Acceptability of workplace bullying: A comparative study on six continents |
2013 |
260 |
This paper is the first to explore the impact of culture on the acceptability of workplace bullying and to do so across a wide range of countries. Physically intimidating bullying is less acceptable than work related bullying both within groups of si... |
Broadening international perspectives on the legal environment for selection |
2008 |
150 |
We are pleased that our article (Myors et al., 2008) prompted this most useful set of commentaries. The goal of our article was to highlight similarities and differences in the legal environment for personnel selection across a broad range of countri... |
Business founders' work design and new venture development |
2021 |
242 |
This study aims to explain the interplay between business founders' work design and new venture development. Our qualitative research reveals that founders' work design differs in terms of unsettled and settled work. In unsettled work, founders redes... |
Development of a multidimensional instrument of person-environment fit: The Perceived Person-Environment Fit Scale (PPEFS) |
2016 |
4848 |
This research identifies four challenges in the field of person–environment fit (PE fit): the multidimensionality of PE fit, the integration of fit theories, the simultaneous effects of the multiple dimensions, and the function of the dimensions. To ... |
Examining the mechanisms linking transformational leadership, employee customer orientation, and service performance: The mediating roles of perceived supervisor and coworker support |
2010 |
1560 |
Purpose: The aim of this study is to test whether store-level transformational leadership influences service employees’ customer orientation via two different mechanisms—supervisor support and coworker support—and whether customer orientation leads t... |
Exploring the moderating roles of perceived person-job fit and person-organization fit on the relationship between training investment and knowledge workers’ turnover intentions |
2010 |
463 |
Previous studies have documented inconsistent results in terms of the relationship between knowledge workers' perceived training investment and their turnover intentions. In order to clarify the inconsistencies, the present study extends previous res... |
Fostering employee service creativity: Joint effects of customer empowering behaviors and supervisory empowering leadership |
2015 |
2364 |
Integrating insights from the literature on customers’ central role in service and the literature on employee creativity, we offer theoretical and empirical account of how and when customer empowering behaviors can motivate employee creativity during... |
Hot shots and cool reception? An expanded view of social consequences for high performers |
2017 |
2645 |
While high performers contribute substantially to their workgroups and organizations, research has indicated that they incur social costs from peers. Drawing from theories of social comparison and conservation of resources, we advance a rational pers... |
Industrial, Work and Organizational Psychology in Asia |
2018 |
1580 |
Asia houses the largest population (International Energy Agency, 2012) and enjoys the highest nominal gross domestic product (GDP) of all continents (International Monetary Fund [IMF], 2013). Asian countries represent some of the world's largest econ... |
International perspectives on the legal environment for selection |
2008 |
202 |
Perspectives from 22 countries on aspects of the legal environment for selection are presented in this article. Issues addressed include (a) whether there are racial/ethnic/religious subgroups viewed as “disadvantaged,” (b) whether research documents... |
Linking supervisor’s and subordinate’s negative work-family experience: The role of family supportive supervisor behavior |
2021 |
351 |
In the past decade, family supportive supervisor behavior (FSSB) has emerged as an important factor that can help employees manage work–family needs. Although the existing literature has documented the benefits of FSSB, we know little about the emerg... |
A multilevel perspective on the relationship between interpersonal justice and negative feedback-seeking behaviour |
2014 |
1110 |
Drawing on social information processing theory, this study uses a multilevel design to integrate the literature on organizational justice with the literature on feedback-seeking behaviour. Results from a laboratory study with data involving 690 empl... |
Perceived deep-level dissimilarity: Personality antecedents and impact on overall job attitude, helping, work withdrawal, and turnover |
2008 |
705 |
The current research extends three research areas in relational demography: considering deep-level dissimilarity in theory building, assessing dissimilarity perceptions directly in theory testing, and examining the antecedents of dissimilarity percep... |
Person-organization and person- supervisor fits: Employee commitments in a Chinese context |
2011 |
1240 |
The present study simultaneously examined people's perceptions of person–organization (PO) and person–supervisor (PS) fit and related these perceptions to employees' commitments. Three-hundred-and-sixty employee–supervisor dyads from Taiwanese organi... |
The role of affects in conflict frames and conflict management |
2015 |
1112 |
Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to identify the roles of trait affectivity and momentary moods in conflict frames and conflict management. This paper goes beyond affect induction and focuses on the affective – rather than rational – antecedents... |
Sticking out like a sore thumb: Employee dissimilarity and deviance at work |
2004 |
1472 |
This study examined demographic- and personality-based employee dissimilarities in relation to organizational and interpersonal deviant behaviors. Perceived organizational support (POS), organizational commitment, perceived coworker support, and cowo... |
Transformational leadership and customer service: A moderated mediation model of negative affectivity and emotion regulation |
2012 |
1957 |
Integrating theories from leadership, emotion management, affectivity, and customer service, this study examines how transformational leadership leads to favourable customer intentions via the mediation of service employees' emotion regulation, job s... |
Transforming service employees and climate: A multi-level multi- source examination of transformational leadership in building long-term service relationships |
2007 |
2123 |
This longitudinal field study integrates the theories of transformational leadership (TFL) and relationship marketing to examine how TFL influences employee service performance and customer relationship outcomes by transforming both (at the micro lev... |
A typology of three-way interaction models: Applications and suggestions for Asian management research |
2019 |
989 |
We develop a typology of three-way interaction models in order to stimulate more Asia management studies using this approach. In this paper, we explain how to approach moderation based on three-way interactions, introduce three types of three-way int... |
Updated perspectives on the international legal environment for selection |
2017 |
329 |
To compare and contrast the legal environment for selection in various countries, the senior author prepared a set of questions about the legal environment for selection, prepared model answers describing the legal environment in the United States, a... |