Cynthia Wood Ph.D.

There are 9 included publications by Cynthia Wood Ph.D.:

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
"And Now a Word From..." and "Answer This" 2002 414 Newsletter article
Authorizing Gender and Development: "Third World Women," Native Informants, and Speaking Nearby 2001 9124 Postmodern and postcolonial feminist theories applied to development have opposed universalizing and essentializing notions of a homogeneous “third world woman” posited as in need of saving by first world experts. Deconstructing development requires ...
Community Impacts of International Service-Learning and Study Abroad: An Analysis of Focus Groups with Program Leaders 2011 398 The ethical practice of international service-learning requires participants and institutions to examine their potential impacts on vulnerable host communities. This study reports on a series of focus groups with leaders of short-term international s...
Different Commonalities: Gender Mainstreaming and the Marginalization of Difference in Economic Development 2005 1657 Gender mainstreaming in economic development has occurred in terms that contribute to the homogenization of women’s experiences and to the exclusion of difference as legitimate terrain of analysis at institutions such as the World Bank. Feminist diff...
Economic Marginalia: Postcolonial Readings of Unpaid Domestic Labor and Development 2003 755 Book chapter
The First World/Third Party Criterion: A Feminist Critique of Production Boundaries in Economics 1997 3210 This paper examines definitions of production boundaries in economics, explores the limitations of these definitions with respect to the inclusion of unpaid domestic labor, and considers the significance of such an exploration for feminist economic a...
First, Do No Harm: Ideas for Mitigating Negative Community Impacts of Short-Term Study Abroad 2009 2377 This article presents the results from a research project on the host community impact of college students participating in university-sponsored international experiences. It ?nds that little reliable data is available on the impact that our students...
First, Do No Harm: Ideas for Mitigating Negative Community Impacts of Short-Term Study Abroad 2009 2147 This article presents the results from a research project on the host community impact of college students participating in university-sponsored international experiences. It finds that little reliable data is available on the impact that our student...
Transforming “Them” into “Us”: Some Dangers in Teaching Women And Development 2002 702 Book Chapter