I am because we are: exploring the relationships between mentorship, involvement in LGBTQ st... | 2016 | Hurley, Parker T. | Student | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
I Am Emotionally Intelligent and Ready to Mentor! | 2019 | Crumpton, Michael | Faculty | University Libraries, UNCG |
“I am me” AAHE membership survey: Report one | 1978 | Eddy, James M. | Faculty | Public Health Education, UNCG |
“I am me” AAHE membership survey: Report two | 1979 | Eddy, James M. | Faculty | Public Health Education, UNCG |
“I am very strong. Mentally strong!”: Psychosocial strengths of international graduate stude... | 2021 | Borders, L. DiAnne | Faculty | Counseling and Educational Development, UNCG |
“I believe in it, it’s a pretty solid teacher bible!” Student teachers’ understanding of dev... | 2022 | Mckoy, Mauri C. | Student | Human Development and Family Studies, UNCG |
“I cannot get out, as the starling said–”: estate improvements, gender, and morality in Mans... | 2013 | Dollar, Patrick G. | Student | University Libraries, UNCG |
I carry you with me | 2018 | Cortez, Mary Celia | Student | Art, UNCG |
“I definitely need that support” : examining support for women sport coaches | 2022 | Anderson, Shelby N. | Student | Kinesiology, UNCG |
I didn’t know it would be this hard : the experiences of African American women’s transition... | 2022 | Richardson, Christina L. | Student | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
I do as I do and not as you say: how high school co-teachers reconcile professional knowledg... | 2015 | Barron, Tammy Lankford | Student | Specialized Education Services, UNCG |
'I Don't Live to Drain, I Drain to Live': Energy Vampire or Data Librarian? [slides] | 2022 | Klein, Jo | Faculty | University Libraries, UNCG |
'I Don't Live to Drain, I Drain to Live': Energy Vampire or Data Librarian? [slides] | 2022 | Gypin, Lindsay | Faculty | University Libraries, UNCG |
"I don't think about being a black student and going through school" : an exploration into t... | 2007 | Seagraves, James M. | Student | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
"I feel like I'm going to take off!": Young people's experiences of the superordinary in dan... | 2000 | Stinson, Susan W. | Faculty | Dance, UNCG |
I have always felt different:The experience of childhood AD/HD | 2008 | Bartlett, Robin | Faculty | Nursing, UNCG |
I have always felt different:The experience of childhood AD/HD | 2008 | Shattell, Mona M. | Faculty | Nursing, UNCG |
I have what it takes: taking a closer look at leadership in culturally diverse schools | 2013 | Taylor, Jonita Dunn | Student | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
“I love these girls–I was these girls”: Women leading for social justice in a single-sex pub... | 2013 | Mansfield, Katherine Cumings | Faculty | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
“I Managed It Pretty Good”: Birth Narratives of Adolescent Mothers | 2014 | Kelley, Allyson L. | Faculty | Public Health Education, UNCG |
The I of movement | 1974 | Birdsong, Lark | Student | Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG |
I Thought This Is What We Were Doing | 2010 | Dickens, Christopher D. | Student | English, UNCG |
“I want to hide my body inside of yours”: grotesque female consumption in Alexandra Kleeman ... | 2020 | Young, Shannon Lee | Student | English, UNCG |
“I who am here dissembled”: exteriority in T.S. Eliot and his modernist contemporaries | 2016 | Bedsole, Michael R. | Student | English, UNCG |
I wonder as I wander: a reorientation of attention, embodiment, and consciousness | 2016 | Thomas-Reid, Matthew | Student | Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG |
I.A. Richards and the ambiguous medium | 1963 | Howle, Sarah S.W. | Student | English, UNCG |
“I’m really sorry you joined us, but welcome to the club” : the impact of parental death on ... | 2023 | Wojciechowski, Scott William | Student | Teacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG |
I’ve Fallen and I Can’t Get Up: Can High-Ability Students Recover From Early Mistakes in CAT... | 2009 | Rulison, Kelly L. | Faculty | Public Health Education, UNCG |
iCAMP: Building Digital Information Curation Curriculum | 2012 | Halbert, Martin | Faculty | University Libraries, UNCG |
The iconic ghetto, color-blind racism and white masculinities: a content and discourse analy... | 2017 | Julien, Christopher | Student | Sociology, UNCG |
ICT for socio-economic development: A citizens’ perspective | 2018 | Palvia, Prashant | Faculty | Information Systems and Supply Chain Management, UNCG |
ICT for socio-economic development: A citizens’ perspective | 2018 | Nemati, Hamid R. | Faculty | Information Systems and Supply Chain Management, UNCG |
ICT Policies in Developing Countries: An Evaluation with the Extended Design-Actuality Gaps ... | 2015 | Palvia, Prashant | Faculty | Information Systems and Supply Chain Management, UNCG |
ICT Policies in Developing Countries: An Evaluation with the Extended Design-Actuality Gaps ... | 2015 | Nemati, Hamid R. | Faculty | Information Systems and Supply Chain Management, UNCG |
The Ideal Qualities and Tasks of Library Leaders: Perspectives of Academic, Public, School, ... | 2013 | Chow, Anthony Shong-Yu | Faculty | Library and Information Studies, UNCG |
Ideas Roadshow: Streaming video and more [Slides] | 2017 | Fischer, Christine M. | Faculty | University Libraries, UNCG |
Ideation, entrepreneurship, and innovation | 2017 | Link, Albert N. | Faculty | Economics, UNCG |
Identical twins : distinguishing between two in a set | 1971 | Gerald, Betty Sue | Student | Home Economics, UNCG |
Identification and Characterization of a gene required for meiosis I mono-orientation of sis... | 2020 | Thornton, Sean | Student | Biology, UNCG |
Identification and comprehensive structural characterization of serum lipid markers to Type ... | 2019 | Vu, Ngoc H. M. | Student | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Identification and stability of anthocyanins in Plantago lanceolata | 2007 | Dee, Stacy | Student | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Identification of Accounting Firm Alumni With Their Former Firm: Antecedents and Outcome | 1997 | Iyer, Venkatarama M. | Faculty | Accounting and Finance, UNCG |
Identification of adulteration in botanical samples with untargeted mass spectrometry metabo... | 2019 | Wallace, Emily D. | Student | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Identification of agonist and antagonist binding sites at the G-Protein Coupled Receptor, GP... | 2015 | Pyle, Jennifer L. | Student | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Identification of CB1 Receptor Allosteric Sites Using Force-Biased MMC Simulated Annealing a... | 2019 | Reggio, Patricia H. | Faculty | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Identification of CB1 Receptor Allosteric Sites Using Force-Biased MMC Simulated Annealing a... | 2019 | Hurst, Dow P. | Faculty | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
The identification of certain competencies appropriate for secondary school business teacher... | 1982 | Vaughan, E. Rose Tate | Student | Education, UNCG |
Identification of commensal bacteria autoinducing peptides with ultrahigh performance liquid... | 2020 | Mejia Cruz, Luis A. | Student | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG |
Identification of drug sensitive gene motifs using “epigenetic profiles” derived from bioinf... | 2016 | Nelson, Jonathan | Student | Biology, UNCG |
Identification of dTopors domains required for subcellular localization | 2009 | Byungura, Fidele | Student | Biology, UNCG |