Browse by Keywords - OTHER

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There are 3334 record/s using the keyword/s: other.

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TitleDateCreatorPublication TypeInstitution
The civil rights movement1987Sellers, Cleveland StudentEducation, UNCG
The classical and generalized Schoenflies theorems1977Heatherly, David LeeStudentMathematics, UNCG
Classical Galois theory1972Mastin, Millicent GayStudentMathematics, UNCG
Classical myth as thematic image in King Lear and Antony and Cleopatra1952Ward, Freda ElizabethStudentEnglish, UNCG
Classical reaction time and anticipation reaction time in a simple visual reaction time task...1973Drouin, Denis StudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
A classification test for junior high school girls in physical education1965Bolton, Catherine AnnStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
Classroom climate and teacher questioning strategies : relationship to student cognitive dev...1990Beamon, Glenda WardStudentEducation, UNCG
Classroom tasks and student ability effects on motivation goal orientation in early adolesce...1991Hooper, Mary-Louise BiasottiStudentEducation, UNCG
Clay1975Hawkins, Robert MiltonStudentArt, UNCG
Clay folks1975Batountis, Nicholas EmanuelStudentArt, UNCG
Clay wraps : containers1977Seville, Jane MarilynStudentArt, UNCG
The cliff1977McWaters, Mark ThomasStudentEnglish, UNCG
Clothing and social interaction of four-year old children1967Stiles, Lynora ParksStudentHome Economics, UNCG
The clothing needs of women over sixty-five years of age1964Massey, Frances WilsonStudentHome Economics, UNCG
The co-construction of social development : a longitudinal study of the relations among soci...1996Hogan, Diane M.StudentHuman Environmental Sciences, UNCG
Coach perceptions of psychological characteristics and behaviors of male and female athletes...1995Tuffey, Suzanne L.StudentHealth and Human Performance, UNCG
Coder agreement on content analysis of interaction of preschool children1963Deal, Therry NashStudentHome Economics, UNCG
The coeducational transition of the Woman's College of the University of North Carolina : a ...1987Gallien, Louis B.StudentEducation, UNCG
Cognitive and behavioral-emotional functioning during the early school-age years for preterm...1996Richtsmeier, Lynda M.StudentPsychology, UNCG
Cognitive complexity and selected aspects of leaders' self-reported cognitions1991Wooten, Herbert RayStudentEducation, UNCG
Cognitive level and attitudes of global understanding in undergraduate students : effects of...1982Woollen, John RobersonStudentMusic, UNCG
Cognitive level and attitudes toward science in prospective elementary school teachers : eff...1979Nolan, Francis XavierStudentEducation, UNCG
Cognitive processes in depression : the effects of content and presentation variables on org...1985Badawi, Isis Y.StudentPsychology, UNCG
Cognitive restructuring and verbal extinction effects in treating snake phobia1974Wein, Kenneth StuartStudentPsychology, UNCG
Cognitive therapy of depression : a conceptual and empirical analysis of component and proce...1984Zettle, Robert D.StudentPsychology, UNCG
Cohort work values of employed men and women1987Norman, Kathryn HeathStudentHuman Environmental Sciences, UNCG
Coil-built ceramic landscape1975Reed, Karen AllenStudentArt, UNCG
Coincidence-anticipation tasks utilizing selected speeds, directions, and fielding sides in ...1977Toburen, Karen RuthStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
Coleman Livingston Blease, South Carolina politician1971Miller, Anthony BarryStudentHistory, UNCG
A collection of original work1963Daughtridge, Anne E.StudentEnglish, UNCG
Collective bargaining for public school teachers in North Carolina : a study of major negoti...1976Sinclair, Joseph R.StudentEducation, UNCG
College career planning and employment professionals : a profile and comparison of their per...1990Smith, Linda DeaseStudentEducation, UNCG
Collegiate consumers of physical education1986Metzger, Rhoda StudentHealth, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, UNCG
Color and space in the still life1977Eldridge, Janita HayworthStudentArt, UNCG
Color preference for black and white in infants and young children1977May, Betty Jo WhittenStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Color systems1974O'Connor, Francis WilliamStudentArt, UNCG
The colored people1974Tillotson, Robert MarkStudentArt, UNCG
Combinations and variations of related forms1972Prokop, Clifton AndrewStudentArt, UNCG
Combinations of lines, planes, and forms that generate eye movement1968Cox, Ralph JamesStudentArt, UNCG
A commentary on thirteen paintings1954Click, Margaret StudentArt, UNCG
Common threads : the meaning of needlework to ordinary women1996Daniels, Glennie OvermanStudentHuman Environmental Sciences, UNCG
Community collections: Exploring three distinct approaches to collaboration and outreach thr...2015Gwynn, David FacultyUniversity Libraries, UNCG
Community college educational technology : its control, allocation, purchase and utilization...1992Randall, William DavidStudentEducation, UNCG
Community-based Participatory Health Promotion and Prevention: An Advanced Public Health Nur...2012Park, Eunhee FacultyFamily and Community Nursing, UNCG
Commutativity Degrees of Wreath Products of Finite Abellian Groups2008Erovenko, Igor FacultyMathematics and Statistics, UNCG
A compactness preserving topology for products sets1975Howe, Thomas LavernStudentMathematics, UNCG
The comparability of masculine and feminine gender schemas for male and female college stude...1984Morris, James ThomasStudentPsychology, UNCG
A comparative analysis of funding formulas applied to the North Carolina Community College S...1994Cuthbertson, Lloyd WilliamStudentEducation, UNCG
A comparative analysis of intonational patterns in Ana Maria Matute and Juan Goytisolo : a s...1973McLeod, Donald VirgilStudentRomance Languages-French, UNCG
A comparative analysis of marital role expectations of paired husbands and wives seeking cou...1972Anderson, Eugene DavidStudentHome Economics, UNCG