Browse Author By Last Name - N

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There are 142 record/s.

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NameInstitutionPublication Status
Nachman, Brett A.Anthropology, UNCG Faculty
Nile, Terence "Terry"Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG Faculty
Nelson-Gray, Rosemery O.Psychology, UNCG Faculty
Nelson, William "Mac"University Libraries, UNCG Faculty
Natalle, Elizabeth J.Communication Studies, UNCG Faculty
Neufeld, John L.Economics, UNCG Faculty
Nelson, Elisabeth S.Geography, UNCG Faculty
Nemati, Hamid R.Information Systems and Supply Chain Management, UNCG Faculty
Nelson Hodges, Nancy J.Consumer, Apparel, and Retail Studies, UNCG Faculty
Nichols, Tracy R.Public Health Education, UNCG Faculty
Nsonwu, Maura BuschTeacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG Faculty
Nash, Donna Anthropology , UNCG Faculty
Nadir, Hamid Library and Information Science, UNCG Faculty
Nañez, Daniel Electronic Resources and Information Technology, UNCG Faculty
Nunnally, Katherine J.University Libraries, UNCG Faculty
Nance, Alyssa University Libraries, UNCG Faculty
Nichols, Dustin T.Mathematics and Statistics, UNCG N/A
Nix, Karen LeighCommunication Sciences and Disorders, UNCG N/A
Northcutt, Mandy L.Kinesiology, UNCG N/A
Niemeyer, Judith ASES, UNCG N/A
Nguyen, Leslie Career Services, UNCG N/A
Nelson, James A.Geography, UNCG N/A
Nova, Christina B.Media Studies, UNCG N/A
Nova, Craig English, UNCG N/A
Niebisch, Arndt German, Russian, Japanese, and Chinese Studies, UNCG N/A