A Convict Criminology Perspective on Women Guarding Men |
2007 |
1381 |
The etics-emics debate, “neutral objectivity” versus “biased subjectivity,” is ongoing within the academy. As academics we are indoctrinated into, and convince ourselves of, the ideology of objectivity. We are subjective human beings who attempt to d... |
Damaged Goods: Exploring Predictors of Distress in Prison Inmates |
2004 |
2270 |
Victimization is a significant part of the incarceration experience. In this study, we assessed the effects of victimization while incarcerated and pre-existing conditions on prisoners’ distress. Data are drawn from surveys administered to 208 men re... |
The Electronic ‘‘Scarlet Letter’’: Criminal Backgrounding and a Perpetual |
2011 |
4455 |
Crimes are multifaceted events that are not adequately explained with basic descriptors, yet a considerable amount of significance is afforded to relatively few simplistic labels that make up the contemporary ‘‘scarlet letter.’’ Today’s criminal reco... |
An Ex-Con Teaching Criminal Justice: The Etics-Emics Debate and the Role of Subjectivity in Academia |
2007 |
881 |
The etics-emics debate, "neutral objectivity" versus "biased subjectivity," is ongoing within the academy. As academics we are indoctrinated into, and convince ourselves of, the ideology of objectivity. We are subjective human beings who attempt to d... |
The First Dime: A Decade of Convict Criminology |
2009 |
4494 |
This article discusses the historical origins of Convict Criminology (CC); intellectual legacy of CC; organization of the CC group; allies in the CC struggle; recent activities of the CC group; impact of CC on the study of jails, prisons, and communi... |
Knocking on the Ivory Tower: ?The Experience of Ex-Convicts Applying for Tenure-Track University Positions |
2010 |
752 |
This article reports the results of an investigation involving a select number of former prisoners with completed PhDs, who applied for work as tenure-track criminology/criminal justice professors. It attempts to place into context the literature on ... |
The Maximizer: Clarifying Merton's Theories of Anomie and Strain |
2008 |
60225 |
Robert Merton's (1957) theories of anomie and strain are among the most widely examined theories of criminality. Messner and Rosenfeld's (1994) theory of institutional anomie built on Merton's conception of anomie, delineating how specific institutio... |
Medical Care in the Federal Bureau of Prisons: Fact or Fiction |
2005 |
22009 |
Having spent five years imprisoned in Federal Medical Centers (FMC), I have substantive experience with the health care delivery system of the Federal Bureau of Prisons (FBOP). Intimately familiar with the symbolic quality of health care provided, I ... |
Self-Control Behind Bars: a Validation Study of the Grasmick et al. Scale |
2003 |
13525 |
Much empirical support of self-control theory is based on the 24-item scale conceptualized by Grasmick and his colleagues. This study examined the dimensionality of the scale. Exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analyses, and a structura... |
Sex and Sexuality in Women’s Prisons: A Preliminary Typological Investigation |
2011 |
4924 |
The literature on sexuality in women’s correctional facilities has identified a variety of sexual behaviors in which female convicts and prison staff participate. However, no single taxonomy has been developed that adequately describes the range of s... |