Heather Moorefield-Lang

Heather Moorefield-Lang has long been interested in how technologies can enhance instruction in libraries and classrooms. Her current research focuses on makerspaces in libraries of all types.

There are 33 included publications by Heather Moorefield-Lang :

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
3-D printing in your libraries and classrooms 2014 804 3-D printing creates physical items or objects from digital data. This type of printing starts with an electronic file and turns it into a physical item through the use of a 3-D printer, making the imagined real--or, at least, real via built-up layer...
ABLE: An instrument for assessing elementary students’ perceptions of access to books, beliefs, and literacy environment 2015 1308 In order to promote voluntary reading in elementary school, students need to have access to books they want to read, to believe they can read, and to be in an environment conducive to reading. The purpose of this study was to develop and validate an ...
Accessibility in online course design 2019 343 When designing online instruction, whether it’s a course for K–12 or higher education, a webinar, a YouTube video for education, or professional development training, accessibility is crucial to the conversation. In chapter 3 of Library Technology Re...
Accessing abilities: Creating innovative accessible online learning environments and putting quality into practice 2016 1663 This conceptual paper will discuss how faculty from The School of Library and Information Science at The University of South Carolina partnered with their university’s Center for Teaching Excellence. This partnership resulted in the facilitation of p...
Arts voices: Middle school students and the relationships of the arts to their motivation and self-efficacy 2010 1047 This study explores the question "Does arts education have a relationship to eighth-grade ruralmiddle school students' motivation and self-efficacy?" Student questionnaires, focus-groupinterviews, and follow-up interviews were data collection methods...
Change in the making: Makerspaces and the ever-changing landscape of libraries 2015 3041 Makerspaces and accompanying technologies are exciting new services being offered in libraries. However, these come with their own challenges and successes. Training for maker learning locations continues to be difficult to obtain. Inservice libraria...
Delivering the message: Disseminating information and professional development in the field of librarianship through technology 2017 878 PurposeThe purpose of this paper is to describe the use of podcasts, online radio broadcasts, YouTube channels, and other technology medium to deliver information and professional development to peers in the field and professionals in librarianship.D...
Embracing the Future 2015 201 In April 2015, the iPad turned five years old. For those of us in libraries, the tablet revolution sparked by the iPad ushered in a period of excitement and exploration (see AL, Mar./Apr. 2013, p. 20). We wondered how tablets might change the way we ...
Engaging students with AASL’s best websites for teaching and learning 2012 415 The American Association of School Librarians (AASL) Best Websites for Teaching andLearning Committee created its first list of 25 winning websites in the summer of 2009. Whenthe committee originated as a task force in 2008, it was charged with honor...
Equitable Access and Makerspaces [Slides] 2017 368 Powerpoint slides from the closing keynote presentation for the Library 2.0 Virtual Conference with San Jose University in October, 2017. The focus of this presentation was equity for all users in makerspaces across all libraries and library spaces....
Factors influencing intention to introduce accessibility in makerspace planning and implementation 2020 1183 Makerspaces continue to grow in popularity in public, academic, and school libraries. As makerspaces are included in library services, accessibility for all users is important. What motivates a school librarian to implement a makerspace accessible to...
Go graphic: Create your own comics 2013 608 The article presents information on several online tools that can be used for creation of comics and graphic novels and their usage in teaching practices. It mentions that the websites help students in creation of characters, dialogues, and various s...
How to make a maker librarian 2019 367 Makerspaces are simply a location for open-exploration, tinkering, problem solving, and critical thinking for all. This definition and idea ties in well to the focus of the Knowledge School. Makerspaces and the librarians who work in them aim at bein...
Instruction on the go: Reaching out to students from the academic library 2015 1462 The purpose of this paper is to describe how a series of one-shot or single class library instruction webinars were created for on-campus and distance education students at Virginia Tech, a land grant institution in rural southwestern Virginia. Virgi...
Intentional integration of tablets and mobile devices into library services 2015 242 Chapter 1 of Library Technology Reports (vol. 51, no. 7) “Mobile Devices: Service with Intention,” introduces the focus of using mobile devices and tablets in library service with intent and assessment, identifying common themes of the five case stud...
Keeping Your Digital Legacy Safe 2020 415 Chapter 6 of Library Technology Reports (vol. 56, no. 5), “Digital Legacy,” focuses on cybersecurity and digital legacy. We as digital citizens go to great lengths to keep our information secure and safe. Librarians and educators train students and p...
Learners’ legacies as digital citizens 2020 353 I first heard the term digital legacy about a decade ago. I was having lunch with a friend who worked as a freelance writer. She wrote articles for a wide range of publications. During our lunch, the conversation turned to technology, and she asked m...
Lessons learned: intentional implementation of second makerspaces 2018 1576 Purpose – What happens when a librarian outgrows their maker learning location or transfers to a new library? The purpose of this study is to explore the planning process for second and/or new library makerspaces. Is the planning more intentional? Is...
Libraries and the rift: Oculus Rift and 4D devices in libraries 2015 779 Oculus Rift is a headset device that goes over the eyes; created with immersive gaming in mind, the Oculus Rift gives the user a four-dimensional experience. This isn't the same as watching 3D television; this is a headset created to take peripheral ...
Makers in the library: Case studies of 3d printers and maker spaces in library settings 2014 1292 Purpose– The purpose of this paper is to describe the implementation of 3D printing and maker spaces in various library settings. Insights, challenges, successes, projects as well as recommendations will be shared. Commonalities across libraries 3D p...
Makerspaces for all: serving LGBTQ makers in school libraries 2018 1649 The article discusses makerspace that is defined by Laura Fleming as a metaphor for a uniquelearning environment that encourages tinkering, play, and open-ended exploration for all. Itmentions that makerspaces are considered safe spaces for LGBTQ you...
Makerspaces in the High School Setting: The Student Perspective 2019 2393 Makerspaces, also sometimes known as fab labs or hackerspaces, are locations where students and patrons can produce, craft, solve problems, collaborate, and develop new skills (Preddy, 2013). The purpose of this study is to provide a look into the pe...
Makerspaces, Libraries, and Information [Slides] 2017 417 Powerpoint slides from a keynote presentation for the PA Forward Information Literacy Summit in July, 2017. The focus of this presentation was based on how makerspaces can be integrated with the process of information literacy in libraries for resear...
Putting the citizen in science 2013 388 Ask your students to name a scientist, and you will get many answers: Albert Einstein, Marie Curie, Jane Goodall, or, perhaps. Bill Nye, the Science Guy. The word "scientist" generally conjures up visions of white-coated individuals in laboratories w...
Redefining technology in libraries and schools: AASL best apps, best websites, and the SAMR model 2013 3246 Students can have varying levels of engagement with technology in the classroom. At what levelis technology being used to enhance student learning, and at what level is it being used to trulytransform education? The authors of this article introduce ...
Rhythmatical: A game to combine music and mathematics for mobile devices 2011 1386 Rhythmatical was designed to be an educational application for the iPhone and iPod Touch that conveyed mathematical topics via musical, rhythmic, or movement interactive techniques. Created by a team of professors, a librarian, students, and members ...
Student-faculty collaborative research: A qualitative study of experiences with authorship determination process 2011 1261 Mentoring students through collaborative research can be an effective method for cultivating student development as scholars; but negotiating the division of responsibilities and recognition may be difficult due to the inherent complexities of the re...
The tao of tablets 2013 252 The following studies are included in full in our Library Technology Report on tablets. * Librarians at McGill University held workshops to help faculty and students use their tablets and other mobile devices effectively and innovatively. * At San Di...
These aren’t your father’s funny papers: The new world of digital graphic novels 2012 522 Internet usage has grown exponentially, thanks, in part, to the increasing popularity of handheld devices, such as cell phones, tablet computers, and e-readers. Today's 21st-century children and teens are surrounded by a mediasphere of visual and tex...
User agreements and makerspaces: a content analysis 2015 2102 Abstract– The purpose of this paper is to analyze the user agreements of makerspaces in public and academic libraries. User agreements, also known as maker agreements, user forms and liability forms, can be very important documents between library pa...
What we learned along the way: Librarian experiences from k-12 and how they aid in university library instruction 2013 1215 This article shares the perspectives of two former high school and middle school librarians who moved into academic libraries. The move from the K–12 sector to higher education offered them unique insights into working with first-year students as the...
When makerspaces go mobile: case studies of transportable maker locations 2015 2833 Purpose– The purpose of this paper is to describe the implementation of mobile makerspaces in libraries and educational settings. Insights, decisions, challenges, and mobile makerspace projects will also be shared.Design/methodology/approach– This pa...
The World of a Librarian [Slides] 2018 463 Powerpoint slides from a keynote presentation for the South Carolina Association of School Librarians (SCASL) in March 2018. Presentation focused on the role of the school librarian and all of the shoes that a librarian must fill in a school (technol...