Mark Strazicich Ph.D.

There are 18 included publications by Mark Strazicich Ph.D.:

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
Are C02 Emission Levels Converging Among Industrial Countries? 2003 1984 Time paths of carbon dioxide emissions in twenty-one industrial countries are examined from 1960-1997 to test for stochastic and conditional convergence. Both panel unit root tests and cross-section regressions are performed. Overall, we find signif...
Are incomes converging among OECD countries? Time series evidence with two structural breaks 2004 3627 Time series from fifteen OECD countries for the period 1870–1994 are examined to determine if per capita incomes are stochastically converging. To perform our tests, we utilize a minimum Lagrange multiplier unit root test that endogenously determines...
Are political freedoms converging? 2004 2569 This article tests for convergence o f freedom using Freedom House's (2002) indices of political rights and civil liberties in 136 countries from 1972 to 2001. Time-series tests, using structural breaks, are employed to test for stochastic and [beta]...
Are State and Provincial Governments Tax Smoothing? Evidence from Panel Data 1996 2032 Abstract not available
Corrigendum to “Stationarity of health expenditures and GDP: Evidence from panel unit root tests with heterogeneous structural breaks” [J. Health Econ. 22 (2003) 313–323] 2008 703 Refers to: “Stationarity of health expenditures and GDP: Evidence frompanel unit root tests with heterogeneous structural breaks,” Journal of Health Economics, Volume 22, Issue 2, March 2003, Pages 313–323, by Todd Jewell, Junsoo Lee, Margie Tieslau,...
Does Tax Smoothing Differ by the Level of Government? Time Series Evidence from Canada and the United States 1997 3381 The tax smoothing theory is examined for Canada and the United States. A distinction is made between federal and local levels of government. Mobility of taxable resources at the state and local levels may constrain the ability of these governments ...
Global Financial Crisis and Africa: Is the Impact Permanent or Transitory? Time Series Evidence from North Africa 2011 2841 We utilize time series tests with structural breaks to test for an adverse impact on economic growth rates in North Africa associated with the recent US financial crisis and global recession. One or two breaks are identified for each country, except ...
International evidence of tax smoothing in a panel of industrial countries 2002 1983 A panel of industrial countries is examined for evidence of `tax smoothing’. Tax smoothing results when governments minimize tax distortions over time. The model provides a positive theory of government debt and is due primarily to Barro. Unit roo...
IV threshold cointegration tests and the Taylor rule 2010 3621 ABSTRACT The usual cointegration tests often entail nuisance parameters that hinder precise inference. This problem is even more pronounced in a nonlinear threshold framework when stationary covariates are included. In this paper, we propose new thr...
LM threshold unit root tests 2011 1789 We build on the threshold unit root tests in Enders and Granger (1998) and develop tests based on Lagrange Multiplier (LM) unit root tests. The asymptotic properties are derived and finite sample properties are examined in simulations.
Minimum Lagrange Multiple Unit Root Test With Two Structural Breaks 2003 17824 The endogenous two-break unit root test of Lumsdaine and Papell is derived assuming no structural breaks under the null. Thus, rejection of the null does not necessarily imply rejection of a unit root per se, but may imply rejection of a unit root wi...
Non-renewable resource prices: Deterministic or stochastic trends? 2006 3174 In this paper, we examine temporal properties of 11 natural resource real price series from 1870 to 1990. Recent studies by Ahrens and Sharma [Trends in natural resource commodity prices: deterministic or stochastic? J. Environ. Econom. Manage. 33(19...
Regulatory Federalism and the Distribution of Air Pollutant Emissions 2007 2900 Recent empirical work suggests that (i) incomes are converging through time, and (ii) income and pollution levels are linked. This paper weds these two literatures by examining the spatial and temporal distribution of pollution. After establishing ...
Software Review: ITSM 2000 Professional Version 6.0 2002 7759 ITSM 2000 Professional Version 6.0, developed by Peter J. Brockwell and Richard A. Davis, B&D Enterprises, Inc., Copyright 1999. The Student Version is included in Introduction to Time Series and Forecasting, 1996, Springer-Verlag New York Inc. (ISBN...
Stationarity of health expenditures and GDP: evidence from panel unit root tests with heterogeneous structural breaks 2003 2199 This paper re-examines the stationarity of national health care expenditures and GDP in a panel setting utilizing data from 20 OECD countries over the period from 1960 to 1997. Previous research in this area has recognized the drawback of not allowin...
Testing the null of stationarity in the presence of a structural break 2001 4058 A test for stationarity in the presence of a structural break is proposed. An unknown break point is endogenously determined at the value minimizing the test statistic. The break point can be estimated reasonably well under the null hypothesis of ...
Time-series tests of income convergence with two structural breaks: evidence from 29 countries 2010 1532 This article uses data on real per capita incomes from 1900 to 2001 to test for stochastic convergence in a diverse group of 29 countries. We utilize LM unit root tests to endogenously determine the number and location of structural breaks for eac...
Trend breaks and non-stationarity in the Yugoslav black market for dollars, 1974–1987 2007 1591 We estimate a model of the black market premium for dollars in Yugoslavia from 1974 to 1987. Unlike previous applications of the model, our analysis addresses non-stationarity in the underlying data by allowing for trend breaks. Endogenous structu...