Rachel Olsen

  • Social Sciences Librarian
  • University Libraries, UNCG

There are 27 included publications by Rachel Olsen :

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
Asynchronous Instruction using HyperDocs [Slides] 2018 578 Slides from a webinar for the North Carolina Library Association's Distance Learning Section "Webinar Wednesdays" event on April 25, 2018.
Building Bridges & Boundaries: Transitioning to Online First-year Experience Instruction [Slides] 2022 204 Presentation given at LAUNC-CH 2022 on March 14, 2022 related to the experience of transitioning library instruction for large enrollment introductory courses from an in-person format to an online format. Panel presentation.
Canvas modules as a follow-up to in-person instruction [Slides] 2018 322 Slides from a presentation given at the online NC-BIG instruction round up on July 25, 2018.
Capstone courses and projects 2020 1133 Capstone experiences are required of many students in their final year of undergraduate study in colleges and universities across the United States and the world. A senior capstone is meant to be a culminating project representing the synthesis of a ...
Census 101 [Slides] 2020 281 Presented as part of the UNCG University Libraries Research & Applications Webinar Series. A basic overview of the Census and its purpose, as well as basic tips on using the Census Bureau's website to find data.
Creating library tutorials to provide flexibility and customized learning in asynchronous settings 2022 1559 Online tutorials that provide flexible and up-to-date information on library resources and research concepts are a vital service in academic libraries. At the University of North Carolina Greensboro, librarians created a platform providing multiple o...
Creating New Online Research Tutorials: Flexible Skills & Connecting to Student Learning Outcomes [Slides] 2020 199 Describes planning, execution, and assessment of the UNCG University Libraries tutorials project, which began in 2019 and is ongoing. Co-presented with Samantha Harlow as part of the 2020 Association of College and Research Libraries Distance and Onl...
The Embedded Librarian Model in Traditional vs. Online Political Science Courses 2023 847 The ongoing evolution of the “information ecosystem,” including the increased, effectivelyinstantaneous availability of information, the growing number of platforms and sources, and theactive spread of disinformation and misinformation (Hochschild an...
Embedding Information Literacy Into a Political Science Course Across Semesters [Poster] 2021 161 Poster presented at the North Carolina Library Association Biennial Conference in October of 2021. Describes a multi-year collaboration with a Political Science professor as an embedded librarian in an African Political Systems course. Co-presented w...
First-Year Instruction Generations: Library Instruction for CST 105 [Slides] 2020 300 Presented as part of the UNCG University Libraries Virtual Learning Community. Provides background & context as well as information about future directions for library instruction collaborations with CST 105, the basic course in Communication at UNCG...
FYE book project [Slides] 2018 288 Slides from a presentation given at the online NC-BIG instruction round up on July 25, 2018.
The Grateful Dead Course @ UNCG: Peace, Love, and Library Collaborations [poster] 2019 392 Poster presented at the NCLA Biennial Conference in Winston-Salem, NC in October 2019 and the Virginia Library Association Conference in Norfolk, VA in October 2019.
Hispanic & Latin@ Students at UNCG - Their Library Perspectives and Experiences [Slides] 2020 321 Presented as part of the UNCG University Libraries Virtual Learning Community. Presents research & initial findings of a project in progress related to Hispanic & Latin@ students at UNCG.
The Lending Cupboard at UNCG University Libraries: A Pilot Project [poster] 2023 140 Description: Poster presented at the North Carolina Library Association's 2023 biennial conference in Winston-Salem, NC about the library's lending cupboard initiative.
Librarians in the Lead: Redesigning the First Year Experience Curriculum from Scratch at a Liberal Arts College [Slides] 2018 375 Slides from a presentation presented at the Personal Librarian and First Year Experience Library Conference in Cleveland, OH.
Libraries, Canvas, and Online Courses [Slides] 2020 229 An overview of UNCG University Libraries integration into Canvas courses at UNCG. Co-presented with Samantha Harlow and Jenny Dale virtually at the 2020 ADAPT conference at UNCG which was held from June 8-12, 2020.
Mass Planning, Delivery, and Assessment of Library Instruction Online: One Team’s Experiences [Poster] 2021 170 Poster describing the transitioning of CST 105 library instruction at UNCG from completely in person to completely online and asynchronous using Canvas. Presented at the 2021 Academic Libraries of Indiana Information Literacy Conference virtually.
Multiple models of online instruction for a first year communications course [Slides] 2019 337 Slides from a presentation given January 10, 2019 at the North Carolina Library Association's Distance Learning Section meeting.
RASS Buzz Session: Skeletons, seeds, and sewing machines! Unique non-book items to circulate at your library [slides] 2020 237 Slides and link to presentation from an NCLA RASS (Reference & Adult Services Section) discussion from February 19, 2020.
Redesigning Online Library Tutorials Based on the ACRL Framework [slides] 2019 301 Slides from a lightning talk given at the NCLA Biennial Conference in Winston-Salem, NC in October 2019.
Revamping First Year Instruction Through Multiple Means [slides] 2019 337 Slides from a presentation given at the NCLA Biennial Conference in Winston-Salem, NC, October 2019.
Staying organized in your professional life [Slides] 2020 231 Presented as part of the UNCG University Libraries Virtual Learning Community. Focuses on tips and tricks for organizing events, meetings, and more.
Take a CHANCE: Academic Library Outreach to Hispanic and Latinx High School Students [slides] 2019 488 Slides from a presentation given at the NCLA Biennial Conference in Winston-Salem, NC in October 2019.
Tech Tools for Brainstorming & Keyword Formation [Slides] 2019 254 Slides from a lightning talk given at the January 9, 2019 meeting of NC-LITe (North Carolina Library Instructional Technology).
UNCG Libraries, Information Literacy Instruction, and a Pandemic [Slides] 2021 195 COVID-19 has forever shifted all of higher education, and UNCG Libraries had to shift many resources and services online at the same time all courses went virtual in Spring 2020. UNCG Libraries Research, Outreach, and Instruction (ROI) department mov...
Using Goosechase to make library visits more engaging [Slides] 2017 915 Slides from a presentation presented at the NC-LITe conference at Guilford College in December 2017.
Writing groups and the library: Building community and supporting scholarship [Slides] 2023 131 Slides from a presentation given October 18, 2023, for the North Carolina Library Association (NCLA) Biennial Conference. From the creation of training materials, workflow documentation, and marketing content to the authorship of articles, presentati...