Capstone courses and projects

UNCG Author/Contributor (non-UNCG co-authors, if there are any, appear on document)
Amanda "Amy" Harris Houk, Assistant Dean for Teaching and Learning (Creator)
Maggie Murphy, Associate Professor, Art & Design Librarian (Creator)
Rachel Olsen, Social Sciences Librarian (Creator)
The University of North Carolina at Greensboro (UNCG )
Web Site:

Abstract: Capstone experiences are required of many students in their final year of undergraduate study in colleges and universities across the United States and the world. A senior capstone is meant to be a culminating project representing the synthesis of a student’s cumulative learning—whether it is called a “capstone course,” a “senior seminar,” an “undergraduate thesis,” or by another name. Often, senior capstones consist of lengthy research projects or papers but may also be performances, portfolios, or exhibits.1 As a high-impact educational practice, a capstone should be a structured experience, designed “using pedagogies such as integration, reflection, and application to deliver on outcomes including team-building, employment skills, communication skills, analytical and critical thinking, and problem-solving competencies.”2 Capstone projects may be required only of students within specific majors or academic programs at some institutions and of all graduating seniors at others.

Additional Information

J. Ruelle (Ed.), The engaged library: High-impact educational practices (pp. 155-169). ACRL.
Language: English
Date: 2020
higher education, capstone experiences, case studies, University of North Carolina at Greensboro, academic libraries

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