Bryson, Joseph E.


There are 115 item/s.

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
Leadership styles and teacher involvement in the decision-making process in the small administrative unit 1979 477 Many traditional models of the managerial process in public school organizations have been autocratic or bureaucratic in nature. The manager makes decisions on matters within his particular area of freedom, issues the directives and orders to his sub...
A historical account of the controversy over state support of church-related higher education in the fifty states 1978 990 The historical account of a long-standing controversy between church and state has lately emerged in the constitutional question of state support of church-related higher education. A historical-legal study was made of the centuries- long, struggle b...
The legal aspects of the public school academic curriculum 1981 347 The public school academic curriculum has been the subject of litigation on numerous occasions at higher levels of court jurisdiction. Since the mid-1800's, plaintiff after plaintiff has questioned the right of state legislatures to prescribe which c...
The legal aspects of equal employment opportunities in the public schools 1984 398 Employment discrimination, an issue in both the public and the private sectors, has provided the basis for a myriad of court decisions, Presidential Orders, federal and state guidelines, rules, policies, and regulations. Beginning with the Civil Righ...
An analysis of Chief Justice Burger's influence in Supreme Court cases affecting public education 1980 606 This historical study has as its purpose an examination of Chief Justice Warren E. Burger's influence in Supreme Court decisions affecting education. Reviewed in the study are Supreme Court cases involving education which were heard by the Court from...
An analysis of performance evaluation programs for certificated personnel in fifty-one selected North Carolina administrative school units, 1973-1974 1975 381 It was the purpose of this study to examine the practices employed during the 1973-1974 school year in evaluating the performance of certificated personnel in North Carolina. The examination included a descriptive analysis of the individual performan...
The legal aspects of stigmatizing teachers in nonrenewal and dismissal 1979 367 Teachers are employees of school boards. The employment of teachers has been tempered over the years by various attitudes by the courts as to individual rights relating to employment. During the latter part of the nineteenth century and first half of...
The relationship between public school desegregation and the displacement of black high school principals in selected North Carolina school districts, 1967-1977 1979 429 The purpose of the study was (1) to determine if a relationship existed between the desegregation of the public schools and the percentage of black high school principals employed in the thirty-one selected school districts in North Carolina from 196...
The legal aspects of funding public education through real property taxation : 1971 Serrano to the present 1978 370 All states use the tax on real property to some degree in the financing of public elementary and secondary education. The problem of this usage stems largely from the local control of the collection and disbursement of the monies by the individual sc...
A study of non-promotion in North Carolina public school systems from 1973 through 1976 1978 261 The purpose of this study was to determine if a significant relationship exists between North Carolina Public School Systems' non-promotion rates and selected characteristics of the schools, and secondly to provide a profile of non-promotion informat...
A study of superintendent turnover in North Carolina (1980-1982) 1984 280 The purpose of this study was to determine the causes of superintendent turnover in North Carolina during the 1980-1982 school years. An opinionnaire was prepared and distributed to forty-one superintendents, and five of the respondents were selected...
The Burger court and the public schools 1978 417 The purpose of this study was to research United States Supreme Court decisions affecting public education from October, 1969, through June, 1977, to provide a source of information for school administrators, school boards, and the general public as ...
The legal aspects of censorship of public school library and instructional materials 1981 836 Historical research determines that censorship based on politics, religion, or morality has been a continual issue from early recorded history of man to the present. American settlers brought with them to the new world a heritage of suppression of re...
Bilingual education : legal aspects and imperatives for public schools 1982 330 The controversy surrounding the operation of bilingual education programs in the public schools for language minority students has been a consistently recurring issue for many years. This study provides school officials with an expository treatment o...
Desegregation and the rise of private education 1975 505 This study is an attempt to investigate several aspects of private education in relation to desegregation in the nation, the eleven Southern states, and North Carolina. The history of private schools and the evolution of the Southern academies are ex...
A historical and legal analysis of the role of the North Carolina public school principal in relation to pupil transportation 1983 356 The major purpose of this study was to provide legal guidelines for the North Carolina public school principal concerning the administration of pupil transportation. Relevant case studies from 1911, when the state transportation law was enacted, unti...
Legal aspects of busing for desegregation in de facto segregated school districts 1983 414 The purpose of this historical study was to examine the legal aspects of court-ordered busing for the purpose of desegrating de facto segregated public school systems. The study sought answers to the following questions: What has been the trend regar...
Legal aspects of textbook selection as related to the public schools 1978 541 The procedures employed to select textbooks are of major interest to school officials and to the public served by such officials. The interests and concerns are based upon the importance textbooks have in the educational process. This dissertation pr...
A study of the evaluation process of school superintendents in North Carolina 1978 319 The problem of this study was to determine the effectiveness of the evaluation process used by school boards in the North Carolina Public School System to evaluate the performance of their school superintendents. Following a review of the related lit...
Crime in North Carolina schools : the perception and response of administrators 1979 340 The purpose of this study was to examine the perception of school-related crime by public school superintendents within the State of North Carolina and to examine their administrative reaction to those perceptions. The respondents were queried by mea...
Legal aspects of the school principalship 1981 438 The school principalship demands greater knowledge of legal issues concerning education than in the past. More and more courts are recognizing that students and teachers have constitutional rights which must be protected. Administrators are being cha...
A profile analysis of women employed as elementary school principals in North Carolina 1984 378 The purpose of this study was to identify and describe the personal and professional characteristics of the female elementary principal in the public schools of North Carolina. The backgrounds, qualifications, experiences, and career patterns of thes...
The legality of using public tax funds for parochial elementary and secondary schools : the United States Supreme Court - the nineteen seventies 1982 495 This study is an investigation of the legality of using public tax funds for support of parochial elementary and secondary schools as determined by an analysis of United States Supreme Court cases of the decade of the seventies. The following questio...
Legal aspects of school fees in public elementary and secondary schools 1982 323 This study reviews state constitutions, state statutes, and court cases where school fees have been the major issue to determine the extent to which school fees can be charged despite requirements for free public schools. The following questions were...
Legal aspects of teacher tenure laws, teacher incompetency and due process 1976 444 This study attempts to identify and clarify the protective aspects to teachers of state tenure laws and of the Constitution of the United States as well as to aid school boards and administrators in the identification of teacher incompetency, per def...
Legal aspects of ability grouping, tracking, and classification 1978 666 While some school officials have concluded that ability grouping causes mere problems than it selves and thus have abandoned such practices within the schools, many school systems continue to utilize various forms of ability or achievement grouping. ...
Legal aspects of faculty employment : tenure, contracts, and dismissal in the community colleges and technical institutes in North Carolina 1979 310 The purpose of this study was to examine and analyze certain legal aspects of faculty employment in the community colleges and technical institutes in North Carolina. Major legal aspects of faculty employment studied were tenure, contracts, and dismi...
The legal aspects of competency-based testing for high school graduation 1979 424 The purpose of this study was to ascertain the legal status of competency-based testing for the high school diploma in the United States. A study of background factors, the use of a questionnaire, and a search for applicable court cases constituted t...
The North Carolina community college system : its inception - its growth - its legal framework 1978 668 The purpose of the study was to historically document the background, statistical growth, organizational changes, and legal foundation of the North Carolina Community College System. The period of the study is from 1963 through 1976. However, histori...
The identification of inservice training needs of educators resulting from the enactment of Public Law 94-142 1983 350 The problem of this study was to ascertain the procedures utilized by the North Carolina Public School system to determine inservice training needs of its special educators. A questionnaire was distributed to randomly selected directors of special ed...
Legal aspects of affirmative action admissions programs in higher education 1979 482 The purpose of this study is to investigate and analyze the issues which confront officials in institutions of higher education as they strive to administer affirmative action admissions programs. This study will provide administrators with comprehen...
The legal aspects of religious instruction in public schools 1980 367 School boards and school administrators face a continuing problem today in the making and implementing of policy dealing with religion and religious instruction in the public school setting. In the first century and a half of American educational his...
Relationship of membership in fraternities and sororities and academic achievement in four historically Black colleges in North Carolina, 1974-1979 1982 271 It was the purpose of this study to investigate the comparative relationship between members and nonmembers of fraternities and sororities in academic achievement at four historically black schools in North Carolina during the period 1974-1979. It wa...
A historical study of women in public school administration from 1900-1977 1979 346 This study of American Women in Public School Administration investigated the role of women in school administration from the beginning of the century (1900) through 1977. Some of the women who have served in an administrative capacity and have made ...
The legal aspects of male students' hair grooming policies in the public schools of the United States 1980 391 This study was made to examine court decisions from the judicial circuits of the United States Courts of Appeals concerning length of male students' hair in the public schools of the United States. The study identifies the constitutional provisions g...
A profile of black administrators in the local education administrative units of the North Carolina Public School System, 1979 1980 304 The purpose of this study was to develop a profile of the black administrators in North Carolina local education administrative units, 1979. The study population was confined to all black administrators who held the position of superintendent, associ...
Collective bargaining for public school teachers in North Carolina : a study of major negotiable issues which may confront local boards of education in large units 1976 301 The purpose of this study is to investigate and analyze major negotiable issues which are confronting school boards nationwide and which may confront schools boards in large administrative units within North Carolina. The following issues are conside...
The North Carolina state system of allotting administrative positions to the public schools and community colleges 1977 358 The purpose of this study was to analyze the North Carolina state system of allotting administrative positions to the community colleges/technical institutes and public elementary/secondary schools and to make recommendations concerning future alloca...
A profile analysis of women in central office positions in North Carolina public schools 1979 386 The purpose of this study was to determine the status, the personal and professional background and the future plans of the women who were employed in the central administrative offices of North Carolina's public schools. Questionnaires were mailed t...
The United States Supreme Court and the legal aspects of busing for public school desegregation 1978 493 This study was made to determine the legal basis of court ordered busing in order to desegregate public schools. The results of this study can add to the accumulated knowledge of school administrators/ school board members, and students when dealing ...
A historical and legal analysis of teacher certification in North Carolina 1979 335 The purpose of this study was to investigate and to analyze the historical and legal aspects of teacher certification in North Carolina. There are many forces affecting teacher certification at this time which previously have not been present in Amer...
The effect of the Civil Rights Law of 1871 on teacher dismissal 1980 326 Administrators and school boards are charged with the responsibility of renewing or dismissing teachers. When the school board elects to dismiss a teacher, considerable care must be taken to insure that the constitutional rights of the teacher are no...
The legal aspects of teacher dress and grooming in the United States 1980 323 Historically teachers have been restricted in dress and grooming more than have other citizens. In many instances teachers have been reprimanded or dismissed for appearing at work dressed or groomed in a manner considered unconventional by school off...
The legal aspects of dismissal of noncertificated personnel 1983 242 The problem of dismissal of noncertificated staff for boards of education and school administrators is a relatively recent occurrence. Declining enrollments and determined, economy-minded voter-taxpayers are forcing educators to dismiss staff due to ...
A model for evaluating the traits of school principals : with particular reference to their leadership qualities and their effectiveness within specific social or educational settings 1978 270 The purpose of this study is to explore the school principal's personality traits and their impact on his decision-making ability. This effort is undertaken through special consideration of a conceptual model which helps the researcher to view the ma...
The new state board of community colleges of North Carolina : 1981 decisions and the governance question 1983 322 The purpose of this case study was to determine the workable and legitimate means the North Carolina Community College system has for making governance decisions. Four questions were formed to determine (1) the formal distribution of authority on Jan...
A professional profile of the associate superintendent of schools in North Carolina in 1976-77 1978 320 The purpose of this study was to develop a professional profile of the associate superintendent of schools in North Carolina for the school year 1976-77. The characteristics examined were those that might generally be expected to affect the leadershi...
A historical study of degree students graduating from Surry Community College from 1966-1976 with emphasis on subsequent educational experiences of college transfer students and educational experiences, geographic mobility, and economic status of technical-vocational students 1977 338 Although the benefits derived from an educational investment have long been thought to be positive, only in recent years have attempts been made to evaluate these benefits. The need for quantitative measures of the return derived from investments in ...
The legal aspects of local financial support for public schools in North Carolina 1984 238 Since 1933 North Carolina has used the foundation approach to funding its public schools, with most of the costs being covered by the State. Under North Carolina law, local support is required only for school facilities and maintenance, although the ...
A study of school district level public relations programs in North Carolina 1985 231 The purpose of this study was to determine the extent of the public relations programs implemented in the 142 public school units in North Carolina. Data and information for the study were gathered through a four-page questionnaire distributed throug...
Legal aspects of parental liability for student vandalism 1985 248 Since the 1950's, the willful and malicious damage by young vandals to school property has cost taxpayers hundreds of millions of dollars each year. Dwindling educational budgets have had to include the ever-growing expense required to repair or repl...
Legal aspects of academic freedom and tenure in community colleges 1985 275 Academic freedom is an issue dating back to the time of Plato. Tenure has been linked with academic freedom for at least a century. The relationship between academic freedom and tenure is still debated as is the issue of academic freedom for nontenur...
Legal aspects of school board authority to accommodate religious observance by employees 1985 264 School boards and school administrators face a continuing problem today in making and implementing policy dealing with religious guarantees respecting reasonable accommodation for Sabbath observance and leaves of absence (both short and long term) fo...
The legal aspects of the principal's responsibilities in developing teacher improvement plans 1985 233 In response to the public's demand for quality education, many state legislatures are mandating teacher performance evaluation for the purpose of improving instruction. A review of state legislated mandates and an analysis of the court decisions invo...
Legal aspects of teacher evaluation 1985 245 A direct and visible result of the public's concern for the quality of education has been state legislated mandates for teacher evaluation. This research is a descriptive and historical study of this teacher performance evaluation movement. The study...
Presidents' and trustee chairmen's perceptions of trustee selection and tenure in the North Carolina community college system 1985 239 This dissertation studies the critical aspect of local governance in the North Carolina Community College System. The researcher concentrated on the question of local trustee service on the 58 community college/technical college/technical institute b...
A survey and comparative analysis of evaluation programs for principals in fifty-eight North Carolina administrative units and thirty-six states 1983 284 The purpose of the study was to survey and analyze principal evaluation programs for the years 1979-1981. The evaluation characteristics analyzed came from the evaluation instruments. The general areas examined were evaluation philosophy, purpose, pr...
Legal aspects of school psychological practice 1986 320 The practice of school psychology is no longer the sole province of universities and professional organizations. School psychologists are guided and controlled by statutes, regulations, case law and the Constitution. This research is a descriptive an...
The Supreme Court and the constitutional rights of students : the Burger years, 1969-1986 1987 218 This study has as its purpose a review and analysis of United States Supreme Court decisions rendered by the Burger Court which address the constitutional rights of American school students. Five major issues are addressed: (1) right to due process, ...
Adolescent suicide : the role of the public school 1987 526 This was a study of adolescent suicide. It examined the causes of suicide in youth and the reasons for its escalating rate. Studies of suicide prevention/intervention programs in high schools were made. A review of how state legislatures and state de...
Conflict resolution in six United Methodist colleges in North Carolina : a plan 1987 339 This study was undertaken to explore conflict and conflict resolution in organizations in general, and United Methodist institutions of higher education in North Carolina in particular. Further, the study was an effort to develop a useful plan for co...
The emerging "standard of reasonableness" for search and seizure in American public schools : pre and post-New Jersey v. T.L.O. 1987 641 Search and seizure involving public school children is a relatively recent issue in American public education. Prior to 1985 search situations were litigated in virtually every level of state and federal court except the United States Supreme Court. ...
The legal aspects of the dismissal of a teacher/coach from only his coaching responsibilities 1987 615 This study is an investigation of the legality of the dismissal of a teacher/coach from only the interscholastic coaching responsibilities. As long as American society is considered "sports minded," coaches will be examined by those individuals who f...
The Supreme Court of North Carolina and the public schools 1987 261 An examination of American public education clearly evinces the authority of the states in the management and operation of their public schools. It is apparent that the state courts — specifically, the highest state courts as evidenced by the decisio...
Leadership styles of successful middle school principals 1987 252 The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between the principal's leadership style and the successful school. Furthermore, this study specifically examines the leadership style of the successful principal in the middle school. Auth...
Legal aspects of administering medication to public school students in North Carolina 1987 209 This dissertation examines the legal aspects of administering medication to school students in North Carolina. The purpose of the study is to render educational decision-makers appropriate, accurate information in conjunction with the legal aspects o...
Faculty academic freedom in North Carolina community colleges and technical institutes 1986 228 This study presents a historical perspective of academic freedom and of the development of community colleges and technical institutes. This examination was undertaken to identify the beginnings of academic freedom within public two-year institutions...
The teaching of ethics in selected U.S. protestant theological schools 1986 300 The actual practice of teaching ethics in theological schools is addressed through a variety of research methods: interviews with practitioners in a selected number of exemplary Protestant schools, review of recent literature in relevant fields9 back...
Centralization of public education governance in Sun Belt States : legislation and litigation, 1966-1986 1987 374 During the past twenty years, 1966-1986, a political phenomenon has been occurring in the American Sun Belt states—the centralization of public education governance began to be passed from school boards to general assemblies in the twenty-one states ...
The legal aspects of corporal punishment in American public schools 1987 414 Corporal punishment is a highly emotional and often litigated issue in public schools. Constitutional issues have involved Eighth Amendment protection from cruel and unusual punishment and Fourteenth Amendment guarantee of due process. The purpose of...
The legal impact of conservative New Right influences on public school curriculum 1987 387 In recent years, a conservative, political, religious movement known as the New Right has emerged across the nation. While endeavoring to influence many societal issues, public schools have been particularly impacted due to the involvement of childre...
The legal aspects of home instruction 1985 176 This study is designed to identify and discuss major legal aspects of home instruction for school-aged children in the United States....
The impact of campus constituencies on the institutional goals and values of a small, private liberal arts college 1985 218 The purpose of this study was to identify areas of conflict and congruency among various institutional constituencies relating to the stated goals and mission of a college. The study was conducted at a small, private liberal arts college with 1300 st...
Some theoretical implications of power, resource allocation, and theories of action on higher education 1985 171 Many of the models and procedures for planning, management, and resource allocation are based on the assumptions of rational decision making. However, the administrative reality of most institutions is not completely rational. Administrative reality ...
Influences on the identification of wives with the Air Force organization : an examination of the two-person career pattern within the military 1985 312 The present study investigated the processes leading wives of Air Force husbands to identify with their husband's work organization--the United States Air Force. Utilizing the two-person career family pattern, the impact of the husband's work on the ...
The general perceptions of North Carolina recreation administrators of the legal aspects of municipal liability 1985 185 Public recreation programs and facilities in the United States have experienced four decades of rapid growth and expansion. As a result of this growth, greater numbers of people are either visiting municipal or county park and recreation facilities o...
The legal aspects of private use of public school facilities 1984 199 This study is an investigation of the legality of private use of public elementary and secondary school facilities during nonschool hours as determined by the laws of the fifty states and the District of Columbia; additionally, analysis of selected c...
The legal aspects of disciplinary suspension and expulsion practice and policy at major tax-supported colleges and universities in South Carolina 1988 338 The administration of discipline at tax-supported colleges and universities has seen great change and evolution during the past thirty years, with significant case law and authoritative literature emerging from the landmark Dixon case of 1961. The ma...
Legal aspects of teacher dismissal for insubordination 1988 656 Insubordination is often cited as the basis for the dismissal of employees and frequently appears among the causes for which tenured school employees may be dismissed. While the court's definition of insubordination in teacher dismissal cases has var...
Legal aspects of assigning teachers out of field in North Carolina 1985 290 This study was designed to identify and analyze legal aspects of employing teachers out of field in North Carolina. An analysis of the research revealed similar patterns of teacher misassignment throughout the United States. A trend toward more centr...
Legal aspects of due process hearings in the state of North Carolina, 1978-1984 1985 176 The purposes of this study were, first, to determine the impact of the procedural safeguards mandated by Public Law 94-142—Education for All Handicapped Children Act of 1975, and, second, to examine the opinion of the North Carolina Exceptional Child...
Public school curriculum : legislative and judicial mandates 1986 798 The purpose of this historical study was to examine the legal issues associated with public school curriculum. A major portion of the study is a summary and an analysis of the statutory mandates of the fifty states....
The loss of Impact Aid and implications for American public school systems 1986 226 The relationship between the American public educational system and the financing of education has been debated for many years. The proper amount of funding which is necessary for public school systems to operate their schools in such a manner as to ...
The impact of constitutional rights of students on in loco parentis in the administration of elementary and secondary public education 1986 313 The advent of constitutionally protected rights for students brought about a new role for elementary and secondary public school administrators. Representing the parent, the state and the Constitution of the United States requires that administrators...
Teacher certification in home schools : emerging constitutional issues 1986 341 This study is designed to examine the legal aspects of teacher certification in home schools in the United States. The following conclusions can be drawn based on a review of literature on the subject and an analysis of state statutes and court decis...
Legal aspects of child abuse and neglect as related to the public schools 1986 441 Although the violent abuse of children is not a new phenomenon, public and professional concern over the plight of abused children has developed primarily in the last two decades in this country. Intense interest in the problem of child abuse was awa...
Legal aspects of student teaching in North Carolina 1989 274 The purpose of this study was to analyze state statutes and judicial decisions as they impact upon student teaching in the public schools of North Carolina. The second purpose of this study was to define guidelines for student teaching for the teache...
Legal aspects of teacher dismissal on grounds of incompetence 1989 270 Teacher incompetency has been a major issue in American public education. In dealing with the incompetent teacher, school administrators and school boards face the dilemma of balancing their responsibility of providing quality education to public sch...
Legal aspects of the role of the public school counselor in North Carolina 1990 275 The role of the school counselor in North Carolina expanded greatly between 1970 and 1990. During the 1980s, counselors became increasingly involved with the American legal system as defendants and plaintiffs, friends of the court, expert witnesses, ...
A legal analysis of issues related to educational vouchers and public funds for private elementary and secondary schools 1990 243 For over 340 years public financial support for religious and secondary schools has been ever present in American political and religious life . Public tax monies, tax credits, and other types of public fund assistance for non-public schools was part...
The development of an instrument for measuring the opinions of educators toward potential school dropouts 1990 192 The purpose of this investigation was to develop an instrument to measure the opinions that educators (teachers and administrators) have toward potential school dropouts. The study also included data analysis to establish the validity and reliability...
Leadership styles of small, private, liberal arts college presidents in North Carolina 1990 252 Although there has been much written about the leadership role of today's college president, there remains a lack of consensus about the value and distinctiveness of the president's leadership style. Vet, the effectiveness of the institution and the ...
Legal aspects of teacher dismissal for immorality on grounds of sexual misconduct 1990 417 Throughout the history of American education, the character and conduct of public school teachers have been of great concern to parents and the general public. Because of their daily contact with impressionable young people, teachers are expected to ...
The use of court-ordered busing to desegregate the public schools : legal aspects of actions by the United States Supreme Court 1988 232 The purpose of this study was to present a historical perspective and legal basis for court-ordered busing to desegregate the public schools. The study examined pertinent Supreme Court decisions which dealt with de jure and de facto segregated school...
Nonpublic schools revisited : a comparative study of nonpublic education in North Carolina from 1975 until 1985 1988 273 This study is designed to determine the changes that have occurred in nonpublic education in North Carolina since the time of an earlier study conducted by Lewis Franklin in 1975. Pertinent information was secured by tracing the development of nonpub...
The application of Section 1983 to teacher freedom of speech from Pickering to the present 1988 189 Section 1983 of the Civil Rights Act of 1871 has for nearly one hundred years remained largely unused. However, with the Monroe v. Pape decision reached in 1961, Section 1983 came to be used as a tool in litigating civil rights claims in federal cour...
A judicial definition of immorality as cause for teacher dismissal : a comparison of two eras 1989 593 This study involved an investigation of immorality as a cause for teacher dismissal based on a comparison of court cases which were decided between 1966-1971 and 1981-1986. No differentiation was made between tenured and nontenured teachers. Both fed...
The relationship of school size and the socio-economic status, ethnic origin, gender, and employment status of students on extent of participation involvement in student activities in selected North Carolina high schools 1989 406 The purpose of this study was to determine participation patterns in student activities in selected North Carolina public high schools and to examine factors influencing participation and leadership. Both quantitative and qualitative methods were use...
Legal aspects of drug testing in North Carolina public schools 1994 254 Few problems in our nation today have received as much attention as the problem of drug abuse. Federal policies now link federal funds with the creation of drug-free workplace environments. Drug testing, in particular urinalysis screening, is one res...
Gender differentiation in leadership styles among high school principals in North Carolina 1991 512 The purpose of this study was to discover differences in specific gender traits utilized by male and female high school principals as perceived by themselves and their subordinates. Six females and six males in matched schools comprised the sample. E...
Perceptions of North Carolina school superintendents and their roles with board members in the policy process 1991 277 This study examined the relationship, as perceived by superintendents, between superintendents in North Carolina and their boards of education as they interact within the policy process. Since policy formation and implementation often lead to overlap...
Legal aspects of certification requirements for private elementary and secondary school teachers 1992 213 The purpose of this research was to determine the legal basis and statutory requirements for certification of private elementary and secondary school teachers. An analysis of state statutes was done based on examination of appropriate code sections o...
A legal analysis of student assignment in North Carolina 1992 252 This study was designed to research and analyze case law relating to student assignment in North Carolina. The writer surveyed the governance of the public schools from the early 1800's to 1955 and traced the changing nature of school boards and the ...
Legal aspects of no-pass/no-play in high school extracurricular activities 1992 759 The popular phrase "no-pass/no-play" describes the rules or statutes being adopted by an increasing number of state legislatures, state boards of education, and local school districts. In the interest of educational reform, school leaders are increas...
Leaders for North Carolina's schools : a review of programs for the professional development of principals 1993 160 The purpose of this study was to describe and evaluate four programs North Carolina has implemented for the professioanl development of principals. The programs included the Principals' Executive Program of the Institute of Government at the Universi...
Legal and historical aspects of local school boards in North Carolina 1992 231 This study provides an analysis of how both the historical evolution of local school boards within North Carolina and important court rulings from 1940 to 1992 have influenced modern school board functions. This analysis outlines how history and stat...
The legal aspects of religion in the public school curriculum 1995 668 The role of religion in the public schools is one of the most controversial issues in American education. The vast number of religious groups and their widely differing opinions contribute to the controversy. In addition, few topics stir human emotio...
Gender, power and leadership style : perceptions of selected senior level North Carolina community college administrators 1993 273 Although much has been written on gender, power, and leadership, there is still a lack of consensus as to whether men and women lead and use power in the same ways. The purpose of this study was to explore whether self-reported leadership style and p...
A comparative analysis of funding formulas applied to the North Carolina Community College System 1994 188 The purpose of this study was to contrast the FTE funding formula used to fund the North Carolina Community College System with other funding formulas used in other states to fund their respective community colleges. The methodology for this study in...
Legal aspects of the practice of religious activities in selected public schools in North Carolina 1993 180 Although public school prayer was ruled unconstitutional in 1962, the controversy over whether a particular religious activity will be allowed still continues. Court rulings being handed down on religious issues are ambivalent; what is ruled constitu...
Characteristics of leadership behaviors of successful high school principals in North Carolina 1992 161 The purpose of this study was to investigate characteristics of leadership behaviors of two groups of high school principals under varying, contextual situations. One group of twenty-five principals identified as successful and a second group of twen...
An examination of the institutional character and organizational ethos at Seventh-Day Adventist colleges in the United States 1992 180 The purpose of this study was to examine the institutional character and organizational ethos at Seventh-day Adventist (SDA) colleges in the United States. Given the problem of a scarcity of published information about SDA colleges, this study has se...
Legal aspects of sexual harassment : implications for educational administrators 1993 361 Sexual harassment has become a prominent issue in American politics and American life. Victims of sexual harassment are also showing an increased willingness to take their cases to court. In addition, educational institutions and their students now r...
A brief history and description of inmate education in the North Carolina Department of Correction with an exploratory study of the ABE and GED programs in the North Piedmont area 1977 206 The purpose of this exploratory study was to make an evaluation of the Adult Basic Education (ABE) and General Educational Development (GED) programs for felon inmates in the North Piedmont Area of the North Carolina Department of Correction. As part...
The legal aspects of the public school curriculum 1994 373 The purposes of this study were to: (1) analyze the statutes of the fifty states relating to curriculum imperatives; (2) analyze significant federal and state judicial decisions relative to curriculum issues; and (3) present research findings as guid...