An Adaptation Of The Coping Cat Program: The Successful Treatment Of A 6-Year-Old Boy With Generalized Anxiety Disorder |
2012 |
885 |
Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) during childhood is a common condition with negative implications. This case study describes the successful cognitive-behavioral treatment of a 6-year old boy with excessive worry and sleep disturbances. Because of ... |
Assessment, Support, And Counseling Center |
2010 |
179 |
Adolescence introduces physical and psychological changes that pose a challenge to some people in this age group. The Assessment, Support, and Counseling (ASC) Center at Watauga High School is a community collaborative effort created to help fill a g... |
Background And Preliminary Results Of A Growing Interdisciplinary Rural School Mental Health Collaborative [Presentation Slides] |
2009 |
984 |
Conference presentation |
Behavioral treatment of trichotillomania: A case study |
2004 |
26467 |
Once considered a rare clinical condition, trichotillomania is now recognized as a psychological disorder that is more prevalent than previously thought. The behavioral treatment of a 21-year old college woman with a longstanding history of chronic h... |
Brief Cognitive Behavioral Therapy For College Students With ADHD: A Case Series Report |
2015 |
2810 |
Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is often diagnosed in childhood but persists into adulthood in many cases. Thisdisorder, which is defined by the core symptoms of IA and HI, is also associated with impairment in academic settings, inte... |
CALM Gatekeeper Training Is Associated With Increased Confidence In Utilizing Means Reduction Approaches To Suicide Prevention Among College Resident Assistants |
2020 |
1582 |
Background: Most suicide prevention programs focus on increasing knowledge regarding the problem of suicide, yet many fail to include information on the science and application of means reduction approaches. In an attempt to address this gap in pract... |
Cognitive-behavioral treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorder: A case of prolonged tooth brushing. |
2006 |
20377 |
Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) in children and adolescents is a prevalent condition with a number of adverse correlates and implications. The cognitive-behavioral treatment of an 11-year-old girl with prolonged tooth brushing is described in thi... |
Comparative Efficacy And Acceptability Of Psychotherapies For Depression In Children And Adolescents: A Systematic Review And Network Meta-Analysis |
2015 |
1651 |
Previous meta-analyses of psychotherapies for child and adolescent depression were limited because of the small number of trials with directcomparisons between two treatments. A network meta-analysis, a novel approach that integrates direct and indir... |
Comparative Efficacy And Tolerability Of Antidepressants For Major Depressive Disorder In Children And Adolescents: A Network Meta-Analysis |
2016 |
2268 |
Major depressive disorder is one of the most common mental disorders in children and adolescents. However, whether to use pharmacological interventions in this population and which drug should be preferred are still matters of controversy. Consequent... |
Comparative Efficacy And Tolerability Of First-Generation And Newer-Generation Antidepressant Medications For Depressive Disorders In Children And Adolescents: Study Protocol For A Systematic Review And Network Meta-Analysis |
2015 |
155 |
Introduction: Depressive disorders are among the most common psychiatric disorders in children and adolescents, and have adverse effects on their psychosocial functioning. Questions concerning the efficacy and safety of antidepressant medications in ... |
Convergent Validity Of The Internalizing Symptoms Scale For Children With Three Self-Report Measures Of Internalizing Problems |
1997 |
5278 |
Data that serve to support the convergent validity of the Internalizing Symptoms Scale for Children (ISSC), a new child self-report measure for assessing internalizing symptoms, are presented. The results of three studies are presented, wherein ISSC ... |
Crisis Text Line Use Following The Release Of Netflix Series 13 Reasons Why Season 1: Time-Series Analysis Of Help-Seeking Behavior In Youth |
2019 |
223 |
The availability of near real-time data from Crisis Text Line (CTL) and other technology-based platforms on crisis events provides an opportunity for targeted interventions prior to serious mental health outcomes (e.g., suicide,self-harm). This study... |
Crisis Text Patterns In Youth Following The Release Of 13 Reasons Why Season 2 And Celebrity Suicides: A Case Study Of Summer 2018 |
2019 |
267 |
There is considerable debate in the public arena and among the professional mental health community around the media’s role in increasing suicide risk following exposure to suicide-themed media in youth. A recent example involves the concerning react... |
Cultivating a new harvest: Rational and preliminary results from a growing interdisciplinary rural school mental health program |
2009 |
1558 |
It is well established that a significant number of young people suffer from mental health concerns at any given time. Yet a substantial proportion of these young people do not receive adequate treatment. Thus, in order to address this gap in health ... |
Depression Among College Students: Trends In Prevalence And Treatment Seeking |
2006 |
42885 |
In a study of 182 undergraduates, a substantial proportion of the students in this sample reported significant symptoms of depression, yet only a minute number of them had ever sought treatment for their ailments. Further, the college men in this stu... |
Developing And Implementing A University-School Mental Health Partnership To Enhance Student Health And Learning Outcomes [Presentation Slides] |
2009 |
1357 |
Participants will learn about the nature and scope of how mental health problems adversely impact student performance and learning. Participants will learn the details about how to set up a university-school district partnership to provide mental hea... |
Does Cognitive Behavioural Therapy In The Context Of A Rural School Mental Health Programme Have An Impact On Academic Outcomes? |
2013 |
2004 |
Given the prevalence of mental health difficulties among children and adolescents, schools have become a suitable context for providing psychological services to those who may otherwise go untreated. The co-occurrence of mental health impairments and... |
The Effects Of Physiological Arousal On Cognitive And Psychomotor Performance Among Individuals With High And Low Anxiety Sensitivity |
2010 |
1940 |
Information-processing models of anxiety posit that anxiety pathology is associated with processing biases that consume cognitive resources and may detract from one’s ability to process environmental stimuli. Previous research has consistently indica... |
Enhancing The Well-Being Of Youth: Rationale, Preliminary Results, And Policy Implications Of A Growing Interdisciplinary Rural School Mental Health Collaborative [Presentation Slides] |
2009 |
1015 |
Conference presentation |
An Evaluation Of An Interdisciplinary Rural School Mental Health Programme In Appalachia |
2013 |
2055 |
School mental health (SMH) programmes serve as a necessary niche within rural communities and aim to bring accessible care to youth who may otherwise go without mental health services. The following study evaluated the impact of mental health treatme... |
Examining Practice Patterns of Emergency Physicians through the Use of Simulated Patient Vignettes |
2005 |
763 |
Abstract unavailable |
Gender Differences in the Association among Nicotine Dependence, Body Image, Depression, and Anxiety within a College Population |
2004 |
2559 |
Previous research has linked female weight concerns and smoking. This study examined whether poor body image and other eating disorder variables, after controlling for symptoms of anxiety and depression, were predictive of smoking severity in a sampl... |
Group-based motivational interviewing for alcohol use among college students: An exploratory study |
2006 |
3379 |
How can practicing psychologists help reduce excessive alcohol consumption among college students? Over 80% of college students consume alcohol, and a significant percentage drinks excessively with myriad problems. Brief interventions based on motiva... |
How Effective are Treatments for Child and Adolescent Depression?: a Meta-Analytic Review |
2002 |
2734 |
We located a comprehensive sample of studies (1980–1999) on the psychosocial and pharmacological treatment of child and adolescent depression through an extensive literature search. Articles that met the inclusionary criteria were subsequently analyz... |
Interventions for Child and Adolescent Depression: Do Professional Therapists Produce Better Results? |
2005 |
3327 |
We reviewed and analyzed child and adolescent depression treatment studies (1980–2001) through a comprehensive literature search. The outcome data from 19 studies (31 treatments) were extracted and weighted standard mean effect sizes were computed. O... |
The Latent Structure Of Social Anxiety Disorder And The Performance Only Specifier: A Taxometric Analysis |
2017 |
1508 |
Social anxiety disorder (SAD) is often treated as a discrete diagnostic entity that represents a naturally occurring class, though empirical evidence largely supports a dimensional conceptualization of social fears. Further, the inclusion of a "perfo... |
Low Base Rate, High Impact: Responding To Teen Suicidal Threat In Rural Appalachia |
2014 |
1185 |
Approximately 20% of adolescents experience significant mental health problems at any given time, and of those, 14.3% meet clinical criteria for a mood disorder such as major depressive disorder and bipolar disorder((Merikangas et al., 2010). It is i... |
Meeting The Mental Health Needs Of Homeless Students In Schools: A Multi-Tiered System Of Support Framework |
2014 |
3552 |
The number of homeless youth in the U.S. has reached an all-time high and this represents a growing socialproblem. Research indicates that homeless youth are significantly at-risk for experiencing a range of negativelife-outcomes such as school dropo... |
Motivational Interviewing for Smoking Cessation Among College Students |
2010 |
1914 |
Motivational interviewing has shown some success as an intervention for college student cigarette smokers. We tested the efficacy and process of a two session motivational-interviewing-based smoking intervention compared to an assessment/information ... |
Nonsuicidal Self-Injury And Suicidal Self-Injury: A Taxometric Investigation |
2015 |
1410 |
The present research examined the latent structure of self-injurious behavior (SIB) to determine whether suicidal self-injury (SSI) and nonsuicidal self-injury (NSSI) reflect categorically distinct types of SIB or dimensional variations of the same c... |
Preliminary Outcomes Of A Multi-Site, School-Based Modular Intervention For Adolescents Experiencing Mood Difficulties |
2016 |
2379 |
Many evidence-based programs to address the emotional needs of youth experiencing mood difficulties are based on implementing ‘‘manualized’’ interventions. This approach often presents feasibility challenges in the school setting. In contrast, modula... |
Psychoactive Substance Use Disorders. [In S. F. Davis & W. Buskist (Eds.). 21st Century Psychology: a reference handbook] |
2008 |
1245 |
Book Chapter |
Psychotherapy For Depression In Children And Adolescents: Study Protocol For A Systematic Review And Network Meta-Analysis |
2015 |
769 |
Depression is common among children and adolescents and is associated with significantly negative effects. A number of structured psychosocial treatments are administered for depression in children and adolescents; however,evidence of their effective... |
Quasi-Experimental Evaluation Of Text-Based Crisis Patterns In Youth Following Hurricane Florence In The Carolinas, 2018 |
2020 |
199 |
Importance: Crisis text lines have proven to be an effective and low-cost means for delivering texting-based mental health support to youth. Yet there has been limited research examining the use of these services in capturing the psychological impact... |
The reliability of children's self-reported internalizing symptoms over brief- to medium- length time intervals |
1998 |
2722 |
Objective: To determine whether children between the ages of 8 and 12 years are able to reliably report internalizing symptoms over short to medium-length time intervals as measured by an objective self-report instrument of internalizing symptoms. M... |
A Revision And Extension Of The Prevention Of Escalating Adolescent Crisis Events (PEACE) Protocol |
2015 |
1698 |
The disparity between urban and rural suicide rates is increasing. In response to thismajor public health problem, clinicians and schoolmental health researchers designed a systematic crisis intervention protocol to be used with adolescents presentin... |
Sleep Duration, Mental Health, And Substance Use Among Rural Adolescents: Developmental Correlates |
2015 |
2110 |
Numerous studies have demonstrated that most adolescents do not get adequate amounts of sleep. Furthermore, insuf?cient sleep is associated with increased risk for depression and suicide attempts as well as substance abuse in adolescence. However, ex... |
So You Don’t Just Take Babies? Debunking Discipline-Specific Stereotypes And Other Lessons About True Interdisciplinary Collaboration |
2010 |
1277 |
Newsletter article |
Systematic Review Of Management For Treatment-Resistant Depression In Adolescents |
2014 |
1135 |
Background: Current guidelines for treatment-resistant depression in adolescents remain inadequate. This study aimed to systematically review the management of treatment-resistant depression in adolescent patients.Methods: We conducted an electronic ... |
Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Applied To Childhood Traumatic Grief In The Aftermath Of A Motor-Vehicle Accident: A School-Based Case Study |
2014 |
1376 |
Symptoms of posttraumatic stress, depression, and unresolved grief can appear in children and adolescents following the witnessing or experiencing of a traumatic event and respond with intense fear, helplessness, or horror. Those who lose a loved one... |
Using The MMPI-2 To Predict Symptom Reduction During Psychotherapy In A Sample Of Community Outpatients |
2009 |
5260 |
In the present study, potential MMPI-2 predictors of psychotherapy outcome were examined in a community clinical sample of 51 patients seeking treatment at a university training clinic. Results indicated that particular MMPI-2 scales (L, F, Pd, Pa, S... |
What I Think I May Have Learned—Reflections on 50 Years of Teaching: An Interview with Michael Wertheimer |
2006 |
3249 |
This is an interview with Michael Wertheimer, professor emeritus at the University of Colorado at Boulder, who has won awards for the teaching of psychology, for service, and for contributions to the history of psychology. After earning his BA (with ... |
Young Adult Romantic Couples' Conflict Resolution And Satisfaction Varies With Partner's Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Type |
2013 |
1489 |
Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) has previously been associated with less satisfaction and success in romantic relationships. This study compares conflict resolution and problem-solving behaviors in young adult romantic couples either ... |
Youth Mental Health In North Carolina: Creative Innovations In Challenging Times |
2020 |
657 |
In this issue of the North Carolina Medical Journal, youth mental health is the focus. The second half of the title of this issue brief, “creative innovations in challenging times,” was designed to convey a sense of optimism and urgency for the reade... |