Pia A. Albinsson PhD

PhD New Mexico State University; MBA New Mexico State University. Pia A. Albinsson is an associate professor of Marketing in the Walker College of Business where she holds the John W. Guffey Jr. Professorship since 2016. Her research interests are in the areas of collaborative consumption, green consumption practices, consumer activism, corporate social responsibility, advertising rhetoric, and advertising effectiveness. Her work has been published or is forthcoming in the Consumption, Marketing and Culture, Journal of Services Quarterly, Journal of Current Issues and Research in Advertising, Journal of Consumer Marketing, European Journal of Marketing, International Journal of Retailing and Distribution Management, International Wine Business Research Journal, Journal of Macromarketing, Journal of Consumer Behaviour, Journal of Public Policy and Marketing, Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, Psychology and Marketing, Global Journal of Business Research, and Advances in Consumer Research, among others. She has also presented her research at national and international conferences such as Academy of Marketing Science, American Academy of Advertising, American Marketing Association, Association for Consumer Research, Consumer Culture Theory, Eastern Management Association, National Business and Economics Society, Society for Consumer Psychology, Society for Marketing Advances, Southwest Texas Popular/American Culture Association and Transformative Consumer Research.

There are 44 included publications by Pia A. Albinsson PhD:

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
Advertising Rhetoric And Positive Versus Negative Emotions In Health Promotions 2017 1388 The current study integrates and applies advertising rhetoric and appraisal theory of emotion in preventive health promotions. The experiment was designed to test the effects of advertising rhetoric in conjunction with emotional appeals in a public s...
Alignment Of Islamic Banking Sustainability Indicators With Sustainable Development Goals: Policy Recommendations For Addressing The COVID-19 Pandemic 2021 228 This study aims to establish the link of key Islamic banking sustainability indicators with the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs) as a policy recommendation for sustainable development and to mitigate the distressing impacts of ...
Alternative Marketplaces In The 21st Century: Building Community Through Sharing Events 2012 3177 We examine alternative consumption including collaborative consumption, sharing, and unconsumption (i.e., postconsumption activities such as upcycling, reuse, recycling, etc.) at non-monetary-based private and public sharing events including Really R...
Anti-Consumption In East Germany: Consumer Resistance To Hyperconsumption 2010 2537 A common ideology of consumption is that more things translate to a higher quality of life. This paper challenges this ideology. We explore the consumption resistance (anti-consumption) of ‘‘cheap and low-quality’’ goods experienced by consumers livi...
Baby And Me: Single Mothers By Choice And The Artificial Reproductive Technology Marketplace 2015 1022 This study adopts an interpretive research approach to explore the consumer experiences of a self-identified group, “Single Mothers by Choice” (SMCs). These women are either in the process of becoming mothers, or have attained motherhood, with the he...
Celebrating Together: Generational Cohort Differences In Game-Day Tailgating Rituals 2021 487 Tailgating is an American football pregame activity prevalent on university grounds and surrounding areas. This research specifically investigates generational differences of game-day tailgating rituals at a Division I Football Bowl Subdivision (FBS)...
Citizen-Consumer Oriented Practices In Naturalistic Foodways: The Case Of The Slow Food Movement 2014 351 Today's consumers are more apt to enact the “politics of choice” rather than “politics of loyalty” as responsible members of society. This shift from being the consumer with the sole intent of pursuing self-interest to that of the normative “citizen-...
Collaborative Consumption Usage In The U.S. And India: An Exploratory Study 2019 1426 While collaborative consumption and access-based businesses are thriving in the marketplace, researchers are yet in the process of attaining a comprehensive understanding of consumers' collaborative consumption determinants and deterrents. This resea...
Contrived Surplus And Negative Externalities In The Sharing Economy 2019 783 The modern-day sharing economy delivers a multitude of benefits to users and providers worldwide. While there is much discussion about its benefits (e.g., convenience, access, and income), due to its largely unregulated/ underregulated status, the in...
Cultural Appropriation Of The Death Celebrations: The Case Of Halloween 2016 1184 Major cultural death celebrations such as Mexico’s Day of the Dead, Halloween, and All Saint’s Day in many Christian countries, all involve the remembrance of the ancestral dead in various aspects. Holiday celebrations can differ in purpose. Some foc...
DART Scale Development: Diagnosing A Firm’s Readiness For Strategic Value Co-Creation 2015 3233 Value co-creation (VCC) requires firms to shift their operations from firm-centric, closed systems to more collaborative environments dedicated to the creation of reciprocal value for their network of value partners and consumer communities. This art...
Do-It-Yourself Projects As Path Toward Female Empowerment In A Gendered Market Place 2015 2143 The role of women as homeowners and heads of households are changing the dynamics in which women engage in do-it-yourself (DIY) behavior. Because there is limited extant theory associated with female involvement in DIY behavior, a qualitative study u...
Does Rhetoric Impact Advertising Effectiveness With Liking Controlled? 2012 2603 Purpose: Rhetorical works (schemes and tropes) can increase advertisement liking. Because liking impacts advertising effectiveness, this study aims to investigate if positive processing, brand awareness, and persuasion outcomes previously associated ...
Don't Waste Your Emotions: The Impact Of Price And Advertising Appeals In Services 2017 1029 Promoting services through advertising is different and more challenging compared to product advertising, as services possess intangible qualities (Stafford and Day 1995). Research has recognized that services require different advertising strategies...
Entrepreneurship Marketing In North Carolina's Wine Industry 2017 389 Entrepreneurial marketing seeks to create, communicate and deliver value to customers and manage customer relationships in ways that benefit the organization. This paper explores whether increased entrepreneurial marketing practices at North Carolina...
An Examination Of Indian Consumers Intentions To Use Collaborative Consumption Sources 2020 125 This study investigates factors that drive Indian consumers to use collaborative consumption-based services (CCS). Drawing on recent research on collaborative consumption in emerging markets, we test several motivating factors that have been shown to...
Exploring Entrepreneurial Marketing Efforts Of New Mexico Winemakers 2015 976 New Mexico (NM) accounts for just 0.068% of the annual U.S. wine production (ATTTB report, 2011) but the southwestern state’s folklore boasts the oldest winemaking history in the country. NM currently grows 127 varieties of grapes, produces over 700,...
From Trash To Treasure And Beyond: The Meaning Of Voluntary Disposition 2009 2674 Extant consumer research literature focuses on the subtleties, multiplicity of meanings, and values consumers attach to acquisition of personal possessions. Researchers have devoted less attention to consumers’ disposition behaviors, including factor...
Greening An Integrated Marketing Communication's Course: An Assessment Of Sustainability Literacy 2015 197 This article showcases efforts of incorporating Sustainability Issues in an Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) class during three semesters during the academic years of 2013/2014 and 2014/2015. The course was re-designed using Fink’s (2013) co...
The Impact Of Price Level And Appeal Type In Hotel Advertising: A Pilot Study 2017 493 Limited extant experimental research on advertising appeal effectiveness in the presence of price cues in a service offer provides the motivation for this study. While past research has found support for the effectiveness of both rational and emotion...
Integrating And Assessing Student Perceived Sustainability Literacy In An Integrated Marketing Communications Course 2020 849 This paper examines whether marketing educators’ efforts in integrating sustainability-related issues in an undergraduate Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) course affect students’ perceived sustainability literacy. Using the Taxonomy of Signi...
Integrating Sustainability Into The Business Curriculum Through E-Learning 2011 311 This article presents a set of online activities, using free Internet resources, aimed at increasing students’ understanding of sustainability in business. Incorporating sustainability education into business curricula can shape organizational work c...
Lives Of The Lonely: How Collaborative Consumption Services Can Alleviate Social Isolation 2022 643 Loneliness and social isolation are significant public health concerns that affect individual and community wellbeing. Certain urban centers have seen an increase in “lonely deaths” which entail “people, often elderly, dying alone without anyone noti...
Marketization, Nostalgia, And Social Connectedness: An Exploratory Study In Eastern Germany 2016 237 The purpose of this paper is to uncover how East Germans reacted to product shortages following product abundance immediately after reunification and over time. The authors conduct in-depth interviews to document the stories of the individuals during...
Music As Connectivity: Young Consumers' Virtual Live Music Event Experiences During Covid-19 2021 229 Music, which is often used as entertainment and atmospherics in various servicescapes, enhances consumer wellbeing. With the advent of the Covid-19 pandemic, consumers' experiences of live music events changed for the unforeseeable future. This artic...
Navigating The Regulatory Environment In The Swedish Sharing Economy 2017 463 Sharing services have become and seem to remain popular with both investors and consumers. PwC has estimated its growth to 235 billion dollars in 2025 (PwC 2016). There are many examples of companies making up the Swedish Sharing Economy: Uber, Airbn...
One Night Or Many? Effects Of Amenity Charge Transparency On Consumer Reaction 2016 316 This research examines how different levels of amenity charge transparency in hotel services affect consumers’ prepurchase and postpurchase evaluations in low- and high-priced hotels. Results show that consumer responses to different levels of transp...
The Platformed Money Ecosystem: Digital Financial Platforms, Datafication, And Reimagining Financial Well-Being 2022 256 Digital financial platforms have become an integral part of consumers' lives–resulting in the datafication of everyday life and potential for uniquely impacting financial well-being. Extending previous transformative consumer research, we suggest fin...
Price Surcharge And The Effects Of Construal Level 2010 532 The growth of ecommerce has increased the importance of providing efficient pricing information in online offerings. We examine consumers’ inherent construal level to understand effectiveness of partitioned versus combined online pricing strategies. ...
Pursuing Fitness: How Dialectic Goal Striving And Intersubjectivity Influence Consumer Outcomes 2016 1791 Consumers increasingly engage expert service providers in their goal pursuits. While the literature focuses primarily on goal attainment, this presents just one stage of extended goal striving. Using Bagozzi and Dholakia’s (1999) goal-striving framew...
Reference Letters And The Uninformed Business Educator: A U.S. Legal Perspective 2013 1014 While providing references to students, business professors have to meet dual demands of giving sincere references to prospective employers while avoiding any potential litigation claims of “defamation” and “violation of privacy” from the students. W...
Reflexive Doubt In Expert Systems: Mask Compliance During COVID-19 2020 97 As COVID-19 progresses, expert systems such as the CDC and WHO continually disseminate information about its spread. Municipal, state, and federal leaders have vacillated in their messaging about mask-wear, a key protection measure to minimize transm...
Responding To Challenges: Special Issue On Teaching Innovations In Marketing 2022 657 Introduction to a special "Teaching Innovations" issue of Marketing Education Review, 2022. Teaching Innovations in this issue of Marketing Education Review presents thirteen articles with exciting and novel ideas, assignments, and activities, which ...
Society For Marketing Advances 2021 Conference: SMA Distinguished Fellow Award - Pia Albinsson 2021 100 SMA is a premier marketing organization that brings together marketing educators and professionals from all over the world. SMA fosters service, research, and education in all phases of marketing and encourages the exchange of ideas among members wit...
Sustainability Practices And Banks Financial Performance: A Conceptual Review From The Islamic Banking Industry In Malaysia 2018 1661 This paper aims to propose a framework for measuring sustainability practices of the Islamic banking industry in Malaysia. Sustainability practicing and reporting has received limited attention in the Islamic banking literature. The frameworks used f...
Targeting Young Adults: The Effectiveness Of Social Media Use For Local Businesses 2016 6351 Social media has been constantly evolving and growing in popularity since its development. Approximately 65% of adults are using some form of social media (Pew Research Center, 2015). Social media is also growing as a powerful marketing tool for many...
Technology Over-Consumption: Helping Students Find Balance In A World Of Alluring Distractions 2018 409 The last two decades has seen a fundamental shift in society with the growth in technology and the growth of social media. This shift has been embraced in the classroom as a tool to enhance the learning experience of the student. Students have experi...
This Is Who I Am: Instagram As Counterspace For Shared Gendered Ethnic Identity Expressions 2021 493 Dominant media stereotypes, oppression, and cultural expectations within diasporic communities exert pressure on Western women of South Asian descent. This research examines the way these individuals use Instagram as a counterspace to create and shar...
Transforming Consumer Health 2011 370 The 2010 Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act is intended to transform the U.S. health care system. Its success will require the transformation of consumers’ views about health and their willingness to participate in healthful behaviors. Focusi...
Understanding Drivers And Outcomes Of Brand Attachment In Mobile Branded Apps 2021 1822 Purpose – Mobile computing is an emerging trend. Building on motivational theories, brand attachment and mobile application literature, this paper tests a conceptual model with the aim to provide insights into antecedents and outcomes of consumer bra...
Validation Of Entrepreneurial Marketing Dimensions In North Carolina Wineries 2022 242 The aim of this article is to test and validate a recently developed Entrepreneurial Marketing (EM) scale in the context of North Carolina Wineries. Previous EM literature suggests that EM consists of six dimensions, namely 1) proactive orientation, ...
Value Co-Creation In Consumer-Intensive Service Encounters: A Dyadic Perspective 2017 367 Service-dominant (S-D) logic stresses the development of core competencies through shared participation of both the consumer and the producer in value creation. This article examines value co-creation in personal training, an extended consumer-intens...
The Winemaker As Entrepreneurial Marketer: An Exploratory Study 2014 355 Purpose – The purpose of this study is to examine, through the lens of entrepreneurial marketing theory, everyday business practices of small-scale winemakers in a challenging small wine region in the USA. Design/methodology/approach – In-depth inter...
Youth Citizen-Consumers In Action: The Thunberg Effect In Addressing The Climate Crisis 2019 111 In recent times, young activists have organized several notable citizen-consumer movements that agitate for change on a range of issues including gender and race inequality, gun control, and climate change. We examine one such movement, the Strike fo...