I am because we are: exploring the relationships between mentorship, involvement in LGBTQ st... | 2016 | Hurley, Parker T. | Student | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
I Am Emotionally Intelligent and Ready to Mentor! | 2019 | Crumpton, Michael | Faculty | University Libraries, UNCG |
“I am me” AAHE membership survey: Report one | 1978 | Eddy, James M. | Faculty | Public Health Education, UNCG |
“I am me” AAHE membership survey: Report two | 1979 | Eddy, James M. | Faculty | Public Health Education, UNCG |
“I am very strong. Mentally strong!”: Psychosocial strengths of international graduate stude... | 2021 | Borders, L. DiAnne | Faculty | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
“I believe in it, it’s a pretty solid teacher bible!” Student teachers’ understanding of dev... | 2022 | Mckoy, Mauri C. | Student | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
“I cannot get out, as the starling said–”: estate improvements, gender, and morality in Mans... | 2013 | Dollar, Patrick G. | Student | University Libraries, UNCG |
I carry you with me | 2018 | Cortez, Mary Celia | Student | Art, UNCG |
“I definitely need that support” : examining support for women sport coaches | 2022 | Anderson, Shelby N. | Student | Kinesiology, UNCG |
I didn’t know it would be this hard : the experiences of African American women’s transition... | 2022 | Richardson, Christina L. | Student | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
I do as I do and not as you say: how high school co-teachers reconcile professional knowledg... | 2015 | Barron, Tammy Lankford | Student | Specialized Education Services, UNCG |
'I Don't Live to Drain, I Drain to Live': Energy Vampire or Data Librarian? [slides] | 2022 | Klein, Jo | Faculty | University Libraries, UNCG |
'I Don't Live to Drain, I Drain to Live': Energy Vampire or Data Librarian? [slides] | 2022 | Gypin, Lindsay | Faculty | University Libraries, UNCG |
"I don't think about being a black student and going through school" : an exploration into t... | 2007 | Seagraves, James M. | Student | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
"I feel like I'm going to take off!": Young people's experiences of the superordinary in dan... | 2000 | Stinson, Susan W. | Faculty | Dance, UNCG |
I have always felt different:The experience of childhood AD/HD | 2008 | Bartlett, Robin | Faculty | Nursing, UNCG |
I have always felt different:The experience of childhood AD/HD | 2008 | Shattell, Mona M. | Faculty | Nursing, UNCG |
I have what it takes: taking a closer look at leadership in culturally diverse schools | 2013 | Taylor, Jonita Dunn | Student | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
“I love these girls–I was these girls”: Women leading for social justice in a single-sex pub... | 2013 | Mansfield, Katherine Cumings | Faculty | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
“I Managed It Pretty Good”: Birth Narratives of Adolescent Mothers | 2014 | Kelley, Allyson L. | Faculty | Public Health Education, UNCG |
The I of movement | 1974 | Birdsong, Lark | Student | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
I Thought This Is What We Were Doing | 2010 | Dickens, Christopher D. | Student | English, UNCG |
“I want to hide my body inside of yours”: grotesque female consumption in Alexandra Kleeman ... | 2020 | Young, Shannon Lee | Student | English, UNCG |
“I who am here dissembled”: exteriority in T.S. Eliot and his modernist contemporaries | 2016 | Bedsole, Michael R. | Student | English, UNCG |
I wonder as I wander: a reorientation of attention, embodiment, and consciousness | 2016 | Thomas-Reid, Matthew | Student | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
I.A. Richards and the ambiguous medium | 1963 | Howle, Sarah S.W. | Student | English, UNCG |
“I’m really sorry you joined us, but welcome to the club” : the impact of parental death on ... | 2023 | Wojciechowski, Scott William | Student | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
I’ve Fallen and I Can’t Get Up: Can High-Ability Students Recover From Early Mistakes in CAT... | 2009 | Rulison, Kelly L. | Faculty | Public Health Education, UNCG |
iCAMP: Building Digital Information Curation Curriculum | 2012 | Halbert, Martin | Faculty | University Libraries, UNCG |
The iconic ghetto, color-blind racism and white masculinities: a content and discourse analy... | 2017 | Julien, Christopher | Student | Sociology, UNCG |
ICT for socio-economic development: A citizens’ perspective | 2018 | Palvia, Prashant | Faculty | Information Systems and Supply Chain Management, UNCG |
ICT for socio-economic development: A citizens’ perspective | 2018 | Nemati, Hamid R. | Faculty | Information Systems and Supply Chain Management, UNCG |
ICT Policies in Developing Countries: An Evaluation with the Extended Design-Actuality Gaps ... | 2015 | Palvia, Prashant | Faculty | Information Systems and Supply Chain Management, UNCG |
ICT Policies in Developing Countries: An Evaluation with the Extended Design-Actuality Gaps ... | 2015 | Nemati, Hamid R. | Faculty | Information Systems and Supply Chain Management, UNCG |
The Ideal Qualities and Tasks of Library Leaders: Perspectives of Academic, Public, School, ... | 2013 | Chow, Anthony Shong-Yu | Faculty | Library and Information Studies, UNCG |
Ideas Roadshow: Streaming video and more [Slides] | 2017 | Fischer, Christine M. | Faculty | University Libraries, UNCG |
Ideation, entrepreneurship, and innovation | 2017 | Link, Albert N. | Faculty | Economics, UNCG |
Identical twins : distinguishing between two in a set | 1971 | Gerald, Betty Sue | Student | Home Economics, UNCG |
Identification and Characterization of a gene required for meiosis I mono-orientation of sis... | 2020 | Thornton, Sean | Student | Biology, UNCG |
Identification and comprehensive structural characterization of serum lipid markers to Type ... | 2019 | Vu, Ngoc H. M. | Student | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Identification and stability of anthocyanins in Plantago lanceolata | 2007 | Dee, Stacy | Student | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Identification of Accounting Firm Alumni With Their Former Firm: Antecedents and Outcome | 1997 | Iyer, Venkatarama M. | Faculty | Accounting and Finance, UNCG |
Identification of adulteration in botanical samples with untargeted mass spectrometry metabo... | 2019 | Wallace, Emily D. | Student | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Identification of agonist and antagonist binding sites at the G-Protein Coupled Receptor, GP... | 2015 | Pyle, Jennifer L. | Student | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Identification of CB1 Receptor Allosteric Sites Using Force-Biased MMC Simulated Annealing a... | 2019 | Reggio, Patricia H. | Faculty | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Identification of CB1 Receptor Allosteric Sites Using Force-Biased MMC Simulated Annealing a... | 2019 | Hurst, Dow P. | Faculty | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
The identification of certain competencies appropriate for secondary school business teacher... | 1982 | Vaughan, E. Rose Tate | Student | Education, UNCG |
Identification of commensal bacteria autoinducing peptides with ultrahigh performance liquid... | 2020 | Mejia Cruz, Luis A. | Student | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Identification of drug sensitive gene motifs using “epigenetic profiles” derived from bioinf... | 2016 | Nelson, Jonathan | Student | Biology, UNCG |
Identification of dTopors domains required for subcellular localization | 2009 | Byungura, Fidele | Student | Biology, UNCG |
Identification of the FceRI-activated tyrosine kinases Lyn, Syk, and Zap-70 in human basophi... | 1998 | Kepley, Christopher | Faculty | Nanoscience, UNCG |
Identification of hepatoprotective flavonolignans from silymarin | 2010 | Oberlies, Nicholas | Faculty | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Identification of hepatoprotective flavonolignans from silymarin | 2010 | Graf, Tyler | Faculty | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
The identification of inservice training needs of educators resulting from the enactment of ... | 1983 | Matteson, Jane Franklin | Student | Education, UNCG |
Identification of Isosilybin a from Milk Thistle Seeds as an Agonist of Peroxisome Prolifera... | 2014 | Oberlies, Nicholas | Faculty | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Identification of Morphologic and Chemical Markers of Aestivation Conditions in Female Anoph... | 2011 | Wagoner, Kaira Malinda | Student | Biology, UNCG |
Identification of a new mechanism for targeting myosin II heavy chain phosphorylation by Dic... | 2010 | Steimle, Paul A. | Faculty | Biology, UNCG |
Identification of SARS-CoV-2 main protease cleavage sites in host cellular selenoproteins an... | 2022 | Gallardo, Ignacio A. | Student | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Identification of tibial stress fractures using therapeutic continuous ultrasound | 2000 | Perrin, David H. | Faculty | Office of the Provost, UNCG |
Identification of two new [beta]-glucosidases of neurospora crassa | 1971 | Madden, Brenda Satterfield | Student | Biology, UNCG |
An identification perspective of servant leadership’s effects | 2016 | Liu, Yonghong (Tracy) | Faculty | Management, UNCG |
Identification, quantification and investigation of anti-inflammatory effects of Echinacea p... | 2012 | Kandhi, Vamsikrishna | Student | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Identify effective emotion regulation behaviors in infancy | 2017 | Qu, Jin | Student | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Identifying Alternate Optimal Solutions to the Design Approximation Problem in Stock Cutting... | 1999 | Bhadury, Joyendu | Faculty | Bryan School of Business and Economics, UNCG |
Identifying and Improving Green Spaces on a College Campus: A Photovoice Study | 2014 | Strack, Robert W. | Faculty | Public Health Education, UNCG |
Identifying the binding sequence of Teflon, a protein required for autosomal homolog conjunc... | 2011 | Hansen, Katie | Student | Biology, UNCG |
Identifying children’s friendships across diverse contexts Maternal and child perspectives | 2013 | Fletcher, Anne C. | Faculty | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Identifying children’s friendships across diverse contexts Maternal and child perspectives | 2013 | Blair, Bethany L. | Faculty | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Identifying components of maternal sensitivity to infant distress: The role of maternal emot... | 2004 | Leerkes, Esther M. | Faculty | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Identifying Culturally Appropriate Strategies for Educating a Mexican Immigrant Community ab... | 2006 | Aronson, Robert E. | Faculty | Public Health Education, UNCG |
Identifying Culturally Appropriate Strategies for Educating a Mexican Immigrant Community ab... | 2006 | Strack, Robert W. | Faculty | Public Health Education, UNCG |
Identifying the Differential Effects of Silymarin Constituents on Cell Growth and Cell Cycle... | 2008 | Oberlies, Nicholas | Faculty | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Identifying Dynamics of Counseling Leadership: A Content Analysis Study | 2017 | Borders, L. DiAnne | Faculty | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
Identifying facilitators and barriers limiting youth sport participation among adolescents | 2023 | Haas, Paul E. | Student | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Identifying Gene-Environment Interactions in Schizophrenia: Contemporary Challenges for Inte... | 2014 | Kwapil, Thomas R. | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
Identifying Knee Laxity Profiles and Associated Physical Characteristics | 2012 | Shultz, Sandra J. | Faculty | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Identifying Knee Laxity Profiles and Associated Physical Characteristics | 2012 | Dudley, William N. | Faculty | Health and Human Sciences, UNCG |
Identifying Knowledge Gaps and Attitude Barriers Amongst Certified Registered Nurse Anesthet... | 2022 | Cranford, Rebecca | Student | Nursing, UNCG |
Identifying mother-child interaction styles using a person-centered approach | 2014 | Leerkes, Esther M. | Faculty | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Identifying mother-child interaction styles using a person-centered approach | 2014 | O'Brien, Marion | Faculty | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Identifying oviposition attractants from the larval rearing medium of phlebotomus papatasi, ... | 2015 | Marayati, Bahjat Fadi | Student | Biology, UNCG |
Identifying Relationships Among Lower Extremity Alignment Characteristics | 2009 | Shultz, Sandra J. | Faculty | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Identifying the role of student-athlete leadership development in Division II athletics | 2019 | Cole, Jennifer Ruth | Student | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Identifying Sleep-Disruptive Noise Factors in Healthcare Environments | 2007 | Volchansky, Nadezhda V. | Student | Interior Architecture, UNCG |
Identifying transitory processing behaviors of aphasic persons on writing tasks. | 1984 | Mayo, Robert | Faculty | Communication Sciences and Disorders, UNCG |
Identifying with the graffiti subculture: the impact of entering and exiting the graffiti su... | 2013 | Dar, Aneliese K. | Student | Sociology, UNCG |
Identity and positionality: a framework for video analysis of teaching | 2015 | Vetter, Amy | Faculty | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
Identity economics and malleable characteristics among adolescents: a study of family and pe... | 2018 | Norris, Jonathan Lee | Student | Economics, UNCG |
Identity (re)determination among upwardly-mobile Black women | 2017 | Mauro, Alta Thornton | Student | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Identity through excess : trans identities expressed through hyperpop | 2024 | Jones, Phoebe | Student | School of Music, UNCG |
Identity work in organizations and occupations: Definitions, theories, and pathways forward | 2018 | Caza, Brianna Barker | Faculty | Management, UNCG |
The identity-equivalence conservation paradigm : development relative to age and task criter... | 1981 | Hoover, Roberta Rose | Student | Home Economics, UNCG |
The idea of man and art | 1956 | Carroll, Linda | Student | Art, UNCG |
The ideologies responsible for the presence and absence of a sexual orientation provision in... | 2009 | Haberman, Tionna Lael | Student | Sociology, UNCG |
Ideology as symbolic change : a study of public perception of social movements | 1975 | Seltz, Stephen Wayne | Student | Psychology, UNCG |
An Ideology of IT Occupational Culture: The ASPIRE Values | 2018 | Palvia, Prashant | Faculty | Information Systems and Supply Chain Management, UNCG |
An Ideology of IT Occupational Culture: The ASPIRE Values | 2018 | Sarala, Riikka M. | Faculty | Management, UNCG |
An Ideology of IT Occupational Culture: The ASPIRE Values | 2018 | Daynes, Sarah | Faculty | Sociology, UNCG |
An idiographic and nomothetic assessment of coping with daily stressors : issues of consiste... | 1986 | Dolan, Carol Ann | Student | Psychology, UNCG |
iDisconnect: smartphones, social media and mobile mediation | 2014 | Parker, Kristi L. | Student | Sociology, UNCG |
If at first you don’t succeed: applying for and staying on the Supplemental Nutrition Assist... | 2014 | Ribar, David C. | Faculty | Economics, UNCG |
If at first you don’t succeed: applying for and staying on the Supplemental Nutrition Assist... | 2014 | Swann, Christopher A. | Faculty | Economics, UNCG |
If children won lotteries: materialism, gratitude and imaginary windfall spending | 2016 | Tudge, Jonathan R. | Faculty | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
If City Won’t Follow Guidelines, then Why Adopt Them? | 2000 | Brod, Andrew C. | Faculty | Economics, UNCG |
If the creek don't rise | 2009 | Elkins, Jane Ansel | Student | English, UNCG |
If gender isn’t binary, neither is drag : an analysis of drag, progressiveness, and activism... | 2022 | Hollister, Kelton | Student | Women's and Gender Studies, UNCG |
"If I Could Just Be Selfish … ": Caregivers' Perceptions of Their Entitlement to Leisure | 1996 | Bedini, Leandra A. | Faculty | Community and Therapeutic Recreation, UNCG |
"If Only They Would Do Their Homework:" Promoting Self-Regulation in High School English Cla... | 2005 | Cooper, Jewell E. | Faculty | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
"If Only They Would Do Their Homework:" Promoting Self-Regulation in High School English Cla... | 2005 | Strahan,, D. B. | Faculty | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
If they lead, will we follow? an examination of fourth graders’ agency in literacy | 2020 | Metzger, Salem R. | Student | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
If Water Conservation is the Goal, Just Triple the Price | 2002 | Brod, Andrew C. | Faculty | Economics, UNCG |
If We Had a Prologue — Presented by Laura Krier (Sonoma State University); Jodi Shepherd (Ca... | 2018 | Fischer, Christine M. | Faculty | University Libraries, UNCG |
"If you don't have a story, you don't know where you are" : listening to African-American fe... | 1996 | Burgin, Terry Bunce | Student | Education, UNCG |
If you’re funny and you know it: Personality, gender, and people’s ratings of their attempts... | 2021 | Silvia, Paul | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
"If you're coming out, what are you coming into?": queer educators theorize about teaching, ... | 2011 | Channing, Jill Ann | Student | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
If you've got time to lean...rethinking productivity [Slides] | 2022 | Thacker, Juanita | Faculty | University Libraries, UNCG |
If you've got time to lean...rethinking productivity [Slides] | 2022 | Sawyer, Suzanne | Faculty | University Libraries, UNCG |
Iffy Data: Gray Areas in the Margin of Error | 2009 | Brod, Andrew C. | Faculty | Economics, UNCG |
IFLA Section on Library Services to Multicultural Populations Adopts Ten Reasons to Offer Mu... | 2005 | Chu, Clara M. | Faculty | Library and Information Studies, UNCG |
Igniting the tinderbox | 2011 | Howard, Virginia Carroll | Student | History, UNCG |
Igor Stravinsky's L'Histoire du soldat trio for clarinet, violin, and piano: a critical edit... | 2011 | Goh, Soo Khoon | Student | Music, UNCG |
IL-33/ST2 axis promotes mast cell survival via BCLXL | 2014 | Kepley, Christopher | Faculty | Nanoscience, UNCG |
IL-4 selectively enhances FcgRIII expression and signaling on mouse mast cells | 2003 | Kepley, Christopher | Faculty | Nanoscience, UNCG |
ILL and Acquisitions: Working Together to Get Users What They Need When They Need It | 2022 | Fischer, Christine M. | Faculty | University Libraries, UNCG |
Illness Perception Mediates the Effect of Illness Course on the Quality of Life of Mexican P... | 2014 | Kwapil, Thomas R. | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
An Illuminating Reaction | 1996 | Matthews, Catherine E. | Faculty | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
An Illustrative Legacy: Art Education and Zulu ‘Crafts’ | 2014 | Perrill, Elizabeth A. | Faculty | School of Art, UNCG |
The image in the seed : a creation of art forms through painting and drawing inspired by bio... | 1951 | Bevilaqua, William Otto | Student | Art, UNCG |
Image Quiz: Using principles of cognitive psychology to teach visual expertise | 2007 | Kirchoff, Bruce K. | Faculty | Biology, UNCG |
Image Use in Field Guides and Identification Keys: Review and Recommendations | 2011 | Kirchoff, Bruce K. | Faculty | Biology, UNCG |
Image-making as a transformational process | 1972 | Delaney, Dianne McGhee | Student | Art, UNCG |
Imagery and Utilization of an Area Model as a Way of Teaching Long Division: Meeting Diverse... | 2010 | Kurtts, Stephanie A. | Faculty | Specialized Education Services, UNCG |
Imagery and Utilization of an Area Model as a Way of Teaching Long Division: Meeting Diverse... | 2010 | Richardson, Kerri | Faculty | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
Images | 1972 | Acton, Katherine Klyman | Student | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
Images | 1970 | Holloway, William Martin | Student | Art, UNCG |
Images | 1975 | Hayes, Ivey | Student | Art, UNCG |
Images | 1973 | Sherrill, James Bix | Student | Art, UNCG |
Images of Barbaric Spain in Eighteenth-Century British Travel Writing | 2008 | Hontanilla, Ana M. | Faculty | Romance Languages, UNCG |
Imaging and Organelle Distribution of Fluorescent InGaP/ZnS Nanoparticles in Glial Cells | 2009 | Sandros, Marinella | Faculty | Nanoscience, UNCG |
Imagining Critical Visual Literacy in Higher Education [slides] | 2020 | Murphy, Maggie | Faculty | University Libraries, UNCG |
Imagining Possible Futures | 2017 | McKoy, Constance | Faculty | Music Education, UNCG |
Imagining a Virtual Religious Community: Neo-pagans on The Internet. | 1995 | Grieve, Gregory Price | Faculty | Religious Studies, UNCG |
IM'ing overload: Libraryh3lp to the rescue | 2009 | Dale, Jenny | Faculty | University Libraries, UNCG |
Imitation by children of model-performed behavior under a variety of stimulus conditions | 1974 | Johnson, Betty Sue | Student | Home Economics, UNCG |
Immaculate perceptions and other poems | 1968 | Hulbert, John R. | Student | English, UNCG |
The Immediate and Delayed Effects of an Acute Bout of Exercise on Cognitive Performance of H... | 2010 | Etnier, Jennifer L. | Faculty | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Immediate and sustained effects of planning in problem solving | 2004 | Delaney, Peter F. | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
Immediate effects of win-loss on perceptions of cohesion in intramural and intercollegiate v... | 1982 | Gill, Diane L. | Faculty | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Immigrant and Refugee Communities: Resiliency, Trauma, Policy, and Practice | 2003 | Schmitz, Cathryne L. | Faculty | Social Work, UNCG |
Immigrant Children Mediators (ICM): Bridging the Literacy Gap in Immigrant Communities | 1999 | Chu, Clara M. | Faculty | Library and Information Studies, UNCG |
Immigrant innovative activity among entrepreneurial firms: a study of European firms | 2021 | Alwehaibi, Samar A. | Student | Economics, UNCG |
Immigrant Women's Cancer Screening Behaviors | 2010 | Ivanov, Luba "Louise" | Faculty | Nursing, UNCG |
Immigrant Women's Cancer Screening Behaviors | 2010 | Hu, Jie | Faculty | Nursing, UNCG |
Immigrants and dynamics of spatial neighborhood change from 2000-2016: assessment from a les... | 2018 | Farhat, Nabeela | Student | Geography, Environment, and Sustainability, UNCG |
Immunogene and Viral Transcript Dynamics During Parasitic Varroa destructor Mite Infection o... | 2014 | Rueppell, Olav | Faculty | Biology, UNCG |
Immunohistochemical detection of human basophils in late-phase skin reactions | 1998 | Kepley, Christopher | Faculty | Nanoscience, UNCG |
Immunologically mediated signaling in basophils and mast cells: finding therapeutic targets ... | 2000 | Kepley, Christopher | Faculty | Nanoscience, UNCG |
Impact averaging and social facilitation : the effects of a heterogeneous audience on anxiet... | 1988 | Crisson, James Edward | Student | Psychology, UNCG |
Impact Fees Hit Close to Home | 2006 | Brod, Andrew C. | Faculty | Economics, UNCG |
Impact of abdominal visceral fat (VAF), growth hormone (GH), fitness and insulin on lipids a... | 2003 | Wideman, Laurie | Faculty | Kinesiology, UNCG |
The impact of acculturative and contextual factors and session attendance on Latino caregive... | 2019 | Prandoni, Juan I. | Student | Psychology, UNCG |
The impact of an action research study on deficit thinking in an elementary school | 2017 | Moore-Lawrence, Shaneeka | Student | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Impact of acute exercise intensity on pulsatile growth hormone release in men | 1999 | Wideman, Laurie | Faculty | Kinesiology, UNCG |
The Impact of Advance Notification: A Comment On a Study By Nord and Ting. | 1992 | Ruhm, Christopher J | Faculty | Economics, UNCG |
The impact of adverse childhood experiences on suicidal ideation and attempts in African Ame... | 2020 | Thornton, Veronica J. | Student | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
The Impact of the Affordable Care Act Medicaid Expansions on the Sources of Health Insurance... | 2021 | Gicheva, Dora | Faculty | Economics, UNCG |
The impact of African American English on language proficiency in adolescent speakers | 2015 | Graham Bethea, June | Student | Communication Sciences and Disorders, UNCG |
The impact of ambient awareness on customers’ purchase intentions | 2019 | Yarmohammadi, Zahra | Student | Information Systems and Supply Chain Management, UNCG |
The Impact of Anesthetic Choice on Carbon Emissions and Cost | 2023 | Moore, Cullen | Student | Nursing, UNCG |
The Impact of Approval Plans on Acquisitions Operations and Work Flow | 1996 | Bazirjian, Rosann V. | Faculty | University Libraries, UNCG |
Impact of attachment style on the 1-year outcome of persons with an at-risk mental state for... | 2015 | Kwapil, Thomas R. | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
The Impact of Auctions on Residential Sales Prices in New Zealand. | 1998 | Winkler, Daniel T. | Faculty | Accounting and Finance, UNCG |
The Impact of Bivariate Symbol Design on Task Performance in a Map Setting | 2002 | Nelson, Elisabeth S. | Faculty | Geography, UNCG |
The impact of California table grapes on intestinal inflammation and microbiota in mice fed ... | 2015 | Collins, Brian | Student | Nutrition, UNCG |
Impact of California table grapes on systemic inflammation, insulin resistance, and hepatic ... | 2015 | Baldwin, Jessie | Student | Nutrition, UNCG |
The impact of campus constituencies on the institutional goals and values of a small, privat... | 1985 | Bolding, William Harvey | Student | Education, UNCG |
The impact of caregiving on the marital need satisfaction of older wives with dependent husb... | 1984 | McCrory, Audrey Mona | Student | Home Economics, UNCG |
The impact of Catechol-O-Methyl transferase on working memory in psychometrically identified... | 2012 | Kaczorowski, Jessica | Student | Psychology, UNCG |
The impact of charter schools on rural traditional public-schools and their communities | 2019 | Carroll, Bruce | Student | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Impact of Child and Informant Gender on Parent and Teacher Ratings of Attention-Deficit/Hype... | 2018 | Anastopoulos, Arthur D. | Faculty | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
The impact of the Circle of Security-Parenting© program on mothers in residential substance ... | 2013 | Horton, Gretta Evette | Student | Counseling, UNCG |
The impact of collective leadership development on the practice of civic leadership | 2019 | Kniffin, Lori Elizabeth | Student | Educational Studies, UNCG |
Impact of Comorbid Affective Disorders on Longitudinal Clinical Outcomes in Individuals at U... | 2021 | Kwapil, Thomas R. | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
The impact of competition on the ability of public schools to develop resiliency in abused a... | 2006 | Neal, Gerald Wade | Student | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
The Impact of Computer Augmented Online Learning and Assessment | 2005 | Chow, Anthony Shong-Yu | Faculty | Library and Information Studies, UNCG |
The impact of constitutional rights of students on in loco parentis in the administration of... | 1986 | Hayner, Carol K. Houltram | Student | Education, UNCG |
The impact of consumer- and retailer-related factors on marketing outcomes: a comparison of ... | 2014 | Kananukul, Chawanuan (Fai) | Student | Consumer, Apparel, and Retail Studies, UNCG |
Impact of Corbicula fluminae (Asian clam) on particulate matter transport in an urban stream... | 2010 | Bullard, Allison Elaine Carruth | Student | Biology, UNCG |
Impact of a Counseling Supervision Course on Doctoral Students' Cognitions | 1996 | Borders, L. DiAnne | Faculty | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
The impact of COVID-19 on one rural middle school band in North Carolina | 2024 | Wills, Zachary D. | Student | School of Music, UNCG |
The impact of cultural differences and acculturation factors on post-acquisition conflict | 2009 | Sarala, Riikka M. | Faculty | Management, UNCG |
The Impact of Cultural Perspectives on Parents of their Children with Orofacial Cleft | 2021 | Bowman, Holland E. | Student | Communication Sciences and Disorders, UNCG |
Impact of Culture on Knowledge Management: A Meta-Analysis and Framework | 2012 | Nemati, Hamid R. | Faculty | Information Systems and Supply Chain Management, UNCG |
The Impact of Data Models and Task Complexity on End User Performance: An Experimental Inves... | 2000 | Palvia, Prashant | Faculty | Information Systems and Supply Chain Management, UNCG |
Impact of deaf client and therapist moods on sign language interpreter recipient mood | 2009 | Gold Brunson, Julianne T. | Student | Psychology, UNCG |
The Impact of Demand and Cost Factors on Inflation in Open Economies | 1981 | McCrickard, Donald L. | Faculty | Economics, UNCG |
The Impact of Demand and Cost Factors on Inflation in Open Economies | 1981 | Allen, Stuart D. | Faculty | Economics, UNCG |
The impact of different types of prior knowledge on science text comprehension | 2012 | Clark, Mary Kristen | Student | Communication Sciences and Disorders, UNCG |
The impact of differential knee laxity on brain function/structure and postural control | 2020 | Park-Braswell, Kyoungyoun | Student | Kinesiology, UNCG |
The Impact of Discrimination and Support on Developmental Competencies in Latino Adolescents... | 2014 | Stein, Gabriela L. | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
The Impact of Discrimination and Support on Developmental Competencies in Latino Adolescents... | 2014 | Gonzalez, Laura McLaughlin | Faculty | Higher Education, UNCG |
The Impact of Diversity Promise Fulfillment on Professionals of Color Outcomes in the USA | 2010 | Buttner, Eleanor "Holly" | Faculty | Business Administration, UNCG |
The Impact of Diversity Promise Fulfillment on Professionals of Color Outcomes in the USA | 2010 | Lowe, Kevin B. | Faculty | Management, UNCG |
The Impact of Diversity Promise Fulfillment on Professionals of Color Outcomes in the USA | 2010 | Billings-Harris, Lenora | Faculty | Bryan School of Business and Economics, UNCG |
The Impact of Divorce on Children | 1988 | Demo, David H. | Faculty | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Impact of doulas on healthy birth outcomes | 2013 | Gruber, Kenneth | Faculty | Center for Youth, Family, & Community Partnerships, UNCG |
Impact of an Educational Intervention on Current Guidelines to Attenuate Spinal-induced Hypo... | 2022 | Bates, Rebecca R. | Student | Nursing, UNCG |
The impact of endoparasitic Wolbachia on the evolution of reproductive barriers during speci... | 2013 | Craven, Austin N. | Student | Biology, UNCG |
The Impact of Entry Mode on Outward Knowledge Transfer in MNCs: International Greenfield Inv... | 2005 | Sarala, Riikka M. | Faculty | Management, UNCG |
Impact of an Evidence Based Prenatal Care Model on Patient Outcomes | 2010 | Lewallen, Lynne P. | Faculty | Nursing, UNCG |
Impact of Expectancy-Value and Situational Interest Motivation Specificity on Physical Educa... | 2013 | Chen, Ang | Faculty | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Impact of exposure to violence in school on child and adolescent mental health and behavior | 2004 | Wester, Kelly L. | Faculty | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
The impact of a faith community nursing program on a culturally diverse community | 2011 | Shores, Cynthia I. | Student | Nursing, UNCG |
The impact of the faith-based and community initiative on rural mental health care. | 2008 | Poole, K. Jay | Faculty | Social Work, UNCG |
The Impact of Family Environment on Self-esteem and Symptoms in Early Psychosis | 2021 | Kwapil, Thomas R. | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
The impact of follower narcissism and LMX perceptions on feeling envied and job performance | 2019 | Yang, Jun "Michelle" | Faculty | Management, UNCG |
The Impact of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) on Women’s Entrepreneurship | 2014 | Welsh, Dianne H.B. | Faculty | Business Administration, UNCG |
The Impact of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) on Women’s Entrepreneurship | 2014 | Memili, Esra | Faculty | Marketing, Entrepreneurship, Hospitality & Tourism, UNCG |
The impact of foreign-trade zones in the United States | 2022 | Lane, Jesse M. | Student | Geography, Environment, and Sustainability, UNCG |
The impact of franchisor signaling on entrepreneurship in emerging markets | 2021 | Welsh, Dianne H.B. | Faculty | Business Administration, UNCG |
The Impact of a Funded Research Program on Music Education Policy | 2010 | Hodges, Donald A. | Faculty | Music Education, UNCG |
The Impact of Gatekeeper Training for Suicide Prevention on University Resident Assistants | 2013 | Morris, Carrie A. Wachter | Faculty | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
The impact of gender and location on the willingness to accept overseas assignments | 1999 | Lowe, Kevin B. | Faculty | Management, UNCG |
The Impact of Gender and Religion on College Students Spring-Break Behavior | 2001 | Sonmez, Sevil | Faculty | Marketing, Entrepreneurship, Hospitality & Tourism, UNCG |
The Impact of Gender and Religion on College Students Spring-Break Behavior | 2001 | Apostolopoulos, Yorghos | Faculty | Public Health Education, UNCG |
The impact of gender expectations on meanings of sex and sexuality: Results from a cognitive... | 2010 | Tanner, Amanda Elizabeth | Faculty | Public Health Education, UNCG |
The Impact of Geographic Diversification on Export Performance of Small and Medium-Sized Ent... | 2012 | Welsh, Dianne H.B. | Faculty | Business Administration, UNCG |
The impact of goal adjustment and caregiver burden on psychological distress among caregiver... | 2019 | Eddington, Kari | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
The impact of Greek affiliation on student involvement patterns | 2018 | O'Connor, Christopher | Student | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
The Impact of Health System Membership on Patient Safety Initiatives | 2008 | Ford, Eric W. | Faculty | Business Administration, UNCG |
Impact of heat treatment on size, structure, and bioactivity of elemental selenium nanoparti... | 2012 | Taylor, Ethan W | Faculty | Nanoscience, UNCG |
Impact of the HEROS (Healthy Eating to Reduce Obesity through Schools) study on healthy food... | 2005 | O'Connell, Kellie Marie | Student | Nutrition, UNCG |
The impact of high intensity training on fitness of middle school students | 2020 | Rockey, Christine Michelle | Student | Kinesiology, UNCG |
The impact of HIV-related stigma on HIV Care and Prevention providers. | 2007 | Tanner, Amanda Elizabeth | Faculty | Public Health Education, UNCG |
The Impact of Homelessness and Shelter Life on Family Relationships | 1998 | Lindsey, Elizabeth W. | Faculty | Social Work, UNCG |
The impact of honey bee (Apis mellifera) group size on hygienic behavior performance | 2020 | Snyder, Phoebe R. | Student | Biology, UNCG |
The Impact of Human Resource Capital on Ethnic Minority Middle School Students' Engagement i... | 2007 | Keck, Tracey Lavette | Student | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
The Impact of an In-Service Workshop on Cooperating Teachers’ Perceptions of Culturally Resp... | 2016 | Walter, Jennifer Stewart | Faculty | Music Education, UNCG |
The Impact of an In-Service Workshop on Cooperating Teachers’ Perceptions of Culturally Resp... | 2016 | McKoy, Constance | Faculty | Music Education, UNCG |
The Impact of an In-Service Workshop on Cooperating Teachers’ Perceptions of Culturally Resp... | 2016 | MacLeod, Rebecca B. | Faculty | Music Education, UNCG |
The Impact of Information Literacy-Related Instruction in the Science Classroom: Clickers Ve... | 2012 | Moniz, Richard J. | Faculty | Library and Information Studies, UNCG |
The Impact of Information Technology on Real Estate Licensee Income | 2002 | Jud, Gustav D. | Faculty | Business Administration, UNCG |
The Impact of Information Technology on Real Estate Licensee Income | 2002 | Winkler, Daniel T. | Faculty | Accounting and Finance, UNCG |
The Impact of an Interdisciplinary Seminar on First-Year University Students' Development of... | 2008 | Olive-Taylor, Rebecca A. | Student | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
The impact of the international crisis on entrepreneurial intentions on refugees | 2021 | Welsh, Dianne H.B. | Faculty | Business Administration, UNCG |
Impact of Intravenous Insulin Protocols on Hypoglycemia, Patient Safety, and Nursing Workloa... | 2009 | Van Horn, Elizabeth R. | Faculty | Nursing, UNCG |
The impact of an issue-centered problem-based learning curriculum on 6th grade girls’ unders... | 2021 | Nadir, Hamid | Faculty | Library and Information Science, UNCG |
Impact of item parameter drift on IRT linking methods | 2021 | Chen, David Frederick | Student | Educational Research Methodology, UNCG |
Impact of JIT on inventory to sales ratios | 2002 | Gargeya, Vidyaranya B. | Faculty | Information Systems and Supply Chain Management, UNCG |
The impact of judgment and framing in entrepreneurs' decision making | 2019 | Welsh, Dianne H.B. | Faculty | Business Administration, UNCG |
Impact of land-use land-cover change on stream water quality in the Reedy Fork- Buffalo Cree... | 2017 | Ayivi, Frederick | Student | Geography, UNCG |
Impact of Leader Racial Attitude on Ratings of Causes and Solutions to the Minority Faculty ... | 2007 | Buttner, Eleanor "Holly" | Faculty | Business Administration, UNCG |
Impact of Leader Racial Attitude on Ratings of Causes and Solutions to the Minority Faculty ... | 2007 | Lowe, Kevin B. | Faculty | Management, UNCG |
Impact of Leader Racial Attitude on Ratings of Causes and Solutions to the Minority Faculty ... | 2007 | Billings-Harris, Lenora | Faculty | Bryan School of Business and Economics, UNCG |
The impact of low-level blast exposure on brain function after a one-day tactile training an... | 2019 | Rhea, Christopher K. | Faculty | Kinesiology, UNCG |
The impact of managerial networking relationships on organizational performance in sub-Sahar... | 2006 | Acquaah, Moses | Faculty | Management, UNCG |
The impact of market structure on wages, fringe benefits, and turnover. | 1983 | Link, Albert N. | Faculty | Economics, UNCG |
The impact of maternal characteristics and sensitivity on the concordance between maternal r... | 2003 | Leerkes, Esther M. | Faculty | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Impact of maternal depression and emotion socialization on the emergence of children’s depre... | 2018 | Suffness, Rebecca A. | Student | Psychology, UNCG |
The impact of media-related cognitions on children’s substance use outcomes in the context o... | 2014 | Erausquin, Jennifer Toller | Faculty | Public Health Education, UNCG |
Impact of Medicaid transformation in North Carolina on people with intellectual and developm... | 2023 | James, Matthew G. | Student | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
The Impact of Metaphor on Clinical Hypothesis Formation and Perceived Supervisor Characteris... | 1998 | Borders, L. DiAnne | Faculty | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
The Impact of Metaphor on Clinical Hypothesis Formation and Perceived Supervisor Characteris... | 1998 | Young, J. Scott | Faculty | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
The impact of a middle school 1:1 laptop initiative on the quality of instruction, teacher e... | 2013 | Pack, Julie A. | Student | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
The impact of moral identity on consumers’ green consumption tendency: The role of perceived... | 2018 | Yang, Zhiyong | Faculty | Marketing, UNCG |
Impact of multidimensionality on unidimensional IRT linking and equating methods | 2024 | Cho, Uk Hyun | Student | Educational Research Methodology, UNCG |
The impact of neighborhood disadvantage on adolescent women’s romantic relationship developm... | 2016 | Tanner, Amanda Elizabeth | Faculty | Public Health Education, UNCG |
Impact of networking and business environment on student leadership style | 2019 | Welsh, Dianne H.B. | Faculty | Business Administration, UNCG |
The impact of networks on value co-creation for women-owned businesses | 2021 | Welsh, Dianne H.B. | Faculty | Business Administration, UNCG |
The impact of networks on value co-creation for women-owned businesses | 2021 | Memili, Esra | Faculty | Marketing, Entrepreneurship, Hospitality & Tourism, UNCG |
Impact of Nurse Education in PACU on Opioid Minimization Compliance in Bariatric Surgery Pat... | 2022 | Windham, Adrienne | Student | Nursing, UNCG |
The Impact of Nurses' Health on Productivity and Quality of Care | 2011 | Letvak, Susan A. | Faculty | Adult Health Nursing, UNCG |
Impact of open adoption and contact with biological mothers on perceptions of parenting comp... | 2005 | Eanes, Angella | Student | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
The Impact of Organizational and National Cultural Differences on Social Conflict and Knowle... | 2012 | Sarala, Riikka M. | Faculty | Management, UNCG |
The Impact of Parent Involvement on a Child's Academic Performance | 2007 | Topor, David | Student | Psychology, UNCG |
The Impact of Parenting Strategies on Child Smoking Behavior: The Role of Child Self–Esteem ... | 2010 | Yang, Zhiyong | Faculty | Marketing, UNCG |
The impact of pedagogical documentation on the individualizing practices of early educators ... | 2016 | Busio, Dionne Sills | Student | Specialized Education Services, UNCG |
Impact of a physical fitness program in a blue-collar workforce | 1990 | Eddy, James M. | Faculty | Public Health Education, UNCG |
Impact of predation risk on emergence by little brown bats, Myotis lucifugus (Chiroptera: Ve... | 1994 | Kalcounis-Rüppell, Matina C. | Faculty | Biology, UNCG |
The Impact of the Principal Socialization Experience on the Professional Lives of Selected W... | 2007 | Shaver, Randall Ray | Student | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
The impact of prior day sleep and physical activity on the cortisol awakening response | 2021 | Wideman, Laurie | Faculty | Kinesiology, UNCG |
The impact of prior day sleep and physical activity on the cortisol awakening response | 2021 | Eddington, Kari | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
The impact of prior day sleep and physical activity on the cortisol awakening response | 2021 | Vrshek-Schallhorn, Suzanne | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
The impact of prior evening exercise on endocrine awakening responses | 2021 | Anderson, Travis | Student | Kinesiology, UNCG |
The impact of processing on the retention and distribution of macronutrients and bioactive c... | 2020 | Friend, Linda Lee | Student | Nutrition, UNCG |
The impact of public investment in medical imaging technology: an interagency collaboration ... | 2015 | Link, Albert N. | Faculty | Economics, UNCG |
The impact of public R&D investments on patenting activity: technology transfer at the U.S. ... | 2018 | Link, Albert N. | Faculty | Economics, UNCG |
The impact of public R&D investments on patenting activity: technology transfer at the U.S. ... | 2018 | Van Hasselt, Martijn | Faculty | Economics, UNCG |
The impact of race, gender and other selected variables on the participation of college and ... | 1991 | Daniels, Deborah Thies | Student | Education, UNCG |
Impact of Racial Disparities in Transportation Access on Older Adults in Chatham County | 2021 | Westervelt, Krista | Student | Peace and Conflict Studies, UNCG |
The Impact of Realistic Job Previews and Perceptions of Training on Sales Force Performance ... | 2003 | Boles, James S. | Faculty | Marketing, Entrepreneurship, Hospitality & Tourism, UNCG |
Impact of reference gene selection for target gene normalization on experimental outcome usi... | 2010 | Morrison, Ron F. | Faculty | Nutrition, UNCG |
Impact of reference gene selection for target gene normalization on experimental outcome usi... | 2010 | Hopkins, Robin | Faculty | Nutrition, UNCG |
The impact of repeated exposure and depressive symptom improvement on others | 1995 | Granda-Gage, Irene | Student | Psychology, UNCG |
The impact of safety culture on nurse and patient outcomes in Middle East acute care hospita... | 2020 | Almotairy, Monir Morisheed R. | Student | School of Nursing, UNCG |
The impact of saltwater intrusion on mercury cycling in coastal plain wetlands | 2021 | Ulus, Yener | Student | Biology, UNCG |
The impact of SCHIP enrollment on adolescent-provider communication | 2005 | Telfair, Joseph | Faculty | Public Health Education, UNCG |
The impact of sex and exercise duration on growth hormone secretion | 2006 | Davis, Paul | Faculty | Kinesiology, UNCG |
The impact of sex and exercise duration on growth hormone secretion | 2006 | Wideman, Laurie | Faculty | Kinesiology, UNCG |
The Impact of Sexual Victimization on Personality: A Longitudinal Study of Gendered Attribut... | 2007 | White, Jacquelyn W. | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
Impact of short-term study abroad program: Inservice teachers' development of intercultural ... | 2017 | He, Ye | Faculty | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
Impact of short-term study abroad program: Inservice teachers' development of intercultural ... | 2017 | Lundgren, Kristine | Faculty | Communication Sciences and Disorders, UNCG |
Impact of short-term study abroad program: Inservice teachers' development of intercultural ... | 2017 | Pynes, Penelope | Faculty | International Programs Center, UNCG |
The impact of singing styles on tension in the adolescent voice | 2007 | Smith-Vaughn, Beverly Joyce | Student | Music, UNCG |
The Impact of Small- and Medium-Sized Family Firms on Economic Growth | 2015 | Memili, Esra | Faculty | Marketing, Entrepreneurship, Hospitality & Tourism, UNCG |
The Impact of Social Change on Inner-City High School Physical Education: An Analysis of a T... | 1999 | Chen, Ang | Faculty | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Impact of Social Issues on Public Sector Employees: Research Summary and Implications for Wo... | 2009 | Hayes, Sherrill W. | Faculty | Peace and Conflict Studies, UNCG |
The impact of socio-demographic variables, social support, and child sex on mother–infant an... | 2010 | Tudge, Jonathan R. | Faculty | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Impact of Study Skills and Parent Education on First-Year GPA Among College Students With an... | 2018 | Anastopoulos, Arthur D. | Faculty | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
The impact of a supervisor-generated metaphor on the clinical hypothesis formation skills of... | 1996 | Young, J. Scott | Student | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
The impact of teacher change in an overseas military child development classroom | 2007 | Cree, Beverly Jean | Student | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
The impact of teacher education, administrative support, and teacher self-efficacy on using ... | 2020 | Goines, Melissa A. | Student | Kinesiology, UNCG |
The impact of teacher renewal seminars on classroom practices : a case study of selected par... | 1992 | Pressley, Carroll Andrew | Student | Education, UNCG |
Impact of teacher value orientations on student learning in physical education | 2017 | Ennis, Catherine D. | Faculty | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Impact of teacher value orientations on student learning in physical education | 2017 | Chen, Ang | Faculty | Kinesiology, UNCG |
The Impact of Team Building on Communication and Job Satisfaction of Nursing Staff | 2005 | Hu, Jie | Faculty | Nursing, UNCG |
The impact of technology on collection development in selected academic and research librari... | 1991 | Smith, Merrill Fetner | Student | Education, UNCG |
The impact of the third sector of R&D on the innovative performance of entrepreneurial firms... | 2021 | Link, Albert N. | Faculty | Economics, UNCG |
The impact of the third sector of R&D on the innovative performance of entrepreneurial firms... | 2021 | Van Hasselt, Martijn | Faculty | Economics, UNCG |
Impact of tomato juice on radiation side effects and select inflammatory mediators in prosta... | 2011 | Datta, Mridul | Student | Nutrition, UNCG |
Impact of trans-10, cis-12 conjugated linoleic acid on interleukin (IL)-6 and IL-8 and adipo... | 2005 | Provo, James Nathan | Student | Nutrition, UNCG |
Impact of trauma exposure and acculturative stress on internalizing symptoms for recently ar... | 2017 | Mendez, Julia | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
Impact of trauma exposure and acculturative stress on internalizing symptoms for recently ar... | 2017 | Stein, Gabriela L. | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
Impact of trauma exposure: Vicarious traumatization and posttrauma growth among counselor tr... | 2020 | Wester, Kelly L. | Faculty | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
Impact of Two Clinical Peer Supervision Models on Practicing School Counselors | 1997 | Borders, L. DiAnne | Faculty | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
The impact of two clinical peer supervision models on school counselors' job satisfaction, c... | 1995 | Crutchfield, Lori B. | Student | Education, UNCG |
Impact of Underlying Depression on Treatment of Neuropsychiatric Symptoms in Older Adults wi... | 2010 | Buettner, Linda L. | Faculty | Community and Therapeutic Recreation, UNCG |
Impact of Underlying Depression on Treatment of Neuropsychiatric Symptoms in Older Adults wi... | 2010 | Dudley, William N. | Faculty | Health and Human Sciences, UNCG |
Impact of Underlying Depression on Treatment of Neuropsychiatric Symptoms in Older Adults wi... | 2010 | Fitzsimmons, Suzanne | Faculty | Nursing, UNCG |
Impact of Urban Sprawl on Travel Behaviors and Local Watersheds in the Auburn–Opelika Metrop... | 2003 | Sultana, Selima | Faculty | Geography, Environment, and Sustainability, UNCG |
The Impact of the Vermont Support and Services at Home Program on Healthcare Expenditures | 2018 | Van Hasselt, Martijn | Faculty | Economics, UNCG |
Impact of a virtual education presentation on knowledge and usage of cupping therapy among a... | 2021 | Cage, Stephen Andrew | Student | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Impact of a Wellness Recovery Program on Balance for Individuals with Parkinson's Disease | 2018 | Dawkins, Aileen | Student | Therapeutic Recreation, UNCG |
The impact of the west on post-Soviet Russian education: change and resistance to change | 2007 | Tudge, Jonathan R. | Faculty | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
The Impact of Worker Health on Long Term Care: Implications for Nursing Managers | 2010 | Letvak, Susan A. | Faculty | Adult Health Nursing, UNCG |
The impact of youth adapted sport on physical activity of adults with disabilities | 2019 | Kyle, David Lewis | Student | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Impact on an Educational Intervention for Anesthesia Providers on the Benefits of Total Intr... | 2022 | Kim, Cheahee | Student | Nursing, UNCG |
Impact: The Effect of Climatic Change on Prehistoric and Modern Cultures in Texas (First Pro... | 1979 | Gunn, Joel D. | Faculty | Anthropology, UNCG |
Impactful insights of researchers engaging with citizen science [slides] | 2021 | Carlton, Megan | Faculty | University Libraries, UNCG |
Impacting Perceptions of Practitioners for a Refined Understanding of Educational Systemic C... | 2013 | Chow, Anthony Shong-Yu | Faculty | Library and Information Studies, UNCG |
The Impacts of Dialogic Reading on 2-4 Year Olds and Their Awareness to Print | 2023 | Funderburk, Aubreanna | Student | Communication Sciences and Disorders, UNCG |
The impacts of experiential learning on leadership identity in female college graduates | 2010 | Belton, Rhonda Andrews | Student | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Impacts of an Extreme Early-Season Freeze Event in the Interior Pacific Northwest (30 Octobe... | 2005 | Knapp, Paul A. | Faculty | Geography, UNCG |
The impacts of high-speed rail extensions on accessibility and spatial equity changes in Sou... | 2015 | Sultana, Selima | Faculty | Geography, Environment, and Sustainability, UNCG |
Impacts of patch burn grazing on the invertebrate communities of Kansas rangelands | 2024 | Bunch, Zachary | Student | Biology, UNCG |
Impacts of state COVID-19 reopening policy on human mobility and mixing behavior | 2021 | Andersen, Martin S. | Faculty | Economics, UNCG |
Impacts of triclosan on stream microbial communities: investigating mitigation and multidrug... | 2018 | Trowbridge, Kirsten Elise | Student | Biology, UNCG |
Impaired fear memory, altered object memory and modified hippocampal synaptic plasticity in ... | 2008 | Wahlsten, Douglas | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
Impaired insulin secretion and increased insulin sensitivity in familial maturity-onset diab... | 2000 | Wideman, Laurie | Faculty | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Impaired parasympathetic response to feeding in ventilated preterm babies | 2005 | Dudley, William N. | Faculty | Health and Human Sciences, UNCG |
Impairment associated with symptoms of AD/HD, ODD, and mania in adolescence | 2011 | Bray, Allison C. | Student | Psychology, UNCG |
The impeachment and trial of Governor William W. Holden, 1870-1871 | 1965 | Young, Lowell Thomas | Student | History and Political Science, UNCG |
Imperialism displaced, imperialism inverted : the trope of the other world in Gulliver's tra... | 2007 | Somody, John Peter | Student | English, UNCG |
Impermanence in For Decorative Purposes Only | 2018 | Fuchs, Lowell | Student | School of Music, UNCG |
The implementation and evaluation of a church-based, peer-delivered nutrition and lifestyle ... | 2011 | Cherry, Carinthia A. | Student | Nutrition, UNCG |
Implementation and Evaluation of a Patient Action Plan for Patients with Atopic Dermatitis | 2023 | Thormann, Kathrin | Student | Nursing, UNCG |
Implementation and outcomes of a responsibility-based continuing professional development pr... | 2015 | Hemphill, Michael | Faculty | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Implementation and Testing of the OPT Model as a Teaching Strategy in an Undergraduate Nursi... | 2009 | Rossen, Eileen R. | Faculty | Nursing, UNCG |
Implementation and Testing of the OPT Model as a Teaching Strategy in an Undergraduate Nursi... | 2009 | Bland, Annie R | Faculty | Nursing, UNCG |
Implementation and Testing of the OPT Model as a Teaching Strategy in an Undergraduate Nursi... | 2009 | Bartlett, Robin | Faculty | Nursing, UNCG |
Implementation and Testing of the OPT Model as a Teaching Strategy in an Undergraduate Nursi... | 2009 | Kautz, Donald D. | Faculty | Nursing, UNCG |
Implementation and use of community-based prescription drug disposal programs | 2017 | Egan, Kathleen L. | Student | Public Health Education, UNCG |
Implementation challenges for a constructivist physical education curriculum | 2011 | Ennis, Catherine D. | Faculty | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Implementation challenges for a constructivist physical education curriculum | 2011 | Chen, Ang | Faculty | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Implementation costs of screening and brief intervention for illicit drug use | 2013 | Bray, Jeremy W. | Faculty | Economics, UNCG |
Implementation fidelity of a physical education intervention | 2013 | Loflin, Jerry W. | Student | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Implementation of the A-OK Protocol for Treatment of Amniotic Fluid Emboli with Quick Refere... | 2023 | Bauer , Chase | Student | Nursing, UNCG |
Implementation of Adult Depression Screening in Solo Free-Standing Primary Care Clinics or P... | 2023 | Agyemang, Matilda G. | Student | Nursing, UNCG |
Implementation of Behavior Change Techniques in Mobile Applications for Physical Activity | 2015 | Maher, Jaclyn | Faculty | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Implementation of a Best Practice Advisory to Reduce Postoperative Delirium Rates in Elderly... | 2024 | Danneker, Megan | Student | Nursing, UNCG |
Implementation of Cardiac Emergency Drills on a School Campus to Obtain Heart Safe School St... | 2024 | Nelson , Rebecca Garrett | Student | Nursing, UNCG |
Implementation of a constructivist-oriented training for kinesiology graduate teaching assis... | 2017 | Schweighardt, Ray | Student | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Implementation of a Course Focused on Language and Literacy Within Teacher–Child Interaction... | 2011 | Scott-Little, Catherine | Faculty | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Implementation of a Course Focused on Language and Literacy Within Teacher–Child Interaction... | 2011 | LaParo, Karen M. | Faculty | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Implementation of a culturally adapted treatment to reduce barriers for Latino parents. | 2012 | Mendez, Julia | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
Implementation of a culturally adapted treatment to reduce barriers for Latino parents. | 2012 | Westerberg, Diana | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
Implementation of culturally and linguistically competent policies by state Title V Children... | 2009 | Telfair, Joseph | Faculty | Public Health Education, UNCG |
Implementation of a diagnostic classification model for middle-school physics | 2022 | Su, Kun | Student | Educational Research Methodology, UNCG |
Implementation of a Fall Prevention Program to Decrease Falls in a Skilled Nursing Unit | 2023 | Wagner, Lorena | Student | Nursing, UNCG |
Implementation of the flipped classroom to improve student engagement, academic success, and... | 2020 | Crawford, Christopher P. | Student | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Implementation of Frailty Screenings in the Perioperative Setting | 2023 | Chandik, Alexis R. | Student | Nursing, UNCG |
The Implementation of Gender-inclusive Housing at ACUHO-I Member Institutions: A Second Look... | 2023 | Johnson, Robert Bradley | Faculty | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
The implementation of gender-neutral housing: A mixed-methods study across ACUHO-I member in... | 2016 | Johnson, Robert Bradley | Faculty | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
Implementation of an Intervention to Reduce Mental Health Stigma in Healthcare Workers | 2022 | Kee, LaQuinta | Student | Nursing, UNCG |
Implementation of a No Interruption Zone to Decrease CRNA Distractions | 2022 | Schlesinger, Stacey L. | Student | Nursing, UNCG |
Implementation of a Postoperative Handoff Checklist for Cardiac Surgery Patients | 2022 | Taylor, Gerald Shane | Student | Nursing, UNCG |
The Implementation Of A Preparation Checklist And Simulation For Out Of Or Intubation: A Q... | 2024 | Schaeffer, Stephanie | Student | Nursing, UNCG |
The Implementation of a Preparation Checklist and Simulation Training for Out-Of-Or Intubati... | 2024 | Alton, Robin | Student | Nursing, UNCG |
Implementation of Standardized Handoff Reporting to Improve Communication Between Certified ... | 2024 | Bracken, Alisha | Student | Nursing, UNCG |
Implementation of a Suspected Urinary Tract Infection Decision Support Tool to Improve Antib... | 2022 | Synowiez, Teresa M. | Student | Nursing, UNCG |
The Implementation of a Terminal Master’s Program in Applied Economics | 2010 | Snowden, Kenneth A. | Faculty | Economics, UNCG |
The Implementation of a Terminal Master’s Program in Applied Economics | 2010 | Allen, Stuart D. | Faculty | Economics, UNCG |
Implementation of Unit Council in the Anesthesia Department | 2022 | Whaley, Jennifer K. | Student | Nursing, UNCG |
Implementation of a WIC clinic farmers’ market improves accessibility and consumption of fre... | 2018 | Gruber, Kenneth | Faculty | Center for Youth, Family, & Community Partnerships, UNCG |
Implementation of a WIC clinic farmers’ market improves accessibility and consumption of fre... | 2018 | Dharod, Jigna M. | Faculty | Nutrition, UNCG |
Implementation of a Written Anesthesia-PACU Report Tool: To Increase Data Transfer and Impro... | 2024 | Johnson, Brandi | Student | Nursing, UNCG |
Implementation science on the margins: How do we demonstrate the value of implementation str... | 2020 | Bray, Jeremy W. | Faculty | Economics, UNCG |
Implementing ACRL’s Assessment in Action Program at UNCG Libraries to Meet the Information L... | 2016 | Leininger, Lea | Faculty | University Libraries, UNCG |
Implementing ACRL’s Assessment in Action Program at UNCG Libraries to Meet the Information L... | 2016 | Dale, Jenny | Faculty | University Libraries, UNCG |
Implementing ACRL’s Assessment in Action Program at UNCG Libraries to Meet the Information L... | 2016 | Grigg, Karen Stanley | Faculty | University Libraries, UNCG |
Implementing ACRL's Assessment in Action Program at UNCG Libraries [Slides] | 2016 | Leininger, Lea | Faculty | University Libraries, UNCG |
Implementing ACRL's Assessment in Action Program at UNCG Libraries [Slides] | 2016 | Grigg, Karen Stanley | Faculty | University Libraries, UNCG |
Implementing an Alcohol and Other Drug Use Prevention Program Using University–High School P... | 2015 | Wyrick, David L. | Faculty | Public Health Education, UNCG |
Implementing an Alcohol and Other Drug Use Prevention Program Using University–High School P... | 2015 | Orsini, Muhsin Michael | Faculty | Public Health Education, UNCG |
Implementing an Alcohol and Other Drug Use Prevention Program Using University–High School P... | 2015 | Milroy, Jeffrey John | Faculty | Institute to Promote Athlete Health and Wellness, UNCG |
Implementing and assessing use-driven acquisitions: a practical guide for librarians [book r... | 2016 | Fischer, Christine M. | Faculty | University Libraries, UNCG |
Implementing biophilic attributes in elementary schools | 2018 | Miller, Emily | Student | Interior Architecture, UNCG |
Implementing Curriculum Within a Context of Fear and Disengagement | 1997 | Ennis, Catherine D. | Faculty | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Implementing a Delirium Assessment Tool to Increase Routine Assessment for Hospice Patients | 2023 | Kaplan, Karen Brown | Student | Nursing, UNCG |
Implementing electronic lab order entry management in hospitals: Incremental strategies lead... | 2013 | Ford, Eric W. | Faculty | Business Administration, UNCG |
Implementing a Fall Prevention Education Program in Long-Term Care | 2023 | Jennings, Angela N. | Student | Nursing, UNCG |
Implementing Family Health History Risk Stratification in Primary Care: Impact of Guideline ... | 2014 | Henrich, Vincent C. | Faculty | Biology, UNCG |
Implementing OPTIMAL Theory in lower extremity tasks to reduce risk of injury | 2021 | Pierson, Mackenzie Ann | Student | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Implementing Proactive Circles to Increase Student Voice in Physical Education | 2022 | Hemphill, Michael | Faculty | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Implementing relatedness-supportive teaching strategies to promote learning in the college c... | 2021 | Chu, Alan | Faculty | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Implementing Screening For Diabetes Distress In Adolescents With Type 1 Diabetes | 2024 | Beasley, Spenser | Student | Nursing, UNCG |
Implementing a Standardized Handoff Checklist | 2022 | Harris, Chelsea | Student | Nursing, UNCG |
Implementing Trauma-Informed Care Training to Improve Interaction Between Nursing Students a... | 2023 | Hedrick, Emory Abbigail | Student | Nursing, UNCG |
Implementing the vision of the high school principal | 1991 | Tillman, Jean B. | Student | Education, UNCG |
Implenmentation of a Nurse Led Psychiatric Consultation Service in a Long-term Care Facility... | 2023 | Fischer, Susan | Student | Nursing, UNCG |
Implications for Nurses and Researchers of Internet Use by Childbearing Women | 2014 | Lewallen, Lynne P. | Faculty | Nursing, UNCG |
Implications for Nurses and Researchers of Internet Use by Childbearing Women | 2014 | Côté-Arsenault, Denise | Faculty | Nursing, UNCG |
Implications of an educational intervention program designed to increase young adolescents’ ... | 1999 | Nelson Hodges, Nancy J. | Faculty | Consumer, Apparel, and Retail Studies, UNCG |
Implications of the family expert role for parental rules regarding adolescent use of social... | 2014 | Fletcher, Anne C. | Faculty | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Implications of Genetic Variation in Mouse Brain Structure for Electrode Placement by Stereo... | 1975 | Wahlsten, Douglas | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
Implications of intensive mothering beliefs for the well-being of full-time employed mothers... | 2010 | Walls, Jill K. | Student | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Implications of music and brain research. | 2002 | Hodges, Donald A. | Faculty | Music Education, UNCG |
The implications of reinforcement sensitivity theory for depression and anxiety | 2006 | Hundt, Natalie E. | Student | Psychology, UNCG |
Implications of the relationships between intelligence and physical fitness | 1958 | White, Katherine A. | Student | Physical Education, UNCG |
Implications of Retirement Development in High-Amenity Non-metropolitan Coastal Areas | 1996 | Bennett, D. Gordan | Faculty | Geography, UNCG |
Implicit attitudes, eating behavior, and the development of obesity | 2017 | DeJesus, Jasmine M. | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
Implicit Self-Evaluations Predict Changes in Implicit Partner Evaluations | 2014 | Baker, Levi R. | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
Implicit Theories and Achievement Behavior | 1995 | Schunk, Dale H. | Faculty | Education, UNCG |
Implicit vs. explicit ways of using Bronfenbrenner’s bioecological theory: Comments on Jaege... | 2017 | Tudge, Jonathan R. | Faculty | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Importance and Applicability of Approved Clinical Instructor Standards and Criteria to Certi... | 2005 | Henning, Jolene M. | Faculty | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Importance and pedagogical value of Three Sonatas for Two Cellos, Op. 43 by Bernhard Romberg... | 2014 | Placzek, Roman | Student | Music, UNCG |
The importance and usage of keyboard skills in public school music teaching according to pub... | 1986 | Wells, Anna W. | Student | Music, UNCG |
The importance of the activities of innovation and knowledge in the economy: Welcome to the ... | 2016 | Welsh, Dianne H.B. | Faculty | Business Administration, UNCG |
The Importance of Biogenic Methane and Sedimentation to Benthic Chironomid Larvae in Four Re... | 2007 | Wade, Elizabeth M | Student | Biology, UNCG |
The Importance of Breathing. | 1996 | Burns, Michael | Faculty | Music, UNCG |
The importance of children in Dostoevsky's thought | 1969 | Ivester, Judy Maureen | Student | English, UNCG |
The Importance of Culture in Childbearing | 2011 | Lewallen, Lynne P. | Faculty | Nursing, UNCG |
Importance of interdisciplinary perspective in recognizing and treating depression | 2010 | Buettner, Linda L. | Faculty | Community and Therapeutic Recreation, UNCG |
Importance of Marital Characteristics and Marital Satisfaction: A Comparison of Asian Indian... | 2008 | Benshoff, James M. | Faculty | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
The importance of marriage in Chaucer's "Knight's tale" | 1971 | Edmundson, Mary Elizabeth | Student | English, UNCG |
The Importance of Romantic and Work Relations on Nonmedical Prescription Drug Use Among Adul... | 2015 | Dollar, Cindy Brooks | Faculty | Sociology, UNCG |
The importance of safe space and student voice in schools that serve minoritized learners | 2015 | Mansfield, Katherine Cumings | Faculty | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Importance of Selected Athletic Trainer Employment Characteristics in Collegiate, Sports Med... | 1998 | Perrin, David H. | Faculty | Office of the Provost, UNCG |
The importance of social support for rural mental health | 2002 | Letvak, Susan A. | Faculty | Adult Health Nursing, UNCG |
The importance of Urie Bronfenbrenner’s bioecological theory for early childhood educators a... | 2017 | Tudge, Jonathan R. | Faculty | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Important Lessons from eBay about Business Ethics | 2002 | Brod, Andrew C. | Faculty | Economics, UNCG |
Imposter phenomenon and research experiences among counselor educators | 2021 | Wester, Kelly L. | Faculty | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
Imposter phenomenon and research experiences among counselor educators | 2021 | Morris, Carrie A. Wachter | Faculty | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
Imposter phenomenon and research experiences among counselor educators | 2021 | Umstead, Lindsey K. | Faculty | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
Imposter phenomenon and research experiences among counselor educators | 2021 | Austin, Jordan L. | Faculty | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
The Impractical Man | 2008 | Saulters, Andrew | Student | English, UNCG |
Improbable beauty | 2009 | Maness, Karen | Student | Studio Art, UNCG |
Improved AFLP analysis of tree species | 2000 | Remington, David L. | Faculty | Biology, UNCG |
An Improved Implementation and Inalysis of the Diaz and O'Rourke Algorithm for Finding the S... | 2010 | Bhadury, Joyendu | Faculty | Bryan School of Business and Economics, UNCG |
Improved Language in a Chronic Nonfluent Aphasia Patient After Treatment With CPAP and TMS | 2010 | Lundgren, Kristine | Faculty | Communication Sciences and Disorders, UNCG |
Improved Supercapacitor Performance of MnO2-Electrospun Carbon Nanofibers Electrodes by mT M... | 2017 | Wei, Jianjun | Faculty | Nanoscience, UNCG |
Improvement of shuttle avoidance by handling during the intertrial interval. | 1969 | Wahlsten, Douglas | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
An Improvement to the Aligned Rank Statistic for Two-factor Analysis of Variance | 2005 | Richter, Scott J. | Faculty | Mathematics and Statistics, UNCG |
Improvements in self-reported and parent-proxy perceptions of adolescents’ health-related qu... | 2017 | McNeil, Jessica | Faculty | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Improving Access and Screening for Cervical Cander in the Underserved Population | 2023 | Teschemaker, Lakisha | Student | Nursing, UNCG |
Improving Adherence for Postpartum Diabetic Testing for Gestational Diabetes | 2022 | Schramm, Melissa | Student | Nursing, UNCG |
Improving Awareness and Knowledge of Local Anesthetic System Toxicity Amongst Labor and Deli... | 2024 | Johnson, Jaclyn | Student | Nursing, UNCG |
Improving bicycle helmet research: examining intervention studies and parental experiences | 2013 | Cathorall, Michelle L. | Student | Public Health Education, UNCG |
Improving classroom practice through collaborative inquiry: a case of flipped learning | 2014 | Reinhardt, Jill Y. | Student | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Improving collaborations between empiricists and modelers to advance grassland community dyn... | 2021 | Koerner, Sally E. | Faculty | Biology, UNCG |
Improving the early identification of malignant hyperthermia, neuroleptic malignant syndrome... | 2024 | Elliott, Ashley Adeola | Student | Nursing, UNCG |
Improving Education Provided to Patients on the Interaction of Sugammadex and Hormonal | 2024 | Jefferson, Laila | Student | Nursing, UNCG |
Improving efficiency in XML interoperability | 2007 | Gethers, Malcom B. | Student | Computer Science, UNCG |
Improving federated learning in heterogeneous wireless networks | 2022 | Shanu, Shipra | Student | Computer Science, UNCG |
Improving the health and wellbeing of homeless individuals using relational care approaches | 2024 | Pearson, Michael C. | Student | Joint Program in Social Work, UNCG |
Improving Health Literacy to Promote Hypertension Self-Management in the Primary Care Settin... | 2023 | Pridgen, Taylar | Student | Nursing, UNCG |
Improving the Health of Working Women: Aligning Workplan Structures to Reflect the Value of ... | 2009 | Smith, Paige Hall | Faculty | Public Health Education, UNCG |
Improving integration outcomes for children with and without severe disabilities through coo... | 1993 | Schleien, Stuart J. | Faculty | Community and Therapeutic Recreation, UNCG |
Improving kinesiology student success in mixed-major biology courses : a case study explorin... | 2022 | Williams, Patricia J. | Student | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Improving the Knowledge and Comfort Levels of Nurses Caring for Breastfeeding Mothers | 2022 | Robertson, Kathryn | Student | Nursing, UNCG |
Improving Knowledge, Recognition, and Management of Local Anesthetic Systemic Toxicity (LAST... | 2024 | Hilton, Sheena | Student | Nursing, UNCG |
Improving low-income parents’ fruit and vegetable intake and their potential to impact child... | 2011 | Erausquin, Jennifer Toller | Faculty | Public Health Education, UNCG |
Improving national cultural indices using a longitudinal meta-analysis of Hofstede's dimensi... | 2012 | Taras, Vasyl | Faculty | Management, UNCG |
Improving Open Source Software Maintenance | 2010 | Kshetri, Nir B. | Faculty | Management, UNCG |
Improving Open Source Software Maintenance | 2010 | Palvia, Prashant | Faculty | Information Systems and Supply Chain Management, UNCG |
Improving Open Source Software Maintenance | 2010 | Singh, Rahul | Faculty | Information Systems and Supply Chain Management, UNCG |
Improving overweight among at-risk minority youth: Results of a pilot intervention in after-... | 2013 | Erausquin, Jennifer Toller | Faculty | Public Health Education, UNCG |
Improving Perinatal Care Through Theory Application | 2019 | Côté-Arsenault, Denise | Faculty | Nursing, UNCG |
Improving Perinatal Care Through Theory Application | 2019 | Hubbard, Lori Johnson | Faculty | Nursing, UNCG |
Improving Perioperative Knowledge and Confidence of Local Anesthetic Systemic Toxicity Manag... | 2022 | Willingham, Daniel B. | Student | Nursing, UNCG |
Improving Physics Instruction by Analyzing Video Games | 2012 | Beatty, Ian D. | Faculty | Physics and Astronomy, UNCG |
Improving Preterm Infants' Oxygen Saturation Target Time: A Quality Improvement Initiative | 2024 | Short, Kayla | Student | Nursing, UNCG |
Improving the Prospects for a Successful Relationship between Community and Evaluator | 1999 | Telfair, Joseph | Faculty | Public Health Education, UNCG |
Improving Reading Performance in a High Poverty Elementary School: A Case Study | 2007 | Kemp, Darcy D. | Student | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Improving Self-Efficacy in Problem Solving: Learning from Errors and Feedback | 2008 | Hall, T. Simin | Student | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
Improving the success rate of academically disadvantaged black students in general education... | 1992 | Burrell, Selma Theresa Tuck | Student | Education, UNCG |
Improving Testing for English Language Learners by Rebecca J. Kopriva | 2008 | Schissel, Jamie L. | Faculty | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
The improvisational style of Steve Lacy: analyses of selected transcriptions (1957-1962) | 2018 | Ostercamp, Neil Lewis | Student | School of Music, UNCG |
The impulse to tell and to know: the rhetoric and ethics of sympathy in the Nineteenth-centu... | 2010 | Pond, Kristen Anne | Student | English, UNCG |
In the act of playing you forget where you are | 2020 | Healy, Patrick | Student | Art, UNCG |
In and out of the broom closet : an inquiry into pagan identity management | 2022 | Brown, Holly | Student | Sociology, UNCG |
In Celebration of University Faculty: The Promotion and Tenure Recognition Event | 2007 | Fischer, Christine M. | Faculty | University Libraries, UNCG |
In Celebration of University Faculty: The Promotion and Tenure Recognition Event | 2007 | Conger, Mary Jane | Faculty | University Libraries, UNCG |
In Celebration of University Faculty: The Promotion and Tenure Recognition Event | 2007 | Bazirjian, Rosann V. | Faculty | University Libraries, UNCG |
In Defense of the Concept of Intrinsic Value | 1999 | Zimmerman, Michael | Faculty | Philosophy , UNCG |
In a dry season | 1955 | Burgess, Jackson | Student | English, UNCG |
In the flesh | 2024 | Humphrey, Erin Fei | Student | School of Art, UNCG |
In Focus: An Opinion on the Report on Securing and Growing the Digital Economy | 2017 | Kshetri, Nir B. | Faculty | Management, UNCG |
In a green tree | 1967 | Hamer, Janet Ernst | Student | English, UNCG |
In mother's lap : microcomputers, mother's teaching behavior and young children's classifica... | 1984 | Shade, Daniel David | Student | Home Economics, UNCG |
In our own separate words : interpersonal coordination and depression in college student tex... | 2021 | Weinstein, Mariani | Student | Psychology, UNCG |
In pursuit of a justification of living : a comparative study of Dostoyevsky and Camus | 1967 | Keeton, Hope | Student | Romance Languages, UNCG |
In pursuit of a pedagogy of personhood: existentialism and possibilities for educator libera... | 2015 | Lieb, Sheryl J. | Student | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
In quest of a comprehensive model for educational supervision : an ethnographic inquiry | 1983 | Allred, Larry Douglas | Student | Education, UNCG |
In Reality a Man: Sultan Iltutmish, His Daughter, Raziya, and Gender Ambiguity in Thirteenth... | 2011 | Gabbay, Alyssa | Faculty | Religious Studies, UNCG |
"In a roundabout way": Evasive, Oblique and Indirect Discourse in Allen Tate, Tennessee Will... | 2007 | Perkins, Bethany Kathleen | Student | English, UNCG |
In search of a better mouse test | 2003 | Wahlsten, Douglas | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
In Search of the Confucian Family: Interviews With Parents and Their Middle School Children ... | 2014 | Wang, Yudan Chen | Faculty | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
In search of the Holy Grail in global virtual teams: The mediating role of satisfaction on p... | 2022 | Taras, Vasyl | Faculty | Management, UNCG |
In search of lost leisure: the impact of caregiving on leisure travel | 2004 | Gladwell, Nancy J. | Faculty | Community and Therapeutic Recreation, UNCG |
In search of lost leisure: the impact of caregiving on leisure travel | 2004 | Bedini, Leandra A. | Faculty | Community and Therapeutic Recreation, UNCG |
In search of the meaning of entrepreneurship | 1989 | Link, Albert N. | Faculty | Economics, UNCG |
In search of useful collection metadata: Using OpenRefine to create accurate, complete and c... | 2016 | Hill, Kate | Faculty | University Libraries, UNCG |
In Search of Useful Collection Metadata: Using OpenRefine to Create Accurate, Complete, and ... | 2016 | Hill, Kate | Faculty | University Libraries, UNCG |
In silico electrocardiogram from simplistic geometric and reaction diffusion model for detec... | 2021 | Loeffler, Shane E. | Student | Joint School of Nanoscience and Nanoengineering, UNCG |
In silico investigations of the ionotropic cannabinoid receptor TRPV1 | 2022 | Muller, Chante | Student | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
In silico refinement of a computer model of GPR55, a cannabinoid receptor | 2011 | Serbanescu, Ruxandra | Student | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
In Situ Analysis of Asimina triloba (Paw Paw) Plant Tissues for Acetogenins via the Droplet-... | 2016 | Oberlies, Nicholas | Faculty | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
In Situ Analysis of Asimina triloba (Paw Paw) Plant Tissues for Acetogenins via the Droplet-... | 2016 | El-Elimat, Tamam M. | Faculty | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
In Situ Mass Spectrometry Monitoring of Fungal Cultures Led to the Identification of Four Pe... | 2017 | Oberlies, Nicholas | Faculty | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
In Situ Mass Spectrometry Monitoring of Fungal Cultures Led to the Identification of Four Pe... | 2017 | Raja, Huzefa A. | Faculty | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
In Situ Mass Spectrometry Monitoring of Fungal Cultures Led to the Identification of Four Pe... | 2017 | Pearce, Cedric J | Faculty | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
In Support of a Gerontological Nursing Program: A Resource Exchange Model | 1994 | Kennedy-Malone, Laurie M. | Faculty | Nursing, UNCG |
In the time of the foxhole | 2007 | Aarts, Tony | Student | English, UNCG |
In Tune or Out of Tune: Are Different Instruments and Voice Heard Differently? | 2015 | MacLeod, Rebecca B. | Faculty | Music Education, UNCG |
In Vitro and In Vivo Evaluation of the Anti-Asthmatic Activities of Fractions from Pheretima... | 2007 | Jia, Wei | Faculty | Nutrition, UNCG |
In vitro and in vivo roles of 3H-1,2-dithiole-3-thione in lipopolysaccharide-induced toxicit... | 2021 | Gaje, Gabriella M. | Student | Biology, UNCG |
In vitro availability of essential amino acids, and the protein efficiency ration of cooked ... | 1973 | Rao, Meera | Student | Home Economics, UNCG |
In Vitro Desensitization of Human Skin Mast Cells | 2012 | Kepley, Christopher | Faculty | Nanoscience, UNCG |
In vitro effects of thyroxine on the chromosomes of human lymphocytes | 1967 | Prince, Susan R. | Student | Biology, UNCG |
In vitro inhibition of human red blood cell acetylcholinesterase (AChE) by temephos-oxidized... | 2019 | Figueroa Saldivar, Mario | Faculty | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
In vitro organogenesis and plant regeneration from leaves of Solanum candidum Lindl., S. qui... | 1987 | Kirchoff, Bruce K. | Faculty | Biology, UNCG |
An In vitro study of the effects of insect hormones on cell degeneration in the wing imagina... | 1974 | Albright, Pamela Ashton | Student | Biology, UNCG |
In vivo and in vitro effects of retinoids on the histological changes in colorectal tissue | 1984 | Brevard, Patricia Bowling | Student | Home Economics, UNCG |
In vivo dopamine metabolism in iron deficiency anemia | 1997 | Erikson, Keith M. | Faculty | Nutrition, UNCG |
In vivo manganese exposure modulates ERK, AKT and DARPP-32 in the Striatum of Developing Rat... | 2012 | Erikson, Keith M. | Faculty | Nutrition, UNCG |
In your mother’s eyes | 2021 | Rahlan, Hoan | Student | Art, UNCG |
In-between | 2019 | Kabir, Shuvam | Student | English, UNCG |
In-class physical activity, cognitive load, and energy-balance knowledge in high school phys... | 2021 | Deng, Anqi | Student | Kinesiology, UNCG |
The in-flight social calls of insectivorous bats: species specific behaviors and context of ... | 2019 | Springall, Brian | Student | Biology, UNCG |
In-home continuing care services for substance affected families: The Bridges Program. | 2001 | Gruber, Kenneth | Faculty | Center for Youth, Family, & Community Partnerships, UNCG |
In-Home Continuing Care Services for Substance Use Affected Families | 2004 | Gruber, Kenneth | Faculty | Center for Youth, Family, & Community Partnerships, UNCG |
In-school broadcasts of North Carolina stories for upper elementary grades | 1949 | Land, Alice Thornhill | Student | Education, UNCG |
In-vitro infection of pupae with Israeli Acute Paralysis Virus suggests variation for suscep... | 2013 | Rueppell, Olav | Faculty | Biology, UNCG |
In/complete visualities: spectatorship and subjectivity in women's studies epistemologies | 2011 | Hart, Carrie Elizabeth | Student | Women's and Gender Studies, UNCG |
Inadequate sleep as a contributor to obesity and type 2 diabetes | 2021 | McNeil, Jessica | Faculty | Kinesiology, UNCG |
The Inalienable Right of Conscience: A Madisonian Argument | 1996 | McConnell, Terrance C. | Faculty | Philosophy, UNCG |
The Inalienable Right to Withdraw from Research | 2010 | McConnell, Terrance C. | Faculty | Philosophy, UNCG |
Inappropriate Patient Sexual Behavior in Nursing Education | 2019 | Vermeesch, Amber | Faculty | School of Nursing, Advanced Nursing Education, UNCG |
iNaturalist and Citizen Science Images [slides] | 2021 | Carlton, Megan | Faculty | University Libraries, UNCG |
The incentive argument for the unionisation of medical workers | 1979 | McConnell, Terrance C. | Faculty | Philosophy, UNCG |
Incentives and Barriers for Potential Music Teacher Education Doctoral Students | 2004 | Teachout, David | Faculty | Music Education, UNCG |
The Incentives Game | 2006 | Brod, Andrew C. | Faculty | Economics, UNCG |
Incentives Maneuver May Prove to be Savvy | 2006 | Brod, Andrew C. | Faculty | Economics, UNCG |
Incentives to Transfer Patients Under Alternative Reimbursement Mechanisms | 1988 | Ruhm, Christopher J | Faculty | Economics, UNCG |
Incidence and Risk Factors for Concussion in High School Athletes, North Carolina, 1996–1999... | 2004 | Schulz, Mark R. | Faculty | Public Health Education, UNCG |
The incidence of separation events of Saccharomyces cerevisiae in a flow displacement chambe... | 2018 | Smith, Anna Gray | Student | Biology, UNCG |
Incidence of Vancomycin Resistant Enterococci (VRE) colonization in adult hematopoietic stem... | 2022 | Green, Mary Lauren | Student | Nursing, UNCG |
Incidences | 2007 | Berlanga, Catherine Marielle | Student | Studio Art, UNCG |
Incised tondos | 1977 | Maggio, Kimberly Jane | Student | Art, UNCG |
Inciting Sociological Thought by Studying the Deadhead Community: Engaging Publics in Dialog... | 1998 | Adams, Rebecca G. | Faculty | Sociology, UNCG |
Incivility and Dysfunction in the Library Workplace: A Five-Year Comparison | 2022 | Moniz, Richard J. | Faculty | Library and Information Studies, UNCG |
Inclusion of Religious Behaviors and Attitudes in Counseling; Expectations of Conservative C... | 2005 | Young, J. Scott | Faculty | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
The Inclusion of Spiritual Process in Counseling and Perceived Counselor Effectiveness | 2001 | Cashwell, Craig S. | Faculty | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
The Inclusion of Spiritual Process in Counseling and Perceived Counselor Effectiveness | 2001 | Young, J. Scott | Faculty | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
Inclusion of women in nursing research. | 2004 | Crane, Patricia B. | Faculty | Nursing, UNCG |
Inclusion of women in nursing research. | 2004 | Lewallen, Lynne P. | Faculty | Nursing, UNCG |
Inclusion of women in nursing research. | 2004 | Jones, Ellen D. | Faculty | Nursing, UNCG |
Inclusion of women in nursing research. | 2004 | Hu, Jie | Faculty | Nursing, UNCG |
Inclusion of women in nursing research. | 2004 | Letvak, Susan A. | Faculty | Adult Health Nursing, UNCG |
Inclusive Community Leisure Services: Recommended Professional Practices and Barriers Encoun... | 1996 | Schleien, Stuart J. | Faculty | Community and Therapeutic Recreation, UNCG |
Inclusive Community Leisure Services: Responsibilities of Key Players | 1997 | Schleien, Stuart J. | Faculty | Community and Therapeutic Recreation, UNCG |
An Inclusive Cultural History of Early Eighteenth-Century British Literature. | 2001 | Evans, James E. | Faculty | English, UNCG |
Inclusive fitness theory and eusociality. | 2011 | Rueppell, Olav | Faculty | Biology, UNCG |
Inclusive inquiry science using peer-mediated embedded instruction for students with moderat... | 2012 | Jimenez, Bree Ann | Faculty | Specialized Education Services, UNCG |
Inclusive leadership in early childhood education: practices and perspectives of program adm... | 2015 | Jordan, Mary Credle | Student | Specialized Education Services, UNCG |
Inclusive Leisure Services: Responding to the Rights of People with Disabilities | 1996 | Bedini, Leandra A. | Faculty | Community and Therapeutic Recreation, UNCG |
Inclusive recreation: The tipping point is within our sight | 2006 | Schleien, Stuart J. | Faculty | Community and Therapeutic Recreation, UNCG |
Inclusive volunteering: Benefits to participants and community | 2002 | Schleien, Stuart J. | Faculty | Community and Therapeutic Recreation, UNCG |
Income and Electoral Calculations in the 2006 Presidential Elections in Mexico | 2009 | Lehoucq, Fabrice | Faculty | Political Science, UNCG |
Incoming Transfer Students - Who Are They, Where Are They, How Can We Bridge the Gap? | 2015 | Leininger, Lea | Faculty | University Libraries, UNCG |
Incoming Transfer Students - Who Are They, Where Are They, How Can We Bridge the Gap? | 2015 | Dale, Jenny | Faculty | University Libraries, UNCG |
Incoming Transfer Students - Who Are They, Where Are They, How Can We Bridge the Gap? | 2015 | Grigg, Karen Stanley | Faculty | University Libraries, UNCG |
Incoming Transfer Students- Who are They, Where are They, How Can We Bridge the Gap? [Slides... | 2015 | Leininger, Lea | Faculty | University Libraries, UNCG |
Incoming Transfer Students- Who are They, Where are They, How Can We Bridge the Gap? [Slides... | 2015 | Grigg, Karen Stanley | Faculty | University Libraries, UNCG |
Incoming Transfer Students- Who are They, Where are They, How Can We Bridge the Gap? [Slides... | 2015 | Leininger, Lea | Faculty | University Libraries, UNCG |
Incoming Transfer Students- Who are They, Where are They, How Can We Bridge the Gap? [Slides... | 2015 | Dale, Jenny | Faculty | University Libraries, UNCG |
Incoming Transfer Students- Who are They, Where are They, How Can We Bridge the Gap? [Slides... | 2015 | Grigg, Karen Stanley | Faculty | University Libraries, UNCG |
Incomplete EHR Adoption: Late Uptake of Patient Safety and Cost Control Functions | 2007 | Ford, Eric W. | Faculty | Business Administration, UNCG |
An incomplete history: representation of American Indians in state social studies standards | 2009 | Journell, Wayne | Faculty | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
Incorporating Community Engagement in Faculty Reward Policies [conference material] | 2019 | Janke, Emily | Faculty | Peace and Conflict Studies, UNCG |
Incorporating Issues of Sexual Orientation in the Classroom: Challenges and Solutions | 2001 | Fletcher, Anne C. | Faculty | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Incorporating wellness into group work in elementary schools | 2007 | Villalba, Jose A. | Faculty | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
The Incorporation of Gender Scholarship into Sociology | 1998 | Dunn, Dana | Faculty | Office of the Provost, UNCG |
Incorporation of Humpback whale song in an electroacoustic concert piece | 2013 | Marquez, Joshua T. | Student | Music, UNCG |
Increased Axon Number in the Anterior Commissure of Mice Lacking a Corpus Callosum | 1997 | Wahlsten, Douglas | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
Increased Community Presence is Not a Proxy for Reciprocity | 2013 | Janke, Emily | Faculty | Peace and Conflict Studies, UNCG |
Increased energy intake following sleep restriction in men and women: A one-size fits all co... | 2017 | McNeil, Jessica | Faculty | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Increased GADD Gene Expression in Human Colon Epithelial Cells Exposed to Deoxycholate | 2005 | Loo, George | Faculty | Nutrition, UNCG |
Increased GADD153 Gene Expression During Iron Chelation-Induced Apoptosis in Jurkat T-Lympho... | 2004 | Loo, George | Faculty | Nutrition, UNCG |
Increased manganese uptake by primary astrocyte cultures with altered iron status is mediate... | 2006 | Erikson, Keith M. | Faculty | Nutrition, UNCG |
Increased Slope of the Lateral Tibial Plateau Subchondral Bone Is Associated With Greater Ri... | 2014 | Shultz, Sandra J. | Faculty | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Increased stress resistance in socially manipulated Honey Bee (Apis mellifera) workers | 2018 | Kennedy, Anissa C. | Student | Biology, UNCG |
Increasing Access to Care for Veterans: Improving the Utilization of the VA Video Connect (V... | 2023 | Moore, Lisa T. | Student | Nursing, UNCG |
Increasing Cervical Cancer Screening Among Minority Women & Transgender/Transmasculine Men T... | 2023 | Tipton, Michael | Student | Nursing, UNCG |
Increasing cervical cancer screening among US Hispanics/Latinas: A qualitative systematic re... | 2014 | Tanner, Amanda Elizabeth | Faculty | Public Health Education, UNCG |
Increasing CRISPR-mediated digital data storage in DNA using engineered “Janus” protospacers... | 2023 | Gonzalez, Michelle | Student | Joint School of Nanoscience and Nanoengineering, UNCG |
Increasing Diversity among Students in Recreation, Parks, and Leisure Studies Curricula: A C... | 2000 | Stone, Charlsena F. | Faculty | Community and Therapeutic Recreation, UNCG |
Increasing Diversity among Students in Recreation, Parks, and Leisure Studies Curricula: A C... | 2000 | Bedini, Leandra A. | Faculty | Community and Therapeutic Recreation, UNCG |
Increasing HPV Vaccination Rates at a Public University | 2023 | Wedderburn , Ngozi N. | Student | Nursing, UNCG |
Increasing objective and subjective knowledge of the environmental impact of cotton and poly... | 2023 | Nelson Hodges, Nancy J. | Faculty | Consumer, Apparel, and Retail Studies, UNCG |
Increasing the Raw Intelligence of a Nation is Constrained by Ignorance, Not its Citizens' G... | 1995 | Wahlsten, Douglas | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
Increasing the reach of HIV testing to young Latino MSM: Results of a pilot study integratin... | 2009 | Erausquin, Jennifer Toller | Faculty | Public Health Education, UNCG |
Increasing Research Quality in Entrepreneurial Students: Best Practices in Faculty-Librarian... | 2017 | Cramer, Steve | Faculty | University Libraries, UNCG |
Increasing Returns and the Diffusion of Linux in China | 2007 | Kshetri, Nir B. | Faculty | Management, UNCG |
Increasing Screening Rates for Sleep Apnea in the Cardiac Population with the use of the STO... | 2023 | Lombardi, Stephen | Student | Nursing, UNCG |
Increasing the specificity of CRISPR systems with engineered RNA secondary structures | 2019 | Josephs, Eric | Faculty | Nanoscience, UNCG |
Increasing Utilization of the Apfel Scoring System in High-Risk Patients | 2024 | Neal, Tyesha Harvey | Student | Nursing, UNCG |
The incredible embeddable librarian | 2012 | Dale, Jenny | Faculty | University Libraries, UNCG |
The Incubus in Film, Experience, and Folklore | 1996 | Edwards, Emily D. | Faculty | Media Studies, UNCG |
The independent and interactive effects of navicular drop and quadriceps angle on neuromuscu... | 2006 | Perrin, David H. | Faculty | Office of the Provost, UNCG |
The independent and interactive effects of navicular drop and quadriceps angle on neuromuscu... | 2006 | Shultz, Sandra J. | Faculty | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Independent and Interdependent Group Contingencies: Smoothing the Rough Waters | 1996 | Cashwell, Craig S. | Faculty | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
Independent Black Voices from the Late 19th Century: Black Populists and the Struggle Agains... | 2005 | Ali, Omar H. | Faculty | African American & African Diaspora Studies, UNCG |
The Independent Effects of Strength Training in Cancer Survivors: a Systematic Review | 2016 | Anderson, Travis | Faculty | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Independent women rendered sick, supple, and submissive: Charlotte Lennox and Jane Austen cr... | 2013 | Grubbs, Elizabeth Marie | Student | English, UNCG |
Indeterminacy is inherent in an inadequate model of evolution, not in nature | 1981 | Wahlsten, Douglas | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
India’s Cybersecurity Landscape: The Roles of the Private Sector and Public-Private Partners... | 2015 | Kshetri, Nir B. | Faculty | Management, UNCG |
The Indians of the Circum-Caribbean at the End of the Fifteenth Century. | 1984 | Helms, Mary W. | Faculty | Anthropology , UNCG |
The Indian Blockchain Landscape: Regulations and Policy Measures | 2018 | Kshetri, Nir B. | Faculty | Management, UNCG |
Indications of amorality | 1968 | Phillips, Lynn Shearin | Student | English, UNCG |
Indicators of multiplicative reasoning among fourth grade students | 2010 | Carrier, James A. | Student | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
The indictment of America in 1925 : a comparative study of The great Gatsby and An American ... | 1969 | Lindsay, Julia Irene | Student | English, UNCG |
The Indian Environment for Entrepreneurship and Small Business Development | 2011 | Kshetri, Nir B. | Faculty | Management, UNCG |
Indian fields: historicizing Native space and sovereignty in the era of removal | 2017 | Cooke, Jason Scott | Student | English, UNCG |
The Indian heroes of William Hickling Prescott : reflection of the nineteenth century's view... | 1973 | Keck, Dianne Lee | Student | English, UNCG |
The indirect effects of maternal psychopathology in early childhood on adolescent health out... | 2022 | Garcia, Jessica | Student | Psychology, UNCG |
Individual and Partner Attributes of Young Women’s Sexual & Protective Behaviors | 2016 | Tanner, Amanda Elizabeth | Faculty | Public Health Education, UNCG |
Individual and Situational Interest: The Role of Gender and Skill | 2002 | Chen, Ang | Faculty | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Individual and structural factors influencing HIV care linkage and engagement: Perceived bar... | 2016 | Tanner, Amanda Elizabeth | Faculty | Public Health Education, UNCG |
Individual and structural factors influencing HIV care linkage and engagement: Perceived bar... | 2016 | Ma, Alice | Faculty | Public Health Education, UNCG |
Individual and Triadic and group? Supervisors’ and supervisees’ perceptions of each modality... | 2012 | Villalba, Jose A. | Faculty | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
Individual and Triadic and group? Supervisors’ and supervisees’ perceptions of each modality... | 2012 | Mobley, A. Keith | Faculty | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
Individual and Triadic and group? Supervisors’ and supervisees’ perceptions of each modality... | 2012 | Wester, Kelly L. | Faculty | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
Individual and Triadic and group? Supervisors’ and supervisees’ perceptions of each modality... | 2012 | Borders, L. DiAnne | Faculty | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
Individual and Triadic and group? Supervisors’ and supervisees’ perceptions of each modality... | 2012 | Welfare, Laura Everhart | Faculty | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
The individual context of ultrasonic vocalizations in wild monogamous California mice (Perom... | 2009 | Briggs, Jessica | Student | Biology, UNCG |
The individual context of ultrasonic vocalizations produced by free-living Brush mice (Perom... | 2010 | Petric, Radmila | Student | Biology, UNCG |
Individual differences in conflicting stimulus evaluations: Openness/Intellect predicts mixe... | 2018 | Silvia, Paul | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
Individual differences in early adolescents’ latent trait cortisol: Interaction of early adv... | 2019 | Vrshek-Schallhorn, Suzanne | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
Individual Differences in the Executive Control of Attention, Memory, and Thought, and Their... | 2016 | Kane, Michael J. | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
Individual Differences in the Executive Control of Attention, Memory, and Thought, and Their... | 2016 | Silvia, Paul | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
Individual Differences in the Executive Control of Attention, Memory, and Thought, and Their... | 2016 | Kwapil, Thomas R. | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
Individual differences in expectancies for change in depression: Associations with goal purs... | 2016 | Eddington, Kari | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
Individual differences in forgetting strategies | 2008 | Foster, Nathaniel Lloyd | Student | Psychology, UNCG |
Individual differences in perfectionism predicting effort | 2015 | Harper, Kelly L. | Student | Psychology, UNCG |
Individual differences in response to goal conflict: impact of causality orientations on goa... | 2017 | Hoet, Ariana C. | Student | Psychology, UNCG |
Individual differences in self-discrepancies and emotional experience: Do distinct discrepan... | 2010 | Silvia, Paul | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
Individual differences in self-discrepancies and emotional experience: Do distinct discrepan... | 2010 | Phillips, Ann | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
Individual differences in task-unrelated thought in university classrooms | 2021 | Kane, Michael J. | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
Individual differences in task-unrelated thought in university classrooms | 2021 | Silvia, Paul | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
Individual differences in trajectories of emotion regulation processes: The effects of mater... | 2008 | Keane, Susan P. | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
Individual differences in trajectories of emotion regulation processes: The effects of mater... | 2008 | Calkins, Susan D. | Faculty | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Individual differences in trajectories of emotion regulation processes: The effects of mater... | 2008 | O'Brien, Marion | Faculty | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Individual differences in working memory capacity and visual search: The roles of top-down a... | 2007 | Kane, Michael J. | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
Individual muscle thickness of the quadriceps and hamstrings and their relationship with kne... | 2017 | Partington, Heath Scott | Student | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Individual variation in memory and cognition | 2018 | Wahlheim, Chris | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
Individuals in same-gender couples’ experiences of outness in adult romantic relationships: ... | 2017 | Akers, Whitney Paige | Student | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
The Indivisible Self: An Evidence-Based Model of Wellness | 2004 | Myers, Jane E. | Faculty | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
Indonesian art song: an exploration of Indonesian vocal heritage, phonetics, and song lyrics... | 2019 | Olson, Nathaniel | Student | School of Music, UNCG |
The Induce versus Purchase Decision: An Empirical Analysis of Industrial R&D | 1983 | Link, Albert N. | Faculty | Economics, UNCG |
An Inducer of Molluscan Metamorphosis Transforms Activity Patterns in a Larval Nervous Syste... | 2000 | Leise, Esther M. | Faculty | Biology, UNCG |
Induction of diapause in Drosophila melanogaster: Photoperiodic regulation and the impact of... | 1989 | Henrich, Vincent C. | Faculty | Biology, UNCG |
Induction of GADD Gene Expression by Phenethylisothiocyanate in Human Colon Adenocarcinoma C... | 2003 | Loo, George | Faculty | Nutrition, UNCG |
Induction of Metamorphosis Decreases Nitric Oxide Synthase Gene Expression in Larvae of the ... | 2006 | Leise, Esther M. | Faculty | Biology, UNCG |
Induction of Metamorphosis Decreases Nitric Oxide Synthase Gene Expression in Larvae of the ... | 2006 | Hens, Mark D. | Faculty | Biology, UNCG |
Induction of metamorphosis in the marine gastropod, Ilyanassa obsoleta: 5HT, NO and Programm... | 2004 | Leise, Esther M. | Faculty | Biology, UNCG |
Induction of metamorphosis in the marine gastropod, Ilyanassa obsoleta: 5HT, NO and Programm... | 2004 | Gifondorwa, David | Faculty | Biology, UNCG |
Induction of oxidative DNA damage by mesalamine in the presence of copper: A potential mecha... | 2011 | Jia, Zhenquan | Faculty | Biology, UNCG |
Industrial, Work and Organizational Psychology in Asia | 2018 | Chuang, Aichia | Faculty | Management, UNCG |
Industry and Information Asymmetry: The Case of the Employment of Non-Family Managers in Sma... | 2016 | Memili, Esra | Faculty | Marketing, Entrepreneurship, Hospitality & Tourism, UNCG |
Industry Knowledge Sources and the Role of Universities | 1992 | Debbage, Keith G. | Faculty | Geography, UNCG |
Inequality in children’s school readiness and public funding | 2005 | Ruhm, Christopher J | Faculty | Economics, UNCG |
Inequality in Preschool Education and School Readiness | 2004 | Ruhm, Christopher J | Faculty | Economics, UNCG |
Inequality, Social Support and Post Disaster Mental Health in Mexico | 2011 | Gupta, Sat N. | Faculty | Mathematics and Statistics, UNCG |
Inequality, Social Support and Post Disaster Mental Health in Mexico | 2011 | Murphy, Arthur D. | Faculty | Anthropology, UNCG |
The Inequities of the Digital Divide: is e-learning a solution? | 2007 | Journell, Wayne | Faculty | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
The inevitable retreat? digital media spaces and marriageability dynamics in modern Black Am... | 2018 | Green, Mackenzie M. | Student | Sociology, UNCG |
Infant and maternal behavior moderate reactivity to novelty to predict anxious behavior at 2... | 2006 | Leerkes, Esther M. | Faculty | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Infant and maternal behaviors regulate infant reactivity to novelty at 6 months | 2004 | Leerkes, Esther M. | Faculty | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Infant and parent factors associated with early maternal sensitivity: A caregiver-attachment... | 2007 | Calkins, Susan D. | Faculty | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Infant as idea : the birth of a new composite person | 2006 | Kelley, Joshua R | Student | Sociology, UNCG |
The Infant Crying Questionnaire: Initial factor structure and validation | 2012 | Leerkes, Esther M. | Faculty | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
The Infant Crying Questionnaire: Initial factor structure and validation | 2012 | Calkins, Susan D. | Faculty | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
The Infant Crying Questionnaire: Initial factor structure and validation | 2012 | Supple, Andrew "Andy" | Faculty | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Infant Distress and Regulatory Behaviors Vary as a Function of Attachment Security Regardles... | 2012 | Leerkes, Esther M. | Faculty | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Infant feeding attitudes, feeding method choice and breastfeeding initiation among African A... | 2011 | Street, Darlene J. | Student | Nursing, UNCG |
Infant Hand Preference and the Development of Cognitive Abilities | 2016 | Michel, George F. | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
Infant interest expressions as coordinative motor structures | 1992 | Michel, George F. | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
Infant negative affect and maternal interactive behavior during the still-face procedure: th... | 2014 | Leerkes, Esther M. | Faculty | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Infant negative affect and maternal interactive behavior during the still-face procedure: th... | 2014 | Calkins, Susan D. | Faculty | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Infant negative affect and maternal interactive behavior during the still-face procedure: th... | 2014 | Supple, Andrew "Andy" | Faculty | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Infant "surprise" expressions as coordinative motor structures. | 1996 | Michel, George F. | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
Infant temperament moderates associations between childcare type and quantity and externaliz... | 2005 | Leerkes, Esther M. | Faculty | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Infants' vagal regulation in the still-face paradigm is related to dyadic coordination of mo... | 2004 | Calkins, Susan D. | Faculty | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Infecting the academy: how reconfigured thought Jes Grew from Ishmael Reed's Mumbo jumbo | 2011 | Piatkowski, Paul David | Student | English, UNCG |
Infecting capitalism with the common: The class process, communication, and surplus | 2013 | Carlone, David | Faculty | Communication Studies, UNCG |
Infection Risk Along U.S. Highways? The Case of a ‘Truckchaser’ Cruising for Truckers. | 2010 | Shattell, Mona M. | Faculty | Nursing, UNCG |
Infection Risk Along U.S. Highways? The Case of a ‘Truckchaser’ Cruising for Truckers. | 2010 | Sonmez, Sevil | Faculty | Marketing, Entrepreneurship, Hospitality & Tourism, UNCG |
Infection Risk Along U.S. Highways? The Case of a ‘Truckchaser’ Cruising for Truckers. | 2010 | Apostolopoulos, Yorghos | Faculty | Public Health Education, UNCG |
Infection, disease, and biosocial process at the end of the Indus civilization | 2013 | Robbins Schug, Gwen | Faculty | Anthropology, UNCG |
Inflorescence and Floral development in Orchidantha maxillarioides (Lowiaceae). | 1995 | Kirchoff, Bruce K. | Faculty | Biology, UNCG |
Inflorescence and flower development in Costus scaber (Costaceae) | 1988 | Kirchoff, Bruce K. | Faculty | Biology, UNCG |
Inflorescence and flower development in the Hedychieae (Zingiberaceae): Hedychium | 1997 | Kirchoff, Bruce K. | Faculty | Biology, UNCG |
Inflorescence and flower development in the Hedychieae (Zingiberaceae): Scaphochlamys kunstl... | 1998 | Kirchoff, Bruce K. | Faculty | Biology, UNCG |
Inflorescence and Flower Development in Musa velutina H. Wendl. & Drude (Musaceae), with a C... | 2017 | Kirchoff, Bruce K. | Faculty | Biology, UNCG |
Inflorescence and Flower Development in Orchidantha chinensis T. L. Wu (Lowiaceae; Zingibera... | 2020 | Kirchoff, Bruce K. | Faculty | Biology, UNCG |
Inflorescence structure and development in the Zingiberales: Thalia geniculata (Marantaceae)... | 1986 | Kirchoff, Bruce K. | Faculty | Biology, UNCG |
Influence Change from the Bottom Up Toolkit [slides] | 2020 | Crumpton, Michael | Faculty | University Libraries, UNCG |
The influence of abnormal sleep durations and physical activity on serum uric acid levels am... | 2019 | Gabaldon, Josi R. | Student | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Influence of additive dopaminergic genetic variation and acute stress on working memory | 2018 | Sapuram, Vaibhav | Student | Psychology, UNCG |
The influence of an additive HPA axis genetic variation score on lab-based stress reactivity... | 2021 | Grillo, Alessandra R. | Student | Psychology, UNCG |
Influence of adiposity on autonomic nervous system activity | 2022 | Jarrett, Michael S. | Student | Kinesiology, UNCG |
The influence of agritourism on niche meats loyalty and purchasing | 2016 | LaPan, Chantell | Faculty | Marketing, Entrepreneurship, Hospitality & Tourism, UNCG |
The Influence of Anatomical Boundaries, Age, and Sex on the Assessment of Abdominal Visceral... | 1997 | Wideman, Laurie | Faculty | Kinesiology, UNCG |
The influence of Andrew Craig Phillips on North Carolina local superintendents | 1989 | Banks, Theresa Kay | Student | Education, UNCG |
The influence of athletic identity, expectation of toughness, and attitude toward pain and i... | 2007 | Stadden, Stephanie A | Student | Kinesiology, UNCG |
The influence of attentional focus on balance control over seven days of training | 2018 | Schmitz, Randy J. | Faculty | Kinesiology, UNCG |
The influence of attentional focus on balance control over seven days of training | 2018 | Rhea, Christopher K. | Faculty | Kinesiology, UNCG |
The influence of attentional focus on balance control over seven days of training | 2018 | Wilkins, Robin W. | Faculty | Gateway MRI Center, UNCG |
The influence of attentional focus on balance control over seven days of training | 2018 | Slutsky, Alexis B. | Faculty | Kinesiology, UNCG |
The influence of attentional focus on balance control over seven days of training | 2018 | Raisbeck, Louisa D. | Faculty | Kinesiology, UNCG |
The influence of attentional focus on neuroplasticity following a seven-day balance training... | 2017 | Diekfuss, Jed Allen | Student | Kinesiology, UNCG |
The Influence of Body Mass Loss on Changes in Heart Rate During Exercise in the Heat: A Syst... | 2014 | Adams, William M. | Faculty | Kinesiology, UNCG |
The Influence of Boyer’s Scholarship Reconsidered in Promotion and Tenure Policies: Research... | 2022 | Janke, Emily | Faculty | Peace and Conflict Studies, UNCG |
The influence of Camoe¨ns' Lusiad on Melville's Moby-Dick | 1969 | Cockman, Nelda Reynolds | Student | English, UNCG |
The influence of case discussions on physical education preservice teachers' reflection in a... | 1996 | Bolt, Brian R. | Student | Health and Human Performance, UNCG |
Influence of cell loss during in vitro culture of drosophila wing discs | 1969 | Stimpson, L. Cheryl | Student | Biology, UNCG |
The influence of choice of materials and prompts and feedback upon the arithmetic performanc... | 1976 | Yelton, Ann Rubinsohn | Student | Psychology, UNCG |
Influence of clinical education models on professional socialization and commitment to athle... | 2019 | Fletcher, Janah E. | Student | Kinesiology, UNCG |
The influence of a collegiate fitness and wellness course on the students’ physical activity... | 2019 | DeLangie, Heather Leah | Student | Kinesiology, UNCG |
The Influence of Compression Socks During a Marathon on Exercise-Associated Muscle Damage | 2019 | Adams, William M. | Faculty | Kinesiology, UNCG |
The influence of cultural identity and perceived barriers on college preparation and aspirat... | 2013 | Stein, Gabriela L. | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
The influence of cultural identity and perceived barriers on college preparation and aspirat... | 2013 | Gonzalez, Laura McLaughlin | Faculty | Higher Education, UNCG |
The influence of cultural identity and perceived barriers on college preparation and aspirat... | 2013 | Huq, Nadia | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
The influence of cultural intelligence and emotional intelligence on conflict occurrence and... | 2022 | Taras, Vasyl | Faculty | Management, UNCG |
The Influence of Culture on Breast-Feeding Decisions by African American and White Women | 2013 | Lewallen, Lynne P. | Faculty | Nursing, UNCG |
Influence of Dietary Substances on Intestinal Drug Metabolism and Transport | 2010 | Oberlies, Nicholas | Faculty | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Influence of edaphic conditions on seasonal and annual temperature trends in the North Carol... | 2019 | Blount, James Roderick | Student | Geography, Environment, and Sustainability, UNCG |
The influence of elections on federal reserve behavior | 1991 | McCrickard, Donald L. | Faculty | Economics, UNCG |
The influence of elections on federal reserve behavior | 1991 | Allen, Stuart D. | Faculty | Economics, UNCG |
The Influence of Enhanced Post-Glacial Coastal Margin Productivity on the Emergence of Compl... | 2012 | Gunn, Joel D. | Faculty | Anthropology, UNCG |
The influence of environmental conditions on the daily activities of Enallagma geminatum (Ke... | 1973 | Mitchell, William H. | Student | Biology, UNCG |
The influence of exercise type and motivation on music preference | 2015 | Barrett, Stephanie Leigh | Student | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Influence of family and work experience on occupational aspirations of adolescents : a path ... | 1993 | Ok, Kyunghee | Student | Human Environmental Sciences, UNCG |
The Influence of Family Moral Support and Personal Problems on Firm Performance: The Case of... | 2014 | Welsh, Dianne H.B. | Faculty | Business Administration, UNCG |
The Influence of Family Moral Support and Personal Problems on Firm Performance: The Case of... | 2014 | Memili, Esra | Faculty | Marketing, Entrepreneurship, Hospitality & Tourism, UNCG |
The influence of father involvement on child welfare permanency outcomes: A secondary data a... | 2013 | Coakley, Tanya M. | Faculty | Social Work, UNCG |
The influence of femoral structure, hip capsular constraints, and gluteal muscle strength an... | 2018 | Hogg, Jennifer A. | Student | Kinesiology, UNCG |
The influence of habitual fluid intake on energy balance | 2023 | Zaplatosch, Mitchell Evan | Student | Kinesiology, UNCG |
The influence of hamstring musculo-articular stiffness on biomechanical factors indicative o... | 2017 | Waxman, Justin Phillip | Student | Kinesiology, UNCG |
The influence of a hand preference for acquiring objects on the development of a hand prefer... | 2015 | Michel, George F. | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
The influence of high-stakes testing on high school teachers’ willingness to incorporate cur... | 2010 | Journell, Wayne | Faculty | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
The influence of hip position on quadricep and hamstring peak torque and reciprocal muscle g... | 1989 | Perrin, David H. | Faculty | Office of the Provost, UNCG |
The influence of hygroscopic movement on seed dispersal in Daucus carota (Apiaceae) | 1980 | Lacey, Elizabeth P. | Faculty | Biology, UNCG |
The influence of individual and team goals on cohesion and performance in youth bowling | 1992 | Frierman, Steven Howard | Student | Health and Human Performance, UNCG |
The influence of induced positive emotion upon the play behavior of 5-year-old children | 1973 | Kerr, Roby M. | Student | Home Economics, UNCG |
Influence of Intensive Pine Management on Dipteran Community Structure in Coastal North Caro... | 2009 | Kalcounis-Rüppell, Matina C. | Faculty | Biology, UNCG |
Influence of intercropping switchgrass in intensively managed pine forests on ultrasound pro... | 2013 | Matteson, Ashley M. | Student | Biology, UNCG |
Influence of Lean Body Mass and Strength on Landing Energetics | 2012 | Henson, Robert A. | Faculty | Educational Research Methodology, UNCG |
Influence of Lean Body Mass and Strength on Landing Energetics | 2012 | Schmitz, Randy J. | Faculty | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Influence of Lean Body Mass and Strength on Landing Energetics | 2012 | Wideman, Laurie | Faculty | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Influence of Lean Body Mass and Strength on Landing Energetics | 2012 | Shultz, Sandra J. | Faculty | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Influence of Living Arrangements on Dietary Adequacy for U.S. Elderly: 1987-1988 Nationwide ... | 1993 | Perko, Michael A. | Faculty | Public Health Education, UNCG |
Influence of living arrangements on dietary adequacy for U.S. elderly: 1987-88 nationwide fo... | 1993 | Eddy, James M. | Faculty | Public Health Education, UNCG |
Influence of living arrangements on dietary adequacy for U.S. elderly: 1987-88 nationwide fo... | 1993 | Fitzhugh, Eugene C. | Faculty | Public Health Education, UNCG |
Influence of long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids on oxidation of LDL | 1998 | Wander, Rosemary | Faculty | Office of the Provost, UNCG |
The influence of managing a loblolly pine (Pinus taeda) forest for biofuels production via s... | 2011 | Marshall, Matthew M. | Student | Biology, UNCG |
The influence of Marshal Pilsudski on Poland's political development (1926-1935) | 1960 | Helms, Martha | Student | History, UNCG |
The influence of a methods course on physical education majors knowledge in teaching outdoor... | 2022 | Stratton, Christopher J. | Student | Kinesiology, UNCG |
The influence of mindful exercise on mood state and perceived stress in community college st... | 2019 | Opon, David John | Student | Kinesiology, UNCG |
The influence of motivational messages on future planning behaviors among HIV concordant pos... | 2008 | Telfair, Joseph | Faculty | Public Health Education, UNCG |
The influence of multisensory environments on college students' perceived anxiety and stress... | 2024 | Williams, Lisa S. | Student | Interior Architecture, UNCG |
The influence of nationality on followers’ satisfaction with leadership: Evidence from Singa... | 2017 | Caza, Arran | Faculty | Management, UNCG |
The influence of negative school climate factors on African American adolescent males' acade... | 2013 | Herring, Melvin H. | Student | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
The Influence of Neighborhood Poverty on Blood Glucose Levels: Findings from the Community I... | 2015 | Bibeau, Daniel L. | Faculty | Public Health Education, UNCG |
The Influence of Neighborhood Poverty on Blood Glucose Levels: Findings from the Community I... | 2015 | Schulz, Mark R. | Faculty | Public Health Education, UNCG |
Influence of noise exposure background on wave I amplitude on student musicians and non-musi... | 2017 | Washnik, Nilesh Jeevandas | Student | Communication Sciences and Disorders, UNCG |
The influence of north, east, south, and west exposures on plant community composition aroun... | 1970 | Curtis, John Stone | Student | Biology, UNCG |
The influence of number of A trials on 2-years-old’s behavior in Two A-Not-B-Type search tas... | 2006 | Marcovitch, Stuart | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
The Influence of Organizational Diversity Orientation and Leader Attitude on Diversity Activ... | 2006 | Buttner, Eleanor "Holly" | Faculty | Business Administration, UNCG |
The Influence of Organizational Diversity Orientation and Leader Attitude on Diversity Activ... | 2006 | Lowe, Kevin B. | Faculty | Management, UNCG |
The Influence of Organizational Diversity Orientation and Leader Attitude on Diversity Activ... | 2006 | Billings-Harris, Lenora | Faculty | Bryan School of Business and Economics, UNCG |
The influence of parental nativity, neighborhood disadvantage and built environment determin... | 2013 | Echeverría, Sandra E. | Faculty | Public Health Education, UNCG |
The Influence of Parental Support, Knowledge, and Authoritative Parenting on Hmong and Europ... | 2006 | Supple, Andrew "Andy" | Faculty | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
The influence of Parisian popular entertainment on the piano works of Erik Satie and Francis... | 1996 | McKinney, David Conley | Student | Music, UNCG |
The Influence of Payer Mix on Electronic Health Record Adoption by Physicians | 2007 | Ford, Eric W. | Faculty | Business Administration, UNCG |
Influence of Peer-Model Attributes on Children’s Beliefs and Learning | 1989 | Schunk, Dale H. | Faculty | Education, UNCG |
The influence of perceived management skills and perceived gender discrimination in launch d... | 2015 | Welsh, Dianne H.B. | Faculty | Business Administration, UNCG |
The Influence of Perinatal Loss on Anxiety in Multigravidas | 2003 | Côté-Arsenault, Denise | Faculty | Nursing, UNCG |
The Influence of Personal Variables on Salesperson Selling Orientation | 1991 | Boles, James S. | Faculty | Marketing, Entrepreneurship, Hospitality & Tourism, UNCG |
Influence of personality on learning and related processes among nonclinical panickers | 1994 | Richman, Harvey | Student | Psychology, UNCG |
The influence of physical activity courses on stress and anxiety in students at a Hispanic-s... | 2022 | Habring-Frehlich, Dianne M. | Student | Kinesiology, UNCG |
The influence of physical fitness and exercise upon cognitive functioning: A meta-analysis | 1997 | Etnier, Jennifer L. | Faculty | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Influence of practice schedules and attentional focus on skill development and retention | 2015 | Rhea, Christopher K. | Faculty | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Influence of practice schedules and attentional focus on skill development and retention | 2015 | Diekfuss, Jed Allen | Faculty | Kinesiology, UNCG |
The influence of privacy awareness and privacy self-efficacy in e-commerce | 2015 | Liu, Rui | Student | Information Systems and Supply Chain Management, UNCG |
The influence of rate of behavior and predictability of rate conditions on observer accuracy... | 1982 | Kapust, Jeffry Allan | Student | Psychology, UNCG |
The influence of salesperson selling behaviors on customer satisfaction with products | 1997 | Boles, James S. | Faculty | Marketing, Entrepreneurship, Hospitality & Tourism, UNCG |
The influence of selected social variables on the achievement of elementary school children ... | 1982 | Hansley, Clementine Elizabeth Barber | Student | Home Economics, UNCG |
The influence of sensory and motor set on early attention-sensitive VERs | 1987 | Oakley, Marta Valerie Tlapova' | Student | Psychology, UNCG |
The influence of sex and handedness on the development of constructing skills during infancy... | 2013 | Marcinowski, Emily. C. | Student | Psychology, UNCG |
The influence of sex and strain on neurobiological and behavioral changes due to diet-induce... | 2020 | Totten, Melissa Sardina | Student | Nutrition, UNCG |
The Influence of Sexually Oriented Music on Minority Adolescent Sexual Initiation. | 2012 | Perko, Michael A. | Faculty | Public Health Education, UNCG |
The Influence of Significant Others on Attitudes, Subjective Norms and Intentions regarding ... | 2001 | Perko, Michael A. | Faculty | Public Health Education, UNCG |
Influence of sleeping habits on adaptive thermogenesis during weight loss in adults | 2021 | McNeil, Jessica | Faculty | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Influence of stages of economic development on women entrepreneurs’ startups | 2016 | Welsh, Dianne H.B. | Faculty | Business Administration, UNCG |
The influence of state-level policy environments on the activation of the Medicaid SBIRT rei... | 2017 | Bray, Jeremy W. | Faculty | Economics, UNCG |
Influence of task parameters on rotarod performance and sensitivity to ethanol in mice | 2003 | Wahlsten, Douglas | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
The influence of teacher beliefs and knowledge on planning for technology integration in tec... | 2013 | Beeson, Melissa Walker | Student | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
The influence of temperament and social skills on quality of friendship in students with and... | 2015 | Rose, Amy J. | Student | Communication Sciences and Disorders, UNCG |
Influence of Terrorism Risk on Foreign Tourism Decisions | 1998 | Sonmez, Sevil | Faculty | Marketing, Entrepreneurship, Hospitality & Tourism, UNCG |
The influence of traditional herbal formulas on cytokine activity | 2010 | Taylor, Ethan W | Faculty | Nanoscience, UNCG |
Influence of Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation on Pain, Range of Motion, and Serum... | 1989 | Perrin, David H. | Faculty | Office of the Provost, UNCG |
Influence of an unexpected perturbation on adaptive gait behavior | 2011 | Rhea, Christopher K. | Faculty | Kinesiology, UNCG |
The Influence of Value Orientations in Curriculum Decision Making | 1992 | Ennis, Catherine D. | Faculty | Kinesiology, UNCG |
The influence of values and self-concept on gender differences in occupational aspiration le... | 1985 | Brown, Myrna Kay Troxler | Student | Education, UNCG |
The influence of wages on parents’ allocations of time to child care and market work in the ... | 2009 | Ribar, David C. | Faculty | Economics, UNCG |
The Influence of Water Source Type and Insect Abundance on Bat Foraging Behavior in a Manage... | 2008 | Vindigni, Melissa Anne | Student | Biology, UNCG |
Influence of zinc supplementation on protein utilization in young rats | 1977 | Motsinger, Brenda McAdams | Student | Home Economics, UNCG |
Influences of dynamic level and pitch register on the vibrato rates and widths of violin and... | 2008 | MacLeod, Rebecca B. | Faculty | Music Education, UNCG |
Influences of energy conservation education on attitudes and behaviors of selected youths in... | 1981 | McCutcheon, Linda Flowers | Student | Home Economics, UNCG |
Influences of gene flow on adaptive speciation in the Dubautia arborea – D. ciliolata comple... | 2007 | Remington, David L. | Faculty | Biology, UNCG |
The influences of parental racial socialization on the academic achievement of African Ameri... | 2009 | Friend, Christian | Student | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Influences of personal and lesson factors on caloric expenditure in physical education | 2012 | Ennis, Catherine D. | Faculty | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Influences of personal and lesson factors on caloric expenditure in physical education | 2012 | Chen, Ang | Faculty | Kinesiology, UNCG |
The influences of sex and posture on joint energetics during drop landings | 2015 | Shultz, Sandra J. | Faculty | Kinesiology, UNCG |
The influences of significant others on attitudes, subjective norms and intentions regarding... | 2001 | Eddy, James M. | Faculty | Public Health Education, UNCG |
Influences of spirituality on counselor selection | 2000 | Young, J. Scott | Faculty | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
The Influences of Teacher Delivery and Student Progress on Experienced Teachers’ Perceptions... | 2014 | MacLeod, Rebecca B. | Faculty | Music Education, UNCG |
The Influences of Teacher Delivery and Student Progress on Preservice Teachers' Perceptions ... | 2013 | MacLeod, Rebecca B. | Faculty | Music Education, UNCG |
Influences of teacher delivery, student engagement, and observation focus on preservice teac... | 2016 | MacLeod, Rebecca B. | Faculty | Music Education, UNCG |
Influences of urbanization on long-term streamflow patterns in different physiographic regio... | 2011 | Hey, Cassidy | Student | Geography, UNCG |
Influences of Various Forcing Variables on Global Energy Balance During the Period of Intens... | 1991 | Gunn, Joel D. | Faculty | Anthropology, UNCG |
Influences on Alcohol Use Among NCAA Athletes: Application of the Social Ecology Model | 2008 | Perko, Michael A. | Faculty | Public Health Education, UNCG |
Influences on the early development of general health knowledge in young children | 1992 | Clark, Kathryn Summers | Student | Human Environmental Sciences, UNCG |
Influences on the identification of wives with the Air Force organization : an examination o... | 1985 | Beeson, Gilbert W. | Student | Home Economics, UNCG |
Influencing children’s self-efficacy and self-regulation of reading and writing through mode... | 2007 | Schunk, Dale H. | Faculty | Education, UNCG |
Influencing a physically active lifestyle through instructional practices in university basi... | 2013 | Moennich, Kevin D. | Student | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Influential factors in career orientation and career aspiration of early adolescent females | 1995 | Rainey, Leslie Martin | Student | Education, UNCG |
Influential Factors in Career Orientation and Career Aspiration of Early Adolescent Girls | 1997 | Borders, L. DiAnne | Faculty | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
Influenza Vaccinations: Should They Be Mandatory for Nurses? | 2006 | Kordsmeier, Julie A. | Faculty | Nursing, UNCG |
Influenza Vaccinations: Should They Be Mandatory for Nurses? | 2006 | Hancock, Deborah | Faculty | Nursing, UNCG |
Informal economic activity: Early thinking, conceptual shifts, continuing patterns and persi... | 2006 | Sills, Stephen J. | Faculty | Sociology, UNCG |
Informal institutions and Internet-based equity crowdfunding | 2018 | Kshetri, Nir B. | Faculty | Management, UNCG |
Informal music learning in UNCG Ukes | 2016 | Secoy, Jacqueline Joy Ritorto | Student | Music Education, UNCG |
Informal sexuality education in schools: Student sexuality-related questions asked of public... | 2007 | Tanner, Amanda Elizabeth | Faculty | Public Health Education, UNCG |
Informant gender differences in parental reports of Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder... | 2012 | Sommer, Jennifer L. | Student | Psychology, UNCG |
Information About Information: Public Investments in Information Retrieval Research. | 2011 | Link, Albert N. | Faculty | Economics, UNCG |
Information and asymptotic efficiency of the case-cohort sampling design in Cox’s regression... | 2003 | Zhang, Haimeng | Faculty | Mathematics and Statistics, UNCG |
Information and communications technologies as an enabler of supply chain integration | 2018 | Amoako-Gyampah, Kwasi | Faculty | Information Systems and Supply Chain Management, UNCG |
Information and communications technologies as an enabler of supply chain integration | 2018 | Palvia, Prashant | Faculty | Information Systems and Supply Chain Management, UNCG |
Information and communications technologies, strategic asymmetry and national security | 2005 | Kshetri, Nir B. | Faculty | Management, UNCG |
Information and the ethical apparel consumer : an exploration of the connections between kno... | 2024 | Hendershot, Haley Elizabeth | Student | Consumer, Apparel, and Retail Studies, UNCG |
The Information Commons: A Platform For Innovation | 2010 | Halbert, Martin | Faculty | University Libraries, UNCG |
Information disorder behavior on social media : a moral intensity perspective | 2021 | Xie, Wei | Student | Information Systems and Supply Chain Management, UNCG |
Information distribution and recharging dispatch strategy in large wireless networks | 2017 | Man, Yanmao | Student | Computer Science, UNCG |
Information Literacy and Communication Research: A Case Study on Interdisciplinary Assessmen... | 2012 | Crowe, Kathryn | Faculty | University Libraries, UNCG |
Information Literacy and Communication Research: A Case Study on Interdisciplinary Assessmen... | 2012 | Natalle, Elizabeth J. | Faculty | Communication Studies, UNCG |
Information Literacy for the Workplace [Slides] | 2016 | Bird, Nora J. | Faculty | Library and Information Studies, UNCG |
Information literacy for the workplace: a review of the literature and research proposal | 2016 | Bird, Nora J. | Faculty | Library and Information Studies, UNCG |
Information literacy for the workplace: a review of the literature and research proposal [Ch... | 2017 | Bird, Nora J. | Faculty | Library and Information Studies, UNCG |
Information literacy “learning” via online tutorials: A collaboration between subject specia... | 2009 | Dale, Jenny | Faculty | University Libraries, UNCG |
Information Literacy Needs and Traits of Transfer Students [Poster] | 2016 | Leininger, Lea | Faculty | University Libraries, UNCG |
Information Literacy Needs and Traits of Transfer Students [Poster] | 2016 | Crowe, Kathryn | Faculty | University Libraries, UNCG |
Information Literacy Needs and Traits of Transfer Students [Poster] | 2016 | Grigg, Karen Stanley | Faculty | University Libraries, UNCG |
Information Literacy Needs and Traits of Transfer Students [Poster] | 2016 | Lail, Jeff | Faculty | Campus Activities & Programs, UNCG |
Information Literacy Needs and Traits of Transfer Students [Poster] | 2016 | Sousa-Peoples, Kim | Faculty | New Student Transitions & First Year Experience, UNCG |
Information literacy stipends: Innovation through collaboration [slides] | 2016 | Houk, Amanda "Amy" Harris | Faculty | University Libraries, UNCG |
Information on home furnishings for potential television programs designed to meet the inter... | 1959 | Griswold, Peggy Britt | Student | Home Economics, UNCG |
Information requirements of a global EIS: An exploratory macro assessment | 1996 | Palvia, Prashant | Faculty | Information Systems and Supply Chain Management, UNCG |
Information Science and Mythological Items | 2024 | Bowman, Vance J. | Student | Information Science, UNCG |
Information Search and Shopping Intentions Through Internet for Apparel Products | 2005 | Watchravesringkan, Kittichai "Tu" | Faculty | Consumer, Apparel, and Retail Studies, UNCG |
The Information Superhighway: Are Management Faculty Still Parked in the Driveway? | 2001 | Ford, Eric W. | Faculty | Business Administration, UNCG |
Information Systems and Healthcare XXIX: Information Technology Investments and Returns – Un... | 2008 | Ford, Eric W. | Faculty | Business Administration, UNCG |
Information Systems Education and Research: Are We Leaders or Laggards | 1997 | Palvia, Prashant | Faculty | Information Systems and Supply Chain Management, UNCG |
Information Systems Management Issues: Reporting and Relevance | 1999 | Palvia, Prashant | Faculty | Information Systems and Supply Chain Management, UNCG |
Information systems, competitive dynamics, and firm performance: an interpretive and centeri... | 2010 | Vannoy, Sandra A. | Student | Information Systems and Operations Management, UNCG |
Information Technology Adoption Behavior Life Cycle: Toward a Technology Continuance Theory ... | 2009 | Palvia, Prashant | Faculty | Information Systems and Supply Chain Management, UNCG |
Information Technology and Knowledge in Software Development Teams: The Role of Project Unce... | 2014 | Mehta, Nikhil | Faculty | Information Systems and Supply Chain Management, UNCG |
Information technology enabled followership on social media platforms: a multimethod analysi... | 2018 | Uppala, Vishal | Student | Information Systems and Supply Chain Management, UNCG |
Information technology governance maturity and technology innovation in higher education: fa... | 2015 | Carraway, Deborah Louise | Student | Information Systems and Supply Chain Management, UNCG |
Information technology issues in healthcare: Hospital CEO and CIO perspectives. | 2012 | Palvia, Prashant | Faculty | Information Systems and Supply Chain Management, UNCG |
Information technology issues in healthcare: Hospital CEO and CIO perspectives. | 2012 | Lowe, Kevin B. | Faculty | Management, UNCG |
Information technology issues in healthcare: Hospital CEO and CIO perspectives. | 2012 | Nemati, Hamid R. | Faculty | Information Systems and Supply Chain Management, UNCG |
Information technology issues in healthcare: Hospital CEO and CIO perspectives. | 2012 | Jacks, Timothy | Faculty | Information Systems and Operations Management, UNCG |
Information Technology (IT) enabled crowdsourcing: A conceptual framework | 2020 | Palvia, Prashant | Faculty | Information Systems and Supply Chain Management, UNCG |
Information Technology (IT) enabled crowdsourcing: A conceptual framework | 2020 | Taras, Vasyl | Faculty | Management, UNCG |
Information-seeking as a function of locus of control and situational control | 1974 | Daughtry, Timothy C. | Student | Psychology, UNCG |
Information-Seeking Behavior and Reference Medium Preferences | 2012 | Chow, Anthony Shong-Yu | Faculty | Library and Information Studies, UNCG |
Informationists in a Small University Library | 2012 | Bird, Nora J. | Faculty | Library and Information Studies, UNCG |
Informationists in a Small University Library | 2012 | Moniz, Richard J. | Faculty | Library and Information Studies, UNCG |
Infosys Technologies Ltd.: Improving Organizational Knowledge Flows | 2007 | Mehta, Nikhil | Faculty | Information Systems and Supply Chain Management, UNCG |
Infusing gerontological nursing content into advanced practice education. | 2007 | Crane, Patricia B. | Faculty | Nursing, UNCG |
Infusing gerontological nursing content into advanced practice education. | 2007 | Kennedy-Malone, Laurie M. | Faculty | Nursing, UNCG |
Infusing gerontological nursing content into advanced practice education. | 2007 | Kohlenberg, Eileen Mieras | Faculty | Nursing, UNCG |
Infusing gerontological nursing content into advanced practice education. | 2007 | Letvak, Susan A. | Faculty | Adult Health Nursing, UNCG |
Inhabiting a broken body: female agency in the Middle Ages AND Murderous mothers: implicatio... | 2018 | Beeman, Reba Katherine | Student | English, UNCG |
Inherent Details of Self-Regulated Learning Include Student Perceptions | 1995 | Schunk, Dale H. | Faculty | Education, UNCG |
Inheritance and Other Stories | 2008 | Dietzer, Jenna | Student | English, UNCG |
Inheritance of retarded forebrain commissure development in fetal mice: Results from classic... | 1989 | Wahlsten, Douglas | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
Inherited microbial symbionts increase herbivore abundances and alter arthropod diversity on... | 2010 | Faeth, Stanley H. | Faculty | Biology, UNCG |
Inhibiting antimicrobial resistance in Staphylococcus aureus using natural products | 2013 | Ettefagh, Keivan A. | Student | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Inhibition of allergen-specific IgE reactivity by a human Ig Fcgamma-Fcepsilon bifunctional ... | 2004 | Kepley, Christopher | Faculty | Nanoscience, UNCG |
Inhibition of Cytochrome P450 2C9 by essential oils | 2015 | Cochrane, Meredith Lee | Student | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Inhibition of Cytochrome P450 2E1 and Cytochrome P450 2A6 by essential oils: tarragon (Artem... | 2014 | Khan, Mohammad Mazamal | Student | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Inhibition of Cytochrome P450 2E1, Cytochrome P450 3A6 and Cytochrome P450 2A6 by Citrus Ess... | 2010 | Williamson, Emily Ann | Student | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Inhibition of cytochrome P450 subfamilies 2E1, 2A6, & 2B4 using the Amazon acai berry, Euter... | 2010 | Stewart, Jonathan | Student | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Inhibition of cytochrome P4502E1 by lemongrass and the primary aldehyde constituent of lemon... | 2010 | Chen, Wei-Yang | Student | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Inhibition of DAT function attenuates manganese accumulation in the globus pallidus | 2007 | Erikson, Keith M. | Faculty | Nutrition, UNCG |
Inhibition of glutathione synthesis eliminates the adaptive response of ascitic hepatoma 22 ... | 2012 | Taylor, Ethan W | Faculty | Nanoscience, UNCG |
Inhibition of H1N1 influenza A virus growth and induction of inflammatory mediators by the i... | 2011 | Cech, Nadja B. | Faculty | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Inhibition of inflammatory arthritis using fullerene nanomaterials | 2015 | Kepley, Christopher | Faculty | Nanoscience, UNCG |
Inhibition of inflammatory arthritis using fullerene nanomaterials | 2015 | Dellinger, Anthony | Faculty | Nanoscience, UNCG |
Inhibition of Influenza A Viral Replication by Activity Modulation of the M2 Viral Protein. | 2010 | Kincaid, Jennifer Berrier | Student | Biology, UNCG |
Inhibition of Striatal Dopamine Release by CB1 Receptor Activation Requires Nonsynaptic Comm... | 2008 | Reggio, Patricia H. | Faculty | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Inhibition of TNF-a induced ICAM-1, VCAM-1 and E-selectin expression by selenium | 2002 | Taylor, Ethan W | Faculty | Nanoscience, UNCG |
Inhibitory Attentional Mechanisms and Aging | 1994 | Kane, Michael J. | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
The Iniquitous Undertaker: Legends of Oscar and Mary Fischer | 1998 | Edwards, Emily D. | Faculty | Media Studies, UNCG |
The initial decade: elections and parliamentary parties in post-Communist and post-Soviet pa... | 2006 | Crowther, William E. | Faculty | Political Science, UNCG |
The initial development and validation of the counselor empathy fatigue scale (CEFS) | 2023 | Whitbeck, Megan A. | Student | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
Initial development of the faculty research self-efficacy scale (FaRSES): Evidence of reliab... | 2019 | Wester, Kelly L. | Faculty | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
Initial development of the faculty research self-efficacy scale (FaRSES): Evidence of reliab... | 2019 | Borders, L. DiAnne | Faculty | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
Initial development of the faculty research self-efficacy scale (FaRSES): Evidence of reliab... | 2019 | Gonzalez, Laura McLaughlin | Faculty | Higher Education, UNCG |
Initial evaluation of a Latino parent college planning program: "It changed my life and my c... | 2018 | Gonzalez, Laura McLaughlin | Faculty | Higher Education, UNCG |
Initial indicators of effectiveness for a high school drug prevention program | 2003 | Wyrick, David L. | Faculty | Public Health Education, UNCG |
Initial indicators of effectiveness for a high school drug prevention program | 2003 | Jackson-Newsom, Julia | Faculty | Office of Research and Economic Development, UNCG |
Initial movement and continuity of vibrato among high school and university string players | 2005 | MacLeod, Rebecca B. | Faculty | Music Education, UNCG |
Initiate, Transform, Sustain, Reach Out: Post Natyam Collective Members Reflect on Long-Dist... | 2012 | Lee, Cynthia Ling | Faculty | Dance, UNCG |
Initiating and Sustaining Breastfeeding in African American Women | 2010 | Lewallen, Lynne P. | Faculty | Nursing, UNCG |
Initiating a Standardized Screening Tool for Sexual Histories in College Students | 2024 | Koenig, Christine | Student | Nursing, UNCG |
Initiation and structure of the secondary vascular system in Phytolacca dioica L. (Phytolacc... | 1984 | Kirchoff, Bruce K. | Faculty | Biology, UNCG |
Initiation of Rapid Start Antiretroviral Therapy (ART) in Men Who Have Sex with Men (MSM) | 2023 | Wilkins, Grace Kathryn | Student | Nursing, UNCG |
Injective and coarse embeddings of persistence diagrams and Wasserstein space | 2023 | Pritchard, Christopher Neil | Student | Mathematics and Statistics, UNCG |
The injective envelope of the n x n upper triangular matrix ring over a field | 1970 | Bray, Elizabeth Edith | Student | Mathematics, UNCG |
Injective modules over commutative noetherian rings | 1974 | Staton, James Brooks | Student | Mathematics, UNCG |
Innovation activities in developing countries | 2022 | Sardar, Md Rashedur Rahman | Student | Economics, UNCG |
Innovation and entrepreneurship | 2012 | Crumpton, Michael | Faculty | University Libraries, UNCG |
Innovation by design | 2019 | Link, Albert N. | Faculty | Economics, UNCG |
Innovation by design | 2019 | Nelson Hodges, Nancy J. | Faculty | Consumer, Apparel, and Retail Studies, UNCG |
Innovation capital | 2018 | Link, Albert N. | Faculty | Economics, UNCG |
Innovation drivers for export performance | 2022 | Welsh, Dianne H.B. | Faculty | Business Administration, UNCG |
Innovation in Engaging Hospital Staff and University Faculty in Research | 2011 | Letvak, Susan A. | Faculty | Adult Health Nursing, UNCG |
Innovation in Library Education: Historical X-Files on Technology, People, and Change | 1998 | Carmichael, James V. | Faculty | Library and Information Studies, UNCG |
Innovation Policy in Search of an Economic Foundation: The Case of Research Partnerships in ... | 2003 | Link, Albert N. | Faculty | Economics, UNCG |
Innovation versus imitation: investigating alternative R & D strategies | 1986 | Link, Albert N. | Faculty | Economics, UNCG |
Innovations in Survey Research: An Application of Web-Based Surveys | 2002 | Sills, Stephen J. | Faculty | Sociology, UNCG |
Innovative activity and gender dynamics | 2021 | Link, Albert N. | Faculty | Economics, UNCG |
Innovative activity and gender dynamics | 2021 | Gicheva, Dora | Faculty | Economics, UNCG |
Innovative behavior in small-sized firms | 1991 | Link, Albert N. | Faculty | Economics, UNCG |
An Innovative Dialogue about College Drinking: Developing an Immediate Response Technology M... | 2010 | LeGreco, Marianne | Faculty | Communication Studies, UNCG |
Innovative methods in the science of parent-child relations | 2015 | Leerkes, Esther M. | Faculty | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Innovative methods to advance the analysis of intact glycolipids by mass spectrometry | 2019 | Barrientos, Rodell C. | Student | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Innovative Research Exploring the Effects of Physical Activity and Genetics on Cognitive Per... | 2015 | Henrich, Vincent C. | Faculty | Biology, UNCG |
Innovative Research Exploring the Effects of Physical Activity and Genetics on Cognitive Per... | 2015 | Wideman, Laurie | Faculty | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Innovative Research Exploring the Effects of Physical Activity and Genetics on Cognitive Per... | 2015 | Etnier, Jennifer L. | Faculty | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Innovative Research Exploring the Effects of Physical Activity and Genetics on Cognitive Per... | 2015 | Karper, William B. | Faculty | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Innovative Research Exploring the Effects of Physical Activity and Genetics on Cognitive Per... | 2015 | Labban, Jeffrey | Faculty | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Innovative Research Exploring the Effects of Physical Activity and Genetics on Cognitive Per... | 2015 | Dudley, William N. | Faculty | Health and Human Sciences, UNCG |
Innovative Research Exploring the Effects of Physical Activity and Genetics on Cognitive Per... | 2015 | Rulison, Kelly L. | Faculty | Public Health Education, UNCG |
Innovative Science Within and Against a Culture of ‘‘Achievement’’ | 2003 | Carlone, Heidi B. | Faculty | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
Innovative Social Work Field Education in Congregational and Community-based Settings Servin... | 2013 | Rife, John C | Faculty | Social Work, UNCG |
Innovative Social Work Field Education in Congregational and Community-based Settings Servin... | 2013 | Poole, K. Jay | Faculty | Social Work, UNCG |
An innovative strategy to enhance new faculty success. | 2003 | Crane, Patricia B. | Faculty | Nursing, UNCG |
An innovative strategy to enhance new faculty success. | 2003 | Lewallen, Lynne P. | Faculty | Nursing, UNCG |
An innovative strategy to enhance new faculty success. | 2003 | Jones, Ellen D. | Faculty | Nursing, UNCG |
An innovative strategy to enhance new faculty success. | 2003 | Hu, Jie | Faculty | Nursing, UNCG |
An innovative strategy to enhance new faculty success. | 2003 | Letvak, Susan A. | Faculty | Adult Health Nursing, UNCG |
Innovative Use of Technology Media to Establish a Common Research Agenda in Educational Lead... | 2013 | Hewitt, Kimberly Kappler | Faculty | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
An inquiry into the alignment between the theoretical assumptions of self-determination theo... | 2021 | Alansari, Rawiya | Student | Specialized Education Services, UNCG |
An inquiry into the attitudes of a selected group of African Americans towards the portrayal... | 1992 | Costello, Jane Hunt | Student | Education, UNCG |
An inquiry into food price information : specials and nonspecials | 1984 | Shell, Adeline Garner | Student | Home Economics, UNCG |
An Inquiry into the Risk Factors Affecting Foster Care Children | 2024 | Wienecke, Emma | Student | Social Work, UNCG |
Inquiry learning behaviors captured through screencasts in problem-based learning | 2017 | Nadir, Hamid | Faculty | Library and Information Science, UNCG |
The Ins & Outs of Developing a Field-Based Science Project: Learning by Lassoing Lizards | 2014 | Matthews, Catherine E. | Faculty | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
The insatiable Charlotte | 2016 | Makarion, Elena Christine | Student | English, UNCG |
INSENS: Intrusion-tolerant routing for wireless sensor networks | 2006 | Deng, Jing | Faculty | Computer Science, UNCG |
Insensitivity of the analysis of variance to heredity-environment interaction. | 1990 | Wahlsten, Douglas | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
Inservice workshop for high school physics teachers : an evaluation | 1989 | Carroll, Terry Neal | Student | Education, UNCG |
Inside the ‘black box’ of a long-term sport-based youth development boxing academy in New Ze... | 2021 | Hemphill, Michael | Faculty | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Inside edge | 2012 | Taylor, Jennifer Kristen | Student | English, UNCG |
Inside the medicine cabinet…: Do you know your staff’s common medication usage and how it ca... | 2009 | Jones, Ellen D. | Faculty | Nursing, UNCG |
Inside the medicine cabinet…: Do you know your staff’s common medication usage and how it ca... | 2009 | Letvak, Susan A. | Faculty | Adult Health Nursing, UNCG |
Inside the storm of Summertime Rain | 2022 | McDonald, Devon L. | Student | School of Music, UNCG |
Insidious effects of a toxic estuarine dinoflagellate on fish survival and human health | 1995 | Rublee, Parke A. | Faculty | Biology, UNCG |
Insightful imitation : Chopin’s Impromptu in C-sharp Minor as a pastiche of Moscheles | 2022 | Morace, Robin | Student | School of Music, UNCG |
Insights from industry: a quantitative analysis of engineers' perceptions of empathy and car... | 2016 | Morris, Carrie A. Wachter | Faculty | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
Insights in Fungal Bioprospecting in Mexico | 2018 | Figueroa Saldivar, Mario | Faculty | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Insights into the chemical diversity of selected fungi from the Tza Itzá cenote of the Yucat... | 2022 | Raja, Huzefa A. | Faculty | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Insights into the chemical diversity of selected fungi from the Tza Itzá cenote of the Yucat... | 2022 | Figueroa Saldivar, Mario | Faculty | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Insights into the chemical diversity of selected fungi from the Tza Itzá cenote of the Yucat... | 2022 | Hematian, Shabnam | Faculty | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Insomnia, Psychosocial Well-Being, and Weight Control Behaviors Among Healthy-Weight Adolesc... | 2020 | Chu, Alan | Faculty | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Inspiration or defeat: the motivational and evaluative impact of social comparison on dyspho... | 2013 | Majestic, Catherine | Student | Psychology, UNCG |
Instigative aggression as a function of past experience. | 1982 | White, Jacquelyn W. | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
Instigative aggression as a function of past experience. | 1982 | Gruber, Kenneth | Faculty | Center for Youth, Family, & Community Partnerships, UNCG |
Instigative aggression: traditional versus liberal sex roles | 1976 | Nirenberg, Theodore D. | Student | Psychology, UNCG |
Institutional and Economic Factors Affecting the Development of the Chinese Cloud Computing ... | 2016 | Kshetri, Nir B. | Faculty | Management, UNCG |
Institutional and Economic Foundation of Entrepreneurship in Africa: An Overview | 2011 | Kshetri, Nir B. | Faculty | Management, UNCG |
Institutional Care for Elders in Rural China | 2008 | Wu, Bei | Faculty | Gerontology, UNCG |
Institutional Change and Campus Greening at Tulane University. | 2000 | Allen, Aaron S. | Faculty | Geography, Environment, and Sustainability, UNCG |
Institutional Change and Political Conflict: Evaluating Alternative Explanations of Electora... | 1995 | Lehoucq, Fabrice | Faculty | Political Science, UNCG |
Institutional Changes Affecting Entrepreneurship in China | 2007 | Kshetri, Nir B. | Faculty | Management, UNCG |
Institutional characteristics and student civic outcomes | 2016 | Janke, Emily | Faculty | Peace and Conflict Studies, UNCG |
Institutional Contradiction in the Community College | 2009 | Ayers, David F. | Faculty | Teacher Education and Higher Education , UNCG |
Institutional economics and firm creation in the hospitality and tourism industry: A compara... | 2017 | Memili, Esra | Faculty | Marketing, Entrepreneurship, Hospitality & Tourism, UNCG |
Institutional effectiveness : a handbook for program implementation by members of the Accred... | 1995 | Wilburn, Howard L. | Student | Education, UNCG |
Institutional factors affecting offshore business process and information technology outsour... | 2007 | Kshetri, Nir B. | Faculty | Management, UNCG |
The Institutional Foundations of Democratic Cooperation in Costa Rica | 1996 | Lehoucq, Fabrice | Faculty | Political Science, UNCG |
Institutional reforms in the Gulf Cooperation Council economies: A conceptual framework | 2008 | Kshetri, Nir B. | Faculty | Management, UNCG |
Institutional relocation : examination of effects and efficacy of two preparatory training p... | 1980 | Nirenberg, Theodore D. | Student | Psychology, UNCG |
Institutionalization of intellectual property rights in China | 2009 | Kshetri, Nir B. | Faculty | Management, UNCG |
Institutionalizing Democracy: Constraint and Ambition in the Politics of Electoral Reform | 2000 | Lehoucq, Fabrice | Faculty | Political Science, UNCG |
Instructing the Academic Search Service User: the Faculty Connection at the University of No... | 1989 | Schumacher, Mark | Faculty | University Libraries, UNCG |
Instruction on the go: Reaching out to students from the academic library | 2015 | Moorefield-Lang, Heather | Faculty | Library and Information Studies, UNCG |
Instructional and learning outcomes in China and the USA as policy implications | 2019 | Chen, Ang | Faculty | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Instructional and trial durations in conditional discrimination | 1988 | Cooper, Lee David | Student | Psychology, UNCG |
Instructional geographic information science: map overlay and spatial abilities | 2010 | Tricot, Thomas Alexander | Student | Geography, UNCG |
An instructional manual for high school and beginning curling | 1971 | Moore, Judith A. | Student | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
Instructional practices and professional culture in high growth high schools | 2017 | Stephan, Todd A. | Student | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Instructional strategies to facilitate the learning of field-dependent children | 1991 | Ennis, Catherine D. | Faculty | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Instructional Technology: It’s a Team Thing. | 2010 | Kellam, Lynda M. | Faculty | University Libraries, UNCG |
Instructional Technology: It’s a Team Thing. | 2010 | Houk, Amanda "Amy" Harris | Faculty | University Libraries, UNCG |
Instructional Technology: It’s a Team Thing. | 2010 | Williams, Beth Filar | Faculty | University Libraries, UNCG |
An instrument for use in selecting supplementary materials from fiction to illuminate the we... | 1943 | Lindsay, Etta Mildred | Student | Education, UNCG |
Instrumental music education in rural North Carolina: a descriptive study | 2019 | Causby, Melody C. | Student | School of Music, UNCG |
Instrumented arthrometry for diagnosing partial versus complete anterior cruciate ligament t... | 1994 | Perrin, David H. | Faculty | Office of the Provost, UNCG |
Integral cohomology of certain Picard modular surfaces | 2014 | Yasaki, Dan | Faculty | Mathematics and Statistics, UNCG |
Integrated preparation system: an adaptation of the theory and methodology of gymnastic trai... | 2019 | Phelps, Kurt Aaron | Student | School of Music, UNCG |
Integrated Profiling of Metabolites and Trace Elements Reveals a Multifaceted Malnutrition i... | 2011 | Jia, Wei | Faculty | Nutrition, UNCG |
Integrated Recovery Management Model for Ex-Offenders With Co-Occurring Mental Health and Su... | 2013 | Rasch, Randolph "Randy" | Faculty | Nursing, UNCG |
Integrated Wilderness Adventure: Effects on Personal and Lifestyle Traits of Persons With an... | 1989 | Schleien, Stuart J. | Faculty | Community and Therapeutic Recreation, UNCG |
Integrating Children With Severe Disabilities for Intensified Outdoor Education: Focus on Fe... | 1990 | Schleien, Stuart J. | Faculty | Community and Therapeutic Recreation, UNCG |
Integrating Conflict Resolution into EAPs | 2008 | Hayes, Sherrill W. | Faculty | Peace and Conflict Studies, UNCG |
Integrating Crisis Theory and Individual Psychology: An Application and Case Study | 2011 | Morris, Carrie A. Wachter | Faculty | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
Integrating Developmental Counseling and Therapy Assessment with Adlerian Early Recollection... | 2006 | Myers, Jane E. | Faculty | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
Integrating ETD Services into Campus Institutional Repository Infrastructures Using Fedora | 2007 | Halbert, Martin | Faculty | University Libraries, UNCG |
Integrating the extended clarinet : an exploratory process for incorporating extended techni... | 2022 | Gianini, Lucas Nunes | Student | School of Music, UNCG |
Integrating gerontology and community concepts through simulation | 2017 | Debrew, Jacqueline K. | Faculty | Nursing, UNCG |
Integrating gerontology competencies into graduate nursing programs. | 2006 | Crane, Patricia B. | Faculty | Nursing, UNCG |
Integrating gerontology competencies into graduate nursing programs. | 2006 | Tesh, Anita S. | Faculty | Nursing, UNCG |
Integrating gerontology competencies into graduate nursing programs. | 2006 | Kennedy-Malone, Laurie M. | Faculty | Nursing, UNCG |
Integrating gerontology competencies into graduate nursing programs. | 2006 | Kohlenberg, Eileen Mieras | Faculty | Nursing, UNCG |
Integrating gerontology competencies into graduate nursing programs. | 2006 | Letvak, Susan A. | Faculty | Adult Health Nursing, UNCG |
Integrating gesture meaning and verbal meaning for German verbs of motion | 2013 | Lawler, Insa | Faculty | Philosophy, UNCG |
Integrating holistic human performance training into Basic Law Enforcement Training | 2018 | Thompson, Kathryn A. | Student | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Integrating HR and Diversity Strategy: A Case Study | 2013 | Chun, Edna B. | Faculty | Business Affairs, UNCG |
Integrating Identities for Same-Sex Attracted Clients: Using Developmental Counseling and Th... | 2010 | Mobley, A. Keith | Faculty | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
Integrating Identities for Same-Sex Attracted Clients: Using Developmental Counseling and Th... | 2010 | Pope, Amber Leighann | Faculty | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
Integrating an interactive information literacy module for future K-12 teachers courses [Sli... | 2018 | Harlow, Sam | Faculty | University Libraries, UNCG |
Integrating Lesbian/Gay/Bisexual/ Transgender Topics and Their Intersections With Other Area... | 2006 | Gause, Charles P. | Faculty | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
Integrating mixed methods approaches in counseling outcome research | 2019 | Wester, Kelly L. | Faculty | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
Integrating philosophy and psychology in teaching a graduate course in ethics. | 1988 | Fine, Mark | Faculty | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Integrating physical education to teach appropriate play skills to learners with autism: A p... | 1988 | Schleien, Stuart J. | Faculty | Community and Therapeutic Recreation, UNCG |
Integrating spirituality and religion into counseling : a guide to competent practice | 1994 | Cashwell, Craig S. | Student | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
Integrating Spirituality Into Counselor Preparation: A Developmental, Wellness Approach | 2003 | Myers, Jane E. | Faculty | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
Integrating students into interdisciplinary health and health disparities research teams | 2017 | Shelton, Terri L. | Faculty | Research and Economic Development, UNCG |
Integrating students into interdisciplinary health and health disparities research teams | 2017 | Coakley, Tanya M. | Faculty | Social Work, UNCG |
Integrating students into interdisciplinary health and health disparities research teams | 2017 | Bartlett, Robin | Faculty | Nursing, UNCG |
Integrating students into interdisciplinary health and health disparities research teams | 2017 | Wallace, Debra C. | Faculty | Nursing, UNCG |
Integrating students into interdisciplinary health and health disparities research teams | 2017 | Kelley, Allyson L. | Faculty | Public Health Education, UNCG |
Integrating uncertain XML data from different sources. | 2009 | Eshmawi, Ala A. | Student | Computer Science, UNCG |
Integrating Vendor Products/Services into the Automated Acquisitions Environment: An Introdu... | 1994 | Bazirjian, Rosann V. | Faculty | University Libraries, UNCG |
Integration and Environmental/Outdoor Education: The Impact of Integrating Students with Sev... | 1994 | Schleien, Stuart J. | Faculty | Community and Therapeutic Recreation, UNCG |
Integration of an 800-Number Health Information Line into a Comprehensive Health Promotion P... | 1994 | Perko, Michael A. | Faculty | Public Health Education, UNCG |
The integration of acquisitions and mergers : an interpretive inquiry | 1991 | Dodgen, Loretta Pate | Student | Education, UNCG |
Integration of behavioral frequency and intention information in young children’s trait attr... | 2013 | Boseovski, Janet J. | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
Integration of behavioral frequency and intention information in young children’s trait attr... | 2013 | Marcovitch, Stuart | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
Integration of behavioral frequency and intention information in young children’s trait attr... | 2013 | Chiu, Korinne | Faculty | Educational Research, Measurement, and Evaluation, UNCG |
Integration of Behavioral Frequency and Intention Information in Young Children's Trait Attr... | 2013 | Boseovski, Janet J. | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
Integration of Behavioral Frequency and Intention Information in Young Children's Trait Attr... | 2013 | Marcovitch, Stuart | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
Integration of biochemometrics and molecular networking to identify antimicrobials in Angeli... | 2018 | Cech, Nadja B. | Faculty | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Integration of biochemometrics and molecular networking to identify antimicrobials in Angeli... | 2018 | Kellogg, Joshua J. | Faculty | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
The integration of church and state : an examination of rural school and church partnerships... | 2021 | Sexton, Crystal L. | Student | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Integration of expressive techniques in multisystemic therapy with at-risk adolescents: A re... | 2019 | Deaton, Jennifer D. | Faculty | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
Integration of gerontology content in nongeriatric undergraduate nursing courses | 2006 | Rossen, Eileen R. | Faculty | Nursing, UNCG |
Integration of gerontology content in nongeriatric undergraduate nursing courses | 2006 | Cowen, Kay J. | Faculty | Nursing, UNCG |
Integration of gerontology content in nongeriatric undergraduate nursing courses | 2006 | Bannon, Mary J. | Faculty | Nursing, UNCG |
Integration of gerontology content in nongeriatric undergraduate nursing courses | 2006 | Hancock, Deborah | Faculty | Nursing, UNCG |
Integration of gerontology content in nongeriatric undergraduate nursing courses | 2006 | Wallace, Debra C. | Faculty | Nursing, UNCG |
Integration of gerontology content in nongeriatric undergraduate nursing courses | 2006 | Letvak, Susan A. | Faculty | Adult Health Nursing, UNCG |
Integration of gerontology content in nongeriatric undergraduate nursing courses | 2006 | Barba, Beth E. | Faculty | Nursing, UNCG |
Integration of HIV testing and linkage to care by the Baltimore City Health Department | 2010 | Tanner, Amanda Elizabeth | Faculty | Public Health Education, UNCG |
The Integration of Retail Space Markets | 2002 | Jud, Gustav D. | Faculty | Business Administration, UNCG |
The Integration of Retail Space Markets | 2002 | Winkler, Daniel T. | Faculty | Accounting and Finance, UNCG |
The integration of sound, resonance, and color in Lacrimosa for alto saxophone and piano by ... | 2016 | Thompson, Bobbi Amanda | Student | Music Performance, UNCG |
Integration: The key to sustaining kinesiology in higher education. | 2007 | Gill, Diane L. | Faculty | Kinesiology, UNCG |
An integrative approach to the study of social competence in adolescence | 1992 | Lenhart, Lisa Anne | Student | Psychology, UNCG |
An Integrative Conceptual Framework for Friendship Research. | 1994 | Adams, Rebecca G. | Faculty | Sociology, UNCG |
An Integrative Conceptual Model of Parental Racial/Ethnic and Emotion Socialization and Link... | 2017 | Leerkes, Esther M. | Faculty | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
An Integrative Conceptual Model of Parental Racial/Ethnic and Emotion Socialization and Link... | 2017 | Coard, Stephanie I. | Faculty | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
An Integrative Conceptual Model of Parental Racial/Ethnic and Emotion Socialization and Link... | 2017 | Calkins, Susan D. | Faculty | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
An Integrative Conceptual Model of Parental Racial/Ethnic and Emotion Socialization and Link... | 2017 | Supple, Andrew "Andy" | Faculty | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
An Integrative Contextual Developmental Model of Male Stalking | 2001 | White, Jacquelyn W. | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
Integrative Wellness Approaches to Mitigate Perceived Stress, Increase Vitality, and Build C... | 2022 | Vermeesch, Amber | Faculty | School of Nursing, Advanced Nursing Education, UNCG |
The intellectual landscape of critical policy analysis | 2014 | Mansfield, Katherine Cumings | Faculty | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Intellectual property protection mechanisms and the characteristics of founding teams | 2021 | Link, Albert N. | Faculty | Economics, UNCG |
Intellectual property protection mechanisms in research partnerships. | 2006 | Link, Albert N. | Faculty | Economics, UNCG |
Intellectual property: Everything the digital-age librarian needs to know [book review] | 2009 | Kellam, Lynda M. | Faculty | University Libraries, UNCG |
The intelligence of heritability. | 1994 | Wahlsten, Douglas | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
Intelligent Agents to Support Information Sharing in B2B E-Marketplaces | 2005 | Salam, Al Farooq N. | Faculty | Information Systems and Supply Chain Management, UNCG |
Intelligent Agents to Support Information Sharing in B2B E-Marketplaces | 2005 | Singh, Rahul | Faculty | Information Systems and Supply Chain Management, UNCG |
Intelligent Agents to Support Information Sharing in B2B E-Marketplaces | 2005 | Iyer, Lakshmi S. | Faculty | Information Systems and Supply Chain Management, UNCG |
Intense, pervasive and shared faculty dialogue: Generating understanding and identifying “ho... | 2016 | Janke, Emily | Faculty | Peace and Conflict Studies, UNCG |
Intense, pervasive and shared faculty dialogue: Generating understanding and identifying “ho... | 2016 | Medlin, Kristin | Faculty | UNCG |
Intensity and frequency of children's fears | 1995 | Crawford, Susan Stemples | Student | Education, UNCG |
Intensity of acute exercise does not affect serum leptin concentrations in young men. | 2000 | Wideman, Laurie | Faculty | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Intensive Mothering Beliefs Among Full-Time Employed Mothers of Infants | 2014 | Helms, Heather M. | Faculty | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Intent-to-treat analysis of a simultaneous multisite telehealth diabetes prevention program | 2018 | Dudley, William N. | Faculty | Health and Human Sciences, UNCG |
Intention: Questions regarding its role in choreography | 2001 | Van Dyke, Jan E. | Faculty | Dance, UNCG |
Intention–behavior gap is wider for walking and moderate physical activity than for vigorous... | 2016 | Maher, Jaclyn | Faculty | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Intentional Forgetting Is Easier After Two “Shots” Than One* | 2008 | Delaney, Peter F. | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
Intentional Forgetting Is Easier After Two “Shots” Than One* | 2008 | Sahakyan, Lili | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
Intentional integration of tablets and mobile devices into library services | 2015 | Moorefield-Lang, Heather | Faculty | Library and Information Studies, UNCG |
Intentional urbanism : a study of the components of grid-layout cities through time | 2023 | Bardsley, Roger | Student | Geography, Environment, and Sustainability, UNCG |
The intentional use of metaphor in counseling supervision | 1999 | Borders, L. DiAnne | Faculty | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
The intentional use of metaphor in counseling supervision | 1999 | Young, J. Scott | Faculty | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
Inter-Domain Work-Family Conflict and Police Work Satisfaction | 2004 | Boles, James S. | Faculty | Marketing, Entrepreneurship, Hospitality & Tourism, UNCG |
Inter-firm technology flows and productivity growth | 1983 | Link, Albert N. | Faculty | Economics, UNCG |
An inter-site comparison of enamel hypoplasia in bison: implications for paleoecology and mo... | 2004 | Egeland, Charles P. | Faculty | Anthropology, UNCG |
Inter-Species Transplantation of Gut Microbiota from Human to Pigs | 2007 | Jia, Wei | Faculty | Nutrition, UNCG |
Interacting Effects of Handling and <i>d</i>-Amphetamine on Avoidance Learning | 1974 | Wahlsten, Douglas | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
Interaction metabolomics to discover synergists in natural product mixtures | 2022 | Vidar, Warren S. | Student | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
The interaction of borderline personality disorder symptoms and relationship satisfaction in... | 2011 | Kuhlken, Katherine | Student | Psychology, UNCG |
Interaction of CD38 variant and chronic interpersonal stress is associated with social anxie... | 2015 | Vrshek-Schallhorn, Suzanne | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
The interaction of imposter phenomenon and research self-efficacy on counselor educator scho... | 2020 | Wester, Kelly L. | Faculty | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
The interaction of imposter phenomenon and research self-efficacy on counselor educator scho... | 2020 | Morris, Carrie A. Wachter | Faculty | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
The interaction of imposter phenomenon and research self-efficacy on counselor educator scho... | 2020 | Umstead, Lindsey K. | Faculty | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
The interaction of imposter phenomenon and research self-efficacy on counselor educator scho... | 2020 | Austin, Jordan L. | Faculty | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
The interaction of learning styles with learner control treatments in an interactive videodi... | 1989 | Burwell, Lawrence Barrett | Student | Education, UNCG |
Interaction of porcine somatotropin administration to growing pigs and frozen storage of car... | 1993 | Wander, Rosemary | Faculty | Office of the Provost, UNCG |
The interaction of reinforcement sensitivity and life events in the prediction of anhedonic ... | 2007 | Nelson-Gray, Rosemery O. | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
The interaction of reinforcement sensitivity and life events in the prediction of anhedonic ... | 2007 | Kwapil, Thomas R. | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
The interaction of reinforcement sensitivity and life events in the prediction of anhedonic ... | 2007 | Hundt, Natalie E. | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
The interaction of reinforcement sensitivity and life events in the prediction of anhedonic ... | 2007 | Kimbrel, Nathan Andrew | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
The interaction of reinforcement sensitivity and life events in the prediction of anhedonic ... | 2007 | Mitchell, John Thomas | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
The interaction of student-teacher relationships and mutual friends on academic achievement:... | 2011 | Boye, Jason E. | Student | Psychology, UNCG |
The Interaction of Temperament and Childhood Sexual Abuse in Predicting Symptoms of Borderli... | 2008 | Robertson, Christopher | Student | Psychology, UNCG |
Interactions between excessive manganese-exposure and dietary iron-deficiency in neurodegene... | 2005 | Erikson, Keith M. | Faculty | Nutrition, UNCG |
Interactions of echinacea and spilanthes with human metabolizing systems | 2006 | Moulick, Kamalika | Student | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Interactions of university students with the elderly | 1988 | Eddy, James M. | Faculty | Public Health Education, UNCG |
Interactions of variants of the host blue-green bacterium Anacystis nidulans with a variant ... | 1977 | Brown, Anne Howard | Student | Biology, UNCG |
Interactions with Iraqi non-government organizations | 2012 | Emery, Maria Isabel | Student | Sociology, UNCG |
An Interactive DSS Tool for Physical Database Design | 1991 | Palvia, Prashant | Faculty | Information Systems and Supply Chain Management, UNCG |
The Interactive Effect of Applicant Gender, Influence Tactics, and Type of Job on Hiring Rec... | 1996 | Buttner, Eleanor "Holly" | Faculty | Business Administration, UNCG |
The interactive effects of bitter flavor and mood on the decision to spend or save money | 2017 | Yang, Zhiyong | Faculty | Marketing, UNCG |
Interactive effects of grazing, drought, and fire on grassland plant communities in North Am... | 2014 | Koerner, Sally E. | Faculty | Biology, UNCG |
Interactive hypermedia : a comparative study of the effects of real-time motion videodisc ve... | 1991 | Meshot, Carole Jean | Student | Education, UNCG |
Interactive Impact of Intrinsic Motivators and Extrinsic Rewards on Behavior and Motivation ... | 2005 | Chen, Ang | Faculty | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Interactive Motifs and Processes in Old Age Friendship | 2017 | Adams, Rebecca G. | Faculty | Sociology, UNCG |
The interactive processes of leader vision alignment and team functioning in a temporary emp... | 1991 | Colgan, Malinda Beasley | Student | Education, UNCG |
Interactive public "art-chitecture": engaging the city and its inhabitants | 2010 | Isaac Lara, Adriana | Student | Interior Architecture, UNCG |
Interactive Video: Reviewing science, stereotypes and society | 1994 | Matthews, Catherine E. | Faculty | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
Interactives and Visitor Learning | 2004 | Cohen-Jones, Mika | Faculty | Anthropology, UNCG |
Interactivity between a saxophone performer and a computer operator | 2006 | Ward, Cameron Bryan | Student | Music, UNCG |
Interchange | 1972 | Pritchett, Doris Davis | Student | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
Intercollegiate and Community Collaboration: Film Productions for Students and Community Vol... | 2009 | Edwards, Emily D. | Faculty | Media Studies, UNCG |
The Interconnection of Childhood Poverty and Homelessness: Negative Impact/Paints of Access | 2001 | Schmitz, Cathryne L. | Faculty | Social Work, UNCG |
Intercropping Switchgrass with Loblolly Pine Does Not Influence the Functional Role of the W... | 2013 | Kalcounis-Rüppell, Matina C. | Faculty | Biology, UNCG |
The Interday Measurement Consistency of and Relationship Between Hamstring and Leg Musculoar... | 2015 | Schmitz, Randy J. | Faculty | Kinesiology, UNCG |
The Interday Measurement Consistency of and Relationship Between Hamstring and Leg Musculoar... | 2015 | Shultz, Sandra J. | Faculty | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Interdepartmental sharing of resources in a small university : a curriculum planning case st... | 1983 | Boyd, Nellie Brown | Student | Education, UNCG |
Interdisciplinary collaboration: The need to revisit | 2008 | Bartlett, Robin | Faculty | Nursing, UNCG |
Interdisciplinary Disaster Preparedness: Study Abroad in St. Kitts and Nevis | 2020 | Snyder, Audrey | Faculty | Family and Community Nursing, UNCG |
Interdisciplinary Education | 2011 | Journell, Wayne | Faculty | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
Interdisciplinary partnerships for rural older adults’ transitions of care | 2018 | Snyder, Audrey | Faculty | Family and Community Nursing, UNCG |
Interest and interests: The psychology of constructive capriciousness. | 2001 | Silvia, Paul | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
Interesting things and curious people: Exploration and engagement as transient states and e... | 2009 | Silvia, Paul | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
Interface I for horn and orchestra | 1975 | Follas, Ronald William | Student | Music, UNCG |
Interfaces and interfacings: posthuman ecologies, bodies and identities | 2016 | Skelley, Chelsea Atkins | Student | English, UNCG |
Interfirm structure and buyer-salesperson behavior impact on relationship outcomes | 2015 | Boles, James S. | Faculty | Marketing, Entrepreneurship, Hospitality & Tourism, UNCG |
Intergenerational Effects of Parental Personality and Relationship Traits on Mate Choice Amo... | 2005 | Lindsey, Elizabeth W. | Faculty | Social Work, UNCG |
Intergenerational Family Support for Older Men and Women in South India | 2004 | Sudha, S. | Faculty | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Intergenerational linguistic changes to the Spanish dialect of three participant groups from... | 2010 | Tyler, Sarah Gevene Hopton | Student | Languages, Literatures, and Cultures, UNCG |
Intergenerational Relations and Elder Care Preferences of Asian Indians in North Carolina | 2013 | Sudha, S. | Faculty | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
An intergenerational study of value socialization in a low-income Appalachian subculture | 1988 | Robertson, Elizabeth B. | Student | Human Environmental Sciences, UNCG |
Intergenerational Support and Reciprocity Between Low-Income African American Fathers and Th... | 2010 | Dyson, Omari L. | Faculty | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Intergenerational transmission of self-esteem : parental determinants and consequences for r... | 1994 | Dechman, Kimberly S. Klein | Student | Human Environmental Sciences, UNCG |
Intergovernmental grants and successful tax limitation referenda | 1988 | Leyden, Dennis P. | Faculty | Economics, UNCG |
Interior studies | 1978 | Smith, Clare Purcell | Student | Art, UNCG |
Interleukin-10 Promotes cell proliferation in Epstein-Barr infected B cells through activati... | 2014 | Smith, Jansen Barrett | Student | Biology, UNCG |
Intermanual transfer of tactile discrimination. | 1984 | Michel, George F. | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
Intermedia, hypermedia, and metamedia in Tarrare: consumption studies | 2013 | Wall, Jonathan Frederick | Student | Music, UNCG |
The Intermediation of Community and Infrastructure | 2017 | Lenstra, Noah | Faculty | Library and Information Studies, UNCG |
Intermountain West lightning-caused fires: Climatic predictors of area burned | 1995 | Knapp, Paul A. | Faculty | Geography, UNCG |
Internal base-directed regioselective aromatic Claisen rearrangements of imine derivatives | 2024 | Li, Runzi | Student | Chemistry, UNCG |
The Internal Other: Exploring the Dialectical Relationship between Regional Exclusion and th... | 2012 | Johnson, Corey | Faculty | Geography, UNCG |
Internal/external occupational status congruence and life/job satisfaction of southern low-i... | 1984 | Farris, M. Cynthia | Student | Home Economics, UNCG |
Internalization of Aeromonas hydrophila by fish epithelial cells can be inhibited with a tyr... | 1998 | Tan, Edna | Faculty | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
An internalizing pathway to alcohol and substance use disorders | 2011 | Stein, Gabriela L. | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
International collaboration experience: Using multi-country student collaboration projects t... | 2013 | Taras, Vasyl | Faculty | Management, UNCG |
International cultural immersion: Assessing the influence of a group intervention on intercu... | 2015 | Mobley, A. Keith | Faculty | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
International Entrepreneurship & Management Journal (IEMJ) Special Issue: Global Franchising... | 2007 | Welsh, Dianne H.B. | Faculty | Business Administration, UNCG |
International experience as a microfoundation of foreign subsidiary performance: A multileve... | 2021 | Rickley, Marketa | Faculty | Management, UNCG |
International Immersion in Counselor Education: A Consensual Qualitative Research Investigat... | 2014 | Cashwell, Craig S. | Faculty | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
International immersion: an exploratory study of critical factors, sustained impact and coun... | 2011 | Mehta, Sejal | Student | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
International involvement in the Congo labyrinth | 1964 | Stephans, Patsy Routh | Student | History, UNCG |
International joint venture partner origin, strategic choice, and performance: A comparative... | 2009 | Acquaah, Moses | Faculty | Management, UNCG |
International perspectives on eco-social work practice [Audio podcast episode] | 2022 | Powers, Meredith C.F. | Faculty | Social Work, UNCG |
International perspectives on the legal environment for selection | 2008 | Chuang, Aichia | Faculty | Management, UNCG |
International Perspectives: Responding to Similarities and Differences Between Filipino and ... | 2009 | Kautz, Donald D. | Faculty | Nursing, UNCG |
International professional service firms: how do they affect government policy? | 2009 | Welsh, Dianne H.B. | Faculty | Business Administration, UNCG |
International Sexual Health And REproductive health (I-SHARE) survey during COVID-19: study ... | 2020 | Erausquin, Jennifer Toller | Faculty | Public Health Education, UNCG |
The international student in the University of North Carolina | 1985 | VanSant, Flora McDonald | Student | Education, UNCG |
International supervisors' social influence, self-efficacy, and acculturation in cross-cultu... | 2009 | Chung, Mijin | Student | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
Internationalisation of publicly traded family firms: a transaction cost theory perspective ... | 2017 | Welsh, Dianne H.B. | Faculty | Business Administration, UNCG |
Internationalisation of publicly traded family firms: a transaction cost theory perspective ... | 2017 | Memili, Esra | Faculty | Marketing, Entrepreneurship, Hospitality & Tourism, UNCG |
The internationalization of franchising systems into industrialized economies | 2004 | Welsh, Dianne H.B. | Faculty | Business Administration, UNCG |
Internationalization, globalization and culture | 2012 | Tudge, Jonathan R. | Faculty | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
The Internet Never Forgets: Image-Based Sexual Abuse and the Workplace | 2021 | Rood, Melody | Faculty | University Libraries, UNCG |
Internet versus bricks-and-mortar retailers: An investigation into intangibility and its con... | 2005 | Yang, Zhiyong | Faculty | Marketing, UNCG |
Internship in LIS education: An international perspective on experiential learning | 2015 | Bird, Nora J. | Faculty | Library and Information Studies, UNCG |
Internship in LIS education: An international perspective on experiential learning | 2015 | Oguz, Fatih | Faculty | Library and Information Studies, UNCG |
Internship in LIS education: An international perspective on experiential learning [Japanese... | 2017 | Bird, Nora J. | Faculty | Library and Information Studies, UNCG |
Internship in LIS education: An international perspective on experiential learning [Japanese... | 2017 | Oguz, Fatih | Faculty | Library and Information Studies, UNCG |
Internship in LIS education: An international perspective on experiential learning [Revised ... | 2017 | Bird, Nora J. | Faculty | Library and Information Studies, UNCG |
Internship in LIS education: An international perspective on experiential learning [Revised ... | 2017 | Oguz, Fatih | Faculty | Library and Information Studies, UNCG |
Interoperability of XML and relational data-optimization algorithm | 2005 | Ivanica, Adina D. | Student | Computer Science, UNCG |
Interparental Conflict and Academic Achievement: An Examination of Mediating and Moderating ... | 2010 | Buehler, Cheryl A. | Faculty | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Interparental conflict and infants’ behavior problems: The mediating role of maternal sensit... | 2017 | Leerkes, Esther M. | Faculty | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Interparental conflict and infants’ behavior problems: The mediating role of maternal sensit... | 2017 | Zhou, Nan | Faculty | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Interparental conflict and infants’ behavior problems: The mediating role of maternal sensit... | 2017 | Cao, Hongjian | Faculty | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Interparental conflict and internalizing symptoms: the moderating role of positive peer rela... | 2010 | Fallah, Niloofar | Student | Psychology, UNCG |
The interpenetration of form and the ordering of the resulting fragmentation | 1973 | Jarvis, Judith Jane | Student | Art, UNCG |
Interpersonal Moral Conflicts | 1988 | McConnell, Terrance C. | Faculty | Philosophy, UNCG |
Interpersonal perfectionism, attributions, expectations, and social disconnection in daily l... | 2019 | Harper, Kelly L. | Student | Psychology, UNCG |
Interplay | 1972 | Stubbs, Carolyn Cardwell | Student | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
The interplay between socioemotional wealth and family firm psychological capital in influen... | 2020 | Memili, Esra | Faculty | Marketing, Entrepreneurship, Hospitality & Tourism, UNCG |
The interplay of feedback literacy, attachment anxiety, and supervisory working alliance in ... | 2024 | Pan, Yu | Student | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
Interpolated retrieval effects on list isolation: Individual differences in working memory c... | 2019 | Kane, Michael J. | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
Interpolated retrieval effects on list isolation: Individual differences in working memory c... | 2019 | Wahlheim, Chris | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
Interpolated testing and content pretesting as interventions to reduce task-unrelated though... | 2022 | Kane, Michael J. | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
An interpretation of movement education developed from curriculum critical theory | 1988 | Clayton, Lurah Brenda | Student | Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, UNCG |
Interpretation of postural control may change due to data processing techniques | 2015 | Rhea, Christopher K. | Faculty | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Interpretation of postural control may change due to data processing techniques | 2015 | Raisbeck, Louisa D. | Faculty | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Interpretations of Oliver Cromwell, 1647-1970 | 1971 | Lloyd, Anne Stephanie | Student | History, UNCG |
An interpretative essay concerning six works of art | 1978 | James, Walton Burton | Student | Art, UNCG |
An interpretative essay concerning twelve paintings | 1952 | Porter, Raiford Miller | Student | Art, UNCG |
Interpreting the Conductance Blockades of DNA Translocations Through Solid-State Nanopores | 2014 | Taylor, Ethan W | Faculty | Nanoscience, UNCG |
"Interpreting Mozart: The Performance Practice of his Piano Pieces and Other Compositions" b... | 2009 | Willis, Andrew | Faculty | Music, UNCG |
Interpreting the spectral behavior of MWC?314 | 2016 | Miroshnichenko, Anatoly S. | Faculty | Physics and Astronomy, UNCG |
Interpreting a three years' homemaking program in a rural high school to the community throu... | 1951 | Eller, Daphne | Student | Home Economics, UNCG |
An interpretive analysis of elementary teachers' conceptions of caring | 1986 | Gray, Mary Ann C. | Student | Education, UNCG |
An interpretive analysis of some basic assumptions of academic advising at a large universit... | 1985 | Carter, Margaret Sandor | Student | Education, UNCG |
An interpretive analysis of teacher expectations in early childhood education | 1985 | Arnold, Genevieve Hunter | Student | Education, UNCG |
An interpretive inquiry into Chinese educators' reflections and perceptions of the Chinese u... | 1991 | Liu, Baoshan | Student | Education, UNCG |
An interpretive inquiry into the consciousness of special educators : the search for dignity... | 1985 | Keller, Virginia Zemp | Student | Education, UNCG |
An interpretive inquiry into psycho-social development of students with learning disabilitie... | 1995 | Bailey, Patricia L. | Student | Education, UNCG |
An interpretive inquiry into socialization and developmental processes concurrent with prese... | 1989 | Bowers, Rebecca Sue | Student | Education, UNCG |
An interpretive inquiry into student teachers' reflections on instruction | 1991 | Spooner, Melba McCall | Student | Education, UNCG |
An interpretive inquiry into using adolescent literature to inform pre-service teachers abou... | 1989 | Degni, Suzanne M. | Student | Education, UNCG |
An interpretive inquiry into the world of the teacher | 1979 | Rubio, Carmelo Albert | Student | Education, UNCG |
An interpretive inquiry of preservice teachers' reflections and development during a field-b... | 1992 | Sebren, Mary Abb | Student | Health and Human Performance, UNCG |
An interpretive inquiry of the professional life histories of selected women dance/physical ... | 1992 | Clark, Dawn | Student | Health and Human Performance, UNCG |
The interpretive research group as an alternative to the interpersonal process recording. | 2006 | Shattell, Mona M. | Faculty | Nursing, UNCG |
An interpretive study of meaning in dance: Voices of young women students. | 1988 | Van Dyke, Jan E. | Faculty | Dance, UNCG |
An interpretive study of meaning in dance: Voices of young women students. | 1988 | Stinson, Susan W. | Faculty | Dance, UNCG |
The interrelationship of the creative process and creative personality to activities and met... | 1971 | Mesenbrink, Robberta | Student | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
Interrelationships among selenium, iron status biomarkers and body weight in young adults | 2019 | Larvie, Doreen Y. | Student | Nutrition, UNCG |
Interrelationships of light and space within the still-life painting and the figure drawing | 1976 | Williams, Gretchen Van Loon | Student | Art, UNCG |
Interrelationships of Role Conflict, Role Ambiguity, and Work–Family Conflict with Different... | 2003 | Boles, James S. | Faculty | Marketing, Entrepreneurship, Hospitality & Tourism, UNCG |
Interrupted Infantile Apnea: Impact on Early Development, Temperament, and Maternal Stress | 1986 | Shelton, Terri L. | Faculty | Research and Economic Development, UNCG |
Interrupted versus uninterrupted story reading to preschool children | 1983 | Anderson, Anna Marie | Student | Home Economics, UNCG |
The Intersection Between Women’s Reproductive Desires and HIV Care Providers’ Reproductive H... | 2018 | Tanner, Amanda Elizabeth | Faculty | Public Health Education, UNCG |
The intersection of intimate partner violence and traumatic brain injury: A call for interdi... | 2017 | Hunnicutt, Gwendolyn C | Faculty | Sociology, UNCG |
The intersection of intimate partner violence and traumatic brain injury: A call for interdi... | 2017 | Murray, Christine E. | Faculty | Center for Youth, Family, & Community Partnerships, UNCG |
The intersection of intimate partner violence and traumatic brain injury: A call for interdi... | 2017 | Lundgren, Kristine | Faculty | Communication Sciences and Disorders, UNCG |
The intersection of intimate partner violence and traumatic brain injury: A call for interdi... | 2017 | Olson, Loreen | Faculty | Communication Studies, UNCG |
The intersection of racial-ethnic socialization and adolescence: A closer examination at sta... | 2018 | Coard, Stephanie I. | Faculty | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
The intersection of racial-ethnic socialization and adolescence: A closer examination at sta... | 2018 | Stein, Gabriela L. | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
The intersection of self-evaluation maintenance and social identity theories: Intragroup jud... | 2000 | Silvia, Paul | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
An Intersectional Analysis of Television Narratives of African American Women with African A... | 2013 | Glenn, Cerise L. | Faculty | Communication Studies, UNCG |
Intersectionality matters: Gender, race/ethnicity, and sport level differentiate perceived c... | 2024 | Chu, Alan | Faculty | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Interspecific and intraspecific hybrid Epichloë species symbiotic with the North American na... | 2017 | Cech, Nadja B. | Faculty | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Interspecific and intraspecific hybrid Epichloë species symbiotic with the North American na... | 2017 | Faeth, Stanley H. | Faculty | Biology, UNCG |
Interspecific and intraspecific hybrid Epichloë species symbiotic with the North American na... | 2017 | Shymanovich, Tatsiana | Faculty | Biology, UNCG |
Intertester reliability of active and passive ankle joint position sense testing | 1995 | Perrin, David H. | Faculty | Office of the Provost, UNCG |
Intertester Reliability of Assessing Postural Sway Using the Chattecx Balance System | 1995 | Perrin, David H. | Faculty | Office of the Provost, UNCG |
Interval serialization and its use in Exploring the third major nebula. | 2009 | Clem, Daniel Travis | Student | Music, UNCG |
Intervening Agents and Moral Responsibility | 1985 | Zimmerman, Michael | Faculty | Philosophy , UNCG |
Intervention assistance: is it substance or symbolism? | 2001 | Rock, Marcia L. | Faculty | Specialized Education Services, UNCG |
An intervention to promote self-efficacy and physical activity in individuals with Type 2 di... | 2022 | Booker, Amber Fair | Student | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Interventions for Suicidal Youth: A Review of the Literature and Developmental Consideration... | 2009 | Daniel, Stephanie | Faculty | Center for Youth, Family, & Community Partnerships, UNCG |
Interventions on rethinking ‘the border’ in border studies | 2011 | Johnson, Corey | Faculty | Geography, UNCG |
Interventions to Increase Osteoporosis Screening in Patients with Seizure Disorder on Antiep... | 2024 | Bastable, Jamie | Student | Nursing, UNCG |
Interventions to Reduce Perceived Stress Among Graduate Students: A Systematic Review with I... | 2017 | Vermeesch, Amber | Faculty | School of Nursing, Advanced Nursing Education, UNCG |
Interventions with good intentions: effective implementation of response to intervention in ... | 2013 | Kissell, Tina Marie Eberly | Student | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
An Interview with Celia Mae Bryant | 1987 | Roberson, Steve H. | Faculty | Office of the Provost, UNCG |
An Interview with Dr. Taro Komukai, Executive Director and Senior Consultant, InfoCom Resear... | 2014 | Kshetri, Nir B. | Faculty | Management, UNCG |
Intimate partner aggression: what have we learned? Commentary of Archer’s meta-Analysis. | 2000 | White, Jacquelyn W. | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
Intimate partner aggression: what have we learned? Commentary of Archer’s meta-Analysis. | 2000 | Smith, Paige Hall | Faculty | Public Health Education, UNCG |
Intimate Partner Violence and Disabilities among Women Attending Family Practice Clinics | 2005 | Smith, Paige Hall | Faculty | Public Health Education, UNCG |
Intimate partner violence incidence and continuation in a primary care screening program | 2007 | Smith, Paige Hall | Faculty | Public Health Education, UNCG |
Intimate Partner Violence Perpetrated by Women within the Context of Victimization History | 2005 | White, Jacquelyn W. | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
Intimate Partner Violence Perpetrated by Women within the Context of Victimization History | 2005 | Sechrist, Stacy M. | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
The Intimate Partner Violence Stigma Scale: Initial Development and Validation | 2019 | Murray, Christine E. | Faculty | Center for Youth, Family, & Community Partnerships, UNCG |
Intonation tendencies of selected university flute, oboe, and clarinet players | 1989 | Church, Ray Edward | Student | Music, UNCG |
Intra-modality selective attention to dioptically- and dichoptically-presented patterns and ... | 1974 | Wilson, Lynda Elizabeth | Student | Psychology, UNCG |
Intra–Regional Variations of Commuting Times in a Decentralized Urban Area | 2002 | Sultana, Selima | Faculty | Geography, Environment, and Sustainability, UNCG |
The Intracellular Consequences of the Interaction between Epstein-Barr Virus Protein BZLF1 a... | 2008 | Wakeman, Brian S. | Student | Biology, UNCG |
Intraclass Correlation Associated with Therapists: Estimates and Applications in Planning Ps... | 2011 | Eddington, Kari | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
Intracolonial patterns of reproduction in the queen-size dimorphic ant Leptothorax rugatulus... | 2002 | Rueppell, Olav | Faculty | Biology, UNCG |
Intrapersonal and interpersonal factors influencing physical activity in Arab Americans: a s... | 2019 | Nahari, Ahmed Mohammad J. | Student | Nursing, UNCG |
Intraspecific Variation in Roost-site Selection by Little Brown Bats (<i>Myotis lucifugus</i... | 1996 | Kalcounis-Rüppell, Matina C. | Faculty | Biology, UNCG |
Intraspecific variation in wing loading affects habitat use by little brown bats (Myotis luc... | 1995 | Kalcounis-Rüppell, Matina C. | Faculty | Biology, UNCG |
Intratester and Intertester Reliability of Clinical Measures of Lower Extremity Anatomic Cha... | 2006 | Shultz, Sandra J. | Faculty | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Intrauterine birth position predicts newborn supine head position preference. | 1979 | Michel, George F. | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
The Intricacies of Induced Lactation for Same-Sex Mothers of an Adopted Child | 2015 | Perrin, Maryanne T. | Faculty | Nutrition, UNCG |
Intrinsic Criticism and Deconstruction: Their Methods' Legacy | 1986 | Yarbrough, Stephen R. | Faculty | English, UNCG |
Intro to Creative Commons | 2010 | Kellam, Lynda M. | Faculty | University Libraries, UNCG |
Intro to Creative Commons | 2010 | Williams, Beth Filar | Faculty | University Libraries, UNCG |
Introducing the Effective Marginal Tax Rate in Introductory Macroeconomics | 2007 | Sarbaum, Jeffrey K. | Faculty | Economics, UNCG |
Introducing the Effective Marginal Tax Rate in Introductory Macroeconomics | 2007 | Allen, Stuart D. | Faculty | Economics, UNCG |
Introducing the IT Economics Department | 2018 | Kshetri, Nir B. | Faculty | Management, UNCG |
Introducing scholarly communications: A cross-departmental approach for reaching students an... | 2020 | Houk, Amanda "Amy" Harris | Faculty | University Libraries, UNCG |
Introducing scholarly communications: A cross-departmental approach for reaching students an... | 2020 | Craft, Anna R. | Faculty | University Libraries, UNCG |
Introducing scholarly communications: A cross-departmental approach for reaching students an... | 2020 | Harlow, Sam | Faculty | University Libraries, UNCG |
Introduction | 2020 | Perrill, Elizabeth A. | Faculty | School of Art, UNCG |
Introduction | 2014 | Schmitz, Cathryne L. | Faculty | Social Work, UNCG |
Introduction | 2016 | Kellam, Lynda M. | Faculty | University Libraries, UNCG |
Introduction Genre and Women’s Life Writing | 2007 | Dowd, Michelle M. | Faculty | English, UNCG |
Introduction (Journal of African American Studies) | 2019 | Dyson, Omari L. | Faculty | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Introduction of cooperative learning in one rural elementary school by the school psychologi... | 1992 | Jones, Thomas Ernest | Student | Education, UNCG |
The introduction of Methodism into North Carolina, 1772-1785 | 1969 | Fripp, Gayle Hicks | Student | History and Political Science, UNCG |
Introduction to the 2016 Special Issue of The Journal of College and University Student Hous... | 2016 | Johnson, Robert Bradley | Faculty | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
An Introduction to Citizen Science [slides] | 2020 | Carlton, Megan | Faculty | University Libraries, UNCG |
Introduction to the edited volume “Scientific Understanding and Representation: Modeling in ... | 2022 | Lawler, Insa | Faculty | Philosophy, UNCG |
An introduction to the game of hex | 1970 | Simmons, Steven Daniel | Student | Mathematics, UNCG |
An introduction to knots and knot groups | 1970 | Supulski, Gwendolyn Eva | Student | Mathematics, UNCG |
Introduction to the special issue: improving outcomes for students with exceptionalities in ... | 2008 | Rock, Marcia L. | Faculty | Specialized Education Services, UNCG |
Introduction to special issue: “The potential contribution of computational modeling to the ... | 2012 | Marcovitch, Stuart | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
Introduction to the Special Section on Motivation and Efficacy | 1990 | Schunk, Dale H. | Faculty | Education, UNCG |
An Introduction to Survival Statistics: Kaplan-Meier Analysis | 2016 | Dudley, William N. | Faculty | Health and Human Sciences, UNCG |
Introduction, technical information, catalogue, and reproductions | 1966 | Gordon, Harvey Charles | Student | Art, UNCG |
Introduction: The Continuing Depression | 2011 | Carmichael, James V. | Faculty | Library and Information Studies, UNCG |
Introduction: LGBTQ+ issues in student housing | 2020 | Johnson, Robert Bradley | Faculty | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
Introduction: A Perspective from the Humanities—Science Boundary. | 1994 | Gunn, Joel D. | Faculty | Anthropology, UNCG |
Introduction: Race as Euphemism and Shorthand | 2014 | Hart, William D. | Faculty | Religious Studies, UNCG |
Introduction: Transcultural Communities in Europe | 2009 | Rinner, Susanne | Faculty | Languages, Literatures, and Cultures, UNCG |
Introduction: Working Subjects | 2011 | Dowd, Michelle M. | Faculty | English, UNCG |
An introspective inquiry into what and how preservice physical education teachers observe in... | 1983 | Allison, Pamela C. | Student | Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, UNCG |
Invasibility of a mesic grassland depends on the time-scale of fluctuating resources | 2015 | Koerner, Sally E. | Faculty | Biology, UNCG |
Invasion, Competition, and Biodiversity Loss in Urban Ecosystems | 2010 | Faeth, Stanley H. | Faculty | Biology, UNCG |
Invention disclosures and the slowdown of scientific knowledge | 2020 | Link, Albert N. | Faculty | Economics, UNCG |
An inventory model with random replenishment quantities. | 1987 | Ehrhardt, Richard A. | Faculty | Information Systems and Operations Management, UNCG |
An inventory model with random replenishment quantities. | 1987 | Taube, Larry R. | Faculty | Information Systems and Supply Chain Management, UNCG |
An inventory of biophilic design attributes within child life play spaces | 2012 | McGee, Beth L. | Student | Interior Architecture, UNCG |
Invest in Bridges and Roads, not Rebates | 2008 | Brod, Andrew C. | Faculty | Economics, UNCG |
Investigating antecedents and consequences of exploratory consumer behavior in the context o... | 2017 | Cook, Sasikarn Chatvijit | Student | Consumer, Apparel, and Retail Studies, UNCG |
Investigating the biosynthesis of the ß-branch found in the polyketide difficidin isolated f... | 2019 | Kiel, Brittany E. | Student | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Investigating consumer behaviour for environmental, sustainable and social apparel | 2021 | Su, Jin | Faculty | Consumer, Apparel, and Retail Studies, UNCG |
Investigating Consumers’ Apparel Retail Format Choice: The Roles of Decision-making Styles a... | 2022 | Watchravesringkan, Kittichai "Tu" | Faculty | Consumer, Apparel, and Retail Studies, UNCG |
Investigating the Content and Sources of Teacher Candidates’ Personal Practical Theories (PP... | 2008 | He, Ye | Faculty | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
Investigating the Content and Sources of Teacher Candidates’ Personal Practical Theories (PP... | 2008 | Levin, Barbara B. | Faculty | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
Investigating the Content and Sources of Teacher Candidates’ Personal Practical Theories (PP... | 2008 | He, Ye | Faculty | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
Investigating the Content and Sources of Teacher Candidates’ Personal Practical Theories (PP... | 2008 | Levin, Barbara B. | Faculty | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
Investigating the determinants of using clothing subscription rental services: A perspective... | 2022 | Su, Jin | Faculty | Consumer, Apparel, and Retail Studies, UNCG |
Investigating the diversity of secondary metabolites from filamentous fungi | 2017 | Paguigan, Noemi D. | Student | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Investigating the effect of xenobiotics on honeybee intestinal stem cell proliferation | 2012 | Sackey-Mensah, Cordelia | Student | Biology, UNCG |
Investigating emic care in Appalachians of Western North Carolina | 2018 | Frederick, Delia England | Student | Nursing, UNCG |
Investigating Expectancy Values in Online Apparel Rental during and after the COVID-19 Pande... | 2023 | Watchravesringkan, Kittichai "Tu" | Faculty | Consumer, Apparel, and Retail Studies, UNCG |
Investigating the gap between evidence and practice in the use of virtual reality for physic... | 2021 | Felsberg, Danielle Tomeck | Student | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Investigating gene–environment interaction as a contributor to language performance. | 2010 | Simone, Laura E. | Student | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Investigating the impact of health analytics on the cost and quality of care for patients wi... | 2016 | Mirzaei, Tala | Student | Information Systems and Supply Chain Management, UNCG |
Investigating the impact of routinized health information technology on hospital effectivene... | 2022 | Jenkins, Jimmy Howard | Student | Information Systems and Supply Chain Management, UNCG |
Investigating Income Effects in Scanner Data: Do Gasoline Prices Affect Grocery Purchases? | 2010 | Gicheva, Dora | Faculty | Economics, UNCG |
Investigating the Influence of Various Migratory Allyl Ethers on the Regioselectivity of the... | 2023 | Brown, Logan E. | Student | Chemistry, UNCG |
Investigating the inhibition of cytochrome P450 isoform 1A1 by açai berry (Euterpe oleracea)... | 2016 | Collins, Davis Earl | Student | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Investigating intersubjectivity in peer-review-based, technology-enabled knowledge creation ... | 2015 | Babik, Dmytro | Student | Information Systems and Supply Chain Management, UNCG |
Investigating the mechanism of action of a new gold based therapeutic with re-myelinating pr... | 2019 | Garikipati, Vandana | Student | Joint School of Nanoscience and Nanoengineering, UNCG |
Investigating Motivation for Physical Activity among Minority College Females using the BREQ... | 2015 | Orsini, Muhsin Michael | Faculty | Public Health Education, UNCG |
Investigating Motivation for Physical Activity among Minority College Females using the BREQ... | 2015 | Milroy, Jeffrey John | Faculty | Institute to Promote Athlete Health and Wellness, UNCG |
Investigating the North Carolina charter school movement: a critical discourse analysis of e... | 2015 | Carr, Nora K. | Student | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Investigating older female consumers’ environmentally sustainable apparel consumption throug... | 2018 | Kim, Gwia | Student | Consumer, Apparel, and Retail Studies, UNCG |
Investigating Parent and Professional Perspectives Concerning Special Education Services for... | 2009 | Hardin, Belinda J | Faculty | Specialized Education Services, UNCG |
Investigating personality and viewing-motivation correlates of reality television exposure. | 2012 | Fine, Mark | Faculty | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Investigating the physical properties of still life objects and figure studies | 1976 | Quick, Archie | Student | Art, UNCG |
Investigating predictors of eating: Is resting metabolic rate really the strongest proxy of ... | 2017 | McNeil, Jessica | Faculty | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Investigating preservice teachers’ instructional decision-making for reading | 2020 | Moore, Hanna | Student | Specialized Education Services, UNCG |
Investigating Proactive Interference Effects After Switching Encoding Language in Bilingual ... | 2023 | Xu, Mufeng | Student | Cognitive Psychology, UNCG |
Investigating the psychometric properties of the ACEI global guidelines assessment (GGA) in ... | 2013 | Hardin, Belinda J | Faculty | Specialized Education Services, UNCG |
Investigating the psychometric properties of the ACEI global guidelines assessment (GGA) in ... | 2013 | Hung, HsuanFang | Faculty | Specialized Education Services, UNCG |
Investigating Quadrilaterals as an Ongoing Task | 2010 | Richardson, Kerri | Faculty | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
Investigating the relationship between self-efficacy and anxiety symptom interpretation in y... | 2024 | Confar, Dylan T. | Student | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Investigating the relationship between word knowledge and cognitive ability | 1991 | Hall, Dorothy P. | Student | Education, UNCG |
Investigating the relationships among breathing, attachment, and emotion-regulation | 2014 | Crockett, Jamie E. | Student | Counseling, UNCG |
Investigating relationships with alcohol: the construction of meaning through narrative in i... | 2013 | Good, Adrian Brinton | Student | Sociology, UNCG |
Investigating Risk Factors Predictive of Problem Outcomes Experienced by First Year Drinking... | 2016 | Wyrick, David L. | Faculty | Public Health Education, UNCG |
Investigating Risk Factors Predictive of Problem Outcomes Experienced by First Year Drinking... | 2016 | Dudley, William N. | Faculty | Health and Human Sciences, UNCG |
Investigating Risk Factors Predictive of Problem Outcomes Experienced by First Year Drinking... | 2016 | Rulison, Kelly L. | Faculty | Public Health Education, UNCG |
Investigating Risk Factors Predictive of Problem Outcomes Experienced by First Year Drinking... | 2016 | Milroy, Jeffrey John | Faculty | Institute to Promote Athlete Health and Wellness, UNCG |
Investigating Risk Factors Predictive of Problem Outcomes Experienced by First Year Drinking... | 2016 | Reifsteck, Erin J. | Faculty | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Investigating the role of apparel supplier satisfaction in developing a collaborative buyer–... | 2023 | Nelson Hodges, Nancy J. | Faculty | Consumer, Apparel, and Retail Studies, UNCG |
Investigating the role of apparel supplier satisfaction in developing a collaborative buyer–... | 2023 | Su, Jin | Faculty | Consumer, Apparel, and Retail Studies, UNCG |
Investigating the role of open costing in the buyer supplier relationship: Implications for ... | 2021 | Nelson Hodges, Nancy J. | Faculty | Consumer, Apparel, and Retail Studies, UNCG |
Investigating the role of open costing in the buyer supplier relationship: Implications for ... | 2021 | Su, Jin | Faculty | Consumer, Apparel, and Retail Studies, UNCG |
Investigating the role of plasma proteins in the cellular uptake of metallic nanoparticles | 2013 | Stewart, Kimberly D. | Student | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Investigating sales approaches and gender in customer relationships | 2014 | Boles, James S. | Faculty | Marketing, Entrepreneurship, Hospitality & Tourism, UNCG |
Investigating sources of seasonal variation in mercury exported from an upland-peatland ecos... | 2016 | Woerndle, Glenn | Student | Biology, UNCG |
Investigating teacher preferences for teaching in charter schools and the democratic implica... | 2019 | Barr, Daniel A. | Student | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
An investigation and analysis of ninth grade academic profiles and plans after high school | 1991 | Simon, Nancy Tysinger | Student | Education, UNCG |
Investigation and comparison of stereoisomer products of 2-methylcitrate synthase and 2-meth... | 2017 | Adams, Sydney Lucille Hughes | Student | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
An Investigation into the Antecedents of Organizational Citizenship Behaviors in a Personal ... | 1997 | Boles, James S. | Faculty | Marketing, Entrepreneurship, Hospitality & Tourism, UNCG |
An investigation into the antecedents of prepurchase online search | 2018 | Yang, Zhiyong | Faculty | Marketing, UNCG |
An investigation into the behaviors of high school leaders : gender and its relationship to ... | 2006 | Nixon, Melissa Murray | Student | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
An investigation into the effects of a specially designed introductory poetry unit on the co... | 1979 | Ball, Eugenia Ruth | Student | Education, UNCG |
Investigation into hippocampal-dependent memory: the effects of exercise and nutrition | 2016 | Bocchine, Anthony J. | Student | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Investigation into the inhibition of drug-metabolizing Cytochrome P450 isoenzymes by the Ama... | 2014 | Hollers, Bradley Christopher | Student | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Investigation into the mechanism of catalysis for the kinetic resolution of a,a-Disubstitute... | 2018 | Wilson, Gregory T. | Student | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Investigation into qNMR for use in natural products research | 2016 | Brooks, Wilson | Student | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
An investigation into the relationship between locomotor dynamics and adaptability | 2018 | Cone, Brian Lawrence | Student | Kinesiology, UNCG |
An investigation into the relationship between mother-child co-regulation patterns and self-... | 2021 | Bayer, Savannah | Student | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
An investigation into teaching games for understanding | 1995 | Turner, Adrian P. | Student | Health and Human Performance, UNCG |
An investigation into the types of homes represented in the home economics department of the... | 1933 | Faison, Mary Davis | Student | Home Economics, UNCG |
An investigation of analytics and business intelligence applications in improving healthcare... | 2017 | Bedeley, Rudolph Tetteh | Student | Information Systems and Operations Management, UNCG |
An Investigation of Antecedents and Consequences of Consumers’ Attitudes Toward an Apparel W... | 2010 | Lee, Zui-Chih | Student | Consumer, Apparel, and Retail Studies, UNCG |
An Investigation of Attitudes Towards Adults with Mental Illness Among Mental Health Profess... | 2008 | Smith, Allison L. | Student | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
An investigation of auditory laterality effects for sung stimuli : influence of musical trai... | 1979 | Mayo, Walter Stephen | Student | Music, UNCG |
An investigation of auditory laterality effects for verbal and melodic stimuli among musicia... | 1977 | Franklin, Elda | Student | Music, UNCG |
An investigation of authentic leadership’s individual and group influences on follower respo... | 2018 | Caza, Arran | Faculty | Management, UNCG |
An investigation of breath holding with exercise calisthenics | 1968 | Jaynes, Betty | Student | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
An investigation of certain personality factors as correlates of perceptual responses | 1959 | Jarman, Frances Elaine | Student | Psychology, UNCG |
An investigation of Chinese textile firms’ R&D performance | 2012 | Karpova, Elena | Faculty | Consumer, Apparel, and Retail Studies, UNCG |
An investigation of commitment to information security and information sharing on social med... | 2020 | Li, Xiaoyu | Student | Information Systems and Supply Chain Management, UNCG |
An investigation of the comparability and accuracy of three differential item functioning (d... | 1995 | Harman, Ann Elizabeth | Student | Education, UNCG |
An investigation of cross-situational consistency in the behavior of compulsive and histrion... | 1988 | Amodei, Nancy | Student | Psychology, UNCG |
An investigation of the curricular and instructional leadership roles of elementary principa... | 1988 | Owen, Jean Davis | Student | Education, UNCG |
An investigation of date of birth in the incidence of learning disabilities. | 1986 | Smith, J. David | Faculty | Specialized Education Services, UNCG |
An investigation of diagnostic sex bias for narcissistic personality disorder, in comparison... | 1994 | Kolker, Jeannette I. | Student | Psychology, UNCG |
Investigation of dialysis methods for the complete removal of Cl- from photosystem II | 2006 | Li, Xiaoming | Student | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Investigation of dietary zinc and linoleic acid interactions in the Sprague-Dawley rat | 1988 | McCarthy, Patrick Vincent | Student | Human Environmental Sciences, UNCG |
An investigation of ecocultural influences on sustained engagement: insights from parents in... | 2015 | Cummings, Katrina P. | Student | Specialized Education Services, UNCG |
An investigation of the effects of feedback on creativity and self-confidence levels of perf... | 1975 | Higgs, Howard Rutter | Student | Home Economics, UNCG |
An investigation of the effects of reed strength on the radiated waveform of a b-flat clarin... | 1986 | Smiley, William C. | Student | Music, UNCG |
An investigation of the effects of selected variables on the Graduate Management Admission T... | 1993 | Howard, Sandra Anita | Student | Education, UNCG |
An investigation of the effects of two training programs on selected cardio-respiratory vari... | 1962 | King, Louise Chloe | Student | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
Investigation of endothelial cell injury and dysfunction induced by air pollutant benzo-a-py... | 2018 | Shah, Halley Jayesh | Student | Biology, UNCG |
Investigation of environmental virus-host interactions: chlorpyrifos effects on Epstein-Barr... | 2019 | Miller, Katelyn Jo | Student | Biology, UNCG |
Investigation of Enzymatic Behavior of Benzonase/Alkaline Phosphatase in the Digestion of Ol... | 2007 | Chiu, Norman H. | Faculty | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
An investigation of facilities and equipment available for speech and hearing therapy in the... | 1970 | Nowlin, Lucinda Lyon | Student | Drama and Speech, UNCG |
An investigation of the feasibility of employing scores on tests of musical aptitude, academ... | 1972 | Hufstader, Ronald Alan | Student | Music, UNCG |
The investigation of the impact of physical education on social and emotional learning and e... | 2023 | Russell-Belcher, Brittany | Student | Kinesiology, UNCG |
An investigation of inferred and professed self-concept-as-learner of gifted and average mid... | 1989 | Harper, Kenneth Leon | Student | Education, UNCG |
An investigation of the influence of pediatric unit design on nurses' fatigue | 2014 | Qu, Sangni | Student | Interior Architecture, UNCG |
Investigation of the interaction between myosin IIA and filamentous actin during insulin sti... | 2012 | Stall, Richard | Student | Biology, UNCG |
An investigation of the interrelations of attributional bias, life stress, and social suppor... | 1989 | Arbuckle, Barry Scott | Student | Human Environmental Sciences, UNCG |
An investigation of leadership characteristics and backgrounds of prominent women educators ... | 1986 | Fitzgerald, Jeri A. | Student | Education, UNCG |
An investigation of the long-term effects of early developmental stress exposure in the Hone... | 2019 | Vega Meléndez, Carlos Jose | Student | Biology, UNCG |
An investigation of maternal food intake and maternal food talk as predictors of child food ... | 2018 | DeJesus, Jasmine M. | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
An investigation of the methodological problems inherent in the use of teachers as observers... | 1974 | Hay, Linda Rudin | Student | Psychology, UNCG |
An investigation of middle school teachers' thinking about motivation | 2013 | Wall, Nancy Amanda | Student | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
An investigation of the motivations for second-hand clothing donation and purchase | 2011 | Baker, Jennifer Bauk | Student | Consumer, Apparel, and Retail Studies, UNCG |
Investigation of Needs, Best Practices, and Challenges in Physical Education with Limited En... | 2008 | Ballard, Kymm D. | Student | Kinesiology, UNCG |
An investigation of non-salary incentives as viewed by Cleveland County teachers | 1989 | McSwain, Jerry Winfred | Student | Education, UNCG |
Investigation of optoelectronic properties and anti/pro-oxidation effects of carbon nanodots... | 2023 | Azami, Mahsa | Student | Joint School of Nanoscience and Nanoengineering, UNCG |
An investigation of outdoor adventure leadership and programming preparation in physical edu... | 1988 | Uhlendorf, Karen Jane | Student | Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, UNCG |
An investigation of paedomorphic secondary xylem and secondary woodiness in Xanthorhiza simp... | 2008 | Dulin, Max W. | Student | Biology, UNCG |
An investigation of the perception of the role of resource teacher in the education of educa... | 1979 | Boyles, Carolyn Dale | Student | Education, UNCG |
An investigation of performance consistency of intercollegiate and interscholastic basketbal... | 1980 | McDuffie, Richard Adrian | Student | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
An investigation of personality and value characteristics of successful high school band dir... | 1973 | Beaver, Maxie | Student | Music, UNCG |
An investigation of personality characteristics and demographic profiles of women and men in... | 1990 | Robertson, Patricia Elaine | Student | Education, UNCG |
Investigation of plastic crystal and metal-organic framework-based solid-state electrolytes | 2021 | Letfullina, Alla | Student | Nanoscience, UNCG |
An investigation of the possibility of differential effects of color upon human emotions | 1958 | Richmond, Dorothy | Student | Psychology, UNCG |
An investigation of possible relationships between telecourse student success and student su... | 1995 | Schumaker, Mary L. | Student | Education, UNCG |
An investigation of the prediction of success in women's field hockey | 1979 | Chapman, Nancy L. | Student | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
An investigation of the professed characteristics and backgrounds of women in managerial pos... | 1983 | Vincent, Joan Kay | Student | Education, UNCG |
An investigation of a programmed method of beginning reading instruction utilizing phrases a... | 1968 | Higgs, Howard Rutter | Student | Home Economics, UNCG |
An investigation of psychological type and career maturity | 1994 | Freeman, Suzanne Cole | Student | Education, UNCG |
An investigation of the real-problem-solving curriculum in the college general education mat... | 1983 | Treadway, Ray Theodore | Student | Education, UNCG |
An investigation of the recruitment and retention of qualified speech therapists in the Nort... | 1969 | Franklin, Nancy Campbell | Student | Drama and Speech, UNCG |
An investigation of the relationship between aphasia and sensorimotor level cognitive functi... | 1977 | Earle, Patty T. | Student | Home Economics, UNCG |
An investigation of the relationship between the cardiac cost during a basketball game and t... | 1968 | Kerr, Frances Beth | Student | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
An investigation of the relationship between positive and negative assertive behavior | 1976 | Talbert, Elisabeth Elaine | Student | Psychology, UNCG |
An investigation of the relationship of musical aptitude and intelligence of students at the... | 1984 | Webb, Marjorie Nan A. | Student | Music, UNCG |
An investigation of the relationship of oxidized carotenoids to off-odor development in dehy... | 1969 | Cox, Ruby Hurley | Student | Home Economics, UNCG |
Investigation of the relationship of tip extension and cellulase secretion in Neurospora Cra... | 1974 | Goolsby, Kathy Martin | Student | Biology, UNCG |
An investigation of the relationships among leadership styles, occupational stress, and type... | 1989 | Bradford, Norman Charles | Student | Education, UNCG |
An investigation of the relationships between common stressors, brood-signaling, hygienic be... | 2015 | Wagoner, Kaira Malinda | Student | Biology, UNCG |
An investigation of the relationships between Gaston County's instructional management syste... | 1991 | Shellman, David Wayne | Student | Education, UNCG |
An investigation of secondary physical education teachers’ attitudes towards and perceptions... | 2022 | Boone, Natalie | Student | Kinesiology, UNCG |
An Investigation of Self-Concept, Clothing Selection Motivation, and Life Satisfaction among... | 2013 | Watchravesringkan, Kittichai "Tu" | Faculty | Consumer, Apparel, and Retail Studies, UNCG |
An Investigation of Self-Concept, Clothing Selection Motivation, and Life Satisfaction among... | 2013 | Nelson Hodges, Nancy J. | Faculty | Consumer, Apparel, and Retail Studies, UNCG |
An investigation of self-concept, clothing selection, and life satisfaction among disabled c... | 2012 | Chang, Hyo Jung | Student | Consumer, Apparel, and Retail Studies, UNCG |
An investigation of self-concept-as-learner of Native American middle level learners | 1993 | Lowery, Jo Ann | Student | Education, UNCG |
An investigation of self-efficacy and control theory with elite distance runners | 1992 | Martin, Jeffrey John | Student | Health and Human Performance, UNCG |
An investigation of skill test items as measures of golf playing ability | 1973 | Hudson, Agnes Scott | Student | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
An investigation of some refined aspects of tension in painting | 1960 | Salley, Anne Katharine | Student | Art, UNCG |
The investigation of some water--carbohydrate and water--polyhydroxyalcohol systems utilizin... | 1975 | O'Neil, Susan Elizabeth | Student | Chemistry, UNCG |
Investigation of the source of stimulus control as a function of the number of negative trai... | 1972 | Rand, Judith Furber | Student | Psychology, UNCG |
An investigation of the speech and drama curriculum in the community colleges, junior colleg... | 1971 | Nance, Donald Alan | Student | Drama and Speech, UNCG |
Investigation of the technology effects of online travel media on virtual travel experience ... | 2018 | Hickerson, Benjamin | Faculty | Community and Therapeutic Recreation, UNCG |
An investigation of the test-impaired new learning effect with associative recognition | 2016 | Bettencourt, Kathleen M. | Student | Psychology, UNCG |
An investigation of the use of the occluded forehead bone conduction method in a clinical se... | 1972 | Hodges, Sarah Rowland | Student | Drama and Speech, UNCG |
The investigation of variable nernst equilibria on isolated neurons and coupled neurons form... | 2016 | Meier, Stephen R. | Student | Nanoscience and Nanoengineering, UNCG |
An investigation of variables that predict string students’ musical achievement | 2023 | Lofdahl, Heather Ann | Student | School of Music, UNCG |
An Investigation of Women’s Early Career Experiences in the Textile and Apparel Industries | 2010 | Nelson Hodges, Nancy J. | Faculty | Consumer, Apparel, and Retail Studies, UNCG |
An Investigation of Women’s Early Career Experiences in the Textile and Apparel Industries | 2010 | Karpova, Elena | Faculty | Consumer, Apparel, and Retail Studies, UNCG |
An investigation on computer-adaptive multistage testing panels for multidimensional assessm... | 2013 | Wang, Xinrui | Student | Educational Research, Measurement, and Evaluation, UNCG |
Investigations in drawing and painting | 1975 | Abbott, Janet Newsome | Student | Art, UNCG |
Investigations in the synthesis of isocarbacyclin analogs involving transition metal catalys... | 2013 | Gettys, Kristen Elizabeth | Student | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Investing the "time" in time-based prospective memory | 2011 | Waldum, Emily Rose | Student | Psychology, UNCG |
Investments in R&D and innovative behavior: an exploratory cross-country study | 2021 | Link, Albert N. | Faculty | Economics, UNCG |
The Invisible Industry: Resources for Supporting Cannabis Entrepreneurs (Entrepreneurship & ... | 2021 | Cramer, Steve | Faculty | University Libraries, UNCG |
Invisible to visible, unheard to heard: African American principals leading high priority sc... | 2014 | Wilkerson, Reginald DeVan | Student | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Invited Commentary on Brown, Potoski, and Van Slyke, “Managing Public Service Contracts: Ali... | 2006 | DeHoog, Ruth H. | Faculty | Political Science, UNCG |
An involvement with the dreaming face | 1974 | Elliott, Carmen Alma | Student | Art, UNCG |
Involving Latina/o parents in patient-centered outcomes research: Contributions to research ... | 2017 | Stein, Gabriela L. | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
Ion mobility mass spectrometry of isomeric RNA biomarkers | 2018 | Mwangi, Joseph Njoroge | Student | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Ionic modulation of QPX stability as a nano - switch regulating gene expression in neurons | 2016 | Baghaee, Ravari Soodeh | Student | Joint School of Nanoscience and Nanoengineering, UNCG |
The Irascibles: Painters Against the Museum (New York, 1950) [book review] | 2021 | Murphy, Maggie | Faculty | University Libraries, UNCG |
Iridium Complexes as Hydrosilylation Catalysts | 1985 | Nile, Terence "Terry" | Faculty | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Iris series | 1972 | Moore, Cynthia Cox | Student | Art, UNCG |
Irish radicals, southern conservatives: slavery, religious liberty, and the Presbyterian fri... | 2011 | Moore, Joseph S. | Student | History, UNCG |
The Irish theatre of Brian Friel : texts and contexts | 1992 | Dennis, Mary Kate Lowrey | Student | English, UNCG |
Iron carbonyl catalyzed rearrangement of BICYCLO[6.1.0]nonene systems | 1977 | Dasher, Luther Winfield | Student | Chemistry, UNCG |
Iron chelator deferoxamine alters iron-regulatory genes and proteins and suppresses osteobla... | 2010 | Kipp, Deborah E. | Faculty | Nutrition, UNCG |
Iron deficiency alters dopamine transporter functioning in rat striatum | 2000 | Erikson, Keith M. | Faculty | Nutrition, UNCG |
Iron Deficiency Decreases dopamine D1 and D2 receptors in rat brain | 2001 | Erikson, Keith M. | Faculty | Nutrition, UNCG |
Iron Deficiency in Young Rats Alters the Distribution of Vitamin A between Plasma and Liver ... | 1999 | Erikson, Keith M. | Faculty | Nutrition, UNCG |
Iron overload alters iron-regulatory genes and proteins, down-regulates osteoblastic phenoty... | 2009 | Kipp, Deborah E. | Faculty | Nutrition, UNCG |
Iron overload alters iron-regulatory genes and proteins, down-regulates osteoblastic phenoty... | 2009 | Erikson, Keith M. | Faculty | Nutrition, UNCG |
"Is anyone there?": Using Discord to facilitate networking and discussion at virtual confere... | 2020 | Klein, Jo | Faculty | University Libraries, UNCG |
Is Aristotle's Account of Incontinence Inconsistent? | 1975 | McConnell, Terrance C. | Faculty | Philosophy, UNCG |
Is the chain of command working for you? | 2013 | Crumpton, Michael | Faculty | University Libraries, UNCG |
Is creativity domain-specific? Latent class models of creative accomplishments and creative ... | 2008 | Silvia, Paul | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
Is culturally-based prevention effective? Results from a 3-year tribal substance use prevent... | 2018 | Kelley, Allyson L. | Faculty | Public Health Education, UNCG |
Is High School Employment Consumption or Investment? | 1997 | Ruhm, Christopher J | Faculty | Economics, UNCG |
Is in-class physical activity at risk in constructivist physical education? | 2007 | Ennis, Catherine D. | Faculty | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Is in-class physical activity at risk in constructivist physical education? | 2007 | Chen, Ang | Faculty | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Is Individually-Targeted Food Assistance Shared among Family Members? | 2013 | Ribar, David C. | Faculty | Economics, UNCG |
Is Individually-Targeted Food Assistance Shared among Family Members? | 2013 | Woodward, Jonathan Veness | Faculty | Economics, UNCG |
Is it testimony or trait? Understanding children’s preferences for informants | 2019 | Croce, Rachel C. | Student | Psychology, UNCG |
Is the leadership in the black church complicit in the perpetuation of dominance and oppress... | 2009 | Gillespie, Robin Rachelle Cox | Student | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
Is the Me Too movement influencing a shift towards carceral feminism? | 2021 | Moberly, Elizabeth Carter | Student | Sociology, UNCG |
Is Moral Obligation Objective or Subjective? | 2006 | Zimmerman, Michael | Faculty | Philosophy , UNCG |
Is the plausibility account of the illusion of truth effect plausible? | 2019 | Chang, Yoojin | Student | Psychology, UNCG |
Is Playing Video Games Related to Cognitive Abilities? | 2015 | Kane, Michael J. | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
Is the ‘Post-’ in Postwar the ‘Post-’ in Postmodern?: Rethinking Japan’s Modernity in Works... | 2010 | Takagi, Chiaki | Faculty | English, UNCG |
Is Privacy Dead? | 2020 | Kshetri, Nir B. | Faculty | Management, UNCG |
Is Real-Time Pricing Green? The Environmental Impacts of Electricity Demand Variance | 2008 | Holland, Stephen P. | Faculty | Economics, UNCG |
Is Science Learning Magic? | 2012 | Marcovitch, Stuart | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
Is self-determination still important? What seasoned social workers are saying. | 2006 | Floyd-Pickard, Melissa | Faculty | Social Work, UNCG |
Is Sensation Seeking a Stable Trait or Does it Change Over Time? | 2011 | Nichols, Tracy R. | Faculty | Public Health Education, UNCG |
Is a stimulus associated with the escape from shock a positive or negative reinforcer? Study... | 1967 | Wahlsten, Douglas | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
Is a stimulus associated with the escape from shock a positive or negative reinforcer?: Stud... | 1967 | Wahlsten, Douglas | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
Is there an advantage of emergingness? A politico-regulatory perspective | 2021 | Mallon, Mark R. | Faculty | Management, UNCG |
Is there a relationship between accelerometer- assessed physical activity and sedentary beha... | 2017 | Echeverría, Sandra E. | Faculty | Public Health Education, UNCG |
Is There Room for Peace Studies in a Future-Centered War-Fighting Curriculum? | 2014 | Schmitz, Cathryne L. | Faculty | Social Work, UNCG |
Is this a quality journal to publish in? How can you tell? | 2016 | Craft, Anna R. | Faculty | University Libraries, UNCG |
Is an understanding of moral obligation associated with the moral virtue gratitude? | 2016 | Mendonca, Sara Ann Etz | Student | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Is Wal-Mart Good for America? Retailer Plays Tough but by the Rules | 2004 | Brod, Andrew C. | Faculty | Economics, UNCG |
Isaac in the Eucharist | 2002 | Rogers, Eugene F. | Faculty | Religious Studies, UNCG |
Isang Yun's musical bilingualism: serial technique and Korean elements in Fünf Stücke für Kl... | 2012 | Lee, Ko Eun | Student | Music, UNCG |
Islam and the African Diaspora in the Indian Ocean World | 2010 | Ali, Omar H. | Faculty | African American & African Diaspora Studies, UNCG |
Islamic Frontiers, Real and Imagined. | 2005 | Eger, A. Asa | Faculty | History, UNCG |
Island communities and disaster resilience: Applying the EnRiCH community resilience framewo... | 2021 | Snyder, Audrey | Faculty | Family and Community Nursing, UNCG |
Isn’t it just so my right?: Women repossessing breastfeeding. | 2008 | Smith, Paige Hall | Faculty | Public Health Education, UNCG |
Isochromenones, isobenzofuranone, and tetrahydronaphthalenes produced by Paraphoma radicina,... | 2014 | Oberlies, Nicholas | Faculty | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Isochromenones, isobenzofuranone, and tetrahydronaphthalenes produced by Paraphoma radicina,... | 2014 | Raja, Huzefa A. | Faculty | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Isochromenones, isobenzofuranone, and tetrahydronaphthalenes produced by Paraphoma radicina,... | 2014 | Figueroa Saldivar, Mario | Faculty | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Isokinetic Strength of the Trunk and Hip in Female Runners | 1991 | Perrin, David H. | Faculty | Office of the Provost, UNCG |
Isolating Metamemory Deficits in the Self-Regulated Learning of Adults With ADHD | 2012 | Anastopoulos, Arthur D. | Faculty | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Isolation and Identification of Intestinal CYP3A Inhibitors from Cranberry (Vaccinium macroc... | 2010 | Oberlies, Nicholas | Faculty | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Isolation and Identification of Intestinal CYP3A Inhibitors from Cranberry (Vaccinium macroc... | 2010 | Graf, Tyler | Faculty | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Isolation and Identification of Intestinal CYP3A Inhibitors from Cranberry (Vaccinium macroc... | 2010 | Sy-Cordero, Arlene | Faculty | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Isolation of auxotrophic mutants of the blue-green bacterium, Anacystis nidulans, and Isolat... | 1977 | Spivey, David Lee | Student | Biology, UNCG |
Isolation of fungal secondary metabolites: leporin B, benzoisoquinoline and related compound... | 2017 | Turner, Franklin L. | Student | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Isolation of novel naphthoquinones from fungal strain MSX53507, Cladorrhinum sp. | 2019 | Gallagher, Jacklyn M. | Student | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Isolation, Semisynthesis, Covalent Docking and Transforming Growth Factor Beta-Activated Kin... | 2015 | Reggio, Patricia H. | Faculty | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Isolation, Semisynthesis, Covalent Docking and Transforming Growth Factor Beta-Activated Kin... | 2015 | Oberlies, Nicholas | Faculty | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Isolation, Semisynthesis, Covalent Docking and Transforming Growth Factor Beta-Activated Kin... | 2015 | Croatt, Mitchell | Faculty | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Isolation, Semisynthesis, Covalent Docking and Transforming Growth Factor Beta-Activated Kin... | 2015 | Hurst, Dow P. | Faculty | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Isolation, Semisynthesis, Covalent Docking and Transforming Growth Factor Beta-Activated Kin... | 2015 | El-Elimat, Tamam M. | Faculty | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Isolation, Semisynthesis, Covalent Docking and Transforming Growth Factor Beta-Activated Kin... | 2015 | Pearce, Cedric J | Faculty | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Isomer-Specific Regulation of Metabolism and PPARy Signaling by CLA in Human Preadipocytes | 2003 | McIntosh, Michael K. | Faculty | Nutrition, UNCG |
Isomer-Specific Regulation of Metabolism and PPARy Signaling by CLA in Human Preadipocytes | 2003 | Morrison, Ron F. | Faculty | Nutrition, UNCG |
Isometric Knee-Extension and Knee-Flexion Torque Production During Early Follicular and Post... | 2010 | Shultz, Sandra J. | Faculty | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Isosilibinin Inhibits Advanced Human Prostate Cancer Growth in Athymic Nude Mice: Comparison... | 2008 | Oberlies, Nicholas | Faculty | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Isosilybin B and isosilybin A inhibit growth, induce G1 arrest and cause apoptosis in human ... | 2007 | Oberlies, Nicholas | Faculty | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Isosilybin B causes androgen receptor degradation in human prostate carcinoma cells via PI3K... | 2008 | Oberlies, Nicholas | Faculty | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Isosilybin A Induces Apoptosis in Human Prostate Cancer Cells Via Targeting Akt, NF-kappaB, ... | 2010 | Oberlies, Nicholas | Faculty | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Isotopic labeling of the heme cofactor in cytochrome p450 and other heme proteins. | 2011 | Raner, Gregory M. | Faculty | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Isotopic labeling of the heme cofactor in cytochrome p450 and other heme proteins. | 2011 | Bryson, David Irby | Faculty | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Isotopic labeling of the heme cofactor in cytochrome p450 and other heme proteins. | 2011 | Manjunath, Sandhya C. | Faculty | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Isotopic labeling of heme in dehaloperoxidase and CYP102A2 for NMR studies | 2007 | Bryson, David Irby | Student | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Isotopic probe for spectroscopic studies of heme | 2009 | Manjunath, Sandhya C. | Student | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Israeli acute paralysis virus impact on Apis mellifera queens’ attractiveness, transmission ... | 2016 | Zuluaga Smith, Wendy Kendy | Student | Biology, UNCG |
Issues and problems of Cuban identity and acculturation | 1985 | Colmenero, Jose Antonio | Student | Education, UNCG |
Issues in training family scientists | 1995 | Demo, David H. | Faculty | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Issues influencing medication adherence in Black women with hypertension | 2011 | Abel, Willie M. | Student | Nursing, UNCG |
Isthmus | 2008 | Goff, Peter | Student | Studio Art, UNCG |
“It Changed Our Lives”: Activism, Science, and Greening the Community | 2010 | Tan, Edna | Faculty | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
IT in the Chinese Healthcare Industry | 2013 | Kshetri, Nir B. | Faculty | Management, UNCG |
It is so ordered : the storytelling power of the United States Supreme Court | 2023 | Ellison, Kristie L. | Student | English, UNCG |
It is. It is not: a composition for narrator and electronics | 2020 | Sirvent, Maria Lihuen | Student | School of Music, UNCG |
It Only Hurts When I Flame: Civil Rights vs. Civility Rights on the Information Superhighway... | 1994 | Carmichael, James V. | Faculty | Library and Information Studies, UNCG |
IT outsourcing and firm-level performance: A transaction cost perspective | 2009 | Ford, Eric W. | Faculty | Business Administration, UNCG |
"It Seems that Everyone in My Family Loses Their Hearing!" Results of a Study of Hereditary ... | 1994 | Phillips, Susan L. | Faculty | Communication Sciences and Disorders, UNCG |
It Starts by Asking the Right Questions-Meeting the Needs of the Hispanic Community in Publi... | 2020 | Chow, Anthony Shong-Yu | Faculty | Library and Information Studies, UNCG |
It Starts by Asking the Right Questions-Meeting the Needs of the Hispanic Community in Publi... | 2020 | Velez, LaTesha | Faculty | Library and Information Science, UNCG |
“It takes fire to make steel”: Stories of two African American males finding purpose through... | 2015 | Borders, L. DiAnne | Faculty | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
“It takes fire to make steel”: Stories of two African American males finding purpose through... | 2015 | Gonzalez, Laura McLaughlin | Faculty | Higher Education, UNCG |
It Takes Three to Enhance: A Pilot Study of Collaboration in the Basic Course | 2017 | McCall, Jessica Delk | Faculty | Communication Studies, UNCG |
It Takes Three to Enhance: A Pilot Study of Collaboration in the Basic Course | 2017 | Ellis-Harrison, Erin | Faculty | University Speaking Center, UNCG |
It Takes Three to Enhance: A Pilot Study of Collaboration in the Basic Course | 2017 | Murphy, Maggie | Faculty | University Libraries, UNCG |
It Takes Two to Tango: How Relational Investments Improve IT-Outsourcing Relationships | 2010 | Mehta, Nikhil | Faculty | Information Systems and Supply Chain Management, UNCG |
It Takes A Village to Raise an Andy: A Low-Fi Portrait | 2007 | Hall, Peggy Ann | Student | Liberal Studies, UNCG |
It Takes a Village: The Seeds That Grow the Librarian [Poster] | 2023 | Jacobs, Candace | Faculty | Research, Outreach, and Instruction, UNCG |
‘It’s all good’: Children’s personality attributions after repeated success and failure in p... | 2009 | Boseovski, Janet J. | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
“It’s complicated” : Black people who are social justice oriented and have a tension-filled ... | 2024 | Ferguson, Josette Ruth | Student | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
It’s the Economy, Maybe: Economists Predict Presidential Winner | 2004 | Brod, Andrew C. | Faculty | Economics, UNCG |
It’s more than a shoe shine – you’re touching lives. | 2007 | Shattell, Mona M. | Faculty | Nursing, UNCG |
It’s not easy being green – the Politics and Issues of Establishing a Green Environment. | 2009 | Williams, Beth Filar | Faculty | University Libraries, UNCG |
It’s Not Too Late—Yet—to Counteract Global Warming | 2007 | Brod, Andrew C. | Faculty | Economics, UNCG |
It’s not what you say, it’s how many different ways you can say it: Links between divergent ... | 2004 | Nichols, Tracy R. | Faculty | Public Health Education, UNCG |
It’s Time to Deregulate Taxi Service at Piedmont Triad Airport | 2001 | Brod, Andrew C. | Faculty | Economics, UNCG |
It’s Time to Turn Government Action Toward Inner City | 1999 | Brod, Andrew C. | Faculty | Economics, UNCG |
Item parameter changes and equating: an examination of the effects of lack of item parameter... | 2013 | Store, Davie | Student | Educational Research, Measurement, and Evaluation, UNCG |
Item-Specific Encoding Produces an Additional Benefit of Directed Forgetting : Evidence From... | 2010 | Delaney, Peter F. | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
Item-Specific Encoding Produces an Additional Benefit of Directed Forgetting : Evidence From... | 2010 | Sahakyan, Lili | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
The itinerant justices of Henry II | 1965 | Preimats, Rudite | Student | History, UNCG |
It's a Bird! It's a Plane! It's a. . . Stereogram! | 1995 | Matthews, Catherine E. | Faculty | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
It's deja vu all over again : the failure of educational reform in Reagan's America | 1991 | Smith, Penny | Student | Education, UNCG |
"It's just different for women": exploring the post-military development of female veterans ... | 2016 | Mathwig, Amber M. | Student | Women's and Gender Studies, UNCG |
"It's the People that Make the Environment Good or Bad:" The Patient's Experience of the Acu... | 2005 | Shattell, Mona M. | Faculty | Nursing, UNCG |
"It's work, work, work, work": Young people's experiences of effort and engagement in dance | 2007 | Stinson, Susan W. | Faculty | Dance, UNCG |