Rosa, Bess


There are 9 item/s.

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
An observational study of anger behavior of the preschool child 1947 226 In an attempt to throw some light upon the frequency, duration, and cause of anger outbursts along preschool-age children and methods of handling then in the hone and in the nursery school, an investigation was undertaken at the Woman's College of th...
A plan for teaching home and family living in elementary grades four, five, and six 1947 229 The importance of home and family life is so generally accepted by authorities on the subject that the writer may begin with Goodykoontz's conclusive remark, "if the family is crucial to our morale, as well as to our social order, then education cann...
A study of the needs of high school girls in the area of sex guidance in family life education 1948 242 The guidance of children in experiences which contribute to the gaining of information and development of attitudes toward sex and its place in human life has been grossly neglected. As Gruenberg says Education…necessarily includes guidance and adju...
Concepts of husband-wife roles held by boys and girls in a southern high school 1950 227 There is an appalling amount of conflict and unhappiness among married couples today. There is evidence of this in the increasing divorce rate. According to Meyer F. Nimkoff: ... the trend of the divorce rate during the past half-century has been con...
A study of personal and home living needs of rural high school girls in western North Carolina 1949 248 Educators are disturbed about the many unmet needs of high school youth. "Among these unmet needs, none is more urgent than the need for sound, practical education for home and family living."1 Education must come at or below the high school level if...
A study of the opinions of mothers with children two to five years of age inclusive in Greensboro, North Carolina regarding pre-school centers 1955 199 It was the purpose of this study (1) to ascertain what mothers of pre-school children, two to five years of age inclusive, within the corporate limits of Greensboro, North Carolina thought about enters for pre-school education and what values they pl...
The preschool child and television 1955 272 Television, a new form of communication, has come into the homes of many of our American families. It offers entertainment through sight as well as sound. We accept it readily. The preschool child who usually spends much of his time in the home with...
Men's responsibilities in the home as desired by the wife 1943 570 Home economics for girls in the Hew Bern High School of New Bern, N.C., has long been recognised as a subject of major importance. Until a few years ago boys had shown no desire to take part in the courses offered to the girls, but in recent years co...
A survey of the requirements for the licensing of preschools and certification of preschool teachers of preschool children in the United States 1954 235 The purpose of this survey was to study the licensing regulations for preschools and the requirements for certification of teachers of preschool children in the United States. Since such information is quickly out-dated, this survey is intended to br...