Ashton Morgan Ph.D.

There are 14 included publications by Ashton Morgan Ph.D.:

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
Accounting For Heterogeneity In Behavioral Responses To Health-Risk Information Treatments 2015 168 Traditional revealed and stated preference models consider a typical individual's behavioural responses to various policy-based information treatments. For some cost–benefit applications in which resource managers are concerned with responses from a ...
Artificial Reef Attributes And The Relationship With Natural Reefs: Evidence From The Florida Keys 2015 342 Natural or coral reefs represent extremely valuable ecosystems supporting an estimated 25 percent of all marine life, yet recent reports suggest that 75 percent of the world’s natural reefs are under threat from both natural and human stressors. In a...
Diving Demand For Large Ship Artificial Reefs 2009 1347 Using data drawn from a web-based travel cost survey, we jointly modelrevealed and stated preference trip count data in an attempt to estimate the recreationaluse value from diving the intentionally sunk USS Oriskany. Respondents wereasked to report ...
The Effects Of Air Quality Regulations On The Location Decisions Of Pollution-Intensive Manufacturing Plants 2009 1496 This research examines the effects of the 1977 Clean Air Act Amendments (CAAA) on the location decisions of pollution-intensive manufacturing plants. We develop a panel data set to analyze plant births of polluting manufacturers over time as a fun...
Estimating A Payment Vehicle For Financing Nourishment Of Residential Beaches Using A Spatial-Lag Hedonic Property Price Model 2010 1177 Beach nourishment projects are common methods for coastal states to protect beaches and property from the natural erosive process. However, while the beneficiaries of beach nourishment tend to be local property owners and recreators, projects are t...
Gulf Views: Toward A Better Understanding Of Viewshed Scope In Hedonic Property Models 2013 1317 This study examines the influence of Gulf of Mexico views on residential home sales prices in Pinellas County, Florida. We utilize Light Detection and Ranging (lidar) data to construct four continuous measures of Gulf of Mexico views—the total view, ...
Integrating Lidar, GIS And Hedonic Price Modeling To Measure Amenity Values In Urban Beach Residential Property Markets 2010 2078 Hedonic property price models have been used extensively in the economics literature to measure the value households place on locating properties close to a given resource, such as a beach, river, or lake. This proximity premium consists of two compo...
Loss Aversion And A Kinked Demand Curve: Evidence From Contingent Behaviour Analysis Of Seafood Consumers 2008 1931 Several laboratory experiments and market-based research in the fields of psychology, economics and marketing have provided increasing evidence of individuals exhibiting loss aversion tendencies, with decision-making based on a pre-existing refere...
Measuring The Impact Of The BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill On Consumer Behavior 2016 1063 We exploit the timing of the BP Deepwater Horizon oil spill to develop a unique dataset of oyster consumer actual and anticipated behavior immediately prior to and following the event. A revealed and stated preference model allows both short- and lon...
Measuring The Willingness To Pay For Cave Diving 2011 1357 Fresh water springs are unique natural resources that are contained within public lands across the United States. Natural resource management on public lands generates many interesting policy issues as the competing goals of conservation, recreationa...
Spatial Heterogeneity In Environmental Regulation Enforcement And The Firm Location Decision Among U.S. Counties 2009 954 We estimate a negative binomial model with fixed effects to examine the impact of spatial differences in environmental regulation on manufacturing capital flows. Using a newly available data set, we find that stricter air quality standards with respe...
A Split-Sample Revealed And Stated Preference Demand Model To Examine Homogenous Subgroup Consumer Behavior Responses To Information And Food Safety Technology Treatments 2012 1322 The combination and joint estimation of revealed and stated preference (RP/SP) data approach to examining consumer preferences to relevant policy-based measures typically fail to account for heterogeneity in the data by considering behavior of the av...
Using Revealed And Stated Preference Data To Estimate The Scope And Access Benefits Associated With Cave Diving 2011 1522 In a single-site travel cost model framework, revealed and stated preference data are jointly estimated to provide the first use-value estimate associated with recreational cave diving. Focusing on one of Florida's first magnitude springs, we estimat...
Willingness To Pay For Soccer Player Development In The United States 2015 1030 American households’ willingness to pay (WTP) for soccer player development is measured using the contingent valuation method. Data are drawn from two national surveys administered before and after the 2014 World Cup event. Individuals are asked whet...