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TitleDateCreatorPublication TypeInstitution
C02 Investigations: An Open Inquiry Experiment for General Chemistry.2016Stout, Roland P.FacultyChemistry and Physics , UNCP
Caged Voice2008Labadie, Margie FacultyStudio Art, UNCP
Capstone Portfolio2002Watkins, Sandy StudentEnglish Education, UNCP
The CARE Resource Center at the University of North Carolina at Pembroke2014Doughty, Ashlee StudentSchool of Business, UNCP
Career Decision Making from and Information Integration Perspective2007Butler, Beth StudentPsychology, UNCP
Caring for Wildlife: Rehabilitation and Sanctuary Care in Robeson County, NC2023Luevanos, Alexis StudentBiology, UNCP
A Case Study of the Communication Themes for the Management of the Louisiana Nutria Populati...2021Goldsberry, Sara Rebekah StudentEsther G. Maynor Honors College, UNCP
Cash Advance Cash Flow Is Our Business2001Strickland, Jason StudentChancellor's Scholars, UNCP
Catalyzing the Reaction: High School Seniors -- College Chemists2009Brassard, Kimberly StudentHonors College - Chemistry, UNCP
CCD Astronomy2006Hall, Henry Justin StudentApplied Physics, UNCP
Cech-Completeness and Related Properties Of The Generalized Compact-open Topology2010Zsilinszky, Laszlo FacultyMathematics and Computer Science , UNCP
Celebrating Collaboration @ UNCP: The Mary Livermore Library and the Music Resource Center E...2017Young, David FacultyMary Livermore Library, UNCP
Celebrating Collaboration @ UNCP: The Mary Livermore Library and the Music Resource Center E...2017Hollis, Meggan FacultyMusic, UNCP
Celebrating Local History through Photographs and Papers: Highlights of a Special Collection...2013Young, David FacultyMary Livermore Library, UNCP
“Celebrating Your Southern Self @ the Library”2009Whitt, Susan FacultyMary Livermore Library, UNCP
Can Environmental Regulations Promote Corporate Environmental Responsibility? Evidence from ...2018Wei, Guo FacultyMathematics & Computer Science , UNCP
Chalk&Walk for Suicide Prevention and Awareness: Review of an On-Campus Event2022Ferry, Tracy StudentPsychology, UNCP
Chalk&Walk for Suicide Prevention and Awareness: Review of an On-Campus Event2022Ferry, Tracy StudentPsychology, UNCP
The Challenge of a "Knockout" PCR Test1996Quick, Tiffany Nichol StudentChancellor's Scholars Program, UNCP
Challenging The South's Black-White Binary: Haliwa-Saponi Indians and Political Autonomy2013Richardson, Marvin M. FacultyHistory, UNCP
Changing the Two-Party Political System in the United States: The Evolution of the Libertari...2006McCall, Jamie Randall StudentPolitical Science and Public Administration, UNCP
Characterization of Highly Active Teacher Learners’ Participation and TPACK Knowledge While ...2023Smiling, James FacultyMathematics and Computer Science, UNCP
Characterizing the Antibacterial Properties of Chimaphila maculate2017McLean, K’Yana StudentEsther G. Maynor Honors College, UNCP
Charlotte Perkins Gilman: Escaping the Sentence1992Fidler, D. Sue Newcomb StudentEnglish, UNCP
"The Chemicals Project": Connecting General Chemistry to Students' Lives2000Stout, Roland P.FacultyChemistry and Physics , UNCP
Cherokee Basketry: From the Hands of Our Elders2009Young, David FacultyMary Livermore Library, UNCP
Chicago's Inner-City Life and Culture2019Weatherington, Aaliyah StudentEsther G. Maynor Honors College, Geology&Geography, UNCP
Chicago's Inner-City Life and Culture2019Weatherington, Aaliyah StudentEsther G. Maynor Honors College, UNCP
Child Abuse: An Overview of a National Problem1980Branch, Deborah StudentHonors College, UNCP
Child Care Quality in North Carolina: Determining the Impact of Smart Start and Child Care S...2001Kirk, Amy Meigs-Dellinger StudentOrganizational Leadership and Management, UNCP
Children with Disabilities in Foster Care: The Role of the School Social Worker in the Conte...2012Gainey, Summer FacultySocial Work, UNCP
Children, the Innocent Victims1998Brewington, Jeremy StudentChancellor's Scholars Program, UNCP
Children's Books in the Digital World: The Bigger Picture for Our Graduates2015Clemens, Claire FacultyMary Livermore Library, UNCP
Circulation on the Go: Implementing Laptop Circulation in a State University Academic Librar...2007Power, June LaVoieFacultyMary Livermore Library, UNCP
Circulation on the Go: Implementing Laptop Circulation in a State University Academic Librar...2009Power, June LaVoieFacultyMary Livermore Library, UNCP
Citizen-Centric Report: Governmental Accounting for the Everyday Citizen2012Stoker, Courtney StudentHonors College, Accounting, UNCP
The Civil War Career of Daniel L. Russell, Jr.: Myth vs. Reality1991Allen, Brad StudentChancellor's Scholars, History, UNCP
Classroom Instructional Strategies and Middle Grades Mathematics Achievement in the U. S.: A...2017Pitchford, Kayonna FacultyTeacher Education, UNCP
Classroom Management: A Deep Dive into Effective and Equitable Practices2022Livengood, Brianna StudentElementary Education, UNCP
Classroom Management: A Deep Dive into Effective and Equitable Practices2022Livengood, Brianna StudentElementary Education, UNCP
Cleavage of the Vesicular Glutamate Transporters Under Excitotoxic Conditions2011Bahr, Ben FacultyChemistry and Physics , UNCP
Cloning and Characterization of the Amino Terminal 30% of Retinoid and Fatty Acid Binding Gl...2009Bowman, Ashley D.StudentHonors College - Biology, UNCP
A Closer Look1999Dudley, Kathi StudentChancellor's Scholars Program, UNCP
A Closer Look at Factors Surrounding Beginning Teacher Attrition2013Lowery, Glenda J.StudentHonors College, Elementary Education, UNCP
Closing the Gender Gap in Education: Making a Difference in Math and Science Classrooms2015Ford, Valjeaner B.FacultyProfessional Pedagogy and Research, UNCP
Closing the Gender Gap in Education: Making a Difference in Math and Science Classrooms2016Ford, Valjeaner B.FacultyProfessional Pedagogy and Research, UNCP
Closing the Gender Gap in Education: Making a Difference in Math and Science Education, An E...2017Ford, Valjeaner B.FacultyProfessional Pedagogy and Research, UNCP
A Cognitive-Behavioral Approach to the Study of Eating Disorders, Substance Abuse and Depres...1994Cain, Susan W. StudentMasters, UNCP
College Major and Modern Racism: A Matter of Moral Hypocrisy?2017Oxendine, David FacultyElementary Education , UNCP
College Public Relations: A Study of the Work of Directors of Public Relations1979Leak, Donna Lynn FacultyCommunicative Arts, UNCP
Coming Soon @ the Mary Livermore Library2010Coleman, Anne H.FacultyMary Livermore Library, UNCP
Communication Techniques for Gifted/ Talented Support Teachers1979Berghoff, Ph.D., Beth K. FacultyUNCP
Communication Techniques for Gifted/ Talented Support Teachers1979Berghoff, Ph.D., Paul K. FacultyEducation and Special Education, UNCP
Community Monumental Sculpture in North Carolina2011Mitchell, Wendy StudentMasters, UNCP
A Comparative Analysis of International Teacher Preparation Programs2016Perez-Cortez, Mireida StudentMathematics and Computer Science, UNCP
Comparative Analysis of Trace Soil Evidence by Infrared Microspectrometry2011Bacon, Natasha A.StudentHonors College, Chemistry & Physics, UNCP
A Comparative Study of Perceptions of Vocal Health in Singing the Gospel Style2014Draughon, LaSherrie D. StudentMusic Education, UNCP
A comparative study of specific nuclear binding of estrogen in some target and nontarget org...1982Jones, Alfreda StudentChancellor's Scholars - Biology, UNCP
Comparative work values among future managers in China and the USA2008Parnell, John FacultyManagement, Marketing & International Business, UNCP
Comparing Mathematics Abilities of Children with Autism in Middle School Self-Contained Sett...2012Vignali, Lori StudentSpecial Education, UNCP
Comparison and Analysis of ADH Isozymes from a Population of Chrysoma pauciflosculosa2004Winter, Andrea M.StudentHonors College - Biology, UNCP
A Comparison of Alternative Forecast Models of REIT Volatility2011Kang, Zhixin "Richard" FacultySchool of Business,Economics and Decision Sciences, UNCP
A Comparison of Competitive Strategy and Organizational Performance in Turkey and The United...2010Parnell, John FacultyManagement, Marketing & International Business, UNCP
A comparison of the effect of logistic strategy and logistics integration on firm competitiv...2013Spillan, John E. "Jack"FacultyManagement, Marketing and International Business , UNCP
A Comparison of the German Baroque and the French Romantic Organ1974Kelly, Susan N. FacultyMusic, UNCP
A Comparison of Mathematics Curricula and how it Relates to STEM/STEAM College Graduation Ra...2019Warfle, Jamie StudentEsther G. Maynor Honors College, Mathematics, UNCP
A Comparison of Mathematics Curricula and how it Relates to STEM/STEAM College Graduation Ra...2019Warfle, Jamie StudentEsther G. Maynor Honors College, Mathematics, UNCP
A Comparison of Structuralism, Functionalism, and Behaviorism1977DuBose, Winifred H. StudentIndependent Study, UNCP
A Comparison Study on Heart Disease Among North Carolinians and Robesonians1999Locklear, Christina StudentChancellor's Scholars, UNCP
Competitive Strategy and Performance in Mexico, Peru, and the United States2011Parnell, John FacultyManagement, Marketing & International Business, UNCP
Competitive strategy and performance measurement in the Malaysian context2008Parnell, John FacultyManagement, Marketing & International Business, UNCP
Competitive strategy orientation in Egypt and Peru2011Parnell, John FacultyManagement, Marketing & International Business, UNCP
Completeness Properties of the Generalized Compact-Open Topology of Partial Functions with C...2001Zsilinszky, Laszlo FacultyMathematics and Computer Science , UNCP
The Complex Business of Marijuana: An Interdisciplinary Examination of the Consequences and ...2015Deck, Jeremy M. StudentEsther G. Maynor Honors College , UNCP
A Comprehensive Estimation of the Economic Effects of Meteorological Services Based on the I...2014Wei, Guo FacultyMathematics & Computer Science , UNCP
Computer Science for All: Everyone can Thrive in The World of Technology2019Lovick, Ricky StudentHonors College, Computer Science and Mathematics, UNCP
Computer Science for All: Everyone can Thrive in the World of Technology2019Lovick, Ricky StudentEsther G. Maynor Honors College , UNCP
A Computer Study of the Use of Khachiyan's Algorithm in Linear Programming1981Gay, Charles David StudentHonors College, UNCP
Conceptualizing ethnicity, justice, and resistance during organizational change2005Dent, Eric FacultyManagement, Marketing, and International Business, UNCP
Conflict and Coexistence: Humanity and Nature Through Visual Biomimicry2019Stuckey, Cali StudentEsther G. Maynor Honors College, UNCP
Constrastive Analysis and the Difficulties in Learning Arabic Consonants by Native Speakers ...2008Al Masaeed, Khaled StudentEnglish Education, UNCP
Constructing the Campus Scholarship Bibliography: The Ins, Outs, and Whats?2017Arndt, Robert FacultyMary Livermore Library, UNCP
Construction and Characterization of Fiberoptic Spectrelectrochemical Probes for In Situ Ana...1997Brenneman, Chad StudentResearch, UNCP
Consumer Perception on Genetically Modified Salmon: The Case of Southeastern North Carolina2011Oviedo, Nina Bianca StudentEconomics, Finance, and Decision Sciences, UNCP
A Convict’s Perspective on Hans Toch’s Essay, “Providing Sanctuary in New York State Prisons...2016Lamphere, Reneè FacultySociology and Criminal Justice, UNCP
Copyright and Access Right: A Balancing Act2008Power, June LaVoieFacultyMary Livermore Library, UNCP
Corinth and Paul: The Issues of I Corinthians 11:2-16, Women, and the Wider Society1996Ikner, Jennifer Lynn StudentChancellor's Scholars, UNCP
The Correlation of Artistic Levels of Development and Reading Comprehension in Elementary St...2011Willis, Jamie B. StudentArt Education, UNCP
Correlation of Clinical Signs/Symptoms and Oxygen Saturation in the Hypoxic Patient2017Chapman, Christopher StudentEsther G. Maynor Honors College, UNCP
Corrigendum to “On Bairness of the Wijsman Hyperspace”2009Zsilinszky, Laszlo FacultyMathematics and Computer Science , UNCP
Counselors' Experiences with Race and Ethnicity in Their Professional Practices2014McDonald, Angela FacultySchool Administration and Counseling , UNCP
Covid-19 Safety Measures Vs. Reality2021Locklear, Kelsey M. StudentEsther G. Maynor Honors College, UNCP
Can Pretty Pictures be Harmful?: Depression, Body Esteem, and Career Aspirations2017Charlton, Kelly FacultyPsychology, UNCP
Can Pretty Pictures be Harmful?: Depression, Body Esteem, and Career Aspirations2017Regan, Shilpa FacultyPsychology, UNCP
Creating an Application Management System in HTML, SQL, and PHP2021Culbreath, Jonathan StudentEsther G. Maynor Honors College, UNCP
Creating Inclusive Environments: Steps to Effectively Addressing Campus Diversity2018Young, David FacultyMary Livermore Library, UNCP
Creating Inclusive Library Environments: A Planning Guide for Serving Patrons with Disabilit...2017Young, David FacultyMary Livermore Library, UNCP
Creativity Enhancing Performance on Dual-Task Tests2013Dupree, Joey C.StudentHonors College, Psychology, UNCP
Crisis Management and Sustainable Development: A Framework and Proposed Research Agenda2008Mensah, Edwin "Cliff"FacultyManagement, Marketing and International Business, UNCP
Crisis Management and Sustainable Development: A Framework and Proposed Research Agenda2008Crandall, William FacultyBusiness, UNCP
A Critical Look at the Use of Group Projects as a Pedagogical Tool 2003Ashraf, Mohammad FacultyEconomics, Finance, and Decision Sciences, UNCP
The Critique of Journalism in Sister Carrie2010Canada, Mark FacultyProfessor, English,Theatre & Foreign Languages, UNCP
A Cross Sectional Study of Financial Measures in Predicting Stocks’ Riskiness during Year 20...2011Bahhouth, Victor FacultyEconomics, Finance and Decision Sciences, UNCP
A Cross Sectional Study of Financial Measures in Predicting Stocks’ Riskiness during Year 20...2011Maysami, Ramin CooperFacultyEconomics, Finance and Decision Sciences, UNCP
The crossroads between science and faith: An analysis of prayer and participation in prevent...2022Turner, Alexis J. StudentMcKenzie-Elliot School of Nursing, UNCP
The Crossroads Between Science and Faith: An Analysis of Prayer and Participation in Prevent...2022Turner, Alexis J. StudentMcKenzie-Elliot School of Nursing, UNCP
Cryoscopic and Compatibility Studies of Molten Quaternary Ammonium Salts1993Jackson, Edwin F. StudentChancellor's Scholars Program, UNCP
CSP Thesis Project1995Blue, Frances Denise StudentChancellor's Scholars Program, UNCP
Can There Be Life in Outer Space?2015D'Arruda, Jose FacultyChemistry and Physics , UNCP
Cultural Healing: A Native American Appreciation Event and Research on the Importance of Ce...2021Strong, Alexis C. StudentEsther G. Maynor Honors College, UNCP
Culturally Responsive Perceptions and Practices of Instructors at a Minority-Serving Institu...2020Warren, Jeffrey M.FacultySchool Administration and Counseling , UNCP
Culturally Responsive Perceptions and Practices of Instructors at a Minority-Serving Institu...2020Nickolson, Claudia FacultyElementary Education , UNCP
Culturally Responsive Perceptions and Practices of Instructors at a Minority-Serving Institu...2020Robinson, Gretchen G.FacultyDepartment of Educational Specialties, UNCP
Culturally Responsive Perceptions and Practices of Instructors at a Minority-Serving Institu...2020Goins, Camille FacultyDepartment of Educational Leadership and Specialti, UNCP
A Culture of Fear: Religious Panic and Modern Society2020Fenick, Brittney StudentEsther G. Maynor Honors College, UNCP
CURE: Metagenomics Bioblitz: Discovering the Microbial Diversity of the Lumber River2019Kelly, Lisa FacultyBiology, UNCP
CURE: Metagenomics Bioblitz: Discovering the Microbial Diversity of the Lumber River2019Sandefur, Conner I. FacultyBiology, UNCP
Curing Dualistic, Disembodied Patterns of Thinking in the Academy2018Nikkel, David H.FacultyPhilosophy and Religion , UNCP
Current Athletes, Future CEOs2022Jones, Josh StudentKinesiology, UNCP
Current Evaluation of Urinary Tract Calculi in Robeson County1982Carter, Laurence S. FacultyChemistry, UNCP
Current Trends in Ecological Art2013Schoenacher, Amy StudentSchool of Graduate Studies, Art Education, UNCP
Current Trends of Educational Technology in Band Rooms in Southeastern North Carolina2010Dumas, Charles A. StudentMusic Education, UNCP
Curriculum Enhancement for Biology at Purnell Swett High School: A Service-Learning Project2017Smith, Caleb StudentEsther G. Maynor Honors College, UNCP
Cutting the Gordian Knot: The History and Process of Building Ships in Bottles2021Roush, Autumn StudentEsther G. Maynor Honors College, UNCP
Cyber Scams and You: Prevention and Education2023Clubb, Joshua FacultyEsther G. Maynor Honors College, UNCP