Reynolds, Lee


There are 20 item/s.

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
An Experiment To Determine The Contribution Of Speed Practice During First Year Typing To The Development Of Typewriting Skills 1950 400 As head of the department of business training at the city high school the writer was faced with the fact that there was a wide gap between the skill acquired in the high school typing course and the skill needed by the typist to meet business produc...
The Present Status Of Guidance In Selected City High Schools In Piedmont North Carolina 1949 808 Today, guidance services are recognized as essential parts of the educational activities of our secondary schools throughout the breadth of the United States. Many of the secondary schools in the United States, as well as those of foreign countries, ...
A Study Of Techniques Used In Educating The Gifted Child In Classes Of English In The Secondary School 1959 534 The purpose of this study was: (1) to provide a general survey of the education of the gifted student in English classes of American secondary schools; (2) to present the advantages and disadvantages of various attempts to solve the problem; and (3) ...
A Survey Of The Reading Materials Found In The Homes Of The Fourth And Seventh Grade Students Of The Elementary Demonstration School, Boone, North Carolina 1951 482 It was the purpose of this study (1) to determine the type of reading material provided in the homes of the fourth and seventh grade students; (2) to determine the nature of the reading habits of the parents; (3) and to secure an overall picture of t...
A Study Of Methods Of Teaching Reading Comprehension In Grades Five, Six, And Seven 1956 377 The purpose of this study was to learn what methods fifth, sixth, and seventh grade teachers have found helpful in teaching each of the various phases of comprehension separately and concurrently in a normal classroom situation....
The Development Of Elementary Education In Iredell County From 1900 To 1965 1965 433 It was the purpose of this study to gather and compile information concerning the development of elementary education in Iredell County from 1900 to 1965. Records in the Iredell County Schools offices are not available before the year 1935. For this ...
A Study In Integrity Among High School Students 1961 789 This study is an effort toward the acquisition of an accurate tabulation of actual human behavior in terms of direction, force and volume, and in relation to certain hereditary and environmental factors, in order to arrive at a reasonably accurate es...
A Study Of The Relationship Of Emotional Disturbance And Reading Retardation 1954 394 It is the purpose of this study to find out if emotional difficulty is a direct cause of retardation in reading; to find what percentage of those having difficulty in reading is caused by emotional upsets; and to investigate how classroom teachers ca...
A Study Of The Causative Factors For Reading Retardation In The Eighth Grade In The Parkway School 1953 366 It was the purpose of this study (1) to determine the causative factors of retardation of reading in the eighth grade students of the Parkway School; (2) to determine the relation, if any, of each of these factors to reading ability; and (3) to obtai...
Dealing With Problem Children In The Mabel Elementary School 1953 394 The purpose of this survey is to find the ways selected teachers deal with problem children....
An Analysis Of The Maury High School Public Relations Program As Attested To By The News Appearing In The Norfolk Virginian Pilot For The Calendar Year 1950 1951 498 During the past three years the writer has, as a result of numerous informal conferences with fellow educators, students, and patrons of the school, been moved by the nonchalance and lack of interest evidenced in the attitude at Maury High School, No...
Causative Factors Of Absence In Newell School 1949 446 It was the purpose of this study (1) to determine the causes of absence as stated in parents' written excuses; (2) to determine the causes of absence as shown by a statistical analysis of attendance records; and (3) to determine the causes of absence...
A History Of Reidville Private High Schools: Reidville, South Carolina 1963 449 It was the purpose of this study to examine all possible material concerning the Reidville Private High Schools, from their beginning in 1857, through their forty-seven year history, to reveal the facts in connection with the type of schools, to lear...
A Study Of The Reasons Why Freshmen Drop Out Of Appalachian State Teachers College 1953 453 It was the purpose of this study (1) to determine the causes of drop-outs in the freshman classes of 1946-1947 through 1951-1952 at Appalachian State Teachers College in Boone, North Carolina; (2) to make an analysis of certain factors believed to ca...
Eliminations From The Class Of 1950 In The Marion High School 1951 442 It is the purpose of this study to ascertain to what degree the drop-outs, failures, and retardations in Marion High School's class of 1950 were caused by: (1) financial insecurity, (2) mental incapacity, (3) family interference, (4) physical defects...
A Study Of Physical Factors In Relationship To Reading Retardation 1954 365 The writer has made this study in an attempt, through investigations of studies made to (1) determine the characteristics that underlie reading retardation, (2) determine the influence of physical factors of reading retardation, (3) investigate measu...
A Study Of Professional Laboratory Experiences In Library Science At Selected Teacher Education Institutions 1953 731 The importance of the library in the modern school program has become an accepted fact today. Although there was some attempt even in the early part of the nineteenth century to establish libraries in schools, it has been primarily a twentieth centur...
An Analysis Of Literature Textbooks In The Secondary Schools Of North Carolina 1953 1022 Educators have disagreed among themselves for many years as to the types of literature which should be taught in secondary schools. Many theories have been advanced. Within the past twenty years the arguments in the high school journals, the English ...
A Survey Of The Tools And Techniques Used By The Colleges And Universities Of The Southern Region To Identify The Emotionally Handicapped Students 1954 444 An individual entering college for the first time finds himself placed in an unfamiliar environment. The guidance he has been receiving from his parents is not so accessible and, in most cases, he is experiencing more personal freedom than ever befor...
Problems Of Consolidation With Reference To The York Consolidated District, York County, South Carolina 1954 487 Equalization of educational opportunity for all children has been widely recognized in the United States as essential to the preservation of our democratic society. The elements necessary to the realization of this principle have been defined by Stra...