Susan J. Buck

Education: BS, University of Florida; MS, PhD, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. Teaching areas: environmental law and policy, public policy, administrative law, and ethics. Research areas: common pool resources and state wildlife management.

There are 4 included publications by Susan J. Buck :

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
Contextual Factors in the Development of State Wildlife Management Regimes in the United States of America 1999 2504 Edwards & Steins (The Role of Contextual Factors in Common Pool Resource Analysis. Paper presented to 7th Conference of the International Association for the Study of Common Property, Vancouver, British Columbia, June 1998) developed an analytic fram...
Cultural Theory and Management of Common Property Resources 1989 6819 Cultural theory utilizes concepts drawn from social anthropology, sociology, and organization theory to explain the social and cultural biases of policy actors and interest groups. Certain ideas of nature are associated with each cultural bias; these...
Decolonization in the Former Soviet Borderlands: Politics in Search of Principles 1993 2368 As the public and private institutions of the post-Soviet world are reconfigured, the prominence of local politics in determining who decides what, when, and how may not necessarily be bad. Recent empirical analysis of Third World public and private...
Multiple-Use commons, collective action, and platforms for resource use negotiation 1999 1378 This is a guest editorial for the September 1999 issue of Agriculture and Human Values.