Amy Dellinger Page Ph.D.

Dr. Page's research interests include: Attitudes toward Sexual and Interpersonal Violence, Sexual Offenders and Policy & Gender Inequality

There are 6 included publications by Amy Dellinger Page Ph.D.:

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
Behind the Blue Line: Investigating Police Officers’ Attitudes toward Rape 2007 6121 The current study contributes to what is known about police officers’ attitudes toward rape. A survey was administered to 891 sworn police officers in two states in the southeastern United States. The surveys were designed to assess police officers’ ...
Gateway to Reform? Policy Implications of Police Officers' Attitudes toward Rape 2008 3118 Research has shown that prosecutors rely more heavily on victim characteristics and other extralegal factors than on criteria set forth by the law, when evaluating the merits of a rape case. Little is known, however, about the factors police officers...
Judging Women and Defining Crime: Police Officers’ Attitudes Toward Women and Rape 2008 13118 Research demonstrates a positive relationship between public attitudes toward women and rape myth acceptance. Little is known about whether this relationship also exists within police culture. The current study assesses the relationship between polic...
Negotiating Identities in a Heteronormative Context 2013 6685 Society prescribes a set model of heterosexual development toward a gender and sexual identity. Individuals with gender and sexual identities that do not conform to the prescribed heterosexual identities must essentially develop their own way, tha...
North Carolina Sexual Offender Legislation: Policy Placebo? 2012 2270 Current legislation at the state and federal level is largely based on the premise that we can best protect children by prohibiting sexual offenders’ access to children through the use of residency restrictions, employment sanctions, and community...
True Colors: Police Officers and Rape Myth Acceptance 2010 6798 Institutionally, significant advancements in rape law reform have occurred. Culturally, police officers sometimes fail to adopt these changes. A survey designed to assess acceptance of rape myths was administered to 891 police officers in two southea...