Browse Theses, Dissertations, or other Student Work by Title - A

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TitleDateCreatorPublication TypeInstitution
An assessment of the social behaviors of depressed children1989Romano, Barbara AnnStudentPsychology, UNCG
The antecedents and correlates of the use of self-care for school-age children1989Cole, Cynthia MaeStudentHuman Environmental Sciences, UNCG
Adolescent literature as a useful addition to today's curriculum1989Durway, Flo Ellen DennyStudentEducation, UNCG
An analysis of cognitive style, grade level and spatial sequencing during LOGO mastery1989Easton, Charles EdwardStudentHuman Environmental Sciences, UNCG
Achievement orientation, self-confidence, and attributions of female collegiate tennis playe...1989Gold, Ginger LeeStudentHealth, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, UNCG
An assessment of the relationship between institutional planning, resource development and i...1989Wilson, Bryan WadeStudentEducation, UNCG
An analysis of court decisions involving injuries to participants and spectators in youth sp...1988Appenzeller, Herbert ThomasStudentHealth, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, UNCG
Aging and selective attention to location and color : visual event-related potentials1988Schroeder, Mary MarvinStudentPsychology, UNCG
Analytic path model of joint decision-making by husbands and wives1988Waldruff, Douglas LeeStudentHuman Environmental Sciences, UNCG
Assessing faculty commitment at four doctoral-granting universities1988Harshbarger, David BruceStudentEducation, UNCG
Assertive discipline : portrait of an effective elementary school discipline program1988Garrett, Elizabeth Anne GentryStudentEducation, UNCG
The application of Section 1983 to teacher freedom of speech from Pickering to the present1988Pate, Gary DeWeeseStudentEducation, UNCG
The assessment of dance movement satisfaction of elementary age children participating in a ...1988Sanders, Gary E.StudentHealth, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, UNCG
Adolescent suicide : the role of the public school1987Hollar, Cleve CordellStudentEducation, UNCG
Analysis of the concept of movement education in American elementary school physical educati...1987Hudgens, Vivian AnnStudentHealth, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, UNCG
The Asheville Doctoral Program : portrait of an off-campus venture1987Radford, Eleanor RuthStudentEducation, UNCG
Autobiography as a way of knowing : a student-centered curriculum model using Maya Angelou's...1987Williamson, Marie SolomonStudentEducation, UNCG
Art as idolatry or sacred possibility : a hermeneutic study of art education1987Wright, Sylvia JeanStudentEducation, UNCG
Attention-related evoked potential correlates of precortical gating in the human visual syst...1987Harding, J. MichaelStudentPsychology, UNCG
Administrative revenge1987Phillips, James BruceStudentEducation, UNCG
An analysis of the impact of Public Law 94-142 state regulation changes upon selected role a...1987Teague, Janet HarbinsonStudentEducation, UNCG
America's China trade : a framework for linking the history profession with social studies c...1987Bond, Elizabeth BatemanStudentEducation, UNCG
An assessment of shiftwork effects on job/family management and role strain in dual-earner c...1986Burston, James LutherStudentHome Economics, UNCG
An assessment of the effects of feedback on the performance standards of type A and type B c...1986Cook, Alan RichardStudentPsychology, UNCG
Age, physical activity patterns, estrogen levels and central circulatory responses of postme...1986Morocco, Kathleen M.StudentHealth, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, UNCG
An analysis of board of education/superintendent relationships in the area of public school ...1986Renn, Michael ThomasStudentEducation, UNCG
Adaptive and interpretive recruitment strategies of five small liberal arts colleges1985Carter, Charles MillsStudentEducation, UNCG
Adolescent mothers['] perception[s] of their infants and quality of mother-infant interactio...1985Adams, Virginia WatsonStudentHome Economics, UNCG
An analysis of the anthropometric measurements of the U.S. navy male recruit in order to imp...1985Ranieri, Richard A.J.StudentHome Economics, UNCG
Antecedent factors associated with late birthtiming decisions of dual-career couples1985Soloway, N. MaxineStudentHome Economics, UNCG
The application of a theoretical model of intergenerational helping to the older adult-sibli...1985Suggs, Patricia KaylorStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Academic governance, freedom, tenure, and due process at East Coast Bible College : a develo...1984Oxendine, Sammy RayStudentUNCG
The analysis of James B. MacDonald's "A transcendental developmental ideology of education" ...1984Swider, Antony StudentEducation, UNCG
An assessment of decision-making processes in dual-career marriages1983Kingsbury, Nancy MorganStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Adults who were adopted as older children1983Powell, John Y.StudentHome Economics, UNCG
Attitudes toward musical activities among North Carolina high school band students with dire...1983Head, Jerry StudentMusic, UNCG
The application of the principles of reality therapy on the student teaching experience : a ...1983Babcock, Treva MaeStudentHome Economics, UNCG
The adaptation of an exemplary curriculum model : implications for the Department of Communi...1982Hammond, Clifton HenryStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Alternative schooling in North Carolina, 1977-19811982Gravely, Etta Christine LeathStudentEducation, UNCG
An assessment of the preparation of North Carolina public school music teachers in performan...1980Gilchrist, Charles HermanStudentMusic, UNCG
An analysis of Chief Justice Burger's influence in Supreme Court cases affecting public educ...1980Buckner, Kermit G.StudentEducation, UNCG
An assessment of anxiety in instrumental and vocal performances1980Hamann, Donald LeeStudentMusic, UNCG
Attitudes of regular classroom teachers toward the integration of students with visual impai...1980Roscoe, Bruce K.StudentHome Economics, UNCG
An analysis of the intergenerational patterns in two African-American families1980Tuck, Inez StudentHome Economics, UNCG
An appraisal technique utilizing the cloze procedure for selecting general business instruct...1980Spellman, Davesene WigginsStudentEducation, UNCG
An analysis of the potential of the community education process for changing the K-12 curric...1979White, Bonnie ProctorStudentEducation, UNCG
An approach to relieving anxiety in the mathematics classroom1979Kitchens, Anita NarvarteStudentEducation, UNCG
Assertion in women's intercollegiate tennis singles1979Shelton, Janice CaroleStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
Attitudes toward rayon as an apparel fiber : as expressed by department store resident appar...1979Campbell, Fred HammondStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Alternative patterns and values of play, games, and sport in America1979Brightman, Dorothy LouiseStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG