Lakshmi S. Iyer

Professional interests: Business processes, electronic commerce

There are 21 included publications by Lakshmi S. Iyer :

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
Agents in E-Supply Chains: Realizing the potential of intelligent infomediary-based e-marketplaces 2005 1498 Supply chain management is a common strategy employed by businesses to improve organizational processes by optimizing the transfer of goods, information, and services between buyers and suppliers in the value chain [6]. Organizational value chains ro...
AIS Women’s Network: Advancing Women in IS Academia 2016 1138 This paper highlights the efforts to support female academics in the information systems (IS) discipline over recent years. The development of the AIS task force on women in IS and the formation of the AIS Women’s Network have been significant initia...
Assessing EIS Benefits: A Survey of Current Practices 1996 760 In order to explore what benefits are being realized from executive information systems (EISs), the kinds of benefit/cost analyses being performed, and the factors that affect whether and how a benefit/cost analysis is conducted, mail survey data wer...
Build Your Dream (not just Big) Analytics Program 2015 1018 This paper reports on a panel discussion held at AMCIS 2014 and subsequent panel member research and findings. We focus on curriculum design, program development, and sustainability in business analytics (BA) in higher education. We address some of t...
Business Analytics in the Context of Big Data: A Roadmap for Research 2015 6601 This paper builds on academic and industry discussions from the 2012 and 2013 pre-ICIS events: BI Congress III and the Special Interest Group on Decision Support Systems (SIGDSS) workshop, respectively. Recognizing the potential of “big data” to offe...
The Current State of Business Intelligence in Academia: The Arrival of Big Data 2014 521 In December 2012, the AIS Special Interest Group on Decision Support, Knowledge and Data Management Systems (SIGDSS) and the Teradata University Network (TUN) cosponsored the Business Intelligence Congress 3 and conducted surveys to assess academia’s...
An Experimental Investigation of Regulatory Orientation and Post-Choice Regret in Online Product Selection 2012 938 Delivering product information effectively is fundamental to customer satisfaction and e-retailer success. In this study we examine the way in which the presentation of online customer reviews in peer endorsement systems (PES) impact perceptions of p...
Facilitating Global E-Commerce: A Comparison of Consumers’ Willingness to Disclose Personal Information Online in the U.S. and in India 2010 604 Consumers’ privacy and security concerns are magnified as companies rely on worldwide networks for electronic commerce. Global businesses that can persuade consumers to disclose their personal information online are more likely to provide better serv...
Global E-Commerce: Rationale, Digital Divide, and Strategies To Bridge The Divide 2014 4510 The Internet revolution is sweeping the globe with such swiftness that companies around the world are trying to understand what is occurring, what it all means, where it is going, and how to leverage this new opportunity. In spite of the global natur...
Intelligent Agents to Support Information Sharing in B2B E-Marketplaces 2005 3642 This article proposes an architecture to support information and knowledge exchange between collaborating business partners. The focus is on knowledge representation and exchange by intelligent agents to support collaborative business functions throu...
Knowledge Management: Practices and Challenges 2000 11921 Knowledge management (KM) is a process that deals with the development, storage, retrieval, and dissemination of information and expertise within an organization to support and improve its business performance. Organizations are realizing that knowle...
Knowledge Warehouse: An Architectural Integration of Knowledge Management, Decision Support, Artificial Intelligence and Data Warehousing 2002 4564 Decision support systems (DSS) are becoming increasingly more critical to the daily operation of organizations. Data warehousing, an integral part of this, provides an infrastructure that enables businesses to extract, cleanse, and store vast amounts...
A Multi-Case Investigation of Electronic Health Record Implementation in Small- and Medium-Size Physician Practices 2014 2186 The American healthcare system has undergone significant changes as health information technology (HIT) has evolved. According to the Institute of Medicine (IOM, 2001), “Automation of clinical, financial, and administrative transactions is essential ...
A Parallel Branch-and-Bound Method for Cluster Analysis 1999 899 Cluster analysis is a generic term coined for procedures that are used objectively to group entities based on their similarities and differences. The primary objective of these procedures is to group n items into K mutually exclusive clusters so that...
Performance, scalability and reliability issues in web applications 2005 3955 Purpose– The primary purpose of this paper is to present a comprehensive strategy for performance, reliability and scalability (PSR) testing of multi-tier web applications.Design/methodology/approach– The strategy for PSR testing is presented primari...
Secure activity resource coordination: empirical evidence of enhanced security awareness in designing secure business processes 2008 3205 Systems development methodologies incorporate security requirements as an afterthought in the non-functional requirements of systems. The lack of appropriate access control on information exchange among business activities can leave organizations vul...
The Semantic eBusiness Vision 2005 1881 Much work is required to understand how the conceptualizations that comprise business processes across the extended enterprise can be captured, represented, shared, and processed by both human and intelligent software agents. This effort will ultimat...
A Study of Knowledge Management Practices using Grounded Theory Approach 2000 1645 Knowledge Management (KM) is an emerging methodology that harnesses an organization's largely untapped resource, knowledge, not only to sustain competitive advantage but also to become innovative. Since knowledge is a crucial resource, it should be m...
Trust in E-Commerce. 2005 4249 Web-based businesses succeed by cultivating consumers’ trust, starting with their beliefs, attitudes, intentions, and willingness to perform transactions at Web sites and with the organizations behind them.
Using Interest Graphs to Predict Rich-Media Diffusion in Content-Based Online Social Networks 2015 1992 Rich-media, pictures, and videos, are becoming an increasingly important aspect of online social networks. Unlike social networks, where users are connected primarily because of being friends, peers, or co-workers, content-based networks build connec...
Web service for knowledge management in e-marketplaces 2003 3140 A common strategic initiative of organizations engaged in electronic business (e-business) is the development of synergistic relations with collaborating value-chain partners to deliver their value proposition to customers. This requires the transpar...