Kimberly Kappler Hewitt

  • Assistant Professor
  • Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG
  • 336-256-0156
  • Room 352 SOE Building
  • Greensboro NC 27403

There are 20 included publications by Kimberly Kappler Hewitt :

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
Administrative Synergy: A professional learning community creates a sacred time for administrators’ joint problem solving in the Oakwood district 2012 572 Critical friends is a reflection-oriented, collaborative problem-solving protocol that we had been using as part of our administrative professional learning community. Because our administrative team - composed of four district leaders and all four b...
Australia’s Campfires, Caves, and Watering Holes: Educators on ISTE's Australian Study Tour Discovered How to Create New Learning and Teaching Environments where Curriculum and Instructional Tools Meet the Digital Age 2013 1541 A group of 17 educators visited the Australian Council for Computers in Education conference (ACCE) to learn more about educational technology in pedagogy.
Axes of Difference and Areas of Inquiry in Mentoring and Tutoring 2017 1325 Mentoring and tutoring are terms used to refer to a broad range of supports and learning experiences, and while the terms seem simple and straightforward, mentoring and tutoring are often complex processes, as illustrated in this edition’s articles.
Choice-Based Evaluation Driving Differentiation 2010 586 The fact that they have to put those goals within the evaluation process is probably the most significant difference between this job here and my previous district. Because writing meaningful goals is a talent that individuals don't always possess, a...
College Connection 2012 950 Among the first and most striking realizations was that although we "knew" we had high-performing students, we were at a loss to interpret and respond to anecdotal reports about some of our graduates struggling with college placement tests and first-...
Crossing the Suspension Bridge: Navigating the Road from School Suspension to College Success - How Some Students Have Overcome the Negative Implications of School Suspension to Bridge the Road to College 2016 491 Annually in the US, three million K-12 students will be suspended or put out of school for disciplinary consequences. Urban schools have the most suspensions, but students with lower socioeconomic statuses are suspended more often in all schools. Las...
Data-Based personnel decisions: Baker Middle’s Intensive Support List 2015 747 Focused on the use of teacher evaluation data, this case was designed for use in two principal licensure courses, one on data literacy and the other on supervision and personnel. The principal of Baker Middle School has been instructed by the superin...
Data management and use through research practice partnerships: A literature review 2020 1112 Through research-practice partnerships (RPPs) researchers and practitioners engage in long-term problem-solving collaborations aimed, in part, at increasing the capacity of personnel in local schools and districts to manage and use educational data f...
Educator evaluation policy that incorporates EVAAS value-added measures: Undermined intentions and exacerbated inequities 2015 2699 In the United States, policies in forty states and D.C. incorporate student growth measures – estimates of student progress attributed to educators – into educator evaluation. The federal government positions such policies as levers for ensuring that...
Equity and social justice in research practice partnerships in the United States 2022 2255 Research–practice partnerships (RPPs) have grown rapidly in the last decade in the United States to challenge traditional notions of education research by emphasizing the importance of researchers and practitioners working together in a spirit of mut...
Innovative Use of Technology Media to Establish a Common Research Agenda in Educational Leadership 2013 727 This study utilized innovative technologies to establish a common research agenda among senior and junior professors. The focus is the use of innovative technology-infused methodology by (1) individual blogging about leadership at midcentury to six p...
Making an Impact Statewide to Benefit 21st-Century School Leadership 2012 941 How can institutions of higher education, local education agencies, and departments of education partner to build capacity for 21st-Century school leadership? The model (IMPACT V) we describe utilizes a systems-wide partnership approach to cultivate ...
Mentoring as professional development 2017 1932 This issue of the Mentoring & Tutoring: Partnership in Learning Journal includes research from scholars representing Australia, Canada, and the United States (Massachusetts, Michigan, Mississippi, New Hampshire, and North Carolina). The authors prese...
Portrait of a Turnaround Leader in a High Needs District 2015 978 Using portraiture methodology involving interview, observation, and artifact data, this study portrays a turnaround leader, Dr. Susan Gray, in a high needs, rural district in the Southeast. In three years, Gray led Lincoln Elementary from nearly bein...
Possibilities for Future Leadership: Thoughts from an Academic Blogosphere Community 2012 665 In this dialogic essay we present an extremely important subject—the future of educational leadership and education more broadly. Given the uncertainty over and anxiety about the future of K–12 education and higher education, our goal for this articl...
Programs in Practice: Differentiated Instruction: Begin with Teachers! 2012 2623

In Oakwood City School District, differentiation is—and has been for a number of years—our primary academic goal. Perhaps it will not surprise you to learn that not all educators embraced the goal, as 35-year veteran Ron Givens [not his real name]...

Systems Thinking and Technology Integration as Catalysts for School Change in High Need Schools: IMPACT V and the Alignment of Organizational Ends and Means 2013 1219 As part of a grant project in the state of North Carolina in the United States, eleven schools participated in the IMPACT V project, designed to help infuse technology into middle and high schools across the state. Involvement in the program required...
Transformational and Transformative Leadership in a Research-Informed Leadership Preparation Program 2014 11260 This article describes IMPACT V, a grant-funded preparation partnership among a community of institutions, and then considers whether such a partnership is a viable way to cultivate transformational and transformative sensibilities in building leader...
What the flip: Impact of flipped instruction on self-regulated learning 2014 2206 Flipped instruction, while becoming a more common pedagogical approach is still a nascent area for empirical research. This comparative case study of the use of flipped instruction in two courses - one face-to-face and the other online - by the same ...
What We Choose to Remember: Imagined Shared Narratives of Education During COVID-19 2021 280 The impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on educational policies and practices are unprecedented. With the majority of educational institutions forced to limit face-to-face interactions, teaching and learning have rapidly taken on vastly new meanings. Ev...