Are School Library Websites Age-Appropriate? Cognitive and Affective Information Seeking Domains of Youth. |
2011 |
1600 |
PowerPoint slides from a paper presented at the North Carolina School Library Media Association Annual Conference, October 6-8, Winston Salem, NC. Presentation discusses a UNCG study of how school library websites compare to recommended best practice... |
Changing Times, Changing Requirements: Implications for LIS Education |
2011 |
2701 |
The purpose of the study is to identify how library and information studies educators are refining curricula to ensure students are learning the knowledge and skills necessary to work in our rapidly changing field. This study, utilizing a mixed-metho... |
A Collective Voice and Vision: Charlotte Mecklenburg Library Staff Needs Assessment [Slides] |
2013 |
647 |
Slides of a presentation delivered at the North Carolina Library Association’s Bi-annual Conference, October 15-18, 2013, Winston Salem, NC.Internal needs assessment of library staff and strategic planning. |
College students' perceived threat and preference for seeking help in traditional, distributed and distance learning environments |
2007 |
7652 |
The purpose of the present study was to examine how college students' help seeking behavior varied across different instructional learning environments. Four hundred and seventy four (N = 472) students enrolled in distance, distributed, and tradition... |
A community considers a Family Justice Center: perspectives of stakeholders during the early phases of development |
2014 |
3236 |
Purpose– Family Justice Centers, or “one-stop shops” that enable domestic violence victims to access a range of services at one location, are becoming increasingly common. However, there is a limited body of research examining the outcomes and planni... |
Designing Age-Appropriate School Library Websites: Why, What, Whom, and How |
2012 |
817 |
A paper to be presented at the NCTIES Conference, March 7th – 9th, 2012, Raleigh, NC.What makes a great school library website? |
Designing the Future: Public Library Community Needs Analysis and Strategic Planning [Slides] |
2013 |
781 |
Slides from presentation delivered at the North Carolina Library Association’s Bi-annual Conference, October 15-18, 2013, Winston Salem, NC.State Library of North Carolina Pilot Project. Need for standardizing community needs analysis. |
Designing a Responsive e-Learning Infrastructure: Systemic Change in Higher Education [Slides] |
2014 |
816 |
Slides from a presentation delivered at the Association for Educational Communications and Technology Annual Conference, November 5th -8th, Jacksonville, FL."A mid-sized university in the southeastern US is preparing for increased e-Learning opportun... |
Developing an Effective e-Learning Infrastructure: Ends, Means, and Processes [Slides] |
2013 |
1539 |
Slides of a presentation presented at the SLOAN International Conference, November 20-22, Orlando, FL."A mid-sized university in the southeastern US is preparing its faculty for increased e-Learning opportunities." |
Domestic Violence Service Providers’ Needs and Perceptions of Technology: A Qualitative Study |
2015 |
3662 |
There is growing recognition of the need to better understand the intersections between the work of domestic violence service providers and technology. Professionals who work with clients impacted by domestic violence are increasingly using technolog... |
Domestic Violence Service Providers’ Technology Readiness and Information Needs |
2015 |
3853 |
Technology-based applications hold promise as effective, efficient means of disseminating research- and practice-based information to professionals whose work relates to domestic violence. Other related uses of technology in the field have grown, inc... |
Educational informatics: designing performance-based measurement systems for rapid response learning environments. |
2011 |
4183 |
This study examines the design and preliminary implementation of a performance data system which utilizes the science of informatics in an educational systemic change setting. Collectively referred to as educational informatics, this performance data... |
For Service or Profit: How come our library café is not profitable? A Case Study of a Downtown Public Library Cafe. |
2011 |
7399 |
PowerPoint slides from a A paper presented at the bi-annual North Carolina Library Association conference, October 5-8, Hickory, NC. Presentation examines one library cafe to determine how the goals of the cafe align with that of the larger organizat... |
Hearing Silent Voices: Connecting to the Spanish-Speaking Community [Slides] |
2013 |
760 |
Slides of a presentation delivered at the North Carolina Library Association’s Bi-annual Conference, October 15-18, 2013, Winston Salem, NC."Issues in understanding the Spanish-speaking community." |
How am I Doing? School Librarian Self-Efficacy and Gauging Relationships with Other School Stakeholders. |
2012 |
1352 |
Power Point slides from a paper paper presented at the North Carolina School Library Media Association Annual Conference, October 6-8, Winston Salem, NC. The presentation discussed a case study of 4 school libraries that introduced strategic planning... |
The Ideal Qualities and Tasks of Library Leaders: Perspectives of Academic, Public, School, and Special Library Administrators |
2013 |
9605 |
Our study examines the results of 114 interviews with academic, public, school media, and special library administrators collected over a one-year period in North Carolina. Preliminary results suggest that there is a core set of traits shared by admi... |
The Impact of Computer Augmented Online Learning and Assessment |
2005 |
1881 |
The purpose of the study was to investigate the impact of an experimental online learning tool on student performance. By applying cognitive load theory to online learning, the experimental tool used was designed to minimize cognitive load during the... |
Impacting Perceptions of Practitioners for a Refined Understanding of Educational Systemic Change through a Practitioner Focused On-line Presence [Slides] |
2013 |
684 |
Slides of a presentation delivered at the Association for Educational Communications and Technology Annual Conference, October 30-Nov. 2, Anaheim, CA."What would it be like if practitioners and community members had an understanding of educational sy... |
Information-Seeking Behavior and Reference Medium Preferences |
2012 |
3954 |
The article looks at the differences in information seeking behavior among faculty, staff, and students at a university in the southeastern United States and what it means for library reference support strategies. The number of individuals using publ... |
It Starts by Asking the Right Questions-Meeting the Needs of the Hispanic Community in Public Libraries |
2020 |
1784 |
Mecklenburg County, North Carolina has seen exponential growth in its Hispanic population. Recognizing that this growth requires the public library to reinvent itself to meet the needs of Hispanic patrons, the research team surveyed Spanish-speaking ... |
Library Design & Technology. |
2012 |
2085 |
PowerPoint slides from a presentation from the bi-annual North Carolina Library Association conference, October 5-8, Hickory, NC. Presentation discusses how patrons use technology and interact with the library space, library trends in design and tec... |
One Educational Technology Colleague’s Journey from Dotcom Leadership to University E-Learning Systems Leadership: Merging Design Principles, Systemic Change and Leadership Thinking |
2013 |
2149 |
This paper describes my journey from instructional technology professional and doctoral student to instructional technology leader and tenure-track faculty member. I reflect on 15 years of application, in government, industry, and higher education, o... |
Online Instructional Self-Efficacy & Acceptance: Aligning Self Efficacy, Attitudes, & Needs with Institutional Goals [Slides] |
2013 |
540 |
Slides of a presentation delivered at at the SLOAN International Conference, November 20-22, Orlando, FL."Explore the mismatch between higher education institutional goals & faculty members’ acceptance of online learning & contributing factors.Unders... |
Privacy Coping and Information-Sharing Behaviors in Social Media: A Comparison of Chinese and U.S. Users |
2014 |
2833 |
Although many studies examine privacy in social media settings, few studies examine privacy issues that may arise due to characteristics of user populations. This study compares privacy issues among social media users in the United States and China. ... |
School Librarians and Web Usability: Why Would I Want to Use That? |
2011 |
1189 |
The usability of a statewide curriculum website was evaluated involving 876 participants. Site usage differed based on user group and overall site content and relevance was found to be good along with high levels of satisfaction with graphic design. ... |
School Library Strategic Planning: Case Studies in Four North Carolina Public Schools. |
2011 |
1835 |
PowerPoint slides from a paper presented at the North Carolina School Library Media Association Annual Conference, October 6-8, Winston Salem, NC. Presentation covers case studies on the impact of strategic planning on school libraries. |
Shaping the Future: Strategic Planning and School Libraries. |
2011 |
1052 |
Power Point slides from a paper presented at the Association for Educational Communications and Technology Annual Conference, November 9-11, Jacksonville, FL. The presentation discussed a disconnect between librarians and other school stakeholders, t... |
Studying Online: Student Motivations and Experiences in ALA-Accredited LIS Programs |
2015 |
3326 |
This paper presents a large scale study of online MLIS students (n=910), who completed at least one online course and were enrolled in 36 of the 58 ALA-accredited MLIS programs in Canada and the United States. The results indicate that the typical st... |
Systemic Change Going Public: Prelude to Scene 2 |
2012 |
825 |
A paper presented at the Association for Educational Communications and Technology Annual Conference, October 31-Nov. 2, Louisville, KYThe Educational Systemic Change Web Project began 2011 as a move to bridge the gap between researchers and practiti... |
Systems Thinking and Technology Integration as Catalysts for School Change in High Need Schools: IMPACT V and the Alignment of Organizational Ends and Means |
2013 |
1218 |
As part of a grant project in the state of North Carolina in the United States, eleven schools participated in the IMPACT V project, designed to help infuse technology into middle and high schools across the state. Involvement in the program required... |
To Flash Or Not To Flash? Usability And User Engagement Of HTML Vs. Flash. |
2004 |
1731 |
Of the many challenges facing developers of museum Web sites, usability and
engagement rank high. Many developers have adopted Macromedia Flash as a
useful tool that allows greater interactivity and multimedia compared to HTML
pages. This paper re... |
The Usability of School Library Websites: A Nationwide Study |
2012 |
2135 |
A paper presented at the Association for Educational Communications and Technology Annual Conference, October 31-Nov. 2, Louisville, KY.This study embraces the conference theme of Learning in the Age of Globalization by exploring how basic cognitive ... |
Using ADDIE and Systems Thinking as the Framework for Developing a MOOC: A Case Study [Slides] |
2014 |
1900 |
Slides of a presentation delivered at the Association for Educational Communications and Technology Annual Conference, November 5th-8th, Jacksonville, FL."A mid-sized university in the southeastern US wished to test out the MOOC space." |
The Website Design and Usability of US Academic and Public Libraries |
2014 |
3933 |
This paper describes the results of a nationwide study which examined the design, layout, content, site management, and usability of 1,469 academic and public library websites from all 50 states in the United States. Our findings show common trends f... |
What does a typical library website look like? Comparisons of public and academic library websites from a nationwide study. |
2011 |
2469 |
PowerPoint slides from a paper presented at the bi-annual North Carolina Library Association conference, October 5-8, Hickory, NC. Presentation discusses a nationwide study involving all academic and public libraries in all 50 states examining websit... |
Youth as Design Partners: Age-Appropriate Websites for Middle and High School Students |
2012 |
860 |
This study explored the impact of using best practices identified in previous studies in designing age-appropriate websites for middle and high school youth. Utilizing a mixed-method approach, 31 middle and 22 high school youth took part in six focus... |