of Some North Carolina Fishes in the Fam...2023Jenkins, Todd StudentECU
Using Spectral Analysis to Identify Drumming Sounds of Some North Carolina Fishes in the Fam...2023Daniel, Hal J.,IIIStudentECU
Using the Stable Carbon and Nitrogen Isotope Compositions of Vervet Monkeys () to Examine Qu...2014Grobler, J. PaulStudentECU
Using the Stable Carbon and Nitrogen Isotope Compositions of Vervet Monkeys () to Examine Qu...2014Loudon, James E.StudentECU
Using the Stable Carbon and Nitrogen Isotope Compositions of Vervet Monkeys () to Examine Qu...2014Turner, Trudy R.StudentECU
Using the Stable Carbon and Nitrogen Isotope Compositions of Vervet Monkeys () to Examine Qu...2014Lorenz, Joseph G.StudentECU
Using the Stable Carbon and Nitrogen Isotope Compositions of Vervet Monkeys () to Examine Qu...2014Moyer, Kimberly StudentECU
Using the Stable Carbon and Nitrogen Isotope Compositions of Vervet Monkeys () to Examine Qu...2014Sponheimer, Matt StudentECU
Using the stable carbon and nitrogen isotope compositions of vervet monkeys (Chlorocebus pyg...2014Loudon, James E,Grobler,J Paul,Sponheimer,Matt,Moyer,Kimberly,LoStudentECU
Using STEM Camps to Improve Female Interest in Technology Careers2023Reed, April H.StudentECU
Using STEM Camps to Improve Female Interest in Technology Careers2023Angolia, Mark G.StudentECU
Using STEM Camps to Improve Female Interest in Technology Careers2023Sluder, Lyubov G.StudentECU
Using STEM Camps to Improve Female Interest in Technology Careers2023Pagliari, Leslie R.StudentECU
Using Structural-Nested Models To Estimate The Effect Of Cluster-Level Adherence On Individu...2013Rheingans, Richard FacultySustainable Development, ASU
Using student motivation to design groups in a non-majors biology course for team-based coll...2023Walters, Kristi L.StudentECU
Using Synchronized Audio Mapping to Predict Velar and Pharyngeal Wall Locations during Dynam...2023Rahimian, Pooya StudentECU
Using TIRF microscopy to analyze stimulated and basal state B-cell MHC II clustering in res...2023Melton, Mark T.StudentECU
Using Video Segments to Enhance Early Clinical Experiences of Prospective Teachers2023Cuthrell, Kristen StudentECU
Using Video Segments to Enhance Early Clinical Experiences of Prospective Teachers2023Vitale, Michael StudentECU
Using Virtual Reality to Motivate Remote Employees to Positively Impact the Effects of Burno...2023Porter, Jonathan HStudentECU
Using visual censuses to estimate biomass of marine fishes for an ecopath model of coral ree...2023Barry, Deirdre Bender.StudentECU
Using visual censuses to estimate biomass of marine fishes for an ecopath model of coral ree...2023Barry, Deirdre Bender.StudentECU
Using Water Chemistry and Otolith Chemistry to Determine Strategic Habitat Areas for Striped...2023Hughes, Coley SusanStudentECU
Uterus/oviduct luminal levels of ethanol and acetaldehyde in relation to blood levels of the...2023Buckenmaier, Chester Church.StudentECU
Uterus/oviduct luminal levels of ethanol and acetaldehyde in relation to blood levels of the...2023Buckenmaier, Chester Church.StudentECU
Utilising a Systematic Review-Based Approach to Create a Database of Individual Participant ...2023Wright, Heather HarrisStudentECU
Utility of the nursing intensity index in a community hospital in southeastern North Carolin...2023Bost, Donna D.StudentECU
Utilization of EHR to Improve Support Person Engagement in Health Care for Patients With Chr...2023Hodgson, Jennifer StudentECU
Utilization of EHR to Improve Support Person Engagement in Health Care for Patients With Chr...2023Tucker, Emily StudentECU
Utilization of EHR to Improve Support Person Engagement in Health Care for Patients With Chr...2023Forbes, Thompson StudentECU
Utilization of EHR to Improve Support Person Engagement in Health Care for Patients With Chr...2023Welch, Melissa StudentECU
Utilization of EHR to Improve Support Person Engagement in Health Care for Patients With Chr...2023Pye, Joseph StudentECU
Utilization of EHR to Improve Support Person Engagement in Health Care for Patients With Chr...2023Hodgson, Jennifer StudentECU
Utilization of EHR to Improve Support Person Engagement in Health Care for Patients With Chr...2023Welch, Melissa StudentECU
Utilization of EHR to Improve Support Person Engagement in Health Care for Patients With Chr...2023Tucker, Emily StudentECU
Utilization of EHR to Improve Support Person Engagement in Health Care for Patients With Chr...2023Forbes, Thompson StudentECU
Utilization of EHR to Improve Support Person Engagement in Health Care for Patients With Chr...2023Pye, Joseph StudentECU
Utilizing Evidence-Based Precepting Strategies to Facilitate FNP Student Development2023Geyer, Kristen StudentECU
Utilizing state hazardous materials transportation data in hazardous analysis1996Pine, John FacultyGeography and Planning, ASU
V1 - Presentation on Technical Infrastructure for CBK by Chris Shaffer2022Mobilizing Computable Biomedical Knowledge (MCBK), FacultyNCCU
Validation and Clinical Value of the MANAGE-PD Tool: A Clinician-Reported Tool to Identify P...2023Schmidt, Peter StudentECU
Validation and Clinical Value of the MANAGE-PD Tool: A Clinician-Reported Tool to Identify P...2023Antonini, Angelo StudentECU
Validation and Clinical Value of the MANAGE-PD Tool: A Clinician-Reported Tool to Identify P...2023Odin, Per StudentECU
Validation and Clinical Value of the MANAGE-PD Tool: A Clinician-Reported Tool to Identify P...2023Cubillos, Fernando StudentECU
Validation and Clinical Value of the MANAGE-PD Tool: A Clinician-Reported Tool to Identify P...2023Standaert, David G.StudentECU
Validation and Clinical Value of the MANAGE-PD Tool: A Clinician-Reported Tool to Identify P...2023Henriksen, Tove StudentECU
Validation and Clinical Value of the MANAGE-PD Tool: A Clinician-Reported Tool to Identify P...2023Jimenez-Shahed, Joohi StudentECU
Validation and Clinical Value of the MANAGE-PD Tool: A Clinician-Reported Tool to Identify P...2023Alobaidi, Ali StudentECU
Validation and Clinical Value of the MANAGE-PD Tool: A Clinician-Reported Tool to Identify P...2023Jalundhwala, Yash J.StudentECU
Validation and Clinical Value of the MANAGE-PD Tool: A Clinician-Reported Tool to Identify P...2023Bao, Yanjun StudentECU
Validation and Clinical Value of the MANAGE-PD Tool: A Clinician-Reported Tool to Identify P...2023Zamudio, Jorge StudentECU
Validation and Clinical Value of the MANAGE-PD Tool: A Clinician-Reported Tool to Identify P...2023Parra, Juan CarlosStudentECU
Validation and Clinical Value of the MANAGE-PD Tool: A Clinician-Reported Tool to Identify P...2023Kukreja, Pavnit StudentECU
Validation and Clinical Value of the MANAGE-PD Tool: A Clinician-Reported Tool to Identify P...2023Onuk, Koray StudentECU
Validation and Clinical Value of the MANAGE-PD Tool: A Clinician-Reported Tool to Identify P...2023Skalicky, Anne M.StudentECU
Validation and Clinical Value of the MANAGE-PD Tool: A Clinician-Reported Tool to Identify P...2023Kleinman, Leah StudentECU
Validation and Clinical Value of the MANAGE-PD Tool: A Clinician-Reported Tool to Identify P...2023Jones, Eddie StudentECU
Validation and Clinical Value of the MANAGE-PD Tool: A Clinician-Reported Tool to Identify P...2023Metz, Sharon StudentECU
Validation and Clinical Value of the MANAGE-PD Tool: A Clinician-Reported Tool to Identify P...2023Fernandez, Hubert H.StudentECU
Validation and Improvement of the ZPC Parton Cascade Inside a Box2023Lin, Zi-Wei StudentECU
Validation and Use of an Instrument to Measure the Learning Environment as Perceived by Medi...2000Price, Jammie FacultyPast faculty member, ASU
Validation of food store environment secondary data source and the role of neighborhood depr...2012Gustafson, Alison A,Lewis,Sarah,Wilson,Corey,Jilcott-Pitts,StephanieStudentECU
Validation of food store environment secondary data source and the role of neighborhood depr...2012Gustafson, Alison AStudentECU
Validation of food store environment secondary data source and the role of neighborhood depr...2012Wilson, Corey StudentECU
Validation of food store environment secondary data source and the role of neighborhood depr...2012Jilcott-Pitts, Stephanie StudentECU
Validation of food store environment secondary data source and the role of neighborhood depr...2012Lewis, Sarah StudentECU
Validation of a test of motor ability of preschool children1964Singletary, Emeve PaulStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Validity and reliability of telephone administration of the patient-specific functional scal...2019Theophanous, Rebecca G.,Vissoci,Joao Ricardo Nickenig,Wen,Fan Hui,GriffStudentECU
Validity Evidence of the Brazilian Version of the Florida Shock Anxiety Scale for Patients w...2023Sears, Samuel F.StudentECU
The validity, reliability and minimal clinically important difference of the patient specifi...2019Gerardo, Charles J.,Vissoci,Joao R. N.,de Oliveira,Leonardo P.,AndeStudentECU
The Value of Exposure: The Connection Between International Contact, Ethnocentrism, and Inte...2023Taylor, Erin RStudentECU
The Value of Maritime Archaeological Heritage : An Exploratory Study of the Cultural Capital...2023Mires, Calvin H.StudentECU
Value of Public Goods from Sport Stadiums: The CVM Approach2000Whitehead, John FacultyEconomics, ASU
The Value of Public Goods Generated by a Major League Sports Team: The CVM Approach2001Whitehead, John FacultyEconomics, ASU
The Value of Public Goods Generated by a Major League Sports Team: The CVM Approach2001Groothuis, Peter FacultyEconomics, ASU
The value of three supplementary exercises designed to increase pull-up performance in junio...1969Lutz, Victor HerbertStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
The value of Thucydides' historical method : past and present2023Redfoot, Leslie S.StudentECU
Value orientations of elementary classroom teachers toward physical activity for themselves ...1985Akers, Patricia AnnStudentHealth, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, UNCG
Values and the academic organization1986Macdonald, Susan ColbergStudentEducation, UNCG
Values and other factors which influence consumer choice of a portable lamp1972McCann, Duska LeoneStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Values of low-income homemakers as they relate to the physical design of the house1973Carll, Mary AllisonStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Values, risk taking and selection of leisure time activities among delinquent and non-delinq...1975Braxton, Howard McCoyStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
Values, satisfaction, aspirations and goal commitment among multiunit housing residents1976Humphries, Glenda M.StudentHome Economics, UNCG
Vanadium pentoxide induces pulmonary inflammation and tumor promotion in a strain-dependent ...2010Bauer, Alison KStudentECU
Vanadium pentoxide induces pulmonary inflammation and tumor promotion in a strain-dependent ...2010Walters, Dianne MStudentECU
Vanadium pentoxide induces pulmonary inflammation and tumor promotion in a strain-dependent ...2010Rondini, Elizabeth AStudentECU
Vanishing species1974Sullivan, Charles ChristopherStudentEnglish, UNCG
The variability of song variability in zebra finch (Taeniopygia guttata) populations2019Lansverk, Allison L.,Schroeder,Katie M.,London,Sarah E.,Griffith,SimStudentECU
Variability of striped bass, Morone saxatilis, egg characteristicis in populations along the...2023Bergey, Lauren L.StudentECU
Variability of striped bass, Morone saxatilis, egg characteristicis in populations along the...2023Bergey, Lauren L.StudentECU
Variation in female aggression in 2 three-spined stickleback populations with female throat ...2018Yong, Lengxob,Lee,Brittney,MCKINNON,Jeffrey S.StudentECU
Variation in physiological and behavioral activity as reflected in changes in arousal level1972Johnson, Patricia AnnStudentPsychology, UNCG
Variation in pigmentation gene expression is associated with distinct aposematic color morph...2019Stuckert, Adam M. M.,Moore,Emily,Coyle,Kaitlin P.,Davison,Ian,MacStudentECU
Variation in pigmentation gene expression is associated with distinct aposematic color morph...2019Stuckert, Adam M. M.,Moore,Emily,Coyle,Kaitlin P.,Davison,Ian,MacStudentECU
Variations in marsh sedimentation and inundation dynamics of two microtidal marshes, Pamlico...2023Lagomasino, David. StudentECU
Variations in velopharyngeal structure and function in adults with normal and cleft anatomy....2023Nyswonger, Jillian C.StudentECU
Variations in Velopharyngeal Structure in Adults With Repaired Cleft Palate2023Perry, Jamie L.StudentECU
Variations in Velopharyngeal Structure in Adults With Repaired Cleft Palate2023Fang, Xiangming StudentECU
Variations on a theme : four plays1965Archer, Shelby StudentDrama and Speech, UNCG
Variations on a theme by Scriabine : for violoncello and orchestra1972Prendergast, Roy M.StudentMusic, UNCG
Various stories1972Hetherington, Sands StudentEnglish, UNCG
Varying the Chiral Magnetic Effect Relative to Flow in a Single Nucleus-Nucleus Collision2023Lin, Zi-Wei StudentECU
Vascular endothelial growth factor expression at rest and after acute exercise in obese and ...2023Stallings, Howard WrightStudentECU
VASP activation via the Ga13/RhoA/PKA pathway mediates cucurbitacin-B-induced actin aggregat...2023Zhang, Yan-Ting StudentECU
VASP activation via the Ga13/RhoA/PKA pathway mediates cucurbitacin-B-induced actin aggregat...2023Xu, Li-Hui StudentECU
VASP activation via the Ga13/RhoA/PKA pathway mediates cucurbitacin-B-induced actin aggregat...2023Lu, Qun StudentECU
VASP activation via the Ga13/RhoA/PKA pathway mediates cucurbitacin-B-induced actin aggregat...2023Liu, Kun-Peng StudentECU
VASP activation via the Ga13/RhoA/PKA pathway mediates cucurbitacin-B-induced actin aggregat...2023Liu, Pei-Yan StudentECU
VASP activation via the Ga13/RhoA/PKA pathway mediates cucurbitacin-B-induced actin aggregat...2023Ji, Fang StudentECU
VASP activation via the Ga13/RhoA/PKA pathway mediates cucurbitacin-B-induced actin aggregat...2023Liu, Xiao-Ming StudentECU
VASP activation via the Ga13/RhoA/PKA pathway mediates cucurbitacin-B-induced actin aggregat...2023Ouyang, Dong-Yun StudentECU
VASP activation via the Ga13/RhoA/PKA pathway mediates cucurbitacin-B-induced actin aggregat...2023He, Xian-Hui StudentECU
VASP activation via the Ga13/RhoA/PKA pathway mediates cucurbitacin-B-induced actin aggregat...2014Zhang, Yan-Ting,Xu,Li-Hui,Lu,Qun,Liu,Kun-Peng,Liu,Pei-Yan StudentECU
VASP Activation via the Gα13/RhoA/PKA Pathway Mediates Cucurbitacin-B-Induced Actin Aggrega...2014He, Xian-Hui StudentECU
VASP Activation via the Gα13/RhoA/PKA Pathway Mediates Cucurbitacin-B-Induced Actin Aggrega...2014Ouyang, Dong-Yun StudentECU
VASP Activation via the Gα13/RhoA/PKA Pathway Mediates Cucurbitacin-B-Induced Actin Aggrega...2014Liu, Xiao-Ming StudentECU
VASP Activation via the Gα13/RhoA/PKA Pathway Mediates Cucurbitacin-B-Induced Actin Aggrega...2014Ji, Fang StudentECU
VASP Activation via the Gα13/RhoA/PKA Pathway Mediates Cucurbitacin-B-Induced Actin Aggrega...2014Liu, Kun-Peng StudentECU
VASP Activation via the Gα13/RhoA/PKA Pathway Mediates Cucurbitacin-B-Induced Actin Aggrega...2014Lu, Qun StudentECU
VASP Activation via the Gα13/RhoA/PKA Pathway Mediates Cucurbitacin-B-Induced Actin Aggrega...2014Xu, Li-Hui StudentECU
VASP Activation via the Gα13/RhoA/PKA Pathway Mediates Cucurbitacin-B-Induced Actin Aggrega...2014Zhang, Yan-Ting StudentECU
VASP Activation via the Gα13/RhoA/PKA Pathway Mediates Cucurbitacin-B-Induced Actin Aggrega...2014Liu, Pei-Yan StudentECU
Vector Management Reduces Marine Organisms Transferred with Live Saltwater Bait2023Blakeslee, April StudentECU
Vectors of transmission: An early nicotine puff triggers a long-lasting microRNA molecular “...2023Taki, Faten StudentECU
Vegan diets present challenges for kids2023Vyas, Jayati SStudentECU
Vegan diets present challenges for kids2023Kolasa, Kathryn MStudentECU
Vegetarian Diets in the Prevention and Management of Diabetes and Its Complications2017Pawlak, Roman StudentECU
Vegetation change analysis from 2010-2018 using aerial photography and RTK-GNSS to assist La...2023Smaby, Rachel StudentECU
Vegetation Dynamics of a Carolina Hemlock Community at Bluff Mountain, North Carolina, USA2012Austin, David AlanStudentGeography and Planning - Student , ASU
Vegetation patterns and wrack-initiated disturbance in a nontidal brackish marsh in North Ca...2023Knowles, David B.(David Bryant)StudentECU
Velopharyngeal Structural and Functional Assessment of Speech in Young Children Using Dynami...2023Perry, Jamie L.StudentECU
Velopharyngeal Structural and Functional Assessment of Speech in Young Children Using Dynami...2023Fang, Xiangming StudentECU
Vendors and the Acquisition of Electronic Resources: Can They Help Librarians?1998Ogburn, Joyce FacultyUniversity Libraries, ASU
"Veneer"1977Dobbins, Paula StudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
VENI VIDI VICI2010Talley, Isaac GreysonStudentECU
Venomics and Systematics of Robber Flies (Diptera: Asilidae)2023Cohen, Christopher StudentECU
Venous varices of the heart: a case report of spontaneous coronary sinus thrombosis with per...2018Moey, Melissa Y. Y.,Ebin,Emanuel,Marcu,Constantin B.StudentECU
Verbal and spatial processing in transitive inference : effects of problem complexity and am...1994Huffman, Charles J.StudentPsychology, UNCG
The verbal behavior of the autistic child1967Fussell, Mary RobertsonStudentDrama and Speech, UNCG
Verbal responses of institutionalized delinquent and non-delinquent adolescent girls to TAT ...1973Penry, Mallie B.StudentHome Economics, UNCG
Verbal self-regulation of behavior by children with internal and external locus of control1975Standahl, Jerry JoelStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Vernacular in Curves: The Mythologizing of the Great Lakes Whaleback2023Lengieza, Joseph ThaddeusStudentECU
Versican (Cspg2) expression during murine inner ear development2023Loomer, Maureen Raynor.StudentECU
Versican expression during skeletal/joint morphogenesis and patterning of muscle and nerve i...2023Snow, Holly Elizabeth.StudentECU
The vertebrate fauna of the Upper Triassic (Norian: Revueltian) Snyder quarry2003Heckert, Andrew B. FacultyGeology, ASU
The Vertebrate Fauna of the Upper Triassic (Revueltian: early-mid Norian) Painted Desert Mem...2005Heckert, Andrew B. FacultyGeology, ASU
Vertebrate paleontology of the Robledo Mountains Member of the Hueco Formation, Doña Ana Mou...1995Heckert, Andrew B. FacultyGeology, ASU
Vertical collaborative inquiry teams: a vehicle for building instructional capacity in teach...2017Bailey, Kevin StudentHuman Services, WCU
Vertical collaborative inquiry teams: a vehicle for building instructional capacity in teach...2017Schweitzer, Brandon StudentHuman Services, WCU
Vertical distribution of stained benthic foraminifera in sediments of the 23-Mile-Rock area,...2023Lueck, Katrina Leigh Owens.StudentECU
Vertical distributions of living (stained) benthic foraminifera in sediments of southern Ons...2023Murosky, Mark William.StudentECU
Vertical migration patterns of common copepods over the Puerto Rico Trench2023Herring, Dane Clay.StudentECU
Verticals and horizontals1976Liner, Amon GeorgeStudentEnglish, UNCG
Vibrio and Aeromonas as agents of wound infections from estuarine waters in eastern North Ca...2023Blue, Vivian S.StudentECU
The View from 30,000 Feet: Regional Needs Assessment for Eastern North Carolina Hospitals2023Simpson, Susan StudentECU
The View from 30,000 Feet: Regional Needs Assessment for Eastern North Carolina Hospitals2023Coghill, Jeffrey StudentECU
A view of physical education : perceptions of five classroom teachers1987Brumbaugh, Jane IrwinStudentHealth, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, UNCG
Viewing Instructions Impact Emotional Memory Differently in Older and Younger Adults2008Emery, Lisa FacultyPsychology, ASU
Views of business owners and managers in Kinston, North Carolina, toward high school vocatio...2023Goodman, Henry HarperStudentECU
The Vinyard Shipbuilding Company : from wood shavings to hot sparks2023Emory, Scott A.StudentECU
Violation of Women's Reproductive Rights : The Doctrine, Laws, and Habits that Create the Fo...2023Flegel, Alison C.StudentECU
Violence, Intimidation and Identity: The Lumbee Indians and the Klan in Roberson County, No...2023Seibert, Heather StudentECU
Violent Frauen: Manhood and Womanhood on Trial For Nazi Atrocities at Bergen-Belsen, 19452023Stimits, Megan LynnStudentECU
The violin sonata in the Baroque era1966Watson, Mary AlyceStudentMusic, UNCG
Viral Engagement: Virtual Museum Tours in Our New Reality2023Young, ELizabeth StudentECU
Virginia Woolf as equilibrist : the moment of vision and the androgynous mind1978Vanderwerff, Whitney GroveStudentEnglish, UNCG
Virtual Lactation Support for Breastfeeding Mothers During the Early Postpartum Period2023Jordan, Shakeema StudentECU
"Virtual Reality" - Book Chapter, The Blackwell Guide To The Philosophy Of Computing And Inf...2004Stanovsky, Derek FacultyCultural, Gender, and Global Studies, ASU
Virtual reality and augmented reality technologies for art education: The perceptions and re...2023Song, Borim StudentECU
Virtual Reality Sailing Simulation: Perspectives from Individuals with Physical Disabilities...2023Savage, Jennifer orStudentECU
A Virtual World for Collaboration: The AETZone2009Sanders, Robert L. FacultyLeadership and Educational Studies, ASU
Virtually Usable: a Test of the Information Gardens2007Purpur, Geraldine FacultyUniversity Libraries, ASU
Virtually Usable: a Test of the Information Gardens2007Johnson, Megan FacultyUniversity Libraries, ASU
Virtually Usable: a Test of the Information Gardens2007Ochoa, Louise FacultyUniversity Libraries, ASU
The Visit, Like Sisters, Storjka2023Aeby, Elizabeth CarpenterStudentECU
Visual afferentation in the turtle2023Norman, James Ronald.StudentECU
"Visual Culture and the 'Alice' Books" by Erin Clark Frost2023Frost, Erin ClarkStudentECU
The visual design and arena theatre for Squaring the circle1976Burns, Ronald Q.StudentDrama and Speech, UNCG
A visual design and technical production of Eugene O'Neill's Long day's journey into night1972Raby, Corland FrederickStudentDrama and Speech, UNCG
A visual design for Dark of the moon by Howard Richardson and William Berney1971Dudley, Barry S.StudentDrama and Speech, UNCG
Visual design for Garcia Lorca's The house of Bernarda Alba1969Barnes, Orville KennethStudentDrama and Speech, UNCG
A visual design for Moliere's The doctor in spite of himself1973Parker, James E.StudentDrama and Speech, UNCG
Visual design for Murray Schisgal's Luv1974Olson, Eric EllisStudentDrama and Speech, UNCG
Visual design of Charlotte Chorpenning's Jack and the beanstalk1973Jarvis, Robert CauthornStudentDrama and Speech, UNCG
The visual design of Guys and dolls by Jo Swirling (i.e. Swerling) and Abe Burrows1974Emmert, Lynn CookerlyStudentDrama and Speech, UNCG
Visual design of Jack A. Melanos' Sinbad the sailor1971Berg, Diane RoughStudentDrama and Speech, UNCG
Visual design of Jean Genet's The balcony1973Garnett, G. CarrStudentDrama and Speech, UNCG
The visual design of Mart Crowley's The boys in the band1972Dawson, Thomas DonaldStudentDrama and Speech, UNCG
Visual design of Robin Shorts' The Red shoes1977Ramsey, David LelandStudentDrama and Speech, UNCG
Visual design of Tennessee Williams' Cat on a hot tin roof1974Lockrow, A. LynnStudentDrama and Speech, UNCG
A visual design of William Inge's Picnic1971Ward, Ralph CarltonStudentDrama and Speech, UNCG
Visual designs and technical production of William Gibson's A Cry of players1977Harper, V. HerschelStudentDrama and Speech, UNCG
Visual designs for James M. Barrie's Peter Pan1977Maulden, Dennis C.StudentDrama and Speech, UNCG
Visual designs for Madge Miller's The land of the dragon1976Conger, Joseph H.StudentDrama and Speech, UNCG
Visual event-related potentials to colored patterns and color names : attention to feature, ...1983Aine, Cheryl J.StudentPsychology, UNCG
Visual evoked cortical responses and selective dioptic masking with pattern flashes of diffe...1973Musso, Mario F.StudentPsychology, UNCG
Visual pattern recognition in the cerebral hemispheres : the role of spatial filtering1982Previc, Fred H.StudentPsychology, UNCG
Visual Perception in School-Aged Children: A Psychometric Study of the Correlation between C...2010Christian, Rachel WoodStudentECU
Visual Reaction Time Differences Between Medically-at-Risk Adult Drivers and Healthy Control...2023Penna, Victoria IStudentECU
Visual sensations which create expressions1972Joyner, Charles EdwardStudentArt, UNCG
Visual stimulation for premature infants with hyperbilirubinemia1977Evans, Michelle C.StudentHome Economics, UNCG
Visual-Aural Progression : One MFA Candidate's Retrospective, 2005-20112023Snyder, J. TravisStudentECU
Visual-spatial selective attention and reading ability in children : a study using event-rel...1991Anllo-Vento, Maria LourdesStudentPsychology, UNCG
A visualization of America hurrah by Jean-Claude Van Itallie1973Burroughs, Carlotta BlakenshipStudentDrama and Speech, UNCG
Visualizing the Fruit of the Spirit2023Talieh, Abeanju StudentECU
Visualizing Images in Writing : Pedagogical and Professional Implications of Image Analysis2014Hurley, Frank P.StudentECU
The visually evoked cortical potential : stimulus effects and interactions1971Suitt, Constance DePewStudentPsychology, UNCG
Visually evoked responses and reaction times in man : effects of interocular and intraocular...1974Shuttlesworth, Duane ElwoodStudentPsychology, UNCG
Visuomotor Tracking Abilities of Speakers with Apraxia of Speech or Conduction Aphasia2008Clark, Heather FacultyPast Faculty Member, ASU
Vitamin A and ascorbic acid nutriture and snacking patterns of female adolescents1982Sumner, Sheron KeelStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Vitamin B12 Regulation of Polyunsaturated Fatty Acid Synthesis2023Sholar, Molli AStudentECU
Vitamin D Correlation with Testosterone Concentration in Male US Soldiers and Veterans2023Wu, Qiang StudentECU
Vitamin A Insufficiency in Current and Former Smokers and Lung Cancer Risk: A Case-Control A...2023Bomstein, Zachary StudentECU
Vitreous Infammatory and Angiogenic Factors on Patients with Proliferative Diabetic Retinopa...2023Limberis, Loren StudentECU
Vitreous Infammatory and Angiogenic Factors on Patients with Proliferative Diabetic Retinopa...2023Batsos, Georgios StudentECU
Vitreous Infammatory and Angiogenic Factors on Patients with Proliferative Diabetic Retinopa...2023, et alStudentECU
A Voice From The Past: A Colleague's Chance Encounter Provided A Valuable Lesson2006Johanson, Linda FacultyNursing, ASU
Voices from the secondary school : women English teachers engaged in critical pedagogy1993Mitchell, Suzanne MancusoStudentEducation, UNCG
Voices of Indianness : the lived world of Native American women1990Brayboy, Mary Elizabeth JonesStudentHuman Environmental Sciences, UNCG
Voices of Men in Nursing Academia: What Attracts Them to the Faculty Role?2023Duke, Kelsey GraceStudentECU
Voices of southern women : speaking from the country schoolhouse, 1915-1940, Rockingham Coun...1996Pasour, Katherine MeadorStudentEducation, UNCG
The void and tensions in landscape painting1959Kesler, Anne MercerStudentArt, UNCG
The volcanic geology of the Rancho Pe{tilde}nas Azules area, Chihuahua, Mexico2023Spruill, Richard K.StudentECU
Volume of Disease as a Predictor for Clinical Outcomes in Patients With Melanoma Brain Metas...2023Burke, Aidan M.StudentECU
Volume of Disease as a Predictor for Clinical Outcomes in Patients With Melanoma Brain Metas...2023Carrasquilla, Michael StudentECU
The Voluntary Contributions Mechanism with Uncertain Group Payoffs1998Dickinson, David L. FacultyEconomics, ASU
Voluntary stuttering suppresses true stuttering: A window on the speech perception--producti...2004SALTUKLAROGLU, TIM,KALINOWSKI,JOSEPH,DAYALU,VIKRAM N.,STUART,ANDREW,RASTATTER,MICHAEL PStudentECU
Voluntary stuttering suppresses true stuttering: A window on the speech perception--producti...2004SALTUKLAROGLU, TIM,KALINOWSKI,JOSEPH,DAYALU,VIKRAM N.,STUART,ANDREW,RASTATTER,MICHAEL P.StudentECU
Voluntary stuttering suppresses true stuttering: A window on the speech perception–productio...2023SALTUKLAROGLU, TIM StudentECU
Voluntary stuttering suppresses true stuttering: A window on the speech perception–productio...2023KALINOWSKI, JOSEPH StudentECU
Voluntary stuttering suppresses true stuttering: A window on the speech perception–productio...2023Dayalu, Vikram N.StudentECU
Voluntary stuttering suppresses true stuttering: A window on the speech perception–productio...2023STUART, ANDREW StudentECU
Voluntary stuttering suppresses true stuttering: A window on the speech perception–productio...2023RASTATTER, MICHAEL P.StudentECU
Voluntary stuttering suppresses true stuttering: A window on the speech perception–productio...2023SALTUKLAROGLU, TIM StudentECU
Voluntary stuttering suppresses true stuttering: A window on the speech perception–productio...2023KALINOWSKI, JOSEPH StudentECU
Voluntary stuttering suppresses true stuttering: A window on the speech perception–productio...2023Dayalu, Vikram N.StudentECU
Voluntary stuttering suppresses true stuttering: A window on the speech perception–productio...2023STUART, ANDREW StudentECU
Voluntary stuttering suppresses true stuttering: A window on the speech perception–productio...2023RASTATTER, MICHAEL PStudentECU
Volunteers in mental health service programs : a work behavior analysis1994Nassar, Sylvia C.StudentEducation, UNCG
Von Willebrand Factor A1 Domain Stability and Affinity for GPIba are Differentially Regulate...2023Hudson, Nathan E.StudentECU
Von Willebrand Factor A1 Domain Stability and Affinity for GPIba are Differentially Regulate...2023Bonazza, Klaus StudentECU
Vowed and disavowed : religious, social, and political promises in Measure for measure1992Mokris, Mary P.StudentEnglish, UNCG
Vox Populi, Vox Dei\; or Measuring the "Goodness" of College Libraries: A Case Study2023Jones, Plummer AlstonStudentECU
Voyage2014Lesko, Katie StudentECU
Voyage2014Ward, Julian StudentECU
Voyage2014Lueck, Amanda StudentECU
Voyage2014Rupe, Trevor StudentECU
Voyage2014Sledge, Ben StudentECU
Vulnerability of four North Carolina coastal counties to a hurricane strike2023Hanak, Derek Paul.StudentECU
VZV in biopsy-positive and -negative giant cell arteritis: Analysis of 100+ temporal arterie...2016Khmeleva, Nelly StudentECU
VZV in biopsy-positive and -negative giant cell arteritis: Analysis of 100+ temporal arterie...2016White, Teresa StudentECU
VZV in biopsy-positive and -negative giant cell arteritis: Analysis of 100+ temporal arterie...2016Boyer, Philip J.StudentECU
VZV in biopsy-positive and -negative giant cell arteritis: Analysis of 100+ temporal arterie...2016Gilden, Don StudentECU
VZV in biopsy-positive and -negative giant cell arteritis: Analysis of 100+ temporal arterie...2016Nagel, Maria A.StudentECU
Wage payment and incentive plans used by department and departmentalized specialty stores in...1950Slattery, William G.StudentBusiness Education, UNCG
Waiting for Godot : critical perspectives1969Carstarphen, Sally SullivanStudentEnglish, UNCG
The waiting room and other stories1974Lambeth, Candace ElaineStudentEnglish, UNCG
Walking "the same path" : Indian voices and the issues of removal1994Griffin, Frank WingetStudentEnglish, UNCG
Walking Velocity and Step Length Adjustments Affect Knee Joint Contact Forces in Healthy Wei...2023Willson, John StudentECU
Walking Velocity and Step Length Adjustments Affect Knee Joint Contact Forces in Healthy Wei...2023Meardon, Stacey A.StudentECU
Walking with the dead :an analysis of ghost walk tours in Savannah, Georgia2023Gentry, Glenn W.StudentECU
WalkMore: a randomized controlled trial of pedometer-based interventions differing on intens...2014Dragg, Amber TStudentECU
WalkMore: a randomized controlled trial of pedometer-based interventions differing on intens...2014Tudor-Locke, Catrine StudentECU
WalkMore: a randomized controlled trial of pedometer-based interventions differing on intens...2014Swift, Damon LStudentECU
WalkMore: a randomized controlled trial of pedometer-based interventions differing on intens...2014Schuna, John MStudentECU
WalkMore: a randomized controlled trial of pedometer-based interventions differing on intens...2014Davis, Allison BStudentECU
WalkMore: a randomized controlled trial of pedometer-based interventions differing on intens...2014Martin, Corby KStudentECU
WalkMore: a randomized controlled trial of pedometer-based interventions differing on intens...2014Johnson, William DStudentECU
WalkMore: a randomized controlled trial of pedometer-based interventions differing on intens...2014Church, Timothy SStudentECU
Wallace Stevens, James Merrill, and the way of the dandy1989Fuller, Janice MooreStudentEnglish, UNCG
Walls and windows : Ixion revisited1976Keck, George AlbertStudentArt, UNCG
The Waltzing Dead : The Merit of Pride and Prejudice and Zombies2023Koballa, Katherine StudentECU
Wanderings : a Childhood Introspective2023Perry, Cathy DeanStudentECU
War and peace : a rhetorical criticism of the Ford-Carter amnesty issue, 1974-19761977Glenn, Phillip JamesStudentDrama and Speech, UNCG
War and physical education an historical study of German physical education1958Steacy, Gail B.StudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
"War Is War, And I Must Carry Out My Duty": A Geospatial And Statistical Analysis of North C...2023Knutson, Janie RoseStudentECU
Warfarin Sensitivity is Associated with Increased Hospital Mortality in Critically Ill Patie...2023Wang, Ping StudentECU
Warfarin Sensitivity is Associated with Increased Hospital Mortality in Critically Ill Patie...2023, et alStudentECU
Warning, You Are Here2023Eddins, William AugustusStudentECU
Warring fictions : cultural politics and the Vietnam war narrative1995Neilson, James J.StudentEnglish, UNCG
Washington, North Carolina's 19th Century Coasting Trade and Historical and Archaeological ...2023Snyder, J. TravisStudentECU
Washover Fan Evolution, Assateague Island National Seashore, MD (2012-2019)2023Lecompte, Karley StudentECU
Watauga College : the residential college at Appalachian State University1985Foxx, Virginia AnnStudentEducation, UNCG
Watch this! Including streaming video in our collections [Slides]2016Fischer, Christine M.FacultyUniversity Libraries, UNCG
Water as a kinetic element in sculpture1971Mintich, Mary StudentArt, UNCG
Water chemistry of the pocosins of the Croatan National Forest, Carteret, Craven, and Jones ...2023Loftin, Laurie K.StudentECU
Water color1972Saffiotti, Carol StudentEnglish, UNCG
Water Infrastructure Vulnerability to Coastal Flood Hazards : A Space-Place Analysis of Mant...2023Oyer, Zachary StudentECU
Water quality characterization of two streams in Greenville, North Carolina2023Stewart, Erin A.StudentECU
Water T2 as an early, global and practical biomarker for metabolic syndrome: an observationa...2017Robinson, Michelle D.,Mishra,Ina,Deodhar,Sneha,Patel,Vipulkumar,GordoStudentECU
Water, Sanitation And Hygiene Conditions In Kenyan Rural Schools: Are Schools Meeting The Ne...2014Rheingans, Richard FacultySustainable Development, ASU
Water, Sanitation, And Primary School Attendance: A Multi-Level Assessment Of Determinants O...2013Rheingans, Richard FacultySustainable Development, ASU
Watercolor paintings : trees1978Groulx, Adele FreedmanStudentArt, UNCG
Waterways of Innovation: The Marine Technological Advancements of America's Prohibition Era2023Bowdoin, Charles SamuelStudentECU
The way we learned : rural schooling in Nebraska (1915-1925)1995Simmons, Aldonna SearlesStudentEducation, UNCG
Wayne County, North Carolina :a place and a people : 1860-18802023Crews, Coletta A.StudentECU
Wayne County, North Carolina :a place and a people : 1860-18802023Crews, Coletta A.StudentECU
The ways of God in Paradise Lost1966Helvey, James RelerfordStudentEnglish, UNCG
We Are Not Eighteen: Welcoming Non-traditional Students on Campus2023Shivar, Ashley StudentECU
‘We Keep It Secret So No One Should Know’ – A Qualitative Study To Explore Young Schoolgirls...2013Rheingans, Richard FacultySustainable Development, ASU
Weaker forms of continuity1972Keith, Martha AllredStudentMathematics, UNCG
"The Weapons in Our Hands are Limitless": The Protocols of The Elders of Zion's Influence on...2015Vickers, William StudentHistory - Student, ASU
Weathering the Storm: Measuring Household Willingness-to-Pay for Risk-Reduction in Post-Katr...2011Whitehead, John FacultyEconomics, ASU
Weaving KidLit into Professional Learning for Gifted Educators: Shifting Perspectives and Co...2023Novak, Angela M.StudentECU
Weaving KidLit into Professional Learning for Gifted Educators: Shifting Perspectives and Co...2023Lewis, Katie StudentECU
Website Filtering: An Evaluation of Local Education Agencies2010Warren, Alan MichaelStudentLeadership and Educational Studies - Student, ASU
Wedding invitation mockup2021Williams, Michael StudentMusic and Visual Arts, ECSU
The Weight Loss Blogosphere: an Online Survey of Weight Loss Bloggers2023Whited, Matthew C.StudentECU
Weight-loss and exercise for communities with arthritis in North Carolina (we-can): design a...2017Messier, Stephen P.,Callahan,Leigh F.,Beavers,Daniel P.,Queen,Kate,StudentECU
The Weimar Republic1952Rawlins, Ruth StudentHistory, UNCG
Welding the sinews of war : a history of the North Carolina Shipbuilding Corporation2023Scott, Ralph L.StudentECU
"Well Content With One Fireship:" The Sociomedical impact of venereal disease on the Channel...2023Ayhens, Monica StudentECU
"Well, she was a woman" : female characters in the poetry of Edwin Arlington Robinson1993Weil, Eric A.StudentEnglish, UNCG
Wellness Counseling and Education Effects on Diabetes Self-Management2023Humphreys-Sprague, Mary StudentECU
Were they liable? :comparing the Johnstown Flood Museum and the Johnstown Flood National Mem...2023Moore, Katherine Jean O'Connor.StudentECU
The Western Carolinian as a political organ : 1820-18321973Topkins, Robert MortonStudentHistory, UNCG
THE WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA RAILROAD, 1855-18941976Abrams, William HutsonStudentHistory, WCU
Wetland management strategies lead to tradeoffs in ecological structure and function2018Peralta, Ariane L.,Muscarella,Mario E.,Matthews,Jeffrey W.StudentECU
What Constitutes an Extended-Spectrum beta-lactamase?2002Smith, C. JeffreyFacultyECU
What Do Patrons Really Do in Music Libraries? An Ethnographic Approach to Improving Library ...2023Hursh, David StudentECU
What Do Patrons Really Do in Music Libraries? An Ethnographic Approach to Improving Library ...2023Avenarius, Christine StudentECU
What Do You look for in a Prospective Date?: Reexamining the Preferences of Men and Women Wh...1997Bazzini, Doris FacultyPsychology, ASU
What Does It Mean to Follow? An Exploration of a Followership Profile in Hospitality and Tou...2023Deale, Cynthia S.StudentECU
What Does a Person Have to Do to Use a Computer Here?2011Ellern, Gillian (Jill) D. FacultyHunter Library, WCU
What Does a Person Have to Do to Use a Computer Here?2011Hitch, Robin FacultyHunter Library, WCU
What factors influence older people-s intention to enrol in nursing homes? A cross-sectional...2018Luo, Mengyun,Xue,Yajiong,Zhang,Shunxing,Dong,Yuanyuan,M StudentECU
What factors influence older people’s intention to enrol in nursing homes? A cross-sectional...2023Luo, Mengyun StudentECU
What factors influence older people’s intention to enrol in nursing homes? A cross-sectional...2023Xue, Yajiong StudentECU
What factors influence older people’s intention to enrol in nursing homes? A cross-sectional...2023Zhang, Shunxing StudentECU
What factors influence older people’s intention to enrol in nursing homes? A cross-sectional...2023Dong, Yuanyuan StudentECU
What factors influence older people’s intention to enrol in nursing homes? A cross-sectional...2023Mo, Dandan StudentECU
What factors influence older people’s intention to enrol in nursing homes? A cross-sectional...2023Dong, Wei StudentECU
What factors influence older people’s intention to enrol in nursing homes? A cross-sectional...2023Qian, Kun StudentECU
What factors influence older people’s intention to enrol in nursing homes? A cross-sectional...2023Fang, Yue StudentECU
What factors influence older people’s intention to enrol in nursing homes? A cross-sectional...2023Liang, Huigang StudentECU
What factors influence older people’s intention to enrol in nursing homes? A cross-sectional...2023Zhang, Zhiruo StudentECU
What Factors Maintain the Mixed Mating System of a Local Annual Plant, Triodanis perfoliata?...2023O'Brien, Anna CStudentECU
What I Think I May Have Learned—Reflections on 50 Years of Teaching: An Interview with Micha...2006Michael, Kurt D.FacultyPsychology, ASU
What In The World Is Watauga?2000Scherlen, Allan G.FacultyUniversity Libraries, ASU
What Is Acceptance? The Perceptions of Adults Who Stutter2016Connell, Leah StudentRehabilitation Sciences - Student, ASU
What is Fair? Experimental Evidence2002Dickinson, David L. FacultyEconomics, ASU
What is the importance of a prekindergarten program to achievement and school success for st...1991McMasters, Linda ManessStudentEducation, UNCG
What Isn't Religion?2013Schilbrack, Kevin FacultyPhilosophy and Religion, ASU
What Makes Homeowners Consider Protective Actions to Reduce Disaster Risk? An Application of...2023Stock, Alexia StudentECU
What Makes Homeowners Consider Protective Actions to Reduce Disaster Risk? An Application of...2023Davidson, Rachel StudentECU
What Makes Homeowners Consider Protective Actions to Reduce Disaster Risk? An Application of...2023Trainor, Joseph E.StudentECU
What Makes Homeowners Consider Protective Actions to Reduce Disaster Risk? An Application of...2023Slotter, Rachel StudentECU
What Makes Homeowners Consider Protective Actions to Reduce Disaster Risk? An Application of...2023Nozick, Linda K.StudentECU
What Makes Homeowners Consider Protective Actions to Reduce Disaster Risk? An Application of...2023Kruse, Jamie B.StudentECU
‘What we talk about when we talk about culture’: Frans de Waal on science, morality and the ...2023Feder, Helena StudentECU
What working mothers use or prefer for child care for their mildly sick children2023Whelan, Mary KayStudentECU
Whatever Happened to Professorial Prestige in the Academy? Where is the Academic Freedom and...2021Osler, James FacultySchool of Education , NCCU
"What's it going to be then, eh?" : tracing the English paragraph into its second century1988Branson, Mark KeithStudentEnglish, UNCG
Wheelchair Basketball Athletes: Motives for Participation2016Bohnert, Ashley StudentECU
When Is It Going To Happen? How Temporal Distance Influences Processing for Risky–Choice Fra...2007McElroy, Todd FacultyPsychology, ASU
When the Personal is Political: a review of three books: Islam and Equality, Searching for L...2001Scherlen, Renee FacultyGovernment and Justice Studies, ASU
When prayer is not enough: The mediating role of mental health literacy and stigma for relig...2024Blevins, William CharlesStudentPsychology, WCU
When Sex Doesn't Sell - Political Scandals, Culture, and Media Coverage in the States2014Newmark, Adam J FacultyGovernment and Justice Studies, ASU
When the Water Runs Dry: Supporting Adaptive Governance in Transboundary River Basins2023Petersen-Perlman, Jacob D.StudentECU
When the Water Runs Dry: Supporting Adaptive Governance in Transboundary River Basins2023Blumstein, Sabine StudentECU
When women talk who's listening? the effects of sex of the speaker on listening comprehensio...1976Gruber, Kenneth JayStudentPsychology, UNCG
Where Do We Grow from Here? Assessing the Impact of a Digital Media Commons on Student Succe...2018Crowe, Kathryn FacultyUniversity Libraries, UNCG
Where Do We Grow from Here? Assessing the Impact of a Digital Media Commons on Student Succe...2018Collins, Armondo FacultyEnglish, UNCG
Where Were the Whalers? An Investigation of the Archaeological, Historical, and Cultural In...2023Bradley, Ryan J.StudentECU
Which Resources Matter? : Resources And The Impact Of North Carolina Environmental Organizat...2023Saville, Anne StudentECU
WHITE FEMALE VICTIMS AND DEATH PENALTY DISPARITY RESEARCH2006Williams, Marian FacultyGovernment and Justice Studies, ASU
White soul paintings1973Davenport, Rebecca ReadStudentArt, UNCG
The whiteness retention of selected flame retardant finished fabrics laundered with phosphat...1974Wertz, Elizabeth DreisbachStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Who benefits : a study of Pell grant and Stafford loan awards in four-year colleges, 1986-87...1994Fraser, Donald RossStudentEducation, UNCG
Who Brinser? and other stories1968Ackley, David LawrenceStudentEnglish, UNCG
Who Deserves A Quality Education?: Problems And Possibilities For Education In The United St...2016Bookout, Lindsay StudentArt - Student, ASU
Who Smokes in Hollywood? Characteristics of Smokers in Popular Films from 1940 to 19891998Bazzini, Doris FacultyPsychology, ASU
Whose history matters? An examination of Black vs White cemetery loss2023Story, Spencer ParksStudentECU
Why Accounting? Perceptions of the Accounting Industry and Factors That Affect Choosing a Ma...2023Braxton, Sydney CarterStudentECU
Why Concepts Can’t Be Theories2006Kwong, Jack FacultyPhilosophy and Religion, ASU
Why Do Patients in the United States Seek Care from Dermatologists?2023Roberson, Forrest A.StudentECU
Why Do Patients in the United States Seek Care from Dermatologists?2023Peck, Gabrielle M.StudentECU
Why Do Patients in the United States Seek Care from Dermatologists?2023Feldman, Steven R.StudentECU
Why Harry woke up and other stories1971Kimball, Clark CraigStudentEnglish, UNCG
Why I Love Maps, or Mappa Rasa2023Crawford, Thomas W.StudentECU
Why poverty persists in North Carolina and what one state agency is doing about it :a review...2023Gentile, Bianca T.StudentECU
Why Users Comply with Wearables: The Role of Contextual Self-Efficacy in Behavioral Change2023Eseryel, U. YelizStudentECU
Why Users Comply with Wearables: The Role of Contextual Self-Efficacy in Behavioral Change2023Rieder, Annamina StudentECU
Why Users Comply with Wearables: The Role of Contextual Self-Efficacy in Behavioral Change2023Lehrer, Christiane StudentECU
Why Users Comply with Wearables: The Role of Contextual Self-Efficacy in Behavioral Change2023Jung, Reinhard StudentECU
"Why you always be sweatin' me?" : cultural mapping : eighth grade, black adolescent females...1987Pember, Ann PiperStudentEducation, UNCG
Widespread brain reorganization perturbs visuomotor coordination in early glaucoma2019Trivedi, Vivek,Bang,Ji Won,Parra,Carlos,Colbert,Max K.,O’Connell,CaitliStudentECU
Widespread platinum anomaly documented at theYounger Dryas onset in North American sedimenta...2017Moore, Christopher R.,West,Allen,LeCompte,Malcolm A.,Brooks,Mark J.,DStudentECU
Widow’s Claim for Pension. Martha Misemer, January 27, 18662023Kling, Aimee StudentEnglish, WCU
Wild Horses2023Shope, Ashten LorenStudentECU
Wild Type and Gain of Function Mutant TP53 can Regulate the Sensitivity of Pancreatic Cancer...2023McCubrey, James A.StudentECU
Wild Type and Gain of Function Mutant TP53 can Regulate the Sensitivity of Pancreatic Cancer...2023Meher, Akshaya K.StudentECU
Wild Type and Gain of Function Mutant TP53 can Regulate the Sensitivity of Pancreatic Cancer...2023Akula, Shaw M.StudentECU
Wild Type and Gain of Function Mutant TP53 can Regulate the Sensitivity of Pancreatic Cancer...2023Abrams, Stephen L.StudentECU
Wild Type and Gain of Function Mutant TP53 can Regulate the Sensitivity of Pancreatic Cancer...2023Steelman, Linda S.StudentECU
Wild Type and Gain of Function Mutant TP53 can Regulate the Sensitivity of Pancreatic Cancer...2023LaHair, Michelle M.StudentECU
Wild Type and Gain of Function Mutant TP53 can Regulate the Sensitivity of Pancreatic Cancer...2023Franklin, Richard A.StudentECU
Wild Type and Gain of Function Mutant TP53 can Regulate the Sensitivity of Pancreatic Cancer...2023Martelli, Alberto M.StudentECU
Wild Type and Gain of Function Mutant TP53 can Regulate the Sensitivity of Pancreatic Cancer...2023Ratti, Stefano StudentECU
Wild Type and Gain of Function Mutant TP53 can Regulate the Sensitivity of Pancreatic Cancer...2023Cocco, Lucio StudentECU
Wild Type and Gain of Function Mutant TP53 can Regulate the Sensitivity of Pancreatic Cancer...2023Barbaro, Fulvio StudentECU
Wild Type and Gain of Function Mutant TP53 can Regulate the Sensitivity of Pancreatic Cancer...2023Duda, Przemyslaw StudentECU
Wild Type and Gain of Function Mutant TP53 can Regulate the Sensitivity of Pancreatic Cancer...2023Gizak, Agnieszka StudentECU
The wilderness experience1993Chamlee, Kenneth StudentEnglish, UNCG
Wildfire effects on small mammals in Western North Carolina2019Condon, Erin MarieStudentBiology, WCU
Wildlife utilization trends at White Oak Marsh Impoundment, North Carolina2023Weaver, Edward. StudentECU
Wildwood permutations1973Delattre, Susan B.StudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
William Blake's The marriage of heaven and hell : a formal analysis1969Hester, Kathleen DriscollStudentEnglish, UNCG
William F. Halsey and the Exercise of Command: The Battle of the Santa Cruz Islands, 26 Octo...2023Poupore, Darren L.StudentECU
William Holland Thomas to Jacob Siler Nov 19th 18532024Holloway, Johnny FacultyEnglish, WCU
William Holland Thomas to Jacob Siler, 11 Jan 18482024Holloway, Johnny FacultyEnglish, WCU
William Holland Thomas to Jacob Siler, May 18th 18592024Holloway, Johnny FacultyEnglish, WCU
William Howard Taft and the southern policy of the Republican Party, 1906-1912.2023Dilda, Kenneth WayneStudentECU
William Stringfield’s Amnesty Letters (June 1866)2015Taylor, Joshua StudentEnglish, WCU
William T. Sutherlin and the Danville tobacco industry1974Bennett, Barbara NapierStudentHistory, UNCG
William W. Holden and the Standard : the Civil War years1966Fiore, Jannette CarringerStudentHistory and Political Science, UNCG
William Walker and the Nicaraguan filibuster war of 1855-18571973Ellis, John C.StudentHistory, UNCG
Willingness To Pay For Downtown Public Goods Generated By Large, Sports-Anchored Development...2012Whitehead, John FacultyEconomics, ASU
Willingness To Pay For A Green Energy Program: A Comparison Of Ex-Ante And Ex-Post Hypotheti...2007Whitehead, John FacultyEconomics, ASU
Willingness To Pay For A Green Energy Program: A Comparison Of Ex-Ante And Ex-Post Hypotheti...2007Cherry, Todd FacultyEconomics, ASU
Willingness to Pay for Submerged Maritime Cultural Resources2003Whitehead, John FacultyEconomics, ASU
The Willingness to Pay to Remove Billboards and Improve Scenic Amenities2007Whitehead, John FacultyEconomics, ASU
The Willingness To Pay to Remove Billboards and Improve Scenic Amenities2007Groothuis, Peter FacultyEconomics, ASU
Wind and water work1972Tadlock, Marvin LaneStudentArt, UNCG
Wind Energy and the Tourist Gaze Empowering, Entertaining or Total ?Turnoff2023Long, Patrick StudentECU
Wind Energy and the Tourist Gaze Empowering, Entertaining or Total ?Turnoff2023Reyes, Enrique StudentECU
Wind Energy and the Tourist Gaze Empowering, Entertaining or Total ?Turnoff2023Ziegler, Garrett StudentECU
Wind Turbines and Coastal Recreation Demand2012Whitehead, John FacultyEconomics, ASU
The wind, the calm1974Fortunato, Peter A.StudentEnglish, UNCG
Window series1972Grimes, Willie BaucomStudentArt, UNCG
Windows1968Stripling, Kathryn StudentEnglish, UNCG
Windows Without Curtains - Computer Privacy and Academic Freedom2003McCaughey, Martha FacultySociology, ASU
Winds of Change: Librarians in a Mobile World2014Power, June LaVoieFacultyMary Livermore Library, UNCP
Wings and Wrenches: The History of the 6th Air Commando Squadron 1967-19692010Halliday, Arthur StudentECU
Winter is coming: the ecological drivers of photinus corruscus (coleoptera: lampyridae) dist...2022Hoagland, Desi JacqueseStudentBiology, WCU
WISC characteristics and Devereux behavior scale ratings for third grade reading disabled ch...1974Muzyczka, Marjorie J.StudentPsychology, UNCG
WISC, VMI, and behavioral characteristics of reading disabled children identified by the Z-S...1974Santoro, Patricia A.StudentPsychology, UNCG
With All Deliberate Speed : The Pearsall Plan and School Desegregation in North Carolina, 19...2023Carlson, Arthur LarentzStudentECU
With Salivating Tongues We Gaze Lustingly At Sugar, Salt, And Fat2023Watts, Amber DStudentECU
Wither Criminal Justice: An Argument for a Reformed Discipline2001Robinson, Matthew B. FacultyGovernment and Justice Studies, ASU
Within the chrysalis1976Zigler, Donald N.StudentEnglish, UNCG
Wittgensteinian Values: Philosophy, Religious Belief and Descriptivist Methodology2004Schilbrack, Kevin FacultyPhilosophy and Religion, ASU
Wives, widows, and nuns : English recusant women, 1558-16402023Allen, K. PaigeStudentECU
Woman, sport and society in Victorian England1974Kennard, June AriannaStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
Womanist intellectuals : developing a tradition1996Willis, Lucindy A.StudentEnglish, UNCG
Women And Cigarette Smoking: Does Amount Of Weight Gain Following A Failed Quit Attempt Affe...2005Curtin , Lisa FacultyPsychology, ASU
Women And Cigarette Smoking: Does Amount Of Weight Gain Following A Failed Quit Attempt Affe...2005Martz, Denise M. FacultyPsychology, ASU
Women and knowledge : a study of eight doctoral students in the School of Education, Univers...1990Wallace, Pricilla ProvostStudentEducation, UNCG
Women at a Music Festival: Biological Sex Defining Motivation and Behavioral Intentions2023Lee, Seung HyanStudentECU
Women’s Sex-Toy Parties: Technology, Orgasm, and Commodification2001McCaughey, Martha FacultySociology, ASU
Women's basketball rule infringements in seasonal and national tournament play1972Strausberger, Janet G.StudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
Women's Rights and Religious Bias in Dystopian Speculative Fiction: A Closer Look at Louise ...2023Macomber, Kelli StudentECU
A woman portrait2023Stiles, John FacultyMusic and Visual Arts, ECSU
A word frequency analysis of HIV/AIDS policies in the African countries of Botswana, Ghana, ...2023Messina, Jessie R.StudentECU
Words that Hurt: Trait Aggression and Gossiping Behaviors2020Reichart, Clayton StudentECU
Work and family : a baseline study of the relative importance of the perception of organizat...1983Bard, Leona FliegnerStudentHome Economics, UNCG
A Work Behavior Analysis of Executive Coaches.2008Newsom, Glenn StudentCounseling and Educational Development, UNCG
Work hard, play hard... or maybe not: A look at the relationships between workaholism, work-...2023Meier, Emily StudentECU
Work Safety Climate, Safety Behaviors, and Occupational Injuries of Youth Farmworkers in Nor...2023Kearney, Gregory D.StudentECU
Work/Non-Work Balance: Broadening the Conceptualization of Work and Life2023Viswanathan, Riya StudentECU
Workaholism and Aggressive Behavior: The Potential Moderating Effect of Perfectionism2023Wellman, Sarah StudentECU
Workaholism and Work-life Imbalance : The Potential Influence on Health Variables2010Hartinger, Jenna StudentECU
Workaholism and Workplace Incivility : the Role of Stress and Psychological Capital2023Lanzo, Lauren A.StudentECU
Working Alone: The Risk of Lone Working with Home Healthcare Workers and the Effectiveness o...2020Ogoegbunam, Kevin StudentECU
Working with a Refugee Outreach Organization in Rochester, New York2023Drake, Katherine StudentECU
Workplace Mentoring : The Roles of Humor Style Agreement, Humor Frequency, and Positive Ment...2023Love, Zachary M.StudentECU
Works on paper1978Narbutavicius, Mary GrazinaStudentArt, UNCG
Works on paper1977Dodson, Michael GaryStudentArt, UNCG
World Cleft Coalition International Treatment Program Standards2023Perry, Jamie L.StudentECU
World Cleft Coalition International Treatment Program Standards2023Kassam, Serena N.StudentECU
World enough and time : a vision of man1966Jenkins, Faye StudentEnglish, UNCG
The world of Carson McCullers1969Kirk, Dorothy JeanStudentEnglish, UNCG
WormGender -- Open-Source Software for Automatic Caenorhabditis elegans Sex Ratio Measuremen...2015Labocha, Marta K.,Jung,Sang-Kyu,Aleman-Meza,Boanerges,Liu,Zheng,ZStudentECU
WormGender – Open-Source Software for Automatic Caenorhabditis elegans Sex Ratio Measurement...2023Labocha, Marta K.StudentECU
WormGender – Open-Source Software for Automatic Caenorhabditis elegans Sex Ratio Measurement...2023Jung, Sang-Kyu StudentECU
WormGender – Open-Source Software for Automatic Caenorhabditis elegans Sex Ratio Measurement...2023Aleman-Meza, Boanerges StudentECU
WormGender – Open-Source Software for Automatic Caenorhabditis elegans Sex Ratio Measurement...2023Liu, Zheng StudentECU
WormGender – Open-Source Software for Automatic Caenorhabditis elegans Sex Ratio Measurement...2023Zhong, Weiwei StudentECU
Worthy: a collection of poetry2023Harrison, Meghan RoseStudentEnglish, WCU
Wrapped Around Trellis Designs for Aquaponics Systems2023Guinn, Haven FacultyEsther G. Maynor Honors College, UNCP
Writing across the curriculum : a call for pedagogical change in the secondary school1989Fowler, Helen LawsonStudentEducation, UNCG
Writing as a way of knowing : an interpretive inquiry into voice development in the high sch...1990Wright-Kernodle, Lynn StudentEducation, UNCG
A Writing Intervention for Negative Body Image: Pennebaker Fails to Surpass the Placebo2002Ballard, Mary FacultyPsychology, ASU
A Writing Intervention for Negative Body Image: Pennebaker Fails to Surpass the Placebo2002Curtin , Lisa FacultyPsychology, ASU
A Writing Intervention for Negative Body Image: Pennebaker Fails to Surpass the Placebo2002Martz, Denise M. FacultyPsychology, ASU
Writing the Web: Linking Computer Technology and Writing Courses2002Stanovsky, Derek FacultyCultural, Gender, and Global Studies, ASU
A written knowledge test for the fifth grade students at Archer Elementary School1965Hambright, Joanne StudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
Wurster's crown ligands2001Sibert, John W.StudentECU
Wurster's crown ligands2002Sibert, John W.StudentECU
A Wzx-Wzy-like Polysaccharide Biosynthetic Pathway Contributes to Virulence in Brucella abo...2023Hopersberger, Dariel AnneStudentECU
A Wzx-Wzy-like Polysaccharide Biosynthetic Pathway Contributes to Virulence in Brucella abo...2023Hopersberger, Dariel AnneStudentECU
Y’all Call it Technical and Professional Communication, We Call it #ForTheCulture: The Use o...2023Mckoy, Temptaous TStudentECU
The Yazoo Library Association's significance in history : the American social and public lib...1992Buchanan, William EmoryStudentEducation, UNCG
Year round education : implementing the first two years in the elementary grades1993Boyles, Bruce WillardStudentEducation, UNCG
Yeast-Host Interactions: Anadenanthera Colubrina Modulates Virulence Factors of C. Albicans ...2023Maia, Carolina Medeiros de AlmeidaStudentECU
Yeast-Host Interactions: Anadenanthera Colubrina Modulates Virulence Factors of C. Albicans ...2023Pasetto, Silvana StudentECU
Yeast-Host Interactions: Anadenanthera Colubrina Modulates Virulence Factors of C. Albicans ...2023Nonaka, Cassiano Francisco WeegeStudentECU
Yeast-Host Interactions: Anadenanthera Colubrina Modulates Virulence Factors of C. Albicans ...2023Costa, Edja Maria Melo de BritoStudentECU
Yeast-Host Interactions: Anadenanthera Colubrina Modulates Virulence Factors of C. Albicans ...2023Murata, Ramiro MendonçaStudentECU
Yeats's poetry from early to late : a changing view of man1976Broadwell, Frances AnnetteStudentEnglish, UNCG
Yesterday and Tomorrow2023Alotaibi, Samirah StudentECU
You are who you eat with: How dining choices change in social scenarios2023Nicoletti, Alexandra StudentECU
You, the Candidate2023Clark, Kayla NStudentECU
You’re Fine: Words You Hear as a Student-Athlete2023Gibbs, Morgan FacultyEsther G. Maynor Honors College, UNCP
Young Adult Perceptions and Participation in the Hawaiian Cultural Renaissance Movement2023Christy, Shannon StudentECU
Young infants' binocular interaction : evoked potential measures1978Odom, James VernonStudentPsychology, UNCG
The young republic's self-image during the administration of James Knox Polk : a study of th...1966Lamar, Quinton CurtisStudentHistory and Political Science, UNCG
Your Age is Showing2023Dowiarz, Samantha A.StudentECU
Your Child is Overweight, Now What? Understanding How Head Start Staff Communicate with Fami...2023Shefet, Dana StudentECU
"Your Message Here" : An Analysis of the U.S. Navy in Photo Postcards2023Croatt, Stephanie StudentECU
Yttrium-90 radioembolization in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma who have previously r...2013Rana, Nitesh,Wenhua Ju,Andrew,Bazylewicz,Michael,Kallakury,Bhaskar,He,StudentECU
Zebrafish Paralogs brd2a and brd2b Are Needed for Proper Circulatory, Excretory and Central ...2023Venuto, Alexandra StudentECU
Zebrafish Paralogs brd2a and brd2b Are Needed for Proper Circulatory, Excretory and Central ...2023Branigan, Gregory L.StudentECU
Zebrafish Paralogs brd2a and brd2b Are Needed for Proper Circulatory, Excretory and Central ...2023Olsen, Kelly S.StudentECU
Zebrafish Paralogs brd2a and brd2b Are Needed for Proper Circulatory, Excretory and Central ...2023Burda, Isabella StudentECU
Zebrafish Paralogs brd2a and brd2b Are Needed for Proper Circulatory, Excretory and Central ...2023Haemmerle, Matthew W.StudentECU
Zebrafish Paralogs brd2a and brd2b Are Needed for Proper Circulatory, Excretory and Central ...2023Ho, Jason StudentECU
Zebrafish Paralogs brd2a and brd2b Are Needed for Proper Circulatory, Excretory and Central ...2023D’Antonio, Nicholas D.StudentECU
Zebrafish Paralogs brd2a and brd2b Are Needed for Proper Circulatory, Excretory and Central ...2023Briggs, Ian E.StudentECU
Zebrafish Paralogs brd2a and brd2b Are Needed for Proper Circulatory, Excretory and Central ...2023DiBenedetto, Angela J.StudentECU
Zinc concentrations in select tissues from actute alloxan-diabetic male rates2023Slemmons, Kent D.StudentECU
Zirconia poems1968Morgan, Robert RayStudentEnglish, UNCG
ZnO Nanoparticles Enhanced Germ Cell Apoptosis in Caenorhabditis elegans, in Comparison with...2023Zhang, baohong StudentECU
Zooming Through Number Talks2023Phillips, Savannah StudentECU