The M&M approach: using mental and mechanical strategies in your teaching and coaching | 2007 | Rhea, Christopher K. | Faculty | Kinesiology, UNCG |
M.S. selective enrichment of rare mutations as a new biotechnology to study DNA mismatch rep... | 2020 | Desai, Parth H. | Student | Joint School of Nanoscience and Nanoengineering, UNCG |
Machine’s conceptual development using FNet | 2022 | Jayanna, Deepa | Student | Computer Science, UNCG |
Macroeconomic conditions, health and mortality | 2004 | Ruhm, Christopher J | Faculty | Economics, UNCG |
Macronutrient variability in human milk from donors to a milk bank: Implications for feeding... | 2019 | Perrin, Maryanne T. | Faculty | Nutrition, UNCG |
The madam is mad: madness as kairos, ur-time, and lesbian space in Gilman, Plath, and Millet... | 2013 | Galli, Joanne | Student | Women's and Gender Studies, UNCG |
Madrigaletti a due et tre voci of Salamone Rossi | 1963 | Stewart, Marlene Cramme | Student | Music, UNCG |
Magical ideation and social anhedonia as predictors of psychosis proneness: A partial replic... | 1997 | Kwapil, Thomas R. | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
Magical mythical men | 1976 | Gaski, Michael | Student | English, UNCG |
Magnetic Field Enhanced 4-electron Pathway of the Well-aligned Co3O4/ECNFs in the Oxygen Red... | 2018 | Wei, Jianjun | Faculty | Nanoscience, UNCG |
Magnetically-enhanced electron transfer from immobilized galvinoxyl radicals | 2019 | Wei, Jianjun | Faculty | Nanoscience, UNCG |
Magnetoreception of photoactivated cryptochrome 1 in electrochemistry and electron transfer | 2018 | Wei, Jianjun | Faculty | Nanoscience, UNCG |
Magnetoreception of photoactivated cryptochrome 1 in electrochemistry and electron transfer | 2018 | Mabe, Taylor Levi | Faculty | Joint School of Nanoscience and Nanoengineering, UNCG |
Mainstreaming movements: the U.S. anti-apartheid movement and civil rights memory | 2012 | Bratyanski, Jennifer Anne | Student | History, UNCG |
Maintaining Your Focus in Focus Groups: Avoiding Common Mistakes | 2005 | Côté-Arsenault, Denise | Faculty | Nursing, UNCG |
Major Computing Technologies of the Past 75 Years | 2021 | Kshetri, Nir B. | Faculty | Management, UNCG |
Majoring in fashion: a theoretical framework for understanding the decision-making process | 2010 | Nelson Hodges, Nancy J. | Faculty | Consumer, Apparel, and Retail Studies, UNCG |
Majoring in fashion: a theoretical framework for understanding the decision-making process | 2010 | Karpova, Elena | Faculty | Consumer, Apparel, and Retail Studies, UNCG |
Majoring in Fashion: A Theoretical Framework for Understanding the Decision-Making Process | 2010 | Nelson Hodges, Nancy J. | Faculty | Consumer, Apparel, and Retail Studies, UNCG |
Make contact with your life | 2023 | Baynes, Max B. | Student | School of Art, UNCG |
Make No Enemies: The Tourist Contending With The Terrorist | 1997 | Sonmez, Sevil | Faculty | Marketing, Entrepreneurship, Hospitality & Tourism, UNCG |
“Make a real school out of the air” : the experiences of principals who were tasked with lau... | 2024 | Robeson, Tanicka Lashawn | Student | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Make a real woman of me | 2017 | Wilkinson, Katelyn Joy | Student | English, UNCG |
Makers in the library: Case studies of 3d printers and maker spaces in library settings | 2014 | Moorefield-Lang, Heather | Faculty | Library and Information Studies, UNCG |
Makerspace-the future of public libraries | 2019 | Chivukula, Divya | Student | Interior Architecture, UNCG |
Makerspaces for all: serving LGBTQ makers in school libraries | 2018 | Moorefield-Lang, Heather | Faculty | Library and Information Studies, UNCG |
Makerspaces in the High School Setting: The Student Perspective | 2019 | Moorefield-Lang, Heather | Faculty | Library and Information Studies, UNCG |
Makerspaces, Libraries, and Information [Slides] | 2017 | Moorefield-Lang, Heather | Faculty | Library and Information Studies, UNCG |
Making and re-making. | 2010 | Thomason, Matthew Watson | Student | Art, UNCG |
Making Carrboro home : user alteration of company space | 2005 | Lachenman, Sara Regan | Student | Interior architecture, UNCG |
Making the case for in-house training | 2011 | Crumpton, Michael | Faculty | University Libraries, UNCG |
Making a Case for Teacher Political Disclosure | 2016 | Journell, Wayne | Faculty | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
Making Connections While Earning an MLIS | 2016 | Crumpton, Michael | Faculty | University Libraries, UNCG |
"Making a considerable tumult in the streets" | 2006 | Broomall, James Joseph | Student | History, UNCG |
Making creative metaphors: The importance of fluid intelligence for creative thought. | 2012 | Silvia, Paul | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
Making creative metaphors: The importance of fluid intelligence for creative thought. | 2012 | Beaty, Roger E. | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
Making Daddies into Fathers: Community-Based Fatherhood Programs and the Construction of Mas... | 2010 | Dyson, Omari L. | Faculty | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Making the Effort with Open Access | 2018 | Crumpton, Michael | Faculty | University Libraries, UNCG |
Making every year a presidential election year: Using The West Wing’s Santos/Vinick race to ... | 2013 | Journell, Wayne | Faculty | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
Making friends within inclusive community recreation programs | 2003 | Schleien, Stuart J. | Faculty | Community and Therapeutic Recreation, UNCG |
Making friends within inclusive community recreation programs | 2003 | Stone, Charlsena F. | Faculty | Community and Therapeutic Recreation, UNCG |
Making an Impact Statewide to Benefit 21st-Century School Leadership | 2012 | Lashley, Carl A. | Faculty | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Making an Impact Statewide to Benefit 21st-Century School Leadership | 2012 | Davis, Annie Wilson | Faculty | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Making an Impact Statewide to Benefit 21st-Century School Leadership | 2012 | Hewitt, Kimberly Kappler | Faculty | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Making Libraries for Everyone: Building a Reproducible Workflow to Assess Classification [sl... | 2022 | Gypin, Lindsay | Faculty | University Libraries, UNCG |
Making a major decision: an exploration of why students enroll in fashion programmes | 2009 | Nelson Hodges, Nancy J. | Faculty | Consumer, Apparel, and Retail Studies, UNCG |
Making a major decision: an exploration of why students enroll in fashion programmes | 2009 | Karpova, Elena | Faculty | Consumer, Apparel, and Retail Studies, UNCG |
Making a Major Decision: An Exploration of Why Students Enroll in Fashion Programmes | 2009 | Nelson Hodges, Nancy J. | Faculty | Consumer, Apparel, and Retail Studies, UNCG |
Making meaning of refugee resettlement experiences: the acculturation attitudes of Liberian ... | 2009 | Clarke, Leah K. | Student | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
Making the Mississippi River Over Again: The Development of River Control in Mississippi | 2002 | O'Brien, Greg | Faculty | History, UNCG |
Making the Most of Geographic Disadvantage: Modernizing Bhutan | 2011 | Walcott, Susan M. | Faculty | Geography, UNCG |
Making my family proud: The unique contribution of familism pride to the psychological adjus... | 2019 | Stein, Gabriela L. | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
Making new worlds at the intersection of mathematics and language learning : teacher profess... | 2022 | Kroiss, Doris A. | Student | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
The making of a book, Thais | 1961 | Shewmake, Mitzi | Student | Art, UNCG |
The Making of the Senior Sandwich | 2007 | Wassel, Janice I. Farkas | Faculty | Gerontology, UNCG |
Making our own way: exploring the experiences of mid-level Black womxn student affairs profe... | 2021 | Adams, J'nai D. | Student | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
Making politics palatable: Using television drama in high school civics and government class... | 2012 | Journell, Wayne | Faculty | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
Making politics palatable: Using television drama in high school civics and government class... | 2012 | Buchanan, Lisa Brown | Faculty | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
Making protest matter: bodies, objects, and rhetorical assemblage in social justice movement... | 2020 | McCrary, Andrea | Student | English, UNCG |
Making room for collaboration and teacher research in professional learning communities | 2018 | Vetter, Amy | Faculty | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
Making sense of the elusive paradigm of entrepreneurship | 2015 | Link, Albert N. | Faculty | Economics, UNCG |
Making sense of the market: An exploration of apparel consumption practices of the Russian c... | 2007 | Tullar, William L. | Faculty | Business Administration, UNCG |
Making sense of the market: An exploration of apparel consumption practices of the Russian c... | 2007 | Nelson Hodges, Nancy J. | Faculty | Consumer, Apparel, and Retail Studies, UNCG |
Making sense of the market: An exploration of apparel consumption practices of the Russian c... | 2007 | Karpova, Elena | Faculty | Consumer, Apparel, and Retail Studies, UNCG |
Making sense of the market: An exploration of apparel consumption practices of the Russian c... | 2007 | Tullar, William L. | Faculty | Business Administration, UNCG |
Making sense of the market: An exploration of apparel consumption practices of the Russian c... | 2007 | Nelson Hodges, Nancy J. | Faculty | Consumer, Apparel, and Retail Studies, UNCG |
Making sense of multivariate community responses in global change experiments | 2022 | Koerner, Sally E. | Faculty | Biology, UNCG |
Making sense of subjectivity: Q Methodology in counseling research | 2018 | Wester, Kelly L. | Faculty | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
Making sense of subjectivity: Q Methodology in counseling research | 2018 | Morris, Carrie A. Wachter | Faculty | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
Making sense of whistle-blowing’s antecedents: Learning from research on identity and ethics... | 2009 | Caza, Brianna Barker | Faculty | Management, UNCG |
Making up for lost time: hypermetric equilibrium in two keyboard sonatas of Franz Joseph Hay... | 2017 | Hartburg, Lauren Michele | Student | Music, UNCG |
Making Violence Sexy: Feminist Views on Pornography [book review] | 1994 | White, Jacquelyn W. | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
Making your own meaning: designing constructivist interactive history exhibits | 2012 | Sikes, Kathryn Marie | Student | Interior Architecture, UNCG |
Making Your Workplace Smoke Free: A Decision Maker's Guide | 1996 | Eddy, James M. | Faculty | Public Health Education, UNCG |
Malbrancheamide B, a novel compound from the fungus Malbranchea aurantiaca | 2008 | Figueroa Saldivar, Mario | Faculty | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Malcom Lowry's Under the volcano as tragedy | 1975 | Kluttz, Phyllis Huffman | Student | English, UNCG |
MALDI matrix cluster ions as internal references for ion mobility measurements | 2019 | Chiu, Norman H. | Faculty | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
MALDI matrix cluster ions as internal references for ion mobility measurements | 2019 | Todd, Daniel A. | Faculty | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Male caregivers with cancer diagnosed partners : an exploratory study | 1996 | Browning, Frankie Carroll | Student | Education, UNCG |
Male chromosome loss(3)Z2566 is required for paternal chromosome transmission in Drosophila ... | 2015 | Binder, Andrea Maria | Student | Biology, UNCG |
Male Dress Habits in Roman Period Palmyra | 2019 | Heyn, Maura K. | Faculty | Classical Studies, UNCG |
Male fidelity expressed through rapid testosterone suppression of ultrasonic vocalizations t... | 2015 | Kalcounis-Rüppell, Matina C. | Faculty | Biology, UNCG |
The Male Librarian and the Feminine Image: Stereotypes and Reality | 2007 | Carmichael, James V. | Faculty | Library and Information Studies, UNCG |
The Male Librarian and the Feminine Image: A Survey of Stereotype, Status, and Gender Percep... | 1992 | Carmichael, James V. | Faculty | Library and Information Studies, UNCG |
Male maturation response to selection of the pollen-hoarding syndrome in honey bees (Apis me... | 2006 | Rueppell, Olav | Faculty | Biology, UNCG |
Males, Females, and Maps: Evaluating Spatial Encoding Strategies | 1996 | Nelson, Elisabeth S. | Faculty | Geography, UNCG |
Malignant Hyperthermia Crisis: Improving Knowledge, Recognition, and Preparedness of the Lab... | 2022 | Garland, John | Student | Nursing, UNCG |
Malik Ambar: The Legacy of an Ethiopian Ruler in India | 2011 | Ali, Omar H. | Faculty | African American & African Diaspora Studies, UNCG |
Mammalian Evolutionary Morphology. A Tribute to Frederick S. Szalay [book review] | 2010 | Anemone, Robert | Faculty | Biological Anthropology and Paleoanthropology, UNCG |
Man-eating horses | 2017 | Eckert, Chelsea S. | Student | English, UNCG |
Man-made menopause and architectural embodiment in Herman Melville’s “I and My Chimney” AND... | 2017 | Watson, Jamie | Student | English, UNCG |
Management control systems, business strategy and performance: A comparative analysis of fam... | 2013 | Acquaah, Moses | Faculty | Management, UNCG |
Management Information Systems Research: What’s There in a Methodology? | 2003 | Salam, Al Farooq N. | Faculty | Information Systems and Supply Chain Management, UNCG |
Management Information Systems Research: What’s There in a Methodology? | 2003 | Palvia, Prashant | Faculty | Information Systems and Supply Chain Management, UNCG |
Management of finances in selected North Carolina homemaking departments, 1951-1952 | 1953 | Allison, Bette Jean | Student | Home Economics, UNCG |
Management of Hepatic Encephalopathy by Traditional Chinese Medicine | 2012 | Jia, Wei | Faculty | Nutrition, UNCG |
Management of Hepatic Encephalopathy by Traditional Chinese Medicine | 2012 | Xie, Guoxiang | Faculty | Nutrition, UNCG |
Management of Hepatic Encephalopathy by Traditional Chinese Medicine | 2012 | Zheng, Xiaojiao (Joy) | Faculty | Nutrition, UNCG |
Management of stable ischemic heart disease | 2013 | Davis, Leslie L | Faculty | Adult Health Nursing, UNCG |
Managerial social capital, strategic orientation, and organizational performance in an emerg... | 2007 | Acquaah, Moses | Faculty | Management, UNCG |
Managing the Academic Library Through Teamwork: A Case Study | 1993 | Dorsey, Sarah B. | Faculty | University Libraries, UNCG |
Managing Children's Friendships Through Interparental Relationships: Roles of Ethnicity and ... | 2007 | Fletcher, Anne C. | Faculty | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Managing Children's Friendships Through Interparental Relationships: Roles of Ethnicity and ... | 2007 | Hunter, Andrea G. | Faculty | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Managing Diabetes: Use of the Transtheoretical Model | 2008 | Perko, Michael A. | Faculty | Public Health Education, UNCG |
Managing Digital Cultural Objects: Analysis, Discovery and Retrieval, Edited by Allen Foster... | 2017 | Gwynn, David | Faculty | University Libraries, UNCG |
Managing institutional distance: Examining how firm-specific advantages impact foreign subsi... | 2018 | Rickley, Marketa | Faculty | Management, UNCG |
Managing Interdependent Information Security Risks: Cyberinsurance, Managed Security Service... | 2013 | Zhao, Xia | Faculty | Information Systems and Supply Chain Management, UNCG |
Managing international teams: How to address the challenges and realize the benefits of nati... | 2022 | Rickley, Marketa | Faculty | Management, UNCG |
Managing the Multigenerational Nursing Team | 2004 | Hu, Jie | Faculty | Nursing, UNCG |
Managing nurses with health concerns | 2012 | Letvak, Susan A. | Faculty | Adult Health Nursing, UNCG |
Managing researcher identity: Tools for researchers and librarians | 2020 | Craft, Anna R. | Faculty | University Libraries, UNCG |
Managing Russian factory workers: The impact of U.S.-based behavioral and participative tech... | 1993 | Welsh, Dianne H.B. | Faculty | Business Administration, UNCG |
Manganese | 2017 | Erikson, Keith M. | Faculty | Nutrition, UNCG |
Manganese accumulates in iron deficient rat brain regions in a heterogeneous fashion and is ... | 2002 | Erikson, Keith M. | Faculty | Nutrition, UNCG |
Manganese Accumulation in Membrane Fractions of Primary Astrocytes is Associated with Decrea... | 2014 | Erikson, Keith M. | Faculty | Nutrition, UNCG |
Manganese and its Role in Parkinson's disease: from Transport to Neuropathology. | 2009 | Erikson, Keith M. | Faculty | Nutrition, UNCG |
Manganese causes differential regulation of glutamate transporter (GLAST), taurine transport... | 2002 | Erikson, Keith M. | Faculty | Nutrition, UNCG |
Manganese Dosimetry: Species Differences and Implications for Neurotoxicity | 2005 | Erikson, Keith M. | Faculty | Nutrition, UNCG |
Manganese exposure alters extracellular GABA, GABA receptor and transporter protein and mRNA... | 2008 | Erikson, Keith M. | Faculty | Nutrition, UNCG |
Manganese Exposure and Induced Oxidative Stress in the Rat Brain | 2004 | Erikson, Keith M. | Faculty | Nutrition, UNCG |
Manganese Exposure Inhibits the Clearance of Extracellular GABA and Influences Taurine Homeo... | 2010 | Erikson, Keith M. | Faculty | Nutrition, UNCG |
Manganese Exposure Inhibits the Clearance of Extracellular GABA and Influences Taurine Homeo... | 2010 | Cooney, Paula | Faculty | Nutrition, UNCG |
Manganese Inhalation by Rhesus Monkeys is Associated with Brain Regional Changes in Biomarke... | 2007 | Erikson, Keith M. | Faculty | Nutrition, UNCG |
Manganese Neurotoxicity | 2004 | Erikson, Keith M. | Faculty | Nutrition, UNCG |
Manganese neurotoxicity and GABA/glutamate interactions | 2003 | Erikson, Keith M. | Faculty | Nutrition, UNCG |
Manganese Neurotoxicity: A Focus on the Neonate | 2007 | Erikson, Keith M. | Faculty | Nutrition, UNCG |
Manganese-exposed developing rats display motor deficits and striatal oxidative stress that ... | 2013 | Erikson, Keith M. | Faculty | Nutrition, UNCG |
Manifestations of Neoliberal Discourses Within a Local Job-Training Program | 2007 | Carlone, David | Faculty | Communication Studies, UNCG |
Manifestations of Neoliberal Discourses Within a Local Job-Training Program | 2007 | Ayers, David F. | Faculty | Teacher Education and Higher Education , UNCG |
Manifesto on the ledge: an American comic chamber | 2015 | Meadors, Anna L. | Student | Music, UNCG |
Manipulation and Force as Sexual Coercion Tactics: Conceptual and Empirical Differences | 2007 | White, Jacquelyn W. | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
Manipulation of the Pre- and Post-Weaning Social Environment and its Effects on Prepulse Inh... | 2008 | Bailoo, Jeremy D. | Student | Psychology, UNCG |
Manufacturing and Marketing Interdependence in the New Venture Firm: An Empirical Study | 1991 | Gargeya, Vidyaranya B. | Faculty | Information Systems and Supply Chain Management, UNCG |
Manufacturing Rebounds But With Fewer Jobs | 2006 | Brod, Andrew C. | Faculty | Economics, UNCG |
Manufacturing strategy, competitive strategy and firm performance: An empirical study in a d... | 2008 | Amoako-Gyampah, Kwasi | Faculty | Information Systems and Supply Chain Management, UNCG |
Manufacturing strategy, competitive strategy and firm performance: An empirical study in a d... | 2008 | Acquaah, Moses | Faculty | Management, UNCG |
The many names of “Roots tourism”: An integrative review of the terminology | 2022 | Taras, Vasyl | Faculty | Management, UNCG |
Many-Faceted Rasch Modeling Expert Judgment in Test Development | 1998 | Chen, Ang | Faculty | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Many-Faceted Rasch Modeling Expert Judgment in Test Development | 1998 | Ennis, Catherine D. | Faculty | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Many-instruments Asymptotic Approximations Under Nonnormal Error Distributions | 2010 | Van Hasselt, Martijn | Faculty | Economics, UNCG |
The Maoris of New Zealand: A historical view of culture and family. | 1991 | Brown, Hazel N. | Faculty | Nursing, UNCG |
Map perspective and the learning of text. | 1995 | Kealy, William A. | Faculty | Library and Information Studies, UNCG |
Maplexins, new a-glucosidase inhibitors from red maple (Acer rubrum) stems | 2012 | Cech, Nadja B. | Faculty | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Mapping expert supervisors' cognitions | 2012 | Kemer, Gülsah | Student | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
Mapping from a Different Direction: Mandala as Sacred Spatial Visualization | 2006 | Walcott, Susan M. | Faculty | Geography, UNCG |
Mapping the historical development of research in physical activity and health: Providing a ... | 2018 | McNeil, Jessica | Faculty | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Mapping the Impact of Vegetation and Terrain on Cellular Signal Levels | 2008 | Tapp, Anna F. | Student | Geography, UNCG |
Mapping of sample collection data: GIS tools for the natural product researcher | 2009 | Oberlies, Nicholas | Faculty | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Mapping realities & cultivating belief | 2014 | Bonner, Jennifer Leigh | Student | Art, UNCG |
Mapping the residency program landscape | 2021 | Holmes, Gerald V. | Faculty | University Libraries, UNCG |
Mapping the residency program landscape | 2021 | Velez, LaTesha | Faculty | Library and Information Science, UNCG |
The Mapuche Indians in Chilean twentieth century poetry | 1970 | Helms, Daphne Uvonne | Student | Romance Languages-Spanish, UNCG |
“Maquilapolis.” Vicky Funari and Sergio De La Torre, dirs. (Film Review) | 2007 | Sills, Stephen J. | Faculty | Sociology, UNCG |
Margaret Cross Norton: Defining and Redefining Archives and the Archival Profession. | 2009 | Lawrimore, Erin | Faculty | University Libraries, UNCG |
Margaret Mead and mental retardation: Words of understanding, concepts of inclusiveness | 1997 | Smith, J. David | Faculty | Specialized Education Services, UNCG |
Marital Aggression Predicts Infant Orienting Toward Mother at Six Months | 2011 | Leerkes, Esther M. | Faculty | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Marital conflict, mother-son interaction, and sons' aggression with peers | 1993 | Lisson, Robert Charles | Student | Human Environmental Sciences, UNCG |
Marital hostility, adolescents’ responses to marital conflict, and adolescents’ adjustment: ... | 2016 | Zhou, Nan | Student | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Marital instability : the relationship of gender role beliefs, negativity, and distancing | 1997 | Guilbert, Douglas Edward | Student | Education, UNCG |
Marital Processes Linking Gender Role Attitudes and Marital Satisfaction Among Mexican-Origi... | 2019 | Helms, Heather M. | Faculty | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Marital Processes Linking Gender Role Attitudes and Marital Satisfaction Among Mexican-Origi... | 2019 | Supple, Andrew "Andy" | Faculty | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Marital quality and interspousal self-concept congruency | 1981 | Seutter, Raymond Alphonze | Student | Home Economics, UNCG |
Marital Quality and Personal Well-Being: A Meta-Analysis | 2007 | Helms, Heather M. | Faculty | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Marital Quality and Personal Well-Being: A Meta-Analysis | 2007 | Buehler, Cheryl A. | Faculty | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Marital Quality and Spouses' Marriage Work With Close Friends and Each Other | 2003 | Helms, Heather M. | Faculty | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Marital Quality Ten Years After the Transition to Parenthood: Implications of the Timing of ... | 2001 | Helms, Heather M. | Faculty | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Marital Relationships in the Twenty-First Century | 2013 | Helms, Heather M. | Faculty | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Marital Satisfaction Across the Transition to Parenthood: A Vulnerability-Stress-Adaptation ... | 2010 | Parade, Stephanie H. | Student | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Marital Status, Family Ties, and Self-rated Health Among Elders In South India | 2007 | Sudha, S. | Faculty | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Marital violence and women’s reproductive health care in Uttar Pradesh, India | 2011 | Sudha, S. | Faculty | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Marital violence and women’s reproductive health care in Uttar Pradesh, India | 2011 | Morrison, Sharon D. | Faculty | Public Health Education, UNCG |
Mark Applebaum : challenging the ontology of music | 2020 | Ball, Logan | Student | School of Music, UNCG |
Market factors and electronic medical record adoption in medical practices | 2012 | Ford, Eric W. | Faculty | Business Administration, UNCG |
Market structure and voluntary product standards | 1983 | Link, Albert N. | Faculty | Economics, UNCG |
Marketing Electronic Resources at University of North Carolina at Greensboro [slides] | 2017 | Hill, Kate | Faculty | University Libraries, UNCG |
Marketing the female politician: an exploration of gender, appearance, and power | 2014 | Sanghvi, Minita | Student | Consumer, Apparel, and Retail Studies, UNCG |
Marketing Strategies and Challenges of Small-Scale Organic Producers in Central North Caroli... | 2000 | Andreatta, Susan L. | Faculty | Anthropology, UNCG |
Marketing techniques applied to energy conservation | 1980 | Christensen, William L. | Student | Education, UNCG |
Marriage among high school students in North Carolina | 1960 | Thompson, Mary Ruth | Student | Home Economics, UNCG |
Marriage Satisfaction and Wellness in India and the United States: A Preliminary Comparison ... | 2005 | Myers, Jane E. | Faculty | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
Marriage, Coverture, and the Companionate Ideal in The Coquette and Dorval | 2009 | Weyler, Karen A. | Faculty | English, UNCG |
The Marriage-Go-Around: The State of Marriage and the Family in America Today - by Andrew J.... | 2010 | Fine, Mark | Faculty | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Marxist influences in the United States prior to 1900 | 1966 | McNeill, Ella May | Student | History and Political Science, UNCG |
Mary Breckinridge Meets Healthy People 2010: A Teaching Strategy for Visioning and Building ... | 2004 | Blue, Carolyn L. | Faculty | Nursing, UNCG |
Masculinity Under Assault: Homosociality in Lady Chatterley’s Lover and The Great Gatsby | 2018 | Eury, Kiersten R. | Student | English, UNCG |
Masked first name priming increases effort-related cardiovascular reactivity. | 2011 | Silvia, Paul | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
Masking-level difference (MLD) as a function of noise spectrum level, frequency, and signal ... | 1970 | Lindsey, John W. | Student | Psychology, UNCG |
Mass Media Images in Popular Music | 1984 | Edwards, Emily D. | Faculty | Media Studies, UNCG |
Mass Planning, Delivery, and Assessment of Library Instruction Online: One Team’s Experience... | 2021 | Olsen, Rachel | Faculty | University Libraries, UNCG |
Mass ratio effect underlie ecosystem responses to environmental change. Change in dominance ... | 2020 | Koerner, Sally E. | Faculty | Biology, UNCG |
Mass spectrometric detection of cortisol in hair samples | 2018 | Howell, Faith E. | Student | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Mass spectrometric methods and bioinformatics tools for accurate identification of MicroRNA ... | 2012 | Wambua, Dickson M. | Student | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Mass Spectrometry Imaging of Secondary Metabolites Directly on Fungal Cultures | 2014 | Oberlies, Nicholas | Faculty | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Mass Spectrometry Imaging of Secondary Metabolites Directly on Fungal Cultures | 2014 | El-Elimat, Tamam M. | Faculty | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Mass Spectrometry Imaging of Secondary Metabolites Directly on Fungal Cultures | 2014 | Raja, Huzefa A. | Faculty | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Mass spectrometry of single-stranded restriction fragments captured by an undigested complem... | 2000 | Chiu, Norman H. | Faculty | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
A Mass Spectrometry-Based Assay for Improved Quantitative Measurements of Efflux Pump Inhibi... | 2015 | Cech, Nadja B. | Faculty | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
A Mass Spectrometry-Based Assay for Improved Quantitative Measurements of Efflux Pump Inhibi... | 2015 | Graf, Tyler | Faculty | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Mass-specific scattering cross sections of suspended sediments and aggregates: theoretical l... | 2012 | Stavn, Robert H. | Faculty | Biology, UNCG |
Massed vs. distributed practice on the learning of the forehand and backhand drives in tenni... | 1968 | Schroeder, Pamela Jean | Student | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
Massive early-type emission-line stars: an attempt to establish a new group of stellar objec... | 1995 | Miroshnichenko, Anatoly S. | Faculty | Physics and Astronomy, UNCG |
Mast cell degranulation and calcium influx are inhibited by an Echinacea purpurea extract an... | 2018 | Cech, Nadja B. | Faculty | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Mast cell degranulation and calcium influx are inhibited by an Echinacea purpurea extract an... | 2018 | Todd, Daniel A. | Faculty | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Mast cell number and phenotype in chronic idiopathic urticaria | 1995 | Kepley, Christopher | Faculty | Nanoscience, UNCG |
Match or Mismatch? How congruent are the beliefs of teacher candidates, cooperating teachers... | 2008 | He, Ye | Faculty | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
Match or Mismatch? How congruent are the beliefs of teacher candidates, cooperating teachers... | 2008 | Levin, Barbara B. | Faculty | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
Matched, Comparative Study of the Recreation Integration of Adults with Mental Retardation w... | 1996 | Schleien, Stuart J. | Faculty | Community and Therapeutic Recreation, UNCG |
Matching Sourcing Destination with Fashion Brands’ Business Model: Comparative Advantages of... | 2016 | Karpova, Elena | Faculty | Consumer, Apparel, and Retail Studies, UNCG |
Matching waveform audio files with toxicall data: Record linkage in a poison control center | 2006 | Dudley, William N. | Faculty | Health and Human Sciences, UNCG |
Material adaptations | 2016 | Beck, Ivana M. | Student | Art, UNCG |
Materials for a course on Plant Diversity | 2022 | Kirchoff, Bruce K. | Faculty | Biology, UNCG |
Maternal and infant characteristics associated with human milk feeding in very low birth wei... | 2009 | Gruber, Kenneth | Faculty | Center for Youth, Family, & Community Partnerships, UNCG |
Maternal and infant characteristics associated with human milk feeding in very low birth wei... | 2009 | Lovelady, Cheryl A. | Faculty | Nutrition, UNCG |
Maternal attitudes and behaviors regarding adolescent internet use | 2009 | Bridges, Tracey H. | Student | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Maternal attitudes in women trained for childbirth by Lamaze techniques and women receiving ... | 1974 | Karmel, Marylin O. | Student | Home Economics, UNCG |
Maternal Authority Regarding Early Adolescents’ Social Technology Use | 2014 | Fletcher, Anne C. | Faculty | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Maternal Authority Regarding Early Adolescents’ Social Technology Use | 2014 | Blair, Bethany L. | Faculty | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Maternal depression and parenting stress among families of children with AD/HD: child and fa... | 2009 | Schatz, Nicole K. | Student | Psychology, UNCG |
A maternal effect that eliminates pupal diapause in progeny of the flesh fly, Sarcophaga bul... | 1982 | Henrich, Vincent C. | Faculty | Biology, UNCG |
Maternal Effects on Mouse Brain Weight | 1983 | Wahlsten, Douglas | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
Maternal Employment and Adolescent Development | 2008 | Ruhm, Christopher J | Faculty | Economics, UNCG |
Maternal Employment and Parenting Through Middle Childhood: Contextualizing Factors | 2014 | Buehler, Cheryl A. | Faculty | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Maternal Expressive Style and Children's Emotional Development | 2012 | Marcovitch, Stuart | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
Maternal Expressive Style and Children's Emotional Development | 2012 | Leerkes, Esther M. | Faculty | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Maternal Expressive Style and Children's Emotional Development | 2012 | Calkins, Susan D. | Faculty | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Maternal Expressive Style and Children's Emotional Development | 2012 | O'Brien, Marion | Faculty | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Maternal influence on negative interactions in children's friendships | 2008 | Blair, Bethany L. | Student | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Maternal influences on friendship quality: a dyadic approach | 2013 | Blair, Bethany L. | Student | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Maternal influences on infant hand-use during play with toys. | 1992 | Michel, George F. | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
Maternal Influences on Smoking Initiation Among Urban Adolescent Girls | 2004 | Nichols, Tracy R. | Faculty | Public Health Education, UNCG |
Maternal interactive style across contexts: Relations to emotional, behavioral and physiolog... | 1998 | Calkins, Susan D. | Faculty | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Maternal intrusiveness, maternal warmth, and mother-toddler relationship outcomes: Variatio... | 2004 | Fine, Mark | Faculty | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Maternal Management of Social Relationships as a Correlate of Children’s School-Based Experi... | 2010 | Fletcher, Anne C. | Faculty | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Maternal Navigational Strategies: Examining Mother-Daughter Dyads in Adolescent Families of ... | 2010 | Nichols, Tracy R. | Faculty | Public Health Education, UNCG |
The Maternal (Non) Responsiveness Questionnaire: Initial Factor Structure and Validation | 2017 | Leerkes, Esther M. | Faculty | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Maternal Perceptions of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome | 1985 | Shelton, Terri L. | Faculty | Research and Economic Development, UNCG |
Maternal physiological dysregulation while parenting poses risk for infant attachment disorg... | 2017 | Leerkes, Esther M. | Faculty | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Maternal physiological dysregulation while parenting poses risk for infant attachment disorg... | 2017 | Calkins, Susan D. | Faculty | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Maternal physiological dysregulation while parenting poses risk for infant attachment disorg... | 2017 | Supple, Andrew "Andy" | Faculty | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Maternal physiological dysregulation while parenting poses risk for infant attachment disorg... | 2017 | O'Brien, Marion | Faculty | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Maternal punitive reactions to children’s negative emotions and young adult anger: The effec... | 2015 | Leerkes, Esther M. | Faculty | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Maternal punitive reactions to children’s negative emotions and young adult anger: The effec... | 2015 | Perry, Nicole Elizabeth Brown | Faculty | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Maternal sensitivity and physiological processes as predictors of infant emotion regulation | 2013 | Perry, Nicole Elizabeth Brown | Student | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Maternal sensitivity during distressing tasks: A unique predictor of attachment security | 2011 | Leerkes, Esther M. | Faculty | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Maternal sensitivity in play, distress, and feeding contexts: Factor structure, mean differe... | 2023 | Leerkes, Esther M. | Faculty | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Maternal sensitivity in play, distress, and feeding contexts: Factor structure, mean differe... | 2023 | Buehler, Cheryl A. | Faculty | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Maternal sensitivity in play, distress, and feeding contexts: Factor structure, mean differe... | 2023 | Wideman, Laurie | Faculty | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Maternal sensitivity in play, distress, and feeding contexts: Factor structure, mean differe... | 2023 | Shriver, Lenka H. | Faculty | Nutrition, UNCG |
Maternal socialization of child emotion and adolescent adjustment: Indirect effects through ... | 2020 | Keane, Susan P. | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
Maternal socialization of child emotion and adolescent adjustment: Indirect effects through ... | 2020 | Calkins, Susan D. | Faculty | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Maternal socialization of child emotion and adolescent adjustment: Indirect effects through ... | 2020 | Dollar, Jessica | Faculty | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Maternal Socialization of Children's Emotion Knowledge | 2008 | Nelson, Jackie A. | Student | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Maternal socialization of emotion : child, maternal, and relational factors | 2005 | Stone, Caitlin Elizabeth | Student | Psychology, UNCG |
Mathematical and computational analysis of reaction diffusion models arising in ecology | 2020 | Fonseka, Gampola Waduge Nalin | Student | Mathematics and Statistics, UNCG |
A mathematical approach to an optimal strategy for the dice game pig | 1973 | Elliott, Nancy Lee | Student | Mathematics, UNCG |
Mathematical metaphors and philosophical structures | 1986 | Wishnietsky, Dan H. | Student | Education, UNCG |
Mathematical Models for the pH Dependence of Oxygen Evolution under Fluoride Inhibition and ... | 2008 | Chen, Xuejin | Student | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
The mathematics district leader research group : building the capacity of mathematics distri... | 2021 | Wonsavage, Franklin Paul | Student | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
The mathematics program of the Greek high school : in terms of internationally acceptable pa... | 1978 | Kostaki, Stavroula Eriketta | Student | Education, UNCG |
A matter of national concern: the Kennedy administration’s campaign to restore public educat... | 2015 | Lee, Brian E. | Student | History, UNCG |
Matters of resilience: mattering relationships and renegotiated masculinity in resilient col... | 2012 | Graves, Elizabeth Gest | Student | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
Matthew Fox, Cicero’s Philosophy of History. | 2008 | Zarecki, Jonathan P. | Faculty | Classical Studies, UNCG |
Maurice Ravel: Trois Chansons and World War I | 2014 | Jackson, Aaron Ronald | Student | Music, UNCG |
Max Bruch's dramatic cantata on Friedrich Schiller's poem, Das Lied von der Glocke : a condu... | 1995 | Steinert, Daniel A. | Student | Music, UNCG |
Maximally Alpha-Like Operations. | 2008 | Capuzzo, Guy | Faculty | Music, UNCG |
Maximally connected topological spaces | 1976 | Garner, Andrew Kelly | Student | Mathematics, UNCG |
Maximizing Athletic Performance in the Heat | 2013 | Adams, William M. | Faculty | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Maximizing the Potential of Computer-Based Technology in Secondary Social Studies Education | 2009 | Journell, Wayne | Faculty | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
Maximizing Workforce Diversity In Project Teams: A Network Flow Approach. | 2000 | Bhadury, Joyendu | Faculty | Bryan School of Business and Economics, UNCG |
Maximum Likelihood Estimation in Linear Models with Equi-Correlated Random Errors | 2006 | Zhang, Haimeng | Faculty | Mathematics and Statistics, UNCG |
Maximum Likelihood Estimation Using Parallel Computing: An Introduction to MPI | 2002 | Swann, Christopher A. | Faculty | Economics, UNCG |
“May the odds be ever in your favor” : The Hunger Games as texts for critical engagement AND... | 2022 | Army, Abigail G. | Student | English, UNCG |
The MAYA principle as applied to apparel products: The effects of typicality and novelty on ... | 2019 | Watchravesringkan, Kittichai "Tu" | Faculty | Consumer, Apparel, and Retail Studies, UNCG |
The MAYA principle as applied to apparel products: The effects of typicality and novelty on ... | 2019 | Nelson Hodges, Nancy J. | Faculty | Consumer, Apparel, and Retail Studies, UNCG |
McCarthy : "the trial of unreason by humane voices" | 1972 | Buchanan, Gary Robert | Student | Music, UNCG |
MCT2 expression in the hypothalamus and the counterregulatory response to hypoglycemia | 2017 | Porcelli, Vincent | Student | Nutrition, UNCG |
Mealtime food intake and behavior of normal weight adult males : effects of phenylalanine an... | 1987 | Ryan-Harshman, Milly | Student | Home Economics, UNCG |
The meaning of insulin to Hispanic immigrants with type 2 diabetes and their families. | 2012 | Hu, Jie | Faculty | Nursing, UNCG |
The meaning of insulin to Hispanic immigrants with type 2 diabetes and their families. | 2012 | Wallace, Debra C. | Faculty | Nursing, UNCG |
The meaning of insulin to Hispanic immigrants with type 2 diabetes and their families. | 2012 | Letvak, Susan A. | Faculty | Adult Health Nursing, UNCG |
The meaning of insulin to Hispanic immigrants with type 2 diabetes and their families. | 2012 | Amirehsani, Karen A. | Faculty | Nursing, UNCG |
The meaning of space for designers | 1967 | Poole, Marilyn Seitz | Student | Home Economics, UNCG |
Meaningful work and organizational communication: Questioning boundaries, positionalities an... | 2008 | Carlone, David | Faculty | Communication Studies, UNCG |
Meaningfulness in Physical Education: A Description of High School Students' Conceptions | 1998 | Chen, Ang | Faculty | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Meanings of athletic identity within the multidimensional self and social context | 2020 | Newton, Jamian D. | Student | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Meanings teachers make of teaching science outdoors as they EXPLORE citizen science | 2016 | Benavides, Aerin Workman | Student | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
A measure of children's reasoning about interpersonal relations | 1965 | Deal, Therry Nash | Student | Home Economics, UNCG |
A measure of college-going self-efficacy for middle school students. | 2010 | Borders, L. DiAnne | Faculty | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
A measure of college-going self-efficacy for middle school students. | 2010 | Gibbons, Melinda Miller | Faculty | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
A Measure of Hope in Franchise Systems: Assessing Franchisees, Top Executives, and Franchiso... | 2007 | Welsh, Dianne H.B. | Faculty | Business Administration, UNCG |
Measured success: critical perspectives on student success librarianship [slides] | 2021 | Rood, Melody | Faculty | University Libraries, UNCG |
Measurement invariance of expectancy-value questionnaire in physical education | 2012 | Ennis, Catherine D. | Faculty | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Measurement invariance of expectancy-value questionnaire in physical education | 2012 | Chen, Ang | Faculty | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Measurement invariance of the Interpersonal Needs Questionnaire (INQ-15) across sexual orien... | 2022 | Silvia, Paul | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
Measurement invariance of the Interpersonal Needs Questionnaire (INQ-15) across sexual orien... | 2022 | Stein, Gabriela L. | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
Measurement invariance of the Interpersonal Needs Questionnaire (INQ-15) across sexual orien... | 2022 | Vrshek-Schallhorn, Suzanne | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
Measurement of attitudes of women coaches toward the conduct of intercollegiate athletics fo... | 1973 | Sisley, Becky L. | Student | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
Measurement of attitudes toward the conduct of intercollegiate basketball for women | 1976 | Hutchison, Jill | Student | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
The measurement of changes in perception of spouse and marriage following a marriage enrichm... | 1985 | Catron, Sarah Swann | Student | Home Economics, UNCG |
A measurement of parental opinions toward a university nursery school and its contribution t... | 1965 | Egerton, Juanita Fowler | Student | Home Economics, UNCG |
Measurement of parenting self-efficacy and outcome expectancy related to discussions about s... | 2001 | Dudley, William N. | Faculty | Health and Human Sciences, UNCG |
Measurement of quality in preschool child care classrooms: An exploratory and confirmatory f... | 2005 | Hestenes, Linda L. | Faculty | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Measurement of quality in preschool child care classrooms: An exploratory and confirmatory f... | 2005 | Mims, Sharon U. | Faculty | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Measurement of quality in preschool child care classrooms: An exploratory and confirmatory f... | 2005 | Hestenes, Stephen | Faculty | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Measurement of quality in preschool child care classrooms: An exploratory and confirmatory f... | 2005 | Cassidy, Deborah J. | Faculty | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
The Measurement of Self-Esteem: Refining Our Methods | 1985 | Demo, David H. | Faculty | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Measurement of varus–valgus and internal–external rotational knee laxities in vivo—Part I: a... | 2007 | Schmitz, Randy J. | Faculty | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Measurement of varus–valgus and internal–external rotational knee laxities in vivo—Part I: a... | 2007 | Shultz, Sandra J. | Faculty | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Measurement of varus–valgus and internal–external rotational knee laxities in vivo—Part II: ... | 2007 | Schmitz, Randy J. | Faculty | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Measurement of varus–valgus and internal–external rotational knee laxities in vivo—Part II: ... | 2007 | Shultz, Sandra J. | Faculty | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Measurement, statistics and research design issues in sport and exercise psychology. | 1997 | Gill, Diane L. | Faculty | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Measures of frontal functioning and the emergence of inhibitory control processes at 10 mont... | 2012 | Marcovitch, Stuart | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
Measures of frontal functioning and the emergence of inhibitory control processes at 10 mont... | 2012 | Calkins, Susan D. | Faculty | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Measuring and Reducing Noise Levels in the Operating Room during Induction and Emergence | 2024 | Timcheck, Phillip | Student | Nursing, UNCG |
Measuring Anti-Americanism in Editorial Cartoons | 2009 | Bunch, Rick L. | Faculty | Geography, UNCG |
Measuring Anti-Americanism in Editorial Cartoons | 2009 | Lloyd, Robert E. | Faculty | Geography, UNCG |
Measuring benefits of opioid misuse treatment for economic evaluation: health-related qualit... | 2016 | Bray, Jeremy W. | Faculty | Economics, UNCG |
Measuring Brain Manganese and Iron Accumulation in Rats Following 14-weeks of Low-Dose Manga... | 2008 | Erikson, Keith M. | Faculty | Nutrition, UNCG |
Measuring campus sexual misconduct and its context: The administrator-researcher campus clim... | 2018 | White, Jacquelyn W. | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
Measuring campus sexual misconduct and its context: The administrator-researcher campus clim... | 2018 | Smith, Paige Hall | Faculty | Public Health Education, UNCG |
Measuring campus sexual misconduct and its context: The administrator-researcher campus clim... | 2018 | Olson, Loreen | Faculty | Communication Studies, UNCG |
Measuring caregiver identity: scale development and validation | 2014 | Eifert, Elise K. | Student | Public Health Education, UNCG |
Measuring distances between nucleotides using CW- EPR and dual site-directed spin labels to ... | 2018 | Rosales, Osbin Perdomo Frenet | Student | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Measuring economic outcomes of alcohol treatment using the economic form 90 | 2007 | Bray, Jeremy W. | Faculty | Economics, UNCG |
Measuring the effectiveness of “the major decision”: a career counseling group for undecided... | 2014 | Wheeler, Melissa | Student | Counseling, UNCG |
Measuring everyday creativity: A Rasch model analysis of the Biographical Inventory of Creat... | 2022 | Silvia, Paul | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
Measuring the Impact of Global Information Technology Applications | 2005 | Palvia, Prashant | Faculty | Information Systems and Supply Chain Management, UNCG |
Measuring the Impact of Technology on Couple Relationships: The Development of the Technolog... | 2015 | Murray, Christine E. | Faculty | Center for Youth, Family, & Community Partnerships, UNCG |
Measuring mental illness identity | 2023 | Badillo-Winard, Emily J. | Student | Psychology, UNCG |
Measuring “Mood to Market” of Furniture Retailers | 2003 | Brod, Andrew C. | Faculty | Economics, UNCG |
Measuring multicultural training reactance: Initial instrument psychometrics | 2020 | Borders, L. DiAnne | Faculty | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
Measuring negative emotionality using the Infant Behavior Questionnaire-Revised Very Short F... | 2016 | Leerkes, Esther M. | Faculty | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Measuring parents’ developmental goals for their children: Updating Kagitçibasi’s approach t... | 2019 | Tudge, Jonathan R. | Faculty | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Measuring Perceived Transfer of Responsibility Learning From Physical Education: Initial Val... | 2019 | Hemphill, Michael | Faculty | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Measuring physical activity in youth settings: Considerations for instrument selection | 2011 | Hickerson, Benjamin | Faculty | Community and Therapeutic Recreation, UNCG |
MEASURING POLITICAL DEMOCRACY : Case Expertise, Data Adequacy, and Central America | 2005 | Lehoucq, Fabrice | Faculty | Political Science, UNCG |
Measuring positive emotionality: A review of instruments assessing love | 2002 | Myers, Jane E. | Faculty | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
Measuring Postinjury Depression Among Male and Female Competitive Athletes | 2009 | Appaneal, Renee Newcomer | Faculty | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Measuring premorbid IQ in aphasia using indirect lexical access | 2006 | Lundgren, Kristine | Faculty | Communication Sciences and Disorders, UNCG |
Measuring preschool learning engagement in the laboratory | 2018 | Leerkes, Esther M. | Faculty | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Measuring preschool learning engagement in the laboratory | 2018 | Calkins, Susan D. | Faculty | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Measuring social vulnerability to natural hazards: an examination of the United States Virgi... | 2011 | Dunno, Carly Hertz | Student | Geography, UNCG |
Measuring the unmeasurable: Cost-benefit analysis for new business start-ups and scientific ... | 1997 | Link, Albert N. | Faculty | Economics, UNCG |
Measuring the validity and psychometric properties of a short form of the Hypomanic Personal... | 2015 | Kwapil, Thomas R. | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
Measuring the validity and psychometric properties of a short form of the Hypomanic Personal... | 2015 | Sperry, Sarah | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
Measuring value dimensions of IT occupational culture: an exploratory analysis | 2014 | Palvia, Prashant | Faculty | Information Systems and Supply Chain Management, UNCG |
Measuring working memory capacity with automated complex span tasks. | 2012 | Kane, Michael J. | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
The mechanical and clinical reliability of the kinetic communicator's gravity correction pro... | 1995 | Perrin, David H. | Faculty | Office of the Provost, UNCG |
Mechanical evaluation of various geometrical designs in additive manufacturing for future kn... | 2024 | Afrane, Shadrack Boadu | Student | Joint School of Nanoscience and Nanoengineering, UNCG |
Mechanical evaluation of various geometrical designs in additive manufacturing for future kn... | 2024 | Modey, Paul | Student | Joint School of Nanoscience and Nanoengineering, UNCG |
Mechanical principles and retention of the elementary back stroke | 1970 | Peridier, Pamela Sue | Student | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
Mechanism and in-situ crystal growth kinetics of ultrathin binary transition metal hydroxide... | 2021 | Pathiraja, Gayani Chathurika | Student | Joint School of Nanoscience and Nanoengineering, UNCG |
Mechanisms and genes involved in enhancement of HIV infectivity by tobacco smoke | 2010 | Taylor, Ethan W | Faculty | Nanoscience, UNCG |
Mechanisms and Management of Stress Fractures in Physically Active Persons | 2002 | Perrin, David H. | Faculty | Office of the Provost, UNCG |
Mechanisms by which conjugated linoleic acid causes human adipocyte delipidation | 2006 | Chung, Soonkyu | Student | Nutrition, UNCG |
Mechanisms of change in cognitive-behavioral therapy in relation to depressives' dysfunction... | 1983 | Jarrett, Robin Beth | Student | Psychology, UNCG |
Mechanisms of Noncontact Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injury | 2008 | Shultz, Sandra J. | Faculty | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Mechanisms Underlying Food–Drug Interactions: Inhibition of Intestinal Metabolism and Transp... | 2012 | Oberlies, Nicholas | Faculty | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Mechanistic studies of cancer cell mitochondria- and NQO1-mediated redox activation of beta-... | 2014 | Jia, Zhenquan | Faculty | Biology, UNCG |
Mechanistic studies of water soluble fullerenes as free radical scavengers, biological antio... | 2014 | Rawashdeh, Rabeah Yousef | Student | Nanoscience, UNCG |
Mechanistic Study of the Biomimetic Synthesis of Flavonolignan Diastereoisomers in Milk This... | 2013 | Oberlies, Nicholas | Faculty | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Mechanistic Study of the Biomimetic Synthesis of Flavonolignan Diastereoisomers in Milk This... | 2013 | Croatt, Mitchell | Faculty | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
The mediating effect of intrinsic motivation on perceived work uncertainty for individual in... | 2022 | Hodges, Darin | Student | Information Systems and Supply Chain Management, UNCG |
The mediating role of mind wandering in the relationship between working memory capacity and... | 2010 | McVay, Jennifer C. | Student | Psychology, UNCG |
The mediating role of parenting in the associations between household chaos and children’s r... | 2014 | Mills-Koonce, Roger | Faculty | Human Development and Family Studies , UNCG |
The mediating role of the self in the prediction of psychopathology from the mother-child re... | 1992 | Magee, Karin Dodge | Student | Psychology, UNCG |
Mediational Pathways to Moral Reasoning: Quality of the Mother-Child Relationship, Cognitive... | 2008 | Hinnant, James Benjamin | Student | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Mediator-based encoding strategies in source monitoring in younger and older adults | 2012 | Touron, Dayna R. | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
Medical education reform in the South, 1910-1941 | 2024 | Rubin, Mike | Student | History, UNCG |
Medical providers’ perceptions of and response to adolescent hypertension : the role of soci... | 2021 | Hale, Coleman Murray | Student | Nutrition, UNCG |
Medical staff perceptions regarding pediatric weight management from a low-income community ... | 2012 | Sastre, Lauren R. | Student | Nutrition, UNCG |
Medication compliance and the aged: An educational challenge | 1984 | Eddy, James M. | Faculty | Public Health Education, UNCG |
Medicine and magic in the Lapidario del rey don Alfonso X | 1960 | Fuquay, Faye | Student | Romance Languages, UNCG |
Media construction of Korean transnational sporting masculinities | 2015 | Choi, Yeomi | Student | Kinesiology, UNCG |
The Media Depiction of Women Who Opt Out | 2008 | Kuperberg, Arielle | Faculty | Sociology, UNCG |
Medieval modes | 1972 | Lister, Christine Janet | Student | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
Media Marketing Campaign for Non-Profit: The Connecting Space | 2024 | Collins, Maggie | Student | Communication Studies, UNCG |
Media studies to enhance the production of verticillins facilitated by in situ chemical anal... | 2018 | Oberlies, Nicholas | Faculty | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Media studies to enhance the production of verticillins facilitated by in situ chemical anal... | 2018 | Raja, Huzefa A. | Faculty | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Medium Access Control Protocols for Ad-Hoc Wireless Networks: A Survey | 2006 | Deng, Jing | Faculty | Computer Science, UNCG |
Medium-and long-term reuse of trembling aspen cavities as roosts by big brown bats (Eptesicu... | 2003 | Kalcounis-Rüppell, Matina C. | Faculty | Biology, UNCG |
Mean estimation of sensitive variables under measurement errors and non-response | 2020 | Zhang, Qi | Student | Mathematics and Statistics, UNCG |
Meet in the middle: Crisis communication and the middle manager [slides] | 2020 | Houk, Amanda "Amy" Harris | Faculty | University Libraries, UNCG |
Meeting the career development needs of Black women aspiring to become principals | 2022 | Newsome, Tiffany A. | Student | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Meeting the Challenge of Community College Librarianship: Trends Ahead and Competencies Need... | 2014 | Bird, Nora J. | Faculty | Library and Information Studies, UNCG |
Meeting the Challenge of Community College Librarianship: Trends Ahead and Competencies Need... | 2014 | Crumpton, Michael | Faculty | University Libraries, UNCG |
Meeting disability with resiliency, hope and agency: a narrative study of caregivers of chil... | 2013 | Kirby, Carol Ann | Student | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
The meeting of the oriental and the occidental in my paintings | 1961 | Yang, Wang-Yong | Student | Art, UNCG |
Meeting the Standards with Vanishing Frogs | 2001 | Matthews, Catherine E. | Faculty | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
Meeting your productivity goals with the UnMeeting [slides] | 2022 | Dale, Jenny | Faculty | University Libraries, UNCG |
Meeting your productivity goals with the UnMeeting [slides] | 2022 | Biggers, Brown | Faculty | University Libraries, UNCG |
Mejante locas [semejante locas] | 2024 | Ramirez-Lamos, Daniel | Student | School of Art, UNCG |
Melatonin replacement nullifies the effect of light-induced functional pinealectomy on nocic... | 1994 | Wideman, Laurie | Faculty | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Mean level of positive affect moderates associations between volatility in positive affect, ... | 2018 | Maher, Jaclyn | Faculty | Kinesiology, UNCG |
A melodic contour repeatedly experienced by human near-term fetuses elicits a profound cardi... | 2011 | Decasper, Anthony J. | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
Members of boards of trustees of North Carolina community colleges : their selected personal... | 1974 | Sharrock, William Roger | Student | Education, UNCG |
Members' views and practices concerning the Association for Assessment in Counseling | 1995 | Von Steen, Patricia Galatas | Faculty | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
Members' views and practices concerning the Association for Assessment in Counseling | 1995 | Myers, Jane E. | Faculty | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
Membrane Topology of Cytochrome P450 2B4 in Langmuir-Blodgett Monolayers | 1998 | Raner, Gregory M. | Faculty | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Memorable messages that shape student-athletes’ perceptions of seeking mental health service... | 2019 | Reich, Aviry L. | Student | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
Memoria, voz, y patrimonio: Considering Latina/o Film, Print and Sound Archives. | 2009 | Chu, Clara M. | Faculty | Library and Information Studies, UNCG |
Memorial Tribute to Edward G. Holley | 2010 | Carmichael, James V. | Faculty | Library and Information Studies, UNCG |
Memory and organizational processes in children of high and average intellectual ability | 1978 | Corriher-Sheslow, Susan | Student | Psychology, UNCG |
Memory Avoidance by Older Adults: When “Old Dogs” Won’t Perform Their “New Tricks” | 2015 | Touron, Dayna R. | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
Memory consequences of looking back to notice change: Retroactive and proactive facilitation... | 2015 | Wahlheim, Chris | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
Memory for flip-flopping: Detection and recollection of political contradictions | 2014 | Wahlheim, Chris | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
Memory for prototypically consistent and inconsistent social actions | 1988 | Seta, Catherine E. | Student | Psychology, UNCG |
Memory guides the processing of event changes for older and younger adults | 2019 | Wahlheim, Chris | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
Memory, awareness, and automaticity : cognitive patterns of sexually aggressive and sexually... | 1992 | Yescavage, Karen Marie | Student | Psychology, UNCG |
"Men call me chaste" : a feminine redefinition of androcentric chastity in medieval, Renaiss... | 1994 | Weir, Mary Ellen | Student | English, UNCG |
Men in traditional and nontraditional careers: Gender role attitudes, gender role conflict, ... | 2006 | Borders, L. DiAnne | Faculty | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
Men, women, and children are starving: Archaeology of the Donner family camp | 2010 | Robbins Schug, Gwen | Faculty | Anthropology, UNCG |
Menopause Symptoms and Attitudes of African American Women: Closing the Knowledge Gap and Ex... | 2005 | Myers, Jane E. | Faculty | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
Men's responsibilities in the home as desired by the wife | 1943 | Kehoe, Cathryne Bradford | Student | Home Economics, UNCG |
Mental control of musical imagery: combining behavioral and experience-sampling approaches | 2020 | Cotter, Katherine N. | Student | Psychology, UNCG |
Mental disorders and syndromes found among Asia residing in The United States | 1999 | Brown, Hazel N. | Faculty | Nursing, UNCG |
Mental health and substance abuse treatment utilization among individuals served by multiple... | 2005 | Bray, Jeremy W. | Faculty | Economics, UNCG |
Mental Health and Well-Being in Young Children; A Mission to Save Our Children | 2024 | McMasters, Madison | Student | Elementary Education, UNCG |
Mental health counseling services and resources for community college student athletes | 2024 | Johnson, Sabrina H. | Student | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Mental health in the collegiate music studio : applied instrumental faculty perspectives | 2024 | Poe, Grace Nelson | Student | School of Music, UNCG |
Mental health issues and seeking of formal mental health services among Muslims in the South... | 2017 | Tanhan, Ahmet | Student | Counseling and Counselor Education, UNCG |
Mental health needs of older persons: Identifying at-risk populations | 1981 | Myers, Jane E. | Faculty | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
Mental Health Patients’ Experiences of Being Misunderstood | 2009 | Shattell, Mona M. | Faculty | Nursing, UNCG |
Mental health service needs of a Latino population: A community-based participatory research... | 2008 | Shattell, Mona M. | Faculty | Nursing, UNCG |
Mental models high school students hold of zoos | 2006 | Patrick, Patricia Gail | Student | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
Mental representations in clarinet performance : connections between auditory imagery and mo... | 2007 | Allen, David Reed | Student | Music, UNCG |
Mental skills training for ice hockey goalies | 2021 | Monnich, Theodore F. | Student | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Mentor perceptions in urban middle schools: a qualitative study of one school district | 2009 | Boyd, Karen | Student | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Mentoring and being mentored: Both are empowering | 2017 | Bartlett, Robin | Faculty | Nursing, UNCG |
Mentoring as professional development | 2017 | Hewitt, Kimberly Kappler | Faculty | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Mentoring Characteristics and Functions: Mentoring Influence on Salespeople | 2019 | James, Channelle D. | Faculty | Business Administration, UNCG |
Mentoring Characteristics and Functions: Mentoring Influence on Salespeople | 2019 | Boles, James S. | Faculty | Marketing, Entrepreneurship, Hospitality & Tourism, UNCG |
Mentoring educational leadership doctoral students: Using methodological diversification to ... | 2015 | Mansfield, Katherine Cumings | Faculty | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Mentoring Graduate Clinicians: Learning from who you are. | 2005 | Phillips, Susan L. | Faculty | Communication Sciences and Disorders, UNCG |
Mentoring matters: An exploratory survey of educational leadership doctoral students’ perspe... | 2014 | Mansfield, Katherine Cumings | Faculty | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Mentoring new faculty | 1999 | Brown, Hazel N. | Faculty | Nursing, UNCG |
The mentoring of beginning teachers : an evaluation of one school system's program | 1992 | Pennell, Myra Lea | Student | Education, UNCG |
The mentoring of beginning teachers : a program review | 1990 | Woodruff, Brenda Shumate | Student | Education, UNCG |
Mentoring promotion/tenure-seeking faculty: principles of good practice within a counselor e... | 2011 | Murray, Christine E. | Faculty | Center for Youth, Family, & Community Partnerships, UNCG |
Mentoring promotion/tenure-seeking faculty: principles of good practice within a counselor e... | 2011 | Villalba, Jose A. | Faculty | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
Mentoring promotion/tenure-seeking faculty: principles of good practice within a counselor e... | 2011 | Mobley, A. Keith | Faculty | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
Mentoring promotion/tenure-seeking faculty: principles of good practice within a counselor e... | 2011 | Wester, Kelly L. | Faculty | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
Mentoring promotion/tenure-seeking faculty: principles of good practice within a counselor e... | 2011 | Borders, L. DiAnne | Faculty | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
Mentoring promotion/tenure-seeking faculty: principles of good practice within a counselor e... | 2011 | Lewis, Todd F. | Faculty | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
Mentoring promotion/tenure-seeking faculty: principles of good practice within a counselor e... | 2011 | Young, J. Scott | Faculty | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
Mentoring Teaching Librarians: A Discussion Of Possibilities, Pitfalls, And Best Practices I... | 2022 | Cramer, Steve | Faculty | University Libraries, UNCG |
Mentorship in a small private university | 2017 | Burris, Deborah Briley | Student | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Mentorship through exercise : a timely intervention for well-being in college students | 2023 | Howley, Timothy M. | Student | Kinesiology, UNCG |
The Mercator Projection: its uses, misuses, and its association with scientific information ... | 2019 | Abee, Michele | Student | Geography, UNCG |
Mere Categorization and the Frog-Pond Effect | 2010 | Zell, Ethan | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
Mere social knowledge impacts children’s consumption and categorization of foods | 2018 | DeJesus, Jasmine M. | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
Meredith Powers, PhD, MSW: “We, as a profession, think about “person and environment”, but i... | 2021 | Powers, Meredith C.F. | Faculty | Social Work, UNCG |
Mergers and Acquisitions in Practice: A State-of-Art and Future Directions | 2017 | Sarala, Riikka M. | Faculty | Management, UNCG |
The Mergers Panel: Highlights of the Charleston Conference | 2000 | Bazirjian, Rosann V. | Faculty | University Libraries, UNCG |
Merging storm water management with stream rehabilitation: Greensboro’s Lake Daniel pilot pr... | 1995 | Rublee, Parke A. | Faculty | Biology, UNCG |
Merging storm water management with stream rehabilitation: Greensboro’s Lake Daniel pilot pr... | 1995 | Lewis, Michael E. | Faculty | Geography, UNCG |
Meroterpenoids from Neosetophoma sp.: A Dioxa[4.3.3]propellane Ring System, Potent Cytotoxic... | 2019 | Oberlies, Nicholas | Faculty | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Meroterpenoids from Neosetophoma sp.: A Dioxa[4.3.3]propellane Ring System, Potent Cytotoxic... | 2019 | El-Elimat, Tamam M. | Faculty | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Meroterpenoids from Neosetophoma sp.: A Dioxa[4.3.3]propellane Ring System, Potent Cytotoxic... | 2019 | Raja, Huzefa A. | Faculty | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Meroterpenoids from Neosetophoma sp.: A Dioxa[4.3.3]propellane Ring System, Potent Cytotoxic... | 2019 | Pearce, Cedric J | Faculty | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
The mesomorphic phase transition temperatures of the unsymmetrical 1,4-phenylene esters of t... | 1971 | Haut, Stephen A. | Student | Chemistry, UNCG |
A mesoscale geophysical capability/suitability model for Vitis vinifera vineyard site select... | 2013 | Nowlin, John W. | Student | Geography, UNCG |
Message From the Guest Editors: An Introduction to the Special Issue—Part I | 2002 | Rock, Marcia L. | Faculty | Specialized Education Services, UNCG |
Message From the Guest Editors: An Introduction to the Special Issue—Part II | 2003 | Rock, Marcia L. | Faculty | Specialized Education Services, UNCG |
Messages to New Survivors by Longer-Term Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence | 2019 | Murray, Christine E. | Faculty | Center for Youth, Family, & Community Partnerships, UNCG |
A meta-analysis of context integration deficits across the schizotypy spectrum | 2018 | Chun, Charlotte A. | Student | Psychology, UNCG |
A meta-analysis of context integration deficits across the schizotypy spectrum using AX-CPT ... | 2018 | Kwapil, Thomas R. | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
A meta-analysis of individual differences in humor production and personality | 2015 | Nusbaum, Emily C. | Student | Psychology, UNCG |
A meta-analysis of primate hand preference for reaching and other hand-use preferences. | 2005 | Michel, George F. | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
A Meta-analytic investigation of consumer response to anthropomorphic appeals: The roles of ... | 2021 | Yang, Zhiyong | Faculty | Marketing, UNCG |
A meta-regression to examine the relationship between aerobic fitness and cognitive performa... | 2006 | Etnier, Jennifer L. | Faculty | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Metabolic Impact of Sex Hormones on Obesity | 2010 | Brown, Lynda M. | Faculty | Nutrition, UNCG |
Metabolic profiling reveals disorder of amino acid metabolism in various brain regions from ... | 2008 | Jia, Wei | Faculty | Nutrition, UNCG |
Metabolic Profiling Reveals the Protective Effect of Diammonium Glycyrrhizinate on Acute Hep... | 2011 | Jia, Wei | Faculty | Nutrition, UNCG |
Metabolic profiling reveals therapeutic effects of Herba Cistanches in an animal model of hy... | 2008 | Jia, Wei | Faculty | Nutrition, UNCG |
Metabolic profiling using combined GC-MS and LC-MS provides a systems understanding of arist... | 2007 | Jia, Wei | Faculty | Nutrition, UNCG |
Metabolite Analysis of Human Fecal Water by Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry with Ethyl ... | 2009 | Jia, Wei | Faculty | Nutrition, UNCG |
Metabolite Profiling of Hemodialysate Using Gas Chromatography Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrome... | 2011 | Jia, Wei | Faculty | Nutrition, UNCG |
Metabolite Profiling of Panax notoginseng Using UPLC–ESI-MS | 2008 | Jia, Wei | Faculty | Nutrition, UNCG |
Metabolites from the entophytic fungus Sporormiella minimoides isolated from Hintonia latifl... | 2013 | Figueroa Saldivar, Mario | Faculty | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Metabolites from the marine-facultative Aspergillus sp. MEXU 27854 and Gymnoascus hyalinospo... | 2019 | Oberlies, Nicholas | Faculty | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Metabolites from the marine-facultative Aspergillus sp. MEXU 27854 and Gymnoascus hyalinospo... | 2019 | Raja, Huzefa A. | Faculty | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Metabolites from the marine-facultative Aspergillus sp. MEXU 27854 and Gymnoascus hyalinospo... | 2019 | Figueroa Saldivar, Mario | Faculty | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Metabolomic Evaluation of Di-n-butyl Phthalate-Induced Teratogenesis in Mice | 2011 | Jia, Wei | Faculty | Nutrition, UNCG |
Metacognition, proactive interference, and working memory : can people monitor for proactive... | 2007 | Miyake, Tina M. | Student | Psychology, UNCG |
Metacognition, Self-Regulation, and Self-Regulated Learning: Research Recommendations | 2008 | Schunk, Dale H. | Faculty | Education, UNCG |
Metacognitive age differences in strategy shift: retrieval avoidance or general shift reluct... | 2012 | Frank, David Joseph | Student | Psychology, UNCG |
Metacognitive influences on study time allocation in an associative recognition task: An ana... | 2009 | Touron, Dayna R. | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
Metacognitive judgments of repetition and variability effects in natural concept learning: e... | 2012 | Wahlheim, Chris | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
Metacognitive monitoring and strategic behavior in working memory performance: An examinatio... | 2009 | Touron, Dayna R. | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
Metacognitive predictions and strategic adaptation to distraction | 2017 | Siri, Jacob M. | Student | Psychology, UNCG |
Metaethical Principles, Meta-Prescriptions, and Moral Theories | 1985 | McConnell, Terrance C. | Faculty | Philosophy, UNCG |
Metal and cloth sculptures | 1978 | Tornero, Velez Marta | Student | Art, UNCG |
Metal (manganese) oxide based nano-architectures and supercapacitor materials in energy stor... | 2017 | Liu, Yiyang | Student | Joint School of Nanoscience and Nanoengineering, UNCG |
Metal oxide nanostructures for thermoelectric materials: experimental and computational mate... | 2020 | Yarbrough, Ryan A. | Student | Joint School of Nanoscience and Nanoengineering, UNCG |
Metal-Catalyzed [2+2+1] Cycloadditions of 1,3-Dienes, Allenes, and CO | 2006 | Croatt, Mitchell | Faculty | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Metaliteracy in Practice [book review] | 2017 | Dale, Jenny | Faculty | University Libraries, UNCG |
Metamorphosis in the marine snail Ilyanassa obsoleta, yes or NO? | 1999 | Leise, Esther M. | Faculty | Biology, UNCG |
Metamorphosis of the horse | 1976 | Davis, Rebecca Spotswood | Student | Art, UNCG |
A metaphor comprehension intervention for patients with right hemisphere brain damage: A pil... | 2006 | Lundgren, Kristine | Faculty | Communication Sciences and Disorders, UNCG |
A metaphorical model of sacrament : toward broader discourse in the teaching of science | 1988 | Helgeson, Claire Rhea | Student | Education, UNCG |
Metaphorically speaking: Cognitive abilities and the production of figurative speech. | 2013 | Silvia, Paul | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
Metaphorically speaking: Cognitive abilities and the production of figurative speech. | 2013 | Beaty, Roger E. | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
Metaphorically speaking: the role of cognitive abilities in the production of figurative lan... | 2012 | Beaty, Roger E. | Student | Psychology, UNCG |
The Metascholar Initiative: AmericanSouth.Org and MetaArchive.Org | 2003 | Halbert, Martin | Faculty | University Libraries, UNCG |
Methadone Use and Pregnancy: Lessons Learned from Developing a Reproductive Health Program f... | 2018 | Nichols, Tracy R. | Faculty | Public Health Education, UNCG |
Methane and methylmercury production potentials in North Carolina Piedmont stream sediments | 2016 | Blum, Peter W. | Student | Biology, UNCG |
Methanogens and methane oxidizing bacteria in forested, urban unrestored, and urban restored... | 2013 | Smith, McKenzie K. | Student | Biology, UNCG |
Methanol Synthesis from Synthesis Gas utilziing an Innovated Ruthenium-Catalyzed Method | 2013 | Ibe, Veronica | Student | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Method development for studying bacterial messenger RNA as biomarkers | 2017 | Goswami, Rimaben A. | Student | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
A method for the determination of the ingredients of several dietary supplements by liquid c... | 2011 | Taylor, Whitney Leigh | Student | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
A Method for Determining Equivalence in Industrial Applications | 2002 | Richter, Scott J. | Faculty | Mathematics and Statistics, UNCG |
A method for the identification of the products from controlled-potential coulometry of p-ni... | 1976 | Thacker, Franklin Aubrey | Student | Chemistry, UNCG |
A method of appraising the livability of the living-dining area of a home | 1956 | Lawrence, Dorothy Blanche | Student | Home Economics, UNCG |
A method of determining culture related users using computation of correlation | 2015 | Da, Rui | Student | Computer Science, UNCG |
A method to determine in situ zooplankton grazing rates on natural particle assemblages | 1981 | Rublee, Parke A. | Faculty | Biology, UNCG |
Methodological and Topic Trends in Information Systems Research: A Meta-Analysis of IS Journ... | 2015 | Palvia, Prashant | Faculty | Information Systems and Supply Chain Management, UNCG |
Methodological Considerations from a Kinsey Institute Mixed Methods Pilot Project | 2013 | Tanner, Amanda Elizabeth | Faculty | Public Health Education, UNCG |
Methodological considerations of task and shoe wear on joint energetics during landing | 2012 | Schmitz, Randy J. | Faculty | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Methodological considerations of task and shoe wear on joint energetics during landing | 2012 | Shultz, Sandra J. | Faculty | Kinesiology, UNCG |
The methodological inclinations of gender scholarship in mainstream sociology journals | 2000 | Dunn, Dana | Faculty | Office of the Provost, UNCG |
Methodological problems in the use of participant observers | 1977 | Hay, Linda Rudin | Student | Psychology, UNCG |
Methodological Review of Intimate Partner Violence Prevention Research | 2007 | Murray, Christine E. | Faculty | Center for Youth, Family, & Community Partnerships, UNCG |
A Methodological Review of Research in <i>Therapeutic Recreation Journal</i> from 1986 to 19... | 1994 | Bedini, Leandra A. | Faculty | Community and Therapeutic Recreation, UNCG |
A methodology and overview of key collaborations : a duo practice method for trumpet and pia... | 2021 | Sanders, Anthony Richard | Student | School of Music, UNCG |
Methods and materials for teaching adult beginning readers | 1988 | Branson, Randy Long | Student | Education, UNCG |
Methods for studying the virtue of gratitude, cross-culturally | 2018 | Tudge, Jonathan R. | Faculty | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Methods of Instruction and Learning Outcomes: A Theoretical Analysis of Two Approaches in an... | 2010 | Mehta, Nikhil | Faculty | Information Systems and Supply Chain Management, UNCG |
Methylmercury and methane production potentials in North Carolina Piedmont stream sediments | 2017 | Tsui, Martin Tsz-Ki | Faculty | Biology, UNCG |
Methylmercury and methane production potentials in North Carolina Piedmont stream sediments | 2017 | Hershey, Anne E. | Faculty | Biology, UNCG |
Methylmercury production in two urban artificial wetlands | 2022 | Morales, Kristina | Student | Biology, UNCG |
Methylphenidate effects on children with ADHD: Self-report of symptoms, self-esteem, and sid... | 1996 | Anastopoulos, Arthur D. | Faculty | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Metric displacement in the first movement of Brahms's Clarinet quintet, op. 115 : an analysi... | 1996 | Ellenwood, Christian Kent | Student | Music, UNCG |
Metropolitan Fragmentation and Suburban Ghettos: Some Empirical Observations on Institutiona... | 1991 | DeHoog, Ruth H. | Faculty | Political Science, UNCG |
Metropolitan Spatial Dynamics: Shanghai | 2006 | Walcott, Susan M. | Faculty | Geography, UNCG |
Mean when hungry and other stories | 2015 | Caldwell - Midero, Judy | Student | English, UNCG |
Mexican Adolescents’ Perceptions of Parental Behaviors and Authority as Predictors of Their ... | 2004 | Supple, Andrew "Andy" | Faculty | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Mexican-Origin Couples in the Early Years of Parenthood: Marital Well-Being in Ecological Co... | 2011 | Helms, Heather M. | Faculty | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Mexican-Origin Couples in the Early Years of Parenthood: Marital Well-Being in Ecological Co... | 2011 | Supple, Andrew "Andy" | Faculty | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Mexican-origin husbands’ work contexts and spouses’ personal well-being and marital quality | 2018 | Helms, Heather M. | Faculty | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Mexican immigrant couples’ marital quality and coparenting satisfaction: the role of spouses... | 2015 | Rodriguez, Yuliana | Student | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Mexican Immigrant Family Life in a Pre-Emerging Southern Gateway Community | 2015 | Helms, Heather M. | Faculty | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Mexican Immigrant Family Life in a Pre-Emerging Southern Gateway Community | 2015 | Mendez, Julia | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
Mexican immigrant wives’ acculturative stress and spouses’ marital quality: The role of wive... | 2014 | Helms, Heather M. | Faculty | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Mexican immigrant wives’ acculturative stress and spouses’ marital quality: The role of wive... | 2014 | Supple, Andrew "Andy" | Faculty | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Mexico in senior high school American history textbooks : a content analysis | 1961 | Gray, Sybil Crotts | Student | Education, UNCG |
The Mexican Revolution as seen through the novelistic works of Marti´n Luis Guzma´n | 1968 | Ritchie, Kathryn S. | Student | Romance Languages, UNCG |
Mezzogiorno without the mafia: Modern-day meridionalisti and the making of a ‘space of backw... | 2011 | Johnson, Corey | Faculty | Geography, UNCG |
MFehi adipose tissue macrophages compensate for tissue iron perturbations in mice | 2018 | Erikson, Keith M. | Faculty | Nutrition, UNCG |
MFG-E8 and HMGB1 Are Involved in the Mechanism Underlying Alcohol-Induced Impairment of Macr... | 2013 | Zhong, Wei | Faculty | Center for Translational Biomedical Research, UNCG |
Micro-blog marketing of luxury consumption: the role of envy in purchase intention | 2017 | Chou, Hsiao-Chun | Student | Consumer, Apparel, and Retail Studies, UNCG |
Micro-dwellings as housing for young adult professionals | 2018 | Ocasio Adorno, Jessica M. | Student | Interior Architecture, UNCG |
Micro-level cultural profiles on teamwork orientation and contribution | 2021 | Taras, Vasyl | Faculty | Management, UNCG |
Microaggressions, Mentoring, and Connectedness: Doctoral Students’ Experiences in Counselor ... | 2023 | Wester, Kelly L. | Faculty | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
Microaggressions, sense of belonging, and sexual identity development among LGBQ students: a... | 2018 | Blackmon, Zachary R. | Student | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
A Microanalysis of Teachers' Verbalizations in Inclusive Classrooms | 2004 | Hestenes, Linda L. | Faculty | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
A Microanalysis of Teachers' Verbalizations in Inclusive Classrooms | 2004 | Cassidy, Deborah J. | Faculty | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Microbial interactions with nanoscale features | 2019 | Iyer, Divya Shankar | Student | Joint School of Nanoscience and Nanoengineering, UNCG |
Microbial Pathways of Mercury Methylation During Litter Decomposition | 2019 | Tsui, Martin Tsz-Ki | Faculty | Biology, UNCG |
Microbial- mediated release of bisphenol A from polycarbonate vessels. | 2008 | Oberlies, Nicholas | Faculty | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Microbiome modulates intestinal homeostasis against inflammatory diseases | 2018 | Jia, Zhenquan | Faculty | Biology, UNCG |
Microcomputer utilization in elementary schools : a Henderson county case study | 1987 | Taylor, Frederick Eugene | Student | Education, UNCG |
Microcomputer word processor versus handwriting : a comparative study of writing samples pro... | 1985 | Vacc, Nancy Nesbitt | Student | Education, UNCG |
Microenterprise performance and microenterprise zones (MEZO) in China. | 2013 | Welsh, Dianne H.B. | Faculty | Business Administration, UNCG |
Microenterprises in Malaysia: a preliminary study of the factors for management success | 2014 | Welsh, Dianne H.B. | Faculty | Business Administration, UNCG |
Microfaunal response to fertilization of an arctic tundra stream | 1995 | Rublee, Parke A. | Faculty | Biology, UNCG |
Microsporogenesis and male gametogenesis in Jatropha curcas L. (Euphorbiaceae) | 2007 | Kirchoff, Bruce K. | Faculty | Biology, UNCG |
Microwave-assisted synthesis of surface-enhanced Raman scattering nanoprobes for cellular se... | 2014 | Sandros, Marinella | Faculty | Nanoscience, UNCG |
The Mid/Late Life Generation Gap: Adult Children with Aging Parents | 1988 | Myers, Jane E. | Faculty | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
The middle arm | 1971 | Lynn, George H. | Student | English, UNCG |
The middle of emptiness | 2018 | Liston, Emma Elizabeth | Student | English, UNCG |
Middle school culture and teacher efficacy : an examination of relationships in two professi... | 1996 | Hartman, Kimberly J. | Student | Education, UNCG |
Middle School Reform Through Data and Dialogue: Collaborative Evaluation with 17 Leadership ... | 2001 | Cooper, Jewell E. | Faculty | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
Middle School Reform Through Data and Dialogue: Collaborative Evaluation with 17 Leadership ... | 2001 | Strahan,, D. B. | Faculty | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
Middle school science teachers' conceptions of the nature of scientific knowledge | 1992 | Tomlinson, John Garrett | Student | Education, UNCG |
Middle Temporal Cortical Visual Area Visuospatial Function in Galago senegalensis | 1979 | Johnston, Timothy | Faculty | Arts and Sciences, UNCG |
Middle-aged sons' and daughters' resolution of moral conflict with their aging parents | 1989 | Reece, Linda Wallace | Student | Human Environmental Sciences, UNCG |
The Midfield high school safety belt incentive program | 1992 | Eddy, James M. | Faculty | Public Health Education, UNCG |
The Midfield high school safety belt incentive program | 1992 | Fitzhugh, Eugene C. | Faculty | Public Health Education, UNCG |
Mídia Cidadã: Utopia Brasileira [book review] | 2011 | Lenstra, Noah | Faculty | Library and Information Studies, UNCG |
Midlife Care Givers: Effectiveness of a Psychoeducationallntervention for Midlife Adults Wit... | 1994 | Myers, Jane E. | Faculty | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
Migrant Work and its Impact on Parents, Children, and Partners | 2020 | Helms, Heather M. | Faculty | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Milestones in the Local Economy | 2007 | Brod, Andrew C. | Faculty | Economics, UNCG |
Militancy Transcends Race: A Comparative Analysis of the American Indian Movement, the Black... | 2010 | Dyson, Omari L. | Faculty | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Military veterans and college success: a qualitative examination of veteran needs in higher ... | 2011 | Murphy, M. Patrick | Student | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Milk thistle and prostate cancer: Differential effects of pure flavonolignans from Silybum m... | 2005 | Oberlies, Nicholas | Faculty | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Milk thistle and prostate cancer: Differential effects of pure flavonolignans from Silybum m... | 2005 | Graf, Tyler | Faculty | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Milk thistle and prostate cancer: Differential effects of pure flavonolignans from Silybum m... | 2005 | Wani, Mansukhlal Chhaganlal | Faculty | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Milk thistle flavonolignans: biomimetic synthesis, synthesis of analogues and biological eva... | 2013 | Althagafy, Hanan Saad | Student | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Milk thistle nomenclature: Why it matters in cancer research and pharmacokinetic studies. | 2007 | Oberlies, Nicholas | Faculty | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Mill and the Consistency of Hedonism | 1983 | Zimmerman, Michael | Faculty | Philosophy , UNCG |
The Million Hearts initiative: How nurse practitioners can help lead [Editorial] | 2012 | Davis, Leslie L | Faculty | Adult Health Nursing, UNCG |
Milton's attitude toward women | 1965 | Aiken, Marianne Sewell | Student | English, UNCG |
A man in a woman's world: male support networks in women's flat track roller derby | 2016 | Fleming, Patrick Kegan | Student | Sociology, UNCG |
Mind Over Matter, The Development of The Mental Toughness Scale (MTS) | 2013 | Gill, Diane L. | Faculty | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Mind-wandering as a natural kind: A family-resemblances view | 2018 | Kane, Michael J. | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
Mindful awareness and compassion, and empathy and anxiety in counselor trainees | 2012 | Fulton, Cheryl L. | Student | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
Mindfulness and counseling self-efficacy : the mediating role of attention and empathy | 2007 | Bentley, D. Paige | Student | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
Mindfulness and Counseling Self-Efficacy: The Mediating Role of Attention and Empathy | 2009 | Cashwell, Craig S. | Faculty | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
Mindfulness and free improvisation : a holistic approach to cultivating creativity and aware... | 2024 | Keplin, Rachael Lynn | Student | School of Music, UNCG |
Mindfulness and quality of life among breast cancer survivors: the mediating role of self-ki... | 2011 | Forti, Allison | Student | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
Mindfulness and Shinrin-yoku: Potential for Physiological and Psychological Interventions Du... | 2020 | Vermeesch, Amber | Faculty | School of Nursing, Advanced Nursing Education, UNCG |
Mindfulness in physical education : an innovative pedagogical approach | 2022 | Reimer, Crystal T. | Student | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Mindfulness-based awareness and compassion: Predictors of counselor empathy and anxiety | 2015 | Cashwell, Craig S. | Faculty | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
Ming China and Vietnam: Negotiating Borders in Early Modern Asia [book review] | 2018 | Anderson, James A. | Faculty | History, UNCG |
The Ming Invasion of Vietnam, 1407-1427 | 2020 | Anderson, James A. | Faculty | History, UNCG |
The mini-conference: Teaching professionalism through student involvement | 1992 | Benshoff, James M. | Faculty | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
The mini-conference: Teaching professionalism through student involvement | 1992 | Borders, L. DiAnne | Faculty | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
The mini-opera concept: a study of short works in the opera repertory and their viability in... | 2014 | Howell, Jourdan Laine | Student | Music, UNCG |
Minimum distance bounds for error-correcting codes | 1977 | Witty, Marilyn Pait | Student | Mathematics, UNCG |
Mining for Metal: Heavy Metal and the Music Library | 2021 | Archer-Capuzzo, Sonia | Faculty | Library and Information Science, UNCG |
Minorities in Kinesiology: challenges encountered in the pursuit of an athletic training deg... | 2020 | Griffin, Lauren D. | Student | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Minutisphaerales (Dothideomycetes, Ascomycota): a new order of freshwater ascomycetes includ... | 2015 | Oberlies, Nicholas | Faculty | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Minutisphaerales (Dothideomycetes, Ascomycota): a new order of freshwater ascomycetes includ... | 2015 | Raja, Huzefa A. | Faculty | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Mirrors and entrances | 1968 | Glascock, Ellen Louise | Student | English, UNCG |
Mirrors, masks, and motivation: Implicit and explicit self-focused attention influence effor... | 2012 | Silvia, Paul | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
(Mis)information overload! Empowering and educating learners to detect and avoid misinformat... | 2021 | Dale, Jenny | Faculty | University Libraries, UNCG |
Misalignment between research hypotheses and statistical hypotheses: A threat to evidence-ba... | 2019 | Lawler, Insa | Faculty | Philosophy, UNCG |
Miscarriage, elegy, and an alternative reading of Lady Mary Wroth's sonnets as public docume... | 2013 | Haley, Jae Kim | Student | English, UNCG |
Misdirected Sentiment: Conflicting Rhetorical Strategies in Uncle Tom's Cabin | 1994 | Yarbrough, Stephen R. | Faculty | English, UNCG |
Missed Beeps and Missing Data Dispositional and Situational Predictors of Nonresponse in Exp... | 2013 | Silvia, Paul | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
Missed Beeps and Missing Data Dispositional and Situational Predictors of Nonresponse in Exp... | 2013 | Kwapil, Thomas R. | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
Missed Beeps and Missing Data Dispositional and Situational Predictors of Nonresponse in Exp... | 2013 | Eddington, Kari | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
Missed Opportunities: IPV in Family Practice Settings | 2002 | Smith, Paige Hall | Faculty | Public Health Education, UNCG |
The missed promotion: An exercise demonstrating the importance of organizational justice | 2011 | Caza, Arran | Faculty | Management, UNCG |
The missed promotion: An exercise demonstrating the importance of organizational justice | 2011 | Caza, Brianna Barker | Faculty | Management, UNCG |
Missing Academic Targets in Ninth Grade: Do Early College High Schools Give Students Second ... | 2022 | Edmunds, Julie | Faculty | SERVE Center, UNCG |
Mission Priorities of Community Colleges in the Southern United States | 2002 | Ayers, David F. | Faculty | Teacher Education and Higher Education , UNCG |
Mission statements of AZA-accredited zoos: Do they say what we think they say? | 2007 | Ayers, David F. | Faculty | Teacher Education and Higher Education , UNCG |
Mission statements of AZA-accredited zoos: Do they say what we think they say? | 2007 | Matthews, Catherine E. | Faculty | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
Missionary Work: Politics, Culture, and Ethical Globalization | 2012 | Humphrey, Jimmy | Student | Religious Studies, UNCG |
The Mississippi Democratic primary of July, 1946 : a case study | 1967 | Moore, Thomas Lane | Student | History and Political Science, UNCG |
Mississippi's School Equalization Program, 1945-1954: "A Last Gasp to Try to Maintain a Segr... | 2000 | Bolton, Charles C. | Faculty | History, UNCG |
Missa luba : new edition and conductor's analysis | 2005 | Foster, Marc Ashley | Student | Music, UNCG |
The Misuse and Diversion of Prescribed ADHD Medications by College Students | 2009 | Anastopoulos, Arthur D. | Faculty | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Misuse of Prescription and Illicit Drugs in Middle Adulthood in the Context of the Opioid Ep... | 2020 | Erausquin, Jennifer Toller | Faculty | Public Health Education, UNCG |
Mitigating the Impact of Inhaled Anesthetics on Carbon Emissions | 2024 | Bohrer, Jason | Student | Nursing, UNCG |
Mitochondrial markers in the ant Leptothorax rugatulus reveal the population genetic consequ... | 2003 | Rueppell, Olav | Faculty | Biology, UNCG |
Mix | 2008 | Whetstone, Stephanie | Student | English, UNCG |
Mixed Behaviors in Dementia: The Need for a Paradigm Shift | 2006 | Buettner, Linda L. | Faculty | Community and Therapeutic Recreation, UNCG |
Mixed Interior Penalty Discontinuous Galerkin Methods for Fully Nonlinear Second Order Ellip... | 2014 | Lewis, Thomas | Faculty | Mathematics and Statistics, UNCG |
A mixed methods evaluation of vicarious traumatization and posttraumatic growth among counse... | 2015 | Foreman, Tamarine M. | Student | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
A Mixed Methods Exploration of Economic Factors Role in Fashion Specialty Retailers' Interna... | 2022 | Karpova, Elena | Faculty | Consumer, Apparel, and Retail Studies, UNCG |
A mixed methods study of early childhood preservice teachers: beliefs about poverty, perceiv... | 2016 | Johnson, Amy V. | Student | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Mixed Race Hollywood: A Review | 2009 | Edwards, Emily D. | Faculty | Media Studies, UNCG |
A mixed-methods observational study of human milk sharing communities on Facebook | 2014 | Perrin, Maryanne T. | Faculty | Nutrition, UNCG |
A mixed-use facility for migrants from Mexico : a research-based design thesis | 2023 | Diaz Serrano, Guadalupe Elizabeth | Student | Interior Architecture, UNCG |
The MLL1-H3K4me3 Axis-Mediated PD-L1 Expression and Pancreatic Cancer Immune Evasion | 2017 | Oberlies, Nicholas | Faculty | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
The MLL1-H3K4me3 Axis-Mediated PD-L1 Expression and Pancreatic Cancer Immune Evasion | 2017 | Pearce, Cedric J | Faculty | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
MNE performance during a crisis: An evolutionary perspective on the role of dynamic manageri... | 2017 | Mallon, Mark R. | Faculty | Management, UNCG |
Mobile Commerce Adoption in China and the United States: A Cross-Cultural Study | 2009 | Palvia, Prashant | Faculty | Information Systems and Supply Chain Management, UNCG |
Mobile Commerce Adoption in China and the United States: A Cross-Cultural Study | 2009 | Dai, Hua | Faculty | Information Systems and Operations Management, UNCG |
Mobile Payment in Emerging Markets | 2012 | Kshetri, Nir B. | Faculty | Management, UNCG |
Mobile-device location data and labor markets | 2023 | Pandit, Hitanshu | Student | Economics, UNCG |
Mobilizing Citizen Archivists: North Carolina Documents the Great War | 2020 | Smith, Kathelene McCarty | Faculty | University Libraries, UNCG |
Mock Interviews for ACE Scholars: Preparing for the Professional Job Search | 2013 | Holmes, Gerald V. | Faculty | University Libraries, UNCG |
Mock Interviews for ACE Scholars: Preparing for the Professional Job Search | 2013 | Bradshaw, A. Kathy | Faculty | University Libraries, UNCG |
Mode of action of bullatacin, a potent antitumor acetogenin: Inhibition of NADH oxidase acti... | 1995 | Oberlies, Nicholas | Faculty | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Mode of inheritance of deficient corpus callosum in mice | 1982 | Wahlsten, Douglas | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
A Model and Instrument for Measuring Small Business User Satisfaction with Information Techn... | 1996 | Palvia, Prashant | Faculty | Information Systems and Supply Chain Management, UNCG |
Model explanation versus model-induced explanation | 2020 | Lawler, Insa | Faculty | Philosophy, UNCG |
A Model for the Analysis of Competitive Relaxation Effects of Manganese and Iron in Vivo | 2009 | Erikson, Keith M. | Faculty | Nutrition, UNCG |
Model for analyzing course description using LDA topic modeling | 2022 | Kallem, Snehith Reddy | Student | Computer Science, UNCG |
A model for the development of an African literature curriculum in the secondary schools of ... | 1975 | Buck, Roland E. | Student | Education, UNCG |
A model for evaluating the traits of school principals : with particular reference to their ... | 1978 | Navarino, Nicholas J. | Student | Education, UNCG |
A model for examining teacher preparation curricula for inclusion. | 2008 | Vallecorsa, Ada L | Faculty | Education, UNCG |
A model for examining teacher preparation curricula for inclusion. | 2008 | Cooper, Jewell E. | Faculty | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
A model for examining teacher preparation curricula for inclusion. | 2008 | Kurtts, Stephanie A. | Faculty | Specialized Education Services, UNCG |
A model for examining teacher preparation curricula for inclusion. | 2008 | Baber, Ceola Ross | Faculty | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
A model for managing service encounters for neo-luxury consumers | 2016 | Watchravesringkan, Kittichai "Tu" | Faculty | Consumer, Apparel, and Retail Studies, UNCG |
A model for managing service encounters for neo-luxury consumers | 2016 | Canziani, Bonnie M. | Faculty | Marketing, Entrepreneurship, Hospitality & Tourism, UNCG |
A model for predicting highway noise using a Geographic Information System: Interstate 73 in... | 2013 | Kelly, Sean Michael | Student | Geography, UNCG |
A model for a student-centered teaching plan in basic business | 1975 | Watson, Gwendolyn S. | Student | Education, UNCG |
A model job description for the personnel administrator position in North Carolina public sc... | 1991 | Everett, Barbara Blanks | Student | Education, UNCG |
A model of career development for disabled adults | 1983 | Myers, Jane E. | Faculty | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
A model of cross campus entrepreneurship and assessment | 2014 | Tullar, William L. | Faculty | Business Administration, UNCG |
A model of cross campus entrepreneurship and assessment | 2014 | Welsh, Dianne H.B. | Faculty | Business Administration, UNCG |
A model of JIT make-to-stock inventory with stochastic demand | 1997 | Ehrhardt, Richard A. | Faculty | Information Systems and Operations Management, UNCG |
Model of kleptoparasitism in the Onthophagus taurus: when to enter and leave a dung pat | 2010 | Allmond, Heather Ann | Student | Mathematics and Statistics, UNCG |
A model of mental process | 1976 | Fain, George Alexander | Student | Education, UNCG |
A Model of Real Estate Sales as a Career Choice. | 1999 | Jud, Gustav D. | Faculty | Business Administration, UNCG |
A Model of Real Estate Sales as a Career Choice. | 1999 | Winkler, Daniel T. | Faculty | Accounting and Finance, UNCG |
A Model of Stakeholder Engagement with American Indians and Alaska Natives from the Native-C... | 2024 | Kelley, Allyson L. | Faculty | Public Health Education, UNCG |
A model system for understanding cellular signaling of the cannabinoid CB2 receptor via the ... | 2014 | Singh, Jagjeet | Student | Medicinal Biochemistry, UNCG |
A model to plan, implement and evaluate corporate health enhancement programs | 1985 | Bibeau, Daniel L. | Faculty | Public Health Education, UNCG |
A model to plan, implement and evaluate corporate health enhancement programs | 1985 | Eddy, James M. | Faculty | Public Health Education, UNCG |
Modeled Importance of Task Strategies and Achievement Beliefs: Effect on Self-Efficacy and S... | 1985 | Schunk, Dale H. | Faculty | Education, UNCG |
Modeling and Attributional Effects on Children's Achievement: A Self-Efficacy Analysis | 1981 | Schunk, Dale H. | Faculty | Education, UNCG |
Modeling and implementing a voice care prevention program for school teachers in Kuwait | 2020 | Alsalimi, Latifa | Student | Communication Sciences and Disorders, UNCG |
A modeling approach to identity, motivation, and physical activity participation in former c... | 2014 | Reifsteck, Erin J. | Student | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Modeling differential pacing trajectories in high stakes computer adaptive testing using hie... | 2006 | Thomas, Marie Huffmaster | Student | Educational Research Methodology, UNCG |
Modeling Entrepreneurial Career Intentions among Undergraduates: An Examination of the Moder... | 2013 | Watchravesringkan, Kittichai "Tu" | Faculty | Consumer, Apparel, and Retail Studies, UNCG |
Modeling Entrepreneurial Career Intentions among Undergraduates: An Examination of the Moder... | 2013 | Nelson Hodges, Nancy J. | Faculty | Consumer, Apparel, and Retail Studies, UNCG |
Modeling Entrepreneurial Career Intentions among Undergraduates: An Examination of the Moder... | 2013 | Karpova, Elena | Faculty | Consumer, Apparel, and Retail Studies, UNCG |
Modeling Excitable Systems | 2008 | Hellen, Edward | Faculty | Physics and Astronomy, UNCG |
Modeling excitable systems: Reentrant Tachycardia. | 2010 | Hellen, Edward | Faculty | Physics and Astronomy, UNCG |
Modeling excitable systems: Reentrant Tachycardia. | 2010 | Leise, Esther M. | Faculty | Biology, UNCG |
Modeling nutrient attenuation by riparian buffer zones along headwater streams | 2007 | Bereitschaft, Bradley J.F. | Student | Biology, UNCG |
Modeling of class imbalance using an empirical approach with spambase dataset and random for... | 2014 | Suthaharan, Shanmugatha "Shan" | Faculty | Computer Science, UNCG |
Modeling Parenting Stress Trajectories Among Low-Income Young Mothers Across the Child's Sec... | 2007 | Fine, Mark | Faculty | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Modeling Social Networks and Community Resilience in Chronic Disasters: Case Studies from Vo... | 2014 | Murphy, Arthur D. | Faculty | Anthropology, UNCG |
Modeling the Structure of Hot Star Disks: a Critical Evaluation of the Viscous Decretion Sce... | 2006 | Miroshnichenko, Anatoly S. | Faculty | Physics and Astronomy, UNCG |
Modeling young global consumers' apparel brand resonance: a cross-cultural comparison betwee... | 2013 | Frank, Phillip | Student | Consumer, Apparel, and Retail Studies, UNCG |
Models and Methods of University Technology Transfer | 2013 | Link, Albert N. | Faculty | Economics, UNCG |
Models and Requirements for Using Strategic Information Systems in Developing Nations | 1990 | Palvia, Prashant | Faculty | Information Systems and Supply Chain Management, UNCG |
Moderate Vagal Withdrawal in 3.5-Year-Old Children is Associated with Optimal Performance on... | 2010 | Marcovitch, Stuart | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
Moderate Vagal Withdrawal in 3.5-Year-Old Children is Associated with Optimal Performance on... | 2010 | Leerkes, Esther M. | Faculty | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Moderate Vagal Withdrawal in 3.5-Year-Old Children is Associated with Optimal Performance on... | 2010 | Calkins, Susan D. | Faculty | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Moderate Vagal Withdrawal in 3.5-Year-Old Children is Associated with Optimal Performance on... | 2010 | O'Brien, Marion | Faculty | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
A moderated mediation model of changes in adolescent social anxiety symptoms: the contributi... | 2016 | Weymouth, Bridget B. | Student | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
The moderating effect of conformity to parental expectations on the association between auto... | 2018 | Washington, Kenneshia | Student | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Moderating effect of employee political skill on the link between perceptions of a victimizi... | 2017 | Yang, Jun "Michelle" | Faculty | Management, UNCG |
The moderating effect of tibialis anterior fatigue protocol on the relationships between rea... | 2006 | Shimokochi, Yohei | Student | Kinesiology, UNCG |
The moderating effects of job and personal life involvement on the relationship between work... | 2009 | Hsieh, Yu-Chin "Jerrie" | Faculty | Marketing, Entrepreneurship, Hospitality & Tourism, UNCG |
The Moderating Relationship of Spirituality on Negative Life Events and Psychological Adjust... | 2000 | Cashwell, Craig S. | Faculty | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
The Moderating Relationship of Spirituality on Negative Life Events and Psychological Adjust... | 2000 | Young, J. Scott | Faculty | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
The moderating role of culture in social media-based spatial imagery, consumer xenocentrism,... | 2019 | Taras, Vasyl | Faculty | Management, UNCG |
Moderation of older adults’ retrieval reluctance through task instructions and monetary ince... | 2007 | Touron, Dayna R. | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
Moderators of the Link between Marital Hostility and Change in Spouses’ Depressive Symptoms | 2009 | Helms, Heather M. | Faculty | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Moderators of the Link between Marital Hostility and Change in Spouses’ Depressive Symptoms | 2009 | Buehler, Cheryl A. | Faculty | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
A modern appraisal of the Montessori method | 1965 | Cline, Linda | Student | Education, UNCG |
Modern dance in a postmodern world | 1989 | Van Dyke, Jan E. | Student | Dance, UNCG |
Modern traditions of the essay | 1987 | White, Laurie L. | Student | English, UNCG |
Modification of human high density lipoprotein by cigarette smoke extract and its impact on ... | 1996 | Chen, Chen | Student | Human Environmental Sciences, UNCG |
Modification of a nutritional questionnaire for older adults and the ability of its knowledg... | 1990 | Eddy, James M. | Faculty | Public Health Education, UNCG |
Modifications to an Fcgamma-Fcvarepsilon fusion protein alter its effectiveness in the inhib... | 2007 | Kepley, Christopher | Faculty | Nanoscience, UNCG |
Modified binary randomized response technique models | 2017 | Sihm, Jeong Sep | Student | Mathematics and Statistics, UNCG |
Modified contrapuntal conventions: stability and instability in the neotonal music of Hindem... | 2013 | Uppercue, Kevin | Student | Music, UNCG |
A Modified Grapefruit Juice Eliminates Two Compound Classes as Major Mediators of the Grapef... | 2013 | Oberlies, Nicholas | Faculty | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Modified Quadratic Hill-Climbing with SAS /IML | 1991 | Leyden, Dennis P. | Faculty | Economics, UNCG |
A modifier of [beta]-glucosidases in neurospora crassa | 1971 | Miller, Carroll Christian | Student | Biology, UNCG |
Modular Capacitated Maximal Covering Location Problem for the Optimal Siting of Emergency Ve... | 2012 | Yin, Ping | Faculty | Geography, UNCG |
Modular construction of nervous systems: a basic principle of design for invertebrates and v... | 1990 | Leise, Esther M. | Faculty | Biology, UNCG |
Modular Forms and Elliptic Curves over the Field of Fifth Roots of Unity | 2014 | Yasaki, Dan | Faculty | Mathematics and Statistics, UNCG |
Modular, Nondegenerate Polyprotein Scaffolds for Atomic Force Spectroscopy | 2016 | Josephs, Eric | Faculty | Nanoscience, UNCG |
Modulation of macrophage polarization by carbon nanodots | 2020 | Dunphy, Andrew M. | Student | Biology, UNCG |
Modules over a principal ideal domain | 1974 | Stowell, Thomas Leo | Student | Mathematics, UNCG |
Man of Prowess or Errant Vassal: Nang Ton Phuc's 11th century Bid for Autonomy Along the Sin... | 2002 | Anderson, James A. | Faculty | History, UNCG |
Moisture transport properties of selected knit fabrics | 1975 | Crippen, Loretta Kaye | Student | Home Economics, UNCG |
Molecular and Supramolecular Structure of 4,4’ Bipyridinium Diiodide | 1998 | Nile, Terence "Terry" | Faculty | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Molecular Chirality and Charge Transfer through Self-Assembled Scaffold Monolayers | 2005 | Wei, Jianjun | Faculty | Nanoscience, UNCG |
Molecular Conformations of Targets Captured by DNA Nanoarrays | 2017 | Josephs, Eric | Faculty | Nanoscience, UNCG |
Molecular docking and analysis of interactions between vascular endothelial growth factor (V... | 2007 | Taylor, Ethan W | Faculty | Nanoscience, UNCG |
Molecular dynamics of O(1D) + CCl4 ? ClO + CCl3 probed by cavity-enhanced sub-THz spectrosco... | 2020 | O'Neal, Ryan | Student | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Molecular information storage using CRISPR | 2023 | Glass, Robert F. | Student | Joint School of Nanoscience and Nanoengineering, UNCG |
Molecular insights into virulence regulation in MRSA using mass-spectrometry based metabolom... | 2020 | Jones, Derick D. | Faculty | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Molecular level studies on the cannabinoid receptor type 1 (CB1): biased signaling and MD si... | 2018 | Al Zoubi, Rufaida M. | Student | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Molecular mechanisms of mutant mu-opioid receptors where naloxone acts as an agonist | 2013 | Pearsall, Elizabeth A. | Student | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Molecular modeling and in vitro activity of an HIV-1-encoded glutathione peroxidase | 2000 | Taylor, Ethan W | Faculty | Nanoscience, UNCG |
Molecular modeling of the oxidized form of nuclear factor-?B suggests a mechanism for redox ... | 2008 | Taylor, Ethan W | Faculty | Nanoscience, UNCG |
Molecular Modeling Studies of Curcumin Analogs as Anti-Angiogenic Agents | 2008 | Paila, Hari Srinivas Kalyan | Student | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Molecular Profiling of the Clostridium leptum Subgroup in Human Fecal Microflora by PCR-Dena... | 2006 | Jia, Wei | Faculty | Nutrition, UNCG |
Molybdenum Hydroxylases from Bovine Kidney and Liver | 2008 | Baum, Kenneth Michael | Student | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Momentary assessment of physical activity intention-behavior coupling in adults | 2017 | Maher, Jaclyn | Faculty | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Momentary Assessment Research in Psychosis | 2009 | Kwapil, Thomas R. | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
Moments of awareness | 1958 | Berry, Mary Jane Chapman | Student | English, UNCG |
Mommy Goose: Rhymes from the Mountains [book review] | 2016 | Smith, Kathelene McCarty | Faculty | University Libraries, UNCG |
Monaural and binaural story recall by schizophrenic subjects. | 1993 | Kwapil, Thomas R. | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
Monetizing You | 2021 | Kshetri, Nir B. | Faculty | Management, UNCG |
Money Demand and the Term Structure of Interest Rates: Some Consistent Estimates | 1983 | Allen, Stuart D. | Faculty | Economics, UNCG |
Money management practices of eighth grade students | 1972 | Westbrook, Nellie Baucom | Student | Home Economics, UNCG |
Monitoring for success : implementing a proactive probation program for diverse, at-risk col... | 2006 | Hutson, Bryant L. | Student | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
Monstrous Intimacies: Making Post-Slavery Subjects [book review] | 2011 | Cervenak, Sarah Jane | Faculty | African American Studies/Women's & Gender Studies, UNCG |
The Month of Their Ripening: North Carolina Heritage Foods through the Year Eubanks, Georgan... | 2019 | Fischer, Christine M. | Faculty | University Libraries, UNCG |
Monumental Development in Glanum: Evidence for the Early Impact of Rome in Gallia Narbonensi... | 2006 | Heyn, Maura K. | Faculty | Classical Studies, UNCG |
Monumental Pride: Sino-Vietnamese Cross-border Commemorations of Nùng Trí Cao | 2001 | Anderson, James A. | Faculty | History, UNCG |
Mood and symptoms of expectant fathers during the course of pregnancy | 1977 | Davis, Ora | Student | Home Economics, UNCG |
Moral Absolutism and the Problem of Hard Cases | 1981 | McConnell, Terrance C. | Faculty | Philosophy, UNCG |
The moral and ethical challenges of principal data-driven decisions about annual growth data... | 2019 | Williams, Jamisa C. | Student | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
The Moral Aspect of Nonmoral Goods and Evils | 1999 | Zimmerman, Michael | Faculty | Philosophy , UNCG |
Moral Blackmail | 1981 | McConnell, Terrance C. | Faculty | Philosophy, UNCG |
Moral Combat in An Enemy of the People: Public Health versus Private Interests | 2010 | McConnell, Terrance C. | Faculty | Philosophy, UNCG |
Moral Combat in an Enemy of the People: Public Health Versus Private Interests. | 2010 | McConnell, Terrance C. | Faculty | Philosophy, UNCG |
Moral Commitment in Intimate Committed Relationships: A Conceptualization From Cohabiting Sa... | 2013 | Cashwell, Craig S. | Faculty | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
Moral commitment in intimate committed relationships: a conceptualization from cohabiting sa... | 2010 | Pope, Amber Leighann | Student | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
Moral development, content analysis and the moral/value dimensions of television drama : a m... | 1980 | Russo, Charles William | Student | Education, UNCG |
Moral Dilemmas and Consistency in Ethics | 1978 | McConnell, Terrance C. | Faculty | Philosophy, UNCG |
Moral Dilemmas and Requiring the Impossible | 1976 | McConnell, Terrance C. | Faculty | Philosophy, UNCG |
Moral education as a part of the study of children's literature : an inservice model and cas... | 1979 | Gupton, Sandra Lee | Student | Education, UNCG |
Moral Education for Sustainable Development: Exploring Morally Challenging Business Situatio... | 2017 | Karpova, Elena | Faculty | Consumer, Apparel, and Retail Studies, UNCG |
Moral education: Review and implications for health educators | 1986 | Bibeau, Daniel L. | Faculty | Public Health Education, UNCG |
Moral education: Review and implications for health educators | 1986 | Eddy, James M. | Faculty | Public Health Education, UNCG |
Moral Freedom by Jeffrey Olen | 1990 | Zimmerman, Michael | Faculty | Philosophy , UNCG |
Moral Luck: A Partial Map | 2006 | Zimmerman, Michael | Faculty | Philosophy , UNCG |
The moral milieu of information technology: using domain and affordance theory to explain si... | 2012 | Schilhavy, Richard Arthur Milton | Student | Information Systems and Operations Management, UNCG |
Moral perspectives of women administrators of student services in higher education : an expl... | 1991 | Luce, Jean Marie | Student | Education, UNCG |
Moral Responsibility and Ignorance | 1997 | Zimmerman, Michael | Faculty | Philosophy , UNCG |
Moral Responsibility, Freedom, and Alternate Possibilities | 1982 | Zimmerman, Michael | Faculty | Philosophy , UNCG |
The morality of student futures at the North Carolina State Normal and Industrial College, 1... | 2023 | Ortel, Elizabeth | Student | Sociology, UNCG |
More lives than a cat: a state and federal history of bank deposit insurance in the United S... | 2017 | Gates, Sarah | Student | History, UNCG |
More on Moral Dilemmas | 1986 | McConnell, Terrance C. | Faculty | Philosophy, UNCG |
More Than Clocks and Calendars: The Construction of Timekeepers by Eleven Kindergarten Child... | 2005 | Hardin, Belinda J | Faculty | Specialized Education Services, UNCG |
More than just a ‘little hobby’: Women and textile art in Ireland | 2005 | Nelson Hodges, Nancy J. | Faculty | Consumer, Apparel, and Retail Studies, UNCG |
More than just a teacher: exploring multiple perspectives of how teachers serve as instructi... | 2016 | Woods, Jessalyn | Student | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
More than Men in Drag : gender, sexuality, and the falsetto in musical comedy of Western civ... | 2006 | Fugate, Bradley K | Student | Music, UNCG |
More than a number : measuring ‘success’ in substance use treatment | 2022 | Trustey, Caroline E. | Student | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
More than a party : how party affiliation affects intergroup dating | 2023 | Schachner, Alec | Student | Sociology, UNCG |
Morphological and chromatic changes in the last instars of Erythemis simplicicollis (odonata... | 1966 | Sharp, Mary Joan | Student | Biology, UNCG |
The morphological effects of infant- and adult-onset monocular paralysis on cells in the cat... | 1984 | Garraghty, Preston Evans | Student | Psychology, UNCG |
Morphological response to reduced discharge on a losing Catawba River bifurcate | 2016 | Reynolds, Jennifer L. | Student | Geography, UNCG |
A morphology of quick response strategies for the apparel industry | 1988 | Kincade, Doris H. | Student | Human Environmental Sciences, UNCG |
Mortality From Six Work-Related Cancers Among African Americans and Latinos | 2000 | Schulz, Mark R. | Faculty | Public Health Education, UNCG |
Mortality Increases During Economic Upturns | 2005 | Ruhm, Christopher J | Faculty | Economics, UNCG |
Mortality salience and worldview defense: the effect of death awareness and self-esteem on m... | 2009 | Ivers, Nathaniel N. | Student | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
Most and least helpful events in three supervision modalities | 2017 | Wester, Kelly L. | Faculty | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
Most and least helpful events in three supervision modalities | 2017 | Borders, L. DiAnne | Faculty | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
The most widely recognized mushroom: Chemistry of the genus Amanita. | 2005 | Oberlies, Nicholas | Faculty | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Mother –Infant Vagal Regulation in the Face-To-Face Still-Face Paradigm Is Moderated by Mate... | 2009 | Calkins, Susan D. | Faculty | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Mother Dear: The Motivations of Tina McElroy Ansa’s Mudear. | 2002 | Green, Tara T. | Faculty | African American & African Diaspora Studies, UNCG |
Mother sleuth and the queer kid: Decoding sexual identities in Maria Gronau’s detective nove... | 2007 | Stewart, Faye | Faculty | Languages, Literatures, and Cultures, UNCG |
Mother-in-law adjustment of young marrieds | 1971 | Hoye, Doris Dickens | Student | Home Economics, UNCG |
Mother-infant interactions in Early Head Start: A person-oriented within ethnic group appro... | 2013 | Fine, Mark | Faculty | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
A mother’s movement : exploring the effects of exogamy on maternal performance in medieval r... | 2023 | Beeman, Reba Katherine | Student | English, UNCG |
Motherhood and Graduate Education, 1970-2000 | 2009 | Kuperberg, Arielle | Faculty | Sociology, UNCG |
Motherhood and HIV risk among female sex workers in Andhra Pradesh, India: The need to consi... | 2013 | Erausquin, Jennifer Toller | Faculty | Public Health Education, UNCG |
The motherless child : the absent mother in twentieth-century Southern fiction | 1993 | Grimes, Margaret Katherine | Student | English, UNCG |
Motherload II : an electronic dimmer control | 1976 | Alvis, Arthur Elliot | Student | Drama and Speech, UNCG |
Mothers' and Fathers' Perceptions of Change and Continuity in Their Relationships With Young... | 2008 | Helms, Heather M. | Faculty | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Mothers' Emotional Reactions to Crying Pose Risk for Subsequent Attachment Insecurity | 2011 | Leerkes, Esther M. | Faculty | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Mothers' experiences raising children who have multiple disabilities and their perceptions o... | 2010 | Parrish, Rosalie N. | Student | Specialized Education Services, UNCG |
Mothers of children with externalizing behavior problems: Cognitive risk factors for abuse p... | 2008 | Rodriguez, Christina M. | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
Mothers' opinions regarding child care centers for preschool children | 1971 | Reece, Johnie Dotson | Student | Home Economics, UNCG |
Mothers' Part-time Employment: Associations with Mother and Family Well-being | 2011 | Buehler, Cheryl A. | Faculty | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Mothers' Part-Time Employment: Child, Parent, and Family Outcomes | 2011 | Buehler, Cheryl A. | Faculty | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Mothers' perceptions of children's age of maturity : an exploratory study | 1987 | McAninch, John Patrick | Student | Human Environmental Sciences, UNCG |
Mothers' perceptions of factors influencing the restabilization of homeless families | 1996 | Lindsey, Elizabeth W. | Faculty | Social Work, UNCG |
Mothers' responses to children's negative emotions and child emotion regulation: The moderat... | 2011 | Marcovitch, Stuart | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
Mothers' responses to children's negative emotions and child emotion regulation: The moderat... | 2011 | Leerkes, Esther M. | Faculty | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Mothers' responses to children's negative emotions and child emotion regulation: The moderat... | 2011 | Calkins, Susan D. | Faculty | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Mothers' responses to children's negative emotions and child emotion regulation: The moderat... | 2011 | Perry, Nicole Elizabeth Brown | Faculty | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Mothers, fathers, stepfathers, and siblings as providers of supervision, acceptance, and aut... | 1995 | Fine, Mark | Faculty | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Motion in time | 1976 | Hawkins, Lewis Gresham | Student | Art, UNCG |
Motion towards the center : an essay on reality as expressed in fourteen paintings | 1953 | Pope, Charlotte Hume | Student | Art, UNCG |
Motivating Groups | 1992 | Roberson, Steve H. | Faculty | Office of the Provost, UNCG |
Motivating mature adults to be physically active | 2017 | Wideman, Laurie | Faculty | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Motivating mature adults to be physically active | 2017 | Etnier, Jennifer L. | Faculty | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Motivating mature adults to be physically active | 2017 | Karper, William B. | Faculty | Kinesiology, UNCG |
The motivation and evaluation of elementary school citizenship | 1948 | Royster, Lillie B. | Student | Education, UNCG |
Motivation at preschool age and subsequent school success: role of supportive parenting and ... | 2012 | Mokrova, Irina L. | Student | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Motivation for males to participate in private middle school and high school choruses | 2015 | Haire, Chris E. | Student | Music, UNCG |
Motivation for participation in adult religious education : an exploratory study | 1986 | Conrad, Katherine Other | Student | Education, UNCG |
Motivation is not always black and white: Attending to African American athletes’ psychologi... | 2021 | Chu, Alan | Faculty | Kinesiology, UNCG |
The motivation of female college business students to manage : a study of selected college b... | 1977 | Hampton, Blythe Carroll | Student | Education, UNCG |
Motivation, Management, and Mastery: A Theory of Resilience in the Context of HIV Infection | 2013 | Vermeesch, Amber | Faculty | School of Nursing, Advanced Nursing Education, UNCG |
Motivational configurations of cultural intelligence, social integration, and performance in... | 2021 | Taras, Vasyl | Faculty | Management, UNCG |
Motivational cost aspects of physical education in middle school students | 2013 | Chen, Ang | Faculty | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Motivational deficits differentially predict improvement in a randomized trial of self-syste... | 2015 | Silvia, Paul | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
Motivational deficits differentially predict improvement in a randomized trial of self-syste... | 2015 | Kwapil, Thomas R. | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
Motivational deficits differentially predict improvement in a randomized trial of self-syste... | 2015 | Eddington, Kari | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
A motivational perspective on caregiver psychological distress | 2016 | Majestic, Catherine | Student | Psychology, UNCG |
Motivational processes in college freshmen’s exercise participation: A goal contents theory ... | 2020 | Chu, Alan | Faculty | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Motivational processes in Sport Education programs among high school students: A systematic ... | 2018 | Chu, Alan | Faculty | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Motivational profiles in table tennis players: Relations with performance anxiety and subjec... | 2018 | Chu, Alan | Faculty | Kinesiology, UNCG |
The motivations of high school male athletes | 1977 | Holcomb, Ernest Conrad | Student | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
Motives and Perceived Consequences of Nonmedical ADHD Medication Use by College Students | 2008 | Anastopoulos, Arthur D. | Faculty | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Motives, incentives, and disincentives of older adult volunteers in youth development and ot... | 1990 | Rouse, Shirley B. | Student | Human Environmental Sciences, UNCG |
Motivic treatment in four selected early works of Anton Webern | 1973 | Tippens, Philip C. | Student | Music, UNCG |
A motor creativity test for college women | 1974 | Glover, Elizabeth Gay | Student | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
Motor creativity, movement concept, and motor ability of college freshmen women with high an... | 1973 | Kiernan, Leslie Jean | Student | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
Motor performance and motor learning as a function of age and fitness | 1998 | Etnier, Jennifer L. | Faculty | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Motor skills matter to physical activity – at least for children | 2013 | Chen, Ang | Faculty | Kinesiology, UNCG |
The moulding into being of Tennessee Williams' The night of the iguana | 1977 | Reynolds, David D. | Student | Drama and Speech, UNCG |
Mourning through murder: the role of psychic mimesis in early modern revenge tragedies AND S... | 2018 | Kelly, Maggie S. | Student | English, UNCG |
Movement and three-dimensional art : an exploration | 1962 | Eller, H. Jeanne | Student | Art, UNCG |
Movement experience in modern dance : a phenomenological inquiry | 1984 | Braxton, Jean Patricia Bailey | Student | Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, UNCG |
Moving beyond the treatment package approach to developing behavioral interventions: address... | 2014 | Wyrick, David L. | Faculty | Public Health Education, UNCG |
Moving beyond the treatment package approach to developing behavioral interventions: address... | 2014 | Rulison, Kelly L. | Faculty | Public Health Education, UNCG |
Moving beyond the treatment package approach to developing behavioral interventions: address... | 2014 | Milroy, Jeffrey John | Faculty | Institute to Promote Athlete Health and Wellness, UNCG |
Moving concrete: development, deployment and consumption of skateboarding in the city | 2017 | Pipe, Laura May | Student | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Moving the Horse before the Cart: Aligning Fundraising with Academic Library Trends [slides... | 2019 | Crumpton, Michael | Faculty | University Libraries, UNCG |
Moving the Horse before the Cart: Aligning Fundraising with Academic Library Trends [slides... | 2019 | Jennings, Karlene | Faculty | University Libraries, UNCG |
Moving in, out, through, and beyond the tensions between experience and social construction ... | 2015 | Green, Jill I. | Faculty | Dance, UNCG |
Moving portraiture | 2006 | Farrell, Nicholas James | Student | Studio Art, UNCG |
Moving social justice: Challenges, fears and possibilities in dance education | 2010 | Stinson, Susan W. | Faculty | Dance, UNCG |
Moving through a global health crisis : exploring how middle-aged women used outdoor exercis... | 2023 | Baclawski, Deborah Jené | Student | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Moving toward and away from the world: Social approach and avoidance trajectories in anxious... | 2004 | Gazelle, Heidi | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
Moving Towards an Integrated Framework of IT-Outsourcing Success | 2017 | Mehta, Nikhil | Faculty | Information Systems and Supply Chain Management, UNCG |
Mozart and the horn : Aria no. 13 from Mitridate, re` di Ponto, K. 87 | 1995 | Edwards, Melissa Michele | Student | Music, UNCG |
Mr. Review on the "Glorious" Tatler and the "Inimitable" Spectator | 1986 | Evans, James E. | Faculty | English, UNCG |
MroQ is a novel Abi-domain protein that influences virulence gene expression in Staphylococc... | 2019 | Cech, Nadja B. | Faculty | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
MroQ is a novel Abi-domain protein that influences virulence gene expression in Staphylococc... | 2019 | Todd, Daniel A. | Faculty | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
The Mu’azzin’s Song: Islam and the African Diaspora of the Indian Ocean | 2012 | Ali, Omar H. | Faculty | African American & African Diaspora Studies, UNCG |
“Much improved of late”: ecogothic readings of improvement in American and British novels, 1... | 2020 | McMillan, Bryan | Student | English, UNCG |
Mudfish | 2013 | Barrionuevo, Fausto | Student | English, UNCG |
Muggle Magic: What the Mirror of Erised and the Two-Way Mirror Teach Us about Social Media [... | 2021 | McLaughlin, Ian | Faculty | UNCG |
A Multi-Case Investigation of Electronic Health Record Implementation in Small- and Medium-S... | 2014 | Iyer, Lakshmi S. | Faculty | Information Systems and Supply Chain Management, UNCG |
The multi-cello ensemble writing of Laszlo Varga: a study of his arrangements for multi-cell... | 2011 | Skogen, Meaghan Elizabeth | Student | Music, UNCG |
A multi-criteria approach to local tax planning | 1999 | Singh, Rahul | Faculty | Information Systems and Supply Chain Management, UNCG |
Multi-hop/Direct Forwarding (MDF) for Static Wireless Sensor Networks | 2009 | Deng, Jing | Faculty | Computer Science, UNCG |
Multi-Informant Assessment of ADHD Symptom-Related Impairments Among Children and Adolescent... | 2015 | Anastopoulos, Arthur D. | Faculty | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Multi-level framework of open source software adoption | 2011 | Yang, Zhiyong | Faculty | Marketing, UNCG |
Multi-method assessment of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: The diagnostic utility ... | 1992 | Anastopoulos, Arthur D. | Faculty | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Multi-method psycho-educational intervention for preschool children with disruptive behavior... | 2000 | Shelton, Terri L. | Faculty | Research and Economic Development, UNCG |
A multi-method qualitative inquiry of girls' access to education and literacy through the im... | 2010 | Latif, Amna | Student | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
A multi-modal approach towards mining social media data during natural disasters - A case st... | 2021 | Biggers, Brown | Faculty | University Libraries, UNCG |
Multi-modal meaning – An empirically-founded process algebra approach | 2020 | Lawler, Insa | Faculty | Philosophy, UNCG |
Multi-scale persistent homology | 2016 | Lawson, Austin | Student | Mathematics and Statistics, UNCG |
Multi/Cross-cultural Competence: Integrating Universal and Particular Perspectives | 2007 | Paredes, Daniel Mariano | Student | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
Multicultural Competence and Counselor Training: A National Survey | 1999 | Myers, Jane E. | Faculty | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
Multicultural Information Services: Collective Action. | 2000 | Chu, Clara M. | Faculty | Library and Information Studies, UNCG |
Multicultural orientation in clinical supervision: Examining impact through dyadic data | 2020 | Borders, L. DiAnne | Faculty | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
Multicultural orientation in clinical supervision: Examining impact through dyadic data | 2020 | Jones, Connie T. | Faculty | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
Multicultural SuperVISION: A Paradigm of Cultural Responsiveness for Supervisors | 2001 | Borders, L. DiAnne | Faculty | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
Multiculturalism: increasing sensitivity at end of life and after death care | 2013 | Jiang, Jian | Student | Gerontology, UNCG |
A multidimensional approach to conflict analysis: the Russo-Chechen conflict | 2008 | Askerov, Ali | Faculty | Peace and Conflict Studies, UNCG |
Multidimensional kinships : Black and Indigenous environmental thought | 2024 | Cory, Jessica Suzanne | Student | English, UNCG |
The multidimensional schizotypy scale-brief: Scale development and psychometric properties | 2018 | Silvia, Paul | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
The multidimensional schizotypy scale-brief: Scale development and psychometric properties | 2018 | Kwapil, Thomas R. | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
Multidisciplinary education for environmental sustainability | 2014 | Schmitz, Cathryne L. | Faculty | Social Work, UNCG |
Multidisciplinary Landscape Research at Tannenbaum Historic Park, Guilford County, North Car... | 2003 | Stine, Linda F. | Faculty | Anthropology, UNCG |
Multidisciplinary Landscape Research at Tannenbaum Historic Park, Guilford County, North Car... | 2003 | Stine, Roy S. | Faculty | Geography, UNCG |
Multidisciplinary top management teamwork: Effects on local health department performance. | 2001 | Lovelace, Kay A. | Faculty | Public Health Education, UNCG |
Multigenerational effects of flowering and fruiting phenology in Plantago lanceolata | 2003 | Lacey, Elizabeth P. | Faculty | Biology, UNCG |
Multigenerational Teams in the Workplace: Exploring the Outcomes, Conflict, Value, and Ways ... | 2021 | Cox, Alexis | Student | Management, UNCG |
A Multilevel investigation into the effect of cultural distance on bilateral trade: The role... | 2020 | Yang, Zhiyong | Faculty | Marketing, UNCG |
Multilevel modeling of undergraduate student attrition across the University of North Caroli... | 2019 | Reilley, Elizabeth M. | Student | Educational Research Methodology, UNCG |
A multilevel perspective on the relationship between interpersonal justice and negative feed... | 2014 | Chuang, Aichia | Faculty | Management, UNCG |
Multilingual Testing Constructs: Theoretical Foundations | 2019 | Chalhoub-Deville, Micheline B. | Faculty | Educational Research Methodology, UNCG |
Multimethod assessment of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: The diagnostic utility o... | 1992 | Shelton, Terri L. | Faculty | Research and Economic Development, UNCG |
Multimethod psychoeducational intervention for preschool children with disruptive behavior: ... | 2000 | Shelton, Terri L. | Faculty | Research and Economic Development, UNCG |
The multinational corporation : its effects on the American labor force | 1972 | Chappell, Joseph Edward | Student | Business and Economics, UNCG |
A Multinomial Logit Analysis of Teenage Fertility and High School Completion | 1993 | Ribar, David C. | Faculty | Economics, UNCG |
A multinominal logit analysis of the influence of policy variables and board experience on F... | 1997 | Allen, Stuart D. | Faculty | Economics, UNCG |
A multinominal logit analysis of the influence of policy variables and board experience on F... | 1997 | Seaks, Terry G. | Faculty | Economics, UNCG |
A multinominal logit analysis of the influence of policy variables and board experience on F... | 1997 | Bray, Jeremy W. | Faculty | Economics, UNCG |
Multipath Key Establishment for Wireless Sensor Networks Using Just-Enough Redundancy Transm... | 2008 | Deng, Jing | Faculty | Computer Science, UNCG |
Multiplanar Knee Laxity and Perceived Function During Activities of Daily Living and Sport | 2015 | Schmitz, Randy J. | Faculty | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Multiplanar Knee Laxity and Perceived Function During Activities of Daily Living and Sport | 2015 | Shultz, Sandra J. | Faculty | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Multiplanar Knee Laxity and Perceived Function During Activities of Daily Living and Sport | 2015 | Rhea, Christopher K. | Faculty | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Multiplanar Knee Laxity and Perceived Function During Activities of Daily Living and Sport | 2015 | Ross, Scott | Faculty | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Multiplanar Knee Laxity Increases during a 90-min Intermittent Exercise Protocol | 2013 | Schmitz, Randy J. | Faculty | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Multiplanar Knee Laxity Increases during a 90-min Intermittent Exercise Protocol | 2013 | Shultz, Sandra J. | Faculty | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Multiple Bridge Secret Delivery in Wireless Sensor Networks | 2010 | Nimmagadda, Spoorthy | Student | Computer Science, UNCG |
Multiple Case Studies of Literacy Practices Utilized by Intermediate Grade Teachers Which En... | 2010 | Wooten, Cynthia Brooks | Student | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
Multiple case study of the relationship between data use and evaluative thinking in school i... | 2022 | Zemaitis, Julianne | Student | Educational Research Methodology, UNCG |
Multiple contexts, motivation, and student engagement in the USA and Russia | 2012 | Tudge, Jonathan R. | Faculty | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Multiple domains of new mothers’ adaptation: Interrelations and roots in childhood maternal ... | 2018 | Leerkes, Esther M. | Faculty | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
Multiple Effects of Silymarin on the Hepatitis C Virus Lifecycle | 2010 | Oberlies, Nicholas | Faculty | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Multiple Effects of Silymarin on the Hepatitis C Virus Lifecycle | 2010 | Graf, Tyler | Faculty | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Multiple global change drivers show independent, not interactive effects: a long-term case s... | 2022 | Koerner, Sally E. | Faculty | Biology, UNCG |
Multiple jobholding: An integrative systematic review and future research agenda | 2020 | Caza, Brianna Barker | Faculty | Management, UNCG |
Multiple Mating But Not Recombination Causes Quantitative Increase in Offspring Genetic Dive... | 2012 | Deutsch, Roland C. | Faculty | Mathematics and Statistics, UNCG |
Multiple Mating But Not Recombination Causes Quantitative Increase in Offspring Genetic Dive... | 2012 | Rueppell, Olav | Faculty | Biology, UNCG |
Multiple models of online instruction for a first year communications course [Slides] | 2019 | Olsen, Rachel | Faculty | University Libraries, UNCG |
Multiple Plantago Species (Plantaginaceae) Modify Floral Reflectance and Color in Response t... | 2013 | Lacey, Elizabeth P. | Faculty | Biology, UNCG |
Multiple Plantago Species (Plantaginaceae) Modify Floral Reflectance and Color in Response t... | 2013 | Richter, Scott J. | Faculty | Mathematics and Statistics, UNCG |
Multiple positive solutions for semipositone problems | 2006 | Luper, Jack | Student | Mathematics and Statistics, UNCG |
Multiple timescales in postural dynamics associated with vision and a secondary task are rev... | 2009 | Rhea, Christopher K. | Faculty | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Multiple-Use commons, collective action, and platforms for resource use negotiation | 1999 | Buck, Susan J. | Faculty | Political Science, UNCG |
Multiradial (multi)filtrations and persistent homology | 2016 | Martin, Joshua M. | Student | Mathematics and Statistics, UNCG |
Multiset and Set Decipherable Codes | 2001 | Blanchet-Sadri, Francine | Faculty | Computer Science, UNCG |
The multistep grievance procedure : a cybernetic feedback loop operating in local education ... | 1991 | Davis, Grace Moore | Student | Education, UNCG |
Multisystem | 2019 | Snyder, Audrey | Faculty | Family and Community Nursing, UNCG |
Multisystemic Therapy for Child Abuse and Neglect: A Randomized Effectiveness Trial | 2010 | Faldowski, Richard | Faculty | Human Development and Family Studies , UNCG |
Multivariate Analysis of the Risk Factors for First-Time Noncontact ACL Injury in High Schoo... | 2016 | Shultz, Sandra J. | Faculty | Kinesiology, UNCG |
Multivariate relationships among visual perceptual attributes and gross motor tasks with dif... | 1978 | Beitel, Patricia Ann | Student | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
A multivariate study of religious commitment among a sample of United Methodist adults | 1976 | Brown, Gary Holmes | Student | Home Economics, UNCG |
Municipal Politics and Forest Governance: Comparative Analysis of Decentralization in Bolivi... | 2006 | Lehoucq, Fabrice | Faculty | Political Science, UNCG |
Murder and martial justice : spying and retribution in World War II America | 1959 | Lentz, Meredith Blake | Student | History, UNCG |
Murmurs from home | 2021 | Junquera, Leah | Student | Art, UNCG |
Muscadine wine | 2019 | Howse, Rose Himber | Student | English, UNCG |
Mushulatubbee and Choctaw Removal: Chiefs Confront a Changing World | 2001 | O'Brien, Greg | Faculty | History, UNCG |
Music and the companion arts of the Gothic era | 1964 | Brett, Rachel | Student | Music, UNCG |
Music and the Making of a New South, by Gavin James Campbell | 2005 | Filene, Benjamin P. | Faculty | History, UNCG |
Music and patterns | 2011 | Rawls, Benjamin Brent | Student | Music, UNCG |
Music as an effective anxiolytic intervention in communication centers | 2016 | Cuny, Kimberly M. | Faculty | Communication Studies, UNCG |
Music Cataloging and Special Collections: Access, Outreach, Scholarship, and Service [Slides... | 2013 | Nelson, William "Mac" | Faculty | University Libraries, UNCG |
Music education and music psychology: What?s the connection? | 2003 | Hodges, Donald A. | Faculty | Music Education, UNCG |
Music education in the United States and Germany as a representative example of internationa... | 2022 | Garrepy, Stacey A. | Student | School of Music, UNCG |
Music for flute by Ulysses Kay (1917-1995): a descriptive analysis with performance notes fo... | 2013 | Douthit, La-tika Shanee' | Student | Music, UNCG |
Music in honor of the Virgin Mary during the Middle ages and Renaissance | 2010 | Bates, James M. | Student | Music, UNCG |
Music listeners, philosophers, and researchers | 2013 | Hodges, Donald A. | Faculty | Music Education, UNCG |
Music Teaching Via the Microcomputer | 1982 | Hodges, Donald A. | Faculty | Music Education, UNCG |
Music theory on marimba: bringing the classroom into the practice room | 2015 | Bunting, Justin Matthew | Student | Music, UNCG |
Music to the Inner Ears: Exploring Individual Differences in Musical Imagery | 2013 | Silvia, Paul | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
Music to the Inner Ears: Exploring Individual Differences in Musical Imagery | 2013 | Kwapil, Thomas R. | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
Music to the Inner Ears: Exploring Individual Differences in Musical Imagery | 2013 | Hodges, Donald A. | Faculty | Music Education, UNCG |
Music to the Inner Ears: Exploring Individual Differences in Musical Imagery | 2013 | Beaty, Roger E. | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
Music to My (Deaf) Ears: The Installation Work of Joseph Grigely | 2008 | Millett-Gallant, Ann E. | Faculty | Liberal Studies, UNCG |
Music Unlocks Brain Functions | 2005 | Hodges, Donald A. | Faculty | Music Education, UNCG |
Music Written for Bassoon by Bassoonists: An Overview | 2001 | Burns, Michael | Faculty | Music, UNCG |
Music-Assisted Bathing: Making Shower Time Easier for People with Dementia | 2014 | Fitzsimmons, Suzanne | Faculty | Nursing, UNCG |
Music: The Most Specialized Humanities Field | 2010 | Carmichael, James V. | Faculty | Library and Information Studies, UNCG |
Musical accompaniments in the preparation of marimba concerti: a survey of selective interac... | 2009 | Frye, George Daniel | Student | Music, UNCG |
Musical architecture in Hindemith's first piano sonata | 1970 | McBane, Frances Ashcraft | Student | Music, UNCG |
Musical borrowing and quotation in John Corigliano’s piano works | 2024 | Lao, Lin | Student | School of Music, UNCG |
A Musician's Guide to the Human Brain | 1983 | Hodges, Donald A. | Faculty | Music Education, UNCG |
Musicians in the digital age : how digitalization changed how music is made | 2022 | Bolte, Brett M. | Student | Sociology, UNCG |
Musicianship for musical theatre: a new instructional resource for the musical theatre stude... | 2018 | Cowan, Justin P. | Student | School of Music, UNCG |
Música y revolución global: la Tropicália y la evolución del significado del año 1968 en Bra... | 2017 | Calhoun, Carmen Inez Sotomayor | Student | Languages, Literatures, and Cultures, UNCG |
Muslim punk rock in the United States: a social history of the taqwacores | 2009 | Hosman, Sarah Siltanen | Student | Sociology, UNCG |
Muslims and mental health concerns: A social ecological model perspective | 2019 | Francisco, Vincent T. | Faculty | Public Health Education, UNCG |
Muslims and mental health concerns: A social ecological model perspective | 2019 | Tanhan, Ahmet | Faculty | Counseling and Counselor Education, UNCG |
Must interesting things be pleasant? A test of competing appraisal structures. | 2006 | Silvia, Paul | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
Must interesting things be pleasant? A test of competing appraisal structures. | 2006 | Turner, Samuel Ashby | Faculty | Psychology, UNCG |
“Must-have” skills and knowledge for apparel merchandising professionals in South Africa | 2022 | Karpova, Elena | Faculty | Consumer, Apparel, and Retail Studies, UNCG |
Muted visions, all-American pride: queer geographies of the Fort Bragg region | 2021 | McMenamin, Nathan | Student | Geography, Environment, and Sustainability, UNCG |
MWC 314: a high-luminosity peculiar B[e] star | 1996 | Miroshnichenko, Anatoly S. | Faculty | Physics and Astronomy, UNCG |
MWC 657 - a new peculiar Be star | 1997 | Miroshnichenko, Anatoly S. | Faculty | Physics and Astronomy, UNCG |
The man who came back from the dead | 1972 | Matros, Michael J. | Student | English, UNCG |
‘‘My Baby Is a Person’’: Parents’ Experiences with Life-Threatening Fetal Diagnosis | 2011 | Côté-Arsenault, Denise | Faculty | Nursing, UNCG |
My Father’s Ghost: A Story of Encounter and Transcendence | 2014 | Poulos, Christopher N. | Faculty | Communication Studies, UNCG |
My journey into intercollegiate athletic administration : how it was influenced by feminist ... | 1995 | Lawrence, Bethyna Ann | Student | Education, UNCG |
My painting | 1966 | Bland, Deanna Bland | Student | English, UNCG |
My presence is a disruption for good : exploring the experiences of first-generation adminis... | 2023 | Clency, Shakima M. | Student | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
My progress is our progress: Latinx students pursuing their educational goals at North Carol... | 2021 | Robledo, Isai | Student | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
My quest for meaning: wishes of adult women learners | 2011 | Richardson, Sydney Davis | Student | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
My relationship to paint | 2007 | Birmingham, Stephanie R | Student | Studio Art, UNCG |
My work | 1976 | Rice, Robert McConnell | Student | Art, UNCG |
Mycological provisions: an a/r/tographic portraiture of four contemporary teaching artists | 2014 | Kennedy, Christopher Lee | Student | Educational Studies, UNCG |
Mycopyranone: A 8,8'-binaphthopyranone with potent anti-MRSA activity from the fungus Phiale... | 2019 | Cech, Nadja B. | Faculty | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Mycopyranone: A 8,8'-binaphthopyranone with potent anti-MRSA activity from the fungus Phiale... | 2019 | Oberlies, Nicholas | Faculty | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Mycopyranone: A 8,8'-binaphthopyranone with potent anti-MRSA activity from the fungus Phiale... | 2019 | Raja, Huzefa A. | Faculty | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Myosin heavy chain kinase A from Dictyostelium possesses a novel actin binding domain that c... | 2006 | Steimle, Paul A. | Faculty | Biology, UNCG |
Myosin Isoform Shifts and Decreased Reactivity in Hypoxia-Induced Hypertensive Pulmonary Art... | 1998 | Oberlies, Nicholas | Faculty | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Myotis septentrionalis Trouessart (Northern Long-eared Bat) Records from the Coastal Plain o... | 2009 | Kalcounis-Rüppell, Matina C. | Faculty | Biology, UNCG |
"Myself yet not quite myself" : Jane Eyre, Wide Sargasso Sea, and a third space of enunciati... | 2005 | Reavis, Serena | Student | English, UNCG |
Mysticism and ritual : a processual framework for dance as social transformation | 1991 | Hunt, Peggy | Student | Education, UNCG |
Mythbusting In A Time of High Gasoline Prices | 2008 | Brod, Andrew C. | Faculty | Economics, UNCG |
A mythic canon of education : response to political and spiritual alienation | 1988 | Joyce, Roma Bowen | Student | Education, UNCG |
Myths : perceiving and ordering within high-intensity phenomena | 1971 | Poole, Michael | Student | Art, UNCG |
Myths about Tax Cuts | 2003 | Brod, Andrew C. | Faculty | Economics, UNCG |
Myths and realities of ageism and nursing | 2002 | Letvak, Susan A. | Faculty | Adult Health Nursing, UNCG |
Myths, morals, and models : implications for special education | 1976 | Milner, Edward Willis | Student | Education, UNCG |