D. H. Lawrence's neglected art : his theory and practice of drama | 1976 | Bardon, Sally Sullivan | Student | English, UNCG |
D.A.R.E./Keepin’ It REAL Elementary Curriculum: Substance Use Outcomes | 2023 | Beamon, Emily R. | Faculty | Public Health Education, UNCG |
D.A.R.E./Keepin’ It REAL Elementary Curriculum: Substance Use Outcomes | 2023 | Kelly, Samantha | Faculty | Public Health Education, UNCG |
D.A.R.E./Keepin’ It REAL Elementary Curriculum: Substance Use Outcomes | 2023 | Wyrick, David L. | Faculty | Public Health Education, UNCG |
A Daily Analysis of Physical Activity and Satisfaction With Life in Emerging Adults | 2013 | Maher, Jaclyn | Faculty | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Daily Associations of Stress and Eating in Mother–Child Dyads | 2017 | Maher, Jaclyn | Faculty | Kinesiology, UNCG |
A daily diary analysis of condom breakage and slippage during vaginal sex or anal sex among ... | 2016 | Tanner, Amanda Elizabeth | Faculty | Public Health Education, UNCG |
Daily Life Satisfaction in Older Adults as a Function of (In)Activity | 2017 | Maher, Jaclyn | Faculty | Kinesiology, UNCG |
The daily lives of principals: twenty-one principals in the 21st century | 2010 | West, Deborah Lynn | Student | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Daily physical activity and life satisfaction across adulthood | 2015 | Maher, Jaclyn | Faculty | Kinesiology, UNCG |
A Daily Process Analysis of Intentions and Physical Activity in College Students | 2013 | Maher, Jaclyn | Faculty | Kinesiology, UNCG |
A daily process analysis of physical activity, sedentary behavior, and perceived cognitive a... | 2014 | Maher, Jaclyn | Faculty | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Daily Satisfaction with Life Is Regulated by Both Physical Activity and Sedentary Behavior | 2014 | Maher, Jaclyn | Faculty | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Dairy product intake and hip fractures among older women | 1999 | Eddy, James M. | Faculty | Public Health Education, UNCG |
Dairy Products Consumption in African American Women at Risk for Type 2 Diabetes Participati... | 2008 | Scripa, Ioana | Student | Nutrition, UNCG |
Dance Dialogues | 2020 | Heiland, Teresa | Faculty | School of Dance, UNCG |
Dance education in early childhood | 1990 | Stinson, Susan W. | Faculty | Dance, UNCG |
Dance piece | 1975 | Doyle, Laura Watkins | Student | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
Dance with Us: Virginia Tanner, Mormonism, and Humphrey's Utah Legacy. | 2001 | Dils, Ann H. | Faculty | Dance, UNCG |
Dancers’ Scholarly Writing Skills Amid a Climate of Virtual Gratification | 2010 | Heiland, Teresa | Faculty | School of Dance, UNCG |
Dancing Calgon: Embodied Research through Motif Notation | 2023 | Heiland, Teresa | Faculty | School of Dance, UNCG |
Dancing with the dead generations after the Holocaust: a fictional blogged phenomenology and... | 2009 | Dresser, Karen Elizabeth | Student | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
Dancing with the Mouse: Format for the Future | 2000 | Dils, Ann H. | Faculty | Dance, UNCG |
Dangers of Electronic Nicotine Delivery System Use: Healthcare Provider Screening in College... | 2024 | Barney, Julie | Student | Nursing, UNCG |
Daniel Kapust, Republicanism, Rhetoric, and Roman Political Thought. | 2012 | Zarecki, Jonathan P. | Faculty | Classical Studies, UNCG |
Darius Milhaud's Sacred service: a historical, textual, and theoretical analysis | 2011 | Matthews, Robert Harold | Student | Music, UNCG |
Dark cozy place | 2009 | Mayo, Scott | Student | Studio Art, UNCG |
Dark matters: gothic landscape and women’s writing in the 19th and 20th century British nove... | 2012 | Hagopian Berry, Katherine Anne | Student | English, UNCG |
Dark side of information systems and protection of children online: examining predatory beha... | 2014 | Albert, Connie S. | Student | Information Systems and Operations Management, UNCG |
Darkland: an artist's statement | 2012 | Holshouser, Hannah Louise | Student | Art, UNCG |
Darwin’s last child: Mental retardation and the need for a romantic science. | 1999 | Smith, J. David | Faculty | Specialized Education Services, UNCG |
Dasyscyphins F and G, new drimane meroterpenoids from a Fitzroyomyces species | 2020 | Augustinovic, Mario | Student | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Data-Based Decisions Guidelines for Teachers of Students with Severe Intellectual and Develo... | 2012 | Jimenez, Bree Ann | Faculty | Specialized Education Services, UNCG |
Data-Based personnel decisions: Baker Middle’s Intensive Support List | 2015 | Hewitt, Kimberly Kappler | Faculty | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Data-Based Research in Therapeutic Recreation: State of the Art | 1983 | Schleien, Stuart J. | Faculty | Community and Therapeutic Recreation, UNCG |
Data-Driven Collection Development: The Approval Plan in Today's Academic Library [Notes] | 2019 | Fischer, Christine M. | Faculty | University Libraries, UNCG |
Data-Driven Collection Development: The Approval Plan in Today's Academic Library [Slides] | 2019 | Fischer, Christine M. | Faculty | University Libraries, UNCG |
The DataRes Research Project on Data Management | 2012 | Halbert, Martin | Faculty | University Libraries, UNCG |
Data collection design for equivalent groups equating:using a matrix stratification framewor... | 2012 | Mbella, Kinge Keka | Student | Educational Research Methodology, UNCG |
The date and hook-up social scripts: patterns of sexual partnering among college students in... | 2012 | Padgett, Joseph E. | Student | Sociology, UNCG |
The Date’s not Dead after all: New Findings on Hooking Up, Dating and Romantic Relationships... | 2016 | Kuperberg, Arielle | Faculty | Sociology, UNCG |
A Dated Cruciform Artifact? | 1971 | Mountjoy, Joseph B. | Faculty | Anthropology, UNCG |
Data generation and estimation for axially symmertic processes on the sphere | 2016 | Vanlangenberg, Christopher D. | Student | Mathematics and Statistics, UNCG |
Data in the Sciences | 2015 | Grigg, Karen Stanley | Faculty | University Libraries, UNCG |
Dating and Hooking Up in College: Meeting Contexts, Sex, and Variation by Gender, Partner's ... | 2015 | Kuperberg, Arielle | Faculty | Sociology, UNCG |
Dating and Hooking Up in College: Meeting Contexts, Sex, and Variation by Gender, Partner's ... | 2015 | Padgett, Joseph E. | Faculty | Sociology, UNCG |
Dating Violence Among College Students: Key Issues for College Counselors | 2007 | Murray, Christine E. | Faculty | Center for Youth, Family, & Community Partnerships, UNCG |
Dating Violence and Self-Injury Among Undergraduate College Sntdents: Attitudes and Experien... | 2008 | Murray, Christine E. | Faculty | Center for Youth, Family, & Community Partnerships, UNCG |
Data labeling for the artificial intelligence industry: Economic impacts in developing count... | 2021 | Kshetri, Nir B. | Faculty | Management, UNCG |
Data Librarianship at UNC Greensboro [Poster] | 2019 | Bird, Nora J. | Faculty | Library and Information Studies, UNCG |
Data Librarianship at UNC Greensboro [Poster] | 2019 | Crumpton, Michael | Faculty | University Libraries, UNCG |
Data Librarianship at UNC Greensboro [Poster] | 2019 | Klein, Jo | Faculty | University Libraries, UNCG |
Data management and use through research practice partnerships: A literature review | 2020 | Vetter, Amy | Faculty | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
Data management and use through research practice partnerships: A literature review | 2020 | Hewitt, Kimberly Kappler | Faculty | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Data management and use through research practice partnerships: A literature review | 2020 | Gonzalez, Laura McLaughlin | Faculty | Higher Education, UNCG |
Data management and use through research practice partnerships: A literature review | 2020 | Rock, Marcia L. | Faculty | Specialized Education Services, UNCG |
Data management and use through research practice partnerships: A literature review | 2020 | He, Ye | Faculty | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
Data management and use through research practice partnerships: A literature review | 2020 | Faircloth, Beverly S. | Faculty | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
Data Privacy Considerations for Central Bank Digital Currencies in Asia–Pacific Countries | 2022 | Kshetri, Nir B. | Faculty | Management, UNCG |
Data Quality in Multi-sited Cross-Sectional and Panel Studies. | 2010 | Murphy, Arthur D. | Faculty | Anthropology, UNCG |
Data Quality in Multi-sited Cross-Sectional and Panel Studies. | 2010 | Jones, Eric C. | Faculty | Anthropology , UNCG |
A daughter in parts | 2016 | Smith, Virginia | Student | English, UNCG |
Daughters of depressed mothers : an examination of self-efficacy and stress reactivity | 1996 | Homan, Margot A. | Student | Psychology, UNCG |
Dave Brubeck's Pioneering Explorations of Rhythm | 1997 | Salmon, John | Faculty | Music, UNCG |
David R. Gillingham's Concerto No. 2 for Marimba: A Transcription for Marimba and Chamber En... | 2008 | Dancy, Andrew Lance | Student | Music, UNCG |
David Ross Locke, consistent advocate | 1978 | Taylor, Anita Dianne | Student | Drama and Speech, UNCG |
A Day in the life of ERHelp [slides] | 2020 | Nunnally, Katherine J. | Faculty | University Libraries, UNCG |
A Day in the life of ERHelp [slides] | 2020 | Burton, Marcie B. | Faculty | University Libraries, UNCG |
The Day-to-Day Reality of Teacher Turnover in Preschool Classrooms: An Analysis of Classroom... | 2011 | Cassidy, Deborah J. | Faculty | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
The daybook defense: how re?ection fosters the identity work of readers and writers | 2017 | Reynolds, Jeanie M. | Faculty | English, UNCG |
The daybook defense: how re?ection fosters the identity work of readers and writers | 2017 | Vetter, Amy | Faculty | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
Daydreaming Styles and Brain Functional Connectivity | 2018 | Alharoon, Dahlia | Student | Psychology , UNCG |
De bruijn partial words | 2013 | Wyatt, Benjamin J. | Student | Computer Science, UNCG |
De la fiesta pública al claustro silencioso: alegorías de conocimiento en Sor Juana Inés de ... | 2003 | Grossi, Veronica | Faculty | Languages, Literatures, and Cultures, UNCG |
(De)Constructing the student body: a post-structural analysis of dress codes in secondary sc... | 2014 | Drewicz Ewing, Laura Anne | Student | Women's and Gender Studies, UNCG |
Dead heat | 2015 | Pontacoloni, Michael | Student | English, UNCG |
Deadwood stocks increase with selective logging and large tree frequency in Gabon | 2017 | Koerner, Sally E. | Faculty | Biology, UNCG |
Deaf and hard of hearing college students’ cognitive strategies for equal sharing problems | 2021 | Adeoye, Sulaiman O. | Student | Specialized Education Services, UNCG |
Dealing with data [slides] | 2012 | Dale, Jenny | Faculty | University Libraries, UNCG |
Dealing with data [slides] | 2012 | Houk, Amanda "Amy" Harris | Faculty | University Libraries, UNCG |
Dealing with prospective memory demands while performing an ongoing task: Shared processing,... | 2017 | Kane, Michael J. | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
Dear Lorde : using contemplative letter writing to establish a calling (inside) out communic... | 2024 | Aya, Kendra Nicole Bryant | Student | Women's and Gender Studies, UNCG |
Death and dying: Issues for educational gerontologists | 1984 | Myers, Jane E. | Faculty | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
Death and love in the poetry of Dylan Thomas | 1958 | Ridinger, Charlotte Alice | Student | English, UNCG |
Death as a psychological crisis : an analysis of death in Les Thibault | 1973 | Clayton, Faye Richardson | Student | Romance Languages-French, UNCG |
Death Education: Enhancing competence Across the Life Span | 1983 | Eddy, James M. | Faculty | Public Health Education, UNCG |
A death in the “family”: Community embodiment of tragedy | 2018 | Harmon, Justin | Faculty | Community and Therapeutic Recreation, UNCG |
Death of Cuchulain | 1959 | Curlee, Jo Ann | Student | Music, UNCG |
The Death of Ordinariness: Living, Learning, and Relating in the Age of Anxiety | 2002 | Poulos, Christopher N. | Faculty | Communication Studies, UNCG |
The Death Penalty and Victims’ Rights: Legal Advance Directives | 1999 | Gert, Heather J. | Faculty | Philosophy, UNCG |
The Death Penalty's High Costs and Dubious Benefits | 2001 | Brod, Andrew C. | Faculty | Economics, UNCG |
Deaths Rise in Good Economic Times: Evidence From the OECD (with Ulf-G. Gerdtham). | 2006 | Ruhm, Christopher J | Faculty | Economics, UNCG |
Debating school choice in North Carolina: the rise of private school vouchers | 2019 | Kennedy, Robert | Student | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Debunking paradoxes: integrating complexity in CVD research among Latinos. Editorial to ‘Cou... | 2018 | Echeverría, Sandra E. | Faculty | Public Health Education, UNCG |
A decade of concern: A review of multicultural science education issues in The Science Teach... | 2005 | Cooper, Jewell E. | Faculty | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
A decade of concern: A review of multicultural science education issues in The Science Teach... | 2005 | Matthews, Catherine E. | Faculty | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
A decade of mobility : UNCG Outdoor Adventures transportation emissions analysis (FY2013-202... | 2023 | Gaillard, Samantha K. | Student | Geography, Environment, and Sustainability, UNCG |
Decarboxylative and dehydrative coupling of dienoic acids and pentadienyl alcohols to form 1... | 2017 | Al-Huniti, Mohammed | Faculty | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Decarboxylative and dehydrative coupling of dienoic acids and pentadienyl alcohols to form 1... | 2017 | Croatt, Mitchell | Faculty | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Decentering the Racial Paradigm: A Literary Analysis of the "Stubb's Supper" Chapter in Herm... | 2008 | Pisano, Andrew Michael | Student | English, UNCG |
The decision by school librarians to self-censor: The impact of perceived administrative dis... | 2018 | Dawkins, April | Faculty | Library and Information Studies, UNCG |
The decision process for the acquisition of capital equipment in teaching hospitals | 1983 | Hewitt, Gerald Neal | Student | Education, UNCG |
Decision to Enter the Profession of Student Affairs | 2006 | Taub, Deborah J. | Faculty | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
The decision to remarry and the ethic of care : a qualitative study of formerly divorced fem... | 1986 | Byrd, Anne Justice | Student | Home Economics, UNCG |
Decision-making behaviors for adolescent mothers enrolled in the nurse-family partnership | 2012 | Lane, Susan H. | Student | Nursing, UNCG |
Decision-making challenges of women entrepreneurs in the family business succession process | 2017 | Welsh, Dianne H.B. | Faculty | Business Administration, UNCG |
Decisions, decisions: the rationale behind high school teachers’ discipline decision-making ... | 2019 | Chidomere, Adamma K. | Student | Sociology, UNCG |
Declamation and dismemberment: rhetoric, the body, and disarticulation in four Victorian hor... | 2015 | Brumley, Mark Elliott | Student | English, UNCG |
Declaration of the Independents | 2012 | Ali, Omar H. | Faculty | African American & African Diaspora Studies, UNCG |
The decline in interscholastic sports officials : identifying college athletes’ perceived ba... | 2022 | Bouma, Ross A. | Student | Kinesiology, UNCG |
The Decline of Welfare Benefits in the U.S.: The Role of Wage Inequality | 1998 | Ribar, David C. | Faculty | Economics, UNCG |
Declining Productivity Revisited: Secular Trends or Cyclical Losses? | 1984 | Link, Albert N. | Faculty | Economics, UNCG |
Declining Productivity Revisited: Secular Trends or Cyclical Losses? | 1984 | Allen, Stuart D. | Faculty | Economics, UNCG |
Decoding craft: communicating identity through a system of design | 2013 | Aguilera Guardado, Claudia | Student | Interior Architecture, UNCG |
Decoding typicality in apparel products: An investigation of consumer perceptions | 2020 | Watchravesringkan, Kittichai "Tu" | Faculty | Consumer, Apparel, and Retail Studies, UNCG |
Decoding typicality in apparel products: An investigation of consumer perceptions | 2020 | Nelson Hodges, Nancy J. | Faculty | Consumer, Apparel, and Retail Studies, UNCG |
Decolonization in the Former Soviet Borderlands: Politics in Search of Principles | 1993 | Buck, Susan J. | Faculty | Political Science, UNCG |
Decomposition of Turtlegrass (Thalassia testudinum Konig) in flowing seawater tanks and litt... | 1982 | Rublee, Parke A. | Faculty | Biology, UNCG |
Deconstructing Gender Differences in Persuasibility: A Bricolage | 1993 | Natalle, Elizabeth J. | Faculty | Communication Studies, UNCG |
Deconstructing liberated subjects | 2014 | Powell, Michelle | Student | Educational Studies, UNCG |
Deconstructing the myth of the nonaggressive female: A feminist analysis | 1994 | White, Jacquelyn W. | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
Deconstructing the staged death in 20th and 21st century concert dance: a phenomenological i... | 2014 | Smith, Amy C. | Student | Dance, UNCG |
A decreased volume of the medial tibial spine is associated with an increased risk of suffer... | 2014 | Shultz, Sandra J. | Faculty | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Decreasing ED Length of Stay with Use of the Ottawa Ankle Rules Among Nurses | 2012 | Snyder, Audrey | Faculty | Family and Community Nursing, UNCG |
Deep Analysis: Designing Complexity Into Our Understanding of Conflict | 2014 | Matyók, Thomas | Faculty | Peace and Conflict Studies, UNCG |
Deep Analysis: Designing Complexity Into Our Understanding of Conflict | 2014 | Schmitz, Cathryne L. | Faculty | Social Work, UNCG |
A deep semantic matching approach for identifying relevant messages for social media analysi... | 2023 | Biggers, Brown | Faculty | University Libraries, UNCG |
Deer in the valley | 2016 | Garrison, Ross | Student | English, UNCG |
Default and Executive Network Coupling Supports Creative Idea Production | 2015 | Beaty, Roger E. | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
Default and Executive Network Coupling Supports Creative Idea Production | 2015 | Silvia, Paul | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
Default Risk Premia in the Near Cash Investment Market: The Case of Auction Rate Preferred S... | 1991 | Winkler, Daniel T. | Faculty | Accounting and Finance, UNCG |
Defects of the Fetal Forebrain in Mice With Hereditary Agenesis of the Corpus Callosum | 1987 | Wahlsten, Douglas | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
Defensive virginity from Spenser to Milton. | 2010 | Reigle, Kimberly | Student | English, UNCG |
Deficiency of Corpus Callosum Varies with Strain and Supplier of the Mice | 1982 | Wahlsten, Douglas | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
Deficient corpus callosum in hybrids between ddN and three other abnormal mouse strains | 1992 | Wahlsten, Douglas | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
Deficits and Money Growth in the United States: A Comment | 1988 | Allen, Stuart D. | Faculty | Economics, UNCG |
Deficits and Money Growth in the United States: A Comment | 1988 | McCrickard, Donald L. | Faculty | Economics, UNCG |
Defining and measuring music teacher identity: a study of self-efficacy and commitment among... | 2011 | Wagoner, Cynthia L. | Student | Music, UNCG |
Defining the boundaries of professional competence: Managing subtle cases of clinical incom... | 1990 | Fine, Mark | Faculty | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Defining case management and outreach: perspectives from community health workers in New Mex... | 2024 | Kelley, Allyson L. | Faculty | Public Health Education, UNCG |
Defining Cultural Resilience to Strengthen Native Youth: A Brief Report from the Intergenera... | 2018 | Kelley, Allyson L. | Faculty | Public Health Education, UNCG |
Defining culturally relevant pedagogy: an exploration of the usefulness of concept mapping a... | 2016 | Askew, Kshawna C. | Student | Educational Research Methodology, UNCG |
Defining disability up and down: The problem of “normality.” | 2008 | Smith, J. David | Faculty | Specialized Education Services, UNCG |
Defining identities: acculturation experiences of college-educated, North Sudanese immigrant... | 2020 | Elobeid, Maha A. | Student | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Defining the Libraries’ Role in Research: A Needs Assessment; A Case Study | 2014 | Crowe, Kathryn | Faculty | University Libraries, UNCG |
Defining the Libraries’ Role in Research: A Needs Assessment; A Case Study | 2014 | Crumpton, Michael | Faculty | University Libraries, UNCG |
Defining the Map: Utilizing Classical Categorization and Prototype Theory | 2017 | Molina, Alejandro | Student | Geography, UNCG |
Defining nanoscale genetic interactions between the bacterium E. coli and engineered nanopar... | 2023 | Noussi, Theophraste | Student | Joint School of Nanoscience and Nanoengineering, UNCG |
Defining Rigor | 2005 | Edmunds, Julie | Faculty | SERVE Center, UNCG |
Defining Social Entrepreneuership | 2009 | Welsh, Dianne H.B. | Faculty | Business Administration, UNCG |
Definitions of Friendship in the Third Age: Age, Gender, and Study Location Effects. | 2000 | Adams, Rebecca G. | Faculty | Sociology, UNCG |
Deflecting reactance: The role of similarity in increasing compliance and reducing resistanc... | 2005 | Silvia, Paul | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
Deflections | 1973 | Lackey, Louise Baley | Student | Art, UNCG |
Defluorination of 4-fluorophenol by Cytochrome P450BM3-F87G: Activation by long Chain Fatty... | 2012 | Raner, Gregory M. | Faculty | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Degrowth for transformational alternatives as radical social work practice | 2019 | Powers, Meredith C.F. | Faculty | Social Work, UNCG |
The Deianeiran heroine in six English tragedies, 1603-1703 | 1991 | Gay, Richard Roland | Student | English, UNCG |
Del grillete físico al moral: identidades divididas en la literatura antiesclavista cubana d... | 2016 | Salama, Carmen Obregón | Student | Languages, Literatures, and Cultures, UNCG |
Delayed Recession Might Make ’09 Interesting for N.C. | 2009 | Brod, Andrew C. | Faculty | Economics, UNCG |
Delays in thrombolytic therapy for acute myocardial infarction: Association with mode of tra... | 2001 | Davis, Leslie L | Faculty | Adult Health Nursing, UNCG |
Deliberate Invention: On the Motive to Create Novel Beliefs | 2003 | Yarbrough, Stephen R. | Faculty | English, UNCG |
Deliberation by a group of college women in their purchases of three selected items of outer... | 1970 | Cutright, Pamela Sue | Student | Home Economics, UNCG |
Deliberations | 1976 | Jarecke, George Walter | Student | English, UNCG |
Delinquency and peer acceptance in adolescence: A within-person test of Moffitt’s hypotheses... | 2014 | Rulison, Kelly L. | Faculty | Public Health Education, UNCG |
Delinquency and the Structure of Adolescent Peer Groups | 2011 | Rulison, Kelly L. | Faculty | Public Health Education, UNCG |
Delitpyrones: a-Pyrone Derivatives from a Freshwater Delitschia sp. | 2018 | Graf, Tyler | Faculty | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Delitpyrones: a-Pyrone Derivatives from a Freshwater Delitschia sp. | 2018 | Oberlies, Nicholas | Faculty | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Delitpyrones: a-Pyrone Derivatives from a Freshwater Delitschia sp. | 2018 | Bunch, Rick L. | Faculty | Geography, UNCG |
Delitpyrones: a-Pyrone Derivatives from a Freshwater Delitschia sp. | 2018 | Raja, Huzefa A. | Faculty | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Delivering the message: Disseminating information and professional development in the field ... | 2017 | Moorefield-Lang, Heather | Faculty | Library and Information Studies, UNCG |
Delivering targeted library resources into a Blackboard framework | 2007 | Cox, Richard L. | Faculty | University Libraries, UNCG |
Delivery of eupenifeldin via polymer-coated surgical buttresses prevents local lung cancer r... | 2021 | Oberlies, Nicholas | Faculty | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Delivery of eupenifeldin via polymer-coated surgical buttresses prevents local lung cancer r... | 2021 | Graf, Tyler | Faculty | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Delivery of eupenifeldin via polymer-coated surgical buttresses prevents local lung cancer r... | 2021 | Pearce, Cedric J | Faculty | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Dell and the Incentives Game | 2005 | Brod, Andrew C. | Faculty | Economics, UNCG |
Delphi : a collection of stories | 1969 | Miller, Heather Ross | Student | English, UNCG |
Delving into the Past: County Court Records and the Pursuit of History. | 1998 | Schweninger, Loren L. | Faculty | History, UNCG |
The Demand for Welfare Generosity | 1999 | Ribar, David C. | Faculty | Economics, UNCG |
Demands, constraints, choices and discretion: An introduction to the work of Rosemary Stewar... | 2003 | Lowe, Kevin B. | Faculty | Management, UNCG |
Demarketing teen tobacco and alcohol use: Negative peer influence and longitudinal roles of ... | 2013 | Yang, Zhiyong | Faculty | Marketing, UNCG |
Democratic experiments: Irish literature between nationalism and modernism | 2017 | Baldwin, Kara | Student | English, UNCG |
Democratic faith : in search of a more accessible critical pedagogy for teachers in their cl... | 1995 | Bell, James W. | Student | Education, UNCG |
The Democratic Study Group : an aid to freshmen Congressmen | 1967 | Ransome, Elizabeth Whitney | Student | History and Political Science, UNCG |
Demographic constraints in three populations of Lobelia boykinii: a rare wetland endemic | 2008 | Lacey, Elizabeth P. | Faculty | Biology, UNCG |
Demonstration of toxicity to fish and to mammalian cells by Pfiesteria species: Comparison o... | 2005 | Rublee, Parke A. | Faculty | Biology, UNCG |
Dendrimer-encapsulated camptothecins: Increased solubility, cellular uptake, and cellular re... | 2006 | Oberlies, Nicholas | Faculty | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Dendroarchaeology and the dating of historic farm buildings on the Summers’ farm, Summerfiel... | 2019 | Summers, Jeffy Catherine | Student | Geography, Environment, and Sustainability, UNCG |
Dense Breasts: Different Than the Rest: Evaluating the Timeliness and Feasibility of Applica... | 2023 | Zuleta, Kaitlin Gillespie | Student | Nursing, UNCG |
Density 21.5 | 2000 | Priore, Irna | Faculty | Music, UNCG |
Density or Distinction? The Roles of Data Structure and Group Detection Methods in Describin... | 2007 | Rulison, Kelly L. | Faculty | Public Health Education, UNCG |
Dental Service Utilization among Urban and Rural Older Adults in China | 2007 | Wu, Bei | Faculty | Gerontology, UNCG |
Deontic Morality and Control by Ishtiyaque Haji | 2005 | Zimmerman, Michael | Faculty | Philosophy , UNCG |
Deoxycholate induces DNA damage and apoptosis in human colon epithelial cells expressing eit... | 2001 | Loo, George | Faculty | Nutrition, UNCG |
Depleted uranium is not toxic to rat brain endothelial (RBE4) cells | 2006 | Erikson, Keith M. | Faculty | Nutrition, UNCG |
Deploying Homeland Security Technology | 2003 | Link, Albert N. | Faculty | Economics, UNCG |
Deploying Homeland Security Technology | 2003 | Henrich, Vincent C. | Faculty | Biology, UNCG |
Depression and goal disengagement: the mediating role of goal attainability perceptions | 2020 | Sasiela, William Jordan | Student | Psychology, UNCG |
Depression in college students : analysis of activity preference and comparison of treatment... | 1974 | Sheslow, David V. | Student | Psychology, UNCG |
Depression in college students with ADHD | 2014 | Bray, Allison C. | Student | Psychology, UNCG |
Depression in early adolescence: Contributions from relational aggression and variation in t... | 2017 | Vrshek-Schallhorn, Suzanne | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
Depression in Hospital-Employed Nurses | 2012 | McCoy, Thomas | Faculty | Nursing, UNCG |
Depression in Hospital-Employed Nurses | 2012 | Letvak, Susan A. | Faculty | Adult Health Nursing, UNCG |
Depression in Latinas Residing in Emerging Latino Immigrant Communities in the United States... | 2009 | Shattell, Mona M. | Faculty | Nursing, UNCG |
Depression in Latinas Residing in Emerging Latino Immigrant Communities in the United States... | 2009 | Witherspoon, Claretta | Faculty | Research and Economic Development, UNCG |
Depression in Latinas Residing in Emerging Latino Immigrant Communities in the United States... | 2009 | Villalba, Jose A. | Faculty | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
Depression, anxiety, and attributional style in learning disabled and non-learning disabled ... | 1989 | Rodriguez, Christina M. | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
Depressive Anhedonia and Creative Self-concepts, Behaviors, and Achievements | 2020 | Kwapil, Thomas R. | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
Depressive Anhedonia and Creative Self-concepts, Behaviors, and Achievements | 2020 | Silvia, Paul | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
Depressive Anhedonia and Creative Self-concepts, Behaviors, and Achievements | 2020 | Eddington, Kari | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
Depressive symptoms among Latino sexual minority men and Latina transgender women in a new s... | 2016 | Tanner, Amanda Elizabeth | Faculty | Public Health Education, UNCG |
Depressive Symptoms among Latino Sexual Minority Men and Latina Transgender Women in a New S... | 2016 | Ma, Alice | Faculty | Public Health Education, UNCG |
Depressive symptoms and health problems among Chinese immigrant elders in the US and Chinese... | 2010 | Wu, Bei | Faculty | Gerontology, UNCG |
Depressive symptoms in Latina mothers in an emerging immigrant community | 2018 | Stein, Gabriela L. | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
The Deprofessionalization of Soviet Physicians: A Reconsideration | 1987 | Brown, Julie V | Faculty | Sociology, UNCG |
Der Einfluss von Marktorientierung und innerfamiliären Nachfolgeintentionen auf die Wettbewe... | 2011 | Memili, Esra | Faculty | Marketing, Entrepreneurship, Hospitality & Tourism, UNCG |
Der Frauenkrimi: Women’s Crime Writing in German | 2016 | Stewart, Faye | Faculty | Languages, Literatures, and Cultures, UNCG |
Dereplicating and Spatial Mapping of Secondary Metabolites from Fungal Cultures in Situ | 2015 | Pearce, Cedric J | Faculty | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Dereplicating and Spatial Mapping of Secondary Metabolites from Fungal Cultures in Situ | 2015 | Raja, Huzefa A. | Faculty | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Dereplicating and Spatial Mapping of Secondary Metabolites from Fungal Cultures in Situ | 2015 | Oberlies, Nicholas | Faculty | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Dereplication of Fungal Metabolites by NMR-Based Compound Networking Using MADByTE | 2022 | Oberlies, Nicholas | Faculty | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Dereplication of Fungal Metabolites by NMR-Based Compound Networking Using MADByTE | 2022 | Raja, Huzefa A. | Faculty | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Dereplication of Macrocyclic Trichothecenes from Extracts of Filamentous Fungi through UV an... | 2010 | Sy-Cordero, Arlene | Faculty | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Dereplication of Macrocyclic Trichothecenes from Extracts of Filamentous Fungi through UV an... | 2010 | Oberlies, Nicholas | Faculty | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Dereplication of Macrocyclic Trichothecenes from Extracts of Filamentous Fungi through UV an... | 2010 | Graf, Tyler | Faculty | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Dermatoglyphic anomalies in psychometrically identified schizotypic young adults | 2005 | Kwapil, Thomas R. | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
Dermatological Illnesses of Immigrant Poultry-Processing Workers in North Carolina | 2005 | Schulz, Mark R. | Faculty | Public Health Education, UNCG |
Dermatologist-diagnosed Skin Diseases among Immigrant Latino Poultry Processors and other Ma... | 2013 | Schulz, Mark R. | Faculty | Public Health Education, UNCG |
The descent motif in the American naturalistic novel | 1963 | Stutts, Carol L. | Student | English, UNCG |
Describing the practice of anticipating students’ mathematics of secondary mathematics teach... | 2024 | Hare, Emily B. | Student | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
A description and analysis of an academic enrichment program at Bennett College | 1986 | Reynolds, Amy Armstrong | Student | Education, UNCG |
A description and analysis of the behavior of two experienced teachers initiating the moveme... | 1975 | Willcox, Diane E. | Student | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
Description and analysis of the Camp Lejeune teacher education consortium : a modified compe... | 1982 | Novicki, Judith Rodriguez | Student | Education, UNCG |
A description of the causal attributions made to perceived teaching behavior across three el... | 1990 | Mros, Marilyn | Student | Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, UNCG |
A description of children's verbal responses to a modern dance work in grades kindergarten t... | 1982 | Sutlive, Josephine L. | Student | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
A description of dyadic student/teacher interactions in the physical education activity clas... | 1979 | Brown, Janie P. | Student | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
Description of healthcare needs at an episodic clinic in rural southwest Virginia | 2013 | Snyder, Audrey | Faculty | Family and Community Nursing, UNCG |
Description of a program employed to develop listening skills in children with severe functi... | 1970 | Wilson, Carolyne Martin | Student | Drama and Speech, UNCG |
A description of satisfactory principal leadership from the perspective of teachers | 1984 | Miller, Richard W. | Student | Education, UNCG |
A descriptive analysis of Arthur Bird's Suite in D | 2010 | Brown, Andrea Elizabeth | Student | Music, UNCG |
A descriptive analysis of the effects of a model of flexible scheduling on achievement in re... | 1983 | Wood, Fred Simpson | Student | Education, UNCG |
A descriptive analysis of elementary music teachers’ planning time | 2022 | McKnight, Seth N. | Student | School of Music, UNCG |
A descriptive analysis of high school choral teachers’ inclusion of popular music in current... | 2016 | Smith, Elaine K. | Student | Music Education, UNCG |
A descriptive analysis of high school music teacher evaluation in the Commonwealth of Virgin... | 2022 | Muller, Stephen W. | Student | School of Music, UNCG |
A descriptive analysis of the job satisfaction of veteran music teachers in North Carolina | 2015 | Brown, Beverly Satterfield | Student | Music Education, UNCG |
A Descriptive Analysis of Performance Models’ Intonation in a Recorded Excerpt from Suzuki V... | 2021 | MacLeod, Rebecca B. | Faculty | Music Education, UNCG |
A descriptive analysis of the psychological needs of adults participating in music ensembles... | 2011 | Douglas, Kenneth A. | Student | Music, UNCG |
Descriptive analysis of a survey of sight-singing teaching methods and approaches by North C... | 2021 | Earnhardt, Carol A. | Student | School of Music, UNCG |
A descriptive analysis of teacher augmented feedback given to university students in beginni... | 1979 | Cole, Judith L. | Student | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
Descriptive metadata for scrapbooks: Interdepartmental collaboration to support efficiency a... | 2013 | Craft, Anna R. | Faculty | University Libraries, UNCG |
Descriptive metadata for scrapbooks: Interdepartmental collaboration to support efficiency a... | 2013 | Smith, Kathelene McCarty | Faculty | University Libraries, UNCG |
Descriptive metadata for scrapbooks: Interdepartmental collaboration to support efficiency a... | 2013 | Gwynn, David | Faculty | University Libraries, UNCG |
Descriptive metadata for scrapbooks: Interdepartmental collaboration to support efficiency a... | 2013 | Gwynn, David | Faculty | University Libraries, UNCG |
Descriptive metadata for scrapbooks: Interdepartmental collaboration to support efficiency a... | 2013 | Smith, Kathelene McCarty | Faculty | University Libraries, UNCG |
Descriptive metadata for scrapbooks: Interdepartmental collaboration to support efficiency a... | 2013 | Craft, Anna R. | Faculty | University Libraries, UNCG |
A descriptive model of managerial effectiveness | 1988 | Welsh, Dianne H.B. | Faculty | Business Administration, UNCG |
A Descriptive Study of Cooperating Teachers' Perceptions Regarding Student Teacher Preparati... | 2011 | MacLeod, Rebecca B. | Faculty | Music Education, UNCG |
A descriptive study of the efforts and related elements of two middle schools highly success... | 1995 | Colavito, James W. | Student | Education, UNCG |
A descriptive study of high school and university students’ focus of attention in fast and s... | 2009 | MacLeod, Rebecca B. | Faculty | Music Education, UNCG |
A Descriptive Study of Middle School Teachers' Current Perspectives On and Teaching Practice... | 2008 | Lee-Holmes, Rue Shirrillan | Student | Music, UNCG |
A descriptive study of the personality of selected amateur golfers | 1970 | Owens, Norma Diane | Student | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
Descriptive study of TPSR values and life skills acquired in Project effort and through othe... | 2011 | Meléndez, Anthony | Student | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Desegregating Hickory high school, 1955-1975: capturing the untold stories | 2013 | Stalnaker, Ann | Student | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Desegregation and the rise of private education | 1975 | Franklin, Lewis Glenn | Student | Education, UNCG |
Desert Places: Wilderness in Modernist American Literature 1900-1940 | 2001 | Byrd, Gregory Lee | Student | Literature , UNCG |
Design and development of novel reactions utilizing dienes and carbene intermediates | 2020 | Sohail, Saad Bin | Student | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
The design and implementation of a conceptual model for identifying gifted and talented stud... | 1981 | Guthrie, Wesley Eugene | Student | Education, UNCG |
Design and Implementation of the Domestic Violence Services in Rural Clinics Intervention. | 2006 | Smith, Paige Hall | Faculty | Public Health Education, UNCG |
Design and synthesis of coordination polymer frameworks for solid-state electrolytes | 2023 | Butreddy, Pravalika | Student | Joint School of Nanoscience and Nanoengineering, UNCG |
The design and technical production of Jason Miller's That championship season | 1975 | Peerbolte, David Roy | Student | Drama and Speech, UNCG |
A design for demonstration equipment to be used in teaching lighting and adequate wiring for... | 1958 | Freeman, Rebecca Anne | Student | Home Economics, UNCG |
A design for professional laboratory experiences in teacher education | 1972 | Miller, Helen Pierce | Student | Education, UNCG |
Design for social wellbeing : creating a restorative urbanism model for interior environment... | 2022 | Horton, Kate S. | Student | Interior Architecture, UNCG |
Design of Blockchain-based Precision Health-Care Using Soft Systems Methodology | 2020 | Kshetri, Nir B. | Faculty | Management, UNCG |
Design of a stark microchip | 2015 | Balabanov, Demitri Y. | Student | Joint School of Nanoscience and Nanoengineering, UNCG |
A design science framework for research in health analytics | 2016 | Bradberry, Caleb | Student | Information Systems and Supply Chain Management, UNCG |
The design structure of my paintings with special reference to color, shape, and space | 1965 | Foltz, Jane J. | Student | Art, UNCG |
A Design Theory for Secure Semantic E-Business Processes (SSEBP) | 2008 | D’Aubeterre, Fergle | Student | Philosophy, UNCG |
Design Thinking: Assessing the health needs of college students with intellectual and/or dev... | 2021 | Oakes, Lindsey Ruth | Faculty | Public Health Education, UNCG |
Design Thinking: Assessing the health needs of college students with intellectual and/or dev... | 2021 | Hickerson, Benjamin | Faculty | Community and Therapeutic Recreation, UNCG |
Design Thinking: Assessing the health needs of college students with intellectual and/or dev... | 2021 | Milroy, Jeffrey John | Faculty | Institute to Promote Athlete Health and Wellness, UNCG |
Design, implementation and evaluation of the Language Experiences Advancement Program : amel... | 1988 | Summer, Gail Laubscher | Student | Education, UNCG |
The design, implementation, and evaluation of a French immersion weekend | 1988 | Litaker, Linnea Ruth | Student | Education, UNCG |
Design, synthesis and biological evaluation of GPR55 agonists and resorcylic acid lactone-ba... | 2015 | Alfakhouri, Lara | Student | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Design, synthesis, and structure-activity relationships of GPR35 agonists and antagonists an... | 2015 | Abdalhameed, Manahil Mirghani Ali | Student | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
The designation of family living activities in two open-plan house designs for the five stag... | 1975 | Mobley, Patsy Hand | Student | Home Economics, UNCG |
Designing Age-Appropriate School Library Websites: Why, What, Whom, and How | 2012 | Chow, Anthony Shong-Yu | Faculty | Library and Information Studies, UNCG |
Designing and testing a molecularly targeted glioblastoma theranostic: experimental and comp... | 2018 | Tedla, Getachew Ebuy | Student | Joint School of Nanoscience and Nanoengineering, UNCG |
Designing class participation experiences for the introverted student. | 1995 | Brown, Hazel N. | Faculty | Nursing, UNCG |
Designing deeper: creating interior spaces that support well-being through explorations in p... | 2017 | O'Rourke, Sheila M. | Student | Interior Architecture, UNCG |
Designing Effective Bivariate Symbols: The Influence of Perceptual Grouping Processes | 2000 | Nelson, Elisabeth S. | Faculty | Geography, UNCG |
Designing effective questions for classroom response system teaching | 2006 | Beatty, Ian D. | Faculty | Physics and Astronomy, UNCG |
Designing effective questions for classroom response system teaching | 2006 | Gerace, William | Faculty | Physics and Astronomy, UNCG |
Designing effective questions for classroom response system teaching | 2006 | Leonard, William | Faculty | Physics and Astronomy, UNCG |
Designing for the future from the past : a modern demonstration of nostalgia through domesti... | 2022 | Skinner, Ashley R. | Student | Interior Architecture, UNCG |
Designing for main street : analysis of design services provided to the North Carolina Main ... | 2022 | Mansell, Callista | Student | Interior Architecture, UNCG |
Designing for Rightful Presence in STEM: The Role of Making Present Practices | 2019 | Tan, Edna | Faculty | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
Designing the Future: Public Library Community Needs Analysis and Strategic Planning [Slides... | 2013 | Chow, Anthony Shong-Yu | Faculty | Library and Information Studies, UNCG |
Designing proxies for Stock Market Indices is Computationally Hard | 2001 | Tate, Stephen R. | Faculty | Computer Science, UNCG |
Designing a Responsive e-Learning Infrastructure: Systemic Change in Higher Education [Slide... | 2014 | Chow, Anthony Shong-Yu | Faculty | Library and Information Studies, UNCG |
Designing The School of Theater’s Fall Mainstage Production, Marisol | 2020 | Hines, Allison M. | Student | Theatre, UNCG |
Designs for lighting selected art objects in the interior of Chinqua-Penn Plantation in Nort... | 1970 | Greenfield, Cecelia Doreen | Student | Home Economics, UNCG |
Desirable equipment related to available space in typical first grade classrooms in North Ca... | 1950 | Woollen, Frances Evelyn | Student | Education, UNCG |
Desiring a career in STEM-related fields: How middle school girls articulate and negotiate i... | 2013 | Tan, Edna | Faculty | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
Desiring Subjects: Staging the Female Servant in Early Modern Tragedy | 2011 | Dowd, Michelle M. | Faculty | English, UNCG |
Desolación, miseria y muerte en vida: Representaciones de la muerte en la literatura y el ci... | 2017 | Salinas Fernández, Guadalupe | Student | Languages, Literatures, and Cultures, UNCG |
The despecialization of objects : a process oriented approach to designing interior objects | 2006 | Tucci, Jacob Paul | Student | Interior Architecture, UNCG |
A “Despised” “Semi-Profession”: Perceptions of Curricular Content Relating to Gender and Soc... | 1997 | Carmichael, James V. | Faculty | Library and Information Studies, UNCG |
Desymmetrization of deiesters and dinitriles to synthesize enantioenriched lactones | 2020 | Kelley, Amber M. | Student | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Detailed portraits | 1978 | Comer, Stanley Donnell | Student | Art, UNCG |
Detecting and explicating interactions in categorical data. | 1999 | Dudley, William N. | Faculty | Health and Human Sciences, UNCG |
Detecting the cellular response of Lactobacillus reuteri with nanospray desorption electrosp... | 2017 | Uwakweh, Agbo-Oma A. | Student | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Detecting differential item functioning using the DINA model | 2006 | Zhang, Wenmin | Student | Educational Research Methodology, UNCG |
Detecting DNA Depurination with Solid-State Nanopores | 2014 | Taylor, Ethan W | Faculty | Nanoscience, UNCG |
Detecting DNA Depurination with Solid-State Nanopores | 2014 | Marshall, Michael M. | Faculty | Nanoscience, UNCG |
Detecting a microbial response in sediment of the Dan River following a coal ash spill | 2019 | Williams, Ashley S. | Student | Biology, UNCG |
Detecting potential regional effects of increased atmospheric CO2 on growth rates of western... | 2001 | Knapp, Paul A. | Faculty | Geography, UNCG |
Detecting the presence of an urban heat island at three major North Carolina airports; and l... | 2012 | Futrell, Andrew | Student | Geography, UNCG |
Detecting test cheating using a Deterministic, gated item response theory model | 2010 | Shu, Zhan | Student | Educational Research Methodology, UNCG |
Detection and sequencing of microRNA using MALDI time-of-flight mass spectrometry | 2010 | Yang, Chue Hue | Student | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Detection of Adulteration in Hydrastis canadensis (Goldenseal) Dietary Supplements via Untar... | 2018 | Oberlies, Nicholas | Faculty | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Detection of Adulteration in Hydrastis canadensis (Goldenseal) Dietary Supplements via Untar... | 2018 | Cech, Nadja B. | Faculty | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Detection of Adulteration in Hydrastis canadensis (Goldenseal) Dietary Supplements via Untar... | 2018 | Kellogg, Joshua J. | Faculty | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Detection of Argonaute (Ago) protein associated MiRNA by combining anti-ago antibody recogni... | 2014 | Coley, Brian D. | Student | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
The detection of ceruloplasmin in avian plasma and its validity as a biochemical taxonomic i... | 1971 | Schecter, Roger Norman | Student | Biology, UNCG |
Detection of the Dinozoans Pfiesteria piscicida and P. shumwayae: A Review of Detection Meth... | 2005 | Remington, David L. | Faculty | Biology, UNCG |
Detection of the Dinozoans Pfiesteria piscicida and P. shumwayae: A Review of Detection Meth... | 2005 | Rublee, Parke A. | Faculty | Biology, UNCG |
Detection of the Dinozoans Pfiesteria piscicida and P. shumwayae: A Review of Detection Meth... | 2005 | Rublee, Parke A. | Faculty | Biology, UNCG |
Detection of MCT and MCTC Types of Human Mast Cells by Immunohistochemistry Using New Monocl... | 1989 | Kepley, Christopher | Faculty | Nanoscience, UNCG |
Detection of a novel ecotype of Pfiesteria piscicida (Dinophyceae) in an Antarctic saline la... | 2007 | Rublee, Parke A. | Faculty | Biology, UNCG |
Detection of Pfiesteria spp. by PCR in surface sediments collected from Chesapeake Bay tribu... | 2006 | Rublee, Parke A. | Faculty | Biology, UNCG |
Determinants of Apparel Exports in Developed Economies: Application of the Gravity Model and... | 2014 | Karpova, Elena | Faculty | Consumer, Apparel, and Retail Studies, UNCG |
Determinants of community compositional change are equally affected by global change | 2021 | Koerner, Sally E. | Faculty | Biology, UNCG |
Determinants of computing in very small businesses | 1994 | Palvia, Prashant | Faculty | Information Systems and Supply Chain Management, UNCG |
Determinants of corporate listings on stock markets in sub-Sahara Africa: Evidence from Ghan... | 2015 | Acquaah, Moses | Faculty | Management, UNCG |
Determinants of diagnostic prototypicality judgments of the personality disorders | 1990 | Herbert, Diana Lee | Student | Psychology, UNCG |
The determinants of family firms’ subcontracting: A transaction cost perspective. | 2011 | Memili, Esra | Faculty | Marketing, Entrepreneurship, Hospitality & Tourism, UNCG |
The Determinants of Family Owner-Managers' Affective Organizational Commitment | 2013 | Memili, Esra | Faculty | Marketing, Entrepreneurship, Hospitality & Tourism, UNCG |
Determinants of food security and diet among rural and urban Latino/Hispanic. | 2007 | Ingram, Kandis P. | Faculty | Nutrition, UNCG |
Determinants of food security and diet among rural and urban Latino/Hispanic. | 2007 | Gruber, Kenneth | Faculty | Center for Youth, Family, & Community Partnerships, UNCG |
Determinants of food security and diet among rural and urban Latino/Hispanic. | 2007 | Haldeman, Lauren | Faculty | Nutrition, UNCG |
Determinants of functional performance in long-term survivors of allogeneic hematopoietic st... | 2010 | Dudley, William N. | Faculty | Health and Human Sciences, UNCG |
Determinants of the Global Diffusion of B2B E-Commerce | 2002 | Kshetri, Nir B. | Faculty | Management, UNCG |
Determinants of infant growth within the first six months of life | 2017 | Burklin, Aubrey | Student | Nutrition, UNCG |
Determinants of job satisfaction and turnover intention of IT professionals in Japan | 2019 | Palvia, Prashant | Faculty | Information Systems and Supply Chain Management, UNCG |
Determinants of the Locus of Global E-commerce | 2001 | Kshetri, Nir B. | Faculty | Management, UNCG |
Determinants of Negative Priming | 1995 | Kane, Michael J. | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
Determinants of physical activity of middle school overweight girls : the effects of a welln... | 2006 | Langley, Brandy Lee | Student | Community and Therapeutic Recreation, UNCG |
Determinants of presidential longevity in higher education: estimating a structural model fr... | 2018 | Reid, Aileen Marea | Student | Education Research Methodology, UNCG |
The determinants of service recovery in the retail industry: A study of micro and small ente... | 2016 | Acquaah, Moses | Faculty | Management, UNCG |
The Determinants of the Tax-Adjusted Real Interest Rate | 1992 | Allen, Stuart D. | Faculty | Economics, UNCG |
The determinants of venture creation time: a cross-country perspective | 2012 | Welsh, Dianne H.B. | Faculty | Business Administration, UNCG |
The determinants of venture creation time: a cross-country perspective | 2012 | Memili, Esra | Faculty | Marketing, Entrepreneurship, Hospitality & Tourism, UNCG |
Determinants of women entrepreneurs' firm performance in a hostile environment | 2018 | Welsh, Dianne H.B. | Faculty | Business Administration, UNCG |
Determination of 13 Free Fatty Acids in Pheretima Using Ultra-Performance LC-ESI-MS | 2009 | Jia, Wei | Faculty | Nutrition, UNCG |
A determination of the bacterial and fungal flora of normal and iron containing fish aquaria... | 1964 | Robbins, Joanna Johnson | Student | Biology, UNCG |
Determination of Daidzein in Rat Plasma by LC | 2008 | Jia, Wei | Faculty | Nutrition, UNCG |
Determination of palatability, tenderness, and vitamin retention of meat and poultry cooked ... | 1974 | Meadows, Jerriane Kujie Stafford | Student | Home Economics, UNCG |
Determination of pesticide levels as the result of cross- contamination during laundering | 1989 | Milikin, Corinth | Student | Human Environmental Sciences, UNCG |
Determination of the relationship between water access and women’s overall happiness, educat... | 2022 | Chen, Fangshu | Student | Nutrition, UNCG |
Determination of surfactant build-up and its effects on resin treated cotton fabrics | 1976 | Ogbogu, Uchenna | Student | Home Economics, UNCG |
Determining the correlation of effective middle school math teachers and math student achiev... | 2009 | Becoats, Jocelyn B. | Student | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Determining Functional Relations in Multivariate Oceanographic Systems: Model II Multiple Li... | 2014 | Richter, Scott J. | Faculty | Mathematics and Statistics, UNCG |
Determining Future Travel Behavior from Past Travel Experience and Perceptions of Risk and S... | 1998 | Sonmez, Sevil | Faculty | Marketing, Entrepreneurship, Hospitality & Tourism, UNCG |
Determining how myosin II affects GLUT4 docking and fusion to the plasma membrane in 3T3-L1 ... | 2019 | Bucciarelli, Marc D. | Student | Biology, UNCG |
Determining Intention to Provide Culturally Responsive Clinical Mental Health Care to Colleg... | 2023 | Perko, Michael A. | Faculty | Public Health Education, UNCG |
Determining Intention to Provide Culturally Responsive Clinical Mental Health Care to Colleg... | 2023 | Poole, K. Jay | Faculty | Social Work, UNCG |
Determining Intention to Provide Culturally Responsive Clinical Mental Health Care to Colleg... | 2023 | Wyrick, David L. | Faculty | Public Health Education, UNCG |
Determining nightly bat activity with, and sampling effectiveness of, modified NABat driving... | 2017 | Schimpp, Sarah A. | Student | Biology, UNCG |
Determining the relationship of certain venereal diseases to speech and hearing pathology | 1967 | Elkins, Sue Neal | Student | Drama and Speech, UNCG |
Determining requirements for meiotic pairing in Drosophila melanogaster Spermatogenesis | 2020 | Hylton, Christopher | Student | Biology, UNCG |
Determining species-specific nightly bat activity in sites with varying urban intensity | 2018 | Li, Han | Faculty | Biology, UNCG |
Determining species-specific nightly bat activity in sites with varying urban intensity | 2018 | Kalcounis-Rüppell, Matina C. | Faculty | Biology, UNCG |
Determining time of onset in patients with acute coronary syndromes: Agreement between medic... | 2015 | Davis, Leslie L | Faculty | Adult Health Nursing, UNCG |
Determining the value of your Library Science degree | 2015 | Crumpton, Michael | Faculty | University Libraries, UNCG |
Detrimental Citizenship Behaviour: A Multilevel Framework of Antecedents and Consequences | 2015 | Pierce, Jason R. | Faculty | Management, UNCG |
Developing and Implementing the Start of a Student Organization | 2020 | Hines, Arion | Student | Nursing, UNCG |
Developing and maintaining student interest in learning through a study of the selection, co... | 1941 | Harrill, Thelma Hawkins | Student | Home Economics, UNCG |
Developing and Validating an Instrument for Measuring User-Perceived Web Quality | 2002 | Palvia, Prashant | Faculty | Information Systems and Supply Chain Management, UNCG |
Developing the BIO Questionnaire: A Bilingual Parent Report Tool for Prekindergarten English... | 2013 | Scott-Little, Catherine | Faculty | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Developing the BIO Questionnaire: A Bilingual Parent Report Tool for Prekindergarten English... | 2013 | Hardin, Belinda J | Faculty | Specialized Education Services, UNCG |
Developing a child health model : a prospective study of maternal health beliefs and utiliza... | 1995 | Walker, Kim Schmidt | Student | Psychology, UNCG |
Developing Children's Self-Efficacy and Skills: The Roles of Social Comparative Information ... | 1983 | Schunk, Dale H. | Faculty | Education, UNCG |
Developing China’s West: producer services in metropolitan Xi’an | 2012 | Walcott, Susan M. | Faculty | Geography, UNCG |
Developing communication repertoire to address conflict in community engagement work | 2019 | Janke, Emily | Faculty | Peace and Conflict Studies, UNCG |
Developing a Community-Based Care System for Seriously Emotionally Disabled Children and You... | 1991 | Schmitz, Cathryne L. | Faculty | Social Work, UNCG |
Developing Computer Simulations for Student Assessment | 2007 | Henning, Jolene M. | Faculty | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Developing a Corneal Abrasion Protocol in Robotic Assisted Procedures | 2023 | Toney, Cameron Scott | Student | Nursing, UNCG |
Developing Critical Language Awareness via Service-Learning for Spanish Heritage Speakers | 2015 | Lowther Pereira, Kelly Anne | Faculty | Languages, Literatures, and Cultures, UNCG |
Developing critical thinking through student consulting projects | 2017 | Canziani, Bonnie M. | Faculty | Marketing, Entrepreneurship, Hospitality & Tourism, UNCG |
Developing a curriculum of person-centered care in athletic training | 2018 | Yard, Jean Nicole | Student | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Developing an Effective e-Learning Infrastructure: Ends, Means, and Processes [Slides] | 2013 | Chow, Anthony Shong-Yu | Faculty | Library and Information Studies, UNCG |
Developing an enzymatic synthesis for acetoacetyl-CoA using acetyl-CoA acetyltransferase (At... | 2022 | Ballentine, Brittney R. | Student | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Developing gratitude: An introduction | 2017 | Tudge, Jonathan R. | Faculty | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Developing a holistic sensory evaluation three-part method for textiles and apparel: a pract... | 2023 | Karpova, Elena | Faculty | Consumer, Apparel, and Retail Studies, UNCG |
Developing an Innovative Library Culture through Entrepreneurship [Slides] | 2018 | Crumpton, Michael | Faculty | University Libraries, UNCG |
Developing an Institutional Repository at a Medium-Sized University: Getting Started and Goi... | 2011 | Oguz, Fatih | Faculty | Library and Information Studies, UNCG |
Developing a model of the global and strategic impact of information technology | 1997 | Palvia, Prashant | Faculty | Information Systems and Supply Chain Management, UNCG |
Developing a model to test the predictors and consequences of the amount of time school-age ... | 1989 | Payne, Cathy Chris | Student | Human Environmental Sciences, UNCG |
Developing mutually beneficial relationships with community partners | 2001 | Cuny, Kimberly M. | Faculty | Communication Studies, UNCG |
Developing a Pedagogy of Restorative Physical Education | 2021 | Hemphill, Michael | Faculty | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Developing a Pedagogy of Restorative Physical Education | 2021 | Dyson, Omari L. | Faculty | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Developing physical literacy through online physical education in community college | 2021 | Stroffolino, John Edward | Student | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Developing a proposal for the implementation of Adventure Education in higher education. | 2019 | DeLangie, Nicholas Brian | Student | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Developing a psychometric instrument to measure physical education teachers’ job demands and... | 2017 | Chen, Ang | Faculty | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Developing real-time PCR to identify cyanobacteria populations in lakes | 2011 | Stewart, Isaac H. | Student | Biology, UNCG |
Developing skills in providing outreach programs: Construction and use of the POSE (Performa... | 2011 | Morris, Carrie A. Wachter | Faculty | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
Developing skills in providing outreach programs: Construction and use of the POSE (Performa... | 2011 | Taub, Deborah J. | Faculty | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
Developing SSU rDNA metagenomic profiles of aquatic microbial communities for environmental ... | 2008 | Henrich, Vincent C. | Faculty | Biology, UNCG |
Developing SSU rDNA metagenomic profiles of aquatic microbial communities for environmental ... | 2008 | Rublee, Parke A. | Faculty | Biology, UNCG |
Developing strategies and skills for responsible leadership | 2005 | Caza, Arran | Faculty | Management, UNCG |
Developing Successful Entrepreneurial Ecosystems: Lessons from a Comparison of an Asian Tige... | 2014 | Kshetri, Nir B. | Faculty | Management, UNCG |
Developing Teachers' Classroom Interactions: A Description of a Video Review Process for Ear... | 2012 | Scott-Little, Catherine | Faculty | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Developing Teachers' Classroom Interactions: A Description of a Video Review Process for Ear... | 2012 | LaParo, Karen M. | Faculty | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Developing a typology of sustainable apparel consumer: An application of grounded theory | 2023 | Karpova, Elena | Faculty | Consumer, Apparel, and Retail Studies, UNCG |
Developing an understanding of the nature of accessibility and usability problems blind stud... | 2011 | Babu, Rakesh | Student | Information Systems and Operations Management, UNCG |
Developing a Web-Based Tool Using Information and Communication Technologies to Expand the R... | 2015 | Wyrick, David L. | Faculty | Public Health Education, UNCG |
Developing a Web-Based Tool Using Information and Communication Technologies to Expand the R... | 2015 | Strack, Robert W. | Faculty | Public Health Education, UNCG |
Developing a Web-Based Tool Using Information and Communication Technologies to Expand the R... | 2015 | Orsini, Muhsin Michael | Faculty | Public Health Education, UNCG |
Developing a Web-Based Tool Using Information and Communication Technologies to Expand the R... | 2015 | Milroy, Jeffrey John | Faculty | Institute to Promote Athlete Health and Wellness, UNCG |
Developing Western China: Xi'an's Maturing Economy and the Role of Producer Services | 2010 | Walcott, Susan M. | Faculty | Geography, UNCG |
Development and analysis of primary cultures from the midgut of the honey bee, Apis mellifer... | 2012 | Willard, Laura Evins | Student | Biology, UNCG |
The development and application of an instrument to indicate the fire resistance characteris... | 1972 | Mori, Yang-Ja Kim | Student | Home Economics, UNCG |
The development and application of keyboard fingering principles in the music of J. S. Bach ... | 2014 | Duvall, André Charles | Student | Music, UNCG |
Development and applications of microbial ecogenomic indicators for monitoring water quality... | 2006 | Rublee, Parke A. | Faculty | Biology, UNCG |
Development and Assessment of Short and Very Short Forms of the Infant Behavior Questionnair... | 2014 | Leerkes, Esther M. | Faculty | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
The development and effect of a multimedia presentation upon knowledges about a university g... | 1978 | Ferguson, Claudia Jean | Student | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
Development and Evaluation of the ADHD Cognitions Scale for Adults | 2017 | Anastopoulos, Arthur D. | Faculty | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Development and evaluation of assessments for counseling professionals | 2017 | Wester, Kelly L. | Faculty | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
The development and evaluation of a behaviorally anchored rating scale for secondary physica... | 1985 | McKethan, Robert N. | Student | Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, UNCG |
Development and Evaluation of an Educational Module and Visual Guide for the Facilitation of... | 2023 | Barnes, Morgan E. | Student | Nursing, UNCG |
Development and evaluation of flipped learning classes using film clips within a nursing inf... | 2018 | Bartlett, Robin | Faculty | Nursing, UNCG |
The development and evaluation of selected instructional materials for teaching percussion i... | 1975 | Preston, Andrew Conrath | Student | Music, UNCG |
The development and evaluation of a senior high school unit on the buying of ready-made clot... | 1949 | James, Jeannie Henrietta | Student | Home Economics, UNCG |
Development and evaluation of a training program for pediatric residents on physical activit... | 2012 | McNally, Kimberly V. | Student | Kinesiology, UNCG |
The development and implementation of a novel bioisosteric software program for the developm... | 2014 | Lemoine, Samuel J. | Student | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Development and implementation of nutrition education classes and cooking sessions into an e... | 2012 | Scripa, Ioana | Student | Nutrition, UNCG |
The development and implementation of a rhythmic ability test designed for four-year-old pre... | 1974 | McDowell, Robert Harvey | Student | Music, UNCG |
Development and implementation of a student portfolio assessment model for use in the second... | 1993 | Johnson, Sharon Ann | Student | Human Environmental Sciences, UNCG |
Development and Implementation of a Women’s Health Promotion Program: The Moms for Moms Appr... | 2009 | Nichols, Tracy R. | Faculty | Public Health Education, UNCG |
Development and pretesting of culturally appropriate nutrition education materials and messa... | 2009 | McQuerry, Meghan Colleen | Student | Nutrition, UNCG |
Development and psychometric properties of the Multidimensional Schizotypy Scale: A new meas... | 2018 | Kwapil, Thomas R. | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
Development and psychometric properties of the Multidimensional Schizotypy Scale: A new meas... | 2018 | Silvia, Paul | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
Development and psychometric properties of the Multidimensional Schizotypy Scale: a new meas... | 2017 | Gross, Georgina M. | Student | Psychology, UNCG |
Development and psychometric testing of the relocation of self-efficacy scale. | 2007 | Rossen, Eileen R. | Faculty | Nursing, UNCG |
Development and psychometric testing of the relocation of self-efficacy scale. | 2007 | Gruber, Kenneth | Faculty | Center for Youth, Family, & Community Partnerships, UNCG |
Development and psychometric validation of the chronic life stress questionnaire : a multido... | 2022 | Corneau, Gail M. | Student | Psychology, UNCG |
Development and status of business education in North Carolina | 1940 | Harman, Clay | Student | Business Education, UNCG |
Development and testing of records for longitudinal studies | 1958 | Herndon, Joyce Wilson | Student | Home Economics, UNCG |
Development and Testing of a Tool to Assess Self-Care Agency in Adults with Sickle Cell Dise... | 2002 | Telfair, Joseph | Faculty | Public Health Education, UNCG |
The development and use of tape recordings as motivation for older youth towards concept lea... | 1971 | Hubbard, Nancy Gail | Student | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
Development and Utilization of a Palladium-Catalyzed Dehydration of Primary Amides To Form N... | 2018 | Pearce, Cedric J | Faculty | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Development and Utilization of a Palladium-Catalyzed Dehydration of Primary Amides To Form N... | 2018 | Al-Huniti, Mohammed | Faculty | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Development and Utilization of a Palladium-Catalyzed Dehydration of Primary Amides To Form N... | 2018 | Oberlies, Nicholas | Faculty | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Development and Utilization of a Palladium-Catalyzed Dehydration of Primary Amides To Form N... | 2018 | Croatt, Mitchell | Faculty | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Development and validation of the 4-Factor Critical Consciousness Scale | 2022 | Orsini, Muhsin Michael | Faculty | Public Health Education, UNCG |
Development and validation of the 4-Factor Critical Consciousness Scale | 2022 | Strack, Robert W. | Faculty | Public Health Education, UNCG |
Development and validation of the 4-Factor Critical Consciousness Scale | 2022 | Ewald, Rose | Faculty | Educational Research Methodology, UNCG |
The development and validation of the Business Cultural Intelligence Quotient | 2016 | Taras, Vasyl | Faculty | Management, UNCG |
The development and validation of the Counselors’ emotional awareness scale (C-EAS) | 2020 | Austin, Jordan L. | Student | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
Development and validation of the Crowell-Lowery multicultural training reactance scale (CL-... | 2011 | Lowery, Robyn Lynette Crowell | Student | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
Development and validation of the dynamic leadership in counseling scale – self report | 2015 | McKibben, William Bradley | Student | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
Development and validation of an experience-based scale to measure water insecurity at the h... | 2020 | Nounkeu, Carole Debora | Student | Nutrition, UNCG |
Development and validation of an instrument to assess mathematics educators’ visions of math... | 2019 | Okeyo, Sherrad R. | Student | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
Development and validation of the Leadership Effectiveness in Africa and the Diaspora (LEAD)... | 2020 | Acquaah, Moses | Faculty | Management, UNCG |
The development and validation of the leadership versatility index for students (LVI-S) | 2011 | Yarborough, James Preston | Student | Office of Leadership and Service-Learning (OLSL) , UNCG |
The development and validation of the North Carolina Elementary Measures of Music Achievemen... | 1994 | Warren, Mary Ann | Student | Music, UNCG |
Development and Validation of a Primary Care-Based Family Health History and Decision Suppor... | 2013 | Henrich, Vincent C. | Faculty | Biology, UNCG |
Development and validation of a questionnaire for assessing habitual physical activity of si... | 1988 | Koehler, Karen Marie | Student | Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, UNCG |
Development and validation of a specific learning disabilities concept questionnaire for par... | 1975 | Shirk, Robert D. | Student | Home Economics, UNCG |
The development and validation of a sport assertion scale | 1978 | Dailey, Jacqueline Ann | Student | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
Development and Validation of Work-Family Conflict and Family-Work Conflict Scales | 1996 | Boles, James S. | Faculty | Marketing, Entrepreneurship, Hospitality & Tourism, UNCG |
Development as transcendence an examination of a phenomenological perspective of how individ... | 1987 | Oussaty, Janet Mary | Student | Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, UNCG |
Development in Africa and the Diaspora: Democracy as Performed Activity in the Making of a P... | 2009 | Ali, Omar H. | Faculty | African American & African Diaspora Studies, UNCG |
Development in the use and understanding of polite forms in children. | 1982 | Anastopoulos, Arthur D. | Faculty | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Development is dysfunctional … | 2006 | Jennings, Karlene | Faculty | University Libraries, UNCG |
The development of academic efficacy among Asian, Hispanic, Black, and White high school stu... | 1994 | Thomas, Sabrina Lynette | Student | Human Environmental Sciences, UNCG |
The development of adolescent emotion regulation among Black and White youth: the role of ne... | 2020 | Kim, Yuji Y. | Student | Psychology, UNCG |
The development of the alcoholic beverage control system in North Carolina | 1972 | Adcock, Attie W. | Student | History, UNCG |
Development of an anatomical landmark protocol for constructing segment axes for lower extre... | 2005 | Botic, Timothy Lee | Student | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Development of Apparel Product Evaluation (APE) framework: a systematic classification of ev... | 2021 | Karpova, Elena | Faculty | Consumer, Apparel, and Retail Studies, UNCG |
Development of the artist's painting and prints | 1956 | Ould, Mary Jane Fox | Student | Art, UNCG |
The development of the Assessment of Intimacy in Marriage (AIM) instrument | 1993 | Shackleford, Robert S. | Student | Human Environmental Sciences, UNCG |
Development of a cellular model to evaluate the hypothesis that dietary carotenoids are anti... | 1996 | Martin, Keith R. | Student | Human Environmental Sciences, UNCG |
The development of children’s autobiographical and deliberate memory through mother-child re... | 2020 | Cook, Olivia K. | Student | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
The development of the city schools in North Carolina from 1860-1900 | 1933 | Cason, Aleph Ann | Student | Education, UNCG |
Development of a college beginning swimming course which possesses selected characteristics ... | 1974 | Neikirk, Mary Margaret | Student | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
Development of computer supplements to calculus | 1972 | Martin, John Randolph | Student | Mathematics, UNCG |
Development of the Concept of Middleness in Children: Response Time and Complexity | 1993 | Williams, Kathleen | Faculty | Health and Human Sciences, UNCG |
The development of a convergence diagnostic for Markov Chain Monte Carlo estimation | 2011 | Burke, Matthew Joseph | Student | Educational Research Methodology, UNCG |
Development of the Couples Resource Map Scales | 2007 | Murray, Christine E. | Faculty | Center for Youth, Family, & Community Partnerships, UNCG |
The development of creative thinking and its educational implications | 1989 | Johnson, Aostre N. | Student | Education, UNCG |
The development of criteria for identifying music preferred by children with behavioral prob... | 1978 | Bowman, Jo Ann Curlee | Student | Music, UNCG |
Development of the Dynamic Leadership in Counseling Scale – Self-report | 2017 | Borders, L. DiAnne | Faculty | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
Development of the enactment effect: examining individual differences in executive function ... | 2013 | Chatley, Naomi | Student | Psychology, UNCG |
The development of essential character traits in prospective religious workers through the a... | 1949 | Temple, Kenneth Elsworth | Student | Education, UNCG |
Development of an evaluation device to accompany a self-instructional program on the teachin... | 1967 | Newnam, Carol Stainback | Student | Home Economics, UNCG |
Development of an evaluation device to measure quality of workmanship on a blouse | 1967 | Solomon, Mary McNeely | Student | Home Economics, UNCG |
The development of executive function in early childhood | 2003 | Marcovitch, Stuart | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
The development of executive function in early childhood | 2003 | Boseovski, Janet J. | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
Development of a fluorescence-based assay to screen antiviral drugs against Kaposi's sarcoma... | 2007 | Oberlies, Nicholas | Faculty | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
The development of a framework for an articulation plan for the transfer of credits from two... | 1983 | Andrews, Frances Kennedy | Student | Education, UNCG |
Development of the French drama of the eighteenth century | 1934 | Heilig, Annie Preston | Student | Romance Languages-French, UNCG |
The development of gratitude in Brazilian children and adolescents | 2018 | Tudge, Jonathan R. | Faculty | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
The development of gratitude in seven societies: Cross-cultural highlights | 2018 | Tudge, Jonathan R. | Faculty | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
The development of Guttman scales measuring attitudes toward athletic scholarships and attit... | 1975 | Buede, Patricia Sue | Student | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
Development of handedness for role-differentiated bimanual manipulation of objects in relati... | 2014 | Babik, Iryna | Student | Psychology, UNCG |
The development of the historiography of the Civil War | 1950 | Rigney, Eleanor | Student | History, UNCG |
The development of a homemaking unit on methods of work simplification as applied to home ta... | 1952 | Smith, Rebecca McCulloch | Student | Home Economics, UNCG |
Development of honesty in repeated signaling games | 2017 | Leshowitz, Michael I. | Student | Mathematics and Statistics, UNCG |
The development of immigrant-origin children’s social relationships | 2023 | Raina, Shivani W. | Student | Psychology, UNCG |
The development of an indoor putting test | 1970 | Williford, Edna Wolfe | Student | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
Development of Infant Prehension Handedness: A Longitudinal Analysis During the 6- to 14-mon... | 2010 | Babik, Iryna | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
Development of Infant Prehension Handedness: A Longitudinal Analysis During the 6- to 14-mon... | 2010 | Ferre, Claudio L. | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
Development of Infant Prehension Handedness: A Longitudinal Analysis During the 6- to 14-mon... | 2010 | Michel, George F. | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
Development of an instrument for assessing educational value orientations | 1988 | Ennis, Catherine D. | Faculty | Kinesiology, UNCG |
The development of an instrument for measuring library instructional services and organizati... | 1986 | Safrit, Janice Annette | Student | Education, UNCG |
The development of an instrument for measuring the opinions of educators toward potential sc... | 1990 | Blanton, Roy Ernest | Student | Education, UNCG |
The development of an instrument for measuring strength of elbow flexion in elementary schoo... | 1966 | Koenigsberger, Ruth E. | Student | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
Development of an instrument to assess student opinions of the quality of distance education... | 2007 | Eddy, James M. | Faculty | Public Health Education, UNCG |
Development of an inventory to ascertain the problems and interests related to home economic... | 1965 | Denning, Mary Lou
| Student | Home Economics, UNCG |
The development of market orientation: a consideration of institutional influence in China | 2009 | Kshetri, Nir B. | Faculty | Management, UNCG |
Development of materials on family planning and population education for use by Thai home ec... | 1975 | Chatraphorn, Suparp | Student | Home Economics, UNCG |
The development of maternal self-efficacy and its influence on maternal behavior | 2002 | Leerkes, Esther M. | Faculty | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
The development of mathematical understanding and its application to Libyan secondary school... | 1982 | Zeguan, Bashir Hosni | Student | Education, UNCG |
Development of the McSweeney acute and prodromal myocardial infarction symptom survey. | 2004 | Crane, Patricia B. | Faculty | Nursing, UNCG |
Development of a measure of rehabilitation adherence for athletic training. | 2010 | Appaneal, Renee Newcomer | Faculty | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Development of a measure of rehabilitation adherence for athletic training. | 2010 | Gill, Diane L. | Faculty | Kinesiology, UNCG |
The development of a model for assessing quality learning experiences in elementary physical... | 1977 | Johnston, Jeanne Louise | Student | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
The development of a model for participatory goal setting in private educational institution... | 1976 | Schoppert, Gail Dean | Student | Education, UNCG |
The development of a multi-skill test in lacrosse for college women | 1977 | Ennis, Catherine D. | Student | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Development of a multidimensional instrument of person-environment fit: The Perceived Person... | 2016 | Chuang, Aichia | Faculty | Management, UNCG |
The development of muscular endurance in women physical education majors with diverse initia... | 1971 | Alley, Jennifer Elaine | Student | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
The development of a neural psychological immune endocrine model of tinnitus | 2014 | Alsalman, Ola Abdullah | Student | Communication Sciences and Disorders, UNCG |
The development of neuromotor skills and hand preference during infancy | 2017 | Michel, George F. | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
The development of a nursery school leadership observation schedule and a nursery school lea... | 1970 | Fu, Victoria Ruth | Student | Home Economics, UNCG |
The development of an objective measure of achievement in swimming at the advanced level for... | 1964 | Linter, Marie Anne | Student | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
The development of an objective, reliable and valid tool for the systematic description of s... | 1972 | Ciesla, Lucy Katherine | Student | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
Development of the objectives and generalizations for use in a self-instructional program on... | 1968 | Lewis, Alice | Student | Home Economics, UNCG |
Development of a paper and pencil test and a performance test to accompany a self-instructio... | 1965 | Ross, Carolyn Elizabeth | Student | Home Economics, UNCG |
The development of parenting efficacy among new mothers and fathers | 2007 | Leerkes, Esther M. | Faculty | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Development of peer-led youth theater as a nutrition education tool to promote the healthy t... | 2006 | Colby, Sarah Elizabeth | Student | Nutrition, UNCG |
The Development of Planning Ability in Children: The Role of Meta-Planning, Transfer, and In... | 2007 | Gredlein, Jeffrey M. | Student | Psychology, UNCG |
Development of a preliminary rehabilitation adherence measure for athletic training | 2008 | Granquist, Megan D. | Student | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Development of preservice elementary teachers' multicultural education perspectives | 1995 | Cristol, Dean S. | Student | Education, UNCG |
Development of professional school counselor identity | 1999 | Myers, Jane E. | Faculty | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
The development of a program of survival swimming and lifesaving to be taught as a part of b... | 1960 | Berry, Anne Elise | Student | Physical Education, UNCG |
The development of a progression of synchronized swimming skills to accompany the American R... | 1965 | Eastridge, Marilyn | Student | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
Development of Real-Time PCR Assays for Rapid Detection of Pfiesteria piscicida and Related ... | 2000 | Rublee, Parke A. | Faculty | Biology, UNCG |
Development of role-differentiated bimanual manipulation during the infant's first year | 2010 | Michel, George F. | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
Development of Role-Differentiated Bimanual Manipulation in Infancy: Part 1. The Influence o... | 2015 | Michel, George F. | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
Development of Role-Differentiated Bimanual Manipulation in Infancy: Part 2. Hand Preference... | 2018 | Michel, George F. | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
Development of role-differentiated bimanual manipulation in infancy: Part 3. Its relation to... | 2016 | Michel, George F. | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
The development of school counselor identity | 1996 | Brott, Pamelia Ellyn | Student | Education, UNCG |
The development of self-control of emotion: Intrinsic and extrinsic influences. | 2003 | Calkins, Susan D. | Faculty | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Development of a self-instructional program on the sewing machine | 1963 | Moore, Catherine Porter | Student | Home Economics, UNCG |
Development of sex differences in listening | 1976 | Reis, Laura Ann | Student | Psychology, UNCG |
Development of a Smart City and its Adoption and Acceptance: the Case of New Songdo | 2014 | Kshetri, Nir B. | Faculty | Management, UNCG |
The development of a social program in a church-related college engaged in teacher preparati... | 1949 | MacLeod, Frances Alexander | Student | Education, UNCG |
Development of Standards and Criteria for the Selection, Training, and Evaluation of Athleti... | 2004 | Henning, Jolene M. | Faculty | Kinesiology, UNCG |
The development of study materials for use in parent education groups | 1959 | Ashby, Helen Bewley | Student | Home Economics, UNCG |
Development of systems of care for ST-Elevation myocardial infarction patients. The emergenc... | 2007 | Davis, Leslie L | Faculty | Adult Health Nursing, UNCG |
The development of a teaching manual and loopfilms for officials of conventional foil fencin... | 1968 | Alphin, Beth | Student | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
Development of a test to measure the ability of home economics teachers to apply certain acc... | 1962 | Cooper, Marjorie Ann | Student | Home Economics, UNCG |
Development of Theory of Mind on Online Social Networks: Evidence from Facebook, Twitter, In... | 2021 | Yang, Zhiyong | Faculty | Marketing, UNCG |
Development of a theory-based instrument regarding adolescent athletes and dietary supplemen... | 1999 | Perko, Michael A. | Faculty | Public Health Education, UNCG |
Development of a tool to introduce DNA methylation into a genomic locus in vivo | 2023 | Phuyal, Gaurav | Student | Biology, UNCG |
The development of a tool to measure perceptions of physical education teaching behaviors fo... | 1983 | Daniel, Mary Regina | Student | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
The development of a values inventory for high school girls to measure selected psychologica... | 1970 | Leathem, Jocelyn | Student | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
The development of the virtue of gratitude: Theoretical foundations and cross-cultural issue... | 2018 | Tudge, Jonathan R. | Faculty | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Development of visual species identification in ducklings: What is the role of imprinting? | 1981 | Johnston, Timothy | Faculty | Arts and Sciences, UNCG |
Development of a Wellness Trust to Improve Population Health: A Case-Study of a United State... | 2018 | Echeverría, Sandra E. | Faculty | Public Health Education, UNCG |
The development of witchcraft in the thirteenth century | 1973 | Decker, Janet F. | Student | History, UNCG |
Development: What's in it for you? | 2012 | Crumpton, Michael | Faculty | University Libraries, UNCG |
Developmental and stylistic consistency in selected choral works of Felicia Donceanu (b. 193... | 2011 | Alexander, Cory Thomas | Student | Music, UNCG |
Developmental cascade and transactional associations among infant biological and behavioral ... | 2017 | Dollar, Jessica | Faculty | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Developmental cascade and transactional associations among infant biological and behavioral ... | 2017 | Calkins, Susan D. | Faculty | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
A developmental cascade of early teacher-child relationships: implications for academic perf... | 2014 | Boye, Jason E. | Student | Psychology, UNCG |
Developmental cascades : linking depressive symptoms and academic functioning in Mexican-Ame... | 2021 | Mejia, Yesenia | Student | Psychology, UNCG |
Developmental Change and Stability in Adolescent Self-Concept | 1984 | Demo, David H. | Faculty | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Developmental changes in electrophysiology and speech during problem-solving as predictors o... | 2019 | Whedon, Margaret C. | Student | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Developmental changes in information input preference | 1977 | Ramirez, Louise McKibbin | Student | Psychology, UNCG |
Developmental changes in mnemonic organization in children | 1975 | Bales, Mary Lee | Student | Psychology, UNCG |
Developmental changes of supervisees during first practicum | 1991 | Borders, L. DiAnne | Faculty | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
Developmental characteristics of a novel cell type in the larval midgut of Drosophila melano... | 2011 | Presnell, Jason Scott | Student | Biology, UNCG |
Developmental Counseling and Therapy: An effective approach to understanding and counseling ... | 2002 | Shoffner, Marie F. | Faculty | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
Developmental Counseling and Therapy: An effective approach to understanding and counseling ... | 2002 | Myers, Jane E. | Faculty | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
Developmental Differences in Burnout Among High School Athletes in the United States: A Gend... | 2021 | Chu, Alan | Faculty | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Developmental Dynamics of Emotion and Cognition Processes in Preschoolers | 2012 | Leerkes, Esther M. | Faculty | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Developmental Dynamics of Emotion and Cognition Processes in Preschoolers | 2012 | Marcovitch, Stuart | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
Developmental Dynamics of Emotion and Cognition Processes in Preschoolers | 2012 | O'Brien, Marion | Faculty | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Developmental Dynamics of Emotion and Cognition Processes in Preschoolers | 2012 | Calkins, Susan D. | Faculty | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Developmental education and teacher training | 1977 | Sujjavanich, Pairin Nateharn | Student | Education, UNCG |
Developmental Effects of a Chimeric ultraspiracle Gene Derived From Drosophila and Chironomu... | 2000 | Henrich, Vincent C. | Faculty | Biology, UNCG |
Developmental evidence helps resolve the evolutionary origins of anther appendages in Globba... | 2019 | Kirchoff, Bruce K. | Faculty | Biology, UNCG |
A developmental examination of the modeling of aggression and altruism | 1976 | Fawaz, Dan | Student | Home Economics, UNCG |
Developmental explanation and the ontogeny of birdsong: Nature/nurture redux | 1988 | Johnston, Timothy | Faculty | Arts and Sciences, UNCG |
Developmental genetics basis of life history variation in Arabidopsis lyrata | 2022 | Giri, Bishwa Kiran | Student | Biology, UNCG |
Developmental histories of five preschool children | 1961 | Carter, Martha Duvall | Student | Home Economics, UNCG |
Developmental History of Care and Control, Depression and Anger: Correlates of Maternal Sens... | 2009 | Leerkes, Esther M. | Faculty | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
A developmental model for the evolution of paternal care | 1995 | Justice, Teresa C. | Student | Psychology, UNCG |
Developmental origins of early antisocial behavior | 2009 | Keane, Susan P. | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
Developmental origins of early antisocial behavior | 2009 | Calkins, Susan D. | Faculty | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Developmental pathways of cultural immersion: Motivations, processes, and outcomes | 2021 | Borders, L. DiAnne | Faculty | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
Developmental pathways of cultural immersion: Motivations, processes, and outcomes | 2021 | Jones, Connie T. | Faculty | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
Developmental patterns of respiratory sinus arrhythmia from toddlerhood to adolescence | 2020 | Dollar, Jessica | Faculty | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Developmental patterns of respiratory sinus arrhythmia from toddlerhood to adolescence | 2020 | Keane, Susan P. | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
Developmental patterns of respiratory sinus arrhythmia from toddlerhood to adolescence | 2020 | Calkins, Susan D. | Faculty | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Developmental patterns of respiratory sinus arrhythmia from toddlerhood to adolescence | 2020 | Wideman, Laurie | Faculty | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Developmental problems and interactions between mothers and prematurely born infants | 2000 | Bartlett, Robin | Faculty | Nursing, UNCG |
Developmental profiles of aggression across early childhood contributions of emotion regulat... | 2006 | Degnan, Kathryn Amey | Student | Psychology, UNCG |
A developmental psychobiological approach to developmental neuropsychology. | 2001 | Michel, George F. | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
A Developmental Psychobiological Approach to Human Development | 2014 | Michel, George F. | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
Developmental psychogenic mutism as a cause of severely delayed speech development | 1970 | Hahn, Tamara Kay | Student | Drama and Speech, UNCG |
Developmental pursuits of excellence in North Carolina music education shared by Alice Bivin... | 1989 | McKinney, Jane Louise Grant | Student | Music, UNCG |
The developmental roles of inhibition and working memory across childhood on preadolescent A... | 2018 | Kelleher, Rachael Teresa | Student | Psychology, UNCG |
A developmental science commentary on Charney’s “Behavior genetics and postgenomics” | 2012 | Michel, George F. | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
Developmental sentence scoring as a measure of readability for first grade reading textbooks... | 1975 | Powers, Wanda Chason | Student | Education, UNCG |
Developmental Sequences for the Vertical Cradle in Lacrosse: An Exploratory Study | 1997 | Williams, Kathleen | Faculty | Health and Human Sciences, UNCG |
Developmental Sequences for the Vertical Cradle in Lacrosse: An Exploratory Study | 1997 | Barrett, Kate R. | Faculty | Kinesiology, UNCG |
A developmental study of regeneration in Dugesia tigrina | 1969 | Sheridan, Charles Linwood | Student | Biology, UNCG |
A developmental study of the role of category information in word identification | 1986 | Carroll, Elizabeth | Student | Home Economics, UNCG |
A developmental time scale for postnatal changes in brain and behavior of B6D2F<sub>2</sub> ... | 1974 | Wahlsten, Douglas | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
Developmental trajectories of “hot” executive functions across early childhood: contribution... | 2009 | Graziano, Paulo A. | Student | Psychology, UNCG |
Developmental transitions as windows on parental socialization of emotions. | 1999 | Calkins, Susan D. | Faculty | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Deviant olfactory experiences as indicators of risk for psychosis. | 1996 | Kwapil, Thomas R. | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
Deviation from goal pace, body temperature and body mass loss predictors of road race perfor... | 2017 | Adams, William M. | Faculty | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Deviations from optimal choice : skilled performance, feedback, and Bayesian decision making... | 1982 | Bauman, Richard Alexander | Student | Psychology, UNCG |
Dewey and Standardization: A Philosophical Look at the Implications for Social Studies | 2007 | Journell, Wayne | Faculty | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
Dan Forrest’s sonata for trombone and piano (2005): a performance guide | 2019 | Phillips, Nathan Gregory | Student | Music, UNCG |
DFT Mechanistic Investigation of an Enantioselective Tsuji–Trost Allylation Reaction | 2018 | Croatt, Mitchell | Faculty | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Diabetes knowledge among older adults with diabetes in Beijing, China. | 2013 | Gruber, Kenneth | Faculty | Center for Youth, Family, & Community Partnerships, UNCG |
Diabetes knowledge among older adults with diabetes in Beijing, China. | 2013 | Hu, Jie | Faculty | Nursing, UNCG |
Diabetes mellitus and arteriographically - documented coronary artery disease. | 1988 | Gruchow, H. William | Faculty | Public Health Education, UNCG |
Diabetes prevalence and mortality in the Great Plains Region differences based on the social... | 2014 | Kelley, Allyson L. | Student | Public Health Education, UNCG |
Diabetes self-management among Arabs in the United States | 2021 | Moafa, Hamza A. | Student | Nursing, UNCG |
Diagnosed Skin Diseases Among Migrant Farmworkers in North Carolina: Prevalence and Risk Fac... | 2007 | Schulz, Mark R. | Faculty | Public Health Education, UNCG |
Diagnosed Skin Diseases Among Migrant Farmworkers in North Carolina: Prevalence and Risk Fac... | 2007 | Verma, Amit | Faculty | Public Health Education, UNCG |
Diagnosing Literary Genius: A Cultural History of Psychiatry in Russia, 1880-1930, and: Posm... | 2003 | Brown, Julie V | Faculty | Sociology, UNCG |
Diagnosing Mr. Jefferson: Retrospectives on developmental disabilities at Monticello. | 2007 | Smith, J. David | Faculty | Specialized Education Services, UNCG |
Dial Indicator Measurements | 2005 | Burns, Michael | Faculty | Music, UNCG |
A dialectic view of information systems outsourcing: Pros and cons | 1995 | Palvia, Prashant | Faculty | Information Systems and Supply Chain Management, UNCG |
Dialogic reflective e-journaling and transformative learning of special education preservice... | 2017 | Carter, Pamela Weatherly | Student | Specialized Education Services, UNCG |
Dialogue in dance studies research. Dialogue in dance studies research | 2001 | Dils, Ann H. | Faculty | Dance, UNCG |
Dialogue: The Characteristics of Information and Avoiding Surprises | 2003 | Gert, Heather J. | Faculty | Philosophy, UNCG |
Dialogues of being-in-living relations : re-imagining office education | 1996 | Rhoney, Frances Crocker | Student | Education, UNCG |
Dialogues with tradition: Feminist-queer encounters in German crime stories at the turn of t... | 2011 | Stewart, Faye | Faculty | Languages, Literatures, and Cultures, UNCG |
The Diaspora as a Change Agent in Entrepreneurship-Related Institutions in Sub-Saharan Afric... | 2013 | Kshetri, Nir B. | Faculty | Management, UNCG |
Diaspora Networks, Non-Economic Remittances and Entrepreneurship Development: Evidence from ... | 2015 | Kshetri, Nir B. | Faculty | Management, UNCG |
Diastereoselective cyclization of lactones via Brønsted acid catalysis | 2020 | Alexander, Symone A. | Student | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Diastolic heart failure | 2008 | Davis, Leslie L | Faculty | Adult Health Nursing, UNCG |
Diatom cultures exhibit differential effects on larval metamorphosis in the marine gastropod... | 2009 | Leise, Esther M. | Faculty | Biology, UNCG |
Dichotomy of observation | 1975 | Bass, David Loren | Student | Art, UNCG |
Did Homo erectus kill a Pelorovis herd at BK (Olduvai Gorge)? A taphonomic study of BK5 | 2015 | Egeland, Charles P. | Faculty | Anthropology, UNCG |
Did the Swiss Demand for Money Function Shift? | 1983 | Allen, Stuart D. | Faculty | Economics, UNCG |
Diel periodicity and visual cues guide oviposition behavior in Phlebotomus papatasi, vector ... | 2019 | Wasserberg, Gideon | Faculty | Biology, UNCG |
Diel periodicity and visual cues guide oviposition behavior in Phlebotomus papatasi, vector ... | 2019 | Shymanovich, Tatsiana | Faculty | Biology, UNCG |
The Diene Effect: The Design, Development, and Mechanistic Investigation of Metal-Catalyzed ... | 2010 | Croatt, Mitchell | Faculty | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Diet quality and cardiovascular disease risks in adolescents | 2016 | Mellendick, Kevan M. | Student | Nutrition, UNCG |
Diet quality and weight change among overweight and obese postpartum women enrolled in a beh... | 2011 | Moening, Gina A. | Student | Nutrition, UNCG |
Diet quality of mothers and their preschoolers enrolled in an obesity prevention trial | 2013 | Laster, Leigh Ellen R. | Student | Nutrition, UNCG |
Diet-induced obesity impairs dopamine to alter food behaviors | 2021 | Wallace, Conner | Student | Nutrition, UNCG |
Dietary adherence among older community living adults in central North Carolina to specific ... | 2007 | Soban, Melissa | Student | Nutrition, UNCG |
Dietary change through African American churches: baseline results and program description o... | 2000 | Dudley, William N. | Faculty | Health and Human Sciences, UNCG |
The dietary intake of 2-year-olds born to overweight or obese women and predictors of their ... | 2009 | Street, Erin | Student | Nutrition, UNCG |
Dietary Intake, Food Security, and Acculturation Among Somali Refugees in the United States:... | 2011 | Dharod, Jigna M. | Faculty | Nutrition, UNCG |
Dietary Intakes and Leisure-Time Physical Activity in West Virginians | 2001 | Appaneal, Renee Newcomer | Faculty | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Dietary (n-3) fatty acids alter plasma fatty acids and leukotriene B synthesis by stimulated... | 2005 | Wander, Rosemary | Faculty | Office of the Provost, UNCG |
Dietary (n-3) fatty acids from menhaden fish oil alter plasma fatty acids and leukotriene B ... | 2004 | Wander, Rosemary | Faculty | Office of the Provost, UNCG |
Dietary patterns of lactating women in central North Carolina evaluated using three validate... | 2020 | Gutierrez dos Santos, Bruna | Student | Nutrition, UNCG |
Dietary Restraint in Adolescence Predicts Diet Quality in Young Adulthood | 2020 | Shriver, Lenka H. | Faculty | Nutrition, UNCG |
Dietary Restraint in Adolescence Predicts Diet Quality in Young Adulthood | 2020 | Dollar, Jessica | Faculty | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Dietary Restraint in Adolescence Predicts Diet Quality in Young Adulthood | 2020 | Calkins, Susan D. | Faculty | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Dietary Restraint in Adolescence Predicts Diet Quality in Young Adulthood | 2020 | Wideman, Laurie | Faculty | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Dietary Restraint in Adolescence Predicts Diet Quality in Young Adulthood | 2020 | Keane, Susan P. | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
Dietary supplementation with strawberry induces marked changes in the composition and functi... | 2019 | Jia, Zhenquan | Faculty | Biology, UNCG |
Diets of home economics students eating in the dining halls of North Carolina Agricultural a... | 1970 | Vereen, Elau King | Student | Home Economics, UNCG |
Diets rich in fruits and vegetables are associated with lower cardiovascular disease risk in... | 2018 | Keane, Susan P. | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
Diets rich in fruits and vegetables are associated with lower cardiovascular disease risk in... | 2018 | Wideman, Laurie | Faculty | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Diets rich in fruits and vegetables are associated with lower cardiovascular disease risk in... | 2018 | Calkins, Susan D. | Faculty | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Diets rich in fruits and vegetables are associated with lower cardiovascular disease risk in... | 2018 | Lovelady, Cheryl A. | Faculty | Nutrition, UNCG |
The Difference Debt Makes: College Students and Grads on How Student Debt Affects Their Life... | 2021 | Kuperberg, Arielle | Faculty | Sociology, UNCG |
Différence, Deference, and the Notion of Proper Reading | 1987 | Yarbrough, Stephen R. | Faculty | English, UNCG |
Differences between aspirations and expectations among eight-, tenth- and twelfth-grade yout... | 1965 | Vicinanza, Paul Jerry | Student | Home Economics, UNCG |
Differences between obese and severely obese adolescents in relation to the effects of a mul... | 2016 | McNeil, Jessica | Faculty | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Differences between risk factors for falling in homebound diabetics and non-diabetics | 2009 | Migliarese, Sara James | Student | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Differences in acculturation-based family conflict: a latent profile analysis of Latino adol... | 2016 | Kulish, Andrea L. | Student | Psychology, UNCG |
Differences in cortical activation during anterior tibial translation between females with h... | 2023 | Bacon, Beth R. | Student | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Differences in Definitions of EBPH and Evidence: Implications for Communication with Practit... | 2014 | Lovelace, Kay A. | Faculty | Public Health Education, UNCG |
Differences in Developmental Movement Patterns Used by Active Versus Sedentary Middle-aged A... | 1992 | Williams, Kathleen | Faculty | Health and Human Sciences, UNCG |
Differences in the effects of carbohydrate food form on endurance performance to exhaustion | 1990 | Murdoch, Scott | Student | Human Environmental Sciences, UNCG |
Differences in health, productivity and quality of care in younger and older nurses | 2013 | Letvak, Susan A. | Faculty | Adult Health Nursing, UNCG |
Differences in health, productivity and quality of care in younger and older nurses | 2013 | Gupta, Sat N. | Faculty | Mathematics and Statistics, UNCG |
Differences in high school physical education : a case study in Knox County schools | 2022 | McGill, Mitchell B. | Student | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Differences in maternal verbalizations and involvement during Hawaiian mother-child interact... | 1986 | Dick-Barnes, Margaret Lilja | Student | Psychology, UNCG |
Differences in meal patterns of African American adolescents of varied hypertension risk | 2009 | Flint, Tara Lynn | Student | Nutrition, UNCG |
Differences in music achievement among gifted and talented, average, and educable mentally h... | 1982 | Ellis, Donald Leslie | Student | Music, UNCG |
Differences in neighborhood social cohesion and aerobic physical activity by Latino subgroup... | 2019 | Echeverría, Sandra E. | Faculty | Public Health Education, UNCG |
Differences in nutrition knowledge, attitudes and beliefs among low income Hispanic and Afri... | 2011 | Acheampong, Irene | Student | Nutrition, UNCG |
Differences in Ultrasonic Vocalizations between Wild and Laboratory California Mice (Peromys... | 2010 | Petric, Radmila | Faculty | Biology, UNCG |
Differences in Ultrasonic Vocalizations between Wild and Laboratory California Mice (Peromys... | 2010 | Briggs, Jessica | Faculty | Biology, UNCG |
Differences in Ultrasonic Vocalizations between Wild and Laboratory California Mice (Peromys... | 2010 | Rueppell, Olav | Faculty | Biology, UNCG |
Differences in Ultrasonic Vocalizations between Wild and Laboratory California Mice (Peromys... | 2010 | Kalcounis-Rüppell, Matina C. | Faculty | Biology, UNCG |
Differences in Ultrasonic Vocalizations between Wild and Laboratory California Mice (Peromys... | 2010 | Carney, Catherine | Faculty | Biology, UNCG |
Differences in Ultrasonic Vocalizations between Wild and Laboratory California Mice (Peromys... | 2010 | Marshall, Matthew M. | Faculty | Biology, UNCG |
Differences in variability of color of stimuli on the child's habituation of attention and o... | 1972 | Spillman, Carolyn V. | Student | Home Economics, UNCG |
Differences in weight status, dietary quality, and dietary behavior across income and ethnic... | 2007 | Martin, Catharine M | Student | Nutrition, UNCG |
A different approach: Applying a wellness paradigm to adolescent female delinquents and offe... | 2003 | Myers, Jane E. | Faculty | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
Different Data from Different Labs: Lessons from Studies of Gene–Environment Interaction | 2003 | Wahlsten, Douglas | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
Different Effects of Genistein on Molecular Markers Related to Apoptosis in Two Phenotypical... | 2001 | Loo, George | Faculty | Nutrition, UNCG |
A Different Feminist Scholarship: Research Challenges in Eighteenth-Century America | 2009 | Weyler, Karen A. | Faculty | English, UNCG |
A Different Perspective on the Economics of Y2K Fear | 1999 | Brod, Andrew C. | Faculty | Economics, UNCG |
Different Rankings of Inbred Mouse Strains on the Morris Maze and a Refined 4-Arm Water Esca... | 2005 | Wahlsten, Douglas | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
Differential Access to Quality Rural Health Care: Professional and Policy | 2006 | Snyder, Audrey | Faculty | Family and Community Nursing, UNCG |
Differential biomechanical effects of an ACL injury prevention program in women’s basketball... | 2016 | Taylor, Jeffrey Bruce | Student | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Differential control of gene activity by isoforms A, 131 and 132 of the Drosophila ecdysone ... | 2001 | Henrich, Vincent C. | Faculty | Biology, UNCG |
Differential effect of alkali metal ions on the structure and stability of DNA G-Quadruplexe... | 2018 | Ochije, Henry Ikechukwu | Student | Joint School of Nanoscience and Nanoengineering, UNCG |
The differential effects of alcohol consumption and dependence on adverse alcohol-related co... | 1998 | Bray, Jeremy W. | Faculty | Economics, UNCG |
The differential effects of fatigue on reflex response timing and amplitude in males and fem... | 2002 | Shultz, Sandra J. | Faculty | Kinesiology, UNCG |
The differential effects of four training strategies for use in the sheltered workshop | 1972 | Standahl, Beverly Weipert | Student | Psychology, UNCG |
Differential Effects of Keyword Selection in Search Engine Advertising on Direct and Indirec... | 2014 | Zhao, Xia | Faculty | Information Systems and Supply Chain Management, UNCG |
Differential Effects of Maternal Sensitivity to Infant Distress and Nondistress on Social-Em... | 2009 | O'Brien, Marion | Faculty | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Differential Effects of Maternal Sensitivity to Infant Distress and Nondistress on Social-Em... | 2009 | Leerkes, Esther M. | Faculty | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Differential effects of parenting strategies on child smoking trajectories: A longitudinal a... | 2015 | Yang, Zhiyong | Faculty | Marketing, UNCG |
Differential effects of pay-it-forward and direct-reciprocity on prosocial behavior | 2020 | Yang, Zhiyong | Faculty | Marketing, UNCG |
The differential effects of phonics versus sight-recognition methods of teaching reading on ... | 1974 | Peoples, Arthur C. | Student | Psychology, UNCG |
Differential effects of social influence sources on self-reported music piracy | 2015 | Yang, Zhiyong | Faculty | Marketing, UNCG |
Differential evolution rates long bacterial chromosomes | 2024 | Deszyck, John E. | Student | Biology, UNCG |
Differential In Vitro effects of intravenous versus oral formulations of silibinin on the HC... | 2011 | Oberlies, Nicholas | Faculty | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Differential In Vitro effects of intravenous versus oral formulations of silibinin on the HC... | 2011 | Graf, Tyler | Faculty | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Differential language influence on math achievement | 2010 | Chen, Fang | Student | Educational Research Methodology, UNCG |
Differential marriage and family perceptions and attitudes of adolescents living in child ca... | 1970 | Snow, Charles W. | Student | Home Economics, UNCG |
Differential memory impairment in individuals exhibiting Korsakoff's syndrome | 1977 | Sawyer, Terry McCray | Student | Psychology, UNCG |
Differential reinforcing value of speech and heartbeats : a measure of functional lateraliza... | 1985 | Prescott, Phyllis A. | Student | Psychology, UNCG |
Differentiated roles of social encouragement and social constraint on physical activity beha... | 2005 | Gill, Diane L. | Faculty | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Differentiating Ideals versus Practices in the Discussion of Confucian Influences on Chinese... | 2014 | Anderson, James A. | Faculty | History, UNCG |
Differentiating Maternal Sensitivity to Infant Distress and Non-Distress | 2012 | Leerkes, Esther M. | Faculty | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Differentiating Maternal Sensitivity to Infant Distress and Non-Distress | 2012 | O'Brien, Marion | Faculty | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Differentiating Processes of Control and Understanding in the Early Development of Emotion a... | 2012 | O'Brien, Marion | Faculty | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Differentiating Processes of Control and Understanding in the Early Development of Emotion a... | 2012 | Calkins, Susan D. | Faculty | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Differentiating Processes of Control and Understanding in the Early Development of Emotion a... | 2012 | Leerkes, Esther M. | Faculty | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Differentiating Processes of Control and Understanding in the Early Development of Emotion a... | 2012 | Marcovitch, Stuart | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
Differentiation of functional human mast cells from adipose derived stem cells and their app... | 2018 | Plotkin, Jesse David | Student | Nanoscience, UNCG |
Differentiation of obsessive-compulsive-, panic-, obsessive-compulsive personality-, and non... | 2005 | Vrshek-Schallhorn, Suzanne | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
Differentiation of Self, Perceived Stress, and Symptom Severity Among Patients with Fibromya... | 2006 | Murray, Christine E. | Faculty | Center for Youth, Family, & Community Partnerships, UNCG |
The differing effects of pre- and post-1981 federal budget deficits on tax-adjusted real int... | 1996 | Allen, Stuart D. | Faculty | Economics, UNCG |
Differing Map Construction and Text Organization and Their Effects on Retention | 2002 | Kealy, William A. | Faculty | Library and Information Studies, UNCG |
Difficult conversations as moral imperative: Negotiating ethnic identities during war | 2003 | Jovanovic, Spoma | Faculty | Communication Studies, UNCG |
Diffusion and Effects of Cyber-Crime in Developing Economies | 2010 | Kshetri, Nir B. | Faculty | Management, UNCG |
Diffusion of Distress Management Guideline into Practice. | 2013 | Dudley, William N. | Faculty | Health and Human Sciences, UNCG |
Diffusion of Innovation Theory: A Bridge for the Research–Practice Gap in Counseling | 2009 | Murray, Christine E. | Faculty | Center for Youth, Family, & Community Partnerships, UNCG |
Diffusion of intervention effects: The impact of a family-based substance use prevention pro... | 2015 | Rulison, Kelly L. | Faculty | Public Health Education, UNCG |
Diffusion of medication drop-boxes in North Carolina from 2007 to 2016 | 2018 | Perko, Michael A. | Faculty | Public Health Education, UNCG |
Diffusion of medication drop-boxes in North Carolina from 2007 to 2016 | 2018 | Dudley, William N. | Faculty | Health and Human Sciences, UNCG |
Diffusion of medication drop-boxes in North Carolina from 2007 to 2016 | 2018 | Strack, Robert W. | Faculty | Public Health Education, UNCG |
Diffusion of medication drop-boxes in North Carolina from 2007 to 2016 | 2018 | Wyrick, David L. | Faculty | Public Health Education, UNCG |
Diffusion pattern of Linux: An assessment on major technology dimensions | 2005 | Kshetri, Nir B. | Faculty | Management, UNCG |
Digging deeper: understanding non-proficient students through an understanding of reading an... | 2017 | Smith, Hiawatha De'Jesus | Student | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
Digit ratio (2D:4D) and behavioral differences between inbred mouse strains. | 2005 | Wahlsten, Douglas | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
Digit Ratio (2D:4D) Differences between 20 Strains of Inbred Mice | 2009 | Wahlsten, Douglas | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
Digital Citizenship, Digital Legacy, and School Librarians | 2020 | Dawkins, April | Faculty | Library and Information Studies, UNCG |
Digital connection in a physical classroom: clickers and the student-teacher relationship | 2015 | Carrino, Stephanie Sedberry | Student | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Digital Curation at Work: Modeling Workflows for Digital Archival Materials | 2019 | Post, Colin | Faculty | Library and Information Science, UNCG |
Digital healthcare: Historical development, applications, and future research directions | 2020 | Kshetri, Nir B. | Faculty | Management, UNCG |
Digital Library Federation (DLF) Aquifer Project | 2006 | Halbert, Martin | Faculty | University Libraries, UNCG |
The Digital media commons and the digital literacy center collaborate: The growing pains of ... | 2015 | Cuny, Kimberly M. | Faculty | Communication Studies, UNCG |
The Digital media commons and the digital literacy center collaborate: The growing pains of ... | 2015 | Littlejohn, Sara Jane | Faculty | English, UNCG |
The Digital media commons and the digital literacy center collaborate: The growing pains of ... | 2015 | Crowe, Kathryn | Faculty | University Libraries, UNCG |
Digital plant images as specimens: Toward standards for photographing living plants | 2008 | Kirchoff, Bruce K. | Faculty | Biology, UNCG |
Digital scholarship planning: A perspective on the CNI-ARL workshop | 2018 | Craft, Anna R. | Faculty | University Libraries, UNCG |
Digital Tourism and Wellbeing: Conceptual Framework to Examine Technology Effects of Online ... | 2022 | Hickerson, Benjamin | Faculty | Community and Therapeutic Recreation, UNCG |
Digital Urban Ethnography: A Book Review of The Digital Street [Book review] | 2020 | Walters, Katherine | Faculty | Library and Information Science, UNCG |
Digital, Experiential, and Embodied: Reckoning with the Past in Putnam County, Georgia | 2020 | Walters, Katherine | Faculty | Library and Information Science, UNCG |
Dignidad real y acción mayestática en La farsa de las galeras de Luis Milá | 2002 | Lopez Alemany, Ignacio | Faculty | Languages, Literatures, and Cultures, UNCG |
Dilemma-based Cases Written by Preservice Elementary Teacher Candidates: an analysis of proc... | 2002 | Levin, Barbara B. | Faculty | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
Dilemmas and Incommensurateness | 1993 | McConnell, Terrance C. | Faculty | Philosophy, UNCG |
The Dilemmas of Teaching Dilemmas in a Foreign Language Classroom | 2021 | Nadir, Hamid | Faculty | Library and Information Science, UNCG |
A dimensional analysis of creativity and mental illness: Do anxiety and depression symptoms ... | 2010 | Silvia, Paul | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
The dimensional structure of short forms of the Wisconsin Schizotypy Scales | 2015 | Silvia, Paul | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
The dimensional structure of short forms of the Wisconsin Schizotypy Scales | 2015 | Kwapil, Thomas R. | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
The dimensional structure of the Wisconsin schizotypy scales: Factor identification and cons... | 2008 | Kwapil, Thomas R. | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
The dimensional structure of the Wisconsin schizotypy scales: Factor identification and cons... | 2008 | Silvia, Paul | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
Dimensionality and Validity of the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale for Use With Latino Adolescen... | 2011 | Supple, Andrew "Andy" | Faculty | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
The Dimensionality of the Maslach Burnout Inventory across Small Business Owners and Educato... | 2000 | Boles, James S. | Faculty | Marketing, Entrepreneurship, Hospitality & Tourism, UNCG |
Dimensions of Athletic Identity and their Associations with Drinking Behaviors among a Natio... | 2021 | Wyrick, David L. | Faculty | Public Health Education, UNCG |
Dimensions of clothing interest based on factor analysis of Creekmore's 1968 clothing measur... | 1974 | Gurel, Lois M. | Student | Home Economics, UNCG |
Dimensions of Cultural Competence: Nurse-Client Perspectives | 2008 | Starr, Sharon S. | Student | Nursing, UNCG |
Dimensions of Family Conflict and Their Influence on Child and Adolescent Adjustment | 1999 | Demo, David H. | Faculty | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Dimensions of perfectionism as vulnerability factors for depression in the narcissistic and ... | 1996 | Cassady, Patricia M. B. | Student | Psychology, UNCG |
Diminished serum repetin levels in patients with schizophrenia and bipolar disorder | 2015 | Taylor, Ethan W | Faculty | Nanoscience, UNCG |
Dioxomorpholines and Derivatives from a Marine-Facultative Aspergillus Species | 2017 | Figueroa Saldivar, Mario | Faculty | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Dioxomorpholines and Derivatives from a Marine-Facultative Aspergillus Species | 2017 | Raja, Huzefa A. | Faculty | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Dioxygen Reactivity of Bioinspired Copper(I) and Copper(I)/Manganese(II)-Porphyrin Systems | 2022 | Li, Runzi | Student | Chemistry, UNCG |
Dioxygen reactivity of copper(I)/manganese(II)-porphyrin assemblies: Mechanistic studies and... | 2022 | Hematian, Shabnam | Faculty | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Dioxygen reactivity of copper(I)/manganese(II)-porphyrin assemblies: Mechanistic studies and... | 2022 | Khan, Firoz Shah Tuglak | Faculty | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
The diplomatic career of Jan Christian Smuts | 1976 | Dean, Phillip Walter | Student | History, UNCG |
The direct and indirect effects of motor competence on adolescents’ mental health through he... | 2019 | Chu, Alan | Faculty | Kinesiology, UNCG |
The direct and indirect effects of multiple family transitions on changes in children’s BMI ... | 2020 | Sommers, Savannah A. | Student | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
The direct and indirect effects of organizational justice on the human factor through mutual... | 2015 | Acquaah, Moses | Faculty | Management, UNCG |
The direct and indirect effects of site suitability on Eastern monarch butterfly migratory p... | 2019 | Kesler, Karen Keller | Student | Geography, Environment, and Sustainability, UNCG |
Direct Counts of Bacteria in the Sediments of a North Carolina Salt Marsh | 1978 | Rublee, Parke A. | Faculty | Biology, UNCG |
Direct Electron Transfer Reactions of Glucose Oxidase and D-Amino Acid Oxidase at a Glass Ca... | 1998 | Wei, Jianjun | Faculty | Nanoscience, UNCG |
Direct selling worldwide: The Mary Kay Cosmetics story | 2006 | Welsh, Dianne H.B. | Faculty | Business Administration, UNCG |
Direct Versus Indirect Compensation: Balancing Value and Cost in Total Compensation | 2012 | Taras, Vasyl | Faculty | Management, UNCG |
Direct wiring of cytochrome c's heme unit to an electrode: Electrochemical studies | 2002 | Wei, Jianjun | Faculty | Nanoscience, UNCG |
Directed forgetting in incidental learning and recognition testing: Support for a two-factor... | 2005 | Delaney, Peter F. | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
Directed forgetting in incidental learning and recognition testing: Support for a two-factor... | 2005 | Sahakyan, Lili | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
Directed forgetting in a proactive interference paradigm | 2006 | Li, Xiaoming | Student | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
"Directing threds-- through the labyrinth" : the moral use of Platonic conventions and patte... | 1973 | Tucker, Virginia Acheson | Student | English, UNCG |
The direction and presentation of Tango, a play by Slawomir Mrozek | 1977 | Childers, Michael Eugene | Student | Drama and Speech, UNCG |
Dirk Koppelberg and Stefan Tolksdorf (eds.): Erkenntnistheorie - Wie und wozu? [book review]... | 2016 | Lawler, Insa | Faculty | Philosophy, UNCG |
The (Dis) Order of Transgender Identities: How the Requirement for a Mental Health Diagnosis... | 2018 | Coffino, Kyle | Student | Sociology, UNCG |
(Dis)obedient wives: manifestations of collective female agency in early modern city comedie... | 2017 | Berberyan, Lilit | Student | English, UNCG |
(Dis)Solving the Differences: A Physical Science Lesson Using Universal Design | 2009 | Kurtts, Stephanie A. | Faculty | Specialized Education Services, UNCG |
(Dis)Solving the Differences: A Physical Science Lesson Using Universal Design | 2009 | Matthews, Catherine E. | Faculty | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
Disability is Beautiful, Disability is my Culture | 2008 | Purcell, William H. | Student | Liberal Studies, UNCG |
Disabling the disparity: building the cultural competence of school and teacher leaders | 2018 | Armond, Arlisa | Student | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Disadvantaged children's play behavior over the school year in public school preschool class... | 1996 | Son-Yarbrough, Whasoup | Student | Human Environmental Sciences, UNCG |
The Disappearing Dollar | 2005 | Brod, Andrew C. | Faculty | Economics, UNCG |
Disaster in Slow Motion? | 2008 | Brod, Andrew C. | Faculty | Economics, UNCG |
Disaster, Environmental Justice, and Eco-Therapy: Social Work in the Face of Climate Change | 2018 | Powers, Meredith C.F. | Faculty | Social Work, UNCG |
The disavowment of Black women’s bodies: the rise of the Brazilian butt lift | 2020 | Toshumba, Nijah Imani | Student | Women's and Gender Studies, UNCG |
The discernibility of the effect of varying levels of illumination on individuals | 1963 | Gore, Janelle White | Student | Home Economics, UNCG |
Discernment and creativity: How well can people identify their most creative ideas? | 2008 | Silvia, Paul | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
Disciplinary articulation in rhetoric and composition | 2013 | Babb, Jacob Sebastian | Student | English, UNCG |
Disciplinary disproportionality and the organization of power | 2012 | McCamish, Cayce M. | Student | Educational Studies, UNCG |
Disciplinary style and child abuse: Association with indicators of positive functioning in c... | 2008 | Rodriguez, Christina M. | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
The disclosure dilemma in action: A qualitative look at the effect of teacher disclosure on ... | 2011 | Journell, Wayne | Faculty | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
Disconnected geography: A spatial analysis of disconnected youth in the United States | 2016 | Bray, Jeremy W. | Faculty | Economics, UNCG |
Discordance in diagnoses and treatment of psychiatric disorders in children and adolescents ... | 2011 | Kwapil, Thomas R. | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
A discourse analytic approach to video analysis of teaching. Aligning desired identities wit... | 2015 | Meacham, Mark R. | Faculty | Educational Studies, UNCG |
A discourse analytic approach to video analysis of teaching. Aligning desired identities wit... | 2015 | Vetter, Amy | Faculty | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
Discourse of STEM education evaluation : current and future perspectives | 2023 | Adetogun, Adeyemo Adekanmi | Student | Educational Research Methodology, UNCG |
Discourse surrounding culturally responsive leadership : how school principals implement cha... | 2022 | Davis-Burgins, Jamie | Student | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations , UNCG |
Discourse Tracing as Qualitative Practice | 2009 | LeGreco, Marianne | Faculty | Communication Studies, UNCG |
Discovering the kinetic language of violence on the early modern stage | 2016 | Carter, Matthew Charles | Student | English, UNCG |
Discovering new structural diversity from unexplored fungi | 2014 | El-Elimat, Tamam M. | Student | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Discovering strategies of support to build distinguished school executives | 2012 | Butler, Joseph Dain | Student | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Discovering through the act of making | 2011 | Moore, Maurice | Student | Art, UNCG |
Discovery as the direct and urgent action of ecological assessment in writing centers | 2023 | Daniel, Jennifer Smith | Student | English, UNCG |
Discovery of Anticancer Agents of Diverse Natural Origin | 2016 | Pearce, Cedric J | Faculty | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Discovery of Anticancer Agents of Diverse Natural Origin | 2016 | Wani, Mansukhlal Chhaganlal | Faculty | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Discovery of anticancer agents of diverse natural origin | 2009 | Oberlies, Nicholas | Faculty | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Discovery of Anticancer Agents of Diverse Natural Origin | 2016 | Oberlies, Nicholas | Faculty | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Discovery of conserved peptide sequences to gain insight into cyclopeptide alkaloid formatio... | 2022 | Underwood, Ethan B. | Student | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Discovery of spectral variation in the optical counterpart of IRAS 01005+7910 | 2002 | Miroshnichenko, Anatoly S. | Faculty | Physics and Astronomy, UNCG |
Discovery of two new Galactic candidate luminous blue variables with Wide-field Infrared Sur... | 2012 | Miroshnichenko, Anatoly S. | Faculty | Physics and Astronomy, UNCG |
Discrete Thinking Skills in Two Teachers' Physical Education Classes | 1991 | Ennis, Catherine D. | Faculty | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Discriminators of interest in family support programs among Air Force couples | 1981 | Brown, Richard Julius | Student | Home Economics, UNCG |
A discussion of Jennifer Higdon’s setting of the poetry of Amy Lowell in the chamber work Lo... | 2017 | Leontis, Evangelia Sophia | Student | School of Music, UNCG |
A discussion of the Pearl stanza as an approach to the poem | 1968 | Goodwin, Jean | Student | English, UNCG |
Disease-toxicant screen reveals a nueroprotective interaction between Huntington’s disease a... | 2009 | Erikson, Keith M. | Faculty | Nutrition, UNCG |
Disección anatómica de la imaginación y de la moda en el sueño satírico 54 de El Censor | 2009 | Hontanilla, Ana M. | Faculty | Romance Languages, UNCG |
Disentangling the cycle: Potential mediators and moderators in the intergenerational transmi... | 2018 | Silvia, Paul | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
Disentangling Early Stone Age palimpsests: determining the functional independence of homini... | 2004 | Egeland, Charles P. | Faculty | Anthropology, UNCG |
The disguise of sobriety: Unveiled by alcohol in persons with an aggressive personality. | 2012 | Silvia, Paul | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
Disidentification with the human and/as doing creature hope | 2016 | Alexander, Dayne B. | Student | Women's and Gender Studies, UNCG |
The disinformation pandemic : understanding, identification, and mitigation in COVID-19 era | 2022 | Esmizadeh, Yalda | Student | Information Systems and Supply Chain Management, UNCG |
Disks and Halos in Pre-Main-Sequence Stars | 2008 | Miroshnichenko, Anatoly S. | Faculty | Physics and Astronomy, UNCG |
Disparate effects of similar phenolic phytochemicals as inhibitors of oxidative damage to ce... | 2001 | Loo, George | Faculty | Nutrition, UNCG |
Disparities amongst Black and White undergraduate students’ perceived benefits, perceived ba... | 2023 | Thompson, Marcus D. | Student | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Disparities in Built and Natural Features of Urban Parks: Comparisons by Neighborhood Level ... | 2014 | Bruton, Candice M. | Faculty | Community and Therapeutic Recreation, UNCG |
Dispatching the wandering mind? Toward a laboratory method for cuing “spontaneous” off-task ... | 2013 | Kane, Michael J. | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
Dispatching the wandering mind? Toward a laboratory method for cuing “spontaneous” off-task ... | 2013 | McVay, Jennifer C. | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
Dispelling desperation in pre- licensure nursing education | 2008 | Shattell, Mona M. | Faculty | Nursing, UNCG |
Dispelling desperation in pre- licensure nursing education | 2008 | McNeill, Cheryl T. | Faculty | Nursing, UNCG |
Displacement Induced Joblessness. | 1991 | Ruhm, Christopher J | Faculty | Economics, UNCG |
The Dispositions in Action of Lateral Entry and Traditionally Certified Elementary Teachers ... | 2008 | Wesson, R. Lane | Student | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
Disrupting the best of intentions. towards becoming an anti-oppressive educator: locating an... | 2014 | Brownlee Dell, Erin | Student | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Disrupting masculinity and patriarchy: stories of men transforming | 2019 | Lorello, James A. | Student | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Disrupting normal: narratives of inclusion in mental health and aging. | 2009 | Burrow, Kenneth A. | Student | Gerontology, UNCG |
Disrupting Role Dichotomies | 2016 | Janke, Emily | Faculty | Peace and Conflict Studies, UNCG |
Disruption of host selenobiology by SARS-CoV-2 and Ebola virus via RNA:RNA antisense interac... | 2023 | Stubbs, David B. | Student | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Disruption of mitochondria during tocotrienol-induced apoptosis in MDA-MB-231 human breast c... | 2004 | Loo, George | Faculty | Nutrition, UNCG |
Disruption, Silence, and Creation: The Search for Dialogic Civility in the Age of Anxiety | 2004 | Poulos, Christopher N. | Faculty | Communication Studies, UNCG |
Dissertations in CACREP-Accredited Counseling Doctoral Programs: An Initial Investigation | 2015 | Borders, L. DiAnne | Faculty | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
Dissertations in CACREP-Accredited Counseling Doctoral Programs: An Initial Investigation | 2015 | Wester, Kelly L. | Faculty | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
Dissociation and insecure attachment as mediators of the relation between childhood emotiona... | 2021 | Kwapil, Thomas R. | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
Dissociation and posttraumatic stress disorder in Khmer refugees resettled in the United Sta... | 1991 | Rosser-Hogan, Rhonda L. | Student | Education, UNCG |
Dissociative Experiences in Hypothetically Psychosis-Prone College Students | 2000 | Abel, Willie M. | Faculty | Nursing, UNCG |
Dissociative Experiences in Hypothetically Psychosis-Prone College Students | 2000 | Kwapil, Thomas R. | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
Distance Education Financial Expenditures in North Carolina Community Colleges | 2008 | Bledsoe, Chad A. | Student | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
Distant lights : trio for flute, cello, & piano | 2023 | Norris, Charles Dean | Student | School of Music, UNCG |
Distill, my beating heart : releasing the "liquid prisoner" of Shakespeare's sonnets ; and, ... | 2006 | Kirby-Smith, Susan Callow | Student | English, UNCG |
Distinct Immunosuppressive Effect by Isodon serra Extracts | 2005 | Jia, Wei | Faculty | Nutrition, UNCG |
Distinctions between sociometric status groups : internalizing difficulties | 1996 | Ward, Wendy L. | Student | Psychology, UNCG |
Distinctive physical education teachers : personal qualities, perceptions of teacher educati... | 1980 | Earls, Neal Franklin | Student | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
The "Distinctive" South : forty-year quest for a regional mystique (1928-1968) | 1970 | Stanback, Betty Anne | Student | History and Political Science, UNCG |
Distinguishing age differences in knowledge, strategy use, and confidence during strategic s... | 2004 | Touron, Dayna R. | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
Distinguishing between China and Vietnam: three relational equilibriums in Sino-Vietnamese R... | 2013 | Anderson, James A. | Faculty | History, UNCG |
A Distorted Destination Image? The Case of Turkey | 2002 | Sonmez, Sevil | Faculty | Marketing, Entrepreneurship, Hospitality & Tourism, UNCG |
Distraction-Free Zone: Decreasing Distractions During Emergence from Anesthesia | 2024 | Cornatzer, Anna | Student | Nursing, UNCG |
A distributed approach to XML interoperability | 2007 | Leone, Jason Steven | Student | Mathematics and Statistics, UNCG |
A Distributed Public Key Caching Scheme in Large Wireless Networks. | 2010 | Kong, Yuan | Student | Computer Science, UNCG |
A distribution analysis of the central Maya lowlands ecoinformation network: its rises, fall... | 2017 | Gunn, Joel D. | Faculty | Anthropology, UNCG |
Distribution and activity of bacteria in the headwaters of the Rhode River estuary, Maryland... | 1984 | Rublee, Parke A. | Faculty | Biology, UNCG |
Distribution of brain iron, ferritin and transferrin in the 28 day old piglet | 1998 | Erikson, Keith M. | Faculty | Nutrition, UNCG |
Distributive and procedural justice in a sales force context: Scale development and validati... | 2004 | Boles, James S. | Faculty | Marketing, Entrepreneurship, Hospitality & Tourism, UNCG |
A district case study : how one school district engaged in sustainable systemic change to in... | 2022 | Burnette, Kristin Krupa | Student | Specialized Education Services, UNCG |
"Disturb not her dream:" the influence of Jacobite coding on Robert Burns's poetry ; and, Ne... | 2014 | Eudy, Virginia Blaire | Student | English, UNCG |
Diterpene glycosides from Egletes Viscosa | 2005 | Wani, Mansukhlal Chhaganlal | Faculty | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Diterpene glycosides from Egletes Viscosa | 2005 | Graf, Tyler | Faculty | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Diterpene glycosides from Egletes Viscosa | 2005 | Oberlies, Nicholas | Faculty | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Diverse Contributions to the Education System | 2022 | Lambeth, Blakely I. | Student | Elementary Education , UNCG |
Diverse effects of diversity: Disaggregating effects of diversity in global virtual teams | 2019 | Taras, Vasyl | Faculty | Management, UNCG |
The diversity and behavior of bats in wetlands versus forested edge using unidirectional aco... | 2023 | Calhoun, Monica K. | Student | Biology, UNCG |
Diversity and Fluidity in Children's Living Arrangements: Family Transitions in an Urban Afr... | 1992 | Hunter, Andrea G. | Faculty | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Diversity climate impact on employee of color outcomes: does justice matter? | 2010 | Billings-Harris, Lenora | Faculty | Bryan School of Business and Economics, UNCG |
Diversity climate impact on employee of color outcomes: does justice matter? | 2010 | Buttner, Eleanor "Holly" | Faculty | Business Administration, UNCG |
Diversity climate impact on employee of color outcomes: does justice matter? | 2010 | Lowe, Kevin B. | Faculty | Management, UNCG |
Diversity from the inside out: Cultivating an inclusive library environment | 2020 | Krim, Stacey | Faculty | University Libraries, UNCG |
Diversity from the inside out: Cultivating an inclusive library environment | 2020 | Henry, Tiffany N. | Faculty | University Libraries, UNCG |
Diversity in global virtual teams : a partnership development perspective | 2007 | Pinjani, Praveen | Student | Information Systems and Operations Management, UNCG |
Diversity Reimagined: Creating a Culture of Possibilities by Relating to Others as Partners,... | 2018 | Ali, Omar H. | Faculty | African American & African Diaspora Studies, UNCG |
Diversity Reimagined: Creating a Culture of Possibilities by Relating to Others as Partners,... | 2018 | Cech, Nadja B. | Faculty | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Diversity Reimagined: Creating a Culture of Possibilities by Relating to Others as Partners,... | 2018 | Edwards, Domonique A. | Faculty | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Diversity within Lesbian and Gay Families: Challenges and Implications for Family Theory and... | 1996 | Demo, David H. | Faculty | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
The divided world of Andrew Marvell | 1958 | Carden, Patricia | Student | English, UNCG |
Diving in and Learning to Swim as a New Distance Education Librarian. | 2012 | Williams, Beth Filar | Faculty | University Libraries, UNCG |
Diving Into Distance Learning Librarianship, | 2013 | Williams, Beth Filar | Faculty | University Libraries, UNCG |
Divining Jazz | 2002 | Salmon, John | Faculty | Music, UNCG |
Division of child care, parenting roles, and parent-child relationship quality in same-sex h... | 2017 | Auber, Valerie W. | Student | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
The divorce decree, communication, and the structuration of co-parenting relationships in st... | 2006 | Fine, Mark | Faculty | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Divorce mediation : factors influencing the choice of mediation and their respective objecti... | 1985 | Deal, Tony Ray | Student | Home Economics, UNCG |
Djuna Barnes and experimental narration : a study of character-narration in the poetry, fict... | 1968 | Mallison, David Walker | Student | English, UNCG |
DLAS: UX/UI Design Considerations for Enslavement Websites | 2023 | Nañez, Daniel | Faculty | Electronic Resources and Information Technology, UNCG |
DNA Barcoding for Identification of Consumer-Relevant Mushrooms: A Partial Solution for Prod... | 2017 | Raja, Huzefa A. | Faculty | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
DNA Barcoding for Identification of Consumer-Relevant Mushrooms: A Partial Solution for Prod... | 2017 | Oberlies, Nicholas | Faculty | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Do aggressive/destructive toddlers lack concern for others? Behavioral and physiological ind... | 2003 | Calkins, Susan D. | Faculty | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Do Children's Behavior Problems Limit Poor Women's Labor Market Success? | 2011 | Ribar, David C. | Faculty | Economics, UNCG |
Do consumers want a "good" apparel brand? the effects of apparel brands' Corporate social re... | 2013 | Woo, Hongjoo | Student | Consumer, Apparel, and Retail Studies, UNCG |
Do cosmopolitans care about the world? The effect of cosmopolitanism on the consumption of s... | 2023 | Su, Jin | Faculty | Consumer, Apparel, and Retail Studies, UNCG |
Do cosmopolitans care about the world? The effect of cosmopolitanism on the consumption of s... | 2023 | Watchravesringkan, Kittichai "Tu" | Faculty | Consumer, Apparel, and Retail Studies, UNCG |
Do cosmopolitans care about the world? The effect of cosmopolitanism on the consumption of s... | 2023 | Taras, Vasyl | Faculty | Management, UNCG |
Do Crypto-Currencies Fuel Ransomware? | 2017 | Kshetri, Nir B. | Faculty | Management, UNCG |
Do depressive symptoms "blunt" effort? an analysis of cardiac engagement and withdrawal for ... | 2016 | Kwapil, Thomas R. | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
Do depressive symptoms "blunt" effort? an analysis of cardiac engagement and withdrawal for ... | 2016 | Silvia, Paul | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
Do depressive symptoms "blunt" effort? an analysis of cardiac engagement and withdrawal for ... | 2016 | Eddington, Kari | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
Do Destination Images Really Matter? Predicting Destination Choices of Student Travelers | 2001 | Sonmez, Sevil | Faculty | Marketing, Entrepreneurship, Hospitality & Tourism, UNCG |
Do Earnings Increase with Job Seniority? | 1990 | Ruhm, Christopher J | Faculty | Economics, UNCG |
Do hand preferences predict stacking skill during infancy? | 2016 | Michel, George F. | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
Do hours spent watching television at age 3 and 4 predict vocabulary and executive functioni... | 2015 | Marcovitch, Stuart | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
Do hours spent watching television at age 3 and 4 predict vocabulary and executive functioni... | 2015 | Leerkes, Esther M. | Faculty | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Do hours spent watching television at age 3 and 4 predict vocabulary and executive functioni... | 2015 | Calkins, Susan D. | Faculty | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Do hours spent watching television at age 3 and 4 predict vocabulary and executive functioni... | 2015 | O'Brien, Marion | Faculty | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Do ICT Create Academic Departmental Identity and Community?: Navel Gazing | 2005 | Chu, Clara M. | Faculty | Library and Information Studies, UNCG |
Do Long Tenure Workers Have Special Problems Following Job Displacement | 1989 | Ruhm, Christopher J | Faculty | Economics, UNCG |
Do lower prices always increase willingness to purchase? a comprehensive understanding towar... | 2013 | Son, Junghwa | Student | Consumer, Apparel, and Retail Studies, UNCG |
Do not try this at home | 2012 | Delgado, Shawn Michael | Student | English, UNCG |
Do Pensions Increase the Labor Supply of Older Men? | 1996 | Ruhm, Christopher J | Faculty | Economics, UNCG |
Do People Have Insight Into Their Abilities? A Metasynthesis | 2014 | Zell, Ethan | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
Do People Have a Thing for Bling? Examining Aesthetic Preferences for Shiny Objects | 2018 | Silvia, Paul | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
Do Physically Literate Adolescents Have Better Academic Performance? | 2019 | Chu, Alan | Faculty | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Do physiological and environmental factors influence vocal communication and associated beha... | 2020 | Petric, Radmila | Student | Biology, UNCG |
Do Some People Work Harder Than Others? | 2007 | Jud, Gustav D. | Faculty | Business Administration, UNCG |
Do Some People Work Harder Than Others? | 2007 | Winkler, Daniel T. | Faculty | Accounting and Finance, UNCG |
Do students and faculty understand recruiter criteria for front-line sales positions? | 2019 | Boles, James S. | Faculty | Marketing, Entrepreneurship, Hospitality & Tourism, UNCG |
Do Team Charters Help Team-Based Projects? The Effects of Team Charters on Performance and S... | 2022 | Taras, Vasyl | Faculty | Management, UNCG |
Do This, Not That: Designing Effective Professional Development | 2016 | Journell, Wayne | Faculty | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
Do trade-offs govern plant species’ responses to different global change treatments? | 2021 | Koerner, Sally E. | Faculty | Biology, UNCG |
Do Treatment Services for Drug Users in Outpatient Drug-Free Treatment Programs Affect Emplo... | 2007 | Bray, Jeremy W. | Faculty | Economics, UNCG |
Do women’s provider-role attitudes moderate the links between work and family? | 2000 | Helms, Heather M. | Faculty | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Do work incentives work? three essays on the impacts for physicians and welfare recipients | 2013 | Wolff, Carolyn M. | Student | Economics, UNCG |
Do you know them when you see them? Women’s prodromal and acute symptoms of MI. | 2001 | Crane, Patricia B. | Faculty | Nursing, UNCG |
Do you regret using social media? Understanding the role of dark side of social media in reg... | 2019 | Huang, Ziyue | Student | Information Systems and Supply Chain Management, UNCG |
Doctor, lawyer, Indian chief: care of the noncelebrity professional speaker | 1987 | Hooper, Celia R | Faculty | Health and Human Sciences, UNCG |
Doctoral dissertations in physical education : a twenty-year portrait | 1986 | Gillis, Jacqueline Hanna | Student | Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, UNCG |
Documenting Appalachia | 2008 | Trojanowski, Hermann J. | Faculty | University Libraries, UNCG |
Documenting ArtsGreensboro | 2020 | Coale, Camrynn | Student | Arts Administration, UNCG |
Documenting The Beginning: A photo journal of exploring building with bamboo through differe... | 2021 | Gentry, Kayla E. | Student | Interior Architecture , UNCG |
Documenting priorities, progress, and potential: planning library services for distance educ... | 2002 | Dew, Stephen | Faculty | University Libraries, UNCG |
Documenting Resiliency of American Indian Youth: Preliminary results from Native PRIDE’s Int... | 2020 | Kelley, Allyson L. | Faculty | Public Health Education, UNCG |
"Doe, as I have done" : Mary Carey's reciprocal relationship with the divine | 2007 | Neil, Kelly M. | Student | English, UNCG |
Does anthropogenic disturbance affect the ecological transmission drivers of the La crosse v... | 2011 | Tamini, Tuamami T. | Student | Biology, UNCG |
Does an August Singularity Exist in the Northern Rockies of the United States? | 2008 | Knapp, Paul A. | Faculty | Geography, UNCG |
Does the child welfare system serve the neediest kinship care families? | 2006 | Swann, Christopher A. | Faculty | Economics, UNCG |
Does competition from ambulatory surgical centers affect hospital surgical output? | 2010 | Courtmanche, Charles J. | Faculty | Economics, UNCG |
Does continuing education in gerontology lead to changes in nursing practice? | 2009 | Barba, Beth E. | Faculty | Nursing, UNCG |
Does Country Equate with Culture? Beyond Geography in the Search for Cultural Boundaries | 2016 | Taras, Vasyl | Faculty | Management, UNCG |
Does Drinking Really Decrease in Bad Times? | 2002 | Ruhm, Christopher J | Faculty | Economics, UNCG |
Does an Educational Intervention on the Benefits of Remimazolam for Endoscopic Procedures Ch... | 2024 | Nunn, Holly A. | Student | Nursing, UNCG |
Does an Educational Intervention on BIS Monitoring Increase Utilization of BIS Monitoring an... | 2022 | Getzloff, Kelsey Margaret | Student | Nursing, UNCG |
Does evidence support the use of performance-enhancing supplements in youth sports? A select... | 2010 | Perko, Michael A. | Faculty | Public Health Education, UNCG |
Does the Eysenck psychoticism scale predict psychosis? A ten year longitudinal study | 1994 | Kwapil, Thomas R. | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
Does formality matter? Effects of employee clothing formality on consumers' service quality ... | 2011 | Watchravesringkan, Kittichai "Tu" | Faculty | Consumer, Apparel, and Retail Studies, UNCG |
Does Handedness for Prehension Predict Handedness for Role-Differentiated Bimanual Manipulat... | 2008 | Ferre, Claudio L. | Student | Psychology, UNCG |
Does hybridization of endophytic symbionts in a native grass increase fitness in resource-li... | 2017 | Faeth, Stanley H. | Faculty | Biology, UNCG |
Does hybridization of endophytic symbionts in a native grass increase fitness in resource-li... | 2017 | Shymanovich, Tatsiana | Faculty | Biology, UNCG |
Does identity matter? An investigation of the effects of authentic leadership on athletes' p... | 2018 | Caza, Arran | Faculty | Management, UNCG |
Does imitation facilitate the acquisition of grammar? Evidence from a study of autistic, Dow... | 1990 | Calkins, Susan D. | Faculty | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Does the implementation of a combination competitive strategy yield incremental performance ... | 2008 | Acquaah, Moses | Faculty | Management, UNCG |
Does the Indexing of Government Transfers Make Carbon Pricing Progressive? | 2012 | Heutel, Garth | Faculty | Economics, UNCG |
Does internal mental imagery help maintain muscle strength and force steadiness during immob... | 2012 | Huggins-Sullivan, Siobhan | Student | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Does lateral attention affect health behavior?: investigating hemispheric influences in fram... | 2010 | McCormick, Michael | Student | Psychology, UNCG |
Does mind wandering create a mental context change that facilitates memory retrieval? | 2022 | Booth, Rachel A. | Student | Psychology, UNCG |
Does Mind Wandering Reflect Executive Function or Executive Failure? Comment on Smallwood an... | 2010 | Kane, Michael J. | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
Does music really make you smarter? | 1999 | Hodges, Donald A. | Faculty | Music Education, UNCG |
Does Neighborhood Risk Explain Racial Disparities in Low Birth Weight among Infants Born to ... | 2016 | Rulison, Kelly L. | Faculty | Public Health Education, UNCG |
Does oral contraceptive-induced reduction in free testosterone adversely affect the sexualit... | 2007 | Tanner, Amanda Elizabeth | Faculty | Public Health Education, UNCG |
Does paid sick leave encourage staying at home? Evidence from the United States during a pan... | 2023 | Andersen, Martin S. | Faculty | Economics, UNCG |
Does parental feeding style moderate the relationship between children’s taste preferences f... | 2017 | Hamm, Emily | Student | Nutrition, UNCG |
Does Prekindergarten Improve School Preparation and Performance? | 2007 | Ruhm, Christopher J | Faculty | Economics, UNCG |
Does Premarital Cohabitation Raise Your Risk of Divorce? | 2014 | Kuperberg, Arielle | Faculty | Sociology, UNCG |
Does Privatization Protect Natural Resources? Property Rights and Forests in Guatemala | 2002 | Lehoucq, Fabrice | Faculty | Political Science, UNCG |
Does procedure profitability impact whether an outpatient surgery is performed at an ambulat... | 2011 | Courtmanche, Charles J. | Faculty | Economics, UNCG |
Does providing nutrition information at vending machines reduce calories per item sold? | 2015 | Bibeau, Daniel L. | Faculty | Public Health Education, UNCG |
Does providing nutrition information at vending machines reduce calories per item sold? | 2015 | Wyrick, David L. | Faculty | Public Health Education, UNCG |
Does providing nutrition information at vending machines reduce calories per item sold? | 2015 | Schulz, Mark R. | Faculty | Public Health Education, UNCG |
Does providing nutrition information at vending machines reduce calories per item sold? | 2015 | Gupta, Sat N. | Faculty | Mathematics and Statistics, UNCG |
Does Race Influence the Provision of Care to Persons with Sickle Cell Disease?: Perceptions ... | 1998 | Telfair, Joseph | Faculty | Public Health Education, UNCG |
Does resilience mediate the effects of bullying in nurses? | 2013 | Sauer, Penny A. | Student | Nursing, UNCG |
Does safety climate moderate the influence of staffing adequacy and work conditions on nurse... | 2007 | Bacon, Cynthia | Faculty | Adult Health Nursing, UNCG |
Does Size Matter? The Moderating Effects of Firm Size on the Employment of Non-Family Manage... | 2015 | Memili, Esra | Faculty | Marketing, Entrepreneurship, Hospitality & Tourism, UNCG |
Does support need to be seen? Daily invisible support promotes next day relationship well-be... | 2018 | Baker, Levi R. | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
Does the testing effect impact favorability judgments? | 2013 | Chang, Yoojin | Student | Psychology, UNCG |
Does the Theory of Planned Behavior Identify Diabetes-Related Cognitions for Intention to Be... | 2007 | Blue, Carolyn L. | Faculty | Nursing, UNCG |
Does a time monitoring deficit influence older adults' delayed retrieval shift during skill ... | 2007 | Touron, Dayna R. | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
Does the use of binary indicators reify difference and inequality? | 2018 | Dollar, Cindy Brooks | Faculty | Sociology, UNCG |
Does Wal-Mart reduce social capital? | 2009 | Courtmanche, Charles J. | Faculty | Economics, UNCG |
The dolphin as symbol in three modern works : Ernest Hemingway, The old man and the sea; Wil... | 1970 | Gaither, Nell Weddell | Student | English, UNCG |
Domain interdependence beliefs as a mechanism for dimensional comparison: an experimental an... | 2018 | Strickhouser, Jason E. | Student | Psychology, UNCG |
Domain specifications and content representativeness of the revised Value Orientation Invent... | 1993 | Chen, Ang | Faculty | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Domain specifications and content representativeness of the revised Value Orientation Invent... | 1993 | Ennis, Catherine D. | Faculty | Kinesiology, UNCG |
The domestic formation of United States policy towards the Barbary powers, 1784-1808 | 1976 | Scott, Douglas Alan | Student | History, UNCG |
Domestic Violence Service Providers’ Needs and Perceptions of Technology: A Qualitative Stud... | 2015 | White, Jacquelyn W. | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
Domestic Violence Service Providers’ Needs and Perceptions of Technology: A Qualitative Stud... | 2015 | Chow, Anthony Shong-Yu | Faculty | Library and Information Studies, UNCG |
Domestic Violence Service Providers’ Needs and Perceptions of Technology: A Qualitative Stud... | 2015 | Murray, Christine E. | Faculty | Center for Youth, Family, & Community Partnerships, UNCG |
Domestic Violence Service Providers’ Perceptions of Safety Planning: a Focus Group Study | 2015 | Murray, Christine E. | Faculty | Center for Youth, Family, & Community Partnerships, UNCG |
Domestic Violence Service Providers’ Technology Readiness and Information Needs | 2015 | Murray, Christine E. | Faculty | Center for Youth, Family, & Community Partnerships, UNCG |
Domestic Violence Service Providers’ Technology Readiness and Information Needs | 2015 | Chow, Anthony Shong-Yu | Faculty | Library and Information Studies, UNCG |
Domestic Violence Training Experiences and Needs Among Mental Health Professionals: Implicat... | 2016 | Murray, Christine E. | Faculty | Center for Youth, Family, & Community Partnerships, UNCG |
Domingo | 1975 | Stolpen, Steven Lee | Student | English, UNCG |
Don Cox: Just Another Nigger: My Life in the Black Panther Party Berkeley, CA [Book Review] | 2019 | Dyson, Omari L. | Faculty | Kinesiology, UNCG |
“Don’t buy this jacket” Consumer reaction toward anti-consumption apparel advertisement | 2016 | Karpova, Elena | Faculty | Consumer, Apparel, and Retail Studies, UNCG |
Don’t Shoot the Messenger: Still No Evidence That Video-Game Experience Is Related to Cognit... | 2017 | Kane, Michael J. | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
Donagan on Act and Agent Evaluations | 1980 | McConnell, Terrance C. | Faculty | Philosophy, UNCG |
The Dong World: A Proposal for Analyzing the Highlands Between the Yangzi Valley and the Sou... | 2017 | Anderson, James A. | Faculty | History, UNCG |
Donor Determined Intergovernmental Grants Structure | 1992 | Leyden, Dennis P. | Faculty | Economics, UNCG |
Donor human milk and fortifier use in United States level 2, 3, and 4 neonatal care hospital... | 2018 | Perrin, Maryanne T. | Faculty | Nutrition, UNCG |
Donor human milk uses outside of the hospitalized preterm infant | 2023 | McCune, Sydney Alexandra | Student | Nutrition, UNCG |
Don't Be a Fool, Checking your Stool is Cool | 2022 | Muse, Tiffany | Student | Nursing, UNCG |
Don't throw out the baby with the bathwater: estimating fertility from subadult skeletons | 2011 | Robbins Schug, Gwen | Faculty | Anthropology, UNCG |
Don't Touch That Button, Brad! | 2024 | Lowry, Brad "Niidodae" | Student | Art, UNCG |
The door swings in and out: The impact of family support and country stability on women entr... | 2021 | Welsh, Dianne H.B. | Faculty | Business Administration, UNCG |
Door-to-Balloon Time With Primary Percutaneous Coronary Intervention for Acute Myocardial In... | 2006 | Richter, Scott J. | Faculty | Mathematics and Statistics, UNCG |
Dopaminergic Genetic Variation in Young Adolescents: Associations with Sensation-Seeking | 2021 | Vrshek-Schallhorn, Suzanne | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
DOPE voices : understanding the experiences of Black womxn mid-level student affairs adminis... | 2023 | Fullwood, Carla Cadet | Student | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Doppler Tomography of the Circumstellar Disk of p Aquarii | 2013 | Miroshnichenko, Anatoly S. | Faculty | Physics and Astronomy, UNCG |
Dorothy Heathcote as philosopher, educator and dramatist | 1991 | St. Clair, Jeanne Peterson | Student | Education, UNCG |
Dorothy Parker, who are you? : an adaptation of Dorothy Parker's work, reflecting her life a... | 1977 | Willson, Wendy B. | Student | Drama and Speech, UNCG |
Dosage effect on neuromuscular retention of a fractal gait pattern using a visual stimulus | 2016 | Frame, Logan J. | Student | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Dose-response and mechanistic issues in the resistance training and affect relationship | 2005 | Etnier, Jennifer L. | Faculty | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Dose-response effects of aerobic exercise on adiposity markers in postmenopausal women: pool... | 2021 | McNeil, Jessica | Faculty | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Dose-response effects of aerobic exercise on energy compensation in postmenopausal women: co... | 2017 | McNeil, Jessica | Faculty | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Dose-response effects of aerobic exercise on quality of life in postmenopausal women: Result... | 2017 | McNeil, Jessica | Faculty | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Dose-response effects of exercise on bone mineral density and content in postmenopausal wome... | 2019 | McNeil, Jessica | Faculty | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Dose-response relation between acrylamide and pancreatic cancer | 2001 | Schulz, Mark R. | Faculty | Public Health Education, UNCG |
Dose-response relationship between exercise duration and executive function in older adults | 2018 | Etnier, Jennifer L. | Faculty | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Dose–response relation between exercise duration and cognition | 2015 | Etnier, Jennifer L. | Faculty | Kinesiology, UNCG |
The Double Burden of Food Insecurity and Obesity Among Latino Youth: Understanding the Role ... | 2019 | Echeverría, Sandra E. | Faculty | Public Health Education, UNCG |
Double moral hazard in a supply chain with consumer learning | 2012 | Zhao, Xia | Faculty | Information Systems and Supply Chain Management, UNCG |
Double moral hazard in a supply chain with consumer learning | 2012 | Gargeya, Vidyaranya B. | Faculty | Information Systems and Supply Chain Management, UNCG |
The double-edged sword: Emotion regulation in high risk children. | 1996 | Calkins, Susan D. | Faculty | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Downsizing and Firm Performance: Panacea or Paradise Lost? | 1998 | Lowe, Kevin B. | Faculty | Management, UNCG |
Downsizing Hits Home | 1997 | O'Brien, Greg | Faculty | History, UNCG |
Doxorubicin-induced cytotoxicity in rat myocardial H9c2 cells: the roles of reactive oxygen ... | 2017 | Lee, Ho Young | Student | Biology, UNCG |
Dr. Charles Buell : leader in physical education for the visually impaired | 1980 | Whitley, Patricia Rice | Student | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
The Dragon's Tail: Utilizing Chengdu and Chongqing Technology Development Zones to Anchor We... | 2007 | Walcott, Susan M. | Faculty | Geography, UNCG |
Drama: A Medium to Enhance Social Interaction Between Students With and Without Mental Retar... | 1993 | Schleien, Stuart J. | Faculty | Community and Therapeutic Recreation, UNCG |
A dramatic interpretation of the role of Isabella in William Glennon's The adventures of Har... | 1975 | Nassif, Mary Sheila | Student | Drama and Speech, UNCG |
A dramatic interpretation of the role of Queen Margaret of Anjou in William Shakespeare's Th... | 1976 | Ramsey, Mary Law | Student | Drama and Speech, UNCG |
Drama in the life and works of Thomas More | 1988 | Fredricks, Daniel David | Student | English, UNCG |
Drawing the perceptual and experiential landscape | 2011 | Nicholas, Amanda K. | Student | Art, UNCG |
Drawings | 2014 | Brahe, Christian Michael | Student | Art, UNCG |
Drawings | 1977 | Lee, Scott William | Student | Art, UNCG |
Drawings and paintings | 1976 | Seagraves, Eleanor Sue Kody | Student | Art, UNCG |
Drawings and paintings of still life situations and the figure | 1976 | Kornegay, Cassandra F. | Student | Art, UNCG |
Dread and portent: reading H. P. Lovecraft`s Necronomicon as social commentary | 2010 | Vance, G. Warlock | Student | English, UNCG |
Dream Interpretation: A Developmental Counseling And Therapy Approach | 2006 | Myers, Jane E. | Faculty | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
Dream of a House: The Passions and Preoccupations of Reynolds Price [book review] | 2018 | Henry, Tiffany N. | Faculty | University Libraries, UNCG |
Dreaming after trauma: exploring the relationship of replicative and recurrent posttraumatic... | 2015 | Wagener, Alwin E. | Student | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
DREAMing of science: undocumented Latin@s' testimonios across the borderlands of high school... | 2013 | Aguilar-Valdéz, Jean Rockford | Student | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Dress and nudity in the iconography of the Florentine Renaissance woman | 1982 | Ledogar, Judith W. | Student | Home Economics, UNCG |
Drift and other stories | 2014 | Missett, Brendan C. | Student | English, UNCG |
Drift pretty | 2005 | Colussy-Estes, Justin | Student | English, UNCG |
Drifting from slow to “D’oh!” Working memory capacity and mind wandering predict extreme rea... | 2012 | McVay, Jennifer C. | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
Drifting from slow to “D’oh!” Working memory capacity and mind wandering predict extreme rea... | 2012 | Kane, Michael J. | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
Drive it home: Increasing interactivity in instruction with Google Drive [slides] | 2015 | Houk, Amanda "Amy" Harris | Faculty | University Libraries, UNCG |
Drive it home: Increasing interactivity in instruction with Google Drive [slides] | 2017 | Houk, Amanda "Amy" Harris | Faculty | University Libraries, UNCG |
Drive it home: Increasing interactivity in instruction with Google Drive [slides] | 2015 | Dale, Jenny | Faculty | University Libraries, UNCG |
Drivers Love their SUVs, but We’re Paying a High Price | 2003 | Brod, Andrew C. | Faculty | Economics, UNCG |
Drivers of Cross-national Variation in Advertising Spending: A Longitudinal Analysis of the ... | 2016 | Kshetri, Nir B. | Faculty | Management, UNCG |
Drivers of plant community biodiversity: understory dynamics in longleaf pine savannas of No... | 2019 | Young, Alyssa L. | Student | Biology, UNCG |
Driving the development of library spaces by supporting and sharing the scholarship of learn... | 2019 | Craft, Anna R. | Faculty | University Libraries, UNCG |
Driving the development of library spaces by supporting and sharing the scholarship of learn... | 2019 | Crumpton, Michael | Faculty | University Libraries, UNCG |
A Drop in the Bucket: Oil from Arctic Refuge Won’t Yield Much Relief | 2005 | Brod, Andrew C. | Faculty | Economics, UNCG |
Droplet probe: coupling chromatography to the in situ evaluation of the chemistry of nature | 2019 | Oberlies, Nicholas | Faculty | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Droplet probe: coupling chromatography to the in situ evaluation of the chemistry of nature | 2019 | Raja, Huzefa A. | Faculty | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Droughts and Downpours: Resolving the disconnect between rainfall manipulation experiments a... | 2014 | Koerner, Sally E. | Faculty | Biology, UNCG |
Drug knowledge and selected sociological factors among high school students | 1973 | Wychules, Michael V. | Student | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
Drug screening practices and policies of labor and delivery units in the southeastern United... | 2020 | Byrd, Dolly Pressley | Student | Nursing, UNCG |
Drug Use Risk Behavior Co-Occurrence Among United States High School Students | 2014 | Erausquin, Jennifer Toller | Faculty | Public Health Education, UNCG |
Drum set as a solo artform: developing the percussionist through solo performance | 2020 | Cantrell, Ben | Student | School of Music, UNCG |
The Drunken Man's Talk: Tales from Medieval China, compiled by Luo Ye, translated by Alister... | 2018 | Rao, Xiao | Faculty | Languages, Literatures, and Cultures, UNCG |
Dual Busy Tone Multiple Access (DBTMA)— A Multiple Access Control Scheme for Ad Hoc Networks... | 2002 | Deng, Jing | Faculty | Computer Science, UNCG |
Dual Credit/Concurrent Enrollment Initiatives: A Study of Influences on Students' Postsecond... | 2008 | Bartlett, Walter Claude | Student | Philosophy, UNCG |
Dual Mechanisms of Negative Priming | 1997 | Kane, Michael J. | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
Dual Role for Myosin II in GLUT4-Mediated Glucose Uptake in 3T3-L1 Adipocytes | 2008 | Patel, Yashomati M. | Faculty | Biology, UNCG |
The Dual Role of Power in Resisting Social Influence | 2013 | Yang, Zhiyong | Faculty | Marketing, UNCG |
The dual role of single parent and professional : a study of gender issues and the work-fami... | 1984 | Simmons, Gwenneva | Student | Education, UNCG |
Dual sources of antimicrobial activity of Anemopsis californica : plant and endophytic fungi... | 2014 | Bussey, Robert Owen | Student | Medicinal Biochemistry, UNCG |
Dual Versus Single Parental Households and Differences in Maternal Mental Health and Child's... | 2019 | Maher, Jaclyn | Faculty | Kinesiology, UNCG |
A dual-process model of older adults’ sedentary behavior | 2016 | Maher, Jaclyn | Faculty | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Dubliner's in winter : a study of Joyce's "Chapter of Moral History" | 1970 | Hargrave, Elizabeth George | Student | English, UNCG |
The duel at Yamazaki-Daira | 1967 | Takahashi, Hiromi | Student | English, UNCG |
A Duet of Praise: Horace, Vergil and the Subject of Canemus in Carm. 4.15.32 | 2010 | Zarecki, Jonathan P. | Faculty | Classical Studies, UNCG |
Duke Vincentio of Shakespeare's Measure for measure : a review of the criticism from a dialo... | 1989 | Ahn, Woo Kyu | Student | English, UNCG |
Dull trots the crowd : "a symphonic cantata based on lines by the poet Stephan George" | 1972 | Martin, Richard Terry | Student | Music, UNCG |
"the Dullissimo Maccaroni": Masculinities in She Stoops to conquer." | 2011 | Evans, James E. | Faculty | English, UNCG |
Duration | 1970 | Howell, Jerry Morris | Student | Art, UNCG |
Duration of airborne-manganese exposure in rhesus monkeys is associated with brain regional ... | 2008 | Erikson, Keith M. | Faculty | Nutrition, UNCG |
Dust Emission from Herbig Ae/Be Stars - Evidence for Disks and envelopes | 1999 | Miroshnichenko, Anatoly S. | Faculty | Physics and Astronomy, UNCG |
Dust of the Zulu: Ngoma Aesthetics after Apartheid [book review] | 2018 | Perrill, Elizabeth A. | Faculty | School of Art, UNCG |
Dyadic coping among adults with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder | 2009 | Morfesis, Francesca | Student | Psychology, UNCG |
Dyadic perspectives around online alcohol-facilitative communication | 2023 | Chase, Gregory E. | Student | Psychology, UNCG |
Dyadic, triadic, and group models of peer supervision/consultation: What are their component... | 2012 | Borders, L. DiAnne | Faculty | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
Dying with Dignity | 2014 | Kautz, Donald D. | Faculty | Nursing, UNCG |
Dynamic Bilingualism as the Norm: Envisioning a Heteroglossic Approach to Standards-Based Re... | 2014 | Schissel, Jamie L. | Faculty | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
Dynamic entrepreneurship and technology-based innovation | 2016 | Link, Albert N. | Faculty | Economics, UNCG |
Dynamic entrepreneurship: On the performance of U.S. research joint ventures | 2017 | Link, Albert N. | Faculty | Economics, UNCG |
Dynamic entrepreneurship: On the performance of U.S. research joint ventures | 2017 | Bray, Jeremy W. | Faculty | Economics, UNCG |
A Dynamic Inventory Model with Random Replenishment Quantities | 1995 | Ehrhardt, Richard A. | Faculty | Information Systems and Operations Management, UNCG |
Dynamic Social Networks and Physical Aggression: The Moderating Role of Gender and Social St... | 2013 | Rulison, Kelly L. | Faculty | Public Health Education, UNCG |
Dynamic Valgus Alignment and Functional Strength in Males and Females During Maturation | 2009 | Nguyen, Anh Dung | Faculty | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Dynamic Valgus Alignment and Functional Strength in Males and Females During Maturation | 2009 | Shultz, Sandra J. | Faculty | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Dynamic Valgus Alignment and Functional Strength in Males and Females During Maturation | 2009 | Schmitz, Randy J. | Faculty | Kinesiology, UNCG |
The Dynamics of Metropolitan Housing Prices. | 2002 | Jud, Gustav D. | Faculty | Business Administration, UNCG |
The Dynamics of Metropolitan Housing Prices. | 2002 | Winkler, Daniel T. | Faculty | Accounting and Finance, UNCG |
Dysnomia and its relationship to subtypes of reading disabilities | 1983 | Felton, Rebecca Hobgood | Student | Home Economics, UNCG |
Dysphoria and self-focused attention: Effects of failure feedback on task performance and go... | 2012 | Eddington, Kari | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
Dystopian dilemma | 2009 | Porter, James Anthony | Student | Studio Art, UNCG |