Acceptance And Commitment Therapy And Heavy Episodic Drinking Among College Students: An Exa... | 2019 | Kirkpatrick, Jamie | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Acceptance-Based Interventions For Direct Care Staff: An Assessment Of Need | 2016 | Erath, Tyler | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Achievement Motivation In Hispanic University Students: Associations With Reasons For Attend... | 2017 | Gizdarska, Simona | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
ADHD Traits, Emotion Dysregulation, And Romantic Relationship Satisfaction In College Studen... | 2020 | Davenport, Toria Renee | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
The Administration Effect Of Hartman's Basic Thematic Apperception Test Set On Anxiety, Depr... | 1984 | Crenshaw, Jr., Edwin E. | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Adult ADHD Traits And Selective Visual Attention | 2020 | Mondlak, Zachery | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Adult Attachment And Workplace Romance Motives: An Examination Of The Association Between Ro... | 2017 | Belinda, Casher | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Against The Odds: Preschoolers, Like Adults, Predict Outcomes That Are Desirable But Unlikel... | 2016 | Morgan, Zachary Hollingsworth | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Age Differences In Emotional Response To Future Events | 2018 | Steinbicker, Natalie | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Aggressive Behavioral Effects Of Display Water By Dominant And Subordinate Siamese Fighting ... | 1978 | Vickery, J. David | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Aggressive Behaviors Among College Students: Parental Factors, Callous-Unemotional Traits, A... | 2017 | Gruenwald, Chelsea Elisabeth | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Alcohol Use and Blood Flow in College Men: The Relationship with Personality | 2015 | Belhumeur, Jacqueline | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Alphabet Knowledge Interventions And Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Need For Mnemonics Or Motiv... | 2020 | Poythress, Haley Christine | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Alpha Activity, Anxiety, And Distraction | 1976 | McDonald, Robert D. | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Ambition In Women: An Investigation Of Achievement Motivation And Psychological Adjustment | 1982 | Jennings, Louise | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Amp Up The Wrappers: Multiple Metacognitive Wrappers Do Not Improve Student Academic Perform... | 2020 | Chambers, Jessica M. | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Anagram Solution Ability: A Function Of Verbal Intelligence | 1974 | Moon, Thomas W. | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
An Analysis And Application Of The Major Psychological Concepts For The Religious Educator-C... | 1960 | Methvin, R.H. | Student | Education - Student, ASU |
An Analysis Of Violence Victimization, Substance Use, And Gender As Predictors Of Violence P... | 2018 | Codella, Enzo | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Another Look At Milgram: The Role Of Reflection Time And Normative Information In Obedience ... | 2017 | Udry, Jessica | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Anxiety Sensativity Mediates The Relationship Between Exercise Frequency And Anxiety | 2016 | Abraham, Chelsea | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Anxious People Report Less Emotional Distancing While Imagining Negative Future Events | 2019 | Scroggs, Cameron | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Applicant Reaction To Facebook Screening: A Cross-Cultural Examination | 2020 | Fyler, Jarod | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
The Application Of Self-Management Techniques To The Development Of Social Skills In Psychot... | 1976 | Young, Jr., J. Henry | Student | Clinical Psychology - Student, ASU |
Approach To Studying: Contributions Of Goal Orientation And Motivation For Attending Univers... | 2017 | Rodriguez, Lucia | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Assertiveness, Locus Of Control, And Body Image In Anorexia Nervosa And Bulimia | 1985 | Krishnamurthy, Radhika | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Assessing College Students' Mental Health Needs: A Process Example Using Nominal Groups And ... | 1983 | Caison, Walter B. | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Assessing The Efficacy Of A Self-Administered Treatment For Social Anxiety Disorder In The F... | 2018 | George, Daniel Lewis | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
An Assessment Of Attitudinal Rigidity In Relation To Age And Abstract Intelligence | 1982 | Austin, Sharon Story | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
An Assessment Of Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner Experience And Training On Mock Jurors’ Decis... | 2021 | Ferreira, Patricia A. | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Attempts To Debias Wishful Thinking In The 2016 U.S. Presidential Election | 2017 | Norris III, Victor L. | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, Stress, and Quality of Life in Adulthood | 2010 | Combs, Martha Anne | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Attitudes Toward Psychologists As Revealed On The Semantic Differential As A Function Of Edu... | 1973 | Bradley, Jr., John K. | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Attractiveness Stereotype, Severity of Illness, and Perceptions of a Child Target: Does C... | 2012 | Telk, Alexandra | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Attrition And Covid-19: Two Factors That Limited The Analysis Of The Calm Carpe Diem Gatekee... | 2021 | Wiggins, Abigale | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Autism: The Effects of a Label on Social Acceptability and Desirability of a Child | 2013 | DeLustro, Laura Marie | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Awareness, Attention, Acceptance: How Mindfulness As An Emotion Regulation Strategy Could Re... | 2018 | Knight, Rebekah C. | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Baby-Led Weaning: A Study Of Infant Feeding Practices Using A US Sample | 2018 | Currie, Katelyn E. | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
BASICS For Alcohol Use In College Students: Impact Of Choice On Anxiety | 2017 | Kirschner, Brittany | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
A Behavioral Approach For The Control Of Inappropriate Behaviors In A Special Education Day ... | 2021 | Bracy, III, Odie Lawrence | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Biofeedback And Relaxation: The Role Of Individual Differences | 1983 | Rawson, Jane Carol | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Biofeedback And The Role Of Paradoxical Instruction | 1984 | Anderson, Lofton V. | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Birth Order, Sex, And The Rod-And-Frame Test | 1972 | Reighard, Patton B. | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Blaming Blamers: Differential Obligation To Punish For Third-Parties Compared To Victims | 2019 | Gardner, Tessa Jean | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Body Image Distortion In Hospitalized Children | 1978 | Royster, Lucy Kimball | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Boundary Extension and Perceived Motion | 2014 | Hinnant, Sarah G. | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Breast Self-Examination Among College-Aged Females: An Intervention Study | 2011 | Toomey, Kelsey J. | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Bullying Victimization As A Predictor Of Anabolic-Androgenic Steroid Abuse In A Nationally R... | 2018 | Loeza, Angelo Cruz | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
CALM CARPE Diem Gatekeeper Training For Resident Assistants | 2020 | Wilson, Michaela | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
The CALM Gatekeeper Training Is Associated With Increased Confidence In Suicide Prevention S... | 2017 | Rosen, Melanie Rae | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
A Case Study Of The Effects Of Ritalin On The Performance Of Two Children | 2021 | Terrant, Susan | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Catharsis And Aggression: The Effects Of The Sex Of The Annoyer | 2021 | Brown, Jr., Charles H. | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Cerebral Dominance And Creativity As Measures Of Cognitive Style In A Schizophrenic Populati... | 1979 | Conder, Robert | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Characteristics Of Women Experiencing Bulimia And The Incidence Of This Eating Disorder Amon... | 1983 | Hazlett, Gary Allen | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Child Temperament And School Readiness: Surgency/Extraversion, Negative Affect, Effortful Co... | 2017 | Van Doren, Hannah Suzanne | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
The Choice Of Employment Status As A Function Of Socioeconomic Status And Marital Adjustment... | 1982 | Rodenhizer, Sheila | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Chronic Ruminators Remember More Episodic Details Of A Recent Upsetting Event | 2019 | Milstead, Savannah | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Clarifying Sadomasochism In The Realm Of Sadistic Nomenclature | 2021 | Charbeneau, Kelsey Brook | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Client And Therapist Factors Influencing Premature Termination Of Psychotherapy In A Communi... | 1982 | Helms, Richard W. | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Clothing Size Dissatisfaction: A Stronger Predictor of Size-related Avoidance than Body Mass... | 2011 | Maphis, Laura Elizabeth | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
The College Persistence Questionnaire: Developing Scales to Assess Student Retention and Ins... | 2011 | Lindheimer, Jacob Benjamin | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
College Readiness: Differences Between Students With And Without ADHD | 2017 | Ranson, Loren M. | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Committed Romantic Relationships in Couples with ADHD: Subtypes, Conflict Resolution and Sat... | 2010 | Tabor, Lindsey S. | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
A Community Program For Chronic Schizophrenics: A Look At Outcome Effectiveness | 1982 | Gay, Jean Murray | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
The Comparability Of WISC-R And WAIS-R Performances Among Educable Mentally Handicapped Chil... | 1984 | Berrier, Jean Marie | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
A Comparative Study Of Word Association Evaluation Methods In Process-Reactive Schizophrenic... | 1977 | Scott, David Michael | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
A Comparative Study: Progressive Muscle Relaxation, Autogenic Training, EMG Biofeedback, And... | 1983 | Bhatnagar, Neerja Swaroop | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Comparison Between Groups Of Teachers On Locus Of Control And Philosophy Of Education | 1981 | Eggers, Vanessa Craig | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
A Comparison Of Androgynous/Non-Androgynous Evaluations Of Sex-Related Stories | 1978 | Witcover, Carolyn Wallace | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Comparison Of Cohabiting, Married, And Dating Couples On Sex Typing, Adjustment, And Dyadic ... | 1980 | Nelson, Bruce | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
A Comparison Of Memory Span And Absolute Judgement In Three Adult Populations | 1977 | Chestnut, Wilbur H. | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
A Comparison Of Selected MMPI Personality Scales Among Assaultive, Sexually Assaultive, And ... | 1983 | Buckaloo, Rachel Jane | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
A Comparison Of Teacher Ratings Made By Students With High And Low Discrepancies Between Cou... | 1970 | Odom, Sylvia Southard | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Comparison Of Total Time Performance Between Task-Motivational Instructions And Hypnosis Tra... | 1976 | Wilson, Donald A. | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
A Comparison Of WISC-R Intelligence Scores With Scores Of The Talent Assessment Program Of M... | 1982 | Sullivan, James Davis | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Compliance In Preschool Children As Related To Nurturance, Nonnurturance, And Nurturance Wit... | 1974 | DeBell, Susan M. | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Computerized Placement Tests As A Predictor Of Success In College Level Mathematics Courses ... | 1997 | Wooldredge, Richard Wistar | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Confident Bastards: The Influence Of Advisor Confidence And Likeability On Advice Taking | 2020 | Norris III, Victor L. | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Confirmatory Factor Analysis of the Anxiety Sensitivity Index-3 | 2011 | Zawilinski, Laci L. | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Conformity Behavior In Schizophrenics | 1979 | Garner, Thomas Mitchell | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Consistencies And Inconsistencies In Personality Ratings Among Knowledgeable Other Reporters... | 2017 | Gillespie, Megan E. | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Conversations About Drinking: College Student Perceptions of Personal and Peer Drinking | 2012 | Smith, Sarah Courtney | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Correlates Of Subjective Well-Being In Chronically Ill Older Persons | 1982 | Graham, Katherine Shelley | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
A Correlation Of Prejudice With Creativity | 1974 | Green, Gloria Diane | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
A Correlational Study Of The Clyde Mood Scale And The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inve... | 1974 | Franklin, Larry Douglas | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
The Cost of Participation: Reducing Response Effort to Increase Participation and Quality in... | 2012 | Boitnott, Michael Keith | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
The Counseling On Access To Lethal Means (CALM) Gatekeeper Training Improves Confidence In S... | 2019 | Bianco, Amanda | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Course Engagement as a Mediator between Student-Instructor Personality Fit and Academic Outc... | 2010 | Lackey, Matthew W. | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Can Preschool Age Children Be Grouped By Temperament? A Quantitative Analysis Of Survey Dat... | 2015 | Dagenbach, Jana | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Crisis Intervention With Clients Displaying Thought Disorders: Definition Of A Treatment Mod... | 1983 | Unsworth, Rosemary S. | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
DART: A Data Analytics Readiness Assessment Tool For Use In Occupational Safety | 2020 | Compagnone, Maira | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Decision-Making, Role Expectation And Marital Adjustment Of Dual-Career Couples | 1982 | Hollingsworth, Lisa Ann | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Deconstructing The Unskilled-And-Unaware Problem: Examining The Effect of Feedback on Misest... | 2015 | Hood, J. Chase | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Decreased Cognitive Functioning In Depression: A Result Of Inherent Deficits Or A By-Product... | 2017 | Hardin, Kathryn | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Dementia Worry: Does Public Stigma Predict People’s Concerns About Developing Dementia | 2022 | Leonard, Taylor | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
The Desirability Bias Beyond Dichotomous Outcomes | 2019 | Smith, Cassandra | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Detection of Physiological and Affective Desensitization to Violent Video Games Using Facial... | 2012 | Read, Glenna Lee | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Determined To Conform? Addressing The Need To Replicate Free Will Effects | 2019 | Smith, Rebecca Nicole | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Development Of Drawing Skills In Young Children: Contributions Of Nonverbal And Verbal Abili... | 1996 | Brendle, Kimberly Moretz | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Development Of An Electronic Future-Thinking Task: A Pilot Study | 2019 | Foster, Brittany | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
The Development Of A Neurotic Styles Inventory | 1979 | Siek, Beth D. | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
The Development Of The Parole Success Scale | 1977 | Boykin, Lynn | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Differences In Dimensions Of Sleep Among LGBTQ College Students | 2019 | Jester, Alexxis | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Differences In Personality Characteristics Of A Younger Male Sibling In A Two-Child Family A... | 1982 | Reedy, John Arthur | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Differences in Self-Reported Somatic Anxiety Symptoms in Rural and Urban Older Adults | 2013 | Urbaniak, Anna | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Disruptive And Nondisruptive Students' Awareness Of The Consequences Of Disruptive Behavior | 1973 | Strosnider, J. Steve | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Do Images Of Aesthetic And Non-Aesthetic Female Athletes Have The Same Impact On Objectifica... | 2021 | Segers, Micalee | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Do Motor Actions Influence Creative Cognition? A Replication Of Friedman And Förster (2002) | 2018 | Eshenbaugh, Brooklyn | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Do Our Cell Phone Photographs Reveal Our Personalities? | 2018 | Kirby, Michaela | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Do People Really Think They Are Alone In A Crowd Of Sheep?: Replication And Extension Of Pro... | 2020 | Plowman, Kailey E. | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Do Racial And Ethnic Differences Exist In Hospital Utilization And Concurrent Psychiatric Di... | 2019 | Moniz, Shayla | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Do Stereotypes Simplify Cognitive Processing? Examining The Cognitive Toolbox Through A Repl... | 2021 | Henesy, Erin | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Does Child Temperament Predict Student-Teacher Relationship Quality? | 2010 | Holt, Heather Ann | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Domestic Violence: Perceived Likelihood Of Violence As A Function Of Situation And Sex Of Ag... | 1982 | Sherman, Adrian C. | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Don’t Get Your Hopes Up: The Influence Of Advice To Decrease Expectations On Disappointment ... | 2021 | Rivera, Sydney M. | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Don’t Touch That: Manufacturing Management And Employee Risk Perceptions Directing Safety St... | 2022 | Parks, Catherine Elizabeth | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Dose Response Effects of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy in a Rural School Mental Health Progra... | 2015 | Kirk, Alex | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Dual-Task Costs and the Role of Inhibitory Control in Non- Inferential Theory of Mind Proce... | 2012 | Schmenger, Kurt Thomas | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Dumb Talk Among Women: Perceptions Of Its Normativity And How It Is Mediated By Sources Of S... | 2020 | Rozics, Madison | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Edgar Wright As An Auteur | 2020 | Vreeland, Teague M. | Student | Honors College - Student, ASU |
The Effect Of Cottage Parent Expectancy On Reinforcement Administered To Oppositional Childr... | 1974 | Page, Charles Norman | Student | Clinical Psychology - Student, ASU |
The Effect Of Error-Produced Frustration On Subsequent Error | 1972 | Buchanan, Stephen R. | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
The Effect Of Fin Length Changes On Apparent Shaft Length And Depth In The Muller-Lyer Illus... | 2021 | Jaeger, Ted | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
The Effect Of Learned Helplessness On Group Problem Solving Efficiency | 2022 | Ricciardelli, David V. | Student | Clinical Psychology - Student, ASU |
The Effect of Race on Perceptions of Fat Talk among College Women | 2014 | Thornhill, Crystal Jennette | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
The Effect Of Reading Level On MMPI Validity Using An Oral Administration Procedure With A Y... | 1985 | Hartley, William C. | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
The Effects Of Academic Achievement On Self Concept Of The Early Elementary Student | 1978 | Gennett, Shelby Dallam | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Effects of Aerobic Exercise on Carbon Dioxide Reactivity among Individuals with High Anxiet... | 2010 | Price, Chelsea A. | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
The Effects of Aerobic Versus Anaerobic Exercise on Anxiety Sensitivity | 2015 | Tolbert, Aimee | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
The Effects Of Alcohol Dosage And Dosage Expectancy On Aggressiveness And Assertiveness | 1978 | Kreutzer, Jeffrey Scott | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
The Effects Of Auditory Stimulation And Movement On Performance For The Attention Deficit Di... | 1985 | Dessoffy, Judith Holler | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
The Effects Of Behavioral And Cognitive Therapy With Depressed Adolescent Inpatients | 1977 | Hood, Ronald Roy | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Effects Of Both Anxiety Producing And Non-Anxiety Producing Instructions On Task Performance... | 1973 | Smith, Michael D. | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
The Effects of Child Maltreatment on Fixation Patterns and Emotion Recognition | 2016 | Mohr, Emily | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Effects of Color Perception and Enacted Avoidance Behavior on Intellectual Task Performance ... | 2012 | Thorstenson, Christopher A. | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
The Effects Of Competition And Noncompetition On Productivity | 1978 | Hutchison, Tyler Nye | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
The Effects Of Concentrative Meditation, Receptive Meditation, And A Perceptual-Motor Task U... | 1982 | Colby, Faulder | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
The Effects Of Concrete And Abstract Reinforcement On The Performance Of Institutionalized R... | 1974 | Jones, Terrance Douglas | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Effects of Context Shift on Tolerance to Alcohol and Peak-Interval Behavior in Rats | 2012 | Kulikova, Alexandra | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
The Effects Of Couple Communication Training On Traditional Sex Stereotypes Of Husbands And ... | 1976 | Brown, III, Richard Julius | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
The Effects Of Current Deprivation On Exploratory Behavior | 1977 | Blakley, Barry | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
The Effects Of The Dangerousness Of The Environment In Attribution Of Responsibility To The ... | 1983 | Sain, Kathy D. | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Effects Of Displaying An Instructor’s Face On Learning And Sustained Visual Attention | 2022 | Shoffner, Lane D. | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
The Effects Of Exercise On Body Vigilance | 2017 | Dowd, Correy Lynn | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
The Effects Of Experimental Deception In Behavior Research: A Replication Of The ASCH Confor... | 1973 | Bland, William D. | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
The Effects Of Exteroceptive Feedback VS. Instructional Sets On Cardiac Rate Control | 1979 | Suggs, Donald Lee | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
The Effects Of Feedback And Strength Of The Nervous System On Cardiac Rate Control | 2021 | McDaniel, William F. | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
The Effects Of Feedback Upon Attending Behavior | 1974 | Gallagher, M. Brooks | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
The Effects Of Increased Responsibility And Its Relationship To General Social Adjustment In... | 1974 | Guyer, II, Charles G. | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
The Effects of a Laughter Manipulation on Rumination Regarding an Interpersonal Transgressio... | 2010 | Fondren, Julia C. | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
The Effects Of Lineup Style And Instructions On Eyewitness Accuracy And Confidence | 2019 | Shireman, Samantha Catherine | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
The Effects Of Meditation And Progressive Relaxation On Performance Tasks Requiring Focused ... | 1978 | Jones, C. Wayne | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Effects Of A Motivational Intervention On Pre-Service Teachers’ Provision Of Feedback On Stu... | 2018 | Hintermeister, Rachel | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
The Effects Of N-Length And Number Of Pre-Shift Trials On Resistance To Extinction: A Human ... | 1973 | Wallace, Barbara | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
The Effects of the Natural Environment on Attention Restoration | 2014 | Daniel, Rebecca Marie | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
The Effects Of Nautilus Training On Physical Self-Concept And Self-Satisfaction | 1983 | Teeter, J. Wesley | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
The Effects Of Non-Manipulated Self-Esteem Levels On Cognitive Dissonance In A Forced Compli... | 2021 | Cochran, Michael Wayne | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Effects Of Non-Sex Stereotyped Literature On Sex Role Preference Among Four-Year-Old Childre... | 1977 | Middleton, John Foster | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
The Effects Of The Passage Of Time Within The Learned Helplessness Paradigm And Depression | 1976 | McCants, Robert Marion | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
The Effects Of Patient-Therapist AB Complementarity And Similarity Upon Patients' Ratings Of... | 2021 | Reighard, Fredel Thompson | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Effects of Periodic and/or a Single Exposure to an Enriched Environment on Neural C-fos Exp... | 2013 | White, Wade Cates | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
The Effects Of Perspective Taking And Empathy On Moral Judgments Of Blame And Praise | 2018 | Young, April D. | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
The Effects Of Positive Conditioning And Contingent Reinforcement On Dual Modality Reaction ... | 1979 | Graham, Gregg D. | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
The Effects Of Reading Method On Word Recognition In EMR Children And Changes In Reading Pro... | 1974 | Barnette, Sharon Mildred | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Effects Of Relaxation And Biofeedback Upon Personality Change And Bloodflow Of Rheumatoid Ar... | 2021 | Kirk, Janice Branch | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
The Effects of Sexualized versus Performance Images of Female Athletes on Self-objectificati... | 2014 | Pepper, Amanda Dawn | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
The Effects Of Social Status On Blame Judgments | 2018 | Carroll, Charles Tanner | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
The Effects Of State-Trait Anxiety And Task Difficulty On Paired-Associates Learning | 1976 | Reeves, Robert Anthony | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
The Effects Of Stereotyped And Nonstereotyped Literature On Children's Achievement-Motivatio... | 1981 | Robertson, Franci Gaye | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
The Effects Of Stress, Creativity And Gender On Anagram Performance | 1981 | Thomas, Cynthia Dawn | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
The Effects Of Time Of Day And Label Of Experiment On Volunteering Behavior | 1976 | Ellis, William Fayssoux | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
The Effects Of Token Reinforcement And Self-Recording On The Self-Medicating Behavior Of Ins... | 1974 | Thomas, Donald | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
The Effects Of Training And Practice On Purdue Pegboard Scores Of Moderately And Severely Re... | 2021 | Parks, Carol S. | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Efficacy And Acceptability Of An Online Group Intervention For ADHD In College Students | 2022 | Johnson, Maggie Witherspoon | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
The Efficacy Of Live Versus Taped Progressive And Autogenic Relaxation On Reducing Two Measu... | 1980 | Goodman, Benny | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Empathy as an Antecedent of Social Justice Behavior | 2015 | Cartabuke, Matthew | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Empirical Evaluation Of "Clinic": A Computer Simulation Technique | 1973 | Johnson, Douglas S. | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Empowerment, Feminism and Self-Efficacy: Relationships with Disordered Body Image and Eating... | 2010 | Kinsaul, Jessica Abaigeal | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Enrichment Effects On Object-In-Place Task Performance In The Adolescent Rat Are Due To Task... | 2017 | Johnson, Hannah | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Enrichment Influences Social Preference Behavior In Older Female And Male Adolescent Rats | 2017 | Skinner, Holly | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Environmental Enrichment Influences Social Preference Task Behavior And Neural Activity In A... | 2020 | Wood, Makayla | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Environmental Enrichment Promotes Adaptation to Environment Rearrangement in Younger but not... | 2015 | Cobb, Dana | Student | Psychology - Student , ASU |
Environmental Enrichment's Effects On Exploration And Response to Novelty in Adolescent Rats... | 2016 | Artz, Elisabeth | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Episodic Future Thought: Contributions From Working Memory | 2012 | Hill, Paul Faxon | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Episodic Positive Future-Thinking: Anxiety, Depression, And Hopelessness | 2021 | Foster, Brittany | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Evaluating The Needs Of Female Student Service Members And Veterans In Higher Education | 2017 | Barry, Abigail Jean | Student | Psychology - Student , ASU |
Evaluation Of Direct Services Of A Comprehensive Community Mental Health Center: A Retrospec... | 1974 | Maynard, John Stephen | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Evaluation of the Effectiveness of the Mindfulness-Acceptance-Commitment (MAC) Approach in R... | 2015 | Plemmons, Mitchell | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Everyone Else Is Doing It (I Think): The Power Of Perception And Society In Fat Talk | 2016 | Rogers, Courtney Bramblett | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
An Examination of Differences Associated with Age of Diagnosis in Adults with Attention-Defi... | 2012 | Egan, Theresa Elizabeth | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
An Examination Of Drunkorexia: Calorie Regulation Prior To Alcohol Consumption Among College... | 2019 | Shriver, Caroline Grace | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
An Examination Of The Effects Of Quality Circles On Job Satisfaction In Industry | 1985 | Hughes, Jeannene | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Examination Of Gender And Age Differences In Disgust Sensitivity | 2018 | Sarsony, Laura | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
An Examination Of Multidimensionality In The Locus Of Control Contruct: Its Relationship To ... | 1975 | Kaylor, Daniel R. | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
An Examination Of SAT Scores, EPPS Subscale Scores, And HSPR In Predicting College GPA While... | 1980 | Byerly, Tim M. | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
An Examination Of The Utility And Validity Of Two Screening Devices For Organic Brain Syndro... | 2022 | Ballard, III, John Franklin | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Examiner Effects On WISC-R Scoring | 1978 | Henderson, Jo E. | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Examining the Influences of an Audience and Individual Differences on Risk-Taking Behavior | 2015 | Rule, Shanon Martin Smukler | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Examining The Relationship Between Anxiety And Test Performance: Is Personality A Moderator?... | 2021 | Leslie, Jacob | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Examining The Relationship Between Decision-Making Styles And Job Search Behaviors | 2018 | Nield, Liam | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Examining The Relationship Between Experiential Avoidance And Attentional Bias Using Eye-Tra... | 2017 | Kelso, Kerry C. | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Examining The Relationship Between Job Search Behaviors And Personality | 2019 | Parkins, Taylor | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Examining The Validity Of A Composite Measure Of Core Items On The CAMS Suicide Status Form ... | 2023 | Holt, Kimberly A. | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Exercise: An Alternative Solution For Reducing Experiential Avoidance | 2018 | Rosenbaum, Nicole | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
An Exploration of Interventions Used by Occupational Therapists | 2015 | Lee, Nicholas | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
An Exploratory Investigation In The Use Of Biographical Data To Predict Success Of Child Psy... | 2021 | Davis, IV, Alonzo J. | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
An Exploratory Study Among Values, Intelligence, And Other Variables | 1970 | Blue, Ronald C. | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
An Exploratory Study: The Effects Of Chronic, Long-Term Marijuana Use On Depth Perception | 1975 | McKinnon, Terri | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Exploring Gender and Weight Loss Motivators | 2014 | McMichael, Alana D. | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Exploring The Relationships Among Dark Personality And Basic Affective Traits | 2022 | Davis, Kaleb R. | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Extrinsic Inhibition of the Inferior Colliculus during Audiogenic Seizures: Effects of Unila... | 2010 | Morgan, Amy M. | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Eye Movement, Visual Attention, And ADHD Traits | 2017 | Saint, Zachary McKinley | Student | Psychology - Student , ASU |
Facilitators And Barriers Of Parental Engagement In Social Emotional Learning Programs For M... | 2022 | Whitaker, Courtney | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
A Factor Analysis Of Suggestibility And Religiosity Measures | 1985 | Davila, Rafaela | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Factors Contributing To The Recent Increase Of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Diag... | 2016 | Gray, Morgan | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Factors Influencing The Use Of Mental Health Resources Among Hispanic/Latinx Adults In The U... | 2022 | Apostolico, Hannah | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Family Perceptions Of Parent-Child Relations In Relationship To The Assertiveness Of College... | 1985 | Neilson, Patricia Buckner | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
The Fantasy Of Wealth: Attracting College Graduates Into The Workforce | 2018 | LaTowsky, Nile Arthur | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Fat Talk And Romantic Relationships: Does Fat Talk Affect Relationship Satisfaction And Sexu... | 2019 | Miles, Cassidy Jordan | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Fat Talk Is Perceived As More Detrimental To Romantic Relationships Than Other Forms Of Self... | 2020 | Murray, Sidney | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Feedback And Instructions In Verbal Discrimination Learning | 1978 | Ferrante, Alfred Paul | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Female Sex Role Characteristics As A Function Of Sexual Preference | 1980 | Campbell, Helen J. | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Further Evaluation Of The Trial-Based Functional Analysis | 2016 | Standish, Cassandra | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
The Fuzziness Of Whiteness: An Exploration Of Latinx Discrimination Through The Use Of Dehum... | 2019 | Pinto, Amanda | Student | Philosophy and Religion - Student, ASU |
Gender Biases in Eyewitness Memory: Recall and Recognition | 2015 | Baker, Melissa A. | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Gender Differences in Mathematics Curriculum-Based Measurement in Third through Eighth Grade... | 2012 | Dickerson, Laura Katherine | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Gender Differences in Written Expression Curriculum-Based Measurement in Third Through Eight... | 2010 | Parker, Patricia D. | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Gender Differences, Social Roles, And Treatment Responses: Are Female Adolescents Better Res... | 2018 | Hauser, Holly M. | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
A General Study Of Aggression In Athletic Groups | 1977 | Cox, David A. | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Habituation Of The Orienting Response (OR) In Extroverts And Introverts As A Function Of Sti... | 1978 | Cox, Ronald Howard | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Heart Rate And Frequency Of Rocking In Normal Adults | 1975 | Smith, Peter | Student | Psychology & Biology - Student, ASU |
Hemispheric Specialization For Linguistic And Nonlinguistic Tactual Perception In A Congenit... | 1976 | LaBreche, Thomas Michael | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Her Own Worst Enemy: The Relationship Among Fat Talk, Weight Teasing, And Disordered Eating ... | 2019 | Francis, Lauren | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
A Hierarchical Factor Analysis of a Safety Culture Survey | 2011 | Frazier, Christopher B. | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
How Do We Forgive?: An Empirical Framework for the Underlying Processes of Overcoming Interp... | 2014 | Cochran, Karly Ann | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
How Emotional Intelligence Affects LMX Relationships | 2014 | Head, Ian Michael | Student | Management - Student, ASU |
How Gender And ADHD Traits Affect Romantic Relationships | 2020 | Knauer, Aliesha Marie | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
How Narcissism And Social Media Can Affect Relationships | 2020 | Bossow, Bailey | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
How Skin Color Discrepancy In Women Of Color Relates To Perceived Racism, Colorism, And Skin... | 2023 | Selani, Shraddha | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
A Human Analogue Of Incentive Contrast Effects | 1973 | Davis, Bonnie Lee | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Hyperkinesis: An Examination Of Diagnostic Terms Among Physicians | 1976 | Moses, Albert N. | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
The Impact Of Evidence Presentation On False Confessions | 2016 | Mackinnon, Alexandria Louise Brown | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Impact Of Instagram’s Body Positive Vs Muscular Ideal Images On Men’s Body Image | 2023 | Prowten, Skyler Diane | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
The Impact of Prior Experience With Cross-Modal Stimulation on Activation of Bipolar and Mul... | 2013 | Crane, David Andrew | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
The Impact Of Stress On Memory: Does Arousal Timing Affect Individual Susceptibility To Misi... | 2021 | Whisman, Celia | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
The Importance of Freshman Experiences in Predicting Students’ Retention Decisions | 2010 | Gore, Jessica Nicole | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Impression Management In Chronic Schizophrenics And Schizo-Affective Disorders As A Function... | 1980 | Bramble, J. Michael | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Increasing Sales by Managing the Interlocking Contingencies Between Sales Representatives an... | 2013 | Copeland, Jason E. | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Incremental validity of psychological flexibility, anxiety sensitivity, and mindfulness in t... | 2015 | Bergquist, John J. | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Individual Differences In Personality Perception From Text Messages | 2017 | Rhoades, Nicholas | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
The Influence of Candidate Gender, Incumbent Gender, and Job Position on Hiring Decisions i... | 2014 | Light, Sarah | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
The Influence Of Demand Characteristics And Psychosocial Stereotypes On Menstrual Cycle Mood... | 1985 | Ruble, Kay | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
The Influence Of Gender-Stereotyped Interests On Ratings Of A Perceived Homosexual | 1985 | Watkins, Charles Penn | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
The Influence Of Personal Narrative Information On Attitudes Towards Syringe Exchange Progra... | 2020 | Jordan, Hannah Elizabeth | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
The Influence Of Racial Integration On The Achievement-Oriented Behavior Of Black And White ... | 2021 | Grace, III, Joseph Glover | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
The Influence Of Reappraising Anxiety On Risk-Taking | 2016 | Ebert, Eva | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Influence of Working Memory, Strategy, Experience, and Emotionality on a Prisoner’s Dilemma ... | 2012 | Tucker, Wilson C. | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Influences Of Physical Attractiveness And Smoking History On Attributions Of Blame, Empathy,... | 2017 | Pruitt, Zachary | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Informants’ Race And Accent Influence Preschoolers’ Uptake Of Irregular Nouns And Verbs | 2018 | Hancock, Margaret | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Integration, Navigation, And Organization: An Exploration Of Two Spatial Processing Loops Us... | 2021 | Godfrey, Charlotte Heloise | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Intellectual And Personality Characteristics Of Non-Punitive Segregated Inmates | 1981 | Core, Kenneth Wayne | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
The Intellectual And Personality Characteristics Of The North Carolina Presentence Diagnosti... | 1976 | Johnson, Patricia Ann | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Intent To Receive A Covid-19 Vaccination Among College Students: Theory Of Planned Behavior ... | 2022 | Davis, Kelly M. | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Interaction Of Anxiety Level, Lecture Atmosphere, And Testing Atmosphere On Test Scores | 1973 | Carter, Janice Lee | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Interaction Of Simple Pattern Elements In Stereopsis | 2021 | Rhodes, James W. | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Intergenerational Parenting Styles: The Consistency Of Parenting Styles Across Generations I... | 2017 | Knight, Erin | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Interpersonal Emotion Regulation And Online Social Support For Depression: A Review | 2018 | Huff, Katrina | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Interpersonal Influences On The Menstrual Cycle | 1981 | Allen, Susan E. | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Introversion-Extroversion In Relation To Performance On Repetitive Search Tasks | 1979 | Kowalczyk, Stanley | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
An Investigation of Executive Functioning’s Association with Social Aptitude | 2014 | Hilton, Dane C. | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
An Investigation Of The Tree-Trauma Hypothesis | 1982 | Yearick, Kenneth Howard | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
An Investigation On Whether Social Values Moderate The Relationship Between Risk Taking And... | 2018 | Palmieri, Michael Ryan | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Is Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy Effective in Reducing Internalizing Symptoms in the Context ... | 2013 | Albright, Abby E. | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Is It The Medications Or The Symptoms? Examining Perceptions Of ADHD In College Students | 2019 | Cave, Mia Jamison | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Is Knowledge Power? An Investigation of Mock Jurors’ Perceptions of CSA Victim Credibility | 2014 | Anderson, Alissa Z. | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Is A Person’s Memory Of News Exposure Related To Their Attitudes Towards Transgender Individ... | 2019 | Sams, Allison | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Job Compatibility Correlates Of Resident Assistant Work Behavior | 1998 | Laughlin II, Darrell R. | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Job Insecurity And Organizational Commitment In The Time Of COVID-19 | 2021 | Ferguson, Cori | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Joint Attention During Early Mealtimes And The Influence Of Weaning Style | 2022 | Martin, Taylor G. | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Juror Perceptions Of Victim Credibility In Cases Of Intimate Partner Rape: An Evaluation Of ... | 2021 | Walton, Kimberlin | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Jurors’ Judgments and the Media: Is All Pretrial Publicity Equal? | 2013 | Jarrett, Jennifer L. | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
The Latent Structure of Social Anxiety Disorder: A Taxometric Analysis | 2012 | Boyers, Grace Bliss | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Learning Disabilities: A Monograph | 1974 | Leatherwood, Steve J. | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Leisure Time Preferences Of Student Veterans | 2017 | Edwards, Heather M. | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
A Life History Approach To Perfectionism | 2019 | Brochu, Hadley Caitlin | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Links Between The Creative Practice Of Art And Empathy In Existing Literature | 2020 | Hoyle, Kate | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
A Literature Review Of The Behavioral And Academic Outcomes Attributed To INSIGHTS Into Chil... | 2021 | Bair, Taylor | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Locus Of Control And Social Inhibition Among College Females In A Nonemergency Situation: Wh... | 1984 | Cunningham, James Marsh | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Managing Workplace Sexual Harassment: The Role of Training Diversity, Quantity, and Recency | 2010 | Buckner, Grant E. | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Marriage Role Expectations, Marital Adjustment And Paternal Involvement In Dual-Career Coupl... | 1982 | Curtis-Eller, Karen | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Maternal Attitudes And Maternal Behaviors In A Free-Play And Achievement Task Situation | 1977 | Hammel, Jennifer Marian Waters | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Measuring Distress Tolerance: Development And Validation Of The Multidimensional Distress To... | 2018 | Thomas, Kelsey | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Media Exposure and Body Dissatisfaction: The Roles of Thin-Ideal Internalization and Social ... | 2015 | Davis, L. Alison | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Memory Reflected in Our Decisions: Working Memory and Risky Choice Framing | 2010 | Corbin, Jonathan Charles | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Memory Span, Task Complexity And Sentence Length In Normal School Age Children | 1979 | Roberto, Nicholas J. | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Mindfulness And Suppression As Emotion Regulation Strategies For Sadness | 2018 | Zweig, Mary | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Mindfulness Influence On Stress In The Observation Of A Human-Animal Interaction | 2022 | Lee, Savannah | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Mitigating Pretrial Publicity With A Cognitive Interview | 2019 | Jackson, Hannah Marie | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Modeling Help Seeking Intentions In Victims Of Intimate Partner Violence: A Conceptual Repli... | 2023 | Pearce, Elizabeth Susanne | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
A Multiple Baseline Drug Withdrawal Study In A Progressive Social Environment | 1977 | McAllister, Jr., Robert W. | Student | Clinical Psychology - Student, ASU |
Naming And Morality: How Having A Name Influences Perceptions Of Mind And Moral Status | 2020 | Wyngaarden III, James B. | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Narcissism and Performance in a Management Education Teamwork Project | 2012 | Felty, Ryan James | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
National Study Of The Association Between Interpersonal Violence In Dating Relationships And... | 2017 | Funaro, Jennifer Katherine | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Need For Cognition And Need For Closure: Two Potential Moderators Of Systematic Blame Updati... | 2022 | Taylor, Andrew M. | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
The Need For Control In Anorexia Nervosa | 1981 | Williams, Pamela | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Negative Parenting in Childhood Differentially Affects the Adjustment of College Students Wi... | 2014 | Stevens, Anne E. | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Neural Activity In The Amygdala Of Young Rats Evoked By One Or More Seizures | 2016 | Andersen, Haley K. | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Neural Activity In Amygdala Subdivisions Evoked By Periodic And/Or Single Enriching Experien... | 2019 | Peggs, Carly Ann | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
The Nomological Network of Fit: Where Do Different Fit Measurements Fit? | 2011 | Jackson, Heather G. | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Non-Suicidal Self-Injury and Suicidal Self-Injury: A Taxometric Investigation | 2012 | Orlando, Carissa Mary | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Occupational Stereotyping And Children's Evaluations Of Adults In Nontraditional Roles | 1981 | Gettys, Linda Dassow | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
The Occurrence Of The Spiral Aftereffect In Children | 2021 | Goodwin, Martha Susan | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
On The Nature Of Neural Activity In The Hippocampal Formation: Effects Of Periodic And/Or Ac... | 2018 | Pavelka, Meghan N. | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Only You Can Prevent Discrimination: Testing The Effects Of Autonomy-Promoting Anti-Prejudic... | 2022 | Plowman, Kailey E. | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Organ Donation Decision Making Among Non-Catholic Christians: An Expansion of the Theory of ... | 2013 | Dobbins, Erin | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Parenting Styles, Educational Level Of Parents, And Social Competence In Preschool Aged Chil... | 1987 | Brewer, Lisa Carol | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Parents' Attitudes And Children's Perceptions Of Parenting Styles In Delinquency | 1986 | Davison, Sherrie Lynn | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
The Partial Validation Of The Hysterical And Obsessive Compulsive Scales Of Seik's Neurotic ... | 1985 | Farmer, Craig | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Perceived Control And Childhood Maltreatment Predict Adult Anxiety And Traits Of Secondary P... | 2017 | DeLisle, Alexa | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Perceptions Of The Counseling And Psychological Services Center At Appalachian State Univers... | 1977 | Stancill, Larry Author | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Perceptions Of Juvenile Offenders Who Were Maltreated As Children | 2019 | Reis, Samantha Eva | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Perceptions Of Parenting And College Student Alcohol Use | 2017 | Moss, Stephanie E. | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Perceptual Differences Of The Family By Parents And Their Adolescents In Delinquent And Non-... | 1979 | Kohn, Frank D. | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Perfectionism As A Moderator Of The Organizational Constraints—Job Satisfaction Relationship... | 2016 | Gongaware, Sofie Fannette | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Perfectionism in India Compared to America: A Cross-Cultural Internet-Based Assessment | 2014 | Semcho, Stephen | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Performance Of Children Experiencing School Work Difficulty On The Graham-Kendall Memory-For... | 1978 | Carpenter, Alan J. | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
The Perruchet Effect In Electrodermal Responses To Pictures | 2021 | Richardson, Elijah | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Personality Differences Between Adolescent Female Cigarette Smokers And Nonsmokers | 1985 | Carswell, Carol A. | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Personality, Intelligence, and Attractiveness Judgments: The Accuracy of First Impressions | 2011 | Nelson, Lyndsay A. | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Piagetian Formal Thought As A Function Of Sex, Spatial Visualization And Verbal Reasoning | 1980 | Williams, Linda Haynsworth | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Placebo Expectancies as a Mechanism in the Psychological and Physiological Benefits of Physi... | 2010 | Wullimann, Simon | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Play Hard, Sleep Harder: Relationship Between Time Spent Playing Videogames And Sleep | 2018 | Hudson, Amanda N. | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Polyvictimization Of Interpersonal Violence And Mental Health In College Women | 2020 | Imoh, Amaka | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Positive And Negative Reappraisal As Love Regulation Strategies In College Students | 2020 | Carnes, Austin | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Predecisional Information Distortion of Trial Evidence: Biased Processing Under Persuasion | 2015 | Marshall, Lindsay D. | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Predicting Adolescent Adjustment: Maternal Depression And Social Competency | 1997 | Childs, Holly Forrester | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Predicting Extrapunitive And Intropunitive Hostility In A Juvenile Correction Population | 1981 | Woods, Gary R. | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Predictive Validity of Mathematics-Curriculum Based Measurement | 2011 | Reynolds, Sara Browning | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Preliminary Evidence For Two Independent Learning Mechanisms Via Electrodermal Responses To ... | 2017 | Graves, Andrew J. | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Preschoolers Think Strangers Will Share The Same Knowledge As Other Group Members, But Will ... | 2018 | Norris, Megan | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Preschoolers, Parents, and Peers: Child Temperament and Parenting Styles as Predictors of Pe... | 2012 | Struby, Jessica Dominique | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Prime Time? A Look At The Effects Of Circadian Mismatch On Stereotype Reliance | 2016 | McClelland, Robert Alexander Indiana | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Progressive Relaxation Versus Music On Reduction Of Anxiety In A Prison Setting | 2022 | Schrum, David M. | Student | Clinical Psychology - Student, ASU |
Properties Of Simultaneous Discrete Occasion Setters | 2016 | Jacobs, Ian R. | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Psychometric Validation Of Buy-In Measures From The PS/Rti Evaluation Tool | 2016 | Kittner, Kaylie | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
A Qualitative Analysis Of The Mental Health Experiences Of Black Appalachian Residents | 2022 | Moniz, Shayla R. | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Quantifying Quality: Using Quantitative Methods To Evaluation Observation Quality And Its Im... | 2022 | Matthews, Charles Riggs | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Racial Bias And Its Relationship With Moral Blame | 2017 | Heath, Reagan T. | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Rate And Method Of Suicide Attempts In The US Between 1992 And 2010: Geographic And Demograp... | 2017 | Brazille, Morgan | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Reactions To Two Types Of Incest Offenders As A Function Of Their Past | 1982 | McGovern, Henry N. | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Reading Between The Lines: A Text Analytics Exploration Of Social Emotional Learning | 2022 | Blackburn, Adam Scott | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Recollected Pressure to Eat in Childhood Predicts College Student Eating Behaviors | 2015 | Ellis, Jordan Michael | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Recovering Alcoholics: Depression, Anger, And Assertiveness | 1983 | Knouse, Virginia Horsman | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
The Reduction Of Aggression And Hyperactivity In Profoundly And Moderately Retarded Institut... | 1980 | McGimsey, James F. | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Reform Is Necessary: An Analysis of the United States Healthcare System after the Patient Pr... | 2015 | Yoder, Sarah | Student | ASU |
Reinforcement Sensitivity and Regulatory Focus Predict Perfectionism | 2013 | Mautz, Charles Palmer | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
The Relationship Between Certain Personality Factors And Self-Disclosure In A Female Populat... | 1977 | Austin, John E.W. | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
The Relationship Between Creativity And Fluid Intelligence | 1972 | Patterson, Diane S. | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
The Relationship Between Generalized Anxiety In Mothers And Social Activity In Their Childre... | 1974 | Tate, David Lawson | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
The Relationship between Mountaintop Coal Removal and Adolescent and Young Adult Risk Behavi... | 2015 | Steele, Ellen Elizabeth Hunt | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
The Relationship Between Perceived Criticism And Psychotherapy Outcome In A Sample Of Outpat... | 2018 | Capps, Rachel Elizabeth | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
The Relationship Between Psychopathic Traits and Criminal Success, Criminal Behavior, and Ag... | 2019 | Byas, Jamie Taylor | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
The Relationship Between Psychotherapy Styles And The Personality Typology As Measured By Th... | 1984 | Foster, Karen Sims Renier | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
The Relationship Between Roommate Satisfaction And Personality Type As Measured By The Myers... | 1978 | Wentworth, Margaret T. | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
The Relationship Between Selected Demographic, Intellectual, And Experiential Variables And ... | 1978 | Hawkins, Vanessa Maria | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
The Relationship Between The Spiral Aftereffect Test And Electroencephalographic Records In ... | 2021 | Segars, Anne Moorhead | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
The Relationship Between Trait Anxiety And Personality Type As Measured By The Myers-Briggs ... | 1982 | Schneider, Gordon D. | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
The Relationship Of Passive Versus Aggressive Mode Of Expression To Academic Achievement | 2021 | Cook, Louise Lampron | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Relationship Protection Against Attractive Alternatives | 2016 | Davis, Caroline Elizabeth | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Relationship-Contingent Self-Esteem As A Moderator Of Borderline Personality Features And Ma... | 2020 | Rufino, Sierra M. | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
A Reliability Study Of The Personality Assessment Report | 1976 | Temple, Jean D. | Student | Clinical Psychology - Student, ASU |
Religion and Its Effects on Organ Donation Intentions: Diversity within Non-Catholic Christi... | 2013 | Sale, Rafaella | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Reported Sexual Behavior And Attitudes Of Appalachian State University Students: A Compariso... | 1974 | Kewatt, Linda Janelle | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Resistance to Change: Teacher Variables That May Influence Acceptance of Curriculum-Based Me... | 2014 | Gonsiewski, Matthew Austin | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Response Suppression And Recovery In The Mongolian Gerbil As A Function Of Shock Duration | 1973 | Curley, Michael D. | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Retrieval of Episodic Autobiographical Memories in Older Adults | 2014 | Burkett, Heather Elizabeth | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Risk Taking, Anxiety And Social Value | 2017 | Wylie, Makayla | Student | Psychology - Student , ASU |
Risk-Taking Behavior As A Function Of Perceptual Augmentation And Reduction | 1974 | Coffey, Smith D. | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Role Congruence And Affective States | 1984 | Stallings, Lisa Ann | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
The Role Of Disgust Sensitivity In Disordered Eating Symptomology | 2019 | Hamilton, Jordan James | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
The Role of Persons and Situations in Lay Predictions of Behavior | 2010 | Saunders, Kristin M. | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
The Role Of Race On The Prevalence Of And Perceived Response To Workplace Sexual Harassment | 2022 | Sterling, Alexa K. | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
The Role Of Schema Congruence In Mock Jurors’ Judgments Of Sexual Assault Cases | 2018 | Ferrone, Ciera Jade | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
The Role Of The Self Concept On Interpersonal Relationships: A Study Of Dormitory Counselors... | 2021 | Sherrill, Jeannie | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
The Role Of Stigma, School Connectedness, And Depression In School-Based Mental Health | 2016 | Schorr, Marisa Gabrielle | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
The Role Of Trans' Stories In Reducing Transprejudice | 2019 | Ridges, Jeane' D. | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Role-Taking Ability And Sharing Behavior In Elementary School Children | 1977 | DeSmidt, Judith A. | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Romantic Media Exposure’s Effect On Relationship Beliefs And Expectations | 2022 | Ray, Catelyn R. | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
“S/he’s Got it Goin’ On”: Exploring Ethnic Differences in Body Talk | 2013 | Forman, Mallory Jaye | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Satisfaction With Tangible And Intangible Rewards Among Elementary School Teachers | 2021 | Clary, Lindsay | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Scholastic Aptitude Test Mathematics Subscores As A Subject Variable In Levine's Blank Probe... | 1976 | Locke, Price Coleman | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
School Mental Health Providers Self-Efficacy In Managing Suicide | 2019 | Smith, Rebekah | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Seething But Quiet: Power Differentially Affects Public Vs. Private Expressions Of Blame | 2016 | Ferber, Lauren Renae | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Self-Concept Among Seventh Grade Students: Its Relationship To Intelligence And Academic Ach... | 1985 | Buff, Ann | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
The Self-Concept Of Learning Disabled Students In Two Different Service Delivery Models | 1979 | Elksnin, H.N. | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Self-Evaluation And Depression: The Effects Of Self-Esteem Versus Self-Acceptance On Measure... | 1983 | Speckhard, Sara Louise | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Self-Reported Physical Health Does Not Predict Declining Cognitive Health In Older Adults | 2019 | Sloan, Caroline | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Semantic Consistency in Boundary Extension | 2013 | LaCombe, Daniel Charles | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Single-Session Growth Mindset Intervention As A Precursor To School Mental Health Services F... | 2021 | Walker, Emma M. | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Social Media and Employee Recruitment: Too Much Pain For Not Much Gain? | 2013 | Acikgoz, Yalcin | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Society And The Psychopath: An Examination Of Psychopathy Relating To Social Motivation And ... | 2018 | Savastano, Louis | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Spare The Rod: Preschoolers’ And Their Mothers’ Perspectives Of Spanking From Within And Out... | 2019 | Sariol-Clough, Marissa | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Specific Personality Attributes Of Child-Abusing Mothers | 2023 | Shuford, Kathryn H. | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Staffing a Major Academic Medical Center During a Long Term Disaster | 2010 | Grosshuesch, Ariel R. | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Stereotype Content: The Speed Of Mental State Inferences | 2018 | Ysidron, Dominic | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Stigma Of Mental Illness And Substance Use Disorders: Does Religious Fundamentalism Play A R... | 2019 | Rowe, Emily A. | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Stigma Towards Mental Health Treatment Among College Students: A Test Of An Interactive Onli... | 2015 | Goetzl, Megan Blair | Student | ASU |
Stress-Induced Analgesia Through Video Game Play | 2010 | Jocoy, Kathleen A. | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
String-Mediated Inertial Force-Based Haptic Perception Of Disk Diameter | 2018 | Magaldino, Corey M. | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
The Structure And Functioning Of Social Support Systems Of Married, Single, And Divorced Mot... | 1990 | Flowers, Anita Fraley | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Student personality, classroom environment, and student outcomes: A person-environment fit a... | 2011 | Pawlowska, Dagmara Katarzyna | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
A Study Of Psychological Factors During Pregnancy And The Relationship To Labor, Delivery, A... | 1984 | Ridley, Kathryn Smith | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
A Sudy Of The Relationship Between Cognitive And Noncognitive Measures Of Creativity And Loc... | 1979 | Lyday, Nancy Louise | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
A Taxometric Analysis Of Panic Disorder | 2021 | Hall, Christian A. | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Teacher Perceptions, Use, And Knowledge Of Applied Behavior Analysis-Based Techniques | 2017 | Reeves, Anna | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Temporal Processing And Sluggish Cognitive Tempo In College Students | 2019 | Sorrell, Anne Elizabeth | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Testing The Courts' Assumptions About Using Juror Rehabilitation In A Child Sexual Abuse Cas... | 2022 | Castrogiovanni, Hannah D. | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
The Tests Of Basic Experiences And The Screening Test For Assignment Of Remedial Treatments ... | 2022 | Gibson, Darryl G. | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
The Therapeutic Alliance In The Context Of A Brief Motivational Intervention For College Stu... | 2019 | Feather, Abigayle Ruth | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Threatening The Self-Concept: How Grandiose And Hypersensitive Narcissism Relate To Comparat... | 2021 | Schilling, Jade E. | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Token Economy System For Mentally Retarded Adults In A Group Home Setting | 1980 | Martorana, Guy R. | Student | Psychology & Special Education - Student, ASU |
Tracking Bias: Using Eye-Tracking To Measure The Effects Of Cognitive Control In Hiring Situ... | 2018 | Wagner, Richard Blake | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Treatment Preference For Major Depressive Disorder | 2017 | Szucs, Taylor | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Trigger Warning: More Empirical Evidence For The Priming Effects Of Trigger Warnings Ahead | 2019 | Griffin, Lucas | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Trust-Choice Incompatibility and the Role of Automatic Activation | 2011 | Conrad, Jacob N. | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Two Methods For Increasing Self-Disclosure | 1980 | Potter, Jr., Benjamin Franklin | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Understanding Gender Patterns: Early Stage Development of a Gender Neutral Body Talk Scale | 2012 | Warren, Allison Rae | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
The Use Of Autobiographical Memory Training To Improve Dementia Symptoms And Prevent Cogniti... | 2023 | Vonderhaar, Helen | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
The Use Of Behavior Rehearsal To Teach Phone Skills To Developmentally Delayed Adults | 1977 | Efstation, James Farthing | Student | Clinical Psychology - Student, ASU |
Use of a Brief Cognitive-Behavioral Intervention to Address Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity-... | 2013 | Eddy, Laura Downs | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
The Use Of Offender Background Variables As An Aid In Selecting Offenders For Prison Work An... | 1977 | Black, John Bartow | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
The Use Of A Token Economy System In The Treatment Of School Delinquents | 1976 | Buffone, Gary Warren | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Using Expectancy-Value Theory to predict intent to conform in elementary school students | 2015 | Wentworth, Bethany | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Using Facebook As A Pre-Employment Screen: A Case Study Of Text Analytics | 2017 | Modi, Bhavik | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Using The Theory Of Planned Behavior To Predict Clinician’s Intention To Use CALM | 2020 | Smith, Caitlin Marie | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
The Utility of CNS Vital Signs as an Indicator of Adult Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Diso... | 2010 | Cook, Jared F. | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Validating The Safety Measurement Culture Survey: Assessing Employee Safety Reporting | 2021 | Young, Ava M. | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
The Validation Of A Neurotic Styles Inventory | 1982 | Franklin, Richard K. | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
The Validity Of Suggestibility As A Defining Feature Of The Hysterical Personality | 1984 | Hilts, Darolyn | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
A Validity Study Of The North Carolina Psychoeducational Screening Test | 1978 | Gorrell, Ralph W. | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Variables Related To Duration Of Outpatient Treatment In A Community Mental Health Center | 2022 | McQuellon, Richard P. | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Violence Victimization And Perpetration: Potential Mediators Of The Relationship Between Sex... | 2019 | Walker, Emma M. | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
What Did She Just Say?: Development Of Vignettes That Effectively Manipulate Women's Fat Tal... | 2018 | Morsch, Madison | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
What’s At Play In The Field Of Play? Towards A Better Understanding Of Play’s Role In Develo... | 2022 | Burchard, Abigail Faith | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
What’s The Damage? Covid-19 Academic Impact Among High School Students | 2021 | Melzer, Austin Michael | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
What’s In A Name?: Preschoolers Treat A Bug As A Moral Agent When It Has A Proper Name | 2017 | Pister, Hailey Luralyn | Student | Psychology - Student , ASU |
Who Is Better At Identifying At-Risk Behavior? Leader Versus Employee Processes To Implement... | 2020 | Laske, Matthew M. | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Will You Lie Even If I’ll Find Out? The Dark Triad, Deception, And Ex Post Transparency | 2017 | Harris, Samantha | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Youth With Disabilities In Foster Care: Prevalence, Barriers And Long-Term Effects | 2020 | Feeny, Katie R. | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |
Youthful Offenders' Causal Attributions As A Function Of Personality Styles | 1983 | Frank, Susan Adams | Student | Psychology - Student, ASU |