William Gerace

Dr. Gerace earned his bachelor’s in physics from Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1963 and his doctorate in physics from Princeton in 1967. His research interests include theoretical nuclear physics, problem solving, cognitive processes in math and science education, and professional development for teachers. In the course of his career, he has served as principal investigator or co-PI on research projects that have received about $8 million in grant support.

There are 9 included publications by William Gerace :

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
Assessing-to-Learn: Formative Assessment Materials for High School Physics 2004 1964 This is the final project report for US National Science Foundation Grant No. ESI-9730438. The Assessing-to-Learn (A2L) project sought to develop quality formative assessment materials for teaching high school physics and to advance understanding and...
Designing effective questions for classroom response system teaching 2006 4394 Classroom response systems can be powerful tools for teaching physics. Their efficacy depends strongly on the quality of the questions. Creating effective questions is difficult and differs from creating exam and homework problems. Each classroom re...
Group Discovery with Multiple-Choice Exams and Consumer Surveys: The Group-Question-Answer Model 2007 663 Multiple choice questions (MCQs) are a common data gathering tool. We extend the Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) framework to a collection of MCQ surveys. Topic discovery is turned into group discovery based on survey response patterns. Question ch...
Probing physics students’ conceptual knowledge structures through term association 2002 2225 Traditional tests are not effective tools for diagnosing the content and structure of students’ knowledge of physics. As a possible alternative, a set of term-association tasks ~the ConMap tasks! was developed to probe the interconnections within s...
SIISP: Self-Efficacy Intervention to Improve STEM Performance [Poster] 2018 432 Poster presented at the 2018 STEMM Equality Congress in Amsterdam, October 11-12, 2018. OBJECTIVES: • Develop, test, document, and disseminate a practical,scalable intervention to increase self-efficacy in university STEM students. • Develop and vali...
Teacher learning of technology-enhanced formative assessment 2008 958 "Technology-Enhanced Formative Assessment" (TEFA) is an innovative pedagogy for teaching secondary school science or mathematics with "classroom response system" technology. "Teacher Learning of TEFA" (TLT) is a five year research project studying te...
Teaching vs. Learning: Changing Perspectives on Problem Solving in Physics Instruction 2005 2190 Problem solving is central to physics instruction. Results from Physics Education Research (PER), however, demonstrate that traditional ways of teaching with problem solving are inefficient and ineffective for promoting true physics expertise. PER...
Technology-Enhanced Formative Assessment: An Innovative Approach to Student-Centered Science Teaching 2008 3457 Technology-Enhanced Formative Assessment (TEFA) is an innovative pedagogical approach to secondary and post-secondary science instruction that uses classroom response system technology to teach in accord with educational research findings ab...
Technology-Enhanced Formative Assessment: A Research-Based Pedagogy for Teaching Science with Classroom Response Technology 2009 3382 Classroom response systems (CRSs) are a promising instructional technology, but most literature on CRS use fails to distinguish between technology and pedagogy, to define and justify a pedagogical perspective, or to discriminate between pedagogies. T...