Shared Decision-Making: Case Study Analysis to Promote Cross-Programme Dialogue Between Administrators and Media Coordinators

ASU Author/Contributor (non-ASU co-authors, if there are any, appear on document)
Robert L. Sanders Ed.D., Professor (Creator)
Appalachian State University (ASU )
Web Site:

Abstract: There is a general lack of cross-course and cross-programme dialogue in US colleges of education. Few, if any, opportunities are provided to engage graduate students in authentic dialogue about real school problems and issues. A grant-funded initiative has been launched at Appalachian State University to utilise case studies and web based communication tools to create authentic learning environments that support interaction between school administration and library science students to discuss real school problems and develop lasting solutions. This paper discusses a research study in which case study analysis was used to promote online cross-programme dialogue and assist students in developing their professional voice.

Additional Information

Sanders, R.L. & Angel, R.B. (2007). Shared decision-making: Case study analysis to promote cross-programme dialogue between administrators and media coordinators. International Journal of Web Based Communities, 3(2), 206-218. Published by Interscience. (ISSN: 1477-8394) DOI: 10.1504/IJWBC.2007.014081
Language: English
Date: 2007

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