David H. Perrin

David H. Perrin is the former Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro and Professor in the Department of Kinesiology in the School of Health and Human Sciences at UNCG. He served as Dean of the School of Health and Human Performance at UNCG from 2001-2007. Perrin’s career as an administrator began in 1995 in the Curry School of Education at the University of Virginia where he served as program area director of Kinesiology (then Health and Physical Education). In 1999, he was appointed Chair of the Department of Human Services at UVa. He received his BS in Physical Education from Castleton State College, MA in Athletic Training from Indiana State University, and PhD in Exercise Physiology from the University of Pittsburgh. Perrin was editor-in-chief of the Journal of Athletic Training for eight years (1996-2004) and founding editor of the Journal of Sport Rehabilitation (1990-1995). He is author of Isokinetic Exercise and Assessment and Athletic Taping and Bracing, 3nd Edition (with translations in Japanese, Greek, Chinese, Portuguese, Korean and French), editor of The Injured Athlete, Third Edition, and coauthor of Examination of Musculoskeletal Injuries and Research Methods in Athletic Training. He is also series editor of the 5-textbook Athletic Training Education Series. For 15 years he directed the graduate programs in Athletic Training (MEd) and Sports Medicine (PhD & EdD) at the University of Virginia. At UVa, Perrin was the Joe Gieck Professor of Sports Medicine, founded the Sports Medicine and Athletic Training Research Laboratory, and mentored over 50 students who received a doctoral degree in Sports Medicine. His primary research interest, funded by the National Institutes of Health, focused on anterior cruciate ligament injury risk factors in female athletes. From 2007 to 2011 he served on the Advisory Committee on Interdisciplinary, Community-Based Linkages, Bureau of Health Professions of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. As a faculty member, he was recipient of a University of Virginia All-University Outstanding Teaching Award in 1997 and in 1998 received the Curry School of Education Foundation's Outstanding Professor Award. His professional awards from the National Athletic Trainers' Association include the Sayers "Bud" Miller Distinguished Educator Award in 1996, the Most Distinguished Athletic Trainer award in 1998, the William G. Clancy, Jr., MD Medal for Distinguished Athletic Training Research in 1999, and induction into the Hall of Fame in 2003. Among his honors are distinguished alumni awards from CSC, ISU, and Pitt, including induction into the Legacy Laureate Society at the University of Pittsburgh in 2008. In 2009 he received an Honorary Doctor of Humane Letters from the Arizona School of Health Sciences at A.T. Still University. Friends and former students have established the David H. Perrin Athletic Training and Sports Medicine Scholarship in the Curry School of Education Foundation at UVa, and the NATA Research and Education Foundation’s Outstanding Dissertation Award and the Ethnic Diversity Advisory Committee scholarship given in his honor. Perrin is a Fellow of the American College of Sports Medicine, the National Athletic Trainers’ Association, and the National Academy of Kinesiology, and a Founding Board of Director of the American Kinesiology Association.

There are 115 included publications by David H. Perrin :

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
1994 Athletic trainer employment and salary characteristics 1996 2173 Objective: The purpose of this study was to determine: 1) demographics and professional credentials of recently hired athletic trainers, 2) the association between these characteris-tics and the high school, clinical, and collegiate setting, and 3) w...
Absolute Serum Hormone Levels Predict the Magnitude of Change in Anterior Knee Laxity across the Menstrual Cycle 2006 2037 This study aimed to determine whether absolute sex hormone concentrations predict the magnitude of knee joint laxity changes across the menstrual cycle. Twenty-two females (18–30 years, body mass index =30), who reported normal menstrual cycles for t...
Acute Orthotic Intervention Does Not Affect Muscular Response Times and Activation Patterns at the Knee 2002 699 Objective: To evaluate the short-term effect of a semirigid foot orthotic device on response times and activation patterns of knee musculature in individuals with hyperpronation after a lower extremity perturbation in a single-leg, weight-bearing sta...
Alternative approaches to the assessment of mild head injury in athletes 1997 7014 Objectives: Athletic trainers and team physicians are often faced with decisions concerning the severity and timing of an athletes return to play following mild head injury (MHI). These decisions can be the most difficult ones facing clinicians becau...
Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injury in Collegiate Female Dancers 2009 2975 ABOUT 80,000 to 250,000 anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injuries of the knee occur annually, with many of these injuries affecting individuals between the ages of 15-25 years.1 The majority of ACL injuries are noncontact in nature,
Assessment of neuromuscular response characteristics at the knee following a functional perturbation 2000 2940 Previous research indicates that both the extent and timing of muscular activation at the knee can be influenced by muscle activity state, joint angle, weight-bearing status and trunk position. However, little research to date has evaluated protectiv...
Athletic training: From physical education to allied health 2007 6259 Athletic training was spawned from physical education in the 1960s, and since that time has evolved into a recognized health care profession. The majority of accredited athletic training education programs (ATEPs) are housed within academic units of ...
Bilateral isokinetic peak torque, torque acceleration energy, power, and work relationships in athletes and non-athletes 1987 7825 Clinicians frequently assume the uninjured extremity can be used as a predictor of preinjury strength for return of the injured extremity to a normal state during rehabilitation. The purpose of this study was to examine differences in bilateral isoki...
The biophysical effects of ultrasound on median nerve distal latencies 2000 4370 Purpose: Previous studies have documented the lack of ultrasound's non-thermal effects on nerve conduction using frequencies of 1 MHz and 870 kHz. The analyses and conclusions were reached, despite only one study incorporating pulsed ultrasound. The ...
Changes in the mechanical and electromyographic output during isotonic and isometric exercise in men and women 2000 2471 Purpose: The purpose of this study was to determine if surface electromyography (EMG) could be used to index fatigue during isotonic and maximal voluntary isometric contractions (MVIC) of the knee extensors in men and women. Methods: Ten males (age ...
Chronic Ankle Instability Does Not Affect Lower Extremity Functional Performance 2002 1408

Objective: To determine if functional performance is impaired in individuals with self-reported chronic ankle instability.

Design and Setting: We used a between-groups design to assess 3 functional variables. All data were collected a...

A Comparison of Cyclic Variations in Anterior Knee Laxity, Genu Recurvatum, and General Joint Laxity across the Menstrual Cycle 2010 2922 Changes in anterior knee laxity (AKL), genu recurvatum (GR) and general joint laxity (GJL) were quantified across days of the early follicular and early luteal phases of the menstrual cycle in 66 females, and the similarity in their pattern of cyclic...
Comparison of isokinetic Strength and Flexibility Measures Between Hamstring Injured and Noninjured Athletes 1991 4862 The purpose of this study was to compare isokinetic strength and flexibility measures between hamstring injured and noninjured athletes. Sixteen university athletes with history of hamstring injury were matched by motor dominance, sport, and position...
Comparison of N-K Table Offset Angles with the Human Knee Flexor Torque Curve 1993 4543 The purpose of this study was to dynamically examine various offset angles on the N-K table to determine which offset produces a torque pattern corresponding most closely to the isokinetic torque curve of the knee flexor musculature when tested at 60...
Comparison of Nonballistic Active Knee Extension in Neural Slump Position and Static Stretch Techniques on Hamstring Flexibility 1997 7677 Nonballistic, active range of motion exercises have been advocated as more effective than static stretching for increasing range of motion, yet no published data exist to support this claim. This study compared the effect of nonballistic, repetitive ...
A comparison of two positions for assessing shoulder rotator peak torque: the traditional frontal plane versus the plane of the scapula 1991 4318 The purpose of this study was to compare glenohumeral internal and external rotation concentric and eccentric peak torque values when assessed from both the frontal and scapular planes. Twenty-one men (mean age = 21.4 years, mean height = 180.47 cm, ...
A comparison of visual analog and graphic rating scales for assessing pain following delayed onset muscle soreness 1997 12403 This study evaluated a visual analog scale (VAS) and a graphic rating scale (GRS) for the measurement of pain following delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) and following treatment for the symptoms of DOMS. Data from two studies were used to evaluate...
Comparison of weight bearing and non-weight bearing conditions on knee joint reposition sense 1997 6380 In this study, joint reposition sense of the knee in a non-weight-bearing (NWB) state and that in a weight-bearing (WB) state were compared, and it was determined whether a significant relationship existed between knee displacement (KD) and joint rep...
Creatine supplementation increases total body water without altering fluid distribution 2003 2598 Objective: To examine the effects of oral creatine (Cr) monohydrate supplementation on muscle Cr concentration, body mass, and total body water (TBW), extracellular water (ECW), and intracellular water (ICW) volumes. Design and Setting: After an ove...
Effect of ACL Reconstruction and Tibial Rotation on Anterior Knee Laxity 1995 3595 The anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) is the primary restraint to anterior translation of the tibia on the femur. Research suggests that resistance to anterior translation changes as the tibia is rotated internally and externally. This study assessed ...
Effect of Body Position on Hamstring Muscle Group Average Torque 1990 4064 The purpose of this investigation was to examine the effect of the supine and prone position on concentric and eccentric isokinetic strength of the hamstring muscle group. Twelve university female lacrosse players were tested for hamstring average to...
Effect of cold treatments on the concentric and eccentric force velocity relationship of the quadriceps 1996 2989 This study examined the effect of cold treatment on the force-velocity relationship of the quadriceps muscle of 16 athletes. Each subject performed three maximal concentric and eccentric quadriceps contractions on the Kin-Corn at 25, 50, 75, 100, 125...
Effect of coordination training on proprioception of the functionally unstable ankle 1998 28030 Abstract: Exercises to improve joint proprioception and coordination of the functionally unstable ankle are advocated throughout the literature, yet there is little evidence that these exercises have any effect on proprioception and balance. The purp...
Effect of a Counterirritant on Pain and Restricted Range of Motion Associated With Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness 1992 6806 This investigation examined the effect of a counterirritant on delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS). Fourteen female subjects had DOMS induced in the elbow flexor muscles of the nondominant arm through repeated eccentric contractions. Subjects return...
Effect of coupling medium temperature on rate of intra-muscular temperature rise using continuous ultrasound 2000 3866 Objective: We determined the effects of coupling medium temperature on the rate of intramuscular temperature rise (RTR) during continuous ultrasound. Design and Setting: Ultrasound was applied in a continuous mode at a frequency of 1 MHz and intensi...
Effect of Gravity Correction on Isokinetic Average Force of the Quadriceps and Hamstring Muscle Groups in Women Runners 1991 4510 Previous investigations have examined the effect of gravity correction on hamstring and quadriceps force and reciprocal muscle group ratios when tested from a seated position. The effect of gravity correction on these values when knee extension is te...
Effect of Gravity Correction on Shoulder Average Force and Reciprocal Muscle Group Ratios 1992 2095 This study examined the effect of gravity correction on concentric and eccentric average force of the right and left side shoulder rotator muscles and on the external/internal rotation reciprocal muscle group ratios. Thirty-three males were tested on...
Effect of ibuprofen on pain, decreased range of motion, and decreased strength associated with delayed onset muscle soreness of the elbow flexors 1995 8195 This study evaluated the effectiveness of ibuprofen in treating delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) of the elbow flexors when taken prior to and following exercise. Twenty subjects receive either 2,400 mg/day ibuprofen or a placebo four times per da...
Effect of interferential current on perceived pain and serum cortisol associated with delayed onset muscle soreness 1997 4829 The purpose of this study was to assess the effect of interferential current (IFC) on perceived pain and serum cortisol levels in subjects with delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS). DOMS was induced in 10 subjects through repeated eccentric contracti...
Effect of isotonic and isometric knee extension exercises on mechanical and electromyographical specificity of fatigue 2002 7898 Abstract: This study investigated the effects of isotonic and isometric knee extension exercises on strength, power, and surface EMG in male and female populations. Using the knee extensors, ten males and ten females performed a 120 s MVIC and 120 ma...
Effect of lateral ankle joint anesthesia, center of balance, postural sway, and joint position sense 1996 5133 The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of induced anesthesia of the lateral ankle joint on proprioception as assessed in weight-bearing and nonweight-bearing conditions. Sixteen subjects were assessed under normal conditions and fol...
Effect of a lateral step-up exercise on isokinetic strength of the quadriceps and hamstring muscle group 1992 6342 Knee injury rehabilitation often includes the step-up exercise. However, the authors have been unable to locate documentation of the effect of the step-up exercise on lower extremity strength indices. The purpose of this study was to determine the ef...
Effect of Microcurrent Stimulation on Delayed-Onset Muscle Soreness: A Double-Blind Comparison 1999 3332 Objective: To examine the efficacy of microcurrent electrical neuromuscular stimulation (MENS) treatment on pain and loss of range of motion (ROM) associated with delayed-onset muscle soreness (DOMS). Design and Setting: We assigned subjects to 1 of...
Effect of mild head injury on postural stability in athletes 1996 2314 Objective: Athletic trainers and team physicians are often faced with the dilemma of when to return athletes to participation following mild head injury. Unfortunately, clinicians rarely have quantitative information on which to base their decisions....
Effect of Orthotics on Postural Sway Following Inversion Ankle Sprain 1996 7396 Orthotic devices have been shown to successfully modify selected aspects of lower extremity mechanics and enhance foot stability during the support phase of running. It was hypothesized that orthotic intervention would relieve excessive strain on the...
Effect of Phonophoresis on Serum Salicylate Levels 1991 3468 The purpose of this investigation was to determine the effect of ultrasound intensity and mode on serum salicylate levels following phonophoresis. Approximately 12-13 g of a salicylate product (Myoflex) was applied to the right anterior forearm of fi...
Effect of Preload and Range of Motion on Isokinetic Torque in Women 1993 2636 The purposes of this study were to compare the effects of two preload settings (0 N, 75 N) and two ranges of motion (5-90° ROM, 25-70° ROM) on torque output of the knee musculature. Twenty females were randomly assessed for isokinetic concentric (CON...
Effect of prophylactic knee bracing on balance and joint position sense 1996 3381 Prophylactic knee braces are designed to prevent and reduce the severity of ligamentous injuries to the knee. Conflicting evidence is reported concerning their efficacy. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of prophylactic knee braci...
Effect of protocol and assessment device on isokinetic peak torque of the quadriceps muscle group 1995 4320 Abstract: Various devices and test protocols have been used during isokinetic assessment of human muscle performance. The purpose of this investigation was to examine the effects of continuous and interrupted test protocols and test device on concent...
Effect of repeated isokinetic concentric and eccentric contractions on quadriceps muscle fatigue 1995 3035 Using the Kin-Com (Chattecx Corp, Hixson, TN) isokinetic dynamometer, 20 university females (age = 21.6 ± 1.4 years, wt = 61.73 ± 7.3 kg, ht = 162.81 ± 5.8 cm) performed concentric and eccentric isokinetic contractions at nine different velocities. A...
Effect of Running on Anterior Knee Laxity in Collegiate-Level Female Athletes After Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction 1995 3930 Agility running activities are commonly used in the latter stages of rehabilitation for anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction. However, the effects of agility running on anterior knee laxity in these patients have not been examined. The pur...
Effect of the Swede-O ankle brace on subtalar joint displacement in subjects with unstable ankles 1993 2485 This study examined the effect of the Swede-O ankle brace on talar tilt in subjects with unstable ankle joints. Six college-age females with talar tilts greater than 9.5° at 15 decaNewtons (daN) of force on a Telos stress test device participated in ...
Effect of a "T-band" kick training protocol on postural sway 1998 5368 The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of a resistive tubing kick training protocol on postural sway in uninjured collegiate wrestlers. An experimental group (n = 10) performed a progressive resistive tubing kick training protocol three...
Effect of test protocol on concentric and eccentric torque production of the rotators of the shoulder 1994 2005 The purpose of this investigation was to determine the effect of test protocol on concentric and eccentric torque production of the rotators of the shoulder. Twenty-eight female subjects were randomly assigned to participate in either a continuous (n...
Effect of three lateral knee bracing on speed and agility in experienced and non-experienced wearers 1990 4218 The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of three lateral knee braces on speed and agility in subjects experienced as brace wearers and subjects with no prior experience as brace wearers. Nine subjects having prior experience and 10 subjec...
Effect of transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation, cold and a combination treatment on pain, decreased range of motion and strength loss associated with delayed onset muscle soreness 1992 3982 Athletic trainers have a variety of therapeutic agents at their disposal to treat musculoskeletal pain, but little objective evidence exists of the efficacy of the modalities they use. In this study, delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) served as a m...
Effect of trunk position on anterior tibial displacement measured by the KT-1000 in uninjured subjects 1998 2310 Objective: Clinicians may obtain false-negative Lachman tests for tibial displacement when the trunk position of the athlete varies as the anterior cruciate ligament injury is assessed on the field, on the sideline, and in the clinic. We examined the...
Effect of unilateral functional instability of the ankle on inversion and eversion strength and postural sway 1997 2584 Objective: The purpose of this study was to determine if individuals with unilateral functional ankle instability had decreased ability to maintain postural sway, as well as decreased isokinetic eccentric strength of ankle evertors and invertors. Des...
The effects of athletic training clinical experience hours on the outcomes of the NATABOC examination 2000 1735 Objective: To determine the efficacy of the National Athletic Trainers' Association Board of Certification (NATABOC) clinical experience requirements and individual student characteristics to predict candidate outcomes on the NATABOC certification ex...
Effects of Cold Water Application on Isokinetic Strength of the Plantar Flexors 1993 7195 Cold (cryotherapy) is commonly applied to an athlete immediately before and/or after sports participation. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of cold water submersion (CWS) on isokinetic strength of the plantar flexor muscle group....
Effects of cutaneous and joint receptors on the quadriceps femoris force-velocity relationship 1996 1644 The influence of cutaneous and joint receptors on the quadriceps femoris torque-velocity relationship was assessed with the Kin-Com (Chattecx, Inc., Hixson, TN) isokinetic dynamometer. Twenty-four females (age = 21 ± 1.4 years, ht = 163 + 6.0 cm, wt ...
Effects of External Compression on Isokinetic Muscular Endurance of the Quadriceps and Hamstring Muscle Groups 1994 3388 The purpose of this study was to determine whether external compression would cause a decrease in the isokinetic muscular endurance of the quadriceps and hamstring muscle groups. Subjects were tested on the Cybex II dynamometer (Cybex, Ronkonkoma, NY...
The Effects of a Functional Elbow Brace on Medial Joint Stability: A Case Study 1994 4142 Medial elbow ligament sprains in athletics can be traumatic and disabling. In this case report, we outline the effect of a prototype functional elbow brace on joint stability in a female collegiate javelin thrower with an ulnar collateral ligament sp...
Energy absorption as a predictor of leg impedance in highly trained females 2006 3597 Although leg spring stiffness represents active muscular recruitment of the lower extremity during dynamic tasks such as hopping and running, the joint-specific characteristics comprising the damping portion of this measure, leg impedance, are uncert...
Equity, Inclusiveness, and Diversifying the Faculty: Transforming the University in the 21st Century 2010 3065 This article was presented at the 2009 American Academy of Kinesiology and Physical Education’s annual meeting, October 1–3, 2009. The University of North Carolina at Greensboro (UNCG) continues to redefine the public research university for the 21st...
Eversion Strength Analysis of Uninjured and Functionally Unstable Ankles 1999 3333 Objective: Functional ankle instability (FAI) afflicts many athletes. Several causes of FAI have been implicated, including peroneal muscle weakness. Traditional musculoskeletal rehabilitation programs have focused on concentric muscle strength. The ...
Females recruit quadriceps faster than males at multiple knee flexion angles following a weight-bearing rotary perturbation 2006 1573 Objective: To compare the effect of knee angle on muscle response times and neuromuscular recruitment patterns between sexes following a perturbation in single leg stance at 10°, 20°, and 30°. We hypothesized that response times would be faster at le...
Functional performance following an ice immersion to the lower extremity 1996 3191 Cryotherapy is a widely accepted component of treatment for acute injuries. It has recently re-entered the later stages of rehabilitation as a contributing modality. Cryotherapy's depressive effects on the body's physiological systems have generated ...
Functional Performance Tests for the Anterior Cruciate Ligament Insufficient Athlete 1991 10204 Considerable controversy exists regarding the functional assessment of the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) insufficient athlete. Traditionally, clinicians have speculated that certain physical characteristics, such as muscular strength and power and...
Hamstring Muscle Injury: The Influence of Strength, Flexibility, Warm-Up, and Fatigue 1992 19438 Hamstring muscle injury is a complex problem for athletes, physicians, physical therapists, and athletic trainers. This injury tends to recur and to limit participation in athletic competition. The etiology of hamstring muscle injury continues to be ...
Hot and Cold Whirlpool Treatments and Knee Joint Laxity 1996 11805 Objective: To examine the influence of clinical applications of heat and cold on arthrometric laxity measurements of the knee. Design and Setting: The knee joint was submersed 4 inches above the patella in hot and cold whirlpools containing water of ...
Identification of tibial stress fractures using therapeutic continuous ultrasound 2000 7900 Study Design: One-group discriminant analysis. Objective: To determine whether 1 MHz of continuous ultrasound can identify tibial stress fractures in subjects. Background: Stress fractures can lead to loss of function or to more serious nonunion frac...
Importance of Selected Athletic Trainer Employment Characteristics in Collegiate, Sports Medicine Clinic, and High School Settings 1998 2462 Objective: We examined employer importance ratings of 35 employee characteristics in the collegiate, sports medicine clinic, and high school settings and made comparisons among these settings. Design and Setting: All prospective employers were sen...
The independent and interactive effects of navicular drop and quadriceps angle on neuromuscular responses to a weight bearing perturbation 2006 3443 Little is known about the effects of static alignment on neuromuscular control of the knee during dynamic motion. To evaluate the isolated and combined effects of quadriceps angle (QA) and navicular drop (ND) on neuromuscular responses to a weight-be...
The influence of hip position on quadricep and hamstring peak torque and reciprocal muscle group values 1989 6771 The purpose of this investigation was to determine the effect of hip position and test velocity on the quadriceps and hamstring reciprocal muscle group ratio. Twelve subjects (7 male, 5 female) were tested for isokinetic peak torque at 60, 180, and 2...
Influence of Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation on Pain, Range of Motion, and Serum Cortisol Concentration in Females Experiencing Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness 1989 4441 ß-Endorphin (BEP) has been implicated in the analgesic response to transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS). The anterior pituitary gland is a source of ß-endorphin which shares the prohormone proopiomelanocortin (POMC) with adrenocorticotr...
Instrumented arthrometry for diagnosing partial versus complete anterior cruciate ligament tears 1994 2482 Abstract: Nineteen patients with the clinical diagnosis of anterior cruciate ligament injury were examined by KT-1000 arthrometry before arthroscopy in an effort to differentiate partial from complete tears. To this end, the KT-1000 arthrometer was e...
Intertester reliability of active and passive ankle joint position sense testing 1995 5535 The purpose of this study was to estimate intertester reliability of active and passive ankle joint position sense measurements in uninjured subjects. Subjects were 10 males and 10 females. Active and passive ankle joint position sense was assessed b...
Intertester Reliability of Assessing Postural Sway Using the Chattecx Balance System 1995 3525 In this study, we examined intertester reliability of dynamic and static balance using the Chattecx Dynamic Balance System. Ten female and two male subjects were randomly assigned to two testers and completed ten, 10-second preprogrammed double- and ...
Isokinetic Strength of the Trunk and Hip in Female Runners 1991 3587 A plethora of research has examined bilateral and reciprocal concentric strength relationships of the thigh musculature in a variety of athletic populations. However, little research has reported strength values of the trunk and hip musculature. Thus...
Kinematic analysis of functional lower extremity perturbations 2004 2181 Background. Sudden changes in direction on a single weight-bearing-limb are commonly associated with injury to the lower extremity. The purposes of this study were to assess the between day reliability of hip, knee, and ankle kinematic displacements ...
Knee joint laxity affects muscle activation patterns in the healthy knee 2003 5028 This study investigated the effects of anterior knee joint laxity on muscle activation patterns prior to and following a lower extremity perturbation. Participants were subjected to a forward and either internal (IR) or external (ER) rotation perturb...
Knee Joint Laxity and Its Cyclic Variation Influence Tibiofemoral Motion during Weight Acceptance 2011 2408 Purpose - To better understand how sex differences in anterior knee joint laxity (AKL) impact knee joint biomechanics, we examined the consequence of greater absolute baseline (males and females) and cyclic increases in AKL during the menstrual cycle...
Knee ligament behavior following a controlled loading protocol does not differ by menstrual cycle day 2004 3085 Background. Females experience a disproportionate number of anterior cruciate ligament injuries compared to males. Increased estradiol concentration has been suggested to alter ligament properties and strength. Determining whether the knee responds d...
Low levels of anterior tibial loading enhance knee extensor reflex response characteristics 2005 3483 We examined whether neuromuscular reflexes were altered with anterior loads applied to the tibiofemoral joint. A ligament testing device was modified by attaching a reflex hammer to a steel mounted frame to illicit a patellar tendon tap, while anteri...
The mechanical and clinical reliability of the kinetic communicator's gravity correction procedure 1995 2796 The purpose of this study was to determine the reliability of the Kinetic Communicator's (Kin-Com) gravity correction procedure. To determine mechanical reliability, gravity correction was performed at 11 different angles while weights (1.15, 2.30, 3...
Mechanisms and Management of Stress Fractures in Physically Active Persons 2002 4773 Objective: To describe the anatomy of bone and the physiology of bone remodeling as a basis for the proper management of stress fractures in physically active people. Data Sources: We searched PubMed for the years 1965 through 2000 using the key wor...
Neuromuscular Response Characteristics in Men and Women After Knee Perturbation in a Single-Leg, Weight-Bearing Stance. 2001 2540 Objective: We examined whether muscle response times and activation patterns in the lower extremity differed between men and women in response to a rotational knee perturbation while standing in a single-leg, weight-bearing stance. Design and Settin...
Open and Closed Kinetic Chain Exercises Improve Shoulder Joint Reposition Sense Equally in Healthy Subjects 1998 13898 Objective: To compare the effects of open and closed kinetic chain exercise on shoulder joint reposition sense. Design and Setting: Subjects with no previous upper extremity injury participated in a 6-week exercise program consisting of 3 sessions p...
Open chain isokinetic assessment and exercise of the knee 1994 7081 This paper reviews the concepts associated with isokinetic open chain assessment and exercise of the quadriceps and hamstring muscle groups. Following a review of the isokinetic concept of exercise, the paper addresses principles of assessment and ex...
Pain and Ethnicity in Athletes 1993 3331 The purpose of this investigation was to determine the relationship between ethnicity and acute pain response in male athletes. Subjects included 93 male athletes (age = 18.65 ± .58 years) of differing ethnicity. Each subject performed a Cold Pressor...
Performance on the balance error scoring system decreases after fatigue 2004 3496 Objective: To determine the immediate effects of a whole-body fatigue protocol on performance of the Balance Error Scoring System (BESS), a postural-stability test commonly used as part of a concussion-assessment battery. Design and Setting: Subject...
Physical rehabilitation and the challenge of anterior cruciate ligament injury in the physically active female 2005 3416 Rehabilitation professionals facilitate healthy movement and mobility in individuals seeking to engage in physically active lifestyles. The disparate rate of injury to the anterior cruciate ligament of the knee in physically active females in compari...
Prediction of Academic Achievement in an NATA-Approved Graduate Athletic Training Education Program 1995 2591 The purpose of this investigation was to determine which information used in the applicant selection process would best predict the final grade point average of students in a National Athletic Trainers Association (NATA) graduate athletic training ed...
Relationship between drop vertical jump heights and isokinetic measures utlizing the stretch-shortening cycle 1997 5228 The purpose of this study was to determine how isokinetic eccentric and concentric peak torque/body weight ratios and time to peak torque values relate to drop vertical jump heights in 30 healthy subjects (12 men and 18 women, age = 22.7±2.2 yr, ht =...
Relationship between isokinetic average force, average torque, peak force, and peak torque of the knee extensor and flexor musculature 1994 4350 Abstract: The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between average force, average torque, peak force, and peak torque produced by the knee musculature. Twenty women were assessed for isokinetic concentric and eccentric knee extenso...
Relationship Between Isokinetic Average Force, Peak Force, Average Torque, and Peak Torque of the Shoulder Internal and External Rotator Muscle Groups 1993 3858 This study examined the relationship between concentric and eccentric average force, peak force, average torque, and peak torque of the shoulder internal and external rotator muscle groups in 33 male subjects. Testing of the nondominant side was acco...
The relationship between muscle and balance performance as a function of age 1996 5520 Abstract: Aging is associated with decreases in strength and muscle mass. In addition, the ability to maintain balance decreases with age. Few studies have examined the relationship between isokinetic muscle performance and balance performance. It wa...
The Relationship Between Personality Characteristics and Acute Pain Response in Postadolescent Males 1992 4941 The purpose of this investigation was to determine the relationship between personality characteristics, as measured by the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) (form G), and an acute pain response in 107 postadolescent men. Subjects included 107 milit...
Relationship between Selected Physical Characteristics and Functional Capacity in the Anterior Cruciate Ligament-Insufficient Athlete 1992 3468 Traditionally, clinicians have utilized various physical characteristics as criteria to assess the functional status of anterior cruciate ligament (ACL)-insufficient athletes without validating the efficacy of such assessments. The primary purposes o...
Relationship between sex hormones and anterior knee laxity across the menstrual cycle 2004 3208 Purpose: To comprehensively quantify through daily, serial measures changes in knee laxity as a function of changing sex-hormone levels across one complete menstrual cycle. Methods: Twenty-five females, 18–30 yr, body mass index <= 30, who reported ...
Relationship Between Shoulder and Elbow lsokinetic Peak Torque, Torque Acceleration Energy, Average Power, and Total Work and Throwing Velocity in Intercollegiate Pitchers 1989 5222 The relationship between several isokinetic measures and throwing velocity was investigated in intercollegiate baseball pitchers. Ten pitchers were tested for peak torque (PT) at 60 and 240 deg/sec , and torque acceleration energy (TAE), average powe...
The Relationships among Isometric, Isotonic, and Isokinetic Concentric and Eccentric Quadriceps and Hamstring Force and Three Components of Athletic Performance 1991 15417 The purpose of this study was to compare the relationships among isometric, isotonic, and isokinetic concentric and eccentric quadriceps and hamstring forces and three components of athletic performance in college-aged, male athletes. Bilateral quadr...
Reliability and responsiveness of disablement measures following acute ankle sprains among athletes 1998 3137 Abstract: The minimum amount of change which represents clinical improvement following ankle sprains is unknown. This study considers the usefulness of physiological and behavioral measures commonly employed for this purpose in sports rehabilitation ...
The Reliability and Validity of Ankle Inversion and Eversion Torque Measurements From the Kin Com II Isokinetic Dynamometer 1995 4378 This study examined the test—retest reliability of a prototype device used to measure ankle inversion and eversion isokinetic average torque values. The purpose of this paper was to illustrate a situation where common isokinetic measures were reliabl...
Reliability and validity of the Biodex System 3 Pro Isokinetic Dynamometer velocity, torque and position measurements 2004 19676 This study quantitatively assessed the mechanical reliability and validity of position, torque and velocity measurements of the Biodex System 3 isokinetic dynamometer. Trial-to-trial and day-to-day reliability were assessed during three trials on two...
The Reliability of Four Different Methods. of Calculating Quadriceps Peak Torque Angle-Specific Torques at 30°, 60°, and 75 ° 1993 3122 Twelve university females were studied to determine the reliability of four different methods of calculating concentric and eccentric peak torque (PT) and angle-specific torques (ASTs) for knee extension. Each subject was tested on the Kin-Corn isoki...
Reliability of isokinetic measures 1986 7695 Isokinetic resistance is frequently used to strength profile healthy athletes and to evaluate the status of injured athletes involved in rehabilitation programs. The purpose of this investigation was to determine the reliability of peak torque, torqu...
Reliability of KT1000 knee arthrometer measures obtained at three knee joint positions 1991 3839 The reliability of KT1000 knee arthrometer measurements has been established at a flexion angle of 20° to 30°. However, no studies have assessed its reliability at multiple joint positions. This study was conducted in order to compare the displacemen...
The Reliability of Three Isokinetic Knee-extension Angle-specific Torques 1993 1547 To determine the reliability of concentric quadriceps muscle torque at 30°, 60 °, and 75 ° of knee extension, 25 female university students were studied. Each subject was tested on the Kin-Com isokinetic dynamometer on 2 separate days, 7 days apart. ...
Repeat administration elicits a practice effect with the Balance Error Scoring System but not with the Standardized Assessment of Concussion in high school athletes 2003 2213 Objective: To assess whether repeated administration of the Standardized Assessment of Concussion (SAC) and Balance Error Scoring System (BESS) demonstrates a practice effect in high school athletes. Design and Setting: Subjects were assigned to eit...
Research and clinical applications of assessing balance 1996 18254 Returning athletes to competition following injury often creates a dilemma for athletic trainers and team physicians. Most clinicians gather as much data as possible before deciding whether to return an athlete to competition following injury. The st...
Role of Hyperpronation as a Possible Risk Factor for Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injuries 1997 2095 Objective: The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between hyperpronation and the occurrence of noncontact injury to the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL). Design and Setting: Subjects were categorized as either ACL injured (ACLI) or...
Role of the NATA Curriculum Director As Clinician and Educator 1988 1580 The NATA curriculum director faces a unique challenge when occupying a position as both an educator and a clinician. The purpose of this paper was to determine the academic credentials, faculty rank, and clinical involvement of those athletic trainer...
Serial administration of clinical concussion assessments and learning effects in healthy young athletes 2004 4215 Objective: To determine if serial administration of the Standardized Assessment of Concussion (SAC) and Balance Error Scoring System (BESS) would elicit a learning effect in young athletes and to determine the intratester reliability of scoring the B...
Sex differences in lower extremity biomechanics during single leg landings 2007 10569 Background. Females have an increased incident rate of anterior cruciate ligament tears compared to males. Biomechanical strategies to decelerate the body in the vertical direction have been implicated as a contributing cause. This study determined i...
Sex specific abdominal activation strategies during landing 2007 2239 Control of the trunk segment in landing has been implicated as a contributing factor to the higher incidence of anterior cruciate ligament injuries in females than in males. Investigating the sex-specific abdominal activation strategies during landin...
Specificity of Training on Computer Obtained Isokinetic Measures 1989 3150 The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of 7 weeks of isokinetic training on knee extension and flexion peak torque, torque acceleration energy, average power, and total work, and to observe the relationship between the increases in each...
Strength, Functional Outcome, and Postural Stability After Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction 2002 4348 Objective: To compare postural stability, single-leg hop, and isokinetic strength measurements in subjects after anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction with an age- and activity- matched control group. Design and Setting: Subjects reported ...
Tarsal tunnel syndrome: a case study of a male collegiate athlete 1997 7793 A case of tarsal tunnel syndrome in a male collegiate lacrosse player is presented. The subject reported symptoms consistent with tarsal tunnel syndrome following two incidents of medial ankle sprain in one lacrosse season. Conservative treatment was...
Tibial rotation affects anterior displacement of the knee 1994 2694 The purpose of this study was to assess anterior translation of the tibia using the Tibial Fixator Device (a mechanical leg stabilizer that controls tibial alignment) with the leg in three positions: neutral (N), internal rotation of 15° (IR), and ex...
A Trend Analysis of the In Vivo Quadriceps Femoris Angle-Specific Torque-Velocity Relationship 1997 1675 To adequately assess isokinetic human muscle performance, it is important for clinicians to understand how the muscle functions across a range of velocities. Thus, the purpose of this study was to re-examine the in vivo quadriceps torque-velocity rel...
Using Surface Electromyography To Assess Sex Differences in Neuromuscular Response Characteristics 1999 2065 Objective: To provide an overview of the continuum of muscular responses that typically occur with joint perturbation. The applications and limitations of surface electromyography (sEMG) in evaluating these responses are also addressed. Research appl...
Validity of Data Extraction Techniques on the Kinetic Communicator (KinCom) Isokinetic Device 1993 3898 The purpose of this study was to examine the validity of the average and peak torque values of the knee extensor and flexor musculature obtained through the data extraction technique. Twenty women (age = 20.2 ± 1.01 yr; height = 169.0 ± 6.8 cm; weigh...
Weight bearing and non- weight-bearing knee joint reposition sense are not related to functional performance 2003 6726 Objective: To determine the relationship between weight-bearing (WB) and nonweight-bearing (NWB) joint reposition sense ORS) and a functional hop test (FH) and to compare performance on these parameters between athletes and nonathletes. Design: Repea...