P{acute}erez-S{acute}anchez, Naomy. | ECU | Student |
Pabst, Ashley Dawn | Honors College - Foreign Languages, UNCP | Student |
Pabst, D. Ann | Biology and Marine Biology, UNCW | Faculty |
Pabst, Jennifer | ECU | Student |
Pace, David Lee | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG | Student |
Pace, Margaret | ECU | Student |
Pace, Nikita Shah | Music, UNCG | Student |
Pace, William | ECU | Student |
Pack, Jessica Elaine | Biology - Student, ASU | Student |
Pack, Julie A. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG | Student |
Packer, Susan LaLynn | Chancellor's Scholars, UNCP | Student |
Packer, Susan LaLynn | Chancellor's Scholars Council, UNCP | N/A |
Packheiser, Marigold | CPN, UNCG | N/A |
Padgett, James Edward | Biology - Student, ASU | Student |
Padgett, Jonnie Googe | Library Science - Student, ASU | Student |
Padgett, Joseph E. | Sociology, UNCG | Student |
Padgett, Patricia R. Satterfield | Education, UNCG | Student |
Padilla, Jubilee Olivia Luceal | History, WCU | Student |
Padilla, Miguel A.,Zhang,Guili | ECU | Student |
Padlubnaya, Diana B. | Psychology, UNCW | Student |
Padmanabhan, Parvathi | Consumer, Apparel, and Retail Studies, UNCG | Student |
Padrick, Lee. | ECU | Student |
Paek, Eun Jin | ECU | Student |
Pafford, Joan M. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG | Student |
Pagan, Lorissa Charis | Economics, UNCG | Student |
Paganelli, Francesca | ECU | Student |
Pagano, Marcello | ECU | Student |
Page, Amy Dellinger | Sociology, ASU | Faculty |
Page, Charles Norman | Clinical Psychology - Student, ASU | Student |
Page, Courtney E. | ECU | Student |
Page, Cynthia Joan | Art, UNCG | Student |
Page, James Cary | ECU | Student |
Page, Ray | ECU | Student |
Page, Stephen Leon | Education, UNCG | Student |
Page, Susan K | Studio Art, UNCG | N/A |
Pagedar, Nitin A. | ECU | Student |
Pagliari, Leslie R. | ECU | Student |
Pagliaro, Pasqualepaolo | ECU | Student |
Pagoto, Sherry L | ECU | Student |
Paguigan, Noemi D. | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG | Student |
Pahl, Jennie | ECU | Student |
Pahl, Matthew | ECU | Student |
Pahl, Matthew | ECU | Student |
Pahl, Matthew J | ECU | Student |
Pai, Tanusree | Software and Information Systems, UNCC | Student |
Paige, Samantha R,Miller,M David,Krieger,Janice L,Stellefson,Micha | ECU | Student |
Paige, Samantha R. | ECU | Student |
Paige, Samantha R. | ECU | Student |
Paige, Samantha R. | ECU | Student |
Paige, Samantha R.,Damiani,Rachel E.,Flood-Grady,Elizabeth,Krieger | ECU | Student |
Paige, Samantha R.,Stellefson,Michael,Krieger,Janice L,Anderson-Le | ECU | Student |
Paila, Hari Srinivas Kalyan | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG | Student |
Painter, Benjamin Thomas | Chemistry - Student, ASU | Student |
Painter, Janet | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG | Student |
Painter, Jason Lawrence | ECU | Student |
Painter, Jennifer Lee | ECU | Student |
Painter, Lorene Huffman | Education, UNCG | Student |
Painter, William Keith | Geography - Student, ASU | Student |
Painting, Bradley | Sustainable Technology & the Built Env. - Student, ASU | Student |
Pait, Morgan | Biotechnology Research and Training Center, UNCP | Faculty |
Pak, Elena S. | ECU | Student |
Pak, Elena S. | ECU | Student |
Pak, Elena S. | ECU | Student |
Pak, Stephen C. | ECU | Student |
Pakala, Pranaya | ECU | Student |
Pakala, Pranaya | ECU | Student |
Pakala, Pranaya | ECU | Student |
Pal, Amitangshu | Electrical and Computer Engineering, UNCC | Student |
Pala, Venkatesh Reddy | ECU | Student |
Palakshappa, Deepak | ECU | Student |
Palazzolo, John Matthew | Kinesiology, UNCG | Student |
Palestrant, Christopher | Music and Visual Arts, ECSU | Faculty |
Palethorpe, Samantha | ECU | Student |
Palethorpe, Samantha | ECU | Student |
Paling, Jason S. R. | ECU | Student |
Palko, Erin. | ECU | Student |
Palko, Meghan | English, ECU | Student |
Pallozzi, Megan E | ECU | Student |
Palm, Paul Werner | Music, UNCG | Student |
Palmadessa, Allison L. | Educational Studies, UNCG | Student |
Palmer, Autumn B. | ECU | Student |
Palmer, Brooke Patrice | ECU | Student |
Palmer, Caitlin | ECU | Student |
Palmer, Caitlin D. | ECU | Student |
Palmer, Erica Marie | Government and Justice Studies - Student, ASU | Student |
Palmer, Erin H. | School of Music, UNCG | Student |
Palmer, George Melvin | Education, UNCG | Student |
Palmer, Jacqueline | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG | Student |
Palmer, James Horton | Education, UNCG | Student |
Palmer, Lilly | ECU | Student |
Palmer, Michael R | ECU | Student |
Palmer, Nathan A | ECU | Student |
Palmer, Nicholos | Honors College, Poli Sci & Public Admin, UNCP | Student |
Palmer, Ruth Ann Pugh | Education, UNCG | Student |
Palmer, Vera Jane | Educational Leadership, ECU | Student |
Palmer-Moloney, Laura Jean | Coastal Resources Management, ECU | Student |
Palmieri, Michael Ryan | Psychology - Student, ASU | Student |
Palpal-latoc, Nicole | English, WCU | Student |
Paludan, Marsha M | THE, UNCG | N/A |
Palumbo, Jennifer L. | ECU | Student |
Paluzzi, Joan E. | Anthropology, UNCG | N/A |
Paluzzi, Mikayla Krystyna | ECU | Student |
Palvia, Prashant | Information Systems and Supply Chain Management, UNCG | Faculty |
Pamarthy, Rahul | ECU | Student |
Pamarthy, Rahul | ECU | Student |
Pamarthy, Rahul | ECU | Student |
Pamarthy, Rahul | ECU | Student |
Pamarthy, Rahul | ECU | Student |
Pamarthy, Rahul | ECU | Student |
Pamarthy, Rahul | ECU | Student |
Pan, Cynt | ECU | Student |
Pan, Kai | Software and Information Systems, UNCC | Student |
Pan, Wei | ECU | Student |
Pan, Xiaoping | ECU | Student |
Pan, Xiaoping | ECU | Student |
Pan, Xiaoping | ECU | Student |
Pan, Xiaoping | ECU | Student |
Pan, Xiaoping | ECU | Student |
Pan, Xiaoping | ECU | Student |
Pan, Yu | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG | Student |
Pan, Zhiliang | Mechanical Engineering and Engineering Science , UNCC | Student |
Panasik, Gina M. | Biology and Marine Biology, UNCW | Student |
Pandit, Bigyan | ECU | Student |
Pandit, Hitanshu | Economics, UNCG | Student |
Pandolfi Jr., Gary S. | Biology - Student, ASU | Student |
Pandoria, Mahima | ECU | Student |
Paneth, Nigel | ECU | Student |
Paneth, Nigel | ECU | Student |
Pang, Herbert | ECU | Student |
Pang, Yefei | ECU | Student |
Pang, Yeifei | ECU | Student |
Pangaro, Louis N. | ECU | Student |
Panico, Michele | ECU | Student |
Pankonin, Jean | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG | Student |
Pannell, Joan Rowena | English, UNCG | Student |
Panneton, Bruce E | ECU | Student |
Panneton, Bruce Edward | ECU | Student |
Panneton, Robin Kay | Psychology, UNCG | Student |
Pannkuk, Evan Lacy | Biology - Student, ASU | Student |
Pant, Anup | ECU | Student |
Pantazis, Christopher John | Biology, UNCG | Student |
Papa, Veronica | ECU | Student |
Papalas, Anthony J. | ECU | Student |
Papalas, John | ECU | Student |
Papalas, John | ECU | Student |
Papariello, Alexis | ECU | Student |
Papariello, Alexis | ECU | Student |
Pappalardo, Francesco | ECU | Student |
Pappalardo, Francesco,Russo,Giulia,Candido,Saverio,Pennisi,Mar A.,Nicoletti,Ferdinando,Libra,Massimo | ECU | Student |
Pappalardo, Paula | ECU | Student |
Pappas, Caroline M | ECU | Student |
Pappas, Thomas C. | Music, UNCG | Student |
Paquette, David W. | ECU | Student |
Paquette, David W. | ECU | Student |
Paquette, Se´bastien | ECU | Student |
Parade, Stephanie H. | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG | Student |
Paramore, Lee M. | ECU | Student |
Paratore, Jean | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG | Student |
Pardasani, Raj | Geography, UNCG | Student |
Pardi, Vanessa | ECU | Student |
Pardi, Vanessa | ECU | Student |
Pardi, Vanessa | ECU | Student |
Pardi, Vanessa | ECU | Student |
Pardi, Vanessa | ECU | Student |
Pardini, Erin | ECU | Student |
Pardue, Angela Dawn | Government and Justice Studies - Student , ASU | Student |
Pardue, Carson B. | Engineering and Technology, WCU | Student |
Pardue, Patricia E. | Romance Languages-French, UNCG | Student |
Paredes, Daniel Mariano | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG | Student |
Paredes, Maria Adele Brunelli | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG | Student |
Pareja, Vincent | Nursing, UNCG | Student |
Parekh, Kalpaj R. | ECU | Student |
Parekh, Rohan U | ECU | Student |
Parekh, Rohan U | ECU | Student |
Parekh, Rohan Umesh | ECU | Student |
Parekh, Rohan Umesh | ECU | Student |
Parekh, Rohan Umesh | ECU | Student |
Parekh, Rohan Umesh | ECU | Student |
Parent, Teresa | ECU | Student |
Parfitt, Lee M. | Recreation and Parks Management, UNCG | Student |
Parham, David M. | ECU | Student |
Parham, Peter R. | ECU | Student |
Parikh, Alexander A. | ECU | Student |
Parikh, Alexander A. | ECU | Student |
Parikh, Alexander A. | ECU | Student |
Parikh, Alexander A. | ECU | Student |
Parish, Michele K. | ECU | Student |
Parish, William James | Economics, UNCG | Student |
Parisi, Marguerite T. | ECU | Student |
Parison, Adam L. | ECU | Student |
Park, Charles | ECU | Student |
Park, Choongseok | ECU | Student |
Park, Choongseok | ECU | Student |
Park, Choongseok,Clements,Katie N,Issa,Fadi A,Ahn,Sungwoo | ECU | Student |
Park, Eunhee | Family and Community Nursing, UNCG | Faculty |
Park, Jaejun | ECU | Student |
Park, Kelli | Biology - Student, ASU | Student |
Park, Min Chul | Finance, UNCC | Student |
Park, Myoung Gee | Human Environmental Sciences, UNCG | Student |
Park, Samson | ECU | Student |
Park, Sanghee | ECU | Student |
Park, Sunae | Human Environmental Sciences, UNCG | Student |
Park, Yoo Min | ECU | Student |
Park, Yoo Min | ECU | Student |
Park, Yoo Min | ECU | Student |
Park, Yoo Min | ECU | Student |
Park, Yoo Min | ECU | Student |
Park, Yoo Min,Kwan,Mei-Po | ECU | Student |
Park, Youngyong | ECU | Student |
Park, Youngyong,O’Rourke,Samuel,Taki,Faten A.,Alfhili,Mohammad A.,Hee Lee,Myon | ECU | Student |
Park-Braswell, Kyoungyoun | Kinesiology, UNCG | Student |
Parkash, Ratika | ECU | Student |
Parke, Janet E. | Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, UNCG | Student |
Parker, Aaron | ECU | Student |
Parker, Adam Kristopher | ECU | Student |
Parker, Aeryn | ECU | Student |
Parker, Albert E. | ECU | Student |
Parker, Alexander D. | Philosophy and Religion - Student, ASU | Student |
Parker, Ami Michelle | Political Science, UNCC | Student |
Parker, Andrew | ECU | Student |
Parker, Anita C. | ECU | Student |
Parker, Anita C. | ECU | Student |
Parker, Anita C. | ECU | Student |
Parker, Anita C. | ECU | Student |
Parker, Anita C. | ECU | Student |
Parker, Ashley Dawn | Department of Middle, Secondary and K-12 Education, UNCC | Student |
Parker, Benjamin | Philosophy and Religion - Student, ASU | Student |
Parker, Caitlin Brianna | Nutrition and Health Care Management - Student, ASU | Student |
Parker, Carra | Biology - Student, ASU | Student |
Parker, Clint | ECU | Student |
Parker, Cynthia T. | Education, UNCW | Student |
Parker, Daniel Chase | Biology - Student, ASU | Student |
Parker, Daniel H | ECU | Student |
Parker, Deborah Evans | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG | Student |
Parker, Debra Owens | Human Environmental Sciences, UNCG | Student |
Parker, Diane | Nursing, UNCW | Faculty |
Parker, Gladys Ruth | Home Economics, UNCG | Student |
Parker, Hugh C. | Classical Studies, UNCG | N/A |
Parker, J. Clint | ECU | Student |
Parker, James E. | Drama and Speech, UNCG | Student |
Parker, Janis | Art and Design, WCU | Student |
Parker, Jewel Carrie | History - Student, ASU | Student |
Parker, Jewel Carrie | History, UNCG | Student |
Parker, Jill | ECU | Student |
Parker, John Bertram | ECU | Student |
Parker, Joshua David | ECU | Student |
Parker, K. | ECU | Student |
Parker, Kathryn | ECU | Student |
Parker, Keith | ECU | Student |
Parker, Keith | ECU | Student |
Parker, Kelly Suzanne | English - Student, ASU | Student |
Parker, Kevin A. | Biology, UNCG | Student |
Parker, Kristi L. | Sociology, UNCG | Student |
Parker, Leslie | Psychology, UNCG | Student |
Parker, Mary Elizabeth | English, UNCG | Student |
Parker, Michael F. | English, UNCG | N/A |
Parker, Michele | Educational Leadership, UNCW | Faculty |
Parker, Myles | Geography, Environment, and Sustainability, UNCG | Student |
Parker, Nancy Kay | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG | Student |
Parker, Neal | Computer Science, UNCC | Student |
Parker, Norris Darell | ECU | Student |
Parker, Patricia D. | Psychology - Student, ASU | Student |
Parker, Patrick Shane | History - Student, ASU | Student |
Parker, Peter J. | ECU | Student |
Parker, Quinton Douglas | School of Music, UNCG | Student |
Parker, Regina | ECU | Student |
Parker, Ruth D | Educational Leadership, UNCC | Student |
Parker, Sam | Social Work, UNCG | N/A |
Parker, Samuel | SES, UNCG | N/A |
Parker, Sharron Bailey | Home Economics, UNCG | Student |
Parker, Stephen | ECU | Student |
Parker, Stephen Christopher James. | ECU | Student |
Parker, Suzan | ECU | Student |
Parker, Vincent | English - Student, ASU | Student |
Parker, W. Caleb. | ECU | Student |
Parker, Zachary | ECU | Student |
Parker, Zachary | ECU | Student |
Parker-Cote, Jennifer,Meggs,William J. | ECU | Student |
Parkerson Jr., George R.,Eisenson,Howard J.,Campbell,Colin | ECU | Student |
Parkes, Amy Elsie | English, UNCG | Student |
Parkes, Craig A. | Kinesiology, UNCG | Student |
Parkhurst, Hannah | Health and Exercise Science - Student, ASU | Student |
Parkhurst, Jordan | English - Student, ASU | Student |
Parkin, Sara Mackenzie | ECU | Student |
Parkin, Sara Mackenzie | ECU | Student |
Parkins, Taylor | Psychology - Student, ASU | Student |
Parks, Carol S. | Psychology - Student, ASU | Student |
Parks, Catherine Elizabeth | Psychology - Student, ASU | Student |
Parks, Helen Marie | English, UNCG | Student |
Parks, Jacob | ECU | Student |
Parks, Jacob | ECU | Student |
Parks, Joshua W | ECU | Student |
Parks, Justin | ECU | Student |
Parks, Justin C | ECU | Student |
Parks, Lauren | ECU | Student |
Parler, Nicole Erin | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCW | Student |
Parlier, Bethany Megan | Government And Justice Studies - Student, ASU | Student |
Parmelee, Alissa | ECU | Student |
Parmelee, Alissa | ECU | Student |
Parnell, Andrew C. | ECU | Student |
Parnell, Emily Katherine | Anthropology - Student, ASU | Student |
Parnell, Ginger G | DED, UNCG | N/A |
Parnell, J. | ECU | Student |
Parnell, John | Management, Marketing & International Business, UNCP | Faculty |
Parnell, Matthew B. | History, UNCW | Student |
Parnell, Sarah Louise | Home Economics, UNCG | Student |
Parody, Clifford | English, UNCG | Student |
Parr, John C | CSA, UNCG | N/A |
Parra, Juan Carlos | ECU | Student |
Parra-Bueno, Paula | ECU | Student |
Parriott, Jr., Robert Osborne | Biology - Student, ASU | Student |
Parris, Richard Wayne | History, UNCG | Student |
Parris, Rowan Louise | Sustainable Technology & the Built Env. - Student, ASU | Student |
Parrish, Amy E. | Psychology, UNCG | Student |
Parrish, Annette H. | Drama and Speech, UNCG | Student |
Parrish, Bradley | Esther G. Maynor Honors College, UNCP | Student |
Parrish, Christopher Lee | Economics, UNCG | Student |
Parrish, Emma | Appalachian Studies - Student, ASU | Student |
Parrish, Jason S. | Geography, UNCG | Student |
Parrish, Kailee Chappell | ECSU | Student |
Parrish, Leigh Ann | Art and Design, WCU | Student |
Parrish, Michael | Psychology, UNCG | Student |
Parrish, Misty Summer | Recreation Management and Phys. Ed. - Student, ASU | Student |
Parrish, Nicole DeAnne Allman | Biology, WCU | Student |
Parrish, Rebecca | SES, UNCG | N/A |
Parrish, Rosalie N. | SES, UNCG | N/A |
Parrish, Rosalie N. | Specialized Education Services, UNCG | Student |
Parrish, Rudolph Sanders | Mathematical Sciences - Student, ASU | Student |
Parrish, Samantha C | ECU | Student |
Parrish, Samantha C. | ECU | Student |
Parrish, Samantha C.,Dormio,Samantha M.,Richards,Stephanie L.,McCoy, | ECU | Student |
Parrish, Sue | Chancellor's Scholars, UNCP | Student |
Parrish, Trevor | Engineering and Technology, WCU | Student |
Parrish, Wesley | Anthropology and Sociology, WCU | Student |
Parrish, Whitney | ECU | Student |
Parrish, Whitney | Chemistry, ECU | Student |
Parrott, Mattie Grace | ECU | Student |
Parshley, Genevieve | Communication - Student, ASU | Student |
Parsons, Brenda Dake | Education, UNCW | Student |
Parsons, Chelsey | Honors College, Art, UNCP | Student |
Parsons, Lloyd | Social Work, UNCG | N/A |
Parsons, Patti May | ECU | Student |
Parsons, Ryan S. | History - Student, ASU | Student |
Parsons, Seth Arthur | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG | Student |
Partington, Heath S. | ECU | Student |
Partington, Heath Scott | Kinesiology, UNCG | Student |
Paryani, Prerna | ECU | Student |
Pasalar, Celen | ECU | Student |
Paschall, Olivia C. | Geological and Environmental Sciences - Student, ASU | Student |
Pasetto, Silvana | ECU | Student |
Pasetto, Silvana | ECU | Student |
Pashby, Shannon Nicole | ECU | Student |
Pasley, Beatrice Kay | TDM, UNCG | N/A |
Pasli, Melisa | ECU | Student |
Pasli, Melisa | ECU | Student |
Pasli, Melisa | ECU | Student |
Pasour, Katherine Meador | Education, UNCG | Student |
Passmore , Asia | Esther G. Maynor Honors College, UNCP | Student |
Passmore, Gregory G. | ECU | Student |
Passwater, Chelsea | ECU | Student |
Passwater, Chelsea | ECU | Student |
Pasti, Irene | ECU | Student |
Pastore, Catherine | English, UNCG | Student |
Pastva, Amy M. | ECU | Student |
Pasupuleti, Naga Swetha | Civil and Environmental Engineering, UNCC | Student |
Patacsil, Jason A. | ECU | Student |
Patanella, Kenley | Esther G. Maynor Honors College, Biology, UNCP | Student |
Patanella, Kenley Rachel | Biology, WCU | Student |
Pate, Abigail Grace | ECU | Student |
Pate, Gary B.,Jr | ECU | Student |
Pate, Gary Bruce,Jr | ECU | Student |
Pate, Gary DeWeese | Education, UNCG | Student |
Pate, Jenna | ECU | Student |
Pate, Jenna | ECU | Student |
Pate, Russell R. | ECU | Student |
Pate, Sarah Jo | Biology - Student, ASU | Student |
Pate, William | ECU | Student |
Patel, Amit P. | Biology, UNCG | Student |
Patel, Anokhi | ECU | Student |
Patel, Avani S. | Psychology: General - Theoretic, ECU | Student |
Patel, Axita | ECU | Student |
Patel, Ethan | ECU | Student |
Patel, Hetal,R | ECU | Student |
Patel, Himaniben P | ECU | Student |
Patel, Hitesh | ECU | Student |
Patel, Janki | ECU | Student |
Patel, Janki | ECU | Student |
Patel, Janki | ECU | Student |
Patel, Leena Jayesh | ECU | Student |
Patel, M. P. | ECU | Student |
Patel, Meeraben Sunil. | ECU | Student |
Patel, Mitul P | ECU | Student |
Patel, Mohin | ECU | Student |
Patel, Mukund | ECU | Student |
Patel, Mukund | ECU | Student |
Patel, Nidhi | Geology, ECU | Student |
Patel, Nilam | ECU | Student |
Patel, Puja | Psychology, UNCG | Student |
Patel, Roshni H | ECU | Student |
Patel, Sangnya | ECU | Student |
Patel, Sangnya R. | ECU | Student |
Patel, Sangnya T. | ECU | Student |
Patel, Sanjay C. | ECU | Student |
Patel, Shivam P | ECU | Student |
Patel, Tulsi | ECU | Student |
Patel, Vishwa | ECU | Student |
Patel, Yashomati M. | Biology, UNCG | Faculty |
Paterson, Richard | ECU | Student |
Paterson, Shona K. | Coastal Resources Management, ECU | Student |
Pathak, Prasad A. | Geography, UNCG | Student |
Pathak, Shaivya | ECU | Student |
Pathiraja, Gayani Chathurika | Joint School of Nanoscience and Nanoengineering, UNCG | Student |
Pathirannahel, Buddhika Liyana | Chemistry and Physics, WCU | Student |
Patience, Brian J. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG | Student |
Patil, Rohini | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG | Student |
Patil, Shivajirao P. | ECU | Student |
Patillo, Ericka | University Libraries, ASU | Faculty |
Patonay, Bryan | ECU | Student |
Patrick, Angela | ECU | Student |
Patrick, Annie Y | ECU | Student |
Patrick, Ariel A. | English, UNCG | Student |
Patrick, Ervin D. | ECU | Student |
Patrick, Odessa Robinson | Biology, UNCG | Student |
Patrick, Patricia Gail | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG | Student |
Patrick, Sarah Morgan | History - Student, ASU | Student |
Patrick, Wesley | ECU | Student |
Patrick, Wesley S. | Coastal Resources Management, ECU | Student |
Patrick, Wesley S. | ECU | Student |
Patrone, Nicholas A. | ECU | Student |
Patt, Julia Katherine | English, UNCG | Student |
Pattarkine, Rugved | ECU | Student |
Pattaro, Cristian | ECU | Student |
Patten, Mary | ECU | Student |
Patterson, Andrea R. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG | Student |
Patterson, Belinda | ECU | Student |
Patterson, Caitlin | ECU | Student |
Patterson, Cryshelle Schouest | Psychology, UNCG | Student |
Patterson, Daniel Anthony | History - Student, ASU | Student |
Patterson, Dawn Robin | Educational Leadership, UNCC | Student |
Patterson, Diane S. | Psychology - Student, ASU | Student |
Patterson, Donald Franklin | Biology, WCU | Student |
Patterson, E. J. | ECU | Student |
Patterson, Jeffrey M | ECU | Student |
Patterson, Jennifer Lynn | Biology, WCU | Student |
Patterson, Jo-Ellen | Home Economics, UNCG | Student |
Patterson, Karen | ECU | Student |
Patterson, Kelly | Psychology - Student, ASU | Student |
Patterson, Laura | English, WCU | Student |
Patterson, Leigh | ECU | Student |
Patterson, Leigh | ECU | Student |
Patterson, Leigh,Runyon,Michael,Khadpe,Jay,Garg,Manish,Cooney C.,Pearson,David | ECU | Student |
Patterson, Mark C. L. | ECU | Student |
Patterson, Nancy Christine | Social Work - Student, ASU | Student |
Patterson, Pamela C. | ECU | Student |
Patterson, Patricia | English, UNCG | Student |
Patterson, Rachel Marie | English, UNCG | Student |
Patterson, Robert Mitchell | ECU | Student |
Patterson, Robert Mitchell | Anthropology, ECU | Student |
Patterson, Thomas William | Geography, UNCG | Student |
Patteson, Daniel J. | ECU | Student |
Patteson, Daniel J. | ECU | Student |
Patteson, Joseph,R | ECU | Student |
Patton, Anna L. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG | Student |
Patton, Elizabeth Adele | Educational Research Methodology, UNCG | Student |
Patton, Jeffrey C. | Geography, UNCG | Faculty |
Patton, Russell Drew | Psychology, WCU | Student |
Patton, Ryan Allen Wilhelm | ECU | Student |
Patwala, Ashish | ECU | Student |
Patwardhan, Manish | ECU | Student |
Paudel, Nava | ECU | Student |
Paudel, Nirmal | Electrical and Computer Engineering, UNCC | Student |
Paul, Bimal | ECU | Student |
Paul, Charles Livingston | ECU | Student |
Paul, Joanna | ECU | Student |
Paul, Joseph | ECU | Student |
Paul, Joseph W | ECU | Student |
Paul, Joseph W. | ECU | Student |
Paul, Joseph W. | ECU | Student |
Paul, Judith A. | Health and Exercise Science - Student, ASU | Student |
Paul, Paul West,Jr | ECU | Student |
Paul, Ravi | ECU | Student |
Paul, Ravi | ECU | Student |
Paul, Ravi | ECU | Student |
Paul, Sonal | ECU | Student |
Paul, Subhra | Electrical and Computer Engineering., UNCC | Student |
Paul, Theresa Ann Cruz | Human Services, WCU | Student |
Paul III, Joseph W. | ECU | Student |
Pauli, Emily | ECU | Student |
Pauli, Sebastian G. | Mathematics and Statistics, UNCG | Faculty |
Paulino, Brian | Art, UNCG | Student |
Paulk, Dean S. | Human Services, WCU | Student |
Paulley, James T. | ECU | Student |
Paulson, Windi | ECU | Student |
Paustian-Underdahl, Samantha C. | Psychology, UNCC | Student |
Pavao, Kristen Kauper | Psychology, WCU | Student |
Pavel, Ioana | ECU | Student |
Pavela, Gregory | ECU | Student |
Pavelka, Meghan N. | Psychology - Student, ASU | Student |
Pavell, Anthony M. | ECU | Student |
Pavell, Dakota | ECU | Student |
Pavell, Dakota R | ECU | Student |
Paw U, Kyaw Tha | ECU | Student |
Pawar, Rohit R. | ECU | Student |
Pawlak, Roman | ECU | Student |
Pawlak, Roman | ECU | Student |
Pawlak, Roman | ECU | Student |
Pawlak, Roman | ECU | Student |
Pawlak, Roman | ECU | Student |
Pawlak, Roman | ECU | Student |
Pawlak, Roman | ECU | Student |
Pawlak, Roman | ECU | Student |
Pawlik, Jacob | Chemistry - Student, ASU | Student |
Pawlik, Joseph | Biology and Marine Biology, UNCW | Faculty |
Pawlosky, Joseph | English, UNCG | Student |
Pawlowska, Dagmara Katarzyna | Psychology - Student, ASU | Student |
Paxson, Jill C. | Biology and Marine Biology, UNCW | Student |
Paxton, Napoleon Cornel | Software and Information Systems, UNCC | Student |
Paxton, Sara | ECU | Student |
Payir, Ayse | Psychology, UNCG | Student |
Paymon, Holly | Psychology, UNCG | Student |
Payne, Bruce Calvin. | ECU | Student |
Payne, Catherine Ann | Mathematics and Statistics, UNCG | Student |
Payne, Catherine M. | ECU | Student |
Payne, Cathy Chris | Human Environmental Sciences, UNCG | Student |
Payne, Christian | Mathematical Sciences - Student, ASU | Student |
Payne, Elmer Sturgis. | ECU | Student |
Payne, Gloria | Natural Sciences, Pharmacy, & Health Professions, ECSU | Student |
Payne, Harriet | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG | Student |
Payne, Nancy Tilley | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG | Student |
Payne, Roger L. | ECU | Student |
Payne, Susan Luanne | Speech Pathology - Student, ASU | Student |
Payne, Timothy J. | ECU | Student |
Paynter, Ashley Lauren | Nutrition, UNCG | Student |
Paynter, Lauren | ECU | Student |
Payseur, Daniel Keith | Health and Exercise Science - Student, ASU | Student |
Payseur, James Derek | English, UNCW | Student |
Payton, Amanda | ECU | Student |
Payton, Erica | Public Health Education, UNCG | Faculty |
Payton, Fay Cobb | ECU | Student |
Pazdziora, Eric Michael | Music, UNCG | Student |
Peach, M. Sean | ECU | Student |
Peach, M. Sean | ECU | Student |
Peach, Steven J. | History, UNCG | Faculty |
Peachey, Andrew A. | Public Health Education, UNCG | Student |
Peacock, Don Thomas. | ECU | Student |
Peacock, Myrtle Leigh | ECU | Student |
Peacock, Tyler | ECU | Student |
Peacor, Scott D. | ECU | Student |
Peaden, Shannon | ECU | Student |
Peaden, Shannon H. | ECU | Student |
Pearce, Cedric J | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG | Faculty |
Pearce, Daniel | ECU | Student |
Pearce, Elizabeth Susanne | Psychology - Student, ASU | Student |
Pearce, Gregory | Psychology, UNCW | Student |
Pearce, M | ECU | Student |
Pearce, Marianne Lucy | ECU | Student |
Pearce, Rachel | ECU | Student |
Pearce, Robyn | ECU | Student |
Pearce, Susan C. | ECU | Student |
Pearce, Tennillya | ECU | Student |
Pearce, Thomas David | ECU | Student |
Pearcey, Lynne G. | Nursing, UNCG | N/A |
Pearlman, Jessica | ECU | Student |
Pearman, Roger R. | Education, UNCG | Student |
Pearsall, Charlotte N | ECU | Student |
Pearsall, Charlotte N | ECU | Student |
Pearsall, Elizabeth A. | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG | Student |
Pearsall, Sarah J. | Specialized Education Services, UNCG | Student |
Pearsall, Shelby Ann | English - Student, ASU | Student |
Pearson, Adrian D. | Education, UNCW | Student |
Pearson, Caroline | Mathematics and Statistics, UNCW | Student |
Pearson, Daniel R. | ECU | Student |
Pearson, Fran | Social Work, UNCG | Faculty |
Pearson, James | ECU | Student |
Pearson, Jennifer | English, ECU | Student |
Pearson, Katherine | ECU | Student |
Pearson, Leslie | Art, ECU | Student |
Pearson, Michael C. | Joint Program in Social Work, UNCG | Student |
Pearson, Stella | ECU | Student |
Peavler, Mallory | ECU | N/A |
Peavler, Mallory | Exercise and Sports Science, ECU | Student |
Pechanek, Kaitlyn | Psychology - Student, ASU | Student |
Peck, Audrey | ECU | Student |
Peck, Christopher A. | History, UNCG | Student |
Peck, Craig M. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG | N/A |
Peck, Gabrielle M. | ECU | Student |
Peck, Samuel H. | Art, UNCG | Student |
Peck, Susan J. | ECU | Student |
Pecoraro, Tiffany A | ECU | Student |
Pecoraro, Tiffany A. | ECU | Student |
Pecorelli, Harty III | ECU | Student |
Pecorelli III, Harty | ECU | Student |
Peddi, Prakash. | ECU | Student |
Peddle, Timothy Joel | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG | Student |
Peden, David B. | ECU | Student |
Pediaditakis, Nicholas | ECU | Student |
Peebles, Martin D. | ECU | Student |
Peedin, Jonathan | Art, ECU | Student |
Peele, D. | ECU | Student |
Peele, Emily | Biology and Marine Biology, UNCW | Faculty |
Peele, Louise Badham | ECU | Student |
Peeler, Melissa | ECU | Student |
Peeples, Laura Harris. | ECU | Student |
Peerbolte, David Roy | Drama and Speech, UNCG | Student |
Peery, Annette | ECU | Student |
Peery, Annette | ECU | Student |
Peery, Joshua | ECU | Student |
Peery, Joshua G. | ECU | Student |
Peery, Joshua G.,Pasalar,Celen | ECU | Student |
Peets, Risa M. | Nursing, UNCG | Student |
Peggs, Carly Ann | Psychology - Student, ASU | Student |
Peichel, Catherine L. | ECU | Student |
Peifer, Michelle | Vocational Education, ECU | Student |
Peirano, Amanda Kate | Psychology, WCU | Student |
Pekala, Phillip H. | ECU | Student |
Pekala, Phillip H. | ECU | Student |
Pelc, Pamela R. | Education, UNCG | Student |
Pelczar, Patricia L. | ECU | Student |
Pell, John W. | English, UNCG | Student |
Pellegrini, Elisabeth | ECU | Student |
Pelletier, Janet | Nursing, ECU | Student |
Pelletier, Robert P. | ECU | Student |
Pelli, Deborah A. | Biology, UNCG | N/A |
Pelling, Jill C. | ECU | Student |
Pellizzari, Sarah | Biology, UNCG | Student |
Pells, Jennifer J. | ECU | Student |
Peloponese, Jean Marie | ECU | Student |
Peloponese, Jean-Marie | ECU | Student |
Péloponèse, Jean Marie | ECU | Student |
Peltack, Ashley Megan | Literature, UNCA | Student |
Peltonen, Liisa M. | ECU | Student |
Pember, Ann Piper | Education, UNCG | Student |
Pemberton, Anne | William Madison Randall Library, UNCW | Faculty |
Pemberton, Kimberly Doggett | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG | Student |
Pena, Jennifer Lancaster | History, UNCW | Student |
Pena, Tracy M. | Psychology, UNCW | Student |
Penalver, Manuel | ECU | Student |
Penberthy, Jennifer Morgan | Psychology, WCU | Student |
Pender, Jack | ECU | Student |
Pender, John R. | ECU | Student |
Pendergraft, Samuel Sparrow | Biology - Student , ASU | Student |
Penders, Carla Ann | Physics and Astronomy - Student, ASU | Student |
Penders, Thomas M | ECU | Student |
Penders, Thomas M,Agarwal,Salina,Rohaidy,Rachel | ECU | Student |
Pendleton, Daniel Morgan | Kinesiology, UNCG | Student |
Peng, Dichao | Software and Information Systems, UNCC | Student |
Peng, Lixin | ECU | Student |
Peng, Lixin | ECU | Student |
Peng, Ping'an | ECU | Student |
Peng, Renhai | ECU | Student |
Peng, Renhai | ECU | Student |
Peng, Zhiyong | ECU | Student |
Penland, Andrew Daniel | Mathematics and Computer Science, WCU | Student |
Penland, Thomas James | Education, UNCG | Student |
Penland, Jr., James H. | Health, Physical Education & Recreation - Student, ASU | Student |
Penn, Janice Carole | Home Economics, UNCG | Student |
Penn, Stephen | ECU | Student |
Penna, Victoria I | ECU | Student |
Pennell, Ashley Elizabeth | Reading Education & Special Education - Student, ASU | Student |
Pennell, Myra Lea | Education, UNCG | Student |
Pennell, Therese Indira | ECU | Student |
Penneys, Darin | Biology and Marine Biology, UNCW | Faculty |
Penninger, Freida Elaine | English, UNCG | Student |
Pennington, Edward Ross | ECU | Student |
Pennington, Edward Ross | ECU | Student |
Pennington, Mary Beth | English, UNCG | Student |
Pennisi, Marzio | ECU | Student |
Pennisi, Nori Sie | Kinesiology, UNCG | Student |
Pennock, Andrew T. | ECU | Student |
Pennock, Andrew T. | ECU | Student |
Pennock, Andrew T.,Gantsoudes,George D.,Forbes,Jennifer L.,Asaro,A | ECU | Student |
Penny, Charles T. | ECU | Student |
Penny, James A. | Education, UNCG | Student |
Penny, Judith | Nursing, UNCG | Faculty |
Penny, Judith MacKay | Human Environmental Sciences, UNCG | Student |
Penry, Mallie B. | Home Economics, UNCG | Student |
Penry, Sadye Marcelle | Education, UNCG | Student |
Penta, Mary Q. | Education, UNCG | Student |
Penumarti, Anusha | ECU | Student |
Penzel, Ian B. | Psychology, UNCG | Student |
Peoples, Arthur C. | Psychology, UNCG | Student |
Peoples, Ashley | Honors College, Political Science, UNCP | Student |
Peoples, Seth Joseph | Biology - Student, ASU | Student |
Pepper, Amanda Dawn | Psychology - Student, ASU | Student |
Pepper, Susan Graham | Appalachian Studies - Student, ASU | Student |
Pepple, Joanna | Music - Theory and Composition, ECU | Student |
Peragine, Juliana | Literature, UNCA | Student |
Peralta, A. L. | ECU | Student |
Peralta, A. L. | ECU | Student |
Peralta, A. L. | ECU | Student |
Peralta, Ariane | ECU | Student |
Peralta, Ariane | ECU | Student |
Peralta, Ariane L. | ECU | Student |
Peralta, Ariane L.,Muscarella,Mario E.,Matthews,Jeffrey W. | ECU | Student |
Perdue, Elizabeth Peyton | English, WCU | Student |
Perdue, James D. | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCW | Student |
Perdue, Robert T. | Sociology, ASU | Faculty |
Perdue, Tamara O | ECU | Student |
Pereira, Alethea | ECU | Student |
Pereira, Luciano J | ECU | Student |
Pereira, Luciano J. | ECU | Student |
Pereira, Luciano José | ECU | Student |
Pereira, Luciano José | ECU | Student |
Pereira, Luciano José | ECU | Student |
Pereira, Marlene | ECU | Student |
Pereira, Michel C. A. | ECU | Student |
Pereira-Dourado, Stela Márcia | ECU | Student |
Pereyra, Andrea S. | ECU | Student |
Pereyra, Andrea S. | ECU | Student |
Pereyra, Andrea S. | ECU | Student |
Perez, Amara Haydee | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG | Student |
Perez, Regent Champion | ECU | Student |
Pérez Peña, Angiemil | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG | Student |
Perez-Cortez, Mireida | Mathematics and Computer Science, UNCP | Student |
Pérez-Jiménez, Kiana Monique | Psychology, WCU | Student |
Perez-Suarez, David | Mathematics and Statistics, UNCG | Student |
Peridier, Pamela Sue | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG | Student |
Perkins, Ann | ECU | Student |
Perkins, Barbara K. | ECU | Student |
Perkins, Bethany Kathleen | English, UNCG | Student |
Perkins, Charles W. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG | Student |
Perkins, David Richard | Geography, UNCG | Student |
Perkins, Jenny | ECU | Student |
Perkins, Joshua | Psychology, UNCG | Student |
Perkins, Michael | Biology - Student, ASU | Student |
Perkins, Thurman Thomas | Education, UNCG | Student |
Perkins, Tiffany A. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG | Student |
Perkins, Tyler | Biology, UNCG | Student |
Perko, Michael A. | Public Health Education, UNCG | Faculty |
Perlman, Daniel "Dan" | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG | Faculty |
Perou, Charles M. | ECU | Student |
Perou, Charles M. | ECU | Student |
Perou, Mi | ECU | Student |
Perreault, Gregory | Communication, ASU | Faculty |
Perree, Mathieu | ECU | Student |
Perri, Timothy | Economics, ASU | Faculty |
Perriard, J.-C. | ECU | Student |
Perriard, Jean-Claude | ECU | Student |
Perrill, Elizabeth A. | School of Art, UNCG | Faculty |
Perrin, Amanda | Esther G. Maynor Honors College , UNCP | N/A |
Perrin, Amanda | Art, UNCP | Student |
Perrin, David H. | Office of the Provost, UNCG | Faculty |
Perrin, Eliana | ECU | Student |
Perrin, Eliana M. | ECU | Student |
Perrin, Ella | Health and Exercise Science - Student, ASU | Student |
Perrin, Maryanne T. | Nutrition, UNCG | Faculty |
Perrine, Katarina Grace | Chemistry and Physics, WCU | Student |
Perry, Anna Theresa | Educational Leadership, ECU | Student |
Perry, Anna Theresa | ECU | Student |
Perry, April | Human Services, WCU | Faculty |
Perry, Ben D.,Rahnert,Jill A.,Xie,Yang,Zheng,Bin,Woodworth-Ho | ECU | Student |
Perry, Cathy Dean | ECU | Student |
Perry, Charlotte Marie | Human Environmental Sciences, UNCG | Student |
Perry, Christopher G.R. | ECU | Student |
Perry, Christopher G.R. | ECU | Student |
Perry, Christopher G.R.,Kane,Daniel A.,Lanza,Ian R.,Neufer,P. Darrell | ECU | Student |
Perry, Claire Thomas | ECU | Student |
Perry, Darlene M. | ECU | Student |
Perry, Gillian | English, UNCG | Student |
Perry, Heather N. | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCW | Student |
Perry, James | ECSU | Student |
Perry, Jamie | ECU | Student |
Perry, Jamie L. | ECU | Student |
Perry, Jamie L. | ECU | Student |
Perry, Jamie L. | ECU | Student |
Perry, Jamie L. | ECU | Student |
Perry, Jamie L. | ECU | Student |
Perry, Jamie L. | ECU | Student |
Perry, Jamie L. | ECU | Student |
Perry, Jamie L. | ECU | Student |
Perry, Jamie L. | ECU | Student |
Perry, Jamie L. | ECU | Student |
Perry, Jamie L. | ECU | Student |
Perry, Jamie L. | ECU | Student |
Perry, Jamie L. | ECU | Student |
Perry, Jamie L. | ECU | Student |
Perry, Jamie L. | ECU | Student |
Perry, Jamie L. | ECU | Student |
Perry, Jamie L. | ECU | Student |
Perry, Jamie L. | ECU | Student |
Perry, Jamie L. | ECU | Student |
Perry, Jamie L. | ECU | Student |
Perry, Jamie L. | ECU | Student |
Perry, Jamie L. | ECU | Student |
Perry, Jamie L. | ECU | Student |
Perry, Jamie L. | ECU | Student |
Perry, Jamie L. | ECU | Student |
Perry, Jamie L. | ECU | Student |
Perry, Jamie L. | ECU | Student |
Perry, Jamie L. | ECU | Student |
Perry, Jamie L. | ECU | Student |
Perry, Jamie L. | ECU | Student |
Perry, Jamie L. | ECU | Student |
Perry, Jennifer | ECU | Student |
Perry, Justin | ECU | Student |
Perry, Justin B. | ECU | Student |
Perry, Kanawha | Sociology, UNCG | Student |
Perry, Megan | ECU | Student |
Perry, Nicole Elizabeth Brown | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG | Student |
Perry, Roger R. | ECU | Student |
Perry, Shannon A.B. | Appalachian Studies - Student, ASU | Student |
Perry, Shirley Joyce | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG | Student |
Perry, Steven | ECU | Student |
Perry, Vanessa M | ECU | Student |
Perry, Vanessa M | ECU | Student |
Perry Parker, Kara | ECU | Student |
Perske, Alissa | English, WCU | Student |
Person, Sallie Jenkins | Home Economics, UNCG | Student |
Personeni, Nicola | ECU | Student |
Pertiwi, A. P. | ECU | Student |
Pertunen, Brett Anthony | ECU | Student |
Pertunen, Brett Anthony | ECU | Student |
Pertz, Olivier | ECU | Student |
Pesci, E. C. | ECU | Student |
Pesci, Everett | ECU | Student |
Pesci, Everett | ECU | Student |
Pesci, Everett | ECU | Student |
Pesci, Everett C. | ECU | Student |
Pesci, Everett C. | ECU | Student |
Pesci, Everett C. | ECU | Student |
Pescovitz, Mark D. | ECU | Student |
Pessin, Jeffrey E. | ECU | Student |
Pession, Andrea | ECU | Student |
Pession, Andrea | ECU | Student |
Pession, Andrea | ECU | Student |
Pestaner, Mitzi C | ECU | Student |
Pestaner, Mitzi C. | ECU | Student |
Peters, Annette | ECU | Student |
Peters, Annette | ECU | Student |
Peters, James N. | Social Studies - Student, ASU | Student |
Peters, Justin R. | ECU | Student |
Peters, Patricia Claire | English, UNCG | Student |
Peters, Thomas | ECU | Student |
Peters, William Jason | Psychology, WCU | Student |
Petersen, Aaron Joshua | Chemistry and Fermentation Sciences - Student, ASU | Student |
Petersen, James C. | Sociology, UNCG | Faculty |
Petersen, Keri T. | History, UNCG | Student |
Petersen, Steen V. | ECU | Student |
Petersen, Steen V. | ECU | Student |
Petersen-Perlman, Jacob D. | ECU | Student |
Petersen-Perlman, Jacob D. | ECU | Student |
Peterson, Amanda D. | ECU | Student |
Peterson, Beata | ECU | Student |
Peterson, Benjamin Antes | History, UNCW | Student |
Peterson, Elicka S. | Government and Justice Studies, ASU | Faculty |
Peterson, Eric D | ECU | Student |
Peterson, Gary M. | ECU | Student |
Peterson, Gregory L. | ECU | Student |
Peterson, Jamie Lee | Psychology, UNCG | Student |
Peterson, Joseph E. | ECU | Student |
Peterson, Leigha E. | ECU | Student |
Peterson, Matthew | Nursing, UNCW | Faculty |
Peterson, Michael C. | English, UNCG | Student |
Peterson, Richard N. | ECU | Student |
Peterson, Russ | Biology and Marine Biology, UNCW | Student |
Peterson, Sarah A. | Languages, Literatures, and Cultures, UNCG | Student |
Peterson, Thomas Allen | Education, UNCG | Student |
Petesch, Lisa Marie | Psychology, WCU | Student |
Petit, Daniel J. | ECU | Student |
Petit, Whitney Elyse | Psychology, WCU | Student |
Petraitis, Camille | ECU | Student |
Petrakis, Elizabeth | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG | Student |
Petree, Linda Anne | Chemistry, UNCG | Student |
Petrey, Whitney R. | ECU | Student |
Petri, Michelle | ECU | Student |
Petric, Radmila | Biology, UNCG | Student |
Petricevic, Carol Ann | Biology, WCU | Student |
Petritsch, Amanda Michelle | ECU | Student |
Petritsch, Amanda Michelle | ECU | Student |
Petroni, Gina | ECU | Student |
Petrovic, Jelena | Literature, UNCA | Student |
Petrushina, Irina | ECU | Student |
Petruzzelli, Vito | English - Student, ASU | Student |
Petruzzello, Steven J. | ECU | Student |
Petsch, S.T. | ECU | Student |
Petschauer, Meredith A. Busby | Kinesiology, UNCG | Student |
Petterson, Lynn M. | ECU | Student |
Petteway, Betty E. | Art, UNCG | Student |
Pettit, Emily Carol | ECU | Student |
Pettit, Matthew Joseph | English, UNCG | Student |
Pettiway, Keon | Art, ECU | Student |
Petty, Cailisha L. | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG | Student |
Pettyjohn, Fred M. | Political Science - Student, ASU | Student |
Peyton, Kelly J. | ECU | Student |
Peyton, Kelly J.,Shebib,Ahmad R.,Azam,Mohammad A.,Liu,Xiao-ming, | ECU | Student |
Pezzoli, Gina Annalise | Music, UNCG | Student |
Pfaff, Pamela | History, UNCG | Student |
Pfalz, Andrew | ECU | Student |
Pfauth, Anita | ECU | Student |
Pfeffer, Bubba | Biology - Student, ASU | Student |
Pfeffer, Heather | Literature, UNCA | Student |
Pfefferkorn, Jane M. | Education, UNCG | Student |
Pfeifer, Courtney Johanna | Psychology, WCU | Student |
Pfeiffer, Karin A. | ECU | Student |
Pfitzer, Gabriele | ECU | Student |
Pfleger, William Robert | Technology and Environmental Design - Student, ASU | Student |
Pham, Bach | Anthropology, ECU | Student |
Pham, Hai Q. | ECU | Student |
Pham, Thao Kim | ECU | Student |
Phan, Minh Duc | ECU | Student |
Pharnes, Joan Sandra | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG | Student |
Pharr, Annie | Recreation Management and Phys. Ed. - Student, ASU | Student |
Pharr, Maria Assunta Saccoccia | ECU | Student |
Pharr, Maria S. | ECU | Student |
Phaup, Kristen Michelle | English, UNCW | Student |
Phayal, Anup | Public and International Affairs, UNCW | Faculty |
Phelps, Anna Call | Occupational Therapy, ECU | Student |
Phelps, Kelle | ECU | Student |
Phelps, Kenneth W. | Child Development and Family Relations, ECU | Student |
Phelps, Kurt Aaron | School of Music, UNCG | Student |
Phelps, Maira | ECU | Student |
Phelps, Susan Quick | Education, UNCG | Student |
Phen, Cody C. | ECU | Student |
Phibbs, P. V. Jr. | ECU | Student |
Phibbs, P. V. Jr. | ECU | Student |
Phibbs, Paul | ECU | Student |
Phibbs, Paul V. | ECU | Student |
Phibbs, Paul V. | ECU | Student |
Phibbs, Paul V. | ECU | Student |
Phibbs, Paul V. | ECU | Student |
Phibbs, Paul V. Jr | ECU | Student |
Phibbs, Paul V. Jr. | ECU | Student |
Phibbs Jr., P V | ECU | Student |
Phifer, John Dwaine | Education, UNCG | Student |
Philbeck, Justin Paul | History - Student, ASU | Student |
Philbert, Martin A. | ECU | Student |
Philip, Jennifer L. | ECU | Student |
Philip, Jennifer L.,Xu,Xianyao,Han,Mei,Akhter,Shahab A.,Razzaque,Ab | ECU | Student |
Philippon, François | ECU | Student |
Philips, James | ECU | Student |
Philips, James | ECU | Student |
Philips, James Patrick | ECU | Student |
Phillips, Adrienne Louise | English, UNCG | Student |
Phillips, Alyssa | Biology - Student, ASU | Student |
Phillips, Andrew Timothy | Music Performance, UNCG | Student |
Phillips, Ann | Psychology, UNCG | Faculty |
Phillips, Anna Shuford | ECU | Student |
Phillips, Austin | ECU | Student |
Phillips, Barbara Kinard | Education, UNCG | Student |
Phillips, Beatrice | ECU | Student |
Phillips, Brooke | ECU | Student |
Phillips, Brooke | ECU | Student |
Phillips, Callie E. | Kinesiology, UNCG | Student |
Phillips, Charles | ECU | Student |
Phillips, Charles | ECU | Student |
Phillips, Charles | ECU | Student |
Phillips, Chloe | UNCP | N/A |
Phillips, Christopher J. | ECU | Student |
Phillips, Christopher J. | ECU | Student |
Phillips, Courtney | UNCP | Student |
Phillips, Courtney F. | Nursing, UNCG | Student |
Phillips, Craig Alan | Music, UNCG | Student |
Phillips, Daniel Alvord | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG | Student |
Phillips, Elizabeth J. | ECU | Student |
Phillips, Ella Clare | Nursing - Student, ASU | Student |
Phillips, Frederick Roy | Education, UNCG | Student |
Phillips, Harriet Lauren | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG | Student |
Phillips, Heather M. | ECU | Student |
Phillips, James Bruce | Education, UNCG | Student |
Phillips, James H. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG | Student |
Phillips, Janet Watson | Music, UNCG | Student |
Phillips , Jefferson | History - Student, ASU | Student |
Phillips, Jessie Elizabeth | Psychology, WCU | Student |
Phillips, Joana W. | Home Economics, UNCG | Student |
Phillips, Johnny Harris | Education, UNCG | Student |
Phillips, Jonathan D. | ECU | Student |
Phillips, Jonathan David. | ECU | Student |
Phillips, Lisa | ECU | Student |
Phillips, Lisa | ECU | Student |
Phillips, Lynn Roche. | ECU | Student |
Phillips, Lynn Shearin | English, UNCG | Student |
Phillips, Marcia D. | ECU | Student |
Phillips, Matthew Michael | English, UNCG | Student |
Phillips, Miranda E. | ECU | Student |
Phillips, Morgan E. | ECU | Student |
Phillips, Morgan L | ECU | Student |
Phillips, Nancy S. | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG | Student |
Phillips, Nathan Gregory | Music, UNCG | Student |
Phillips, Nicholas | Computer Science - Student, ASU | Student |
Phillips, Patricia Layman | Education, UNCG | Student |
Phillips, Penny Lynne | Home Economics, UNCG | Student |
Phillips, Rebecca M. | Recreation and Leisure Facilities and Services Adm, ECU | Student |
Phillips, Roger Eugene | Biology - Student, ASU | Student |
Phillips, Savannah | ECU | Student |
Phillips, Stephanie Caroline Webb | ECU | Student |
Phillips, Susan L. | Communication Sciences and Disorders, UNCG | Faculty |
Phinizy, Thomas C | ECU | Student |
Phinizy, Tyler | ECU | Student |
Phipps, Caitlyn E. | Chemistry and Physics, WCU | Student |
Phipps, Chelsea A. C. | Recreation and Park Administration, ECU | Student |
Phipps, Daniel N. | ECU | Student |
Phipps, Daniel Noah | ECU | Student |
Phipps, Daniel Noah | ECU | Student |
Phipps, Marshal Anthony,Jr. | ECU | Student |
Phipps, Sheila | History, ASU | Faculty |
Phuyal, Gaurav | Biology, UNCG | Student |
Piatkiewicz, Leszek | Mathmatics and Computer Science , UNCP | N/A |
Piatkowski, Paul David | English, UNCG | Student |
Piazzi, Manuela | ECU | Student |
Picard, Taylor | ECU | Student |
Piccioni, Mayra Andressa | ECU | Student |
Pichardo, Andrew | Health and Exercise Science - Student, ASU | Student |
Pichon, Latrice C. | ECU | Student |
Pickard, John | ECU | Student |
Pickard, John L. | ECU | Student |
Pickens, Alexander | ECU | Student |
Pickens, Edward M | ECU | Student |
Pickens-Flynn, Ti'bran Dondre’ | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG | Student |
Pickeral, J. Lance | ECU | Student |
Pickering, Amy C.,Vitry,Pauline,Prystopiuk,Valeriia,Garcia,Brando | ECU | Student |
Pickering, James Worth | Education, UNCG | Student |
Pickett, Natalie Stanfield | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG | Student |
Picot, Mary Rosalind | Education, UNCG | Student |
Piedrahita, Lucas R. | Biology - Student, ASU | Student |
Pieh-Holder, Kelly L. | ECU | Student |
Piekarski, Vincent | Political Science - Student, ASU | Student |
Piephoff, Caroline C. | Physics and Astronomy - Student, ASU | Student |
Piepmeier, Aaron T. | Kinesiology, UNCG | Student |
Pier, Bruce | Chemistry and Physics, UNCP | Student |
Pier, Bruce | University Honors College, UNCP | N/A |
Pierce, Alexandra D. Powell | ECU | Student |
Pierce, Ashley N. | ECU | Student |
Pierce, Ashley N. | Art, ECU | Student |
Pierce, Aubree Christine | Master of Liberal Arts and Sciences, UNCA | N/A |
Pierce, Derek Matthew | Nutrition, UNCG | Student |
Pierce, Greg | Anthropology, ECU | Student |
Pierce, Greg | ECU | Student |
Pierce, Hal Warren | ECU | Student |
Pierce, Jason R. | Management, UNCG | Faculty |
Pierce, Jeffrey | ECU | Student |
Pierce, Jessica | Communication Sciences and Disorders, ECU | Student |
Pierce, Joseph R.,Jr. | ECU | Student |
Pierce, Kelly | SES, UNCG | N/A |
Pierce, Michael G. | Education, UNCG | Student |
Pierce, Morgan | ECU | Student |
Pierce, Rachel Bostrom | Art and Design, WCU | Student |
Pierce, Sarah Helen | Human Environmental Sciences, UNCG | Student |
Pierce, Stella Jean | History - Student, ASU | Student |
Pierce, Taylor | ECSU | Student |
Pierce, Whitney | ECU | Student |
Piercy, Joshua Montana | Geography and Planning - Student, ASU | Student |
Piercy, Robert M. | ECU | Student |
Pierotti, Michele E.R. | ECU | Student |
Pierre, Herma C. | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG | Student |
Pierro, Rebekah Chace | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG | Student |
Piersma, Theunis | ECU | Student |
Pierson, Cory | ECU | Student |
Pierson, James J. | ECU | Student |
Pierson, James J. | ECU | Student |
Pierson, Jessica A. | Earth Sciences, UNCW | Student |
Pierson, Mackenzie Ann | Kinesiology, UNCG | Student |
Pietsch, Timothy | ECU | Student |
Pietz, Reuel Henry,1921- | ECU | Student |
Piggott, Bert Cody | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG | Student |
Piggott, Lucille Johnson | Education, UNCG | Student |
Piggott, Megan | ECU | Student |
Pigott, Hugo | ECU | Student |
Pihoke, Catherine | ECU | Student |
Pike, Tristan Hunter | Finance, Banking, and Insurance - Student, ASU | Student |
Piland, Meagan Nicole | Department of Kinesiology, ECU | Student |
Pilarczyk, Jessica E. | ECU | Student |
Pilgreen, Daniel G | ECU | Student |
Pilkington, Deanna | ECU | Student |
Pilkington, Edward L. | Drama and Speech, UNCG | Student |
Pilkington, Jason G | ECU | Student |
Pilkington, Laney | English - Student, ASU | Student |
Pilkington, Lilly | English - Student, ASU | Student |
Pillai, Anjana | ECU | Student |
Pillow, Malford T.,Hopson,Laura,Bond,Michael,Cabrera,Daniel,Patter | ECU | Student |
Pilon-Thomas, Shari | ECU | Student |
Pilotos, Jennifer | Biology - Student, ASU | Student |
Piltch, Emily | ECU | Student |
Piltsdown, Polonius P. | CAS, UNCG | N/A |
Pinard, Courtney | ECU | Student |
Pinard, Courtney | ECU | Student |
Pinato, David J. | ECU | Student |
Pinchot, Sibela | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG | Student |
Pinchuk, Tori A. | ECU | Student |
Pine, John | Geography and Planning, ASU | Faculty |
Pineda, Emily | ECU | Student |
Pinedo, Mónica Calderón | ECU | Student |
Pinell, Beverly J. | History, UNCG | Student |
Piner, Hannah E. | ECU | Student |
Piner, Hannah E. | ECU | Student |
Piner, Lucy W. | ECU | Student |
Piner, Talen Reid | ECU | Student |
Pinjani, Praveen | Information Systems and Operations Management, UNCG | Student |
Pinkerton, Brittany B. | Kinesiology, UNCG | Student |
Pinkerton, Kent E. | ECU | Student |
Pinna, Stefania | ECU | Student |
Pinsky, Malin L. | ECU | Student |
Pintado, Steisha I. | School of Art, UNCG | Student |
Pinter, Matthias | ECU | Student |
Pinterb, Matthias | ECU | Student |
Pinto, Amanda | Philosophy and Religion - Student, ASU | Student |
Pinto, Jorge M | ECU | Student |
Piocuda, Jorge E. | Honors College - Psychology, UNCP | Student |
Pipan, Richard C. | Education, UNCG | Student |
Piparo, Anthony John | Health and Human Performance, UNCG | Student |
Pipe, Laura May | Kinesiology, UNCG | Student |
Piper, Carly | ECU | Student |
Pipes, Martha Hamill | English - Student, ASU | Student |
Pipkin, Bethany | Art, ECU | Student |
Pippin, Kelly | ECU | Student |
Pires, Tiffany | ECU | Student |
Pirtle, Jon A. | English, WCU | Student |
Pisano, Andrew Michael | English, UNCG | Student |
Pisarik, Christopher T. | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG | Student |
Pissanos, Becky W. | Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, UNCG | Student |
Pister, Hailey Luralyn | Psychology - Student , ASU | Student |
Pitchford, Jonathan Larry | Biology - Student, ASU | Student |
Pitchford, Kayonna | Teacher Education, UNCP | Faculty |
Pitt, Jaclyn | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCW | Student |
Pittard, Michael | English, UNCG | Student |
Pittard, Pen Lile | Education - Student, ASU | Student |
Pittenger, Anna May | Education - Student, ASU | Student |
Pittman, Annette Rogers | Biology, UNCG | Student |
Pittman, Audrey Laverne | Home Economics, UNCG | Student |
Pittman, Autumn | Esther G. Maynor Honors College, UNCP | Faculty |
Pittman, Christina | ECU | Student |
Pittman, David Christopher | ECU | Student |
Pittman, Eddie | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCW | Student |
Pittman, James Lynn. | ECU | Student |
Pittman, Joshua W. | ECU | Student |
Pittman, Larry | Communicative Arts, UNCP | N/A |
Pittman, Larry | Independent Study, UNCP | Faculty |
Pittman, Laura | ECU | Student |
Pittman, Mallery Knee | Home Economics, UNCG | Student |
Pittman, Marva Reneé | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG | Student |
Pitts, Hilda Pickney | Education, UNCG | Student |
Pitts, Robyn Lyn Thomas | Educational Research Methodology, UNCG | Student |
Pitts, Stephanie | ECU | Student |
Pitts, Stephanie | ECU | Student |
Pitts, Stephanie | ECU | Student |
Pitts, Stephanie | ECU | Student |
Pitts, Stephanie | ECU | Student |
Pitts, Stephanie | ECU | Student |
Pitts, Stephanie | ECU | Student |
Pitts, Stephanie | ECU | Student |
Pitts, Stephanie | ECU | Student |
Pitts, Stephanie | ECU | Student |
Pitts, Stephanie B Jilcott | ECU | Student |
Pitts, Stephanie B Jilcott | ECU | Student |
Pitts, Stephanie B. Jilcott | ECU | Student |
Pitts, Stephanie B. Jilcott | ECU | Student |
Pitts, Stephanie B. Jilcott | ECU | Student |
Pitts, Stephanie B. Jilcott | ECU | Student |
Pitts, Stephanie J | ECU | Student |
Pitts, Stephanie J. | ECU | Student |
Pitts, Stephanie Jilcott | ECU | Student |
Pitzer, Josh E. | ECU | Student |
Pitzer, Joshua E. | ECU | Student |
Pitzer, Joshua E. | ECU | Student |
Pizarro, Christian | ECU | Student |
Placzek, Roman | Music, UNCG | Student |
Plaisance, Michelle | Department of Middle, Secondary and K-12 Education, UNCC | Student |
Plakos, Michael J. | ECU | Student |
Plante, Jessica M. | English, UNCG | Student |
Plassman, Brenda | ECU | Student |
Plassman, Brenda L. | ECU | Student |
Platero, Tania | ECU | Student |
Plato, Katrina | Education - Student, ASU | Student |
Platt, Josh Ryan | Geography and Planning - Student, ASU | Student |
Platt, Thomas G. | ECU | Student |
Plattner, Brett W | ECU | Student |
Pleasant, Olivia | Accounting, UNCG | Student |
Pleasants, Jessica Wall | Biology - Student, ASU | Student |
Pledger, Latarsha Sherrod | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG | Student |
Plemmons, Crystal | English, WCU | Student |
Plemmons, Mitchell | Psychology - Student, ASU | Student |
Plessis, Adre Du | ECU | Student |
Pleszewski, Robert John | Biology - Student, ASU | Student |
Plotkin, Jesse David | Nanoscience, UNCG | Student |
Plowman, Kailey E. | Psychology - Student, ASU | Student |
Plummer, Justin E. | Nutrition, UNCG | Student |
Plunkett, Carol | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG | Student |
Plyler, Emma | ECU | Student |
Poarch, Mark | Educational Leadership - Student, ASU | Student |
Podder, Tarun | ECU | Student |
Podila, Ramakrishna | ECU | Student |
Podila, Ramakrishna | ECU | Student |
Podila, Ramakrishna | ECU | Student |
Podlas, Kimberliann | Media Studies, UNCG | N/A |
Poe, Grace Nelson | School of Music, UNCG | Student |
Poe, Mykaela | ECU | Student |
Poerstel, L. Brooke | Psychology, UNCW | Student |
Poetzinger, John Frederick | Education, UNCG | Student |
Poffley, Alison | ECU | Student |
Pogue, Joel | ECU | Student |
Poh, Choon Hock | ECU | Student |
Poindexter, Ashley | ECU | Student |
Poindexter, Ashley | ECU | Student |
Poindexter, Florence Carolyn | Home Economics, UNCG | Student |
Pointer, Jazlyn | Biology - Student, ASU | Student |
Points, Gerald Lee | Education, UNCW | Student |
Pokhrel, Lok R. | ECU | Student |
Pokhrel, Lok R. | ECU | Student |
Pokhrel, Pallav | ECU | Student |
Poklis, Justin L | ECU | Student |
Polaczyk, Amy Louise | Civil and Environmental Engineering, UNCC | Student |
Polak, Suzanne U. | School of Music, UNCG | Student |
Polakowski, Mateusz | ECU | Student |
Polakowski, Nicholas | ECU | Student |
Polakowski, Nicholas | ECU | N/A |
Polakowski, Nicholas | ECU | Student |
Polakowski, Nicholas | ECU | Student |
Polakowski, Nicholas | ECU | Student |
Polakowski, Nicholas | ECU | Student |
Polakowski, Nicholas | ECU | Student |
Polakowski, Nicholas | ECU | N/A |
Polakowski, Nicholas | ECU | Student |
Polakowski, Nicholas | ECU | Student |
Poland, Ellen | ECU | Student |
Poles, Tamara A. | ECU | Student |
Polesel, Jerry | ECU | Student |
Polesel, Jerry | ECU | Student |
Polesel, Jerry | ECU | Student |
Polesel, Jerry | ECU | Student |
Polevoi, Randall Mark | Music, UNCG | Student |
Poli, Alessandro | ECU | Student |
Poli, Alessandro | ECU | Student |
Police, Shailaja | ECU | Student |
Polinsky, Susan Lecin | Education, UNCG | Student |
Poliquit, Elmer S. | Mathematics and Statistics, UNCW | Student |
Polite, Mykal D. | ECSU | Student |
Poll-Hunter, Norma | ECU | Student |
Pollard, Ann Carter | Art, UNCG | Student |
Pollard, James | ECU | Student |
Pollard, Lindsey Diane | Biology, UNCG | Student |
Pollard, Rachel | ECU | Student |
Pollard, Rachel M. | ECU | Student |
Pollard, Rachel M. | ECU | Student |
Polli, Joseph R. | ECU | Student |
Pollifrone, Max | Literature, UNCA | Student |
Pollitt, Phoebe Ann | Nursing , ASU | Faculty |
Pollitt, Phoebe Ann | Education, UNCG | Student |
Pollock, Catherine Fairley | Human Services, WCU | Student |
Pollock, Erica Nicole | Psychology, WCU | Student |
Pollock, Frances Ferrell | Home Economics, UNCG | Student |
Polomik, Michael Richard | Art and Design, WCU | Student |
Polzin, Megan | Biology - Student, ASU | Student |
Poma, Paola,Labbozzetta,Manuela,McCubrey,James A.,Ramarosandratana,Aro Vonjy,Sajeva,Maurizio,Zito | ECU | Student |
Pombal, José P. | ECU | Student |
Pona, Adrian | ECU | Student |
Pond, Kristen Anne | English, UNCG | Student |
Pond, Thomas Eugene. | ECU | Student |
Ponder, Darha M. | Psychology, UNCG | Student |
Ponder, Gerald | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG | Faculty |
Pontacoloni, Michael | English, UNCG | Student |
Pontinen, Michele Jan Keller | ECU | Student |
Pontious, Adria | University Honors College, UNCP | N/A |
Pontious, Adria | Biology and Chemistry, UNCP | Student |
Poola, Shiva | ECU | Student |
Poole, Andrew | English, WCU | Student |
Poole, Bradley John | Psychology, UNCG | Student |
Poole, Dawn C. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG | Student |
Poole, Diane A | ECU | Student |
Poole, Diane A | ECU | Student |
Poole, Elizabeth B. | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG | Student |
Poole, Emily Shelton | English, WCU | Student |
Poole, Eric Orlando | Music, UNCG | Student |
Poole, K. Jay | Social Work, UNCG | Student |
Poole, Karen A. | Kinesiology, UNCG | N/A |
Poole, Katherine Patrick | Education, UNCG | Student |
Poole, Kelly J | Social Work, UNCG | N/A |
Poole, Madeleine | English, UNCG | Student |
Poole, Marilyn Seitz | Home Economics, UNCG | Student |
Poole, Michael | Art, UNCG | Student |
Poole, Jr., Clifford Odell | Education - Student, ASU | Student |
Poovey, Kendall Nicole | Psychology, WCU | Student |
Pope, Amber Leighann | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG | Student |
Pope, Bonnie Gabard | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG | Student |
Pope, Charlotte Hume | Art, UNCG | Student |
Pope, Clayton | Sustainable Technology & the Built Env. - Student, ASU | Student |
Pope, Elizabeth | Communication - Student, ASU | Student |
Pope, John | ECSU | Student |
Pope, John R. | Exercise and Sports Science, ECU | Student |
Pope, Kim | SES, UNCG | N/A |
Pope, Kyle M. | History, UNCG | Student |
Pope, Michael Hoyle | Music - Student, ASU | Student |
Pope, Nicole Martin | Education, UNCG | Student |
Popke, Jeff | ECU | Student |
Popko-Scibor, Anita E. | ECU | Student |
Poplin, Elizabeth | English, UNCG | Student |
Popovic, Elizabeth | Art - Student, ASU | Student |
Popovic, Grega | ECU | Student |
Popovic, Grega | ECU | Student |
Poquette, Kelly A. | School of Music, UNCG | Student |
Poray, Abigail K. | ECU | Student |
Porcelli, Vincent | Nutrition, UNCG | Student |
Porfilio, Antonio | ECU | Student |
Pories, Mary Lisa | ECU | Student |
Pories, Walter | ECU | Student |
Pories, Walter | ECU | Student |
Pories, Walter | ECU | Student |
Pories, Walter J. | ECU | Student |
Pories, Walter J. | ECU | Student |
Pories, Walter J. | ECU | Student |
Pories, Walter J. | ECU | Student |
Pories, Walter J. | ECU | Student |
Pories, Walter J. | ECU | Student |
Pories, Walter J. | ECU | Student |
Pories, Walter J. | ECU | Student |
Pories, Walter J. | ECU | Faculty |
Pories, Walter J. | ECU | Student |
Pories, Walter J. | ECU | Student |
Pories, Walter J. | ECU | Student |
Pories, Walter J. | ECU | Student |
Pories, Walter J. | ECU | Student |
Pories, Walter J. | ECU | Student |
Pories, Walter J. | ECU | Student |
Pories, Walter J. | ECU | Student |
Pories, Walter J. | ECU | Student |
Pories, Walter J. | ECU | Student |
Pories, Walter J. | ECU | Student |
Pories, Walter J. | ECU | Student |
Pories, Walter J. | ECU | Student |
Pories, Walter J. | ECU | Student |
Pories, Walter J. | ECU | Student |
Pories, Walter J. | ECU | Student |
Pories, Walter J. | ECU | Student |
Pories, Walter J. | ECU | Student |
Pories, Walter J. | ECU | Student |
Pories, Walter J. | ECU | Student |
Pories, Walter J. | ECU | Student |
Pories, Walter J. | ECU | Student |
Pories, Walter J.,Dohm,G. Lynis | ECU | Student |
Pories, Walter P. | ECU | Student |
Portagallo, Gracie | Chemistry - Student, ASU | Student |
Porter, Bonita | Social Work, UNCG | N/A |
Porter, Dale | ECU | Student |
Porter, Dale W | ECU | Student |
Porter, Gerald | ECU | Student |
Porter, James Anthony | Studio Art, UNCG | Student |
Porter, Jonathan H | ECU | Student |
Porter, Kelly L. | English, UNCW | Student |
Porter, Lauren | Nutrition, UNCG | Student |
Porter, M. M. | English, UNCG | Student |
Porter, Raiford Miller | Art, UNCG | Student |
Porter, Sarah E. | Nursing, UNCG | Student |
Porter, Sarah Grace | ECU | Student |
Porter-Cole, Dahlia S. | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG | Student |
Porterfield, Mary Lee | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG | Student |
Portfilio, Renee M | ECU | Student |
Porto, Deborah Ruth | Human Services, WCU | Student |
Porto, Thiago Soares | ECU | Student |
Posekany, Karla J. | ECU | Student |
Posson, Joyce | English, UNCG | Student |
Post, Colin | Library and Information Science, UNCG | Faculty |
Post, Emily R. | ECU | Student |
Post, Larkin A. | ECU | Student |
Post, Sarah A. Milstead | ECU | Student |
Postler, Kaicee Beal | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG | Student |
Postlmayr, Lauren Michelle | Interior Architecture, UNCG | Student |
Postma, Pamela Loveless | English, UNCG | Student |
Poston, Jacqueline R. | ECU | Student |
Poston, Jo Ann D. | Music, UNCG | Student |
Poston, John Edward | Sustainable Development - Student, ASU | Student |
Poston, Sara Ellen | ECU | Student |
Poteete, Sarah Parker | Appalachian Studies - Student, ASU | Student |
Pottathuparambil, Robin Jacob | Electrical and Computer Engineering, UNCC | Student |
Potter, Hannah M. | ECU | Student |
Potter, Hannah,M. | ECU | Student |
Potter, Sally H.,Kreft,Peter V.,Milojev,Petar,Noble,Chris,Montz, | ECU | Student |
Potter III, James Thomson | Educational Leadership, UNCC | Student |
Potter, Jr., Benjamin Franklin | Psychology - Student, ASU | Student |
Potts, Brooke E. | ECU | Student |
Potts, Jessie Anna | Home Economics, UNCG | Student |
Potts, John L | ECU | Student |
Pouder, Richard W. | Management, ASU | Faculty |
Poulin, Nathaniel R. | ECU | Student |
Poulos, Christopher N. | Communication Studies, UNCG | Faculty |
Poulos, John | ECU | Student |
Poulos, John E | ECU | Student |
Poulos, John Emanuel. | ECU | Student |
Poupore, Darren L. | ECU | Student |
Poupore, Darren L. | ECU | Student |
Pourebrahim, Nastaran | Geography, Environment, and Sustainability, UNCG | Student |
Pourhadi, Hadi | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG | Student |
Pourianejad, Sajedeh | Joint School of Nanoscience and Nanoengineering, UNCG | Student |
Poursanidis, D. | ECU | Student |
Pow, Allison Marsh | Counseling, UNCG | Student |
Powalie, Kaitlyn | Community and Therapeutic Recreation, UNCG | Student |
Powell, Aisha | Child Development and Family Relations, ECU | Student |
Powell, Amanda M | ECU | Student |
Powell, Amanda S. | ECU | Student |
Powell, Aries | Women's and Gender Studies, UNCG | Student |
Powell, Christie Marie | ECU | Student |
Powell, Douglas W. | ECU | Student |
Powell, Ella Julia | ECU | Student |
Powell, Emily T | ECU | Student |
Powell, Eve | Computer Science, UNCC | Student |
Powell, Frankie Denise | School of Education, UNCP | Faculty |
Powell, Frankie Denise | Human Environmental Sciences, UNCG | Student |
Powell, Harley R | ECU | Student |
Powell, Isabelle Reedy | Home Economics, UNCG | Student |
Powell, James Edward | Counseling, Special Education & Child development, UNCC | Student |
Powell, John Y. | Home Economics, UNCG | Student |
Powell, Jonathan J S | ECU | Student |
Powell, Jonathan J. S. | ECU | Student |
Powell, Joseph W. | ECU | Student |
Powell, Joseph W.,Jr | ECU | Student |
Powell, Lisa D. | Kinesiology, UNCG | Student |
Powell, Margaret | Biology, UNCG | N/A |
Powell, Mark | ECU | Student |
Powell, Mary Raymond | Home Economics, UNCG | Student |
Powell, Michelle | Educational Studies, UNCG | Student |
Powell, Monica | ECU | Student |
Powell, Rasby Marlene | Sociology and Criminal Justice, UNCP | Faculty |
Powell, Rebecca Diane | Department of Biology, UNCC | Student |
Powell, Robert Timothy. | ECU | Student |
Powell, Ruth Anne | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG | Student |
Powell, Shannon B. | ECU | Student |
Powell, Shannon Baker | ECU | Student |
Powell, Suzanne Zein-Eldin,Kragel,Peter J.,Domen,Ronald E. | ECU | Student |
Powell, Thomas Theodore. | ECU | Student |
Powell-McEllen, Fran | Art, UNCG | Student |
Power, June LaVoie | Mary Livermore Library, UNCP | Faculty |
Powers, Alec | ECU | Student |
Powers, Alec | ECU | Student |
Powers, Alvi | ECU | Student |
Powers, Daniel George | English, UNCG | Student |
Powers, Eric R. | ECU | Student |
Powers, J. Phillip | ECU | Student |
Powers, J. Phillip | Biology, ECU | Student |
Powers, Joanna | Family and Child Studies - Student, ASU | Student |
Powers, Meredith C.F. | Social Work, UNCG | Faculty |
Powers, Ralph T. | ECU | Student |
Powers, Savannah E | ECU | Student |
Powers, Shelby A | ECU | Student |
Powers, Shelby A. | ECU | Student |
Powers, Wanda Chason | Education, UNCG | Student |
Powers, Wendy A. | Educational Studies, UNCG | Student |
Poythress, Haley Christine | Psychology - Student, ASU | Student |
Poythress, Haley Christine | ECU | Student |
Poythress, Haley Christine | ECU | Student |
Poziombke, Jenna Lee | Nursing, WCU | Student |
Poznanski, Stacey | ECU | Student |
Poznanski, Stacey | ECU | Student |
Pozzi, Ambra | ECU | Student |
Pozzi, Ambra | ECU | Student |
Prabhu, Sanjana,Kolasa,Kathryn M | ECU | Student |
Prado, Marina Carvalho | ECU | Student |
Prado, Patricia | ECU | Student |
Prado, Patricia,Tomas,Fiona,Pinna,Stefania,Farina,Simone, | ECU | Student |
Pradoni, Juan Ignacio | Psychology, UNCG | N/A |
Prados, Edward F | ECU | Student |
Prados, Edward F. | ECU | Student |
Pradyumn, Mudit | ECU | Student |
Prandoni, Juan I. | Psychology, UNCG | Faculty |
Prasad, Shreya,Efird,Jimmy T.,James,Sarah E.,Walker,Paul R.,Zagar,Timothy M., | ECU | Student |
Prasada Rao, D.R.V. | ECU | Student |
Pratap, Promod R. | Physics and Astronomy, UNCG | N/A |
Prateek, Prerna | ECU | Student |
Prater, Kathryn A. | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG | N/A |
Prater, Thomas Matthew | English - Student, ASU | Student |
Prather, Caren J. | ECU | Student |
Pratson, Connor L. | ECU | Student |
Pratt, Brian A. | Health and Exercise Science - Student, ASU | Student |
Pratt, Catherine M. | ECU | Student |
Pratt, Isaac | ECU | Student |
Pratt, Isaac Seth | ECU | Student |
Pratt, Isaac Seth | ECU | Student |
Pratt, Janet Lee | Art, UNCG | Student |
Pratt, Keeley J | ECU | Student |
Pratt, Keeley J | ECU | Student |
Pratt, Keeley J,Lazorick,Suzanne,Lamson,Angela L,Ivanescu,Andrad | ECU | Student |
Pratt, Keeley J. | ECU | Student |
Pratt, Trina L. | Kinesiology, UNCG | Student |
Pravica, D. W.,Randriampiry,N.,Spurr,M. J. | ECU | Student |
Pravica, David W,Randriampiry,Njinasoa,Spurr,Michael J. | ECU | Student |
Pravica, David W. | ECU | Student |
Pravica, David W. | ECU | Student |
Preast, June L. | Psychology: School Psychology, ECU | Student |
Prebil, Lee Ann | ECU | Student |
Preddy, Marilyn B. | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG | N/A |
Preimats, Rudite | History, UNCG | Student |
Premadasa, Lakmini | Nanoscience and Nanoengineering, UNCG | Student |
Prendergast, Michelle A. | English, UNCW | Student |
Prendergast, Roy M. | Music, UNCG | Student |
Prenshaw, Karyn | ECU | Student |
Prenshaw, Karyn | ECU | Student |
Prenshaw, Karyn | ECU | Student |
Prenshaw, Karyn | ECU | Student |
Prentice, Christopher | Center for Social Impact, UNCW | Faculty |
Presant, Cary A | ECU | Student |
Prescott, Phyllis A. | Psychology, UNCG | Student |
Preskitt, Donna C. | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG | Student |
Presnell, Donald Lloyd | Educational Leadership - Student, ASU | Student |
Presnell, Jason Scott | Biology, UNCG | Student |
Presotto, Andrea | ECU | Student |
Pressiani, Tiziana | ECU | Student |
Pressley, Carroll Andrew | Education, UNCG | Student |
Pressley, Medolian C. | ECU | Student |
Presson, Abigayil | ECU | Student |
Presson, Cathy | ECU | Student |
Presson, Johnny E. | Education, UNCG | Student |
Preston, Andrew Conrath | Music, UNCG | Student |
Preston, Victoria | ECU | Student |
Prete, Amber | ECU | Student |
Preudhomme, Patrick A. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG | Student |
Preuss, Sean R. | Kinesiology, UNCG | Student |
Preusser, John | History, UNCW | Student |
Prevatt, Kennith R. | Political Science, UNCP | Faculty |
Prevatte, Alex | Environmental Science - Student, ASU | Student |
Prevatte, Betty Sue | English, UNCP | N/A |
Prevatte, Betty Sue | English, UNCP | Faculty |
Prevatte, Darren R. | Business, UNCW | Student |
Prevatte, Jonathan | ECU | Student |
Prevatte, Steven H. | ECU | Student |
Previc, Fred H. | Psychology, UNCG | Student |
Prewitt, Jeffrey Lynn | Political Science - Student, ASU | Student |
Preziosi, Nicholas A. | ECU | Student |
Price, A. Blake. | ECU | Student |
Price, Alissa J. | English, UNCG | Student |
Price, Barry D. | ECU | Student |
Price, Billy J. | Health, Phys. Ed., & Recreation - Student, ASU | Student |
Price, Chelsea A. | Psychology - Student, ASU | Student |
Price, Franklin Haines. | ECU | Student |
Price, Jammie | Past faculty member, ASU | Faculty |
Price, Jayme | Kinesiology, UNCG | Student |
Price, Jean Bertolet | Home Economics, UNCG | Student |
Price, Jesse W. | ECU | Student |
Price, Jesse W.,III. | ECU | Student |
Price, Joshua L. | Economics, UNCG | Student |
Price, K. A. | ECU | Student |
Price, Keiana | Psychology, UNCG | Student |
Price, Kevon | ECSU | Student |
Price, Kweneshia | ECU | Student |
Price, Kylie B. | Art and Design, WCU | Student |
Price, Kyra Autumn | ECU | Student |
Price, Lance B | ECU | Student |
Price, Larry Eugene | ECU | Student |
Price, Mary Floyce | Home Economics, UNCG | Student |
Price, Matthew L. | English, UNCW | Student |
Price, Melissa Rae | ECU | Student |
Price, Nannette | Physical Education, UNCG | Student |
Price, Pamela Sue | Mathematics, UNCG | Student |
Price, Phillip | ECU | Student |
Price, Rebecca | ECU | Student |
Price, Sharon Delaine Pritchard | Appalachian Studies - Student, ASU | Student |
Price, Sheila Cothren | Human Services, WCU | Student |
Price, Victoria | ECU | Student |
Price Brock, Tomisha | School of Music, UNCG | Student |
Pricope, Narcisa | Earth and Ocean Sciences, UNCW | Faculty |
Pridgen, Katie | ECU | Student |
Pridgen, Madalyn | ECU | Student |
Pridgen, Taylar | Nursing, UNCG | Student |
Priesmeyer, Jessica Lynn | Sociology, UNCG | Student |
Priest, Allison | ECU | Student |
Priest, Allison M | ECU | Student |
Priest, Sophia E. | Psychology, UNCG | Student |
Priester, Carolina | Biology and Marine Biology, UNCW | Student |
Prillaman, Caylin A. | Interior Architecture, UNCG | Student |
Prim, Jr., Gorrell Clinton | History - Student, ASU | Student |
Prince, Gwendolyn | Psychology, WCU | Student |
Prince, Krista L. | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG | Student |
Prince, Ruth Anne | Mathematics, UNCG | Student |
Prince, Susan R. | Biology, UNCG | Student |
Prince, T. Greg | ECU | Student |
Prince, Valerie | ECU | Student |
Prince, Valerie | ECU | Student |
Pringle, Jessica Nicole | Literature, UNCA | Student |
Printz, Stephen Robert | Chemistry and Physics, WCU | Student |
Priode, Kimberly | ECU | Student |
Prior, Brian C. | Information Systems and Supply Chain Management, UNCG | Student |
Priore, Irna | Music, UNCG | Faculty |
Prisk, Dennis | Social Science - Student, ASU | Student |
Pritchard, Christopher Neil | Mathematics and Statistics, UNCG | Student |
Pritchard, Jessica | ECU | Student |
Pritchard, Kenn S | ECU | Student |
Pritchard, Kenn S | ECU | Student |
Pritchett, Doris Davis | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG | Student |
Privette, Cynthia S. | ECU | Student |
Privette, Robert W. | ECU | Student |
Privette, Thomas H. | ECU | Student |
Prochnik, Simon | ECU | Student |
Prock, Kyle | ECU | Student |
Proctor, Bernard Franklin | ECU | Student |
Proctor, Gregg | ECSU | N/A |
Proctor, Michelle | ECU | Student |
Proctor, Nathanael K. | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG | Student |
Proctor, Nomar | ECSU | Student |
Proctor, Phyllis Gail | History - Student, ASU | Student |
Proctor, Robin Owens | ECU | Student |
Proctor, Rosalyn S | SES, UNCG | N/A |
Proctor, W. D. | ECU | Student |
Proctor, W. D. | ECU | Student |
Proctor, William D. | ECU | Student |
Proctor IV, Gregg | ECSU | Student |
Proffitt, C. Edward. | ECU | Student |
Proffitt, Jason Andrew | Engineering and Technology, WCU | Student |
Proffitt, Matthew R. | Engineering and Technology, WCU | Student |
Progen, Janice Lee | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG | Student |
Prokop, Clifton Andrew | Art, UNCG | Student |
Prola, Lizieˆ D. T. | ECU | Student |
Propst, Akacia | ECU | Student |
Propst, Akacia | ECU | Student |
Propst, Brandy S. | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG | Student |
Prost, Stefan | ECU | Student |
Protz, Babette Marisa | Department of Middle, Secondary and K-12 Education, UNCC | Student |
Proulx, Christine M | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG | Student |
Provan, Mallory | ECU | Student |
Province, Valesha M. | Health and Exercise Science - Student, ASU | Student |
Provo, James Nathan | Nutrition, UNCG | Student |
Prowten, Skyler Diane | Psychology - Student, ASU | Student |
Prskalo, Ena | Sociology, UNCG | Student |
Pruett, Kristin Elizabeth | Psychology, WCU | Student |
Pruitt, Daniel Joseph | English, UNCG | Student |
Pruitt, James Robert | ECU | Student |
Pruitt, Laura G.,Fowler,Carley O.,Page,Robert N.,Coleman,Neil M. | ECU | Student |
Pruitt, Laura Gray | ECU | Student |
Pruitt, Laura Gray,Hsia,Ling-Lun Bob,Burke,William A. | ECU | Student |
Pruitt, Lisa Hendrix | Language, Reading, & Exceptionalities - Student, ASU | Student |
Pruitt, Morgan Whitney | English - Student, ASU | Student |
Pruitt, Phyllis B. | English, UNCG | Student |
Pruitt, Rebecca J. | ECU | Student |
Pruitt, Stephanie M. | Sociology, UNCG | Student |
Pruitt, Zachary | Psychology - Student, ASU | Student |
Prunka, Alexander Walton | ECU | Student |
Prunka, Michael | ECU | Student |
Pryor, Erick G. | Educational Studies, UNCG | Student |
Pryor, W. | ECU | Student |
Prysby, Charles L. | Political Science, UNCG | N/A |
Pryymachuk, Galyna | ECU | Student |
Psaltis, Christine | ECU | Student |
Psaltis, Christine E | ECU | Student |
Psioda, Matthew | Mathematics and Statistics, UNCW | Student |
Psomadakis, Arthur Philip | Social Science - Student, ASU | Student |
Ptacin, Michael | Music, UNCG | Student |
Pua, Eshan | ECU | Student |
Pua, Eshan | ECU | Student |
Pubantz, Jerry | Lloyd International Honors College, UNCG | N/A |
Puckett, Heather | ECU | Student |
Puckett, Kristen | ECU | Student |
Puckett, Sara | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG | Student |
Pudrith, Charles Brian | Communication Sciences and Disorders, UNCG | Student |
Puente, Fernando Ren{acute}e. | ECU | Student |
Puerto, Kurt Francis | ECU | Student |
Puett, Robin C. | ECU | Student |
Puett, Robin C.,Yanosky,Jeff D.,Mittleman,Murray A.,Montresor-L | ECU | Student |
Pugach, Cameron P. | Psychology, UNCG | Student |
Pugh, Elizabeth W. | ECU | Student |
Pugh, Harrison B. | Marketing, UNCG | Faculty |
Pugh, Howard Latham | English, UNCG | Student |
Pugh, Judith | ECU | Student |
Pugh, Judy | ECU | Student |
Pugh, Manley Worth | Biology - Student, ASU | Student |
Pugh-Nicholson, Liza L. | ECU | Student |
Puglisi, Janis Panzenhagen | Nursing, UNCG | Student |
Puleio, Roberto | ECU | Student |
Pulgar Guzman, Camila A. | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG | Student |
Pulido, Michael Palmer | History, UNCW | Student |
Pullen, Christopher Charles | Nutrition and Dietetics, WCU | Student |
Pullen, Michael | Psychology, UNCG | Student |
Pullen, Michelle A. | ECU | Student |
Pullen-Davis, L | ECU | Student |
Pulley, Jason E. | ECU | Student |
Pulley, Randall L. | ECU | Student |
Pulliam, Cynthia | Social Work, UNCG | N/A |
Pulliam, Elizabeth Coble | Nursing, UNCG | Student |
Pullinger, R. Christopher | ECU | Student |
Pullinger, Robert Christopher. | ECU | Student |
Pullium, Morgan | ECU | Student |
Pumphrey, Conor Miller | ECU | Student |
Punch, A. J. | Engineering and Technology, WCU | Student |
Punsalan, April Pallette | Biology, WCU | Student |
Purcell, Christopher J. | ECU | Student |
Purcell, Christopher J. | ECU | Student |
Purcell, Daryl | Physics and Optical Science, UNCC | Student |
Purcell, Krysta | English - Student, ASU | Student |
Purcell, Lauren N | ECU | Student |
Purcell, William H. | Liberal Studies, UNCG | Student |
Purdy, Eric R. | Biology - Student, ASU | Student |
Purgason, Franklin A. | ECU | Student |
Purgason, Lucy | Human Development and Psychological Counseling, ASU | Faculty |
Purnell, I'Yanna | ECU | Student |
Purpur, Geraldine | University Libraries, ASU | Faculty |
Purrman, Kyle C. | ECU | Student |
Pursel, Kyle Kid | Biology, WCU | Student |
Pursell, Irion | ECU | Student |
Purser, Mark T. | ECU | Student |
Purser, Michael Allen | ECU | Student |
Purser Medina, Amy Renae | ECU | Student |
Purushothaman, Sonya | ECU | Student |
Purvis, Alaina | ECU | Student |
Purvis, John | ECU | Student |
Purvis, Lee | Psychology: School Psychology, ECU | Student |
Puryear, Paul J. | Education, UNCG | Student |
Puthuparampil, Joyel Stephen | ECU | Student |
Putnam, Celia Donaldson | Biology, UNCG | Student |
Putnam, Elizabeth | ECU | Student |
Putnam, Gloria | ECU | Student |
Putnam, Jay | THE, UNCG | N/A |
Putnam, Larry | Educational Leadership - Student, ASU | Student |
Putnam, Sarah Elizabeth | Human Environmental Sciences, UNCG | Student |
Putnam, Wallace McBride | Chemistry - Student, ASU | Student |
Putnam-Evans, Cindy | ECU | Student |
Putnam-Whaley, Kathy J. | Education, UNCG | Student |
Putts, Matthew R. | ECU | Student |
Putz, Sandra | ECU | Student |
Pye, Joseph | ECU | Student |
Pye, Joseph | ECU | Student |
Pye, Michele Lynett | Kinesiology, UNCG | Student |
Pylant, Gail T. | Educational Leadership, ECU | Student |
Pyle, Jennifer L. | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG | Student |
Pyle, Tyler | Biology - Student, ASU | N/A |
Pyles, Damiana Gibbons | Curriculum and Instruction , ASU | Faculty |
Pyne, Nigel J. | ECU | Student |
Pyne, Nigel J. | ECU | Student |
Pyne, Susan | ECU | Student |
Pyne, Susan | ECU | Student |
Pynes, Penelope | International Programs Center, UNCG | Faculty |
Pyon, Kevin | English - Student, ASU | Student |